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Home Explore Criminal Minds Season 1

Criminal Minds Season 1

Published by, 2014-07-27 00:18:02

Description: Hi.
I'm Heather.
That's a 2.
4 liter I can'tteach you how to drive cars.
That's right.
Wanna take a lookunder the hood? Yeah! You
know your Z.
I'm impressed.
You should haveyour mechanic check it out
How about I leaveyou my number and we can set
it up? Thank you.
So it's just rightup here.
Oh! That was-- haha Hello! There was the right.
Uh, maybe just pullover here, and we can try and
do a U-turn.
What are you doing?Okay.
Stop the car now.
Pull over now! Howabout Andrew? It's greek for
Let's call himSergio.
Ha ha! Please tellme you're kidding.
- Butch? - Howabout Donald? - Hans.
- No! Wait, wait.
Um - Okay.
- Not a chance.
It's hebrew.
Look what it means.
It's perfect.
Gideon Hotchner.
- No.
- Yes.
- No.
- Gideon.
stations and movietheaters.
- Uh, the madbomber.
George Metesky.
- Nice.
The winners sit.
Losers, drink.
Hold on.
Metesky wasn't aserial killer.
None of his bombsever killed anyone.
Well, you think allwe do is serial killers? Trust m
we c


Read the Text Version

Criminal Minds Season 1 Come on,let's go. No,no,jason. Everything is going to be ok. You know the rules. I have to meet a friend,someone who will help us. No judge. We've got to get out of here now. No jury. --You promised you would protect my children. This is strictly in-house. That's exactly what I'm doing. You want my help?--Yeah. Just get in the car,please. Then I need my team. We have to move! You promised you would keep Albert einstein said, \"whoever sets himself up as us safe. judge in the field of truth and knowledge is And I will. shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods. But you got to trust me one more time. \" He was cia escort,ok? It's weird,a little scary. Come on,kids. What do you suppose this is all about? Call me Let's go. cynical,but considering it's 2 A. Everybody in. M. Everybody in? You'll never find her. ,I doubt it's good news. I knew it had to be you. You are a genius. I see the paper reported the death of our mutual The cia's counterterrorism unit is engaged in a friend. mission to save one of its informants. I'll wait for your call. They suspect one of their agents is a mole. You catch him? Only after he drowned 8 women. Until the identity of that mole is discovered, Sick bastard. they've locked down the unit. --He was. This gives us the opportunity to profile the unsub As of 3 days ago,john summers wasn'T. up close. Is that why you called me? He was Go ahead. stressed,exhausted,a little paranoid maybe,but --Let's start the video feed. not suicidal. John summers was the cia's best field agent in I signed him off as fit for duty. the middle east. So you did. He'd been tortured and murdered. And so he was. The cia made it look like suicide. It wasn't suicide,was it? Papers say it was. How'd you like to have that job? Guys,look at the Investigation too messy. wound patterns. You made it look like suicide. They come from 2 distinct angles. Now,that is a mess. Different heights. This? That's just cleaning house. One's right-handed and one's left-handed. So why do you look like crap? You know me too Looks to me like he was tortured by more than 2 well. people. It was only the people in my unit that knew that Hotch,what was summers working on? Aaliyah john summers was cia. nadir had been beaten and sexually assaulted at And my bosses believe that someone in my team the hands of her husband,hassan nadir. is the one who had him killed. That's how summers flipped her and got her to We wanna know who and why. work for the cia. A mole in langley. What's the husband's story? He's a diplomat for It looks that way. the saudi government, but he's a fund-raiser for And I'm not high enough on the food chain to major terrorist organizations. dodge the bullet on this. Aaliyah gave summers intelligence on terrorist 201

Criminal Minds Season 1 organizations the cia had never been able to Special agent hotchner. penetrate, organizations hassan,her Oh,I know who you are and your team,too. husband,funneled money to. I've got the personnel files all set up for you guys. And hassan realized he had a leak? Yes,but he Video,whatnot. didn't know who. It's all there in the conference room. For aaliyah's protection, summers never revealed If you have any questions, feel free to talk to my her identity to the cia until about 8 weeks ago. senior officers. Cia arranged papers for her, and summers This is gina sanchez. brought her and her children to the U. She's the associate director of field operations. S. And that guy up there is kruger spence,the about a month ago. assistant director of operations. Only summers knew where he hid her. The lady with him is his second in command,olivia What did hassan think happened to his family? hopkins. Car accident. And thank you for coming. Bodies too disfigured to identify. You never mentioned bruno hawks. Only the cia knew it was staged until hassan You never asked. arrived in washington last week under diplomatic How long have you unofficially been working for cover. cia? Long enough to know who and what we're Only someone in this unit could have given dealing with. hassan information about his family. If I may ask,sir-- I don't know your name,nathan-- And now he's here looking for her. the thing that I don't get is our team's there. Why us? Over the years,I've conducted Why can't we go to langley? Do I look like a threat psychological evaluations on every field agent in to national security to you? Seriously. that unit. Your name is on a list. You worked for the cia? Not officially. A list? What list?I work for the fbi, and you're The train's running. telling me i'm on a list that says I can't go to the And if we stop this mission,even for a second, cia? You're on a list. aaliyah and her children are as good as dead. Uh,garcia. Everything's going to be ok. You do know what this means. We'll be out of here soon. What? We'll be able to find out whether princess He's going to come back for us. diana's death was really an accident. We just all have to be very brave. I think that's exactly the kind of thing that got you Close your eyes. on their list. Try to sleep. Ok,we got a full roster of all the players Don't remove your firearm. here,including summers. U. How many in total? In bruno's department. S. 22. Soil. What if it's one of them? We're looking for what Federal building. the cia classifies a type-a personality. Just your cell phones. Overachiever,highly adaptable,well Non-negotiable. educated,virtually unshakable. The moment we walk in there,the unsub's gonna Manipulative enough to persuade a loyal foreign know we got him cornered. nationalto betray their country or a wife to betray We don't hand jack him. her husband. Hey. Most importantly,this unsub long ago accepted 202

Criminal Minds Season 1 the reality they will be summarily executed if Are here. caught. They have their job and we have ours. Life means nothing to this unsub. And we're down to the wire on this. Not his own life. Aaliyah nadir risked everything, and now she and Not his family'S. her children deserve our fullest attention. Not his colleagues. Let's find her. Certainly not ours. Agent gideon. And certainly not theirs. It's good to see you again. One of those agents turned against everything You're not a very good liar. they believe in. I wasn't lying. Why? Well,he stopped believing. Your evaluation took me out of the field. Maybe it was about ideology. I simply wrote the truth. We need to find the stressor,a major event that You're highly intelligent. caused him to turn love, You're impossibly strong-willed. revenge,economics,sideology. There's gonna come a time when you can't follow The intelligence community's mantra says, orders. \"increase the parameter of your enemies' It hasn't happened yet. paranoia. It will. \" Right now we're the enemy. You're wrong. Whatever you see or are told,please trust no one we uhWe think the agent who's tipping off hassan but me. may have had some kind of extreme event in their Gideon,you're gonna want to take a look at this life. surveillance video. Something that distorted or redefined their belief What is it? It's you. system. It's your name next to a whole slew of mpegs. Every agent undergoes regular psych evals. There's one that says \"john summers. You know that. \"It's 3 hours long. They're trained to cope with extreme events. --Sure,go. Whatever turned this agent,you can't train for. When was this? Who called this meeting? Does it You're welcome to everything I have. matter? Every detail matters. Every op undertaken by these guys is on file. Why? It can only be 1 of 4 people. What about the ones that aren't on file?Like the Why is that important? Whoever requested this wiretaps of the saudi embassy. wanted more than just an eval from you. Those don't even exist. Did you know they were filming you? I assumed How long has your department been running they were. operations in riyadh? We have a declared Taking in all factors discussed--age,rank, and presence in riyadh monitoring U. field status and if you eliminated all non-field S. agents, we're left with a total of 16 candidates. Interests there. All of whom are in this unit. You know that. We have to assume the mole has an exit strategy. Now,if that's all,I have an informant to see. Only now we're blocking the exit, and the only Hey,guys,take a look at something. way out is through us. Right there. we all know why B. That's a woman sitting in the passenger seat of A. that car. U. Looks a lot like aaliyah. 203

Criminal Minds Season 1 Why would he leave them in the car unless he She spent 9 years in field operations in europe. knew he were being videotaped? Who called this She also visited riyadh with kruger. meeting? Does that matter? Every detail matters. I got gina sanchez. --Why? It can only be 1 of 4 people. West point graduate. That's not true. Black belt in 2 martial arts. Anyone in this division could have insisted on an Served in iraq doing psychological operations eval. with military intelligence. Why narrow it down to 4? Well,he rightly She joined the cia 5 years ago. suspected hassan came to the U. Speaks 3 languages including arabic. S. Bruno hawks,deputy director of operations. Because he knew his wife was alive. Extensive field ops in the middle east and europe. And that someone in this agency was working for Did his military service with jason gideon. hassan. One thing I've learned over the years profiling cia If we don't discover who the mole is before they agents, spies are some of the smartest liars in the find her,she and the kids are dead. world. Garcia. Be smarter. --Right here,boss. I'm thirsty. How many agents in this unit were actually in Drink. saudi monitoring U. Share the last of it with your sister. S. It's ok. Interests? Let me guess. He can have it. Bruno hawks,gina sanchez,olivia hopkins,and I'm not even that thirsty. kruger spence. We can't circulate a photo of a woman who's See what else is on the tape. supposed to be dead. --Alright. I realize that,but--I appreciate you have a job to John summers would have only trusted seasoned do,but so do I. agents, of which in this unit there are only 4. Start looking where aaliyah would feel the most He guessed that the mole had to have been one comfortable. of his 4 bosses. Arab-populated areas. Before he put in for aaliyah's extraction,he Actually,you might wanna start by profiling wanted to know which one not to ask. summers. We need to match up with them,one-on-one. Be my guest. Kruger spence,assistant director of operations. Aaliyah's about to be brutally murdered in front of Recruited at the age of 18 after graduating from M. her children. I. Got nothing? Ok. T. Where were we? Let's put some teams together. It says here had 6 years experience as a Summers was obsessed with his own security. weapons systems designer and an I. --Aren't we all? He didn't care about money or Q. possession or family. Of 197. All he cared about was his job. He butted up against the system and didn't deal He was a classic control freak,a meticulous with authority. paranoid. They moved him into field operations in china for A loaner who chose to live outside the community. 8 years before transferring him here. In an environment that he could control. Olivia hopkins,divorced mother of 2. All right. 204

Criminal Minds Season 1 So he would have placed aaliyah outside the confused about what I am,what I do or what I community in an environment that only he could have done. control and have access to. Somebody here is. Maybe. Why else would they rat out their own people? On the other hand,he might-- new deal. You'll have to ask them. I want you to search the areas surrounding Cia looks much like the fbi. summers' apartment. This is a real boy's club. We're looking for industrial sights,storage Must be tough being a woman here. spaces,warehouses. Get to the point,agent. That's good. Divorced. Thanks. Lost custody of your kids. I don't think i could have a job where I had to sit That didn't help your career,huh? Are you and talk to people all day. interrogating me? Just questions. Ok,wait a minute. You want answers,look in my file. It's not all psychobabble. --I did. I get my fair share of action. During an operation in europe,you were taken I'm sure you do. hostage. Here's something you might find interesting. For which i received counseling. Joystick,come around 30 degrees,15 by 13 north. But it didn't help. Zoom in 2 miles. Your marriage busted up pretty quickly. Wait a minute. How does this help you? It would take a major That looks like my neighborhood. event for someone to turn against their That is my neighborhood. country,don't you think? A major event like what? That's my house. Like one that's not in any file. That's my bike. What happened to you over there? They attack You have a dog. you? They rape you? Olivia. Yeah,yeah,I got a dog. That's enough. That's clooney. This is in violation of her civil rights. Well,it looks like clooney's on the couch. Until they find the sleeper and we find aaliyah,all Ok. rights are revoked. So you know where I live. Where were you on the night that summers was I like that. murdered? I was with her. You also knew where summers lived. In her apartment. That's my job. Well,you're a married man. Your job to make it look like suicide? You stood At some point you must have left to get back to over the dead body of a friend and a colleague. your wife,right? You wake to an empty bed? Yes. You stuck a shotgun in his mouth and you pulled I did. the trigger. Are we done here? My wife will testify that i Yep. arrived home at 1:30 A. Must take a psychological toll,no? Let's get one M. thing clear. We all know none of this will ever reach a court. We all write a letter just like the one summers If you wanna arrest us for having an affair,be my wrote. guest. A suicide note? That doesn't mess with your mind I'll deal with you two later. just a little bit? I'm neither disillusioned or Olivia. 205

Criminal Minds Season 1 --don't. I will say this. Riyadh,2003. I'm glad you're here. When I saw the cctv monitors were down and You feeling ok? I mean,you lost 2 of your olivia hadn't returned, I thought I'd better come people--2 colleagues,2 friends. looking for her. I've lost plenty of those along the way. Have any agents seen the body? Good. I just feel pissed off. We can use this to our advantage to get the Someone is gonna pay dearly for what they've others. done. What? What's going on? What are we doing here? You lined us all up to see how we'd react to You're pulling us away from our assignments? olivia's death. There's a woman out there whose life depends on What did you see? You stared straight at kruger us. like you were trying to deflect blame onto Where's olivia? Olivia hopkins was murdered 10 someone else. minutes ago. You are wasting precious time, time she doesn't Her neck was snapped. have. Just like john summers. Now,unless you have something useful to ask, What are you talking about? You're lying. we're trying to save lives. Where is she? Look,people don't just get So are we. murdered inside the cia. Patch her through. What are you looking at? I realize the enormity of It's for you. this,but hassan nadir is still out there looking to kill Garcia? Talk to me. his wife,and I need every agent on this. That virus that knocked out the cctv. What do you think it would take for somebody to What about it? It was downloaded into the system betray their country? If I knew that,you wouldn't 3 weeks ago. be here. By who? Just because i lied about olivia doesn't Or is this the part where you profile me? I've done make me the mole. that for over 20 years and for free. No,but the virus that took out the cctv monitors What did you come up with? Well,you don't smile does. as much as you used to, but the rogaine's It originated from your computer. working. Then whoever put it in my computer is trying to You need to quit your day job. frame me. You've strived your entire life just to seek the Olivia was looking for something. approval of your father. She didn't find a thing. Obsessively tried not to make the same mistakes You know why? Because all of your files had he made. been erased. The emotional cost wipes the smile off your face. Do you really think if I was the mole,I would keep You know,my kids,they don't even know who or files that would incriminate me? Those files were what their father really is. erased to make me look guilty. But they know there's absolutely nothing you Looks like it's working. wouldn't do for them. Morgan,your girlfriend's back. Who says,you know,kids need to know everything Garcia,it's morgan. about us? Trust me. Go. We're not that interesting. That virus left a back door into the cia mainframe. Who do you think it is? I'm so close to it,jason,I Yeah,so? I sort of went ahead and used it to find honestly can't tell. out who ordered john summers' psych eval with 206

Criminal Minds Season 1 gideon. Then summers must have known they'd be Who was it? Well,that's what's so weird. filming him. Who,garcia? Who?--John summers. They always are. Summers? Why would he order his own So smile. evaluation? So we'd ask that question ourselves. Garcia,let's review the tape again. We missed something on that tape. He sure likes boats. We better figure out what it was before hassan's He refers to compartmentalizing his life like the friend in here beats us to it. hull of a ship. I have to find some water. Yeah. Ok? No. And then he talks about a box. If mr. And putting something inside the box as an Summers comes back before I do,you tell him to insurance policy. wait for me. He was telling gideon how to find aaliyah. Do not come looking for mommy. Summers' cover in saudi was for a shipping Whatever happens,you're safe here. company. Promise me. Ok. Do not leave here. What about a shipping container?That's a box. You both promise? I promise. That's a big box. Presidents come,presidents go. The only shipping port near summers' apartment One thing always remains: The people that run in baltimore, it's north up the I-95 from langley. those presidents. Garcia,I love you. People like you? Me?No. Garcia? What happen?Someone just tapped into No. this feed. No. We just found out where aaliyah is. I'm an expendable pawn. And so did someone else. But I got wise to their game. Stand right there. Game? What game? Battleship. I can have the chopper on the roof fueled and I'm the ship at sea. ready in 2 minutes. They try to sink me. There are thousands of containers at that port. How do you cope? Compartmentalization. What makes you so sure aaliyah's in one of those Separate and seal every aspect of my life. containers? Why don't we send in a swat How does that work? If one part of the hull is team,split them up, have them search in grids. compromised, the rest of the hull remains intact. Why? Because hassan has diplomatic I stay afloat. immunity,this mission can't exist. And what about a direct hit? Then I have a box It's not gina. that I put the really important things in, a sort of Morgan,take gina with you. insurance policy. Wait. Against what? Sudden death. This is my command. Keep it safe from those who appear to be friends. These are my people. He was trying to tell you about the mole. We have jurisdiction here, and there's nothing If they were following summers, how come they you can do to stop us. don't know where summers put aaliyah? You This is my career on the line here. couldn't follow summers through a desert. You always trusted me,right? Trust me now. He was that good. Come with us. Somebody followed you. This is crazy. 207

Criminal Minds Season 1 Bruno. I am not the mole. Go. This is crazy,gina. Go,go,go. We're just running in circles. Use the thermal imaging. Reid,come on. Search every container for body heat. Help us out. You can walk us in and direct us when we get Give me something. there. A hundred meters north of your current location. Green,adams. Let's go. Duncan,come with me. Let's go back. Jason,you better be certain about this. Come on. I am. Let's go back. So convince me. We can't arrest him. We see it all the time in suspects who kill their This is still a cia matter. loved ones. You do know that. They try to immediately shift the focus away from How will you explain this to the saudi government? themselves. Explain what?This isn't happening. There's often an emotional detachment in the way Let's just get aaliyah and her children back alive. the statement was constructed. We'll worry about hassan's life later. Kruger betrayed his wife,betrayed olivia. Morgan. After all that betrayal,his country was easy. Yeah. Excuse me a second. I hear you. Gideon. They're right in front of you. You were right. Make the arrest,morgan. Right,but too late. It's fbi jurisdiction. Hassan has beaten us to it. You're in charge. Don't hurt them. Wait a minute. It was me. Wait a minute. It was all my fault. I think i find something. Hurt them? I bury them! I bury you! Look at this. Easy. You see? You betrayed me and took my children Easy. away from me. Easy. Why? Do what you want to me. Easy does it. Gina and morgan will arrive in 3 minutes. Fbi. They're somewhere on the east side of this port. Let the lady go and put the gun down. You guys,take that area over there. I said put the gun down. Morgan,let's go. Diplomatic immunity,my friend. Don't make me do this. Uh-uh. What did you tell them? Can't you people see You got it wrong,my friend. what's going on? All of this was part of their This container hasn't passed through customs. plan,and now hassan is going to kill aaliyah. Officially,we're not on U. This is our one and only offer. S. Consider it carefully before you respond. Soil. What do you say? If this is some kind of a trick,I'm Summers was a smart man. not buying it. That he was. You're gonna have to do better than that. Drop the gun. 208

Criminal Minds Season 1 morgan? Morgan,what's going on? Still certain Except one. gina isn't the mole? Morgan. The same one that made bruno and hassan kill Morgan,what's going on? Gideon,we got a summers. situation here. Self-preservation. Gina,don't do this. Looks like gideon was right. Gina,don't do this. Yes,it does. I don't take orders from you. Actually,hassan is alive and well. Bruno,what do you want me to do? Cover their He's en route. eyes. That's all the proof we'll need. Cover their eyes. You are a fool if you think they're gonna put me in Please. prison with all that I know. Please stop this. Why did you have to kill olivia? Economics. Bruno. Olivia was looking into your financial records You know what to do. when you snapped her neck. Say it. So she knew your dirty little secret. It's not your call. Which one? I have so many. I told you from the start this was strictly in-house. You were looking to cash out using hassan. This is not your call. $20 million from hassan will go a very long way to Gina,what are you waiting for? An order. helping occupy my mind on a beach somewhere. Finish him. Only beach you'll see is on a postcard i send you Finish him. from my vacation. --Gina,don't do this. Let me have your gun. You're gonna cut the visual feed. you know,I think the consequences of what you're Right,bruno? Of course. doing to me,my friend, are gonna be a lot harder Cut it now. to live with than you think. Cut it. We'll see you guys later,all right?We should this I wanna thank you,jason,for your help. again sometime,ok? Jerks. Why? Why did you turn against everything you Come on. believe in? What are you talking about? When Come on. someone asks you how you feel about losing one Quick. of your colleagues, the only human answer is \"I I know you're in here. feel guilty,\"isn't it? But as you so brilliantly What are you doing? Looking for prince william's deduced, kruger spence is the guilty one. phone number. Ridiculous. The cia is bound to have it. Absurd. Oh,garcia,come on. Only thing that's absurd is your arrogance. Yep. To believe you could get away with this. Here it is. Unfortunately,with hassan now dead,you have no No way. proof. --Yes way. Sorry about that. Give me a pen. I had to find out if I was right. Garcia,no. How did you know it was bruno? Because agent I need this pen. gideon believed in me. I need a pen. And there isn't a reason in the world to kill a man Oh! It doesn't work. who knows as much as hassan does. Garcia. 209

Criminal Minds Season 1 Ok. Oh. That's too bad. Sleep well,sweet prince. Good night,crazy person. Good night. What I don't understand is why he invited us here. He didn'T. Summers did by asking for the eval. When I put the call in,bruno had no choice. He had to find out what I knew and keep me close. Bad choice. You said you'd send a postcard of a beach. You lied. Yeah. You hate the beach. Beaches are for storming. Only if ordered to. Thank you. Thank you. I could always rent a deck chair and reconsider my career. You always know where to find us. I know where you live. George orwell said,\"in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. 210

Criminal Minds Season 1 morgan, your friend's resort better be as nice as you all deserve a break. you say it is. seriously, don't call. hey, i never said it was his. don't worry. he just manages the place. yes? thank you. but trust me when i tell you it is off the hook. darling? bye, darling. hot sunny days, cool breezes at night, i must go out now for a while. never-ending tropical drinks with the little but i promise you it will all be over soon. umbrellas, and nothing but young, beautiful adults one way or another, it will all be over. looking to make vacation memories. gideon: writer elbert hubbard said, \"no man needs male and female, right? elle, 2 weeks of pure a vacation much as the man who has just had heaven. one. i can't imagine what ple is gonna feel like. \" come on. well, you better thank your man upstairs for did i lie to ya? you did not lie. making it the whole team, otherwise you know ha ha! oh, yes! thank you. they'd find a reason to bring us back up in here. cheers. why? they got other teams. cheers. okay, you can go on beeving that if you want to, welcome to paradise. but i am not answering my cell phone. there you are. ok. ha ha! yes, sir! my man mr. oh, there he is. gerald dupree. pretty boy. how you doing? i'm wonderful. last chance. look at you. i can get my man to swing you a hotel room for you're holding it together. practically nothing. i'm trying, baby. even you might get a little lovin' out there. this right here is my partner from the fbi, miss elle thanks anyway. greenaway. come on, reid. you didn't tell me she was beautiful. live a little, huh? i have to go-- i'm going home. would that have gotten me a better deal on the have a good one, guys. room? you want me to show you a brochure with bye. the real rates? hey, i'm done. he look ok to you? he looks about the way i would i'm done. if i was gonna spend hey, don't knock family. your resort is beautiful. i'm gonna get nothing but for the next 336 hours. thank you. morgan: good for you. always wondered what it would be like to work in haley's got a list of chores a mile long. paradise. i can't wait. turns out it's not half bad. the biggest decision i gotta make is what i'm anything else you need? yeah, i think ooh! wait a gonna do first. minute. i bet you she has a thought or two about that as look at that right there. well. lord have mercy. hotch: bring it on. i think i need to handle something. i'll be lost in a cabin in the woods for the next 2 you need any backup? you better watch your weeks. mouth. do not call me for anything. elle you gonna be all right? no, i'm fine. have a great time. you go. 211

Criminal Minds Season 1 that's such a good answer. he's the online alter ego of a real person. get outta here. mm-hmm. get outta here. but you don't know anything about him-- or even if so how about you? anything i can get you? no, he is a him. thank you. look, we meet online at specified times that he is i'll let you know if there's anything. never late to. thank you, gerald. we spend hours adventuring and chatting during i'll be around. which time i have his undivided attention and he all right. lavishes me with flattery. sorry about that. wow. no problem. when's the last time you had a date go that well? hey, uhyou alone? completely. see if he's got a fictional brother, all right? yeah. do you wanna play? uh, honey, you're supposed he doesn't. to be dumping things, not examining them. cousin, uncle, grandfather, whatever. pirate number 4. we heard a rumor you were here. cute. how's she doing? schizophrenia is a lifetime yeah, but do you really want to remember your illness. first and last appearance on stage? i wasn't very the meds stabilize the worst of her symptoms, but good, but i was very committed. she still has bad days. yeahi'd dump it. what makes her most happy are her journals and do i have to? ok, i'll make you a deal. your daily letters. come up with a good reason by the end of the day, she is exceptionally proud of you. and it stays. she is? talks about you all the time, to anyone you drive a hard bargain. who will listen. [in the mood playing] garcia: \"my humble staff, other patients. servant?\" why can't the real world be like this? her journals are filled with the cases you write her \"my heart doth swell at the sight of thee, \"my about. brave sir kneighf. calls them your adventures. i shall follow where you lead. mom's of the belief that you can find adventure all \" you're still here? i don't get the same vacation around you if you just look. time as the rest of the team. that's what happens when you're a professor of gotta make sure there's plenty of work for them she's gonna be so excited that you were finally when they get back. able to get here in person. what are you doing? i'm in camelot. maybe it's better if i just let her rest today. camelot? yeah. rest? yeah, i'll come back tomorrow. it's an online world. but, doctor-- can you give this to her? it's margery see? i'm just outside the magical city of camelot kempe. adventuring with the incredible sir kneighf. her favorite. oh, the incredible sir kneighf. it would be really good for her if-- please? thank j. you so much. j. well, you all right there, greenaway? go away. , this guy is amazing. see you tomorrow? afternoon. please tell me you don't have a crush on a after noon? don't speak. fictional character. he's sound asleep. he's not fictional. so we have a few hours to ourselves. 212

Criminal Minds Season 1 dinner was amazing. saw i thought it would be best if i called you right well, it's nice to have someone here to cook for. away. well, it's nice to be here. you have a key? yeah. what'cha looking t? reflections 1987. nono. oh, boy. no. [laughs] i remember the day i got this. no. it was the end of my junior year. no. i was walking down the hall, and i accidentally no, no, no. walked into a theater club rehearsal. no, no! oh, my no! sorry. and i saw you. no one should be coming here. mm-hmm. go wait in the bedroom. and i knew i was gonna marry you. jason gideon? yeah. aww. woman: what is it? nellie fox. and i went home that night and i looked you up. no! stop it! stop it! hold still! no! let go! who are haley brooks, tenth grade. you?! who are you?! i'm sorry. [gasps] look at my hair. i just-- i just never, ever saw anything like this-- and i though how could i have missed you for 2 come here. years? so the next day, i knew i had to meet you. get in my car. so i went in and i joined the theater club. i'll drive you. and that's how i was in the pirates of penzance as ok. the worst fourth pirate in history. thank you. aaron? hmm? keep the hat. contact me at the bau when you're finished. ok. i wanna know who the hell that used to be. [yearbook hits floor] [you go to my head playing] i do you know anybody in jamaica? no. always forget what a great cook you are. that's the postal zone where it seems the package more wine? jason, you know i'm not responsible was sent from. for myself after 2. montego bay, jamaica. thank you. you think i didn't see that? i don't know anybody in do i sound old if i say they don't make music like jamaica. this anymore? yes. then how did the blood get outside your door? i it's good to be old. have no idea. hotchner. there wasn't any blood inside, was there? who man: agent hotchner, don't waste time on the first was the victim? for the hundredth time, i didn't victims. even know that there was a victim until you they were unrepented bad men. dragged me out of bed! where's the victim's head? she's the important one. well, i must have dropped it on my way in here. remember, everything starts at the beginning. come on. who is this? there won't be much time. you know that i have nothing to do with this. the youngest holds the key. i'm an american fbi agent. you must help him save her. i'm here on vacation, man! i'm the police, just like what's going on? i don't know. you. it was an anonymous call. are you the \"her\"? excuse me? i don't care where a man. the blood led, detective, you made a mistake. he said there had been a murder in room 19. we are fbi agents. and i called security to check it out, but when they bau profilers here on vacation. 213

Criminal Minds Season 1 profilers? yes. if i have to back-hack his i. we handle serial criminals. p. we consult police departments all over the world. all the way to the frickin' stone age, i will find this oh. son of a bitch, ok?! so bye. so if i called you to consult on this, would it be gideon, i've been trying to call you. your advice to let the woman who we found at the why? someone sent you a head? from jamaica. end of the blood trail go? agent greenaway is not morgan and elle are in jamaica right now. a killer. there was a murder. can you explain why the blood went right to her the body was headless. door? obviously somebody would like you to think elle's been arrested for it. she is. what? hotch headed down there last night with look, my supervisor is flying down here from some bureau lawyers and a crime scene unit. virginia. he should be there by now. he'll be here anytime. if you talk to him, have him call me right away. when he gets here, we will figure this out. yes, sir. his name's marty harris. gideon. at least that's who rented this room. yeah. hey! why are you telling him? um, sorry. baseball card and envelope that were attached to i'm just my mistake. the box. i'm sorry, ma'am. we processed them. when did this harris check in? a couple of days there's nothing. ago with another man. no prints--and we're still working on identifying the giles. head. frank giles. try contacting the montego bay police. he has the adjoining room. apparently they have a headless homicide victim. we tried calling him, but he doesn't answer. got it. looks like frank giles is in the wind. what time did you go to bed? around midnighti you might have yourself a real suspect now. think. i'll get crime scene men in here. i don't really know. all work and no play, huh? all work and no play? it was late. just wait 'til i'm through with you. were you alone? by the time i got back to my [ring] what? garcia. room, yeah. i need a rundown on a guy. detective st. no. pierre, i'm ssa hotchner. what? the information superhighway is closed. i'm agent greenaway's superior. what are you talking about? someone had the we're not finished here. nerve to run a blackhat op into my computers, agent greenaway only arrived in your country morgan. yesterday afternoon. they hacked me, ok? but you can bet your sweet thank you. ass i will find them. so? i brought a forensic expert and he's examined i've got honey pot farms hidden behind uml kernel the body at your morgue, and he's put the time of data packets and a first generation honeynet i death at no less than now this is based on personally programmed. advanced rigor mortis and the contents of the my snort logs list every visitor, every server stomach which contained a meal that he ordered request, every keystroke on this entire network. from room service your coroner concurs with the 214

Criminal Minds Season 1 findings. two-time convicted fetish burglar, registered child what this means is that agent greenaway wasn't sex offender. even here when this man was killed. and we have his head. now, i appreciate that you have a difficult situation, csu just positively identified the one delivered to and agents morgan and greenaway are happy to my cabin. cooperate in any what that they can, but they'll do \"don't waste time on the first victims. it from our offices in quantico, virginia. \"they were unrepentent bad men. oh, well, that's great, hotch. they only got what they deserved. gideon wants you to call him as soon as you can. \" morgan: what is that? i got a phone call last uh, i think i better let him tell you. night before you called from jamaica. ok. any mention of a \"her\"? \"you must help him save call me if you need anything. her. bye. \" so there's a him now, too? i think he means reid. \"searched for. what? we need to regroup. \" oh, doctor reid. so, clearly we have a psychopath intent on someone delivered this to the desk last night for drawing us into his game. you. playing with us. what? \"she will die unless you save her, dr. then let's return the favor. reid. he kept telling us repeatedly to save \"her\". call gideon. what \"her\"? the items he sent must be some kind he knows. of clues. \" [knock on door] come in. let's get them up on the board. hey, um, i just got a really strange delivery. i got a nellie fox baseball card from 1963, and i strange as a head in the middle of the night? got a head in a box. that's a pale clouded yellow butterfly. i got a rare butterfly in a shadow box. they're indigenous to europe. and repeated messages to save \"her\"? i got the britain mainly. decapitated body and a nice visit to the jamaican \"she has been searched for yet never found. police headquarters. \" what the hell is going on here? you guys are reid called from nevada. sure you don't want to go home and get some rest? he's on the way back here with a skelton key and take a shower? like hell! we're good. a note he got, too. how much sleep have you gotten in the last 24 and the guy who called me said the youngest one hours? hotch, i spent half of the night in an holds the key. interrogation room. that's reid. i am not sleeping until i find this frank giles. ok, but wait a minute. frank giles left jamaica last night on the red eye. unsubs, they don't contact us this way. he flew to florida, then got onto another flight to i mean, they might taunt us, dare us to catch 'em. virginia. but they don't drag us into their fantasy. virginia? you mean that son of a bitch is from here? why not? because they're sexual fantasies. i don't know if he's from here, but this is where he i mean, taunting us is a show of power, but flew to. making us the object is i don't know what the hell arlington. that is. he's got a long criminal record. something else about the baseball card. manslaughter, robbery, rape. nellie fox was one of the stars of the 1959 white what about the victim, marty harris? uh, he's a sox. 215

Criminal Minds Season 1 i went to almost every game with my father that but i found him. year. you what? i know who he is, the hacker. fox was my hero. his name is giles, frank giles. so is it a coincidence that he sends this to me? or he lives in arlington, virginia, i have his address. does he know how i feel about him? i collected garcia, you said giles? clear! frank giles! fbi! come butterflies when i was a little girl. out, giles! you gotta be kidding me. that's how i knew what butterfly was in the box. hotch, gideon, i think you're gonna want to see so then he knows us. this. i got an anonymous message. hotch: he's definitely playing with us. i got a police raid. elle: his identification checks out. but he knew exactly where we were. that's frank giles. hotel in jamaica. there's a big old bag of money sitting right here on gideon at the cabin. the dresser. reid in vegas. so giles took harris to jamaica to kill him and the you at your home. unsub killed giles. he got that from the bureau computers. yeah, but he paid him first. your locations are always in there so they can find left the cash? he apparently well-funded. you if they need you. he said these were unrepentant bad men. i checked the log. are we looking for some kind of vigilante? no. the hacker was definitely in the personnel folders. the bodies are nothing but a way to get us there were room numbers to the hotel in jamaica, interested. the address of gideon's cabin. they're game pieces. there's a lot of information in those databases. the killings are secondary. have you figured out how he was able to get into well, this guy likes to write things in blood on the the bureau's computers? i'm--i'm still working on walls. that. all kinds of cult and demonic significance to that. garcia, if you know something-- no--um it's i i was \"thy? doth? quest?\" \"thy quest doth truly begin. playing a game yesterday. \" why start phrasing things like this now? all the an online game. other messages were in modern english. a game? not on the bureau computer, sir. [morgan] maybe this is the first one the unsub on my own personal laptop. actually wrote. oh, garcia! no, no, no, no. so we're looking for shakespeare? hey, guys? i don't understand. yeah? there's something etched on the blade. wireless internet. \"to learn of what should next be done, leave the by wirelessly hooking into the net here to get blade 'til the hour be none. online, the hacker could have gotten into my \" \"hour be none?\" \"leave the blade. computer first, and i have far less protection on \" elle, move for a second, move to your left. my own laptop. the bed's in the middle of the room. and he could have gotten into the entire bureau which isn't by chance. computer system this way? yeah, it's possible. and maybe the light from here casts a shadow playing a game? how could you be that stupid? and points to something. information, files. come on. you have a responsibility. are we in the middle of an indiana jones movie? i know, sir. \"the hour be none?\" midnight is 00:00 hours in i'm so sorry. 24-hour time. 216

Criminal Minds Season 1 would that be none? midnight wouldn't cast a \" [music box playing forellenquintett] schubert. shadow. the trout quintet. \"hour be none. fishing. \" garcia, told me where to find you. \"never would it be night, but always clear day to it's medieval. any man's sight. the days used to be broken into hourly intervals. \" well, that was worth it. the canonical hours of the breviary. the lid. prime: 6 a. little tab right under the lock. m. \"thy quest. terce: 9 a. \" hotch: he moves funny. m. looks like he's injured or something. sext: 12 noon. man, on video: i assure you you'll all understand none: 3 p. in the end why it must be that way. m. you might even thank me. and vespers: reid, do not ever go away again. don't hold your breath, scumbag. medieval. man: you know now you're on a quest. that's why the language changed. a young girls life depends on the successful \"doth. completion of it. \" everything this guys does is a clue. as you can see, she's quite beautiful and in ok, but, guys, it's 4:35. distress. what do we do? leave the blade in 'til 3 p. now please listen closely for there is one rule and m. this rule must be followed. tomorrow? not if we can block that window out. the one rule is only the members of your team do you have any spotlights in your car? sure. may participate in the quest. thanks. jason gideon, aaron hotchner, derek morgan, elle the sun is right here at 5 p. greenaway, spencer reid, jennifer jareau, m. penelope garcia. morgan, follow the shadows. a quest must be completed in the proper way or it i move the light higher. isn't a quest, is it? that's it. ok. one rule. and do what? tap. simple. it's hollow. now, you will be receiving an item soon that will definitely an indian jones movie. hold the final clue you'll need to finish the quest. feels like the wallpaper's been replaced. you will find you will also need a book which has tear it open. inspired many an adventure like mine. it's a box. believe me when i tell you i'm truly hope to see take it out. you all soon. reid: we sure it's safe? what, you think it's a bomb? it will mean a successful end to this adventure for you think he'd be playing this game just to blow us all of us. up? he'd have already done that as long as we've this guy's got pictures of us? what do we do now? been standing here. the lock of hair's being analyzed for dna. locked. there might be something on file. you want me to break it? no. i'll get video to enhance the shots of the girl. we should process it first. hotch: let's get the clues up on the board. \"the youngest holds the key. maybe we can make some sense of something. 217

Criminal Minds Season 1 elle: wait. numbers on it. we're gonna play this guy's game? do we have a the team's got it. choice? be right back. it's in the conference room my eyes are so heavy, you guys keep working. i can barely see it. jason. i think it's a coded message of some sort. jason. the unsub said we needed a book, didn't he? what is it? what's wrong? what's the matter with yeah. you? i, uh i just have nothing left. \"a book that inspired many an adventure. yeah, i'm tired, too. \" it's a book code. no, no, no. each one of these sets of numbers represents a i needed a place where i didn't have to know what particular word. was out there. for instance, page 118, line 3o, word 3. where i could just close my eyes and not see we need to figure out what the words are and fill bodies torn to pieces or hear children calling out in the blanks. for help. yeah, but from what book? i don't know. that cabin was the only thing i had left. the trouble is it has to be the exact same edition this guy took it away from me. of the exact same book that he used. jason-- maybe i'm outta gas. just got a dna hit on the lock of hair. i'd like to be alone. rebecca bryant. please? haley? i've been trying to call you, but she's been missing out of boston for 2 years. you haven't been answering your cell. guys, how are we supposed to figure out which my battery died. book this code is copied out of? i have no idea. we just got back. we need haley to sit with a sketch artist and get a what's wrong? a man came to the door with picture of this guy. something he said you would need right away, we can have j. that a girl's life depended on it. j. he came to the door? yeah. get it out on the news wires. ?? what did the guy look like who came to the tell the world. door? look like? umi don't know. tell the world? we may have seen this son of a young, dark hair. bitch. did he look injured? injured? yeah. didn't he say that we had to keep this within the did he seem injured in any way? no. team? yeah. he was just a guy. get a sketch artist up here. he told me what he was giving me you needed he said we have everything needed to complete right away. the quest. that a girl's life depended on it. the answer's gotta be up there somewhere. that's not a normal delivery. j. i know. j, get some reporters here as soon as possible. what do you mean? they don't come with detailed for what? just say we need help on a new case. messages like that. press conference? haley and the baby get into a did he say all these things to you? were they in a hotel? yeah. note? no, he said them. good. if he isn't the unsub, he probably talked to him. you think this is going to work? i think it's gonna what's going on? it's the case we're working on. send the right message. what did he deliver? um, a piece of paper with we're looking for this man in connection with 218

Criminal Minds Season 1 several murders. we can talk about-- i told you this was important! he's approximately he delivered a package to one of our agents last night. if anyone has any information regarding this subject, please contact your local fbi office immediately. man: no, no, no, no. rebecca? i'm afraid i must go out again. a pale clouded yellow butterfly indigenous to great britain. how's it going? the answer to what book we need has to be in here. yeah, but we sure as hell can't see it. yet. elle. i'm awake. i'm sending you home. no. you need to get some rest. we won't do anything without you, i promise. elle, seriously, we're not any closer than we were. get out of here. go home. but-- that's an order. let's go. anderson. take greenaway home. yes, sir. no, i'm fine. i'll have your car brought over later. [sighs] all right. come on, anderson. get some sleep. yeah. i sent elle home with anderson. she hasn't slept in 36 hours. good. cync by lanmao i told you. it was one rule. no. one rule! agent greenaway. stop. do you not consider that holding a press conference is going outside the team for help?! listen-- one rule! listen to me. 219

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