Criminal Minds Season 1 Nothing from position one. If you call the cell,I can throw in the real time Ok,everyone,move to position 2. location,no charge. And now,we go to john jenkins, reporting live from - Are you ready? - I was born ready. franklin park with breaking news on the sniper Can't you pull your people out of the park? If we investigation. do and the shooter is here,he'll sense something - Through anonymous sources we've learned - is wrong. you gotta see this. He could start shooting. The fbi profilers have told the police task force the That cell is part of a batch purchased by the des sniper is, in fact,a member of the des plaines plaines police department. police department. I need a name,garcia. Who could have leaked this? The only people It's gonna take a second. who had the profile were your people. I have to pull it from their system. And the profile implicates them. Then give me the location. Why would a cop leak sensitive information the Franklin park,des plaines. would not only implicate one of his own, but make He's here. every citizen in the county afraid to get pulled The name,garcia. over? What does he get out of it? Contact with the Mccarty,scott. media. Scott mccarty. What? The cop who leaked this story is a good - Mccarty's the unsub. suspect. - But where is he? Mccarty is playing the unsub. Contacting the media could have been his sick we need to talk to scott mccarty. way of keeping this alive. He's the leak. Vic,why don't you go ahead and call the station Mccarty. and find out what they've got in mind for one of Why am i not surprised? I need swat in the lot the later shows. asap. Mr. It's mccarty. Jenkins,I'm special agent jennifer jareau with the We need to come heavy. fbi. We didn't say he was the shooter. We need you to identify your source. We could just call him on the radio and tell him to No way. come to us. I know my rights. Best case,he leaked the story. Hey,hey,shoot this. Worst case,I'm not about to let him take down any Vic,shoot this. of my men. Get this all on tape. We come heavy,and we take him clean. You should know the fbi considers these This is mccarty. shootings an act of terrorism. What's goin' on? Toss your rifle and your side arm Under the patriot act,we can detain you as long out of the vehicle and show us your hands. as we need to. - I don't understand. All I know is his cell number. - We know what you did,scotty. We have a lead. - Look,I can explain. Rainmaker. - Don't make me give the order! Ok,all right!All How wet do you want it? It's hotch. right! Now open the trunk lid slowly. I have a cell phone number,and I need the name Come on. on the account. That's it. Yeah. Get him up. 51
Criminal Minds Season 1 Get down! How did mccarty end up playing the Yeah,and hospitals don't keep records of people unsub? Weigart punished mccarty for mouthing who almost died. off during the profile briefing by making him the So what's the profile on one of these guys? unsub and sticking him in the trunk of the car all Arrogant,conceited,feels superior to everyone afternoon. around them. Wait. You've just described every surgeon I've ever met. Then how did the unsub find out about the Uh,forgive me. reenactment? Come on. I don't shake. Cops talk. My hands,you understand. Pissed-off cops talk loud-- at home,at the bars,at Of course. gyms,and to anyone who'll listen. Landman. What do we know? Our unsub went from Let's start with landman. wounding civilians to executing a police officer, so Call weigart and tell him we need a discreet he's escalated. perimeter around this block. He's not staying on script. I'm gonna go check out landman's car. Sometimes it's what they don't do. Ok. He did not pick mccarty at random. Courtesy of garcia. - He didn't take the gut shot. Landman was army,started out in M. - Why? He wants to send a message. P. \"Nobody takes credit for my work. School. \" Yes,sir. Well,there's your law enforcement. His ego won't allow it. But he was smart, got a degree on uncle sam, He feels underappreciated. and ended up a doctor with special forces and Ok,but we still don't know why he wounds them. bounced around from hospital to hospital since Excuse me. his discharge in 2001. We know if the killer has no contact with his Has dr. victims, he will contact the media. Landman been Has he had a reprimand? has he But he hasn't contacted the media. had any kind of major blow to his ego? Last He has contact with his victims. month,he was passed over for chief of surgery. And there's only one way. Let's get a warrant for his house. All right,thanks. Let's see if we find the weapon. Garcia nailed down the geographic profile. Ok. The crime scenes are centered on 2 separate What can I do to help? You can tell me where he locations. is right now. The hospitals. Where's marston? She's not coming. I believe it's a case of hero homicide. Look,I'm very busy right now. What's that? The best-known case was hospital Perhaps you could make an appointment. nurse richard angelo. Busy with what? Things. He would inject toxins into his victims, then wait What kind of things? You're considering me a for them to crash so that he could run to the suspect? Yes. rescue and save them. Well,that's disconcerting. He killed 25 people,and that's just what we know I heard what happened to your last suspect. of. - Do you wanna know why? - Collective If he attacked 'em to save 'em,why'd he kill 25 incompetence? Have you ever heard of hero people? Wasn't very good at it. homicide? Would I be less suspicious if I let my 52
Criminal Minds Season 1 patients die? Absolutely. Racing against the clock to save someone's life is You get anything from his car? It's a red 2-seat exciting. maserati. But maybe it's not exciting enough. Heh. That's--that's why he shoots 3 people at a time. Of course. But he can only operate on one at a time. If he's the shooter,he has another vehicle. It wouldn't be any more exciting. This type of killer seeks the power over life and At least,not for landman and not in the O. death and covets the power of god. R. - You know anyone like that? - I want you to The policemen and E. understand something. R. When my patients are in the operating room,they Personnel are on the exact same 24-hour shift need god, and that's exactly what I give them. schedule. When someone's holding your beating heart in The unsub wasn't shooting at shift change their hands, who do you want holding it,me or god? because there are fewer cops on the street. Where were you today at 3:00? - I was in my He works the second shift in the emergency room. office. Contact with the victims. - Alone? I was in my office with dr. Sir,you can't use the cell phone in the hospital. Hannah pate. Excuse me,please. I'm not the only one who thinks I'm a god. We're fbi agents, and we believe that one of your She's in the E. staff members might be the sniper. R. The man we're looking for works second shift, Right now. and he would have transferred from arlington Go on. about 2 weeks ago. Ask her. We haven't hired any new personnel in 2 months. Great. - Are you sure? - Yeah. Let's take a walk down to the E. He has the worst narcissistic personality disorder R. I've ever seen, but it's not likely him. My guess,dr. Look,I've got patients who need me. Pate is gonna corroborate landman's alibi. He's in his thirties. You don't think landman's the shooter? Richard He's vain,rude,arrogant. angelo wanted to be a hero because in his He works out. everyday life,he was a nobody. He shows up to work late. Landman's a surgeon. He blames others for his mistakes, doesn't take He has power and recognition. responsibility for his behavior. Yeah,but you know,surgeons are a different breed. All of his coworkers detest him. There are stars in the field,and landman is It's phillip dowd. definitely not one of them. He's--he picks up shifts at arlington. Excuse me. Is he here today? - Oh,my god. I'd like to speak with dr. - Ok ok,your patients need you. Pate. Tell me,is dowd working today? Do you see him? Yes,sir. Go tell gideon. I'll go find her for you. Reid. The motivations for hero homicide are Nobody moves,and nobody dies. excitement,power,and respect, and even though Better be a head shot. landman's not a star,he still gets respect. I got this on full auto. 53
Criminal Minds Season 1 Anything less,I go down squeezing the trigger. - For 9 months. Get up! Get over here! Double time! Let's go! When they found out he lied about the You,take your partner's gun,put it on the counter. discharge,they kicked him out. He's not armed. Soon thereafter,dowd got his nursing license. See for yourself. He's been bouncing from hospital to hospital ever Hands on your heads. since. Get up,keith. I know you're the smartest guy in every room Put those on 'em. you've ever been in, and no one's ever known it. Now put 'em on yourself. People feel threatened by you and try to sabotage Now step back. you every chance they get. Back up. You're not a bad person. Back up. You help save all of your victims afterwards. Back up. First guy wasn't your fault. Get down on the ground. If the emts had been there on time,he would've Have a seat. lived. Now,what kind of an fbi agent doesn't carry a gun? Took those guys 13 minutes. I'm a profiler. 13! You want to barricade the door. Profiler? They sent you to figure me out. - What? - Let me and the kid do it. - We did. Let 'em see that you've got 2 fbi agents in here That's how we found you. doing your bidding. - Shh. Right,let you give them a signal. Keep quiet. What signal?They knew you were in here. No,don't shut up. They knew you were armed. Tell me what you think you know about me. What can I tell them? What is this,some sort of Go ahead,genius. profiler trick? New negotiation tactic? I think it's a Tell him. good idea. Tell him. Why would you wanna help me? I don'T. But remember,get it wrong,and he's gonna kill You said they knew I was in here. you. I said they know you're in here. Ok. - No. You're the boss. That's not what you said. You tell me. - Why does it matter? It matters because your Who am I? What's my plan? I know you shot 11 partner wants to help me even though he doesn't people in broad daylight and left us nothing, you know it. executed a cop in front of the fbi and got away Go ahead,boss man. clean, and I know your plan is to go down in a hail Tell him why. of bullets. If you lie or leave anything out,pop. What else do you know? He joined the army at They knew he was in here,they knew he was 18,went to ranger school, did 6 years before armed and dangerous, and they knew that he being dishonorably discharged in '95 for conduct was gonna fight till the last round, and they sent unbecoming, obviously lied about it,joined the me in here with an unarmed kid who can't shoot arlington P. his way out of a wet paper bag. D. They set you up. - You were right. Exactly,and they're probably laughing about it He was a cop. right now. 54
Criminal Minds Season 1 That's why you wanna help me. - Can I ask you a favor? - You can ask. I wouldn't say I want to help you, but when they I figure the chances of my getting out of here alive come in here to get revenge for the cop you killed, are pretty slim. you're gonna go down fighting, and in the So? I want to kick the snot out of this kid. crossfire,a lot of us are gonna die. He's made my life miserable for 3 lousy years. They sent me in here. Go ahead. I figure why make it easy for them. Knock yourself out. Can I talk to you for a minute? Please don't send How smart are you now,smart guy?! It's front your men in yet. sight,trigger press,follow through! That's enough! You have to consider the possibility that your men It's not that hard! A dalmatian could do it! Let are dead or at least disarmed. go!Let go! Feel better? I think he got a messege Agent hotch is a very experienced profiler. What's that? We go in 5 we go now! Hold your fire! He's gonna do whatever he has to to get dowd to Hold your fire! It's all clear. like,trust us. Shakespeare wrote, \"nothing is so common as And once he does he'll get dowd to end this the wish to be remarkable. peacefully. \" You all right? Nice shot. I--I justask that you give him time. I was aiming for his leg. Dowd's already shot 10 people. I wouldn't have kept kicking,but I was afraid you He killed a cop. didn't get my plans. The cop is dead. I got your plan the minute you moved the This man is a violent,deranged paranoid. hostages out of my line of fire. It's a game. Well,I hope I didn't hurt you too badly. He's gonna--he's gonna do whatever he has to. Hotch,I was a 12-year-old child prodigy in a las You send in your men, they're just gonna become vegas public high school. villains in his little hero fantasy. You kick like a 9-year-old girl. You're lettin' him call all the shots. No. How are your unarmed men gonna stop him? Keep it. They're not unarmed. As far as I'm concerned,you passed your They have his profile. qualification. They understand him. Reid,you all right? Touche,kid. Your menhave 3 minutes. How you doin'? You were right. You know why they took away boy genius's gun? You don't need a gun to kill somebody. Why? He failed his qualification. No,you don'T. Twice I year,I gotta listen to him whine about But it helps. requalifying. Yes. So I tutor him and he fails again. Yes. You think you got it rough? These people done I--I know I should feel bad aboutwhat happened. nothing but undermine me since I got here. I mean I killed a man. Put him next to the barricade. You know,I--I shouldfeel something. That way,when they blast their way in here,both But I don'T. of our problems are solved. Well,knowing what you're feelin' that's not the That sort of thing can ruin a cop's career. same as not feelin'. You are one sick dude. This is gonna hurt you and when it does there's How do you think I found you? Time's up. only 3 facts you need to know. Ready teams for assault. You did what you had to do and a lot of good 55
Criminal Minds Season 1 people are alive because of what you did. What's the third? I'm proud of you. 56
Criminal Minds Season 1 No. Murder/suicides? That's what we have to find out. No! No, mommy, don't let him get me. He's so gorgeous. Sam! He ruined my picture, mom. Thank you. It's Ok, honey. If you find baldness and wrinkles attractive. We'll make another one. Look at his little witty bitty nose. Chris, I've asked you not to get him worked up Don't you want one of these? Mm. before bed. I'll stick to practicing. We're just playing. Congratulations. We have got a 12-hour car ride tomorrow. Thanks. Now he's gonna be up half the night. She's amazing. Ok, Ok. I'm a little terrified. Kids, go get Ben. Well, uh, we should get going. But my picture! You can work on it tomorrow in Pleasure seeing you, Mrs. the car, honey on the way to disney world. Hotchner. Yeah! - Ok. Bye-bye. - Disney world! You do realize I am the only adult Bad? The worst. in this house? Well, isn't that what you love about Crawford family. me? Every once in a while I would like a tiny bit of Murdered 3 days ago. help, Mr. Saw it on the news. Crawford. They were found in the basement of their house. You got it, Mrs. Bags packed for a vacation they never took. Crawford. Report said it was a murder/suicide. Thank you. Father stabbed the mom, then shot himself. Ben! Ben, where are you? Where are you, Ben? That's the conclusion Maryland State police came Benny! Where are you? Ben! He's not coming, to. dad. The gun was found next to the father. Good boy, Ben. Had gunpowder residue on his right hand. Hey, Sam. And now you must have some compelling reason Just let him sleep with us. to think that Chris Crawford didn't off his family? Dad? Yeah? I love you. Yeah. I love you, too, kiddo. Another murdered family. The is WDCW 88. The Millers--found a month ago. 8. The mother Reese Miller, her 2 children, and her Good morning folks. new husband. It's time to get out, get out there and enjoy it. Again, they were found in the basement and like The forecast for you is mostly sunny with brisk the Crawfords, their suitcases were packed for a easterly winds. vacation. You can expect a high near 75 degrees. Both cases, the bodies were discovered Yet the Clear tonight with a low near 61. coroner determined that they had been dead only Chris. 24 hours. Sam? Dr. So for 4 days, both families remained in the Thomas Fuller wrote \"with foxes, we must play house. the fox. Location of the bodies, both cases, the basement. \" Crawford family. That indicates a level of organization. Butchered in their homes. With a quick, but disorganized application of 57
Criminal Minds Season 1 overpowering force. Said they were all killed down here. If these aren't murder/suicides someone's doing a Sam was found here. damn good job of making them look like it. Emily over there. Possibly this man--Eric Miller. SoI'm the unsub. Biological father of the Miller children. How did I do it? Well, I had to bring 'em down Arlington P. here first. D. How? I had a gun. Issued a bolo for Miller after the bodies were Ok. discovered. Use a gun to force them down here. Ex-wife Reese Miller had a restraining order What next? - Stab 'em. against him for domestic violence. - Who first? The strongest, the father. When she get re-married? The week before they He was found right there, and then the mother. were killed. That's her right there. Violent husbands believe their wives and children How you gonna keep the kids from running away? are property. Restraints. Reese Miller getting re-married possibly made Can't aim a gun at them and stab the mother at him snap. the same time. Well, the Virginia cops finally located Eric Miller No restraints were found on the victims. last night responding to a drunken disturbance at Because I took them with me. a motel where Miller had been hiding out. No ligature marks were found. When they found him they discovered blood on Let's go upstairs. his black leather jacket. See how they lived. Belonged to his children. Sam Crawford. Was any of his DNA found at the Crawford house? White male. No. Age 5. Did he know the Crawfords? If he does, he's not Multiple stab wounds. saying. Laceration to the left ventricle. In fact, he hasn't said a word since his arrest. No defensive wounds present. Uh, the Arlington P. Allison Crawford. D. White female. have asked us to interview him. 32. If anyone could apply overwhelming force, he's Multiple stab wounds. your man. C. I want you to find out. O. Talk to him. D. You want me to talk to him? Yeah. --Exsanguination. You've done interviews before with other agents Emily Crawford. running point. White female. You can go solo. 8. Morgan, the Crawford house is a fresh crime Multiple stab wounds. scene. C. Once the Crawfords were brought down to this O. basement they must have known their fate. D. M. --Exsanguination. E. Christopher Crawford. 58
Criminal Minds Season 1 White male. the cycle with your own children? I never laid a 36. hand on my children. Point-blank single 9 millimeter gunshot wound to You hear me?! I hear you. the temporal lobe. I found them like that. Where's his wedding ring? It's not listed in his Dead. personal effects. Bloodied. He obviously wore one, so where is it? I'm Dr. My babies. Spencer Reid from the FBI. My sweet, little babies. I'd like to ask you a few questions, if you don't I was crazy out of my mind. mind. I didn't know what to do. Got something you wanna ask me, boy? You look And I knew the cops were gonna blame me, and me in the eye, and you ask. they have. you're not looking at me. So you ran? So what've I got now? You have your Is that right? Did you know them? What are you innocence. getting at? They were killed in the exact same For the sake of your children I believe that they, at way that your family was killed. the very least, deserve the truth. And? I've been slapped around all night by every I can't getthe image of my dead children out of my cop in Virginia. mind. What makes you think a damn photo is gonna Ty, my little boy he was clutching aa piece of scare me? Is that what this is about, hmm? You paper. think I'm crazy, man? You think I suddenly I think it was a drawing. snapped and I slaughtered my own wife and kids? May--maybe a painting. You think I did this? Huh? Is that what you think? Please. Sit down, now. I'd love to know what he painted, Dr. Is this your daddy?! I'm done talking to you Reid. people! You don't have to talk. Interesting interrogation technique. Just listen. What did you hope to accomplish? Well, he was On the occasions you assaulted your wife, you closed off, defensive, hostile. were intoxicated. I needed a way in. Once the effects of alcohol wore off you were He's suffered a breakdown but I don't think he overcome by feelings of remorse. killed his family and I know he still loved his wife. I'm gonna tell you this just one time. Why do you say that? Even though they were You shut your mouth! Genetic factors contribute divorced he's still wore the wedding ring. to alcohol stress interactions. The yard is overgrown. Your mother was an alcoholic and she was often Like the roof, Chris Crawford's car is in need of too drunk to stop the beatings that your father maintenance and Allison Crawford's S. gave you. U. I think we should stop this. V. He's not finished. is in pristine condition. Age 6, you were orphaned to a family where the Says here that Allison drove the kids to school. abuse continued only this time, it was sexual. If they were educated privately maybe the car You shut your mouth, or I'm gonna rip your face was just an attempt to show the other parents off. wealth. The abuse continued well into puberty but my one Like this house. concern is, Eric did you or did you not continue Designer magazines conspicuously placed 59
Criminal Minds Season 1 expensive modern furniture, plasma TV. children. Behind the curtains, water damage. \" Tells the children, \"if you cry, I'll kill mommy. Allison spent money on the things her friends \" The suspect found a way of restraining them could see and neglected those they couldn't. without leaving marks. The Crawfords lived beyond their means. Based on lividity the M. So, where'd the extra cash come from? Get E. Garcia to check their financial status. Estimates that the father was the last to die. \"Emily. Which means he witnessed the whole thing. \" This painting is of this house. If he did spend time with both families he must've Strange for a child. known he had the time to spend with 'em. It has no color. 'Cause he knew they were goin' on vacation. Has lines, dimensions, but no color. Look at travel agents, relatives, work colleagues No dog collar was found, right? Maybe the dog contract workers, children's tutors. didn't have one. Gideon, we've been looking into the Crawford Mm-hmm. financials. He'd have to have one. Allison Crawford spent way more money than Come here. Chris could afford. See that? This dog door opens automatically via They were in major debt. a chip in the dog's collar. And Chris Crawford wrote a number of checks for If anything attempted to get in without one The a series of visits to a therapist. alarm would've been activated. She had 2 cell phone accounts one of them billed When the cops got here, the house was locked to a separate address in southeast Washington, tight and the alarm was hot. D. So the night the Crawfords were murdered the C. only way in or out was with the dog collar. You get that? Federal agents! FBI! Federal Gideon, whoever killed this family had to be a big agents! Clear! That's the cleanest thing in here. guy. What's that? It's a child's painting. Chris Crawford was a black belt in judo. It's a colonial house. So are you. Mom, dad, 2 children out front holdin' hands. I've got a gun to your back. And a big dog. Maybe you could take it from me. I think it's the Crawford house. But your children are in the same room. It's signed by Emily. And if you fail, they die. Strange. Does it matter how big I am now? Bound or not, Eric Miller said he found his son clutching a Allison Crawford would've put up one helluva fight. painting. Emily and Sam would've been sobbing. He wanted to know what was on it. Crawford didn't kill his family. What was on it? His son's blood. And there's no evidence Miller was ever in the Hotch! Hotch! Hey. house or he'd have known. Whoa. Help me! Help! Please! Help me! No! No! Please! Whoa. Please, no! No! What are you doing? Why didn't Easy. anyone hear them scream? I believe the unsub Freeze! Why am I here? I think you know why. had control of this family. That's mine. He may have separated each family member. Colors indicate a self-confidencean outgoing Tells the mother, \"if you scream, I'll kill your personality. 60
Criminal Minds Season 1 Shows an above-average intelligence. window. The child that painted this was left-handed. But my breath steamed up the glass and I wiped it Emily Crawford was left-handed. clean, andand I-- I could see them, sitting down Right. for dinner. You're not. I saw Emily and Sam, andSam was crying. How'd you get the painting, Frank? Forget to take I guess he was in trouble. your medicine today, Frank? For a severe Did you see Allison? Yeah. manic-depressive, that's not good. She was saying grace over the table. They make me feel wrong. And thenshe looked up and saw me. Wrong enough to kill the Crawfords? Frank. And she mouthed something at me. I--I did a--a bad thing. I think it was, \"get the hell out. What did you do? I shouldn't have gone to the \" So I left. house. Did Chris see you? No. Allison told me not to. He wasn't there. I would nevernever hurt Ally. But a friend was at the head of the table. She's the only family I got. You said a friend? Mm-hmm. Family? She's my sister. I saw someone. She's dead. What did this person look like? I--I didn't see their He killed them. facebutuhtiny. Chris did. Really tiny. I know he did it. White or black, Frank? I don't know. What bad thing did you do? The rule wasI was But What? The hair. never supposed to go to the house. It--itit was red. That was the only rule. If Frank saw them that day it wasn't Chris Allison said if Chris saw me he would never let Crawford at the table. me see her again. Maybe it was the suspect. He was gonna lock me up in the loony bin. And she wasn't saying, \"go away. He never liked me. \" She was saying, \"help me. You wentto the house. \" It--it wasn't a friend. She saidshe couldn't visit me anymore. Frank. I just wanted to see her. It wasn't a friend at all. Seeing Allison made everything better but they It was him. cut my phone off. He's the one who killed them. That day! The day I went to see them! They cut Frank. my phone off! I never would've gone to the house I--I--I--I-- Frank. if they hadn't cut off the phone! There's no way No! No! No! No! Frank. this guy could've gotten into the house without a Frank. key. Frank, Frank, stop. Right. No! Frank! Frank! No! Let go! Stop it! No! No! Knowing how Chris Crawford felt about his Frank, calm down! Frank! Come on! Both families brother-in-law you see him having one? No. had a dog. Frank, you went to the house. And both houses had a dog door. What did you do? It wasdark. Fielding said that the person he saw was small. And--and cold. Yeah, well, in order to get through that door you'd I went around to the side to look through the have to be 5'4\", tops, and real thin. 61
Criminal Minds Season 1 \"When you have eliminated the impossible Bath time. whatever remains, however improbable, must be Bedtime. the truth. Plan the workwork the plan. \" Sherlock Holmes was a fictional character. This is the way that he maintains control. Whoever did this isn't. It's also how he personalizes his target so We can be pretty sure he's probably found nothing's left to chance. himself another family by now. Absolutely nothing is left out of place, ever. Let's just watch him sleep. So he plans the work and when he's good and No. ready, he works that plan. We've got a long day ahead of us tomorrow. He takes great pride in his job. Can I kiss him? Both of you, out. I think the workplace has to be the connection. Ok. Both are by Emily, painted months apart. No, I understand. This oneis full of color, life. Yeah. The one I found at Emily's house has lines, I figured as much. dimensions. Thank you. No color. He's been looking at those pictures all morning. I believe Emily was coerced to make this. Well, I sure hope he sees a connection 'cause I've It's a point of view. checked doctors, lawyers, travel agents, tutors It is his point of view. contract workers. This is where the killer stood, just watched the I got nothin'. family. Why target those families? Well, to know that, we Each of the dead husbands was missing his have to know how. wedding ring. We know organized killers are often skilled This is the unsub's trophy. workers with above-average intelligence. He targets a family because he lost his own. High birth status. For a few days, he gets to play daddy. And in most casesmale. And he can do whatever he wants because no In the workplace, he's socially confident. one's gonna come lookin' because they're And with womensexually confident. supposed to be on vacation. Every offenseis preplanned. Let's get forensics to check the inside of Chris Targeting the victim is almost as pleasurable as Crawford's clothing. the actual kill. The suspect may have worn the father's clothes These guys, they'rethey're meticulous. to whew! Complete the fantasy. It's a compulsion. So, why kill them? 'Cause the fantasy can't last. Everything has to have its proper place. Do we know anything that actually helps us They do exhaustive amounts of research on their identify this bastard? Wait a minute. victims. Chris Crawford worked for the I. They watch their every move every last detail is R. observed. S. Everything has to be written ever so neatly in a AndReese Miller was a secretary at the GAO. book or possibly a journal. That makes them both government employees. When the kids are comin' home from school. Let's check out Chris Crawford and Reese Miller. When daddy'll be home. He had his share of problems at home. Playtime. Who doesn't? But he didn't fix 'em by killin' his Suppertime. family. 62
Criminal Minds Season 1 Were you aware he was in therapy? He We gotta stop meeting like this, Reid. mentioned a marriage counselor. People will talk. He say who? Nope. But then talk is cheap. And I didn't ask. Not when you're talkin' to a therapist. I don't like to pry. The Crawfords made 12 weekly payments to the That's surprising, comin' from an I. applewood family medical center. R. What about the Millers? No. S. Nothin' here. Agent. How about pharmaceuticals? Nobody gets You mind if we go through Chris's belongings? therapy these days without a healthy dose of See if he had any connection to Miller? You're medication. welcome to look through anything you like. What are you implying, Reid? That everyone is Family therapists. medicated. They often use children's paintings to assess the Did you just make a joke? No. family unit. I meant statistics. We're all still in shock. - They--they show that-- - Reid, next time, just say Reese was a quiet woman. yes. She kept pretty much to herself, bell to bell. Now, medication normally requires Brought in her own lunch, and she had 2 kids but reimbursement from the HMO and since she then you knew that. works for the government like you and I we share It's just so terrible. the same health care provider. I still can't believe it. Are you hacking into the government's HMO She was covering for one of my women who was database? Is that legal? 'Course not. on maternity leave. We'll go to prison, and you'll be someone's bitch. And she was always tired, you know? But then Really? Oh. any woman married to Eric Miller would be. Right there. He was a mean drunk. Good call, Reid. Mrs. Mrs. Raleigh He hit her, you know? She tried to cover it Reese Miller--diazepam. up but concealer can only do so much magic. Who prescribed the meds? Dr. I should know. R. Mrs. Howard at the applewood family center. Raleigh. Let's find out what he looks like. I'm tired. Here we go. I'm talking too much. Dr. Do you know if Mrs. Howard isn't a he. Miller was seeing a marriage counselor? Reese Excellent, Lacey. kept pretty much to herself. Really wonderful. You're not betraying any confidence. There's so much color. We need to know everything about her life. It's very lovely, indeed. Every thursday, I covered for her so she could Dr. take off early to see a therapist. Rachel Howard? I'm special agent Aaron Thought it worked. Hotchner with the FBI. She kicked the bastard out, got remarried. Come on, Lacey. Look what that got her. Come on, go with mommy. 63
Criminal Minds Season 1 Can I help you? I'm agent Jason Gideon, I'll get security. behavioral analysis. No. We both deal with the dysfunctional. We don't have time for that. Happily, in my line, the end results aren't quite as Someone will have to pay for that. unpleasant as yours. Karl Arnold will. Unless you're the Crawford family. Gideon. Or the Millers. Where is he now? I can't believe Karl-- Where is You knew them both. he? I don't know. Yes. If he's not at home, maybe he's gone to see his I knew them, but ma'am. family. I think you should take a seat. He's married? With 2 children--Karl Jr. Why? We're gonna have to check your alibi. And Sarah. Dig all you want. How long ago did the marriage collapse? About 5 I have 4 teenagers. years ago. If I had any time to myself it wouldn't be spent It wasn't a good time for Karl. killing my clients. He-- he took some time off work. You worked with both families? I assessed their He couldn't concentrate. cases. He started drinking. This office deals with hundreds of Yeah? I can't bel--maybe you've got it wrong. families--military cops, lawyers, congressmen, I would've seen-- Oh, my god. feds. I feel sick. I only met the Crawfords and Reese Miller once. Where does Karl's family live? She took the kids But you prescribed medication for them. and moved to Idaho. I'm the only medical doctor here. They just raided Karl's home. Who'd you hand the cases over to? Uh, I'll have He's not there. to check my files. Cut it out, now, both of you! Sarah, Karl Jr, go do You don't use a computer? Not all of us have your homework. embraced the technical revolution. Hello? Wait. I keep everything filed. I'm sor--I can't hear--shh! What did you say? Faye It makes me feel more in control. Arnold, this is federal agent Aaron Hotchner. And pleasedo not read into that. I'd like to know where your ex-husband is. The Crawfords. As long as he's nowhere near me I don't give a Karl Arnold dealt with their case. damn. What about the Millers? I'd like to see him now. We really need to find him. Well, you can't. When was the last time you saw him? I--I haven't He works a 4/40--4 10-hour days. seen him in over 2 years. He's off today, but he'll be in first thing tomorrow. He--he--he's a scary guy. Do you have his home address? I'll get a team out Buthe did call me about an hour ago. to his house. I wish he would just go to hell and stay there. In the meantime, we'd like to see his office. What did he say? He justbabbled on about how Suspect's cell is goin' straight to voice mail. precious family is and did he say where he was? Karl's a good man. No. That's what everybody says until they find a body No. in the basement. He--he just wanted to talk to the kids. It's locked. He said he'd just met a little girl that reminded him 64
Criminal Minds Season 1 of my Sarah. FBI! FBI! He's got my baby! Ma'am, is he alone? Did he seem upset, anxious, confused? Seemed My baby! Where's the basement? Under the like he always is-- angry, controlling, manic. stairs! Son of a bitch. Do you have any idea where he might be? No. Get 'em outta here. But I--I did hear kids in the background. Get them outta here! Gideon. And--and--and then someone started to cry. Gideon! Karl? Karl, it's the FBI. That's when he hung up. Karl? Why don't you give me the baby? Karl? Karl, Thank you. I want you to look at me. Arnold called his wife. I'm gonna put my gun away And I want you to She heard kids in the background. hand me that baby. He's already in another family's house. Give me the baby. Hotch, there's gotta be hundreds of families here. You move, I'm gonna break your neck. Then we'll send an agent to every last one of Hello. them if we have to. Let's go. Karl Arnold--he has a boy and a girl just like the - How are you? - Keep it moving. Millers and the Crawfords. Did he say anything? No. Target family would be the same. Can we tie him forensically to the other crimes? How could I not have seen it? Because he's that Negative on foreign DNA. good. He must have washed Crawford's clothes. If he wasn't we would have caught him sooner. Then we'll need a confession. Does he have a journal? He writes everything Can you get one? Did you do what I asked? Yeah. down, takes it everywhere. Then maybe. It's likely he also collects trophies. Emily Crawford was a very talented and gifted girl. If they're not in his house they're right here, Her brother Sam, a bright, energetic child. hidden in this room. You watched them from the yard for days, maybe What does he mean by trophies? From the even weeks. families he killed. You learned everything about them studied their If he doesn't confess, we'll need 'em as evidence. every move and then you wrote it all down. Here's one--the Harrises, one boy, one girl. May I have a glass of water? Something wrong? Can I see it? I got a few. No, I'm just thirsty. The Boyds and the Dunkens. Water, please. Wait. Could you remove my shackles? I'm clearly no The Dunkens. threat to you. That's not one of his cases. They stay on. That's mine. You chose families that reminded you of the one They have a baby boy and a slightly introverted you lost. 8-year-old named Jackie. You stalked them, you bound them, you terrorized Jackie Jackie's work? He took it from my office. them then you killed themone by one. Were they planning a trip? To the adirondacks. We have your journals, Karl. Let's go. It's my jobto write everything down, to get to know Hotch, tear up the room. them. Here, take this. I can't help them solve their problems without I call you some backup. knowing background. We've got 3 adults and 2 children sitting at the And I make home visits sometimes without their dining room table. knowledge because people lie. 65
Criminal Minds Season 1 You, of all people, should know that. Eric Miller was an awful husband and father. Allison Crawford hemorrhaged money her husband didn't have. It can strain any marriage. On the surface, this looks like any family, U. S. A. If you look a little closer you'll see their body language tells a different story. The woman and children are distant from the man. Their smiles are stiff. Their eyes are frightened. Every hair is in place, wearing their sunday best their own private hell being memorialized on film. Are you OK? It isn't right. What isn't? You've got the pictures mixed up! The one in the middle, that is Sam Crawford's. It should be Ty Miller's! You needto swap them. You need to make it right. This one here? What the hell have I been trying to tell you? You're right. They're switched. That is Sam Crawford's foot with the Miller family but how did you know that, Karl? And I watched them for a number of days, always at night. Saw how they lived. How they loved. I would keep them apart until the last night, till the last supper. Then I would bring them, one by one down to the basement. The youngest first. The father last. Why, karl? So he could see what happens to families when the head of household isn't strong. Wives wither. Children perish. But me? I'm an excellent father. 66
Criminal Minds Season 1 Let's go, Jimmy, I'm late already OK, grandma For whoever Which means the victim was Let's do this You, boy, perhaps your bed time? dismembered. We got a place to be, right? You remember what's Looks like our guy took all the parts with him. like to being young, don't you? You're kidding Hemingway wrote \"There is no hunting like the right? You don't remember what you eat for lunch. hunting of man. You hear that, regular Jimmy. and those who have hunted armed men long Hey! Where have you been? With your old lady. enough and liked it never really care for anything How about you? Is it your friend? What friend? else\". This guy pinched me a few years back. Possible suspect is a white male, 20 to 40 years Right. old. You keep it clean these days? Oh yeah, I'm a Okay. nine-to-fiver I'm a re-ha-bili-tated. What do we know about the unsub Typically Yeah, but you step out of the line again when you torture falls into two categories, sadistic and do, your ass is mine. functional. Since when your friend is a cop? What? You see Functional torture use to extract information or him as my friend, do you? It's not what I'm saying. punishment. The people that I work for You don't trust me, impersonal, completely disinterested. friend? You make up your mind. Like a Exactly. All right, all right. The sadistic torture which is used to extract some Let's go. sort of emotional lead. You'll gonna You ever gonna stop bitching? Why But sadists are sexually deviant yet there is no don't you come in? You know my landlord set a evidence of sexual contact. place for you. What do you mean? We don't have their body yet. Rain check, Fredi. Okay, so I have He probably killed her first. I see you later. Proved to be Psychological torture before the All right. physical pain. Do you know what time it is? Oh my god! It was too brief. Somebody help me! Baltimore PD see We got It was over too quickly. two bodies id as retired, 37 years old, no kids. And the husband with him he took his time. Neighbor reports white male, 20 to 40 years old I There doesn't seem to be any wasted effort no went to So far it sounds like a standard double hesitation on the unsub part. homicide. I mean, Gideon, look around. Why we were here? Massive was found here. What he did it's a lot of work. Tied to the chair in front of No defensive Look at We're either dealing with a professional or-- a the marks on the bricks. pure psychopath. One clean What The husband was found in Hey it's me. shower. I got trouble man, serious trouble. But he wasn't quite as lucky. Don't tell me to relax, damn it! I ran into a Look at the marks on the bricks and ankles detective I know last night. Despite all the blood, this crime scene chose Freddy saw it. method, order, control, it's pretty organized. I'll meet you at 8:00. There's also evidence of torture with the husband. Nothing more we can do here until the third victim burns, The tortures the unsub So maybe we have turns up. more than one killer we have one killer with more I'm guessing there's a connection to him. than one personality. He doesn't want that victim identified. 67
Criminal Minds Season 1 Have Garcia go through open files in Maryland We were just going over the case. see if any of them involve this level of torture. You want to join us? I'd love to, but I can't stay. Got it. I just wanted to come down and say thank you for Have her check the surrounding states as well if going to Baltimore yesterday looking into this for the guy's a pro, why do jobs only close to home? us but now that it's pretty obviously an organized How far back do you want her to go? At least 10 crime case we're gonna go ahead and take over years. for you. The guy's no rookie. I'm sure you guys have enough to do with your Third victim was positively id'd as a low-level mob psychos. guy. You don't think that the guy who killed the Frederick \"freddy\" Condore. Dimarcos is a psycho? What he is now is my He was the nephew of the older couple. problem. Body parts were found in 7 different trash cans 2 But again, thanks for coming out. blocks from the crime scene. Anything we can do to help. Were they able to completely reassemble the Appreciate that. body? Killer didn't keep any trophies. We're pretty good at this. Is there any evidence that he got off? No. - You got it. Garcia has a number of unsolved murders in D. - All right. C. You know where we live. , Virginia and Maryland over the past 15 years. Okay. Many of them have ties to organized crime all So we just gonna drop it? These guys don't know different M. what they're dealing with. O. Our unsub is male, intelligent, organized, and S. methodical. What's the connection? Torture. He has the confidence of a man who's been Marks on the bones are consistent with the same killing for a long time. cutting tool. Only victim removed from the scene is Freddy Tortured victims, most tied to organized crime no Condore indicating some tie to him. signs of sexual sadism. Elle, you and Reid stay on Condore's background We're looking for a hit man. with Garcia. No, a hit man doesn't need to torture to get the Dig deep, see what turns up. job done. Condore worked as a supervisor at a scrap metal Two things-- Baltimore just forwarded a sketch of yard in Baltimore. the man running from the scene and, uh, you've It's owned by a guy named Michael Russo, boss got some agents out there who think that you're of a small mob crew. poaching on their turf. I'm gonna grab Hotch and go check him out. I'll handle it. Michael Russo? Agents Hotchner and Morgan, SSA Hotchner. FBI. Josh Cramer, special agent in charge of What do you want? Freddy Condore. organized crime, Baltimore. He didn't show up for work today. - SSA Gideon. He didn't call, nothin'. - Jason gideon. Probably because he and his aunt and uncle BAU's pretty famous. were murdered last night. Brought the whole team, huh? Yeah, we were in Really? It's too bad. town. I can tell you're all busted up about it. 68
Criminal Minds Season 1 Look, I don't speak smart-ass so you got to psychological behavior, anything is possible something to say to me It was a professional hit. but this criminal history--it just isn't probable. Either you're in charge of our business or you're I mean, as a minor, he began with attempted not. murder and then devolved into pettier crimes? It's This is you think I'm in, huh? Look around. the criminal history of a fractured schizophrenic I'm in scrap metal. with multiple personality disorder. It's all about recycling. It just does not make sense. That's where the money is, my friend-- saving the Unless someone made that rap sheet up and they earth. weren't thinking about the behavior-- they just You've got a big problem. plugged in whatever sounded good. You know, the mob isn't what it used to be. Hold on. Ain't easy always fighting for respect, is it? You His mug shot's coming up. always gotta fight for what's yours. I got an address for you to hit. One of your boys steps out of line-- you hit him Clear. hard, you make it count, right? Is that what - Clear. happened to Freddy? Look. - Copy that. You got a case to make, you run along, get your It's clear here. papers and come back with the bracelets. Morgan, this is weird. Otherwise, I got a business to run. There's nothing here. You're breathing on my neck. It's like nobody lives here. Um, sorry. I guess he wasn't expecting company. Sorry for that. Something's wrong. You two having fun? Oh, yeah. Yeah, I know. Sifting through the life and times of Freddy Look at this place. Condore with Dr. It's an artificial dwelling to match an artificial past. Reid here is a party I wouldn't want to miss. Come on, Josh. Credit card receipts show Freddy loved crab Hotch! We got a hot weapon. cakes preferred light beer and used to spend his Oh, no. Thursday nights with a woman in fells point. It's a glock 19. An, uh, expensive woman. And this round is standard law enforcement issue. What about his associates? Most of them have So you're saying Baker's an undercover cop. criminal records. I'm saying I did 18 months deep cover and this That much I guessed. place has got all the makings of a crash pad. But one of them is particularly interesting. All right, where is he? No, no, he is not here. Pull up James Baker's rap sheet. Baker's missing. He spent time in juvenile detention for attempted I told him we'd pick him up at 8:00. murder was released at age 21, and then Damn it, damn it, damn it, Jimmy, where the hell subsequently arrested for-- and this is in order-- are you? Get in, get in. armed robbery, petty theft, burglary, narcotics Come on, let's go. sales, and rape. What the hell is wrong with you people? Sorry? I But there's no other sexual assault complaints in told you, this is my case! All right, first of all, don't his file. shout at me. Absolutely nothing. And secondly, you don't decide what cases the I told you it was interesting. BAU works on. What's so interesting about that? When it comes You ran my agent's gun through ibis? 'Cause I 69
Criminal Minds Season 1 wanted to know who he worked for and now that I them? Nothing. do, I'd like to talk to him. Nothing. You don't have him. I promise. No. Nothing. You don't know where he is? He's missing. I think you're a liar and a rat. How long? About 12 hours. Oh, please you're gonna need a bigger board. Before or after the murders? You think Jimmy's a Please tell me you brought some breakfast. suspect? Well, there's a sketch of someone who Huh. looks an awful lot like him leaving the scene. Trust me, sugar you are not going to want to eat That's because he was there. when you see what's in here. After. How many more are there? Well, I've gone back Look, he ran into a couple of Baltimore detectives 15 years and there's over 100. and they made him while he was with Condore. Yeah, that we know of. Now, Jimmy tried to play it off but he didn't think And then there's more coming in. that Condore had bought it so he wanted to go Well, the torture's consistent. back and talk to him. You know, we thought this guy might have been When he saw what was left of the Dimarcos he at it a while but this many victims, Garcia? John called us for a pickup. Wayne Gacy killed at least 30 people. We showed up. This guy's more than tripled that. He didn't. But this guy gets paid for it. You think he ran? No. He's a hit man. Jimmy's too experienced to run without contact. No he's more than that. If he's not calling in, then someone's keeping him Not all these victims were mob hits. from doing it. You know, my guess is he probably started Who's Jimmy Baker's target? Michael Russo. hunting when he was really young perfected his We've been after the guy for 3 years. craft, moved on to bigger prey. Jimmy's been under for almost 2. Hey, Garcia, look at this. We talked to Russo yesterday. There's no hesitation wounds on the body. He seemed genuinely surprised by the murders. One clean cut through flesh and bone. And you bought that? Let me tell you a little Ok, so what does that tell us? Most people something about Michael Russo. wouldn't imagine doing something like this to The guy is a liar, and a good one. another human being, but this guy he doesn't If he didn't do it, he knows who did. even flinch. You know what? I'm wasting my time with you. He's got no conscience. You obviously don't get it. We've got ourselves a serial killer with the perfect Agent Cramer, we're not the enemy. career. Please sit down. Russo has no idea what he's dealing with. We're dealing with a very dangerous killer here I think we can shake him. and we need your help. Keep looking. You know these people better than we do. How can I help you, agents? We're worried about This guy-- if he is what you say he is and he has you. Jimmy did he kill him already? We don't know. What's causing you to lose sleep? We hear you I'll help you in any way that I can. didn't order that hit on Freddy. You help me get this man back to his family. I told you I had nothing to do with that. Who knows about me, Jimmy? What did you tell Why don't you take a look in that folder? Hey It 70
Criminal Minds Season 1 looks like you must have a problem within your They don't know nothin'. organization. I'm dealing with them. Is that right? So your hitter doesn't just kill for a Stop being paranoid, Vinnie. paycheck. Bingo. He kills for pleasure. No. It's what makes him good at what he does. Vinnie. He's paranoid, he's a psychopath, and he's It's pretty remarkable, really. free-lancing. Nature's got her own cleanup crew. He's killing civilians now and he's drawing a lot of Flies, larvae, maggots, beetles. attentions. Then there's the big guys, of course. And you can't control him. Rats, squirrels, crows, buzzards. That's what he did to Freddy's uncle. I learned a long time ago never to kill anybody Russo, if he's not a problem for you now, he will above 5,000 feet. be. It's cold up there. What if you let me worry about that? Russo. The evidence tends to linger. I just got a question for you. They'll be along soon. How do you think your paranoid little killer's They like the scent of blood. gonna feel about you being friendly with FBI, huh? Please Russo's got 11 associates named Vincent. Just a thought. No, make that 10. Success. Vincent Cellito died last summer. Hotch and Morgan just shook Russo's confidence You know, here's something. in his hit man. What can you tell me about Vincent Sartori? I was He'll want to bring him in and get a read on him. still drinking that. What if by playing them against each other we Not only is this equipment expensive, it's also made Russo as paranoid as his hit man what extremely sensitive. would stop them from trying to kill each other? If Vincent Sartori. that happens, then we'll never find Jimmy Baker Currently doing 6 at dannemora for racketeering. alive. How about this Perotta? There's not much on him. We got a surveillance team outside of Russo's Can you get into those records? Despite the fact office. that they were probably expunged she can find Stay on it. the faintest echo of deletion and successfully Is this gonna work? The beam is reflected from recreate the file thereby sending us all to prison the window pane according to the law of optics. for computer felony fraud counts. Yeah, the angle of instance is equal to the angle We can make bail. of reflection. Garcia? Already in. Is it gonna work? Hey. Alcohol addiction at 14. It's me. Violent outbursts. I need to see you tonight. Assaults. I'll call you from a secure line. Once threw a molotov cocktail at someone sitting Apparently. in their car. Hey. Several notations for aggression. Listen, you brought a lot of heat taking down He once scheduled a visit to an infirmary to gain Freddy like that. access to a boy who looked at him for too long? What--I'm dealing with the feds. No fear. Listen, meet me here at the office. No remorse. 71
Criminal Minds Season 1 Quick temper. Movie night. And he was smart enough to stay off the radar as I'll make popcorn. an adult. Go home. Paranoid personality. I'm fine. He could be our guy. He's got a little slack. There's absolutely no information on him as an Morgan says he's secure, he's secure. adult. - Uh, Jason. No driver's license, no utility bills, nothing. - Yeah? Let's not give him a weapon. It's like he became a ghost. He's kind of strong. Let's just hope they can catch him. Hey, Hotch. Remember, we need this man alive. I'll be ok. It's all clear. I'm supervisory special agent Jason Gideon Nothing. federal bureau of investigation. Hotch. You afraid of me, Jason? You were advised of Hotch, let me take him! Gideon, I got a head shot. your rights? Take these off and we'll really talk. That's it. Were you advised of your rights? I know my rights. Don't take it. You want to talk? I got nothin' to hide. We need him alive. Good. You Okay? Take your time for once in your life. How's it going? Don't turn your back on him, It's all right. Gideon. There's a van around the corner. Hotch, you know how he is. Looks like blood all over. He's just trying to show him that he's not It's being processed right now. intimidated. Whatever they find they're going to send over to It's not about fear. Quantico. It's about being dismissive. They got Jimmy's jacket. Perotta could assume that he's disrespecting him. Take off. Why don't we turn these cameras off? I'll get him We don't have time for this little show. to tell us where Jimmy is. Interrogation techniques say make the guy That wouldn't work. comfortable make him your friend. You sure about that? Yeah. Give him a way out. He was probably abused by one or both of his That's how you get a confession. parents. That may work with a common criminal. He's learned to take the pain. It's not gonna work here. And that's why he has no compassion for anyone Why is that? Because anti-social personality else's. disorder means never trust anyone with anything You gotta trust us. at any time. Your not organized crime. Then what are you supposed to do? Make him No. uncomfortable. We're behavioral analysis. This was all in his van? Yep. What's that mean? Wellwe study how you think, They guy wasn't exactly neat. why you do what you do. Classic anti-social personality. No kidding? We have a word for you. What are these tapes? I don't know. You got a word for me? Oh, yeah. Why don't you and Garcia go take a look, let us Actually, we have a few. know all right? Yeah. Psychopath. 72
Criminal Minds Season 1 Paranoid personality disorder. And I wanted Russo. That's quite a mouthful, Jason. So we waited 24 hours to go in for him. Yes, it is. By the time we got there-- guys, there's a chance Michael Russo set me up, didn't he? Do you agent Baker's being tortured and I think I know recognize this man? No. how. How about them? Anyone look familiar? Wait a After you. minute. Oh, my god. The third guy over. Oh, no. I think he does those late night commercials for You needed me? Yeah. the dead worms. These are faces of new victims off the videotapes You know, softies. we found. That's funny to you? It's just interesting that you'd Check with local PDs see if they have any open choose that expression. homicides or missings that might correspond. You have problems performing? Not me. Are those rats? Yeah. Where's he going with this? There's no evidence What are we gonna do? Well, we looked at all the this guy can't perform. stuff in the van and beside the videotapes there's Gideon knows that. nothing that interesting. He's just pushing his buttons. I got Garcia going over the sound on the tapes Does murder excite you? Is it the only thing that trying to isolate the background noise. can give you a sexual release? Vincent. Maybe something there will help. I believe you're an extremely impotent man. The good news is it seems like they were all Take these off we'll see. filmed in the same space. Where's Jimmy, you son of a bitch?! He's a It could be some sort of home base for him? Yeah, federal agent! I will personally execute you! but where is it? What do we know about Vincent Personally! Baker is a federal agent. Perotta? He's off the grid. I knew it. Garcia can't find a registered phone utility bill, or Where is he, Vincent? Hey, Jason. home address on this hump. Is it still called paranoid if I'm right? What? Never Come on, everybody lives somewhere. mind. There's gotta be a paper trail. Ok, who's that? I have no idea. If there is, we can't find it. Put another tape in. If this day and age you can't live without leaving Oh, my god. some sort of trace. I'll be back. Unless someone pays your bills for you. What the hell is wrong with you? We don't have What about Russo? Could he be taking care of time for this, all right? My friend might still be alive him? No. out there somewhere. No, no, no. You just told him Baker was a federal agent. Russo's not paying anybody's bills but his own. He may never tell us now. Well he has to have a weakness. I told him to hang tough. It's in his crime. What? Jimmy. It's in his behavior. When he called me, I told him to stick with the You know, something's just been bugging me. assignment that we didn't need to bring him in Freddy. right away. Wasn't he easy to find? He cut up the body. Hey, I had too much invested, all right? Too much He removed it from the crime scene. time. But then he leaves it a couple of blocks away 73
Criminal Minds Season 1 where's he's gotta know we're gonna find it. Anyone who spends hours and hours in it waiting It's the whole reason we were able to connect hunting. Perotta to the crime. Look. He made a mistake. Weird. Yeah, he did. This is crazy. He went off script. There's not one address, no paperwork, no What does that mean? Something knocked him registration. off his game. It's all garbage. That's right. Pizza boxes nasty-looking chinese food, and His behavior. hamburger joints. Well, what does he do? He tortures. Wait. Always? The difference is Mrs. Pizza. Dimarco. What about it? Ooh. Right. Where do you order your pizza from? I get my Want to finish this? Yeah. pizza from my own neighborhood. Keep working. Frenetti's. Hey, look who's here. Your mother knew. My old friend. She knew that he beat you every day and she did Feeling better? Where's Jason? You grew up in a nothing to help you. house that looked normal and happy, didn't you, And you still loved her. Vincent? Did I? But your father beat you every Even though she let you get hurt, you loved her. chance he got. And I wondered why. He smacked me around some. Why you didn't hate her. Didn't everybody's old man? No. Then of course I realized that he beat her as Well, maybe if yours had, you would have learned much as he beat you. to fight. Don't talk about my mother. There. You killed all these people, hundreds of them, and Did you hear that? What is that? I don't know. only one woman. I think it's moving. That's what made you get sloppy, isn't it? Killing Getting closer. mrs. Airplane. Dimarco was hard. Paranoid personalities develop in childhood. That's why you killed her first and you made it You know, you're saving me thousands of dollars quick. in therapy bills. I thought it was to establish dominance, but it You learned to take the beatings, the abuse. wasn't. You learned to smile. He was a bastard, all right? Your father? I call him But in the back of your mind you probably thought Frank. \"one day one day when I'm big enough. He was a mean son of a bitch. \" So you were bullied and abused and you Is that what you want to know? Gideon. became an abuser and a bully. I think we got something here. It's a logical progression. Uh, he's got a bunch of pizza boxes from Really? Yeah. Frenetti's pizza. Your father beat your mother, too, didn't he? My It's in Glen Burnie a suburb that backs up right to mother's got nothing to do with this. the airport. Hell, who eats this much food in their car? Which makes sense, since we can hear airplanes 74
Criminal Minds Season 1 in the background of the video. Check property records for Frank Perotta. - Who? - His father. Why? He still lives in his father's house. I'll get Garcia on it. That's why nothing is in his name. You got that address? In Glen Burnie like you thought. And it looks like Frank Perotta died in a suspicious hunting accident. With his son. How long ago? And my guess is it was no accident. Well, you said Vincent was looking for bigger prey. Sounds like he found it. Garciayou're my girl. Clear! Clear! Upstairs? Clear! We got a friendly! It's Baker! Get out! Get an ambulance! Jimmy, you all right, man? Is he Ok? He's gonna live. Get out! You gonna be all right Jimmy. You were just responding to what you learned, Vincent. When you grow up in an environment like that an extremely abusive, violent household it's not surprising that some people grow up to become killers. Some people? What's that? You said some people grow up to become killers. And some people grow up to catch them. Carl Jung said, \"the healthy man does not torture others. Generally it is the tortured who turn into torturers. 75
Criminal Minds Season 1 - Hey! - Hey! Yeah, thank you. What? I said I'm swamped. Where is Elle? Texas. We. - Texas? Yes, she went to do a custodial interview . with William Devries. I'm losing you. The child murder? Yes, he agreed to participate Elle, I don't have time right now. the VICAP questionnaire. Can we talk when you get back? Yeah. You're letting her do custodials by herself already? Okay. She'll be fine. Tomorrow. Hello? Dad? I, uh, I kind of wrecked another car. Elle, I'm s -- Hello! Hello! Elle? Don't you see that? You did what? I, uh Were you drinking again? Leave me alone. Well. Look. . File, Ted, look at the file. You know what? I'm done with you, Josh. I told you what was happening. Don't bother coming home. I told you where we were really going. Don't bother coming home. What the hell was that? Everything is all right Let's get married. folks. married? Yeah. All right just relax, everything is gonna be fine. Why not? We get married, have the kid. Everything is fine. No. What happened? Nothin', ma'am. I'm going to Dallas to take care of it. You on the job? FBI. I don't understand. Suicide. I won't be here when you get back, Harold. Somebody jumped in front of the train. I'm filing for divorce. - Is there anything I can do? What the hell are I'm leaving you. they whispering about? Unfortunately we have I'm going to Dallas, don't follow me. this procedure down fairly well. Linda, are you sure taking him to Dallas is a good Everybody just relax. idea? I've written two books on this, and he's - No. living proof of my theories. This isn't right, Ted. We're going to that conference. Everything's gonna be fine. Gideon. We're gonna be back underway again shortly. It's me. See the gun? - Don't worry folks, like I said, Devries cooperating? I won't even be there for an everything is gonna be okay Now or never, sport. hour. - Stay in your seat, everything's gonna be fine-- I took a train from El Paso instead of renting a car. Oh my God! - Get the agent! Nobody move! Okay! I wanted to look over the files more. Okay. Remember, he can't lie to you -- -- if I know the You don't have to hurt anybody else. crime better than he does. What are you doing? Shut up! Good job, sport! Yep. Okay, this is from one of the security cameras I remember, 'dad'. inside the train. Good, check in when you are done. Five hostages in a car stopped on the tracks. Wait. We have one security guard dead from initial Elle, I'm swamped here. gunfire. I'm in the middle of two consults. Is this going on right now? Yeah. NSA wants a threat assessment on a terrorist cell In west Texas. in Hamburg by six o'clock. Why are they asking for us? Because of a 76
Criminal Minds Season 1 particular psychological aspect of the hostage two-way phone. taker, which we're especially equipped to handle. but he won't speak to anyone except what he Can you back that picture up a few frames? calls \"the higher authorities. Mm-hmm. God? No mention of religion thus far. Tardive dyskinesia. Has crisis negotiation's lead claimed to be the Once more for those of us without an higher authority? The unsub won't speak to him encyclopedic memory? Severe facial tics. any longer. The kind that develop after years of taking He gave a deadline of three hours to produce this anti-psychotic medication. authority. So this guy's a psychotic? A psychotic with Three hours? When was that? Um Ah! 2 1/2 hostages. hours ago. And two guns. Well, he wants to speak to the higher authority. Hostage situation on a train? Yeah, in Texas. Then we better give it to him. A train in Texas? My god! What? Elle! Elle? Put the lights on, sirens, honk the horns make Robert Oxton Bolton wrote \"A belief is not merely people get out of our away. an idea the mind possesses. Get as close to the barricade as possible. It is an idea that possesses the mind. When we stop, we sit. \" Local authorities have the train surrounded. We wait thirty seconds. Bureau, hostage rescue teams and snipers are in Then we step out. position. Here they come. but they're hesitant to take action until negotiation Showtime, Teddy. is exhausted. Teddy, you have to listen to me. The feeds from the train's two video cameras are No! You have to listen to me now. being routed to monitors on a mobile command Ooh, lady, your boyfriend is whacked out of his center that the local bureau office brought in. mind. We need to know who on that train is gonna be a He's not my boyfriend. help and who's gonna be a problem. Then who is he? He's a psych patient, right? Yes. All right. It's going to be ok. Let me get Garcia to work some magic on those And you know that how? You're his doctor? I was video feeds. taking him to Dallas to speak at a conference as Como se dice \"Hottie\"? Garcia? Precisely. an example of the progress being made to relieve Okay, listen to me. severe psychosis. No playing. He's an example of progress? What do we do to We're gonna be feeding you some security calm him? He's never had this sort of break from camera video from a hostage situation over a reality, never been violent. secure line. What can we do? Make him feel less threatened. Can you work your face recognition software over We're a threat to him? He's got 2 guns. it and tell me who's who? If they have their picture Are you all right? No Oh, I think I'm gonna be sick. on file anywhere, I will find them. Oh, great. Penelope. Are you all right? Yeah. Elle is one of the hostages. Uhh! I just haven't been feeling that well lately. I'm into it. My stomach You're not pregnant? Teddy, please. She'll get us the names. This girl is sick. Have we had any contact inside the train yet? No. It's a trick, Ted. It took two hours just to convince him to allow a Shut up! Sit down! What are you doing? Don't be 77
Criminal Minds Season 1 stupid. is happening here? Good luck. Are you kidding me? What are you gonna do? I tried to convince him I was the highest authority Throw it at him? Why are they just sitting there? but he wouldn't believe me. Come on! Whacked out of his mind. Well, he's paranoid. Don't look at the train. He believes in secrets. Ignore it. If I'm the higher authority, I don't go to him. The higher authority isn't concerned about losing He comes to me. a few civilians. We have to help him ask the first question. I'll talk to the HRT commander. Hey, guys. I'm Frank Moretti, Dallas field office. Ted, you have to try and-- get up! - Take me. Hi. - Aah! No! Take me! No, take me. Near as we can tell, your agent is still all right. You think I'm gonna let you send them messages? Has the subject asked for anything, made any They're gonna want to talk to me. demands? Not beyond wanting to talk to a higher I can get you whatever it is that you want. authority. Take me! Don't buy it, Ted. How do we negotiate with a psychotic who won't Hey, man-- You, too? No. talk to us? That depends on the level of his No. particular delusion. I didn't do anything! Ted, you're not in any danger Some psychotics believe they're being sent here. messages by the government god, even aliens. You have to believe me. John Nash, he believed he was being recruited by Easy does it. aliens to save the world. Don't say a single word unless I say it. I saw the movie. Deviate a single word, and I will kill you. Actually, the movie is rather inaccurate in its Don't try to send them any secret messages or portrayal of-- Ok, doc, doc, doc a movie review is codes. not gonna help us right now. Do you understand? Codes? Do you understand?! Let's move. Yes, yes. You're right. All right, all right. Sorry. Yes? He wants to know who you are. What's the status? We're in position from every He wants to know who just arrived. angle. Tell him it's someone who can help resolve the All right. situation. We might be able to negotiate with this guy but if He says it's someone who can resolve the he requests a priest or if his behavior in any way situation. reflects an end game of killing himself and the What part of the government do you work for? I hostages, then its over and we need to take the never said I was with the government. shot and rush the train. The less he says, the more mysterious we seem We'll be ready when you need us. the higher an authority we become. Come on. What part of--aah! What part of the government Come on, come on, come on. Don't hurt her. This is going to end today. Ask who they work for. Stay focused here, Ted. No, ask if they're NSA. His delusions are important because that's what No, ask-- They're FBI, aren't they? Are you FBI? we have to play to. He can ask me himself. So the question of the day what does he believe He says you can ask him yourself. 78
Criminal Minds Season 1 Tell me who you are, or this agent dies! You know of Texas. who I am. Of course it's hot. If you're the higher authority then you can have it No! That's exactly what they want, Ted. removed. They want to divert you from having it removed. That'll take some time. You're close to having it removed. I want it removed now. His arm. You know You know it can't be done that quickly. What? Look at his arm. Good-bye. What is that? They look like scars. No! Wait! Ok. The places he tried to dig it out with a razor or a All right. pen. One hour. Dig what out? Maybe a microchip? Oh, man. You have one hour to remove it or I swear to god, It's almost as common a delusion as claiming to I'll kill every agent on this train. be the new Messiah. It? He wants it removed? Do you know what it is? Ralph Tortorici held an entire classroom hostage No. because he believed microchips had been We just bought an hour, though, to figure it out. implanted in his body. We have 40 minutes left. Wait a minute. Reid, is there a delusion more common than This guy thinks he has some kind of device stuck others to a paranoid mind in a psychotic episode? in his arm? Probably, and if we don't take it out, Delusions are as varied as the people that have he's gonna kill somebody. them. Yeah. They're colored by personal experience. This is Morgan. You can't turn back now, Ted. I got your names. They won't ever stop hounding you and following Ok, Garcia, talk to me. you and-- I'm doing it! Leave me alone! Any of Skinny guy in the suit is Harry Anderson. you guys have a cell phone with service? We're in The young guy is a former Gillett university the middle of nowhere. undergrad. Welcome to texas. The girl is Elaine Curtis, from--get this-- Adobe You're bleeding more than you should be from a Walls in Tirlingua, Texas. cut this small. The lady in the nice suit is Linda Deaton author Thin blood. and renowned psychiatrist. The agents outside need to know what it is that Penelope, you are truly amazing. he wants removed. Yeah. He thinks the government is watching him, Not so fast. monitoring him. I've got your bonus answer, too. They monitor all of us. Your hostage taker, he's famous, academically They have ways of finding out everything you do. speaking. Don't be stupid. His name is Bryar, Dr. There's an FBI agent on board. Theodore Bryar. You think that's a coincidence? I'm doing it! He's Ok. going to kill us, isn't he? No. You know what? Send it all to me right now. He killed that security guard. Keep digging. The security guard had a gun. Penelope, nice work. He felt threatened by him. Tell me about the hostages. Uhh! It's so hot! You took hostages in the middle Ok. 79
Criminal Minds Season 1 Let's see. through this just fine. First we've got Harry Anderson. We? He isn't pissed at us. He's a paper goods salesman. You're the government agent. Lived in a small home just outside of Dallas for 18 He probably thinks we're all agents. years with his wife. He believes almost everyone is. He's got no children, no investments, no company I'm not with any government agent. retirement portfolio. He's trying to confuse you. He doesn't take chances. I'm with you. So, what about the kid? Kid's name--Josh Patel. Big brother, right? New-think? New-speak? Hate He's 20 years old. is love. He just got expelled from Gillett university for War is peace. driving his car into the library building drunk. He's laughing at you. He's drinking now, and we don't need a drunk in Stop it! No, Ted, it's ok. there. He doesn't mean anything. Ok. Yeah, chill. The girl-- we don't have a lot to go on. I support you. Nothing more than her driver's license. Screw the government. Her name's Elaine Curtis. Let him sit down. She lives in a small town in west Texas. All right, how do we remove a microchip that's not She's got no credit cards, no passport. there? His speech is lucid. Doesn't look like she travels much at all. There's no sign of neologisms, word salad, or This is Dr. loosening of associations. Linda Deaton. As long as he can systemize he'll be able to keep She's a psychiatrist at stokes mental health his thinking relatively organized. center in El Paso. Organized enough to see through any game we That's where Ted Bryar's been living for the last 9 try to throw at him? And if he's convinced it's in years. his arm and not in a place like his lower back or His doctor? I say probably. his neck an incision means he's gonna be She's unmarried, lives in El Paso. watching. She's written several books and papers mainly Maybe we can just convince him that he's been published in medical circles. looking in the wrong place. She's a popular lecturer. Or we could fake it. She's scheduled to speak at several symposiums Conceal a chip in the palm, a little sleight of hand. this year and tonight in Dallas. Oh, come on, Reid what are you talking about? A That's it. magic trick? Yeah, I'm talking about a magic trick. That's all I got. No. Garcia's in the process of looking deeper but I I used to do it during college exams. don't really see how this lineup's gonna be much I can make it appear, I can make it disappear. of a help to us, Gideon. We can't risk giving him another agent as a Well, let's just hope none of them makes the hostage. situation worse. We have to do something. They're messing with you out there, Ted. All right, Reid. Trying to weaken you. Let's go. You need resolve. Teach it to me. Hey, why aren't they helping us? We're gonna get What? No. 80
Criminal Minds Season 1 Look, if you can do it, I can do it. Well, it's a delicate procedure. Show it to me. It requires-- one technician! Or every agent on I've been practicing this my whole life. this train dies! Ok. We have less than 30 minutes. You need to relax. Reid, I am not about to let you get on that train We still have 20 minutes. with an armed psychotic. Not anymore. We don't have any other choice, do we? No. I want it out now. We don't have any other choice. Right now! Now! I don't know about this. Dr. It'll look better when it's covered. Bryar's definitely one of the top physicists in the With what? Blood. world. Reid, do not take this vest off. He's written hundreds of papers on m-theory. In hostage situations S. I don't understand any of it. W. Oh, he worked for the government for several A. years in the eighties. T. Probably the source of his delusions. sometimes won't even tell the negotiator when He's been institutionalized for the past 9 years. they're deciding to go in. Till Dr. Do you know why that is? 'Cause the slightest Deaton took him on a field trip. change in tone of voice or choice of words can What we need is a strategy. give the whole thing away. I'll try to talk to him. That's right. You think that's wise? Ted? You feel a little bit Don't make eye contact with Elle. better now? You're in no danger here. You're a technician. These people don't want to hurt you. You've never seen her before. Sure they don't. Got it. The FBI agent just happened to be on the train Now remember, play into the guy's fantasy. today. Believe it yourself. She wasn't following you, wasn't watching you. Actually, did you know that dentists and surgeons She expects you to believe that? Let them go, Ted. have been recruited to secretly implant these I'll stay with you. during otherwise normal medical procedures? You and I will do this together only you need to let This has been happening on and off since the late these people go. 1930s. I will wait with you. You told me to believe. No one wants to hurt you. Heh heh! Let's go. We don't want to hurt you. All right. We want to kill you. One government-issued microchip. No! No, it's ok, Ted! Ted, it's ok! Don't! I'll make You gotta relax, man. sure that they never take it out of you. The chip's a lot smaller than I'm used to doing it If you hurt one more person on this train I swear with, all right? I'm pulling the plug on this. to god, I'll make them leave it in you forever. No, no, hold on. What? Everything all right in there, Dr. One more. Bryar? I want it out. Take his chip out. I'm sending 2 technicians in to remove it. Then get off the train. No! One. You understand? Tell him you need to get back to One technician. the higher authority. 81
Criminal Minds Season 1 Say you have guidelines to follow, whatever. Second takes Bryar down. Do not stay in there with him. And he'll be shooting after the windows go. That's an order. That's the best we can do. Yes, sir. All right. Could you guys do me a favor? Anything. Standby. Could at least one of you look like you're gonna Turn it on, or I pull the trigger. see me again? See you when you get back. I can't turn it on. Tell your men to get whatever target they can. Why not? Because it has to be implanted. If this starts to go bad, we're gonna go in. She's right. Probably not gonna have a great shot. The chip derives its power from tiny electrical Take the one they can get. impulses fired between neurons. That's far enough, Ted. It has to be in your skin to work. That's far enough. I--I really got to go-- sit down! You're not going Hello, everyone. anywhere. I'm here to remove a chip from Dr. See? Dude actually had a chip in his arm. Bryar. All right, it seems calm for now. Check him out. Reid's still on the train. Take the vest off. Now we have 2 agents in there. I want to see you. It's probably the higher authority. I don't have any weapons. I told you I have protocols to follow. The higher authority doesn't authorize it for I was supposed to go right back out there. technicians. I--I have rules. Take it off! Damn it, Reid, I said don't take the vest Answer the phone. off. You want me to stay, I'm obviously going to stay Come closer. but, I mean, you're going to be the one that has to I want to see both of your hands at all times. explain it to the man. Sit across from me. Ooh, the man? They're still trying to tell you what Why are you so nervous? I told you. to do, Ted. I'm not used to being around guns. Why can't you all just leave me alone? Leave you This is going to probably sting a little bit. alone? Stay out of this. Did you see that? I knew it. No. I knew it. The government does watch us. Hey, look, he's got it. You got microwaves and satellites. He's got the chip. I'm with you, man. I've got to go to the higher authority-- Not yet! Do not agitate him. Turn it on. Screw you. Turn the chip on. Dr. Excuse me? Get off the train, Reid. Bryar, answer the phone. No. My old man used to have tracking devices in his Something's wrong. cars. Get off the train. He said it was for theft but it's so he could find out Get out of there. where I'd go. Why isn't he moving? How many shots would it And what about personal recordings and take to move in? Two. televisions? You don't think someone's monitoring First blows the windows. everything you watch? You know how many 82
Criminal Minds Season 1 patents are issued for devices to monitor people? Let me know when HRT is ready. Look it up, man. Gideon, you send those guys in there hostages Here he comes, Ted. are going to die. He's the agent who's playing the hero. Yeah. Answer the phone, Ted. If we don't do something they're going to die Stop. anyway. This isn't going to help. It's not gone. What the hell do you know? Ted, he doesn't know I know. what he's talking about. Well, you just said when the chip came out, it He's just a kid. would go away. Who you calling a kid? Sit down. I--I still hear it. Oh, now you're gonna tell me what to do? He'd Then there must be more of them. only have one gun if you weren't here. But you said it was the only one, Leo. I'm with you, man. I can still feel the buzzing, the burning. He's not with us, Ted. Dr. He's not with us at all. Bryar. Answer the phone, Dr. What? Reid! It's all right, Elle. Bryar. Is there another one? You know there isn't. It's the higher authority. If there were, Leo would've told you. They're coming for you, Ted. Don't listen, Ted. No! Teddy? Oh, damn. Make it stop! Most people say that m-theory can Damn! What? What happened, Ted? I did what never be proved because the mathematical tools you sked for. do not yet exist. I'm tired. Don't push him. I've been fighting you for so long. But you see it, right? Am I right? You can see the You don't have to fight anymore. different strings unifying the dimensions the He's a liar, Ted. gravitational infinities canceling each other out. I said it all ends today. You see them, right, Dr. Me, these agents--it all ends today. Bryar? You see them because you have the tools. What does that mean? It means he's decided on Your mind is that tool. an end game. He's one of them, Ted, one of them. He's going to kill himself and the hostages. Shut up! This has gone on too long. Ted No one on this train is an agent but me. I'm going in. No one else. And I have to believe that if you put your mind to it I'm the only one. you'll realize that only you can make Leo stop. You can let everybody else go. You can make him stop by understanding him by I don't think so, Ted, do you? Dr. understanding that he is a liar and he only wants Bryar, we need to get this woman help. bad things for you. Who's going to help me? The higher authorities I need to believe that, Dr. can help you. Bryar. They're not what you think. I said kill him, Ted! I had to. They're not the enemy. He was going to kill us. They can help you, Dr. I had to. Bryar. God forgive me. Not anymore. We need an ambulance. 83
Criminal Minds Season 1 I'm sorry. It's a little late for all that. You going to the hospital? I'm going to ride in with the psychiatrist. See you over there. She going to be all right? Yeah, I think so. Gideon, will you tell him that I don't need to go to the hospital? Regulations are regulations. You're all right? Yeah, I'm fine, dad. Elle? Yeah? Don't ever call me dad again. What do you think he'd feel about mom? Let me know when you're going to do that so I can run. Um, Reid, you probably saved my life in there. Probably? I totally saved your life. And I'm pretty certain that it was caught on tape. You know, what you said in there to Bryar? That you know what it's like? The guy was a delusional psychotic. I was playing into his fantasy. Go to the hospital. I'll see you there, all right? Albert Einstein asked a question that sometimes drives me hazy - \"Am I or the others crazy?\" 84
Criminal Minds Season 1 How much farther? What? Are we almost done? Ok, so tell me, what does keep young Dr. You want to stop? No. Reid awake at night? Wait, let me guess. Let's rest a while. Memorizing some obscure textbook. I promised I wouldn't slow you down. No, no, no, no. You go ahead. Working on cold fusion. I'll catch up. No, I got it. I can wait. Watching Star Trek and laughing at the physics Adam, please. mistakes. It's your workout. Actually, there aren't that many scientific errors in Go. Star Trek. I'll meet you at the point. Especially considering how long ago it was made. You're out of shape, cheerleader. There are certain improbabilities, but not that Oh, yeah? Let's see you do 3 back flips and land many outright errors. in the splits. Right. The point? The point. Hey, Morgan? Uh, do you ever have dreams? I'm Hello? Is somebody there? Adam if you're trying sorry. to scare me, I'm gonna kill you. I guess nightmares would be a more accurate Adam? Adam. description. Adam! Adam! Oh, my god. Is that what's keeping you up? I used to get them Adam, please wake up. occasionally but lately it's like I have them every Adam. night. Baby, please, baby. What are they about? This. Please! Noooo! Victim's the Lloyd boy, isn't it? What we do. The quarterback? Adam. Do you have nightmares? Reid, I'm not sure if I'm Just saw his parents yesterday heading up to the right person for you to talk to about this. Nantucket. Why not? It's just, uh did you ask Gideon about it? Listen get me their number up there, will you? No. Sheriff Bridges. You should. There's something here. Hey, Hotch wants everyone in the round table What is it? You're gonna want to see this, sir. room. Looks like the head is busted open. Something up with you two? No. Just like Adam Lloyd. Mcallister. You want me to get the crime scene folks down Western slope of massanutten mountain in here? Yeah. Virginia. Wait. both with apparent blunt trauma to the head. Hold on. Skeletons? One of them. We're gonna need a lot more than the crime The second victim was just killed this morning. scene folks. How do we know there's a connection? They Easy there, tough guy. were found about 75 feet apart with nearly Have some coffee with your sugar. identical head wounds. I need something to wake me up. Where's the rest of the case file? There isn't one. Ooh. The sheriffs are on the scene waiting for us. Late night? Very. Their location is only a half hour away by plane. My man. What's the rush? Well, there was evidence on the Not that kind of late night. scene that could cause a bit of a public uproar. 85
Criminal Minds Season 1 A satanic cult. There was an in-service in Charlottesville last So Peter Ustinov said, \"unfortunately a year said if we ran into any unusual homicides we super-abundance of dreams is paid for by a were supposed to call you folks sooner rather growing potential for nightmares. than later. \" JJ, we need to obviously, keep this out of the Yeah, they were right. press for as long as possible. Is this unusual enough? It certainly is interesting. I'll do what I can. You guys must get a lot of this, huh? Satanic stuff? Why is that so important? There was a nationwide Not really. scare in the 1980s involving satanic ritual killings Who found the bodies? A hiker found the first one and abuse. at the trail and my deputies located this one while The satanic panic, it was called. searching for evidence. It began after the publication of a book about We don't even know if it's a man or a woman. repressed memories being recovered through It's a man. hypnotherapy. The male pelvis is more narrow and the opening Memories of growing up with devil worshippers at the bottom is heart-shaped, as opposed to oval. who use children in their rituals and ceremonies. Melted wax? Candle wax? Candles are used in Most of the claims were later found to be false or rituals. just impossible. They're also used on birthday cakes. Still, numerous therapists accepted the assertions Actually, they were originally used to protect the as true and began searching for similar signs in birthday celebrant from demons for the coming their own patients. year. After one year, thousands of people reported the As a matter of fact, down to the fourth century exact same repressed memories. christianity rejected the birthday celebration as a The bureau conducted an investigation and pagan ritual. concluded that most of the most of the ritual What kind of doctor are you? He was kind of a killings or abuse were more urban legend than local hero. anything else. A high school football star. You're saying that there's no such thing as devil So a pretty strong kid, huh? I know he used to run worship? Not at all. out here on the mountain all the time. But most of the satanism that we've seen is That's not easy. juveniles damaging property, desecrating Was he out here running today? He was wearing churches, cemeteries. sweats. To my knowledge, there has never been a proven A crime of opportunity or was the unsub laying in case of a satanic ritual killing in the united states. wait for this kid specifically? Unsub? Unknown Well, maybe there is now. subject. Mornin'. The killer. John bridges. If it is a cult, do you think they cared who the Yeah. victim was? Maybe. We spoke on the phone. Maybe not. I'm agent Jareau, and this is agent Gideon and Dr. So we're talking about a blitz attack on a high-risk Reid with the FBI's behavioral analysis unit. victim-- one who could defend himself-- with a Hi. weapon picked up at the scene. Thanks for coming out so fast. Disorganized offender. Yeah. It could be a cult. Of course. The manson crime scenes were textbook 86
Criminal Minds Season 1 disorganized murder. I can't find her. This looks like a heavily traveled area. Cherish is missing. A lot of the locals walk these paths. Cherish is missing! Help me, please. Some tourists, too. Take her home. If you are gonna conduct a ritual killing? Would We're looking for someone who can overpower you do it in the middle of a traveled path? Well, if our victim abduct a girl from a traveled path the other crime scene was a ritual site where the without being seen. pentagram is I might blitz the victim here and drag It certainly fits with the cult theory. him to the other scene. More than one unsub to control multiple victims. Why didn't they? Does \"lod\" mean anything to you? But if the attack were ferocious enough a single Uh-uh. unsub could, too. I don't know of any significance in satanism, either. Kill Adam and grab the girl while she's in shock. Well, I could have Garcia research this \"lod\" thing This is some rough country. if I could get a call out. We only went 1/4 of a mile, and we almost got lost. Not much of a chance of that out here. The unsub has to be from this area. Are there any cults in the area that you know You don't just stumble onto a place like this. about? Secret groups? People you see you don't JJ, where'd the sheriff go? He's setting up a know much about people who stay to themselves search party. mostly. Tell him I want him to use volunteers from the This is a very religious area. area. Church on sundays, fellowship on wednesday, Locals. bible classes. Do you want him to know why? No, not yet. If there was a secret group, I'd probably know Is it wise to alienate him? Well, he thinks we're about it. looking for a monster. That's an inherent contradiction. If we tell him we're looking for volunteers so we Excuse me? He means if there was a group being can profile who shows up he might call the whole secretive you probably wouldn't know. thing off. Look, people out here just want a quiet place to State won't be here for over an hour. raise their kids. We're not gonna wait. What I know is none of them are capable of doing I want you to gather everyone up and I'm going to this. assign grid locations. Find anything interesting down there? Yeah, it Yes, sir. does look like some kind of ritual site. You have a moment, sheriff? I've got a missing Have any of you ever heard the expression \"lod\" girl, 100 square miles of woods, not enough men or the acronym \"L. and in a couple of hours it's going to be dark. O. Have you considered using the people that live in D. the area? I'm not gonna have civilians messing up \"? Not me. the crime scene. Cherish? Cherish? Sheriff Bridges! It's ok, Harris. We can instruct them not to touch anything until a Let her in. member of law enforcement arrives. Was Adam Lloyd killed out here? Who told you What if they get lost, too? We can have them sign that, Veronica? Was he? My daughter was with in to a volunteer sheet and keep track of what grid him. square they're in. They were out running together this morning. LookI grew up in a small town. Oh, my god. You have the state police coming in? Yeah. 87
Criminal Minds Season 1 Your locals can do a better job of finding this girl Agent? I'm with the FBI, behavioral analysis unit. than any statie. Profilers? Ha. You know that. This is mad cool. You'll keep track of 'em? I've coordinated I got, like 100 questions I go-- wait. searches all over the country. Why would FBI profilers be here in McAllister? Let's go. There was a murder outside of town on the Harris, I'm going downtown. mountain. Don't do anything until I get back, all right? Hey, A murder? A girl's missing. can I come with you guys? I need to call Quantico It's Cherish, son. and have them research that whole \"lod\" thing. Cherish Hanson? We're putting together a search Yeah, sure. party. Hop in. I need you to get the rest of the team together and What's happened, John? Reverend Paul Burke, meet us out at the trail about 1/2 mile south of the this is-- I'm sorry, I forgot your names. point. I'm agent Jareau. Yeah. This is Dr. Ok. Reid. Came as soon as I heard, sheriff. They're with the FBI. Good morning, Henry. FBI? It's true, then? Adam's dead? Cherish Sign in with this lady here then just stand by for a Hanson's missing, too. few minutes. Is there anything I can do? Actually, yes. Everyone, please, as soon as you've signed in We're putting together a search party. make your way back to the police cars. Could you call the congregation? Of course. That's where you'll be assigned your groups. Of course. Thank you. I'll go make some calls. I grew up in Brooklyn. Thanks, Reverend. You couldn't get this many people out for anything This way. less than free money. Use any phone, doc, you just dial 9 to get an Well, here come the jocks and cheerleaders. outside line. Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your attention, I've got an emergency phone list back here in my please? Now, you're all assigned grid squares to office. search. Did you play ball? No. Each grid has a deputy or an FBI agent. Yeah, I probably wouldn't have, either, if not for You find anything, do not touch it. my father. Just let your grid leader know. I'm Cory. Now, are there any questions? All right. Spencer Reid. Everyone get in your group now. Who's that, nietzsche? \"Thus spake zarathustra\" All right, you guys, let's head out. was rather antagonistic of the judeo-christian You have the sign-in sheets? Yeah. world view for this town, isn't it? I don't think too Is Garcia standing by to do background on them many people here would've bothered to read it. all? I got a deputy waiting to take me back to the If they had, they wouldn't understand it. station. Might as well be a hawking essay on quark theory. I'm gonna fax her soon as I get there. Nobody ever got that reference before. Good. Is my father around? The sheriff? He's in his This type of unsub can't resist injecting himself office with another agent. into a show like this. 88
Criminal Minds Season 1 He's here with us. It's dangerous, too, right? I mean, you go after Man, this is one peyton place of a town. killers and things. Most everyone lives well above the median Really bad guys. income of the country. You ever have to shoot-- \"satan commands the You got doctors, lawyers one guy owns a bunch virgin be sacrificed at the next full moon. of shoe stores up and down the eastern seaboard. \" That's tonight, isn't it? Wh--what's that? Blood. Ha. Tired? I'm fine. Is he married? Yeah. We all get them sometimes. Story of my life, sunshine. Get what? Nightmares. Reverend Paul Burke, looks like he became born It's not that bad. again in prison. You want to talk about it, you know where I am. Prison? Yeah, 2 years as a guest of the state of Uh, they're ready. Ohio for embezzlement. Okay. I'm seeing a lot of tax sheltering and various Contrary to popular belief there has never been a hanky-panky here but I'm not sure what would proven case of satanic ritual killing. suggest potential satanic cult members hold on. Never a verified human sacrifice. Wait, you got something? Yeah, I got a guy with a Having said that, there have been isolated cases ton of debts spotty work history, his house is in of animal sacrifice Many, many cases of foreclosure. vandalism in the name of satan. He's got a record, too assault with a deadly But that doesn't mean that ritual satanism is weapon 3 years ago. impossible. Wait. More importantly, for our purposes there have Does it say what the weapon was? Baseball bat. been cults that killed, just not in ritual fashion. Our unsub used a blunt object. The Reverend Jim Jones and the peoples temple Bats are blunt, aren't they? What's this guy's his followers killed a U. name? Dent. S. Henry Dent. Congressman and 3 people before committing Ok. mass suicide and leaving over 900 people dead. Here he is. And perhaps the most widely-known of the killer \"Grid b-5. cults the Manson family under the direction of \" Ok, that puts him withElle. Charles Manson killed 9 people in a 4-day period You all right there? Way to scare a girl. in an attempt to initiate a race war. Saw you bent over. Killer cults do exist, and they all have one thing in I was tying my shoe. common invariably they're headed by charismatic These almost never come untied. megalomaniacs. Good for you. You're looking for that leader. My name's Henry. He's who will stand out. Well, then good for you, Henry. He'll be memorable to somebody, people who I'm Elle. aren't in his group will see him as strange, weird, Like the letter? That's a different kind of name. scary. Had it all my life. Since we're dealing with professed satanists That's funny. which is often practiced by younger males we Your whole life. may be looking for teenagers. You're with the FBI, right? That must be exciting. Heavy metal music is often associated with It has its moments. satanism and these kids and their leader may 89
Criminal Minds Season 1 reflect that in their look. Read the note. Most likely, there'll be sex, drugs and alcohol. You think someone threatening to kill this girl is And the leader, he'll be older. funny? No, I think someone calling Cherish It's part of his charm. Hanson a virgin is funny. And he is from this area. You're a satanist, Mike? Sure. He's definitely local. And you worship the devil? You know what These woods are too thick and confusing for a satanism is? Educate us. visitor to get around in. The word Satan comes from ancient Hebrew. You think one of our own people is doing this? It just means opposer. We're sure of it. Satan opposes the hypocritical morals and I would know if someone was capable of doing-- dogmas of the so-called holy church and its Dad. followers. I know somebody like that. If you grew up in this town with god shoved down His name's Mike Zizzo. your throat every day you'd oppose it, too. He graduated about 5 years ago. It's all hypocrisy. He's in his 20s, but he still hangs out with high Do this. school kids. Don't do that. He's got a group of them. And all the time, the adults are the ones screwing They follow him everywhere. up. They all get high and listen to heavy metal. So basically we're just atheists. He calls them the lords of destruction. Aggressively atheist. LOD. How aggressive, Mike? You're one of the FBI How do you know this, Cory? It's all right, son. agents, aren't you? Is there something you want I've been there, where they hang out drinking to tell me? Do you think god is vengeful? I don't beers. know. He talks about Satan all the time. You don't think he punishes us? After hurricane Says he's the one true god. Katrina, I read some essays by religious scholars. Where is this place? On the other side of the One writer said god was punishing America for its mountain. immorality. The old Jenson house. New Orleans was a wicked city, like sodom and It's out of my jurisdiction. gomorrah. Not ours. Another one, a priest from New Orleans he Sorry, dad. thought the hurricane was proof of god's love. I'm not going on the raid. Those levees didn't break until after the storm What's up? I don't know yet. was over. FBI! Don't move! I said turn the music down now! If they'd broken sooner, thousands would've died. Up against the wall! Everybody up against the So I guess the answer to your question depends wall now! Up against the wall! Do you believe in on whether or not you think you have something god? Excuse me? Do you believe in god? Yes. to be punished for. How about the devil? Is someone going to tell me My friend Cherish she's missing. why I'm here or are we just going to play staring And it's my fault. games all night? This was found where Cherish I've got to give the sheriff a report. Hanson went missing. I'll be back as soon as I can. No wonder everyone's all freaked out. You guys need anything? Coffee would be nice. Mcallister's perfect debutante is in trouble. He takes about a quart of sugar in it. 90
Criminal Minds Season 1 You got it. And it got to the point where it was happening Morgan. even when I wasn't asleep. You knew I didn't want you to tell Hotch about my Reid, everywhere I went, I saw those eyes. nightmares. What did you do? Gideon. Reid, that's something they need to know about. He knew. What do you mean \"they\"? Hotch and Gideon. I didn't tell him. You told Gideon, too? Yeah, and it's ok, kid. I was like you. What if they think I can't do my job? What if they I didn't want anybody to know. want to pull me off the team? - They won't. He justhe knew. - Oh, yeah? How do you know that? I just do. And he sat me down and he just kind of talked me You had no right, man. through it. I--I confided in you. I still have the nightmares to this day, just not You know, this is exactly what I get when I trust nearly as often. someone. But when they come back, I know how to handle It gets thrown back in my face. them better. Mine started 6 months after I got into the B. What did he say? Did you find her? Cherish? No. A. Did Zizzo say anything? We don't know. U. We've been here the whole time. Yeah. Cory, calm down. Mine. How am I supposed to calm down? Cherish is We were working a strangler case in Montana. missing. Four victims. Did you check all over? We searched the whole Me, I was still pretty young at the time so you house. know, I was feeling myself. What about the outbuilding? Outbuilding? Did you I was cocky, I was arrogant. check the other area? Back in the woods? I didn't The locals, they didn't have anything, so I stepped know there was another area. up. Yeah, it's like a sluice structure or something. I said I can nail down a profile for you just as soon He took me there once. as I can get what I need. It's this way. More victims? She was found the next day. Let's go. So I went down to the scene to do my thing. The skeleton under the tree, he died a year ago. And as I was looking over the body, that's when I He fell off the trail, cracked his head open. saw them. He was just some tourist or something. Her eyes, Reid. How do you know that? We went to see the body They were wide open. all the time. And there was something different about them it We watched it decompose. was like they were looking right at me. Who did? We did. Like she knew. Everybody, the whole group. I asked for a victim. What the hell is this? Why don't you tell us, Mike? Well, here she was. I've never seen this before. That's when they started for me. Pentagram, body, candles, L. Night after night I would fall asleep and I would O. see those eyes. D. They were dead eyes. Lords of destruction. Accusing eyes. I've never seen this. 91
Criminal Minds Season 1 From where I stand, Mike, it looks like you signed a game for their amusement. it. What? As far as I can tell the only kids in that area At first we were just curious, you know? We would who didn't know were Mike Zizzo and the L. go, a couple of us at a time, show each other. O. None of us had ever seen a dead body before. D. And then it kind of became our thing. It's ridiculous. Something that we had that our parents didn't Sounds impossible, it's unbelievable. know about. She told me all about it. It was ours. The guy was a hiker or something. This was a human being. Probably have him listed, missing person I told you that we're being punished. somewhere. It's up here. Jason how do you know the L. This is our secret place. O. Reid? I can't believe this is happening. D. This kind of thing doesn't happen in McAllister. wasn't involved? Well, she said the pentagram You said you read the profiling books. and the candles they weren't there a few months You know bad things happen anywhere. ago. Anywhere at anytime. Which means? Someone wanted us to believe She in there? Is she all right? Cory, she's in there. there were satanists here. Is she dead? She can't be dead. Reid tells me you've read all the profiling books. Look, we drew our stars upside-down, get drunk, Actually kinda hoping to be one of you guys and listen to metal. someday. That's it. Are ya? So then you know what profilers do? The Hey, we don't kill people. unsub likes to inject himself into the investigation. This is your chance to make this right, Zizzo. That's what this type of killer does. You don't want to make it right. Who gave us is Zizzo? Who knew all about him? You wanna blame someone who doesn't conform You're talking about Cory? It was convenient, to your view of how people should act and think. wasn't it? Lucky we had a kid right in the room I need to talk to you, all of you. who could tell us where the L. Reid, I want you to go to the house and see if the O. deputies have come back. D. What? We need the sheriff and the crime scene was. team here. A group of fringe kids nobody in the town would - But-- - Reid. like. Do it. But you called us here to advise you. I can't--I can't believe Cherish I'm sorry about My advice would be to get in front of this before your friend. your son hurts himself or anybody else. I saw her the other day. You know where he is, sheriff? He went up to the It was a pep rally. Jenson house to see if your guys found anything I've been with Brandy Dreifort. on Cherish. Do you know her? She's a friend of my son's. Morgan and Reid are out there right now. She's a friend of Cherish's, too. Hey, sheriff. And? Well, they all knew about the skeleton. Did you open the gun locker? No. Who did? Football team, cheerleaders, everyone. Someone did. They all watched this man decompose like it was There's a revolver missing. 92
Criminal Minds Season 1 You know that we look at a crime scene from a No, you won't. different perspective than regular cops, right? We Tempt not a desperate man. look for more than just the evidence. - Put the gun down. We try to pick up on the behavior of the killer. - Okay all right. For example, the guy we're looking for in this You win. crime would be classified as a disorganized killer. Drop it. Sounds like Zizzo, doesn't it? Yeah. Drop the gun! Ok. Sure it does. Ok. But then again, sometimes a disorganized killer You win. only looks disorganized. I'm putting the gun down. Sometimes it's actually an organized guy, and You're in control, Cory. pretty smart guy. Let him go. Somebody who can manipulate a crime scene to For the evil is man's best force. make it look like somebody else did it. Man must become better and eviler. Because of that, we also gotta look for someone That's what this is about, right? Zarathustra? The who might try to put himself right in the middle of superman? There's no moral obligation for killing an investigation so that he can influence things. someone if you're superior to them? But Especially if he knows exactly what it is that we're nietzsche was speaking metaphorically about looking for. evolving as a species. I mean, he wants to control this, right? And that You're just a horny kid who wanted to get rid of would extend to discovery. the cheerleader's boyfriend. Wantin' the body found when and especially - No. where he wants that body found. - Yes. You mean me? This was more than just a lucky That was never my intent- c'mon. guess, wasn't it? I knew about the building. You all right? What happened? Him bringing us You also knew about Zizzo and the satanism. down here was way too much of a coincidence. I was only trying to help. I got that. Well, you did that. But did you have to tackle us both? You're We couldn't have found this place without you. welcome, Reid. Hey Morgan, no one's up there. C'mon. - Get over here. Let's go, Cory. - Reid. Playwright Eugene Ionesco said \"ideologies Reid. separate us, dreams and anguish bring us - Cory. together. - This got all messed up. \" Reid. Don't be stupid. Deborah Louise Addison. She wasn't supposed to be with him. Her husband Tim. It was his run. The kids are Amber and Keith. He runs it every day, not her. Eight and six. Cory, listen to me. In 1985, Deborah Louise was walking home from We can fix this. school. But you've got to let Reid go. She was abducted. I never meant to hurt her. She was 13. But make no mistake I will shoot your boy right We profiled the unsub. now. And we were able to locate her before he harmed 93
Criminal Minds Season 1 her. She writes a letter to the B. A. U. every year. She updates us on her life. It's nice, but-- We all have bad dreams. Everyone on the plane. Who wouldn't? We hunt the worst of humanity we see the depths of depravity, we dream of monsters. In my dream there's a baby in the middle of a circle and there's someone on the other side. And I can't get to her before-- Every night I look at Deborah helps me to go to sleep thinking of the victims we've saved. We don't always beat the monsters to the babies but we do enough to make the job worth it keep the nightmares bearable. 94
Criminal Minds Season 1 This is my father's world and to my listening ears Apparently it's all about the landing. all nature sings and round me rings the music of How long on the crutches? Just a couple days. the spheres This is my father's world I rest me in So you can't go out in the field? Not on crutches, the thought of rocks and trees, of skies and seas no. his hand the wonders wrought. Don't worry. Wally, that was just amazing. I'll find a way to be helpful here. Charlie, did you hear that? Yes, mom, I heard it. Got a blitz attack. I'm gonna sing at Mrs. No effort to remove the body, clean up evidence. Hatten's Christmas party and she said she's With organized killers, we see a pattern we're gonna give me $5. able to predict their behavior but with psychotic 00 for it. killers, they're guided by a given delusion. - $5. Ok, until we understand the nature of the delusion 00? Do you know what that means? - What? Why, we can't predict his next move. you're a professional. That's nearly impossible to do. Charlie, will you walk Wally home, please? I was Actually, I think we might have a clue. gonna go over to Tommy's and shoot some pool. These rings at that crime scene might be some Come on, Elvis. kind of signature? I can work this angle. Let's get going. I'll see if there's any significance to the patterns. Wally your backpack. Psychotic killers are normally not that difficult to Hope everyone had a restful weekend. catch because they don't try to hide. That sounds ominous. Does that make your job easier? Oh, no. Harringtonville, Tennessee, population 5,000. 'cause until we do locate him he'll keep doing that. They've had 2 in the past 48 hours. They are here? Some of 'em. First victim, 57-year-old widower and grandfather One of 'em went over to the Thompson house. Paul Thompson. Alone? He said he wanna get a feel for the Ambushed in his yard, 18 stab wounds to his neighborhood. chest and his neck. All of the items stolen were taken from the No forced entry into the house and the only item upstairs bedroom. taken was a shotgun. Why didn't he take her purse or cell phone or the Last night, Annie Stuart, 39, was also ambushed jewelry off her body? It just doesn't make any and it appears bludgeoned to death in her home sense. with Thompson's stolen shotgun. Didn't make sense to us, either. In this case, the unsub apparently stole CDs This guy didn't come any closer to her than he DVDs, and a little jewelry. had to. This is a little extreme for a burglary. What do you mean? There's a discrepancy in the That's an understatement. profile. As you can see, Annie's throat was eviscerated. Sheriff Hall, it's quite possible there were 2 people Yet the first victim wasn't eviscerated and the in the house. unsub seems to have used a different weapon at So I have 2 monsters out there? Someone went each crime scene. through the medicine cabinet looking for drugs. Or one very psychotic individual. Excessive methamphetamine abuse can cause What happened to you? I got a list of things I want psychotic violent episodes. to try before it's too late. So you think these guys were junkies? I think And orthopedic surgery's one of them? No, we're dealing with 2 different profiles. skydiving. The killer, yeah, he's a psychotic. 95
Criminal Minds Season 1 The other guy, though, he's just a thief. Crimes like these are always crimes of I mean, the fact that he didn't take the victim's opportunity. jewelry suggests that he identified with her. So the first guy on our suspect list will live in the Meaning what? He probably knew her. closest proximity to the victim. CSU found a soda can by the fence in the grass. Do have a place where we can set up? You can It's marked by that cone. use Simpson's desk. That's right. He's out. We figure the suspect 'the suspects, was lying in You got a phone there and a computer. wait there. Meantime, I'm gonna narrow down that list. ' You spoke to the kid who was having a singing Working from the assumption the rings are a lesson? That's right. signature Sir, I could help you get some of these Why? I'm just wondering why he didn't tell you books back to your exploring their symbolic that he saw the suspect. significance? Just exploringI have nothing. What? Well, CSU found 4 of Wally Brisbane's Well, if if I may, if you were in your office you'd fingerprints right here on the music stand in this have more room to spread out, and you'd get a position. fresh perspective. Now, from where I'm standing, my height I got Do you think? Maybe? No? I need to focus on the tree branches blocking my way. manner in which Annie Stuart was killed. But Wally's 7, so that would put his eye-line right Anything that might have been done to her about here. postmortem. Hi. Get this stuff out of here. I'm Elle Greenaway from the behavioral analysis Sorry. unit of the FBI. Where are the, uh, blueprints of the house? Oh, I don't know what sheriff Hall was thinking asking they're right here on the screen. me to bring him over here. I don't want the blueprints on the screen. I need to talk to your son. I want something I can hold onto. Listen, I think he's been through enough. Here you go. Mrs. It's hot in here. Brisbane, we're really just here to help. Can you fix it? How do you breathe in here? Can Ask him whatever you want, but I'm staying right you try to make it a little cooler in here? Yeah, it's here. pretty cold, but do you have the autopsy reports? Wally, I hear that you're the only person in this I'm gonna have the sheriff from Harringtonville fax whole town who might have seen the man who it over as soon as they come in. did this to your music teacher. Can I have another a cup of coffee, if you would? He didn't see a thing, now, did you, buddy? Wally. They're right here. What did he look like? Crazy. Got it. He was real tall, real skinny and his lip was I'll get the coffee. bleeding and when I saw him through the window, Thank you. he did this the guy the kid described definitely You're welcome. sounds like a tweaker. Hey, you guys find anything? Yeah. Pull the files of all the methamphetamine arrests Elle found an eyewitness, little boy who saw in the past 6 months. someone in the driveway. Will do. That's more than we got at Thompson's. We should narrow the suspect list down We got 2 suspects. according to the guy's residence. Judd Franklin and Domino Thacker. 96
Criminal Minds Season 1 I know Domino. Who was? Some dude, man. He's bad news. I don't know. Serious tweaker. What was he wearing? He had a hood. Cooks his own stuff. What color was it? Black. He live near the crime scenes? Almost directly Black hood. between them. Deputy. Robbery, armed robbery, possession, possession Coming out. with intent. Hey, Domino. This guy's been hospitalized for overdoses and Come here. attempted suicide. It's ok. What do you think? I think we need to find I just want to talk to you. Domino. Come here. Domino Thacker, FBI! Stay. Look at me. Don't move. You didn't do this, did you? Ok. No, no, no, don't run. Hey, if that's true you gotta help us out here. I just want to talk to you. Talk to me. Domino! I just want to talk. You left. Stop! - Stay down! - I didn't do nothin'. You saw him leave. You can't arrest me. And then what? Went in and and she's lying there. Domino Thacker, FBI. You know, um, I needed money real bad so she You're under arrest. was already like that. I'm freezin'. She was like what? You know. We want to know what you were doing at Annie She was all cut up. Stuart's house. She was all butchered up and you robbed her I didn't do nothin'. anyway? It ain't right! It ain't right! I'm sorry! It ain't I got the flu. right. I'm sick is what I am. Oh, god, forgive me. We know you were there, boy. Oh, god It ain't right! I'm sorry! He didn't do it, In the driveway. sheriff. I was lookin' at that car, but I never stoled it. What makes you so sure? He was pretty freaked I was thinkin' about it, but I left. out just thinking about what was done to Annie I seen that kid. Stuart. The blood found on the bottom of your boot is People pretend. Annie Stuart's. Anybody delusional enough to eviscerate Annie The tread from the bottom of your boot is the Stuart would not be lucid enough to recount it the same as the tread found all over the crime scene. way he did. Inside! I didn't do nothin'. All right. Come on now, Domino. I'll have him taken to detox and then I'm gonna How do you think that's gonna hold up in court, arrest him for robbery. huh? Tweaker with a record, blood of the victim all In the meantime, I'd have your men canvass the over. neighborhood again see if they saw a guy in a Think about that. hooded sweatshirt. I Icame back. Will do. I came back to her house. Long. But he was leavin'. Chicken broccoli? It's not that I don't want to, it's 97
Criminal Minds Season 1 just What's that? Oh, it's autopsy reports. Farrell Belvedere, 23. Annie Stuart's body was, um I can't say it. He, uh, took a little too much isd and flipped out in Missing her liver and stomach. a winn dixie tore up a cheese counter. I know that this may seem like a small, dark hole Show Mark Ward. but it's my office, and I like to keep it sort of He's 21. cleanish. 5 counts of petty larceny. Why are you doing that again? He's taking the Attempted suicide, committed for a year but now blood and organs from the bodies and putting he's living back with his parents. them in cylindrical containers. And the last one is Oley Maynor. It's anthropophagy. He has violent mood swings. Anthro what what? You don't want to know. When he was 18, he got arrested for, um biting Give me that. the heads off chickens. I'm a big girl. Like a circus geek? Well, sure, I knew Oley I can take it. Maynor. Literal greek translation is \"man eating. He was the best defensive lineman \" The guy's a cannibal. Harringtonville high's ever had. We are looking for a 20- 30-year-old male. But he was institutionalized years ago. The unsub engages in anthropophagy. He was released a few weeks ago. It's a psychotic conviction that he must drink I saw him just the other day. human blood and possibly eat human flesh. You saw him where? He was with his brother. For Richard Rrenton Chase, the vampire killer he And, in fact I think it looked like they didn't want to drank his victims' blood because he believed that be seen. aliens had invaded his body and were slowly Because he took Oley out of the car and went drinking his blood. straight into his house. And if he didn't get the blood he needed he'd die. When was this, Mrs. Anthropophagy suggests such an extreme level Mays? Jess? What's goin' on, Don? Uh, do me a of psychosis and disorganization that he couldn't favor, Jess. have ventured very far from home to commit uh, put that cleaver down, will you? FBI. these crimes. We're looking for your brother Oley. This guy lives or has lived in this town. What for? Where is he, Jess? You know damn He knows the territory. well. You've all seen him. Where he's been for the past 8 years. Maybe at the ballpark. We talked to the hospital. Or riding his bike home from the grocery store. We know he's been released. He wasn't always a threat. - What was that? - Stay out of there. He could have been your neighbor. You got him back there? Hang on there, Jessie. He might have been your friend. Uh-uh. We think something about his delusion is keeping Don't do it. him here in town. Jess. So we're gonna start at Annie Stuart's house and Don't even think about it. we're gonna spread out there in quadrants. Listen to him. We're gonna eliminate all of his hiding places. Oley Maynor? Elle. Paul Thompson's funeral is this afternoon. Oley? Put that down. A lot of his neighbors are gonna be there. Jess? Jessie? Don't you touch him. So, we got some names of unsubs. Please, Don. 98
Criminal Minds Season 1 I said put it down. have your own show someday. Now. All right. Oley, think. Ha ha! TV and cookies it is. I got a bullet that travels 1,500 feet a second. Now, I'll be back in a minute. How fast you think you can get to us with that I just have to get the cookies and tend to the thing? Let's go. laundry. Put it down. It's up too loud, buddy. Oley, these people will do whatever it takes to Turn it down. solve this thing. The neighbor across the street heard a car They need a confession. screech out of the driveway about 25 minutes ago. Then they'll pin it on you. Well, whose car was it? The grandmother's, No. Annette Giles. We need to prevent another killing. It's a gold '72 buick. And we know that Oley was released from an I already put the APB out on it. institution in Richmond 3 weeks ago. - The parents just got home from work. You should've just told everyone I was home. - I wish to god I'd never spoken to you! - I told you Just shut up, Oley. I didn't want him involved! - I assure you we're Let me tell you something. doing everything to find your little boy. People have poked fun at my brother his whole I want my baby back! Helen, now, look, I won't life. sleep until we find little Wally. Our dad, kids, even teachers at school. Now come on. Well they aren't gonna do it anymore. I know. You don't believe I'm better? Yes, I do. I know. That's why I didn't want to come back home The little boy was at both crime scenes. anyway. The unsub might have been after him all along. Why did you come back, Oley? To say goodbye. I'm sure that's what Mrs. You're living with me. Brisbane thinks. I don't know what the hell you're talking about. I want you to talk to her when she calms down It's always the same old thing. see if she can come up with any leads. Good old Oley he's a hell of a ballplayer, but he's She's not gonna want to talk to me. crazy as a loon. Persuade her. No. You found the body, right, deputy? Yes, sir. There are special homes I can go to. If you don't mind, I'll wait out here. I don't need to stay here. That's fine. I don't want you to go. Do you think this lunatic was after Wally? I want to help you. Psychotic mind it's hard to predict. I'm tired of hiding. Maybe the kid being at both murder scenes was Oley. just a coincidence. You been taking your meds? Every day. He's only 7 years old. Test me. Another evisceration. of rocks and trees, of skies and seas his hands Her throat was slashed. the wonders wrought What's wrong? Nothing. That's why nobody heard her scream. Do it again, please. He split her rib cage open? With these. Granny, I just want to watch TV. Looks like this time his target was the heart. Watch it? With a voice like that, you're gonna Did he take it? Yes. 99
Criminal Minds Season 1 He took the heart? Hotch? Yeah. Well, what the hell is it? It's a human stomach. The heart has always had incredible symbolic Oh, my god. significance. You mean Dave's wife? We can only assume. I mean, aside from just banal romantic Now, none of the neighbors saw anything? Well, associations. we talked to Miss Wade across the road. The egyptians left the heart in mummies because Nothing. they believed the organ ensured eternal life. And the Maynards aren't even home. Something I read oh, there it is oh! Sorry. All right. I'm sorry. We need a 24-hour watch here and at the other It's ok. crime scenes, too. Give me the book. Go on. The big one, right there. Now, agent Hotchner, I need to be very clear here. Ok. Right now all we got is some theory about a Get the book, please, penelope. religious delusion. Here you are. I mean, how the hell do you explain that? Thank you. Sometimes disorganized killers return body parts Where's the crime scene photos? Crime scene to the grave sites. photos are right here, sir. It might be nothing. Does the body look like an angel? Not to me. It might just be a way for him to manipulate the Scan this in and send it to them. body even after death. There wasthere was an article by a cambridge But it may also be an act of remorse. professor. Even in the most extreme psychotic episodes It seems that, uh all the organs the unsub's taken there are variations in lucidity, degrees of stomach, liver, now the heart were thought to be insightfulness. the seat of the soul at one time or another. If i'm coming out of a delusion just killed someone Then he drinks their blood? So when this man and drank their blood and I'm starting to feel bad drinks his victims' blood he believes he's about it where do I go? Sheriff, how many encountering the divine. churches are in this town? Gentlemen, this is the Wait a minute. bible belt. None of this explains why he took the kid. Maybe 15. Well, the, uh unsub made the victim into an angel. I would post an officer at every single one. Maybe the kid's a messianic figure. Call in auxiliary cops if you have them. Let's just hope he doesn't feel the need to All right. sacrifice him. You got it. You stay here, Charlie. Long, get on the phone with me. I won't be long. Ever feel like we just stepped into Mayberry? Hi. Mayberry with a psychotic killer running around. You've reached the home of Annie, David, and There's that. Charlie Stuart. Hey, Derek. Please leave a message after the tone and we'll Does that look like a '72 Buick to you? Yes, it get back to you as soon as possible. does. David, it's Maggie, I'm so sorry about your wife. Hold it right there! FBI! Don't move! Don't move! Could you give us a call let us know what time are Get down! Get on your knees! Get on your knees! services? He must have come by between patrols. Get down! Hands on your head! Let's go! Hands Now, Jackie, it's not your fault. on your head! Don't move! Derek. 100
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