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Home Explore Criminal Minds Season 1

Criminal Minds Season 1

Published by, 2014-07-27 00:18:02

Description: Hi.
I'm Heather.
That's a 2.
4 liter I can'tteach you how to drive cars.
That's right.
Wanna take a lookunder the hood? Yeah! You
know your Z.
I'm impressed.
You should haveyour mechanic check it out
How about I leaveyou my number and we can set
it up? Thank you.
So it's just rightup here.
Oh! That was-- haha Hello! There was the right.
Uh, maybe just pullover here, and we can try and
do a U-turn.
What are you doing?Okay.
Stop the car now.
Pull over now! Howabout Andrew? It's greek for
Let's call himSergio.
Ha ha! Please tellme you're kidding.
- Butch? - Howabout Donald? - Hans.
- No! Wait, wait.
Um - Okay.
- Not a chance.
It's hebrew.
Look what it means.
It's perfect.
Gideon Hotchner.
- No.
- Yes.
- No.
- Gideon.
stations and movietheaters.
- Uh, the madbomber.
George Metesky.
- Nice.
The winners sit.
Losers, drink.
Hold on.
Metesky wasn't aserial killer.
None of his bombsever killed anyone.
Well, you think allwe do is serial killers? Trust m
we c


Read the Text Version

Criminal Minds Season 1 I think we got our guy. anti-psychotic medication he may become more His name's Eddy Mays, 21 years old. lucid. Do you know him? Yeah. That's child's parents must be devastated. I just can't believe a boy like Eddy would do Right now Eddy is non compos mentis but if you something like this. were to sign a medical consent form we could He was the nicest kid you ever saw. give him the injection. He's mentally ill, sheriff. Of course. A boy like Eddy Mays could truly use an insanity I just pray that child is all right. plea in a court of law. Hey, Garcia. You know, the ironic thing about psychotic illness Talk to me. is generally they're less violent than the rest of the Ok. population. So I got a hold of Eddy's roommate in college who By the nature of psychotic delusions, when they describes Eddy as having an overprotective mom. do get violent We're never gonna get anywhere How overprotective? She called him, like, 3 times with him. a day. Not like this. And get this one time she went up to Boston to Look at the guy. break him up with a girlfriend she didn't like. You can't read him is rights. - Wow. You can't even process him. - Yeah. I better call his mother. Yeah. It's a damn shame. It seems like Eddy's entire college experience His daddy died just a couple years ago. was some sort of post-adolescent rebellion. This is gonna fall awful hard on her. He partied like an eighties clubber. What's the family like? Dad was a doctor and He suffered a delusional break due to Mary Gwathmey Mays comes from one of the methamphetamine and rock cocaine oldest families in Tennessee. consumption. I'd like to meet her. Wow, that is partying like an eighties clubber. We already have. Right. I can't believe it. So then, uh, he was admitted to a mental health It's just it's so horrible. facility in Boston. I I if there was anything I could have done to stop Checked himself out a week ago and then found him. his way home. I didn't even know he was in town. What was his major? Comparative religion. Are you aware of how sick your son is? He had Thanks. some trouble, uh, adjusting to school. Um, how is it having Gideon around? Uh, you can There was an incident last year. have him back whenever you'd like. We got him some help. - Hey. Mrs. - Dude! Dude? Ok, you're way too tense. Mays, actually there is a way that you can help us. No, I'm not. Anything. Yes, you are. We believe your son has kidnapped a 7-year-old You got anything? Yeah. boy Wally Brisbane. Mrs. Oh, lord god. Mays definitely has obsessive-compulsive And he doesn't remember what he did with him disorder. but if we were able to give him some Her house looks like a home decorating catalog. 101

Criminal Minds Season 1 You? I checked every nook and cranny, all 8 Cappuccino. bedrooms, fireplaces. Eddy, do you remember Wally? Wally Brisbanes. Nothing. I know the Brisbanes. No evidence of murder, no sign of the boy. You took this little boy. If Eddy Mays did come here, he was very careful No. not to leave anything behind. No. Do you smell that? Yeah. I did not I did not do that. It smells like bleach. Eddy, I understand you're uncomfortable. A lot of bleach. Your your hands are cut up. Derek. Your arms are bruised. Okay, it's just way too clean. Is Do you know why? Yeah. Elle. You killed 3 people, Eddy. Looks like somebody missed a spot. You killed 3 people, Eddy. Yep. You killed 3 people, Eddy. I've administered the haloperidol to Mr. Paul Thompson. Mays. Annie Stuart. How long until it takes effect? It's coming on now. Lynette Giles. Full effect in about 15 minutes or so. No! No! Stop it! You will you will be punished. You have to realize that while the drug will make God is punishing you. him appear to be asymptomatic it will not No, no, no. necessarily remove his delusional state. I brought you an angel. Will it make him more lucid? Possibly. See? No, I do not see. But let me make this clear. I do not see. I gave him the shot because he needed to be Please. medicated not so you could agitate him by putting Please. him through an interrogation. Please! I brought you an angel. That boy needs to be hospitalized. Please. Well, a jury might agree with you but right now he Take it. needs to answer some questions 'cause there's a I just want to know. little boy we need to find. When will you leave me alone?! We need him to Thank you. tell us where that boy is. Hey, Eddy. Sheriff, we're not gonna get anything out of him Do you know where you are? Jail. until he gets this latest episode under control. That's right. Agent Hotchner, it's getting cold and dark. Do you know why? I was very bad. If that Brisbane boy's anywhere outside, he won't Before, I was very bad. stand a chance in hell. But I'm I'm much better now, much much better. You all! Hurry up down here! Come on! Why Eddy, do you remember hurting anyone? Where weren't you straight with us, Mrs. did you go to college, Eddy? Mm. Mays? Straight with you? You never told us your Boston. son was in a mental hospital. Did you like Boston? Mm-mmm. I spoke with a doctor at a facility in Boston. No. He said Eddy was released a week ago and that I don't know. he called you to pick him up and that you never What was your favorite thing about Boston, Eddy? came. Harvard time square, I had cappuccino. You asked me if I knew if he'd come home, and I 102

Criminal Minds Season 1 didn't. Where did you go to school? High school, St. I I thought he was in Boston. Catherine's hall. There was also blood on the floor of your utility College, Sweet Briar. room. You were a Sweet Briar vixen? You know Sweet Do you have any explanation for that? Well, Briar? My mother went to Mary Baldwin. sometimes I cut my legs when I prune the roses. She's from Virginia? Manassas. You prune your roses in winter? As a matter of I've visited both Staunton and Manassas, and I fact, I do. know where your mother's from. When do you prune yours? Mrs. Are we driving out of town? Mary Gwathmey Mays, I understand that you may want to do Mays. everything you can to protect your son but that Gwathmey's an old tidewater family, isn't it? little boy may be dying right now. Where are we going? Old south. I would like to help you. Old money. I really would. A lot of tradition there. But right now, I've got to see about my son. A lot of reputation to protect. I think it's better if you stay here. Excuse me? Mary, I don't think that you were She's definitely lying. protecting your son. I don't know exactly what she's lying about, but I think you were protecting yourself. she's lying. From the shame, the humiliation of people finding You don't think she'd let that boy die to save her out that he was mentally ill. son, do you? I don't know. You didn't visit him in the hospital in 6 months. She drives a cadillac, right? Yeah. Not once. They got GPSs in them. What are we doing here? We checked the GPS So so let's go see where she's been. device in your car. It's got every stop she's made and how long she You stopped here 6 times in less than 2 hours. spent there. There are a dozen officers on their way over here You know, these things could cause more with a pack of dogs and we will find that little boy. divorces than internet porn. It would be in your best interest to help us. Hey, look at that. We're coming for you, Wally! Hang on, Wally! That's interesting. Come here. She stopped at the same place on route 3 like 6 Come here. times. It's ok. Hell, let's get Mary and take her to her spot on Come on, boy. route 3. Come on. We can tell her that we're going to visit Eddy in Oh, baby! Ohh! Let's get you home. the hospital. Come on. Ok. Mr. How long have you lived in Harringtonville? All my Hotchner. life. Do you have children? Yes, I do. My ancestors have been there since the late 18th Is there anything you wouldn't do for them? I century. wouldn't clean the blood of heir victims off the Plus I went to school in Virginia. floor. But aside from that, I've lived right here. I didn't know my son was killing those people until This is not the way to the hospital. he brought home that boy. I've got to make a quick stop first. You know, Mary, sometimes what we don't do is 103

Criminal Minds Season 1 every bit as powerful as what we do. pretty thoroughly. You don't understand. Who's Garcia? Penelope? The tech? With the I understand that your son was drowning and you glasses. made no effort to save him. In the room with the screens? Yeah. You don't know what I did. She's great. I know what you didn't do. Yeah. You didn't call the police. You might want to send her a basket or And every day of your life you're gonna have to something. ask yourself what would have happened if you'd Yeah. gone to Boston to help him. Is that your list? Yeah. Eddy told me he was bringing me an angel. Where are you? Well, seeing the White Sox win I I wanted to protect my son. the series and Skydiving. What else was I supposed to do? Almost anything That's 23 and 24, so I guess I need a new list. would have been better. Not till you do 'em all. Mrs. He doesn't want to hear from me. Mays. You don't know till you try. Harriet Beecher Stowe once said \"the bitterest Hey. tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid Uh Stephen? Stephen. and deeds left undone. It's your dad. \" Good job. I was just thinking, uh that we could get together Nice work, everybody, by the way. sometime. Thank you. Now I get to go back to the 15 folders on my desk. Wait a minute. 15? I have 24. That's 'cause I slipped you 4 of mine. - What? - On Friday. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Hey, sweetheart. Do not sweetheart me. I may not be a supervisory special agent, but that does not make me a maid. What do you mean? What do I mean? This is the third box of crap that Gideon left in my office there's at least 2 more, and everything smells like soy sauce. I'll take care of it. Thank you. Hey. I believe these are yours. I knew the crutches wouldn't last long. Oh, I'd rather limp. I'll be fine. Well, you managed to get on Garcia's nerves 104

Criminal Minds Season 1 Woman: She's wide open over here. Hey, is this your family? Yeah. There ya go. Sort of. Nice pass. Nice. Carmen! You just fouled the halfback. Thanks again for the flowers. Dos you play like that tomorrow, we're gonna get Hey. beat by penalty kicksok? I don't see why I can't go. Hey. I told you. What the hell does btw mean? Internet shorthand we have a game tomorrow. for by the way. So what? I'm not playing. You sent Garcia flowers? No. You are still a member of this team, and they You need something? Missing child in Wilmington, deserve your support. Delaware. Then I'll get dad to drive me back in time for the Billie Copeland was last seen on the playground game. at 4:30 yesterday afternoon. No. That's20 hours ago. Yey, come on, guys. Child abduction response plan says we get Pass the ball! Why? I wanna spend time with dad. notified immediately. Of course you do. What happened? There was reason to believe He doesn't make you do anything. she was with her father. God, you can be such a Billieyou have a bad Her cell phone shows a call to him around the attitude. time of the disappearance. And I want it gone by the time we head for home. So they've since ruled him out? He called the I suggest you run it off. mother about an hour ago. Laps. That doesn't mean he isn't involved. Now. He's on his way to the finily home, so you can talk Dad? Where are you? Can you talk to mom to him there. please? We're fighting. But the local police are now considering this a Again. stranger abduction. I really want to stay with you for a little while. Long-term stranger abductions of children Billie's I know what you're gonna say, but Can we at least age are rare. have a family meeting? Call me back. They represent only of one percent of all missing Bye. cases per year. Don't worry, mister. But they are usually more likely to be fatal. If she's old, she can't go too far. Of the children that are abducted and murdered, I know what it's like to lose your dog. the first hour. Where'd you look? Are you ok? Yeah. >From that point forth, their odds of survival Thank you for the flowers. greatly decrease. \"I know I can be challenging, but your work is after 3 hours. appreciated. Virtually all of them are dead after 24. J. Which means we have just under 4 hours to find Gideon. her. \" I appreciate the appreciation. Shall we go? The poet, W. And btw-- you're not challenging. H. Well, no, you're totally challenging, but you're not Auden wrote, \"Evil is unspectacular and always challenging at all in a bad way. human. Sir. \"And shares our bed And eats at our table. 105

Criminal Minds Season 1 \" She's been missing We're gonna go meet with How would he know she was upset? Finding the lead detective at the park where the girl was vulnerable kids is what these guys are good at. last seen. Russet. We need to know everything that's being done. Yeah. I'll find out what the press is running, See if I know Where? We'll be right there. any of them. Uniforms just located another kid who might have We may need to manage what they put out. talked to the suspect yesterday. Good. Its a couple blocks from here. See what the uniforms know from the canvasses. Let's go. Elle, I need you to be a liaison with the family. Billie's voice: Good boy. A liaison? In a child abduction, the parents are Detective Russet: We're looking for a white male likely to break down if we aren't careful. in his 30s who drives a late-model green SUV. Put out a city-wide alert. If anyone has seen anything suspicious, we have We've got multi-agency law enforcement running a hotline set up at the Wilmington police canvass. department. Body and evidence grid search is up and running Billie Copeland is an 11-year-old girl. on foot with canine units. The last time she was seen, she was in a track Talked to the press twice. suit and a blue soccer uniform. Gave 'em a description of the suv and the suspect They've been running that over and over again for and formed a round-the-clock volunteer-manned the past 2 hours. hotline service. The press wants to talk to me. Did you run a background check on these I just--I don't think I can face it. volunteers? On-going but no red flags yet. Why don't you just tell me what happened? Um I I had to make a call on this one, you know? was focused on practice, and Billie was being a Looked like a family thing. pain as usual, giving me attitude. Any witnesses? Witnesses have her talking to a So I told her to run it off. white male, mid-30s, carrying a leash Right about I sent her away. there. How long have you been divorced? Umit's been Just a leash? No dog? No dog. final for 6 months, but we haven't lived together Lost dog is a common ruse. for over a year. Especially with children. You seeing anyone? Between work and Billi when A short time later, a green SUV sped out of the would i have the time? Not one date? Any men parking lot over there. coming over to the house? I--I had a few casual We have an amber alert on it. dates after work, but they never came to the According to preliminary reports, mother and house. daughter had an argument during soccer practice? Billie still hopes that her father and I will get back Billie wants to spend more time with her father. together. It's a pretty fresh divorce. How did Billie's dog die, Mrs. I get the impression that our victim is in the middle Copeland? Uh It was hit by a car How did you of it. know that? Shrine in the room. Unsub could have been hunting during practice. Helps her grieve? Her father did that for her. Crowded park at 4 p. They get along well? Best of friends. m. she calls him every night, tells him about her day, 's a target-rich environment. asks about his. Angry, upset little girl needs someone to talk to. He's a cancer survivor, So he takes time off from 106

Criminal Minds Season 1 work, pulls her out of school for father/daughter Well, I shut it off sometimes. field trips. I like the solitude. Says we all need to stop and enjoy life. You didn't fight your wife for custody of your But he forgets that he has responsibilities, that daughter. they both do. But youyou like being in her life. Which kes me the bad guy. I want her to grow up in her home with her friends And she blames me for the divorce. around. Blames me for everything. This is the only place she's ever lived. I should have just let her go with her father. So you love her very much. I'm sorry. Yes. She's pretty fragile. Why do you waste any precious time we have left? The last thing she did was fight with her daughter. You weren't at your cabin. Can you imagine what that feels like? Mr. You weren't at work or with friends. Copeland's here. Police didn't call us until a little while ago Because Big response. they thought your daughter might have been with Reid: Yeah. you, that you might have taken your daughter. My friends in the press eat this up. Until you can give us a satisfactory accounting of They have a lot of on-air hours to fill. your whereabouts from the time your daughter 'Scuse me. went missing until-- Would you help me Look who's here. understand why a devoted father Who talks to his Came all the way down from New York, huh? A daughter every night suddenly turns his phone off, missing little girl is always goa be news. disappears for almost 24 hours? I wasbusy. So did you get all the photos and everything you It's 1:30. need? She's been missing since yesterday. You called your wife at 11:30, found out Billie was How come you guys just got here? We'll have a missing. press conference. So? Well, Brandywine valley's Where were you, When? Soon. Mr. [Laughs] Come on, JJ. Copeland? I-- I was at Sloane Kettering hospital. Give me something, huh? For old times' sake. In New York city. [Sighs] Ok. Dr. You may wanna rethink that tie. Baylan Mahal is the head of oncology. I have been calling you all night! I'm sorry, Marilyn. You can call him if you want. I turned my phone off. I will. How could you turn your phone off? What if Billie Had a relapse? It's in my lymph nodes now. got sick or-- we needed you. There's nothing more they can-- Please find my I said I was sorry! What's being done to find my daughter. daughter? We're assessing that right now. Find my daughter. She's been missing since yesterday! What the Call Sloane Kettering. hell have you people been doing since then?! Good afternoon. Where have you been, Mr. I'm detective Russet. Copeland? Me? Where were you all day and all This is Special Agents Hotchner and Morgan from night? I have a cabin in Brandywine valley. the FBI. Police tried you there. Hi, you guys. Well, maybe i was out at the time. Can I see your gun? This used to be a good Billie tried your cell phone yesterday afternoon. neighborhood. 107

Criminal Minds Season 1 But this is what happens when you let pedophiles He lured Billie with a story about a lost dog. and sex freaks live wherever they want. She recently lost one of her own. Ma'am-- I have been searching the sex offender That indicates previous knowledge of the victim. registry. But it doesn't necessarily mean that she knew him, Two of them live close-- Not that you can tell Only that he's aware. exactly where from the map on the internet. It's not uncommon for predators like these to Are you talking to them? Yes, ma'am. know kids that live around his area. What's a pedophile sex freak? Hey, hey, kids, kids, He's from the neighborhood. listen up. Then we go door to door and ask for voluntary Which one of you is Connie? Hey, sweetheart. searchers. Ma'am, do you mind if we ask your daughter a Neighborhood's already crawling with uniforms. couple of questions? Why don't we step right over They're everywhere. here, and the rest of you can go back to playing, So far you followed the child abduction response all right? Connie, I'm Agent Hotchner. plan to the letter. Did you talk to a man yesterday about finding his For the past few hours, yes. dog? Yeah. So now we need to move past the guidelines. He said her name was Candy and that she was What? Change tactics. old. If we don't, Billie isn't gonna make it past the next But I told him I couldn't help him 'cause I had to 24 hours. go home and have lunch. I want you to corral these clowns. And if I'm late, I get grounded. we're gonna need 'em--all of 'em. Yeah. Billie Copeland has been missing 22 hours. Well, moms are like that. It is vital that we locate her in the first 24. And then when he came back, I was already late The unknown subject in this case is most likely a for soccer practice. resident of one of the subdivisions around the Connie, he came back? Yeah. park. After lunch. We have cancelled the amber alert. He said his dog was still lost. We need to coordinate with all your officers to pull Do you think you'd recognize him if you saw him everyone off the street immediately. again? I don't know. That's crazy. Would you like to go down to the police Just hear me out. department and have a look at a book with some But it goes against court procedure. men's faces in it? It might help you recognize him. You guys wrote the damn thing. Would that be all right? Ok. Carp is just a guideline for immediate response to Thanks, Connie. child abduction. Came back to the same neighborhood twice in Believe it or not, we're already late in the game, one day. and we do know enough about this unsub to know That's bold. that if he feels like we're closing in on him at all, He's comfortable in the area. he will kill Billie to avoid detection. What do we know? Hotch: We talked to a kid who If anything, we need to lessen the pressure on had contact with the unsub. him. Morgan: Came back to the same street more than The man fits in. once. 'cause nobody knows what he is. Tells us he's at ease in the neighborhood, Can we really know our neighbors? He walks his comfortable talking to kids in plain view. dog Does yard work. 108

Criminal Minds Season 1 Solitary activities appeal to him. Good luck. But if you watch closely, you'll see he pays a little Thank you. too much attention to the neighborhood kids. Penelope Garcia's house of \"how may i save your Largely goes unnoticed because he isn't ass today\"? You can give me sex offender registry perceived as a threat. for Wilmington, Delaware. He's a white male, in his late 20s to 30s. Oh. He has a menial or temporary job. That's always a fun group. Socially marginalized and frustrated. UmMorgan, did you hear that Agent Gideon sent He relates better to kids than he does to adults. me flowers? No kidding. This is not his first offense against children, but it Jealous? [laughs] Sex offenders, Garcia. is his first abduction. Ah Wilmington, Delaware sex offenders. How do you know that? First-timers hunt closer to Worst of them all-- level 3 offenders, zip. home. Nada. Experienced predators don't. Got a couple of level 2s residing 6 and 12 miles And he's had a recent stressor, a job loss or other from the abduction site One of which was such a setback. long sheet, he should probably still be in prison. Unable to maintain a normal relationship, he'll But apparently has served his full freight. have extensive pornographic materials in his And another, paroled on 2 counts of sexual home and on his computer. assault and rape 1. And while they won't all involve children, some of Any child victims? No. them definitely will. Come on, Garcia. Since he used the missing dog ruse and we Dig. believe him to be a regular fixture of the Dig for me. neighborhood, it's quite possible that he truly Ah. does own or did at one point own a dog named You got a level 1. Candy. Dennis Jones. We recommend cross-checking veterinary Lives a mile away. records with residents in the neighborhood. Solicitation of prostitution. He will not inject himself into this investigation. Naw, Jones doesn't fit the profile. Don't these guys like to know what the cops know? The guy we're looking for probably couldn't No, not this type of unsub. perform with adults, pro or not. He's hiding. Well, give me a list of suspects and I can run a He doesn't know what anyone saw. deep background. He doesn't know if there's any information about No. him out there. It'll be way too late by then. He's unlikely to walk in, ask us \"Can i help you?\" You took the police off the street. But I can guarantee you he will be watching the We believe your daughter was abducted by news. someone in the area and that she's probably still So how we handle them is very important. nearby. Check your canvass records. Then shouldn't you be flooding the area with cops, One of you may have had contact with him in the knocking on doors? It's not that simple. early stages. Yes, it is. What about registered sex offenders? We've got You're taking the meds again. somebody working on that right now. LookWhat exactly are you people doing to help Ok, ladies and gentlemen, everyone clear on that? get my daughter back? You're sick again, aren't 109

Criminal Minds Season 1 you? We want you to meet with the press Both of we can do is respond to what's in front of us. you. What if you're wrong? Pfft. Press conference. Ha. That's what you have? You just said you're You know what program did the most harm to this already taking the press that's running off the air. country in terms of crimes like this, child I know. abduction? No. This will be different. \"Stranger Danger. Trust us, Mr. \" Flooded the schools with it. Copeland. I remember them coming to my classroom. I'll get it. It was officer friendly with Stranger Danger Just tell Marilyn what you need us to do. coloring books. That was his second remission. Taught a whole generation about a scary man in a I'm sorry. trench coat hiding behind a tree. Billie won't even talk to me anymore. Then we learned that strangers are only a fraction How am I gonna tell her that her father's sick of the offenders out there. again? One thing at a time, Mrs. Most are people you see every day-- your family, Copeland. your neighbors, school teachers. Once we find your daughter, you'll figure it out. You know the rest. Copeland: Can I help you? Mr. Prepared our children for 1% of the danger, made Copeland, I'm Helen Godfrey from a few blocks them more vulnerable to 99%. away. So we've been wrong before. I have printouts on all the sex offenders in the All we can do is learn from it, and hopefully be area. better next time. I think if you just Look at any of these-- What the Dispatcher: Unit 5-3-9. hell? Mr. calling for your presence at the river off route 6. Copeland? Mr. What's this in reference to? They've located a Copeland! There are sex offenders in the area. body. I thought he should know. female. Stupid. The call is anonymous. Hotch, we have a problem. Said there was a body in the water. Dennis Jones? Are you Dennis Jones? Do I know Brown hair, brown eyes, about 4'10\", 4'11\"? Yeah. you? Where's my daughter? What? You tell me Should have started the search earlier. where she is or I'm gonna kill you right here. I'm sure you just did what you thought was right, DudeI got no idea what you're talking about. detective. Where is she? Where is she, you pervert?! Mr. I can't. Copeland! Mr. I can't. Copeland, don't do it! Copeland: Get off of me! If it's her-- That's all right. He's got my kid! I got no kid! Morgan: Met it go! Mr. Stop moving! Let him go! [sobbing] He's got my Jones isn't interested in pressing charges. daughter. Am I supposed to be grateful? The bastard's a Hotchner: Get inside. pedophile. Well, that's it. No, he isn't. No more uniforms in the neighborhood. Did you check up on him? Did you ever search Are you sure this is the way to go? I hope it is. his house? His sex offense was soliciting a You're taking a hell of a chance, aren't you? All prostitute. 110

Criminal Minds Season 1 It had nothing to do with children. patience. But he's registered on-- Mr. Mr. Copeland, there are a lot of ways to get on that Copeland. list. Yesterday--ahem-- Yesterday, at approximately 3 That's why accessing that type of information is p. supposed to be left up to law enforcement. m. We understand your frustration and your anger, , my daughter-- our daughter-- Belinda but you're jeopardizing our efforts to save your Copeland--Billie-- went missing from the daughter's life. recreation center. Every minute spent chasing you is time we're not We are looking for a man, a witness, in a green spending on Billie. SUV. So either get control of yourself and follow our There have been some reports that he is a directions or stay out of our way. suspect, but that was a mistake. What would you like us to do? Make a public He's not suspected of anything. appeal for information regarding a witness driving We would like this man to come forward and tell a dark green SUV. us what he knows. Isn't he supposed to be the suspect? Yes, but We need your help. when people hear suspect, they can't see the guy He may not even understand how important what next door as a monster. he saw is. They can't imagine their neighbor could do So anyone with information about this individual something like this. or his green SUV, please call the tip hotline. If he's a witness, he might be a hero. Thank you. But what if he thinks it's a trick? What if he panics Reporters: Mr. or thinks it's too risky, and then he-- It's not just Copeland! Mr. him that you'll be speaking to. Copeland! [Voice breaks] We'd like billie to come It's his neighbors as well. home now. We've done everything we can to relieve the It'll be dark soon. pressure on this man. thank you. We've taken the cops off the street. So the body located by police earlier today is not You won't have any standing with you on the dais. Billie's? What? The female body-- There'll be no Only a local minister. more questions. Hearing he isn't a suspect might calm him down Thank you. as well. What body? This conference is over. Right now he's under enormous stress. Let's discuss this outside. And we need him to believe, even if it's just for a What body? Woman: Come on, Mr. little while, that we're way off the mark, that we're Copeland. not close to arresting him. That'll be all for now. Are you? Close to arresting him? We need the The conference is over. public's help. Reporters: Mr. Ok, can i have everyone's attention? Please, if Copeland! Mr. you could just take your seats The Copeland Copeland! Why didn't you tell us? That your idea family is here to make an appeal. of compassion? I only asked a question. As you all know, their 11-year-old daughter Billie you're the ones who didn't tell the parents-- a is missing. positive identification hasn't been made. So if you could just have a little compassion and Asking them about that was out of line, Hal. 111

Criminal Minds Season 1 Is there a body? Please just come with me. Sergeant. Tell me right now-- did you find a body? Did you Yeah? Here's what we need-- Everything that find Billie? Mrs. comes in here Oh, my god. Copeland- Is my daughter dead? A body was Billie You have to be strong now. dcovered. You have to. Gideon: It's not Billie. How we doing? All her life When my little girl The body that was found was much older and has needed help, she came to me. been dead a number of days. And now, when she needs me most Looks like maybe a junkie or an overdose. There'snothing. Are you sure? Yes, I saw the body myself. When he got sick He said he didn't want to make It's not your daughter. us watch him die. My god, I can't-- I can't Please just come with me. He wanted the divorce. What the hell was that about? A report asked And I let her believe that it was me because I them about the body. don't know. Probably heard it on the scanner. It seemed better than the truth that he was I should have prepared them for that. running away from us. We don't have anything to tell them yet. So I lied to her. Billie's running out of time. I think that's an incredibly courageous sacrifice. So are the parents. Except now he's sick. Come on. And all i have left is a daughter who hates me. A little hope, huh? We'll make it. I just [pills rattles] I can't just sit around here How's it going? The unsub's in here somewhere. helpless. You gotta bet that the police talked to him In their When you were first diagnosed with cancer, you initial canvass. could have given up. Maybe not. You didn't. Our unsub is a solitary individual. But there was an enemy Something to fight. He isn't the type of guy to insert himself into an Yeah, but There's a ghost enemy. investigation. Sneaks in Ravages you before you even know it's Wouldn't it make more sense that he wouldn't there, and by the time you do know, you're have answered the door During the initial canvass? already losing. Neighborhood was crawling with cops, canine You took on that one. units, search and rescues. Whatever will you summoned to fight that ttle, find Make him nervous and jumpy, he'd want to avoid it again, for Billie. them at all costs. Don't give up, sir. So then he couldn't allow anyone into his home to But it didn't matter. ask routine questions even if the girl was bound I fought and it came back. or gagged because it'd be too risky. The cancer won. It's next to impossible to control breathing, I saw the pictures of you and her in her room. speech patterns, body language when the body's pictures of you fishing, being there for her when under extreme duress. her dog died, building a shrine to her pet. Maybif we compare hotline tips with anyone who You think that extra time didn't matter? Are you wasn't at home during the initial canvass. gonna find her? The men and women I work with Or didn't answer their door. are the best in the world. We'll find our unsub. They won't rest until I do. Let's get to it. You have my word on that. 112

Criminal Minds Season 1 Yeah. Yeah, Hotch. It was worth a try. Morgan. That's right. Better get over here right now. Thank you. Third house down on the right. Nothin'. We knocked on the door, but nobody's answering. Agent Morgan? Yeah. His neighbor said he's definitely in there. This the kinda thing you're looking for? Reid. He's got a green Ford Explorer in the garage. A Mr. Break down the door. Lomax has a neighbor with a green SUV, but he No. hasn't seen him all day. We don't have probable cause. Says that's unusual. He's got a green SUV. thought he might have been out of town, but now He had a dog that died recently. he sees some lights on over there. He spends time in the park. where's our canvass sheets? No answer. Pretending he's not home. Let's go talk with Mr. None of which are illegal. Lomax. No judge is going to sign a warrant based on that Nice call. information. Thanks. You're weighing the life of a child against the price Good luck. of a door? I'm weighing the law against the price Mr. of a door. Lomax? Agent Morgan. The girl's in the house right now. Agent Reid. The longer we stand here, the longer he has to FBI. finish her off. Holy smokes! That was fast. I'll call a judge. Did you call in a tip about your neighbor, Don If we go in there without a warrant, all that Curtis? Lives down the street. evidence will get thrown-- We're aware of the I saw the news thing, you know? I was thinking rules of evidence. Don drives a dark green Explorer, and he's at the What do you propose that we do? We tow his car, park all the time. we impound it, and we search it. I figured like they said on the television maybe he Gideon! Gideon, wait a minute! Gideon! Gideon, knows something but he doesn't know that he you need-- Federal agents. knows it. FBI! Federal agents! FBI! Where is she? I don't Know what I mean? Where's his Eexplorer now? know what you're talking about. It's usually in the driveway, but I haven't seen it [click] Where's Billie Copeland? Please don't hurt today. me. Haven't seen Don either, which is kind of weird. Gideon Please! Please put the gun down. We're always out front talking about the lawns. Gideon! Get him out of here! Tear the place apart! He never has any crab grass. We went through everything-- the house, the I don't know how he does it. garage. Do you know if he has a dog? Used to. The girl isn't here. A big Golden Retriever. What? Reid: Just as we expected, he has an name was Candy. extensive collective of deviant photos and cartoon I think she died like 6 months ago. downloads. Thank you, Mr. Partitioned in separate folders? Mm-hmm. Lomax. Access the internet history. 113

Criminal Minds Season 1 Identify any pornographic sites, shut 'em down. Russet: I told you we should have waited. I'm uploading to garcia as we speak. I know. Is it all porn? It's a lot of home movies with a We made a call, and if there are any bunch of kids in it. recriminations, we will take full responsibility. This one--you need to see it. Hutch. Boy: No, i don't want to. He's the man. Curtis: Shh. Jason, i agree, but we may have been overly Remember what i'll do if you tell. hasty. Gideon, we searched the entire house-- upstairs, Insulation. downstairs. There it is. Everywhere. Hotch, get me up here. There's no sign of the girl or that she's even been Up. here. Go. It is possible that he moved her. Go. Polly Klaas was found Danielle Van Damme 30, She's here. Samantha Runnion, 52. Hey, Billie. But keep in mind We were 20 hours late getting my name's Jason. involved. I'm here to take you home, sweetie. Man doesn't take chances. Your mommy and daddy are very worried about He wouldn't drive around with a girl in the car. you. He took her, got her off the street as quickly as I wanna go home. possible. I wanna go home. Just keep looking. Let's go see your mom and dad, huh? Oh, i forgot. On it. I took that for luck. your tapes, your computer, are full of child Let's bring it back to where it belongs, ok? Let's pornography. go see your mommy and daddy. Do you guys have a warrant? I didn't see a Hotch! Here she comes. warrant. Here you go, sweetie. You're going to prison. Watch your arm. Right now for how long is up to you. Watch your arm. It's in your best interest to help us. Gideon, voice over: \"measure not the work until I want a lawyer. the day's out and the labor done. Then we won't be able to talk to you anymore. \" Elizabeth Barrett Browning. We won't hear your side of the story, and we won't Morgan: I got absolutely nothing. get Billie Copeland back to her parents. Aw, nothing. Now, you can help us. sss2 pair of aces. Make it right. Oh, get outta town! Why you always winning? Can you close the door? It's cold. Nuh-uh! 'cause he cheats. Curtis lawyered up. Poker? It's mathematics, it's statistics. Of course he did. He's from vegas. That's the first smart thing he's done. House rules. We broke into his house, and without Billie, we There's that. don't have the exigent circumstances We need to Too. make this stick. Jennifer: All right, shuffle. We may have to let him go. Hey, Hotch. 114

Criminal Minds Season 1 Yeah? Did you send flowers to that tech room girl Garciaand say they were from me? Yeah. Why? Jason, people need to know that they're important, and sometimes you forget that. I already sent her a gift. An mp3 player. They last longer. Unless you drop them or the battery dies, whichever comes first. Hotch: So she got 2 gifts. What if she thinks I'm sweet on her? Maybe not, huh? I think the Copelands are gonna stay together. Oh, good. He's dying. He's having a difficult time. Billie's kind of used to him not being there. So maybeit would be better if they stayed apart. No, it wouldn't. How do you know? I know. I just know. * I was lost * * double-crossed * * with my hands behind my back * * I was long-time hurt * * and thrown in the dirt * * shoved out on the railroad track * * I been used, abused * * and so confused * * and I didn't have nowhere to run * * but I stood and looked * * and my eyes got hooked * 115

Criminal Minds Season 1 Criminal Minds 1x13, \"Poison\" Kinda scary, huh? I'm gonna need an ambulance! State trooper took -What? The trees. this before the paramedics showed up. They kinda look like those hooded creatures in He's unconscious, has four broken bones. the movie, don't they? Did you like the movie? - I He's gonna be in the hospital for a month. told you I did. I didn't hurt my son. No, no. You remember removing the tire iron from the You said \"nyeh. trunk? - No! No! What's the last thing you \" \"Nyeh\" is exactly halfway between \"yeah\" and remember? I picked Eric up from school. \"nah\" That's the kind of answer I would tell my Friday, for the weekend. students is \"ambiguous. Who would do this? . \" Was that your intent? More or less. This happened two days ago in Beechwood, New - [Man chuckling] Oh, Bud, I know it's tough on Jersey. you, but, hey, look, think on the bright side You Mr. know, every other week, we get to stay up late, Fisher had ingested LSD one afternoon and didn't eat junk food, and go see movies your Mom come down until 18 hours later. would never let you see in a million years. [ LSD: lysergic acid diethylamide, What are you doing? Then you didn't see that �����G�A�i(�g����) ] The hospital deer? - No! Where? It's gone. reported 6 other patients who ingested LSD in the I must have Wow! It must have run away. last 24 hours. Whatever -- Oooh Ah - What? - Ah, it's a flat. The hospital called the CDC, the CDC called us. We must have blown a tire driving on the shoulder. [CDC = Center for Disease Control] So, a bunch I'll be right back. of people got spiked. - Maybe we should call someone. What makes it a BAU case? They each received It's a flat tire. 10 to 20 times the normal dose. It'syou know, despite what your mom says I'm not It's enough to kill a small child. completely useless. - Or cause a grown man to kill him with a tire iron. I'll be right back. Of the seven victims, there was one death and Hello? What is it, Dad? - It's nothing. one coma. It's just, it's just the wind, Eric. This is from the hospital's security footage the Get back in the car. same night Fisher lost it. It's all right, it's all right. These people didn't get spiked. It's just me. These people were poisoned. Clumsy me. Roman philosopher Lucretius wrote, \"What is It's all right. food to one is to others, bitter poison. Hello? Who's there? What is it Dad? - Stay in the \" Of the 7 victims, Gail Norman was the only car. death. Get away! What do you want? Get away from me! She was 78. Get away! Get away! Get away! Get away! - Hey, Ran out into the middle of the road, and she was hey, hey! Calm down inside there. hit by a car. Calm down. She was DOA. Yeah, I'm gonna need some backup, just past Exit [ DOA = Dead on Arrival ] The other potentially 5. fatal case is 9 year old Brittany Canon. Car on the shoulder of the road, lone male in the She fell out of a tree house and fractured her skull. driver's seat, under the influence ofsomething. She's in a coma and the doctors don't know if Wait, there might be another one. she's going to come out of it. 116

Criminal Minds Season 1 How do you wanna handle the press? We still Have you had a chance to review the victim's files? don't even know how these people got dosed. We're especially interested in talking to the boy's I think it would be irresponsible to issue a warning father. without specifics. We'd like to get a sense of why he turned violent It'll just cause panic. While the lab analyzes the specific nature of the I did notify the local PD, though, to be discreet. LSD he was dosed with, we'd like to get our own How is it possible that none of these people knew sense: was it the drug itself or was there how they got poisoned? None of them something else going on? And hopefully, that can remembers anything about the day it happened. give us a little bit of a window into the motive of These people were so messed up, it's made it the offender. difficult for local PD to retrace the victim's steps. He's in the psych ward. So, we need to go on precedent. - Well, we'll keep it short. We know there are four types of poisoners who Mr. target multiple victims. Fisher? - Shrink or cop? I'm an FBI profiler, so I There's the true believer, the political terrorist / guess I'm a little of each. religious cult. I'm Jason Gideon. There's the extortionist. I can't imagine what you've been through. The product tamperer holds the business hostage I understand you recently divorced your wife. in exchange for money. Can you tell me why? What do you wanna know? Or the prankster. Was I angry about the divorce? I mean, was I so Usually a younger offender who doesn't mean angry that I wanted to hurt my son to get back at any harm and it's basically just a big practical joke. her? Is that what you wanna know? Were you? And the avenger, someone with a personal Let me tell you something about my wife, OK? vendetta who chooses poison as their weapon. About what she did, in my house, in my bed. We need to find out as quickly as possible which With the investment banker next door. type he is. Do you wanna know what the worst part is? My Because with the exception of the prankster, all son, Eric. these types commonly test their poison on a small . scale before appearing at a larger attack. is angry with me. Then, let's hope this one was just a prank. She's the cheater! And he's angry at me! Me! I would suggest we split up the victims, see if What did you do? Did you want to hurt her? - Of there's a pattern to the victimology. course! And the kid? I mean, it's her kid, right? He Most of them are still in the hospital. takes her side. I'll call local PD to meet us there. You wanna crush him, too. I'll check the lab reports. You wanna shut his obnoxious little mouth up for Maybe there's a clue to the unsub's motive in the good. specific nature of the poison he used. NO! No, he doesn't understand. I can't imagine anybody could want this to happen. He took her side. Detective Hanover, Beechwood PD. I'm sure it's not the first time he's done that. - Agent Hotchner, this is Agent Gideon. No! Eric. Thanks for coming down on such short notice. Oh, Eric! Why did this happen to you? Why????? Doctor said he may have permanent brain Mr. damage. Fisher! - Why!? Why?! Why?! - Calm down. I've never seen anything like this. Why? Why? - Come on, come on, come on! Well, - Well, let's hope we can help him. he's raw, broken, and seriously pissed off. 117

Criminal Minds Season 1 He didn't hurt the son to get back at the mother? Is that the owner? Nell Trucco. Not consciously, no. I'll be shocked if this doesn't get leaked now. Rage was real but understandableand he never Let's just hope nobody jumps to the conclusion apologized When he lost control, he didn't even it's bio-terrorism. say, \"Eric, I'm sorry. All right, I'm gonna go talk to the cafe staff. \" He said, \"Eric, why'd this happen to you?\" He Make sure they know to keep it quiet. never even confessed to hurting the kid. Can you think of anyone who would do something So, the drugs tapped into the rage but didn't like this? High school kids hanging around? cause it? Yeah, that's my guess. Honestly, I can't tell them apart. That's consistent with the information we just You should talk to Danny. received from the lab tox screens. Danny? - A busboy. They didn't find any trace of PCP or any other High school kid. drug indicating the unsub was intentionally trying A lot of his friends come in here. to make people violent. His girlfriend was here Saturday night. But they did find traces of rohypnol in all the Is he here today? He was supposed to come to victims. work after school, but he called in sick. A central nervous system depressant, similar to What's his last name? - Ah, Wallace. valium, only ten times more potent. I'll have Elle check at the school. It's commonly known as a \"roofie\" or a date-rape You got a phone number for him? Hotch, I drug. checked the high school and Wallace's house. Right, and one of its side effects is amnesia, He wasn't there. which explains why none of the victims remember So, now I'm at his girlfriend's house. how they were poisoned. OK, I'll call you back. We compared notes on the victims we talked to. [doorbell rings] Samantha? - Yeah? - I'm with the So far there doesn't seem to be any pattern as to FBI. who got hit. Can I talk to you for a minute? Where are your Maybe the drugs themselves could explain what parents? - Working. type of offender we're dealing with. What do you want? - Well, you didn't go to school A lot of kids are using LSD and rohypnol these today, Samantha, and neither did your boyfriend. days. He's sick. Fisher is a high school teacher. Can I ask you something personal? I think that So it might be a prank after all. something might have happened to you. - Yeah, one that went horribly wrong. You wanna tell me about it? I don't know. Yeah, I'm gonna get a list of students from Fisher. I don't remember. See you later. What do you remember? He took me someplace Hotch. on his motorcycle. Okaywe'll be right there. I, I remember waking up, but I was naked. Cops may have figured out where everybody was I was all beat up. dosed. And he was there. Uniforms were on a canvas. Above me. Staff here remembers seeing 4 out of the 7 Holding me down. victims here the day they reported symptoms. Who was? Danny. Please tell me your staff didn't mention the - [phone rings] I called the doctor earlier. canvas was about a poisoning. That could be her. They didn't, but I had to tell the owner. Hello? -Samantha, listen to me. 118

Criminal Minds Season 1 Don't hang up. After, we did it. Can you hear me? [Elle whispering] Keep him We fell asleep. talking. When she woke up, she was seeing things. - Samantha! What do you want? - Someone's - What things? Look, she was on something, and there. if it was acid or something, I've taken that. Who did you call? Why do you think someone's You give that to someone without telling them, it here? Don't mess with me, Samantha. doesn't exactly set the mood. Don't do it. Kid is right about that. If you say anything, [click] He hung up. If he wanted to slip her a date rape drug, why'd he - Come with me. give her LSD, too? This boy seems too scared You're gonna call 911, and as soon as I leave, you NOT to be telling us the truth. lock the door behind me. So, Samantha was just the 8th victim and the Do it. boyfriend working in the cafe was just a He is near his girlfriend's house. coincidence. Hillcrest at Maple, ah, I can't see the other But, even so, there may be an explanation why cross-street. the two drugs: LSD to hallucinate and rohypnol to Yeah. forget. [rumbling of motorcycle engine] Danny Wallace, Forget what? What they were hallucinating? No, stop. how they got dosed. FBI. Then, the unsub's covering his tracks. You put your hands on top of your head. It's much too organized for a high school prank. Off the bike. And there still hasn't been any kind of ransom Hands on your head. demand. This wasn't what you had in mind when you Which rules out the extortionist. skipped school today, was it, Danny? You wanna Or any visible political group or cult in the area. tell us about Saturday night, Danny? I didn't do Which rules out the \"true believer. anything. \" And leaves us with \"the avenger. Samantha doesn't know what she's talking about. \" Think we can give him a profile? We believe A lot of people saw you at the cafe together on whoever poisoned these people was motivated Saturday night. by revenge. What did you decide to do, Danny? Dose the The randomness of the victimology -- average common milk so that nobody would know you just people in an average-sized town all points to a wanted to roofie your girlfriend? That's not true. local resident. Sex was an issue in your relationship. We know that people who poison for the purpose She told me about it. of revenge primarily act alone. She wasn't prepared to give it up, so you decided However, he may have manipulated someone to take it. close to him to assist him. - No! She had bruises all over her body, Danny. The unsub usually disposes of these accomplices You hit her! Well, I didn't mean to. when they're of no further use to him. She was freaking out, punching me. The unsub is like a cautious, deliberate, and She was on something. highly-functioning male between the ages of 35 I was just trying to help her. and 50. I was just trying to hold her down. He chose LSD for a reason. She was hitting you, but you still had sex with her? LSD is about altering perception. - No! Then, what, then? It was after. We think that this unsub is striking out because 119

Criminal Minds Season 1 he feels that he's been inaccurately perceived by We'll only say it's a Beechwood area favorite. the community or a subset of it. This is Suzanne Whang reporting live from He feels that these attacks will effect and alter a Beechwood. reality that he is caught in, that he perceives to be Back to you, Steve. unjust. They didn't name the restaurant. He's so self-centered he believes his victims will What is it? Call the local hospital, make sure they know the reason for the attack and who did it. know what's coming. This individual was savvy enough to use rohypnol Excuse me. to obstruct our investigation, erasing the Where do your 911 calls get routed? There's a memories of the victims of how they were county phone bank. poisoned. They contact first responders, the fire department. Hold on. Alert them, too. If this guy believes that his victims know who he is, They're going to need additional personnel and why is he covering his tracks? Because these any other backup you've got auxilary cops. victims aren't his primary targets. You're going to have to call them. We know from precedent that this kind of offender, - But, why? Because we're going to have a heck the \"avenger,\" tests his weapon first. of a time just calming people down and we really This attack was a test run. don't need the confusion to interfere with our A test run for what? - We don't know yet. investigation. What we do know is that this is not the first time Do you want me to start making those calls? - No, that he's aired his grievances. NO, no, no. While it's not likely that he has a criminal record, it Hey, hey! Everybody please shut up for a minute. is possible that he has filed criminal charges or Tell me what this is all about. pursued a civil action against his perceived [phones ringing] Panic. adversaries. No, I can't comment. And, now, to measure the results of his test, he's No, we don't know for sure why those people watching. were poisoned. And he wants to see the results of his test. OK, great. Once he has them, all those years of pent-up Thank you. rage will be released in the form of a larger attack. I just got off with the hospital. The profile indicates a lot of people could die. They're swamped with over 50 potential We have a leak. poisonings from local restaurants, but no That's right, Steve. hallucinations. Neighbors became aware something was wrong Another poisoning? Or maybe more hysteria. when a local Beechwood restaurant closed early. We've looked into any civil or criminal complaints From inside sources, we learned that from employees, ex-employees suppliers, representatives of the CDC began testing food regulars at the cafe not one good lead. inside the restaurant. There's got to be somebody connected to that If you're gonna report the story, name the cafe who pops as a suspect. restaurant. Morgan, you wanna go back there, see if we can ---unconfirmed, we were told that some of the find another angle? - Can't hurt. food had been tainted with hallucinogenic drugs. JJ, you and Reed go to the hospital, see if any of Name the restaurant. the poisonings seem legit. --- until we do confirm all of this, we will not - OK. release the name of the restaurant. I really can't talk right now. 120

Criminal Minds Season 1 We just got hammered. ??? - Thanks, Nell. Listen, most of these food poisonings are No soda machines, hot dog stands, water probably psychosomatic. fountains, or anything else. - What makes you think that? A news broadcast Get anything? - Maybe. just reported a local restaurant was poisoned. First New Jersey Federal, right across the street. Now, it would be a huge coincidence if there was One of the victims who I talked to said he went to another poisoning right after that aired. that bank the day that he was dosed. So what do you want me to do? Help us find out How do you get poisoned at a bank? - I don't which cases, if any, are real. know. People are coming in with all kinds of complaints. But, I'd like to take a look at the security tapes. But, there's at least one case that isn't After you. psychosomatic. Right there. She's barely breathing. Pause it, Elle. Can you take us to the doctor that's treating that Jack Fisher. patient? I'll call Hotch. - About to have the worst night of his life. If you're an \"avenger,\" you choose your targets for That's all of them. a reason, right? - [Elle nods] Then, why haven't Every one of the victims who turned up at the ER we found anyone connected to this cafe who fits three nights ago is on this tape. the profile? Why hasn't the CDC found any trace I'm gonna call Hanover. of the drugs? Wait a minute. - Bring in the CDC guys, they can test the candies. What if it's not the profile that's wrong, but the I'll call Hotch. target? - Not this cafe. Morgan, it's Hotch. Just because a bunch of victims came to eat here, What's up? Reed, I think she's trying to say doesn't necessarily mean they got poisoned here. something. Then where? When the patient got here, she [inarticulate] - \"The End\"?? She may be didn't remember anything about her day. incoherent from the lack of oxygen. And her speech was so slurred, I could barely [inarticulate] Doctor! [patient continues coughing] understand her. No, Hotch, we're pretty sure it's the bank. It sounds like rohypnol. All the victims were on their security tapes. Did you test her? She was positive for rohypnol, Then you should look for Lynn Dempsey, 45. negative for LSD. Garcia's emailing a picture to your phone. But, we're running more tests because rohypnol Hold on a second, I'm checking. alone doesn't explain her symptoms. Yeah, yeah. She presented with nausea, difficulty swallowing, I got it. labored breathing. Lynn Dempsey. She was also having trouble moving her legs. Hold on. [woman continues coughing] How long had she Elle. been sick? - She didn't know. [to Hotch] Elle's checking. I could barely understand her when she first got Yeah, we got her Hotch. her. Checking the tape. Now, she can't speak at all. Right there, that's her. Do you know any biological agents that have -Play it again. similar symptoms: ricin, seron gas? You think this Okay, not only was she here, but from one of is a biological attack? - We can't rule anything out. these tapes it looks like she was the one I'll order a few more tests. replacing the candies. 121

Criminal Minds Season 1 Hotch, she could be the unsub. So, what does that tell us about the unsub? He's We're working on that. far more sophisticated than we realized. I'll call you back. - Why is that? The botulism toxin is the deadliest So, what are the chances that she's not poisoned, substance known to man. that maybe she just got some bad food? Highly It blocks acetylcholine receptors, paralyzing its improbable. victims until, basically, choking you to death. Chances are basically nil. [ acetylcholine: �A�Q�x�P ] Without a, uh, What is the rate of survival? This dose, without antitoxin, a lethal dose will kill you in 36 hours. anti-toxin Zero. How many people have access to this stuff? - In What is it? Botulism. New Jersey, quite a few. [ þ�z�߯f: �߯r���߯��r, It's the pharmaceutical and chemical capital of the �Ѧ߯r���y�����٦߯����e�f ] Doctor, US. her BP is dropping rapidly. So, that the toxin can be ordered in the form of [BP = Blood Pressure] It's sepsis. botox through any chemical or biological lab or [ sepsis: �Ѧ��g ] Give another amp of epi. botox clinic. [epi = epinephrine �ǤW���� ] She's going It has to be purified, but any chemist or lab into v-fib. assistant has that capability. [v-fib ventricular fibrillation. So, we're looking for chemists and sophisticated �߯��ֺ���Ÿ�� (�����`���߯�) ] lab assistants? - Basically. She's crashing! Get the paddles. OK, wait a minute. Charging to 200. If the unsub is a chemist with access to the toxin, -Clear Nothing. what'd he need Dempsey for? Well, we don't Charging to 300. know yet. -Clear - Still nothing. But, she worked for a, she worked for a company, The test run is over. called, uh Hithcock Pharmaceuticals. Page a Code Blue. I think there's a good chance the unsub worked - Yes, Doctor, right away. there, too. Starting CPR. Well, let's start with people who fit the profile [CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation who've had a recent stressor. �߯ʹ_�d�N ] Just be careful the fresh air Like, anybody fired from Hichcock in the past 6 doesn't kill you, Fred. months. - Ha ha. Hichcock's a giant company, Sugar Shack, there See you in a few days, Janice. were over a 100 people fired just this past year. Don't stay late, the kids need you. And so far, none of them fit the profile? - No. Thank you, Mr. But, I do have 30 names of people who were Dennis. downsized and shunted off to other lame Have fun. companies with a cut in pay and benefits. Lynn Dempsey was an executive assistant. All right, send us the names. She has no expertise with chemicals. We'll cross-reference them with civil and criminal She doesn't fit the profile of the unsub. complaints filed with local PD. But the CDC found both LSD and rohypnol in the But, I want you to keep digging, and while you're candy she was replacing at the bank. at it, look for any connection to the First New She must have been an accomplice and when the Jersey Federal Bank. unsub finished using her to further his attack, he - I'm on it, Angel. killed her with botulism. Our guys acting like a workplace mass murderer. 122

Criminal Minds Season 1 He'd stay close, seething, and he'd plan his I'm going to go take a look through her things, if revenge. that's OK. Well, if he is a workplace killer, what else does The police already went through her desk, but that tell us about him? Well, for one, they don't feel free. give themselves up. - Thanks. He's lost his empathy, his moral compass. Gideon, some of these lay-offs were brutal. He's capable of anything. This one chemical engineer, he'd been at All those innocent people at the bank. Hichcock 19 years when he was downsized. They meant nothing to him. Yeah, that could certainly inspire homicidal rage, He'll take out anybody to forward his cause. huh? The guy was in his late forties, head of his Like Dempsey. department. Like Dempsey, and eventually, even himself until Definitely had a generous severance package. he finishes taking out his primary targets. A lot of these guys don't have enough pension. We have no idea where he's going to strike next. They may not be happy about it, but I don't see For all we know, he could poison the local them killing anyone. reservoir. [phone ringing] - It's Garcia. Well, the local cops haven't gotten any leads out Talk to me, Hot Stuff. of Dempsey. - Get this, Cochise. Why don't you go to Hichcock and see if you have I found a chemist who works at a company that any luck. was bought by Hichcock called Palmay Yeah. Cosmetics. Miss Dempsey's boss is away for the week. Now, here's the thing. I just can't believe this happened to her. Lynn Dempsey applied for a loan at New Jersey Is there anyone you can think of who would want Federal Bank around the same time this chemist to hurt Miss Dempsey? I mean, anyone here at applied for a patent on this anti-aging, work? She wasn't the type to inspire hatred. breakthrough technology thing called PCO99. She was pretty quiet, actually. So, maybe he applied for a loan in her name to Would you say that she was awkward? You know, make his product? That's what I thought, but both like, socially? A little, yeah. the loan and the patent were rejected because She made a lot of jokes about herself. Hichcock had already applied for the patent and You know, self-depracating jokes. the patent deal had gone through, drumroll please I always thought she'd do a lot better dating if she New Jersey Federal Bank. didn't. I'm tracking his cell phone and it won't be long So, she was single, as far as you knew. before I have his location. I couldn't say one way or the other. . I mean, she never really talked to me about that Don't move. kind of thing. He let us take him. Is there anything about her behavior that was He didn't kill himself. unusual lately, um, anything that you noticed that Doesn't fit the profile of a workplace killer. was out of her normal routine? Just that she was Sometimes you miss the mark. very busy this last week. Let's be glad we did. There's a big corporate retreat coming up that she He's our best chance at stopping the next attack. was helping her boss put together. Well, his lab had traces of botulin toxin, but no I'm sorry I can't be of any more help. clues as to what he's up to next. - That's all right. Our only chance is to make him tell us. 123

Criminal Minds Season 1 - You think he will. like you? You could really get me those things? - Once caught, these types usually do. Yeah. They want the whole world to know about their This is my ABA card. brilliant plan to destroy their enemies. I'm a lawyer and I'm offering to take your case. In case he doesn't give it up, let's play every [ ABA = American Bar Association ] And if you angle. accept, I have to do what you say. We need to re-examine everything we know This whole thing is being videotaped, I can't lie about this guy. about that. I'll check witness reports, forensic evidence, I would like my sons to know that their Dad anything that might be a clue to this guy's plan. created something I created something good. A lot of lives could be at stake. Ed, tell us. You were romantically involved with Lynn What did you do? There's a party this afternoon in Dempsey, Mr. the Executive building. Hill? - Is that what she said? That's what her All departments get together. sister said. There's a punch bowl. What happened to her? The fact is, Lynn was Stop! - Don't drink that! Put it down! Put it down already dead. right now. That company killed her years ago. Ladies and gentlemen, listen up. - They kill you, too? Well, they might as well have. We are FBI. They took everything from me. I need everybody to remain calm, but there could Fruits of my labor, best years of my life. be some contaminated food here that could make They took my family, and when there was nothing you sick. left to take, they took two-thirds of my salary and Please put down whatever it is that you're eating my health insurance. and drinking, and please Just take it easy. You have the opportunity to treat people with the We're going to be coming around and asking you mercy that they never showed you. some questions. I can't even begin to tell you how little that means Is everyone going to be OK? - Yes. to me. OK, the CDC is here with three dozen doses of What would it mean to your children? Listen, you anti-toxin. worked hard played by the rules your whole life. We're going to make sure everyone gets some You don't wanna go out like this. just in case. If you do, you stoop to their level. Ah, whoever may have gotten sick, we should There are things we can do for you. have caught it in time. There's ways to help you if you'll let us. The punch tested positive for botulism toxin. What can you do for me? We're FBI. About a dozen party-goers reported symptoms, We have influence with Justice. but they've all been given the anti-toxin. If you have a legitimate claim, and I believe you Thanks, JJ. do, we can see to it you get fair compensation I'll call you back. and credit And that's all you wanted, right? A fair - Bye. deal. What is it? - You're right. That's all I ever wanted. It doesn't make sense. - Of course. Why didn't Hill take his own life when we had him You don't think the company knows they screwed surrounded? Guys, I think we have a problem. you? You don't think everything they do, every I've been looking over the victim reports. move they make, isn't designed to screw people One of the victims that was originally dosed was 124

Criminal Minds Season 1 severely diabetic. and this doesn't add up. And? - He wouldn't have taken candy from the All of these people are lower-level, regular office candy bowl at the bank. workers. All of the victims were there. This guy was trying to get back at the people who We know that, but how were they poisoned? I screwed him. started looking at the, ah, security footage. None of them are here. We know Lynn Dempsey replaced some candy What do you mean? Where are they? The entire from the bowl. upper management staff is away on a corporate Look how close that jar is to the deposit retreat. envelopes. The office manager mentioned to Elle that Now, watch this See that? Her hand is directly in Dempsey was organizing a retreat. the stack of envelopes. So, then Hill wasn't using Dempsey for access to So, you think the envelopes were poisoned as the office party. well as the candy? As Lynn Dempsey was dying, No, he used her for access to the retreat. she kept saying something like \"the end. Where are the executives? Can they be reached? \" \"The end. - No. \" I think that what she was saying was \"the No, not until tomorrow. envelopes. They're out in the middle of the woods \" I mean, what was Hill actually testing? The somewhere. rohypnol? The LSD? The delivery system. It's one of those \"no cell phones allowed\" types of - Exactly. things. Botulinin toxin and LSD are the only two And what are they doing there? You know, substances in the world toxic enough to be bonding exercises, playing games, that kind of effective in doses as small as thousandths of a stuff. gram. What kind of games? . Small enough to fit on the glue strip of an When voting, you wanna think about the qualities envelope. you admire most, so tomorrow we tally the votes But, the CDC didn't find any evidence of poison to find out who our new team leader is. on the envelopes. Now, we don't want a repeat of last year's fiasco, They wouldn't have. so this year, I brought along some envelopes. The envelopes were destroyed after the cheques The victims need to ingest the anti-toxin within were deposited and processed. four hours of the time they were poisoned. So, like the rohypnol, Hill was using the candy to And make sure you seal the envelope so there's throw us off. no cheating. To cover his tracks. Fred! [men laughing] Are we gonna go fishing To distract us from the fact that he was testing the today? - Shut up and lick it, Bob. envelopes. [ men talking ] Gideon to Air One, anything? What I can't figure out if why would he poison the Anything? Negative, we checked the first three envelopes to test the punch? Because the punch campsites. is a decoy just like the candy. Nothing. He's not finished. How about the Parks Service? - A couple of Gideon! Get him! Get his head back! He's dead. families on holiday. He killed himself before we even got to him. None saw the target. [phone rings] Yeah? Hotch, it's Morgan. Wait a minute, I'm getting a radio from the staties. Listen, I'm looking at these victims from Hichcock, [ Staties = State Police ] They found something 125

Criminal Minds Season 1 near the access road and trail end 6. EMTs are en route. [ EMT = Emergency Medical Technicians ] These guys are in bad shape and getting worse by the minute. Who's the sickest? - That one over there. Medic! Been having trouble breathing. ???? I think. What time did he lick the envelopes? - They said around 12:30. Federal Agent. You're going to be fine. This is gonna make you feel 100%. Relax and breathe. You're gonna be fine. Thank you. Confucius warned us: \"Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.\" You ought to sleep. Just finishing my report. Are you OK? There's always another file. This next one's pretty bad. Yeah. Of all the departments, why'd you choose the BAU? [ BAU = FBI's Behavior Analysis Unit ] You know, I had prosecuted dozens of murder cases and by the time they had reached my desk, I had always felt like it was too late. And I wanted to, ah, stop them before they got to my desk. That doesn't really answer your question. No, it doesn't. I guess I'm still trying to figure it out. I should try and get some sleep. 126

Criminal Minds Season 1 Sarah Jean and Jacob Dawes butchered what? I think we will find Hilary Dickson was by no Twelve girls? Thirteen counting the girl that was means Jacob's last victim. just found. \"Whoso sheddeth a man's blood, by man shall his Hilary Dickson. blood be shed\" Genesis 9:6. Disappeared 15 years ago. Police subsequently got an anonymous call from Buried her under Sarah's mother's living room. a woman claiming to have seen Jacob with some You think that was the last victim? Well, that's of the girls. what we are here to find out. Did they ever find out who the anonymous There is nothing about the dynamics of Sarah woman was? No. Jean and Jacob's relationship. Police interviewed Jacob Dawes, also present The state isn't interested in dynamics or profiles, with Sarah Jean Dawes and their 2 year old son they just want this case to go away. Riley. They were caught, they confessed, they got the Police was suspicious they came back 3 hours death penalty. later with a search warrant only to find that Riley You guys do realize that visiting death rows is not had vanished. part of my job description? Garcia, this will be the They also eventually found the dismembered first serial killer couple ever recorded for VICAP. bodies of 12 missing girls buried in the ground They slaughtered 13 young girls with blond hair, underneath Jacob's workshop. hello?! Sarah Jean Dawes. Fearing that the police were on to them Jacob Media called her the 'ice queen'. figured Riley would slow them down so he That's how they interpreted her demeanor during ordered Sarah Jean to kill him and dispose of the the trial. body. - You see it different? - Na, I didn't say that. Sarah confessed to killing Riley but never She killed her 2 year old son and 12 teenage girls. admitted her role on the deaths of the girls. She only confessed to the murder of her son Riley. Ya, but she never denied it either. Well, she hasn't cooperated with any request to Well according to Jacob, Sarah Jean was fully interview her. complicit in the targeting abduction, and murder Well, if she doesn't talk now, she's going to take of all 12 and well, now 13 victims. that story with her to old sparky. Prison records show that Jacob is a sexual For the next 36 hours, a guard will remain outside psychopath. your cell. It were inconclusive on Sarah Jean though, they Your personal effects will be along shortly. said her demeanor was more like that of a war You will remain in the death watch cell until the victims? And as with all sexual psychopaths, hour of execution. Jacob is obsessed with the idea of the total Your last meal cannot exceed $20. possession of his victims. It will be a full moon tomorrow. He's shown no remorse or guilt. Is there any chance I could see it? That's against Oh, well, Jacob saw Sarah Jean as a possession, regulations. somebody to control, to dominate. Open on 4. Just so we're clear, they have agreed to these Here it is. interviews? Yes sir. They call themselves 'the women of Jacob'. Oh, we- I'm sorry, who are you exactly? I'm Sam Trying to look like his victims. Shapiro, their appeal's attorney. Creepy. Not only have they agreed to them, they were There's only 12 of them. initially requested by them. Should we tell them they're one short? At least. Ya, I can't get them a stay of execution. 127

Criminal Minds Season 1 Garcia, remember 75% of all communication- Is What more do you need to know? Ma'am, Sarah non-verbal. Jean has agreed to meet with our colleges to talk Hotch interview Jacob, Morgan, El- I'm not going about why they killed those girls. to get anything new but Well, find out a way to ask. We'd like some background information, if you stood for demolition. don't mind. Take a look around. Extensive remodeling. Jacob's workshop is out the back. Jacob built the original extension? I see he liked He claimed that Sarah Jean would lure the arches. victims from mall parking lots. Teenage girls, that's what he liked. She'd invite them to smoke pot in her truck. How was Sarah Jean growing up? Fine, until she They'd find Jacob but no pot. met Jacob. They bring them here. She was shy and quiet. I studied this case, I'll never forget it. And also smart. This is where the workshop stood. And her relationship with her father? Was Sarah There was an arch right here. Jean ever abused? He was strict. He used his workspace as a torture room. He was a military man. The marks on the bodies match many of his tools. they- They didn't always see eye to eye. He used the bench saw to dismember the bodies. That's all history. And then, he buried them under the floor. He's dead. Until he ran out of room. She's about to die. We know that Jacob was abused as a child. Mrs. What about Sarah Jean? Her mother refused to Mason, if we better understand the dynamics of give any testimony in her defense. her relationships, we can get a better idea of why She never talked to anybody. and what actually happened. Maybe she's willing to talk now. Dynamics? Well, it might answer why Jacob Let's go pay Sarah Jean's mother a visit. never killed Sarah Jean. We call this the 'dead man valley'. They shared something. Did she have any contact with Jacob? Well, until They shared pain. today she's declined contact with anyone. How strict was your husband? How did he For her own safety, we keep her away from the discipline Sarah Jean? Was he physical? He was other prisoners. a mean bastard, but he only hurt me. The hate for this woman is as fresh today, as it Why didn't you leave? Because we had no place was 15 years ago. to go. Open on 4. An anonymous caller tipped the police off about Accomplished work. Jacob, was it you? No. I've had plenty of time. But I know who it was. What is it that you want to know? I think it's time This came this morning. the mothers of those girls learn why their children What's it say? It's a statement of innocence. had to die. A doctor, so young. Don't you? Hello? Anybody? Hello! Mrs. Your mother must be very proud. Mason? Ya? Are you Sarah Jean Dawes mother? Sarah Jean! Sarah Jean! You look so fine, baby Who the hell are you? FBI. cakes. We are from the behavior analysis unit. This was meant to be, our names will live forever! My daughter and her son of a bitch husband Let's go. buried a 13 year old girl under my floor. - It's a beautiful thing! - Let's go! Listen, it's a 128

Criminal Minds Season 1 beautiful thing! You designed that to happen. brought women back to his workshop. Did you learn anything, agent? You want to see a It's a long way from knowing he was killing them. trick? Pick a card. They died as a result of my neglect. You're a diagnosed psychopath. This letter suggests to me, that an innocent Sexual psychopath. woman is about to be executed for crime she did Now pick a card. not commit. How many other girls did you kill? Do you ever They died as a result of my neglect. smile? I mean, it's hard to trust a guy who never This letter suggests to me, that an innocent smiles. woman is about to be executed for crime she did Are there more bodies? If I told you that, what not commit. would I have left for myself? You can help these I could tell you right now, it's not enough to get a families get closure before you die. stay. Oh Pass. Well, facts. Come on, just one trick. Reid. It's a good one. Human sexuality is a complex dynamic of three Pick a card. components. Come on. Biological, physiological, and emotional. Just one card. Jacob's needs were informed by the emotional, So what did you see in Jacob? Freedom. sexual abuse that he received at the hand of his Freedom from what? Garcia. mother. Hey, it's El. Long term appetitive abuse informed the template Hey, El. of his love map. I need Gideon, please. Something we refer to as a signature. Yeah, I'll pass you through. Jacob was an only child- Thus he was alone Gideon, it's El. when the abused occurred. She says it's urgent. So in order for him to fulfill his fantasy he has got We're at the mother's house. to be alone with his victims. She gave me a letter. If I told you that what would I have left for myself? I want to read to you. He said myself. Read the letter, El. If Sarah Jean was present, it would have Mom, I know how difficult this must be. destroyed his fantasy. Things between us were never what they should She confessed to killing her son. be between a mother and a daughter. Yes, true. That is a private letter. But we are also convinced that she is the I want you to know that the best part of me the anonymous caller that made the phone call that most important part of me is now in a better place nailed Jacob. than you and I will ever be. Guilt-ridden, filled with remorse, she called the Stop it! I'm responsible for the death of those girls. police. I neglected my duties as a woman and as a It's not the profile of a woman who would then kill mother. a child. Stop it! Take it easy. - What else do you need? - Evidence. Neglected your duty? That doesn't make you If we prove Jacob killed Riley, would that get a responsible. stay? Absolutely. You didn't kill those girls. She protects the painting, she protects the boy. Why didn't you say this in court? I know he What? Paintings are her statement. 129

Criminal Minds Season 1 We need to figure out what they say. So there are more. Tension is mounting here as the FBI's BAU team Do we have a bet? What if you win? I get to smell presence means that they're conducting a series Jennifer's hair. of deathbed interviews in an attempt to find if Oh, come on! All she has to do is lean over and I there are anymore victims. get to smell her hair. Now it is rumored they're calling for a stay of No. execution. - I thought you wanted answers. Who the hell told them that? It doesn't matter. - Go to hell. I don't see Hotch getting anything out of Jacob. It's okay, Hotch. Up to the very last minute, the last second. You see that? It's okay, Hotch. Maybe I can help. JJ deals. What are you doing? Uh, just get Hotch in here. Can't let you deal from your own deck. Oh, I know I know. You confessed to killing Riley. One day, these are going to kill me. Why would you lie about killing your own son? I Come on, Hotch! That was funny! And who are didn't. you? My friends call me JJ. Well, where's the body? Do you have any children? - Well, hello- - Sit down. That's irrelevant. Sit down. Do you carry pictures of your children, agent Hello, JJ. Gideon? We are getting off point. You're not my friend. Are we? You know how long it's been since I You can call me Jennifer. could actually play with someone? All I've had is Ouch. solitaire. Um Sorry about before. - Cards? - Two. You know, breaking your ear thing. I think I'll play these. You have a lovely smile. How old would your son be now? Jacob put an Thank you. end to any chance of that. But you don't smile much. Does the strain of your work effect your marriage? Do you? What's your excuse? I took the liberty of - I'm not married. getting these from your cell. - You were, right? Why would you still be No, those are private. protecting Jacob? Did you divorce because of Thank you. putting people like me away? I think you're Riley running free. innocent. The river. We are all guilty of something. Falling positive energy maybe. But it's It's our children who suffers for our sins, Twelve roses. isn't it? You'd have to ask him. One for each girl Jacob killed. How old is he? He's 25. Twelve not thirteen. Do you have a picture of him? In my office. We found number 13. You don't carry him with you? No. You didn't know about her. To protect him. You didn't really know about any of them. You want to leave him somewhere safe, I never said I did. somewhere clean. That was a nice touch bringing in the hottie. You killed Riley to protect him from Jacob? I You really want to know if there was others, don't protect my son as you protect yours. you? I'll tell you what. Where's he buried? All that matters is that he's Draw a book, you win, I'll give you another girl. safe. 130

Criminal Minds Season 1 Where is he? He's in a better place. My last supper. The chaplain's here to see you. Like some? Look! It came with a toy. What do you got? I've got aces and eights, two May I sit down? Please. pair. Ashley Farley. The dead man's hand. You cleaned her parents' house. I should have had that, but then of course I would - Remember? - Farley? We found her buried have lost. beneth the children's gazebo. Straight to the Jack. At another house Jacob renovated. And unless the rules of poker changed since I've He put her there. been in here You lose. I might as well have brought along with that Oh, sorry. bastard. Full house. Thanks, doc. This is higher. You lied to me, it wasn't Riley. Man! You would have been so nice. - It wasn't? - And she was 14 years old. But then, answer to your question. Ah, and really pretty. There are no other bodies. How many others are there? I only have a few JJ, Oh. hours left and though I like you and I do like you. The governor's just commanded us a stay of the I'd like to be alone now. execution to Sarah Jean. Good meeting you, Hotch. What? They can't do that. - I'm not done yet. They don't believe she killed your son. - Oh, me neither. She killed him. Behind reeds, the river. I could tell you exactly where he's buried. This here, what is this? A basket? A boy in that It's got to be here. painting is what, 10? Maybe more? Is that how Jacob built this gazebo. you see him or how he is? I only have a few hours We've searched everywhere else. left. The workshop and extension in dead Mason's I'm respectfully asking you to leave. house had arches. Where is he? Where is Riley? Please see agent We know he had to built this for Riley. Gideon out. Hey, you got something here. Open 4. Guys, the body's ID is coming through. Garcia, pull up the interview with Sarah Jean. It's not Riley Dawes. - What is it? - Exodus 2:3. It's Ashley Farley. Moses. She was 14 when she was killed. Hebrew sons were supposed to be drown. Why would Jacob give us another victim? He Moses's mother sent him down an isle in a basket. completely goes against his need for power Where's he buried? All that matters is that he's manipulation and control. safe. Taking the secret of an old victim to his grave Where is he? He's in a better place. satisfies that need. Jacob didn't bury Riley anywhere. Why give it up? I mean, what's the payoff? Sarah Because Sarah Jean had already taken care of Jean's the payoff. him. Sarah Jean will be his last victim. Then she did kill him. And be the ultimate of control. No, she sent him somewhere where she believed Gideon, check this out. he'd be safe. Guess who used to be the Farley's house cleaner. He's alive. 131

Criminal Minds Season 1 We're running out of time. the man on the moon would be looking down on This is the proof we need to save Sarah Jean. both of us. Check all police and hospital records dating back We should get back. to September 1990. Sarah, if there is something you know that can You know, you should check local newspapers to save you Thank you, warden. see if anyone reported any abandoned babies. This has been wonderful. Ya, I don't give a damn where the governor is, we Your kindness to me, I thank you. may have found proof that Sarah Jean is innocent. That's Riley. She really only had a maximum of 3 hours It's her son, isn't it? Someone tell me it's him, between police visits. please. It was 4pm so traffic was pretty heavy. JJ circulate this photo to the press. Whatever she did with Riley had to be local. See if anybody recognizes this boy. None. Do I say who we think he is? No just put him out Why doesn't she just tell us where Riley is? She'll as the missing persons. protect him for as long as Jacob is alive. OK. Look, they are being executed within an hour of What does that mean? It means Jacob is being each other what hope do we even have to finding moved to the execution chamber. him in time? You know, it's quite possible, she Sarah Jean! I've been waiting for you! You wish to doesn't even know where he is anyway. make your peace to God, Jacob. No, she knows. I've made my peace 18 times. We've got to get into her cell. And each one was prettier than him. You've come to see the show? I need to get into Why take them with you, Jacob? You know why. Sarah Jean's cell. Take him down. - I believe the proof- - I can't do that! All official If you don't mind, gentleman, this is one walk I lines of communication are now over. can make myself. - I just need 5 minutes. Sarah Jean! I told you we'd be together forever! - Agent! They want the memory of these 2 He's just confessed to killing 4 more girls. individuals erased. There's nothing I can do. - 5 minutes. Are you ready, Sarah Jean? We're going to ride - Thank you. the lightning, baby! She cut around the photo so Come on. no one can read the text. I thought it was against regulations. He was 2 when he disappeared. Well, don't tell anybody. This boy is 16 or 17. It's cold. If he's Riley, it would mean it's a recent photo. You need a jacket. Once Jacob's dead, you think Sarah Jean would - Vincent, give me your jacket. tell us if this is Riley? Any last words? Bring it on. - Oh, no. Riley. I'm fine, really. - You lose. It makes me feel, you know alive. - No! Jacob is gone. How are your sons, warden? They're good. He's no longer any threat to Riley. Good. Tell me where he is. Darren just graduated. We can stop this madness. Ya? Did you ever tell him about the man in the There is no greater gift in life than that of being a moon? Sure. parent. I used to tell Riley that no matter where we were Yet so many of us abuse and squander that gift. 132

Criminal Minds Season 1 You can change that right now. Why can you not accept the truth? I can't. I made my decision 15 years ago. This isn't it. This has never been about Jacob. Agents are with in minutes of finding her son, It's always been about Riley. alive. That's why I can't let you do this. I am truly sorry, hold here. This isn't about you and me. What wouldn't you do for your son to give him a I know it isn't. life you could never hope to dream of? I am at That's why I'm not going to let Riley lose his peace in the knowledge that my son is free to be greatest gift he knew he had. whatever he chooses to be. But that is my gift to him. If he knew who you were do you think he'd And I'll not let you destroy that. choose to allow you to walk in there? If he knew Only people Jacob allowed Sarah Jean to know who his parents were can you imagine the were the family she cleaned for. damage my legacy would leave him? Can you Sarah Jean worked for wealthy families all over imagine what he would feel? Knowing his mother Hampton. spent 15 years on death row, innocent of all Let's go over all the families in the state of Florida charges, just so he can be free of her? Not me, who were looking to adopt in 1990 and let's see Jacob. how many lived in Hampton. It isn't just my life you have in your hands. Families looking to adopt, hundreds. It's Riley's life, too. - How many from Hampton? - Uh 3 families. You have the chance to save my son's life. The James's, the Coulfied's and the Sheffield's. I choose to save yours, too. Looks like the Sheffield's removed themselves My life ended the day I met Jacob. from the list in October 1990 and then moved out Garcia, we made it. of Hampton. Hello! Open Up! FBI! Hello? Garcia, tell Gideon That's one month after Riley vanished where did we are here. they go? Uh Keystone Heights. Ya, but I'm afraid nobody else is. We got a match on the photo. Garcia. It was in a local daily news. Pass us through. Call Morgan and El, tell them to get to the Gideon, I've got El. Sheffield's house. She says they're at the Sheffield's house. Byran Sheffield. It's time. Local cello prodigy 17 year old Byran Sheffield Take your hands off her. won a scholarship to play cello. Tell Morgan to kick the door and Get in the house How many miles to Keystone Heights? Way too whatever it takes. many. FBI! I said take your hands off her. We're never going to make it in time. Agent Gideon! A few moments, please. Not if you keep running your mouth. FBI! Morgan. So you'd better buckle up! We found him. Stay in the car. We found her son. Can I help you? Frank Sheffield? - What is this Unless I receive an official stay of execution from about? - This is about your son. the governor I'm duty bound to see this through. My son? Is that your son in the car? I don't My son is dead, agent Gideon. understand, what is this about? Tell me. I have agents on the way to his house as we We're federal agents. speak. Hey Hotch we got him. And the governor is standing by. He's here. 133

Criminal Minds Season 1 What do we do? Gideon, they've got him. What do are we doing here? I'm standing here because of choices I've made. Don't let my son be Jacob's last victim. Let me go. Let us both go. Tell Morgan it's not her son. That we've made a mistake. Let him go it's not the boy. Hey Derek. Wait there sir. Mr. Sheffield I'm uh I'm very sorry, we have the wrong house. I apologize for any inconvenience. Agent! Thank you. Would it be too much to ask if yours is the last face I see? Albert Pine said, \"What we do for ourselves dies with us, what we do for others and the world remains and is immortal\". 134

Criminal Minds Season 1 The end of his two year killing spree Seven lecture? I'm retired. women were dead. Remember? Hell of a way to relax. He made a name for himself, literally. He hasn't gotten away. He sent out written communication identifying And you didn't count that 8 page prologue. himself as the \"Keystone Killer\". What happened to Florida? 36 holes a day. These letters, all of which were accompanied by Florida's too humid. word search puzzle were a part of his game, Like Anyway I missed the seasons, So I'm in \"The Son of Sam\" he taunted the police, He Philadelphia now. fueled the media's fascination with him. You're in Philadelphia for the seasons? You think As you'll see in the book he left specific crime I'm! what, dysfunctional? Obsessed? You want to scene details in the word puzzles. eat where the killer eats? Sleep where he sleeps. And then 18 years ago he just stopped killing. Maybe I'm addicted to Pat's Stakes. Now one of the Philadelphia PD's theories was Maybe I'm holding out hope that the Eagles will that he was in jail with an unrelated charge. turn it around next season. But this is a man who craves attention. Remember weapons of mass destruction? What He could not remain a faceless prisoner for so are you saying? You think I'm chasing a ghost? long. I'm saying sometimes we get it wrong. Another theory was that he simply moved away. Ever consider that? I've considered everything. And he continued killing in another city or another So how are things at BAU? Anything changed country. since I left? Everything changes. The FBI's VI-CAP program tracks murders and Everything stays the same. murderers all around the world. You know how it is. They turned up nothing. Miss me? No. This intricate knot was part of his signature. Just here to buy a book then, huh? What can I The signature we have never seen repeated. say? Profilers, they fascinate me. Another theory was that he had died, which was Sorry to interrupt, but this is for you. the only explanation for why a compulsive - Thanks. psychopath would stop killing. - Sure. But I never believed he was a psychopath who Fan-mail! Fan-mail, how do you like that? Wait a had to do this. minute. I believe he is a narcissistic sociopath who Hey! Who gave this to you? I don't know! A guy in chooses to. a blue jacket. This is his last victim, Amy Jennings. Hey, Hey!! Wait! That's not the guy! It's not the She was 23. guy! What's going on? There's some sort of Her infant son was in the next room when she misunderstanding. was killed. Who in his mind has not probed the dark water? So uh! So even if he thinks he's finished! He still We're like two volumes of the same book, Max. has a debt to pay. Why don't we add a few more chapters? Is this Thank you, Mr. from him, the Keystone Killer? The son of a bitch Ryan. was right here. Thank you, sir. You still think I'm after a ghost? Lock this place Thank you. down. Thank you. No one leaves until I talk to them. You looked comfortable up there. Norman McClain wrote \"It is those we live with Why don't you come back to the BAU for a guest and love and should know who loot us\". 135

Criminal Minds Season 1 So they've been here all night? Apparently. Does no fight in the rear window have anything to Where else would any of us be on a Saturday do with the Jennings case? No. night? It's not like we have lives or anything. He entered in through the front door. Speak for yourself. There's ample evidence that Amy fought him very Guys, we are about to meet Max Ryan, the guy hard. responsible for catching the Boise child killer. Now he's referring to a new victim there. Have you ever talked to him before? He's pretty The second driver's license. intense, brusque. Carla Bromwell. Not much of a bedside manner. Ya, there is a C. Sound like anyone else we know? I heard he was Bromwell here in the puzzle. forced into early retirement. Philly PD went to the address on the license a No, he chose to retire. little while ago. He's written a new book on the Keystone Killer Found her suffocated with a plastic bag. case. Suffocated? His previous victims were strangled. He moved to Philadelphia to be closer to the His MO's different. crime scenes. He hasn't been killing all along, has he? It would That's retirement? B. have been difficult to tie these new murders to the A. Keystone Killer what with the change of the U. methodology and the time that's elapsed between style. kills. \"Who in his mind has not probed the black water\"? If he'd been active, I would have known. John Steinbeck, East of Eden. It's not entirely impossible for an unsub to switch Story of good and evil, love and hate. he's M. There's been some new activity on the Keystone O. Killer case. The Zodiac Killer went from stabbing people to New? He was in Max's lecture last night. shooting them. What? He got away? Would we have woken you Yes, but he wanted to take the credit. up if we caught him? He handed this letter to the This bastard didn't do anything in secret. security guard. I'd say good morning but, it's still dark outside. And he included two drivers' licenses with it. Who's this? Carla Bromwell. One is from his last victim. Uh! Gideon, can you put it on the news? The Last known victim. Philadelphia police were notified late last night of Amy Jennings, strangled in 1987. a letter that was hand delivered to this news Do you see something? Ya, what is the station. significance of black bra and grey wool socks? Apparently it was written by the infamous That's what Amy Jennings was wearing when we Keystone Killer, who's wanted in connection with found her. the murders of 7 women back in the late 1980's. That's a lot of detail to remember for 20 years. He also included a photograph of a woman. Green River killer couldn't remember where the She appears to be dead in the photo, suffocated bodies were buried much less what they were with a plastic bag. wearing. Now, subsequently police discovered a body in Well, some unsubs take pictures and print them the Overbrook area. themselves so they can manipulate the scene, But they are not confirming that it's the woman in bring it to life. this picture. That would explain the level of detail. He works fast. 136

Criminal Minds Season 1 It's an understatement, isn't it? Meet you on the I know what the puzzle said. plane in 30 minutes. Head wound is extensive. I'm coming with you. Level of violence is escalating. I'm not asking, Jason. / Yup. Philly PD confirmed that Carla Bromwell's been This bedroom is in front of the house. dead less than 12 hours. And a puzzle mentioned a rear window, maybe he She was 47. left a print. - Victims are getting older. No way. - That is unusual. Well- I think I'm going to check it out anyway. Victimology rarely changes. You do what you want to do but believe me, Her hands and feet were bound with flex-cuffs. you're wasting your time. Flex-cuffs? No ropes? That's what they said. Elle's good at this, Max. They're waiting at the crime scene for you. Did I say she wasn't? I haven't had a feeling like - Thank you, sweetheart. this around a dead body in 18 years. - If you need me. I remember what you said to me on my first day. So older victims and a different mode of binding Don't lose your objectivity. and killing. This isn't personal. Maybe the note just means we have a copycat on Yah. our hands. . The copycat who just happens to have Amy well, maybe not for you. Jennings driver's license? No! No, it's the We are aware of the media reports, Is it the Keystone Killer. Keystone Killer? however, we cannot confirm at How are we supposed to work with him? Gideon, this time. he is not even an active agent. The FBI will be making a formal statement later He's here because he knows this case better than on today. any of us. We received more information from the murderer We're leading the investigation, he's only than the police. consulting. What's going on? We have the right to the truth. Anyone tell him that? FBI? Detective Charles The Philadelphia police have to finish Santangelo, Philly PD. investigating this crime scene before we can Agents Gideon, Greenway. make a statement. You actually think the Keystone Killer did this? All of your questions will be answered at that time, Yes, we do. so please be patient. Agent Ryan. That's all I can say. Detective. Ma'am, when can we expect that statement today? So I guessed you'd show up sooner or later. Do you know anything about motive? What do He's consulting with us. you think of Ryan? He hasn't changed much. CSI's done processing the body? Ya, we'll get out I think we can learn a lot from him. of your way. What could you possibly learn that you don't Thanks. already know? Hotch, repetitive thinking is the This is his 8th victim. death nail for the brain. There is no bruising on the wrists, ankles or neck. For complete brain usage diverse stimulation is Just a good size blunt force head wound. the key. Ya, probably a surprise attack. Look at this. Well, the puzzle said no fight. Let's go show this to everyone. 137

Criminal Minds Season 1 Found another note. Max, you want to present it? No. Let me see that. We're looking for a white male in his late 40's. In order for the light to shine so brightly the The controlled crime scenes, the meticulousness darkness must be present. and the collection of trophies suggest a possible He's quoting sir Francis Bacon now. military background. I used this specific quote on- - On your book on I thought you were going to present the profile. page 184. Team can handle it. I read it on the plane. The TEAM. And you remember the page number of the quote? We used to work solo when this all started. Don't ask. Well, we were wrong. He says to expect another gift in 2 days. You don't worry about too many cooks? Nope. A gift? Calls his victims gifts. He used a quote, Jason. Gifts for whom? For me. He used a quote from my book. A lot of things have changed in 20 years including So? Maybe it's a coincidence. the age of the Keystone Killer's victims. We've both been doing this too long to believe in He's older, his victims are older. that. Makes sense to me. All right, let's focus on the differences in the Most unsubs have specific fantasies. crimes. This is as if there killing the same person over What's he doing that's new? Well, his latest victim and over again. was hit in the head. This man clearly had a preference for young That's new. brunettes, and now he's switched to older women. In the word puzzle he said she didn't fight. Well, what does that mean? Ted Bundy only killed So, why hit her? Scare her? Show her he's in women that looked like his fiancee. charge? Well, he never did that before. But then, he devolved and brutally attacked a And a blow that hard wouldn't scare her, probably house full of sorority sisters that looked nothing just! Probably just knock her unconscious. like his previous victims. In order to control her? Why switch from ropes to He went off script. flex-cuffs? The intricate knot was a part of his His final victim was a 12 year old girl. signature. When the police found the van that he used to kill Flex-cuffs are easier. her, the amount of blood revealed that he had lost Probably saved him time. complete control. No no no, there's more than that. It was that devolution that eventually led to his The rope was meticulously tied, it was intimate, capture. completely unnecessary. He could be devolving into frenzy. And he abandoned the rope and the use of his So you mean he's about to mess up. bare hands which makes his kills less personal Keystone Killer's devolution is only a theory. and less controlling. We need to be prepared for anything. Okay. And if he is in a frenzy, there's no telling how Seriously, guys, let's just abandon all this. quickly he'll fall apart. Let's just treat him like he's a new offender. Or how many more victims he'll take with him. / He isn't. So, we're going to go over anything we know, old Guys, I have a name. and new, and hopefully we find him before we find Nibrahs. another body. That's a name? From what country? It's We'll start with agent Ryan's original profile. backwards. 138

Criminal Minds Season 1 S. - Hey! - Come on. Harbin. Ryan. And there was a Scott Harbin on Ryan's original You got old. suspect list. Haven't we all? Missed an appointment, Scott. It's not Scott Harbin. Oh, they send the FBI now for parole violations? Harbin went to jail in 1988 for stabbing a guy Ya, we were in the neighborhood. while he was trying to escape during a home Excuse me, fellas. invasion. Thanks. The guy later died. - Hotch. Harbin didn't even know there was anyone at / Ya? - Look at that. home at the time he broke in. Socks 3 inches, underwear 6 inches. How long did he get? So it makes him a little more They teach you that at basic training. than a half way done. Ryan thought he might have a military Unless he's been paroled. background. No. Hey, Morgan. No, it's too easy. What's the chance he labels his secrets? What do I interviewed Harbin, twice. you think? I don't know. He's a pervert. He doesn't seem to be a guy who needs to be in He's a small time burglar with a fetish for lingerie. control. I mean he's a creep. He's definitely obsessive. But he is not the Keystone Killer. Everything has its place. Believe me. Probably comes from years of solitude, huh? Our guy has not been in jail for all these years. Misdirect upbringing. All right, I'm going to call Garica. And this is a guy who likes to be alone. See what she can dig up on this guy He's not the Sharing a jail must have been a nightmare. guy. Are you finished? Did I make you angry? Did I Jason, what are we doing here? What do you upset you? What? You're going to hurt me? No, mean? Well, is Ryan interested in catching the I'm not stupid. Keystone Killer, or just proving he's right? Scott No, uou. Harbin was paroled 3 months ago. . Oh yeah? To Philly? Yeah. You wouldn't hurt me here. . You'd wait, sneak up behind me and hit me over looks like it. the head, just when I'm not looking. And hey, guess what. What's the matter, Scotty? Can't deal with woman Bad boy missed his last appointment with his who's not afraid of you? Hey, Morgan! Yo. parole officer. Think he makes his own movies? Well, if he's a Well, that right there makes him a wanted man, control freak, or Ryan thinks he is, why wouldn't doesn't it? Uh-huh uh-huh. he? Where are the tapes? Are you okay? What And I have an address on him. do you mean? Got a little hot. You are amazing. Did I say anything that wasn't true? Nope Well, You have no idea. then I guess I'm fine. FBI SWAT! Stop! I said STOP! OK, OK. Hear that? Yah. All right, all right. I got it, I got it. - Are you Scott Harbin? - What? - Scott Harbin! - Oh man. Ya, that's Scott Harbin. Give me a hand. 139

Criminal Minds Season 1 What? Give me a hand. It's actually more passive because the killer Hey! A little help! No! It's okay. doesn't feel the life leaving the body. It's okay! No! No! No!! We're the FBI. He's changed almost everything that he does. Get an ambulance! Right now! Move! I'm on it. Why why why why? What?! I mean, what's he Call the EMT. getting out of this new M. Roger that. O. Ya, here he comes bringing him out. ? Where's his payoff? You got Carla Bromwell, I'll call you back. she sustains a significant head injury. Scott Harbin. Blitz attacks suggests disorganization, no Single obsessive military background. self-confidence. Fits your profile. This is a guy who walks into 7 victims homes prior But he keeps his victim in his house? He's that far to this. off script? / Ryan. There was no forced entry at any of the scenes. It's got your name on it. Where's the loss of confidence? He would never Isn't Scott Harbin an inelegant creature? A change the way he kills by choice. monster. / What? We've been operating under the There is no light with him. assumption that he purposely changed his M. No balance. O. He is pure evil. You're saying he changed because he had to Balance is what gives one mercy. change? He knocked her unconscious. You'll be reminded of my brand of mercy And it wasn't to scare. tomorrow, Max. Because he couldn't control her physically while What does that mean? Scott Harbin's a predator she was awake. just not the one we were looking for. He could be incapacitated. Cordon off the area at least six block radius. At least partially. Someone must have seen this guy. Maybe an injury. Well, that's got to be a first. Or a stroke. A killer actually leading us to another killer. Either way you're gonna have to have medical Come on. records. We all know they make the best profilers. Agreed? Yes, so what are we talking about? This They admire each other's work. had to have happened after the middle of 1988 in Ya, but usually from the far. Philadelphia? Somebody who fits the rest of the At least we got Harbin off the street. profile. All right, let's review. It's a lot of hospital records. What do we know about the Keystone Killer? Well, Call our girl Friday. we know that he's not dead or in jail. We're releasing a profile of the man we're looking Enjoys taunting the game. for. Ya, he's in complete control. We're hoping that someone out there seen this He strangled 7 women in the 1980's, stopped for will recognize some of the elements. 18 years, and then began again suffocating them. He is most likely a white male in his late 40's with it only takes 11 pounds of pressure to fully a military background and well educated. incapacitate your victim and if you hang on for at He has a need for power and control, so he least 50 seconds, they will never recover. probably has a job with some type of authority. When you suffocate someone you actually have You've just described half of the men living in less control over their death. Philadelphia. 140

Criminal Minds Season 1 How does that help us? If you'd let me finish- A. Killer wrote in his last letter that he'd strike again U doesn't employ too many agents with a relaxing within 2 days. kind of mentality. How close are you to an arrest? I'm not at liberty Do they? Well, we've got some records to go to discuss the progress of this on-going through. investigation. Something debilitating enough to lose strength My name is Philip Bromwell. permanently, I'm still thinking stroke. My sister Carla was murdered yesterday, by a You know Ryan's profile puts the unsub in his late man you people should have stopped 18 years 20's. ago. Isn't that too young for a massive stroke? Are you at liberty to explain how I'm supposed to Technically you're never too young for a stroke. tell our mother about this? I'm very sorry for your the other 20 or hemorrhagic, which usually result loss, Mr. in death. Bromwell. Ischemic strokes occur when plaque builds up in Please know that we do have the very best team the arteries, causing restricted vessels to be assembled to handle this. blocked by a blood clot. Isn't special agent Ryan working with the FBI Okay, but doesn't it take years for that type of again? He was unable to solve the murder before. plaque to build up? Ah, typically. What makes you think he's capable now? Agent Well then like I said, he was too young. Ryan was one of a number of men working on Did you know that stroke victims that play virtual this case. reality games show significant advances in There is no blame to be put on any one man or recovery than those who don't? Now, here's division. somebody. I'd hate to be standing out there in front of those In 1987 he was 30, single, dishonorable jackals. discharged. Well, JJ, she can hold her own. It's a good start. You're all better at the press thing than we ever What was the injury? Broken neck. were. Intensive skull therapy for 9 years. Well, we have a lot more of it to deal with now. What's he been doing since? The guy moved to They need someone to blame. the Florida Keys, he's a scuba instructor. I guess it's me. He's got the right idea. Are you okay with that? No, the fact is that I Come on. haven't been able to solve the case. There's got to be something in here. So I'm an easy target. Taking a break? Is there anything worse than cop But if I. shop coffee? Nailed cop shop donuts? You know, . at home I actually have to make the coffee bad if we do close it, that will all go away. now to enjoy it. And you think you'll be able to you know, just walk Ya, I've had what you make. away? I won't have any choice. You're saying you did that to me on purpose? But don't you want to? I mean! Don't you get to a Well, what are friends for? Remember that uh! certain point where you want to relax, maybe Boise child murderer? How could I forget him? spend sometime with your family? Family? I lost Lake City detective, Griffin was his name? Right? that a long time ago. / Ya. I haven't even seen them in years. I remember, we got to that man, that man was As far as relaxing, the B. nearly suicidal. 141

Criminal Minds Season 1 Literally had kids dropping around him like files. Speak! I need a list, sweetness. You told him feeling guilty when a series of crimes Ahh, sugar, you're in luck. is occurring that you can't stop, natural response. Lists are my specialty. Important thing, not to let yourself become Go. another victim. Alright, Philadelphia 1988, I need all car accidents Hey, this is different. resulting in injuries. - Really? - Really. Wow, there's a lot of them. You see, Jason, somewhere I think in my I guess friends let friends drive drunk back then. subconscious I hoped that writing this book would Okay, you got injuries 36 in a 12 month period. draw him out, that he missed the attention. How many were American made cars? Almost all And maybe Maybe I wanted to play his game. of them, except only 5 were serious enough to You had no idea he'd kill again? No, but he did. send the drivers to the hospital. And now there's another woman out there in Let's hear it from American made safety. danger. Tell me who the drivers were. You know this man better than he knows himself. Okay, one happened on I95 by the airport, You always have. ambulance picked up the other driver outside of Now you've got an advantage. 32-45 Anders Street. You've got a team of most incredible agents in the Ouch, broken back, that's not good. world out there. Wait, Anders Street. And you're standing here alone. Thrity-two hundred block of Anders, that's where If you let us, we'll help you find him. Carla Bromwell lived. Helen's running down injuries on college Well, that driver's name is Walter Kern, currently campuses. 48 years old, and still residing in the city of The guy's well read, he may have been a brother and sisterly love. professor. If he's 48 that would have put him in his late 20's There are just too many hospitals, clinics, at the time of the killing. long-term care facilities, we'd be sifting through Just like Ryan predicted. records for weeks. Walter Kern had a military background. Come on. ROTC in high school, 4 years in the air force. There's got to be someway to narrow down the Hospital records show that he lost mobility in his search, right? We ruled out a stroke and half the right side due to severed nerve damage to his hospital don't even say how the accident occurred. spinal cord. Accidents? In America, someone's involved in a He never got the strength back. car accident once in every 10 seconds. Kern's been a county worker, claims adjuster, and Car accidents with injuries would all be reported get this, he installed home alarms with Scott by the police. Harbin. We profiled him driving a late model American Takes one to know one. made sedan. All those jobs allowed him access to peoples All right, so how about I get Garcia to check Philly homes. PD records for accidents involving American Explains why there was no sign of forced entry. made sedans in serious injury. He had a legitimate reason to knock on the door. It's a long shot. Women felt comfortable letting him inside. It's a shot. He got a degree in criminology from Villanova in Start with 1988, if it was an accident it stopped 1988. him in his tracks. I wonder if he murdered anyone on campus. 142

Criminal Minds Season 1 That certainly explains his knowledge of law Kern? It's clear. enforcement. Looks like he collected every article written about This looks like our guy. him. Anybody's got a current address? I got you, you He's got your book. son of a bitch. Damn it, I signed it. We got him, let's go bring him in. Hotch was entirely correct about the photography. Hey, Walter. His cellar's where he develops his photographs. Come on in. What's that, a scrap book? There's a chapter on How can I help you gentlemen? I'm special agent every woman he's killed. Jason Gideon, this is special agent Max Ryan These entries are detailed enough to let him with the FBI. relive the kills for years. Could we speak with Walter Kern? He's not here Candid photographs of the victims at the park, right now. grocery store, outside of church, driver's license, You know where he is? Is something wrong? clothing, jewelry. Could we come inside? What are you going to do? Those chapters in the back, they're not finished. Why are you doing this? Why? Put on these cuffs. These photographs are at least 20 years old. Do it. I mean look at the hair styles, the clothing His Now! Walter's at the Pinewood Community recent themes of communication have been Center working with the boy scouts. about old friends, unfinished business. He volunteers as one of the leaders. His car accident was in the Fairmount district of Would it be possible for us to search the house, Philadelphia, that's exactly where Carla Bromwell ma'am? Hotch, he's at the Pinewood Community lived. Center. He was on the way to kill her when he had his / What for? We've been called into investigate the accident. murders of several women here in Philadelphia. It's not about finding a new type of victim, it's That's why we need to talk to him. about his specific target. That is the craziest thing I've ever heard. Because he was such a perfectionist, and is a And I'm going to have to ask you to leave. perfectionist, he had to finish what he had started . years ago. now. All these aren't new victims, Max. Can you answer one question for us, ma'am? They were already targeted, right from day one. Does your husband have an area here in the Who's in that last chapter? What's wrong with you, house that you're never supposed to go into? A Walter? I've known you and Ann for years, you're place that you're not supposed to see? Walter good people. has a dark room. Lie down on your back. If he knew you were in there, would he become Speak again, and I will kill you. so angry that you fear he could hurt you? He just I believe Walter Kern is in Sylvia Gooden's home doesn't want me to ruin his pictures. now, Hotch confirmed he left the community That's all. center hours ago, and Kern's car's parked on the Mrs. next block. Kern, has your husband ever suffered from long I want Walter Kern alive. periods of depression? Yes, after his car accident. I'll stand by for the word. And did he suddenly snap out of it for no apparent Okay, let's move out. reason? What does all this mean? Could you I'll call you when we've secured Kern. show us the room, Mrs. Please. 143

Criminal Minds Season 1 . bomber's car, which was in the Quantico garage. don't. Except for me and the guys had planted this piece I need to do this. of paper that had all these times and locations of I can't stop it. where the FBI director was going to be over the No!!! No!!! It'll be over soon. next 48 hours. Don't move! - Don't move! - Down on your knees! Anyway, Jason takes one look at this piece of - Down! Don't move! - Watch my arm! - It's all right, paper and before we could stop him, he takes off FBI. runs up 25 flights of stairs to the directors office- / - Watch it! - FBI. Get out of here! Barges in interrupting a meeting Easy! You're going to be all right. with the Attorney General himself. We got her. Yay! The director didn't find it very funny. Sylvia Gooden's alive. Now, he was the only one who did this. We got her. You know he has no one, no family. Gideon, I need your cuffs, man. Who's that? Ryan. You're going to be fine. I mean technically he's retired, but he hasn't seen It's over. his kids in years. You're going to be fine. Divorce is not uncommon in the B. Why don't you do this? I'll take care of her. A. That's enough. U. Now get up. You know the other night when you called, You're going to be okay. Saturday night, don't you think it was weird that You're all right. we all just were able to drop everything and go to Just breath. the office, that we're all available to you anytime Just breath. you call, day or night. Just breath. No, not really. Just breath. How do you do it? How do you do this job, and You got him. still have a wife, and a baby? Well, when I'm with Ya, I got him. them I try to focus 100% of my attention there. I know you've enjoyed this ride as much as I have, And when I'm with you guys, I try to do the same Max. thing. I sure am enjoying this part of it. It's about priorities, Elle. We are inseparable, you and me. It's about setting them and keeping them. Let's just test that theory, huh? Get him out of I'm just so scared that I'm going to turn into that here. guy over there. Abraham Lincoln once said, \"In the end, it's not Look up and see that my life has passed me by the years in your life that count. while I was chasing monsters. It's the life in your years. It's hard. \" Did Jason ever tell you about the time that he This job will eat you up if you let it. found the director's itinerary in a bomber's car? So what do I do? Find a way not to let it. What, what? Come on, come on. No, no. He never said anything. Well, let me fill you in then. We had this bomber case, it was one of Jason's first so we had him go over and search the 144

Criminal Minds Season 1 It so cool we got in here. I'm not going to georgetown. Ok. What? I changed my mind. You two have fun. I got this job offer to work at this restaurant in new Where you been? Where did you say the york. bathroom was? Upstairs. It's not a chef, but it's under the right ones. Second door on the lt. I can learn from them. I'll be right back. What are you talking about? I made up my mind. Man: there's our girl That's her ! Ingrid? Ingrid? Sean, you've always wanted to be a lawyer. Hey, you guys seen ingrid? What are you doing Just like dad, just like me. out of your bunker? I was on my way to file the And look what it got dad, huh? Heart attack. things that i. 47. . I think i'm doing ok. file. Look, if it's about being in new york, nyu's got a Excuse me. great law school. Hi. Columbia, fordham. I'm. I don't ink you're hearing me. . All i'm asking you to do is think it through, you sean, hey. know? The logical thing is for you to go to Derek. georgetown. You must be looking for your brother. I have to trust my instincts. Yeah. Look, sean, it's typical for someone who lost his Right this way. father at a young age. Brother as in. . . and you know what? You're not him. that's hotch's brother? Maybe hotch is adopted. Then why are you here? That's a really good So, georgetown law? You're doing big things. question. Congratulations. Here he comes. Thanks. That's hotch's brother? Uh-huh. Top of the stairs. I don't see it. Come in. Sean, listen to me. Sean, hey. All i'm saying is you're 25 years old. Let me call you back. You know what, don't profile me, aaron. Hey. Now, i see it. This is a surprise. Terra mesa, new mexico. Haven't cut your hair since thanksgiving. university. That's what you said at christmas. No signs of sexual assault, and no sign of theft. Sorry. Minimal defensive wounds. Um. One of them was impaled on a 6-foot wooden . pole. it's your first time here, let me give you the ur. Who'd want to torture They weren't tied up and no Yeah, i can't stay long. one escaped? No single unsub could've exerted I'm working the lunch shift. this much control over so many people. Well, not for long. So you think there was mo than two. Congratulations. I think we're looking at a pack. You must be pretty excited. A pack? in unison, as in, nature of the group 145

Criminal Minds Season 1 dynamic, dictates the pack's survival is the impalement display of this last victim. dependent on their ability to hunt successfully. . And as in nature of pack will keep on killing until it what? These were all war rituals of the native runs out of prey or is stopped. american plains indians. Stopped by what? Stronger pack. That mean something to you, sheriff? I'll say, it . does. Nietzsche wrote, the individual has always had to Everything you see around us is apache land. struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the This whole basin's a sacred burial ground. tribe. And was the sight of a number of massacres, as i Sheriff, i'm special agent hotchner. understand. The are agents reid and gideon. So this development is on their land? It was their I was hoping there were more of you. land. The other agents went straight to the station But they didn't have the money or the inclination house to look at the victim's files. to build on it, so the town seized half of. Has forensics had any luck? County csu went Yeah, last year, the supreme court ruled cities through for prints and trace evidence. could use imminent domain authority to seize and They said with all the workmen trampling through repossess undeveloped private land for private here, looking at footprints would be a waste. development. Come on. And now the town is looking for investors to build The bodies were almost completely skinned, yet on the other half. there's so little blood. The apache are fighting it, of course, in court. I think i know why. Is there been any violence until now? Nothing like The unsub avoided areas of skin on the wrists this. and the throat. You know anybody on the reservation capable of Areas where the veins and arteries are closest to this? I don't know. the surface. Reservation's federal jurisdiction. Why would they do that? They didn't want them to Sounds like where we need to go. bleed out. Go call garcia. These kids were skinned alive. See what she can find. Two cases of beer, two sleeping bags. Ok, one order of bad guys on the apache There's a third sleeping bag upstairs. reservation coming right up. Everything you need for a night of teenage Let's hear it. romance. Apparently there was a militant group there in the It's unlikely the two couples brought a fifth wheel 70s called the irm. to take notes. Any of them still around? No. Sheriff, it's possible there was a third girl here. There's a guy on the reservation now who's been A sixth victim. locked up more than a few times for I'll get my deputies to canvass the areas. demonstrations, resisting arrest. See if anybody saw a girl. Mostly political protest type stuff. You said there was another one outside? Yeah. Yowsa, get this. He was like the others. His father was killed in a shootout with federal Coroner said from the amount of blood, he was agent wounded knee. alive when they impaled him. His name, Benjamin blackwolf. I know this is gonna sound strange, but the way The son, john Blackwolf. the victims were flayed alive, mutilated, and now Thanks, Garcia. 146

Criminal Minds Season 1 Blackwolf? John blackwolf? You know him? And does anybody know the name of the last Indian activist. leader of the apaches? Geronimo. He's been in a little trouble. That's right. Related to his activism, but nothing violent. He was caught by the u. Not around here. s. Should we call the reservation police and alert Army 5 times, but the ga'he had given him so them? I don't think that's a good idea. much strength he escaped. Why not? Blackwolf is the reservation police. . Jane bear, these are fbi agents. each time. Gideon. Samuel. Hello. Yes? Tell the men from the fbi who the ga'he are. Hotchner how do you do? And reid. The ga'he are mighty spirits who dwell in desert Miss bear is the president of the tribal council and caves. principal of the reservation school. Reid. President and the principal. Is your name samuel? Sorry. You must be a busy woman. Are the ga'he good spirits or bad spirits? They're We'rout here on our own, agent Gideon. both. We all do our part. Like men. Is, uh. I'll take over for you, john. . Mr. John inside? Is this about the terra mesa killings? Blackwolf, i'm agent gideon. They just want to talk to him. These are agents hotchner and reid. John blackwolf has done more to help his tribe You look like a college professor. than anyone. You look like a student. Hell, jim, how many times have you called him in You. to find lost hikers? How many drunken campers . has he tracked down for the park service? John is you look like fbi. a peaceful man. We're with the behavioral analysis unit. . Profilers should know better. who would not hesitate to defend this tribe with How's that? We don't do massacres. force if attacked. You do. What does this have to do with terra mesa? Well, Me, personally your government. a lot, if john considers the building of the terra Mr. mesa development on apache land to be an Blackwolf, 'd like for you take a look at these attack. photos and help us figure out how these kids The developers have paid a lot of families to were killed. leave the reservation. You're not asking because i'm a cop. So many families have gone now that we can No. barely fill a single class. We're asking because you're an expert on native Forcing the dene, the apache nation, to abandon american culture. their homes and live in government controlled I don't base my opinion on pictures, mr. internment camps. Hotchner. Does anybody know the last tribe to surrender to I have to walk the ground. the american government? It was the chiricahua We should start inside. apache. Forensics says the outside's been contaminated 147

Criminal Minds Season 1 from all the construction traffic. 90, 95 pounds. Of all the native american tribes, the apache are Size 6 shoe. most renowned for their tracking ability. Fallen arches. It's said they can track a man or animal through She was walking alone, when she was ambushed any condition by simply noticing the slightest by two men. disturbance in the environment. We also believe there were at least three He's profiling the dirt. suspects. I notice you don't carry a gun. Three? Yeah. What? Ask agent hotchner there. Two over here plus at least six over there. He's the real gun hand. Because while these two carried this girl, struling Why do you say that? You carry two guns. to their vehicle to the east, at least six others ran The maximum distance an attacker with a knife single file to hide their numbers from the west. can close in the time it takes to react, draw your So you're saying that there were eight? At least. sidearm and fire is 21 feet. And one hostage. Inside 21 feet, i win. You waed to see how i behave at the scene of Outside, i have other options besides shooting a therime, you can at least tell me how i did. man. You're lack of anmotional reaction at seeing the Like negotiating. crimes leads me to believe you'rennocent. Like running. A guilty man would've feigned disgust? Exactly. Why do you say i carry two guns? Your right Do you know what counting coup is? No. instep print's heaver than your left. The apache knew they could easily prove their And since you dot appear to have a clubbed right superiority by killing many of the enemy tribe. foot. But they also knew killings would start a fierce . blood feud which would result in t waste of lives you can't tell that from my footprints. and resources. it's no perceptible difference between them. Makes sense. Your problem isn't with your prints. So the apache proved their superiority by It's with your perception. counting coup. What do you see? There's a saying. Stealthily stealing property, usually horses, from Once too much blood has been spilled on the right under the nose of their enemy. same ground, that ground develops a thirst for it. To the apache, killing, unless absolutely This is all consistent with native american warfare necessary, was a sign of stupidity. rituals, but it's not apache. And weakness. Whoever did this carried out the most brutal Ifhis your way of saying you're not the killer, we practices of the apache. already know that. Navajo, comanche, pueblo. So why am I still talking to you? Hotch. And sioux. So if there was another girl out there, no one's No one tribe every did them all. reported her missing. Not like this. None of the papers have received any claims of Real indians would know that. reonsibility or ranm demands. This wasn't indians. 'D like for you to stay and help with the profile And if you wanto figure out who did this, it might briefing. help to know there was a sixth person in the If it'll keep the fbi off the reservation, i'll stay. house. Each torture ritual had specific religious Why do you say that? Female. significance, but only to the tribe that pcticed it. 148

Criminal Minds Season 1 It's highly unlikely that any one tribe would mix vendors. them all together like this. Working class people that believe indians are Meaning? Whoever did this obviously had standing in the way of progress. knowledge of native american culture, but they And commerce. had absolutely no practical understanding of it. Whether they feel the indians are standing in the What we know, ishis pack shares a singular vision way of progress or profit, or they're just nuine whether they share religious faith, racist ideology, racists, i think minton and the adu are strong or political manifesto, each member of this unit suspects. has surrendered its individual identity to the group. Let's bring minton in. It's the act of kidnapping that reveals the nature of Mr. this pack. Minton, any idea who might be behind these From the german red brige to the munich killings? The indians have a history of violent olympics to iraqi insurgence. behavior. The act of kidnapping is a characteristic of Pecially the apaches. political terrorist groups. Did you know that they used to kill white settlers, We could be looking for a domestic terrorist decapitate the bodies, put their victims heads on organization like the symonese liberation army wooden pikes outside their houses? That was a that kidnapped patty hearst. long time ago. But these are indians, right? I seriously doubt it. You still seem pretty upset about it. The torture and mutilation you see here are very That was the other night. confused imitations of warfare practiced by native My family's beenealing with the apache for years. american tribes. You know, your rhetoric sounds just hateful Are you trying to tell us that indians wouldn't be so enough to justify violence. brutal? No. We don't need to stoop to their level. I'm saying that indians wouldn't be so confud. We're fighting the indians in court. Can we really be sure he's right? Well, i'm fairly Is that right? Then why all the guns, roy? Our certain blackwolf wasn't in on it, but you don't recordshow that your members carry over need to be einstein to realize these people were firearms. indians, or people that made it look like indians. We're simply exercising our constitutional right Why would anyone want to frame these indians under the second amendme. possibly to turn public opinion against them. We have the right to defend ourselves. Sheriff, you mentioned the apache were fighting guns, roy. the land grab in court. I don't think so. Public opinion would be a significant factor. That's n self defense. Is there anyone besides the developers who That's plain paranoid. might be vehemently opposed to the indians Not anymore. getting the land back? The adu. If minton is as fanatical as he pretends to be, he Who's that? American defense union. wouldn't file lawsuits. Founded by a local businessman named roy Or organize labor unions. minton. The indians are keepg minton and the members They're like the minute men who control the of the adu fr making a lot of money on the borders, only these guys blame everything on the development and construction of the apache land. indians. I agree. Who are the members? Mion's people are mostly He's using racist ideology to cover simple greed. white, construction workers, building supply Sheriff, i'd like you to put minton under 149

Criminal Minds Season 1 surveillance. Hurting her would hurt their cause. You think he's guilty? Not likely, but we've just That'll stop them from killing her? It might. given minton reason to believe that some faction Ok. of the adu may have taken matters into their own Hey. hands, and minton may lead us to them. So? Fathers blame themselves when a child is It's garcia. kidnapped. Hey, what have you got? I have an ncic hit on one As irrational as it is, it's typical. of the prints on the sliding glass door. This guy didn't do that, why not? Well, in these Ingrid griesen, family moved her here two years situations, innocentarents don't hide their feelgs ago from texas. of guilt, while guilty parents do. Where they require fingerprints for driver's license So we're thinking this guy's guilty? Of something. applications. Ingrid is my only child. She wasn't among the victims on the scene. She's my whole life. Ok. Please return ingrid to me. Nice job. Talk to her, and you'll see, she's a sweet child. Think we might have found our sixth victim. She's never hurt. How old was ingrid when your wife passed away? . And then, you raised her on your own? Why you have to see this. didn'tou report your daughter as missing, mr. /. Griesen? I didn't know she was missing. . She has her own place. anything you need. She has her own life at school. /Contact me directly. Her own friends. /I will try. When was the last time you spoke to her? Couple . weeks ago. what do we do? /. She's been going through a phase the past . couple of months. everything i can to help. Distancing herself. We get rid of her. Has anyone threatened ingrid? Not that i know of. /Whatever it takes. Have you received any menang phone calls or /I'm asking you, /please, leher go. seen anyone in the neighborhood? Anything We've got a caller on the line. that's been unusual at all. Has griesen been prepped. No. Caller doesn't want to speak to griesen. Nothing like that. In fact, he doesn't want griesen to know at he's We have reason to believe that people who even calling. kidnapped your daughter may be politically This is special ent aaron hotchner. motivated. Yeah. They killethose kids, and they kidnapped ingrid in We have ingrid griesen. the name of their cause. We'll turn ourselves and the girl in under one Think the first thing, or the best thing you can do condition. to help your daughter is for you to go on the news. I'm listening. How will that help ingrid? If we can personalize You don't tell griesen about it. ingrid to the public, the public will take any harm What does it matter to you what i tell griesen? that comes to her at the hands of the kidnappers Because he paid us to kidnap her. personally. Don't move! Hey, don't shoot. 150

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