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PASIEN “patior,” to suffer or bear Lembaga Akreditasi Mutu Dan Keselamatan Pasien Rumah Sakit
KEWAJIBANRUMAHSAKIT Lembaga Akreditasi Mutu Dan Keselamatan Pasien Rumah Sakit 56
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Patient Experience dinilai melalui PROSESyang 61 sebenarnya terjadi selama proses perawatan pasien, termasuk komunikasi. Penilaian sifatnya OBJECTIVE Patient Satisfaction terkait dengan HARAPAN PASIEN. Dua orang yang menerima perawatan yang sama dapat memiliki harapan yang berbeda tentang bagaimana perawatan itu seharusnya diberikan Penilaian sifatnya SUBJECTIVE Lembaga Akreditasi Mutu Dan Keselamatan Pasien Rumah Sakit
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THEAVAILABLEEVIDENCESUGGESTTHATMASURESOFPATIENTEXPERIENCE AREROBUST,DISTINCTITIVE INDICATOR OFHEALTHCAREQUALITY Manary et al, New England Journal of Medicine.2013 Evidenceshowsthat better patient experience linked to Lower admission rates Lower cost per case Shorter length of stay Patient with lower anxiety Feel less pain and their surgical wounds recover morequickly Goodcommunication improves Compliance with post dischargeinstructions Safety patients point out potential adverse effects Blood Pressure Self management Emotional health 65
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U.S. hospitals that deliver “superior” customer experience achieve net margins that are 50% higher, on average, than those of hospitals providing “average” customer experience. Source: THE BERYL HEALTH INSTITUTE https://www.theberylinstitute.org/ https://newsroom.accenture.com/news/us-hospitals- t hat - pr ovide- super ior - pat ien t - exper ien ce- gen er at e- 5 0 - per cen t - higher - finan cial- per for m an ce- t han - aver age- pr ovider s- accen t ur e- find s.ht m Lembaga Akreditasi Mutu Dan Keselamatan Pasien Rumah Sakit 67
68 Lembaga Akreditasi Mutu Dan Keselamatan Pasien Rumah Sakit
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Thischapter addresses processes to 72 Identify, protect, and promote patient rights; Inform patients of their rights; Include the patient’s family, when appropriate, in decisions about the patient’s care; Incorporate patient satisfaction and experience in the quality of care; Obtain informed consent; Educate staff about patient and family rights;and Inform patients and families about the hospital’s Oversight process of organ and tissue procurement Lembaga Akreditasi Mutu Dan Keselamatan Pasien Rumah Sakit
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PATIENT JOURNEY Systems- Care - Interactions - Environment 80 Lembaga Akreditasi Mutu Dan Keselamatan Pasien Rumah Sakit
The concept of patient experience hasmany domains. Asystematic review of instruments for measuring patient experience identified 13 core components being measured Characteristics of interactions Patient–professional relationship Professional care Information and advice Communication skills Trust Organisational aspects Accessibility/availability Medical and technical facilities Office characteristics Office organisation/waiting time Office staff Overarching assessments Successof outcome General satisfaction Willingness to recommendservice Reimann S,Strech D. The representation of patient experience and satisfaction in physician rating sites. Acriteria-based analysis of English- and German_x0002_ language sites. BMCHealth Serv Res2010; 10: 332. Lembaga Akreditasi Mutu Dan Keselamatan Pasien Rumah Sakit 81
MENGUKURPATIENT EXPERIENCE Lembaga Akreditasi Mutu Dan Keselamatan Pasien Rumah Sakit 82
Measuring patient experience, Dr Debra de Silva The Evidence Centre2013 83 Lembaga Akreditasi Mutu Dan Keselamatan Pasien Rumah Sakit
MENINGKATKANPATIENT EXPERIENCE Bertakish & Azari 2011, Grumbach & Grundy 2010, Oshima Lee& Emanuel 2013 Lembaga Akreditasi Mutu Dan Keselamatan Pasien Rumah Sakit 84
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LEADERSHIP Lembaga Akreditasi Mutu Dan Keselamatan Pasien Rumah Sakit 86
The Patient Experience Book, NHSInstitute for Innovation and Improvement’s 87 guidance and support
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TERIMA KASIH Lembaga Akreditasi Mutu Dan Keselamatan Pasien Rumah Sakit 99
PATIENT SAFETY : HIGH RELIABLE ORGANIZATION Oleh : Dr.dr. Khalid Saleh, SpPD-KKV,FINASIM, Mkes Makassar, 09-10-2021 100
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