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Home Explore ตารางเลขระบบ LC หมวด H HA-HN

ตารางเลขระบบ LC หมวด H HA-HN

Published by Naresuan University Archive, 2019-01-22 01:36:28

Description: คู่มือจัดหมู่ระบบ LC

Keywords: LC,Library of Congress Classification


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HF COMMERCE HF 5686.A5 Business 5686.A56 Accounting. Bookkeeping 5686.A65 By business or activity -- Continued 5686.A68 Aluminum 5686.A73 Animal industry 5686.A76 Apartment houses Architects 5686.A8 Artisans 5686.A9 Associations, institutions, etc. 5686.B2 Cf. HF5686.C2+ Charitable institutions 5686.B3 Asylums see HF5686.C2+ Auctions 5686.B34 Automobiles 5686.B35 Automotive transportation see HE5619 5686.B36 Bakers 5686.B37 Banking see HG1706+ 5686.B4 Bankruptcy 5686.B45 5686.B5 Cf. HF5686.R4 Receivers 5686.B6 5686.B65 Beauty shops Bicycle industry 5686.B7 Boards of trade 5686.B8 Book industry Boots and shoes 5686.B9 Bowling alleys 5686.C12 Breweries Brick trade 5686.C13 Brokers. Stockbrokers. Securities industry 5686.C14 For commission merchants see HF5686.C5 5686.C15 Builders. Contractors. Construction industry 5686.C155 Building and loan associations. Savings and loan 5686.C17 5686.C175 associations (5686.C177) Butchers Camera industry 5686.C18 Candy industry see HF5686.C63 Canned foods industry Carbonated beverages. Beverage industry. Mineral water industry Carriage industry Casinos see HF5686.G23 Caterers and catering Cement industries Cemeteries Cereals see HF5686.G5 Chain stores Charge cards see HF5686.C89 Charitable institutions. Charities 385

HF COMMERCE HF 5686.C2 Business 5686.C3 Accounting. Bookkeeping 5686.C35 By business or activity Charitable institutions. Charities -- Continued 5686.C42 Public welfare 5686.C424 Private 5686.C425 5686.C427 Cf. HF5686.N56 Nonprofit organizations 5686.C43 5686.C44 Chemical industries 5686.C45 Churches see BV773 5686.C48 Cigarettes see HF5686.T6 5686.C49 Cigar industries Circuses 5686.C495 Clay industries 5686.C5 Cleaning and dyeing 5686.C52 Clock and watchmaking 5686.C54 Clothing trade. Fashion 5686.C55 Clubs Coal trade 5686.C63 Coffee industry Colleges see LB2341.98+ 5686.C67 Colliery see HF5686.M6 5686.C68 Commercial finance companies 5686.C7 Commission merchants Communication and traffic 5686.C77 Computer software industry 5686.C8 Computer industry Condominium associations see HF5686.H63 5686.C85 Confectionery. Candy industry Construction see HF5686.B7 5686.C87 Contractors see HF5686.B7 5686.C89 Cooperative agriculture see HF5686.A36 5686.C92 Cooperative banks see HF5686.C92 Cooperative societies Corn products industry Corporations Cf. HF5686.N56 Nonprofit organizations Cf. HF5686.S92 Subsidiary corporations Cosmetics industry Cost accounting. Activity-based costing For special businesses, see the business, e.g., Manufacturing HF5686.M3 Cf. HJ9750 Public finance Cotton trade Cotton textile industry see HF5686.T4 Cottonseed oil Credit cards. Charge cards Credit unions. Cooperative banks 386

HF COMMERCE HF 5686.D38 Business 5686.D5 Accounting. Bookkeeping 5686.D7 By business or activity -- Continued 5686.E27 Dairy see SF261 5686.E3 Defense industries see HF5686.M84 5686.E4 Dental instruments and apparatus industry (5686.E9) Department stores Doctors see HF5686.P37 5686.F28 Drugs. Drug stores. Pharmaceutical industry Economic development projects see HD75.9 5686.F4 Electric household appliances Electric industries 5686.F46 Electric street railways see HE4351 5686.F5 Electric utilities 5686.F6 Engineering see TA185 5686.F616 Executors, estate accounting 5686.F62 see class K 5686.F63 5686.F64 Factories see HF5686.M3 5686.F65 Family day care 5686.F66 Farms see HF5686.A36 5686.F67 Fashion industry see HF5686.C44 5686.F7 Fertilizers 5686.F75 Fiduciary accounting see HF5686.T8 5686.F78 Finance companies, Commercial see HF5686.C495 5686.F8 Finance companies, Personal see HF5686.L6 5686.G23 Financial services. Financial institutions 5686.G3 Fisheries 5686.G35 Flour and feed trade Food industry and trade Foreign exchange see HG3853.7 Forest products industries For lumber see HF5686.L9 For wood-using industries see HF5686.W8 Forest management see SD393 Forging Forwarding agents. Freight forwarders Foundries Franchises Freight Cf. TF662+ Railroad engineering Fruit Fuel Fur Furniture Gambling. Casinos Gas industry Geological research 387

HF COMMERCE HF 5686.G38 Business (5686.G4) Accounting. Bookkeeping By business or activity -- Continued 5686.G45 Glass trade 5686.G5 Glaziers 5686.G6 see HF5686.G38 5686.G7 Gold work 5686.G8 Grain trade 5686.G9 For commission business (Produce) see HF5686.C5 5686.G93 5686.H3 Grain elevators Gravel industry see HF5686.S3 5686.H36 Greek letter societies 5686.H37 Grocery trade 5686.H4 5686.H5 For supermarkets see HF5686.S96 5686.H53 5686.H6 Gums and resins industry 5686.H62 Gunpowder industry 5686.H63 Hardware industry 5686.H65 Health facilities see HF5686.H7 5686.H7 Health maintenance organizations Health resorts 5686.H75 Heating and ventilation industry 5686.H77 Hides and skins industry 5686.H83 High technology industries Holding companies 5686.I4 Home care services 5686.I42 Homeowners' associations. Condominium associations 5686.I46 Hosiery industry Hospitals. Health facilities 5686.I53 5686.I55 For nursing homes see HF5686.N9 5686.I56 Hotels. Restaurants. Hospitality industry 5686.I58 House furnishings industry 5686.I6 Housing management Housekeeping, household accounting see TX326.A1+ 5686.J6 Ice 5686.J75 Ice cream industry Incineration India rubber see HF5686.R8 Instructional materials centers Instrument industry Insurance see HG8077 Interest see HF5681.I6 International business enterprises Investment trusts. Mutual funds Investments Iron see HF5686.S75 Jewelry trade Joint ventures 388

HF COMMERCE HF 5686.J86 Business Accounting. Bookkeeping 5686.K55 By business or activity -- Continued 5686.K6 Jute industry 5686.L3 Just-in-time systems see HF5686.M3 5686.L35 Kitchen utensils industry 5686.L4 Knit goods industry 5686.L42 Laundry industry Lawyers 5686.L46 Lead industry 5686.L5 Lease and rental services 5686.L6 Libraries see Z683+ Linen see HF5686.T4 5686.L65 Liquor industry. Alcoholic beverage industry 5686.L9 Lithographers 5686.M2 Loans. Personal finance companies Local transit see HE4351 5686.M3 Lotteries Lumber trade 5686.M35 Machinery industry. Machine shops 5686.M37 Managerial accounting see HF5657.4 5686.M4 Manufacturing industries. Factories 5686.M45 Including just-in-time systems (5686.M48) Marketing Match industry 5686.M5 Meat industry 5686.M6 Medical personnel see HF5686.P37 Metal trade 5686.M62 5686.M65 Cf. HF5686.N5 Nonferrous metal industries 5686.M67 5686.M7 Military supplies 5686.M84 see HF5686.M84 5686.M87 Milk trade 5686.N3 Mineral industries 5686.N4 5686.N5 Cf. HF5686.C48 Coal trade 5686.N56 5686.N6 Mink fur industry Missions Mortgage banks Motion picture industry Motorbus lines see HE5618 Munitions. Defense industries Music trade Mutual funds see HF5686.I58 Natural resources Newspapers Nonferrous metal industries Nonprofit organizations Notaries 389

HF COMMERCE HF 5686.N9 Business 5686.O3 Accounting. Bookkeeping 5686.O4 By business or activity -- Continued 5686.O5 Nursing homes Office buildings 5686.O67 Oil industries 5686.O9 Old age pensions. Postemployment benefits. Pension 5686.P15 trusts. Defense benefit pension plans 5686.P17 Optical trade 5686.P2 Oxygen therapy equipment 5686.P225 Packing houses 5686.P23 Painting industry 5686.P235 Paper industry 5686.P24 Partnerships 5686.P243 Pawnbrokers 5686.P3 Peat industry Performing arts 5686.P33 Perfumes industry 5686.P35 Petroleum industry 5686.P37 Pharmaceutical industry see HF5686.D7 5686.P4 Photoengraving 5686.P6 Photography 5686.P7 Physicians. Medical personnel 5686.P78 Pipelines Planing mills 5686.P8 Plumbing industry Pork industry 5686.P86 Postal service 5686.P89 see HE6101 5686.P923 5686.P925 Printing industry 5686.P93 Produce see HF5686.F616 Productivity accounting 5686.P94 Professions 5686.R15 5686.R16 For individual professions, see the profession, e.g., 5686.R2 Lawyers, HF5686.L35 5686.R3 Public contracts 5686.R4 Public health Public utilities Public welfare see HF5686.C2 Publishers and publishing Radio and television equipment industries Radio broadcasting Railroad equipment industry Railways see HE2241 Real estate business Receivers Cf. HF5686.B3 Bankruptcy 390

HF COMMERCE HF 5686.R45 Business 5686.R46 Accounting. Bookkeeping 5686.R48 By business or activity -- Continued Refractories industry 5686.R5 Refrigeration. Cold storage industry 5686.R6 Refuse disposal industry 5686.R8 Resin see HF5686.G9 5686.S3 Restaurants see HF5686.H75 Retail trade see HF5601+ 5686.S37 Rice trade Road construction industry 5686.S39 Rubber industry 5686.S4 Sand and gravel industry Savings and loan associations see HF5686.B8 5686.S43 Savings banks see HG1895 5686.S45 Sawmills 5686.S46 Schools see LB2830+ 5686.S5 Scrap metal industry Screw machine products industry 5686.S53 Securities industry see HF5686.B65 Service industries 5686.S55 Sewage disposal plants 5686.S6 Sex-oriented businesses 5686.S63 Shipbuilding industry 5686.S65 Shipping see HE605 5686.S7 Shopping centers 5686.S75 Silk see HF5686.T4 Silver works 5686.S8 Slaughtering and slaughterhouses Soap trade 5686.S92 Sporting goods industry 5686.S94 Stationery trade 5686.S96 Steel industry 5686.T2 Stock exchanges see HF5686.B65 5686.T3 Stock raising see SF111+ Stockbrokers see HF5686.B65 5686.T35 Stove industry Street railways see HE4351 Student activities see LB3607 Subsidiary corporations Sugar trade Supermarkets Tailoring Tanneries Telecommunication industry see HE7695 Telephone. Telephone equipment industry Television equipment see HF5686.R15 391

HF COMMERCE HF 5686.T36 Business 5686.T4 Accounting. Bookkeeping By business or activity -- Continued 5686.T6 Television broadcasting 5686.T62 Textile industry 5686.T67 5686.T7 Including cotton textile industry, linen industry, silk industry, and wool industry 5686.T73 5686.T8 Timber see HF5686.L9 5686.T85 Tobacco industry. Cigarettes 5686.T9 5686.U54 Cf. HF5686.C42 Cigars 5686.V3 5686.W2 Tofu industry 5686.W3 Trade-unions see HD6486+ 5686.W6 Trading companies 5686.W65 Transportation 5686.W68 Transportation, Air see HF5686.A38 5686.W8 Transportation, Automotive see HE5618 Transportation, Local see HE4351 (5688) Travel agents Trustees. Fiduciary accounting 5691 5693.A-Z Cf. HG4315.3 Trust companies 5694 (5695) Tube industry 5695.5.A-Z Typewriter industry 5695.5.A9 Undertakers and undertaking 5695.5.B2 Universities see LB2341.98+ Varnish industry Warehouses Water resources development. Waterworks Cf. HF5686.S45 Sewage disposal plants Wholesale trade Wine industries Winter resorts Wood-using industries Including woodworking industries Wool see HF5686.T4 Supplies, equipment, mechanical devices, etc. see HF5521+ Business mathematics. Commercial arithmetic General works. By language English Other languages, A-Z Problems, exercises, etc. General special see the specific subject By business, A-Z Agriculture see S566 Automobiles Bakers 392

HF COMMERCE HF 5695.5.B6 Business 5695.5.B7 Business mathematics. Commercial arithmetic 5695.5.F6 By business, A-Z -- Continued Boots and shoes 5695.5.G7 Breweries Flour and feed 5695.5.L42 Food service see TX911.3.M33 5695.5.M4 Grocers Hotels see TX911.3.M33 5695.5.R3 Lease and rental services Meat 5695.5.R45 Printers see Z245 Real estate 5695.5.T4 Restaurants see TX911.3.M33 5696 Retail trade Shoes see HF5695.5.B6 5697 Textile industry 5698 Average of accounts. Equation of payments 5699 5702 Including tables 5705 Interest see HG1626+ (5706) Discount see HG1651+ Tables. Ready reckoners 5711 5712 American and English before 1860 5714 Foreign before 1860 5715.A-Z American and English, 1860- 5716.A-Z Foreign, 1860- Wage tables 5716.A4 5716.A8 General 5716.B3 By business 5716.B4 see HD4966 5716.B5 5716.B6 Money, weights, and measures Cf. HG3854+ Foreign exchange Periodicals. Societies. Serials General works Weights and measures Cf. QC81+ Physics By region or country, A-Z Tables of cost, quantity, weight, etc., of particular commodities, A-Z Agricultural products Awnings Beets Blinds see HF5716.S2 Books Bottles Boxes Butter see SF240 393

HF COMMERCE HF 5716.C2 Business 5716.C3 Business mathematics. Commercial arithmetic Tables. Ready reckoners 5716.C4 Tables of cost, quantity, weight, etc., of particular 5716.C5 commodities -- Continued Cattle 5716.C6 Cement 5716.C7 Cheese see SF240 5716.C8 Coal 5716.C85 Coffee Corn see HF5716.G7 5716.D8 Cotton 5716.E3 Cotton goods 5716.E4 Cottonseed Cottonseed oil 5716.F3 Cream see SF240 5716.F35 Dairy products see SF240 5716.F4 Doors see HF5716.S2 5716.F5 Dry goods 5716.F6 Eggs 5716.F9 Electricity 5716.G4 5716.G6 Cf. TK151 Electrical engineering 5716.G7 Envelopes see HF5716.S6 5716.G8 Fertilizer 5716.H3 Fish Flax 5716.H4 Flaxseed 5716.H5 Flour 5716.I8 Fruit Glass 5716.J4 Gold Grain 5716.L3 Granite see HF5716.S8 5716.L4 Gravel see HF5716.S16 5716.L5 Groceries Hardware Cf. HF5716.I8 Iron Hay Hoops Iron Cf. HF5716.S7 Steel Jewelry Liquids For distilled liquors see TP609 Through 1850 1850- Gauging of tanks 394

HF COMMERCE HF 5716.L8 Business Business mathematics. Commercial arithmetic 5716.M4 Tables. Ready reckoners 5716.M5 Tables of cost, quantity, weight, etc., of particular 5716.N4 commodities -- Continued 5716.O4 Lumber. Wood 5716.P4 Cf. HF5716.S2 Sash, doors and blinds 5716.P43 Cf. HF5716.V4 Veneer 5716.P5 5716.P6 Meat 5716.P63 Metals 5716.P65 Milk see SF240 5716.P8 Netting (5716.R4) Oil 5716.R5 Paper see HF5716.S6 5716.S16 Pearls 5716.S2 Petroleum see HF5716.O4 5716.S5 Picture frames see N8550+ Pecans 5716.S6 Plywood 5716.S7 Pork Potatoes 5716.S8 Poultry 5716.S9 Printing see Z245 5716.T25 Produce 5716.T3 Real estate business 5716.T4 see HF5695.5.R3 Resin Sand and gravel Sashes, doors and blinds Sheet iron see HF5716.I8 Slate Cf. HF5716.S8 Stone Spirits see HF5716.L3+ Stationery Steel Cf. HF5716.H3 Hardware Cf. HF5716.I8 Iron Stone Sugar Tanks see HF5716.L3+ Tea Textiles Cf. HF5716.C6 Cotton Cf. HF5716.F4 Flax Cf. HF5716.W6 Wood Timber see HF5716.L8 Tin and tin plate 395

HF COMMERCE HF 5716.T5 Business 5716.V4 Business mathematics. Commercial arithmetic 5716.W3 Tables. Ready reckoners 5716.W5 Tables of cost, quantity, weight, etc., of particular 5716.W6 commodities -- Continued Tobacco 5717 Veneer 5718 Wallpaper 5718.2.A-Z Wheat see HF5716.G7 5718.22 Windows see HF5716.S2 Wire 5718.3 Wood (Firewood) see HF5716.L8 5718.5 Woolen goods 5719 5720 Cf. TS1600+ Manufacture 5721 Business communication 5725 5726 For general works on business communication via the 5728.A-Z Internet see HD30.37 Cf. HD30.213 Management information systems Cf. HD30.3+ Communication in management Cf. HF5549.5.C6+ Communication in personnel management Cf. PE1115 Business English Periodicals. Societies. Serials General works By region or country, A-Z Business presentations Cf. P93.52+ Presentation graphics software Business speeches (Oratory) see PN4193.B8 Business writing General works Proposal writing in business Cf. HD3860+ Proposal writing for public contracting Business report writing Cf. PE1115 Commercial manuals Business translating Commercial correspondence Including works of general application by government as well as private bodies or individuals Dictionaries see HF1001 General works Stenography see Z53+ Handbooks, manuals, etc. Polyglot English Other languages, A-Z Special 396

HF COMMERCE HF 5730 Business Business communication 5733.A-Z Business writing 5733.A3 Commercial correspondence (5733.B3) Handbooks, manuals, etc. 5733.C5 Special -- Continued 5733.C7 Sales letters 5733.F6 (5733.L4) Cf. HF5438+ Selling 5734.A-Z Cf. HF5465.5+ Mail order business 5734.5 Other special, A-Z 5734.7 Adjustment letters Bank letters 5735 5736 see HG1616.R4 5737 5738 Circular letters 5741 Credit letters (5746) Form letters Letterhead design 5761 5765 see NC1002.L47 5770.A1 By business, A-Z 5770.A15 5770.A2-Z For a list of businesses see HF5686.A+ Business meetings Cf. HD2743 Corporate meetings General works Teleconferencing Including telephone conferencing, computer conferencing, videoconferencing, Internet videoconferencing Business records management For managing the records of a specific company, see the company Cf. HF5547.15 Paperwork management Periodicals. Societies. Serials General works Document imaging systems Electronic filing systems Cf. HD9696.F55+ Electronic filing equipment industry Filing systems. Indexing Tables. Charts. Indexing forms see HF5741 Shipment of goods. Delivery of goods General works English Other languages (not A-Z) Packaging Cf. TS195+ Packaging engineering Periodicals. Societies. Serials Congresses General works 397

HF COMMERCE HF 5773.A-Z Business 5773.B7 5773.C2 Shipment of goods. Delivery of goods -- Continued (5773.C7) 5773.L3 Other special, A-Z 5773.S3 5773.T3 Breakage, shrinkage, etc. 5773.W4 5780.A-Z C.O.D. shipments 5801 Consular requirements (5802) 5802.5 see class K 5803 Labels 5804 Samples 5805 5806.A-Z Tare 5807.A-Z (5807.5.A-Z) Weight, Marking of 5808.A-Z By region or country, A-Z 5810.A2 5810.A3-Z Advertising 5811 5813.A-Z For individual regions or countries see HF5813.A+ 5814 Cf. HD59.3 Advocacy advertising 5815.A-Z 5816 Periodicals. Societies. Serials 5821 Yearbooks 5822 see HF5801 Congresses Dictionaries. Encyclopedias Directories of advertisers and advertising agents General United States General By region or state, A-Z Local, A-Z By business see HF6161.A+ Other regions or countries, A-Z Under each country: .x General works .x2A-.x2Z Local, A-Z (.x3A-.x3Z) By business, see HF6161.A-Z Biography Collective Individual, A-Z History By region or country, A-Z Study and teaching. Research General works By region or country, A-Z Awards Cf. HF6146.P75 Prize contests in advertising Theory. Relation to other subjects General works Moral and ethical aspects see HF5831 Psychology 398

HF COMMERCE HF 5823 Business 5824 Advertising -- Continued 5825 General works Finance. Accounting 5826 Advertising copy. Advertising writing 5826.5 (5827) Including lay-out and typography Cf. P301.5.A38 Rhetoric 5827.2 5827.4 Advertising forms 5827.6 Media planning 5827.8 General special 5827.82 5827.83 see the specific subject 5827.84 5827.85 Comparison advertising. Positioning 5827.9 Cooperative advertising 5827.93 Corrective advertising 5827.95 Deceptive advertising 5828 Gays in advertising 5828.2 On-demand advertising 5828.4 Public service advertising 5829 Sex role in advertising 5831 Subliminal advertising 5832 Women in advertising (5833) Word-of-mouth advertising Point of sale advertising 5834 Data processing 5835 Advertising as a profession. Vocational guidance Juvenile works 5837 Moral and ethical aspects 5839 Consumer education and advertising 5841 Regulation 5843 see class K 5843.5 5843.7 Self regulation 5844 Taxation Methods 5845 5847 Advertising campaigns Color in advertising Signs and signboards Cf. GT3910+ Manners and customs Outdoor advertising. Billboards. Posters General works Aesthetics Advertising barns Motion pictures in advertising Display of merchandise. Show windows. Showrooms Cf. HF5415.165+ Merchandising General works Christmas show windows 399

HF COMMERCE HF (5849) Business Advertising 5851 Methods Display of merchandise. Show windows. Showrooms -- 5856 Continued By product 5861 5862 see HF6161.A+ 5863 Advertising cards. Business cards 5866 Cf. NE965+ Printmaking and engraving 5871 Cf. TT360.A1+ Sign and card writing (5901-6097) Advertising via transportation. Streetcar advertising 6103 6105.A-Z Cf. HF6161.T67 Advertising of transportation 6107 6111 Direct-mail advertising 6121.A-Z 6121.A4 Including advertising fliers and commercial catalogs 6121.H6 6121.M5 General works 6121.R4 Making of catalogs 6121.T7 Mailing list services industry 6122.A-Z Including lists of names 6125 6125.5 Jubilee shows, etc. 6127 Newspaper advertising. Magazine advertising 6133 6135 Handbooks, manuals, etc. 6137 By region or country 6141 6146.A-Z see HF6105 6146.A27 History By region or country, A-Z General works Rates By class of newspaper or magazine, A-Z Agricultural magazines House organs Medical journals Religious press Trade journals By newspaper or magazine, A-Z By form of advertisement Classified advertising. Want ads General works Help-wanted advertising Coupon ads Cuts Slogans Special advertising sections Small-space advertising Other methods, A-Z Advertising characters 400

HF COMMERCE HF 6146.A34 Business Advertising (6146.A4) Methods Other methods -- Continued 6146.B6 Advertising notes 6146.B7 6146.B74 Class here works on nineteenth century American and 6146.C2 Canadian advertisements printed on pieces of paper 6146.C27 that were the same size and shape as currency that 6146.D64 was in circulation at the time and that used designs 6146.D75 similar to those used on real money 6146.I58 6146.N7 Advertising specialties see HF6146.N7 Aircraft 6146.P6 see TL722.5 6146.P7 6146.P75 Blotter advertising 6146.P78 Booklets. Bookvertising 6146.R3 Broadcast advertising 6146.S3 Calendars 6146.S39 Cartoon map advertising Dolls. Advertising dolls 6146.S54 Drinking glasses Internet advertising 6146.T4 Novelties 6146.T42 Including advertising specialties 6146.T44 6146.T7 Postcards 6146.V53 6161.A-Z Cf. NC1878.A34 Illustration 6161.A3 6161.A36 Premiums 6161.A38 Prize contests. Sweepstakes Product placement in mass media 6161.A68 Radio advertising Samples Saxophone Skywriting see TL722.5 Slides Specialties, Advertising see HF6146.N7 Sweepstakes see HF6146.P75 Telephone directories Television advertising Including cable television advertising Theater commercials Trading stamps Video tapes By product, profession, service, or industry, A-Z Accountants Agriculture. Farm produce Airlines Alcoholic beverages see HF6161.L46 Architects 401

HF COMMERCE HF 6161.A9 Business 6161.B15 Advertising 6161.B2 By product, profession, service, or industry, A-Z -- 6161.B3 Continued Automobiles 6161.B35 Bakers and bakeries. Baked products 6161.B355 Banks and banking 6161.B37 Beverages 6161.B4 6161.B5 Including carbonated beverages 6161.B85 Bicycles 6161.C12 Biscuits Books 6161.C177 Brand name products 6161.C33 Brewing industry 6161.C424 Including beer 6161.C43 6161.C44 Bus lines Cameras 6161.C49 Carbonated beverages see HF6161.B3 6161.C55 Cereals, Prepared 6161.C63 Children's paraphernalia 6161.C77 Cigarettes see HF6161.T6 6161.C89 Circus Cleaning compounds 6161.D38 Clothing and dress. Fashion 6161.D7 6161.E27 Including men's clothing and women's clothing 6161.E3 Coffee 6161.F4 Computers 6161.F46 Confectionery 6161.F616 Cosmetics 6161.F618 Credit cards 6161.F67 Defense industries see HF6161.M84 6161.H65 Dental instruments and apparatus 6161.H7 Drugs 6161.H75 Electric household appliances 6161.H77 Electric industries Farm produce see HF6161.A36 Fashion see HF6161.C44 Fertilization in vitro, Human Financial services Food. Food service Forest fire prevention Freight and freightage Hosiery Hospitals Hotels. Hospitality industry House furnishings Information services see Z716.3+ 402

HF COMMERCE HF 6161.I6 Business 6161.J6 Advertising 6161.L35 By product, profession, service, or industry, A-Z -- Continued 6161.L4 Insurance 6161.L44 Jewelry 6161.L46 Lawyers Libraries see Z716.3+ 6161.L65 Library material preservation supplies 6161.L9 Lingerie 6161.M33 Liquor. Alcoholic beverages 6161.M52 Cf. HF6161.B5 Beer 6161.M53 6161.M54 Lotteries 6161.M7 Lumber 6161.M84 Maps 6161.N4 Matrimonial advertisements see HQ802.5 6161.O67 Medical care see HF6161.P37 6161.P18 Medicine see HF6161.P37 6161.P243 Men's clothing see HF6161.C44 6161.P33 Micropublishing 6161.P35 Milk 6161.P36 Mink fur 6161.P37 Motion pictures 6161.P57 Munitions. Defense industries 6161.P78 Newspapers 6161.P89 Optical trade 6161.P93 Pasta 6161.R23 Perfumes 6161.R3 Phonographs 6161.R4 Photographers Photographic apparatus 6161.S46 Physicians. Medical care. Medicine 6161.S53 Plastics 6161.S62 Pork 6161.S65 Professions 6161.T33 Public utilities 6161.T35 Radios Real estate business Restaurants Schools see LB2847 Sex-oriented businesses Shopping centers Soap Sporting goods Telecommunication Telephone companies. Telephone supplies Television programs see PN1992.8.A32 403

HF COMMERCE HF 6161.T55 Business 6161.T6 Advertising 6161.T62 By product, profession, service, or industry, A-Z -- 6161.T626 Continued 6161.T63 Tires 6161.T67 Tobacco. Cigarettes Tofu 6161.U56 Toothpaste 6161.W65 Tourist trade (6169) Transportation 6178 Cf. HF5856 Advertising via public transportation 6181.A-Z carriers 6182.A-Z (6201) Underwear Wine Women's clothing see HF6161.C44 Individual advertisers see HF6161+ Advertising agencies General works Individual, A-Z Cf. HF5810.A3+ Biography By region or country, A-Z Special lines of business see the industry in HD9000+ etc. 404

HG FINANCE HG 1 Finance 3 6 Including works on financial institutions and the financial services industry 11 13 For special classes of financial institutions see HG1811+ 15 For public finance see HJ9+ 17 Periodicals. Societies. Serials 18 19 Class here general periodicals by place of imprint 21 23 United States 25 Canada 27 Latin America 29 Europe 31 33 Great Britain 34 Austria 35 France 37.A-Z Germany 41 46 Including West Germany 51 52 East Germany. Eastern Germany (61) Italy Belgium 63 Netherlands Russia. Soviet Union. Former Soviet Republics 64 Denmark Norway 65 Sweden 66.A-.W Spain 67.A-Z Portugal 68 Switzerland 69 Other European countries, A-Z Asia Africa Australia New Zealand Yearbooks see HG1+ Congresses Directories For corporate financial directories see HG4009 General By region or country United States General works By state, A-W (Table H28) By city, A-Z Canada Latin America Europe Including European Union countries discussed collectively 405

HG FINANCE HG 70 Directories 71 By region or country 73 Europe -- Continued 75 General works 77 Great Britain 79.A-Z France 86 Germany 91 Italy 96 Other European countries, A-Z Asia 101 Africa 103 Australia 104 106 Theory. Method. Relation to other subjects (136-138) General works Relation to philosophy, religion, ethics 151 Electronic data processing 151.3 Mathematicals models 151.5 Collected works 151.7 151.8 see HG173+ 152 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias Terminology. Abbreviations. Notation 152.25 Communication of information 152.5.A-Z 171 General works Information services 172.A2 Computer networks. Electronic information resources 172.A3-Z Including the Internet and digital libraries 173 173.3 Study and teaching. Research 173.5 General works 173.6.A-Z By region or country 173.8 United States (174) Other regions or countries, A-Z (175) History Biography Collective Individual, A-Z General works Cf. HB142.5 Flow of funds accounting English French German Other languages, A-Z Juvenile works General special see the specific subject Addresses, essays, lectures see HG173+ Statistics 406

HG FINANCE HG 176 Statistics -- Continued 176.5 Collections of statistics 176.55 176.6 For individual regions or countries see HG181+ 176.63.A-Z 176.7 Theory. Methodology Financial exclusion 177 Discrimination in financial services 177.5.A-Z General works 177.7 By region or country, A-Z 177.8.A-Z Financial engineering 178 Fund raising 178.3 Including proposal writing for grants 178.33.A-Z Cf. HV41.2+ Charitable and philanthropic fund raising 179 General works 179.5 By region or country, A-Z 181 Subarrange each country by Table H73 183.A-Z 184.A-Z Hawala system General works 185.A2 By region or country, A-Z 185.A3-Z Liquidity Cf. HG1656.A3+ Banking Cf. HG3893 international finance Cf. HG4028.C45 corporation finance Microfinance General works By region or country, A-Z Personal finance Including thriftiness and planning for retirement income For estate planning, see class K Cf. BJ1533.E2 Ethics Cf. BV4397 Personal finance for clergymen Cf. HC79.S3 Saving and investment Cf. HG1711+ Home banking services Cf. HG3755+ Consumer credit Cf. HG4501+ Investments Cf. HQ1062+ Retirement Cf. TX326.A1+ Home economics Financial planners By region or country United States General works By region or state, A-Z By city, A-Z Other regions or countries America General works By region or country, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table H73 407

HG FINANCE HG 186.A2 By region or country 186.A3-Z Other regions or countries -- Continued 186.5 Europe 187.A2 Including European Union countries discussed collectively 187.A3-Z 187.3 General works 187.4 By region or country, A-Z 187.5.A2 Subarrange each country by Table H73 187.5.A3-Z Mediterranean Region 188.A2 Asia 188.A3-Z General works 188.5.A2 By region or country, A-Z 188.5.A3-Z 189 Subarrange each country by Table H73 189.5 Arab countries (Collective) 190.A2 Islamic countries 190.A3-Z Africa 194 195 General works By region or country, A-Z 201 Subarrange each country by Table H73 203 Atlantic Ocean islands 205 General works 209 By island, A-Z 216 216.5 Indian Ocean islands General works 217.A1 By island, A-Z 217.A3-Z 217.5 Australia New Zealand Pacific Area. Pacific Ocean islands General works By island, A-Z Communist countries Developing countries Money For individual regions or countries see HG451+ For international monetary system see HG3879+ Periodicals. Societies. Serials Congresses General works Class here the collected papers of several congresses as well as works on monetary congresses in general Individual congresses Latin Monetary Union Dictionaries. Encyclopedias Terminology. Abbreviations. Notations. Study and teaching. Research General works By region or country, A-Z Museums. Exhibitions 408

HG FINANCE HG 218 Money -- Continued Statistics 218.5 219 Cf. HG3854+ Foreign exchange tables 220.A2 220.3 Collections of statistics 220.5 221 For monetary statistics of the United States see HG546 (221.3) For regions or countries, other than the United States 221.5 222.3 see HG651+ 222.5 223 Theory. Methodology 225 Handbooks, manuals, etc. 226 Theory. Method. Relation to other subjects 226.3 General works Relation to philosophy, religion, ethics 226.5 Mathematical models 226.6 Psychological aspects see HG222.3 226.8 General works General special 229 229.5 see the specific subject Juvenile works Psychological aspects Functions of money General works Standard of value Gresham's law Money market For individual regions or countries see HG451+ Cf. HG1854+ Central banks Money supply For individual regions or countries see HG451+ Cf. HG1656.A3+ Bank reserves Demand for money For individual regions or countries see HG451+ General works Quantity theory. Circular velocity Hoarding Liquidity see HG178 Money and prices. Inflation. Deflation. Purchasing power Cf. HB236.A3+ Government price policy Cf. HC79.W24 Wage-price policy Cf. HD49.5 Industrial management and inflation Cf. HD5710+ Unemployment and inflation Cf. HG3852 Devaluation and revaluation Cf. HJ2351 Inflation and taxation General works Indexation Cf. HD4928.C7+ Cost-of-living adjustments By region or country see HG451+ 409

HG FINANCE HG 230.3 Money -- Continued Monetary policy 230.5 230.7.A-Z Cf. HG3705+ Credit control Cf. HG3881 International finance 231 237 General works 241 By region or country see HG451+ 243 Currency boards 248 General works 249 By region or country, A-Z 253 History 255 256 Cf. CJ1+ Numismatics 258 General works 261 Primitive see GN450.5 265 Ancient 285.A-Z Medieval 289 Contemporary works 293 Modern works 295.A-Z 16th-18th centuries 297 Contemporary works Modern works 301 19th century 20th century General works 1971- Precious metals. Bullion Cf. CJ1+ Numismatics Cf. HD9535+ Industry Cf. TN410+ Metallurgy Periodicals. Societies. Serials General works History By region or country, A-Z Gold Cf. HD9536 Metal industries Cf. TN420+ Metallurgy General works Gold market General works By region or country, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table H73 Gold standard By region or country see HG451+ Silver Cf. HD9536 Metal industries Cf. TN430+ Metallurgy General works Silver market 410

HG FINANCE HG 305 Money 307.A-Z Precious metals. Bullion Silver 309 Silver market -- Continued (312) General works 315 By region or country, A-Z 321 Subarrange each country by Table H73 325 Silver standard 327 General works 328 By region or country see HG451+ 329 Bimetallism 335 336.A-Z see HG401+ 339 Small coins 348 349 For the United States see HG566 350 For regions or countries other than the United States see 353 353.3 HG651+ 353.5 Tokens see CJ4801+ Mints General works Assaying Cf. TN550+ Metallurgy General works Standard of weight Tables Wastage By region or country see HG451+ Counterfeiting Including detection Cf. HG1696+ Check forgery General works By region or country, A-Z Coins see CJ101 Paper money Paper money Including bank notes For the United States see HG571+ For regions or countries other than the United States see HG651+ Technical production General works Paper Engraving and printing General works Emergency currency For the United States see HG538 Cf. HE6184.E4 Use of stamps as emergency currency Military currency. Occupation currency 411

HG FINANCE HG 353.7 Money Paper money -- Continued 355 Prop money 357 359.A-Z Class here works on imitation paper money used as a prop in 361 motion pictures, television, theater, advertising, etc. 363.A-Z Credit see HG3691+ 381 Social credit 391 393 General works 395 By region or country 401 United States 407 Other regions or countries, A-Z 421 Legal tender General works 451 By region or country, A-Z (455) International coinage 457 (459) Cf. HG3879+ International finance 461.A-Z 471 General works (472) Metric system Decimal system 501 Other systems 506 Bimetallism 508 513.A-Z For bimetallism in the United States see HG562 For regions or countries other than the United States see HG651+ Periodicals. Societies. Serials General works Bimetallic ratio By region or country United States Mint. Bureau of the Mint Periodicals. Serials Administration, policy see HG457 General works History see HG457 Branch mints. By place, A-Z National Monetary Commission General works Discussion and criticism see HG471 History General works Colonial period Contemporary works Modern works Local, A-Z 412

HG FINANCE HG 515 Money By region or country 516 United States 521 History Colonial period -- Continued 525 Paper money 526 527 Cf. HG571+ Bureau of Engraving and Printing 529 General works 532 Local see HG513.A+ 538 Continental currency 539 1783-1860 540 1860-1875 546 General works Confederate money 551 1875-1890 556 1890-1900 562 General works 566 Coin redemption fund, 1895-1896 1900-1945 571 573 Including emergency currency discussion 591 601 1945-1971 604 1971- 607 Statistics Coinage 621 622 Cf. CJ1820+ Numismatics 627.A-Z (641-645) Gold Silver Bimetallism Small coins Paper money Including bank notes Bureau of Engraving and Printing Periodicals. Serials General works General works Treasury notes of 1890 Cf. HG4931+ Government securities Greenbacks. Greenback Party National bank notes Federal Reserve notes see HG591 Local paper money Bank note reporters General works Local, A-Z Counterfeit detectors see HG336 413

HG FINANCE HG 651-1492.7 Money By region or country -- Continued Other regions or countries (Table H8 modified) Add number in table to HG650 Under each: Apply Table HG651/1 for 20 number countries Table for money, by country (20 numbers) 1 Periodicals. Societies. Serials 2 Mints 3.5 Statistics General works. History 5 General 6 Early. Medieval 7 1600-1775 8 1776-1850 9 1851-1945 9.5 1945- Special 10 Gold coinage 11 Silver coinage 12 Bimetallism 13 Other coins Paper money 14 General works 15 National bank notes (16) Other special see the specific subject (18) Miscellaneous plans see the specific plan (19) Counterfeit detectors see HG336 20.A-Z Local, A-Z Apply Table HG651/2 for 10 number countries Table for money, by country (10 numbers) 1 Periodicals 1.2 Mints 1.5 Statistics General works. History 2 General 3 Early. Medieval 4 1851-1945 5 1945- 6 Coinage Including bimetallism 7 Paper money 414

HG FINANCE HG Money By region or country -- Continued (8) Miscellaneous plans see the specific plan (9) Counterfeit detectors see HG336 10.A-Z Local, A-Z Apply Table HG651/3 for 5 number countries Table for money, by country (5 numbers) 1 Periodicals 1.2 Mints 1.5 Statistics 2 General works. History (3) Special see the specific subject 4.A-Z Local, A-Z Apply Table HG651/4 for 1 number countries Table for money, by country (1 number) .A1-.A5 Periodicals .A55 Mints .A6-.Z7 General works. History (.Z8) Special see the specific subject .Z9A-.Z9Z Local, A-Z Apply Table HG651/5 for 10 number regions Table for money, by region (10 numbers) 1 Periodicals 1.2 Mints 1.5 Statistics General works. History 2 General 3 Early. Medieval 4 1851-1945 5 1945- 6 Coinage Including bimetallism 7 Paper money (8) Miscellaneous plans see the specific plan (9) Counterfeit detectors see HG336 Apply Table HG651/6 for 5 number regions Table for money, by region (5 numbers) 415

HG FINANCE HG 1086 Money 1086.2 1086.5 By region or country -- Continued 1087 (1088) 1 Periodicals 1088.4.A-Z 1495 1.2 Mints 1496 1.5 Statistics 1501 1503 2 General works. History 1505 1507 (3) Special 1509 1511 see the specific subject 1513.A-Z 1515.A-Z Apply Table HG651/7 for 1 number regions 1521 (1526-1527) Table for money, by region (1 (1531) number) .A1-.A5 Periodicals .A55 Mints .A6-.Z7 General works. History (.Z8) Special see the specific subject Europe Poland Periodicals Mints Statistics General works Special see the subject Local, A-Z Communist countries Developing countries Banking For banking in the United States see HG2401+ For regions or countries other than the United States see HG2701+ Periodicals. Serials American British Other Societies United States. Canada Latin America Great Britain Other European countries, A-Z Other regions or countries, A-Z Congresses Collected works see HG1601+ Dictionaries. Encyclopedias see HG151 Yearbooks see HG1501+ 416

HG FINANCE HG 1536 Banking -- Continued Directories 1551 History General works 1552.A1 Biography 1552.A3-Z 1555 For United States see HG2463.A2+ 1561 Collective (1563) Individual, A-Z 1567 Ancient 1571 Medieval General works 1572 By place 1573 see HG2701+ 1576 1577 17th-18th centuries 19th century 1581 20th century 1582.A-Z General works 1584 1971- 1584.2.A-Z Statistics 1586 (1588) For banking statistics of the United States see HG2493 For regions or countries other than the United States see 1590 1590.5 HG2701+ (1591) Collections of statistics Theory. Methodology 1601 Study and teaching. Research 1603 General works 1605 By region or country, A-Z 1607.A-Z Museums. Exhibitions 1609 General works 1611 By region or country, A-Z Theory. Method. Relations to other subjects General special see the specific subject Communication of information General works Information services Computer networks see HG1708.7 Addresses, essays, lectures see HG1601+ General works Early works (before 1800) see HG1551+ English French German Other languages, A-Z Juvenile works Handbooks, manuals, etc. 417

HG FINANCE HG 1615 Banking -- Continued 1615.25 Bank management General works 1615.5 Asset-liability management 1615.7.A-Z 1615.7.C65 Cf. HG1616.I5 Investments by banks 1615.7.E5 1615.7.J6 Personnel management 1615.7.J63 1615.7.M5 Cf. HD8039.B26+ Bank employees 1615.7.R3 1615.7.T4 General works 1615.7.T7 Special topics, A-Z 1615.7.T87 1616.A-Z Compensation management Employment tests 1616.B7 Job descriptions 1616.C29 Job postings 1616.C34 Minorities 1616.C55 Recruiting of employees 1616.C6 Tellers 1616.C7 Training of employees 1616.C87 Turnover of employees 1616.D5 Other topics, A-Z Bank facilities see HG1616.F34 1616.E7 Branch banks Call centers 1616.F34 Capital. Bank capital Correspondent banks 1616.F6 Costs. Cost accounting 1616.I47 Crisis management. Emergency management 1616.I5 Customer service Directors. Bank directors 1616.L55 Emergency management see HG1616.C7 1616.L6 Equipment and supplies 1616.M3 1616.M54 Cf. HD9696.B36+ Banking equipment industry 1616.P8 1616.Q34 Facilities management. Facilities planning. Bank facilities 1616.R4 Facilities planning see HG1616.F34 1616.R44 Forms, blanks, etc. Insurance business activities Investments by banks. Bank investments Cf. HG1615.25 Asset-liability management Cf. HG1723 Banks stocks Cf. HG1897 Investments by savings banks Location Lock box banking Marketing Mobile banks Public relations. Customer relations Quality control Records and correspondence Relationship banking 418

HG FINANCE HG 1616.S36 Banking 1616.S37 Bank management 1616.S4 Other topics, A-Z -- Continued 1616.S6 Safe-deposit services see HG2251+ 1616.T65 Securities processing Security measures 1616.W6 Service charges Size of banks 1621 Trademarks 1622 Trust services see HG4301+ 1623.A-Z Work measurement Interest rates 1626 (1628) Cf. HB535+ Interest (1630.01-.02) Cf. HG6024.5 Interest rate futures 1632 1634 General works (1636) Forecasting (1638.A-Z) By region or country, A-Z (1639) Interest tables. Interest formulas. Time value of money General works 1641 United States 1642.A-Z 1643 see HG1626 1651 Special. By percent, 1-20 1652.A-Z 1654 see HG1626 1655 Compound interest rates 1656.A3 Loan amortization schedules. Sinking funds 1656.A4-Z Savings and loan associations tables see HG1626 Other tables. By language, A-Z see HG1626 Timetables see HG1626 Bank loans. Bank credit. Commercial loans Cf. HG3751+ Loans General works By region or country, A-Z Bank credit cards. Check credit plans Cf. HG1710.5 Debit cards Discount General works By region or country, A-Z Cf. HG2562.D5 Federal Reserve banks Tables Acceptances Bank reserves. Bank liquidity. Loan loss reserves General works By region or country, A-Z Cf. HG2562.R4 Federal Reserve banks 419

HG FINANCE HG 1660.A3 Banking -- Continued 1660.A4-Z Bank accounts. Bank deposits. Deposit banking 1662.A3 Including individual retirement accounts 1662.A4-Z General works 1685 By region or country, A-Z 1687 Insurance of deposits. Deposit insurance 1689 Including government guaranty of deposits 1691 Cf. HG9974+ Bank insurance 1692 1693 General works By region or country, A-Z 1696 Drafts 1697 1698 Cf. HG1655 Acceptances 1703 Cf. HG3745 Letters of credit 1704 General works (1706) Bank drafts 1707 Bills of exchange 1707.5 Checks 1707.7 (1708) Cf. HG1953 Postal checks 1708.5 1708.7 General works 1709 Collection systems. Check clearing Cf. HG2301+ Clearinghouses Travelers' checks Check fraud. Forgeries Cf. HG335+ Counterfeiting Cf. HG9984+ Forgery insurance General works Signature examiners Prevention Currency exchanges Cf. HG3810+ Foreign exchange Check cashing services Accounting. Bookkeeping Cf. HG1616.C6 Cost accounting Cf. HG1895 Savings banks Theory see HG1707 General works Auditing. Bank examination Cf. HG1725 State supervision of banks Valuation General special see the specific subject Communication systems. Telecommunications Computer networks. Electronic information resources Including the Internet Data processing Electronic funds transfers 420

HG FINANCE HG 1710 Banking 1710.5 Electronic funds transfers -- Continued 1711 General works 1712 Automated tellers. Debit cards 1720 Home banking services 1722 General works 1723 Telephone bill paying services Bank secrecy. Confidential communications 1725 Bank mergers 1766 Bank stocks. Banking as an investment 1768.A-Z Cf. HG1616.I5 Investments by banks 1778.A-Z Banks and the state. State supervision of banks 1811 1851 For general government policy towards banks by region 1854 or country see HG2397+ 1855 General works 1881 Taxation (1883) 1886 General works 1891 By region or country, A-Z 1892 1893 Subarrange each country by Table H73 Examination see HG1707.5 By region or country, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table H73 Special classes of banks and financial institutions Cf. HG3726+ Credit institutions Central banks. Banks and the treasury For Federal Reserve banks see HG2559+ For regions or countries other than the United States see HG2701+ General works Banks of issue Control of money market General works Open market operations Cf. HG2562.O5 Federal Reserve banks Discount rate see HG1651+ Reserve requirements see HG1656.A3+ By region or country see HG2559 etc. Savings banks Periodicals. Societies. Serials History see HG1886 General works Management English French German 421

HG FINANCE HG 1894.A-Z Banking 1895 Special classes of banks and financial institutions 1897 Savings banks 1899 Management -- Continued Other languages, A-Z 1921 Accounting. Bookkeeping 1922 Investments by savings banks 1923.A-Z Savings stamps By region or country 1926 United States 1927 1928.A-Z For directories see HG2441+ 1939.A-Z Periodicals. Societies. Serials 1946.A-Z General works Local, A-Z 1949 1951 For individual savings banks see HG2613.A+ 1953 1956.A-Z Great Britain 1961 Periodicals. Societies. Serials 1966.A-Z General works 1968 Local, A-Z 1968.5 1969.A-Z For individual savings banks, see HG3000.A+ 1970 1971.A-Z Other European regions or countries, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table H75 For individual savings banks see HG2701+ Other regions or countries, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table H75 For individual savings banks see HG2701+ Communist countries Postal savings banks General works Postal checks By region or country, A-Z School savings banks General works By region or country, A-Z Trade-union banks General works By region or country United States Other regions or countries, A-Z Merchant banks General works By region or country, A-Z For individual banks in the United States see HG2613.A+ For individual banks in other regions or countries see HG2701+ Development banks 422

HG FINANCE HG 1975 Banking 1976.A-Z Special classes of banks and financial institutions 1978 Development banks -- Continued 2002 2012 General works 2021.A-Z 2031.A-Z By region or country, A-Z 2032 For individual banks in the United States see 2033 2035 HG2613.A+ 2037 2038.A-Z For individual banks in regions or countries other than 2039.A-Z the United States see HG2701+ 2039.5 2039.7 For individual international development banks see 2039.75 2040 HG3881.5.A+ Private banks General works By region or country For individual banks in the United States see HG2613.A+ For individual banks in other regions or countries see HG2701+ United States Great Britain Other European regions or countries, A-Z Other regions or countries, A-Z Under each country: .x General works Including history .x2 Government policy .x3A-.x3Z Local, A-Z Cooperative banking. Peoples banks. Credit unions Cf. HF5686.C92 Accounting Periodicals. Societies. Serials Congresses General works By region or country United States General works By region or state, A-Z Other regions or countries, A-Z Mortgage lenders. Mortgage brokers. Mortgage banks. Mortgage credit agencies Cf. HG4655 Mortgages as investments Cf. HG9992+ Mortgage guaranty insurance Communication of information General works Information services Computer networks. Electronic information resources Including the Internet and digital libraries General works 423

HG FINANCE HG 2040.15 Banking 2040.2 2040.25 Special classes of banks and financial institutions 2040.3 2040.35 Mortgage credit agencies. Mortgage loans. Mortgage 2040.4 2040.45 banks -- Continued 2040.5.A-Z Mortgage loans 2041 2051.A-Z Including reverse mortgage loans 2070 Cf. HG1634 Loan amortization schedules 2071 2091 Discrimination in mortgage loans. Redlining 2093.A-Z Secondary mortgage market 2101 2102 Mortgage closing costs. Settlement costs 2103.A-Z Down payments Home improvement loans Home equity conversion. Home equity loans By region or country, A-Z Under each country: .xA1-.xA3 Periodicals. Societies. Serials .xA6-.xZ General works .x2A-.x2Z Local, A-Z Agricultural credit agencies. Land banks Cf. HD1439 Theory of agricultural credit General works By region or country, A-Z Under each country: .xA1-.xA3 Periodicals. Societies. Serials .xA6-.xZ General works .x2A-.x2Z Local, A-Z For individual agricultural banks in the United States see HG2613.A+ For individual agricultural banks in other regions or countries see HG2701+ Money lending see HG3691+ Pawnbroking Periodicals. Societies. Serials General works State and other public institutions. Monts-de-piété General works By region or country, A-Z By region or country Including individual institutions United States General works Including history Government policy Local, A-Z 424

HG FINANCE HG 2106.A-Z Banking 2121 Special classes of banks and financial institutions 2123 2126 Pawnbroking 2150 By region or country -- Continued 2151 2152 Other regions or countries, A-Z 2153.A-Z 2156.A-Z Under each country: 2251 .x General works 2256.A-Z 2301 Including history 2306 .x2 Policy .x3A-.x3Z Local, A-Z Savings and loan associations. Building and loan associations. Thrift institutions Periodicals. Societies. Serials General works Including history Management General works Accounting see HF5686.B8 Tables see HG1626 By region or country For individual savings and loan associations in the United States see HG2626.A+ For individual savings and loan associations in regions or countries other than the United States see HG2701+ United States Periodicals. Serials Societies see HG1507 General works Including history Government policy By region or state, A-Z Other regions or countries, A-Z Under each country: .x Periodicals. Societies. Serials .x2 General works Including history .x3 Government policy Safe deposit companies. Safe-deposit boxes Including bank safe-deposit services General works By region or country, A-Z Clearinghouses Cf. HG1692 Check collection system General works Management By region or country 425

HG FINANCE HG 2321 Banking 2322 Special classes of banks and financial institutions 2323.A-Z Clearinghouses 2331 By region or country -- Continued 2332 United States 2333.A-Z 2341.A-Z Cf. HG2562.C4 Federal Reserve banks 2351.A-Z Periodicals. Societies. Serials 2397 General works 2398 2401 Including history (2416) (2431) Local, A-Z Great Britain 2441 2444.A-.W Periodicals. Societies. Serials 2445.A-Z General works 2461 Including history 2463.A2 2463.A3-Z Local, A-Z 2466 Other European regions or countries, A-Z 2468.A-Z Subarrange each country by Table H75 Other regions or countries, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table H75 Investment banking see HG4534 Military banks and banking see UH60+ Trust companies see HG4301+ By region or country America. Western Hemisphere General works North America General works United States Periodicals. Serials Societies see HG1507 Collected works (nonserial) see HG2461+ Yearbooks see HG2401 Directories General By state, A-W (Table H28) By city, A-Z History and policy Including government policy General works Biography Collective Individual, A-Z Colonial period General works Local, A-Z 426

HG FINANCE HG 2471 Banking 2472 By region or country (2473) America. Western Hemisphere North America 2477 United States (2478) History and policy -- Continued 2479 19th century 2481 General works 2491 To 1860 2493 General works Controversial literature 2525 (2527) see HG2472 2529 2535 1860-1900 2539 General works 2543 Controversial literature 2545 see HG2477 2548 2549 Confederate States 2551 20th century 2553 2555 General works 2557 1971- Statistics (Monographs) Banks of the United States (First and second) Cf. E384.7 Expunging resolutions General works Official reports see HG2525 Contemporary works Independent treasury General works Including history Contemporary works Comptroller of the Currency National banking system For individual banks see HG2613.A+ Periodicals. Serials Management Boards of directors Examinations. Auditing Fiduciary powers Government deposits National bank notes see HG607 General works Including history Government policy Federal Reserve banks. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 427

HG FINANCE HG 2559 Banking 2562.A-Z By region or country 2562.B8 2562.C4 America. Western Hemisphere 2562.C8 2562.D5 North America 2562.E5 2562.F7 United States 2562.F8 2562.L6 Federal Reserve banks. Board of Governors of the 2562.O5 2562.P4 Federal Reserve System -- Continued 2562.R4 2563 Periodicals. Serials 2565 2567 For individual banks see HG2613.A+ 2569 Management 2571 2573 Special, A-Z 2577.A-Z Branch banks 2601 2604 Check collection. Clearance 2609 2611.A-.W Cuban agencies 2613.A-Z Discount. Rediscount 2614 Employees Foreign accounts Fund market Loans Open market operations Pension funds Reserves General works Including history Government policy Bank holding companies Banking in foreign countries. Foreign branches State banks General works Including history Government policy Local, A-Z For individual banks see HG2613.A+ Local East South West By state, A-W (Table H28) By city, A-Z Under each: .x General works .x4A-.x4Z Individual banks, A-Z Including savings banks and all others not elsewhere provided for Territories and possessions (General) 428

HG FINANCE HG 2626.A-Z Banking By region or country America. Western Hemisphere North America United States -- Continued Savings and loan associations. By city, A-Z Including publications (reports, etc.) of individual associations and individual Federal Home Loan banks For works on savings and loan associations in general see HG2150+ 429

HG FINANCE HG 2701-3542.7 Banking By region or country -- Continued Other regions or countries (Table H8 modified) Add number in table to HG2700 Under each: Apply Table HG2701/1 for 20 number countries Table for banking, by country (20 numbers) 1 Periodicals. Serials Societies see HG1507+ (4) Yearbooks see Periodicals. Serials 5 Directories History Including government policy 6 General works Biography see HG1552 7 Early 8 Recent 11 Statistics (Monographs) 12 Banking in foreign countries. Foreign branches For branches in a specific country, see the country Central bank. National bank. Banks of issue 14 General works 15 Government policy 16 Management 18.A-Z Other banks, A-Z 19.A-Z By region, A-Z 20.A-.Z8 By city, A-Z Subarrange each city as follows: .x = Periodicals. Serials; .x2 = General works (including history); .x3 = Government policy; .x4A-Z = Individual banks, A-Z 20.Z9A-.Z9Z Savings and loan associations, A- Z Apply Table HG2701/2 for 10 number countries Table for banking, by country (10 numbers) 1 Periodicals. Serials 430

HG FINANCE HG Banking By region or country -- Continued Societies see HG1507+ (3) Yearbooks see Periodicals. Serials 4 History Including policy 5 Banking in foreign countries 6 Central bank. National bank. Banks of issue 8.A-Z Other banks, A-Z 9.A-Z By region within the country, A-Z 10.A-.Z5 By city, A-Z Subarrange each city as follows: .x = Periodicals. Serials; .x2 = General works (including history); .x3 = Government policy; .x4A-Z = Individual banks, A-Z 10.Z6A-.Z6Z Savings and loan associations, A- Z Apply Table HG2701/3 for 5 number countries Table for banking, by country (5 numbers) 1 Periodicals. Serials 2 History Including government policy 3 Central bank. National Bank. Banks of issue 4.A-Z Other banks, A-Z 4.5.A-Z By region within the country, A-Z 5.A-.Z5 By city, A-Z Subarrange each city as follows: .x = Periodicals. Serials; .x2 = General works (including history); .x3 = Government policy; .x4A-Z = Individual banks, A-Z 5.Z6A-4.Z6Z Savings and loan associations, A- Z Apply Table HG2701/4 for 1 number countries Table for banking, by country (1 number) .A1-.A4 Periodicals. Serials 431

HG FINANCE HG Banking By region or country -- Continued .A5 Directories .A6 History Including government policy .A7 Central bank. National bank. Banks of issue .A8A-.A8Z Other banks, A-Z .A85A-.A85Z By region within the country, A-Z .A9-.Z5 By city, A-Z Subarrange each city as follows: .x = Periodicals. Serials; .x2 = General works (including history); .x3 = Government policy; .x4A-Z = Individual banks, A-Z .Z6A-.Z6Z Savings and loan associations, A- Z Apply Table HG2701/5 for 10 number regions Table for banking, by region (10 numbers) 1 Periodicals. Serials Societies see HG1507+ (3) Yearbooks see Periodicals. Serials 4 History Including policy 5 Banking in foreign countries 6 Central bank. National bank. Banks of issue 8.A-Z Other banks, A-Z 10.Z6A-.Z6Z Savings and loan associations, A- Z Apply Table HG2701/6 for 5 number regions Table for banking, by region (5 numbers) 1 Periodicals. Serials 2 History Including government policy 3 Central bank. National Bank. Banks of issue 4.A-Z Other banks, A-Z 5.Z6A-4.Z6Z Savings and loan associations, A- Z Apply Table HG2701/7 for 1 number regions 432

HG FINANCE HG 3136 Banking 3137 3138 By region or country -- Continued 3139.A-Z 3139.5.A-Z Table for banking, by region (1 3550 number) 3691 .A1-.A4 Periodicals. Serials 3701 3703 .A5 Directories 3705 3711.A-Z .A6 History 3726 Including government policy 3729.A-Z .A7 Central bank. National bank. Banks of issue .A8A-.A8Z Other banks, A-Z .Z6A-.Z6Z Savings and loan associations, A- Z Europe Including European Union countries discussed collectively Poland Periodicals. Serials History and policy Central bank. National bank. Banks of issue Other banks, A-Z By city, A-Z Under each city: .x Periodicals. Serials .x2 General works Including history .x3 Government policy .x4A-.x4Z Individual banks, A-Z Developing countries Credit. Debt. Loans Cf. HG1641 Bank credit Cf. HG3891.5 International lending Cf. HJ8001+ Public credit Periodicals. Societies. Serials General works Income-contingent loans Credit control General works By region or country, A-Z Credit institutions Including works on credit institutions, such as development credit corporations, not provided for in HG1811+ or HG4301+ General works By region or country, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table H75 433

HG FINANCE HG 3741 Credit. Debt. Loans -- Continued 3745 Credit instruments. Negotiable instruments. Commercial 3746 paper 3751 Cf. HG1685+ Drafts 3751.3 Cf. HG4650+ Securities 3751.4.A-Z General works 3751.5 Letters of credit Documentary credit. Documentary bills 3751.7 Commercial credit. Commercial loans. Credit management 3751.75.A-Z 3751.8 For commercial credit by region or country see 3751.9.A-Z HG3754.5.A+ 3752 3752.3 Cf. HG1641+ Banking Cf. HG9977+ Credit insurance 3752.5 3752.7.A-Z General works Finance companies. Commercial finance companies 3753 3754.A-Z General works 3754.5.A-Z By region or country, A-Z 3755 Subarrange each country by Table H73 3755.5 Credit bureaus. Credit ratings For directories of credit ratings assigned to corporations see HG4009 General works By region or country United States For directories of credit ratings assigned to U.S. corporations see HG4057+ General works Local, A-Z Directories of credit bureaus Other regions or countries, A-Z Rebates. Cash discounts Accounts receivable loans. Factoring Including the factoring services industry Collecting of accounts. Collection agencies General works By region or country, A-Z Foreign trade credit Including export credit, export financing, forfeiting, import credit Cf. HG9977+ Export credit insurance General works By region or country, A-Z By region or country, A-Z Consumer credit. Personal loans Including consumer finance companies General works Installment plan 434

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