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Home Explore LCSH-อักษร C part2

LCSH-อักษร C part2

Published by Naresuan University Archive, 2019-02-20 03:20:33

Description: Library of Congress Subject Heading
40th Edition
อักษร C p486-815

Keywords: LCSH


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  Shotcrete-lined tunnels Concrete-filled tubes  (May Subd Geog) — Equipment and supplies   Slurry trench construction UF CFTs (Concrete-filled tubes) — — Drawings   Underwater concrete construction   Concrete-filled fiber-reinforced polymer tubes — — Vibration  (May Subd Geog)   Vibrated concrete   Concrete-filled FRP tubes Concrete poetry  (Not Subd Geog) — Bearing pads   Concrete-filled high-strength steel tubes   Concrete-filled steel tubes UF Pattern poetry [TA682.445]   Fiber-reinforced polymer tubes, Concrete-filled BT Concrete art UF Bearing pads (Concrete construction)   High-strength steel tubes, Concrete-filled   Polymer tubes, Concrete-filled fiber-reinforced   Letter-pictures   Pads, Bearing (Concrete construction)   Steel tubes, Concrete-filled   Poetry — Details BT Concrete construction   Typewriter art   Tubes   Visual literature [TA681.5] RT Visual poetry — Deterioration  (May Subd Geog) — Joints Concrete poetry, American  (May Subd Geog) BT Joints (Engineering) UF American concrete poetry BT Concrete—Defects BT American poetry — Formwork Concrete films Concrete poetry, Argentine  (May Subd Geog) USE Abstract films BT Argentine poetry [TA682.44] Concrete poetry, Austrian  (May Subd Geog) UF Forms (Concrete construction) Concrete finishes UF Austrian concrete poetry BT Carpentry USE Concrete—Finishing BT Austrian poetry NT Concrete—Finishing Concrete poetry, Belgian  (May Subd Geog) Concrete flooring UF Belgian concrete poetry   Earth casting USE Flooring, Concrete BT Belgian poetry   Insulating concrete forms Concrete poetry, Brazilian  (May Subd Geog) — Hinges Concrete footings UF Brazilian concrete poetry [TA682.3] UF Footings, Concrete BT Brazilian poetry UF Concrete hinges BT Foundations Concrete poetry, Canadian  (May Subd Geog)   Construction hinges (Concrete) UF Canadian concrete poetry   Reinforced concrete construction—Hinges Concrete girders BT Canadian poetry BT Hinges USE Concrete beams Concrete poetry, Classical  (May Subd Geog) RT Concrete construction—Joints UF Classical concrete poetry — Joints Concrete hinges BT Classical poetry [TA682.3 (Engineering design)] USE Concrete construction—Hinges Concrete poetry, Czech  (May Subd Geog) [TA683.3 (Reinforced concrete)] UF Czech concrete poetry UF Concrete joints Concrete houses  (May Subd Geog) BT Czech poetry   Construction joints (Concrete) [NA7160] Concrete poetry, Dutch  (May Subd Geog)   Reinforced concrete construction—Joints UF Houses, Concrete UF Dutch concrete poetry BT Joints (Engineering) BT Concrete construction BT Dutch poetry RT Concrete construction—Hinges   Dwellings Concrete poetry, English  (May Subd Geog) — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) UF English concrete poetry BT Building laws Concrete hydraulic structures  (May Subd Geog) BT English poetry — Maintenance and repair BT Concrete construction Concrete poetry, French  (May Subd Geog) [TA682.446]   Hydraulic structures UF French concrete poetry — Study and teaching  (May Subd Geog) NT Concrete culverts BT French poetry — Testing   Concrete dams Concrete poetry, German  (May Subd Geog) BT Concrete—Testing UF German concrete poetry — Translations Concrete in art BT German poetry — Vacuum process USE Concrete as art material Concrete poetry, Greek  (May Subd Geog) USE Vacuum concrete process UF Greek concrete poetry Concrete construction, Post-tensioned prestressed Concrete in interior decoration  (May Subd Geog) BT Greek poetry USE Post-tensioned prestressed concrete [NK2115.5.C65] Concrete poetry, Hindi  (May Subd Geog)   construction BT Interior decoration UF Hindi concrete poetry Concrete construction, Submarine BT Hindi poetry USE Underwater concrete construction Concrete inserts Concrete poetry, Hungarian  (May Subd Geog) Concrete construction industry  (May Subd Geog) [TA683.45] UF Hungarian concrete poetry BT Construction industry UF Inserts, Concrete BT Hungarian poetry Concrete countertops  (May Subd Geog) Concrete poetry, Italian  (May Subd Geog) BT Countertops Concrete intelligence UF Italian concrete poetry Concrete culverts  (May Subd Geog) USE Mechanical ability BT Italian poetry [TA447 (Engineering materials)] Concrete poetry, Maltese  (May Subd Geog) BT Concrete hydraulic structures Concrete joints UF Maltese concrete poetry   Culverts USE Concrete construction—Joints BT Maltese poetry NT Reinforced concrete culverts Concrete poetry, Peruvian  (May Subd Geog) Concrete curing Concrete masonry  (May Subd Geog) UF Peruvian concrete poetry USE Concrete—Curing [TH1491 (Building construction)] BT Peruvian poetry Concrete cutting  (May Subd Geog) UF Building, Concrete block Concrete poetry, Polish  (May Subd Geog) UF Concrete—Cutting   Concrete block building UF Polish concrete poetry BT Cutting   Concrete block masonry BT Polish poetry Concrete dams  (May Subd Geog)   Construction, Concrete block Concrete poetry, Portuguese  (May Subd Geog) [TC547] BT Concrete construction UF Portuguese concrete poetry BT Concrete hydraulic structures   Masonry BT Portuguese poetry   Dams Concrete poetry, Sinhalese  (May Subd Geog) NT Arch dams Concrete mine supports UF Sinhalese concrete poetry   Buttress dams [TN289.5] BT Sinhalese poetry   Gravity dams UF Mine supports, Concrete Concrete poetry, Slovak  (May Subd Geog) — Earthquake effects  (May Subd Geog)   Mine supports, Reinforced concrete UF Slovak concrete poetry — Foundations  (May Subd Geog)   Reinforced concrete mine supports BT Slovak poetry [TC547] BT Ground control (Mining) Concrete poetry, Slovenian  (May Subd Geog) BT Foundations UF Slovenian concrete poetry — Thermal properties  (May Subd Geog) Concrete mixers  (May Subd Geog) BT Slovenian poetry [TC547] UF Cement mixers Concrete poetry, Spanish  (May Subd Geog) Concrete domes  (May Subd Geog) BT Concrete UF Spanish concrete poetry [TH2170.5 (Construction)]   Mixing machinery BT Spanish poetry BT Domes Concrete poetry, Swedish  (May Subd Geog) Concrete face brick Concrete music UF Swedish concrete poetry [TP832.C] USE Musique concrète BT Swedish poetry BT Bricks Concrete poetry, Swiss  (May Subd Geog)   Concrete products Concrete of rose UF Swiss concrete poetry Concrete-filled fiber-reinforced polymer tubes USE Rose concrete BT Swiss poetry USE Concrete-filled tubes Concrete poetry, Tamil  (May Subd Geog) Concrete-filled FRP tubes Concrete operations (Psychology)  (May Subd Geog) UF Tamil concrete poetry USE Concrete-filled tubes [BF723.C645] BT Tamil poetry Concrete-filled high-strength steel tubes UF Operations, Concrete (Psychology) USE Concrete-filled tubes BT Cognition in children Concrete-filled steel tubes USE Concrete-filled tubes Concrete panels [TA683.5.P35] UF Panels, Concrete BT Buildings, Prefabricated   Plates (Engineering)   Precast concrete RT Concrete slabs Concrete pavements USE Pavements, Concrete Concrete piling [TA787] BT Concrete construction   Piling (Civil engineering) Concrete pipe USE Pipe, Concrete Concrete plants  (May Subd Geog) — Electric equipment  (May Subd Geog) C-585

Concrete poetry, Thai  (May Subd Geog) Concrete trusses USE International Contest of Anti-Imperialist UF Thai concrete poetry USE Trusses, Concrete   Cartoons \"Sandino Lives\", Managua, BT Thai poetry   Nicaragua, 1984 Concrete walls Concrete poles  (May Subd Geog) [TA683.5.W34 (Engineering)] Concurso Internacional de Caricaturas, Managua, UF Poles, Concrete [TH2245 (Building)] Nicaragua, 1983 BT Poles (Engineering) UF Reinforced concrete walls USE International Contest of Anti-Imperialist NT Prestressed concrete poles BT Walls   Cartoons, Managua, Nicaragua, 1983 Concrete products — Blast effect  (May Subd Geog) Concurso Nacional de Arquitectura y Urbanismo Carlos [TP885] UF Bomb damage to concrete walls Lleras Restrepo, Bogotá, Colombia, 1991 BT Concrete BT Blast effect BT Architecture—Competitions—Colombia   Concrete construction NT Concrete beams — Design and construction Concussion of the brain   Concrete blocks — — Approximation methods USE Brain—Concussion   Concrete face brick   Concrete railroad ties BT Approximation theory Condall family   Concrete slabs Concretions  (May Subd Geog) USE Condill family   Pipe, Concrete   Sewers, Concrete [QE471.15.C58] Condamine couch BT Diagenesis USE Phyla canescens Concrete products industry  (May Subd Geog) NT Coal balls [HD9622] Concretions (Pathology) Condamine curse BT Building materials industry USE Calculi USE Phyla canescens NT Precast concrete industry Concubinage  (May Subd Geog) UF Concubinage—Law and legislation Condamine River (Qld.) Concrete pumping RT Common law marriage BT Rivers—Australia USE Concrete—Pump placing   Free love Condan family Concrete railroad ties  (May Subd Geog) BT Marriage USE Condon family UF Railroads—Ties, Concrete [Former heading] BT Concrete products   Marriage law Conde,́ House of  (Not Subd Geog)   Railroad ties NT Mistresses UF Bourbon-Condé, House of NT Concrete street-railroad ties — Conflict of laws   House of Bourbon-Condé   House of Condé Concrete research USE Conflict of laws—Concubinage BT France—Kings and rulers USE Concrete—Research — Law and legislation RT Bourbon, House of   Conti, House of Concrete roads  (May Subd Geog) USE Concubinage [TE278-TE278.8] Concubinage (Greek law) Condé de la Mobile, Fort (Mobile, Ala.) UF Roads, Concrete [Former heading] USE Fort Charlotte (Mobile, Ala.) BT Roads BT Law, Greek Concubinage (Islamic law)  (May Subd Geog) Conde de Mirasol Fort (P.R.) — Joints USE Fortiń Conde de Mirasol (P.R.) BT Joints (Engineering) [KBP546.17] BT Islamic law Conde family  (Not Subd Geog) — Riding qualities  (May Subd Geog) Concubinage (Jewish law) Conde Street (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic) UF Riding qualities of concrete roads BT Jewish law Concubinage (Roman law) USE Calle el Conde (Santo Domingo, Dominican Concrete roofing BT Roman law   Republic) USE Roofing, Concrete Concupiscence USE Lust Condebamba River (Peru) Concrete sculpture  (May Subd Geog) Concurrent Aggregates (Computer program language) UF Río Condebamba (Peru) [NB1215] UF CA (Computer program language) BT Rivers—Peru BT Sculpture BT Programming languages (Electronic RT Cement sculpture Condebamba River Valley (Peru)   computers) UF Condebamba Valley (Peru) Concrete sculpture, Spanish  (May Subd Geog) Concurrent custody of children BT Valleys—Peru UF Spanish concrete sculpture USE Joint custody of children Condebamba Valley (Peru) Concrete sewers Concurrent engineering  (May Subd Geog) USE Condebamba River Valley (Peru) USE Sewers, Concrete UF Simultaneous engineering Condell family Concrete shells BT Engineering USE Condill family USE Shells, Concrete Concurrent enrollment USE Dual enrollment Condemnation, Inverse Concrete ships Concurrent Euclid (Computer program language) USE Inverse condemnation USE Ships, Concrete [QA76.73.C] BT Programming languages (Electronic Condemnation of land Concrete slabs USE Eminent domain [TA682.5.S5 (Concrete construction)]   computers) [TA683.5.S6 (Reinforced concrete construction)] Concurrent Pascal (Computer program language) Condemned books [TP885.C7 (Manufacture)] USE Prohibited books UF Reinforced concrete slabs [QA76.73.C]   Slabs, Concrete BT Pascal (Computer program language) Condemned societies BT Concrete products Concurrent powers UF Prohibited societies   Slabs USE Exclusive and concurrent legislative powers BT Societies   Stone, Artificial Concurrent processing (Computer science) RT Concrete blocks USE Computer multitasking Condemned societies (Canon law)   Concrete panels ConcurrentSmalltalk (Computer program language) BT Canon law NT Composite construction [QA76.73.C] BT Object-oriented programming languages Conden family — Electromechanical analogies Concurring opinions  (May Subd Geog) USE Condon family Concrete stoppings (Mining) UF Separate opinions (Concurring opinions) BT Judicial opinions Condensate oil wells  (May Subd Geog) [TN304] Concurs Internacional d'Ex-libris, Barcelona, Spain, UF Corrosive oil wells UF Concrete block stoppings (Mining) 1992   Distillate oil wells USE Bookplate International Contest, Barcelona,   Gas-condensate wells   Stoppings, Concrete (Mining)   Sour oil wells BT Brattices (Mining)   Spain, 1992 BT Gas condensate reservoirs Concurso de Caricatura Antimperialista, Managua,   Oil wells   Concrete blocks   Mine ventilation Nicaragua, 1983 Condensate reservoirs, Gas — Airtightness USE International Contest of Anti-Imperialist USE Gas condensate reservoirs [TN304]   Cartoons, Managua, Nicaragua, 1983 Condensation  (May Subd Geog) UF Air leakage in concrete stoppings (Mining) Concurso de Caricatura Antimperialista \"Sandino Vive\", [QC301-QC309 (Physics)] [QD281.C7 (Chemistry)]   Airtightness of concrete stoppings (Mining) Managua, Nicaragua, 1984 BT Change of state (Physics)   Leakage of air in concrete stoppings USE International Contest of Anti-Imperialist   Chemistry   (Mining) NT Bose-Einstein condensation BT Sealing (Technology)   Cartoons \"Sandino Lives\", Managua,   Mercury vapor—Condensation Concrete street-railroad ties  (May Subd Geog)   Nicaragua, 1984   Moisture UF Street-railroad ties, Concrete Concurso \"El Humor como Arma de la Lucha   Street-railroads—Ties, Concrete [Former Ideológica\", Managua, Nicaragua, 1983 Condensation (Meteorology)   heading] USE International Contest of Anti-Imperialist [QC921.6.C6] BT Concrete railroad ties   Cartoons, Managua, Nicaragua, 1983 RT Atmospheric nucleation Concrete surface finishes Concurso Internacional de Caricatura Antimperialista, BT Cloud physics USE Concrete—Finishing Managua, Nicaragua, 1983 RT Moisture Concrete tanks  (May Subd Geog) USE International Contest of Anti-Imperialist NT Condensation trails UF Ferrocement tanks   Cartoons, Managua, Nicaragua, 1983   Reinforced concrete tanks Concurso Internacional de Caricatura Antimperialista, Condensation and expansion, Thermal BT Tanks Managua, Nicaragua, 1984 USE Expansion (Heat) Condensation control in buildings USE Dampness in buildings Condensation of chromosomes, Premature USE Premature chromosome condensation Condensation polymerization USE Polycondensation C-586

Condensation products (Chemistry)   Nullity sales in which the buyer gains immediate possession [QD341]   Roman law but the seller retains title until the buyer performs a [QD391] Condicioń (Dance)  (May Subd Geog) condition, such as payment in full of the purchase BT Chemistry, Organic [GV1796.C57] price. Works on contracts requiring or authorizing the RT Plastics BT Dance delivery of goods in separate lots, or payments in NT Aldol condensation Condict Building (New York, N.Y.) separate increments, to be separately accepted, are   Claisen condensation USE Bayard-Condict Building (New York, N.Y.) entered under Installment contracts.   Phenolic resins Condictio   Polyesters USE Unjust enrichment (Roman law) UF Conditional sales—Law and legislation   Schiff bases Condiff family   Hire-purchase USE Cundiff family   Installment plan—Law and legislation Condensation trails Condil family   Installment sales [TL557.C7] USE Condill family   Sales, Conditional [Former heading] UF Airplanes—Condensation trails Condill family  (Not Subd Geog)   Contrails UF Condall family BT Sales   Vapor trails   Condell family RT Chattel mortgages BT Aeronautics   Condil family   Clouds   Cundell family   Liens   Condensation (Meteorology)   Cundill family NT Layaway plan   Meteorology in aeronautics Condiment industry  (May Subd Geog) — Conflict of laws [HD9330.C63-HD9330.C634] Condensed books BT Food industry and trade USE Conflict of laws—Conditional sales [PN6013.5] NT Chutney industry — Law and legislation UF Abridged books   Jam industry   Book digests   Marmalade industry USE Conditional sales   Books, Abridged   Mayonnaise industry Conditional sales (Islamic law)  (May Subd Geog)   Books, Condensed [Former heading] Condiments  (May Subd Geog)   Digests of books [GT2870 (Manners and customs)] UF Sales, Conditional (Islamic law) [Former BT Books [TX819 (Cookery)]   heading] BT Cooking Condensed degenerate gases   Food BT Islamic law USE Superfluidity NT Chili powder Conditional sales (Roman law)   Chutney Condensed materials   Curry powder UF Commissoria lex (Rescission of sales) USE Condensed matter   Garum   Lex commissoria (Rescission of sales)   Hot pepper sauces   Pactum commissorium (Rescission of sales) Condensed matter   Irradiated condiments   Pactum reservati dominii [QC173.45-QC173.458.U54]   Jam   Sales, Conditional (Roman law) [Former UF Condensed materials   Jelly   heading]   Condensed media   Ketchup   Condensed phase   Mayonnaise BT Roman law   Materials, Condensed   Mustard (Condiment) Conditional statements (Logic)   Media, Condensed   Salsas (Cooking)   Phase, Condensed   Spices USE Conditionals (Logic) BT Liquids Condine family Conditionalism   Matter USE Condon family   Solids Condit family  (Not Subd Geog) USE Conditional immortality NT Luttinger liquids UF Conditt family Conditionality (Buddhism)   Quasicrystals   Cunditt family   Soft condensed matter Conditio juris USE Pratītyasamutpad̄ a USE Condicio juris Conditionality (International relations)  (May Subd Geog) — Universalities Condition (Buddhism) [QC173.4.C65] USE Pratyaya Here are entered works on the requirement that UF Universalities in condensed matter Condition monitoring (Structural engineering) nations meet certain conditions, such as restructuring USE Structural health monitoring their economies or respecting human rights, to be Condensed media Condition monitoring of airplanes eligible to receive foreign aid or loans, or to have USE Condensed matter USE Airplanes—Monitoring normal relations with other nations. Condition monitoring of historic sites Condensed milk  (May Subd Geog) USE Historic sites—Monitoring UF Political conditionality [SF259] Condition monitoring of machinery BT International relations UF Milk, Condensed [Former heading] USE Machinery—Monitoring RT Economic assistance BT Concentrated milk Condition scoring of cattle USE Cattle—Condition scoring   Loans, Foreign — Use in cooking Conditional expectations (Mathematics) Conditionals (Grammar) USE Cooking (Condensed milk) UF Conditional mathematical expectations   Conditional mean (Mathematics) USE Grammar, Comparative and Condensed phase   Expectations, Conditional mathematical   general—Conditionals USE Condensed matter   Mathematical expectations, Conditional BT Probabilities Conditionals (Logic) Condensed type  (May Subd Geog) Conditional fees [BC199.C56] [Z250.5.C65] USE Contingent fees UF Conditional statements (Logic) UF Type and type-founding—Condensed type Conditional immortality BT Grammar, Comparative and general   [Former heading] [BT920-BT925]   Logic BT Type and type-founding Here are entered works on the Christian NT Counterfactuals (Logic) theological doctrine that immortality is not intrinsic to Condenser microphone man but is a divine gift only to the believer. Conditioned emotional response USE Electrostatic microphone USE Emotional conditioning UF Conditionalism Condensers (Electricity)   Conditioned immortality Conditioned eyelid response USE Capacitors   Immortality, Conditional USE Eyelid conditioning   Immortality, Conditioned Condensers (Steam) Conditioned immortality [TJ557-TJ565] BT Immortality USE Conditional immortality BT Steam-engines RT Annihilationism NT Jet condensers Conditional mathematical expectations Conditioned operant response USE Conditional expectations (Mathematics) USE Operant conditioning — Fouling  (May Subd Geog) Conditional mean (Mathematics) BT Fouling USE Conditional expectations (Mathematics) Conditioned reflexes Conditional reflexes USE Conditioned response Condensers (Vapors and gases) USE Conditioned response [TP363] Conditional response Conditioned response  (May Subd Geog) UF Vapor condensers USE Conditioned response [BF319-BF319.5 (Psychology)] Conditional sales  (May Subd Geog) [QP416 (Physiology)] Conderman family Here are entered works on the legal aspects of UF Conditional reflexes USE Countryman family   Conditional response   Conditioned reflexes Conderton Camp (England)   Response, Conditioned UF Danes Camp (England) BT Association of ideas BT Fortification, Prehistoric—England   Behaviorism (Psychology)   Learning, Psychology of Condes de Heras y Soto Palace (Mexico City, Mexico)   Reflexes USE Palacio de Manrique y la Canoa (Mexico City, RT Habituation (Neuropsychology)   Mexico) NT Autonomic conditioning   Autoshaping (Psychology) Condesa Bay (Chile)   Aversive stimuli UF Bahía Condesa (Chile)   Behavior modification   Bahiá de la Condesa (Chile)   Classical conditioning BT Bays—Chile   Emotional conditioning   Extinction (Psychology) Condicio juris  (May Subd Geog)   Eyelid conditioning UF Conditio juris   Operant behavior BT Civil law   Operant conditioning   Orienting reflex   Reinforcement (Psychology)   Stimulus generalization C-587

Conditioned response  (Continued)   Condoms—Utilization   Rubbers (Condoms)   Stimulus satiation   Usage of condoms   Sheath contraceptives   Substitution (Psychology)   Use of condoms BT Male contraceptives   Vasomotor conditioning   Utilization of condoms   Sexually transmitted   Verbal behavior BT Male contraception   diseases—Prevention—Equipment and   Verbal conditioning   Sexually transmitted diseases—Prevention   supplies — Religious aspects NT Female condoms Conditioners, Hair — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] — Advertising USE Hair conditioners Condom utilization USE Advertising—Condoms USE Condom use — Complications  (May Subd Geog) Conditioners, Soil Condominio Venti Uno Aprile (Milan, Italy) USE Soil conditioners UF Condominio XXI Aprile (Milan, Italy) UF Condoms—Complications and sequelae   Venti Uno Aprile Condominium (Milan, Italy)   [Former heading] Conditioning, Air   XXI Aprile Condominium (Milan, Italy) USE Air conditioning BT Apartment houses—Italy — Complications and sequelae   Condominiums—Italy USE Condoms—Complications Conditioning, Classical Condominio XXI Aprile (Milan, Italy) USE Classical conditioning USE Condominio Venti Uno Aprile (Milan, Italy) — Tariff Condominium (Housing) USE Tariff on condoms Conditioning, Covert USE Condominiums USE Covert conditioning Condominium (International law) — Use [KZ4051] USE Condom use Conditioning, Eyelid BT International law USE Eyelid conditioning   Sovereignty — Utilization Condominium (Real property) USE Condom use Conditioning, Instrumental USE Condominiums USE Operant conditioning Condominium association fees Condoms in art  (Not Subd Geog) USE Condominium fees Condon family  (Not Subd Geog) Conditioning, Operant Condominium associations  (May Subd Geog) USE Operant conditioning UF Community associations, Condominium UF Condan family BT Common interest ownership community   Conden family Conditioning of alpha-bearing wastes   associations   Condine family USE Alpha-bearing wastes—Conditioning — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog)   Condol family Condominium conversion   Congden family Conditioning of hair USE Condominiums—Conversion   Congdon family USE Hair—Conditioning Condominium fees  (May Subd Geog) UF Condo fees Cóndor, Cordillera del (Ecuador and Peru) Conditioning of sewage sludge   Condominium association fees USE Condor Range (Ecuador and Peru) USE Sewage sludge—Conditioning BT Fees, Administrative Condominium office buildings  (May Subd Geog) Condor (Airplane : Focke-Wulf Fw 200) Conditioning of sludge UF Commercial condominiums USE Focke-Wulf Fw 200 (Airplane) USE Sewage sludge—Conditioning BT Condominiums   Office buildings Condor (Missile)  (Not Subd Geog) Conditioning rinses, Hair — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) BT Intermediate-range ballistic missiles USE Hair conditioners Condominiums  (May Subd Geog) [HD7287.65-HD7287.67] Condor (Transport plane) Conditions, Acute (Diseases) Here are entered works on condominiums in USE An-124 (Transport plane) USE Acute diseases general as well as works on condominium housing. Condor Range (Ecuador and Peru) Conditions, Immoral (Law) UF Condominium (Housing) [Former heading] UF Coń dor, Cordillera del (Ecuador and Peru) USE Immoral conditions (Law)   Condominium (Real property)   Cordillera del Coń dor (Ecuador and Peru)   Condos BT Andes Conditions (Islamic law)  (May Subd Geog)   Cotenancy   Mountains—Ecuador BT Islamic law   Horizontal property   Mountains—Peru   Property, Horizontal Conditions (Jewish law) Condorcet family  (Not Subd Geog) BT Jewish law BT Common interest ownership communities Cóndores, Palacio de los (Maracaibo, Venezuela)   Joint tenancy Conditions (Law)  (May Subd Geog)   Real property USE Palacio de Gobierno de Zulia (Maracaibo, BT Civil law   Venezuela)   Contracts RT Apartment houses, Cooperative RT Modus (Civil law) NT Condominium office buildings Condorito, Parque Nacional Quebrada del (Argentina) NT Expectancies (Law) USE Parque Nacional Quebrada del Condorito   Immoral conditions (Law)   Timesharing (Real estate)   (Argentina)   Indemnity against liability — Conversion   Resolution (Civil law) Condors  (May Subd Geog) [HD7287.66] [QL696.C53 (Zoology)] Conditions (Roman law) UF Apartment houses—Conversion to BT New World vultures BT Roman law NT Andean condor   condominiums   California condor Conditions and laws of chemical reaction   Condominium conversion USE Chemical reaction, Conditions and laws of   Conversion of rental housing to Condors, Fossil   condominiums [QE872.V9] Conditt family BT Rental housing BT Birds, Fossil USE Condit family — — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) NT Breagyps — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) CondLonges, Cormac (Legendary character) — Taxation  (May Subd Geog) Condos USE Cormac Connloinges (Legendary character) — — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) USE Condominiums — Finland Condlyffe family NT Bostadsaktiebolaget Pantern Asunto- Condottieri USE Cundiff family   osakeyhtiö (Turku, Finland) [DG532-DG537] — Illinois BT Mercenary troops Condo fees NT Gaslight Condominium (Chicago, Ill.)   Soldiers of fortune USE Condominium fees — Italy NT Condominio Venti Uno Aprile (Milan, Italy) Condra family Condol family — Malaysia USE Condry family USE Condon family NT Highland Towers (Ulu Kelang, Selangor,   Malaysia) Condran family  (Not Subd Geog) Condolence, Etiquette of — New York (State) Condray family USE Etiquette NT Barbizon/63 (New York, N.Y.)   Trump Tower (New York, N.Y.) USE Condry family Condolence Ceremony (Iroquois rite)  (May Subd Geog) — Washington (D.C.) Condre family UF Journeying on the Trail (Iroquois rite) — Washington (State)   Longhouse Ceremony (Iroquois rite) NT Sunset Plaza (Tacoma, Wash.) USE Condry family   Over the Forest (Iroquois rite) Condomless sex Condrey family   Requickening Address (Iroquois rite) USE Unsafe sex BT Iroquois Indians—Rites and ceremonies Condoms  (May Subd Geog) USE Condry family UF Prophylactics (Condoms) Condrodite Condolence letters USE Condolence notes USE Chondrodite Condron family  (Not Subd Geog) Condolence notes  (May Subd Geog) Condros (Belgium) [BJ2115.C65] UF Condolence letters USE Condroz (Belgium)   Letters of condolence Condroz (Belgium)   Notes, Condolence   Notes of condolence UF Condros (Belgium) BT Letters   Le Condroz (Belgium)   Mourning etiquette Condry family  (Not Subd Geog) Condom (The English word) UF Condra family [PE1599.C65]   Condray family BT English language—Etymology   Condre family   Condrey family Condom industry  (May Subd Geog)   LeCondre family [H9995.C6-HD9995.C64] BT Contraceptives industry Conduć ia Bay (Mozambique) UF Bahia Conduć ia (Mozambique) Condom usage   Baía da Condúcia (Mozambique) USE Condom use   Baiá da Condúncia (Mozambique) Condom use  (May Subd Geog) UF Condom usage   Condom utilization   Condoms—Use C-588

  Conduń cia, Baiá da (Mozambique)   Virtue Conductivity, Electric BT Bays—Mozambique   Worldliness USE Electric conductivity Conduct, Disorderly — Early works to 1800 USE Disorderly conduct Conductivity, Electron bombardment Conduct disorders in adolescence  (May Subd Geog) [BJ1550-BJ1568] USE Electron bombardment conductivity [RJ506.C65] Conduct of life in literature  (Not Subd Geog) BT Adolescent psychopathology Conducti Conductivity, Heat Conduct disorders in children  (May Subd Geog) USE Thermal conductivity [RJ506.C65] USE Conductus UF Acting-out (Child psychiatry) Conductimetric analysis Conductivity, Thermal USE Thermal conductivity   Antisocial personality disorders in children USE Conductometric analysis   CD (Child psychiatry) Conducting  (May Subd Geog) Conductivity of electrolytes   Child conduct disorders USE Electrolytes—Conductivity   Disturbance of conduct (Child psychiatry) [ML458 (History)]   Misconduct (Child psychiatry) [MT85 (Instruction)] Conductometric analysis BT Behavior disorders in children Here are entered works on instrumental [QD116.C65] NT Aggressiveness in children conducting or a combination of instrumental and UF Amperometric analysis   Juvenile delinquency choral conducting. Works on choral conducting are   Conductimetric analysis   Juvenile homicide entered under Choral conducting.   Titration, Conductometric   Pyromania in children BT Electrochemical analysis Conduct in courtrooms UF Band conducting USE Conduct of court proceedings   Conducting (Music) [Former heading] Conductors, African American (Music) Conduct of court proceedings  (May Subd Geog)   Music conducting USE African American conductors (Music) UF Conduct in courtrooms   Orchestra conducting   Court proceedings, Conduct of Conductors, Electric   Courtroom decorum BT Music—Performance USE Electric conductors   Courtroom proceedings NT Choral conducting   Decorum in court Conducting, Choral Conductors, One-dimensional   Legal decorum USE Choral conducting USE One-dimensional conductors   Photographing of court proceedings Conducting (Music) BT Legal etiquette USE Conducting Conductors, Organic   Procedure (Law) Conducting polymers  (May Subd Geog) USE Organic conductors   Publicity (Law) [QD382.C66] NT Audiotapes in courtroom proceedings UF Electroactive polymers Conductors, Railroad   Closed-circuit television in courtroom USE Railroad conductors   proceedings   Electroconductive polymers   Contempt of court BT Polymers Conductors, Superionic   Television broadcasting of court proceedings RT Conjugated polymers USE Superionic conductors   Video tapes in courtroom proceedings Conduct of court proceedings (Jewish law)   Organic conductors Conductors (Music)  (May Subd Geog) BT Jewish law NT Polyanilines [ML402 (Collective biography)] Conduct of life Conducting system of the heart [ML422 (Individual biography)] [BJ1545-BJ1695] USE Heart conduction system UF Music conductors Here are entered works on standards of behavior Conducting tissues of bryophytes   Music directors and works containing moral guidance and advice to USE Bryophytes—Conducting tissues BT Musicians the individual. Conduction, Hopping NT Band directors USE Hopping conduction   Bandmasters UF Ethics, Practical Conduction, Neural   Children of music conductors   Morals USE Neural conduction   Choral conductors   Personal conduct Conduction anesthesia  (May Subd Geog)   Gay conductors (Music) [RD84]   Women conductors (Music) BT Ethics UF Block anesthesia RT Philosophical counseling — United States SA subdivision Conduct of life under classes of   Perineural anesthesia NT African American conductors (Music)   Regional anesthesia   persons, e.g. Youth--Conduct of life BT Anesthesia Conductors' spouses NT Altruism NT Local anesthesia USE Spouses of music conductors   Nerve block   Benevolence   Paravertebral anesthesia Conductus  (May Subd Geog)   Brotherliness   Peridural anesthesia UF Conducti   Caring   Spinal anesthesia BT Part songs, Latin   Charity — Complications  (May Subd Geog)   Part songs, Sacred   Cheerfulness   Songs, Latin (Medieval and modern)   Constancy UF Conduction anesthesia—Complications   Courage   and sequelae [Former heading] Conduff family   Discretion USE Cundiff family   Etiquette — Complications and sequelae   Exploitation USE Conduction anesthesia—Complications Conduit Colliery (England)   Fairness BT Coal mines and mining—England   Faultfinding Conduction anesthesia in children  (May Subd Geog)   Filial piety [RD84] Conduits   Folly BT Pediatric anesthesia USE Aqueducts   Forgiveness   Electric conduits   Friendship Conduction aphasia  (May Subd Geog)   Honor [RC425.3] Conduń cia, Baía da (Mozambique)   Ingratitude BT Aphasia USE Conduć ia Bay (Mozambique)   Justice   Kindness Conduction band Condurango   Loyalty UF Band, Conduction USE Cundurango   Mateship (Australia) BT Electric conductivity   Mediocrity   Electron mobility Condylarthra  (May Subd Geog)   Modesty RT Energy-band theory of solids [QE882.U8]   Obedience   Free electron theory of metals BT Mammals, Fossil   Patience NT Amorphous semiconductors—Switching   Ungulates, Fossil   Pride and vanity   Conduction electrons NT Meniscotheriidae   Prudence   Hopping conduction   Phenacodontidae   Reliability   Many-valley semiconductors   Respect   Thermally stimulated currents Condyle of the mandible   Respect for persons USE Mandibular condyle   Self-interest Conduction electrons   Sharing UF Outer-shell electrons Condyloderes  (May Subd Geog)   Simplicity   Valence electrons [QL391.K5 (Zoology)]   Sportsmanship BT Conduction band BT Centroderidae   Success   Electrons   Sympathy Condylomata acuminata   Thoughtfulness Conduction of heat USE Genital warts USE Heat—Conduction Condylura  (May Subd Geog) Conduction system of the heart [QL737.S76 (Zoology)] USE Heart conduction system BT Moles (Animals) NT Star-nosed mole Conductive education  (May Subd Geog) UF CE (Conductive education) Condylura cristata BT Movement disorders—Treatment USE Star-nosed mole   Special education Condylura longicaudata Conductive rubber USE Star-nosed mole USE Rubber—Electric properties Condylura macroura Conductive system of the heart USE Star-nosed mole USE Heart conduction system Condylura nigra USE Star-nosed mole Condylura parva USE Star-nosed mole Condylura prasinatus USE Star-nosed mole Condylura radiata USE Star-nosed mole C-589

Cone Conemaugh Valley (Pa.) BT Conestoga Indians—History [QA491] UF Conemaugh River Valley (Pa.)   Massacres—Pennsylvania [QA521] BT Valleys—Pennsylvania [QA561] RT Pennsylvania—History—Colonial period, ca. BT Geometry, Descriptive Conenose bugs   1600-1775   Geometry, Solid USE Conenoses Conestoga River (Pa.) — Aerodynamics Conenoses  (May Subd Geog) UF Conestoga Creek (Pa.) [Former heading] BT Aerodynamics [QL523.R4 (Zoology)] BT Rivers—Pennsylvania NT Cone—Hypersonic aerodynamics UF Cone-nose bugs   Cone-nosed bugs Conestoga River Water Trail (Pa.) — Hypersonic aerodynamics  (Not Subd Geog)   Conenose bugs BT Water trails—Pennsylvania BT Aerodynamics, Hypersonic   Kissing bugs   Cone—Aerodynamics   Triatominae [Former heading] Conestoga River Watershed (Pa.)   Triatomines BT Watersheds—Pennsylvania — Thermodynamics BT Assassin bugs BT Thermodynamics NT Rhodnius Conet family   Triatoma USE Cornetti family Cone (Botany) USE Cones (Botany) Conenoses as carriers of disease  (May Subd Geog) Conetti family BT Insects as carriers of disease USE Cornetti family Cone diseases USE Cones (Botany)—Diseases and pests Conepat Conewago Creek (Adams County and York County, USE Conepatus leuconotus Pa.) Cone family  (Not Subd Geog) BT Rivers—Pennsylvania UF Cones family Conepatus USE Hog-nosed skunks Conewago Creek (Lebanon County, Dauphin County, Cone insect pests and Lancaster County, Pa.) USE Cones (Botany)—Diseases and pests Conepatus leuconotus  (May Subd Geog) BT Rivers—Pennsylvania [QL737.C248 (Zoology)] Cone-nose bugs UF Badger skunk Conewago Creek Valley (Adams County and York USE Conenoses   Conepat County, Pa.)   Conepatus texensis BT Valleys—Pennsylvania Cone-nosed bugs   Eastern hog-nosed skunk USE Conenoses   Gulf Coast hog-nosed skunk Conewago Creek Watershed (Lebanon County,   North American hog-nosed skunk Dauphin County, and Lancaster County, Pa.) Cone pathogens   Rooter skunk BT Watersheds—Pennsylvania USE Cones (Botany)—Diseases and pests   Texan skunk   White-backed hog-nosed skunk Conewago Recreational Trail (Pa.) Cone pests   White-backed skunk BT Trails—Pennsylvania USE Cones (Botany)—Diseases and pests BT Hog-nosed skunks Coneworm, Blister Cone Pond (N.H.) Conepatus texensis USE Blister coneworm BT Ponds—New Hampshire USE Conepatus leuconotus Coneworm, Ponderosa pine Cone Pond Watershed (N.H.) Coner family USE Ponderosa pine coneworm BT Watersheds—New Hampshire USE O'Connor family Coney (Pika) Cone propulsion (Boats) Conerly family USE American pika USE Jet boat engines USE Connelly family Coney Island (New York, N.Y.) Cone Sul (South America) Conero, Parco regionale del (Italy) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic USE Southern Cone of South America USE Parco regionale del Conero (Italy) subdivision. Coneby Creek (N.C.) Coneroe family USE Conaby Creek (N.C.) USE Conarroe family BT Amusement parks—New York (State)   Resorts—New York (State) Conecuh National Forest (Ala.) Conerty family  (Not Subd Geog) BT Forest reserves—Alabama UF Conarty family Coney Island Park (Bermuda Islands)   National parks and reserves—Alabama   Conaty family BT Parks—Bermuda Islands   Connaghty family Conecuh River (Fla. and Ala.)   Connarty family Coney Lake Site (Colo.) BT Rivers—Alabama   Connerty family BT Colorado—Antiquities   Rivers—Florida   O'Conaghty family Coneybear family Conecuh River Watershed (Fla. and Ala.) Cones, Funerary USE Conybeare family BT Watersheds—Alabama USE Funerary cones   Watersheds—Florida Coneybeare family Cones, Ice cream USE Conybeare family Conecuh Trail (Ala.) USE Ice cream cones BT Trails—Alabama Confectionary Cones, Light USE Confectionery Conedoguinet Creek (Pa.) USE Light cones USE Conodoguinet Creek (Pa.) Confectioners  (May Subd Geog) Cones (Botany)  (May Subd Geog) [HD9330.C65-HD9330.C654 (Economics)] Conedogwinet Creek (Pa.) [QK660 (Botany, QK494.5.C75)] BT Confectionery USE Conodoguinet Creek (Pa.) [SD397.C7 (Forestry)] UF Cone (Botany) — Collective labor agreements Conedoquinet Creek (Pa.) BT Conifers USE Collective labor USE Conodoguinet Creek (Pa.)   Fruit   agreements—Confectioners NT Conifers—Seeds Coneffe family   Pine cones — Wages USE Cundiff family USE Wages—Confectioners — Diseases and pests  (May Subd Geog) Conefrey family UF Cone diseases Confectionery  (May Subd Geog) USE Confrey family   Cone insect pests [TX783-TX799]   Cone pathogens UF Confectionary Conejo Valley (Calif.)   Cone pests   Confections BT Valleys—California BT Plant diseases   Sweets   Plant parasites BT Cooking Conejos River (Colo.)   Food BT Rivers—Colorado Cones (Operator theory) RT Desserts UF Cones of operators NT Butterscotch Coneley family   Operators, Cones of   Cake USE Connelly family BT Linear operators   Cake decorating   Candy Conelies family Cones family   Chewing gum USE Cornelius family USE Cone family   Confectioners   Cracker Jack (Trademark) Conelle di Arcevia Site (Italy) Cones of operators   Fondant BT Italy—Antiquities USE Cones (Operator theory)   Ice cream, ices, etc.   Icings (Confectionery) Conelrad Conestoga Creek (Pa.)   Marshmallow UF Control of electromagnetic radiation USE Conestoga River (Pa.)   Marzipan   Plan for control of electromagnetic radiation   Praline BT Air raid warning systems—United States Conestoga Indians  (May Subd Geog)   Sugar-free confectionery [E99.C87] Conely family BT Indians of North America—Middle Atlantic — Advertising USE Connelly family   States USE Advertising—Confectionery Conemaugh Reservoir (Pa.) — History — Appliances, utensils, etc. USE Conemaugh River Lake (Pa.) NT Conestoga Massacre, Pa., 1763 USE Confectionery—Equipment and supplies Conemaugh River, Little (Pa.) Conestoga Massacre, Pa., 1763 — Equipment and supplies USE Little Conemaugh River (Pa.) UF Lancaster, Pa., Massacre at, 1763 [Former [TX793]   heading] UF Confectionery—Appliances, utensils, etc. Conemaugh River (Pa.)   [Former heading] BT Rivers—Pennsylvania — — Maintenance and repair Conemaugh River Lake (Pa.) — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) UF Conemaugh Reservoir (Pa.) — Packaging  (May Subd Geog)   Conemaugh River Reservoir (Pa.) — Vocational guidance  (May Subd Geog) BT Lakes—Pennsylvania   Reservoirs—Pennsylvania Conemaugh River Reservoir (Pa.) USE Conemaugh River Lake (Pa.) Conemaugh River Valley (Pa.) USE Conemaugh Valley (Pa.) C-590

Confectionery, Sugar-free — — Periodicals — Handbooks, manuals, etc. USE Sugar-free confectionery [E482] [U113.5] Confectionery in art  (Not Subd Geog) — — Pictorial works — Medals, badges, decorations, etc. Confections — — Societies, etc. [UB433.5] NT Confederate Medal of Honor USE Confectionery [E483] Confederacies — — Sources — Officers — Ordnance and ordnance stores USE Confederation of states [E484] Confederación, Fort (Ala.) — History, Military [UF23.5] [UF153.5] USE Fort Confederation (Ala.) [E470] — Pay, allowances, etc. Confederate Capitol (Richmond, Va.) [E545] [UC87] — History, Naval — Prisons  (May Subd Geog) USE Virginia State Capitol (Richmond, Va.) [E591-E600] [E611-E612] Confederate cemeteries  (May Subd Geog) — Hospitals, charities, etc. — Promotions USE Charities—Confederate States of America [UB414.5] UF Confederate cemeteries—Southern States — Recruiting, enlistment, etc.   Confederate cemeteries—United States   Hospitals—Confederate States of America [UB343.5] — Industries — Registers BT Cemeteries—United States [E548] — Southern States USE Industries—Confederate States of — Regulations   America [UB504.5] USE Confederate cemeteries — Sanitary affairs — United States — Money [UH224] USE Money—Confederate States of America — Supplies and stores USE Confederate cemeteries [UC85-UC88] Confederate cooking — Naval education — Surgeons USE Naval education—Confederate States of — Transportation USE Cooking, American—Southern style   America [UC86] Confederate diplomatic and consular service Confederate States of America. Navy — Officials and employees  (May Subd Geog) — Appointments and retirements USE Diplomatic and consular service, Confederate — — Salaries, allowances, etc. — History Confederate Gulch (Mont.) [E591-E600] USE Confederate States of — — Juvenile literature BT Valleys—Montana   America—Officials and — Officers Confederate Medal of Honor   employees—Salaries, etc. — Ordnance and ordnance stores [VF23.5] BT Confederate States of America. — — Salaries, etc.  (May Subd Geog) — Pay, allowances, etc.   Army—Medals, badges, decorations, etc. UF Confederate States of — Recruiting, enlistment, etc.   Decorations of honor—Confederate States of   America—Officials and — Registers   America   employees—Salaries, allowances, [V11.C8]   etc. [Former heading] — Regulations Confederate Memorial Day [VB369.5] [E645] — Politics and government — Supplies and stores UF Memorial Day, Confederate [Former heading] [E487 (History)] Confederate voluntary exiles BT Holidays—United States [JK9661-JK9993 (Politics)] USE American Confederate voluntary exiles UF Southern States—Politics and Confederate White House (Richmond, Va.) Confederate Memorial Day addresses   government—Civil War, 1861-1865 USE White House of the Confederacy (Richmond, [E645]   [Former heading]   Va.) UF Memorial Day addresses, Confederate Confederated Otoe and Missouria Indian Reservation   [Former heading] — Railroads (Kan. and Neb.) BT Occasional speeches USE Railroads—Confederate States of America UF Otoe and Missouria Indian Reservation (Kan.   Speeches, addresses, etc., American   and Neb.) — Regimental histories   Otoe and Missouria Reservation (Kan. and Confederate money USE United States—History—Civil War, 1861-   Neb.) USE Money—Confederate States of America   1865—Regimental histories BT Indian reservations—Kansas   Indian reservations—Nebraska Confederate propaganda — Registers Confederated Ute Reservation (Colo.) USE Propaganda, Confederate [JK9663] USE Ute Indian Reservation (Colo.) Confederation, Fort (Ala.) Confederate Raid, Saint Albans, Vt., 1864 — Religion USE Fort Confederation (Ala.) USE Saint Albans (Vt.)—History—Raid, 1864 [BR535] Confederation (Group of poets) [E650] RT Canadian poetry—19th century Confederate States of America Confederation Bridge (N.B. and P.E.I.) — Appropriations and expenditures — Seal UF Pont de la Confed́ eŕ ation (N.B. and P.E.I.) — Bio-bibliography [CD5610] BT Bridges—New Brunswick — Biography   Bridges—Prince Edward Island [E467] — Secret service Confederation of Canada, 1867 — Claims USE Secret service—Confederate States of USE Canada—History—Confederation, 1867 [HJ8943]   America Confederation of states  (May Subd Geog) — Commerce  (May Subd Geog) UF Confederacies [HF3027.6] — Social conditions BT Federal government [HF3153] [E487] Confederation Trail (P.E.I.) — Copyright UF Sentier de la Confed́ ération (P.E.I.) USE Copyright—Confederate States of America — Social life and customs BT Trails—Prince Edward Island — Cotton trade [E487] Confer family  (Not Subd Geog) USE Cotton trade—Confederate States of Conference attendance   America — Soldiers' monuments USE Congresses and conventions—Attendance — Courts-martial and courts of inquiry USE Soldiers' monuments—Southern States Conference calls (Telephone) USE Courts-martial and courts of USE Telephone conferencing   inquiry—Confederate States of America — Tariff Conference Center (Salt Lake City, Utah) — Debts, Public USE Tariff—Confederate States of America UF Conference Center of the Church of Jesus USE Debts, Public—Confederate States of   Christ of Latter-day Saints (Salt Lake City,   America — Taxation   Utah) — Defenses USE Taxation—Confederate States of America BT Church buildings—Utah [UA580-UA585] Conference Center of the Church of Jesus Christ of — Diplomatic and consular service — Textbooks Latter-day Saints (Salt Lake City, Utah) USE Diplomatic and consular service, USE Textbooks—Confederate States of USE Conference Center (Salt Lake City, Utah)   Confederate   America Conference centers — Economic conditions USE Convention facilities [E487] — Warehouses Conference centers, Church — Executive departments USE Warehouses—Confederate States of USE Church conference centers USE Executive departments—Confederate   America   States of America — Foreign population Confederate States of America. Army USE Aliens—Confederate States of America — African American troops   Immigrants—Confederate States of UF Confederate States of America.   America   Army—Afro-American troops [Former — Foreign relations  (May Subd Geog)   heading] — Government publications — Afro-American troops USE Government publications—Confederate USE Confederate States of America.   States of America   Army—African American troops — History — Appointments and retirements [E487-E488] [UB414.5] UF Southern States—History—Civil War, — Appropriations and expenditures   1861-1865 [UA583.5] — — Juvenile literature — Chaplains — — Museums [E546.7] — Commissariat [UC85-UC86] — Field service [U173.5] — Firearms [UD383.5] — Guard duty [U193.5] C-591

Conference committees, Legislative Confession (Jewish law)   Parliamentary practice USE Legislative conference committees BT Jewish law NT No confidence motions Confidence women Conference facilities Confession (Law)  (May Subd Geog) USE Swindlers and swindling USE Convention facilities BT Criminal procedure Confidential business information  (May Subd Geog)   Evidence, Criminal UF Confidential communications—Business Conference headings (Cataloging)   Evidence (Law) [Z695.8] NT Admissions (Law)   Proprietary business information UF Congress and convention headings   Self-incrimination BT Confidential communications   (Cataloging) RT Business intelligence BT Cataloging of society publications Confession (Liturgy) NT Trade secrets   Congresses and conventions UF Penitential celebrations — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog)   Corporate headings (Cataloging)   Penitential rites BT Commercial law Conference lines — Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.] Confidential communications  (May Subd Geog) USE Shipping conferences — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] Confession (Prayer) UF Communications, Confidential Conference of Carnuntum, Rome, 308   Confidential communications—Law and USE Rome—History—Conference of Carnuntum, BT Prayers   legislation   308 NT General confession (Prayer)   Confidential relationships — Buddhism, [Hinduism, etc.]   Confidentiality Conference proceedings  (May Subd Geog) Confession (Roman law)   Privileged communications (Confidential Here are entered works about the proceedings of BT Roman law   communications) Confession in art  (Not Subd Geog)   Professional secrets conferences or congresses. Texts of the proceedings Confession in literature  (Not Subd Geog)   Secrets, Professional of conferences or congresses are entered under the Confession of children appropriate subject heading with the subdivision BT Children—Religious life BT Confession Congresses. Confession of judgment  (May Subd Geog)   Criminal law BT Judgments   Evidence (Law) UF Convention proceedings   Objections (Evidence)   Meeting proceedings   Pleading   Personality (Law)   Proceedings of conferences Confession stories  (Not Subd Geog)   Professional ethics   Secrecy BT Congresses and conventions UF Confessional stories NT Cataloging of conference proceedings BT Fiction RT Privacy, Right of Conference reporting to parents Confession stories, English  (May Subd Geog) NT Confidential business information USE Parent-teacher conferences UF English confession stories Conference rooms  (May Subd Geog) BT English fiction   Official secrets UF Meeting rooms Confessional stories   Self-incrimination BT Convention facilities USE Confession stories — Auditors  (May Subd Geog) Confessionals (Architecture)  (May Subd Geog)   Rooms [NA5095.C] UF Auditors—Confidential communications — Indiana BT Church furniture — Banking  (May Subd Geog) Confessions of faith NT Goodrich Seminar Room (Lilly Library USE Creeds [HG1720]   (Wabash College)) Confessors  (May Subd Geog) Here are entered works on bank secrecy and [BV845] the duty of banks to protect the privacy of their Conferences [BX2262-BX2267] customers. USE Clergy conferences BT Clergy   Congresses and conventions Confessors (Canon law) UF Bank secrecy   Forums (Discussion and debate) BT Canon law   Banks and banking—Confidential   Meetings Confidant in literature  (Not Subd Geog)   communications Confidence  (May Subd Geog) Conferences, Episcopal [BJ1533.C6 (Ethics)] BT Banks and banking USE Episcopal conferences (Catholic) BT Attitude (Psychology) — Business Conferences, Methodist   Emotions USE Confidential business information USE Methodist conferences NT Self-confidence — Census  (May Subd Geog) — Religious aspects Conferences, Pre-legislative — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] UF Census—Confidential communications USE Pre-legislative conferences Confidence and security building measures — Clergy  (May Subd Geog) (International relations)  (May Subd Geog) Conferences, Press UF CBMs (International relations) UF Clergy—Confidential communications USE Press conferences BT Clergy   Confidence building measures (International NT Seal of confession Conferences, Summit   relations) — Drug abuse counselors  (May Subd Geog) USE Summit meetings   CSBMs (International relations) UF Drug abuse counselors—Confidential BT Arms control Conferencia de Guayaquil, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 1822   International relations   communications USE Guayaquil Interview, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 1822 Confidence building measures (International relations) — Family therapists  (May Subd Geog) USE Confidence and security building measures Conferencing, Computer   (International relations) UF Family therapists—Confidential USE Computer conferencing Confidence in children  (May Subd Geog)   communications BT Child psychology Conferencing, Telephone — Religious aspects — Insurance  (May Subd Geog) USE Telephone conferencing — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] UF Insurance—Confidential communications Confidence intervals Conferencing, Video [QA276.74] — Intellectual property  (May Subd Geog) USE Videoconferencing UF Confidence limits UF Intellectual property—Confidential   Confidence regions   communications Conferva   Intervals, Confidence BT Intellectual property USE Enteromorpha   Limits, Confidence   Regions, Confidence — International trade Confession BT Sampling (Statistics) Here are entered works on secrecy of [BV845-BV847]   Statistical hypothesis testing [BX2262-BX2267 (Catholic Church)] RT Statistical tolerance regions international trade information. [BX5149.C6 (Church of England)] Confidence levels, Observed (Statistics) [BX5949.C6 (Protestant Episcopal Church)] USE Observed confidence levels (Statistics) UF International trade—Confidential UF Auricular confession Confidence limits   communications BT Church discipline USE Confidence intervals   Forgiveness of sin Confidence men BT International trade RT Absolution USE Swindlers and swindling NT International trade—Statistics—Access   Penance Confidence regions NT Confidential communications USE Confidence intervals   control   Conscience, Examination of Confidence voting  (May Subd Geog) — Law and legislation   Easter duties UF Government formation process (Parliamentary   Penitentials   practice) USE Confidential communications   Votes of confidence — Lawyers  (May Subd Geog) — Frequency of confession BT Cabinet system — Judaism   Legislative bodies—Voting UF Attorney-client privilege   Lawyer-client privilege [BM723.7]   Lawyers—Confidential communications BT Judaism — Orthodox Eastern Church BT Attorney and client UF Orthodox Eastern Church—Confession   Legal ethics — Orthodox Eastern Church, [Reformed Church, etc.] Confession, Seal of RT Work-product rule USE Seal of confession — Librarians Confession (Canon law) BT Canon law USE Confidential communications—Library NT Seal of confession   records Confession (Frankish law) BT Law, Frankish — Library records  (May Subd Geog) Confession (Islamic law)  (May Subd Geog) UF Confidential communications—Librarians [KBP4681]   Librarians—Confidential communications BT Islamic law RT Library records—Access control — Notaries  (May Subd Geog) UF Notaries—Confidential communications C-592

— Personnel records  (May Subd Geog) Confirmands  (May Subd Geog) Confitemini Domino quoniam bonus, quoniam in BT Personnel records—Law and legislation BT Christians saeculum misericordia eius, Dicat nunc Israel (Music) NT Personnel records—Access control USE Psalms (Music)—118th Psalm — Anglican Communion, [Catholic Church, Lutheran — Physicians  (May Subd Geog) Church, etc.] Confitemini Domino quoniam bonus, quoniam in UF Doctor-patient privilege saeculum misericordia eius, Quis loquetur (Music)   Patient-physician privilege Confirmation USE Psalms (Music)—106th Psalm   Physician-patient privilege [BV815]   Physicians—Confidential communications [BX (By denomination)] Conflagrations BT Medical ethics RT Baptism—Reaffirmation of covenant USE Fires   Medical laws and legislation   Church membership NT Medical records—Access control BT Initiation rites—Religious aspects—Christianity Conflict, Armed (War)   Sacraments USE War — Press  (May Subd Geog) NT Confirmation sermons UF Newsman's privilege   Sponsors Conflict, Ethnic   Press—Confidential communications USE Ethnic conflict   Reporter's privilege — Anglican Communion, [Catholic Church, Lutheran RT Attribution of news Church, etc.] Conflict, Intergroup BT Journalistic ethics USE Intergroup relations   Press law — Eastern churches   Reporters and reporting USE Chrismation Conflict, Interpersonal USE Interpersonal conflict — — United States — Liturgy UF Shield laws USE Confirmation (Liturgy) Conflict, Marital USE Marital conflict — Psychiatrists  (May Subd Geog) — Mormon Church UF Psychiatrists—Confidential NT Gift of the Holy Ghost (Mormon theology) Conflict, Social   communications USE Social conflict Confirmation (Buddhist liturgy) — Social case work  (May Subd Geog) USE Confirmation (Buddhist rite) Conflict (Psychology) UF Social case work—Confidential UF Intrapsychic conflict   communications Confirmation (Buddhist rite) BT Adjustment (Psychology) [BQ5005]   Motivation (Psychology) — Social surveys  (May Subd Geog) UF Confirmation (Buddhist liturgy) [Former NT Competition (Psychology) [HN29]   heading]   Interpersonal conflict UF Social surveys—Confidential BT Buddhism—Rituals   Role conflict   communications Confirmation (Canon law) Conflict (Psychology) in adolescence  (May Subd Geog) — Statistical services  (May Subd Geog) BT Canon law [BF724.3.C65] [HA34] BT Adolescent psychology UF Statistical services—Confidential Confirmation (Jewish rite)  (May Subd Geog)   communications [BM707-BM707.4] Conflict (Psychology) in children  (May Subd Geog) BT Judaism—Customs and practices [BF723.C647] — Student counselors  (May Subd Geog) RT Bar mitzvah BT Child psychology UF Student counselors—Confidential   Bat mitzvah   communications Conflict (Psychology) in literature  (Not Subd Geog) Confirmation (Liturgy) Conflict (Psychology) in marriage — Taxation  (May Subd Geog) UF Confirmation—Liturgy UF Taxation—Confidential communications BT Sacraments (Liturgy) USE Marital conflict Conflict archaeology — Third parties Confirmation (Logic) BT Privacy, Right of USE Verification (Logic) USE Military archaeology   Professional ethics Conflict control   Third parties (Law) Confirmation records  (May Subd Geog) BT Church records and registers USE Conflict management Confidential communications in literature Conflict diamonds  (May Subd Geog) (Not Subd Geog) Confirmation sermons  (May Subd Geog) [BV4257.7] UF Blood diamonds Confidential relationships UF Sermons, Confirmation   War diamonds USE Confidential communications BT Confirmation   Occasional sermons BT Diamonds Confidentiality Conflict management  (May Subd Geog) USE Confidential communications Confirmations (Auditing)  (May Subd Geog) BT Auditing [HD42 (Management)] Configurable computing systems [HM1126 (Social psychology)] USE Adaptive computing systems Confirmatory factor analysis Here are entered works which discuss the process UF CFA (Confirmatory factor analysis) of reducing, resolving or suppressing conflict in social Configuration, Electron BT Factor analysis and organizational settings producing constructive USE Electron configuration rather than destructive results. Confirming houses  (May Subd Geog) Configuration (Psychology) Here are entered works on financial institutions UF Conflict control USE Gestalt psychology   Conflict resolution that act as intermediaries between overseas traders   Dispute settlement Configuration management  (May Subd Geog) and local importers, financing the movement of goods   Management of conflict BT Production management into a country by offering short-term credit to   Managing conflict NT CLEMMA (Computer system) importers and guaranteeing payment to suppliers.   Software configuration management BT Management BT Financial institutions   Negotiation Configuration space Confiscation of assets   Problem solving UF Space, Configuration   Social conflict RT Configurations USE Forfeiture BT Dynamics of a particle Confiscations  (May Subd Geog) RT Crisis management RT Wave functions NT Dance and conflict management BT War (International law) Configurations SA subdivision Confiscations and contributions   Gender in conflict management [QA607]   Mediation RT Configuration space   under individual wars, e.g. World War, 1939-   Music and conflict management   1945--Confiscations and contributions   Peace-building Configurations and designs, Combinatorial NT Enemy property — Religious aspects USE Combinatorial designs and configurations   Monetary gold confiscations — — Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.]   Refugee property — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] Confined animal feeding operations   Requisitions, Military — Hawaii USE Factory farms — Conflict of laws USE Conflict of laws—Confiscations NT Hoʻoponopono Confined plasma Confitebimur tibi (Music) Conflict management and dance USE Plasma confinement USE Psalms (Music)—75th Psalm Confitebor tibi Domine in toto corde meo, in consilio USE Dance and conflict management Confinement (Music) Conflict management and music USE Imprisonment USE Psalms (Music)—111th Psalm Confitebor tibi Domine in toto corde meo, narrabo USE Music and conflict management Confinement, Color (Nuclear physics) (Music) Conflict management in the Bible USE Color confinement (Nuclear physics) USE Psalms (Music)—9th Psalm Confitebor tibi Domine in toto corde meo, quoniam [BS680.C63 (General)] Confinement, Home audisti (Music) [BS2545.C573 (New Testament)] USE Home detention USE Psalms (Music)—138th Psalm Conflict of criminal jurisdiction Confitemini Domino quoniam bonus, quoniam in USE Criminal jurisdiction Confinement (Agriculture) aeternum (Music) Conflict of cultures USE Confinement farms USE Psalms (Music)—136th Psalm USE Culture conflict Confitemini Domino quoniam bonus, quoniam in Conflict of generations  (May Subd Geog) Confinement farms  (May Subd Geog) saeculum misericordia eius, Dicant qui redempti UF Gap, Generation UF Confinement (Agriculture) (Music) BT Farms USE Psalms (Music)—107th Psalm   Generation gap   Generational conflict Confinement of plasma   Intergenerational conflict USE Plasma confinement BT Generations   Intergenerational relations Confinement of quarks   Social conflict USE Quark confinement — Cross-cultural studies Conflict of generations in literature  (Not Subd Geog) Confining beds (Geology) USE Aquitards C-593

Conflict of generations in motion pictures — Child support  (May Subd Geog) — Ecclesiastical law  (May Subd Geog) (Not Subd Geog) UF Child support—Conflict of laws UF Ecclesiastical law—Conflict of laws BT Motion pictures — Citizenship  (May Subd Geog) — Electronic commerce  (May Subd Geog) Conflict of generations in the workplace UF Citizenship—Conflict of laws UF Electronic commerce—Conflict of laws (May Subd Geog) RT Dual nationality [HF5549.5.C75] — Eminent domain  (May Subd Geog) BT Work environment — Civil law UF Eminent domain—Conflict of laws USE Conflict of laws Conflict of interest — Employee participation in management USE Conflict of interests — Civil procedure  (May Subd Geog) (May Subd Geog) UF Civil procedure—Conflict of laws UF Management—Employee Conflict of interests  (May Subd Geog)   participation—Conflict of laws Here are entered works on clashes of one of an — Class actions  (May Subd Geog) UF Class actions—Conflict of laws — Equitable distribution of marital property individual's interests or loyalties with another of those (May Subd Geog) interests or loyalties, so that one activity may be — Co-heirs  (May Subd Geog) UF Equitable distribution of marital accomplished only at the expense of another. UF Co-heirs—Conflict of laws   property—Conflict of laws UF Conflict of interest — Commercial agents  (May Subd Geog) — Estate planning  (May Subd Geog)   Conflict of interests (Agency) [Former heading] UF Commercial agents—Conflict of laws UF Estate planning—Conflict of laws   Conflict of interests (Public office) [Former   heading] — Commercial law  (May Subd Geog) — Evidence  (May Subd Geog)   Conflicts of interest UF Commercial law—Conflict of laws UF Evidence (Law)—Conflict of laws   Interests, Conflict of — Common law marriage  (May Subd Geog) — Executions  (May Subd Geog) BT Ethics UF Common law marriage—Conflict of laws UF Executions (Law)—Conflict of laws Conflict of interests (Agency) — Competition, Unfair  (May Subd Geog) — Executors and administrators  (May Subd Geog) USE Conflict of interests UF Competition, Unfair—Conflict of laws UF Executors and administrators—Conflict of Conflict of interests (Public office)   Conflict of laws—Unfair competition   laws USE Conflict of interests — Composition  (May Subd Geog) — Export controls  (May Subd Geog) Conflict of judicial decisions  (May Subd Geog) UF Composition (Law)—Conflict of laws UF Export controls—Conflict of laws UF Judicial decisions, Conflict of — Concubinage  (May Subd Geog) — Express trusts  (May Subd Geog) BT Judgments UF Concubinage—Conflict of laws UF Express trusts—Conflict of laws RT Jurisdiction Conflict of laws  (May Subd Geog) — Conditional sales  (May Subd Geog) — Fishery law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) UF Choice of law UF Conditional sales—Conflict of laws UF Fishery law and legislation—Conflict of   laws   Conflict of laws—Civil law — Confiscations  (May Subd Geog)   Intermunicipal law UF Confiscations—Conflict of laws — Foreign exchange  (May Subd Geog)   International law, Private UF Foreign exchange—Conflict of laws   International private law — Consolidation and merger of corporations   Private international law (May Subd Geog) — Foreign trade regulation  (May Subd Geog) BT Law UF Consolidation and merger of UF Foreign trade regulation—Conflict of laws RT Legal polycentricity   corporations—Conflict of laws NT Citizenship as point of contact (Conflict of laws) — Formalities  (May Subd Geog)   Classification (Conflict of laws) — Construction contracts  (May Subd Geog) UF Formalities (Law)—Conflict of laws   Conflict of laws—Culpa in contrahendo UF Construction contracts—Conflict of laws   Criminal jurisdiction — Futures  (May Subd Geog)   Domicile — Consulting contracts  (May Subd Geog) UF Futures—Conflict of laws   Foreign law, Pleading and proof of UF Consulting contracts—Conflict of laws   Judgments, Foreign — Gambling  (May Subd Geog)   Points of contact (Conflict of laws) — Consumer protection  (May Subd Geog) UF Gambling—Conflict of laws   Preliminary questions (Conflict of laws) UF Consumer protection—Conflict of laws   Renvoi — Game laws  (May Subd Geog) — Administrative law  (May Subd Geog) — Contracts  (May Subd Geog) UF Game laws—Conflict of laws UF Contracts—Conflict of laws UF Administrative law—Conflict of laws — Gifts  (May Subd Geog) — Administrative procedure  (May Subd Geog) — Contracts, Maritime  (May Subd Geog) UF Gifts—Conflict of laws UF Contracts, Maritime—Conflict of laws UF Administrative procedure—Conflict of laws — Government business enterprises — Adoption  (May Subd Geog) — Contracts to make wills  (May Subd Geog) (May Subd Geog) UF Contracts to make wills—Conflict of laws UF Government business UF Adoption—Conflict of laws   enterprises—Conflict of laws — Aeronautics  (May Subd Geog) — Copyright  (May Subd Geog) UF Copyright—Conflict of laws — Government liability  (May Subd Geog) UF Aeronautics—Law and UF Government liability—Conflict of laws   legislation—Conflict of laws — Copyright licenses  (May Subd Geog) UF Copyright licenses—Conflict of laws — Guardian and ward  (May Subd Geog) — Age  (May Subd Geog) UF Guardian and ward—Conflict of laws UF Age (Law)—Conflict of laws — Corporate veil  (May Subd Geog) UF Corporate veil—Conflict of laws — Health insurance  (May Subd Geog) — Agency  (May Subd Geog) UF Conflict of laws—Insurance, Health UF Agency (Law)—Conflict of laws — Corporations  (May Subd Geog)   [Former heading] UF Corporation law—Conflict of laws   Health insurance—Conflict of laws — Air charter contracts  (May Subd Geog) NT Corporations—Nationality UF Air charter contracts—Conflict of laws — Husband and wife  (May Subd Geog) — Credit cards  (May Subd Geog) UF Husband and wife—Conflict of laws — Alimony  (May Subd Geog) UF Credit cards—Conflict of laws UF Alimony—Conflict of laws — Illegitimacy  (May Subd Geog) — Criminal law UF Illegitimacy—Conflict of laws — Antitrust law  (May Subd Geog) USE Criminal jurisdiction UF Antitrust law—Conflict of laws — Industrial laws and legislation  (May Subd Geog)   Conflict of laws—Trusts, Industrial — Criminal procedure UF Industrial laws and legislation—Conflict of   [Former heading] USE Criminal jurisdiction   laws — Arbitration and award  (May Subd Geog) — Culpa in contrahendo  (May Subd Geog) — Industrial property  (May Subd Geog) UF Arbitration and award—Conflict of laws UF Culpa in contrahendo—Conflict of laws UF Industrial property—Conflict of laws RT International commercial arbitration BT Conflict of laws — Industrial relations — Assignments  (May Subd Geog) — Cultural property  (May Subd Geog) USE Conflict of laws—Labor laws and UF Assignments—Conflict of laws UF Cultural property—Conflict of laws   legislation — Authors and publishers  (May Subd Geog) — Custody of children  (May Subd Geog) — Inheritance and succession  (May Subd Geog) UF Authors and publishers—Conflict of laws UF Custody of children—Conflict of laws UF Inheritance and succession—Conflict of   laws — Automobile insurance  (May Subd Geog) — Damages  (May Subd Geog) UF Automobile insurance—Conflict of laws UF Damages—Conflict of laws — Insurance  (May Subd Geog) UF Insurance law—Conflict of laws — Average  (May Subd Geog) — Data protection  (May Subd Geog) RT Insurance law, International UF Average (Maritime law)—Conflict of laws [K7093.C66] UF Data protection—Law and — Insurance, Health — Bankruptcy  (May Subd Geog)   legislation—Conflict of laws USE Conflict of laws—Health insurance UF Bankruptcy—Conflict of laws — Debtor and creditor  (May Subd Geog) — Insurance, Social — Bills of exchange  (May Subd Geog) UF Debtor and creditor—Conflict of laws USE Conflict of laws—Social security UF Bills of exchange—Conflict of laws — Debts, External  (May Subd Geog) — Intellectual property  (May Subd Geog) — Bills of lading  (May Subd Geog) UF Debts, External—Conflict of laws UF Intellectual property—Conflict of laws UF Bills of lading—Conflict of laws — Delegation  (May Subd Geog) — International clearing  (May Subd Geog) — Capacity and disability  (May Subd Geog) UF Delegation (Civil law)—Conflict of laws UF International clearing—Conflict of laws UF Capacity and disability—Conflict of laws — Delivery of goods  (May Subd Geog) — Joint tortfeasors  (May Subd Geog) — Charter-parties  (May Subd Geog) UF Delivery of goods—Conflict of laws UF Joint tortfeasors—Conflict of laws UF Charter-parties—Conflict of laws — Divorce  (May Subd Geog) — Joint ventures  (May Subd Geog) — Checks  (May Subd Geog) UF Divorce—Conflict of laws UF Joint ventures—Conflict of laws UF Checks—Conflict of laws — Domestic relations  (May Subd Geog) — Jurisdiction  (May Subd Geog) UF Domestic relations—Conflict of laws UF Jurisdiction—Conflict of laws NT Forum non conveniens — Domicile  (May Subd Geog)   Lex fori UF Domicile—Conflict of laws NT Domicile as point of contact (Conflict of — Juristic acts  (May Subd Geog)   laws) UF Juristic acts—Conflict of laws — Draft  (May Subd Geog) UF Draft—Conflict of laws C-594

— Juristic persons  (May Subd Geog) — Pollution  (May Subd Geog) — Trusts, Industrial UF Juristic persons—Conflict of laws UF Pollution—Law and legislation—Conflict of USE Conflict of laws—Antitrust law   laws — Justification  (May Subd Geog) — Unclaimed estates  (May Subd Geog) UF Justification (Law)—Conflict of laws — Possession  (May Subd Geog) UF Unclaimed estates—Conflict of laws UF Possession (Law)—Conflict of laws — Labor contract  (May Subd Geog) — Unfair competition UF Labor contract—Conflict of laws — Power of attorney  (May Subd Geog) USE Conflict of laws—Competition, Unfair UF Power of attorney—Conflict of laws — Labor disputes  (May Subd Geog) — Unjust enrichment  (May Subd Geog) UF Labor disputes—Conflict of laws — Prenuptial agreements  (May Subd Geog) UF Unjust enrichment—Conflict of laws UF Prenuptial agreements—Conflict of laws — Labor laws and legislation  (May Subd Geog) — Vendors and purchasers  (May Subd Geog) UF Conflict of laws—Industrial relations — Prescription  (May Subd Geog) UF Vendors and purchasers—Conflict of laws   Industrial relations—Conflict of laws UF Prescription (Law)—Conflict of laws   Labor laws and legislation—Conflict of — Vested rights  (May Subd Geog)   laws — Privacy, Right of  (May Subd Geog) UF Vested rights—Conflict of laws UF Privacy, Right of—Conflict of laws — Legitimation of children  (May Subd Geog) — Wills  (May Subd Geog) UF Legitimation of children—Conflict of laws — Private companies  (May Subd Geog) UF Wills—Conflict of laws UF Private companies—Conflict of laws — Letters of credit  (May Subd Geog) — Works councils  (May Subd Geog) UF Letters of credit—Conflict of laws — Probate law and practice  (May Subd Geog) UF Works councils—Conflict of laws UF Probate law and practice—Conflict of laws — Lex loci delicti  (May Subd Geog) Conflict of laws (Canon law) UF Lex loci delicti—Conflict of laws — Products liability  (May Subd Geog) BT Canon law UF Products liability—Conflict of laws — Liability  (May Subd Geog) Conflict of laws (Feudal law) UF Liability (Law)—Conflict of laws — Property  (May Subd Geog) BT Feudal law UF Property—Conflict of laws — Liability for aircraft accidents  (May Subd Geog) Conflict of laws (Greek law) UF Liability for aircraft accidents—Conflict of — Public contracts  (May Subd Geog) BT Law, Greek   laws UF Public contracts—Conflict of laws Conflict of laws (Islamic law)  (May Subd Geog) — Liability for environmental damages — Public policy  (May Subd Geog) BT Islamic law (May Subd Geog) UF Public policy (Law)—Conflict of laws UF Liability for environmental NT Act of state doctrine Conflict of laws (Jewish law)   damages—Conflict of laws BT Jewish law — Quasi contracts  (May Subd Geog) — Liability for marine accidents  (May Subd Geog) UF Quasi contracts—Conflict of laws Conflict of laws (Roman-Dutch law) UF Liability for marine accidents—Conflict of BT Roman-Dutch law   laws — Recording and registration  (May Subd Geog) UF Recording and registration—Conflict of Conflict of laws (Roman law) — Liability for traffic accidents  (May Subd Geog)   laws BT Roman law UF Liability for traffic accidents—Conflict of   laws — Restitution  (May Subd Geog) Conflict resolution UF Restitution—Conflict of laws USE Conflict management — Libel and slander  (May Subd Geog)   Dispute resolution (Law) UF Libel and slander—Conflict of laws — Retroactivity  (May Subd Geog) UF Retroactive laws—Conflict of laws Conflict resolution protocols (Computer network — Liberty of contract  (May Subd Geog) protocols) UF Liberty of contract—Conflict of laws — Sales  (May Subd Geog) USE Contention resolution protocols (Computer UF Sales—Conflict of laws   network protocols) — License agreements  (May Subd Geog) UF License agreements—Conflict of laws — Same-sex marriage  (May Subd Geog) Conflict termination (Military science) UF Same-sex marriage—Conflict of laws USE War—Termination — Life insurance  (May Subd Geog) UF Life insurance—Conflict of laws — Sanctions  (May Subd Geog) Conflicts, Church UF Sanctions (International law)—Conflict of USE Church controversies — Limitation of actions  (May Subd Geog)   laws UF Limitation of actions—Conflict of laws Conflicts, Low-intensity (Military science) — Securities  (May Subd Geog) USE Low-intensity conflicts (Military science) — Loans  (May Subd Geog) UF Securities—Conflict of laws UF Loans—Conflict of laws Conflicts, Traffic — Security  (May Subd Geog) USE Traffic conflicts — Malpractice  (May Subd Geog) — Separation  (May Subd Geog) UF Malpractice—Conflict of laws Conflicts of interest UF Separation (Law)—Conflict of laws USE Conflict of interests — Marital property  (May Subd Geog) — Set-off and counterclaim  (May Subd Geog) UF Marital property—Conflict of laws Confluent hypergeometric functions, Whittaker UF Set-off and counterclaim—Conflict of laws USE Coulomb functions — Maritime law  (May Subd Geog) — Social insurance UF Maritime law—Conflict of laws Confocal fluorescence microscopy  (May Subd Geog) USE Conflict of laws—Social security [QH224] — Marriage  (May Subd Geog) — Social security  (May Subd Geog) BT Confocal microscopy UF Marriage law—Conflict of laws   Fluorescence microscopy UF Conflict of laws—Insurance, Social — Married women  (May Subd Geog)   [Former heading] Confocal microscopy  (May Subd Geog) UF Married women—Conflict of laws   Conflict of laws—Social insurance [QH224]   Social security—Conflict of laws BT Microscopy — Matrimonial actions  (May Subd Geog) NT Confocal fluorescence microscopy UF Matrimonial actions—Conflict of laws — Standardized terms of contract  (May Subd Geog) UF Standardized terms of contract—Conflict Conformal geometry — Mining law  (May Subd Geog)   of laws [QA609] UF Mining law—Conflict of laws UF Circular geometry — Strikes and lockouts  (May Subd Geog)   Geometry of inverse radii — Minors  (May Subd Geog) UF Strikes and lockouts—Conflict of laws   Inverse radii, Geometry of UF Minors—Conflict of laws   Inversion geometry — Subrogation  (May Subd Geog)   Möbius geometry — Names, Personal  (May Subd Geog) UF Subrogation—Conflict of laws BT Geometry UF Names, Personal—Conflict of laws — Support (Domestic relations)  (May Subd Geog) Conformal invariance — Negotiable instruments  (May Subd Geog) UF Support (Domestic relations)—Conflict of USE Conformal invariants UF Negotiable instruments—Conflict of laws   laws Conformal invariants — Negotiorum gestio  (May Subd Geog) — Suretyship and guaranty  (May Subd Geog) [QC174.52.C66 (Quantum field theory)] UF Negotiorum gestio—Conflict of laws UF Suretyship and guaranty—Conflict of laws UF Conformal invariance   Invariants, Conformal — Non-contentious jurisdiction  (May Subd Geog) — Taxation  (May Subd Geog) BT Conformal mapping UF Non-contentious jurisdiction—Conflict of UF Taxation—Conflict of laws   Functions of complex variables   laws RT Double taxation Conformal mapping — Obligations  (May Subd Geog) — Technology transfer  (May Subd Geog) [QA360] UF Obligations (Law)—Conflict of laws UF Technology transfer—Conflict of laws [QA646] UF Conformal representation of surfaces — Parent and child  (May Subd Geog) — Third parties  (May Subd Geog)   Mapping, Conformal UF Parent and child (Law)—Conflict of laws UF Third parties (Law)—Conflict of laws   Transformation, Conformal BT Geometric function theory — Partnership  (May Subd Geog) — Time  (May Subd Geog)   Mappings (Mathematics) UF Partnership—Conflict of laws UF Time (Law)—Conflict of laws   Surfaces, Representation of   Transformations (Mathematics) — Patents  (May Subd Geog) — Timesharing (Real estate)  (May Subd Geog) NT Conformal invariants UF Patent laws and legislation—Conflict of UF Timesharing (Real estate)—Conflict of   Moment spaces   laws   laws   Quasiconformal mappings   Schwarz-Christoffel transformation — Paternity  (May Subd Geog) — Tort liability of subsidiary corporations UF Paternity—Conflict of laws (May Subd Geog) Conformal representation of surfaces UF Tort liability of subsidiary USE Conformal mapping — Performance  (May Subd Geog)   corporations—Conflict of laws   Surfaces, Representation of UF Performance (Law)—Conflict of laws — Torts  (May Subd Geog) Conformation of animals — Personality  (May Subd Geog) UF Torts—Conflict of laws USE subdivision Conformation under individual UF Personality (Law)—Conflict of laws — Trademarks  (May Subd Geog) — Persons  (May Subd Geog) UF Trademarks—Conflict of laws UF Persons (Law)—Conflict of laws — Transfer  (May Subd Geog) — Petroleum law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) UF Transfer (Law)—Conflict of laws UF Petroleum law and legislation—Conflict of   laws — Trusts and trustees  (May Subd Geog) UF Trusts and trustees—Conflict of laws C-595

Conformation of animals  (Continued) Confucian religious education Confuciusornithidae  (May Subd Geog)   animals and groups of animals, e.g. Cattle-- USE Confucian education [QE872.C77]   Conformation BT Confuciusornithiformes Confucian rites and ceremonies NT Changchengornis Conformational analysis USE Confucianism—Customs and practices   Confuciusornis UF Analysis, Conformational   Confucianism—Rituals BT Molecular rotation Confuciusornithiformes  (May Subd Geog) SA subdivision Conformation under individual Confucian shrines  (May Subd Geog) [QE872.C77]   chemicals and groups of chemicals, e.g. [BL1880] BT Birds, Fossil   Insulin--Conformation BT Shrines NT Confuciusornithidae Conformism Confucian sociology  (May Subd Geog) Confused flour beetle  (May Subd Geog) USE Conformity UF Sociology, Confucian [Former heading] [QL596.T2 (Zoology)] BT Sociology UF Bran bug Conformity  (May Subd Geog)   Tribolium confusum [Former heading] [HM1246 (Social psychology)] Confucian temples BT Tribolium UF Conformism USE Temples, Confucian   Nonconformism Confusion of debts   Nonconformity Confucianism  (May Subd Geog) USE Confusion of rights   Rebels (Social psychology) [BL1830-BL1875]   Social conformity BT Religions Confusion of goods  (May Subd Geog) BT Attitude (Psychology) SA headings beginning with the word Confucian UF Goods, Confusion of   Liberty NT Architecture—Confucian influences RT Accession (Law)   Social influence   Communism and Confucianism BT Acquisition of property RT Compliance   Confucianists RT Specification (Civil law)   Deviant behavior   East Asia—Civilization—Confucian influences   Individuality   Japan—Civilization—Confucian influences Confusion of rights  (May Subd Geog)   Influence (Psychology)   Korea—Civilization—Confucian influences UF Confusion of debts NT Dissenters   Neo-Confucianism   Confusion of rights—Law and legislation   Persuasion (Psychology)   Philosophy, Confucian   Debts, Confusion of   Temples, Confucian   Merger of rights Conformity (Religion)   Vietnam—Civilization—Confucian influences   Rights, Confusion of USE Dissenters, Religious   Women in Confucianism   Rights, Merger of   Yōmeigaku BT Contracts Conformity as a theme in literature   Extinguishment of debts USE Conformity in literature — 20th century — Customs and practices — Law and legislation Conformity in literature  (Not Subd Geog) USE Confusion of rights UF Conformity as a theme in literature UF Confucian rites and ceremonies [Former   heading] Confusion of rights (Roman law) Conformity in the workplace  (May Subd Geog)   Confucianism—Rites and ceremonies BT Roman law UF Corporate conformity   Workplace conformity RT Confucianism—Rituals Confusion of titles BT Work environment — Relations USE Merger of estates — — Christianity, [Taoism, etc.] Conforto, Madonna del  (Not Subd Geog) — Rites and ceremonies Confusion of tongues UF Madonna del Conforto [P101] BT Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint—Devotion to—Italy USE Confucianism—Customs and practices UF Tongues, Confusion of — Rituals BT Language and languages Confraternities  (May Subd Geog) NT Babel, Tower of [BX808-BX809 (Catholic Church)] UF Confucian rites and ceremonies UF Sodalities RT Confucianism—Customs and practices Confusion Range (Utah) BT Catholic Church—Societies, etc. NT Funeral rites and ceremonies, Confucian UF Conger Range (Utah)   Monasticism and religious orders   Crystal Peak Hills (Utah) NT Disciplinati   Jongmyo jerye   Heckethorn Hills (Utah)   Purgatorial societies   Memorial rites and ceremonies, Confucian   House Range (Millard County and Juab — Study and teaching  (May Subd Geog)   County, Utah) — Latin America Here are entered works on the techniques and   Perry Range (Utah) NT Cofradiá s (Latin America) methodology for studying or teaching BT Mountains—Utah Confucianism. Works on education in the Confraternities (Canon law) Confucian religion within institutions or in private Confusional states, Acute BT Canon law life are entered under Confucian education. Works USE Delirium on the relationship of Confucianism to secular Confrey family  (Not Subd Geog) education are entered under Confucianism and Conga (Dance)  (May Subd Geog) UF Conefrey family education. [GV1796.C6]   Confry family UF Congada (Dance) Confucianism and communism BT Dance Confrontation, Interpersonal USE Communism and Confucianism USE Interpersonal confrontation Conga (Drum) Confucianism and education  (May Subd Geog) USE Congas Confry family Here are entered works on the relationship of USE Confrey family Conga drums Confucianism to secular education. Works on USE Congas Confucian architecture  (May Subd Geog) education in the Confucian religion within institutions BT Religious architecture or in private life are entered under Confucian Conga music education. Works on the techniques and [M146] Confucian art  (May Subd Geog) methodology for studying or teaching Confucianism Here are entered compositions not in a specific BT Art are entered under Confucianism--Study and teaching. form or of a specific type for one performer playing Confucian civilization UF Education and Confucianism conga drums, and collections of compositions in USE Civilization, Confucian BT Education several forms or types for one performer playing Confucianism and law  (May Subd Geog) conga drums. Confucian cosmogony  (May Subd Geog) UF Law and Confucianism BT Cosmogony BT Law SA headings for forms and types of music that Confucianism and state  (May Subd Geog)   include \"conga\" or \"congas\" and headings Confucian education  (May Subd Geog) UF State and Confucianism   with medium of performance that include Here are entered works on education in the BT State, The   \"conga\" or \"congas\" Confucianism and world politics Confucian religion within institutions or in private life. UF World politics and Confucianism Congada (Dance) Works on the techniques and methodology for BT World politics USE Conga (Dance) studying or teaching Confucianism are entered under Confucianism in literature  (Not Subd Geog) Confucianism--Study and teaching. Works on the Confucianists  (May Subd Geog) Congadas  (May Subd Geog) relationship of Confucianism to secular education are BT Confucianism UF Congados entered under Confucianism and education. BT Blacks—Brazil   Philosophy, Confucian   Folk songs, Portuguese—Brazil UF Confucian religious education Confuciusornis  (May Subd Geog) BT Religious education Congados Confucian ethics  (May Subd Geog) [QE872.C77] USE Congadas [BJ1289.3] BT Confuciusornithidae BT Religious ethics NT Confuciusornis sanctus Congamond Lakes (Conn. and Mass.) NT Li Confuciusornis chuonzhous UF Congamuck Lakes (Conn. and Mass.) Confucian funeral rites and ceremonies USE Confuciusornis sanctus   Kongamak Lakes (Conn. and Mass.) USE Funeral rites and ceremonies, Confucian Confuciusornis sanctus  (May Subd Geog) BT Lakes—Connecticut Confucian memorial rites and ceremonies [QE872.C77]   Lakes—Massachusetts USE Memorial rites and ceremonies, Confucian UF Confuciusornis chuonzhous Confucian painting Congamuck Lakes (Conn. and Mass.) USE Painting, Confucian   Confuciusornis suniae USE Congamond Lakes (Conn. and Mass.) Confucian parables  (May Subd Geog) BT Confuciusornis UF Parables, Confucian [Former heading] Confuciusornis suniae Congaree, Fort (S.C.) BT Parables USE Confuciusornis sanctus USE Fort Congaree (S.C.) Confucian philosophy USE Philosophy, Confucian Congaree National Park (S.C.) UF Congaree Swamp National Monument (S.C.)   [Former heading]   Congaree Swamp National Park (S.C.) C-596

  Congaree Swamp National Preserve (S.C.)   Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection Here are entered works on fees charged to BT National parks and reserves—South Carolina   Transposition of great vessels motorists who drive on congested roads during peak Congaree River (S.C.)   Truncus arteriosus, Persistent hours. UF Deep River (S.C.) Congenital heart disease in adolescence (May Subd Geog) UF Congestion charging   Great Santee River (S.C.) [RJ426.C64]   Congestion fees BT Rivers—South Carolina BT Teenagers—Diseases Congaree Swamp (S.C.) Congenital heart disease in animals  (May Subd Geog) BT User charges BT Swamps—South Carolina BT Animals—Diseases Congestive atelectesis Congaree Swamp National Monument (S.C.) Congenital heart disease in children  (May Subd Geog) USE Congaree National Park (S.C.) [RJ426.C64] USE Respiratory distress syndrome, Adult Congaree Swamp National Park (S.C.) BT Pediatric cardiology Congestive heart failure  (May Subd Geog) USE Congaree National Park (S.C.) Congenital heart malformations Congaree Swamp National Preserve (S.C.) USE Congenital heart disease [RC685.C53] USE Congaree National Park (S.C.) Congenital hypothyroidism  (May Subd Geog) BT Heart failure Congas  (May Subd Geog) [RJ274.7] Congianus Gulf (Italy) [MT663-MT663.8 (Instruction)] BT Hypothyroidism in children USE Cugnana Gulf (Italy) UF Conga (Drum) [Former heading]   Newborn infants—Diseases Congiura degli Orti Oricellari, 1522 Congenital indifference to pain USE Orti Oricellari Conspiracy, 1522   Conga drums USE Congenital insensitivity to pain Congiura, Palazzo della (Florence, Italy) BT Drum Congenital insensitivity to pain USE Palazzo Pazzi (Florence, Italy) UF Analgesia, Congenital Congleton family  (Not Subd Geog)   Musical instruments—Cuba   Analgia, Congenital Conglingnan He (China) NT Quinto (Drum)   CIPA (Congenital insensitivity to pain) USE Hotan River (China) Congden family   Congenital analgesia Conglog Slate Quarry (Wales) USE Condon family   Congenital analgia BT Quarries and quarrying—Wales Congdon family   Congenital indifference to pain Conglomerate  (May Subd Geog) USE Condon family   Congenital pain insensitivity [QE471.15.C6] Congdon River (R.I.)   Indifference to pain, Congenital UF Puddingstone USE Big River (R.I.)   Insensitivity to pain, Congenital BT Sedimentary rocks Congee  (May Subd Geog)   Pain insensitivity, Congenital NT Fanglomerate [TX809.R5] BT Neuromuscular diseases Conglomerate corporations  (May Subd Geog) UF Gruel, Rice   Syndromes [HD2756-HD2756.2] Congenital maladroitness UF Chaebols   Porridge, Rice USE Apraxia   Rice gruel Congenital megacolon   Conglomerate mergers   Rice porridge USE Hirschsprung's disease   Conglomerates (Corporations) BT Porridge Congenital mesodermal dystrophy   Corporations, Conglomerate Congeners of insulin USE Marfan syndrome   Keiretsu USE Insulin—Derivatives Congenital pain insensitivity   Mergers, Conglomerate Congenital abnormalities USE Congenital insensitivity to pain BT Consolidation and merger of corporations USE Abnormalities, Human Congenital toxoplasmosis  (May Subd Geog)   Corporations Congenital adrenal hyperplasia [RG629.C65]   Industrial concentration USE Adrenogenital syndrome BT Communicable diseases in the fetus RT Competition Congenital analgesia   Toxoplasmosis — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) USE Congenital insensitivity to pain Conger  (May Subd Geog) Congenital analgia [QL638.C66 (Zoology)] BT Antitrust law USE Congenital insensitivity to pain UF Astroconger   Corporation law Congenital anomalies   Congrus USE Abnormalities, Human   Forskalichthys — Japan Congenital arthrogryposis-hydranencephaly syndrome   Isognatha NT Asō Group USE Akabane disease   Leptocephalus   Daiichi Kangin Group Congenital arthromyodysplasia   Microconger   Lotte Group USE Arthrogryposis   Veternio   Matsushita Group Congenital blindness BT Conger eels   Meiji Seika Group USE Blindness—Genetic aspects Conger eel (Anguillidae)   Mitsubishi Group Congenital cardiac anomalies USE Anguilla reinhardtii   Nissan Group USE Congenital heart disease Conger eels  (May Subd Geog)   NTT Group Congenital cardiac defects [QL638.C66 (Zoology)]   Sanwa Group USE Congenital heart disease UF Congers (Fish family)   Seibu Group Congenital cardiac disease   Congrid eels   Sumitomo Group USE Congenital heart disease   Congridae [Former heading]   Tōbu Group Congenital cardiac malformations   Leptocephalidae   Tok̄ yū Group USE Congenital heart disease   Macrocephenchelyidae Congenital deafness BT Eels — Korea (South) USE Deafness—Genetic aspects NT Bathycongrus NT CJ Group Congenital diseases   Bathymyrus   GS Group USE Genetic disorders   Conger   Hyŏndae Group Congenital dislocation of the hip   Gnathophis   Lŏkkʻi Group USE Hip joint—Dislocation, Congenital   Paraconger   Lotte Group Congenital dysphagocytosis Conger eels, Fossil  (May Subd Geog)   LS Group USE Chronic granulomatous disease [QE852.A53]   Myon̆ gsŏng Group Congenital ectodermal defect BT Eels, Fossil   Samson̆ g Group USE Ectodermal dysplasia Conger family  (Not Subd Geog)   Taeu Group Congenital glaucoma Conger Range (Utah)   Tongyang Group USE Glaucoma in children USE Confusion Range (Utah) Congenital heart abnormalities Congeria — Taiwan USE Congenital heart disease BT Dreissenidae, Fossil NT Tai su Group Congenital heart defects Congers (Fish family)   Yuä n tung fang chih Group USE Congenital heart disease USE Conger eels Congenital heart disease  (May Subd Geog) Congested traffic Conglomerate mergers [RC687] USE Traffic congestion USE Conglomerate corporations UF Congenital cardiac anomalies Congestion, Traffic   Congenital cardiac defects USE Traffic congestion Conglomerates (Corporations)   Congenital cardiac disease Congestion charging USE Conglomerate corporations   Congenital cardiac malformations USE Congestion pricing   Congenital heart abnormalities Congestion fees Conglutination   Congenital heart defects USE Congestion pricing [QR187.C65]   Congenital heart malformations Congestion of the lungs BT Antigen-antibody reactions   Heart—Diseases, Congenital USE Lungs—Congestion   Immunity   Heart diseases, Congenital Congestion pricing  (May Subd Geog) BT Heart—Abnormalities [HE336.C66] Congo (Brazzaville) NT Ebstein's anomaly — Description and travel   Heart septum—Abnormalities [DT546.227]   Patent ductus arteriosus UF Congo (Brazzaville)—Description and   Tetralogy of Fallot   travel—1981- [Former heading] — — 1981- USE Congo (Brazzaville)—Description and   travel — Diplomatic and consular service USE Diplomatic and consular service,   Congolese (Brazzaville) — History [DT546.2-DT546.29] C-597

Congo (Brazzaville) — In mass media   Yaka language (Congo and Angola) — History  (Continued) UF Congo (Democratic Republic) in mass   Yanzi language NT Kongo Wara, 1928-1931   media [Former heading]   Yombe language (Congo and Angola) — — 1960-   Zaire in mass media [Former heading]   Yulu language [DT546.28-DT546.286]   Zande language — — Coup d'et́ at, 1968 — Languages   Zombo dialect BT Coups d'état—Congo (Brazzaville) NT Alur language — Literatures — — 1997-   Baka language (Congo (Democratic USE Congolese (Democratic Republic) [DT546.284-DT546.286]   Republic) and South Sudan)   literature — — Civil War, 1997   Bangubangu language — Pictorial works UF Civil War, Congo, 1997   Banziri language — Politics and government — Languages   Bari language (Nilotic) — — 1885-1908 NT Akwa language (Congo (Brazzaville))   Bemba language [DT655-DT655.2]   Bangandu language   Bobangi language — — 1908-1960   Bekwil language   Bolia language [DT657-DT657.2]   Bembe language (Congo (Brazzaville))   Boma language (Congo) — — 1960-1997   Bobangi language   Bomitaba language — — 1997-   Bomitaba language   Budu language Congo, Reglas de   Gbaya language (Ubangi)   Bushoong language USE Palo   Kituba language (Congo (Brazzaville))   Chokwe language Congo (African people)   Kongo language   Dengese language USE Kongo (African people)   Koongo dialect (Western Kongo)   Ding language Congo (Brazzaville) fiction (French)   Kukwa language   Doko language (Congo) USE Congolese (Brazzaville) fiction (French)   Laadi dialect   Ekonda dialect Congo (Brazzaville) literature   Lingala language   Enya language USE Congolese (Brazzaville) literature   Lumbu language (Congo (Brazzaville) and   Fuliiru language Congo (Brazzaville) literature (French)   Gabon)   Furu language USE Congolese (Brazzaville) literature (French)   Mbosi language   Holoholo language Congo (Brazzaville) painting   Monjombo language   Holu language USE Painting, Congo (Brazzaville)   Mpiemo language   Hunde language Congo (Brazzaville) poetry (French)   Ngbaka language   Hungana language USE Congolese (Brazzaville) poetry (French)   Ngbaka ma'bo language   Ikongo language Congo (Democratic Republic) in mass media   Nzebi language   Indoubill language USE Congo (Democratic Republic)—In mass media   Punu language   Kakwa dialect Congo bean   Sango language (Ubangi Creole)   Kanyok language USE Pigeon pea   Suundi language   Kaonde language Congo Crisis, Congo, 1960-1965   Vili language   Kelwel language USE Congo (Democratic Republic)—History—Civil   Wumbvu language   Kete language   War, 1960-1965   Yakoma language   Kingwana language Congo eels   Yombe language (Congo and Angola)   Kituba language (Congo (Democratic USE Amphiumidae — Literatures   Republic)) Congo goober USE Congolese (Brazzaville) literature   Komo language (Congo) USE Bambara groundnut — Politics and government   Kongo language Congo language — — 1960-1997   Kusu language USE Kongo language — — 1997-   Kwese language Congo pea   Laadi dialect USE Pigeon pea Congo (Democratic Republic)   Lamba language (Zambia and Congo) Congo peafowl — Antiquities   Lega language USE Afropavo congensis [DT648]   Leko dialect Congo red NT Katongo Site (Congo)   Lendu language BT Azo dyes   Sanga Site (Congo)   Lese language Congo River — Book reviews   Lika language UF Fleuve Congo — Description and travel   Lingala language   Kongo River [DT645-DT647.5]   Logo language   Rio Zaire — Economic conditions   Lokele language   Zaire River — — 1960-   Losengo language BT Rivers—Africa, Central — Foreign relations  (May Subd Geog)   Luba-Lulua language NT Stanley Pool (Congo (Brazzaville) and Congo — — 1960-1997   Lugbara language   (Democratic Republic)) — — 1997-   Ma language — Alluvial plain — History   Mamvu language BT Alluvial plains—Africa [DT650.2-DT663]   Mangbetu language Congo River Valley — — To 1908   Mayogo language UF Congo Valley [DT654-DT655.2]   Mbala language (Bandundu, Congo) BT Valleys—Africa, Central — — 1908-1960   Mongo-Nkundu language Congo River Watershed [DT657-DT657.2]   Monjombo language BT Watersheds—Africa, Central — — Civil War, 1960-1965   Mono language (Congo) Congo Square (New Orleans, La.) [DT658.22]   Moru language This heading is not valid for use as a geographic UF Congo Crisis, Congo, 1960-1965   Mpur dialect (Congo) subdivision. — — — Participation, Nigerian   Mundu language (South Sudan and BT Nigerians—Congo (Democratic   Congo (Democratic Republic)) UF Place des Nègres (New Orleans, La.)   Republic)   Nande language BT Plazas—Louisiana — — — Participation, Swedish   Ndunga language Congo tilapia BT Swedes—Congo (Democratic   Ngbaka language USE Redbreast tilapia   Republic)   Ngbaka ma'bo language Congo Valley — — 1960-1997   Ngbandi language USE Congo River Valley [DT658-DT658.25]   Ngiri languages Congo wit and humor, Pictorial — — Shaba Invasion, 1977   Ngiti language USE Congolese (Democratic Republic) wit and [DT658.25]   Ngombe language UF Katanganese Invasion, Congo, 1977   Ngul language   humor, Pictorial   Shaba Invasion, Congo, 1977   Ntaandu dialect Congolese (Brazzaville)  (May Subd Geog)   Shaba War, Congo, 1977   Ntomba language — — Shaba Uprising, 1978   Nyanga language Here are entered works on citizens of the People's [DT658.25]   Omi language Republic of the Congo who are not currently residing UF Shaba Uprising, Congo, 1978   Pelende language in that country. Works on citizens of the Democratic — — 1997-   Pende language Republic of the Congo who are not currently residing [DT658.26]   Sakata language in the Democratic Republic of the Congo are entered UF Congo (Democratic   Salampasu language under Congolese (Democratic Republic)   Republic)—History—Civil War, 1997-   Suku language (Congo) NT Operation Artemis, 2003   Suundi language BT Ethnology—Congo (Brazzaville) — — Civil War, 1997-   Tabwa language Congolese (Brazzaville) arts USE Congo (Democratic   Talinga-Bwisi language   Republic)—History—1997-   Tembo language (Sud-Kivu, Congo) USE Arts, Congolese (Brazzaville)   Tiene language Congolese (Brazzaville) authors USE Authors, Congolese (Brazzaville) Congolese (Brazzaville) cooking USE Cooking, Congolese (Brazzaville) C-598

Congolese (Brazzaville) diplomatic and consular service other countries. For works on the people of the Congolese (Democratic Republic) wit and humor USE Diplomatic and consular service, Congolese Democratic Republic who have settled outside the (May Subd Geog)   (Brazzaville) Democratic Republic of the Congo, an additional BT Congolese (Democratic Republic) literature heading is assigned to designate the place where Congolese (Brazzaville) drama (French) they have settled, e.g., Congolese (Democratic Congolese (Democratic Republic) wit and humor, (May Subd Geog) Republic)--Foreign countries; Congolese (Democratic Pictorial  (May Subd Geog) UF French drama—Congo (Brazzaville) Republic)--France. UF Congo wit and humor, Pictorial [Former BT Congolese (Brazzaville) literature (French)   heading] UF Congolese (Democratic Republic)—Diaspora   Zairian wit and humor, Pictorial [Former Congolese (Brazzaville) fiction (French)   Diaspora, Congolese (Democratic Republic)   heading] (May Subd Geog) UF Congo (Brazzaville) fiction (French) [Former BT Human geography Congolese (Democratic Republic) wood sculpture   heading] RT Congolese (Democratic Republic)—Migrations USE Wood sculpture, Congolese (Democratic   French fiction—Congo (Brazzaville) Congolese (Democratic Republic) drama (French)   Republic) BT Congolese (Brazzaville) literature (French) (May Subd Geog) NT Paranormal fiction, Congolese (Brazzaville) UF French drama—Congo (Democratic Republic) Congos (Panamanian people)  (May Subd Geog)   (French) BT Congolese (Democratic Republic) literature UF Negros Congos (Panamanian people)   Short stories, Congolese (Brazzaville) (French) BT Blacks—Panama   (French)   Ethnology—Panama Congolese (Brazzaville) literature  (May Subd Geog) Congolese (Democratic Republic) fables UF Congo (Brazzaville)—Literatures Congothrissidae   Congo (Brazzaville) literature [Former USE Fables, Congolese (Democratic Republic) USE Clupeidae   heading] Congolese (Democratic Republic) fiction (French) NT Congolese (Brazzaville) literature (French) Congregate housing  (May Subd Geog)   Kongo literature (May Subd Geog) UF Assisted independent residential living   Mbosi literature UF French fiction—Congo (Democratic Republic)   Assisted living   Ngbaka ma'bo literature BT Congolese (Democratic Republic) literature   Supported housing   (French)   Supportive housing Congolese (Brazzaville) literature (French) NT Short stories, Congolese (Democratic BT Housing (May Subd Geog)   Republic) (French) UF Congo (Brazzaville) literature (French) [Former — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog)   heading] Congolese (Democratic Republic) literature Congregation in animals   French literature—Congo (Brazzaville) (May Subd Geog) BT Congolese (Brazzaville) literature UF Congo (Democratic Republic)—Literatures USE Herding behavior in animals NT Congolese (Brazzaville) drama (French) NT Bemba literature Congregational archives   Congolese (Brazzaville) fiction (French)   Congolese (Democratic Republic) literature   Congolese (Brazzaville) poetry (French)   (French) USE Church archives   Congolese (Democratic Republic) poetry   Synagogue archives Congolese (Brazzaville) orations   Congolese (Democratic Republic) wit and USE Speeches, addresses, etc., Congolese   humor Congregational churches  (May Subd Geog)   (Brazzaville)   Kongo literature [BX7101-BX7260]   Luba-Lulua literature Here are entered works on Congregational Congolese (Brazzaville) paranormal fiction (French)   Mongo-Nkundu literature USE Paranormal fiction, Congolese (Brazzaville)   Ngbaka ma'bo literature denominations and associations treated collectively   (French)   Shi literature and works for which the individual Congregational   Yaka literature (Congo and Angola) denomination or association cannot be identified. Congolese (Brazzaville) poetry (French) Works on individual Congregational denominations or (May Subd Geog) Congolese (Democratic Republic) literature (French) associations are entered under the name of the UF Congo (Brazzaville) poetry (French) [Former (May Subd Geog) denomination or association.   heading] UF French literature—Congo (Democratic   French poetry—Congo (Brazzaville)   Republic) BT Christian sects   French poetry—Congo authors [Former   Zairian literature (French) [Former heading] NT Congregationalists   heading] BT Congolese (Democratic Republic) literature — Clergy BT Congolese (Brazzaville) literature (French) NT Congolese (Democratic Republic) drama — Doctrines   (French) Congolese (Brazzaville) proverbs   Congolese (Democratic Republic) fiction NT New England theology USE Proverbs, Congolese (Brazzaville)   (French)   New Haven theology   Congolese (Democratic Republic) poetry Congolese (Brazzaville) riddles   (French) — Education  (May Subd Geog) USE Riddles, Congolese (Brazzaville) NT Congregational universities and colleges Congolese (Democratic Republic) mythology Congolese (Brazzaville) short stories (French) USE Mythology, Congolese (Democratic Republic) — Government USE Short stories, Congolese (Brazzaville) (French) — Massachusetts Congolese (Democratic Republic) national — — History Congolese (Brazzaville) speeches characteristics USE Speeches, addresses, etc., Congolese USE National characteristics, Congolese NT Unitarian controversy   (Brazzaville)   (Democratic Republic) Congregational theological seminaries Congolese (Brazzaville) wood sculpture Congolese (Democratic Republic) painting (May Subd Geog) USE Wood sculpture, Congolese (Brazzaville) USE Painting, Congolese (Democratic Republic) BT Theological seminaries Congolese (Democratic Republic)  (May Subd Geog) Congolese (Democratic Republic) periodicals Congregational universities and colleges Here are entered works on citizens of the (May Subd Geog) (May Subd Geog) UF Zairian periodicals [Former heading] [LC564-LC565] Democratic Republic of the Congo who are not BT Periodicals BT Christian universities and colleges currently residing in that country. Works on citizens of   Congregational churches—Education the People's Republic of the Congo not currently Congolese (Democratic Republic) philology residing in the People's Republic of the Congo are (May Subd Geog) Congregationalism entered under Congolese (Brazzaville). UF Zairian philology [Former heading] [BX7101-BX7260] UF Independency (Church polity) UF Zaireans Congolese (Democratic Republic) philosophy BT Church polity   Zairians [Former heading] USE Philosophy, Congolese (Democratic Republic) NT Brownists   Calvinism BT Ethnology—Congo (Democratic Republic) Congolese (Democratic Republic) poetry   Dissenters, Religious — Diaspora (May Subd Geog)   Puritans BT Congolese (Democratic Republic) literature   Unitarianism USE Congolese (Democratic Republic)   diaspora Congolese (Democratic Republic) poetry (French) Congregationalists  (May Subd Geog) (May Subd Geog) BT Congregational churches — Migrations UF French poetry—Congo authors [Former RT Congolese (Democratic Republic)   heading] — United States   diaspora   French poetry—Congo (Democratic Republic) NT African American Congregationalists   Zairian poetry (French) [Former heading] — Foreign countries BT Congolese (Democratic Republic) literature Congregationalists, African American — France   (French) USE African American Congregationalists Congolese (Democratic Republic) art USE Art, Congolese (Democratic Republic) Congolese (Democratic Republic) poets Congregationalists, Finnish  (May Subd Geog) Congolese (Democratic Republic) arts USE Poets, Congolese (Democratic Republic) Here are entered works on Finnish USE Arts, Congolese (Democratic Republic) Congolese (Democratic Republic) authors Congolese (Democratic Republic) pottery Congregationalists living outside their native country USE Authors, Congolese (Democratic Republic) USE Pottery, Congolese (Democratic Republic) who use their native language in church services. Congolese (Democratic Republic) civics USE Civics, Congolese (Democratic Republic) Congolese (Democratic Republic) sculpture UF Finnish Congregationalists Congolese (Democratic Republic) coins USE Sculpture, Congolese (Democratic Republic) Congregations, Big USE Coins, Congolese (Democratic Republic) Congolese (Democratic Republic) cooking Congolese (Democratic Republic) short stories (French) USE Big churches USE Cooking, Congolese (Democratic Republic) USE Short stories, Congolese (Democratic Congregations, Large Congolese (Democratic Republic) diaspora   Republic) (French) (Not Subd Geog) USE Big churches Congolese (Democratic Republic) students Congregations, Small Here are entered works on the movement of the (May Subd Geog) people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo to BT Students USE Small churches Congregations (Religious gatherings) USE Religious gatherings Congreso de Angostura, Casa del (Ciudad Bolívar, Venezuela) USE Casa del Congreso de Angostura (Ciudad   Boliv́ ar, Venezuela) C-599

Congreso de los Diputados, Palacio del (Madrid, Spain) Congressional ethics (United States) Congrid eels USE Palacio de las Cortes (Madrid, Spain) USE United States. Congress—Ethics USE Conger eels Congreso, Edificio del (Tegucigalpa, Francisco Congressional-executive relations Congridae Morazań , Honduras) USE Executive-legislative relations USE Conger eels USE Palacio Legislativo (Tegucigalpa, Francisco   Morazań , Honduras) Congressional Gold Medal Congrina UF Gold Medal, Congressional USE Bathycongrus Congreso Nacional (La Paz, Bolivia) BT Medals—United States USE Palacio Legislativo (La Paz, Bolivia) Congruence lattice representations Congressional hearings USE Representations of congruence lattices Congreso Nacional, Palacio del (Buenos Aires, USE Legislative hearings—United States Argentina) Congruence lattices USE Palacio del Congreso Nacional (Buenos Aires, Congressional investigations BT Lattice theory   Argentina) USE Governmental investigations—United States NT Representations of congruence lattices Congress and convention headings (Cataloging) Congressional leadership Congruence modular varieties USE Conference headings (Cataloging) USE United States. Congress—Leadership [QA251] UF Congruence modularity Congress Bridge (Rome, Italy) Congressional Medal of Honor   Modular varieties, Congruence USE Ponte dei Congressi (Rome, Italy) USE Medal of Honor   Modularity, Congruence BT Varieties (Universal algebra) Congress Building (Tegucigalpa, Francisco Morazán, Congressional Medal of Valor Honduras) USE Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor Congruence modularity USE Palacio Legislativo (Tegucigalpa, Francisco USE Congruence modular varieties   Morazań , Honduras) Congressional officers USE United States. Congress—Officials and Congruences (Geometry) Congress facilities   employees [QA608] USE Convention facilities BT Geometry Congressional oversight   Geometry, Differential Congress Hall (Philadelphia, Pa.) USE Legislative oversight—United States   Mathematics UF Philadelphia County Court House   Similarity (Geometry)   (Philadelphia, Pa.) Congressional pages NT Twistor theory BT Public buildings—Pennsylvania USE Capitol pages NT Senate Chamber (Congress Hall, Philadelphia, Congruences and residues   Pa.) Congressional Palace (La Paz, Bolivia) [QA242-QA244] USE Palacio Legislativo (La Paz, Bolivia) UF Quadratic residues Congress Hall Zurich (Zurich, Switzerland)   Residues and congruences USE Kongresshaus Zur̈ ich (Zurich, Switzerland) Congressional-presidential relations BT Algebra USE Executive-legislative relations   Mathematics Congress Palace (Buenos Aires, Argentina) RT Calculus of residues USE Palacio del Congreso Nacional (Buenos Aires, Congressional reform   Fermat's theorem   Argentina) USE United States. Congress—Reform NT Chinese remainder theorem Congress Park (Denver, Colo.) Congressional roll call Congrus This heading is not valid for use as a geographic USE United States. Congress—Voting USE Conger subdivision. Congressional secretaries Conhague (African people) BT Office practice in government USE Koniagui (African people) UF Denver (Colo.). Congress Park   Secretaries BT Parks—Colorado   United States. Congress—Officials and Conhocton River (N.Y.) Congress Street Bascule Bridge (Boston, Mass.)   employees USE Cohocton River (N.Y.) USE Congress Street Bridge (Boston, Mass.) Congress Street Bridge (Boston, Mass.) Congressional transition periods Coni family  (Not Subd Geog) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic USE United States. Congress—Transition periods Coniagui (African people) subdivision. Congressional veto USE Koniagui (African people) UF Congress Street Bascule Bridge (Boston, USE Legislative veto—United States Coniba Indians   Mass.) Congressionals (Jewish sect) USE Shipibo-Conibo Indians BT Bridges—Massachusetts USE Neology (Jewish sect) Coniba language Congresses and conventions  (May Subd Geog) Congressman Clarence Miller Post Office (Lancaster, USE Shipibo-Conibo language [AS] Ohio) Conibear Shellhouse (Seattle, Wash.) UF Colloquia USE Clarence Miller Post Office Building (Lancaster,   Ohio) UF Hiram Conibear Shellhouse (Seattle, Wash.)   Colloquiums BT Boathouses—Washington (State)   Conferences Congressman George Miller Bridge (Benicia and   Conventions (Congresses) Martinez, Calif.)   College buildings—Washington (State)   International conferences, congresses and USE Benicia-Martinez Bridge (Benicia and Martinez,   Sports facilities—Washington (State)   conventions   Calif.) Conibeer family   Symposia USE Conybeare family   Symposiums Congressman Jack Fields Post Office (Kingwood, Tex.) Conibeere family BT Intellectual cooperation UF Fields Post Office (Kingwood, Tex.) USE Conybeare family RT Convention facilities   Jack Fields Post Office (Kingwood, Tex.) Conibo art SA subdivision Congresses under subjects; and BT Post office buildings—Texas USE Shipibo-Conibo art   names of individual congresses Conibo Indians NT Conference headings (Cataloging) Congressman James Grove Fulton Memorial Post USE Shipibo-Conibo Indians   Conference proceedings Office Building (Pittsburgh, Pa.) Conibo language   Eucharistic congresses UF Fulton Memorial Post Office Building USE Shipibo-Conibo language   International organization   (Pittsburgh, Pa.) Conibo mythology   Meetings   James Grove Fulton Memorial Post Office USE Shipibo-Conibo mythology   Political conventions   Building (Pittsburgh, Pa.) Conibo philosophy   Poster presentations BT Post office buildings—Pennsylvania USE Shipibo-Conibo philosophy — Advertising Conic projection (Cartography) USE Advertising—Congresses and conventions Congressman Julian C. Dixon Post Office (Los Angeles, USE Conical projection (Cartography) — Attendance Calif.) Conic sections UF Dixon Post Office (Los Angeles, Calif.) [QA485 (Plane geometry)] UF Attendance, Conference   Julian C. Dixon Post Office (Los Angeles, [QA559 (Analytic geometry)]   Conference attendance   Calif.) BT Curves, Plane BT Post office buildings—California   Geometry, Plane SA subdivision Congresses--Attendance   Mathematics   under topical headings, e.g. Physics-- Congressmen RT Ellipse   Congresses--Attendance USE Legislators—United States   Geometry, Analytic   Parabola — Translating services  (May Subd Geog) Congresswoman Jan Meyers Post Office Building NT Curves BT Translating services (Overland Park, Kan.)   Hyperbola UF Jan Meyers Post Office Building (Overland   Pascal's theorem Congresshall Zurich (Zurich, Switzerland)   Park, Kan.) Conica USE Kongresshaus Zürich (Zurich, Switzerland)   Meyers Post Office Building (Overland Park, USE Thecate hydroids   Kan.) Conical cornea Congressi, Ponte dei (Rome, Italy) BT Post office buildings—Kansas USE Keratoconus USE Ponte dei Congressi (Rome, Italy) Conical gearing Congresswoman Jo Ann S. Davis Post Office USE Gearing, Conical Congressional Award (Gloucester, Va.) Conical projection (Cartography) BT Awards—United States UF Davis Post Office (Gloucester, Va.) UF Conic projection (Cartography)   Jo Ann S. Davis Post Office (Gloucester, Va.) BT Map projection Congressional Bank Scandal, U.S., 1991 BT Post office buildings—Virginia NT Lambert conformal conic projection USE United States. Congress. House—Bank   (Cartography)   Scandal, 1991 Congresswoman Shirley A. Chisholm Post Office Building (New York, N.Y.) Congressional caucuses UF Chisholm Post Office Building (New York, N.Y.) USE United States. Congress—Caucuses   Shirley A. Chisholm Post Office Building (New   York, N.Y.) Congressional chaplains BT Post office buildings—New York (State) USE United States. Congress—Chaplains Congresswomen Congressional committees USE Legislators—United States USE United States. Congress—Committees   Women legislators C-600

Conical shells Coniine   Triadic therapy (Marital psychotherapy) BT Shells (Engineering) USE Conine   Triangular therapy (Marital psychotherapy) BT Marital psychotherapy — Vibration  (May Subd Geog) Conimbriga (Extinct city) Conjoint measurement (Marketing) BT Vibration UF Coniumbriga (Extinct city) USE Conjoint analysis (Marketing)   Ruínas de Conimbriga (Portugal) Conjugacy classes Conical waves BT Extinct cities—Portugal UF Classes of conjugate elements USE Head waves   Portugal—Antiquities BT Group theory Conjugal violence Conics, Spherical Conine USE Marital violence [QA561] [RM666.C] Conjugal visits  (May Subd Geog) UF Spherical conics UF Coniine BT Prison visits BT Curves on surfaces Conjugales Coningham family USE Zygnematales Conidae USE Cunningham family Conjugata [QL430.5.C75] USE Spirogyra BT Neogastropoda Coningsby family  (Not Subd Geog) Conjugate direction methods NT Conus Coniophanes  (May Subd Geog) BT Mathematical optimization   Numerical analysis Conidae, Fossil  (May Subd Geog) [QL666.O636 (Zoology)] Conjugate gradient methods [QE809.C] UF Black-striped snakes UF Gradient methods, Conjugate BT Neogastropoda, Fossil BT Colubridae BT Approximation theory NT Coniophanes fissidens   Equations—Numerical solutions Conidia  (May Subd Geog) Coniophanes fissidens   Iterative methods (Mathematics) BT Fungi—Spores [QL666.O636] NT Sobolev gradients BT Coniophanes Conjugated biomolecules Conidial fungi Coniophoraceae  (May Subd Geog) USE Bioconjugates USE Fungi imperfecti [QK629.C] Conjugated glucuronates BT Boletales USE Glucuronides Coniella diplodiella NT Serpula (Fungi) Conjugated oligomers  (May Subd Geog) USE White rot (Grapes) Coniopterygidae [QD382.C665] [QL513.C65] UF Pi-conjugated oligomers Conies (Hyraxes) UF Dusty-wings BT Oligomers USE Hyraxes BT Neuroptera NT Oligothiophenes NT Helicoconis Conjugated polymers  (May Subd Geog) Conifer sawflies Coniothyrium diplodiella [QD382.C66] USE Diprionidae USE White rot (Grapes) BT Organic semiconductors Conisbrough Castle (Conisbrough, England)   Polymers Conifer seed BT Castles—England RT Conducting polymers USE Conifers—Seeds Conitticut River (N.Y.) Conjugates, Antibody-drug USE Carmans River (N.Y.) USE Antibody-drug conjugates Conifer wilt  (May Subd Geog) Conium  (May Subd Geog) Conjugates, Antibody-enzyme UF Pine wilt disease [QK495.U48 (Botany)] USE Antibody-enzyme conjugates   Wilt disease of pine BT Umbelliferae Conjugates, Antibody-toxin   Wilt of conifers NT Poison hemlock USE Antibody-toxin conjugates BT Conifers—Diseases and pests Conium maculatum Conjugation, Metabolic   Nematode diseases of plants USE Poison hemlock USE Metabolic conjugation   Wilt diseases Coniumbriga (Extinct city) Conjugation (Biology) USE Conimbriga (Extinct city) BT Reproduction Conifer wood rot Conjecture Conjugation (Metabolism) USE Indian paint fungus USE Prediction (Logic) USE Metabolic conjugation Conjecture, Artin's Conjugation biochemistry Coniferae USE Artin's conjecture USE Bioconjugates USE Conifers Conjecture, Baum-Connes Conjugation chemistry USE Baum-Connes conjecture USE Bioconjugates Coniferales Conjecture, Bieberbach Conjugatophyceae USE Conifers USE Bieberbach conjecture USE Zygnematales Conjecture, Bieberbach's Conjuncta Coniferous forests, Northern USE Bieberbach conjecture USE Musica ficta USE Taigas Conjecture, Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer Conjunctions (Linguistics) USE Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture USE Grammar, Comparative and Conifers  (May Subd Geog) Conjecture, Goldbach   general—Conjunctions [QK494 (Botany)] USE Goldbach conjecture Conjunctiva [SD397.C7 (Forestry)] Conjecture, Kepler's [QL949] UF Coniferae [Former heading] USE Kepler's conjecture [QM511]   Coniferales Conjecture, Mordell BT Adnexa oculi   Softwood trees USE Mordell conjecture   Eye   Softwoods (Trees) Conjecture, Novikov — Diseases  (May Subd Geog) BT Gymnosperms USE Novikov conjecture RT Evergreens Conjecture, Poincaré [RE310-RE326] NT Araucariaceae USE Poincaré conjecture UF Ophthalmia   Cedar Conjecture, Weil's NT Conjunctivitis   Cephalotaxaceae USE Weil conjectures   Cones (Botany) Conjectures, Beilinson's   Epitheliosis   Cupressaceae USE Beilinson's conjectures   Pterygium   Dwarf conifers Conjectures, Stark's   Trachoma   Needles (Botany) USE Stark's conjectures   Xerophthalmia   Ornamental conifers Conjectures, Weil — Inflammation   Pinaceae USE Weil conjectures USE Conjunctivitis   Podocarpaceae Conjoined twins  (May Subd Geog) — Tumors  (May Subd Geog)   Sciadopityaceae UF Siamese twins [Former heading] Conjunctive mood   Softwood BT Abnormalities, Human USE Grammar, Comparative and   Taxodiaceae   general—Subjunctive   Parabiosis Conjunctivitis  (May Subd Geog) — Diseases and pests  (May Subd Geog)   Twins [RE320] [SB608.C7] Conjoined twins (Islamic law)  (May Subd Geog) UF Conjunctiva—Inflammation SA names of specific diseases and pests, e.g. [KBP3119.C66]   Pinkeye   Spruce budworm BT Islamic law BT Conjunctiva—Diseases NT Blue stain Conjoined twins in literature  (Not Subd Geog)   Eye—Inflammation   Conifer wilt Conjoint analysis (Marketing)  (May Subd Geog) NT Acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis   Polyporus schweinitzii UF Benefit structure analysis (Marketing)   Keratoconjunctivitis   Scleroderris canker   Conjoint measurement (Marketing) Conjunctivitis, Acute hemorrhagic   Trade-off analysis (Marketing) USE Acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis — Roots BT Marketing — — Diseases and pests  (May Subd Geog) Conjoint marital psychotherapy USE Conjoint marital therapy NT Leptographium root diseases of conifers Conjoint marital therapy  (May Subd Geog) — Seed UF Conjoint marital psychotherapy USE Conifers—Seeds — Seeds  (May Subd Geog) UF Conifer seed [Former heading]   Conifers—Seed [Former heading] BT Cones (Botany) Conifers, Fossil  (May Subd Geog) [QE977.2] BT Gymnosperms, Fossil NT Cheirolepidiaceae   Pinaceae, Fossil   Taxodiaceae, Fossil Coniffe family USE Cundiff family C-601

Conjunctivitis, Granular Connally family — — Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775 USE Trachoma USE Connelly family USE Connecticut—Politics and   government—To 1775 Conjunctivitis, Infantile Connaly family [RJ296] USE Connelly family — — 1775-1783 UF Infantile conjunctivitis UF Connecticut—Politics and   Ophthalmia neonatorum Connant family   government—Revolution, 1775-1783 BT Blindness USE Conant family   [Former heading]   Gonorrhea   Infants—Diseases Connaraceae — — Revolution, 1775-1783 [QK495.C76] USE Connecticut—Politics and Conjunctivitis arida BT Rosales   government—1775-1783 USE Xerophthalmia Connarty family — — 1775-1865 Conjunto Jesuita de Rere (Rere, Chile) USE Conerty family — — 1812-1815 This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Connaught Mountains (Nunavut) UF Connecticut—Politics and subdivision. USE Prince Albert Hills (Nunavut)   government—War of 1812 [Former   heading] BT Historic sites—Chile Conneaut Lake (Pa. : Lake)   National parks and reserves—Chile BT Lakes—Pennsylvania — — War of 1812 USE Connecticut—Politics and Conjunto music  (May Subd Geog) Conneaut Lake Park (Pa.)   government—1812-1815 UF Muś ica norteña BT Amusement parks—Pennsylvania   Nortenõ music   Resorts—Pennsylvania — — 1861-1865 BT Tejano music UF Connecticut—Politics and Connect 4 (Game)   government—Civil War, 1861-1865 Conjuraca̧ õ mineira, Brazil, 1789 [GV1469.C65]   [Former heading] USE Minas Gerais (Brazil)—History—Revolution, UF Connect Four (Game)   1789   Find Four (Game) — — Civil War, 1861-1865   Four in a Line (Game) USE Connecticut—Politics and Conjurers   Four in a Row (Game)   government—1861-1865 USE Magicians   Four Up (Game)   Plot Four (Game) — — 1865-1950 Conjuring BT Connection games — — 1951- USE Magic tricks — Public buildings Connect Four (Game) Conjuring in art USE Connect 4 (Game) USE Public buildings—Connecticut USE Magic tricks in art — Public lands Connect-the-dots puzzles  (May Subd Geog) Conjurors UF Dot-to-dot puzzles USE Public lands—Connecticut USE Magicians   Join-the-dots puzzles Connecticut Assessment of Educational Progress BT Picture puzzles Conkel family Program USE Kunkel family Connectedness (Social psychology) UF CAEP Program USE Belonging (Social psychology) BT Academic achievement Conkers (Game)   Educational tests and [GV1218.C63] Connecticut   measurements—Connecticut BT Games — Antiquities NT Gungywamp Site (Groton, Conn.) Connecticut Avenue (Washington, D.C.) Conkle family   Lighthouse Site (Barkhamsted, Conn.) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic USE Kunkel family — Capital and capitol NT Old State House (Hartford, Conn.) subdivision. Conklin family  (Not Subd Geog) — Claims UF Concklin family NT Susquehanna Claim, 1753-1808 BT Streets—Washington (D.C.)   Conclin family — Description and travel Connecticut Avenue Bridge (Washington, D.C.)   Conkling family UF Connecticut—Description and   Conklyne family   travel—1951-1980 [Former heading] USE William Howard Taft Bridge (Washington, D.C.)   Connecticut—Description and Connecticut Coastal National Wildlife Refuge (Conn.) Conkling family   travel—1981- [Former heading] USE Conklin family — — 1951-1980 USE Stewart B. McKinney National Wildlife Refuge USE Connecticut—Description and travel   (Conn.) Conklyne family — — 1981- USE Conklin family USE Connecticut—Description and travel Connecticut Hill (N.Y.) — History BT Mountains—New York (State) Conkouati Faunal Reserve (Congo) [F91-F100] USE Reś erve de faune de Conkouati (Congo) — — Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775 Connecticut Lakes (N.H.) — — — Juvenile literature BT Lakes—New Hampshire Conkwright family — — French and Indian War, 1754-1763 USE Cronkite family UF Connecticut—History—French and Connecticut River   Indian War, 1755-1763 [Former BT Rivers—United States CONLAN (Computer hardware description language)   heading] UF Consensus Hardware Description Language — — French and Indian War, 1755-1763 — Bridges   (Computer hardware description language) USE Connecticut—History—French and USE Bridges—Connecticut River BT Computer engineering—Data processing   Indian War, 1754-1763   Computer hardware description languages — — Revolution, 1775-1783 Connecticut River (N.Y.) [E263.C5] USE Carmans River (N.Y.) Conlee family NT Danbury (Conn.)—History—Burning by USE Connelly family   the British, 1777 Connecticut River Estuary   Fairfield (Conn.)—History—Burning by USE Connecticut River Estuary (Conn.) Conley family   the British, 1779 USE Connelly family   Groton Heights, Battle of, Conn., 1781 Connecticut River Estuary (Conn.)   New Haven UF Connecticut River Estuary [Former heading] Conloingeas, Cormac (Legendary character)   (Conn.)—History—Invasion, 1779 BT Estuaries—Connecticut USE Cormac Connloinges (Legendary character)   New London (Conn.)—History—Burning   by the British, 1781 Connecticut River Greenway State Park (Mass.) Conly family   Norwalk (Conn.)—History—Burning by BT Parks—Massachusetts USE Connelly family   the British, 1779   Ridgefield, Battle of, Ridgefield, Conn., Connecticut River National Fish and Wildlife Refuge Conn electronic organ   1777 USE Silvio Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge USE Conn organ — — 1775-1865 — — War of 1812 Connecticut River National Parkway and Recreation Conn family  (Not Subd Geog) [E359.5.C7] Area Conn Loingeas, Cormac (Legendary character) — — Civil War, 1861-1865 BT National parks and reserves—United States [E499]   Parkways—United States USE Cormac Connloinges (Legendary character) — Languages   Recreation areas—United States Conn organ  (Not Subd Geog) NT Mohegan language   Quinnipiac language Connecticut River Valley [MT192 (Instruction)] — Politics and government UF Connecticut Valley UF Conn electronic organ — — To 1775 BT Valleys—United States UF Connecticut—Politics and   Connsonata electronic organ   government—Colonial period, ca. Connecticut River Watershed   Connsonata organ   1600-1775 [Former heading] BT Watersheds—United States BT Electronic organ Conna, Fort (Mont.) Connecticut Route 15 (Conn.) USE Fort Connah (Mont.) UF Connecticut State Route 15 (Conn.) Connabear family   Route 15 (Conn.) USE Conybeare family   S.R. 15 (Conn.) Connaghty family   SR 15 (Conn.) USE Conerty family   State Route 15 (Conn.) Connah, Fort (Mont.) BT Roads—Connecticut USE Fort Connah (Mont.) NT Berlin Turnpike (Conn.) Connal family   Wilbur Cross Parkway (Conn.) USE Connell family Connala family Connecticut State Route 15 (Conn.) USE Connelly family USE Connecticut Route 15 (Conn.) Connally, Mike (Fictitious character)  (Not Subd Geog) UF Mike Connally (Fictitious character) Connecticut Turnpike (Conn.) Connally, Susan (Fictitious character)  (Not Subd Geog) BT Express highways—Connecticut UF Susan Connally (Fictitious character)   Toll roads—Connecticut Connecticut Valley USE Connecticut River Valley C-602

Connecticut warbler  (May Subd Geog) Connectives (Linguistics) Connexes UF Geothypis agilis USE Grammar, Comparative and [QA608]   Oporornis agilia   general—Connectives   Oporornis agilis Connexia  (May Subd Geog)   Sylvia agilis Connectivity of graphs [QE955] BT Oporornis USE Graph connectivity BT Dasycladaceae, Fossil NT Connexia slovenica Connecticut Western Reserve (Ohio) Connectome mapping USE Western Reserve (Ohio) USE Brain mapping Connexia slovenica  (May Subd Geog) [QE955] Connecting factors (Conflict of laws) Connectors, Optical fiber BT Connexia USE Points of contact (Conflict of laws) USE Optical fibers—Joints Connexin 43 Connecting peptide Connel family UF Connexin43 USE C-peptide USE Connell family   Cx43 (Connexin 43) BT Connexins Connecting system of the heart Conneley family USE Heart conduction system USE Connelly family Connexin43 USE Connexin 43 Connection games  (May Subd Geog) Connell family  (Not Subd Geog) [GV1469.C66] UF Conals family Connexins  (May Subd Geog) UF Alignment games   Connal family BT Membrane proteins BT Board games   Connel family RT Gap junctions (Cell biology) NT Connect 4 (Game) NT Connexin 43 Connelly, Harper (Fictitious character)  (Not Subd Geog) Connection machines  (May Subd Geog) UF Harper Connelly (Fictitious character) Connexionism BT Parallel computers USE Connectionism Connelly family  (Not Subd Geog) Connectionism  (May Subd Geog) UF Conaldy family Connie Blair (Fictitious character) UF Connexionism   Conally family USE Blair, Connie (Fictitious character) BT Cognition   Coneley family   Conely family Connie Mack Stadium (Philadelphia, Pa.) CONNECTIONS (Information retrieval system)   Conerly family USE Shibe Park (Philadelphia, Pa.) BT Information storage and retrieval   Conlee family   systems—Child welfare   Conley family Connie-Oak Bay (N.C.)   Conly family USE Edenton Bay (N.C.) Connections (Mathematics)   Connala family BT Geometry, Differential   Connally family Conniff family NT Solitons   Connaly family USE Cundiff family   Conneley family Connective tissue cells   Connely family Connloinges, Cormac (Legendary character) BT Cells   Connerley family USE Cormac Connloinges (Legendary character) NT Fat cells   Connerlly family   Fibroblasts   Connerly family Connochaetes   Macrophages   Connoley family USE Gnus   Mast cells   Connollee family   Plasma cells   Connolly family [Former heading] Connochaetes gnou   Connoly family USE White-tailed gnu Connective tissue diseases in children   Conolley family (May Subd Geog)   Conolly family Connochaetes taurinus [RJ482.C65]   Conoly family USE Brindled gnu BT Children—Diseases RT Conolly-Carew family   Connective tissues—Diseases Connoley family NT Collagen diseases in children Connely family USE Connelly family   Mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome USE Connelly family Connollee family Connective tissue diseases in old age Connemara (Flat Rock, Henderson County, N.C.) USE Connelly family (May Subd Geog) USE Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site UF Geriatric connective tissue diseases   (Flat Rock, Henderson County, N.C.) Connolly, Mike (Fictitious character)  (Not Subd Geog) BT Connective tissues—Diseases UF Mike Connolly (Fictitious character)   Older people—Diseases Connemara (Ireland) Connemara National Park (Ireland) Connolly family Connective tissue diseases in pregnancy USE Connelly family (May Subd Geog) UF Páirc Náisiúnta Chonamara (Ireland) [RG580.C64] BT National parks and reserves—Ireland Connolly Parkway (Conn.) BT Connective tissues—Diseases Connemara pony BT Parkways—Connecticut   Pregnancy—Complications [SF315.2.C6] BT Ponies Connoly family Connective tissues Connen, Fort (Mont.) USE Connelly family [QM563] USE Fort Connah (Mont.) UF Areolar tissue Conner, Rainie (Fictitious character)  (Not Subd Geog) Connor, Gail (Fictitious character)  (Not Subd Geog) RT Collagen UF Rainie Conner (Fictitious character) UF Gail Connor (Fictitious character)   Elastic tissue Conner family BT Musculoskeletal system USE O'Connor family Connor, Kate (Fictitious character)  (Not Subd Geog)   Tissues Connerley family UF Kate Connor (Fictitious character) NT Adipose tissues USE Connelly family   Bone Connerlly family Connor, Lily (Fictitious character)  (Not Subd Geog)   Cartilage USE Connelly family UF Lily Connor (Fictitious character)   Cementum Connerly family   Extracellular matrix USE Connelly family Connor, Petra (Fictitious character)  (Not Subd Geog)   Fasciae (Anatomy) Conners' Continuous Performance Test UF Petra Connor (Fictitious character)   Mesenchyme UF Conners' CPT (Neuropsychological test) Connor Basin Ranch (Utah) — Aging   Continuous Performance Test BT Ranches—Utah — Development BT Neuropsychological tests Conners' CPT (Neuropsychological test) Connor Creek Site (Tex.) USE Connective tissues—Growth USE Conners' Continuous Performance Test BT Texas—Antiquities — Diseases  (May Subd Geog) Conners family USE O'Connor family Connor family [RC924-RC924.5] Connerty family USE O'Connor family RT Rheumatology USE Conerty family NT Cellulitis Connes conjecture, Baum- Connor Grey (Fictitious character) USE Baum-Connes conjecture USE Grey, Connor (Fictitious character)   Collagen diseases Connetquot Brook (Long Island, N.Y.)   Connective tissue diseases in children USE Connetquot Brook (N.Y.) Connor Hawthorne (Fictitious character)   Connective tissue diseases in old age Connetquot Brook (N.Y.) USE Hawthorne, Connor (Fictitious character)   Connective tissue diseases in pregnancy UF Connetquot Brook (Long Island, N.Y.) [Former   Marfan syndrome Connor Westphal (Fictitious character)   Mast cell disease   heading] USE Westphal, Connor (Fictitious character)   Mixed connective tissue disease BT Rivers—New York (State)   Plasma cell diseases Connetquot Brook Watershed (N.Y.) Connors, Elizabeth (Fictitious character)   Pseudoxanthoma elasticum BT Watersheds—New York (State) USE Connors, Liz (Fictitious character)   Stickler syndrome Connetquot River (N.Y.) — — Genetic aspects USE Carmans River (N.Y.) Connors, Liz (Fictitious character)  (Not Subd Geog) — Growth Conneway family UF Connors, Elizabeth (Fictitious character) UF Connective tissues—Development USE Conway family   Elizabeth Connors (Fictitious character) — Transplantation  (May Subd Geog)   Liz Connors (Fictitious character) — Tumors  (May Subd Geog) NT Chondroblastoma Connors family USE O'Connor family Connotation (Linguistics) [P325.5.C63] UF Connotative meaning   Implication (Linguistics)   Linguistic connotation   Overtone (Linguistics) BT Linguistics   Meaning (Psychology)   Semantics RT Emotive (Linguistics) Connotative meaning USE Connotation (Linguistics) Conns Creek (Mo.) BT Rivers—Missouri C-603

Conns Creek Watershed (Mo.) Conopharyngia durissima  (May Subd Geog) Conquerors  (May Subd Geog) BT Watersheds—Missouri [QK495.A66] UF Conquistadors BT Tabernaemontana   Victors Conn's disease BT Adventure and adventurers USE Hyperaldosteronism Conophis [QL666.O636] Conquerors in art  (Not Subd Geog) Connsonata electronic organ BT Colubridae Conquerors in literature  (Not Subd Geog) USE Conn organ Conques Cave (France) Conophthorus Connsonata organ [QL596.S35] UF Grotte des Conques (France) USE Conn organ BT Scolytidae BT Caves—France NT White-pine cone beetle Cono Sur (South America)   France—Antiquities USE Southern Cone of South America Conophthorus coniperda Conquest, Gate of (Cairo, Egypt) USE White-pine cone beetle Cono Sur de Ameŕ ica USE Bab̄ al-Futūḥ (Cairo, Egypt) USE Southern Cone of South America Conophytum  (May Subd Geog) Conquest, Right of [QK495.A32] Conob Indians UF Berresfordia UF Debellatio USE Kanjobal Indians   Berrisfordia   Right of conquest BT Aizoaceae Conob language BT International law USE Kanjobal language Conopidae RT Military occupation USE Thickheaded flies Conquest automobile  (Not Subd Geog) Conoby Creek (N.C.) UF Chrysler Conquest automobile USE Conaby Creek (N.C.) Conopistha  (May Subd Geog) [QL458.42.T54 (Zoology)]   Dodge Conquest automobile Conocardidoida BT Cobweb weavers   Plymouth Conquest automobile Conocarpus  (May Subd Geog) NT Conopistha argyrodes BT Chrysler automobile Conquest of the Desert, Argentina, 1879 [QK495.C7] Conopistha argyrodes UF Desert, Conquest of the, Argentina, 1879 BT Combretaceae [QL458.42.T54] BT Argentina—History—1860-1910 NT Conocarpus erectus BT Conopistha   Indians of South America—Wars—Argentina Conocarpus erectus  (May Subd Geog) Conquian [QK495.C7] Conopomorpha  (May Subd Geog) USE Coon can (Game) UF Buttonmangrove [QL561.G7 (Zoology)] Conquinine BT Gracillariidae USE Quinidine   Buttonwood NT Cacao pod borer Conquista (Dance) BT Conocarpus [GV1796.C63] Conocarpus myrtifolius Conopomorpha cramerella UF Baille de la Conquista USE Anogeissus pendula USE Cacao pod borer   Dance of the conquest of Guatemala Conocephalus   Tecum (Dance) [QL508.T4] Conorhinus BT Folk dancing, Guatemalan Conoclinium macrocephalum USE Triatoma NT Moros y Cristianos (Dance) USE Campuloclinium macrocephalum Conquistadors Conococheague Creek (Pa.) Conoroe family USE Conquerors UF Birch Run (Pa.) USE Conarroe family Conrad, Fort (Mont.) BT Rivers—Pennsylvania USE Fort Conrad (Mont.) Conoderus Conors family Conrad, Fort (N.M.) [QL596.E4] USE O'Connor family USE Fort Conrad (N.M.) BT Elateridae Conrad, Dev (Fictitious character)  (Not Subd Geog) NT Conoderus falli Conoryctella UF Dev Conrad (Fictitious character) Conoderus falli [QE882.T34] Conrad, Gabe (Fictitious character) [QL596.E4] BT Taeniodonta USE Long Rider (Fictitious character) UF Potato wireworm, Southern Conrad (Fictitious character : Shakespeare) Conospermum  (May Subd Geog) USE Conrade (Fictitious character : Shakespeare)   Southern potato wireworm [QK495.P957 (Botany)] Conrad B. Duberstein United States Bankruptcy BT Conoderus UF Smoke bushes Courthouse (New York, N.Y.)   Smokebushes UF Duberstein United States Bankruptcy   Wireworms BT Proteaceae   Courthouse (New York, N.Y.) Conodoguinet Creek (Pa.) BT Courthouses—New York (State) Conotrachelus  (May Subd Geog) Conrad DeRouen, Jr., Post Office (Erath, La.) UF Conedoguinet Creek (Pa.) [QL596.C9] UF DeRouen Post Office (Erath, La.)   Conedogwinet Creek (Pa.) BT Curculionidae BT Post office buildings—Louisiana   Conedoquinet Creek (Pa.) NT Plum curculio Conrad family  (Not Subd Geog) UF Conrade family BT Rivers—Pennsylvania Conotruncal anomaly face syndrome   Conradt family Conodoguinet Creek Water Trail (Pa.) USE Velocardiofacial syndrome   Conrath family   Conrod family BT Water trails—Pennsylvania Conotruncal anomaly unusual face syndrome   Conrodt family Conodontophorida  (May Subd Geog) USE Velocardiofacial syndrome   Coonrod family   Konrad family [QE899] Conotylidae   Koonrod family BT Conodonts [QL449.65.C6] RT Conradi family NT Polygnathidae NT Taiyutyla   Jensen Konrad family Conrad Voort (Fictitious character)   Protopanderodontidae Conover family  (Not Subd Geog) USE Voort, Conrad (Fictitious character) Conodonts  (May Subd Geog) UF Couenhoven family Conrad Weiser House (Womelsdorf, Pa.)   Covenhoven family UF Weiser House (Womelsdorf, Pa.) [QE899.2.C65]   Cowenhoven family BT Dwellings—Pennsylvania BT Animals, Fossil   Kouwenhoven family Conrade (Fictitious character : Shakespeare) NT Conodontophorida   Van Couwenhoven family (Not Subd Geog)   Van Kouwenhoven family UF Conrad (Fictitious character : Shakespeare)   Ellisonidae RT Crownover family Conrade family   Gondolella USE Conrad family   Mestognathus Conoway family Conradi family  (Not Subd Geog)   Milaculum USE Conway family UF Conradie family   Vogelgnathus   Conrady family Conoides plumogeraria Conowingo Dam (Md.) RT Conrad family USE Walnut spanworm BT Dams—Maryland Conradie family Conolley family USE Conradi family USE Connelly family Conowingo Lake (Md. and Pa.) Conradines Conolly-Carew family  (Not Subd Geog) USE Conowingo Reservoir (Md. and Pa.) UF Konradiner RT Carew family RT Germany—History—843-1273   Connelly family Conowingo Pond (Md. and Pa.) Conrad's Ferry, Battle of, Va., 1861 Conolly family USE Conowingo Reservoir (Md. and Pa.) USE Ball's Bluff, Battle of, Va., 1861 USE Connelly family Conradt family Conoly family Conowingo Reservoir (Md. and Pa.) USE Conrad family USE Connelly family UF Conowingo Lake (Md. and Pa.) Conomyrma   Conowingo Pond (Md. and Pa.) [QL568.F7] BT Lakes—Maryland UF Biconomyrma   Lakes—Pennsylvania BT Ants   Reservoirs—Maryland Conon, River (Highland, Scotland)   Reservoirs—Pennsylvania UF River Conon (Highland, Scotland) BT Rivers—Scotland Conoy Indians  (May Subd Geog) Conon, River, Valley (Highland, Scotland) [E99.C873] USE Strathconon (Highland, Scotland) BT Algonquian Indians Conopharyngia   Indians of North America—Maryland USE Tabernaemontana   Indians of North America—Middle Atlantic   States NT Piscataway Indians Conoyces USE Pademelons Conqueror (Tank)  (Not Subd Geog) BT Tanks (Military science) C-604

Conrady family   Church discipline UF Animal consciousness USE Conradi family   Confession BT Animal psychology   Penance Consciousness in art  (Not Subd Geog) Conrath family NT Scruples Consciousness in literature  (Not Subd Geog) USE Conrad family Conscience, Manifestation of Consciousness-raising groups USE Manifestation of conscience USE Group relations training Conro family Conscience in literature  (Not Subd Geog) Conscript labor USE Conarroe family Conscientious objection  (May Subd Geog) USE subdivision Conscript labor under individual Here are entered works on refusal on moral or Conrod family religious grounds to bear arms in military conflicts or   wars, e.g. World War, 1939-1945--Conscript USE Conrad family to serve in the armed forces.   labor USE Forced labor Conrodt family BT Military ethics   Service, Compulsory non-military USE Conrad family   War—Moral and ethical aspects Conscription, Military USE Draft Conroe family NT Selective conscientious objection Conscripts USE Conarroe family Conscientious objection (Medical ethics) USE Draftees Consecrated bread Conroe Lake (Tex.) USE Refusal to treat—Moral and ethical aspects USE Lord's Supper—Bread UF Lake Conroe (Tex.) Conscientious objectors  (May Subd Geog) Consecration BT Lakes—Texas [BV4501 (Christian life)]   Reservoirs—Texas [UB341-UB342] BT Holiness UF Objectors, Conscientious NT Benediction Conrow family BT Liberty of conscience — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] USE Conarroe family Consecration of bishops   Pacifists [BX2304 (Catholic Church)] Conroy Canyon (Colo.) RT Draft UF Bishops—Consecration USE Welsh Canyon (Colo.) SA subdivision Conscientious objectors under BT Bishops RT Investiture Conroy family  (Not Subd Geog)   names of wars, e.g. United States--History-- BT Ordination UF Conry family   Civil War, 1861-1865--Conscientious — Catholic Church, [Church of England, etc.]   objectors; World War, 1939-1945-- Consecration of cemeteries  (May Subd Geog) Conry family   Conscientious objectors [BV880] USE Conroy family NT Women conscientious objectors UF Cemeteries—Consecration [Former heading] Conscious automata BT Dedication services Consall Hall Gardens (England) [Q325] Consecration of churches USE Consall Hall Landscape Gardens (England) UF Artificial consciousness USE Church dedication   Electronic brains Consecration of nuns  (May Subd Geog) Consall Hall Landscape Garden (England)   Intelligent machines BT Nuns USE Consall Hall Landscape Gardens (England)   Mechanical brains — Liturgy   Synthetic consciousness — — Texts Consall Hall Landscape Gardens (England) BT Bionics Consecration of virgins UF Consall Hall Gardens (England)   Consciousness [BX2305]   Consall Hall Landscape Garden (England)   Cybernetics UF Virgins, Consecration of BT Gardens—England RT Biocomputers BT Monasticism and religious orders for women   Perceptrons Consecration programs Consanguinity  (May Subd Geog) Conscious automata in art  (Not Subd Geog) USE Dedication services [HQ1026 (Consanguineous marriages)] Conscious automata in literature  (Not Subd Geog) Consecration services [HV4981 (Degeneration)] Conscious sedation  (May Subd Geog) USE Dedication services UF Marriage—Prohibited degrees [RD85.C64] Consecutive interpretation BT Heredity UF Sedation, Conscious USE Consecutive interpreting RT Inbreeding BT Anesthesia Consecutive interpreting  (May Subd Geog)   Incest NT Animal sedation [P306.945]   Kinship Conscious sedation in animals UF Consecutive interpretation USE Animal sedation   Consecutive translating Consanguinity (Canon law) Consciousness   Consecutive translation UF Consanguinity (Canon law)—Catholic Church [B105.C477 (General philosophy)] BT Translating and interpreting BT Canon law [B808.9 (Modern philosophy)] Consecutive powers (Algebra) [BF311-BF315 (Psychology)] UF Powers, Consecutive (Algebra) — Anglican Communion, [Coptic Church, etc.] [QC6.4.C57 (Physics)] BT Exponents (Algebra) — Catholic Church [QP411 (Physiology)] Consecutive translating BT Apperception USE Consecutive interpreting USE Consanguinity (Canon law)   Mind and body Consecutive translation — Oriental Catholic churches   Perception USE Consecutive interpreting   Philosophy Conseil geń éral, Hôtel du (Saint-Louis, Senegal) UF Consanguinity (Canon law, Oriental)   Psychology USE Hot̂ el du Conseil geń eŕ al (Saint-Louis,   [Former heading]   Spirit   Senegal) RT Self Conseillers geń éraux (French government) — Orthodox Eastern Church NT Altered states of consciousness [JS4907] UF Consanguinity (Canon law, Orthodox   Automatism BT Local government—France   Eastern) [Former heading]   Belief and doubt Conselheiro Insurrection, Brazil, 1897   Class consciousness USE Brazil—History—Canudos Campaign, 1893- Consanguinity (Canon law, Oriental)   Comparison (Psychology)   1897 USE Consanguinity (Canon law)—Oriental Catholic   Conscious automata Consensual contracts  (May Subd Geog)   churches   Gestalt psychology UF Gentlemen's agreements   Hypnagogia BT Contracts Consanguinity (Canon law, Orthodox Eastern)   Panpsychism Consensual contracts (Islamic law)  (May Subd Geog) USE Consanguinity (Canon law)—Orthodox Eastern   Peak experiences BT Islamic law   Church   Personality Consensus (Islam)   Self-consciousness (Awareness) USE Authority—Religious aspects—Islam Consanguinity (Hindu law)   Wakefulness Consensus (Islamic law) UF Sapindaship — Religious aspects USE Ijmaʻ̄ (Islamic law) BT Hindu law — — Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.] Consensus (Social sciences)  (May Subd Geog) — — Buddhism [JC328.2 (Political theory)] Consanguinity (Islamic law)  (May Subd Geog) RT Authority BT Islamic law NT Nirodhasamap̄ atti   Common good — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.]   General will Consanguinity (Jewish law) Consciousness, Double   Power (Social sciences) BT Jewish law USE Splitting (Psychology) NT Legitimacy of governments Consciousness, Loss of   Political stability Consanguinity (Law)  (May Subd Geog) USE Loss of consciousness   Social contract BT Impediments to marriage Consciousness, Multiple Consensus (Social sciences) in literature USE Multiple personality (Not Subd Geog) Consanguinity (Roman law) Consciousness, National BT Roman law USE Nationalism Consciousness-expanding drugs Conscience  (May Subd Geog) USE Hallucinogenic drugs [BJ1471 (Ethics)] Consciousness in animals  (May Subd Geog) BT Ethics RT Guilt [QL785.25]   Superego NT Liberty of conscience — History of doctrines USE Conscience—Religious aspects—History   of doctrines — Religious aspects — — Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.] — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] — — History of doctrines UF Conscience—History of doctrines   [Former heading] Conscience, Double USE Splitting (Psychology) Conscience, Examination of [BX2377] UF Examination of conscience   Self-examination BT Casuistry   Christian ethics C-605

Consensus Hardware Description Language (Computer — Numerical solutions Conservation of library materials hardware description language) BT Numerical analysis USE Library materials—Conservation and USE CONLAN (Computer hardware description   restoration   language) Conservation laws (Physics) [QC793.3.C58] Conservation of lichens Consent, Informed BT Physical laws USE Lichen conservation USE Informed consent (Medical law)   Physics NT Parity nonconservation Conservation of marine biodiversity Consent (Canon law)   Symmetry (Physics) USE Marine biodiversity conservation BT Canon law Conservation leadership  (May Subd Geog) Conservation of marine resources Consent (Islamic law)  (May Subd Geog) [S944.5.L42] USE Marine resources conservation BT Islamic law BT Leadership Conservation of marshes Consent (Law)  (May Subd Geog) Conservation methods, Museum USE Marsh conservation RT Declaration of intention USE Museum conservation methods BT Justification (Law) Conservation of metals NT Acquiescence (Law) Conservation of agricultural resources USE Metals—Conservation   Age of consent USE Agricultural conservation   Informed consent (Medical law) Conservation of mineral resources   Marriage—Parental consent Conservation of agrobiodiversity USE Mineral resources conservation   Mistake (Law) USE Agrobiodiversity conservation   Sexual consent Conservation of mountain biodiversity   Silence (Law) Conservation of alkali lands USE Mountain biodiversity conservation USE Alkali land conservation Consent (Roman law) Conservation of natural monuments BT Roman law Conservation of animal diversity USE Natural monuments USE Animal diversity conservation Consent decrees  (May Subd Geog) Conservation of natural resources  (May Subd Geog) UF Consent decrees—Law and legislation Conservation of aquatic biodiversity [S900-S949] BT Antitrust law USE Aquatic biodiversity conservation UF Conservation of resources   Compromise (Law)   Natural resources—Conservation   Equity pleading and procedure Conservation of aquatic genetic resources   Natural resources conservation USE Aquatic germplasm resources conservation   Resources conservation, Natural — Law and legislation BT Environmental protection USE Consent decrees Conservation of aquatic resources   Natural resources USE Aquatic resources conservation RT Natural resources conservation areas Consent to treatment SA subdivision Conservation under individual USE Informed consent (Medical law) Conservation of archival materials   natural resources, e.g. Natural gas-- USE Archival materials—Conservation and   Conservation Consequence management (Emergency management)   restoration NT Aeronautics in conservation of natural USE Emergency management   resources Conservation of arid regions biodiversity   Agricultural conservation Consequentia (Logic) USE Arid regions biodiversity conservation   Aquatic resources conservation BT Logic, Medieval   Biodiversity conservation Conservation of art objects   Communication in conservation of natural Consequentialism (Ethics) USE Art objects—Conservation and restoration   resources BT Ethics   Community-based conservation   Philosophy Conservation of biodiversity   Conservation projects (Natural resources)   Utilitarianism USE Biodiversity conservation   Energy conservation   Germplasm resources conservation Conser family  (Not Subd Geog) Conservation of buildings   Incentives in conservation of natural resources RT Gonser family USE Architecture—Conservation and restoration   Material accountability   Metals—Conservation Conserva me, Domine (Music) Conservation of caves   Mineral resources conservation USE Psalms (Music)—16th Psalm USE Cave conservation   Nature conservation   Recycling (Waste, etc.) Conservation (Psychology) Conservation of coastal biodiversity   Volunteer workers in conservation of natural BT Cognition USE Coastal biodiversity conservation   resources   Judgment   Waste minimization   Memory Conservation of coral reefs   Water conservation   Perception USE Coral reef conservation   Wildlife conservation NT Conservation of space (Psychology)   Women in conservation of natural resources   Conservation of substance (Psychology) Conservation of deserts USE Desert conservation — Awards  (May Subd Geog) Conservation and restoration — — United States USE subdivision Conservation and restoration under Conservation of electric power   types of art objects, library materials, types USE Electric power—Conservation NT Leopold Conservation Award   of architecture, types of buildings, individual — Citizen participation   land vehicles and types of land vehicles, Conservation of energy — International cooperation   etc., for works on preserving and restoring USE Force and energy — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog)   those items, e.g. Newspapers--Conservation — Public relations  (May Subd Geog)   and restoration Conservation of energy resources USE Energy conservation [S944.5.P82] Conservation archaeology UF Public relations—Conservation of natural USE Salvage archaeology Conservation of fish genetic resources USE Fishes—Germplasm resources   resources [Former heading] Conservation areas, Marine — Research  (May Subd Geog) USE Marine parks and reserves Conservation of fish germplasm resources — Study and teaching  (May Subd Geog) USE Fishes—Germplasm resources Conservation areas, Natural resources UF Conservation education USE Natural resources conservation areas Conservation of fish habitat — — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) USE Fishes—Habitat—Conservation Conservation as a profession BT Educational law and legislation USE Conservation of natural resources—Vocational Conservation of fisheries — Vocational guidance  (May Subd Geog)   guidance USE Fishes—Conservation UF Conservation as a profession Conservation biology  (May Subd Geog) Conservation of fishery resources — Japan [QH75-QH77] USE Fishes—Conservation — Missouri BT Ecology — United States RT Nature conservation Conservation of fishes Conservation of natural resources in literature USE Fishes—Conservation (Not Subd Geog) Conservation easements  (May Subd Geog) Conservation of nature UF Conservation servitudes Conservation of food USE Nature conservation   Nature conservation easements USE Food conservation Conservation of orbital symmetry BT Public servitudes Conservation of forest biodiversity UF Hoffmann-Woodward rule Conservation education USE Forest biodiversity conservation   Orbital symmetry, Conservation of USE Conservation of natural resources—Study and   Woodward-Hoffmann rule   teaching Conservation of forest genetic resources USE Forest germplasm resources conservation BT Chemical reaction, Conditions and laws of Conservation House (Wellington, N.Z.)   Molecular orbitals UF Whare Kaupapa Atawhai (Wellington, N.Z.) Conservation of forests   Physical organic chemistry BT Public buildings—New Zealand USE Forest conservation   Stereochemistry   Symmetry (Physics) Conservation laboratories (Libraries)  (May Subd Geog) Conservation of freshwater biodiversity [Z701.3.C67] USE Freshwater biodiversity conservation Conservation of petroleum UF Preservation laboratories (Libraries) USE Petroleum conservation BT Laboratories Conservation of fuelwood USE Fuelwood—Conservation Conservation of plant diversity Conservation land USE Plant diversity conservation USE Natural areas Conservation of fungi USE Fungi conservation Conservation lands USE Natural areas Conservation of game USE Game protection Conservation laws (Mathematics) BT Differential equations, Hyperbolic Conservation of germplasm resources USE Germplasm resources conservation Conservation of grasslands USE Grassland conservation Conservation of habitat USE Habitat conservation Conservation of karst USE Karst conservation Conservation of lakes USE Lake conservation Conservation of landscapes USE Landscape protection C-606

Conservation of plant genetic resources — United States Conservatory of Flowers (San Francisco, Calif.) USE Germplasm resources, Plant NT African American conservationists BT Conservatories—California Conservation of plant germplasm resources Conservationists, African American Conservatory plants  (May Subd Geog) USE Germplasm resources, Plant USE African American conservationists [SB414.6-SB415.6] BT Plants, Cultivated Conservation of power resources Conservatism  (May Subd Geog) USE Energy conservation UF Conservativism Considerateness   Neo-conservatism USE Thoughtfulness Conservation of prairies   New Right USE Prairie conservation   Right (Political science) Consideration (Law)  (May Subd Geog) BT Political science UF Causa (Civil law) Conservation of resources   Sociology BT Contracts USE Conservation of natural resources NT Christian conservatism RT Motive (Law)   Conservative literature NT Contracts, Gratuitous Conservation of rivers   Religious right USE Stream conservation Consideration (Roman-Dutch law) — Religious aspects BT Roman-Dutch law Conservation of salt marshes — — Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.] USE Salt marsh conservation — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] Consideration (Roman law) Conservatism and literature  (May Subd Geog) BT Roman law Conservation of salt pans USE Salt pan conservation UF Literature and conservatism Consignation  (May Subd Geog) BT Literature Here are entered works on deposits paid into a Conservation of sand dunes Conservatism in literature  (Not Subd Geog) USE Sand dune conservation Conservatism in the press  (May Subd Geog) court to discharge an obligation. Works on deposits, Here are entered works on press reporting and in general, and deposits specifically on naked Conservation of scenic beauty writing that reflects conservative ideas and values, or bailments of goods to be kept for depositers are USE Landscape protection works on news reporting on the topic of conservatism entered under Deposits (Law). Works on deposits as and the conservative movement. payment to bind a bargain are entered under Earnest. Conservation of scenic resources USE Landscape protection BT Press UF Consignation—Law and legislation Conservative gays BT Contracts Conservation of soil USE Soil conservation USE Gay conservatives   Debtor and creditor Conservative Judaism  (May Subd Geog)   Payment Conservation of soil moisture RT Deposits (Law) USE Soil moisture conservation [BM197.5] NT Escrows UF Historical Judaism — Law and legislation Conservation of space (Psychology) USE Consignation UF Space, Conservation of (Psychology)   Judaism, Conservative Consignation (Roman law) BT Conservation (Psychology)   Positive-Historical Judaism BT Roman law   Conservation of substance (Psychology) BT Jewish sects Consignment buying   Psychology NT Traditional Conservative Judaism USE Consignment sales Conservative literature  (May Subd Geog) Consignment sale shops  (May Subd Geog) Conservation of streams Here are entered works on publications associated [HF5482] USE Stream conservation with political conservatism. BT Secondhand trade   Stores, Retail Conservation of substance (Psychology) BT Conservatism Consignment sales  (May Subd Geog) UF Substance, Conservation of (Psychology) Conservative women [HF5420-HF5426] BT Conservation (Psychology) UF Consignment buying NT Conservation of space (Psychology) USE Women conservatives BT Commission merchants Conservatives  (May Subd Geog)   Sales Conservation of tools Consilia USE Tools—Conservation and restoration BT Persons Here are entered collections of, and works on, NT Gay conservatives analyses of certain points of Roman and canon law Conservation of uplands by medieval and Renaissance jurists, most often in USE Upland conservation   Women conservatives answer to questions put to them by judges deciding a Conservatives in literature  (Not Subd Geog) case. Conservation of water Conservativism USE Water conservation BT Legal opinions USE Conservatism Consilium principis Conservation of wetland biodiversity Conservatories  (May Subd Geog) USE Wetland biodiversity conservation BT Executive advisory bodies—Rome [NA8360 (Architecture)] Consist (Railroad trains)  (Not Subd Geog) Conservation of wetlands RT Greenhouses USE Wetland conservation NT Garden rooms BT Railroad trains Consistency, Cognitive Conservation of wildlife   Orangeries USE Wildlife conservation — California USE Cognitive consistency Consistency requirements (Accounting) Conservation Operations Program  (May Subd Geog) NT Conservatory of Flowers (San Francisco, [S624 (Soil conservation)]   Calif.) (May Subd Geog) BT Agriculture and state—United States BT Accounting   Soil conservation—United States — England NT Great Conservatory (Chatsworth, England) Consistency transmitters, Pulp Conservation plants  (May Subd Geog)   Wentworth Castle Conservatory USE Pulp consistency transmitters [S944.5.C67]   (Wentworth Castle, England) Here are entered works on plants useful in Conso (African people) — Scotland USE Konso (African people) addressing environmental problems, such as NT Kibble Palace (Glasgow, Scotland) conserving soil and water resources, improving water Consol navigation and forage quality, increasing wildlife habitat, and Conservatories, Home UF Consolan navigation restoring disturbed areas. USE Garden rooms   Sonne navigation BT Aeronautical radio stations BT Plants, Useful Conservatories of music  (May Subd Geog)   Electronics in navigation NT Plants for land reclamation [MT3-MT5]   Radio in navigation UF Music—Conservatories   Plants for soil conservation   Music conservatories Consolan navigation Conservation projects (Natural resources)   Music schools USE Consol navigation BT Music—Instruction and study (May Subd Geog)   Schools Consolation [S944.5.P76 (General)] RT Music school administrators [BV4900-BV4908] UF Projects, Conservation (Natural resources) NT Maîtrises UF Solace BT Conservation of natural resources BT Grief NT Soil conservation projects Conservatorio \"Luca Marenzio\" (Brescia, Italy)   Loneliness   Water conservation projects NT Salone \"Da Cemmo\" (Conservatorio \"Luca   Suffering   Marenzio,\" Brescia, Italy) RT Bereavement — Indiana Conservation servitudes Conservators Consolation (Greek religion) USE Conservatorships Consolation (Islam) USE Conservation easements Consolation (Judaism) Conservation tillage  (May Subd Geog) Conservatorships  (May Subd Geog) UF Conservatorships—Law and legislation [BM729.C6] [S604]   Conservators Consolation in literature  (Not Subd Geog) BT Agricultural conservation RT Guardian and ward Consolation in the Bible   Soil conservation — Law and legislation [BS2545.C584 (New Testament)]   Tillage USE Conservatorships Consolea   Water conservation NT Minimum tillage Conservatory (Wentworth Castle, England) USE Opuntia   No-tillage USE Wentworth Castle Conservatory (Wentworth Consolidated aircraft  (Not Subd Geog)   Ridge-till   Castle, England) Conservation volunteers BT Airplanes USE Volunteer workers in conservation of natural Conservatory gardening  (May Subd Geog) NT B-24 (Bomber)   resources [SB414.6-SB417] Conservationists  (May Subd Geog) BT Indoor gardening   B-32 (Bomber) BT Environmentalists NT Ecologists   Soil conservationists   Wildlife conservationists   Women conservationists C-607

Consolidated aircraft  (Continued) Consolidation and merger of juristic persons — Croatia   Catalina (Seaplane) USE Juristic persons—Mergers NT Zrinski-Frankopan Conspiracy, Croatia,   Coronado (Seaplane)   1664-1671 Consolidation of city states (Greece) Consolidated B-24 (Bomber) USE Synoecism — France USE B-24 (Bomber) NT Pontcallec Conspiracy, France, 1718-1720 Consolidation of contracts Consolidated B-32 (Bomber) USE Contract bundling — Georgia (Republic) USE B-32 (Bomber) NT Georgia (Republic)—History—Conspiracy Consolidation of hospital medical staff   of 1832 Consolidated balance sheet USE Hospitals—Medical staff—Mergers USE Financial statements, Consolidated — Hungary Consolidation of labor unions NT Wesseleń yi Conspiracy, Hungary, 1664- Consolidated Canso (Seaplane) USE Labor unions—Mergers   1671 USE Catalina (Seaplane) Consolidation of land holdings  (May Subd Geog) — Italy Consolidated Catalina (Seaplane) [HD1334-HD1335] NT Belfiore Martyrs Conspiracy, Italy, 1851- USE Catalina (Seaplane) UF Amalgamation of land   1852   Land consolidation   Este Conspiracy, Italy, 1831 Consolidated Coronado (Seaplane) BT Land tenure   Porcari Conspiracy, Rome, Italy, 1453 USE Coronado (Seaplane)   Land use, Rural   Real property — United States Consolidated Dominator (Bomber) NT Blount Conspiracy, 1795-1797 USE B-32 (Bomber) — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) BT Agricultural laws and legislation — Venezuela Consolidated financial statements   Real property NT Venezuela—History—Gual and Espanã USE Financial statements, Consolidated   Conspiracy, 1797 Consolidation of local governments Consolidated income tax returns USE Metropolitan government Conspiracies in literature  (Not Subd Geog) USE Corporations—Taxation—Consolidated returns Conspiracies in popular culture  (May Subd Geog) Consolidation of memory Consolidated information storage system USE Memory consolidation Here are entered works on the representation of USE C I S S (Information retrieval system) conspiracies in popular culture. Consolidation of schools Consolidated Liberator (Bomber) USE Schools—Centralization BT Popular culture USE B-24 (Bomber) Conspiracy  (May Subd Geog) Consolidation of soil Consolidated Model 34 (Bomber) USE Soil consolidation BT Crime USE B-32 (Bomber)   Inchoate offenses Consolidation of universities and colleges   Torts Consolidated PB2Y (Seaplane) USE Universities and colleges—Mergers USE Coronado (Seaplane) NT Trials (Conspiracy) Consolidation Type (Steam locomotives) — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) Consolidated PBY (Seaplane) (Not Subd Geog) USE Catalina (Seaplane) BT Steam locomotives BT Criminal law Conspiracy in literature  (Not Subd Geog) Consolidated returns Consolidators (Computer programs) Conspiracy in motion pictures  (Not Subd Geog) USE Corporations—Taxation—Consolidated returns USE Linkers (Computer programs) BT Motion pictures Consolidated tax returns Consolver family  (Not Subd Geog) Conspiracy of Aaron Burr, 1805-1807 USE Corporations—Taxation—Consolidated returns RT Kinsolving family USE Burr Conspiracy, 1805-1807 Consolidation and merger of corporations Consonance, Cognitive Conspiracy of Gual and España, Venezuela, 1797 (May Subd Geog) USE Cognitive consistency [HD2746.5-HD2746.55 (Industry)] USE Venezuela—History—Gual and España [HG4028.M4 (Finance)] Consonance (Music)   Conspiracy, 1797 UF Acquisition of corporations BT Musical intervals and scales   Acquisitions and mergers   Psychoacoustics Conspiracy of Pontiac   Amalgamation of corporations USE Pontiac's Conspiracy, 1763-1765   Business combinations Consonants   Business mergers UF Grammar, Comparative and Conspiracy on television  (Not Subd Geog)   Buyouts, Corporate   general—Consonants BT Television   Corporate acquisitions BT Grammar, Comparative and   Corporate buyouts   general—Phonology Conspiracy theories  (May Subd Geog)   Corporate mergers   Phonetics Here are entered works on theories that postulate   Corporate takeovers SA subdivision Consonants under names of   Corporations—Consolidation   languages and groups of languages that certain events or phenomena occurred as a   Corporations—Mergers NT Aspiration (Phonetics) result of conspiracies among interested parties.   Fusion of corporations   Clicks (Phonetics) Works on a particular event that is considered by   Hostile takeovers of corporations   Coronals (Phonetics) some to be the result of a conspiracy are entered   M & A (Mergers and acquisitions of   Ejectives (Phonetics) under the heading or headings appropriate for the   corporations)   Gemination event.   Merger of corporations   H (The sound)   Mergers and acquisitions of corporations   L (The sound) BT History—Errors, inventions, etc.   Mergers, Corporate   R (The sound) Constable Evans (Fictitious character)   Takeovers, Corporate   S (The sound) BT Corporations USE Evans, Evan (Fictitious character) RT Corporate reorganizations Consort Gold Mine (South Africa) Constable family  (Not Subd Geog)   Golden parachutes (Executive compensation) UF New Consort Gold Mine (South Africa) Constable James Morton (Fictitious character)   Industrial concentration BT Gold mines and mining—South Africa   Trusts, Industrial USE Morton, James (Fictitious character) SA subdivision Mergers under types of industries, Consort music Constable Matthew Stock (Fictitious character)   e.g. Construction industry--Mergers USE Chamber music NT Academic medical centers—Mergers USE Stock, Matthew (Fictitious character)   Antitakeover strategies Consortia  (May Subd Geog) Constable Molly Smith (Fictitious character)   Asset stripping (Corporations) UF Consortiums   Bank mergers BT Joint ventures USE Smith, Molly (Fictitious character)   Conglomerate corporations NT Export consortia Constable Morton (Fictitious character)   Dental practice acquisitions   Home care services—Mergers — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) USE Morton, James (Fictitious character)   Hospital mergers Consortia, Bank Constable Nick Rhea (Fictitious character)   Hospitals—Medical staff—Mergers   Leveraged buyouts USE Bank consortia USE Rhea, Nicholas (Fictitious character)   Nursing homes—Mergers Consortism Constable Nick Rowan (Fictitious character)   Physician management companies—Mergers   Physician practice acquisitions USE Symbiosis USE Rowan, Nick (Fictitious character)   Producer cooperatives—Mergers Consortium (Finance) Constable Stock (Fictitious character)   Retirement communities—Mergers   Shipping—Mergers USE Syndicates (Finance) USE Stock, Matthew (Fictitious character)   Transportation—Mergers Consortium banks Constables  (May Subd Geog)   Universities and colleges—Mergers — Conflict of laws USE Bank consortia [HV7981] USE Conflict of laws—Consolidation and Consortium credits BT Peace officers   merger of corporations — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) USE Roll-over credits   Police BT Corporation law Consortiums RT Police, Rural — Taxation  (May Subd Geog) Constam family BT Corporations—Taxation USE Consortia USE Kohnstamm family — — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) Consorts (Music) Constance, Lake UF Boden See USE Chamber music Conspicuous Gallantry Medal (Flying)   Boden Zee   Bodensee UF CGM (Flying)   Brigantinus Lacus BT Military decorations—Great Britain   Constance, Lake of [Former heading] Conspicuous Service Cross (Great Britain)   Konstanz, Lake USE Distinguished Service Cross (Great Britain)   Lac de Constance Conspiracies  (May Subd Geog)   Lago di Costanza [HV6275]   Lake Constance BT History   Lake Konstanz   Lake of Constance   Political crimes and offenses BT Lakes—Austria C-608

  Lakes—Germany Constants, Astronomical Constitution Day (Norway)   Lakes—Switzerland USE Astronomical constants USE Grunnlovsdag (Norwegian holiday) Constance, Lake of USE Constance, Lake Constants, Ionization Constitution Day (P.R.)  (May Subd Geog) Constance, Lake (Wash.) USE Ionization constants UF 25 de julio (Puerto Rican holiday) UF Lake Constance (Wash.)   Commonwealth Day (P.R.) BT Lakes—Washington (State) Constants, Mathematical   Día de la Constitución (P.R.) Constance, Mount (Wash.) USE Mathematical constants   July 25th (Puerto Rican holiday) UF Mount Constance (Wash.)   Occupation Day (P.R.) BT Mountains—Washington (State) Constants, Physical   Puerto Rico Constitution Day   Olympic Mountains (Wash.) USE Physical constants   Twenty-fifth of July (Puerto Rican holiday) Constance Leidl (Fictitious character)   Veinticinco de julio (Puerto Rican holiday) USE Leidl, Constance (Fictitious character) Constants of integration BT Holidays—Puerto Rico Constance Street (London, England) UF Arbitrary constants of integration   Puerto Rico—Anniversaries, etc. This heading is not valid for use as a geographic   Integration, Constants of subdivision. BT Arbitrary constants Constitution Day (U.S.) NT Cosmological constants USE Constitution Day and Citizenship Day (U.S.) BT Streets—England Constancy Constellation (Transport planes)  (Not Subd Geog) Constitution Day and Citizenship Day (U.S.) UF Lockheed Constellation (Transport planes) (May Subd Geog) [BF698.35.C67 (Psychology)] BT Lockheed aircraft UF Citizenship Day (U.S.) [BJ1533.C67 (Ethics)]   Transport planes   Constitution Day (U.S.) [Former heading] BT Conduct of life BT Constitution Week (U.S.) RT Loyalty Constellation Road (Ariz.)   Holidays—United States Constancy, Object (Psychoanalysis) BT Roads—Arizona   United States—Anniversaries, etc. USE Object constancy (Psychoanalysis) Constancy in literature  (Not Subd Geog) Constellations Constitution Elm (Corydon, Ind.)  (May Subd Geog) Constant, Avogadro [QB63 (Popular works)] UF Constitutional Elm (Corydon, Ind.) USE Avogadro constant [QB802 (General)] BT Historic trees—Indiana Constant, Bloch BT Sky USE Bloch constant NT Andromeda (Constellation) Constitution Hall (Washington, D.C.) Constant, Fine-structure   Asterisms (Astronomy) BT Auditoriums—Washington (D.C.) USE Fine-structure constant   Cassiopeia (Constellation) Constant, Solar   Draco (Constellation) Constitution Hill (Princeton, N.J.) USE Solar constant   Gemini (Constellation) BT Dwellings—New Jersey Constant, Sommerfeld fine-structure   Hercules (Constellation) USE Fine-structure constant   Orion (Constellation) Constitution Island (N.Y.) Constant-choice perceptual maze test   Pisces (Constellation) UF Martlaers Island (N.Y.) UF CCPM test   Pleiades BT Islands—New York (State) BT Character tests   Scorpius (Constellation)   Taurus (Constellation) Constitution Memorial Day (Japan)   Maze tests   Ursa Major USE Kempō Kinenbi (Japanese holiday) Constant-current power supply   Ursa Minor Constitution of human beings USE Electric power supply, Constant-current Constellations, Family (Families) USE Human beings—Constitution Constant curvature, Spaces of USE Family constellations (Families) Constitution of matter USE Spaces of constant curvature Constellations in art  (Not Subd Geog) USE Matter—Constitution Constant de Rebecque family  (Not Subd Geog) Constipation  (May Subd Geog) Constant family  (Not Subd Geog) Constitution of supermassive stars [RC861] USE Supermassive stars—Constitution UF Contant family BT Defecation disorders Constant object (Psychoanalysis) Constitution Plaza (Leoń , Spain)   Intestines—Diseases USE Plaza Mayor (Leoń , Spain) USE Object constancy (Psychoanalysis) NT Auto-intoxication Constant volume sampling — Homeopathic treatment  (May Subd Geog) Constitution Plaza (Mexico City, Mexico) USE Plaza de la Constitucioń (Mexico City, Mexico) [TD886.6.C66] [RX336.C7] UF CVS (Constant volume sampling) Constipation in children  (May Subd Geog) Constitution Plaza (Serville, Spain) USE Plaza de San Francisco (Seville, Spain)   Dilute sampling [RJ456.C76] BT Automobiles—Motors—Exhaust BT Pediatric gastroenterology Constitution Protection movement, China, 1917-1923 Constipation in old age  (May Subd Geog) USE China—History—Movement to Protect the   gas—Measurement UF Geriatric constipation   Constitution, 1917-1923 Constantia (Cyprus : Extinct city) BT Older people—Diseases Constitucioń , Alameda de la (San Luis Potosí, Mexico) Constitution Square (Athens, Greece) USE Salamis (Cyprus : Extinct city) USE Alameda Juan Sarabia (San Luis Potosí, USE Plateia Syntagmatos (Athens, Greece) Constantin family  (Not Subd Geog) Constantin ruble (Coin)   Mexico) Constitution Week (U.S.)  (May Subd Geog) Constitucioń , Plaza de la (Mexico City, Mexico) BT Special weeks—United States USE Constantine ruble (Coin)   United States—Anniversaries, etc. Constantin Vadim (Fictitious character) USE Plaza de la Constitución (Mexico City, Mexico) NT Constitution Day and Citizenship Day (U.S.) Constitución Plaza (Queret́ aro, Mexico : Calle de Luis USE Vadim, Constantin (Fictitious character) Constitutional amendments  (May Subd Geog) Constantine, Fort (Russia) Pasteur) Here are entered collections of texts of USE Plaza de la Independencia (Queret́ aro, Mexico) USE Fort Konstantin (Russia) Constitucionalista Revolution, Brazil, 1932 constitutional amendments, texts of individual Constantine, K. C. USE São Paulo (Brazil : constitutional amendments, and works about constitutional amendments and the amending — Characters   State)—History—Revolution, 1932 process. Texts of individual constitutional — — Mario Balzic Constituent power  (May Subd Geog) amendments are assigned additional heading(s) for Constantine, Arch of (Rome, Italy) the subject of the amendment. Works about individual USE Arch of Constantine (Rome, Italy) BT Constitutional law constitutional amendments are assigned additional Constantine, Basilica of (Rome, Italy)   Legislative power headings for the subject of the amendment as well as USE Basilica of Constantine (Rome, Italy) the appropriate name-title heading designating the Constantine family  (Not Subd Geog) Constituent power (Germanic law) amendment. BT Law, Germanic UF Konstantin family UF Amendments, Constitutional Constantine Harbor (Alaska) Constituent structure grammar BT Constitutional law USE Phrase structure grammar UF Brooks Harbor (Alaska)   Constitutions   Konstantin Harbor (Alaska) Constituents' communication with members of the U.S. RT Constitutional entrenchment   Nuchek Harbor (Alaska) Congress NT Equal rights amendments USE United States. Congress—Constituent — Ratification BT Harbors—Alaska   communication Constantine ruble (Coin) UF Ratification of constitutional amendments Constituiçaõ , Praça da (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) — United States UF Constantin ruble (Coin) USE Praca̧ Tiradentes (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) Constitutional conventions  (May Subd Geog)   Konstantin ruble (Coin)   Konstantinovskiĭ rublʹ (Coin) Constituted seawater UF Conventions, Constitutional USE Artificial seawater — Rules and practice BT Silver coins—Russia Constitutional courts  (May Subd Geog) Constantini Arcus (Rome, Italy) Constitution (Art installation) USE Group Material (Firm : New York, N.Y.). Here are entered works on those courts of special USE Arch of Constantine (Rome, Italy)   Constitution jurisdiction, mainly in Europe and Latin America, that Constantinople, Madonna of hear cases dealing with questions of constitutional Constitution (Philosophy) law. Works on United States courts established under USE Hodegetria BT Philosophy the article and section of the Constitution dealing with Constantinople (Ecumenical patriarchate) (International judicial power, are entered under the topical heading Constitution Arch (London, England) for the type of court, e.g. Appellate courts, Courts of law) USE Wellington Arch (London, England) last resort, etc. BT International law   Persons (International law) Constitution Avenue (Washington, D.C.) UF Courts, Constitutional This heading is not valid for use as a geographic   Courts, Supreme Constants, Arbitrary   Supreme courts USE Arbitrary constants subdivision. BT Courts of special jurisdiction BT Streets—Washington (D.C.) RT Courts of last resort Constitution Day (Japan) USE Kempō Kinenbi (Japanese holiday) C-609

Constitutional diseases  (May Subd Geog)   Legislative bodies Constitutum possessorium [RC251 (General)]   Legislative power BT Acquisition of property [RX241-RX261 (Homeopathy)]   People (Constitutional law)   Fiducia BT Diseases   Police power   Possession (Law) RT Disease susceptibility   Post-conviction remedies   Security (Law)   Human beings—Constitution   Privileges and immunities   Proportional representation Constrain (Physics) — Dosimetric treatment  (May Subd Geog)   Public domain USE Constraints (Physics) BT Medicine, Dosimetric   Representative government and representation   Republics Constrained dynamics Constitutional Elm (Corydon, Ind.)   Retroactive judicial decisions USE Constraints (Physics) USE Constitution Elm (Corydon, Ind.)   Retroactive laws   Rule of law Constrained optimization Constitutional entrenchment  (May Subd Geog)   Separation of powers UF Optimization, Constrained Here are entered works on the practice of   Taxing power BT Mathematical optimization   Treaty-making power protecting certain clauses, provisions, or concepts in   Vested rights Constraint databases  (May Subd Geog) a written constitution by requiring more stringent   Veto [QA76.9.C67] procedures than the normal amendment process in   War and emergency powers BT Databases order to amend or abolish them. — Cases — Digests Constraint-induced movement therapy UF Absolute entrenchment (Constitutional law) — English influences (May Subd Geog)   Entrenched provisions (Constitutional law) UF CI therapy   Entrenchment, Constitutional BT England—Civilization   CIMT (Movement therapy) — European influences   CIT (Movement therapy) BT Constitutional law   Constraint-induced therapy RT Constitutional amendments BT Europe—Civilization   Forced-use therapy Constitutional history  (May Subd Geog) — History   Taub training UF Constitutional history, Modern BT Brain—Wounds and injuries—Exercise therapy USE Constitutional history   Cerebrovascular disease—Exercise therapy   Constitutional law—History — Interpretation and construction   Movement therapy   Constitutions—History BT History USE Constitutional law Constraint-induced therapy NT Representative government and representation — Religious aspects USE Constraint-induced movement therapy   Republics — Germany BT Religion and law Constraint programming (Computer science) — — Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.] (May Subd Geog) UF Germany—Constitutional history [Former — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] [QA76.612]   heading] — Soviet influences BT Computer programming — Great Britain BT Soviet Union—Civilization Constraint satisfaction (Artificial intelligence) UF Great Britain—Constitutional history — Terminology USE Constraints (Artificial intelligence)   [Former heading] UF Constitutional law—Terms and phrases Constraints, Theory of (Management) — — Colonies   [Former heading] USE Theory of constraints (Management) UF Great Britain—Colonies—Constitutional   history [Former heading] — Terms and phrases Constraints (Artificial intelligence) USE Constitutional law—Terminology [Q340] — Greece UF Constraint satisfaction (Artificial intelligence) — — Athens — France BT Artificial intelligence — — — To 146 B.C. UF France—Constitutional law [Former — Holy Roman Empire   heading] Constraints (Linguistics) BT Grammar, Comparative and general UF Holy Roman Empire—Constitutional — Great Britain   Linguistic analysis (Linguistics)   history [Former heading] — — Colonies Constraints (Physics) — New York (State) UF Great Britain—Colonies—Constitutional [QC6.4.C58] UF New York (State)—Constitutional history   law [Former heading] UF Constrain (Physics)   [Former heading]   Constrained dynamics — United States BT Degree of freedom — United States [KF4501-KF5130]   Dynamics UF United States—Constitutional history UF United States—Constitutional law [Former   Physics   [Former heading]   heading] NT United States Constitution Bicentennial, Constriction, Pathological   1987-1991 — — Cases USE Stenosis — — Digests — — Historiography — — Juvenile literature Constrictor (Genus) Constitutional history, Ancient Constitutional law (Hindu law) USE Boa (Genus) Constitutional history, Medieval Constitutional history, Modern BT Hindu law Constrictor amethystina Constitutional law (Islamic law)  (May Subd Geog) USE Amethystine python USE Constitutional history Constitutional history in literature  (Not Subd Geog) BT Islamic law Constrictor amethystinus Constitutional law  (May Subd Geog) Constitutional limitations USE Amethystine python Here are entered works about constitutions or USE Constitutional law Constrictor constrictor constitutional law. Collections of constitutions or texts Constitutional rights USE Boa constrictor of individual constitutions are entered under Constitutions. USE Civil rights Constrictor pharyngis inferior muscle Constitutional torts  (May Subd Geog) USE Pharyngoesophageal sphincter UF Constitutional law—Interpretation and   construction [Former heading] Here are entered works on constitutional violations Constrictors (Snakes)   Constitutional limitations against private citizens by agents of a government for USE Boidae   Constitutionalism which private citizens may seek damages or redress.   Constitutions—Interpretation and construction Constrictotermes  (May Subd Geog)   Limitations, Constitutional UF Torts, Constitutional [QL529.3.T4] BT Torts BT Termitidae BT Public law RT Government liability RT Administrative law NT State action (Civil rights) Constrictotermes, Fossil  (May Subd Geog) — United States [QE832.I8]   Constitutions Constitutionalism BT Termitidae, Fossil NT Act of state USE Constitutional law NT Constrictotermes electroconstrictus Constitutionalist movement of Gil̄ an̄ , Iran, 1914-1921   Amparo (Writ) USE Iran—History—Jangalī movement, 1914-1921 Constrictotermes electroconstrictus  (May Subd Geog)   Civil rights Constitutions  (May Subd Geog) [QE832.I8]   Civil supremacy over the military Here are entered collections of constitutions or BT Constrictotermes, Fossil   Clauses (Law) texts of individual constitutions. Works about   Constituent power constitutions or constitutional law are entered under Constrictotermes tenuirostris   Constitutional amendments Constitutional law. USE Tenuirostritermes tenuirostris   Constitutional entrenchment   De facto doctrine UF Associations, institutions, etc.—Constitutions Construct state (Grammar)   Delegation of powers BT Law USE subdivision Noun under names of languages   Election law RT Constitutional law   and groups of languages   Exclusive and concurrent legislative powers SA subdivision Constitution under names of   Federal-state controversies Constructa-Preis   Government liability   individual corporate bodies UF Constructa Prize   Habeas corpus NT Constitutional amendments   European Prize for Industrial Architecture   Implied powers (Constitutional law) BT Architecture, Industrial—Awards—Europe   Incompatibility of offices   Preambles (Law)   Injunctions   Social service agency constitutions Constructa Prize   Interstate controversies — History USE Constructa-Preis   Judicial power USE Constitutional history   Judicial review — Interpretation and construction Constructal law USE Constitutional law USE Constructal theory Constructal theory UF Constructal law BT System theory Constructed tidal marshes USE Constructed wetlands C-610

Constructed wastewater treatment wetlands UF C & d debris — Transmission devices USE Constructed wetlands   C & d waste BT Gearing   C/D debris Constructed wetland eutrophication  (May Subd Geog)   C/D waste — Vibration  (May Subd Geog) UF Constructed wetlands—Eutrophication   Construction and demolition waste — Welding  (May Subd Geog) BT Eutrophication   Construction debris Construction equipment industry  (May Subd Geog)   Demolition debris Constructed wetlands  (May Subd Geog) [HD9715.25] [TD756.5] BT Factory and trade waste UF Construction equipment—Trade and UF Artificial marshes — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog)   Artificial wetlands   manufacture [Former heading]   Constructed tidal marshes BT Building laws BT Machinery industry   Constructed wastewater treatment wetlands   Environmental law NT Bridge crane industry   Engineered wetlands   Man-made wetlands Construction and demolition waste   Road construction equipment industry   Reed bed systems USE Construction and demolition debris   Road machinery industry   Wastewater wetlands — Strikes and lockouts BT Wetlands Construction and interpretation (Law) USE Strikes and lockouts—Construction USE Law—Interpretation and construction — Eutrophication   equipment industry USE Constructed wetland eutrophication Construction and interpretation of statutes Construction equipment operators  (May Subd Geog) USE Law—Interpretation and construction — Idaho UF Building machinery operators NT Fairview Wetland (Idaho) Construction block principle   Construction machinery operators [Former USE Unit construction   heading] Constructibility, Axiom of USE Axiom of constructibility Construction camps BT Construction workers USE Labor camps NT Earthmoving machinery operators Constructibility (Set theory) UF Constructible sets Construction contracts  (May Subd Geog)   United States. Navy—Equipment operators   Sets, Constructible UF Building—Contracts and specifications — Diseases  (May Subd Geog) BT Axiomatic set theory   [Former heading] NT Axiom of constructibility   Building contracts [RC965.C75]   Construction industry—Contracts — Health and hygiene  (May Subd Geog) Constructible sets BT Contracts for work and labor — Labor unions  (May Subd Geog) USE Constructibility (Set theory) NT Airport construction contracts Construction grammar   Architectural contracts Construction   Engineering contracts [P163.5] USE Architecture   Farm construction contracts BT Grammar, Comparative and general   Building   Offshore construction contracts Construction hinges (Concrete)   Engineering   Road construction contracts USE Concrete construction—Hinges   School construction contracts Construction industry  (May Subd Geog) Construction, Allowance for funds used during (Public   Shipbuilding contracts [HD9715] utilities)   Space vehicle construction contracts Here are entered works on the construction USE Allowance for funds used during construction   Underground construction contracts business, including finance, planning, management,   (Public utilities)   Water treatment plant construction contracts and skills. Works on the skilled trades employed in building construction are entered under Building Construction, Bamboo — Conflict of laws trades. Works on all types of laborers, both skilled USE Bamboo construction USE Conflict of laws—Construction contracts and unskilled, employed in the construction industry are entered under Construction workers. Construction, Cobar (Topology) Construction contracts (Islamic law)  (May Subd Geog) USE Cobar construction (Topology) [KBP893.3.C65] UF Building industry BT Islamic law   Home building industry Construction, Concrete USE Concrete construction Construction cost estimates RT Building USE Building—Estimates NT Architects and builders Construction, Concrete block USE Concrete masonry Construction costs   Bridge construction industry USE Construction industry—Costs   Building materials industry Construction, Engineered wood   Building trades USE Engineered wood construction Construction data processing industry   Concrete construction industry (May Subd Geog)   Contractors' operations Construction, Fluid trench [HD9715.25]   Dredging industry USE Slurry trench construction   Fence industry Construction debris   Heating and ventilation industry Construction, Heavy timber USE Construction and demolition debris   Masonry industry USE Heavy timber construction   Mobile home industry Construction electricians (United States Navy)   Modular construction industry Construction, House USE United States. Navy—Construction electricians   Plumbing industry USE House construction   Prefabricated house industry Construction equipment  (May Subd Geog)   Sunspace industry Construction, Industrialized [TH900]   Transportation construction industry USE Industrialized building UF Builders' plant   Underground construction industry   Building equipment   Water tower construction industry Construction, Laminated wood   Building machinery   Wrecking USE Laminated wood construction   Construction industry—Equipment and — Accidents  (May Subd Geog)   supplies — Accounting Construction, Lightweight   Construction machinery USE Lightweight construction BT Building—Equipment and supplies [HF5686.B7]   Machinery UF Building—Accounting Construction, Military NT Boring machinery USE subdivision Military construction operations   Earthmoving machinery   Building trades—Accounting   under names of individual military services,   Jackhammers   Contractors' operations—Accounting   e.g. United States. Army--Military   Pile drivers — — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog)   construction operations   Road machinery — Appropriate technology  (May Subd Geog)   Scrapers (Earthmoving machinery) — Auditing Construction, Modular UF Construction industry—Auditing and USE Modular construction — Brakes   inspection [Former heading] [TH900] — Auditing and inspection Construction, Nest BT Brakes USE Construction industry—Auditing USE Nest building — Automation — Clutches  (May Subd Geog) — Capital investments  (May Subd Geog) Construction, Plywood BT Clutches (Machinery) — Capital productivity  (May Subd Geog) USE Plywood construction — Case studies — Drawings — Catalogs Construction, Post-tensioned prestressed concrete — Electric driving  (May Subd Geog) — Certification  (May Subd Geog) USE Post-tensioned prestressed concrete — Collective bargaining   construction BT Electric driving USE Collective bargaining—Construction — Electric equipment  (May Subd Geog)   industry Construction, Prestressed — Fuel — Collective labor agreements USE Prestressed construction — Hydraulic drive USE Collective labor — Lubrication   agreements—Construction industry Construction, Slurry trench — Maintenance and repair — Communication systems USE Slurry trench construction — Consolidation UF Construction equipment—Repairing USE Construction industry—Mergers Construction, Soil-cement NT United States. Navy—Construction — Contracts USE Soil-cement construction USE Construction contracts   mechanics Construction, Temporary (Building) — Rate-books USE Temporary structures (Building) — Repairing Construction, Trenchless USE Construction equipment—Maintenance USE Trenchless construction   and repair Construction, Welded steel — Trade and manufacture USE Welded steel structures USE Construction equipment industry Construction (Philosophy) [B105.C48] BT Philosophy Construction (Psychoanalysis) USE Reconstruction (Psychoanalysis) Construction and demolition debris  (May Subd Geog) [TD899.C5885] C-611

Construction industry  (Continued) — Information resources management — Terminology — Corrupt practices  (May Subd Geog) (May Subd Geog) NT English language—Conversation and — Cost control NT Building information modeling   phrase books (for construction industry — Cost effectiveness   employees) — Costs — Information services UF Construction costs — — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) — Trademarks — Credit guides — Information technology  (May Subd Geog) — Vertical integration  (May Subd Geog) USE Construction industry—Credit ratings — Insurance  (May Subd Geog) — Vocational guidance  (May Subd Geog) — Credit ratings — Waste disposal  (May Subd Geog) UF Construction industry—Credit guides [HG8053.7]   [Former heading] RT Contractors—Insurance requirements [TD899.C5885] — Customer services  (May Subd Geog) — — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) — Waste minimization  (May Subd Geog) — Data processing — Inventories NT WISPER (Computer system) — Inventory control  (May Subd Geog) [TD899.C5885] — Defense measures  (May Subd Geog) — Job descriptions — Water-supply — Deregulation  (May Subd Geog) USE Construction industry—Employees—Job Construction industry libraries  (May Subd Geog) — Directories — Dust control  (May Subd Geog)   descriptions [Z675.C76] — Econometric models — Job vacancies  (May Subd Geog) BT Business libraries — Electric equipment  (May Subd Geog) — Labor productivity  (May Subd Geog) Construction inspection — Electronic equipment  (May Subd Geog) — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) USE Building inspection — Employees Construction joints (Concrete) NT Construction workers BT Building laws USE Concrete construction—Joints — — Diseases  (May Subd Geog) — Licenses  (May Subd Geog) Construction liens [RC965.C75] — — Fees  (May Subd Geog) USE Mechanics' liens UF Construction — Linear programming Construction machinery   industry—Employees—Diseases and — Location  (May Subd Geog) USE Construction equipment   hygiene [Former heading] — Management Construction machinery operators — — Diseases and hygiene USE Construction equipment operators USE Construction UF Building—Management Construction Master Pro (Calculator)  (Not Subd Geog)   industry—Employees—Diseases NT Building—Superintendence BT Calculators   Construction Construction materials   industry—Employees—Health and   Construction industry—Materials USE Building materials   hygiene   management Construction mechanics (United States Navy) — — Effect of technological innovations on   Industrialized building USE United States. Navy—Construction mechanics (May Subd Geog) — — Employee participation  (May Subd Geog) Construction of roads [HD6331.18.B9] — — — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) USE Roads—Design and construction — — Health and hygiene  (May Subd Geog) — Materials management  (May Subd Geog) Construction on contaminated sites  (May Subd Geog) UF Construction BT Construction industry—Management [TH1095.5]   industry—Employees—Diseases and — Mathematical models UF Contaminated sites, Construction on   hygiene [Former heading] — Mergers  (May Subd Geog) BT Building sites — — Job descriptions  (May Subd Geog) UF Construction industry—Consolidation UF Construction industry—Job descriptions   [Former heading]   Hazardous waste sites   [Former heading] — Military aspects  (May Subd Geog) Construction prices — — Legal status, laws, etc.  (May Subd Geog) — Noise — — Medical care  (May Subd Geog) UF Construction industry—Noise control USE Building—Prices — — Pensions  (May Subd Geog)   [Former heading] Construction projects  (May Subd Geog) — — — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) — Noise control — — Supply and demand  (May Subd Geog) USE Construction industry—Noise UF Engineering and construction projects — — Training of  (May Subd Geog) — Ownership  (May Subd Geog)   Engineering-construction projects — Energy conservation  (May Subd Geog) NT Construction industry—Foreign ownership   Projects, Construction [TJ163.5.C65] — Personnel management — Energy consumption  (May Subd Geog) — Planning NT Public works — Environmental aspects  (May Subd Geog) — Political activity  (May Subd Geog) Construction science [TD428.C64 (Water pollution source)] — Power supply  (May Subd Geog) [TD888.C63 (Air pollution source)] — Prices  (May Subd Geog) USE Building — Equipment and supplies — — Government policy  (May Subd Geog) Construction superintendence USE Construction equipment — — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) — Estimates — Privatization  (May Subd Geog) USE Building—Superintendence USE Building—Estimates — Production control  (May Subd Geog) Construction superintending — Federal aid — Production standards  (May Subd Geog) USE Construction industry—Subsidies — Public opinion USE Building—Superintendence — Finance — Public relations  (May Subd Geog) Construction work zones, Road NT Construction industry—Subsidies UF Public relations—Construction industry — — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog)   [Former heading] USE Road work zones — Fires and fire prevention  (May Subd Geog) — Quality control Construction workers  (May Subd Geog) — Forecasting — Records and correspondence — Foreign ownership — Research  (May Subd Geog) Here are entered works on all types of laborers, UF Foreign ownership of the construction — Risk management  (May Subd Geog) both skilled and unskilled, employed in the   industry — Safety measures construction industry. Works on the construction BT Construction industry—Ownership — Safety regulations  (May Subd Geog) business, including finance, planning, management, — Forms — Seasonal variations  (May Subd Geog) and skills are entered under Construction industry. UF Construction industry—Forms, blanks, etc. — Security measures  (May Subd Geog) Works on the skilled trades employed in building   [Former heading] — Self-regulation  (May Subd Geog) construction are entered under Building trades. — Forms, blanks, etc. — Social aspects  (May Subd Geog) USE Construction industry—Forms [HD9715] BT Construction industry—Employees — Fume control  (May Subd Geog) — Specifications  (May Subd Geog) NT Canal construction workers — Government aid — Standards  (May Subd Geog) USE Construction industry—Subsidies — State supervision  (May Subd Geog)   Construction equipment operators — Government ownership  (May Subd Geog) — Statistical methods   English language—Conversation and phrase — — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) — Statistical services   books (for construction industry employees) — Government policy  (May Subd Geog) — Statistics   Railroad construction workers NT Construction industry—Subsidies — Study and teaching  (May Subd Geog)   Road construction workers — Health aspects  (May Subd Geog) — Subcontracting  (May Subd Geog)   Sandhogs [RC965.C75] — Subsidies  (May Subd Geog)   Structural steel workers UF Construction industry—Hygienic aspects UF Construction industry—Federal aid   Women construction workers   [Former heading]   Construction industry—Government aid — Labor unions  (May Subd Geog) — Hygienic aspects   Federal aid to the construction industry — — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) USE Construction industry—Health aspects   Government aid to the construction — Industrial capacity  (May Subd Geog)   industry BT Labor laws and legislation BT Construction industry—Finance — Political activity  (May Subd Geog)   Construction industry—Government policy — Strikes and lockouts — Tables — Taxation  (May Subd Geog) USE Strikes and lockouts—Construction — — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog)   workers — Technological innovations  (May Subd Geog) — Telephone directories — Wages USE Wages—Construction workers — United States NT African American construction workers Construction workers, African American USE African American construction workers Constructionism, Social USE Social constructionism Constructionism (Education) USE Constructivism (Education) Constructions, Geometric USE Geometrical constructions Constructions, Geometrical USE Geometrical constructions C-612

Constructions, Junk (Art) Consular invoices   Public relations consultants USE Junk sculpture BT Consular documents   Radio programming consultants   Invoices   Reś umé writers Constructive dividends  (May Subd Geog)   Robotics consultants BT Dividends Consular jurisdiction   Safety consultants RT Close corporations UF Jurisdiction, Consular   Science consultants BT Consular law   Security consultants Constructive mathematics   Exterritoriality   Social security consultants [QA9.56]   Social service consultants UF Mathematics, Constructive Consular law   Statistical consultants BT Logic, Symbolic and mathematical Here are entered works on the legal aspects of   Tax consultants NT Computable functions   Technology consultants   Incompleteness theorems consular service in general. Works on the law   Transportation consultants   Intuitionistic mathematics governing the consular service of an individual   Women consultants country are entered under Diplomatic and consular — Legal status, laws, etc.  (May Subd Geog) Constructive realism service qualified by nationality, e.g. Diplomatic and — Malpractice  (May Subd Geog) [Q175.32.C66 (Science)] consular service, American. BT Constructivism (Philosophy) UF Tort liability of consultants   Realism UF Law, Consular BT Malpractice   Science—Philosophy BT International law — Marketing NT Consular documents Consultant's contracts Constructive receipt  (May Subd Geog) USE Consulting contracts BT Income   Consular jurisdiction Consultation, Medical — Codification USE Medical consultation Constructive trusts  (May Subd Geog) Consular police  (May Subd Geog) Consultation, Mental health UF Constructive trusts—Law and legislation USE Mental health consultation BT Conveyancing UF Foreign ministry police Consultation, Pastoral   Trusts and trustees BT Diplomatic and consular service USE Church consultation Consultation, Prior (International law) — Law and legislation   Police USE Prior consultation (International law) USE Constructive trusts Consular reports  (May Subd Geog) Consultation, Psychiatric USE Psychiatric consultation Constructivism (Architecture)  (May Subd Geog) UF Reports, Consular Consultation, Psychological [NA682.C65] BT Diplomatic and consular service USE Psychological consultation BT Architecture, Modern—20th century — United States Consultation, Psychopharmacology USE Psychopharmacology consultation Constructivism (Art)  (May Subd Geog) UF United States—Consular reports Consultation in psychopharmacology BT Art, Modern—20th century Consular service USE Psychopharmacology consultation   Concrete art Consultation-liaison psychiatry  (May Subd Geog)   Painting, Abstract USE Diplomatic and consular service [RC455.2.C65] NT Decoration and ornament—Constructivism Consulate, France, 1799-1804 UF C-L psychiatry   Minimal sculpture   Consultation psychiatry USE France—History—Consulate and First Empire,   Liaison psychiatry — Russia (Federation)   1799-1815   Physician-psychiatrist cooperation UF Constructivism (Art)—Russian S.F.S.R.   Psychiatrist-physician cooperation   [Former heading] Consulates BT Medical cooperation USE Diplomatic and consular service   Medicine, Psychosomatic — Russian S.F.S.R.   Psychiatry USE Constructivism (Art)—Russia (Federation) Consuls  (May Subd Geog) RT Psychiatric referral [JZ1444-JZ1448 (International relations)] NT Psychiatric consultation Constructivism (Education)  (May Subd Geog) BT Diplomats Consultation psychiatry Here are entered works on the viewpoint in USE Consultation-liaison psychiatry Consuls, Roman Consultative management learning theory that individuals acquire knowledge by [DG83.5.C7] USE Management—Employee participation building it from innate capabilities interacting with the UF Roman consuls Consulting arborists  (May Subd Geog) environment, as well as works on educational NT Proconsuls, Roman BT Arborists practices based upon this viewpoint. RT Forestry consultants Consulta, Palazzo della (Rome, Italy) Consulting contracts  (May Subd Geog) UF Cognitive-developmental theory USE Palazzo della Consulta (Rome, Italy) UF Consultant's contracts   Constructionism (Education)   Consulting contracts—Law and legislation   Constructivist education Consultants  (May Subd Geog) BT Contracts   Piagetian theory of cognitive development UF Advisors — Conflict of laws BT Specialists USE Conflict of laws—Consulting contracts BT Education NT Advisory boards — Law and legislation   Learning, Psychology of   Agricultural consultants USE Consulting contracts   Archives consultants Consulting engineering firms Constructivism (Philosophy)   Art consultants USE Engineering firms [B809.13]   Barrier-free design consultants Consulting engineers  (May Subd Geog) BT Philosophy   Branding consultants [TA216] NT Constructive realism   Business consultants UF Engineering consultants   Business travel consultants BT Consultants Constructivism (Psychology)  (May Subd Geog)   Child care consultants   Engineers BT Psychology   Community development consultants RT Engineering firms   Consulting engineers NT Chemical engineering consultants Constructivism (Russian literature)   Educational consultants   Quantity surveyors BT Futurism (Literary movement)   Electronic data processing consultants — Public relations  (May Subd Geog)   Literary movements—Soviet Union   Energy consultants UF Public relations—Consulting engineers   Russian literature—20th century—History and   Environmental impact consultants   criticism   Feminist consultants   [Former heading]   Fire protection consultants Consulting firms  (May Subd Geog) Constructivist education   Fishery consultants USE Constructivism (Education)   Food consultants UF Consulting services   Fund raising consultants BT Business enterprises Constructs, Hypothetical   Funeral consultants USE Latent variables   Government consultants   Service industries   Historical consultants NT Engineering firms Consubstantiation   Hospital consultants — Standards  (May Subd Geog) USE Lord's Supper—Real presence   Image consultants   Immigration consultants UF Consulting service standards Consuegra Castle Site (Consuegra, Spain)   Industrial location consultants Consulting foresters USE Castillo de Consuegra Site (Consuegra, Spain)   Industrial relations consultants   Information consultants USE Forestry consultants Consuelo Site (Mexico)   Instrumentation and control consultants Consulting service standards USE Tamohi Site (Mexico)   Insurance consultants   Internet consultants USE Consulting firms—Standards Consuelo Vanderbilt Smith House (New York, N.Y.)   Investment advisors Consulting services USE 11 East 70th Street House (New York, N.Y.)   Lactation consultants   Legal consultants USE Consulting firms Consuetudo (Roman law)   Library consultants Consultors, Diocesan USE Customary law (Roman law)   Mechanics consultants   Media consultants UF Diocesan consultors Consul (Transport plane)   Medical consultants USE Airspeed Consul (Transport plane)   Minority consultants   Mortgage consultants Consul automobile  (Not Subd Geog)   Motion picture consultants BT Ford automobile   Nursing consultants   Poetry consultants Consular documents   Political consultants [HF5773.C7] BT Commercial documents   Consular law   Shipment of goods NT Consular invoices Consular fees  (May Subd Geog) UF Fees, Consular [Former heading]   Diplomatic and consular service—Fees BT Fees, Administrative — Cuba C-613

Consultors, Diocesan  (Continued) consumer credit in popular culture. — Marketing BT Bishops (Canon law) USE Marketing   Dioceses (Canon law) BT Popular culture Consumer credit insurance Consumer journalism Consumer activism USE Journalism, Consumer USE Consumer movements USE Credit insurance Consumer debt Consumer law Consumer advertising USE Consumer protection—Law and legislation USE Advertising USE Consumer credit Consumer demand Consumer loan companies Consumer affairs departments  (May Subd Geog) USE Consumer finance companies [HF5415.5] USE Consumption (Economics) BT Consumer protection Consumer-directed health care Consumer loans RT Customer relations USE Loans, Personal NT Consumer affairs directors USE Consumer-driven health care   Consumer education Consumer-directed health insurance Consumer movements  (May Subd Geog) UF Activism, Consumer Consumer affairs directors  (May Subd Geog) USE Consumer-driven health insurance   Consumer activism [HF5415.5] Consumer-directed health plans (Insurance)   Movements, Consumer BT Consumer affairs departments BT Social movements USE Consumer-driven health insurance Consumer attitudes Consumer-driven health care  (May Subd Geog) Consumer nondurable goods USE Consumers—Attitudes USE Nondurable goods [RA416.3-RA416.5] Consumer behavior  (May Subd Geog) Here are entered works on a system of health care Consumer nondurables [HF5415.32-HF5415.33] aimed at controlling costs and improving quality by USE Nondurable goods Here are entered works on the decision-making encouraging greater decision making on the part of patients through the provision of flexible health Consumer organizations processes, external factors, and individual insurance plans, tax-sheltered savings accounts for USE Consumer cooperatives characteristics of consumers that determine their health expenses, and more information about   Consumer panels purchasing behavior. Works on the selection and services. efficient use of consumer goods and services and on Consumer panels  (May Subd Geog) methods of educating consumers are entered under UF Consumer-directed health care UF Consumer organizations Consumer education. BT Medical care BT Marketing research NT Consumer-driven health insurance UF Behavior, Consumer Consumer price index   Buyer behavior   Medical savings accounts USE Consumer price indexes   Decision making, Consumer Consumer-driven health insurance  (May Subd Geog) Consumer price indexes  (May Subd Geog) BT Human behavior Here are entered works on low-premium/high [HB225] RT Consumer profiling deductible health insurance plans that are frequently Here are entered works on the construction of combined with tax-sheltered savings accounts or   Market surveys other health expense reimbursement arrangements. consumer price indexes as well as the indexes NT Boycotts themselves. In the latter case, a subject entry is also UF Consumer-directed health insurance made under the heading Prices--[local subdivision].   Brand loyalty   Consumer-directed health plans (Insurance)   Consumer complaints   Consumer-driven health plans (Insurance) UF Consumer price index   Consumers' preferences   Cost of living indexes   Customer loyalty BT Consumer-driven health care   CPIs (Consumer price indexes)   Impulse buying   Health insurance   Retail price indexes   Willingness to pay — Mathematical models Consumer-driven health plans (Insurance) BT Cost and standard of living USE Consumer-driven health insurance   Price indexes NT EKB model Consumer boycotts Consumer durable goods Consumer products USE Durable goods, Consumer USE Consumer goods USE Boycotts Consumer complaints  (May Subd Geog) Consumer education  (May Subd Geog) Consumer profiling  (May Subd Geog) [TX335-TX337] [HF5415.32-HF5415.33] [HF5415.52] Here are entered works on the selection and Here are entered works on researching consumer UF Complaints, Consumer efficient use of consumer goods and services and on behavior and preferences by using or assembling   Complaints (Retail trade) [Former heading] methods of educating consumers. Works on the databases that contain information captured from   Customer complaints decision-making processes, external factors, and shopping transactions. BT Consumer behavior individual characteristics of consumers that determine Consumer confidence  (May Subd Geog) their purchasing behavior are entered under UF Profiling, Consumer BT Consumers—Attitudes Consumer behavior. BT Consumers—Research Consumer contracts  (May Subd Geog) RT Consumer behavior UF Consumer contracts—Law and legislation UF Buyers' guides Consumer protection  (May Subd Geog) BT Contracts   Shoppers' guides [HC79.C63] — Law and legislation Here are entered works on governmental and USE Consumer contracts BT Consumer affairs departments private activities that guard the consuming public Consumer cooperatives  (May Subd Geog)   Consumers' leagues against dangers to its health, safety, or economic [HD3271-HD3410.9]   Education well-being. UF Consumer organizations   Cooperative distribution RT Home economics UF Consumerism   Cooperatives, Consumer   Shopping   Protection, Consumer   Distribution, Cooperative   Trade-union consumer cooperatives [Former NT Communication in consumer education BT Commercial policy   heading]   Journalism, Consumer NT Better business bureaus BT Cooperative societies   Radio in consumer education NT Chain stores, Voluntary   Television in consumer education   Consumer affairs departments   Consumers' leagues   Food adulteration and inspection   Food cooperatives Consumer electronics   Product obsolescence — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) USE Household electronics   Product recall — Strikes and lockouts   Product safety USE Strikes and lockouts—Consumer Consumer Electronics Bus (Computer network   Quality of products standard) — Citizen participation   cooperatives USE CEBus (Computer network standard) — Conflict of laws Consumer credit  (May Subd Geog) USE Conflict of laws—Consumer protection Consumer electronics industry — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) [HG3755-HG3756] USE Household electronics industry UF Consumer debt UF Consumer law BT Credit Consumer finance companies  (May Subd Geog) RT Trade regulation NT Charge accounts [HG3755-HG3756] NT Consumer credit—Law and legislation UF Consumer loan companies   Check credit plans   Direct loan companies   Food law and legislation   Credit cards   Installment credit companies   Labels—Law and legislation   Discrimination in consumer credit   Personal finance companies   Packaging—Law and legislation   Finance charges   Small loan companies   Price marks—Law and legislation   Installment plan BT Finance companies Consumer protection (Islamic law)  (May Subd Geog)   Loans, Personal NT Captive finance companies BT Islamic law   Sex discrimination in consumer credit Consumer protection (Jewish law) — Effect of inflation on  (May Subd Geog) Consumer food cooperatives BT Jewish law USE Food cooperatives Consumer protection in art  (Not Subd Geog) BT Inflation (Finance) Consumer research — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) Consumer goods  (May Subd Geog) USE Consumers—Research [HF1040-HF1054] Consumer satisfaction  (May Subd Geog) BT Consumer protection—Law and legislation Here are entered works on products which are [HF5415.335] Consumer credit in popular culture  (May Subd Geog) UF Customer satisfaction purchased for personal or household purposes. BT Satisfaction Here are entered works on the representation of RT Brand loyalty UF Consumer products   Customer loyalty   Consumers' goods Consumer spending   Goods, Consumer USE Consumption (Economics) BT Commercial products NT Biodegradable products   Durable goods, Consumer   Nondurable goods — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) BT Commercial law C-614

Consumer surplus   Consumers' rent Contact electromotive force USE Consumers' surplus   Surplus, Consumers' USE Volta effect BT Demand (Economic theory) Consumerism   Marginal utility Contact hypersensitivity USE Consumer protection   Prices USE Contact dermatitis   Consumption (Economics) Consumers with disabilities  (May Subd Geog) UF Handicapped as consumers [Former heading] Contact inhibition (Biology) Consumers  (May Subd Geog)   Handicapped consumers [Former heading] UF Inhibition, Contact (Biology) [HC79.C6] BT People with disabilities BT Cell division UF Customers (Consumers) Consumnes River (Calif.)   Cellular control mechanisms   Shoppers USE Cosumnes River (Calif.) BT Persons Consumption (Disease) Contact juggling  (May Subd Geog) NT Affluent consumers USE Tuberculosis UF Crystal juggling   Bank customers Consumption (Economics)  (May Subd Geog)   Dynamic manipulation (Juggling)   Child consumers [HB801-HB843 (Economic theory)]   Multiball contact (Juggling)   College students as consumers [HC79.C6 (Economic history)]   Sphereplay   Consumption (Economics)—Surveys Here are entered works on the economic theory of   Static juggling   Credit card holders (Persons) consumption and on consumer demand. BT Juggling   Drugstore customers   Farmers as consumers UF Consumer demand Contact lens industry  (May Subd Geog)   Gay consumers   Consumer spending [HD9707.5.C65-HD9707.5.C654]   Housewives as consumers   Consumerism BT Optical trade   Jewish consumers   Spending, Consumer   Lesbian consumers Contact lens technicians  (May Subd Geog)   Low-income consumers BT Demand (Economic theory) BT Allied health personnel   Male consumers NT Indifference curves   Middle-aged consumers Contact lenses  (May Subd Geog)   Minority consumers   Jevons paradox [RE977.C6]   New Age consumers   Prices UF Contacts (Lenses)   Older consumers   Purchasing power BT Ophthalmic lenses   Prisoners as consumers   Rationing RT Orthokeratology   Single consumers   Social credit NT Soft contact lenses   Students as consumers — Mathematical models  (May Subd Geog)   Teenage consumers — Complications  (May Subd Geog)   Women consumers UF Consumption functions (Economics) UF Contact lenses—Complications and   Young consumers — Religious aspects   sequelae [Former heading] — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] — Attitudes — Surveys — Complications and sequelae UF Consumer attitudes USE Contact lenses—Complications BT Market surveys Here are entered works on the techniques RT Consumers' preferences employed. Surveys of consumption in particular Contact lenses, Hydrophilic NT Consumer confidence areas are entered under Consumption USE Soft contact lenses   Willingness to pay (Economics) with local subdivision. Contact manifolds — — Mathematical models BT Consumers UF Manifolds, Contact NT Multiattribute models (Consumer NT Cost and standard of living RT Almost contact manifolds   attitudes) BT Differentiable manifolds   Market surveys   Geometry, Differential — Information services — Taxation NT Infomediaries Contact mechanics  (May Subd Geog) USE Taxation of articles of consumption [TA353] — — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) Consumption (Economics) in art  (Not Subd Geog) UF Contact problems (Mechanics) — Research  (May Subd Geog) Consumption (Economics) in literature   Mechanics, Contact BT Mechanics, Applied [HF5415.32-HF5415.33] (Not Subd Geog) NT Rolling contact UF Consumer research Consumption (Economics) in motion pictures NT Consumer profiling Contact metamorphism  (May Subd Geog) (Not Subd Geog) BT Metamorphism (Geology)   Psychographics BT Motion pictures — United States Contact potential Consumption coagulopathy USE Volta effect NT African American consumers USE Disseminated intravascular coagulation   Asian American consumers Contact potential difference   Hispanic American consumers Consumption functions (Economics) USE Volta effect   Pacific Islander Americans as consumers USE Consumption (Economics)—Mathematical   models Contact printing  (May Subd Geog) Consumers, African American [TR312] USE African American consumers Consumption of alcoholic beverages UF Contact prints USE Drinking of alcoholic beverages   Contact sheets Consumers, Asian American   Proof sheets USE Asian American consumers Consumption of electric power BT Photography—Printing processes USE Electric power consumption NT Sunprinting (Photography) Consumers, Black  (May Subd Geog) UF Bantus as consumers [Former heading] Consumption of energy Contact prints   Black consumers USE Energy consumption USE Contact printing   Blacks as consumers [Former heading]   Negroes as consumers [Former heading] Consumption of food Contact problems (Mechanics) USE Food consumption USE Contact mechanics Consumers, Hispanic American USE Hispanic American consumers Consumption of fuelwood Contact process (Sulfuric acid) USE Fuelwood consumption USE Sulfuric acid—Contact process Consumers' goods USE Consumer goods Consumption of oxygen (Physiology) Contact sensitivity USE Oxygen consumption (Physiology) USE Contact dermatitis Consumers' leagues  (May Subd Geog) Here are entered works on organizations of Consumption of water Contact sheets USE Water consumption USE Contact printing consumers who use their purchasing power to improve the working conditions of labor. Consumption tax Contact transformations USE Spendings tax [QA385] BT Consumer cooperatives UF Canonical transformations NT Consumer education Consumptive use   Tangential transformations Consumers' preferences  (May Subd Geog) USE Evapotranspiration   Transformations, Canonical [HF5415.32-HF5415.33]   Transformations, Contact UF Brand preferences Consumptives (Sick persons)   Transformations, Tangential USE Tuberculosis—Patients BT Transformations (Mathematics)   Choice (Economic theory)   Choice of product Contact, Eye Contact vernaculars   Preferences, Consumers' USE Eye contact USE Lingua francas   Product choice   Pidgin languages BT Consumer behavior Contact, First, of aboriginal peoples with Westerners RT Consumers—Attitudes USE First contact of aboriginal peoples with Contactor control systems  (May Subd Geog)   Revealed preference theory   Westerners UF Control systems, Contactor NT Brand choice BT Feedback control systems Consumers' rent Contact angle USE Consumers' surplus [QC183] Contactors, Electric Consumers' surplus  (May Subd Geog) BT Fluid mechanics USE Electric contactors [HB825]   Surface chemistry UF Buyers' surplus Contacts, Electric   Consumer surplus Contact dermatitis  (May Subd Geog) USE Electric contacts [RL244] UF Contact hypersensitivity Contacts, Focal   Contact sensitivity USE Focal adhesions   Dermatitis, Contact   Dermatitis venenata Contacts, Human-Neanderthal   Hypersensitivity, Contact USE Human-Neanderthal encounters BT Delayed hypersensitivity   Skin—Inflammation Contacts, Neanderthal-human USE Human-Neanderthal encounters C-615

Contacts, Optical fiber   Metal container industry   Briefcases USE Optical fibers—Joints   Paper bag industry   Cage-cups   Paper box industry   Casters (Containers) Contacts (Lenses)   Plastic container industry   Chamber pots USE Contact lenses   Tank industry   Ciboria (Containers)   Wooden box industry   Cigarette cases Contacts of humans with extraterrestrial beings — Collective bargaining   Coin purses USE Human-alien encounters USE Collective bargaining—Container industry   Composters (Containers) — Equipment and supplies   Containerization Contaflex camera  (Not Subd Geog) — — Valuation  (May Subd Geog)   Cosmetics containers BT Cameras — Wages   Covered animal dishes   Zeiss cameras USE Wages—Container industry   Crates Container maintenance and repair industry   Dispatch cases Contagion (Social psychology)  (May Subd Geog) (May Subd Geog)   Drums (Containers) UF Social contagion BT Containers—Maintenance and repair   Electronic equipment enclosures BT Social psychology Container ports   Eyeglass cases RT Memetics USE Container terminals   Food containers NT Emotional contagion Container routes (Container ships)   Glass containers USE Container ship routes   Humidors Contagion and contagious diseases Container seedlings   Incense burners and containers USE Communicable diseases USE Seedlings, Container   Inkwells Container seedlings of corn   Jackets for bottles, vases, etc. Contagious abortion USE Corn—Seedlings, Container   Jerrycans USE Brucellosis in cattle Container seedlings of trees   Kettles USE Trees—Seedlings, Container   Knife cases Contagious agalactia  (May Subd Geog) Container-ship operations   Luggage [SF969.C65] USE Unitized cargo systems   Ma si dun (Containers) UF Agalactia, Contagious Container ship routes  (May Subd Geog)   Match holders BT Goats—Diseases UF Container routes (Container ships)   Metal containers   Sheep—Diseases   Container ships—Routes   Oilcans   Routes, Container ship   Pails Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia  (May Subd Geog) BT Trade routes   Paper containers [SF964] Container ships  (May Subd Geog)   Parfleches UF Bovine contagious pleuropneumonia [HE566.C6 (Shipping)]   Pesticide containers   Bovine pleuropneumonia, Contagious [VM393.C65 (Naval architecture)]   Pitchers   Contagious pleuropneumonia, Bovine UF Containerships   Plant containers   Lung plague in cattle   Liners   Plastic containers   Pleuropneumonia contagiosa bovum BT Cargo ships   Plywood containers   Pleuropneumonia of cattle [Former heading]   Merchant ships   Posy holders BT Cattle—Infections   Unitized cargo systems   Pots   Mycoplasma diseases in animals — Routes   Pressure vessels   Pleuropneumonia USE Container ship routes   Pyxides (Toilet paraphernalia) Container terminals  (May Subd Geog)   Quivers (Archery) Contagious diseases UF Container ports [Former heading]   Radioactive waste canisters USE Communicable diseases   Marine container terminals   Ratproof containers BT Marine terminals   Razor blade banks Contagious distributions   Unitized cargo systems   Refrigerated containers UF Distributions, Contagious — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog)   Reliquaries BT Distribution (Probability theory)   Rudge Cup BT Maritime law   Schoolbags Contagious ecthyma  (May Subd Geog) Container transportation   Spill holders [SF969.C]   Spittoons UF Contagious pustular stomatitis USE Containerization   Staffordshire Moorlands Pan   Ecthyma, Contagious Container tree seedlings   Storage jars   Pustular stomatitis, Contagious   Stringholders (Containers)   Scabby mouth USE Trees—Seedlings, Container   Tanks   Sore mouth Containerization  (May Subd Geog)   Toothbrush holders BT Poxvirus diseases   Toothpick holders   Sheep—Virus diseases [TA1215]   Torah arks UF Combined transport   Torah cases Contagious marketing   Vases USE Viral marketing   Container transportation   Vats   Intermodal transportation   Violin cases Contagious pleuropneumonia, Bovine BT Containers   Visiting card cases USE Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia   Freight and freightage   Wall pockets (Containers) NT Barge-carrying ships   Wallets Contagious pustular stomatitis   Unitized cargo systems   Wastebaskets USE Contagious ecthyma — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog)   Water bags (Containers) — Taxation  (May Subd Geog)   Watering troughs Contagious typhus in cattle — — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog)   Yan di (Containers) USE Rinderpest Containerized seedlings — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) USE Seedlings, Container — Maintenance and repair Contained self-rescuer, Self (Mine rescue equipment) Containerless processing  (May Subd Geog) USE Self-contained self-rescuer (Mine rescue BT Manufacturing processes NT Container maintenance and repair industry   equipment)   Materials—Testing — Recycling  (May Subd Geog) NT Plasma confinement Container cargo Containers  (May Subd Geog) BT Recycling (Waste, etc.) USE Unitized cargo systems [TS197.5] — Tariff UF Cans Container corn seedlings   Receptacles USE Duty-free importation of containers USE Corn—Seedlings, Container BT Implements, utensils, etc. Containers, Prehistoric  (May Subd Geog) RT Packaging Container gardening  (May Subd Geog) NT Amiens Patera UF Prehistoric containers [SB418-SB418.4]   Ammunition containers BT Tools, Prehistoric UF Pot plant gardening   Ampullae (Containers) Containers, Pressurized BT Gardening   Animal skin containers USE Pressure packaging RT Plants, Potted   Apothecary jars   Potting places   Ashtrays   Pressure vessels   Seedlings, Container   Backpacks Containers in art  (Not Subd Geog) NT Gardens, Miniature   Bagging Containers in literature  (Not Subd Geog)   Glass gardens   Bags Containerships   Hanging baskets   Barrels   Window gardening   Basins (Containers) USE Container ships   Baskets Containment, Cost — Equipment and supplies   Beverage containers NT Plant containers   Boughpots USE Cost control   Plant hangers   Boxes Containment, Self (Personality trait)   Potting soils USE Self-containment (Personality trait) Container-grown seedlings USE Seedlings, Container Container industry  (May Subd Geog) [HD9999.C74-HD9999.C744] UF Can manufacturing industry BT Package goods industry NT Basket industry   Beverage container industry   Bottle industry   Burlap bag industry   Canned foods industry   Crate industry   Food container industry   Glass container industry C-616

Containment of debris avalanches   Continuation business UF CCM (Contemporary Christian music) USE Debris avalanches—Control BT Contracts, Aleatory   Christian contemporary music   Christian music, Contemporary Containment of oil spills   Speculation   Christian popular music USE Oil spills—Containment Contant family   Evangelical popular music   Jesus music Contaminants, Air USE Constant family   Popular music, Christian USE Air—Pollution Contarex camera  (Not Subd Geog) BT Gospel music Contaminants, Environmental BT Single-lens reflex cameras   Popular music USE Pollutants Contarinia  (May Subd Geog)   Sacred vocal music Contaminants, Inorganic soil [QL537.C33 (Zoology)] NT Christian rap (Music) USE Inorganic soil pollutants BT Gall midges   Christian rock music NT Contarinia medicaginis Contaminants, Organic water Contarinia medicaginis  (May Subd Geog) — Writing and publishing  (May Subd Geog) USE Organic water pollutants [QL537.C33] BT Composition (Music) BT Contarinia   Music publishing Contaminated food Contarinia sorghicola USE Food contamination USE Sorghum midge Contemporary Christian musicians  (May Subd Geog) Contas River (Brazil) BT Gospel musicians Contaminated forests  (May Subd Geog) UF Jussiape River (Brazil) UF Polluted forests Contemporary European Painting Award BT Environmental degradation   Rio de Contas (Brazil : River) USE Frissiras Award   Forests and forestry   Rio Jussiape (Brazil) BT Rivers—Brazil Contemporary music radio stations Contaminated sediments  (May Subd Geog) Contas River Watershed (Brazil) USE Popular music radio stations UF Polluted sediments BT Watersheds—Brazil BT Pollution Contat family  (Not Subd Geog) Contempt (Attitude)  (May Subd Geog)   Sediments (Geology) Contax camera  (Not Subd Geog) UF Disdain SA subdivision Effect of contaminated sediments BT Zeiss cameras   Scorn   on under individual animals and groups of Contax real time system camera BT Attitude (Psychology)   animals, e.g. Fishes--Effect of contaminated USE Contax RTS camera   sediments on Contax RTS camera  (Not Subd Geog) Contempt (Attitude) in art  (Not Subd Geog) NT Aquatic organisms—Effect of contaminated [TR263.C] Contempt (Attitude) in literature  (Not Subd Geog)   sediments on UF Contax real time system camera Contempt of Congress BT Yashica camera Contaminated sites   Zeiss cameras USE Contempt of legislative bodies—United States USE Hazardous waste sites Conte family  (Not Subd Geog) Contempt of court  (May Subd Geog) UF Contee family Contaminated sites, Construction on   Conti family [JK1543 (United States)] USE Construction on contaminated sites   Countee family UF Court, Contempt of Conte Federal Building (Pittsfield, Mass.) BT Conduct of court proceedings Contamination, Fear of USE Silvio O. Conte Federal Building (Pittsfield, NT Contumacy USE Fear of contamination   Mass.) Conte Mountain (Wash.)   Outlawry Contamination, Microbial USE Le Conte Mountain (Wash.) Contempt of legislative bodies  (May Subd Geog) USE Microbial contamination Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge USE Silvio Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge BT Legislative bodies Contamination, Milk Conte Site (Panama) NT Trials (Contempt of legislative bodies) USE Milk contamination UF Sitio Conte (Panama) — United States BT Panama—Antiquities Contamination (Psychology) Conte Verde House (Rivoli, Italy) UF Contempt of Congress BT Cognition disorders USE Casa del Conte Verde (Rivoli, Italy) Contempt of the world   Schizophrenics—Language Contee family USE Conte family USE Asceticism Contamination (Technology) Contellet Garaiyeh (Egypt) Contender Class (Sailboats)  (Not Subd Geog) UF Impurities (Technology) USE Kuntillat Jurayyah (Egypt)   Industrial contamination Contemplation UF International Contender Class (Sailboats)   Particulate contamination in industry [BV5091.C7] BT Sailboats BT Factory sanitation UF Mental prayer Contending, Verbal NT Airplanes—Fuel—Contamination   Prayer, Mental USE Verbal self-defense   Cleaning RT Contemplative orders Content (Psychology)   Corn as feed—Contamination   Meditation [BF40]   Culture contamination (Biology) BT Mysticism Here are entered works on the content of the mind,   Decontamination (from gases, chemicals, etc.)   Prayer consciousness or experience which can be   Dust control Contemplation (Hinduism) introspectively observed.   Electric insulators and USE Samadhi   insulation—Contamination Contemplation (Jainism) UF Mental content   Electronic apparatus and USE Samadhi (Jainism) BT Psychology   appliances—Contamination Contemplation in literature  (Not Subd Geog) Content-addressable memory   Food contamination Contemplative cinema USE Associative storage   Fume control USE Slow cinema Content-addressed storage   Hemodialyzers—Contamination Contemplative orders  (May Subd Geog) USE Associative storage   Hydraulic fluids—Contamination [BX2810 (Men)] Content analysis (Communication)   Matrix effect [BX4230 (Women)] [P93]   Metals—Radioactive contamination RT Contemplation Here are entered works dealing with the methods   Microbial contamination BT Monasticism and religious orders of interpreting and summarizing the essential points   Parenteral solutions—Contamination Contemporaneity of any kind of communication, oral, written, or printed.   Peat as plant growing media—Contamination USE Contemporary, The Works dealing with such summaries in individual   Plant growing media—Contamination Contemporáneos (Group of writers) subject fields are entered under the subject, e.g. a   Poliomyelitis vaccine—Contamination RT Mexican literature content analysis of American periodicals under   Pollution Contemporary, The American periodicals.   Protective coverings [BD640]   Radioactive decontamination UF Contemporaneity UF Analysis of content (Communication)   Solutions (Pharmacy)—Contamination BT Time   Communication—Content analysis   Space stations—Contamination — Religious aspects   Subject analysis   Space vehicles—Contamination — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.]   Sterilization Contemporary, The, in art  (Not Subd Geog) BT Communication—Methodology   Surface contamination Contemporary, The, in literature  (Not Subd Geog) NT Abstracting Contemporary, The, in motion pictures Contamination by microorganisms (Not Subd Geog)   Subject cataloging USE Microbial contamination BT Motion pictures Content area language arts instruction Contemporary art Contamination of drinking water USE Art, Modern—21st century USE Language arts—Correlation with content USE Drinking water—Contamination Contemporary Christian music  (May Subd Geog)   subjects [ML3187.5 (History and criticism)] Contamination of environment Content area language arts instruction (Higher USE Pollution education) USE Language arts (Higher)—Correlation with Contamination of groundwater   content subjects USE Groundwater—Pollution Content area reading  (May Subd Geog) Contamination of marijuana [LB1050.455] USE Marijuana—Contamination Here are entered works on teaching and improving Contamination of soil reading skills, generally at the middle or secondary USE Soil pollution school level, within the context of subject area classes, rather than by means of remedial reading Contamination of tobacco classes unrelated to any specific subject. USE Tobacco—Contamination UF Reading, Content area Contango and backwardation  (May Subd Geog)   Reading, Subject-matter UF Backwardation   Subject-matter reading   Carry-over business BT Language arts—Correlation with content C-617

Content area reading  (Continued)   Chess problems—Tournaments   House of Bourbon Conti   subjects   Chinese chess—Tournaments   House of Conti   Reading   Competitive eating   House of Conty   Computer chess—Tournaments BT France—Kings and rulers Content-based image retrieval  (May Subd Geog)   Contract bridge—Tournaments RT Bourbon, House of UF CBIR (Content-based image retrieval)   Correspondence checkers—Tournaments   Conde,́ House of   CBVIR (Content-based visual information   Correspondence chess—Tournaments Conti family   retrieval)   Drag balls USE Conte family   Content-based visual information retrieval   Go (Game)—Tournaments Contia  (May Subd Geog)   QBIC (Query by image content)   Leather contests [QL666.O636]   Query by image content   Poker—Tournaments BT Colubridae BT Image processing—Digital techniques   Prize contests in advertising NT Sharp-tailed snake   Information retrieval   Radio game shows Contia mitis   Pattern recognition systems   Radio quiz shows USE Sharp-tailed snake NT Multimedia data mining   Rodeos Contia pygaea   School contests USE Black swamp snake Content-based visual information retrieval   Scrabble (Game)—Tournaments Contia tenuis USE Content-based image retrieval   Shogi—Tournaments USE Sharp-tailed snake   Snooker—Tournaments Contiguity spaces Content warnings (Trigger warnings)   Sports tournaments BT Nearness spaces USE Trigger warnings   Sweepstakes Contiguous zones (Law of the sea)  (May Subd Geog)   Television game shows [KZA1540-KZA1560] Contentia Creek (N.C.)   Television quiz shows UF Contiguous zones (Maritime law) [Former USE Contentnea Creek (N.C.)   Ugly contests   heading] — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) BT Law of the sea Contention protocols (Computer network protocols) — United States RT Economic zones (Law of the sea) USE Contention resolution protocols (Computer   Territorial waters   network protocols) NT National Peace Essay Contest Contiguous zones (Maritime law) Contests, Prize, in advertising USE Contiguous zones (Law of the sea) Contention resolution protocols (Computer network Continental automobile protocols)  (May Subd Geog) USE Prize contests in advertising USE Lincoln Continental automobile UF Conflict resolution protocols (Computer Contests in art  (Not Subd Geog) Continental checkers   network protocols) Contests in literature  (Not Subd Geog) USE Polish checkers   Contention protocols (Computer network Context (Linguistics) Continental crust  (May Subd Geog)   protocols) [QE511] BT Multiple access protocols (Computer network UF Grammar, Comparative and general—Context UF Crust, Continental   protocols)   Situation (Linguistics) BT Earth (Planet)—Crust Continental displacement Contentiousness BT Linguistics USE Continental drift USE Quarreling SA subdivision Context under names of languages Continental Divide National Scenic Trail UF CDNST (Continental Divide National Scenic Contentment   and groups of languages, e.g. English   Trail) [BJ1533.C7 (Ethics)]   language--Context   Continental Divide Trail [Former heading] UF Gladness Context (Psychology) BT National parks and reserves—United States BT Satisfaction USE Context effects (Psychology)   Trails—United States RT Happiness Context-aware computing  (May Subd Geog) Continental Divide Snowmobile Trail (Wyo.)   Peace of mind UF Context-aware pervasive systems USE Wyoming Continental Divide Snowmobile Trail   Context-awareness (Computer science)   (Wyo.) — Religious aspects BT Ubiquitous computing Continental Divide Trail — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] RT Global system for mobile communications USE Continental Divide National Scenic Trail Contentnea Creek, Little (N.C.)   Mobile computing Continental Divide Wilderness (N.M.) USE Little Contentnea Creek (N.C.)   Sensor networks UF Continental Divide Wilderness Study Area Contentnea Creek (N.C.) Context-aware pervasive systems   (N.M.) USE Context-aware computing BT National parks and reserves—New Mexico UF Contentia Creek (N.C.) Context-awareness (Computer science)   Wilderness areas—New Mexico   Great Contentnea Creek (N.C.) USE Context-aware computing Continental Divide Wilderness Study Area (N.M.)   Great Cotecktney Creek (N.C.) Context effects (Psychology)  (May Subd Geog) USE Continental Divide Wilderness (N.M.)   Moccasin Creek (N.C.) [BF315.2 (Cognition)] Continental drift   Moccasin River (N.C.) [BF378.C72 (Memory)] [QE511.5]   Quotankney Creek (N.C.) [BF714 (Development psychology)] UF Continental displacement UF Associations, Contextual (Psychology)   Drift, Continental BT Rivers—North Carolina   Context (Psychology)   Drifting of continents Contents, Tables of   Contexts (Psychology) BT Plate tectonics   Contextual associations (Psychology) Continental margins  (May Subd Geog) USE Tables of contents   Contextualism (Psychology) [GC84-GC84.2] Contest of Anti-Imperialist Cartoons, Managua,   Effects, Context (Psychology) UF Margins, Continental BT Psychology BT Submarine topography Nicaragua, 1983 Context effects (Psychology) in children NT Continental shelf USE International Contest of Anti-Imperialist (May Subd Geog)   Continental slopes BT Child psychology   Convergent margins   Cartoons, Managua, Nicaragua, 1983 Context sensitive solutions (Transportation) — United States Contest of Anti-Imperialist Cartoons \"Sandino Lives On\", (May Subd Geog) UF CSSs (Context sensitive solutions) NT Mid-Atlantic Bight Managua, Nicaragua, 1984 BT Transportation—Planning Continental Mark II automobile USE International Contest of Anti-Imperialist Contexts (Psychology) USE Context effects (Psychology) USE Lincoln Mark II automobile   Cartoons \"Sandino Lives\", Managua, Contextual associations (Psychology) Continental Mark VI automobile   Nicaragua, 1984 USE Context effects (Psychology) Contestado Insurrection, Brazil, 1912-1916 Contextual ethics USE Lincoln Mark VI automobile USE Brazil—History—Contestado Insurrection, USE Situation ethics Continental Mark VII automobile   1912-1916 Contextual family therapy Contestants, Beauty USE Contextual therapy USE Lincoln Mark VII automobile USE Beauty contestants Contextual therapy  (May Subd Geog) Continental Mine (Idaho) Contested elections  (May Subd Geog) [RC488.55] UF Contested elections—Law and legislation UF Contextual family therapy BT Gold mines and mining—Idaho   Disputed elections   Therapy, Contextual Continental money   Election protests and appeals BT Family psychotherapy   Elections, Contested Contextualism (Philosophy) USE Money—United States—History—Colonial BT Elections [B809.14]   period, ca. 1600-1775 SA subdivision Contested elections under names BT Philosophy   of individual legislative bodies, e.g. United Contextualism (Psychology) Continental Op (Fictitious character)  (Not Subd Geog)   States. Congress. House--Contested USE Context effects (Psychology) UF Op, Continental (Fictitious character)   elections Contextualization (Christian theology) — Law and legislation USE Christianity and culture Continental philosophy  (May Subd Geog) USE Contested elections Conti, House of  (Not Subd Geog) UF Philosophy, Continental Contests  (May Subd Geog) UF Bourbon Conti, House of BT Philosophy, Modern [GV1201.6]   Conty, House of UF Competitions Continental rebound   Prize competitions USE Glacial isostasy RT Awards SA subdivision Competitions under topical Continental seas   headings; and names of individual contests USE Seas NT Beauty contests   Book contests   Checker pool—Tournaments   Checker problems—Tournaments   Checkers—Tournaments   Chess—Tournaments C-618

Continental shelf  (May Subd Geog) Contingent valuation  (May Subd Geog) Continuing medical education [GC85-GC85.2] [HB846.55] USE Medicine—Study and teaching (Continuing BT Continental margins Here are entered works on determining the value   education) RT Territorial waters of non-market goods and services. Continuing resources (Publications)  (May Subd Geog) — Economic aspects  (May Subd Geog) UF Resources, Continuing (Publications) BT Marine resources BT Valuation BT Publications Contingentia futura (Logic) RT Integrating resources (Publications) — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) NT Cataloging of continuing resources — Bering Sea USE Future contingents (Logic)   Serial publications Contingents, Future (Logic) NT Chirikof Basin Continuity — North Atlantic Ocean USE Future contingents (Logic) [B105.C5 (Philosophy)] Contini Bonacossi family  (Not Subd Geog) [QA9 (Mathematics)] NT Scotian Shelf Contini family  (Not Subd Geog) [QC6.4.C6 (Physics)] Continental shields Continuation, Analytic UF Continuum BT Mathematics—Philosophy USE Shields (Geology) USE Analytic continuation RT Indivisibles (Philosophy) Continental slopes  (May Subd Geog) Continuation (Mathematics) NT Chain of being (Philosophy)   Martin's axiom [GC86-GC86.2] USE Continuation methods UF Slopes, Continental Continuation business Continuity (Motion pictures, television, etc.) BT Continental margins BT Motion pictures—Production and direction — Mexico, Gulf of USE Contango and backwardation   Television—Production and direction Continuation coverage, Health insurance   Video recordings—Production and direction NT Central Slope (Gulf of Mexico)   Mississippi Slope USE Health insurance continuation coverage Continuity clerks Continuation methods USE Script clerks Continental System (Economic blockade) Here are entered works on the economic blockade UF Continuation (Mathematics) Continuity concept (Accounting)   Continuation techniques USE Going concern (Accounting) of Britain instituted by Napoleon I of France during the Napoleonic Wars. BT Differential equations, Partial—Numerical Continuity girls   solutions USE Script clerks UF Continental system of Napoleon [Former   heading] Continuation schools Continuity in literature  (Not Subd Geog) USE Evening and continuation schools Continuity of care BT Europe—Politics and government—1789-1815   France—History—Consulate and First Empire, Continuation techniques USE Continuum of care   1799-1815 USE Continuation methods Continuity of patient care   Great Britain—Economic conditions—19th   century Continuation War, 1941-1944  (May Subd Geog) USE Continuum of care [D765.3-D765.35] Continuity of the church Continental system of Napoleon UF War of Continuation, 1941-1944 USE Continental System (Economic blockade)   War of Retribution, 1941-1944 BT Church BT Finland—History—1939-1945 — Anglican Communion Continental Westerns   Soviet Union—History—1939-1945 USE Spaghetti Westerns   World War, 1939-1945—Campaigns—Finland [BX5056]   World War, 1939-1945—Campaigns—Russia UF Anglican Communion—Continuity Continentality (Meteorology)  (May Subd Geog)   (Federation) [QC981.8.C65]   Church of England—Continuity UF Thermal continentality — Campaigns NT Anglican orders BT Climatology — — Russia (Federation) Continuo  (May Subd Geog) [ML442 (History)] Continenticola NT Tali-Ihantala, Battle of, Russia, 1944 [MT49 (Instruction and study)] USE Tricladida Continued division Here are entered works on continuo. Musical compositions with continuo accompaniment are Continents USE Euclidean algorithm entered under headings that include the term BT Earth (Planet)—Crust Continued fractions \"continuo\" as a medium of performance, e.g. Trio NT Gondwana (Continent) sonatas (Violins (2), continuo).   Laurentia (Continent) [QA295]   Lost continents UF Fractions, Continued [Former heading] UF Basso continuo   Pangaea (Supercontinent) BT Series   Figured bass   Rodinia (Supercontinent) RT Processes, Infinite   Thorough bass [Former heading] NT Padé approximant   Thoroughbass Continents in art  (Not Subd Geog) Continuing care communities   Through bass Contingencies in finance  (May Subd Geog) USE Life care communities Continuing care retirement communities BT Musical accompaniment BT Finance USE Life care communities NT Partimenti — Accounting Continuing education  (May Subd Geog) Continuo and bagpipe music [LC5201-LC6660.4] USE Bagpipe and continuo music [HF5681.C67] UF Lifelong education Continuo and bassoon music UF Accounting for contingencies USE Bassoon and continuo music   Lifelong learning Continuo and cello music   Contingency accounting   Permanent education USE Cello and continuo music Contingency (Philosophy)   Recurrent education Continuo and cornett music BT Education USE Cornett and continuo music BT Philosophy RT Adult education Continuo and double bass music Contingency (Philosophy) in literature  (Not Subd Geog) SA subdivision Education (Continuing education) USE Double bass and continuo music Contingency (Philosophy) in motion pictures   under classes of persons and ethnic groups; Continuo and dulcimer music   and subdivision Study and teaching USE Dulcimer and continuo music (Not Subd Geog)   (Continuing education) under subjects Continuo and flageolet music BT Motion pictures NT Continuing education centers USE Flageolet and continuo music   Evening and continuation schools Continuo and flute music Contingency accounting   Libraries and continuing education USE Flute and continuo music USE Contingencies in finance—Accounting   Library education (Continuing education) Continuo and guitar music — Audio-visual aids USE Guitar and continuo music Contingency fees Continuo and hurdy-gurdy music USE Contingent fees [LC5225.A83] USE Hurdy-gurdy and continuo music SA subdivision Study and teaching Continuo and lyra viol music Contingency planning in electronic data processing USE Lyra viol and continuo music USE Electronic data processing—Backup   (Continuing education)--Audio-visual Continuo and mandolin music   processing alternatives   aids under subjects USE Mandolin and continuo music — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) Continuo and oboe d'amore music Contingency tables BT Educational law and legislation USE Oboe d'amore and continuo music UF Tables, Contingency — Great Britain Continuo and oboe music BT Distribution (Probability theory) — — Finance USE Oboe and continuo music   Mathematical statistics NT Collective learning funds Continuo and recorder music   Statistical hypothesis testing USE Recorder and continuo music   Individual learning accounts Continuo and saxophone music — Computer programs Continuing education and libraries USE Saxophone and continuo music Contingency theory (Management) Continuo and tenor violin music USE Libraries and continuing education USE Tenor violin and continuo music BT Management Continuing education centers  (May Subd Geog) Continuo and theorbo music Contingent duties USE Theorbo and continuo music UF Education centers, Continuing USE Antidumping duties BT Adult education Contingent fees  (May Subd Geog)   Continuing education UF Conditional fees   Evening and continuation schools   Contingency fees   Universities and colleges—Graduate work   Fees contingent upon success RT Elderhostels Continuing engineering education BT Cost USE Engineering—Study and teaching (Continuing Contingent interest  (May Subd Geog)   education) BT Interest Contingent liabilities (Accounting)  (May Subd Geog) BT Liabilities (Accounting) Contingent Negative Variation (CNV) USE Slow potentials (Electrophysiology) Contingent remainders USE Remainders (Estates) C-619

Continuo and trombone music UF CCPD (Medicine)   CWRs (Railroads) USE Trombone and continuo music   Chronic cycling peritoneal dialysis   Jointless rails (Railroads)   Cycling peritoneal dialysis, Continuous   Long welded rails Continuo and trumpet music   LWRs (Railroads) USE Trumpet and continuo music BT Peritoneal dialysis   Railroads—Continuous rails [Former heading] NT Continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis in   Ribbon rails Continuo and unspecified instrument music BT Railroad rails USE Duets (Unspecified instrument and continuo)   children Continuously operating reference stations Continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis in children UF CORSs (Continuously operating reference Continuo and viol music   stations) USE Viol and continuo music (May Subd Geog)   Reference stations, Continuously operating [RJ470.5.P47] BT Mobile geographic information systems Continuo and viola da gamba music UF Pediatric CCPD Continuously variable transmissions, Automobile USE Viola da gamba and continuo music   Pediatric continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis USE Automobiles—Transmission devices, BT Continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis   Continuously variable Continuo and viola d'amore music   Pediatric nephrology Continuously welded rails USE Viola d'amore and continuo music USE Continuous welded rails Continuous degrees, Doctrine of Continuum Continuo and viola music USE Degrees, Doctrine of USE Continuity USE Viola and continuo music Continuum (Game) Continuous emission monitoring  (May Subd Geog) BT Fantasy games Continuo and violin music UF CEM (Air quality) Continuum (Mathematics) USE Violin and continuo music   Emission monitoring, Continuous BT Metric spaces BT Air—Pollution—Measurement Continuum (Service mark) Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis USE Continuum Movement (Service mark) (May Subd Geog) Continuous-flow culture (Microbiology) Continuum damage mechanics [RC901.7.P48] USE Continuous culture (Microbiology) [TA409] UF Ambulatory peritoneal dialysis, Continuous UF CDM (Continuum damage mechanics)   CAPD (Medicine) Continuous forest management systems   Damage mechanics, Continuum   Chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis USE Continuous cover forestry BT Continuum mechanics   Peritoneal dialysis, Continuous ambulatory   Fracture mechanics   [Former heading] Continuous functions Continuum hypothesis BT Ambulatory medical care USE Functions, Continuous UF Generalized continuum hypothesis   Peritoneal dialysis   Hypothesis, Continuum NT Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis in Continuous furnaces  (May Subd Geog)   Hypothesis, Generalized continuum   children UF Furnaces, Continuous BT Set theory — Complications  (May Subd Geog) BT Metallurgical furnaces Continuum mechanics [RC901.7.P48] [QA808.2] UF Continuous ambulatory peritoneal Continuous geometries UF Mechanics of continua   dialysis—Complications and sequelae UF Geometries, Continuous BT Elasticity   [Former heading] BT Geometry, Projective   Mechanics, Analytic — Complications and sequelae   Modular lattices RT Field theory (Physics) USE Continuous ambulatory peritoneal NT Continuum damage mechanics   dialysis—Complications Continuous girder bridges   Elastic solids USE Continuous bridges   Fluid mechanics Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis in children   Sound (May Subd Geog) Continuous girders   Thermoelasticity [RJ470.5.P47] USE Girders, Continuous   Viscoelasticity UF Pediatric CAPD Continuum Movement (Service mark)  (Not Subd Geog)   Pediatric continuous ambulatory peritoneal Continuous groups UF Continuum (Service mark)   dialysis [QA385-QA387] BT Movement therapy BT Ambulatory medical care for children UF Groups, Continuous [Former heading] Continuum of care  (May Subd Geog)   Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis BT Differential equations Here are entered works on a comprehensive,   Pediatric nephrology   Group theory integrated system of care which on a continuous NT Differential forms basis guides and tracks clients through all levels of Continuous arteriovenous hemodialysis   Differential invariants health and social services. USE Continuous arteriovenous hemofiltration   Ergodic theory   Fiber bundles (Mathematics) UF Care, Continuum of Continuous arteriovenous hemofiltration   Galilean group   Continuity of care (May Subd Geog)   Lorentz groups   Continuity of patient care UF Arteriovenous hemofiltration, Continuous   Topological groups   CAVH (Medicine)   Transformations, Infinitesimal BT Long-term care of the sick   Continuous arteriovenous hemodialysis NT Health facilities—Discharge planning   Hemodialysis, Continuous arteriovenous Continuous improvement process  (May Subd Geog)   Hemofiltration, Continuous arteriovenous BT Manufacturing processes   Mental health facilities—Discharge planning BT Blood—Filtration Continuum physics Continuous kilns Continuous beam bridges USE Tunnel kilns USE Field theory (Physics) USE Continuous bridges Contiti Viracocha (Inca deity) Continuous lattices Continuous bridges  (May Subd Geog) UF Lattices, Continuous [Former heading] USE Viracocha (Inca deity) [TG413-TG416] BT Functions, Continuous Contoocook River (N.H.) UF Bridges, Continuous [Former heading]   Lattice theory   Continuous beam bridges   Topological spaces BT Rivers—New Hampshire   Continuous girder bridges Contopus  (May Subd Geog) BT Bridges Continuous Long-Term Simulation (Computer program language) [QL696.P289 (Zoology)] Continuous casting  (May Subd Geog) USE COLTS (Computer program language) UF Nuttallornis UF Casting, Continuous BT Founding Continuous loop reactors (Sewage treatment)   Peewees (Birds)   Metal castings USE Oxidation ditches   Pewees (Birds) NT Direct strip casting BT Tyrannidae Continuous motion pictures NT Olive-sided flycatcher Continuous cell lines  (May Subd Geog) USE Loop films   Western wood-pewee [QH585.45] Contopus borealis UF CCL (Continuous cell lines) Continuous Performance Test USE Olive-sided flycatcher   CCLs (Continuous cell lines) USE Conners' Continuous Performance Test Contopus cooperi BT Cell lines USE Olive-sided flycatcher Continuous rails (Railroads) Contopus richardsonii Continuous cover forestry  (May Subd Geog) USE Continuous welded rails USE Western wood-pewee [SD387.C67] Contopus sordidulus UF Continuous forest management systems Continuous-time filters  (May Subd Geog) USE Western wood-pewee   Near-natural forest management UF Filters, Continuous-time Contopus virens BT Forest management BT Electric filters USE Wood pewee   Silvicultural systems   Integrated circuits Contorniates [CJ5665] Continuous cultivation (Microbiology) Continuous training (Exercise)  (May Subd Geog) Contortae USE Continuous culture (Microbiology) Here are entered works on the performance of USE Gentianales Continuous culture (Microbiology)  (May Subd Geog) aerobic exercises without rest intervals. [QR66.4] UF Continuous cultivation (Microbiology) BT Aerobic exercises   Continuous-flow culture (Microbiology)   Physical education and training   Open culture (Microbiology)   Open-system culture (Microbiology) Continuous voyages (International law) BT Microbiology—Cultures and culture media [KZ6568] UF Voyages, Continuous (International law) — Equipment and supplies RT Contraband of war NT Chemostat BT Neutral trade with belligerents   War, Maritime (International law) Continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis NT Rule of 1756 (International law) (May Subd Geog) Continuous wave radar  (May Subd Geog) [TK6592.C65] BT Radar Continuous welded rails  (May Subd Geog) [TF262] UF Continuous rails (Railroads)   Continuously welded rails C-620

Contour automobile  (Not Subd Geog) Contrabass flute music UF Immunocontraception UF Ford Contour automobile [M60-M64]   Immunological contraception BT Ford automobile Here are entered compositions not in a specific BT Immunization Contour bunding form or of a specific type for solo contrabass flute,   Reproduction—Immunological aspects USE Bunding and collections of compositions in several forms or types for solo contrabass flute. NT Antifertility vaccines Contour farming  (May Subd Geog) Contraception in animals [S627.C65] The term \"contrabass flute\" is used as a medium of BT Soil conservation performance in headings for works for one or two USE Animal contraception   Tillage solo instruments. In headings for other works that Contraceptive agents, Male NT Bunding include contrabass flute, the generic term \"flute\" is used as the medium of performance. USE Male contraceptives Contour lines (Cartography) Contraceptive devices USE Contours (Cartography) SA headings for forms and types of music that   include contrabass flute, contrabass flutes, USE Contraceptives Contours (Cartography)   flute, or flutes, and headings with medium of Contraceptive devices, Male UF Contour lines (Cartography)   performance that include contrabass flute,   Isohypse   contrabass flutes, flute, or flutes USE Male contraceptives   Map contours Contraceptive drug implants  (May Subd Geog) BT Altitudes Contrabass players   Cartography USE Double bassists UF Drug implants, Contraceptive   Topographic maps   Implantable contraceptive drugs Contrabass recorder   Implants, Contraceptive drug Contours of dental crowns USE Recorder (Musical instrument) USE Crowns (Dentistry)—Contours BT Contraceptive drugs Contrabass saxophone   Drugs—Controlled release Contoy, Parque Nacional Isla (Mexico) USE Saxophone USE Parque Nacional Isla Contoy (Mexico) — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) Contrabass tuba — Products liability Contoy Island (Mexico) USE Tuba UF Isla Contoy (Mexico) USE Products liability—Contraceptive drug   Isla Paj́ aros (Mexico) Contrabassists   implants   Pájaros Island (Mexico) USE Double bassists BT Islands—Mexico Contraceptive drugs  (May Subd Geog) RT Parque Nacional Isla Contoy (Mexico) Contrabassoon  (May Subd Geog) [RG137.4] [ML950-ML953 (History and construction)] UF Antifertility drugs Contra-alto clarinet [MT412 (Instruction)] BT Contraceptives USE Contrabass clarinet UF Double bassoon   Drugs BT Bassoon NT Contraceptive drug implants Contra-bass clarinet   Emergency contraceptives USE Contrabass clarinet Contrabassoon and bassoon music   Intrauterine contraceptives, Medicated USE Bassoon and contrabassoon music   Oral contraceptives Contra Costa Canal (Calif.)   Oral contraceptives, Male BT Canals—California Contrabassoon and percussion music   Progestational hormones, Synthetic UF Percussion and contrabassoon music   Spermicides Contra dances (Music) USE Country-dances (Music) Contrabassoon and piano music Contraceptive drugs, Injectable  (May Subd Geog) [M253-M254] [RG137.55] Contra dancing UF Piano and contrabassoon music UF Injectable contraceptives USE Country dancing BT Injections Contrabassoon and piano music, Arranged Contra-Iran Affair, 1985-1990 [M253-M254] Contraceptive failures USE Iran-Contra Affair, 1985-1990 NT Contrabassoon with string ensemble—Solo USE Contraception—Failures   with piano Contraband, Prison Contraceptives  (May Subd Geog) USE Prison contraband Contrabassoon and piccolo music [RG137-RG137.6] [M288-M289] UF Birth control devices Contraband arms traffic UF Piccolo and contrabassoon music   Contraceptive devices USE Illegal arms transfers BT Medical instruments and apparatus Contrabassoon music NT Contraceptive drugs Contraband of war  (May Subd Geog) [M75-M79]   Contraceptives, Vaginal [KZ6570 (Law)] Here are entered compositions not in a specific   Herbal contraceptives UF Contraband of war—Law and legislation   Intrauterine contraceptives BT War (International law) form or of a specific type for solo contrabassoon, and   Male contraceptives RT Continuous voyages (International law) collections of compositions in several forms or types   Neutral trade with belligerents for solo contrabassoon. — Failures   Unneutral service USE Contraception—Failures NT Navicert system SA headings for forms and types of music that   include \"contrabassoon\" or Contraceptives, Intravaginal — Law and legislation   \"contrabassoons\" and headings with USE Contraceptives, Vaginal USE Contraband of war   medium of performance that include   \"contrabassoon\" or \"contrabassoons\" Contraceptives, Oral Contraband trade USE Oral contraceptives USE Smuggling Contrabassoon with orchestra [M1026-M1027] Contraceptives, Postcoital Contrabass USE Emergency contraceptives USE Double bass Contrabassoon with string ensemble — Solo with piano Contraceptives, Vaginal  (May Subd Geog) Contrabass clarinet  (May Subd Geog) [M253-M254] [RG137.2] UF Contra-alto clarinet BT Contrabassoon and piano music, UF Contraceptives, Intravaginal   Contra-bass clarinet   Arranged   Intravaginal contraceptives   Pedal clarinet   Vaginal contraceptives BT Clarinet Contracaecum  (May Subd Geog) BT Contraceptives [QL391.N4] NT Cervical caps Contrabass clarinet and piano music  (May Subd Geog) BT Anisakidae   Diaphragms, Vaginal [M248-M252]   Nonoxynol-9 UF Piano and contrabass clarinet music Contraception  (May Subd Geog)   Spermicides [RG136-RG137.6] Contrabass clarinet and synthesizer music UF Conception—Prevention [Former heading] Contraceptives industry  (May Subd Geog) UF Synthesizer and contrabass clarinet music RT Birth control [HD9995.C6-HD9995.C64]   Conception BT Human reproductive technology industry Contrabass clarinet and viola music  (May Subd Geog)   Reproductive rights NT Condom industry [M290-M291] NT Animal contraception   Intrauterine contraceptives industry UF Viola and contrabass clarinet music   Coitus interruptus   Male contraception Contract, Form of Contrabass clarinet music  (May Subd Geog)   Postpartum contraception USE Form of contract [M70-M74]   Sterilization (Birth control) Here are entered compositions not in a specific Contract, Freedom of — Complications  (May Subd Geog) USE Liberty of contract form or of a specific type for solo contrabass clarinet, UF Contraception—Complications and and collections of compositions in several forms or   sequelae [Former heading] Contract, Liberty of types for solo contrabass clarinet. USE Liberty of contract — Complications and sequelae The term \"contrabass clarinet\" is used as a USE Contraception—Complications Contract-acceptance trials of ships medium of performance in headings for works for one USE Ship trials or two solo instruments. In headings for other works — Failures  (May Subd Geog) that include contrabass clarinet, the generic term UF Contraceptive failures Contract bridge \"clarinet\" is used as the medium of performance.   Contraceptives—Failures [GV1282.3]   Failures of contraception UF Bridge (Game) SA headings for forms and types of music that RT Unwanted pregnancy BT Auction bridge   include \"contrabass clarinet\" or \"contrabass   Bridge whist   clarinets\" and headings with medium of — Religious aspects NT Chicago bridge (Game)   performance that include \"contrabass — — Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.]   Duplicate contract bridge   clarinet\" or \"contrabass clarinets\" — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.]   Five-suit bridge Contraception, Immunological  (May Subd Geog)   Ghoulie Contrabass flute  (May Subd Geog)   Goulasch (Contract bridge) [ML935-ML937 (History)] [RG136.8] [MT340-MT348 (Instruction)] BT Flute C-621

Contract bridge  (Continued) Contract pinochle   Hospital care—Contracting out   MiniBridge [GV1295.P6]   Human services—Contracting out   Solitaire bridge (Game) UF Contract penuchle [Former heading]   Hydrographic surveying—Contracting out   Three-handed bridge   Pinochle, Contract [Former heading]   Information services—Contracting out BT Pinochle   Information technology—Contracting out — Bidding   Intelligence service—Contracting out [GV1282.4] Contract research   Juvenile corrections—Contracting out UF Bidding (Contract bridge) USE Research, Industrial   Legal services—Contracting out   Letter mail handling—Contracting out — Collections of games Contract services   Libraries—Automation—Contracting out — Defense USE Contracting out   Life care   communities—Management—Contracting USE Contract bridge—Defensive play Contract staffing services   out — Defensive play USE Employee leasing services   Local transit—Contracting out   Logistics—Contracting out [GV1282.42] Contract storage, Eames   Manufactures—Contracting out UF Contract bridge—Defense USE Eames contract storage (Furniture)   Medical care—Contracting out — Doubles  (May Subd Geog)   Municipal services—Contracting out [GV1282.43] Contract storage units, Eames   National cemeteries—Contracting out UF Doubles (Contract bridge) USE Eames contract storage (Furniture)   Nursing home care—Contracting out — Dummy play   Occupational training, Military—Contracting out [GV1282.435] Contract system (Labor)  (May Subd Geog)   Offshore outsourcing UF Dummy play (Contract bridge) Here are entered works on the employment, by   Personnel management—Contracting out — End play   Police—Contracting out USE Contract bridge—Squeeze one employer, of laborers under contract with another   Postal service—Contracting out — Grand slam employer or with a contractor, and on the lending of   Postwar reconstruction—Contracting out USE Contract bridge—Slams laborers by one employer to another employer.   Printing, Public—Contracting out — Lead play Works on the private employment of convicts are   Public housing—Management—Contracting USE Contract bridge—Opening leads entered under Convict labor.   out — Little slam   Public libraries—Administration—Contracting USE Contract bridge—Slams UF Labor contract system   out — Opening leads BT Labor contract   Public libraries—Contracting out [GV1282.46] Contractarian theory (Ethics)   Public records—Management—Contracting out UF Contract bridge—Lead play USE Contractarianism (Ethics)   Public welfare—Contracting out Contractarianism, Moral   Radioactive waste   Contract bridge—Openings USE Contractarianism (Ethics)   sites—Cleanup—Contracting out   Contract bridge—Signals Contractarianism (Ethics)  (May Subd Geog)   Refuse and refuse disposal—Contracting out — Openings [BJ1500.C65]   Research—Contracting out USE Contract bridge—Opening leads UF Contractarian theory (Ethics)   Roads—Maintenance and repair—Contracting — Rules   out [GV1282.64]   Contractarianism, Moral   School lunchrooms, cafeterias, — Signals   Moral contractarianism   etc.—Management—Contracting out USE Contract bridge—Opening leads BT Ethics   Social service—Contracting out — Slams Contractile fibroblasts   Teaching—Contracting out [GV1282.48] USE Myofibroblasts   Technical services (Libraries)—Contracting out UF Contract bridge—Grand slam Contractile vacuole   Threshing—Contracting out   Contract bridge—Little slam BT Contractility (Biology)   Universities and colleges—Communication   Contract bridge—Small slam Contractility (Biology)   systems—Contracting out — Small slam RT Biomechanics   Universities and colleges—Services USE Contract bridge—Slams NT Cells—Contraction   for—Contracting out — Squeeze   Contractile vacuole   Web site development—Contracting out [GV1282.44]   Muscle contraction   Wildfires—Prevention and control—Contracting UF Contract bridge—End play Contracting for services   out   Squeeze (Contract bridge) [Former USE Contracting out Contracting substance, Rabbit aorta   heading] Contracting operators USE Thromboxanes — Tournaments  (May Subd Geog) USE Contraction operators Contraction, Urban [GV1282.6-GV1282.62] Contracting out  (May Subd Geog) USE Shrinking cities UF Contract bridge championships [HD2365-HD2385 (Industry)] Contraction-crack polygons   Tournaments, Contract bridge [HD3860-HD3861 (Public contracts)] USE Ice-wedge polygons BT Contests Here are entered works on the practice by Contraction of concrete NT World contract bridge championship government agencies and business organizations of USE Concrete—Expansion and contraction — — Europe hiring a contractor to perform parts of an operation Contraction of muscles NT European Bridge Championship rather than performing the tasks themselves. Works USE Muscle contraction Contract bridge championships on the engagement of third parties to perform all or Contraction of the heart USE Contract bridge—Tournaments specified parts of the work required in another, USE Heart—Contraction Contract bridge players primary contract are entered under Subcontracting. Contraction operators USE Bridge players UF Contracting operators Contract bundling  (May Subd Geog) UF Contract services   Operators, Contracting UF Bundling, Contract   Contracting for services   Operators, Contraction   Consolidation of contracts   Outsourcing BT Linear operators   Contract consolidation   Services, Contracting for Contractions BT Letting of contracts USE Abbreviations Contract carriers BT Letting of contracts   Ciphers USE Carriers RT Privatization Contractions (Topology) Contract clause (United States. Constitution) [QA611.29] USE United States. Constitution—Contract clause   Public contracts BT Topological spaces Contract consolidation NT Academic   Topology USE Contract bundling Contractor sidewalk stamps Contract killing   libraries—Administration—Contracting out USE Sidewalk stamps USE Murder for hire   Agricultural extension work—Contracting out Contractors  (May Subd Geog) Contract labor  (May Subd Geog)   Auditing, Internal—Contracting out NT Drywall contractors [HD4871-HD4875]   Banks and banking—Contracting out   Electric contracting UF Labor, Contract (Employees)   Banks and banking—Data   Government contractors BT Employees   processing—Contracting out   Independent contractors RT Padrone system   Business logistics—Contracting out   Labor contractors   Peonage   Campaign management—Contracting out   Landscape contractors   Service, Compulsory non-military   Cataloging—Contracting out   Logging contractors NT Indentured servants   Community mental health   Private military companies Contract law   services—Contracting out   Rodeo stock contractors USE Contracts   Corporations—Accounting—Contracting out   Siding contractors Contract manufacturing   Corrections—Contracting out   Subcontractors USE Manufactures—Contracting out   County services—Contracting out Contract murder   Drug factories—Contracting out USE Murder for hire   Electronic data processing Contract penuchle   departments—Contracting out USE Contract pinochle   Employees—Training of—Contracting out   Express service—Contracting out   Food service—Contracting out   Food service management—Contracting out   Forest management—Contracting out   Government   libraries—Administration—Contracting out   Hazardous waste site   remediation—Contracting out   Home care services—Contracting out C-622

— Insurance requirements  (May Subd Geog)   Novation — Conflict of laws RT Construction industry—Insurance   Offer and acceptance USE Conflict of laws—Contracts, Maritime   Option (Contract) Contractors' operations  (May Subd Geog)   Outcome-based contracts — Law and legislation [TA201-TA210]   Penalties, Contractual USE Contracts, Maritime BT Building   Performance (Law)   Construction industry   Performance contracts Contracts, Maritime (Greek law)   Perpetual income contracts BT Law, Greek — Accounting   Pledges (Law) USE Construction industry—Accounting   Pre-emption Contracts, Maritime (Roman law)   Priorities of claims and liens BT Roman law Contracts  (May Subd Geog)   Professional sports contracts UF Agreements   Public contracts Contracts, Preliminary  (May Subd Geog)   Contract law   Quasi contracts UF Contracts, Preliminary—Law and legislation   Contracts—Law and legislation   Real contracts (Civil law)   Preliminary agreements   Contractual limitations   Rebus sic stantibus clause   Preliminary contracts   Limitations, Contractual   Reformation of instruments BT Contracts BT Commercial law   Remission (Civil law) NT Letters of intent   Legal instruments   Rescission (Law)   Obligations (Law)   Research and development contracts — Law and legislation RT Juristic acts   Resolution (Civil law) USE Contracts, Preliminary   Liberty of contract   Restitutio in integrum   Third parties (Law)   Reward (Law) Contracts, Real NT Accessory obligations   Shipping articles USE Real contracts (Civil law)   Accident (Casus fortuitus)   Simulation (Civil law)   Aestimatum   Specific performance Contracts, Revalorization of   Agency (Law)   Standardized terms of contract USE Revalorization of debts   Agricultural contracts   Teachers' contracts   Air charter contracts   Travel contracts Contracts, Standard   Artists' contracts   Treatment contracts (Psychotherapy) USE Standardized terms of contract   Authentication   Trusts and trustees   Authors and publishers   Unconscionable contracts Contracts, Uniform   Bailments   Undue influence USE Standardized terms of contract   Bank investment contracts   Unjust enrichment   Betrothal   Valuta clause Contracts, Viatical   Bills of lading   Vis major (Civil law) USE Viatical settlements   Breach of contract — Conflict of laws   Clauses (Law) USE Conflict of laws—Contracts Contracts (Canon law)   Cohabitation agreements — Forms BT Canon law   Compromise (Law)   Computer contracts BT Forms (Law) Contracts (Egyptian law)   Conditions (Law) — Interpretation and construction BT Egyptian law   Confusion of rights — Law and legislation   Consensual contracts Contracts (Frankish law)   Consideration (Law) USE Contracts BT Law, Frankish   Consignation Contracts, Agricultural   Consulting contracts Contracts (Germanic law)   Consumer contracts USE Agricultural contracts BT Law, Germanic   Contracts, Aleatory Contracts, Aleatory  (May Subd Geog)   Contracts, Gratuitous Contracts (Greek law)   Contracts, Maritime UF Aleatory contracts BT Law, Greek   Contracts, Preliminary BT Contracts   Contracts for deeds RT Speculation Contracts (Hindu law)   Contracts for work and labor NT Annuities—Law and legislation BT Hindu law   Contracts to make wills NT Benami transactions   Cost-plus contracts   Contango and backwardation   Covenants (Law)   Insurance law Contracts (International law)   Covenants not to sue   Viatical settlements Here are entered works on the public international   Debtor and creditor   Wagers   Declaratory acts Contracts, Aleatory (Jewish law) law dealing with private contractual obligations.   Deeds BT Jewish law Works on obligations between states are entered   Delegation (Civil law) Contracts, Export sales under the heading International obligations.   Delivery of goods (Law) USE Export sales contracts   Discharge of contracts Contracts, Gratuitous  (May Subd Geog) UF Contracts and peace treaties   Earnest UF Gratuitous contracts   Peace treaties and contracts   Electronic contracts BT Consideration (Law)   Escalator clause   Contracts BT International and municipal law   Exclusive contracts NT Fraudulent conveyances Contracts (Islamic law)  (May Subd Geog)   Extinguishment of debts   Gifts—Law and legislation   Fixed price contracts Contracts, Gratuitous (Roman law) BT Islamic law   Form of contract BT Roman law NT Option (Contract law, Islamic)   Gold clause Contracts, Illegal Contracts (Jewish law)   Guaranteed investment contracts USE Illegal contracts BT Jewish law   Illegal contracts Contracts, Joint and several NT Jewish deeds   Immoral contracts USE Joint and several contracts Contracts (Roman-Dutch law)   Impossibility of performance Contracts, Letting of BT Roman-Dutch law   Incomplete contracts USE Letting of contracts Contracts (Roman law)   Innominate contracts Contracts, Management BT Roman law   Installment contracts USE Management contracts NT Mandate (Contract law, Roman)   Insurance policies Contracts, Maritime  (May Subd Geog) Contracts (Sumerian law)   Joint and several contracts UF Contracts, Maritime—Law and legislation [KL1154-KL1202]   Labor contract   Maritime contracts BT Law, Sumerian   Leases BT Commercial law Contracts (Tswana law)   Legalization   Contracts BT Law, Tswana   Lesion (Law)   Maritime law Contracts and peace treaties   Letting of contracts   Shipping USE Contracts (International law)   Liability (Law) NT Average (Maritime law) Contracts contra bonos mores   License agreements   Bills of lading USE Immoral contracts   Lost profits damages   Bottomry and respondentia Contracts for deeds  (May Subd Geog)   Management contracts   C.I.F. clause UF Bonds for deeds   Mandate (Contract)   Charter-parties   Master and servant   F.O.B. clause   Deeds, Bonds for   Musicians' contracts   Freight and freightage   Deeds, Contracts for   Natural obligations   Liens   Instalment land contracts   Negotiorum gestio   Ocean freight forwarders   Installment land contracts [Former heading]   Pilots and pilotage   Land contracts   Salvage   Land sales contracts BT Contracts C-623   Conveyancing   Vendors and purchasers Contracts for work, labor, and materials USE Contracts for work and labor Contracts for work and labor  (May Subd Geog) UF Contracts for work, labor, and materials   Work and labor, Contracts for BT Contracts   Hire   Sales NT Construction contracts   Service-level agreements Contracts for work and labor (Islamic law) (May Subd Geog) BT Islamic law

Contracts for work and labor (Jewish law) Contrast data mining  (May Subd Geog) Contributions, Charitable BT Jewish law UF Contrast mining (Data mining) USE subdivision Charitable contributions under BT Data mining   classes of persons, ethnic groups, and types Contracts for work and labor (Roman law)   of organizations BT Roman law Contrast echocardiography  (May Subd Geog) UF Contrast ultrasonic cardiography Contributions, Military Contracts in literature  (Not Subd Geog) BT Echocardiography USE Requisitions, Military Contracts in psychotherapy — Digital techniques Contributory negligence USE Treatment contracts (Psychotherapy) UF Digital contrast echocardiography USE Negligence, Contributory Contracts not to compete BT Digital electronics Contributory patent infringement USE Covenants not to compete Contrast enema USE Patent infringement Contracts not to sue USE Barium enema Contrition USE Covenants not to sue Contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging USE Penance Contracts of adhesion (May Subd Geog)   Repentance UF Contrast-enhanced MRI USE Adhesion contracts BT Magnetic resonance imaging Control, Agency, and Means-Ends Interview Contracts of inheritance — Equipment and supplies (May Subd Geog) NT Paramagnetic contrast media [BF722.35.C65] USE Contracts to make wills UF CAMI (Psychological test) Contracts to devise or bequeath Contrast-enhanced MRI BT Psychological tests for children USE Contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance USE Contracts to make wills   imaging Control, Incremental Contracts to make wills  (May Subd Geog) USE Incremental motion control Contrast-enhanced ultrasound  (May Subd Geog) UF Contracts of inheritance UF Contrast ultrasonography Control, Inventory   Contracts to devise or bequeath   Contrast ultrasound USE Inventory control BT Diagnostic ultrasonic imaging BT Contracts NT Microbubbles—Diagnostic use Control, Locomotor   Inheritance and succession USE Locomotion—Regulation   Wills — Equipment and supplies NT Ultrasound contrast media Control, Locus of — Conflict of laws USE Locus of control USE Conflict of laws—Contracts to make wills Contrast meal (Medical radiography) USE Barium meal Control, Loss Contractual limitations USE Loss control USE Contracts Contrast media USE Contrast media (Diagnostic imaging) Control, Production Contractual penalties   Radiographic contrast media USE Production control USE Penalties, Contractual Contrast media (Diagnostic imaging)  (May Subd Geog) Control, Risk Contracture (Pathology) [RC78.7.C65] USE Loss control BT Muscles—Diseases UF Contrast agents (Diagnostic imaging)   Spasms   Contrast media [Former heading] Control, Span of NT Dupuytren's contracture BT Diagnostic imaging—Equipment and supplies USE Span of control   Myofascial pain syndromes NT Paramagnetic contrast media   Radiographic contrast media Control, Thyristor Contractus aestimatorius   Ultrasound contrast media USE Thyristor control USE Aestimatum Contrast mining (Data mining) Control (Linguistics) Contrada Gaggera Tombs (Selinus) USE Contrast data mining [P299.C596] USE Gaggera Tombs (Selinus) BT Generative grammar Contrast sensitivity (Vision) Contradances (Music) [RE79.C65] Control (Psychology) USE Country-dances (Music) UF Sensitivity, Contrast (Vision) [BF608-BF635]   Sensitivity, Visual contrast UF Power (Psychology) Contradancing   Visual contrast sensitivity BT Emotions USE Country dancing BT Visual acuity   Psychology   Senses and sensation Contradiction Contrast ultrasonic cardiography NT Brainwashing [B809.833 (Dialectical materialism)] USE Contrast echocardiography   Dominance (Psychology) [BC199.C6 (Logic)]   Electronic behavior control BT Philosophy Contrast ultrasonography   Perceptual control theory RT Dialetheism USE Contrast-enhanced ultrasound   Psychological reactance   Paradox   Self-control Contrast ultrasound Contradiction in literature  (Not Subd Geog) USE Contrast-enhanced ultrasound — Religious aspects Contrafacta  (May Subd Geog) — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] Contrastive linguistics  (May Subd Geog) Control (Psychology) in adolescence  (May Subd Geog) UF Contrafacts Here are entered works which compare or contrast BT Vocal music BT Adolescent psychology RT Musical parodies two or more languages with the aim of finding Control (Psychology) in art  (Not Subd Geog) Contrafacts principles which can be applied to practical problems Control (Psychology) in children  (May Subd Geog) USE Contrafacta in language teaching and translation. Works which Contragate, 1985-1990 compare languages or groups of languages for the BT Child psychology USE Iran-Contra Affair, 1985-1990 specific purpose of determining their common origin, NT Self-control in children Contrahomology theory or discuss the method of their comparison, as Control (Psychology) in literature  (Not Subd Geog) USE Homology theory represented by 19th century comparative philology Control (Psychology) in motion pictures Contrails and its subsequent developments, are entered under (Not Subd Geog) USE Condensation trails the heading Comparative linguistics. BT Motion pictures Contralto Control (Psychology) in old age  (May Subd Geog) USE headings for musical compositions with \"low BT Linguistics [BF724.85.C66] NT Grammar, Comparative and BT Older people—Psychology   voice\" in a parenthetical qualifier for medium Control and command systems   of performance, e.g. Songs (Low voice) with   general—Phonology, Comparative USE Command and control systems   piano Contrastive pair (Linguistics) Control biophysics Contraltos  (May Subd Geog) USE Biological control systems UF Altos (Singers) USE Minimal pair (Linguistics) Control boards (Electrical engineering) BT Singers Contrastive phonetics UF Control consoles Contrapas̀ (Dance)  (May Subd Geog) [GV1796.C64] USE Grammar, Comparative and   Control panels UF Contrapasso (Dance)   general—Phonology, Comparative BT Automatic control BT Country dancing Control-by-light (Flight control) Contrapasso (Dance) Contrastive phonology USE Fly-by-light control USE Contrapas̀ (Dance) USE Grammar, Comparative and Control-by-wire (Flight control) Contrapposto  (May Subd Geog)   general—Phonology, Comparative USE Fly-by-wire control UF Weight shift (Art) Control centers BT Human figure in art Contratenors USE Control rooms Contrariety USE Countertenors Control consoles USE Opposition, Theory of USE Control boards (Electrical engineering)   Polarity Contraventions (Criminal law)  (May Subd Geog) Control Data 3600 (Computer) Contrary-to-fact conditional UF Civil infractions USE CDC 3600 (Computer) USE Counterfactuals (Logic)   Infractions, Civil Control Data 6600 (Computer) Contras   Minor violations USE CDC 6600 (Computer) USE Counterrevolutionaries   Petty offenses Control devices, Motion Contrast (Philosophy) BT Criminal law USE Motion control devices [B105.C54] RT Police magistrates Control engineering BT Philosophy NT Fornication—Law and legislation USE Automatic control Contrast agents (Diagnostic imaging)   Loitering—Law and legislation Control equipment USE Contrast media (Diagnostic imaging)   Malicious mischief—Law and legislation USE Automatic control   Malingering—Law and legislation   Vagrancy—Law and legislation Contribution pension plans, Defined USE Defined contribution pension plans C-624

Control line aircraft  (May Subd Geog) Control rooms  (May Subd Geog)   Thermonuclear reactions, Controlled UF Aircraft, Control line UF Control centers BT Direct energy conversion BT Airplanes—Models BT Human-machine systems   Rooms   Nuclear fusion Control Objectives for Information and Related NT Nuclear power plants—Control rooms NT Cold fusion Technology USE COBIT (Information technology management Control rooms in nuclear power plants   Fusion reactors   standard) USE Nuclear power plants—Control rooms   Inertial confinement fusion   Laser fusion Control of air pollution Control self-assessment (Auditing)  (May Subd Geog)   Lasers in controlled fusion USE Air—Pollution [HF5667.3]   Plasma confinement   Air quality management BT Auditing, Internal   Plasma heating Controlled fusion reactors Control of avalanches Control systems, Biological USE Fusion reactors USE Avalanches—Control USE Biological control systems Controlled hypotension USE Hypotension, Controlled Control of body weight Control systems, Carrier Controlled low-strength materials  (May Subd Geog) USE Body weight—Regulation USE Carrier control systems UF Backfill, Cement-slurry   Cement-slurry backfill Control of data flow Control systems, Contactor   CLSM (Controlled low-strength materials) USE Flow control (Data transmission systems) USE Contactor control systems   Controlled density fill   Flow fill Control of deforestation Control systems, Relay   Flowable fill USE Deforestation—Control USE Relay control systems   Flowable fly ash   Flowable mortar Control of desertification Control systems, Serials   Fly ash, Flowable USE Desertification—Control USE Serials control systems   Fly ash slurry   K-Krete Control of dust Control systems, Supervisory   Mortar, Flowable USE Dust control USE Supervisory control systems   Plastic soil cement   Soil cement slurry Control of electric power systems Control systems (Flight)   Slurry, Fly ash USE Electric power systems—Control USE Flight control   Slurry, Soil cement   Unshrinkable fill Control of electromagnetic radiation Control theory BT Fills (Earthwork) USE Conelrad [QA402.3-QA402.37]   Soil cement BT Dynamics Controlled multisensory stimulation Control of eutrophication   Machine theory USE Snoezelen USE Eutrophication—Control NT Automatic control Controlled reading   Automatic control—Sensitivity USE Developmental reading Control of evaporation   Biological control systems Controlled release preparations  (May Subd Geog) USE Evaporation control   Brachistochrone UF Delayed-action preparations [Former heading]   Chattering control (Control systems)   Prolonged-action preparations Control of fumes   Cybernetics   Slow-release preparations USE Fume control   Distributed parameter systems   Sustained-release preparations   H [infinity symbol] control   Timed-release preparations Control of gasoline vapor   H2 control BT Controlled release technology USE Gasoline vapor control   Kalman filtering NT Drugs—Controlled release   Lyapunov stability   Gentamicin-PMMA chains Control of ground in mining   Nonlinear control theory   Insect sex attractants—Controlled release USE Ground control (Mining)   Observers (Control theory)   Pesticides—Controlled release   Pole assignment Controlled release preparations industry Control of guns   Sensitivity theory (Mathematics) (May Subd Geog) USE Gun control   Stochastic control theory [HD9660.C66-HD9660.C664]   Transfer functions BT Chemical industry Control of humidity Controlled release technology USE Humidity—Control — Computer programs [TP156.C64] Control theory in biology BT Chemistry, Technical Control of industrial processes   Coatings USE Process control USE Biological control systems NT Controlled release preparations Control tower display systems Controlled thermonuclear reactions Control of land degradation USE Controlled fusion USE Land degradation—Control USE Airports—Traffic control—Display systems Controlled thermonuclear reactors Control towers (Airports) USE Fusion reactors Control of metabolism Controlled vocabularies (Subject headings) USE Metabolism—Regulation USE Airport control towers USE Subject headings Controllable pitch propellers Controlled-volume pumps Control of nitrogen fertilizer use USE Metering pumps USE Nitrogen fertilizers—Control USE Propellers, Variable pitch Controller Area Network (Computer network) Controlled access highways (Not Subd Geog) Control of nuclear crises UF CAN (Computer network) USE Nuclear crisis control USE Express highways BT Local area networks (Computer networks) Controlled atmospheres (Industrial processes)   Process control Control of pests NT FlexRay (Computer network protocol) USE Pests—Control USE Protective atmospheres Controller Bay (Alaska) Controlled atmospheres (Space environment) BT Bays—Alaska Control of phosphatic fertilizer use Controllers, Air traffic USE Phosphatic fertilizers—Control USE Artificial atmospheres (Space environment) USE Air traffic controllers Controlled burning Controllers, Electric Control of pressurized water reactors USE Electric controllers USE Pressurized water reactors—Control USE Prescribed burning Controllers, Electronic Controlled clinical trials USE Electronic controllers Control of radon Controllers, Programmable USE Radon mitigation USE Clinical trials USE Programmable controllers Controlled corporations Controllers, Self tuning Control of salinization USE Self-tuning controllers USE Salinization—Control USE Affiliated corporations Controllership  (May Subd Geog)   Subsidiary corporations UF Comptrollership Control of sediment BT Auditing, Internal USE Sediment control Controlled density fill   Business USE Controlled low-strength materials   Finance Control of soil degradation   Industrial management USE Soil degradation—Control Controlled drilling NT Budget in business USE Directional drilling   Credit managers Control of soil salinization USE Soil salinization—Control Controlled drinking  (May Subd Geog) BT Drinking of alcoholic beverages Control of space (Military science) RT Alcoholism USE Space control (Military science)   Temperance Control of structures (Engineering) Controlled ecological life support systems (Space USE Structural control (Engineering) environment) USE Closed ecological systems (Space Control of temperature   environment) USE Temperature control Controlled foreign corporations  (May Subd Geog) Control of the color fading of corn Here are entered works on corporations that are USE Corn—Color—Fading—Control registered, and conduct business, in a different Control of the color fading of flowers jurisdiction than the jurisdiction in which the USE Flowers—Color—Fading—Control controlling owners reside. Control of the sea UF CFCs (Controlled foreign corporations) USE Sea control BT Corporations, Foreign Controlled fusion  (May Subd Geog) Control of vice [QC791.7-QC791.775] USE Vice control UF Controlled thermonuclear reactions Control of water salinization   Fusion reactions USE Water salinization—Control   Fusion reactions, Controlled   Nuclear fusion, Controlled Control of wildlife USE Wildlife pests—Control Control panels USE Control boards (Electrical engineering) Control rockets for artificial satellites USE Artificial satellites—Control rockets Control rockets for space stations USE Space stations—Control rockets Control rockets for space vehicles USE Space vehicles—Control rockets C-625

Controversial literature NT Convair 880 (Jet transport) Convent guest houses USE subdivision Controversial literature under   Convair 990 (Jet transport) USE Convents—Guest accommodations   names of individual religious and monastic   orders, individual religions, Christian Convalescence  (May Subd Geog) Convent of Saint Mary de la Pré (Northampton, England   denominations, and uniform titles of sacred [GV1231 (Amusements)] : Building)   works for works that argue against or BT Care of the sick USE Delapré Abbey (Northampton, England :   express opposition to those groups or works RT Hospitals, Convalescent   Building)   Invalids Controversies, Church NT Hospitals—After care Convent, The (Gibraltar) USE Church controversies   Postoperative care UF The Convent (Gibraltar)   Postoperative period BT Governors—Dwellings—Gibraltar Controversies, Interstate   Official residences—Gibraltar USE Interstate controversies Convalescent hospitals USE Hospitals, Convalescent Convent theater  (May Subd Geog) Controversies between the United States and a State [PN3178.C64] USE Federal-state controversies Convallaria  (May Subd Geog) BT Theater—Religious aspects—Catholic Church [QK495.L72] Contulma  (May Subd Geog) BT Liliaceae Conventicle act, 1670 [QL518.A55 (Zoology)] BT Assembly, Right of BT Anomalopsychidae Convallaria fruticosa   Church and state—England USE Ti (Plant)   Dissenters, Religious—England Contumacy  (May Subd Geog) BT Civil procedure Convallaria majalis Conventicle act, 1726   Contempt of court USE Lilies-of-the-valley USE Konventikelplakatet, 1726   Criminal procedure RT Default (Law) Convallariaceae Convention (Philosophy) NT Judgments by default USE Asparagaceae [B809.15] BT Philosophy Contumacy (Canon law) Convection, Buoyant BT Canon law USE Buoyant convection Convention (Philosophy) in literature  (Not Subd Geog) Convention Center (Florence, Italy) Contumacy (Jewish law) Convection, Free [KBM562.4] USE Heat—Convection, Natural USE Palazzo dei congressi (Florence, Italy) BT Jewish law Convention centers Convection, Gravitational Contumacy (Roman law) USE Density currents USE Convention facilities BT Civil procedure (Roman law) Convention facilities  (May Subd Geog)   Criminal procedure (Roman law) Convection, Marangoni RT Default (Roman law) USE Marangoni effect [NA6880-NA6880.5 (Architecture)] UF Conference centers Contusions Convection, Natural USE Bruises USE Heat—Convection, Natural   Conference facilities   Congress facilities Contwoyto Lake (Nunavut and N.W.T.) Convection (Astrophysics)   Convention centers BT Lakes—Northwest Territories BT Astrophysics BT Auditoriums   Lakes—Nunavut   Heat—Convection   Hospitality industry RT Congresses and conventions Conty, House of Convection (Meteorology)  (May Subd Geog) NT Church conference centers USE Conti, House of [QC880.4.C64]   Conference rooms BT Atmospheric circulation — Finance Conuclear spaces   Heat—Convection — — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) UF Co-nuclear spaces NT Convective clouds — Public relations  (May Subd Geog)   Spaces, Conuclear   Thermals (Meteorology) BT Bornological spaces UF Public relations—Convention facilities   Duality theory (Mathematics) Convection (Oceanography)  (May Subd Geog)   [Former heading]   Nuclear spaces (Functional analysis) BT Heat—Transmission   Ocean circulation — Australia Conuenae (Celtic people) NT Hydrothermal circulation (Oceanography) NT Grose Vale Conference Centre (Sydney, USE Convenae (Celtic people)   N.S.W.) Convection of heat Conularia  (May Subd Geog) USE Heat—Convection — Austria BT Animals, Fossil NT Haus Edelweiss (Austria) Convection oven cookery Conundrums USE Convection oven cooking — California USE Riddles NT Asilomar Conference Grounds (Pacific Convection oven cooking  (May Subd Geog)   Grove, Calif.) Conurbations [TX840.C65] USE Metropolitan areas UF Convection oven cookery [Former heading] — Denmark BT Cooking NT Klitgar̊ den (Skagen, Denmark) Conures  (May Subd Geog) [QL696.P7 (Ornithology)] Convection ovens  (May Subd Geog) — England [SF473.C65 (Cage birds)] BT Stoves NT 66 Portland Place (London, England) BT Parrots   Foxlease (England) Convective clouds   Gilwell Park Scout Activity Centre Conuropsis  (May Subd Geog) BT Clouds   (London, England) [QL696.P7 (Zoology)]   Convection (Meteorology)   Madingley Hall (Cambridge, England) BT Parrots   Mermaid Conference and Event Centre NT Carolina parakeet Convenae (Celtic people)  (May Subd Geog)   (London, England) UF Conuenae (Celtic people)   Spa (Bridlington, England) Conuropsis carolinensis   Conveǹ es (Celtic people)   Waddow Hall (England) USE Carolina parakeet BT Ethnology—France   Winter Gardens (Blackpool, England)   Gauls   Woodbrooke Quaker Study Center Conus  (May Subd Geog)   (Birmingham, England) [QL430.5.C75] Conveǹ es (Celtic people) BT Conidae USE Convenae (Celtic people) — France NT Cité mondiale du vin (Bordeaux, Aquitaine, Conus medullaris Convenience cooking   France) UF Conus terminalis USE Quick and easy cooking   Medullary cone — Georgia   Terminal cone of spinal cord Convenience food calories NT Georgia World Congress Center (Atlanta, BT Spinal cord USE Convenience foods—Caloric content   Ga.) Conus terminalis Convenience foods  (May Subd Geog) — Germany USE Conus medullaris [TP451.C6 (Food processing)] NT BMW Welt (Munich, Germany) [TX370 (Nutrition)]   Halle Münsterland (Mun̈ ster in Westfalen, Convair 600 (Jet transport) UF Fast foods   Germany) USE Convair 990 (Jet transport) BT Food   Konferenzzentrum Oberhof Brockhausen NT Ready meals   (Unna, Germany) Convair 880 (Jet transport)  (Not Subd Geog)   Street food   Leipziger Glashalle (Leipzig, Germany) BT Convair transport planes   Vegetarian convenience foods   Neue Messe Stuttgart (Stuttgart,   Jet transports   Germany) — Caloric content  (May Subd Geog)   Stadthalle und Interhotel Kongress (Karl- Convair 990 (Jet transport)  (Not Subd Geog) UF Caloric content of convenience foods   Marx-Stadt, Germany) UF Convair 600 (Jet transport)   Calories (Convenience foods) BT Convair transport planes   Convenience food calories — Germany (East)   Jet transports — Italy — Japan Convair airplanes  (Not Subd Geog) NT Ekiben NT Centro congressi della Provincia de Cuneo BT Airplanes   (Cuneo, Italy) NT B-58 bomber Convenience foods in art  (Not Subd Geog)   Centro Congressi Italia (Rome, Italy)   Convair transport planes Convenience stores  (May Subd Geog)   Palazzo dei congressi (Florence, Italy)   Delta Dagger (Jet fighter plane)   Palazzo dei congressi (Rome, Italy)   Delta Dart (Jet fighter plane) [HF5469.25-HF5469.55]   Villa Marigola (San Terenzo, Italy) UF C-stores   Villa Monastero (Varenna, Italy) Convair transport planes  (Not Subd Geog) [TL686.G]   Small food stores BT Convair airplanes BT Grocery trade   Transport planes   Stores, Retail RT Self-service stores Conveniences, Public (Public toilets) USE Public toilets C-626

  Villa Mondragone (Monte Porzio Catone, — Guest accommodations  (May Subd Geog)   Conversational analysis   Italy) UF Accommodations for guests in convents BT Oral communication   Villa Olmo (Como, Italy)   Convent guest houses Conversation in art  (Not Subd Geog) — Massachusetts   Guest accommodations in convents Conversation in literature  (Not Subd Geog) NT DCU Center (Worcester, Mass.)   Guest houses, Convent Conversation piece (Portrait painting)  (May Subd Geog) — New Jersey   Hospices (Guest houses) BT Genre painting NT Boardwalk Hall (Atlantic City, N.J.)   Hospitia (Guest houses)   Dunwalke (Bedminster, N.J.) BT Hospitality industry   Portrait painting — New Zealand — Québec (Province) NT Aotea Centre (Auckland, N.Z.) — England Conversational analysis   Michael Fowler Centre (Wellington, N.Z.) NT Delapré Abbey (Northampton, England : USE Conversation analysis — North Carolina   Building) Conversational language NT YMCA Blue Ridge Assembly (Black USE Colloquial language   Mountain, N.C.) — Italy Conversational repair  (May Subd Geog) — Oklahoma NT Villa La Quiete (Florence, Italy) NT Pontotoc County Agri-Plex & Convention UF Conversational repair strategies   Center (Ada, Okla.) Convents, Buddhist   Repair, Conversational — South Dakota USE Buddhist convents   Repair sequences, Conversational NT Sioux Falls Coliseum (Sioux Falls, S.D.)   Repair strategies, Conversational — Switzerland Convents, Franciscan   Repairs, Conversational NT Kongresshaus Zur̈ ich (Zurich, Switzerland) USE Franciscan convents   Roche Forum Buonas (Buonas, BT Oral communication   Switzerland) Convents (Canon law) Conversational repair strategies — Texas BT Canon law NT Tomaś Rivera Conference Center (El USE Conversational repair   Paso, Tex.) Convents and nunneries Conversations toward christian union — Utah USE Convents NT Brigham Young University Conference USE Christian union conversations   Center (Provo, Utah) Convents and nunneries, Buddhist Converse family  (Not Subd Geog) — Wales USE Buddhist convents NT Broneirion (Wales) UF Conver family   Campws Felinfach (Felinfach, Ceredigion, Convents and nunneries, Franciscan   Convers family   Wales) USE Franciscan convents   Ffos Las Racecourse (Trimsaran, Wales) Converse Lake (Ala.)   Gregynog Hall (Wales) Convents in literature  (Not Subd Geog) UF Big Creek Lake (Ala.)   Pierhead Building (Cardiff, Wales) Conventwald, Bannwald (Germany)   J.B. Converse Lake (Ala.) — Washington (D.C.) BT Lakes—Alabama NT Washington Convention Center USE Bannwald Conventwald (Germany)   (Washington, D.C. : Mount Vernon Conver family Converse Lake Watershed (Ala.)   Place) BT Watersheds—Alabama   Washington Convention Center USE Converse family   (Washington, D.C. : Ninth Street) Convergence Conversion, Punta de la (Calif.) — Wisconsin USE Mugu, Point (Calif.) NT Council House (Racine, Wis.) [QA295 (Mathematical series)]   Monona Terrace (Madison, Wis.) BT Functions Conversion   Wingspread (Wind Point, Wis.) NT Asymptotic expansions [BL639] Convention proceedings UF Religious conversion USE Conference proceedings   Bernstein polynomials BT Psychology, Religious Convention troops   Concentration functions RT Proselytizing USE Burgoyne's Invasion, 1777   Gibbs phenomenon Conventional persons   Integrals, Bochner — Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.] USE Juristic persons   Law of large numbers — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] Conventional signs (Topography)   Nets (Mathematics) — Christianity USE Topographical drawing—Conventional signs   Numerical analysis—Acceleration of Conventional warfare   convergence NT Children—Conversion to Christianity USE Warfare, Conventional Convergence (Biology)   Jews—Conversion to Christianity Conventions, Constitutional [QH373]   Paul, the Apostle, Saint—Conversion USE Constitutional conventions BT Biology Conventions, Pan-American   Phylogeny — Islam USE Pan-American treaties and conventions Convergence (Economics)  (May Subd Geog) NT Children—Conversion to Islam Conventions, Political UF Economic convergence USE Political conventions BT Economics — Judaism Conventions, Postal Convergence (Meteorology) [BM645.C6] USE Postal conventions [QC880.4.D5] UF Proselytes and proselyting, Jewish Conventions, Sales UF Atmospheric convergence   [Former heading] USE Sales meetings RT Divergence (Meteorology) Conventions (Congresses) BT Dynamic meteorology Conversion, Computer system USE Congresses and conventions Convergence (Telecommunication)  (May Subd Geog) USE Computer system conversion Conventions (Treaties) BT Telecommunication USE Treaties Convergent margins  (May Subd Geog) Conversion, Debt-equity Convento de los Padres Pauĺ es (Avila, Spain : Building) UF Margins, Convergent USE Debt equity conversion USE Palacio de Don Gaspar del Aǵ uila (Avila, BT Continental margins   Spain)   Plate tectonics Conversion, Economic Convento de Santo Domingo Site (Pontevedra, Spain) Convergent strabismus  (May Subd Geog) USE Economic conversion USE Santo Domingo Site (Pontevedra, Spain) [RE771] Convents  (May Subd Geog) UF Cross-eye Conversion, Energy [BX4200-BX4563 (Catholic Church)]   Crossed eyes USE Energy conversion [NA4850 (Architecture)]   Esotropia UF Cloisters (Religious communities) BT Strabismus Conversion, File (Computer science)   Convents and nunneries [Former heading] Converging lenses USE File conversion (Computer science)   Nunneries BT Lenses BT Church property Convers family Conversion, Forest   Religious institutions USE Converse family USE Deforestation RT Monasticism and religious orders for women Conversation NT Abbeys [BJ2120-BJ2128] Conversion, Gene   Beguinages UF Talking USE Gene conversion   Buddhist convents BT Colloquial language   Cistercian convents   Etiquette Conversion (Law)   Double monasteries   Oral communication USE Trover and conversion   Franciscan convents NT Clean speech   Music in convents   Discussion Conversion (Linguistics)   Imaginary conversations USE Transmutation (Linguistics)   Interviews   Online chat groups Conversion (Psychoanalysis)   Table-talk USE Conversion disorder — Religious aspects — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] Conversion disorder  (May Subd Geog) Conversation, Imaginal Here are entered works on a disorder in which a USE Imaginary conversations Conversation, Imaginary patient has one or more major physical symptoms USE Imaginary conversations that greatly impair musculoskeletal or sensory Conversation analysis  (May Subd Geog) functioning but for which an organic basis cannot be [P95.45] found. UF Analysis of conversation   CA (Interpersonal communication) UF Conversion (Psychoanalysis) [Former   heading]   Conversion hysteria   Conversion reaction   Craft palsies   Globus hystericus   Hysterical neurosis, Conversion type BT Defense mechanisms (Psychology)   Hysteria   Somatoform disorders Conversion disorder in children  (May Subd Geog) BT Somatoform disorders in children Conversion from military to civilian production USE Economic conversion C-627

Conversion hysteria Converters, Synchronous Converts, Reformed Church USE Conversion disorder USE Rotary converters USE Reformed Church converts Conversion in art  (Not Subd Geog) Converters, Thermionic Converts, Seventh-Day Adventist Conversion in literature  (Not Subd Geog) USE Thermionic converters USE Seventh-Day Adventist converts Conversion in motion pictures  (Not Subd Geog) Converters, Thyristor Converts (Canon law) BT Motion pictures USE Thyristor converters BT Canon law Conversion of bibliographic data to machine-readable Converters, Voltage to frequency Converts from Bahai Faith to Islam form USE Voltage-frequency converters USE Muslim converts from Bahai Faith USE Retrospective conversion (Cataloging) Conversion of computer files Convertibility of currency Converts from Buddhism USE File conversion (Computer science) USE Currency convertibility USE Christian converts from Buddhism Conversion of computer systems USE Computer system conversion Convertible aircraft Converts from Buddhism to Christianity Conversion of electric power-plants to coal USE Convertiplanes USE Christian converts from Buddhism USE Electric power-plants—Conversion to coal Conversion of furnaces to coal Convertible automobiles Converts from Christianity to Buddhism USE Furnaces—Conversion to coal USE Automobiles, Convertible USE Buddhist converts from Christianity Conversion of furnaces to natural gas USE Furnaces—Conversion to natural gas Convertible bonds  (May Subd Geog) Converts from Christianity to Hinduism Conversion of home equity UF Bonds, Convertible USE Hindu converts from Christianity USE Home equity conversion   Convertibles (Bonds) Conversion of industries   Liquid yield option notes Converts from Christianity to Islam USE Economic conversion BT Bonds USE Muslim converts from Christianity Conversion of military bases   Convertible securities USE Military base conversion Converts from Christianity to Judaism Conversion of natural gas pipelines to petroleum — Taxation  (May Subd Geog) USE Jewish converts from Christianity USE Natural gas pipelines—Conversion to — — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) Convertible lanes and roads  (May Subd Geog) Converts from Christianity to the Bahai Faith   petroleum USE Bahai converts from Christianity Conversion of one-way streets to two-way streets BT Managed lanes (Traffic engineering) NT Reversible traffic lanes Converts from Confucianism USE One-way streets—Conversion to two-way Convertible preferred stocks  (May Subd Geog) USE Christian converts from Confucianism   streets UF Preferred stocks, Convertible Converts from Confucianism to Christianity Conversion of rental housing to condominiums   Stocks, Convertible USE Christian converts from Confucianism USE Condominiums—Conversion BT Convertible securities Converts from Hinduism Conversion of rental housing to cooperative ownership   Preferred stocks USE Christian converts from Hinduism USE Apartment houses, Cooperative—Conversion Convertible securities  (May Subd Geog) Converts from Hinduism to Buddhism Conversion of Saint Paul [HG4652] USE Buddhist converts from Hinduism USE Paul, the Apostle, Saint—Conversion UF Hybrid securities Converts from Hinduism to Christianity Conversion of saline waters   Hybrid instruments (Securities) USE Christian converts from Hinduism USE Saline water conversion BT Securities NT Convertible bonds Converts from Hinduism to Islam Conversion of ships USE Muslim converts from Hinduism USE Ships—Reconstruction   Convertible preferred stocks — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) Converts from Hinduism to Sikhism Conversion of single family housing to accessory Convertibles (Automobiles) USE Sikh converts from Hinduism apartments USE Automobiles, Convertible USE Housing, Single family—Conversion to Convertibles (Bonds) Converts from Islam   accessory apartments USE Convertible bonds USE Christian converts from Islam Converting enzyme, Angiotensin Conversion of single family housing to commercial use USE Angiotensin converting enzyme Converts from Islam to Christianity USE Housing, Single family—Conversion to Converting enzyme, Serum USE Christian converts from Islam   commercial use USE Angiotensin converting enzyme Convertiplanes  (May Subd Geog) Converts from Islam to Judaism Conversion of waste products USE Jewish converts from Islam USE Recycling (Waste, etc.) [TL685]   Salvage (Waste, etc.) UF Convertible aircraft Converts from Judaism BT Airplanes USE Christian converts from Judaism Conversion programs, Sexual USE Sexual reorientation programs   Helicopters Converts from Judaism to Bahai Faith   Vertically rising aircraft USE Bahai converts from Judaism Conversion reaction NT Fairey aircraft USE Conversion disorder Converts  (May Subd Geog) Converts from Judaism to Buddhism [BL639] USE Buddhist converts from Judaism Conversion tables  (May Subd Geog) Here are entered general works on persons who UF Tables, Conversion have changed their religious affiliation or adopted a Converts from Judaism to Christianity BT Ready-reckoners new religious affiliation. Works on converts to specific USE Christian converts from Judaism SA subdivision Conversion tables under topical religions are entered under headings of the type   headings, e.g. Metric system--Conversion Buddhist converts; Christian converts; etc. Works Converts from Judaism to Islam   tables; Time--Conversion tables emphasizing the religion from which conversion takes USE Muslim converts from Judaism NT Metadata crosswalks place are entered under headings of the type Muslim converts from Bahai Faith; Muslim converts from Converts from Shinto Conversions, Metadata Christianity; Christian converts from Hinduism; etc. USE Christian converts from Shinto USE Metadata crosswalks BT Religious adherents Converts from Shinto to Christianity Conversos NT Buddhist converts USE Christian converts from Shinto USE Marranos   Christian converts Converts from Sikhism to Christianity Convert making   Crypto-Jews USE Christian converts from Sikhism USE Proselytizing   Hindu converts   Jaina converts Converts from Zoroastrianism to Islam Convertases, Prohormone   Jewish converts USE Muslim converts from Zoroastrianism USE Proprotein convertases   Muslim converts Converts, Anglican Convery family  (Not Subd Geog) Convertases, Proprotein USE Anglican converts Convex areas USE Proprotein convertases Converts, Baptist USE Baptist converts USE Convex surfaces Converted coaches  (May Subd Geog) Converts, Catholic Convex bodies UF Custom coaches USE Catholic converts   Custom motorcoaches Converts, Friends BT Convex domains   Private coaches USE Quaker converts Convex domains   Private motorcoaches Converts, Mennonite BT Buses USE Mennonite converts UF Convex regions   Recreational vehicles Converts, Mormon   Convexity USE Mormon converts Convertendi Palace (Rome, Italy) Converts, Orthodox Eastern BT Calculus of variations USE Palazzo dei Convertendi (Rome, Italy) USE Orthodox Eastern converts   Convex geometry Converts, Pentecostal   Point set theory Converter M-134-C USE Pentecostal converts USE SIGABA cipher system Converts, Protestant NT Convex bodies USE Protestant converts   Convex sets Converter reactors Converts, Quaker   Convex surfaces USE Breeder reactors USE Quaker converts   Pseudoconvex domains Converters, Digital-to-analog Convex functions USE Digital-to-analog converters [QA331.5] UF Functions, Convex Converters, Electric BT Functions of real variables USE Cascade converters NT Subdifferentials   Electric current converters   Rotary converters Convex geometry [QA639.5-QA640.7] BT Geometry NT Convex domains   Geometric tomography Convex polytopes [QA640.3] BT Polytopes Convex programming [T57.815 (Industrial engineering)] BT Programming (Mathematics) C-628

Convex regions Conveyor belt, Ocean   False bindweeds USE Convex domains USE Meridional overturning circulation   Ipomoea   Morning glories Convex sets Conveyor belting   Rivea [QA640] USE Conveyor belts Convolvulin UF Sets, Convex USE Jalap BT Convex domains Conveyor belts  (May Subd Geog) Convolvulus   Set theory UF Belting, Conveyor USE Bindweeds NT Choquet theory   Conveyor belting Convolvulus ambigens   Convexity spaces BT Belts and belting USE Field bindweed   Join spaces Convolvulus arvensis — Fire testing  (May Subd Geog) USE Field bindweed Convex surfaces BT Fire testing Convoy UF Convex areas USE Naval convoys BT Convex domains Conveyors   Naval convoys (International law)   Surfaces USE Conveying machinery Convoy Range (Antarctica) NT Coanda effect BT Mountains—Antarctica Conveyors, Auger Convoys, Military Convexity USE Screw conveyors USE Military convoys USE Convex domains Convoys, Naval Conveyors, Belt USE Naval convoys Convexity spaces USE Belt conveyors Convulsants  (May Subd Geog) [QA640.5] BT Central nervous system stimulants UF Spaces, Convexity Conveyors, Chain NT Flurothyl BT Convex sets USE Chain conveyors Convulsion root   Vector spaces USE Indian pipe (Plant) Conveyors, Monorail Convulsion therapy Conveyancing  (May Subd Geog) USE Monorail conveyors USE Shock therapy UF Conveyancing—Law and legislation Convulsionaries  (May Subd Geog) BT Commercial law Conveyors, Passenger [BX4732] RT Abstracts of title USE Passenger conveyors UF Convulsionists   Deeds BT Jansenists   Forms (Law) Conveyors, Roller Convulsionists   Land titles USE Roller conveyors USE Convulsionaries   Mortgages Convulsions  (May Subd Geog) NT Constructive trusts Conveyors, Screw [RC394.C77]   Contracts for deeds USE Screw conveyors UF Convulsive disorders   Leases   Convulsive seizures   Title examinations Convict labor  (May Subd Geog)   Seizures, Convulsive   Worthier title [HV8888-HV8931] BT Nervous system—Diseases Here are entered works on the private employment RT Epilepsy — Costs   Spasms USE Settlement costs of convicts. Works on the employment, by one NT Eclampsia employer, of laborers under contract with another   Kindling (Neurology) — Law and legislation employer or with a contractor, and on the lending of   Non-epileptic attack disorder USE Conveyancing laborers by one employer to another employer are — Chemotherapy  (May Subd Geog) entered under Contract system (Labor). Conveyancing (Jewish law) RT Anticonvulsants BT Jewish law UF Lease system — Homeopathic treatment  (May Subd Geog)   Prison labor Conveyancing (Roman law) [RX301.C7] BT Roman law BT Forced labor Convulsions, Febrile   Prisoners Conveying machinery  (May Subd Geog) USE Febrile convulsions [TJ1385-TJ1418 (Engineering)] NT Chain gangs Convulsions in children  (May Subd Geog) UF Conveyors — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) BT Machinery [RJ496.C7]   Materials handling UF Convict labor—Legal status, laws, etc. BT Pediatric neurology RT Feed mechanisms BT Labor laws and legislation NT Febrile convulsions NT Belt conveyors Convulsions in old age  (May Subd Geog)   Chain conveyors   Prisoners—Legal status, laws, etc. BT Older people—Diseases   Coal-handling machinery — Legal status, laws, etc. Convulsive disorders   Dumping appliances USE Convulsions   Forklift trucks USE Convict labor—Law and legislation Convulsive seizures   Grain-handling machinery Convict ships  (May Subd Geog) USE Convulsions   Hydraulic conveying Convulsive therapy, Electric   Mail-chutes BT Penal colonies USE Electroconvulsive therapy   Monorail conveyors   Sailing ships Conway, River (Wales)   Passenger conveyors USE Conwy, River (Wales)   Pneumatic-tube transportation Convict soldiers  (May Subd Geog) Conway Bay (Wales)   Roller conveyors BT Soldiers USE Conwy Bay (Wales)   Screw conveyors Conway family  (Not Subd Geog)   Vibrating conveyors Conviction UF Canaway family   Wire-rope transportation USE Belief and doubt   Truth   Canoway family — Brakes   Canwey family BT Brakes Conviction of the innocent   Conaway family USE Judicial error   Conneway family — Construction   Conoway family USE Conveying machinery—Design and Conviction records Conway Hall (London, England)   construction USE Criminal records BT Buildings—England Conwy, River, Estuary (Wales) — Design and construction Convictions, Alternative USE Conwy Estuary (Wales) UF Conveying machinery—Construction USE Alternative convictions Conwy, River, Valley (Wales) USE Conwy Valley (Wales) — Drawings Convictions, Erroneous Conwy, River (Wales) — Dynamics USE Judicial error UF Afon Conwy (Wales)   Conway, River (Wales) [TJ1390] Convictions, Mistaken   River Conway (Wales) BT Dynamics USE Judicial error   River Conwy (Wales) — Electric driving  (May Subd Geog) BT Rivers—Wales BT Electric driving Convictions, Wrongful Conwy Bay (Wales) — Electric equipment  (May Subd Geog) USE Judicial error UF Bae Conwy (Wales) — Maintenance and repair   Beaumaris Bay (Wales) UF Conveying machinery—Repairing Convictions (Law)   Conway Bay (Wales) — Repairing USE Judgments, Criminal BT Bays—Wales USE Conveying machinery—Maintenance and Convicts   repair USE Prisoners — Transmission devices Convivo Indians BT Gearing USE Shipibo-Conibo Indians — Valuation  (May Subd Geog) Convivo language [TJ1390] USE Shipibo-Conibo language Conveying machinery industry  (May Subd Geog) Convocation Hall (Lostwithiel, England) BT Machinery industry USE Old Duchy Palace (Lostwithiel, England) NT Coal-handling machinery industry Conveyor, Great ocean Convolution of Broca USE Meridional overturning circulation USE Broca's area Convolution transforms USE Convolutions (Mathematics) Convolutions (Mathematics) UF Convolution transforms   Transformations, Convolution BT Distribution (Probability theory)   Functions   Integrals   Transformations (Mathematics) Convolvulaceae  (May Subd Geog) [QK495.C78] UF Morning glory family (Plants) BT Tubiflorae NT Bindweeds   Clustervines C-629

Conwy Castle (Conwy, Wales)   Cooks family Cookery, Acadian BT Castles—Wales RT Cooksey family USE Cooking, Acadian Conwy Estuary (Wales)   Koch family Cookery, Afghan UF Conwy, River, Estuary (Wales) Cook Forest State Park (Pa.) USE Cooking, Afghan BT Estuaries—Wales BT Forest reserves—Pennsylvania Cookery, African Conwy Valley (Wales)   Parks—Pennsylvania USE Cooking, African UF Conwy, River, Valley (Wales)   Dyffryn Conwy (Wales) Cook Hill (New Haven County, Conn.) Cookery, Afro-American BT Valleys—Wales BT Mountains—Connecticut USE African American cooking Cony, Camp (Augusta, Me.) Cook Inlet (Alaska) Cookery, Albanian USE Camp Cony (Augusta, Me.) BT Inlets—Alaska USE Cooking, Albanian NT Knik Arm (Alaska) Cony (Pika) Cookery, Algerian USE American pika Cook Inlet Basin (Alaska) USE Cooking, Algerian USE Cook Inlet Watershed (Alaska) Conybeare family  (Not Subd Geog) Cookery, American UF Connabear family Cook Inlet Watershed (Alaska) USE Cooking, American   Conibeer family UF Cook Inlet Basin (Alaska)   Conibeere family BT Watersheds—Alaska Cookery, Amish   Coneybear family USE Amish cooking   Coneybeare family Cook Island (Kiribati)   Conyber family USE Tarawa Atoll (Kiribati) Cookery, Angolan USE Cooking, Angolan Conyber family Cook Island language USE Conybeare family USE Rarotongan language Cookery, Arab USE Cooking, Arab Conyers family  (Not Subd Geog) Cook Islander cooking UF Coigniers family USE Cooking, Cook Islander Cookery, Arab, in literature   Coinyers family USE Cooking, Arab, in literature   De Coigniers family Cook Islander foreign workers USE Foreign workers, Cook Islander Cookery, Argentine Conygham family USE Cooking, Argentine USE Cunningham family Cook Islander women USE Women, Cook Islander Cookery, Armenian Conyza  (May Subd Geog) USE Cooking, Armenian [QK495.C74 (Botany)] Cook Islanders  (May Subd Geog) UF Horseweed (Genus) BT Ethnology—Cook Islands Cookery, Asian BT Compositae   Polynesians USE Cooking, Asian NT Canadian horseweed Cook Islands Cookery, Australian Conyza canadensis — Antiquities USE Cooking, Australian USE Canadian horseweed NT Anaiʹo Site (Cook Islands) — Languages Cookery, Austrian Coo family NT Pukapuka language USE Cooking, Austrian USE Coe family   Rarotongan language Cookery, Azerbaijani Cooch-grass Cook Islands flycatcher USE Cooking, Azerbaijani USE Quitch-grass USE Rarotonga flycatcher Cookery, Bahamian Coochama Mount (Calif.) Cook Islands Maori language USE Cooking, Bahamian USE Tecate Peak (Calif.) USE Rarotongan language Cookery, Balinese Coochiemudlo Island (Qld.) Cook Lake (Ind.) USE Cooking, Balinese UF Innes Island (Qld.) BT Lakes—Indiana   Innis Island (Qld.) Cookery, Balkan BT Islands—Australia Cook Post Office (East Rockaway, N.Y.) USE Cooking, Balkan USE John J. Cook Post Office (East Rockaway, Cooch's Bridge, Skirmish of, 1777   N.Y.) Cookery, Balti USE Cooch's Bridge, Skirmish of, Del., 1777 USE Cooking, Balti Cook River (Alaska) Cooch's Bridge, Skirmish of, Del., 1777 USE Nushagak River (Alaska) Cookery, Bangladeshi [E241.C73] USE Cooking, Bangladeshi UF Cooch's Bridge, Skirmish of, 1777 [Former Cook Seamount   heading] BT Seamounts—North Pacific Ocean Cookery, Barbadian BT Delaware—History—Revolution, 1775-1783 USE Cooking, Barbadian   United States—History—Revolution, 1775- Cook Strait (N.Z.)   1783—Campaigns UF Raukawa (N.Z.) Cookery, Bashkir BT Straits—New Zealand USE Cooking, Bashkir Coode family USE Coad family Cook-Worth Inseln (Micronesia) Cookery, Basque USE Hall Islands (Micronesia) USE Cooking, Basque Cooder family USE Coder family Cookbooks  (May Subd Geog) Cookery, Belarusian Here are entered works on collections of recipes. USE Cooking, Belarusian Coody Creek Site (Okla.) BT Oklahoma—Antiquities Works about all types of food preparation, including Cookery, Belgian preparation of those foods that do not necessarily USE Cooking, Belgian Cooey family need to be heated are entered under Cooking. USE Couey family Cookery, Belizean UF Cook-books USE Cooking, Belizean Coogkins family   Cookery [Former heading] USE Gookin family   Recipe books Cookery, Bengali USE Cooking, Bengali Coogle family BT Books USE Kugler family RT Cooking Cookery, Bermudian SA subdivision Feeding and feeds--Recipes under USE Cooking, Bermudian Cook, Camp (Mont.) USE Camp Cooke (Mont.)   individual animals and groups of animals, Cookery, Bolivian   e.g. Cattle--Feeding and feeds--Recipes; USE Cooking, Bolivian Cook, Mount (N.Z.)   also subdivision Diet therapy--Recipes under USE Aoraki/Mount Cook (N.Z.)   individual diseases and types of diseases, Cookery, Botswanan   e.g. Cancer--Diet therapy--Recipes; Heart-- USE Cooking, Botswanan Cook, James, 1728-1779   Diseases--Diet therapy--Recipes — Medals  (May Subd Geog) NT Community cookbooks Cookery, Brazilian NT Resolution and Adventure Medal   Literary cookbooks USE Cooking, Brazilian Cooke, Camp (Mont.) Cook, Jeremy (Fictitious character)  (Not Subd Geog) USE Camp Cooke (Mont.) Cookery, British UF Jeremy Cook (Fictitious character) Cooke family USE Cooking, British USE Cook family Cook, Operation, 1967 Cooke Peak (N.M.) Cookery, Bulgarian USE Operation Cook, 1967 USE Cookes Peak (N.M.) USE Cooking, Bulgarian Cooke Stadium (Landover, Md.) Cook, Tony (Fictitious character)  (Not Subd Geog) USE FedEx Field (Landover, Md.) Cookery, Buriat UF Detective Cook (Fictitious character) Cookendall family USE Cooking, Buriat   Detective Tony Cook (Fictitious character) USE Kuykendall family   Tony Cook (Fictitious character) Cookenham family Cookery, Burmese USE Cookingham family USE Cooking, Burmese Cook-books Cookers, Fireless USE Cookbooks USE Fireless cookers Cookery, Byelorussian Cookers, Steam USE Cooking, Belarusian Cook Commemorative Medal USE Food steamers USE Resolution and Adventure Medal Cookery Cookery, Cajun USE Cookbooks USE Cooking, Cajun Cook County Administration Building (Chicago, Ill.)   Cooking UF Brunswick Building (Chicago, Ill.) Cookery, Cambodian BT Municipal buildings—Illinois USE Cooking, Cambodian Cook County Building (Chicago, Ill.) Cookery, Cameroon USE Chicago City Hall (Chicago, Ill.) USE Cooking, Cameroonian Cook family  (Not Subd Geog) Cookery, Canadian UF Cooke family USE Cooking, Canadian Cookery, Cape Verdean USE Cooking, Cabo Verdean Cookery, Caribbean USE Cooking, Caribbean Cookery, Caucasian USE Cooking, Caucasian Cookery, Cayman Islands USE Cooking, Cayman Islands C-630

Cookery, Celtic Cookery, Hawaiian Cookery, Luxembourg USE Cooking, Celtic USE Hawaiian cooking USE Cooking, Luxembourg Cookery, Ceylonese Cookery, Hindu Cookery, Macao USE Cooking, Sri Lankan USE Hindu cooking USE Cooking, Chinese—Macanese style Cookery, Chilean Cookery, Hittite Cookery, Malagasy USE Cooking, Chilean USE Cooking, Hittite USE Cooking, Malagasy Cookery, Chinese Cookery, Hmong Cookery, Malawi USE Cooking, Chinese USE Cooking, Hmong USE Cooking, Malawi Cookery, Chuvash Cookery, Honduran Cookery, Malay USE Cooking, Chuvash USE Cooking, Honduran USE Cooking, Malay Cookery, Colombian Cookery, Hungarian Cookery, Malayan USE Cooking, Colombian USE Cooking, Hungarian USE Cooking, Malay Cookery, Congolese (Democratic Republic) Cookery, Hutterite Cookery, Malaysian USE Cooking, Congolese (Democratic Republic) USE Hutterite cooking USE Cooking, Malaysian Cookery, Cook Islander Cookery, Icelandic Cookery, Malian USE Cooking, Cook Islander USE Cooking, Icelandic USE Cooking, Malian Cookery, Cook Islands Cookery, Igbo Cookery, Maltese USE Cooking, Cook Islander USE Cooking, Igbo USE Cooking, Maltese Cookery, Costa Rican Cookery, Ijo Cookery, Maori USE Cooking, Costa Rican USE Cooking, Ijo USE Cooking, Maori Cookery, Creole Cookery, Indian Cookery, Mapuche USE Cooking, Creole USE Indian cooking USE Mapuche cooking Cookery, Crimean Tatar Cookery, Indic Cookery, Marine USE Cooking, Crimean Tatar USE Cooking, Indic USE Cooking on ships Cookery, Croatian Cookery, Indonesian Cookery, Mascarene USE Cooking, Croatian USE Cooking, Indonesian USE Cooking, Mascarene Cookery, Cuban Cookery, Ingrian Cookery, Mauritian USE Cooking, Cuban USE Cooking, Ingrian USE Cooking, Mauritian Cookery, Cypriot Cookery, International Cookery, Maya USE Cooking, Cypriot USE International cooking USE Maya cooking Cookery, Cypriote Cookery, Iranian Cookery, Medieval USE Cooking, Cypriot USE Cooking, Iranian USE Cooking, Medieval Cookery, Czech Cookery, Iraqi Cookery, Mediterranean USE Cooking, Czech USE Cooking, Iraqi USE Cooking, Mediterranean Cookery, Danish Cookery, Irish Cookery, Mennonite USE Cooking, Danish USE Cooking, Irish USE Mennonite cooking Cookery, Dominican Cookery, Islamic Cookery, Mexican USE Cooking, Dominican USE Islamic cooking USE Cooking, Mexican Cookery, Dutch Cookery, Israeli Cookery, Mexican American USE Cooking, Dutch USE Cooking, Israeli USE Mexican American cooking Cookery, Ecuadorian Cookery, Italian Cookery, Micronesian USE Cooking, Ecuadorian USE Cooking, Italian USE Cooking, Micronesian Cookery, Egyptian Cookery, Jamaican Cookery, Middle Eastern USE Cooking, Egyptian USE Cooking, Jamaican USE Cooking, Middle Eastern Cookery, English Cookery, Japanese Cookery, Military USE Cooking, English USE Cooking, Japanese USE Cooking for military personnel Cookery, Eritrean Cookery, Javanese Cookery, Moldavian USE Cooking, Eritrean USE Cooking, Javanese USE Cooking, Moldovan Cookery, Estonian Cookery, Jewish Cookery, Moldovan USE Cooking, Estonian USE Jewish cooking USE Cooking, Moldovan Cookery, Ethiopian Cookery, Kalmyk Cookery, Mongolian USE Cooking, Ethiopian USE Cooking, Kalmyk USE Cooking, Mongolian Cookery, European Cookery, Karelian Cookery, Moravian USE Cooking, European USE Cooking, Karelian USE Cooking, Moravian Cookery, Finnish Cookery, Kashmiri Cookery, Mormon USE Cooking, Finnish USE Cooking, Kashmiri USE Mormon cooking Cookery, French Cookery, Kazakh Cookery, Moroccan USE Cooking, French USE Cooking, Kazakh USE Cooking, Moroccan Cookery, French-Canadian Cookery, Kenyan Cookery, Mozambican USE Cooking, French-Canadian USE Cooking, Kenyan USE Cooking, Mozambican Cookery, French Guianese Cookery, Kirghiz Cookery, Namibian USE Cooking, French Guianese USE Cooking, Kyrgyz USE Cooking, Namibian Cookery, Gambian Cookery, Komi Cookery, Near Eastern USE Cooking, Gambian USE Cooking, Komi USE Cooking, Middle Eastern Cookery, Georgian (Georgian S.S.R.) Cookery, Komi-Permyak Cookery, Negro USE Cooking, Georgian (South Caucasian) USE Cooking, Komi-Permyak USE African American cooking Cookery, Georgian (South Caucasian) Cookery, Korean Cookery, Nepali USE Cooking, Georgian (South Caucasian) USE Cooking, Korean USE Cooking, Nepali Cookery, Georgian (Transcaucasian) Cookery, Kurdish Cookery, New Zealand USE Cooking, Georgian (South Caucasian) USE Cooking, Kurdish USE Cooking, New Zealand Cookery, German Cookery, Kuwaiti Cookery, Nicaraguan USE Cooking, German USE Cooking, Kuwaiti USE Cooking, Nicaraguan Cookery, Ghanaian Cookery, Kyrgyz Cookery, Nigerian USE Cooking, Ghanaian USE Cooking, Kyrgyz USE Cooking, Nigerian Cookery, Goanese Cookery, Lao Cookery, North African USE Cooking, Goanese USE Cooking, Lao USE Cooking, North African Cookery, Greek Cookery, Laotian Cookery, Norwegian USE Cooking, Greek USE Cooking, Lao USE Cooking, Norwegian Cookery, Greenlandic Cookery, Latin American Cookery, Oriental USE Cooking, Greenlandic USE Cooking, Latin American USE Cooking, Asian Cookery, Grenadian Cookery, Latvian Cookery, Oriya USE Cooking, Grenadian USE Cooking, Latvian USE Cooking, Oriya Cookery, Guamanian Cookery, Lebanese Cookery, Pacific Island USE Cooking, Guamanian USE Cooking, Lebanese USE Cooking, Pacific Island Cookery, Guatemalan Cookery, Lesotho Cookery, Pakistani USE Cooking, Guatemalan USE Cooking, Lesothan USE Cooking, Pakistani Cookery, Gurage Cookery, Liberian Cookery, Palauan USE Cooking, Gurage USE Cooking, Liberian USE Cooking, Palauan Cookery, Guyanese Cookery, Liechtenstein Cookery, Palestinian Arab USE Cooking, Guyanese USE Cooking, Liechtenstein USE Cooking, Palestinian Arab Cookery, Haitian Cookery, Lithuanian Cookery, Panamanian USE Cooking, Haitian USE Cooking, Lithuanian USE Cooking, Panamanian C-631

Cookery, Panjabi Cookery, Southeast Asian Cookery (Apple butter) USE Cooking, Panjabi USE Cooking, Southeast Asian USE Cooking (Apple butter) Cookery, Papua New Guinea Cookery, Spanish Cookery (Apples) USE Cooking, Papua New Guinean USE Cooking, Spanish USE Cooking (Apples) Cookery, Papua New Guinean Cookery, Sri Lankan Cookery (Apricots) USE Cooking, Papua New Guinean USE Cooking, Sri Lankan USE Cooking (Apricots) Cookery, Paraguayan Cookery, Sudanese Cookery (Artichokes) USE Cooking, Paraguayan USE Cooking, Sudanese USE Cooking (Artichokes) Cookery, Peranakan Cookery, Surinamese Cookery (Asparagus) USE Cooking, Peranakan USE Cooking, Surinamese USE Cooking (Asparagus) Cookery, Peruvian Cookery, Swedish Cookery (Avocado) USE Cooking, Peruvian USE Cooking, Swedish USE Cooking (Avocado) Cookery, Philippine Cookery, Swiss Cookery (Baby foods) USE Cooking, Philippine USE Cooking, Swiss USE Baby foods Cookery, Polish Cookery, Syrian Cookery (Bacon) USE Cooking, Polish USE Cooking, Syrian USE Cooking (Bacon) Cookery, Polynesian Cookery, Tagalog Cookery (Bagels) USE Cooking, Polynesian USE Cooking, Tagalog USE Cooking (Bagels) Cookery, Portuguese Cookery, Tajik Cookery (Bamboo shoots) USE Cooking, Portuguese USE Cooking, Tajik USE Cooking (Bamboo shoots) Cookery, Provençal Cookery, Tamil Cookery (Bananas) USE Cooking, French—Provenca̧ l style USE Cooking, Tamil USE Cooking (Bananas) Cookery, Puerto Rican Cookery, Tanzanian Cookery (Barley) USE Cooking, Puerto Rican USE Cooking, Tanzanian USE Cooking (Barley) Cookery, Quaker Cookery, Tatar Cookery (Basil) USE Quaker cooking USE Cooking, Tatar USE Cooking (Basil) Cookery, Reú nion Cookery, Thai Cookery (Bass) USE Cooking, Reunionese USE Cooking, Thai USE Cooking (Bass) Cookery, Reunionese Cookery, Tibetan Cookery (Bean curd) USE Cooking, Reunionese USE Cooking, Tibetan USE Cooking (Tofu) Cookery, Roman Cookery, Togolese Cookery (Beans) USE Cooking, Roman USE Cooking, Togolese USE Cooking (Beans) Cookery, Romanian Cookery, Trinidadian Cookery (Bear meat) USE Cooking, Romanian USE Cooking, Trinidadian USE Cooking (Bear meat) Cookery, Russian Cookery, Tropical Cookery (Beef) USE Cooking, Russian USE Cooking, Tropical USE Cooking (Beef) Cookery, Russian German Cookery, Tunisian Cookery (Beer) USE Cooking, Russian German USE Cooking, Tunisian USE Cooking (Beer) Cookery, Rwandan Cookery, Turkish Cookery (Beets) USE Cooking, Rwandan USE Cooking, Turkish USE Cooking (Beets) Cookery, Ryukyuan Cookery, Turkmen Cookery (Berries) USE Cooking, Ryukyuan USE Cooking, Turkmen USE Cooking (Berries) Cookery, Sami Cookery, Udmurt Cookery (Blackberries) USE Cooking, Sami USE Cooking, Udmurt USE Cooking (Blackberries) Cookery, Samoan Cookery, Uighur Cookery (Blueberries) USE Cooking, Samoan USE Cooking, Uighur USE Cooking (Blueberries) Cookery, Saudi Arabian Cookery, Ukrainian Cookery (Bluefish) USE Cooking, Saudi Arabian USE Cooking, Ukrainian USE Cooking (Bluefish) Cookery, Saxon Cookery, Uruguayan Cookery (Bourbon) USE Cooking, Saxon USE Cooking, Uruguayan USE Cooking (Whiskey) Cookery, Scandinavian Cookery, Uzbek Cookery (Bowfin) USE Cooking, Scandinavian USE Cooking, Uzbek USE Cooking (Bowfin) Cookery, Scottish Cookery, Venezuelan Cookery (Brandy) USE Cooking, Scottish USE Cooking, Venezuelan USE Cooking (Brandy) Cookery, Senegalese Cookery, Vietnamese Cookery (Bread) USE Cooking, Senegalese USE Cooking, Vietnamese USE Cooking (Bread) Cookery, Sephardic Cookery, Viking Cookery (Breadfruit) USE Sephardic cooking USE Cooking, Viking USE Cooking (Breadfruit) Cookery, Serbian Cookery, Virgin Islands Cookery (Broccoli) USE Cooking, Serbian USE Cooking, Virgin Islands USE Cooking (Broccoli) Cookery, Seychelles Cookery, Welsh Cookery (Brown rice) USE Cooking, Seychellois USE Cooking, Welsh USE Cooking (Brown rice) Cookery, Seychellois Cookery, West African Cookery (Brussels sprouts) USE Cooking, Seychellois USE Cooking, West African USE Cooking (Brussels sprouts) Cookery, Shaker Cookery, West Indian Cookery (Buckwheat) USE Shaker cooking USE Cooking, West Indian USE Cooking (Buckwheat) Cookery, Sierra Leone Cookery, Yemeni Cookery (Buffalo meat) USE Cooking, Sierra Leonean USE Cooking, Yemeni USE Cooking (Buffalo meat) Cookery, Sierra Leonean Cookery, Yemenite Cookery (Bulgur) USE Cooking, Sierra Leonean USE Cooking, Yemeni USE Cooking (Bulgur) Cookery, Silesian Cookery, Yoga Cookery (Burbot) USE Cooking, Silesian USE Yoga cooking USE Cooking (Burbot) Cookery, Sindhi Cookery, Yoruba Cookery (Butter) USE Cooking, Sindhi USE Cooking, Yoruba USE Cooking (Butter) Cookery, Singapore Cookery, Yugoslav Cookery (Butterscotch) USE Cooking, Singaporean USE Cooking, Yugoslav USE Cooking (Butterscotch) Cookery, Singaporean Cookery, Zairian Cookery (Cabbage) USE Cooking, Singaporean USE Cooking, Congolese (Democratic Republic) USE Cooking (Cabbage) Cookery, Slavic Cookery, Zambian Cookery (Cactus) USE Cooking, Slavic USE Cooking, Zambian USE Cooking (Cactus) Cookery, Slovak Cookery, Zimbabwean Cookery (Canned foods) USE Cooking, Slovak USE Cooking, Zimbabwean USE Cooking (Canned foods) Cookery, Slovenian Cookery (Acorns) Cookery (Canola oil) USE Cooking, Slovenian USE Cooking (Acorns) USE Cooking (Canola oil) Cookery, Somali Cookery (Alligators) Cookery (Carob) USE Cooking, Somali USE Cooking (Alligator meat) USE Cooking (Carob) Cookery, Sorbian Cookery (Almonds) Cookery (Carp) USE Cooking, Sorbian USE Cooking (Almonds) USE Cooking (Carp) Cookery, Sotho Cookery (Anchovies) Cookery (Carrots) USE Cooking, Sotho USE Cooking (Anchovies) USE Cooking (Carrots) Cookery, South African Cookery (Appetizers) Cookery (Cassava) USE Cooking, South African USE Appetizers USE Cooking (Cassava) C-632

Cookery (Catfish) Cookery (Earthworms) Cookery (Horse meat) USE Cooking (Catfish) USE Cooking (Earthworms) USE Cooking (Horsemeat) Cookery (Cauliflower) Cookery (Eels) Cookery (Horsemeat) USE Cooking (Cauliflower) USE Cooking (Eels) USE Cooking (Horsemeat) Cookery (Caviar) Cookery (Eggplant) Cookery (Hot pepper sauces) USE Cooking (Caviar) USE Cooking (Eggplant) USE Cooking (Hot pepper sauces) Cookery (Cereals) Cookery (Eggs) Cookery (Hot peppers) USE Cooking (Cereals) USE Cooking (Eggs) USE Cooking (Hot peppers) Cookery (Champagne) Cookery (Elk) Cookery (Huckleberries) USE Cooking (Champagne) USE Cooking (Elk meat) USE Cooking (Huckleberries) Cookery (Cheese) Cookery (Emu) Cookery (Iguana) USE Cooking (Cheese) USE Cooking (Emu meat) USE Cooking (Iguana meat) Cookery (Cherries) Cookery (Entrées) Cookery (Insects) USE Cooking (Cherries) USE Entrées (Cooking) USE Cooking (Insects) Cookery (Chestnuts) Cookery (Espresso) Cookery (Jalapenõ ) USE Cooking (Chestnuts) USE Cooking (Espresso) USE Cooking (Jalapenõ ) Cookery (Chicken) Cookery (Evaporated milk) Cookery (Jam) USE Cooking (Chicken) USE Cooking (Evaporated milk) USE Cooking (Jam) Cookery (Chives) Cookery (Figs) Cookery (Jelly) USE Cooking (Chives) USE Cooking (Figs) USE Cooking (Jelly) Cookery (Chocolate) Cookery (Filo dough) Cookery (Kefir) USE Cooking (Chocolate) USE Cooking (Filo dough) USE Cooking (Kefir) Cookery (Cider) Cookery (Fish) Cookery (Ketchup) USE Cooking (Cider) USE Cooking (Fish) USE Cooking (Ketchup) Cookery (Cinnamon) Cookery (Flaxseed) Cookery (Kiwi fruit) USE Cooking (Cinnamon) USE Cooking (Flaxseed) USE Cooking (Kiwifruit) Cookery (Citrus fruits) Cookery (Flowers) Cookery (Kiwifruit) USE Cooking (Citrus fruits) USE Cooking (Flowers) USE Cooking (Kiwifruit) Cookery (Clams) Cookery (Foie gras) Cookery (Kudzu) USE Cooking (Clams) USE Cooking (Foie gras) USE Cooking (Kudzu) Cookery (Coca flour) Cookery (Frankfurters) Cookery (Lamb and mutton) USE Cooking (Coca flour) USE Cooking (Frankfurters) USE Cooking (Lamb and mutton) Cookery (Coconut) Cookery (Frogs) Cookery (Lavender) USE Cooking (Coconut) USE Cooking (Frogs) USE Cooking (Lavender) Cookery (Coconut flour) Cookery (Frozen foods) Cookery (Leeks) USE Cooking (Coconut flour) USE Cooking (Frozen foods) USE Cooking (Leeks) Cookery (Coconut oil) Cookery (Fructose) Cookery (Leftovers) USE Cooking (Coconut oil) USE Cooking (Fructose) USE Cooking (Leftovers) Cookery (Codfish) Cookery (Fruit) Cookery (Legumes) USE Cooking (Codfish) USE Cooking (Fruit) USE Cooking (Legumes) Cookery (Coffee) Cookery (Fugu) Cookery (Lemons) USE Cooking (Coffee) USE Cooking (Fugu) USE Cooking (Lemons) Cookery (Cold dishes) Cookery (Fungi) Cookery (Lentils) USE Cold dishes (Cooking) USE Cooking (Fungi) USE Cooking (Lentils) Cookery (Conch) Cookery (Game) Cookery (Limes) USE Cooking (Conch) USE Cooking (Game) USE Cooking (Limes) Cookery (Condensed milk) Cookery (Garlic) Cookery (Liquors) USE Cooking (Condensed milk) USE Cooking (Garlic) USE Cooking (Liquors) Cookery (Coriander) Cookery (Garnishes) Cookery (Liver) USE Cooking (Coriander) USE Garnishes (Cooking) USE Cooking (Liver) Cookery (Corn) Cookery (Gelatin) Cookery (Lobsters) USE Cooking (Corn) USE Cooking (Gelatin) USE Cooking (Lobsters) Cookery (Cottage cheese) Cookery (Ginger) Cookery (Lotus) USE Cooking (Cottage cheese) USE Cooking (Ginger) USE Cooking (Lotus) Cookery (Cottonseed meal) Cookery (Gluten) Cookery (Lucuma) USE Cooking (Cottonseed meal) USE Cooking (Gluten) USE Cooking (Lucuma) Cookery (Cowpeas) Cookery (Goat cheese) Cookery (Macadamia nuts) USE Cooking (Cowpeas) USE Cooking (Goat cheese) USE Cooking (Macadamia nuts) Cookery (Crabs) Cookery (Goat meat) Cookery (Macaroni) USE Cooking (Crabs) USE Cooking (Goat meat) USE Cooking (Pasta) Cookery (Cranberries) Cookery (Granola) Cookery (Mackerel) USE Cooking (Cranberries) USE Cooking (Granola) USE Cooking (Mackerel) Cookery (Crappie) Cookery (Grapefruit) Cookery (Maize) USE Cooking (Crappie) USE Cooking (Grapefruit) USE Cooking (Corn) Cookery (Crayfish) Cookery (Grapes) Cookery (Mangos) USE Cooking (Crawfish) USE Cooking (Grapes) USE Cooking (Mangos) Cookery (Cream cheese) Cookery (Grayfish) Cookery (Maple sugar and syrup) USE Cooking (Cream cheese) USE Cooking (Dogfish) USE Cooking (Maple sugar and syrup) Cookery (Cucumbers) Cookery (Greens) Cookery (Marijuana) USE Cooking (Cucumbers) USE Cooking (Greens) USE Cooking (Marijuana) Cookery (Currant grapes) Cookery (Groupers) Cookery (Marine algae) USE Cooking (Currant grapes) USE Cooking (Grouper) USE Cooking (Marine algae) Cookery (Curry) Cookery (Guava) Cookery (Marmite) USE Cooking (Curry) USE Cooking (Guava) USE Cooking (Marmite) Cookery (Dairy products) Cookery (Haddock) Cookery (Marshmallow) USE Cooking (Dairy products) USE Cooking (Haddock) USE Cooking (Marshmallow) Cookery (Dandelions) Cookery (Ham) Cookery (Mayonnaise) USE Cooking (Dandelions) USE Cooking (Ham) USE Cooking (Mayonnaise) Cookery (Dates) Cookery (Hares) Cookery (Meat) USE Cooking (Dates) USE Cooking (Rabbit meat) USE Cooking (Meat) Cookery (Dill) Cookery (Hashish) Cookery (Melons) USE Cooking (Dill) USE Cooking (Hashish) USE Cooking (Melons) Cookery (Dogfish) Cookery (Hazelnuts) Cookery (Meringue) USE Cooking (Dogfish) USE Cooking (Hazelnuts) USE Cooking (Meringue) Cookery (Dried foods) Cookery (Hemp) Cookery (Milk) USE Cooking (Dried foods) USE Cooking (Hemp) USE Cooking (Milk) Cookery (Dried fruit) Cookery (Herbs) Cookery (Mint) USE Cooking (Dried fruit) USE Cooking (Herbs) USE Cooking (Mint) Cookery (Duck) Cookery (Herring) Cookery (Miso) USE Cooking (Duck) USE Cooking (Herring) USE Cooking (Miso) Cookery (Ducks) Cookery (Honey) Cookery (Mochi) USE Cooking (Duck) USE Cooking (Honey) USE Cooking (Mochi) C-633

Cookery (Molasses) Cookery (Poultry) Cookery (Spaghetti squash) USE Cooking (Molasses) USE Cooking (Poultry) USE Cooking (Spaghetti squash) Cookery (Molded dishes) Cookery (Prunes) Cookery (Spelt) USE Molded dishes (Cooking) USE Cooking (Prunes) USE Cooking (Spelt) Cookery (Moose) Cookery (Puddings) Cookery (Spices) USE Cooking (Moose meat) USE Cooking (Puddings) USE Cooking (Spices) Cookery (Morels) Cookery (Pumpkin) Cookery (Spirulina) USE Cooking (Morels) USE Cooking (Pumpkin) USE Cooking (Spirulina) Cookery (Mozzarella cheese) Cookery (Quail) Cookery (Sprouts) USE Cooking (Mozzarella cheese) USE Cooking (Quail) USE Cooking (Sprouts) Cookery (Mullet) Cookery (Quinoa) Cookery (Squash) USE Cooking (Mullet) USE Cooking (Quinoa) USE Cooking (Squash) Cookery (Mushrooms) Cookery (Rabbits) Cookery (Squid) USE Cooking (Mushrooms) USE Cooking (Rabbit meat) USE Cooking (Squid) Cookery (Mussels) Cookery (Radishes) Cookery (Stevia) USE Cooking (Mussels) USE Cooking (Radishes) USE Cooking (Stevia) Cookery (Mustard) Cookery (Raisins) Cookery (Stone fruit) USE Cooking (Mustard) USE Cooking (Raisins) USE Cooking (Stone fruit) Cookery (Natural foods) Cookery (Raspberries) Cookery (Strawberries) USE Cooking (Natural foods) USE Cooking (Raspberries) USE Cooking (Strawberries) Cookery (Nuts) Cookery (Relishes) Cookery (Striped bass) USE Cooking (Nuts) USE Cooking (Relishes) USE Cooking (Striped bass) Cookery (Oat bran) Cookery (Rhubarb) Cookery (Suet) USE Cooking (Oat bran) USE Cooking (Rhubarb) USE Cooking (Suet) Cookery (Oats) Cookery (Rice) Cookery (Sugar) USE Cooking (Oats) USE Cooking (Rice) USE Cooking (Sugar) Cookery (Okra) Cookery (Rice flour) Cookery (Sugar beets) USE Cooking (Okra) USE Cooking (Rice flour) USE Cooking (Sugar beets) Cookery (Olive oil) Cookery (Roselle) Cookery (Sunflower seeds) USE Cooking (Olive oil) USE Cooking (Roselle) USE Cooking (Sunflower seeds) Cookery (Olives) Cookery (Rosemary) Cookery (Sweet potatoes) USE Cooking (Olives) USE Cooking (Rosemary) USE Cooking (Sweet potatoes) Cookery (Onions) Cookery (Roses) Cookery (Syrups) USE Cooking (Onions) USE Cooking (Roses) USE Cooking (Syrups) Cookery (Oranges) Cookery (Rum) Cookery (Tahini) USE Cooking (Oranges) USE Cooking (Rum) USE Cooking (Tahini) Cookery (Oregano) Cookery (Saffron) Cookery (Tangerines) USE Cooking (Oregano) USE Cooking (Saffron) USE Cooking (Tangerines) Cookery (Ostrich) Cookery (Sage) Cookery (Tapioca) USE Cooking (Ostrich meat) USE Cooking (Sage) USE Cooking (Tapioca) Cookery (Oxo) Cookery (Sago) Cookery (Taro) USE Cooking (Oxo) USE Cooking (Sago) USE Cooking (Taro) Cookery (Oysters) Cookery (Salad dressing) Cookery (Tarragon) USE Cooking (Oysters) USE Cooking (Salad dressing) USE Cooking (Tarragon) Cookery (Papaya) Cookery (Salmon) Cookery (Tea) USE Cooking (Papaya) USE Cooking (Salmon) USE Cooking (Tea) Cookery (Passion fruit) Cookery (Sardines) Cookery (Tempeh) USE Cooking (Passion fruit) USE Cooking (Sardines) USE Cooking (Tempeh) Cookery (Pasta) Cookery (Sauerkraut) Cookery (Tequila) USE Cooking (Pasta) USE Cooking (Sauerkraut) USE Cooking (Tequila) Cookery (Peach palm) Cookery (Sausages) Cookery (Textured soy proteins) USE Cooking (Peach palm) USE Cooking (Sausages) USE Cooking (Textured soy proteins) Cookery (Peaches) Cookery (Sea food) Cookery (Thyme) USE Cooking (Peaches) USE Cooking (Seafood) USE Cooking (Thyme) Cookery (Peanut butter) Cookery (Seafood) Cookery (Tile-fish) USE Cooking (Peanut butter) USE Cooking (Seafood) USE Cooking (Tilefish) Cookery (Peanuts) Cookery (Seeds) Cookery (Tilefish) USE Cooking (Peanuts) USE Cooking (Seeds) USE Cooking (Tilefish) Cookery (Pears) Cookery (Sesame) Cookery (Tofu) USE Cooking (Pears) USE Cooking (Sesame) USE Cooking (Tofu) Cookery (Peas) Cookery (Shad) Cookery (Tomato juice) USE Cooking (Peas) USE Cooking (Shad) USE Cooking (Tomato juice) Cookery (Pecans) Cookery (Sharks) Cookery (Tomato paste) USE Cooking (Pecans) USE Cooking (Shark meat) USE Cooking (Tomato paste) Cookery (Pepper) Cookery (Shellfish) Cookery (Tomatoes) USE Cooking (Pepper) USE Cooking (Shellfish) USE Cooking (Tomatoes) Cookery (Peppers) Cookery (Sherry) Cookery (Trepang) USE Cooking (Peppers) USE Cooking (Sherry) USE Cooking (Trepang) Cookery (Persimmons) Cookery (Shiitake) Cookery (Tripe) USE Cooking (Persimmon) USE Cooking (Shiitake mushrooms) USE Cooking (Tripe) Cookery (Pheasant) Cookery (Shrimp) Cookery (Tropical fruit) USE Cooking (Pheasant) USE Cooking (Shrimp) USE Cooking (Tropical fruit) Cookery (Pike) Cookery (Skates) Cookery (Trout) USE Cooking (Pike) USE Cooking (Skate) USE Cooking (Trout) Cookery (Pine nuts) Cookery (Small game) Cookery (Truffles) USE Cooking (Pine nuts) USE Cooking (Small game) USE Cooking (Truffles) Cookery (Pineapples) Cookery (Smoked foods) Cookery (Tuna) USE Cooking (Pineapples) USE Cooking (Smoked foods) USE Cooking (Tuna) Cookery (Plums) Cookery (Snails) Cookery (Turkey) USE Cooking (Plums) USE Cooking (Snails) USE Cooking (Turkey) Cookery (Poi) Cookery (Soft foods) Cookery (Turkeys) USE Cooking (Poi) USE Cooking (Soft foods) USE Cooking (Turkey) Cookery (Pollock) Cookery (Sour cream and milk) Cookery (Turnips) USE Cooking (Pollock) USE Cooking (Sour cream and milk) USE Cooking (Turnips) Cookery (Pomegranates) Cookery (Sourdough) Cookery (Vanilla) USE Cooking (Pomegranates) USE Cooking (Sourdough) USE Cooking (Vanilla) Cookery (Popcorn) Cookery (Soy-beans) Cookery (Variety meats) USE Cooking (Popcorn) USE Cooking (Soybeans) USE Cooking (Variety meats) Cookery (Pork) Cookery (Soy sauce) Cookery (Veal) USE Cooking (Pork) USE Cooking (Soy sauce) USE Cooking (Veal) Cookery (Potatoes) Cookery (Soybeans) Cookery (Vegetables) USE Cooking (Potatoes) USE Cooking (Soybeans) USE Cooking (Vegetables) C-634

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