CURRENT APPROACHES BECOMING AN ART IN DRAMA THERAPY THERAPIST (2nd Ed.) Enabling Growth, Change, By David Read Johnson and Action for Emerging & Renée Emunah Students in the Field© 2009 This 2nd Ed. of Current Approaches in Drama Therapy540 pp., (7 x 10) By Maxine Borowsky Junge11 il. WٺMZ[ I ZM^Q[ML IVL ]XLI\ML KWUXZMPMV[Q^M KWUXQTI\QWV & Kim Newall of the primary drama therapy methods and models thathard | $119.95 are being utilized and taught in the United States and © 2015 | 184 pp., (7 x 10), 13 il.978-0-398-07847-8 Canada, including four new approaches. It is intended as paper | $34.95 | 978-0-398-09073-9paper | $79.95 IJI[QK\M`\JWWSNWZ\PMÅMTLWN LZIUI\PMZIXa<PQ[JWWS ebook | $34.95 | 978-0-398-09074-6978-0-398-07848-5 KWV\QV]M[\PM\PMUMWN \PMÅZ[\MLQ\QWVIVL\PQ[X]ZXW[MQ[ This is not a “how-to” book but ratherebook | $79.95 carried out through three sections consisting of 21 chap- about the “experience” of becoming an978-0-398-08550-6 ters. Additional topics include: diversity, mediation, psy- art therapist. The text covers issues in cho-education, prevention, consciousness raising, increas- supervision and mentorship, contains ing communication, creative visioning, issue and problem stories by art therapy students about what solving-oriented educational theater, global issues of hu- they are thinking and feeling, and letters man rights and the breaking down of barriers toward to young art therapists by highly regard- peace and expanded human consciousness. A separate ML XZWNM[[QWVIT[ QV \PM ÅMTL <PM ZMILMZ distinct index of key concepts in drama therapy is included has the advantage of ideas and respons- which demonstrates the consolidation and breadth of the- es from both a student art therapist and an art therapist with many years’ experi- WZaQV\PMÅMTL<PQ[PQOPTaQVNWZUI\Q^MIVLQVLQ[XMV[IJTM ence and is clearly intended for students volume is structured for drama therapy training programs, aiming for a career. The text is a much mental health professionals (such as counselors, clinical VMMLML KWV\ZQJ]\QWV \W \PM ÅMTL WN IZ\ social workers, psychologists, creative art therapists, oc- therapy. Students for many semesters to cupational therapists), theater and drama teachers, school come will be reassured, validated, and counselors, and organizational development consultants. informed. Experienced art therapists will ford valuable perspectives on supervision,© 2006 ARCHITECTS OF ART THERAPY teaching, and mentorship.430 pp., (7 x 10) Memoirs and Life Stories100 il. FIND US ON By Maxine Borowsky Junge FACEBOOKhard | $78.95 & Harriet Wadeson978-0-398-07685-6 CREATIVE THERAPIES | 97 The richness in the art therapy profession stems from thosepaper | $56.95 who pioneered its development. This book is a creative, spir-978-0-398-07686-3 ited collection of personal histories of art therapists who have been prominent in shaping art therapy. These art ther-ebook | $56.95 IXQ[\[ LQٺMZ ^I[\Ta NZWU WVM IVW\PMZ QV JIKSOZW]VL[ \MU-978-0-398-08464-6 peraments, talents, approaches to the work, and visions of art therapy. Although art therapy was still little known at the time, this decade covers the establishment of the profession’s ÅZ[\RW]ZVITIVL\PMJMOQVVQVO[WN IZ\\PMZIXa\ZIQVQVOXZW- grams and ends with the organization of a professional as- sociation. During this period, art therapy training programs XZWTQNMZI\ML [W \PI\ [WUM JMVMÅ\ML NZWU VM_TaM[\IJTQ[PML formal art therapy education. Others had been working in related areas, such as art and psychology, and moved into art therapy in the early 1970s. In their various venues of in- Æ]MVKM\PMI]\PWZ[XZM[MV\MLPMZMIZMPQOPTaIKKWUXTQ[PML visionaries whose dedication to the development of art ther- apy has been remarkable. Through their chapters, these “ar- chitects of art therapy” chart the development of an import- ant mental health profession; they serve as an inspiration for those involved in art therapy today and for generations of art therapists to come.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
IDENTITY AND © 2010 THE MODERN HISTORY ART THERAPY 370 pp., (7 x 10) OF ART THERAPY IN THE Personal and Professional 19 il., 1 table UNITED STATES Perspectives paper | $57.95 978-0-398-07941-3 By Maxine Borowsky Junge By Maxine Borowsky Junge ebook | $57.95 Over the years, art therapy pioneers have contributed to- © 2014 | 250 pp., (7 x 10) 978-0-398-08444-8 wards the informal and formal beginnings of this fascinat- ing and innovative profession. Important movements and paper | $39.95 | 978-0-398-08796-8 milestones are highlighted including the dilemmas and ebook | $39.95 | 978-0-398-08797-5 crucial events of art therapy’s evolution. Unique features QVKT]LM\"\PMMIZTaLIa[IVLQVÆ]MVKM#\PM=VQ\ML;\I\M[I\This book is an attempt to give art ther- the time of the formation of the art therapy profession;apy identity the front and center position Florence Cane and the Walden School; Margaret Naum-Q\ LM[MZ^M[ ,M[XQ\M MٺWZ\[ \W_IZL KTIZQ\a berg’s theory of psychodynamic art therapy; Edith Kram-there will nevertheless remain many con- er’s theory of art as therapy; the Menninger Foundation,tradictory notions, often paradoxically ex- art therapy in Ohio and the Buckeye Art Therapy Associa-isting at the same time. Chapter 1 is the \QWV#-TQVWZ=TUIVIVL\PMÅZ[\IZ\\PMZIXaRW]ZVIT#0IVVI“Introduction” to this book. In Chapter Yaxa Kwiatkowska and the invention of family art therapy;2, “Images of Identity,” the basic ground- a brief history of art therapy in Great Britain and Canada;_WZSQ[TIQLLM[KZQJQVOLMÅVQ\QWV[WN XMZ- \PM ![ IVL \PMQZ QVÆ]MVKM WV \PM LM^MTWXUMV\ WN IZ\sonal and professional identity and discus- therapy; Myra Levick and the establishment of the Ameri-sion of the concept of “intersectionality.” can Art Therapy Association; the pioneer art therapists and+PIX\MZ ¹4Q^QVO QV \PM :MIT ?WZTLº \PMQZY]ITQ\QM[IVLXI\\MZV[#\PMLMÅVQ\QWVIVLM`XIV[QWVWN discusses some unique problems faced art therapy; the development of master’s-level art therapy;by art therapists as they strive to achieve IZ\\PMZIXQ[\[WN KWTWZIVLQVÆ]MVKM#\PMPQ[\WZaWN P]UIV-personal and professional identity and istic psychology and art therapy; the expressive arts thera-KZMLQJQTQ\a+PIX\MZ¹-[[Ia[WV1LMV\Q\a py; Jungian art therapy; and the art therapists that beganby Art Therapists,” contains 22 essays by in the 1970s. This text will be of primary interest to artprominent art therapists who were invit- therapists and students, to art educators and historians, anded to contribute their ideas. These essays to those interested in how mental health disciplines evolve.KIVJMKWV[QLMZMLLQٺMZMV\¹ZMILQVO[ºWN _PI\ QLMV\Q\a Q[ QV \PM IZ\ \PMZIXa ÅMTL © 2008 MOURNING, MEMORYChapter 5, “Identity Initiative, Steps To- 292 pp., (7 x 10) AND LIFE ITSELF_IZLI6M_,MÅVQ\QWV\")V)K\QWV8TIVº 38 ildescribes a two-year process, including all Essays by an Art Therapistsegments of the art therapy community, to ebook | $44.95achieve and promulgate a shared public 978-0-398-08584-1 By Maxine Borowsky Jungeprofessional identity. Identity and Art Ther-apy is primarily written for art therapists– The collection of essays in this book Mourning, Memory andboth experienced and novice. It is for peo- Life Itself, is the life work of a well-known art therapist. Thisple who teach now and for those thinking book represents ideas that are peculiarly fascinating, andIJW]\MV\MZQVO\PMÅMTLQV\PMN]\]ZM ZMÆMK\[ \PM ^IZQM\a WN QV\MZM[\[ \PI\ PI[ [\IZ\TML IVL XZW- voked the author for many years. Many of the chapters are98 | BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES written from a feminist point of view that acknowledges Junge’s interest in female artists and art therapists. Present- ML QV Å^M XIZ\[ 8IZ\ 1 M`IUQVM[ UW]ZVQVO UMUWZa TQNM itself, the AIDS Quilt, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall, the perception of doors in twentieth-century paint- QVOIVL/MWZOQI7¼3MMٺMWVI\\IKPUMV\IVL[MXIZI\QWV Part II covers creative realities and systems approach, women and creativity, feminine imagery, a young woman’s search for identity, and two case studies of the artists Frida Kahlo and Diane Arbus; Part III explores the art thera- pist as social activist, people of color in art therapy, and ZMÆMK\QWV[IVL^Q[QWV[8IZ\1>LQ[K][[M[ IZ\\PMZIXaI[I woman’s profession, the art therapist and aging, and re- KWV[QLMZ[\PM_IZ[JM\_MMVIZ\IVL\PMZIXa8IZ\>LMÅVM[ family art evaluation and therapy, including preventive art therapy techniques to help families deal with the death of a family member. This book will be of primary interest to art therapists, artists, art educators, art lovers, and other mental health professionals. CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
© 2003 RE-ENCHANTING ART THERAPY PHOTOTHERAPY IN304 pp., (7 x 10) Transformational Practices for MENTAL HEALTH71 il. Restoring Creative Vitality By David A. Krauss &paper | $43.95 By Lynn Kapitan Jerry L. Fryrear978-0-398-07372-5 Re-Enchanting Art Therapy is written for art therapists, © 1983 | 260 pp., (6 3/4 x 9 3/4)ebook | $43.95 []XMZ^Q[WZ[ [\]LMV\[ IVL KWTTMIO]M[ QV ZMTI\ML ÅMTL[ _PW 61 il., 1 table978-0-398-08436-3 seek to approach their work as a living, artistic practice but struggle to do so in the often toxic work environments paper | $45.95 | 978-0-398-06214-9 where art therapy is most needed. Chapter One uses the ebook | $45.95 | 978-0-398-08161-4 myth of the dragon to tell stories of art therapists awaken- ing creative energy in a constantly changing, postmodern Edited by David A. Krauss, Cuyahoga world. Chapter Two explores transformation in the symbol Valley Community Mental Health Center, of the begging bowl held out to accept whatever is placed Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, and jerry L. Fry- within as the materials for creative renewal. Using the re- rear, University of Houston at Clear Lake search method of “collaborative witness,” Chapter Three +Q\a 0W][\WV <M`I[ ?Q\P +WV\ZQJ- WٺMZ[ \ZIV[NWZUI\Q^M [\WZQM[ WN [M^MZIT LQ[MVKPIV\ML IZ\ utors) CONTENTS: Phototherapy In- therapists who discover their disconnection from the pri- troduction and Overview; Phototherapy: mordial source of their creativity in the imagery of water. Looking into the History of Photography; )KWUU]VQ\aQV\MZ^MV\QWVQV+PIX\MZ.W]Z\PM¹:MÆMK\Q^M Reality, Photography and Psychotherapy; Circle of Peers,” presents issues and methods that art ther- The Visual Metaphor: Some Underlying apists use to transform their practices. Re-Enchanting Art Assumptions of Phototherapy; Photo- Therapy challenges art therapists to transform the practice graphic Self-Confrontation as Therapy; of art therapy with creative vitality. The Psychological Niche: The Auto-Pho- tographic Study of Self-Environment COMPUTATIONAL Interaction; The Family Album as Icon: ART THERAPY Photographs in Family Psychotherapy; The Photograph as a Catalyst in Psy- By Seong-in Kim chotherapy; Instant Phototherapy with Children and Adolescents; Using Photo-© 2017 This book is concerned with the interdisciplinary studies graphs in Therapy with People Who are318 pp., (8.5 x 11) applying computer technologies to the theory and prac- ¹,QٺMZMV\º# 8PW\W\PMZIXa 1V\MZ^MV\QWV\"358 (266 color) il. tice of art therapy. The contents consist of the author’s Developing a Comprehensive System; A37 tables sixteen papers published, twelve patents in Korea, Japan, Training Model for the Use of Still Pho- and the U.S.A., and other relevant materials, all organized tography in Therapy; Summary. Appen-hard | $49.95 in a logical sequence. This book is intended for art ther- dix.978-0-398-09177-4 apy courses at upper undergraduate and graduate levels. No prior computer knowledge is assumed. Interpretation CREATIVE THERAPIES | 99ebook | $35.95 of drawings no longer needs to be done manually by the978-0-398-09178-1 therapists themselves because, as this book argues, com- puterized systems can perform the steps of evaluation anddload | $14.95978-0-398-09179-8 QV\MZXZM\I\QWV<PMLQٻK]T\KWVKMX\WN KWUX]\MZ[KQMVKM is explained in a simple and concrete way with illustra- tions, sample drawings, and case studies. This book ex- plains statistical methods, various functions of a computer, technologies in digital image processing, computer algo- rithms, methodologies in expert systems, and the Bayesian network. It will be of special interest to those studying art therapy, psychology, psychiatry, art, computer science and applied statistics. All the computer systems for art evaluation in Part One are visualized as a software package included in this book. This software provides the analysis process and evaluation results of 19 elements in the C_CREATES (Computer Color-Related Elements Art Therapy Evaluation System). Compatible with Microsoft Windows 10, 8, and 7.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
FAMILY THERAPY ATTUNEMENT IN AND EVALUATION EXPRESSIVE ARTS THROUGH ART THERAPY Toward an Understanding By Hanna Yaxa Kwiatkowska of Embodied Empathy © 1978 | 304 pp., 125 il.,7 tables By Mitchell Kossak paper | $48.95 | 978-0-398-06218-7 ebook | $48.95 | 978-0-398-08076-1 © 2015 Attunement in Expressive Arts Therapy: Toward an Understanding 184 pp., (7 x 10) of Embodied Empathy addresses how the arts can be appliedBy Hanna Yaxa Kwiatkowska. With a 25 il. therapeutically for mental, emotional and spiritual health.Foreword by Lyman C. Wynne. This book <PM\PMZIXM]\QKXZIK\QKM[WٺMZM`XIVLML_Ia[WN JMQVOI\-describes the special kind of communica- paper | $28.95 tuned to emotional states and life conditions with individu-tion provided by the graphic and plastic 978-0-398-08136-2media, and how it can and is being used IT[ZMTI\QWV[PQX[OZW]X[IVLKWUU]VQ\QM[;XMKQÅK\WXQK[with families for therapy, evaluation and ebook | $28.95 include: the contexts of attunement in the arts and thera-research. The author, a renowned sculptor 978-0-398-08137-9 py, tuning in to embodied creative intelligence, attunementwho has worked extensively in the mental and improvisation, rhythm and resonance, and the sensePMIT\PÅMTLJMOQV[_Q\PIVIKKW]V\WN \PMorigin and evolution of art therapy with WN JITIVKMIKPQM^ML\PZW]OPIٺMK\Q^M[MV[WZa[\I\M[<PMfamilies. Details of the family art sessionare presented, followed by discussions of XWQOVIV\[\WZQM[NZWU\PMI]\PWZ¼[aMIZ[I[IVIZ\Q[\IVLfamily art therapy as it relates to adjunc- therapist allows the reader to experience how the arts havetive verbal therapy and to hysterical and been used throughout history to maintain healthy physical,schizophrenic patients and their families. emotional and spiritual well-being. Spontaneity, height-The procedures of family art evaluation ened sensitivity to inner states, deep connectivity to selfare then meticulously revealed. The au- and other, and an awareness of energetic and embodiedthor explores the use of sculpture and shifts in consciousness are explored. This book will be andelineates the possibilities inherent in em- excellent resource for those interested in learning how toploying family art therapy as a primary engage with individuals and communities in order to ad-mode of treatment. A number of family dress complex life techniques which can be used as re-[MIZKP\WWT[IZMKW^MZMLQV\PMÅVITKPIX- © 1994 DRAMA THERAPYter. This most important contribution to 294 pp., (7 x 10) Concepts, Theories and Practicesthe practice of family therapy will appeal 1 tableto a variety of therapists and counselors (2nd Ed.)who are using or are considering the use paper | $52.95of family therapy and evaluation through 978-0-398-05947-7 By Robert J. Landyart, and to those who are simply interestedin the subject. ebook | $52.95 -UMZOQVO NZWU \PM ÅZ[\ LMOZMMOZIV\QVO XZWOZIU QV LZI- 978-0-398-08208-6 UI \PMZIXa \PQ[ \M`\ Q[ \PM ÅZ[\ \W M`IUQVM LZIUI \PMZI-100 | BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES py as a discipline. It deals not with drama in therapy but with drama therapy itself, documentingits legitimacy as a LQ[\QVK\ÅMTL)N\MZZM^QM_QVOQ\[LZIUI\QKIVLX[aKPW\PMZ- apeutic context, the author examines the conceptual basis of drama therapy, tracing its interdisciplinary sources and LMTQVMI\QVOQUXWZ\IV\KWVKMX\[NZWUZMTI\MLÅMTL[)\PM- WZM\QKITUWLMTWN LZIUI\PMZIXaQ[WٺMZMLJI[MLWV\PM source material. The most widely practiced techniques of drama therapy are examined, including psychodramatic practices and projective techniques. The author also focus- es on appropriate populations and settings: the emotion- ally, physically, socially, and developmentally disabled in schools, clinics, hospitals, prisons, and other environments. Special attention is directed to therapeutic theatre perfor- mances. The text concludes with reports of research, past, XZM[MV\IVLN]\]ZMIVLWٺMZ[WJ[MZ^I\QWV[JI[ML]XWV\PM [QOVQÅKIV\ZWTMLZIUI\PMZIXaKIVXTIaQVNW[\MZQVOJITIVKM within individuals and among peoples. CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
© 2001 NEW ESSAYS IN DRAMA THERAPY CREATING CONNECTIONS250 pp., (8 1/2 x 11) Unfinished Business BETWEEN NURSING CARE15 il. (14 in color),4 tables By Robert J. Landy AND THE CREATIVE ARTSpaper | $44.95 As the author of the twelve essays included in this book978-0-398-07236-0 _ZQ\\MVW^MZIXMZQWLWN Å^MaMIZ[WVMWN PQ[UIRWZKWV- THERAPIES cerns is to examine the possibilities of letting go and the Expanding the Concept ofebook | $44.95 notion that by doing so, individuals can move closer to an978-0-398-09040-1 MٺMK\Q^MKTW[]ZM<PZW]OPW]\\PQ[JWWS\PMI[[]UX\QWVQ[ Holistic Care PMTL \PI\ IV MٺMK\Q^M KTW[]ZM _QTT KWUM I[ QVLQ^QL]IT[ I\- \MUX\ \W KWUXTM\M \PMQZ ]VÅVQ[PML J][QVM[[¸\PM UIVa By Carole-Lynne Le Navenec & unresolved, uncomfortable moments that are avoided or Laurel Bridges denied, that spring from uneasy intimacies and unsatisfac- tory attachments, from the failure to speak one’s mind, to © 2005 | 404 pp., (7 x 10), 33 il., 8 tables assert one’s will, and to acknowledge and correct a real or imagined wrong. This volume attempts to lay more of the paper | $57.95 | 978-0-398-07556-9 groundwork within a consistent framework of theory and ebook | $57.95 | 978-0-398-08003-7 practice. Rather than an anthology of many voices, it of- fers a single voice intoned in many keys. This book focuses The primary goal of this text is to promote upon theory and practice, but it moves into new territory educational advancement for health care by addressing issues of assessment, supervision and termi- professionals on the topic of how creative nation. And it does so in a style that becomes increasingly arts therapies can assist patients and cli- personal, measuring the meaning of the process of drama MV\[\WIKPQM^M[XMKQÅKOWIT[WZW]\KWUM[ therapy against the writer’s awakening as a teacher, healer, 5WZM[XMKQÅKITTa\PMJWWS[MMS[\WKZMI\M scholar, father and son. Notable in this volume is attention a closer connection between nursing care to cultural and spiritual issues, the former represented by and the creative arts therapies in order to an essay concerning the author’s dialogue with Chinese promote professional collaboration and to culture in Taiwan. expand the concept of holistic care. Most of its twenty chapters explore the theoret- PEDIATRIC MUSIC THERAPY ical and practical implications of the cre- (2nd Ed.) ative arts therapies as illustrated in single and multiple-case studies. The chapters’ By Wanda B. Lathom-Radocy authors are creative arts therapists, nurs- es, social workers, therapeutic recreation© 2014 The book includes relevant medical, psychological, and specialists, and occupational therapists.474 pp., (7 x 10) developmental information to help service providers and They describe creative therapeutic ap- parents to understand children with disabilities. In this re- proaches involving art, music, creativehard | $74.95 vised edition, the author has updated or eliminated some writing, dance/movement, and drama in978-0-398-08787-6 of the medical information and added more related mu- various health care settings. This unique sic therapy literature. This book can be used as a valuable book is designed for a wide range of healthebook | $74.95 handbook for clinicians. Also, it may be used as a primary care professionals, including nursing, the978-0-398-08789-0 or supplemental textbook in classes to prepare music thera- creative arts therapies, psychology, social py students to work with children who have disabilities. All work, medicine, occupational, recreation- music therapy students who complete an undergraduate al, and physical therapies, and others who curriculum should know the characteristics and common are interested in learning more about cre- needs of the major disabilities discussed in this book. In ative treatment approaches and their ap- addition, class work and clinical experiences must include plication to varied care settings. basic techniques and materials used to accomplish the OWIT[IVLWJRMK\Q^M[[M\NWZMIKPKPQTL<PMÅZ[\\_WKPIX- CREATIVE THERAPIES | 101 ters describe the process of assessment and delineation of goals in music therapy, which leads to the design of the music therapy portion of the IEP or care plan. Subsequent evaluation allows progress to be stated objectively. Whether the child is homebound, included in regular classes, seen in a resource room or special education program, or in hos- pital care, he/she has needs that can be described within the CAMEOS model. Music therapy may provide service in each of these areas.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
THEY COULD NOT TALK INTEGRATIVE HOLISTIC HEALTH, AND SO THEY DREW HEALING, AND TRANSFORMATIONChildren’s Styles of Coping A Guide for Practitioners, and Thinking Consultants, and Administrators By Myra F. Levick By Penny Lewis © 1983 | 240 pp., 134 il.,11 tables © 2002 The goal of this book is to begin to present the fundamen- 366 pp., (7 x 10) tal body of knowledge which informs current approaches ebook | $52.95 | 978-0-398-08162-1 31 il. in complimentary and alternative medicine and to explore the role of the new professions of integrative holistic healthThis book describes and illustrates the paper | $59.95 practitioner, consultant and administrator. This book is de-normal and abnormal development of 978-0-398-07273-5 signed to compliment, enhance, deepen and broaden thecognitive skills and defense mechanisms reader’s existing expertise through an integrative approachthrough the graphic work of children ebook | $59.95 which will improve his/her ability to consult, design pro-IOML \_W \W \MV <PM ÅZ[\ KPIX\MZ OQ^M[ 978-0-398-08378-6 grams and work in a variety of settings with various pop-the reader an overview of the theory of ulations including those with medical and psychologicalart therapy used by the author to devel- conditions as well as those who wish to support their healthop criteria for identifying defense mech- and well-being. The book provides the necessary conceptu-anisms of the ego in graphic productions. al foundational frameworks for exploring how practitionersIn-depth reviews of the literature follow –the literature on the normal development QVIÅMTLWN IT\MZVI\Q^MUMLQKQVMPWTQ[\QKPMIT\PSVW__PI\of defenses, emphasizing the work of Sig- they know in support of their work. T Section I is designedmund and Anna Freud, and the literature to explore general ways of knowing and meaning makingof normal cognitive development, normal QV PWTQ[\QK PMIT\P ;MK\QWV 11 Q[ LM[QOVML \W WٺMZ \PM ZMIL-artistic development, and the relationship er/practitioner methodology regarding the creation andbetween cognitive, psychosexual and ar- implementation of holistic health centers, programs andtistic development. Subsequent chapterssynthesize the foregoing literature with QV\MOZI\ML KWV[]T\I\QWV XZIK\QKM[ .QVITTa ;MK\QWV 111 WٺMZ[the author’s own incisive observations examples of integrative holistic health clinicians who com-and research to reveal new perspectives bine and synthesize a variety of holistic health approachesand understandings of art analysis and and paradigms into their practices as practitioners, healers,therapy. The conclusion summarizes and therapists and consultants.IUXTQÅM[\PMI]\PWZ¼[_WZSIVLQ\[][MQVunderstanding the relationships of de- ART THERAPY WITH CHRONICvelopmental domains and hierarchically PHYSICALLY ILL ADOLESCENTSidentifying defense mechanism. Appen-dices report the results of reliability and Exploring the Effectiveness ofvalidity studies of this unique approach, Medical Art Therapy as aand they provide a glossary of Piagetian Complementary Treatmentterminology. This book is designed for, arttherapists of course, mental health profes- By Ruth R. Luginbuehl-Oelhafensionals – child psychologists, counselorsand psychotherapists. © 2009 Art Therapy with Chronic Physically Ill Adolescents explores the ef- 220 pp., (7 x 10) fectiveness of art therapy as a primary intervention with an102 | BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES 67 il., (12 in color) adolescent population with chronic physical illness—in this particular case, with adolescents in chronic renal failure either ebook | $41.95 on hemo-dialysis, peritoneal dialysis or after kidney transplan- 978-0-398-08553-7 tation. By getting a safe place to explore issues related not only to the developmental stage but also to the conditions of chronic physical illness, these teenagers may begin to discov- er their individual strengths through art therapy, rather than dwell primarily on their individual weaknesses. In essence, the book will explore whether art therapy can be a means by which this population could be helped to accept and integrate \PMQZ KPZWVQK XPa[QKIT KWVLQ\QWV[ QV\W \PMQZ TQ^M[ IVL \W ÅVL an appropriate place in our society. In addition, the book will investigate whether art therapy could become a sanctuary, one in which the patient is allowed to keep control, to make his own decisions, and to explore and develop a sense of freedom in an overwhelming controlling environment. CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
© 2004 ART THERAPY WITH THE ARTS AND256 pp., (7 x 10) OLDER ADULTS PSYCHOTHERAPY26 il., 2 tables A Sourcebook By Shaun McNiffpaper | $39.95 By Rebecca C. Perry Magniant978-0-398-07457-9 © 1981 | 260 pp., 54 il. This book constitutes an important step in demonstratingebook | $39.95 \PI\ IZ\ \PMZIXa Q[ I ]VQY]M WٺMZQVO NWZ XMZ[WV[ IOML [Q`- paper | $35.95 | 978-0-398-06277-4978-0-398-08044-0 \aÅ^MaMIZ[IVLWTLMZOQ^QVO\PMXW\MV\QITNWZMVZQKPUMV\ ebook | $35.95 | 978-0-398-08173-7 and healing in those lives. Describing the various ways in which art therapy can be used in the treatment of mental The author stresses the unity of the arts and emotional problems of older adults, the editor encour- therapies in a theoretical and operational ages the reader to use the suggestions and concepts within IXXZWIKP \PI\ Q[ ÅZUTa ZWW\ML QV \PM PQ[- WZ \IQTWZ \PMU \W []Q\ WVM¼[ W_V [XMKQÅK _WZSQVO MV^QZWV- torical continuities and essential meaning ment or population. Divided into three sections, this book of art. He shows how contemporary ther- proposes creative art therapies interventions, directives, apies involving oral and written language, and ideas along with model programs and examples of movement and dance, sound and music, _WZS QV LQٺMZMV\ [M\\QVO[ :MILMZ[ _QTT ÅVL \PQ[ JWWS \W visual imagery, and drama correspond to be a sourcebook of information. It will have great appeal ancient, cross-cultural, even universal at- to human service practitioners, health and mental health tempts at psychic healing. Current practic- practitioners, and educators in social work, psychology, es in all of the arts therapies are described nursing, and counseling. in light of this theoretical framework, as are such therapeutic concepts as safe ex- A PROFESSIONAL’S GUIDE pression, perceptual focusing, enactment TO PROMOTING SELF-DISCOVERY IVL MUW\QWVIT KTIZQÅKI\QWV IM[\PM\QK WZ- der and personality balance, sublimation, IN YOUTH and transvaluation. The relationship of A Creative Based Curriculum shamanism to modern arts therapies, motives and needs, obstacles to expres- By Lissa Masters sion, and preparation for therapy also re- ceive detailed analyses. Enlightening and© 2017 It is with the proper alignment of the stars that this book provocative, this book will appeal to all390 pp., (8.5 x 11) has manifested. The words waited patiently, and have expressive arts therapists and to psycholo-48 color il. now jumped excitedly onto these pages to form a tool gists, psychiatrists, artists, students and the- that can serve in revolutionizing education. Education is orists of art, and others interested in thepaper | $38.95 the alchemical key to the evolution and enlightenment of arts and psychotherapy.978-0-398-09184-2 humanity. This “Lessons for Living Program” is based on forty lessons that guide students through an exploration ofebook | $38.95 the four domains of the self: physical, mental, emotional,978-0-398-09185-9 and spiritual. Each lesson provides expressive art activities to enhance the process and to generate meaningful con- \MV\<PQ[JWWSKWV[Q[\[WN NW]Z[MK\QWV[_Q\PMIKPWٺMZQVO detailed, easy-to-read, and easy-to-follow instructions. Its KWV\MV\[WٺMZKPQTLZMVINW]VLI\QWVITXZWOZIUWN [MTNM`- ploration, an important support for all other learning that will take place in preparation for adulthood. In addition, there is an extensive appendix with templates for “Healthy -I\QVO 8TI\Mº ¹5MLQKQVM ?PMMTº IVL I ¹+MZ\QÅKI\M WN Participation.” As well as, “Group Warm-up Ideas,” “The Emergence of a New Educational Paradigm in America,” and “Suggested Readings.” This curriculum, especially intended for school environments adopting holistic princi- ples, can assist in our necessary advancement as we herald in a new golden age on Earth.FIND US ON FACEBOOK FACEBOOK.COM/CCTPUBLISHERCALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • CREATIVE THERAPIES | 103
DEPTH PSYCHOLOGY OF FUNDAMENTALS OF ART ART THERAPY By Shaun McNiff By Shaun McNiff © 1989 | 258 pp., (6 3/4 x 9 3/4) 56 il. © 1988 Written in dialogue format, Fundamentals of Art Therapy en- 262 pp., (6 3/4 x 9 ables readers to actually experience the art therapy process. paper | $44.95 | 978-0-398-06278-1 3/4) Rather than presenting fragments of case materials, the ebook | $44.95 | 978-0-398-08239-0 book focuses on in-depth experiences of art therapy. The paper | $44.95In the tradition of early psychoanalytic 978-0-398-06280-4 ÅZ[\IVLTIZOM[\[MK\QWVWN \PMJWWSZM[XWVL[\WY]M[\QWV[dream explorations, the author, herein, raised by an art therapist in training. This includes: discus-investigates art through self-inquiry. Depth ebook | $44.95 sions about materials, structure, talking in art therapy, inter-Psychology of Art furthers the concept and 978-0-398-08245-1 pretation, archetypal imagery in children’s art, art objectscraft of self-portraiture through its focus as manifestations of soul, art and dreaming, and a timelyon the inner life of the psyche as manifest- discussion of eros and image. Art therapy’s ability to serveed through varied images. Psychology and as a primary and depth-oriented psychotherapy is shownpsychotherapy have always relied upon in the second section of the book which presents the artimages in dreams, art, and dialogue in and dream images of a therapist in training. The third andorder to contact emotional depth. Shaun5K6Q ٺRWQV[ ITT \PZMM QV I ZM[MIZKP \MKP- ÅVIT[MK\QWV\PMVM`XTWZM[\PMZMTI\QWV[PQXWN \PM\PMZIXQ[\¼[nique where-by “the interplay of hand personal artistic expression to psychotherapeutic practice.and psyche in this experience of artistic These chapters are integrated by an extended inquiry intodream work engages the most evocative el- the process of interpretation in art therapy. This book isements from both.” Fifty-six paintings and not only designed for professional art therapist, educators,drawings are presented as resources for a counselors and social workers, but for many others within[][\IQVML QV\MZXZM\Q^M LQITWO WٺMZQVO VM_ the helping professions.insights into the practice of the arts andpsychotherapy. “Nomenclature” examines © 2009 INTEGRATING THEthe psychological language and ideas upon 280 pp., (7 x 10) ARTS IN THERAPY_PQKP ,Z 5K6Q [¼ٺDepth Psychology of Art 60 il. History, Theory, and Practiceis established (soul, art as unconscious reli-gion, manifestation, interplay, recurrence, paper | $39.95 By Shaun McNiffimagination, destruction, genius, organic 978-0-398-07869-0thought, emotional reversal, multiplicity, 1V ! \PM I]\PWZ ÅZ[\ X]JTQ[PML \PM OZW]VLJZMISQVOspontaneity, etc.). This contribution by ebook | $39.95 classic text, The Arts and Psychotherapy. He now returns;PI]V5K6Q[ٺPW]TLXZW^M\WJMWN QV\MZ- 978-0-398-08555-1 to a revisioning of that work in these times. This new textest to creative arts therapists, psychother- is a reshaping and a fresh look at the work to which theapists/psychologists, artists and art educa- author has devoted his professional, and much of his per-tors and layman alike. sonal, life: the healing power of the arts. This new work masterfully integrates theory with practice, drawing upon concrete examples and case studies. The youthful passion for the work remains and the commitment to honoring the creative process is unwavering. The book is a compre- hensive literary documentation of the author’s theoretical orientation that is the foundation of four decades of ex- perimentation and practice. The text presents not only a thorough discussion of theory, but also an account of the emergence of a multidisciplinary approach to working with XMWXTMM^MZa_PMZM.]Z\PMZQ\WٺMZ[OTQUX[M[QV\WKTQVQKIT work with children, adolescents, and adults that serve to anchor the author’s ideas in authentic case vignettes that are an invaluable contribution to the body of knowledge. The book clearly achieves its goal to assure present and future expressive arts therapists that they are not alone in \PM KPITTMVOM[ \PMa NIKM QV WٺMZQVO XMWXTM IKKM[[ \W \PM medicines of the arts and that the most vexing problems in helping others express themselves are inextricably connect- ed to how the arts heal.104 | BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
© 2012 MUSIC THERAPY IN ARTIST, THERAPIST228 pp., (7 x 10) PRINCIPLE AND PRACTICE AND TEACHER13 il. Selected Writings (2nd Ed.) by Bruce L. Moonpaper | $32.95978-0-398-08819-4 By Donald E. Michel & Joseph Pinson By Bruce L. Moon & Chris Belkoferebook | $32.95 1V!,WVITL5QKPMTÅZ[\X]JTQ[PML\PMKTI[[QK\M`\5]-978-0-398-08820-0 sic Therapy, which became the standard textbook at many © 2014 | 338 pp., (7 x 10) 12 il. universities. Music Therapy in Principle and Practice followed in 2005 with coauthor Joseph Pinson and the authors of- paper | $51.95 | 978-0-398-08088-4 fer here an important updated and expanded new edition. ebook | $51.95 | 978-0-398-08089-1 The book combines valuable information from research as a basis for principles along with the realities of hands- Artist, Therapist and Teacher is a compila- on experience as a basis for practice. The text approach- tion of writings taken from the author’s es therapy from the position of assessing developmental aMIZ[ WN M`XMZQMVKM <PM JWWS Q[ WZ- [SQTT[ QV QVLQ^QL]IT[ [MZ^ML ?PQTM Q\ QVKT]LM[ I [QOVQÅKIV\ ganized chronologically, earlier works are amount of information regarding diagnosis, the authors XZM[MV\ML ÅZ[\ IVL \PM UW[\ ZMKMV\ TI[\ also focus on treatment that is based on the needs for Chapters include writings from particular habitation and/or rehabilitation that are apparent at the years accompanied with commentaries time of assessment. The chapters on managing and coping by Chris Belkofer, Ph.D. that highlight with anxiety-associated life situations as well as the various their relevance to contemporary art ther- types of lifetime developmental skills have been expanded apy practices. Bruce L. Moon uses music, _Q\PZMOIZL\WLQٺMZMV\XWX]TI\QWV[[MZ^MLIVL\PM^IZQW][ performance art, poetry, sports activities, [\ZI\MOQM[\PI\PI^MJMMVNW]VL\WJMMٺMK\Q^M<PMKPIX\MZ visual art forms, and other task-oriented on professional ethics has been expanded and a section on modalities to cultivate relationships with new trends in music therapy complements this new edition. clients. His vision of art therapy work is 4QVS[ \W W^MZ PMTXN]T _MJ[Q\M[ IZM QVKT]LML <PM \M`\ intimately connected to creativity, artistic will have great appeal to music educators, rehabilitation self-expression, and exploration of mean- professionals, practicing and student music therapists, in- ing. Based on the author’s art therapy cluding medical and mental health professionals. practice, his overwhelming sense is that art therapy is continually being reshaped© 2004 ART AND SOUL and transformed. This sense of ongoing184 pp., (6 x 9) Reflections on an Artistic Psychology “re-creation” is connected to the founda-15 il. tion of art’s healing power, which resides (2nd Ed.) in the ability of art to constantly shift andpaper | $31.95 ÅVLVM_NWZU[WN M`XZM[[QWV.]Z\PMZMV-978-0-398-07524-8 By Bruce L. Moon hanced with 12 illustrations to completely clarify the vignettes discussed, this book isebook | $31.95 This new edition can best be described as an art therapist’s a call to art therapists to embrace the artis-978-0-398-08049-5 journal of witness to the artistic struggle by clients engaged tic dimensions of professional identity, and in the act of healing through art. Its goal is to provide ideas use creativity when presenting ideas about about soul restoration through art. The artistic psychology the discipline of art therapy. This book will presented in the text addresses the hungers people feel and be an excellent resource for art therapists, the symptoms that torment them and shows that in mak- art lovers, artists, art educators, and other QVO IZ\ Q\ Q[ XW[[QJTM \W ÅTT MUX\QVM[[ ZMLQ[KW^MZ _WVLMZ[ mental health professionals. ease depression, revive joy, create meaning, and practice a form of spiritual discipline. The book is about imagina- CREATIVE THERAPIES | 105 tion, reclamation, and soul restoration as well as making soul and reinvigorating life. The author does not advocate \PMMTQUQVI\QWVWN [KQMV\QÅKX[aKPWTWOaJ]\ZI\PMZ[]OOM[\[ ways to embrace emotional turmoil that may be beyond the scope of cognitive behaviorism and psychopharma- cology. He paints the soul through art, imagery, and story, often digressing into deep pools or turbulent rivers of his experience that serve to build a steady vision dedicated to core values and beliefs. The book is intended for artists and therapists who are willing to enter into the mysteries of lost souls. It is also intended for lay persons who may be suf- fering the symptoms of soul loss. In addition, it will be of interest to pastoral counselors, social workers, and others QV\PMÅMTL[WN IZ\IVLUMV\ITPMIT\P<PM\M`\Q[OZMI\Ta enhanced by powerful illustrations that highlight the chap- ters’ case vignettes.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
ART-BASED ESSENTIALS OF ART THERAPY ED- GROUP THERAPY UCATION AND PRACTICE Theory and Practice (2nd Ed.) (2nd Ed.) By Bruce L. Moon By Bruce L. Moon © 2003 <PQ[M`XIVLMLVM_MLQ\QWVZMÆMK\[\PMI]\PWZ¼[MٺWZ\[\W 198 pp., (7 x 10), 36 il. explore the crucial components of the education of the © 2016 | 258 pp., (7 x 10) KZMI\Q^M IZ\[ \PMZIXQ[\ <PM \M`\ ZMÆMK\[ [QOVQÅKIV\ LM^MT- 26 il. (26 in color) paper | $31.95 opments in the profession of art therapy, important mod- 978-0-398-07392-3 paper | $38.95 | 978-0-398-09115-6 QÅKI\QWV[ QV \PM ML]KI\QWVIT [\IVLIZL[ WN \PM )UMZQKIV ebook | $38.95 | 978-0-398-08315-1 ebook | $31.95 Art Therapy Association, and profound changes in health 978-0-398-08438-7 care. The book is an expression of the author’s belief thatLeading art therapy groups is often a chal- the most essential element of art therapy is art as the corelenge, but as Bruce Moon so eloquently de- of the profession. It is art making that undergirds the pro-scribes in this new 2nd Ed., making art in fession and is also the key element that art therapists bringthe context of others is an incredibly and to the client-therapist and educator-student relationships.almost inexplicably powerful experience. Central, too, to the author’s approach is the manner inBy placing the art at the center of prac- which mentor and beginning art therapist come togethertice, Art-Based Group Therapy creates an QV\PMQZMٺWZ\[\WTMIZVIVLOZW_<PMKWVKMZVNWZI]\PMV-explanatory model and rationale for group tic engagement in the training relationship enhances thepractice that is rooted in art therapy theory beginner’s ability to use the self to help clients learn to useand identity. There are four primary goals art and artistic expression to identify and integrate newdiscussed in this text. First, an overview of insights in their lives. The book is ultimately concernedessential therapeutic elements. Second, a with the use of art and the artistic relationship to promotenumber of case vignettes. Third, the au- human growth. The author’s deep understanding of both\PWZ KTMIZTa LQٺMZMV\QI\M[ IZ\JI[MLOZW]X art and existentialism makes this book a high point in thetherapy theory from traditional group psy-chotherapy theory. Fourth, the aspects of M^MZM^WT^QVO ÅMTL[ WN M`Q[\MV\QIT X[aKPW\PMZIXa IVL IZ\art-based group work and their advantag- Art-based group processes can be usedto enhance participants’ sense of commu- © 2009 EXISTENTIAL ART THERAPYnity and augment educational endeavors, 284 pp., (7 x 10) The Canvas Mirrorpromote wellness, prevent emotional dif- 51 il.ÅK]T\QM[ IVL \ZMI\ X[aKPWTWOQKIT JMPI^- (3rd Ed.)ioral problems. Artistic activity is used in paper | $47.95art-based groups processes to: (1) create 978-0-398-07845-4 By Bruce L. Moonself-expression and to recognize the thingsgroup members have in common with ebook | $47.95 A classic in art therapy literature since its introduction nearlyone another; (2) develop awareness of the 978-0-398-08557-5 two decades ago, this book is an expression of the author’s]VQ^MZ[IT I[XMK\[ WN \PMQZ LQٻK]T\QM[ I[ I desire to link the practice of art psychotherapy to the coremeans to identify and resolve interperson- issues of life as presented in existentialism. The inclusion ofITKWVÆQK\[#QVKZMI[M[MTN_WZ\PIVLIT\MZ existential in this book’s title denotes an interest in human[MTNKWVKMX\[#ZM[XWVL\WW\PMZ[IVLM`- struggle with issues of life in the face of death. The Canvaspress compassion for one another; and (5) Mirror is the story of connections—the author’s connectionsclarify feelings and values. The book will with his patients, their connections with each other, and, ul-JMWN JMVMÅ\\W[\]LMV\[XZIK\Q\QWVMZ[IVL timately, the author’s connections with the reader. We areeducators alike. provided in this book with a philosophy of how to be rather than a manual of what to do. The author shows us that it is106 | BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES XW[[QJTM\W[XMISQVXTIQVTIVO]IOMIJW]\\PMLQٻK]T\QM[WN therapists’ patients if art therapists also speak to themselves in that same language. Replete with numerous illustrations, this text will serve as a valuable resource to medical and mental health professionals, occupational therapists, artists, students and theorists of art, and rehabilitation professionals. The current state of mental health care, with short stays and a problem-focused approach, makes this book even more rel- M^IV\\WLIa\PIV_PMVQ\_I[ÅZ[\X]JTQ[PMLQV!! CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
© 2012 THE DYNAMICS OF ART AS INTRODUCTION TO308 pp., (7 x 10) THERAPY WITH ADOLESCENTS ART THERAPY29 il. (2nd Ed.) Faith in the Productpaper | $39.95 (3rd Ed.)978-0-398-08748-7 By Bruce L. Moon By Bruce L. Moonebook | $39.95 This new and timely 2nd Ed., updated with an expanded978-0-398-08749-4 discussion of arts-based processes and additional instruc- © 2017 | 284 pp., (7 x 10) 28 il. tions and heartfelt client narratives, continues in the trajec- \WZaWN \PMÅZ[\XZWUQ[QVO\W[PIXMIVLXZW^QLMO]QLIVKM paper | $37.95 | 978-0-398-09143-9 to both current and next generation of art therapists in ebook | $37.95 | 978-0-398-09144-6 the studio-based approach to working with a challenging IVLWN\MVUITQOVMLXWX]TI\QWV1\KWV\QV]M[\WWٺMZU]KP In order to practice art therapy, one must have in the way of guidance, motivation, and practical advice faith in the healing qualities of art processes around the use of art making as the central curative com- and products. Introduction to Art Therapy: Faith ponent when developing therapeutic relationships with in the Product begins and ends with references hurt and troubled teens. The author’s initial focus is on to love and faith, including characteristic ele- understanding the developmental issues facing adolescents ments of the writing process and clinical art IVLPW_\PM[MIٺMK\\PMX[aKPW\PMZIXM]\QK\ZMI\UMV\<PQ[ \PMZIXaMVLMI^WZ[<PQ[ZL-LZMXZM[MV\[I includes an outline of the phases of therapy: Resistance thorough revision of ideas expressed in the Phase, Imaging Phase, Immersion Phase, and Letting Go previous two editions, presenting the major Phase. The second primary focus is devoted to the art as themes and issues of the profession in light therapy approach to art psychotherapy, with several chap- of the experiences of intervening years. Art \MZ[M`IUQVQVOKWUXWVMV\[WN \PQ[UWLMT<PMÅVITNWK][ \PMZIXaQ[MٺMK\Q^M_Q\PQVLQ^QL]IT[NIUQTQM[ presents the author’s therapeutic approach to working with and groups and it works well with the intel- adolescents through responsive art making. In addition, the lectually gifted and the learning impaired. It text is greatly enhanced by the powerful illustrations that can also be used with the chronically mental- highlight the chapters’ case narratives. The Dynamics of ly ill, the terminally ill, the vision impaired, Art as Therapy with Adolescents should be a cornerstone IVL\PMLMIN)Z\\PMZIXaQ[XIZ\QK]TIZTaMٺMK- text for any Adolescent Art Therapy course. tive with post-traumatic stress disorder--from \PM IN\MZMٺMK\[ WN _IZ QVKT]LQVO XPa[QKIT ETHICAL ISSUES IN ART THERAPY sexual, or emotional abuse. This compre- (3rd Ed.) hensive and insightful book will be valuable to art therapists, medical and mental health By Bruce L. Moon professionals, occupational therapists, and other rehabilitation professionals that aspire© 2015 <PQ[VM_MLQ\QWVPI[JMMVZM^Q[ML\WQVKWZXWZI\M\PM[QOVQÅ- \WJMKWUMUWZMMٺMK\Q^MQVZMIKPQVOW\PMZ[336 pp., (7 x 10) cant changes that were made to the AATA Ethics Document21 il. CREATIVE THERAPIES | 107 QV;M^MZITKPIX\MZ[ZMNMZ\W\PM-\PQKIT8ZQVKQXTM[NWZpaper | $45.95 Art Therapists and Code of Professional Practice of the Art978-0-398-09069-2 Therapy Credentials Board. These ethics documents are ex- tremely helpful resources for practitioners dealing with ethi-ebook | $45.95 cal dilemmas, but they are ultimately inadequate to address978-0-398-09070-8 every circumstance. Each art therapist must decide how the principles in the ethics documents apply to the particular problem he or she is facing. Throughout the text there are examples of ethical dilemmas that will provide opportuni- ties for discussion and debate in the classroom or supervisory OZW]XIVL_PQKP_QTT[\QU]TI\M\PW]OP\NWZQVLQ^QL]ITZMÆMK- tion. Compelling illustrations throughout the text are provid- ed as examples of creative responses to the artistic tasks. For the sake of comparison, the appendices contain the ethics documents of the British Association of Art Therapists and the Australian and New Zealand Arts Therapy Association. Written for art therapy students, art therapists, and expres- [Q^MIZ\[\PMZIXaXZWNM[[QWVIT[ZMILMZ[_QTTÅVLQ\^MZa][MN]T as a textbook for art therapy courses dealing with profession- al ethics and art therapy supervision. It will also be useful as a supplemental text in art therapy theory and practice courses.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
THE ROLE OF METAPHOR © 2009 ASSESSMENT IN IN ART THERAPY 338 pp., (7 x 10) THE CREATIVE ARTS THERAPIES Theory, Method, 56 il., 18 tables and Experience Designing and Adapting paper | $49.95 Assessment Tools for Adults By Bruce L. Moon 978-0-398-07888-1 with Developmental Disabilities © 2007 | 154 pp., (7 x 10) 16 il. ebook | $49.95 By Stephen Snow & Miranda D´Amico 978-0-398-08565-0 paper | $32.95 | 978-0-398-07753-2 This book addresses one of the most dynamic, compli- ebook | $32.95 | 978-0-398-08537-7 KI\ML IVL KPITTMVOQVO IZMI[ QV \PM ÅMTL WN KZMI\Q^M IZ\[ therapies. It is the result of seven years of research intoPragmatic and poetic, this book is a trib- the complex question of how arts media can be adapted,ute to the complexities and mysteries of structured, and implemented as assessment tools. By tack-_WZSQVO_Q\PXMWXTM_PWIZM[]ٺMZQVOIVL TQVO \PM LQٻK]T\ XZWJTMU[ WN [I\Q[NIK\WZa I[[M[[UMV\ \PMstriving to tell their stories through expres- I]\PWZ[WٺMZI[KQMV\Q[\XZIK\Q\QWVMZUWLMTNWZKZMI\Q^MIZ\[sive artistic processes. Its roots lay deep professions not previously available. The core of the book,in encounters with children, adolescents, devoted to developing and applying assessment, utilizesand adults who have come to the author tools that were tested on the same population of adultsfor help over the last three decades. It is with intellectual disabilities/developmental disabilities thatgrounded in interactions with graduate had been receiving therapies over a three-year period, thusart therapy students and encounters with allowing for comparisons of progress on each assessmentimportant themes in life. This book makes measure and across modalities over time. The book isVW MٺWZ\ \W I `ٻXIZ\QK]TIZ UMIVQVO[ \W meant to advance the development of assessment tools bythe metaphors discussed in the clinical vi- and for creative arts therapists in all modalities. It is meantgnettes, but rather, suggests ways to listen to help students as well as professionals; therefore, a techni-and respond to metaphoric communica- cal glossary is provided. The use of this text will aid greatlytions. The studio-based approach, where in integrating research into the culture of the creative artsartists and art therapists work side-by-side therapies professions by providing a pragmatic model ofmaking art, exploring issues of transition, the relationship between research and practice.and listening metaphorically, is examined.In addition, the relevance of esthetics and © 2012 PSYCHOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONSempathy in looking at client artwork with- 520 pp., (7 x 10) OF MUSICAL BEHAVIORout judgment and responding to the client 8 il., 3 tablesthrough art making is discussed. This ex- (5th Ed.)cellent resource describes how to look at, paper | $59.95listen to, and respond to the metaphors 978-0-398-08804-0 By Rudolf E. Radocy & J. David Boylethat artworks divulge. ebook | $59.95 The 5th Ed. of Psychological Foundations of Musical Behavior108 | BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES 978-0-398-08805-7 appears at a time of continuing worldwide anxiety and tur- moil. We have learned a lot about human musical behavior, and we have some understanding of how music can meet diverse human needs. In this exceptional new edition, the authors have elected to continue a “one volume” coverage of a broad array of topics, guided by three criteria: The text is comprehensive in its coverage of diverse areas comprising music psychology; it is comprehensible to the reader; and it is contemporary in its inclusion of information gathered in recent years. “Functional music” and music as a therapeu- tic tool is discussed, including descriptions and relationships involving psychoacoustical phenomena, giving considerable attention to perception, judgment, measurement, and phys- ical and psychophysical events. Rhythmic behaviors and what is involved in producing and responding to rhythms are explored. The organization of horizontal and vertical pitch, tonality, scales, and value judgments, as well as relat- ed pedagogical issues are also considered. The text closely relates the development and prediction of musical ability, music learning as a form of human learning, and music ab- normalities, concluding with speculation regarding future ZM[MIZKPLQZMK\QWV[<PMI]\PWZ[WٺMZ\PMQZTI\M[\ZM^QM_WN aspects of human musical behavior with profound recogni- tion of music’s enduring values. CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
TRAUMA-INFORMED DRAMA THERAPYTransforming Clinics, Classrooms, and Communities By Nisha Sajnani & David Read JohnsonThis book examines how drama therapists ^QM_\PMQVÆ]MVKMIVLPQ[\WZaWN \ZI]UI\PM- © 2014conceptualize and respond to relational and ory and treatment on drama therapy, followed 414 pp., (7 x 10)systemic trauma across systems of care includ-ing mental health clinics, schools, and com- Ja\_W[MK\QWV[\"<PMÅZ[\XZM[MV\[ZMILMZ[_Q\P 16 il., 16 tablesmunities burdened by historical and current seven emerging approaches and the second hard | $72.95_W]VL[<PMKPIX\MZ[QV\PQ[JWWSWٺMZLZIUI [MK\QWV WٺMZ[ LM\IQTML IXXTQKI\QWV[ \W [XMKQÅK 978-0-398-08776-0therapists compelling examples of emerging populations, ending with a meta-analysis ofmodels of trauma-informed drama therapy, drama therapy in the treatment of trauma. paper | $52.95 This ground-breaking book will also be useful 978-0-398-08777-7I[ _MTT I[ WٺMZQVO M`XMZQMVKML XZIK\Q\QWVMZ[ for creative arts therapists, mental health pro-the opportunity to question the assumptions fessionals, educators, students and for many ebook | $52.95made by prevailing paradigms that underlie others interested in the role of the drama and 978-0-398-08778-4our practice. The introductory chapters re- performance in the treatment of trauma. CHARLES C. THOMAS • PUBLISHER, LTD. ISALWAYS PLEASED TO GIVE PROMPT AND CAREFUL CONSIDERATION TO EVERY AUTHOR’S MANUSCRIPT SUBMITTED TO OUR OFFICELOCATED AT 2600 SOUTH FIRST ST., SPRINGFIELD,IL 62704. MANUSCRIPT PROPOSALS CAN ALSO BE EMAILED TO MICHAEL THOMAS AT [email protected] AND DEVELOPING THE USE OF ART-BASED GENOGRAMS IN FAMILY OF ORIGIN THERAPY Sharing the Potential for Understanding and Healing Through the Art Process By Deborah SchroderExploring and Developing the Use of Art- relationships that these images and therefore © 2015Based Genograms in Family of Origin Ther- family members hold. The foundation of the 136 pp., (7 x 10)apy was written to share the almost magical art-based genogram provides abundant infor-understandings that literally become visible mation about the family generational theme 14 il.when we use symbols, metaphors and imagery that is revealing and insightful for the art mak-in the genogram process. The traditional gen- er. It allows support for a creative depiction of paper | $24.95ogram process is invaluable in helping people 978-0-398-09071-5understand family history and who was pres- \PMIZ\UISMZ¼[IVKM[\ZITXIQV[[]ٺMZQVO[RWa[ent in generations of family life. An astonish- celebrations, and life’s viewpoints. This creative ebook | $24.95ing movement into depth of meaning happens endeavor reveals therapeutic information that 978-0-398-09072-2when people are asked to create a visual image art makers can integrate into their current,or symbol for their family members and an- present-day lives. This unique text will be acestors. Suddenly, through metaphor, we can valuable resource for art therapists, counselors,see the emotional impact and the qualities of and other mental health professionals.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • CREATIVE THERAPIES | 109
PETERS’ MUSIC THERAPY © 1996 THE CREATIVE USE OF MUSIC An Introduction 84 pp., (7 x 10) IN GROUP THERAPY (3rd Ed.) paper | $27.95 (2nd Ed.) By Wanda Lathom-Radocy 978-0-398-06586-7 By Tom Plach © 2016 | 804 pp., (7 x 10), 1 table ebook | $27.95 978-0-398-08294-9 <PQ[JWWSWٺMZ[\PMZMILMZQVNWZUI\QWVWV\PM][MWN U]- hard | $79.95 | 978-0-398-09109-5 sic in conjunction with group therapy for the adolescent ebook | $79.95 | 978-0-398-09110-1 and adult psychiatric client. It concisely explains how to use music to facilitate group therapy. Theory, techniques,1V\PQ[VM_ZL-L\PMI]\PWZPI[XTMI[- applications and suggested music work are all given. TheIV\Ta QVKT]LML aMIZ[ WN TQ\MZI\]ZM book is designed for the student who is just beginning a ca-appearing since the 2nd Ed. and made reer in human services as well as for the experienced profes-KPIVOM[ QV \MZUQVWTWOa \W ZMÆMK\ \PM sional seeking to add new techniques to their repertoire ofpublication of the Diagnostic and Statis- treatment approaches. While the guidelines and ex-maplestical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Ed. presented in the book highlight the needs of the client in,;5 _PQKP _I[ X]JTQ[PML QV an inpatient psychiatric setting, the formats are adaptableby the American Psychiatric Association. to other settings as well. This can include the outpatientThis book is divided into three major sec- mental health setting, the residential treatment setting,\QWV[ 8IZ\ 1 LMÅVM[ U][QK \PMZIXa IVL the inpatient medical unit, the substance abuse treatmentmusic therapist’s education and training. program, or intermediate care facility. For, regardless ofPart II gives the historical background, the the setting or the presenting problem of the client, musicperspective of the use in healing practic- can be easily blended into a group therapy program. Mu-es from ancient times to the present. Part sic therapists, of course, will appreciate this practical book,III discusses general guidelines for uses, but it will appeal also to other mental health professionals:NWTTW_MLJa[XMKQÅKKTQVQKITXZIK\QKMM`IU- psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors and social workers.XTM[ <PM ÅVIT [MK\QWV KWVKT]LM[ _Q\P IVoverview of several approaches to music THE HEALING DANCEtherapy practice and the importance of The Life and Practice of anresearch for the practicing clinician. Some Expressive Arts Therapist[XMKQÅK QVNWZUI\QWV NZWU \PQ[ \M`\ Q[ MV]-merated in the introduction to each sec- By Kathleen Reation. Each chapter concludes with a sum-mary, questions, and suggestions. Since it © 2012 After years of struggling with an eating disorder and theis an introduction to music therapy, this 232 pp., (7 x 10) unforgiving world of ballet, Kathleen Rea found solacebook is directed primarily toward students 3 il. and healing in artistic expression that honestly communi-in introductory music therapy courses; and cated who she was without censor. She learned to see herprofessionals in related disciplines who de- paper | $29.95 body as a source of wisdom rather than something thatsire a basic knowledge of the scope of mu- 978-0-398-08848-4 needed to be controlled. This inspired her to develop asic therapy. In addition, those who use this style of expressive arts therapy in which sensation takes thetext should be aware that its construction ebook | $29.95 lead in the creative process, enabling the wisdom of one’swas guided by the philosophy that intro- 978-0-398-08849-1 body to guide recovery. The Healing Dance outlines Rea’sductory courses in music therapy should therapeutic approach, animated with details from herprimarily emphasize the use of music as powerful life story and examples from her therapy prac-an integral part of the treatment process, tice. Rea describes her work with a man who recovers fromsince using music and music-based experi- compulsive eating, and through his experience she revealsences as their primary treatment modality expressive arts therapy techniques and theorizes how theseis what sets music therapists apart from methods encourage neuroplasticity. The poignant story ofother therapists. how Rea deals with the death of her father demonstrates how expressive arts can move beyond therapy and become110 | BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES a way of life. The Healing Dance celebrates the enliven- ing power of the arts and teaches about the creative spark TQ^QVO_Q\PQV\PI\PI[\PMXW\MV\QIT\WQOVQ\MIN]TÅTTQVOTQNM CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
IMAGE AND MIRAGE Art Therapy with Dissociative Clients By Dee SpringThis is an exceptional book that exposes the real dramas of protection, memories forgotten, stories © 2001life drama of working with clients diagnosed with untold, and fractured identity. Throughout the 288 pp., (7 x 10)Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). It challeng- text, the author shares her clinical experience withes clinicians regarding the personal toll they en- the reader through graphic examples of verbal 49 il.dure when working with this clientele, but it also and visual means of treatment with art making,acknowledges the incredible life lessons that can art therapy, and poetry. Exceptional examples of ebook | $44.95be learned when working alongside the dissocia- client-prepared artwork highlight the text. This 978-0-398-09038-8tive client. In the text, the author acknowledges book is a valuable addition to the current writingsall aspects of her clinical trials in great detail so on the treatment of dissociative disorders. It is athat the reader can learn from her mistakes as seminal book focused on the creative process andwell as her successes. She discusses what she has visual language that is inherent in this population.learned, observed, and accepted about people It uniquely combines advances in art therapy towho live in imaginary inner worlds of dissociative meet the dissociative client on his or her own cre-phenomena. Presented is a system of personality ative created for survival, an arrangement of re-lationships within that system, symbolic habitats, ART THERAPY ACTIVITIESA Practical Guide for Teachers, Therapists and Parents By Pamela J. StackThis elementary school art education workbook art to deal with problems and meet psychological © 2006presents activities and lesson plans that encourage, needs. The activities are geared toward these ends. 154 pp., (8 1/2 x 11)stimulate and facilitate creative expression. The Divided into three sections, they focus on aware-author shows how to use art in a more meaning- ness of self, others and the environment; accep- spiral | $33.95ful way than usual in the elementary school set- tance; and experimentation and exploration. The 978-0-398-07671-9ting. Rejecting the product-oriented approach, lesson plans provided within these sections haveshe details instead a method that helps the child been tested and proven successful. They provideexplore who he or she really is, to accept that per- information on materials and tools, procedures,son, and to change and grow. While the book is directions, goals, target populations, evaluation,light-hearted — not at all the ponderous tome its ZM[W]ZKM[IVLVW\M[)ÅVIT[MK\QWVKWV\IQV[UQ[-purpose may suggest — it does indeed show how cellaneous materials valuable in conducting groupto promote therapeutic expression and how to use art therapy sessions. FOR FAST AND CONVENIENT SERVICEORDER YOUR BOOKS DIRECT FROM US AT 800.258.8980 ORONLINE AT WWW.CCTHOMAS.COM.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • CREATIVE THERAPIES | 111
ART THERAPY WITH JOURNALING CANCER IN STUDENTS AT RISK WORDS AND IMAGES Fostering Resilience and Caught in the Clutch of the Crab Growth Through Self-Expression By Harriet C. Wadeson (3rd Ed.) © 2011 The American Cancer Society reports that cancer is the By Stella A. Stepney 218 pp., (7 x 10) second leading cause of death in the United States. One 70 il. of the realms in which art therapists practice and in which © 2017 | 254 pp., (7 x 10), 1 table (includes a CD-ROM — there is a great deal of interest, both within the profession “Cancer Land: An and among related professionals, is in work with cancer pa- paper | $44.95 | 978-0-398-09161-3 Altered Book for an tients and their families. This text is a vivid memoir of the ebook | $44.95 | 978-0-398-09162-0 Altered Life”) author’s own cancer diagnosis within the past year. TheArt Therapy with Students at Risk: Fos- paper | $36.95 JWWSQ[LQ^QLMLQV\WÅ^M[MK\QWV[\"IJZQMN XI[[IOMIJW]\tering Resilience and Growth Through 978-0-398-08672-5 Creative Expression; (2) the daily journal the author kept;MTN-`XZM[[QWV ZMÆMK\[ \PM K]ZZMV\ ZM-search, legislation, and trends that impact ebook | $36.95 ITWVO_Q\PLQOZM[[QWV[QV\WQ[[]M[WN KWVKMZV#[]Z^Q^QVOthe theory and practice of art therapy with 978-0-398-08673-2 discussions of the follow-up experience in the year afterdiverse at-risk student populations. Thebook is divided into eight chapters and it \ZMI\UMV\ IVL N]Z\PMZ [QOVQÅKIV\ Q[[]M[# +IVKMZ 4IVLincludes twelve therapeutic techniques. the altered book created by the author consisting of paint-The 12 therapeutic techniques are writ- ings and collages of her treatment, accompanied by a CD-ten in a lesson plan format which provide ROM of the images in full color (located at the back ofopportunities for children to express their the book); and (5) a discussion of writing and making art\PW]OP\[IVLNMMTQVO[KW]XTML_Q\PKWVÅZ- about the author’s own cancer journey with a comparisonmation that their art is important to them of these two modes of expression, in which her experienceand to others. This book is designed for arttherapy students, professional art thera- WN MIKP_I[^I[\TaLQٺMZMV\NZWU\PMW\PMZ<PQ[JWWS_QTTpists, educators, administrators, and prac- be meaningful and of interest to art therapists, other men-titioners in the allied professions of coun- tal health professionals, medical professionals, counselors,seling, social work, psychology, prevention, the family unit, and all human service providers.and human services. GRAPHIC FACILITATION FIND US ON AND ART THERAPY FACEBOOK Imagery and Metaphor in112 | BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES Organizational Development By Michelle Winkel & Maxine Borowsky Junge © 2012 Graphic Facilitation is an innovative and wholly new appli- 178 pp., (7 x 10) cation of art therapy theory and techniques to groups and 14 il., (1 in color), organizations. Graphic Facilitation is a process in which a (“Graphic Facilitation trained consultant, through color, symbols, and metaphors in Action” mural in murals, interprets and documents something as short as a creation and color keynote address or as long as an entire conference. The text illustrations of all the provides a new and exciting avenue for art therapists and for images organizational development consultants. The authors provide on a CD-ROM) a detailed explanation of Graphic Facilitation—what it is, how and why it works, ideas about how to become a trained paper | $35.95 Graphic Facilitator, and a multidisciplinary literature base 978-0-398-08738-8 and resources that aspiring Graphic Facilitators will need. Written by two art therapists, this book is for art therapists ebook | $35.95 who would like to develop and learn to use art therapy ap- 978-0-398-08739-5 plications for business and organizational sectors. The book will also be valuable for business coaches, human resource managers, organizational management consultants and facil- itators who would like to enrich their practice with Graphic Facilitation techniques. In the rear of the book is a CD-ROM “Graphic Facilitation in Action” in which the actual creation of a mural in an organizational meeting is presented along with color images of the black and white plates of the book. CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
Crisis Intervention and Suicide CRISIS INTERVENTIONA Handbook of Immediate Person-to-Person Help (6th Ed.) By Kenneth FranceIn this exceptional new sixth edition, the author vention and how individual intervenors can build © 2014 upon that knowledge. Numerous case examples 338 pp., (7 x 10)PI[ ZM\IQVML \PM XZIK\QKIT NZIUM_WZS NWZ WٺMZQVOimmediate problem-solving assistance to persons XZM[MV\MLQV\PMPIVLJWWS_Q\PÅK\Q\QW][VIUM[ 3 crisis. Therefore, the goal of this updated and are based on actual occurrences the author hasexpanded edition is to provide knowledge and encountered. The techniques in this book are ap- paper | $54.95methods applicable to particular crisis circum- plicable to crisis centers, hotlines, Internet-based 978-0-398-08106-5 services, victim-assistance programs, college coun-[\IVKM[;XMKQÅK\WXQK[QVKT]LM\"KWZMKWVKMX\[\PI\ seling centers, hospitals, schools, correctional fa- ebook | $54.95 cilities, children and youth programs, and other 978-0-398-08107-2IZM N]VLIUMV\IT \W ITT QV\MZ^MV\QWV MٺWZ\[ KZQ[Q[ human service settings. The Study Questions attheory and the philosophy of crisis intervention, the end of each chapter are designed to serve asbasic communication and problem-solving skills, useful applications of crisis intervention theoriessuicide prevention, assistance for terminally ill and principles. Intended for caregivers whosepersons, bereavement counseling, interventionwith crime victims, rape counseling, negotiating _WZS QV^WT^M[ KZQ[Q[ QV\MZ^MV\QWV MٺWZ\[ \PQ[ Q[ IVwith armed perpetrators, group strategies, fam- informative resource for counselors, social work-ily and marital interventions, disaster relief, case ers, psychologists, nurses, physicians, clergy, cor-management, physical facilities, modes of con-tact, community relations, selection, training, and ZMK\QWVIT WٻKMZ[ XIZWTM IVL XZWJI\QWV WٻKMZ[burnout prevention procedures. The handbook and lay volunteers.also details a review of the research on crisis inter- THEORIES OF SUICIDE Past, Present and FutureBy John F. Gunn, III & David Lester;WUMZM[MIZKPMZ[QV\PMÅMTLWN []QKQLWTWOa\PQVS Behavior; Suicide, Ethology and Sociobiology; © 2014that the old theories of suicide are too constrain- Stress-Diatheses; Cognitive Theories; Learning 352 pp., (7 x 10)ing and impede advances in the understanding of Perspective on Suicide; Theories of Personali-suicide. However the book’s authors are not quite ty and Suicide; Typological Theories; and the 1 il., 2 tablesso critical of past theories. The goal of the text is Pathophysiology of Suicide. The second sectionto present researchers with theories to guide their of the text addresses Sociological and Economic paper | $52.95research, encourage them to modify these theo- Theories including: Suicide as Deviance, Naroll’s 978-0-398-08090-7ries, perhaps meld them together in some cases, Thwarting Disorientation Theory, three classicand think how they might propose new theories. sociological theories as well as several minor the- ebook | $52.958ZM[MV\ML QV \PZMM [MK\QWV[ \PM ÅZ[\ ZM^QM_[ [QO- 978-0-398-08091-4 WZQM[ <PM ÅVIT [MK\QWV KWVKMV\ZI\M[ WV +ZQ\QKITVQÅKIV\ X[aKPWTWOQKIT \PMWZQM[ QVKT]LQVO\" ;]QKQLM Thoughts About Theories of Suicide, a new andas Escape; Interpersonal-Psychological theory;The Role of Defeat and Entrapment in Suicidal OZW_QVOQVÆ]MVKMQVIKILMUQIIVL[KPWTIZ[PQXCALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • CREATIVE THERAPIES | 113
UNDERSTANDING AND SUICIDE IN PROFESSIONAL ANDPREVENTING COLLEGE AMATEUR ATHLETES Incidence, Risk Factors, STUDENT SUICIDE and Prevention By Dorian A. Lamis & By David Lester & John F. Gunn, III David Lester © 2013 This book looks at the problem of why so many profes- 262 pp., (7 x 10) sional and amateur athletes kill themselves. Professional 13 tables athletes lead what seem to us to be glamorous lives and make large, and sometimes huge, salaries. In schools, the paper | $38.95 athletes are often the formal and informal leaders, given 978-0-398-08876-7 recognition and honors. News of their suicides shocks us because, to the rest of us, these are the successful members ebook | $38.95 of our society, often looked up to as heroes and role mod- 978-0-398-08877-4 els. The book, therefore, explores the incidence of suicide in athletes and reviews the risk factors that increase the© 2011 | 360 pp., (7 x 10), 21 il., 11 tables likelihood of suicide in athletes. Research on these risk factors, such as the role of steroids and concussions, is re- paper | $49.95 | 978-0-398-08670-1 viewed, and case studies are provided to illustrate these ebook | $49.95 | 978-0-398-08671-8 risk factors. The book concludes with ways in which sui- cide might be prevented in athletes. It will be of great in- terest to crisis workers and those who work in crisis cen- ters, as well as suicidologists, mental health workers, and others interested in the topic.Suicide is currently the second leading © 2012 CRISIS INTERVENTION ANDcause of death among college students in 460 pp., (7 x 10) COUNSELING BY TELEPHONEthe United States. This complex issue on 12 tablescollege campuses is often overlooked, and AND THE INTERNET\PQ[ JWWS KWUJQVM[ \PM MٺWZ\[ NZWU [M^- paper | $49.95 978-0-398-08829-3 (3rd Ed.)MZITTMILMZ[QV\PMÅMTLWN []QKQLWTWOaQVan attempt to grasp a better understand- ebook | $49.95 By David Lester & James R. Rogersing of college student suicide. The book 978-0-398-08830-9is divided into four parts. Part I discusses This book will further stimulate interest and discussion ofsuicidal behaviors among college students, the telephone and the Internet as a mode of treatment. Incollege student suicide risk and an analysis \PQ[ M`\MV[Q^MTa ZM^Q[ML ZL -L I XZIK\QKIT NZIUM_WZS NWZof national epidemiological data, gender providing immediate problem-solving assistance by tele-KWV[QLMZI\QWV[ ZIKQIT IVL M\PVQK LQٺMZ- phone to persons in crisis is provided. Several new chaptersences, and murder-suicide on campus. have been added and several chapters have been updatedPart II explores the risk and protective IVL ZM_ZQ\\MV <PM \M`\ WٺMZ[ [XMKQÅK \MKPVQY]M[ \W LMITfactors, individual and family history, al- with out-of-control situations with the highly importantcohol involvement, environmental stress- initial steps to protect the caller, the crisis worker, and theors, interpersonal factors, and protective community. The scope of the book includes an overview of KW]V[MTQVOJa\MTMXPWVMPW_\WMٺMK\Q^MTaUIVIOMKZQ[M[NIK\WZ[ 8IZ\ 111 ILLZM[[M[ QLMV\QÅKI\QWV how to be supportive verbally and nonverbally, how to ac-and treatment, suicide assessment, cogni- curately assess situations, and how to help create a sense oftive behavioral therapy, including college stability. This unique and up-to-date book serves as a com-suicide prevention programs and inter- prehensive tool for those setting up telephone and Internetventions. A case study presents a real illus- counseling services and those in charge of centers alreadytration of a counseling intervention with operating, especially in training and supervising those ona college student. This unique and com- the front lines, the crisis interveners.prehensive book is intended for collegecounseling centers, researchers, clinicians,and professionals who are faced with is-sues relating to college student suicide ona regular basis.114 | BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
SUICIDE IN MENHow Men Differ from Women in Expressing Their Distress By David Lester, John F. Gunn, III & Paul QuinnettThe goal of this book is to explore the phenom- derers, suicide bombers, murder-suicides, and © 2014enon of suicide, focusing on males who are at a famous creative men, is discussed in great detail. 394 pp., (7 x 10)greater risk than females. Scholars and mental In addition, the text explores the many and var-health professionals continue to have the tenden- ied reasons for suicide in gay men and in ethnic 3 il., 19 tablescy to ignore men and focus instead on the more minorities. The book concludes with discussionsnarrow demographic groups. Attention is drawn of how to prevent suicide in men, a group known paper | $59.95to the lack of help-seeking behavior exhibited by to deny the existence of personal problems and is 978-0-398-08794-4men as well as the numerous recommendations reluctant to seek help. With three illustrations andfor the prevention of male suicide. The issues spe- 19 tables, this book will be an excellent resource ebook | $59.95 for crisis interveners, researchers, counseling cen- 978-0-398-08795-1KQÅK \W UITM []QKQLM QVKT]LM[ \PM I\aXQKIT VI\]ZM ters, mental health professionals, and human ser-of male depression, the role of loneliness, drug vice providers.and alcohol abuse, the male hormone (testos-terone), and men’s preferred method for suicideO]V[;]QKQLMQV[XMKQÅKOZW]X[WN UMVQVKT]L-ing male athletes, soldiers, mass and serial mur- CHOOSING TO LIVEStories of Those Who Stepped Away from Suicide By Cliff WilliamsChoosing to Live contains stories about people The names of the people involved have been © 2017who tried to commit suicide, told in their own changed, including identifying details, to pre- 204 pp., (7 x 10)words, based on the author’s interviews with them.Each story serves as a source of encouragement [MZ^MIVWVaUQ\a;XMKQÅK\WXQK[QVKT]LM\"ZMRMK\QWV 1 il.and speaks with a clear voice to all those who overwhelming stress, bullying, painful memories,struggle with suicide to assure them that they are teenage stresses, ups and downs, parental abuse, paper | $28.95not alone. 978-0-398-09171-2 LMXZM[[QWV IVL IV`QM\a JZMIS]X WN I [QOVQÅKIV\Choosing to Live is a must-read for individuals relationship, lack of support, shame and addic- ebook | $28.95with suicidal feelings and for their relatives and tion, dysfunctional relationships, and suicide of a 978-0-398-09172-9 parent.NZQMVL[ _PW PI^M []ٺMZML _Q\P \PMU +IZMOQ^MZ[will gain new insights into the mental anguish that Choosing to Live provides a voice to those whotaunts individuals who battle the inner turmoil of have attempted suicide. It will serve as a valuablefacing each new day. The author believes that peo- resource for psychiatrists, social workers, crisisple crave to tell the story of their lives, even if it counselors, clergy, medical practitioners, socialinvolves wanting to die. welfare personnel, human service workers, and primary care providers. MOST OF OUR TITLES AREAVAILABLE AS E-BOOKS AND CAN BE PURCHASED THROUGH OUR WEBSITE AT WWW.CCTHOMAS.COM.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • CRISIS INTERVENTION AND SUICIDE | 115
ADOLESCENT DEPRESSION AND SUICIDE A Comprehensive Empirical Intervention for Prevention and Treatment By John S. Wodarski, Lois A. Wodarski & Catherine N. Dulmus© 2003 This text addresses the very serious issue that too \M`\ NWK][M[ WV \PQ[ [QOVQÅKIV\ [WKQIT Q[[]M NIKQVO186 pp., (7 x 10) many of our adolescents must face, that of depres- adolescents and their families. It will be of interest23 il. sion and suicide. The Surgeon General’s Report to those in social work, sociology, psychology and indicates that ten percent of our youth are, at child and family development. Chapters include:ebook | $36.95 The Epidemic of Child and Adolescent Depres-978-0-398-08385-4 IVaWVMXWQV\QV\QUMQV)UMZQKI[]ٺMZQVONZWU sion and Suicide; Assessment of Depression, Sub- a mental illness. If not treated, they can go on stance Abuse, and Suicidal Behavior in Children to have a series of problems such as delinquen- and Adolescents; Interventions for Prevention and cy and truancy, and may end up in prison. This Treatment; Coping with Adolescent Depression book presents an empirically based interventive and Suicide Curriculum; and Family Intervention. approach to helping adolescents and families deal with adolescent depression and suicide. No otherMarital and Family Therapy PARENTAL THE INTERNATIONAL ALIENATION, DSM-5, HANDBOOK OF PARENTAL AND ICD-11 ALIENATION SYNDROME By William Bernet Conceptual, Clinical and© 2010 Parental alienation is an important © 2006 Legal Considerations264 pp., (7 x 10) phenomenon that mental health 476 pp., (8 1/2 x 11)15 il., 4 tables professionals should know about and 12 il., 10 tables By Richard A. Gardner, thoroughly understand, especially S. Richard Sauberhard | $67.95 those who work with children, ado- hard | $89.95978-0-398-07944-4 lescents, divorced adults, and adults 978-0-398-07647-4 & Demosthenes Lorandos whose parents divorced when theypaper | $47.95 were children. In this book, the au- ebook | $76.95 The dramatic increase in the num-978-0-398-07945-1 978-0-398-08460-8 ber of child-custody disputes since \PWZ[ LMÅVM XIZMV\IT ITQMVI\QWV I[ the seventies has created an equallyebook | $47.95 a mental condition in which a child dramatic need for a standard refer-978-0-398-08449-3 – usually one whose parents are en- ence work that examines the grow- OIOMLQVIPQOPKWVÆQK\LQ^WZKM·IT- ing social problem of children who lies himself or herself strongly with develop an irrational hatred for a one parent (the preferred parent) parent as the result of divorce. This and rejects a relationship with the ]VQY]M JWWS ILLZM[[M[ \PM MٺMK\[ other parent (the alienated parent) of PAS on parents and children, discusses issues surrounding recon- _Q\PW]\TMOQ\QUI\MR][\QÅKI\QWV<PQ[ ciliation between parent and alien- process leads to a tragic outcome ated child, and includes material when the child and the alienated X]JTQ[PML NWZ \PM ÅZ[\ \QUM WV QVKQ- parent, who previously had a loving dence, gender, and false allegations and mutually satisfying relationship, of abuse in PAS. lose the nurture and joy of that rela- tionship for many years and perhaps for their lifetimes.116 | BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
© 2012 THE PARENTAL PARENTAL ALIENATION302 pp., (7 x 10) ALIENATION SYNDROME The Handbook for A Family Therapy and Collaborative Mental Health andpaper | $44.95 Systems Approach to Amelioration Legal Professionals978-0-398-08736-4 By Linda J. Gottlieb By Demosthenes Lorandos,ebook | $44.95 William Bernet &978-0-398-08737-1 In this thought-provoking book, Ms. Gottlieb attempts to S. Richard Sauber resolve the controversies surrounding Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) by providing substantial empirical ev- © 2013 | 550 pp., (7 x 10), 2 il. idence from her treatment cases in support of the eight symptoms which child psychiatrist, Richard Gardner, had hard | $89.95 | 978-0-398-08881-1 QLMV\QÅML I[ WKK]ZZQVO QV \PM 8); KPQTL IVL [PM N]Z\PMZ ebook | $89.95 | 978-0-398-08750-0 M`MUXTQÅM[\PMKWUUWVITQ\aWN \PMITQMVI\QVOUIVM]^MZ[ IUWVO \PM ITQMVI\QVO XIZMV\[ <PM I]\PWZ ZMLMÅVM[ \PM Parental Alienation: The Handbook for Mental typically-held characterization of the parents’ relationship Health and Legal Professionals is the essential as portrayed in the pertinent literature and accepted by “how to” manual in this important and most PAS-aware professionals. Ms. Gottlieb methodically ever increasing area of behavioral science documents that PAS is a form of emotional child abuse of and law. Busy mental health professionals the severest kind. “New Rules” are suggested which encour- need a reference guide to aid them in de- age a collaborative rather than an adversarial approach to veloping data sources to support their po- child custody. This book will be an excellent resource for sitions in reports and testimony. They also XIZMV\[_PWIZMLQ^WZKQVOWZIZMQVKWVÆQK\NWZIL]T\KPQTL VMML\WSVW__PMZM\WOW\WÅVL\PMTI\M[\ victims of PAS, for mature children of divorcing parents, material on a topic. Having this material for judges, for Law Guardians, for matrimonial attorneys, within arm’s reach will avoid lengthy and for therapists, for child protective personnel, for law en- ti me-consuming online research. For legal forcement—and for the professional rescuer who believes professionals who must ground their ar- that a child must be saved from a parent. guments in well thought out motions and repeated citations to case precedent, ready©2005 UNDERSTANDING MARRIAGE, IKKM[[ \W [\I\M WZ XZW^QVKM [XMKQÅK TMOIT396 pp., (7 x 10) FAMILY, AND INTIMATE KQ\I\QWV[ [XIVVQVO \PQZ\aÅ^M aMIZ[ WN XI- RELATIONSHIPS rental alienation cases is provided here forebook | $54.95 \PM ÅZ[\ \QUM QV WVM XTIKM 1VKT]LM[\" ;]X-978-0-398-08004-4 By Jerry D. Lehman plemental Reference Guide on CD-ROM. Carefully vetted reference material in the This introductory textbook is for students who are inter- behavioral sciences and in law has been ested in learning about and establishing healthy marriage, included on a separate CD-ROM found at family, and intimate relationships. With divorce rates high the back of the book. Each of these cases and relationships fragile, books and courses are needed has been described in a very brief memo that help students address important issues regarding re- drawn directly from the case and in a lationships. The readers of this text examine many im- carefully checked exact legal citation. The portant and relevant issues through the lens of theory and book is also interspersed with vignettes of research and do so using a written format that is readable, IK\]IT KI[M[ \W WٺMZ XZIK\QKIT [QOVQÅKIVKM understandable, and easy to apply to one’s life. It was through-out many chapters and to comple- written so that each chapter has information that readers ment the presentation. It is the basic text _QTTÅVLPMTXN]TI[\PMaI\\MUX\\WM[\IJTQ[PIVLUIQV\IQV for mental health and legal professionals, meaningful, healthy relationships. There are questions and the “how to” aspect of the Handbook throughout each chapter that help readers focus not only will be invaluable to the lay reader as well. on the material but also on how the material relates to their present and past relationship and family situations. Thus, both couple and family issues are addressed throughout the book. For instructors who want to focus their courses on marriage, family, and intimate relationships, this book would be an ideal choice. A study guide for students and instructional material for instructors can be obtained by visiting TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • MARITAL AND FAMILY THERAPY | 117
UNDERSTANDING PARENTAL ALIENATION Learning to Cope, Helping to Heal By Karen Woodall & Nick Woodall© 2017 Understanding Parental Alienation is intended retical concepts, such as the transition bridge, and252 pp., (7 x 10) for parents who are living through a nightmare— helping the reader to understand the unique dy-6 il. the loss of their relationship with a child—which namics of the child’s rejection, perhaps the most seems impossible to understand and extremely original parts of the book focus on taking action topaper | $39.95 frustrating to turn around. This book, written deal with the problem and strategies for healing.978-0-398-09175-0 The authors provide practical advice on preparing Ja \_W TMILQVO M`XMZ\[ QV \PM ÅMTL XZW^QLM[ I for court including how to develop a chronologyebook | $39.95 balance of theoretical background and practical of events and how to prepare a written submis-978-0-398-09176-7 hands-on information to guide both parents and sion, even down to choosing a writing style that is practitioners through this devastating phenome- UW[\TQSMTa\WJMZMILJa\PMR]LOM;XMKQÅKO]QL- non. The authors’ many years of experience have ance is also provided on how to help alienated chil- shaped their understanding of the causes of pa- rental alienation, the manifestations of this serious LZMV PMIT \PZW]OP ZM]VQÅKI\QWV =VLMZ[\IVLQVO mental health condition, and interventions that Parental Alienation is a highly valuable resource are likely to be helpful in the short-term and the for parents and a must-read book for every men- long-term. The book is written in a readable, en- tal health professional, social worker or legal pro- gaging manner interspersed with interesting case fessional working with families in divorce. vignettes. As well as introducing some new theo- Rehabilitation Counseling© 2014 MULTICULTURAL © 2006 IN SEARCH278 pp., (7 x 10) ASPECTS 208 pp., (7 x 10) OF FREEDOM 1 table How Persons With OF HUMAN Disabilities Have Been BEHAVIOR paper | $38.95 Disenfranchised from the A Guide to 978-0-398-07623-8 Mainstream of Understanding Human American Society and Cultural Development ebook | $38.95 How the Search for 978-0-398-08450-9 Freedom Continues (3rd Ed.) (2nd Ed.) By Willie V. Bryan By Willie V. Bryanpaper | $45.95 ?Q\P I [TQOP\ \Q\TM KPIVOM \PQ[ ZL978-0-398-08790-6 edition continues the theme of pro- This updated and expanded new edi- viding information with regard to \QWVKWV\QV]M[\PM\PMUMWN \PMÅZ[\ebook | $45.95 factors that impact the lives of ra- edition of emphasizing the struggles978-0-398-08791-3 cial/ethnic minorities as well as in which persons with disabilities women and the elderly in America; have engaged, the barriers they have however, the updates and addition had to overcome, and the barriers of new chapters will make the text a they continue to face in their quest to more complete discussion of cultural obtain freedom. The search for free- information needed by professional dom must continue and the search helpers as they work with their clients should be inspired and led by persons and patients. with disabilities. Consequently, this 2nd Ed. deals with both the needs of persons with disabilities and the actions they must take to attain their freedoms.118 | BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
© 2010 SOCIOPOLITICAL PSYCHOSOCIAL ASPECTS284 pp., (7 x 10) ASPECTS OF DISABILITIES OF DISABILITY12 il. The Social Perspectives and (4th Ed.) Political History of Disabilities andpaper | $46.95 Rehabilitation in the United States By George Henderson978-0-398-07917-8 & Willlie V. Bryan (2nd Ed.)ebook | $46.95 © 2011 | 274 pp., (7 x 10)978-0-398-07967-3 By Willie V. Bryan paper | $49.95 | 978-0-398-08613-8 The social and political history of disabilities reveals some ebook | $49.95 | 978-0-398-08614-5 of the historical roots that anchor some of our current be- liefs, attitudes and perceptions of disabilities and persons This new edition of Psychosocial Aspects of who possess disabilities. An understanding of the social Disability strikes a balance of past, present, and political history of disabilities in the United States is and future views of individual, family, so- important for rehabilitation professionals and other help- cietal, and governmental interaction and ing professionals who work with persons with disabilities reaction to persons with disabilities. The VW\WVTa\W]VLMZ[\IVLPW_PQ[\WZaIٺMK\[W]ZK]ZZMV\I\- past is presented in Part 1, Psychosocial titudes and behavior but also to provide a perspective on Aspects of Disabilities, in which a view how current events and actions that have produced the of the evolution of societal reactions to XZM[MV\ [\I\M WN IٺIQZ[ NWZ XMZ[WV[ _Q\P LQ[IJQTQ\QM[ <PQ[ disabilities and persons with disability is new edition continues the discussion of the evolution of presented. This perspective is important societal attitudes toward persons with disabilities and ex- because it explains how some of the be- plains how social attitudes impact social interactions which liefs and attitudes toward disabilities and in turn create a need for political action to correct injus- those who have a disability have devel- tices and/or increase opportunities for persons with dis- WXML8IZ\[IVLXZW^QLMLQ[K][[QWVWN abilities. It will be useful as a primary or secondary text present situations for persons with disabil- in vocational rehabilitation training programs, social work ities as they move toward better inclusion programs, nursing programs, occupational and physical in society. Chapter 5 discusses the need for therapy assistant programs, and human services programs. empowerment of persons with disabilities and how they can empower themselves.© 1999 COUNSELING IN THE Chapter 6 discusses the need for better358 pp.(7 x 10) REHABILITATION PROCESS employment opportunities for persons with disabilities because this is a signif-ebook | $55.95 Community Services icant way of empowering persons with978-0-398-08342-7 for Mental and disabilities. Chapter 7 discusses federal legislation that has been developed to fa- Physical Disabilities cilitate the empowerment of persons with LQ[IJQTQ\QM[8IZ\8[aKPW[WKQIT1[[]M[\W (2nd Ed.) a large extent, represents the future for persons with disabilities. The chapters in By Gerald L. Gandy, E. Davis Martin, Jr. this section discuss some disability issues & Richard E. Hardy that some persons with disabilities will encounter and/or by which they will be This text represents a complete revision and update that IٺMK\MLL]ZQVO\PM\_MV\aÅZ[\KMV\]Za provides the reader with a comprehensive overview and in- \ZWL]K\QWV\W\PMÅMTLWN ZMPIJQTQ\I\QWVKW]V[MTQVOIVL[MZ- ^QKM[J]\IT[WPI[IXXTQKIJQTQ\a\W\PMOZW_QVOÅMTLWN KWU- munity counseling. The book’s revisions include, in part, a greatly expanded chapter on the foundations of rehabilita- tion as well as a new historical aspects chapter. Educational considerations have been expanded and incorporated into a chapter on the development of the rehabilitation coun- seling discipline. New material has been included on coun- seling credentialing and substance use disabilities, and ma- terial on international and multicultural perspectives has been reorganized and updated. This outstanding text will be particularly useful in graduate introductory rehabilita- tion or community counseling courses and may be readily adaptable to undergraduate courses as well. Additionally, the book will be a very useful resource for rehabilitation or community counselor practitioners.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • REHABILITATION COUNSELING | 119
SIGNIFICANT DISABILITY © 2007 PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES Issues Affecting People 380 pp., (7 x 10) OF CASE MANAGEMENT IN 7 il., 2 tables REHABILITATION COUNSELING With Significant Disabilities from a Historical, Policy, paper | $54.95 (2nd Ed.) Leadership, and 978-0-398-07698-6 Systems Perspective By E. Davis Martin, Jr. ebook | $54.95 By E. Davis Martin, Jr. 978-0-398-08532-2 This 2nd Ed. is a major revision and update of Rehabilitation and Disability: Psychosocial Case Studies. The role and function © 2001 | 244 pp., (7 x 10) of the rehabilitation counselor is describes relative to the principles and practices of case management in the voca- paper | $42.95 | 978-0-398-07193-6 tional rehabilitation process. The author relates changes to ebook | $42.95 | 978-0-398-08394-6 those of the consumerism movement, as persons with dis- abilities move from passive recipients of services to activeThis text will provide the reader with a participants capable of steering their own future, choosingcomprehensive overview of the issues that their jobs and environments. The goal is for the client to real-IٺMK\ XMWXTM _Q\P [QOVQÅKIV\ LQ[IJQTQ\QM[ ize the American Dream. An outstanding group of contribu-from a historical, policy, leadership, and tors was selected to author various chapters. Their collectivesystems perspective. The text will be par- achievements have included agency-executive leadership,ticularly useful in either graduate or ad- university professorships and consultative activities at thevanced undergraduate courses for prospec- state, national, and international levels. Each contributor, astive rehabilitation counselors, teachers, _MTTPI[UILM[QOVQÅKIV\[KPWTIZTaKWV\ZQJ]\QWV[\W\PMZM-community mental health professionals, habilitation literature. While the text was developed primar-social workers, psychologists, case manag- ily for use in graduate rehabilitation counseling programs,ers, or allied health professionals. A major it has great utility for related academic programs in alliedgoal of the text is to transmit the ideal of health, psychology, social sciences, and special, working, and playing in the commu- The text, also, has practical value for in-service and shortnity—an ideal that has often been denied term training—anywhere that the vocational rehabilitation\WXMZ[WV[_PWPI^M[QOVQÅKIV\LQ[IJQTQ\QM[ process can be facilitated from a client-centered perspective.Topics, ranging from funding, inclusion,IEPs, related services, assistive technology, BEHAVIORAL GUIDE TOemployment, stigma, spirituality, advoca- PERSONALITY DISORDERS (DSM-5)cy, case management, medication policies,education and training for human service By Douglas H. Rubenprofessionals, and adaptation among oth-ers, are presented in a passionate, person- © 2015 *MPI^QWZIT /]QLM \W 8MZ[WVITQ\a ,Q[WZLMZ[ Q[ \PMÅZ[\ JM-al, insightful, and meaningful manner. The 272 pp., (7 x 10) haviorally-based reference guide on Personality DisordersÅVITXIZ\WN \PM\M`\KWVKT]LM[_Q\PIVI[- 31 il., 1 tables and their applicability in vocational, therapeutic, and othersessment and analysis of current policies, rehabilitation service agencies. Chapters cover each per-and advocates that our educational and paper | $42.95 sonality disorder from a learning theory perspective; thehuman service systems develop an infra- 978-0-398-09087-6 “Do’s and Don’ts” on how to manage personality typesstructure or foundation which allows for in service delivery systems (called “personality manage-positive change and encourages inclusion. ebook | $42.95 ment”); and predictors of each personality disorder for;XMKQÅK ZMKWUUMVLI\QWV[ WN \PM \M`\¼[ 978-0-398-09088-3 vocational, therapeutic, and rehabilitation outcomes.contributors complete this section. The objective of the book is simply to provide practical and ready-to-use clinical information for practitioners and120 | BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES advanced students facing the high demand for triage and treatment decisions. It helps the paraprofessional and pro- fessional measurably identify individual behavior problems in clients and consumers, and predict their trajectory of outcome success or failure under certain circumstances or when provided a litany of rehabilitation services. With \PQ[ ZM[W]ZKM XZWNM[[QWVIT[ QV \PM ITTQML PMIT\P ÅMTL[ KIV UWZMKWVÅLMV\TaXZMLQK\\PMW]\KWUM[]KKM[[WZNIQT]ZMWN individuals with personality disorders, who receive mental health treatment, vocational rehabilitation, or other allied health services. CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORTS FOR ADULTS WITH DISABILITIES IN EMPLOYMENT, COMMUNITY, AND RESIDENTIAL SETTINGS Practical Strategies That WorkBy Keith Storey & Michal PostThe aim of this book is to provide an overview of in how to support adults with disabilities, but also © 2014positive behavior supports for adults with disabili- in how to implement positive behavior supports so 196 pp., (7 x 10)ties in a written format that is directed to support that positive quality of life outcomes occur. Anproviders who can immediately put the informa- advantage of this book is that agencies and orga- 9 il., 27 tablestion to use. The authors have written the book in nizations preparing support providers can easilya non-technical format and include clear real-life use it in courses or trainings that address positive paper | $34.95examples for using positive behavior supports in behavior supports, as it covers methodology that 978-0-398-08112-6employment, community, and residential settings. is seldom covered in detail in most texts. ThoseIt is generic across disability labels and should be _PWIZMITZMILa[]XXWZ\XZW^QLMZ[_QTTÅVL\PMQV- ebook | $34.95of interest to those working with adults with dis- formation to be practical and easily implemented 978-0-398-08113-3abilities in any capacity. In this book each chap- in applied settings. College instructors are likelyter follows the sequence of: Key Point Questions; to choose this book based upon: the consistentWindow to the World Case Studies; Best Practice format used throughout; the readability of theRecommendations; Discussion Questions; and book for students in college classes or adult serviceEmployment, Community, and Residential Based providers; the comprehensive coverage of positiveActivity Suggestions. The book is intended to give behavior supports; and the direct applicability tosupport providers the knowledge and skills for pro- applied settings. In addition to college instructors,viding positive behavior supports in employment, others providing instruction, supervision, andcommunity, and residential settings and therebyimprove the quality of life for the individuals that \ZIQVQVO \W []XXWZ\ XZW^QLMZ[ _QTT ÅVL \PQ[ JWWSthey support. The rubber meets the road, not only useful.RESEARCH IN REHABILITATION COUNSELINGA Guide to Design, Methodology, and Utilization (3rd Ed.) By Phillip D. Rumrill, Jr. & James L. BelliniRESEARCH IN REHABILITATION COUNSEL- examples cited were published in peer-reviewed © 2018ING provides the basics that one would need to rehabilitation counseling journals over the past 358 pp., (7 x 10)begin conducting a research investigation. It was decade, and these examples represent the currentwritten as a primary text for graduate level stu- status of research methods as well as the most rel- 3 il., 5 tables,dents and practitioners concerning the role of evant contemporary topic areas of research andresearch in contemporary rehabilitation coun- paper | $49.95seling. It is the authors’ intent to provide a com- [KPWTIZ[PQX QV \PM ÅMTL )KKWZLQVOTa Q\ UIa JM 978-0-398-09199-6prehensive overview of the philosophical, ethical, used both as a research textbook and as a generalmethodological, and analytic funda¬mentals of introduction to the current scholarship. Because ebook | $49.95social science research, as well as to specify as- this book was written as an introductory research 978-0-398-09200-9pects of rehabilitation research that distinguish methods textbook for graduate students in reha-Q\NZWU[KQMV\QÅKQVY]QZaQVW\PMZPMTXQVOXZWNM[- bilitation counseling, the authors focus much of NEW!sions. It has been thoroughly revised to accurately the information contained herein on the role ofZMÆMK\\PM^IZQI\QWVIVL_MIT\PWN ZM[MIZKPUM\P- readers as professional consumers of rehabilita-odologies used in contemporary rehabilitation tion research. It will prove to be an invaluableKW]V[MTQVO ZM[MIZKP¸UWZM \PIV VM_ ZMN- resource for counselors, administrators, policy-erences have been added. Most of the research makers, educators, researchers, people with dis- abilities, and consumer advocates.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • REHABILITATION COUNSELING | 121
Sex Education, Counseling, and Therapy PSYCHIATRIC CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE TREATMENT OF CURRICULUM FOR VICTIMS AND THE SURVIVORS OF DEVELOPMENTALLY SEXUAL TRAUMA DISABLED A Neuro-Bio-Psychological By Sol R. Rappaport, Approach Sandra A. Burkhardt & Anthony F. Rotatori By Jamshid A. Marvasti© 2004 © 1997 Designed to teach sexual abuse pre-234 pp., (7 x 10) Psychological trauma is a multifaceted 172 pp., (7 x 10) vention skills to children with develop- phenomenon with extensive involvement 12 tables mental disabilities based on their socialpaper | $37.95 of biochemical and neurological changes. reasoning abilities. Their vulnerabilities978-0-398-07461-6 This book originated on the basis of clin- ebook | $42.95 show the importance of providing this ical observations and the authors believe 978-0-398-09042-5 information to these children at a levelebook | $37.95 that trauma is the region in which psych consistent with their reasoning abilities.978-0-398-08046-4 and soma meet each other and integrate, In order to educate children with devel- becoming a single entity. Chapters pro- opmental disabilities about sexual abuse vide a psychobiological perspective of incest, and sexual abuse, and reactions to XZM^MV\QWVWVMU][\ÅZ[\\MIKPKPQTLZMV about their bodies.The book’s primary QVKM[\:MILMZ[_QTTÅVLQV\PQ[ILQ^MZ[Q\a audience is special education teachers, of research topics and a variety of clini- social workers, nurses, and psychologists cal observations that are not only useful who provide services to children with but timely. developmental disabilities. A secondary audience is administrators and other educators who provide consultation and program development services for agen- cies and schools. SOCIAL WORK CASE MANAGEMENT IN SOCIAL WORK Developing the Professional Skills Needed for Work with Multiproblem Clients (2nd Ed.) By Julius R. Ballew & George Mink© 1996 The result of an extended research and demonstra- to case management; however, it is organized in334 pp., (7 x 10) \QWV XZWRMK\ \PQ[ \M`\ WٺMZ[ P]UIV [MZ^QKM XZWNM[- such a way that the more experienced student or23 il sionals a model of care management that incorpo- rates traditional approaches with new methods for XZIK\Q\QWVMZKIVY]QKSTa\]ZV\WI[XMKQÅK[MK\QWVNWZpaper | $53.95 strengthening a client’s internal functioning. The tips and suggestions that may enrich his practice. It978-0-398-06660-4 authors guide the reader, step-by-step, through the IT[W [MZ^M[ I[ IV M`KMTTMV\ JI[Q[ NWZ [\I ٺUIVIOM- essential elements: engagement and needs assess- ment development programs. The book is primarily ment, resource assessment, impediments to using designed to be used as a college level text in social resources, accessing external and internal resourc- work, as a basic text for undergraduate case man- es, maintaining connections, and evaluating prog- agement methods, and as a supplementary text for ress. The book remains a basic text for persons new graduate level courses.ebook | $53.95978-0-398-08288-8122 | BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
© 2009 A GUIDEBOOK TO HUMAN NARRATIVE286 pp., (7 x 10) SERVICE PROFESSIONS APPROACHES IN SOCIAL2 il., 4 tables Helping College Students WORK PRACTICEpaper | $49.95 Explore Opportunities in the A Life Span, Culturally978-0-398-07851-5 Human Services Field Centered, Strengthsebook | $49.95 (2nd Ed.) Perspective978-0-398-07977-2 By William G. Emener, Michael A. Richard By Edith M. Freeman & John J. Bosworth © 2011 | 260 pp., (7 x 10), 7 il., 19 tables The twenty-one all new chapters in this 2nd Ed. poignant- TaZM^QM_I^IZQM\aWN LQٺMZMV\KIZMMZ[LM[QOVMLNWZQVLQ- paper | $34.95 | 978-0-398-08655-8 viduals undecided about their future, beyond a desire or ebook | $34.95 | 978-0-398-08651-0 “a calling” to work with people, and provide excellent cut- ting edge information about a large variety of human ser- The purpose of this book is to explain the vice professions and occupations, wrapped in the authors’ process in which individuals tell and retell “real passion for helping people.” This book, designed as their narratives, especially during devel- a textbook for undergraduate courses in human services, opmental and other transitions in order is a “must read” for the young-and-eager or the mature to create meaning and continuity in their second-careerist future human service professional. The lives. The other goal is to clarify the na- thoughtful, knowledgeable, practical and cutting-edge ap- ture and types of narratives that emerge proaches in this book provide an invaluable point of em- in people’s natural environments during barkation on anyone’s journey to a personally and profes- such transitions and during counseling sionally rewarding career as a human service professional. sessions with social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors, nurses, and otherMOST OF OUR TITLES ARE AVAILABLE AS E-BOOKS AND CAN BE service providers. Further, it also describes PURCHASED THROUGH OUR WEBSITE AT practical narratives and approaches and WWW.CCTHOMAS.COM. includes relevant case examples to illus- trate how those approaches have been SERVICE AND THERAPY DOGS IXXTQMLMٺMK\Q^MTaQV[WKQIT_WZSIVLW\P- IN AMERICAN SOCIETY MZPMTXQVOXZWNM[[QWV[<IJTM[IVLÅO]ZM[ included in each chapter illustrate specif- Science, Law and the Evolution ically how particular narrative strategies of Canine Caregivers can be used with clients and also clarify how to use those approaches in combi- By John J. Ensminger nation with other practice frameworks, including family systems, task-centered,© 2010 This well-written and informative book has become the crisis, solution-focused, group mutual aid,340 pp., (7 x 10) standard on the uses and laws regarding therapy and ser- cognitive behavioral, and brief theoretical25 il., 1 table vice dogs. With the expansion of new service dog types, a approaches. In addition, to the individual, greater complexity with regard to service animal laws and family, community, organizational, andpaper | $49.95 regulations and the interpretation of these by the courts has cultural narratives, the book also includes978-0-398-07932-1 developed. This book carefully examines these complexities other story forms such as poetry, meta- at both the state and federal levels. In addition, the expanded phors, proverbs, parables, letters, personalebook | $49.95 use of therapy dogs in facilities and institutions has brought journals, art, and music.978-0-398-07977-2 with it a paradigm shift in society’s acceptance and acknowl- edgment of the canine capacity to contribute in meaningful SOCIAL WORK | 123 ways to the lives of ill and institutionalized persons. This re- [W]ZKMLQ[K][[M[\PMJMVMÅ\[WN LWO[I[I\PMZIXM]\QKUWLIT- Q\a\PI\ZMÆMK\[\PMQUXWZ\IVKMWN MVZQKPUMV\IVLPMITQVO\W seizure patients, autistic children, and others with disabilities, including mental illness. By reading this book, readers will acquire a clearer understanding of the many federal and state laws that apply to service and therapy dogs.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
NO ORDINARY LIFE © 2004 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT FOR Parenting the 354 pp., (7 x 10) NONPROFIT HUMAN SERVICE 19 il., 46 tables Sexually Abused ORGANIZATIONS Child and Adolescent paper | $61.95 978-0-398-07513-2 (2nd Ed.) By Sandra Knauer ebook | $61.95 By Raymond Sanchez Mayers © 2000 | 188 pp., (7 x 10) 978-0-398-08047-1ebook | $29.95 | 978-0-398-08320-5 Like its well-known predecessor, Financial Management for 6WVXZWÅ\0]UIV;MZ^QKM)OMVKQM[\PQ[VM_IVLM`XIVL- MLMLQ\QWV_Q\PI[TQOP\\Q\TMKPIVOMKWV\QV]M[\WZMÆMK\\PM I]\PWZ¼[MٺWZ\[\WXZW^QLM\PMKZQ\QKITSVW_TMLOMVMMLML\W communicate with the “experts.” The central organizing theme of this book is the acquisition, distribution, and re- porting of agency resources within a systems framework. Divided into four sections, Section I is an overview that KW^MZ[PQ[\WZQKITIVL[WKQWXWTQ\QKITKWV\M`\WN VWVXZWÅ\WZ- OIVQbI\QWV[ IVL ÅVIVKQVO I[ _MTT I[ \PM [a[\MU[ KWVKMX\ IVL]VQY]MKPIZIK\MZQ[\QK[WN VWVXZWÅ\[;MK\QWV11KW^MZ[ the planning and acquisition of resources by human ser- vice organizations. Budgeting, marketing, and grantwriting skills are examined. Section III details the distribution of the acquired resources through internal control, budgeting, and investments. Section IV presents basic accounting tech- VQY]M[N]VLIKKW]V\QVOÅVIVKQITZMXWZ\QVOO]QLMTQVM[IVL ÅVIVKQIT [\I\MUMV\ IVITa[Q[ QVKT]LQVO \PM ZMKWZLQVO IVL ZMXWZ\QVO WN WZOIVQbI\QWVIT ÅVIVKQIT IK\Q^Q\QM[ 6M_ \WX- ics include fees for services, purchase of service contract- ing, breakeven analysis for costing services and activities, third-party payments, internet resources, and a glossary. No Ordinary Life: Parenting the Sexually Abused © 2017 FATHERHOOD IN Child and Adolescent was written for parents, 370 pp., (7 x 10) AMERICA caregivers, survivors of abuse, counselors, 1 il., 7 tables and therapists to understand the special Social Work Perspectives needs of the population of sexually abused paper | $49.95 on a Changing Society children. It will help caregivers especially 978-0-398-09137-8 to establish appropriate expectations and By Carl Mazza & sexual boundaries of the young people in ebook | $49.95 Armon R. Perry their care. This book includes topic-specif- 978-0-398-09138-5 ic subjects such as identifying the signs of Fathers are critical to their children’s growth and devel- sexual abuse in children; what to do when opment. Research on the involvement of men with their abuse is suspected or disclosed; how to deal children stresses the important role that fathers play from with eating disorders, self-mutilation, and infancy to adolescence. Due to the ethnically diverse pop- acting out behaviors; and disciplining the ulation of fathers in America, culture and context frames abused child or adolescent. There are also the nature of fathering and shapes expectations within a chapters speaking directly to adult survi- K]T\]ZITUQTQM]<PMJWWSWٺMZ[I_QLMZIVOMWN ^IV\IOM vors of sexual abuse that deal with healing points–social work, family studies, marriage and family from past abuse, ways to break the family therapy, counseling, sociology, psychology, gender studies, cycle of incest, and how to start a survi- anthropology, cultural and ethnic studies, urban studies, ^WZ¼[OZW]X;IVLZI3VI]MZWٺMZ[PWXMN]T- IVLPMIT\P<PMZMIZMÅ^MXZQUIZaXIZ\[_Q\PQV\PQ[JWWS each of which looks at numerous facets of fatherhood in VM[[ NWZ PMITQVO QV NIUQTQM[ []ٺMZQVO _Q\P \PM \_MV\aÅZ[\ KMV\]Za <PQ[ QVNWZUI\Q^M IVL [MV[Q\Q^M abuse issues and treating sexual abuse in a book will be useful for researchers, students, and profes- multigenerational setting. [QWVIT[QV\PMÅMTLWN [WKQIT_WZSPMIT\PNIUQTaKW]V[MTQVO and human services. Applicable in classrooms and treat-“This book includes top- ment situations, Fatherhood in America bridges the gap QK[XMKQÅK []JRMK\[ []KP between research and practice through chapters authored by some of the country’s foremost fatherhood scholars and as indetifying the signs of KTQVQKQIV[ Ja WٺMZQVO NZM[P XMZ[XMK\Q^M[ IVL SMMV QV[QOP\[ JWZVMW]\WN ÅMTLM`XMZQMVKM_WZSQVO_Q\PNI\PMZ[”sexual abuse in children; CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • 124 | BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES
© 2000 BATTLE CRIES ON CULTURAL DIVERSITY238 pp., (7 x 10) THE HOME FRONT AND SOCIAL WORK8 il., 66 tables Violence in the Military Family PRACTICEebook | $34.95 By Peter J. Mercier & Judith D. Mercier (3rd Ed.)978-0-398-08321-2 This collection of social science research on domestic vio- By Bruce A. Thyer, TMVKMQV\PMUQTQ\IZaQ[]VQY]MI[Q\Q[\PMÅZ[\KWUXQTI\QWV John S. Wodarski, Laura L. Myers, WN ZM[MIZKPWVLWUM[\QK^QWTMVKMI[Q\IٺMK\[\PMUQTQ\IZa population. The studies contained herein use contempo- & Dianne F. Harrison rary qualitative and quantitative research and focus on the occurrence, prevalence, or risk factors for domestic vio- © 2010 | 370 pp., (7 x 10), 14 tables lence found in four military branches —Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, and Navy. It is divided into three sections, paper | $59.95 | 978-0-398-07936-9 with Section One dealing with issues related to wife batter- ebook | $59.95 | 978-0-398-08445-5 ing in the military. Section Two includes readings pertain- ing to child abuse in the military. Section Three addresses The profession of social work has a long prevention and treatment issues regarding domestic vio- and admirable history of attending to is- lence in the military. The studies presented will enhance sues related to diversity and oppression. both professionals’ and students’ understanding of the is- This new edition continues to examine sues and dynamics particular to domestic violence in mil- the disciplinary attention regarding the Q\IZa NIUQTQM[ IVL WٺMZ \PMU \PM UW[\ K]ZZMV\ TQ\MZI\]ZM provision of services to clientele who were for future research in this area. It will be of interest to re- most often marginalized by mainstream [MIZKPMZ[[\]LMV\[IVLXZWNM[[QWVIT[QV\PMÅMTL[WN [WKQIT society. By understanding certain aspects work, health, family counseling, criminal justice, sociology, of the culture experienced by a client, a human services, and psychology. social worker is better equipped to be of service, to assess, to plan, to cooperate,© 2017 SOCIAL WORK IN JUVENILE AND and to intervene. The goal of this book418 pp., (8 x 10) CRIMINAL JUSTICE SETTINGS is to bridge the gaps and to present to30 il.,17 tables readers, in one source, a wealth of prac- (4th Ed.) tice-relevant information about Africanpaper | $64.95 Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic978-0-398-09155-2 By David W. Springer & Albert R. Roberts Americans, Native Americans, gay, lesbi- an, and bisexual individuals, women, theebook | $64.95 <PM JWWS¼[ KPIX\MZ[ ITT I]\PWZML Ja M`XMZ\[ QV \PM ÅMTL aged, the developmentally disabled, and978-0-398-09156-9 and all committed to the mission of social justice, are those with adult-onset physical disabilities. written with the clear understanding that we cannot study Additional topics include the hearing-im- criminal justice in a vacuum. Therefore, a major focus of paired, visually-impaired, and social the book is on the renewed growing sense of the profes- _WZSXZIK\QKM_Q\PZMN]OMM[)[QOVQÅKIV\ sion’s obligation to social justice. Each chapter intercon- updating of many of the chapters from nects with the various components of juvenile and crimi- the previous two editions is included, en- nal justice. Another prominent aspect of the book is that hancing the knowledge concerning social it is strength-based. It views those involved in the criminal work practice. An excellent resource for and juvenile justice systems as individuals rather than in- increased knowledge and sensitivity, the mates or criminals, each with unique positive talents and book is designed for both undergraduate abilities. This book will be the best single source on social and graduate students, as well as for prac- work in criminal justice settings and will prove to be an titioners who desire to perfect their skills invalu¬able resource for the many professionals who have in working with culturally diverse clients. responsibility for formulating and carrying out the man- dates of the criminal justice system. SOCIAL WORK | 125 FIND US ON FACEBOOK FACEBOOK.COM/CCTPUBLISHERCALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
Child and Family Services BASIC TRAINING © 2013 CONTEXTUAL RESIDENTIAL FOR RESIDENTIAL 310 pp., (7 x 10) TREATMENT CHILDCARE WORKERS A Practical Guide for ebook | $49.95 Dialectical and BehavioralImproving Service to Children 978-0-398-08894-1 Interventions with Adolescents By Beverly Boone By Don Pazaratz © 2012 | 224 pp., (7 x 10) This book is written for all mental health clinicians, allied XZWNM[[QWVIT[TQVM[\I[ٺWKQIT_WZSMZ[IVL[\]LMV\[_PW[M paper | $36.95 | 978-0-398-08708-1 focus is on the adolescent in residential treatment and the ebook | $36.95 | 978-0-398-08709-8 problems facing the aging-out young adult and his tran- [Q\QWV \W QVLMXMVLMVKM :MILMZ[ _QTT ÅVL \PI\ \PM JWWSThis book focuses on the unique needs of elucidates upon the fundamentals of assessment, clinicalthe children in residential care that come descriptions of theoretical constructs, and the applicationfrom troubled backgrounds and continue of technique. This book also addresses the role of the so-to manifest behavioral, emotional, and cial worker during interventions with families and whilepsychological problems. Childcare work- conducting group work, and reviews guidelines for treat-ers will have to deal with tantrums, out of UMV\[\I\ٺPI\_QTTMVIJTM\PMU\WI[[M[[IaW]\P¼[W^MZITTcontrol behavior, emotional outbursts, and development, self-esteem, and sense of self. Finally, there isin some facilities may have to place a child information on how to connect with withdrawn youth, toin a behavioral restraint to protect her or encourage them to be more open in relationships as well asothers. There are numerous training top- to deal with their feelings. It will also be of interest to re-QK[\PI\IZMLQٻK]T\\W\MIKPVM_KPQTLKIZM searchers, practitioners, educators, and policymakers whoworkers, especially those with little or no [MMS\WZMÅVM\PMQZ[SQTT[IVLSVW_TMLOMWN ZM[QLMV\QIT\ZMI\-M`XMZQMVKMQV\PMÅMTLWN ZM[QLMV\QITKPQTL- UMV\IVL\WTMIZV[XMKQÅKITTaIJW]\KWV\M`\]ITXZIK\QKMcare. Whether you are a childcare workeror a supervisor, Basic Training for Resi- © 2017 CHILDREN IN THEdential Childcare Workers is designed to 358 pp., (7 x 10) URBAN ENVIRONMENThelp improve outcomes for children in 1 il. Linking Social Policy andZM[QLMV\QIT KIZM QVKZMI[M MٺMK\Q^MVM[[ WN childcare workers, and reduce stress and paper | $49.95 Clinical PracticeJ]ZVW]\ NWZ [\I< ٺPQ[ O]QLM Q[ IV M`KMT- 978-0-398-09133-0lent resource for training purposes that (3rd Ed.)imparts information that can be readily ebook | $49.95absorbed, practiced, and implemented by 978-0-398-09134-7 By Norma Kolko Phillips &childcare workers and supervisors. Shulamith Lala Ashenberg Straussner <PQ[]XLI\MLIVLM`XIVLMLZL-LM`IUQVM[\PM[QOVQÅ- cant changes impacting children in our society and is a sig- VQÅKIV\ZM^Q[QWVWN \PMVL-LXZM[MV\MLaMIZ[XZM^Q- ous. During that period, there have been many important ¹ÅZ[\[ºQV\PM=VQ\ML;\I\M[<PQ[VM_MLQ\QWVXZW^QLM[I [QOVQÅKIV\ZM[W]ZKMNWZ[\]LMV\[IVLXZWNM[[QWVIT[QV[WKQIT work, family counseling, human services, psychology, and criminal justice. Most importantly, the various chapters in this text will help social workers and social work students recognize the nature of some of the current problems af- fecting children and come up with innovative solutions for the future.126 | BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
SHELTERS FOR BATTERED WOMEN AND THEIR CHILDREN A Comprehensive Guide to Planning and Operating Safe and Caring Residential Programs By Albert L. Shostack0I^QVO UILM MVWZUW][ [\ZQLM[ [QVKM \PM ÅZ[\ rent assistance opportunities for shelters and the © 2001shelters for battered women opened in the 1970s, women who turn to them for help, and some cur- 258 pp., (7 x 10)these institutions are still planned and operated rent realities of shelter life. What works and whataccording to local needs, regulations, and re- does not work under the widely varied conditions 9 il., 2 tablessources. There are, however, a number of uni- of actual shelters is explored in terms of settingversal standards, or guidelines for shelter plan- up a new facility; potential internal and outreach ebook | $44.95 978-0-398-08328-1VMZ[ JWIZL[ [\I [ٺIVL ^WT]V\MMZ[ <PM I]\PWZ [MZ^QKM[#[\IٻVOIVL^WT]V\MMZ[ZMY]QZMLNWZhas interviewed a number of individuals whose hour operations; budgeting issues and fundingwork is dedicated to shelters for battered wom- sources; admissions, processing, and counselingen and their children, and he supplements those of residents; and overview of shelter life, includ-interviews with additional research. This volume ing daily routines, health care and security issues;compiles his research through an exploration and the preparation of residents for new lives onof current statistics on shelter operations, cur- their own.Social Work in Health CareTHE RENAL PATIENT’S GUIDE TO GOOD EATING A Cookbook for Patients by a Patient (2nd Ed.)By Judith A. CurtisAs a patient, the author, Mrs. Curtis, relates her suitable for anyone. It does not separate the “di- © 2003own experience in dealing with the renal diet. eters” from others. There will be no whispered 226 pp., (7 x 10)Through a positive approach, she demonstrates requests for the salt shaker because the taste isthat sometimes when you “make the best of it,” there, in the form of herbs, spices, wine and other 30 il.the results are better than if the problem had notoccurred. Fellow patients will recognize many of ¹ITTW_MLº ÆI^WZQVO[ -[XMKQITTa ^IT]IJTM IZM \PM spiral | $39.95the author’s feelings and obstacles as their own. sections where salt is typically relied upon heavily, 978-0-398-07399-2The 2nd Ed. of THE RENAL PATIENT’S VIUMTaUMI\Å[PXW]T\Za[IVL_QKPM[IVL^MOM-GUIDE TO GOOD EATING includes many tables. There are recipes ranging from appetizers ebook | $39.95new dishes as well as nutritional information for to desserts, quick and simple to the more elabo- 978-0-398-08420-2all recipes. This should make it easier for renal rate. The author provides guidelines for adjustingpatients and their dietitians to determine how to a healthy heart diet, as well as to renal diets, which require more or less stringency. This book\PM[MLQ[PM[KIVJM[\Å\QV\W\PMQZLQM\XTIV[<PM is certain to enlighten and inspire anyone withanalyses can be used as a guide to appropriate kidney disease, from the newly diagnosed to theserving sizes for each patient’s daily allowances more experienced. With this book, the doctor’sof sodium, potassium and phosphorus. Great answer to his patient’s question “Could you givecare has been taken to include complete nutrition me some more ideas for meals?” can be answeredinformation wherever possible. This cookbook is with “I have just the book for you!”FOR FAST AND CONVENIENT SERVICE ORDER YOUR BOOKS DIRECT FROM US AT 800.258.8980 OR ONLINE AT WWW.CCTHOMAS.COM.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • SOCIAL WORK IN HEALTH CARE | 127
INTEGRATED HEALTH ETHICAL ISSUES CARE FOR PEOPLE IN HOME HEALTH CARE WITH AUTISM (2nd Ed.) SPECTRUM DISORDER By Sheri Smith, Rosalind Ekman LaddBy Ellen Giarelli & Kathleen Fisher & Lynn Pasquerella© 2016 | 420 pp., 7 x 10, 19 il., 14 tables This book will help to answer some of the growing number of paper | $65.95 | 978-0-398-09101-9 ethical questions and more complex issues that home health ebook | $65.95 | 978-0-398-09102-6 care nurses face. The cases presented in each chapter of thePeople with autism spectrum disordermay have unique development challeng- © 2008 JWWSIZMÅK\QWVITQbML[Q\]I\QWV[JI[MLWVQV\MZ^QM_[KWVL]K\-es, but they face a range of health issues 258 pp., (7 x 10) ed with home health care nurses in both hospital-sponsoredlike all people, and many of these maybe compounded by an ASD. This book and private agencies, in hospices, and in urban and rural set-provides the tools and information so thePMIT\P KIZM XZWNM[[QWVIT KIV \PQVS LQٺMZ- ebook | $39.95 tings. Each chapter of the book is devoted to one of the mainently about caring for this patient and see 978-0-398-08597-1 areas of concern for home health care nurses. Focusing onthrough his or her eyes. The presentationsof 28 contributors share the importance [XMKQÅKKI[M[Q\WٺMZ[IVITa[Q[IVLLQ[K][[QWVWN \PMM\PQKITof early, continuous, coordinated, andindividualized care that is integrated into issues, cites legal requirements where relevant, and summa-the existing health care system. Examplesof models and policies that have improved rizes ethical criteria and practical strategies. Whether studentthe access, experience, and outcomes forpatients with ASD are shared. In addition, WZ[MI[WVMLXZWNM[[QWVIT\PMZMILMZQ[IٺWZLML\PMWXXWZ\]-the importance of continuous quality im- nity to gain increased sensitivity to what counts as an ethicalprovement through data collection andmonitoring of outcomes is emphasized. question and a better understanding of the critical thinkingThis information is essential for address-ing the capacity crisis now in providing process that leads to careful, reasoned decisions about whatroutine, specialized, and emergency careNWZQVLQ^QL]IT[_Q\P);,<PQ[[QOVQÅKIV\ \WLW1V\PQ[VM_MLQ\QWV\PM\M`\PI[JMMVZM^Q[ML\WZMÆMK\volume brings together a wealth of exper- new developments in nursing ethics. Practicing nurses, socialtise with information and strategies acrossthe lifespan for individuals with autism workers, nursing school instructors, and home care agenciesspectrum disorder. “ _QTTÅVL\PQ[JWWS\WJMIVM`KMTTMV\ZM[W]ZKM128 | BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES This book will help to answer some of the grow- ing number of ethical questions and more complex ”issues that home health care nurses face. CHILD LIFE IN HOSPITALS Theory and Practice By Richard H. Thompson & Gene Stanford © 1981 By Richard H. Thompson, Edgewood College, Madison, 284 pp., (6 x 9) ?Q[KWV[QVIVL/MVM;\IVNWZL+PQTLZMV¼[0W[XQ\IT*]ٺI- 1 table lo, New York. With a Foreword by Jerriann Myers Wilson. Child life services include providing emotional support, paper | $45.95 structuring therapeutic play programs, psychologically 978-0-398-04456-5 preparing children for medical procedures, enhancing the hospital environment, and acting as the child’s and par- ebook | $45.95 ents’ advocate. This book covers them all. It begins by 978-0-398-08175-1 describing the provision of these services in a typical case and by reviewing the relevant literature. The authors then discuss parents’ needs and parent involvement, the hospital play program, and ways in which the hospital environment contributes to children’s reactions. Equally thorough in- formation is presented on the relationship of child life to other disciplines; supervision of volunteers, students and [\Iٺ# IVL \PM LM^MTWXUMV\ WN I KPQTL TQNM XZWOZIU <PM text’s balance of tools, techniques and guidelines makes it valuable not only to child life specialists, but also to nurses, occupational and recreational therapists, social workers, and other hospital personnel. CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
THE HANDBOOK OF CHILD LIFEA Guide for Pediatric Psychosocial Care (2nd Ed.)By Richard H. ThompsonChild life is a profession that draws on the insights child and the child to medical professionals. De- © 2018of history, sociology, anthropology and psycholo- 642 pp., (7 x 10)gy to serve children and families in many critical [XQ\M \PM JM[\ MٺWZ\[ \W XZW^QLM Y]ITQ\a [MV[Q\Q^Mstress points in their lives, but especially when they psychosocial care to children and their families, 7 il., 14 tablesare ill, injured or disabled and encounter the hostsof caregivers and institutions that collaborate to \PMa ZMUIQV ^]TVMZIJTM \W TQVOMZQVO IN\MZMٺMK\[ paper | $59.95make them well. Children and their families can The goal of this revised edition is to help prepare 978-0-398-09212-2become overwhelmed by the task of understand- child life specialists to deliver the highest level ofing and navigating the healthcare environment care to children and families in the context of ebook | $59.95and continue to face challenges through their these changing realities. Each chapter has been 978-0-398-09213-9daily encounters. It is the job of child life pro- substantially revised and two new chapters havefessionals to provide care and guidance in these been added. This book will be a valuable resourcenegotiations to serve as culture brokers, inter- for not only child life specialists but also nurses,preters of the healthcare apparatus to family and occupational and recreational therapists, social workers and other hospital personnel.SOCIOLOGYTHE PATHOLOGY OF MAN A Study of Human Evil By Steven James BartlettThe Pathology of Man: A Study of Human Evil deals stand human psychology and patterns of thought © 2005with a topic that is both timely and of enduring that underlie human evil in all of its forms-rang- 376 pp., (7 x 10)importance. Due to the recent terrorist attacks, ing from the aggression, brutality, and destruc-academics, the lay public, the media, even the tiveness of war, genocide, and terrorism, to in- 5 il.U.S. president, have revived the use of the word dividual expressions of human evil in prejudice,‘evil,’ which now appears with a noticeably in- racism, and hate crimes. The Pathology of Man paper | $59.95creased frequency in much of the daily news is expected to be a unique and important contri- 978-0-398-07558-3and commentary. Professionals particularly in bution that responds to the concerns of students\PM ÅMTL[ WN X[aKPWTWOa [WKQWTWOa IVL XPQTW[W- and professionals in a wide range of disciplines. ebook | $59.95phy are being asked for answers to the questions, <PMJWWSQ[\PMÅZ[\WN Q\[SQVL1\Q[IKWUXZM- 978-0-398-08487-5Why is there human evil? What are its causes? hensive and solid study of the multi-causal na-How are we to understand individuals who wish ture of a phenomenon that, until now, has been treated almost exclusively in terms of religion,\W QVÆQK\ P]UIV []ٺMZQVO IVL LM[\Z]K\QWV WV I[ myth, symbolism, moral philosophy, and ethics.wide a scale as possible? Today, more than duringany period in recent history, an intense interest in <PMZMILMZ_QTTÅVL\PI\Q\UISM[KTMIZ[XMKQÅKthe phenomenon of human evil has developed. It VWV[XMK]TI\Q^MIVLLMÅVQ\MIV[_MZ[\W\PMY]M[-is expressed in the widespread concern to under- tions often now raised concerning human evil. MOST OF OUR TITLES ARE AVAILABLE AS E-BOOKS AND CAN BEPURCHASED THROUGH OUR WEBSITE AT WWW.CCTHOMAS.COM.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • SOCIOLOGY | 129
THE SOCIOLOGY © 2017 EMIGRATING FROM CHINA OF DEVIANCE 270 pp., (7 x 10) TO THE UNITED STATES A Comparison of Different Differences, Tradition, paper | $34.95 Social Experiences and Stigma 978-0-398-09167-5 (2nd Ed.) (2nd Ed.) ebook | $34.95 By Robert J. Franzese 978-0-398-09168-2 By Yushi (Boni) Li© 2015 | 398 pp., (7 x 10), 21 il., 6 tables In this exceptional new second edition, the author has re- tained much of her earlier experiences when emigrating paper | $64.95 | 978-0-398-09079-1 to the United States but adds depth and detail to the life ebook | $64.95 | 978-0-398-09080-7 M^MV\[\PI\PI^MK]ZZMV\TaQVÆ]MVKMLPMZ[WKQIT^IT]M[I\- titudes, and behaviors. This is a supplementary textbookThis timely 2nd Ed. remains essential- with the fundamental purpose of facilitating students inly the same in overall organization and associating the understandings in their personal daily liveschapter layout and titles. New to the book with larger social forces. The following topics are featured:is updated data and facts from empirical [WKQWTWOQKIT \PMWZQM[ IVL PW_ LQٺMZMV\ XWTQ\QKIT IVL MKW-research and government and agency re- VWUQK [a[\MU[ QVÆ]MVKM _Ia[ WN \PQVSQVO M^MZaLIa TQNMports. Some information in some chapters and social interaction with others; the importance of_I[ZM\IQVMLNZWU\PMÅZ[\MLQ\QWVQN Q\_I[ doing research projects, collecting data, and how to avoiddeemed still relevant and interesting. The common mistakes; the comparison between Chinese andLMÅVQ\QWVWN LM^QIVKMPI[JMMVUWLQÅML American cultures, and cultural shock; how immigrantsto be more in line with standard under- assimilate themselves into American society; deviant be-standings of the term which frequently havior that may be considered universal; comparison anddescribe deviance as violations of social M^IT]I\QWVWN =;IVL+PQVM[M[WKQIT[\ZI\QÅKI\QWV#ZIKQITVWZU[ <PM _WZL ¹LQٺMZMVKM[º ZMUIQV[ group issues; comparison of U.S. and Chinese sex and gen-XIZ\ WN \PM LMÅVQ\QWV IVL QUXTQM[ LQٺMZ- LMZJMPI^QWZ[#LQٺMZMV\IXXZWIKPM[\W\PMQUXWZ\IVKMWN ences in attitudes, lifestyles, values, and NIUQTaQVK]T\]ZM[#\PMQVÆ]MVKMWN +WVN]KQ][^MZ[][+PZQ[-choices that exist among individuals and tianity; population issues including family planning andgroups in society. The concept of deviance IJWZ\QWV#IVL]ZJIVQbI\QWVIVLQ\[MٺMK\WV[WKQITKPIVOMis no longer treated as a label in itself, alsoXTIKQVO\PMLMÅVQ\QWVWN \PM\MZUUWZMQV ETHNIC REALITIES OFalignment with its standard usage. In this MEXICAN AMERICANSupdated edition, every attempt has been From Colonialism to 21stmade to respond to input from colleaguesand students concerning text content and Century Globalization_ZQ\QVO [\aTM +WV[QLMZIJTM MٺWZ\ _MV\into decisions of what was to be added, By Martin Guevara Urbina,changed, maintained, and deleted from Joel E. Vela & Juan O. Sanchez\PM ÅZ[\ MLQ\QWV ZM[]T\QVO QV UMIVQVON]TUWLQÅKI\QWV[\PZW]OPW]\\PMJWWS © 2014 The goal of this book is to examine the ethnic experi- 298 pp., (7 x 10) ence of the Mexican American community in the United130 | BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES ;\I\M[ NZWU KWTWVQITQ[U \W \_MV\aÅZ[\ KMV\]Za OTWJITQbI- paper | $49.95 tion. The authors unearth evidence that reveals how his- 978-0-398-08780-7 torically white ideology, combined with science, law, and the American imagination, has been strategically used as ebook | $49.95 a mechanism to intimidate, manipulate, oppress, control, 978-0-398-08781-4 dominate, and silence Mexican Americans, ethnic racial minorities, and poor whites. As documented throughout the book, American law is a constant reminder of the per- vasive ideology of the historical racial supremacy, socially LMÅVML IVL MVNWZKML M\PVQK QVNMZQWZQ\a IVL \PM ZMRMK\QWV of positive social change, equality, and justice that contin- ues to persist in the United States. The book is extensively ZMNMZMVKML IVL Q[ QV\MVLML NWZ XZWNM[[QWVIT[ QV \PM ÅMTL[ of sociology, history, ethnic studies, Mexican American (Chicano) studies, law and political science and also those concerned with sociolegal issues. CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
EDUCATION ANDSPECIAL EDUCATION EDUCATION Early Childhood EducationPLAY WITH THEM — THERAPLAY GROUPS IN THE CLASSROOM A Technique for Professionals Who Work With Children By Phyllis B. Rubin & Jeanine TregayThe Theraplay method can be applied to the class- [MTNKWVÅLMVKM IVL \PM I[[]ZIVKM \PI\ \PM _WZTLroom to give children hope, joy, and the conviction can be a trustworthy and enjoyable place after all.that there are adults who care about them as gen- For professionals who work with children—teach-uinely valuable human beings. Teachers are guid- ers, special educators, psychologists, social work-ed through the steps that will help vast numbers ers, counselors, speech/language therapists.of normal and not-so-normal children develop © 1989 Theraplay method ... gives children hope, joy, and the 206 pp., (7 x 10)“ ”conviction that there are adults who care about them. 1 il., 2 tables paper | $43.95 978-0-398-06715-1 ebook | $43.95 978-0-398-08241-3Elementary and Secondary EducationCLASSROOM NEWSPAPER ACTIVITIES A Resource for Teachers, Grades K-8 By Frances J. AndersonThe purpose of this book is to assist teachers in the ty instructional materials that require little expensedevelopment of a variety of reusable newspaper and a minimal amount of teacher preparationactivities to enrich pupil learning in reading, social time. Most activities can be used by one studentstudies, mathematics, and science. Each activity in- or a small group of students. Some activities cancludes suggested grade levels, learning objectives, be adapted for large-group instruction while othersa list of needed materials, construction directions, KIV JM [QUXTQÅML \W ][M NWZ Y]QKS WVM\QUM XZIK-illustrations, and pupil directions. These activities tice. Self-checking devices make it possible to utilizeincorporate newspaper clippings to produce quali- the activities in learning centers. © 1985 276 pp., (8 1/2 x 11) 116 il. Assist teachers in the development of a variety of spiral | $48.95 978-0-398-05145-7“ ”reusable newspaper activities to enrich pupil learning. ebook | $48.95 978-0-398-09043-2CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • ELEMENTARY & SECONDARY EDUCATION | 131
THE CREATIVITY © 1998 THE CLASSROOM TEACHER’S HANDBOOK 200 pp., (8 1/2 x 11) GUIDE TO MUSIC EDUCATION 169 il. A Visual Arts Guide for (2nd Ed.) Parents and Teachers spiral | $43.95 978-0-398-06909-4 By C. Vernon Burnsed By Carolyn Boriss-Krimsky ebook | $43.95 This book is about music education in the elementary © 1999 | 186 pp., (7 x 10), 57 il 978-0-398-08337-3 school. Its major purpose is to develop an understanding of why music education is important, how music education paper | $34.95 | 978-0-398-06962-9 works, and how music can be a powerful force for the class- ebook | $34.95 | 978-0-398-08335-9 room teacher. It has realistic expectations for the classroom teacher. Music theory and performance skill are kept to aThe purpose of this handbook is to de- minimum; they are not a prerequisite for understandingmystify art for parents and teachers and the content of the book. A major emphasis of the text isto help them understand what the art ex- that classroom teachers can utilize music to enhance theperience is like for the child/adolescent. overall learning environment of their classrooms. Sug-The book discusses visual art concepts in gestions, class descriptions, and lesson plans are given forsimple terms and presents art as a vehicle using music for routine activities, whole language, integrat-for educationally transformative expe- ing music into language arts and social studies, and usingriences. The book also provides sample music to develop the cultural literacy of students. The 2nddialogues between adults and children Ed. includes contemporary thought on the philosophicalfor parents and teachers who wish to help rationales for music education, results of recent research inchildren approach art projects creatively. music education, and an expanded Chapter 5 on Music toThe ‘’I can’t draw syndrome’’ is explained Enhance the Learning Environment. Chapter 5 includesand stages of artistic development are dis- new greeting songs, a section on using music to teach topicscussed from scribbling to adolescent art. and concepts throughout the elementary curriculum, and<PM \M`\ IT[W WٺMZ[ QLMI[ IVL XZWRMK\[ \W more suggestions for music and language arts. New songshelp adults support the authentic vision are also included in the folk song appendix.of the child/ adolescent throughout allthe stages. Major sections include: the art © 2011 DECODING CHALLENGINGexperience, creativity and the child, stages 240 pp., (7 x 10) CLASSROOM BEHAVIORSof artistic development, keeping creativity 9 il., 72 tables,alive, art projects for children ages 2 to 12, (includes a CD-ROM What Every Teacher andand art projects for adolescents ages 12 containing answers Paraeducator Should Know!to 17. Also provided are an appendix on to fill-in-the-blankart materials and safety information and a and true/false test By Ennio Cipaniglossary. At the core of this book is the be- items)lief that children are born artists and that Challenging behaviors and poor student performance areartistic talent emerges from the interplay paper | $34.95 often attributed to many of society’s ills. As a result of theof proclivity, cultural enrichment, and 978-0-398-08674-9 presence of such factors in some students’ lives, changingnurturance. This exceptional handbook these students’ behavior in the classroom is seen as futile un-will raise consciousness and foster under- ebook | $34.95 less one can change their nonschool environment. To facili-standing about the nature of the art ex- 978-0-398-08675-6 tate the reader’s capability to develop intervention strategiesXMZQMVKMIVLQ\_QTTPMTXIL]T\[ÅVL_Ia[ \PI\UISMN]VK\QWVIT[MV[M\PQ[\M`\XZW^QLM[[]ٻKQMV\JIKS-to keep the creative process alive at home ground in understanding why this behavior occurs. In orderand in the classroom. \W LM[QOV IVL QUXTMUMV\ MٺMK\Q^M QV\MZ^MV\QWV [\ZI\MOQM[ the ability to decode the function of challenging behavior is a requisite. There are two sets of objective measures when ZMILQVOIVL[\]LaQVOMIKPKPIX\MZ\"ÅTTQV\PMJTIVS[MM)X- pendix A) and true/false test items follow chapter summa- ZQM[<PMIV[_MZ[\W\PM[MUMI[]ZM[IZMXZW^QLMLQVÅTM[WV the attached CD-ROM. Appendix B provides performance tasks for several of the chapters. Four decades of history of using applied research concerning behavioral interventions QVPWUM[IVLKTI[[ZWWU[[]KKM[[N]TTa[]XXWZ\[\PMMٺWZ\[\PI\ behavior change occurred as a result of what teachers did in the classroom. This book will be an invaluable resource for teachers, special educators, student teachers, school adminis- trators, and anyone who is associated with schools.132 | EDUCATION AND SPECIAL EDUCATION CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
© 2012 SYSTEMATIC INSTRUCTION A HUMAN RELATIONS428 pp., (8 1/2 x 11) IN READING FOR APPROACH TO20 il., 12 tables SPANISH-SPEAKING STUDENTS MULTICULTURALISM INebook | $57.95 K-12 SCHOOLS978-0-398-08732-6 (2nd Ed.) Selected Issues and Strategies By Elva Duran By George Henderson ;\]LMV\[_PW[MÅZ[\TIVO]IOMQ[ VW\-VOTQ[P IZM\PMNI[\- est-growing group in public schools in all regions of the © 2013 | 268 pp., (7 x 10) United States. The achievement of Hispanic students VMML[\WQUXZW^MLZIUI\QKITTaW^MZ\PMVM`\Å^MaMIZ[IVL paper | $42.95 | 978-0-398-08886-6 this book describes the cornerstone elements for bringing ebook | $42.95 | 978-0-398-08887-3 about this change. The initial chapter introduces direct in- struction to be used with reading and literacy programs. Explicit in this book is the author’s belief +PIX\MZ[IVLXZW^QLMM`KMTTMV\ZM^QM_WN \PMTQ\MZI\]ZM that it is not enough to say that Ameri- in language development and address developing language cans live in culturally diverse and strati- instruction, listening, and speaking with Spanish-speaking ÅML KWUU]VQ\QM[ QV _PQKP ML]KI\QWVIT [\]LMV\[ IVL WٺMZ[ _PI\ I KWUXZMPMV[Q^M TIVO]IOM LM- opportunities are not distributed fairly; ^MTWXUMV\ XZWOZIU [PW]TL TWWS TQSM +PIX\MZ ZM^QM_[ nor is it enough to reiterate that most academic language and literacy instruction while the next educational opportunities are not based addresses the components of instruction in Spanish. This solely on students’ academic abilities. unique text will help in the preparation of primary grade Rather, elementary and secondary school teachers throughout the U.S. so that they may be success- personnel must be involved in abating ful with Hispanic students entering the public schools with these problems. The book is not meant to little or no English background. It will also be a useful tool be read passively by teachers and teacher NWZ[KPWWTLQ[\ZQK\[¼[\IٺLM^MTWXUMV\QVILLZM[[QVO[KPWWT candidates; it is intended to be a dialogue improvement goals for increasing the achievement of His- that encourages discussion and, when panic students. possible, action. Explicit throughout each chapter is the belief that how teachers© 2000 EMOTIONAL AND BEHAVIORAL teach a course matters as much as what122 pp., (6 x 9) PROBLEMS IN THE CLASSROOM is taught. Although the book is written primarily for students interested in pur-ebook | $24.95 A Memoir suing careers as elementary or secondary978-0-398-08314-4 school teachers, it should also be of value By Herbert Grossman to experienced teachers, as well as school administrators, counselors, parents, and Dr. Herbert Grossman recaps a self-described “adventure” policy makers. The text may also com- of more than four decades during which he has worked plement and supplement other textbooks with students who exhibit emotional and behavioral prob- used in university courses focused on hu- lems and also with teachers who aspire to work with these man relations-related topics. young people. He shares the amusements, frustrations, and, most importantly, insights gathered during his world- wide odyssey. The author has included an abundance of anecdotes from his work with children and adolescents and with students in the departments of regular education, special education, psychology and psychiatry of sixteen universities in the United States, Africa, Europe, and Latin America. Throughout, he describes the mistakes he made, as well as misconceptions and misunderstandings, and how these can be avoided. He also describes the positive things he has learned as a result of his formal studies in clinical psychology, neuropsychology, and the biological basis of behavior, as well as informal explorations of multicultural gender issues. The book will provide regular and special education teachers and teachers-in-training with some use- ful information, models, and shortcuts in their attempts to help students.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • ELEMENTARY & SECONDARY EDUCATION | 133
EFFECTIVE TEACHING Preparation and Implementation (4th Ed.) By Gilbert H. Hunt, Dennis G. Wiseman & Timothy J. Touzel Schools today have transcended from the chalk- needs of both current and future teachers. The board to the whiteboard and are populated by stu- \M`\LMÅVM[ \PMJM[\XZIK\QKMZM[MIZKP \PI\NWZU[ dents who are not frightened to use the technology the basis for development of the teacher as an ef- of this new age of learning. During this period of fective practitioner and then proceeds through dis- cussions of planning for instruction, communicat- ing as professionals, and research-based teaching behaviors and strategies. Also included is a compre-© 2003 dynamic change, teachers must be ready to meet316 pp., (7 x 10) the challenges of pre-58 il., 1 table paring students for apaper | $47.95 The book serves as a signif-global society char-978-0-398-07860-7 acterized by diversityebook | $47.95978-0-398-07999-4 “icant resource in providing edu-and ever-increasing cators with guidance, direction,M`XMK\I\QWV[ -ٺMK- hensive discussion of managing student be- tive teachers in the new millennium and insight in achieving successmust prepare their students to function QVMٺMK\Q^M\MIKPQVOin a complex society of increasing knowl- ”edge, changing needs, and endless opportunities havior and assessing student performance. ;XMKQÅKITTa \PM \M`\ WٺMZ[ ZMKWUUMVLI- tions for planning, providing instruction, classroom management, for individuals who leave school knowing how to and the evaluation and reporting of student prog- learn on their own and solve problems in a dynam- ZM[[<PMJWWS[MZ^M[I[I[QOVQÅKIV\ZM[W]ZKMQV ic environment. During this climate of change, providing educators with guidance, direction, and this new edition has been prepared to meet the QV[QOP\QVIKPQM^QVO[]KKM[[QVMٺMK\Q^M\MIKPQVO BEST PRACTICE IN MOTIVATION AND MANAGEMENT IN THE CLASSROOM (3rd Ed.) By Dennis G. Wiseman & Gilbert H. Hunt© 2013 Having the ability to manage the learning envi- managed environment with models and theories344 pp., (7 x 10) ronment, motivate students in the environment, of management, best practice in teaching, creat-5 il., 29 tables ing and maintaining safe learning environments, IVLWٺMZQV[\Z]K\QWV\PI\Q\[MTN Q[UW\Q^I\QVOIVL responding to student motivation and behaviorpaper | $49.95 which contributes to students learning what they problems, and case studies for analysis in student978-0-398-08770-8 need to learn and acquiring skills they need to motivation and classroom management. The text reviews appropriate strategies when responding toebook | $49.95 IKY]QZM KPIZIK\MZQbM[ MٺMK\Q^M \MIKPMZ[ <W UMM\ [XMKQÅK\aXM[WN [\]LMV\UQ[JMPI^QWZIVLIT[WLQ[-978-0-398-08771-5 these expectations, teachers need highly devel- cusses zero tolerance policies, bullying, expulsion, oped skills as instructional specialists, motivators, teaching special students, addressing diversity, vio- managers, and problem solvers. This new and lence, school uniforms, and drug abuse as related to management and motivation. It is highlighted M`XIVLML MLQ\QWV WٺMZ[ XZIK\QKIT QVNWZUI\QWV NWZ with supporting examples, question and activi- beginning as well as veteran teachers to become ty sections by chapter, a helpful glossary, and 29 UWZM SVW_TMLOMIJTM [SQTTML IVL MٺMK\Q^M QV ILLQ\QWVIT\IJTM[<PQ[ZL-LKWV\QV]M[\WJMIV their work. Through study, application of what invaluable resource for teachers, student teachers, has been studied, and analysis and evaluation of special educators, and school administrators in the end result of this application, teachers who providing guidance, practical recommendations, care to improve can improve. The text provides and insight into developing sound management I [XMKQÅK KWV\M`\ IVL NWK][ NWZ \PQ[ IK\Q^M TMIZV- and motivation in the classroom. ing in areas of management and motivation. Additional sections discuss: understanding moti- vation and motivating environments, creating a134 | EDUCATION AND SPECIAL EDUCATION CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
Reading LITERACY TUTORING HANDBOOKA Guide to Teaching Children and Adults to Read and Write By Raymond P. Siljander, Jacqueline A. Reina & Roger A. SiljanderThis book investigates the depth of the illitera- enhanced with basic sentence structure, words, © 2005cy problem in the United States and the ratio- letters, the teaching of grammar, reference infor- 204 pp., (8 1/2 x 11)nale and administration of a literacy-learning mation with explanations, examples, and suggest-program. Based on some of the latest reading ed homework. The Appendix contains material 71 il., 16 tablesresearch, the authors provide a comprehensive on teaching resources, phonics charts, alphabet spiral | $34.95up-to-date look at literacy tutoring. Following an ÆI[PKIZL[ IVL ITXPIJM\ XZIK\QKM [PMM\[ )L- 978-0-398-07586-6introduction to the illiteracy problem, the book ministrators and tutors wishing to help students ebook | $34.95focuses on literacy and intelligence, the rationale 978-0-398-08016-7in literacy programs, and promoting literacy pro- JMKWUM JM\\MZ ZMILMZ[ _QTT ÅVL \PQ[ ]VQY]M IVLgrams in administration. Detailed information is comprehensive text to be a helpful guide. © 2013presented on tutoring, program objectives, lesson 228 pp., (7 x 10)plans, and teaching strategies. The text is further 119 il., 22 tables“Focuses on literacy and intelligence, the paper | $33.25 978-0-398-08753-1rationale in literacy programs, and promoting ebook | $33.25”literacy programs in administration. 978-0-398-08754-8EYE MOVEMENTS AND THE FUNDAMENTAL READING PROCESS How to Evaluate Silent Reading Efficiency READING | 135 By Stanford E. TaylorThe purpose of this book is multifaceted; it is pri- description of the silent reading process, as well asmarily dedicated to exploring the nature of the \PMMٺMK\WV\PMWZITZMILQVOXZWKM[[_Q\P\PMLM-Fundamental Reading Process and to discussing ^MTWXUMV\ WN XZWÅKQMVKa QV [QTMV\ ZMILQVO -[XM- cially helpful is the information revealed through\PM UIVVMZ QV _PQKP XZWÅKQMVKa QV \PM[M JI[QK eye-movement recordings about the many sublim-skills can be evaluated through eye-movement inal factors involved in the process of reading, asrecording. Major topics include: the history of well as the changes produced by today’s web-basedeye-movement recording; exploring eye-move- computer techniques to modify the basic visual/ment recording through the use of the Visagraph functional, perceptual, and information-process-Eye-Movement Recording system; uses of eye ing skills that comprise the silent reading process. In addition, the book will serve as a resource forUW^MUMV\[QV\MZU[WN ZMILQVOIXXZIQ[IT#ÅMTL][M graduate courses that cover what occurs during si-of the Visagraph system by schools, clinics, and lent reading and what outcomes are possible withoptometrists; Visagraph EyeLink comparison in current reading practice programs using web-terms of eye-movement data; and the 2012 Visa- based computer technology. This unique text isgraph Norm Study Report. Reading and tutoring essential reading for all who want to understandcenters will be very interested in both the diag- the role of the eye in silent reading and want tonostic eye-movement recording techniques as well increase their instructional capability as teachersas the web-based practice techniques available and remediation specialists.through computer technology. Reading research-ers will also be intrigued by the comprehensiveCALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
Higher Education A SURVIVAL GUIDE FOR DIVERSITY ISSUES IN AMERICANNEW FACULTY MEMBERS COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES Case Studies for Higher Education Outlining the Keys and Student Affairs Professionals to Success for Promotion By Lamont A. Flowers and Tenure The primary objective of this book is to help higher educa- By Jeffrey P. Bakken \QWVIVL[\]LMV\IٺIQZ[OZIL]I\M[\]LMV\[I[_MTTI[K]ZZMV\ & Cynthia G. Simpson PQOPMZML]KI\QWVIVL[\]LMV\IٺIQZ[XZWNM[[QWVIT[XZIK\QKM IVLZMÅVM\PQVSQVO[SQTT[VMMLML\WZM[WT^MLQ^MZ[Q\aZMTI\ML © 2004 issues and problems on college and university campuses. 252 pp., (7 x 10) This book may be used as a supplementary textbook or a stand-alone text in undergraduate or graduate level cours- paper | $38.95 es, training modules, workshops, and seminars designed to 978-0-398-07451-7 provide opportunities to learn how to communicate with XMZ[WV[ NZWU LQٺMZMV\ K]T\]ZIT JIKSOZW]VL[ 1V ILLQ\QWV ebook | $38.95 the text contains a number of research projects that stu- 978-0-398-08028-0 LMV\[IVLZM[MIZKPMZ[_QTTÅVLQV\MZM[\QVOIVLKPITTMVOQVO including some that may be expanded to serve as disserta- tion projects and/or research publications.© 2011 | 258 pp., (7 x 10), 3 il., 43 tables © 2015 THE UNDECIDED COLLEGE STUDENT 308 pp., (7 x 10) An Academic and paper | $39.95 | 978-0-398-08630-5 4 il. ebook | $39.95 | 978-0-398-08631-2 Career Advising Challenge paper | $44.95The Survival Guide for New Faculty 978-0-398-09067-8 (4th Ed.)Members: Outlining the Keys to Successfor Promotion and Tenure provides new ebook | $44.95 By Virginia N. Gordon & George E. Steelefaculty members with practical, down- 978-0-398-09068-5to-earth wisdom and suggestions for suc- The world of technology is advancing at a rapid pace. Newcessfully working through to tenure and KIZMMZÅMTL[IZMMUMZOQVOVM_QV\MZLQ[KQXTQVIZaUIRWZ[IZMpromotion. The authors—both successful being developed, and new college majors are being formedand experienced administrators and ex- to prepare students for an ever-changing workplace. Thisperts in higher education—have provided revised edition provides extensive and systematic accountsan extremely well-organized and useful of research (old and new), model programs for assisting stu-guide for new faculty members. It focuses dents, and diverse theory for understanding the undecidedon all aspects of becoming a new faculty college student. A comprehensive examination of the un-member including the various expecta- LMKQLMLKWTTMOM[\]LMV\Q[WٺMZMLNZWUIZM^QM_WN \PM^I[\tions in completing a successful journey research to the practical methods for advising and counsel-toward promotion and tenure. The book ing. The book includes many ways in which the Internetunderscores the importance of recogniz- serves as a useful tool for assisting the gathering of resourcesing the three facets of faculty life of teach- for the undecided college student. In addition, theoreticaling, research, and service. It is written in frameworks relevant to undecided students, types of un-a style that readers will be able to easily decided students, administrative models and scopes of ser-comprehend and understand and is sup- vices, program components, and exemplary practices areported with many examples. In addition, discussed. Advisors, counselors, and faculty will garner use-the information can be easily applied to ful theoretical and practical information that can be appliednew faculty at various types of institutions in individual counseling, group settings, and workshops.of higher education.136 | EDUCATION AND SPECIAL EDUCATION CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
DEVIANCE AND CRIME IN COLLEGES DIVERSITY AND AND UNIVERSITIES EDUCATION What Goes on in the Halls of Ivy Teachers, Teaching, and Teacher Education By Mark Hickson, III & Julian B. Roebuck By H. Richard Milner This book provides potential answers to reduce deviant © 2008 | 288 pp., (7 x 10), 4 il, 1 table behavior and crime in colleges and universities. Claiming paper | $45.95 | 978-0-398-07830-0 that the Virginia Tech and Northern Illinois shootings ebook | $45.95 | 978-0-398-08590-2 were aberrations, the authors have nevertheless uncovered Diversity and Education: Teachers, Teaching, and Teacher Education exem-© 2009 WٺMV[M[\PI\XZM[IOMUIRWZKZQUQVITQVKQLMV\[[]KPI[[\]- XTQÅM[ UIVa WN \PM UIRWZ KWVKMX\[ IVL principles of multicultural education,268 pp., (7 x 10) dents’ engaging in cheating, plagiarism, binge drinking, individually and collectively. The goal of the book is to move beyond the surface to5 tables date rape, assault, and harassment. To arrive at solutions, more deeply explore the intersections of diversity, equity and education. Theoret- the authors collaborated to develop an interdisciplinary ical, empirical, and practical discussion IZM QVKT]LML QV \PM Å^M [MK\QWV[ WN \PMebook | $39.95 comprehensive typology of deviant behavior and crime in JWWS\PI\WٺMZ[I_QLMZIVOMWN ^IV\IOM978-0-398-07997-0 academia. Areas of discussion include fraternity and soror- points—race, ethnicity, gender, social ity deviance beyond the usual hazing and binge drinking. class, disciplines, language, and levels of schooling, as well as curriculum, assess- Athletic deviance is a focus, including coaching behavior, ment, learning climate and context, and relationships between teachers and learn- criminal behavior, and cheating. In addition, the authors ers. The book describes in detail the con- temporary perspectives on diversity, lan- concentrate on patterns of deviance and crime that have guage diversity, gender diversity, diversity in higher education, and implications for JMMVWJ[MZ^MLIVLWٺMZ[]OOM[\QWV[ZMUMLQM[IVLLQZMK- teacher education. The book is comple- mented by an overview of each chapter tion for improvement. The authors conclude that this is the and section. Written by some of the lead- ing scholars in education and beyond, this type of book that an academic would rather not write as it book will be a valuable resource for prac- ticing teachers, teacher educators, gradu- clearly reveals that universities are microcosms of society, ate students, undergraduate students, and educational researchers.“ but assert that they should not be. This book provides potential answers to FIND US ONreduce deviant behavior and crime in colleges FACEBOOK”and universities. HIGHER EDUCATION | 137© 2015 ONLINE TEACHING IN EDUCATION,190 pp., (7 x 10) HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Helping Faculty Transition to Onlinepaper | $29.95 Instruction and Providing Tools for978-0-398-08130-0 Attaining Instructional Excellenceebook | $29.95 By Magy Martin & Don Martin978-0-398-08131-7 The critical success of online instructors is their ability to engage students in the learning process. With this exper- \Q[M\PMWVTQVMM`XMZQMVKMQ[M`\ZMUMTaMٺMK\Q^M<PMOWIT of this book is to help faculty understand the processes of teaching online and learning to be student-centered, which IZM \PM ÅZ[\ [\MX[ \W_IZL JMKWUQVO I []KKM[[N]T WVTQVM instructor. An online instructor is required to read every- thing, respond individually to students such as using an introductory discussion board, respond to groups of two or three that have posted information, and respond to the whole class if there are points that students should know. Teaching online can be time-consuming, but will be more MٻKQMV\ _Q\P \PM ][M WN \PM _WZSTWIL [\ZI\MOQM[ IVL \PM hands-on approach the authors have provided. This book will be a valuable resource for instructors who are planning a gradual transition from face-to-face or traditional teach- ing to the online environment.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
LATINO ACCESS TO HIGHER EDUCATION Ethnic Realities and New Directions for the Twenty-First Century By Martin Guevara Urbina & Claudia Rodriguez Wright© 2016 While the black and white racial experience has participating Latino students in theoretical con-282 pp., (7 x 10) been delineated over the years, the ethnic reali- text; (6) vivid documentation of historically en-3 il., 8 tables ties of Latinos have received minimal attention. trenched racial ideologies in American education; Therefore, with Latinos projected as the upcom- (7) exploration of potential solutions to historicalpaper | $43.95 ing U.S. population majority, the central goal of and contemporary barriers confronting Latino978-0-398-09091-3 this book is to document the The text focuses on students; (8) development of a model of empow- (1) ethnic realities including Latino student access erment for Latino students; (9) information for theebook | $43.95 to higher education, retention, graduation rates, establishment of a balanced educational system;978-0-398-09092-0 and career success; (2) analysis of historic trends; (10) accountability of higher education institu- tions; (11) review of revolutionizing education in M`\MV[Q^MZM^QM_WN XZQWZMUXQZQKIT[\]LQM[# the midst of current globalization; and (12) ven- a holistic portrayal of education in the U.S.; (5) turing into the future of Latino education in the a qualitative study conducted in an institution of overall American experience. higher education in Texas, placing the stories of RENTZ’S STUDENT AFFAIRS PRACTICE IN HIGHER EDUCATION (5th Ed.) By Naijian Zhang & Associates© 2016 This new 5th Ed. is designed to equip student tional structure are clearly presented about these640 pp., (7 x 10) functional areas. In addition to the new chapters,6 il., 5 tables IٺIQZ[ XZWNM[[QWVIT[ \W ]VLMZ[\IVL IVL SVW_ the text has also expanded its content to interna- well not only the philosophy, history, mission of tional students, adult students, veteran students,hard | $69.95 [\]LMV\ IٺIQZ[ IVL \PI\ \PMQZ XZIK\QKM Q[ \PMW- and students with disabilities. This edition has978-0-398-09119-4 ry-based and outcome-oriented but also that their been integrated with the most recent literature, professional standards, and critical issues in stu-ebook | $69.95 ZWTM IVL N]VK\QWV IZM QVÆ]MVKML Ja \PM [PQN\[ QV978-0-398-09120-0 philosophy, mission and strategies, theories, and LMV\ IٺIQZ[ \PI\ PI^M WKK]ZZML [QVKM X]JTQKI\QWV nature of American higher education. With most of the previous edition in 2010. This outstanding chapters substantially rewritten, this edition has 5th Ed. is not only inheriting the wisdom of the included three brand new chapters which cover WZQOQVIT KWV\ZQJ]\WZ[ J]\ IT[W ÆW]ZQ[PQVO \PM M[- functional areas of fraternity and sorority life, collegiate recreation, and assessment and student [MVKMWN \PMUQ[[QWVIVL^IT]M[WN [\]LMV\IٺIQZ[ learning. These three chapters are very unique in in American higher education. \PI\[\]LMV\IٺIQZ[UQ[[QWV^IT]M[IVLWZOIVQbI- FOR AUTHORS INTERESTED IN PUBLISHING WITH US, PLEASE SUBMIT A MARKETING QUESTIONNAIRE FORPROMPT CONSIDERATION, LOCATED ON OUR HOMEP- AGE AT WWW.CCTHOMAS.COM.138 | EDUCATION AND SPECIAL EDUCATION CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
Research and StatisticsWRITING A PUBLISHABLE RESEARCH REPORT In Education, Psychology, and Related Disciplines By Ronald P. CarverThis book will help beginning researchers create I^WQLQVO \PM XQ\NITT[ 1V +PIX\MZ ¹-ٺMK\ ;QbMº © 1984a well-written research report. It contains guide- is recommended for inclusion when presenting 156 pp., (8 1/2 x 11)lines for writing each section of the report. Many the results of research investigations. Chapter 6examples of correct approaches to writing are contains special problems involved in writing re- 3il., 7 tablesincluded; many examples of common errors are ports of research investigations. These problemsgiven as well. Manuscripts which are conceptu- are somewhat more complex than the ones pre- spiral | $42.95ally sound and based on carefully conceived de- 978-0-398-04986-7signs are often denied publication because they [MV\MLQV+PIX\MZ5IVaWN \PM[MXZWJTMU[IZMare poorly written. The author conveys to all the illustrated with hypothetical examples and model ebook | $42.95skills and techniques that increase the chances of solutions. Chapters 7, 8, and 9 complete the hand- 978-0-398-08155-3acceptance. He provides suggestions, guidelines book by presenting complete texts in three majorand examples of each part of the research manu- categories of research. These full-length articlesscript. Chapter 1 is an “Introduction” to the text; supplement the preceding guidelines by providingChapter 2 contains a short research report that has examples. Chapter 9, the last chapter, contains abeen created for instructional purposes. Chapter model report for applied research. Although de- KWV\IQV[ []OOM[\QWV[ NWZ XTIVVQVO \PM WZOIVQb- signed expressly for researchers just embarking on their careers, the format and content of this bookQVO[\Z]K\]ZMWN \PMZMXWZ\+PIX\MZWVXQ\NITT[ will also appeal to veteran researchers and to stu-contains errors that commonly appear in research dents.manuscripts; model corrections are also given for BEING BRIGHT IS NOT ENOUGHThe Unwritten Rules of Doctoral Study (3rd Ed.) By Peggy HawleyThis third edition has been well revised and con- to each other, ‘If you have a problem, go see Peggy © 2010tinues with the ideas expressed in the previous two Hawley.’ My distress at seeing bright students drop 174 pp., (7 x 10)editions. The details and reactions in light of expe- out and my interest in social science research com-riences of the intervening years have been updated bined to provide the impetus for writing this book. 5 il., 2 tablesand expanded. This particularly interesting book On a year-long sabbatical leave I interviewed hun-is written from a student advocacy perspective, dreds of doctoral students and dozens of profes- paper | $32.95intended to speak to non-traditional students as sors across the nation. Then as professor emeritus, 978-0-398-07924-6_MTTI[\PW[M\aXQKITWN XI[\OMVMZI\QWV[;XMKQÅK 1 ÅVITTa NW]VL \PM \QUM \W X]\ Ua \PW]OP\[ QV\W ebook | $32.95 words . . . . “ In making the unwritten rules of doc- 978-0-398-07972-7\WXQK[QVKT]LM\"PW_LWK\WZIT[\]LaLQٺMZ[NZWU toral study more explicit, the author has attempt-previous pursuits; (2) choosing a dissertation topic; ML \W JM QV[QOP\N]T ZI\PMZ \PIV [KQMV\QÅK XMZ[WVITaW]ZKPIQZaW]ZKWUUQ\\MMIVLaW]#_ZQ\QVO rather than objective, and practical rather thanthe proposal; (5) the dissertation; (6) defense of the theoretical. This guide will therefore help to pavethesis; and (7) spouses, family and friends. From the way for those recipients who will pursue andthe Preface: “Looking back upon my academic ca- capture academe’s highest award: the terminal de-reer, one of the memories that brings me the mostpleasure are the words students used to pass along OZMMQVIXIZ\QK]TIZÅMTLWN [\]LaCALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • RESEARCH AND STATISTICS | 139
COUNSELING AND PSYCHOLOGY IN THE SCHOOLS INTRODUCTION PRESCRIPTIONS FOR CHILDREN TO HUMAN RELATIONS WITH PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PSYCHIATRIC PROBLEMS STUDIES A Consultant’s Desk Reference Academic Foundations © 2017 By David F. Bogacki, Ralph F. Blanco, and Selected 278 pp., (7 x 10) Michael Roberts, Basant Pradhan, Karim Sedky Social Justice Issues 1 table & Andres Pumariega By George Henderson paper | $42.95 & Wesley C. Long 978-0-398-09182-8 Many have requested an expanded edition to include a greater array of prescriptions for children who are dis- © 2016 | 364 pp., (7 x 10) ebook | $42.95 abled, with a focus on children in preschool and who are 978-0-398-09183-5 developmentally delayed; plus, ideas for professionals in paper | $62.95 | 978-0-398-09121-7 private practice. Hence, this revised fourth edition, Pre- ebook | $62.95 | 978-0-398-09122-4 scriptions for Children with Psychological and Psychiatric Problems, follows almost thirty years after the third edi-<PM [XMKQÅK WJRMK\Q^M[ WN \PQ[ JWWS IZM tion. During this time, considerable changes occurred into prepare students to work for the provi-sion of equal opportunities for minority \PMÅMTL<PMILLQ\QWVWN \PZMMVM_KPIX\MZ[ITWVO_Q\Pgroups and women, develop skills per- inclusion of three new co-authors that are child and ado-taining to leadership, communication, lescent psychiatrists will enhance this new, invaluable edi-group and organizational behaviors by tion. Experienced psychologists know that even the bestthe analysis of behavioral science data,and to function responsibly in situations XZM[KZQX\Q^MQV\MZ^MV\QWV_QTTJMQVMٺMK\Q^MQN \PM\MIKPMZ_PMZM KWVÆQK\ IVL \MV[QWV KITT NWZ KW- parent or primary caregiver dealing with the child whoordination of interpersonal, intergroup is disabled is resistant to changes or too reluctant to helpIVL WZOIVQbI\QWV MٺWZ\[ <PM XZWOZIU[ the child. This book will be welcomed by child and ad-discussed in this book were designed to olescent psychiatrists, pediatricians, child neurologists,provide participants with opportunities and nurse practitioners working with children, along withto gain self-insight, knowledge of moral other handbooks and desk references in the professional’sand ethical codes of behaviors as well asgroup dynamics, communication skills, WٻKM\WLIaand cognitive tools used to diagnoseproblems and select the appropriate ACTIVITIES TO ENHANCE SOCIAL,strategies for change. This book will be EMOTIONAL, ANDa valuable tool for students who are en-ZWTTML QV \PMQZ ÅZ[\ KW]Z[M[ XMZ\IQVQVO \W PROBLEM-SOLVING SKILLSprofessional helpers, teachers, licensed Ninety Activities That Teach Children,therapists, counselors, business manag- Adolescents, and Adults Skills Crucialers, human service practitioners, andcommunity organizers. to Success in Life (3rd Ed.) © 2014 By John M. Malouff & Nicola S. Schutte 290 pp., (8 1/2 x 11) 3 il. <PQ[ ]XLI\ML IVL ZM^Q[ML ZL -L XZW^QLM[ LM[KZQX\QWV[ WN 90 engaging activities that can be used to teach valuable, so- spiral-paper | $46.95 cial, emotional, and problem-solving skills. The game and 978-0-398-08100-3 challenge aspects of the activities engage the trainee in the activity, while the instructional aspects of the book explain ebook | $46.95 to the trainee how and when to apply a skill in everyday life. 978-0-398-08101-0 The book provides background information on the value of the skills taught by the activities, guidance on how to use the IK\Q^Q\QM[\WUI`QU]UMٺMK\IVLM`IUXTM[WN PW_^IZQW][ types of trainees reacted to the activities. The skills taught range from the elementary, such as identifying emotions oth- ers are experiencing, to the sophisticated, such as providing leadership and solving real-life problems.140 | EDUCATION AND SPECIAL EDUCATION CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
COGNITIVE-BEHAVIORAL THEORIES OF COUNSELING Traditional and Nontraditional Approaches By Marty SappThis book emphasizes the current framework and explores multimodal behavior therapy, and © 2004of psychotherapy and psychology-cognitive-be- elaborates on cognitive therapy and the manner 268 pp., (7 x 10)havioral theories. It opens with a discussion of in which it tries to change the way clients pro- cess information, it discusses cognitive-behavior 7 il., 5 tablesX[aKPW\PMZIXa MٻKIKa ZM[MIZKP IVL QV\ZWL]KM[the theory of automaticity. Additional chapters UWLQÅKI\QWV IVL PW_ KTQMV\[ KZMI\M KWOVQ\Q^M paper | $42.95present criteria for critiquing traditional and constructs about their environment. Finally, this 978-0-398-07499-9nontraditional cognitive-behavioral theories of book explores transactional analysis, object rela-counseling, Adlerian therapy, behavior therapies tions theory and self-psychology. This text serves ebook | $42.95and paradigms of Pavlov, Watson, and Skinner. as an excellent compendium of cognitive-behav- 978-0-398-08406-6The text also covers family of sociocognitiveapproaches, rational emotive behavior therapy, QWZIT \PMWZQM[ _Q\PQV \PM ÅMTL[ WN X[aKPW\PMZIXa and psychology.EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION AND PHILOSOPHY CAMPUS CRIMELegal, Social, and Policy Perspectives (3rd Ed.)By Bonnie S. Fisher & John J. Sloan<PQ[ ZL -L ]VLMZ[KWZM[ \PI\ QV\MZM[\ QV \PM TMOIT ries explaining student victimization; how alcohol © 2013social, and policy contexts of campus crime has not use and abuse are correlates to student victimization; 440 pp., (7 x 10)waned. Among the purposes of this new edition is an overview of the literature on the sexual victimiza-the desire to share with readers the advancements tion of college women; and an analysis of the extent, 13 il., 17 tablesthat have occurred in understanding campus crime, nature, and impact of stalking and cyberstalking be-especially the dynamics of college student victim- haviors perpetrated against and by college students. paper | $54.95 978-0-398-08858-3QbI\QWV IVL MٺWZ\[ \W MٺMK\Q^MTa ILLZM[[ KIUX][ <PMNW]ZKPIX\MZ[WN \PMÅVIT[MK\QWVNWK][WV\PM evolution, organization, and practices of campus ebook | $54.95[MK]ZQ\a Q[[]M[ 8ZM[MV\ML QV \PZMM [MK\QWV[ \PM ÅZ[\ law enforcement agencies, the challenges of enforc- 978-0-398-08859-0 ing alcohol laws, and the challenges presented byM`IUQVM[\PMTMOITKWV\M`\WN KZQUMJaWٺMZQVOÅ^M high-tech crimes involving the Internet, informa-chapters whose focus is on the Jeanne Clery Dis- tion systems, and technology. The book’s goal wasclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus to bring together authors who could provide theCrime Statistics Act and its state-level progenies. most current picture and a critical analysis of issuesThe chapters acquaint the reader with the genesis concerning the legal, social, and policy contexts ofand evolution of Clery, the current state of research campus crime and security. The text represents theconcerning public awareness and impact, the results most up-to-date resource for campus adminstrators,and impact of the National Campus Sexual Assault law enforcent and security personnel, criminologists,Policy Study, and national-level comparative analysis counseling professionals, political scientists, sociolo-of state based Clery-style legislation. The six chap- gists, lawyers, and policy advocates.ters of Section II address topics such as victimizationrates of students versus nonstudents; lifestyle theo- FIND US ON FACEBOOK FACEBOOK.COM/CCTPUBLISHERCALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION & PHILOSOPHY | 141
RESTORATIVE JUSTICE ON THE COLLEGE CAMPUS Promoting Student Growth and Responsibility, and Reawakening the Spirit of Campus Community By David R. Karp & Thom Allena© 2004 Restorative community justice is a new response restorative practices: accountability boards, confer-290 pp., (7 x 10) to criminal incidents. It has quickly become an1 il., 9 tables international movement with programs prolifer- MVKQVO IVL ^QK\QU WٺMVLMZ UMLQI\QWVLQITWO]M ating particularly in the United States, Canada, Each chapter that describes a practice is followedpaper | $53.95 Great Britain, Australia, and New Zealand. It has by a case study illustrating how the models have978-0-398-07516-3 become the dominant model guiding juvenile jus- tice practice in the U.S. and is increasingly used JMMV ][ML <PM \PQZL [MK\QWV QLMV\QÅM[ XIZ\QK]TIZebook | $53.95 in K-12 school communities and for adult criminal problem areas from binge drinking to plagiarism to978-0-398-08038-9 sanctioning. Restorative community justice can be date rape, with the authors providing an overview of the nature and prevalence of each problem, and LMÅVMLI[IVIT\MZVI\Q^M\WX]VQ[PUMV\\PI\NWK][M[ IOIQVKI[M[\]LQM[NWTTW_NWZQTT][\ZI\QWV<PMÅVIT WVPWTLQVOWٺMVLMZ[IKKW]V\IJTMJaPI^QVO\PMU section of the book includes an epilogue that spec- (a) accept and acknowledge responsibility, (b) seek ulates on the promise of restorative justice for the to repair the harm they caused to victims and com- current generation of students and their particular munities, and (c) work to reduce the risk of re-of- set of assets and challenges. No other publication fense by building positive social ties to the commu- provides such an up-to-date overview of college student misbehavior. This book will be an excellent VQ\a<PMJWWSPI[NW]Z[MK\QWV[<PMÅZ[\XZW^QLM[ an overview of restorative justice and an evalua- ZM[W]ZKM\W[\]LMV\IٺIQZ[XZWNM[[QWVIT[M[XMKQITTa tion of contemporary practices in student judicial KIUX][ R]LQKQIT WٻKMZ[ IVL WZVJ]L[XMZ[WV[ IVL IٺIQZ[ <PM [MKWVL [MK\QWV QV\ZWL]KM[ \PM UIRWZ may be used along with other training materials for volunteers in restorative programs. VIOLENCE GOES TO COLLEGE The Authoritative Guide to Prevention, Intervention, and Response (3rd Ed.) By Christopher M. Bollinger, Rebecca Flintoft, John Nicoletti, Sally Spencer-Thomas & Mariya Dvoskina© 2018 This updated and expanded new edition contin- how campuses can invest in human infrastructure,378 pp., (7 x 10) ues the theme of the second edition that presents a prevention, policies, safety strategies, intervention,12 il., 5 tables framework by which the reader can gain a broader and deeper understanding of the issues involved IVLZM[XWV[MMٺWZ\[\WUISMKIUX][M[[INMZ8IZ\paper | $52.95 with campus violence incidents. In order to un- III covers the ways in which college violence oc-978-0-398-09255-2 derstand the current state of campus violence, two curs within the context of the law, alcohol, socialebook | $52.95 sources of information must be considered—the media, and speakers, including speech and pro-978-0-398-09226-9 factual and the theoretical. The editors of this \M[\8IZ\1>LQ[K][[M[\PM[XMKQÅK[\ZIQV[WN OMV- book bring together a powerful team of practi- der-based violence, suicide, hate crimes, hateful NEW! tioners and scholars from across multiple disci- violence, cyberbullying, hazing, kinetic insider plines to discuss the critical elements associated with campus violence. With the rise of public pro- ^QWTMVKM IVL UI[[ [PWW\QVO[ 0QOP XZWÅTM KI[M[ test and civil unrest, this book provides a detailed provide many examples of catalyst events that examination of prevention, intervention, and changed the paths for institutions of higher educa- long-term responses to campus violence. Divided tion. This user-friendly resource provides college into four parts, Part I guides the reader in under- personnel, students, and parents with directed, standing violence and how it impacts college cam- well-researched strategies to prepare for the possi- puses. Facts, theories, institutional culture, and bility of tragedy before it strikes. This unique text threats of violence are included. Part II explores will be a valuable tool for college administrators, journalists, psychologists, law enforcement person- nel, and attorneys.142 | EDUCATION AND SPECIAL EDUCATION CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
DISPROPORTIONALITY IN EDUCATION AND SPECIAL EDUCATION A Guide to Creating More Equitable Learning Environments By Amity Lynn Noltemeyer & Caven S. Mcloughlin© 2012 Given the burgeoning number of diverse students plinary actions and juvenile justice decisions based288 pp., (7 x 10) in our nation’s schools, coupled with the potential-l il., 5 tables ly negative outcomes and wasted resources asso- WVM\PVQKQ\aIVLOMVLMZ<PMÅVIT[MK\QWVXZW^QLM[ readers with approaches for addressing dispropor-paper | $41.95 KQI\ML _Q\P \PM UQ[QLMV\QÅKI\QWV WN [\]LMV\[ NWZ tionality and creating more equitable learning978-0-398-08801-9 special education and excessive use of exclusion- environments now and in the future. The text en- courages bidirectional and evolving relationshipsebook | $41.95 IZa LQ[KQXTQVM NWZ [XMKQÅK []JOZW]X[ WN [\]LMV\[ between the topics examined in each chapter with978-0-398-08802-6 it is imperative that educational professionals the historical framework presented. Because of understand and address the implications arising the comprehensive nature of the topics covered from disproportionality for children both with and in the book, it is an ideal “one-stop” reference for without disabilities. This text contributes unique readers aiming to acquire a broad understanding perspectives and up-to-date information, includ- of the key issues related to the topic. The book will ing advances and research that have emerged appeal to a range of potential readers, including since the last of the extant books was published. ]VQ^MZ[Q\a [\]LMV\[ IVL XZIK\Q\QWVMZ[ QV \PM ÅMTL[ 8ZM[MV\ML QV \PZMM [MK\QWV[ \PM ÅZ[\ KWV[QLMZ[ of education, psychology, sociology, gender stud- LQ[XZWXWZ\QWVITQ\a QV [XMKQIT ML]KI\QWV QLMV\QÅKI- ies, ethnic studies, and criminal justice as well as tion, with chapters examining overrepresentation lay-readers interested in issues of equality and/or by ethnicity, gender, and language. The second education. section addresses disproportionality in discipline, [XMKQÅKITTaNWK][QVOWVQVMY]ITQ\QM[QV[KPWWTLQ[KQ- MUSIC EDUCATIONCultural Values, Social Change and Innovation By Robert Walker This is an important work that addresses the com- decades, and the relevance of this development to © 2007 plex issues surrounding musical meaning and expe- music education is explored. Articulating the dif- 340 pp., (7 x 10) ZQMVKMIVL\PM?M[\MZV\ZILQ\QWVITR][\QÅKI\QWVNWZ ference between education and entertainment has including music in education. The chapters in this been central to discussions and debates about the 28 il., 2 tables volume examine the important subjects of tradition, role of music in education since Plato and Aristo- innovation, social change, the music curriculum, \TM ÅZ[\ M`IUQVML \PM XZWJTMU <PM _ZQ\MZ [\ZM[[M[ ebook | $54.95 music in the twentieth century, social strata, culture \PI\U][QKQ[IXZWL]K\WN [XMKQÅKK]T\]ZIT_Ia[WN 978-0-398-08544-5 and music education, psychology, science and music thinking and doing, and its inclusion in education education, including musical values and education. KIV WVTa JM R][\QÅML QV \MZU[ WN \PM QUXWZ\IVKM I Additional topics include the origins of mania, aes- particular culture places on its music as a valued thetics and musical meaning related to concepts that art form. The implications for music education are are well-known to the ancient Greeks and Romans, that those teaching music should focus in the ways which are compared to contemporary life. The rise musicians employ special cultural ways of thinking of studies of musical behavior by social psycholo- in their compositions and performance practices, gists has been an important feature for the last two whatever the genre.“ The rise of studies of musical behavior by social psychologists has been an important feature for the last two decades, and the relevance of this development to”music education is explored.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION & PHILOSOPHY | 143
PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT PROCEDURES FOR STRUCTURING AND SCHEDULING SPORTS TOURNAMENTS Elimination, Consolation, Placement, and Round-Robin Design (3rd Ed.) By Francis M. Rokosz© 2000 The purpose of this newly revised edition is to types of tournaments work, what they can and192 pp., (8 1/2 x 11) teach the reader how to construct and schedule cannot do, how to form them given any set of cir-108 il. a variety of sports tournaments in a variety of cumstances, the advantages and disadvantages of their use, and the calculations that can be made tospiral | $35.95 _Ia[ 1\ IT[W XZM[MV\[ \PM NIK\WZ[ \PI\ QVÆ]MVKM determine the time to complete a tournament. Ac-978-0-398-07050-2 the selection of a particular tournament to sat- ceptance of entries, structuring schedules, methods isfy a particular set of conditions or intentions. of communicating schedules with participants, andebook | $35.95 The text provides a comprehensive yet easily un- the determination of exactly where and when who978-0-398-09044-9 derstandable background to the structural design plays whom are thoroughly presented. The origi- of tournaments, the mathematics that are part of their construction, and the processes involved with VIT KPIX\MZ[ PI^M JMMV [QOVQÅKIV\Ta ZM^Q[ML \W scheduling participants for play within virtually ZMÆMK\ LQٺMZMV\ IVL ]XLI\ML IXXZWIKPM[ \W KWV- all types of elimination, consolation, placement, ducting sports tournaments. This latest edition will and round-robin tournaments. Using a step-by- serve as a comprehensive guide for recreation di- step format, the author explains how the various rectors, coaches, and physical educators. Leisure COMMON TERMINOLOGY, ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS FOR THERAPEUTIC RECREATION AND OTHER ACTIVITY THERAPIES A Glossary and Workbook By David L. Jewell© 2002 This text will be helpful to students in becoming and which will help students not only to recognize160 pp., (7 x 10) KTQVQKITTaKWV^MZ[IV\XZQWZ\W\PMÅMTL_WZSXZIK\Q- the terms in their written form but also to provide cum, or internship experience across the spectrum for their correct pronunciation. The worksheetsebook | $29.95 of clinical areas, including mental retardation/ are designed to assist college faculty and in-service978-0-398-08374-8 developmental disabilities, mental health services, training personnel in their instructional missions. and physical medicine/rehabilitation services. The text will also be useful as an instructional aid <PQ[ ZMY]QZM[ \PI\ \PM [\]LMV\[ LMÅVM \MZU[ IVL abbreviations as well as demonstrate their abili- \W IOMVKa QV[MZ^QKM XMZ[WVVMT QV \PMQZ MٺWZ\[ \W ty to apply the contents of the text in a clinical assist new hires in becoming conversant in the lan- practice context. The text should be a useful re- guage of the work setting, regardless of their pro- source to the emerging professionals in Therapeu- tic Recreation and the other activity therapies as NM[[QWVIT IٻTQI\QWV[ WZ ZWTM[ _Q\PQV \PM \ZMI\UMV\ they progress through the course of their careers setting. It consists of terms, abbreviations, and as caregivers. [aUJWT[ \PI\ PI^M JMMV QLMV\QÅML Ja V]UMZW][ clinical services administrators and practitioners144 | EDUCATION AND SPECIAL EDUCATION CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
SPECIAL EDUCATION ART-CENTERED EDUCATION TRANSITION PLANNING AND THERAPY FOR CHILDREN FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES WITH DISABILITIES What Educators and Service By Frances E. Anderson Providers Can Do This book has been written to help both the regular educa- By Jeffrey P. Bakken & tion, and art and special education teachers, both pre- and Festus E. Obiakor in-service, better understand some of the issues and real-© 1994 ities of providing education and remediation to children284 pp., (6 3/4 x 9 3/4)100 il. _Q\PLQ[IJQTQ\QM[<PMJWWSQ[IT[WWٺMZMLI[IUWLMTWN I concept that has governed the author’s personal and pro-paper | $42.95 fessional career of over thirty years - the concept that we978-0-398-06006-0 must live, learn and develop through art - that art belongs at the core of the public school curriculum. Additional-ebook | $42.95978-0-398-09046-3 Ta \PM I]\PWZ MUXPI[QbM[ \PI\ IZ\ WٺMZ[ WVM WN \PM UW[\ powerful ways to grow and develop socially, physically and emotionally as well as academically. The power to heal, motivate, teach, and empower needs to be realized and utilized. It is hoped that this book demonstrates art pow- er and inspires many art therapists and teachers to try an art-centered approach. ART FOR ALL THE CHILDREN © 2008 | 214 pp., (7 x 10) Approaches to Art Therapy for 4 il., 25 tables Children with Disabilities paper | $35.95 | 978-0-398-07789-1 (2nd Ed.) ebook | $35.95 | 978-0-398-08571-1 By Frances E. Anderson It is essential for school professionals, par- ents, and students to work collaboratively© 1992 ;QVKM\PMÅZ[\MLQ\QWVWN \PQ[JWWS\PMZMPI[JMMVIVMVWZ- and consultively to determine each stu-398 pp., (6 3/4 x 9 3/4) mous shift in attitudes toward children with disabilities and LMV\¼[ N]\]ZM OWIT[ IVL LM^MTWX IV MٺMK-113 il., 19 tables a tremendous explosion of information about children, art, tive plan to meet those goals successively. art therapy, art education and special education. There is This book, therefore, focuses on all aspectspaper | $62.95 a growing acceptance of the use of art to remediate learn- of that transition planning from school to978-0-398-06007-7 ing and social problems, to facilitate growth, development postschool levels. The text provides the and expression in all of us no matter our age or disability. reader with a foundation of transition ser-ebook | $62.95 This 2nd Ed. is for art therapists in training and for in-ser- vices and a historical overview of models978-0-398-09047-0 vice professionals in art therapy, art education and special IVL XZIK\QKM[ IVL WٺMZ[ I KZQ\QKIT TWWS I\ education who have children with disabilities as a part of transition with students from culturally and their case/class load. The book is based on the author’s M\PVQKITTaLQ^MZ[MJIKSOZW]VL[1\WٺMZ[IV three decades of work with children with visual impair- extensive discussion of career development ments, hearing impairments, physical disabilities, mental and the importance of work experiences retardation, learning disabilities and behavior disorders/ and also reviews key social skills and leisure emotional disturbance. A major goal of this edition is to options. This book will be an excellent re- show the many ways that art can be adapted so that ALL source for researchers, scholars, educators, children (with or without disabilities) may have a meaning- and service providers and will serve as ei- ful encounter with art. The book will prepare the reader to ther a required or supplementary text for understand children, their art, their disabilities and how to undergraduate and graduate transition adapt art to meet their needs. courses in special education.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • SPECIAL EDUCATION | 145
SOCIAL PERCEPTIONS OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES IN HISTORY By Herbert C. Covey© 1998 In recent years, there has been an abundance of in our understanding of how disabled people324 pp., (7 x 10) literature written on the subject of people with were viewed prior to modern history; illustrating43 illustrations disabilities. However, there has been a noticeable how art and literature can be used to understand paucity of information available on the histori- how disabled people were perceived in theirebook | $59.95 cal aspects of disabled persons. This book will respective times; and showing how historical978-0-398-08259-8 help to develop a social history on disabilities by factors shape some of our current perceptions providing a multidisciplinary overview of imag- about disability. With the growing interest in es of people with disabilities in Western history; people with disabilities and the recent passage of promoting the exchange of cross-disciplinary in- the American Disability Act, this book will be of formation on disabled people from art, literature, great importance to special educators, historians, students of the humanities, and social scientists. WZQOQVITLI\IIVLPQ[\WZQKIT_WZS[#ÅTTQVO\PMOIX IEP-2005 Writing and Implementing Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) By Edward Burns© 2006 The purpose of this book is to provide guidelines show compliance with IDEA but confuses rather302 pp., (7 x 10) to develop appropriate Individualized Education than addresses educational needs. Every state3 il., 4 tables Programs (IEPs) for children with disabilities is required to develop a model IEP form, and based on the Individuals with Disabilities Edu- the information contained in this book includespaper | $46.95 basic strategies and a basic model IEP form for978-0-398-07625-2 KI\QWV )K\ IUMVLUMV\[ WN 1,-) achieving this task. In the appendices, a sample IEP Form is included and a description of Publicebook | $46.95 WZ 8]JTQK 4I_ <PM[M O]QLMTQVM[ IZM 4I_ Q[OQ^MV<PM[\ZI\MOQM[IVLLQ[K][-978-0-398-08451-6 intended to result in IEPs that are streamlined, sions contained in this book will provide positive focused, and reasonably calculated to provide direction for the educational profession, as well ML]KI\QWVITJMVMÅ\;XMKQÅKITTa\PQ[ _WZS Q[ LQ- as improve the quality of education for students. rected toward developing IEPs that provide ev- ery child with a free and appropriate public ed- ucation, rather than to develop IEPs that merely FOR FAST AND CONVENIENT SERVICE,ORDER YOUR BOOKS DIRECT FROM US AT 800.258.8980 OR ONLINE AT WWW.CCTHOMAS.COM.146 | EDUCATION AND SPECIAL EDUCATION CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
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