Commodity markets Asparagus setaceus Common Business-Oriented Language (Computer USE Commodity exchanges Fern asparagus program language) Lace fern USE COBOL (Computer program language) Commodity options (May Subd Geog) Plumosa fern [HG6046-HG6051] Protasparagus setaceus Common caecilians BT Options (Finance) BT Asparagus USE Caeciliidae Asparagus ferns Commodity prices Common Assembly Language for Microprocessors Common caiman USE Prices (Computer program language) USE Spectacled caiman USE CALM (Computer program language) Commodity tax straddles (May Subd Geog) Common atrioventricular canal Common camas UF Tax straddles, Commodity USE Atrioventricular canal, Common USE Camassia quamash BT Capital gains tax Common bacterial blight of bean Commodity exchanges USE Common bean blight Common camash Tax shelters Common balm USE Camassia quamash USE Lemon balm — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Common basil Common caracara Commodity trading advisors (May Subd Geog) USE Basil USE Crested caracara Common bean (May Subd Geog) [HG6046.5] [QK495.L52 (Botany)] Common cardinal BT Investment advisors [SB327 (Culture)] USE Northern cardinal Commodore (New York, N.Y.) UF Bean, Common USE Fillmore East (New York, N.Y.) French bean Common carp Commodore 16 (Computer) (Not Subd Geog) Haricot bean USE Carp [QA76.8.C] Phaseolus vulgaris BT Commodore computers BT Beans Common carriers Commodore 64 (Computer) (Not Subd Geog) — Varieties (May Subd Geog) USE Carriers BT Commodore computers NT Black bean Common cat's ear Electronic digital computers Green bean USE Hypochaeris radicata — Programming (May Subd Geog) Kidney bean Commodore 64C (Computer) (Not Subd Geog) Pinto bean Common cattail USE Typha latifolia [QA76.8.C] Common bean blight (May Subd Geog) BT Commodore computers [SB608.B3 (Plant diseases)] Common Celtic language Commodore 128 (Computer) (Not Subd Geog) UF Common bacterial blight of bean USE Proto-Celtic language [QA76.8.C] BT Beans—Diseases and pests BT Commodore computers Xanthomonas diseases Common chameleon (May Subd Geog) Commodore automobile, Holden [QL666.L23 (Zoology)] USE Holden Commodore automobile Common bean mosaic virus UF Chamaeleo chamaeleon Commodore Business Machine (Computer) USE Bean common mosaic virus Chamaeleo cinereus USE CBM (Computer) Chamaeleo parisiensium Commodore computers Common beargrass Chamaeleo saharicus BT Electronic digital computers USE Xerophyllum tenax Chamaeleo vulgaris musae NT Amiga (Computer) Chamaeleo vulgaris recticrista Common beech Chamaeleon auratus CBM (Computer) USE European beech Chamaeleon fasciatus Commodore 16 (Computer) European chameleon Commodore 64 (Computer) Common beggartick Lacerta chamaeleon Commodore 64C (Computer) USE Bidens pilosa Mediterranean chameleon Commodore 128 (Computer) BT Chamaeleo Commodore Plus/4 (Computer) Common black cumin PET (Computer) USE Black cumin Common char VIC 20 (Computer) USE Arctic char — Programming (May Subd Geog) Common black-headed gull Commodore John Barry Day (May Subd Geog) USE Black-headed gull Common chickweed BT Special days USE Stellaria media Commodore John Mason Kemp (Fictitious character) Common blacktip shark USE Kemp, John Mason (Fictitious character) USE Blacktip shark Common chimpanzee Commodore Kemp (Fictitious character) USE Chimpanzees USE Kemp, John Mason (Fictitious character) Common blue butterfly Commodore PET (Computer) USE Icaricia icarioides Common chinchilla USE PET (Computer) USE Long-tailed chinchilla Commodore Plus/4 (Computer) (Not Subd Geog) Common blue crab [QA76.8.C] USE Blue crab Common Chinese privet UF Plus/4 (Computer) USE Chinese privet BT Commodore computers Common blue mustard Microcomputers USE Chorispora tenella Common chough Commodore VIC 20 (Computer) USE Red-billed chough USE VIC 20 (Computer) Common bluebell Common, The (Boston, Mass.) USE English bluebell Common club-tail (May Subd Geog) USE Boston Common (Boston, Mass.) [QL520.3.G6 (Zoology)] Common, The (Lawrence, Mass.) Common bobwhite UF Club-tailed dragonfly USE Lawrence Common (Lawrence, Mass.) USE Northern bobwhite Clubtailed dragonfly Common, The (Lyme, N.H.) Common clubtail USE Lyme Common (Lyme, N.H.) Common box Gomphus vulgatissimus Common, The (New York, N.Y.) USE Boxwood Thanatophora egraria USE City Hall Park (New York, N.Y.) BT Gomphus (Insects) Common, The (Waltham, Mass.) Common box turtle USE Waltham Common (Waltham, Mass.) USE Box turtle Common clubtail Common, The (Yorktown, Va.) USE Common club-tail USE Yorktown Common (Yorktown, Va.) Common boxwood Common accidents USE Boxwood Common cockle (Austrovenus stutchburyi) USE Accidents USE Austrovenus stutchburyi Common Algebraic Specification Language (Computer Common bracken program language) USE Bracken fern Common cockle (Cerastoderma edule) USE CASL (Computer program language) USE Cerastoderma edule Common american crow Common brain coral USE Corvus brachyrhynchos USE Symmetrical brain coral Common cold Common American toad USE Cold (Disease) USE American toad Common brake Common animal names USE Bracken fern Common cold viruses USE Animals—Nomenclature (Popular) USE Coronaviruses Common arrowhead Common broccoli Rhinoviruses USE Sagittaria latifolia USE Broccoli Common asparagus fern (May Subd Geog) Common collared lizard [QK495.A83 (Botany)] Common brodiaea USE Crotaphytus collaris [SB413.A647 (Culture)] USE Dichelostemma capitatum UF Asparagopsis setacea Common Command Language (Computer program Asparagus plumosus Common brook trout language) USE Brook trout USE CCL (Computer program language) Common brown frog, European Common Communication Format (May Subd Geog) USE Rana temporaria UF CCF (Communication format) BT Machine-readable bibliographic data formats Common brush-tailed possum USE Trichosurus vulpecula Common coral tree (May Subd Geog) UF Ceibo Common brushtail possum Cockspur coral tree USE Trichosurus vulpecula Coral tree, Common Erythrina crista-galli Common buckthorn Seibo USE Rhamnus cathartica Common coral trout Common bullfrog USE Coral trout USE Bullfrog Common Core State Standards (Education) Common bulrush (Schoenoplectus pungens) (May Subd Geog) USE Schoenoplectus pungens UF CCSS (Common Core State Standards) BT Education—Standards—United States—States Common bur-flower-tree USE Kadam Common cormorant USE Great cormorant C-535
Common corncockle (May Subd Geog) Information, Misattributed RT Environmental law, International [QK495.C24 (Botany)] Misattributed information Natural resources—Law and legislation UF Agrostemma githago [Former heading] Misconceptions, Popular Sovereignty Campion, Corn Misinformation Corn campion Mistakes, Popular Common Himalayan mahseer Corn cockle (Species) Popular errors USE Putitor mahseer Corncockle (Species) Popular misconceptions Crown-of-the field BT Errors Common hoopoe Purple cockle NT History—Errors, inventions, etc. USE Hoopoe BT Agrostemma Medical misconceptions Common fig Common hop Common cowpea USE Fig USE Hops USE Cowpea Common filbert USE Hazel Common hoptree Common crane (May Subd Geog) Common fish names USE Ptelea trifoliata [QL696.G84] USE Fishes—Nomenclature (Popular) UF Crane, Common Common flicker Common horse chestnut Eurasian crane USE Colaptes auratus USE Horse chestnut European crane Common flute Grey crane USE Recorder (Musical instrument) Common houndstongue Grus grus Common foxglove USE Cynoglossum officianale BT Grus USE Purple foxglove Common frog Common house spider Common crape myrtle USE Rana temporaria USE Achaearanea tepidariorum USE Crape myrtle, Common Common frog, European USE Rana temporaria Common hyla Common crossbill Common furniture beetle USE European treefrog USE Red crossbill USE Anobium punctatum Common gallinule Common iguana Common crow USE Common moorhen USE Green iguana USE Corvus brachyrhynchos Common garter snake (May Subd Geog) [QL666.O636 (Zoology)] Common Indianpipe Common crupina (May Subd Geog) UF Thamnophis sirtalis [Former heading] USE Indian pipe (Plant) [QK495.C74 (Botany)] BT Garter snakes UF Bearded creeper NT Red-sided garter snake Common interest communities (Property ownership) Creeper, Bearded Common Gateway Interface (Computer network USE Common interest ownership communities Crupina vulgaris protocol) False saw-wort USE CGI (Computer network protocol) Common interest ownership communities Saw-wort, False Common germander (May Subd Geog) BT Crupina USE Wall germander UF CICs (Common interest ownership Common gibbon communities) Common currencies USE Hylobates lar Common interest communities (Property USE Monetary unions Common ginger ownership) USE Ginger Common ownership developments Common custard apple Common goldcrest Residential common interest communities USE Annona reticulata USE Goldcrest BT Communities Common good NT Condominiums Common dandelion (May Subd Geog) [JC330.15] Housing, Cooperative [QK495.C74 (Botany)] UF Good, Common Planned unit developments UF Dandelion, Common Public good — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Leontodon taraxacum BT Political science Taraxacum leontodon RT Consensus (Social sciences) Common interest ownership community associations Taraxacum officinale Justice (May Subd Geog) Taraxacum vulgare Public interest UF CIRAs (Property owners associations) BT Dandelions — Religious aspects Common interest realty associations — — Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.] Community associations, Common interest Common Data Security Architecture (Computer security — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] ownership standard) (May Subd Geog) Common grackle (May Subd Geog) BT Associations, institutions, etc. UF CDSA (Computer security standard) [QL696.P2475 (Zoology)] NT Condominium associations BT Computer security—Standards UF Grackle, Common Homeowners' associations Gracula quiscula Common dayflower Purple grackle [Former heading] Common interest realty associations USE Asiatic dayflower Quiscalus quiscula USE Common interest ownership community BT Quiscalus associations Common devil's claw (Plant) Common greenshank USE Proboscidea louisianica USE Greenshank Common ivy Common gromwell USE English ivy Common devilsclaw (Plant) USE European stoneseed USE Proboscidea louisianica Common guava Common jay USE Guava USE Garrulus gladarius Common dipper Common gull USE Cinclus cinclus USE Larus canus Common jujube Common hackberry USE Jujube (Plant) Common dolphin (May Subd Geog) USE Hackberry [QL737.C432 (Zoology)] Common hawthorn Common juniper UF Delphinus bairdii USE Crataegus monogyna USE Juniperus communis Delphinus capensis Common hazel Delphinus delphis USE Hazel Common kingfisher Delphinus tropicalis Common heritage of mankind (International law) USE Alcedo atthis Dolphin, Common Here are entered works on the principle that Saddleback dolphin certain areas are designated as common spaces Common kite BT Delphinus beyond the limits of national jurisdiction, and that USE Red kite neither the areas themselves nor their resources can Common duiker be appropriated or annexed by way of sovereignty or Common Labrador tea USE Sylvicapra grimmia sovereign right but can only be used or exploited USE Ledum groenlandicum equitably under a common, international Common edible cockle management regime in the interest of all humanity, so Common lampshell USE Cerastoderma edule that they may be preserved and protected for future USE Terebratalia transversa generations. Common eelgrass Common lancehead USE Zostera marina UF International commons USE Fer-de-lance BT Customary law, International Common egret Common lands USE Egretta alba Res omnium communes USE Commons Common eider Common Language Runtime (Computer science) USE Eider (May Subd Geog) UF CLR (Common Language Runtime) Common Entrance Examination 13+ BT Computer programming USE 13+ Common Entrance Examination Microsoft .NET Framework Common European chestnut Common lantana USE Chestnut USE Lantana camara Common European crab Common law (May Subd Geog) USE Cancer pagurus UF Anglo-American law Law, Anglo-American Common European toad RT Customary law USE Bufo bufo NT Judge-made law Law—Codification Common evening primrose USE Evening primrose — French influences (May Subd Geog) BT France—Civilization Common fallacies (May Subd Geog) [AZ999] — History UF Blunders NT Common law—Reception Errors, Popular [Former heading] Fallacies, Common — Reception (May Subd Geog) UF Reception of common law BT Common law—History — Roman influence USE Common law—Roman influences C-536
— Roman influences Common moorhen (May Subd Geog) Pyrus balansae UF Common law—Roman influence [Former [QL696.G876 (Zoology)] Pyrus bourgaeana heading] UF Common gallinule Pyrus caucasica Roman law—Influence—Common law Florida gallinule Pyrus communis BT Rome—Civilization Fulica chloropus Pyrus domestica Gallinula chloropus [Former heading] Pyrus elata Common law marriage (May Subd Geog) Gallinule, Common Pyrus longipes BT Marriage Gray moorhen Pyrus medvedevii Marriage law Moorhen Pyrus pyraster RT Concubinage Moorhen, Common Wild pear Unmarried couples Moorhen, Gray BT Pears Water chicken Common persimmon — Conflict of laws Water hen USE Persimmon USE Conflict of laws—Common law marriage Waterhen Common pigeon BT Gallinula USE Feral pigeons Common law marriage (Islamic law) (May Subd Geog) Common pine shoot beetle [KBP546.17] Common murre (May Subd Geog) USE Pine shoot beetle UF Zawāj al-ʻurfī (Islamic law) [QL696.C42 (Zoology)] Common pine vole BT Islamic law UF Murre, Common USE Microtus subterraneus Uria aalge Common plant names Common law marriage (Jewish law) BT Murres USE Plant names, Popular UF Yeduʻah ba-tsibur Common pochard (May Subd Geog) BT Jewish law Common musk turtle (May Subd Geog) [QL696.A52 (Zoology)] [QL666.C55 (Zoology)] UF Aristonetta ferina Common law pleading UF Sternotherus odoratus Aythya ferina USE Pleading Testudo odorata Diver, Red-headed (Bird) BT Sternotherus Eurasian pochard Common lentil European pochard USE Lentils Common mussel European pochart USE Mytilus edulis Northern pochard Common leopard frog Pochard [Former heading] USE Northern leopard frog Common names of animals Red-headed diver (Bird) USE Animals—Nomenclature (Popular) BT Aythya Common life Common pochard (Aythya nyroca) USE Monasticism and religious orders—Common Common names of fishes USE Ferruginous duck life USE Fishes—Nomenclature (Popular) Common polypody USE Polypodium vulgare COMMON LISP (Computer program language) Common names of plants Common pond frog BT Functional programming languages USE Plant names, Popular USE Pelophylax nigromaculatus Object-oriented programming languages Common poorwill (May Subd Geog) Common Nature Center (N.Y.) [QL696.C23 (Zoology)] Common littleneck clam USE Minna Anthony Common Nature Center (N.Y.) UF Colorado Desert poorwill USE Pacific littleneck Desert poorwill Common nighthawk (May Subd Geog) Dusky poorwill Common longspur [QL696.C23 (Zoology)] Frosted poorwill USE Lapland longspur UF Asseri nighthawk Nuttall's poorwill Booming nighthawk Nuttall's whip-poor-will Common loon (May Subd Geog) Bullbat Phalaenoptilus nuttalli [QL696.G33 (Zoology)] Cherrie's nighthawk Phalaenoptilus nuttallii UF Diver, Great northern (Bird) Chordeiles minor Poorwill, Common Gavia immer Eastern nighthawk San Ignacio poorwill Great northern diver (Bird) Florida nighthawk BT Phalaenoptilus Northern diver, Great (Bird) Howell's nighthawk Common porbeagle BT Loons Mosquito hawk USE Lamna nasus Nighthawk, Common Common porpoise Common lowbush blueberry Pacific nighthawk USE Harbor porpoise USE Vaccinium angustifolium Sennett's nighthawk Common potato scab Western nighthawk USE Potato scab Common map turtle (May Subd Geog) BT Chordeiles Common pratincole [QL666.C547 (Zoology)] USE Collared pratincole UF Graptemys geographica Common nightjar Common puffin Map turtle, Common USE European nightjar USE Atlantic puffin Testudo geographica Common purple nightshade BT Map turtles Common nightshade USE Solanum americanum USE Solanum americanum Common purslane Common marigold Solanum nigrum USE Portulaca oleracea USE Calendula officinalis Common quail (May Subd Geog) Common noctule [QL696.G27 (Zoology)] Common market countries USE Nyctalus noctula UF Coturnix coturnix USE European Economic Community countries Quail, Common Common nurse shark BT Coturnix Common markets USE Nurse shark Common quince USE International economic integration USE Quince Common oat Common raccoon Common marmoset USE Oats USE Raccoon USE Callithrix jacchus Common ragweed Common Object Request Broker Architecture USE Ambrosia artemisiifolia Common meadowbeauty (Computer architecture) Common raven USE Rhexia virginica USE CORBA (Computer architecture) USE Corvus corax Common reed Common memory Common octopus (May Subd Geog) USE Phragmites australis USE Collective memory [QL430.3.O2 (Zoology)] Common reed warbler UF Octopus, Common USE Acrocephalus scirpaceus Common midwife toad Octopus vulgaris [Former heading] Common Ridings (Festivals) (May Subd Geog) USE Alytes obstetricans BT Octopus (Genus) UF Riding of the Marches (Festivals) BT Festivals—Scotland Common milkweed (May Subd Geog) Common octopus fisheries (May Subd Geog) Common ring-tailed possum [QK495.A815 (Botany)] [SH374.3.C65] USE Pseudocheirus peregrinus UF Asclepias cornuti BT Octopus fisheries Common ringed plover (May Subd Geog) Asclepias syriaca [Former heading] [QL696.C43 (Zoology)] Cottonweed Common opossum UF Charadrius hiaticula BT Milkweeds USE Virginia opossum Common millet Common oranges USE Broomcorn millet USE Oranges Common mink Common osier USE American mink USE Salix viminalis Common Monetary Area (Southern Africa) Common ownership developments USE Rand area USE Common interest ownership communities Common monk parrot Common oystercatcher USE Monk parakeet USE Eurasian oystercatcher Common monkeyflower (May Subd Geog) Common palmetto [QK495.S43 (Botany)] USE Cabbage palmetto UF Mimulus guttatus Mimulus langsdorfii Common peafowl Seep monkeyflower USE Peafowl Yellow monkeyflower BT Monkeyflowers Common pear (May Subd Geog) [QK495.R78 (Botany)] Common moonwort (May Subd Geog) [SB373 (Culture)] [QK524.O7 (Botany)] UF European pear UF Botrychium lunaria [Former heading] Pyrus asiae-mediae Botrychium lunarium Moonwort, Common Moonwort grape fern BT Botrychium C-537
Common ringed plover (Continued) Common silverside Common turmeric Ringed plover, Common USE Atlantic silverside USE Turmeric BT Charadrius Common skylark Common use facilities at airport terminals Common ringlet (Insect) USE Skylark USE Airport terminals—Common use facilities USE Coenonympha tullia Common Slavic Common vampire bat Common ringtail possum USE Proto-Slavic language USE Desmodus rotundus USE Pseudocheirus peregrinus Common slider Common vole Common rue (May Subd Geog) USE Trachemys scripta USE Microtus arvalis [QK495.R98 (Botany)] Common Smith (Fictitious character) Common wallaroo (May Subd Geog) UF Herb of grace USE Smith, Common (Fictitious character) [QL737.M35 (Zoology)] UF Biggada Rue, Common Common Smith V.C. (Fictitious character) Eastern grey wallaroo Ruta graveolens USE Smith, Common (Fictitious character) Euro (Mammal) BT Rues (Plants) Hill kangaroo Common sagebrush Common Smith VC (Fictitious character) Macropus alligatoris USE Big sagebrush USE Smith, Common (Fictitious character) Macropus alexandriae Common sagewort Macropus argentatus USE Absinth wormwood Common snapdragon Macropus bracteator Common Saint Johnswort USE Garden snapdragon Macropus cervinus USE Hypericum perforatum Macropus erubescens Common sallow Common snipe (May Subd Geog) Macropus hagenbecki USE Salix cinerea [QL696.C48 (Zoology)] Macropus isabellinus Common sawfish UF Capella delicata Macropus magnus USE Pristis pectinata Capella gallinago Macropus reginae Common sawflies Gallinago gallinago Macropus robustus USE Tenthredinidae Snipe, Common Macropus rubens Common scab of potato Wilson's snipe [Former heading] Macropus woodwardi USE Potato scab BT Gallinago Osphranter erubescens Common scabies of cattle Osphranter isabellinus USE Psoroptic scabies in cattle Common snowberry Osphranter robustus Common scad USE Symphoricarpos albus Wallaroo USE Trachurus trachurus BT Macropus Common scald of apples Common snowdrop (May Subd Geog) USE Apple scald [QK495.A484 (Botany)] Common water-crowfoot Common scat UF Galanthus nivalis [Former heading] USE Ranunculus aquatilis USE Scatophagus argus Snowdrop, Common Common schools BT Snowdrops Common water hemlock USE Public schools USE Spotted water hemlock Common scoter Common sorghum USE Black scoter USE Sorghum Common water monitor Common screw pine USE Varanus salvator USE Vacoa Common spiny fish Common screwpine USE Spiny dogfish Common water reed USE Vacoa USE Phragmites australis Common sea bream Common spring frog USE Red porgy USE Green frog Common waterweed Common sea hare (May Subd Geog) USE Egeria densa [QL430.5.A66 (Zoology)] Common spruce UF Dolabrifera dolabrifera USE Norway spruce Common weasel Hatchet seahare USE Mustela nivalis Seacat, Warty Common star chestnut Warty seacat USE Sterculia rogersii Common white-eye BT Dolabrifera USE Ferruginous duck Common seabream Common starling USE Red porgy USE Sturnus vulgaris Common white violet Common seadragon USE Viola striata USE Weedy seadragon Common stars, Nearby Common sense USE Nearby stars Common whitefish UF Horse sense USE Coregonus lavaretus BT Judgment Common Statistics Tabulating Language Knowledge, Theory of USE COST (Computer program language) Common willow Prudence USE Salix cinerea Reason Common stocks — Religious aspects USE Stocks Common witch hazel (May Subd Geog) — — Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.] [QK495.H3 (Botany)] — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] Common striped scorpion UF American witch hazel Common sense in literature (Not Subd Geog) USE Striped scorpion Autumn witch hazel Common sense reasoning Hamamelis virginiana USE Commonsense reasoning Common sunfish Macrophylla pursh Common shag USE Pumpkinseed (Fish) Virginian witch hazel USE Shag (Bird) Witch-hazel [Former heading] Common shares Common sunflower (May Subd Geog) BT Witch hazels USE Stocks [QK495.C74 (Botany)] Common shearwater UF Helianthus annuus Common wombat (May Subd Geog) USE Manx shearwater Wild sunflower [QL737.M39 (Zoology)] Common shiner (May Subd Geog) BT Sunflowers UF Bare-nosed wombat [QL638.C94 (Zoology)] Coarse-haired wombat UF Luxilus cornutus Common sweet clover Forest wombat Notropis cornutus USE White sweet clover Naked-nosed wombat Shiner, Common Vombatus ursinus BT Luxilus Common swift (Species) BT Vombatus Common shore crab USE Apus apus USE Carcinus maenas Common yarrow (May Subd Geog) Common shoveler Common swifts (Genus) [QK495.C74 (Botany)] USE Anas clypeata USE Apus (Birds) UF Achillea borealis Common shrew (May Subd Geog) Achillea lanulosa [QL737.S75 (Zoology)] Common tansy Achillea magna UF Shrew, Common USE Tanacetum vulgare Achillea millefolium Sorex araneus Bloodwort BT Sorex Common teal Carpenter's weed Common shrimp USE Anas crecca Milfoil USE Crangon crangon Western yarrow Common tegu BT Yarrow USE Black tegu Common yellow-shouldered bat Common tern (May Subd Geog) USE Sturnira lilium [QL696.C46] UF Sterna hirundo Common zebra BT Sterna USE Burchell's zebra Common thick-knee Commonhold (May Subd Geog) USE Burhinus oedicnemus BT Land tenure—England Land tenure—Wales Common threesquare (Plant) USE Schoenoplectus pungens Commonplace books (May Subd Geog) [PN245 (Authors' aids)] Common threesquare bulrush [PN6244-PN6246 (Collections)] USE Schoenoplectus pungens UF Adversaria Commonplaces (Books) Common toad USE American toad Common toadflax USE Linaria vulgaris Common tody-flycatcher (May Subd Geog) [QL696.P289] UF Todirostrum cinereum BT Tody-flycatchers Common tree-shrew USE Tupaia glis Common turkey USE Wild turkey C-538
BT Notebooks Commonwealth children's poetry (English) heading] NT Electronic handbooks, vade-mecums, etc. USE Children's poetry, Commonwealth (English) BT Periodicals Commonwealth poetry (English) (Not Subd Geog) Handbooks, vade-mecums, etc. Commonwealth children's stories (English) [PR9082 (History)] Commonplace-books (Law) USE Children's stories, Commonwealth (English) [PR9086-PR9086.5 (Collections)] UF Commonwealth of Nations poetry (English) USE Lawyers—Handbooks, manuals, etc. Commonwealth countries Commonplaces Here are entered works discussing collectively the [Former heading] English poetry—Commonwealth countries USE Clichés member countries of the international organization English poetry—Commonwealth of Nations Commonplaces (Books) which was founded in 1931 as the British authors [Former heading] Commonwealth of Nations, changed its name to the BT Commonwealth literature (English) USE Commonplace books Commonwealth of Nations in 1950, and became NT Children's poetry, Commonwealth (English) Commons (May Subd Geog) known as the Commonwealth in 1969. Works on the Commonwealth poets organization are entered under the name heading USE Poets, Commonwealth [HD1286-HD1289] appropriate for the time period covered in the work. Commonwealth preference UF Common lands USE Imperial preference UF British Commonwealth countries Commonwealth prose literature (English) Commons—Law and legislation British Commonwealth nations (Not Subd Geog) Communal land British Dominions BT Commonwealth literature (English) Communal lands Commonwealth nations Commonwealth Secondary Scholarship Examination BT Land tenure Commonwealth (Organization) countries (May Subd Geog) Public lands Dominions, British UF C.S.S.E. (Examination) Real property CSSE (Examination) RT Marks (Medieval land tenure) — Armed Forces (May Subd Geog) BT High schools—Australia—Examinations Natural resources, Communal — — Scottish regiments Commonwealth short stories (English) Village communities USE Short stories, Commonwealth (English) NT Communal rangelands UF Scottish regiments in Commonwealth Commonwealth Solitary Islands Marine Reserve Parks countries Armed Forces (N.S.W.) Pasture, Right of USE Solitary Islands Marine Reserve Zadruga — Information services (Commonwealth Waters) (N.S.W.) — Law and legislation — International status Commonwealth travelers' writings (English) USE Commons — Juvenile literature USE Travelers' writings, Commonwealth (English) — England Commonwealth Day (P.R.) Commonwealth women authors USE Constitution Day (P.R.) USE Women authors, Commonwealth NT Ashtead Common (England) Commonwealth detective and mystery stories (English) Commophilidae Corfe Common (England) USE Detective and mystery stories, Commonwealth USE Cochylidae Downley Common (England) Communal forests Effingham Common (England) (English) USE Community forests Figham Common (Beverley, England) Commonwealth detective stories (English) Communal land Hawley Common (Hawley, Hampshire, USE Commons England) USE Detective and mystery stories, Commonwealth Communal lands Horsell Common (Horsell, England) (English) USE Commons Minley Common (Hawley, Hampshire, Communal living (May Subd Geog) England) Commonwealth drama (English) (Not Subd Geog) [HQ970-HQ972] Wandsworth Common (London, England) UF Commonwealth of Nations drama (English) Here are entered works on arrangments in West Common (Lincoln, England) [Former heading] voluntary cooperative living, usually informal, Woodbury Common (England) English drama—Commonwealth countries including the communes that flourished beginning in Woolwich Common (London, England) BT Commonwealth literature (English) the 1960s. Works on traditional, formally organized communal ventures, usually based on ideological, — Norway Commonwealth fiction (English) (Not Subd Geog) political or religious affiliation are entered under NT Brandbu almenning (Norway) UF Commonwealth of Nations fiction (English) Collective settlements. [Former heading] Commons, Global English fiction—Commonwealth countries UF Communal settlements USE Global commons English fiction—Commonwealth of Nations Communes authors [Former heading] Cooperative living Commons, Information BT Commonwealth literature (English) USE Information commons NT Children's stories, Commonwealth (English) RT Collective settlements Detective and mystery stories, Commonwealth Housing, Cooperative Commons, Learning (English) USE Information commons Short stories, Commonwealth (English) Communal marriage USE Group marriage Commons, Student Commonwealth literature (English) (Not Subd Geog) USE Student unions [PR9080-PR9088] Communal natural resources UF Commonwealth of Nations literature (English) USE Natural resources, Communal Commons (Social order) [Former heading] USE Estates (Social orders) English literature—Commonwealth countries Communal Palace (Forli,̀ Italy) Middle class English literature—Commonwealth of Nations USE Palazzo comunale (Forlì, Italy) Plebs (Rome) authors [Former heading] Proletariat NT Children's literature, Commonwealth (English) Communal Palace (San Gimignano, Italy) Working class Commonwealth drama (English) USE Palazzo comunale (San Gimignano, Italy) Commonwealth fiction (English) Commonsense reasoning (May Subd Geog) Commonwealth poetry (English) Communal rangelands (May Subd Geog) [Q338.85 (Artificial intelligence)] Commonwealth prose literature (English) BT Commons UF Common sense reasoning Travelers' writings, Commonwealth (English) Rangelands BT Reasoning Commonwealth mystery stories (English) — Alberta Commonwealth (Organization) countries USE Detective and mystery stories, Commonwealth NT Pinhorn Provincial Grazing Reserve (Alta.) USE Commonwealth countries (English) Communal settlements Commonwealth, The Commonwealth nations USE Collective settlements USE Political science USE Commonwealth countries Communal living Republics State, The Commonwealth of England, 1649-1660 Communalism (May Subd Geog) USE Great Britain—History—Commonwealth and Here are entered works on a system or principle of Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation aircraft Protectorate, 1649-1660 USE CAC aircraft community organization in which rival groups, Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, religious, ethnic, etc., are devoted to their own Commonwealth art 1653-1659 interests rather than to those of the whole society. USE Art, Commonwealth USE Great Britain—History—Commonwealth and Protectorate, 1649-1660 BT Ethnic relations Commonwealth arts Ethnocentrism USE Arts, Commonwealth Commonwealth of Independent States countries USE Former Soviet republics — Religious aspects Commonwealth authors — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] USE Authors, Commonwealth Commonwealth of Nations drama (English) Communalism in literature (Not Subd Geog) USE Commonwealth drama (English) Communalism in motion pictures (Not Subd Geog) Commonwealth Avenue Mall (Boston, Mass.) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Commonwealth of Nations fiction (English) BT Motion pictures USE Commonwealth fiction (English) Communalism in textbooks (May Subd Geog) subdivision. Commonwealth of Nations literature (English) BT Textbooks BT Parks—Massachusetts USE Commonwealth literature (English) Communance Site (Delémont, Switzerland) Commonwealth CA-12 (Fighter plane) Commonwealth of Nations periodicals This heading is not valid for use as a geographic USE CAC Boomerang (Fighter plane) USE Commonwealth periodicals subdivision. Commonwealth CA-13 (Fighter plane) Commonwealth of Nations poetry (English) UF La Communance Site (Deleḿ ont, Switzerland) USE CAC Boomerang (Fighter plane) USE Commonwealth poetry (English) BT Switzerland—Antiquities Commonwealth CA-14 (Fighter plane) Commonwealth Palaeontological Collection USE CAC Boomerang (Fighter plane) UF CPC (Paleontological Collection) Commonwealth CA-19 (Fighter plane) BT Fossils—Catalogs and collections—Australasia USE CAC Boomerang (Fighter plane) Commonwealth periodicals (Not Subd Geog) Commonwealth Caribbean UF Commonwealth of Nations periodicals [Former USE West Indies, British Commonwealth children's literature (English) USE Children's literature, Commonwealth (English) C-539
Communateé financière africaine franc Communicable diseases between animals and human Works on the communications industries treated USE Franc, CFA beings collectively are entered under Communication and USE Zoonoses traffic. Communauteé financer̀ e d'Afrique franc USE Franc, CFA Communicable diseases in animals (May Subd Geog) UF Communication, Primitive [Former heading] [SF781-SF809] Mass communication Commune de Paris, Paris, France, 1871 UF Epizootic diseases USE Paris (France)—History—Commune, 1871 Microbial diseases in animals BT Sociology BT Animals—Diseases SA subdivision Communication under ethnic Communero Rebellion, Castile, Spain, 1520-1521 RT Veterinary epidemiology USE Castile (Spain)—History—Uprising, 1520-1521 Veterinary microbiology groups SA subdivision Infections under individual animals NT Autistic children—Means of communication Communes and groups of animals, e.g. Cattle-- USE Communal living Infections; Fishes--Infections Business communication NT Bacterial diseases in animals Cerebral palsied—Means of communication Communes, Christian Epizootic catarrh in cattle Children with disabilities—Means of USE Christian communities Epizootic catarrh in sheep communication Footrot in animals Children with visual disabilities—Means of Communes (China) (May Subd Geog) Livestock—Infections communication — Accounting Prion diseases in animals Chinese walls (Communication barriers) [S567] Tick-borne diseases in animals Communication, International BT Agriculture—Accounting Communication and traffic — Income distribution — Diagnosis (May Subd Geog) Communicative competence BT Income distribution—China — Law and legislation Deaf—Means of communication Deafblind children—Means of communication Communets (Computer networks) USE Veterinary hygiene—Law and legislation Deafblind people—Means of communication USE Electronic villages (Computer networks) — Vaccination Developmentally disabled—Means of communication Communicable disease transmission USE Vaccination of animals Diffusion of innovations USE Communicable diseases—Transmission Communicable diseases in children (May Subd Geog) Gay men—Communication Gossip Communicable diseases (May Subd Geog) [RJ401-RJ406] Hearing impaired—Means of communication [RA643-RA644 (Public health)] BT Children—Diseases Hearing impaired children—Means of [RC109-RC216 (Internal medicine)] communication UF Contagion and contagious diseases [Former Infection in children Human-animal communication heading] NT Bacterial diseases in children Indigenous peoples—Communication Contagious diseases Information science Infectious diseases Helminthiasis in children Information theory Microbial diseases in human beings Mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome Intercultural communication Zymotic diseases Septicemia in children Interpersonal communication BT Diseases Urinary tract infections in children Interpretation of cultural and natural resources Infection Virus diseases in children Knowledge, Sociology of Medical microbiology — Prevention Language and languages RT Epidemics Language arts Quarantine NT Immunization of children Leaflets dropped from aircraft SA individual communicable diseases, e.g. Q fever — Vaccination Learning disabled—Means of communication NT Bacterial diseases Local mass media Emerging infectious diseases USE Vaccination of children Mass media Focal infection Communicable diseases in infants (May Subd Geog) Minorities in communication Foodborne diseases Miscommunication Foot—Infections BT Infants—Diseases Multilingual communication Heart—Infections Communicable diseases in literature (Not Subd Geog) Nonverbal communication Parasitic diseases Communicable diseases in newborn infants Older people—Communication Prion diseases Oral communication Septicemia (May Subd Geog) People with disabilities—Means of Sexually transmitted diseases [RJ275] communication Tick-borne diseases BT Neonatal infections People with mental disabilities—Means of Urinary tract infections NT Syphilis, Congenital, hereditary, and infantile communication Virus diseases Tuberculosis, Congenital, hereditary, and People with visual disabilities—Means of Zoonoses infantile communication Persuasion (Psychology) — Diagnosis (May Subd Geog) Communicable diseases in old age (May Subd Geog) Popular culture [RC113.3] BT Older people—Diseases Publications RT Diagnostic microbiology Signals and signaling — Prevention Social media — Homeopathic treatment (May Subd Geog) NT Immunization of older people Symbolism in communication [RX221-RX226] Telecommunication Communicable diseases in plants United States. Congress—Constituent — Hospitals (May Subd Geog) USE Plant diseases communication UF Isolation hospitals Visual aids Lazarettos Communicable diseases in popular culture Visual communication Pesthouses (May Subd Geog) Women—Communication NT Isolation (Hospital care) Here are entered works on the representation of Women in communication communicable diseases in popular culture. Written communication — Immunological aspects — Content analysis — Law and legislation BT Popular culture USE Content analysis (Communication) Communicable diseases in pregnancy — Criticism USE Public health laws USE Communication criticism — Prevention (May Subd Geog) — Cross-cultural studies [RG578] — Government policy RT Biosecurity BT Pregnancy—Complications USE Communication policy NT Isolation (Hospital care) NT Virus diseases in pregnancy — International cooperation Vaccination Communicable diseases in the fetus (May Subd Geog) [P96.I5] Vector control [RG629.I53] UF Communication, — Transmission (May Subd Geog) BT Fetus—Diseases [RA639-RA642] NT Congenital toxoplasmosis International—International cooperation UF Communicable disease transmission Flow of news, International Disease transmission Communicare (The Latin word) International flow of news Diseases—Transmission [Former BT Latin language—Etymology Mass media—International cooperation heading] New international communication order Germs, Spread of Communicatio in sacris New international information order Spread of communicable diseases Here are entered works which deal with the New world communication order Spread of germs New world information order Transmission of diseases participation of Catholics with non-Catholics in prayer News flow, International BT Epidemiology and other forms of worship. Works which deal from a — Methodology SA subdivision Transmission under individual Lutheran point of view with joint worship and work BT Communication—Research diseases and types of diseases, e.g. among adherents of church bodies not united in RT Communication—Study and teaching Tuberculosis--Transmission doctrine are entered under Unionism (Lutheranism). NT Airborne infection Animals as carriers of disease UF Communication in worship Bloodborne infections BT Catholic Church—Discipline Carrier state (Communicable diseases) Soilborne infection Christian sects Waterborne infection Christian union — Vaccination Indifferentism (Religion) USE Vaccination Intercommunion RT Unionism (Lutheranism) Communication (May Subd Geog) [P87-P96] Here are entered works on human communication, including both the primary techniques of language, pictures, etc., and the secondary techniques, such as the press and radio. Works on the modern means of mass communication are entered under Mass media. C-540
NT Communication—Network analysis BT Culture Communication devices for autistic children Content analysis (Communication) NT Communication—Social aspects (May Subd Geog) Communication and education (May Subd Geog) BT Autistic children—Means of communication — Network analysis [P96.E29] [P96.N48] UF Education and communication Communication devices for people with disabilities UF Network analysis (Communication) BT Education (May Subd Geog) BT Communication—Methodology Communication and geography (May Subd Geog) UF Augmentative communication devices [P96.G47-P96.G472] Communication aids for people with disabilities — Planning UF Geography and communication Communication devices for the disabled USE Communication planning BT Geography [Former heading] Communication and politics BT People with disabilities—Means of — Political aspects (May Subd Geog) USE Communication—Political aspects communication [P95.8-P95.82] Communication and sex (May Subd Geog) Self-help devices for people with disabilities Here are entered works on the interrelations UF Sex and communication NT Assistive listening systems BT Sex Telecommunications devices for the deaf between communication and political institutions. Communication and state Voice output communication aids Works on the use of communication in the political USE Communication policy process are entered under Communication in Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales Communication devices for the disabled politics. (May Subd Geog) USE Communication devices for people with [BF722.35.C63] disabilities UF Communication and politics UF CSBS (Psychological test) Politics and communication BT Behavioral assessment of children Communication disorders (Medicine) USE Communicative disorders — Psychological aspects Communicative competence in [HM1206-HM1211 (Social psychology)] children—Testing Communication engineers BT Interpersonal relations Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales USE Telecommunications engineers NT Criticism, Personal Developmental Profile (May Subd Geog) [BF722.35.C63] Communication in accounting (May Subd Geog) — Religious aspects UF CSBS DP (Psychological test) [HF5625.5-HF5625.7] NT Mass media in religion BT Behavioral assessment of children BT Accounting Communicative competence in — — Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.] children—Testing Communication in agriculture (May Subd Geog) — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] Communication and technology (May Subd Geog) [S494.5.C6] — — Christianity [P96.T42] UF Agricultural communication UF Technology and communication RT Agricultural communicators UF Communication (Theology) [Former BT Technology BT Agriculture heading] Communication and the arts (May Subd Geog) NT Agriculture—Information services [NX180.C65] NT Image (Theology) UF Arts and communication Communication in anthropology (May Subd Geog) Reserve (Christian theology) BT Arts [GN13] Theology, Practical Communication and traffic (May Subd Geog) BT Anthropology [HE] — — Islam Here are entered works on the communications Communication in archaeology (May Subd Geog) NT Pastoral theology (Islam) industries treated collectively. Works on human [CC82-CC82.9] communication, including both the primary BT Archaeology — — — Koranic teaching techniques of language, pictures, etc. and the USE Communication—Religious secondary techniques, such as the press and radio, Communication in architectural design aspects—Islam—Qurʼanic are entered under Communication. Works on the (May Subd Geog) teaching modern means of mass communication are entered [NA2750] under Mass media. BT Architectural design — — — Qurʼanic teaching (Not Subd Geog) NT Architectural drawing UF Communication—Religious UF Communications industries Architectural models aspects—Islam—Koranic teaching Mass communication Architectural writing [Former heading] Traffic Mass media and architecture — Research (May Subd Geog) BT Communication Communication in architecture (May Subd Geog) UF Communications research [Former RT Transportation [NA2584] heading] NT Aeronautics UF Communicative architecture NT Communication—Methodology BT Architecture Air travel — Sex differences (May Subd Geog) Broadcasting Communication in art (May Subd Geog) [P96.S48] Cab and omnibus service UF Artistic communication NT Sexism in communication Cables, Submarine BT Art City traffic NT Freedom and art — Social aspects (May Subd Geog) Communications, Military BT Communication and culture Messengers Communication in astronomy (May Subd Geog) NT Audiences Minorities in communication [QB14.2-QB14.3] Postal service BT Astronomy — Study and teaching (May Subd Geog) Radio RT Communication—Methodology Railroads Communication in biology (May Subd Geog) Route surveying [QH303-QH304] — Surveys Shipping BT Biology USE Communication surveys Telegraph Telephone Communication in biotechnology (May Subd Geog) Communication, Administrative Traffic regulations BT Biotechnology USE Business communication Women in communication — Employees Communication in birth control Communication, Business — — Labor unions (May Subd Geog) USE Communication in family planning USE Business communication — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Communication in chemistry (May Subd Geog) Communication, Employee BT Trade regulation [QD8] USE Communication in personnel management Communication anxiety BT Chemistry Communication, Facilitated USE Speech anxiety Communication in city planning (May Subd Geog) USE Facilitated communication Communication arts BT City planning Communication, Guerrilla (Culture jamming) USE Language arts Communication in civil defense (May Subd Geog) USE Culture jamming Communication audiences BT Civil defense NT Civil defense warning systems Communication, Industrial USE Audiences Terrorism risk communication USE Business communication Communication cables Communication in climatology (May Subd Geog) Communication, International USE Telecommunication cables BT Climatology [P96.I5] Communication criticism (May Subd Geog) Here are entered works discussing systems of Communication in community development [P96.C76] (May Subd Geog) global mass communication. UF Communication—Criticism BT Community development BT Criticism UF International communication Communication Design (Red Dot Award) Communication in community health services World communication USE Red Dot Award: Communication Design (May Subd Geog) [RA423.2] BT Communication BT Community health services — International cooperation Communication in conservation of natural resources USE Communication—International cooperation (May Subd Geog) Communication, Intrapersonal BT Conservation of natural resources USE Self-talk Communication in consumer education Communication, Multichannel (May Subd Geog) BT Consumer education USE Multichannel communication Communication, Paradoxical (Psychotherapy) Communication in crisis management (May Subd Geog) USE Paradoxical psychotherapy [HD49.3] Communication, Primitive BT Crisis management USE Communication Communication (Theology) USE Communication—Religious aspects—Christianity Communication aids for people with disabilities USE Communication devices for people with disabilities Communication and culture (May Subd Geog) UF Culture and communication C-541
Communication in crop science (May Subd Geog) Communication in human services (May Subd Geog) Communication in nature conservation [SB45.6-SB45.65] BT Human services (May Subd Geog) BT Crop science BT Nature conservation Communication in industrial relations (May Subd Geog) Communication in demography (May Subd Geog) BT Industrial relations Communication in nursing (May Subd Geog) UF Demographic communication [RT23-RT24] BT Demography Communication in industrial safety (May Subd Geog) BT Nursing BT Industrial safety NT Nursing records Communication in dentistry (May Subd Geog) UF Dental communication Communication in industry Communication in nutrition (May Subd Geog) BT Dentistry USE Communication in management BT Nutrition NT Dental records Communication in information science Communication in obstetrics (May Subd Geog) Communication in design (May Subd Geog) (May Subd Geog) BT Obstetrics [NK1510] BT Information science NT Birth plans BT Design Communication in international relations Communication in organizations (May Subd Geog) Communication in diet therapy (May Subd Geog) (May Subd Geog) [HD30.3 (Industrial management)] [RM214.3] BT International relations UF Organizational communication BT Diet therapy NT Hotlines (International relations) BT Organization NT Appreciative inquiry Communication in divorce mediation (May Subd Geog) Communication in international trade (May Subd Geog) Bilingual communication in organizations BT Divorce mediation UF Communication in foreign trade [Former Persuasion (Psychology) in organizations heading] Communication in drug abuse prevention BT International trade Communication in pediatrics (May Subd Geog) (May Subd Geog) [RJ26.3-RJ26.5] BT Drug abuse—Prevention Communication in law (May Subd Geog) BT Pediatrics UF Communication in practice of law Communication in ecology (May Subd Geog) Legal communication Communication in personnel management [QH541.18-QH541.185] BT Practice of law (May Subd Geog) BT Ecology NT Ex parte communications [HF5549.5.C6] Forensic oratory UF Communication, Employee Communication in economic development Legal composition Employee communication (May Subd Geog) BT Personnel management [HD76-HD76.2] Communication in law enforcement (May Subd Geog) BT Economic development BT Law enforcement Communication in pharmacy (May Subd Geog) [RS56-RS56.4] Communication in education (May Subd Geog) Communication in learning and scholarship UF Pharmaceutical communication [LB1033.5] (May Subd Geog) BT Pharmacy BT Education UF Communication in scholarship NT Education—Information services Scholarly communication Communication in physics (May Subd Geog) Educational publishing BT Learning and scholarship [QC5.3-QC5.52] BT Physics Communication in emergency medicine Communication in library administration (May Subd Geog) (May Subd Geog) Communication in police administration [RC86.3] [Z678] (May Subd Geog) BT Emergency medicine BT Library administration [HV7936.C79] BT Police administration Communication in engineering (May Subd Geog) Communication in library science (May Subd Geog) NT Police—Records and correspondence [TA158.5] BT Library science Police communication systems BT Engineering NT Library institutes and workshops Police reports Communication in engineering design Communication in literature (Not Subd Geog) Communication in politics (May Subd Geog) (May Subd Geog) Communication in local transit (May Subd Geog) [JA85-JA85.2] BT Engineering design Here are entered works on the use of BT Local transit Communication in environmental sciences Communication in lumbering (May Subd Geog) communication in the political process. Works on the USE Communication in the environmental sciences interrelations between communication and political [SD538] institutions are entered under Communication-- Communication in ethnology (May Subd Geog) BT Lumbering Political aspects. BT Ethnology Communication in management (May Subd Geog) [HD30.3] UF Political communication Communication in export marketing (May Subd Geog) Here are entered works on the role of BT Political science BT Export marketing communication in effective management. Works on NT Mass media—Political aspects the various forms of oral and written messages used Communication in families (May Subd Geog) by a business in the conduct of its affairs are entered Political manifestos UF Communication in the family [Former heading] under Business communication. Propaganda Family communication — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) BT Families UF Communication in industry Communication in practice of law Managerial communication USE Communication in law — Religious aspects Communication in psychiatry (May Subd Geog) — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] BT Management [RC437.2] Communication in family planning (May Subd Geog) NT Automatic data collection systems BT Psychiatry Communication in psychology (May Subd Geog) UF Communication in birth control [Former Management—Communication systems [BF76.7-BF76.8] heading] Communication in marketing (May Subd Geog) BT Psychology NT Psychology—Information services BT Family planning [HF5415.123-HF5415.124] Communication in public administration Communication in financial institutions BT Marketing (May Subd Geog) NT Advertising [JF1525.C59] (May Subd Geog) Communication in marriage (May Subd Geog) BT Public administration BT Financial institutions UF Marital communication NT Government publicity BT Marriage — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Communication in fisheries (May Subd Geog) Communication in mathematics (May Subd Geog) BT Fisheries [QA41.4-QA42] BT Administrative law BT Mathematics Communication in public health (May Subd Geog) Communication in folklore (May Subd Geog) Communication in mechanical engineering [GR44.4-GR44.5] (May Subd Geog) [RA423.2] UF Folkloric communication BT Mechanical engineering UF Public health communication BT Folklore Communication in medicine (May Subd Geog) BT Public health [R118-R119.95] NT Health risk communication Communication in foreign language education UF Health communication Communication in regional planning (May Subd Geog) (May Subd Geog) BT Regional planning BT Language and languages—Study and teaching Medical communication Communication in rehabilitation (May Subd Geog) BT Medicine BT Rehabilitation Communication in foreign trade NT Health education Communication in reproductive health USE Communication in international trade (May Subd Geog) Medical records BT Reproductive health Communication in forestry (May Subd Geog) Medicine—Communication systems Communication in research BT Forests and forestry Medicine—Information services USE Communication in science Communication in meteorology (May Subd Geog) Communication in rural development (May Subd Geog) Communication in geography (May Subd Geog) [QC854.15] BT Rural development BT Geography BT Meteorology Communication in scholarship Communication in motion pictures (Not Subd Geog) USE Communication in learning and scholarship Communication in geology (May Subd Geog) BT Motion pictures Communication in science (May Subd Geog) [QE48.85-QE48.87] Communication in museums (May Subd Geog) [Q223] BT Geology [AM125] UF Communication in research BT Museums Communication in hairdressing (May Subd Geog) Communication in music (Not Subd Geog) BT Hairdressing UF Musical communication BT Music Communication in handicapped services USE Communication in services for people with disabilities Communication in higher education (May Subd Geog) BT Education, Higher Communication in housing policy (May Subd Geog) BT Housing policy Communication in human geography (May Subd Geog) BT Human geography C-542
Science communication Technical communication Signals and signaling Science information Technical information, Communication of Sound-powered telephones Scientific communications BT Communication in science Transportation, Military BT Science NT Risk communication United States. Navy—Cryptologic technicians NT Communication of technical information Technical writing — Equipment and supplies Exchange of meteorological information Technology—Documentation Exchange of oceanographic information Technology—Information services BT Military supplies Science news Communication of terrorism risk RT Military communication equipment industry Communication in services for people with disabilities USE Terrorism risk communication Communications, Naval (May Subd Geog) Communication planning (May Subd Geog) USE Communications, Military UF Communication in handicapped services [P95.815] Communications, Optical [Former heading] UF Communication—Planning USE Optical communications Communication in services for the BT Planning Communications, Police handicapped [Former heading] Communication policy (May Subd Geog) USE Police communication systems BT People with disabilities—Services for [P95.8] Communications, Railroad Communication in services for the handicapped UF Communication—Government policy USE Railroads—Communication systems USE Communication in services for people with Communication and state Communications, Spread spectrum disabilities State and communication USE Spread spectrum communications Communication in sex (May Subd Geog) NT Information policy Communications engineers BT Sex Language policy USE Telecommunications engineers Communication in small groups (May Subd Geog) Mass media policy Communications equipment industry UF Small group communication — Africa USE Telecommunication equipment industry BT Small groups Communications Hall (Seattle, Wash.) Communication in social action (May Subd Geog) NT United Nations Transport and BT College buildings—Washington (State) BT Social action Communications Decade in Africa, Communications industries Communication in social service 1978-1988 USE Communication and traffic USE Communication in social work Communications-relay satellites Communication in social work (May Subd Geog) Communication satellites USE Artificial satellites in telecommunication UF Communication in social service USE Artificial satellites in telecommunication Communications research BT Social service USE Communication—Research Communication in soil science (May Subd Geog) Communication skills (Elementary education) Communications satellites [S590.4-S590.45] USE English language—Study and teaching USE Artificial satellites in telecommunication BT Soil science (Elementary) Communications software Communication in sports (May Subd Geog) [TK5105.9] [GV567.5-GV568.3] Communication software Here are entered works on software used in UF Sport communication USE Communications software interactions between computers and modems or Sports communication similar devices. BT Sports Communication specialists (May Subd Geog) Communication in surgery (May Subd Geog) BT Specialists UF Communication software BT Surgery NT Agricultural communicators Software, Communications Communication in technical education (May Subd Geog) Communication surveys (May Subd Geog) BT Computer software BT Technical education UF Communication—Surveys NT APRS (Telecommunication) Communication in technology BT Surveys USE Communication of technical information Browsers (Computer programs) Communication in the Bible Communication switching systems Communications systems [BS1199.C58 (Old Testament)] USE Telecommunication—Switching systems Communication in the budget process USE Telecommunication systems (May Subd Geog) Communication systems Communications wiring BT Budget process USE Telecommunication systems Communication in the building trades (May Subd Geog) USE Telecommunication wiring [TH215-TH216] Communication systems, Computer Communications workers BT Building trades USE Computer networks Communication in the environmental sciences USE Telecommunication—Employees (May Subd Geog) Communication systems, Government Communicative architecture [GE25-GE35] USE Government communication systems UF Communication in environmental sciences USE Communication in architecture BT Environmental sciences Communication systems, Millimeter wave Communicative competence (May Subd Geog) Communication in the family USE Millimeter wave communication systems USE Communication in families UF Competence, Communicative Communication in the humanities (May Subd Geog) Communication systems, Optical (Laser-based) BT Communication BT Humanities USE Laser communication systems Communication in the social sciences Competence and performance (Linguistics) (May Subd Geog) Communication systems, Wireless Psycholinguistics [H61.8] USE Wireless communication systems Communicative competence in children BT Social sciences (May Subd Geog) Communication in vocational education Communication teachers (May Subd Geog) [P118.4] (May Subd Geog) BT Teachers BT Children—Language BT Vocational education — Testing Communication in water resources development Communication theory (May Subd Geog) USE Information theory NT Communication and Symbolic Behavior BT Water resources development Scales Communication in wetland conservation Communication towers, Radio and television Communication and Symbolic Behavior (May Subd Geog) USE Radio and television towers Scales Developmental Profile BT Wetland conservation Communication in worship Communication transmission lines Communicative disorders (May Subd Geog) USE Communicatio in sacris USE Telecommunication lines [RC423-RC428.8] Communication Link Information Entertainment UF Communication disorders (Medicine) (Computer) Communication with animals Disorders of communication USE Sony Clié (Computer) USE Human-animal communication BT Nervous system—Diseases Communication models NT Hearing disorders [P91] Communication with the dead Language disorders UF Models, Communication USE Spiritualism Speech disorders BT Information theory Vision disorders Communication of health risk information Communications, Confidential USE Health risk communication USE Confidential communications Communicative disorders in adolescence Communication of risk information (May Subd Geog) USE Risk communication Communications, Digital [RJ496.C67] Communication of technical information USE Digital communications BT Pediatric neurology (May Subd Geog) NT Language disorders in adolescence [T10.65-T11.9] Communications, Highway Speech disorders in adolescence UF Communication in technology USE Highway communications Communicative disorders in children (May Subd Geog) Communications, Military [RJ496.C67] [UA940-UA945] UF Disorders of communication in children UF Communications, Naval BT Pediatric neurology Military communications NT Hearing disorders in children Naval communications Language disorders in children BT Communication and traffic Speech disorders in children SA subdivision Communication systems under Vision disorders in children names of individual military services, e.g. United States. Navy--Communication Communicative disorders in infants (May Subd Geog) systems; and subdivision Communications BT Infants—Diseases under individual wars, e.g. World War, 1939- NT Hearing disorders in infants 1945--Communications NT Aeronautics, Military—Communication systems Communicative disorders in old age (May Subd Geog) Airplanes—IFF equipment UF Communicative disorders in the aged [Former Briefing, Military heading] Command and control systems Military fireworks Military telecommunication Military telegraph Military telephone Military television Radio, Military C-543
Communicative disorders in old age (Continued) Autonomism Communism and freedom BT Geriatric neurology Collective settlements USE Communism and liberty NT Language disorders in old age Communist revisionism Communist state Communism and geography (May Subd Geog) Communicative disorders in the aged Communist strategy [HX550.G45] USE Communicative disorders in old age Communists UF Geography and communism Democratic centralism BT Geography Communicative psychotherapy (May Subd Geog) Dictatorship of the proletariat [RC489.C65] Harmonists Communism and individualism (May Subd Geog) BT Psychotherapy Jansonists [HX550.I45] Labor unions and communism UF Individualism and communism Communicators, Agricultural Land, Nationalization of BT Individualism USE Agricultural communicators Libraries and communism Marxian economics Communism and intellectuals (May Subd Geog) Communicators, Animal Nationalism and communism [HX528] USE Animal communicators Permanent revolution theory UF Intellectuals and communism Propaganda, Communist BT Intellectuals Communion Women and communism USE Lord's Supper — History Communism and international law — Jews USE International law and socialism Communion, Close USE Communism and Judaism USE Close and open communion Communism and international relations Communism and Zionism (May Subd Geog) Communion, First Jewish communists [HX550.I5] USE First communion — Study and teaching (May Subd Geog) UF International relations and communism — Brazil BT International relations Communion, Infant — China NT Communist countries—Foreign relations USE Infant communion NT Danwei — Germany Communism and Islam (May Subd Geog) Communion, Open — India [HX550.I8] USE Close and open communion NT Naxalite movement UF Islam and communism — Soviet Union BT Islam Communion bread UF Bolshevism USE Lord's Supper—Bread — — Study and teaching (May Subd Geog) Communism and Judaism (May Subd Geog) — United States [HX550.J4] Communion-cups Communism and agriculture (May Subd Geog) UF Communism—Jews [Former heading] USE Chalices [HX550.A37] Judaism and communism UF Agriculture and communism BT Judaism Communion in both elements BT Agriculture USE Lord's Supper—Communion in both elements NT Collective farms Communism and labor unions Communism and anthropology USE Labor unions and communism Communion of saints USE Marxist anthropology [BT972] Communism and architecture (May Subd Geog) Communism and law BT Christian saints [HX520] USE Law and socialism Church UF Architecture and communism Jesus Christ—Mystical body BT Architecture Communism and leadership Communism and art (May Subd Geog) USE Communist leadership Communion of saints in literature (Not Subd Geog) [HX521] Communion of saints in the liturgy UF Art and communism Communism and liberty (May Subd Geog) BT Art [HX550.L52] [BT972] NT Communist aesthetics UF Communism and freedom BT Christian saints—Cult Socialist realism in art Liberty and communism Communism and atomic warfare BT Liberty Church calendar USE Communism and nuclear warfare Liturgics Communism and Buddhism (May Subd Geog) Communism and libraries Communion plate [HX550.B8] USE Libraries and communism USE Church plate UF Buddhism and communism Communion sermons (May Subd Geog) BT Buddhism Communism and linguistics (May Subd Geog) [BV4257.5] Communism and Christianity (May Subd Geog) [HX550.L55] Here are entered sermons preached at, or in UF Christianity and communism UF Linguistics and communism preparation for, a communion service. Sermons on BT Christianity BT Linguistics the Lord's Supper itself are entered under Lord's — Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.] Supper--Sermons. — Catholic Church Communism and literature (May Subd Geog) [BX1396.4] [HX531] UF Sermons, Communion Communism and civil rights UF Literature and communism BT Lord's Supper USE Civil rights and socialism BT Literature Communism and Confucianism (May Subd Geog) NT Marxist criticism Occasional sermons UF Confucianism and communism Communion service music (May Subd Geog) BT Confucianism Communism and love (May Subd Geog) Communism and culture (May Subd Geog) [HX550.L73] [M2016.5 (Anglican)] [HX523] UF Love and communism [M2017 (Lutheran)] UF Culture and communism BT Love [M2017.2 (Other Protestant)] BT Culture BT Lord's Supper (Liturgy) Communism and ecology (May Subd Geog) Communism and mass media (May Subd Geog) [HX550.E25] [HX550.M35] Sacred vocal music UF Ecology and communism UF Mass media and communism RT Masses BT Ecology BT Mass media Communion table (May Subd Geog) Communism and education (May Subd Geog) UF Lord's Supper—Table [HX526] Communism and medicine (May Subd Geog) Here are entered works on the position of [HX550.M4] Table, Communion education in communist ideology. Works on UF Medicine and communism BT Altars communist indoctrination in all phases of education BT Medicine are entered under Communist education. Church furniture Communism and motion pictures (May Subd Geog) Communion tokens (May Subd Geog) UF Education and communism [HX550.M65] BT Education UF Communism and moving-pictures [Former [CJ5407-CJ5415] Communism and families (May Subd Geog) heading] UF Lord's Supper—Communion tokens [HX546] Motion pictures and communism UF Communism and family [Former heading] BT Motion pictures Tokens, Communion [Former heading] BT Tokens Families and communism Communism and moving-pictures Communion wine BT Families USE Communism and motion pictures USE Lord's Supper—Wine Communism and family Communion with God (Judaism) USE Communism and families Communism and music (May Subd Geog) USE Devekut UF Music and communism Communism (May Subd Geog) BT Music [HX1-HX780.9] Here are entered works on revolutionary ideologies Communism and nationalism or movements inspired by Marx and advocating the USE Nationalism and communism abolition of private property, dictatorship of the proletariat, and gradual disappearance of the state. Communism and nonviolence Present day communist movements are [HX550.N66] characterized by collective ownership of the means of UF Nonviolence and communism production and totalitarian, single party governments. BT Nonviolence UF Bolshevism Communism and nuclear warfare (May Subd Geog) Communist movements [HX545] Leninism UF Communism and atomic warfare [Former Maoism heading] Marxism Nuclear warfare and communism Trotskyism BT Nuclear warfare BT Collectivism Communism and philosophy (May Subd Geog) Totalitarianism [HX533] UF Philosophy and communism RT Post-communism Socialism Village communities NT Anti-communist movements C-544
BT Philosophy Communist economic assistance BT Communism NT Philosophy, Marxist USE Economic assistance, Communist World politics—1945-1989 Communism and property USE Property and socialism Communist education (May Subd Geog) Communist teachers (May Subd Geog) Communism and psychoanalysis (May Subd Geog) Here are entered works on communist BT Communists [HX550.P77] Teachers UF Psychoanalysis and communism indoctrination in all phases of education. Works on BT Psychoanalysis the position of education in communist ideology are Communist technical assistance Communism and psychology (May Subd Geog) entered under Communism and education. USE Technical assistance, Communist [HX535] UF Psychology and communism UF Education, Communist Communist Trial, Cologne, 1852 BT Psychology BT Education USE Cologne Communist Trial, Cologne, Germany, NT Critical psychology — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) 1852 Communism and religion (May Subd Geog) [HX536] BT Educational law and legislation Communist Trial, New York, 1949 UF Religion and communism Communist espionage USE Communist Trial, New York, N.Y., 1949 BT Religion NT Communists (Canon law) USE Espionage, Communist Communist Trial, New York, N.Y., 1949 Communism and satire Communist ethics (May Subd Geog) UF Communist Leaders' Trial, New York, N.Y., UF Satire and communism 1949 BT Satire [BJ1390] Communist Trial, New York, 1949 [Former Communism and science (May Subd Geog) UF Marxist ethics heading] [HX541] BT Ethics Foley Square Trial of 12 Communist Leaders, UF Science and communism RT Socialist ethics New York, N.Y., 1949 BT Science Communist ethics in literature (Not Subd Geog) Trial of Communist Leaders, New York, N.Y., Communism and sex (May Subd Geog) Communist Insurrection, Malaya, 1948-1960 1949 [HX550.S49] USE Malaya—History—Malayan Emergency, 1948- BT Communist trials—New York (State) UF Sex and communism BT Sex 1960 Communist Trial, New York, N.Y., 1952-1953 Communism and social sciences (May Subd Geog) Communist journalism UF Communist Leaders' Trial, New York, N.Y., [HX541.5] 1952-1953 UF Social sciences and communism USE Journalism, Communist Communist Party Trial, New York, N.Y., 1952- BT Social sciences Communist Leaders' Trial, New York, N.Y., 1949 1953 Communism and society Foley Square Smith Act Trial, New York, N.Y., UF Marxian sociology USE Communist Trial, New York, N.Y., 1949 1952-1953 Communist Leaders' Trial, New York, N.Y., 1952-1953 Smith Act Trial, New York, N.Y., 1952-1953 Society and communism BT Communist trials—New York (State) RT Socialism and society USE Communist Trial, New York, N.Y., 1952-1953 BT Sociology Communist leadership (May Subd Geog) Communist Trial, Seoul, Korea, 1968 NT Marxian school of sociology UF Trial of Communists, Seoul, Korea, 1968 Communism and technology (May Subd Geog) [HX518.L4] BT Communist trials—Korea (South) [HX543.5] UF Communism and leadership [Former heading] UF Technology and communism BT Leadership Communist trials (May Subd Geog) BT Technology Communist literature (May Subd Geog) Here are entered works on trials in which the Communism and women Here are entered collections of works reflecting USE Women and communism Communist views or policies as well as discussions defendants are accused of political crimes such as Communism and youth of such works. sedition, conspiracy, or treason, in connection with USE Socialism and youth their belief in the philosophy of communism or their Communism and Zionism UF Marxist literature membership in a communist party or organization. UF Communism—Jews [Former heading] BT Literature Communist military assistance BT Trials (Political crimes and offenses) Zionism and communism USE Military assistance, Communist — Germany BT Zionism Communist movements Communism in education (May Subd Geog) USE Communism NT Cologne Communist Trial, Cologne, BT Education Communist parties (May Subd Geog) Germany, 1852 Communism in literature (Not Subd Geog) BT Political parties Communism on postage stamps NT Democratic centralism — India BT Postage stamps NT Meerut Communist Conspiracy Trial, Communism Peak (Tajikistan) Popular fronts Meerut, India, 1929-1933 USE Imeni Ismail Samani Peak (Tajikistan) — Party work Communist aesthetics — Korea (South) UF Aesthetics, Communist USE Communist party work NT Communist Trial, Seoul, Korea, 1968 — Purges Aesthetics, Marxist — New York (State) Marxist aesthetics USE Communist party purges NT Communist Trial, New York, N.Y., 1949 BT Communism and art Communist party purges Communist Trial, New York, N.Y., 1952- NT Marxist criticism 1953 Socialist realism UF Communist parties—Purges Communist aesthetics in literature (Not Subd Geog) Purges (Communist parties) Communistic settlements Communist college teachers (May Subd Geog) USE Collective settlements BT College teachers BT Political purges Communist countries SA subdivision Purges under names of communist Communists (May Subd Geog) [D847] BT Communism UF Iron curtain lands parties, e.g. Kommunisticheskai︠a︡ partii︠a︡ NT Communist teachers Russian satellites Sovetskogo Soi︠u︡za--Purges Ex-communists Second world (Communist countries) Communist Party Trial, New York, N.Y., 1952-1953 Jewish communists Soviet bloc USE Communist Trial, New York, N.Y., 1952-1953 Women communists RT Former communist countries Communist party work World War, 1939-1945—Participation, People's democracies UF Communist parties—Party work Communist — Diplomatic and consular service Party work (Communist parties) USE Diplomatic and consular service, BT Propaganda, Communist — United States SA subdivision Party work under names of NT African American communists Communist countries individual communist parties, e.g. Bulgarian American communists — Foreign relations (May Subd Geog) Kommunisticheskai︠a︡ partii︠a︡ Sovetskogo Finnish American communists Soi︠u︡za--Party work Lithuanian American communists BT Communism and international relations Communist press Mexican American communists — In art USE Press, Communist Russian American communists Communist propaganda Ukrainian American communists UF Communist countries in art [Former USE Propaganda, Communist heading] Communist revisionism (May Subd Geog) Communists, African American [HX518.R4] USE African American communists — Literatures UF Revisionism, Communist — Propaganda BT Communism Communists, Bulgarian American Communist self-criticism USE Bulgarian American communists USE Propaganda, Communist UF Bolshevist self-criticism — Diplomatic and consular service Criticism, Communist Communists, Finnish American Self-criticism, Communist USE Finnish American communists USE Diplomatic and consular service, Self-examination Communist countries BT Discussion Communists, Lithuanian American Communist state USE Lithuanian American communists Communist countries in art [JC474] USE Communist countries—In art UF State, Communist Communists, Mexican American BT Communism USE Mexican American communists Socialism State, The Communists, Negro RT Dictatorship of the proletariat USE African American communists People's democracies Communist strategy Communists, Russian American UF Strategy, Communist USE Russian American communists Communists, Ukrainian American USE Ukrainian American communists Communists (Canon law) BT Canon law Communism and religion Communists in literature (Not Subd Geog) C-545
Communists in motion pictures (Not Subd Geog) Communities of practice (May Subd Geog) Community-based archaeology BT Motion pictures Here are entered works on cross-organizational Public archaeology BT Archaeology Communitarianism (May Subd Geog) groups that share knowledge, solve common Community art centers [HM758] problems, and exchange insights. USE Art centers BT Social structure Community art projects UF Practice, Communities of USE Community arts projects — Religious aspects BT Social groups Community arts projects (May Subd Geog) — — Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.] RT Organizational learning UF Art projects, Community — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] Community Arts projects, Community Communitarianism in literature (Not Subd Geog) USE Communities Community art projects [Former heading] Communities (May Subd Geog) Community, Johannine Community-based arts projects USE Johannine school Neighborhood arts projects Here are entered works on groups of people who Community, Therapeutic Neighborhood-based arts projects reside in a specific locality under the same USE Therapeutic communities Projects, Community arts government, or share some other common Community-access radio BT Arts characteristics and interests. USE Community radio RT Artists and community Community-access television Community associations, Common interest ownership UF Community [Former heading] USE Public-access television USE Common interest ownership community BT Social groups Community-acquired infections (May Subd Geog) associations NT Architects and community BT Infection Community associations, Condominium NT Community-acquired pneumonia USE Condominium associations Art museums and community Community-acquired pneumonia (May Subd Geog) Community associations (Homeowners' associations) Artists and community UF CAP (Community-acquired pneumonia) USE Homeowners' associations Common interest ownership communities BT Community-acquired infections Community Baboon Sanctuary (Belize) Forestry and community BT Wildlife refuges—Belize Fugitive slave communities Pneumonia Community banks (May Subd Geog) Gated communities Community action UF Local banks Gay community Neighborhood banks Government-controlled communities USE Political participation BT Banks and banking Hospital and community Community action consultants — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Lesbian community Libraries and community USE Community development consultants BT Banking law Museums and community Community activists (May Subd Geog) Community-based animal health care Neighborhoods Religious communities BT Political activists USE Community-based veterinary services Resource-based communities Community agriculture Community-based animal health services Sexual minority community Teachers and community USE Community-supported agriculture USE Community-based veterinary services — Religious aspects Community and African American teachers Community-based archaeology — — Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.] — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] USE African American teachers and the community USE Community archaeology Communities, Algal Community and architects Community-based arts projects USE Algal communities Communities, Animal USE Architects and community USE Community arts projects USE Animal communities Community and art museums Community-based child welfare (May Subd Geog) Communities, Ant USE Ant communities USE Art museums and community BT Child welfare Communities, Bacterial Community and artists Community-based conservation (May Subd Geog) USE Bacterial communities Communities, Biotic USE Artists and community UF CBC (Community-based conservation) USE Biotic communities Community and association (Sociology) BT Conservation of natural resources Communities, Bird NT Robford Community Conservation Benefit USE Bird communities USE Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft (Sociology) Communities, Buddhist Community and college (May Subd Geog) Centre model USE Buddhist sanghas Community-based corrections (May Subd Geog) Communities, Christian [LC237-LC238.4] USE Christian communities UF College and community [HV9279] Communities, Coral UF Community corrections USE Coral communities Town and gown Communities, Fish University and community Community treatment programs USE Fish communities BT Universities and colleges Corrections in the community Communities, Fungal RT University towns BT Alternatives to imprisonment USE Fungal communities NT Universities and colleges—Public services NT Day reporting centers (Corrections) Communities, Insect Community and forestry Deinstitutionalization USE Insect communities USE Forestry and community Halfway houses Communities, Invertebrate Community and hospital Pre-release programs for prisoners USE Invertebrate communities USE Hospital and community — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Communities, Lichen Community and libraries USE Lichen communities USE Libraries and community BT Correctional law Communities, Mammal Community and museums — England USE Mammal communities USE Museums and community — Minnesota Communities, Plant Community and school (May Subd Geog) USE Plant communities [LC215-LC239] NT Genesis II Program Communities, Predator-prey Here are entered works on ways in which the Community-based family services (May Subd Geog) USE Predation (Biology) community at large, as distinct from government, may Communities, Professional learning aid the school program. BT Family services USE Professional learning communities Community-based organizations Communities, Space UF School and community USE Space colonies BT Schools USE Community organization Communities, Sponge RT Parents' and teachers' associations Community-based policing USE Sponge communities NT Citizens' advisory committees in education Communities, Therapeutic USE Community policing USE Therapeutic communities Community schools Community-based residences Communities in art (Not Subd Geog) — United States UF Community in art [Former heading] USE Group homes Communities in literature (Not Subd Geog) NT African American teachers and the Community-based social services (May Subd Geog) UF Community in literature [Former heading] community Communities in motion pictures (Not Subd Geog) BT Social service BT Motion pictures Community and society (Sociology) Community-based veterinary services Communities in music (Not Subd Geog) USE Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft (Sociology) Here are entered works on the depiction of (May Subd Geog) communities in music. Community and State Diagnostic Services Project [SF621-SF723 (local)] (May Subd Geog) UF Community-based animal health care BT Music BT Juvenile delinquency—Washington (State) Community-based animal health services Communities of fungi Juvenile justice, Administration BT Veterinary medicine of—Washington (State) USE Fungal communities Community bicycle programs Community and teachers USE Bicycle sharing programs USE Teachers and community Community centers (May Subd Geog) Community antenna television [HN41-HN46] USE Cable television UF Community learning centers Learning centers, Community Community archaeology (May Subd Geog) Learning centers, School-based [CC77.C66] Play centers Here are entered works on archaeology that aims School-based learning centers School buildings—Community use to involve local people in investigation and Schools as social centers interpretation of the past. Works on archaeology that Social centers is concerned with reconstructing the social BT Public buildings organization of past societies and the way in which Social settlements those societies looked upon the world are entered under Social archaeology. UF Collaborative archaeology C-546
Sports facilities Community college administrators (May Subd Geog) Community cookbooks (May Subd Geog) RT Playgrounds BT College administrators Here are entered works on cookbooks that contain NT Community college presidents Recreation recipes submitted by community organizations, often School facilities—Extended use Community college athletes (May Subd Geog) church or civic groups, frequently including a history NT Art centers BT College athletes of the organization and the region, personal Community centers, Mobile recollections or local culinary traditions. Individual Jewish community centers Community college boards of trustees community cookbooks are entered under the specific Mosques as community centers USE Community college trustees heading or headings for the type of recipes included, Recreation centers e.g., Casserole cooking; Cooking, American--New Senior centers Community college dropouts (May Subd Geog) England style. Student unions BT College dropouts Synagogues as community centers Community college students UF Fund raising cookbooks Youth centers Fundraising cookbooks — California Community college graduates (May Subd Geog) BT College graduates BT Cookbooks NT Visitacion Valley Community Center (San Community corrections Francisco, Calif.) Community college libraries (May Subd Geog) [Z675.J8] USE Community-based corrections — England UF Libraries, Community college [Former Community councils NT Brompton Village Hall (Brompton-by- heading] Sawdon, England) Municipal university and college libraries USE Community organization Chartham Hatch Village Hall (Chartham [Former heading] Community currency (May Subd Geog) Hatch, England) BT Academic libraries Gibson Mill (England) UF Local currency (Community currency) Huntingdon Commemoration Hall — Acquisitions (May Subd Geog) Scrip (Huntingdon, England) BT Acquisitions (Libraries) Leconfield Hall (Petworth, England) BT Money Loxhore Village Hall (Loxhore, England) — Book lists RT Local exchange trading systems Old School (Pitminster, England) BT Best books Sunningdale Village Hall (Sunningdale, Time banking England) — Collection development (May Subd Geog) Community dental services (May Subd Geog) Warren House (Loughton, Essex, BT Collection development (Libraries) England) BT Community health services — Reference services (May Subd Geog) Dental care — Germany BT Reference services (Libraries) NT Dominikuszentrum (Munich, Germany) RT Dental public health Gesellschafthaus Palmengarten (Frankfurt — User education (May Subd Geog) Community development (May Subd Geog) am Main, Germany) BT Library orientation [HN49.C6 (General)] — Illinois Community college presidents (May Subd Geog) Here are entered works on the effort to establish NT Levy Center (Evanston, Ill.) BT College presidents community programs, involving the participation of Community college administrators local residents, to improve the standard of living in — Maine NT Women community college presidents developing countries or in developing areas of other NT Fifth Maine Regiment Community Center countries. (Portland, Me.) Community college sports (May Subd Geog) BT College sports UF Community development—Citizen participation — Mexico Community development—Government policy NT Molino de Enmedio (Puebla de Zaragoza, Community college student development programs Regional development Mexico) (May Subd Geog) BT College student development programs BT Economic assistance, Domestic — Minnesota Community college students—Services for Social planning NT Paul and Sheila Wellstone Center for Community Building (Saint Paul, Minn.) Community college students (May Subd Geog) NT Antigonish movement BT Junior college students Communication in community development — New York (State) NT Community college dropouts Drama in community development NT Edgewater Village Hall (New York, N.Y.) Underprepared community college students Fundamental education Fourteenth Ward Industrial School (New Mass media in community development York, N.Y. : Building) — Services for (May Subd Geog) Proposal writing in community development Hope Community Hall (New York, N.Y.) NT Community college student development Radio in community development Saratoga Avenue Community Center (New programs Rural development York, N.Y.) Television in community development — United States Theater in community development — New Zealand NT African American community college Women in community development NT Thistle Hall (Wellington, N.Z.) students Young volunteers in community development Hispanic American community college — Scotland students — Citizen participation NT Glenbuchat Hall (Glenbuchat, Scotland) USE Community development Community college students, African American — Switzerland USE African American community college students — Federal aid NT Centro parrocchiale della Sacra Famiglia USE Federal aid to community development (Locarno, Switzerland) Community college students, Hispanic American USE Hispanic American community college students — Finance — Virginia NT Federal aid to community development NT Lyric Theatre (Blacksburg, Va.) Community college teachers (May Subd Geog) UF Municipal junior college teachers [Former — Government policy — Washington (State) heading] USE Community development NT Armory (Seattle, Wash. : Harrison Street) BT College teachers Community colleges—Faculty — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) — Wisconsin RT City planning and redevelopment law NT Monona Terrace (Madison, Wis.) — Collective bargaining USE Collective bargaining—Community college — Religious aspects Community centers, Jewish teachers — — Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.] USE Jewish community centers — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] Community college teaching (May Subd Geog) — Research (May Subd Geog) Community centers, Mobile BT College teaching — Korea (South) UF Mobile community centers BT Community centers Community college trustees (May Subd Geog) NT Saemaul̆ movement UF Community college boards of trustees Community development, Rural Community centers for employees Community colleges—Trustees USE Employees' buildings and facilities Trustees, Community college USE Rural development BT Junior college trustees Community development, Urban (May Subd Geog) Community charge USE Poll tax Community colleges (May Subd Geog) Here are entered general works on urban [LB2328] community development and works limited to urban Community chests UF Community junior colleges community development in regions, counties, states, USE Federations, Financial (Social service) Local junior colleges etc. Works on community development in individual Municipal junior colleges [Former heading] cities, city regions, or metropolitan areas are entered Community churches (May Subd Geog) Public community colleges under the heading Community development with local [BV636] Public junior colleges subdivision. Here are entered works on independent local Public two-year colleges Two-year colleges UF Community development, Urban—Citizen Protestant churches with no formal denominational BT Junior colleges participation affiliation. Works on local Protestant churches formed Public universities and colleges Community development, Urban—Government by two or more denominations which unite for policy worship but retain denominational affiliations are — Faculty Community development, Urban—Social entered under Federated churches. NT Community college teachers aspects [Former heading] Community programs, Urban UF Churches, Community — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Neighborhood improvement programs Churches, Undenominational — Trustees Urban community development Churches, United Urban economic development Undenominational churches USE Community college trustees Union churches — Michigan BT City planning — — Buildings Sociology, Urban RT Independent churches Urban policy USE College buildings—Michigan — Québec (Province) NT Enterprise zones Neighborhood assistance programs NT CEGEPs (Educational institutions) C-547
Community development, Urban (Continued) Community Health and Environmental Surveillance Community in literature — Awards (May Subd Geog) System USE Communities in literature — — United States UF CHESS (Environmental health program) NT All-America City Award BT Air—Pollution—Research—United States Community information files (May Subd Geog) — Citizen participation Environmental health—Research—United UF Local information files USE Community development, Urban States BT Community information services — Government policy Files (Records) USE Community development, Urban Community health nurses (May Subd Geog) — Social aspects BT Nurses Community information services (May Subd Geog) USE Community development, Urban BT Information services Community health nursing (May Subd Geog) NT Community information files Community development consultants (May Subd Geog) [RT98] UF Community action consultants UF Community nursing — Italy BT Consultants BT Community health services NT TuttoBologna (Information retrieval Nursing system) Community development corporations RT Public health nursing (May Subd Geog) NT Parish nursing Community interpreting UF Corporations, Community development Rural nursing USE Public service interpreting Special impact program Visiting nurses BT Corporations Community involvement Economic assistance, Domestic — Accreditation (May Subd Geog) USE Political participation Federal aid to community development — Public relations (May Subd Geog) Urban renewal Community junior colleges UF Public relations—Community health USE Community colleges Community development credit unions nursing [Former heading] (May Subd Geog) Community justice UF CDCUs (Credit unions) Community health services (May Subd Geog) USE Restorative justice BT Credit unions UF Neighborhood health centers BT Public health Community justice centers Community development libraries (May Subd Geog) Regional medical programs USE Neighborhood justice centers [Z675.C75] NT Abused wives—Services for BT Social science libraries Clinics Community kitchens (May Subd Geog) Communication in community health services UF Collective kitchens Community development personnel (May Subd Geog) Community dental services BT Kitchens BT Employees Community health aides NT Rural development personnel Community health nursing Community leaders Volunteer workers in community development Community mental health services USE Civic leaders County health services Community ecology, Biotic Deinstitutionalization Community leadership (May Subd Geog) USE Biotic communities Home care services [HM781 (Sociology)] Primary health care BT Community life Community education (May Subd Geog) Rural health services Community power [LC1036-LC1036.8] Leadership Here are entered works on educational plans or — Access for the physically handicapped USE Community health services—Barrier-free — Religious aspects programs which involve parents, teachers, children, design — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] and other members of the local community in the Community learning centers learning process and which may extend existing — Administration USE Community centers resources and/or facilities into the community to NT Community health services—Business Community life (May Subd Geog) serve educational needs not met by regular school management programs. [HM761-HM771 (Sociology)] — Barrier-free design (May Subd Geog) BT Associations, institutions, etc. UF Education, Community UF Community health services—Access for BT Education the physically handicapped [Former Human ecology RT Popular education heading] NT Bees (Cooperative gatherings) Community endowments USE Community foundations — Business management Community leadership Community forestry (May Subd Geog) UF Business management in community Community organization BT Forests and forestry, Cooperative health services Social participation — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) BT Community health Community life in literature (Not Subd Geog) services—Administration Community-managed forests BT Forestry law and legislation USE Community forests Community forests (May Subd Geog) — Citizen participation Community media — Cross-cultural studies USE Local mass media UF Communal forests — Federal aid Community mental health personnel (May Subd Geog) Community-managed forests BT Mental health personnel Forest commons USE Federal aid to community health services Community mental health service use — Finance USE Community mental health services—Utilization BT Forests and forestry, Cooperative Community mental health services (May Subd Geog) Natural resources, Communal NT Federal aid to community health services UF Mental health clinics — Information storage and retrieval systems BT Alternatives to psychiatric hospitalization — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Community health services BT Forestry law and legislation USE Information storage and retrieval Community psychiatry systems—Community health services Mental health services Community foundations (May Subd Geog) NT Home-based mental health services Here are entered works on endowed institutions, — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Rural mental health services BT Medical laws and legislation — Accreditation (May Subd Geog) whose charitable activities focus primarily on the — Administration needs of a particular town, county, or state. — Utilization (May Subd Geog) UF Community health services use BT Health services administration UF Community endowments Utilization of community health services — Contracting out (May Subd Geog) Foundations, Community Community health services for children BT Contracting out BT Endowments (May Subd Geog) — Federal aid Community gardens (May Subd Geog) [RJ101-RJ103] BT Child health services USE Federal aid to community mental health [SB457.3] services UF Neighborhood gardens Community health services for older people BT Gardens (May Subd Geog) — Finance RT Allotment gardens UF Community health services for the aged NT Federal aid to community mental health [Former heading] services Working-men's gardens BT Older people—Medical care — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Community genomics (Microbiology) BT Medical laws and legislation BT Mental health laws USE Metagenomics Community health Community health services for people with disabilities — Planning (May Subd Geog) USE Public health (May Subd Geog) BT Mental health planning Community health aides (May Subd Geog) BT People with disabilities—Medical care — Utilization (May Subd Geog) UF Health workers, Primary Community health services for the aged UF Community mental health service use Health workers, Village USE Community health services for older people Utilization of community mental health Primary health workers services Village health workers Community health services use USE Community health services—Utilization Community mental health services for children BT Allied health personnel (May Subd Geog) Community health services Community health services volunteers BT Child mental health services Public health personnel USE Volunteer workers in community health NT Home-based mental health services for services children RT Volunteer workers in community health — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) services Community identity BT Mental health laws USE Group identity NT Home health aides Community mental health services for teenagers Women community health aides Community in art (May Subd Geog) USE Communities in art BT Teenagers—Mental health services — Training of (May Subd Geog) Community museums (May Subd Geog) UF Ecomuseums [Former heading] C-548
Local museums Social psychology Welfare councils BT Museums NT Community psychiatry Welfare federations Community music (May Subd Geog) Community publishing (May Subd Geog) BT Charity organization [M1977.C5 (Collections)] BT Publishers and publishing Community organization [M1978.C5 (Separate works)] Community radio (May Subd Geog) Commutation (Electricity) (May Subd Geog) [MT87 (Instruction)] [HE8697.9-HE8697.95] UF Commutators UF Community songs Here are entered works on radio that caters to the BT Electric machinery BT Vocal music interests of specific geographical areas or special NT Brushes, Electric NT Playground music interest groups. Commutation rates (Railroads) Community networks (Computer networks) USE Railroads—Fares—Special rates USE Electronic villages (Computer networks) UF Association radio Commutation relations (Quantum mechanics) Community newspapers (May Subd Geog) Community-access radio [QC174.17.C6] UF Neighborhood newspapers Free radio BT Commutative algebra Quantum theory Suburban newspapers BT Local mass media Commutative algebra BT Local mass media Radio broadcasting [QA251.3] BT Algebra Newspapers RT Alternative radio broadcasting NT Artin algebras Community nursing Ethnic radio broadcasting Cluster algebras Commutation relations (Quantum mechanics) USE Community health nursing Community reintegration, Veteran Dimension theory (Algebra) Community organization (May Subd Geog) USE Veteran reintegration Gröbner bases Incidence algebras [HM766 (Sociology)] Community residences (Group homes) Uniform algebras UF CBOs (Community organization) USE Group homes Commutative groups USE Abelian groups Community-based organizations Community-school libraries (May Subd Geog) Commutative law (Mathematics) Community councils UF Combined public-school libraries BT Mathematics BT Community life Combined school-public libraries Commutative rings NT Community power Libraries, Community-school [Former heading] [QA251.3] Community welfare councils Public-school libraries, Combined BT Rings (Algebra) Federations, Financial (Social service) School-public libraries, Combined NT Artin rings Women in community organization BT Joint-use libraries Boolean rings — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Public libraries Buchsbaum rings School libraries Class groups (Mathematics) BT Municipal corporations RT Libraries and schools Composition rings Community-oriented policing Dedekind rings Community schools (May Subd Geog) Determinantal rings USE Community policing [LB2820] Henselian rings Community-owned natural resources UF Neighborhood schools Integral closure Schools, Community Krull rings USE Natural resources, Communal Schools, Neighborhood Local rings Community participation BT Community and school Noetherian rings Schools—Centralization Polynomial rings USE Political participation Urban schools Power series rings Community plays, etc. Radical theory Community service (Education) Semilocal rings USE Community theater USE Service learning Topological rings Community pledgebanks Torsion theory (Algebra) Community service (Punishment) (May Subd Geog) Witt rings USE Pledgebanks [HV9277.5] — Chain conditions Community policing (May Subd Geog) Here are entered works on punishments that UF Chain conditions in commutative rings [HV7936.C83] require an offender to perform unpaid work in the Commutative semigroups UF Community-based policing community as a supplement or as an alternative to incarceration. UF Abelian semigroups Community-oriented policing BT Semigroups COP (Community-oriented policing) BT Alternatives to imprisonment Commutative semihereditary domains Neighborhood policing Community service learning USE Pruf̈ er rings Policing, Community Commutative semihereditary entire rings Proximity policing USE Service learning USE Pruf̈ er rings BT Police Community-shared agriculture Commutators Community power (May Subd Geog) USE Commutation (Electricity) [HM776-HM781 (Sociology)] USE Community-supported agriculture Commutators (Operator theory) BT Community organization Community song books BT Linear operators Elite (Social sciences) Commuter air carriers Local government USE Songbooks USE Local service airlines Power (Social sciences) Community songbooks Commuter air service Sociology, Urban USE Local service airlines NT Community leadership USE Songbooks Commuter aircraft (May Subd Geog) Community programs, Urban Community songs UF Aircraft, Commuter USE Community development, Urban Community property (May Subd Geog) USE Community music Commuter airliners UF Community property—Law and legislation Community-supported agriculture (May Subd Geog) Commuter transport planes BT Marital property Feederliners Marriage law Here are entered works on the partnership Light transport planes NT Separate property between consumers and local farmers where BT Transport planes — Law and legislation members pay an annual membership fee to a local Commuter airliners USE Community property farmer to help cover the costs of running the farm in USE Commuter aircraft — Taxation (May Subd Geog) return for a share of the harvest, usually organic, Commuter airlines freshly grown on the farm. USE Local service airlines BT Husband and wife—Taxation Commuter couples Community property (Frankish law) UF Community agriculture USE Commuter marriage Community-shared agriculture Commuter marriage (May Subd Geog) BT Law, Frankish Community-supported farms Here are entered works on dual-career couples Community psychiatry (May Subd Geog) CSA farms who live in separate cities. [RC455] BT Agriculture, Cooperative UF Commuter couples Here are entered works on detection, prevention, Community-supported farms Commuting couples and treatment of mental illness in specific populations Couples, Commuting rather than either individually or in large, centralized USE Community-supported agriculture Long-distance marriage psychiatric facilities. Works on ecological, social, and Community surveys Two-city couples cultural influences on mental illness and its treatment are entered under Social psychiatry. USE Social surveys BT Marriage Community television Commuter railroads UF Psychiatry, Community BT Community psychology USE Public-access television USE Railroads—Commuting traffic Community theater (May Subd Geog) Psychiatry NT Community mental health services UF Community plays, etc. [Former heading] Community psychologists (May Subd Geog) BT Theater BT Psychologists RT Little theater movement Community psychology (May Subd Geog) Community translating [RA790.55] USE Public service interpreting Here are entered works on the study of the Community treatment programs relationship between a community's mental health USE Community-based corrections and its environment in order to develop a conceptual Community use of church property basis for social action. USE Church property—Extended use Community use of college facilities BT Psychology, Applied USE College facilities—Extended use Community use of school facilities USE School facilities—Extended use Community welfare councils (May Subd Geog) UF Health and welfare federations Social planning councils C-549
Commuter students Comorian language (May Subd Geog) Substantia compacta ossium USE Commuting college students [PL8116] BT Bone UF Comoran language Compact cars (May Subd Geog) Commuter tax Comoro language UF Automobiles, Compact [Former heading] USE Commuters—Taxation Komoro language Shikomoro Compact automobiles Commuter transport planes Shimasiwa Compacts (Automobiles) USE Commuter aircraft BT Comoros—Languages Economy cars Swahili language Small cars Commuters (May Subd Geog) NT Ngazija dialect BT Automobiles BT Travelers Shimaore dialect Compact disc catalogs USE Compact discs—Catalogs — Taxation (May Subd Geog) Comorian literature (May Subd Geog) Compact disc digital video UF Commuter tax BT Comoros—Literatures USE Video CDs Tax, Commuter NT Comorian poetry Compact disc industry (May Subd Geog) BT Double taxation [HD9697.P56-HD9697.P564] Taxation Comorian literature (French) (May Subd Geog) BT Optical storage device industry UF French literature—Comoros Sound recording industry — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) BT Comoros—Literatures NT CD-ROM industry Commuting (May Subd Geog) NT Comorian fiction (French) Compact disc interactive technology Comorian poetry (French) USE CD-I technology [HD5717.2] Folk literature, Comorian (French) Compact disc players BT Transportation [TK7881.75] RT Telecommuting Comorian poetry (May Subd Geog) UF Audiodisc players NT Bicycle commuting BT Comorian literature CD players Digital audio disc players Employer-sponsored transportation Comorian poetry (French) (May Subd Geog) Disc players, Compact Fringe parking UF French poetry—Comoros Players, Compact disc Railroads—Commuting traffic BT Comorian literature (French) BT Phonograph Ridesharing Compact disc read-only memory — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Comorian proverbs USE CD-ROMs Commuting college students (May Subd Geog) USE Proverbs, Comorian Compact disc shops [LB2343.6] USE Record stores UF Commuter students Comorian riddles Compact disc stores Dayhops (College students) USE Riddles, Comorian USE Record stores BT College students Compact discs (May Subd Geog) Commuting couples Comorians (May Subd Geog) [TK7882.C56] USE Commuter marriage UF Comorans Here are entered works on small optical disks in Commuting in art (Not Subd Geog) Comoros Islanders general as well as audio compact discs. Commuting in literature (Not Subd Geog) BT Ethnology—Comoros Comneni dynasty, 1081-1185 (Not Subd Geog) UF CDs (Compact discs) UF Comnenian dynasty, 1081-1185 Comoro language Compact disks BT Byzantine Empire—Kings and rulers USE Comorian language Digital compact discs Comneni dynasty, Byzantine Empire, 1081-1185 Discs, Compact USE Byzantine Empire—History—Comneni dynasty, Comoro Mountain (Comoros) Disks, Compact 1081-1185 USE Karthala, Mount (Comoros) Comnenian dynasty, 1081-1185 BT Optical disks USE Comneni dynasty, 1081-1185 Comoros Sound recordings Comneno family (Not Subd Geog) — Languages Como, Lake (Italy) NT Comorian language NT Cataloging of compact discs UF Lacus Larius (Italy) Ngazija dialect CD-I technology Lago di Como (Italy) — Literatures CD-ROMs Lake Como (Italy) NT Comorian literature CD-Rs Lario (Italy) Comorian literature (French) Video CDs BT Lakes—Italy — Politics and government Como, Lake (Mont.) — — 1975- — Catalogs UF Lake Como (Mont.) UF CD catalogs BT Lakes—Montana Comoros Islanders Compact disc catalogs Reservoirs—Montana USE Comorians SA subdivision Compact disc catalogs under Como, Lake, Watershed (Italy) names of countries, cities, etc., names BT Watersheds—Italy Comoviridae (May Subd Geog) of individual persons and corporate Como, Gruppo di (Group of artists) BT Plant viruses bodies, and under ethnic groups, topical USE Gruppo di Como (Group of artists) RNA viruses headings, and forms and types of Como (The Spanish word) NT Comoviruses musical compositions for lists or BT Spanish language—Etymology Nepoviruses catalogs of sound recordings in Como Bluff (Wyo.) compact disc format BT Mountains—Wyoming Comovirus (Genus) Comobabi Peak (Ariz.) USE Comoviruses — Handling (May Subd Geog) USE Baboquivari Peak (Ariz.) UF Handling of compact discs Comodules Comoviruses (May Subd Geog) BT Modules (Algebra) UF Comovirus (Genus) Compact discs in education (May Subd Geog) Comoe National Park (Cot̂ e d'Ivoire) BT Comoviridae BT Audio-visual education USE Parc national de la Komoé (Côte d'Ivoire) NT Radish mosaic virus Comoé River (Burkina Faso and Côte d'Ivoire) Compact disk interactive technology USE Komoé River (Burkina Faso and Côte d'Ivoire) Comox Indians (May Subd Geog) USE CD-I technology Comoedienhaus (Schloss Schwetzingen, Schwetzingen, [E99.C86] Germany) UF Catloltx Indians Compact disk read-only memory USE Rokoko-Theater (Schloss Schwetzingen, Sliammon Indians USE CD-ROMs Schwetzingen, Germany) BT Coast Salish Indians Comopithecus hamadryas Indians of North America—British Columbia Compact disks USE Hamadryas baboon USE Compact discs Comoran language Comox Valley (B.C.) USE Comorian language UF Comox Valley (Vancouver Island, B.C.) Compact groups Comorans [Former heading] [QA387] USE Comorians BT Valleys—British Columbia UF Groups, Compact Comorbidity (May Subd Geog) RT Locally compact groups UF Coexisting disease Comox Valley (Vancouver Island, B.C.) BT Topological groups Coexisting illness USE Comox Valley (B.C.) NT Compact Abelian groups BT Epidemiology NT Dual diagnosis Comp family COMPACT II (Computer program language) Comorian art USE Camp family BT Nonprocedural languages (Programming USE Art, Comorian languages) Comorian fiction (French) (May Subd Geog) Comp Garden, Great (England) UF French fiction—Comoros USE Great Comp Garden (England) Compact interchangeable-lens cameras BT Comorian literature (French) USE Mirrorless interchangable-lens cameras Comorian folk literature (French) Compa (African people) USE Folk literature, Comorian (French) USE Abure (African people) Compact objects (Astronomy) Comorian franc [QB466.C65] USE Franc, Comorian Compact Abelian groups UF Compact stars [QA387] Objects, Compact (Astronomy) UF Abelian groups, Compact BT Astrophysics Groups, Compact Abelian RT Stars—Evolution BT Compact groups NT Black holes (Astronomy) Topological groups Neutron stars NT Locally compact Abelian groups White dwarf stars Sidon sets Compact audiocassettes USE Audiocassettes Compact automobiles USE Compact cars Compact bone (May Subd Geog) UF Compact substance of bone Solid bone C-550
Compact operators Companies, Dance Company law UF Compact transformations USE Dance companies USE Corporation law Completely continuous operators Operators, Compact Companies, Holding Company lawyers Operators, Completely continuous USE Holding companies USE Corporate lawyers Transformations, Compact BT Linear operators Companies, Insurance Company libraries NT Absolutely summing operators USE Insurance companies USE Corporate libraries Volterra operators Companies, Motion picture Company magazines Compact spaces USE Motion picture studios USE Employees' magazines, newsletters, etc. [QA611.23] UF Spaces, Compact Companies, One-person Company meetings BT Topological spaces USE One-person corporations USE Corporate meetings NT Locally compact spaces Rosenthal compacta Companies, Opera Company officers USE Opera companies USE Executives Compact spaces, Locally USE Locally compact spaces Companies, Private Company-owned life insurance (May Subd Geog) USE Private companies UF COLI (Company-owned life insurance) Compact stars Life insurance, Company-owned USE Compact objects (Astronomy) Companies, Stock BT Insurance USE Stock companies Compact substance of bone Company painting (May Subd Geog) USE Compact bone Companies, Subsidiary UF Company school (Painting) USE Subsidiary corporations Company style (Painting) Compact system cameras Patna kalam USE Mirrorless interchangable-lens cameras Companies, Telephone Patna painting USE Telephone companies Patna school of painting Compact transformations Patna school painting USE Compact operators Companies, Television production BT Miniature painting, Indic USE Television production companies Compacta, Rosenthal Company parties USE Rosenthal compacta Companies, Theatrical USE Office parties USE Theatrical companies Compactifications Company physicians [QA611.23] Companies, Trust USE Occupational physicians BT Topology USE Trust companies NT Baily-Borel compactification Company picnics (May Subd Geog) Bohr compactification Companion animals UF Corporate picnics Freudenthal compactification USE Pets Office picnics Hausdorff compactifications BT Picnics Stone-Čech compactification Companion crops Wallman compactifications [S603.5] Company police BT Catch crops USE Police, Private Compacting RT Companion planting UF Compaction BT Crop rotation Company publications Compressing of granular materials Field crops USE Employees' magazines, newsletters, etc. BT Compressibility RT Intercropping Granular materials Company reports RT Isostatic pressing Companion dolls (May Subd Geog) USE Corporation reports BT Powders [NK4894.3.C66 (Decorative arts)] NT Briquets UF Life-size dolls Company school (Painting) Centrifuges Life-sized dolls USE Company painting Explosive compacting BT Dolls Powder metallurgy NT Playpal dolls Company secretaries Pressed brick Sex dolls USE Corporation secretaries Refuse compactors Roll compacting Companion planting (May Subd Geog) Company stores (May Subd Geog) Soil compaction [SB453.6] [HD7395.C6] Vibratory compacting Here are entered works on the growing of certain UF Industrial stores Wood, Compressed BT Company towns selected interplanting combinations in order to Stores, Retail Compaction achieve a specific benefit such as pest control or USE Compacting enhanced growth. Works on the growing of two or Company style (Painting) more crops simultaneously in the same field or USE Company painting Compaction, Sediment garden are entered under Intercropping. USE Sediment compaction Company town architecture (May Subd Geog) UF Planting, Companion [NA9053.C57] Compacts, Interstate BT Intercropping UF Architecture, Company town USE Interstate agreements RT Companion crops BT Architecture Company towns Compacts, Rosenthal Organic gardening USE Rosenthal compacta Companion spirits Company towns (May Subd Geog) Here are entered works on communities in which Compacts (Automobiles) USE Genius (Companion spirit) USE Compact cars Companionate marriage (May Subd Geog) all or the major portion of the property and businesses are owned by one industry. Works on Compacts (Cosmetics) (May Subd Geog) [HQ803] housing provided by an industry to its employees are [NK4890.C65 (Decorative arts)] UF Marriage, Companionate [Former heading] entered under Industrial housing. UF Ladies' compacts BT Marriage BT Cosmetics containers Companions, Imaginary BT Cities and towns USE Imaginary companions Industrial relations Compagnie des notaires de Paris hot̂ el (Paris, France) Companions, Labor (Obstetrics) USE Hôtel de la Compagnie des notaires de Paris USE Doulas NT Company stores (Paris, France) Companions, Paid (Household employees) Company town architecture USE Paid companions (Household employees) Compagnoni Marefoschi family (Not Subd Geog) Companions of Muḥammad, Prophet, -632 Company unions (May Subd Geog) UF Santori Compagnoni Marefoschi family USE Muhạ mmad, Prophet, -632—Companions [HD6490.C6] Companions of Muḥammad, the Prophet BT Labor unions Compagnonnages USE Muhạ mmad, Prophet, -632—Companions [HD6464-HD6466] Companionship Company vacations BT Guilds USE Fellowship USE Vacations, Employee Journey workers—Societies, etc. Company, The (Imaginary organization) USE Dr. Zeus Incorporated (Imaginary organization) Company-wide quality control Companhia Paulista de Estradas de Ferro Strike, 1906 Company aircraft USE Total quality control BT Strikes and lockouts—Railroads—Brazil USE Airplanes, Company Company airplanes Company-wide total quality control Compañiá Introductora de Buenos Aires Strike, 1971- USE Airplanes, Company USE Total quality control 1972 Company automobiles UF Salinas Grandes Strike, Argentina, 1971-1972 USE Automobiles, Company COMPAQ Computer BT Strikes and lockouts—Salt industry and Company cars USE COMPAQ Portable Computer trade—Argentina USE Automobiles, Company Company data bank COMPAQ Portable Computer (Not Subd Geog) Compañía Roca-Radiadores Strike, 1976 USE Codat (Information retrieval system) [QA76.8.C] [HD5407.A8] Company doctors UF COMPAQ Computer BT Strikes and lockouts—Automobile USE Occupational physicians BT Portable computers industry—Spain Company furniture USE Furniture, Dutch colonial — Programming (May Subd Geog) Companies Company image Comparable worth USE Business enterprises USE Corporate image Partnership Company insurance USE Pay equity USE Business insurance Comparative accounting Companies, Colonial USE Colonial companies BT Accounting Comparative advantage (Commerce) USE Comparative advantage (International trade) Comparative advantage (International trade) UF Comparative advantage (Commerce) [Former heading] Comparative costs (International trade) BT International trade RT Heckscher-Ohlin principle C-551
Comparative advantage (International trade) Law, Comparative Comparative management (Continued) Legislation, Comparative [HD30.55] International division of labor NT Comparative religious law BT Management NT Factor proportions Ethnological jurisprudence Comparative legislation Comparative maps Comparative advertising (May Subd Geog) USE Comparative law UF Maps, Comparative [Former heading] [HF5827.2] Comparative librarianship BT Maps UF Advertising, Comparison [Former heading] Here are entered works on the study and analysis SA subdivision Maps under countries, regions, Comparison advertising [Former heading] of the libraries and library systems of different cities, etc. BT Advertising countries. Works on the activities, cooperation, exchange, etc. in librarianship at the international Comparative marketing — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) level are entered under International librarianship. BT Marketing BT Advertising laws UF Librarianship, Comparative Comparative medicine Comparative aesthetics BT International education USE Medicine, Comparative USE Aesthetics, Comparative Library science Comparative method Comparative agriculture (May Subd Geog) RT International librarianship USE subdivision Comparative method under BT Agriculture Comparative linguistics (May Subd Geog) disciplines for works on methods of [P143-P143.3] comparing data relevant to the field, e.g. Comparative anatomy Here are entered works which compare languages Social medicine--Comparative method; USE Anatomy, Comparative or groups of languages for the specific purpose of Social sciences--Comparative method determining their common origin, or discuss the Comparative architecture (May Subd Geog) method of their comparison, as represented by 19th Comparative morphology [NA203.5] century comparative philology and its subsequent USE Anatomy, Comparative BT Architecture developments. Works which compare or contrast two Morphology or more languages with the aim of finding principles Comparative art which can be applied to practical problems in Comparative musicology USE Art, Comparative language teaching and translation are entered under USE Ethnomusicology the heading Contrastive linguistics. Comparative arts Comparative negligence [NX627-NX628] UF Comparative philology USE Negligence, Comparative BT Arts Philology, Comparative [Former heading] Comparative neurobiology (May Subd Geog) Comparative behavior BT Historical linguistics [QP356.15] USE Psychology, Comparative NT Glottochronology UF Comparative neurology BT Neurobiology Comparative canon law (May Subd Geog) Nostratic hypothesis Here are entered works on the comparison of the Semantics Comparative neurology Comparative literature USE Comparative neurobiology legal systems of various Christian denominations. [PN851-PN883] Subdivided by nationality or language of literatures Comparative organization BT Canon law compared, with duplicate entry, e.g. 1. Comparative [HD30.55] Comparative religious law literature--English and German. 2. Comparative BT Organization literature--German and English; 1. Comparative Organizational sociology Comparative civilization literature--English and Latin. 2. Comparative UF Civilization, Comparative literature--Latin and English. Comparative pathology BT Civilization USE Pathology, Comparative UF Comparative literature—History and criticism Comparative clauses (Grammar) Literature, Comparative [Former heading] Comparative philology USE Grammar, Comparative and USE Comparative linguistics general—Comparative clauses BT Philology — American and classical Comparative philosophy Comparative costs (International trade) — American and French, [English and American, USE Philosophy, Comparative USE Comparative advantage (International trade) African and European, etc.] Comparative phonology Comparative economic systems — American and Oriental USE Grammar, Comparative and USE Comparative economics — Chinese and European general—Phonology, Comparative — Chinese and Western Comparative economics — Classical and American Comparative physiology [HB90] — Classical and modern USE Physiology, Comparative UF Comparative economic systems Economics, Comparative NT Ancients and moderns, Quarrel of Comparative political systems BT Economic policy — English and German USE Comparative government Economics — English and Latin — English and Latin, [Dravidian and English, Hindi Comparative politics Comparative education USE Comparative government [LB43] and Gujarati, etc.] UF Education, Comparative — English and Scottish Comparative psychiatry (May Subd Geog) BT Education—History — European and Chinese [RC455.4.C6] — European and Kazakh UF Psychiatry, Comparative [Former heading] Comparative embryology (May Subd Geog) — German and American BT Medicine, Comparative UF Embryology, Comparative — German and English Psychiatry BT Embryology — History and criticism Psychology, Comparative NT Mental illness—Animal models Comparative endocrinology USE Comparative literature USE Endocrinology, Comparative — Japanese and Western Comparative psychology — Latin and English USE Psychology, Comparative Comparative ethics — Modern and classical USE Ethics, Comparative Comparative religion NT Ancients and moderns, Quarrel of USE Religions Comparative genomic hybridization (May Subd Geog) — Oriental and American UF CGH (Comparative genomic hybridization) — Oriental and Western Comparative religious law Genomic characterization, Comparative [KB] BT In situ hybridization UF Literature, Comparative—Oriental and Here are entered works on the comparison of the Occidental [Former heading] Comparative genomics legal systems of various religions. Works on the legal BT Genomics — Scottish and English aspects of matters of religion under secular or — Themes, motives national legal systems are entered under Religious Comparative government law and legislation. UF Comparative political systems BT Plots (Drama, novel, etc.) Comparative politics SA headings of the type [topic] in literature, BT Comparative law Government, Comparative Religions Political systems, Comparative e.g. Children in literature, Realism in BT Political science literature; and subdivision In literature NT Comparative canon law SA subdivision Politics and government under under names of individual persons, Comparative responsibility names of countries, cities, etc. families, corporate bodies, countries, cities, etc., and sacred works and USE Negligence, Comparative Comparative grammar names of literary themes, e.g. Prodigal Comparative semantics USE Grammar, Comparative and general son (Parable) NT Subject headings—Literary themes USE Semantics, Comparative Comparative hematology — Western and Arabic Comparative studies USE Hematology, Comparative — Western and Chinese — Western and Japanese USE subdivision Comparative studies under titles of Comparative immunology — Western and Oriental individual sacred works and religious topics, USE Immunology, Comparative UF Literature, Comparative—Occidental and e.g. Bible--Comparative studies; Creeds-- Oriental [Former heading] Comparative studies Comparative industrial relations BT Industrial relations Comparative symbolics USE Creeds—Comparative studies Comparative jurisprudence USE Comparative law Comparator circuits UF Circuits, Comparator Comparative law BT Integrated circuits Here are entered works on the comparison of Comparison (Grammar) various systems of law as a method of legal study UF Grammar, Comparative and and research. Comparative studies of individual legal general—Comparison topics or branches of the law are entered under the SA subdivision Comparison under individual respective headings applying to these subjects. languages and groups of languages, e.g. English language--Comparison UF Comparative jurisprudence Comparative legislation Jurisprudence, Comparative C-552
NT Grammar, Comparative and Compassion (Buddhism) Compensation (Roman law) general—Comparative clauses USE Compassion—Religious aspects—Buddhism BT Roman law Comparison (Philosophy) Compassion (Buddhism) in literature Compensation administration BT Philosophy USE Compassion in literature USE Compensation management RT Identity (Philosophical concept) Compassion fatigue Compensation for judicial error (May Subd Geog) Comparison (Philosophy) in literature (Not Subd Geog) USE Secondary traumatic stress BT Criminal justice, Administration of Comparison (Psychology) Government liability Compassion in children (May Subd Geog) Judicial error [BF441] BT Child psychology BT Attention Compensation for victims of crime — Religious aspects USE Reparation (Criminal justice) Consciousness — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] Knowledge, Theory of Compassion in literature (Not Subd Geog) Compensation management (May Subd Geog) Psychology [HF5549.5.C67] NT Social comparison UF Compassion (Buddhism) in literature [Former UF Compensation administration Comparison (Psychology) in children (May Subd Geog) heading] Wage and salary administration [BF723.C58] BT Personnel management BT Child psychology Compassion in motion pictures (Not Subd Geog) RT Wages Comparison advertising BT Motion pictures NT Employee fringe benefits USE Comparative advertising Employee loans Comparison of cultures Compatibilism USE Cross-cultural studies USE Free will and determinism Compensation neuroses Comparisons, Multiple (Statistics) USE Traumatic neuroses USE Multiple comparisons (Statistics) Compatibility, Biological Comparisons, Paired (Statistics) USE Biocompatibility Compensation trade USE Paired comparisons (Statistics) USE Countertrade Compartment syndrome (May Subd Geog) Compatibility, Biomedical UF Compartmental syndromes USE Biocompatibility Compensators, Synchronous Muscle compartment syndrome USE Capacitors, Synchronous Syndrome, Compartment Compatibility, Electromagnetic Vascular compartment syndrome USE Electromagnetic compatibility Compensatory balances (May Subd Geog) Volkmann contracture UF Balances, Compensatory Volkmann's contracture Compatibility, Food Compensating balances Volkmann's ischemia USE Food combining BT Bank accounts Volkmann's paralysis BT Extremities (Anatomy)—Blood- Compatibility, Software Compensatory education (May Subd Geog) vessels—Diseases USE Software compatibility [LC213-LC213.3] Ischemia UF Education, Compensatory Muscles—Diseases Compatibility of biomedical materials for imaging BT Cultural lag Syndromes USE Biomedical materials—Imaging compatibility Education Compartmental analysis (Biology) BT Biomathematics Compatibility testing (Hematology) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Tracers (Biology) UF Blood groups—Compatibility testing BT Educational law and legislation Compartmental syndromes BT Blood—Transfusion USE Compartment syndrome Histocompatibility testing Compensatory financing (May Subd Geog) Compartmentation, Cell Immunohematology [HG3891.3] USE Cell compartmentation Here are entered works on short term loans to Compartmentation, Plant cell Compatibility tests, Marriage USE Plant cell compartmentation USE Marriage compatibility tests compensate for temporary shortfalls in export Compartmentation of cells earnings. USE Cell compartmentation Compatibilizers (May Subd Geog) Compass (May Subd Geog) BT Polymers—Additives UF Financing, Compensatory [QC849 (Deviation)] BT Deficit financing [TL589.2.C6 (Aeronautical instrument)] Compatible computers, IBM- [VK577 (Nautical instruments)] USE IBM-compatible computers Loans, Foreign UF Magnetic needle Compensatory lengthening (Phonetics) Mariner's compass Compatible computers, Macintosh- BT Scientific apparatus and instruments USE Macintosh-compatible computers USE Grammar, Comparative and RT Magnetic ranges general—Compensatory lengthening NT Cardinal points Compatible time-sharing system (Electronic computers) Gyro compass UF MIT time-sharing system (Electronic Compensatory mitigation, Wetland Radio compass computers) USE Wetland mitigation Compass, Operation, 1940 BT Electronic data processing USE Operation Compass, 1940 Time-sharing computer systems Compensatory motion Compass, Solar USE Irritability USE Solar compass Compendiums Compass, Surveyor's USE Outlines Compensatory spending USE Surveyor's compass USE Deficit financing COMPASS (Computer program language) Compends UF Comprehensive Assemblage (Computer USE Outlines Compensatory wetland mitigation program language) USE Wetland mitigation COMPASS (Educational test) Compensated dollar UF Computer-adaptive Placement Assessment USE Commodity dollar Competence and Support Services (Educational test) USE Performance BT Computer adaptive testing Compensated semiconductors Universities and colleges—Entrance [QC611.8.C6] Competence, Clinical examinations BT Semiconductors USE Clinical competence Compass card USE Cardinal points Compensating balances Competence, Communicative Compass in art (Not Subd Geog) USE Compensatory balances USE Communicative competence Compass plants USE Ferocactus Compensating circuits Competence, Core Compass rose USE Equalizers (Electronics) USE Core competencies USE Cardinal points Compasses (Mathematical instruments) Compensating-powder Competence, Cultural BT Drawing instruments [TP290.C7] USE Cultural competence Measuring instruments BT Explosives Compassion (May Subd Geog) Gunpowder Competence, Interpersonal BT Emotions USE Social skills — Religious aspects Compensation — — Buddhism USE Pensions Competence, Musical Wages USE Musical ability UF Compassion (Buddhism) [Former heading] Compensation, Deferred Competence, Social USE Deferred compensation USE Social skills — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] Compensation, Dismissal Competence (Legal authority) USE Severance pay USE Competent authority Compensation (Civil law) Competence and performance (Linguistics) USE Set-off and counterclaim [P37] UF Performance and competence (Linguistics) Compensation (Islamic law) (May Subd Geog) RT Creativity (Linguistics) BT Islamic law BT Generative grammar Psycholinguistics Compensation (Law) (May Subd Geog) NT Communicative competence BT Law NT Blood money Competence in children Damages USE Performance in children Indemnity Unsatisfied judgment funds (Traffic accidents) Competencies, Core War damage compensation—Law and USE Core competencies legislation Workers' compensation—Law and legislation Competencies, Functional USE Life skills Compensation (Philosophy) [B105.C47] Competency, Cultural BT Philosophy USE Cultural competence Compensation (Physiology) Competency-based education (May Subd Geog) USE Adaptation (Physiology) [LC1031-LC1034.5] UF Competency training Compensation (Psychology) (May Subd Geog) OBE (Education) [BF337.C65] Outcome-based education BT Defense mechanisms (Psychology) C-553
Competency-based education (Continued) Competition law BT Contests Outcomes-based education Fair trade Gastronomy Performance-based education Unfair competition Unfair trade practices Competitive examinations BT Education BT Commercial crimes USE Civil service—Examinations — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Commercial law Examinations Industrial property BT Educational law and legislation Torts Competitive exclusion (Microbiology) (May Subd Geog) Competency-based educational tests (May Subd Geog) RT Advertising laws UF CE (Competitive exclusion) NT Blacklists, Commercial Colonization resistance (Microbiology) [LC1034] Business intelligence Exclusion, Competitive (Microbiology) UF Competency tests (Education) Design protection Interference, Microbial Dumping (International trade) Microbial interference Minimal competency tests Price cutting Nurmi concept BT Educational tests and measurements Product counterfeiting—Law and legislation Resistance, Colonization (Microbiology) NT Computer adaptive testing Rebates BT Antibiosis Slogans—Law and legislation Gastrointestinal system—Microbiology New Jersey Grade 8 Early Warning Test Special sales — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Trade secrets—Law and legislation Competitive growth (Chemistry) — Conflict of laws USE Ostwald ripening BT Educational law and legislation USE Conflict of laws—Competition, Unfair Competency tests (Education) — Law and legislation Competitive intelligence USE Competition, Unfair USE Business intelligence USE Competency-based educational tests — United States Competency to stand trial (May Subd Geog) Competitive protein binding assay NT Basing-point system USE Radioligand assay UF Fitness to stand trial Competition, Unfair (Jewish law) Incompetency to stand trial Competitive tendering Trial, Competency to stand BT Jewish law USE Letting of contracts Competition (Biology) (May Subd Geog) BT Criminal procedure Competitive trail riding Competency training [QH546.3] USE Trail riding—Competitions UF Biotic competition USE Competency-based education Competitiveness (Economics) Competent authority (May Subd Geog) Ecological competition USE Competition Interspecific competition UF Competence (Legal authority) Intraspecific competition Competitiveness (Psychology) BT Public officers Species competition USE Competition (Psychology) NT Jurisdiction Struggle for survival (Biology) Competing risks Survival, Struggle for (Biology) Compeva Indians UF Risks, Competing BT Population biology USE Omagua Indians (Ecuador and Peru) BT Distribution (Probability theory) Species NT Niche (Ecology) Compiègne Castle (Compieg̀ ne, France) Estimation theory Plant competition USE Château de Compieg̀ ne (Compieg̀ ne, France) RT Failure time data analysis Resource partitioning (Ecology) BT Random variables Sperm competition Compieg̀ ne Forest (France) Competition (May Subd Geog) Competition (Economics) UF Foret̂ de Compiègne (France) [HB238 (Economic theory)] USE Competition BT Forests and forestry—France [HD41 (Management)] Competition (Psychology) [HF1414 (Commerce)] UF Competitive behavior Compilation, Silicon UF Competition—Economic aspects Competitiveness (Psychology) USE Silicon compilers BT Conflict (Psychology) Competition (Economics) Interpersonal relations Compilation and review (Accounting) Competitiveness (Economics) Motivation (Psychology) USE Auditing, Limited Economic competition NT Sibling rivalry BT Commerce Competition (Psychology) in adolescence Compilation and review of financial statements RT Conglomerate corporations (May Subd Geog) USE Financial statements, Unaudited Covenants not to compete [BF724.3.C63] Industrial concentration UF Competition (Psychology) in teenagers Compilers, Silicon Monopolies [Former heading] USE Silicon compilers Open price system BT Adolescent psychology Supply and demand Competition (Psychology) in children Compilers (Computer programs) Trusts, Industrial [BF723.C6] [QA76.76.C65] NT Barriers to entry (Industrial organization) BT Child psychology UF Compiling programs (Computer programs) Cartels Competition (Psychology) in teenagers BT Computer programs Countervailing power USE Competition (Psychology) in adolescence Programming software Government competition Competition (Psychology) in youth (May Subd Geog) Systems software Monopolistic competition [BF724.3.C63] NT Optimizing compilers Monopsonies BT Youth—Psychology Parallelizing compilers Second best, Theory of Competition angling Silicon compilers Social Darwinism USE Tournament fishing Struggle Competition horses (May Subd Geog) Compiling (Electronic computers) — Economic aspects [SF294.3-SF294.32] BT Automatic programming (Computer science) USE Competition BT Horses Electronic data processing — Law and legislation NT Dressage horses RT Assembling (Electronic computers) USE Antitrust law Event horses Macro processors Polo ponies NT Coroutines (Computer programs) Competition, Unfair Race horses Restraint of trade Show jumpers (Horses) Compiling programs (Computer programs) Competition, Imperfect (May Subd Geog) Competition law USE Compilers (Computer programs) [HB238] USE Antitrust law Here are entered works on the condition which Competition, Unfair Comping (Music) prevails between perfect competition and monopoly, Restraint of trade USE Musical accompaniment when the number of sellers is relatively small and the Competitions products are not homogeneous, so that each seller USE Contests Complaining (Rhetoric) exerts an influence on the market. Competitive antagonists (Metabolism) USE Complaints (Rhetoric) USE Antimetabolites UF Imperfect competition Competitive behavior Complaint letters (May Subd Geog) BT Monopolies USE Competition (Psychology) [HF5415.52] NT Duopolies Competitive behavior, Employee UF Letters, Complaint USE Employee competitive behavior Letters of complaint Oligopolies Competitive bidding BT Letters Competition, International USE Letting of contracts Competitive eating (May Subd Geog) Complaint poetry (Not Subd Geog) [HF1414] UF Eating contests BT Poetry UF International competition Complaint poetry, Arabic (May Subd Geog) World economics UF Arabic complaint poetry BT International relations BT Arabic poetry International trade Complaint poetry, English (May Subd Geog) RT War—Economic aspects UF English complaint poetry NT Commercial treaties BT English poetry Terms of trade — Middle English, 1100-1500 Competition, Interservice (Armed Forces) USE Complaint poetry, English (Middle) USE Interservice rivalry (Armed Forces) Complaint poetry, English (Middle) (May Subd Geog) Competition, Socialist UF Complaint poetry, English—Middle English, 1100-1500 USE Socialist competition Complaint poetry, Middle English Competition, Unfair (May Subd Geog) English complaint poetry, Middle Middle English complaint poetry UF Competition—Law and legislation BT English poetry—Middle English, 1100-1500 Competition, Unfair—Law and legislation Complaint poetry, French (May Subd Geog) UF French complaint poetry BT French poetry C-554
Complaint poetry, Korean (May Subd Geog) Complement deficiency (Immunology) Completed contract method (Accounting) UF Korean complaint poetry (May Subd Geog) (May Subd Geog) BT Korean poetry BT Immunological deficiency syndromes BT Accounting Complaint poetry, Latin (May Subd Geog) Complement deflection Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell UF Latin complaint poetry USE Complement fixation Computers and Humans Apart BT Latin poetry USE CAPTCHA (Challenge-response test) Complement deviation Complaint poetry, Middle English USE Complement fixation Completely continuous operators USE Complaint poetry, English (Middle) USE Compact operators Complement fixation (May Subd Geog) Complaint poetry, Turkish (May Subd Geog) [QR187.C6] Completely-in-the-canal hearing aids UF Turkish complaint poetry UF Complement deflection USE CIC hearing aids BT Turkish poetry Complement deviation Complement fixation tests Completeness theorem Complaints, Consumer Fixation, Complement [QA9.67] USE Consumer complaints BT Antigen-antibody reactions BT Logic, Symbolic and mathematical Immunodiagnosis Model theory Complaints (Administrative procedure) NT Hemolytic plaque technique NT God̈ el's theorem (May Subd Geog) BT Administrative procedure Complement fixation tests Completion fluids (May Subd Geog) USE Complement fixation UF Fluids, Completion Complaints (Canon law) Fluids, Perforating UF Bills of complaint (Canon law) Complement inactivation Perforating fluids BT Ecclesiastical courts USE Complement inhibition Well completion fluids BT Oil field chemicals Complaints (Civil procedure) (May Subd Geog) Complement inactivators UF Declaration (Common law pleading) USE Complement inhibition Complex carbohydrate cooking BT Actions and defenses USE Complex carbohydrate diet—Recipes Civil procedure Complement inhibition Pleading UF Complement (Immunology)—Inhibition Complex carbohydrate diet (May Subd Geog) Complement inactivation [RM237.58] Complaints (Criminal procedure) (May Subd Geog) Complement inactivators UF Carbohydrate diet, Complex BT Actions and defenses Complement inhibitors Diet, Complex carbohydrate Criminal procedure Inactivation, Complement BT Diet therapy RT Private prosecutors Inactivators, Complement Food—Carbohydrate content NT Informers Inhibition, Complement High-fiber diet Simulation of crimes Inhibitors, Complement Reducing diets BT Immunity Complaints (Military law) (May Subd Geog) — Recipes UF Grievance procedures (Military law) Complement inhibitors UF Complex carbohydrate cooking BT Military law USE Complement inhibition BT Cooking Complaints (Retail trade) Complementarity, Interpersonal Complex compounds (May Subd Geog) USE Consumer complaints USE Interpersonal complementarity [QD474] UF Complexes (Chemistry) Complaints (Rhetoric) Complementarity, Protein Compounds, Complex UF Complaining (Rhetoric) USE Food combining NT Clathrate compounds BT Rhetoric Complexometric titration Complementarity (International law) Coordination compounds Complaints against dentists UF Complementarity principle (International law) Crystal field theory USE Dentists—Complaints against Principle of complementarity (International law) Electron donor-acceptor complexes BT Criminal procedure (International law) Hydrates Complaints against health facilities Jurisdiction (International law) Ligand field theory USE Health facilities—Complaints against RT International criminal courts Metal complexes Complaints against hospitals Complementarity (Physics) — Magnetic properties (May Subd Geog) USE Hospitals—Complaints against [QC174.17.C63] — Spectra BT Quantum theory — Synthesis Complaints against insurance companies NT Wave-particle duality Complex event processing (Computer science) USE Insurance companies—Complaints against USE Event processing (Computer science) Complementarity principle (International law) Complex Figure Test Complaints against long-term care facilities USE Complementarity (International law) USE Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test USE Long-term care facilities—Complaints against Complex fluids Complementarity problem, Linear Complaints against nursing homes USE Linear complementarity problem [QD549.2.C66] USE Nursing homes—Complaints against UF Complex liquids Complementary DNA Complaints against police USE Antisense DNA Fluids, Complex USE Police—Complaints against BT Amorphous substances Complementary foods Complaints against psychologists USE Food combining Liquids USE Psychologists—Complaints against Complex ions Complementary genes Complaints against social service USE Complementation (Genetics) UF Cluster ions USE Social service—Complaints against BT Ions Complementary medicine Complex liquids Complaints against state hospitals USE Alternative medicine USE Complex fluids USE State hospitals—Complaints against Complex litigation (May Subd Geog) Complementary metal oxide semiconductors UF Litigation, Complex Complaints against teachers USE Metal oxide semiconductors, Complementary USE Teachers—Complaints against Protracted litigation Complementary RNA RT Pre-trial procedure Complaints against universities and colleges USE Antisense RNA BT Procedure (Law) USE Universities and colleges—Complaints against NT Class actions (Civil procedure) Complementation (Genetics) Complex manifolds Complaints against water utilities UF Complementary genes BT Analytic spaces USE Water utilities—Complaints against Genes, Complementary BT Allelomorphism Manifolds (Mathematics) Complancha Genetics NT Almost complex manifolds USE Laments Complements (Immunity) Frobenius manifolds Complejo Urbanístico Parque Central (Caracas, USE Complement (Immunology) Hermitian structures Venezuela) Hermitian symmetric spaces USE Parque Central (Caracas, Venezuela) Complesso degli incurabili (Venice, Italy) Hodge theory UF Ospedale degli incurabili (Venice, Italy) Homogeneous complex manifolds Complement, Schur BT Public buildings—Italy Kählerian structures USE Schur complement Pseudoholomorphic curves Complesso di San Giovanni di Prè (Genoa, Italy) Vanishing theorems Complement (Grammar) USE Commenda di Prè (Genoa, Italy) Complex matrices USE Grammar, Comparative and BT Matrices general—Complement Complete dentures Numbers, Complex UF Full dentures Complex multiplication Complement (Immunology) BT Dentures USE Multiplication, Complex [QR185.8.C6] Complex numbers UF Alexin — Relining USE Numbers, Complex Complements (Immunity) [Former heading] UF Relining of complete dentures Complex organizations (May Subd Geog) BT Blood proteins UF Secondary groups Complete-expansion diesel cycle — Activation USE Brayton cycle USE Complement activation Complete graphs — Inhibition UF Graphs, Complete USE Complement inhibition BT Graph theory Complement activation Complete Realization school (Sect) UF Activation, Complement USE Quan zhen jiao Complement (Immunology)—Activation Complement activators Complete Truth school (Sect) BT Enzyme activation USE Quan zhen jiao Immunity Complete Victory, Operation, 1968 Complement activators USE Operation Toan Thang, 1968 USE Complement activation C-555
Complex organizations (Continued) [Q175.32.C65 (Science philosophy)] BT Anthropology BT Organizational sociology BT Philosophy Semantics RT Interorganizational relations RT Emergence (Philosophy) Complexity (Philosophy) in art (Not Subd Geog) Components, Repair Complex regional pain syndrome Complexity (Philosophy) in literature (Not Subd Geog) USE Spare parts USE Reflex sympathetic dystrophy Complexo Estuarino Lagunar Mundaú/Manguaba (Brazil) Components analysis, Principal Complex-toothed tree mice USE Mundau/Manguaba Lagoon System (Brazil) USE Principal components analysis USE Chiropodomys Complexometric titration UF Chelatometry Components construction Complex variables USE Buildings, Prefabricated USE Functions of complex variables Compleximetry Functions of several complex variables BT Complex compounds Composers (May Subd Geog) [ML390 (Biography : Collective)] Complex vectors Volumetric analysis [ML410 (Biography : Individual)] USE Bivectors Compliance UF Songwriters BT Musicians Complexes [HM1246] NT Arrangers (Musicians) [QA608] UF Compliant behavior Child composers UF Linear complexes RT Conformity Expatriate composers BT Algebras, Linear BT Cooperativeness Film composers Coordinates Gay composers Geometry Psychology Jewish composers Line geometry NT Patient compliance Lesbian composers Transformations (Mathematics) Orchestrators NT Combinatorial topology Taxpayer compliance Television composers Complexes, Semisimplicial Compliance auditing (May Subd Geog) Video game composers Coxeter complexes Women composers CW complexes BT Auditing Compliance costs — Autographs Complexes, Charge transfer [ML93-ML97] USE Electron donor-acceptor complexes USE subdivision Compliance costs under legal headings, e.g. Labor laws and legislation-- — Dictionaries Complexes, Cochain Compliance costs USE Music—Bio-bibliography UF Cochain complexes BT Abelian categories Compliance of patients — Czech Republic Algebra, Homological USE Patient compliance UF Composers, Czech [Former heading] Complexes, Electron donor-acceptor Compliance officers — Czechoslovakia USE Electron donor-acceptor complexes USE Ethics and compliance officers UF Composers, Czech [Former heading] Complexes, Junctional (Epithelium) Compliance with legislation, Costs of — — Slovak Republic USE Junctional complexes (Epithelium) USE Legislation—Compliance costs USE Composers—Slovakia Complexes, Multienzyme Compliant behavior — — Slovak Socialist Republic USE Multienzyme complexes USE Compliance USE Composers—Slovakia Complexes, Ring (Geology) Compliant offshore platforms — Russia USE Ring complexes (Geology) USE Compliant platforms — Slovakia Complexes, Semisimplicial Compliant platforms (May Subd Geog) UF Composers—Czechoslovakia—Slovak UF Semisimplicial complexes [TC1700-TC1703] Republic [Former heading] BT Algebra, Homological UF Compliant offshore platforms Composers—Czechoslovakia—Slovak Algebraic topology Compliant structures Socialist Republic [Former heading] Complexes Platforms, Compliant Composers, Slovak [Former heading] Platforms, Compliant offshore Complexes, Territorial production Structures, Compliant — United States USE Territorial production complexes BT Offshore structures UF Composers, American [Former heading] NT Semi-submersible offshore structures NT African American composers Complexes (Chemistry) Tension leg platforms USE Complex compounds Composers, African American Compliant structures USE African American composers Complexes (Psychology) (May Subd Geog) USE Compliant platforms [RC569.5.C68] Composers, American BT Psychoanalysis Complicated labor (Obstetrics) USE Composers—United States Psychology, Pathological USE Labor (Obstetrics)—Complications NT Cain complex Composers, Basque (May Subd Geog) Castration anxiety Complication experiments (Psychology) UF Basque composers Electra complex (May Subd Geog) Inferiority complex BT Time perception—Experiments Composers, Black (May Subd Geog) Muscle dysmorphia UF Black composers Oedipus complex Complications of breastfeeding USE Breastfeeding—Complications Composers, Czech Complexes (Stratigraphy) (May Subd Geog) USE Composers—Czech Republic BT Geology, Stratigraphic Complications of diseases Composers—Czechoslovakia USE Diseases—Complications — California Composers, Jewish NT Franciscan Complex (Calif.) Complications of pregnancy USE Jewish composers USE Pregnancy—Complications — Sierra Leone Composers, Slovak NT Freetown Complex (Sierra Leone) Complications of surgery USE Composers—Slovakia USE Surgery—Complications — South Africa Composers, Sorbian (May Subd Geog) NT Bushveld Complex (South Africa) Complications of therapy UF Sorbian composers Greenlands Greenstone Complex (South USE Therapeutics—Complications Africa) Composers, Women Kaffirskraal Complex (South Africa) Compliments USE Women composers Stolzburg Layered Ultramafic Complex BT Etiquette (South Africa) Interpersonal relations Composers (Computer programs) Usushwana Complex (South Africa and Praise USE Linkers (Computer programs) Swaziland) Compliments in literature (Not Subd Geog) Composers as authors (May Subd Geog) Compleximetry Compline BT Authors USE Complexometric titration UF Night prayer Composers in literature (Not Subd Geog) Complexion BT Divine office Composers in motion pictures (Not Subd Geog) USE Beauty, Personal Compline music Cosmetics [M2149.2.C6 (Catholic liturgical music)] [PN1995.9.C553] BT Divine office (Music) BT Motion pictures Complexions, Four Component Object Model (Computer architecture) Composers' sketches USE Four temperaments USE COM (Computer architecture) USE Musical sketches Component software (May Subd Geog) Composers' spouses (May Subd Geog) Complexity, Biological [QA76.76.C66] BT Musicians' spouses USE Biocomplexity BT Computer software Composers with disabilities (May Subd Geog) Componential analysis (Linguistics) BT People with disabilities Complexity, Computational UF Semic analysis Composing (Music) USE Computational complexity BT Linguistic analysis (Linguistics) USE Composition (Music) Composing-machines Complexity, Kolmogorov Linguistic universals USE Typesetting machines USE Kolmogorov complexity Linguistics Composing stick (May Subd Geog) Semantics [Z249] Complexity, Technological NT Distinctive features (Linguistics) BT Printing machinery and supplies USE Technological complexity Grammar, Comparative and general—Grammatical categories Typesetting Complexity (Linguistics) Componential analysis in anthropology Composita [P128.C664] [GN34.3.C6] BT Linguistic analysis (Linguistics) [QE797.A69] UF Seminula Complexity (Philosophy) BT Athyrididae [B105.C473 (General philosophy)] C-556
Composita subtilita Lactuca — Fatigue (May Subd Geog) [QE797.A69] Lagascea BT Materials—Fatigue Lasianthaea Compositae (May Subd Geog) Lasthenia Composite drawing (May Subd Geog) [QK495.C74 (Botany)] Launaea BT Drawing UF Aster family (Plants) Leontopodium Asteraceae Leptinella Composite films Compositales Lessingia USE Anthology films Composites (Plants) Leucanthemum Coreopsideae [Former heading] Leysera Composite girders Sunflower family (Plants) Lygodesmia USE Composite construction BT Campanulales Marigolds NT Acmella Matricaria Composite International Diagnostic Interview Actinea Microseris (May Subd Geog) Actinoseris Mikania UF CIDI (Psychiatry) Ageratums Montanoa BT Interviewing in psychiatry Alvordia Mutisia Mental illness—Diagnosis Antennaria Olearia Anthemis Onopordum Composite materials (May Subd Geog) Argyranthemum Oparanthus [TA418.9.C6] Arnica Oxytenia UF Composites (Materials) Artemisia Pachystegia Multiphase materials Ashdaisies Parthenium Reinforced solids Aspilia Perezia Solids, Reinforced Asters Perityle Two phase materials Astranthium Perymenium BT Materials Atractylis Petasites NT Braided structures Atractylodes Podolepis Carbon composites Baccharis Polyachyrus Cement composites Balsamroot Porophyllum Ceramic-matrix composites Barnadesia Ragweeds Composite construction Bidens Rhaponticum Engineered wood Blumea Rudbeckia Fibrous composites Brachyactis Saussurea Functionally gradient materials Brickellia Scalesia Laminated materials Burdocks Schistocarpha Metallic composites Calea Senecio Metamaterials Calendula (Genus) Silphium (Genus) Micromechanics Callistephus Silverswords (Plants) Nanocomposites (Materials) Campuloclinium Silybum Plastic-impregnated wood Carduus Smallanthus Reinforced plastics Carthamus Sneezeweed SPM materials Centaurea Sow thistles Thermal barrier coatings Chaenactis Spilanthes Thermoplastic composites Chaetanthera Stevia Thermosetting composites Chamaemelum Sunflowers Chickensage Symphyotrichum — Bonding (May Subd Geog) Chondrilla (Plant : Compositae) Tanacetum BT Sealing (Technology) Chromolaena Tessaria Chrysanthemoides Tetradymia — Delamination Chrysanthemums Tetramolopium [TA418.9.C6] Chrysothamnus Thistles UF Delamination of composite materials Cichoriaceae Tragopogon Cichorium Trixis — Effect of environment on (May Subd Geog) Cirsium Tussilago UF Environmental effects on composite Conyza Vernonia materials Coreopsis Viguiera Cosmos (Plants) Woollyheads (Plants) — Electric properties (May Subd Geog) Crepis Wyethia Composite materials in automobiles (May Subd Geog) Crupina Xanthium Cynara Yarrow [TL240.5.C65] Daisies Zinnia BT Automobiles—Materials Dandelions Compositales Composite materials industry (May Subd Geog) Dubautia USE Compositae [HD9999.C715-HD9999.C7154] Dyssodia Composite aircraft BT Manufacturing industries Echinacea (Plants) USE Piggyback aircraft NT Engineered wood industry Encelia Composite applications (Computer science) Composite pavements Erechtites (May Subd Geog) USE Pavements, Composite Ericameria [QA76.76.A65] Composite photography Erigeron UF Applications, Composite (Computer science) USE Photomontage Eriophyllum BT Application software Composite polymeric materials Espeletia Integrated software USE Polymeric composites Eupatorium Composite beams Composite-reinforced concrete (May Subd Geog) Eurybia USE Composite construction UF Concrete, Composite-reinforced Euryops Composite building Filago USE Composite construction Reinforced concrete, Composite- Fitchia Composite checks (May Subd Geog) BT Reinforced concrete Flourensia BT Checks Composite superconductors Gerbera Composite construction USE Superconducting composites Gochnatia [TA664] Composite wood Goldenrods UF Beams, Composite USE Engineered wood Grindelia Building, Composite Composites (Materials) Guizotia Composite beams USE Composite materials Gutierrezia Composite building Composites (Plants) Haplopappus Composite girders USE Compositae Hawkweeds Girders, Composite Composition (Art) Helichrysum BT Building, Iron and steel [N7429.7-N7430] Hemizonia Composite materials UF Art—Composition Heterotheca Concrete construction BT Art Hidalgoa Concrete slabs RT Proportion (Art) Hypochaeris NT Pavements, Composite NT Anamorphic art Jamesianthus Jungia Architecture—Composition, proportion, etc. Human figure in art Texture (Art) Composition (Grammar) USE Grammar, Comparative and general—Compound words Composition (Language arts) Here are entered elementary and/or secondary level works on written composition. Advanced level works on the skillful or artistic organization of oral or written discourse, usually for exposition or persuasion, are entered under Rhetoric. C-557
Composition (Language arts) (Continued) Music composition teachers \"Verbrechenskonkurrenz,\" \"fortgesetztes UF Composition (Rhetoric) Tutors, Composition (Music) Verbrechen,\" etc. in German; \"concorso di reati,\" Writing (Composition) BT Music teachers \"reato continuato,\" etc. in Italian; and \"concurrencia Written composition Composition tutors (Music) de delitos,\" \"delito continuado,\" etc. in Spanish. BT Language arts USE Composition teachers (Music) SA subdivision Composition and exercises under Compositionality (Linguistics) UF Compound offenses—Law and legislation individual languages, e.g. English language- UF Composition (Linguistics) [Former heading] -Composition and exercises BT Grammar, Comparative and general Merger (Criminal law) Semantics Offenses, Compound Composition (Law) (May Subd Geog) RT Hierarchy (Linguistics) BT Accord and satisfaction Compost (May Subd Geog) BT Criminal law Bankruptcy [S661 (Organic fertilizer)] — Law and legislation RT Compromise (Law) [TD796.5 (Organic waste)] BT Debtor and creditor UF Indore process USE Compound offenses Extinguishment of debts BT Organic fertilizers Compound offenses (Jewish law) NT Assignments for benefit of creditors Organic wastes Soil amendments BT Jewish law — Conflict of laws RT Humus Compound offenses (Roman-Dutch law) USE Conflict of laws—Composition Vermicomposting NT Wood waste as mulch, soil conditioner, etc. BT Roman-Dutch law Composition (Linguistics) Compost, Potting Compound offenses (Roman law) USE Compositionality (Linguistics) USE Potting soils Compost animals (May Subd Geog) BT Roman law Composition (Music) [QL110.5] Compound Q [ML430-ML455 (History)] UF Compost fauna [Former heading] [MT40-MT67 (Instruction)] BT Animals USE Trichosanthin UF Composing (Music) RT Soil animals Compound semiconductors Music—Composition Compost containers Music composing USE Composters (Containers) [QC611.8.C64 (Physics)] Music composition Compost fauna [TK7871.99.C65 (Technology)] Musical composition USE Compost animals BT Semiconductors BT Music Compost industry (May Subd Geog) Compound stops RT Concertante style [HD9484.C65-HD9484.C652] USE Mixture stops NT Aleatory music—History and criticism BT Fertilizer industry Compound words Choral music—Writing and publishing Compost plants (May Subd Geog) USE Grammar, Comparative and Click tracks UF Plants, Compost Computer game music—Writing and publishing BT Factories general—Compound words Concertante style Refuse disposal facilities Compounding, Drug Contemporary Christian music—Writing and Compost tea (May Subd Geog) publishing UF Tea, Compost USE Drugs—Dosage forms Electronic composition BT Fertilizers Compounds, Bioactive Instrumentation and orchestration Compostela Plaza (Vigo, Spain) Instrumentation and orchestration (Band) USE Plaza de Compostela (Vigo, Spain) USE Bioactive compounds Jingles (Advertising songs)—Writing and Composters (Containers) (May Subd Geog) Compounds, Biologically active publishing UF Compost containers Musical accompaniment BT Containers USE Bioactive compounds Musicals—Writing and publishing Gardening—Equipment and supplies Compounds, Chemical Popular music—Writing and publishing Compotes (Stewed fruit) (May Subd Geog) Repetition in music UF Fruit stews USE Chemicals Serialism (Music) Stewed fruit Compounds, Complex Silence in music BT Cooking (Fruit) Symmetrical inversion (Music) Stews USE Complex compounds Time in music Compound 497 (Insecticide) Compounds, Cyclic Video game music—Writing and publishing USE Dieldrin Compound 1080 USE Cyclic compounds — Collaboration USE Sodium fluoroacetate Compounds, Inorganic UF Collaborative composition (Music) Compound centrifugal force BT Artistic collaboration USE Coriolis force USE Inorganic compounds Compound distributions (Probability theory) Compounds, Inorganic cyclic — Competitions (May Subd Geog) USE Mixture distributions (Probability theory) — — Poland Compound E USE Inorganic cyclic compounds USE Cortisone Compounds, Macrocyclic NT International Henryk Wieniawski Compound eye Composers' Competition, Poznań, BT Eye USE Macrocyclic compounds Poland Compound F Compounds, Organic USE Hydrocortisone — Mechanical aids Compound fractures USE Organic compounds [MT41] USE Fractures, Open Compounds, Organic cyclic Compound interest (May Subd Geog) Composition (Photography) BT Interest USE Organic cyclic compounds [TR179] Compound locomotives (May Subd Geog) Compounds, Peroxy UF Photographic composition [TJ613] Photography—Composition UF Locomotives, Compound [Former heading] USE Peroxides BT Photography BT Steam locomotives Compounds, Physiologically active Compound microscope Composition (Printing) USE Compound microscopes USE Bioactive compounds USE Typesetting Compound microscopes (May Subd Geog) Compounds, Unsaturated [QH212.C6] Composition (Rhetoric) UF Compound microscope [Former heading] [QD305] USE Composition (Language arts) BT Microscopes [QD341] Compound nucleus UF Unsaturated compounds Composition (Roman law) UF Nucleus, Compound Compradors (May Subd Geog) BT Roman law BT Nuclear physics BT Commercial agents RT Nuclear reactions Composition dolls (May Subd Geog) Compound offenses (May Subd Geog) Commission merchants [NK4894.4.C65 ((Decorative arts))] Here are entered works on the legal concepts, Comprehension BT Dolls mainly in continental European law, dealing with the violation of several laws by one act, with the violation [BF325] Composition of natural substances of one law by several acts, or with crimes UF Understanding USE subdivision Composition under natural characterized by a number of successive or RT Apperception substances of unfixed composition, including simultaneous individual violations, and which are soils, plants, animals, farm products, etc., for known as \"concours d'infraction\" in French; Learning, Psychology of the results of the chemical analyses of these Memory substances, e.g. Corn--Composition NT Cloze procedure Learning Composition of the body Listening USE Body composition Listening comprehension Reading comprehension Composition operators — Testing UF Operators, Composition BT Linear operators BT Ability—Testing NT Miller-Yoder Language Comprehension Composition ornament (May Subd Geog) BT Decoration and ornament Test Woodcock-Muñoz Language Survey Composition rings Comprehension (Theory of knowledge) UF Rings, Composition [BD181.5] BT Commutative rings BT Knowledge, Theory of Logic Composition teachers (Music) (May Subd Geog) Philosophy UF Composition tutors (Music) Comprehension in children BT Child psychology Comprehensive Assemblage (Computer program language) USE COMPASS (Computer program language) Comprehensive Drinker Profile [RC565 (Psychiatry)] BT Alcoholics—Psychological testing Alcoholism—Diagnosis Psychological tests C-558
Comprehensive editing Compressed workweek (May Subd Geog) Natural gas pipeline compressor stations USE Developmental editing Here are entered works on job schedules that Screw compressors Superchargers Comprehensive examinations (May Subd Geog) permit employees to work more hours than normal Turboblowers BT Academic achievement per day in exchange for spending fewer than the Turbochargers Educational tests and measurements normal number of days per week on the job. — Aerodynamics Universities and colleges—Examinations UF Alternative work schedules [TJ267.5.C5] Comprehensive health care delivery organizations Compressed work schedules BT Aerodynamics USE Health maintenance organizations Compressed work week [Former heading] — Blades (May Subd Geog) UF Rotor blades (Compressors) Comprehensive health planning BT Flexible work arrangements USE Health planning Workweek Stator blades (Compressors) BT Blades Comprehensive high schools (May Subd Geog) NT Four-day week — — Vibration (May Subd Geog) BT Education, Secondary — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) — Dynamics High schools Compressibility BT Dynamics — Electric driving (May Subd Geog) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) [QC145.4.C6 (Liquids)] [TK4059.C64] BT Educational law and legislation [QC163 (Gases)] BT Electric driving [QC176.8.C6 (Solids)] — Lubrication Comprehensive language for elegant operating systems [QC281.5.C6 (General)] — Lubrication systems (May Subd Geog) and translator design (Computer program language) [TL574.C4 (Aerodynamics)] BT Lubrication systems USE CLEOPATRA (Computer program language) BT High pressure physics — Performance (May Subd Geog) UF Performance of compressors Comprehensive Mathematical Abilities Test Matter—Properties — Valuation (May Subd Geog) (May Subd Geog) Pressure [TJ990] UF CMAT (Comprehensive Mathematical Abilities NT Compacting — Valves (May Subd Geog) Test) Ground-cushion phenomenon BT Valves BT Mathematics—Examinations Mach number — Vibration (May Subd Geog) — Computer programs Compressors, Air Comprehensive Public Water Supply Study and Report USE Air-compressors Program [QC281] Compressors, Supersonic BT Water-supply—New York (State) Compressibility burbles USE Supersonic compressors Comprex superchargers Comprehensive Scales of Student Abilities [TL574.T8] USE Pressure wave superchargers [LB3060.33.C60] BT Aerodynamics Compromise (Arbitration agreement) UF CSSA (Ability test) USE Arbitration agreements, Commercial BT Ability—Testing Burbles (Fluid dynamics) Compromise (Canon law) Compressibility of soils test BT Canon law Comprehensive Test of Nonverbal Intelligence Compromise (Ethics) (May Subd Geog) USE Soil consolidation test [BJ1430-BJ1438] [BF432.5.C67] Compressing machinery BT Ethics UF CTONI (Intelligence test) Compromise (Islamic law) (May Subd Geog) BT Nonverbal intelligence tests USE Compressors UF Sụ lḥ (Islamic law) Compressing of granular materials BT Islamic law Compressed air Compromise (Jewish law) (May Subd Geog) [TJ981-TJ1009 (Technology)] USE Compacting BT Jewish law UF Air, Compressed Compression, Magnetic flux Compromise (Law) (May Subd Geog) Pneumatic transmission UF Settlement out of court BT Energy storage USE Magnetic flux compression Transactio Pneumatics Compression (Audiology) (May Subd Geog) Transaction (Civil law) Power (Mechanics) BT Accord and satisfaction RT Air-engines UF Amplitude compression (Audiology) RT Arbitration and award Pressure vessels Compression amplification (Audiology) BT Civil procedure NT Air lift pumps RT Composition (Law) BT Hearing aids—Design and construction BT Contracts — Physiological effect (May Subd Geog) Compression amplification (Audiology) Debtor and creditor RT Decompression sickness Dispute resolution (Law) USE Compression (Audiology) Extinguishment of debts — Storage Compression ignition engines NT Consent decrees NT Compressed air—Underground storage Environmental mediation USE Diesel motor Neighborhood justice centers — Therapeutic use (May Subd Geog) Compression of data (Computer science) Structured settlements [RM827] Tax compromises NT Hyperbaric oxygenation USE Data compression (Computer science) Compromise (Roman law) Compression of data (Telecommunication) BT Roman law — Underground storage (May Subd Geog) Compromise formation (May Subd Geog) BT Compressed air—Storage USE Data compression (Telecommunication) BT Repression (Psychology) Underground storage Compression of files (Computer science) Compromise of 1850 [E423] Compressed-air railroads USE Data compression (Computer science) UF Clay's Omnibus Bill, 1850 USE Railroads, Compressed-air Compression of spinal cord Henry Clay's Omnibus Bill, 1850 Omnibus Bill, 1850 Compressed air sickness USE Spinal cord compression BT Slavery—United States USE Decompression sickness Compression of text (Computer science) Compromises, Tax USE Tax compromises Compressed-air starters USE Data compression (Computer science) Compromiso de Caspe USE Airplanes—Motors—Starting devices Compression of wood USE Caspe declaration, 1412 Compsobuthus (May Subd Geog) Compressed gas USE Wood, Compressed [QL458.72.B8 (Zoology)] USE Gases, Compressed Compression strength testing of materials BT Buthidae NT Compsobuthus afghanus Compressed-gas automobile engines USE Materials—Compression testing Compsobuthus nematodactylus USE Automobiles—Motors (Compressed-gas) Compression syndrome Compsobuthus pakistanus Compsobuthus sindicus Compressed gas containers USE Crush syndrome Compsobuthus afghanus (May Subd Geog) USE Gas cylinders Compression testing of materials [QL458.72.B8 (Zoology)] BT Compsobuthus Compressed gas cylinders, Tariff on USE Materials—Compression testing Compsobuthus nematodactylus (May Subd Geog) USE Tariff on compressed gas cylinders Compression wood (May Subd Geog) [QL458.72.B8 (Zoology)] BT Compsobuthus Compressed natural gas (May Subd Geog) [QK647 (Botany)] [TP761.C65] BT Wood UF CNG (Compressed natural gas) Compressive sensing (Telecommunication) BT Gases, Compressed USE Compressed sensing (Telecommunication) Natural gas Compressive strength testing of materials USE Materials—Compression testing Compressed sensing (Telecommunication) Compressive testing of materials (May Subd Geog) USE Materials—Compression testing UF Compressive sensing (Telecommunication) Compressometers Sensing, Compressed (Telecommunication) [TS1449 (Textile testing)] Sparse sampling (Telecommunication) BT Testing-machines BT Signal processing Compressor industry (May Subd Geog) [HD9705.5.C64-HD9705.5.C644] Compressed speech (May Subd Geog) BT Machinery industry UF Time compressed speech Compressors (May Subd Geog) BT Speech [TJ267.5.C5 (Turbomachines)] [TJ990-TJ992 (Pneumatic machinery)] Compressed water UF Blowers BT Water Compressing machinery Compressed wood Exhausters USE Wood, Compressed BT Turbomachines RT Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery Compressed work schedules NT Air-compressors USE Compressed workweek Airplanes—Compressors Axial flow compressors Compressed work week Centrifugal compressors USE Compressed workweek Marine compressors C-559
Compsobuthus pakistanus (May Subd Geog) Video game addiction Dermatillomania [QL458.72.B8 (Zoology)] Workaholism Skin picking, Compulsive BT Compsobuthus — Religious aspects BT Impulse control disorders — — Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.] Obsessive-compulsive disorder Compsobuthus sindicus (May Subd Geog) — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] Compulsive spending [QL458.72.B8 (Zoology)] Compulsive behavior in adolescence (May Subd Geog) USE Compulsive shopping BT Compsobuthus BT Adolescent psychopathology Compulsive traveling Compulsive behavior in literature (Not Subd Geog) USE Dromomania Compsognathidae (May Subd Geog) Compulsive buying Compulsive washing (May Subd Geog) [QE862.S3] USE Compulsive shopping [RC533] BT Saurischia Compulsive disorder UF Washing compulsions NT Compsognathus USE Obsessive-compulsive disorder BT Compulsive behavior Sinosauropteryx Compulsive eaters (May Subd Geog) Hygiene UF Compulsive eating—Patients Obsessive-compulsive disorder Compsognathus (May Subd Geog) Food addicts RT Fear of contamination [QE862.S3] BT Addicts Compulsive working BT Compsognathidae People with mental disabilities USE Workaholism Compulsive eating (May Subd Geog) Compulsory abortion Compson, Caddy (Fictitious character) [RC552.C65] USE Forced abortion (Not Subd Geog) UF Binge eating Compulsory education UF Caddy Compson (Fictitious character) Binging, Food USE Education, Compulsory Food binging Compulsory health insurance (May Subd Geog) Compson, Sylvia (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) BT Compulsive behavior UF Health insurance, Compulsory UF Cooper, Sylvia Bergstrom Compson (Fictitious Eating disorders BT Insurance character) RT Obesity—Psychological aspects — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Sylvia Bergstrom Compson Cooper (Fictitious — Patients character) USE Compulsive eaters BT Insurance law Sylvia Compson (Fictitious character) — Religious aspects Compulsory labor — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] Compson family Compulsive exercising USE Forced labor USE Cumpston family USE Exercise addiction Compulsory licensing of patents (May Subd Geog) Compulsive gamblers (May Subd Geog) Compsothamnionella UF Compulsive gambling—Patients UF Compulsory licensing of patents—Law and USE Pleonosporium Gambling addicts legislation Pathological gamblers Compsothlypidae Problem gamblers BT Patent laws and legislation USE Wood warblers BT Addicts Patent licenses Gamblers Patents and government-developed inventions Compstock family People with mental disabilities USE Comstock family Compulsive gamblers' spouses (May Subd Geog) — Law and legislation BT Spouses USE Compulsory licensing of patents Compston family Compulsive gambling (May Subd Geog) USE Cumpston family [RC569.5.G35] Compulsory loans UF Pathological gambling USE Forced loans Comptometers Problem gambling [QA75] BT Compulsive behavior Compulsory military service BT Calculators Gambling USE Draft Impulse control disorders Compton, Elizabeth Hartleigh (Fictitious character) — Diagnosis Compulsory non-military service (Not Subd Geog) USE Service, Compulsory non-military UF Elizabeth Hartleigh Compton (Fictitious NT G-MAP (Personality test) character) — Patients Compulsory purchase (Eminent domain) Lady Elizabeth Hartleigh Compton (Fictitious USE Eminent domain character) USE Compulsive gamblers Compulsive gambling in motion pictures Compulsory Removal of Indians, 1813-1903 Compton Castle (Compton, Devon, England) USE Indian Removal, 1813-1903 BT Castles—England (Not Subd Geog) Manors—England BT Motion pictures Compulsory resettlement USE Forced migration Compton effect Compulsive hair pulling (May Subd Geog) BT Collisions (Nuclear physics) [RC569.5.H34] Compulsory retirement Electrons UF Hair pulling, Compulsive USE Retirement, Mandatory Photons Trichotillomania NT Electromagnetic pulse BT Impulse control disorders Compulsory school attendance Electrons, Compton Obsessive-compulsive disorder USE Education, Compulsory Educational law and legislation Compton electrons Compulsive hoarders USE Electrons, Compton USE Hoarders Compulsory sterilization USE Involuntary sterilization Compton family (Not Subd Geog) Compulsive hoarding (May Subd Geog) UF Campton family UF Hoarding, Compulsive Compulsory treatment Kampton family Hoarding disorder USE Involuntary treatment Komton family Hoarding, Obsessive Hoarding, Pathological Compulsory voting Compton Main Post Office (Compton, Calif.) Obsessive hoarding USE Voting, Compulsory USE Mervyn Malcolm Dymally Post Office Building Pathological hoarding (Compton, Calif.) BT Compulsive behavior CompuServe (Online service) [QA76.57.C65 (Online data processing)] Compton recoil electrons — Patients [ZA4251.C6 (Information resources)] USE Electrons, Compton USE Hoarders UF CompuServe (Videotex system) [Former heading] Comptons Creek (Tenn.) Compulsive hoarding in literature (Not Subd Geog) BT Online information services USE Crumpton Creek (Tenn.) Compulsive Internet use CompuServe (Videotex system) Comptrollership USE Internet addiction USE CompuServe (Online service) USE Controllership Compulsive sex Computability theory Compulsion USE Sex addiction USE Computable functions USE Duress (Law) Compulsive shopping (May Subd Geog) Computable functions Compulsion (Psychology) [RC569.5.S56] [QA9.59] USE Compulsive behavior UF Buying, Compulsive UF Computability theory Functions, Computable Compulsive behavior (May Subd Geog) Compulsive buying Partial recursive functions [RC533] Compulsive spending Recursive functions, Partial UF Addictive behavior Overshopping BT Constructive mathematics Behavior, Compulsive Pathological shopping RT Decidability (Mathematical logic) Compulsion (Psychology) Shopaholism BT Impulse Spending, Compulsive — Data processing Psychology, Pathological BT Compulsive behavior NT Cambridge LCF (Computer system) RT Obsessive-compulsive disorder Shopping Edinburgh LCF (Computer system) NT Compulsive eating RT Acquisitiveness Compulsive gambling Compulsive skin picking (May Subd Geog) Computable general equilibrium models Compulsive hoarding UF CSP (Compulsive skin picking) (May Subd Geog) Compulsive shopping [HB141.3.C66] Compulsive washing UF CGE models Dromomania Equilibrium models, Computable general Exercise addiction General equilibrium models, Computable Internet addiction BT Econometric models Relationship addiction Repetition compulsion Computation, Evolutionary Sex addiction USE Evolutionary computation Social media addiction Sports addiction Computation, Quantum Television addiction USE Quantum computing C-560
Computation, Stiff (Differential equations) science) Computer-aided design USE Stiff computation (Differential equations) Network grammar Computer integrated manufacturing systems Parsing (Computer grammar) Computer-aided instruction Computation laboratories (May Subd Geog) Psli3 (Computer system) USE Computer-assisted instruction [QA74] Speech processing systems Computer Aided Manufacturing Systems Here are entered works on facilities where SUSY (Computer system) USE CAD/CAM systems SYGMART (Computer program language) Computer-aided psychotherapy numerical calculations are carried out, usually by Symbol grounding USE Computer-assisted psychotherapy computer. Works on the use of classroom activities Word Manager (Computer system) Computer-aided software engineering and experiments in the study and teaching of Word processing—Foreign languages (May Subd Geog) mathematics are entered under Mathematics — Methodology [QA76.758] laboratories. UF CASE (Computer science) NT Computational linguistics—Network BT Software engineering UF Computer centers analysis Computer-aided surgery Computer laboratories USE Computer-assisted surgery Computing laboratories — Network analysis Computer-aided transcription systems Numerical analysis laboratories [P98.5.N48] (May Subd Geog) UF Network analysis (Computational [Z51.5] BT Computers linguistics) UF CAT systems (Stenography) Numerical calculations BT Computational linguistics—Methodology Transcription systems, Computer-aided BT Transcription Computational auditory scene analysis Computational neuroscience (May Subd Geog) RT Stenotypy (May Subd Geog) UF Computational neurosciences NT Transcribing services UF Auditory scene analysis—Data processing BT Computational biology Computer algorithms CASA (Sound analysis) Neurosciences [QA76.9.A43] BT Auditory scene analysis BT Algorithms Computer sound processing Computational neurosciences NT Graph algorithms USE Computational neuroscience Heuristic algorithms Computational biology (May Subd Geog) Online algorithms BT Biology Computational neuroscientists (May Subd Geog) Ray tracing algorithms RT Bioinformatics BT Neuroscientists Self-stabilization (Computer science) NT Computational neuroscience NT Women computational neuroscientists Computer and accordion music Systems biology USE Accordion and computer music Computational photography (May Subd Geog) Computer and bass clarinet music — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) [TR267.3] USE Bass clarinet and computer music Computational complexity BT Photography—Digital techniques Computer and cello music (May Subd Geog) UF Cello and computer music [QA267.7] Computational steering (Computer science) Computer and violoncello music [Former UF Complexity, Computational UF Steering, Computational (Computer science) heading] BT Electronic data processing BT Computer Computer and clarinet music programs—Execution—Management USE Clarinet and computer music Machine theory Software visualization Computer and double bass music (May Subd Geog) NT NP-complete problems [M298] Computational finance Computed radiography UF Double bass and computer music USE Financial engineering USE Radiography, Medical—Digital techniques Computer and electric guitar music Computational fluency (Mathematics) USE Electric guitar and computer music USE Mathematical fluency Computed tomographic colonography Computer and electronic piano music (May Subd Geog) Computational fluid dynamics USE Colon (Anatomy)—Tomography [M298] [TA357.5.D37] UF Electronic piano and computer music UF CFD (Computational fluid dynamics) Computed tomography Computer and flute music USE Tomography USE Flute and computer music Fluid dynamics—Computer simulation Computer and guitar music Fluid dynamics—Data processing [Former Computer access control equipment industry USE Guitar and computer music heading] (May Subd Geog) Computer and horn music BT Fluid dynamics [HD9696.C6-HD9696.C64] USE Horn and computer music NT Lattice Boltzmann methods BT Computer industry Computer and marimba music (May Subd Geog) Computational grids (Computer systems) UF Marimba and computer music [Former (May Subd Geog) Computer-adaptive Placement Assessment and Support heading] [QA76.9.C58] Services (Educational test) Computer and oboe music UF Grid computing USE COMPASS (Educational test) USE Oboe and computer music Grids, Computational (Computer systems) Computer and percussion music (May Subd Geog) BT Computer systems Computer adaptive testing (May Subd Geog) UF Percussion and computer music [Former Cyberinfrastructure [LB3060.32.C65] heading] Computational immunology UF Adaptive testing, Computer Computer and piano music USE Immunoinformatics CAT (Computer adaptive testing) USE Piano and computer music Computational intelligence Computer adaptive tests Computer and piccolo music [Q342] Computerized adaptive testing USE Piccolo and computer music UF Intelligence, Computational BT Ability—Testing Computer and saxophone music BT Artificial intelligence Competency-based educational tests USE Saxophone and computer music Computational learning theory (May Subd Geog) NT COMPASS (Educational test) Computer and tam-tam music (May Subd Geog) [Q325.7] UF Tam-tam and computer music BT Machine learning Computer adaptive tests Computer and timpani music Computational linguistics (May Subd Geog) USE Computer adaptive testing USE Timpani and computer music [P98-P98.5] Computer and trombone music Here are entered works on the applications of Computer adventure games (May Subd Geog) USE Trombone and computer music computers in processing and analyzing language. [GV1469.22-GV1469.25] Computer and trumpet music Works on the computer processing of natural UF Adventure and adventurers—Computer games USE Trumpet and computer music language for the purpose of enabling humans to Adventure games, Computer Computer and tuba music interact with computers in natural language are Games, Computer adventure USE Tuba and computer music entered under Natural language processing BT Adventure games Computer and unspecified instrument music (Computer science). Computer games USE Duets (Unspecified instrument and computer) SA subdivision Computer games under subjects Computer and viola music UF Automatic language processing NT Dwarf Fortress (Game) UF Viola and computer music Language and languages—Data processing Island of Kesmai (Game) Computer and violin music Language data processing [Former heading] Queen: The Eye (Game) UF Violin and computer music Linguistics—Data processing [Former Computer and violoncello music heading] Computer-aided design (May Subd Geog) USE Computer and cello music Natural language processing (Linguistics) UF CAD (Computer-aided design) Computer animation (May Subd Geog) Computer-assisted design [TR897.7] BT Applied linguistics BT Computer-aided engineering UF Animation, Computer RT Cross-language information retrieval Design Computer-assisted filmmaking SA subdivision Computer-aided design under Computer-generated animation Mathematical linguistics topical headings, e.g. Jigs and fixtures-- Multilingual computing Computer-aided design NT Automatic spelling-to-sound conversion NT ROBO Systems CAD (Computer system) Computer fiction UNISURF CAD System (Computer system) Computer poetry Computer prose Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing COMSKEE (Computer program language) Systems EPICURE (Computer system) USE CAD/CAM systems Lexicography—Data processing Lexicology—Data processing Computer Aided Dispatch System (Computer system) Linguistic String Parser (Computer grammar) USE CADS (Computer system) MIND (Computer system) Natural language generation (Computer Computer-aided engineering (May Subd Geog) [TA345] UF CAE BT Engineering—Data processing NT Architecture Analysis and Design Language CAD/CAM systems C-561
Computer animation (Continued) instructional materials stored in a computer. Works Computer-assisted videokeratography BT Animation (Cinematography) on the use of computers to assist teachers and (May Subd Geog) Computer graphics administrators in coordinating the instructional UF Computerized videokeratography NT Collision detection (Computer animation) process, e.g. retrieving and summarizing Videokeratography, Computer-assisted Morphing (Computer animation) performance records and curriculum files, are entered BT Cornea—Examination Ray tracing algorithms under Computer managed instruction. Medical cinematography Rigging (Computer animation) UF CAI (Computer-assisted instruction) Computer attacks — Standards (May Subd Geog) Computer-aided instruction USE Cyberterrorism NT X3D (Standard) Computer-assisted learning Computer based instruction Computer audits Computer animation evidence Computer-enhanced learning USE Auditing—Data processing USE Computer-generated simulations as evidence Electronic data processing in programmed Electronic data processing—Auditing instruction Computer anxiety (May Subd Geog) ILSs (Integrated learning systems) Computer-augmented reality Here are entered works on fear of computers and Integrated learning systems USE Augmented reality Microcomputer-aided instruction computer technology and on anxiety over learning Microcomputer-assisted instruction Computer aviation computer skills. Microcomputer-assisted learning USE Computer flight games Microcomputer-based instruction UF Computer phobia Teaching—Data processing Computer baseball games (May Subd Geog) Computerphobia BT Baseball BT Education—Data processing Computer games BT Anxiety Educational technology Phobias Programmed instruction Computer-based conferencing Telematics USE Computer conferencing Computer architecture [QA76.9.A73] SA subdivision Computer-assisted instruction Computer-based information systems Here are entered works on the logical structure under topical headings, e.g. Chemistry-- USE Information storage and retrieval systems Computer-assisted instruction and Management information systems that determines the way a computer executes subdivisions Computer-assisted instruction, programs. Works on the way a computer is Computer-assisted instruction for foreign Computer based instruction constructed to implement its architecture, including speakers, and Computer-assisted instruction USE Computer-assisted instruction what components are used and how they are for French, [Spanish, etc.] speakers under connected, are entered under Computer organization. individual languages, e.g. English language- Computer-based multimedia information systems Works on the design of computer hardware and -Computer-assisted instruction USE Multimedia systems circuitry are entered under Computer engineering. NT Intelligent tutoring systems Computer-based records UF Architecture, Computer LEKTOR (Computer system) USE Electronic records NT COM (Computer architecture) Mathematical statistics—Computer-assisted instruction Computer-brain interfaces Computer arithmetic PLATO (Electronic computer system) USE Brain-computer interfaces Computer network architectures Study Island (Computer system) Computing platforms TICCIT (Computer system) Computer bulletin boards (May Subd Geog) CORBA (Computer architecture) Web-based instruction [QA76.9.B84 (Computer science)] CUDA (Computer architecture) [ZA4390 (Information resources)] DCOM (Computer architecture) — Authoring programs Here are entered works on services that allow a Federated Management Architecture [LB1028.66] (Computer architecture) Here are entered works on computer programs computer user to post messages to, and read IA-64 (Computer architecture) messages from, a group of people who have a IBM Systems Application Architecture that allow the user, with relatively little expertise, to common interest, via a dedicated telephone line MIPS (Computer architecture) create customized computer programs for established for the purpose. Works on services, MMIX (Computer architecture) educational purposes. commonly called newsgroups and LISTSERV lists, Plug and play (Computer architecture) that allow a computer user to post messages to, and RMI (Computer architecture) UF Authoring programs for computer-assisted read messages from, a group of people who have a SIMD (Computer architecture) instruction common interest, usually by means of the Internet, a Computer arithmetic commercial online service, or electronic mail are [QA76.9.C62] BT Computer managed instruction entered under Electronic discussion groups. Works Here are entered works on machine arithmetic Computer programs on services that allow a person, using a computer, to theories and hardware arithmetic functions engage in an actual \"conversation\" with other people associated with modern digital computers. NT ALT Authoring System (Computer system) in real time are entered under Online chat groups. — Computer programs UF Digital arithmetic — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) UF BBSs (Computer bulletin boards) Digital computer arithmetic Bulletin board systems (Computers) BT Educational law and legislation Electronic bulletin boards BT Arithmetic — Programming (May Subd Geog) Computer architecture BT Social media [LB1028.65] RT Electronic discussion groups NT Binary-coded decimal system BT Computer programming Binary system (Mathematics) Computer-assisted learning Online chat groups Computer arithmetic and logic units USE Computer-assisted instruction NT PharmNet (Information retrieval system) Floating-point arithmetic Computer assisted logic design — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) USE Logic design—Data processing — Telephone directories Computer arithmetic and logic units Computer-Assisted Maintenance Planning and Control UF Arithmetic and logic units, Computer System BT Telephone—Directories BT Computer arithmetic USE CAMCOS System Computer camps (May Subd Geog) Electronic digital computers—Circuits Computer Assisted Makeup and Imaging System USE CAMIS System [QA76.33] Computer art (May Subd Geog) Computer-assisted neurosurgery (May Subd Geog) BT Camps [N7433.8-N7433.85 (Visual arts)] [RD593.5] [TT869.5 (Handicraft)] UF Computerized neurosurgery Electronic data processing—Study and Here are entered works on art produced by using BT Computer-assisted surgery teaching Nervous system—Surgery Microcomputers—Study and teaching computers as an artistic medium. Works on the Computer-assisted orthopedic surgery Computer capacity relationship between computers and traditional hand- (May Subd Geog) [QA76.9.C63] produced art, including the influence of computers on [RD752] UF Capacity, Computer such art, are entered under Art and computers. UF CAOS (Surgery) BT Electronic data processing Computerized orthopedic surgery Computer cartography UF Art, Computer BT Computer-assisted surgery USE Digital mapping Computer craft Orthopedic surgery Computer centers Digital art [Former heading] Computer-assisted psychotherapy (May Subd Geog) USE Computation laboratories [RC489.D35] Data processing service centers BT New media art UF Computer-aided psychotherapy Electronic data processing departments NT Augmented reality art BT Psychotherapy—Data processing Computer checkers (May Subd Geog) Computer-assisted reporting (May Subd Geog) [GV1464] Computer graphics UF CAR (Computer-assisted reporting) UF Checkers—Data processing Electronic mail art BT Reporters and reporting BT Checkers Glitch art Computer-assisted surgery (May Subd Geog) Computer chess (May Subd Geog) Painting—Digital techniques UF Computer-aided surgery [GV1449.3] Stereograms Image-guided surgery UF Chess—Data processing [Former heading] Computer artists (May Subd Geog) BT Surgery BT Chess UF Digital artists NT Computer-assisted neurosurgery — Tournaments (May Subd Geog) BT Artists Computer-assisted orthopedic surgery Computer-assisted design UF Tournaments, Computer chess USE Computer-aided design BT Contests Computer-assisted filmmaking Computer chips USE Computer animation USE Integrated circuits Computer-assisted instruction (May Subd Geog) Computer circuits [LB1028.5-LB1028.7] USE Computers—Circuits Here are entered works on an automated method Computer code, Malicious of instruction in which a student interacts directly with USE Malware (Computer software) C-562
Computer color graphics — Data processing BT Composition (Music) USE Color computer graphics NT CONLAN (Computer hardware description Music publishing language) Computer coloring of motion pictures Computer game music composition USE Colorization of motion pictures Computer engineers (May Subd Geog) USE Computer game music—Writing and publishing BT Engineers Computer communication systems NT Women computer engineers Computer game programming USE Computer networks USE Computer games—Programming Computer-enhanced learning Computer composition (Music) USE Computer-assisted instruction Computer games (May Subd Geog) BT Computer sound processing [GV1469.15-GV1469.25] Electronic composition Computer failures Here are entered works on games played on a USE Computer system failures Computer conferencing (May Subd Geog) computer. Works on the application of computers and [HF5734.7 (Business communication)] Computer fiction data processing techniques to games in general, UF Computer-based conferencing Here is entered fiction that is generated or including recording statistics, setting up tournaments, Conferencing, Computer etc., are entered under Games--Data processing. Desktop conferencing manipulated by computer algorithm. BT Business communication BT Application software Teleconferencing BT Computational linguistics Electronic games Fiction — Library applications (May Subd Geog) SA subdivision Computer games under subjects [Z674.75.W67] Computer file conversion NT Antagonists (Game) BT Telecommunication in libraries USE File conversion (Computer science) Balance of Power (Game) Computer conferencing in education (May Subd Geog) Computer file sharing (May Subd Geog) Carmen Sandiego (Game) [LB1044.875] UF Computer files—Sharing Computer adventure games BT Education Digital file sharing Computer baseball games Electronic file sharing Computer flight games Computer consultants File sharing, Computer Computer war games USE Electronic data processing consultants P2P file sharing Computer word games Peer-to-peer file sharing Counter-strike (Game) Computer contracts (May Subd Geog) Sharing, Computer file Harpoon Battlebook (Game) BT Contracts BT Peer-to-peer architecture (Computer networks) Medievalism in computer games NT Computer leases MicroLeague Baseball (Game) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) MicroLeague Football (Game) Computer control Computer files (May Subd Geog) Middle Ages in computer games USE Automation Mobile games UF Machine-readable data files [Former heading] Populous (Game) Computer controlled instruments Machine-readable files Quest for Glory (Game) USE Computerized instruments Railroad Tycoon (Game) BT Digital media Second Life (Game) Computer craft Files (Records) Simlife (Game) USE Computer art Super munchers (Game) NT Cataloging of computer files Timelost (Game) Computer crimes (May Subd Geog) Computer programs Ultima (Game) [HV6772-HV6773.3] Databases Women in computer games UF Computers and crime Geomatic files ZZT (Game) Cyber crimes Image files — Design Cybercrimes Text files Electronic crimes (Computer crimes) NT Level design (Computer science) Internet crimes — Conservation and restoration — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) BT Crime USE Digital preservation — Programming (May Subd Geog) RT Privacy, Right of NT Computer fraud — Conversion [QA76.76.C672] Computer viruses USE File conversion (Computer science) UF Computer game programming Cyberstalking Cyberterrorism — Copyright Game programming (Computer games) Hacktivism USE Copyright—Computer files BT Computer programming Internet abduction Computer games industry (May Subd Geog) Internet fraud — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) UF Computer game industry Online identity theft — Sharing BT Electronic games industry NT Mobile games industry — Investigation (May Subd Geog) USE Computer file sharing Computer geeks [HV8079.C65] Computer firewalls USE Geeks (Computer enthusiasts) UF Computer forensics Computer-generated animation Cyber forensics USE Firewalls (Computer security) USE Computer animation Cyberforensics Computer firmware Computer-generated metamorphosis Internet forensics USE Morphing (Computer animation) BT Criminal investigation [QA76.765] Computer-generated simulations as evidence UF Firmware, Computer (May Subd Geog) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) BT Computer programs UF Computer animation evidence [Former UF Computers—Law and Computer flight games (May Subd Geog) heading] legislation—Criminal provisions [TL712.8] Forensic animation evidence BT Criminal law UF Computer aviation Forensic computer-generated simulations as evidence Computer crimes (Islamic law) (May Subd Geog) Flight—Computer games BT Evidence, Expert BT Islamic law Flight games Computer graphics (May Subd Geog) BT Airplanes—Piloting—Computer simulation [N7433.8-N7433.85 (Art)] Computer department security measures Computer games [T385 (Technology)] USE Electronic data processing Flight simulators Here are entered general works on computer departments—Security measures Computer fonts (May Subd Geog) techniques and products used to create graphics for UF Fonts, Computer engineering and artistic purposes. Computer-directed trading (Securities) BT Type and type-founding USE Program trading (Securities) RT Font editors UF Automatic drafting NT Palemonas (Computer font) Graphic data processing Computer discovery (Law) PostScript fonts Graphics, Computer USE Electronic discovery (Law) TrueType fonts — Specimens BT Computer art Computer documentation Computer forensics Graphic arts USE Electronic data processing documentation USE Computer crimes—Investigation Electronic data processing Computer fraud (May Subd Geog) Engineering graphics Computer drawing [HV6773.15.C56] Image processing—Digital techniques Here are entered works on the use of computer BT Computer crimes Fraud NT Bit-mapped graphics drawing techniques to create artistic or engineering Computer furniture (May Subd Geog) Color computer graphics designs. [TT197.5.C65 (Woodworking)] Computer animation UF Furniture, Computer Computer drawing BT Computer graphics BT Furniture Digital incremental plotters Drawing Microcomputers—Equipment and supplies Digital video Image processing—Digital techniques Computer game industry DRAGON (Computer system) USE Computer games industry DSS/A (Computer system) — Special effects Computer game music (May Subd Geog) DSS/F (Computer system) UF Special effects (Computer drawing) UF Background music for computer games GIML (Computer program language) BT Music GRAIL (Electronic computer system) Computer engineering (May Subd Geog) Computer game music composition [TK7885-TK7895] USE Computer game music—Writing and publishing Here are entered works on the design of computer Computer game music — Writing and publishing (May Subd Geog) hardware and circuitry. Works on the logical structure that determines the way a computer executes UF Computer game music composition programs are entered under Computer architecture. Computer game music—Composition Works on the way a computer is constructed to implement its architecture, including what components are used and how they are connected, are entered under Computer organization. UF Computers—Design and construction C-563
Computer graphics (Continued) Electronic analog computers—Input-output — Law and legislation Graphics processing units equipment USE Computer leases GRASS (Electronic computer system) Electronic digital computers—Input-output HIRASP (Computer system) equipment Computer literacy (May Subd Geog) Icons (Computer graphics) Hardware, Computer [QA76.9.C64] Interactive computer graphics I/O equipment (Computers) Here are entered works on the ability to use and Layers (Computer graphics) Input equipment (Computers) Radiosity Input-output equipment (Computers) understand computers, including their capabilities, Rendering (Computer graphics) Output equipment (Computers) applications, and social implications, in order to ROBOCAR (Electronic computer system) BT Computer systems function effectively in a computer-based society. Texture mapping NT Analog-to-digital converters Three-dimensional modeling Computer interfaces UF Digital literacy Computer output microfilm Literacy, Computer — Computer programs Computer output microfilm devices — Equipment and supplies Computer output optical disk devices BT Technological literacy — Standards (May Subd Geog) Computer output optical disks — Examinations Computer peripherals NT GKS (Computer system) Computer printers NT European Computer Driving Licence Computer graphics equipment industry Computer storage devices International Computer Driving Licence Computer terminals (May Subd Geog) Computers—Optical equipment Computer logic [HD9696.C6-HD9696.C64] Data disk drives [QA76.9.L63] BT Computer industry Data tape drives UF Computer science logic Electronic data processing—Data preparation BT Logic, Symbolic and mathematical Computer graphics rendering Haptic devices USE Rendering (Computer graphics) Information display systems Computer malfunctions Input design, Computer USE Computer system failures Computer hackers Intel 8089 (Microprocessor) USE Hackers Interactive whiteboards Computer managed instruction (May Subd Geog) Keyboards (Electronics) [LB1028.46] Computer hacking Keypunches Here are entered works on the use of computers to USE Hacking Kinect (Programmable controller) Mice (Computers) assist teachers and administrators in coordinating the Computer hardware Modems instructional process, e.g. retrieving and summarizing USE Computer input-output equipment Punched card systems performance records and curriculum files. Works on Computers Reading machines (Data processing an automated method of instruction in which a equipment) student interacts directly with instructional materials Computer hardware description languages Speech synthesis stored in a computer are entered under Computer- [TK7885.7] Touch screens assisted instruction. UF Hardware description languages, Computer — Standards (May Subd Geog) Languages, Computer hardware description UF Teaching—Data processing BT Electronic digital computers—Design and NT InfiniBand (Standard) BT Education—Data processing construction—Data processing Computer insurance (May Subd Geog) NT Computer-assisted instruction—Authoring NT CONLAN (Computer hardware description language) [HG9963.5] programs ELLA (Computer hardware description UF Computer software insurance Computer mapping language) STREAM (Computer hardware description Insurance, Computer [Former heading] USE Cartography—Computer programs language) BT Insurance Digital mapping SystemVerilog (Computer hardware description Computer integrated manufacturing systems language) (May Subd Geog) Computer mathematics Verilog (Computer hardware description [TS155.63] USE Computer science—Mathematics language) UF CIM systems VHDL (Computer hardware description Computer-mediated communication language) Manufacturing, Computer integrated USE Telematics BT Computer-aided engineering Computer hardware Trojans Computer memory systems USE Hardware Trojans (Computers) Industrial engineering USE Computer storage devices RT Flexible manufacturing systems Computer-human interaction NT CAD/CAM systems Computer modeling USE Human-computer interaction USE Computer simulation Solid freeform fabrication Computer I/O equipment Computer interfaces (May Subd Geog) Computer models USE Computer input-output equipment USE Computer simulation [TK7887.5] Computer icons Here are entered works on the connections or links Computer monitors (May Subd Geog) USE Icons (Computer graphics) between two or more computer systems or devices. UF Monitors, Computer Works on the point at which a user interacts with a BT Computer terminals Computer industry (May Subd Geog) computer system, either directly through a terminal or Information display systems [HD9696.2-HD9696.82] indirectly through a data processing department, are NT Gateway 2000 computer monitors BT Electronic industries entered under User interfaces (Computer systems). Mag Innovision computer monitors NT Automatic data collection equipment industry Computer access control equipment industry UF Interfaces, Computer Computer multi-tasking Computer graphics equipment industry BT Computer input-output equipment USE Computer multitasking Computer printer industry Computer printer supplies industry Interface circuits Computer multitasking (May Subd Geog) Computer service industry NT Expansion boards (Microcomputers) UF Computer multi-tasking Computer storage device industry Concurrent processing (Computer science) Computer vision equipment industry Line drivers (Integrated circuits) Multi-tasking, Computer Cybercafes Line receivers (Integrated circuits) Multitasking (Computer science) [Former Data disk drives industry Microcomputers—Programmable peripheral heading] Data tape drives industry interfaces BT Electronic data processing Data transmission equipment industry Motherboards (Microcomputers) Internet industry — Standards (May Subd Geog) Computer music Metropolitan area network industry Here are entered musical works not in a specific Supercomputer industry NT Fibre Channel (Standard) Wide area networks industry IDE (Standard) form or of a specific type in which the sounds are IEEE 1394 (Standard) generated or altered using digital technology. — Customer services (May Subd Geog) NT Computer technical support Computer laboratories UF Electro-acoustic music USE Computation laboratories Electroacoustic music — Employees Music, Computer NT Electronic data processing personnel Computer language for aeronautics and space English language—Conversation and programming BT Music phrase books (for computer industry USE CLASP (Computer program language) RT Electronic music employees) SA headings for forms and types of music that Women computer industry employees Computer languages USE Programming languages (Electronic include \"computer\" or \"computers\" and — Public relations (May Subd Geog) computers) headings with medium of performance that UF Public relations—Computer industry include \"computer\" or \"computers\" [Former heading] Computer leases (May Subd Geog) NT Glitch music [HF5548.6] Computer network architectures Computer input design UF Computer leases—Law and legislation [TK5105.52-TK5105.525] USE Input design, Computer BT Computer contracts UF Architectures, Computer network RT Data processing service centers Network architectures, Computer Computer input-output equipment (May Subd Geog) BT Industrial equipment leases BT Computer architecture [TK7887.5-TK7887.8] NT DECnet (Computer network architecture) UF Computer hardware Open Document Architecture (Computer Computer I/O equipment network standard) Computers—Input-output equipment Peer-to-peer architecture (Computer networks) Service-oriented architecture (Computer science) SNA (Computer network architecture) TINA (Telecommunication system) Computer network protocols (May Subd Geog) [TK5105.55] UF Protocols, Computer network C-564
BT Computer networks Computer communication systems Computer operating systems NT Agreement protocols (Computer network Data networks, Computer USE Operating systems (Computers) ECNs (Electronic communication networks) protocols) Electronic communication networks Computer organization BGP (Computer network protocol) Networks, Computer [QA76.9.C643] CGI (Computer network protocol) Teleprocessing networks Here are entered works on the way a computer is EIGRP (Computer network protocol) BT Data transmission systems End-to-End Negotiation Protocol (Computer Digital communications constructed to implement its architecture, including network protocol) Electronic systems what components are used and how they are Fieldbus (Computer network protocols) Information networks connected. Works on the logical structure that FlexRay (Computer network protocol) Telecommunication determines the way a computer executes programs HART field communications protocol RT Cyberinfrastructure are entered under Computer architecture. Works on (Computer network protocol) Electronic data processing—Distributed the design of computer hardware and circuitry are Host Identity Protocol (Computer network processing entered under Computer engineering. protocol) Network computers HTTP (Computer network protocol) SA subdivision Computer networks under subjects UF Organization, Computer Internet Protocol multimedia subsystem NT Ad hoc networks (Computer networks) BT Electronic digital computers IPSec (Computer network protocol) Bridges (Computer networks) Computer output laser disks iSCSI (Computer network protocol) Computer network protocols USE Computer output optical disks Jabber (Computer network protocol) DDLCN (Computer system) Computer output microfilm (May Subd Geog) JXTA (Computer network protocol) E-speak (Computer network technology) [TK7887.8.C6] L2TP (Computer network protocol) Electronic villages (Computer networks) UF COM (Computer output microfilm) LDAP (Computer network protocol) End-to-end delay (Computer networks) BT Computer input-output equipment Manufacturing Automation Protocol GE Mark III (Electronic computer system) MPLS standard Hypercube networks (Computer networks) Microfilms Multiple access protocols (Computer network Internet of things — Format protocols) Internetworking (Telecommunication) Network File System (Computer network Local area networks (Computer networks) UF Format of computer output microfilm protocol) Metropolitan area networks (Computer Computer output microfilm devices Network Time Protocol (Computer network networks) protocol) Multicasting (Computer networks) [TK7887.8.C6] Open Data Protocol National Geographic Society Kids Network UF Microfilm devices, Computer output Open Shortest Path First (Computer network (Computer network) BT Computer input-output equipment protocol) Network Access Machine (Computer) OpenFlow (Computer network protocol) Personal area networks (Computer networks) Computers—Optical equipment PPP (Computer network protocol) Push technology (Computer networks) Micrographics RADIUS (Computer network protocol) Quality of service (Computer networks) Computer output optical disk devices (May Subd Geog) Routing protocols (Computer network Re.Ca.S. (Computer network) UF Optical disk devices, Computer output protocols) Software-defined networking (Computer BT Computer input-output equipment SCAP (Computer network protocol) network technology) Optical storage devices Session Initiation Protocol (Computer network Storage area networks (Computer networks) Computer output optical disks (May Subd Geog) protocol) Value-added networks (Computer networks) UF COLD (Computer output laser disks) SET (Computer network protocol) Wide area networks (Computer networks) Computer output laser disks Simple Network Management Protocol Wireless sensor networks BT Computer input-output equipment (Computer network protocol) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Optical disks Simple Object Access Protocol (Computer Computer painting network protocol) UF Cyberspace—Law and legislation USE Painting—Digital techniques Stream Control Transmission Protocol — Management Computer peripherals (May Subd Geog) (Computer network protocol) UF Peripheral computer devices TCP/IP (Computer network protocol) NT Computer networks—Monitoring Peripheral computer equipment WHOIS (Computer network protocol) Routing (Computer network management) Peripheral devices (Computers) WinSock (Computer network protocol) Peripheral equipment (Computers) Wireless Application Protocol (Computer — Monitoring (May Subd Geog) Peripherals, Computer network protocol) [TK5105.5485] BT Computer input-output equipment X Network Filing System (Computer network UF Monitoring of computer networks NT Microcomputers—Programmable peripheral protocol) Network monitoring (Computer networks) interfaces Xpress Transfer Protocol (Computer network BT Computer networks—Management PCMCIA cards (Microcomputers) protocol) Computer phobia Z39.50 (Standard) — Remote access (May Subd Geog) USE Computer anxiety Computer network publishing [TK5105.597] Computer poetry USE Network publishing (Computer networks) UF Network remote access BT Computational linguistics Computer network resources (May Subd Geog) Remote access networking Poetry Here are entered works on computer network Remote access networks — Computer programs resources available for research in various fields. — Technique Works on using the Internet to conduct research are — Scalability (May Subd Geog) entered under Internet research. Works on using UF Scalability of computer networks [PN1059.C] various Internet tools and search engines effectively BT Poetics to find information are entered under Internet — Security measures (May Subd Geog) Computer printer (Musical medium of performance) searching. [TK5105.59] USE headings for musical compositions containing UF Computer network security the words \"computer printer\" or \"computer UF Internet resources Network security, Computer printers\" as a medium of performance, e.g., Remote access electronic resources Security of computer networks Computer printer music Remote electronic resources BT Computer security Computer printer industry (May Subd Geog) Resources, Computer network SA subdivision Computer networks--Security BT Computer industry measures under subjects Printing supplies industry BT Electronic information resources NT Byzantine agreement protocols (Computer Computer printer music (May Subd Geog) RT Uniform Resource Identifiers network protocols) Here are entered compositions not in a specific SA subdivision Computer network resources under Firewalls (Computer security) form or of a specific type consisting of sounds Intrusion detection systems (Computer produced by computer printers, and collections of subjects security) such compositions in several forms or types. NT AskA services IPSec (Computer network protocol) Key agreement protocols (Computer SA headings for forms and types of music that Cataloging of computer network resources network protocols) include \"computer printer\" or \"computer Electronic reference services (Libraries) RADIUS (Computer network protocol) printers\" and headings with medium of FTP sites SET (Computer network protocol) performance that include \"computer printer\" Girls' computer network resources or \"computer printers\" Gopher sites — Standards (May Subd Geog) RSS feeds NT ASN.1 (Standard) Computer printer supplies industry (May Subd Geog) Web sites CEBus (Computer network standard) [HD9696.C6-HD9696.C64] Women's computer network resources OSI (Computer network standard) BT Computer industry — Directories — — United States Computer printers (May Subd Geog) UF Webliographies NT GOSIP (Computer network standard) [TK7887.7] Computer network security UF Printers, Computer — Workload (May Subd Geog) Printers (Data processing systems) [Former USE Computer networks—Security measures UF Workload of computer networks heading] Computer networks (May Subd Geog) BT Computer input-output equipment Computer numerical control of machine-tools Printing machinery and supplies [TK5105.5-TK5105.9] USE Machine-tools—Numerical control NT Apple printers UF Communication systems, Computer Color computer printers Computer olympiads Epson printers USE Olympiads (Computers) IBM printers Nonimpact printers C-565
Computer printers (Continued) Structured programming — Termination Okidata printers Systems programming (Computer science) [QA76.76.T47] Star printers Table manipulation (Computer science) UF Program termination (Electronic data Visual programming (Computer science) processing) — Upgrading (May Subd Geog) — Computer-assisted instruction Termination of computer programs UF Upgrading of computer printers — Management BT Electronic data processing Computer privacy UF Computer programming management — Testing USE Computer security [Former heading] UF Computer program testing Programming management (Electronic RT Debugging in computer science Computer program files computers) NT Execution traces (Computer program USE Computer programs testing) NT SAGA (Computer system) Mutation testing of computer programs Computer program languages — Vocational guidance (May Subd Geog) USE Programming languages (Electronic Computer programming languages — Tournaments computers) USE Programming languages (Electronic NT Olympiads (Computers) Computer program maintenance computers) — Validation (May Subd Geog) USE Software maintenance Computer programming management UF Validation of computer programs Validation of software Computer program optimization USE Computer programming—Management USE Program transformation (Computer Computer programs — Verification (May Subd Geog) programming) UF Verification of computer programs Here are entered works limited to computer Computer program testing programs. General works on computer programs Computer prose USE Computer programs—Testing accompanied by documentation such as manuals, UF Prose, Computer diagrams and operating instructions, etc. are entered BT Computational linguistics Computer program transformation under Computer software. Prose literature USE Program transformation (Computer programming) UF Computer program files — Computer programs Files, Computer program Computer-related services industry Computer programmers (May Subd Geog) Program files, Computer [HD8039.D37] Programs, Computer USE Computer service industry UF Programmers, Computer Computer reliability BT Electronic data processing personnel BT Computer files NT Hackers Computer software USE Computers—Reliability Women computer programmers Computer reservations systems SA subdivision Computer programs under topical — Credits headings; and uniform titles of individual USE Reservation systems UF Credits of computer programmers computer programs Computer scheduling (May Subd Geog) NT Easter eggs (Computer programs) NT Cataloging of computer programs UF Electronic data processing—Scheduling Computer programming (May Subd Geog) Cataloging of microcomputer software Processor scheduling (Electronic data [QA76.6-QA76.66] Compilers (Computer programs) processing) UF Computers—Programming Computer-assisted instruction—Authoring Scheduling of electronic data processing Electronic computer programming programs Electronic data processing—Programming Computer firmware BT Production scheduling [Former heading] Coroutines (Computer programs) RT Time-sharing computer systems Electronic digital computers—Programming Decompilers (Computer programs) NT Affinity scheduling [Former heading] Device drivers (Computer programs) Programming (Electronic computers) [Former Disassemblers (Computer programs) Parallel scheduling (Computer scheduling) heading] DVD-Video discs—Authoring programs Computer science (May Subd Geog) BT Electronic data processing Easter eggs (Computer programs) RT Coding theory Emulators (Computer programs) [QA75.5-QA76.9] SA subdivision Programming under types of Generators (Computer programs) Here are entered works discussing collectively that computers, microprocessors, etc.; and under Install programs (Computer programs) group of disciplines which deal with general theory names of individual computers, Interpreters (Computer programs) and application of computers. microprocessors, etc., e.g. Microcomputers-- Linkers (Computer programs) Programming; IBM Personal Computer-- Loaders (Computer programs) UF Informatics Programming Macro instructions (Electronic computers) BT Science NT Aspect-oriented programming Object-oriented programs (Computer NT Geoinformatics Automatic differentiation programs) Automatic programming (Computer science) Parallel programs (Computer programs) Reversible computing Backtrack programming Selling—Computer programs Semantic computing Common Language Runtime (Computer Source code (Computer science) Soft errors (Computer science) science) Subroutines (Computer programs) Women in computer science Computer-assisted instruction—Programming Teleprocessing monitors (Computer programs) — Bibliography Computer games—Programming Text editors (Computer programs) Constraint programming (Computer science) Threads (Computer programs) RT Computer science literature Declarative programming Translators (Computer programs) — Digital libraries (May Subd Geog) Evolutionary programming (Computer science) Utilities (Computer programs) eXtreme programming BT Digital libraries Functional programming (Computer science) — Catalogs — Mathematics Generative programming (Computer science) USE Computer software—Catalogs Generic programming (Computer science) [QA76.9.M35] Genetic programming (Computer science) — Correctness Here are entered works on those mathematical Hacking UF Correctness of computer programs topics essential to the study of electronic data Imperative programming Program correctness (Computer science) processing and computer science. Works on the Internet programming BT Debugging in computer science use of electronic data processing and computers in Intranet programming Logic, Symbolic and mathematical mathematics are entered under Mathematics--Data Libraries—Computer programs—Customizing processing. Logic programming — Debugging Machine-tools—Numerical USE Debugging in computer science UF Computer mathematics control—Programming Discrete mathematics Macroprogramming — Execution (May Subd Geog) Electronic data processing—Mathematics Memory maps (Computer science) UF Execution of computer programs [Former heading] Microprogramming Program execution (Electronic data Modular programming processing) NT Finite model theory Multiparadigm programming (Computer Running of computer programs — Vocational guidance (May Subd Geog) science) BT Electronic data processing Multiprogramming (Electronic computers) [QA76.25] Object-oriented programming (Computer — — Management UF Computers—Vocational guidance [Former science) NT Computational steering (Computer Parallel programming (Computer science) science) heading] Program transformation (Computer Procedure calls (Computer Computer science literature (May Subd Geog) programming) programming) Real-time programming Process migration (Electronic data BT Scientific literature Robots—Programming processing) RT Computer science—Bibliography Rule-based programming Computer science logic Search engines—Programming — Maintenance USE Computer logic Software compatibility USE Software maintenance Computer scientists (May Subd Geog) Software maintenance BT Scientists Storage fragmentation (Computer science) — Mutation testing NT Quantitative analysts USE Mutation testing of computer programs Women computer scientists — Pirated editions (May Subd Geog) Computer searching UF Bootleg computer programs Pirated computer programs USE Electronic information resource searching BT Piracy (Copyright) Computer security (May Subd Geog) [QA76.9.A25] Here are entered general works on protecting computer hardware and software from accidental or malicious access, use, modification, disclosure, or destruction. UF Computer privacy Computer system security Computer systems—Security measures C-566
Computers—Security measures under Computer programs. UF Software verification Cyber security Verification of software Cybersecurity UF Software, Computer Electronic digital computers—Security BT Computer systems — Architecture measures SA subdivision Software under subjects USE Software architecture Security of computer systems NT Acquisition of computer software BT Data protection Computer software configuration management Security systems Application software USE Software configuration management RT Hacking Bachman software SA subdivision Security measures under names of Children's software Computer software developers (May Subd Geog) individual computers, networks, and CLEMMA (Computer system) BT Electronic data processing personnel systems, e.g. IBM computers--Security Communications software measures Component software Computer software documentation NT Anomaly detection (Computer security) Computer programs USE Software documentation CAPTCHA (Challenge-response test) Electronic data processing documentation Computer networks—Security measures Free computer software Computer software engineering Computers—Access control Groupware (Computer software) USE Software engineering Cyber intelligence (Computer security) IBM software Data encryption (Computer science) Informix software Computer software ergonomics Database security Integrated software USE Computer software—Human factors Digital libraries—Access control Interactive multimedia Electronic information resources—Access Malware (Computer software) Computer software industry (May Subd Geog) control Master graphics software [HD9696.63-HD9696.65] Local area networks (Computer Microsoft software BT Computer service industry networks)—Security measures Middleware NT Computer value-added resellers Penetration testing (Computer security) Novell software Internet software industry Public key infrastructure (Computer security) Open source software — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) PeopleSoft software — Customer services (May Subd Geog) — Standards (May Subd Geog) PFS software NT Software support Programming software NT Common Data Security Architecture SCO software Computer software insurance (Computer security standard) Self-adaptive software USE Computer insurance SCAP (Computer network protocol) Shareware (Computer software) Systems software Computer software measurement Computer security equipment industry Text-to-speech software USE Software measurement (May Subd Geog) Workflow management systems [HD9696.C6-HD9696.C64] — Accounting Computer software piracy BT Security systems industry USE Software piracy [HF5681.C57] Computer service centers — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Computer software protection USE Data processing service centers — Architecture USE Software protection Computer service industry (May Subd Geog) USE Software architecture Computer software reengineering [HD9696.67-HD9696.76] — Catalogs USE Software reengineering UF Computer-related services industry BT Computer industry UF Computer programs—Catalogs Computer sorting Service industries — Compatibility USE Sorting (Electronic computers) RT Computer technical support NT Computer software industry USE Software compatibility Computer sound processing (May Subd Geog) Computer value-added resellers — Design UF Sound processing, Computer Data processing service centers BT Electronic digital computers Online information services industry USE Software architecture Sound—Recording and reproducing—Digital — Development (May Subd Geog) techniques Computer sex (May Subd Geog) NT Computational auditory scene analysis UF Cyber sex [QA76.76.D47] Computer composition (Music) Cyber sexing UF Development of computer software Digital audio editors Cybersex MP3 players Internet sex Software development Sampling (Sound) On-line sex NT Agile software development Sound cards (Computers) Online sex BT Sex B method (Computer science) Computer specialists in libraries (May Subd Geog) Cross-platform software development [Z682.4.C64] — Religious aspects Model-driven software architecture UF Library computer specialists — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] POLYP (Computer system) Library technology specialists Computer shorthand Scrum (Computer software development) BT Libraries USE Stenotypy Software patterns Computer simulation (May Subd Geog) Software product line engineering Computer storage device industry (May Subd Geog) SysML (Computer science) [HD9696.C6-HD9696.C64] [QA76.9.C65] UML (Computer science) BT Computer industry Here are entered works on computer-based — Failures NT Smart card industry simulation of systems and processes, involving the USE Software failures formulation of a mathematical model, its conversion — Human factors (May Subd Geog) Computer storage devices (May Subd Geog) into a computer program, and execution of [QA76.76.H85] [TK7895.M4] experiments with the computerized model for the UF Computer software ergonomics UF Computer memory systems understanding, evaluation, or design modification of Human factors in computer software Computers—Memory systems the system or process of interest. Human factors in software Computers—Storage devices Software ergonomics Electronic digital computers—Memory systems UF Computer modeling BT Human engineering Storage devices, Computer Computer models — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) BT Computer input-output equipment Modeling, Computer — Maintenance RT Memory management (Computer science) Models, Computer USE Software maintenance SA subdivision Memory systems under names of Simulation, Computer — Products liability individual computers, e.g. Besm computer-- USE Products liability—Computer software Memory systems BT Electromechanical analogies — Quality control NT Associative storage Mathematical models — — Standards (May Subd Geog) Buffer storage (Computer science) Simulation methods — Refactoring Cache memory USE Software refactoring Cathode ray tube memory systems RT Model-integrated computing — Reusability (May Subd Geog) Counters (Computer science) SA subdivision Computer simulation under topical [QA76.76.R47] Disk access (Computer science) UF Reusability of software Magnetic drums headings, e.g. Psychology--Computer Reusable code (Computer programs) Magnetic memory (Computers) simulation Software reusability Memory hierarchy (Computer science) NT Analog computer simulation BT Software reengineering Microfilm aperture card systems Digital computer simulation RT Generic programming (Computer science) Optical storage devices Hybrid computer simulation — Taxation (May Subd Geog) Punched card systems SERAS (Computer system) — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) RAID (Computer science) Virtual reality — Validation (May Subd Geog) Random access memory Computer software (May Subd Geog) [QA76.76.V47] Read-only memory [QA76.75-QA76.765] UF Software validation Registers (Computers) Here are entered general works on computer Validation of software Semiconductor storage devices programs accompanied by documentation such as — Verification (May Subd Geog) Smart cards manuals, diagrams and operating instructions, etc. [QA76.76.V47] Storage fragmentation (Computer science) Works limited to computer programs are entered Virtual storage (Computer science) Computer-stored bibliographic data USE Machine-readable bibliographic data Computer stores (May Subd Geog) [HD9696.2] UF Stores, Computer BT Specialty stores C-567
Computer-supported cooperative work Transaction systems (Computer systems) Value-added resellers, Computer USE Teams in the workplace—Data processing Turnkey computer systems VARs (Computer resellers) UCSD Pascal Software System (Computer BT Computer service industry Computer system conversion (May Subd Geog) system) Computer software industry [QA76.9.C68] Violent Crime Linkage Analysis System Computer viruses (May Subd Geog) UF Computer systems—Conversion (Computer system) [QA76.76.C68] Conversion, Computer system Virtual computer systems UF Software viruses Conversion of computer systems WISPER (Computer system) Viruses, Computer System conversion (Computer science) ZCPR3 (Computer system) BT Computer crimes BT Electronic data processing — Conversion Malware (Computer software) USE Computer system conversion Computer vision (May Subd Geog) Computer system failures (May Subd Geog) — Failures [TA1634] [QA76.9.F34] USE Computer system failures UF Machine vision UF Computer failures — Security measures Vision, Computer Computer malfunctions USE Computer security BT Artificial intelligence Computer systems—Failures — Verification (May Subd Geog) Image processing Failure of computer systems RT Pattern recognition systems BT System failures (Engineering) UF Verification of computer systems NT Robot vision RT Fault-tolerant computing Computer systems software Computer vision equipment industry (May Subd Geog) NT Software failures BT Computer industry USE Systems software Computer vision in medicine (May Subd Geog) Computer system security Computer technical support (May Subd Geog) [R859.7.C67] USE Computer security BT Medicine [QA76.9.T43] Computer vision syndrome (May Subd Geog) Computer systems (May Subd Geog) UF Support, Computer technical UF CVS (Computer vision syndrome) [QA75.5-QA76.95] BT Syndromes UF ADP systems (Computer systems) Technical support, Computer Vision disorders Computing systems BT Computer industry—Customer services Computer war games (May Subd Geog) BT Electronic systems RT Computer service industry [U310] RT Cyberinfrastructure NT Software support UF Video war games NT Adaptive computing systems Computer technicians (May Subd Geog) War—Computer games ANSYS (Computer system) UF Computer technologists BT Computer games APL PLUS System (Computer system) BT Electronic data processing personnel War—Computer simulation ASCS (Computer system) War games BURSAR (Computer system) Electronic technicians — Computer programs C-BIMS (Computer system) Computer technologists CADS (Computer system) UF War games—Computer programs CCRMMS (Computer system) USE Computer technicians [Former heading] CHEMCAST (Computer system) Computer terminals CIP-S (Computer system) Computer word games (May Subd Geog) Computational grids (Computer systems) [TK7887.8.T4] BT Computer games Computer input-output equipment UF Data terminals (Computers) Word games Computer software Computers Terminals, Computer Computerized accounting systems DBS/R (Computer system) Terminals, Data (Computers) USE Accounting—Data processing DEPTH (Computer system) BT Computer input-output equipment DILOS (Computer system) NT Computer monitors Computerized acquisitions systems DRAGON (Computer system) Video display terminals USE Acquisitions (Libraries)—Automation DSS/A (Computer system) — Batch terminals DSS/F (Computer system) Computerized adaptive testing Edinburgh LCF (Computer system) [TK7887.8.T4] USE Computer adaptive testing ELLPACK (Computer system) UF Batch terminals Embedded computer systems Computerized auditing EP-2 (Computer system) Terminals, Batch USE Auditing—Data processing EPICURE (Computer system) — Intelligent terminals ESER (Computer system) Computerized Continuous Remote Mine Monitoring Etap-2 (Computer system) [TK7887.8.T4] System (Computer system) Expert systems (Computer science) UF Intelligent terminals USE CCRMMS (Computer system) FIRS (Computer system) Genstat (Computer system) Terminals, Intelligent Computerized emission tomography GLAS (Computer system) — Interactive terminals USE Tomography, Emission GRAIL (Electronic computer system) HAMPAS (Computer system) [TK7887.8.T4] Computerized instruments (May Subd Geog) Heterogeneous distributed computing systems UF Interactive terminals UF Computer controlled instruments HYDRA/C.mmp (Computer system) Instruments, Computerized ICES (Electronic computer system) Terminals, Interactive BT Electronic instruments IDA (Computer system) BT Interactive computer systems NT Portable computerized instruments INDIOS (Computer system) — Remote batch terminals Information storage and retrieval systems [TK7887.8.T4] Computerized knowledge assessment Integrated library systems (Computer systems) UF Remote batch terminals (Electroencephalography) Interactive computer systems USE Brain fingerprinting Interdepartmental Meteorological Data Terminals, Remote batch Exchange System (Computer system) BT Electronic data processing—Remote batch Computerized Library Advanced Package Little Smalltalk (Computer system) USE CLAP (Information retrieval system) MAPPER (Computer system) processing MAS (Computer system) — Remote terminals Computerized neurosurgery MDS (Computer system) USE Computer-assisted neurosurgery MELTS (Computer system) [TK7887.8.T4] MIDAS (Computer system) UF Remote terminals Computerized orthopedic surgery MIDIM (Computer system) USE Computer-assisted orthopedic surgery Mobile agent systems Terminals, Remote Onnara BPS (Computer system) Computer theft (May Subd Geog) Computerized reservation systems PAD (Computer system) USE Reservation systems PDS (Computer system) Here are entered works on the theft of computer PLATOFORM (Computer system) hardware. Computerized Resources Information Bank PLESSEY 250 (Computer system) USE CRIB (Information retrieval system) Plexus II (Computer system) BT Theft POLYP (Computer system) Computer timesharing Computerized self-help devices for people with PROCSY (Computer system) disabilities (May Subd Geog) SIMATIC S3 (Computer system) USE Time-sharing computer systems [HV1569.5] SIMATIC S5 (Computer system) Computer translating UF Computerized self-help devices for the SIMATIC S7 (Computer system) handicapped [Former heading] SUMEX-AIM (Computer system) USE Machine translating BT Self-help devices for people with disabilities SUSY (Computer system) Computer typesetting NT Voice output communication aids Thoth (Computer system) Time-sharing computer systems USE Computerized typesetting Computerized self-help devices for the handicapped Computer Unified Device Architecture (Computer USE Computerized self-help devices for people with disabilities architecture) USE CUDA (Computer architecture) Computerized serials systems Computer use wage premiums (May Subd Geog) USE Serials control systems—Automation UF Wage premiums for computer use Computerized tomography BT Wages USE Tomography RT Computer users Computer users (May Subd Geog) Computerized typesetting (May Subd Geog) UF Users of computers [Z253.3-Z253.4] BT Persons UF Automated typesetting RT Computer use wage premiums Computer typesetting NT Geeks (Computer enthusiasts) Computerized typesetting—Computer programs [Former heading] Hackers Typesetting—Computer programs Internet users Masqueraders (Computer users) Computer uses in education USE Education—Data processing Computer value-added resellers (May Subd Geog) UF Resellers, Computer value-added C-568
Typesetting—Data processing — Maintenance and repair UF Civilization and computers BT Typesetting NT United States. Navy—Data systems BT Civilization RT Word processing technicians Computers and college students (May Subd Geog) NT CAMIS System UF College students and computers — Memory systems BT College students LEFT (Computer program language) USE Computer storage devices Computers and crime MicroTex (Computer system) USE Computer crimes PAGE-1 (Electronic computer system) — Military applications Computers and families (May Subd Geog) ULTRA-X (Computer program language) USE Military art and science—Automation [QA76.9.F35] — Computer programs Military art and science—Data processing UF Computers and family [Former heading] USE Computerized typesetting Computerized videokeratography — Operating systems Families and computers USE Computer-assisted videokeratography USE Operating systems (Computers) BT Families Computerphobia Computers and family USE Computer anxiety — Optical equipment USE Computers and families Computers (May Subd Geog) BT Computer input-output equipment Computers and literacy (May Subd Geog) [QA75.5-QA76.95 (Mathematics)] Optoelectronic devices [LC149.5] [TK7885-TK7895 (Electrical engineering)] RT Optical data processing UF Literacy and computers Here are entered works on modern electronic NT Cathode ray tube memory systems BT Literacy computers first developed after 1945. Works on Computer output microfilm devices Computers and older people (May Subd Geog) present-day calculators, as well as on calculators and Information display systems UF Computers and the aged [Former heading] mechanical computers of pre-1945 vintage, are Light pens entered under Calculators. Optical character recognition devices Older people and computers Optical storage devices BT Older people UF Automatic computers Computers and people with disabilities Automatic data processors — Power supply (May Subd Geog) (May Subd Geog) Computer hardware [TK7895.P68] UF Computers and the handicapped [Former Computing machines (Computers) Electronic brains — Programming heading] Electronic calculating-machines [Former USE Computer programming People with disabilities and computers heading] BT People with disabilities Electronic computers — Reliability NT Assistive computer technology Hardware, Computer UF Computer reliability Computers and people with visual disabilities (May Subd Geog) BT Computer systems — Religious aspects UF Computers and the visually handicapped Cybernetics — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] [Former heading] Machine theory — Security measures People with visual disabilities and computers BT People with visual disabilities RT Calculators USE Computer security Computers and the aged Cyberspace — Selling USE Computers and older people Computers and the handicapped SA headings beginning with the word Computer USE Selling—Computers USE Computers and people with disabilities NT Airborne computers — Storage devices Computers and the visually handicapped USE Computers and people with visual disabilities Art and computers USE Computer storage devices Computers and women (May Subd Geog) Biocomputers — Study and teaching (May Subd Geog) [QA76.9.W65] Classification—Books—Computers — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Here are entered works on all aspects of women's Computation laboratories involvement with computers. Computers, Optical BT Educational law and legislation Computers, Pipeline — Tariff UF Women and computers Computers, Special purpose BT Women Dive computers USE Tariff on computers Computers as authors Electronic analog computers — Terminology USE Natural language generation (Computer Electronic data processing Electronic digital computers NT English language—Conversation and science) Fifth generation computers phrase books (for computer industry Computers in education Fluidic computers employees) Fourth generation computers USE Education—Data processing Hybrid computers — Valuation (May Subd Geog) Computers in libraries, Public access Machine matheḿ atique IRSIA-FNRS — Vocational guidance (Computer) USE Public access computers in libraries MIMD computers USE Computer science—Vocational guidance Computers in literature (Not Subd Geog) Quantum computers Computers, Density altitude Computers in medicine Reduced instruction set computers Single-board computers USE Density altitude computers USE Medicine—Data processing Used computers Computers, Direct data processing Computers in the theater (May Subd Geog) — Access control (May Subd Geog) USE Visible record computers [PN2091.C63] [QA76.9.A25] Computers, Electronic analog BT Theater BT Computer security Computers on a chip NT RADIUS (Computer network protocol) USE Electronic analog computers USE Microcontrollers Computers, Electronic digital Computers on postage stamps Software protection [HE6183.C647] — — Keystroke timing authentication USE Electronic digital computers BT Postage stamps Computers, Human Computing, Client/server [QA76.9.A25] USE Client/server computing UF Authentication by keystroke timing in USE Mental calculators Computing, Fault-tolerant Computers, Iterative circuit USE Fault-tolerant computing computer access control Computing, Quantum Keystroke timing authentication in USE Cellular automata USE Quantum computing computer access control Computers, Mechanical Computing and String-keeping Language (Computer — — Passwords program language) [QA76.9.A25] USE Calculators USE COMSKEE (Computer program language) UF Passwords in computer access control Computers, Optical Computing laboratories — Advertising USE Computation laboratories USE Advertising—Computers UF Optical computers Computing machines (Computers) — Circuits BT Computers USE Computers UF Computer circuits Computing platforms BT Electronic circuits Optical data processing UF Platforms, Computing NT Logic circuits Computers, Pipeline (May Subd Geog) BT Computer architecture — Defects (May Subd Geog) NT Microsoft Azure (Computing platform) NT Hardware Trojans (Computers) UF Pipeline computers — Design and construction BT Computers NetBeans (Computing platform) USE Computer engineering NI ELVIS (Computing platform) — Input-output equipment Electronic digital computers Proxmox (Computing platform) USE Computer input-output equipment Pipelining (Electronics) Roblox (Computing platform) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Computers, Portable ServiceNow (Computing platform) UF Cyberspace—Law and legislation USE Portable computers Computing systems — — Criminal provisions Computers, Special purpose USE Computer systems USE Computer crimes—Law and legislation UF Special purpose computers Computing tables BT Computers USE Ready-reckoners Computers, Visible record USE Visible record computers Computers (Musical medium of performance) USE headings for musical compositions containing the word \"computer\" as a medium of performance, e.g. Flute and computer music; Songs (High voice) with computer; Concertos (Saxophone and computer with chamber orchestra) Computers and art USE Art and computers Computers and children (May Subd Geog) [QA76.9.C659] UF Children and computers BT Children Computers and civilization [QA76.9.C66] C-569
Computus Conʻ̇ ʺ Conarty family USE Calendar USE Sauǹ g-gauk USE Conerty family Computus ecclesiasticus Con (Fictitious character : Arena) (Not Subd Geog) Conation USE Church calendar Con artists USE Will Comradeship USE Swindlers and swindling Conaty family USE Fellowship Cò̂n Cỏ̂ Nguạ̛ Site (Vietnam) USE Conerty family Comrey Personality Scales (May Subd Geog) BT Vietnam—Antiquities Conaway family [BF698.8.C66] Côn Đao̕ Island (Vietnam) USE Conway family BT Personality tests UF Con̂ Sơn Island (Vietnam) Conboy family (Not Subd Geog) Comrie Colliery (Scotland) BT Islands—Vietnam Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge (Wash.) BT Coal mines and mining—Scotland Con Duggan (Fictitious character) USE Duggan, Con (Fictitious character) BT National parks and reserves—Washington COMS (Manchester, England) Conʻ̇ ʺ kokʻ (State) USE City of Manchester Stadium (Manchester, USE Saùng-gauk Wildlife refuges—Washington (State) England) Con Lan (Southeast Asian people) USE Sedang (Southeast Asian people) Conca (Extinct city) COMSKEE (Computer program language) Con Moong Cave (Vietnam) USE Crustumium (Emilia-Romagna, Italy : Extinct UF Computing and String-keeping Language UF Hang Con Moong (Vietnam) city) (Computer program language) BT Caves—Vietnam BT Computational linguistics Conca de Barbará (Spain) Programming languages (Electronic Vietnam—Antiquities USE Conca de Barbará Region (Spain) computers) Con-nec-ti-cott River (N.Y.) Conca de Barbará Region (Spain) Comstach family USE Carmans River (N.Y.) UF Barberà de la Conca Region (Spain) USE Comstock family Con Pua (Vietnamese people) Comarca de Barberà de la Conca (Spain) Comarca de Conca de Barbará (Spain) Comstack family USE Xinh Mun (Vietnamese people) Comarca de Conca de Barberà (Spain) USE Comstock family Côn Sơn Island (Vietnam) Conca de Barbará (Spain) [Former heading] Conca de Barberà Region (Spain) Comstalk family USE Con̂ Đa̕o Island (Vietnam) BT Comarcas—Spain USE Comstock family Con-Tact (Trademark) Conca de Barberà Region (Spain) Comstock chairs USE Vinyl film, Self-adhesive USE Conca de Barbará Region (Spain) USE Adirondack chairs Con Thiè̂n Mountain (Vietnam) Conca del Fucino (Italy) Comstock family (Not Subd Geog) UF Núi Con Thiêǹ (Vietnam) USE Fucino Basin (Italy) UF Compstock family BT Mountains—Vietnam Comstach family Conable Post Office Building (Batavia, N.Y.) Conca d'Oro (Italy) Comstack family USE Barber Conable Post Office Building (Batavia, UF Oro, Conca d' (Italy) Comstalk family BT Plains—Italy Comstocke family N.Y.) Comstolk family Conaby Creek (N.C.) Conca Mountain (Italy) Cumstack family UF Monte Conca (Italy) Cumstick family UF Conalis Creek (N.C.) BT Mountains—Italy Conaly Creek (N.C.) Comstock Lode (Nev.) Coneby Creek (N.C.) Conca River (Italy) BT Gold mines and mining—Nevada Conoby Creek (N.C.) UF Fiume Conca (Italy) Silver mines and mining—Nevada BT Rivers—Italy BT Rivers—North Carolina Comstocke family Conacaste Conca River Valley (Italy) USE Comstock family UF Conca Valley (Italy) USE Enterolobium cyclocarpum BT Valleys—Italy Comstolk family Conah, Fort (Mont.) USE Comstock family Conca Valley (Italy) USE Fort Connah (Mont.) USE Conca River Valley (Italy) COMTAP (Information retrieval system) Conalcaea (May Subd Geog) UF OECD Compatible Trade and Production Data Conca'ac Indians Base [QL508.A2] USE Seri Indians BT Information storage and retrieval BT Grasshoppers systems—Commercial statistics Conaldy family Concani language Information storage and retrieval USE Connelly family USE Konkani language systems—Industrial statistics Conalis Creek (N.C.) USE Conaby Creek (N.C.) Concannon family Comte de Sevigny (Fictitious character) Conally family USE Kincannon family USE Crawford, Francis (Fictitious character) USE Connelly family Conals family Concas family (Not Subd Geog) Comté du Porhoeẗ (France) USE Connell family Concatenation, File (Statistics) USE Porhoeẗ Region (France) Conaly Creek (N.C.) USE Conaby Creek (N.C.) USE Statistical matching Comunale, Palazzo (Bologna, Italy) Conan family Concave functions USE Palazzo comunale (Bologna, Italy) USE Conant family Conan Flagg (Fictitious character) [QA353.C64] Comunale, Palazzo (Borgo San Lorenzo, Italy) USE Flagg, Conan (Fictitious character) UF Functions, Concave USE Palazzo comunale (Borgo San Lorenzo, Italy) Conan the Bacterium (Microorganism) BT Functions of real variables USE Deinococcus radiodurans Concealed carry of firearms (May Subd Geog) Comunale, Palazzo (Forli,̀ Italy) Conant Creek (Wyo. and Idaho) Here are entered works on the carrying of USE Palazzo comunale (Forli,̀ Italy) BT Rivers—Idaho concealed firearms. Comunale, Palazzo (Massarosa, Italy) Rivers—Wyoming UF Carrying concealed firearms USE Palazzo comunale (Massarosa, Italy) Conant family (Not Subd Geog) Concealed carrying of firearms Comunale teatro di Faenza (Faenza, Italy) UF Conan family BT Firearms USE Teatro comunale (Faenza, Italy) Connant family — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Comune, Torre del (Verona, Italy) Conanthalictus BT Safety regulations USE Torre dei Lamberti (Verona, Italy) [QL568.H3] Concealed carrying of firearms BT Halictidae Comune, Palazzo del (Bologna, Italy) NT Conanthalictus conanthi USE Concealed carry of firearms USE Palazzo comunale (Bologna, Italy) Conanthalictus dicksoni Concealed writing Comunero Revolution, 1721-1735 Conanthalictus conanthi (May Subd Geog) USE Writing, Invisible USE Paraguay—History—Revolution of the [QL568.H3] Concealment Comuneros, 1721-1735 BT Conanthalictus USE Secrecy Comunidades autoń omas (Spain) Conanthalictus dicksoni (May Subd Geog) Concealment (Criminal law) (May Subd Geog) USE Spanish autonomous communities [QL568.H3] BT Conanthalictus BT Criminal law Comunidades de base Conceiçaõ Aparecida, Nossa Senhora de USE Basic Christian communities Conard family USE Cunard family USE Aparecida, Nossa Senhora Comunidades eclesiais de base Conceiçaõ Lagoon (Brazil) USE Basic Christian communities Conaro family USE Conarroe family UF Lagoa da Conceição (Brazil) Comunidades eclesiales de base BT Lagoons—Brazil USE Basic Christian communities Conarroe family (Not Subd Geog) Concelebration UF Conaro family [BX2231.5 (Catholic Church)] Comunità montane Coneroe family BT Lord's Supper—Celebration USE Italian mountain communities Conoroe family Conro family Mass—Celebration COMUT (Information retrieval system) Conroe family Concengco family (Not Subd Geog) [Z699.5.S3] Conrow family Concentrated animal feeding operations UF Programa de Comutaçaõ Bibliográfica (Information retrieval system) USE Factory farms BT Information storage and retrieval Concentrated beverage syrups systems—Science Information storage and retrieval USE Drink concentrates systems—Technology Concentrated fruit juices (May Subd Geog) Comyn family UF Fruit juices, Concentrated [Former heading] USE Cummings family BT Drink concentrates Fruit juices C-570
NT Frozen concentrated apple juice Concentration camp inmates as musicians Hacienda La Concepción (Aguada, P.R.) Frozen concentrated orange juice (May Subd Geog) La Concepcioń Hacienda (Aguada, P.R.) BT Musicians BT Haciendas—Puerto Rico Concentrated milk (May Subd Geog) Concepcioń Mazaquiahuac Hacienda (Mexico) UF Milk, Concentrated [Former heading] Concentration camp inmates' writings (Not Subd Geog) UF Hacienda de la Concepcioń Mazaquiahuac Milk concentrates UF Writings of concentration camp inmates (Mexico) BT Milk BT Literature Hacienda Mazaquiahuac (Mexico) NT Condensed milk BT Haciendas—Mexico Evaporated milk Concentration camp prisoners Concepción Plaza (Mexico City, Mexico) USE Concentration camp inmates USE Plaza de la Conchita (Mexico City, Mexico) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Concept art BT Dairy laws Concentration camp tattoos (May Subd Geog) USE Conceptual art UF Concentration camp inmate identification Concept cars Concentrated study tattoos USE Experimental automobiles [LB1029.C55] BT Identification Concept formation UF Immersion technique (Education) Tattooing USE Concepts Intensive programs in education Concept learning Total immersion technique (Education) Concentration camp theater (May Subd Geog) [LB1062] BT Education—Experimental methods [D805.6.T44 (World War, 1939-1945)] BT Learning, Psychology of Project method in teaching BT Theater Concept mapping Study skills UF Mapping, Concept Concentration camps (May Subd Geog) BT Mappings (Mathematics) Concentrates, Drink UF Death camps Conception, Point (Calif.) USE Drink concentrates Detention camps UF Point Conception (Calif.) Extermination camps Pt. Conception (Calif.) Concentration, Industrial Internment camps BT Capes (Coasts)—California USE Industrial concentration BT Detention of persons Conception Military camps [QP251-QP281 (Reproduction)] Concentration, Stress SA names of individual concentration camps; and [RG133 (Gynecology)] USE Stress concentration subdivision Concentration camps under UF Fertilization, Human individual wars, e.g. World War, 1939-1945-- Human fertilization Concentration (Game) Concentration camps BT Fertility, Human [GV1295.C59] NT Concentration camp buildings Fertilization (Biology) UF Memory (Game) Ex-concentration camp inmates—Return visits Human reproduction Pairs (Game) to concentration camp sites RT Contraception Pelmanism (Game) Roll call squares (Concentration camps) NT Fertilization in vitro, Human BT Card games Pregnancy Matching games — Buildings — Date of USE Concentration camp buildings Concentration (Psychology) UF Conception—Time of USE Attention — Inmates Date of conception USE Concentration camp inmates Time of conception Concentration camp buildings (May Subd Geog) UF Concentration camps—Buildings — Officials and employees — Folklore BT Buildings NT Concentration camp commandants UF Conception (in religion, folklore, etc.) Concentration camps Concentration camp guards [Former heading] SA subdivision Buildings under names of individual concentration camps — Psychological aspects — Mythology (May Subd Geog) BT Prison psychology UF Conception (in religion, folklore, etc.) — Austria [Former heading] NT Block 20 (Mauthausen (Concentration — Argentina camp)) — Australia — Prevention — Austria USE Contraception — Germany — Belarus NT Block 36 (Buchenwald (Concentration — California — Religious aspects camp)) — Canada UF Conception (in religion, folklore, etc.) — Czechoslovakia [Former heading] — Poland — Denmark NT Block 10 (Auschwitz (Concentration — France — — Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.] camp)) — Germany — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] BW 32 im K.G.L. Auschwitz O/S (Poland) — Germany (East) — — Catholic Church — Germany (West) Concentration camp commandants (May Subd Geog) — Great Britain NT Immaculate Conception UF Commandants, Concentration camp — Greece — Technological innovations Concentration camp commanders — Idaho BT Concentration camps—Officials and — Italy USE Human reproductive technology employees — Japan — Time of — Netherlands Concentration camp commanders — Norway USE Conception—Date of USE Concentration camp commandants — Philippines Conception (in religion, folklore, etc.) — Poland Concentration camp escapes (May Subd Geog) — Russia (Federation) USE Conception—Folklore BT Escapes — South Africa Conception—Mythology — Spain Conception—Religious aspects Concentration camp guards (May Subd Geog) — United States UF Guards, Concentration camp — Yugoslavia Conception Bay (N.L.) BT Concentration camps—Officials and Concentration camps in art (Not Subd Geog) UF Conception Bay (Nfld.) [Former heading] employees Concentration camps in literature (Not Subd Geog) BT Bays—Newfoundland and Labrador NT Concentration camp inmates as guards Concentration cells Women concentration camp guards Conception Bay (Nfld.) [QC603 (Physics)] USE Conception Bay (N.L.) Concentration camp inmate identification tattoos [QD568 (Electrochemistry)] USE Concentration camp tattoos BT Electric batteries Conception Island (Bahamas) Concentration functions BT Islands—Bahamas Concentration camp inmates (May Subd Geog) UF Functions, Concentration UF Concentration camp prisoners BT Convergence Conception of geometry Concentration camps—Inmates USE Geometry concept BT Prisoners Functions of real variables NT Child concentration camp inmates Measure theory Conceptismo (Literary movement) (May Subd Geog) Ex-concentration camp inmates Probabilities BT Literary movements—Spain Kapos Concentration of schools Spanish literature—Classical period, 1500- Sonderkommandos USE Schools—Centralization 1700 Women concentration camp inmates Concentrators, Gravity USE Gravity concentrators Concepts — Selection process (May Subd Geog) Concentrators, Solar UF Concept formation Here are entered works on the selection of USE Solar concentrators BT Abstraction Concepción Bay (Biobió , Chile) Knowledge, Theory of concentration camp inmates for specific treatment UF Bahiá Concepcioń (Biobió , Chile) Perception or specific duties. Bahía de la Concepcioń (Biobió , Chile) Psychology BT Bays—Chile NT Example UF Selection process for concentration camp Concepción Hacienda (Aguada, P.R.) Ideals (Psychology) inmates This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Immaterialism (Philosophy) subdivision. Concentration camp inmates as artists Concepts in adolescence (May Subd Geog) (May Subd Geog) UF Hacienda Concepcioń (Aguada, P.R.) [BF724.3.C] BT Artists BT Adolescent psychology Concentration camp inmates as athletes Concepts in children (May Subd Geog) (May Subd Geog) BT Child psychology BT Athletes Concentration camp inmates as guards (May Subd Geog) BT Concentration camp guards Inmate guards RT Kapos C-571
Concepts in infants (May Subd Geog) Concert touring form or of a specific type for solo concertina, and BT Infant psychology USE Concert tours collections of compositions in several forms or types for solo concertina. Conceptual art (May Subd Geog) Concert tours (May Subd Geog) UF Art, Conceptual UF Concert touring SA headings for forms and types of music that Concept art Tours, Concert include \"concertina\" or \"concertinas\" and Language art (Fine arts) BT Concerts headings with medium of performance that Possible art include \"concertina\" or \"concertinas\" Post-object art Concertans style BT Art, Modern—20th century USE Concertante style Concertina music (Concertinas (2)) (May Subd Geog) Art, Modern—21st century UF Concertina duets Performance art Concertant style RT Earthworks (Art) USE Concertante style Concertina players (May Subd Geog) Sky art BT Instrumentalists NT Artists' books Concertante style (May Subd Geog) Mail art Here are entered works about instrumental or Concertino Wall drawing (Conceptual art) vocal music with prominent instrumental solos or USE Concerto — Florida soloistic characteristics, including specific — France instrumental types considered collectively such as the Concertinos — Germany concerto, symphonie concertante, quatuor — Ukraine concertant, etc. USE Concertos Concertmasters (May Subd Geog) RT Peppers (Group of artists) UF Concertans style Conceptual structures (Information theory) Concertant style UF Concert masters Soloistic music [Q387.2] Concertmeisters BT Knowledge representation (Information theory) BT Composition (Music) NT BIBFRAME (Conceptual model) Musical form Leaders (Concertmasters) Conceptualism Style, Musical [B731] BT Violinists RT Nominalism RT Concerto Concerti grossi (May Subd Geog) Concertmeisters Realism BT Scholasticism [M1040-M1041 (Orchestral accompaniment)] USE Concertmasters [M1140-M1141 (String orchestra accompaniment)] Concerto (May Subd Geog) Universals (Philosophy) Here are entered collections of concerti grossi. An Conceptualism, Neo-geometric (Art) individual concerto grosso is entered under the [ML1263 (History)] heading Concertos, followed by medium of Here are entered works about the concerto. USE Neo-geo (Art) performance. Works about the concerto grosso are Musical compositions in this form are entered under Conceptualization of cases in psychiatry entered under the heading Concerto grosso. the heading Concertos, followed if appropriate by medium of performance. USE Psychiatry—Case formulation BT Concertos Concert agents (May Subd Geog) — Analysis, appreciation UF Concertino [ML406 (Collective biography)] [MT125-MT130] Concerto—History and criticism [ML429 (Individual biography)] UF Concerti grossi—Analytical guides UF Artists' managers (Music) Concertos—History and criticism [Former heading] Booking agents (Music) — Analytical guides Sinfonia concertante Concert managers Concerts—Agents USE Concerti grossi—Analysis, appreciation Symphonie concertante Talent agents (Music) — History and criticism BT Commercial agents BT Musical form RT Impresarios USE Concerto grosso Concert audience etiquette — Solos with piano RT Concertante style USE Concert etiquette Concert etiquette (May Subd Geog) [M1041] — History and criticism UF Concert audience etiquette [M1141] BT Etiquette Concerti grossi, Arranged USE Concerto Concert films (May Subd Geog) UF Concerti grossi arranged for band [Former Here are entered works on films of musical concert heading] Concerto cadenzas performances recorded in front of a live audience. Concerti grossi arranged for organ [Former heading] USE Concertos—Cadenzas UF In-concert films Concerti grossi arranged for piano [Former Concerto grosso (May Subd Geog) Live concert films heading] Live-in-concert films Concerti grossi arranged for piano (4 hands) Here are entered works about the concerto grosso. [Former heading] Musical compositions in this form are entered under BT Documentary films Concerti grossi arranged for piano (Pianos (2)) the heading Concerti grossi. RT Musical films [Former heading] NT Rock concert films Concerti grossi arranged for string orchestra UF Concerti grossi—History and criticism Concert flute [Former heading] Concerto grosso—History and criticism USE Flute — Scores Concert gardens [M1160] RT Concerto USE Music-halls (Variety-theaters, cabarets, etc.) Concerti grossi arranged for band Concert grand (Piano) USE Concerti grossi, Arranged — History and criticism USE Piano Concerti grossi arranged for organ USE Concerto grosso Concert halls USE Concerti grossi, Arranged USE Music-halls Concerti grossi arranged for piano Concertos (May Subd Geog) Concert managers USE Concerti grossi, Arranged Here are entered collections of concertos for USE Concert agents Concerti grossi arranged for piano (4 hands) Concert masters USE Concerti grossi, Arranged various solo instruments with various instrumental USE Concertmasters Concerti grossi arranged for piano (Pianos (2)) accompaniments. Concert of Europe USE Concerti grossi, Arranged UF European concert Concerti grossi arranged for string orchestra Concertos accompanied by full orchestra are BT Europe—Politics and government—1815-1871 USE Concerti grossi, Arranged entered under the heading Concertos followed by the Concertina (May Subd Geog) solo instrument(s) in parentheses, e.g. Concertos Great powers [ML1083 (History)] (Piano); Concertos (Bassoon and clarinet); Concertos International organization [MT681 (Instruction)] (String quartet). For concertos with accompaniment Concert programs (May Subd Geog) UF Squashbox of an ensemble other than full orchestra, the type of [ML42] BT Reed organ ensemble is included in the parenthetical statement UF Concerts—Programs [Former heading] NT Bandoneon following the word \"with,\" e.g. Concertos (Flute with BT Programs Concertina and dholi music (May Subd Geog) string orchestra); Concertos (Harpsichord with Concert rooms UF Dholi and concertina music instrumental ensemble); Concertos (Trumpet with USE Music-halls (Variety-theaters, cabarets, etc.) Concertina and guitar music band). For concertos featuring the entire ensemble, Concert saloons UF Guitar and concertina music the type of ensemble is stated in parentheses as the USE Music-halls (Variety-theaters, cabarets, etc.) Concertina and piano music (May Subd Geog) medium of performance, e.g. Concertos (Orchestra). Concert television programs (May Subd Geog) UF Piano and concertina music This heading is used for works about television Concertina duets Musical works of the concerto type that are not programs of musical concert performances recorded USE Concertina music (Concertinas (2)) titled \"Concerto,\" are entered under headings such as in front of a live audience. When used as a topical Concertina ensembles Concerti grossi; Violin with string orchestra; heading it is subdivided by the appropriate [M1362] Symphonies (Viola with orchestra); Variations (Piano geographic, topical, and/or form subdivisions. Here are entered compositions for three or more with orchestra). solo concertinas. UF Television concerts Musical works titled \"Concerto\" but not of the BT Television programs Concertina music concerto type, are entered under headings for the [M154] medium of performance, e.g. Choruses, Secular Here are entered compositions not in a specific (Mixed voices, 4 parts) with cello; Harpsichord music; Trios (Unspecified instruments (3)); Vocalises (High voice) with instrumental ensemble. Works about the concerto are entered under the heading Concerto. UF Concertinos NT Concerti grossi — Cadenzas [M1004.6] Here are entered collections of cadenzas for various solo instruments. Cadenzas for a specific solo instrument are entered under headings such as Concertos (Piano)--Cadenzas; Flute with orchestra--Cadenzas. Cadenzas for voice are entered under Vocal music--Cadenzas. UF Concerto cadenzas — History and criticism USE Concerto C-572
Concertos (Accordion) UF Concertos (Bassoon and violoncello) [Former Concertos (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, oboe with chamber [M1039.4.A3] heading] orchestra) [M1040-M1041] — Solo with piano Concertos (Bassoon and clarinet) [M1039.4.A3] [M1040-M1041] Concertos (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, oboe with string orchestra) Concertos (Accordion with chamber orchestra) — Solos with piano [M1140-M1141] [M1039.4.A3] [M1041] — Scores [M1140] — Solo with piano Concertos (Bassoon and clarinet with string orchestra) [M1039.4.A3] [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, trumpet with string orchestra) Concertos (Accordion with plectral ensemble) Concertos (Bassoon and clarinet with wind ensemble) [M1140-M1141] USE Concertos (Accordion with plucked instrument Concertos (Bassoon and flute with string orchestra) ensemble) Concertos (Bassoon, clarinet, flute with string orchestra) [M1140-M1141] [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Accordion with plucked instrument Concertos (Bassoon and oboe) ensemble) Concertos (Bassoon, clarinet, horn, oboe) UF Concertos (Accordion with plectral ensemble) [M1040-M1041] [M1040-M1041] [Former heading] Concertos (Bassoon and oboe with string orchestra) — Solos with piano Concertos (Accordion with string ensemble) [M1140-M1141] [M1041] Concertos (Accordion with string orchestra) — Solos with piano Concertos (Bassoon, clarinet, horn, oboe with string [M1139.4.A3] [M1141] orchestra) — Scores Concertos (Bassoon and piccolo with string orchestra) [M1140-M1141] — Scores [M1139.4.A3] [M1140-M1141] [M1140] Concertos (Bagpipe with band) — Scores Concertos (Bassoon, clarinet, oboe, violin, viola, cello) [M1205-M1206 (Original works)] [M1140] (May Subd Geog) [M1257 (Arrangements)] Concertos (Bassoon and recorder with string orchestra) [M1040-M1041] Concertos (Balalaika) UF Concertos (Bassoon, clarinet, oboe, violin, [M1037.4.B3] [M1140-M1141] viola, violoncello) [Former heading] — Solo with piano Concertos (Bassoon and trumpet with string orchestra) Concertos (Bassoon, clarinet, oboe, violin, viola, [M1037.4.B3] [M1140-M1141] violoncello) Concertos (Balalaika with chamber orchestra) — Solos with piano USE Concertos (Bassoon, clarinet, oboe, violin, viola, cello) [M1037.4.B3] [M1141] — Scores Concertos (Bassoon and violin with chamber orchestra) Concertos (Bassoon, clarinet, oboe with string orchestra) [M1037.4.B3] [M1040-M1041] [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Band) Concertos (Bassoon and violin with instrumental Concertos (Bandoneon) Concertos (Bassoon, clarinet, trumpet) ensemble) [M1040-M1041] [M1039.4.B3] Concertos (Bassoon and violin with string orchestra) UF Concertos (Bandonion) [Former heading] — Scores — Solo with piano [M1140-M1141] [M1040] — Solos with piano [M1039.4.B3] Concertos (Bassoon, clarinet, trumpet with string Concertos (Bandoneon with chamber orchestra) [M1141] orchestra) Concertos (Bassoon and violoncello) [M1140-M1141] [M1039.4.B3] UF Concertos (Bandonion with chamber orchestra) USE Concertos (Bassoon and cello) Concertos (Bassoon, clarinets (2), oboe) Concertos (Bassoon, clarinet, English horn, flute) [M1040-M1041] [Former heading] — Solo with piano [M1040-M1041] Concertos (Bassoon, flute, horn, oboe) — Solos with piano [M1040-M1041] [M1039.4.B3] Concertos (Bandonion) [M1041] — Solos with piano Concertos (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, horn) [M1041] USE Concertos (Bandoneon) Concertos (Bandonion with chamber orchestra) [M1040-M1041] Concertos (Bassoon, flute, horn, oboe), Arranged Concertos (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, horn, cello with [M1040-M1041] USE Concertos (Bandoneon with chamber orchestra) string orchestra) (May Subd Geog) Concertos (Bassoon, flute, horn, oboe, trumpet with [M1140-M1141] string orchestra) Concertos (Baritone with string orchestra) UF Concertos (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, horn, [M1140-M1141] [M1134.B37 (Scores)] violoncello with string orchestra) [Former [M1135.B37 (Solo(s) with piano)] heading] Concertos (Bassoon, flute, horn, oboe with chamber orchestra) Concertos (Bass clarinet) Concertos (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, horn, oboe) [M1040-M1041] [M1024-M1025] [M1040-M1041] Concertos (Bassoon, flute, horn, oboe with string Concertos (Bass clarinet with chamber orchestra) — Scores orchestra) [M1024-M1025] [M1040] [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Bass clarinet with instrumental ensemble) Concertos (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, horn, oboe, Concertos (Bassoon, flute, oboe) Concertos (Bass clarinet with string ensemble) trombone, trumpet, percussion with string orchestra) [M1040-M1041] Concertos (Bass clarinet with string orchestra) Concertos (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, horn, oboe with Concertos (Bassoon, flute, violin, cello) [M1124-M1125] band) (May Subd Geog) Concertos (Bass trombone) [M1205-M1206] [M1040-M1041] — Scores and parts UF Concertos (Bassoon, flute, violin, violoncello) [M1032-M1033] [M1205] [Former heading] Concertos (Bass trombone with band) Concertos (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, horn, oboe with Concertos (Bassoon, flute, violin, violoncello) [M1205-M1206 (Original works)] chamber orchestra) USE Concertos (Bassoon, flute, violin, cello) [M1257 (Arrangements)] [M1040-M1041] Concertos (Bass trombone with instrumental ensemble) Concertos (Bassoon, flutes (2) with string orchestra) Concertos (Bass trombone with string orchestra) Concertos (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, horn, oboe with [M1140-M1141] [M1132-M1133] string orchestra) Concertos (Basset clarinet) [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Bassoon, horn, trumpet, double bass) [M1024-M1025] — Solos with piano [M1040-M1041] Concertos (Basset horn) [M1141] [M1034.B38 (Scores)] Concertos (Bassoon, oboe, trumpet with string [M1035.B38 (Solo(s) with piano)] Concertos (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, horn, violoncello orchestra) — Solo with piano with string orchestra) [M1140-M1141] USE Concertos (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, horn, cello [M1035.B38] with string orchestra) Concertos (Bassoon, oboe, violin, cello) Concertos (Basset horn and clarinet) (May Subd Geog) Concertos (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, oboe) [M1040-M1041] [M1040-M1041] [M1040-M1041] UF Concertos (Bassoon, oboe, violin, violoncello) Concertos (Basset horn with chamber orchestra) [Former heading] — Solos with piano [M1034.B38 (Scores)] [M1041] Concertos (Bassoon, oboe, violin, cello with chamber [M1035.B38 (Solo(s) with piano)] orchestra) (May Subd Geog) Concertos (Bassoon) Concertos (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, oboe, harp) [M1040-M1041] [M1026-M1027] [M1040-M1041] UF Concertos (Bassoon, oboe, violin, violoncello — Cadenzas with chamber orchestra) [Former heading] — Scores [M1004.7.B (Collections)] [M1040] Concertos (Bassoon, oboe, violin, viola) [M1026.5 (Individual works (Orchestra accompa [M1040-M1041] niment))] Concertos (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, oboe, violins (2), [M1126.5 (Individual works (String orchestra acc viola, cello with string orchestra) (May Subd Geog) Concertos (Bassoon, oboe, violin, violoncello) ompaniment))] [M1140-M1141] USE Concertos (Bassoon, oboe, violin, cello) UF Bassoon cadenzas UF Concertos (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, oboe, — Solo with piano violins (2), viola, violoncello with string Concertos (Bassoon, oboe, violin, violoncello with [M1027] orchestra) [Former heading] chamber orchestra) Concertos (Bassoon and cello) (May Subd Geog) USE Concertos (Bassoon, oboe, violin, cello with [M1040-M1041] Concertos (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, oboe, violins (2), chamber orchestra) viola, violoncello with string orchestra) USE Concertos (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, oboe, violins (2), viola, cello with string orchestra) C-573
Concertos (Bassoon, violins (2) with string orchestra) UF Concertos (Violoncello and harp with string [M1140-M1141] [M1140-M1141] orchestra) [Former heading] UF Concertos (Chimes, xylophone, violins (2), Concertos (Bassoon with band) Concertos (Cello and piano) (May Subd Geog) viola, violoncello with string orchestra) [M1205-M1206] [M1040-M1041] [Former heading] UF Concertos (Violoncello and piano) [Former Concertos (Chimes, xylophone, violins (2), viola, Concertos (Bassoon with band), Arranged heading] violoncello with string orchestra) [M1205-M1206] USE Concertos (Chimes, xylophone, violins (2), Concertos (Cello and piano with string orchestra) viola, cello with string orchestra) — Solo with piano (May Subd Geog) Concertos (Cimbalom) [M1206] [M1140-M1141] [M1039.C55] UF Concertos (Violoncello and piano with string Concertos (Cimbalom with chamber orchestra) Concertos (Bassoon with brass band) orchestra) [Former heading] [M1039.4.C55] Concertos (Bassoon with chamber orchestra) Concertos (Cimbalom with instrumental ensemble) Concertos (Cello), Arranged (May Subd Geog) Concertos (Cithara) [M1026-M1027] [M1016-M1017] [M1037.4.C58] — Scores UF Concertos (Violoncello), Arranged [Former Concertos (Clarinet) heading] [M1024-M1025] [M1026] — Solo with piano — Solo with piano — Solo with piano [M1017] [M1025] [M1027] Concertos (Clarinet and cello) (May Subd Geog) Concertos (Bassoon with instrumental ensemble) Concertos (Cello with band) (May Subd Geog) Concertos (Bassoon with string ensemble) [M1205-M1206] [M1040-M1041] UF Concertos (Violoncello with band) [Former UF Concertos (Clarinet and violoncello) [Former — Solo with piano heading] [M253-M254] heading] — Scores — Solos with piano Concertos (Bassoon with string orchestra) [M1205] [M1126-M1127] [M1041] Concertos (Cello with brass band) (May Subd Geog) Concertos (Clarinet and English horn) — Solo with piano [M1205-M1206 (Original compositions)] [M1127] [M1257 (Arrangements)] [M1040-M1041] UF Concertos (Violoncello with brass band) — Solos with piano Concertos (Bassoon with string orchestra), Arranged [Former heading] [M1126-M1127] [M1041] Concertos (Cello with chamber orchestra) Concertos (Clarinet and flute) — Solo with piano (May Subd Geog) [M1127] [M1016-M1017] [M1040-M1041] UF Concertos (Violoncello with chamber orchestra) Concertos (Clarinet and flute with band) Concertos (Bassoon with wind ensemble) [Former heading] Concertos (Bassoons (2)) — Solo with piano [M1205-M1206] [M1017] Concertos (Clarinet and flute with chamber orchestra) [M1026-M1027] Concertos (Bassoons (2) with string orchestra) Concertos (Cello with instrumental ensemble) [M1040-M1041] (May Subd Geog) Concertos (Clarinet and flute with string orchestra) [M1126-M1127] UF Concertos (Violoncello with instrumental — Solos with piano ensemble) [Former heading] [M1140-M1141] — Solo with piano Concertos (Clarinet and harp) [M1127] Concertos (Clarinet and harp with string orchestra) Concertos (Bayan) Concertos (Cello with string ensemble) (May Subd Geog) [M1140-M1141] [M1039.4.B4] UF Concertos (Violoncello with string ensemble) Concertos (Clarinet and horn) Concertos (Brass ensemble) [Former heading] Concertos (Carillon) [M1040-M1041] Concertos (Cello with string orchestra) Concertos (Clarinet and oboe) [M1038-M1039] (May Subd Geog) Concertos (Carillon with band) [M1116-M1117] [M1040-M1041] UF Concertos (Violoncello with string orchestra) Concertos (Clarinet and oboe with chamber orchestra) [M1205-M1206] [Former heading] Concertos (Clarinet and oboe with string orchestra) Concertos (Carillon with instrumental ensemble) — Solo with piano Concertos (Castanets with chamber orchestra) [M1117] [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Clarinet and piano) [M1038-M1039] Concertos (Cello with string orchestra), Arranged Concertos (Celesta, clarinet, harp, violin with string (May Subd Geog) [M1040-M1041] [M1116-M1117] Concertos (Clarinet and trumpet) orchestra) (May Subd Geog) UF Concertos (Violoncello with string orchestra), Concertos (Clarinet and trumpet with band) UF Concertos (Clarinet, harp, celesta, violin with Arranged [Former heading] string orchestra) [Former heading] — Solo with piano [M1205-M1206] [M1117] — Solos with piano Concertos (Celesta, clarinet, harp with string orchestra) (May Subd Geog) Concertos (Cello with wind ensemble) [M1206] [M1140-M1141] (May Subd Geog) Concertos (Clarinet and trumpet with string orchestra) UF Concertos (Clarinet, harp, celesta with string UF Concertos (Violoncello with wind ensemble) orchestra) [Former heading] [Former heading] [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Clarinet and vibraphone with instrumental Concertos (Celesta, pianos (2), percussion, synthesizer Concertos (Cellos (2)) (May Subd Geog) with chamber orchestra) (May Subd Geog) [M1016-M1017] ensemble) [M1040-M1041] UF Concertos (Violoncellos (2)) [Former heading] Concertos (Clarinet and vibraphone with string UF Concertos (Pianos (2), celesta, percussion, synthesizer with chamber orchestra) Concertos (Cellos (2) with chamber orchestra) orchestra) [Former heading] (May Subd Geog) [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Pianos (2), synthesizer, celesta, [M1016-M1017] percussion with chamber orchestra) UF Concertos (Violoncellos (2) with chamber — Scores [Former heading] orchestra) [Former heading] [M1140] Concertos (Celesta, pianos (2), percussion with Concertos (Cellos (2) with instrumental ensemble) Concertos (Clarinet and viola) chamber orchestra) (May Subd Geog) (May Subd Geog) [M1040-M1041] [M1040-M1041] UF Concertos (Violoncellos (2) with instrumental UF Concertos (Pianos (2), celesta, percussion with ensemble) [Former heading] — Solos with piano chamber orchestra) [Former heading] [M1041] Concertos (Cellos (2) with string orchestra) Concertos (Cello) (May Subd Geog) Concertos (Clarinet and violin) [M1016-M1017] [M1116-M1117] [M1040-M1041] UF Concertos (Violoncello) [Former heading] UF Concertos (Violoncellos (2) with string orchestra) [Former heading] — Solos with piano — Analysis, appreciation — Solos with piano [M1041] — Excerpts [M1117] — — Solo with piano Concertos (Clarinet and violin with string orchestra) Concertos (Cellos (3)) (May Subd Geog) [M1140-M1141] [M1017] [M1016-M1017] — Solo with piano UF Concertos (Violoncellos (3)) [Former heading] — Solos with piano [M1141] [M1017] Concertos (Chalumeau) (May Subd Geog) Concertos (Cello and double bass) (May Subd Geog) [M1034.C5 (Scores)] Concertos (Clarinet and violoncello) [M1034.5.C5 (Cadenzas)] USE Concertos (Clarinet and cello) [M1040-M1041] [M1035.C5 (Solo(s) with piano)] UF Concertos (Violoncello and double bass) Concertos (Clarinet, English horn, flute, oboe with string Concertos (Chamber orchestra) orchestra) [Former heading] [M1042] [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Cello and double bass with string orchestra) Concertos (Chimes, xylophone, violins (2), viola, cello Concertos (Clarinet, flute, harp with string orchestra) (May Subd Geog) with string orchestra) (May Subd Geog) [M1140-M1141] [M1140-M1141] UF Concertos (Violoncello and double bass with Concertos (Clarinet, flute, oboe, harp, percussion) string orchestra) [Former heading] [M1040-M1041] UF Concertos (Harp and percussion with string Concertos (Cello and harp) (May Subd Geog) orchestra) [Former heading] [M1040-M1041] UF Concertos (Violoncello and harp) [Former Concertos (Clarinet, flute, oboe with instrumental heading] ensemble) Concertos (Cello and harp with string orchestra) Concertos (Clarinet, flute, oboe with string orchestra) (May Subd Geog) [M1140-M1141] [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Clarinet, flute, trumpet with string orchestra) [M1140-M1141] C-574
Concertos (Clarinet, flute, violin, cello with chamber Concertos (Cornet with brass band) Concertos (English horn and flute with string orchestra) orchestra) (May Subd Geog) [M1205-M1206 (Original works)] [M1140-M1141] [M1040-M1041] [M1257 (Arrangements)] UF Concertos (Clarinet, flute, violin, violoncello — Solos with piano with string orchestra) [Former heading] Concertos (Cornet with instrumental ensemble) [M1141] Concertos (Cornet with string orchestra) Concertos (Clarinet, flute, violin, violoncello with string Concertos (English horn and harp with string orchestra) orchestra) [M1130-M1131] [M1140-M1141] USE Concertos (Clarinet, flute, violin, cello with — Solo with piano chamber orchestra) Concertos (English horn and harpsichord with string [M1131] orchestra) Concertos (Clarinet, harp, celesta, violin with string Concertos (Cornets (2) with brass band) [M1140-M1141] orchestra) USE Concertos (Celesta, clarinet, harp, violin with [M1205-M1206] Concertos (English horn and oboe with string orchestra) string orchestra) Concertos (Cornets (4) with band) [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Clarinet, harp, celesta with string orchestra) [M1205-M1206] Concertos (English horn and trumpet with string USE Concertos (Celesta, clarinet, harp with string Concertos (Cymbals) orchestra) orchestra) Concertos (Dance orchestra) [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Clarinet, harp, violin, cello with string [M1356] Concertos (English horn and violoncello) orchestra) (May Subd Geog) Concertos (Di zi) (May Subd Geog) USE Concertos (English horn and cello) [M1140-M1141] UF Concertos (Clarinet, harp, violin, violoncello [M1034.T6 (Scores)] Concertos (English horn, flute, viola, cello with string with string orchestra) [Former heading] [M1034.5.T6 (Cadenzas)] orchestra) (May Subd Geog) [M1035.T6 (Solo(s) with piano)] [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Clarinet, harp, violin, violoncello with string UF Concertos (Ti tzu) [Former heading] UF Concertos (English horn, flute, viola, violoncello orchestra) Concertos (Di zi with chamber orchestra) with string orchestra) [Former heading] USE Concertos (Clarinet, harp, violin, cello with (May Subd Geog) string orchestra) [M1034.T6 (Scores)] Concertos (English horn, flute, viola, violoncello with [M1034.5.T6 (Cadenzas)] string orchestra) Concertos (Clarinet, oboe, violin) [M1035.T6 (Solo(s) with piano)] USE Concertos (English horn, flute, viola, cello with [M1040-M1041] UF Concertos (Ti tzu with chamber orchestra) string orchestra) Concertos (Clarinet, trombone, trumpet with string [Former heading] Concertos (English horn with chamber orchestra) orchestra) Concertos (Dobro with instrumental ensemble) [M1034-M1035] [M1140-M1141] — Scores USE Concertos (Resonator guitar with instrumental — Scores [M1140] ensemble) [M1034.E4] — Solos with piano [M1141] Concertos (Dom̈ bra) — Solo with piano USE Concertos (Domra) [M1035.E5] Concertos (Clarinet with band) — Solo with piano [M1205-M1206] USE Concertos (Domra)—Solo with piano Concertos (English horn with instrumental ensemble) Concertos (English horn with string orchestra) — Solo with piano Concertos (Dömbra with chamber orchestra) [M1205] USE Concertos (Domra with chamber orchestra) [M1134.E5 (Scores)] [M1135.E5 (Solo(s) with piano)] Concertos (Clarinet with chamber orchestra) Concertos (Dömbra with chamber orchestra — Scores [M1024-M1025] — Solo with piano USE Concertos (Domra with chamber [M1134.E5] — Solo with piano orchestra)—Solo with piano — Solo with piano [M1025] Concertos (Domra) (May Subd Geog) [M1135.E5] Concertos (Clarinet with dance orchestra) [M1037.4.D64] Concertos (English horns (2)) [M1353] UF Concertos (Dömbra) [Former heading] [M1034.E5-M1035.E5] — Scores — Solo with piano (May Subd Geog) Concertos (English horns (2)) with string orchestra [M1353] [M1037.4.D64] UF Concertos (Dom̈ bra)—Solo with piano [M1134.E5 (Scores)] Concertos (Clarinet with instrumental ensemble) [Former heading] [M1135.E5 (Solo(s) with piano)] Concertos (Clarinet with jazz ensemble) Concertos (Euphonium) Concertos (Domra with chamber orchestra) [M1034-M1035] [M955-M957] (May Subd Geog) Concertos (Euphonium and horns (4) with band) Concertos (Clarinet with percussion ensemble) [M1037.4.D64] USE Concertos (Euphonium, horns (4) with band) Concertos (Clarinet with string ensemble) UF Concertos (Dom̈ bra with chamber orchestra) Concertos (Euphonium, horns (4) with band) [Former heading] [M1205-M1206] — Solo with piano — Solo with piano (May Subd Geog) UF Concertos (Euphonium and horns (4) with Concertos (Clarinet with string orchestra) [M1037.4.D64] UF Concertos (Dom̈ bra with chamber band) [Former heading] [M1124-M1125] orchestra—Solo with piano [Former Concertos (Euphonium with band) — Solo with piano heading] [M1205-M1206 (Original works)] [M1125] Concertos (Double bass) [M1257 (Arrangements)] Concertos (Clarinet with string orchestra), Arranged [M1018] Concertos (Euphonium with brass band) Concertos (Euphonium with string orchestra) [M1124-M1125] — Solo with piano [M1134-M1135] — Solo with piano [M1018] Concertos (Euphonium with wind ensemble) Concertos (Euphoniums (2) with band) [M1125] Concertos (Double bass), Arranged [M1205-M1206 (Original works)] Concertos (Clarinet with wind ensemble) [M1018] [M1257 (Arrangements)] Concertos (Clarinets (2)) Concertos (Fluegelhorn with string orchestra) — Solo with piano USE Concertos (Flug̈ elhorn with string orchestra) [M1024-M1025] [M1018] Concertos (Flügelhorn with string orchestra) Concertos (Clarinets (2), oboes (2) with string orchestra) [M1134.F7 (Scores)] Concertos (Double bass with band) [M1135.F7 (Solo(s) with piano)] [M1140-M1141] [M1205-M1206] UF Concertos (Fluegelhorn with string orchestra) Concertos (Clarinets (2) with string orchestra) — Solo with piano [Former heading] [M1124-M1125] [M1206] Concertos (Flute) — Solos with piano Concertos (Double bass with chamber orchestra) [M1020-M1021] [M1125] [M1018] — Cadenzas Concertos (Clarinets (3) with instrumental ensemble) Concertos (Clarinets (3) with string orchestra) Concertos (Double bass with instrumental ensemble) [M1004.7.F6 (Collections)] Concertos (Double bass with string ensemble) [M1020.5 (Individual works (Orchestra accompa [M1124-M1125] Concertos (Double bass with string orchestra) niment))] Concertos (Clarinets (4)) [M1120.5 (Individual works (String orchestra acc [M1118] ompaniment))] [M1024-M1025] — Solo with piano UF Flute cadenzas Concertos (Clarinets (4) with string orchestra) — Solo with piano [M1118] [M1021] [M1124-M1125] Concertos (Double basses (2)) Concertos (Flute and cello) (May Subd Geog) Concertos (Clarinets (6) with band) [M1040-M1041] [M1018] UF Concertos (Flute and violoncello) [Former [M1205-M1206] — Solos with piano heading] Concertos (Contrabassoon) Concertos (Flute and cello with string orchestra) [M1018] (May Subd Geog) [M1026-M1027] Concertos (Dulcimer with string orchestra) [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Contrabassoon with string ensemble) Concertos (Electronic organ) UF Concertos (Flute and violoncello with string Concertos (Cornet) orchestra) [Former heading] [M1005-M1006] Concertos (Flute and guitar) [M1030-M1031] Concertos (English horn) [M1040-M1041] Concertos (Cornet and euphonium with brass band) [M1034.E5 (Scores)] [M1205-M1206 (Original compositions)] [M1035.E5 (Solo(s) with piano)] [M1257 (Arrangements)] Concertos (English horn and cello) (May Subd Geog) Concertos (Cornet and trumpet) [M1040-M1041] [M1040-M1041] UF Concertos (English horn and violoncello) Concertos (Cornet with band) [M1205-M1206] [Former heading] C-575
Concertos (Flute and guitar with string orchestra) Concertos (Flute, saxophone, harp with string orchestra) Concertos (Flutes (2) with flute ensemble) [M1140-M1141] [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Flutes (2) with string orchestra) Concertos (Flute and harp) Concertos (Flute, timpani, violin with string orchestra) [M1120-M1121] [M1040-M1041] [M1140-M1141] — Solos with piano — Solos with piano Concertos (Flute, viola, cello with string orchestra) [M1121] [M1041] (May Subd Geog) Concertos (Flutes (3) and harp) [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Flute and harp with string ensemble) UF Concertos (Flute, viola, violoncello with string USE Concertos (Flutes (3), harp) Concertos (Flute and harp with string orchestra) orchestra) [Former heading] Concertos (Flutes (3), harp) — Scores [M1140-M1141] [M1140] [M1040-M1041] Concertos (Flute and harpsichord with string ensemble) UF Concertos (Flutes (3) and harp) [Former Concertos (Flute and harpsichord with string orchestra) Concertos (Flute, viola, violoncello with string orchestra) USE Concertos (Flute, viola, cello with string heading] [M1140-M1141] orchestra) Concertos (Flutes (3) with band) — Scores Concertos (Flute with accordion ensemble) [M1205-M1206] [M1140] Concertos (Flute with band) Concertos (Flutes (3) with string orchestra) Concertos (Flute and horn with string orchestra) [M1205-M1206] [M1120-M1121] [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Flute with brass ensemble) Concertos (Flutes (4) with band) — Solos with piano Concertos (Flute with chamber orchestra) [M1205-M1206] [M1141] [M1020-M1021] Concertos (Flutes (4) with chamber orchestra) Concertos (Flute and oboe) — Solo with piano [M1020-M1021] [M1040-M1041] [M1021] Concertos (Glockenspiel with string orchestra) — Solos with piano Concertos (Flute with flute ensemble) Concertos (Flute with instrumental ensemble) [M1138-M1139] [M1041] Concertos (Flute with jazz ensemble) — Scores Concertos (Flute and oboe d'amore with string [M1366] [M1138] orchestra) Concertos (Flute with percussion ensemble) Concertos (Guitar) [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Flute with plectral ensemble) [M1037.4.G8] Concertos (Flute and oboe with chamber orchestra) USE Concertos (Flute with plucked instrument — Parts [M1040-M1041] ensemble) — Solo with piano Concertos (Flute and oboe with chamber orchestra), Concertos (Flute with plucked instrument ensemble) [M1037.4.G8] Arranged UF Concertos (Flute with plectral ensemble) Concertos (Guitar and harp with chamber orchestra) [M1040-M1041] [Former heading] [M1040-M1041] Concertos (Flute and oboe with string orchestra) Concertos (Flute with string ensemble) Concertos (Guitar and harpsichord with string orchestra) [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Flute with string orchestra) [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Flute and percussion with string orchestra) [M1120-M1121] Concertos (Guitar and piano with jazz ensemble) [M1140-M1141] — Solo with piano Concertos (Guitar and piano with string orchestra) — Scores [M1121] [M1140-M1141] [M1140] Concertos (Flute with string orchestra), Arranged Concertos (Guitar), Arranged Concertos (Flute and piano) [M1120-M1122] [M1037.4.G8] [M1040-M1041] — Solo with piano — Solo with piano Concertos (Flute and piano with string ensemble) [M1121] [M1037.4.G8] Concertos (Flute and piano with string orchestra) Concertos (Flute with wind ensemble) Concertos (Guitar, unspecified instruments (2)) [M1140-M1141] [M955-M957] [M1040-M1041] Concertos (Flute and recorder with string orchestra) Concertos (Flute with woodwind ensemble) Concertos (Guitar with chamber orchestra) Concertos (Flutes (2)) [M1140-M1141] [M1037.4.G8] Concertos (Flute and trombone with chamber orchestra) [M1020-M1021] — Solo with piano — Solos with piano [M1040-M1041] [M1037.4.G8] Concertos (Flute and trumpet with string orchestra) [M1021] Concertos (Guitar with instrumental ensemble) Concertos (Flutes (2), cello with string orchestra) Concertos (Guitar with plectral ensemble) [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Flute and viola d'amore with string (May Subd Geog) USE Concertos (Guitar with plucked instrument [M1140-M1141] ensemble) orchestra) UF Concertos (Flutes (2), violoncello with string [M1140-M1141] orchestra) [Former heading] Concertos (Guitar with plucked instrument ensemble) UF Concertos (Guitar with plectral ensemble) Concertos (Flute and viola d'amore with string Concertos (Flutes (2), glockenspiel with string [Former heading] orchestra), Arranged orchestra) [M1140-M1141] [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Guitar with string ensemble) — Solos with piano — Scores Concertos (Guitar with string orchestra) [M1141] [M1140] [M1137.4.G8] Concertos (Flute and viola with instrumental ensemble) Concertos (Flutes (2), marimba with string orchestra) — Solo with piano Concertos (Flute and viola with string ensemble) [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Flute and violin) [M1137.4.G8] Concertos (Flutes (2), viola, cello with string orchestra) Concertos (Guitar with string orchestra), Arranged [M1040-M1041] (May Subd Geog) — Solos with piano [M1140-M1141] [M1137.4.G8] UF Concertos (Flutes (2), viola, violoncello with Concertos (Guitars (2)) [M1041] string orchestra) [Former heading] Concertos (Flute and violin with string orchestra) [M1037.4.G8] Concertos (Flutes (2), viola, violoncello with string — Solos with piano [M1140-M1141] orchestra) Concertos (Flute and violoncello) USE Concertos (Flutes (2), viola, cello with string [M1037.4.G8] orchestra) Concertos (Guitars (2) with chamber orchestra) USE Concertos (Flute and cello) Concertos (Flute and violoncello with string orchestra) Concertos (Flutes (2), violin) [M1037.4.G8] Concertos (Flutes (2), violin, cello with string orchestra) Concertos (Guitars (2) with chamber orchestra), USE Concertos (Flute and cello with string orchestra) (May Subd Geog) Arranged [M1140-M1141] [M1037.4.G8] Concertos (Flute), Arranged UF Concertos (Flutes (2), violin, violoncello with [M1020-M1021] string orchestra) [Former heading] Concertos (Guitars (2) with jazz ensemble) [M1366] — Parts Concertos (Flutes (2), violin, violoncello with string [M1020] orchestra) Concertos (Guitars (2) with string orchestra) USE Concertos (Flutes (2), violin, cello with string [M1137.4.G8] Concertos (Flute, horn, harp with string orchestra) orchestra) [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Guitars (3) with chamber orchestra) Concertos (Flutes (2), violin with string orchestra) [M1037.4.G8] — Scores [M1140-M1141] [M1140] Concertos (Guitars (4)) Concertos (Flutes (2), violoncello with string orchestra) [M1037.4.G8] Concertos (Flute, oboe d'amore, viola d'amore with USE Concertos (Flutes (2), cello with string string orchestra) orchestra) Concertos (Guslis (2) with chamber orchestra) [M1140-M1141] [M1037.4.G85] Concertos (Flutes (2) with chamber orchestra) Concertos (Flute, oboe d'amore, violin with string [M1020-M1021] Concertos (Hardanger fiddle) orchestra) [M1019.H] [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Flutes (2) with chamber orchestra), Arranged Concertos (Hardanger fiddle with string orchestra) Concertos (Flute, oboe, trumpet with string orchestra) [M1020-M1021] [M1119.H37] [M1140-M1141] — Parts [M1020-M1021] Concertos (Harmonica) Concertos (Flute, oboe, violin, cello) (May Subd Geog) [M1039.4.M6] [M1040-M1041] UF Concertos (Mouth-organ) [Former heading] UF Concertos (Flute, oboe, violin, violoncello) [Former heading] — Solo with piano [M1039.4.M6] Concertos (Flute, oboe, violin, violoncello) USE Concertos (Flute, oboe, violin, cello) Concertos (Harmonica with chamber orchestra) [M1039.4.M6] Concertos (Flute, oboe, violin with string orchestra) UF Concertos (Mouth-organ with chamber [M1140-M1141] orchestra) [Former heading] C-576
Concertos (Harmonica with string orchestra) UF Concertos (Harpsichords (3) with string Concertos (Horn) [M1139.4.M6] orchestra) [Former heading] [M1028-M1029] UF Concertos (Mouth-organ with string orchestra) Concertos (Harpsichords (4) with string [Former heading] orchestra) [Former heading] — Solo with piano [M1029] Concertos (Harp) Concertos (Harpsichord, flute, harp with string [M1036-M1037] orchestra) Concertos (Horn and harp) [M1140-M1141] [M1040-M1041] — Solo with piano [M1037] Concertos (Harpsichord, flute, oboe with string Concertos (Horn and trombone) orchestra) [M1040-M1041] Concertos (Harp and lute) [M1140-M1141] [M1040-M1041] Concertos (Horn and trumpet) Concertos (Harpsichord, flute, violin with string Concertos (Horn, trombone, trumpets (2), tuba) Concertos (Harp and organ with string orchestra) orchestra) [M1140-M1141] [M1140-M1141] [M1040-M1041] — Solos with piano Concertos (Harp and percussion with string orchestra) Concertos (Harpsichord, flutes (2) with string orchestra) USE Concertos (Clarinet, flute, oboe, harp, [M1140-M1141] [M1041] percussion) Concertos (Horn, trombone, trumpets (2), tuba with Concertos (Piano, saxophones (4), harp, — Scores percussion with string orchestra) Concertos (Harpsichord, guitars (2), harp, double bass) instrumental ensemble) Concertos (Horn, trombone, trumpets (2), tuba with Concertos (Harp and piano) [M1040-M1041] [M1040-M1041] Concertos (Harpsichord, lute, cello with string orchestra) string orchestra) [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Harp and viola with string orchestra) (May Subd Geog) USE Concertos (Viola and harp with string [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Horn, trombones (2), trumpets (2)) orchestra) UF Concertos (Harpsichord, lute, violoncello with [M1040-M1041] string orchestra) [Former heading] Concertos (Harp), Arranged Concertos (Horn, trombones (2), trumpets (2) with [M1036-M1037] Concertos (Harpsichord, lute, violoncello with string chamber orchestra) orchestra) [M1040-M1041] Concertos (Harp, harpsichord, piano with string USE Concertos (Harpsichord, lute, cello with string orchestra) orchestra) Concertos (Horn, trombones (2), trumpets (2) with string USE Concertos (Harpsichord, piano, harp with string orchestra) orchestra) Concertos (Harpsichord, piano, harp with string [M1140-M1141] orchestra) Concertos (Harp, violin, cello) (May Subd Geog) [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Horn with band) [M1040-M1041] UF Concertos (Harp, harpsichord, piano with string [M1205-M1206] UF Concertos (Harp, violin, violoncello) [Former orchestra) [Former heading] heading] — Scores Concertos (Harpsichord, piano, violin) [M1205] Concertos (Harp, violin, violoncello) [M1040-M1041] USE Concertos (Harp, violin, cello) Concertos (Horn with band), Arranged Concertos (Harpsichord, violas (2) with string orchestra) [M1257] Concertos (Harp with band) Concertos (Harpsichord, violin, cello with string [M1205-M1206] — Scores orchestra) (May Subd Geog) [M1257] Concertos (Harp with brass ensemble) [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Harp with chamber orchestra) UF Concertos (Harpsichord, violin, violoncello with Concertos (Horn with chamber orchestra) string orchestra) [Former heading] [M1028-M1029] [M1036-M1037] — Scores Concertos (Harpsichord, violin, violoncello with string Concertos (Horn with horn ensemble) orchestra) Concertos (Horn with instrumental ensemble) [M1036] USE Concertos (Harpsichord, violin, cello with string Concertos (Horn with percussion ensemble) Concertos (Harp with instrumental ensemble) orchestra) Concertos (Horn with string ensemble) Concertos (Harp with string orchestra) Concertos (Harpsichord, violins (2), cello) — Solo with piano [M1136-M1137] (May Subd Geog) Concertos (Horn with string orchestra) — Solo with piano [M1040-M1041] UF Concertos (Harpsichord, violins (2), violoncello) [M1128-M1129] [M1137] [Former heading] — Scores Concertos (Harp with string orchestra), Arranged Concertos (Harpsichord, violins (2), violoncello) [M1128] [M1136-M1137] USE Concertos (Harpsichord, violins (2), cello) — Solo with piano — Solo with piano Concertos (Harpsichord with chamber orchestra) [M1129] [M1137] [M1010-M1011] Concertos (Horn with string orchestra), Arranged Concertos (Harps (2)) — Scores [M1128-M1129] [M1036-M1037] [M1010] — Scores Concertos (Harps (2), percussion with string orchestra) — Solo with piano [M1140] [M1140-M1141] [M1011] Concertos (Horns (2)) Concertos (Harps (2) with chamber orchestra) Concertos (Harpsichord with instrumental ensemble) [M1028-M1029] [M1036-M1037] (May Subd Geog) — Solos with piano Concertos (Harps (2) with string ensemble) — Solo with piano Concertos (Harps (2) with string orchestra) [M215] [M1029] Concertos (Horns (2), oboes (2) with string orchestra) [M1136-M1137] Concertos (Harpsichord with string ensemble) Concertos (Harps (4) with string orchestra) Concertos (Harpsichord with string orchestra) [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Horns (2), trombones (2), trumpets (2), tuba) [M1136-M1137] [M1110-M1111] Concertos (Harpsichord) — 2-piano scores [M1040-M1041] Concertos (Horns (2) with string orchestra) [M1010-M1011] USE Concertos (Harpsichord with string — 2-harpsichord scores orchestra)—Solo with piano [M1128-M1129] — Solos with piano [M1011] — Solo with piano — 2-piano scores [M1111] [M1129] UF Concertos (Harpsichord with string Concertos (Horns (3)) USE Concertos (Harpsichord)—Solo with piano orchestra)—2-piano scores [Former — Solo with piano heading] [M1028-M1029] Concertos (Horns (3), violin with chamber orchestra) [M1011] Concertos (Harpsichord with string orchestra), Arranged UF Concertos (Harpsichord)—2-piano scores [M1110-M1111] [M1040-M1041] Concertos (Horns (3) with band) [Former heading] Concertos (Harpsichord with wind ensemble) Concertos (Harpsichord and organ with chamber Concertos (Harpsichords (2)) [M1205-M1206] Concertos (Horns (3) with string orchestra) orchestra) [M1010-M1011] [M1040-M1041] Concertos (Harpsichords (2) with string orchestra) [M1128-M1129] Concertos (Horns (4)) Concertos (Harpsichord and piano) [M1110-M1111] [M1010-M1011] Concertos (Harpsichords (2) with string orchestra), [M1028-M1029] — Solos with piano Concertos (Harpsichord and piano with dance Arranged orchestra) [M1110-M1111] [M1029] [M1353] Concertos (Horns (4) with band) Concertos (Harpsichords (3) with string orchestra) Concertos (Harpsichord and piano with wind ensemble) USE Concertos (Harpsichord ensemble with string [M1205-M1206] Concertos (Harpsichord), Arranged orchestra) Concertos (Hurdy-gurdies (2)) [M1010-M1011] Concertos (Harpsichords (4)) [M1039.4.H87] Concertos (Harpsichord ensemble) (May Subd Geog) USE Concertos (Harpsichord ensemble) Concertos (Hurdy-gurdies (2) with instrumental UF Concertos (Harpsichords (4)) [Former Concertos (Harpsichords (4)), Arranged ensemble) heading] USE Concertos (Harpsichord ensemble), Arranged Concertos (Hurdy-gurdy) Concertos (Harpsichord ensemble), Arranged Concertos (Harpsichords (4) with string orchestra) [M1039.4.H87] (May Subd Geog) USE Concertos (Harpsichord ensemble with string Concertos (Hurdy-gurdy with chamber orchestra) UF Concertos (Harpsichords (4)), Arranged orchestra) [Former heading] [M1039.4.H87] Concertos (Hurdy-gurdy with chamber orchestra), Concertos (Harpsichord ensemble with string orchestra) (May Subd Geog) Arranged [M1010-M1011] [M1039.4.H87] Concertos (Hurdy-gurdy with instrumental ensemble) Concertos (Instrumental ensemble) Concertos (Instrumental ensemble with orchestra) [M1040-M1041] C-577
Concertos (Jazz ensemble) Concertos (Oboe) Concertos (Oboe with string orchestra) [M1040-M1041] [M1022-M1023] [M1122-M1123] UF Concertos (Jazz octet) [Former heading] Concertos (Jazz quartet) [Former heading] — Solo with piano — Solo with piano Concertos (Jazz quintet) [Former heading] [M1023] [M1123] Concertos (Jazz trio) [Former heading] Concertos (Oboe and cello) (May Subd Geog) Concertos (Oboe with string orchestra), Arranged Concertos (Jazz ensemble with band) [M1040-M1041] [M1122-M1123] [M1205-M1206] UF Concertos (Oboe and violoncello) [Former UF Concertos (Jazz quintet with band) [Former heading] — Scores heading] [M1122] Concertos (Oboe and harp) Concertos (Jazz ensemble with chamber orchestra) [M1040-M1041] Concertos (Oboes (2)) [M1040-M1041] [M1022-M1023] UF Concertos (Jazz trio with chamber orchestra) — Scores [Former heading] [M1040] Concertos (Oboes (2), trumpet with string orchestra) [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Jazz ensemble with string orchestra) Concertos (Oboe and harp with chamber orchestra) [M1140-M1141] [M1040-M1041] Concertos (Oboes (2) with string orchestra) UF Concertos (Jazz quintet with string orchestra) [M1122-M1123] [Former heading] Concertos (Oboe and harp with string orchestra) [M1140-M1141] — Solos with piano Concertos (Jazz octet) [M1123] USE Concertos (Jazz ensemble) Concertos (Oboe and harpsichord with string orchestra) [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Oboes (3) with string orchestra) Concertos (Jazz quartet) [M1122-M1123] USE Concertos (Jazz ensemble) Concertos (Oboe and percussion with string orchestra) [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Oboes (4) with string orchestra) Concertos (Jazz quintet) [M1122-3] USE Concertos (Jazz ensemble) Concertos (Oboe and piano with string ensemble) Concertos (Oboe and recorder with string orchestra) Concertos (Oboi d'amore (2) with string orchestra) Concertos (Jazz quintet with band) [M1134-M1135] USE Concertos (Jazz ensemble with band) [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Oboe and trumpet with string orchestra) Concertos (Ondes Martenot) Concertos (Jazz quintet with string orchestra) [M1039.4.O5] USE Concertos (Jazz ensemble with string [M1140-M1141] orchestra) Concertos (Oboe and trumpet with string orchestra), — Scores [M1039.4.O5] Concertos (Jazz trio) Arranged USE Concertos (Jazz ensemble) [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Ondes Martenot with string orchestra) [M1139.4.O5] Concertos (Jazz trio with chamber orchestra) Concertos (Oboe and viola with string orchestra) USE Concertos (Jazz ensemble with chamber [M1140-M1141] — Solo with piano orchestra) [M1139.4.O5] — Scores Concertos (Kankleṡ with instrumental ensemble) [M1140] Concertos (Orchestra) Concertos (Keyboard instrument) [M1042] Concertos (Oboe and violin) [M1010-M1011] [M1040-M1041] Concertos (Organ) Concertos (Keyboard instrument with string orchestra) [M1005-M1006] Concertos (Oboe and violin), Arranged [M1110-M1111] [M1040-M1041] — Parts Concertos (Keyed fiddle) [M1005] Concertos (Oboe and violin with chamber orchestra) [M1019.K] [M1040-M1041] — Parts (solo) Concertos (Koto) [M1005] — Scores [M1037.4.K68] [M1040] — Solo with piano — Scores [M1006] Concertos (Oboe and violin with string orchestra) [M1037.4.K68] [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Organ ensemble) (May Subd Geog) Concertos (Lute with string orchestra) UF Concertos (Organs (3)) [Former heading] — Solos with piano [M1137.4.L88] [M1141] Concertos (Organ, harp, timpani with string orchestra) Concertos (Lutes (2) with string orchestra) [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Oboe and violin with string orchestra), [M1137.4.L88] Arranged Concertos (Organ, percussion, timpani) Concertos (Mandola and Jew's harp with string [M1140-M1141] USE Concertos (Percussion and organ) orchestra) Concertos (Oboe and violoncello) Concertos (Organ, piano, guitars (3), percussion) [M1140-M1141] USE Concertos (Oboe and cello) [M1040-M1041] Concertos (Mandolin) Concertos (Oboe), Arranged Concertos (Organ with band) [M1037.4.M3] [M1022-M1023] [M1205-M1206] — Solo with piano — Solo with piano Concertos (Organ with brass ensemble) [M1037.4.M3] [M1023] Concertos (Organ with chamber orchestra) Concertos (Mandolin), Arranged Concertos (Oboe d'amore) [M1005-M1006] [M1037.4.M3] [M1034.O26 (Scores)] Concertos (Organ with instrumental ensemble) [M1035.O26 (Solo(s) with piano)] Concertos (Organ with percussion ensemble) Concertos (Mandolin with plectral ensemble) Concertos (Organ with string orchestra) USE Concertos (Mandolin with plucked instrument — Solo with piano ensemble) [M1035.O26] [M1108-M1109] — Solo with piano Concertos (Mandolin with plucked instrument ensemble) Concertos (Oboe d'amore with string orchestra) UF Concertos (Mandolin with plectral ensemble) [M1134.O26 (Scores)] [M1109] [Former heading] [M1135.O26 (Solo with piano)] Concertos (Organ with string orchestra), Arranged Concertos (Mandolin with string orchestra) Concertos (Oboe d'amore with string orchestra), [M1108-M1109] [M1137.4.M3] Arranged Concertos (Organ with wind ensemble) [M1134.O26] Concertos (Organs (2)) — Solo with piano [M1135.O26] [M1137.4.M3] [M1005-M1006] Concertos (Oboe, violin, cello) (May Subd Geog) Concertos (Organs (3)) Concertos (Mandolins (2) with string orchestra) [M1040-M1041] [M1137.4.M3] UF Concertos (Oboe, violin, violoncello) [Former USE Concertos (Organ ensemble) heading] Concertos (Oud with string orchestra) — Solos with piano [M1137.4.M3] Concertos (Oboe, violin, cello with string orchestra) [M1137.4.O9] (May Subd Geog) Concertos (Panpipes) Concertos (Marimba) [M1140-M1141] [M1038-M1039] UF Concertos (Oboe, violin, violoncello with string [M1034.P35 (Scores)] orchestra) [Former heading] [M1034.5.P35 (Cadenzas)] — Solo with piano [M1035.P35 (Solo(s) with piano)] [M1039.4] Concertos (Oboe, violin, violoncello) Concertos (Percussion) USE Concertos (Oboe, violin, cello) [M1038-M1039] Concertos (Marimba and piano with string orchestra) — Solo with piano [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Oboe, violin, violoncello with string orchestra) [M1039] Concertos (Marimba with band) USE Concertos (Oboe, violin, cello with string Concertos (Percussion and celesta with string [M1205-M1206 (Original compositions)] orchestra) [M1257 (Arrangements)] orchestra) Concertos (Oboe with band) [M1140] Concertos (Marimba with string orchestra) [M1205-M1206] [M1138-M1139] Concertos (Percussion and organ) — Scores [M1040-M1041] Concertos (Marimbas (3) with band) [M1205] UF Concertos (Organ, percussion, timpani) [M1205-M1206] [Former heading] Concertos (Oboe with chamber orchestra) Concertos (Mouth-organ) [M1022-M1023] Concertos (Percussion and organ with string orchestra) USE Concertos (Harmonica) [M1140-M1141] — Solo with piano Concertos (Mouth-organ with chamber orchestra) [M1023] Concertos (Percussion and piano) USE Concertos (Harmonica with chamber orchestra) [M1040-M1041] Concertos (Oboe with instrumental ensemble) Concertos (Mouth-organ with string orchestra) Concertos (Oboe with string ensemble) Concertos (Percussion and piano with chamber USE Concertos (Harmonica with string orchestra) orchestra) [M960-M962] [M1040-M1041] Concertos (Percussion and piano with instrumental ensemble) C-578
Concertos (Percussion and piano with string orchestra) Concertos (Piano, flute, viola with string orchestra) — 2-piano scores [M1140-M1141] [M1140-M1141] [M1111] Concertos (Percussion with band) — Scores Concertos (Piano with wind ensemble) [M1205-M1206] [M1140] Concertos (Piano with woodwind ensemble) Concertos (Pianola) — Scores Concertos (Piano, flute, violin with instrumental [M1205] ensemble) [M1039.4.P5] Concertos (Pianos (2)) Concertos (Percussion with chamber orchestra) Concertos (Piano, flute, violin with string orchestra) [M1038-M1039] [M1140-M1141] [M1010-M1011] — 3-piano scores — Solos with piano Concertos (Piano, horn, glockenspiel, xylophone) [M1039] [M1040-M1041] [M1011] Concertos (Pianos (2), 1 hand each) Concertos (Percussion with instrumental ensemble) Concertos (Piano, horn, violin) Concertos (Pianos (2)), Arranged Concertos (Percussion with jazz ensemble) [M1040-M1041] [M1010-M1011] [M985] Concertos (Piano, oboe, trumpet, violin, double bass Concertos (Pianos (2), celesta, percussion, synthesizer Concertos (Percussion with percussion ensemble) with string orchestra) Concertos (Percussion with string orchestra) [M1140-M1141] with chamber orchestra) — Scores USE Concertos (Celesta, pianos (2), percussion, [M1138-M1139] Concertos (Pi pa) (May Subd Geog) Concertos (Piano quartet with string orchestra) synthesizer with chamber orchestra) [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Pianos (2), celesta, percussion with [M1037.4.P5] Concertos (Piano) Concertos (Piano quintet with string orchestra) chamber orchestra) [M1140-M1141] USE Concertos (Celesta, pianos (2), percussion with [M1010-M1011] — 2-piano scores Concertos (Piano, saxophone, double bass with chamber orchestra) instrumental ensemble) Concertos (Pianos (2), guitars (3), percussion) [M1011] — Cadenzas Concertos (Piano, saxophones (4), harp, percussion [M1040-M1041] with string orchestra) Concertos (Pianos (2), percussion) [M1004.7.P5 (Collections)] [M1140-M1141] [M1010.5 (Individual works (Orchestra acccomp UF Concertos (Harp and percussion with string [M1040-M1041] animent))] orchestra) [Former heading] Concertos (Pianos (2), percussion with string orchestra) [M1110.5 (Individual works (String orchestra acc Harp and percussion with string orchestra ompaniment))] [Former heading] [M1140-M1141] UF Piano cadenzas Concertos (Pianos (2), synthesizer, celesta, percussion — Excerpts Concertos (Piano, timpani, violins (2), viola, cello with — — 2-piano scores string orchestra) (May Subd Geog) with chamber orchestra) [M1140-M1141] USE Concertos (Celesta, pianos (2), percussion, [M1011] UF Concertos (Piano, timpani, violins (2), viola, — Excerpts, Arranged violoncello with string orchestra) [Former synthesizer with chamber orchestra) heading] Concertos (Pianos (2) with band) [M1010-M1011] UF Concertos (Piano), Arranged—Excerpts Concertos (Piano, timpani, violins (2), viola, violoncello [M1205-M1206] with string orchestra) Concertos (Pianos (2) with brass band) [Former heading] USE Concertos (Piano, timpani, violins (2), viola, — Parts (solo) cello with string orchestra) [M1205] [M1257] [M1010] Concertos (Piano trio) Concertos (Pianos (2) with chamber orchestra) Concertos (Piano, 1 hand) [M1040-M1041] [M1010-M1011] — 3-piano scores [M1010-M1011] — Scores — 2-piano scores [M1040] [M1011] Concertos (Pianos (2) with dance orchestra) [M1011] — Solos with piano Concertos (Piano, 1 hand, with chamber orchestra) [M1041] [M1353] Concertos (Pianos (2) with instrumental ensemble) [M1010-M1011] Concertos (Piano trio with string orchestra) Concertos (Pianos (2) with percussion ensemble) Concertos (Piano, 4 hands) [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Pianos (2) with string orchestra) [M1010-M1011] — Scores [M1110-M1111] — 2-piano scores [M1140] Concertos (Pianos (3)) [M1011] Concertos (Piano, trumpet, vibraphone, double bass) USE Concertos (Piano ensemble) — 3-piano scores [M1040-M1041] Concertos (Piccolo) (May Subd Geog) USE Piano ensembles, Arranged — Scores [M1034.P5 (Scores)] Concertos (Piano, 4 hands, with instrumental ensemble) [M1040] [M1034.5.P5 (Cadenzas)] Concertos (Piano, 4 hands, with wind ensemble) [M1035.P5 (Solo(s) with piano)] Concertos (Piano and synthesizer) Concertos (Piano, trumpet, viola) — Solo with piano [M1040-M1041] [M1040-M1041] [M1035.P5] Concertos (Piano), Arranged Concertos (Piano, trumpets (3) with string orchestra) Concertos (Piccolo with band) [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Piccolo with instrumental ensemble) [M1010-M1011] Concertos (Piccolo with string orchestra) — Excerpts Concertos (Piano, violins (2) with string orchestra) [M1140-M1141] (May Subd Geog) USE Concertos (Piano)—Excerpts, Arranged [M1134.P5 (Scores)] Concertos (Piano, clarinet, percussion, cello) Concertos (Piano with band) [M1134.5.P5 (Cadenzas)] [M1205-M1206] [M1135.P5 (Solo(s) with piano)] (May Subd Geog) [M1040-M1041] — 2-piano scores — Solo with piano UF Concertos (Piano, clarinet, percussion, [M1206] [M1121] violoncello) [Former heading] Concertos (Piano with band), Arranged Concertos (Piccolo with string orchestra), Arranged Concertos (Piano, clarinet, percussion, violoncello) [M1257] [M1134.P5] USE Concertos (Piano, clarinet, percussion, cello) [M1135.P5] Concertos (Piano with brass ensemble) Concertos (Piano, clarinet, trombone, percussion) [M917] — Solo with piano [M1040-M1041] [M1135.P5] Concertos (Piano with chamber orchestra) Concertos (Piano, clarinet, trumpet) [M1010-M1011] Concertos (Piccolo with wind ensemble) Concertos (Piano, clarinet, violin) Concertos (Piccolos (2)) — 2-piano scores [M1040-M1041] [M1011] [M1020-M1021] Concertos (Piano, clarinet, violin, cello) Concertos (Recorder) (May Subd Geog) Concertos (Piano with clarinet choir) (May Subd Geog) [M1205-M1206] [M1034.R4 (Scores)] [M1040-M1041] [M1034.5.R4 (Cadenzas)] UF Concertos (Piano, clarinet, violin, violoncello) Concertos (Piano with dance orchestra) [M1035.R4 (Solo(s) with piano)] [Former heading] [M1353] Concertos (Recorder and trumpet with string orchestra) [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Piano, clarinet, violin, cello with string — Scores Concertos (Recorder and viola da gamba with string orchestra) (May Subd Geog) [M1353] orchestra) [M1140-M1141] [M1140-M1141] UF Concertos (Piano, clarinet, violin, violoncello Concertos (Piano with instrumental ensemble) — Solos with piano with string orchestra) [Former heading] Concertos (Piano with percussion ensemble) Concertos (Piano with salon orchestra) [M1141] Concertos (Piano, clarinet, violin, violoncello) Concertos (Recorder and violin with string orchestra) USE Concertos (Piano, clarinet, violin, cello) [M1353] Concertos (Piano with string ensemble) [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Piano, clarinet, violin, violoncello with string — Solos with piano orchestra) [M910-M912] USE Concertos (Piano, clarinet, violin, cello with — 2-piano scores [M1141] string orchestra) Concertos (Recorder), Arranged (May Subd Geog) [M215] Concertos (Piano ensemble) (May Subd Geog) Concertos (Piano with string orchestra) [M1034.R4 (Scores)] [M1010-M1011] [M1034.5.R4 (Cadenzas)] UF Concertos (Pianos (3)) [Former heading] [M1110-M1111] [M1035.R4 (Solo(s) with piano)] — 2-piano scores Concertos (Recorder with chamber orchestra) Concertos (Piano, flute, horn with string orchestra) (May Subd Geog) [M1140-M1141] [M1111] Concertos (Piano with string orchestra), Arranged [M1140-M1141] C-579
Concertos (Recorder with chamber orchestra) Concertos (Saxophone with instrumental ensemble) Concertos (Trombone) (Continued) Concertos (Saxophone with percussion ensemble) [M1032-M1033] [M1034.R4 (Scores)] Concertos (Saxophone with string ensemble) [M1034.5.R4 (Cadenzas)] Concertos (Saxophone with string orchestra) — Solo with harpsichord and piano [M1035.R4 (Solo(s) with piano)] [M1033] [M1134.S4 (Scores)] Concertos (Recorder with instrumental ensemble) [M1135.S4 (Solo(s) with piano)] — Solo with piano Concertos (Recorder with string ensemble) — Solo with piano [M1033] Concertos (Recorder with string orchestra) [M1135.S4] Concertos (Trombone and timpani with string orchestra) [M1134.R4 (Scores)] Concertos (Saxophone with wind ensemble) [M1140-M1141] [M1135.R4 (Solo with piano)] Concertos (Saxophones (4)) [M1134.5.R4 (Cadenzas)] Concertos (Trombone and trumpet) — Solo with piano [M1034.S4 (Scores)] — Solos with piano [M1035.S4 (Solo(s) with piano)] [M1041] [M1135.R4] — Solos with pianos (2) Concertos (Recorder with string orchestra), Arranged Concertos (Trombone and trumpet with band) [M1035.S4] [M1205-M1206] [M1134.R4] Concertos (Saxophones (4) with band) [M1135.R4] Concertos (Trombone and trumpet with brass band) Concertos (Recorders (2)) (May Subd Geog) [M1205-M1206] [M1205-M1206 (Original compositions)] [M1034.R4 (Scores)] Concertos (Saxophones (4) with chamber orchestra) [M1257 (Arrangements)] [M1034.5.R4 (Cadenzas)] [M1035.R4 (Solos with piano)] [M1034.S4 (Scores)] Concertos (Trombone and trumpet with string orchestra) — Scores [M1035.S4 (Solo(s) with piano)] [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Saxophones (4) with string orchestra) [M1034.R4] [M1134.S4 (Scores)] — Solos with piano — Solos with piano [M1135.S4 (Solo(s) with piano)] [M1141] — Scores [M1035.R4] Concertos (Trombone with band) Concertos (Recorders (2) with instrumental ensemble) [M1134.S4] [M1205-M1206] Concertos (Recorders (2) with plectral ensemble) Concertos (Shakuhachi) — Scores and parts USE Concertos (Recorders (2) with plucked [M1034.S5 (Scores)] [M1205] instrument ensemble) [M1035.S5 (Solo(s) with piano)] Concertos (Shakuhachi and biwa) — Solo with piano Concertos (Recorders (2) with plucked instrument [M1040-M1041] [M1206] ensemble) Concertos (Shakuhachi with string orchestra) UF Concertos (Recorders (2) with plectral [M1134.S5 (Scores)] Concertos (Trombone with brass band) ensemble) [Former heading] [M1135.S5 (Solo(s) with piano)] [M1205-M1206] Concertos (Sheng) Concertos (Recorders (2) with string orchestra) [M1039.4.S5] — Solo with piano [M1134.R4] Concertos (Sitar) [M1206] [M1135.R4] [M1037.4.S58] Concertos (Sitar and tabla with instrumental ensemble) Concertos (Trombone with brass ensemble) — Solos with piano Concertos (String orchestra) Concertos (Trombone with chamber orchestra) [M1135.R4] [M1142] Concertos (String quartet) [M1032-M1033] Concertos (Recorders (3) with string orchestra) [M1040-M1041] — Solo with piano [M1134.R4 (Scores)] — Solos with piano [M1134.5.R4 (Cadenzas)] [M1033] [M1135.R4 (Solos with piano)] [M1041] Concertos (Trombone with instrumental ensemble) Concertos (String quartet), Arranged Concertos (Trombone with string ensemble) — Solos with piano Concertos (Trombone with string orchestra) [M1135.R4] [M1040-M1041] — Solos with piano [M1132-M1133] Concertos (Recorders (4) with string orchestra) — Scores [M1134.R4-M1135.R4] [M1041] Concertos (String quartet with band) [M1132] Concertos (Recorders (6) with string orchestra) — Solo with piano [M1134.R4] [M1205-M1206] [M1135.R4] — Scores [M1133] Concertos (Trombone with wind ensemble) Concertos (Resonator guitar with instrumental [M1205] Concertos (Trombones (2) with string orchestra) ensemble) (May Subd Geog) Concertos (String quartet with chamber orchestra) UF Concertos (Dobro with instrumental ensemble) [M1132-M1133] [Former heading] [M1040-M1041] Concertos (Trombones (3), trumpets (3) with band) — Scores Concertos (Rhythm band) [M1205-M1206] [M1040-M1041] [M1040] Concertos (Trombones (3) with band) Concertos (String quartet with instrumental ensemble) Concertos (Saxophone) Concertos (String quartet with jazz ensemble) [M1205-M1206] [M1034-M1035] Concertos (String quartet with string orchestra) Concertos (Trombones (4) with band) — Excerpts [M1140-M1141] [M1205-M1206] — — Solo with piano Concertos (String trio) Concertos (Trumpet) [M1035] [M1040-M1041] [M1030-M1031] — Solo with piano Concertos (String trio with string orchestra) — Solo with piano [M1035.S4] [M1140-M1141] [M1031] Concertos (Saxophone and computer with chamber Concertos (Tar) Concertos (Trumpet and chimes with string orchestra) orchestra) USE Concertos (Tar (Lute)) [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Saxophone and percussion with chamber Concertos (Tar (Lute)) Concertos (Trumpet and piano) orchestra) [M1037.4.T3] [M1040-M1041] Concertos (Saxophone and piano) UF Concertos (Tar) [Former heading] Concertos (Trumpet and piano with chamber orchestra) — Solo with piano [M1040-M1041] [M1040-M1041] — Scores [M1037.4.T3] Concertos (Trumpet and piano with string orchestra) Concertos (Tárogató with chamber orchestra) [M1040] [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Saxophone and trumpet with band) [M1034.T3 (Scores)] — Solos with piano [M1035.T3 (Solo(s) with piano)] [M1205-M1206 (Original compositions)] — Solo with piano [M1141] [M1257 (Arrangements)] Concertos (Trumpet and timpani) Concertos (Saxophone and trumpet with string [M1035.T3] orchestra) Concertos (Ti tzu) [M1040-M1041] [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Trumpet and tuba with brass ensemble) Concertos (Saxophone and violin) USE Concertos (Di zi) Concertos (Trumpet and tuba with instrumental [M1040-M1041] Concertos (Ti tzu with chamber orchestra) Concertos (Saxophone with band) ensemble) [M1205-M1206] USE Concertos (Di zi with chamber orchestra) Concertos (Trumpet and violin with string orchestra) — Solo with piano Concertos (Timpani) [M1140-M1141] [M1206] [M1038-M1039] Concertos (Trumpet and violin with string orchestra), Concertos (Saxophone with chamber orchestra) — Solo with piano Arranged (May Subd Geog) [M1039] [M1140-M1141] [M1034.S4 (Scores)] Concertos (Timpani and piano with string orchestra) [M1034.5.S4 (Cadenzas)] Concertos (Trumpet), Arranged [M1035.S4 (Solo(s) with piano)] [M1140-M1141] [M1030-M1031] Concertos (Timpani with band) — Solo with piano Concertos (Trumpet, harp, chimes with string orchestra) [M1035.S4] [M1205-M1206 (Original compositions)] [M1140-M1141] [M1257 (Arrangements)] Concertos (Saxophone with dance orchestra) Concertos (Timpani with brass ensemble) Concertos (Trumpet with band) [M1353] Concertos (Timpani with string ensemble) [M1205] Concertos (Trautonium) — Scores [M1039.4.T7] — Solo with piano [M1353] [M1206] Concertos (Trumpet with band), Arranged [M1257] Concertos (Trumpet with brass band) [M1205-M1206 (Original compositions)] [M1257 (Arrangements)] Concertos (Trumpet with chamber orchestra) [M1030-M1031] C-580
— Scores Concertos (Viola and double bass) — Cadenzas [M1030] [M1040-M1041] [M1004.7.V5 (Collections)] [M1012.5 (Individual works (Orchestra accompa — Solo with piano Concertos (Viola and harp with string orchestra) [M1031] [M1140-M1141] niment))] UF Concertos (Harp and viola with string [M1112.5 (Individual works (String orchestra acc Concertos (Trumpet with dance orchestra) orchestra) [Former heading] [M1356] ompaniment))] Concertos (Viola and harpsichord with string orchestra) UF Violin cadenzas Concertos (Trumpet with instrumental ensemble) [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Trumpet with percussion ensemble) — Excerpts Concertos (Trumpet with string ensemble) Concertos (Viola and harpsichord with string orchestra), — — Solo with piano Arranged — Solo with piano [M1140-M1141] [M1013] [M260-M261] — Excerpts, Arranged Concertos (Viola and organ with string orchestra) Concertos (Trumpet with string orchestra) [M1140-M1141] [M1012-M1013] [M1130-M1131] UF Concertos (Violin), Arranged—Excerpts Concertos (Viola and organ with string orchestra), — Solo with piano Arranged [Former heading] [M1131] [M1140-M1141] — Solo with piano Concertos (Trumpet with string orchestra), Arranged Concertos (Viola and piano) [M1013] [M1130-M1131] [M1040-1041] — Solo with piano (4 hands) Concertos (Violin and cello) (May Subd Geog) Concertos (Trumpet with wind ensemble) — Scores Concertos (Trumpets (2)) [M1040] [M1040-M1041] UF Concertos (Violin and violoncello) [Former [M1030-M1031] — Solos with piano Concertos (Trumpets (2) with band) [M1041] heading] — Excerpts [M1205-M1206 (Original compositions)] Concertos (Viola and piano with band) — — Solos with piano [M1257 (Arrangements)] [M1205-M1206] Concertos (Trumpets (2) with brass band) [M1041] [M1205-M1206] — Scores — Solos with piano Concertos (Trumpets (2) with instrumental ensemble) [M1205] Concertos (Trumpets (2) with string orchestra) [M1041] [M1130-M1131] Concertos (Viola and piano with string orchestra) Concertos (Violin and cello with chamber orchestra) — Solos with piano [M1140-M1141] (May Subd Geog) [M1131] Concertos (Viola and violoncello) [M1040-M1041] Concertos (Trumpets (2) with string orchestra), USE Concertos (Viola and cello) UF Concertos (Violin and violoncello with chamber orchestra) [Former heading] Arranged Concertos (Viola and violoncello with string orchestra) [M1130-M1131] USE Concertos (Viola and cello with string — Solos with piano orchestra) [M1041] Concertos (Trumpets (3)) [M1030-M1031] Concertos (Viola), Arranged Concertos (Violin and cello with gamelan) [M1014-M1015] (May Subd Geog) Concertos (Trumpets (3) with band) UF Concertos (Violin and violoncello with gamelan) [M1205-M1206 (Original compositions)] — Solo with piano [Former heading] [M1257 (Arrangements)] [M1015] Concertos (Violin and cello with instrumental ensemble) Concertos (Trumpets (3) with string orchestra) Concertos (Viola da gamba) (May Subd Geog) [M1130-M1131] [M1019.V54] UF Concertos (Violin and violoncello with instrumental ensemble) [Former heading] Concertos (Trumpets (4) with string orchestra) Concertos (Viola da gamba with string orchestra) [M1130-M1131] [M1119.V54] Concertos (Violin and cello with string orchestra) (May Subd Geog) Concertos (Trumpets (5), percussion with string — Solo with piano [M1140-M1141] orchestra) [M1119.V54] UF Concertos (Violin and violoncello with string [M1140-M1141] orchestra) [Former heading] Concertos (Viola d'amore) Concertos (Trumpets (8) with string orchestra) [M1019.V56] Concertos (Violin and double bass) [M1130-M1131] [M1040-M1041] — Solo with piano Concertos (Tuba) (May Subd Geog) [M1019.V56] — Solos with piano [M1034.T8 (Scores)] [M1041] [M1034.5.T8 (Cadenzas)] Concertos (Viola d'amore and guitar with chamber [M1035.T8 (Solo(s) with piano)] orchestra) Concertos (Violin and double bass with instrumental [M1040-M1041] ensemble) — Solo with piano [M1035.T8] Concertos (Viola d'amore and guitar with string Concertos (Violin and double bass with string orchestra) orchestra) [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Tuba with band) [M1140-M1141] [M1205] Concertos (Violin and harp) Concertos (Viola d'amore and harpsichord with chamber [M1040-M1041] — Solo with piano orchestra) [M1206] [M1040-M1041] Concertos (Violin and harpsichord) [M1040-M1041] Concertos (Tuba with brass band) Concertos (Viola d'amore and lute with string orchestra) [M1205-M1206 (Original compositions)] [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Violin and harpsichord with string orchestra) [M1257 (Arrangements)] [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Viola d'amore with chamber orchestra) — Solo with piano [M1019.V56] — Scores [M1206 (Original compositions)] [M1140] [M1257 (Arrangements)] Concertos (Viola d'amore with string orchestra) [M1119.V56] Concertos (Violin and organ with string orchestra) Concertos (Tuba with brass ensemble) [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Tuba with instrumental ensemble) — Solo with piano Concertos (Tuba with percussion ensemble) Concertos (Viola pomposa with string orchestra) — Scores Concertos (Tuba with string ensemble) [M1140] Concertos (Tuba with string orchestra) [M1119] Concertos (Viola with band) Concertos (Violin and piano) [M1134.T8 (Scores)] [M1040-M1041] [M1135.T8 (Solo(s) with piano)] [M1205-M1206] — Solo with piano Concertos (Viola with chamber orchestra) — Solos with piano [M1041] [M1135.T8] [M1014-M1015] Concertos (Tuba with wind ensemble) — Solo with piano Concertos (Violin and piano with chamber orchestra) Concertos (Vibraphone) [M1040-M1041] [M1015] [M1039.4.X9] Concertos (Viola with instrumental ensemble) — Scores — Scores and parts Concertos (Viola with string ensemble) [M1040] Concertos (Viola with string orchestra) [M1039.4.X9] — Solos with piano Concertos (Vibraphone with percussion ensemble) [M1114-M1115] [M1041] Concertos (Viol with instrumental ensemble) — Solo with piano Concertos (Viola) Concertos (Violin and piano with string ensemble) [M1115] Concertos (Violin and piano with string orchestra) [M1014-M1015] Concertos (Viola with string orchestra), Arranged — Solo with piano [M1140-M1141] [M1114-M1115] — Solos with piano [M1015] — Solo with piano Concertos (Viola and cello) (May Subd Geog) [M1141] [M1115] Concertos (Violin and piano with wind ensemble) [M1040-M1041] Concertos (Viola with wind ensemble) Concertos (Violin and viola) UF Concertos (Viola and violoncello) [Former Concertos (Violas (2) with string orchestra) [M1040-M1041] heading] [M1114-M1115] — Solos with piano Concertos (Viola and cello with string orchestra) — Solos with piano [M1041] (May Subd Geog) [M1115] Concertos (Violin and viola with chamber orchestra) [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Violas (4)) UF Concertos (Viola and violoncello with string [M1040-M1041] orchestra) [Former heading] [M1014-M1015] — Solos with piano Concertos (Violin) [M1041] [M1012-M1013] Concertos (Violin and viola with instrumental ensemble) — Analysis, appreciation C-581
Concertos (Violin and viola with string orchestra) Concertos (Violins (2), violoncello with string orchestra) Concertos (Violoncellos (2)) [M1140-M1141] USE Concertos (Violins (2), cello with string USE Concertos (Cellos (2)) orchestra) Concertos (Violin and violoncello) Concertos (Violoncellos (2) with chamber orchestra) USE Concertos (Violin and cello) Concertos (Violins (2), violoncellos (2) with string USE Concertos (Cellos (2) with chamber orchestra) orchestra) Concertos (Violin and violoncello with chamber USE Concertos (Violins (2), cellos (2) with string Concertos (Violoncellos (2) with instrumental ensemble) orchestra) orchestra) USE Concertos (Cellos (2) with instrumental USE Concertos (Violin and cello with chamber ensemble) orchestra) Concertos (Violins (2) with string ensemble) Concertos (Violins (2) with string orchestra) Concertos (Violoncellos (2) with string orchestra) Concertos (Violin and violoncello with gamelan) USE Concertos (Cellos (2) with string orchestra) USE Concertos (Violin and cello with gamelan) [M1112-M1113] — Solos with piano Concertos (Violoncellos (3)) Concertos (Violin and violoncello with instrumental USE Concertos (Cellos (3)) ensemble) [M1113] USE Concertos (Violin and cello with instrumental Concertos (Violins (2) with string orchestra), Arranged Concertos (Wind controller with string orchestra) ensemble) Concertos (Wind instrument with instrumental [M1112-M1113] Concertos (Violin and violoncello with string orchestra) — Solos with piano ensemble) USE Concertos (Violin and cello with string Concertos (Xylophone) orchestra) [M1113] Concertos (Violins (3)) [M1039.4.X9] Concertos (Violin), Arranged — Solo with piano [M1012-M1013] [M1012-M1013] — Scores [M1039.4.X9] — Excerpts Concertos (Yang chʻin) USE Concertos (Violin)—Excerpts, Arranged [M1012] — Solos with piano USE Concertos (Yang qin) — Solo with piano Concertos (Yang chʻin with orchestra) [M1013] [M1013] Concertos (Violins (3), viola, cello) (May Subd Geog) USE Concertos (Yang qin) Concertos (Violin, cellos (2) with string orchestra) Concertos (Yang qin) (May Subd Geog) (May Subd Geog) [M1040-M1041] [M1140-M1141] UF Concertos (Violins (3), viola, violoncello) [M1039.4.Y35] UF Concertos (Violin, violoncellos (2) with string UF Concertos (Yang chʻin) [Former heading] orchestra) [Former heading] [Former heading] Concertos (Violins (3), viola, cello with string orchestra) Concertos (Yang chʻin with orchestra) [Former Concertos (Violin, viola, cello, double bass with string heading] orchestra) (May Subd Geog) (May Subd Geog) Concertos (Zither) [M1140-M1141] [M1140-M1141] [M1037.4.Z6] UF Concertos (Violin, viola, violoncello, double UF Concertos (Violins (3), viola, violoncello with Concerts (May Subd Geog) bass with string orchestra) [Former heading] string orchestra) [Former heading] UF Recitals (Music) BT Amusements Concertos (Violin, viola, violoncello, double bass with — Scores Music—Performance string orchestra) [M1140] NT Concert tours USE Concertos (Violin, viola, cello, double bass with Dance recitals string orchestra) Concertos (Violins (3), viola, violoncello) Musical open mics USE Concertos (Violins (3), viola, cello) Rock concerts Concertos (Violin, violoncellos (2) with string orchestra) — Agents USE Concertos (Violin, cellos (2) with string Concertos (Violins (3), viola, violoncello with string USE Concert agents orchestra) orchestra) — Program building USE Concertos (Violins (3), viola, cello with string Concertos (Violin with band) orchestra) UF Program building (Music) [M1205-M1206] — Programs Concertos (Violins (3) with string orchestra) Concertos (Violin with chamber orchestra) [M1112-M1113] USE Concert programs [M1012-M1013] — Austria Concertos (Violins (3) with string orchestra), Arranged Concession bargaining (May Subd Geog) — Solo with piano [M1140-M1141] [M1013] [HD6971.6] — Scores and parts UF Concessions, Labor Concertos (Violin with instrumental ensemble) [M1112] Concertos (Violin with percussion ensemble) Employee givebacks Concertos (Violin with string ensemble) — Solos with piano Givebacks, Employee Concertos (Violin with string orchestra) [M1113] Labor concessions BT Collective bargaining [M1112-M1113] Concertos (Violins (4) with string orchestra) Concession operations (Amusements, etc.) — Solo with piano [M1112-M1113] USE Concessions (Amusements, etc.) Concession services (Amusements, etc.) [M1113] — Solos with piano USE Concessions (Amusements, etc.) Concertos (Violin with string orchestra), Arranged [M1113] Concessioners (Amusements, etc.) USE Concessions (Amusements, etc.) [M1112-M1113] Concertos (Violins (5)) Concessions (May Subd Geog) — Solo with piano [M1012-M1013] UF Concessions—Law and legislation BT Administrative law [M1113] Concertos (Violoncello) RT Licenses Concertos (Violin with wind ensemble) USE Concertos (Cello) Municipal franchises Concertos (Violins (2)) NT Build-operate-transfer (Public contracts) Concertos (Violoncello and double bass) Calvo doctrine and clause [M1012-M1013] USE Concertos (Cello and double bass) Mining law — Solos with piano Petroleum law and legislation Concertos (Violoncello and double bass with string Railroad law [M1013] orchestra) Railroads Concertos (Violins (2) and viola with chamber orchestra) USE Concertos (Cello and double bass with string — Law and legislation orchestra) USE Concessions USE Concertos (Violins (2), viola with chamber Concessions, Labor orchestra) Concertos (Violoncello and harp) USE Concession bargaining USE Concertos (Cello and harp) Concessions, Leased Concertos (Violins (2), cello with string orchestra) USE Leased departments, concessions, etc. (May Subd Geog) Concertos (Violoncello and harp with string orchestra) Concessions (Amusements, etc.) (May Subd Geog) [M1140-M1141] USE Concertos (Cello and harp with string UF Concession operations (Amusements, etc.) UF Concertos (Violins (2), violoncello with string orchestra) Concession services (Amusements, etc.) orchestra) [Former heading] Concessioners (Amusements, etc.) Concertos (Violoncello and piano) NT Park concessions Concertos (Violins (2), cellos (2) with string orchestra) USE Concertos (Cello and piano) Vending machines (May Subd Geog) Concessions in national parks [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Violoncello and piano with string orchestra) USE National park concessions UF Concertos (Violins (2), violoncellos (2) with USE Concertos (Cello and piano with string Concessions in parks string orchestra) [Former heading] orchestra) USE Park concessions Concessive clauses Concertos (Violins (2), viola) Concertos (Violoncello), Arranged USE Grammar, Comparative and [M1040-M1041] USE Concertos (Cello), Arranged general—Concessive clauses Conceveiba (May Subd Geog) Concertos (Violins (2), viola with chamber orchestra) Concertos (Violoncello piccolo with string orchestra) [QK495.E9 (Botany)] [M1040-M1041] [M1119.V6] UF Couceveiba UF Concertos (Violins (2) and viola with chamber Couceviba orchestra) [Former heading] Concertos (Violoncello with band) BT Euphorbiaceae USE Concertos (Cello with band) Concertos (Violins (2), violas (2), cello with string orchestra) (May Subd Geog) Concertos (Violoncello with brass band) [M1140-M1141] USE Concertos (Cello with brass band) UF Concertos (Violins (2), violas (2), violoncello with string orchestra) [Former heading] Concertos (Violoncello with chamber orchestra) USE Concertos (Cello with chamber orchestra) Concertos (Violins (2), violas (2), violoncello with string orchestra) Concertos (Violoncello with instrumental ensemble) USE Concertos (Violins (2), violas (2), cello with USE Concertos (Cello with instrumental ensemble) string orchestra) Concertos (Violoncello with string ensemble) Concertos (Violins (2), violas (2) with string orchestra) USE Concertos (Cello with string ensemble) [M1140-M1141] Concertos (Violoncello with string orchestra) USE Concertos (Cello with string orchestra) Concertos (Violoncello with string orchestra), Arranged USE Concertos (Cello with string orchestra), Arranged Concertos (Violoncello with wind ensemble) USE Concertos (Cello with wind ensemble) C-582
Conceveibum BT Branchiopoda Concord Valley (Mass.) USE Aparisthmium NT Eryonidae USE Concord River Valley (Mass.) Conchostraca, Fossil (May Subd Geog) Conch [QE817.C6] Concordances (May Subd Geog) — Use in cooking UF Conchophylla, Fossil BT Indexes USE Cooking (Conch) SA subdivision Concordances under names of Holostraca, Fossil individual persons, individual works (author- Conch, Caribbean queen BT Branchiopoda, Fossil title or title entries), and individual sacred USE Queen conch Conchs, Crown works, and under individual literatures and USE Melongenidae literary forms, e.g. Shakespeare, William, Conch, Pink Conchu Pata Site (Bolivia) 1564-1616--Concordances; Shakespeare, USE Queen conch USE Conchupata Site (Bolivia) William, 1564-1616. Hamlet--Concordances; Conchupata Site (Bolivia) Beowulf--Concordances; Bible-- Conch, Queen UF Conchu Pata Site (Bolivia) Concordances; English literature-- USE Queen conch BT Bolivia—Antiquities Concordances Conchyliastes Concha de la Cova Cave (Spain) [QL536] Concordances (Topology) USE Lloniń Cave (Spain) BT Mosquitoes RT Isotopies (Topology) Conchyliastes musicus BT Piecewise linear topology Concha family (Not Subd Geog) [QL536] Topological imbeddings Concha Hacienda (Mexico) Conchylidae USE Cochylidae Concordats UF Hacienda de La Concha (Mexico) Conchylis BT Catholic Church—Foreign relations—Treaties BT Haciendas—Mexico USE Cochylis Conchae nasales Conchylium Concorde (Jet transports) (Not Subd Geog) USE Turbinate bones USE Pomacea BT Supersonic transport planes Conchalito Site (Mexico) Concierges, Apartment UF El Conchalito Site (Mexico) USE Apartment concierges Concorde automobile (Not Subd Geog) BT Mexico—Antiquities Concierges, Hotel UF Chrysler Concorde automobile Conchas Dam Reservoir (N.M.) USE Hotel concierges BT Chrysler LH cars USE Conchas Lake (N.M.) Concierges, Personal Conchas Lake (N.M.) USE Personal concierges Concorde Crash, Gonesse, France, 2000 UF Conchas Dam Reservoir (N.M.) Conciliar theory USE Air France Flight 4590 Crash, Gonesse, Here are entered works dealing with the relative France, 2000 Conchas Reservoir (N.M.) authority of the Pope and church councils. BT Lakes—New Mexico Concorde Obelisk (Paris, France) UF Conciliarism USE Obeĺ isque de la Concorde (Paris, France) Reservoirs—New Mexico BT Catholic Church—Government Conchas Lake State Park (N.M.) Conciliarism Concorde Plaza (Paris, France) USE Conciliar theory USE Place de la Concorde (Paris, France) BT Parks—New Mexico Conciliation, Road of the (Rome, Italy) Conchas Reservoir (N.M.) USE Via della Conciliazione (Rome, Italy) Concordia (Roman deity) (Not Subd Geog) Conciliation, Industrial [BL820.C63] USE Conchas Lake (N.M.) USE Mediation and conciliation, Industrial UF Concordia Augusta (Roman deity) Conche Site (Italy) Conciliation, International BT Goddesses, Roman USE Mediation, International UF Le Conche Site (Italy) Conciliation (Civil procedure) (May Subd Geog) Concordia Augusta (Roman deity) BT Italy—Antiquities BT Civil procedure USE Concordia (Roman deity) Conchée Fort (Saint-Malo, France) Conciliazione Street (Rome, Italy) USE Fort de la Concheé (Saint-Malo, France) USE Via della Conciliazione (Rome, Italy) Concordia Augusta, Temple of (Rome, Italy) Concheros (Dance) (May Subd Geog) Concilios, Salón de (Palacio Arzobispal, Alcalá de USE Temple of Concord (Rome, Italy) [GV1796.C56] Henares, Spain) BT Religious dance—Mexico USE Saloń de Concilios (Palacio Arzobispal, Alcalá Concordia Station (Bilbao, Spain) Conchia USE Estacioń de la Concordia (Bilbao, Spain) USE Palpita de Henares, Spain) Conchifera Concklin family Concourses USE Bivalves USE Corridors Conchinamine USE Conklin family Conchiosaurus Conclave of Aigion, Greece, 1821 Concourses, Airport USE Nothosaurus USE Airport concourses Conchita Plaza (Mexico City, Mexico) BT Greece—History—War of Independence, USE Plaza de la Conchita (Mexico City, Mexico) 1821-1829 Concow Indians Concho, Fort (Tex.) USE Konkow Indians USE Fort Concho (Tex.) Conclaves, Papal Concho Indians USE Popes—Election Concow Maidu Indians USE Patarabueye Indians USE Konkow Indians Concho River (Tex.) Conclin family BT Rivers—Texas USE Conklin family Concrete Concho River Valley (Tex.) [TA439-TA446 (Engineering materials)] UF Concho Valley (Tex.) Conconully State Park (Wash.) [TH1087 (Fireproof construction)] BT Valleys—Texas BT Parks—Washington (State) [TP875-TP888 (Chemical technology)] Concho River Watershed (Tex.) UF Beton BT Watersheds—Texas Concord BT Building materials Concho Valley (Tex.) UF Unity NT Asphalt concrete USE Concho River Valley (Tex.) Colloidal concrete Concho water snake (May Subd Geog) — Religious aspects Concrete mixers [QL666.O636] — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] Concrete products UF Nerodia harteri paucimaculata Concord, Battle of, 1775 Frost resistant concrete USE Concord, Battle of, Concord, Mass., 1775 Heat resistant concrete Water snake, Concho Concord, Battle of, Concord, Mass., 1775 High strength concrete BT Harter's water snake Lightweight concrete Conchoecia (May Subd Geog) [E241.C7] Polymer-impregnated concrete [QL444.O85] UF Concord, Battle of, 1775 [Former heading] Precast concrete BT Halocyprididae BT Massachusetts—History—Revolution, 1775- Ready-mixed concrete Conchologists (May Subd Geog) Reinforced concrete BT Malacologists 1783 Resin concrete RT Shells United States—History—Revolution, 1775- Roller compacted concrete Conchology 1783—Campaigns Sand-lime products USE Mollusks Concord (Grammar) Self-consolidating concrete USE Grammar, Comparative and Shotcrete Shells general—Agreement Stone, Artificial Conchophora Concord grape (May Subd Geog) Stone, Cast [QK495.V55 (Botany)] Sulfate-resistant concrete USE Bivalves BT Fox grape—Varieties Sulfur concrete Conchophylla, Fossil Concord River (Mass.) Tabby (Concrete) BT Rivers—Massachusetts Vibrated concrete USE Conchostraca, Fossil Concord River Valley (Mass.) Conchos River (Mexico) UF Concord Valley (Mass.) — Additives (May Subd Geog) BT Valleys—Massachusetts UF Concrete admixtures UF Rió Conchos (Mexico) Concord River Watershed (Mass.) BT Rivers—Mexico BT Watersheds—Massachusetts — — Patents Conchos River Valley (Mexico) Concord, Temple of (Rome, Italy) — Air content (May Subd Geog) UF Conchos Valley (Mexico) USE Temple of Concord (Rome, Italy) BT Valleys—Mexico UF Air in concrete Conchos Valley (Mexico) RT Air-entrained concrete USE Conchos River Valley (Mexico) — — Measurement Conchostraca (May Subd Geog) — — — Instruments [QL444.B834] UF Clam shrimps NT Chace air indicator — Analysis NT Concrete—Sampling — Chemical resistance C-583
Concrete (Continued) Pumped concrete Concrete block stoppings (Mining) UF Chemistry of concrete Pumping of concrete USE Concrete stoppings (Mining) Concrete chemistry — Quality control BT Chemistry, Technical — Radiography (May Subd Geog) Concrete blocks (May Subd Geog) NT Alkali-aggregate reactions [TA440] [TH1491 (Building construction)] Concrete—Curing — Research (May Subd Geog) [TP885.C7 (Chemical technology)] UF Concrete research [Former heading] BT Blocks (Building materials) — Contraction — Sampling (May Subd Geog) Concrete products USE Concrete—Expansion and contraction BT Concrete—Analysis RT Concrete slabs — Service life (May Subd Geog) NT Cinder blocks — Cooling (May Subd Geog) UF Durability of concrete Concrete stoppings (Mining) — Corrosion (May Subd Geog) BT Service life (Engineering) Screen blocks — Shrinkage [TA440] USE Concrete—Expansion and contraction Concrete blocks in art (Not Subd Geog) — Cracking (May Subd Geog) — Skid resistance (May Subd Geog) Concrete boats — Solubility (May Subd Geog) UF Cracking of concrete BT Concrete—Dissolution [VM323] BT Concrete—Defects — Solution process UF Boats, Concrete — Creep (May Subd Geog) USE Concrete—Dissolution UF Creep of concrete [Former heading] — Specifications (May Subd Geog) Ferrocement boats — Curing (May Subd Geog) — Testing Reinforced concrete boats UF Concrete, Curing of [TA440] BT Boats and boating NT Concrete—Environmental testing RT Ships, Concrete Concrete curing Concrete—Fatigue Concrete bridges (May Subd Geog) Curing of concrete Concrete construction—Testing [TG335-TG340] BT Concrete—Chemistry — Thermal properties (May Subd Geog) UF Bridges, Concrete [Former heading] Concrete construction — Transportation (May Subd Geog) BT Bridges — — Cold weather conditions — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) NT High strength concrete bridges — — Safety measures — — Linear programming Prestressed concrete bridges — Cutting — Vibration — Cracking (May Subd Geog) USE Concrete cutting USE Vibrated concrete — Defects (May Subd Geog) — Viscosity (May Subd Geog) UF Cracking of concrete bridges RT Alkali-aggregate reactions Concrete, Composite-reinforced BT Fracture mechanics NT Concrete—Cracking USE Composite-reinforced concrete — Effect of temperature on (May Subd Geog) Concrete construction—Deterioration Concrete, Curing of BT Temperature — Density USE Concrete—Curing — Floors — Deterioration (May Subd Geog) Concrete, Effect of temperature on BT Floors UF Deterioration of concrete USE Concrete—Effect of temperature on — — Cathodic protection (May Subd Geog) — Dewatering (May Subd Geog) Concrete, Expanding UF Dewatering of concrete USE Expansive concrete BT Cathodic protection BT Separation (Technology) Concrete, Expansive — — Joints — Dissolution (May Subd Geog) USE Expansive concrete UF Concrete—Solution process Concrete, Lightweight BT Joints (Engineering) Dissolution of concrete USE Lightweight concrete — Foundations and piers Dissolving of concrete Concrete, Polymer BT Solution (Chemistry) USE Polymer-impregnated concrete UF Concrete bridges—Piers NT Concrete—Solubility Concrete, Polymer-impregnated BT Foundations — Drying (May Subd Geog) USE Polymer-impregnated concrete — — Cathodic protection (May Subd Geog) — Effect of salt on (May Subd Geog) Concrete, Pumped — Effect of temperature on (May Subd Geog) USE Concrete—Pump placing BT Cathodic protection UF Concrete, Effect of temperature on Concrete, Roller compacted — Joints [Former heading] USE Roller compacted concrete NT Concrete—Expansion and contraction Concrete, Self-stressed BT Joints (Engineering) — Electric properties (May Subd Geog) USE Expansive concrete — Maintenance and repair — Environmental testing (May Subd Geog) Concrete, Vibrated BT Concrete—Testing USE Vibrated concrete UF Concrete bridges—Repairing — Expansion and contraction (May Subd Geog) Concrete (Philosophy) — Models (May Subd Geog) UF Concrete—Contraction [BD332] — Piers Concrete—Shrinkage BT Existentialism Contraction of concrete Ontology USE Concrete bridges—Foundations and piers Expansion of concrete Reality — Repairing Shrinkage of concrete Concrete admixtures BT Concrete—Effect of temperature on USE Concrete—Additives USE Concrete bridges—Maintenance and NT Expansive concrete Concrete arches (May Subd Geog) repair — Fatigue (May Subd Geog) UF Arches, Concrete [Former heading] UF Fatigue of concrete BT Arches Concrete building BT Concrete—Testing Concrete construction USE Concrete construction — Finishing (May Subd Geog) Concrete art (May Subd Geog) UF Concrete finishes UF Art, Concrete Concrete chemistry Concrete surface finishes BT Art, Abstract USE Concrete—Chemistry BT Concrete construction—Formwork Art, Modern—20th century Finishes and finishing NT Color-field painting Concrete coatings — Fire testing (May Subd Geog) Concrete poetry Here are entered works on the protection of — Fluid dynamics Constructivism (Art) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Optical art concrete from deterioration. Works on the use of — Microscopy (May Subd Geog) Concrete as art material cement as a coating to protect other materials are — Mixing (May Subd Geog) UF Concrete in art entered under the heading Cement coating. — Moisture (May Subd Geog) BT Artists' materials — — Measurement Concrete beams UF Concrete—Protective coatings — Patents [TA683.5] BT Coatings — Penetration resistance UF Beams, Concrete UF Penetration resistance of concrete Concrete girders Protective coatings BT Hardness Reinforced concrete beams Concrete columns Materials—Dynamic testing BT Concrete products — Permeability Girders USE Columns, Concrete — Pipe lines NT Prestressed concrete beams Concrete construction (May Subd Geog) USE Concrete—Pump placing — Fatigue (May Subd Geog) — Prices (May Subd Geog) Concrete block building [NA4125 (Architecture)] — Products liability USE Concrete masonry [TA680-TA683 (Engineering design)] USE Products liability—Concrete Concrete block masonry [TH1461-TH1501 (Building)] — Protective coatings USE Concrete masonry UF Building, Concrete USE Concrete coatings — Pump placing (May Subd Geog) Concrete building [TA682.45] Construction, Concrete UF Concrete—Pipe lines [Former heading] BT Building Concrete, Pumped NT Columns, Concrete Concrete pumping Composite construction Concrete—Curing Concrete arches Concrete-filled tubes Concrete houses Concrete hydraulic structures Concrete masonry Concrete piling Concrete products Flooring, Concrete Floors, Concrete Grouting Pavements, Concrete Precast concrete construction Prestressed concrete construction Reinforced concrete construction Sewers, Concrete Ships, Concrete C-584
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