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หมวด NK-Index

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หมวด N NK-Index

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT 1 2 Decorative arts. Applied arts. Decoration and ornament 3 4 Including antiques in general 5 Including visual fine art forms not provided for in subclasses N-NE 6 7 Periodicals 8.A-Z American and English (9) French German 11 Italian 12 Spanish and Portuguese 13 Dutch 14 Russian 15 Other, A-Z 16 17 Yearbooks 18 19.A-Z see NK1+ 21 Societies 25 American 27 English 28 French 30 German Italian 32 Spanish and Portuguese Dutch 50 Russian 60 Other, A-Z 65 70 Congresses Collected writings Several authors Individual authors Encyclopedias Dictionaries Cf. NK1165 Design dictionaries Terminology Study and teaching Periodicals and societies General works General special Art crafts for children 385

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT Study and teaching -- Continued 101-377 Special regions or countries (Table N3) 410.A-Z Add country number in table to NK100 420.A-Z 430.A-Z Under each country: 440.A-Z 441 Apply Table NA7201/1 for 3-number countries 442 443.A-Z Table for domestic architecture (3- 444.A-Z 445.A-Z number countries) 1 General works 2.A-Z Special divisions, regions, A-Z 3.A-Z Special cities, A-Z Apply Table NA7201/2 for 1-number countries Table for domestic architecture (1- number or decimal-number countries) .A1 General works .A2-.Z8 Special divisions, regions, etc., A- Z .Z9A-.Z9Z Special cities, A-Z Apply Table NA7201/2 for decimal-number countries Table for domestic architecture (1- number or decimal-number countries) .A1 General works .A2-.Z8 Special divisions, regions, etc., A- Z .Z9A-.Z9Z Special cities, A-Z Apply Table NA7201/3 for Cutter-number countries Table for domestic architecture (Cutter-number countries) .x General works .x2A-.x2Z Special divisions, regions, etc., A- Z .x3A-.x3Z Special cities, A-Z Special schools United States. By city and school, A-Z Other American. By country and school, A-Z Europe. By country and school, A-Z Other countries. By country and school, A-Z Competitions Including individual awards, prizes, etc. General and international United States Other American. By region or country, A-Z Europe. By region or country, A-Z Other regions or countries, A-Z. By region or country, A-Z 386

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT Museums, galleries, etc. Cf. NK613+ Ancient museums Cf. NK633.A+ Egyptian museums Biography of museum personnel 446 Collective 446.2.A-Z 450 Individual, A-Z 460.A-Z 470.A-Z General works 475 United States. By city and museum, A-Z 480.A-Z 480.B5 Other American. By country and city, A-Z 480.D8 490.A-Z Europe (492) (493) Collective (494.A-Z) By city, A-Z (510) 512.A-Z e.g. 520.A-Z Berlin. Kunstgewerbemuseum 530 Dresden. Grünes Gewölbe 535.A-Z 540.A-Z Other. By city, A-Z 550.A-Z Miniature objects (Collections) see NK8470+ Toys see NK9509+ Special miniatures, A-Z see NK8475 Exhibitions. By place held Prefer classification by subject or nationality International see NK512+ United States. By city and museum or other place of exhibition, A-Z Other countries. By country and city, A-Z Private collections United States Collective Special. By collector, A-Z Other American. By country, A-Z Under each: .x Collective .x2A-.x2Z Special collections. By collector, A- Z European. By country, A-Z Under each: .x Collective .x2A-.x2Z Special collections. By collector, A- Z 387

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT Private collections -- Continued 560.A-Z Other countries, A-Z 570 Under each: 600 .x Collective 602 605 .x2A-.x2Z Special collections. By collector, A- 607 Z 608.A-Z 608.A78 Auction catalogs 608.F54 608.H55 For collections of known owners see NK530+ 608.J48 History 608.L37 608.M65 General works 608.M87 Intercultural relations in the decorative arts (General) 610 Primitive 613.A-Z Folk and decorative art of ethnic or religious groups not 614.A-Z 615.A-Z limited to one country 620 General works 630 633.A-Z Special, A-Z 635.A-Z 640 Arumanian 650 660 Finno-Ugrian 665 Hmong (Asian people) 670 675 Jewish 680 For Jewish religious applied art see NK1672 Lapp Mongolian Muslims For Islamic religious applied art see NK1674 Ancient General Exhibitions. Museums United States. By city and museum or other place of exhibition, A-Z Other countries. By country and city, A-Z Private collections. By collector, A-Z Oriental Egyptian General works Exhibitions. Museums. By country and city, A-Z Collections. By country, A-Z Assyro-Babylonian Persian Phoenician Classical General works Greek Etruscan Roman 388

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT 685.A-Z History Ancient -- Continued 685.C8 Other ancient, A-Z 700 e.g. 703 705 Crete 710 Medieval 715 General works 720 Frankish 725 Irish (Early) 730 Anglo-Saxon 740 Early Christian. Byzantine Arabic. Islamic 750 760 General works 770 Moors in Spain 775 Romanesque 775.5.A-Z Gothic 775.5.A7 Modern 775.5.E25 General works 789 Renaissance. 15th-16th centuries 789.5.A-Z 17th-18th centuries 789.5.A7 19th century 789.5.S53 Special styles, A-Z 792 Art nouveau Eclecticism 20th century Special styles, A-Z Art deco Shaker furniture 21st century 389

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT History -- Continued 801-1094.5 Special regions or countries (Table N4) Add country number in table to NK800 Under each country: Apply Table ND1801/1 for 4-number countries Table for watercolor painting (4- number countries) 1 General works 2.A-Z Special divisions, A-Z 3.A-Z Special cities, A-Z 4.A-Z Special artists, A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 Apply Table ND1801/2 for 3-number countries Table for watercolor painting (3- number countries) 1 General works 2.A-Z Local, A-Z 3.A-Z Special artists, A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 Apply Table ND1801/3 for 2-number countries Table for watercolor painting (2- number countries) 1.A1 General works 1.A2-Z Local, A-Z 2.A-Z Special artists, A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 Apply Table ND1801/4 for 1-number countries Table for watercolor painting (1- number countries) .A1 General works .A2-.Z7 Local, A-Z .Z8A-.Z8Z Special artists, A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N7 Apply Table ND1801/5 for Cutter-number countries Table for watercolor painting (Cutter-number countries) .x General works .x2A-.x2Z Local, A-Z .x3A-.x3Z Special artists, A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N7 For Jewish applied art see NK608.J48 390

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT 841 History -- Continued 842.A-Z 843.A-Z For Jewish religious applied art see NK1672 843.2 America 843.3.A-Z North America 843.3.G47 Canada 843.3.I55 General works Local, A-Z 1100 Special artists, A-Z 1105 1110 Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 (1115-1120) Ethnic groups General 1125 Special, A-Z Germans 1125.A1-.A5 Inuit 1125.A6-Z 1127 General works Early works to 1800 1127.5 1800- General special 1128 1130 Including outlines and syllabi 1132 Collected designs 1133.A-Z 1133.2.A-Z see NK1530+ 1133.25 Collectors' manuals (Miscellaneous art objects and antiques) 1133.26.A-Z 1133.28 Cf. AM200+ Collectors and collecting (General) 1133.3 Periodicals General works Directories Including directories of antique appraisers, authors, auctioneers, dealers, publishers, etc. Preservation of art objects and antiques. Cleaning. Restoration Reproduction of art objects and antiques Technique Addresses, essays, lectures Dealers' catalogs Cf. NK1149.A+ Special arts and crafts shops, etc. General. By dealer, A-Z Special auction sales. By dealer, A-Z For catalogs of auctions of single private collections see NK530+ Biography of antique dealers Collective Individual, A-Z Antiques business Mail-order business 391

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT 1135 Arts and crafts movement 1136 1137 Class here only works on the movement in England and the United States fostered in the last quarter of the 19th century 1140 by William Morris, et al. 1141 1142 For works on other local arts and crafts organizations see NK801+ 1145 Periodicals 1147 Societies 1148 Exhibition of societies 1149.A-Z History 1149.5 (1151-1158) General works United States 1160 Great Britain 1164 Other countries see NK801+ 1165 General works 1166 Addresses, essays, lectures Collections 1167 Single papers 1170 Special shops, A-Z Women in the arts and crafts movement 1172 Industrial design 1173 1174 see TS171+ 1175 Decoration and ornament. Design 1177 Periodicals and societies Congresses 1180 Dictionaries 1183 Collective biography 1185 1190 For special countries and designers see NK1401+ 1195 1205 Directories Study and teaching. Research For textbooks, etc. see NK1510 Vocational guidance Business management for designers Women designers History General works Primitive ornament. Evolution of decorative art Cf. GN418.4 Anthropology Cf. NC54 Primitive drawing Ancient General works General special Oriental Egyptian Assyro-Babylonian Persian 392

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT 1215 Decoration and ornament. Design History 1225 Ancient -- Continued 1230 Phoenician 1235 Classical General works 1240 Greek 1245 Etruscan 1250.A-Z Roman General 1260 Pompeian 1263 Other ancient, A-Z 1264 Medieval 1264.3 General works 1264.5 General special Irish. Celtic 1270 Germanic 1272 Norse. Viking 1275 Early Christian see NK1652.1 1285 Byzantine see NK1652.25 1295 Arabic. Islamic. Moorish 1320 Cf. N6260+ Moorish art Cf. NK1575 Arabesques 1330 (1332-1339) General works Iranian. Persian 1340 Moors in Spain 1345 Romanesque 1350 Gothic 1352 Modern 1355 General works 1360 15th-16th centuries. Renaissance 1365 General works Special countries 1370 1372 see NK1401+ 1374 17th-18th centuries General works Baroque Louis XIV William and Mary Rococo. Louis XV. Régence Louis XVI Directoire 19th century General works Empire (1st) Biedermeier 393

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT 1376 Decoration and ornament. Design 1378 History 1380 Modern 1382.A-Z 19th century -- Continued Empire (2d) 1382.L6 Victorian 1382.M63 Art nouveau 1382.N46 Other special, A-Z Arts and crafts movement see NK1135+ 1390 Louis Philippe 1394 Modernism Neoclassicism 1396.A-Z 20th century 1396.A45 General works 1396.A76 International style 1396.M46 1396.P66 Including Mies van der Rohe, Neutra, Le Corbusier 1396.R48 1396.S63 Other special, A-Z 1396.S65 Alchimia (Group) 1397 Art deco Memphis (Group) Postmodernism Revival movements Société des artistes décorateurs (France) Sottsass associati (Milan, Italy) 21st century 394

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT Decoration and ornament. Design History -- Continued 1401-1496.3 Special regions or countries (Table N1) (1498.A-Z) Add country number in table to NK1400 1505 1510 Under each country (except the United States): 1520 1525 Apply Table NK1401/1 for 1-number countries Table for decoration and ornament (1-number or decimal-number countries) .A1 General works .A3A-.A3Z Special regions, provinces, etc., A-Z .A5-.Z7 Special cities, A-Z .Z8 Collective biography .Z9A-.Z9Z Special artists, A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N7 Apply Table NK1401/1 for decimal-number countries Table for decoration and ornament (1-number or decimal-number countries) .A1 General works .A3A-.A3Z Special regions, provinces, etc., A-Z .A5-.Z7 Special cities, A-Z .Z8 Collective biography .Z9A-.Z9Z Special artists, A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N7 Apply Table NK1401/2 for Cutter-number countries Table for decoration and ornament (Cutter-number countries) .x General works .x2A-.x2Z Local, A-Z .x3 Collective biography .x4A-.x4Z Special artists, A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N7 Decoration and ornament in the work of special artists, A-Z see the artist Theory of ornament and design General works General special Including miniature decorative design Addresses, essays, lectures Collections of designs 395

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT 1530 Decoration and ornament. Design 1531 Collections of designs -- Continued 1533 General 1535.A-Z Film catalogs Minor 1548 Special artists, A-Z 1550 1553 Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 1555 Special elements or subjects in decoration and ornament or 1560 design 1565 1566.A-Z Including works on special regions or countries 1566.A25 1566.R67 Color Human figure 1570 Nature in ornament Animals. Birds 1575 Plants. Trees. Flowers 1580 1582 General works 1585 Conventionalized forms 1590.A-Z Special forms, A-Z 1590.A53 1590.B66 Acanthus 1590.B72 Rosemaling 1590.B73 Cf. TT385 Handicrafts 1590.C55 1590.C84 Linear. Geometric. Latticework 1590.D73 1590.E76 For alphabets, calligraphy, initials see NK3600+ 1590.G75 1590.H64 Arabesques. Paisley design 1590.M35 Scrolls 1590.M66 Folds 1590.M88 Allegorical figures, emblems, etc. 1590.P48 Other, A-Z 1590.S56 Angels 1590.S66 Books and reading Brambly Hedge (Imaginary place) Brassieres Chinese mythology see NK1590.M88 Clouds Cupids Dragons Erotic art Grisaille Holidays Masks Monsters Mythology, Chinese Phoenix (Mythical bird) Reading see NK1590.B66 Shoes Sports 396

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT 1590.T73 Decoration and ornament. Design 1590.T76 Special elements or subjects in decoration and ornament or 1590.W37 design 1590.W55 Other, A-Z -- Continued 1590.Z63 Transportation Trompe l'oeil 1648 Water waves Winnie-the-Pooh (Fictitious character) 1650 Zodiac 1652 1652.1 Religious art (Decorative and applied) 1652.2 1652.25 Including ceremonial art 1652.3 Cf. NK2190+ Interior decoration 1652.4 Cf. NK4850 Ecclesiastical vestments 1652.5 Cf. NK7215 Ecclesiastical plate 1652.6 Cf. NK9310+ Ecclesiastical embroidery 1653.A-Z General 1653.S7 Christian 1655.A-Z General works 1655.B34 History 1656.A-Z Early Christian 1656.M4 Medieval 1657 Byzantine Renaissance. 16th century 1658.A-Z 17th-18th centuries 1658.5.A-Z 19th century 20th century 1660.A-Z Special countries, A-Z 1660.5.A-Z e.g. 1670 Spain Special cities, A-Z e.g. Barcelona Special denominations, A-Z e.g. Methodist Trade catalogs, etc. Museums. Collections United States. By institution, A-Z Other countries. By country and city, A-Z Exhibitions (by place held) United States. By city and museum or other place of exhibition, A-Z Other countries. By country and city, A-Z Non-Christian General works Special religions 397

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT 1672 Religious art (Decorative and applied) 1674 Non-Christian 1676 Special religions -- Continued 1677 Jewish 1678.A-Z Islamic 1678.C38 Buddhist 1678.N45 Hindu 1678.T36 Other, A-Z 1678.V66 Candomble Neopaganism 1700 Taoist 1702 Voodooism 1704 1705 Interior decoration. House decoration 1710 Including decorative painting Cf. TX309 Home economics 1720 1730 Periodicals and societies 1740 Congresses Dictionaries 1750 Directories 1760 History and styles 1770 1780.A-Z General works Ancient 1800 1810 General works 1820 Oriental 1830 Egyptian 1840 Greek and Roman 1860 General works 1870 Greek Roman. Pompeian 1880 Other, A-Z 1890 Medieval 1900 General works 1910 Early Christian. Byzantine 1920 Arabic. Islamic. Moorish 1930 Romanesque Gothic Modern General works 15th-16th centuries. Renaissance 17th-18th centuries General works Louis XIII Louis XIV Baroque Rococo. Louis XV. Regency Louis XVI 398

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT 1940 Interior decoration. House decoration History and styles 1960 Modern 1962 17th-18th centuries -- Continued 1964 Directoire 1966 19th century 1968 General works 1970 Empire (1st) 1972.A-Z Biedermeier Empire (2d) 1980 Victorian 1984 Art nouveau Other special, A-Z 1986.A-Z 20th century 1986.A78 General works 1986.O73 International style 1986.R8 Including Mies van der Rohe, Neutra, Le Corbusier 1990 1994.A-Z Other special, A-Z 1994.N46 Art deco 1994.R48 Organic design 1994.R87 Rustic style 2000 21st century General works 2001 Special, A-Z Neoclassicism 2002 Retro 2003 Rustic style 2003.5 2004 Special regions or countries 2004.15 America 2004.2 General works 2004.3 North America General works 2005 United States 2006 General works 2008 Colonial period to 1830 19th century. Victorian period 20th century 21st century Collective biography Special designers, A-Z Subarrange each by Table N6 Including collections of their designs Northwest, Pacific see NK2005 Pacific Northwest South West 399

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT Interior decoration. House decoration History and styles Special regions or countries America North America United States -- Continued 2011.A-Z Cities, A-Z 2013-2096.3 Other regions or countries (Table N1) 2105 2110 Add country number in table to NK2000 Under each country (except the United States): Apply Table NK1401/1 for 1-number countries Table for decoration and ornament (1-number or decimal-number countries) .A1 General works .A3A-.A3Z Special regions, provinces, etc., A-Z .A5-.Z7 Special cities, A-Z .Z8 Collective biography .Z9A-.Z9Z Special artists, A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N7 Apply Table NK1401/1 for decimal-number countries Table for decoration and ornament (1-number or decimal-number countries) .A1 General works .A3A-.A3Z Special regions, provinces, etc., A-Z .A5-.Z7 Special cities, A-Z .Z8 Collective biography .Z9A-.Z9Z Special artists, A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N7 Apply Table NK1401/2 for Cutter-number countries Table for decoration and ornament (Cutter-number countries) .x General works .x2A-.x2Z Local, A-Z .x3 Collective biography .x4A-.x4Z Special artists, A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N7 General works Early works to 1850 1850- 400

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT 2113 Interior decoration. House decoration General works -- Continued 2113.5 General special 2114 2115 Including psychological aspects 2115.3.A-Z 2115.3.A47 Perspective see NC748+ 2115.3.A76 Rendering Data processing 2115.3.A78 Popular works. Minor manuals, etc. For special classes of persons, A-Z 2115.3.F37 African Americans 2115.3.I57 Artisans 2115.3.S55 Artist couples see NK2115.3.A78 2115.5.A-Z Artists. Artist couples Bachelors see NK2115.3.S55 2115.5.A25 Fashion designers 2115.5.A42 Interior decorators 2115.5.A5 Single men. Bachelors 2115.5.A73 Special elements in interior decoration, A-Z 2115.5.A77 Including works on special regions or countries 2115.5.A83 2115.5.A87 Accessories 2115.5.B36 Americana 2115.5.B66 Antiques 2115.5.C35 Architectural decoration and ornament 2115.5.C44 2115.5.C45 Cf. NK2115.5.S25 Salvage (Waste, etc.) 2115.5.C58 2115.5.C6 Art Audio-visual equipment 2115.5.C65 Autumn 2115.5.D73 Bamboo 2115.5.E84 Books 2115.5.F3 Candles Ceramics 2115.5.F38 Christmas decorations 2115.5.F53 Collectibles 2115.5.F55 Color 2115.5.F68 Including individual colors 2115.5.F77 Concrete Drapery Ethnic art Fabrics Cf. TT387+ Soft home furnishings Faucets Finish hardware Floor coverings Floral decoration and ornament see NK2115.5.P49 Found objects Furniture 401

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT 2115.5.I55 Interior decoration. House decoration Special elements in interior decoration, A-Z -- Continued 2115.5.L5 House plants see SB419.25 Industrial equipment 2115.5.M37 Kilims see NK2115.5.R77 2115.5.M55 Lighting. Lighting fixtures 2115.5.O87 2115.5.P47 Cf. TH7700+ Lighting in buildings 2115.5.P48 2115.5.P49 Marble see NK2115.5.S76 Masks. Wall masks 2115.5.P5 Mirrors 2115.5.Q54 Outdoor furniture 2115.5.R38 Photographs 2115.5.R45 Pictures 2115.5.R77 Plant forms 2115.5.S25 Plants see SB419.25 Plastics 2115.5.S46 Quilts 2115.5.S76 Raw materials 2115.5.T48 Repetitive patterns 2115.5.T54 Rugs. Kilims 2115.5.T73 Salvage (Waste, etc.) 2115.5.V53 2115.5.W3 Including architectural salvage 2115.5.W57 Senses and sensation 2115.5.W66 Stone. Marble 2115.8 Texture Tiles 2116 Transparency 2116.2 Victoriana 2116.3 Wall coverings 2116.4 Cf. NK3375+ Wallpapers 2116.5 Wall masks see NK2115.5.M37 2116.6.A-Z Wire Wood Collective biography For biography of special designers or decorators see NK2004.3 For biography of special countries see NK2013+ Interior decoration as a profession General works Economic aspects of the profession Ethical aspects. Professional ethics Study and teaching General By region or country United States Other regions or countries, A-Z 402

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT 2117.A-Z Interior decoration. House decoration -- Continued 2117.A8 Special rooms, A-Z 2117.B3 Attics 2117.B33 Basements 2117.B4 Bathrooms. Restrooms 2117.C4 Bedrooms 2117.D5 Children's rooms 2117.D7 Dining rooms 2117.E5 Drawing rooms Entrance halls 2117.G37 Family rooms see NK2117.R4 Game rooms see NK2117.R4 2117.K5 Garden rooms Hobby rooms see NK2117.R4 2117.L46 Kitchens 2117.L5 2117.L63 Class here works on interior design, decoration, and plans for 2117.M54 kitchens 2117.N87 For works kitchens, including history, construction, and 2117.O87 kitchenware in general see TX653+ 2117.P67 2117.R4 Libraries, Home Living rooms 2117.S59 Lofts 2117.S8 Miniature rooms 2117.T44 Nurseries Offices, Home see NK2195.O4 2119 Outdoor living spaces Porches 2120 Recreation rooms Restrooms see NK2117.B33 2121 Small rooms 2125 Storage rooms Teenagers' rooms 2130 Special parts of rooms (2135.A-Z) Ceilings. Walls. Floors Cf. NK2115.5.W3 Wall coverings Cf. NK3375+ Wallpapers Friezes, moldings, etc. Cf. NA2960 Architecture - Moldings, etc. Cf. NA2965 Architecture - Friezes Doors and windows Addresses, essays, lectures Collections of designs Various sources By special artists, A-Z see NK2004.3 and NK2005+ Trade publications 403

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT Interior decoration. House decoration Trade publications -- Continued 2137 General 2138 Auction sales. By name of owner, if known 2140 Decorative painting (Commercial and industrial) 2150 2155 Cf. ND2550+ Mural painting 2165 2170 Cf. TH8001+ Decoration and decorative furnishings 2175 2180.A-Z Cf. TT300+ Painting, varnishing, gilding, etc. 2190 Periodicals 2192.A-Z History 2195.A-Z For special buildings see NA1+ 2195.A6 2195.B34 General works 2195.B36 Ancient 2195.C58 2195.C65 Medieval 2195.C67 2195.D43 Modern 2195.D57 2195.E43 General works 2195.H43 2195.H6 Design by special artists. By artist, A-Z Church decoration Cf. NA5000 Architectural decoration Cf. NK1648+ Religious art General works By region or country, A-Z Under each country: .x General works .x2A-.x2Z Local, A-Z .x25A-.x25Z By church, A-Z .x3 Collective biography .x4A-.x4Z Special artists, A-Z Decoration of other special buildings, A-Z For classification of special types of rooms see NK2117.A+ Apartment houses. Apartments. Model apartments Bakeries Banks Bars see NK2195.R4 Cabarets see NK2195.N55 Clubhouses Coffeehouses see NK2195.R4 Commercial buildings Cottages Decorator showhouses Discotheques Embassy buildings Health facilities Homes, Suburban see NK2195.S896 Hotels. Motels 404

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT 2195.L63 Interior decoration. House decoration Decoration of other special buildings, A-Z -- Continued 2195.M6 Log cabins 2195.N55 Model apartments see NK2195.A6 2195.O4 Model houses Nightclubs. Cabarets 2195.P8 Offices 2195.R4 Including all kinds of offices, such as architectural offices, 2195.R87 dental offices, home offices, etc. 2195.S24 For interior architecture see NA2856 2195.S43 2195.S56 Public buildings 2195.S59 Resort houses see NK2195.V34 2195.S89 Restaurants. Bars. Coffeehouses. Taverns. Tearooms Rural homes. British cottages. Farmhouses 2195.S896 Safari lodges Schools see LB3257 2195.V34 Seaside homes Showrooms 2200 Single family housing 2205 Stores 2206 Including specific types of stores, such as bookstores 2210.A-Z Suburban homes. Villas 2211.A-Z Summerhouses see NK2195.V34 Taverns see NK2195.R4 2215.A-Z Tearooms see NK2195.R4 2216.A-Z Vacation homes. Resort houses. Summerhouses 2220.A-Z Villas see NK2195.S896 2229 Furniture 2230 2231 Cf. NA5050+ Ecclesiastical furniture 2235 Periodicals 2240 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias Directories Exhibitions (by place held) United States. By city and museum or other place of exhibition, A-Z Other countries. By country and city, A-Z Museums United States. By city and museum, A-Z Other countries. By country and city, A-Z Private collections. By collection or collector, A-Z Early works to 1850 1850- General special Styles Prefer classification by period or country Collectors' manuals. \"Old furniture,\" etc. 405

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT 2250 Furniture -- Continued 2260 Addresses, essays, etc. Collection of designs from several sources 2265 Prefer classification by period or country 2267 2268.A-Z Dealers' catalogs, etc. Study and teaching 2270 General works 2280 Schools, by city, A-Z 2285 History 2290 General works 2295 Ancient 2305 2310 General works 2315 Oriental 2320.A-Z Egyptian Assyro-Babylonian 2335 Greek 2340 Etruscan 2345 Roman. Pompeian Other, A-Z 2350 Medieval 2355 General works Romanesque 2360 Gothic 2365 Modern 2370 General works 2375 Renaissance. 15-16th centuries 2380 17th-18th centuries 2382 General works 2385 Baroque 2386 Louis XIV 2387 Rococo. Louis XV. Regency 2388 Louis XVI 2390 Directoire 2392 19th century 2394.A-Z General works 2394.A77 Empire (1st) Biedermeier 2395 Empire (2d) 2397 Victorian Art nouveau Other special, A-Z Arts and crafts 20th century General works International style Including Mies van der Rohe, Neutra, Le Corbusier 406

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT 2399.A-Z Furniture 2399.S87 History Modern 2399.2 20th century -- Continued 2399.3.A-Z Other special, A-Z Surrealist 21st century General works Special, A-Z 407

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT Furniture History -- Continued 2401-2694.5 Special regions or countries (Table N4 modified) Add country number in table to NK2400 Under each country: Apply Table NK2401/1 for 4-number countries Table for furniture (4-number countries) 1 General works 2 Old furniture to 1830 3 1831- 4.A-Z Special designers, A-Z Subarrange individual designers by Table N6 Including individuals, families, and firms Apply Table NK2401/2 for 3-number countries Table for furniture (3-number countries) 1 General works 2.A-Z Local, A-Z 3.A-Z Special designers, A-Z Subarrange individual designers by Table N6 Including individuals, families, and firms Apply Table NK2401/3 for 2-number countries Table for furniture (2-number countries) 1.A1 General works 1.A2-Z Local, A-Z 2.A-Z Special designers, A-Z Subarrange individual designers by Table N6 Including individuals, families, and firms Apply Table NK2401/4 for 1-number countries Table for furniture (1-number countries) .A1 General works .A2-.Z7 Local, A-Z .Z8A-.Z8Z Special designers, A-Z Subarrange individual designers by Table N7 Including individuals, families, and firms 408

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT Furniture History -- Continued Apply Table NK2401/5 for Cutter-number countries Table for furniture (Cutter-number countries) .x General works .x2A-.x2Z Local, A-Z .x3A-.x3Z Special designers, A-Z Subarrange individual designers by Table N7 Including individuals, families, and firms America North America Canada 2441 General works 2442.A-Z 2443.A-Z Local, A-Z 2443.2 Special artists, A-Z 2443.3.A-Z 2443.3.G47 Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 2443.3.I55 Ethnic groups 2528 2531.A-Z General 2534 Special, A-Z 2535.A-Z Germans 2537 2538.A-Z Inuit 2540.A1 Europe 2540.A2-Z Great Britain. England 2542.A-Z General works 2542.C5 2542.H5 England. Local, A-Z 2542.S4 2542.S5 Scotland General works Local, A-Z Individual designers see NK2542.A+ Ireland General works Local, A-Z Individual designers see NK2542.A+ Wales General works Local, A-Z Individual designers see NK2542.A+ Individual designers, A-Z e.g. Chippendale Hepplewhite Shearer, Thomas, fl. 1788 Sheraton 409

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT 2547 Furniture 2548 History 2549 Special regions or countries 2550.A-Z Europe -- Continued France 2702 General works Louis XIV-Louis XVI 2702.3 1831- Special designers, A-Z 2703 Subarrange individual designers by Table N6 2705 Including individuals, families, and firms 2709 Architect-designed furniture 2710 For special countries see NK2401+ 2712 Artist-designed furniture 2712.3 For special countries see NK2401+ 2712.5 2712.6 Decorative furniture painting. Painted furniture 2712.63 2712.64 For special countries see NK2401+ 2712.66 Cf. TT305.A2+ Painting of furniture as a craft 2712.7 Gilt furniture 2713 2715 For special countries see NK2401+ 2720 2725 Incrustation and stonework applied to furniture 2727 2736 For special regions or countries see NK2401+ 2740 2750 Marquetry and inlaid woods applied to furniture For special regions or countries see NK2401+ Built-in furniture Case goods For special countries see NK2401+ For special articles of furniture see NK2713+ Unit furniture Bamboo furniture Bentwood furniture Cardboard furniture Rattan furniture Wicker furniture Special articles of furniture Prefer classification by material Beds Chairs. Miniature chairs Clockcases Coffers. Chests Cupboards, sideboards, etc. Sofas Tables. Desks. Shelves. Bookshelves Miniature furniture. Children's furniture Cf. NK4891.3+ Doll furniture 410

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT 2775 Rugs. Carpets 2780.A-Z Cf. NK2115.5.R77 Interior decoration 2781.A-Z Periodicals Exhibitions. By place held 2785.A-Z 2786.A-Z United States. By city and museum or other place of 2790.A-Z exhibition, A-Z 2795 Other countries. By country and city, A-Z 2799 Museums 2800 United States. By city and museum, A-Z 2803 Other countries. By country and city, A-Z 2805 Private collections. By collection, A-Z 2807 General works. Collectors' manuals Oriental rugs see NK2808+ 2808 Dealers' catalogs, etc. 2808.5 History 2809.A-Z General works 2809.B34 Ancient 2809.C3 Medieval 2809.I8 Modern Oriental 2809.K87 2809.P4 Including kilims 2809.W37 2809.Y85 General works 2809.5 Conservation and restoration 2810 Special, A-Z 2811 2812 Baluchi Caucasian Islamic Including prayer rugs Kurdish Persian. Iranian War rugs Yuruk Oriental rugs as an investment Trade publications North America United States 411

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT Rugs. Carpets -- Continued 2813-2896.3 Other regions or countries (Table N1 modified) (2872) Add country number in table to NK2800 (2874) 2897 Under each country (except the United States): 2898.A-Z 2910 Apply Table N5801/1 for 1-number countries 2975 Table for classical art (1-number or 2980.A-Z 2981.A-Z decimal-number countries) 2985.A-Z 2986.A-Z .A1 General works 2990.A-Z 2995 .A3A-.A3Z Special regions, provinces, etc., 2995.5 A-Z .A5-.Z Special cities, A-Z Apply Table N5801/1 for decimal-number countries Table for classical art (1-number or decimal-number countries) .A1 General works .A3A-.A3Z Special regions, provinces, etc., A-Z .A5-.Z Special cities, A-Z Apply Table N5801/2 for Cutter-number countries Table for classical art (Cutter- number countries) .x General works .x2A-.x2Z Special cities, A-Z Asia. The Orient General works see NK2808+ Iran. Persia see NK2809.P4 Collective biography Special artists, A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 Screens Tapestries. Wall hangings Cf. TS1780 Machine-made tapestry Cf. TT849 Hand-loom weaving Periodicals and societies Exhibitions. By place held United States. By city and museum or other place of exhibition, A-Z Other countries. By country and city, A-Z Museums United States. By city and museum, A-Z Other countries. By country and city, A-Z Private collections. By collection, A-Z General works Technique 412

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT 2995.8 Tapestries. Wall hangings -- Continued 2997 Tapestry cartoons Conservation and restoration 2999 For works on the conservation and restoration of 3000 tapestries found in particular places see NK3011+ 3003 3005 Dealers' catalogs History 3007 3007.3 General works 3007.4 Ancient 3007.85 Medieval 3007.86 Modern 3011 General works Renaissance 3012.A1 Baroque 3012.A3A-.A3Z 20th century 21st century 3012.A4A-.A4Z Special regions or countries 3012.A5-Z North America United States General works Special artists, A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N7 Special aspects or movements, A-Z Other special, A-Z 413

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT Tapestries. Wall hangings History Special regions or countries -- Continued 3013-3096.3 Other regions or countries (Table N1 modified) 3047.7.A-Z Add country number in table to NK3000 3047.8.A-Z 3047.8.P74 Under each country: 3049 3049.A1 Apply Table NK3013/1 for 1-number countries 3049.A3A-.A3Z Table for tapestries (1-number or decimal-number countries) .A1 General works .A3A-.A3Z Special artists, A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N7 .A4A-.A4Z Special aspects or movements, A-Z .A5-.Z Other special, A-Z Apply Table NK3013/1 for decimal-number countries Table for tapestries (1-number or decimal-number countries) .A1 General works .A3A-.A3Z Special artists, A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N7 .A4A-.A4Z Special aspects or movements, A-Z .A5-.Z Other special, A-Z Apply Table NK3013/2 for Cutter-number countries Table for tapestries (Cutter-number countries) .x General works .x2A-.x2Z Special artists, A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N7 .x25A-.x25Z Special aspects or movements, A-Z .x3A-.x3Z Other special, A-Z Europe Great Britain. England Special aspects or movements, A-Z Other special, A-Z Prestonpans tapestry France General works Special artists, A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N7 e.g. 414

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT 3049.A3L8 Tapestries. Wall hangings 3049.A4A-.A4Z History 3049.A5-Z Special regions or countries 3049.B3 Other regions or countries 3049.G7 Europe 3049.G76 France Special artists, A-Z -- Continued 3049.U5 Lurçat, Jean, 1892-1966 (Table N7) 3055.A5-Z Special aspects or movements, A-Z 3055.P37 Other special, A-Z Bayeux tapestry 3077.6 Gobelin tapestry 3077.6.A4A-.A4Z Grotesques 3077.6.A4S58 Hunt of the unicorn see NK3049.U5 Unicorn tapestries. Hunt of the unicorn 3175 Other special, A-Z Pastrana tapestries 3180.A-Z Asia Southeast Asia 3181.A-Z Burma. Myanmar Special aspects or movements, A-Z 3185.A-Z Shwe chi doe (Wall hangings) 3186.A-Z 3195 Upholstery. Drapery 3197 Periodicals 3199 Exhibitions. By place held United States. By city and museum or other place of 3200 exhibition, A-Z 3203 Other countries. By country and city, A-Z 3205 Museums United States. By city and museum, A-Z 3207 Other countries. By country and city, A-Z General works 3211 Collected designs 3212 Dealers' catalogs History General works Ancient Medieval Modern General works Special regions or countries North America United States 415

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT Upholstery. Drapery History Modern Special regions or countries -- Continued 3213-3296.3 Other regions or countries (Table N1) 3375 Add country number in table to NK3200 3380.A-Z 3381.A-Z Under each country: 3385.A-Z 3386.A-Z Apply Table N5801/1 for 1-number countries 3395 3399 Table for classical art (1-number or 3400 3412 decimal-number countries) .A1 General works .A3A-.A3Z Special regions, provinces, etc., A-Z .A5-.Z Special cities, A-Z Apply Table N5801/1 for decimal-number countries Table for classical art (1-number or decimal-number countries) .A1 General works .A3A-.A3Z Special regions, provinces, etc., A-Z .A5-.Z Special cities, A-Z Apply Table N5801/2 for Cutter-number countries Table for classical art (Cutter- number countries) .x General works .x2A-.x2Z Special cities, A-Z Wallpapers Periodicals Exhibitions United States. By city and museum or other place of exhibitions, A-Z Other countries. By country and city, A-Z Museums United States. By city and museum, A-Z Other countries. By country and city, A-Z General works Dealers' catalogs History General works Special regions or countries United States 416

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT Wallpapers History Special regions or countries -- Continued 3413-3496.3 Other regions or countries (Table N1) 3498.A-Z Add country number in table to NK3400 3505 Under each country: Apply Table N5801/1 for 1-number countries Table for classical art (1-number or decimal-number countries) .A1 General works .A3A-.A3Z Special regions, provinces, etc., A-Z .A5-.Z Special cities, A-Z Apply Table N5801/1 for decimal-number countries Table for classical art (1-number or decimal-number countries) .A1 General works .A3A-.A3Z Special regions, provinces, etc., A-Z .A5-.Z Special cities, A-Z Apply Table N5801/2 for Cutter-number countries Table for classical art (Cutter- number countries) .x General works .x2A-.x2Z Special cities, A-Z Special artists, A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 Lincrusta-Walton Woodwork see NK9600+ Other arts and art industries Subjects are arranged in an alphabetical sequence; however since a large number of subjects are broad in scope and supplied with subtopics, it is suggested that the general index to the schedule be used in locating any subject Wherever practicable, objects of glass, metal, wood, etc. are classed under the material, e.g. For ancient ceramic lamps see NK4680 417

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT 3600 Other arts and art industries -- Continued Alphabets. Calligraphy. Initials 3603 Class here material where consideration is primarily aesthetic 3605 For general works on writing see Z44 3610 Cf. NA2725 Architectural drawing (Lettering) 3615 Cf. ND3335 Illumination 3620 Cf. NE2710 Engraving 3625.A-Z Cf. T371 Mechanical drawing (Lettering) 3625.A7 Cf. TT360.A1+ Sign painting, showcards, etc. 3625.A73 Cf. Z43+ Penmanship 3625.I85 Cf. Z250+ Type and typefounding 3625.R66 3625.V53 General works 3630 Roman 3630.3.A-Z 3630.3.N36 General works 3630.3.S37 3630.3.S46 Including Gothic forms derived from the Roman 3630.3.S54 Ancient 3630.3.S77 Medieval 3630.4.A-Z 14th-18th centuries 3630.4.B67 19th-20th centuries 3630.4.N85 Special styles of lettering, A-Z 3630.4.W67 3630.6.A-Z Art deco 3631.A-Z Art nouveau Italics 3632 Roman capitals Victorian 3633 Specimens of decorative lettering 3633.2 Special applications of lettering, A-Z Names, Personal Scrapbooks Sepulchral monuments Signs and signboards Stonework (General) see NK8705+ Street names Special topics, A-Z Borders Numbers Words By region or country, A-Z Special artists, A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 Non-Roman Including rubbings General works Special alphabets, characters, scripts, etc. Arabic (Table N13) Armenian (Table N13) 418

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT 3633.5 Other arts and art industries 3634 Alphabets. Calligraphy. Initials 3635 Non-Roman 3636 Special alphabets, characters, scripts, etc. -- Continued 3636.5 Buddhist. Zen Buddhist 3637 Chinese (Table N13) 3638 Cyrillic (Table N13) Hebrew (Table N13) 3639.A-Z Islamic 3639.B46-.B466 Japanese (Table N13) 3639.M65-.M656 Korean (Table N13) 3639.N39-.N396 Zen Buddhist see NK3633.5 3639.N48-.N486 Other, by language, A-Z 3639.P4-.P46 Bengali (Table N14) 3639.T45-.T456 Mongolian (Table N14) 3639.T53-.T536 Naxi (Table N14) 3639.T9-.T96 Newari (Table N14) 3639.U73-.U736 Persian (Table N14) 3640 Thai (Table N14) 3642 Tibetan (Table N14) 3645 Turkish (Table N14) Urdu (Table N14) 3649 Monograms, marks, etc. 3649.2.A-Z Angel collectibles Ashtrays 3649.3 3649.35.A-Z Prefer classification by material 3649.4 Automata 3649.5 For music boxes see ML1066 3649.55.A-Z General works Special artists, A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 Bamboo For bamboo furniture see NK2712.6 For bamboo baskets see NK3649.5+ General works By region or country, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table N16 Bar collectibles Basketwork Cf. TS910 Industrial basketmaking Cf. TT879.B3 Handicrafts General works By region or country, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table N16 419

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT 3650 Other arts and art industries -- Continued 3650.5.A-Z Beadwork. Ojime 3651 3651.5 Cf. NK5440.B34 Glass beads Cf. NK9302 Bead embroidery 3653 General works 3654 By region or country, A-Z 3654.3 3654.5 Subarrange each country by Table N16 3654.7 3655 Bear collectibles 3660 Beer collectibles 3662 Cf. NK5440.B6 Beer bottles 3665 Cf. NK8459.B36 Beer cans. Beer trays Cf. NK8551.25.B43 Beer neon signs 3667 3667.2.A-Z Bells. Handbells. Tap bells 3668.5 For bells in a particular material, see the material Cf. CC200+ History of bells Cf. TS583+ Manufacture of bells Betel chewing paraphernalia Cf. NK8459.B47 Betel cutters Bibendum collectibles Bicycle collectibles Billiards collectibles Birdcages Book ornamentation Cf. NC973+ Cover design Cf. ND2889+ Illumination Cf. NK3600+ Alphabets and initials Cf. Z266+ Binding Cf. Z276 Book arts (General) Cf. Z1023 Illustrated books Bookends Boxes. Caskets Cf. ML1066 Music boxes Cf. NK4696.5 Cigar boxes Cf. NK6080 Inro Cf. NK6213 Lunchboxes Cf. NK9550 Trunks Brush stands General works By region or country, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table N16 Buttons. Insignia For buttons made of special materials, see the material General works Special types 420

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT 3669 Other arts and art industries Buttons. Insignia 3670 Special types -- Continued 3675 Campaign insignia. Campaign buttons 3685 3690 For works on campaign buttons from particular countries, see political collectibles of the country 3695 3697 Clothing and dress 3698 California Raisins collectibles Candlesticks 3700 3703 Prefer classification by material (3710) Candy containers. Candy dispensers 3712.A-Z Prefer classification by material 3720.A-Z Canes see NK8645 3728 Cat collectibles 3730.A-Z Cathédrale de Strasbourg collectibles 3735.A-Z Celluloid collectibles Ceramics 3740.A-Z 3745.A-Z Cf. TP785+ Chemical technology Cf. TT919+ Pottery craft 3760 3770 Periodicals and societies Congresses 3780 Exhibitions. By place held 3785 3787 International 3795 see NK3712+ 3800 United States. By city and museum or other place of exhibition, A-Z Other countries. By country and city, A-Z Museums. Collections Public Collective United States. By city and museum, A-Z Other countries. By country and city, A-Z Private United States. By collector, A-Z Other countries. By country and collector, A-Z Dealers' catalogs, etc. see NK4255 Collected writings Dictionaries. Encyclopedias History General works General special Outlines, syllabi, etc. Primitive For aspects other than aesthetic see GN433 Ancient General works 421

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT 3803 Other arts and art industries 3805 Ceramics 3810 History 3820 Ancient -- Continued 3825 General special 3830 Oriental Egyptian 3835 Assyro-Babylonian 3840 Persian Phoenician. Punic 3843 Classical 3845 General works 3850 Greek 3855.A-Z 3855.I8 Cf. NK4645+ Vases 3855.N82 3855.P52 Mycenaean and pre-Mycenaean 3855.T87 Etruscan 3855.V54 Roman (Arretine, terra sigillata, etc.) Other ancient, A-Z 3870 Italic 3873 Nubian 3880 Phrygian 3885 Turkish Villanovan 3900 Medieval 3910 General works Byzantine 3920 Islamic 3920.3.A-Z Merovingian 3920.3.A77 Modern 3930 General works 3930.3.A-Z 18th century 3930.3.A77 19th century 3940 General works 4001-4185 Special styles, A-Z 4025.A-.W Art nouveau 20th century Special styles, A-Z Art deco 21st century Special regions or countries (Table N2 modified) Add country number in table to NK4000 For individual potters see NK4210.A+ America North America United States States, A-W 422

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT 4025.P4 Other arts and art industries (4028.A-Z) Ceramics History 4028.3.A-Z Special regions or countries America 4165 North America United States 4165.2 States, A-W -- Continued 4165.22 Pennsylvania German ware 4165.23 Individual potters, families, firms, etc. 4165.24 4165.3 see NK4210.A-Z 4165.4 4165.5 Ethnic groups 4165.6 Special, A-Z 4165.7 4165.8 For American Indian pottery see E98.P8 4166.A-Z Asia. The Orient 4167 Eastern Asia China 4167.2 General works By period 4167.215 4167.22 Prefer classification by place 4167.3 4167.4 Pre-Tang Early through Zhou dynasty (To 221 B.C.) 4167.5 Qin-Han dynasties (221 B.C.-220 A.D.) 4167.55 Three kingdoms-Sui dynasty (220-618) 4167.6 Tang-Five dynasties (618-960) Song-Yuan dynasties (960-1368) Ming-Qing dynasties (1368-1912) 19th century 20th century 21st century Local, A-Z Japan General works By period Prefer classification by place Early to 1868 General works To 1600 General works Early through Tempyo period (To 794 A.D.) Fujiwara (Heian) period (794-1185) Kamakura - Momoyama periods (1185- 1600) Tokugawa (Edo) period (1600-1868) 19th century Meiji period (1868-1912) 423

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT 4167.7 Other arts and art industries 4167.73 Ceramics 4167.78.A-Z History 4167.78.S63 Special regions or countries 4167.8 Asia. The Orient 4168.A-Z Eastern Asia 4200 Japan 4210.A-Z By period -- Continued 20th century 4210.B63 Taishō period (1912-1926) 4210.P3 Special aspects or movements, A-Z 4210.W4 Sodeisha 4215 21st century Local, A-Z 4220 Collective biography 4225 Individual potters, families, and firms, A-Z 4230 Subarrange each by Table N6 4233 e.g. 4235 4240 Böttger, Johann Friedrich (Table N6) 4245 Palissy, Bernard, 1510?-1590 (Table N6) 4250 Wedgwood, Josiah, 1730-1795 (Table N6) 4252.A-Z Potters' marks 4252.E76 Including faience marks, porcelain marks, etc. 4252.L58 4252.S63 General works. Treatises 4255 To 1800 1800- 4260 Collectors' manuals (How to identify old china, etc.) Cf. NK4215 Potters' marks Preservation. Cleaning. Restoration General special Juvenile works Addresses, essays, lectures Collections of designs Special elements or subjects in ceramic decoration or design, A-Z Including works on special regions or countries Eroticism Literature Social problems Trade publications Earthenware For ancient earthenware vases, see NK4645+ For ancient earthenware see NK3800+ For special countries see NK4001+ General works Unglazed 424

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT 4265 Other arts and art industries 4265.5 Ceramics 4267 Earthenware Unglazed -- Continued 4270 General works Biscuit ware 4275 Terra cotta 4277 4278 Cf. NK4325 Robbia ware 4280 4282 Glazed and enameled ware 4283 Glazed ware (Lead glaze) 4285 General works 4287 Blue and white transfer ware. Willowware 4289 Creamware Graffito decorated 4290 Pearlware Redware 4295 Slip decorated 4295.5.A-Z For Pennsylvania German ware see NK4025.P4 4295.5.G7 Leadless glazes 4305 General works 4305.5.A-Z Raqqa ware 4310 Enameled ware 4315 Including tin and other opaque enamels; faience 4320.A-Z For enamel glaze on metal base see NK6510+ 4320.M5 General works 4325 Delft ware 4335 Dutch and general 4340.A-Z Other regions or countries, A-Z e.g. Great Britain Faience For tiles see NK4670+ French and general Other regions or countries, A-Z For individual factories see NK4210.A+ Hispano-Moresque Majolica Italian and general Other regions or countries, A-Z e.g. Mexico Robbia ware Wedgwood For biography of Josiah Wedgwood, 1730-1795 see NK4210.W4 Other special, A-Z 425

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT 4340.B4 Other arts and art industries 4340.B6 Ceramics 4340.B7 Earthenware 4340.C3 Enameled ware 4340.C44 Other special, A-Z -- Continued 4340.C48 Berlin faience 4340.D3 Black basaltes 4340.D4 Brunswick faience 4340.F68 Canakkale 4340.F7 Çeladon ware 4340.G38 Chintzware 4340.G7 Davenport 4340.H3 Dedham 4340.I9 Franciscan ware 4340.J7 Frankfurt am Main 4340.K73 Gaudy ware 4340.K75 Grueby 4340.M28 Habaner ware 4340.M3 İznik 4340.N47 Jugtown 4340.O7 Kütahya 4340.P6 Kutani 4340.P73 Marseille 4340.R3 Martinware 4340.R6 Newcomb pottery 4340.R7 Oribe 4340.R75 Portneuf 4340.R78 Pratt ware 4340.R79 Raku 4340.S5 Rockingham Rookwood 4340.S65 Rosemeade pottery 4340.S9 Royal Copley 4340.T3 Royal Haeger pottery 4340.T67 Shino 4340.U54 Spatterware see NK4340.S65 4340.W4 Sponged ware. Spatterware 4340.Y44 Swansea 4340.Y84 Talavera Torquay 4360 University of North Dakota pottery Wemyss ware Yellow ware Yue ware Stoneware (Grès de Flandres, Steinzeug, Steingut) General works 426

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT 4364 Other arts and art industries 4365.A-Z Ceramics 4367.A-Z Stoneware (Grès de Flandres, Steinzeug, Steingut) -- 4367.B67 Continued By region or country 4367.C7 United States 4367.D7 Other regions or countries, A-Z 4367.I35 Special wares, A-Z 4367.I7 Böttger ware 4370 For biography of Johann Freidrich Böttger, 1682- 4373 1719, and for works on Böttger ware together with Böttger porcelain (early Meissen porcelain) 4374 see NK4210.B63 4375 Creussen pottery 4380 Doulton 4390 I-hsing ware. Yixing ware 4395 Ironstone china 4399.A-Z Porcelain 4399.A4 General works 4399.A7 General special 4399.B4 4399.B58 Including 18th century porcelain 4399.B7 4399.B75 Special varieties 4399.C27 4399.C3 For China trade porcelain and its varieties see 4399.C47 NK4565.5 4399.C5 4399.C55 Armorial 4399.C6 Soft porcelain 4399.D37 4399.D4 For special varieties and countries, see NK4380+ Dresden (Meissen) Sèvres Worchester Other special, A-Z American Belleek Arita Berlin Blue and white ware Bow Bristol Capodimonte Caughley Chai ware Chelsea Coalport Copenhagen Dehua ware Derby Ding ware see NK4399.T55 427

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT 4399.F8 Other arts and art industries 4399.F87 Ceramics 4399.G45 Porcelain 4399.H3 Special varieties 4399.H4 Other special, A-Z -- Continued 4399.H57 Frankenthal 4399.H8 Fürstenberg 4399.I4 Geisha girl porcelain 4399.J85 Hague 4399.K3 Haviland china 4399.K64 Hirado 4399.K87 Hutchenreuther 4399.L5 Imari 4399.L53 Jun ware 4399.L6 Kakiemon 4399.L7 Koizushi 4399.L9 Kutani 4399.M43 Limoges 4399.N25 Liverpool 4399.N3 Longton Hall 4399.N4 Lowestoft 4399.N9 Lusterware 4399.O43 Medici 4399.P3 Nabeshima 4399.P33 Nantgarw 4399.P55 New Hall 4399.Q45 Nyon 4399.R6 Old Ivory dinnerware 4399.R7 Parian 4399.R8 Paris 4399.S24 Plymouth 4399.S9 Qingbai ware 4399.T45 Rockingham 4399.T55 Rozenburg 4399.T6 Ru ware 4399.T68 Saint-Cloud 4399.V5 Swansea 4399.V55 Thuringian ware 4401-4585 Ting ware. Ding ware Tournai Tōzan Vienna Vincennes Special regions or countries (Table N2 modified) Add country number in table to NK4400 Asia. The Orient 428

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT 4565 Other arts and art industries Ceramics 4565.2 Porcelain 4565.22 Special regions or countries 4565.23 Asia. The Orient -- Continued 4565.24 Eastern Asia 4565.3 China 4565.4 General works 4565.5 By period 4565.6 4565.7 Prefer classification by place 4565.8 4566.A-Z Pre-Tang General works 4567 Early through Zhou dynasty (To 221 B.C.) Qin-Han dynasties (221 B.C.-220 A.D.) 4567.2 Three kingdoms-Sui dynasty (220-618) 4567.215 Tang-Five dynasties (618-960) 4567.22 Song-Yuan dynasties (960-1368) 4567.3 Ming-Qing dynasties (1368-1912) 4567.4 19th century 4567.5 20th century 4567.55 21st century 4567.6 Local, A-Z 4567.7 4567.73 Including Taiwan and Hong Kong 4568.A-Z Japan 4600 General works By period 4605 4605.5.A-Z Prefer classification by place Early to 1868 General works To 1600 General works Early through Tempyo period (To 794 A.D.) Fujiwara (Heian) period (794-1185) Kamakura-Momoyama periods (1185-1600) Tokugawa (Edo) period (1600-1868) 19th century Meiji period 20th century Taishō period (1912-1926) Local, A-Z Decoration of pottery General works China painting General works Special regions or countries, A-Z Subarrange each country by Table N15 429

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT 4605.54 Other arts and art industries 4605.542.A-Z Ceramics Decoration of poetry 4606 Faience painting 4606.5.A-Z General works 4607 Special regions or countries, A-Z (4610) Subarrange each country by Table N15 4620 Majolica painting 4621.A-Z General works 4622.A-Z Special regions or countries, A-Z 4623.A-Z Subarrange each country by Table N15 4623.5.A-Z 4624.A-Z Transfer printing 4624.5.A-Z Cf. NK4277 Blue and white transfer ware 4640 (Earthenware) 4642 4643 Firing (for amateurs) 4645 see TT920 4646 Special objects 4647 Vases 4648 General works 4649 Exhibitions 4649.5 United States. By city and museum or other place of 4650.A-Z exhibition, A-Z Other countries. By country and city, A-Z Museums, collections, etc. Public United States. By city and museum, A-Z Other countries. By country and city, A-Z Private United States. By collector, A-Z Other countries. By country and collector, A-Z Special periods Prefer classification by country Ancient Medieval Modern Greek vases and their decorations For museums and collections see NK4623+ General works Including Etruscan and other local For Etruscan vases alone see NK4654+ Mycenean and pre-Mycenean Geometric Black-figured Red-figured White-ground. Slipware Other special varieties, A-Z 430

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT 4650.A6 Other arts and art industries 4650.A84 Ceramics 4650.B83 Special objects 4650.D8 Vases 4650.H9 Greek vases and their decorations 4650.L47 Other special varieties, A-Z -- Continued 4650.L5 Amphora 4650.L55 Askos 4650.L68 Bucchero 4650.M44 Drinking cups (Cylix, etc.) 4650.O48 Hydria 4650.P55 Lebes gamikos 4650.P75 Lecythi 4650.P95 Lekanis 4650.R5 Loutrophoroi 4650.S8 Megarian bowls (4652) Olpes Phialae 4653.A-Z Psykters Pyxides 4653.P7 Rhyta Stamnos 4654 Special vase-painters 4654.5.A-Z 4654.5.B83 see ND115 4654.5.P38 4655 Special vases, A-Z 4655.6.A-Z 4657.A-Z e.g. 4659 4660 Portland vase Roman vases. Arretine vases. Etruscan vases 4670 4670.5.A-Z For special Roman vase painters see ND127.A+ For special Etruscan vase painters see ND130.E8 General works Special varieties, A-Z Bucchero Paterae Chinese and Japanese vases Special works, by name (artists unknown), A-Z Others, by country, A-Z Portraits in pottery Statuettes. Ornamental figures For ancient statuettes and ornamental figures see NB150 Tiles. Earthenware stoves General works Exhibitions. Collections. Museums. By country and collector or place of exhibition, A-Z 431

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT 4670.7.A-Z Other arts and art industries Ceramics 4672.A-Z Special objects 4672.S54 Tiles. Earthenware stoves -- Continued 4675 Special regions or countries, A-Z 4678 4680 Subarrange each country by Table N15 4685 4690 Special topics, A-Z 4695.A-Z Signs and signboards 4695.A6 4695.B44 Trade publications (Art tiles) 4695.B67 Ampullae 4695.B68 Lamps (Ancient) Incense burners and containers 4695.B87 Braziers 4695.C46 Other objects, A-Z 4695.C5 4695.C518 Apothecary jars 4695.C52 Bells. Handbells 4695.C6 Bottles 4695.C63 Bowls 4695.C66 4695.C73 Cf. NK4695.T39 Tea bowls 4695.C8 Butter pats 4695.E37 Censers 4695.E4 Chamber pots 4695.F54 Character jugs Character steins 4695.F6 Coffeepots Coin banks 4695.H43 Cookie jars 4695.H65 Cream pots 4695.I36 Cups 4695.L35 Dolls see NK4894.4.C55 4695.L5 Easter eggs 4695.L58 Eggcups 4695.M3 Figural planters 4695.M67 4695.M76 Cf. NK4695.P53 Plant containers Fonts, Holy water see NK4695.H65 Food warmers Handbells see NK4695.B44 Head vase planters Holy water fonts Icons Lamps Lids Lithophanes Ma si dun (Containers) Mortars Mugs 432

NK DECORATIVE ARTS. APPLIED ARTS. DECORATION NK AND ORNAMENT 4695.M8 Other arts and art industries 4695.M83 Ceramics 4695.P45 Special objects 4695.P5 Other objects, A-Z -- Continued 4695.P53 Mustache cups 4695.P55 Mustard pots 4695.P6 Pillows 4695.R44 Pitchers 4695.S23 Plant containers 4695.S26 Plates 4695.S5 Pouring vessels. Decanters 4695.S65 Relief-decorated jugs 4695.S68 Salt and pepper shakers 4695.S73 Santos 4695.S76 Shaving mugs 4695.S78 Solitaires 4695.T22 Souvenir china 4695.T33 Steins 4695.T39 Storage jars 4695.T43 Stoves 4695.T47 TV lamps 4695.T53 Tableware 4695.T55 Tea bowls 4695.T6 Teapots 4695.T64 Tiki mugs 4695.T68 Tobacco jars and boxes 4695.T87 Tobacco-pipes 4695.W34 Toby jugs 4695.W45 Toothbrush holders 4695.W47 Toys 4695.W75 Tureens 4695.Y36 Wall pockets 4695.5 Whiskey jugs 4696 Whistles Writing materials and instruments 4696.2.A-Z Yan di (Containers) 4696.25.A-Z Cheese dishes Chessmen. Chess sets 4696.35 4696.37 Cf. TT896.55 Handicraft 4696.4 4696.5 By region or country, A-Z Special artists, A-Z Subarrange individual artists by Table N6 Chips. Gambling chips Chocolate collectibles Christmas collectibles Cigar boxes 433