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Home Explore Criminal Minds Season 4

Criminal Minds Season 4

Published by, 2014-07-27 00:19:19

Description: Previously on criminal minds - where are we
headed? - new york.
What do we know? All the killings are mid-day.
Single gunshot to the head with a .
22 Surveillance cameras have captured video of
3 of the murders.
They're all the same.
He wears a hood and keeps his head down.
Kate joyner heads up the new york field office.
She's running point on the case along with
detectives brustin and cooper.
From the placement of that camera, Odds are the
only view they're gonna get is the back of his
Let's not be too quick to decide what we do or
don't have.
You mind telling me why i'm catching attitude from
her? Fbi brass has made it clear to her that if she
doesn't bring this case home, She's gonna be
And you are at the top of the list to replace her.
Profile me.
You don't wear a ring.
And you were quick to flirt with me.
So you're happy to let people think you are a
But you love your wife, and you would


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Criminal Minds Season4 quantico. I'm sorry. She can triangulate cell calls. It's like she can't engage in what's going on. We need to clear the area of official vehicles. It's all right. If the unsub happens to drive by, i don't want him Everybody deals with it differently. to panic if he sees a heavy police presence. I need to know what happened to that other boy. Ok. There was no bruising around his neck or face. I'll clear 'em out after we make introductions. I'm guessing he used a pillow. How are they handling it? Separate. Was there any sign of a struggle? No, but he Craig, amy bridges, these are agents jareau and would have been extremely weak. hotchner from the fbi. Why's that? This is where it gets weird. We just want to say how sorry we are for what He was noticeably thin. you're going through But we're here to do And both his stomach and intestines were whatever we can to try and get michael home. completely empty. I'm going to tell you what i told the police. He was being starved? It seems that way. I don't want to know what happened to that other Ok. boy. So, what's the weird part? I wanted to determine if I just want to hear how you're going to find malnutrition played a part in his death. michael. So, i looked for evidence of starvation ketosis by We understand. analyzing some vitreous humor-- The squishy No, you don't. part of the eyeball-- and i couldn't find any ketone You're right. bodies there. I don't know exactly what you're going through. - Meaning? - He was getting nutrients somehow. But i do know these cases. Through an i. And we're gonna need your help. v. Of course. ? There were no marks to indicate that. We know that. Any idea what else could it be? Honestly, i have Was it normal for michael to walk to a friend's no idea. house by himself? What are you saying? It's just Not exactly a well-preserved scene. a question. It's the crime scene investigators. No it's not. They all want to play cop instead of just being Do you think we had something to do with this? scientists-- And they end up trampling on No. everything. I don't. So, he suffocates the boy at another location, If this was his routine, someone could have been prepares the body, Takes him out to the middle of watching him for some time now. nowhere and dumps him. He'd only done it a couple times. Except there were no traces of the unsub's sweat Amy and i had a fight about it. on the boy's clothing. I thought we were babying him. What are you getting at? Well, it's like 1,000 I don't want him crawling into bed with us degrees out here. anymore. If he carried the body, then he would have gotten And i thought he should be able to walk to a traces of sweat on the clothes. friend's house by himself, alone. So, he wraps him in something. He was really proud of himself the first time he did No fibers. it. So, he took the time to change the boy's clothing Excuse me. and groom him once he got here. 51

Criminal Minds Season4 If he took that much time, he'd have to do it at My son's been taken. night. I'm completely frozen. But you still run the risk of someone recalling your And now i'm blaming my husband. car once the body's found. I feel like a monster. Not if you didn't have to park it by the road. When they need you, you'll come through. Well, you'd want to park a distance away from the You don't even know me. dump site Just in case someone saw the car and Call it intuition. came to see what you were up to. I found it when i came into his room, after he'd Now, tell me this. been taken. If you can drive out into the desert to dump a body, We don't let him eat in bed. why not go in deeper, Where you won't be seen I haven't moved it because I don't want him to from the road? Because he wanted to be able to think he's in trouble for breaking the rules. drive by and see the body. You know what you're having? It's--it's a boy. That's why he groomed him. Congratulations. It's like he was preparing him for a funeral. - Garcia, you ready? - Ready. Yeah. - Mr. I got it. Bridges, let's go back over what we discussed. Thank you. - He's got my son. Detective, the funeral for the first victim is Exactly. tomorrow. Just stay positive. Do you feel comfortable asking the family if they'd I've written down some important phrases-- - We be willing to open the service up to the public? need to answer the phone. Why's that? We feel if they do, there's a good - Mr. chance the unsub will come. Bridges, please. I'll go speak to them. I think amy should do this. Craig, we'd like you and your wife to consider She doesn't want to do this. being there as well. No. Good. I don't. Anything. It's our experience that the parent that's least I think you should talk to amy about it. emotional is best. If it might help, there's nothing to discuss. Amy, you'll be great. I understand. Just try to humanize michael at every opportunity. But, please, just Discuss it with her. He needs to see him as a person. When the police asked for a picture of michael, i Try to keep him on the line as long as you couldn't decide what to give them. possibly can. I didn't know if it was right for him to be smiling. The more he talks, the more he'll reveal about Any choice you made would have been right. himself. My husband doesn't know what to do with Hello. himself. Are you alone? Um, my husband is with me. He thinks we should be out there looking for him. Why are you just sitting at home when you should The best thing for you right now is to just let us be out looking for your boy? You're right. guide you through this. We need to do that. He thinks i blame him. He's better off with me. I'm sure that's not true. Thank you for calling us to let us know michael's He's right. all right. 52

Criminal Minds Season4 I didn't say he was all right. Everything's ok. I know. You wake us up screaming, you think everything's I'm--i'm just trusting that he's ok. ok? I understand we startled you. He's in a better place now. And i'm sorry for that. May i speak with michael? He doesn't want to talk You're the f. to you. b. He knows what a bad mother you are. i. Your 3 minutes are up. You're right. Garcia, anything? It looks to be a disposable cell I'm really sorry. phone. Sir, please, go back upstairs and try to get some I couldn't triangulate the call. rest. But it did bounce off not one but 2 towers. It was just a misunderstanding. - Meaning? - I know he's mobile. Everything is fine, i promise you that. And i know he's moving within the las vegas Are you ok? It was a dream. limits. I'm really sorry. He didn't travel outside the city. Was it about michael? No. It's just a start. I've been afraid to close my eyes. Like i said, the more he talks, the more we'll learn I'm scared i'll see him die. about him. Ma'am, i know it's hard. These are agents morgan and reid. But i need you to go upstairs and try to get some They'll be here all night just in case he calls back. sleep. - I need to lie down. Please. - Of course. I am sorry for the disturbance. - You should go with her. I'm making everything worse. - Yeah. Reid These cases get to all of us. What'd you find out from the medical examiner? I'm losing it in their living room. We think that he's starving them. And i'm dreaming-- i'm dreaming about dead kids But that doesn't fit with the care he takes with the and covered in leeches. bodies. What the hell is scaring you? This boy's gonna Starvation would be a form of torture. die and there's nothing i can do to stop it. There's no sexual assault. I can't do this. The torture could be a substitute for the sex act. I'm sorry. I'll coordinate with rossi and prentiss. What are you doing? I'm not going to the funeral. We'll call you if there's anything new. We talked about this. Couldn't find any evidence of forced entry. No, you talked. Why would that matter? 'Cause it means he most I listened. likely knew his attacker. Please, tell her this is our only chance. Reid? Get 'em off. We feel like it's a viable plan. Morgan! Get 'em off! Get 'em off! Morgan, get 'em you're asking us to go to the funeral of a off me! Get 'em off me! Get 'em off me! Get 'em-- 5-year-old boy. morgan, get 'em off me! Reid. We're going to watch them lower his body into the Reid. ground. Wake up. And the same man who killed him has our son. It's morgan. If the man who took michael is there, your What the hell's going on? Sir, ma'am. presence might just startle him. 53

Criminal Minds Season4 We're looking for anything that might draw him J. out. J. I can't watch them bury a child knowing that we're Will stay here. next. If the phone rings, she'll say she's a family friend We feel like this plan has a reasonable chance of and that you're at a funeral. success. You can do this. What do you consider a reasonable chance that i Hey, kid, we're almost ready to go. will ever see my son again? I can't give you You know, they're right. numbers. Odds are we'll catch the unsub when he dumps You could. the body Or when he tries to snatch another kid. I understand if you can't do this. I know the odds, reid. But if you can, we need to talk about who we're It's weird. looking for. Some things never go away. We believe the man we're looking for is white. When i was a kid, every boy i knew had piles of He's probably in his late 20s to mid-30s. dinosaur toys. Judging by the quality of the clothing he put his Not you? I had books and notebooks. first victim in, We believe he comes from a My mom filled hundreds of them with poems by w. middle-class background. s. This is not someone who is going to be at the merwin, songs by bob dylan. funeral in a high-end or well tailored suit. She liked it when i memorized them. He also might be paying a lot of attention to the She was convinced that they were watching us parents of the most recent boy to be abducted. and writing songs about our lives. Watch for anyone whose focus is on them instead Basements are the first part of a house to be built, of the service itself. right? So if you're having recurring dream about a We also believe he may drive a 4-wheel-drive basement, Kinda speaks to the core vehicle. fundamentals of who you are as a person. Pay extra attention to those mourners. I thought you didn't believe in dream analysis. And memorize license plates. Freud's been discredited but jung still has his This unsub dumped his last body far from the city. merits. And yet, he didn't try to hide it. My dream. In fact, it was close enough to be seen from the The dead boy. road. I've been having different versions of it since i That tells us he's trying to separate his actions was a little kid. from himself. You know, nobody would think less of you if you Yet, he wanted to be able to drive out and visit the took a little time off to get your head together. body. I just want to find this boy. This is about remorse. There's a very full crowd here today, Which i Which is why we believe there's a good chance believe is part of the natural outpouring of grief he'll be there today. over losing someone so innocent. Ok. It is also a reminder that there is another boy out If you sense someone looking at you you need to there who is in danger and need of our prayers. tell us. Let's take a moment and pray for that boy. We're conditioned to feel fear. For his safe return. The little hairs on the back of your neck? They tell He's here. us the truth. Why aren't you helping me? Spencer, pay 54

Criminal Minds Season4 attention. Riley Jenkins. Reid. He was murdered right here in las vegas when he What's going on? I've been here before. was 6 years old. In the name of the father, son, holy ghost. My math says that you would have been around 4 Amen. at the time. Let us take comfort in the gospel according to He was found him in the basement of his own matthew. house, behind the dryer. Chapter 18. He'd been sexually abused and stabbed. \"at that time, the disciples came to jesus and Where can we find Michael Bridges? You are asked, who is the greatest in the kingdom of trying to frame me. heaven?\" \"he called a child, whom he put among You killed Ethan Hayes, and you're holding them and said, 'truly i tell you,\" \"'unless you Michael Bridges. change and become like children,' you will never - No. enter the kingdom of heaven. - Then why were you videotaping a funeral? Does \" Whoever becomes humble'\" Are you a friend of death excite you? Oh, wait. the family? Uh, no. That's it. I just read about it in the paper. Death gets you off. And you decided to come to the funeral? Yeah. I told you, i don't touch. It was sad. No. I love kids. You just kill 'em and find new ways to watch him I wanted the family to know that people care. afterwards. And videotaping it? Who's that for? We're gonna - I am not sick. take a walk. - I think you are. And we're gonna do it very quietly so as not to And i think you desperately want to tell us exactly disturb these people. how sick you really are, walter? Don't you? You Where were you on the days Ethan Hayes and want us to search your computer and your home Michael Bridges were abducted? I was home. because it this eating you up inside - And you Don't you need to ask what days those were? Am know you need to be stopped. i under arrest? No. - I never would have molested that boy! Which You love kids. boy? The one from the funeral. You're just helping us with an investigation. Hotchner. So, you have no right to search me. He doesn't know details of the murder. Why? What would we find? Oh, do you like You sure? He assumes the boy was molested. videotaping other things besides funerals? How's All right. it going? He's nervous. Thanks. They're trying to pin him down. He's not the one. What's that? - You mind giving us a minute? - No, I'm sorry. sure. You said it looked good. I had one of the detectives pull it. I was hopeful. The name Riley Jenkins mean anything to you? - I'm sorry. No. But he was videotaping that funeral. - Think. We believe he's a preferential sex offender. Back to when you were a little boy. But he doesn't have michael. I had an imaginary friend named Riley when i was How many of these people are out there? More little. than you want to know. 55

Criminal Minds Season4 - Hello. He was at the funeral, and you arrested the wrong - Put the fbi on. man. I don't know what you're talking about. I don't think it is a man. I saw them there at the funeral. Did you hear the way she described the clothing? Put them on! This is special agent Aaron She said the blue shoes. Hotchner. Lime green oxford. You were trying to trick me. A male wouldn't reference specific details like You were trying to lock me down but you arrested that. the wrong person. I think reid's right. Why don't we just slow down and talk. She talked about what the child wanted. We only have 3 minutes. How he slept. No. How she took care of him. We have as long as we want. She said, \"i loved him. That's not the rules. \" A male unsub would have emphasized the Ok. competition, not the care giving. You're right. He would have talked about how he was smarter Your rules. than the f. It was good of you to go to the funeral today. b. You must have really cared about ethan. i. I loved him. Bragged about not being caught. His parents didn't deserve him. We could have been looking at both men and I took good care of him. women-- the statistics are overwhelming. Is that why you bought him the new clothes? They Women abduct newborns. put him in those silly blue sneakers and lime Men take children. green oxford. Garcia. He hated those! Well, maybe when you're good I'm right here, sir. enough to bring michael home, You can tell his Will you run the license plates the police gave you parents what he really likes. And find any that might be registered to a woman. No. That would be Zero. He's never coming home. How's that possible? Transcript almost reads like I saw that so-called mother. she's been institutionalized. She looked right at me. You mean she's crazy. She knows he sleeps better with me. She described herself as being \"locked down\" not I don't know who you are. \"arrested\" or \"put away. But please give me back my son! Please. \" Plus, most mental facilities are very rigid about I'm begging you. the amount of phone time they allow per day. I'll do anything. I think her talking about only having 3 minutes Just don't hurt my baby. isn't her rule to us. Please! Your time is up. It's what she's been institutionalized to think of as - You were trying to trick me. normal. - No one was trying to trick you. Garcia, can you get records of women released You were trying to lock me down but you arrested from mental institutions this past month? She the wrong person! Would it be possible for us to most likely has some trauma in her case file-- work in private for a while? He was at the funeral. possibly the death of a child. I told you. I'm sorry. 56

Criminal Minds Season4 I can't do that. We know. To protect patient privilege there's no central We feel things. database. Try to remember the moment when you felt I could hack each hospital individually, but even someone's eyes on you. then, Most diagnoses are kept separately by the I don't know. different doctors. Yes, you do. I think i might have a way. At one point you said, \"he's here. Dr. \" When was that? It's her. Reid. Garcia, the blonde in the middle. Your mom didn't tell me you were in town. Do you have her? Got her. She doesn't know i'm here. Isolate the image. I'm working on a case. Run it through vicap. And i actually thought you might be able to help See if we get a hit. us. On it. Of course. Did i know a boy named riley jenkins? Riley You've read about the recent child murder and jenkins He was a story you made up. second abduction? Yes. No. We think the person responsible is a woman. No. She would have been institutionalized. He was a real kid who was murdered when i was But we believe she may have been released 4 years old. within the past few weeks, Just before the first Oh, i think you're mistaken. abduction. I've been seeing things. What can i do? I'm assuming you have a good Don't say that. working relationship with the administrators at I've been having dreams about his death since i other hospitals. was little, mom. I know no one can open their files. You were always a reader. But if you wouldn't mind just giving them the It affected your dreams. profile, that would be a tremendous help. I remember, when i was Your uncle daniel's, She's delusional. maybe? I also remember we moved houses. Fueled by grief. And you and dad argued about it. Very well might have lost a child of her own, And you told dad that i was in danger. probably around the age of 5. Because you were. I'll see what i can do. Why--why did you think that? I don't know. Spencer? What are you doing here? I'm here for I just knew. work. I told you. We're investigating the murder and abduction of A mother knows. two 5-year-old boys. We're animals, spencer. I don't like the idea of you working on things that We feel things. are so sad. I'm sorry. I know. I talked to the heads of 9 different hospitals. You're so thin. There's no one who matches your description. I was going to come see you the second we Thank you for trying. solved the case. You know, if this person has an axis-1 condition, What else is going on in there? - Nothing. Her release wouldn't be as important as whether - Don't lie to your mother, spencer. or not she keeps to her medications. 57

Criminal Minds Season4 All right. Here we go. Thank you. Claire bates Gave birth to a son 3 weeks ago. Again, thank you very much. What is it, garcia? Social services removed the I went off my medication when i was pregnant baby from her care after a 7-day evaluation. with you. That's why she holds the boys for 7 days. I spent every day in terror, but i made it. She's recreating the loss of her baby. And it was beautiful. But she's taking Her psychosis must be projecting I had you. her baby onto any children she can get access to. Oh, god. Garcia, can you read us the social services report? What is it, baby? Women abduct newborns. \"while it is admirable that patient stayed off Excuse me. anti-psychotic medication for the health of her I don't understand. fetus,\" \"we strongly believe that due to a history of Doctor, would it be possible for a woman to violent and delusional behavior, There is a convince herself That a random 5-year-old child's significant risk to the child if she is granted actually her own newborn? If her psychosis is guardianship. strong enough. \" \"therefore, the child shall be a ward of the state And, again, if they'd stopped taking their until such time a full-time guardian can be medication, absolutely. established. Thank you. \" Is there an address? J. Thanks. J. Hotch, i'm pretty sure i know why the medical Will stay here with you. examiner was so confused. We'll call with any updates. I think she's breastfeeding them. Tell reid where we're going. Mommy's here. Watch yourselves. There we go. If she's truly delusional, she'll have moments of There we go. clarity where she realizes what she's done. There ya go. Morgan and i'll go around back. Mommy's here. Prentiss and i'll take these doors. Get some sleep now, ok? Mommy's here. Claire! Stop, claire! She's going out the back. Hit off the woman on the video. Careful. I ran it through vicap. She's got the boy! Hotch, we got her! She's going Her name's claire bates. to the garage! Claire, back away from the fire and She was institutionalized 3 years ago after she put him down. assaulted a fellow secretary at a law firm. My baby's dead. By that i mean, she bit off part of her ear. No, he isn't. Do we have an address? There's no last known. He's being taken really good care of by someone Try running the license plates again. else. Got it. Just like you need to take care of this boy. No, wait. I kept healthy. That's no good. I did good. What's wrong? It's registered to her father. We know you did. He lived in reno, but he died 2 years ago. We just need you to step away and put the boy Garcia, pull up birth records. down. If she's really breastfeeding, then she must have My baby's dead. just given birth. No. 58

Criminal Minds Season4 He isn't, claire. gonna get, man. Let us prove it to you. Enjoy your moment. Do you have a clean shot of her? She's not armed, Hotch, do you think it would be possible to wait rossi. until tomorrow to return home? Do you think you If he's still alive and she drops him in the fire, we could find something to do in las vegas for the may not be able to save him. night? Bob dylan once said, \"i think the truly Do you have a shot? Yes. natural things are dreams,which nature can't I got one. touch with decay. I've got michael! I've got michael! I got ya. \" I'm proud of you, spencer. No, don't do it! A doctor has to check him out, but For what? Saving that boy. you can be with him the whole time. How'd you know? I told you. He should be able to be back in his bed by A mother knows. tonight. Dr. Thank you. Norman gave me permission to sleep on the Thank you. couch in your room tonight if it's all right with you. You're gonna be great. If anyone tries to keep him in here any longer, i'll I know. scratch your eyes out. You know, this is about as good a day as we're One night only. gonna get on this job. It helps if they think you're crazy. I know. They don't argue. And yet you're still thinking about a boy you're not * 'Twas in another lifetime one of toil and blood * * even sure if you really knew. when blackness was a virtue, The road was full of When i was 4, my mother had a sense that i was mud * * i came in from the wilderness * * a in danger. creature void of form * * come in, She said, \"i'll Reid, your mother wasn't well. give you shelter from the storm. I know facts about the case. \" * * And if i pass this way again you can rest Reid, you've got a photographic memory. assured * * i'll always do my best for her on That i Odds are, you saw the story. give my word * * in a world of steel-eyed death He was just a kid like you. and men * * who are fighting to be warm * * come And it caught your imagination. in, She said, \"i'll give you shelter from the storm. I don't really think that you believe that. \" * * Not a word was spoke between us * * there You wanna know what i really believe? I believe was little risk involved * * everything up to That you could have done anything in the world with point had been left unresolved * * try imagining a your life and you chose to do this job. place where it's always safe and warm * * come Your man carl jung says our unconscious is the in,She said, \"i'll give you shelter from the storm. key to our life's pursuits. \" * Fbi. Yeah. Put your hands in the air. Yeah. Show me your face. So, for whatever reason, that case was stuck in Dad? your brain all these years And it not only led you to this career choice but to the same city where your mother lives And for us to have the opportunity to save this child. Yeah. Like i said, this is about as good a day as we're 59

Criminal Minds Season4 Previously on Criminal Minds Get 'em-- morgan, for a couple of days. get 'em off me! Reid. Is everything all right? Yeah,i just,um-- I haven't Reid. seen my mom for a really long time, so i'd like a Wake up. few more days. What the hell is scaring you? The name Riley - You sure? - Yeah. Jenkins mean anything to you? No. Ok,take a few days. He was murdered right here in las vegas when he Do what you need to do. was 6 years old. Hey,um,take care of yourself. you would have been around 4 at the time. You,too. He was found him in the basement of his own Both of you. house, behind the dryer. Hi,i'm special agent spencer Reid, with the fbi. He'd been sexually abused and stabbed. I'd like to see everything you have on the - Just a Spencer? What are you doing here? Did i know a second. boy named riley jenkins? I've been having - Thanks. dreams about his death since i was little. That was a rough one. Why aren't you helping me? Spencer,pay Did you work the case? Yeah. attention. I was 3 or 4 blocks away when the call came in on Show me your face. the radio. Dad. My first kid. LAS VEGAS. You don't forget those. NEVADA Come on,baby. Can i ask you this? Were there any suspects? Give it to me. The family, initially. Give it to me. A dad,an older brother. See? Nuh-uh. Makes sense. Morgan,can you-- Please,can you-- My head. I heard the boy was found in his own My bad. basement,right? Yeah. Sorry. After a while,the family got defensive, stopped You know these things are rigged,right? Late cooperating. night? I hate vegas. A bit like the-- what's her name? The jon-benet Come on,prentiss. case, i guess. How can you hate vegas? This is a grown folk's I never liked them for it,anyway. playground. I always figured it was somebody outside the Anyone seen Reid? I know he stayed with his home. mom last night. What's the bureau's interest in the case? Well,he should be here by now. Um,research. He knows the departure time. Is this everything? There might be another box That thing still has credit on it. down in records. - J. I'd like to see it all, if you don't mind. J. Lots of luck,everybody, let's go. ,i swear to god-- - What? Oh,here he comes right nice shot! when did you know? that's it? That the now. extent of you What are you guys doing here? What'd you do? Sleep through your alarm? Sorry Hey,what's it look like we're doing? Uh,breaking to keep you guys waiting. into my room and watching \"days of our lives. I-- Hotch is already at the airstrip. \" \"young and the restless. How fast can you pack? Actually,i'm gonna stay \" aren't you supposed to be on a plane back to d. 60

Criminal Minds Season4 C. Do you have kids, too?Or-- ah,no. ? You're supposed to be hanging out with your I think J. mom. J. And you're not. May have snared the last viable donor. Riley jenkins? No,it's not-- that's actually not why Tell me about it. i'm here. Donor for what? Nothing. Reid? Come on,man. I'm just,uh, reacquainting agent Todd here with Who do you think you're talking to? I know what the layout. this has been doing to you. Good to see you again, S. Let us help. S. Maybe together we can find out who killed him. A. I think i might already know. Hotchner. So,tell us about the suspect. No,please. Truth is,i don't know anything about him. \"Hotch. He's my father. \" Hotch. \"what was silent in the father speaks in the son, So,where's the rest of the team? Oh,another case \"and often i found in the son the unveiled secret of came up while we were in las vegas,and they the father. stayed behind to look into it. \" FReidrich nietzsche. Excuse me. Before we go down this road, you need to be I thought you work cases together. sure. This one's different. He's right. Riley was 6 at the time. Some rocks don't need looking under. His father, lou jenkins, was supposed to pick him My mind is sending me signals. up from t-ball practice at 4. I can't ignore them anymore. But he got delayed at work, prompting riley to Mixed signals. walk the 3 blocks home. That's what the subconscious is all about, you When his mother got home in the early evening, know that. she found him dead in the basement. Reid,your dad left you. So,the offender came to the house after the boy You take it to the freudian extreme, you could say arrived home. that he killed your childhood. Or picked him up on the way there. Could explain a dream in which you see him as a Coaxes riley into the basement where he sexually murderer. assaults him. I've come this far, i'm not going back. The boy's mouth was taped shut. Ok,thank you. Symbolic. Emily,you rember agent Todd? Oh,yeah. The unsub fears riley will talk, panics,weighs his Welcome back. options Decides to make certain that he'll never Thanks. talk. I'll be shadowing J. He finds a knife in the fishing gear under the J. stairs, Stabs riley 9 times in the chest, stuffs him For the next couple of weeks. behind the washing machine. Big shoes to fill. So,the unsub's a white male in his late 20s to Big ankles, at least. early 30s. Come on,you look great. Means we're looking for a man in his 50s. That's what i keep telling her. Likely knew the boy. 61

Criminal Minds Season4 Maybe been to his house. And,i don't know,i think-- i think that dad might Neighbor. have had something to do with it. Reid? What is it? My family lived less than a half He was real? Yes. mile from the jenkins'. And He was on that little league team,too. Do you think your dad knew the boy? I don't So many cases. know. How do you determine which ones get priority? My memory's lack of recall just reinforces how Ah,basically murder triage. little i knew about him. I look for cases where the threat of losing another Reid,we're going to have to track him down. life is most imminent. You do know that? We should talk to my mother Without the other agents giving you a working first, neighbors. profile? Well,that comes later. Get their impressions. This job does require a little bit of profiling. Reid,i don't need to tell you that this signature Just don't tell them that. was need-based and sexual in nature. Here, let me show you. The man we're looking for is a pedophile. Ok,family in atlanta,mother, twin daughters, So,i'll ask you again. stabbed in their sleep,and,uh Yeah,sioux city, Are you sure you want to go down this road? iowa. Mom? Can i ask you some questions about dad? Two men with no apparent connection both found I'm having Having trouble remembering. drowned in their bathtub exactly one month apart. What do you want to know? Did he like to be Where would you go? I'd have to take a closer around children? Children? Well,yes. look. If it were up to him, you'd have a house full of What does your gut tell you? Sioux city looks like brothers and sisters. a serial. So,you didn't want more kids? Why mess with Another victim could die within a month. perfection? Um, what about other people's What about atlanta? That's a family annihilator. children? How was he around them? He was Father snaps, takes out the flock, puts any good with kids,i guess. relative in the area in immediate danger. He coached your little league team. I'd take the team there first. Good hit. Good. Yeah! Hey,good hit, riley. Now, do that with that whole entire stack, right Spencer, you're next. there. He was always trying to put you into normal You ok? Oh,yeah. activities. I'm fine. I tried to tell him you're not normal. It's just a theory, mr. You were exceptional. Jenkins. Let me ask you this,mom. You must be out of your damn minds. Did you ever get the feeling, like,on his part, the We're trying to get some new facts. marriage was Just for show? These questions are Well,you're hell and gone from facts if you think very strange, spencer. will Reid killed my son. What is this about? It's about riley jenkins. So,you were friends? Who the hell are you to Riley jenkins? I told you, he was someone you come here,asking this? I'm his son. made up. Spencer? Spencer, a g-man? How about that? I No,he's not someone i made up. don't understand. He was a real boy who lived in our neighborhood, Was william around your house often? The and somebody killed him. occasional barbecue, that sort of thing. 62

Criminal Minds Season4 Was riley around on these occasions? Why are They unconsciously mimic the expressions of you doing this? I need to know. people they've been around their whole life. Take it from someone who does know, he was a So,it kind of-- kind of makes sense that i wouldn't good man. really look like you. Thanks for your time. I haven't seen you in 20 years. Where is he, these days? My dad? It's been years, So,are you in town on work? We're just wrapping but he's probably still at that same firm in up a case. summerlin. A 5-year-old boy was abducted and murdered. He's been in town this whole time? Far as i know. I read about that. You know summerlin? Yeah. Uh,ethan hayes, right? That's terrible. It's like 9 miles east of here. That case got me thinking about riley jenkins. Off the 95. You remember riley jenkins? Of course. He was 10 minutes away and never let me know. I've been having dreams about him for a really Can i help you,gentlemen? Yeah. long time. We'd like to speak with william Reid. But when we came back here for this case, it Is he expecting you? I don't think so. jogged something and the dream changed. He's in a meeting right now. I saw his killer and he was you. Why don't you have a seat and i'll tell him you're Interesting dream. here. You don't seem all that surprised. You ok? Yeah. I stopped being surprised by spencer's mind a No--yeah--i'm going to go to the bathroom. long time ago. I've never seen him like this before. There are certain criteria we consider when to go between visits. looking at this type of suspect. Not long enough. You fit parts of that profile. The kid's still angry. Me? We just want your cooperation. Yeah,i'm starting to get that. My cooperat You're not actually saying you think i I'll be right back. killed riley jenkins? We didn't say that. Here you go. Good,'cause that's absurd. You from the fbi? Yes,sir. We'd just like permission to look through your Mr. computer, access your records. Reid, i'm agent Rossi. And what would you be looking for exactly? You This is agent Morgan. want access to my files? Get a warrant. This wouldn't be about the city council We can't get a warrant, so we have to go under investigation,would it? No,this is, uh,more of a the radar on this one,garcia. personal matter. You want me to hack your father's network? You It concerns your son. sure about this? I really wish people would stop My son? Did something happen? That's what asking me that. we're trying to find out. You're Hey,you're pretty good. Hello,dad. Was the envelope dropped off at the front desk You don't look like me anymore. first? Nope,it went straight to my room. You used to. So,they knew what room you were in. Everybody said so. I do have to admit, the timing of this is a little They say some people look like their dogs,too. suspicious. It's attributed to prolonged mutual exposure. Yeah. Elderly couples,also. An hour after i see my father, we're handed 63

Criminal Minds Season4 another suspect. he goes to the movies a lot,and he reads. You think you knew this guy? I don't know. And from his collection of first editions, it seems I think so,but i'm not sure. his favorite author is-- Isaac asimov, i remember I--i--no, i don't know. that one. Exposed himself to a minor. He does have one other major interest. That's a precursor to molestation. On his home computer, he's archived, like,a And murder. ka-jillion things on one common subject. We should take a closer look at this guy. What? You,kiddo. it's garcia. He's got,like, everything that's been published Yeah,talk to me, baby girl. online. I'm not interrupting boy time at crazy horse 2,am i? Every article you've been quoted in, pieces you've You know that's not my thing. written for behavioral science journals, He even I'm more for in-room entertainment. has a copy of your dissertation. I can't help you but i do give good phone. He's keeping tabs on you. Let me hear what you got. That's saying something. Reid,we've been all up in your father's business. Yeah,he googled me. What did you find? Well,let me tell you first what i That makes up for everything. did not find. I'm going to get some air. No kiddie porn, no membership to illicit websites, You guys still there? I thought we were giving him no dubious emails, no chat room history. good news. What about his finances? We went back 10 What else can we do? Yeah,look up a name for years. us, if you would. No questionable transactions that we can find. Gary Brendan Michaels. Well,he did buy a ticket to see celine dion 6 You like this gary guy for the riley murder? months ago. Somebody does. But i think we can overlook that. wow,looks like you got a loose one. He's smart. No such thing. Is it possible he kept things under the table? These machines run on random number Well,of course. generators. But from what we can tell,Reid, he doesn't fit the No brains,no bias. profile. Best odds in the house,though. We can tell you other things about him, if you Really? I thought that craps had the best odds. want to know. Normally,video poker odds are slightly worse at . I'm listening. 7 percent in your favor. He's a workaholic, he actually logs more hours But if you employ optimal strategy and always than we do. drop with a royal flush, You can push those odds He makes decent money,but he doesn't spend a to 2 percent. lot of it. Smart and handsome. He has a modest house. So,are you in town for the convention? Um,there He drives a hybrid. are 12 conventions in town this week. He doesn't travel much. Which one are you talking about? Take your pick. He stays away from the casinos. Excuse me? Um,it was something i used to say to Um,and according to his veterinary bills, he has a my mom to try to get her to quit smoking. very sick cat. A cigarette takes 6 minutes off your life. He appears to spend most of his free time alone, So every time she'd light one,i'd say, \"it's - Did it 64

Criminal Minds Season4 work? - No. You're at home, in your room. Because i've tried it all--the gum, the patch. You can't sleep because your parents are Nothing works. arguing. You should try hypnosis. i don't know what to do. They've had-- there's been a lot of success in Tell I had to do something,but i didn't know what to do. you what, i'll put mine out if you buy me a drink. i'm not going to discuss it anymore. Uh,not today, sweetheart. - He's coming in. We've been looking all over the place for you. - Who? I know you're awake, spencer. Come on. It's dad. Hey,you won,like, $2,000 here. What about him, spencer? What is he doing? Keep it. Daddy loves you, you know that? I don't want to You do realize you just gave two grand to a be here. hooker? Must have been quite a conversation. Ok. What was it about? How to stop smoking. It's ok,spencer. Thank you for seeing us on such short notice. Take us to where the light is. Well,i'm always happy to assist the fbi. To the next morning. Is there a witness you want me to look at? The sun is coming up. Uh,yeah. Where are you,spencer? Mom? My mom. Me. She's at the window. I'm trying to recover memories from my She's thinking. childhood. She's been crying. There was a murder. She saw him. How long ago are we talking about? I was 4. Who? Your father? Do you talk to her? No. Memories from that age can be difficult to No,i wanna-- I wanna see What is it,spencer? interpret. What are you seeing? That's enough. I'm aware of the limitations of hypnotherapy. I need you to leave this location now,spencer. Well,then you're aware of suggestion issues. Damn it. If you've looked into this case, you may have a Wake him up. bias. I'm going to count backward from 5. Are you saying what he remembers under Reid. hypnosis may not be real? It's a possibility. It's ok. Either way,it's a tough sell in court. It's ok. We won't be using this for evidentiary purposes. It's ok. It's really just for me. It's ok,Reid. The suppressed memories are about my father. It's ok. I'd like to monitor this session. What happened? What did you see? Try to Make sure you get him to the right place. rember, mom. You want to sit in? I don't normally allow that. No,i can't. In case you haven't realized,nothing about this is You were there. normal. You watched dad burn the bloody clothes. I want you to hold my wrist in your left hand. You had a dream. And if you should feel any fear, i want you to Mom,this was not a dream. squeeze, do you understand? Yes. This was a memory. Go back to the night you were just telling me It was a memory and i saw you. about. Your mind, ah,such a treasure. 65

Criminal Minds Season4 Even as a baby you knew about things you hours, regardless of evidence. weren't supposed to know. I'm not in the habit of ruining people's reputations This is not about me. on a whim. This is about riley jenkins. Where's your captain? I want to talk to your It was always about you. captain. Please,mom. Talk all you want. Please. This is a local murder, and your authority ends at Please,just try to rember. the state line. Remember riley. Look Why don't you just head back over to the Riley? Riley was real. fountain view And have a couple of drinks by the Oh,poor riley. pool and think about this. Yes,poor riley. I have thought about this. Poor riley. The guy's your father. Did dad do something to him? - Dad? No. What's your point, detective? Maybe you're here - Think. to work out some other issues? Think. Ok,listen,detective. - Think. If you helped us out with this. - No,no. We just want him on his heels. That's--no,no. You've got 24 hours. Now you're confusing me,spencer. I appreciate that. You knew. Reid. You knew about dad,and you didn't do anything. You gotta keep your head,man. No! You don't know. He just agreed to it. No! No! You don't know! You don't-- no! No! No! It happens all the time. No,no,no,no, no,no,no,no! No,no,no,no! I'm just You know how these guys are. going to give you something to relax. They just want to feel like they're the ones in No. control. It could have been you. Talk to me,garcia. What? What did you say? It could have been you. So,this gary michaels you asked me to track She's not stable,Reid. down seems to have peeled himself right off the You can't put stock in what she says. grid. I don't need to tell you that. What did he do? Skip town? Feels it. And i don't need to tell you this is textbook. Maybe he took a new name,too. Father reroutes compulsion to molest away from Everything in his name laps from non-use in the his own son to a surrogate. year after the riley jenkins murder. The woman thought riley jenkins was an Maybe he didn't want to stick around for the imaginary friend until you told her otherwise. investigation. The mind's way of suppressing memories she In addition to the indecent exposure wrap, he also doesn't want to face. had some lewd behavior,trespassing. You're losing objectivity here,kid. Trespassing? At a nursery school. I'm not trying to say i know what happened. Hard to believe the cops never pegged this guy Or how my dad's involved,Morgan. as a suspect. But my dad's involved. Any other avenues to find him? You betcha. What's he doing here? You got no evidence. They swabbed him in '85 for the exposure beef, A suspect can be detained for questioning for 48 So i'm sending up balloons through vicap and 66

Criminal Minds Season4 codis. It was a police file. If he's offended again over the past It was a very old police file. Which,considering his type, he probably has He Anybody could have accessed it. will pop up somewhere. He told me to go back to the fountain view, have a All right. drink by the pool,and think about things. Keep me in the loop. You can't possibly still be mad about that. Later. I'm not mad. What's with the wincing? You ok? Fine. I'm confused. Are you sure? I noticed this earlier. I never told him we were staying at the fountain Earlier? How often? Um,in the last hour. view. I'd say every 10 minutes. CODIS REPORT MATCH CONFIMED It's a J. simple question. J. How did the blood get on the clothes? I told Why didn't you tell anyone? Because i am not due you,i'm not going to talk without council. for another 3 weeks. If you don't have anything to hide,you don't need Newsflash! You're in labor. a lawyer. No,no,no. Spencer,please. Because Reid needs us right now. I'm not stupid. You need you, right now. I'm proud of you, you know that? I'm not stupid Come on,get up. either. Ladies and gentlemen, i'm not a doctor. No. I don't even play one on tv,but i believe young J. You've done a lot of good. J. I mean,other people with your talents, they might 's going into labor. have sought different opportunities. Are you ok? I'll get the car. The private sector. - I need to call will. My god,you could have made a fortune. - From the car,honey. But you chose to help people. Breathe and walk. I chose to study murders. Breathe and walk. Why do you think that is? I didn't do this,spencer. Agent Todd, i hope you're ready because your job Why can't you believe me? Like you said, i do starts right now. have special talents. You still think ******** why shouldn't i? Well,for one One of them is being able to tell when somebody thing, gary michaels fits the profile. is hiding something. For another, he fled town after riley's murder. You're angry that i left. He's a better suspect than your dad,Reid. And you're right to be. He's a convenient one. You want to make it up to me? Tell me the truth. Someone slipped the file under my door,Morgan. I didn't kill that boy. What am i supposed to think? Maybe they're But i know who did. trying to help. Gary michaels? How'd you know that? That was Maybe they're trying to protect him. the whole idea,wasn't it? So,where is gary You're talking about someone helping to cover up michaels now,dad? Spencer,please. the murder of a child. Forget it. Who would do that? Do you rember how resistant You don't want to go down this road. detective hyde was when i asked him to bring in Everything's fine. my father? So,what? You're accusing a cop now? We're checking her in now. 67

Criminal Minds Season4 And i got a thing back from california on your We don't have to run this print. codis query. Of course we do. Did they find gary michaels? Some of him. Whatever michaels did, he deserved a fair trial. He's dead? They dug him up 7 years ago when Reid,you wanted to know if your father killed riley. some new construction broke ground in the All signs point to \"no. desert. \" you got what you need. Whoever killed him was smart enough to bury him What i need is the truth. across state lines. If this print belongs to your dad, he could go away Vegas P. for a long time. D. You're just determined to nail him,aren't you? never made the connect. Doesn't even matter what for. How was he killed? Judging from the fractures, If you don't want to run it,i will. they think he was beaten with something. I'm told you're refusing medication. - A pipe,maybe. I'm just holding off for a little while, if you don't - Or a bat. mind. Bat? Maybe it wasn't riley's blood on those You know what will happen. clothes your dad was burning. Tremors,panic, then the voices. Sheriff's Been rumors a body was buried up at the But before that, when the fog lifts, a window of barker ranch for years. clarity. On account of that's where chuck manson had his I really need that right now. hideout. I can give you some latitude here. When we dug this one up, we went ahead and Just tell me why. had him typed. I want to remember. Thought maybe it could be related. Yeah,agent Morgan. It's a good thing you did. You did? You're 100 percent certain? Ok. Might never have I. Thank you. D. We're going to have to get an arrest warrant. 'd him otherwise. It was a match? Yeah. So,why all the fuss over a dead pervert? We think But it wasn't your dad. he may have killed a boy in vegas over 20 years - We got company. ago. - What's he doing here? We notified your captain Is that how he ended up in the ground? Revenge? about this,detective. Possibly. It's all legit. It says here you have a fingerprint in evidence, I'm not trying to stop you. lifted from the victim's broken glasses. I just want to be the one to bring him in. We ran it up the flagpole a couple of times. It'll go easier. Nothing ever came up. He's my friend. That was then. Yeah,we figured that much. Now we have someone to compare it to. You,lou,my father. A suspect? Well,we're going to want to run it You slipped us the michaels file,didn't you? You through afis,too. were after the wrong guy. That's a lot of taxpayer dollars being spent to But you knew who the right guy was all along? solve a public service murder. And what lou did to him. If you ask me, the guy got just what he deserved. There wasn't any evidence. He's right,you know. Did you even look? You want to link him up,go 68

Criminal Minds Season4 ahead. He was agitated. But he rides in with us. He said he needed me to meet him. Appreciate that. Is that him? Yes. Who else was with you? No one. His name is gary michaels. You're saying you killed gary michaels by He has a history. yourself,all alone. History? He's done things to kids. That's right. How do you know? You should go now. And william Reid wasn't a party to this? No. What are you going to do? Go home,diana. You're lying. I sat there. I'm not lying. I couldn't move. He was burning bloody clothes. It was like a dream. I saw him. That paralysis in the face of something terrible. What makes you think gary michaels killed your What happened after that? It's ok,diana. boy? He admitted it. Go on. You beat a guy with a baseball bat, he's going to At some point,i found myself walking towards the admit to a lot of things. house. How do you know he was the right guy? I know. Oh,my god. He approached another kid in the neighborhood. Lou,what did you do? And the rest It's all dark Hey,you're pretty good. after that. And how do you know that? - I was told by a You came home. concerned party. She couldn't talk at first. - Who? Another parent? Mind if i play? That's all But eventually i came to understand what had i'm going to say on the subject. happened. Who was it? I told you that's all i'm going to say And i knew that nobody could ever know. on the sub-- - Who was it? - Agent Reid? Do not So,you never told anyone? No,she could have interfere with this interrogation,detective. been implicated. This is not your case anymore. And i had to protect her. Spencer,it was me. You were burning her bloody clothes. I'd seen him around at your ball games, at the But the knowing, you can't burn that away. park. It changes everything. You used to play chess there,do you remember? Is that why you left? I tried to keep us together, You played with him once. spencer. With gary michaels? I didn't know that was his I swear to you, but the weight of that knowledge,it name back then, But it wasn't unusual for you to was too much. play with adults. You could have come back. And you'd win,too. Could have started over. Did he do something to me? Oh,no. I didn't know how to take care of you anymore. God,no. When i lost that confidence, there was no going It never got to that point. back. But when i saw the way he looked at you, i knew What's done is done. what he was. At least now you know the truth. I could just tell. I was wrong about everything. A mother knows. I'm sorry. Yes. I am,too,spencer. So,you told riley's dad. \"there is no refuge from memory and remorse in 69

Criminal Minds Season4 this world. \"the spirits of our foolish deeds haunt us with or without repentance. \" Gilbert parker. Well,he looks just like you. Let's hope he grows out of that. Just as long as he doesn't inherit the accent. Is there room for one more in here? Spence,hi. Welcome back. Congratulations. Thank you. How is it that i just went through 15 hours of labor and you look worse than i do? Don't be ridiculous. You look beautiful. - Well,i could sure use some coffee. Anyone else? - Sure. My treat. You ok? Yeah,yeah. You? Yeah,yeah,you sure? 'Cause there's something i wanted to ask you, but it can wait. What is it? Will and i were talking,and,um We want you to be henry's godfather. - I don't even know-- i don't know-- - here,do you want to hold him? - It's ok. Here you go. - Ok. Watch his head. There you go. Hello,henry. If anything should happen to us, it's up to you and garcia to make sure this boy gets into yale. Yale. Yale? Do you want to go to yale,henry? That was your godfather's safety school. Don't worry,i can get you into cal-tech with one phone call. 70

Criminal Minds Season4 Amy! Most of us have done extensive Is it that it's only one victim,not enough bodies for post-graduate work in areas such as abnormal you? Not at all. psychology and sociology, As well as intensive My vic's aren't covered in peanut butter and study of relative case work and existing literature. decapitated? They only need to be certain at they But that's after selection to the unit. can help. First you have to be an agent,work in the field,and They sure as hell couldn't hurt. that's what we're here to talk about. That's actually not true,sir. For that,the academics are wide open. To take focus away from your investigation to Everyone in this room,once you build a profile could be a waste of your time And graduate,regardless of your course study, Is resources if you're already on the right track. eligible to apply to the f. The girl's been dead 3 months. b. And you feel like if you don't do something to help i. her,no one will. What did you study? Criminal justice. The mom calls me 3 times a day. But sports appreciation was all full up at my I've been there. community college. Chicago p. I hold doctorates in chemistry,mathematics,and d. engineering, As well as b. trust me,i get it. a. If there is something we can do to help you,we s in psychology and sociology. will. what is he talking about? How old are you? Uh,i'm Cell number's on the report. 27. I'm supervisory special agent derek morgan. As of last month,i turned 27. I'll call you personally. I'm--i'm also completing an additional b. We'll see. a. You really need to be careful how you phrase in philosophy. things-- What was that? Excuse me? I'll call you Which reminds me that i have a joke. personally? I'm the liaison. How many existentialists does it take to screw in You can call if it-- and you didn't need to come in a light bulb? Don't. here and take over my consultation like that. one to change the light bulb and one to observe It was your first solo. how it symbolizes an incandescent Beacon of I was simply trying to help you. subjectivity in a netherworld of cosmic Well,from now on,supervisory special agent nothingness. morgan,if i need your help,i'll ask. Um,an existentialist would-- ok,before he does his You're welcome,agent todd. quantum physics knock-knock joke-- Do we have - Thank you so much. any other questions about opportunities in the f. - Oh,you're welcome. b. Thank you. i. Bye. ? Did you ever shoot anybody? I'm going to You do know we want them to actually join the present this information to the team,and if they're bureau? What? We want these kids to think it's a interested,i'll call you. cool place to work. If your team is interested? It's not a matter of I understand that,yeah. interest. Existentialism? Existentialism is-- Yes? That was You just said \"interested. a funny joke. \" detective,that's not quite what i meant. What do you mean? Yeah,to sigmund freud. 71

Criminal Minds Season4 I tell them i shouldn't-- they keep on sending me Because i can do this job. here. I'm sorry,has somebody suggested that you can't? I don't know why. Have they? Not to me. - Because you're young. Thank you,sir. - Young? Dr. What's wrong with agent todd? I haven't really Reid? Wouldn't they sit in the dark and hope that spent a lot of time with her. the bulb decided to light again? Excuse me? An Something's bothering her. existentialist would never change the bulb. I'll keep an eye on her. He would allow the darkness to exist. You wanted to see me? Yes. Yeah,that's pretty good. The houston case. I'm professor rothschild. I'm missing the coroner's supplemental for victim It was a brilliant presentation. 3. Brilliant. That's supposed to come in this afternoon. You're a remarkably effective recruitment tool. I just turned that in last night. The f. When do you sleep? Get me that supplemental b. so i can close the case. i. - Yes,sir. is very lucky to have you. - Thank you. Thank you for saying that. hey,dave. - May i show you something? - Yeah,of course. Reid and i were just approached by some guy It's all right here. here with photos that he claims are 7 women he I don't understand. killed. What--what are these? Homicide? The bodies These pictures have all been manipulated in have never been found. some way that you can't really see what they are. Not a fingernail,not a hair fiber. But he said he killed them? So far? There are 5 Acid is a very tidy way of disposing of something. more live victims somewhere that we can save in Acid? Are you saying that you killed these women? 9 hours. There is still time to save the others,though. Is this guy for real,dave? Is a confessor,wannabe? Others? What do you mean? In a bit less than 9 I don't think so,hotch. hours,5 other people are going to be dead. I get a hit off him. Unless,you can find a way to save them. Something hinky. F. I'm bringing him in. B. Ok,what can i do? I'm sending shots of the photos I. to garcia to start looking over. , \"Let us consider that we are all insane. I'll let her know to expect them. It will explain us to each other. I'll see you in about 45 minutes. It will unriddle many riddles. What is this? Do not forget a word he says the \" Mark twain. rest of the time we have him. You're my boss,correct? Excuse me? - I report to It's obviously tank girl. you. Tank girl? Absolutamundo. - That's right. Is she even a good guy? Um,\"a,\" she's not a guy Has my job performance been to your at all. satisfaction,sir? It seems fine. Big plus. And if it weren't to your satisfaction,you'd tell me? B,she is all about wild hair dye,flatulence,nose I can promise you that. picking,spitting, explosive vomiting,Occasional 72

Criminal Minds Season4 random sex,and more than occasional But if you killed 7 women without leaving a trace drunkenness. of evidence,why turn yourself in? Imagine what And she has a tank. the world would have missed if da vinci never Her very own tank. showed his work. And that,mon ami,is girl power. Hey,how's it going? Why? Um,it's just a question. Superman can fly. I'm sorry. Garcia. I just Um,jordan,as the last person to join this Uh,thank you for the help with the,uh,stuff thing. team, i know how overwhelming all of this can be. You don't have to lie,kevin. It really does get easier. Kevin,if she's not busy,you can visit. I'm not exactly sure if that's a good thing,though. Right,sir,sorry. I'm gonna manifest happiness and calm for the Garcia,rossi's sending you some photos. rest of the day. I need you to analyze them,see if you can find Happiness and calm? At the b. anything identifiable. a. They're possible homicide victims. u. Possible? Long story,most of which i don't know ? That's--good luck with that. yet. Oh,did you need something? Oh,yeah. - But the clock may be ticking. I'm waiting for a supplemental from the houston - Yes,sir. field office so i can closeout a report. - Kevin. If you could just let me know when it gets here. - Yes,sir? She's busy now. An internal report wouldn't come through me. Oh,right,right. Really? - Thanks for checking up on me. Sorry. - Yeah,ok. Find something,garcia. Well,if you need anything,i'm around. There may be 5 more victims out there. Earlier this morning,police were contacted and Yes,sir. informed that kaylee robinson, Who ran a daycare So you said you're a professor at strayer? No. center out of her home,had been abducted along You didn't? No. with 4 children. I mean,you did introduce yourself as professor When a parent arrived at 9:30 this morning to rothschild,right? Your degree in philosophy drop off her child,she discovered the door What's surprises me,dr. going on? He said there were 5 more victims we Reid. could save? A woman was abducted this morning It doesn't fit with mathematics and engineering. in loretto,virginia. I kind of like it because there's no right or wrong She runs a home daycare center. answers. She had 4 children with her. Without right or wrong,how would we recognize - They're all missing. perfection? Is this fun for you? Excuse me? Are - All five. you having fun? It's quite a bit more complicated Are those the 5 more? Are you pissed off than that. yet,david? It's not your fault,you know. What do you mean? You wouldn't understand. Your iq is your iq. Try me. It's not education,david,it's genetics. I read your books,david. What's this? I need to explain what a pendant is? You're not of the intellectual capacity to grasp What does it mean? Mean? It's just something i what's going on here. found at a fair. If you're trying to piss me off,it's not gonna work. Sit down. 73

Criminal Minds Season4 You have the right to remain silent. Hurry,hurry,hurry. Anything you say can be used against you. Go,go,go. You have the right to have an attorney present. Come on with me. If you cannot afford an attorney,one will be Get to a mask. appointed for you. Hold your breath. - Do you understand your rights-- - genetics is the Hold your breath. key to everything,david. I went through vicap. If you're not born with the right-- - do you There are literally thousands of open missing understand your rights? - Perfectly. women cases across the country. I can have a lawyer. It's not the entire country,though. No,thank you. Kaylee was abducted at 9:30 this morning. Some games are just intended to be played by He had time to take them somewhere,hide higher intellects. them,and make it to fredericksburg 2 hours later. Harming a person weaker than you doesn't take He'd need a place with a lot of privacy to hide 5 any special ability. victims. Neither does slamming your fist down on a table. - A house. But we all must do what we must do. - He's local. Bring dr. He was late for the presentation. Reid back with you. You know,it was more like 2. I never have any normal fans. He got there around noon,which puts him This guy loves the attention. somewhere around that radius. He has a god complex. Garcia,work up a map. Sooner or later he'll give up something important We need the farthest point he could have taken about kaylee and the kids. kaylee from loretto And still gotten back to Guys like him always do. fredericksburg by noon. Before he hurts them? We need a button to push. Shouldn't be too hard. The 7 original homicides could give us some All right,what do we know so far? He's leverage. obsessively neat and clean. He says we'll never find any evidence so he has He did research on reid and me at least. nothing to worry about on them. He's abducted 5 people,and then gets to a He made of point of saying there are no bodies,no scheduled recruitment session at a specific time. physical evidence. That's extensive pre-planning. We just have to show that a crime was Did you find anything in those pictures,garcia? I committed. can't even positively say they're dead. We can do that circumstantially. What about hair color? All the ones that show We need to identify the original 7 women. hair,they appear to be brunettes. Going back in there with names just might shake So is kaylee. him up. I'll start there. How do we do that? Reverse profiling. Brunettes from central virginia that are missing. Learn everything we can about him and his Ident got zip on his prints. methods And then profile it back to what kind of He's not in any system. victim he would choose and from where. He's a ghost. From the unsub to the victim. All right,if he hasn't been fingerprinted,he hasn't Ok,ok. been arrested. Get this. Which also means he hasn't had a 74

Criminal Minds Season4 passport,driver's license,or been in the military. Reid? Busy. Never been a teacher,either. You have something going on more important You have to be fingerprinted to be a teacher. than me? My dry cleaning is more important than So he's a professor who doesn't teach. you. What kind of professor doesn't teach? A That's very,very hostile. researcher? Someone on a grant,maybe. I think you're just a big-mouth wannabe who a grant would give him the time. doesn't have the guts to do anything at all about There must be some sort of central grant this. database. Well,then i guess i'm free to go. I can't imagine the government just handing out I didn't spend the last 5 years of my life working money and not-- I'll look into it. on a masterpiece Just to fold to a bad From past conversations,we know he's a bluff,especially to someone who doesn't even narcissist and seemingly remorseless. have a hand to play. Psychopath. Agent prentiss,this is professor rothschild. You know,we can eliminate a lot of these open May i? A god like you doesn't have a problem with missing persons Cases if we could just figure out women,does he? Do i make you nervous? It's how he met them. ok,agent. Jordan,contact the loretto p. I think we have everything we need to know. d. This is not a man who can confront a woman on and get us invitation to consult on the kaylee equal footing. robinson case. He sneaks up on them. Be nice to them. Gets them from behind. They don't have to let us. Blitz attacks. And then you and morgan go down there and find The original 7 victims,oh,they were alone when out what you can. they came up missing. Let's go. They had a routine,and he watched them. Prentiss,i need you to do something for me. Hiding in the weeds like a snake. Anything. Like A coward. What's our strategy going to be in there with the That was a waste of precious time. interrogation? You're not gonna be in the room. Oh,it's all part of the game now,isn't it? You think What do you mean? That's what he wants. you know what game you're plang,david? You He wants to play with you. aren't even able to grasp what questions to ask. We have to knock him off his game. Such as? How about asking what the rules That's all we have right now. are,david? Rules? and then there were four. He's right. I told you that in less than 10 hours another 5 Ok,how far could he have gone from loretto and people would be dead. make it back to fredericksburg by noon? There I never said they would die at the same time. must be some sort of mathematical equation to It's ok. do this. I wonder which one it was-- the woman or one of Should have paid more attention in algebra. those precious babies. Note to self,get dr. You have to know the rules to play the Reid in here asap. game,david. INCOMING E-MAIL What the? Golden rat? Every 2 hours,one of them will die. Oh,no. Chelsea! In the end,they will all be gone. Where's dr. Chelsea,honey! Is there something else i need to 75

Criminal Minds Season4 know? Only that i'm rooting for you David. I have a rapport. it just popped up on the screen. This is my interview. It's them. Ok. There are only 3 children. Let me know if there's anything we can do. There were four when i went to go get you. Thanks,ma'am,we're around the corner. What is this on their faces? they look like gas The husband and the local p. masks. d. Why would you fill a place with gas and then are all at the crime scene. provide gas masks? Well,maybe the gas serves - They're waiting for you. another purpose. - Us. Such as? Well,look how evenly they're spaced - What? - Us. out. They're waiting for us. And the hoses are stretched as far as they can go You told that detective this morning that you without coming off. would present his case to the team, And if they The masks are to keep them in specific positions. were interested,you would call him. He said one of them is already dead. Look,interested wasn't the right word. One of the five. I get that. - There are only 3 children. I won't make that mistake again. - Is this them? an anonymous site emailed to me. Jordan You are a member of this team. He said one will die every When he said 10 There is no \"they. hours,i just assumed-- it's a chess game,he's 2 \" It's \"we. moves ahead. \" It's important for you to know that. Let's not get diverted. Do you know that i was born with an extra y How we doing with the seven missing women? chromosome? So? You don't know what that So far,i've got 39 missing brunettes in central means? It doesn't mean anything. virginia. It means I was born to be a killer. Ok,30 years old like kaylee. Now that's funny. Narcissists tend to be extremely preferential. Oh,no,no,no. - 28. Don't pretend you don't know what i'm talking - he said he's been working on this for 5 years. about. Over the last 5 years,17. I have an extra y,it makes me a killer. All right,if he thinks he's going to jail for even one That's junk science; a joke. of the original 7 homicides, Maybe he'll tell us It was debunked years ago. where the rest of them are and give himself some So you don't believe that killing is genetic? It's not deal room. a matter of me believing it. How long do we have until the next one? One It isn't true. hour,48 minutes. Killing someone or not killing someone is a Dave,can i speak to you for a second? How do choice. you think it's going in there? All right. If those people die,it's because you chose to Do you feel like you're making progress? Some. make it happen. I was thinking maybe we should give reid a shot. Margaret peters,another gloucester point. You think he's smarter than me? No. Disappeared in 2006 on her way to work. Intelligence is just part of the profile. Last seen at the coffee shop she went to every We're not talking about intelligence. morning. We're not changing in midstream,hotch. Check. 76

Criminal Minds Season4 That's number six. Reid I know where to find them. We need one more. garcia,can you put the map of virginia up on Husband? I'll go talk to him. screen? It's an irrational number known as \"phi. You want me to,um I'll be fine. \" It's based on the ratio of line segments to each Right. other and of the whole. All these toys were left just like this? We didn't It's called the golden ratio. move them. Golden rat-- that's the web address,goldenrat. Husband doesn't know anything. Net. He was at work. It's a ratio found all through life. Doors were found open when somebody tried to In fact,many people that we find conventionally drop another child off. attractive are proportioned based on that ratio. These kids are 6 years old,right? All four of them. He,uh,he made a reference to leonardo da It's just an odd pattern for kids to leave toys in. vinci,remember this? Da vinci used it in a lot of his Mean anything to you? Not to me. paintings. Ricky,ricky,look at me! Run all the way here for A matter of fact,the last supper-- Reid,reid,how do me. we find them? The whole concept is represented Can you do that? Ok? Come on! Ok,come on! by this pendant, Including the logarithmic spiral Run,run! Run,run,run! Stay,stay,stay. created by using a fibonacci sequence. She put herself closest to the end,farthest from Follow me on this. the camera. - You can manipulate this image,right? - Tell me Why? Maybe she knows something we don't,like what you need. she doesn't have a lot of time. Pull up all the towns that the missings are from. Let's continue. Wonderful. Uh,lindsay connor. We had one in richmond. She was last seen when she stepped out to have One in dinwiddie,then two in gloucester point, and a cigarette while having a blown tire fixed. three in saluda,and finally fibonacci series. Doesn't sound like something routine. Each number added to the number before it. Lisa mcdaniel,saluda,went missing early 2008 It's what his ticks mean. while on her daily jog. He's subconsciously counting off the fibonacci Oh,she fits. sequence in his head over and over again. That's seven,including kaylee,that makes 8. Now geometrically,it can be expressed as a They're all incredibly beautiful. spiral. Almost unnaturally. It's called a logarithmic spiral. What are the chances that three out of our seven Can you put the spiral up on the map? Thanks. victims are from the same town? What's the Ok,now flip it 180 degrees. population of saluda? Middlesex county is Now make it bigger. small,but it's near water. Bigger,just a little bit bigger. A lot of people have boats there and weekend Stop,stop,stop. homes. The pendant is like a key. And two from gloucester point. Chester,virginia. Morgan just sent this to me from the robinson You're sure? With his level of obsession with house. these numbers,the ratio will have permeated his Without right or wrong,how would we recognize entire life. perfection? Perfection. If we took a city map of chester,the location where Analytical minds such as ours Dr. kaylee And her children are being held will follow 77

Criminal Minds Season4 one of these points on that map as well. I don't hate humanity. The ratio works with any scale at all. I told you,i read all of your books. Morgan and todd are closer. It's in there,every one of them. Call them and tell them to get to chester. Your hatred. I'm gonna get a chopper ready. Your first book,chapter 3,page 89, all fibonacci Reid and prentiss,get a city map and you're with numbers. me. \"the first time i saw one of william grace's victims, There's still something Bugging me about this. \"i knew i was looking at the residue of pure evil. - Chester,virginia. \"i would never again feel completely safe around - What? The whole team is going there. a human being. I see. \" This is all about my books? Like you,i know They'll be there before 4:00; before the next exactly what human beings are capable of. deadline. I can hate the things people do,but have pity for You lose. who they are. Explain something to me-- this is all about a Pity? You pity them? Any man who feels that the geometric pattern? Phi is much more than a only way to have power or purpose is to hurt geometric pattern,david. others deserves pity. Killing all those women-- kaylee robinson,the first Your fifth book,chapter 13,page 144. seven? You killed them because they were \"i know it makes little sense to try and deter beautiful? You mean hypothetically? Well,i'm just violence with more violence. trying to understand this math thing. \"But deterrence is not why i believe in the death All animals desperately need a way to detect penalty. others of their species. \"there are some people that are so violent,so evil, Dogs have scent,dolphins have sound. \"that society has no choice but to be done with Golden ratio is a subconscious identifier of perfect them. humanness. \"Vengeance is something that society needs If i had done all these things,it wouldn't be \"from time to time,if,for no other purpose, \"than to because they were beautiful. keep the rest of us sane. It would be because they were perfect examples \"Where is the pity?\" Sir,they found the house. of humanity. You were right. Because they're human? Hypothetically They're going inside now. speaking. Thank you. This doesn't make any sense to me. Vengeance keeps us sane. Killing a human because they're human? Do you What a fascinating statement. know what homo sapiens sapiens actually You may have your vengeance, as i am about to means,david? Its literal translation? No. haveMine. Man,wise,wise. What? They're never going to make it out of that Think about that. house,david. We named ourselves doubly wise. It was never about that perfect woman or those We are twice as wise as every other creature on wonderful children. the planet. It is about your team. The hubris,the arrogance. Your merry band of five. Humans are a blight. They complete my sequence. We should all be eradicated. Garcia,get hotch on the phone,now! It's too You hate humanity? Every bit as much as you do. late,david. 78

Criminal Minds Season4 The minute they stepped into that house,they No one knew,but something Was missing. were dead. I couldn't figure it out. I knew if i kept prodding you that you would rise to And then David rossi,the man that ruined my life. my challenge. And suddenly,i knew what it was that was Hotch isn't answering. missing. - Try morgan. Because you Have written it. - I knew That you would insist on being in the Vengeance. room alone with me; that you would try to beat Vengeance. me. You murdered all those women just because of I knew you would send them all out there. me? That's right. No,nothing. I killed 12 people 'Cause of you. Try prentiss or reid! It's a trap,stop them! But You took my family. you're not just filled with hatred,david. I take yours. You're also filled with arrogance. Did you get all that? Every word,boss. Hubris,just like every other human being. Well,make copies before we give it to the u. Just like me. s. I can't reach anyone! Try again! They're never attorney. going to answer. This might make a pretty good teaching aid. You lose. Yes,sir. Why? What did i ever do? William grace. Teaching? Yeah. The man you called the face of pure evil. I teach interrogation at the fbi academy. My brother. Hotch Garcia said i got it right? Yeah,about My life ended the day you arrested him. everything. Every time people talked about william grace, We found the acid tanks around back. they always talked about his parents and his The acid would have covered the whole area brother henry. outside the room. Because no one could believe that anyone that There were spigots everywhere. evil could possibly hide in the darkness. The entry was booby-trapped. Surely someone must have seen,someone must And what about kaylee and the kids? They're fine. have known-- Surely his own brother. Oh,they're fine. I had a fianc,david. You were right about them. A beautiful woman. They were just one of the decoys. A perfect woman. That was reid who figured out his obsession with She sent the ring back to me. those numbers. She said she was afraid to give it to me in person. He wasn't about to kill That's not in the pattern. She was afraid of me. You get your confession? Took some doing. She was a brunette. Thank you. So then i started getting these thoughts,these You'd be charged with kidnapping,but kaylee and ideas, these images inside my head. the kids,they're all safe. I couldn't--i couldn't escape them. You'll only face murder charges on the original And then i realized, my brother hadn't been alone seven women. in the darkness. With no evidence? Yeah. I shared the same genetics you so casually You,uh,you mentioned that when we first met, dismiss. that we would never be able to get you on those. I started a second life. But i think you'll discover that the videotaped 79

Criminal Minds Season4 confession has the power to move a lot of jurors. You waited until i turned my back,didn't you,henry? Just like you did with those women. Don't give me a reason to hurt you! And one more thing-- I'm going to be there when they strap you down for that lethal injection. And just before they hit the plunger, I'm going to lean in really close and tell you to say hello to your scumbag brother. First solo case. They don't always turn out so well,do they? I wish. I was out of line with you this morning. No,you weren't. You were right. I should have never jumped in like that. And it won't happen again. So what do you think? What do i think about what? - The other case. - What case? Told that detective that you'd take a look at it and give him a call. Jordan,are you serious? I've been a little busy. The man is waiting for a phone call. You told him you'd call him personally. Am i ever gonna catch a break with you? I can dial the number if you'd like. I mean,aren't you supervisory special agent morgan? - This is going to be interesting. - Yeah. I want you to speak when you mean it. That's what i want you to do. Sir. \"man must evolve for all human conflict \" a method which rejects revenge,aggression,and retaliation. \" The foundation of such a method is love. \" Martin luther king,jr. 80

Criminal Minds Season4 ATLANTA,GEORGIA - I feel stupid. sets of murders. - You look amazing. Bleach and ammonia were found under the Drink. victim's fingernails. - I'm going home. He's making them clean up their own murder. - No. It's the same unsub. Come on. Author Harlan Ellison wrote, the minute people It's just an off night. fall in love, they become liars. At any moment, Mr. So if the unsub changed the victimology, does Right is going twalk through that Oh, my - Is he that make him organized or disorganized? Well, cute? - Better. the prostitutes point one way, the club goes Have a drink. another. Vanessa Holden, age 25. The triangular arrangement of the cleaning Last friday night, she was clubng with her sister. supplies is interesting. A stranger, white male, roughly her age, picked Obsessive-compulsive? Might have been her up. institutionalized. They left the club at 1 A. We're missing the forest for the trees here. M, went back to her place. This guy started with prostitutes-- a high-risk He forced her on her hands and knees. victimology. And then he cut her open just below the stomach. Took a year off, came back, killed a socialite. Yeah. No forced entry, no coercion of any kind. Pretty rough. Exactly. The gutting causes the intestines to spill out. So how does our unsub go from loser of the year You can survive for a few hours, actually even to don juan? Actually, as byron interpreted him, days. don juan was an ironic reversal of sex roles. Postmortem indicates that he slit her throat at 5 A. And when-- th--that's about it. M. Something must have happened between the last So he disemboweled her but didn't kill her for 4 prostitute and Vanessa Holden making him hours. change his victimology. He could be a sexual sadist. Could the unsub have known Vanessa? It's Yeah, i thought so, too, but i found two priors from unlikely. a year ago-- Prostitutes, actually, in motel rooms. Sexual sadists attack anonymously. Ok. They have to sever a personal connection and So keep running with it. see their victims as objects to perpetrate this level Why do you think this is the same unsub? In of torture. Vanessa Holden's apartment, the following were We have to build two profiles, then-- One for the discover-- bleach, ammonia, trash bags-- all in a unsub who killed prostitutes, one for the unsub triangular pattern. who goes to clubs. One year ago, motel rooms-- bleach, ammonia, We've never done that before. trash bags-- Also in a triangular pattern. Prentiss is right. He's cleaning up. The victimology is so different, we'll treat them as Might be trying to hide his tracks. separate unsubs and see what overlaps. Could be a sign of remorse. Reid, work up a geographic profile, focus on Apologizing for the murder by minimizing the location of the murders. mess. Prentiss and Rossi, concentrate on the But there's one other commonality between both prostitutes. 81

Criminal Minds Season4 Jordan, Morgan, and i will go deal with Vanessa Garcia Is there any leverage you can give me that Holden. will help with the Holden family? Sugar, if they ATLANTA. broke the law, that'd be one thing, but they Detective harding? Agent Jordan Todd. haven't done anything wrong. Thank you for coming. What about public record? Anything that might Ssas Hotchner, Morgan, Dr. explain why the family shut down? I've got scads Reid. of blog postings on them. - How you doing? - How are you? Hey, is there a The Holdens were movers and shakers in the city. dna match between the unsub and the prostitutes? And the nasty stuff follows the money. We could run through vicap just in case. Like what? The Holdens got what they had Um, there's no dna at all. \"coming to them. No prints, no fibers. \" Why did Ashley get her sister killed? Yikes. Just like Vanessa, everything gets cleaned up. \"how much to gut the slutty one?\" Could you Pretty effective forensic countermeasure. forward those to me? Good afternoon. What about witnesses? Somebody must have I'm sorry you came all the way out here. seen something. It's a waste of tim Ashley knows absolutely Oh, yeah. nothing. Lots of people. And we want to get this behind us as soon as So you have a sketch. possible. It's a little vague. Mrs. That's because of this guy's other Holden, we can't begin to fathom the loss you've countermeasure. suffered. Take a look. That's right. So this guy right here, that's our killer. You can't. It looks like a fedora. But, um I lost my older sister in a car crash. So he's drawing attention to his face while And it was really hard on our family because she simultaneously obscuring it. was the responsible one. It's called peacocking-- The adornment of some She was the one that my mother always counted sort of flashy affect to sort of try to distract on to watch over us. witnesses. And when she died, my mother wouldn't let the So none of your witness statements agree? He police in. had a mole, \"he didn't have a mole. If she didn't let them in, then my sister wasn't \" He had a gap between his teeth, no, his teeth really dead. were perfect. This man is a monster, and we can catch him. Detective, we're gonna have to have a sit-down But we need your daughter's help. with Ashley Holden. - If you accuse her of anything - Ma'am-- - i will be She got the best look at the unsub. on the phone so fast - Ma'am, ma'am, we won't. Well, i wish i could make that happen, but All right. unfortunately, The family has decided to stop Follow me. cooperating. Did you know that about Jordan? No, and neither Why is that? They won't say. did she. Yesterday the mother would move heaven and According to her file, she's an only child. earth to help find her daughter's killer. Vanessa's boyfriend just broke up with her, so i Today, no, thanks. took her out to, you know To have a good time. I'll take care of this. There's nothing wrong with that. 82

Criminal Minds Season4 We you approached by anyone? Guys. I needed to salvage some rapport. Can you describe any of them for us? Ordinary. I don't know how you did things in Look, Vanessa wasn't even in the mood. counter-terrorism, But we don't make it a habit to So if she wasn't in the mood, if she left with this lie to get the job done. guy, Then there must have been something about I got you in the door, didn't i? Not only do you him, something unique. represent the fbi, you represent this team-- To the We saw a picture of him on surveillance, and we press, the police, and to the families who are know that he was dressed like a rocker. struggling with some of the hardest times of their So he was pretty flashy, right? What was the first lives. thing you noticed about him? His attitude. If you get caught in a lie, the trust we depend on What about it? Cocky? Confident? Or did he play to help solve these crimes disappears. it more the broody type? He was like-- he was Do i make myself clear? - It won't happen again. hitting on us, but he was, like, making a joke out - No, it won't. of it at the same time. When we get back, i want you to prepare a press Seriously. release about the unsub. You don't recognize me? I will give you 3 more Do not release it. guesses. From now on, everything goes through me. You know, even his eyes, they were different Yeah, dave? So how bad did i just screw up? On colors. a normal scale of but on Hotch's scale, an 11. So this guy wanted to be noticed. The unsub killed the prostitutes in separate Yeah. pay-by-the-hour motels ifulton county, Right there That's why you go to a club, right? And then he in one of the poorer neighborhoods he area. had these games. Now, Vanessa Holden's apartment was in the Like, he would bet us drinks that we couldn't get peachtree district, where there's a lot of big his number. money. Or this other one. Based on the geography, he isn't just changing There. his victimology, he's changed his whole tax Ok. bracket. Let me make sure you didn't screw it up. The high profile of Vanessa Holden bears that Hmm, ok. out. - The camera really does add 10 pounds. By killing her, he was climbing the social ladder. - What? You're so She didn't even want to go out If that's the case, this unsub had a long way to that night. climb. I had to drag her to the club. Both prostitutes advertised here. The last thing she said to me before i left her Look at their pictures. alone with that guy was, \"i had the best time Subservient positioning, asking to be dominated. tonight. Promising to come to you? That cuts out the \" The best time. social interaction of meeting on a street corner. The information about Vanessa Holden being the That's a long way from a self-assured unsub who responsible sister, where did you get that? Some hits the clubs. of it was on-line, and some of it was just an Except he took a year off between the murders. educated guess based on birth order. Maybe he took that time to change himself. A guess. - That's impossible. And in the process, you lied. - Why? Well, i mean, you're talking about a total That mother was shut down. transformation here. 83

Criminal Minds Season4 I mean how you talk, i mean how you dress, how cameras at the club. you think about yourself. Becky's friends say she was talking to a guy with Difficult maybe. sunglasses. Not impossible. Sunglasses. He already started killing. So why did he pull out the cleaning supplies and There must have been a secondary trigger that then not use them? On all the other scenes, the motivated him to change who he was. bottles were arranged in a precise order. So if you're gonna transform yourself, how would Here they're just part of the mess. you do it? A steady diet of self-help books. Maybe she fought back. Start hitting the gym? You have to learn how to And when becky went over the railing, his routine read people. had been compromised because he knew the I mean, what is a pick-up? It's basically just a police would respond. profile. Or she could have jumped. Decoding cues of interest and recoding similar Her nervous system was pumping adrenaline. ones. Her fight or flight response kicks in. If you're too obvious, you turn off your target. He struck two fridays in a row, and if his routine's If you're oblivious, your target moves on to a been interrupted, It might compel him to strike better profiler. again. That doesn't sound like something he could do on It's saturday. his own. The clubs will be packed tonight. No. Take a look at the classes the unsub might have He'd have to go somewhere to learn it. taken. Yeah. We need to generate a suspect pool as soon as A self-help class maybe? Uh, wait a minute. possible. Come on. Ok. An unsub who kills prostitutes. Can detective harding get a copy of the sketch to Is he really thinking about signing up for a tony Garcia? Did you find anything outside? No. robbins seminar? He would if he found a class in But i think there might be a new pattern emerging. the same place he found the prostitutes. - Garcia, you ready? - Sending it now. LEARN HOW TO PICK UP CHICKS I like your Please be aware that 30 minutes with photoshop style. does not allow for much artistic flourish. Well, the preliminary autopsy came back. Both times the unsub has gone to a club, he's had The victim's name is Becky Williams. some costume, but now there's a theme-- A - Was she disemboweled? - No. fedora and colored contacts, sunglasses, each And what's even weirder is the cleaning supplies time obscuring-- Are you ready, Garcia? This were set out, But there was no traces of them on area. her body. Now, yes, maybe he's trying to draw attention to Why would the unsub alter his signate and push him, But maybe he's trying to draw attention away her out of an 8-story window? Escalating to from here. sadism maybe? Gutting and cleaning are what he Something he knows is identifiable-- a birthmark has to do to find release. or a scar maybe. He wouldn't change that. We need to get these out. Well, why not? He's changed everything else Jordan, release these to the press. about himself. Which is why we're encouraging women to be on Did anyone see the unsub? No surveillance the lookout for this man. 84

Criminal Minds Season4 He has been seen at club omega, suffragette city. That's a good gag. And we believe he may be attending similar If you could just give us your atndance lists, it nightclubs in the midtown district. might help us find him. He may have a scar or a birthmark on his left eye. - No. Based on witness descriptions and captured - No? My clients expect a certain amount of images, the suspect is white, mid-to late 20s, and confidentiality. i repeat, - he may have a scar or a birthmark - I won't compromise that. Hotch. We can come back with a warrant. What did you find out? Of the 20 self-described Be my guest. pickup artist classes in the area, There's only one But keep in mind, the money i make doesn't just guy who encourages his students to dress like, uh, pay for my fabulous lifestyle, It also keeps some space cowboys. very expensive lawyers on retainer. Are you ready to meet viper? Men are put on this What club did you go to last night? It's a legitimate earth to hunt women. question. And even though women deny it, they want to be You seem to know a lot about our investigation. hunted. Two things to learn about me-- First i outwit alpha They need it. males like you for fun and sometimes profit. It's part of our biological imperative as animals. How often do you have to rely on your badge to And the competition the opposite sex puts you score, baldy? Second, last night, i was at club through-- Pitting you against other guys, against aqua, And i have a stack of tax-deductible drink your own friends even, It's all to reassure receipts to back up my story. themselves that they have brought home the best Now, you might not want to believe that my style possible mate. works. It's just like you. And here in this harsh light, you have the They want someone who's gonna make their advantage. eyeballs roll back in their head. But meet me on my turf Oh, the things i could My job is to help you slash past every defense, make you do. every excuse, every,\"why don't you meet my If you, um, have any questions, give us a call. friend\" trick that they're gonna throw at you. Please tell me we are not giving up on that guy. You may not have ripped abs or afford table We're just getting started. service, but if you're smarter and More interesting, H--he actually said that? To Prentiss? Yes, he did. then you will be a better predator, because this is So what can you tell me about him? I can tell you the jungle, my friends. the viper's real name is Paul thomas. And your prey wants to be caught. And before he rechristened himself, he had a Will you listen to that language? - He's training major mullet going on. serial killers. Garcia, we need the names of all of his students. - Great. I'm gonna need a couple hours for a work-around. We're dealing with a rampant narcissist and I also need you to send Reid everything you can misogynist who's turned himself into a snake oil about what this guy teaches. salesman. I think the unsub's using one of his routines. That's one more thing he has in common with our We need to start building a linguistic profile. unsub. Sir, does this guy's stuff actually work on real So you think this-- what did you call him-- unsub breathing girls? Why are you asking me? I abhor took my class he copied your \"the camera adds the whole chicks dig jerks thing. Yeah. Well, fortunately, Garcia, you're one of the 85

Criminal Minds Season4 exceptions. just didn't want to live like that anymore. Well,be still my bespeckled heart. If he hadn't attacked me, i would have D. So are you, sir. -ed. Thanks. He saved my life. Hotch, this is melissa foster. Our unsub is a confident alpha male. She recognized the sketch. He is white. I'm ssa Hotchner thank you for coming in. He's between the ages of 25 and 30. You sure you've seen this man? Yeah. He's in excellent physical shape to overpower I gave him the scar. women and also to feed his self-image. Did you meet him in a club? No. He has an obsession with cleaning. I was a prostitute. He probably works in some service industry, This happened about a year ago. wiping up after others, Convinced everyone looks - And i was in bad shape. down at him. - Heroin? But you got clean. His change in himself and his victimology reflects My girl,Cheryl, told me if i put an ad in the paper, that. It'd be safer than walking the streets. This is the kind of guy who wants to stand out in a So One day you got a call, right, to meet you at a crowd. motel? Yeah. He's taken a class in how to pick up women. When you walked in, you knew you were in So he'll repeat a series of well-rehearsed lines trouble. and mind games. He couldn't meet your eye. He may be uneducated, but he's by no means He was, um, kind of shifty maybe? He paced. stupid. I spent the first half-hour trying to get him to relax, Taking this class has given him the ability to read Because if he can relax, then i can relax. verbal cues and body language. But he just wanted to rant. One classic routine the viper promotes is called What did he say? He said i was the help. the push-pull. They don't even see you. He'll insert himself between two women and You're nothing. immediately after complimenting one, He'll deliver The help. a subtle insult, then pay attention to the other. I had customers like this all the time. Those are really nice earrings. They work out one of two ways. I like those. Either they want to tie you up, and you just say no Thanks. or they want to be tied up, In which case you do it My grandmother wears a lot of fake jewelry also. and, uh, you steal their wallet. It looks nice. He didn't want to tie you up, did he? No. Ignoring the one man puts her in direct You know what i remember about the whole thing, competition with her friend And causes the other like crystal clear? It wasn't the pain that sent him to pursue you more aggressively. running. I was just demonstrating. It was the mess. So i'm sorry. There's no record of your attack-- police, hospital. Well, we've mapped the hot spots he hits. Nothing. And he frequents the same clubs that the viper Why didn't you come forward? I wasn't ready to does, So we need eyes and ears in every single kick it yet. one. I was this close to dying for two weeks. Circulate the sketch as widely as possible. And when i got back on my feet, i realized You We'll need everyone aware that there's a killer out 86

Criminal Minds Season4 there. You have something in mind? When you think Thank you very much. about the nature of serial crimes, it's amazing I think i might just stay home and man the tip line there aren't more predators in the clubs. tonight. I mean, excessive amounts of alcohol, countless Clubs aren't really my thing. opportunities for date rape drugs, Not to mention Not a chance, kid. surprisingly risky behavior being pursued. I need a wingman. All right. Come on, now. So who wants a flier? Nobody? Ok. Actually, there is another angle we need to All right. pursue. - So how's it going? - Not good. We still don't know what made the unsub change I gave the profile to one woman, she asked if i his victimology, What made him stop killing was the unsub. prostitutes and move into the clubs. - How are you doing? - Well, i gave out all my The answer might be something in viper's class, fliers. But to figure that out, we need to profile the How many phone numbers did you get? None. teacher. I'm working a case here, kid. You need to bait him, then, with someone he sees Ok, 4 were offered, but i didn't take any of them. as a challenge. All right. We need to study his style up close and personal. Look, let me school you real quick. It's gonna take someone that he's already What you have to do with these ladies, just take attracted to. control of the conversation. Oh, this is really gonna suck. When you're talking, what makes you feel like an - Prentiss? - Yeah. expert? Uh, statistics. Come on in. No. Hey, i'm 10 minutes away. Trust me. You're ok with this, right? Yeah. No. I'll be fine. Something else. Sadly, i've actually dated people worse than viper. - Um, well, when i do magic. Is something going on with Jordan? Um, you - See? See, that's perfect. asked me to keep an eye on her. Chicks dig magic. And, frankly, i've noticed some tension. I'm gonna give you a chance to work it. I caught her in a lie. Come here. She cut a corner to get us in with the Holden Excuse me, sweetheart. family. Whenever you get a chance. Did she misrepresent the bureau? She What can i get you? We're with the fbi. misrepresented herself. We're looking for this man. So how long is she gonna be in the doghouse? Does he look at all familiar to you? It's not much Until she proves she's competent. of a picture. That's gonna be tricky if you're scrutinizing her I know. every move. You know what might help, acally, is he has a scar Prentiss, you seem to do ok. on his eye right about there. I think in order for Jordan to prove she's good at We also know that he's taken classes where he's this job, It's not gonna happen under a magnifying learned how to distract and charm his victim. glass. Ok. You're gonna have to give her the opportunity. How diyou do that? That's privileged information. 87

Criminal Minds Season4 - So what do i do if i see him? - You should call us. me something special. Even if you just think you see him, you should So let's see it. definitely call us. Yeah, viper, who gets pushed and who gets And if i don't see him Can i still call you? Yeah. pulled tonight? Is this the one that if you stare at it Yeah. long enough, you see the image of a swan? I'm You can call me. just wondering if we missed anything. Yeah. Remember, i said there was a secondary trigger. Ok. We never found it. Cool. Maybe it's something that came from the class. Wait. Prentiss could still-- what he took from the class I don't have your number. brought him to Vanessa Holden, But i'm talking Oh, it's behind your barrette. about something much deeper psychologically. Bye. Think about this. See? There you go. This unsub always goes to his victim's That's what i'm talking about. apartments. That's called game. Never his own place. That's an excellent question. Why is that? Well, there must be some restriction Once you know a chick is interested, how do you there. proceed? Allow me to demonstrate. A nagging girlfriend, a crying baby maybe, some This is a nice surprise. reminder of how miserable his life is. Well, the atlanta p. Which he's taking out on his victims. d. You see, eye contact is a very powerful gauge. And the fbi are combing all the bars you go to. It's why you tend to look away from someone And it looks like i pulled the short straw. you're attracted to Because you know instinctively Lucky me, then. what a dead giveaway it is. So Why do you do it? Why do you teach guys But your brain goes there anyway. how to be somebody they're not? Because it's a Images, fantasies. game, one i'm good at. Don't flatter yourself. And i want to help other guys get good at it, too. The eyes don't lie. So Affection, sex, emotional commitment. They dilate. That's all just for fun, huh? No. It's a chemical response. The fun is in the initial spark. We can't control it. It's that thing a guy does in the first What you're Ok, 15 seconds. talking about is a different beast. What do you see? Nope. You can't fake it. No change. You have to want it. No dilation. Now, why are you really here? Is, um, this the guy I guess chemically we're not a match. you were telling me about? Viper, meet ssa Only because you have someone else on the Jordan Todd from the B. mind. A. Once that happens, the attraction center in the U. brain shuts wn. Jordan, this is viper-- god's gift to women. - Your turn. God sure has a sense of humor. - No. You brought a friend. Are you scared i might be right? Yeah? No, Paul, You promised if i met you on your turf, you'd show i'm baffled. 88

Criminal Minds Season4 I cannot figure out what the unsub could have night. learned from you. Don't you know who i am? Look closer. What do you mean?He took my look, my words, He meant it literally. everything that makes me successful to the We need to talk to the family again. opposite sex. So what you're saying is that you think my Really? Because that guy can get beautiful daughter knew her killer. women into his apartment. It would have been someone that she possibly I wouldn't let you on my facebook page. met at a young age, Maybe a boyfriend, someone - Oh, you're on facebook? - Yeah. she rejected. - You should friend me. No. - I will. Vanessa told me about all her boyfriends. I gave him the routines that made him what he is. How about someone who expressed himself It must all be in the salesmanship then. sexually to Vanessa? It would have been 'Cause we've been watching all the women in the awkward, embarrassing. club. And he would have had issues with cleanliness or And not one of them has looked at you. cleaning. So who do you really go home with, Paul? Or--or What is it? That woman who used to clean for us, do you go home alone? That was really good, the one who brought her son. ladies. Who was she? I don't remember her name. That was really good. There have been so many people through this Don't you think i know why you're here? One of house, But i remember when she brought this my students copies my moves, and you're here to young boy in. get inside my mind. - He was odd. Don't you see? I confronted my queen bee a long - How? He was inappropriate. time ago. He would hide in the closet and then watch. - What's a queen bee? - You are. I caught him one day with Vanessa. And so is every other confident girl in here who's What are you doing in here? We--we--we weren't loud when she's drunk. doing anything. The social butterfly, the alpha female. He made me. Every student who's ever taken my class has had You are coming with me. one in his life. Get over here. And the first exercise my students have to And what did you do? I did what any parent would complete is to confront their queen bee. do. It could be the girl who cheated on you or the Do you understand what you did? Do you know prom date who stood you up. what you did? That's for talking to her And that's But you find them and squash them. for this. Our unsub knew Vanessa Holden. Don't you ever do that again. How do you know? It's viper's first confidence Don't you ever. building exercise. Mom! Well, don't look at me. Find the source of your first rejection and make That boy had no sense of boundaries whatsoever. her pay for it. He needed to be taught a lesson. That's why he stopped seeing prostitutes. Do you happen to have any records of the He took viper's class and decided to confront employee, the mother? No. Vanessa Holden. Everyone got paid in cash. It makes sense with what he said to Vanessa that Bobby. 89

Criminal Minds Season4 His name was bobby. You know, as much as i hate what that guy stands Vanessa called him a pervert. for, I still read \"five ways to get noticed\" in I fired the mother that day. \"cosmo\" magazine. It was awful, but there's a service that i remember Because it makes sense. that i used to get my domestics from. Emily, thanks for doing this. It was in fulton county. Absolutely. Last call, people! Last call. I need you both out here. See, your loveline's broken up, which means you The unsub's kidnapped another victim. haven't found your soul mate yet. Garcia, you've got viper's attendance records? - Well, that's true. Got it. - Yeah. I'm ready to play the player. It's really amazing. Start with robert. You see it in these couples that are together Narrow down the permutations. forever. Bob, bobby. The lines on their palms change, so they--they That gives us 23 suspects. become mirror images of each other. - Do you have access to birth records? - Yeah. - Really? - Really. Pull the mothers' names and cross-reference with Why don't we--why don't we get out of here? And i work and home addresses in fulton county. can tell you more about it. Hold on. What the hell? I'm sorry. Bingo. Hey, you were holding on to me kind of tight. Robert c. We're leaving. Parker lives at 932 pryor street. You know what? I have some club soda in the Oh, pryor's 5 miles from here. back if you want to clean that up. Let's go. Yeah. Jordan, have swat meet us at the site. Yeah. You made a mess, and now you're gonna clean it Why don't you let me do that? Just, uh, right back up. here. Clean it up! Clean it up! Clean it up! Clean it up! I need you to stay right here, ok? Who is that guy? Faster. Come on. Faster. Come on. You heard me saying \"faster\"? First team in Come on. position. the bouncer saw austin go out the back. I'll do--whatever you say you want me to do, i'll do She likes to smoke back here. it. Well, based on the witness' description, itit I'll do it. definitely sounds like the unsub was here. Ok. We got unis at her apartment, but no one's home. The help Doesn't talk. - Hey, it's austin. Fbi! Stay there. Leave a message. Stay there. - It keeps going straight to voicemail. Get this off. Maybe we could have Garcia try to triangulate Get it off. where she is based on the cell phone. Get it off. He has her. Ok. When you asked him if he practices his routine on It's ok. a sex doll, I almost lost it. - I called you. 90

Criminal Minds Season4 - I know. Ah, my doctor gave me a clean bill of health. I know. He told me i could even go back to work if i I know. wanted to. I called you. All righty. Let's go. Back to bartending. Please, please, please. All right. Who's that? Some Somebody out there? Who are No. you? What do you want? Mrs. I quit that job. Parker? Where's robert? Where's my son? My recent brush with death has inspired me to Everything's gonna be ok. pursue a different career. We're gonna get you some help. Well, that's--that's very exciting news. No. What's, um--what is the new job path? Uh, well, i Please. was thinking about taking up magic. I need robert. Have you opened the package yet? What is this? I need to be changed. Is this your card? Yeah. He's just outside, ma'am. It, uh, it is my card. It's a dialysis pump. Cool. It was issued 10 months ago. We found our secondary trigger. P.j.o'rourke wrote, cleanliness becomes more important when godliness is unlikely. Come in. - My report. - Thank you. Jordan? Prentiss said you were excellent in the field. Astute, responsive. You thought well on your feet. She's being generous. I really enjoyed working with her. You also posited early on that Vanessa Holden might know the unsub. Well, he didn't fit the profile of a sexual sadist. And you were right. Clearly, our unsub was more complicated than the profile. Anyway, i just wanted you to know that you have the green light again. - And i trust your judgment. - Thank you. - How are you feeling? - Great. I told my hmo i got abducted by a serial killer, so they gave me free dental x-rays. I'm glad your stay at the hospital wasn't too terrible, then. 91

Criminal Minds Season4 PHOENIX,ARIZONA He's too damn old. That's 3 officers in the past 4 days. Overweight, overpriced. After the first shooting, the phoenix police Too damn old. department assumed gang involvement. What, so you're saying they should have kept Pretty reasonable assumption. marion? That's exactly what i'm saying. True. Marion, nash, stoudemire. Almost 30% of all officer slayings are gang Well, that's a team. related. Yeah, same team that couldn't even make it past Technically it's closer to 40%. the first round. If a cop isn't killed during a commission of a crime, What is it? - Where are we? - What? I'm asking gang involvement is highly likely. you, where are we? I don't know. Actually, their precinct commander believes it Sixth and Buckeye? Wrong. may be a serial and has asked for our help. We were on sixth 8 bloc ago. What makes him doubt the gang theory? A couple Well, so what? What are we doing back here? of things. We're learning. Last night's victims were killed exactly the same Now, where are we? I don't know. way as the first. You've got to know. Shot in the neck. You always, always have got to know where you Something that the press didn't release. are. Well, now, wait. I mean, let's just say you jumput of the car and There could still be a gang behind this. run after some maggot. Killers working together could establish the same This thing can't help you. M. Back-up will wind up at the car 5 blocks away. O. Won't do you much good, now will it? No, sir. Commander Marks hasn't ruled it out, but there's Don't sir me. another detail-- Trophies. Sir's for the academy. Killer took their badges. I'm your partner. Gang members don't usually take trophies. Yes, sir--uh, right. They don't need to. Four-fifteen frank, 4129 23rd avenue. This is an unsub with something to pre. Repeat, four-fifteen frank in progress at 4129 And he's got the entire city on edge. 23rd. Kill those who protect and serve, and no one feels That's domestic violence. safe. Tell them we're on it. \"*******skin, and i for one would be willing to skin Uh, copy that. humanity to prove it. Damn it. \" Ayn rand. My flashlight. Go ahead, Garcia. Are you kidding me? Hurry up! Hold it! Oh, my Ok, while you birds have been in the air, i got the god! Officer down, officer down! Copy that, officer. 411 on the first shooting. What's your 20? We're at 23rd street! Officer? Apparently every saturday night, phoenix p. Back-up is on the way. d. 907-- all units, 4129 23rd avenue Earlier this sets up a dui checkpoint. evening, the phoenix police force lost two of our Is that common knowledge? Mais, oui. own. Public awareness is part of the deterrent. Sergeant manuel rodriguez and officer thomas So our unsub blows past said checkpoint at 90 kayser were killed in the line of duty. mph, And is pursued by a officer jason kessinger. 92

Criminal Minds Season4 Kessinger pulls the car over, approaches the - Thank you for inviting us. driver's side window, Where he is shot in the - And thank you all for coming. throat. Although i'd like to have a word if you don't mind. Mon dieu. Of course. He was a single parent, 2 daughters. Excuse me. So, the unsub planned ahead, used the dui stop Uh, lieutenant evans. to set his trap, And then lured the officer to his Lieutenant evans will answer any questions the death. rest of you may have. It could have been personal. I'll call you later. The unsub might have had a problem with these This way. particular officers. Sorry, that was officer kayser's wife. Or with law enforcement in general. They'd only been married a couple of months. He's sending a message. She seems to think that the fbi is here to save the Criminals, gang members, academy washouts, day. security rent a cops, teenagers, and that's just a Is that what you're going to do, agents? I start. apologize. I mean, the list of people who have a problem It turns out i may have wasted your time. with police officers is a long one. Ballistics came back. The victims were shot in the neck, so the unsub Both . knew they'd be wearing body armor. 357 magnums, but not a match. And he used a dui checkpoint. Looks like we're talking about - We don't think so. I mean, both incidents show an active - Really? Well, everyone he is pretty convinced understanding of police procedure. this is the beginning of a gang war. Which narrows it down to anybody who watches No, i understand that you could see it that way, television. But we believe that the shootings are indicative of We need to cover victimology. a single killer, One who's not a gang member. Garcia, find out everything you can about the You're saying one shooter, multiple weapons. officers killed. That's the theory. See what they had in common besides their Both attacks were detailed, well planned out traps, uniforms. not typical for a gang hit. Will do, but i should warn you, it will not be cake And the trophy taking suggests serial pathology, Because i have been on the phone with these as well. guys all morning, And pulling files from them has All right, look, i know i called you guys in, but i am been like pulling molars. way out on a limb here. Is there a problem? You know, aside from the My officerfeel like it's a betrayal, like i don't trust obvious grief for their fallen comdres, And their them to find this son of a bitch. fear of being used as target practice, I get the I gotta get this settled fast before this whole distinct impression from their crabby behavior, department comes unglued. They are none too pleased their boss is Look, i get it. outsourcing this investigation to the fbi, so Be We're only here to help and not hijack the prepared to hit a blue wall of resistance. investigation. Commander Marks, i'm ssa Hotchner. But if our theory is correct, the unsub's already This is agent Todd. looking for another excuse to kill again. Agents Rossi, Prentiss, Morgan, and dr. See, this is twelve's territory. Spencer Reid. - And you think they're behind this? - Does it 93

Criminal Minds Season4 matter? Yes, it matters to us, lieutenant. signature, Something he did during the murders You know this city and its gangs better than we that wasn't actually necessary. do. Not part of his M. We'd like to hear your theories. O. Ok, twelves has a captain. , but identical in every attack. Street name playboy. In this case, the unsub took the officer's badges. Vice broke up a drug ring. He's symbolically stripping them of their power Shot his brother, d. and authority. o. This act is indicative of someone who is looking to a. gain self-esteem. playboy thought he would kill us all. Gang members and other assailants who work Well, it is pretty strong motivation, but your together kill for different reasons, But usually it's commander said the dash cam only showed one not to gain confidence, 'cause they already have attacker. it. Most 'bangers will bring some back-up just in Hotch, you see that? Can we pause this? Ok, now case. zoom in and press play. Well, playboy runs the toughest crew in town. Taking the badge would have taken a few He's not \"most 'bangers. seconds. \" Well, you said the dash cam only showed one - He's lingering. attacker. - Doing what? That's a good question. Why show your face at all? Because he had to. At least now, everyone with force knows he's out He wanted to take them both out at the house, but there. they broke protocol. It'll be harder for him to lure someone into his Rodriguez approached the house by himself. trap. Wait a minute. Well, not necessarily. Are you telling me they screwed up? No, Being a cop is always dangerous, but even with lieutenant, i'm saying that they split up, forcing the the extra back-up and rover cars added to the unsub to take them out separately, One here at shifts, Phoenix p. the house and one at the car. d. That front unit's empty. 's still going to have to do their job. He could have set himself up there and waited. Which means walking into a potential ambush The element of surprise was on his side. every time they take a call. Choice of neighborhood was deliberate. Repeat, 245, report of an aggravated assault. Neighbors around here are used to hearing Copy that. gunfire. Behind the car. They'll blame it on the gangs, and so will the Oh, yeah. police. - Looks like a couple of bums. Techs have gone over this frame by frame. - Yep. There's no way to identify the shooter. Hey, police! Clear out of here! I got it! Son of a Approximate height and weight, that's about all bitch! Mark! Mark! Mark! Officer down, 106 east we got. broadway road. The unsub's face isn't the only way to identify him. Copy that, officer, calling for back-up. We also look at specific behavioral traits. code 2, 106 east broadway road. These are the reasons you don't believe it's a Mark! Car 5-1, back-up is on the way. gang? The shooter established what we call a Car 5-1, i repeat, back-up is on the way. 94

Criminal Minds Season4 Thank you. It's become as important to him as the kill itself. He set us up. And this last one he executed while the fbi and We knew he was out there, he still managed to every cop in the city was after him. set us up. And the press Their attention's feeding him. I'm sorry. Playing right into the unsub's need to feel I watched my partner die, and i couldn't do superior. anything to save him. The press is not our on problem. Don't worry, ron. These guys are still trying to pin the shootings on Playboy's going to pay for this. a gangbanger named playboy. Yosaw playboy there? - No, but-- - we all know he I have a feeling we're not going to be able to hold did it, agent. them off much longer. No, we don't. Hello, playboy. Lieutenant, you think i don't know how bad you What the hell, man? Let's go spend some quality want this guy? I was a uniform just like you. time together. I saw a lot of cops go down. Time for what? - Whatever you got, i didn't do it. Before that, i watched my father get shot. - Yeah. He was killed doing his job, a cop's job, so don't Lighten up, man. think i don't know. I'm telling you, i didn't do it. Officer Mercer, what happened when you got the Yeah? Well, i got a magic eight ball that says you call? Nothing special. did, playboy. Report of an aggravated assault. Commander, what's going on? What's going on is We were on it. my officers are being shot in the streets and This your regular beat? We were additional crucified by the press. tonight, added because of the shootings. That's what's going on. Did you get a look at the guy? Nothing. So you've arrested the wrong person? I brought in I was too damn scared. a viable subjt for questioning. I'm still scared. I had to do something. You're not the only one. I didn't kill no cop. My partner's family. Period. What am i going to tell them? The only thing you Sure, playboy. can tell them-- that we're going to catch the guy Just cross your heart, and we're done. who did this. Commder, i understand the pressure you're under, But the right guy. But doing this could undermine the investigation. Anything? We can forget cross referencing. Bringing in another suspect draws attention away These guys were just assigned this beat. from the real unsub. There's no way the unsub could have known If he starts to feel inadequate, he may strike they'd get the call. sooner just to prove himself. He's using the 9-1-1 calls like a lottery. It's also possible accusing one of their members He's picking cops at random. could antagonize local gangs, Which is the last And yet there's nothing random about the thing your officers need to be worrying about right shootings. now. Each scenario has been increasingly complex. All right, look. He's enjoying the hunt. I told you guys i was out on a limb here, so unless Taking the time to set his victims up and luring you have a suspect Hotch. them into his net. Since we've got this guy, why don't we see if we 95

Criminal Minds Season4 can use him? You mind if talk to him? Be my Takes everything real personal. guest. Thinks everybody's trying to put him down, so Commander, i appreciate your letting agent he's always looking for a fight, Even if he knows Morgan join the interrogation, But i promise you, he's going to lose. this is not our unsub. - So he's stupid. The real killer's still out there. - Maybe. I know you didn't do it, playboy. But he's aggressive. So why you dragging my ass in here, then? I said Think, man. i know you didn't kill those cops, but he doesn't. You give me something, maybe i get you out of all And they don't. of this. And trust me, they don't care, man. He's white. But you do. He's older than you, not by much. Oh, you care about me. And he works alone. I don't give a damn about you. You know somebody like this, i know you do. Tell you what i do care about. There was this guy He was white. Catching the killer. He killed me lieutenant a couple of months ago. I told you, i didn'do it. - Bobby q. But i think you know who did. - Yeah. No way, man. He was like my brother. It wasn't one of us. Yeah, your brother was a junkie, so was bobby q. OK. I see the similarity. I'll give you that. Sit down, sit down! Don't even think about it. Whoever did do this ain't no 'banger. Talk to me. But he's been working your hood pretty tough, Forget him. though, huh? Without your say. I'm helping you, he's not. He's making you look real suspect, playboy. All right. Causing you nothing but trouble. Your lieutenant, bobby q. He won't last long, then. What happened? Well, i told the cops it wasn't a Come on, man, look around you. gang thing. From where i'm sitting, it looks like he's doing all They didn't believe me. right so far. Yeah, that's 'cause you always tell us the truth, I mean, if i'm you, i'm thinking i want this guy gone don't you, playboy? I'm serious, man. for good. Playboy, don't do it. What you think? Yeah. So who killed him? If i knew his name, he'd be You know so much. dead already. Who is he? Probably somebody you'd least There's been another shooting. suspect. - I'll cut him loose. Probably wouldn't even think twice about him - No. 'cause he really don't look all that dangerous. Not yet. Well, at least not on the surface. Hotch, this guy knows something. But he gets real violent. All right, keep working on it. - Well, we all violent. They have the shooter cornered in an apartment - No, no, no, not like this, man. building downtown. This cat goes from cold to hot in a heartbeat, Dave, stay with Morgan, see what this guy has to nothing in between. offer. 96

Criminal Minds Season4 Prentiss, you're with me. Could have been our guy. - He's in there? - Yeah, we got him cornered. All right, i want you to stay on it. Men on both floors and the entrances. - Hotch, what's going on? - Nothing good. - You know this guy? - Yeah, a banger called Garcia, i need you to pull everything you can on a diablo. phoenix gangbanger called diablo. He's one of the lindo park assassins. Muy pronto. Daws followed him here. Well, let's close it off here. - He all right? - He'll live. Commander, can i speak to you for a second? He's a lucky bastard. Sorry to see it end this way, losing another officer, We'd like to talk to daws, if you don't mind. but i'm glad it's over. All right, ok, stay down. Sir, i don't believe that it is. Sergeant daws. What are you saying? The guy is dead. I'm special agent emily Prentiss, this is ssa This suspect diablo doesn't fit the profile. Hotchner. Are you telling me he didn't shoot officer daws What happened? He killed my partner. and his partner? What i'm saying is, he may not We're sorry. be responsible for the earlier killings. We were stopped at a light. - Agent Hotchner!Agent Hotchner! - Commander, Bastard came right up to the window. we have to be sure! I have got the chief, i've got Shot scotty in the head, then shot me. the press, i've the mayor. - Wait a minute. Do you realize the pressure the department's - There was no radio call? No. under right now? Yes, sir, i do, but it wasn't him. Came out of nowhere. There was an earlier murder with the same M. Guess he thought he'd bagged us both. O. Luckily, a truck came. This unsub may have killed one of the twelves. He ran. And how does that help us? This unsub thinks of I called it in, managed to tail him here. himself as a big game hunter now, but he didn't - Ok, thank you, sergeant. start out that way. - It doesn't track. Meaning? He started with a gang member, and - No, it was a blitz attack. he's evolved. - Let's go. Give me 24 hours. Let us go in and try to talk him down. They're notonna wait that long, and neither is the No, hold on. chief. What's going on? I've got movement. I'll give you four. Looks like ramey and wilhelm are inside the Thanks, man. apartment. Great job. Attempting to apprehend. Evans. What the hell happened in there? Daws said it's a I need your help. blitz attack. I'd like you to pull a file on playboy's lieutenant. It's a different M. It's over, agent. O. We got the guy. Yeah, and this was done in broad daylight. No, we didn't. It's not our guy. What, because he turned out to be a gangbanger Yeah, Morgan, what have you got? Well, after all? Let it go. playboy's lieutenant was shot in the neck with a . You guys made a mistake. 357 magnum. You guys were wrong. 97

Criminal Minds Season4 So was i. is the same as our unsub's. No harm, no foul. Did, um, playboy tell you if the killer took a trophy? No offense, lieutenant, but we're not wrong. He said boy q's necklace was missing. The killer is still out there, and more cops will die. Yeah, that's in the report. You heard what officer Mercer said. Big chain, solid gold. His partner was shot. Just figured the doer took it to pawn it. He couldn't do anything to save him. - Or as a souvenir. Do you want to feel like that when another one of - Fits the signature. your guys does get killed? Or do you want to He built up to this. know that you did everything you could to try to We need to go further back. keep it from happening again? Ballistics aren't Garcia, can you pull everything in the phoenix back yet, But the preliminary m. area That matches the same M. e. O. reports suggest the weapon used to kill officer as our unsub, not just police officers. beck was not a . Ok. 357 I spoke to Garcia. So i'm searching homicides in phoenix in, what, Beck arrested diablo twice on drug charges, last the last 2 months? - Make it three. time sent him away for 10 years. - Got it. Diablo was just released on parole last week. Murders, shootings, specifically neck wounds. So diablo went after the cop who put him away Oh, i got a guy named robert quinones, nickname assuming it would be lumped in with the other bobby q. murders. We already have that one. The unsub would take the fall. Anything else? Ah, just one more. Hey, it almost worked. A bouncer at a bar in downtown phoenix, mickey Lieutenant, what did you find? Well, i pulled up reese. that information on playboy's lieutenant, bobby q. Weapon's a . There's not much there. 357 magnum. And you're thinking playboy was right, that we Interesting. didn't pay enough attention to the case. It says here the victim was wearing a ballistic Did you? Look, the majority of homicides in this vest. city are gang killings. Apparently they don't serve shley temples at this Most times we spend time and resources establishment. following trails that all lead to the same place If the bouncer was wearing a vest, that could be anyway. how our unsub developed his M. We just assumed this was just another one of O. those trails. - Send us everything you've got. Being in a gang shortens your life expectancy, So - Sure. it's no big surprise when a gangbanger winds up Done. dead. All right, we got gangbangers, bouncers and Same thing could be said about being a cop. cops. The job involves a fair amount of risk, so a All pretty tough targets; victims capable of percentage of untimely deaths is practically defending themselves. inevitable. As the unsub's sense of power escalated, so did The M. his confidence, Leading to bigger and more O. difficult prey. 98

Criminal Minds Season4 That makes sense. They do, but not here. Risky deaths would increase the unsub's feeling Listen up, folks. of superiority. This warehouse is not private property. Same thing with using a . It is owned by the city, which means Y'all are 357 magnum. going to jail. It would make him feel powerful. Pa 'em up, let's go. Cops are at the top of that list. We ain't hurting nobody, except maybe each High profile, always on alert, and they're gonna other. make headlines. Yeah, i feel you, but we're still taking you in. Killing a gangbanger isn't easy. Unless you want to answer some questions and They're always armed, travel in packs. make all this go away. The bouncer's the earliest. So ask me. It was a pretty simple attack, no carefully thought - You know this man? - Yeah. out plan. Boom. He could have been his first victim. I heard. We need to figure out where their paths crossed. But i didn't kill him. Morgan, you, Rossi and the lieutenant go check No, but someone who came here did. out the bar. No way. We'll keep digging. Boom could take all of us. Like i told the cop before, it could have been We aren't looking for a tough guy. anyone. The man we're looking for probably lost every Did reese have any enemies? That's all he had. fight. Mick was a real hard ass. He came in here trying to be a man. Always looking to get into it. But he failed. Pissed off someone pretty much every night. Guy went down easily. Looks like he took quite a beating before he was Candy ass. killed. Maybe even in his first fight. Any idea which one of your patrons might have He probably reacted poorly to that. given him these bruises? Didn't get those here, To the point where you and your boys, you man. ridiculed him. De was into some kind of crazy club. All this led him to pick up a gun. Extreme fighting, or some crap like that. There was a guy. Looked like that, and worse, all the time. Called himself \"animal. Worked pretty good for his job, know what i mean? \" Lost every fight, but he kept coming back, A fight club would be the perfect place for the getting in boom's face, calling him out. unsub to try to prove himself. Most guys lose big, they run home, tail between And a beating might be the stressor we're looking their legs. for. This one freaked. Do you know where this club is? Go, go! ***** Fbi, There's something about that hand at your throat, get on the ground! Get on the ground right now! when you're beat. Get on the ground! Get on the ground! Don't Knowing your opponent's got your whole life in his move! Get down! That way, let's go. hand. Ain't breaking no laws here, officer. Ah, it's primal, man. Agents, no matter what it looks like I think he's When he lingers That's what he's doing to his trying to let us know they have to right to be idiots. victims. 99

Criminal Minds Season4 Proving his power over life and death. back. What's animal's real name? There's no names All the attacks, with the exception of the last one, here. Have taken place in the twelve's territory. Just nicknames. This is the unsub's hunting ground, and he's Like me. unlikely to stray from it. I'm beanie. Where did you say you saw the suspect? Police Well, what do you know about this animal? department, how can i help you? Phoenix police Anything at all? Nothing. hotle. That's the way it works, you know? Don't talk Locations have multiple vanish points for the about it. shooter, But limited access and exit routes for his How about a description? Scrawny, white trash. victims. Thought he's a whole lot tougher than he is. We'll be looking for a similar situation. Get him set up with a sketch artist. This should happen very quickly. Beanie Let's go. Don't forget-- this guy managed to take out 5 cops So what do we do now? We don't have a lot of by himself. choices. He smart, and he's fearless. Based on his escalating timeline, this guy's about He won't be easy to take down. to strike again soon. Fbi tip line. There's really only one thing we can do. I saw that guy. Earlier today, the phoenix police announced the Your killer. suspect responsible for The deaths of 5 phoenix The one from tv. officers had been caught. Male caller. That is not the case. He says he knows where the unsub lives, and it The killer is still at large. fits the criteria. There have been quite a few mistakes made over It's the twelve's territory, just off the main street. the course of this investigation, Mistakes that Looks like there's a series of smaller feeders and could have been avoided. allies nearby. As a result of this, the fbi is officially taking charge - This could be it. of the investigation. - Let's go. We have established a tip line, and a sketch of Slow down, lieutenant. the subject is being released to the press. He'll be expecting us. We encourage anyone with any information about All of us. the shooter to contact us immediately. This is his last stand. The man we're looking for is a narcissist and a He's going to want to make it count. psychopath desperate to prove his masculinity. Yeah, well, this time we know about it and we're He does this by going after high risk targets like ready. gang members and police officers. His trap could still work. Because hes a narcissist, this unsub will be you know about the neighborhood? It's rough. following the investigation closely. Lots of dead-end streets, allies. By pretending to take over the investigation, Major cross street, 17th. we've put ourselves above the local police, Thus Residential? Any businesses at all? There's a gas suggesting that we're tougher to take out, And station a couple of blocks down, but that's about issuing the unsub a challenge that he won't be it. able to ignore. - Hey, Garcia? - Yes? Can you get us a satellite And painting a target directly on agent Hotchner's image of 15th avenue and gelson? But of course. 100

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