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Home Explore November 26-2018_CATALOG-Inside

November 26-2018_CATALOG-Inside

Published by ebooks, 2018-11-26 15:38:55

Description: November 26-2018_CATALOG-Inside


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HOMELAND SECURITY LAW AND POLICY By William C. NicholsonHomeland Security Law and Policy discusses relation- USA Patriot Act, money laundering, and suspiciousships abroad, the mission of federal, state, and lo- IK\Q^Q\aZMXWZ\[NZWUÅVIVKQITQV[\Q\]\QWV[;MK\QWVcal governments here at home, and the best way V explores the challenges for transportation and policy issues, aviation security, the role of technol- ogy and the federalized screening process. Section VI discusses natural di- sasters, weapons of mass destruction, bioterrorismto “provide for the common defense” in a unique © 2005 410 pp., (8 x 10)and incredibly helpful 9 il., 7 tablesway. Presented in eight paper | $65.95This resource will be[MK\QWV[ \PM ÅZ[\ M`IU- 978-0-398-07583-5ines homeland security ebook | $65.95 978-0-398-08011-2“invaluable to all law en-and emergency manage-forcement professionals, in-ment. Section II explores defense, and the “dirty bomb” and its policy im-the local and regionalvestigators, attorneys, andperspectives, homeland plications. Section VII continues with foreignsecurity initiatives andmanagement in metro policy aspects and foreign views, including excerptspolicymakers as well as theareas, and emerges with a from President Bush and Representative Dougstrategy for security. Sec- Bereuter (R-Nevada). <PMÅVIT[MK\QWV\IKSTM[N]\]ZMKPITTMVOM[ZM[\Z]K-general public.tion III presents new part-nerships for homeland”security which covers the government, the privatesector, and higher education. Partnering with the turing management, the need for a change, the fu-Department of Defense is reviewed, including their ture role of the FBI, the executive orders issued inimmediate response to any given disaster. Section response to the 9-11 Commission Report, and theIV covers “civil rights” issues, the government’s de- 9-11 Commission Report Implication Legislation.mands for new and unnecessary powers, anti-ter- Illustrations and photographs are included to fur-rorism investigations, the Fourth Amendment, the ther the understanding of the subject matter.HISPANICS IN THE U.S. CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM Ethnicity, Ideology, and Social Control (2nd Edition) By Martin Guevara UrbinaThis updated and expanded new edition resumes and mass expulsions. The topic of Latinos and the © 2018\PM\PMUMWN \PMÅZ[\MLQ\QWVIVL\PMÅVLQVO[ZM- Fourth Amendment reveals that the constitutional 420 pp., (7 x 10)veal that race, ethnicity, gender, class, and several right of people to be protected against unreason- able searches and seizures has been eviscerated for 1 il., 6 tablesW\PMZ ^IZQIJTM[ KWV\QV]M \W XTIa I [QOVQÅKIV\ IVL Latinos, and particularly for Mexicans. Possibleconsequential role in the legal decision-making remedies to existing shortcomings of the court sys- paper | $42.95process. The book is structured into three sec- tem when processing indigent defendants are pre- 978-0-398-09216-0 sented. Section Three studies the issue of Hispan-\QWV[ MIKP WN  _PQKP KWZZM[XWVL[ \W I LQ‫ٺ‬MZMV\ ics and the penal system. The ethnic realities of ebook | $42.95body of work on Latinos. Section One explores life behind bars, probation and parole, the legacy 978-0-398-09217-7 of capital punishment, and life after prison are dis-\PMPQ[\WZQKITLaVIUQK[IVLQVÆ]MVKMWN M\PVQKQ\a cussed. Section Four addresses the globalization of NEW!in law enforcement, and focuses on how ethnici- Latinos, social control, and the future of Latinos in the U.S. Criminal justice system. Lastly, the race\a QUXIK\[ XWTQKQVO ÅMTL XZIK\QKM[ []KP I[ \ZI‫ٻ‬K and ethnic experience through the lens of science,stops, use of force, and the subsequent actions that law, and the American imagination, are explored,police departments have employed to alleviate concluding with policy recommendations for so-these problems. A detailed examination of critical cial and criminal justice reform, and ultimatelyissues facing Latino defendants seeks to better un-derstand the law enforcement process. The histo- P]UIVQbQVOLQ‫ٺ‬MZMVKM[?ZQ\\MVNWZXZWNM[[QWVIT[ry of immigration laws as it pertains to Mexicans and students of law enforcement, this book willand Latinos explains how Mexicans have been promote the understanding of the historical leg-excluded from the United States through anti-im- acy of brutality, manipulation, oppression, mar- ginalization, prejudice, discrimination, power andUQOZIV\TMOQ[TI\QWV4I\QVWW‫ٻ‬KMZ[U][\KWXM_Q\P control, and white America’s continued fear aboutstructural and political issues, the community, and racial and ethnic, as these practices and experiences withinthe American police system are explored. SectionTwo focuses on the repressive practices againstMexicans that resulted in executions, vigilantism,CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • LAW AND POLITICAL SCIENCE | 47

SECURITY AND PRIVATE INVESTIGATION ENHANCING HUMAN © 2011 PRINCIPLES OF INVESTIGATIVE PERFORMANCE IN 172 pp., (7 x 10) DOCUMENTATION SECURITY OPERATIONS paper | $29.95 Creating a Uniform Style for Generating International and Law 978-0-398-08697-8 Reports and Packaging Information Enforcement Perspectives ebook | $29.95 By Philip Becnel & Scott James Krischke 978-0-398-08698-5 By Paul T. Bartone, Bjorn Helge This is the only book in existence that discusses the pro-Johnsen, Jarle Eid, John M. Violanti KM[[WN LWK]UMV\QVOIVQV^M[\QOI\QWVNZWU[\IZ\\WÅVQ[P It presents just about everything an investigator needs to & Jon Christian Laberg know regarding how to document an investigation. The book also contains an exhaustive appendix that many in-© 2010 | 486 pp., (7 x 10), 23 il, 15 tables ^M[\QOI\WZ[ _QTT ÅVL \W JM ^MZa ][MN]T QVKT]LQVO\" WVM \PI\ TQ[\[P]VLZML[WN IJJZM^QI\QWV[\PI\QV^M[\QOI\WZ[UIaÅVL paper | $69.95 | 978-0-398-07952-9 helpful when taking notes; sample reports that readers may ebook | $69.95 | 978-0-398-08398-4 use as templates for generating their own reports; an al- phabetic stylebook that is based on styles used by the me-In this age of terrorism, world and nation- dia and federal law enforcement agencies that provides aal security as well as policing the streets of quick tool for properly referencing abbreviations, names,our country have become an increasingly capitalization and numerals, among other topics; and sev-important objective. This book brings to- eral sample statements and declarations to show what thesegether international experts on stress, re- documents, when completed, are supposed to look like.siliency and performance. These experts This is an advanced book for people who already have thedraw on the latest research with military necessary skills to do an investigation.and police personnel to provide an inte-grated perspective on the psychological © 2011 ADVANCED PRIVATE INVESTIGATIONpressures involved in this type of work, as 260 pp., (7 x 10) A Manual of Advanced Investigativewell as practical recommendations on how Skills for the Private Investigatorto optimize human performance in secu- paper | $35.95rity operations. This book examines the 978-0-398-08652-7 By William F. Blakeresearch and practical applications to theÅMTL WN  [MK]ZQ\a WXMZI\QWV[ \PI\ XZW^QLM ebook | $35.95 The purpose of this book is to provide a basic understand-new insights into the common stressors 978-0-398-08653-4 ing of some of the more complex matters faced by the pri-and challenges encountered by personnel vate investigator. Real expertise in the advanced level ofand organizations involved in security. It private investigations comes from expanding this basic in-will serve as an outstanding resource for formation into a more comprehensive working knowledgedefense organizations, local, state and fed- of the issues. It is not the purpose of this book to make anMZIT XWTQKM NWZKM[ KWV\ZIK\ [MK]ZQ\a ÅZ U[ individual a highly skilled private investigator in every con-security operations personnel, policymak- ceivable investigative area. Rather the intent is to whet theers, and educators in the military. interest in areas not normally encountered in law enforce- ment or the academic environment. A general minimum48 | CRIMINAL JUSTICE knowledge in these areas will be valuable when it becomes necessary to employ an especially skilled subcontractor to support the primary investigative matter. The authors of this book are a very unique group of professionals. Each author has a minimum of ten years of investigative experi- MVKMIVLUIVaPI^MI\TMI[\\PQZ\aÅ^MaMIZ[WN M`XMZQMVKM The majority of the authors have investigative experience with large law enforcement agencies, in military service or at all levels of government. CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •

© 2011 BASIC PRIVATE INVESTIGATION COURT SECURITY320 pp., (7 x 10) A Guide to Business Organization, A Guide for Post Management, and Basic Investigative 9-11 Environmentspaper | $39.95978-0-398-08642-8 Skills for the Private Investigator By Tony L. Jonesebook | $39.95 By William F. Blake © 2003 | 324 pp., (7 x 10), 72 il.978-0-398-08645-9 paper | $49.95 | 978-0-398-07420-3 Today’s private investigator comes from two primary ebook | $49.95 | 978-0-398-08435-6 sources: (1) law enforcement agencies and (2) from aca- demic environments. To be successful as a profession, these groups must be melded to a common group of val- ues and objectives. The purpose of this book is to provide the private investigator, regardless of experience, with in- formation that will result in business and personal success. This information comes from experienced private inves- tigators and takes a step beyond the traditional “school solution.” These are the skill sets normally considered as general investigative skills which serve as a foundation for more specialized experiences. The authors of this book are a very unique group of professionals. Each author has a minimum of ten years of investigative experience and UIVa PI^M I\ TMI[\ \PQZ\aÅ^M aMIZ[ WN  M`XMZQMVKM <PM majority of the authors have investigative experience with large law enforcement agencies, in military service or at all levels of government.© 2013 A MANUAL OF PRIVATE In recent years, there has been a sharp326 pp., (7 x 10) INVESTIGATION TECHNIQUES rise in acts of violence in the courts. These1 table acts range from minor disturbances and Developing Sophisticated physical assaults to murder and mass de-paper | $39.95 Investigative and Business Skills struction. The potential exists for violence978-0-398-08855-2 to occur in any court system regardless to Meet Modern Challenges of location. Unfortunately, many courtsebook | $39.95 at all levels of the judicial system have978-0-398-08856-9 By William F. Blake been slow or even reluctant to implement adequate security measures. This book is This book will help the private investigator reevaluate busi- designed to prove the folly in such denial. ness opportunities and identify goals for the future. The It provides hard statistics and observa- world of the private investigator is constantly changing tions that highlight this unique visceral due to the introduction of various legal requirements that [MK]ZQ\a MV^QZWVUMV\ <PM \M`\ Q[ [XMKQÅ- have restricted or eliminated some of the methods avail- cally designed to help those charged with able for obtaining information such as the various priva- developing and implementing security cy protection acts. Additionally, most private investigators measures to reevaluate current methods have restricted their business activities to a response mode; for safeguarding the judicial process. The that is, conducting inquiries after an incident has occurred. text serves as a substantial resource in pro- <PMQZ XZM^MV\Q^M [SQTT[ PI^M JMMV QOVWZML \W \PMQZ ÅVIV- viding the most current state-of-the-art cial detriment. As restrictions continue to be placed on information on security operations and private investigative activities, private investigators need technologies in a very clear but in-depth to reevaluate personal skills and discover how these may format. The ultimate goal of this book is relate to expanding their services. Many other topics are to emphasize that court security in today’s also covered such as that of the expert witness. This is not world must be constantly reexamined, ILQ‫ٻ‬K]T\[\I\][\WI\\IQVJ]\ZMY]QZM[]VQY]M[SQTT[M\[IVL revamped, and upgraded to protect hu- experience and can be highly lucrative. This book will be man and physical assets. This unique and of enormous help to private investigators who wish to de- comprehensive text will be invaluable to velop these sophisticated investigative business skills and courthouse administrators, security pro- preventive services in order to meet these challenges for fessionals, law enforcement personnel, surviving and thriving in this modern age industry. judges, lawyers, and college-level students of security.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • SECURITY AND PRIVATE INVESTIGATION | 49

UNDERCOVER DISGUISE © 2007 DOCUMENT SECURITY METHODS FOR 180 pp., (7 x 10) Protecting Physical INVESTIGATORS 8 il., 19 tables and Electronic Content Quick-Change Techniques paper | $37.95for Both Men and Women 978-0-398-07767-9 By Ronald L. MendellBy Arabella Mazzuki, Raymond P. ebook | $37.95 <PQ[ \M`\ QLMV\QÅM[ KWUUWV XQ\NITT[ QV LWK]UMV\ [MK]ZQ\a Siljander & Simon Mitchell 978-0-398-08535-3 and suggests remedies to prevent its occurrence. It strives to alert an audience of managers, security professionals, © 2015 | 226 pp., (7 x 10), 87 il. and workers who come in regular contact with sensitive information. Chapter 1 discusses metadata in documents. paper | $38.95 | 978-0-398-09081-4 Chapter 2 explores Web-facing documents and how search ebook | $38.95 | 978-0-398-09082-1 engines like Google can uncover sensitive data in those<PMZWIL\WUI[\MZWN LQ[O]Q[MQ[ILQ‫ٻ‬- LWK]UMV\[ +PIX\MZ  LQ[K][[M[ PW_ ÅT\MZQVO J][QVM[[cult and exciting one, fraught with equal channels, such as e-mail, instant messaging and FTP trans-parts danger and intrigue, but fortunatelyyou don’t have to go it alone. The book NMZ[Q[NMI[QJTM_Q\PUWLMU\MKPVWTWOa+PIX\MZKW^MZ[you now hold in your hands will serve the theft of digital devices such as personal data assistantsas a roadmap through the disguise ter- (PDAs), laptops, and cellular telephones. In Chapter 5,ZIQV# VW^QKM[ IVL UI[\MZ[ ITQSM _QTT ÅVL the special procedures that must be used when removingin these pages invaluable wisdom, advice sensitive data from computers is discussed along with theand guidance previously unavailable in methods for disposal and reuse procedures. In Chapter 6,such a concise format. Recent years have the discussion turns to the protection of paper and physicalseen unprecedented technology advance- documents and how this should form the core of any doc-ments. However, investigation and intelli- ument security program. Chapter 7 examines the wholeOMVKM IOMVKQM[ [\QTT VMML ÅMTL XMZ[WVVMT# issue of “slack space” on a computer and what security can\PMaVMMLNMM\WV\PMOZW]VL<WJMM‫ٺ‬MK- do to make users aware that computers are the ultimatetive, investigators and clandestine service recording machines. Chapter 8 describes anti-forensicspersons need strong tradecraft skills that and how using these techniques can help to minimize whatinclude the ability to disguise themselves. forensic examination can uncover by preventing the inad-This book presents undercover disguise vertent passing of sensitive data on a data storage device.methods that came into focus in the clan-destine services of World War II, evolved © 2018 HOW TO DO FINANCIALduring the Cold War, and today features 242 pp., (7 x 10) ASSET INVESTIGATIONSmodern innovations. The authors have re- paper | $35.95 A Practical Guide for Privatemoved the mystery and made short work 978-0-398-09201-6 Investigators, Collections Personnel,of carving out a path for anyone looking ebook | $35.95 and Asset Recovery Specialiststo hone their craft in the art of disguise, 978-0-398-09202-3ensuring success for all who are daring (5th Ed.)enough to pursue this road less traveled. NEW! By Ronald L. Mendell50 | CRIMINAL JUSTICE With the blinding speed at which the “Smartphone Age” came upon the investigative profession, asset investigation remains putting together a puzzle from the multiple pieces: public records, online evidence, news accounts, print doc- uments, and human sources. Emphasizing the importance WN X]JTQKZMKWZL[IVL\PMZM[W]ZKM[WN \PM1V\MZVM\\PQ[ÅN\P edition concentrates on research techniques. This new edi- \QWVVW_QVKT]LM[[QOVQÅKIV\NWK][WV\PMMUMZOQVO]VLMZ- OZW]VLMKWVWUaIVL\PM¹[PILW_ºÅVIVKQITLWUIQV<PM text explores the connections between stolen credit card in- formation, the gambling sector, money laundering, and the role a subject may play in a larger criminal enterprise. The book also addresses organized crime’s impact on the Inter- VM\IVLÅVIVKQIT\ZIV[IK\QWV[QVKaJMZ[XIKMI[_MTTI[\PM impact of portable digital devices on civil and criminal in- vestigations and the new challenges for investigators work- ing through the electric labyrinth, including the Deep Web IVL \PM ,IZS ?MJ <PQ[ ÅN\P MLQ\QWV [MMS[ \W XZW^QLM IV essential understanding of the digital forensics and mobile digital technologies as it steers private investigators, collec- tions specialists, judgment professionals, and asset recovery specialists in undertaking legal information collection in a most challenging age. CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •

© 2013 INVESTIGATING THE QUIET THREAT226 pp., (7 x 10) INFORMATION-BASED CRIMES Fighting Industrial1 il., 3 tables A Guide for Investigators on Crimes Against Persons Related to the Theft Espionage in Americaebook | $34.95 or Manipulation of Information Assets (2nd Ed.)978-0-398-08872-9 By Ronald L. Mendell By Ronald L. Mendell This book is about investigating information-based crimes © 2011 | 272 pp., (7 x 10), 4 il., 6 tables QV \PM \_MV\aÅZ[\ KMV\]Za 1VNWZUI\QWVJI[ML KZQUM[ against persons involve the theft, compromise, misuse, or paper | $43.95 | 978-0-398-07963-5 manipulation of personal data or knowledge assets. Such ebook | $43.95 | 978-0-398-07968-0 crimes include identity theft, social engineering, the theft of personal information storage areas or repositories, and the 1V \PM aMIZ[ [QVKM \PM ÅZ[\ MLQ\QWV QVL][- theft of physical information assets such as papers, manu- trial and corporate espionage have not scripts, or rare books. Other assets that can become targets diminished. There has been, however, an QVKT]LMÅVIVKQITLWK]UMV\[IVL\ZIV[IK\QWV[MUIQT[LQI- increase in awareness about the issues. ries, calendars, spreadsheets, and other personal informa- There are more graduate-level programs tion, such as medical records. Investigators will learn from QVJ][QVM[[IVLQV[MK]ZQ\a\PI\IZMW‫ٺ‬MZQVO this text how to evaluate the victimology in a case. The courses and training on intelligence gath- JWWSIT[WW‫ٺ‬MZ[QV^M[\QOI\Q^MKPMKSTQ[\[NWZXZWJQVOQV\WQV- ering in the commercial sector. Training in formation-based crimes against persons. In addition, the \PM XZW\MK\QWV WN  KWVÅLMV\QIT LWK]UMV\[ narrative strives to take a psychological methodology in in- and materials that forms a part of security vestigating these cases. By reading the strategies provided KMZ\QÅKI\QWV XZWOZIU[ PI[ JMMV ]XLI\ML in this book, private investigators and law enforcement will With the large amount of outsourcing in be armed for dealing with today’s “foxes” that threaten our the technological sector overseas, informa- interconnected, global information community. tion transfer and leakage continues to be a serious problem, and as long as corpo- PROBING INTO COLD CASES rations see outsourcing as a way to save A Guide for Investigators money in the short term, dangers will persist. The security community will need By Ronald L. Mendell to continue to pursue this issue politically and socially. Accordingly, the text focuses© 2010 <PM QV^M[\QOI\Q^M M`XMZQMVKM W‫ٺ‬MZ[ UIVa KPITTMVOM[ QV on these issues and gives the reader a real324 pp., (7 x 10) reconstructing past events and in discovering the persons, sense of how industrial spies are persistent5 il., 34 tables entities, and organizations involved in a crime or a civil and clever in circumventing defenses. It wrong. The discussion begins with explaining the nature M`IUQVM[JW\P\PMLMNMV[Q^MIVLW‫ٺ‬MV[Q^Mpaper | $47.95 of cold cases and the major problems associated with \IK\QK[ VMKM[[IZa \W ÅOP\ QVL][\ZQIT M[XQW-978-0-398-07904-8 these investigations. A cold case investigation progresses nage. Living with paradox should be the from the internal (the case’s center), proximal (contact ev- theme for the security professional, and theebook | $47.95 idence), distal (immediate vicinity) to the limbic (the world book draws wisdom from political philos-978-0-398-08556-8 at large) realms of information. The text stresses the im- ophers like Machiavelli to aid in that per- spective. A clear plan of action in dealing XWZ\IVKM WN  OI\PMZQVO JI[QK QLMV\QÅMZ[ IJW]\ \PM ^QK\QU _Q\PQVL][\ZQITM[XQWVIOMQVIÆ]QLUWJQTM suspect, product, or object that constitutes the ‘center’ of information-rich business environment is the case. Fifteen keys exist that act as collection points for W‫ٺ‬MZML<PQ[JWWS_QTT[MZ^MI[I^IT]IJTM evidence, and these keys are discussed, including the role resource to security professionals in law en- they play in the evolution of an investigation. Despite ana- forcement and the business sector. lytical methods, it is necessary to understand when to stop an investigation. The text covers this issue and makes rec- ommendations regarding the writing of reports on a case. The Appendix contains a Master Checklist that provides a wealth of information and expertise. This book will be a valuable resource for police investigators, private investiga- tors, and governmental/regulatory investigators.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • SECURITY AND PRIVATE INVESTIGATION | 51

INTELLIGENCE AND FUNDAMENTALS OFPRIVATE INVESTIGATION CIVIL AND PRIVATE Developing Sophisticated INVESTIGATION Methods for (3rd Ed.) Conducting Inquiries By Raymond P. Siljander By Hank Prunckun & Darin D. Fredrickson © 2013 | 240 pp., (7 x 10) © 2014 <PQ[ZL-LO]QLM[\PMZMILMZ\PZW]OP\PM[MVM_IVLM[- 7 il., 18 tables 314 pp., (7 x 10) sential investigative techniques. From the beginning, the 89 il, 3 tables authors explain the various needs of the investigator and paper | $35.95 | 978-0-398-08888-0 then show how to apply those abilities. These include prob- ebook | $35.95 | 978-0-398-08889-7 paper | $49.95 978-0-398-08755-5 TMU[WT^QVO]VLMZ[\IVLQVOXMWXTMQLMV\QNaQVOLQ‫ٺ‬MZMVKM[While many books have been written applying laws, understanding and implementing successfulabout private investigation, this text is dif- ebook | $49.95 interviewing techniques, and identifying exception rules.ferent in that it does not deal with the sub- 978-0-398-08779-1 Expanded and greatly updated chapters on informationject from traditional perspectives. It exam- technology, modern equipment and methods, optical-re-ines how private investigation has grown, lated visual aids, VIP protection, and managing a detectiveparticularly since 9-11, into an exacting agency are provided. In addition, the text is generouslyand sophisticated occupation. The book illustrated with photos, diagrams, and document exam-looks at the key issues in what it describes ples. The book will serve well as both a learning tool andas private intelligence; that is, intelligence a source of reference. The primary target populations ofactivities practiced by operatives other this book are individuals who desire to become a private in-than law enforcement, national security, vestigator, individuals new to the profession, and those whoor the military. Eleven world experts con- desire to broaden their professional knowledge. Otherstribute chapters addressing key practiceissues concerning the skills, abilities, and _PW _QTT JMVMÅ\ NZWU \PM QVNWZUI\QWV \PM JWWS XZW^QLM[knowledge necessary in the new realm of include insurance professionals, attorneys and paralegals,private intelligence. Written in a clear andconcise style, the text provides a founda- XWTQKMW‫ٻ‬KMZ[IVLW\PMZOW^MZVUMV\QV^M[\QOI\WZ[IVLTI_tion of practical and useful information. and criminal justice students.It will be a most important and unique re-source for undergraduate students in pri- © 2001 PRIVATE INVESTIGATIONvate investigation courses as well as intel- 352 pp., (7 x 10) AND PROCESS SERVINGligence practitioners and general readers 55 il. A Comprehensive Guide for Investigators,interested in self-development study. Process Servers, and Attorneys ebook | $58.95 978-0-398-08069-3 By Raymond P. Siljander This book is intended for those who aspire to become a private investigator and/or process server, and for those already engaged in such occupations who want to expand the breadth and depth of their professional knowledge. It serves as a comprehensive manual of procedures, con- cepts, forms, and technical guidelines presented in plain, clear language yet with substantial depth of technical knowledge. The text also incorporates the physics of optics IVL SQVM\QK[ J]\ QV I [QUXTQÅML [\aTM \PI\ Q[ MI[QTa ]VLMZ- stood. The author provides checklists of equipment busi- ness forms, licensing information, and thorough guidelines WVPW_\W[M\]XIXZQ^I\MQV^M[\QOI\WZ¼[W‫ٻ‬KM1VILLQ\QWV the text is generously illustrated with examples to clarify [XMKQÅKXWQV\[<PQ[JWWSQ[IVM[[MV\QIT\WWTIVLIKWV\QV- ued resource for all private investigators and process serv- MZ[1VILLQ\QWVQ\_QTTJMWN ZMITJMVMÅ\\WI\\WZVMa[IVL \PMQZ[\I‫ٺ‬I[_MTTI[TI_MVNWZKMUMV\W‫ٻ‬KMZ[QV\MZM[\MLQVI transition to private investigation upon retirement.52 | CRIMINAL JUSTICE CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •

© 2000 ART THEFT AND FORGERY INTRODUCTION TO310 pp., (8 1/2 x 11) INVESTIGATION PRIVATE INVESTIGATION52 il. Essential Knowledge and The Complete Field Manual Procedures for the Privatepaper | $58.95978-0-398-07040-3 By Robert E. Spiel, Jr. Investigator (3rd Ed.)ebook | $58.95 The goal of this unique manual is to arm criminal investi-978-0-398-08329-8 OI\WZ[_Q\P\WWT[IVL_MIXWV[\PI\IZM[]Q\IJTMIVLM‫ٺ‬MK\Q^M By Joseph Anthony Travers & against art theft and forgery. The author, with over 25 years’ Joshua M. Travers M`XMZQMVKM QV \PM IZ\ \PMN\ QV^M[\QOI\QWV ÅMTL XZM[MV\[ KWU- prehensive techniques, tips, and ideas to help dimish the level © 2014 | 308 pp., (7 x 10) of frustration experienced by criminal investigators required to handle the growing number and magnitude of art crimes. paper | $48.95 | 978-0-398-08092-1 <PM[\Z]K\]ZMWN \PMUIV]ITQ[[QUXTMIVLLQZMK\<PMÅZ[\ ebook | $48.95 | 978-0-398-08093-8 part guides the reader in the use of the text and introduces the art world environment. The second part discusses the in- Introduction to Private Investigation is designed vestigator’s interaction with the victim, including interview- to provide the essential knowledge and ing, crime scene investigation, and identifying and develop- procedures needed to operate successful- QVO[][XMK\[8IZ\\PZMMLMIT[_Q\PW‫ٺ‬MVLMZ[IVLKW^MZ[[]KP ly as a private investigator. It is both an topics as art theft methods, forgery techniques, methods of instructional textbook for those individu- LQ[\ZQJ]\QWV IVL QV^M[\QOI\Q^M KW]V\MZUMI[]ZM[ <PM ÅVIT als desiring a career as a private investi- section presents a comprehensive review of solutions and re- gator and a resource manual that can be coveries, including chapters on legal weapons, insurance and an invaluable tool for later reference. The rewards, the use of experts, universal and variable contact approach is a direct, concise style, which OZW]X KTI[[QÅKI\QWV[ WJRMK\ J]TTM\QV[ IZ\ KZQUQVIT XPW\W IT- facilitates comprehension by novices as bums, informant development, undercover methods, uniden- well as experienced private investigators, \QÅML^QK\QU[IVLZMKW^MZaIVL[MQb]ZMWN [\WTMVWZNISMIZ\ and makes possible competent and profes- In addition, the book is complemented by an extensive glos- sional performance of all types of private sary and bibliographic resources. This exceptionally unique QV^M[\QOI\QWV <PQ[ ZL -L Q[ IV ]XLI\M manual is intended to function at an intensely practical level of the laws of technological advances and is intended for both study and immediate reference. since 2005 and the addition of Chapter  ¹8ZQ^I\M 1V^M[\QOI\QWV IVL +WUX]\MZ LOCKS, SAFES, AND SECURITY Technology” due to the rapid advances in An International Police Reference \PMÅMTLWN KWUX]\MZ\MKPVWTWOaI[Q\ZM- lates to investigation. This book is intend- (2nd Ed.) ed for both the individual without prior investigative experience and the newly By Marc Weber Tobias licensed private investigator that lacks for- mal education in a private investigations© 2000 This new 2nd Ed., many years in the making, provides the vocational school. It is also written for1440 pp.,(6 3/4 x 9 3/4) reader with the information that is needed to understand those persons possessing a background in2 Volumes both traditional mechanisms as well as the most modern police or law enforcement.569 il. and sophisticated security technology incorporated into locks and how to bypass them. The author presents ex-hard | $219.95 tremely detailed theoretical and practical information in978-0-398-07079-3 order to facilitate a thorough understanding of the complexebook | $186.95 []JRMK\UI\\MZ?PQTM\PMÅZ[\MLQ\QWVKW^MZMLUIVa\WXQK[978-0-398-08330-4 in summary fashion, this revised work examines each facet of the subject in extensive and, when required, intricate de- tail. Law enforcement, forensic examiners, the intelligence community, security management personnel, locksmiths, architects, security specialists, special operations personnel, lawyers, and others need to have this critical information XZM[MV\MLQV\PQ[JWWSQVWZLMZ\WLMITM‫ٺ‬MK\Q^MTa_Q\P\PMQZ missions and be able to assess vulnerability through a solid theoretical understanding of the subjects covered. Infor- mation in this book has been gathered from many sources, including locksmiths, manufacturers, instructors from rec- ognized specialized entry schools, vendors, lock suppliers, designers, engineers, inventors, forensic examiners, and others. The focus of this text is to put all of this information into an understandable and usable format.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • SECURITY AND PRIVATE INVESTIGATION | 53

SOCIOLEGAL ISSUES CHILD ABUSE INVESTIGATIONS From Dispatch to Disposition (3rd Ed.) By Donald A. Hayden© 2017 For investigators, the emphasis of traditional forensics LQ[K][[M[KW]Z\Z]TQVO[IVL[QOVQÅKIV\KI[M[MO+ZI_-368 pp., (7 x 10) (the science of the crime scene) has resulted in the ford v. Washington). This is followed with interview25 il., 6 tables loss of deductive reasoning skills. This book centers methodologies and some leading interview guidelines. on the investigator’s ability to interpret and identify The crime scene is discussed in the next section. Thepaper | $49.95 non-traditional cues and clues, oftentimes seemingly978-0-398-09141-5 “innocent” actions, through the investigator’s deduc- NW]Z\P[MK\QWVZM^QM_[\PMKW]Z\XZWKM[[IVL\PMÅVIT tive reasoning skills. If the investigator can interpret section addresses the impact of long-term exposureebook | $49.95 these items and understand their evidentiary value to child abuse on team members. The book includes978-0-398-09142-2 and how this information becomes evidence of the chapter summaries and numerous actual case exam- crime itself, an investigation is more likely to have a XTM[WN [WUMWN \PMUWZM_MTTSVW_VIVLPQOPXZWÅTM XW[Q\Q^MW]\KWUM;MXIZI\MLQV\WÅ^M[MK\QWV[\PMÅZ[\ investigations. At the end of each chapter is a list of key terms along with critical thinking questions for the [MK\QWVLMÅVM[\PMZWTM[OWIT[IVLW]\KWUM[<PMVM`\ reader to analyze and provide answers to the present- section pertains to the psychological aspects of the ed problems. The book will be an invaluable resource parties involved, including the victim, the suspect, and to law enforcement, child protective services, medical \PMVWVW‫ٺ‬MVLQVOXIZMV\[<PM\PQZL[MK\QWVKWVKMV- personnel, courts, and child advocates. trates on the investigation. This section addresses and CRIMINAL JUSTICE HANDBOOK ON MASCULINITY, MALE AGGRESSION, AND SEXUALITY By Carmen M. Cusack© 2015 Criminal Justice Handbook on Masculinity, Male Aggres- tibility to victimization by peers and adults. Physical272 pp., (7 x 10) sion, and Sexuality discusses masculinity as a social20 il. construct, an ideal, and an impediment for males LQ‫ٺ‬MZMVKM[ JM\_MMV UITM[ IVL NMUITM[ IZM ZMTM^IV\ and females. The book explores how the law equal- to criminal justice processes and includes bone shapepaper | $45.95 izes, protects, bridles, and enforces masculinity while and size, voices, appearance, scent, and genitalia.978-0-398-08146-1 dealing with crime, which often exploits and exag- The male genitalia is thoroughly discussed in the gerates masculinity. Among the topics addressed sections dealing with unlawful penetration, maleebook | $45.95 IZM PQ[\WZQKIT IVL KWV\MUXWZIZa TI_ [KQMV\QÅK ]V-978-0-398-08147-8 derstandings, issues in corrections, military service, _WZSQVOIVQUIT[NWZMV[QK[[M`W‫ٺ‬MVLMZ[NZQ[S[IVL the court system, policing, criminal procedure, searches, penile injuries, prostheses, obscenity and medicine, and treatment. Because masculinity is of- TM_LJMPI^QWZ\ZIV[OMVLMZQ[UIVLP]UIV\ZI‫ٻ‬KS- ten exhibited as a gender role, the book examines ing. Unique features include: male and female per- aggressive behaviors, emotional responses, interper- petrators of domestic violence, illegal immigration, sonal rules, appearances, sexual desires, and other LZ]OIVLITKWPWT\ZI‫ٻ‬KSQVOOIVO[IVLOIVOUMU- aspects of human dynamics that may restrict or en- bers, homosexual victims of hate crimes, and the use hance masculinity. Juveniles are discretely discussed of steroids. In addition, illustrations are included to in subsections concerning masturbation, bullying, risk, sexual assault, pornography, and their suscep- KTIZQNa [XMKQÅK XWQV\[ <PQ[ \M`\ _QTT JM IV M`KMTTMV\ resource for careers in correctional education, juve- nile justice, criminal justice and male aggression, law enforcement, sociology, and psychiatry.54 | CRIMINAL JUSTICE CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •

HAIR AND JUSTICE DISASTER RISK Sociolegal Significance of Hair in REDUCTION IN Criminal Justice, Constitutional Law, INDONESIA and Public Policy Environmental, Social and By Carmen M. Cusack Cultural Aspects© 2015 Hair and Justice discusses criminal acts, deviance, rebel- By Douglas Paton and224 pp., (7 x 10) lion, and power in contexts demonstrating that hair is an Saut Sagala intricate and important issue and piece of evidence inpaper | $35.95 criminal justice, constitutional law, and public policy. The © 2018 | 278 pp., (7 x 10)978-0-398-09095-1 10 il., 24 tables JWWSLMUWV[\ZI\M[\PI\\PM[QOVQÅKIVKMWN PIQZQV[WKQM\aebook | $35.95 paper | $39.95 | 978-0-398-09227-6978-0-398-09096-8 Q[ZMTI\Q^MQVÆ]`IVLKWV[\IV\TaJMQVOLMJI\ML<PM\M`\ ebook | $39.95 | 978-0-398-09228-3 argues that members of a culture and society share per- ceptions about hair that may be misunderstood or judged Indonesia’s history of disasters, and partic- by outsiders and authorities. The book presents dozens of ]TIZTa \PM 1VLQIV 7KMIV <[]VIUQ WN   cases in which eyewitnesses have described perpetrators’ triggered numerous changes not only to In- and defendants’ hair. However, eyewitness testimony is of- donesian disaster management and its asso- ciated legislative frameworks, but also to its \MV ]VZMTQIJTM IVL \PM ^IT]M OQ^MV \W Q\ UIa KWVÆQK\ _Q\P community-based initiatives. The citizens or further shape the extent to which society will tolerate face many challenges from diverse, com- misunderstandings or misperceptions about hair. Major plex and evolving hazards, emanating from sections include: religion; evidence; institutions; head shav- geological, terrestrial, hydro-meteorologi- ing; gangs; animals; authority and power; crimes; Fourth cal hazards, and climate change. This book Amendment; regulation, codes, and licenses; politics; and discusses several ways in which strategies education. This very unique book will be a valuable re- utilizing environmental, livelihood, social, source for students and professionals in sociology, law, law and cultural resources can be used to devel- enforcement, psychology, gang studies, criminal justice, WX M‫ٺ‬MK\Q^M LQ[I[\MZ ZQ[S ZML]K\QWV LM[QOVML criminology, social science, public administration, and re- to sustain social, cultural and economic life lated areas of study. in Indonesia. A key focus is understanding the capabilities, processes and relationships© 2011 CRIME AND ELDER ABUSE of everyday life, and developing them to374 pp., (7 x 10) An Integrated Perspective ensure that disaster reduction strategies can7 il., 18 tables be incorporated into mainstream commu- (3rd Ed.) nity life in urban, rural, and island settings.paper | $48.95 The purpose of this text is to highlight the978-0-398-08640-4 By Brian K. Payne importance of strategies that encompass the local, regional, and national levels of analy-ebook | $48.95 <PM\PQZLMLQ\QWVWN \PQ[]VQY]MJWWSW‫ٺ‬MZ[IKZQUQVWTWOQKIT sis which seeks to ensure all stakeholders play978-0-398-08641-1 foundation from which increased understanding about elder important roles in the development and im- abuse will evolve. The book builds on the previous editions in plementation of disaster risk reduction strat- several ways. New research has been added into each chap- egies. This book will serve as an outstanding ter, with more than one hundred new sources added. The resource for practitioners and academics to \IJTM[ IVL ÅO]ZM[ PI^M JMMV ]XLI\ML _Q\P IXXTQML KZQ\QKIT adopt an integrative approach to develop the thinking questions included to make them more interactive functional beliefs, knowledge, relationships with readers. Chapters 2 through 8 include updated box in- and actions that Indonesia and its citizens serts titled “From the Field,” which include brief overviews need to thrive and prosper in increasingly of elder abuse aspects. A new additional chapter provides hazardous times. much insight into developing response systems. All chapters start with a brief scenario describing an elderly person’s vic- SOCIOLEGAL ISSUES | 55 \QUQbI\QWV M`XMZQMVKM[ IVL KWV[MY]MVKM[ <PM ÅVIT \PZMM KPIX\MZ[ILLZM[[[\ZI\MOQM[NWZXZM^MV\QVOMTLMZIJ][M#[XMKQÅK tips for promoting a collaborative response to the abuse; and recommendations for future research, policy, and programs. Additionally, a new appendix including an exercise to under- stand how older individuals are often trapped in abusive re- TI\QWV[PQX[KWVKT]LM[\PM\M`\<PM\M`\_QTTJMWN [QOVQÅKIV\ QV\MZM[\\W\PMÅMTL[WN KZQUQVWTWOaOMZWV\WTWOaX[aKPWTWOa medicine, sociology, and social work. This most up-to-date MLQ\QWV KWV\QV]M[ \W XZW^QLM \PM UW[\ LMÅVQ\Q^M ZM[W]ZKM WN  elder abuse available.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •

LATINO POLICE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY OFFICERS IN THE DYNAMICS OF UNITED STATES MULTICULTURALISM An Examination of Beyond Post-Racial America Emerging Trends and By Martin Guevara Urbina Issues© 2015 © 2014 1V\PM\_MV\aÅZ[\KMV\]ZaNM_[\]LQM[290 pp., (7 x 10) By Martin Guevara Urbina & 372 pp., (7 x 10) have delineated the U.S. multicultur-4 il., 10 tables Sofía Espinoza Álvarez 16 il., 1 table alism story beyond black and white, to include the truths and realities ofpaper | $43.95 Considering the long-lasting and paper | $59.95 other Americans over time, resulting978-0-398-08144-7 complicated history of U.S. race and 978-0-398-08098-3 in highly skewed academic publica- ethnic relations, the multiple array tions. While the white experienceebook | $43.95 of issues currently confronting both ebook | $59.95 and, to a lesser extent, the black ex-978-0-398-08145-4 ethnic and racial communities, and 978-0-398-08099-0 perience, has been well documented, the shifting trends in the ethnic/ the brown experience, for instance, racial landscape, this book seeks to has been neglected, minimized, or provide a comprehensive account excluded from the pages of history. of the simultaneous interaction of pressing historical and contemporary Twenty-First Century Dynamics of Mul- forces shaping the Latino experience ticulturalism _QTT JM WN  JMVMÅ\ \W XZW- as well as police-minority relations to better understand the current state of NM[[QWVIT[ QV \PM ÅMTL[ WN  [WKQWTWOa policing and gain further insight into history, minority studies, Mexican the future role of Latino police in American (Chicano) studies, ethnic American law enforcement across the (Latino) studies, law, political science, country. The text represents a most and also those concerned with socio- timely and essential tool for all levels legal issues. of policing, law enforcement admin- istrators, criminal justice educators, civic managers, criminologists, so- ciologists, and others vested in police reform.TERRORISM & DISASTER MANAGEMENT THE DISASTER RESILIENCY CHALLENGE Transforming Theory to Action By James Bohland, Jack Harrald & Deborah Brosnan© 2016 Resilience as a concept has become embedded QV\W Å^M [MK\QWV[<PM ÅZ[\ [MK\QWV M`XTWZM[ \PM414 pp., (7 x 10) in public policy discourse within countries across challenges of transformational change. Section82 il., 57 tables the world in a wide range of contexts--planning, II covers the building of hazard resilient com- education, emergency management, and supply munities through technology, microscale disasterpaper | $62.95 chains. The goal of this book is to assist future and local resilience. Section III examines chal-978-0-398-09097-5 community leaders and professionals with the lenges for urban theory when conceptualizing subsystem components and the actions thatebook | $62.95 must be taken to insure community resilience, ÅVIVKQITZM[QTQMVKM;MK\QWV1>M`XTWZM[[PQN\QVO978-0-398-09098-2 and to alert them to the potential pitfalls when from risks to consequences when building resil- adapting their community to the challenges ience to mega-hazards. Section V discusses ob-56 | CRIMINAL JUSTICE that continually change. The development of servations and challenges on building commu- trust among and between diverse members of communities and the political and economic VQ\a ZM[QTQMVKM QV \PM \_MV\aÅZ[\ KMV\]Za  <PQ[ leaders is essential if our views of how to build highly informative and indispensable volume resilience are to change. The book is divided will be meaningful for future community lead- MZ[ KQ\QbMV[ [\ISMPWTLMZ[ OW^MZVUMV\ W‫ٻ‬KQIT[ emergency management, and crisis interveners. CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •

© 2008 THE ELEMENTS OF THE CONSEQUENCES288 pp., (7 x 10) DISASTER PSYCHOLOGY OF DISASTERS16 il., 1 table Managing Psychosocial Trauma — Demographic, Planning,paper | $47.95 An Integrated Approach and Policy Implications978-0-398-07785-3 to Force Protection By Helen James &ebook | $47.95 By James L. Greenstone Douglas Paton978-0-398-08582-7 This book is designed to aid in practical, day-to-day, on-the- © 2016 | 414 pp., (7 x 10), 82 il., 57 tables scene disaster response and crisis intervention by all interven- ers. The elements are the basics of any discipline. Knowledge paper | $62.95 | 978-0-398-09097-5 of them is critical to achieving success. The Elements of Di- ebook | $62.95 | 978-0-398-09098-2 saster Psychology: Managing Psychosocial Trauma focuses on those basics that are needed by crisis and disaster responders This title presents innovative multi-disci- QV\PMÅMTLJaXZW^QLQVOIVQV\MOZI\MLIXXZWIKP\WNWZKMXZW- plinary perspectives on how people and tection and acute care. The presentation is ordered in such a societies respond to, and recover from way as to provide quick and easy access to the information sudden, unexpected crisis events like nat- VMMLML NZWU \PM QVQ\QIT LMXTWaUMV\ \W \PM ÅVIT LMJZQMÅVO ural disasters which impact tragically on The book can be most appropriately used as a supplemental the established patterns and structures of text in related emergency management, crisis intervention their lives. Through detailed empirical and disaster psychology classes, and it will also be appropriate analysis which employs both qualitative NWZÅZ[\IVL[MKWVLZM[XWVLMZ\ZIQVQVO<PMM`XMZQMVKMLLQ- and quantitative research methodologies, [I[\MZQV\MZ^MVMZKIV][M\PQ[JWWSQVLMXMVLMV\TaQV\PMÅMTL \PM \_MV\a\_W KPIX\MZ[ QV \PQ[ ÅVM ^WT- QV\ZIQVQVOIVLQV\PMW‫ٻ‬KM ume explore these critical issues. Chap- ters have a wide global range across both© 2012 MEGA-CRISES democratic and transforming governance388 pp., (8 x 10) Understanding the Prospects, [a[\MU[_PQKP[XW\TQOP\\PMUIVaLQ‫ٺ‬MZMV\19 il., 23 tables _Ia[ QV _PQKP LQ‫ٺ‬MZMV\ XWTQ\QKIT R]ZQ[LQK- Nature, Characteristics, tions respond to the demographic, plan-paper | $59.95 and the Effects of ning and policy implications of the nat-978-0-398-08682-4 Cataclysmic Events ]ZIT LQ[I[\MZ[ I‫ٺ‬MK\QVO \PMQZ KQ\QbMV[ <PM authors collectively provide insights intoebook | $59.95 By Ira Helsloot, Arjen Boin, varying socio-cultural and political disas-978-0-398-08683-1 Brian Jacobs & Louise K. Comfort ter frameworks and provides many inno- vative insights which will be of value to We live in turbulent times with continents and nations disaster policy experts, practitioners in the facing ever-heightening risks such as natural disasters, in- P]UIVQ\IZQIV ÅMTL KQ^QT [WKQM\a IVL OW^- \MV[MIVLXZW\ZIK\MLKWVÆQK\[\MZZWZQ[UKWZXWZI\MKZQ[M[ ernment sectors and researchers engaged cyber threats to infrastructures and mega-events. We are in disaster recovery and reconstruction witnessing the rise of mega-crises and a new class of ad- practice and research. versity with many unknowns. The prospect of mega-cri- [M[XZM[MV\[XZWNM[[QWVIT[IVL[\]LMV\[QV\PMÅMTLWN KZQ[Q[ management with four major tasks. First, they should engage in “deep thinking” about the causes of the in- creasing occurrence of mega-crises. Second, they should identify and work through the dominant trends which complicate contemporary crisis management. Third, they should upgrade institutional crisis management capacity. Fourth, they should improve societal resilience since no institutional complex can mitigate or manage these me- ga-crisis on its own. This comprehensive text will provide practitioners and academics with the results of an across- \PMJWIZLZM[MIZKPM‫ٺ‬WZ\QV\PMXZW[XMK\[VI\]ZMKPIZIK- \MZQ[\QK[IVL\PMM‫ٺ‬MK\[WN UMOIKZQ[M[CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • TERRORISM & DISASTER MANAGEMENT | 57

HUNTING TERRORISTS TACTICAL COUNTERTERRORISM A Look at the The Law Enforcement Manual of Terrorism Prevention Psychopathology of Terror By Dean T. Olson (2nd Ed.) © 2012 8WTQKMW‫ٻ‬KMZ[WV\PMJMI\W‫ٻ‬KMZ[WVXI\ZWTITTKWX[TW- By Joe Navarro 308 pp., (8 1/2 x 11) cal, state, tribal and federal, 750,000 strong-doing what 101 il. © 2013 | 150 pp., (7 x 10) \PMa LW M^MZa LIa IZM \PM ÅZ[\ IVL UW[\ M‫ٺ‬MK\Q^M TQVM WN  hard | $65.95 defense against terrorist acts committed in the Homeland. paper | $27.95 | 978-0-398-08898-9 978-0-398-08721-0 This manual is designed to overcome the failure of our na- ebook | $27.95 | 978-0-398-08899-6 tional counter-terrorist strategy to better utilize local cops ebook | $65.95 in homeland security by providing essential and practical)T\PW]OP\MZZWZQ[UQ[I[WTLI[KWVÆQK\Q\ZM- 978-0-398-08723-4 SVW_TMLOM TWKIT W‫ٻ‬KMZ[ KIV ][M \W QLMV\QNa \MZZWZQ[\ XZM-mains a misunderstood novelty to many lawMVNWZKMUMV\ W‫ٻ‬KMZ[ QV \PM =VQ\ML ;\I\M[ K]Z[WZIK\Q^Q\QM[IVLUWZMM‫ٺ‬MK\Q^MTaQV\MZLQK\IVLXZM^MV\The author is one of the few American in- terrorist attacks from occurring. The goal is to acquaint of-vestigators equipped to provide an in-depthIVITa[Q[ WN  \PM \WXQK 0M [XMV\ \_MV\aÅ^M ÅKMZ[_Q\PXZWIK\Q^M¹ÅZ[\XZM^MV\MZºSVW_TMLOMIVL\IK\QK[years working and later instructing in the so they can make police counterterrorism an integral partarea of counterintelligence and counter-terrorism, and he translates this experience WN  \PMQZ L]\QM[ 6]UMZW][ KI[M [\]LQM[ ÆM[P W]\ KWVKMX\[into an important guide. Readers of this such as terrorism, homeland security, terrorist threats posedbook are taken on a journey through the Ja LQ‫ٺ‬MZMV\ \MZZWZ OZW]X[ XWTQKM KW]V\MZ\MZZWZQ[U QV\MTTQ-investigative process, and they will come gence, lone wolf terrorism, behavioral indicators of Isla-away with both a better understanding of mist radicalization, terrorist tradecraft, terrorism indicatorsterrorism and material to enhance their in- and warning signs, the terrorist attack cycle, terrorist attackvestigative skills. The material in this book tactics such as sniping, weapons of mass destruction, arson,is presented exactly as it has been taught improvised explosive devices (IEDs), suicide bombing tac-to FBI Special Agents as well as members tics and surveillance detection techniques. This manual isof the Intelligence Community. In this 2nd an excellent source of basic to intermediate training for in-Ed., there is a new section on “Interview- telligence analysts, members of Joint Terrorism Task Forc-ing Terrorists”, where the author discusseshow to do a proper interview based on the M[KZQUQVITQV\MTTQOMVKMQV^M[\QOI\WZ[IVLITTXWTQKMW‫ٻ‬KMZ[SMaLQ‫ٺ‬MZMVKM[JM\_MMVI\MZZWZQ[\WZMVMUacombatant and a mere criminal. This is the © 2009 PERFECT ENEMYÅZ[\\QUM\PM[MSMa\MKPVQY]M[PI^MJMMVZM- 484 pp., (8 x 10) The Law Enforcement Manualvealed. This book instructs the reader how 15 il, 1 table\W LW \PQ[ QV \PM UW[\ M‫ٺ‬MK\Q^M UIVVMZ 1\ of Islamist Terrorismwill also be of interest to students, law en- ebook | $79.95forcement professionals and those charged 978-0-398-08559-9 By Dean T. Olsonwith homeland security and counterterror-ism. On September 11, 2001, America’s 700,000 law enforce- UMV\ W‫ٻ‬KMZ[ _MZM NWZKMN]TTa QV\ZWL]KML \W I VM_ MZI QV58 | CRIMINAL JUSTICE policing after Islamist terrorists perpetrated the most sav- IOM IVL PWZZQÅK \MZZWZQ[\ ^QWTMVKM M^MZ WV )UMZQKIV [WQT In spite of the post 9/11 proliferation of information IJW]\ 1[TIUQ[\ \MZZWZQ[U UIVa TI_ MVNWZKMUMV\ W‫ٻ‬KMZ[ remain uninformed about the nature, scope, and reality of this threat. Even the FBI (America’s lead law enforcement agency in the struggle against Islamist terrorism) fails to arm its agents with accurate and comprehensive informa- tion to understand this patient, merciless, and fanatical foe. This manual was prepared to address this knowledge void by explaining the underlying politico-religious motivations that drives Islamist terrorism. It contains chapters that ex- plain Islamist terrorism and describe the history of Islam and the Prophet Muhammad. A summary of comprehen- sive information detailing the Islamist groups active within America and the dangers they pose to Homeland Security is provided. Perfect Enemy provides unbiased and accurate QVNWZUI\QWV\WIKY]IQV\W]ZTI_MVNWZKMUMV\W‫ٻ‬KMZ[IVL 0WUMTIVL;MK]ZQ\aW‫ٻ‬KQIT[_Q\P\PM1[TIUQ[\UQVL[M\IVL \PZMI\3VW_QVOW]ZIL^MZ[IZQM[Q[IN]VLIUMV\ITÅZ[\[\MX in defeating their violent intentions and ensuring our sur- vival, peace, and safety. CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •

© 2017 DISASTER RESILIENCE DISASTER RISK438 pp., (7 x 10) An Integrated Approach REDUCTION IN32 il., 19 tables (2nd Ed.) INDONESIApaper | $59.95 Environmental, Social and978-0-398-09169-9 By Douglas Paton &ebook | $59.95 David Johnston Cultural Aspects978-0-398-09170-5 -^MV\[[]KPI[\PM1VLQIV7KMIV<[]VIUQ0]ZZQKIVM By Douglas Paton & Katrina in 2005 and the Japanese earthquakes and tsunamis Saut Sagala in 2011 have provided unfortunate reminders of the sus- ceptibility of many communities to devastating losses from © 2018 | 278 pp., (7 x 10), 10 il., 24 tables natural hazards. These events provided graphic illustrations of how extreme hazard events adversely impact on people, paper | $39.95 | 978-0-398-09227-6 I‫ٺ‬MK\KWUU]VQ\QM[IVLLQ[Z]X\\PMKWUU]VQ\aIVL[WKQM\IT ebook | $39.95 | 978-0-398-09228-3 mechanisms that serve to organize and sustain community capacities and functions, However, there is much that com- Indonesia’s history of disasters, and partic- munities can do to mitigate their risk and manage disaster ]TIZTa \PM 1VLQIV 7KMIV <[]VIUQ WN   consequences. The construct that epitomizes how this is done triggered numerous changes not only to In- is resilience. The contents of this volume provide valuable donesian disaster management and its asso- insights into how societal resilience can be developed and sus- ciated legislative frameworks, but also to its tained. This exceptional book brings together contributions community-based initiatives. The citizens from international experts in core areas and includes chap- face many challenges from diverse, complex ters that provide and overarching framework within which and evolving hazards, emanating from geo- the need for interrelationships between levels to be developed logical, terrestrial, hydro-meteorological haz- is discussed. The book will be an outstanding resource for ards, and climate change. This book discusses those researching or teaching courses in emergency manage- several ways in which strategies utilizing en- ment, disaster management, community development, envi- vironmental, livelihood, social, and cultural ronmental planning and urban development. In addition, it ZM[W]ZKM[ KIV JM ][ML \W LM^MTWX M‫ٺ‬MK\Q^M will serve law enforcement and emergency agencies, welfare disaster risk reduction designed to sustain so- agencies, and professionals in applied psychology. cial, cultural and economic life in Indonesia. A key focus is understanding the capabilities,© 2013 PREPARING FOR DISASTER processes and relationships of everyday life,258 pp., (7 x 10) Building Household and and developing them to ensure that disaster17 il., 4 tables Community Capacity reduction strategies can be incorporated into mainstream community life in urban, rural,paper | $34.95 By Douglas Paton & and island settings. The purpose of this text978-0-398-08896-5 John McClure is to highlight the importance of strategies that encompass the local, regional, and na-ebook | $34.95 Despite the evident advantages that being prepared for tional levels of analysis which seeks to ensure978-0-398-08897-2 natural life-threatening events confers on people and com- all stakeholders play important roles in the munities, research has consistently found that individual, development and implementation of disaster community, and business preparedness levels are low. This risk reduction strategies. This book will serve JWWSM`IUQVM[_Pa\PQ[Q[[WIVLQLMV\QÅM[_PI\KIVJMLWVM as an outstanding resource for practitioners to expedite the development of sustained preparedness, at and academics to adopt an integrative ap- household, community, and societal levels. The text empha- proach to develop the functional beliefs, sizes the need for this aspect of social risk management to be knowledge, relationships and actions that based on engagement principles: how people engage with Indonesia and its citizens need to thrive and their natural environment, how they engage with each other, prosper in increasingly hazardous times. and how people and agencies and businesses engage with each other. This unique text will provide practitioners and academics with a comprehensive account of what can cur- rently be done to increase the capacity of people, communi- ties, societies, and businesses to anticipate what hazard con- sequences they may have to contend with, cope with, adapt to, and recover from, and also to learn from experiences in ways that contribute to the development of future societal resilience and adaptive capacity.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • TERRORISM & DISASTER MANAGEMENT | 59

WORKING IN HIGH RISK © 2012 WILDFIRE AND COMMUNITY ENVIRONMENTS 366 pp., (7 x 10) Facilitating Preparedness 38 il. (4 in Color) and Resilience Developing Sustained 29 tables Resilience By Douglas Paton & Fantina Tedim ebook | $49.95 By Douglas Paton & 978-0-398-08844-6 ?QTLÅZM[ ZMXZM[MV\ I OZW_QVO \PZMI\ \W MV^QZWVUMV\[ \W John M. Violanti people, communities, and to societies worldwide, particu- larly in the United States, Southern Europe, and Australia. © 2011 | 204 pp., (7 x 10), 8 il., 1 table Recognition of this growing risk has highlighted a need to develop people’s capacity to adapt to annually occur- paper | $34.95 | 978-0-398-08693-0 ring events that could increase in frequency and severity ebook | $34.95 | 978-0-398-08694-7 over the coming years and decades. The goal of ensuring sustained levels of protective measures in communitiesThe impact of events such as the 9/11 ter- [][KMX\QJTM\W_QTLÅZMPIbIZLKWV[MY]MVKM[PI[XZW^ML\Wrorist attacks and Hurricane Katrina were be elusive. This book examines why this is so and iden-felt across the spectrum of organizations. \QÅM[ _Ia[ QV _PQKP [][\IQVML TM^MT[ WN  XZMXIZMLVM[[ KIVSuch events provide vivid illustrations of JMNIKQTQ\I\ML5IRWZ\WXQK[QVKT]LM\"_QTLÅZMXZMXIZMLVM[[the exceptional circumstances that emer- and resiliency in community contexts; socially disastrousgency and protective service agencies and TIVL[KIXMÅZM[QV[W]\PMI[\MZV)][\ZITQI#TIVL[KIXM\aXWT-businesses alike can encounter. The goal of WOaWN ZM[QLMV\QIT_QTLÅZMZQ[S#XZWIK\Q^MP]UIVZM[XWV[Mthis book is to broaden the perspectives on \W _QTLÅZM[ W]\JZMIS# NWZM[\ ÅZM[ QV _QTLTIVL]ZJIV QV\MZ-the populations that need to be included NIKM_QTLÅZMZQ[SUIVIOMUMV\#¹[\IaWZOWºXWTQKaQV\PMwhen thinking about high risk groups and TQVMWN ÅZM#[WKQITLQUMV[QWV[WN NWZM[\ÅZM#\PMQVÆ]MVKMWN from whom insights into resilience and how community diversity; evaluating a community engagementit is enacted can be sought. Chapter 1 dis- QVQ\QI\Q^M#ZM[XWV[M\WÅZM\PZMI\[#[WKQITUMLQIIVLZM[QTQMV-cusses high risk environments, sustained re- cy; and building on lessons learned. Additional informa-silience and stress risk management. Chap- \QWVQVKT]LM[\PMTIVL[KIXMÅZM[QV[W]\PMI[\MZV)][\ZITQI\MZ  M`XTWZM[ NIUQTa ÅZ[\ ZM[XWVLMZ[ IVL _QTLÅZMZQ[SUIVIOMUMV\QV8WZ\]OIT#ÅZMXZMXIZMLVM[[QVmothers of special needs children. Chapter Greece, Cyprus, and the Pine Barrens in the northeastern M`IUQVM[ \PM ZM[QTQMVKM WN  )V\IZK\QK M`- United States.peditioners, relationship dynamics, socialsupport, and organizational climate. Chap- MANAGING CRISES\MZ  KW^MZ[ J][QVM[[ ZM[QTQMVKM 1V +PIX- Threats, Dilemmas,\MZ  [KQMV\QÅK IL^QKM NWZ KZQ\QKIT LMKQ[QWVmaking, natural hazards and emergency Opportunitiesmanagement, uncertainty, team decisionmaking, advice taking, and shared mental By Uriel Rosenthal, R. Arjen Boin,models is presented. Chapter 6 covers COP & Louise K. ComfortShot, and the seeds of resiliency. Chapter 7LMÅVM[ ZM[QTQMVKa QV PQOP ZQ[S OZW]X[ <PM © 2011 In this book, the editors, with 25 notable contributors,Johns Hopkins Perspective is explored, 366 pp., (8 x 10) expand the knowledge of crisis management, focusing onfocusing on the results and methods of 4 il., 9 tablesstructural modeling. Chapter 8 describes KI[M [\]LQM[ WN  PQOPXZWÅTM M^MV\[ \PI\ PI^M WKK]ZZML QVthe psychological stress factors in modern paper | $64.95 recent history. The “case bank,” which comprises the bulkmilitary operations. Chapter 9 pursues the 978-0-398-07224-7 of the book, is presented in four additional sections. Theecological theory of resilience and adaptivecapacity in emergency services. Ultimately, ebook | $64.95 ÅZ[\ LMIT[ _Q\P \PM LM^MTWXUMV\ WN  KZQ[M[ IVL KWUXIZM[the book meets a need on how to respond 978-0-398-08304-5 the infamous Watts riots with the 1992 L.A. riots. The sec-M‫ٺ‬MK\Q^MTa QV I PQOP ZQ[S MV^QZWVUMV\ IVL ond section explores the many decisional dilemmas thatchallenging circumstances. con-front crisis managers. The third section explores the long-term dimensions of crises and crisis management and60 | CRIMINAL JUSTICE particularly the development of national traumas such as the assassination of Sweden’s Prime Minister Olaf Palme in 1986, the 1992 Amsterdam air crash, and the TWA ÆQOP\ LQ[I[\MZQV!!<PMÅVIT[MK\QWV[PQN\[NWK][\W future scenarios such as speculative information technolo- gy disasters, potentially devastating viral epidemics, dete- riorating environmental and societal conditions in Russia, the southwest U.S. coming water shortage, and the outlook for Japan, one of the world’s most disaster-prone countries. CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •

© 2010 THE PATRIOT ACT EMERGENCY284 pp., (7 x 10) Issues and Controversies MANAGEMENT2 tables AND SUSTAINABILITY By Cary Stacy Smith & Defining a Professionpaper | $42.95 Li-Ching Hung978-0-398-07913-0 By Robert O. Schneider The book focuses on the aspects that have made the Pa-ebook | $42.95 triot Act (PA) a topic of great concern, especially since the © 2013 | 204 pp., (7 x 10)978-0-398-08563-6 Patriot Act has lost much of its “power” due to judicial 1 il., 2 tables intervention. The life or death of the Act depends upon the behavior of terrorists. The more time that elapses be- paper | $34.95 | 978-0-398-08763-0 tween 9/11 and any new predatory attack will likely mean ebook | $34.95 | 978-0-398-08764-7 that the Act will continue to be “defanged and declawed” until it is completely acceptable by all civil liberties groups. Unequivocally, the Act will lose most of its punch and it de- pends upon which side of the aisle one agrees with whether \PI\Q[OWWLWZVW\<PMÅVITXWZ\QWVWN \PM\M`\W‫ٺ‬MZ[I discussion on strengthening the criminal laws against ter- rorism; improving intelligence; reviewing the Department of Justice; authorization of funds for DEA police training in South and Central Asia; grant programs for state and lo- cal domestic preparedness support; amendments concern- ing the Bill of Rights and the law; and the multicultural issues that targets immigration. The book will appeal to undergraduate and/or graduate students in criminal jus- tice, criminology, and law school.© 1996 DISASTER MANAGEMENT IN THE Emergency managers are faced with nat-422 pp., (7 x 10 U.S. AND CANADA ural and human-made problems that are2 il., 15 tables constantly evolving and changing the The Politics, Policymaking, footprints of disaster. The complexity ofebook | $65.95 Administration and Analysis of these problems is more than matched by978-0-398-09033-3 the complexity of the physical and social Emergency Management systems that emergency managers are M`XMK\ML\W]VLMZ[\IVLI[\PMaW‫ٺ‬MZ[WT]- (2nd Ed.) tions for the recurring disaster problems that are presented to them in the normal By Richard T. Sylves & William L. Waugh, Jr. course of their work. The technical skills and capacities that emergency managers Emergency management has become a vital profession, better have developed over time as they have able to meet ever-increasing public demands, better able to plied their trade are impressive and in- advance post-disaster cost recovery and relief, and better able to put communities back together after a disaster. This book KZMI[QVOTa M‫ٺ‬MK\Q^M IVL PI^M VM^MZ JMMV is designed and intended to help the reader, whether familiar more important. But they are not nearly WZ]VNIUQTQIZ_Q\P\PMÅMTLJM\\MZ]VLMZ[\IVL\PMP]UIVQU- enough to keep pace with or manage haz- pacts that emergencies have on us all. It examines laws, poli- ard risks and disasters. Something else is cies, regulations, and arrangements of the intergovernmental needed. The purpose of this book is to world of disaster management. The book is intended as a text LMÅVM MUMZOMVKa UIVIOMUMV\ I[ I XZW- for graduate and undergraduate courses that address disaster fession, something that has been discussed policy and emergency management, whether in public admin- much in recent years but not brought to istration, political science, intergovernmental relations, disaster a satisfactory completion. The linkage of sociology, organizational studies, or urban studies. It will also emergency management to sustainability, JMWN JMVMÅ\\WIVaWVMQV\PM^I[\KWUU]VQ\aWN MUMZOMVKa management, whether working at the local, state, provincial, QM \PM LMÅVQVO WN  Q\ I[ I [][\IQVIJQTQ\a or federal level. profession, is presented as the necessary linkage that (potentially) orients all of the professional skill development and the work of the “trade” and transforms it into a profession.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • TERRORISM & DISASTER MANAGEMENT | 61

DOMESTIC TERRORISM AND INCIDENT MANAGEMENT Issues and Tactics. By Miki Vohryzek-Bolden, Gayle Olson-Raymer, & Jeffrey O. Whamond© 2001 After reading this text, the reader will have a fuller Za<PMJWWSQ[LQ^QLMLQV\W\PZMMXIZ\[<PMÅZ[\314 pp., (7 x 10) understanding of the nature of domestic terrorism and a clearer understanding of the basics. These XIZ\ LMIT[ _Q\P LMÅVQ\QWVIT XZWJTMU[ I[[WKQI\MLpaper | $52.95 basics include a review of the complex history that with policymaker’s and law enforcement’s han-978-0-398-07226-1 [XIV[\PW][IVL[WN aMIZ[IVM`XTIVI\QWVWN LMÅ- dling of terrorism. Part Two addresses the Ameri- nitions, a review of contemporary domestic ter- can Hate Movement and patriot-militia activities.ebook | $52.95 rorism, and the examination of intelligence gath- It also discusses the emergence of special-interest978-0-398-08308-3 ering, threat analysis, and emergency responses to extremist and terrorism groups that advocate vio- terrorism-incident management. It focuses almost lence based on an ideology or belief, which may exclusively on right-wing domestic terrorism be- include the desire for political and social change. cause of its strong presence in the last twenty years 8IZ\ <PZMM NWK][M[ WV M‫ٺ‬MK\Q^M KZQUQVIT QV\MTTQ- and the projection of experts that right-wing ter- gence-gathering techniques and the implementa- ZWZQ[U_QTTXZM^IQT_MTTQV\W\PM\_MV\aÅZ[\KMV\]- tion of terrorism-incident management strategies. TRAFFIC FORENSIC ALCOHOL TEST EVIDENCE (FATE) A Handbook for Law Enforcement and Accident Investigation By John Brick© 2017 Everyday problems associated with the conse- quantitative expression of blood alcohol. Chap-368 pp., (7 x 10) quences of alcohol use disorders require answers,16 il., 32 tables and it is for this reason Forensic Alcohol Test Ev- \MZM`IUQVM[ITKWPWTXPIZUIKWSQVM\QK[ITKWPWT idence (FATE) was written. Forensic alcohol test pharmacodynamics site of alcohol action, andpaper | $59.95 evidence focuses on the evaluation, interpreta- basic neurophysiology. Neuropharmacology of978-0-398-09113-2 \QWV IVL IXXTQKI\QWV WN  \PM M‫ٺ‬MK\[ WN  ITKWPWT WZ ITKWPWT QV\W`QKI\QWV Q[ IT[W LQ[K][[ML +PIX\MZ ebook | $59.95 an alcohol test result to some legal issue such as covers laboratory and clinical-based tests of im-978-0-398-09114-9 a crime, accident or consequence of alcohol ex- pairment. In Chapter 5, DWI high-risk behaviors posure. In FATE, many of the issues pertinent to IVLQVR]ZQM[IZMLQ[K][[ML+PIX\MZLMÅVM[ITKW- a thorough forensic evaluation and trial testimony hol and the law, while Chapter 7 covers the DWI are discussed, but most importantly is the focus on investigation and arrest, elements of the report, consistent, unbiased, and comprehensive applica- outside vehicle test, and blood samples. Chapters 8 and 9 describes alcohol-drug interactions, medi- \QWV WN  LQ^MZ[M [KQMV\QÅK LQ[KQXTQVM[ IVL ZM[MIZKP cal consequences and toxicological considerations. to questions of forensic interest. This requires Chapters 10 and 11 pursue alcohol use, tolerance, evaluating behavioral, analytical, physiological, dependence, and the need for standardization and pharmacological and toxicological evidence in estimating blood alcohol levels. The remaining the puzzle; determining if the pieces go togeth- two chapters cover accident reconstruction and er; and reaching a conclusion to a reasonable neuropsychology. This book will be an essential LMOZMM WN  [KQMV\QÅK KMZ\IQV\a +PIX\MZ  LQ[K][[- tool and valuable resource for all law enforcement es what is forensic alcohol test evidence and why it is studied. Chapter 2 explores forensic alcohol W‫ٻ‬KMZ[ IVL QV^M[\QOI\WZ[ NWZMV[QK M`IUQVMZ[ IVL evidence and what are the types of alcohol and other professionals in the evaluation and interpre- tation of alcohol evidence in crimes and accidents.62 | CRIMINAL JUSTICE CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •

FORENSIC ENGINEERING RECON- THE COMPLETE BOOK ON STRUCTION OF ACCIDENTS SPEED ENFORCEMENT (2nd Ed.) A Practical Guide to Under- By John Fiske Brown, Kenneth S. Obenski, standing Speed Enforce- & Thomas R. Osborn ment Concepts and Devices© 2003 This book is not an advanced engineering text. Rather,286 pp., (7 x 10) Q\ Q[ I XZIK\QKIT XZM[MV\I\QWV _Q\P \ZI‫ٻ‬K IKKQLMV\ ZMKWV- By Kevin M. Morrison56 il., 12 tables struction principles presented in a simple, understand- able manner so that the reader will easily retain these © 2012 | 182 pp., (7 x 10)paper | $42.95 important concepts. The engineering principles involved 24 il., 8 tables978-0-398-07341-1 are introduced at the elementary level, and in many cas- es equations used in freshman physics are derived. The paper | $29.95 | 978-0-398-08733-3ebook | $42.95 authors believe that the derivations are presented in the ebook | $29.95 | 978-0-398-08734-0978-0-398-08416-5 simplest manner possible so that the reader will retain this The goal of this unique book is to give the UI\MZQIT <PM JWWS Q[ \PM ZM[]T\ WN  IV M‫ٺ‬WZ\ \W KWUXQTM reader a thorough understanding of speed over a period of years useful forensic engineering data, enforcement concepts along with the de- information, and analytical techniques over and above vices that measure speed and, by means those taught to non-engineers. Many of the mathematical of interesting applications, to prepare them for their implementation in their \ZMI\UMV\[ IZM WZQOQVIT 1V OMVMZIT \PM JWWS ZMÆMK\[ \PM professional careers. The text starts with authors’ combined over forty years experience of forensic a basis for the concept of speed in scien- QV^M[\QOI\QWV[QV^WT^QVO\PW][IVL[WN KI[M[1\W‫ٺ‬MZ[[WUM- \QÅK \MZU[ IVL M`XTWZM[ \PM KWVKMX\[ WN  thing for everyone interested in forensic engineering. For speed as they relate to energy and work. the non-technical reader, most of the book is eminently The book also investigates both the nega- readable. To an investigator, attorney, or insurance adjust- \Q^MIVLXW[Q\Q^MM‫ٺ‬MK\[\PI\^IZQW][[XMML[ er with only a nodding acquaintance with freshman phys- have on travel and addresses the method- ics, the book should be totally comprehensible. ology to determining speed limits. Funda- mental to the book are the devices used to© 2007 TACTICAL HELICOPTER MISSIONS measure speed. From the basic concepts136 pp., (7 x 10) How to Fly Safe, Effective Airborne of time distance determination through53 il. instant speed detection devices such as Law Enforcement Missions speed radars and speed lasers, the readerpaper | $37.95 will explore the historical developments,978-0-398-07738-9 By Kevin P. Means [KQMV\QÅK XZQVKQXTM[ IVL WXMZI\QWVIT KWV- siderations of these devices. The book isebook | $37.95 7^MZTI_MVNWZKMUMV\]VQ\[QV\PM=;ITWVMVW_MU- written with quantities and units in both978-0-398-08534-6 XTWa I^QI\QWV ]VQ\[ _PQKP ZMXZM[MV\[ I [QOVQÅKIV\ QVKZMI[M U.S. and metric measure. This text is the since 1990. With this growth has come the need to advance most up-to-date and comprehensive re- the mission and capabilities of airborne law enforcement. source concerning all methods used to The main emphasis of this book strives to explain why cer- monitor and enforce speed laws and is an tain law enforcement helicopter tactics and procedures are QLMITI[[M\NWZ\ZI‫ٻ‬KUIVIOMUMV\KW]Z[M[ [INMZIVLUWZMM‫ٺ‬MK\Q^M\PIVW\PMZ[<PMI]\PWZ_PW[M[]J- ject matter expertise has been attained after many success- N]T aMIZ[ WN  M`XMZQMVKM I[ I \IK\QKIT ÆQOP\ W‫ٻ‬KMZ XQTW\ IVL ÆQOP\ QV[\Z]K\WZ IVL \PZW]OP I [PIZQVO WN  PQ[ M`XMZQMVKM[ with the reader, captures the intricate nuances of the unique and specialized profession of airborne law enforcement. A _MTT\ZIQVMLIQZKZM_\PI\Q[XZWÅKQMV\_Q\P\PMQZ\IK\QK[\MKP- VWTWOaIVLMIKPW\PMZ_QTT[QOVQÅKIV\TaMVPIVKM\PM[INM\a M‫ٻ‬KQMVKaIVLM‫ٺ‬MK\Q^MVM[[WN W‫ٻ‬KMZ[WV\PMOZW]VL?PMV an aircrew is overhead, providing patrol support, suspects are much less likely to continue their criminal activity or escape. The missions that aircrews perform, however, are only part of the equation; how they perform them is what makes the LQ‫ٺ‬MZMVKM JM\_MMV IV M‫ٺ‬MK\Q^M IQZKZM_ IVL WVM \PI\ Q[ TM[[ M‫ٺ‬MK\Q^M *a ZMILQVO \PQ[ JWWS IQZKZM_[ _QTT JMKWUM UWZM XZWÅKQMV\_Q\P\PMQZ\IK\QK[\MKPVWTWOaIVLIZMU]KPUWZM likely to be safer and better at what they do.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • TRAFFIC | 63

BASIC PHYSICS © 2011 TRAFFIC CRASH Notes for Traffic Crash 260 pp., (7 x 10) INVESTIGATORS’ MANUAL 144 il., 7 tables Investigators and A Levels 1 and 2 Reconstructionists: paper | $37.95 Reference, Training and An Introduction for 978-0-398-08667-1 Some — A Review Investigation Manual ebook | $37.95 for Others 978-0-398-08668-8 (3rd Ed.) By R. W. Rivers By R. W. Rivers© 2004 | 140 pp., (7 x 10), 36 il., 1 table <PQ[ M`XIVLML IVL ]XLI\ML ZL -L KWV\QV]M[ \W JM IV essential reference volume in regards to the principles and spiral | $31.95 | 978-0-398-07482-1 \MKPVQY]M[WN \ZI‫ٻ‬KKZI[PQV^M[\QOI\QWV7VMWN \PMUW[\ ebook | $31.95 | 978-0-398-08404-2 QUXWZ\IV\XPI[M[WN IVaQV^M[\QOI\QWVQV\WI\ZI‫ٻ‬KKZI[PQ[ that which is conducted at the scene. The manual covers inThe purpose of this book is to bring to both written and illustrative form those situations that con-the student an understanding of the basic front the investigator conducting a technical crash investi-XPa[QK[ QV^WT^ML VW\ WVTa QV \ZI‫ٻ‬K KZI[P OI\QWV)VQUXWZ\IV\QV\ZWL]K\QWV\W[KQMV\QÅK[XMMLIVIT-investigation and reconstruction but also ysis based on thorough at-scene investigation is crimes or other incidents where the Mathematical equations and examples are completed inmovement of objects or persons is in- both the United States or Imperial and metric (S.I.) mea-volved. The range of topics included are surement systems. This invaluable resource will meet thethose considered to be fundamental and VMML[WN TI_MVNWZKMUMV\W‫ٻ‬KMZ[QV[]ZIVKMILR][\MZ[IVLwhich best serve the purposes of illustrat- investigators, private investigators, lawyers, judges, legal in-ing the methods and procedures vital as vestigators, and instructors and students involved in cadetan introduction to physics. Essentials of WZIL^IVKML\ZI‫ٻ‬KKZI[PQV^M[\QOI\QWVXZWOZIU[<PQ[VM_the subject as related to vehicle motion edition will be appreciated by all those charged with theare stressed. The mathematics used is kept ZM[XWV[QJQTQ\a NWZ QV^M[\QOI\QVO \ZI‫ٻ‬K KZI[PM[ QV\MZXZM\QVOsimple and in straightforward, easy-to-un- data, and presenting evidence based on sound analysis.derstand language. Comments and ex-amples and a very comprehensive list of TECHNICAL TRAFFIC CRASH\MZU[IVLLMÅVQ\QWV[[]XXWZ\MLJaUIVa INVESTIGATORS’ HANDBOOKillustrations and diagrams, are provided\WOQ^M\PMZMILMZI]VQÅML^QM_WN JI[QK (LEVEL 3)physics. All materials are prepared in both A Technical Reference,the English (U.S.) and metric (S.I.) systems. Training, Investigation andThe text is intended to serve a need for in- Reconstruction Manualvestigators who possess a good knowledgeand understanding of elementary algebra (3rd Ed.)and trigonometry, and who have success-N]TTaKWUXTM\MLI\TMI[\IVI\[KMVM\ZI‫ٻ‬K © 2010 By R. W. Riverscrash investigation course and wish to fur- 494 pp., (7 x 10)ther their knowledge towards competency 252 il., 8 tables <PQ[ M`XIVLML IVL ]XLI\ML ZL -L KWV\QV]M[ \W JM IVQVIL^IVKML\ZI‫ٻ‬KKZI[PQV^M[\QOI\QWVIVL important reference volume in regards to the principlesreconstruction. paper | $82.95 IVL \MKPVQY]M[ QV^WT^ML QV IL^IVKML \ZI‫ٻ‬K IKKQLMV\ QV- 978-0-398-07908-6 vestigation (Level III—technical or advanced level). It has64 | CRIMINAL JUSTICE been prepared to meet the requirements of Level III re- ebook | $82.95 searchers, trainers and investigators, and reconstruction- 978-0-398-08399-1 ists. Included in the text is an overview of Levels I and II (basic and secondary at-scene and secondary follow-up crash investigations procedures), with advancements cover- ing the technical level of investigation and an in-depth in- troduction to Level IV (reconstruction) investigations. The handbook covers in both written and illustrative form those situations that confront the investigator conducting tech- nical or advanced training and investigations. Continuing \PM XZMKMLMV\ M[\IJTQ[PML Ja \PM ÅZ[\ MLQ\QWV ITT UI\PM- matical references and examples are worked out in both the United States (Imperial) and the S.I. (metric system). ;\]LMV\IVLXZIK\QKQVOXWTQKMW‫ٻ‬KMZ[QV[]ZIVKMILR][\MZ[ and investigators, private investigators, and attorneys will ÅVL\PQ[JWWS\WJMIVQV^IT]IJTMZM[W]ZKMQV\PMZM[WT]\QWV WN \ZI‫ٻ‬KIKKQLMV\QV^M[\QOI\QWV[ CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •

© 2003 TRAFFIC ACCIDENT TIRE FAILURES AND160 pp., (8 1/2 x 11) INVESTIGATORS’ AND EVIDENCE MANUAL95 il., 16 tables RECONSTRUCTIONISTS’ FIELD MEASUREMENTS AND SCALE For Traffic Accidentspiral | $36.95 DIAGRAMS MANUAL Investigation978-0-398-07364-0 (2nd Ed.) By R. W. Riversebook | $36.95978-0-398-08357-1 By R. W. Rivers © 2001 116 pp., (7 x 10), 79 il., 2 tables This new 2nd Ed. has been prepared to meet the every- LIaÅMTLZMY]QZMUMV\[WN \ZI‫ٻ‬KIKKQLMV\QV^M[\QOI\WZ[IVL spiral | $24.95 | 978-0-398-07232-2 reconstructionists who have a responsibility to obtain and ebook | $24.95 | 978-0-398-08303-8 LWK]UMV\ UMI[]ZMUMV\[ I\ \ZI‫ٻ‬K KZI[P [KMVM[ I[ _MTT I[ those who have the responsibility to prepare follow-up plans )\[KMVM\ZI‫ٻ‬KIKKQLMV\QV^M[\QOI\WZ[IVL or scale drawings from such measurements. The manual reconstructionists have a responsibility to explains in detail the various types of situations requiring determine whether or not a tire contrib- measurements that can be encountered during the on-scene uted to a vehicle accident. This manual investigation. These are followed by a large variety of ex- will prepare investigators and analysts to amples of how to take measurements and document them meet the high standard of performance in an easily understood and appropriate manner. Examples and expertise expected of them in these are accompanied by solutions to problems and, in applica- investigations. The text covers a wide va- ble circumstances, mathematical solutions are worked out riety of tire failure investigation topics, in both the United States (Imperial) and metric (SI) mea- including tire manufacturing, markings surement systems. The author conveys an authoritative un- IVL QLMV\QÅKI\QWV \QZM IVL _PMMT VW- derstanding of triangulation, coordinate and grid measure- menclatures, tire load and speed ratings, ments, angles, circles, curves, and includes horizontal and tire-roadway behavior, at-scene investi- vertical measurements. The book is generously illustrated, gations, and evidence recognition, col- and the appendices contain the United States to metric lection, and interpretation. Each chapter KWV^MZ[QWV\IJTM[UI\PMUI\QKIT\IJTM[IVL\ZI‫ٻ‬KIKKQLMV\ and a comprehensive appendix provides investigation measurement record forms. KTMIZLMÅVQ\QWV[WN IVL[\I\MUMV\[IJW]\ the topics the manual contains, with grad- TRAFFIC ACCIDENT INVESTIGATORS’ uated commentary and copious diagrams AND RECONSTRUCTIONISTS’ BOOK and photographs arranged so as to present a natural development and understanding OF FORMULAE AND TABLES of the subject matter. The manual also addresses the importance of an at-scene (2nd Ed.) investigator knowing his or her limitations in making tire failure determinations and By R. W. Rivers knowing when a case should be turned over to an expert for laboratory analysis.© 1999 This handbook is prepared for the daily, practical needs This unique text is designed not only for134 pp., (6 1/8 x 9 1/4) WN  \PW[M _PW IZM QV^WT^ML QV \ZI‫ٻ‬K IKKQLMV\ IVITa[Q[ QV- use as a handy reference manual, but also16 il., 34 tables vestigation, and reconstruction, whether they be in the to be of assistance as a training document training, police, private, or legal professions. It also meets for use in police training schools thatspiral | $31.95 international requirements in that all formulae and expla- teach tire failure examinations as part of978-0-398-06972-8 nations are provided in both the English (U.S.) and metric their curriculum or as a special topic in (S.I.) measurement systems. In all cases, the two systems are ÅMTL\ZIQVQVOXZWOZIU[ebook | $31.95 dealt with separately so as to avoid any unnecessary confu-978-0-398-08253-6 sion. Provided also are many tables and constants relating TRAFFIC | 65 one system to the other so that those who may normally work under one system but use reference materials in the other will have a readily accessible means of making any necessary conversions. Whether in law, law enforcement, or XZQ^I\MWZQV[]ZIVKMQV^M[\QOI\QWV\PQ[JWWSXZW^QLM[\ZI‫ٻ‬K accident investigators and reconstructionists with the data \PMaVMML\WXMZNWZU\PMQZRWJIKK]ZI\MTaIVLM‫ٻ‬KQMV\TaCALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •

EVIDENCE IN TRAFFIC CRASH INVESTIGATION AND RECONSTRUCTION Identification, Interpretation and Analysis of Evidence, and the Traffic Crash Investigation and Reconstruction Process By R. W. Rivers© 2006 EVIDENCE IN TRAFFIC CRASH INVESTIGA- functions, and methods of identifying failures. As324 pp., (8 x 10) TION AND RECONSTRUCTION begins with a a guide for investigators, prosecutors and defense175 il., 13 tables detailed description of the entire investigation attorneys, checkboxes are provided with many of process. The material then graduates into the var- the major topics that can be used as prompters inhard | $89.95 ious phases and levels of investigations, showing evaluating the thoroughness of an investigation or978-0-398-07644-3 the levels of training and education normally as- for those areas that might or might not need ad- sociated with the levels of investigations and con- ditional coverage at trial or litigation proceedings.paper | $59.95 sequently the duties and responsibilities of the in- To meet international requirements, mathemati-978-0-398-07645-0 vestigator and reconstructionist. Using narrative, cal references are described in both English (U.S.) schematics, and photographs, the mechanical and SI (metric) measurement systems, accompa-ebook | $59.95 inspection process is described in detail by iden- nied by various appendices covering symbols and978-0-398-08475-2 tifying various vehicle parts, explanations of their mathematical conversions. WEAPONS FIREARMS INSTRUCTOR’S MANUAL Simplified Course Outlines By R. E. Parham, III© 1999 This manual has been written with the Law En- NWZ\MIKPQVO\PMQZKTI[[M[<PMÅZ[\NW]ZW]\TQVM[QV122 pp., (8 1/2 x 11) forcement Firearms Instructor in mind. It is an this manual (The Role of the Firearms Instructor, attempt to save the instructor time by furnishing Safety Responsibilities, Record Keeping, and Dis-spiral | $26.95 already prepared outlines that cover most of the cipline) are generally used during instructor de-978-0-398-06960-5 subject currently taught by and to law enforce- velopment classes. The rest of the outlines, while ment personnel. The purpose of the manual is also used in instructor development classes, areebook | $26.95 also appropriate for basic recruit classes as well as978-0-398-08251-2 \_WNWTL\" .QZ[\ Q\ KIV JM ][ML Ja K]ZZMV\ ÅZMIZU[ classes that are designed for in-service personnel. instructors as a handy reference guide and also as The Appendix contains material that can be used as class handouts or made into overheads for class I_IaWN SMMXQVOITTWN \PMÅZMIZU[W]\TQVM[QVWVM presentations. Some of the courses can be used simple format. By preparing the manual in this fashion, all of an instructor’s outlines are easily ac- NWZOMVMZITÅZMIZU[Y]ITQÅKI\QWV_PQTMW\PMZ[IZM cessible should an instructor’s class be challenged by the legal system. Secondly, this manual can ][MLNWZ\ZIQVQVOI[XMKQÅK[SQTT[]KPI[TQVMIZIVL lateral movement or multiple attackers. The man- JM ][ML I[ \PM \M`\ NWZ ÅZMIZU[ QV[\Z]K\WZ QVQ\QIT ual has been written to take the pain out of the KMZ\QÅKI\QWVKTI[[M[7VKM\PMVM_QV[\Z]K\WZKWU- ¹W‫ٻ‬KM _WZSº XIZ\ WN  JMQVO I ÅZMIZU[ QV[\Z]K\WZ XTM\M[\PMJI[QKKMZ\QÅKI\QWVKW]Z[MPMWZ[PM_QTT and to give the instructor more time to teach. have a complete set of outlines that can be used66 | CRIMINAL JUSTICE CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •

BEHAVIORAL SCIENCESPSYCHIATRY AND PSYCHOLOGY THE SOCIOLOGY OF GAMBLING THE PSYCHODYNAMICS AND PSYCHOLOGY (Vol. II) OF GAMBLING The Gambler’s Mind By Mikal Aasved (Vol. I) This is the second in a series of books intended to By Mikal Aasved ZM^QM_ IVL M^IT]I\M \PM UW[\ XWX]TIZ IVL QVÆ]MV-© 2003 tial explanations for gambling and the many research458 pp., (7 x 10) [\]LQM[ \PI\ PI^M JMMV KWVL]K\ML \W KWVÅZU WZ ZM-3 tables fute them. This book focuses on the contributions of specialists in the social sciences, most of whompaper | $64.95 are convinced that gambling is a consequence of978-0-398-07381-7 the social or subcultural environment in which the gambler lives. Topics covered include the gambler’sebook | $64.95 point of view, the researcher’s point of view, social978-0-398-08412-7 structure, economics, statistical tests of earlier ideas, special populations, ‘‘armchair’’ theories, gambling and the public, problem correlates, and risk factors. In addition, a critique of the qualitative and quanti- tative studies involving survey research methods and interview research methods is given that provides the- oretical explanations for why people gamble.© 2004 THE BIOLOGY OF GAMBLING © 2002 | 270 pp., (7 x 10)372 pp., (7 x 10) (Vol. III) paper | $44.95 | 978-0-398-07277-3paper | $61.95 ebook | $44.95 | 978-0-398-08360-1978-0-398-07446-3 By Mikal Aasved The Psychodynamics and Psychology of Gambling isebook | $61.95 The Biology of Gambling is the third volume in the Gam- \PM ÅZ[\ ^WT]UM QV \PM NW]Z^WT]UM <PM /IU-978-0-398-08018-1 bling Theory and Research Series. Author Mikal Aas- bling Theory and Research Series. Author Mi- ved wrote this series to meet the need for a compre- SIT )I[^ML NMT\ I VMML \W ÅTT _PI\ PM XMZKMQ^ML hensive review and synthesis of the many published to be a lack of background sources or reviews materials pertaining to gambling theory and research. of literature pertaining to gambling theory and <PM[MZQM[[]UUIZQbM[IVLKZQ\QY]M[\PMÅVLQVO[IVL ZM[MIZKP<PQ[[MZQM[_QTTXZM[MV\UIRWZÅVLQVO[ conclusions of investigators who have attempted to de- of leading researchers as they study the causes termine the motivations for gambling, both normative IVL M‫ٺ‬MK\[ WN  OIUJTQVO JW\P ZMKZMI\QWVIT IVL and excessive. Dr. Aasved provides a thorough exam- M`KM[[Q^M <PQ[ ÅZ[\ MV\Za QV \PM [MZQM[ ZM^QM_[ QVI\QWVWN \PMZM[MIZKPM‫ٺ‬WZ\[IVL\PMWZM\QKITM`XTIVI- \PMUW[\QVÆ]MV\QITX[aKPWLaVIUQKIVLX[aKPW- \QWV[WN TMILMZ[QV\PMÅMTLWN OIUJTQVO[\]LQM[<PQ[ logical theories that explain why people gamble. volume focuses on the etiological or causal theories <PM LQ‫ٺ‬MZMVKM[ JM\_MMV OIUJTQVO I[ MV\MZ- that have been advanced by specialists in the medical tainment and gambling compulsion is a focus sciences, an increasing number of whom are adopting of much research. Aasved addresses ideas set the view that biological factors play an important role forth as to why some people are able to control in the development of many addictive, obsessive-com- their gambling and others cannot, even when it pulsive, and other maladaptive behavior disorders. UMIV[[IKZQÅKQVO\PMQZRWJ[NIUQTaIVLUI\MZQIT possessions. This text provides a comprehensiveCALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • background into theories of addiction research I[[\]LQMLJaTMILMZ[QV\PMÅMTL PSYCHIATRY AND PSYCHOLOGY | 67

CHANGE: MODELS © 2006 A PRACTITIONER’S GUIDE TO AND PROCESSES 352 pp., (7 x 10) UNDERSTANDING INDIGENOUS 1 il., 1 table By Shawn Cooper AND FOREIGN CULTURES ebook | $49.95 An Analysis of Relationships Between © 2012 | 302 pp., (7 x 10), 20 il., 1 table 978-0-398-08462-2 Ethnicity, Social Class and ebook | $39.95 | 978-0-398-08841-5 Therapeutic Intervention StrategiesThis book is intended to assist individuals (3rd Ed.)in dealing with change occurring exter-nally to the person, as well as change that By George Henderson, Dorscine Spigner-the individual attempts to bring about in Littles, & Virginia Hall Milhousethemselves. The approaches taken attemptto organize the concepts of change within a This book will help practitioners in various helping careerbroad framework, a continuum (or gradient) ÅMTL[ \W LM[QOV IVL QUXTMUMV\ M‫ٺ‬MK\Q^M KZW[[K]T\]ZIT QV-which will enable the person to see changes terventions, and to provide optimum assistance to clientsin life as existing on a spectrum from those from world cultures, through an understanding of bothchange phenomena which are external to indigenous and foreign cultures. The chapters in this bookthe individual (e.g., economic or environ- sharpen the focus on relationships between ethnicity, so-mental events) to those within the person KQIT KTI[[ IVL \PMZIXM]\QK XZIK\QKM =[QVO \_W LQ‫ٺ‬MZMV\(e.g., stopping smoking or changing one’s be- approaches, the authors compare and contrast modernhavior). Within an overarching framework and traditional helping practices, which will help to iden-of general systems theory, which emphasizes tify and suggest alternative transcultural helping strategiesa holistic view of change, the book describes when appropriate. It is written primarily for students in-a number of conceptual structures or what terested in pursuing careers as professional helpers, but itare conceived as “models.” The volume fo- should also be of value to experienced practitioners andcuses on helping the reader to recognize the reference librarians. The major focus are on multidis-way these models appear in the person’s en- ciplinary concepts pertaining to a potpourri of culturalvironment, as well as in the individual’s own groups, and special attention is paid to activities that willfunctioning. Further, the book indicates how assist the reader to get in touch with his or her own beliefsthe person can apply these models in his or about cross-cultural and cross-national helping.PMZW_VM‫ٺ‬WZ\[\WLMIT_Q\PTQNMIVLKPIVOMThus, each chapter describes the essential © 2008 AMORAL THOUGHTSidea of a particular model and then provides 270 pp., (7 x 10) ABOUT MORALITYa section on the applications of that model.The beginning chapters describe several ab- paper | $42.95 The Intersection of Science,stract “models” followed by a chapter which 978-0-398-07792-1 Psychology, and Ethicspresents John Bowlby’s attachment theoryand his concept of “internal models,” which ebook | $42.95 (2nd Ed.)ZMÆMK\QVLQ^QL]IT[¼KWZMXMZKMX\QWV[WN \PMU- 978-0-398-08585-8[MT^M[ IVL W\PMZ[# ÅVITTa \PM JWWS QVKT]LM[ By Howard H. Kendlera discussion of James Prochaska’s stages ofchange model which describes the ways in In recent years, the social responsibilities of psychologywhich individuals proceed to make changes and psychologists have become a source of considerablein their own behavior and functioning. controversy. Amoral Thoughts About Morality seeks to clarify the issues in dispute by analyzing the relationships68 | BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES JM\_MMV[KQMV\QÅKNIK\[IVLUWZITXZQVKQXTM[IVL\PMQUXTQ- cations of these interactions for psychologists in a demo- cratic society. The analysis brings to the surface underlying M\PQKIT TMOIT IVL [KQMV\QÅK XZWJTMU[ \PI\ IZM \WW MI[QTa ignored. While the purpose of this book has not changed with this 2nd Ed., there are two important additions. One is the updating of empirical evidence and theoretical de- velopment occurring during the recent past. The second is the endeavor to extend the analysis of the relationship JM\_MMV [KQMV\QÅK NIK\[ IVL UWZIT XZQVKQXTM[ JMaWVL \PM boundaries of a democratic society for which it was origi- nally designed. This book will serve as a stimulating text for undergraduate and graduate seminars and is an excellent resource for psychologists, sociologists, political scientists, psychiatrists, and philosophers. CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •

© 2012 A PSYCHOBIOGRAPHY THE AMERICAN FAMILY224 pp., (7 x 10) OF BOBBY FISCHER Understanding its13 il., 3 tables Changing Dynamics Understanding the Genius, Mystery, and Place in Societypaper | $33.95 and Psychological Decline of a978-0-398-08740-1 World Chess Champion By Dennis G. Wisemanebook | $33.95 By Joseph G. Ponterotto © 2008 | 172 pp., (7 x 10), 4 tables978-0-398-08741-8 ebook | $35.95 | 978-0-398-08503-2 Robert (Bobby) James Fischer was one of the world’s most mysterious and exciting personalities of the middle \P KMV\]Za 0M [QVOTM PIVLMLTa MVLML I  aMIZ [XIV of Russian domination of elite chess when he defeated Boris Spassky for the World Chess Championship in 1972 in Reykjavik, Iceland. Fischer’s dynamic victory ignited in Americans a passion for the game of chess and a deep pride in being American during the height of the Cold War. The world knows the story of Fischer’s ascent to the pinnacle of chess genius and brilliance, and it knows of his psychological decline into social isolation, paranoia, and likely mental illness. Renowned counseling psychologist and author Dr. Joseph G. Ponterotto deconstructs almost every aspect of Fischer’s personal and career life to sculpt IVQV\MOZI\Q^MX[aKPWTWOQKITXZWÅTMWN \PQ[MVQOUI\QK_WZTL personality. Though there have been many articles, books, IVL ÅTU[ WV *WJJa .Q[KPMZ \PQ[ \M`\ ZMXZM[MV\[ \PM ÅZ[\ scholarly psychological assessment of the world’s most fa- mous chess champion. A PSYCHOBIOGRAPHY The American Family has undergone and OF OF JOHN F. KENNEDY, JR. Understanding His Inner Life, KWV\QV]M[ \W ]VLMZOW [QOVQÅKIV\ KPIVOM as the twentieth century unfolds. This Achievements, Struggles, book of readings from a group of dedi- and Courage cated faculty at one university makes an important contribution to the study of By Joseph G. Ponterotto family. The text explores the changing dy- namics of the American family, the family© 2019 This book represents a psychobiographical story of John F. IVLNIUQTa^IT]M[\PMNIUQTaIVLQ\[QVÆ]-212 pp., (7 x 10) Kennedy, Jr. In reality, psychobiography is psychological ence on the health of children, adoption6 il., 7 tables biography—the intensive psychological study of an indi- and family formation, justice in the family, ^QL]IT WN  PQ[\WZQK [QOVQÅKIVKM _Q\PQV I [WKQWK]T\]ZITPQ[- grandparents and the family, the family’spaper | $36.95 torical context. It covers JFK Jr.’s search for identity and role in education of young children, psy-978-0-398-09255-1 purpose, and the depths and vibrancy of his personality. chological perspectives of childrearing in The author approaches the life of JFK, Jr. as a psychologist the United States, family policy and theebook | $36.95 and psychobigrapher with the goal of understanding the U.S. welfare state, and oral narrative and978-0-398-09252-8 workings of John’s mind; his inner feelings, fears, hopes, family roles. These discussions represent and desires perhaps not visible on the surface. Presented in valuable ideas and perspectives as contri- four parts, Part One explores the death and legacy of John F. Kennedy, Jr. Part Two tells the story of John F. Kenne- J]\QWV[\W\PQ[LaVIUQKÅMTLWN [\]La<PM dy, Jr.’s life in a somewhat chronological order. Part Three reader will not only develop a deeper un- speculates on the future of John’s professional career and derstanding of the American family in the his marriage had the couple lived a full life. Part Four pro- historical sense, but also as it has evolved vides additional theoretical and research methods informa- and continues to evolve in modern times. tion. Additionally, the illustrations and tables supplement The cross-disciplinary nature of the text the text in exemplifying relevant data. This book will be an is a strength of this study of the family insightful resource to address unanswered questions about as it allows for the bringing together of JFK Jr.’s life and potential future had he lived a full life. LQ‫ٺ‬MZMV\ ^QM_XWQV\[ WN  JMVMÅ\ \W XZWNM[- sionals, students, and lay-individuals alike.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • <PQ[ M`KMX\QWVIT \M`\ W‫ٺ‬MZ[ ZMUIZSIJTM perspective so that the American family may be better understood and, in many ways, better appreciated for its historic, present-day, and no doubt future impact on the American society. PSYCHIATRY AND PSYCHOLOGY | 69

Administration TECHNOLOGY IN MENTAL HEALTH Applications in Practice, Supervision and Training (2nd Ed.) By Stephen Goss, Kate Anthony, LoriAnn Sykes Stretch, & DeeAnna Merz Nagel© 2016 1V\PMPITNLMKILM[QVKMX]JTQKI\QWVWN \PMÅZ[\MLQ- its application to the therapeutic intervention being456 pp., (7 x 10) discussed, in each case brought to life through vivid12 il., 6 tables \QWV \PMZM PI^M JMMV [QOVQÅKIV\ KPIVOM[ QV [WKQM\a case material that shows its use in practice. Chapters brought about by the exploding rise of technology in also contain an examination of the ethical implica-paper | $81.95 everyday lives that also have an impact on our men- tions and cautions of the possibilities these technolo-978-0-398-09105-7 tal health. The most important of these has been the shift in the way human interaction itself is conduct- OQM[W‫ٺ‬MZVW_IVLQV\PMN]\]ZM?PQTM\PMY]M[\QWVebook | $81.95 ed, especially with electronic text-based exchanges. once was, should technology be used in the delivery978-0-398-09106-4 This expanded 2nd Ed. is an extensive body of of mental health services, the question now is how to best use technology, with whom, and when. Wheth- _WZS1\KWV\IQV[!KPIX\MZ[WVLQ‫ٺ‬MZMV\I[XMK\[WN  er one has been a therapist for a long time, is a stu- technological innovation in mental health care from  M`XMZ\ KWV\ZQJ]\WZ[ NZWU ITT W^MZ \PM OTWJM IX- LMV\WZQ[[QUXTaVM_\W\PMÅMTL\PQ[\M`\_QTT[MZ^M propriate for a subject that holds such promise for a as an important and integral tool for better under- worldwide clientele and that applies to professionals standing the psychological struggles of one’s clients in every country. The book is now presented in two and the impact that technology will have on one’s practice. Psychotherapists, psychiatrists, counselors, KTMIZ [MK\QWV[ \PM ÅZ[\ ILLZM[[QVO \PM \MKPVWTWOQM[ social workers, nurses, and, in fact, every profession- as they apply to being used within counseling and psychotherapy itself, and the second section apply- ITQV\PMÅMTLWN UMV\ITPMIT\PKIZMKIVUISM][MWN  the exciting opportunities technology presents. QVO\W\ZIQVQVOIVL[]XMZ^Q[QWV-IKPKPIX\MZW‫ٺ‬MZ[ an introduction to the technology and discussion of Alcohol and Drug Studies CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY TREATMENT PLANNING HANDBOOK By Richard J. Laban© 1997 Despite the increasing proliferation of chemical de- with language that is cognizant of comprehension174 pp., (8 1/2 x 11) pendency training programs and college curriculums and learning needs of clients. What they epitomize throughout the country, there exists an ubiquitous void are implicitly and inferentially sound clinical planningspiral | $39.95 in the area of treatment planning training- and prepa- documents that can both expedite a clinician’s work978-0-398-06776-2 ration. Thus, many novice clinicians are faced with the pace while providing detailed plans concentrating on frustrations of how to put together a worthwhile treat- early recovery needs. The data base of plans cover aebook | $39.95 ment plan. That is the goal and intent of this hand- broad cross section of potential presenting problems,978-0-398-08282-6 book: to provide the entry-level clinician with a broad each categorized in a domain that is easily correlated data base of treatment planning illustrations from with prevailing assessment areas. It will be of interest which unpretentious treatment plans for the chemi- to drug and alcohol counselors, as well as psychiatrists, cally dependent client can be generated. They were psychologists, social workers, psychotherapists, and written simple, largely measurable, and purposefully, W\PMZ[QV\PMÅMTLWN ILLQK\QWVUMLQKQVM70 | BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •

ETHNICITY AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE Prevention and Intervention By Grace Xueqin Ma & George Henderson<PQ[JWWSW‫ٺ‬MZ[INZM[PQV\MZLQ[KQXTQVIZaIXXZWIKP White peers, too. The triadic relationship between © 2002to understanding drug abuse problems within the culture, ethnicity and substance use is evident in 360 pp., (7 x 10)U.S. ethnic minority community, including Afri- answers to those questions. Implicit throughout this volume is the authors’ belief that how care is 1 il., 10 tablesKIV)UMZQKIV)[QIV8IKQÅK)UMZQKIV0Q[XIVQK[ given to substance abusers is just as important asand Native Americans. It brings together a wide what kind of care they receive. Therefore, it is also ebook | $59.95range of current drug abuse and health issues, a goal of this book to be of value to college and 978-0-398-09035-7research, and model practices of prevention and university professors, substance abuse workshopintervention strategies pertaining to ethnic mi- presenters, and in-service consultants who preparenority populations. Although this book focuses professional helpers and paraprofessionals to ren-most of its attention on ethnic minority substance der quality services to substance abusers.abusers, considerable mention is made of their PRENATAL EXPOSURE TO DRUGS/ALCOHOL Characteristics and Educational Implications ofFetal Alcohol Syndrome and Cocaine/Polydrug Effects (2nd Ed.) By Jeanette M. SobyThis book describes the characteristics of young- techniques for learning that are the most suc- © 2006 cessful for each youngster. The book will help 188 pp., (7 x 10)[\MZ[ I‫ٺ‬MK\ML Ja XZMVI\IT LZ]OITKWPWT M`XW[]ZMand explores strategies to circumvent this damage ML]KI\WZ[IVLXIZMV\[\WZMKWOVQbMLMÅKQ\[[W\PI\ 7 il., 21 tablesin order to maximize the individual’s remaining strategies can be implemented. Instructional andstrengths. Information and suggestions are pri- management recommendations are made with paper | $29.95marily for the professionals in education who can this in mind. It will be of interest to educators, so- 978-0-398-07635-1provide supportive coordination for caregivers, cial workers, nurses, other service and care provid-mental health, and medical service providers - in ers, foster care workers, and parents. ebook | $29.95terms of relaying information and pinpointing 978-0-398-08480-6 FOR FAST AND CONVENIENT SERVICE ORDER YOUR BOOKS DIRECT FROM USAT 800.258.8980 OR ONLINE AT WWW.CCTHOMAS.COMCALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • ALCOHOL AND DRUG STUDIES | 71

Assessment and Measurement EXPLORING THE CHILD’S © 1997 ADVANCES IN PROJECTIVE PERSONALITY 476 pp., (7 x 10) DRAWING INTERPRETATION 202 il., 8 tablesDevelopmental, Clinical and By Emanuel F. HammerCross-Cultural Applications paper | $85.95 978-0-398-06743-4 Forty years after Emanuel Hammer’s classic book, The Clinical of the Fairy Tale Test Application of Projective Drawings, was published, he is now pre- ebook | $85.95 senting this exciting new book on Advances in Projective Drawing By Carina Coulacoglou 978-0-398-08181-2 Interpretation, which richly shares his further research investi- gations and growth in experience, in scope, and in writing© 2008 | 364 pp., (8 x l0), 22 il., 41 tables quality. The aim of the book is to take the reader to the out- er edge of the technique’s acquired virtuosity, versatility, and ebook | $56.95 | 978-0-398-08578-0 ][MN]TVM[[ ;QOVI\]ZM \WXQK[ QVKT]LM\"   \PM LQ‫ٺ‬MZMV\QI\QWV from each other in the drawings of two diagnostic challeng-The object of this book is to provide read- es —schizophrenia and organic brain damage from neuroticers with a comprehensive account of the conditions; (2) the prediction of imminent acting-out states ofchild’s personality. It is a comprehensive life and death issues, of dangerousness to others or to self, ofaccount of personality, as the FTT exam- homicide, suicide, rape, sexual abuse, assault, violence, andines 29 personality variables. The study of M`PQJQ\QWVQ[U#\PM][MWN KPZWUI\QKLZI_QVO[\WLM[KMVLthe child’s personality is basically carried deeper into the projective technique process to elicit a morethrough children’s responses to a projective PQMZIZKPQKITXMZ[WVITQ\aXWZ\ZIQ\#IVL\PMQV^M[\QOI\QWVWN test, and therefore the psychodynamic/ \PMXMZ[WVITQ\aLQUMV[QWV[\PI\LQ‫ٺ‬MZMV\QI\M\PW[MQV\MZXZM\MZ[psychoanalytic approach to interpreting _PWXW[[M[[\PM\ITMV\\WM‫ٺ‬MK\Q^MTaXZIK\QKM\PMIZ\WN LZI_-ÅVLQVO[ Q[ MUXPI[QbML 1\ _QTT JM ][MN]T ing interpretation from those who do not. This outstandingto counselors, psychologists, and psychia- book assembles the progress in the science and in the clinicaltrists, among others, as it deals with an in- IZ\WN XZWRMK\Q^MLZI_QVO[I[_MMV\MZ\PM\_MV\aÅZ[\KMV\]Zadepth study of the personality of the child.The book is unique because it studies child THE CLINICAL APPLICATIONpersonality with a new projective thematic OF PROJECTIVE DRAWINGStest based on quantitative and qualitativeevaluation derived from large samples in (6th Ptg.)several countries. The book also includesexamples, cases and appendices for further By Emanuel F. Hammerstudy and review. © 1980 Edited by Emanuel F. Hammer, New York University, New72 | BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES 688 pp. AWZS6M_AWZS?Q\P+WV\ZQJ]\WZ[7VQ\[_Ia\WJM- 360 il. KWUQVO\PMKTI[[QKQV\PMÅMTLWN XZWRMK\Q^MLZI_QVO[\PQ[ hard | $79.95 book provides a grounding in fundamentals and goes on to 978-0-398-00768-3 KWV[QLMZLQ‫ٺ‬MZMV\QITLQIOVW[Q[IXXZIQ[ITWN X[aKPWLaVIU- QK[ KWVÆQK\ IVL LMNMV[M X[aKPWTWOQKIT ZM[W]ZKM[ I[ \ZMI\- ebook | $59.95 ment potentials and projective drawing usage in therapy. 978-0-398-08180-5 In addition to Buck’s H-T-P Techniques and Machover’s Draw-A-Person Test, it also includes the Draw-A-Family Procedure, Harrower’s Unpleasant Concept Test, Kinget’s Drawing Completion Test, The Draw-A-Person-ln-The- Rain Test which elicits clues to the self-concept under conditions of environmental stress, the Draw-An-Animal Concept used to disclose the biological side of the biosocial coin, the Eight Card Redrawing Test which delves into the LMMXM[\TIaMZ[WN \PM[]JRMK\¼[X[aKPW[M`]ITQLMV\QÅKI\QWV and free doodles. CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •

© 1998 THE CLINICAL AND PROJECTIVE PRIMER ON EFFECT150 pp., (7 x 10) USE OF THE BENDER-GESTALT TEST SIZES, SIMPLE RESEARCH45 il. By Eugene X. Perticone DESIGNS, ANDpaper | $30.95 CONFIDENCE INTERVALS978-0-398-06835-6 In the thiZ\aÅ^MaMIZ[L]ZQVO_PQKP\PMI]\PWZPI[][ML the Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test in his clinical prac- By Marty Sappebook | $30.95 \QKMPMPI[KWV[Q[\MV\TaJMMVQUXZM[[MLJaQ\[M‫ٺ‬MK\Q^MVM[[978-0-398-08273-4 in providing a range of important information about test © 2017 | 196 pp., (7 x l0), 1 il., 7 tables subjects and by its convenience as a diagnostic tool. The test is extremely easy to administer, it takes a relatively paper | $32.95 | 978-0-398-09197-2 short amount of time to complete, and it may be used ebook | $32.95 | 978-0-398-09198-9 alone or it can be included with any test battery. More importantly, it not only has been used as a measure of This title was designed to help individuals perceptual-motor development and competence, but as TMIZV \W KITK]TI\M M‫ٺ‬MK\ [QbM[ NWZ \PMQZ ZM- a convenient and helpful means of assessing personality [MIZKPLM[QOV[)[IUXTMM‫ٺ‬MK\[QbMITTW_[ dynamics and functioning. In this book, the author de- a researcher or clinician to determine the scribes a method to increase the scope of the test subject’s M‫ٺ‬MK\ [QbM NWZ PQ[ WZ PMZ [IUXTM LI\I J]\ performance so that both verbal and nonverbal behaviors IKWVÅLMVKMQV\MZ^ITIZW]VLIVM‫ٺ‬MK\[QbM may be observed, along with demonstrating an approach ITTW_[WVM\WLM[KZQJM\PMM‫ٺ‬MK\[QbM_Q\PQV to generate clinically useful hypotheses on what the ob- a given population. The primary purpose served behaviors may signify. The components presented of the book is to provide a connection are: (1) the psychodynamic perspective; (2) the multi-phase IUWVO M‫ٺ‬MK\ [QbM[ KWVÅLMVKM QV\MZ^IT[ ILUQVQ[\ZI\QWV#\PMXZWKM[[WN KTQVQKITQV\MZXZM\I\QWV# and simple research design. Also, some symbolism and the Bender-Gestalt designs; (5) interpreting commonly used univariate and multivari- the verbal associations; (6) projective assessment; and (7) ate statistics are covered. The book covers applications in counseling and psychotherapy. It is because UWZM\PIVM‫ٺ‬MK\[QbM[\PI\IZMKWVVMK\- of the successful application of this particular projective ML \W [QUXTM ZM[MIZKP LM[QOV[ IVL W‫ٺ‬MZ[ approach by those who employ it that the decision was that a researcher or clinician has to apply made to present the rationale and method in book form. reasonable thought process to determine _PQKP M‫ٺ‬MK\ UIa JM ][MN]T NWZ PQ[ WZ PMZ© 2012 CLINICAL GRAPHOLOGY research. The book will be a valuable re-218 pp., (7 x 10) An Interpretive Manual for source to students taking a statistics class,86 il. Mental Health Practitioners research methods class, or research design class. Unlike many texts within this area,paper | $47.95 By Annette Poizner this resource will give students or research-978-0-398-08726-5 ers the understanding of how to calculate Faced with challenging economic times, contemporary cli- M‫ٺ‬MK\[QbM[_Q\PI[QUXTMKITK]TI\WZWZ_Q\Pebook | $47.95 nicians require assessment tools which can accelerate the a few commands from statistical software978-0-398-08727-2 therapeutic process and facilitate brief psychotherapy. This programs. Hence, mathematical ability is text introduces graphology, or handwriting analysis, which not a prerequisite for this text. The book has been used clinically in Europe for decades alongside provides a nonmathematical treatment of other projective techniques. The text provides a compel- M‫ٺ‬MK\[QbM[_Q\PQV\PMKWV\M`\WN ZM[MIZKP ling rationale for the clinical evaluation of handwriting designs. and demonstrates how therapists can access rich personal data by examining clients’ graphic behaviors. It is designed to systematically present clinical graphology in theory and practice. To date, clinicians in North America remain un- aware of the merits of graphology usage although they continue to seek out methods of assessment which will fa- KQTQ\I\M\PMQZKTQVQKITM‫ٺ‬WZ\[<PQ[^WT]UM_QTTLMUWV[\ZI\M graphology as a tool which can be applied by those with virtually any theoretical orientation or practice model, speaking to the interests of psychiatrists, psychologists, so- cial workers, art therapists, vocational counselors, pastoral counselors, and naturopaths, and paraprofessionals.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • ASSESSMENT AND MEASUREMENT | 73

© 2006 BASIC PSYCHOLOGICAL © 2010 PERSONALITY288 pp., (7 x 10) MEASUREMENT, 402 pp., (7 x 10) ASSESSMENT IN2 il., 34 tables 70 il., 26 tables POLICE PSYCHOLOGY RESEARCH DESIGNS,paper | $44.95 AND STATISTICS ebook | $58.95 A 21st Century978-0-398-07615-3 WITHOUT MATH 978-0-398-07982-6 Perspectiveebook | $44.95 By Marty Sapp By Peter A. Weiss978-0-398-08479-0 This book is designed to give students In recent years, personality assess- \PMKWVÅLMVKM\W]VLMZ[\IVL\PMWZM\- ment by professional psychologists ically issues like reliability and validi- has taken on an increasingly import- ty and through calculator and statisti- IV\ ZWTM QV \PM ÅMTL WN  XWTQKM _WZS cal packages such as Microsoft Excel, Most importantly, personality assess- SPSS, SAS, and EQS. Students are ment instruments have been utilized [PW_V \PI\ \PMa KIV MI[QTa ÅVL ZMTQ- in the pre-employment psychologi- ability and validity measures without KIT[KZMMVQVOWN XWTQKMW‫ٻ‬KMZKIVLQ- mathematics. Once exposed to mea- dates. This psychological screening surement concepts, research design is takes place at the end of the hiring the next topic. Additionally, the con- process to ensure that candidates do cepts of interval and external validity not have personality characteristics are discussed, and research designs or existing psychopathology that are covered such as one-group, two- would interfere with their job per- group, multiple treatment, factorial, formance. This unique and compre- quasi-experimental, and nested de- hensive text is designed for psycholo- signs. Measures of central tendency gists who are actively working in the and variability are presented, and ex- ÅMTL WN  TI_ MVNWZKMUMV\ QVKT]LQVO amples are connected to a calculator psychologists in both applied and re- and the statistical packages. search/academic settings.Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology ASSESSING SEX OFFENDERS Problems and Pitfalls (2nd Ed.) By Terence W. Campbell© 2007 <PQ[JWWSZM^QM_[\PM[KQMV\QÅKM^QLMVKMZMTM^IV\ abuse. Topics include: sexually violent person civil376 pp., (7 x 10) commitment statutes, clinical judgment and clini-46 tables \WI[[M[[QVO\PMZMKQLQ^Q[UZQ[SWN [M`W‫ٺ‬MVLMZ[I[ cal experience, guided clinical risk assessments, ac- _MTTI[\PMQ[[]M[ZMTI\ML\W[M`W‫ٺ‬MVLMZ[QVKWV- tuarial assessment of recidivism risk, actuarial in-hard | $79.95 siderable detail. It is not an attempt for creating struments for assessing recidivism risk, computing978-0-398-07773-0 [aUXI\Pa NWZ [M` W‫ٺ‬MVLMZ[ ;]J[\IV\QIT V]UJMZ[ KTI[[QÅKI\QWV IKK]ZIKa []XXTMUMV\IZa I[[M[[UMV\paper | $59.95 of psychologists claim they can accurately iden- procedures, adjusted actuarial assessments, diag-978-0-398-07774-7 \QNa \PM ZMKQLQ^Q[U ZQ[S WN  [M` W‫ٺ‬MVLMZ[ ,M[XQ\M VW[\QK KTI[[QÅKI\QWV \ZMI\QVO [M` W‫ٺ‬MVLMZ[ IVLebook | $59.95 the very limited, peer-reviewed data related to ethical obligations. Ultimately, however, the book978-0-398-08576-6 these claims, many psychologists insist the scien- challenges psychologists to recognize and respond \QÅKM^QLMVKM[]XXWZ\[\PMQZM‫ٺ‬WZ\[QV\PQ[ZMOIZL \W\PMQZ[KQMV\QÅKIVLXZWNM[[QWVITZM[XWV[QJQTQ\QM[ Too often, the issues detailed in these chapters When testifying as expert witnesses, ethical obli- have been overlooked and/or misinterpreted. As gations prohibit psychologists from misinforming a result, the likelihood of psychologists misusing and misleading legal proceedings. These same IVLIJ][QVO[KQMV\QÅKLI\I_PMVI[[M[[QVO[M`WN- obligations necessitate that psychologists support fenders should not be underestimated. This book their opinions with relevant research data. QLMV\QÅM[V]UMZW][QV[\IVKM[WN []KPUQ[][MIVL74 | BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •

© 2009 A HANDBOOK FOR CHILD CUSTODY202 pp., (7 x 10) CORRECTIONAL PSYCHOLOGISTS EVALUATION3 tables New Theoretical Guidance for thepaper | $38.95 Prison Practitioner Applications and Research978-0-398-07850-8 (2nd Ed.) By Daniel J. Hynanebook | $38.95978-0-398-07991-8 By Kevin M. Correia © 2014 | 262 pp., (7 x 10), 1 il., 4 tables Correctional psychology is an area of specialization that paper | $46.95 | 978-0-398-08094-5 has recently enjoyed explosive growth along with the bur- ebook | $46.95 | 978-0-398-08095-2 geoning United States prison population and the renewed interest in providing correctional rehabilitation programs Each year, over one and a half million that reduce inmate recidivism. This completely revised and children experience the divorce of their updated 2nd Ed. continues to provide an overview of em- parents. The goal of this book is to con- XQZQKITÅVLQVO[IVLXZIK\QKM[QV\PMÅMTL<PM\M`\NWK][M[ tribute to the advancement of knowledge [XMKQÅKITTaWV\PMX[aKPWTWOQ[\¼[ZWTM_Q\PQVIKWZZMK\QWVIT regarding children of divorce, especially [M\\QVOIVLKTIZQÅM[\PMLQ‫ٺ‬MZMVKM[QV_WZSQVO_Q\PQVUI\M[ the practice of evaluation as it pertains to IVL KWZZMK\QWVIT [\I‫ ٺ‬NZWU XWX]TI\QWV[ UWZM KWUUWVTa child custody. The reality of custody eval- MVKW]V\MZML Ja \PW[M _WZSQVO QV \PM ÅMTL WN  X[aKPWTWOa ]I\QWV_WZSQV^WSM[IXTM\PWZIWN [XMKQÅK It summarizes the state of current relevant research and circumstances regarding each family that W‫ٺ‬MZ[XZIK\QKITIL^QKMIVLM`IUXTM[NWZ[]KKM[[N]TTa\ZIV- must be taken into consideration. To work sitioning into this environment. Written for students and towards this goal, the author integrates professionals, this book integrates the physical and psycho- [KQMV\QÅK ÅVLQVO[ ZMTM^IV\ \PMWZa IVL logical dangers that are inherent, the stress management professional experience in a manner that principles, and the importance of maintaining supportive is conceptually sound and useful in prac- outside relationships and activities that will assist the cor- tice. Each chapter begins with a Practice rectional psychologist in overcoming any problems. This Checklist to emphasize what is needed book is an excellent way of exposing graduate students to to engage in careful deliberation. In ad- the applied aspects of psychology and/or criminal justice dition, domestic violence, child abuse, at the graduate level. substance abuse, relocation, report writ- ing, ethics, guidelines, risk management,© 2014 SERIAL KILLERS and practice improvement are discussed.280 pp., (7 x 10) This book also contains important new28 il. The Psychosocial Development of research on the PAI, PCRI, and MMPI-2 Humanity’s Worst Offenders [XMKQÅK \W KPQTL K][\WLa M^IT]I\QWV <PQ[paper | $39.95 well-written text is an excellent resource978-0-398-08788-3 By William M. Harmening for domestic relations attorneys, judges, family counselors, child protection work-ebook | $39.95 Whether it be Jack the Ripper in nineteenth-century En- ers, human services, advocates, and men-978-0-398-08114-0 gland or Ted Bundy in 1970s America, the public has al- tal health professionals. _Ia[JMMVNI[KQVI\MLJa\PMKZQUQVITW‫ٺ‬MVLMZ\aXMSVW_V as the serial killer. Professionals continue to speculate and develop new theories about their identity decades after their crimes ended. But what is it that causes such evilness in individuals that causes them to take an innocent life, not once but multiples times, and for no apparent reason be- aWVL \PMQZ W_V XMZ^MZ[M X[aKPWTWOQKIT OZI\QÅKI\QWV' <PQ[ fascinating book explores this question by looking at the psychosocial determinants of criminal behavior, including serial murder. The role of such internal processes as at- tachment, moral development, and identity formation in the development of a person’s predisposition to various forms of deviance, including physical and sexual aggres- sion, is reviewed. Finally, early intervention strategies are explored that can potentially redirect a child’s develop- mental trajectory away from crime and deviance, and to- ward a more adaptive and socially acceptable behavioral repertoire. This book will be an insightful resource to all law enforcement professionals, policymakers, police aca- demics, psychologists, psychiatrists, and many others in the helping professions as well.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • FORENSIC PSYCHIATRY & PSYCHOLOGY | 75

APPLIED CRIMINAL PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF PSYCHOLOGY MILITARY FORENSIC PSYCHIATRY A Guide to Forensic By Gregory R. Lande & David T. Armitage Behavioral Sciences © 1997 Forensic psychiatry is an interesting and important subject (2nd Ed.) 554 pp., (7 x 10) that has enjoyed explosive growth. All areas of law and By Richard N. Kocsis all jurisdictions—save one—have been studied in detail. hard | $119.95 That solitary exception is military forensic psychiatry. The© 2018 | 404 pp., (7 x 10), 4 il., 2 tables 978-0-398-06752-6 paper | $59.95 | 978-0-398-09236-8 8ZQVKQXTM[IVL8ZIK\QKMWN 5QTQ\IZa.WZMV[QK8[aKPQI\ZaÅTT[ ebook | $59.95 | 978-0-398-09237-5 ebook | $99.95 the void and is essential reading for all of those involved in 978-0-398-08283-3 the complex areas where law and medicine converge. The editors have assembled an impressive array of authors, in- cluding practicing military and civilian psychiatrists, expert military lawyers and civilian defense counsel, assistant U.S. Attorneys, and the U.S. military’s chief judge. The book includes a wide range of topics, including the history of military forensic psychiatry, defense counsel strategies, ma- lingering, syndrome testimony, disposition of those acquit- ted by reason of insanity, military child forensic psychiatry, counterintuitive principles in child abuse cases, military medical malpractice, voluntary intoxication, terrorism, disciplinary barracks, expert testimony, and ethics and reg- ulation of military psychiatry, among others. This superb book is an essential reference for all military personnel in the medical and legal communities. It will be a standard text at military educational institutions. In addition, the text will be highly valuable to civilian professionals practic- ing forensics in the military system.Applied Criminal Psychology provides the © 2012 WAR TRAUMA IN VETERANSreader with a comprehensive and practical 356 pp., (7 x 10) AND THEIR FAMILIESguide to psychological research and tech-niques. It is introductory and wide-rang- hard | $69.95 Diagnosis and Management of PTSD,ing and covers important forensic aspects 978-0-398-08724-1 TBI and Comorbidities of Combatof psychology, psychiatry, and behavioral Trauma - From Pharmacotherapysciences. Many key forensic issues are cov- ebook | $52.95 to a 12-Step Self-Help Programered, including personality disorders, risk 978-0-398-08725-8 for Combat Veteransassessment, the forensic psychologist as anexpert witness, detecting deception, eye- By Jamshid A. Marvastiwitness memory, cognitive interviewing,forensic hypnosis, false confessions, crim- The mission in writing this book was to look beyond poli- tics in order to explore the extent of the ongoing and long-QVITXZWÅTQVOIVLKZQ[Q[VMOW\QI\QWV?Q\P term human cost of war and military occupation. This JWWSILLZM[[M[\PM[]‫ٺ‬MZQVOWN W]Z\ZWWX[IVL\PMQZNIUQ-\PQ[VM_MLQ\QWVIVL[\IZ\QVO_Q\P\PMÅZ[\ TQM[IVLW]ZZM[XWV[QJQTQ\aI[I[WKQM\aÅZ[\\WIKSVW_TMLOM IVLLQIOVW[M\PQ[[]‫ٺ‬MZQVOIVL\PMV\WKIZMNWZ\PW[M_PW\_W KPIX\MZ[ [QOVQÅKIV\ NWK][ PI[ JMMV IZMI‫ٺ‬MK\MLJaQ\<PMÅZ[\WN \_W[MK\QWV[¹+TQVQKIT1[[]M[placed upon Psychopathy and the closely of War Trauma,” contains chapters on signs and symp-associated DSM category of Anti-Social toms, diagnosis, and pharmacotherapy of war trauma.Personality Disorder. Another new chap- The second section, “Witnesses to War,” is comprised ofter has also been included dedicated to NW]Z ÅZ[\PIVL IKKW]V\[ WN  M`XMZQMVKM[ QV KWUJI\bWVM[the principles of law associated with an L]ZQVO IVL IN\MZ KWVÆQK\ ;WUM WN  \PM KPIX\MZ[ WN  \PQ[accused person’s mental status. The book book were written by professionals with direct involvementis international and interdisciplinary in its in combat, from WW II to the wars in Iraq and Afghani-scope and focus. Many of the contributors stan. This outstanding book will be a standard text at mili-to this book are well known scholars and/ tary educational institutions and highly valuable to civilianor practitioners. It will be of great interest professionals practicing psychiatry, family counseling andto psychologists, psychiatrists, criminolo- forensic psychology in the military system.gists, legal professionals, law enforcementpersonnel and students who are planningcareers in forensic psychology, criminolo-gy, and policing.76 | BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •

OFFENDER PROFILINGAn Introduction to the Sociopsychological Analysis of Violent Crime By George B. Palermo & Richard N. KocsisFrom the foreword by Professor Ralph Slovenko: “. they discuss the crime scene. A special chapter by © 2005. . In this book, two eminent scholars, George B. former FBI agents Robert R. Hazelwood and Mi- 284 pp., (7 x 10)Palermo, M.D., M.Sc.Crim. and Richard N. Koc- chael R. Napier presents the staged crime scene,sis, Ph.D., both active in clinical and research work, often puzzling for investigators. The third section 22 il., 2 tables includes a historical review and criticisms of theOZIXXTM_Q\P\PM\QUMTa\WXQKWN KZQUQVITXZWÅTQVO UIRWZ \PMWZM\QKIT ZM[MIZKP WV XZWÅTQVO <PM I]- paper | $42.95Their purpose in writing their very comprehensive thors accompany the reader on an interesting voy- 978-0-398-07549-1and objective book is to attempt to separate myth IOM \PZW]OP \PM LM^MTWXUMV\ WN  XZWÅTQVO _Q\PW]\ ebook | $42.95NZWU ZMITQ\a \PM _PMI\ NZWU \PM KPI‫< ٺ‬PM JWWS 978-0-398-08401-1[\IVL[ WV ÅZU X[aKPWTWOQKITX[aKPQI\ZQK NW]VLI- IXXIZMV\ M‫ٺ‬WZ\ I Y]ITQ\a \PI\ LMVW\M[ I XZWNW]VL knowledge of the subject that derives from their\QWV[ I[ \PM JI[Q[ NWZ W‫ٺ‬MVLMZ \aXWTWOQM[ 1V \PM many years of forensic experience. The book will be of interest to professionals involved in criminalÅZ[\[MK\QWV\PMI]\PWZ[LM[KZQJM\PMUIRWZ^QWTMV\ work, whether psychologists, psychiatrists, attor-crimes, particularly multiple/serial murder, serial neys, or criminal investigators. It is a major contri-arson, serial rape, and burglary-related felonies asstrictly connected with the underlying personality J]\QWV\W\PMÅMTLWN KZQUQVITXZWÅTQVOºWN \PMW‫ٺ‬MVLMZ[1V\PM[MKWVL[MK\QWVWN \PMJWWS SUBCLINICAL PSYCHOPATHSHow They Adapt, Their Interpersonal Interactions with and Effect on Others, and How to Detect Them By Cary Stacy Smith & Li-Ching HungIt is estimated that psychopaths make up about 1 cerning subclinical psychopathy, with some chap- © 2013percent of the general population. They do every- ters being more technical than others primarily 266 pp., (7 x 10)thing that a normal person does, with the exception due to the nature of the data reported. Chaptersthat they possess no empathy and/or conscience include: An Introduction to Subclinical Psychopa- paper | $39.95toward others, are highly skilled in the art of ma- thy; A Short History of Psychopathy; What is Sub- 978-0-398-08761-6nipulation, and they have no compunction using clinical Psychopathy?; The Psychopathic Brain;others to get what they want and are masters at it. Child and Adolescent Psychopaths; Interpersonal ebook | $39.95This book is intended for mental health profession- Relationships; Personality Factors—How to De- 978-0-398-08762-3als who want to know more about a phenomenon tect Psychopaths; Treatment for Psychopathy; andthat is both fascinating and scary and who seek to How to Deal with the Psychopath in Your Life.gain information about a topic that, thus far, has While the book is not a treatise on subclinical psy-received scant attention from researchers. The chopathy, after reading it, readers will walk awayI]\PWZ[NWK][WVIV]UJMZWN LQ‫ٺ‬MZMV\IZMI[KWV- with a better understanding of the subject. MOST OF OUR TITLES ARE AVAILABLE AS E-BOOKS AND CAN BE PURCHASED THROUGH OUR WEBSITE AT WWW.CCTHOMAS.COM.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • FORENSIC PSYCHIATRY & PSYCHOLOGY | 77

EXPLORATIONS IN CRIMINAL PSYCHOPATHOLOGY Clinical Syndromes With Forensic Implications (2nd Ed.) By Louis B. Schlesinger When Explorations in Criminal Psychopatholo- an impressive group of contributors explores gy: Clinical Syndromes With Forensic Implica- ^IZQW][ LQ[WZLMZ[ \PI\ PI^M [QOVQÅKIV\ NWZMV[QK “This book meets a\QWV[_I[ÅZ[\X]JTQ[PMLQV implications. Updated and expanded articles approach 1996, the purpose was, in these complexities largely part, to correct an imbal- from a psychodynamic per- IVKMQV\PMÅMTL[XMKQÅKIT- ly with regard to the cover- VMMLQV[KQMV\QÅKTQ\MZI\]ZM spective that also addresses age of the important topic the biological, psychological© 2007 of psychopathology and its ”I[I[QOVQÅKIV\ZM[W]ZKM and environmental aspects394 pp., (7 x 10) relationship to crime. The of behavior. This book meets3 il., 10 tables 2nd Ed. of this book con- for clinicians. tinues to address the com- I VMML QV [KQMV\QÅK TQ\MZI\]ZMpaper | $59.95978-0-398-07688-7 I[ I [QOVQÅKIV\ ZM[W]ZKM NWZebook | $59.95 plex approach to this very clinicians that are confront-978-0-398-08539-1 [XMKQÅK IVL QUXWZ\IV\ I[XMK\ WN  P]UIV JMPI^- ed with rare, unusual, or novel disorders whose ior. Emphasizing on psychopathology from a potential implications have been less well studied clinical phenomenological perspective, with legal and are therefore less apparent and familiar. issues and implications playing a secondary role, PSYCHIATRIC ASPECTS OF CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR Collected Papers of Eugene Revitch By Louis B. Schlesinger -]OMVM :M^Q\KP 5, _I[ I XZWTQÅK I]\PWZ I burglaries with sexual dynamics. The second seminal thinker, and truly ahead of his time. The section focuses on mental disorders and crime, papers he published many years ago are highly the concept of psychopathic personalities, the ZMTM^IV\ \WLIa 0M PI[ _ZQ\\MV [WUM WN  \PM ÅZ[\ XMLWXPQTMW‫ٺ‬MVLMZKTI[[QÅKI\QWVWN W‫ٺ‬MVLMZ[NWZ papers on sexual murder and sexual aggression prognostic and dispositional evaluation, patients long before there was widespread interest in these who kill their physicians, the problem of conju- topics. He coined the term “conjugal paranoia,” gal paranoia, and the diagnosis and disposition© 2017 IVL_I[WVMWN \PMÅZ[\\W[\]LaXI\QMV\[_PWSQTT of the paranoid marital partner. The third sec-280 pp., (7 x 10) their physicians, and made tion explores the psychiatric10 tables and diagnostic problems in many contributions to the epilepsy, epileptic manifes-paper | $32.95 tations resembling psychiat-978-0-398-09145-3 This book has beeninterface of psychiatry andebook | $32.95 “written in the hopes theseVM]ZWTWOa [XMKQÅKITTa I[978-0-398-09146-0 it relates to explosive vio- important works of ric disorders, psychomotor lence. The works of Doc- paroxysms and manifesta- tor Eugene Revitch are tions of nonepileptic ori- gin, and the social aspects Doctor Revitch will not beas relevant today as when of epilepsy. Case examples \PMa _MZM X]JTQ[PML ÅN\a IZM][ML\WQTT][\ZI\M[XMKQÅK points within various chap- abandoned nor forgotten.years ago. This book has ”been written in the hopes these important works of ters. This book will make an Doctor Revitch will not be abandoned nor for- important contribution in furthering the under- gotten. Among the key topics discussed in this standing of contemporary forensic issues, as well volume are sex murders and aggression, mental as the historic development of forensic psychi- disorders and crime, psychiatric aspects of epi- atric and psychological thoughts and practices. TMX[a IVL MXQTMX\WQL ^QWTMVKM <PM ÅZ[\ [MK\QWV This unique and comprehensive text will prove of this book discusses extreme manifestations QV^IT]IJTM\WPQ[\WZaJ]‫[ٺ‬NWZMV[QKX[aKPWTWOQ[\[ of sexual aggression and murder, the potential and psychiatrists, criminologists, legal profession- sex murderer, gynocide and unprovoked attacks als, and law enforcement personnel. on women, sexually motivated burglaries, and78 | BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •

Hypnosis© 2014 CLINICAL HYPNOSIS IN PAIN IDEOMOTOR SIGNALS FOR400 pp., (7 x 10) THERAPY AND PALLIATIVE CARE RAPID HYPNOANALYSIShard | $69.95 A How-To Manual978-0-398-08765-4 A Handbook of Techniques forpaper | $49.95 Improving the Patient’s Physical By Dabney M. Ewin &978-0-398-08766-1 and Psychological Well-Being Bruce N. Eimerebook | $49.95978-0-398-08767-8 By Maria Paola Brugnoli © 2006 | 296 pp., (7 x 10), 15 il.© 2015 Anesthetist and pain specialist, Maria Paola Brugnoli, brings hard | $67.95 | 978-0-398-07628-3238 pp., (7 x 10) together her experience, knowledge and emotional intelli- paper | $47.95 | 978-0-398-07629-04 tables gence in this integrative work on clinical hypnosis and pain ebook | $47.95 | 978-0-398-08455-4paper | $34.95 management. In it, she presents a new system approach to978-0-398-08132-4 study the neurophysiological states of consciousness to im- In today’s managed mental health care en-ebook | $34.95 prove the use of clinical hypnosis and mindfulness in pain vironment, clinical hypnosis has become978-0-398-08133-1 \PMZIXa IVL XITTQI\Q^M KIZM <PM JWWS M`XTWZM[ \PM ÅMTL[ WN  popular as a tool for alleviating symptoms clinical hypnosis and mindfulness as applied to the therapy of promptly. This book is about using ideomo- []‫ٺ‬MZQVOIVL^IZQW][\aXMWN IK]\MIVLKPZWVQKXIQVIVLQV tor (IM) signals in the rapid hypnoanalysis LaQVO XI\QMV\[ 1\ Q[ WZOIVQbML QV WZLMZ \W [PW_ ITT [KQMV\QÅK of psychosomatic disorders. The technique neuropsychological theories currently in use regarding various of rapid hypnoanalysis addresses the whole \aXM[ WN  XIQV IVL []‫ٺ‬MZQVO <PM I]\PWZ¼[ LMMX [MV[Q\Q^Q\a Q[ brain and places the feeling back into brief most notable in her attention to the dignity of the person in therapy without removing the logic or the pain. She gathers together the techniques for distracting them M‫ٻ‬KQMVKa 1\ W‫ٺ‬MZ[ I ZMNZM[PQVO IT\MZVI\Q^M from the painful present and transporting them to another that allows therapists to go deeper while be- dimension. One can imagine her psychological hand-holding ing even briefer. This book covers basic con- IVL[]XXWZ\I[[PMUW^M[PMZXI\QMV\[NZWU[]‫ٺ‬MZQVO\WZMTQMN cepts and principles. The value, principles, This book is intended for all the professionals working every and treatment planning of hypnoanalysis LIa_Q\PXIQVIVL[]‫ٺ‬MZQVO are discussed. Basic applications of rapid hypnoanalysis and illustrates their employ- HYPNOSIS, DISSOCIATION, ment are covered and the seven common AND ABSORPTION causes of psychosomatic disorders, ideo- motor applications to Direct Suggestion Theories, Assessment and Treatment in Hypnosis (DSIH), hypnotic preparation and care of the surgical patient, self-hypno- (2nd Ed.) sis, and treating the cognitive and emotion- al components of persistent pain are exam- By Marty Sapp ined. This book presents clinical transcripts of cases to illustrate the actual uses of the This updated edition presents the psychological theories and technique with psychosomatic patients. It applications of how to use hypnosis with clients who display is a “how-to” book that provides numerous dissociation, absorption, fantasy proneness, and imaginative case examples and illustrations showing capabilities. This 2nd Ed. adds information on the history [XMKQÅKITTa PW_ QLMWUW\WZ IVITa[Q[ \MKP- WN  ,Q^Q[QWV  <PM ;WKQM\a WN  8[aKPWTWOQKIT 0aXVW[Q[ WN  niques are used. Visit Authors’ Website at the American Psychological Association), the sociophenom- enological, regression, relaxation, and other contemporary theories of hypnosis. It discusses the clinical implications of applying hypnosis to several overlapping psychological disor- ders, such as dissociative identity disorder, borderline person- ality disorder, somatoform disorder, acute stress disorder, and posttraumatic stress disorder. Applications of eye-movement techniques and hypnosis for children are included. A new sec- tion on multicultural applications of hypnosis is presented. In addition, the uses of hypnosis for pain control, anxiety and stress, ego strengthening, unipolar depression, smoking cessa- tion, weight loss, and rehabilitation are described. This unique and comprehensive book will be of interest to students and XZWNM[[QWVIT[QV\PMKW]V[MTQVOIVLX[aKPWTWOaÅMTL[CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • HYPNOSIS | 79

Occupational Psychology and Safety APPLYING HEALTH AND SAFETY TRAINING METHODS A Study Guide to Accompany BEHAVIORAL ENGINEERING THROUGH SAFETY TRAINING By James P. Kohn & Douglas L. Timmons© 1988 By James P. Kohn and Douglas L. Timmons, both and Safety Communication; Training Applications78 pp., (7 x 10) of Indiana State University Terre Haute. CON- in Health and Safety; Selecting Communication TENTS: Communicating to Achieve Desiredspiral | $20.95 Performance; Identify Health and Safety Training ;\ZI\MOQM[ IVL 5MLQI# ?ZQ\QVO -‫ٺ‬MK\Q^M 0MIT\P978-0-398-05473-1 and Safety Training Reports; Evaluating Health 6MML[# ,M^MTWXQVO -‫ٺ‬MK\Q^M 0MIT\P IVL ;INM\aebook | $20.95 IVL;INM\a<ZIQVQVO-‫ٺ‬MK\Q^MVM[[#+PIX\MZ:M^QM_978-0-398-09030-2 <ZIQVQVO7JRMK\Q^M[#-TMUMV\[WN -‫ٺ‬MK\Q^M0MIT\P Question Locations. Appendix. FOR FAST AND CONVENIENT SERVICE ORDER YOUR BOOKS DIRECT FROM US AT 800.258.8980 OR ONLINE AT WWW.CCTHOMAS.COM. EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS Wellness/Enhancement Proramming (4th Ed.) By Michael A. Richard, William G. Emener & William S. Hutchison, Jr.© 2009 This landmark text discusses current issues and the still pertinent, meaningful and relevant-to-to-428 pp., (8 x 10) trends to help employee assistance and human day materials from the previous editions, there are8 il., 1 table resource professionals do their jobs better and nine new updates, written by an all-star team of help people live happier, more productive lives experts in their respective areas. An excellent text-paper | $59.95 by providing them with the resources to deal with book for college and university courses and prepa-978-0-398-07839-3 personal problems. The current spiraling and es- ration source, this book is a must for professionals calating rate of change within the business and wanting to be up-to-date on employee assistanceebook | $59.95 working world, fueled by other events and phe- programming, for students in graduate courses978-0-398-08561-2 nomena since September 11, 2001, were the im- and seminars, for college and university courses, petus and driving force behind the initiative and and in-service training and continuing education programs. LM^MTWXUMV\WN \PQ[VM_\P-L?PQTM[I^WZQVO80 | BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •

WHO GETS PTSD? Issues of Posttraumatic Stress Vulnerability By John M. Violanti & Douglas PatonPersons engaged in occupations that require emer- WN M`XW[]ZMIVLOMVLMZLQ‫ٺ‬MZMVKM[#XMZ[WVITM^MV\ ©2006gency responses must frequently deal with exposure IVLWZOIVQbI\QWVITQVÆ]MVKM[QVXWTQKM[\ZM[[^]TVMZI- 216 pp., (7 x 10)to incidents that are traumatic. Some of these per- bility; vulnerability, war, and prisoner abuse; reducingsons develop posttraumatic stress reactions or full- trauma through personal and response management; 5 il., 7 tablesblown posttraumatic stress disorder, while others do psychological vulnerability among international aidnot. A key issue in the development of traumatic workers; prolonged separation and family vulnera- paper | $31.95stress is vulnerability. This book draws from research bility; risk communication and equilibrium theory; a 978-0-398-07619-1and life experiences on trauma vulnerability to bet- statistical model for measuring trauma vulnerability;ter understand how mental health professionals and and traumatic stress in protective services professions. ebook | $31.95those concerned with the psychological well-being What is clear from the chapters that comprise this 978-0-398-09034-0of others may disentangle the perplexing questions volume is that vulnerability should be conceptualizedof who gets PTSD, why they do, and how we mayprevent or minimize this from happening. Major I[ I U]T\QTM^MT XPMVWUMVWV IVL \PM \M`\ QLMV\QÅM[topics in the text include: assessing psychological dis- the contributing levels of analysis that provides the foundation for this process. The text will serve as a\ZM[[IVLXPa[QWTWOQKIT^]TVMZIJQTQ\aQVXWTQKMW‫ٻ‬KMZ[# valuable resource to professionals in law enforce- ment, emergency and paramedical services, and theXMZ[WVIT WZOIVQbI\QWVIT IVL KWV\M`\]IT QVÆ]MVKM[ military, as well as to psychologists, psychiatrists, and counselors.QV [\ZM[[ ^]TVMZIJQTQ\a# LQ‫ٺ‬MZMVKM[ QV ^]TVMZIJQTQ\a \WXW[\\ZI]UI\QK LMXZQ^I\QWV# OMVLMZ LQ‫ٺ‬MZMVKM[ QV XW-lice work stress and trauma; trauma types, frequencyPsychotherapy and Counseling© 2015 THE PROFESSIONAL © 2016 SPIRITUALITY354 pp., (7 x 10) HELPER 202 pp., (7 x 10) AS A WORKING 11 il. MODEL IN BRIEFpaper | $53.95 The Fundamentals of PSYCHOTHERAPY978-0-398-09085-2 Being a Helping paper | $32.95 Spiritual Approaches to Professional 978-0-398-09127-9ebook | $53.95 Emotional and978-0-398-09086-9 (2nd Ed.) ebook | $32.95 Behavioral Change 978-0-398-09128-6 By Willie V. Bryan By Richard H. Cox The professional helper should be a Spirituality as a Working Model in Brief teacher, a mentor, a motivator and Psychotherapy is a practical book that I O]QLM _PMV I[[Q[\QVO PMTXMM[ ÅVL describes easily applicable methods for solutions to their life situations. Most use by nontheologically trained thera- clients have within themselves the pists. The focus is on brief psychothera- answers to most if not all of their py, since long-term treatment is no longer life situations; quite often, what they possible for many individuals today liv- need is someone to assist them in sift- ing busy lives on a limited budget. The ing through and evaluating the vari- book is unique in its approach involving ous possible responses for a situation. real-life encounters between patients This revised and expanded new edi- and therapists with years of experience \QWVKWV\QV]M[\PM\PMUMWN \PMÅZ[\ in both spirituality and psychotherapy. edition in providing a basic under- ?PQTM \PMZM IZM W\PMZ JWWS[ QV \PM ÅMTL standing of the various kinds of help- of spirituality and psychotherapy, they ing relationships and characteristics are written from a traditional Freud- \PI\IVM‫ٺ‬MK\Q^MPMTXMZU][\XW[[M[[ ian-based philosophy and do not include An overview of the major issues the practical, easily applicable methods for United States has encountered, and use when time is limited. to some degree successfully overcome with the involvement of the helping professional, is presented.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • PSYCHOTHERAPY AND COUNSELING | 81

ACTIVITIES FOR © 1999 ACTIVITIES FOR ADOLESCENTS 302 pp., (8 1/2 x 11) CHILDREN IN THERAPY 201 il., 12 tables A Guide for Planning and IN THERAPY Facilitating Therapy with A Handbook of Facilitating paper | $54.95 Guidelines and Planning 978-0-398-06971-1 Troubled Children Ideas for Group Therapy ebook | $54.95 (2nd Ed.) With Troubled Adolescents 978-0-398-08339-7 By Susan T. Dennison & Connie M. Knight (2nd Ed.) Activities for Children in Therapy provides the mental health By Susan T. Dennison professional with a wide variety of age-appropriate activ- ities which are simultaneously fun and therapeutic for the © 1998 | 264 pp., (7 x 10), 16 tables Å^M\W\_MT^MaMIZWTL\ZW]JTMLKPQTL<PQ[TI\M[\MLQ\QWVWN  the text takes much of the hard work out of planning and paper | $49.95 | 978-0-398-06807-3 implementing this therapy with children. The activities are ebook | $49.95 | 978-0-398-08260-4 LM[QOVML \W J]QTL I [QOVQÅKIV\ KPQTL\PMZIXQ[\ ZMTI\QWV[PQX surface problem areas, aid in resolving those problems andIn this practical resource manual, profes- provide a healthy closure to the therapy relationship. This[QWVIT[ _QTT ÅVL UWZM \PIV  \PMZIXM]- new edition also provides a comprehensive listing of bookstic group activities for use in counseling with other therapeutic intervention ideas, bibliotherapy ma-troubled adolescents. This new edition terials that compliment the activity chapters of this book,XZW^QLM[ \PM ZMILMZ _Q\P \PM [XMKQÅK[ WV assessment scales for evaluating youngsters at the onsetM[\IJTQ[PQVO IV M‫ٺ‬MK\Q^M OZW]X XZWOZIU of treatment, and a sample child assessment for individ-while, at the same time, outlining thera- ual therapy. It will be of use to professionals who providepeutic activities that can be used in each counseling to children, such as social workers, psychologists,phase of a therapy group. Step-by-step guidance counselors, speech/language pathologists, artinstructions have been provided for setting therapists, and other related professionals.up, planning and facilitating adolescentgroups with social and emotional prob- © 2005 A MULTIPLE FAMILY GROUPlems, who are the targetedgroup to ben- 310 pp., (8 1/2 x 11) THERAPY PROGRAM FORMÅ\ NZWU \PQ[ UI\MZQIT <PM QV\MZ^MV\QWV[ 62 il., 4 tables AT RISK ADOLESCENTSXZW^QLML PI^M JMMV LM[QOVML [XMKQÅKITTa AND THEIR FAMILIESfor each of the three phases of group: paper | $52.95initial, middle and termination. The book 978-0-398-07553-8 By Susan T. Dennisonhas been written primarily for the expe-rienced group clinician, such as social ebook | $52.95 The purpose of this book is to provide the reader with a prac-workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, and 978-0-398-08493-6 \QKM UWLMT NWZ KWVL]K\QVO M‫ٺ‬MK\Q^M 5]T\QXTM .IUQTa /ZW]Xschool counselors. However, it could also Therapy (MFGT) with at risk adolescents and their adapted for use by other professionals This model provides practical guidelines for setting up, plan-who work with adolescents in group set- ning, and facilitating Multiple Family Group Therapy with atings, such as art therapists, special edu- particular focus on the latter at risk population. In addition,cation teachers, recreation therapists, and a wide variety of interventions for each of the three phasesspeech/language pathologists. (i.e., initial, middle, and termination) of this group model are provided along with related task forms. These interven-82 | BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES tion suggestions are the heart of the book since four of the ten chapters are devoted entirely to these group technique ideas. It is intended to serve as a “how to do it” manual for those helping professionals who are experienced group work- ers. Such individuals could include social workers, counselors, or psychologists who have had course work, supervision, and ongoing training in group work. Professionals who have had a [XMKQÅKJIKSOZW]VLQV5./<_QTTUW[\JMVMÅ\NZWU\PMUI- terial in this book because they should be able to easily utilize the treatment interventions in their current group programs. CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •

© 2003 C. G. JUNG’S COMPLEX HELPING SKILLS302 pp., (7 x 10) DYNAMICS AND THE FOR HUMAN15 il. CLINICAL RELATIONSHIP One Map for Mystery SERVICE WORKERSpaper | $49.95 Building Relationships978-0-398-07409-8 By Brenda A. Donahue and Encouragingebook | $49.95 This book attempts to link Jung’s theories of complex and Productive Change978-0-398-08422-6 archetype with processes involved in ego development, human relationship and attachment by using clinical ex- (3rd Ed.) amples. It is one way for therapists to understand Jung’s ideas and use them in the clinical setting. The purpose of By Kenneth France & the book is to evoke questions rather than provide answers. Kim Weikel When we ask what it is that transforms people in therapy, we must answer that we do not know. Healing is a mystery. This book provides multiple viewing points into mystery and highlights the undeniable fact that it appears within the clinical hour. Finally, the reader will be introduced to group experiential exercises that can be used with col- leagues interested in working together to develop clinical skills. This book is useful for social workers, nurses, psy- chiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists, counselors and human resource professionals. FOR FAST AND CONVENIENT SERVICE ORDER YOUR BOOKS DIRECT © 2014 | 384 pp., (7 x 10), 6 il.FROM US AT 800.258.8980 OR ONLINE AT WWW.CCTHOMAS.COM. paper | $59.95 | 978-0-398-08108-9 ebook | $59.95 | 978-0-398-08109-6© 2013 THE EMOTIONAL <PQ[ ZM^Q[ML ZL -L Q[ I KWUXZMPMV[Q^M204 pp., (7 x 10) LIFE INTERVIEW yet easy-to-read resource for learning A Psychosocial Diagnostic and communication skills used in human ser-ebook | $29.95 Therapeutic Procedure vices such as crisis intervention, mental978-0-398-08757-9 health, case management, social services, By Henry Dupont rehabilitation, and patient care. All mate- rial in this new edition has been updated The purpose of this book is to introduce mental health with regard to supporting research. In XZWNM[[QWVIT[ \W \PM -UW\QWVIT 4QNM 1V\MZ^QM_ \PI\ W‫ٺ‬MZ[ addition, there is new information on therapy to those with mental health problems in a more the following topics: elements of positive M‫ٺ‬MK\Q^M IVL \QUM[MV[Q\Q^M XZWKM[[ 1\ UMM\[ \WLIa¼[ XZM[- sures to provide essential care at less cost. The Emotion- _WZSMZKTQMV\ ZMTI\QWV[PQX[# [MTNM‫ٻ‬KIKa# al Life Interview (ELI) involves asking each client seven TQVS[ JM\_MMV [MTNM‫ٻ‬KIKa IVL \PMZIXM]- Y]M[\QWV[ IJW]\ Å^M VMOI\Q^M NMMTQVO[ IVL MUW\QWV[ NMIZ tic bond; autonomic arousal of clients anger, shame, guilt, and sadness) and six questions about PMIZQVO IKK]ZI\M ZMÆMK\QWV[# OMV]QVM- two positive feelings and emotions (pride and happiness). ness and the real relationship; wisdom The process takes the practitioner into the emotional life and transformational leadership; ways of a client as no other procedure does. Major sections of of evaluating options during problem the book discuss feelings, emotions, and psychotherapy; solving; establishing goals, objectives, and meaning, arousal, and the construction of emotions; and plans; and responding to clients who are the use of the ELI in psychosocial treatment. The book resistant to change. The text is further en- represents a valuable new tool for all clinical and counsel- PIVKML Ja IV IXXMVLQ` W‫ٺ‬MZQVO V]UMZ- ing psychologists, clinical social workers, psychiatrists, and ous tools such as exercises and forms. If primary care providers. It will also serve as a resource in building relationships and encouraging the helping professions, welfare work, and human services. productive change are enterprises you wish to learn, this book is for you.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • PSYCHOTHERAPY AND COUNSELING | 83

PERSONAL BASIC PERSONAL COUNSELING COUNSELING SKILLS A Training Manual for Counselors An Integrative Approach By David Geldard (Rev. 1st Ed.) © 1989 Basic Personal Counseling is an easy-to-read introduction to By Kathryn Geldard 214 pp., (7 x 10) counseling skills for both student and professional counselors & David Geldard 28 il. and workers in the helping professions. Up-to-date and re-© 2012 | 340 pp., (7 x 10), 20 il, 3 tables paper | $39.95 ÆMK\QVOK]ZZMV\JM[\XZIK\QKM\PQ[\M`\XZW^QLM[\PMNWTTW_QVO\" 978-0-398-05540-0 introduces counseling skills in a logical sequence and provides paper | $45.95 | 978-0-398-08834-7 practical examples of the skills in action; shows how combin- ebook | $45.95 | 978-0-398-08835-4 ebook | $39.95 ing counseling skills using an integrative approach can pro- 978-0-398-09028-9 duce change; discusses the processes of change involved in<PQ[ZM^Q[MLÅZ[\MLQ\QWVQ[IKWUXZMPMV- counseling; provides approaches for counseling people withsive, easy-to-read introduction to personalcounseling written for professional and [XMKQÅKXZWJTMU[[]KPI[IVOMZLMXZM[[QWVOZQMN WZ[]QKQLITvolunteer counselors and those who train \PW]OP\[#LQ[K][[M[XZWNM[[QWVITQ[[]M[QVKT]LQVOKWVÅLMV\QITQ-them. A major new addition to the book, ty, ethics, record-keeping, arrangement of a counseling room,making it particularly attractive to those the need to care for yourself, and the importance and use ofwho train counselors, is the inclusion of supervision. This training manual will be useful as an initialtraining group exercises for all skills chap- text for both professional and volunteer counselor trainees. Itters. The authors adopt an integrative ap- is ideal for use in counselor training of social workers, psy-proach that allows the reader to learn, un- chologists, clergymen, crisis counselors, medical practitioners,derstand, and use skills taken from major volunteer counselors, and other members of the communitycounseling approaches, and to integrate who may wish to develop counseling skills.these into a sequential process that maxi-mizes the possibility of facilitating change © 2013 FOUNDATIONS OFin clients. Of considerable value for new 286 pp., (7 x 10) COUNSELING PEOPLEcounselors are those sections of the book A Guide for the Counseling,that describe the fundamental principles ebook | $39.95 Psychological, and Helping Professionsof the counseling relationship, and ex- 978-0-398-08865-1plain the theories of change applicable to By Michael E. Illovskythe various approaches to counseling. Thetext will serve as a valuable resource for Those in the counseling profession are interacting moreworkers in a wide variety of helping pro- _Q\PXMWXTMNZWUW\PMZK]T\]ZM[\PM=;[XPMZMWN QVÆ]-fessions where counseling skills are useful, ence throughout the world is spreading, increasingly, wesuch as psychology, social work, welfare are providing services to clients who are not Caucasianwork, medicine, nursing, human services, or of European heritage, and our educational programsand education. have been active in training both domestic students of di- verse ethnic backgrounds as well as foreign students. These factors combine to contribute to the need for those who provide counseling to understand the elements involved in interacting with a wide spectrum of people. This book meets that need by providing a brief synopsis on such top- ics as common factors, values, universals, cross-cultural competence, and models, approaches, and psychological perspectives of human behavior (theories of personality). The emphasis is on material that relies more on the use of \PM [KQMV\QÅK UM\PWL IVL LI\I QV[\MIL WN  IVMKLW\IT IVL experiential literature. For the reader who is interested in obtaining information from which statements are derived, there are references to investigate the material further. ;\]LMV\[IVLXZWNM[[QWVIT[QV\PMÅMTL[WN KW]V[MTQVOIVL X[aKPWTWOa_QTTÅVL\PQ[JWWS\WJMIVQV^IT]IJTMILLQ\QWV to their library.84 | BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •

© 2013 CLINICAL PASTORAL WHEN PARENTS HAVE192 pp., (7 x 10) PSYCHOTHERAPY PROBLEMSpaper | $29.95 Perspectives and Methods A Book for Teens and978-0-398-08882-8 Older Children Who By Steven J. Kaplan & Bruce D. Forman Have a Disturbed orebook | $29.95978-0-398-08883-5 The focus of this text is on the clinical aspects of pastoral psy- Difficult Parent chotherapy—that is, those psychological understandings and (2nd Ed.) approaches that provide the pastor, however he or she is de- ÅVML_Q\P\PM[SQTT[\W]VLMZ[\IVL\PM]VLMZTaQVOLaVIUQK[ By Susan B. Miller WN [XMKQÅKJMPI^QWZITLQ[WZLMZ[XMWXTMJZQVO\W\PMUI[_MTT as the art of working with and reeducating those in distress as © 2012 | 120 pp., (7 x 10) to healthier, less self-defeating choices they can make in life. paper | $19.95 | 978-0-398-08713-5 <PM\M`\Q[LQ^QLMLQV\WNW]ZXIZ\[1V+PIX\MZ[\PMJI[QK ebook | $19.95 | 978-0-398-08714-2 principles of Individual Psychology are presented, introduc- ing the pastor to the teleological system of Adier. Additional, the explanations of the dynamics of pathological are present- ed, with disorders ranging from the minor to the major. In +PIX\MZVWV)LTMZQIVIXXZWIKPM[IZMLQ[K][[MLI‫ٺ‬WZLQVO the pastoral psychotherapist the option of expanding his or her repertoire of techniques if he or she feels comfortable employing them. Chapter 5 surveys areas of daily life that all people experience and encounter and presents spiritual understandings and guidance for the (pastor or) individual to use through his or her travels on this planet. Last, Chapter W‫ٺ‬MZ[I^QM_IVLWXQVQWV[I[\W_PI\\PMVM`\LMKILMWN  pastoral psychotherapy may hold. The book will serve as a springboard for further investigation into the various areas covered. It will also assist pastors in their sacred task of spiri- tually and psychologically helping and healing the distressed.© 1997 PET-ORIENTED CHILD Numerous books have been written for242 pp., (7 x 10) PSYCHOTHERAPY adults who grew up coping with troubledpaper | $43.95 (2nd Ed.) IVL LQ‫ٻ‬K]T\ XIZMV\[ <PQ[ VM_Ta ZM^Q[ML978-0-398-06674-1 2nd Ed. expands the information in the By Boris M. Levinson & Gerald P. Mallon previous edition by updating currentebook | $43.95 knowledge that provides a thorough over-978-0-398-08284-0 *WZQ[4M^QV[WV_I[\PMÅZ[\XZWNM[[QWVITTa\ZIQVMLKTQVQKQIV view for children who are coping with dif- to formally introduce and document the way that com- ÅK]T\IVLWZ\ZW]JTMLXIZMV\[<_WKPIX- panion animals could hasten the development of a rap- port between therapist and patient, thereby increasing the \MZ[PI^MJMMVILLML<PMÅZ[\ILLZM[[M[ TQSMTQPWWL WN  XI\QMV\ UW\Q^I\QWV <PM ÅZ[\ MLQ\QWV WN  \PQ[ JWWS_I[\PMÅZ[\_WZS\WLWK]UMV\¹XM\WZQMV\MLX[aKPW- XIZMV\[ _PW PI^M LQ‫ٻ‬K]T\ XMZ[WVITQ\QM[ therapy.” That text is reproduced here in its original form; These parents are not openly abusive or PW_M^MZ QV IV M‫ٺ‬WZ\ \W ]XLI\M IVL ZM^Q[M \PM \M`\ VW\M[ obviously neglectful to their kids but are have been added to identify and illuminate research and overprotective, perfectionists, and imma- practices which have taken place since the original pub- ture. The kinds of problems that a par- lication. In addition, a list of resources is included in the ent’s troubles can cause and ideas on how appendix. Topics discussed include historical background, to deal constructively with the challenges the pet and mental hygiene, the use of pets in psychologi- is discussed. The second new chapter ad- cal assessment, animal aides in psychotherapy, pet-oriented dresses parents in poverty. Some families therapy in residential settings, pets providing motivation are poor by any standard, and some are for learning, the pet and family therapy, the child and his poor in relation to their community. Either pet, and the therapist and his pet. This classic text will have great appeal to human service practitioners; health and \aXMWN XW^MZ\aQ[LQ‫ٻ‬K]T\NWZIKPQTLIVL mental health practitioners; and educators in social work, psychology, nursing, veterinary medicine, and counseling. \PMXZWJTMU[WN XW^MZ\aUIaJMLQ‫ٺ‬MZMV\ for a teenager than for a younger child. Suggestions are incorporated throughout the book on how to deal with the prob- lems of the parent so that the child and/ or teenager can keep on track with their own growing up. This book is an excellent resource for therapists, school counselors, group leaders, and others who work with children and teenagers and who want reading materials to recommend to them.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • PSYCHOTHERAPY AND COUNSELING | 85

FOUNDATIONS OF © 2010 PSYCHODYNAMIC, AFFECTIVE, MENTAL HEALTH 242 pp., (7 x 10) AND BEHAVIORAL THEORIES 8 tables COUNSELING TO PSYCHOTHERAPY (4th Ed.) paper | $39.95 978-0-398-07896-6 By Marty SappBy Artis J. Palmo, William J. Weikel & David P. Borsos ebook | $39.95 The goal of this book is to examine three major theories 978-0-398-07974-1 and their approach to psychotherapy—psychodynamic, © 2011 | 508 pp., (7 x 10), 6 il., 3 tables I‫ٺ‬MK\Q^M IVL JMPI^QWZIT¸_PQKP IZM LMÅVML I[ [XMKQÅK skills that a clinician or student can readily understand. paper | $64.95 | 978-0-398-08636-7 In this book, these theories of psychotherapy are broken ebook | $64.95 | 978-0-398-08637-4 down into three phases or levels: beginning (Level I) in- termediate (Level II) and action (Level III). Theories thatIt has been 25 years since the original edi- are Level I will be appropriate for establishing a counselingtion of Foundations of Mental Health Counsel- relationship. Level II counseling skills further enhance thising _I[ X]JTQ[PML <PQ[ \P -L M`XIVL[ initial counseling relationship. Level III theories are ac-the information in the previous editions by tion-oriented theories of psychotherapy that are designed]XLI\QVO\PMXW[Q\Q^MKPIVOM[QV\PMÅMTLWN  to move a client toward change. Theoretical eclecticism,mental health counseling including the rec- haphazardly drawing from opposing theories, can leadognition of licensed professional counselors to confusion and epistemological incompatibility. Withby managed care organizations and insur- this in mind, technical eclecticism is explored, suggestingance companies. Section I is an overview procedures and techniques from many theories withoutthat covers a historical perspective from endorsing the individual theories. Experiential exercis-which an assertive and articulate voice for es, glossaries, and examination questions are included inthe identity and advancement of mental each chapter. The author believes that it is possible to behealth counseling has emerged. Section eclectic within a broad theoretical framework without ran-II covers the role of theory and the inte- domly trying to integrate diametrically opposing theories.gration of these theories in the practice of This unique and comprehensive book will be of interest tomental health counseling, including men- mental health workers, educational therapists, counselors,tal health and aging, multiculturalism and psychologists, psychiatrists, and students.diversity, career counseling, and the use ofhumor in counseling sessions. Section III © 2009 THE ROLE OF COMPANIONdetails the expanding employment oppor- 168 pp., (7 x 10) ANIMALS IN COUNSELINGtunities, work settings, and private practice. 2 tablesSection IV presents the counselor’s role in AND PSYCHOLOGYrecovery and trauma counseling treatment paper | $32.95 Discovering Their Use in theregarding terrorism. Section V explores 978-0-398-07863-8the licensure, credentialing, and legisla- Therapeutic Processtion related to mental health counseling, ebook | $32.95its impact, and the counselor as a political 978-0-398-08569-8 By Jane K. Wilkesactivist. Section VI addresses assessment,research, ethics, curriculum, and trends of <PMP]UIVPMIT\PJMVMÅ\[LMZQ^MLNZWUZMTI\QWV[PQX[_Q\Pmental health counseling. This book con- KWUXIVQWVIVQUIT[PI[I\\ZIK\MLIVIJ]VLIVKMWN [KQMV\QÅKtinues to be the most up-to-date resource in interest and research. However, there is a need for theoret-\PMÅMTLWN UMV\ITPMIT\PKW]V[MTQVOIVLQ[ ical conceptualizations in order to understand the healinga “must read” for anyone working or aspir- JMVMÅ\[ WN  P]UIVIVQUIT QV\MZIK\QWV[ <PM OWIT WN  \PQ[ing to work as a mental health counselor. book is to seek these answers and the “how” and “why” companion animals play a role in counseling and psychol-86 | BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES ogy. In-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with three psychologists who use animals in their therapy settings. The focus of these interviews was to determine the experiences of having a companion animal present during therapy sessions. This book suggests that therapy animals are extremely helpful in providing a sense of safety for trau- matized clients and could act as catalysts, especially with defensive and/or detached clients. Replete with informative appendices that will serve as valuable knowledge, this book Q[ I [QOVQÅKIV\ ZM[W]ZKM WV \PM []JRMK\ WN  IVQUITI[[Q[\ML therapy for mental health professionals such as counselors, clinical social workers, psychologists, and skilled therapists. CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •

Creative Therapies© 2007 ART, ANGST, AND TRAUMA CREATIVE ARTS278 pp., (7 x 10) Right Brain Interventions with THERAPIES APPROACHES123 il. Developmental Issues IN ADOPTION ANDpaper | $48.95 FOSTER CARE978-0-398-07733-4 By Doris Banowsky Arrington Contemporary Strategiesebook | $48.95 This important new text demonstrates how art therapy can for Working with Individuals978-0-398-08505-6 make a major contribution to the treatment of children who are seriously ill, in foster care, physically and emotion- and Families ally traumatized, as well as deviant and addicted adoles- cents, young adults, and with the aftermath of a spouse’s By Donna J. Betts suicide. Information about the importance of bilateral integration as seen in both Eye Movement Desensitiza- © 2003 | 342 pp., (7 x 10), 63 il., 5 tables tion Reprocessing (EMDR) and art therapy contributing to healing trauma is discussed. There is a special segment paper | $49.95 | 978-0-398-07388-6 on art therapy and a new approach to the treatment of ebook | $49.95 | 978-0-398-08415-8 trauma with a sequence of chapters devoted to the ways art therapy facilitates healing of issues throughout the life This volume presents perspectives of cre- span. In addition, there is clinical documentation of the ative arts therapies approaches in adoption []KKM[[N]T ZM[WT]\QWV WN  LQ‫ٺ‬MZMV\ SQVL[ WN  \ZI]UI _Q\P I and foster care. Creative arts therapists will variety of clients at various stages of development. These ÅVL\PQ[KWTTMK\QWV\WJMWN XIZ\QK]TIZZMTM- cases include the trauma of multiple surgeries, family vi- vance, but the intention is to also introduce olence, and witness to death. This is a book that contains this subject to a wide range of clinicians, [QOVQÅKIV\ ¹VM_º UI\MZQIT \PI\ Q[ I UIRWZ KWV\ZQJ]\QWV \W including those in the associated professions \PMIZ\\PMZIXaÅMTL of social work, counseling, psychology, psy- KPQI\ZaV]Z[QVO\MIKPQVOIVLZMTI\MLÅMTL[© 2001 HOME IS WHERE THE ART IS <PMKPIX\MZ[ZMNMZ[XMKQÅKITTa\W\PMLM^MT-294 pp., (7 x 10) An Art Therapy Approach opment and contemporary application of109 il. (1 in color), to Family Therapy creative arts therapies approaches in adop-18 tables, \QWVIVLNW[\MZKIZM<PMKPIX\MZ[ZMÆMK\\PM By Doris Banowsky Arrington ways in which creative arts therapies can bepaper | $52.95 IXXTQML QV LQ‫ٺ‬MZMV\ [M\\QVO[ IVL ZMXZM[MV\978-0-398-07161-5 <PQ[ _WZS ZMÆMK\[ \PM I]\PWZ¼[ \PZMM LMKILM[ WN  KTQVQKIT the spectrum of ideas in current practice. practice with children and their families, and adults and This book will help meet a demand forebook | $52.95 their families. Written for students and professionals, this ideas and practical information about this978-0-398-08386-1 book integrates the two approaches: art therapy and family topic on the part of an audience reaching systems. Although much has been written on art therapy beyond the creative arts therapies. and much, much more literature exists on family therapy, few integrate the two theoretical approaches. The structure WN \PQ[JWWSZMÆMK\[\PMI]\PWZ¼[XMZ[WVITIXXZWIKP\WIZ\ Her art media are painting and combining found objects. The overall theme of family can quickly be seen within it, but this theme is overlaid with art, archetypal patterns and meanings, and symbolic enactments. It is also inter- faced with personality development, and in this “era of the brain,” with neurobiological research.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • CREATIVE THERAPIES | 87

ART THERAPY © 2006 CREATIVE ARTS THERAPIES MANUAL WITH SEXUAL 296 pp., (8 x 10) A Guide to the History, Theoretical ABUSE SURVIVORS 34 il., 9 tables Approaches, Assessment, and Work with By Stephanie L. Brooke paper | $49.95 Special Populations of Art, Play, Dance, 978-0-398-07621-4 © 1997 | 188 pp., (7 x 10), 31 il. Music, Drama, and Poetry Therapies ebook | $49.95 paper | $35.95 | 978-0-398-06806-6 978-0-398-08549-0 By Stephanie L. Brooke ebook | $35.95 | 978-0-398-08279-6 The Creative Arts Therapies Manual: A Guide to the History, The-This book seeks to examine the most ba- oretical Approaches, Assessment, and Work with Special Populationssic art therapy approaches to treatment of Art, Play, Dance, Music, Drama, and Poetry Therapies, edit-of traumatic conditions due to sexual ed by Stephanie L. Brooke, Ph.D. NCC, a nationally andexploitation or abuse. It is comprehensive internationally known author, is a unique contribution toin that it considers various methods of us- \PMÅMTLWN \PMKZMI\Q^MIZ\[\PMZIXQM[1\KW^MZ[IZ\XTIaing art therapy with this population, and dance/movement, music, drama, and poetry reviews current research and provides ;XMKQÅKITTa MIKP WN  \PM[M KZMI\Q^M LQ[KQXTQVM[ Q[ JZWSMVKI[M QTT][\ZI\QWV[ ;XMKQÅK IZM I[ KW^MZML LW_V QV\W \PM NWTTW_QVO KI\MOWZQM[\" PQ[\WZa WN  \PM ÅMTLinclude individual, group, and family art theoretical approaches, assessments, and work with specialtherapy. Legal issues and concerns are populations. No such book exists to this date which cov-discussed, including the use of drawings ers these critical areas in the creative arts therapies. Thein court proceedings and art therapists most well known, famous therapists in these creative artsas expert witnesses. Additionally, the text \PMZIXQM[ ÅMTL[ PI^M KWV\ZQJ]\ML KPIX\MZ[ \W \PQ[ UIV]ITaddresses the “false memory” debate. The This distinctive handbook will be useful for creative artstheme throughout the book is on the im- therapists, mental health professionals, psychologists, coun-portance of capturing iconographic ma- selors, educators, and students who are interested in theseterial, through the use of art therapy, to ÅMTL[WZ][M\PM[MLQ[KQXTQVM[I[\PMQZUIQVWZ\PMQZILR]VK\assess and/or treat individuals who have approach to working with clients.experienced sexual abuse. The collectivecontent of the book is especially import- THE CREATIVE THERAPIESant to art therapists who are just begin- AND EATING DISORDERSning to work with this victim population.This volume provides a compendium and By Stephanie L. Brookereview of a number of historical and con-troversial areas that are important to art © 2008 Creative Therapies with Eating Disorders is a compre-therapists and other disciplines as well. 304 pp., (7 x 10) hensive work that examines the use of art, play, music, 20 il., 2 tables dance/movement, drama, and spirituality to treatment is- sues relating to eating disturbance. The author’s primary paper | $49.95 purpose is to examine treatment approaches which cov- 978-0-398-07759-4 er the broad spectrum of the creative art therapies. The collection of chapters is written by renowned, well-cre- ebook | $49.95 dentialed, and professional creative art therapists in the 978-0-398-08574-2 areas of art, play, music, dance/movement, and drama. In addition, some of the chapters are complimented with photographs of client art work, diagrams, and tables. The reader is provided with a snapshot of how these various creative art therapies are used to treat males and females []‫ٺ‬MZQVO NZWU MI\QVO LQ[WZLMZ[ <PQ[ QVNWZUI\Q^M JWWS will be of special interest to educators, students, therapists as well as people struggling with eating disorders. MOST OF OUR TITLES ARE AVAILABLE AS E-BOOKS AND CAN BEPURCHASED THROUGH OUR WEBSITE AT WWW.CCTHOMAS.COM.88 | BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •

© 2015 THE USE OF THE CREATIVE THERAPIES THE USE OF THE368 pp., (7 x 10) IN TREATING DEPRESSION CREATIVE THERAPIES38 il. By Stephanie L. Brooke & Charles Edwin Myers WITH CHEMICALhard | $49.95 DEPENDENCY ISSUES978-0-398-08148-5 The Use of the Creative Therapies in Treating Depression is a comprehensive work that examines the use of art, play, By Stephanie L. Brookeebook | $49.95 music, dance/movement, drama, and animals as creative978-0-398-08149-2 approaches to treating depression. The editors’ primary © 2009 | 292 pp., (7 x 10), 33 il., 3 tables purpose is to examine treatment approaches, which cov- er the broad spectrum of the creative art therapies. Well paper | $44.95 | 978-0-398-07862-1 renowned, well-credentialed, and professional creative art ebook | $44.95 | 978-0-398-07987-1 therapists in the areas of art, play, music, dance/move- ment, drama, and animal-assisted therapies have contrib- The Use of the Creative Therapies with Chem- uted to this work. In addition, some of the chapters are ical Dependency Issues is a comprehensive complimented with photographs of client work in these work that examines the use of therapies areas. The reader is provided with a snapshot of how these with respect to treat-ment issues relating various creative art therapies are used to treat children and to substance abuse. This edited volume adults diagnosed with depression. This informative book contains chapters written by renowned, will be of special interest to educators, students, thera- well-credentialed, and professional cre- pists as well as people working with families and children ative art therapists in the areas of art, play, touched by this diagnosis. music, dance/movement, drama, and po- etry. Topics covered include: substance FOR FAST AND CONVENIENT SERVICE ORDER YOUR BOOKS DIRECT abuse issues around the world; combatingFROM US AT 800.258.8980 OR ONLINE AT WWW.CCTHOMAS.COM. shame and pathogenic belief systems; open studio art therapy in a harm reduc-© 2009 THE USE OF THE CREATIVE tion center; the expressive therapies con-396 pp., (7 x 10) THERAPIES WITH AUTISM tinuum as a framework for art therapy in-49 il., (13 in color), terventions in substance abuse treatment;1 table SPECTRUM DISORDERS multifamily group art therapy for adoles- cent substance abuse; play therapy withpaper | $49.95 By Stephanie L. Brooke children exposed to addiction; dance/978-0-398-07892-8 UW^MUMV\\PMZIXaI[IVM‫ٺ‬MK\Q^MKTQVQKIT Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) demon- intervention; using expressive arts therapyebook | $49.95 [\ZI\MIVIZZIaWN LMÅKQ\[IVLM`KM[[M[\PI\ZMY]QZMML]KI- _Q\PaW]VOUITMW‫ٺ‬MVLMZ[#IKI[M[\]LaWN 978-0-398-07986-4 tional intervention. The editor of this book, Doctor Stepha- dance/movement therapy with the dually nie L. Brooke, examines the treatment issues relating to the diagnosed in a methadone treatment pro- LM^MTWXUMV\IT LQ[WZLMZ[ I\\ZQJ]\ML \W )]\Q[U [XMKQÅKITTa gram; and much more. The strategies and her extensive writings on Video Modeling. The book focus- discussions contained in this book will be es on the use of the creative therapies with autistic children of special interest to educators, students, and their families, including: (1) art therapy and adoles- and therapists as well as people struggling cents with Asperger’s Syndrome; (2) art therapy groups for with substance abuse. mothers of children diagnosed with an autistic spectrum LQ[WZLMZ#IZ\\PMZIXa_Q\PIVWV^MZJITILWTM[KMV\UITM CREATIVE THERAPIES | 89 TQ^QVO _Q\P ,W_V ;aVLZWUM IVL I]\Q[\QK JMPI^QWZ#  IZ\ therapy and storybook formats to help individuals grieve; (5) creating a safe space for adolescents with autism; (6) play therapy in the treatment of children; (7) developing mu- sic therapy goals, objectives, and the structuring of music therapy sessions; (8) melody versus rhythm and their roles; (9) sound relationships in music therapy within a preschool setting; (10) dance/movement therapy; (11) enhancing so- cial and relationship skills; and (12) the theoretical reasons and practical applications of drama therapy. This book is designed for professional creative therapists, educators, counselors, school psychologists, and many others within the helping profession.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •

THERAPISTS CREATING THE USE OF THE CREATIVE A CULTURAL TAPESTRY THERAPIES WITH SEXUAL Using the Creative ABUSE SURVIVORS Therapies Across Cultures By Stephanie L. Brooke By Stephanie L. Brooke & Charles Edwin Myers © 2006 This book is a useful reference for anyone seeking to pro- 342 pp., (7 x 10) vide therapy to survivors of sexual abuse. The approach © 2015 | 344 pp., (7 x 10), 21 il. 27 il., 2 tables represented here is a holistic one that utilizes various ap- proaches to heal the various manifestations of sexual abuse hard | $49.95 | 978-0-398-08128-7 hard | $74.95 ebook | $49.95 | 978-0-398-08129-4 978-0-398-07701-3 “ This approach seeks to use the actions of the body to healThis exciting text is a comprehensive work paper | $49.95that examines the use of art, play, music, 978-0-398-07702-0 the mind.”trauma. Since the acts associated with such abuse are oftenLIVKMUW^MUMV\IVLLZIUIQVLQ‫ٺ‬MZMV\cultures and with diverse client popula- ebook | $49.95 [W LQ‫ٻ‬K]T\ \W LQ[K][[ \PQ[ JWWS XZM[MV\[ [M^MZIT UM\PWL[tions. The editors’ primary purpose is to 978-0-398-08508-7 of communicating these unspeakable horrors nonverbally,explore how the creative therapies can be allowing the survivor to express their trauma with less dif-implemented in diverse cultures and inLQ‫ٺ‬MZMV\ KW]V\ZQM[ :MVW_VML _MTTKZM- ÅK]T\a<PQ[IXXZWIKP[MMS[\W][M\PMIK\QWV[WN \PMJWLadentialed, and professional creative arts to heal the mind. This text contains information relevanttherapists in the areas of art, play, music, to treatment for children, adolescents, and adults, as well asdance/movement, and drama helped male or female, and in group or individual settings. Manywrite this collection. Examples include the useful activities are outlined and illustrations are provideduse of art in working with refugee chil- as examples.dren in Australia and with Chinese-Amer-ican children; shared experiences in using © 2008 TOOLS OF THE TRADEdance and movement with Arabic women 370 pp., (7 x 10) A Therapist’s Guide toin Jerusalem, indigenous Inner Mongolia, 57 il., (14 in color) Art Therapy Assessmentsand with survivors of torture. Some ofthe chapters are beautifully compliment- paper | $59.95 (2nd Ed.)ed with photographs of client works of art 978-0-398-07522-4or play. The text provides a rich tapestry By Stephanie L. Brookeon how the creative therapies can be used ebook | $59.95across cultures for issues such as depres- 978-0-398-08572-8 The Use of the Creative Therapies with Survivors of Domesticsion and trauma to name a few. Of special Violence is a comprehensive work that examines the useinterest are the chapters on supervision. of art, play, music, dance/movement, drama, and super-Not only a tool for creative art therapists, vision with respect to treatment issues relating to familythis informative book will be of special in- violence. The author’s primary purpose is to examineterest to educators, students, therapists, as treatment approaches that cover the broad spectrum of thewell as people working in other parts of creative art therapies. The collection of chapters is writtenthe world or with culturally diverse clients. by renowned, well-credentialed, and professional creative art therapists in the areas of art, play, music, dance/move-90 | BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES ment, and drama. In addition, some of the chapters are complimented with photographs of client art work, dia- grams, and tables. The reader is provided with a snapshot of how these various creative art therapies are used to treat UITM[IVLNMUITM[[]‫ٺ‬MZQVONZWUQ[[]M[ZMTI\ML\WLWUM[\QK violence. This informative book will be of special interest to educators, students, therapists as well as people strug- gling with family violence issues. CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •

COMBINING THE CREATIVE USING THE CREATIVE THERAPIES WITH TECHNOLOGY THERAPIES TO COPE WITH GRIEF AND LOSS Using Social Media and Online Counseling to Treat Clients By Stephanie L. Brooke & Dorothy A. Miraglia By Stephanie L. Brooke © 2015 | 420 pp., (7 x 10), 34 il.© 2017 In this age of technology, we see computers used in ev- hard | $49.95 | 978-0-398-09077-7332 pp., (7 x 10) ery aspect of medicine. Psychology, and more precisely ebook | $49.95 | 978-0-398-09078-448 il., 3 tables art therapy, now integrate technology into their system. This new publication, edited by Dr. Stephanie Brooke, Using the Creative Therapies to Copepaper | $49.95 examines how creative therapists use technology as part with Grief and Loss is a comprehensive978-0-398-09180-4 of their everyday practice. The collection of chapters is and exciting work that illustrates the use written by renowned, well-credentialed, and profession- of art, play, music, dance/movement,ebook | $49.95 al creative art therapists in the areas of art, play, music, drama, and animals as creative approach-978-0-398-09181-1 dance/movement, and drama. These therapists have used es for helping clients cope with grief and \MKPVWTWOa \W \ZMI\ XI\QMV\[ []‫ٺ‬MZQVO NZWU LMUMV\QI LM- loss issues. The editors’ primary purpose pression, and learning disabilities. Combining digital and is to present an array of creative treat- ment approaches, which cover the broad U][QKIT¹KWKZMI\Q^M\IVOQJTM[ºQVM^MZaLIa[M\\QVO[JMVMÅ\ spectrum of grief, more than just loss families with children and adolescents with physical and through death. Well renowned, well-cre- mental needs. The reader is provided with a snapshot of dentialed, and professional creative arts therapists in the areas of art, play, music, PW_\PM[M^IZQW][KZMI\Q^MIZ\\PMZIXQM[M‫ٺ‬MK\Q^MTa][MIVL dance/movement, drama, and animal-as- incorporate technology to promote growth and healing sisted therapies have contributed to this for their clients. In addition, some of the chapters are il- work. In addition, some of the chapters lustrated with photographs of client’s artwork, tables and are complimented with photographs of graphs. This informative book will be of special interest to client work in these areas. The reader is educators, students, and therapists, as well as people work- provided with a snapshot of how these ing with families and children in need of counseling and various creative arts therapies are used to clinical support. treat children and adults diagnosed strug- gling with loss or complicated grief. This© 2004 THE USE OF THE CREATIVE informative book will be of special inter-256 pp., (7 x 10) THERAPIES WITH SURVIVORS est to educators, students, therapists as19 il. well as people working with families and OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE children coping with loss.hard | $49.95978-0-398-07521-7 By Stephanie L. Brooke CREATIVE THERAPIES | 91paper | $39.95 This new edition with its revised title provides critical re-978-0-398-07819-5 views of art therapy tests along with some new reviews of I[[M[[UMV\[ IVL ]XLI\ML ZM[MIZKP QV \PM ÅMTL 1\ Q[ KWU-ebook | $39.95 prehensive in its approach to considering reliability and978-0-398-08022-8 validity evidence provided by test authors. Additionally, it reviews research on art therapy assessments with a vari- ety of patient populations. This book will be a valuable resource for practitioners who use art therapy as an adjunct or primary therapy, and it will serve to enhance clinical [SQTT[UISQVO\PMZIXaUWZMM‫ٺ‬MK\Q^MNWZMIKPXI\QMV\_PW participates in the assessment process. The book critiques a series of art therapy assessments—from traditional art therapy approaches to current releases. The goal of this work is to assist mental health professionals in selecting as- sessments that yield reliable and valid clinical information regarding their clients. It will be a valuable resource for practitioners who use art therapy as an adjunct or primary therapy, and it will serve to enhance clinical skills, making \PMZIXaUWZMM‫ٺ‬MK\Q^MNWZMIKPXI\QMV\_PWXIZ\QKQXI\M[QV the assessment process.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •

IMPROVISATIONAL © 1997 THE HANDBOOK OF MODELS OF 206 pp., (7 x 10) SCHOOL ART THERAPY 26 il. Introducing Art Therapy Into MUSIC THERAPY paper | $44.95 a School System By Kenneth E. Bruscia 978-0-398-06741-0 By Janet Bush© 1987 | 606 pp., (7 x 10), 11 il., 38 tables ebook | $44.95 978-0-398-09036-4 This book explains the design, development, and implemen- paper | $79.95 | 978-0-398-06040-4 tation of art therapy in a school setting. It concentrates on ebook | $79.95 | 978-0-398-08247-5 art therapy as an approach to the education and treatment of students in preschool through grade twelve. It providesThe purpose of this book is to provide a a comprehensive treatment of the body of knowledge oncomprehensive source of reference on the which art therapy was founded and on which it continues touse of musical improvisation in therapy. grow today. Included are a rationale for the use of art thera-The book contains an introduction to the py in the schools; roles and responsibilities of art therapists;fundamentals of improvisational music _WZSQVOI[XIZ\WN I[KPWWT\MIU#QV[MZ^QKMIVL[\I‫ٺ‬LM^MT-therapy (Unit One), a detailed synopsis of WXUMV\IK\Q^Q\QM[#QLMV\QÅKI\QWVI[[M[[UMV\IVL\ZMI\UMV\W^MZ \_MV\aÅ^M UWLMT[ WN  \PMZIXa \PI\ WN  [\]LMV\[# M`XTWZI\QWV WN  [XMKQÅK IZMI[ WN  QUXTMUMV\I-have been developed over the last thirty \QWV#IVM‫ٺ‬MK\Q^MIXXZWIKP\WX]JTQKZMTI\QWV[#IVLXZWOZIUyears (Units Two through Nine), and a funding. This handbook is intended as a single source ofsynthesis of the various models into ba- authoritative information on the profession’s current chal-sic principles of clinical practice (Unit lenges. It is not only designed for professional art therapists,<MV ;XMKQÅK UWLMT[ LM[KZQJML QVKT]LM\" educators, counselors, school psychologists, and social work-creative music therapy; free improvisa- ers but for many others, within the helping professions andtion therapy; analytical music therapy; on the outside, who are interested in the application of artM`XMZQUMV\ITQUXZW^Q[I\QWV\PMZIXa#7Z‫ٺ‬ therapy in the schools.improvisation models; paraverbal therapy,and other miscellaneous models. Each © 2013 CLINICAL IMPROVISATIONmodel has been described according to 118 pp., (8.5 x11) TECHNIQUES IN MUSICthe same basic outline. Improvisational Mod- 11 il. THERAPY: A GUIDE FORels of Music Therapy _QTTJMIJMVMÅKQIT\M`\ STUDENTS, CLINICIANSto music educators, practicing and student spiral | $27.95 AND EDUCATORSmusic therapists and mental health profes- 978-0-398-08890-3sionals. By Debbie Carroll & Claire Lefebvre ebook | $27.95 PRICES IN 978-0-398-08891-0 Clinical Improvisation Techniques in Music Therapy: A Guide for THIS CATALOG Students, Clinicians and Educators provides a clear and system- ARE SUBJECT TO atic approach to understanding and applying improvisa- CHANGE WITHOUT tional techniques. It is inspired by the taxonomy of clinical improvisation techniques as described by Kenneth Bruscia NOTICE. in his book, Improvisational Models of Music Therapy. Based on years of their own experimenting with the teach-92 | BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES ing of improvisation, the authors have evolved a particular developmental sequence for introducing basic techniques of improvising and applying them through role-play exer- cises that have been sensitively designed to bring out one’s innate musicality and one’s empathic regard. This “hands- WVºO]QLMN]TÅTT[\PMVMMLNWZIKTMIZXZWKM[[WZQMV\MLIX- proach to mastering clinical improvisation techniques, and in a style that can be understood not only by music therapy students, clinicians and educators but also by health care administrators and providers alike. CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •

DANCE/MOVEMENT SELF-ESTEEM, THERAPISTS IN ACTION RECOVERY AND THE PERFORMING ARTS A Working Guide to A Textbook and Guide for Research Options Mental Health Practitioners, (3rd Ed.) Educators and Students By Robyn Flaum Cruz & Cynthia F. Berrol By Donna Douglass© 2019 Dance/Movement Therapists in Action fosters aware- © 2011286 pp., (7 x 10) ness of the living body, honors diverse ways of working, 258 pp., (7 x 10), 6 il., 5 tables9 il., 9 tables and leads toward creative expression and integration. This edited text, written by authors with exemplary cre- ebook | $39.95 | 978-0-398-08608-4paper | $44.95 dentials, spans and illuminates a breadth of investigative978-0-398-09245-0 inquiry approaches and models to all students, clinicians, This book was created for readers interested and researchers interested in dance/movement therapy in expanding their knowledge on recoveryebook | $44.95 (DMT) research. The text highlights two basic research programs for people with a serious mental978-0-398-09246-7 frameworks—quantitative (objective) and qualitative (in- illness. Drawing on current knowledge and terpretative)—including their underlying philosophic and her own extensive experience, the author theoretical tenets. The authors’ goal has been to create provides a thorough overview of a recovery a comprehensible, accessible book that is readable and program that will: (1) provide the informa- engaging: one that contains accepted research proto- tion and tools needed to implement a per- cols in conjunction with practical information written in forming arts recovery program; (2) address “nontechnical” terms. Many examples are incorporated the need for innovative programs promoting throughout the text to clarify and amplify each of the ZMKW^MZa#  XZW^QLM I VM_ ZMKW^MZa UWL- el for use in the arts therapies and related ^IZQW][ ZM[MIZKP WX\QWV[ <PQ[ ^WT]UM _QTT I‫ٺ‬WZL LIVKM ÅMTL[# IVL  W‫ٺ‬MZ IK\Q^Q\QM[ \PI\ KIV JM movement therapists the tools to conduct research related adapted for people with other disabilities. to both clinical practice and academic inquiry. Additionally, the book contains pertinent information on publicity and programs, THE ART AND SCIENCE costumes, sets and props, and theme shows. OF EVALUATION IN THE The appendix contains a wealth of supple- mentary information, including program ARTS THERAPIES guides and sample forms. This unique text How Do You Know What’s Working? will be a valuable resource to mental health practitioners, educators, students in men- (2nd Ed.) \IT PMIT\P IVL ZMTI\ML ÅMTL[ IVL NWZ \PW[M interested in starting a community musical By Robyn Flaum Cruz & Bernard Feder theatre company for people with a serious mental illness and other disabilities.© 2013 <PQ[VL-LNWTTW_[\PM\ZILQ\QWVWN \PMÅZ[\MLQ\QWVI[JW\P420 pp., (7 x 10) an introductory text and a handbook in evaluation and as- CREATIVE THERAPIES | 9311 il., 5 tables sessment in the creative arts therapies. It was written to be useful both for graduate students in the arts therapies train-hard | $73.95 ing programs, doctoral programs, and for practitioners in the978-0-398-08852-1 ÅMTL_PW_IV\O]QLMTQVM[NWZLM^MTWXQVOIVLQUXTMUMV\QVOpaper | $53.95 M^IT]I\QWVXZWOZIU[<PMÅZ[\[MK\QWVLMIT[_Q\PN]VLIUMV-978-0-398-08853-8 tals and principles that apply to all evaluation, qualitative as well as quantitative. This general treatment is followed byebook | $53.95978-0-398-08854-5 KPIX\MZ[ \PI\ LMIT _Q\P [XMKQÅK IXXZWIKPM[ \W M^IT]I\QWV\" psychometric, clinical or intuitive, and behavioral. The im- plications for evaluation of the three major philosophical orientations (psychodynamic, existential, and behavioral) are discussed. The last section focuses on evaluation procedures in art therapy, dance/movement therapy, and music thera- XaKWV\ZQJ]\MLJaQVLQ^QL]IT[_PWPI^M[XMKQÅKM`XMZ\Q[MQV those areas. Existing procedures are reviewed and emerging trends are examined. The book’s purpose is not to provide formulas or recipes but rather to help therapists relate their evaluation program to their goals, to identify what they are interested in evaluating, and to design the kind of evaluation program that can do what the therapist wants it to do.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •

PHOTO ART THERAPY INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES A Jungian Perspective IN MUSIC THERAPY By Jerry L. Fryrear & EDUCATION AND TRAINING Irene E. Corbit Adapting to a Changing World © 1992 | 220 pp., (7 x 10), 24 il. By Karen D. Goodman paper | $45.95 | 978-0-398-06137-1 International Perspectives in Music Therapy Education and Train- ebook | $45.95 | 978-0-398-08221-5 ing: Adapting to a Changing World \PM ÅZ[\ IV\PWTWOa WN  Q\[PHOTO ART THERAPY: A JUNGIAN kind, edited by Professor Karen Goodman, brings notedPERSPECTIVE illuminates and guidesthe reader through new possibilities for © 2015 educators from Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Finland, In-art therapy practice, approached by the 364 pp., (7 x 10) dia, Ireland, Israel, Korea, Norway, the United Kingdomauthors as a creative interaction with 19 il., 3 tables and the United States together to speak to the challengeLQ‫ٺ‬MZMV\ IZ\Q[\QK UMLQI IVL \PMZIXM]\QKmethods. Although the book is based on hard | $69.95 \W ILIX\ QV _Ia[ JW\P [UITT IVL TIZOM \PI\ I‫ٺ‬MK\ U][QKJungian theory and practice, the authors therapy education and training. Divided into three parts,carefully explore cooperation with other chapters interrelate to consider program design, multicul-therapeutic perspectives, all of which arein keeping with Jung’s belief in transcen- 978-0-398-08117-1 tural identity and the ongoing and emerging needs of adent universals and multifaceted thera- discipline. The book is an unparalleled resource for aca-peutic practices. The book is divided into ebook | $69.95 demic advisors, prospective and current educators, clinicalfour sections: Self-Understanding, Alle- 978-0-398-08118-8 supervisors, clinicians and students of music therapy.viating Distress and Symptoms, GroupTherapy, and Discussion. Wherever “Dr. Clements-Cortes, in a Musicpossible and practical, photo art therapywork done by clients as illustrations of the Therapy Today book review, statesconcepts is included. The text not only ‘the music therapy community isdemonstrates innovative ways of com-bining artistic media but allows clients fortunate to have this new textto articulate the inner workings of thetherapeutic process through an engaging ... highly recommended to musicseries of dialogues and narrations. Thebook establishes a twofold landmark in therapy educators, clinicians, andelucidating art thera-py’s close and vitalconnections to both phototherapy and the ”allied health care professionals.discipline of Jungian psychotherapy. © 2011 MUSIC THERAPY EDUCATION94 | BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES 342 pp., (7 x 10) AND TRAINING 3 tables From Theory to Practice paper | $54.95 978-0-398-08610-7 By Karen D. Goodman ebook | $54.95 Written by a senior clinician and educator in order to meet 978-0-398-08611-4 the needs of prospective and current educators, clinical supervisors and students of music therapy, this book pro- vides an overview and detailed commentary about all as- pects of professional and advanced education and training in music therapy. As we consider the ongoing challenges in the United States and throughout the world to devel- op curriculum that is appropriate to various degree levels and changing professional entry standards, this book will prove an important resource. With a foreword by Dr. Su- zanne Hanser and appendices which include a listing and analysis of sixty years of books published in music therapy, this book is an invaluable addition to the music therapy literature. CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •

© 2000 ARTISTIC INQUIRY IN THE ART174 pp., (7 x 10) DANCE/MOVEMENT THERAPY THERAPISTS’ PRIMER A Clinical Guide to Writingpaper | $29.95 Creative Research Alternatives Assessments, Diagnosis,978-0-398-07109-7 By Lenore Wadsworth Hervey and Treatmentebook | $29.95 (2nd Ed.)978-0-398-08318-2 <PQ[ JWWS W‫ٺ‬MZ[ I KWUXMTTQVO ZM[MIZKP IT\MZVI\Q^M NWZ dance/movement (and other creative arts) therapists who By Ellen G. Horovitz recognize how valuable artistic ways of knowing are to the theory and practice of their profession. It encour- © 2014 | 380 pp. (7 x 10), 102 il., ages participation in a mode of inquiry that invites fully 2 tables (includes a DVD) authentic engagement, inspires excitement about discov- MZa IVL J]QTL[ KWVÅLMVKM QV IJQTQ\QM[ \W KWV\ZQJ]\M \W \PM hard | $74.95 | 978-0-398-08110-2 professional body of research literature. Artistic inquiry is ebook | $64.95 | 978-0-398-08111-9 LMÅVMLI[ZM[MIZKP\PI\\"][M[IZ\Q[\QKUM\PWL[WN OI\P- ering, analyzing, and/or presenting data; (2) engages in This landmark publication has been thor- IVLIKSVW_TMLOM[IKZMI\Q^MXZWKM[[#IVLQ[UW\Q^I\ML oughly revised and brought up to date and determined by the aesthetic values of the researcher(s). in the 2nd Ed.. Doctor Ellen G. Horovitz <PM[M \PZMM LMÅVQVO KPIZIK\MZQ[\QK[ IZM \PMWZM\QKITTa IVL [PIZM[W^MZ\PQZ\aÅ^MaMIZ[WN M`XMZQMVKMI[ practically examined in depth and accompanied by ex- she transliterates evidence-based art thera- amples of artistic inquiry relevant to dance/movement py into medical terminology. This treatise therapy. Interdisciplinary support for the validity of artistic spells out the how-to’s behind producing QVY]QZaQ[LZI_VNZWUIZQKPÅMTLWN ZM[W]ZKM[QVKT]LQVO art therapy assessments, process notes, sig- philosophy, social sciences, education, and the arts. Still/ VQÅKIV\ [M[[QWV[ WJRMK\Q^M[ IVL UWLITQ\QM[ Here, a multimedia dance work by Bill T. Jones, is present- termination summaries and internet-based ed as a work of art that can be viewed as artistic inquiry. assessments into translatable documenta- The book concludes with recommendations for the promo- tion, designed to dovetail within an interdis- tion and evaluation of artistic inquiry projects. Through- ciplinary medical model. This step-by-step out, it upholds a vision of research as a vital, satisfying, methodology fashions these reports, places and essential part of a dance/movement therapist’s career. art therapy on equal footing with all men- tal health workers and generates records, SPIRITUAL ART THERAPY which serves as points of departure for fu- An Alternate Path ture practitioners. The experienced clini- (3rd Ed.) cian will gather pertinent skills to enhance his or her practice. The student or seasoned By Ellen G. Horovitz graduate will harness the necessary arma- ment to write clinically-based reports that© 2017 In this exceptional new third edition, the author has re- [MZ^M I[ I UWLMT NWZ \PM ÅMTL IVL ML]KI-230 pp., (7 x 10) 47 il., tained the intent to animate the spiritual dimension that tors can use this manual as a teaching tool.3 tables (includes DVD) exists within all of us and embrace its resource for growth This must-have reference manual amasses and change. Tapping into a person’s belief system and spir- information that will serve as a compan-paper | $37.95 itual dimension provides clinicians with information that ion guide for every art therapist (neophyte978-0-398-09188-0 can impact both assessment and treatment. By drawing or seasoned) to formulate clinical reports, on sources in the literature of religion, psychodynamics, and it will aid clients towards a trajectoryebook | $37.95 systems theory, sociology, art, and ethics, the author lays a of wellness, recovery and, above all, health.978-0-398-09189-7 foundation for discovering and measuring clients’ spiritual sensibilities and search for personal meaning of their rela- CREATIVE THERAPIES | 95 tionship to God. The role of yoga and art therapy, includ- ing the importance of moving forward into life with great- er resiliency and independence, is examined. An excellent resource for increased knowledge and sensitivity, the book is designed for art therapists, mental health workers, social workers, educational therapists, pastoral counselors, psy- chologists, psychiatrists, and other creative art therapists. MOST OF OUR TITLES ARE AVAILABLE AS E-BOOKS AND CAN BE PUR- CHASED THROUGH OUR WEBSITE AT WWW.CCTHOMAS.COM.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •

VISUALLY SPEAKING © 2011 ASSESSMENT IN Art Therapy and the Deaf 384 pp., (7 x 10) DRAMA THERAPY 48 il., 16 tables By Ellen G. Horovitz By David Read Johnson, Susana Pendzik hard | $73.95 & Stephen Snow© 2007 | 250 pp., (7 x 10), 71 il., 5 tables 978-0-398-08684-8 This book is a comprehensive survey of the current state of paper | $39.95 | 978-0-398-07716-7 paper | $53.95 I[[M[[UMV\QV\PMÅMTLWN LZIUI\PMZIXa,ZIUI\PMZIXa ebook | $39.95 | 978-0-398-08528-5 978-0-398-08685-5 assessment methods must be embedded within the disci- pline’s core philosophy, and thus drama therapy will notDeafness may or may not be considered a ebook | $53.95 LM^MTWXN]TTaI[IVQVLMXMVLMV\ÅMTL]V\QTQ\KIVOMVMZI\M¹LQ[IJQTQ\aºJa\PW[MI‫ټ‬QK\ML_Q\PI]LQ\W- 978-0-398-08686-2 Q\[ W_V I[[M[[UMV\ KZQ\MZQI IVL UM\PWL[ ;XMKQÅK \WXQK[ZaTW[[J]\Q\Q[QVLMMLIXPa[QKITLQ‫ٺ‬MZMVKM QVKT]LM\"  PQ[\WZa WN  I[[M[[UMV\ QV \PM ÅMTL WN  LZIUIthat has resulted in a language system. therapy; (2) concepts and practices of assessment in dra-From language springs culture, and Deaf UI \PMZIXa#  [\I\M WN  \PM IZ\ QV LZIUI \PMZIXa I[[M[[-language is indeed a cultivation that cel- UMV\#,QIOVW[\QK:WTM8TIaQVO<M[\#,ZIUI<PMZIXaebrates such ethnology. As a result, most Role Play Interview; (6) Six Piece Story-Making Test; (7)of the authors in this book recognize that assessment through Role Theory; (8) Embodiment-Projec-discernment when referring to the “Deaf ” tion-Role; (9) Six Key Model; (10) use of the Genogram,culture and their unique, pictorial, sign Spectrogram, and Role Reversal; (11) Dutch Drama Ob-language. Sign language vibrates through servation Method; (12) Self-Space-Other Assessment Ap-space as a three-dimensional language XZWIKP#  )LWTM[KMV\ )[[M[[UMV\#  :MPMIZ[IT[ NWZsystem, which arcs in past, present, and Growth Assessment of Couples; and (15) Combined Stan-future just by mere body positioning and dardized and Individualized Assessment. The informationfacial expression. This enchanting lan- KWV\IQVMLQV\PQ[JWWSZMÆMK\[\PMWVOWQVOQUXZW^MUMV\[guage crosses culture and is indeed classi- and developments of the early assessment instruments andÅMLKWLQÅMLIVL]VQY]MTaQ\[W_V[a[\MU introduces others that have been recently developed. ThisBecause of the complexity of this pictorial book will serve as a foundation for both further explorationsystem, (from a developmental, cognitive, and new initiatives in assessment by the next generation ofand emotional standpoint), invited contri- drama therapists.butions from some of the foremost author-ities on Deafness pepper these readings. As © 1999 ESSAYS ON THE CREATIVEmany of the contributors note, there has 228 pp., (7 x 10) ARTS THERAPIESbeen an antiquated prejudice against Deaf 14 il., 12 tablesculture and a reluctance to treat those who Imaging the Birth of a Professionare Deaf in an appropriate fashion. The paper | $39.95authors in this volume have refuted the 978-0-398-06974-2 By David Read Johnsonmistaken conviction that Deaf individualslack creativity, intelligence or the insight ebook | $39.95 This book is a compilation of the author’s essays concern-to be helped through psychotherapy and/ 978-0-398-08346-5 ing the integration of the creative arts therapy disciplinesor mental health services. Celebrating the (art, dance, drama, music, and poetry) into one larger or-unique strengths of Deaf individuals while ganization representing their clinical, scholarly, and publicrejecting the focus on their weaknesses is policy activities. This is a book about rites of passage, aboutsprinkled throughout the pages of this naivete and maturity, about growing up. It is about poeticsJWWS 1VLMML \PQ[ W‫ٺ‬MZ[ I ^IV\IOM XWQV\ and politics, about the tremendous potential to contributethat is both optimistic and realistic. And to the public welfare and the deep fears of collaborationbest of all, there are chapters, which will and dialogue. Throughout this book, the author takes thesensitize, inform, and inspire. position that joining together clinically, academically, and WZOIVQbI\QWVITTa_QTTJMJMVMÅKQIT\W\PMPMIT\PWN \PMÅMTL96 | BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES as well as that of its clients; that the various disciplines are LQ^QLMLWVTaJa\PMVI\]ZMWN \PMLQ‫ٺ‬MZMV\IZ\Q[\QKUMLQI not by fundamental theoretical or political agendas. These ^IZQW][ M[[Ia[ W‫ٺ‬MZ XMZ[WVIT UMLQ\I\QWV XWTMUQKIT IZO]- ment, practical advice, serious theorizing, and some comic relief. Throughout, you will sense the author’s struggle to express simultaneously his love for and impatience with this, his dear profession, being too quietly born. CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •

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