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JOM Book_July 29_low rez

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This book is lovingly dedicated to the memory of my dear brother and faithful co-worker Harold MacDougall who was called Home to Heaven before this project was completed. As Production Manager of Everyday Publications, he constantly prayed for this project and was a source of ongoing encouragement from the beginning. As another servant of the Lord said of Harold: “His name, unlike the authors of the books he printed by the thousands, wasn’t there for the public to see. But no one would have benefited from the truths in those books without his masterly workmanship.” JESUS ON MISSION • Teacher Guide • Copyright © 2023 by Everyday Publications Inc. All rights reserved. ISBN 978-0-88873-763-2 Unless otherwise stated, all Scripture references have been taken from The Holy Bible, New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in Canada by

TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION: Jennifer Kaylor 5 FROM THE AUTHOR: “Veni, Vedi, Vici!” 6 A FEW WORDS... 7 WELCOME TO THE MISSION: 8 8 • The Tour Guide’s Tour Guide 8 • Giving Attention to Curriculum Standards (Dr. Milt Uecker) 9 • Adjusting These Lessons to Your Timeframe 10 • Scope and Sequence 11 • Middle School Curriculum Expectations 12 • Before You Begin... 13 Unit One: JESUS ARRIVES (Introduction: How To Save...A Squirrel?) 14 Lesson 1. What’s In A Name? 18 Lesson 2. Good News…At Last! 22 Lesson 3. Wise People Seek Jesus 26 Lesson 4. Herod Gets Mad! 36 Lesson 5. The Boy and His Mission 41 Unit Two: JESUS STARTS (Introduction: Motorcycles And Miracles) 42 Lesson 1. Jesus Is Baptized 46 Lesson 2. Jesus Is Tested 50 Lesson 3. Jesus Is Recruiting 64 Lesson 4. Jesus Is Invited 68 Lesson 5. Jesus Is Grieved

Unit Three: JESUS HELPS (Introduction: The Parakeet) 75 Lesson 1. Jesus Helps the Confused 76 Lesson 2. Jesus Helps the Outcast 80 Lesson 3. Jesus Helps the W.E.A.K. 84 Lesson 4. Jesus Helps the Hungry 88 Lesson 5. Jesus Helps the Fearful 96 Lesson 6. Jesus Helps the Sorrowful 100 Unit Four: JESUS TEACHES (Introduction: A Good Teacher Is Like A Candle) 105 Lesson 1. The Sower Who Planted 106 Lesson 2. The Samaritan Who Helped 110 Lesson 3. The Son Who Rebelled 114 Lesson 4. The Sermon That Blesses 118 Lesson 5. The Sinner Who Got Caught 124 Unit Five: JESUS SUFFERS (Introduction: A P-rice-less Gift) 127 Lesson 1. Failed Expectations? 128 Lesson 2. Simple Symbols 132 Lesson 3. The Bitter Cup 140 Lesson 4. NOT FAIR! 146 Lesson 5. It Is Finished! 154 Unit Six: JESUS PROMISES (Introduction: Promises, Promises, Promises) 161 Lesson 1. Jesus Always Wins! 162 Lesson 2. The Great Co-Mission 170 Lesson 3. The Helper 176 Lesson 4. The King Is Coming! 180 APPENDICES 194 • 1 — SUMMATIVE TASK: Jesus In Review 194 • 2 — Memory Verse Tracking Chart 209 • 3 — About Our Ministries: EPI and SM 210

5 • INTRODUCTION • “this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.” — john 17:3— “MISSION” Jesus on Mission was developed with this reality in mind. Throughout the six units of the curricu- For every genuine Christ-follower, the word lum, students journey through the four Gospels “mission” is tightly woven into the journey as we to dive deeply into Jesus’ early years, the launch know, grow and go in faith. Our faith is built on of His ministry, samplings of His miracles and the foundational knowledge of God’s Rescue teachings, Holy Week, His crucifixion and resur- Mission, the plan set forth since the beginning rection, ascension and more. of time to save us and redeem His creation. As a lifelong follower, we first accept and then grow For Bible education teachers, the lessons that in relationship with Christ as our Savior. And, by follow will make your mission easier! They are the power of the Holy Spirit, we are called as creative, engaging, and fun. They are Scrip- disciples of Christ to go and spread the Gospel. turally sound. They are well organized with abundant information and content. They faith- So, when our ministry was invited to be a part of fully present the Gospel message every time. the curriculum development team for “Jesus on Each lesson contains a variety of tools for every Mission,” this question of “mission” level of teacher or volunteer that may use them. was in the forefront of my mind. Through the lively discussions and For the first-time volunteer facing brainstorming sessions that ensued, an intimidating middle school au- one main mission for the curriculum dience, these lessons are well emerged: scripted and complete, lacking nothing and offering plenty. For the “I just want them experienced teacher, these lessons to know Jesus.” provide a useful framework that leaves room for adjustment and For several years, I taught released- customization. time Bible education classes to hundreds of mid- dle school students. One reality was particularly While simplifying a teacher’s jour- heart-breaking: whether students had never ney is blessing enough to utilize heard the Gospel, or students professed to be these lessons, the real blessing of churched believers, they simply did not know what lies within this curriculum speaks to the Jesus! As a shepherd of these students, how greater mission – that of making Jesus known to could I invite them to fully surrender their lives each student. Whether students meet Jesus for to a Savior they didn’t really know? the first time, or students grow deeper in their relationship with Him, they will come to know Him better as they know, grow and go on their faith journey! With blessings to each of you in this mission, —Jennifer Kaylor Executive Director & Teacher Students in the Word Pawleys Island, South Carolina

6 ### • FROM THE AUTHOR • VENI, embedded right into His name; we hear Him as VIDI, VICI a 12-year-old boy in the Temple declaring His mission in no uncertain terms; we watch Him Veni, vidi, vici is a Latin helping the helpless and listen in on His out-of- phrase which means, “I this-world teachings. We walk with Him in His came; I saw; I conquered.” It is attributed to Ju- final week leading up to the cross, and we gaze lius Caesar who, they say, wrote these words in upon the triumphant, risen Christ ascending a letter to the Roman Senate (circa 47 BC) after back to Heaven. a quick defeat over Pharnaces II of Pontus at the Battle of Zela (modern-day Zile, Turkey).. We see from the start that everything Jesus said and did demands a personal response, so direct We borrow this phrase of Caesar’s and application is made to students in every lesson elevate it to a whole new level by connecting it to to challenge them forward toward, or further the Lord Jesus Christ and His completed mission along with, Christ. on our behalf. Our Victor saw our need and came to Earth to And might we keep in mind these words of our conquer Satan, sin, and death. At Lord, spoken as a rebuke to those who thought the cross of Calvary, He won the greatest victory ever so that we that Jesus had more important could be forever set free from the things to do than to bother with clutches of the enemy. the children: “Then Jesus said, ‘Leave the children alone, and He came. He died. don’t try to keep them from com- He conquered. ing to Me, because the kingdom of heaven is made up of people like The apostle John tells us that the world itself this’” (Mt 19:14). isn’t big enough to contain all the books that could be written about what Jesus accomplished The two-fold objective of this re- while He was on Earth (Jn 21:25), so we rec- source is to bring Jesus to our ognize the difficulty of trying to condense His young people so that our young people can be three years of earthly ministry into 30 lessons. brought to Jesus. Let the children come! The goal of Jesus On Mission, then, is to give students a thorough overview and understand- — Brian Cretney ing of the purpose, meaning, and significance of Jesus’ mission — and especially what it means • ADDITIONAL RESOURCES • for them. Be sure to access additional supplementary re- With this in mind, careful thought and planning sources such as Timeline Cards (shown below). went into choosing the 30 scenes that middle- Displaying these as a timeline in your classroom school students might benefit from the most. We will help students visualize the Lord’s journey as begin with Jesus’ birth, discovering His mission you make your way through the curriculum. If you are a Member of School Ministries, visitt:; if you aren’t, visit: !\"#$#%&'(#&J)ESUS*ARRI+VES: U\"nit 1,&/ L'esso(n #1 &+(##(-) THIS JESUS ARRIVES: Unit 1 / Lesson 5 JESUS STARTS: Unit 2 / Lesson 1 WAY TO JESUS ARRIVES: Unit 1 / Lesson 2 EGYPT !\"#$%&'$(#)*+,#-$\".-$/.--.&0 !\"#$# %# &'()%*\"+ !\"#$%&'!\"\"()\"*$'#((+'\"$,& JESUS ARRIVES: Unit 1 / Lesson 3 JESUS ARRIVES: Unit 1 / Lesson 4 Timeline Cards !\"#$%&$'&($%#$$)%*$#+# !\"#$%!&'(&!)*%'

7 • A FEW WORDS • The second book in the God’s Mission Series, a burden for the souls of young people. What a Jesus On Mission, focuses on the life of Jesus. wonderful opportunity to present a story of With this second year edition, the author has hope in an often hopeless world! We pray for the done a masterful job through the lessons and teachers who will be using this resource in their exercises teaching students how the life of Jesus ministry. The author has taken great care to connects to God’s overall plan for mankind. We present the gospel in a clear and compelling way have already seen how year one (God’s Rescue and has added activities and illustrations which Mission) has transformed the lives of students, will help reinforce the lessons that are taught. and we look forward to how Jesus on Mission will do the same. Our goal is to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ and then to point young people to Him. We pray that — Ken Breivik those who are unsaved will come to know and put their trust in Him for salvation. We pray also National Executive Director that those who love the Lord would be drawn to School Ministries a deeper relationship with Him and continue to grow in their faith. The old, old story of Jesus’ love for us all is retold in these pages with the skill of a master educator — Terry Wilson and the devotion of a faithful disciple of the Lord Jesus. Each lesson combines an expert’s knowl- President edge of what attracts the attention of young Everyday Publications people with his fervent desire that each partici- pant have a personal and vibrant walk with the Jesus on Mission continues God’s redemptive Lord Jesus. You have in your hands the warmest, story as the curtain rises on the life, ministry, sweetest, most winsome gospel presentation, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus, God’s Son. faithfully drawing students to an obedient daily It consistently brings into focus the Gospel and walk with Jesus. God’s desire to redeem what was lost in the gar- den. Throughout the lessons, students will be — Marilyn MacMullen, B.Sc, M.Ed challenged by God’s grace and His desire to forgive their sins and redeem them in order that Educator, Editor (Everyday Publications) they might be saved and become disciples of Jesus. The lessons are simple and yet complex Everyday Publications is a ministry that loves enough to communicate and reach students and the Lord and serves His people, and so we are their teachers at their varying levels of spiritual especially grateful to be partnering again with development. School Ministries in the development of Year 2 of this resource, Jesus on Mission. The Lord — Milton V. Uecker Ed.D Jesus Christ came to seek and to save those who are lost, but he had a special affection for chil- Former Dean and Professor Emeritus, dren. In this broken world, children are especially College of Education, vulnerable to shifting social values and morals. Columbia International University This is why it is more important than ever that Board Member, School Ministries we produce gospel-focused, doctrinally-sound resources that “If I could relive my life, I would point them toward the Lord Jesus devote my entire ministry to Christ, written especially for reaching children for God!” young people. — D.L.MOODY We rejoice that School Ministries have this as their core mission. It is our great joy to work with those on the frontlines who have

8 T hank you for your willingness to take While it is not necessary to have taught the your students on a journey with Jesus! Year One Curriculum (”God’s Rescue Consider yourself a Tour Guide as, together Mission”) prior to teaching this program, it with your class, you watch and listen to Jesus might help to show “Jesus On Mission” to during His mission on Earth. your students Each lesson has been structured like a mini- after the first journey within the bigger, overall journey. To lesson has been guide you along the way, please become taught. This video familiar with ... (19-mins) gives ON an overview of MISSION THE TOUR GUIDE’S Year One. TOUR GUIDE To watch this video, go to: } GIVING ATTENTION TO CURRICULUM OUTCOMES The School Ministries Middle School desired outcomes are noted as the starting point and goal for each lesson. Curriculum and instructional strategies are designed to develop the knowledge, skills, and disposi- tions (attitudes, values, beliefs) of the learner. Learning is not complete until a learner has changed or “put on” God’s truths. Therefore, the out- comes, as previewed, should be the focal point during lesson prepara- tion, while teaching, and when seek- ing student response or application prior to the conclusion of a lesson. An assessment of student outcomes is therefore a measure of a program’s success, and the School Ministries outcomes define the mission and vision that unites School Ministries affiliates. — Dr. Uecker

9 ADJUSTING THE LESSONS TO FIT YOUR TIMEFRAME Released-Time Bible Education programs vary widely in their format, duration, frequency, logistics, and more. The lessons presented in this curriculum can be comfortably taught as written in about 35 minutes of teach- ing time. The following tips are intended to help those using this curriculum customize each lesson according to the time allotted for their class, whether the class meets for only 20 minutes or as long as 45 minutes. Shortening These Lessons: Lengthening These Lessons: • Shorten or skip the opening game/activity. For example, • Lengthen the opening game/activity. For example, play extra play one round instead of three.Think of a way to offer this activity rounds. Repeat the game using different participants. Add a dis- in a shortened format. cussion component. Before explaining the game or moving into the teaching, ask the students if they see any spiritual application in • Condense and simplify the speaking/teaching points. the game/activity. Reduce the talking points to what is essential for conveying the“Big Idea”of the lesson. Know the material. Stay on point! • Elaborate on the teaching points. Consider the “Big Idea” of the lesson, and think of ways to further cement the students’ • Consider completing the student activity sheet together understanding and remembrance of it. How? as a larger group rather than sending students off individually or into small groups before reviewing it. Or, if you have volunteers, a) Take it even deeper by adding personal examples or illustrations. they may guide the small groups through the activity sheet. These Invite discussion. Allow students to share when appropriate. options will allow you to “complete” and “review” the activity simultaneously, thereby minimizing confusion and questions and b) Utilize short videos that support the main idea of the lesson. Share eliminating the need to wait on other groups to complete the news articles or other modern examples that relate to the lesson. activity. c) Incorporate other Bible verses that affirm or support what’s being • Divide a lesson into two days or two sessions to allow presented. Offer more context or background information about sufficient time to complete it thoroughly rather that rushing the Bible passages (and the books of the Bible they come from), through it. but be careful to not lose the main focus of the lesson. • Eliminate candy and prizes on days where content and time • Complete the student activity sheets independently or in are tight. Students inevitably take a while to choose their prize, and small groups, as suggested in the lessons.This allows opportunity this also distracts them from the lesson. for the students to make some discoveries for themselves. It also fills a considerable amount of time. Then come back together to • Utilize the School Ministries’ Student Handbook for each review the material as a large group. student so that all their materials are organized and in one place. This will eliminate time being wasted in securing materials from • Don’t provide page numbers or printouts for assigned Bible other notebooks. passages. Allow students to look up references on their own to increase their familiarity with the structure and content of the Bible. • If students are all using copies of the same Bible, consider providing the actual page numbers for them when they • When the lesson refers to a Bible passage during the need to look up a Bible passage. You may also choose to read a teaching points, invite a student to look it up and read it to passage yourself during a teaching point rather than asking a the class. Even better, encourage everyone to look it up. If they are student to do so. using their own Bibles, they may want to underline or highlight these verses. With special thanks to Jennifer Kaylor for providing these practical time-management tips. • Before closing the lesson, provide a journaling prompt that relates to the lesson of the day. Quietly play appropriate NOTE: MEMORY VERSE CHART: See Page 214 for a background music that echoes the theme of the lesson, and allow helpful resource that will encourage your students students several minutes to journal a response. to memorize each lesson’s key verse! • Using the key verses provided in each lesson, introduce a Scripture memory component/routine to the class.

• JESUS ON MISSION • 10 UNIT ONE UNIT TWO UNIT THREE UNIT FOUR UNIT FIVE UNIT SIX JESUS ARRIVES JESUS STARTS JESUS HELPS JESUS TEACHES JESUS SUFFERS JESUS PROMISES Lesson 1: Lesson 1: Lesson 1 Lesson 1: Lesson 1: Lesson 1: What’s In a Name? Jesus is Baptized Jesus Helps the Confused The Sower Who Planted Failed Expectations? Jesus Always Wins The Trinity is seen in this baptism Nicodemus learns that salvation Four different ways we can Those who cried“Hosanna” Jesus rose from the dead, His Name is His that inaugurates Jesus’public can’t be earned. It must be soon cried“Crucify Him”. just as He had promised. Mission: To“save”us. ministry. (Mark 1:9-11) respond to God’s Word. (Matthew 28:1-6; Acts (Matthew 1:21) received. (John 3:1-21) (Matthew 13:1-9) (John 12:12-19) 1:3; Romans 1:4) Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Lesson 2: Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Good News...At Last! Jesus is Tested Jesus Helps the Outcast The Samaritan Simple Symbols The Great Co-Mission The angels bring“good How to resist the The Samaritan Woman discovers Who Helped Jesus has a final meal and Jesus promises to spread His news”after 4000 years devil using the joy in Jesus. (John 4:1-42) Who is our neighbor? message for His disciples: gospel throughout the Word of God. Anyone in need! The Lord’s Supper. world through His people. of bad news. (Luke 4:1-13) Lesson 3: (Luke 10:25-37) (1 Cor 11:23-26) (Matt 28:19-20; Jn 14:12) (Luke 2:4-11) Jesus Helps the W.E.A.K. Lesson 3 Jesus demonstrates power Lesson 3: Lesson 3: Lesson 3: Lesson 3: Jesus is Recruiting The Son Who Rebelled The Bitter Cup The Helper Wise People Seek Jesus Jesus’disciples were very different over sickness (and sin). The danger of straying from There was no other way to Jesus promises the Father The first Christmas gifts from each other. He has a unique (John 5:1-15) God and how to find the bring about our salvation. will send the Holy Spirit to teach us about who Jesus is role for all of us to play. (Matthew 26:36-39) live IN His people. (Various passages) Lesson 4 path back to Him. (John 14:16,17) and why He came. Jesus Helps the Hungry (Luke 15:11-32) Lesson 4: (Matthew 2:1, 10-12) Lesson 4: Jesus demonstrates power Not Fair! Lesson 4: Jesus is Invited over matter (and spiritual Lesson 4: Jesus was treated unfairly, but The King Is Coming! Lesson 4: Jesus’visit at a wedding hunger). (John 6:1-15) The Sermon That Blesses His response revealed a deep Jesus promises to return Herod Gets Mad provides His first God’s blueprint for blessing confidence that God’s will was and reward His children Herod’s evil scheme actually lesson: obedience. Lesson 5: and an effective prayer life being done. (Mark 14:60-61) helped fulfill prophecy! (John 2:1-12) Jesus Helps the Fearful who serve Him. (Matthew 2:13-15) Jesus demonstrates power (The Lord’s Prayer). Lesson 5: (John 14:2-3; Acts 1:9-11) (Matthew 5-7) It Is Finished Lesson 5: over nature (and fear). Jesus completed the work SUMMATIVE TASK: The Boy and His Mission (Matthew 14:22-36) Lesson 5: necessary for our redemp- Jesus in Review The Sinner Who Got Caught tion. (Galatians 4:4-5) • Fill in the Timeline The 12-year old Jesus Lesson 5: Lesson 6: (Focus: “Head”) states His Mission. Jesus is Grieved Jesus Helps the Sorrowful A lesson on judging • Fill out the Answers (Luke 2:41-52) Jesus cleanses the temple Jesus demonstrates power over others. Be careful! (Reflective: “Heart”) and reminds us of His call to holiness. death: The resurrection of (John 8:1-11) (John 2:13-17) Lazarus (and all true believers). (John 11:38-44)

MIDDLE SCHOOL MIDDLE SCHOOL SKILLS MIDDLE SCHOOL KNOWLEDGE CURRICULUM OVERVIEW: Skills are what the students at this level should be able to do prior to OVERVIEW: Knowledge outcomes are what the children should know moving up to high school. STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO: and understand at the end of fifth or sixth grades depending on M.S.1 Take steps to resolve conflicts biblically whether sixth grade is the end of elementary school or the beginning M.S.2 Share the Gospel with greater detail, using key memory verses along with a of middle. Programs should be prepared to assess these outcomes as a visual aide means of determining program effectiveness and the need for curricu- M.S.3 Memorize Scripture (Appendix A provides a list of verses. Programs can select lum modifications. STUDENTS WILL: from this list as appropriate for their learners or context) M.S.4 Use a concordance and electronic apps to locate Scripture references M.K.1 Begin to understand and articulate the Bible as one story by M.S.5 Access and use basic Bible study tools and methods as a means to accurately seeing the relationship of key Bible stories to The Redemptive Story understand God’s Word M.S.6 Make application of Scripture to daily life M.K.2 Know the key elements of the Redemptive Story: creation, fall, redemption, and restoration MIDDLE SCHOOL DISPOSITIONS M.K.3 Know the person and role of the Holy Spirit (third person of the OVERVIEW: Dispositions are the values, beliefs, and attitudes as demonstrated Trinity) through behaviors and life choices. STUDENTS WILL CHOOSE TO: M.D.1 Accept Christ or acknowledge a time when this was previously done M.K.4 Identify the relationship of Jesus to the Gospel and to one’s M.D. 2 Grow in their relationship to Christ through regular Bible study and prayer personal and present life M.D.3 Obey God’s Word and follow Jesus M.D.4 Practice biblical “one-another’s” in their relationships at home and in the M.K.5 Understand the meaning of the Kingdom of God, past, present classrooms (see Appendix A: Memory Verse Examples) and in the future M.D.5 Give testimony to God’s working in their lives M.D. 6 Regularly and devotionally study God’s Word M.K.6 Explain the cultural mandate (man’s responsibility to fill, subdue, M.D.7 Choose to act upon or obey scripture in daily life and rule over the earth. Genesis 1:28) and its implications for life today M.D.8 Commit to living a pure life M.D.9 Participate in the stewardship of God’s creation M.K.7 Articulate key aspects of the life of Paul, including his missionary M.D.10 Begin to seek God’s purpose for their life heart for the world as exemplified through his life and teaching M.D.11 Attend and serve others within the church M.K.8 Know the major worldview questions (What is reality and knowledge? What is of value and what is the nature of man?) with a basic answer to each question from a biblical perspective M.K.9 Understand the relationship of prayer to one’s growth in Christ M.K.10 Know the role or purpose of the church in the life of the believer 11

12 • BEFORE YOU BEGIN • “Unto the upright there arises light in the darkness; He is gracious, and full of compassion, and righteous. — psalm 112:4 — Light in the Darkness Dear brother or sister... “In those days…everyone did what was right in The Lord has placed you uniquely in the lives his own eyes” (Judges 21:25). A familiar verse, of the children you seek to instruct. You are the and an all-too-familiar experience to us today, vessel He has chosen to use to stop them in their one which requires no further explanation. tracks and show them the “high” way. You are the light that He would But have we not known different days? Better shine on their path, for days? Admittedly, our generation had faults and your life and your sins of its own, but do we not recall how it was words radiate Christ when we were children — when folks recognized and the gospel of life, that in boundaries lies protection, in integrity truth, and love. Shine lies honor, and in striving together for the high clearly! Shine warmly! calling lies success? Shine brightly! Shine boldly! We can’t afford This is not the case for our young people today. to hold back. Time is They do not know that “better way”. They have not on our side. not experienced the peace that righteousness brings. Oh, how far we have fallen! And, in our “O Lord, You are my God. I will exalt You, I will fall, our arms, which should be holding our chil- praise Your name, for You have done wonderful dren safe, have swept them instead right along things; Your counsels of old are faithfulness and with us into this shameful place. truth,” Is 25:1. Yet God has not left Like Saul, might the children committed to your them stranded without hope... charge be stopped in their tracks and never look back. Amen. He has set eternity in their hearts, and He has left His beacon lights on Earth to arise as “light — Eunice Free in the darkness”. Teachers, that beacon light is YOU! Jesus On Mission Editor, Everyday Publications “And suddenly a light shone around him from heaven,” Acts 9:3. When Saul set out to stand up Author, My Hope is in the Lord (Study Guide for boldly for what he thought was so right and to Young People, Everyday Publications) destroy blatantly what he believed was so wrong, God said, NO! God stepped in and put the YouTube Channel discipling young people: truth right in front of Saul, stopping him cold in @findingtruenorth his tracks. And there was no looking back. “Shine clearly! Shine warmly! Shine brightly! Shine boldly!”

13 OUR NEXT JOURNEY WITH JESUS… — Unit One — JESUS ARRIVES HOW TO SAVE...A SQUIRREL? Imagine looking out your window and seeing a Yet how could He ever do that? He is holy GOD! tall tree in an empty lot across the road. We are sinful man. The sheer blaze of His glory Comfortably nestled at the very top of that tree and majesty would surely destroy us if He came is a little family of squirrels.* But you know something down to us.“You cannot see My those squirrels do not know! face; for no man shall see Me, Down below, pitched beside and live” (Ex 33:20), God de- that tree, is a sign: clared to Moses. And so He covered (or “veiled”) “CONSTRUCTION SITE”. that glory to became one of us — a human — just like us, but And rumbling down the street without sin. is a truck. And on that truck? In this unit, we will travel back in All the tools required to take time to that miraculous mo- down that tree! ment when God came to Earth At once, you think of the squir- as a babe in the Person of the rels — they’re in danger! But Lord Jesus. His mission to save how can you warn squirrels? Shout out your us was evident in so many ways — from His window? They don’t understand your language. very Name, to the gifts brought to Him by the Write posters in big, bold letters? Squirrels wise men, to His own declaration as a 12-year- can’t read. Negotiate with the tree-cutter? He’s old boy in the temple: “I must do My Father’s just doing his job. business” (Lk 2:49). What business was that? Wait a minute! What if you could become a To win our salvation! squirrel? You could bound up that tree and warn As you journey with Jesus through this unit, be them, in true squirrel language, of the oncom- amazed that God’s Son came to us — so close ing danger. You could urge them to flee for that we could look into the eyes of a real man safety. and, at the same time, the very face of eternal Would you do that? … all for a few little squirrels? God: “For God, who said, ‘Let there be light in Isn’t that similar to what Jesus did for us — only the darkness,’ has made this light shine in our on a much grander scale? Jesus, God’s Son, hearts so we could know the glory of God that wanted to warn us of the coming judgment for is seen in the face of Jesus Christ” (2 Cor 4:6). our sin. But even greater, He wanted to save us. * C.S. Lewis uses a similar example of a person willing to become a dog to save all dogs. There are many sim- ilar variations of this involving ants. Check them out!

14 YEAR 2 UNIT OUNEIT: JOENSEU:SJE-STUHSEAERARRILVYEYSEA|RSLESSOLENS1SON 1 “What’s In A Name?” DESTINATION: CURRICULUM OBJECTIVES: M.K.4 Identify the relationship of Jesus to The name of Jesus is linked the Gospel and to one’s personal and present life; M.K.8 Know the major to His mission — to save us worldview questions (What is the nature of man?) with a basic answer from our sins. from a biblical perspective; E.K.11 Develop a basic theological vocabulary to include: confess, sin/Savior, salvation, transgression, iniquity. PREPARE: FOR OPENER: If time and resources allow, let the students take a couple minutes to look up the meanings of their names. FOR LESSON: Prepare three envelopes using the resources at the end of this lesson. Label them Envelope #1, #2, #3 and tape them to the board which either you or the selected students can read aloud. Get: Two sticky notes, a piece of tape, two marbles or tennis balls. CLOSING OBJECT LESSON: Get a tissue, a whiteboard, a black and a red dry-erase marker. OUR BEARINGS: “What’s Your Name?” So Jesus’ name is linked to His mission — to save us from our sins. THAT is why He came to this planet. I’m so excited and looking forward to spending time If sin was serious enough that Jesus needed to SAVE with you this year learning about Jesus! But first I’d US from it, it would do us some good to think about like to spend some time getting to know each other, what sin is. What do you think the Bible means when beginning with everyone’s names. it talks about sin? [Field responses.] I’m always intrigued to know the stories behind Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Now I’d like people’s names, so if you know where your name to share a few more to help us understand sin from came from (named after someone? meaning of your God’s perspective. We’ll do a little SIN-VESTIGATION. name?), I’d love to hear it. [Start with yourself.] I’ll need some volunteers to help me. [NOTE: Students fill in definitions after envelopes are opened/read.] MOVING ON: THE JOURNEY BEGINS SIN-VESTIGATION: That was fun! Thank you. Now, there’s another name I’d like us to think about as we begin our Bible [Choose two students who think they can jump journey together — the name JESUS. high. Invite them up for our first challenge.] In this first lesson, I would like to think about what ENVELOPE#1: [Have the two students each write HIS name means, and why He was given that name their name on a sticky note. See how high on the — Jesus. We’ll discover that His name is actually wall they can stick their note. Determine a winner.] directly linked to His mission — the reason why He came to this planet. [Turn the envelope around to reveal: SIN = “Fall- ing short of God’s standard of perfect holiness”] Read: Matthew 1:21. Open in prayer. MAIN IDEA: Congratulations, [name]! You jumped Ask: What reason does this verse give for Jesus’ the highest. But what if I said that the winner was coming to Earth? He came to SAVE us from our sin! actually the person who could [stick their name on the ceiling / on the top of the building / on a CAMPING OUT ON TRUTH cloud? “Impossible!” you say. Exactly — which brings us to our next point. The name Jesus is His earthly name. But the Bible actually uses about 200 different names or titles Listen to Romans 3:23 – “For all have sinned and for Him. No, I won’t quiz you on them! For now, let’s fall short of the glory of God.” Sure, we can make just focus on the name Jesus. It comes from the ourselves look pretty good by comparing our- Hebrew word “Yeshua” (Joshua), and it means “The selves to others: “I’m a better basketball player,” Lord Is Salvation.” or, “I’m the most helpful person in my class.” But God measures us against HIS holiness, His perfect pureness — and we ALL fall very, very short.

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18 YEAR 2 UNIT OUNEIT: JOENSEU:SJE-STUHSEAERARRILVYEYSEA|RSLESSOLENS2SON 2 “Good News...At Last!” DESTINATION: CURRICULUM OBJECTIVES: M.K.1 Begin to understand and articulate Jesus came to deal with the Bible as one story by seeing the relationship of key Bible stories to sin, but we must choose to the Redemptive Story; M.K.4 Identify the relationship of Jesus to the believe the “good news” of Gospel and to one’s personal and present life; M.D.1 Accept Christ or the gospel. acknowledge a time when this was previously done PREPARE: Get a working flashlight; post the “Bad News” graphic; distribute one “Good News...At Last!” activity sheet to each student. OUR BEARINGS: “GOOD NEWS/BAD NEWS” Similarly, the world barely noticed when Jesus, God’s Light, arrived on our planet. And even still today, We’re going to begin today’s class with a game many fail to see what a big deal it was for this babe called “Good News/Bad News”. It’s simple: I start by to be born into our dark world. making a “Good News” statement like: “Good news: Tomorrow is National Free Ice Cream Day.” Then the That’s because many don’t realize just how dark next person begins with a “Bad News” statement: the world really was into which Jesus was born. So “Bad news: I’m allergic to ice cream.” Then: “Good let’s time-travel back through the 4,000 years of news: I’m healthier for not eating ice cream”, etc. “BAD NEWS” that led up to Bethlehem’s “GOOD NEWS”! And continue back and forth with good news/bad news statements until we’ve all added to the game. ACTIVITY: [Post the “BAD NEWS” graphic on the TEACHER: You might start with: “Good news: I won a board, and refer students to the activity sheet free cruise!” Let the students take it from there... “Good News...At Last!”] MOVING ON: THE JOURNEY BEGINS These little pictures represent key historical periods — beginning with the creation of man, right up to the Today, I have both good news and bad news for birth of Jesus, about 4,000 years later. This simple YOU. We’ll first read about the good news and open exercise will give you a glimpse of how dark the in prayer. Then we’ll carefully consider the BAD news world really was when Jesus left Heaven and came to help us more fully appreciate the GOOD news! to Earth as a baby. READ: Luke 2:1-14. Listen carefully for three key [Assign partners or groups one letter from the BAD things: What is the “good news”? Who delivered it? NEWS graphic. Their task is to figure out the missing And to whom? words in their section using their Bibles and the Answer Box at the bottom of their sheets.] [Read the passage. Field responses to the questions.] [Allow about 5 minutes to complete the task. Then Open in prayer. invite everyone back for a whole group discussion.] CAMPING OUT ON TRUTH HERE ARE SOME TALKING POINTS AS YOU MOVE THROUGH EACH “LETTER”: OBJECT LESSON: [Hold up a flashlight.] When I turn “B” — As we already saw, mankind (Adam and Eve) this on [turn it on], it gives a simple beam of light. chose to rebel against God. Their first act of sin How well can we see it? Barely at all. To more fully broke them off from God, their life-source, just like appreciate the flashlight’s purpose, we need to… a branch broken from a tree is disconnected from its turn off the lights. [Turn off the lights, and note the life-source. They were then banished from the Gar- brightness of the flashlight’s beam.] den of Eden and its Tree of Life. But that’s not all.

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GOOD NEWS…AT LAST! U1L2Activity NAME: 20 4000 BC 2500 BC 2100 BC 1600 BC 1446 BC 1043 BC 722 BC 597 BC 3 BC GENESIS 3:6, 23 GENESIS GENESIS 11:4, 8 EXODUS 1:8, 11 EXODUS 12:33; 1 SAMUEL 8:4,6-8 God’s people in the CHRIST IS BORN! 6:12, 14, 17 NUMBERS 14:2; northern kingdom [Eve] took of its Then they said, Now there Then all the elders (Israel) are taken fruit and !\"# , And God saw “Come, let us arose a new JOSHUA 5:6 of Israel…said, “Give the earth, and *%+,) ourselves king [ 01!'!$1 ] us a 5+.2 to judge captive by: and she also behold, it was over Egypt, who The Egyptians were us.” The Lord said… gave some to &$''%(\"…make a city and a did not know urgent…to send (_(_22__KK7__IINN_6_G6G__S4S__'11_+_!77__::6_6_)) her husband \"$-#' with Joseph…they [the people of ”From the day I [Adam] …and he yourself an its top in the set taskmasters Israel] out of brought them up God’s people in the ate….therefore ark…I will bring heavens, and let over them to [Egypt]…And all out of Egypt even southern kingdom the Lord God a !$$) of us make a .!/#. !f+&\" them to this day, [they (Judah) are taken sent him $%\" , for ourselves… with heavy the people of Israel are] forsaking me from the garden waters upon So the Lord *%')#.6 . 2'%/*,#)…[they ] captive by: the earth to dispersed them… walked 3$'\"4 years and serving of Eden… destroy all flesh. in the wilderness… other 2$)6 . ((22__K8K__II!NN__*GG__4SS_,_$22__.44__::11)) God eventually freed Judah. But after His message to the prophet Malachi (430 BC), God speaks no more for the rest of the OLD TESTAMENT! Sin, iniquity, and As the world Abraham’s God delivers the God’s people The kingdom divides Sin. Failure. transgression re-populates… descendants people of Israel finally arrive in the into two; God’s Darkness. 400 spread over time… (through Joseph) through Moses. people rebel years of silence. All settle in Egypt. Promised Land. (again!). hope appears lost. ANSWER They want a king instead of God. Until… BOX grumbled • build • Babylon • afflict • corrupt • gods • burdens • flood • ate • Assyria • Pharaoh • out • name • king • tower • forty


22 YEAR 2 UNIT OUNIET: JOENSEU:SJE-STUHSEAERARRILVYESYEA| RSLESSOLENS3SON 3 “Wise People Seek Jesus” DESTINATION: CURRICULUM OBJECTIVES: M.K.1 Begin to understand and articulate the Bible as one story A truly “wise” person will seek, by seeing the relationship of key Bible stories to the Redemptive Story; M.K.2 Know the key surrender to, and elements of the Redemptive Story: creation, fall, redemption, and restoration; M.K.4 Identify serve Jesus. the relationship of Jesus to the Gospel and to one’s personal and present life; M.K.5 Under- stand the meaning of the Kingdom of God, past, present and in the future; M.D.7 Choose to act upon or obey scripture in daily life; E.K.6 Define the nature and purpose of true worship PREPARE: For Opener: Prepare a sticky note for each student with the name of a Christmas item on it [be creative!]. Get a Christmas stocking in which to place the sticky notes. For Lesson: Be prepared to tell of a special Christmas gift you have received, or have a picture of something similar; using wrapping paper, make the letters W, I, S, E (stick a bow on each letter for extra flourish); prepare the activity sheets titled “The First Christmas Gifts”. NOTE: For further reading, see OUR BEARINGS: “CHRISTMAS IN ____” CAMPING OUT ON TRUTH Let’s begin with a game called “Christmas In [insert These men were WISE because they… month]”. I will come around with a Christmas stock- ing filled with gifts! Well, almost. It’s actually a stock- W-ANTED TO FIND JESUS. Ask: What details from ing filled with sticky notes with the names of this text show us that they wanted to find Jesus? Christmas gifts written on them. With your eyes [Field responses] — closed, you’ll draw one note out and stick it to your • Their Question: “Where is He who has been born forehead. Find a partner, take turns asking questions King of the Jews?” (v 2a). about what gift you received and see who can cor- • Their Quest: “We have seen His star in the east rectly guess your present with the fewest questions. and have come…” (v 2b). Their desire moved them to action. They actually “came”! In fact, they likely MOVING ON: THE JOURNEY BEGINS came from the country that is now called Iran, 800-900 miles from where Jesus was. And they Today, we are going to learn about the VERY FIRST came by camel. THAT took time! Weeks? Months? CHRISTMAS GIFTS — in fact, this is where the Up to two years? (See v 16.) We don’t know. But we tradition of Christmas gift-giving comes from. Does do know that, when they arrived, Jesus was no anyone know what the first Christmas gifts were? longer in the stable, but in a house (v 11) — not [Gold, frankincense, myrrh brought by the wise men what we see on most Christmas cards! to Jesus] • These men were determined to find Jesus! Neither Let’s read about them in Matthew 2:1-12. [Open in time, distance, nor inconvenience stopped them. prayer.] YOU: What keeps YOU from seeking Jesus? Time The Bible doesn’t actually say how many wise men isn’t an issue; you can find Jesus today: “Today is came, only that they brought three gifts. Yet one the day of salvation” (2 Cor 6:2 NLT). And you have thing is clear: They truly were “WISE men”. no distance to travel to find Him. How close is He? “‘The word is near you, in your mouth and in your But they were actually “magi”, meaning magicians, heart’ (that is, the word of faith which we preach): pagan sorcerers who studied the stars because that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus they thought their gods communicated through and believe in your heart that God has raised Him stars. So what are they doing in God’s Christmas from the dead, you will be saved” (Rom 10:8,9). story? Well, God desires ALL people to come to Him! The opportunity to know Jesus is literally in front Using the four letters W-I-S-E, we’ll see why we can of you! And God promises that “He is a rewarder of say that these men were actually “wise” men — those who diligently seek Him” (Heb 11:6). SPIRITUALLY wise. When we get to the letter “S”, I will send you off to do a little activity. But for now, let’s set the scene with the first two letters.

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24 NAME: The First Christmas Gifts — AND WHAT THEY REMIND US OF — When visiting a ___k_in_g____ This “perfume” appears at least This spice appears only three in the ancient world, 17 times* in the Old Testament times in the New Testament: and was almost always used for it was common to present him THE WORSHIP OF GOD. Once here: with spices, expensive jewels, and… Read MATTHEW 2:11 gold frankincense myrrh Read 1 KINGS 10:1, 10 Read EXODUS 30:34 The other two times are to see an example of this. to see an example of this. found here: The fact that this was These wise men came for this one • MARK 15:15, 23 given to baby Jesus main purpose: “For we have seen Where was Jesus when He was (Called “_G_r_e_a_t_e_r His star in the East and have come offered this drink to help numb than Solomon”, see to worship Him .” His pain (which He refused)? Matthew 12:42) indicates these wise (Hint: See Matthew 2:2) the cross men believed Jesus • JOHN 19:38, 39 was a ___k_in_g__ . This incense was How were these spices used for the worship used in this verse? (Hint: See Matthew 2:2) of God. It was for Jesus’ burial; Look what the kings of the brought to worship embalming nations are going to bring King Jesus when He reigns Jesus. This gift This gift reminds us on this earth: ISAIAH 60:6 reminds us that that Jesus was born to die for us! JesusGiso…d! - * Other Examples: Leviticus 2, 5, 6, 24; 1 Chronicles 9; Nehemiah 13 U1/L3 Activity


26 YEAR 2 UNIT OUNEIT: JOENSEU:SJE-STUHSEAERARRILVYEYSEA|RSLESSOLENS4SON 4 “Herod Gets Mad!” DESTINATION: CURRICULUM OBJECTIVES: M.K.1 Begin to see the Bible as one story (con- God uses even the most nect key Bible stories to the Redemptive Story); M.K.8 Know the major world- terrible things in life to view questions (the nature of man) with a basic answer from a biblical accomplish His good perspective; M.K.4 Identify the relationship of Jesus to the Gospel; E.K.4 Know purposes. that God is loving, holy, just, forgiving, almighty, and totally trustworthy PREPARE: For Opener: See notes below. For Lesson: 1. Cut out the two squares on the Teacher Visual Aid sheets (puzzle + nativity scene). Glue them back-to-back. 2. Cut out and place the two purple puzzle pieces inside an empty jigsaw puzzle box. 3. Have the activity sheet ready to distribute. 4. Put a clear, empty glass on a cookie tray. Place six toy people, or six marker caps representing people, around the glass. Get one table- spoon of baking soda and 3/4 cup of vinegar. OUR BEARINGS: “Greatly Puzzled” CAMPING OUT ON TRUTH Divide students into small teams and prepare Like all puzzles, the picture doesn’t become clear enough copies/puzzles (of kids assembling a puz- until you start putting the pieces together. So let’s zle) for each team to have one. Cut and paper clip do that, shall we? the pieces together. Have each team assemble their puzzle. Award a prize (for the fastest, neatest, or As we do, we will “see” three important takeaways best teamwork, etc.) AFTER, SAY: You just assem- for our lives today. Let’s begin with the most personal bled a puzzle of other people assembling a puzzle. lesson for us — In many ways, this is how God has worked through- out history: He has connected individual “pieces” of 1. JEALOUSY! history — pictures of various events and people — Herod was a fiercely jealous king. to form an even bigger picture which, when all put A different (and much wiser) king named Solomon together, reveals God’s ultimate plan. warns: “Jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most MOVING ON: THE JOURNEY BEGINS vehement flame” (Song of Sol 8:6). Jealousy has the potential to destroy! Today, I’d like to consider a very “puzzling” account in the Bible. It concerns King Herod who, under Roman Just look at King Herod! [Hold up an empty glass.] authority, was “King of the Jews” (note that title!). In his heart — and in each of our hearts — lurks PRIDE. [Dump in one tablespoon of baking soda.] [Open the puzzle box, and take out the purple pieces. Pride is a desire to be the best or to have the best. Invite one student to read the passage, Matthew 2:13-15. Open in prayer.] Around this glass are six other people in Herod’s life: 3 sons, 2 wives, and 1 mother-in-law. At Ask: Herod was “puzzled” about the birth of this different times during his life, Herod wrongly baby. In fact, all of Jerusalem was puzzled! Read thought that each of them was plotting against Matthew 2:2-3. Why were they puzzled? [They were him so someone else could take his throne. His confused about who this newborn “King of the Jews” jealousy went into hyperdrive — and he promptly was. Herod felt a threat to his throne.] had them executed! [Pour in vinegar.] Ask: Why do you suppose Mary and Joseph might be So, not only does jealousy destroy US, and our puzzled by the angel’s announcement? [Why would contentment with what God has given us, but it Herod want to kill our baby? How will we get to Egypt? can destroy our relationships with those around We have little money!] us (represented by the people around the glass, knocked over by the overflow caused by our pride). Perhaps the most “puzzling” thing about all of this is Though it might not become this extreme, our why God would allow an “infanticide”. Yes, sadly, jealousy can certainly cause severe harm. Herod went on to kill all the boys under two years old in an attempt to eliminate baby Jesus (see 2:16).

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U1L4 — OPENER: Print three copies, cut and paper clip the puzzle pieces. Form three teams and give each of them a puzzle to assemble together. Perhaps award a prize for the team who: completed the challenge the fastest, the neatest, with the best teamwork, etc. 29


31 !\"#$%\"&'()*+#,'#)-*.'' $/0'1/0'2345'67/389:';</9'40'01'0=9'>3?@'1A'0=9'5304B40C'6?959: Isaiah Matthew Micah Matthew 7:14 1:22-23 5:2 2:3-6 Born of a... Born in the town... Hosea Would spend Psalm Matthew 11:1 time in... 78:2 13:34-35 Matthew Teach through... 2:13-15 Zechariah Matthew Psalm John 9:9 21:1-2, 22:16 19:34, 36–37 4-5 Death by... on a Psalm Matthew Psalm Acts 22:18 27:35 30:3 2:32 People would... for His garments He would... from the dead D18'0=9''' Hosea W Would spend EFG()H;'GHI' 11:1 time in... M J380'1A'0=9'' 2 Matthew <96615 2:13-15


33 !\"#$%\"&'()*+#,'#)-.'' $/0'1/0'2345'67/389:';</9'40'01'0=9'>3?@'1A'0=9'B/CC<9'B3D9:


35 !!\"\"####$$%%&&''##(())''!!**++!!(())##$$,,''!!$$)),,))--''##++&&))##(())**.. \"/01'2'3'45667/'8'9:10;01<''''''''''''''''''''''%=>5? Isaiah Matthew Micah Matthew 7:14 1:22-23 5:2 2:3-6 Born of a... virgin Born in the town... Bethlehem Hosea Would spend Psalm Matthew 11:1 time in... 78:2 13:34-35 Egypt Teach through... parables Matthew 2:13-15 Zechariah Matthew Psalm John 9:9 21:1-2, 22:16 19:34, 36–37 ride 4-5 Death by... on a donkey crucifixion Psalm Matthew Psalm Acts 22:18 27:35 30:3 2:32 People would... gamble for His garments He would... rise from the dead 9%-@)*' !\"#\"$%&'( +&,-%&-&.( *435&1( A+B #)*&( /01!,( 0\".$%&( #)'&( 2)#0)3( 6#76)!8)43

36 YEAR 2 UNIT OUNEIT: JOENSEU:SJE-STUHSEAERARRILVYEYSEA| RSLESSOLENS5SON 5 “The Boy and His Mission” DESTINATION: CURRICULUM OBJECTIVES: M.K.1 Begin to see the Bible as one story con- One of the great missions necting key Bible stories to the Redemptive Story; M.K.2 Know the key ele- of Jesus’ life was to show us ments of the Redemptive Story; M.K.8 Know the major worldview questions the Father. The mission of (the nature of reality) with a biblical answer; M.D.5 Give testimony to God’s God’s children is the same. working in their lives; M.D.10 Begin to seek God’s purpose for their life PREPARE: For Opener: Get a long rope or ribbon and a chocolate bar. For Lesson: Get a magnifying glass (or a picture of one); prepare seven envelopes, each containing one of the attached verses; get the items (or pictures of them on cardstock paper which can be re-used in future lessons) listed under the Application section (see the 3rd last paragraph in that section for the list of items). OUR BEARINGS: “SWEET” EXPLORATION I want to read to you the very first words of Jesus that the Bible records. [After you have hidden a chocolate bar in the most improbable location, say]: Today we’ll begin with a Q: Does anyone know how old Jesus was when He scavenger hunt! Somewhere in this room, I’ve spoke those words? [Answer: Twelve years old] hidden a treat. Whoever finds it may keep it! But you only have 30 seconds to look for it. Go! [Call Q: Does anyone know what those words were? [Field students back to their seats after the time limit.] responses.] Let’s read about it in Luke 2:41-50 (preferably in the NKJV). Whole group: I’m going to help one person find it. [Give one person one end of a long rope. Release There are many interesting lessons in this story, the rope gradually to the floor as you walk through but I want us to focus on one big idea: Jesus KNEW a maze of chairs and tables. When you get to the why He was here on Earth. Q: Who can find that location of the hidden chocolate bar, drop the rest reason in the passage we just read? [Answer: v.49 of the rope on the floor.] – Write it on the board: Jesus was here to do the work His Father sent Him to do. Tape the end of the Say: I want you to follow the path made by the rope rope beside this statement on the board.] until you arrive at what you’re looking for. So the big question is: What was the work the MOVING ON: THE JOURNEY BEGINS Father sent Jesus to do? Teach us life lessons? Help sick people? Make this world a better place? [When the student has located the chocolate bar Why don’t we just let Jesus answer the question (and is told to eat it later), say]: Most people treat for us — not as a 12-year-old boy, but at the other life like a scavenger hunt. They spend their years end of His earthly life, just before He went to the searching for meaning and purpose, but they have cross. Listen to what He said: no solid idea what that meaning is or how to find it. They just wander aimlessly through life with a “I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished sense of emptiness and confusion. the work which You have given Me to do” (Jn 17:4). CAMPING OUT ON TRUTH Jesus’ main “work” was to “glorify” His Father. Another word for this is “magnify” (doxazō). As we journey with Jesus through these lessons, you can learn, by His example, one of the most If I hold a magnifying glass over this item [hold it important things you will ever learn. You can come over whatever you choose], does the magnifying to know, EARLY in life, YOUR God-given purpose. glass MAKE the item bigger? No. It only helps us That knowledge can then guide you in the decisions to SEE the item BETTER — more clearly. you make throughout life. So in addition to dying on the cross to save us from our sins, one of the main purposes Jesus was sent into this world was to help us see how wonderful

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• The Boy and His • 38 MISSION Write Jesus’ statement to His Father in Luke 23:46. “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!” Travel the path below to #6 I HAVE g l o r i f i e d YOU ON EARTH. discover how Jesus lived out His purpose. Read the verses John 17:4,5 and fill in the missing letters. #5 I HAVE BEEN WITH YOU SO l o n g ...HE WHO HAS SEEN ME HAS SEEN THE FATHER. John 14:9 #4 W h o r e v e r SEES ME SEES THE ONE #3 IF YOU KNOW ME, WHO SENT ME. YOU KNOW MY F a t h e John 12:45 John 8:19 l l BUT MY FATHER’S. #2 I DON’T SEEK MY w i John 5:30 #1 MY f o o d = DO MY FATHER’S WILL John 4:34 M y FATHER’S BUSINESS Luke 2:49 U1/L5 Activity NAME:

39 !\"#!$%' &!'()' *+,-'./0.'1'*2343'3567'8+'8,29:';<='>++7'63'8+'7+'8,2'?6@@'+>'A69'?,+' 32-8'<2'BA63'C58,2DE'5-7'8+'5FF+9G@63,'A63'?+DHIJ' ' !\"#!$%&!'(K' *+,-'L/0M'1';N'F5-'7+'-+8,6-O'+-'<='+?-'6-686586P2I'Q3'N',25D:'N'R47O2S' 5-7'<='R47O92-8'63'R438:'T2F5432'N'7+'-+8'322H'<='+?-'?6@@:'T48'8,2'?6@@' +>'A69'?,+'32-8'<2'BA63'C58,2DEIJ' ' !\"#!$%&!'(0' *+,-'U/)V'1';W,2D2'63'X+4D'C58,2DYZ'8,2='53H27'A69I'ZX+4'7+'-+8'H-+?' <2'+D'<='C58,2D:Z'*2343'5-3?2D27I'ZN>'=+4'H-2?'<2:'=+4'?+4@7'H-+?' <='C58,2D'53'?2@@IZ' ' !\"#!$%&!'(.' *+,-')K/.L'1'Q-7'?,+2P2D'3223'<2'3223'8,2'%-2'?,+'32-8'<2'BA63'C58,2DEI' ' !\"#!$%&!'(L' *+,-')./V'1'*2343'3567'8+',69:';A5P2'N'T22-'?68,'=+4'3+'@+-O:'5-7'=28' =+4' ,5P2' -+8' H-+?-' <2:' &,6@6GY' A2' ?,+' ,53' 322-' <2' ,53' 322-' 8,2' C58,2DS'3+',+?'F5-'=+4'35=:'[\\,+?'43'8,2'C58,2D]Y' ' !\"#!$%&!'(^' *+,-')_/.:L'N',5P2'O@+D6!27'X+4'+-'8,2'25D8,I'N',5P2'!-63,27'8,2'?+DH' ?,6F,'X+4',5P2'O6P2-'<2'8+'7+I'' ' !\"#!$%&!'(_' $4H2'K0/.^'`,2-'*2343'F5@@27'+48'6-'5'@+47'P+6F2:';C58,2D:'6-8+'X+4D' ,5-73' N' F+9968' <=' \\G6D68IJQ-7' ?,2-' A2' ,57' 3567' 8,63:' A2' TD258,27' ' A63'@538I


41 OUR NEXT JOURNEY WITH JESUS… — Unit Two — JESUS STARTS MOTORCYCLES AND MIRACLES People will try almost anything to make a name Jerusalem, during the Passover. Tens of thou- for themselves. Have you ever heard of the sands would be gathered in Jerusalem during motorcycle stuntman and daredevil “Evel Passover. “Imagine every room filled, with Knievel”? Born Robert Knievel, this man had a campsites popping up on every available hillside, long and celebrated career of spectacular inhabited by Jewish people who had traveled motorcycle jumps. from throughout the world.”* That’s it — the best time and place to launch His earthly career as “JESUS — THE MESSIAH”! Sounds good. After all, even His own half- brothers didn’t believe who He was. Why should they? Up to this point, Jesus hadn’t performed any miracles at all (Jn 2:11). His brothers called As a young man in his 20s, Robert owned a Him “crazy” when He started gathering disciples motorcycle company. But he needed to drum to Himself (Mk 3:21). He would need to do up some business. What could he do to draw in something grand to impress them. a crowd? Simple! Just hop on a motorcycle and jump over several rows of parked cars, a caged But He didn’t. Though Jesus could have easily cougar, and a box of rattlesnakes! Not set the record straight once and for all only did this stunt help his business, by performing some great feat in front but it catapulted him into worldwide of thousands of people, He chose instead fame with a total of over 300 such to perform His first miracle in front of a jumps (not to mention a Guinness few lowly servants working in a kitchen. Book World Record of 433 broken That’s it — back room, small-scale, no bones, including his skull!). cameras. That hardly seems like a fitting EVEL KNIEVEL way to launch a three-year career as God Now, what about Jesus? After living 30 years on Earth, don’t you think? on Earth as “the carpenter’s son”, what spec- tacular event might we expect Him to perform But Jesus did not come to impress us. He came to launch His earthly career as Messiah, the to save us! And the lessons He teaches at the Savior who had been prophesied thousands of beginning of His earthly ministry will help you years before? see the much bigger picture of His mission — and yours. Remember, He is God. His power is unlimited. He could do anything! Should He write His name Come on, let’s go! using the stars in the sky? Or uncover the golden treasures held deep within the earth? Or *Joachim Jeremias, Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus how about raise a dead person to life? Now that (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1969), p. 84. would be impressive! And He should do it where Photos (Public Domain): Evel Knievel; Bike Jump many people would see Him — let’s say, in Photographer: Patricio Sadovskis (CC BY-SA 3.0)

42 YEAR 2 UNIT TWO: JESUS STARTS LESSON 1 “Jesus Is Baptized” DESTINATION: Jesus’ bap- CURRICULUM OBJECTIVES: M.K.2 Know the key elements of the tism revealed His identity Redemptive Story; M.K.3 Know the person and role of the Holy Spirit as God’s Son. Knowing who (third person of the Trinity); M.K.4 Identify the relationship of Jesus to He is should impact our the Gospel and to one’s personal and present life; M.D.3 Obey God’s lives as it did John’s. Word and follow Jesus (i.e. get baptized if a true believer) PREPARE: For OPENER: Have the “Uniform” graphic ready if needed. For the WHOLE GROUP CHAT (The “Humble” section): Fill a glass with colored water and enough stones to fill the glass; cut out an arrow, and have something to fasten it to the board. For APPLICATION: Make an arrow that can be placed on the board OUR BEARINGS: “Which One Doesn’t Belong?” Today, we will see that the very first thing Jesus did before launching into His public ministry at age Call up several students wearing team jerseys or 30 was to be baptized. Why? One of Jesus’ main logos of some sort, and one student who isn’t. If this purposes was to publicly declare His true identity is not doable, show the attached Lesson Opener as God’s Son. graphic. Give students about 30 seconds to figure out which student/picture doesn’t belong. [the one CAMPING OUT ON TRUTH not wearing a uniform/logo] Maybe you’re thinking, “After 30 years of living on ASK: This may sound like a simple question, but Earth, people still didn’t know that Jesus was God’s what is the purpose of a uniform? [Field responses.] Son?” Well, Mary and Joseph certainly knew. And an A uniform doesn’t “make” someone part of an or- old man name Simeon knew, but he died shortly after ganization or a team. It simply “marks” someone as Jesus was born. But that was about it. belonging to it. In other words, wearing the uniform of an NBA player will never make me an NBA player. All those years, Jesus had been living in obscurity in a But if I become an NBA player, I will be given a uni- little town called Nazareth. He lived simply as the son form that clearly shows which team I’m on. Now what of a carpenter. Though He was obviously exceptional if I showed up to a game without my jersey? Well, I — always obedient to His earthly parents as He “kept would still be part of that team, but it might not be on growing wiser and more mature, and in favor with clear to others which team I actually belonged to God and His fellow man” (Lk 2:51,52 ISV) — Jesus didn’t (especially after they saw how I play!). go around “showing off His God powers” or performing miracles (see Jn 2:11). MOVING ON: THE JOURNEY BEGINS Even Jesus’ half-brothers didn’t know, or didn’t under- You may be wondering: “What does all this talk stand, who He truly was. Later on, they actually called about NBA jerseys and uniforms have to do with Jesus crazy for claiming to be God’s Son (see Mk 3:21). Jesus?” Well, let’s go to the next mark on our time- Neither did Jesus’ own cousin — a man we call “John line of Jesus’ life, 18 years after He appeared in the the Baptist” — know who Jesus was. That’s right, even Temple as a 12-year-old boy. Jesus is going to “put His own relatives didn’t know that Jesus was God’s Son! on His jersey”; that is, He is going to do something which will publicly identify Him as God’s Son. Jesus But John the Baptist was about to discover Jesus’ iden- is going to be baptized. In the Bible, baptism is tity in a remarkable way. He would baptize Jesus, and always about revealing a person’s true identity. two special things would happen, making it clear to John — and to others — that Jesus is God’s Son. The New Testament teaches that a Christian is bap- tized to publicly declare that their true identity is Think back: a star helped “reveal” God’s Son to wisemen, “in Christ”. Like putting on a uniform that says “Team and angels helped “reveal” God’s Son to shepherds. But Jesus”, they are showing that they have trusted in this baptism would officially reveal Jesus’ true identity Him and now belong to Him. (The waters of baptism as the Son of God — not only to John the Baptist, but to don’t save us; they only touch our skin, not our sin!) the entire nation of Israel, Jesus’ own people. His iden- tity would be publicly revealed right here!

43 !\"#$%& !\"#$%$&'(%)*+!+%+$,-$+%%%%%%%%.*++'\"%/ !\"#$%&'$(')(*&+#',(-.#/'!\"#$%$#&'(#)&'*#+%,-#./(#(01(# T($'#<-7-\"#\"&F;=B')(*&'*6.'6'96##\":%'H(;;(,\"&F'0#%%' +2#30'/4$#.2#!\"#\"$%\"&#('#\"351246#(02527'52#\"#81,2# c6$$'2/`Ba34'!\"+.'M%'.\".&+$';%$'$*%'6$$%&$\"(&'\"&\"6$%' .19(%:%&;#*%(0#*1(25<#0)&'1/2134' *\"#'%F(4')<#$'$*%'(77(#\"$%X')(*&'6.9\"$$%.'$*6$'*%' ,6#&+$'%:%&',(-$*='$('<&$\"%'$*%';6G%#'(H')%#<#+'#6&S 5*6$'*677%&%.'6$'$*\"#'867$\"#9'$*6$'-%:%6;%.')%#<#+' .6;#' 0)&' 1/d]3X' \\&' H6G$B' )(*&' .%G;6-%./' !+2# ?G23/3D# \".%&$\"$=' 6#' >(.+#' ?(&@' A*%-%' ,%-%' 234% 5674829:2% ,/3(#56789:;9<#./(#\"#,/3(#=9789:;9<'0)&'2/2^34' ;<;:2=B' 6&.' CDE'6-%' F(\"&F' $(' F(' .\"#G(:%-' 8($*' (H' 5*6$'.(%#'$*\"#'9%6&@' $*(#%'-\"F*$'&(,4'' OBJECT LESSON: Display a glass of water with blue food col- I#'=(<'G(97;%$%'$*%'6G$\":\"$='#*%%$'JK67$\"#9'(H')%#<#LB' oring mixed in. This represents us: our own goals, desires, and =(<+;;'-%6.'68(<$'M\"#'867$\"#9'H-(9'>(.+#'5(-.B'6&.' plans, our attitudes, actions, and words. As we discover more of $*%&'=(<+;;'!;;'\"&'#(9%'8;6&N#4'' who Christ is in His greatness, [place stones representing“The Rock”in the glass so water is diplaced and overflows], we“de- O?%&.'#$<.%&$#'(HH'$('G(97;%$%'$*%'6G$\":\"$=4P' crease”, and Christ“increases”in our life. 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NAME: THE BAPTISM U2/L1 ACTIVITY 1. Read Mark 1:6-11. OF JESUS What sign would John the Baptist 2. Fill in the blanks below. be given to reveal who was really A STATEMENT CAME FROM HEAVEN, SPOKEN BY: God the God the God’s Son? See John 1:32-34. THE STATEMENT WAS: “You are my FATHER HOLY SPIRIT The Spirit would descend from beloved Son; with You, heaven like a dove. I am well-pleased.” God the THESE EVENTS AFFIRMED SON THAT JESUS IS WHO? THIS IS ONE SCENE THAT CLEARLY PRESENTS THE… TRINITY FOR OUR CLASS CHAT: HUMBLE HUMAN HOLY 45 3 LESSONS FROM John felt unworthy to Though a great man of John had one purpose: JOHN the BAPTIST: serve Jesus. God, he still had his doubts. Point others to Jesus!

46 YEAR 2 UNIT TWO: JESUS STARTS LESSON 2 “Jesus Is Tested” DESTINATION: CURRICULUM OBJECTIVES: M.K.3 Know the person and role of the Holy Jesus’ temptation in the Spirit (third person of the Trinity); M.K.10 Know the role or purpose of wilderness proves He is the church in the life of the believer; M.S.6 Make application of Scripture God’s Son and teaches us to daily life; M.D. 6 Regularly and devotionally study God’s Word; M.D.8 about spiritual victory. Commit to living a pure life PREPARE: To Do: Place an unstruck match into a container of water for at least ten minutes before class so that it is saturated. For the Opener: Get a mini-cupcake, a candle, and a lighter. Also get: A pack of matches, and a glass of water labelled “God’s Word”. NOTE: Have a side container of water to place burnt matches in. OUR BEARINGS: “Tame the Flame” CAMPING OUT ON TRUTH ASK: For our opening object lesson, I have a tasty Jesus is about to “prove” Himself as the sinless Son of cupcake, as you can see. Who would like it? [After God. As we look at these three specific temptations, most hands are in the air, say]: I think the fairest way keep in mind these three words: MATH / MYTH / MOUTH. to settle this is to figure out whose birthday is Please repeat them after me. [Write them on the board.] closest to today. (Determine the recipient.) Now let’s add this candle, light it, and sing “Happy Belated 1) MATH Birthday” [or early birthday] to [insert student name. Have student blow out candle. Set cupcake aside Here’s an equation to help us understand how temp- until the end of class. Having some additional mini- tation works: cupcakes for other students would be fun!] DESIRES + ENTICEMENTS = DAMAGE MOVING ON: THE JOURNEY BEGINS What does this mean? James explains in his letter, Perhaps you’re wondering what we’re going to learn chapter 1:14,15: “But each one is tempted when he is about today that involves this cupcake, a candle, drawn away by his own desires and enticed. Then, and a lighter. when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death.” We’re going to talk about temptation. I’m not think- ing as much about the cupcake as I am of the tiny Note these two words: “DESIRES” + “ENTICED”. flame on the tip of the candle. It appears harmless, Together, they make up the two parts of temptation: right? [Re-light the candle.] Yet this little flame can bring utter destruction if it is not handled properly. a) “Inside longings” (ungodly DESIRES): [Hold up the candle.] We like to think we’re like this candle. Just like ASK: What are some temptations that people your the candle can’t light itself, we want to think we’re age face on a regular basis? Things that appear passive in the process of sin: “Someone else made me harmless but which can potentially destroy lives? do it.” [Light candle with lighter.] But actually, we’re not [Field responses.] passive; we’re active. Within each of us is a nature that desires sin, meaning we’re more like a match. In After Jesus was baptized, the Spirit of God led Him fact, Jesus said that simply thinking a bad thought is into the wilderness. There, Jesus fasted for 40 days. sin (Mt 5:28). [STRIKE THE MATCH, then blow it out.] And there, God allowed the devil to tempt Jesus. Today we’ll learn how temptation works and Jesus’ b) “Outside lures” (ENTICEMENTS): Added to that are example of how we should respond to it. the outward enticements. The original Greek word for entice means “to catch by bait”. This lighter represents READ MATTHEW 3:17-4:3. [Open in prayer.] Did you things in the world that are trying to “bait” us or notice in 3:17 that God the Father declared, “This is My “entice” us. What are some examples? [Movies, music, beloved Son...” But then in 4:3 the devil said, “IF peers, ads, etc. which make sin look good] You are the Son of God...” (see also v.6). The Father declared it. Satan said, “Prove it!” So what happens when these two things — desires and enticements — connect? [Ignite the lighter, and slowly bring it closer to the match without touching it.] THIS is the critical moment in the process. If we don’t respond quickly, the inside longings and the outside lures will “ignite”! The result? SIN — with all its potential to destroy us!

47 8*,-%/ !\"#$%$&'(%)*+!+%+$,-$+%%%%%%%%.*++'\"%/ 45$67!8$9&:;$$ $41AJK%4>3%A5MLA1AF>0%3>C?K%F0%>BC%NFO5KG$J,)Q$H6G<$ #1: Live for Now! We can imagine the devil saying,“What’s wrong !<:=85<!$7!>??? !,$?#.-.$'1$!\"#$)'(%#*1#..7$W-!$!\"#$*#6.,1$I$.!6*!#%$)'!\"$ with using Your God-powers to satisfy Your physical hunger? You !\"'.$;06!\"=$)6.$!,$\"*.!$\"#(5$-.$%#H-1<$6$;[XNU=$!\"6!$ haven’t eaten in 40 days! It’s not wrong to eat. After all, doesn’t the .,0#$5#,5(#$('<#$!,$*#6%$'1!,$!\"'.$#&#1!$'1$?#.-.4$('/#7$ Bible say that a good father wouldn’t give a stone to a son who asks for bread (see Mt 7:9)? (Yes, the devil knows the Bible too; see /P%=8$D(%% Mt 4:6.)Your Father wantsYou to enjoy good things — NOW.” The devil lures us to live for instant gratification. D\"6!$'.$!\"#$0+!\"$!\"6!$061+$5#,5(#$H#('#&#$6H,-!$!\"'.$ 56..62#F$ $452% A4F0?% A41A% )5KBKJ% A5MLA1AF>0% A>% KF0% #2: It’s all about YOU! “Imagine how popular You’d be if You 31K%5Q16AN2%A45%K1M5%1K%A45%A5MLA1AF>0K%!\"%R165G% jumped off this cliff and everyone down there saw angels catching N\"#+$H#('#&#$!\"6!$?#.-.$0+/(4)735#$.'11#%Q$H-!$!\"6!$U#$ You! They’d make You king on the spot!” The devil will lure us ,&#*G60#$!\"#$%#.'*#$!,$.'17$\">A%K>S% to glorify OURSELVES rather than God. .>>?% @16?% A>% >BC% 5EB1AF>0G$ D\"#*#$ %,$ ,-*$ -12,%(+$ $ #3: Take the Shortcut! “You know that everything will beYours %#.'*#.$G,0#$/*,0F$OIJ:IKE9$U,(%$-5$61,!\"#*$06!G\"7P$ one day anyway. Just bow to me, and I’ll give you these kingdoms D\"#*#$ %,$ !\"#$ #1!'G#0#1!.$ !\"6!$ (-*#$ -.$ !,$ .'1$ G,0#$ now so You don’t have to die on the cross! Take the easy road! /*,0F$OLMN:IKE9$U,(%$-5$!\"#$('2\"!#*7P$$ What’s wrong with shortcuts?” The devil will lure us with the distractions the world has to offer, and he will gladly show N\"#$ W'H(#$ '.$ G(#6*9$ ?#.-.$ \"6%$ JL$ -12,%(+$ %#.'*#.$ $ us shortcuts to get them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`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`^J4N$ .'1C$ I/$ U#$ `LM8KQ$ U#$ !\"#+$)'(($\"6&#$!*,-H(#$;'21'!'12=C$!\"#$%&'$()*$+,$-.)/0$ 0'2\"!$.'1$!,%6+777,*$!,0,**,)C$^1%$!\"6!$),-(%$0#61$ \"./$1**,/$0,21/,23$$ !\"6!$U#$0+/(4)<EF$\"6&#$H##1$!\"#$5#*/#G!$.6G*'\"G#$/,*$ $ ,-*$.'1.7$&5JI%41O5%0>%4>L5%R>C%5A5C01N%NFR5S$D\"6!$6$ *#('#/9$?#.-.$\"6.$JL$.'1/-($16!-*#a$U#$03$$+-$.'17$$ First: Be Saved! Receive God’s forgiveness of sins. He will give you $ eternal“life”, and He will also give you all the resources you need to live a godly life (2 Pet 1:3). God places us“IN”His family [place the ^1%$ 3,%$ 6..-*#.$ -.$ !\"6!Q$ #&#1$ !\",-2\"$ ?#.-.$ 1#&#*$ dry match inside the container of water], and His Spirit moves .!*-22(#%$,1$!\"#$'1.'%#$)'!\"$.'1Q$6.$3LKQ$D5%610%TFO5% INSIDE of us. He gives us power to say“NO”to outside temptations. OF6A>C2%A>%BK%3450%&*%KACBTTN5%3FA4%KF0$>!\"6!$'1G(-%#.$ 6(($,/$-.Q$#&#1$2,%(+$5#,5(#$('<#$R6-(Q$V,0$b9@]B7$$ Second: Be Saturated! We need to get God’sWord INTO us so we can use Jesus’ strategy: “IT IS WRITTEN”. [Read Psalm 119:11 as D>3Y%D#4&#$*#6%$!\"#$H#2'11'12$,/$!\"'.$.G#1#7$J,)$.##$ you pour water from a cup labelled“God’sWord”into the container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`%MF0BA5K%A>%6>MLN5A5%16AFOFA2G% &450%A1?F0T%BL%1K%1%TC>BL(%[G%#0OFA5%KABI50AK%A>%K41C5% 341A%A452%R>B0I%R>C%5164%L1FCK%>R%L1KK1T5Ka%/G%9C>U OFI5%A45%R>NN>3F0T%1LLNF61AF>0KG$ $

48 WHEN THE TEMPTER 1. Read Matt • S T R I K E S • Name: 4:1-11. “IF... You are God’s Son, turn MATT IT IS WRITTEN... 2. Explain in 4:4 your own MATT these stones to bread and words what 4:3 eat them.” the devil told Jesus “IF...You are God’s Son, MATT IT IS to do in... 4:7 WRITTEN... MATT jump off the temple and 3. Write the 4:5-6 angels will catch you.” 3 words in all of Jesus’ “IF...You worship me, IT IS responses. I will give you all the WRITTEN... kingdoms of the world.” MATT MATT 4:8-9 4:10 THE DEVIL KNOWS THAT GOD’S WORD IS ALL-POWERFUL AND THE ULTIMATE PROTECTION AGAINST HIS EVIL SCHEMES. THEREFORE, THE TEMPTER WILL TRY TO MAKE US DOUBT GOD’S WORD, LIKE HE DID BACK HERE, IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN... SATAN Many people believe that just fixing our circumstances will fix our struggles. But Satan tempted Adam and Eve under the JESUS most ideal circumstances — in a perfect environment. And they still failed. Why? THINK ABOUT IT: God said, “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.” (Genesis 2:16-17). The devil appeared. Write the beginning of his question for Eve in Genesis 3:1. Did God See what actually say: the devil ‘You shall not eat of every did? tree of the garden’?” U2/L2 Activity


50 YEAR 2 UNIT TWO: JESUS STARTS LESSON 3 “Jesus is Recruiting” DESTINATION: CURRICULUM OBJECTIVES: M.K.4 Identify the relationship of Jesus to Those who belong to Jesus the Gospel and to one’s personal and present life; M.S.6 Make applica- can learn lessons from the tion of Scripture to daily life; M.D.8 Commit to living a pure life; M.D.7 twelve disciples. Choose to act upon or obey Scripture in daily life PREPARE: To Get: Photos and prizes for the opening game; for CAMPING OUT game: Cut out the “Disciple Cards” and have twelve pieces of masking tape ready to post the pictures to the board; draw a big circle on the board [see diagram in the closing application for what the “circle” will look like]. For CLOSING APPLICATION: Either a piece of plastic fruit or a plastic flower — disguised in a bowl of real fruit or in a vase with real flowers OUR BEARINGS: “WHO AM I?” CLASS ACTIVITY: Today we’re going to play a game called “Who Am I?” Explain the activity: We’ll learn about these 12 I have some prizes for those who guess correctly. disciples by playing the same game: Who Am I? We’ll do this by completing a “Classroom Cross- 1. Who Am I? “As a 15-year-old, I tried out for my word”. Here’s how we’ll do it: high school varsity basketball team but didn’t make it. I got stuck on the junior varsity squad and went 1. Divide class into 12 groups. Assign each home and cried.” — Michael Jordan group one crossword clue to solve. Have them write the answer into the puzzle. (3 to 5 mins) 2. Who Am I? “I was defeated for political office seven times. I lost a job, failed in business, lost my 2. Call everyone back together. Have a person fiancée to death, and had a nervous breakdown.” from each group read their clue and state the — Abraham Lincoln answer. The others fill in their crossword puzzle. 3. Who Am I? “I hated school as a kid. I was thought 3. Post the picture of the corresponding disciple to have a learning disability, and a teacher told me to the board, in the big circle. NOTE: Try to ar- I would never amount to anything. Not surprisingly, range them according to the circle diagram I failed my university entrance exam.” — Albert below so you need only to draw the two ad- Einstein ditional circles during the closing application. MOVING ON: THE JOURNEY BEGINS 4. Continue this process for each of the 12 disciples. NOTE: This activity is designed to only Each of these individuals were considered ordinary briefly introduce your students to Jesus’ dis- people who eventually went on to do extraordinary ciples. For a BONUS CHALLENGE, have students things. Today we’re going to learn about the twelve take home the “WHO AM I?” chart provided and men whom Jesus called to be a part of His “inside encourage them to read it over and pick one dis- team”. In themselves, they were just ordinary ciple with whom the student identifies the most. people, like you and me. Yet they went on to “turn the world upside down” (Acts 17:6) — not through ALSO: You will find “Additional Notes” in this their own efforts, but because of God’s power at section. These are mostly for your benefit, not work in their lives. for the purpose of teaching your class unless relevant points surface in your discussion. CAMPING OUT ON TRUTH APPLICATION: REFLECTING ON ME Let’s read about them. Then I’ll explain the game we’re going to play. Read Matthew 10:2–4. I want to bring out ONE truth and TWO APPLICA- TIONS. Here’s the truth: “WE’RE ALL DIFFERENT!” APPLICATION #1: We’re all different: Isn’t that great? It doesn’t sound all that great! Think about it: The “Sons of Thunder”, who wanted to burn up

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