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Home Explore Criminal Minds Season 4

Criminal Minds Season 4

Published by, 2014-07-27 00:19:19

Description: Previously on criminal minds - where are we
headed? - new york.
What do we know? All the killings are mid-day.
Single gunshot to the head with a .
22 Surveillance cameras have captured video of
3 of the murders.
They're all the same.
He wears a hood and keeps his head down.
Kate joyner heads up the new york field office.
She's running point on the case along with
detectives brustin and cooper.
From the placement of that camera, Odds are the
only view they're gonna get is the back of his
Let's not be too quick to decide what we do or
don't have.
You mind telling me why i'm catching attitude from
her? Fbi brass has made it clear to her that if she
doesn't bring this case home, She's gonna be
And you are at the top of the list to replace her.
Profile me.
You don't wear a ring.
And you were quick to flirt with me.
So you're happy to let people think you are a
But you love your wife, and you would


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Criminal Minds Season4 Kid. You're gonna have to accept the fact that sometimes we can't save everyone. Tell me,dr. Reid,how long will you keep visiting me in here? Until I find adam. Why do you care? He deserves a life. It's his. So you're trying to Wear me down and release him? No. I'm just waiting for you to do the right thing. Well,I'm afraid you'll be waiting for a very long time. Stephen king wrote,\"monsters are real,and ghosts are real,too. \" \"they live inside us. And sometimes they win. 201

Criminal Minds Season4 What time s he taken? Between midnight and 6 a. the murphys want you to know it's ok. m. Thank you for finding their little boy. Same m. They know it was a mistake. o. They just want their son back. as the other two? All abducted from their beds in They just want kyle back safe and sound. the middle of the night. What's the theory on what happened to kyle The first two were found strangled with blunt force murphy? We're just hoping that he's lost,that head traumas, Dumped in the wharton state whoever finds him will bring him back home soon. forest. This case is similar to 2 other cases in camden We're just getting word that an amber alert for the county. tri-state area has beenssued. Those boys were abducted and found in the The cherry hill police department is about to hold woods. a press conference. Yoreally don't think there's a connection? We're Well,thank you all for coming this morning. not ruling that out. It's important we get this information out to the We'll keep the public informed of any leads. public as soon as possible. If you have any further questions,you can contact The parents of the missing boy are gonna make a me at the station. statement. I'm detective bill lancaster. I would ask you to please hold your questions Thank you for coming. until the end and I'll answer them directly. That was fast. My name is sarah murphy,and I'm kyle's mom. We don't have a lot of time. This is kyle's father dan and,uh,his older brother Can you show us around? You should have taken danny. this off property. My little boy just turned 7 this year. Yeah,well,the truth is,i wanted to do this down at He's in He's in the second grade. the station. Oh,god. Danny and sarah didn't want to leave the house,in I can't. case kyle comes back. I'm sorry. That's kyle. Kyle is shy and quiet. Uncle bill? We're friends,and neighbors. But ever since he joined the soccer team,he's Dan and I grew up around here. really come out of his shell. You know,your involvement in this case could be He's more outgoing. a conflict of interest. He even scored his first goal. Yeah,i appreciate your concern,but,uh,I'm not Everyone is so proud of him. gonna stand around while kyle's still out there. Kyle loves to read. I know the other two cases. He gets that from his dad. I didn't want to admit this to the press,but,uh,no His favorite books are about dinosaurs. doubt in my mindthat kyle's the third victim. He knows all of their names. You know what we're looking at. Glad they took our advice and started the press killed in the first 24 hours. conference. I know. Yeah,but it would be nice if there weren't so many I'm gonna check on them. people - walking all over the crime scene. We saw the pictures. - He's allergic to peanuts. We know what this guy does to little boys. He loves to snack all the time. Kyle murphy might be the 1% that makes it. Whatever happened last night,whoever took kyle, Could take a miracle. 202

Criminal Minds Season4 For his sake,let's hope we get one. I don't know. Dr. What time of day do the boys usually play outside? Burton grebin once said,to lose a child is to lose a Well,they both have practice after school. piece of yourself. But lately,kyle's been into video games,and danny \" We'll call when we know something. loves building model airplanes. Dan murphy. Ok. I'm agent emily prentiss. That actually tells us a lot. May I ask you some questions? I think so. Uh,i am going to need you to make a list of Come in. everyone who's been in or around your home in Thank you all for speaking with me. the past 6 months. I cannot stress enough how much time is of the Whoever took kyle has probably been in this essence here. house before. Abductions from the home are rare,and that He watched the family routine. allows us to narrow down the suspect pool even He knew exactly where everyone slept. more. And he got kyle out without anyone seeing or What makes them unusual? Abductions typically hearing anything. are about timing and opportunity. Daddy Yeah? Can I go play now? You can go to Child walks home alone or gets separated at a the family room. shopping center,that sort of situation. I'll be the soon. This is a sophisticated high-risk crime. He doesn't really understand what's going on. Whoever did this has good social skills. That's probably for the best. They're highly-functioning,and they have a steady Mr. job. Murphy,we are going to do everything we can to He wouldn't look out of place to you, And you find kyle. wouldn't be alarmed if your children were talking Thank you. to him. After the first two abductions,cherry hill compiled So he may be wearing a uniform,like a a list of registered sex offenders in camden deliveryman or a mail carrier. county. Have you noticed anyone hanging around the There are 439 within a 30-mile radius of where neighborhood,talking with children? Nothing the boys were taken. comes to mind. They have been knocking on doors,conducting No. interviews. Oh--i don't know. They haven't been able to come up with anything. Mrs. They should have called us in earlier. Murphy? Do you want to take a break? - I think I There are a lot of these men we can eliminate need to-- need to lie down. right away. - Yeah. Right. - Sorry. No one new to the area. - No,it's ok. This unsub knows these neighborhoods. Are you able to continue? Sure. That takes time. Danny,you and kyle,you always walk to and from Victims are 3 boys,so cross off anyone who the bus stop together,right? Yeah. targets females. Have any strangers tried to talk to you or your We can eliminate anyone whose preferential age brother recently? The bus driver asks us is over 7 or under 11. questions sometimes. These boys look nothing alike,so discount 203

Criminal Minds Season4 suspects who have a very specific type. We're interested in the days the boys went If the victims have only brown or blond hair,they're missing. off the list. Did they talk more or less those days? Did they Our unsub's taste of more broad. spend any money? Ok,dregs of society dirt,show It loo like his preference is based more on age yourselves. instead of physical characteristics. - Interesting. Let's make a special pile for more organized - What is? Well,one of the dregs has not a lick of offenders, Anyone who's been arrested for cell phone activity,credit card purchases, Or cash stalking,uh,breaking and entering,burglary. withdrawals for 2 consecutive days in both How are we doing so far? With these nomber and february. parameters,i can probably cross off half the The 15th and 16th of november and the 21st and names. 22nd of february? Yeah,those are the days. Good. What does that mean? They coincide with the Let's keep going. days the first two boys were abducted. I cleared our techs out of here. He was too busy with them to make any calls or What is it you're looking for? Certain behavior. spend any money. What happened here will give us a clue about the Our tech guys found this dishrag and a glass of unsub. water. Kyle's sheet and blanket were pulled apart and off Kyle's fingerprints were all over it. the bed. So,he wakes up thirsty,comes to the kitchen and Toys were stepped on and broken,kicked out of gets some water. the way. When we got here,deadbolt on the french doors There was a struggle. was unlocked. That's consistent with the first two abductions. That must have been his exit. The boys woke up and fought,but this looks a bit Rossi! I got something! This window is definitely more chaotic than the others. broken from the outside. When we're finished,have the techs look for any Given the size of it,the unsub would have to be trace of blood or fibers. real slight to get through it. He may have gagged kyle. What did you find upstairs? There were signs of a In the other two cases the boys were struck on struggle. the head. It looks like kyle was abducted from his room. What if he--what if he used the weapon to scare The unsub went out through the family room door. them? He could have. So,he finds a safe,quiet place to break in. He would have had to act quickly in order to keep Everything about how kyle murphy was taken is kyle quiet. consistent with the previous abductions. Tell me things,sunshine. Yeah,hotch. Uh,garcia,i need your brain and computer Ok. system. We're on our way. They are one and the same. They got a short list. Give me your question. We've narrowed the list to 5 men. - I emailed you 10 names. Already? Registered sex offender hugh - Yes,you did. rollins,43,lived in camden county his whole life, In Check their movements and spending habits. an out of foster care since he was a toddler,and Start with the cell phone records,then go to the acquired quite the nice rap sheet. bank accounts. What's his connection to the victims? steady job 204

Criminal Minds Season4 installing tvs. - Kyle's not here. Have any of the families purchased a new tv? The - No. first two did. And if he isn't on this property He's already in the Garcia found something else. woods. Rollins had no cell or bank activity on the days the So,rollins goes to the trouble of breaking into the boys were abducted. murphys' house. Weaven't been able to connect rollins to kyle yet. It's a big risk to take kyle. So,what,we're gonna wait for more evidence? Then he only keeps him for a few hours. No,there isn't time. This just doesn't make sense. We have sufficient probable cause. Maybe he saw the news,panicked. Let's go pick him up. We need to search the woods. Get bolt cutters. - Thank you for coming in. Hugh rollins,fbi! Clear! - All clear. - You got someone already? Sometimes we get - Clear. lucky. Rossi,we're in. He's our prime suspect,but we didn't find kyle at The truck is clean. his house, But we've got a team searching now. I have child pornography on the computer. - The evidence is bagged. Probably helps him sleep better at night. - You ready? I just need to look at the toys? And Anything that connects him to the 3 boys? - tell us if any belong to kyle. Nothing yet. These are jimmy seager's parents. - Wait a minute. I'm very sorry r your loss. - Prentiss. - Thank you for coming in. - Why? What is it? Souvenirs. - Thank you. There's no sign of him. Have they found your son yet? No. I'm gonna check out back. I haven't been able to contact andy loeser's family Stop! I said stop! I said stop! - What are you doing? yet. - He's getting away! He's knows where the kid is. It's ok. Stand down! Son of a bitch! - No! - Come down! We can get started. I'm fbi! Now stop resisting! Ok! Don't hurt Would you follow us,please? I'll be right in. me,please. Does he look familiar? He's not what I pictured. what the hell was that about? I thought he might I've tried to Imagine the last thing jimmy saw. get away. Now I know. I wasn't thinking. Do you have kids? - Yeah. - You're damn right you weren't. - Then you know. - I know. You make a promise to protect them. It was stupid. When jimmy needed us-- we were asleep down What if you'd killed him? He's the only one who the hall,13 feet away. knows where kyle is. I need you to tell me if any of this belonged to I said I know. jimmy or kyle. Lancaster,I've been where you are. Could you do that? Are any of these kyle's? - I I was a cop,too. don't know. That's why I knew this wasn't a good idea. I'm not sure. You were way too close. - It's ok. 'Cause I'm not gonna sit still and I'm not gonna That means that the parents have identified the stop until we find kyle. toys that we found in your closet. 205

Criminal Minds Season4 They belong to their boys. that rollins was in that house. It's over for you. Take reid over there. Where's kyle murphy? I don't know. He's got fresh eyes. Well,that's not gonna help you. Rollins is scared. Andy loeser. He's ready to talk. He was 11. I'll see what I can do. Jimmy seager. I'm gonna take them down that way. He was 9. Why don't you sweep them in. But kyle,he's-- he's only 7. We've swept the entire area where the first two You keep going younger. victims were left. Guys like you don't last very long in trenton state. - What if he went further south? - Why? There's a Did you know that the inmates there watch the service road down that way. news every night? I bet they're looking forward to That's not on this map. getting you all alone. Yeah,it's not marked,but,uh,it would have been Life in trenton might as well be a death sentence. his fastest way in and out of here. Are you sure you don't want to tell me where kyle Well,we know rollins didn't spend a lot of time with is? If I tell you about this kid,I'm not going to kyle. trenton? I want that written down. Let's go. He's gonna confess to killing kyle? He's Here's your deal. desperate. Club fed. Knows he won't survive state prison. - Where is that? - Any federal prison of your The d. choice in new jersey. a. Where's kyle murphy? I threw him in the river. 's not gonna offer a deal until he has more You didn't take him back to the woods? No. evidence linking rollins to kyle. I didn't have time. What about the toys? The seagers i. You threw him in the delaware river? Yes. d. He could be anywhere. ed one,but dan couldn't. Well,i suppose that's so. He never delivered a television to the murphys' We may never find him. house. Guess that's true. So he saw him some other way. You didn't throw him in the river. Look,we have this guy. You need more control than that. He's about to confess. You need to know exactly where the body is so He's done everything the same. you can go back and live it over and over again. Let's nail him. Tell me the truth. He won't confess without the deal. If he came in through the basement,this would We need more evidence. have been his second flight of stairs. Well,then we gotta find kyle. So kyle's is the first room he comes to. That'll prove it,right? What about the woods? This wasn't a quiet struggle. Well,it's 100,000 acres to cover. He probably knocked kyle unconscious. He's out there somewhere. Then carried him back downstairs. I'm not sticking around here. What's through there? Danny's room. He's too close to this. It's interesting. We've warned him. Another few feet and he would have found danny. I sure would like to have some physical evidence Danny's far more age appropriate for rollins' 206

Criminal Minds Season4 preference. Danny has bunk beds. He's closer to the first two victims than kyle is. Both bunks were slept in,and whoever slept in the If he'd been stalking these families,he would have bottom one wet the bed and left kyle's bear. known that. So do we think someone destroyed kyle's room to It's weird. make it look like he was abducted like the other What,a neat Well,that,and most kids either pick a two victims? Who else knows the details of all 3 top or a bottom bunk. cases? Lancaster. Both beds are slept in. Morgan,call garcia and see what she can find out The top bunk blocks the view of the stars,and about lancaster that we don't already know. there's nothing decorative down here. Reid and prentiss,watch the video of the press It's danny's room. conference. He probably sleeps up top. - See if you can find anything. Somebody wet the bed. - Want me to talk to rollins again? Yes. You know,maybe danny started in the bottom And I don't have to remind anybody where we bunk,wet the bed,and then moved up top? This is are. kyle's. Please be discreet. It's size 6. We found kyle murphy's body in the woods. Kyle slept in here last night. Why did you lie? You aren't the type to take credit If he didn't sleep in his room,why was it destroyed? for something you didn't do. To make it look like the other crime scenes. I can't go to trenton. Over here! Oh,god. As long as you're straight with me,I'll tell the d. That's kyle. a. That's him. You cooperated. I tta call dan and sarah. Is that what you needed to hear? People don't We saw the pictures. understand. He dumped the first two boys like garbage. I can't explain why I do these things. This is different. All I know is that I can't help myself. Do you think rollins started feeling guilt or I don't want to die in prison! You're gonna be in remorse? You know he's not capable. one for the rest of your life,hugh. Whoever did this cared about him. No,I'm talking about what they do to people like Hugh rollins definitely killed the first two victims. me. But it doesn't look like he killed kyle murphy. - I don't want to go like that. I just talked to rollins. - Then tell me the truth. He said he dumped kyle's body in the river. He's too young. He's clearly lying. He's not my type. He doesn't have any connection to that boy. Yeah,garcia,what do you got? - Who's there? - The disposal of kyle's body is very different from Just me and rossi. the other two. Ok,i found something notable on lancaster. He was gently placed on the ground,neatly laid to Hold that thought. rest with his hands by his sides. Well,i just talked to dan and sarah. Rollins discarded these two boys like trash. I told them about kyle. We think kyle may not have slept in his room last How'd they take the news? Well,about how you'd night. expect. Where do you think he was? I think in his Really? Listen,,i want to thank you for all you've brother's room. done for me and the murphys on this case. 207

Criminal Minds Season4 But I think we can handle everything from here. Look,that son of a bitch rapes and kills innocent Well,we're not going anywhere,bill. children. Did you know that kyle liked to sleep in danny's He would have hurt somebody else's kid until you room or that kyle had been wetting the bed? No. caught him. Because if you had,you would have torn apart What does that have to do with kyle? I am asking danny's room to make it look like kyle had been you Look the other way. taken from there. Please. What are you talking about? Kyle's No. disappearance was made to look like the two Detective,that would be framing somebody for other boys. murder. Whoever did this had knowledge of the other two Rollins didn't kill kyle,but you know who did. murders. They are my friends. Listen to me. Well I think you left their son's body in the woods. Rollins murdered these two kids. Now,what kind of friend does that? If rollins didn't He should go away for all of them. kill kyle,who did? You tell me. Losing a child is a horrible thing. Someone broke into my house and took my boy. But if there was a murder,and someone is When I woke up,he was gone. concealing a crime,they are going to jail. Who did this,dan? I don't know! My little boy is Rossi,you got a killer in custody. dead,and you have a suspect in custody. You got this guy. Isn't that good enough? You've been holding Let's end it now. hands since I first saw you. Can we take this in your office? Yeah. Well What's wrong with that? When couples lose What really happened? I know dan has beena a child,the grief is overwhelming. friend of yours for a long time. They often blame each other,and they drift apart. But you have an obligation to protect and serve. That's what happened to the seagers,but You two You gonna tell me what my obligations are. are different. I've been a cop for 23 years. It's--it's like you're protecting each other. Rollins didn't kill kyle. So I'm going to ask you again What happened - You don't know that. last night? Did you or sarah,did you get upset with - Yes,we do. kyle? - No! - Was there an accident? No! Then I appreciate you coming by. what are you hiding? My name is sarah But bill was already here. murphy,and I'm kyle's mom. He told us about kyle. My name is sarah murphy,and I'm kyle's mom. That's not why I'm here,mr. And I'm kyle's mom. Murphy. - And I'm kyle's mom. We need to talk. - Please stop. Well,can it wait? You know,danny's not taking the You are kyle's mom,sarah. news too well. Just tell me what happened to him. No. Did one of you kill kyle? Were you ever gonna tell I'm sorry. us about your family? Why would i? They've got We need to talk right now. nothing to do with this. Hugh rollins didn't kill your son. *** Your children were killed in a car accident 3 Why would you try and pin this on rollins? I never years ago. even heard of rollins until you thought of him as a Your wife divorced you right after. suspect. Your loss has everything to do with this. 208

Criminal Minds Season4 You've got nothing left. have a bad temper. You can afford to break the rules,take a risk,frame Did you and kyle play together? Only when I had rollins for kyle's murder. to. Rollins didn't kill kyle and you know who did. He was always breaking my stuff. Oh,i did it. Yeah,i had a little cousin who did that. I killed kyle. That would make me crazy. What? put it in writing. I'm not going to miss that. Detective lancaster just confessed. He would always sleep in my room. I need to see him. I heard kyle liked your bunk beds. First we need yo to confirm the timeline again. They weren't for him. We'll compare it to lancaster's statement. They were for my friends. From both of you. He was always wetting the bed like a baby. What about danny? He doesn't need to hear any Is that why you didn't want to play with him? He more of this. was a baby,wasn't he? Yeah,but he thought he Prentiss,do you mind? I've got him. was big enough to play with me. We can talk in here. Like today,he broke my model plane. Have a seat. It took me all week to make it. Hey,danny,look,they're just right here. Today. You see them? Ok. How did that happen? I woke up really early and - Can I have a snack. wanted to finish it. - Yeah,sure. I had it all set up in the basement. You didn't seem surprised when I told you that bill What time was that? It's too early. had confessed. Mom and dad are still asleep. How am I supposed to act? You know,we should Go back to bed,kyle. really be in there with danny. Can I play with it? You can look at it. Danny's fine. Oh--i told you not to touch it! - I'm sorry,danny. First you said it's rollins,now it's bill. - You never listen! Please don't hurt me! After you The only thing I know is that kyle is gone. did that to kyle,how did you feel? Like i'd get in You know a lot more than that. trouble. What are you talking about? Your friend just He kept saying \"I'm sorry. confessed to something he didn't do. \" I'm sorry. That's enough. Kyle. What We can't do this anymore. Wake up. You,uh,got any games here? I don't think so. Danny? Danny,what happened? He broke my Can I watch cartoons? Sure,yeah. plane. Let's see if we can find some. Sarah! No. Kyle is shy and quiet. No No! No! No! I was so angry at danny. But ever since he joined the soccer team,he's But I couldn't lose him,too. really come out of his shell. Why would you hurt him? - I'm sorry,mom. He's more outgoing. - He loved you so much. He even scored his first goal. No Where are you going? To get bill. Stop,stop,stop! I can open it for you. What's he gonna do? I don't know. Here. 'S not like we can say this was an accident. Ok? There,it's open. Dad I'm sorry. Do you,um,get mad like that a lot? My mom says I I'm so sorry. 209

Criminal Minds Season4 What's gonna happen to danny? I don't know. remorse. The state can try him as an adult,try to make an He feels nothing. example out of him. The son you were trying to protect is a sociopath. You gotta help us. It's time. I got an idea. I spent my life on the streets,and I couldn't be Take danny upstairs. there for them. What are you gonna do? I need you both to trust Every day,i wonder why it wasn't me in that car me. And why I have to live every single day without All right? Take him upstairs now. them. Ok. You know,when dan called,i thought Maybe this is How could he do this to you? Dan,we don't ha a it. lot of time. Maybe I'm suffering so he doesn't have to. Go upstairs to sarah. Your kids died in an accident. Then you took kyle into the woods? They're good Nobody can make sense of that. people. This family,your friends,they lost both kids the They didn't deserve to lose both kids. minute danny killed kyle. It was so Quiet Leaving him there. What does it even mean,anyway? What does And I kept telling myself that this is what what mean? Protect and serve. happened to the others. We all say it every day. I had to do it. Protect who? Serve who? That piece of human Kyle would be the third victim. waste in the other room murdered at least two And we would catch a baguy. kids. A real bad guy. You know what he is. Oh,god. You're the ones who found him. And they might still be They might have a chance And that decent family,that decent,loving How did to be a family again. anything that happened today serve anyone at all? Kyle murphy's autopsy report. - Who won in the end? - That's the thing. First one was shallow. We don't get to pick who wins,detective. Clearly he hesitated. Even if that means no one does. Lancaster had to hit kyle to make the wounds Andre maurois wrote, \"without a family,man,alone consistent with rollins' victims. in the world,\" trembles with the cold. I'm glad he spared them that part of his story. Look on the second page. Prentiss needs to see this. - Can you stay with him? - Of course. Danny told me what he did to kyle. Do you know what he did? Yes,we know. Everything he did? Danny stuffed plane parts down kyle's throat. What? He couldn't do that. You told danny to watch his temper. What else did you worry about? Danny said you had a puppy,but he died. God Your son is ill,and he needs help. The truth is,the only thing danny isn't capable of is 210

Criminal Minds Season4 I thought about you all day. sketch. Don't stop. White male,early 30s,wearing glasses. We shouldn't. It looks like an editing suite. Vincent is downstairs. So he not only films the murder,he edits it. We'll just be real quiet about it. Do we know what this is that's playing on the Oh,this is wrong. monitor? Buffalo P. Excuse me. D. You,uh--you-- you dropped something. is concerned that it might be another filmed Hey,almost done. killing. Think I got a bite. If it is,then we're not looking at just one A couple. murder,but two. One more potential,and then I'm home. Buffalo is underfunded,undermanned,and they What? Honey,I'm at work. need our help. I love you,too. Buffalo's a big gang town. Gotta go. Murder in the last year alone was over 700 Robert,right?Ok,I gotta tell you,robert, of all the people. houses I have on the market,this one is my Garcia,I need you to go througthis frame by frame favorite. and put everything on disks. My name's not robert. Yes,sir. Not robert. I'm on it. I'm sorry. Also,put together a go bag. Where are you going? Where are you going? Her If we get any more of these films,I want you on name's michelle watson,a realtor murdered in the ground taking point. buffalo a week ago. - Is that ok with you? - Yes,sir. Until yesterday they had nothing,no leads,and Excellent. then they got this. Ok. Buffalo P. - Fast forward - Go bag. D. I don't have a go bag. received it from an unknown source yesterday. There's something I want everyone to see. They able to trace it? No. He's writing something. Sent through an encrypt server from ukraine. Season04 Episode22 \"in order for the light to There's no sound. shine so brightly,the darkness must be present. Yeah,at first glance there doesn't seem to be a \" Francis bacon. single frame to identify who shot it. A serial killer asking for help. He even covered up the mirror. Wellthat's a new one on me. I've seen some crazy things sitting at this Attempt at sarcasm? What if he's sincere? Then table,but that Why send that to the police? he's deeply ambivalent. Well,maybe it's a taunt,to show the police how He wants to stop,but like an alcoholic,he simply smart he is. can't. Catch me if you can. When we see him driving,his point of view is The two people in the video-- They look directly at elevated. the unsub and neither one seems to register that I'd say he's driving a van or an suv. they're being filmed. And the film stops where it starts--at his home. I think it's probably a hidden camera. So we could use the film to trace back,street by The witnesses were able to give us enough for a street,from the crime scene,right? It only lasts 9 211

Criminal Minds Season4 minutes. empathy towards others. And in this frame,he clearly looks at a clock,and They can mimic it,but they can't feel it. it's 9:22. Then he didn't mean it? Or someone or Ok,the autopsy says michelle watson's time of something is showing him who he really is. death was 4:30 in the afternoon. Ok,friends,the video on this film is analog. So,he edited out 7 hours. It's since been digitized,but it is seriously Garcia,look for unsolved murders of men in their degraded. early 30s who were stabbed, Buffalo and Meaning what? Meaning this kind of degradation surrounding cities. only happens over at least a decade and Go back 10 years. thousands of repeated viewings. Wouldn't vicap have already picked up on that? 'S the only way he can get any release. Mm,vicap only went web-based about a month Then you're right. ago, and buffalo P.D. He's been doing this for 10 years. only recently uploaded the data. Uh,more like 20. They show watson holding a day planner. That woman in this video-- She's wearing a They find that at the crime scene. sweater I haven't seen since flashdance. Yeah,that,her wallet,and all of her On the day of her death,the 21st,michelle entered jewelry,including a 3-carat diamond ring. the name robert at 4 p.m. So we know he's not financially motivated. Ah,we found no one connected to her with that First count--i have 22. name and we think it's an alias. it could be that many? We went back 10 years Michelle's highly organized,she's precise,light of and included surrounding cities. hand,so left-handed. The unsub may be out of his comfort zone. How can you tell? The hardest point is where she Now,they may not all be connected,but they all starts,the lightest point is where she tails off. match michelle's type. In her case,she tails off to the right. Blond,white,eay 30s. It's weird. The autopsy reports will help us determine which - What? - I'm not sure, but the number 29 is of these cases is connected. circled twice in red ink and it tails off to the left. I'll get them here right away. Whoever wrote that is right-handed. We also need to take a look at the crime That person is right-handed and \"help me\" is scenes,detective henderson. written in red. Of course. The unsub wrote the circled 29. I'll stay and help reid. Guys Tomorrow's the 29th. I'll take prentiss and morgan. Hotch is in position,so let's walk through this. Tell me,do you think this is a one off or can I Ok,prentiss,michelle stood right here - Facing me. expect more films? It's not a one off. - Ok. The filming of his kills makes him a sexual Door's still open. psychopath. She didn't shut it. We'll find more. And now she turns her back to it. Many more. That's her first mistake. Just like this one. Ok,she's on the phone with her husband. Help me is in direct cflict with the psychology of a 3:55 p.m. psychopath, and it's something I've never seen She tells him she has another client coming. before. Here comes the unsub. Psychopaths don't have the capacity to feel But you don't turn around. 212

Criminal Minds Season4 Just keep talking. Secure areas with little chance of witnesses. - Now the unsub's in the house. And ones where he left the bodies where he killed - Yeah,I hear him. them. You hear him,but you don't turn around. Ok,based on that,june '98, emily flyn,found in her Not yet. apartment,stabbed 23 times. Now you turn. Hillary habner,march 2000,found in her Because if she leaves the front door open and basement,stabbed 18 times. she turns her back, she must have been Cindy stagnal,april 2001,stabbed multiple expecting robert. times,found in her office. It's an open house. And may 1999,vanessa bright,29,stabbed and There's no one else here. found in her studio. He knew she'd be alone. Ladies and gentlemen,it appears as ough we've She's standing face to face with the unsub,talking found our timeline. to him,and yet she still turns away. It looks like our killer strikes almost exactly every Second mistake. 12 months. He poses no threat. Oh,my god. Yeah,and if she'd seen a camera,she would have All these women,and he got away with it. registered it. I think we need to inform the media. Now she turns,faces the unsub He strikes Right Buffalo has a serial killer. into her chest. Every so often,he's stopping and looking down at And then he drags her over here to the sofa And the ground. he films her death. - At what? - I don't know. He chose a controlled environment in which he But it's clear he's trying to step around some type could ensure privacy. of objects. No witnesses,and most importantly,he didn't have There aren't any objects. to dump the body. Well,at least not the we can see. Garcia? Prentiss,the point of view-- She didn't But remember in the film he cut the sandwich and see the camera because the glasses have to be turned it twice? And the 29th was circled twice in the camera. red. Thanks,garcia. So this isn't a message. He left us another message. This is something he has to do. He circled the number 29 in michelle's day It's the cracks in the pavement. planner. That's what he's stopping for. So we've only got 24 hours to stop him. He's stepping over them because he has to. Thanks. He's obsessive-compulsive. Morgan thinks the unsub's glass are the camera. Meaning no matter how hard he tries,he simply You need to get a sketch of the unsub out to can't stop himself. every camera shop in buffalo. Well,if he wanted to,he could have turned himself If he hunts within a comfort zone,then whichever in. of these camera shops he visits the most, That's By writing \"help me,\" he really means \"stop me. the one he'll live closest to. \" Go away,go away,go away Vincent,it's alice. All right. I know you're in there. You heard the man. Ok.Just a moment. Ok,hotch also wants us to focus on victims found How you doing? Where have you been,vincent? in controlled locations. 'S been weeks. 213

Criminal Minds Season4 For a single guy,you're so neat. Yeah. - What's in there? - Nothing. Someone will be missing her soon. How did you find me? I dropped you off after the Today's the 29th. conference,remember? Aren't you gonna offer me He probably killed her last night. a drink? I'm--I'm not thirsty. Whatever his plans are,he still has them. I--i meant-- you're weird. We're ready to give the profile. But cute. We've confirmed 11 kills over a 10-year period. Alice,you know,it's-- it's not really ok. This makes 12. It's not really ok that you just come by my home All but one blond,white female,mid - to late 30s. like this. - Be careful. You should--you should go. - Time me. No,I came because there's a wedding tomorrow Stanley,be careful. and they want you to film and edit it. This unsub has extreme obsessive-compulsive I mean,you're the best,vincent. disorder. Well,uh,I'm not doing that anymore. This woman doesn't fit his victimology. Why? It's really late,and I'm tired. He probably didn't target or even mean to kill her. You should go,alice,yes,please. were shown this sketch. The same suspect. The owner of tarquinio's camera shop on union Keep in mind Vincent,that looks a lot like you. road recognized it. And he may use hats or other means to hide his He knows him only as vincent. appearance. He bought two 3-millimeter mini wireless cameras This man has a type. and had them retrofitted to his glasses. He kills women,blond women,in their 30s, and he He's well-versed in camera technology. kills them where they feel safe-- In their homes,in He probably generates income from a related their workspace - Vincent? - I have to change my field. glasses. So stake out the shop,but keep a low profile. There was no purse,no jewelry,nothing to i.d.her He walks in off the street,he politely waits his with. turn,he pays in cash. Whereas with michelle he didn't care what he left This is him. behind. Black overcoat,black baseball cap. He knew we couldn't connect her to him. You'll get more from your sketch. Why did he cover her up and fold her arms across Now,this last kill shows the most remorse. her chest? She can't be more than 24. This guy's mobile. That doesn't fit his victimology. Most likely in a suv. Well,the chest wound matches that of michelle Low-profile,mute in color. watson. He's beginning to devolve. The way he's positioned her,the blanket,shows His ocd will get worse and he'll have a hard time remorse. hiding it. He probably knew her more intimately than the He will take bigger and bigger risks to achieve his others. ultimate goal. That's somewhat of a leap. In michelle's watson's day planner,he circled the Not when you consider this is the first time he number 29. dumped the body. Today is the 29th. Unlike the others,he brought her body here and So we believe he may have something planned dumped it. for today. 214

Criminal Minds Season4 Don't go anywhere. Yeah. I'll be right back. Instead,on the tape we see signs of remorse. He sent us this film as his way of reaching out. A complete and sudden emotional change. He may be ambivalent,but his ocd won't let him It's absolutely fascinating. stop. I loveou,reid,but the stuff you find fascinating is Now,if he sees a heavy police presence and he's sad. not done,he'll run. Ok. The east side is his comfort zone. The woman in my video She looks a lot like the This is where he lives. ones on your board,don't you think? So he's However random,anything out of the killing her over and over again. ordinary,please let us know. Maybe. Thank you very much. I don't know. Tell me again what the autopsy report said. Not my job. He seems to be killing once a year. Guys,there was an actual witness In the jce And they were all,except for michelle wolcott murder. watson,overkill. - a witness? - A boy. He stabbed her just once. Her son. And hers was the only kill he sent footage of to the first time. the police. What happened? Ran over a cat. - That's a definitive change. - Did you kill it? - It's a joke. - You're right. I'm joking. Call reid and prentiss. I know. Tell them to go over the autopsy report again. Happy birthday,stanley. We need to know why. - King for the day,right,vincent? - Right. He sure does like his blondes. I made you a promise. Not a good date,though. Do you remember it? Of course. Too stabby. So hold out your hand,palm up. Less so,though,with michelle watson and the girl No way. we found this morning. For real? Tonight. Every one of these murders happens during a It's here tonight. month of spring. But you can't tell anyone,ok? Just tell no one. So,spring for the unsub is a stressor. - You promise? - Promise. Do you think my video was done in the spring? - No one. There's a good chance. - So listen out for me,ok? - Ok. - Ok. Hey,vincent. Eighties,spring,buffalo. You know nothing will happen if you step on Search for homicide,see if I can make a them,right? You're a kid. connection. What do you know? Neighbors called the police All of the victims except for michelle watson were when they heard her son stan screaming for his killed within a year of each other. mother. Victim number 10,joyce wolcott,stabbed 32 times. Let's see,they were found in the backyard and And then michelle watson was stabbed just once she was dead. 2 years later. So he saw the whole thing? If he did,why didn't What's missing from the michelle watson murder the unsub kill the only living witness? - Did they is any sign of rage or overkill. interview him? - He was traumatized. 215

Criminal Minds Season4 - Did he see the killer? - He didn't see anything. You took off your jacket. Where is the boy now? Single mom,father dead in And you got warm. a car accident. But after a while,she didn't come back in. He was foster-homed after her death. Mom? Mom? Stanley,what do you hear? The Tell me he's still in buffalo. snow is so thick. Yes. It covers the house,the yard. How you doing there,kid? We're looking for Everything's so quiet. stanley wolcott. You call out for her,but she doesn't call back. Who wants to know? My name's derek morgan. Mom? Mom! Now I hear something. I'm with the FBI. What do you hear? I think I can hear my mom. FBI? Cool. Is she talking? Crying. Today's your birthday,right? - Can I help you? - Now what do you do? Go outside. FBI. Stanley,we can stop doing this now if you want. I'm sorry to do this today of all days. No. It's ok. I can do this. But we need to talk to stanley. You're doing good,stanley. It's urgent. You're doing really good. Stanley's been with me for 9 months now. I'm right here,ok? Mom? Can you hear her? No. The adoption papers came tough last week. I need to find her. So we're moving to california. Mom? - Stanley - Someone's here. Uh,stanley's been blind since birth. I can feel them. His mom didn't want him to use a cane,so,he,uh It's not my mom. My way around life. That's enough. It's called echolocation. Enough. It's where the sound bounces off objects,kind of That's enough. like a bat uses sonar. He saw me Didn't he? Yes,stan,he did. I'm the batman. Hey,what's up,man? Looks like you know where Well,hey,batman. you're going. Self and my colleague here,dave,we need to ask - I don't want any trouble. you some questions. - See,I don't know you. This is about my mom,isn't it? Yeah,it is. - I don't want any trouble. - And I need to ask you-- - Have you found him? I - Look,you said that twice. can feel a lie. What you doin' walkin' around here,anyway,huh? We're looking for him,stan. You ain't lost. We could use your help. Hey,man. Now,what I'm asking you to do probably won't be Hey,look at me. easy. All right,come on. - Will it help you catch him? - It might. You walk like you know where you're going,so I'm not sure about this. you gotta know what's next. Ok.2 years ago,on that night,you were playing in See,this here's my street. the snow with your mom. And you pay to walk on my street. She said my lips were turning blue. I've been thinking about you all day. She told me to go in and get warm. You shouldn't have been. She said it was getting dark. - What the hell is this? Get out of my house! - So then you came inside and you took off your No,wait. gloves. How can you do this with our son in the house? 216

Criminal Minds Season4 So what? I don't care. - Kate,think. I hate you! I hate you! I hate my life! Mom? When you checked on stan,he was asleep,yes? Mommy! Mom? He just came out of nowhere. He was under the covers. He rolled up on us. You closed his door. - Which way was he walking? - That way. You went to your room. He's heading east. You settled down. So your friend shot him,the man defended - I watched tv. himself,and you did nothing? You ran away and - Did you hear anything? I,um,I heard a car horn called 911? I'd done talking,fed. beep twice. I ain't saying nothin'. I looked out the window,but I didn't see anything. I want my lawyer. - He's gotta have 20 minutes on us. You'll get a lawyer. - Oh,god. Answer my question. Oh,my god,he's gonna kill him,isn't he? Let's just - He shot him once. take a look inside. - Where? In the stomach. Are you ok? The FBI came to my house. What was he doing when you rolled up on him? The FBI. Head down,walking real fast,like he was late for The man that killed my mom He stood right next something. to me,in the snow. So you jumped him. He could have killed me,but he didn't. When he didn't give you what you wanted,what Well,maybe he saw something in you. did he do? At first nothing. Well,what did he see? I don't know. He just started making this noise with his tongue. But,uh You know,it stopped him. - What kind of noise? - Ok,listen to me. Stopped him from hurting you. Yeah,like that. He's back. Exactly like that. He did a bad thing. And he slammed jay with a knife and turned and He did a--he did a very-- A very bad thing,but came after me. When he saw you,he knew He knew that he It's called echolocation. couldn't hurt you. The unsub's 10th victim-- she left behind a blind He knew that He'll never-- he'll never ever hurt son who uses echolocation to get around. you. How would the killer know that? Because he saw I wish he'd killed me. the boy was blind the night he killed his mother. There's blood here. And I think that's why he didn't kill the boy. - Oh,no,please. Wait a second. - It's not stan. Today's that kid's birthday. We believe the man who took stan was injured. He's the event. It's his blood. Henderson,get units to meet us at 6518 cantwell We think his name is vincent. drive right now. - Vincent? - You know him? Stan knew him before He's gone! He's gone. he came to me. I thought he was in his room. - For how long? - For over a year. He said he was tired. He was a registered helper in a mentoring - When was the last time you checked on him? - program. 20 minutes ago. - Which one? - Oh,god. - Did you hear anything? - I just don't understand. Stan has belonged to so many programs. - He would have had to pass me to get out. I can't remember where he met vincent. 217

Criminal Minds Season4 Garcia,I got a name--vincent. behavior change. Morgan,I'm gonna need a surname,honey. Kate,vincent's drawn the number 29 with a circle She can't remember. around it numerous times. Can you at least cross-reference vincent's name Today is the 29th. with all of the mentor organizations in buffalo? I We believe the circle may represent a specific think we'll get more from the video. location. We're running out of time. They would have talked about it,or he might even Come on,garcia,we gotta find this kid. have taken him there before. Trust me,ok? Give me a second. Did vincent talk to stan about adventures that That's her. they could take? Places they could visit? What That's the woman from the film. are stanley's favorite things to do? He just likes to June 5,1983. make things. Kim rowlings was killed in her home. To build things. When police arrived,they found her son vincent Vincent used to help him. rowlings. - The construction sets? - Yeah. - Garcia-- - thank me when we've got an address. Ferris wheel. Vincent was found sitting with the body of his It's a circle. murdered mother. When did he build this? Over the last couple of Police believe that he sat with her for more than months. 24 hours. He's been in here every night. He was only 9 years old. Garcia,check buffalo and the surrounding areas He filmed his mother's murder and hid the tape for any theme parks,permanent or visiting. from the police all these yearS. - Theme park just outside of buffalo. vincent rowlings, 5605 1/2 pearl street,east - Ferris wheel? Yes! Let's go. side,buffalo. You both go. Tell hotch we're en route. I'll stay here in case he comes back. I love you. I want to go over everything and see how many FBI! Clear. others we've missed. I hate you! I hate you! I hate my life! Get off of me! Got it. Garcia,I need you to conference everybody now. What do you see? Tell me,vincent. Hotch,you've got rossi and morgan. What do you see? So many colors. And we have stan's foster mother kate here. Lights everywhere. Stanley is missing,and there's blood on the Is it here? The ferris wheel? It's here. windowsill. It's Is it like the one we built? Is it? Exactly. Kate,did vincent take stan out? Was there a Then let's go. favorite place they liked to go? A park? - Are you ok,buddy? - Yeah. Playground? No.No. I just get a little nervous at heights. Like I said,I only allow him to see stan under this Just don't look down. roof,under my supervision. He,uh,he wants to stop it at the top. He's been coming around more since I told him C-can you do that? Yeah,sure. we were moving away. Just close your eyes. When did you tell vincent that? Like a week ago. Like me. Why? - What? - He killed michelle watson over a It's going up. week ago. Move! FBI! Out of the way! Is it beautiful? Can That must be the stressor that triggered vincent's you see the stars,vincent? Can you see the stars? 218

Criminal Minds Season4 There's thousands of them. how dark the moment, love and hope are always They're all over the sky. possible. I bet if you lean forward,you can reach for them. \" George chakiris. I got you. Remember you said you'd wished he'd killed you? - He's up top! - Out of the way! Out of the way! You can never,ever wish to be dead. Never wish for that. I saw my mom die,too. And like my father,I did some bad things. I did some bad things. What are you talking about? You're gonna hear things. You're gonna hear bad things about me. But you can never,ever wish to die,stan. Because you're special. How am I special? Because you helped me to see. To see. Can--can we go around one more time? I need you to get this kid off the wheel. Do it now. I don't think so. I wish you were my dad. Forgive me. Do it now! Ok,stop there. Now open it. Stanley,it's derek from the FBI. It's ok. Sit tight. Stanley-- - What's going on? - It's me,derek. - Vincent,what's-- What's going on? - Listen to me. I need you to come with me. Let go of vincent. Just come with me. I'm getting you out of here. That's right. That's right. It's gonna be ok. You're ok. Vincent? It's ok. It's fine. Oh,honey! Derek. What's up,kid? Did he kill my mom? \"no matter 219

Criminal Minds Season4 If you think you can live with this on your It's classified. conscience. Are we breaking up right now? Uh,no. That's not how it works,sweetie. No. Yeah,you can put it out of your head. Uh--uh--they haven't hired me yet. It'll just go to your heart. It--it's my final interview. Well,then it'll go somewhere else. Final? How long have you known about this? A I don't know. few weeks. Your liver,your pancreas. I didn't want to say anything to you until it was Why do you think so many people get cancer? real. That's how it works. Ok. That's what guilt does. Ok. It makes people sick. And And this is what you want? I'm not sure. I'm not gonna tell you what to do. I mean,the long-distance thing would be rough. Well,I'm sorry that it came off that w,but you can Yeah,it would be,considering you can't even tell understand my position. me where you're going. I'm friends with both of you. Well, i could if you applied with me. No,of course I'm not gonna tell him,janet. I mean,they need other people. I love you,but I'm sorry,a couple of glasses of Leave the b. wine does not justify 3 whatever. a. Hey,I'm coming to a bad spot on 7. u. I might lose you. ? Just think about it? My head hurts,and jj just Hello? Janet? Great. brought in a case. Hey there! Penelope is hoping the migraine she I need to get back to work. woke up with this morning Goes away in time for An unsub that kills with his car. the small wonder marathon tonight. I haven't seen that before. You decent? - Never. Neither have the police in bend,oregon. Look at you. Which is why they need our help. Did somebody die? No. Two victims in the last 12 days. - B. First was hit while on a morning jog - maria a. delgado, 23. u. The second was a stranded motorist,shannon Yearbook photo? No,I have a job interview. makely,43. Hey,rock star,you up for that systems promotion? And what makes the locals think that they were No,no. connected? Well,for one thing,they were both A friend of mine is a headhunter for the nsa. backed over after the initial impact. Uh,they're looking for analysts versed in cyber No accident there. warfare. They matched treads at both scenes. Really? That sounds exciting. Large wheels,all-terrain. Oh,it is. Wounds also indicate a raised bumper,so they're Yeah,the job is totally cutting edge. thinking large suv or truck. Yeah,it sounds like it. Do they know the model or make? Uh,tires aren't Are you sure you're gonna want to make the factory iue. commute to fort mead every day? actually, it's a-- They could be on a number of different models. it's an overseas position. No witnesses to either incident? A hit-and-run is Where overseas? I can't say. loud,draws attention. 220

Criminal Minds Season4 Somebody usually sees something. Shannon makely was a white,married,43-year-old Both victims were attacked in secluded areas. commities trader, Maria delgado was a Serial killers have been known to become rather 23-year-old hispanic grad student,competitive attached to their vehicles. tri-athlete. Bittaker and norris even have theirs a nickname. So far,gender's our only link. Murder mac. Hopefully the crime scenes will tell us more. Bittaker and norris were sexual sadists. ****** She lived a little outside of town,was on her There's no sign of torture here. way home from work when she broke down. It sounds like thrill kills. So she breaks down way back there and she gets Opportunistic. out and starts walking. Easy targets randomly selected. Why not call for help? No service. With this type of impact,the vehicle shouldn't be He made a complete stop here,then hit the gas. hard to pick out of a lineup. Full stop in the middle of the road? Take it there's Yeah,there should be significant front-end not a lot of traffic out here. damage. Not on this stretch. Somehow I don't think it's gonna be that easy. Not at that time of day,at least. \"I'm not sure about automobiles. Done working by 3:00 in the afternoon. \"with all their speed forward,they may be a step Broker. backward in civilization. Specialized in foreign markets. \" Booth tarkington. Time difference made for some odd hours. Well,I think it's safe to assume our unsub is male. What are you thinking about,rossi? What are the I agree with you,given what we know about odds she breaks down right here? No phone,no aggressive driving and road rage. traffic,no witnesses,nowhere to run. And the fact that men ha an unnatural bond with Perfect place for an ambush. their cars. Not a very popular jogging area. That is true. Aren't too many people who can take that hill - Wait a minute. coming up here. I don't know about unnatural. Well,she was a tri-athlete. I once dated a guy who washed his car more than We figured she jogged in off the main he washed his hair. road,heading for the trail up here. A nice car needs love. Assailant drove in behind her and ran her down And a woman doesn't? I'm not qualified to answer right here. that. A woman jogging alone? No,she would have I'm just saying,big car -it's phallic. known if someone was tailing her. So he's compensating? - Or overcompensating. So maybe he was already here. Impotent? - Possibly. What's the story with all this equipment? If the unsub sees himself as physically defective, Construction stalled out months ago. The car not only gives him the power and control No reason for anyone to be up here. he otherwise lacks, but it also serves as a shield. Nice and private. A way to avoid physical contact? Power and It's the ideal spot to run somebody down without control,female victims that almost reads like a being seen. rape profile. A little convenient. Vehicular rape. Too convenient. Rape and thrill kill are two very different profiles. What if it was her? What if she were the reason What does the victimology tell us? Nothing yet. he was up here? You don't think this was a 221

Criminal Minds Season4 random attack. Could you see anyone inside? I couldn't tell. Oil. The windows were blacked out. He was lying in wait. Tinted? Yeah,only all the way around,like you see He may have specifically targeted these women. with limousines. That takes thrill kill off the table. Do you think that you would recognize the truck if Because the murders were planned in advance? you saw it again? Maybe. Yeah. FBI****** How's it coming,gil? It's coming. This type of stalking behavior indicates a personal These roof sections are brutal. motive. Yeah. Bend****** There's a reason he chose these Maybe you want to take an early day. victims. Don't I wish. So you think he knows them? Well,he knew their - Look,I can smell the booze,man. work schedules,jogging routes,drive patterns. I can tell bert you went home sick. That would explain how he knew where to strike. But - I can handle it. It explains the delgado girl. You're sliding,man. She was on a run. Mistakes,missed deadlines. But he couldn't have known shannon makely's car Is everything ok? We figured it was the water was gonna break down out there. pump because it was pretty much melted. Did you look at her car? Guys at impound said the But we didn't figure on this. water pump blew. Car's pretty new. They said it's a common enough problem. That wouldn't be normal wear and tear,would it? Maybe we should take a closer look. No. Why don't you head over there,let me know what Rest of the line's in good condition. you find out. Someone punctured it. Shannon makely's husband is here. You can tell from the smooth edge. I just want it to make sense. How did they do it? Probably reached a blade But this,i We may be able to ma some sense out right through the grille. of it with your help. Penknife. Do you recognize that woman? No. Something like that. Should i? She was the first victim. They wouldn't have even had to pop the hood. We're trying to determine if she was connected to And if she drove away without water in the your wife in some way. radiator,it explains the overheating. Connected? We believe he may have been It explains the pump,too. following them,gathering some sort of Could somebody possibly gauge how far she information. could have traveled with the car in this condition? Did shannon ever mention noticing anyone? No. Someone who knows cars could make an Did you ever notice anyone out of the ordinary in educated guess,sure. your neighborhood, Maybe someone who was Thank you. walking or driving by the house repeatedly? No. Appreciate it. What about a truck or a large suv? Thursday,I Sabotage. was expecting a package. He's more focused than we thought. I kept checking the street. Well organized,highly motivated. There was a truck parked a couple of houses By what,though? What do these women have in down. common? Different ages,appearance,social I didn't recognize it. class. 222

Criminal Minds Season4 He's not hunting a specific type. Stalking someone,getting to know their schedule, Their only connection is the unsub. it's a pretty serious time commitment. There has to have been contact before the And job loss is a classic stressor. attacks. It's a start. But we profiled a guy who's afraid of contact. Look for men who are employed as The truck's a shield. mechanics,body shops, And look for those with Maybe the contact's incidental. criminal records-- Reckless driving and assault. There's something he perceives in their Two murders in two weeks? It's not much of a exchange. cooling-off period. Something about his perception triggers his He's not gonna wait for another opportunity to fixation. present itself. Could be the way she looks at him,something she Now he'll create one. says, or even something as trivial as what she's Son of a great. wearing. help me! Hold the elevator! Hold it! Impact nearly Whatever it is,the victims have no idea what they cut him in two. set in motion. His name is victor costella,podiatrist. These are all ford models. He works in the building. The grilles are kind of like you described. - Male victim. Yeah,I guess. So much for the vehicular rape theory. It didn't have that emblem,though. He ran down from the level above to try to get And no hood ornament. away. Nothing like that. Initial collision was up there? Let's see it. I understand this is hard,but this really will help This is the victim's car? - Yeah. us. Why? Uh,excuse me for a second. I'll keep looking. Garcia,I need you to look into something. How's it going? Well,we're down to an older It's a reserved spot. model,black,american made. Unsub knew where he was gonna park,must have Sounds like he debadged the truck so nobody gotten here early and picked this spot right could i. across. d. Somebody might have seen him waiting. him. - Somebody did. I can start a list from dmv matching what we've Talked to an x-ray tech on the third floor. got. Noticed a truck when she arrived. A list like that's gonna kill a lot of trees. And he was inside it? Yeah,but she couldn't see He's right. him because of the tint. The truck's only gonna get us so far. So how did she know he was inside the truck? What we need to do is build on the profile. She said the window was cracked. Well,he's mechanically inclined. Occupant was smoking. He certainly knows his away around an engine I don't suppose your people found any cigarette block. butts. And he can pull a dent,too,if he's fixing the body What time did the,uh,tech get in? Proper addict damage to his truck. could kill a whole pack. Both victims were killed during pri office hours. Did you ever smoke? I used to do a lot of things. It means he has a flexible work schedule. Bet you never did this. Or he might not be working at all. He field-stripped it. 223

Criminal Minds Season4 - What is that? Something they teach soldiers to limitation, Something that kept the unsub from avoid leang traces in the field. attacking in the traditional way. They squeeze out the filter,then ball up the Yeah,I was thinking about impotence,but we've surrounding paper. ruled out sexual motivation. Ok,so our guy could be ex-military. What if he'd been involved in a crash? On this We can get dna on this. road. Maybe we'll get lucky,he's in the system. If the unsub is disabled,it explains why he uses a If he's military,why would he choose a truck as his truck. weapon? Maybe he drove a tank. It gives him power,mobility. That's a good questi using a vehicle on the open But what? The idea that he's avenging his own road is one thing,but This is close quarters. physical suffering speaks to a victim mentality - Yeah. that's inconsient with the profile. A truck is loud,it draws attention. Maybe it's not just about his own suffering. Plus he risked rendering it inoperable. wake up,honey. Doesn't make any sense. Help me! As we speak,this profile and a - It does to him. description of the unsub's truck Are being He needs to kill this way. released to state and national media. I just don't know why. In addition to what we already know, We believe Guys,I think I know what connects the victims. the unsub is ex-military,most likely army or All of the victims drove red 2-door coupes. marines. Don't you think that could be a coincidence? It's We also believe he's physically handicapped. statistically significant. From combat? - From an automobile accident. We haven't been able to find any other common An accident that may have occurred along route denominators. 7,where the unsub finds his victims. If the unsub is targeting people because of their And that has something to do with why he's going cars, Then his initial contact with them would after red coupes? We believe that he holds the have been on the road. driver of a comparable vehicle responsible for his Exactly. accident. I spoke to the families about the victims' daily car And this person is the object of his rage,but travel,how they got to work,the gym. unable to confront them, He's taking revenge There's one road all the victims have in common. against a surrogate. Route 7. These boxes contain accident reports from a strip That mean something to you? Maybe we should of route 7 between bend and eugene. take a drive. There's about 5 years' worth. Anyone living outside bend who commutes We're gonna need everyone you can spare to toward eugene uses route 7. comb through them. It's the most dangerous stretch of highway in the We've also compiled a list of local rehabilitation state. facilities Where the unsub may have gone to They call it \"suicide 7. recover. \" These crosses represent accidents? Fatalities. Use the profile as you canvass these places. The fire chief put them up to remind drivers to be Remember,we're looking for a white male in his careful. early 40s,former military Who may have I'm assuming there's a lot of head-on collisions. sustained serious injury in a car accident. Either that or they go off the side. Though only owners of red coupes have been Reid,you mentioned the possibility of a physical targeted at this point, We're asking all the driving 224

Criminal Minds Season4 public to be vigilant on the road. enough You can make anything true. And if you know anyone who fits this description, Well,you're here now. Please contact the bend police department Tell us about thother vehicle. immediately. It was the truck you're looking for. Thank you. How do you know that? When I saw the news It Gil? I could use some help in here. all made sense. I've got bare feet here. It's come back for revenge. Could you maybe sweep up the glass? I think I When did the accident occur? December '07. have to go. The second saturday. What? - I'm sorry. There are no accidents reported in december of Where are you going? Damn it! Gil,wait! What's 2007. happening to you? How's dave doing? A few No. more possibles. That's No. I'll take them. Maybe you have your dates wrong? It could have Hotch. been november. Just got a walk-in. Uh,memories are kind of like puzzle pieces,and His name's gil bonner. it's-- It's quite possible that in suppressing these What's his story? It's about the unsub's accident. for so long,you've sort of rearranged things. He says it's his fault. How long was your mother sick? She died in It was late,and i'd spent all day in eugene with my january. mom. That much I know. She'd been sick. He's ex-military,good with his hands,repairs. I shouldn't have been driving. - Ok,thanks. But I just wanted to get home to see my little girl. ****** Look,even with that description,you're It was darker than usual. talking about 5 years' worth of patients. I remember the moon was just a sliver. What if we could narrow it down to a 5-month Right outside the cascades,my phone started window,between september '07 and january '08? vibrating. What's this person done,exactly? Exactly? 3 And when I went to reach for it,I knocked it off the murders. far side of the seat, And it fell down by the And he's not gonna stop there. door,and I thought I could reach. Murders? You do realize the condition of our And you took your eyes off the road? If couldn't patients? A paraplegic can drive with the right have been for more than a few seconds. rigging. But when I looked back up,there were lights and Is this about those hit-and-runs? There's this horn was blaring. something you should see. And I swerved at the last second,and then iust He,uh,he left us about 4 months ago. Kept on going Without a scratch. Didn't make the kind of progress that we'd hoped You'd gone into the oncoming lane? What for. happened to the other vehicle? Well,that's the Getting himself back in shape? No,physically,he-- thing. he made great strides. It was in rearview mirror and then it was gone. It was emotional issues. It vanished. Anger issues? Did he ever talk about getting even? Why didn't you stop? It didn't seem real. You can look for yourself. You're saying you just pretended it didn't happen? Ian coakley. I guess if you tell yourself something for long We have the patients write and draw daily. 225

Criminal Minds Season4 Small tasks to help strengthen their hands. My exquisitely educated guess is he's either Ian spent most of his time on those. squatting or subletting with cash. You had to know this guy was disturbed. What about his truck? He owns a '79 dodge d100. It's part of healing. He bought it used 10 years ago. We encourage this kind of-- murder fantasy. He's had to rebuild it several times now. Grief can take on disturbing forms. Parts can't be easy to find for a truck that old. Red car. I smell what you're cooking,agent. They're all different,like he couldn't decide. Checking auto suppliers in bend. When his memory came back,it was Fluid. Yeah,rossi gets a fruit cup with lunch. So it changed,like his targets. He's having the parts drop-shipped through syd's His mind was trying to find out the truth about auto And sent directly to an address in southwest what had happened. bend. We need the date of his accident. Clear! it's clear. September 28,2007,ian and sheila coakley his truck is gone. crashed While driving home from napa valley We're all clear here. going eastbound on route 7 around midnight. Get all your vehicles off this street,set up a It appeared their car was run off the road,flipped perimeter. numerous times,no witnesses. If coakley comes back this way,we want to be His wife was riding in the passenger seat. ready for him. She died at the scene. Got it. Coakley survived. Come on. Paramedics indicated spinal cord injury. Let's get to work. Morgan said he fractured his t6 and t7 vertebrae. - Rossi. He's paraplegic. Come on. That's not all. You want to see this. He's a former light-wheel mechanic in the army Look at the grilles. national guard. They still got blood on them. Does it say anything about a red car? No. He's been switching plates. It says coakley suffered memory loss after the We should revise the bolo. accident. Hey,rossi,look at this. Short-term retrograde amnesia is common after a Stalk central. serious accident. That right there's shannon makely. I think it's safe to say he remembers now. Maria delgado jogging. Do we have an address? - Yeah,garcia's working Victor costella. on that now. They're all here. Ok. So who's this guy? You think it's possible there The house coakley and his wife bought was are other victims we don't know about? I don't foreclosed on 10 months after his accident. think so. Well,there's gotta be a paper trail,then. Garcia would have found them. Yeah,and that trail leads to a land called nowhere. Then I think we've found his next target. Cashed some insurance checks during a stay at Hey,baby girl. edelman house,but after he left,zilch. I need you to run a plate fast. Any relatives he could be staying with? No. Hey,garret. I tried that. - That's good. There's no family in the area. Mrs. 226

Criminal Minds Season4 Burke? Fbi. What does it mean? Maybe there was no other We're looking for your husband. car. Sorry,you just missed him. - What? Think about it. What is this about? We think he may be in The make and model of his target car keeps danger. changing. Can you reach him on his cell? No. Like he knows they aren't right. He's on a ride. And his doctor at the rehab facility called if fluid He doesn't take his phone with him. memory, But what if it was more than that? So if A bike ride? Yes. it's a single-car accident It was coakley's fault. He's in a club. He was driving back from napa valley that night. He's on the open road. That's a long drive. Do they have a regular route? Um,saturdays-- Fell asleep at the wheel. uh,they do the prineville reservoir loop. Wouldn't be the first time. It's about a 50-mile round trip from here. The guilt of that would be overwhelming,the truth Please What is going on? We need you to tell us almost impossible to take. every road they take. So he's projecting blame. Hey,I thought you could use a hand. A red coupe did cause the accident,and he was Oh,thank you. driving it. Have you heard anything from hotch? Hold on! Are you hurt? Can you move? - I'm ok. HOME****** Uh,they think they've located garret Go. burke. You can't blame other people for what you've If they can bring him in,coakley has nowhere to done,coakley. go. Detective! Detective! You know the truth. Well,he'll go somewhere. No one else needs to die. Hopefully,going through this stuff will help us It's not gonna help! There was no other red figure out where. car,was there? No. All of his wife's things. No. He never unpacked them. Go! Go! Where the hell is he going,rossi? There's He never unpacked anything,as far as I can tell. no outlet up here. What do you think this means,living like this? I He's hemmed in. think it means he's stuck. No,don't do it,man. Hotch,we're on route 26 heading toward the I don't know about you,but I haven't had my bell reservoir. rung like that in a long time. I think we're about halfway around the loop. No,I'm good,thanks. So far no sign of him. Impressive group you travel with. Copy that. They are. We're heading southbound on 20. You knew what I said to coakley was gonna set Hopefully we can hit route Anything? - 9/26/07. him off. That was was 2 days before the crash? They Challenging a delusion like his can have were really happy. unpredictable consequences. Wait a second. Like driving off a cliff. Hotch,you know how coakley was driving his He made a choice. wife's car on the night of the accident? It was a Well,I'm not gonna lose any sleep over it if it's ok red coupe. with you. Are you sure? - We have pictures. Uh,i'll catch up with you. 227

Criminal Minds Season4 - Ok. It's ok. Mr. I could not have gone without you. Bonner. And I couldn't have gone with you. I got a message that you wanted to see me. This place is my home. Yes. - I know. Thanks for coming in. \"the human voice can never reach the distance I did so fact-checking. that is covered by the still,small voice of You said the moon was just a sliver that night. conscience. The new moon was on november 10,2007. \" Mahatma gandhi. What else did you find? A man named william Come on,daddy! Let's go home! madlock was run off the road that night by a car that drifted into his lane. No injuries? There was some damage to his car. And you'll be held responsible for fleeing the scene. A volkswagen? But it was a truck. Was it? I think you've wanted to tell someone about this for a very long time. And this case,that truck,gave you the excuse you needed. Guilt's a powerfulhing. You didn't hurt anyone,Mr. Bonner. Thank you. Garcia is Contemplating a life of solitude and celibacy. Did you get the job? - No. I'm sorry. Only a Fool would hire somebody over you for that job. Oh,no,they didn't hire anybody. The position just Went away. - Went away? Yeah. Apparently there was a security breach. Someone hacked the project database,and the whole project was put on hold. All that over a little network hack. Well,you know,you can't be too careful. You know how that goes. Right. Well It's probably blessing in disguise. I mean With your delicate stomach,you wouldn't have been able to stand the food in karachi. I never told you that it was in karachi. Didn't you? Ok. 228

Criminal Minds Season4 Ooh, is mommy gonna get Danny? Is mommy might go underground and destroy their samples. gonna get Danny? Mommy's gonna get Danny! Or if they wanted attention and didn't get it they Oh, mommy's got Danny! Mommy got Danny! might attack again. Mommy loves you. Doesn't the public have the right to know that? If Ohh That was fun. there is another attack, There's no way we'll be Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! He got it! Oh, man. able to keep it quiet. Ha ha ha! Fooled you. Our best chance of protecting the public Is by Fooled you! Hey, Abby, wait up. building a profile as quickly as we can. Hey, let's stop here. What do we know about this strain? The spores I like this view. are weaponized, reduced to a respiral ideal That Hey, watch it. attacks deep in the lungs. Seriously? Mommy got Danny! You ok, honey? Odorless and invisible. I'm sorry, baby. A sophisticated strain. We must have caught something today. Only a scientist would know how to do that. You're burning up. These lesions are doubling in size in a matter of Help me! Case must be local. hours. JJ said not to bring a go bag. It's not the lesions Im worried about. What's the army doing here? What the hell is It's the lungs. going on? Guys, this is dr. We don't know how to combat the toxins once Linda Kimura, Chief of special pathogens with the they're inside. CDC. And the reality is, we may lose them all. Hello. The remaing survivors have been moved to a Hello. special wing At Walter Reed hospital. I'm sorry to meet under these circumstances. Our offices will become a small command center. We need to get started. We'll be working with military scientists from Fort What circumstances? Last night, 25 people Detrich. checked into emergency rooms In and around General Whitworth is coming here? He's in Annapolis. charge of site containment and spore analysis. They were all at the same park after 2 P. Determing what strain this is will help inform M. who's responsible. yesterday. My team is in charge of treating all victims. Within 10 hours, the first victim died. Reid, go with dr. It's now just past 7 A. Kimura to the hospital. M. Interview the victims. the next day, we have 12 dead. Morgan and Prentiss, there's a HAZMAT team Lung failure and black lesions. that will accompany you to the crime scene. Anthrax? Anthrax doesn't kill this fast. There's Cipro. This strain does. Everybody needs to take it before we go. What are we doing about potential mass targets? We don't know if it'effective against this strain, But Airports, malls, trains? There's a media blackout. it's something. We're not telling the public? We'd have a mass This is really happening? We knew this could exodus. happen. The psychology of group panic Would cause We've done our homework. more deaths than this last attack. We've prepared for this. Yeah, and if it does get out, whoever did this This is it. 229

Criminal Minds Season4 Jin dan. No high-profile jobs. May you live 100 years. No. \"It will become fine dust Over all the land of Egypt, Just ordinary people frolicking in the park. and will become boils breaking out With sores on Any word from the CIA? They said there are a few man and beast Through all the land of Egypt\" overseas terrorist groups With funding and Exodus 9:9. capability. Do you have those files I've been looking for? Did They're working international. you see this memo from the director? Office-files We've got domestic. and emails are being monitored. We need to look at anyone who could profit from Yeah, they're trying to protect the media blackout. this. Files? Uh, yeah, right here. People who have patents on anthrax vaccines. Thanks. Yes, sir. I want to see what kind of medical treatment The Garcia. victims received before I head to the hospital. And add to your list Anyone with access to Why do you think the suspect in 2001 stopped weaponized spores. sending the letters? I have no idea, but if he Universities, scholars working in bioweapons hadn't, It would have been much worse. research. The worst part was not knowing when it was Employees of labs who keep germ collections. gonna be over. Be back in a few. Feeling safe opening mail again. Right in here, sir. Five people died. Thank you, agent Jareau. Many more exposed and sickened, Including a General. baby who was admitted to the hospital after Agent Hotchner. lesions appeared on his skin. This is ssa David Rossi. How did he contract it? I have no idea. My scientists are decoding the strain. Must have come into close contact with a tainted The additives used to strengthen the bacterial letter or crossed paths with the unsub himself. capsules do not exist at our research labs. How old was the baby? Seven months. Are there any other labs using these substances? Did he survive? I gotta run. No. Kimura's waiting. I'd like a list of all the scientists In your anthrax I'll call you from the hospital. program. Spence! Did the baby survive? Yeah, but, I mean, I just said we don't use those additives. that was a curable strain. Sir, we can rule out your lab samples, but not your This thing's entirely different. people. Agent Jareau. We're looking at someone who has the ability to Uh, call me when he gets through security. manipulate and weaponize anthrax. Thanks. Your scientists make that cut. The general's here. Now, we all know what happened the last time Is there bad blood with him? He was very critical your team looked into my people. of the way the '01 Amerithrax Investigation was Sir, our team officially ruled out dr. handled. Hatfill. Because of what happened with dr. I'm sorry if justice didn't listen to us, But the profile Hatfill. was accurate. Among other things. Well, I'm outranked by someone who believes in And this is the list of victims you asked for. your profiles. 230

Criminal Minds Season4 I'll get you your list. Airborne spores scattered that way, Hitting Lieutenant. everyone below it. Hi, Abby. This park doesn't scream \"target\" to me. You feeling any better? Ok. Terrorists usually target symbols White House, This is agent Reid from the FBI. Pentagon, World Trade Center. If you can, will you talk with him? Abby, I'd like to I mean, it's a nice park, but it's not a symbol. try to do a memory recall exercise with you To Ok, so, maybe it's symbolic for the unsub. take you back to the park, if that's ok. Well, we know Kaczynski sent bombs to Berkeley Yesterday afternoon, you rode your bicycle to the where he taught, Michigan where he went to park. school, and Chicago where he lived. How did the sun feel on your skin, the breeze And the Amerithrax suspect sent letters to two through your hair? And the people that you saw? pro-choice senators whose politics he opposed. It was warm, windy. They can't help attaching a personal motive to the There were guys football. places they've targeted. Kids I see free Me seen fee me. Ok. Free knee. So, what does this place mean to our unsub? S sin knee. Leaves two kids behind. All right, Abby. This strain is duplicating Every 30 to 45 minutes. That's ok. It's poisoning the lungs. You just rest now, ok? Me mock fee key me free. . Shh, shh, shh. causing massive hemorrhaging and organ failure. You just rest. Extreme bacterial amplification. Ok? Thank you. Whoever created this had to at some point go to What's causing her aphasia? The poison is the trouble of testing it. infecting the parietal lobe, impairing her speech. What do you mean? Think about the way Some of the other patients displayed the same scientists work their way up to human testing. symptoms Shortly before they died. They start with rodents, then advance to larger None of the drug combinations are working? The mammals, And then at some point, they do a very only thing that's helping them right now is the small trial run with people. morphine. There's no way this was his first human test run. What are you telling people about why the park is We would have heard about a previous anthrax closed? Methane buildup in the sewage system. attack. And they believe it? Oh, well, yeah, of course, Not if it presented itself as something else. why wouldn't they? Hot zone and all surrounding The general's briefing a congressional committee, areas have been neutralized. And the director's meeting with the president In You're safe here. an hour and wants our input. Huh. I don't know how to do this. Are you sure? Yes, ma'am. I can't stop thinking about Henry. Thank you. He goes for a walk almost every single day At Ok, check it out. Potomac Park. High levels tested over there. What type of mother am I if I don't at least call and That's probably where the unsub released the tell him to stay at home? JJ, we can't. attack. I know, but How do I not? I understand that you And there was a prevailing wind out of the want to protect your son. northeast yesterday. But if we all called home and used this 231

Criminal Minds Season4 information To give us an advantage that other right before closing. people don't have Is that the right thing to do? We Well, that explains why only three people were need to call Reid. hit. He said this may not be the first attack. We tested hot. Hello? Uh, Reid, you have me, Rossi, and Hotch. I'll alert command. Kimura made some calls. This was his test run. It turns out That two days ago, two people in two He's gotta have a history with the place. separate baltimore ERs And one person in a We need to get a list of current and past Philadelphia ER slipped into comas and died employees, Customers with grievances against suddenly. the owner, See if any one of them had a science Now, the C. background. O. Can you believe there is only a quarter-inch thick D. pane of glass between all of us and a WMD? on all of them was meningitis. Attack anthrax wasn't made to kill three people Doctors didn't test for anthrax Because the inside a bookstore. illnesses presented themselves as meningitis, but It wants to be right out here in the open, where it I think it can be caused by anthrax. can feed and multiply. Did they show symptoms that we're seeing now Just a small amount could wipe out everyone The lesions? They wouldn't have if the bodily here. functions expired as quickly as they did. And they'd never see it coming. How quickly? All dead within 3 hours of being It feels like the plagues of Egypt. admitted. Ten scourges created by god. But the first patient died yesterday at 10 hours. Plague six was unhealable boils believed by Here's the thing - If they inhaled a higher biblical scholars to be caused by anthrax. concentration of the strain, it would cause a Never missed sunday school, did you? Actually, quicker death. never been before. Organ failure without exterior physical symptoms. How is she doing? She's a fighter. What are their names? Gale Mercer, 31, Martha She's held on this long because she's young and Finestein, 48, Albert Franks, 52. strong. What next? See if they visited the same place on But she's started to bleed into her lungs. may 8th. One of four left. Gale Mercer made a credit card purchase At the We're running into another problem. book front, owned by Albert Franks. When the next of kin have questions, What do we We need to find general Whitworth. tell them about cause of death? Yes, sir. He needs to sent a team out there. We'll do what we can in the time we've got. Mm-Hmm. Thank you. All right, JJ, I got it. There are problems containing the story. Thanks. What happened? I don't know, but the president Look at all these people just going about their may have to make an announcement tonight. lives. What did you hear from the bookstore? Ran If they only knew what we were doing here. names of former employees, customers with Better that they don't. grievances. JJ says the store's been closed since the owner No one with the science background we're died. looking for. Gale Mercer's credit card purchase happened Garcia's still digging. 232

Criminal Minds Season4 Do we have everyone we need for the profile? Oh, And he may have betrayed his loved ones to his yeah. cause. Entire defense community is here. He may be recently separated or divorced. Never seen so many alpha males in one room. This is somebody who knows every detail of the Let's get started. 2001 anthrax attack And has talked about what Because the locations hit are not symbolically that suspect did right or wrong. significant, We believe that these attacks are He's watching the news very closely to see how personal. the country reacts. Understanding the significance of these locations Please share this with your departments. will be the key to identifying him. Thank you. This personal element strongly indicates A There's something I think you should see. home-grown terrorist. January '02. Like the Amerithrax case, we believe this is Classified hearing with the subcommittee on someone from the science or defense community. defense and homeland security. That's why you're here. Dr. We think you may know him. Lawrence Nichols. He may be one of us. He used to work at the institute. These home-grown terrorists are myopic zealots, He left in '02. Ideologues that believe that their work Is of the He didn't leave. greatest importance. He was forced out. He may have preached about the threat of an Five people died. attack on America. If you ask me, we're lucky it was just five. His coworkers would describe him as histrionic, We're lucky that whoever sent these letters used paranoid, secretive. cheap porous envelopes A not a crop duster. All due respect, that's a little vague. America's enemies are capable of wiping out What are we supposed to do with something that entire cities. generic? Sir, we're not finished yet. And we are woefully unprepared. He may have logged excess hours at work In the I'm looking at your proposal. past weeks preparing for the attack. Yes, sir. We believe he's taken the full dosage of anthrax Every household needs gas masks and a vaccines Over the recommended 18-month two-month supply of Cipro for each resident. schedule And had yearly boosters. Every major city needs hospitals with bio-safety This guy has his on work space where he makes decontamination capabilities. his product in privacy. Regarding the budget you propose for this He also has access to large, expensive, operation. industrial-grade equipment at work. . He's written about the threats of anthrax attacks, Anything short of 50 billion would be grossly published papers. negligent. Yet he feels no one is listening. Dr. And that angers him. Nichols, you've got to realize how unrealistic that Now, he may have recently experienced Some is. sort of professional humiliation, like be demoted Unrealistic? We can't justify spending that kind of or fired. money on an attack that may not happen. Now, that would have been his trigger, the You people are in denial! Doing this would incite moment he decided to go rogue. fear and panic among the public. 233

Criminal Minds Season4 This country should be panicked! We should live you saw dr. in utter fear of being attacked! Dr. Nichols? Three days ago. Nichols, please sit down. That's before the bookstore. I will not sit down. Yeah, princess, what's up? Uh-Huh. We live in a time of war and WMD proliferation. Yeah, we're here now. If you continue to be blind to our lack of Sorry. preparedness, then americans will die. What? The lab is clean? You're sure? All right. And I will have no problem in pointing the blame They got nothin'- Reid. at you! Committee said he was becoming Reid! Reid? Reid? Reid! Morgan, get-get back! unstable, fanatical. Get back! Get out of here! What are you doing? Which is why they removed him from Fort Detrich. What's wrong? No, don't! What's wrong? Believe And railroaded from other prominent positions. me, get back. Dr. Reid, open the door! Morgan, how's Reid? Nichols is well-respected in our community. There's white powder in the room and the air was He believes in preparedness, not proliferation. blasting. Well, he obviously felt like people Weren't Get a decon team suited up. listening. Secure a gray zone outside that door. Maybe he was just trying to prove a point. Clean him up and get him in the ambulance fast. He had access. I should have been right there with him. . Morgan, there's no time for second-guessing. . What do we know? Nichols is dead. . Blunt force trauma to his head. lost a prominent job, got divorced. Reid thinks he's been dead 2 or 3 days. Fits your profile. Well, then he couldn't have been responsible for We need to bring him in. the attack. He works for a company called Bio-Design Reid took Cipro today, so he's gotta be ok, right? I Technology. don't know. We subcontract them. It was precautionary. They don't work with anthrax. It's not helping patients at the hospital. They deal primarily with the flu. Yeah, but the didn't take it until after they were Dave, you and Prentiss go to his office. exposed. Morgan, pull Reid from the hospital and go to his Reid took it before. home. Yeah, but we've never tested this strain on a We need to speak with dr. cipro-ready subject. Lawrence Nichols, urgently. We just don't know. Well, he's not in today. Reid. We need to see his lab. Hotch, I really messed up this time. Follow me. Reid, we need to get you out and to the hospital. Clear so far. No. All right, keep me posted. I'm staying right here. This guy just had people over for a charity event No, you're not, Reid. last month. I'm already exposed. We should probably take a look around anyway. It's not gonna do me any good to stop working the Ow. case. What's he doing in there? When was the last time He's already infected. 234

Criminal Minds Season4 Now, if Nichols created the strain, he may have He has a partner, maybe even a protege. also created the cure. Go back to the B. My best chance is to stay here, see if there's a A. cure. U. Try to figure out who killed dr. , try to figure out who this partner is. Nichols. Hotch, why don't you go? I'll stay with Reid. Come on, Hotch, say something to him. Funnel all the information you get to me. He's right. Hotch says Nichols may have had a protege who His best chance is inside. turned on him. We're gonna get a suit and mask to you right I think we should tell the supervisor that this is away. about anthrax. Don't bother. That's not our call to make. It's not gonna do me any good. Screw protocol. I'm already infected. Reid's in trouble. This thing killed the first three victims within hours, If we tell this guy the truth, he might be able to JJ. help us. Garcia, stop. Look, I want to help Reid, too. Please. But our job is to do the best we can within our I-I can't think about it that way. boundaries. He took Cipro. Who's dr. He's got help. Nichols close to here? Oh, no one, really. He's gonna be fine. He worked on his projects alone. I'm not good at this part. Is he ok? Does he mentor anyone? Not that I Every time you guys go away, I I know you're in all know of. kinds of ginormous danger, and all I can do is sit Did he ever work on anything other than the flu here in my bubble, And I hope and I pray And I here? No. will my babies to come back to me I try to stay Why? Did he ever have samples of anything he positive, but I don't know how to do this. shouldn't have had? Look, I really need to know If you could do anything to keep your family safe, what this is about before I answer any more even if it meant breaking procedure, would you? questions. Yes. We'll get back to you. What procedure? Never mind. Hi, we're not home right now. Reid, what do you see in there? I see cages filled Please leave a message. with dead animals. Uh, hey. I see signs of a struggle, probably before dr. It's-It's me. Nichols was murdered. Just calling to see where you are. Equipment's missing. Um give me a call. There's a large desk. Ok? Love you. Clutter all over the surface. Hey, Reid. But in the corner, There's a smaller desk. Gee, wow, no, uh No witty Garcia greeting for me? Two different work spaces? Two sets of I can't be my sparkly self when you are where you handwriting. are. I'm looking at instructions on how to boil lab-grade Garcia, do you think you can do something for me? broth sterilize lab equipment, and transfer spores. Anything. Nichols would know all that. I, uh I know I can't call my mom Without, uh- 235

Criminal Minds Season4 Without alerting everyone at her hospital. All right. What do you need? I, uh I need you to record a Hello. message for her. How's it going in there, kid? I've seen better days. In case anything happens to me. Well, you got me and Garcia. Oh, nothing's going to happen to you. Hey, Reid. You're gonna brilliantly find out who did this and Reid, stick with me. we're gonna treat this strain. Listen, Prentiss and Rossi don't think the partner I hope you're right, But if you're not, I just - I really was a coworker. want to make sure That she hears my voice. Can you tell us anything else about him? I I've Ok. already been through everything. Just, uh, give me a second. Come on, now, kid, I know you're not thinking Are you ready? Ready. straight, But the Reid I know wouldn't stop Hi, mom. looking. This is spencer. All right, all right. I just, um I just really want you to know that I love I see a, uh, a framed photograph of dr. you. Nichols teaching. And- I need you to know that I spend every day of I see a I see a binder with syllabi. my life proud to be your son. Course assignments going all the way back to the Reid? Prep the victim for transfer. 1970s. I gotta go. All right. Dr. So he kept a scrapbook of himself as a professor. Reid. That tells us that he values himself as an You look nice. educator. I haven't been in this outfit for a while. A teacher. How are-How are the patients doing? Let's worry I saw something earlier. about you. I didn't- I didn't make a connection to it or to the I actually-I feel fine. partner, but he has a study on anthrax. Ok, if you feel any pain, I could give you He has an annotated bibliography, table of something. contents. No, I-I'd rather not take any pain medication. It's formatted like a thesis and has writing in the We can at least make you feel more comfortable. margins in red ink, like the way a teacher grades I am comfortable and I don't want to take any a paper. narcotics. Now, Nichols wouldn't have let just anyone in Ok. here, But he may have opened his lab for Tell me how I can help. educational purposes, as a teacher. I think the cure for this strain is in here So the partner must have appealed to him as a somewhere. student. Well, shall I start here? Dr. Nichols is helping him with his thesis. Nichols is a former military scientist, which means I- I can look up local Ph. he's most likely secretive and most likely a little D. paranoid. students. He would have protected the cure and probably Yeah, check the sciences. would have hidden it from his partners. Biochemistry, microbiology. So look for something innocuous, something you Uh Cross-checking with names of former would not suspect. employees or customers with grievances at the 236

Criminal Minds Season4 bookstore. Every time. Nothing, my doves. Why he never got hired. Listen to this. Well, if he couldn't get into Fort Detrich, then \"This country is woefully unprepared. being close to Nichols was the next best thing. Every household should have a Hospitals are in We talked to his thesis adviser. need of bio-safety level 4 decon wings. In his proposal he was gonna write about the \" That's verbatim to what we heard from Nichols. ease of making homemade anthrax. The partner's adopted Nichols' views as his own. And interviewed dr. The chapters are on setting up triage and mobile Nichols just to prove his point. emergency rooms. Get the address to Prentiss and Rossi. I don't think this paper was written by a science Yes, sir. student. Ok. It's about city preparedness and response. Yeah, they're hosing him down now. So, Garcia, check with students in the social All right. studies- Public policy, urban planning. They're checking out Brown's house. Hot to trot. Go help Hotch. There's a Chad Brown, School of public policy at Hotch has plenty of people helping him. U. He needs you more than I do. Of M. Reid, I'm gonna see you off to the hospital. Matches a Chad Brown, former employee at the I'm about to get naked so they can scrub me book front. down. That's gotta be him. Is that something you really want to see? I'll Totally. check on you later. He's been in the doctoral program on and off for 5 Take good care of him, please. years. Get this to the lab. Nix on a steady job. I hope you're right about this. Was slapped with a restraining order from his So do I. former girlfriend and has been arrested and Dr. released twice At protest rallies in D. Reid, did you cut yourself? Let's go. C. Excuse me! What's going on? Why is he in that I'll tell Hotch. suit? Ma'am, please stay back. Kid, you did real good. My kids are home. Now get the hell out of there. Do I need to get them out of here? It's pretty bad. Bye. Emily. Dr. The house is infested with toxic mold. Reid. And they can't start taking down the walls without You said the cure would be hidden somewhere protection. we wouldn't suspect. But there's no danger to you. What about Nichols' inhaler? Chad Brown applied Are you sure? Yes, ma'am, I'm sure. for a civilian position at Fort Detrich 4 different Ok. times. Don't Emily me. His employment application. How are you feeling, dr. He never got past the psych evals. Reid? My throat's a little dry. \"Is it appropriate to sacrifice the lives of the few to But other than that, I feel Flee Feel fin. save the many?\" He answered yes. I feel-I fleel fin. 237

Criminal Minds Season4 I- Dr. It simulated a mock anthrax attack On the d. Reid, ok. C. Driver, faster. Train systems. I've got a home lab in a shed in the back. Now, he emphasized the main line - The red line- It's being secured as we speak. As most vulnerable to an attack. And in here? The house is totally clean, But Forceful tunnel winds, Biggest crowds, Highest there's something in here you should see. mortality risk. I found a white powdery substance here and Now, I deployed teams to every stop on the red here. line. I performed an instant field test. I don't think he's targeting the red line. It's not anthrax. But you said he adopted all of Nichols' ideas. It looks like he might be testing his dispersal Wouldn't he want to prove this theory? We also device. said that he chooses locations that are personal Rossi. to him, Ones that represent rejection. He's using light bulbs to carry spores. What is the one place that's rejected him over and He throws them on the ground- Anthrax bombs. over again? Fort Detrich. And I know where he's going with them. It'd be impossible for him to get in. Derek. He wouldn't have to attack the fort. Dr. He could go after the people that work there Or Kimura called. on their commute. Reid's in trouble. The closest station To the marc train is Frederick. What do you mean? He got way sicker on the Get on the line to Maryland Transit. way to the hospital. But the study said the red line. He's in respiratory distress. The profile says he's going to Frederick. Listen, he's with the people who can help him the That's where I'm going, and I could really use most. your help. I need everybody's head here right now. No gas masks. Ok, so, uh, we spoke to brown's sister. Repeat, no gas masks. They've been estranged for years. Rush hour crowd sees anyone in a mask, there's Did she say anything about the park or the gonna be a stampede. bookstore? Quiet hills park was where he Morgan, I want you to stay aboveground and help proposed to a girl. the crowds. She said no. I'm gonna go down by myself. The bookstore's where he worked to put himself Not a chance, Hotch. through college. Morgan, we're a man down. I guess he's bitter about not being promoted. If the area's infected, we can't risk losing both of So both locations represent rejection to him. us as well. So what's our next move? Prentiss and rossi We are a team. found maps of transit systems at his house. We're gonna go down as a team. Here we go. Hey, Lisa. Dr. Hey. Nichols wrote a classified study Commissioned I haven't seen you all day. by the u. Locked up in level 3. S. How did it go? It's pretty fascinating stuff. Senate. Seal the exits and clear the station. 238

Criminal Minds Season4 I've got it. The profile said he needed validation, Especially Clear the train. by someone from Fort Detrich. Ok, i need everybody to listen up. Well, I'll give credit where it's due. I am FBI. I'm glad I listened to you. I need you to exit the train now. We, uh, got our bullpen back. My God. Yeah. . Look, I'm, uh Sorry about \"Emily-ing\" you Back at what's happening? Please, everyone, through that house. this far door only. No, it's all right. Chad Brown, don't move. Is it? Hey, I toed the company line, didn't I? Do Don't come any closer! Chad, put the bag down. you think people would be better off Knowing Far door. everything we've prevented since 911? Would it Let's go. make them feel safer or more vulnerable? You did I can kill everybody here! And I will kill you before the right thing. you do. Yeah, I know that. No! No! Weapons down. I know it wouldn't have helped anything If that General, what are you doing? Call your director. woman knew what was happening across the Order from the president. street from her and her kids. The U. I lied because it was my job, And I wanted to S. protect her. Army is taking this man into custody. So what's eating at you, then? Uh Am I naive to General, the army has no authority here. wish that lying is never the right thing to do? With We do now. this job Yeah. He helped create this strain. Sometimes, our job sucks. He's the only one who can show us how it was Yeah. made. And yet, next time I probably won't hesitate to lie Sir, he is a danger to the country. again. He is an asset to this country! And by presidential We got a lot of things to take with us to the grave. order, I'm taking him in. Oh, so he ate the peas, too? Yeah, he is a good Sir, please come with me. eater. Where? Fort Detrich, sir. You're gonna keep him up for me, right? Good. You want me to go to Fort Detrich? We need you, I just really need to spend some time with him. sir, please. I missed him today. I helped create this. Yeah. You have to name it after me! Of course. Hey, it's me. Standard practice. I know it's late, but, uh, is Jack still awake? Do Now, hand me the bag so we can go on our way. you mind if I speak to him? Thanks. Are there any other samples present? No. Hey, buddy. Move in. What are you doing up so late? Oh, yeah? Right. You understand why I had to show everybody You're eating jell-O? Hmm. How vulnerable we are. Hey, kid. What are you doing?! General! General! I can Hey, doc. help recreate this for you! So how did I do? You Look who's back. were effective. Is there any more jell-O? Hey. I can't believe it worked. Not so fast. 239

Criminal Minds Season4 What happened? You're gonna be all right, kid. And we got Brown. It's over. How's Abby? She's on the mend. So are the three others. You were right about where to look for his cure. Why was dr. Nichols making anthrax in the first place? He was a brain scientist downgraded to working on the flu. Brown comes along asking for help on his thesis Would have been more than happy to share his knowledge. There was no indication that Nichols had any idea what Brown was planning. His strain and its cure are getting locked up in containment at Fort Detrich, with all the other bio-Agents people don't know about. Hmm. Really. What else do they have locked up in there? \"Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. \" Helen Keller. 240

Criminal Minds Season4 - You want it, baby. Do we have confirmation these people are even - I know you like it, daddy. missing? Two were reported missing by family This stays quiet. months ago, but they all appear to be transients. Move forward, please. We're having a hard time finding any information Thank you. on them. Driver's license and government I. - Garcia? - Like a bloodhound, sir. D. So what do we know about this guy? Until 2 - What's the nature of your visit? - Pleasure. months ago, he was a sergeant in the U. - You transporting any firearms? - No, sir. S. - Fresh produce? Livestock? - Nope. Army. - Has anyone given you anything to bring across He did two tours in Iraq. the border. Lost his left leg in a roadside ambush. - No, sir. He was discharged with a purple heart and a Welcome to Canada. commendation for valor. Sir, you have to move your car. And the Royal Canadian Mounted Police are Sir, you have to go. requesting our help? They don't have a lot of Sir, you can't stop here. choice. Go, keep moving! Stop the car now! Stop the car He manages to get away with 10 murders, why or we'll shoot! - Get out of the car! - Get out of the crash the guard post? Could be an attempted vehicle! - Put your hands out in front of you. suicide. - Let's see your hands! - Palms toward me! - Get And maybe he was trying to take as many people out of the car! - Get out of the car! - Get out of the with him as he could. car! Keep your hands in the air! Keep 'em up! It may also be a case of post-traumatic stress Move to the left. disorder. Keep your hands high where I can see them. - I don't know. All right, stop. - Do we think he's legit? I think it's too many Stop. bodies to take chances. Put your hands on your head. Flannery o'Connor said, \"If there were no hell, we Get down on your knees. would be like the animals. Slowly put your hands down on the pavement and No hell, no dignity. lie on your stomach. \" He documented them all in detail. Don't move! You're gonna want to call the FBI. Names, photos, dates, and locations where he I've killed 10 people in the last month. took them. - What are you talking about? - Look in the car. Military background. Get him up. He's bound to be organized. Get him up. He definitely doesn't have a type. Get him on his feet. The only consistency is that they were all Are you telling me you killed all these people? abducted in the same area. Make the call. - Yeah, what do we know about that? - It's called His name's William Hightower. the Cass Corridor. He claims over the past month, he's picked killed It's right here. them, dumped their bodies across the border in It has an extremely high concentration of drug Canada. trafficking, prostitution, and homeless people. Has he given up the dumpsite? He said he'll only All high-risk behavior. talk to the FBI. So, for this guy, maybe it's more about 241

Criminal Minds Season4 opportunity than victimology. Could be a stressor. Morgan and Prentiss, when we land, I want you to Wide disparity of victims. head straight to Detroit. No bodies. See if you hear anything in the whisper stream. Possible border cross. I want to make sure we have a crime before we Two entirely different terrains. get too deeply into this. To pull that off, you'd have to be smart, you'd have I hear Detroit is beautiful in the spring. to be organized, mobile, physical. The rest of us will meet with the legal attache - Military background gives you all that. before we hit the Royal Canadian Mounted - Exactly. Police. It appears as though he clusters his victims into Actually, sir, the officer in charge said that his men, then women, and then back to men again. team was part of a fellowship the B. What does that tell you? At the moment, nothing. A. Has he contacted family? Refuses a lawyer, too. U. - He's in interrogation? - Waiting for us. gave to train police forces in profiling. This guy's U. That was the first one we ever did. S. Jeff Bedwell. Army. - You know him? - Yeah. He demanded to talk to the FBI. - Is he any good? - He better be. He's not gonna want to talk to anyone but the I trained him. person he thinks is in charge. - Dave. Of course. - Jeff, how you been? You mean besides having I'll take you to him. serial killers trying to take out our border agents? Has he been agitated? Hasn't flinched. Jeff Bedwell, agents Aaron Hotchner, Spencer He knows we're here? - We told him. Reid, Jennifer Jareau. - Good. Thanks for being here. You're not gonna interrogate him? If I go in now, I've got a victim board and timelines set up on he's in charge. monitors in the conference room. If I wait and gather information It's my interview. Anything you need, you've got the run of the So you let him sweat. place. Let's see what we turn up in Detroit. - We appreciate it. I don't think the bailout's gonna cover all of this. - Don't thank me. - Anything seem strange to you? - Yeah, they've Thank the unsub. set up camps. He's the one that put you all in charge. I don't see a single person who's isolated I see you paid attention in class. themselves from the others. I need to go talk to Garcia, see if she had any luck People on the street don't usually care about locating the family members. safety in numbers. And check records for multiple border crosses, . Unless something scared them into changing . their behavior. see if we get any hits for the days the victims went Look at this. missing. Drug deals are out in the open. - Got it. Prostitutes seem to be working in groups. You believe that he killed all these people? - Fits I mean, if this guy did kill 10 people, I don't see the profile. how he could have done it without witnesses. - How so? He got a recent physical trauma. So, how do you want to work this? I think we start 242

Criminal Minds Season4 with the most recent victim first, see if we even You're here to analyze me. have a crime here. No, I'm here to take your confession and find out Why don't you start with the junkies and I'll take where you dumped your victims. the working girls. Or are you wasting my time? I gave you names. Keep dreaming. I gave you dates. Ladies, you seen these two guys? Anybody look You didn't give me a dump site. like that? What's up, my man? You seen a brother You were a sergeant. look like that? No? My man, you mind if I ask you You led troops, probably lost men. a few questions? Depends what you're asking. A few. - You know him? - That's Charles. How would their parents feel if the didn't know Don't know his last name. whether their sons were dead or alive? Don't You ever see him get into any kind of beef with lecture me on notifying families. anyone? Charles was a junkie. I've been on those doorsteps. Junkies want peace. No one cares about those people. You just said he was a junkie. Why should i? Here we go. U know something I don't? Just that he's gone. - What do you mean? - An interrogation doesn't 2 days now. really start until you get the first lie. Is that weird, for him to disappear for 2 days like See, that's just the thing, William. that? A lot of people have been disappearing We talked to the people on the street. these days. You were out there every night. And when they do, they don't come back. You took their photographs. That's gotta happen out here all the time, no? Not You checked off their names in a notebook. like this, man. So? Your behavior was more like a protector, like One day a girl's on the street, the next she's someone in the army doing a bed check. gone. You've gone to a lot of trouble to confess to a We've been trying to stick together, but once a crime you didn't commit. John rolls up, you're on your own. The folks on the street-- did they tell you people What makes you think these people aren't just were missing? If my team is here, then there are leaving? It's not that easy to get away from this cases we are not working on. life. - You are wasting our time. Trust me. - 10 people dead, huh? It's not enough for you. Do you recognize this man? He's out here all the I've watched the tape of you at the border cross time. over and over again. Has anyone ever tried to hassle with him? You wait until every guard is out of the booth Brother's got a gun. before you drive into it. No one messes with him. If you wanted to kill people, you had your chance. But he messes with all of you, right? Not exactly. Are you investigating these murders or not? So I need to know everything this brother does. that's what this is all about? Making sure we How he talks, how he moves. investigate? If you thought people were being Every bit of his behavior. killed, you should have gone to the police in Can you do that for me? Yeah, ok. Detroit. Got it. I did. - Morgan? - We're ready. They told me the kind of people I was looking for I'm Aaron Hotchner. disappeared. I'm the behavioral analysis unit chief from the FBI. They said that's the way life on the street works. 243

Criminal Minds Season4 Do you believe the people I showed you are - And you believe him? - I do. missing? I believe it's possible. - Go ahead, Garcia. Don't give me a political answer. - Good news and bad news. Tell me what happened the night before the I've got I. border cross. D. I did a head count. s on multiple border crosses for the dates in Every night for the last month like we do in question. baghdad. Trouble is, I've got hundreds, and as far as I can That night I saw a boy named Charles wasn't tell, if your license doesn't ping for any prior where he usually camped down, so I made felonies, you're pretty much gonna pass go and another pass. collect 200 canadian dollars. He didn't turn up? By the morning, I knew he was She's right. gone. Busiest cross in North America. William People don't do what you did out of honor. Lot of commercial traffic, trucks mostly. They do it out of love. Stop and searches would cause too many delays. Who were you looking for on the streets every So he's got virtually free passage. night? I got home from Iraq. And once he crosses, there's nothing but woods First thing my mother told me was that my baby to hide whatever he's doing. sister Lee was on the streets. I don't understand why we need to talk in private. She asked me to find her. We want you to release William Hightower into But you couldn't? I managed once. our custody. Brought her home. I can't do that. We got her fed. He's documented a potential victim pool in She even wore my dog tags For good luck. Detroit. Two weeks later, she slipped back onto the He's our best eyes on the street. streets. He tried to murder 5 border agents. That was it. You can't personalize this, jeff. William, you've got so much information about the Isn't that what you're doing to me, trading on our other potential victims. relationship to get me to release a prisoner? I Why not Lee? I hiit in a spare tire In my car. respect what you've taught me, but when you I needed to wait until I was sure That you were on leave, I still have to be able to look my men in the board. eye. William, are you there? Something bad is Then do whatever you can to catch the unsub. happening. It's not that simple. It's dark. You getting pressure from above? They're not I don't know where he's taking me. gonna let me turn William Hightower into a hero. After that, the signal cuts out. This unsub kills in Which means he's about to go This is the same night she left her mom's house? back out there, hunting. Hightower called in an army favor. Release him into FBI custody while he's in They triangulated the call to a cell tower in Detroit. Canada just over the border in port Huron. When the case is closed, he'll be back under your It explains why he crossed into your jurisdiction. jurisdiction. It's also a surefire way to get the FBI involved. Your shop, your call. He knew we'd investigate an american citizen Well They can fire me if they want. being held on multiple murder charges. Hey, uh, they say you get used to it. 244

Criminal Minds Season4 Right now, it just hurts like hell. No hometowns. We'd like you with us in the Cass Corridor. Unless there's a missing persons report on file - Doing what? - The same thing you've been somewhere, it's almost impossible. doing. Most of these people's families probably gave up We'll conduct nightly checks. on seeing them long ago. You have a rapport out there. A mother would never give up. If something is happening, we'll react more Can you hand me William Hightower's arrest quickly and we'll have more manpower. report? - Yeah, Garcia. Is the Detroit police department on board? We're - Sherlock, it's Watson. talking to them now about it. - I think I've got something. William Hightower. - What do you have? I checked Detroit crime Yeah, I remember him. reports over the last month because Derek and He was sincere. Emily astutely thought there might be some sorts I felt for him. of assaults or disturbances having to do with our But you didn't look into it. unsub. Families don't want to see what we do. - And? Well, it's tres weird, but on five of the They'd rather believe someone is dead than abduction nights, Detroit P. admit she's off turning tricks in Chicago or D. Toronto. reports a break-in or a robbery at some type of We believe William Hightower might be right. medical facility. You might have a serial killer. What types of medical facility? We got a hospital, We'd like you to open up your records. blood bank, medical supply company, the red Let our analysts take a look at reports from the cross-- What is he doing, stealing narcotics? past few months and see if there's been a change That's just it. in the crime pattern disturbances or assaults that He isn't some drugstore cowboy. may be connected. The stuff he took is, like, anesthesia and I can do that. sterilizing equipment and syringes. We'd also like to give your colleagues the working Negative on the narcotica. profile once we have it to see if anything sparks. Garcia, where were these places located? Fair enough. Putnam Street, St. So, how did he convince the FBI to look into this? Antoine, East Hancock, Martin Luther King He drove his car into the guard post at the port Boulevard. Huron border and then confessed to murdering Those are all in the Cass Corridor. 10 people. Do you have a list of what else he stole? Uh, - Seriously? - Yes. IV-tubing, infusion pump, units of o-negative How many victims did he say? Potentially 11, blood, chest tubes, o-silk sutures, elastoplast. including his sister. Garcia, thanks a lot. Yes, ma'am, right now we just consider them You don't just randomly know how to hook a line missing. up to an infusion pump. The second I get more information, I'll be in Or that o-neg is the only safe blood type for any contact with you. victim. Ok. I'll tell Hotch we think we know what he's doing How's it going? The majority of the people on the with them. street aren't even from Detroit. We believe the man we're looking for is a sexual We don't have last names on most of them. sadist. 245

Criminal Minds Season4 What this means is that for him, the torture there. becomes a substitute for the sex act. - We know how this is gonna end. The fact that he's stealing medical equipment like - No, we don't. sterilizing agents and anesthesia tells us he may Look, everything I have done is to find the truth so be performing experiments or surgeries on his I can spare her. victims. I don't want her living off hope. We believe this unsub gets gratification from his - There are worse things. ability to keep his victims alive in order to endure - You're wrong. more torture. Bad news stops us for a while, but then you move The choice of items stolen is extremely specific, on. which makes us believe he's got a medical Hope is paralyzing. background. You did a stupid thing. Check disciplinary files at hospitals, med schools, - Yes, ma'am. and community health organizations. - Come here. People would have noticed his behavior. All these people are missing? - We believe so. This is someone who would volunteer to perform - You have any suspects? No. painful procedures. But we have a strategy to try to catch him. And he would spend extra time probing, say, a And William is helping. broken hand or a distended abdomen. My daughter-- there's a chance she-- she might And after a long day, when everyone else is still be alive? It's possible. emotionally drained from multiple traumas and Do you know what he's doing to them? It's difficult mangled bodies, he'd be the one pushing his to say. coworkers to go out for a drink and talk about Thanks for believing me. their day. William, I want you to understand that even if we Now, we know what you're thinking-- a profile is catch him, You're probably gonna end up doing fine, but, yes, our best shot at stopping this guy is some time in Canada. still to catch him in the act. I can live with that. This unsub is extremely smart and obviously - Detective Tay Benning, this is ssa Aaron organized. Hotchner. He's managed to abduct very different victims - How do you do? This is William Hightower. with very different abilities, all with no witnesses. He's gonna help us on the ground. Now, we're coordinating with the police and our These are agents Prentiss and Morgan, detective agents on the ground in Detroit. Benning. We've also asked sergeant Hightower to act as a We've met. guide on the streets in Detroit - while he's in our I'm sorry I didn't look into your sister's custody. disappearance. - That's it. We should split up and cover male and female Any questions, you find me or one of the agents. potential victims. What's she doing here? Well, we've notified all - Ok. the family members we can locate. - We'll take the men. You have no right. I'll make the introductions for you. - It's her daughter. Stay close to your phones. - No, it's one thing to To believe Lee is lost on the If anyone's out of place, Detective Benning can streets. get a name and a description to our patrol cars as I don't want her to know that there's a killer out quickly as possible. 246

Criminal Minds Season4 You really believe he's aboutto abduct someone There's gotta be something. again? It's coming soon-- tonight, tomorrow. You go to the bathroom? Grab some food? Drugs? We know he sticks to a tight cycle. Women? Everybody's extra careful right now. The question is, why alternate victims in clusters People gotta have secrets, even on the street, of men and women? Why take the men at all? Walter. What do you mean? We said he sees these The only thing I keep secret out here is money. people as disposable. Hey, we have 3 unaccounted for. It doesn't matter if they're male or female. These are their photos? Did you see any of these For a sexual sadist, male or female isn't girls leave with customers? I saw Monica and important. Sasha. The torture itself is the sex. I don't know about Kelly. But wouldn't it be much easier to approach a Do you know where they would go? There's a prostitute? She's right. parking lot down at Cass park. A prostitute will get into a car with an unsub. The girls have their Johns park there. It's a victim he can isolate easily with no Detective Benning, can you call any units at Cass witnesses. park. Is Hightower's mother still here? She's resting in I'll hold on the line. my office. What about kelly? Is there a reason why you JJ, see if she's willing to talk to us. wouldn't have seen her leave? I don't know. I want to know everything I can about her I could have been distracted. daughter. - So she was here before. In the meantime, we need to figure out how he's - Yeah. separating his male victims from the pack. Was there any reason she would sneak off? I And hope that Hightower gives us an edge on the don't know what she does. street. She's fresh meat out here. This group gonna stay close to Cass Avenue. Ok. They're usually on the corners. Detroit P. They don't stray. D. It's like I said the first time I was out here-- It is not confirmed two prostitutes with Johns in the easy for someone to be isolated. parking lot at Cass park. Everything is out in the open. So we're short one girl. Ok. You knew William's sister Lee? You gonna hook That's Walter Patterson. me up? Tell them if you knew my sister. He helped show me the lay of the land. Yeah, I knew her. Yo, Walter! This is detective Benning and agent Is there any place that she would have taken Morgan. clients? Maybe somewhere the other girls They need your smarts. wouldn't go. You know he lost his baby sister, right? Yes, we She didn't do it regular. do. She'd try to get a real job, but then she'd slip. Spread the word. Then about a month and a half ago she said she They're not here to hassle anyone. was leaving. Be safe. That's when I took her to my mom's. So What do you want to know? What would make I ain't seen her since. you separate from everyone else out here? Lee disappeared, I begged William to find her, but There's nothin'. it wasn't fair to him. 247

Criminal Minds Season4 I'm sure he wanted to find her as much as you - What do you mean? Those checks have strings. did. You gotta either spend it on food or lodging. He'd just gotten home. Ok. He lost his leg, and he was going to physical A lot of people out here don't want food or therapy. lodging. He hadn't even processed what happened to him This is one of those money secrets you were yet. talking about? There's a motel on third. - But he found her. Uh, Greyburn Lodge, 43608 Third Street. - First time. Lee Hightower cashed her check there on the She came home for 2 weeks and I had her going 2nd. to meetings. They'll cash your check for 30 cents on the dollar I even got her onto welfare. providing you don't take the room. So what happened? The day after the first check So you walk away with drug money, but you're still came, she disappeared. on the street. - Wait, what was that date? - The 2nd? - What if Dope fiends keep it quiet. that's it? - What? Lee Hightower was abducted on They don't want anyone knowing they're holding the 2nd, the day after she cashed a welfare that much cash. check. It explains why they're alone. - So? - Look at the dates of the other abductions. And they'd be looking to score. All the men are abducted around the first and the If they thought somebody was a dealer, they'd 15th of the month. walk right up to them. When welfare checks are issued. - Walter, thank you. What if he's not intentionally clustering the - Thank you. male/female? What if this is how he best isolates Don't spend it all in one place, sweetie. his victims? You think he has a way to get them - What's going on? - Police. alone based on how they cash their checks? And FBI. then the rest of the month he resorts to picking up Have you seen any of these men? - Maybe. prostitutes. - Not maybe. Yes or no. It would explain the pattern. Have you been giving them cash in exchange for We need to find out where these men cash their their welfare checks? They need the cash and I checks. need the business, and nobody gets hurt, folks. We don't have last names. Garcia, trace William's sister to this location on There's no way to find them. the night that she disappeared. Morgan, figure out how people on the streets are - The others were here, too. cashing their welfare checks. - You seen this girl? Yeah, she was here maybe - Garcia. 15 minutes ago. - Sir. Did anybody approach her when she left? There I need you to find out if Lee Hightower ever was a dealer across the street. cashed a welfare check. He just sits there and then they signal. Ok. Do you know his name? No, I never seen his I'm typing my fastest. face. Walter! Listen, when someone out here's on Just the car. welfare, where do they go when they get their They all use him. check? - It depends what they want. That's it. 248

Criminal Minds Season4 Get this photo to every agent, every border cross. Prentiss, you and William come with me. Car's a dark-colored american sedan. The rest of you stay here. I want full searches of anything that even We might need to be mobile in a hurry. remotely matches the description. Garcia's sure this is the spot? The house is Thanks for putting your ass on the line over inland. Hightower. Access from the water would be here. Thanks for being right. There's nothing here. - Anything? - No, sir. Let's split up. No! No! They should have tried to make the cross The river's over here. at least an hour ago. Over here! Looks like he might have stashed cars Any word from the off-road sites? I have agents at on either side of the river. every known drug smuggling entry. The license plate is missing. Nothing. Garcia, I need you to run a vin number. This unsub's smart. You got that? Vehicle belongs to one Mason Everything about his plan is well researched. Turner. I think his border cRossings would be consistent. What do you know about him? Age 39, went to Are there former shipping lanes somebody could undergrad in Toronto, graduated second in his have studied in advance? Nothing marked. class from Michigan Medical Institute 2000, went Hunters might know the terrain, but it's word of on to work for a public health organization in mouth. Detroit. Nothing documented. We got him. - What about the underground railroad? - How so? Do you have an address? Yes. In the civil war, Detroit was the last stop for a Looks like a farm. slave before they escaped to freedom in Canada. Please Don't do this. They made the cRossing in this area. I won't tell anybody. He's right. Just let me go. But there aren't any historical landmarks that I don't even know where we are. register the cRossing points. Please don't do this. Well, if I remember right, they built a series of Please! Who is that? You 4 take the exterior. victorian homes along the river to signify safe We'll take the house. passage. Fought on other people's turf before. Some of those homes might still exist. You don't walk into this situation unarmed. We know your sister's cell phone registered at a I can't give you a gun, William. tower near port Huron. I got 10 years active duty. He had to be close by when he crossed the The man we find might have killed your sister. border. I need answers. - Garcia. If I shoot him, I get nothing. - Present. I'm sorry. Is it possible to cross-reference civil war maps Stay close. with victorian homes that still exist in the port What we find might not be easy. Huron area? Well, I'm gonna take that question I just need to know. as rhetorical and Got one. Prentiss. Three miles south of the blue water bridge. Check this out. - Can you send me a gps map? - Coming now. We're in the right place. Thanks. - Sir, are you all right? - Who the hell are you? Did 249

Criminal Minds Season4 someone do this to you? Get the hell out of my What's this thing? I don't know as much about pig house. farms as you might think. You're Mason Turner? That's not your business. Prentiss. He's our unsub? Stop! No! No! No! Who the hell That's a handprint. are you people? You are Mason Turner? Dr. That looks like blood. Turner. Oh, my god. This is my sister, Lee Hightower. Hotch! The box next to the pigs-- it's like a Has she been here? Can someone please tell me garbage bin or something. what the hell is going on. It's full of nothing but bloody shoes, all different We're with the FBI. sizes, male and female. We've been invited by the RCMP to assist in an We said we were looking for 10 missings? ongoing investigation. There's gotta be over 100 pairs of shoes in that You haven't been invited into my home. thing. My canadian home. These are They belong to victims? Possibly. Now get the hell out before I call the proper Why just the shoes? Where are the bodies? I authorities. don't think there's going to be any bodies, guys. - Sir, we've been invited by the proper authorities. Pigs are omnivores. - Telephone, dial number 911. They'll eat anything. This is dr. By anything, I mean Anything. Mason Turner, 11712 Scott Road. - What happened? - I'm going to take these cuffs That won't be necessary. of you. I want these people out of my home. What's going on? We're still not sure, William. They don't have any right to be here. - Did you find my sister? - No. Agent Rossi, agent Hotchner, may I have a word But Would you happen to know what kind of with you, please? Help me! Help me! Did you shoes she was wearing when she went missing? hear that? What? Was that a scream? Anything? I Shoes?No-- is Bedwell all right? He will be. don't even know what direction in came from. He has every available cop in Ontario on the way That's another reason I hate these damn woods. here. It messes with the sound. You find anyone in the house? Mason Turner. You said this would be the unsub. Is he in custody? - Uh, not exactly. Everything points to him, inspector. - But he's not going anywhere. The profile was right. He's quadriplegic. Does that man look capable of abducting anyone? Paralyzed from the neck down. Relax, Jeff. JJ's in there with him right now. I let a suspect who tried to kill my border agents Well, that's a pretty good criminal defense. out of jail, a man who actually confessed to the I'll go talk to him. crimes we're investigating, because I believed - Morgan, do you have the contact number for the you. Detroit detective? - Benning? Yeah. And you were wrong. Yeah, we're gonna need their open missings so - It doesn't always make sense initially. we can make identifications on this property. - No. Right. I'm taking my prisoner back to the station, and I think that laptop is his sole communications you can all go home. device. Excuse me. Which means data files on hard drives, records. Pretty. B. 250

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