Cookery (Venison) Cookie icings Chafing dish cooking USE Cooking (Venison) USE Icings (Confectionery) Cherokee cooking Chocho cooking Cookery (Vinegar) Cookie industry (May Subd Geog) Cold dishes (Cooking) USE Cooking (Vinegar) [HD9058.C65-HD9058.C652] Comfort food UF Cooky industry Complex carbohydrate diet—Recipes Cookery (Walnuts) BT Baked products industry Condiments USE Cooking (Walnuts) Confectionery Cookie jars (May Subd Geog) Convection oven cooking Cookery (Whale meat) [NK4695.C66 (Ceramics)] Cooking (Blood) USE Cooking (Whale meat) UF Cooky jars Cooking (Olives) Jars, Cookie Cooking (Oxo) Cookery (Wheat) BT Food containers Cooking (Seafood) USE Cooking (Wheat) Cooking (Semen) Cookie molds (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Sodium bicarbonate) Cookery (Wheat germ) [NK8490 (Decorative arts)] Cooking (Sugar) USE Cooking (Wheat germ) [TX657.C72 (Cookery)] Cooking (Tea) UF Cooky molds [Former heading] Cooking (Vinegar) Cookery (Whipped toppings) BT Molds (Cookware) Cooking (Worcestershire sauce) USE Cooking (Whipped toppings) Corn-free diet—Recipes Cookie Monster (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Creative ability in cooking Cookery (Whiskey) Cookies (May Subd Geog) Cree cooking USE Cooking (Whiskey) Creek cooking [TX772] Desserts Cookery (White chocolate) UF Biscuits, English Dogs—Food—Recipes USE Cooking (White chocolate) BT Cake Dukhobor cooking NT Bars (Desserts) Electric cooking Cookery (Wild foods) Entrées (Cooking) USE Cooking (Wild foods) Biscotti Eskimo cooking Chocolate chip cookies Fire pot cooking Cookery (Wild rice) Fortune cookies Fireless cookers USE Cooking (Wild rice) Gingerbread houses Fireplace cooking Gingerbread men Food—Effect of heat on Cookery (Wine) Girl Scout cookies Food presentation USE Cooking (Wine) Macarons Food processor cooking Moon Pies Frying Cookery (Worcestershire sauce) Shortbread Gas cooking USE Cooking (Worcestershire sauce) Tea cakes Gitxsan cooking Whoopie pies Guarani cooking Cookery (Yogurt) Cookies (Computer science) (May Subd Geog) Gullah cooking USE Cooking (Yogurt) [QA76.9.C72] Gumbo (Soup) UF HTTP cookies (Computer science) Hawaiian cooking Cookery (Yogurt cheese) Magic cookies (Computer science) High altitude cooking USE Cooking (Yogurt cheese) Persistent cookies (Computer science) High-calcium diet—Recipes BT Data structures (Computer science) High-carbohydrate diet—Recipes Cookery (Zucchini) RT Web servers High-fiber diet—Recipes USE Cooking (Zucchini) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) High-iron diet—Recipes Cooking (May Subd Geog) High-lysine diet—Recipes Cookery and architecture [TX642-TX840] High-protein diet—Recipes USE Cooking and architecture Here are entered works about all types of food Holiday cooking preparation, including preparation of those foods that Hopi cooking Cookery for allergics do not necessarily need to be heated. Works about Horses—Feeding and feeds—Recipes USE Food allergy—Diet therapy—Recipes collections of recipes are entered under Cookbooks. Hutterite cooking Works on cooking in specific places are entered Inca cooking Cookery for cancer patients under Cooking subdivided by the name of the place. Indian cooking USE Cancer—Diet therapy—Recipes Works on national or ethnic cuisines and styles of Infrared cooking cooking are entered under headings of the type Ingredient substitutions (Cooking) Cookery for cardiacs Cooking, American, [Chinese, etc.], which may be International cooking USE Heart—Diseases—Diet therapy—Recipes further subdivided to designate regional styles, e.g. Islamic cooking Cooking, American--Southern style; Cooking, Jewish cooking Cookery for children with disabilities Chinese--Sichuan style; etc. Works on an individual Leavening agents USE Cooking for children with disabilities style in a specific locality are entered under two Low budget cooking headings, one for the style and one for the locality, Low-calorie diet—Recipes Cookery for children with mental disabilities e.g. 1. Cooking, American--Southern style. 2. Low-carbohydrate diet—Recipes USE Cooking for children with mental disabilities Cooking--Georgia--Savannah. Low-cholesterol diet—Recipes Low-fat diet—Recipes Cookery for institutions UF Cookery [Former heading] Low-potassium diet—Recipes USE Food service Cuisine Luncheons Food preparation Make-ahead cooking Cookery for mentally handicapped children Mapuche cooking USE Cooking for children with mental disabilities BT Home economics Marinades RT Cookbooks Maya cooking Cookery for one Mazahua cooking USE Cooking for one Dinners and dining Mazatec cooking Food Mennonite cooking Cookery for people with disabilities Gastronomy Menus USE Cooking for people with disabilities Table Mixe cooking NT Aladdin oven Mixtec cooking Cookery for people with mental disabilities Aphrodisiac cooking Molded dishes (Cooking) USE Cooking for people with mental disabilities Appetizers Molecular gastronomy Aztec cooking Mormon cooking Cookery for physically handicapped children Baby foods Nahua cooking USE Cooking for children with disabilities Baking Navajo cooking Batters (Food) One-dish meals Cookery for the blind Bento cooking Otomi cooking USE Cooking for the blind Black Seminole cooking Outdoor cooking Blanching (Cooking) Pancakes, waffles, etc. Cookery for the mentally handicapped Boiling (Cooking) Paper bag cooking USE Cooking for people with mental disabilities Boruca cooking Parsee cooking Braising (Cooking) Pescatarian cooking Cookery for the physically handicapped Breading Pets—Feeding and feeds—Recipes USE Cooking for people with disabilities Breakfasts Poaching (Cooking) Broiling Cookery for the sick Brunches USE Cooking for the sick Buffets (Cooking) Cage birds—Feeding and feeds—Recipes Cookery for two Canning and preserving USE Cooking for two Carving (Meat, etc.) Casserole cooking Cookery in art Caterers and catering USE Cooking in art Cats—Food—Recipes Cookery in Jewish law USE Cooking (Jewish law) Cookery in literature USE Cooking in literature Cookes Peak (N.M.) UF Cooke Peak (N.M.) [Former heading] Cooks Peak (N.M.) Mimbres Peak (N.M.) Picacho de los Mimbres (N.M.) Standing Mountain (N.M.) BT Mountains—New Mexico Cooke's Row (Washington, D.C.) (Not Subd Geog) UF Cook's Row (Washington, D.C.) BT Dwellings—Washington (D.C.) Cookey family USE Cooksey family Cookie and pastry tools (Pastry wheels) USE Pastry wheels Cookie cutters (May Subd Geog) [TX657.C72 (Cookware)] UF Cooky cutters Cutters, Cookie BT Cookware C-635
Cooking (Continued) Asian American cooking — Viennese style (Not Subd Geog) Pomo cooking Mexican American cooking UF Cooking, Viennese Pressure cooking — California style (Not Subd Geog) Viennese cooking Pueblo cooking Quaker cooking [TX715.2.C34] Cooking, Auvergnat Quantity cooking UF California cooking USE Cooking, French—Auvergne style Quechua cooking Quick and easy cooking Cooking, California Cooking, Auvergne Range cooker cooking — Confederate style USE Cooking, French—Auvergne style Reducing diets—Recipes Roasting (Cooking) USE Cooking, American—Southern style Cooking, Azerbaijani (Not Subd Geog) Salads — Louisiana style (Not Subd Geog) UF Azerbaijani cooking Salt-free diet—Recipes Cookery, Azerbaijani [Former heading] Sandwiches [TX715.2.L68] Sauces UF Cooking, Louisiana Cooking, Bahamian (Not Subd Geog) Seasonal cooking UF Bahamian cooking Seminole cooking Louisiana cooking Cookery, Bahamian [Former heading] Shaker cooking RT Cooking, Cajun Side dishes (Cooking) Cooking, Bahian Skewer cooking Cooking, Creole—Louisiana style USE Cooking, Brazilian—Bahian style Skillet cooking — Middle Western style Smoking (Cooking) Cooking, Bajan Solar cooking USE Cooking, American—Midwestern style USE Cooking, Barbadian Soups — Midwestern style (Not Subd Geog) Sous-vide cooking Cooking, Balinese (Not Subd Geog) Steaming (Cooking) [TX715.2.M53] UF Balinese cooking Stews UF Cooking, American—Middle Western style Cookery, Balinese [Former heading] Stocks (Cooking) Stone boiling Cooking, Midwestern Cooking, Balkan (Not Subd Geog) Stuffed foods (Cooking) Midwestern cooking UF Balkan cooking Stuffing (Cooking) — New England style (Not Subd Geog) Cookery, Balkan [Former heading] Sugar-free diet—Recipes [TX715.2.N48] Suppers UF Cooking, New England Cooking, Balti (Not Subd Geog) Tahltan cooking New England cooking UF Balti cooking Tarasco cooking — Pacific Northwest style (Not Subd Geog) Cookery, Balti [Former heading] Tartare (Cooking) [TX715.2.P32] Tempura UF Cooking, Pacific Northwest (United States) Cooking, Bangladeshi (Not Subd Geog) Tortillas Pacific Northwest cooking (United States) UF Bangladeshi cooking Tyramine-free diet—Recipes — Southern style (Not Subd Geog) Cookery, Bangladeshi [Former heading] Vegetarian cooking [TX715.2.S68] Yuman cooking UF Confederate cooking Cooking, Banjar (Not Subd Geog) Zapotec cooking Cooking, American—Confederate style UF Banjar cooking Zoque cooking Cooking, Confederate Banjarese cooking Cooking, Southern (United States) Cooking, Banjarese — Authorship Southern cooking (United States) USE Food writing — Southwestern style (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Banjarese [TX715.2.S69] USE Cooking, Banjar — Equipment and supplies UF Cooking, Southwestern (United States) [TX656-TX658] Southwestern cooking (United States) Cooking, Barbadian (Not Subd Geog) NT Kitchen appliances — Western style (Not Subd Geog) UF Bajan cooking Kitchen utensils [TX715.2.W47] Barbadian cooking Stoves UF Cooking, Western (United States) Cookery, Barbadian [Former heading] Tilting frypans Western cooking (United States) Cooking, Bajan Cooking, Andalusian — Religious aspects USE Cooking, Spanish—Andalusian style Cooking, Bashkir (Not Subd Geog) — — Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.] Cooking, Andhra UF Bashkir cooking — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] USE Cooking, Indic—Andhra style Cookery, Bashkir [Former heading] — Study and teaching (May Subd Geog) Cooking, Andorran (Not Subd Geog) UF Andorran cooking Cooking, Basque (Not Subd Geog) [TX661-TX669] Cooking, Angolan (Not Subd Geog) UF Basque cooking RT Cooking schools UF Angolan cooking Cookery, Basque [Former heading] — Terminology Cookery, Angolan [Former heading] NT English language—Conversation and Cooking, Anhui Cooking, Bavarian USE Cooking, Chinese—Anhui style USE Cooking, German—Bavarian style phrase books (for gourmets) Cooking, Antiguan and Barbudan (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Abkhaz (Not Subd Geog) UF Antiguan and Barbudan cooking Cooking, Beijing Cooking, Arab (Not Subd Geog) USE Cooking, Chinese—Beijing style UF Abkhaz cooking UF Arab cooking Cooking, Aboriginal Australian (Not Subd Geog) Cookery, Arab [Former heading] Cooking, Belarusian (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Arab, in literature (Not Subd Geog) UF Belarusian cooking UF Aboriginal Australian cooking UF Cookery, Arab, in literature [Former heading] Cookery, Belarusian [Former heading] BT Cooking, Australian Cooking, Aragonese Cookery, Byelorussian [Former heading] Cooking, Acadian (Not Subd Geog) USE Cooking, Spanish—Aragonese style UF Acadian cooking Cooking, Argentine (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Belgian (Not Subd Geog) UF Argentine cooking UF Belgian cooking Cookery, Acadian [Former heading] Cookery, Argentine [Former heading] Cookery, Belgian [Former heading] Cooking, Achinese (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Armenian (Not Subd Geog) UF Armenian cooking Cooking, Belizean (Not Subd Geog) UF Achinese cooking Cookery, Armenian [Former heading] UF Belizean cooking Cooking, Afghan (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Asian (Not Subd Geog) Cookery, Belizean [Former heading] UF Asian cooking UF Afghan cooking Cookery, Asian [Former heading] Cooking, Bengali (Not Subd Geog) Cookery, Afghan [Former heading] Cookery, Oriental [Former heading] UF Bengali cooking Oriental cooking Cookery, Bengali [Former heading] Cooking, African (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Assam UF African cooking USE Cooking, Indic—Assamese style Cooking, Beninese (Not Subd Geog) Cookery, African [Former heading] Cooking, Assamese UF Beninese cooking USE Cooking, Indic—Assamese style Cooking, Afrikaner (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Assyro-Babylonian (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Bermudian (Not Subd Geog) UF Afrikaner cooking UF Assyro-Babylonian cooking UF Bermudian cooking Cooking, Asturian Cookery, Bermudian [Former heading] Cooking, Albanian (Not Subd Geog) USE Cooking, Spanish—Asturian style UF Albanian cooking Cooking, Australian Cooking, Bhutanese (Not Subd Geog) Cookery, Albanian [Former heading] UF Australian cooking UF Bhutan cooking Cookery, Australian [Former heading] Bhutanese cooking Cooking, Algerian (Not Subd Geog) NT Cooking, Aboriginal Australian UF Algerian cooking Cooking, Austrian (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Bolivian (Not Subd Geog) Cookery, Algerian [Former heading] [TX721] UF Bolivian cooking UF Austrian cooking Cookery, Bolivian [Former heading] Cooking, Alsatian Cookery, Austrian [Former heading] USE Cooking, French—Alsatian style Cooking, Bosnian (Not Subd Geog) UF Bosnian cooking Cooking, American (Not Subd Geog) [TX703 (To 1800)] Cooking, Botswanan (Not Subd Geog) [TX715-TX715.2 (1800-)] UF Botswanan cookery UF American cooking Cookery, Botswanan [Former heading] Cookery, American [Former heading] NT African American cooking Cooking, Brazilian (Not Subd Geog) UF Brazilian cooking Cookery, Brazilian [Former heading] — Bahian style (Not Subd Geog) UF Bahian cooking Cooking, Bahian Cooking, Breton USE Cooking, French—Brittany style Cooking, British (Not Subd Geog) UF British cooking Cookery, British [Former heading] NT Cooking, English C-636
Cooking, British Columbia Cooking, Chinese (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Zhe cai USE Cooking, Canadian—British Columbia style [TX724.5.C5] Cooking, Zhejiang UF Chinese cooking Zhe cai cooking Cooking, Brittany Cookery, Chinese [Former heading] Zhejiang cooking USE Cooking, French—Brittany style NT Cooking, Hakka Cooking, Christmas Dim sum USE Christmas cooking Cooking, Bruneian (Not Subd Geog) Wok cooking Cooking, Chuvash (Not Subd Geog) UF Bruneian cooking UF Cookery, Chuvash [Former heading] — Anhui style (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Circassian (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Bulgarian (Not Subd Geog) UF Anhui cooking UF Circassian cooking UF Bulgarian cooking Cooking, Anhui Cooking, Clay pot Cookery, Bulgarian [Former heading] USE Clay pot cooking — Beijing style (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Colombian (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Burgundy UF Beijing cooking UF Colombian cooking USE Cooking, French—Burgundy style Cooking, Beijing Cookery, Colombian [Former heading] Cooking, Peking Cooking, Confederate Cooking, Buriat (Not Subd Geog) Peking cooking USE Cooking, American—Southern style UF Buriat cooking Cooking, Congolese (Brazzaville) (Not Subd Geog) Cookery, Buriat [Former heading] — Cantonese style (Not Subd Geog) UF Congolese (Brazzaville) cooking UF Cantonese cooking Cooking, Congolese (Democratic Republic) Cooking, Burkinabe (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Cantonese (Not Subd Geog) UF Burkinabe cooking UF Congolese (Democratic Republic) cooking — Dian style Cookery, Congolese (Democratic Republic) Cooking, Burmese (Not Subd Geog) USE Cooking, Chinese—Yunnan style [Former heading] UF Burmese cooking Cookery, Zairian [Former heading] Cookery, Burmese [Former heading] — Fujian style (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Cook Islander (Not Subd Geog) UF Cooking, Chinese—Fukien style UF Cook Islander cooking Cooking, Cabo Verdean (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Fujian Cookery, Cook Islander [Former heading] UF Cabo Verdean cooking Cooking, Fukien Cookery, Cook Islands [Former heading] Cookery, Cape Verdean [Former heading] Fujian cooking Cooking, Cornish Cooking, Cape Verdean [Former heading] Fukien cooking USE Cooking, English—Cornish style Cooking, Corsican Cooking, Cajan — Fukien style USE Cooking, French—Corsican style USE Cooking, Cajun USE Cooking, Chinese—Fujian style Cooking, Costa Rican (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Costa Rican [Former heading] Cooking, Cajun (Not Subd Geog) — Hakka style Costa Rican cooking UF Cajan cooking USE Cooking, Hakka Cooking, Creole (Not Subd Geog) Cajun cooking UF Cookery, Creole [Former heading] Cookery, Cajun [Former heading] — Henan style (Not Subd Geog) Creole cooking Cooking, Cajan UF Cooking, Henan — Louisiana style RT Cooking, American—Louisiana style Henan cooking UF Cooking, Louisiana Creole Cooking, Creole—Louisiana style Louisiana Creole cooking — Hu cai style RT Cooking, American—Louisiana style Cooking, Calcutta USE Cooking, Chinese—Shanghai style Cooking, Cajun USE Cooking, Indic—Calcutta style Cooking, Cretan — Hubei style (Not Subd Geog) USE Cooking, Greek—Cretan style Cooking, Calcuttan UF Cooking, Hubei Cooking, Crimean Tatar (Not Subd Geog) USE Cooking, Indic—Calcutta style Hubei cooking UF Cookery, Crimean Tatar [Former heading] Crimean Tatar cooking Cooking, California — Hunan style (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Croatian (Not Subd Geog) USE Cooking, American—California style UF Cooking, Hunan UF Cookery, Croatian [Former heading] Hunan cooking Croatian cooking Cooking, Cambodian (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Cuban (Not Subd Geog) UF Cambodian cooking — Jiangsu style (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Cuban [Former heading] Cookery, Cambodian [Former heading] UF Cooking, Jiangsu Cuban cooking Jiangsu cooking Cooking, Cypriot (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Cameroonian (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Cypriot [Former heading] UF Cameroonian cooking — Macanese style (Not Subd Geog) Cookery, Cypriote [Former heading] Cookery, Cameroon [Former heading] UF Cookery, Macao [Former heading] Cypriot cooking Cooking, Chinese—Macaoan style Cooking, Czech (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Canadian (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Macanese UF Cookery, Czech [Former heading] [TX715.6] Cooking, Macaoan Czech cooking UF Canadian cooking Macanese cooking Cooking, Dalmatian (Not Subd Geog) Cookery, Canadian [Former heading] Macaoan cooking UF Dalmatian cooking NT Cooking, French-Canadian Cooking, Danish (Not Subd Geog) — Macaoan style UF Cookery, Danish [Former heading] — British Columbia style (Not Subd Geog) USE Cooking, Chinese—Macanese style Danish cooking UF British Columbia cooking Cooking, Devon Cooking, British Columbia — Shandong style (Not Subd Geog) USE Cooking, English—Devon style UF Cooking, Shandong Cooking, Devonshire — Maritime Provinces style (Not Subd Geog) Shandong cooking USE Cooking, English—Devon style UF Cooking, Maritime Provinces Cooking, Dian Maritime Provinces cooking — Shanghai style (Not Subd Geog) USE Cooking, Chinese—Yunnan style UF Cooking, Chinese—Hu cai style Cooking, Djibouti (Not Subd Geog) — Newfoundland and Labrador style Cooking, Chinese—Shanghainese style UF Djibouti cooking (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Hu cai Cooking, Dominican (Not Subd Geog) UF Cooking, Newfoundland and Labrador Cooking, Shanghai UF Cookery, Dominican [Former heading] Newfoundland and Labrador cooking Cooking, Shanghainese Dominican cooking Hu cai cooking Cooking, Dukhobor — Yukon style (Not Subd Geog) Shanghai cooking USE Dukhobor cooking UF Cooking, Yukon Shanghainese cooking Cooking, Dungan Yukon cooking USE Cooking, Hui — Shanghainese style Cooking, Dutch (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Cantonese USE Cooking, Chinese—Shanghai style UF Cookery, Dutch [Former heading] USE Cooking, Chinese—Cantonese style Dutch cooking — Sichuan style (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Earthenware Cooking, Cape Verdean UF Cooking, Sichuan USE Clay pot cooking USE Cooking, Cabo Verdean Sichuan cooking Cooking, Easter USE Easter cooking Cooking, Caribbean (Not Subd Geog) — Taiwan style (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Ecuadorian (Not Subd Geog) UF Caribbean cooking UF Cooking, Chinese—Taiwanese style UF Cookery, Ecuadorian [Former heading] Cookery, Caribbean [Former heading] [Former heading] Ecuadorian cooking Cooking, Taiwan Cooking, Carpatho-Rusyn (Not Subd Geog) Taiwan cooking UF Carpatho-Rusyn cooking — Taiwanese style Cooking, Catalan USE Cooking, Chinese—Taiwan style USE Cooking, Spanish—Catalonian style — Xinjiang style Cooking, Catalonian USE Cooking, Uighur USE Cooking, Spanish—Catalonian style — Yangzhou style (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Caucasian (Not Subd Geog) UF Cooking, Yangzhou UF Caucasian cooking Yangzhou cooking Cookery, Caucasian [Former heading] — Yunnan style (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Cayman Islands (Not Subd Geog) UF Cooking, Chinese—Dian style UF Cayman Islands cooking Cooking, Dian Cookery, Cayman Islands [Former heading] Cooking, Yunnan Dian cooking Cooking, Celtic (Not Subd Geog) Yunnan cooking [TX717.2] UF Celtic cooking — Zhe cai style Cookery, Celtic [Former heading] USE Cooking, Chinese—Zhejiang style Cooking, Chamorro (Not Subd Geog) — Zhejiang style (Not Subd Geog) UF Chamorro cooking UF Cooking, Chinese—Zhe cai style Cooking, Chechen (Not Subd Geog) UF Chechen cooking Cooking, Chilean (Not Subd Geog) UF Chilean cooking Cookery, Chilean [Former heading] C-637
Cooking, Egyptian (Not Subd Geog) French-Canadian cooking Cooking, Haitian (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Egyptian [Former heading] BT Cooking, Canadian UF Cookery, Haitian [Former heading] Egyptian cooking Cooking, French Guianese (Not Subd Geog) Haitian cooking UF Cookery, French Guianese [Former heading] Cooking, English (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Hakka (Not Subd Geog) [TX717] French Guianese cooking UF Cooking, Chinese—Hakka style [Former UF Cookery, English [Former heading] Cooking, Frisian (Not Subd Geog) heading] English cooking Hakka cooking BT Cooking, British UF Frisian cooking BT Cooking, Chinese Cooking, Frying pan — Cornish style (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Hawaiian UF Cooking, Cornish USE Skillet cooking USE Hawaiian cooking Cornish cooking Cooking, Frypan Cooking, Henan — Devon style (Not Subd Geog) USE Skillet cooking USE Cooking, Chinese—Henan style UF Cooking, Devon Cooking, Fujian Cooking, Devonshire Cooking, Hittite (Not Subd Geog) Devon cooking USE Cooking, Chinese—Fujian style UF Cookery, Hittite [Former heading] Devonshire cooking Cooking, Fukien Hittite cooking Cooking, Eritrean (Not Subd Geog) USE Cooking, Chinese—Fujian style Cooking, Hmong (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Eritrean [Former heading] Cooking, Gabon UF Cookery, Hmong [Former heading] Eritrean cooking Hmong cooking USE Cooking, Gabonese Cooking, Estonian (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Gabonese (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Honduran (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Estonian [Former heading] UF Cookery, Honduran [Former heading] Estonian cooking UF Cooking, Gabon [Former heading] Honduran cooking Gabonese cooking Cooking, Ethiopian (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Hu cai UF Cookery, Ethiopian [Former heading] Cooking, Galician USE Cooking, Chinese—Shanghai style Ethiopian cooking USE Cooking, Spanish—Galician style Cooking, Hubei Cooking, European (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Gallegan USE Cooking, Chinese—Hubei style UF Cookery, European [Former heading] USE Cooking, Spanish—Galician style European cooking Cooking, Huế Cooking, Gambian (Not Subd Geog) USE Cooking, Vietnamese—Huế style — Terminology (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Gambian [Former heading] — — Pronunciation (Not Subd Geog) Gambian cooking Cooking, Hui (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Extremaduran UF Cooking, Dungan USE Cooking, Spanish—Extremaduran style Cooking, Gascon Dungan cooking Cooking, Faroese (Not Subd Geog) USE Cooking, French—Gascony style Hui cooking UF Faroese cooking Cooking, Gascony Cooking, Hunan Cooking, Fijian (Not Subd Geog) USE Cooking, French—Gascony style USE Cooking, Chinese—Hunan style UF Fijian cooking Cooking, Georgian (South Caucasian) Cooking, Hungarian (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Filipino (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Hungarian [Former heading] UF Cookery, Georgian (Georgian S.S.R.) [Former Hungarian cooking USE Cooking, Philippine heading] Cooking, Finnish (Not Subd Geog) Cookery, Georgian (South Caucasian) [Former Cooking, Icelandic (Not Subd Geog) heading] UF Cookery, Icelandic [Former heading] UF Cookery, Finnish [Former heading] Cookery, Georgian (Transcaucasian) [Former Icelandic cooking Finnish cooking heading] Georgian cooking (South Caucasian) Cooking, Igbo (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Fireless UF Cookery, Igbo [Former heading] USE Fireless cookers Cooking, German (Not Subd Geog) Igbo cooking [TX721] Cooking, French (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, German [Former heading] Cooking, Ijo (Not Subd Geog) [TX719-TX719.2] German cooking UF Cookery, Ijo [Former heading] UF Cookery, French [Former heading] Ijo cooking French cooking — Bavarian style (Not Subd Geog) UF Bavarian cooking Cooking, Indic (Not Subd Geog) — Alsatian style (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Bavarian [TX724.5.I4] [TX719.2.A45] UF Cookery, Indic [Former heading] UF Alsatian cooking — Schleswig-Holstein style (Not Subd Geog) Indic cooking Cooking, Alsatian UF Cooking, Schleswig-Holstein NT Hindu cooking Schleswig-Holstein cooking — Auvergne style (Not Subd Geog) — Andhra style (Not Subd Geog) UF Auvergnat cooking — Southern style (Not Subd Geog) UF Andhra cooking Auvergne cooking UF Cooking, Southern (Germany) Cooking, Andhra Cooking, Auvergnat Southern cooking (Germany) Cooking, Auvergne — Assamese style (Not Subd Geog) — Westphalian style (Not Subd Geog) UF Assam cooking — Brittany style (Not Subd Geog) UF Cooking, Westphalian Assamese cooking [TX719.2.B74] Westphalian cooking Cooking, Assam UF Breton cooking Cooking, Assamese Brittany cooking Cooking, Ghanaian (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Breton UF Cookery, Ghanaian [Former heading] — Calcutta style (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Brittany Ghanaian cooking UF Calcutta cooking Calcuttan cooking — Burgundy style (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Goanese (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Calcutta [TX719.2.B87] UF Cookery, Goanese [Former heading] Cooking, Calcuttan UF Burgundy cooking Cooking, Indic—Goanese style Cooking, Burgundy Goanese cooking — Goanese style USE Cooking, Goanese — Corsican style (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Greek (Not Subd Geog) [TX719.2.C67] UF Cookery, Greek [Former heading] — Kerala style (Not Subd Geog) UF Cooking, Corsican Greek cooking UF Cooking, Kerala Corsican cooking Cooking, Keralan — Cretan style (Not Subd Geog) Kerala cooking — Gascony style (Not Subd Geog) UF Cooking, Cretan Keralan cooking [TX719.2.G37] Cretan cooking UF Cooking, Gascon — Konkan style (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Gascony Cooking, Greenlandic (Not Subd Geog) UF Cooking, Konkan Gascon cooking [TX715.8] Cooking, Konkani Gascony cooking UF Cookery, Greenlandic [Former heading] Konkan cooking Greenlandic cooking Konkani cooking — Lorraine style (Not Subd Geog) UF Cooking, Lorraine Cooking, Grenadian (Not Subd Geog) — Maharashtrian style Lorraine cooking UF Cookery, Grenadian [Former heading] USE Cooking, Indic—Marathi style Grenadian cooking — Normandy style (Not Subd Geog) — Marathi style (Not Subd Geog) [TX719.2.N67] Cooking, Guamanian (Not Subd Geog) UF Cooking, Indic—Maharashtrian style UF Cooking, Norman UF Cookery, Guamanian [Former heading] Cooking, Maharashtrian Cooking, Normandy Guamanian cooking Cooking, Marathi Norman cooking Maharashtrian cooking Normandy cooking Cooking, Guatemalan (Not Subd Geog) Marathi cooking UF Cookery, Guatemalan [Former heading] — Provenca̧ l style (Not Subd Geog) Guatemalan cooking — Northern style (Not Subd Geog) [TX719.2.P75] UF Cooking, Northern (India) UF Cookery, Provenca̧ l [Former heading] Cooking, Guinea-Bissauan (Not Subd Geog) Northern cooking (India) Provenca̧ l cooking UF Guinea-Bissauan cooking — Southern style (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, French-Canadian (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Gurage (Not Subd Geog) UF Cooking, Southern (India) UF Cookery, French-Canadian [Former heading] UF Cookery, Gurage [Former heading] Southern cooking (India) Gurage cooking — Udupi style (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Guyanese (Not Subd Geog) UF Cooking, Udupi UF Cookery, Guyanese [Former heading] Udupi cooking Guyanese cooking C-638
Cooking, Indonesian (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Karelian (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Maharashtrian [TX724.5.I5] UF Cookery, Karelian [Former heading] USE Cooking, Indic—Marathi style UF Cookery, Indonesian [Former heading] Karelian cooking Indonesian cooking Cooking, Mahoran (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Kashmiri (Not Subd Geog) UF Mahoran cooking Cooking, Ingrian (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Kashmiri [Former heading] UF Cookery, Ingrian [Former heading] Kashmiri cooking Cooking, Malagasy (Not Subd Geog) Ingrian cooking UF Cookery, Malagasy [Former heading] Cooking, Kazakh (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Madagascan Cooking, Ingush (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Kazakh [Former heading] Malagasy cooking UF Ingush cooking Kazakh cooking Cooking, Malawi (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, International Cooking, Kenyan (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Malawi [Former heading] USE International cooking UF Cookery, Kenyan [Former heading] Malawi cooking Kenyan cooking Cooking, Iranian (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Malay (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Iranian [Former heading] Cooking, Kerala UF Cookery, Malay [Former heading] Iranian cooking USE Cooking, Indic—Kerala style Cookery, Malayan [Former heading] Malay cooking Cooking, Iraqi (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Keralan UF Cookery, Iraqi [Former heading] USE Cooking, Indic—Kerala style Cooking, Malaysian (Not Subd Geog) Iraqi cooking UF Cookery, Malaysian [Former heading] Cooking, Komi (Not Subd Geog) Malaysian cooking Cooking, Irish (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Komi [Former heading] [TX717.5] Komi cooking Cooking, Malian (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Irish [Former heading] UF Cookery, Malian [Former heading] Irish cooking Cooking, Komi-Permyak (Not Subd Geog) Malian cooking UF Cookery, Komi-Permyak [Former heading] Cooking, Isan Komi-Permyak cooking Cooking, Maltese (Not Subd Geog) USE Cooking, Thai—Northeastern style UF Cookery, Maltese [Former heading] Cooking, Konkan Maltese cooking Cooking, Israeli (Not Subd Geog) USE Cooking, Indic—Konkan style [TX724] Cooking, Maori (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Israeli [Former heading] Cooking, Konkani UF Cookery, Maori [Former heading] Israeli cooking USE Cooking, Indic—Konkan style Maori cooking Cooking, Italian (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Korean (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Marathi [TX723-TX723.2] [TX724.5.K65] USE Cooking, Indic—Marathi style UF Cookery, Italian [Former heading] UF Cookery, Korean [Former heading] Italian cooking Korean cooking Cooking, Marine NT Borlengo NT Bibimbap USE Cooking on ships Risotto — History (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Maritime Provinces — Neapolitan style (Not Subd Geog) — — Chosŏn dynasty, 1392-1910 (Not Subd Geog) USE Cooking, Canadian—Maritime Provinces style UF Cooking, Neapolitan Cooking, Kurdish (Not Subd Geog) Neapolitan cooking Cooking, Martinican (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Kurdish [Former heading] UF Martinican cooking — Northern style (Not Subd Geog) Kurdish cooking [TX723.2.N65] Cooking, Mascarene (Not Subd Geog) UF Cooking, Northern (Italy) Cooking, Kuwaiti (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Mascarene [Former heading] Northern cooking (Italy) UF Cookery, Kuwaiti [Former heading] Mascarene cooking Northern Italian cooking Kuwaiti cooking Cooking, Mauritian (Not Subd Geog) — Sardinian style (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Kyrgyz (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Mauritian [Former heading] UF Cooking, Sardinian UF Cookery, Kirghiz [Former heading] Mauritian cooking Sardinian cooking Cookery, Kyrgyz [Former heading] Kyrgyz cooking Cooking, Medieval (May Subd Geog) — Sicilian style (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Medieval [Former heading] [TX723.2.S55] Cooking, Lao (Not Subd Geog) Medieval cooking UF Cooking, Sicilian UF Cookery, Lao [Former heading] Sicilian cooking Cookery, Laotian [Former heading] Cooking, Mediterranean (Not Subd Geog) Lao cooking UF Cookery, Mediterranean [Former heading] — Southern style (Not Subd Geog) Mediterranean cooking [TX723.2.S65] Cooking, Latin American (Not Subd Geog) UF Cooking, Southern (Italy) [TX716] Cooking, Mexican (Not Subd Geog) Southern cooking (Italy) UF Cookery, Latin American [Former heading] UF Cookery, Mexican [Former heading] Latin American cooking Mexican cooking — Tuscan style (Not Subd Geog) [TX723.2.T86] Cooking, Latvian (Not Subd Geog) — Poblano style (Not Subd Geog) UF Cooking, Tuscan UF Cookery, Latvian [Former heading] UF Cooking, Mexican—Puebla style Tuscan cooking Latvian cooking Cooking, Poblano style Cooking, Puebla — Umbrian style (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Laz (Not Subd Geog) Poblano cooking (Style) UF Cooking, Umbrian UF Laz cooking Puebla cooking Umbrian cooking Cooking, Lebanese (Not Subd Geog) — Puebla style — Venetian style (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Lebanese [Former heading] USE Cooking, Mexican—Poblano style UF Cooking, Venetian Lebanese cooking Venetian cooking Cooking, Micronesian (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Lesothan (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Micronesian [Former heading] Cooking, Ivoirian (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Lesotho [Former heading] Micronesian cooking UF Ivoirian cooking Lesothan cooking Cooking, Microwave Cooking, Jaffna Tamil Cooking, Liberian (Not Subd Geog) USE Microwave cooking USE Cooking, Tamil—Jaffna style UF Cookery, Liberian [Former heading] Liberian cooking Cooking, Middle Eastern (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Jamaican (Not Subd Geog) [TX725.M628] UF Cookery, Jamaican [Former heading] Cooking, Liechtenstein (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Middle Eastern [Former heading] Jamaican cooking UF Cookery, Liechtenstein [Former heading] Cookery, Near Eastern [Former heading] Liechtenstein cooking Middle Eastern cooking Cooking, Japanese (Not Subd Geog) [TX724.5.J3] Cooking, Lithuanian (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Midwestern UF Cookery, Japanese [Former heading] UF Cookery, Lithuanian [Former heading] USE Cooking, American—Midwestern style Japanese cooking Lithuanian cooking NT Sushi Cooking, Military Cooking, Lorraine USE Cooking for military personnel — History (Not Subd Geog) USE Cooking, French—Lorraine style — — Edo period, 1600-1868 (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Mixtec Cooking, Louisiana USE Mixtec cooking UF Cooking, USE Cooking, American—Louisiana style Japanese—History—Tokugawa Cooking, Moldovan (Not Subd Geog) period, 1600-1868 Cooking, Louisiana Creole UF Cookery, Moldavian [Former heading] USE Cooking, Creole—Louisiana style Cookery, Moldovan [Former heading] — — Tokugawa period, 1600-1868 Moldovan cooking USE Cooking, Japanese—History—Edo Cooking, Luxembourg (Not Subd Geog) period, 1600-1868 UF Cookery, Luxembourg [Former heading] Cooking, Mongolian (Not Subd Geog) Luxembourg cooking UF Cookery, Mongolian [Former heading] Cooking, Javanese (Not Subd Geog) Mongolian cooking UF Cookery, Javanese [Former heading] Cooking, Macanese Javanese cooking USE Cooking, Chinese—Macanese style Cooking, Montserratian (Not Subd Geog) UF Montserratian cooking Cooking, Jiangsu Cooking, Macaoan USE Cooking, Chinese—Jiangsu style USE Cooking, Chinese—Macanese style Cooking, Moravian (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Moravian [Former heading] Cooking, Jordanian (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Macedonian (Not Subd Geog) Moravian cooking UF Jordanian cooking UF Macedonian cooking Cooking, Moroccan (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Kalmyk (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Macrobiotic UF Cookery, Moroccan [Former heading] UF Cookery, Kalmyk [Former heading] USE Macrobiotic diet—Recipes Moroccan cooking Kalmyk cooking Cooking, Madagascan Cooking, Mozambican (Not Subd Geog) USE Cooking, Malagasy UF Cookery, Mozambican [Former heading] Mozambican cooking Cooking, Madurese (Not Subd Geog) UF Madurese cooking C-639
Cooking, Namibian (Not Subd Geog) Filipino cooking Cooking, Shanghainese UF Cookery, Namibian [Former heading] Philippine cooking USE Cooking, Chinese—Shanghai style Namibian cooking Cooking, Poblano style USE Cooking, Mexican—Poblano style Cooking, Sichuan Cooking, Naval Cooking, Polish (Not Subd Geog) USE Cooking, Chinese—Sichuan style USE Cooking on ships UF Cookery, Polish [Former heading] Polish cooking Cooking, Sicilian Cooking, Neapolitan Cooking, Polynesian (Not Subd Geog) USE Cooking, Italian—Sicilian style USE Cooking, Italian—Neapolitan style UF Cookery, Polynesian [Former heading] Polynesian cooking Cooking, Sierra Leonean (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Nepali (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Portuguese (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Sierra Leone [Former heading] UF Cookery, Nepali [Former heading] UF Cookery, Portuguese [Former heading] Cookery, Sierra Leonean [Former heading] Nepali cooking Portuguese cooking Sierra Leonean cooking Cooking, Puebla Cooking, Netherlands Antillean (Not Subd Geog) USE Cooking, Mexican—Poblano style Cooking, Sikkimese (Not Subd Geog) UF Netherlands Antillean cooking Cooking, Puerto Rican (Not Subd Geog) UF Sikkimese cooking UF Cookery, Puerto Rican [Former heading] Cooking, New England Puerto Rican cooking Cooking, Silesian (Not Subd Geog) USE Cooking, American—New England style Cooking, Reunionese (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Silesian [Former heading] UF Cookery, Réunion [Former heading] Silesian cooking Cooking, New Zealand (Not Subd Geog) Cookery, Reunionese [Former heading] UF Cookery, New Zealand [Former heading] Reunionese cooking Cooking, Sindhi (Not Subd Geog) New Zealand cooking Cooking, Roman (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Sindhi [Former heading] UF Cookery, Roman [Former heading] Sindhi cooking Cooking, Newfoundland and Labrador Roman cooking USE Cooking, Canadian—Newfoundland and Cooking, Romani (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Singaporean (Not Subd Geog) Labrador style UF Romani cooking UF Cookery, Singapore [Former heading] Cooking, Romanian (Not Subd Geog) Cookery, Singaporean [Former heading] Cooking, Ni-Vanuatu (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Romanian [Former heading] Singaporean cooking UF Cooking, Vanuatuan [Former heading] Romanian cooking Ni-Vanuatu cooking Cooking, Russian (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Skillet UF Cookery, Russian [Former heading] USE Skillet cooking Cooking, Nicaraguan (Not Subd Geog) Russian cooking UF Cookery, Nicaraguan [Former heading] Cooking, Russian German (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Slavic (Not Subd Geog) Nicaraguan cooking UF Cookery, Russian German [Former heading] UF Cookery, Slavic [Former heading] Russian German cooking Slavic cooking Cooking, Nigerian (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Rwandan (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Nigerian [Former heading] UF Cookery, Rwandan [Former heading] Cooking, Slovak (Not Subd Geog) Nigerian cooking Rwandan cooking UF Cookery, Slovak [Former heading] Cooking, Ryukyuan (Not Subd Geog) Slovak cooking Cooking, Niuean (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Ryukyuan [Former heading] UF Niuean cooking Ryukyuan cooking Cooking, Slovenian (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Saint Kittian and Nevisian (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Slovenian [Former heading] Cooking, Norman UF Saint Kittian and Nevisian cooking Slovenian cooking USE Cooking, French—Normandy style Cooking, Saint Lucian (Not Subd Geog) UF Saint Lucian cooking Cooking, Somali (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Normandy Cooking, Salvadoran (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Somali [Former heading] USE Cooking, French—Normandy style UF Salvadoran cooking Somali cooking Cooking, Samaritan (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, North African (Not Subd Geog) UF Samaritan cooking Cooking, Sorbian (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, North African [Former heading] Cooking, Sami (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Sorbian [Former heading] North African cooking UF Cookery, Sami [Former heading] Sorbian cooking Sami cooking Cooking, Northeastern (Thailand) Cooking, Samoan (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Sotho (Not Subd Geog) USE Cooking, Thai—Northeastern style UF Cookery, Samoan [Former heading] UF Cookery, Sotho [Former heading] Samoan cooking Sotho cooking Cooking, Northern (India) Cooking, Sao Tomean (Not Subd Geog) USE Cooking, Indic—Northern style UF Sao Tomean cooking Cooking, South African (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Sardinian UF Cookery, South African [Former heading] Cooking, Northern (Italy) USE Cooking, Italian—Sardinian style South African cooking USE Cooking, Italian—Northern style Cooking, Saudi Arabian (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Saudi Arabian [Former heading] Cooking, Southeast Asian (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Norwegian (Not Subd Geog) Saudi Arabian cooking UF Cookery, Southeast Asian [Former heading] UF Cookery, Norwegian [Former heading] Cooking, Saxon (Not Subd Geog) Southeast Asian cooking Norwegian cooking UF Cookery, Saxon [Former heading] Saxon cooking Cooking, Southern (Germany) Cooking, Omani (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Scandinavian (Not Subd Geog) USE Cooking, German—Southern style UF Omani cooking [TX722] UF Cookery, Scandinavian [Former heading] Cooking, Southern (India) Cooking, Oriya (Not Subd Geog) Scandinavian cooking USE Cooking, Indic—Southern style UF Cookery, Oriya [Former heading] NT Lutefisk Oriya cooking Cooking, Schleswig-Holstein Cooking, Southern (Italy) USE Cooking, German—Schleswig-Holstein style USE Cooking, Italian—Southern style Cooking, Pacific Island (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Scottish (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Pacific Island [Former heading] [TX717.3] Cooking, Southern (United States) Pacific Island cooking UF Cookery, Scottish [Former heading] USE Cooking, American—Southern style Scottish cooking Cooking, Pacific Northwest (United States) Cooking, Senegalese (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Southwestern (United States) USE Cooking, American—Pacific Northwest style UF Cookery, Senegalese [Former heading] USE Cooking, American—Southwestern style Senegalese cooking Cooking, Pakistani (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Serbian (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Spanish (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Pakistani [Former heading] UF Cookery, Serbian [Former heading] UF Cookery, Spanish [Former heading] Pakistani cooking Serbian cooking Spanish cooking Cooking, Seychellois (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Palauan (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Seychelles [Former heading] — Andalusian style (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Palauan [Former heading] Cookery, Seychellois [Former heading] UF Andalusian cooking Palauan cooking Seychellois cooking Cooking, Andalusian Cooking, Shandong Cooking, Palestinian Arab (Not Subd Geog) USE Cooking, Chinese—Shandong style — Aragonese style (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Palestinian Arab [Former heading] Cooking, Shanghai UF Aragonese cooking Palestinian Arab cooking USE Cooking, Chinese—Shanghai style Cooking, Aragonese Cooking, Panamanian (Not Subd Geog) — Asturian style (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Panamanian [Former heading] UF Asturian cooking Panamanian cooking Cooking, Asturian Cooking, Panjabi (Not Subd Geog) — Catalonian style (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Panjabi [Former heading] UF Catalan cooking Panjabi cooking Catalonian cooking Cooking, Catalan Cooking, Papua New Guinean (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Catalonian UF Cookery, Papua New Guinea [Former heading] — Extremaduran style (Not Subd Geog) Cookery, Papua New Guinean [Former UF Cooking, Extremaduran heading] Extremaduran cooking Papua New Guinean cooking — Galician style (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Paraguayan (Not Subd Geog) UF Cooking, Galician UF Cookery, Paraguayan [Former heading] Cooking, Gallegan Paraguayan cooking Galician cooking Gallegan cooking Cooking, Peking USE Cooking, Chinese—Beijing style Cooking, Sri Lankan (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Ceylonese [Former heading] Cooking, Peranakan (Not Subd Geog) Cookery, Sri Lankan [Former heading] UF Cookery, Peranakan [Former heading] Sri Lankan cooking Peranakan cooking Cooking, Sudanese (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Peruvian (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Sudanese [Former heading] UF Cookery, Peruvian [Former heading] Sudanese cooking Peruvian cooking Cooking, Sundanese (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Philippine (Not Subd Geog) UF Sundanese cooking UF Cookery, Philippine [Former heading] Cooking, Filipino C-640
Cooking, Surinamese (Not Subd Geog) Uyghur cooking Cooking (Agar) (May Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Surinamese [Former heading] Xinjiang cooking UF Agar—Use in cooking Surinamese cooking Cooking, Ukrainian (Not Subd Geog) Cooking with agar UF Cookery, Ukrainian [Former heading] Cooking, Swedish (Not Subd Geog) Ukrainian cooking Cooking (Alligator meat) (May Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Swedish [Former heading] Cooking, Umbrian [TX749.5.A44] Swedish cooking USE Cooking, Italian—Umbrian style UF Alligator meat, Cooking with Cooking, Uruguayan (Not Subd Geog) Alligators—Use in cooking Cooking, Swiss (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Uruguayan [Former heading] Cookery (Alligators) [Former heading] UF Cookery, Swiss [Former heading] Uruguayan cooking Cooking with alligator meat Swiss cooking Cooking, Uzbek (Not Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Reptile meat) UF Cookery, Uzbek [Former heading] Cooking, Syrian (Not Subd Geog) Uzbek cooking Cooking (Almond flour) (May Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Syrian [Former heading] Cooking, Vanuatuan UF Almond flour—Use in cooking Syrian cooking USE Cooking, Ni-Vanuatu Cooking with almond flour Cooking, Venetian BT Cooking (Almonds) Cooking, Tagalog (Not Subd Geog) USE Cooking, Italian—Venetian style UF Cookery, Tagalog [Former heading] Cooking, Venezuelan (Not Subd Geog) Cooking (Almonds) (May Subd Geog) Tagalog cooking UF Cookery, Venezuelan [Former heading] [TX814.2.A44] Venezuelan cooking UF Almonds—Use in cooking Cooking, Tahitian (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Viennese Cookery (Almonds) [Former heading] UF Tahitian cooking USE Cooking, Austrian—Viennese style Cooking with almonds Cooking, Vietnamese (Not Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Nuts) Cooking, Taiwan UF Cookery, Vietnamese [Former heading] NT Cooking (Almond flour) USE Cooking, Chinese—Taiwan style Vietnamese cooking Marzipan — Hué̂ style (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Tajik (Not Subd Geog) Cooking (Amphibian meat) (May Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Tajik [Former heading] UF Cooking, Hué̂ UF Amphibian meat, Cooking with Tajik cooking Hué̂ cooking Amphibians—Use in cooking Cooking with amphibian meat Cooking, Tamil (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Viking (Not Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Meat) UF Cookery, Tamil [Former heading] UF Cookery, Viking [Former heading] NT Cooking (Frogs) Tamil cooking Viking cooking Cooking (Anchovies) (May Subd Geog) — Jaffna style (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Virgin Islands (Not Subd Geog) [TX748.A53] UF Cooking, Jaffna Tamil UF Cookery, Virgin Islands [Former heading] UF Anchovies—Use in cooking Jaffna Tamil cooking Virgin Islands cooking Cookery (Anchovies) [Former heading] Cooking with anchovies Cooking, Tanzanian (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Welsh (Not Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Fish) UF Cookery, Tanzanian [Former heading] [TX717.7] Tanzanian cooking UF Cookery, Welsh [Former heading] Cooking (Annona) (May Subd Geog) Welsh cooking UF Annona—Use in cooking — Zanzibari style (Not Subd Geog) Cooking with annona UF Cooking, Zanzibari Cooking, West African (Not Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Fruit) Zanzibari cooking UF Cookery, West African [Former heading] West African cooking Cooking (Apple butter) (May Subd Geog) Cooking, Tatar (Not Subd Geog) [TX767.A65] UF Cookery, Tatar [Former heading] Cooking, West Indian (Not Subd Geog) UF Apple butter—Use in cooking Tatar cooking UF Cookery, West Indian [Former heading] Cookery (Apple butter) [Former heading] West Indian cooking Cooking with apple butter Cooking, Tex-Mex BT Cooking (Apples) USE Mexican American cooking Cooking, Western (United States) USE Cooking, American—Western style Cooking (Apples) (May Subd Geog) Cooking, Thai (Not Subd Geog) [TX813.A6] UF Cookery, Thai [Former heading] Cooking, Westphalian UF Apples—Use in cooking Thai cooking USE Cooking, German—Westphalian style Cookery (Apples) [Former heading] Cooking with apples — Isan style Cooking, Xinjiang BT Cooking (Fruit) USE Cooking, Thai—Northeastern style USE Cooking, Uighur NT Apple butter Cooking (Apple butter) — Northeastern style (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Yangzhou UF Cooking, Isan USE Cooking, Chinese—Yangzhou style Cooking (Apricots) (May Subd Geog) Cooking, Northeastern (Thailand) [TX813.A64] Cooking, Thai—Isan style Cooking, Yemeni (Not Subd Geog) UF Apricot—Use in cooking Isan cooking UF Cookery, Yemeni [Former heading] Cookery (Apricots) [Former heading] Northeastern cooking (Thailand) Cookery, Yemenite [Former heading] Cooking with apricots Yemeni cooking BT Cooking (Fruit) Cooking, Tibetan (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Tibetan [Former heading] Cooking, Yoga Cooking (Artichokes) (May Subd Geog) Tibetan cooking USE Yoga cooking [TX803.A7] UF Artichoke cooking Cooking, Togolese (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Yoruba (Not Subd Geog) Artichokes—Use in cooking UF Cookery, Togolese [Former heading] UF Cookery, Yoruba [Former heading] Cookery (Artichokes) [Former heading] Togolese cooking Yoruba cooking Cooking with artichokes BT Cooking (Vegetables) Cooking, Tongan (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Yugoslav (Not Subd Geog) UF Tongan cooking UF Cookery, Yugoslav [Former heading] Cooking (Asiatic dayflowers) (May Subd Geog) Yugoslav cooking UF Asiatic dayflower—Use in cooking Cooking, Trinidadian (Not Subd Geog) Cooking with Asiatic dayflowers UF Cookery, Trinidadian [Former heading] Cooking, Yukon BT Cooking (Flowers) Trinidadian cooking USE Cooking, Canadian—Yukon style Cooking (Vegetables) Cooking, Tropical (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Yunnan Cooking (Asparagus) (May Subd Geog) [TX713 (Before 1800)] USE Cooking, Chinese—Yunnan style [TX803.A8] [TX725 (1800 to date)] UF Asparagus—Use in cooking UF Cookery, Tropical [Former heading] Cooking, Zambian (Not Subd Geog) Cookery (Asparagus) [Former heading] Tropical cooking UF Cookery, Zambian [Former heading] Cooking with asparagus Zambian cooking BT Cooking (Vegetables) Cooking, Tunisian (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Tunisian [Former heading] Cooking, Zanzibari Cooking (Avocado) (May Subd Geog) Tunisian cooking USE Cooking, Tanzanian—Zanzibari style [TX813.A9] UF Avocado—Use in cooking Cooking, Turkish (Not Subd Geog) Cooking, Zhe cai Cookery (Avocado) [Former heading] UF Cookery, Turkish [Former heading] USE Cooking, Chinese—Zhejiang style Cooking with avocados Turkish cooking BT Cooking (Fruit) Cooking, Zhejiang NT Guacamole Cooking, Turkmen (Not Subd Geog) USE Cooking, Chinese—Zhejiang style UF Cookery, Turkmen [Former heading] Cooking (Bacon) (May Subd Geog) Turkmen cooking Cooking, Zimbabwean (Not Subd Geog) UF Bacon—Use in cooking UF Cookery, Zimbabwean [Former heading] Cookery (Bacon) [Former heading] Cooking, Tuscan Zimbabwean cooking Cooking with bacon USE Cooking, Italian—Tuscan style BT Cooking (Pork) Cooking (Absinthe) (May Subd Geog) Cooking, Tyrolean (Not Subd Geog) UF Absinthe—Use in cooking Cooking (Bagels) (May Subd Geog) [TX725] Cooking with absinthe UF Bagels—Use in cooking UF Tyrolean cooking BT Cooking (Liquors) Cookery (Bagels) [Former heading] Cooking, Udmurt (Not Subd Geog) Cooking (Acorns) (May Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Udmurt [Former heading] [TX814.2.A25] Udmurt cooking UF Acorn cooking Acorns—Use in cooking Cooking, Udupi Cookery (Acorns) [Former heading] USE Cooking, Indic—Udupi style Cooking with acorns BT Cooking (Nuts) Cooking, Ugandan (Not Subd Geog) UF Ugandan cooking Cooking, Uighur (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Uighur [Former heading] Cooking, Chinese—Xinjiang style Cooking, Xinjiang Uighur cooking C-641
Cooking (Bagels) (Continued) UF Blueberries—Use in cooking Cooking with burbot Cooking with bagels Cookery (Blueberries) [Former heading] BT Cooking (Fish) Cooking with blueberries Cooking (Butter) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Bread) [TX759.5.B87] Cooking (Bamboo shoots) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Berries) UF Butter—Use in cooking Cooking (Bluefish) (May Subd Geog) UF Bamboo shoots—Use in cooking Cookery (Butter) [Former heading] Cookery (Bamboo shoots) [Former heading] [TX748.B55] Cooking with butter Cooking with bamboo shoots UF Bluefish—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Dairy products) Cooking (Oils and fats) BT Cooking (Vegetables) Cookery (Bluefish) [Former heading] Cooking (Buttermilk) Cooking (Bananas) (May Subd Geog) Cooking with bluefish USE Cooking (Sour cream and milk) BT Cooking (Fish) Cooking (Butterscotch) (May Subd Geog) [TX813.B3] Cooking (Bourbon whiskey) (May Subd Geog) UF Butterscotch—Use in cooking UF Bananas—Use in cooking UF Bourbon whiskey—Use in cooking Cookery (Butterscotch) [Former heading] Cooking with bourbon whiskey Cooking with butterscotch Cookery (Bananas) [Former heading] BT Cooking (Whiskey) Cooking (Cabbage) (May Subd Geog) Cooking with bananas Cooking (Bowfin) (May Subd Geog) [TX803.C3] BT Cooking (Fruit) [TX748.B67] UF Cabbage—Use in cooking NT Banana splits UF Bowfin—Use in cooking Cookery (Cabbage) [Former heading] Cooking (Barley) (May Subd Geog) Cookery (Bowfin) [Former heading] Cooking with cabbage UF Barley—Use in cooking Cooking with bowfin BT Cooking (Vegetables) Cookery (Barley) [Former heading] BT Cooking (Fish) NT Cooking (Sauerkraut) Cooking with Barley Cooking (Boysenberries) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Cactus) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Cereals) UF Boysenberries, Cooking with UF Cactus—Use in cooking Cooking (Basil) (May Subd Geog) Boysenberry—Use in cooking Cookery (Cactus) [Former heading] [TX819.B37] Cooking with boysenberries Cooking with cactus UF Basil—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Berries) Cooking (Camel meat) (May Subd Geog) Cookery (Basil) [Former heading] Cooking (Bran) (May Subd Geog) UF Camel meat, Cooking with Cooking with basil UF Bran—Use in cooking Camels—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Herbs) Cooking with bran Cooking with camel meat Cooking (Bass) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Cereals) BT Cooking (Meat) [TX748.B37] Cooking (Brandy) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Canned foods) (May Subd Geog) UF Basses (Fish)—Use in cooking [TX726] [TX821] Cookery (Bass) [Former heading] UF Brandy—Use in cooking UF Canned foods—Use in cooking Cooking with bass Cookery (Brandy) [Former heading] Cookery (Canned foods) [Former heading] BT Cooking (Fish) Cooking with brandy Cooking with canned foods Cooking (Beans) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Liquors) Cooking (Canola oil) (May Subd Geog) UF Beans—Use in cooking Cooking (Brazil nuts) (May Subd Geog) [TX819.36] Cookery (Beans) [Former heading] UF Brazil nut—Use in cooking UF Canola oil—Use in cooking Cooking with beans Brazil nuts, Cooking with Cookery (Canola oil) [Former heading] BT Cooking (Vegetables) Cooking with Brazil nuts Cooking with canola oil Cooking (Bear meat) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Nuts) BT Cooking (Oils and fats) [TX751] Cooking (Bread) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Caramel) (May Subd Geog) UF Bear meat—Use in cooking UF Bread—Use in cooking UF Caramel—Use in cooking Cookery (Bear meat) [Former heading] Cookery (Bread) [Former heading] Cooking with caramel Cooking with bear meat Cooking with bread BT Cooking (Sugar) BT Cooking (Game) NT Cooking (Bagels) Cooking (Carob) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Beef) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Sourdough) [TX814.5.C35] [TX749.5.B43] French toast UF Carob—Use in cooking UF Beef—Use in cooking Cooking (Breadfruit) (May Subd Geog) Cookery (Carob) [Former heading] Cookery (Beef) [Former heading] [TX813.B73] Cooking with carob Cooking (Ground beef) UF Breadfruit—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Legumes) Cooking (Hamburger) Cookery (Breadfruit) [Former heading] Cooking (Carp) (May Subd Geog) Cooking with beef Cooking with breadfruit [TX748.C35] Cooking with ground beef BT Cooking (Fruit) UF Carp—Use in cooking Hamburger Cooking (Broccoli) (May Subd Geog) Cookery (Carp) [Former heading] BT Cooking (Meat) UF Broccoli—Use in cooking Cooking with carp NT Cooking (Veal) Cookery (Broccoli) [Former heading] BT Cooking (Fish) Hamburgers Cooking with broccoli Cooking (Carrots) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Beer) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Vegetables) [TX803.C35] [TX726.3] Cooking (Brown rice) (May Subd Geog) UF Carrots—Use in cooking UF Beer—Use in cooking [TX809.B75] Cookery (Carrots) [Former heading] Cookery (Beer) [Former heading] UF Brown rice—Use in cooking Cooking with carrots Cooking with beer Cookery (Brown rice) [Former heading] BT Cooking (Vegetables) BT Cooking (Liquors) Cooking with brown rice Cooking (Cashew nuts) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Beets) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Rice) UF Cashew nut—Use in cooking UF Beets—Use in cooking Cooking (Brussels sprouts) (May Subd Geog) Cashew nuts, Cooking with Cookery (Beets) [Former heading] [TX803.B7] Cooking with cashew nuts Cooking with beets UF Brussels sprouts—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Nuts) BT Cooking (Vegetables) Cookery (Brussels sprouts) [Former heading] Cooking (Cassava) (May Subd Geog) NT Cooking (Sugar beets) Cooking with brussels sprouts [TX803.C37] Cooking (Benne) BT Cooking (Vegetables) UF Cassava—Use in cooking USE Cooking (Sesame) Cooking (Buckwheat) (May Subd Geog) Cookery (Cassava) [Former heading] Cooking (Berries) (May Subd Geog) [TX809.B8] Cooking with cassava UF Berries—Use in cooking UF Buckwheat—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Vegetables) Cookery (Berries) [Former heading] Cookery (Buckwheat) [Former heading] NT Cassava bread Cooking with berries Cooking with buckwheat Cooking (Catfish) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Fruit) BT Cooking (Wheat) [TX748.C36] NT Cooking (Blackberries) Cooking (Buffalo meat) (May Subd Geog) UF Catfishes—Use in cooking Cooking (Blueberries) UF Buffalo meat—Use in cooking Cookery (Catfish) [Former heading] Cooking (Boysenberries) Cookery (Buffalo meat) [Former heading] Cooking with catfish Cooking (Cranberries) Cooking with buffalo meat BT Cooking (Fish) Cooking (Huckleberries) BT Cooking (Meat) Cooking (Cauliflower) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Raspberries) Cooking (Bulgur) (May Subd Geog) UF Cauliflower—Use in cooking Cooking (Strawberries) [TX809.B85] Cookery (Cauliflower) [Former heading] Cooking (Blackberries) (May Subd Geog) UF Bulgur—Use in cooking Cooking with cauliflower UF Blackberries—Use in cooking Cookery (Bulgur) [Former heading] BT Cooking (Vegetables) Cookery (Blackberries) [Former heading] Cooking with bulgur Cooking (Caviar) (May Subd Geog) Cooking with blackberries BT Cooking (Cereals) [TX748.C38] BT Cooking (Berries) NT Couscous UF Caviar—Use in cooking Cooking (Blood) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Burbot) (May Subd Geog) Cookery (Caviar) [Former heading] UF Blood—Use in cooking [TX748.B85] Cooking with blood UF Burbot—Use in cooking BT Cooking Cookery (Burbot) [Former heading] Cooking (Blueberries) (May Subd Geog) [TX813.B5] C-642
Cooking with caviar UF Cinnamon—Use in cooking Cooking (Corn oil) BT Cooking (Fish) Cookery (Cinnamon) [Former heading] Cooking (Corn syrup) Cooking (Celery) (May Subd Geog) Cooking with cinnamon Cooking (Popcorn) UF Celery—Use in cooking Corn bread BT Cooking (Spices) Corn chips Cooking with celery Cooking (Citrus fruits) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Corn meal) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Vegetables) UF Cooking with corn meal Cooking (Cereals) (May Subd Geog) [TX813.C5] Corn meal—Use in cooking [TX808-TX809] UF Citrus fruits—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Corn) UF Cookery (Cereals) [Former heading] Cooking (Corn oil) (May Subd Geog) Cookery (Citrus fruits) [Former heading] UF Cooking with corn oil Cooking with cereals Cooking with citrus fruits Corn oil—Use in cooking Grain—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Fruit) BT Cooking (Corn) NT Cooking (Barley) NT Cooking (Grapefruit) Cooking (Oils and fats) Cooking (Bran) Cooking (Lemons) Cooking (Corn syrup) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Bulgur) Cooking (Limes) UF Cooking with corn syrup Cooking (Couscous) Cooking (Oranges) Corn syrup—Use in cooking Cooking (Flaxseed) Cooking (Tangerines) BT Cooking (Corn) Cooking (Gluten) Cooking (Clams) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Syrups) Cooking (Granola) [TX754.C53] Cooking (Cottage cheese) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Oats) UF Clams—Use in cooking UF Cookery (Cottage cheese) [Former heading] Cooking (Quinoa) Cookery (Clams) [Former heading] Cooking with cottage cheese Cooking (Rice) Cooking with clams Cottage cheese—Use in cooking Cooking (Triticale) BT Cooking (Shellfish) BT Cooking (Cheese) Cooking (Wheat) Cooking (Coca flour) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Cottonseed meal) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Champagne) (May Subd Geog) UF Coca flour—Use in cooking [TX809.C8] UF Champagne (Wine)—Use in cooking Cookery (Coca flour) [Former heading] UF Cookery (Cottonseed meal) [Former heading] Cookery (Champagne) [Former heading] Cooking with coca flour Cooking with cottonseed meal Cooking with champagne Cooking (Cocoa) (May Subd Geog) Cottonseed meal—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Wine) UF Cocoa—Use in cooking Cooking (Couscous) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Cheese) (May Subd Geog) Cooking with cocoa [TX809.C68] [TX759.5.C48] BT Cooking (Chocolate) UF Cooking with couscous UF Cheese—Use in cooking Cooking (Coconut) (May Subd Geog) Couscous—Use in cooking Cookery (Cheese) [Former heading] [TX814.2.C63] BT Cooking (Cereals) Cooking with cheese UF Coconut—Use in cooking Cooking (Cowpeas) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Dairy products) Cookery (Coconut) [Former heading] [TX803.C68] NT Calzone Cooking with coconut UF Cookery (Cowpeas) [Former heading] Cheeseburgers NT Cooking (Coconut flour) Cooking with cowpeas Cheesecake Cooking (Coconut oil) Cowpea—Use in cooking Chili con queso Cooking (Coconut flour) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Vegetables) Cooking (Cottage cheese) [TX814.5.C63] Cooking (Crabapples) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Cream cheese) UF Coconut flour—Use in cooking UF Cooking with crabapples Cooking (Goat cheese) Cookery (Coconut flour) [Former heading] Crabapples—Use in cooking Cooking (Mozzarella cheese) Cooking with coconut flour BT Cooking (Fruit) Cooking (Yogurt cheese) BT Cooking (Coconut) Cooking (Crabs) (May Subd Geog) Fondue Cooking (Coconut oil) (May Subd Geog) [TX754.C83] Welsh rabbit UF Coconut oil—Use in cooking UF Cookery (Crabs) [Former heading] Cooking (Cherries) (May Subd Geog) Cookery (Coconut oil) [Former heading] Cooking with crabs [TX813.C4] Cooking with coconut oil Crabs—Use in cooking UF Cherry—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Coconut) BT Cooking (Shellfish) Cookery (Cherries) [Former heading] Cooking (Oils and fats) NT Crab cakes Cooking with cherries Cooking (Codfish) (May Subd Geog) Crabs, Dressing of BT Cooking (Fruit) [TX748.C63] Cooking (Cranberries) (May Subd Geog) NT Cherry pies UF Codfish—Use in cooking [TX813.C7] Cooking (Chestnuts) (May Subd Geog) Cookery (Codfish) [Former heading] UF Cookery (Cranberries) [Former heading] [TX814.2.C48] Cooking with codfish Cooking with cranberries UF Chestnut—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Fish) Cranberries—Use in cooking Cookery (Chestnuts) [Former heading] NT Lutefisk BT Cooking (Berries) Cooking with chestnuts Cooking (Coffee) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Crappie) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Nuts) [TX817.C6 (Beverages)] [TX748.C73] Cooking (Chicken) (May Subd Geog) [TP645 (Chemical technology)] UF Cookery (Crappie) [Former heading] [TX750.5.C45] [TX819.C6 (Flavoring)] Cooking with crappie UF Chickens—Use in cooking [TX583 (Food adulteration)] Crappie—Use in cooking Cookery (Chicken) [Former heading] UF Coffee—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Fish) Cooking with chicken Cookery (Coffee) [Former heading] Cooking (Crawfish) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Poultry) Cooking with coffee [TX754.C84] NT Chicken cutlets RT Coffee brewing UF Cookery (Crayfish) [Former heading] Cooking (Chickpeas) (May Subd Geog) NT Coffee brewing Cooking (Crayfish) UF Chickpea—Use in cooking Cooking (Espresso) Cooking with crawfish Chickpeas, Cooking with Cooking (Conch) (May Subd Geog) Cooking with crayfish Cooking with chickpeas UF Conch—Use in cooking Crayfish—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Legumes) Cookery (Conch) [Former heading] BT Cooking (Shellfish) Cooking (Chives) (May Subd Geog) Cooking with conch Cooking (Crayfish) UF Chive—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Snails) USE Cooking (Crawfish) Cookery (Chives) [Former heading] Cooking (Condensed milk) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Cream cheese) (May Subd Geog) Cooking with chives [TX759.5.M54] [TX759.5.C48] BT Cooking (Herbs) UF Condensed milk—Use in cooking UF Cookery (Cream cheese) [Former heading] Cooking (Chocolate) (May Subd Geog) Cookery (Condensed milk) [Former heading] Cooking with cream cheese [TX767.C5] Cooking with condensed milk Cream cheese—Use in cooking UF Chocolate—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Milk) BT Cooking (Cheese) Cookery (Chocolate) [Former heading] Cooking (Coriander) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Crocodile meat) (May Subd Geog) Cooking with chocolate [TX819.C65] UF Cooking with crocodile meat NT Cooking (Cocoa) UF Cookery (Coriander) [Former heading] Crocodile meat, Cooking with Cooking (Chrysanthemums) (May Subd Geog) Cooking with coriander Crocodiles—Use in cooking UF Chrysanthemums—Use in cooking Coriander—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Meat) Cooking with chrysanthemums BT Cooking (Herbs) Cooking (Cucumbers) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Flowers) Cooking (Corn) (May Subd Geog) [TX803.C83] Cooking (Cider) (May Subd Geog) [TX809.M2] UF Cookery (Cucumbers) [Former heading] UF Cider—Use in cooking UF Cookery (Corn) [Former heading] Cooking with cucumbers Cookery (Cider) [Former heading] Cookery (Maize) [Former heading] Cucumbers—Use in cooking Cooking with cider Cooking (Sweet corn) BT Cooking (Vegetables) BT Cooking (Wine) Cooking with corn Cooking (Cinnamon) (May Subd Geog) Corn—Use in cooking [TX819.C53] BT Cooking (Vegetables) NT Cooking (Corn meal) C-643
Cooking (Cultivated mushroom) Cooking with eels Cooking (Salmon) USE Cooking (Mushrooms) Eels—Use in cooking Cooking (Sardines) BT Cooking (Fish) Cooking (Shad) Cooking (Currant grapes) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Eggplant) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Shark meat) [TX813.C87] [TX803.E4] Cooking (Skate) UF Cookery (Currant grapes) [Former heading] UF Cookery (Eggplant) [Former heading] Cooking (Smelts) Cooking with currant grapes Cooking with eggplant Cooking (Striped bass) Currant grapes—Use in cooking Eggplant—Use in cooking Cooking (Swordfish) BT Cooking (Dried fruit) BT Cooking (Vegetables) Cooking (Tilefish) Cooking (Eggs) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Trout) Cooking (Curry) (May Subd Geog) [TX745] Cooking (Tuna) [TX819.C9] UF Cookery (Eggs) [Former heading] Fish cakes UF Cookery (Curry) [Former heading] Cooking (Dried eggs) Quenelles Cooking with curry Cooking with eggs Cooking (Flaxseed) (May Subd Geog) Curry powder—Use in cooking Eggs—Use in cooking UF Cookery (Flaxseed) [Former heading] BT Cooking (Spices) NT Cooking (Meringue) Cooking with flaxseed Huevos rancheros Flaxseed—Use in cooking Cooking (Dairy products) (May Subd Geog) Omelets BT Cooking (Cereals) [TX759-TX759.5] Souffleś Cooking (Flowers) (May Subd Geog) UF Cookery (Dairy products) [Former heading] Cooking (Elk meat) (May Subd Geog) [TX814.5.F5] Cooking with dairy products UF Cookery (Elk) [Former heading] UF Cookery (Flowers) [Former heading] Dairy products—Use in cooking Cooking with elk meat Cooking with flowers NT Cooking (Butter) Elk—Use in cooking Flower cooking Cooking (Cheese) Elk meat, Cooking with Flowers—Use in cooking Cooking (Milk) BT Cooking (Game) NT Cooking (Asiatic dayflowers) Cooking (Sour cream and milk) Cooking (Emu meat) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Chrysanthemums) Cooking (Yogurt) [TX750.5.E45] Cooking (Daylilies) UF Cookery (Emu) [Former heading] Cooking (Geraniums) Cooking (Dandelions) (May Subd Geog) Cooking with emu meat Cooking (Hibiscus) [TX803.D34] Emu meat, Cooking with Cooking (Orchids) UF Cookery (Dandelions) [Former heading] Emus—Use in cooking Cooking (Poppies) Cooking with dandelions BT Cooking (Poultry) Cooking (Roses) Dandelions—Use in cooking Cooking (Espresso) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Sunflowers) BT Cooking (Greens) UF Cookery (Espresso) [Former heading] Cooking (Violets) Cooking with espresso Cooking (Foie gras) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Dates) (May Subd Geog) Espresso—Use in cooking UF Cookery (Foie gras) [Former heading] [TX813.D3] BT Cooking (Coffee) Cooking (Duck liver) UF Cookery (Dates) [Former heading] NT Cappuccino Cooking (Goose liver) Cooking with dates Cooking (Evaporated milk) (May Subd Geog) Cooking with foie gras Dates (Fruit)—Use in cooking [TX759.5.M54] Foie gras—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Fruit) UF Cookery (Evaporated milk) [Former heading] BT Cooking (Liver) Cooking with evaporated milk Cooking (Poultry) Cooking (Daylilies) (May Subd Geog) Evaporated milk—Use in cooking Cooking (Frankfurters) (May Subd Geog) UF Cooking with daylilies BT Cooking (Milk) UF Cookery (Frankfurters) [Former heading] Daylilies—Use in cooking Cooking (Fermented foods) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Hot dogs) BT Cooking (Flowers) [TX827.5] Cooking with frankfurters UF Cooking with fermented foods Frankfurters—Use in cooking Cooking (Dill) (May Subd Geog) Fermented foods—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Sausages) UF Cookery (Dill) [Former heading] Cooking (Figs) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Frogs) (May Subd Geog) Cooking with dill [TX813.F5] [TX749] Dill—Use in cooking UF Cookery (Figs) [Former heading] UF Cookery (Frogs) [Former heading] BT Cooking (Herbs) Cooking with figs Cooking with frogs Fig—Use in cooking Frogs—Use in cooking Cooking (Dogfish) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Fruit) BT Cooking (Amphibian meat) [TX748.D64] Cooking (Filo dough) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Frozen foods) (May Subd Geog) UF Cookery (Dogfish) [Former heading] [TX770.F55] [TX828] Cookery (Grayfish) [Former heading] UF Cookery (Filo dough) [Former heading] UF Cookery (Frozen foods) [Former heading] Cooking with dogfish Cooking with filo dough Cooking with frozen foods Dogfish—Use in cooking Filo dough—Use in cooking Frozen food cooking BT Cooking (Fish) Fillo dough cooking Frozen foods—Use in cooking Filo dough cooking Cooking (Fructose) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Dried eggs) Phyllo dough cooking [TX819.F78] USE Cooking (Eggs) Strudel leaves cooking UF Cookery (Fructose) [Former heading] BT Pastry Cooking with fructose Cooking (Dried foods) (May Subd Geog) NT Strudel Fructose—Use in cooking [TX826.5] Cooking (Fish) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Sugar) UF Cookery (Dried foods) [Former heading] [TX747-TX748] Cooking (Fruit) (May Subd Geog) Cooking with dried foods UF Cookery (Fish) [Former heading] [TX811-TX813] Dried foods—Use in cooking Cooking with fish UF Cookery (Fruit) [Former heading] NT Cooking (Dried fruit) Fishes—Use in cooking Cooking with fruit BT Cooking (Seafood) Fruit—Use in cooking Cooking (Dried fruit) (May Subd Geog) NT Ceviche NT Compotes (Stewed fruit) UF Cookery (Dried fruit) [Former heading] Cooking (Anchovies) Cooking (Annona) Cooking with dried fruit Cooking (Bass) Cooking (Apples) Dried fruit—Use in cooking Cooking (Bluefish) Cooking (Apricots) BT Cooking (Dried foods) Cooking (Bowfin) Cooking (Avocado) Cooking (Fruit) Cooking (Burbot) Cooking (Bananas) NT Cooking (Currant grapes) Cooking (Carp) Cooking (Berries) Cooking (Raisins) Cooking (Catfish) Cooking (Breadfruit) Cooking (Caviar) Cooking (Cherries) Cooking (Duck) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Codfish) Cooking (Citrus fruits) [TX750.5.D82] Cooking (Crappie) Cooking (Crabapples) UF Cookery (Duck) [Former heading] Cooking (Dogfish) Cooking (Dates) Cookery (Ducks) [Former heading] Cooking (Eels) Cooking (Dried fruit) Cooking with duck Cooking (Fugu) Cooking (Durian) Ducks—Use in cooking Cooking (Grouper) Cooking (Figs) BT Cooking (Poultry) Cooking (Haddock) Cooking (Grapes) Cooking (Herring) Cooking (Guava) Cooking (Duck liver) Cooking (Mackerel) Cooking (Jackfruit) USE Cooking (Foie gras) Cooking (Mullet) Cooking (Jam) Cooking (Pike) Cooking (Jelly) Cooking (Durian) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Pollock) Cooking (Kiwifruit) UF Cooking with durian Durian—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Fruit) Cooking (Earthworms) (May Subd Geog) [TX746.2] UF Cookery (Earthworms) [Former heading] Cooking with earthworms Earthworms—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Meat) Cooking (Edible mushrooms) USE Cooking (Mushrooms) Cooking (Eels) (May Subd Geog) [TX748.E32] UF Cookery (Eels) [Former heading] C-644
Cooking (Lucuma) Geese—Use in cooking Cooking (Rosemary) Cooking (Mangos) Goose, Cooking with Cooking (Sage) Cooking (Melons) BT Cooking (Poultry) Cooking (Stevia) Cooking (Papaya) Cooking (Goose liver) Cooking (Tarragon) Cooking (Passion fruit) USE Cooking (Foie gras) Cooking (Thyme) Cooking (Pawpaw) Cooking (Granola) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Herring) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Peach palm) [TX809.G7] [TX748.H45] Cooking (Peaches) UF Cookery (Granola) [Former heading] UF Atlantic herring—Use in cooking Cooking (Pears) Cooking with granola Cookery (Herring) [Former heading] Cooking (Persimmon) Granola—Use in cooking Cooking with herring Cooking (Pineapples) Granola cooking Pacific herring—Use in cooking Cooking (Plantain banana) BT Cooking (Cereals) BT Cooking (Fish) Cooking (Plums) Cooking (Grapefruit) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Hibiscus) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Pomegranates) [TX813.G73] UF Cooking with hibiscus Cooking (Pumpkin) UF Cookery (Grapefruit) [Former heading] Hibiscus—Use in cooking Cooking (Quince) Cooking with grapefruit BT Cooking (Flowers) Cooking (Roselle) Grapefruit—Use in cooking Cooking (Honey) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Stone fruit) BT Cooking (Citrus fruits) [TX767.H7] Cooking (Tamarillo) Cooking (Grapes) (May Subd Geog) UF Cookery (Honey) [Former heading] Cooking (Tropical fruit) [TX813.G74] Cooking with honey Fruit breads UF Cookery (Grapes) [Former heading] Honey—Use in cooking Fruit salads Cooking with grapes Honey cooking Cooking (Fugu) (May Subd Geog) Grapes—Use in cooking Cooking (Hops) (May Subd Geog) [TX748.F83] BT Cooking (Fruit) [TX814.5.H66] UF Cookery (Fugu) [Former heading] Cooking (Greens) (May Subd Geog) UF Cooking with hops Cooking with fugu [TX803.G74] Hops—Use in cooking Fugu—Use in cooking UF Cookery (Greens) [Former heading] Cooking (Horse-radish) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Fish) Cooking with greens UF Cooking with horse-radish Cooking (Fungi) (May Subd Geog) Edible greens—Use in cooking Horse-radish—Use in cooking [TX803.F85] Greens, Cooking with BT Cooking (Vegetables) UF Cookery (Fungi) [Former heading] BT Cooking (Vegetables) Cooking (Horsemeat) (May Subd Geog) Cooking with edible fungi NT Cooking (Dandelions) [TX749.5.H67] Cooking with fungi Cooking (Kale) UF Cookery (Horse meat) [Former heading] Edible fungi—Use in cooking Cooking (Spinach) Cookery (Horsemeat) [Former heading] BT Cooking (Vegetables) Cooking (Ground beef) Cooking with horsemeat NT Cooking (Mushrooms) USE Cooking (Beef) Horsemeat—Use in cooking Cooking (Truffles) Cooking (Grouper) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Meat) Cooking (Game) (May Subd Geog) [TX748.G74] Cooking (Hot dogs) UF Cookery (Game) [Former heading] UF Cookery (Groupers) [Former heading] USE Cooking (Frankfurters) Cooking with game Cooking with grouper Cooking (Hot pepper sauces) (May Subd Geog) Game and game-birds—Use in cooking Groupers—Use in cooking [TX819.H66] BT Cooking (Meat) BT Cooking (Fish) UF Cookery (Hot pepper sauces) [Former Cooking (Wild foods) Cooking (Guava) (May Subd Geog) heading] NT Cooking (Bear meat) [TX813.G83] Cooking with hot pepper sauces Cooking (Elk meat) UF Cookery (Guava) [Former heading] Hot pepper sauces—Use in cooking Cooking (Kangaroo meat) Cooking with guava BT Cooking (Hot peppers) Cooking (Moose meat) Guava—Use in cooking Cooking (Hot peppers) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Reindeer meat) BT Cooking (Fruit) [TX803.P46] Cooking (Small game) Cooking (Haddock) (May Subd Geog) UF Cookery (Hot peppers) [Former heading] Cooking (Venison) [TX748.H33] Cooking with hot peppers Cooking (Garlic) (May Subd Geog) UF Cookery (Haddock) [Former heading] Hot peppers—Use in cooking [TX819.G3] Cooking with haddock BT Cooking (Peppers) UF Cookery (Garlic) [Former heading] Haddock—Use in cooking NT Cooking (Hot pepper sauces) Cooking with garlic BT Cooking (Fish) Cooking (Jalapeño) Garlic—Use in cooking Cooking (Ham) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Huckleberries) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Herbs) [TX749.5.H35] [TX813.H83] Cooking (Gelatin) (May Subd Geog) UF Cookery (Ham) [Former heading] UF Cookery (Huckleberries) [Former heading] [TX814.5.G4] Cooking with ham Cooking with huckleberries UF Cookery (Gelatin) [Former heading] Ham—Use in cooking Huckleberries—Use in cooking Cooking with gelatin BT Cooking (Meat) BT Cooking (Berries) Gelatin—Use in cooking Cooking (Hamburger) Cooking (Iguana meat) (May Subd Geog) RT Molded dishes (Cooking) USE Cooking (Beef) UF Cookery (Iguana) [Former heading] Cooking (Geraniums) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Hashish) (May Subd Geog) Cooking with iguana meat UF Cooking with geraniums UF Cookery (Hashish) [Former heading] Iguana meat, Cooking with Geraniums—Use in cooking Cooking with hashish Iguanas—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Flowers) Hashish—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Reptile meat) Cooking (Ginger) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Hazelnuts) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Insects) (May Subd Geog) [TX819.G53] [TX814.2.H39] [TX746] UF Cookery (Ginger) [Former heading] UF Cookery (Hazelnuts) [Former heading] UF Cookery (Insects) [Former heading] Cooking with ginger Cooking with hazelnuts Cooking with edible insects Ginger—Use in cooking Hazelnuts—Use in cooking Cooking with insects BT Cooking (Spices) BT Cooking (Nuts) Edible insects—Use in cooking NT Gingerbread Cooking (Hemp) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Jackfruit) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Gluten) (May Subd Geog) [TX814.5.H45] [TX813.J33] [TX809.G55] UF Cookery (Hemp) [Former heading] UF Cooking with jackfruit UF Cookery (Gluten) [Former heading] Cooking with hemp Jackfruit—Use in cooking Cooking with gluten Hemp—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Fruit) Gluten—Use in cooking Cooking (Herbs) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Jalapenõ ) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Cereals) [TX819.H4] [TX803.P46] Cooking (Goat cheese) (May Subd Geog) UF Cookery (Herbs) [Former heading] UF Cookery (Jalapeño) [Former heading] UF Cookery (Goat cheese) [Former heading] Cooking with herbs Cooking with jalapeño Cooking with goat cheese Herbal cooking Jalapeño—Use in cooking Goat cheese—Use in cooking Herbs—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Hot peppers) BT Cooking (Cheese) NT Cooking (Basil) Cooking (Jam) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Goat meat) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Chives) [TX814.5.J35] [TX749.5.G63] Cooking (Coriander) UF Cookery (Jam) [Former heading] UF Cookery (Goat meat) [Former heading] Cooking (Dill) Cooking with jam Cooking with goat meat Cooking (Garlic) Jam—Use in cooking Goat meat—Use in cooking Cooking (Lavender) BT Cooking (Fruit) BT Cooking (Meat) Cooking (Mint) Cooking (Jelly) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Goose) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Oregano) UF Cookery (Jelly) [Former heading] UF Cooking with goose Cooking (Roselle) Cooking with jelly C-645
Cooking (Jelly) (Continued) UF Cookery (Liquors) [Former heading] Cooking with marshmallow Jelly—Use in cooking Cooking (Spirits, Alcoholic) Marshmallow—Use in cooking Cooking with liquors BT Cooking (Sugar) BT Cooking (Fruit) Liquors—Use in cooking Cooking (Mayonnaise) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Jewish law) [TX819.M3] NT Cooking (Absinthe) UF Cookery (Mayonnaise) [Former heading] UF Cookery in Jewish law [Former heading] Cooking (Beer) Cooking with mayonnaise BT Jewish law Cooking (Brandy) Mayonnaise—Use in cooking Cooking (Kale) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Rum) Cooking (Meat) (May Subd Geog) UF Cooking with kale Cooking (Tequila) [TX749] Cooking (Whiskey) UF Cookery (Meat) [Former heading] Kale—Use in cooking Cooking (Wine) Cooking with meat BT Cooking (Greens) Meat—Use in cooking Cooking (Kangaroo meat) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Liver) (May Subd Geog) NT Chili con carne UF Cooking with kangaroo meat UF Cookery (Liver) [Former heading] Cooking (Amphibian meat) Cooking with liver Cooking (Beef) Kangaroo meat—Use in cooking Liver—Use in cooking Cooking (Buffalo meat) BT Cooking (Game) NT Cooking (Foie gras) Cooking (Camel meat) Cooking (Kefir) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Crocodile meat) UF Cookery (Kefir) [Former heading] Cooking (Lobsters) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Earthworms) [TX754.L63] Cooking (Game) Cooking with kefir UF Cookery (Lobsters) [Former heading] Cooking (Goat meat) Kefir—Use in cooking Cooking with lobsters Cooking (Ham) BT Cooking (Milk) Lobsters—Use in cooking Cooking (Horsemeat) Cooking (Ketchup) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Shellfish) Cooking (Lamb and mutton) [TX819.K48] Cooking (Pork) UF Cookery (Ketchup) [Former heading] Cooking (Lotus) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Rabbit meat) Cooking with ketchup [TX814.5.L68] Cooking (Reptile meat) Ketchup—Use in cooking UF Cookery (Lotus) [Former heading] Cooking (Sausages) Cooking (Kiwifruit) (May Subd Geog) Cooking with lotus Cooking (Variety meats) [TX813.K55] Lotus—Use in cooking Galantines UF Cookery (Kiwi fruit) [Former heading] BT Cooking (Vegetables) Meat loaf Cookery (Kiwifruit) [Former heading] Meatballs Cooking with kiwifruit Cooking (Lucuma) (May Subd Geog) Pat̂ és (Cooking) Kiwifruit—Use in cooking UF Cookery (Lucuma) [Former heading] Quenelles BT Cooking (Fruit) Cooking with lucuma Terrines Cooking (Kudzu) (May Subd Geog) Lucuma—Use in cooking Cooking (Melons) (May Subd Geog) [TX814.5.K83] BT Cooking (Fruit) UF Cookery (Melons) [Former heading] UF Cookery (Kudzu) [Former heading] Cooking with melons Cooking with kudzu Cooking (Macadamia nuts) (May Subd Geog) Melons—Use in cooking Kudzu—Use in cooking [TX814.2.M33] BT Cooking (Fruit) BT Cooking (Vegetables) UF Cookery (Macadamia nuts) [Former heading] NT Cooking (Watermelons) Cooking (Lamb and mutton) (May Subd Geog) Cooking with macadamia nuts Cooking (Meringue) (May Subd Geog) [TX749.5.L35] Macadamia nut—Use in cooking UF Cookery (Meringue) [Former heading] UF Cookery (Lamb and mutton) [Former heading] BT Cooking (Nuts) Cooking with meringue Cooking (Mutton) Meringue—Use in cooking Cooking with lamb Cooking (Mackerel) (May Subd Geog) Meringue cooking Cooking with mutton [TX748.M32] BT Cooking (Eggs) Lamb (Meat)—Use in cooking UF Cookery (Mackerel) [Former heading] Cooking (Milk) (May Subd Geog) Mutton—Use in cooking Cooking with mackerel [TX759.5.M54] BT Cooking (Meat) Mackerels—Use in cooking UF Cookery (Milk) [Former heading] Cooking (Lasagna) BT Cooking (Fish) Cooking with milk USE Cooking (Pasta) Milk—Use in cooking Cooking (Lavender) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Makkŏlli) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Dairy products) [TX819.L38] [TX726.4] NT Cooking (Condensed milk) UF Cookery (Lavender) [Former heading] UF Cooking with Makkol̆ li Cooking (Evaporated milk) Cooking with lavender Makkol̆ li—Use in cooking Cooking (Kefir) Lavenders—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Wine) Cooking (Mint) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Herbs) [TX819.M56] Cooking (Leeks) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Mangoes) UF Cookery (Mint) [Former heading] [TX803.L4] USE Cooking (Mangos) Cooking with mint UF Cookery (Leeks) [Former heading] Mints (Plants)—Use in cooking Cooking with leeks Cooking (Mangos) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Herbs) Leek—Use in cooking [TX813.M35] Cooking (Miso) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Onions) UF Cookery (Mangos) [Former heading] [TX819.M57] Cooking (Leftovers) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Mangoes) UF Cookery (Miso) [Former heading] UF Cookery (Leftovers) [Former heading] Cooking with mango Cooking with miso Cooking with leftovers Mango—Use in cooking Miso—Use in cooking Leftovers—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Fruit) BT Cooking (Soybeans) Cooking (Legumes) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Mochi) (May Subd Geog) UF Cookery (Legumes) [Former heading] Cooking (Maple sugar and syrup) (May Subd Geog) [TX814.5.M63] Cooking with legumes [TX767.M3] UF Cookery (Mochi) [Former heading] Legumes—Use in cooking UF Cookery (Maple sugar and syrup) [Former Cooking with mochi BT Cooking (Vegetables) heading] Mochi—Use in cooking NT Cooking (Carob) Cooking (Maple syrup) Cooking (Molasses) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Chickpeas) Cooking with maple sugar and syrup UF Cookery (Molasses) [Former heading] Cooking (Lentils) Maple sugar—Use in cooking Cooking with molasses Cooking (Soybeans) Maple syrup—Use in cooking Molasses—Use in cooking Cooking (Lemons) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Sugar) BT Cooking (Sugar) [TX813.L4] Cooking (Moose meat) (May Subd Geog) UF Cookery (Lemons) [Former heading] Cooking (Maple syrup) UF Cookery (Moose) [Former heading] Cooking with lemons USE Cooking (Maple sugar and syrup) Cooking with moose meat Lemon—Use in cooking Moose—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Citrus fruits) Cooking (Margarine) (May Subd Geog) Moose meat, Cooking with Cooking (Lentils) (May Subd Geog) UF Cooking with margarine BT Cooking (Game) UF Cookery (Lentils) [Former heading] Margarine—Use in cooking Cooking (Morels) (May Subd Geog) Cooking with lentils BT Cooking (Oils and fats) [TX804] Lentils—Use in cooking UF Cookery (Morels) [Former heading] BT Cooking (Legumes) Cooking (Marijuana) (May Subd Geog) Cooking with morels Cooking (Limes) (May Subd Geog) [TX819.M25] Morels—Use in cooking [TX813.L55] UF Cookery (Marijuana) [Former heading] BT Cooking (Mushrooms) UF Cookery (Limes) [Former heading] Cooking with marijuana Cooking with limes Marijuana—Use in cooking Limes—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Citrus fruits) Cooking (Marine algae) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Liquors) (May Subd Geog) UF Cookery (Marine algae) [Former heading] [TX726] Cooking (Seaweed) Cooking with marine algae Marine algae—Use in cooking Seaweed cooking NT Cooking (Spirulina) Cooking (Marmite) (May Subd Geog) UF Cookery (Marmite) [Former heading] Cooking with Marmite Marmite (Trademark)—Use in cooking Cooking (Marshmallow) (May Subd Geog) UF Cookery (Marshmallow) [Former heading] C-646
Cooking (Mozzarella cheese) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Margarine) UF Cookery (Peach palm) [Former heading] UF Cookery (Mozzarella cheese) [Former Cooking (Olive oil) Cooking with peach palm heading] Cooking (Okra) (May Subd Geog) Peach palm—Use in cooking Cooking with mozzarella cheese [TX803.O37] Mozarella cheese—Use in cooking UF Cookery (Okra) [Former heading] BT Cooking (Fruit) BT Cooking (Cheese) Cooking with okra Cooking (Peaches) (May Subd Geog) Okra—Use in cooking Cooking (Mullet) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Vegetables) [TX813.P4] [TX748.M84] Cooking (Olive oil) (May Subd Geog) UF Cookery (Peaches) [Former heading] UF Cookery (Mullet) [Former heading] [TX819.O42] Cooking with mullet UF Cookery (Olive oil) [Former heading] Cooking with peaches Gray mullets—Use in cooking Cooking with olive oil Peach—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Fish) Olive oil—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Fruit) BT Cooking (Oils and fats) Cooking (Peanut butter) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Mushrooms) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Olives) [TX814.5.P38] [TX804] Cooking (Olives) (May Subd Geog) UF Cookery (Peanut butter) [Former heading] UF Cookery (Mushrooms) [Former heading] [TX813.O4] Cooking with peanut butter Cooking (Cultivated mushroom) UF Cookery (Olives) [Former heading] Peanut butter—Use in cooking Cooking (Edible mushrooms) Cooking with olives BT Cooking (Peanuts) Cooking with mushrooms Olive—Use in cooking Cooking (Peanuts) (May Subd Geog) Cultivated mushrooms—Use in cooking BT Cooking [TX803.P35] Edible mushrooms—Use in cooking NT Cooking (Olive oil) UF Cookery (Peanuts) [Former heading] Mushrooms—Use in cooking Cooking (Onions) (May Subd Geog) Cooking with peanuts BT Cooking (Fungi) UF Cookery (Onions) [Former heading] Peanuts—Use in cooking NT Cooking (Morels) Cooking with onions BT Cooking (Nuts) Cooking (Shiitake mushrooms) Onions—Use in cooking NT Cooking (Peanut butter) BT Cooking (Vegetables) Cooking (Pears) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Mussels) (May Subd Geog) NT Cooking (Leeks) [TX813.P43] [TX754.M98] Onion rings UF Cookery (Pears) [Former heading] UF Cookery (Mussels) [Former heading] Cooking (Oranges) (May Subd Geog) Cooking with pears Cooking with mussels [TX813.O6] Pears—Use in cooking Mussels—Use in cooking UF Cookery (Oranges) [Former heading] BT Cooking (Fruit) BT Cooking (Shellfish) Cooking with oranges Cooking (Peas) (May Subd Geog) Oranges—Use in cooking [TX803.P4] Cooking (Mustard) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Citrus fruits) UF Cookery (Peas) [Former heading] [TX819.M87] Cooking (Orchids) (May Subd Geog) Cooking with peas UF Cookery (Mustard) [Former heading] UF Cooking with orchids Peas—Use in cooking Cooking with mustard Orchids—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Vegetables) Mustard (Condiment)—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Flowers) Cooking (Pecans) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Oregano) (May Subd Geog) [TX814.2.P4] Cooking (Mutton) UF Cookery (Oregano) [Former heading] UF Cookery (Pecans) [Former heading] USE Cooking (Lamb and mutton) Cooking with oregano Cooking with pecans Oregano—Use in cooking Pecan—Use in cooking Cooking (Natural foods) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Herbs) BT Cooking (Nuts) [TX741] Cooking (Ostrich meat) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Pepper) (May Subd Geog) UF Cookery (Natural foods) [Former heading] [TX750.5.O77] [TX819.P3] Cooking with natural foods UF Cookery (Ostrich) [Former heading] UF Cookery (Pepper) [Former heading] Natural foods—Use in cooking Cooking with ostrich meat Cooking with pepper Ostrich meat, Cooking with Pepper (Spice)—Use in cooking Cooking (Noodles) Ostriches—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Spices) USE Cooking (Pasta) BT Cooking (Poultry) Cooking (Peppers) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Oxo) (May Subd Geog) [TX803.P46] Cooking (Nuts) (May Subd Geog) UF Cookery (Oxo) [Former heading] UF Cookery (Peppers) [Former heading] [TX814] Cooking with Oxo Cooking with peppers UF Cookery (Nuts) [Former heading] Oxo (Trademark)—Use in cooking Peppers—Use in cooking Cooking with nuts BT Cooking BT Cooking (Vegetables) Nuts—Use in cooking Cooking (Oysters) (May Subd Geog) NT Cooking (Hot peppers) NT Cooking (Acorns) [TX754.O98] Cooking (Persimmon) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Almonds) UF Cookery (Oysters) [Former heading] [TX813.P45] Cooking (Brazil nuts) Cooking with oysters UF Cookery (Persimmons) [Former heading] Cooking (Cashew nuts) Oysters—Use in cooking Cooking with persimmon Cooking (Chestnuts) BT Cooking (Shellfish) Persimmon—Use in cooking Cooking (Hazelnuts) Cooking (Papaya) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Fruit) Cooking (Macadamia nuts) [TX813.P3] Cooking (Pheasant) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Peanuts) UF Cookery (Papaya) [Former heading] [TX750.5.P45] Cooking (Pecans) Cooking with papaya UF Cookery (Pheasant) [Former heading] Cooking (Pine nuts) Papaya—Use in cooking Cooking with pheasant Cooking (Walnuts) BT Cooking (Fruit) Pheasants—Use in cooking Cooking (Passion fruit) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Poultry) Cooking (Oat bran) (May Subd Geog) [TX813.P34] Cooking (Pigeon) (May Subd Geog) [TX809.O22] UF Cookery (Passion fruit) [Former heading] UF Cooking with pigeon UF Cookery (Oat bran) [Former heading] Cooking with passion fruit Pigeon, Cooking with Cooking with oat bran Passion fruit—Use in cooking Pigeons—Use in cooking Oat bran—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Fruit) BT Cooking (Poultry) BT Cooking (Oats) Cooking (Pasta) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Pike) (May Subd Geog) [TX809.M17] [TX748.P54] Cooking (Oats) (May Subd Geog) UF Cookery (Macaroni) [Former heading] UF Cookery (Pike) [Former heading] [TX809.O23] Cookery (Pasta) [Former heading] Cooking with pike UF Cookery (Oats) [Former heading] Cooking (Lasagna) Pike—Use in cooking Cooking with oats Cooking (Noodles) BT Cooking (Fish) Oats—Use in cooking Cooking (Spaghetti) Cooking (Pine nuts) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Cereals) Cooking (Vermicelli) UF Cookery (Pine nuts) [Former heading] NT Cooking (Oat bran) Cooking with pasta Cooking with pine nuts Oatcakes Pasta products—Use in cooking Pine nuts—Use in cooking NT Noodle soups BT Cooking (Nuts) Cooking (Octopus) (May Subd Geog) Ramen Cooking (Pineapples) (May Subd Geog) UF Cooking with octopus Cooking (Pawpaw) (May Subd Geog) UF Cookery (Pineapples) [Former heading] Octopus, Cooking with UF Cooking with pawpaw Cooking with pineapples Octopuses—Use in cooking Pawpaw—Use in cooking Pineapple—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Seafood) BT Cooking (Fruit) BT Cooking (Fruit) Cooking (Peach palm) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Plantain banana) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Offal) [TX813.P38] UF Cooking with plantain banana USE Cooking (Variety meats) Plantain banana—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Fruit) Cooking (Oils and fats) (May Subd Geog) UF Cooking with edible oils and fats Cooking with fats Cooking with oils and fats Edible oils and fats—Use in cooking Oils and fats—Use in cooking NT Cooking (Butter) Cooking (Canola oil) Cooking (Coconut oil) Cooking (Corn oil) C-647
Cooking (Plums) (May Subd Geog) UF Cookery (Quail) [Former heading] BT Cooking (Fruit) [TX813.P55] Cooking with quail Cooking (Herbs) UF Cookery (Plums) [Former heading] Quails—Use in cooking Cooking with plums Cooking (Rosemary) (May Subd Geog) Plum—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Poultry) UF Cookery (Rosemary) [Former heading] BT Cooking (Fruit) Cooking (Quince) (May Subd Geog) Cooking with rosemary NT Cooking (Prunes) Rosemary—Use in cooking UF Cooking with quince BT Cooking (Herbs) Cooking (Poi) (May Subd Geog) Quince—Use in cooking UF Cookery (Poi) [Former heading] Cooking (Roses) (May Subd Geog) Cooking with poi BT Cooking (Fruit) [TX814.5.R6] Poi—Use in cooking Cooking (Quinoa) (May Subd Geog) UF Cookery (Roses) [Former heading] BT Cooking (Taro) Cooking with roses UF Cookery (Quinoa) [Former heading] Roses—Use in cooking Cooking (Pollock) (May Subd Geog) Cooking with quinoa BT Cooking (Flowers) [TX748.P64] Quinoa—Use in cooking UF Cookery (Pollock) [Former heading] Cooking (Rum) (May Subd Geog) Cooking with pollock BT Cooking (Cereals) [TX726] Pollock—Use in cooking Cooking (Rabbit meat) (May Subd Geog) UF Cookery (Rum) [Former heading] BT Cooking (Fish) Cooking with rum [TX749.5.R32] Rum—Use in cooking Cooking (Pomegranates) (May Subd Geog) UF Cookery (Hares) [Former heading] BT Cooking (Liquors) [TX813.P64] UF Cookery (Pomegranates) [Former heading] Cookery (Rabbits) [Former heading] Cooking (Rutabaga) (May Subd Geog) Cooking with pomegranates Cooking with rabbit meat UF Cooking with rutabaga Pomegranate—Use in cooking Rabbit meat—Use in cooking Rutabaga—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Fruit) BT Cooking (Meat) BT Cooking (Vegetables) Cooking (Radishes) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Popcorn) (May Subd Geog) [TX803.R33] Cooking (Rye whiskey) (May Subd Geog) [TX814.5.P66] UF Cookery (Radishes) [Former heading] UF Cooking with rye whiskey UF Cookery (Popcorn) [Former heading] Cooking with radishes Rye whiskey—Use in cooking Cooking with popcorn Radishes—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Whiskey) Popcorn—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Vegetables) BT Cooking (Corn) Cooking (Raisins) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Saffron) (May Subd Geog) [TX813.R34] [TX819.S24] Cooking (Poppies) (May Subd Geog) UF Cookery (Raisins) [Former heading] UF Cookery (Saffron) [Former heading] [TX803.P75] Cooking with raisins Cooking with saffron UF Cooking with poppies Raisins—Use in cooking Saffron (Spice)—Use in cooking Cooking with poppy seeds BT Cooking (Dried fruit) BT Cooking (Spices) Poppies—Seeds—Use in cooking Cooking (Raspberries) (May Subd Geog) Poppies—Use in cooking [TX813.R37] Cooking (Sage) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Flowers) UF Cookery (Raspberries) [Former heading] UF Cookery (Sage) [Former heading] Cooking (Seeds) Cooking with raspberries Cooking with sage Raspberries—Use in cooking Sage—Use in cooking Cooking (Pork) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Berries) BT Cooking (Herbs) [TX749.5.P67] Cooking (Reindeer meat) (May Subd Geog) UF Cookery (Pork) [Former heading] UF Cooking with reindeer meat Cooking (Sago) (May Subd Geog) Cooking with pork Reindeer—Use in cooking [TX814.5.S34] Pork—Use in cooking Reindeer meat, Cooking with UF Cookery (Sago) [Former heading] BT Cooking (Meat) BT Cooking (Game) Cooking with sago NT Cooking (Bacon) Cooking (Relishes) (May Subd Geog) Sago—Use in cooking Rillettes [TX819] BT Cooking (Vegetables) UF Cookery (Relishes) [Former heading] Cooking (Potatoes) (May Subd Geog) Cooking with relishes Cooking (Salad dressing) (May Subd Geog) [TX803.P8] Relishes—Use in cooking [TX819.S27] UF Cookery (Potatoes) [Former heading] BT Garnishes (Cooking) UF Cookery (Salad dressing) [Former heading] Cooking with potatoes Cooking (Reptile meat) (May Subd Geog) Cooking with salad dressing Potatoes—Use in cooking UF Cooking with reptile meat Salad dressing—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Vegetables) Reptile meat, Cooking with NT Cooking (Sweet potatoes) Reptiles—Use in cooking Cooking (Salmon) (May Subd Geog) French fries BT Cooking (Meat) [TX748.S24] Potato chips NT Cooking (Alligator meat) UF Cookery (Salmon) [Former heading] Potato pancakes Cooking (Iguana meat) Cooking with salmon Cooking (Rhubarb) (May Subd Geog) Salmon—Use in cooking Cooking (Poultry) (May Subd Geog) [TX803.R58] BT Cooking (Fish) [TX750-TX750.5] UF Cookery (Rhubarb) [Former heading] UF Cookery (Poultry) [Former heading] Cooking with rhubarb Cooking (Sardines) (May Subd Geog) Cooking with poultry Rhubarb—Use in cooking [TX748.S26] Poultry—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Vegetables) UF Cookery (Sardines) [Former heading] Poultry cooking Cooking (Rice) (May Subd Geog) Cooking with sardines NT Cooking (Chicken) [TX809.R5] Sardines—Use in cooking Cooking (Duck) UF Cookery (Rice) [Former heading] BT Cooking (Fish) Cooking (Emu meat) Cooking with rice Cooking (Foie gras) Rice—Use in cooking Cooking (Sauerkraut) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Goose) BT Cooking (Cereals) UF Cookery (Sauerkraut) [Former heading] Cooking (Ostrich meat) NT Bibimbap Cooking with sauerkraut Cooking (Pheasant) Cooking (Brown rice) Sauerkraut—Use in cooking Cooking (Pigeon) Cooking (Rice cakes) BT Cooking (Cabbage) Cooking (Quail) Cooking (Rice flour) Cooking (Turkey) Cooking (Wild rice) Cooking (Sausages) (May Subd Geog) Galantines Risotto [TX749.5.S28] Sushi UF Cookery (Sausages) [Former heading] Cooking (Prunes) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Rice cakes) (May Subd Geog) Cooking with sausages [TX813.P78] [TX809.R515] Sausages—Use in cooking UF Cookery (Prunes) [Former heading] UF Cooking with rice cakes BT Cooking (Meat) Cooking with prunes Rice cakes—Use in cooking NT Cooking (Frankfurters) Prune—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Rice) BT Cooking (Plums) Cooking (Rice flour) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Scallops) (May Subd Geog) [TX809.R52] UF Cooking with scallops Cooking (Puddings) (May Subd Geog) UF Cookery (Rice flour) [Former heading] Scallops—Use in cooking UF Cookery (Puddings) [Former heading] Cooking with rice flour BT Cooking (Shellfish) Cooking with puddings Rice flour—Use in cooking Puddings—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Rice) Cooking (Scotch whiskey) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Roselle) (May Subd Geog) UF Cooking with scotch whiskey Cooking (Pumpkin) (May Subd Geog) [TX814.5.R58] Scotch whiskey—Use in cooking [TX803.P93] UF Cookery (Roselle) [Former heading] BT Cooking (Whiskey) UF Cookery (Pumpkin) [Former heading] Cooking with roselle Cooking with pumpkin Roselle—Use in cooking Cooking (Seafood) (May Subd Geog) Pumpkin—Use in cooking [TX747-TX748] BT Cooking (Fruit) UF Cookery (Sea food) [Former heading] Cooking (Squash) Cookery (Seafood) [Former heading] Cooking with seafood Cooking (Quail) (May Subd Geog) Seafood—Use in cooking [TX750.5.Q34] BT Cooking NT Cooking (Fish) Cooking (Octopus) Cooking (Shellfish) C-648
Cooking (Trepang) Cooking with snails UF Cookery (Sprouts) [Former heading] Cooking (Whale meat) Edible snails—Use in cooking Cooking with sprouts Cooking (Seaweed) BT Cooking (Shellfish) Sprouts—Use in cooking USE Cooking (Marine algae) NT Cooking (Conch) Cooking (Seeds) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Sodium bicarbonate) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Vegetables) [TX814.5.S44] UF Cooking with sodium bicarbonate Cooking (Squash) (May Subd Geog) UF Cookery (Seeds) [Former heading] Sodium bicarbonate—Use in cooking Cooking with seeds BT Cooking [TX803.S67] Seeds—Use in cooking Cooking (Soft drinks) (May Subd Geog) UF Cookery (Squash) [Former heading] NT Cooking (Poppies) UF Cooking with soft drinks Cooking (Sesame) Soft drinks—Use in cooking Cooking with squash Cooking (Sunflower seeds) Cooking (Soft foods) (May Subd Geog) Squashes—Use in cooking Cooking (Semen) (May Subd Geog) UF Cookery (Soft foods) [Former heading] BT Cooking (Vegetables) UF Cooking with semen Cooking with soft foods NT Cooking (Pumpkin) Semen—Use in cooking Soft foods—Use in cooking Cooking (Spaghetti squash) BT Cooking Cooking (Sour cream and milk) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Zucchini) Cooking (Sesame) (May Subd Geog) [TX759.5.S68] Cooking (Squid) (May Subd Geog) [TX814.5.S47] UF Buttermilk—Use in cooking [TX748.S68] UF Cookery (Sesame) [Former heading] Cookery (Sour cream and milk) [Former UF Cookery (Squid) [Former heading] Cooking (Benne) heading] Cooking with squid Cooking with sesame Cooking (Buttermilk) Squids—Use in cooking Sesame—Use in cooking Cooking (Sour milk) BT Cooking (Shellfish) BT Cooking (Seeds) Cooking with buttermilk Cooking (Stevia) (May Subd Geog) NT Cooking (Tahini) Cooking with sour cream and milk [TX819.S75] Cooking (Shad) (May Subd Geog) Cooking with sour milk UF Cookery (Stevia) [Former heading] UF Cookery (Shad) [Former heading] Sour cream—Use in cooking Cooking with stevia Cooking with shad BT Cooking (Dairy products) Stevia—Use in cooking Shad—Use in cooking Cooking (Sour milk) BT Cooking (Herbs) BT Cooking (Fish) USE Cooking (Sour cream and milk) Cooking (Stone fruit) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Shark meat) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Sourdough) (May Subd Geog) [TX813.S85] [TX748.S5] [TX770.S66] UF Cookery (Stone fruit) [Former heading] UF Cookery (Sharks) [Former heading] UF Cookery (Sourdough) [Former heading] Cooking with stone fruit Cooking with shark meat Cooking with sourdough Stone fruit—Use in cooking Shark meat, Cooking with Sourdough—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Fruit) Sharks—Use in cooking Sourdough cooking Cooking (Strawberries) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Fish) BT Cooking (Bread) [TX813.S9] Cooking (Shellfish) (May Subd Geog) Pancakes, waffles, etc. UF Cookery (Strawberries) [Former heading] [TX753-TX754] Cooking (Soy sauce) (May Subd Geog) Cooking with strawberries UF Cookery (Shellfish) [Former heading] [TX819.S58] Strawberries—Use in cooking Cooking with shellfish UF Cookery (Soy sauce) [Former heading] BT Cooking (Berries) Shellfish—Use in cooking Cooking with soy sauce Cooking (Striped bass) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Seafood) Soy sauce—Use in cooking [TX748.S75] NT Cooking (Clams) BT Cooking (Soybeans) UF Cookery (Striped bass) [Former heading] Cooking (Crabs) Cooking (Soybeans) (May Subd Geog) Cooking with striped bass Cooking (Crawfish) [TX803.S6] Striped bass—Use in cooking Cooking (Lobsters) UF Cookery (Soy-beans) [Former heading] BT Cooking (Fish) Cooking (Mussels) Cookery (Soybeans) [Former heading] Cooking (Suet) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Oysters) Cooking with soybeans UF Cookery (Suet) [Former heading] Cooking (Scallops) Soybean—Use in cooking Cooking with suet Cooking (Shrimp) BT Cooking (Legumes) Suet—Use in cooking Cooking (Snails) NT Cooking (Miso) Cooking (Sugar) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Squid) Cooking (Soy sauce) [TX819.S94] Cooking (Sherry) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Tempeh) UF Cookery (Sugar) [Former heading] UF Cookery (Sherry) [Former heading] Cooking (Textured soy proteins) Cooking with sugar Cooking with sherry Cooking (Tofu) Sugar—Use in cooking Sherry—Use in cooking Cooking (Spaghetti) BT Cooking BT Cooking (Wine) USE Cooking (Pasta) NT Cooking (Caramel) Cooking (Shiitake mushrooms) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Spaghetti squash) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Fructose) [TX804] [TX803.S63] Cooking (Maple sugar and syrup) UF Cookery (Shiitake) [Former heading] UF Cookery (Spaghetti squash) [Former heading] Cooking (Marshmallow) Cooking with shiitake mushrooms Cooking (Vegetable spaghetti) Cooking (Molasses) Shiitake—Use in cooking Cooking with spaghetti squash Cooking (Syrups) BT Cooking (Mushrooms) Spaghetti squash—Use in cooking Cooking (Sugar beets) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Shrimp) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Squash) UF Cookery (Sugar beets) [Former heading] [TX754.S58] Cooking (Spelt) (May Subd Geog) Cooking with sugar beets UF Cookery (Shrimp) [Former heading] UF Cookery (Spelt) [Former heading] Sugar beet—Use in cooking Cooking with shrimp Cooking with spelt BT Cooking (Beets) Shrimps—Use in cooking Spelt—Use in cooking Cooking (Sunflower seeds) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Shellfish) BT Cooking (Wheat) UF Cookery (Sunflower seeds) [Former heading] Cooking (Skate) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Spices) (May Subd Geog) Cooking with sunflower seeds [TX748.S58] UF Cookery (Spices) [Former heading] Sunflowers—Seeds—Use in cooking UF Cookery (Skates) [Former heading] Cooking with spices BT Cooking (Seeds) Cooking with skate Spices—Use in cooking Cooking (Sunflowers) (May Subd Geog) Skates (Fishes)—Use in cooking NT Cooking (Cinnamon) UF Cooking with sunflowers BT Cooking (Fish) Cooking (Curry) Sunflowers—Use in cooking Cooking (Small game) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Ginger) BT Cooking (Flowers) UF Cookery (Small game) [Former heading] Cooking (Pepper) Cooking (Sweet corn) Cooking with small game Cooking (Saffron) USE Cooking (Corn) Small game animals—Use in cooking Cooking (Turmeric) Cooking (Sweet potatoes) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Game) Cooking (Spinach) (May Subd Geog) [TX803.S94] Cooking (Smelts) (May Subd Geog) UF Cooking with spinach UF Cookery (Sweet potatoes) [Former heading] UF Cooking with smelts Spinach—Use in cooking Cooking with sweet potatoes Smelts—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Greens) Sweet potatoes—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Fish) Cooking (Spirits, Alcoholic) BT Cooking (Potatoes) Cooking (Smoked foods) (May Subd Geog) USE Cooking (Liquors) Cooking (Swordfish) (May Subd Geog) [TX835] Cooking (Spirulina) (May Subd Geog) UF Cooking with swordfish UF Cookery (Smoked foods) [Former heading] UF Cookery (Spirulina) [Former heading] Swordfish—Use in cooking Cooking with smoked foods Cooking with spirulina BT Cooking (Fish) Smoked foods—Use in cooking Spirulina—Use in cooking Cooking (Syrups) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Snails) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Marine algae) UF Cookery (Syrups) [Former heading] [TX754.S63] Cooking (Sprouts) (May Subd Geog) Cooking with syrups UF Cookery (Snails) [Former heading] [TX801] Syrups—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Sugar) NT Cooking (Corn syrup) C-649
Cooking (Tahini) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Vegetables) Cooking (Beets) UF Cookery (Tahini) [Former heading] NT Cooking (Tomato juice) Cooking (Broccoli) Cooking with tahini Cooking (Brussels sprouts) Tahini—Use in cooking Cooking (Tomato paste) Cooking (Cabbage) BT Cooking (Sesame) Cooking (Trepang) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Carrots) Cooking (Cassava) Cooking (Tamarillo) (May Subd Geog) UF Cookery (Trepang) [Former heading] Cooking (Cauliflower) UF Cooking with tamarillo Cooking with trepang Cooking (Celery) Tamarillo—Use in cooking Trepang—Use in cooking Cooking (Corn) BT Cooking (Fruit) Cooking (Cowpeas) BT Cooking (Seafood) Cooking (Cucumbers) Cooking (Tangerines) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Tripe) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Eggplant) UF Cookery (Tangerines) [Former heading] Cooking (Fungi) Cooking with tangerines UF Cookery (Tripe) [Former heading] Cooking (Greens) Tangerine—Use in cooking Cooking with tripe Cooking (Horse-radish) BT Cooking (Citrus fruits) Tripe—Use in cooking Cooking (Kudzu) Cooking (Legumes) Cooking (Tapioca) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Variety meats) Cooking (Lotus) UF Cookery (Tapioca) [Former heading] Cooking (Triticale) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Okra) Cooking with tapioca Cooking (Onions) Tapioca—Use in cooking UF Cooking with triticale Cooking (Peas) BT Cooking (Vegetables) Triticale—Use in cooking Cooking (Peppers) Cooking (Potatoes) Cooking (Taro) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Cereals) Cooking (Radishes) [TX803.T37] Cooking (Tropical fruit) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Rhubarb) UF Cookery (Taro) [Former heading] Cooking (Rutabaga) Cooking with taro [TX811] Cooking (Sago) Taro—Use in cooking UF Cookery (Tropical fruit) [Former heading] Cooking (Sprouts) BT Cooking (Vegetables) Cooking (Squash) NT Cooking (Poi) Cooking with tropical fruit Cooking (Tapioca) Tropical fruit—Use in cooking Cooking (Taro) Cooking (Tarragon) (May Subd Geog) Tropical fruit cooking Cooking (Tomatoes) UF Cookery (Tarragon) [Former heading] BT Cooking (Fruit) Cooking (Turnips) Cooking with tarragon Cooking (Trout) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Yams) French tarragon—Use in cooking [TX748.T74] Vegetable soup BT Cooking (Herbs) UF Cookery (Trout) [Former heading] Cooking (Venison) (May Subd Geog) Cooking with trout UF Cookery (Venison) [Former heading] Cooking (Tea) (May Subd Geog) Trout—Use in cooking Cooking with venison UF Cookery (Tea) [Former heading] BT Cooking (Fish) Venison—Use in cooking Cooking with tea Cooking (Truffles) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Game) Tea—Use in cooking [TX804.5] Cooking (Vermicelli) BT Cooking UF Cookery (Truffles) [Former heading] USE Cooking (Pasta) NT Tea making paraphernalia Cooking with truffles Cooking (Vinegar) (May Subd Geog) Truffles—Use in cooking UF Cookery (Vinegar) [Former heading] Cooking (Tempeh) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Fungi) Cooking with vinegar [TX814.5.T45] Cooking (Tuna) (May Subd Geog) Vinegar—Use in cooking UF Cookery (Tempeh) [Former heading] [TX748.T84] BT Cooking Cooking with tempeh UF Cookery (Tuna) [Former heading] Cooking (Violets) (May Subd Geog) Tempeh—Use in cooking Cooking with tuna UF Cooking with violets BT Cooking (Soybeans) Tuna—Use in cooking Violets—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Fish) BT Cooking (Flowers) Cooking (Tequila) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Turkey) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Walnuts) (May Subd Geog) [TX726] [TX750.5.T87] [TX814.2.W3] UF Cookery (Tequila) [Former heading] UF Cookery (Turkey) [Former heading] UF Cookery (Walnuts) [Former heading] Cooking with tequila Cookery (Turkeys) [Former heading] Cooking with walnuts Tequila—Use in cooking Cooking with turkey Walnut—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Liquors) Turkeys—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Nuts) BT Cooking (Poultry) Cooking (Watermelons) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Textured soy proteins) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Turmeric) (May Subd Geog) UF Cooking with watermelons [TX814.5.T48] UF Cooking with turmeric Watermelons—Use in cooking UF Cookery (Textured soy proteins) [Former Turmeric—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Melons) heading] BT Cooking (Spices) Cooking (Whale meat) (May Subd Geog) Cooking with textured soy proteins Cooking (Turnips) (May Subd Geog) [TX748.W48] Textured soy proteins—Use in cooking [TX803.T87] UF Cookery (Whale meat) [Former heading] BT Cooking (Soybeans) UF Cookery (Turnips) [Former heading] Cooking with whale meat Cooking with turnips Whales—Use in cooking Cooking (Thyme) (May Subd Geog) Turnips—Use in cooking Whale meat, Cooking with UF Cookery (Thyme) [Former heading] BT Cooking (Vegetables) BT Cooking (Seafood) Cooking with thyme Cooking (Vanilla) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Wheat) (May Subd Geog) Thymes—Use in cooking [TX819.V35] [TX809.W45] BT Cooking (Herbs) UF Cookery (Vanilla) [Former heading] UF Cookery (Wheat) [Former heading] Cooking with vanilla Cooking with wheat Cooking (Tilefish) (May Subd Geog) Vanilla—Use in cooking Wheat—Use in cooking [TX748.T54] Cooking (Variety meats) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Cereals) UF Cookery (Tile-fish) [Former heading] [TX749.5.V37] NT Cooking (Buckwheat) Cookery (Tilefish) [Former heading] UF Cookery (Variety meats) [Former heading] Cooking (Spelt) Cooking with tilefish Cooking (Offal) Cooking (Wheat germ) Tilefish—Use in cooking Cooking with variety meats Cooking (Wheat germ) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Fish) Offal—Use in cooking [TX809.W453] Variety meats—Use in cooking UF Cookery (Wheat germ) [Former heading] Cooking (Tofu) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Meat) Cooking with wheat germ [TX814.5.T63] NT Cooking (Tripe) Wheat germ—Use in cooking UF Cookery (Bean curd) [Former heading] Haggis BT Cooking (Wheat) Cookery (Tofu) [Former heading] Scrapple Cooking (Whipped toppings) (May Subd Geog) Cooking with tofu Cooking (Veal) (May Subd Geog) UF Cookery (Whipped toppings) [Former heading] Tofu—Use in cooking UF Cookery (Veal) [Former heading] Cooking with whipped toppings BT Cooking (Soybeans) Cooking with veal Whipped toppings—Use in cooking Veal—Use in cooking Cooking (Whiskey) (May Subd Geog) Cooking (Tomato juice) (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Beef) [TX726] [TX814.5.T64] Cooking (Vegetable spaghetti) UF Cookery (Bourbon) [Former heading] UF Cookery (Tomato juice) [Former heading] USE Cooking (Spaghetti squash) Cookery (Whiskey) [Former heading] Cooking with tomato juice Cooking (Vegetables) (May Subd Geog) Cooking with whiskey Tomato juice—Use in cooking [TX801-TX807] BT Cooking (Tomatoes) UF Cookery (Vegetables) [Former heading] Cooking with vegetables Cooking (Tomato paste) (May Subd Geog) Vegetables—Use in cooking [TX814.5.T65] NT Cooking (Artichokes) UF Cookery (Tomato paste) [Former heading] Cooking (Asiatic dayflowers) Cooking with tomato paste Cooking (Asparagus) Tomato paste—Use in cooking Cooking (Bamboo shoots) BT Cooking (Tomatoes) Cooking (Beans) Cooking (Tomatoes) (May Subd Geog) [TX803.T6] UF Cookery (Tomatoes) [Former heading] Cooking with tomatoes Tomatoes—Use in cooking C-650
Whiskey—Use in cooking — Equipment and supplies (Not Subd Geog) Cooking utensils BT Cooking (Liquors) BT Military supplies USE Kitchen utensils NT Cooking (Bourbon whiskey) NT Fahrbare Feldbackofen M. 1901 Cooking with absinthe Cooking (Rye whiskey) Cooking for one (May Subd Geog) USE Cooking (Absinthe) Cooking (Scotch whiskey) UF Cookery for one [Former heading] Cooking (White chocolate) (May Subd Geog) One, Cooking for Cooking with acorns [TX767.W48] USE Cooking (Acorns) UF Cookery (White chocolate) [Former heading] Cooking for people with disabilities (May Subd Geog) Cooking with white chocolate UF Cookery for people with disabilities [Former Cooking with agar White chocolate—Use in cooking heading] USE Cooking (Agar) Cooking (Wild foods) (May Subd Geog) Cookery for the physically handicapped UF Cookery (Wild foods) [Former heading] [Former heading] Cooking with alligator meat Cooking with wild foods BT People with disabilities USE Cooking (Alligator meat) Wild foods—Use in cooking NT Cooking (Game) Cooking for people with mental disabilities Cooking with almond flour Cooking (Wild rice) (May Subd Geog) (May Subd Geog) USE Cooking (Almond flour) [TX809.W55] UF Cookery for people with mental disabilities UF Cookery (Wild rice) [Former heading] [Former heading] Cooking with almonds Cooking with wild rice Cookery for the mentally handicapped [Former USE Cooking (Almonds) Wild rice—Use in cooking heading] BT Cooking (Rice) BT People with mental disabilities Cooking with amphibian meat Cooking (Wine) (May Subd Geog) USE Cooking (Amphibian meat) [TX726] Cooking for the blind (May Subd Geog) UF Cookery (Wine) [Former heading] UF Cookery for the blind [Former heading] Cooking with anchovies Cooking with wine BT Blind USE Cooking (Anchovies) Wine—Use in cooking BT Cooking (Liquors) Cooking for the sick (May Subd Geog) Cooking with annona NT Cooking (Champagne) [RM219] USE Cooking (Annona) Cooking (Cider) UF Cookery for the sick [Former heading] Cooking (Makkol̆ li) Diet therapy—Recipes Cooking with apple butter Cooking (Sherry) Food for invalids USE Cooking (Apple butter) Cooking (Worcestershire sauce) (May Subd Geog) Invalid cooking [TX819.W65] BT Diet in disease Cooking with apples UF Cookery (Worcestershire sauce) [Former Sick USE Cooking (Apples) heading] SA subdivision Diet therapy--Recipes under Cooking with Worcestershire sauce individual diseases and types of diseases, Cooking with apricots Worcestershire sauce—Use in cooking e.g. Cancer--Diet therapy--Recipes; Heart-- USE Cooking (Apricots) BT Cooking Diseases--Diet therapy--Recipes Cooking (Yams) (May Subd Geog) NT Cancer—Diet therapy—Recipes Cooking with artichokes UF Cooking with yams Casein-free diet—Recipes USE Cooking (Artichokes) Yams—Use in cooking Diet-kitchens BT Cooking (Vegetables) Egg-free diet—Recipes Cooking with Asiatic dayflowers Cooking (Yogurt) (May Subd Geog) Food allergy—Diet therapy—Recipes USE Cooking (Asiatic dayflowers) [TX759.5.Y63] Gluten-free diet—Recipes UF Cookery (Yogurt) [Former heading] Heart—Diseases—Diet therapy—Recipes Cooking with asparagus Cooking with yogurt High-carbohydrate diet—Recipes USE Cooking (Asparagus) Yogurt—Use in cooking High-potassium diet—Recipes BT Cooking (Dairy products) Low-oxalate diet—Recipes Cooking with avocados NT Cooking (Yogurt cheese) Low-protein diet—Recipes USE Cooking (Avocado) Cooking (Yogurt cheese) (May Subd Geog) Milk-free diet—Recipes UF Cookery (Yogurt cheese) [Former heading] Nut-free diet—Recipes Cooking with bacon Cooking with yogurt cheese Salt-free diet USE Cooking (Bacon) Yogurt cheese—Use in cooking Sugar-free diet BT Cooking (Cheese) Wheat-free diet—Recipes Cooking with bagels Cooking (Yogurt) Yeast-free diet—Recipes USE Cooking (Bagels) Cooking (Zucchini) (May Subd Geog) [TX803.Z82] Cooking for two (May Subd Geog) Cooking with bamboo shoots UF Cookery (Zucchini) [Former heading] UF Cookery for two [Former heading] USE Cooking (Bamboo shoots) Cooking with zucchini Two, Cooking for Zucchini—Use in cooking Cooking with bananas BT Cooking (Squash) Cooking in art (Not Subd Geog) USE Cooking (Bananas) Cooking and architecture (May Subd Geog) UF Cookery in art [Former heading] [NA2543.C66] Cooking with Barley UF Architecture and cooking Cooking in literature (Not Subd Geog) USE Cooking (Barley) Cookery and architecture [Former heading] UF Cookery in literature [Former heading] BT Architecture Cooking with basil Cooking banana Cooking in mass media (Not Subd Geog) USE Cooking (Basil) USE Plantain banana BT Mass media Cooking for children with disabilities (May Subd Geog) Cooking with bass UF Cookery for children with disabilities [Former Cooking Lake-Blackfoot Grazing, Wildlife, and Provincial USE Cooking (Bass) heading] Recreation Area (Alta.) Cookery for physically handicapped children UF Blackfoot Provincial Recreation Area (Alta.) Cooking with beans [Former heading] Blackfoot Recreation Area (Alta.) USE Cooking (Beans) BT Children with disabilities Cooking Lake-Blackfoot Grazing, Wildlife, and Cooking for children with mental disabilities Recreation Area (Alta.) Cooking with bear meat (May Subd Geog) BT Recreation areas—Alberta USE Cooking (Bear meat) UF Cookery for children with mental disabilities [Former heading] Cooking Lake-Blackfoot Grazing, Wildlife, and Cooking with beef Cookery for mentally handicapped children Recreation Area (Alta.) USE Cooking (Beef) [Former heading] USE Cooking Lake-Blackfoot Grazing, Wildlife, and BT Children with mental disabilities Provincial Recreation Area (Alta.) Cooking with beer Cooking for institutions USE Cooking (Beer) USE Food service Cooking on ships (Not Subd Geog) Cooking for large numbers [TX840.M7 (General)] Cooking with beets USE Quantity cooking [VC370-VC375 (Naval provisioning)] USE Cooking (Beets) Cooking for military personnel (May Subd Geog) UF Cookery, Marine [Former heading] [UC720-UC735] Cooking, Marine Cooking with berries UF Cookery, Military [Former heading] Cooking, Naval USE Cooking (Berries) Cooking, Military Marine cooking Military personnel, Cooking for Naval cooking Cooking with blackberries BT Armed Forces USE Cooking (Blackberries) Cooking schools (May Subd Geog) [TX661-TX669] Cooking with blood BT Schools USE Cooking (Blood) RT Cooking—Study and teaching Cooking with blueberries Cooking shows, Television USE Cooking (Blueberries) USE Television cooking shows Cooking with bluefish Cooking substitutions USE Cooking (Bluefish) USE Ingredient substitutions (Cooking) Cooking with bourbon whiskey Cooking television programs USE Cooking (Bourbon whiskey) USE Television cooking shows Cooking with bowfin Cooking the books (Corporate accounting) USE Cooking (Bowfin) USE Corporations—Accounting—Corrupt practices Cooking with boysenberries USE Cooking (Boysenberries) Cooking with bran USE Cooking (Bran) Cooking with brandy USE Cooking (Brandy) Cooking with Brazil nuts USE Cooking (Brazil nuts) Cooking with bread USE Cooking (Bread) Cooking with breadfruit USE Cooking (Breadfruit) Cooking with broccoli USE Cooking (Broccoli) Cooking with brown rice USE Cooking (Brown rice) Cooking with brussels sprouts USE Cooking (Brussels sprouts) Cooking with buckwheat USE Cooking (Buckwheat) C-651
Cooking with buffalo meat Cooking with corn meal Cooking with foie gras USE Cooking (Buffalo meat) USE Cooking (Corn meal) USE Cooking (Foie gras) Cooking with bulgur Cooking with corn oil Cooking with frankfurters USE Cooking (Bulgur) USE Cooking (Corn oil) USE Cooking (Frankfurters) Cooking with burbot Cooking with corn syrup Cooking with frogs USE Cooking (Burbot) USE Cooking (Corn syrup) USE Cooking (Frogs) Cooking with butter Cooking with cottage cheese Cooking with frozen foods USE Cooking (Butter) USE Cooking (Cottage cheese) USE Cooking (Frozen foods) Cooking with buttermilk Cooking with cottonseed meal Cooking with fructose USE Cooking (Sour cream and milk) USE Cooking (Cottonseed meal) USE Cooking (Fructose) Cooking with butterscotch Cooking with couscous Cooking with fruit USE Cooking (Butterscotch) USE Cooking (Couscous) USE Cooking (Fruit) Cooking with cabbage Cooking with cowpeas Cooking with fugu USE Cooking (Cabbage) USE Cooking (Cowpeas) USE Cooking (Fugu) Cooking with cactus Cooking with crabapples Cooking with fungi USE Cooking (Cactus) USE Cooking (Crabapples) USE Cooking (Fungi) Cooking with camel meat Cooking with crabs Cooking with game USE Cooking (Camel meat) USE Cooking (Crabs) USE Cooking (Game) Cooking with canned foods Cooking with cranberries Cooking with garlic USE Cooking (Canned foods) USE Cooking (Cranberries) USE Cooking (Garlic) Cooking with canola oil Cooking with crappie Cooking with gelatin USE Cooking (Canola oil) USE Cooking (Crappie) USE Cooking (Gelatin) Cooking with caramel Cooking with crawfish Cooking with geraniums USE Cooking (Caramel) USE Cooking (Crawfish) USE Cooking (Geraniums) Cooking with carob Cooking with crayfish Cooking with ginger USE Cooking (Carob) USE Cooking (Crawfish) USE Cooking (Ginger) Cooking with carp Cooking with cream cheese Cooking with gluten USE Cooking (Carp) USE Cooking (Cream cheese) USE Cooking (Gluten) Cooking with carrots Cooking with crocodile meat Cooking with goat cheese USE Cooking (Carrots) USE Cooking (Crocodile meat) USE Cooking (Goat cheese) Cooking with cashew nuts Cooking with cucumbers Cooking with goat meat USE Cooking (Cashew nuts) USE Cooking (Cucumbers) USE Cooking (Goat meat) Cooking with cassava Cooking with currant grapes Cooking with goose USE Cooking (Cassava) USE Cooking (Currant grapes) USE Cooking (Goose) Cooking with catfish Cooking with curry Cooking with granola USE Cooking (Catfish) USE Cooking (Curry) USE Cooking (Granola) Cooking with cauliflower Cooking with dairy products Cooking with grapefruit USE Cooking (Cauliflower) USE Cooking (Dairy products) USE Cooking (Grapefruit) Cooking with caviar Cooking with dandelions Cooking with grapes USE Cooking (Caviar) USE Cooking (Dandelions) USE Cooking (Grapes) Cooking with celery Cooking with dates Cooking with greens USE Cooking (Celery) USE Cooking (Dates) USE Cooking (Greens) Cooking with cereals Cooking with daylilies Cooking with ground beef USE Cooking (Cereals) USE Cooking (Daylilies) USE Cooking (Beef) Cooking with champagne Cooking with dill Cooking with grouper USE Cooking (Champagne) USE Cooking (Dill) USE Cooking (Grouper) Cooking with cheese Cooking with dogfish Cooking with guava USE Cooking (Cheese) USE Cooking (Dogfish) USE Cooking (Guava) Cooking with cherries Cooking with dried foods Cooking with haddock USE Cooking (Cherries) USE Cooking (Dried foods) USE Cooking (Haddock) Cooking with chestnuts Cooking with dried fruit Cooking with ham USE Cooking (Chestnuts) USE Cooking (Dried fruit) USE Cooking (Ham) Cooking with chicken Cooking with duck Cooking with hashish USE Cooking (Chicken) USE Cooking (Duck) USE Cooking (Hashish) Cooking with chickpeas Cooking with durian Cooking with hazelnuts USE Cooking (Chickpeas) USE Cooking (Durian) USE Cooking (Hazelnuts) Cooking with chives Cooking with earthworms Cooking with hemp USE Cooking (Chives) USE Cooking (Earthworms) USE Cooking (Hemp) Cooking with chocolate Cooking with edible fungi Cooking with herbs USE Cooking (Chocolate) USE Cooking (Fungi) USE Cooking (Herbs) Cooking with chrysanthemums Cooking with edible insects Cooking with herring USE Cooking (Chrysanthemums) USE Cooking (Insects) USE Cooking (Herring) Cooking with cider Cooking with edible oils and fats Cooking with hibiscus USE Cooking (Cider) USE Cooking (Oils and fats) USE Cooking (Hibiscus) Cooking with cinnamon Cooking with eels Cooking with honey USE Cooking (Cinnamon) USE Cooking (Eels) USE Cooking (Honey) Cooking with citrus fruits Cooking with eggplant Cooking with hops USE Cooking (Citrus fruits) USE Cooking (Eggplant) USE Cooking (Hops) Cooking with clams Cooking with eggs Cooking with horse-radish USE Cooking (Clams) USE Cooking (Eggs) USE Cooking (Horse-radish) Cooking with coca flour Cooking with elk meat Cooking with horsemeat USE Cooking (Coca flour) USE Cooking (Elk meat) USE Cooking (Horsemeat) Cooking with cocoa Cooking with emu meat Cooking with hot pepper sauces USE Cooking (Cocoa) USE Cooking (Emu meat) USE Cooking (Hot pepper sauces) Cooking with coconut Cooking with espresso Cooking with hot peppers USE Cooking (Coconut) USE Cooking (Espresso) USE Cooking (Hot peppers) Cooking with coconut flour Cooking with evaporated milk Cooking with huckleberries USE Cooking (Coconut flour) USE Cooking (Evaporated milk) USE Cooking (Huckleberries) Cooking with coconut oil Cooking with fats Cooking with iguana meat USE Cooking (Coconut oil) USE Cooking (Oils and fats) USE Cooking (Iguana meat) Cooking with codfish Cooking with fermented foods Cooking with insects USE Cooking (Codfish) USE Cooking (Fermented foods) USE Cooking (Insects) Cooking with coffee Cooking with figs Cooking with jackfruit USE Cooking (Coffee) USE Cooking (Figs) USE Cooking (Jackfruit) Cooking with conch Cooking with filo dough Cooking with jalapenõ USE Cooking (Conch) USE Cooking (Filo dough) USE Cooking (Jalapeño) Cooking with condensed milk Cooking with fish Cooking with jam USE Cooking (Condensed milk) USE Cooking (Fish) USE Cooking (Jam) Cooking with coriander Cooking with flaxseed Cooking with jelly USE Cooking (Coriander) USE Cooking (Flaxseed) USE Cooking (Jelly) Cooking with corn Cooking with flowers Cooking with kale USE Cooking (Corn) USE Cooking (Flowers) USE Cooking (Kale) C-652
Cooking with kangaroo meat Cooking with nuts Cooking with puddings USE Cooking (Kangaroo meat) USE Cooking (Nuts) USE Cooking (Puddings) Cooking with kefir Cooking with oat bran Cooking with pumpkin USE Cooking (Kefir) USE Cooking (Oat bran) USE Cooking (Pumpkin) Cooking with ketchup Cooking with oats Cooking with quail USE Cooking (Ketchup) USE Cooking (Oats) USE Cooking (Quail) Cooking with kiwifruit Cooking with octopus Cooking with quince USE Cooking (Kiwifruit) USE Cooking (Octopus) USE Cooking (Quince) Cooking with kudzu Cooking with oils and fats Cooking with quinoa USE Cooking (Kudzu) USE Cooking (Oils and fats) USE Cooking (Quinoa) Cooking with lamb Cooking with okra Cooking with rabbit meat USE Cooking (Lamb and mutton) USE Cooking (Okra) USE Cooking (Rabbit meat) Cooking with lavender Cooking with olive oil Cooking with radishes USE Cooking (Lavender) USE Cooking (Olive oil) USE Cooking (Radishes) Cooking with leeks Cooking with olives Cooking with raisins USE Cooking (Leeks) USE Cooking (Olives) USE Cooking (Raisins) Cooking with leftovers Cooking with onions Cooking with raspberries USE Cooking (Leftovers) USE Cooking (Onions) USE Cooking (Raspberries) Cooking with legumes Cooking with oranges Cooking with reindeer meat USE Cooking (Legumes) USE Cooking (Oranges) USE Cooking (Reindeer meat) Cooking with lemons Cooking with orchids Cooking with relishes USE Cooking (Lemons) USE Cooking (Orchids) USE Cooking (Relishes) Cooking with lentils Cooking with oregano Cooking with reptile meat USE Cooking (Lentils) USE Cooking (Oregano) USE Cooking (Reptile meat) Cooking with limes Cooking with ostrich meat Cooking with rhubarb USE Cooking (Limes) USE Cooking (Ostrich meat) USE Cooking (Rhubarb) Cooking with liquors Cooking with Oxo Cooking with rice USE Cooking (Liquors) USE Cooking (Oxo) USE Cooking (Rice) Cooking with liver Cooking with oysters Cooking with rice cakes USE Cooking (Liver) USE Cooking (Oysters) USE Cooking (Rice cakes) Cooking with lobsters Cooking with papaya Cooking with rice flour USE Cooking (Lobsters) USE Cooking (Papaya) USE Cooking (Rice flour) Cooking with lotus Cooking with passion fruit Cooking with roselle USE Cooking (Lotus) USE Cooking (Passion fruit) USE Cooking (Roselle) Cooking with lucuma Cooking with pasta Cooking with rosemary USE Cooking (Lucuma) USE Cooking (Pasta) USE Cooking (Rosemary) Cooking with macadamia nuts Cooking with pawpaw Cooking with roses USE Cooking (Macadamia nuts) USE Cooking (Pawpaw) USE Cooking (Roses) Cooking with mackerel Cooking with peach palm Cooking with rum USE Cooking (Mackerel) USE Cooking (Peach palm) USE Cooking (Rum) Cooking with Makkol̆ li Cooking with peaches Cooking with rutabaga USE Cooking (Makkŏlli) USE Cooking (Peaches) USE Cooking (Rutabaga) Cooking with mango Cooking with peanut butter Cooking with rye whiskey USE Cooking (Mangos) USE Cooking (Peanut butter) USE Cooking (Rye whiskey) Cooking with maple sugar and syrup Cooking with peanuts Cooking with saffron USE Cooking (Maple sugar and syrup) USE Cooking (Peanuts) USE Cooking (Saffron) Cooking with margarine Cooking with pears Cooking with sage USE Cooking (Margarine) USE Cooking (Pears) USE Cooking (Sage) Cooking with marijuana Cooking with peas Cooking with sago USE Cooking (Marijuana) USE Cooking (Peas) USE Cooking (Sago) Cooking with marine algae Cooking with pecans Cooking with salad dressing USE Cooking (Marine algae) USE Cooking (Pecans) USE Cooking (Salad dressing) Cooking with Marmite Cooking with pepper Cooking with salmon USE Cooking (Marmite) USE Cooking (Pepper) USE Cooking (Salmon) Cooking with marshmallow Cooking with peppers Cooking with sardines USE Cooking (Marshmallow) USE Cooking (Peppers) USE Cooking (Sardines) Cooking with mayonnaise Cooking with persimmon Cooking with sauerkraut USE Cooking (Mayonnaise) USE Cooking (Persimmon) USE Cooking (Sauerkraut) Cooking with meat Cooking with pheasant Cooking with sausages USE Cooking (Meat) USE Cooking (Pheasant) USE Cooking (Sausages) Cooking with melons Cooking with pigeon Cooking with scallops USE Cooking (Melons) USE Cooking (Pigeon) USE Cooking (Scallops) Cooking with meringue Cooking with pike Cooking with scotch whiskey USE Cooking (Meringue) USE Cooking (Pike) USE Cooking (Scotch whiskey) Cooking with milk Cooking with pine nuts Cooking with seafood USE Cooking (Milk) USE Cooking (Pine nuts) USE Cooking (Seafood) Cooking with mint Cooking with pineapples Cooking with seeds USE Cooking (Mint) USE Cooking (Pineapples) USE Cooking (Seeds) Cooking with miso Cooking with plantain banana Cooking with semen USE Cooking (Miso) USE Cooking (Plantain banana) USE Cooking (Semen) Cooking with mochi Cooking with plums Cooking with sesame USE Cooking (Mochi) USE Cooking (Plums) USE Cooking (Sesame) Cooking with molasses Cooking with poi Cooking with shad USE Cooking (Molasses) USE Cooking (Poi) USE Cooking (Shad) Cooking with moose meat Cooking with pollock Cooking with shark meat USE Cooking (Moose meat) USE Cooking (Pollock) USE Cooking (Shark meat) Cooking with morels Cooking with pomegranates Cooking with shellfish USE Cooking (Morels) USE Cooking (Pomegranates) USE Cooking (Shellfish) Cooking with mozzarella cheese Cooking with popcorn Cooking with sherry USE Cooking (Mozzarella cheese) USE Cooking (Popcorn) USE Cooking (Sherry) Cooking with mullet Cooking with poppies Cooking with shiitake mushrooms USE Cooking (Mullet) USE Cooking (Poppies) USE Cooking (Shiitake mushrooms) Cooking with mushrooms Cooking with poppy seeds Cooking with shrimp USE Cooking (Mushrooms) USE Cooking (Poppies) USE Cooking (Shrimp) Cooking with mussels Cooking with pork Cooking with skate USE Cooking (Mussels) USE Cooking (Pork) USE Cooking (Skate) Cooking with mustard Cooking with potatoes Cooking with small game USE Cooking (Mustard) USE Cooking (Potatoes) USE Cooking (Small game) Cooking with mutton Cooking with poultry Cooking with smelts USE Cooking (Lamb and mutton) USE Cooking (Poultry) USE Cooking (Smelts) Cooking with natural foods Cooking with prunes Cooking with smoked foods USE Cooking (Natural foods) USE Cooking (Prunes) USE Cooking (Smoked foods) C-653
Cooking with snails Cooking with trepang — United States USE Cooking (Snails) USE Cooking (Trepang) NT African American cooks Cooking with sodium bicarbonate Cooking with tripe Cooks, African American USE Cooking (Sodium bicarbonate) USE Cooking (Tripe) USE African American cooks Cooking with soft drinks Cooking with triticale Cooks, Indian USE Cooking (Soft drinks) USE Cooking (Triticale) USE Indian cooks Cooking with soft foods Cooking with tropical fruit Cooks Cove Walkway (N.Z.) USE Cooking (Soft foods) USE Cooking (Tropical fruit) BT Trails—New Zealand Cooking with sour cream and milk Cooking with trout Cooks family USE Cooking (Sour cream and milk) USE Cooking (Trout) USE Cook family Cooking with sour milk Cooking with truffles Cooks in literature (Not Subd Geog) USE Cooking (Sour cream and milk) USE Cooking (Truffles) Cook's Mills, Battle of, 1814 Cooking with sourdough Cooking with tuna USE Cook's Mills, Battle of, Welland, Ont., 1814 USE Cooking (Sourdough) USE Cooking (Tuna) Cook's Mills, Battle of, Welland, Ont., 1814 Cooking with soy sauce Cooking with turkey [E356.C74] USE Cooking (Soy sauce) USE Cooking (Turkey) UF Cook's Mills, Battle of, 1814 [Former heading] BT Ontario—History—War of 1812 Cooking with soybeans Cooking with turmeric USE Cooking (Soybeans) USE Cooking (Turmeric) United States—History—War of 1812—Campaigns Cooking with spaghetti squash Cooking with turnips Cooks Peak (N.M.) USE Cooking (Spaghetti squash) USE Cooking (Turnips) USE Cookes Peak (N.M.) Cook's Row (Washington, D.C.) Cooking with spelt Cooking with vanilla USE Cooke's Row (Washington, D.C.) USE Cooking (Spelt) USE Cooking (Vanilla) Cook's Run (Mich.) BT Rivers—Michigan Cooking with spices Cooking with variety meats Cook's scurvy grass USE Cooking (Spices) USE Cooking (Variety meats) USE Lepidium oleraceum Cookseey family Cooking with spinach Cooking with veal USE Cooksey family USE Cooking (Spinach) USE Cooking (Veal) Cooksey family (Not Subd Geog) UF Cookey family Cooking with spirulina Cooking with vegetables Cookseey family USE Cooking (Spirulina) USE Cooking (Vegetables) Cooksie family Cooksy family Cooking with sprouts Cooking with venison RT Cook family USE Cooking (Sprouts) USE Cooking (Venison) Cooksie family USE Cooksey family Cooking with squash Cooking with vinegar Cooksley family (Not Subd Geog) USE Cooking (Squash) USE Cooking (Vinegar) Cookson family (Not Subd Geog) Cookstoves, Biomass burning Cooking with squid Cooking with violets USE Biomass stoves USE Cooking (Squid) USE Cooking (Violets) Cooksy family USE Cooksey family Cooking with stevia Cooking with walnuts Cooktown ironwood USE Cooking (Stevia) USE Cooking (Walnuts) USE Erythrophleum chlorostachys Cookware (May Subd Geog) Cooking with stone fruit Cooking with watermelons [TX657.C74] USE Cooking (Stone fruit) USE Cooking (Watermelons) BT Kitchen utensils NT Agate ware Cooking with stones Cooking with whale meat Baking pans USE Stone boiling USE Cooking (Whale meat) Cookie cutters Food steamers Cooking with strawberries Cooking with wheat Food warmers USE Cooking (Strawberries) USE Cooking (Wheat) Grill pans Kettles Cooking with striped bass Cooking with wheat germ Mess kits USE Cooking (Striped bass) USE Cooking (Wheat germ) Molds (Cookware) Pastry wheels Cooking with suet Cooking with whipped toppings Pot-lids USE Cooking (Suet) USE Cooking (Whipped toppings) Pots Stone pots Cooking with sugar Cooking with whiskey Cookware industry (May Subd Geog) USE Cooking (Sugar) USE Cooking (Whiskey) [HD9971.5.C66-HD9971.5.C664] BT Kitchen utensils industry Cooking with sugar beets Cooking with white chocolate Cooky cutters USE Cooking (Sugar beets) USE Cooking (White chocolate) USE Cookie cutters Cooky industry Cooking with sunflower seeds Cooking with wild foods USE Cookie industry USE Cooking (Sunflower seeds) USE Cooking (Wild foods) Cooky jars USE Cookie jars Cooking with sunflowers Cooking with wild rice Cooky molds USE Cooking (Sunflowers) USE Cooking (Wild rice) USE Cookie molds Cool (The English word) Cooking with sweet potatoes Cooking with wine BT English language—Etymology USE Cooking (Sweet potatoes) USE Cooking (Wine) Cool Clive (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) UF Clive (Fictitious character : Morgan) Cooking with swordfish Cooking with Worcestershire sauce Cool Dawn (Race horse) (Not Subd Geog) USE Cooking (Swordfish) USE Cooking (Worcestershire sauce) BT Horses Cool family (Not Subd Geog) Cooking with syrups Cooking with yams UF Coole family USE Cooking (Syrups) USE Cooking (Yams) Coul family Coule family Cooking with tahini Cooking with yogurt RT Cole family USE Cooking (Tahini) USE Cooking (Yogurt) Kool family Cool jazz (May Subd Geog) Cooking with tamarillo Cooking with yogurt cheese UF Cool jazz—United States USE Cooking (Tamarillo) USE Cooking (Yogurt cheese) BT Jazz — United States Cooking with tangerines Cooking with zucchini USE Cool jazz USE Cooking (Tangerines) USE Cooking (Zucchini) Cool Spring (Va.) BT Springs—Virginia Cooking with tapioca Cooking writers USE Cooking (Tapioca) USE Food writers Cooking with taro Cooking writing USE Cooking (Taro) USE Food writing Cooking with tarragon Cookingham family (Not Subd Geog) USE Cooking (Tarragon) UF Cookenham family Cookinham family Cooking with tea RT Kuckenheim family USE Cooking (Tea) Cookinham family Cooking with tempeh USE Cookingham family USE Cooking (Tempeh) Cookra River (Nicaragua) Cooking with tequila USE Kukra River (Nicaragua) USE Cooking (Tequila) Cooks (May Subd Geog) Cooking with textured soy proteins [TX649] USE Cooking (Textured soy proteins) UF Chefs BT Food service employees Cooking with thyme NT Bakers USE Cooking (Thyme) Celebrity chefs Indian cooks Cooking with tilefish Male cooks USE Cooking (Tilefish) Pizza chefs Short order cooks Cooking with tofu Teenage cooks USE Cooking (Tofu) Women cooks Cooking with tomato juice — Labor unions (May Subd Geog) USE Cooking (Tomato juice) C-654 Cooking with tomato paste USE Cooking (Tomato paste) Cooking with tomatoes USE Cooking (Tomatoes)
Cool Spring, Battle of, Va., 1864 Coolin Hills (Scotland) Cooly family [E476.66] USE Cuillin Hills (Scotland) USE Cooley family UF Cool Spring (Va.), Battle of, 1864 [Former heading] Cooling Coomallo Nature Reserve (W.A.) BT United States—History—Civil War, 1861- [QC331] BT Natural areas—Australia 1865—Campaigns BT Heat—Radiation and absorption Virginia—History—Civil War, 1861-1865 SA subdivision Cooling under topical headings, Coomassie, Battle of, Kumasi, Ghana, 1874 e.g. Automobiles--Motors--Cooling; USE Kumasi, Battle of, Kumasi, Ghana, 1874 Cool Spring (Va.), Battle of, 1864 Concrete--Cooling; Corn--Cooling USE Cool Spring, Battle of, Va., 1864 NT Adiabatic demagnetization Coombangree (Australian people) Automobiles—Motors—Cooling systems USE Kumbainggar (Australian people) Cool stars (Not Subd Geog) Cooling power (Meteorology) [QB843.C6] Evaporative cooling Coombangree language UF Late-type stars Laser cooling USE Kumbainggar language BT Stars Liquid metal fast breeder reactors—Cooling NT F stars systems Coombe family Flare stars Metals—Quenching USE Coombs family G stars Precooling K stars Coomber family M stars Cooling, Global USE Comer family N stars USE Global cooling Coombes family — Spectra Cooling, Statistical USE Coombs family Coolady USE Simulated annealing (Mathematics) Coombs family (Not Subd Geog) USE Gray butcherbird Cooling and heating with water UF Combe family Coolah Valley (N.S.W.) USE Hydronics Coombe family Coombes family BT Valleys—Australia Cooling appliances Coomes family Coolant hoses (Motor vehicles) (May Subd Geog) USE Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery Coombs Mill (Augusta, Me.) [TL214.R3] Cooling curves BT Dwellings—Maine UF Automobiles—Hoses UF Cooling transformation diagrams Gristmills—Maine Curves, Cooling Heater hoses (Motor vehicles) RT Isothermal transformation diagrams Coombs' test (May Subd Geog) Radiator hoses (Motor vehicles) BT Phase diagrams [RB45] BT Hose UF Anti-human globulin consumption test Motor vehicles—Equipment and supplies Cooling degree days (May Subd Geog) Antiglobulin consumption test Coolant loss in boiling water reactors [TH7225] Antiglobulin test USE Boiling water reactors—Loss of coolant BT Degree days BT Hemagglutination tests Coolant loss in water cooled reactors NT Direct Coombs' test USE Water cooled reactors—Loss of coolant Cooling load (May Subd Geog) Coolbaugh family (Not Subd Geog) BT Air conditioning Coombsville American Viticultural Area (Calif.) Coole family Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery BT Wine districts—California USE Cool family Thermodynamics Coole-Garryland Complex Special Area of Conservation Coomes family (Ireland) Cooling of aircraft engines USE Coombs family USE Coole-Garryland National Nature Reserve USE Airplanes—Motors—Cooling (Ireland) Coon Coole-Garryland National Nature Reserve (Ireland) Cooling of automobile engines USE Raccoon UF Chuí l, Páirc an (Ireland) USE Automobiles—Motors—Cooling Coole-Garryland Complex Special Area of Coon Butte (Ariz.) Conservation (Ireland) Cooling of food USE Meteor Crater (Ariz.) Coole Park and Garryland Nature Reserve USE Food—Cooling (Ireland) Coon can (Game) Garryland National Nature Reserve, Coole Cooling of marine engines [GV1295.C6] (Ireland) USE Marine engines—Cooling UF Conquian Paí rc an Chúil (Ireland) Cooncan [Former heading] BT National parks and reserves—Ireland Cooling of vegetables BT Rummy (Game) Natural areas—Ireland USE Vegetables—Cooling Coole Park and Garryland Nature Reserve (Ireland) Coon cat USE Coole-Garryland National Nature Reserve Cooling ponds (May Subd Geog) USE Maine coon cat (Ireland) BT Ponds Coolers, Walk-in Coon Creek (Monroe County-Vernon County, Wis.) USE Walk-in coolers and freezers — Climatic factors (May Subd Geog) BT Rivers—Wisconsin Coolers, Wine BT Climatology USE Wine coolers Coon Creek Watershed (Monroe County-Vernon Cooley, Belinda (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) — Illinois County, Wis.) UF Belinda Cooley (Fictitious character) NT Baldwin Power Plant Cooling Lake (Ill.) BT Watersheds—Wisconsin Cooley family (Not Subd Geog) Heidecke Lake (Ill.) UF Coely family LaSalle Lake (Ill.) Coon family Coolley family USE Kuhn family Cooly family Cooling power (Meteorology) (May Subd Geog) RT Cowley family BT Bioclimatology Coon hunting (May Subd Geog) Cooley Mountains (Northern Ireland) Cooling [SK341.C6] BT Mountains—Northern Ireland Meteorology UF Raccoon hunting Cooley Peninsula (Ireland) BT Small game hunting BT Peninsulas—Ireland Cooling stresses Cooley spruce gall adelgid (May Subd Geog) USE Residual stresses Coon River (Iowa) [QL527.A3 (Zoology)] USE North Raccoon River (Iowa) UF Adelges cooleyi Cooling systems (May Subd Geog) Aphid, Cooley spruce gall BT Engineering systems Coon root Cooley spruce gall aphid SA subdivisions Motors--Cooling systems and USE Bloodroot Spruce gall adelgid, Cooley Transmission devices, Automatic--Cooling Spruce gall aphid, Cooley systems under individual land vehicles and Coonalpyn Downs (S.A.) BT Adelges types of land vehicles, e.g. Automobiles-- UF Coonalpyn Downs (S. Aust.) [Former heading] Cooley spruce gall aphid Motors--Cooling systems; Automobiles-- Ninety Mile Desert (S.A.) USE Cooley spruce gall adelgid Transmission devices, Automatic--Cooling BT Arid regions—Australia Cooley's anemia systems USE Thalassemia NT Automobiles—Transmission devices, Coonalpyn Downs (S. Aust.) Coolgardie Camp (Calif.) Automatic—Cooling systems USE Coonalpyn Downs (S.A.) BT Mining camps—California Emergency core cooling systems Coolidge Dam (Ariz. : Dam) Coonamessett Pond (Mass.) UF San Carlos Dam (Ariz.) Cooling towers (May Subd Geog) UF Coonemesset Pond (Mass.) BT Dams—Arizona [TJ563 (Steam engines)] BT Ponds—Massachusetts Coolidie [TP159.C6 (Chemical apparatus)] USE Gray butcherbird BT Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery Coonamessett River (Mass.) Coolie Ghat (Port Louis, Mauritius) UF Coonemesset River (Mass.) USE Aapravasi Ghat (Port Louis, Mauritius) — Climatic factors (May Subd Geog) Dexter's River (Mass.) UF Cooling towers and climate Dutchman's Ditch (Mass.) Cooling towers and weather Five-Mile River (Mass.) BT Climatology BT Rivers—Massachusetts Cooling towers and climate Cooncan USE Cooling towers—Climatic factors USE Coon can (Game) Cooling towers and weather Coone family USE Cooling towers—Climatic factors USE Kuhn family Cooling transformation diagrams Coonemesset Pond (Mass.) USE Cooling curves USE Coonamessett Pond (Mass.) Coolley family Coonemesset River (Mass.) USE Cooley family USE Coonamessett River (Mass.) Cooloola Coast (Qld.) Coones family BT Coasts—Australia USE Kuhn family Cooney family (Not Subd Geog) UF Cuney family Kuney family Cooneyites (Christian sect) USE Two-by-Two's (Christian sect) C-655
Coongie, Lake (S.A.) Cooper Lake State Park (Tex.) — Biography UF Coongie, Lake (S. Aust.) [Former heading] UF Cooper Lake State Recreation Area (Tex.) BT Biography Lake Coongie (S.A.) BT Parks—Texas BT Lakes—Australia — Finance Cooper Lake State Recreation Area (Tex.) USE Cooperative societies—Finance Coongie, Lake (S. Aust.) USE Cooper Lake State Park (Tex.) USE Coongie, Lake (S.A.) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Cooper MacLeish (Fictitious character) BT Trade regulation Coongurri (Australian people) USE MacLeish, Cooper (Fictitious character) USE Gunggari (Australian people) — Religious aspects Cooper Ranch (N.D.) — — Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.] Coonhound, Black and tan UF Cooper Farm (N.D.) — Societies, etc. USE Black and tan coonhound BT Bonanza farms—North Dakota BT Cooperative societies Coonley Gardener's Cottage (Riverside, Ill.) Cooper River (N.J.) — Study and teaching (May Subd Geog) USE Gardener's Cottage (Riverside, Ill.) UF Cooper Creek (N.J.) Cooperation, College-school Coopers Creek (N.J.) USE College-school cooperation Coonley House Gardener's Cottage (Riverside, Ill.) Cooplers Creek (N.J.) Cooperation, Intellectual USE Gardener's Cottage (Riverside, Ill.) Timmer Kill (N.J.) USE Intellectual cooperation BT Rivers—New Jersey Cooperation, Interchurch Coonley Playhouse (Riverside, Ill.) USE Interdenominational cooperation UF Avery Coonley Playhouse (Riverside, Ill.) Cooper River (S.C.) Cooperation, Interdenominational BT Theaters—Illinois BT Rivers—South Carolina USE Interdenominational cooperation Cooperation, International Coonrod family Cooper River Bridge (Charleston, S.C.) USE International cooperation USE Conrad family USE Arthur Ravenel Junior Bridge (Charleston, Cooperation, Interstate S.C.) USE Interstate agreements Coons family John P. Grace Memorial Bridge (Charleston, Cooperation, Library USE Kuhn family S.C.) USE Library cooperation Cooperation, Medical Coontz family Cooper River Valley (S.C.) USE Medical cooperation USE Koontz family UF Cooper Valley (S.C.) Cooperation (Ethics) BT Valleys—South Carolina USE Cooperativeness—Moral and ethical aspects COOP (Educational test) Cooperation (Psychology) USE Cooperative Entrance Exam Cooper River Watershed (S.C.) USE Cooperativeness BT Watersheds—South Carolina Cooperation among museums Coop family (Not Subd Geog) USE Museum cooperation UF Coope family Cooper Site (Ark.) Cooperation and socialism (May Subd Geog) Koop family BT Arkansas—Antiquities Kupe family [HX519] Cooper Site (Okla.) UF Socialism and cooperation Coope family BT Oklahoma—Antiquities BT Socialism USE Coop family Cooperation between health facilities Cooper Street (Camden, N.J.) USE Health facilities—Affiliations Cooper, Lake (Ill. and Iowa) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Cooperation in Library Automation USE Keokuk, Lake (Ill. and Iowa) USE COLA Project subdivision. Cooperation literature (May Subd Geog) Cooper, Abby (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) BT Economics literature UF Abby Cooper (Fictitious character) BT Streets—New Jersey RT Cooperation—Bibliography Cooper Valley (S.C.) Cooperation of patients Cooper, Alexandra (Fictitious character) USE Patient compliance — Fiction USE Cooper River Valley (S.C.) Cooperative accessions of archival materials Cooper Wildlife Management Area (Okla.) USE Cooperative acquisition of archival materials Cooper, Ben (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Cooperative accessions of library materials UF Ben Cooper (Fictitious character) UF Hal and Fern Cooper Wildlife Management USE Cooperative acquisition of library materials Area (Okla.) Cooperative acquisition of archival materials Cooper, Betty (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) (May Subd Geog) UF Betty Cooper (Fictitious character) BT Wildlife management areas—Oklahoma UF Accession of archival materials, Cooperative Cooperage Cooper, Ed (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Centralized acquisitions of archival materials UF Ed Cooper (Fictitious character) USE Coopers and cooperage Centralized purchasing of archival materials Cooperating objects (Computer systems) Cooperative accessions of archival materials Cooper, Emmanuel (Fictitious character) Cooperative purchasing of archival materials (Not Subd Geog) (May Subd Geog) BT Archives—Acquisitions UF Emmanuel Cooper (Fictitious character) UF COs (Cooperating objects) Cooperative acquisition of library materials Cyber-physical systems (May Subd Geog) Cooper, Jake (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Objects, Cooperating (Computer systems) UF Accession of library materials, Cooperative UF Jake Cooper (Fictitious character) BT Embedded computer systems Acquisitions, Cooperative (Libraries) [Former Ubiquitous computing heading] Cooper, Jay (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Wireless sensor networks Centralized acquisitions of library materials UF Jay Cooper (Fictitious character) Centralized purchasing of library materials Cooperating teachers (May Subd Geog) Cooperative accessions of library materials Cooper, Jenny (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) UF Supervising teachers (Cooperating teachers) Cooperative purchasing of library materials UF Jenny Cooper (Fictitious character) BT Teachers BT Acquisitions (Libraries) Library cooperation Cooper, Lila (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Cooperation (May Subd Geog) RT Cooperative collection development (Libraries) UF Lila Cooper (Fictitious character) [HD2951-HD3575] Cooperative Admissions Exam Here are entered works on the association of USE Cooperative Entrance Exam Cooper, Melanie (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Cooperative advertising (May Subd Geog) UF Melanie Cooper (Fictitious character) persons for their common, often economic, good. [HF5827.4] Works on enterprises or organizations owned by and BT Advertising Cooper, Sylvia Bergstrom Compson (Fictitious operated for the benefit of those using their services — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) character) are entered under Cooperative societies. USE Compson, Sylvia (Fictitious character) BT Advertising laws UF Collaborative economy Cooperative agriculture Cooper automobiles (Not Subd Geog) Cooperative distribution BT Automobiles, Racing Cooperative movement USE Agriculture, Cooperative Sports cars Distribution, Cooperative Cooperative apartment houses Peer-to-peer economy Cooper Creek (N.J.) Sharing economy USE Apartment houses, Cooperative USE Cooper River (N.J.) Cooperative associations BT Economics Cooper Creek (Qld. and S.A.) RT Profit-sharing USE Cooperative societies UF Barcoo River (Qld. and S.A.) NT Agriculture, Cooperative Cooperative babysitting Cooper's Creek (Qld. and S. Aust.) [Former heading] Bees (Cooperative gatherings) USE Babysitting cooperatives Cooper's Creek (Qld. and S.A.) Bus lines, Cooperative Cooperative banks BT Rivers—Australia Collective settlements Fisheries, Cooperative USE Banks and banking, Cooperative Cooper family (Not Subd Geog) Forests and forestry, Cooperative Cooperative binding (Biochemistry) UF Couper family Housing, Cooperative Cowper family Institutional cooperation [QP517.C66] Kuperwaser family Interagency coordination UF Binding, Cooperative (Biochemistry) Kuperwasser family Intergovernmental cooperation Kuperwoser family International cooperation Cooperative intermolecular interaction RT Kuiper family Interprofessional relations (Biochemistry) Mutualism Cooper Farm (N.D.) Plenocracy USE Cooper Ranch (N.D.) Producer cooperatives Public-private sector cooperation Cooper-Farran Behavioral Rating Scales Publishers and publishing, Cooperative (May Subd Geog) Solidarity [RJ503.7.C66] — Accounting UF CFBRS (Child assessment) USE Cooperative societies—Accounting BT Behavioral assessment of children — Bibliography Cooper Federal Building (Dyersburg, Tenn.) RT Cooperation literature USE Jere Cooper Federal Building (Dyersburg, Tenn.) Cooper Gillespie (Dog) (Not Subd Geog) BT Dogs Cooper Lake (Tex.) BT Lakes—Texas Reservoirs—Texas C-656
Cooperative molecular interactions Cooperative housing conversion of those using their services. Works on the (Biochemistry) USE Apartment houses, Cooperative—Conversion association of persons for their common, often Interactive cooperativity (Biochemistry) economic, good are entered under Cooperation. BT Biochemistry Cooperative industrial research (May Subd Geog) Reactivity (Chemistry) BT Research, Industrial UF Co-operative societies RT Allosteric proteins Co-ops (Cooperative societies) — Thermodynamics — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Cooperative associations Cooperative insurance (May Subd Geog) Cooperative distribution BT Biothermodynamics Cooperative stores Physical biochemistry [HG8057] Cooperatives UF Co-operative insurance Coops (Cooperative societies) Cooperative breeding in animals (May Subd Geog) Distribution, Cooperative UF Care of the young (Animal behavior) Insurance, Cooperative [Former heading] Stores, Cooperative BT Animal behavior BT Insurance RT Parental behavior in animals — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) BT Corporations Societies Cooperative building associations BT Insurance law USE Savings and loan associations Cooperative intermolecular interaction (Biochemistry) NT Apartment houses, Cooperative Babysitting cooperatives Cooperative bus lines USE Cooperative binding (Biochemistry) Banks and banking, Cooperative USE Bus lines, Cooperative Cooperative learning Bus lines, Cooperative Consumer cooperatives Cooperative care (Hospital care) (May Subd Geog) USE Group work in education Cooperation—Societies, etc. BT Hospital care Cooperative library collection development Cooperative schools Dairying, Cooperative Cooperative cataloging (May Subd Geog) USE Cooperative collection development (Libraries) Electric cooperatives [Z693.3.C66] Cooperative living Federations, Financial (Social service) UF Cataloging, Cooperative [Former heading] Fire clubs (Cooperative societies) BT Cataloging USE Communal living Local exchange trading systems RT Library cooperation Cooperative management of fisheries Makerspaces NT Cataloging in publication Marketing cooperatives Copy cataloging USE Fishery co-management Meadow companies Cooperative management of natural resources Newspaper cooperatives — Data processing Producer cooperatives NT OCLC Cataloging Subsystem USE Natural resources—Co-management Recycling cooperatives Cooperative management of wetlands Rochdale system — Australia Student cooperatives NT BIBDATA (Library information network) USE Wetland co-management Taxicab cooperatives Cooperative marketing of farm produce Textile cooperatives — Canada Tort liability of cooperative societies NT CATS System (May Subd Geog) Women in cooperative societies BT Agriculture, Cooperative Cooperative chain stores Farm produce—Marketing — Accounting USE Chain stores, Voluntary RT Marketing cooperatives UF Cooperation—Accounting SA subdivision Cooperative marketing under Cooperative cold-storage lockers (May Subd Geog) individual livestock and crops, e.g. Cattle-- — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) BT Agriculture, Cooperative Cooperative marketing; Corn--Cooperative — — Problems, exercises, etc. Cold-storage lockers marketing — Finance NT Dairy products—Cooperative marketing Cooperative collection building (Libraries) Eggs—Cooperative marketing [HG4027.4] USE Cooperative collection development (Libraries) Livestock—Cooperative marketing UF Cooperation—Finance Milk—Cooperative marketing BT Corporations—Finance Cooperative collection development (Libraries) Wool—Cooperative marketing — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) (May Subd Geog) — Investments (May Subd Geog) [Z687.15] — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) UF Cooperative societies investments UF Cooperative collection building (Libraries) BT Agricultural laws and legislation BT Investments Cooperative library collection development — Law BT Collection development (Libraries) Cooperative marketing of fishery products USE Cooperative societies—Law and Library cooperation USE Fishery products—Cooperative marketing RT Cooperative acquisition of library materials legislation Cooperative marketing of handicrafts — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Cooperative credit associations, Agricultural USE Handicraft—Cooperative marketing USE Agricultural cooperative credit associations UF Cooperative societies—Law [Former Cooperative marketing of petroleum products heading] Cooperative dairying USE Petroleum products—Cooperative marketing USE Dairying, Cooperative BT Corporation law Cooperative marketing of seafood — Officials and employees Cooperative degree programs USE Seafood—Cooperative marketing — Statistics USE Joint academic degree programs — Taxation (May Subd Geog) Cooperative ministry (May Subd Geog) Cooperative distribution [BV675.5] NT Collective farms—Taxation USE Consumer cooperatives UF Ministry, Cooperative — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Cooperation BT Church management Cooperative societies, Agricultural Cooperative societies Pastoral theology USE Agriculture, Cooperative NT Group ministry Cooperative societies investments Cooperative education USE Cooperative societies—Investments USE Education, Cooperative Cooperative molecular interactions (Biochemistry) Cooperative societies meetings (May Subd Geog) USE Cooperative binding (Biochemistry) Cooperative Entrance Exam BT Meetings UF COOP (Educational test) Cooperative movement Cooperative society dividends Cooperative Admissions Exam USE Cooperation BT High schools—Entrance examinations USE Patronage dividends Cooperative nursery schools (May Subd Geog) Cooperative society libraries (May Subd Geog) Cooperative fisheries BT Nursery schools USE Fisheries, Cooperative RT Babysitting cooperatives [Z675.C77] NT Play groups BT Society libraries Cooperative fishery management Cooperative stores USE Fishery co-management Cooperative operation of oil fields USE Cooperative societies USE Unit operation of oil fields Cooperative supermarkets Cooperative food stores USE Food cooperatives USE Food cooperatives Cooperative preaching Cooperative teaching USE Collaborative preaching USE Teaching teams Cooperative forestry Cooperative wetland management USE Forests and forestry, Cooperative Cooperative production USE Wetland co-management USE Producer cooperatives Cooperative wineries (May Subd Geog) Cooperative forests UF Wine cooperatives USE Forests and forestry, Cooperative Cooperative psychotherapy BT Wineries USE Multiple psychotherapy Cooperativeness (May Subd Geog) Cooperative game theory UF Cooperation (Psychology) USE Cooperative games (Mathematics) Cooperative publishing BT Social psychology USE Publishers and publishing, Cooperative NT Compliance Cooperative games (Mathematics) — Moral and ethical aspects (May Subd Geog) [QA272.4] Cooperative purchasing of archival materials UF Cooperative game theory USE Cooperative acquisition of archival materials UF Cooperation (Ethics) [Former heading] BT Game theory Cooperativeness in adolescence (May Subd Geog) Cooperative purchasing of library materials Cooperative garages USE Cooperative acquisition of library materials BT Adolescent psychology USE Garages, Cooperative Cooperative schools (May Subd Geog) Cooperative government arrangements Here are entered works on schools that follow a USE Intergovernmental cooperation cooperative model of governance involving staff, Cooperative grocery stores students, parents and the wider community. USE Food cooperatives UF Co-operative schools Cooperative Health Statistics System School cooperatives [RA407.3] BT Public health—United States—Statistical BT Cooperative societies services Schools United States—Statistics, Medical Cooperative sermon preparation Cooperative housing USE Collaborative preaching USE Housing, Cooperative Cooperative societies (May Subd Geog) [HD2951-HD3575] Here are entered works on enterprises or organizations owned by and operated for the benefit C-657
Cooperativeness in children (May Subd Geog) Complexes Kwokwoos language [BF723.C69] Coordinate measuring machines BT Kusan languages BT Child psychology Curvilinear coordinates Grids (Cartography) Oregon—Languages Cooperativeness in women (May Subd Geog) Coordinates, Curvilinear Coos River (Or.) BT Women—Psychology USE Curvilinear coordinates Coordinates, Elliptic BT Rivers—Oregon Cooperatives UF Elliptic coordinates Coos River Estuary (Or.) USE Cooperative societies Coordinates, Oblique UF Oblique coordinates USE Coos Bay Estuary (Or.) Cooperatives, Consumer Coordinates, Polar Coosa bass USE Consumer cooperatives [QA556] UF Polar coordinates USE Redeye bass Cooperatives, Electric NT Euler angles Coosa Indians (May Subd Geog) USE Electric cooperatives Coordinates, Tangential UF Tangential coordinates [E99.C87414] Cooperatives, Newspaper Coordinates, Tetrahedral UF Coosah Indians USE Newspaper cooperatives UF Tetrahedral coordinates Coordinates, Trilinear Coosaw Indians Cooperatives, Taxicab UF Trilinear coordinates Cosah Indians USE Taxicab cooperatives Coordination, Eye-hand Kissah Indians USE Eye-hand coordination Koosoe Indians Cooperia (May Subd Geog) Coordination, Interagency Okfuskee Indians [QK495.A484] USE Interagency coordination BT Indians of North America—Southern States BT Amaryllidaceae Coordination, Muscular Muskogean Indians NT Cooperia pedunculata USE Motor ability Coosa River (Ga. and Ala.) Coordination (Linguistics) BT Rivers—Alabama Cooperia pedunculata (May Subd Geog) USE Grammar, Comparative and Rivers—Georgia [QK495.A484] general—Coordinate constructions Coosa River Valley (Ga. and Ala.) BT Cooperia Coordination compounds (May Subd Geog) UF Coosa Valley (Ga. and Ala.) [QD474] BT Valleys—Alabama Cooperider family BT Chemistry, Physical and theoretical Valleys—Georgia USE Cooprider family Complex compounds Coosa River Watershed (Ga. and Ala.) Sequestration (Chemistry) BT Watersheds—Alabama Cooperman, Benny (Fictitious character) NT Chelates Watersheds—Georgia (Not Subd Geog) Cisplatin Coosa Valley (Ga. and Ala.) UF Benny Cooperman (Fictitious character) Crystal field theory USE Coosa River Valley (Ga. and Ala.) Ligand field theory Coosada language Coopers and cooperage (May Subd Geog) Ligands USE Koasati language [HD8039.C653 (Labor)] Polyoxometalates Coosah Indians [TS890 (Manufactures)] — Magnetic properties (May Subd Geog) USE Coosa Indians UF Cooperage — Spectra Coosan languages RT Barrels Coordination of industrial designs USE Kusan languages NT Staves and stave trade USE Industrial design coordination Coosauda language Coordination polymers USE Koasati language — Labor unions (May Subd Geog) [QD382.C67] Coosaw-Hatchee River (S.C.) Coopers and cooperage in art (Not Subd Geog) UF Chelate polymers USE Coosawhatchie River (S.C.) Coopers Creek (N.J.) BT Chelates Coosaw Indians Polymers USE Coosa Indians USE Cooper River (N.J.) Coordistan Coosaw River (S.C.) Cooper's Creek (Qld. and S.A.) USE Kurdistan BT Rivers—South Carolina Coorg (Indic people) Coosawattee River (Ga.) USE Cooper Creek (Qld. and S.A.) USE Kodagu (Indic people) BT Rivers—Georgia Cooper's Creek (Qld. and S. Aust.) Coorg language Coosawda language USE Kodagu language USE Koasati language USE Cooper Creek (Qld. and S.A.) Coorge (Indic people) Coosawhatchie River (S.C.) Cooper's hawk (May Subd Geog) USE Kodagu (Indic people) UF Coosaw-Hatchee River (S.C.) Coorge language Coosawhatchie Swamp (S.C.) [QL696.F32 (Zoology)] USE Kodagu language BT Rivers—South Carolina UF Accipiter cooperii Coorgs Coosawhatchie Swamp (S.C.) USE Kodagu (Indic people) USE Coosawhatchie River (S.C.) Big blue darter Coorna (Australian people) Coot, Sea Chicken hawk USE Kaurna (Australian people) USE Black scoter Hen hawk Coorna language Surf scoter Quail hawk USE Kaurna language White-winged scoter Striker (Hawk) Coorong, The (S.A.) Coot, Skunk-headed Swift hawk UF Coorong, The (S. Aust.) [Former heading] USE Surf scoter BT Accipiter Kurangh (S.A.) Coot (Turboprop transport) Coopersmith family (Not Subd Geog) The Coorong (S.A.) USE Ili͡ushin Il-18 (Turboprop transport) Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventories BT Lagoons—Australia Coote family (May Subd Geog) Coorong, The (S. Aust.) USE Coutts family UF CSEI (Self-esteem test) USE Coorong, The (S.A.) Cootenai Indians BT Self-esteem—Testing Coors family (Not Subd Geog) USE Kootenai Indians Cooplers Creek (N.J.) Coors Field (Denver, Colo.) Cootenai language USE Cooper River (N.J.) BT Stadiums—Colorado USE Kootenai language Cooprider family (Not Subd Geog) COOs (Executives) Cooter UF Cooperider family USE Chief operating officers USE Painted turtle Coops, Chicken Coos Bay (Or. : Bay) Cootes family USE Chickens—Housing BT Bays—Oregon USE Coutts family Coops (Cooperative societies) Coos Bay Estuary (Or.) Cootie catchers (May Subd Geog) USE Cooperative societies UF Coos River Estuary (Or.) UF Catchers, Cootie Cooptation (May Subd Geog) BT Estuaries—Oregon Fortune tellers (Paper work) BT Associations, institutions, etc. Coos Bay-Roseburg Highway (Or.) Origami cootie catchers Election law USE Oregon Route 42 (Or.) BT Paper work Elections Coos Indians (May Subd Geog) Coots (May Subd Geog) Coordinate generation, Numerical (Numerical analysis) [E99.C874] [QL696.G8] USE Numerical grid generation (Numerical analysis) UF Kusan Indians UF Fulica Coordinate indexing (May Subd Geog) BT Indians of North America—Oregon BT Rails (Birds) BT Indexing Coos language (May Subd Geog) Rallidae NT Matrix method (Indexing) [PM1611] NT American coot Coordinate measuring machines (May Subd Geog) UF Hanis language Coots family [TA165.5] Kaus language USE Coutts family UF Measuring machines, Coordinate Cooum River (India) BT Coordinates UF Kuvam River (India) Engineering inspection Madras River (India) Testing-machines Triplicane River (India) Coordinate systems, Celestial BT Rivers—India USE Celestial reference systems Coordinate transformations BT Transformations (Mathematics) Coordinates [QA556 (Analytic geometry)] [QB147 (Spherical astronomy)] BT Geometry, Analytic Geometry, Differential Mathematics Surfaces NT Barycentric coordinates Celestial reference systems C-658
Cooventon family Copan Building (Saõ Paulo, Brazil) Copenhagen Town Hall (Copenhagen, Denmark) USE Covington family USE Edifić io Copan (São Paulo, Brazil) USE Københavens Rådhus (Copenhagen, Denmark) COP (Community-oriented policing) Copan Lake (Okla. and Kan.) USE Community policing UF Copan Reservoir (Okla. and Kan.) Copenhaver family (Not Subd Geog) BT Lakes—Kansas UF Copenhafer family Cop films Lakes—Oklahoma Kopenhaver family USE Police films Reservoirs—Kansas Kopenhofer family Reservoirs—Oklahoma Koppenhaver family Cop shows Koppenhoefer family USE Television cop shows Copan Reservoir (Okla. and Kan.) Koppenhofer family USE Copan Lake (Okla. and Kan.) Cop television shows Copeognatha USE Television cop shows Copán Site (Honduras) USE Psocoptera [F1435.1.C7] Copa Airlines Flight 201 Crash, 1992 BT Honduras—Antiquities Copepoda (May Subd Geog) USE Copa Airlines Flight 201 Crash, Panama, 1992 [QL444.C7-QL444.C78] Copas family (Not Subd Geog) UF Copepods Copa Airlines Flight 201 Crash, Panama, 1992 UF Copass family BT Crustacea (Not Subd Geog) Entomostraca UF Copa Airlines Flight 201 Crash, 1992 [Former Copasaw (Miss.) NT Calanoida heading] USE Coldwater River (Miss.) Cyclopoida BT Aircraft accidents—Panama Harpacticoida Copass family Monstrilloida Copa family USE Copas family Poecilostomatoida USE Sopa family Siphonostomatoida Copayments (Insurance) (May Subd Geog) Copa Hill (Wales) UF Co-payments (Insurance) — Geographical distribution BT Mountains—Wales BT Insurance claims Copepods Copa Libertadores de Ameŕ ica COPD (Disease) USE Copepoda UF Libertadores Cup USE Lungs—Diseases, Obstructive Copernicia (May Subd Geog) BT Soccer—Tournaments—South America Cope [QK495.P17 (Botany)] Copablepharon (May Subd Geog) BT Church vestments BT Palms [QL561.N7 (Zoology)] BT Noctuidae Cope Castle (London, England) Wax palms NT Pale yellow dune moth USE Holland House (London, England) NT Carnauba palm Sand-verbena moth Copernicia cerifera Cope family (Not Subd Geog) USE Carnauba palm Copablepharon fuscum UF Copes family Copernicia prunifera USE Sand-verbena moth Coupe family USE Carnauba palm RT Coppess family Copernicium (May Subd Geog) Copablepharon grandis [QD181.C57 (General and inorganic chemistry)] USE Pale yellow dune moth Cope toad [QD412.C57 (Organometallic chemistry)] USE Arizona toad [QD464.C57 (Atomic and molecular weights)] Copacabana, Nuestra Senõ ra de (Not Subd Geog) UF Eka-mercury UF Candelaria, Most Blessed Virgin of Copeck Candelaria de Copacabana, Virgen de la USE Kopeck Ekamercury Coyeta Ununbium La Coyeta Copedesma BT Superheavy elements Most Blessed Virgin de la Candelaria USE Miconia (Genus) Transition metals Nuestra Senõ ra de Copacabana Copernicus family (Not Subd Geog) Our Lady of Copacabana Copehan Indians UF Kopernik family Virgen de Copacabana USE Wintun Indians Copes family Virgen de la Candelaria de Copacabana USE Cope family Virgin of Copacabana Copehan languages Cope's spea BT Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint—Devotion USE Wintun languages USE Plains spadefoot to—Bolivia Copesul Environmental Protection Park (Triunfo, Rio Copelan family Grande do Sul, Brazil) Copacabana Fort (Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) USE Copeland family USE Parque Copesul de Proteca̧ õ Ambiental USE Forte de Copacabana (Copacabana, Rio de (Triunfo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil) Janeiro, Brazil) Copeland family (Not Subd Geog) Copher family (Not Subd Geog) UF Copelan family Cophixalus (May Subd Geog) Copacabana Fort Uprising, Brazil, 1922 Copelin family [QL668.E26] USE Brazil—History—Revolution, 1922 Copland family BT Microhylidae Coplen family NT Cophixalus kaindiensis Copacabana Revolt, Brazil, 1922 Coplin family Cophixalus saxatilis USE Brazil—History—Revolution, 1922 Cophixalus kaindiensis (May Subd Geog) Copeland Lake (Boulder County, Colo.) [QL668.E26] Copackers (Food industry) (May Subd Geog) BT Lakes—Colorado BT Cophixalus BT Food industry and trade Reservoirs—Colorado Cophixalus saxatilis (May Subd Geog) [QL668.E26] Copaeodes wrightii Copelatus (May Subd Geog) BT Cophixalus USE Pseudocopaeodes eunus BT Dytiscidae Cophus River (Afghanistan and Pakistan) NT Copelatus glyphicus USE Kabul River (Afghanistan and Pakistan) Copaiba Copi (African people) [RS165.C8] Copelatus glyphicus (May Subd Geog) USE Chopi (African people) UF Copaiva [QL596.D9] Copi language BT Copelatus USE Chopi language Copaiba mopane Copiah Creek (Miss.) USE Mopane tree Copelin family BT Rivers—Mississippi USE Copeland family Copiah Creek Watershed (Miss.) Copaifera mopane BT Watersheds—Mississippi USE Mopane tree Copenhafer family Copiapó Bay (Chile) USE Copenhaver family UF Bahía de Copiapó (Chile) Copais Lake (Greece) BT Bays—Chile UF Kopais Lake (Greece) Copenhagen (Denmark) Copiapó Mining Accident, Chile, 2010 Lake Copais (Greece) — History USE San José Mine Accident, Chile, 2010 Topolia Lake (Greece) — — Siege, 1658-1660 Copiapó River (Chile) BT Lakes—Greece BT Dano-Swedish Wars, 1657- UF Rió Copiapó (Chile) 1660—Campaigns—Denmark San Francisco de la Selva River (Chile) Copaiva Sieges—Denmark BT Rivers—Chile USE Copaiba — — Bombardment, 1807 Copiapó River Valley (Chile) BT Bombardment—Denmark UF Copiapó Valley (Chile) Copake Lake (N.Y. : Lake) — — Bombardment, 1945 BT Valleys—Chile BT Lakes—New York (State) BT Bombing, Aerial—Denmark Copiapó Valley (Chile) World War, 1939- USE Copiapó River Valley (Chile) Copal (May Subd Geog) 1945—Campaigns—Denmark UF Gum copal BT Gums and resins Copenhagen, Battle of, 1801 Varnish and varnishing USE Copenhagen, Battle of, Copenhagen, NT Manila copal Denmark, 1801 Copal, Indian Copenhagen, Battle of, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1801 USE White dammar UF Copenhagen, Battle of, 1801 [Former heading] BT Denmark—History—Christian VII, 1766-1808 Copal (Plant) Great Britain—History—1789-1820 USE Ailanthus altissima Copenhagen Central Station (Copenhagen, Denmark) Copal tree USE Københavns Hovedbanegård (Copenhagen, USE Ailanthus altissima Denmark) Copalis National Wildlife Refuge (Wash.) Copenhagen City Hall (Copenhagen, Denmark) UF Copalis Rock National Wildlife Refuge (Wash.) USE Københavens Rad̊ hus (Copenhagen, BT National parks and reserves—Washington Denmark) (State) Wildlife refuges—Washington (State) Copenhagen porcelain [NK4399.C6] Copalis Rock National Wildlife Refuge (Wash.) UF Porcelain, Copenhagen USE Copalis National Wildlife Refuge (Wash.) C-659
Copiapoa (May Subd Geog) Coppenamerivier (Suriname) — Metabolic detoxication [QK495.C11 (Botany)] USE Coppename River (Suriname) USE Copper—Metabolic detoxification BT Cactus Coppenger family — Metabolic detoxification (May Subd Geog) Copidosoma (May Subd Geog) USE Coppinger family UF Copper—Metabolic detoxication [Former [QL568.E6] heading] BT Encyrtidae Copper (May Subd Geog) NT Copidosoma gelechiae [QD181.C9 (Chemistry)] — Metabolism [TA480.C7 (Materials engineering)] [QP535.C9] Copidosoma gelechiae (May Subd Geog) [TP245.C8 (Chemical technology)] UF Copper metabolism [Former heading] [QL568.E6] BT Native element minerals BT Copper in the body BT Copidosoma Transition metals NT Copper foil — — Age factors (May Subd Geog) Copiers Drinking water—Copper content UF Age factors in copper metabolism USE Copying machines Soils—Copper content — — Disorders (May Subd Geog) Copilco Site (Mexico) — Absorption and adsorption (May Subd Geog) NT Hepatolenticular degeneration BT Mexico—Antiquities — Accumulation, Biological Hypocupremia Coping behavior USE Copper—Bioaccumulation — — Genetic aspects USE Adjustment (Psychology) — Acoustic properties (May Subd Geog) — — Regulation — Allergenic effect Coping Responses Inventory (May Subd Geog) UF Regulation of copper metabolism [BF336.5.C] USE Copper—Allergenicity — Metallography UF CRI (Adjustment test) — Allergenicity (May Subd Geog) BT Adjustment (Psychology)—Testing [TN693.C9] UF Allergenicity of copper — Metallurgy Coping skills Copper—Allergenic effect USE Life skills [TN780] BT Copper—Immunology NT Ziervogel process Copithorn family — Analysis — Molecular rotation USE Copithorne family — Optical properties [QD137.C6] — Oxidation (May Subd Geog) Copithorne family (Not Subd Geog) NT Copper—Sampling — Permeability UF Copithorn family — Assaying (May Subd Geog) — Peroxidation Copthorn family [TN580.C64] — Physiologic accumulation Copthorne family — Availability, Biological USE Copper—Bioaccumulation USE Copper—Bioavailability — Physiological accumulation Copito de Nieve (Gorilla) (Not Subd Geog) — Bioaccumulation (May Subd Geog) USE Copper—Bioaccumulation UF Floquet de Neu (Gorilla) [QH545.C6] — Physiological availability Snowflake (Gorilla) UF Copper—Accumulation, Biological USE Copper—Bioavailability BT Gorilla — Physiological effect (May Subd Geog) Copper—Biological accumulation [QP535.C9] Copla Copper—Physiologic accumulation NT Plants—Effect of copper on USE Coplas—History and criticism Copper—Physiological accumulation — Prices (May Subd Geog) — Bioavailability (May Subd Geog) — Properties Copland family UF Copper—Availability, Biological — Psychotropic effects (May Subd Geog) USE Copeland family Copper—Biological availability — Purification (May Subd Geog) Copper—Physiological availability UF Purification of copper Coplas (May Subd Geog) — Biological accumulation — Quenching (May Subd Geog) [PQ6209.C6] USE Copper—Bioaccumulation — Radiation effects BT Folk songs, Spanish — Biological availability USE Copper—Effect of radiation on Poetry USE Copper—Bioavailability — Reactivity (May Subd Geog) Spanish poetry — Brazing (May Subd Geog) — Recycling (May Subd Geog) — Brittleness (May Subd Geog) [TD812.5.C66] — History and criticism — Carcinogenicity (May Subd Geog) — Religious aspects UF Copla [Former heading] — Chemical structure-biological activity relationships — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] USE Copper—Structure-activity relationships — Research (May Subd Geog) Cople family — Cold working (May Subd Geog) — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) USE Keppel family — Coloring — Sampling (May Subd Geog) BT Metals—Coloring BT Copper—Analysis Coplen family NT Copper enameling — Secretion USE Copeland family — Corrosion (May Subd Geog) — — Regulation NT Patina of metals Copley family — Creep (May Subd Geog) UF Regulation of copper secretion USE Keppel family UF Creep of copper [Former heading] — Side effects — Decay Coplin family — Density USE Copper—Therapeutic use—Side effects USE Copeland family — Diagnostic use (May Subd Geog) — Solubility (May Subd Geog) — Diffusion rate — Speciation (May Subd Geog) Copolymers (May Subd Geog) — Dipole moments — Spectra BT Polymers — Dissolution (May Subd Geog) — Standards (May Subd Geog) NT Alternating copolymers UF Copper—Dissolving — Structure-activity relationships Block copolymers — Dissolving Graft copolymers USE Copper—Dissolution UF Copper—Chemical structure-biological — Effect of radiation on (May Subd Geog) activity relationships Cóporo Site (Mexico) UF Copper—Radiation effects BT Mexico—Antiquities Copper, Effect of radiation on [Former — Surface properties heading] USE Copper—Surfaces Copp, Joe (Fictitious character) — Electric properties (May Subd Geog) USE Copp, Joseph (Fictitious character) — Electrometallurgy — Surfaces [TN780] UF Copper—Surface properties [Former Copp, Joseph (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) — Environmental aspects (May Subd Geog) heading] UF Copp, Joe (Fictitious character) [TD427.C66 (Water pollutant)] Copper surfaces Joe Copp (Fictitious character) — Excretion Joseph Copp (Fictitious character) BT Copper in the body — Tariff — Fatigue (May Subd Geog) USE Tariff on copper Copp family (Not Subd Geog) — Immunology UF Coppe family NT Copper—Allergenicity — Testing RT Kopp family — Industrial applications (May Subd Geog) — Therapeutic use (May Subd Geog) — Isotopes (May Subd Geog) — — Administration Coppa Nevigata Site (Italy) [QD181.C9] — — Evaluation BT Italy—Antiquities — — Absorption and adsorption — — Half-life (May Subd Geog) USE Copper—Therapeutic use—Testing Coppage family (Not Subd Geog) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) — — Side effects (May Subd Geog) UF Coppedge family — Lead content (May Subd Geog) Cuppage family UF Lead contamination in copper UF Copper—Side effects BT Lead BT Copper—Toxicology Coppard family (Not Subd Geog) Metals—Inclusions — — Testing Coppe family — Magnetic properties (May Subd Geog) UF Copper—Therapeutic use—Evaluation — Thermal conductivity (May Subd Geog) USE Copp family BT Copper—Thermal properties Coppedè family (Not Subd Geog) Copper—Transport properties Coppedge family — Thermal properties (May Subd Geog) NT Copper—Thermal conductivity USE Coppage family — Threshold limit values (May Subd Geog) Coppel family — Toxicity testing (May Subd Geog) UF Copper—Toxicology—Testing USE Keppel family Coppen family USE Copping family Coppename River (Suriname) UF Coppenamerivier (Suriname) Rio Coppename (Suriname) BT Rivers—Suriname Coppename River Basin (Suriname) USE Coppename River Watershed (Suriname) Coppename River Watershed (Suriname) UF Coppename River Basin (Suriname) BT Watersheds—Suriname C-660
— Toxicology (May Subd Geog) Copper-beryllium alloys Copper glance [RA1231.C7] BT Beryllium alloys USE Chalcocite NT Copper—Therapeutic use—Side effects Copper alloys Copper Harbor (Mich. : Bay) — — Age factors (May Subd Geog) Copper-bismuth alloys BT Bays—Michigan UF Age factors in copper toxicology BT Bismuth alloys Copper alloys Copper Harbor Conglomerate (Mich.) — — Biography BT Formations (Geology)—Michigan — — Reporting (May Subd Geog) Copper Box (London, England) Geology, Stratigraphic—Precambrian — — Testing UF Handball Arena (London, England) Geology, Stratigraphic—Proterozoic BT Arenas—England USE Copper—Toxicity testing Copper hemioxide — Transport properties (May Subd Geog) Copper bromide USE Cuprous oxide USE Cuprous bromide NT Copper—Thermal conductivity Copper hoard culture (May Subd Geog) — Vapor pressure (May Subd Geog) Copper Canyon (Lander County, Nev.) BT India—Antiquities — Welding (May Subd Geog) BT Canyons—Nevada Indus civilization UF Copper welding Copper Canyon (Mexico) Copper implements (May Subd Geog) Copper, Effect of radiation on UF Barranca del Cobre (Mexico) BT Copperwork Grandes Barrancas de la Tarahumara (Mexico) Implements, utensils, etc. USE Copper—Effect of radiation on BT Canyons—Mexico Copper, Powdered Copper implements, Prehistoric (May Subd Geog) Copper castings UF Prehistoric copper implements USE Copper powder BT Copper founding BT Tools, Prehistoric Copper(I) oxide Metal castings NT Copper ingots Copper in agriculture (May Subd Geog) USE Cuprous oxide [S587.5.C] Copper age (May Subd Geog) — Radiography (May Subd Geog) BT Agriculture Copper catalysts [GN777-GN778.52] Copper in animal nutrition UF Chalcolithic age BT Catalysts [SF98.C] Copper-chromium alloys BT Animal nutrition Copper-stone age Cyprolithic age USE Chromium-copper alloys Copper in interior decoration (May Subd Geog) Eneolithic age Copper-cobalt-manganese alloys BT Interior decoration BT Antiquities, Prehistoric Civilization BT Cobalt alloys Copper in the body (May Subd Geog) NT Baden culture Copper alloys [WP535.C9] Bell beaker culture Manganese alloys BT Body composition Ubaid culture NT Copper—Excretion Vucě dol culture Copper coins (May Subd Geog) Copper—Metabolism — Balkan Peninsula [CJ117] BT Coins Copper indium diselenide NT Salcuta culture USE Copper indium selenide — Iraq — Portugal NT Ceitil (Coin) Copper indium selenide (May Subd Geog) NT Uruk culture [QD181.S5] — Italy — Sweden UF Copper indium diselenide NT Plate money BT Selenides NT Rinaldone culture — Jordan Copper compounds (May Subd Geog) Copper industry and trade (May Subd Geog) Copper alloys [QD181.C9 (General and inorganic chemistry)] [HD9539.C5-HD9539.C7] [QD412.C9 (Organometallic chemistry)] BT Metal trade [TN693.C9 (Metallography)] [TN693.C9 (Metallography)] NT Copper mines and mining BT Alloys [TP245.C8 (Chemical technology)] NT Aluminum-copper alloys UF Cupric compounds Copper ingots (May Subd Geog) Cuprous compounds BT Copper castings Aluminum-copper-magnesium alloys BT Transition metal compounds Ingots Bronze NT Chromium copper compounds Chromium-copper alloys Copper salts Copper intrauterine contraceptives (May Subd Geog) Chromium-copper-nickel alloys Copper sulfate UF Copper intrauterine devices Copper-arsenic alloys Copper sulfide Copper IUDs Copper-beryllium alloys Cupric chloride BT Intrauterine contraceptives Copper-bismuth alloys Cuprous bromide Copper-cobalt-manganese alloys Cuprous chloride Copper intrauterine devices Copper ferrite Cuprous iodide USE Copper intrauterine contraceptives Copper-lead alloys Cuprous oxide Copper-magnesium alloys Organocopper compounds Copper Inuit (May Subd Geog) Copper-magnesium-silicon alloys UF Copper Eskimos [Former heading] Copper-molybdenum-selenium alloys — Thermal properties (May Subd Geog) Copper Inuktitut Copper-nickel alloys Copper Creek (Skagit County, Wash.) Kitlinermiut Copper-nickel-tin alloys BT Inuit—Northwest Territories Copper-nickel-zinc alloys BT Rivers—Washington (State) Inuit—Nunavut Copper steel Copper crystals Copper-tin alloys Copper Culture Mounds State Park (Wis.) Copper Inuit boys (May Subd Geog) Copper-tin-beryllium alloys UF Boys, Copper Inuit Copper-tin-magnesium alloys UF Copper Culture State Park (Wis.) BT Boys—Northwest Territories Copper-titanium alloys BT Parks—Wisconsin Boys—Nunavut Copper-titanium-zinc alloys Copper Culture State Park (Wis.) Copper-zinc alloys USE Copper Culture Mounds State Park (Wis.) Copper Inuktitut Copper-zirconium alloys Copper deficiency disease USE Copper Inuit Gold-copper alloys USE Hypocupremia Iron-copper alloys Copper dichloride Copper iodide Iron-nickel-copper alloys USE Cupric chloride USE Cuprous iodide Lead bronze Copper electrodes Manganese-copper alloys USE Electrodes, Copper Copper ions Nickel silver Copper enameling (May Subd Geog) BT Metal ions Platinum-copper alloys BT Copper—Coloring Silver-bearing copper Copper IUDs Silver-copper alloys Enamel and enameling USE Copper intrauterine contraceptives — Brazing (May Subd Geog) Copper engraving — Corrosion (May Subd Geog) Copper jewelry (May Subd Geog) USE Engraving BT Copperwork NT Patina of metals Copper enzymes Costume jewelry — Metallography — Welding (May Subd Geog) BT Metalloenzymes Copper-lead alloys Copper-arsenic alloys Copper Eskimos BT Copper alloys Lead alloys BT Arsenic USE Copper Inuit Copper alloys Copper Falls State Park (Wis.) Copper-magnesium alloys BT Copper alloys Copper arsenite BT Parks—Wisconsin Magnesium alloys USE Paris green Copper ferrite Copper-magnesium-silicon alloys Copper articles BT Copper alloys BT Copper alloys USE Copperwork Ferrite Magnesium alloys Magnetic materials Silicon alloys Copper articles, Medieval USE Copperwork, Medieval Copper foil Copper mahseer BT Copper USE Tor mosal Metal foils Copper metabolism Copper founding (May Subd Geog) USE Copper—Metabolism [TS620] BT Founding Copper miners (May Subd Geog) NT Copper castings [HD8039.M7] BT Miners — Labor unions (May Subd Geog) — Wages USE Wages—Copper miners C-661
Copper miners (Continued) Copper naphthenate Copper River Watershed (Alaska) — Mexico [SB952.C62 (Pesticide)] BT Watersheds—Alaska — United States BT Copper salts NT Irish American copper miners Naphthalene Copper rockfish (May Subd Geog) Mexican American copper miners Organocopper compounds [QL638.S42 (Zoology)] UF Chucklehead (Fish) Copper miners, Irish American Copper-nickel alloys Cod, Rock USE Irish American copper miners BT Copper alloys Never dies (Fish) Nickel alloys Pacific snapper Copper miners, Mexican American Rock cod USE Mexican American copper miners Copper-nickel-tin alloys Sebastes caurinus BT Copper alloys Sebastes vexillaris Copper Miners' Strike, Bisbee, Ariz., 1917 Nickel alloys Sebastodes caurinus BT Strikes and lockouts—Copper mining—Arizona Tin alloys Snapper, Pacific BT Sebastes Copper Miners' Strike, Mich., 1913-1914 Copper-nickel-zinc alloys BT Strikes and lockouts—Copper BT Copper alloys Copper roofing mining—Michigan Nickel alloys USE Roofing, Copper Zinc alloys Copper Miners' Strike, Zambia, 1935 NT Nickel silver Copper salts (May Subd Geog) BT Strikes and lockouts—Copper mining—Zambia Paktong [QD181.C9] BT Copper compounds Copper Miners' Strike, Zambia, 1940 Copper nordox Salts BT Strikes and lockouts—Copper mining—Zambia USE Cuprous oxide NT Copper naphthenate Copper mines and mining (May Subd Geog) Copper ores (May Subd Geog) Copper silicates [TN440-TN449] [QE390.2.C6 (Mineralogy)] BT Silicates BT Copper industry and trade [TN440-TN449 (Mineral resources)] Mines and mineral resources BT Ores Copper slag (May Subd Geog) NT Bornite BT Slag — Accidents (May Subd Geog) Chalcocite BT Mine accidents Chalcopyrite Copper smelting (May Subd Geog) Covellite UF Copper ores—Smelting — — Montana Enargite BT Smelting NT Granite Mountain Speculator Mine Disaster, Mont., 1917 — Smelting Copper steel USE Copper smelting [TA479.C7] — Strikes and lockouts BT Copper alloys USE Strikes and lockouts—Copper mining Copper organic compounds Steel USE Organocopper compounds — Alaska Copper-stone age NT Kennecott Copper Mine (Alaska) Copper oxide (May Subd Geog) USE Copper age BT Metallic oxides — Arizona NT Barium cuprate Copper suboxide NT Copper Queen Mine (Ariz.) Copper oxide rectifiers USE Cuprous oxide Pima Mine (Ariz.) Reward Mine (Ariz.) Copper oxide rectifiers Copper sulfate (May Subd Geog) UF Rectifiers, Copper oxide UF Copper sulphate [Former heading] — Australia BT Copper oxide BT Copper compounds NT Paramatta Mine (S.A.) Electric current rectifiers Sulfates Yelta Mines (S.A.) Copper oxide superconductors Copper sulfate industry (May Subd Geog) — Burma [QC611.98.C64] [HD9585.C58-HD9585.C584] NT Letpadaung Mine (Burma) BT Superconductors UF Copper sulphate industry [Former heading] BT Chemical industry — China Copper painting (May Subd Geog) Nonmetallic minerals industry NT De'erni Copper Mine (China) UF Painting on copper Tonglü Shan Copper Mine (China) BT Painting Copper sulfide (May Subd Geog) UF Copper sulphide [Former heading] — England Copper pipe BT Copper compounds NT Ecton Copper Mines (England) USE Pipe, Copper Metal sulfides — Indonesia Copper-plates Copper sulphate NT Grasberg Mine (Indonesia) USE Copperplates USE Copper sulfate — Iran Copper plating Copper sulphate industry NT Sungun Copper Mine (Iran) [TS692.C6] USE Copper sulfate industry BT Electroplating — Michigan Copper sulphide NT Isle Royale Mine (Mich.) Copper Point (Utah) USE Copper sulfide Norwich Mine (Mich.) BT Mountains—Utah Copper surfaces — Montana Copper powder USE Copper—Surfaces NT Granite Mountain Mine (Butte, Mont.) UF Copper, Powdered Powdered copper Copper theft (May Subd Geog) — Namibia BT Metal powders BT Theft NT Matchless Copper Mine (Namibia) Copper proteins Copper-tin alloys (May Subd Geog) — Peru [QP552.C64] BT Bronze NT Tintaya Copper Mine (Peru) UF Cuproproteins Copper alloys BT Metalloproteins Tin alloys — Poland Organocopper compounds NT Legnicko-Głogowski Okręg Miedziowy NT Ceruloplasmin Copper-tin-beryllium alloys (Poland) Hemocyanin BT Beryllium alloys Copper alloys — South Africa Copper protoxide Tin alloys NT O'Okiep Copper Mine (South Africa) USE Cuprous oxide Copper-tin-magnesium alloys — Sweden Copper pyrites BT Copper alloys NT Falu Mine (Sweden) USE Chalcopyrite Magnesium alloys Tin alloys — Uganda Copper pyrites, Roasted NT Kilembe Mine (Uganda) USE Magistral Copper-titanium alloys BT Copper alloys — Utah Copper Queen Mine (Ariz.) Titanium alloys NT Bingham Copper Mine (Utah) BT Copper mines and mining—Arizona Copper-titanium-zinc alloys — Wales Copper redhorse (May Subd Geog) BT Copper alloys NT Sygun Copper Mine (Beddgelert, Wales) [QL638.C27 (Zoology)] Titanium alloys UF Moxostoma hubbsi Zinc alloys — Zambia BT Redhorses NT Hippo Mine (Zambia) Copper tubes Copper River (Alaska) USE Tubes, Copper Copper mines and mining, Prehistoric BT Rivers—Alaska (May Subd Geog) Copper tubing UF Prehistoric copper mines and mining Copper River Bridge (Alaska) USE Tubes, Copper USE Miles Glacier Bridge (Alaska) Copper moki Copper Valley (Alaska) USE Latridopsis forsteri Copper River Delta (Alaska) USE Copper River Valley (Alaska) BT Deltas—Alaska Copper-molybdenum-selenium alloys (May Subd Geog) Copper welding BT Copper alloys Copper River Highway (Alaska) USE Copper—Welding Molybdenum alloys BT Roads—Alaska Selenium compounds Copper wire Copper River language BT Wire Copper monobromide USE Ahtena language USE Cuprous bromide Copper work Copper River Valley (Alaska) USE Copperwork Copper monochloride UF Copper Valley (Alaska) USE Cuprous chloride BT Valleys—Alaska Copper-zinc alloys BT Copper alloys Copper moss, Waterfall USE Bryum porsildii Copper Mountain (Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan Census Area, Alaska) BT Mountains—Alaska C-662
Zinc alloys Copperwork, Ancient (May Subd Geog) Coprinus radiatus (May Subd Geog) NT Brass [NK8107-NK8107.4] [QK629.C] — Fatigue (May Subd Geog) UF Ancient copperwork BT Coprinus — Spectra Copper-zirconium alloys Copperwork, Indian Coprobionts BT Copper alloys USE Indian copperwork USE Coprophilous organisms Zirconium alloys Copperwork, Medieval (May Subd Geog) Coprocessors (May Subd Geog) Copperas [NK8108] UF Co-processors UF Copper articles, Medieval [Former heading] BT Microprocessors USE Ferrous sulfate Medieval copperwork Coppergate Site (York, England) Coproduction (Motion pictures, television, etc.) Copperwork, Ottoman (May Subd Geog) (May Subd Geog) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic UF Ottoman copperwork UF Co-production (Motion pictures, television, etc.) subdivision. BT Motion pictures—Production and direction Copperwork, Romanesque (May Subd Geog) Radio—Production and direction BT England—Antiquities [NK8108.92] Television—Production and direction Copperhead (May Subd Geog) UF Romanesque copperwork Video recordings—Production and direction [QL666.O69] Coppes family Coprolites (May Subd Geog) UF Agkistrodon contortrix USE Coppess family [QE899.2.C67 (Paleontology)] [TN948.C73 (Minerals)] Copperheads [Former heading] Coppess family (Not Subd Geog) UF Castings, Fossil BT Agkistrodon UF Coppes family Excrement, Fossil NT Broad-banded copperhead Coppis family Feces, Fossil RT Cope family Fossil excrement Northern copperhead Fossil feces Osage copperhead Coppice Colliery (England) BT Trace fossils Southern copperhead UF Alder Carr Coppice Pit (England) Trans-Pecos copperhead Big Pit (England) Coprophiles Copperhead (Nickname) Coppice Pit (England) USE Coprophilous organisms USE Copperhead movement Coppy Pit (England) Copperhead movement BT Coal mines and mining—England Coprophilic organisms [E458.8] USE Coprophilous organisms UF Butternuts (Copperhead movement) Coppice ecology Copperhead (Nickname) [Former heading] USE Coppice forest ecology Coprophilous fungi (May Subd Geog) Copperheadism UF Dung fungi Peace Democrats (Copperhead movement) Coppice forest ecology (May Subd Geog) Fungi on dung BT Peace movements—United States UF Coppice ecology BT Coprophilous organisms United States—History—Civil War, 1861- Coppice forests—Ecology Fungi 1865—Protest movements BT Forest ecology Copperheadism Coprophilous organisms (May Subd Geog) USE Copperhead movement Coppice forests (May Subd Geog) UF Coprobionts Copperheads [SD387.C68] Coprophiles USE Copperhead UF Coppice woodlands Coprophilic organisms Coppermine Apache Indians Coppice woods BT Organisms USE Mimbreño Indians Coppices NT Coprophilous fungi Coppermine River (N.W.T. and Nunavut) Copses BT Rivers—Northwest Territories Sprout forests Coprosma (May Subd Geog) Rivers—Nunavut BT Forests and forestry [QK495.R85 (Botany)] Coppermine River Valley (N.W.T.) UF Caprosma USE Coppermine River Valley (N.W.T. and — Ecology Euathronia Nunavut) USE Coppice forest ecology Eurynome (Plants) Coppermine River Valley (N.W.T. and Nunavut) Marquisia UF Coppermine River Valley (N.W.T.) [Former Coppice Pit (England) Mirrorplant heading] USE Coppice Colliery (England) Pelaphia Coppermine Valley (N.W.T. and Nunavut) BT Rubiaceae BT Valleys—Northwest Territories Coppice woodlands NT Coprosma wallii Valleys—Nunavut USE Coppice forests Coppermine Valley (N.W.T. and Nunavut) Coprosma wallii (May Subd Geog) USE Coppermine River Valley (N.W.T. and Coppice woods [QK495.R85 (Botany)] Nunavut) USE Coppice forests UF Mikimiki (Plants) Copperon BT Coprosma USE Cupferron Coppices Copperplate printing USE Coppice forests Cops USE Engraving—Printing USE Police Copperplate script Coppicing (May Subd Geog) USE Writing, Copperplate BT Forests and forestry Copses Copperplate writing Harvesting USE Coppice forests USE Writing, Copperplate Copperplates (May Subd Geog) Coppieters family (Not Subd Geog) Copsychus (May Subd Geog) UF Copper-plates Coppin family [QL696.P255] Engraved copper-plates UF Magpie-robins Etching plates USE Copping family Shamas Plates, Etching Copping family (Not Subd Geog) BT Muscicapidae BT Prints—Materials NT Seychelles magpie robin Coppers (Insects) UF Coppen family White-rumped shama USE Lycaenidae Coppin family [Former heading] Coppershanks Copsychus malabaricus USE Brass Ankles Coppinger family (Not Subd Geog) USE White-rumped shama Coppersmith dialect UF Coppenger family USE Kalderash dialect Copsychus sechellarum Coppersmithing Coppis family USE Seychelles magpie robin USE Copperwork USE Coppess family Coppersmiths (May Subd Geog) Copters BT Copperwork Copple family USE Helicopters Copperwork (May Subd Geog) USE Keppel family [NK8100-NK8199 (Decorative arts)] Copthorn family [TT250 (Handicrafts)] Coppock family (Not Subd Geog) USE Copithorne family UF Copper articles [Former heading] Coppy Pit (England) Copper work Copthorne family Coppersmithing [Former heading] USE Coppice Colliery (England) USE Copithorne family BT Art metal-work Copra (May Subd Geog) Metal-work Coptic art (May Subd Geog) NT Copper implements [SB401] UF Art, Coptic [Former heading] Copper jewelry BT Coconut products BT Art Coppersmiths Indian copperwork Dried coconut Coptic art metal-work (May Subd Geog) Copra industry (May Subd Geog) [NK6488.3] BT Art metal-work [HD9259.C58-HD9259.C6] BT Coconut industry Coptic authors (May Subd Geog) Copridae UF Authors, Coptic [Former heading] USE Scarabaeidae BT Authors Coprinaceae (May Subd Geog) [QK629.C] Coptic bookbinding (May Subd Geog) BT Agaricales UF Bookbinding, Coptic NT Coprinus Coprinus (May Subd Geog) Coptic chants (May Subd Geog) [QK629.C] UF Coptic Orthodox chants UF Inky cap mushrooms BT Chants BT Coprinaceae Coptic Church—Liturgy NT Coprinus lagopus Coptic Christian poetry Coprinus radiatus USE Christian poetry, Coptic Coprinus lagopus (May Subd Geog) [QK629.C] BT Coprinus C-663
Coptic Christian saints (May Subd Geog) Coptic pottery (May Subd Geog) — Egypt UF Christian saints, Coptic [Former heading] [NK4175.3] USE Copts Coptic saints, Christian UF Pottery, Coptic [Former heading] Saints, Coptic [Former heading] BT Pottery Copula (Grammar) BT Christian saints Pottery, Egyptian USE Grammar, Comparative and general—Copula Coptic Church Coptic processional crosses (May Subd Geog) Copulas (Mathematical statistics) NT Women in the Coptic Church UF Processional crosses, Coptic [Former heading] BT Distribution (Probability theory) BT Processional crosses — Education (May Subd Geog) Copulation NT Coptic schools Coptic rite (Catholic Church) USE Sexual intercourse USE Catholic Church—Coptic rite — Liturgy Copulation behavior in animals NT Coptic chants Coptic saints, Christian USE Sexual behavior in animals USE Coptic Christian saints Coptic church buildings (May Subd Geog) Copulation in animals UF Churches, Coptic [Former heading] Coptic schools (May Subd Geog) USE Sexual behavior in animals BT Church buildings BT Coptic Church—Education Copulatory apparatus Coptic embroidery (May Subd Geog) Coptic sculpture (May Subd Geog) USE Copulatory organs UF Embroidery, Coptic [Former heading] UF Sculpture, Coptic [Former heading] BT Embroidery BT Sculpture Copulatory appendages USE Copulatory organs Coptic fathers of the church Coptic sermons (May Subd Geog) UF Fathers of the church, Coptic [Former heading] UF Sermons, Coptic [Former heading] Copulatory behavior in animals BT Fathers of the church BT Sermons USE Sexual behavior in animals Coptic icons (May Subd Geog) Coptic silk (May Subd Geog) Copulatory organs UF Icons, Coptic UF Silk, Coptic [Former heading] [QL876- BT Icons BT Silk QL881 (Animal and comparative anatomy)] Coptic illumination of books and manuscripts Coptic tapestry (May Subd Geog) UF Copulatory apparatus (May Subd Geog) BT Tapestry Copulatory appendages UF Illumination of books and manuscripts, Coptic Copulatory structures [Former heading] Coptic textile fabrics (May Subd Geog) Intromittent genitalia BT Illumination of books and manuscripts UF Textile fabrics, Coptic [Former heading] Intromittent organs — Arab influences BT Textile fabrics BT Generative organs BT Civilization, Arab NT Clasper (Anatomy) — Islamic influences Coptic wood-carving (May Subd Geog) Hemipenis BT Islamic civilization [NK9788.3] Penis UF Wood-carving, Coptic [Former heading] Vagina Coptic inscriptions (May Subd Geog) BT Wood-carving UF Inscriptions, Coptic [Former heading] Copulatory pattern (Animal behavior) BT Inscriptions Coptic youth (May Subd Geog) USE Sexual behavior in animals BT Christian youth Coptic language (May Subd Geog) Copulatory structures [PJ2001-PJ2187] Coptis (May Subd Geog) USE Copulatory organs BT Egyptian language [QK495.R215 (Botany)] NT Akhmimic dialect BT Ranunculaceae Copy, Advertising Bohairic dialect NT Coptis chinensis USE Advertising copy Sahidic dialect Coptis japonica Copy, Camera-ready — Papyri Coptis anemonaefolia USE Camera-ready copy UF Coptic papyri USE Coptis japonica Papyri, Coptic Copy art (May Subd Geog) BT Manuscripts (Papyri) Coptis anemonifolia [NE3000] USE Coptis japonica Here are entered works on the use of Coptic letter writing USE Letter writing, Coptic Coptis chinensis (May Subd Geog) photocopying machines to create original works of [QK495.R215 (Botany)] art. Works on clipping artistic material from a Coptic literature (May Subd Geog) [SB295.C65 (Culture)] published source to use it for decorative or illustrative [PJ2190-PJ2199] BT Coptis purposes when creating documents, posters, BT Egypt—Literatures newsletters, etc., are entered under Clip art. NT Coptic poetry Coptis japonica (May Subd Geog) [QK495.R215 (Botany)] UF Art, Copy Coptic literature (Arabic) UF Coptis anemonaefolia Art, Reprographic USE Arabic literature—Coptic authors Coptis anemonifolia Art, Xerographic Coptis orientalis Copying machine art Coptic magic (May Subd Geog) BT Coptis Reprographic art UF Magic, Coptic [Former heading] Xerographic art BT Magic Coptis orientalis RT Magic, Egyptian USE Coptis japonica BT Art Copy books (Pattern books) Coptic manuscripts (May Subd Geog) Coptocarpus (May Subd Geog) UF Manuscripts, Coptic [Former heading] [QL596.C2 (Zoology)] USE Pattern books BT Manuscripts BT Ground beetles Copy books (Penmanship) Coptic manuscripts (Papyri) (May Subd Geog) Coptoloma USE Copybooks UF Manuscripts, Coptic (Papyri) [Former heading] USE Grapholita Copy cataloging (May Subd Geog) BT Manuscripts (Papyri) Coptosoma (May Subd Geog) [Z693.3.C67] Coptic monasteries (May Subd Geog) [QL523.P57] UF Cataloging—Copying UF Monasteries, Coptic [Former heading] BT Plataspidae BT Monasteries Cataloging with copy RT Coptic monasticism and religious orders Coptosomidae BT Cooperative cataloging USE Plataspidae Copy editing (May Subd Geog) Coptic monasticism and religious orders [PN4784.C75 (Journalism)] (May Subd Geog) Coptotermes (May Subd Geog) Here are entered works on word-by-word editing UF Monasticism and religious orders, Coptic [QL529.3.R4] for spelling, grammar, style, etc. Works on editing [Former heading] BT Rhinotermitidae that significantly structures the content and BT Monasticism and religious orders NT Coptotermes sjöstedti presentation of a work as a whole are entered under RT Coptic monasteries Formosan subterranean termite Developmental editing. Coptic mural painting and decoration (May Subd Geog) Coptotermes formosae UF Copy-reading [Former heading] UF Mural painting and decoration, Coptic [Former USE Formosan subterranean termite Copyediting heading] Copyreading BT Mural painting and decoration Coptotermes formosanus USE Formosan subterranean termite BT Editing Coptic Orthodox chants Copy-reading USE Coptic chants Coptotermes hongkongensis Ethiopian chants USE Formosan subterranean termite USE Copy editing Copy writers (May Subd Geog) Coptic painting (May Subd Geog) Coptotermes intrudens BT Painting USE Formosan subterranean termite [HD8039.C654] UF Advertising copy writers Coptic paleography (May Subd Geog) Coptotermes remotus BT Authors [Z115.5.C6] USE Formosan subterranean termite NT Women copy writers UF Paleography, Coptic [Former heading] — Labor unions (May Subd Geog) BT Paleography Coptotermes sjos̈ tedti (May Subd Geog) — Strikes and lockouts [QL529.3.R4] Coptic papyri BT Coptotermes USE Strikes and lockouts—Copy writers USE Coptic language—Papyri — Japan Copts (May Subd Geog) Copy writing, Advertising Coptic philology [DT72.C7] USE Advertising copy Coptic poetry (May Subd Geog) Here are entered general works on Copts and Copybooks (May Subd Geog) BT Coptic literature works on Copts in Egypt. Works on Copts in a [Z43] NT Christian poetry, Coptic particular locality in Egypt are entered under Copts-- UF Calligraphy—Copy-books [Former heading] Egypt--[locality]. Calligraphy—Handbooks, manuals, etc. UF Copts—Egypt Copy books (Penmanship) BT Egyptians Ethnology—Egypt C-664
Penmanship—Copy-books [Former heading] BT Service industries BT Copyright and electronic data processing Penmanship—Handbooks, manuals, etc. RT Copying processes RT Software protection—Law and legislation BT Textbooks NT Photocopying services — Computer software Copybooks (Pattern books) Copyists (May Subd Geog) USE Copyright—Computer programs USE Pattern books BT Calligraphers — Conflict of laws Copyediting USE Conflict of laws—Copyright USE Copy editing Diplomatics — Criminal provisions Copyfitting (May Subd Geog) Manuscripts USE Copyright infringement BT Typesetting Paleography — Data bases Copyhold (May Subd Geog) NT Pecia USE Copyright—Databases UF Copyhold—Law and legislation Scribes — Databases (May Subd Geog) BT Land tenure—Law and legislation Copyists, Art UF Copyright—Data bases [Former heading] Manors USE Art copyists Real property Copyreading Databases—Copyright — Law and legislation USE Copy editing — Depository copies USE Copyhold Copyright (May Subd Geog) Copying [Z551-Z656 (Non-legal aspects)] USE Legal deposit of books, etc. RT Copying processes UF Copyright—Law and legislation — Designs SA subdivision Copying under individual art forms Literary property and headings for national or ethnic art, e.g. Property, Literary USE Design protection Art, Italian--Copying BT Intangible property — Drama (May Subd Geog) NT Archival materials—Reproduction Intellectual property Arts—Reproduction RT Anti-copyright movement [Z652.D7] Calligraphy—Copying Authors and publishers UF Drama—Copyright Catalog cards—Reproduction Book registration, National Library materials—Reproduction Patent laws and legislation Play-right Manuscripts—Reproduction NT Authorship—Collaboration Stage-right Manuscripts—Rule marks Copying processes—Law and legislation BT Theater Maps—Reproduction Copyright infringement Theater—Law and legislation Mosaics—Copying Copyright licenses RT Non-royalty plays Pictures—Copying Copyright notices NT Copyright—Broadcasting rights Transcription Design protection Copyright—Performing rights Tripiṭaka—Copying Domaine public payant — Droit de suite (May Subd Geog) Watermarks—Reproduction Legal deposit of books, etc. UF Droit de suite (Copyright) — Fair use (Copyright) (May Subd Geog) Orphan works (Copyright) BT Copyright—Art Public domain (Copyright law) — Duration (May Subd Geog) BT Fair use (Copyright) Slogans—Law and legislation UF Copyright—Renewal Copying fluids — Adaptations (May Subd Geog) Duration of copyright Renewal of copyright USE Duplicating fluids UF Adaptations (Copyright) — Editing (May Subd Geog) Copying machine art Arrangement (Music)—Copyright — Electronic information resources Copyright—Musical arrangements (May Subd Geog) USE Copy art [Z653.7] Copying machine equipment industry (May Subd Geog) — Advertisements (May Subd Geog) UF Electronic information [Z656.A] resources—Copyright [HD9802.3] — Employees BT Office equipment and supplies industry — Architecture (May Subd Geog) USE Copyright, Employees' NT Toners (Xerography) industry [Z654] — Fair use Copying machine industry (May Subd Geog) USE Fair use (Copyright) [HD9802.3] — Art (May Subd Geog) — Fictitious characters (May Subd Geog) BT Office equipment and supplies industry UF Art—Copyright UF Fictitious characters—Copyright Copying machines (May Subd Geog) BT Law and art — Geographic information systems [HF5541.C8 (Office equipment)] NT Copyright—Droit de suite (May Subd Geog) UF Copiers UF Geographic information — Artistic performance (May Subd Geog) systems—Copyright Duplicating machines [Z650] — Government employees BT Copying processes Here are entered works treating of the USE Copyright, Government employees' — Government information Office equipment and supplies intellectual property of actors, musicians and other USE Copyright—Official information NT Photocopying machines performing artists in their performance. Works on — Information storage and retrieval systems — Equipment and supplies the protection of authors and composers against (May Subd Geog) Copying machines (Machine-tools) (May Subd Geog) unauthorized performance of their works are RT Copyright—Machine-readable Copying processes entered under the heading Copyright--Performing bibliographic data [Z48] rights. BT Copyright and electronic data processing UF Autographic processes — Interactive multimedia (May Subd Geog) UF Performing artists, Legal rights of UF Interactive multimedia—Copyright Commercial correspondence—Copying Radio and copyright — Law and legislation processes USE Copyright Duplicating processes BT Copyright—Neighboring rights — Lectures, sermons, etc. Manifolding — Assignment USE Copyright—Sermons Reproduction processes Copyright—Speeches, addresses, etc. Reprography USE Copyright—Transfer — Lending rights Typewriting—Copying processes — Audio-visual materials (May Subd Geog) USE Public lending rights (of authors) Writing—Copying processes — Letters (May Subd Geog) RT Copying UF Audio-visual materials—Copyright [Z652.L4] Copying services — Audiotapes (May Subd Geog) — Licenses BT Documentation USE Copyright licenses Letter services UF Audiotapes—Copyright — Machine-readable bibliographic data NT Carbon copy Copyright—Phonotapes [Former heading] (May Subd Geog) Classification—Books—Copying processes UF Machine-readable bibliographic Copying machines — Broadcasting rights (May Subd Geog) data—Copyright Fluid copying processes UF Copyright—Radio rights RT Copyright—Information storage and Hectograph Copyright—Television rights retrieval systems Mimeograph Copyright and radio — Manufacturing clause Multigraph Copyright and streaming technology UF Copyright—United States—Manufacturing Overlay drafting systems Copyright and television clause Photocopying Radio and copyright Manufacturing clause (Copyright law) Reproduction paper Streaming technology and copyright BT Clauses (Law) Signature writing machines Television and copyright Copyright—United States Stencils and stencil cutting BT Copyright—Drama — Manuscripts (May Subd Geog) Thermography (Copying process) Copyright—Music UF Manuscripts—Copyright — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Copyright—Performing rights — Maps (May Subd Geog) RT Video recordings—Fair use (Copyright) UF Maps—Copyright BT Copyright — Microforms (May Subd Geog) Copying rooms — Caricatures and cartoons (May Subd Geog) UF Microforms—Copyright UF Caricatures and cartoons—Copyright — Moral rights (May Subd Geog) USE Scriptoria [Z649.M6] Copying services (May Subd Geog) — Cases UF Copyright infringement—Cases [Z48] UF Reprographic services — Cataloging USE Copyright cataloging Services, Copying — Choreography (May Subd Geog) UF Choreography—Copyright — Computer files (May Subd Geog) UF Computer files—Copyright — Computer programs (May Subd Geog) UF Copyright—Computer software C-665
Copyright — Sculpture (May Subd Geog) Copyright and digital preservation (May Subd Geog) — Moral rights (Continued) [Z654] UF Digital preservation and copyright Here are entered works on the legal protection UF Sculpture—Copyright BT Digital preservation of the personal, non-pecuniary rights of authors and artists. — Semiconductors (May Subd Geog) Copyright and distance education (May Subd Geog) UF Semiconductors—Copyright UF Distance education and copyright UF Moral rights (Copyright law) BT Distance education BT Personality (Law) — Sermons — Motion picture music (May Subd Geog) UF Copyright—Lectures, sermons, etc. Copyright and electronic data processing UF Copyright—Moving-picture music [Former [Former heading] (May Subd Geog) UF Electronic data processing and copyright heading] — Silent films (May Subd Geog) BT Copyright infringement Motion picture music—Copyright UF Copyright—Silent motion pictures Fair use (Copyright) — Motion pictures (May Subd Geog) Silent films—Copyright NT Copyright—Computer programs [Z655] BT Copyright—Motion pictures Copyright—Information storage and retrieval UF Copyright—Moving-pictures [Former systems heading] — Silent motion pictures Digital rights management Copyright—Moving pictures, Talking USE Copyright—Silent films [Former heading] Copyright and radio Copyright—Sound motion pictures — Sound motion pictures USE Copyright—Broadcasting rights [Former heading] USE Copyright—Motion pictures Motion pictures—Copyright Copyright and streaming technology NT Copyright—Silent films — Sound recordings (May Subd Geog) USE Copyright—Broadcasting rights — Moving-picture music UF Copyright—Phonorecords [Former USE Copyright—Motion picture music heading] Copyright and television — Moving-pictures Sound recordings—Copyright USE Copyright—Broadcasting rights USE Copyright—Motion pictures RT Magnetic recorders and recording—Fair — Moving pictures, Talking use (Copyright) Copyright cataloging (May Subd Geog) USE Copyright—Motion pictures [Z649.C38] — Music (May Subd Geog) — Speeches, addresses, etc. UF Copyright—Cataloging [Z653] UF Copyright—Lectures, sermons, etc. BT Cataloging UF Music—Copyright [Former heading] NT Copyright—Broadcasting rights Copyright clearing centers Copyright—Performing rights — Taxation USE Copyright clearinghouses Musicians—Legal status, laws, etc. USE Copyright—Royalties—Taxation — Musical arrangements Copyright clearinghouses (May Subd Geog) USE Copyright—Adaptations — Television rights Here are entered works on institutions established — Neighboring rights (May Subd Geog) USE Copyright—Broadcasting rights UF Neighboring rights (Copyright) to assist users in securing permission to reproduce, Rights called neighboring on copyrights — Textile fabrics (May Subd Geog) broadcast or perform copyrighted works and to collect NT Copyright—Artistic performance UF Textile fabrics—Copyright royalties for authors. — News articles (May Subd Geog) [Z652.N4] — Titles (May Subd Geog) UF Collecting societies, Copyright UF Copyright—Newspaper articles [Former [Z649.T5] Copyright clearing centers heading] BT Titles of books Copyright collecting societies News articles—Copyright Copyright collectives BT Press law — Transfer (May Subd Geog) Performing rights societies — Newspaper articles [Z649.T7] USE Copyright—News articles UF Copyright—Assignment BT Clearinghouses — Official information (May Subd Geog) Transfer of copyright Copyright collecting societies UF Copyright—Government information Government information—Copyright — Translations (May Subd Geog) USE Copyright clearinghouses RT Copyright, Government employees' UF Translations—Copyright Copyright collectives — Operas (May Subd Geog) UF Operas—Copyright — Unauthorized reprints USE Copyright clearinghouses — Pantomimes (May Subd Geog) USE Books—Pirated editions Copyright deposit UF Pantomimes—Copyright — Performing rights (May Subd Geog) — Unauthorized reproductions of phonotapes USE Legal deposit of books, etc. Here are entered works on the protection of USE Sound recordings—Pirated editions Copyright infringement (May Subd Geog) authors and composers against unauthorized performance of their works. Works treating of the — Unauthorized reproductions of sound recordings UF Copyright—Criminal provisions intellectual property of actors, musicians and other USE Sound recordings—Pirated editions Copyright infringement—Law and legislation performing artists in their performance are entered Infringement of copyright under the heading Copyright--Artistic performance. — Unauthorized reproductions of video recordings USE Video recordings—Pirated editions BT Copyright UF Performing rights (Copyright) Intellectual property infringement BT Copyright—Drama — Video recordings (May Subd Geog) UF Video recordings—Copyright RT Anti-copyright movement Copyright—Music RT Video recordings—Fair use (Copyright) NT Copyright and audio-visual education RT Authors and theater — Confederate States of America Copyright and electronic data processing Copyright—Operas UF Confederate States of America—Copyright Fair use (Copyright) NT Copyright—Broadcasting rights Piracy (Copyright) — Phonorecords — United States Plagiarism USE Copyright—Sound recordings UF United States—Copyright — Cases — Phonotapes NT Copyright—Manufacturing clause USE Copyright—Cases USE Copyright—Audiotapes — Law and legislation — Photographs (May Subd Geog) — — Manufacturing clause USE Copyright infringement UF Photographs—Copyright USE Copyright—Manufacturing clause Copyright licenses (May Subd Geog) — Public domain UF Copyright—Licenses USE Public domain (Copyright law) Copyright, Employees' (May Subd Geog) BT Copyright — Public lending rights UF Copyright—Employees License agreements USE Public lending rights (of authors) Copyright, Employees'—Law and legislation — Conflict of laws — Radio rights Employees' copyright USE Conflict of laws—Copyright licenses USE Copyright—Broadcasting rights NT Copyright, Government employees' Copyright notices (May Subd Geog) — Renewal UF Notices of copyright USE Copyright—Duration — Law and legislation BT Copyright — Royalties (May Subd Geog) USE Copyright, Employees' Copyright of periodicals (May Subd Geog) UF Royalties (Copyright) UF Periodicals—Copyright RT Non-royalty plays Copyright, Government employees' (May Subd Geog) BT Periodicals NT Photocopying—Royalties UF Copyright—Government employees Copyright of serial publications (May Subd Geog) — — Taxation (May Subd Geog) RT Copyright—Official information UF Serial publications—Copyright BT Copyright, Employees' BT Serial publications UF Copyright—Taxation [Former heading] Copyright policies in libraries Taxation of royalties Copyright, International USE Library copyright policies [Z552] Copytus (May Subd Geog) BT Income tax UF International copyright [QL444.O86] BT Neocytherideidae Copyright, Perpetual (May Subd Geog) NT Copytus caligula [Z551] Copytus caligula (May Subd Geog) [QL444.O86] Copyright (Canon law) BT Copytus BT Canon law Copywriting, Advertising USE Advertising copy Copyright (Islamic law) (May Subd Geog) Coq gaulois (Heraldic device) (May Subd Geog) BT Islamic law [CR542] BT Devices (Heraldry) Copyright (Jewish law) Coqs de pat̂ issier (Pastry wheels) BT Jewish law USE Pastry wheels Copyright (Joint tenancy) (May Subd Geog) UF Co-authorship (Copyright) BT Authorship—Collaboration Joint tenancy Copyright (Roman law) BT Roman law Copyright and audio-visual education (May Subd Geog) UF Audio-visual education and copyright BT Copyright infringement Fair use (Copyright) C-666
Coque Indians — Religion BT Coral reef ecology USE Zoque Indians Cora language (May Subd Geog) Corals—Effect of stress on Coquelle Indians [PM3711] Coral Castle (Homestead, Fla.) USE Coquille Indians UF Ateanaca language This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Coquet Island (England) Chora language subdivision. BT Islands—England Chota language Muutzicat language UF Korall̦ ̦u pils (Homestead, Fla.) Coquetry Nayarita language Rock Gate Park (Homestead, Fla.) USE Flirting Nayit language Teacuacitizia language BT Sculpture gardens—Florida Coqui Teacuaetzica language Coral colonies (May Subd Geog) USE Eleutherodactylus coqui BT Mexico—Languages Piman languages Here are entered works on corals that have a Coqui, Golden Cora literature (May Subd Geog) common ancestry through asexual reproduction. USE Golden coqui BT Mexico—Literatures Works on the structures made from calcium NT Cora poetry carbonate secreted by corals are entered under Coral Coqui, Jasper's Cora poetry (May Subd Geog) reefs and islands. USE Golden coqui BT Cora literature Cora textile fabrics (May Subd Geog) UF Corals—Colonies Cóquia family (Not Subd Geog) UF Textile fabrics, Cora BT Animal colonies Coquille Indians (May Subd Geog) BT Textile fabrics—Mexico Coral communities (May Subd Geog) Coracan millet UF Communities, Coral [E99.C8742] USE Ragi BT Corals—Ecology UF Coquelle Indians Coraciae USE Coraciiformes Invertebrate communities Miluk Indians Coracias (May Subd Geog) Coral cover declines Mishikhwutmetunne Indians [QL696.C73] Mulluk Indians BT Coraciidae USE Coral declines Nasami Indians NT Blue-bellied roller Coral declines (May Subd Geog) BT Indians of North America—Oregon Coracias cyanogaster Coquille language (May Subd Geog) USE Blue-bellied roller UF Coral cover declines UF Miluk Coos language Coraciformes, Fossil Coral reef declines Miluk language USE Coraciiformes, Fossil Corals—Declines Mishikhwutmetunne language Coraciidae (May Subd Geog) Declines, Coral Mulluk language [QL696.C73] Nasami language UF Rollers (Birds) BT Coral reef ecology Upper Coquille language BT Coraciiformes Coral fisheries (May Subd Geog) BT Oregon—Languages NT Coracias Penutian languages Coraciiformes (May Subd Geog) [SH399.C6] Coquille River (Or.) [QL696.C7-QL696.C79] Here are entered works on fisheries for coral. BT Rivers—Oregon UF Coraciae Works on fisheries for fishes and other animals that Coquille River Estuary (Or.) Picariae live in the coral reef environment are entered under BT Estuaries—Oregon BT Birds Coral reef fisheries. Coquille River Valley (Or.) NT Bee eaters USE Coquille Valley (Or.) Coraciidae BT Fisheries Coquille Valley (Or.) Hornbills Coral fishes UF Coquille River Valley (Or.) Kingfishers BT Valleys—Oregon Momotidae USE Coral reef fishes Coquille women (May Subd Geog) Todidae Coral industry and trade (May Subd Geog) UF Women, Coquille Coraciiformes, Fossil (May Subd Geog) BT Women—United States [QE872.C8] [HD9747] Coquimbo Bay (Chile) UF Coraciformes, Fossil [Former heading] Coral island soils UF Bahiá de Coquimbo (Chile) BT Birds, Fossil Baye de la Coquimbo (Chile) NT Kingfishers, Fossil USE Atoll soils BT Bays—Chile Coracinidae (May Subd Geog) Coral islands Coquimbo River (Chile) [QL638.C7] USE Elqui River (Chile) UF Dichistiidae USE Coral reefs and islands Coquina (May Subd Geog) BT Perciformes Coral jewelry (May Subd Geog) UF Shellstone NT Coracinus BT Limestone Coracinus (May Subd Geog) [TS755.C (Manufacture)] Coquinas [QL638.C7] UF Precious corals USE Donacidae BT Coracinidae BT Corals Coquitlam River (B.C.) NT Coracinus capensis BT Rivers—British Columbia Coracinus capensis (May Subd Geog) Jewelry Coquitlam River Watershed (B.C.) [QL638.C7] Coral Kendall (Fictitious character) BT Watersheds—British Columbia UF Dichistius capensis Coquitos, Parque de Los (Los Teques, Miranda, Dichistius falcatus USE Kendall, Coral (Fictitious character) Venezuela) Dipterodon capensis Coral king snake USE Parque Knoop (Los Teques, Miranda, BT Coracinus Venezuela) Coracite USE California mountain kingsnake Cor (Vietnamese people) USE Uraninite Coral kingsnake USE Cua (Vietnamese people) Coracius galbula Cor anglais USE Northern oriole USE California mountain kingsnake USE English horn Coracles (May Subd Geog) Coral limestone (May Subd Geog) Cor pulmonale (May Subd Geog) [SH344.8.B6] [RC685.C55] BT Fishing boats UF Coral stone UF Pulmonary heart disease Skin boats BT Building stones BT Heart—Diseases Coraice Indians Lungs—Diseases USE Cora Indians Limestone Cora dance (May Subd Geog) CORAL (Computer program language) RT Corals, Fossil UF Dance, Cora UF Class oriented ring associated language Coral microatolls BT Dance—Mexico Coral art objects (May Subd Geog) USE Microatolls Cora Felton (Fictitious character) [NK6010] Coral Pink Dunes tiger beetle (May Subd Geog) USE Felton, Cora (Fictitious character) BT Art objects [QL596.C56 (Zoology)] Cora Indians (May Subd Geog) Coral atoll soils UF Cicindela albissima [F1221.C6] USE Atoll soils UF Ateanaca Indians Coral atolls Cicindela limbata albissima Chora Indians USE Coral reefs and islands Coral Pink Sand Dunes tiger beetle Chota Indians Coral bleaching (May Subd Geog) BT Cicindela Coraice Indians UF Bleaching, Coral Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park (Utah) Muutzicat Indians Coral reef bleaching USE Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Reserve (Utah) Nayarit Indians Corals—Bleaching Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Reserve (Utah) Nayit Indians UF Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park (Utah) Teacuacitzia Indians C-667 BT Parks—Utah Teacuaeitzica Indians Coral Pink Sand Dunes tiger beetle BT Indians of Mexico USE Coral Pink Dunes tiger beetle Uto-Aztecan Indians Coral reef animals (May Subd Geog) RT Huichol Indians [QL125] Pericu Indians UF Coral reef fauna [Former heading] BT Coral reef organisms Reef animals NT Coral reef fishes Coral reef biology (May Subd Geog) [QH95.8] BT Biology Coral reef bleaching USE Coral bleaching Coral reef conservation (May Subd Geog) [QH75-QH77] UF Conservation of coral reefs Coral reefs and islands—Conservation Maintenance of coral reef productivity BT Nature conservation
Coral reef conservation (Continued) — Restoration NT Leptomicrurus BT Environmental law USE Coral reef restoration Micruroides Micrurus (Reptiles) Coral reef declines — Soils USE Coral declines USE Atoll soils Coral snakes, False USE Aniliidae Coral reef ecology (May Subd Geog) — Ashmore and Cartier Islands [QH92-QH95.6 (Local, by body of water)] NT Ashmore Reef (Ashmore and Cartier Coral soils [QH101-QH198 (Local, by region, etc.)] Islands) USE Atoll soils [QH541.5.C7 (General)] UF Coral reefs and islands—Ecology — Australia Coral stone BT Reef ecology NT Agincourt Reefs (Qld.) USE Coral limestone NT Coral bleaching Great Barrier Reef (Qld.) Coral declines Ningaloo Reef (W.A.) Coral tree, Common Rowley Shoals (W.A.) USE Common coral tree Coral reef fauna Swain Reefs (Qld.) USE Coral reef animals Wistari Reef (Qld.) Coral Triangle BT Pacific Ocean Coral reef fish fisheries — Caribbean Sea USE Coral reef fisheries NT Mesoamerican Reef Coral trout (May Subd Geog) [QL638.S48 (Zoology)] Coral reef fisheries (May Subd Geog) — Caroline Islands UF Common coral trout Here are entered works on fisheries for fishes and — Cook Islands Leopard trout — Coral Sea Islands Plectropomus leopardus other animals that live in the coral reef environment. Strawberry trout Works on fisheries for coral are entered under Coral NT Elizabeth Reef (Coral Sea Islands) BT Plectropomus fisheries. Middleton Reef (Coral Sea Islands) Coral trout fishing (May Subd Geog) UF Coral reef fish fisheries — Fiji BT Fishing BT Reef fisheries NT Great Astrolabe Reef (Fiji) Coral reef fishes (May Subd Geog) Great Sea Reef (Fiji) Corallimorpharia (May Subd Geog) UF Coral fishes North Astrolabe Reef (Fiji) [QL377.C7] BT Coral reef animals BT Zoantharia — French Polynesia NT Corallimorphidae Reef fishes — Hawaii Coral reef flora Corallimorphidae (May Subd Geog) NT French Frigate Shoals (Hawaii) [QL377.C7] USE Coral reef plants Maro Reef (Hawaii) BT Corallimorpharia Coral reef interpretation Neva Shoal (Hawaii) Pearl and Hermes Reef (Hawaii) Corallinaceae USE Coral reefs and islands—Interpretive programs USE Coralline algae Coral reef management (May Subd Geog) — Indonesia — Kiribati Corallinales UF Coral reefs and islands—Management — Madagascar USE Coralline algae BT Ecosystem management NT Coral reef restoration NT Great Reef (Madagascar) Coralline algae (May Subd Geog) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) — Marshall Islands [QK569.C8 (Algology)] — Mexico UF Calcareous algae BT Environmental law Corallinaceae [Former heading] Coral reef monitoring NT Alacrań Reef (Mexico) Corallinales — Mexico, Gulf of Nullipores USE Coral reefs and islands—Monitoring BT Red algae Coral reef organisms (May Subd Geog) NT Pulley Ridge NT Calliarthron — Micronesia (Federated States) Lithothamnium [QH95.8] — Netherlands Antilles BT Reef organisms — New Caledonia Coralline algae, Fossil (May Subd Geog) NT Coral reef animals [QE955] NT Aboré Reef (New Caledonia) BT Red algae, Fossil Coral reef plants D'Entrecasteaux Reefs (New Caledonia) Coral reef plants (May Subd Geog) Huon Islands (New Caledonia) Corallobothrium (May Subd Geog) Surprise Island (New Caledonia) [QL391.P7] [QK108-QK474.5 (Local)] BT Proteocephalidae UF Coral reef flora [Former heading] — North Atlantic Ocean BT Coral reef organisms NT Silver Bank Corallorhiza USE Coralroots Reef plants — Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Coral reef rehabilitation — Pacific Ocean Corallorhiza micrantha — Palau USE Autumn coralroot USE Coral reef restoration — Papua New Guinea Coral reef restoration (May Subd Geog) — Paracel Islands Corallorhiza odontorhiza USE Autumn coralroot [QH541.5.C7] NT Scarborough Reef (Paracel Islands) UF Coral reef rehabilitation — Philippines Corallorhiza pringlei USE Autumn coralroot Coral reefs and islands—Restoration NT Danajon Bank (Philippines) Reef rehabilitation, Coral Tubbataha Reefs (Philippines) Corallorrhiza Reef restoration, Coral USE Coralroots Restoration of coral reefs and islands — Pitcairn Islands BT Coral reef management NT Ducie Atoll (Pitcairn Islands) Corallus Restoration ecology Oeno Atoll (Pitcairn Islands) USE Tree boas Coral reef soils USE Atoll soils — Timor Sea Corallus hortulanus (May Subd Geog) Coral reefs and islands (May Subd Geog) NT Fantome Bank [QL666.O63 (Zoology)] [GB461-GB468 (Physical geography)] Sahul Banks BT Tree boas [QE565-QE566 (Geology)] Here are entered works on the structures made — Tokelau Coralorhiza from calcium carbonate secreted by corals. Works on UF Coral reefs and islands—Tokelau Islands USE Coralroots corals that have a common ancestry through asexual [Former heading] reproduction are entered under Coral colonies. Coralroots (May Subd Geog) — Tokelau Islands [QK495.O64 (Botany)] UF Atolls USE Coral reefs and islands—Tokelau UF Coral roots Coral atolls Corallorhiza Coral islands — Tonga Corallorrhiza Reefs, Coral — Tuvalu Coralorhiza — Wallis and Futuna BT Orchids BT Islands Coral roots NT Autumn coralroot SA individual coral reefs and islands USE Coralroots NT Hoas Coral Sea Corals (May Subd Geog) [QL377.C5-QL377.C7 (Zoology)] Microatolls BT Seas [SF458.C64 (Culture)] — Conservation Coral Sea, Battle of the, 1942 UF Lithophytes BT Anthozoa USE Coral reef conservation [D774.C] NT Black corals — Ecology BT World War, 1939-1945—Campaigns—Pacific Coral jewelry Introduced corals USE Coral reef ecology Ocean Scleractinia — Interpretive programs (May Subd Geog) Coral Sea National Nature Reserves (Coral Sea Zooxanthellate corals UF Coral reef interpretation Islands) — Bleaching BT Interpretation of cultural and natural BT National parks and reserves—Coral Sea USE Coral bleaching Islands resources Natural areas—Coral Sea Islands — Colonies — Management NT Coringa-Herald National Nature Reserve (Coral USE Coral colonies Sea Islands) USE Coral reef management Lihou Reef National Nature Reserve (Coral — Declines — Monitoring (May Subd Geog) Sea Islands) USE Coral declines UF Coral reef monitoring Coral snakes (May Subd Geog) — Ecology Monitoring of coral reefs [QL666.O64] NT Coral communities BT Elapidae BT Environmental monitoring C-668
— Effect of stress on (May Subd Geog) Corbert family Corbin Site (Ky.) NT Coral bleaching USE Corbett family BT Kentucky—Antiquities Corals, Fossil (May Subd Geog) Corbet, Henri (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Corbine family [QE778] UF Henri Corbet (Fictitious character) USE Corbin family BT Anthozoa, Fossil Inspector Henri Corbet (Fictitious character) RT Coral limestone Corbino effect NT Alcyonaria, Fossil Corbet family [QC611] Heterocorallia USE Corbett family Rugosa Corbin's Park (N.H.) Scleractinia, Fossil Corbett, Hugh (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) USE Corbin Park (N.H.) Tabulata UF Hugh Corbett (Fictitious character) Corbis family — Type specimens (May Subd Geog) Corbett, Tom (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) USE Corbin family [QE778] UF Tom Corbett (Fictitious character) BT Type specimens (Natural history) Corbit family Corbett Dam (Wyo.) USE Corbett family Corals in art (Not Subd Geog) BT Dams—Wyoming Coralville Lake (Iowa) Corbit House (Odessa, Del.) Corbett family (Not Subd Geog) USE Corbit-Sharp House (Odessa, Del.) UF Coralville Reservoir (Iowa) UF Carbit family BT Lakes—Iowa Corbert family Corbit-Sharp House (Odessa, Del.) Corbet family UF Corbit House (Odessa, Del.) Reservoirs—Iowa Corbit family Sharp House (Odessa, Del.) Coralville Reservoir (Iowa) Corbite family BT Dwellings—Delaware Corbitt family USE Coralville Lake (Iowa) Corbutt family Corbite family Coram Experimental Forest (Mont.) USE Corbett family Corbett National Park (India) BT Biosphere reserves—Montana UF Hailey National Park (India) Corbitt family Experimental forests—Montana BT National parks and reserves—India USE Corbett family Coram nobis, Writ of error Corbett State Wildlife Management Area (Fla.) Corbley family USE Writ of error coram nobis USE J. W. Corbett Wildlife Management Area (Fla.) USE Corbly family Coram Research Natural Area (Mont.) Corbett Tiger Reserve (India) Corbly family (Not Subd Geog) BT Research natural areas—Montana BT National parks and reserves—India UF Corbley family Wildlife refuges—India Coramandel ailanto Corbon family USE Ailanthus excelsa Corbett Tunnel (Wyo.) USE Corbin family BT Tunnels—Wyoming Coramine Indians Corborn family USE Coree Indians Corbett Wildlife Management Area (Fla.) USE Corbin family USE J. W. Corbett Wildlife Management Area (Fla.) Coran, Jessica (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Corbridge family (Not Subd Geog) UF Doctor Jessica Coran (Fictitious character) Corbetts UF Corbige family Dr. Jessica Coran (Fictitious character) USE Corbetts (Scottish mountains) Jessica Coran (Fictitious character) Corbulidae (May Subd Geog) Corbetts (Scottish mountains) (May Subd Geog) [QL430.7.C69 (Zoology)] Coranderrk Aboriginal Station (Vic.) UF Corbetts [Former heading] BT Clams BT Aboriginal Australians—Reservations BT Mountains—Scotland Myoida NT Potamocorbula Corangamite Area (Vic.) Corbicula (May Subd Geog) USE Corangamite Region (Vic.) [QL430.7.C67] Corbusier House (Berlin, Germany) BT Corbiculidae USE Corbusierhaus (Berlin, Germany) Corangamite Landcare Region (Vic.) NT Corbicula fluminea USE Corangamite Region (Vic.) Corbusier Viaduct (Lille, France) Corbicula fluminea (May Subd Geog) USE Viaduc Le Corbusier (Lille, France) Corangamite Region (Vic.) [QL430.7.C67] UF Corangamite Area (Vic.) UF Corbicula manilensis Corbusierhaus (Berlin, Germany) Corangamite Landcare Region (Vic.) BT Corbicula UF Corbusier House (Berlin, Germany) Le Corbusier House (Berlin, Germany) Coranine Indians Corbicula manilensis Le Corbusierhaus (Berlin, Germany) USE Coree Indians USE Corbicula fluminea Living Machine (Berlin, Germany) Typ Berlin (Berlin, Germany) Coranine River (N.C.) Corbicularidae Unité d'habitation (Berlin, Germany) USE Newport River (N.C.) USE Corbiculidae Wohneinheit (Berlin, Germany) Wohnmaschine (Berlin, Germany) Coranna language Corbiculid clams BT Apartment houses—Germany USE Korana language USE Corbiculidae Corbutt family Corannas Corbiculidae (May Subd Geog) USE Corbett family USE Korana (African people) [QL430.7.C67] UF Corbicularidae Corby Case, Canada, 1945-1946 Corantijn Group (Surinam) Corbiculid clams USE Gouzenko Affair, Canada, 1945-1946 USE Corantijn Group (Suriname) Corbiculids Cyrenidae Corbyn family Corantijn Group (Suriname) BT Veneroida USE Corbin family UF Corantijn Group (Surinam) [Former heading] NT Batissa BT Groups (Stratigraphy)—Suriname Corbicula Corca Dhuibhne Peninsula (Ireland) USE Dingle Peninsula (Ireland) Corasium (Extinct city) Corbiculids UF Korasion (Extinct city) USE Corbiculidae Corcaguiney Peninsula (Ireland) BT Extinct cities—Turkey USE Dingle Peninsula (Ireland) Turkey—Antiquities Corbières Mountains (France) BT Mountains—France Corchaug, Fort (N.Y.) Corazon USE Fort Corchaug (N.Y.) USE Annona reticulata Corbige family USE Corbridge family Corchia Cave (Italy) Corb River (Spain) UF Antro del Corchia (Italy) USE Corp River (Spain) Corbin and Strauss chronic illness trajectory model Buca d'Eolo (Italy) USE Corbin and Strauss nursing model Eolo Cave (Italy) CORBA (Computer architecture) Grotta del Monte Corchia (Italy) UF Common Object Request Broker Architecture Corbin and Strauss nursing model Grotta di Eolo (Italy) (Computer architecture) UF Corbin and Strauss chronic illness trajectory BT Caves—Italy BT Computer architecture model Middleware Corbin and Strauss trajectory model Corchorus (May Subd Geog) Object-oriented methods (Computer science) BT Nursing models [QK495.T5] BT Tiliaceae Corban family Corbin and Strauss trajectory model NT Jute plant USE Corbin family USE Corbin and Strauss nursing model Tossa jute Corbeddu Cave (Italy) Corbin Building (New York, N.Y.) Corchorus capsularis BT Caves—Italy BT Commercial buildings—New York (State) USE Jute plant Italy—Antiquities Corbin family (Not Subd Geog) Corchorus japonicus Corbello family UF Corban family USE Kerria japonica USE Curbelo family Corben family Corbine family Corchorus olitorius Corbels Corbis family USE Tossa jute [NA2960] Corbon family BT Architecture—Details Corborn family Corcoran, Fort (Arlington, Va.) Corbyn family USE Fort Corcoran (Arlington, Va.) Corben family USE Corbin family Corbin Park (N.H.) Corcoran family (Not Subd Geog) UF Blue Mountain Forest (N.H.) UF Corcrane family Corbera Mountains (Spain) Blue Mountain Forest and Game Preserve Corkery family UF Serra de Corbera (Spain) (N.H.) Corkran family Sierra de Corbera (Spain) Corbin's Park (N.H.) MacCorcoran family BT Mountains—Spain BT Game reserves—New Hampshire McCorcoran family O'Corcoran family Corberon family (Not Subd Geog) UF Courberon family Corcoraque Butte (Ariz.) Courbron family USE Cocoraque Butte (Ariz.) C-669
Corcos family (Not Subd Geog) Warrior culture Cordgrass UF Kọ rkọ s family BT Europe—Antiquities USE Spartina Corcovado, Parque Nacional (Costa Rica) Neolithic period—Europe Cordia (May Subd Geog) USE Parque Nacional Corcovado (Costa Rica) Cordeil family [QK495.B73 (Botany)] BT Boraginaceae Corcovado Gulf (Chile) USE Cordell family NT Cordia alliodora UF Golfo Corcovado (Chile) Cordel family Cordia goeldiana BT Bays—Chile USE Cordell family Cordia alliodora (May Subd Geog) Corcovado's Christ (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) Cordelia (Legendary character) (Not Subd Geog) [QK495.B73 (Botany)] USE Monumento ao Christo Redemptor (Rio de UF Bojón Janeiro, Brazil) UF Queen Cordelia (Legendary character) Canalete BT Legends—Great Britain Laurel blanco Corcrane family Cordelia Gray (Fictitious character) Laurel negro USE Corcoran family USE Gray, Cordelia (Fictitious character) Louro Cordelia Morgan (Fictitious character) Pardillo Corcubioń Estuary (Spain) USE Morgan, Cordelia (Fictitious character) BT Cordia UF Puerto de Corcubión (Spain) Cordell (Fictitious character : Zelazny) Riá de Corcubioń (Spain) USE Corwin (Fictitious character : Zelazny) Cordia goeldiana (May Subd Geog) Seno de Corcubioń (Spain) Cordell Bank (Calif.) [QK495.B73 (Botany)] BT Estuaries—Spain UF Cordell Knoll (Calif.) [SD397.C77 (Forestry)] BT Banks (Oceanography)—California UF Frei jorge Corculionidae (May Subd Geog) Freijo NT Cholus Seamounts—California Goeldi cordia Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary (Calif.) BT Cordia Corcyra (May Subd Geog) [QL561.P9] BT Marine parks and reserves—California Cordial family BT Pyralidae National parks and reserves—California USE Cordell family Corcyra cephalonica Cordell family (Not Subd Geog) Cordials (Liquor) USE Rice moth UF Caddel family USE Liqueurs Caddell family Corcyra Island (Greece) Caddle family Cordianine USE Corfu Island (Greece) Cadle family USE Allantoin Caredell family Corcyra Molaina (Croatia) Caudal family Cordier family USE Korcǔ la Island (Croatia) Caudel family USE Corder family Caudell family Corcyra Nigra (Croatia) Caudelle family Cordierite (May Subd Geog) USE Korčula Island (Croatia) Caudill family [TN948.C75] Caudle family UF Dichroite Cord, Talos (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Cawdle family Iolite UF Talos Cord (Fictitious character) Coddle family BT Silicate minerals Codle family Cord, Umbilical Cordal family Cordil family USE Umbilical cord Cordale family USE Cordell family Cordall family Cord automobile (Not Subd Geog) Cordeil family Cordile family BT Automobiles Cordel family USE Cordell family Cordella family Cord blood Cordelle family Cordilheira da Arrab́ ida (Portugal) USE Fetal blood Cordelli family USE Arrábida Mountain Range (Portugal) Cordial family Cord family Cordil family Cordilheira do Norte (Brazil) USE Corder family Cordile family USE Norte Mountains (Brazil) Cordill family Cord grass Cordille family Cordill family USE Spartina Cordle family USE Cordell family Cordule family Cord-moss, Banded Cordwell family Cordille family USE Banded cord-moss Coredell family USE Cordell family Courdell family Cord weaving, Japanese paper Cowdell family Cordillera Azul National Park (Peru) USE Mizuhiki Kordall family USE Parque Nacional Cordillera Azul (Peru) Kordell family Cordage (May Subd Geog) Cordillera Bética (Spain) [TS1784-TS1787] Cordell Hull Birthplace State Historic Site (Tenn.) USE Sierra Morena (Spain) BT Rope UF Hull Birthplace State Historic Site (Tenn.) NT Sennit BT Historic sites—Tennessee Cordillera Blanca (Peru) String USE Blanca, Cordillera (Peru) Twine Cordell Hull Lake (Tenn.) UF Cordell Hull Reservoir (Tenn.) [Former Cordillera Cantab́ rica (Spain) — America heading] USE Cantabrian Mountains (Spain) NT Indian cordage Hull Lake (Tenn.) BT Lakes—Tennessee Cordillera Central (Colombia) Cordage, Prehistoric (May Subd Geog) Reservoirs—Tennessee UF Central, Cordillera (Colombia) [GN799.C49] Cordillera del Quindío (Colombia) UF Prehistoric cordage Cordell Hull Reservoir (Tenn.) BT Mountains—Colombia BT Industries, Primitive USE Cordell Hull Lake (Tenn.) Andes NT Coconucos Range (Colombia) Cordage industry (May Subd Geog) Cordell Knoll (Calif.) Ruiz, Nevado del (Colombia) [HD9999.C75] USE Cordell Bank (Calif.) BT Textile industry Cordillera Central (Costa Rica) NT Coir industry Cordella family UF Central Range (Costa Rica) USE Cordell family Central Volcanic Range (Costa Rica) Cordaitales (May Subd Geog) Cordillera Volcánica Central (Costa Rica) [QE978] Cordelle family Volcań ica Central, Cordillera (Costa Rica) BT Gymnosperms, Fossil USE Cordell family BT Mountains—Costa Rica NT Irazú Volcano (Costa Rica) Cordal del Collau Zorru (Spain) Cordelli family USE Collau Zorru Mountains (Spain) USE Cordell family Cordillera Central (Peru) UF Central Cordillera (Peru) Cordal family Cordellina-Lombardi Villa (Montecchio Maggiore, Italy) Central Highlands (Peru) USE Cordell family USE Villa Cordellina-Lombardi (Montecchio BT Mountains—Peru Maggiore, Italy) Andes Cordale family USE Cordell family Corden (S.D. : Imaginary place) (Not Subd Geog) Cordillera Chongón-Colonche (Ecuador) BT Imaginary places USE Chongoń Mountains (Ecuador) Cordall family USE Cordell family Corder family (Not Subd Geog) Cordillera de Apaneca (El Salvador) UF Cord family USE Apaneca-Ilamatepec Mountains (El Salvador) Corday, Tess (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Cordier family UF Occult Special Investigator Tess Corday Cordillera de Cerro Azul (Ecuador) (Fictitious character) Cordero family (Not Subd Geog) USE Chongón Mountains (Ecuador) Tess Corday (Fictitious character) RT Febres-Cordero family Cordillera de Chongón (Ecuador) Corday family (Not Subd Geog) Cordery House (Absecon, N.J.) USE Chongón Mountains (Ecuador) Corded beaker culture USE Absalom Cordery House (Absecon, N.J.) Cordillera de Chongoń -Colonche (Ecuador) USE Corded Ware culture Cordes family (Not Subd Geog) USE Chongón Mountains (Ecuador) Corded culture UF Kordes family Cordillera de Colonche (Ecuador) USE Corded Ware culture USE Colonche Mountains (Ecuador) Corded Ware culture (May Subd Geog) Cordillera de Cutucú (Ecuador) [GN776.2.C6] USE Cutucú Mountains (Ecuador) UF Barrow culture Cordillera de Cutucú Oeste (Ecuador) Battle-ax cultures USE Cutucú Mountains (Ecuador) Ceramika sznurowa culture Ceramique cordée culture Corded beaker culture Corded culture Schnurkeramik culture Snurova keramika culture C-670
Cordillera de Donã Ana (Chile) Cordilleran cypress Ti kouka USE Doña Ana Mountains (Chile) USE Austrocedrus chilensis BT Cordyline Cordyline fruticosa Cordillera de Guanacaste (Costa Rica) Cordilleran flycatcher (May Subd Geog) USE Ti (Plant) USE Guanacaste, Cordillera de (Costa Rica) [QL696.P289 (Zoology)] Cordyline terminalis UF Empidonax difficilis hellmayri USE Ti (Plant) Cordillera de Huancabamba (Peru) Empidonax occidentalis Cordylophora (May Subd Geog) USE Huancabamba Mountains (Peru) Western flycatcher [Former heading] [QL377.H9] BT Empidonax BT Hydractiniidae Cordillera de la Macarena (Colombia) NT Cordylophora caspia USE Macarena Mountains (Colombia) Cordilleras Creek (Calif.) UF Arroyo de los Cadillos (Calif.) Cordylophora lacustris Cordillera de la Paz (Bilivia) Cadillos Creek (Calif.) Cordylophora caspia (May Subd Geog) USE La Paz, Cordillera de (Bolivia) Finger Creek (Calif.) BT Rivers—California [QL377.H9] Cordillera de los Andes BT Cordylophora USE Andes Cordle family Cordylophora lacustris (May Subd Geog) USE Cordell family [QL377.H9] Cordillera de los Andes (Peru) BT Cordylophora USE Cordillera Occidental (Peru) Cordner family (Not Subd Geog) Cordyluridae Córdoba, Sierra de (Argentina) USE Anthomyiidae Cordillera de Meŕ ida (Venezuela) Cordylus (May Subd Geog) USE Mérida, Cordillera de (Venezuela) USE Sierra de Córdoba (Argentina) [QL666.L234] Córdoba (Spain) UF Zonurus Cordillera de Quimsa Cruz (Bolivia) BT Cordylidae USE Quimsa Cruz Mountains (Bolivia) — Literatures Core coatings (Founding) Cordon family (Not Subd Geog) USE Foundry coatings Cordillera de San Blas (Panama) Cordonices Creek (Calif.) Core competence USE San Blas, Cordillera de (Panama) USE Core competencies USE Codornices Creek (Calif.) Core competencies (May Subd Geog) Cordillera de Sueve (Spain) Cordouan Lighthouse (France) Here are entered works on the abilities that are USE Sueve Mountains (Spain) fundamental to performing a specific job or function. USE Phare de Cordouan (France) Works on the personality traits, social skills, language Cordillera de Talamanca (Costa Rica) Cordova Bay (Alaska) abilities, and personal habits that employees possess USE Talamanca Mountains (Costa Rica) associated with activities such as consumer handling, BT Bays—Alaska communication, problem solving, and teamworking Cordillera de Tres Cruces (Bolivia) Cordova Bridge (Pensacola, Fla.) are entered under Soft skills. USE Quimsa Cruz Mountains (Bolivia) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic UF Competence, Core Cordillera de Vilcanota (Peru) subdivision. Competencies, Core USE Vilcanota, Cordillera (Peru) Core competence BT Bridges—Florida Cordillera del Coń dor (Ecuador and Peru) Cordova Creek (Tex.) BT Ability USE Condor Range (Ecuador and Peru) Core Creek (Jones County and Craven County, N.C.) BT Rivers—Texas Cordillera del Quindió (Colombia) Cordova Rebellion, 1839 UF Core Creek (N.C. : Stream) [Former heading] USE Cordillera Central (Colombia) Cove Creek (Jones County and Craven BT Texas—History—Republic, 1836-1846 County, N.C.) Cordillera del Tule (Ariz.) Cordovil family (Not Subd Geog) Moon Creek (Jones County and Craven USE Tule Mountains (Ariz.) Cordry family (Not Subd Geog) County, N.C.) Cords, Electric extension Cordillera Escalera (Peru) BT Rivers—North Carolina USE Escalera Mountains (Peru) USE Electric extension cords Core Creek (N.C. : Stream) Cordule family Cordillera Huayashuash (Peru) USE Core Creek (Jones County and Craven County, USE Huayhuash, Cordillera (Peru) USE Cordell family N.C.) Corduliidae (May Subd Geog) Cordillera Huayhuash (Peru) Core Creek Park (Pa.) USE Huayhuash, Cordillera (Peru) [QL520.3.C68] BT Parks—Pennsylvania UF Green-eyed skimmers Cordillera Ibérica (Spain) BT Dragonflies Core curriculum USE Iberian Mountains (Spain) USE Education—Curricula Odonata Cordillera Macarena (Colombia) NT Tetragoneuria Core drilling (May Subd Geog) USE Macarena Mountains (Colombia) Corduroy (May Subd Geog) UF Core drills BT Textile fabrics BT Boring Cordillera Mariánica (Spain) Corduroy (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) NT Drill core analysis USE Sierra Morena (Spain) Cordusio, Piazza (Milan, Italy) Drill cores USE Piazza Cordusio (Milan, Italy) Cordillera Meridenã (Venezuela) Cordwainers Core drills USE Meŕ ida, Cordillera de (Venezuela) USE Shoemakers USE Core drilling Cordwell family Cordillera Neo-Volcánica (Mexico) USE Cordell family Core family (Not Subd Geog) USE Transverse Volcanic Range (Mexico) Cordwood Core makers USE Fuelwood Cordillera Occidental (Bolivia) Cordwood masonry houses USE Coremakers BT Andes USE Log-end houses Core-mantle boundary Mountains—Bolivia Cordyceps (May Subd Geog) [QK623.C55] [QE509.3] Cordillera Occidental (Peru) BT Clavicipitaceae UF Boundary, Core-mantle UF Andes Occidental (Peru) NT Cordyceps agariciformia Cordillera de los Andes (Peru) Cordyceps agariciformia (May Subd Geog) CMB (Core-mantle boundary) La Cordillera Maritima (Peru) [QK623.C55] Core-mantle couple Western Cordillera (Peru) BT Cordyceps Core-mantle interface BT Mountains—Peru Cordylanthus (May Subd Geog) Couple, Core-mantle Andes [QK495.S43 (Botany)] Interface, Core-mantle NT Coropuna, Nevado (Peru) BT Scrophulariaceae Mantle-core boundary Misti Volcano (Peru) Cordylidae (May Subd Geog) BT Earth (Planet)—Internal structure [QL666.L234 (Zoology)] Core-mantle couple Cordillera of La Paz (Bolivia) UF Girdle-tailed lizards USE Core-mantle boundary USE La Paz, Cordillera de (Bolivia) Core-mantle interface Zonuridae USE Core-mantle boundary Cordillera Oriental (Colombia) BT Lizards Core materials UF Oriental, Cordillera (Colombia) UF Materials, Core BT Andes Squamata BT Coremaking Mountains—Colombia NT Cordylus Molding materials Core of the earth Cordillera Oriental (Peru) Platysaurus USE Earth (Planet)—Core UF Oriental Cordillera (Peru) Cordyline (May Subd Geog) Core-periphery relations BT Mountains—Peru USE Dependency Andes [QK495.A83 (Botany)] Core sampling NT Apolobamba, Nudo de (Peru and Bolivia) BT Asparagaceae USE Drill core analysis NT Cordyline australis Core Sound (N.C.) Cordillera Penibeí ca (Spain) BT Sounds (Geomorphology)—North Carolina USE Benet́ icos Range (Spain) Ti (Plant) Core washes (Founding) Cordyline australis (May Subd Geog) USE Foundry coatings Cordillera Raura (Peru) USE Raura, Cordillera (Peru) [QK495.A83 (Botany)] UF Cabbage tree, New Zealand Cordillera Real (Ecuador) BT Andes Dracaena australis Mountains—Ecuador Fountain dracaena Giant dracaena Cordillera Rufino (Antarctica) New Zealand cabbage tree USE Shackleton Range (Antarctica) Palm lily Cordillera Urubamba (Peru) C-671 USE Urubamba, Cordillera (Peru) Cordillera Vilcabamba (Peru) USE Vilcabamba Mountains (Peru) Cordillera Vilcanota (Peru) USE Vilcanota, Cordillera (Peru) Cordillera Volcań ica Central (Costa Rica) USE Cordillera Central (Costa Rica) Cordillera Volcań ica de Guanacaste (Costa Rica) USE Guanacaste, Cordillera de (Costa Rica)
Coredell family Coregonus peled (May Subd Geog) Coreopsideae USE Cordell family [QL638.S2] USE Compositae UF Coregonus muksun Coredemption by the Blessed Virgin Mary BT Coregonus Coreopsis (May Subd Geog) USE Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint—Coredemption [QK495.C74] Coregonus pidschian BT Compositae Coredo,́ Bahiá (Colombia) USE Humpback whitefish USE Humboldt Bay (Colombia) Coreopsis alba Coregonus reighardi USE Bidens pilosa Coree Indians (May Subd Geog) USE Shortnose cisco [E99.C8743] Cores, Drill UF Caranine Indians Coregonus sapidissimus USE Drill cores Coramine Indians USE Lake whitefish Coranine Indians Cores, Fast reactor Corees Indians Coregonus sardinella USE Fast reactors—Cores Cores Indians USE Least cisco Cwarennoc Indians Cores, Ferrite BT Algonquian Indians Coregonus spilonotus USE Ferrite cores Indians of North America—North Carolina USE Bonneville whitefish Cores, Nuclear reactor Corees Indians Coregonus Williamsoni (Calif.) USE Nuclear reactors—Cores USE Coree Indians USE Trout Creek (El Dorado County, Calif.) Cores, Pressurized water reactor Coregistration, Image Coregonus williamsoni USE Pressurized water reactors—Cores USE Image registration USE Mountain whitefish Cores, Reactor Coregonidae Coregonus zenithicus USE Nuclear reactors—Cores USE Salmonidae USE Shortjaw cisco Cores (Founding) Coregoninae Coreguaje hymns USE Coremaking USE Whitefishes USE Hymns, Coreguaje Cores Indians Coregonus (May Subd Geog) Coreguaje Indians (May Subd Geog) USE Coree Indians [QL638.S2 (Zoology)] [F2270.2.C676] UF Allosomus UF Caqueta Indians CoreStates Spectrum (Philadelphia, Pa.) Cisco (Genus) Chaocha Pa Indians USE Wachovia Spectrum (Philadelphia, Pa.) Leucichthys Korebajü Indians Thrissomimus Ko'reuaju Indians Coreth family (Not Subd Geog) Tripteronotus Tama Indians Corethra BT Salmonidae BT Indians of South America—Colombia Whitefishes Tucanoan Indians USE Chaoborus NT Arctic cisco Corethridae Atlantic whitefish Coreguaje language (May Subd Geog) Blackfin cisco [PM5851] USE Chaoboridae Broad whitefish UF Caqueta language Coretta Scott King Award Ciscoes Chaocha Pa language Coregonus lavaretus Correguaje language [Former heading] UF King Award Coregonus peled Koreguaje language BT Literary prizes—United States Humpback whitefish Ko'reuaju language Corexit (Trademark) (May Subd Geog) Kiyi Tama language BT Dispersing agents Lake herring BT Colombia—Languages Lake whitefish Tucanoan languages Oil spills—Cleanup Least cisco Corey, John (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Shortjaw cisco Coreguaje mythology (May Subd Geog) Shortnose cisco UF Mythology, Coreguaje UF John Corey (Fictitious character) Vendace Corey, Meg (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Coreidae (May Subd Geog) Coregonus albula [QL523.C67 (Zoology)] UF Meg Corey (Fictitious character) USE Vendace UF Coreids Corey, Merle (Fictitious character) Leaf-footed bugs Coregonus albus Leaffooted bugs USE Merlin (Fictitious character : Zelazny) USE Lake whitefish BT Hemiptera Corey family (Not Subd Geog) NT Althos Coregonus artedii Cebrenis UF Coery family USE Lake herring Lancha Correy family Leptocoris Corrie family Coregonus atikameg Leptoglossus Corry family USE Lake whitefish Cory family Coreids Coregonus autumnalis USE Coreidae RT Lowry Corry family USE Arctic cisco Corfe Castle (Corfe Castle, England) Corella, Long-billed Coregonus canadensis USE Cacatua tenuirostris BT Castles—England USE Atlantic whitefish Corfe Common (England) Corella, Slender-billed Coregonus clupeaformis USE Cacatua tenuirostris BT Commons—England USE Lake whitefish Corfey family Corellidae (May Subd Geog) Coregonus clupeiformis [QL613] USE Coffey family USE Lake whitefish BT Phlebobranchia Corfman family NT Chelyosoma Coregonus coulteri USE Curfman family USE Pygmy whitefish Corema (May Subd Geog) Corfu Channel (Albania and Greece) [QK495.E44 (Botany)] Coregonus coulterii UF Broom crowberry UF Canale di Corfú (Albania and Greece) USE Pygmy whitefish BT Empetraceae Corfu Straits (Albania and Greece) NT Corema conradii Strait of Corfu (Albania and Greece) Coregonus huntsmani USE Atlantic whitefish Corema conradi BT Straits—Albania USE Corema conradii Straits—Greece Coregonus kennicotti USE Broad whitefish Corema conradii (May Subd Geog) Corfu Channel case [QK495.E44 (Botany)] BT Government liability (International law)—Cases Coregonus kiyi UF Corema conradi USE Kiyi Poverty grass Corfu Island (Greece) BT Corema UF Corcyra Island (Greece) Coregonus labradoricus Keŕ kira Island (Greece) USE Lake whitefish Coremakers (May Subd Geog) Nísos Keŕ kira (Greece) [HD8039.C655] BT Ionian Islands (Greece) Coregonus latior UF Core makers Islands—Greece USE Lake whitefish BT Foundries RT Iron molders — History Coregonus lavaretus (May Subd Geog) — — Siege, 1716 [QL638.S2] Coremaking UF Common whitefish [TS243] BT Sieges—Greece Lavaret UF Cores (Founding) Venice (Italy)—History—Turkish Wars, BT Coregonus BT Molding (Founding) 18th century NT Core materials Coregonus muksun — — Siege, 1798-1799 USE Coregonus peled Coremataria BT Sieges—Greece USE Herpetogramma Coregonus nasus — — Italian occupation, 1923 USE Broad whitefish Coren, Prince (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) UF Italian occupation of Corfu Island, UF Prince Coren (Fictitious character) Greece, 1923 Coregonus nigripinnis USE Blackfin cisco Coreometry Corfu Straits (Albania and Greece) USE Pupillometry USE Corfu Channel (Albania and Greece) Coregonus oregonius USE Mountain whitefish Corgan family USE Carrigan family Corgarff Castle (Scotland) BT Castles—Scotland Corgi, Cardigan Welsh USE Cardigan Welsh corgi Corgi, Pembroke Welsh USE Pembroke Welsh corgi C-672
Corgi toys (Not Subd Geog) Corinnids Coriolus (May Subd Geog) BT Die-cast toys Corinninae [QK629.C783 (Mycology)] Motor vehicles—Models Phrurolithinae BT Coriolaceae Phrurolithine spiders NT Coriolus pergamenus Corhams Cave (Gibraltar) Tracheline spiders USE Gorham's Cave (Gibraltar) BT Spiders Coriolus pergamenus (May Subd Geog) Corinnids [QK629.P7] Corhanwarrabul (Vic.) USE Corinnidae BT Coriolus USE Dandenong, Mount (Vic.) Corinninae USE Corinnidae Coriolus versicolor Cori spezzati Corinth, Gulf of (Greece) USE Trametes versicolor USE Polychoral music UF Corinthiacus Sinus (Greece) Gulf of Corinth (Greece) Coriosolites (Celtic people) (May Subd Geog) Coria Bohorques family Gulf of Lepanto (Greece) [DC62.2.C67] USE Coria Bohorquez family Korinthiakós Koĺ pos (Greece) UF Curiosolites (Celtic people) Lepanto, Gulf of (Greece) BT Celts—France Coria Bohorquez family (Not Subd Geog) Sinus Corinthiacus (Greece) Ethnology—France UF Coria Bohorques family BT Bays—Greece Corinth, Isthmus of (Greece) Corisco (Equatorial Guinea) Coriander (May Subd Geog) UF Isthmos Korinthou (Greece) UF Isla de Corisco (Equatorial Guinea) [QK495.U48 (Botany)] Isthmus of Corinth (Greece) Isla Mandyi (Equatorial Guinea) [SB351.C69 (Culture)] BT Isthmuses—Greece Manchi (Equatorial Guinea) UF Chinese parsley Corinth (Miss.) Mandyi Island (Equatorial Guinea) Cilantro — History BT Islands—Equatorial Guinea Coriandrum sativum — — Siege, 1862 Mexican parsley Corisidae Parsley, Chinese [E473.56] USE Corixidae Parsley, Mexican BT Sieges—Mississippi BT Coriandrum Coritani (May Subd Geog) United States—History—Civil War, [DA141] — Seeds (May Subd Geog) 1861-1865—Campaigns UF Coritavi UF Coriander fruit Corinth, Battle of, Corinth, Miss., 1862 BT Ethnology—England Coriander seed [Former heading] [E474.44] UF Corinth (Miss.), Battle of, 1862 [Former Coritavi — Use in cooking heading] USE Coritani USE Cooking (Coriander) BT Mississippi—History—Civil War, 1861-1865 United States—History—Civil War, 1861- Corithers family Coriander, Black 1865—Campaigns USE Carruthers family USE Black cumin Corinth (Miss.), Battle of, 1862 USE Corinth, Battle of, Corinth, Miss., 1862 Coriudo coriacea Coriander, Bolivian Corinth Canal (Greece) USE Leatherback turtle USE Porophyllum ruderale UF Dhioŕ ix Korínthou (Greece) Dior̄ yga tēs Korinthou (Greece) Corium Coriander, Roman BT Canals—Greece USE Dermis USE Black cumin Corinth family (Not Subd Geog) Corinth-Preis Corixidae (May Subd Geog) Coriander fruit USE Lovis-Corinth-Preis [QL523.C75] USE Coriander—Seeds Corinth Theater (Corinth, Greece) UF Corisidae BT Greece—Antiquities Sigaridae Coriander seed Theaters—Greece Water-boatmen (Insects) USE Coriander—Seeds Corinth Unit of Shiloh National Military Park (Miss. and BT Hemiptera Tenn.) NT Micronecta Coriandrum (May Subd Geog) BT Shiloh National Military Park (Tenn. and Miss.) [QK495.U48] Corinthiacus Sinus (Greece) Corizidae BT Umbelliferae USE Corinth, Gulf of (Greece) USE Rhopalidae NT Coriander Corinthian capitals (Architecture) USE Capitals (Architecture), Corinthian Cork (May Subd Geog) Coriandrum sativum Corinthian columns [TA455.C6 (Building materials)] USE Coriander USE Columns, Corinthian [TS908 (Manufacture)] Corinthian Hall (Kansas City, Mo.) BT Bark Coriano Castle (Coriano, Italy) UF Long House (Kansas City, Mo.) Non-timber forest products USE Castello di Coriano (Coriano, Italy) R.A. Long House (Kansas City, Mo.) NT Bottle corks Robert Alexander Long House (Kansas City, Coriaria (May Subd Geog) Mo.) Cork art (May Subd Geog) BT Sapindales BT Dwellings—Missouri [NK4699] Corinthian League BT Art Coricancha Temple Site (Cuzco, Peru) [DF233.2] Decorative arts This heading is not valid for use as a geographic BT Greece—History—To 146 B.C. Corinthian raisins Cork Bay (Ireland) subdivision. USE Currant grapes USE Cork Harbour (Ireland) Corinthian roofs UF Golden Enclosure Site (Cuzco, Peru) USE Roofs, Corinthian Cork craft (May Subd Geog) Qorikancha Temple Site (Cuzco, Peru) Corinthian tiles [TT190.5] Temple of the Sun Site (Cuzco, Peru) USE Tiles, Corinthian BT Handicraft Corinthian vase-painting BT Peru—Antiquities USE Vase-painting, Corinthian Cork family (Not Subd Geog) Coridromius (May Subd Geog) Corinthian vases UF Corke family USE Vases, Corinthian [QL523.M5 (Zoology)] Corio Bay (Vic.) Cork Harbour (Ireland) UF Neocypus BT Bays—Australia UF Cork Bay (Ireland) Coriolaceae (May Subd Geog) Cuan Chorcaí (Ireland) Ocypus (Hemiptera) [QK629.C783 (Mycology)] BT Harbors—Ireland BT Miridae BT Polyporales Coriel family NT Coriolus Cork industry (May Subd Geog) USE Coryell family Grifola [HD9769.C72-HD9769.C74] Coriell family Coriolales BT Non-timber forest products industry USE Coryell family USE Polyporales Softwood industry Corientes, Cape (Cuba) Coriolis force USE Corrientes, Cape (Cuba) [QC880.4.C65] — Collective labor agreements Corimelaenidae UF Compound centrifugal force USE Collective labor agreements—Cork USE Burrower bugs Deflecting force industry Corina Indians BT Dynamic meteorology USE Culina Indians Earth (Planet)—Rotation — Employees Corina language NT Rossby number — — Labor unions (May Subd Geog) USE Culina language — Strikes and lockouts Corina tree USE Terminalia superba USE Strikes and lockouts—Cork industry Coring, Intramyometrial Cork oak (May Subd Geog) USE Intramyometrial coring Coringa-Herald National Nature Reserve (Coral Sea [QK495.F14 (Botany)] Islands) [SD397.C79 (Forestry)] BT Coral Sea National Nature Reserves (Coral UF Cork-tree [Former heading] Sea Islands) Quercus suber National parks and reserves—Coral Sea BT Oak Islands — Varieties (May Subd Geog) Natural areas—Coral Sea Islands Cork O'Connor (Fictitious character) Corings (Algebra) USE O'Connor, Cork (Fictitious character) UF Co-rings (Algebra) Cork-tree BT Rings (Algebra) USE Cork oak Corinna Chapman (Fictitious character) Cork tree, Amur USE Chapman, Corinna (Fictitious character) USE Amur cork tree Corinnid spiders Corkagh House (Ireland) USE Corinnidae BT Dwellings—Ireland Corinnidae (May Subd Geog) UF Corinnid spiders Gardens—Ireland C-673
Corkboard (May Subd Geog) Cormac Fitzgeoffrey (Fictitious character) — Biological control (May Subd Geog) BT Non-timber forest products USE Fitzgeoffrey, Cormac (Fictitious character) BT Corn—Control Corke family Cormac Maguire (Fictitious character) — Biotechnology (May Subd Geog) USE Cork family USE Maguire, Cormac (Fictitious character) NT Corn—Genetic engineering Corker Cay (Belize : Island) Cormack family (Not Subd Geog) — Breeding (May Subd Geog) USE Caulker Cay (Belize : Island) UF Carmack family Here are entered works on corn breeding and Cormac family Corkery family Cormaic family inbreeding. Works on cross breeding of corn and USE Corcoran family Cormick family corn hybrids are entered under Hybrid corn. RT McCormick family Corkhill family UF Maize breeding [Former heading] USE Corkill family Cormaic family NT Corn—Mutation breeding USE Cormack family Corkill family (Not Subd Geog) Hybrid corn UF Corkhill family Corman family (Not Subd Geog) — — International cooperation UF Cormann family — Canning Corkin family Cormany family USE Calkins family Cornman family USE Corn—Preservation Korman family — Carbon content (May Subd Geog) Corkings family Kormann family — Catalogs and collections (May Subd Geog) USE Calkins family Kornman family — Chemical defenses (May Subd Geog) RT Carman family Corkins family BT Corn—Defenses USE Calkins family Cormann family — Chemotaxonomy (May Subd Geog) USE Corman family Corkran family BT Corn—Classification USE Corcoran family Cormany family Corn—Composition USE Corman family Corks, Bottle — Cladistic analysis (May Subd Geog) USE Bottle corks Cormichael family — Classification USE Carmichael family Corkscrew March (Fla.) NT Corn—Chemotaxonomy USE Corkscrew Swamp (Fla.) Cormick family Corn—Cytotaxonomy USE Cormack family Corn—Palynotaxonomy Corkscrew Swamp (Fla.) UF Corkscrew March (Fla.) Cormier family (Not Subd Geog) — — Molecular aspects BT Swamps—Florida Cormohipparion (May Subd Geog) — Climatic factors (May Subd Geog) Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary (Fla.) [QE882.U6] [SB191.M2] BT Bird refuges—Florida BT Equidae, Fossil UF Corn—Effect of climate on Corkscrews (May Subd Geog) Horses, Fossil Corn—Effect of climatic changes on [NK8459.C67 (Art industries)] NT Cormohipparion occidentale NT Corn—Effect of global warming on BT Implements, utensils, etc. Cormohipparion occidentale (May Subd Geog) — Clones (May Subd Geog) NT Figural corkscrews [QE882.U6] NT Corn—Cuttings BT Cormohipparion — — Selection (May Subd Geog) Corkwood Cormopoda USE Balsa wood USE Bivalves BT Corn—Selection Cormor River (Italy) — — Variation (May Subd Geog) Corlas family UF Torrente Cormor (Italy) — Colonization (May Subd Geog) USE Corless family BT Rivers—Italy Cormor River Valley (Italy) BT Corn—Ecology Corlass family UF Cormor Valley (Italy) — Color (May Subd Geog) USE Corless family BT Valleys—Italy — — Fading (May Subd Geog) Cormor Valley (Italy) Corleone family (Fictitious characters) (Not Subd Geog) USE Cormor River Valley (Italy) UF Color fading of corn Corless family (Not Subd Geog) Cormorant Lake (Becker County, Minn.) Fading of the color of corn USE Big Cormorant Lake (Minn.) UF Carlis family Cormorant Lake (Man.) — — — Control (May Subd Geog) Carloss family BT Lakes—Manitoba UF Control of the color fading of corn Corlas family Cormorant populations (May Subd Geog) Corlass family BT Bird populations — — Genetic aspects Corlies family — Estimates (May Subd Geog) — Composition Corlis family Corliss family UF Cormorant populations—Estimation NT Corn—Chemotaxonomy Estimates of cormorant populations Corn—Silica content Corlett family (Not Subd Geog) Estimation of cormorant populations Corlew family (Not Subd Geog) — Computer programs Corley family (Not Subd Geog) BT Ornithology—Technique — Control (May Subd Geog) Corlick family RT Cormorants—Counting — Estimation NT Corn—Biological control USE Carlick family USE Cormorant populations—Estimates Corn—Integrated control Corlies family Cormorants (May Subd Geog) [QL696.P4745 (Zoology)] — — Environmental aspects (May Subd Geog) USE Corless family [SH344.6.C67 (Methods of fishing)] — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Corlis family UF Phalacrocoracidae — Cooling (May Subd Geog) BT Pelecaniformes USE Corless family NT Phalacrocorax BT Corn—Postharvest technology Corliss Archer (Fictitious character) — Counting (May Subd Geog) — Cooperative marketing (May Subd Geog) RT Cormorant populations—Estimates — Counting (May Subd Geog) USE Archer, Corliss (Fictitious character) Corms (May Subd Geog) — Cultural control (May Subd Geog) Corliss family BT Stems (Botany) — Cuttings (May Subd Geog) Corn (May Subd Geog) USE Corless family [QK495.G74 (Botany)] BT Corn—Clones Corliss steam-engine (Not Subd Geog) [SB191.M2 (Culture)] — Cytochemistry UF Corn plant — Cytogenetics [TJ485.C5] Indian corn — Cytology BT Steam-engines Maize [Former heading] Corliss valve-gear Zea mays NT Corn—Cytotaxonomy USE Corliss valve gears BT Zea — Cytotaxonomy (May Subd Geog) Corliss valve gears (May Subd Geog) SA headings beginning with the word Corn [TJ548.C8] NT Popcorn BT Corn—Classification UF Corliss valve-gear [Former heading] Sweet corn Corn—Cytology BT Steam-engines—Valve gears — Abnormalities (May Subd Geog) Corm industry (May Subd Geog) — Adaptation (May Subd Geog) — Defenses (May Subd Geog) [SB425] — Age (May Subd Geog) NT Corn—Chemical defenses BT Ornamental plant industry — Age determination (May Subd Geog) Cormac CondLonges (Legendary character) — Aging — Development (May Subd Geog) USE Cormac Connloinges (Legendary character) — — Genetic aspects — Disease and pest resistance (May Subd Geog) Cormac Conloingeas (Legendary character) — Analysis USE Cormac Connloinges (Legendary character) — Anatomy [SB608.M2] Cormac Conn Loingeas (Legendary character) NT Cornstalks — — Genetic aspects USE Cormac Connloinges (Legendary character) — Disease-free stock (May Subd Geog) Cormac Connloinges (Legendary character) — Diseases and pests (May Subd Geog) (Not Subd Geog) UF CondLonges, Cormac (Legendary character) [SB608.M2] NT Corn—Postharvest diseases and injuries Conloingeas, Cormac (Legendary character) Conn Loingeas, Cormac (Legendary character) Corn—Roots—Diseases and pests Connloinges, Cormac (Legendary character) Corn smut disease Cormac CondLonges (Legendary character) Puccinia polysora Cormac Conloingeas (Legendary character) Puccinia sorghi Cormac Conn Loingeas (Legendary character) — — Biological control (May Subd Geog) BT Legends—Ireland [SB608.M2] Cormac family — — Control (May Subd Geog) USE Cormack family [SB608.M2] — — — Economic aspects (May Subd Geog) — — — Environmental aspects (May Subd Geog) — — — Health aspects (May Subd Geog) — — Cultural control (May Subd Geog) — — Geographical distribution C-674
— — Identification — Effect of oxygen on (May Subd Geog) — Harvesting time (May Subd Geog) [SB608.M2] — Effect of ozone on (May Subd Geog) — Health (May Subd Geog) — Effect of pesticides on (May Subd Geog) — Heirloom varieties (May Subd Geog) — — Integrated control (May Subd Geog) — Effect of pollution on (May Subd Geog) [SB608.M2] — Effect of potassium on (May Subd Geog) BT Corn—Varieties — Effect of radiation on (May Subd Geog) — Herbicide injuries (May Subd Geog) — — Monitoring (May Subd Geog) — Effect of radioactive pollution on (May Subd Geog) — Husking (May Subd Geog) [SB608.M2] — Effect of salt on (May Subd Geog) UF Monitoring of corn diseases and pests — Effect of soil acidity on (May Subd Geog) [SB191.M2] — Effect of soil moisture on (May Subd Geog) UF Corn—Shucking — — Nutritional aspects (May Subd Geog) — Effect of storms on (May Subd Geog) — Dispersal (May Subd Geog) — Effect of stress on (May Subd Geog) Husking of corn — Effect of sulfates on (May Subd Geog) Shucking of corn UF Corn dispersal — Effect of sulfur on (May Subd Geog) BT Corn—Harvesting Dispersal of corn — — Competitions (May Subd Geog) UF Corn—Effect of sulphur on [Former — Hybridization (May Subd Geog) — Dormancy (May Subd Geog) heading] — Identification — Drought resistance — Industrial applications (May Subd Geog) — Effect of sulphur on — Information services USE Corn—Drought tolerance USE Corn—Effect of sulfur on — Inoculation (May Subd Geog) — Drought tolerance (May Subd Geog) UF Inoculation of corn — Effect of temperature on (May Subd Geog) — Insect resistance (May Subd Geog) UF Corn—Drought resistance [Former UF Corn—Effect of atmospheric temperature [SB608.M2] heading] on — — Genetic aspects NT Corn—Effect of global warming on — Inspection (May Subd Geog) BT Corn—Hardiness — Integrated control (May Subd Geog) RT Corn—Effect of drought on — Effect of thermal pollution on (May Subd Geog) BT Corn—Control — Drying (May Subd Geog) — Effect of trampling on (May Subd Geog) — Irrigation (May Subd Geog) BT Corn—Processing — Effect of trichloroethylene on (May Subd Geog) — Judging (May Subd Geog) — Ecology (May Subd Geog) — Effect of turbidity on (May Subd Geog) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) NT Corn—Colonization — Effect of ultraviolet radiation on (May Subd Geog) — Life cycle — Effect of volcanic eruptions on (May Subd Geog) USE Corn—Life cycles Corn—Ecophysiology — Effect of water pollution on (May Subd Geog) — Life cycles (May Subd Geog) — Economic aspects (May Subd Geog) — Effect of wind on (May Subd Geog) UF Corn—Life cycle [Former heading] — Ecophysiology (May Subd Geog) — Electric properties (May Subd Geog) — Linear programming — — Measurement — Location (May Subd Geog) UF Corn—Physiological ecology [Former — Embryology RT Corn—Geographical distribution heading] — Embryos (May Subd Geog) — Longevity (May Subd Geog) — — Nutrition (May Subd Geog) — Losses (May Subd Geog) BT Corn—Ecology — Energy consumption — — Prevention Corn—Physiology — Machinery (May Subd Geog) USE Corn industry—Energy consumption [S715.C6] — — Technique — Equipment and supplies UF Corn machinery [Former heading] — Effect of acid deposition on (May Subd Geog) — Evolution (May Subd Geog) NT Corn—Harvesting—Machinery — Effect of acid precipitation on (May Subd Geog) — Exhibitions Corn—Processing—Machinery — Effect of air pollution on (May Subd Geog) Corn planters (Machines) — — Genetic aspects RT Corn—Showing — Marketing — Effect of altitude on (May Subd Geog) — Fertilizers (May Subd Geog) BT Corn—Postharvest technology — Effect of aluminum sulfate on (May Subd Geog) Corn industry — Effect of arsenic on (May Subd Geog) [S667.C8] Farm produce—Marketing — Effect of atmospheric carbon dioxide on UF Corn—Fertilizers and manures [Former — Mechanical properties — Metabolism (May Subd Geog) heading] — Microbiology (May Subd Geog) — Effect of atmospheric deposition on — Fertilizers and manures — Micropropagation (May Subd Geog) UF Corn—Propagation—In vitro [Former (May Subd Geog) USE Corn—Fertilizers heading] — Effect of atmospheric nitrogen dioxide on — Field experiments In vitro propagation of corn — Flowering Micropropagation of corn (May Subd Geog) — Flowering time BT Corn—Vegetative propagation — Effect of atmospheric ozone on (May Subd Geog) — Microscopy (May Subd Geog) — Effect of atmospheric temperature on [SB191.M2] — Milling (May Subd Geog) — Folklore [TS2159.C7] USE Corn—Effect of temperature on — Forecasting — Moisture (May Subd Geog) — Effect of cadmium on (May Subd Geog) — Molecular aspects — Effect of calcium on (May Subd Geog) BT Agriculture—Forecasting NT Corn—Molecular genetics — Effect of climate on Forecasting Corn—Phylogeny—Molecular aspects — Molecular genetics USE Corn—Climatic factors — Frost damage (May Subd Geog) BT Corn—Genetics — Effect of climatic changes on BT Corn—Wounds and injuries Corn—Molecular aspects — Monitoring (May Subd Geog) USE Corn—Climatic factors — Frost protection (May Subd Geog) — Morphogenesis (May Subd Geog) — Effect of cold on (May Subd Geog) BT Corn—Protection — Morphology NT Corn—Size NT Corn—Effect of freezes on — Frost resistance (May Subd Geog) — Mortality (May Subd Geog) — Effect of dichlorophenoxyacetic acid on — Fumigation (May Subd Geog) — Mulching (May Subd Geog) — Genetic engineering (May Subd Geog) — Mutation breeding (May Subd Geog) (May Subd Geog) [SB191.M2] — Effect of drought on (May Subd Geog) BT Corn—Biotechnology BT Corn—Breeding — Genetics — Mythology (May Subd Geog) RT Corn—Drought tolerance — Nomenclature — Effect of ethephon on (May Subd Geog) NT Corn—Molecular genetics — Nomenclature (Popular) — Effect of factory and trade waste on — Genome mapping (May Subd Geog) — — French, [Italian, etc.] — Nutrition (May Subd Geog) (May Subd Geog) BT Plant genetics — Organic cultivation — Effect of ferrous sulfate on (May Subd Geog) — Geographical distribution USE Corn—Organic farming — Organic farming (May Subd Geog) UF Corn—Effect of ferrous sulphate on RT Corn—Location UF Corn—Organic cultivation [Former heading] BT Phytogeography Corn—Organic production — Germplasm resources (May Subd Geog) Organic corn farming — Effect of ferrous sulphate on — — Catalogs and collections (May Subd Geog) Organic corn production USE Corn—Effect of ferrous sulfate on — — Cryopreservation (May Subd Geog) Organic cultivation of corn — Gift books Organic farming of corn — Effect of fires on (May Subd Geog) — Government policy (May Subd Geog) Organic production of corn — — Genetic aspects — Grading (May Subd Geog) — Organic production — Effect of floods on (May Subd Geog) BT Corn—Postharvest technology USE Corn—Organic farming — Effect of fluorides on (May Subd Geog) — Grafting (May Subd Geog) — Effect of fluorine on (May Subd Geog) BT Corn—Vegetative propagation — Effect of forest management on (May Subd Geog) — Growth — Effect of freezes on (May Subd Geog) — Habitat (May Subd Geog) — — Conservation (May Subd Geog) BT Corn—Effect of cold on — Handling (May Subd Geog) — Effect of gamma rays on (May Subd Geog) BT Corn—Postharvest technology — Effect of gases on (May Subd Geog) — Hardiness (May Subd Geog) — Effect of global warming on (May Subd Geog) NT Corn—Drought tolerance — Harvesting (May Subd Geog) BT Corn—Climatic factors NT Corn—Husking Corn—Effect of temperature on — — Machinery (May Subd Geog) — Effect of glyphosate on (May Subd Geog) [S715.C6] — Effect of grazing on (May Subd Geog) BT Corn—Machinery — Effect of greenhouse gases on (May Subd Geog) NT Corn picking machinery — Effect of heavy metals on (May Subd Geog) — Effect of ice on (May Subd Geog) — Effect of iron on (May Subd Geog) — Effect of light on (May Subd Geog) — Effect of magnesium on (May Subd Geog) — Effect of magnetism on (May Subd Geog) — Effect of manganese on (May Subd Geog) — Effect of minerals on (May Subd Geog) — Effect of off-road vehicles on (May Subd Geog) C-675
Corn (Continued) — Protection (May Subd Geog) — — Harvesting (May Subd Geog) — Origin UF Protection of corn UF Corn—Seeds—Collection and — Osmotic potential (May Subd Geog) NT Corn—Frost protection preservation — Packaging (May Subd Geog) BT Corn—Postharvest technology — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) — — Identification — Packing (May Subd Geog) — Provenance trials (May Subd Geog) — — Marketing — Palynotaxonomy (May Subd Geog) — Provenances (May Subd Geog) BT Corn—Classification — Pruning (May Subd Geog) UF Marketing of corn seeds — Phenology — Psychic aspects (May Subd Geog) BT Corn—Seeds—Postharvest technology — Photomorphogenesis — — Morphology — Phylogeny [BF1045.P55] — — Packaging (May Subd Geog) — — Molecular aspects — Quality (May Subd Geog) BT Corn—Seeds—Postharvest technology BT Corn—Molecular aspects — Radiation preservation (May Subd Geog) — — Physiology (May Subd Geog) — Physiological ecology — Radioactive contamination (May Subd Geog) NT Corn—Seeds—Production (Biology) USE Corn—Ecophysiology — Radiography (May Subd Geog) — — Postharvest technology (May Subd Geog) — Physiological effect (May Subd Geog) — Regeneration (May Subd Geog) NT Corn—Seeds—Handling — Physiology (May Subd Geog) — Religious aspects NT Corn—Ecophysiology — — Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.] Corn—Seeds—Marketing Corn—Postharvest physiology — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] Corn—Seeds—Packaging — Planting (May Subd Geog) — Remote sensing Corn—Seeds—Processing — Planting time (May Subd Geog) — Reproduction Corn—Seeds—Storage — Political aspects (May Subd Geog) — Research (May Subd Geog) — — Predators of (May Subd Geog) — Pollen (May Subd Geog) — — International cooperation UF Corn—Seed predators — — Morphology — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) — — Preharvest sprouting — Pollen management (May Subd Geog) — Residues (May Subd Geog) USE Corn—Preharvest sprouting — Pollination (May Subd Geog) — — Processing (May Subd Geog) — Post harvest technology UF Residues, Corn BT Corn—Seeds—Postharvest technology USE Corn—Postharvest technology NT Corn stover — — Production (Biology) (May Subd Geog) — Postharvest biotechnology UF Corn—Seed production (Biology) USE Corn—Postharvest technology Corncobs Corn—Seed productivity — Postharvest diseases and injuries — Ripening (May Subd Geog) Corn—Seed yield (May Subd Geog) Corn—Seeds—Productivity [SB608.M2] UF Ripening of corn Corn—Seeds—Yield UF Corn—Postharvest technology—Diseases — Roots BT Corn—Seeds—Physiology and injuries [Former heading] — — Anatomy — — Productivity BT Corn—Diseases and pests — — Diseases and pests (May Subd Geog) USE Corn—Seeds—Production (Biology) Corn—Wounds and injuries — — Quality (May Subd Geog) NT Corn—Storage—Diseases and injuries BT Corn—Diseases and pests — — Sprouting, Preharvest Corn—Transportation—Diseases and NT Corn root rot USE Corn—Preharvest sprouting injuries — — Growth — — Storage (May Subd Geog) — — Biological control (May Subd Geog) — — Physiology (May Subd Geog) BT Corn—Seeds—Postharvest technology [SB608.M2] — Rootstocks (May Subd Geog) — — Testing — — Integrated control (May Subd Geog) — Sampling (May Subd Geog) — — Viability (May Subd Geog) — Postharvest facilities — Seasonal variations (May Subd Geog) — — Yield USE Corn—Postharvest technology UF Corn—Seasonality USE Corn—Seeds—Production (Biology) — Postharvest losses (May Subd Geog) Seasonal variations in corn — Selection (May Subd Geog) — — Prevention — Seasonality NT Corn—Clones—Selection — Postharvest physiology (May Subd Geog) USE Corn—Seasonal variations — Sensory evaluation (May Subd Geog) BT Corn—Physiology — Seed — Shelling (May Subd Geog) — Postharvest technology (May Subd Geog) USE Corn—Seeds UF Shelling of corn UF Corn—Post harvest technology — Seed dispersal BT Threshing Corn—Postharvest biotechnology USE Corn—Seeds—Dispersal — — Machinery (May Subd Geog) Corn—Postharvest facilities [Former — Seed predators [S715.C6 (Agriculture)] heading] USE Corn—Seeds—Predators of UF Corn shellers (Machines) NT Corn—Cooling — Seed production (Biology) Shellers, Corn (Machines) Corn—Grading USE Corn—Seeds—Production (Biology) BT Corn—Processing—Machinery Corn—Handling — Seed productivity — Showing (May Subd Geog) Corn—Marketing USE Corn—Seeds—Production (Biology) UF Showing of corn Corn—Packaging — Seed yield RT Corn—Exhibitions Corn—Processing USE Corn—Seeds—Production (Biology) — Shucking Corn—Storage — Seedlings USE Corn—Husking Corn—Transportation BT Seedlings — Silage (May Subd Geog) — — Diseases and injuries — — Diseases and pests (May Subd Geog) UF Corn silage [Former heading] USE Corn—Postharvest diseases and — — Ecophysiology (May Subd Geog) BT Corn as feed injuries — — Effect of floods on — Silica content (May Subd Geog) — Precooling (May Subd Geog) — — Evaluation BT Corn—Composition — Preharvest sprouting (May Subd Geog) — — Protection (May Subd Geog) — Size (May Subd Geog) UF Corn—Seeds—Preharvest sprouting — — Quality (May Subd Geog) BT Corn—Morphology Corn—Seeds—Sprouting, Preharvest — — Roots — Social aspects (May Subd Geog) Corn—Sprouting, Preharvest — Seedlings, Bareroot — Soils (May Subd Geog) Pre-harvest sprouting of corn UF Bareroot corn seedlings [S597.C] Preharvest sprouting of corn Bareroot seedlings of corn — Somatic embryogenesis (May Subd Geog) Sprouting of corn, Preharvest — Seedlings, Container — Sowing (May Subd Geog) BT Germination UF Container corn seedlings — Spacing (May Subd Geog) — Preservation (May Subd Geog) Container seedlings of corn — Speciation (May Subd Geog) UF Corn—Canning — Seeds (May Subd Geog) — Sprouting, Preharvest — Prices (May Subd Geog) UF Corn—Seed [Former heading] USE Corn—Preharvest sprouting — Processing (May Subd Geog) Seed corn [Former heading] — Standards (May Subd Geog) [TP435.C67 (Food processing)] — — Anatomy — Storage (May Subd Geog) [TS2159.C7 (Milling)] — — Certification (May Subd Geog) BT Corn—Postharvest technology UF Processing of corn — — Climatic factors (May Subd Geog) NT Corncribs BT Corn—Postharvest technology UF Corn—Seeds—Effect of climate on — — Climatic factors (May Subd Geog) Corn products industry — — Cribs NT Corn—Drying Corn—Seeds—Effect of climatic USE Corncribs — — Machinery (May Subd Geog) changes on — — Diseases and injuries (May Subd Geog) UF Corn processing machines — — Collection and preservation [SB608.M2] BT Corn—Machinery USE Corn—Seeds—Harvesting BT Corn—Postharvest diseases and NT Corn—Shelling—Machinery — — Dispersal (May Subd Geog) injuries — Propagation (May Subd Geog) UF Corn—Seed dispersal — Taxation NT Corn—Vegetative propagation — — Dormancy (May Subd Geog) USE Corn industry—Taxation — — In vitro — — Drying (May Subd Geog) — Technological innovations (May Subd Geog) USE Corn—Micropropagation — — Effect of climate on — Temperature (May Subd Geog) USE Corn—Seeds—Climatic factors — Therapeutic use (May Subd Geog) — — Effect of climatic changes on [RM666.C73] USE Corn—Seeds—Climatic factors — — Side effects (May Subd Geog) — — Handling (May Subd Geog) BT Corn—Seeds—Postharvest technology C-676
— Thermal properties (May Subd Geog) Corn campion Mummies, Corn — — Measurement USE Common corncockle Mummies, Grain — Thinning (May Subd Geog) Mummies, Osiris Corn chips (May Subd Geog) Osiris mummies UF Thinning of corn UF Chips, Corn BT Egypt—Antiquities — Toxicology (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking (Corn) Idols and images—Egypt — Training (May Subd Geog) Corn products Corn oil (May Subd Geog) — Transplanting (May Subd Geog) [TP684.C8 (Chemical technology)] — — Machinery (May Subd Geog) Corn circles UF Maize oil USE Crop circles BT Corn products [S715.C6] Vegetable oils — Transportation (May Subd Geog) Corn cobs — Use in cooking USE Corncobs USE Cooking (Corn oil) [HE199.5.C67 (General)] Corn oil cake [HE2321.M3 (Railroads)] Corn cockle (Species) USE Corn oil meal BT Corn—Postharvest technology USE Common corncockle Corn oil meal (May Subd Geog) — — Diseases and injuries (May Subd Geog) UF Corn oil cake Corn cockles BT Corn products [SB608.M2] USE Agrostemma Meal BT Corn—Postharvest diseases and Corn oil meal as feed (May Subd Geog) Corn crake BT Feeds injuries USE Corncrake Corn palaces (May Subd Geog) — Type specimens (May Subd Geog) BT Palaces — Ultrastructure Corn Creek (Millard County, Utah) Corn paper — Use in cooking UF Kanosh Creek (Utah) USE Paper, Maize BT Rivers—Utah Corn pickers (Machines) USE Cooking (Corn) USE Corn picking machinery — Utilization (May Subd Geog) Corn cribs Corn picking machinery (May Subd Geog) USE Corncribs [S715.C6] UF Utilization of corn UF Corn pickers (Machines) — Varieties (May Subd Geog) Corn dispersal Mechanical corn pickers USE Corn—Dispersal Pickers, Corn (Machines) NT Corn—Heirloom varieties BT Corn—Harvesting—Machinery Hybrid corn Corn dollies Corn plant [GT4380-GT4499 (Manners and customs)] USE Corn — — Testing [TT876 (Handicraft)] Corn planters (Machines) (May Subd Geog) UF Corn—Variety testing UF Dollies, Corn [S715.C6] Testing of corn varieties BT Harvest festivals BT Corn—Machinery Variety testing of corn Straw work Planters (Agricultural machinery) Corn processing machines — Variety testing Corn earworm USE Corn—Processing—Machinery USE Corn—Varieties—Testing USE Helicoverpa armigera Corn products (May Subd Geog) Heliothis zea [TP435.C67 (Food processing)] — Vegetative propagation (May Subd Geog) BT Plant products BT Corn—Propagation Corn family (Not Subd Geog) NT Corn chips NT Corn—Grafting UF Koerner family Corn meal Corn—Micropropagation Korn family Corn oil Korner family Corn oil meal — Virus diseases Corn sugar UF Virus diseases in corn Corn flags Corn syrup USE Gladiolus Cornstarch — Viruses (May Subd Geog) Corn products industry (May Subd Geog) — Vitality (May Subd Geog) Corn-free cooking [HD9049.C7-HD9049.C8] — Water requirements (May Subd Geog) USE Corn-free diet—Recipes BT Plant products industry — Weed control (May Subd Geog) NT Corn—Processing — Wounds and injuries (May Subd Geog) Corn-free diet (May Subd Geog) Corn River (S.C.) [RM231.5] USE Saluda River (S.C.) [SB608.M2] UF Diet, Corn-free Corn root-aphis (May Subd Geog) NT Corn—Frost damage BT Food allergy—Diet therapy [SB945.C75] Corn root rot (May Subd Geog) Corn—Postharvest diseases and injuries — Recipes UF Maize root-rot — — Diagnosis (May Subd Geog) UF Corn-free cooking Root rot of corn — Yield BT Cooking Root-rot of maize [Former heading] BT Corn—Roots—Diseases and pests USE Corn—Yields Corn husk bags Root rots — Yields (May Subd Geog) USE Cornhusk bags Corn rootworm, Colorado USE Western corn rootworm UF Corn—Yield [Former heading] Corn husk craft Corn rootworm, Northern Corn yields USE Cornhusk craft USE Northern corn rootworm Corn rootworm, Southern Corn, Broom Corn in art (Not Subd Geog) USE Spotted cucumber beetle USE Broomcorn Corn industry (May Subd Geog) Corn rootworm, Western USE Western corn rootworm Corn, Canned [HD9049.C7-HD9049.C8] Corn rust USE Canned corn UF Corn trade USE Puccinia sorghi BT Grain trade Corn Scandal, Greece, 1986-1989 Corn, Frozen NT Corn—Marketing UF Yugo-Greek Corn Scandal, Greece, 1986-1989 USE Frozen corn Yugoslav Corn Scandal, Greece, 1986-1989 Popcorn industry BT Corn industry—Corrupt practices—Greece Corn, Kafir — Corrupt practices (May Subd Geog) Greece—Politics and government—1974- USE Kafir corn — — Greece Political corruption—Greece Corn shellers (Machines) Corn, Sweet UF Corn industry—Greece—Corrupt USE Corn—Shelling—Machinery USE Sweet corn practices [Former heading] Corn shuck craft USE Cornhusk craft Corn as feed (May Subd Geog) NT Corn Scandal, Greece, 1986-1989 Corn silage [SF99.C59] — Energy consumption (May Subd Geog) USE Corn—Silage UF Maize as feed [Former heading] Corn silvanus BT Feeds UF Corn—Energy consumption USE Sawtoothed grain beetle NT Corn—Silage — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Corn smut disease (May Subd Geog) UF Blister smut disease — Contamination (May Subd Geog) BT Agricultural laws and legislation Boil smut disease BT Contamination (Technology) — Taxation (May Subd Geog) Corn as food (May Subd Geog) UF Corn—Taxation BT Food — Greece NT Grits — — Corrupt practices — Contamination (May Subd Geog) USE Corn industry—Corrupt BT Food contamination practices—Greece Corn beef Corn laws (Great Britain) (Not Subd Geog) USE Corned beef BT Tariff—Law and legislation—Great Britain Corn borer, European Corn leaf-beetle (May Subd Geog) USE European corn borer [SB945.C73] Corn borer, Southern Corn machinery USE Southern corn borer USE Corn—Machinery Corn borer, Southwestern Corn maidens' dance (May Subd Geog) USE Southwestern corn borer BT Indian dance—North America Corn bread (May Subd Geog) Corn meal (May Subd Geog) [TX770.C64] UF Cornmeal UF Cornbread Indian meal BT Bread BT Corn products Cooking (Corn) Meal NT Polenta Corn breeders (May Subd Geog) Tortillas UF Breeders, Corn BT Plant breeders — Use in cooking USE Cooking (Corn meal) Corn budworm USE Spotted cucumber beetle Corn mummies (May Subd Geog) UF Grain mummies C-677
Corn smut disease (Continued) Corncribs (May Subd Geog) Cornelios family BT Cereal smut diseases UF Corn—Storage—Cribs [Former heading] USE Cornelius family Corn—Diseases and pests Corn cribs Cribs, Corn Cornelious family Corn smut fungus BT Corn—Storage USE Cornelius family USE Ustilago maydis Cornea Cornelis family Corn snake (May Subd Geog) [QL949 (General and comparative anatomy)] USE Cornelius family [QL666.O636] [QM511 (Human anatomy)] UF Elaphe guttata [Former heading] BT Anterior segment (Eye) Cornelison family (Not Subd Geog) Red rat snake NT Artificial corneas Cornelius, Cape (Del.) BT Elaphe — Diseases (May Subd Geog) USE Henlopen, Cape (Del.) Corn snakes as pets (May Subd Geog) [RE336-RE340] Cornelius, Jerry (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) [SF459.S5] UF Keratomalacia BT Pets NT Keratitis UF Jerry Cornelius (Fictitious character) Keratoconus Cornelius and Mine S. Crane Wildlife Refuge (Mass.) Corn-stalk borer (May Subd Geog) [SB945.C77] — Examination (May Subd Geog) USE Crane Wildlife Refuge (Mass.) NT Computer-assisted videokeratography Cornelius Cruser House (New York, N.Y.) Corn-stalk disease in cattle USE Bovine pneumonic pasteurellosis — Inflammation USE Kreuzer-Pelton House (New York, N.Y.) USE Keratitis Cornelius family (Not Subd Geog) Corn-stalks USE Cornstalks — Laser surgery (May Subd Geog) UF Carnelus family NT LASIK (Eye surgery) Conelies family Corn-starch Corneilas family USE Cornstarch — Measurement Corneleise family NT Corneal topography Cornelias family Corn stover (May Subd Geog) Cornelies family UF Stover, Corn — Permeability Cornelios family BT Corn—Residues UF Corneal permeability Cornelious family Cornstalks Ocular permeability Cornelis family Cornelus family Corn stover as fuel (May Subd Geog) — Preservation (May Subd Geog) Curnelus family BT Fuel UF Corneal preservation Cornelius P. Mud (Fictitious character) Corn straw (May Subd Geog) — Sensitivity USE Mud, Cornelius P. (Fictitious character) BT Straw UF Corneal sensitivity Sensitivity, Corneal Cornelius Vanderbilt II House (New York, N.Y.) Corn sugar BT Touch UF Mrs. Vanderbilt's House (New York, N.Y.) UF Maize sugar [Former heading] Vanderbilt House (New York, N.Y.) BT Corn products — Surgery (May Subd Geog) BT Dwellings—New York (State) Dextrose UF Keratoplasty Sugar NT Keratotomy, Radial Cornell family (Not Subd Geog) Refractive keratoplasty UF Cornal family Corn syrup (May Subd Geog) Cornale family [TP405] — Tattooing (May Subd Geog) Corneal family BT Corn products UF Corneal tattooing Corneall family Syrups Tattooing of the cornea Cornel family BT Eye—Surgery Cornels family — Use in cooking Cornhill family USE Cooking (Corn syrup) — Transplantation (May Subd Geog) Cornill family UF Corneal transplant Corn trade Cornell Farmhouse (New York, N.Y.) USE Corn industry — Ulcers (May Subd Geog) USE Creedmoor (Cornell) Farmhouse (New York, [RE340] N.Y.) Corn yields USE Corn—Yields Cornea substitutes Cornell University Robison York State Herb Garden USE Artificial corneas (Ithaca, N.Y.) Corna family (Not Subd Geog) USE Robison York State Herb Garden (Ithaca, N.Y.) UF Korna family Corneal family USE Cornell family Cornels Cornaboux USE Dogwoods USE Cornett Corneal permeability USE Cornea—Permeability Cornels family Cornaceae (May Subd Geog) USE Cornell family [QK495.C785] Corneal preservation BT Umbellales USE Cornea—Preservation Cornelsen family (Not Subd Geog) NT Afrocrania UF Kornelsen family Alangium Corneal prostheses Dogwoods USE Artificial corneas Cornelus family USE Cornelius family Cornachan family Corneal sensitivity USE Carnahan family USE Cornea—Sensitivity Cornemuse USE Bagpipe Cornal family Corneal tattooing USE Cornell family USE Cornea—Tattooing Corner cupboards (May Subd Geog) [NK2727] Cornale family Corneal topography (May Subd Geog) BT Cupboards USE Cornell family UF Topography, Corneal BT Cornea—Measurement Corner family (Not Subd Geog) Cornales Corner Inlet (Vic.) USE Umbellales Corneal transplant USE Cornea—Transplantation BT Inlets—Australia Cornaro, Barco (Altivole, Italy) Corner stone laying USE Barco Cornaro (Altivole, Italy) Corneall family USE Cornell family USE Cornerstone laying Cornaro Villa (Piombino Dese, Italy) Corner stones, Laying of USE Villa Cornaro (Piombino Dese, Italy) Corneau House Site (Springfield, Ill.) USE Charles Corneau House Site (Springfield, Ill.) USE Cornerstone laying Cornatzer family (Not Subd Geog) Corners, Commercial Cornbower family (Not Subd Geog) Corned beef (May Subd Geog) [TS1974.C67] USE Monopolies UF Kornbau family UF Corn beef Speculation Cornbread BT Beef Stock exchanges Salting of food Trusts, Industrial USE Corn bread Cornbury Estate (England) Corneilas family Cornerstone laying (May Subd Geog) USE Cornelius family UF Corner stone laying USE Cornbury Park (England) Corner stones, Laying of [Former heading] Cornbury Park (England) Corneillan family (Not Subd Geog) Foundation stones, Laying of UF De Corneillan family Laying of cornerstones UF Blandford Park (England) BT Rites and ceremonies Cornbury Estate (England) Cornejo USE Cornus sericea Cornet (May Subd Geog) BT Parks—England [ML960-ML963 (History)] Corncobs (May Subd Geog) Cornel [MT440-MT448 (Instruction)] USE Cornus sericea UF Cornopean [TP996.C6] BT Brass instruments UF Corn cobs Cornel, Flowering BT Corn—Residues USE Flowering dogwood — Orchestra studies Corncockle (Species) USE Cornet—Orchestral excerpts USE Common corncockle Cornel family Corncockles USE Cornell family — Orchestral excerpts USE Agrostemma [MT446] Corncrake (May Subd Geog) Corneleise family UF Cornet—Orchestra studies [Former [QL696.G876] USE Cornelius family heading] UF Corn crake Cornelia, Agricola (Italy) — Studies and exercises Crex crex USE Agricola Cornelia (Italy) [MT445] European land rail Land rail, European Cornelias family BT Crex USE Cornelius family Cornelies family USE Cornelius family C-678
Cornet à bouquin — Solo with piano [TH2482 (Building)] USE Cornett [M1205] BT Architecture—Details BT Cornet and piano music, Arranged Cornick family (Not Subd Geog) Cornet and baritone music Cornieles family (Not Subd Geog) USE Baritone and cornet music Cornet with brass band Cornill family [M1205-M1206 (Original works)] USE Cornell family Cornet and euphonium music [M1257 (Arrangements)] Cornin family [M288-M289] USE Corning family UF Euphonium and cornet music — Solo with piano Corning family (Not Subd Geog) [M1206] UF Cornin family Cornet and euphonium with brass band BT Cornet and piano music, Arranged [M1205-M1206 (Original compositions)] Cornyn family [M1257 (Arrangements)] Cornet with instrumental ensemble O'Cornyn family Cornet with orchestra O'Cuirnin family Cornet and guitar music (May Subd Geog) Cornioń Peaks (Spain) [M296-M297] [M1030-M1031] UF Covadonga Mountains (Spain) UF Guitar and cornet music Cornet with orchestra, Arranged Macizo de la Penã s Santas (Spain) Montanã s de Covadonga (Spain) Cornet and organ music [M1030-M1031] Penã s Santas Massif (Spain) [M182-M186] Cornet with string orchestra Picos de Cornión (Spain) UF Organ and cornet music BT Mountains—Spain [M1130-M1131] Picos de Europa (Spain) Cornet and piano music Corneta Cornis family [M260-M261] USE Cornish family UF Piano and cornet music USE Cornett Cornish (May Subd Geog) Cornetists UF Cornishmen Cornet and piano music, Arranged BT Ethnology—England [M260-M261] USE Cornet players — United States NT Cornet with band—Solo with piano Cornets (2) with brass band Cornet with brass band—Solo with piano NT Cornish Americans [M1205-M1206] Cornish (The English word) Cornet and piano music (Jazz) Cornets (4) with band USE Jazz BT English language—Etymology [M1205-M1206] Cornish Americans (May Subd Geog) Cornet and trombone music (May Subd Geog) Cornets (4) with band, Arranged [M288-M289] [E184.C6] UF Trombone and cornet music [M1257] UF Cornish Americans—United States — Scores and parts BT Cornish—United States Cornet and trumpet music [M288-M289] [M1257] Ethnology—United States UF Trumpet and cornet music Cornett (May Subd Geog) — United States Cornet and trumpet with orchestra [ML990.C65 (History)] USE Cornish Americans [M1040-M1041] [MT533.C (Instruction)] Cornish Bridge (Cornish, N.H., and Windsor, Vt.) UF Cornaboux Cornet and trumpet with orchestra, Arranged UF Cornish-Windsor Bridge (Cornish, N.H., and [M1040-M1041] Cornet à bouquin Windsor, Vt.) Corneta Windsor Bridge (Cornish, N.H., and Windsor, Cornet Bay (Wash.) Cornetto Vt.) BT Bays—Washington (State) Zink BT Brass instruments BT Bridges—New Hampshire Cornet Castle (Saint Peter Port, Channel Islands) Cornett and continuo music Bridges—Vermont USE Castle Cornet (Saint Peter Port, Guernsey) UF Continuo and cornett music Cornett family (Not Subd Geog) Cornish chicken (May Subd Geog) Cornet choir music (May Subd Geog) UF Cornet family [Former heading] [SF489.C6] [M1200-M1268] Cornette family UF Cornish fowl [Former heading] Here are entered compositions not in a specific Cornutt family Indian game chicken Cornett music BT Chicken breeds form or of a specific type for cornets, two or more to a [M110.C] part, and collections of compositions in several forms Here are entered compositions not in a specific Cornish chough or types for cornets, two or more to a part. form or of a specific type for solo cornett, and USE Red-billed chough collections of compositions in several forms or types BT Brass band music for solo cornett. Cornish cooking SA headings for forms and types of music that USE Cooking, English—Cornish style SA headings for forms and types of music that include \"cornet choir\" and headings with include cornett or cornetts and headings with Cornish drama (May Subd Geog) medium of performance that include \"cornet medium of performance that include cornett [PB2552 (History and criticism)] choir\" or cornetts [PB2569 (Collections)] Cornet duets BT Cornish literature USE Cornet music (Cornets (2)) Cornette family NT Mysteries and miracle-plays, Cornish Cornet ensembles USE Cornett family Here are entered compositions not in a specific Cornish family (Not Subd Geog) form or of a specific type for ten or more solo cornets Cornetti family (Not Subd Geog) UF Carnish family and collections of compositions in several forms or UF Conet family Cornis family types for various numbers of solo cornets. Conetti family Cornish fiction (May Subd Geog) SA headings for forms and types of music that Cornettists BT Cornish literature include cornet ensemble and headings with USE Cornet players NT Horror tales, Cornish medium of performance that include cornet Short stories, Cornish ensemble. Cornetto USE Cornett Cornish folk songs Cornet family USE Folk songs, Cornish USE Cornett family Cornfield pea USE Cowpea Cornish fowl Cornet music USE Cornish chicken [M85-M89] Cornfield Point (Conn.) Here are entered compositions not in a specific BT Capes (Coasts)—Connecticut Cornish horror tales USE Horror tales, Cornish form or of a specific type for solo cornet, and Cornford family (Not Subd Geog) collections of compositions in several forms or types Cornhill family Cornish House (Hartland, Conn.) for solo cornet. USE Gaylord House (Hartland, Conn.) USE Cornell family RT Recorded accompaniments (Cornet) Cornhusk bags (May Subd Geog) Cornish jack (Fish) SA headings for forms and types of music that USE Mormyrops deliciosus UF Corn husk bags include cornet or cornets and headings with BT Bags Cornish language (May Subd Geog) medium of performance that include cornet [PB2501-PB2549] or cornets Cornhusk craft BT Brythonic languages Cornet music (Cornets (2)) Cornhusk craft (May Subd Geog) [M288-M289] — Dictionaries UF Cornet duets [TT878] NT Picture dictionaries, Cornish Cornet music (Cornets (3)) UF Corn husk craft USE Brass trios (Cornets (3)) — Names Cornet music (Cornets (4)) Corn shuck craft USE Names, Cornish USE Brass quartets (Cornets (4)) Cornshuck craft Cornet music (Jazz) BT Nature craft Cornish literature (May Subd Geog) [M85-M89] NT Cornhusk bags [PB2551-PB2621] BT Jazz Cornia River (Italy) BT British literature Cornet players (May Subd Geog) BT Rivers—Italy NT Cornish drama [ML399 (Collective biography)] Cornia River Valley (Italy) Cornish fiction [ML419 (Individual biography)] UF Cornia Valley (Italy) Cornish poetry UF Cornetists BT Valleys—Italy Cornettists Cornia Valley (Italy) Cornish miracle-plays BT Brass instrument players USE Cornia River Valley (Italy) USE Mysteries and miracle-plays, Cornish Cornet with band Cornice work [M1205-M1206] [TH2482] Cornish mysteries and miracle-plays BT Building USE Mysteries and miracle-plays, Cornish Cornices [NA2960 (Architecture)] C-679
Cornish names Cornstarch industry (May Subd Geog) BT Islands—Nunavut USE Names, Cornish RT Corn products industry Queen Elizabeth Islands (Nunavut and N.W.T.) Cornish pasties (May Subd Geog) Cornstocks Cornwall-Salisbury Bridge (Cornwall and Salisbury, Vt.) UF Cornish pastries USE Cornstalks USE Station Covered Bridge (Cornwall and Pasties, Cornish Salisbury, Vt.) BT Turnovers (Cooking) Cornu ammonis USE Hippocampus (Brain) Cornwall-Salisbury Covered Bridge (Cornwall and Cornish pastries Salisbury, Vt.) USE Cornish pasties Cornua cutanea USE Station Covered Bridge (Cornwall and USE Horns, Cutaneous Salisbury, Vt.) Cornish picture dictionaries USE Picture dictionaries, Cornish Cornuaspis beckii Cornwallis family USE Lepidosaphes beckii USE Cornwell family Cornish Playhouse (Seattle, Wash.) UF Century 21 Playhouse (Seattle, Wash.) Cornuaspis gloverii Cornwallis Island (N.W.T.) Intiman Playhouse (Seattle, Wash.) USE Lepidosaphes gloverii USE Cornwallis Island (Nunavut) Intiman Theater (Seattle, Wash.) Playhouse (Seattle, Wash. : Mercer Street) Cornucopias (May Subd Geog) Cornwallis Island (Nunavut) Playhouse at Seattle Center (Seattle, Wash.) BT Signs and symbols UF Cornwallis Island (N.W.T.) [Former heading] BT Theaters—Washington (State) BT Islands—Nunavut Cornucopias in art (Not Subd Geog) Parry Islands (Nunavut) Cornish poetry (May Subd Geog) Cornucopina (May Subd Geog) BT Cornish literature Cornwallis Island (Qld.) NT Religious poetry, Cornish [QL398.C5] USE Dauan Island (Qld.) BT Bicellariellidae Cornish Prayer Book Rebellion, 1549 Cornudas Mountains (N.M.) Cornwallis-West family (Not Subd Geog) USE Great Britain—History—Western Rebellion, BT Mountains—New Mexico RT Cornwell family 1549 Cornulier family (Not Subd Geog) West family Cornus (Ancient city) Cornish religious poetry USE Cornus (Extinct city) Cornwel family USE Religious poetry, Cornish Cornus (Extinct city) USE Cornwell family [DG70.C58] Cornish Rex cat UF Cornus (Ancient city) [Former heading] Cornwell family (Not Subd Geog) USE Rex cat BT Extinct cities—Italy UF Cornwal family Cornwall family Cornish Riviera Express (Express train) Italy—Antiquities Cornwallis family UF Cornish Riviera Limited Cornus (Plants) Cornwel family BT Express trains—Great Britain Cornwill family USE Dogwoods RT Cornwallis-West family Cornish Riviera Limited Cornus alba USE Cornish Riviera Express (Express train) Cornwell Farm (Va.) USE Cornus sericea BT Dwellings—Virginia Cornish salmon Cornus baileyi Farms—Virginia USE European hake USE Cornus sericea Cornwell Manor Gardens (Cornwell, England) Cornish short stories Cornus florida This heading is not valid for use as a geographic USE Short stories, Cornish USE Flowering dogwood subdivision. Cornish songs Cornus instolonea USE Songs, Cornish BT Gardens—England USE Cornus sericea Cornwill family Cornish-Windsor Bridge (Cornish, N.H., and Windsor, Cornus interior Vt.) USE Cornwell family USE Cornish Bridge (Cornish, N.H., and Windsor, USE Cornus sericea Cornyn family Vt.) Cornus sericea (May Subd Geog) USE Corning family Cornishmen [QK495.C785 (Botany)] Coro (Venezuela) USE Cornish UF American dogwood — History Cornitermes (May Subd Geog) Cornejo — — Revolution, 1533 [QL529.3.T4] Cornel Coroa Vermelha Island (Brazil) BT Termitidae Cornus alba Cornus baileyi UF Recife Coroa Vermelha Island (Brazil) Cornman family Cornus instolonea Vermelha Island (Brazil) USE Corman family Cornus interior Cornus stolonifera BT Islands—Brazil Cornmeal Hound's tree Coroado Indians USE Corn meal Osier, Red Osier dogwood, Red USE Kaingang Indians Corno alle Scale Regional Nature Park (Italy) Red-barked dogwood Coroado language USE Parco regionale Corno alle Scale (Italy) Red osier Red osier dogwood USE Bororo language (Brazil) Corno Battisti Mountain (Italy) Red-stem dogwood Coroados Indians UF Corno di Vallarsa Mountain (Italy) Red twig dogwood Monte Corno Battisti (Italy) Red willow USE Bororo Indians Monte Corno di Vallarsa (Italy) Redosier Coroados language BT Mountains—Italy Redosier dogwood Redtwig dogwood USE Bororo language (Brazil) Corno di Vallarsa Mountain (Italy) Swida instolonea Corob family (Not Subd Geog) USE Corno Battisti Mountain (Italy) Swida stolonifera Corobici Indians Thelycrania stolonifera Corno River (Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy) Western dogwood USE Guatuso Indians UF Fiume Corno (Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy) White dogwood Coroch River (Turkey and Georgia) BT Rivers—Italy White-fruited dogwood Willow, Red USE Coruh River (Turkey and Georgia) Cornopean BT Dogwoods Corohio Indians USE Cornet Cornus stolonifera USE Cornus sericea USE Tarahumara Indians Cornouaille (France) Cornus volkensii Corohio language Here are entered works on the region of Brittany USE Afrocrania volkensii Cornutt family USE Tarahumara language corresponding to the southern part of the USE Cornett family Coroino Indians département of Finister̀ e. Cornwal family USE Cornwell family USE Moro Indians Cornovii Cornwall, Tudor (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Coroino language [DA141] UF Doctor Tudor Cornwall (Fictitious character) BT Ethnology—England Dr. Tudor Cornwall (Fictitious character) USE Moro language (South America) Tudor Cornwall (Fictitious character) Corola (Dance) Cornplanter State Forest (Pa.) Cornwall Coast Path (England) BT Forest reserves—Pennsylvania BT South West Coast Path (England) USE Carole (Dance) Trails—England Corolla automobile Cornshuck craft Cornwall family USE Cornhusk craft USE Cornwell family USE Toyota Corolla automobile Cornwall Island (N.W.T.) Coromandel Coast (India) Cornstalk disease in cattle USE Cornwall Island (Nunavut) USE Bovine pneumonic pasteurellosis Cornwall Island (Nunavut) UF Chola Country (India) UF Cornwall Island (N.W.T.) [Former heading] Col̄ ̲a Country (India) Cornstalks (May Subd Geog) North Cornwall Island (Nunavut) Cōla̲ Natụ (India) [TP996.C7 (Use of wastes)] Cōl̲amaṇtạ lam (India) UF Corn-stalks [Former heading] Cornstocks BT Coasts—India BT Corn—Anatomy Coromandel ebony (May Subd Geog) Stems (Botany) NT Corn stover [QK495.E25 (Botany)] UF Diospyros melanoxylon Cornstarch (May Subd Geog) [TP415 (Chemical technology)] Ebony, Coromandel [TX558.S8 (Food values)] Tendu tree UF Corn-starch [Former heading] BT Diospyros BT Corn products Coromandel ebony leaves industry (May Subd Geog) Starch [HD9019.C65-HD9019.C652] BT Plant products industry Coromandel Forest Park (N.Z.) UF Coromandel State Forest Park (N.Z.) C-680
BT Forest reserves—New Zealand Coronal loops (Sun) Coronary thrombosis Parks—New Zealand USE Sun—Loop prominences Ischemic heart disease Myocardial ischemia Coromandel New Zealand frog Coronal mass ejections BT Heart—Diseases USE Archey's frog UF CMEs (Coronal mass ejections) RT Type A behavior BT Solar activity NT Angina pectoris Coromandel Peninsula (N.Z.) Coronary arteries—Stenosis UF Moehai Peninsula (N.Z.) Coronality (Phonetics) Myocardial infarction Moehau Peninsula (N.Z.) USE Coronals (Phonetics) Silent myocardial ischemia BT Peninsulas—New Zealand — Complications (May Subd Geog) Coronals (Phonetics) Coromandel State Forest Park (N.Z.) UF Coronality (Phonetics) NT Myocardial hibernation USE Coromandel Forest Park (N.Z.) BT Consonants — Diagnosis (May Subd Geog) — Nutritional aspects (May Subd Geog) Coromoto, Nuestra Senõ ra de (Not Subd Geog) Coronaria [BT660.C68] USE Lychnis NT French Paradox UF Nuestra Señora de Coromoto — Surgery (May Subd Geog) BT Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint—Devotion Coronary arteries to—Venezuela BT Arteries BT Heart—Surgery Heart—Blood-vessels NT Myocardial revascularization Coron Bay (Philippines) NT Coronary circulation Coronary heart disease in children (May Subd Geog) BT Bays—Philippines [RJ426.C67] — Diseases BT Pediatric cardiology Corona, Solar USE Coronary heart disease Coronary nursing USE Sun—Corona USE Heart—Diseases—Nursing — Innervation Coronary prone behavior Corona, Stellar — Radiography (May Subd Geog) USE Type A behavior USE Stars—Corona Coronary restenosis BT Angiography USE Coronary arteries—Stenosis—Relapse Corona (Electricity) — Stenosis (May Subd Geog) Coronary stenosis [QC643] USE Coronary arteries—Stenosis NT Kirlian photography [RC685.C58] Coronary thrombosis UF Coronary artery stenosis [Former USE Coronary heart disease Corona automobile, Toyota Coronary vasospasm (May Subd Geog) USE Toyota Corona automobile heading] [RC685.C65] Coronary stenosis UF Coronary artery vasospasm Corona discharge photography BT Coronary heart disease Vasospasm, Coronary USE Kirlian photography Stenosis BT Coronary arteries—Stenosis NT Coronary vasospasm Spasms Corona d'Italia, Ordine della — — Relapse (May Subd Geog) NT Angina pectoris USE Ordine della corona d'Italia UF Coronary restenosis Coronas (Church decoration) (May Subd Geog) UF Crowns (Church decoration) Corona Dumps (New York, N.Y.) Restenosis, Coronary BT Chandeliers USE Flushing Meadows-Corona Park (New York, Coronary arteriosclerosis Church decoration and ornament N.Y.) Coronation Chair USE Coronary heart disease UF King Edward's Chair Corona Mark II automobile Coronary artery bypass (May Subd Geog) Saint Edward's Chair USE Toyota Corona Mark II automobile St. Edward's Chair [RD598.35.C67] BT Ceremonial chairs—Great Britain Coronado (Fish) UF Aorto-coronary bypass Coronation Class (Steam locomotives) USE Yellowtail USE Duchess Class (Steam locomotives) Aortocoronary bypass [Former heading] Coronation Gulf (N.W.T.) Coronado (Seaplane) (Not Subd Geog) Bypass surgery, Coronary USE Coronation Gulf (Nunavut) UF Big Flying Boat (Seaplane) Coronary bypass surgery Coronation Gulf (Nunavut) Consolidated Coronado (Seaplane) Heart bypass surgery UF Coronation Gulf (N.W.T.) [Former heading] Consolidated PB2Y (Seaplane) BT Myocardial revascularization BT Bays—Nunavut PB2Y (Seaplane) — Risk factors (May Subd Geog) Coronation music (May Subd Geog) BT Airplanes, Military UF Coronations—Music Consolidated aircraft UF Risk factors in coronary artery bypass Coronation Safari Seaplanes Coronary artery stenosis USE East African Safari Rally Coronation sermons (May Subd Geog) Coronado Bridge (Coronado and San Diego, Calif.) USE Coronary arteries—Stenosis UF Sermons, Coronation USE San Diego-Coronado Bay Bridge (Coronado Coronary artery vasospasm BT Coronations and San Diego, Calif.) Occasional sermons USE Coronary vasospasm Coronation souvenirs Coronado II, Operation, 1967 Coronary blood flow USE Coronations—Collectibles USE Operation Coronado II, 1967 Coronation St. (Manchester, England : Imaginary place) USE Coronary circulation USE Coronation Street (Manchester, England : Coronado Islands (Mexico) Coronary bypass surgery Imaginary place) UF Islas Coronados (Mexico) Coronation stone Islas los Coronados (Mexico) USE Coronary artery bypass USE Stone of Scone Los Coronados Islands (Mexico) Coronary care nursing Coronation Street (Manchester, England : Imaginary BT Islands—Mexico place) (Not Subd Geog) USE Heart—Diseases—Nursing UF Coronation St. (Manchester, England : Coronado Mountains (Gila County, Ariz.) Coronary care units (May Subd Geog) Imaginary place) USE Pinal Mountains (Ariz.) BT Imaginary places [RA975.5.C6] Coronations (May Subd Geog) Coronado National Forest (Ariz. and N.M.) UF Cardiac care units [D127 (Medieval)] UF Bosque Nacional Coronado (Ariz. and N.M.) [GT5050 (Manners and customs)] BT Forest reserves—Arizona CCUs (Health facilities) [JC391 (Political theory)] Forest reserves—New Mexico BT Hospitals—Cardiovascular services UF Crowning of sovereigns National parks and reserves—Arizona Kings and rulers—Coronation National parks and reserves—New Mexico Intensive care units BT Pageants NT Mobile coronary care units Rites and ceremonies Coronado National Memorial (Ariz.) Coronary care units, Mobile RT Crowns BT Memorials—Arizona USE Mobile coronary care units SA subdivision Coronation under names of rulers National parks and reserves—Arizona Coronary circulation NT Coronation sermons [QP108] Durbars Coronado Theatre (Rockford, Ill.) UF Circulation, Coronary Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint—Crowning of UF Rockford's Wonder Theatre (Rockford, Ill.) images Wonder Theatre (Rockford, Ill.) Coronary blood flow — Collectibles (May Subd Geog) BT Theaters—Illinois Heart circulation [NK928] BT Blood—Circulation UF Coronation souvenirs Coronado V, Operation, 1967 Coronary arteries BT Political collectibles USE Operation Coronado V, 1967 — Regulation Coronado X, Operation, 1968 [QP108] USE Operation Coronado X, 1968 UF Regulation of coronary circulation BT Biological control systems Coronae Borealis, Theta — — Endocrine aspects USE Theta Coronae Borealis UF Coronary Coronae Borealis stars, R circulation—Regulation—Hormonal USE R Coronae Borealis stars aspects Hormonal aspects of coronary Coronae Montes (Mars) circulation regulation This heading is not valid for use as a geographic BT Endocrinology subdivision. — — Hormonal aspects BT Mars (Planet) USE Coronary Coronagraphs (May Subd Geog) circulation—Regulation—Endocrine aspects [QB529] UF Coronographs Coronary disease Coronal bleaching USE Coronary heart disease USE Teeth—Bleaching Coronal holes (Astronomy) (Not Subd Geog) Coronary heart disease (May Subd Geog) [QB529.5] [RC685.C6] UF Holes, Coronal (Astronomy) UF Coronary arteries—Diseases BT Sun—Corona Coronary arteriosclerosis Coronary disease C-681
Coronations (Continued) Coronoid hydrocarbons Corporal Christian A. Guzman Rivera Post Office USE Coronation music USE Annulenes Building (Princeton, Fla.) UF Christian A. Guzman Rivera Post Office — Austria Coronoid process, Mandibular Building (Princeton, Fla.) NT Prince's Stone (Carinthia, Austria) USE Processus coronoideus mandibulae Guzman Rivera Post Office Building (Princeton, Fla.) — Germany (West) Coronopus BT Post office buildings—Florida — Great Britain USE Lepidium Corporal Christopher E. Esckelson Post Office Building NT Stone of Scone Corophiidae (May Subd Geog) (Vassar, Mich.) Coronations in art (Not Subd Geog) [QL444.M315] UF Christopher E. Esckelson Post Office Building Coronations in literature (Not Subd Geog) BT Amphipoda (Vassar, Mich.) Coronaviridae Esckelson Post Office Building (Vassar, Mich.) Coropuna, Nevado (Peru) BT Post office buildings—Michigan USE Coronaviruses UF Mount Coropuna (Peru) Coronavirus diseases Nevado Coropuna (Peru) Corporal Haggis (Duck) (Not Subd Geog) Nudo Coropuna (Peru) UF Haggis (Duck) USE Coronavirus infections Nudo de Coropuna (Peru) BT Ducks Coronavirus genetics BT Cordillera Occidental (Peru) Mountains—Peru Corporal Jason L. Dunham Post Office (Scio, N.Y.) USE Coronaviruses—Genetics Volcanoes—Peru UF Dunham Post Office (Scio, N.Y.) Coronavirus infections (May Subd Geog) Jason L. Dunham Post Office (Scio, N.Y.) Corosaurus (May Subd Geog) BT Post office buildings—New York (State) UF Coronavirus diseases [QE862.N7] BT Virus diseases BT Nothosauridae Corporal John P. Sigsbee Post Office (Waterville, N.Y.) NT MERS (Disease) NT Corosaurus alcovensis USE Cpl. John P. Sigsbee Post Office (Waterville, N.Y.) SARS (Disease) Corosaurus alcovensis (May Subd Geog) Transmissible gastroenteritis of swine [QE862.N7] Corporal Joseph A. Tomci Post Office Building (Stow, Coronaviruses (May Subd Geog) BT Corosaurus Ohio) [QR399] UF Joseph A. Tomci Post Office Building (Stow, UF Common cold viruses Corotating interaction regions Ohio) Coronaviridae [QB529.6] Tomci Post Office Building (Stow, Ohio) BT Nidoviruses UF Active regions, Interplanetary BT Post office buildings—Ohio — Genetics CIRs (Solar wind) IARs (Solar wind) Corporal Juan Mariel Alcantara Post Office Building [QR399] Interaction regions, Corotating (New York, N.Y.) UF Coronavirus genetics Interplanetary active regions UF Alcantara Post Office Building (New York, N.Y.) BT Viral genetics BT Interplanetary magnetic fields Juan Mariel Alcantara Post Office Building — Reproduction Solar wind (New York, N.Y.) [QR399] BT Post office buildings—New York (State) UF Replication of coronaviruses Corotoman Creek (Northumberland County and BT Reproduction Lancaster County, Va.) Corporal Justin D. Ross Post Office Building (De Pere, Corondó Site (Brazil) USE Indian Creek (Northumberland County and Wis.) BT Brazil—Antiquities Lancaster County, Va.) UF Justin D. Ross Post Office Building (De Pere, Coronel, Battle of, 1914 Wis.) BT World War, 1914-1918—Campaigns—Pacific Coroutines (Computer programs) Ross Post Office Building (De Pere, Wis.) Ocean BT Compiling (Electronic computers) BT Post office buildings—Wisconsin Coronel family (Not Subd Geog) Computer programs UF Coronelli family Operating systems (Computers) Corporal Kyle Schneider Post Office Building RT Koronelli family (Baldwinsville, N.Y.) Coronel Tamarindo, Praça (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) Čoroxi River (Turkey and Georgia) UF Kyle Schneider Post Office Building USE Largo de Saõ Francisco de Paula (Rio de USE Coruh River (Turkey and Georgia) (Baldwinsville, N.Y.) Janeiro, Brazil) Schneider Post Office Building (Baldwinsville, Coronelismo Čoroxis auzi (Turkey and Georgia) N.Y.) [JS2408] USE Coruh Valley (Turkey and Georgia) BT Post office buildings—New York (State) BT Brazil—Politics and government Municipal government—Brazil Coroya Corporal punishment (May Subd Geog) Political corruption—Brazil USE Dalbergia [HV8609-HV8621 (Penology)] Coronelli family [UB810-UB815 (Military)] USE Coronel family Corozal Site (Venezuela) [VB910 (Naval)] Coroners (May Subd Geog) BT Venezuela—Antiquities UF Physical punishment UF Inquests, Coroners' Spanking BT Public officers Corp River (Spain) BT Punishment RT Forensic pathology UF Corb River (Spain) NT Blinding (Punishment) Medical examiners (Law) Rió Corp (Spain) Branding (Punishment) Coronet, Operation Riu Corb (Spain) Flagellation USE Operation Coronet BT Rivers—Spain Coronet automobile — Religious aspects USE Dodge Coronet automobile Corp River Valley (Spain) — — Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.] Coronet Theatre (New York, N.Y.) UF Corp Valley (Spain) — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] USE Eugene O'Neill Theatre (New York, N.Y.) BT Valleys—Spain — — Catholic Church Coronilla (May Subd Geog) Corporal punishment (Assyro-Babylonian law) [QK495.L52 (Botany)] Corp sonor Svizra (Expo, International Exhibitions BT Legumes Bureau, 2000, Hannover, Germany) BT Law, Assyro-Babylonian NT Axseed USE Klangkörper Schweiz (Expo, International Corporal punishment (Jewish law) Coronilla emerus Exhibitions Bureau, 2000, Hannover, Coronilla Cape (Uruguay) Germany) BT Jewish law USE Punta del Diablo (Uruguay) Corporal punishment (Roman law) Coronilla emerus (May Subd Geog) Corp Valley (Spain) [QK495.L52] USE Corp River Valley (Spain) BT Roman law BT Coronilla Corporal punishment of children (May Subd Geog) Coronilla Site (Chera, Guadalajara, Spain) Corpening family (Not Subd Geog) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Corpo 10 (Group of poets) [HQ770.4] subdivision. UF Child corporal punishment UF Corpo dieci (Group of poets) UF Castro de la Coronilla Site (Chera, RT Italian poetry—20th century Childhood corporal punishment Guadalajara, Spain) Corpo dieci (Group of poets) BT Discipline of children El Castro de la Coronilla Site (Chera, USE Corpo 10 (Group of poets) Guadalajara, Spain) Corpo sonoro Svizzera (Expo, International Exhibitions School discipline La Coronilla Site (Chera, Guadalajara, Spain) Bureau, 2000, Hannover, Germany) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) USE Klangkor̈ per Schweiz (Expo, International BT Spain—Antiquities BT Children—Legal status, laws, etc. Coronilla varia Exhibitions Bureau, 2000, Hannover, — Religious aspects Germany) — — Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.] USE Axseed Corpora (Linguistics) — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] Coronini Cronberg family (Not Subd Geog) UF Corpus-based analysis (Linguistics) Corporal Stephen R. Bixler Post Office (Suffield, Conn.) Corpus linguistics RT Kronberg family BT Linguistic analysis (Linguistics) UF Bixler Post Office (Suffield, Conn.) Coronini Cronberg Villa (Gorizia, Italy) Corporal (Missile) (Not Subd Geog) Stephen R. Bixler Post Office (Suffield, Conn.) BT Ballistic missiles USE Villa Coronini Cronberg (Gorizia, Italy) Corporal Alfred Mac Wilson Post Office (Odessa, Tex.) BT Post office buildings—Connecticut Coronis (Greek mythology) (Not Subd Geog) UF Alfred Mac Wilson Post Office (Odessa, Tex.) Corporal Steven Blaine Riccione Post Office (Geneva, Wilson Post Office (Odessa, Tex.) BT Mythology, Greek BT Post office buildings—Texas N.Y.) Coronographs Corporal Bradley T. Arms Post Office Building UF Riccione Post Office (Geneva, N.Y.) (Charlottesville, Va.) Steven Blaine Riccione Post Office (Geneva, USE Coronagraphs UF Arms Post Office Building (Charlottesville, Va.) N.Y.) Bradley T. Arms Post Office Building BT Post office buildings—New York (State) (Charlottesville, Va.) BT Post office buildings—Virginia Corporal Thompson’s Madison Cottage (New York, N.Y.) USE Madison Cottage (New York, N.Y.) C-682
Corporal Thompson’s Roadhouse (New York, N.Y. : Organizational behavior Author headings, Corporate (Cataloging) Building) RT Business anthropology Corporate added entries (Cataloging) USE Madison Cottage (New York, N.Y.) — American influences Corporate author headings (Cataloging) Corporate bodies (Cataloging) Corporal works of mercy BT United States—Civilization Corporate body headings (Cataloging) [BV4647.M4] Corporate culture in art (Not Subd Geog) Corporate entries (Cataloging) UF Mercy, Corporal works of Corporate dashboards Corporate name headings (Cataloging) Works of mercy, Corporal Corporate names (Cataloging) BT Mercy USE Dashboards (Management information Entries, Corporate (Cataloging) systems) Headings, Corporate (Cataloging) Corporal works of mercy in art (Not Subd Geog) Name headings, Corporate (Cataloging) Corporate accountability Corporate debt (May Subd Geog) Names, Corporate (Cataloging) [HG4028.D3] BT Cataloging USE Social responsibility of business BT Corporations—Finance NT Conference headings (Cataloging) Corporate accounting Debt Government headings (Cataloging) RT Debt financing (Corporations) Corporate headquarters USE Corporations—Accounting USE Corporations—Headquarters Corporate acquisitions — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Corporate Hill Post Office (Wichita, Kan.) BT Corporation law USE Garner E. Shriver Post Office Building (Wichita, USE Consolidation and merger of corporations Kan.) Corporate added entries (Cataloging) — Rankings Corporate identity USE Corporate debt—Ratings and rankings USE Corporate image USE Corporate headings (Cataloging) Corporate image (May Subd Geog) Corporate advertising — Ratings [HD59.2] USE Corporate debt—Ratings and rankings UF Company image USE Institutional advertising Corporate identity Corporate advertising departments — Ratings and rankings (May Subd Geog) BT Corporations—Public relations UF Corporate debt—Rankings RT Industrial design coordination USE Advertising departments Corporate debt—Ratings [Former Corporate income tax Corporate advocacy advertising heading] USE Corporations—Taxation Rankings of corporate debt Corporate insurance USE Advocacy advertising Ratings of corporate debt USE Business insurance Corporate alliances Corporate insurance departments Corporate design coordination USE Insurance departments USE Strategic alliances (Business) USE Industrial design coordination Corporate intelligence Corporate annual accounts USE Business intelligence Corporate directors Corporate internal investigations (May Subd Geog) USE Corporation reports USE Directors of corporations Here are entered works on investigations of a Corporate anthropology corporation's potentially illegal, unethical, or Corporate divestiture (May Subd Geog) regulation-infringing activities, conducted by its own USE Business anthropology [HD2746.6] legal department or by its external legal counsel. Corporate art collections UF Corporate spinoffs Corporations—Divestiture BT Corporate governance USE Corporations—Art collections Divestiture, Corporate Investigations Corporate author headings (Cataloging) Divestment, Corporate Spinoffs, Corporate — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) USE Corporate headings (Cataloging) BT Corporate reorganizations BT Commercial law Corporate bodies (Cataloging) RT Disinvestment Corporate law USE Corporate headings (Cataloging) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) USE Corporation law Corporate body headings (Cataloging) BT Corporation law Corporate law departments USE Corporate headings (Cataloging) Corporate downsizing USE Corporate legal departments Corporate body names USE Downsizing of organizations Corporate lawyers (May Subd Geog) USE subdivision Name under names of individual Corporate earnings UF Company lawyers corporate bodies; and subdivision Names USE Corporate profits Corporate counsel under types of corporate bodies, e.g. BT Lawyers Universities and colleges--Names Corporate education USE Employer-supported education — Malpractice (May Subd Geog) Corporate bonds (May Subd Geog) UF Tort liability of corporate lawyers UF Corporates (Bonds) Corporate elder care assistance BT Malpractice BT Bonds USE Employer-supported elder care assistance NT Junk bonds Corporate legal departments (May Subd Geog) Corporate entries (Cataloging) UF Corporate counsel Corporate bribery USE Corporate headings (Cataloging) Corporate law departments USE Corporations—Corrupt practices Law departments, Corporate Corporate entry (Cataloging) Legal departments, Corporate Corporate buyouts USE Government headings (Cataloging) BT Corporations USE Consolidation and merger of corporations Law offices Corporate ethics Corporate central credit unions USE Business ethics Corporate libraries (May Subd Geog) USE Corporate credit unions [Z675.C778] Corporate farms Here are entered works on libraries located within Corporate civil rights USE Farm corporations USE Civil rights of corporations companies, firms, or private businesses, and Corporate finance covering any subject area. Works on libraries with a Corporate coaching USE Corporations—Finance subject focus in business are entered under Business USE Executive coaching libraries. Corporate financial management Corporate collections of art USE Corporations—Finance UF Company libraries USE Corporations—Art collections Industrial libraries Corporate financial reporting Corporate conformity USE Corporations—Accounting BT Special libraries USE Conformity in the workplace NT Factory libraries Corporate financial statements Corporate management Corporate corruption USE Financial statements USE Industrial management USE Corporations—Corrupt practices Corporate medical practice Corporate free speech USE Medical corporations Corporate counsel USE Corporate speech Corporate meetings (May Subd Geog) USE Corporate lawyers [HD2743] Corporate legal departments Corporate freedom of speech UF Company meetings USE Corporate speech Corporate credit unions (May Subd Geog) Corporation meetings [HG2032-HG2039] Corporate giving Corporations—Meetings Here are entered works on facilities operated by a USE Corporations—Charitable contributions BT Meetings RT Stockholders' meetings credit union national association, or as a separate Corporate governance (May Subd Geog) NT Corporate minutes entity within the credit union system, to provide [HD2741] Corporate resolutions services to member unions. Here are entered works on running a corporation in — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) UF Central finance facilities for credit unions a manner that is consistent with the rights and BT Corporation law Central liquidity facility (Credit unions) responsibilities of the various parties involved and Corporate mergers Corporate central credit unions that holds the managers and the board of directors Credit unions—Central finance facilities accountable to stockholders and governmental USE Consolidation and merger of corporations [Former heading] regulatory agencies. BT Credit unions UF Governance, Corporate Corporate crime BT Industrial management RT Directors of corporations USE Commercial crimes NT Corporate internal investigations Corporations—Corrupt practices — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Corporate culture (May Subd Geog) BT Corporation law [HD58.7 (Management)] — Religious aspects [HM791 (Sociology)] — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] Here are entered works on the pattern of shared Corporate growth USE Corporations—Growth beliefs and values that give the members of an Corporate headings (Cataloging) (May Subd Geog) institution a sense of identity, and provide them with the rules for behavior in their organization. Subdivided by place to designate the corporate headings established for particular places. UF Culture, Corporate Institutional culture UF Added entries, Corporate (Cataloging) Organizational culture BT Corporations—Sociological aspects C-683
Corporate minutes (May Subd Geog) Corporate secretaries Corporates (Bonds) UF Minutes, Corporate USE Corporation secretaries USE Corporate bonds BT Corporate meetings Corporate social accounting Corporation accounting — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) USE Social accounting USE Corporations—Accounting BT Corporation law Corporate social investment Corporation counsels, Municipal Corporate mission statements USE Investments—Moral and ethical aspects USE City attorneys USE Mission statements Corporate social responsibility Corporation courts Corporate musicals USE Social responsibility of business USE Municipal courts USE Industrial musicals Corporate speech (May Subd Geog) Corporation directors Corporate name headings (Cataloging) Here are entered works on the concept that USE Directors of corporations USE Corporate headings (Cataloging) speech deriving from corporations is entitled to the Corporation ethics Corporate names (Cataloging) same free speech protections as personal speech. USE Business ethics USE Corporate headings (Cataloging) UF Corporate free speech Corporation executives Corporate net income Corporate freedom of speech USE Executives USE Corporate profits Corporate speech—Law and legislation Corporation farms Corporate officers BT Corporation law USE Farm corporations USE Executives Freedom of speech Corporation finance Corporate ownership RT Advocacy advertising USE Corporations—Finance USE Stock ownership — Law and legislation Corporation income tax Corporate parties USE Corporate speech USE Corporations—Taxation USE Office parties Corporate spinoffs Corporation law (May Subd Geog) Corporate picnics USE Corporate divestiture UF Company law USE Company picnics Corporate sponsorship (May Subd Geog) Corporate law Corporations—Law and legislation Corporate planning [HD59.35] Law, Corporation USE Business planning UF Sponsorship, Corporate Trusts, Industrial—Law [Former heading] NT Sports sponsorship Trusts, Industrial—Law and legislation Corporate politics — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) BT Commercial law USE Office politics Corporate state (May Subd Geog) NT Articles of incorporation [HD3611-HD3616 (Economic history)] Business judgment rule Corporate power (May Subd Geog) [JC478 (Political science)] Capital stock—Law and legislation Here are entered works on the power and [JC481 (Fascism)] Certificates of incorporation UF Corporations (Corporate state) Civil rights of corporations influence exercised by corporations within a society. Close corporations Corporatism Clubs—Law and legislation BT Power (Social sciences) Corporative state Conglomerate corporations—Law and RT Corporations Corporativism legislation Corporate practice of law State, Corporate Consolidation and merger of USE Legal service corporations BT Political science corporations—Law and legislation Corporate practice of medicine Syndicalism Cooperative societies—Law and legislation USE Medical corporations RT Fascism Corporate debt—Law and legislation Corporate profits (May Subd Geog) Functional representation Corporate divestiture—Law and legislation [HG4028.P7] NT Guild socialism Corporate governance—Law and legislation UF Corporate earnings — Italy Corporate meetings—Law and legislation Corporate strategy Corporate minutes—Law and legislation Corporate net income USE Business planning Corporate reorganizations—Law and Earnings (Business) Corporate style legislation Net income, Corporate USE Industrial design coordination Corporate speech BT Corporations—Finance Corporate subsidies Corporate veil Profit USE Subsidies Corporation reports—Law and legislation NT Price-earnings ratio Corporate takeovers Corporation reserves—Law and legislation Retained earnings USE Consolidation and merger of corporations Corporations—Auditing—Law and legislation — Effect of inflation on (May Subd Geog) Corporate tax accounting Corporations—Nationality USE Corporations—Taxation—Accounting Corporations—Political activity—Law and [HG4028.P7] Corporate tax departments (May Subd Geog) legislation BT Inflation (Finance) [HF5681.T3] Corporations, American—Law and legislation Corporate profits (Islamic law) (May Subd Geog) UF Tax departments, Corporate Corporations, Foreign BT Islamic law BT Corporations Corporations, Foreign—Law and legislation Corporate public relations RT Corporations—Taxation—Accounting Corporations, Korean—Law and legislation USE Corporations—Public relations Corporate taxes Corporations, Religious—Law and legislation Corporate publishing USE Corporations—Taxation Disinvestment—Law and legislation USE Corporations—Publishing Corporate television Domicile of corporations Corporate purposes (May Subd Geog) USE Industrial television Family corporations UF Corporation purposes Corporate treasurers (May Subd Geog) Golden parachutes (Executive Incorporation purposes UF Treasurers, Corporate compensation)—Law and legislation BT Articles of incorporation BT Financial executives Incorporation Corporate rankings Corporate turnarounds (May Subd Geog) Insurance companies—Law and legislation USE Corporations—Ratings and rankings [HD58.8] International business enterprises—Law and Corporate ratings Here are entered works on the process by which legislation USE Corporations—Ratings and rankings companies on the verge of bankruptcy are restored to Jouissance shares Corporate real estate investment efficient and profitable operation. Limited partnership USE Corporations—Real estate investments Line of business reporting—Law and legislation Corporate renewals UF Corporate renewals Liquidation USE Corporate turnarounds Turnarounds, Corporate Management contracts Corporate reorganizations (May Subd Geog) Massachusetts trusts UF Corporations—Reorganization BT Comebacks Mining corporations Reorganization of corporations Industrial management Minority stockholders BT Industrial management Non-governmental organizations—Law and RT Consolidation and merger of corporations — Management legislation SA subdivision Reorganization under names of [HD58.8] Nonprofit organizations—Law and legislation individual corporate bodies UF Turnaround management Private companies NT Corporate divestiture Professional corporations—Law and legislation — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Corporate veil (May Subd Geog) Public utilities—Law and legislation BT Corporation law UF Corporate veil-piercing Railroad law Corporate reporting Disregard of corporate entity [Former heading] Small capitalization stocks—Law and USE Corporation reports Disregarding the corporate entity legislation Corporate reports Piercing the corporate veil Stock ownership—Law and legislation USE Corporation reports Veil, Corporate Stockholders Corporate reserves Veil-piercing, Corporate Stockholders' derivative actions USE Corporation reserves BT Corporation law Stocks—Law and legislation Corporate resolutions (May Subd Geog) Limited liability Ultra vires UF Resolutions, Corporate Resolutions of boards of directors — Conflict of laws BT Corporate meetings USE Conflict of laws—Corporate veil — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Corporate responsibility Corporate veil-piercing USE Social responsibility of business USE Corporate veil Corporate retreats USE Management retreats Corporate welfare USE Subsidies C-684
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