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Home Explore HF_Jan Mar 16

HF_Jan Mar 16

Published by ahamad_kazi, 2016-09-14 08:18:47

Description: HF_Jan Mar 16


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EditorialAs the world embraces another new year, recent past, who had shown a long term promise home textiles & furnishing industry looks as an emerging market in the last couple of years. at the markets with a renewed hope. But suddenly a series of sudden devaluations ofTaking off from a year, which was not as Yuan in the second half of last year by the localencouraging for the world trade in textiles, as it Government and the related turmoil in Chineseshould have been; the industry eyes will closely stock markets and economy have created anobserve the developments in Europe, China, and atmosphere of wait and watch about a market,India, followed by rest of the world. USA is the which had otherwise looked very it will feel inspired from in 2016 as atextile buyer. In this situation, world is likely to look at India with far more seriousness as a market, beyondDuring 2015, USA was the only significant market USA. India has been promising for a long time.for textiles where both economy and market During last year, it has also proved that itprovided positive export results for textile is economically growing and politically stable.exporters worldwide. USA is likely to continue, or Consumption growth numbers between 15 toeven may further improve on the dream run it has 30% for most home textiles, home décor andbegun last year. US dollar is likely to continue its houseware product categories for 2015 andstrength against most currencies during 2016. continued GDP growth outlook of above 7%,The American economy is expected to grow by despite all political odds and transitional crisis,at least over 2.5%, if not more. Hence, the textile reflect strong fundamentals this market is sittingexport outlook for that country looks positive in on. Retail industry in India, both online and offline,the current year. too have shown a healthy growth, which is another barometer of rising consumption.From India's perspective, this makes even moreencouraging news as by now it is well established In this scenario, the forthcoming edition ofthat within the overall textile space, India has Heimtextil and other trendsetting tradeshows inconsistently proved to be the most competitive in Europe, Asia and India will become far morehome textiles and yarns as compared to apparel relevant in terms of discovering new market andfabrics and readymade garments. USA buys 25% business opportunities.of world's total home textiles and also accountsfor 48% for India's total home textiles exports.Hence, the business in this sector is likely toincrease from both ends.But Europe will remain a matter of concern, withpractically every month having unfolded a newform of political, social or economic crisisthroughout 2015. Except UK which looks robustnow and is independent of Eurozone crisis andGermany, a market which is simply surviving on itsstrong fundamentals; rest of Europe will continueto offer uncertain prospects for the textile tradeeven during the current year.Most important this year would be to keep a closetrack of economic developments in China. Chinais now the third largest textile buyer in the world,and one of the biggest buyer of Indian yarn in the 01 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016

Contents Editorial 01 02Publisher & Editor Contents 04Arun Roongta 10 News 14Project Director 16Veena Sood International News 20 22International Correspondents Happenings 37Dr. Geert Boettger (Dusseldorf) [email protected] Regional Notes 45Yogi Agarwal (Mumbai) Changing Retail scenario in Pune [email protected] 68 Report 77Correspondent Jagdish Stores launched in Ludhiana 90Mukesh Agarwal [email protected] RetailAnuradha Tomar All Retail Formats will co-exist [email protected] Spotlight 115Reporter Cotton made-ups & Yarns 120Niharikaa Sen India’s key global [email protected]: +91 88 281 50050 Profile Indo Count Industries Ltd.Design & LayoutsSayli Pathare Special Report Modern Floor Coverings:Photography Beginning of a new era in IndiaAziz AjaneyShiraz Chand Trends Heimtextil 2016 - TrendsAdvertising Preview IndiaSnehalata SinghMob. +91 96 432 09578 Focus Wallpapers:Subscriptions Exponentially growing DemandSonali ShelkeMob. +91 99 670 23700 ExportAmar Sharma Handmade Carpets:Mob. +91 93 214 75882 India retains global leadershipJasmine EbjeeMob. +91 95 948 82362 [email protected] HGH India 2016Cover Photo ReviewJaipur Rugs Indian Carpet Expo, Varanasi MoOd, BrusselsHead Office Maison&Objet, ParisTexzone Information Services Pvt. Ltd. IHGF Delhi Fair, Autumn 2015431, Kaliandas Udyog Bhavan, 118th China Import & Export Fair (Canton Fair)Century Bazaar Lane, PrabhadeviMumbai- 400 025 PreviewOff: +91-22- 2421 4111 Heimtextil, FrankfurtFax: +91-22- 2421 4116 IMM CologneE-mails: [email protected] HOMI, Fiera, MilanoDelhi Office Ambiente, FrankfurtUnit No. 1003, Vikrant Tower, Rajendra Place International Houseware Show, ChicagoNew Delhi-110008 India International Handwoven Fair, ChennaiOff: +91-11-2571 4111 International Furniture Fair, SingaporeFax: +91-11-2571 4116 Domotex, Hannover Domotex Asia / China FloorEdited & Published by Arun Roongta Evteks 2016on behalf of Texzone information Services Pvt. Ltd India ITME 2016& printed by him at Omkar ArtsG-18, Bharat Industrial Estate InnovationsT. J. Road, Sewree, Mumbai 400 015. Events DiaryAll contents of Home Fashion aresole property of the Publishers.No part may be reproduced,in any form, including electronic and print,without prior writtenconsent of the publisher02 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016

Retail 22Between online and offline retailers, who will do better with theconsumers in the short term and the long term, is becoming a neverending debate in the retail fraternity, not only in India but worldwide.Where does the situation stand in the Indian context? Sitaram Kumar,Vice-President, Home Centre, shares his candid views on the subject,which support the point that both will co-exist and factors of competitionbetween the two are already well defined. Industry needs to focus moreon these real factors.Spotlight 37India's Key global strengths lies in Cotton made-ups and yarns.In an exclusive interview with Home Fashion magazine, Mr. R.K.Dalmia, Chairman, TEXPROCIL describes the current scenario inthe global home textiles market and where does Indian cottontextile industry stands in it, with a special reference to the cottonmade-ups sector.Trends 49Heimtextil plays an important role in setting new internationaltrends in designs, colours, styles and materials for home textilesand furnishing industry. In association with leading Indian hometextiles and furnishing fabrics manufacturers and exporters, HomeFashion team features interpretation of Heimtextil Trends for 2016/17into real products.Focus 68Wallpapers, though highly import driven at this point, is one of themost rapidly evolving home décor categories in the Indian marketwith exponential annual growth. Such hyper growth is unfoldingseveral opportunities. Through an interaction with key industry,Home Fashion brings up the current situation in the Indian marketin this sector and the direction that the future holds.Export 77In an exclusive interview with Mr. Kuldeep Raj Wattal, Chairman, CarpetExport Promotion Council, Home Fashion magazine finds out thelatest update on international market scenario for handmade carpetsand as the global market leader, where does India stand in terms ofthreats and opportunities? 03 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016

News Policy for setting up units under the new scheme, verifying assets created jointly with the bankers Amended TUFS announced and maintaining close liaison with State government agencies.Government of India has announced the AmendedTechnology Upgradation Fund Scheme (ATUFS) Need to reviewto give impetus to the 'Make in India' programme in MEIS subsidiesthe textiles sector. This announcement is expectedto trigger an investments of about Rs. 100,000 While, with the announcement of the new ATUFS,crore and create 30 lac (3 million) additional jobs in virtually everything is in place from theIndia's textile and clothing sectors. Government's side in terms of support to the Indian textile industry, few minor points will helpThe Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs further, feels the industry.approved the scheme to replace the existingRevised Restructured TUFS. According to an Interest rates for exporters must be brought down,official statement, “A budget provision of Rs.17,822 as the current rates in India are high and it is verycrore has been approved, of which Rs. 12,671 difficult to compete in international markets wherecrore is for committed liabilities under the ongoing interest rates are much lower. To some extent, thisscheme [RR-TUFS], and Rs. 5,151 crore is for new objective has been achieved by way of interestcases under ATUFS.” subvention under the MEIS scheme.The statement said with the amount provided for Interest subvention of 2% has been announcednew investment in 2012-17 having been under MEIS, covering all categories of cottonexhausted, the Finance Ministry was approached textiles, which is welcome. However, exports tofor enhancing the allocation. Australia and New Zealand should also be covered under the scheme as they are emergingUnder the new scheme, there will be two broad markets with good potential. Secondly, leavingcategories; one for apparel, garment and out cotton yarn and merchant exporters istechnical textiles, wherein 15 per cent subsidy will unrealistic, and they must be included, as theybe provided over five years on capital investment contribute as much to our export efforts.not exceeding Rs. 30 crore. The secondcategory, comprising all the other sub-sectors, will Another key issue is that duty free import of inputsget 10 per cent subsidy, subject to a ceiling in case of made ups, which is currently at 1%of Rs. 20 crore. should be increased to 3-5% of export value as buyers are increasingly seeking value addedThe new scheme targets employment generation products, which need more high-value trimmingsand export by encouraging the apparel and and embellishments.garment industry. It will encourage better quality inprocessing industry and check the need for import Let industry buy cottonof fabrics by the garment sector. India is now a cotton surplus country. Last yearEligible cases now pending with the Office of Cotton Corporation of India (CCI) had covered 8.8Textile Commissioner (TXC) will be provided million bales of cotton. This year, the procurementassistance under the ongoing scheme and the has already scheme will be given prospective effect. India has been exporting its surplus cotton toThe TXC is also being reorganised and its China, who is buying less due to some localoffices shall be set up in each State. TXC officers government policies.will be closely associated with entrepreneurs04 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016

NewsNow with surplus cotton on one hand and system Industryof MSP (Minimum Support Price) on the other, thesituation is likely to become difficult for CCI and the New cotton cropcountry. This is because, even with depressedglobal prices, Government must purchase at the Indian cotton crop size may be less this yearMSP, as it has no choice but to support the farmers according to the Cotton Advisory Board estimates. Chinese cotton situation is also not looking up very much. Pakistan will also have lesser output. Only the US and Australian cotton production is likely to be at the same level as last year. Hence, overall cotton position will be a bit tight, which should logically lead to better yarn prices. Corporatein an agrarian economy like India. Trident now world's largestCCI incurs transport and storage cost. By the Commercial production from Trident's Budnitime the cotton reaches the industry, the cost plant in Madhya Pradesh has just begun,goes up. Quality suffers due to poor storage and marking the completion of first phase oftransit conditions. This is a real problem. “To composite textile project undertaken by theovercome this, the Government will do well to company in Budni, with an investment ofallow the industry to buy cotton directly from Rs 1,191 crore in the terry towel project. \"This newthe farmers at the market price instead of CCI plant would make Trident the largest terrybuying, storing it and then supplying it to the towel making company in the world,\" said theindustry. If the market price is below MSP, the company sources.Government can directly transfer the subsidy tothe farmers' bank account. This will ensure that \"This would be world's largest terry towel plant andfarmers continues to get the intended MSP will comprise 300 looms. It would add about Rsbenefits, a lot of administrative effort and cost is 1,800 crore to the company's annual turnover.saved and from the industry's point of view, With this expansion, the installed capacity ofefficiency and quality goes up,” says R.K. Dalmia, Trident will increase to 688 looms capable ofChairman, TEXPROCIL. producing 90,000 tons per annum (TPA) of terry towels thereby making Trident the largestSecondly, CCI should release cotton to the manufacturer of terry towels in the world,\" said theindustry at international prices when the prices in company sources.India go beyond international prices. This will bring Trident Limited, the flagship Company ofstability in raw material prices for Indian cotton Ludhiana-based Trident Group, a leadingtextile industry and its export competitiveness in manufacturer of terry towels, paper, yarn andinternational markets. chemicals with a strong presence in Madhya Pradesh and Punjab will invest another Rs 2,400As a cotton surplus country, India's textile industry crore in its existing MP facility in Budni. Theshould always get cotton at reasonable and proposed composite textile project comprisinginternationally competitive prices. spinning units of 185,000 yarn spindles, bed linen unit of 500 looms and captive power plant of 60 Mw.06 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016

News Welspun's With two Gujarat plants at Anjar and Vapi, Welspun ambitious USA plans exports to 50 countries.Welspun India, the largest exporter to the US Himatsingkahome textile market announced launching of an e- restructures, expandscommerce portal for its US market and bullishrevenue targets. Himatsingka group's holding company in NorthWelspun India, which has a 5 per cent market America has been renamed Himatsingka Holdingsshare in the US$17 billion US home textiles NA Inc. In addition the two operating subsidiariesmarket, making it the single largest player in the Divatex Home Fashions Inc. and DWI Inc. haveworld's biggest market of such products, is been merged and is renamed Himatsingkatargeting a revenue of US$ 2.5 billion from the US America. Inc. The merger will help consolidate themarket by 2020. Today, the textile arm brings a North American portfolio under one umbrella withrevenue of US$1 billion for Welspun group. Of this approximately USD 300 million in gross revenues,65% comes from USA. 12 to 14 brands, a strong private label platform and a strong leadership team.Dipali Goenka, Managing Director, Welspun Global Brands Ltd. The Group's North American subsidiary Himatsingka America Inc. also entered into an exclusive mutualThe company wants to further consolidate its licensing agreement with Applied DNA Sciences Inc.US home textile market position by way of to commercialize the world's first DNA verified cottonintroducing innovative products and shifting supply chain. This initiative will be brought to marketfocus to its own brand. under the “PimaCott ™ “. Himatsingka sees potential\"Over the years, we've been successful in opportunities as a result of this agreement.changing the contours of the US home Himatsingka is embarking upon a Rs. 1281 croretextiles market with our innovative products expansion plan for enhancing the Group's currentand added customer focus. When we entered Sheeting capacity, backward integration intothe US, Indian companies were fringe players, Spinning and a foray into Terry Towels. Theway behind Chinese companies. But that no investments will be carried out in phases over thelonger is the case,\" says Dipali Goenka, next three years. Of these investments the GroupManaging Director, Welspun Global Brands. estimates to commission its enhanced SheetingAccording to Ms. Goenka, around 31% of Welspun capacity by June 2016.sales comes from innovative, patented products The Group remains extremely focused on marginlike HyGro cotton. The company aims to increase expansion initiatives across its manufacturing andthis number to 40 per cent by 2020. It has retail and distribution businesses. We continue to12 patents that are pending with the US authorities see stability across the various operating divisions.for clearance. The Rs.2, 500 crore Himatsingka Group, employing 5,000 people, is a vertically integrated home textile major with a global footprint. It focuses on manufacture, retail and distribution of home textile products. On the manufacturing front, the Group operates amongst the largest capacities in the world for upholstery fabrics, drapery fabrics and bed linen products. Spread across Asia, Europe and North America, its retail and wholesale distribution divisions carry some of the most prestigious brands in the Home Textile space and 07 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016

Newscater to Private Label programs of major retailers According to the property consultancy firm, 2015across these geographies. witnessed consolidation of retail real estate by brands and retailers who focused on their profit- Retail making stores and closed down loss-making ones.IKEA buys land in Hyderabad In 2016, more mature investors will come in and buy built-up retail spaces. Once they have theWorld's leading home furnishing retailer IKEA from relevant experience and foothold in India, they willSweden, has purchased its first land in start investing in 'greenfield' assets. Retailers areHyderabad, moving closer to is proposed opening maturing as competition heats with the entry ofof 25 stores in India, Over the next decade IKEA bigger brands into the country. Stronger playersplans to invest Rs 10,500 crore in India for which its will successfully attract private equity (PE)proposal has been cleared by Government of investments over the coming years. PE may alsoIndia in May 2013. go into select mall investments, especially in under- represented markets or for mature assets' buyout.“This step is yet another affirmation of IKEA'sexpansion plans in India. The company is in Retailers will start experimenting with formats andparallel evaluating suitable sites in the cities of sizes for the same brands, adapting to markets asBengaluru, Mumbai, and Delhi NCR (National they start moving up the value chain.Capital Region) to open 25 stores in the long-term,” the company said in a statement. Amazon now largest E-tailerAccording to IKEA India CEO, Juvencio Maeztu: Online market space Amazon has emerged as the“India is a very promising market for IKEA as it largest online store in India in 2015, adding overoffers us the opportunity to source, retail, conduct 55,000 new products to its inventory per day, aCSR initiatives. Our focus now is to bring all of it company statement said.together in Hyderabad as we have bought our first was also listed as the most visited e-land to build an IKEA store.” commerce site this year by comScore with 70 percent of their traffic coming from mobiles.IKEA, has been sourcing from India for the last 27 \"The year 2015 has been another great year for usyears for its stores around the world. At present, and we are humbled by the response received fromIKEA Group sources about 315 million euros worth both, the customers as well as sellers. We saw 250%of products in India. Ikea has 48 suppliers in India growth in our seller base and emerged as the mostwith 45,000 direct employees and about 400,000 visited site twice this year,\" said Amit Agarwal, Vicepeople in its extended supply chain. President and Country Manager, Amazon India. \"We also received 65 percent orders from Tier 2Retail space demand in 2016 cities and below and 70 percent of our traffic came from mobile. We believe our focus on workingIndian retail sector continues to witness dearth of backwards from customer needs and innovatingquality retail space in 2015, a trend that is likely to on the three things that matter to customers --continue in coming year too. selection, low prices and convenience -- is paying us rich dividends,\" Agarwal added.\"Retailers will have to revisit their real estate Numerous innovations such as adding Sunday andstrategy and have a flexible approach, customised morning delivery to the existing delivery services,to different micro-markets. Investments by both the service partner programme, and global sellinghome-grown and international brands will programme for sellers and rural distribution centersstrengthen in tier-II and tier-III markets as they also played a significant role in strengtheningexpand beyond tier-I cities,\" said Jll India in Amazon's position in India this year.a recent report.08 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016

International News North America one. Millennials who desire a larger home want to increase the footprint by a median of 500 square Average USA home size up feet; Gen X wants one bigger by a median of 600 square feet; and Boomers want to bump up theirAccording to the latest Census, the average size of home's size by a median of 550 square feet, thea completed single-family home in USA in 2014 survey found out.was 2,657 square feet, 2.3% bigger than theaverage size of 2,598 square feet in 2013. New USA mattress demand uphomes in Southern part of USA are the largest atan average of 2,711 square feet. The Midwest and Sales of mattresses in USA went up by 8.7% inWest regions experienced largest size increases quantity terms and 13.6% in wholesale valueof 7.3% and 3.2% respectively. terms during September 2015, showing healthyAccording to the National Association of Home growth for the industry.Builders, this bump in home sizes is consistentwith historic post-recession recoveries. The data According to a Bedding Association report,shows that sizes decrease just before and during a innerspring and specialty mattresses had strongrecession as buying rates stall. Sizes then increase growth. Innerspring mattress recorded a highas affluent buyers return to the market. This pattern 20.3% jump in total sales value terms and 9.3%has been even more pronounced in the last two increase in average retail price, making it one ofyears as first-time home buyers, due to credit the most popular mattress category in USA.limitations, have been weaker than ever before.Out of the 620,000 homes completed in 2014, The report, based on performance of 13 leading45% had four bedrooms or more and 36% had bedding producers who account for a majority ofthree or more bathrooms, per the Census Bureau. industry sales, said that unit sales of mattresses inNationally, 31% of newly constructed homes have USA during first 9 months of 2015 went up bymore than 3,000 square feet of floor area. 4.6%. Innerspring mattress units recorded 6.7%One-third of new homes in the South were 3,000 growth while demand for specialty mattress unitssquare feet or more. was up by 1.7%.Furniture Today the leading American magazine,which asked consumers to think ahead to the next In value terms, in the same period, wholesalehome they'll buy as part of its 2015 survey with the sales value was up 7.6% and innerspring mattressreaders of New York-based Apartment Therapy. value by 14.1%; but specialty mattress sales valueNearly six out of 10 Millennials plan to move came down by 3.8%.within three years, compared with about four outof 10 Generation X members and Baby Boomers. The average mattress unit price in USA was upNearly half of the respondents wanted their new 2.9% in the first nine months of 2015.home to be about the same size as the current Free delivery preferred over speed Free delivery has been the most important factor internet shoppers fall for in doing online purchases. With E-tailers continuing to expand its delivery offerings, you might think that rapid delivery10 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016

International Newsoptions are key to online consumers. In fact, free were comfort, price, support, durability, warranty,delivery is by far the most important factor in features and customer service. Satisfaction wasconvincing internet shoppers to complete a calculated on a 1,000-point scale.purchase online. Sleep Number ranked highest with a score of 878.In USA, 6 out of every 10 internet online shoppers Tempur-Pedic, at 872, ranked second, withfind free delivery as a key purchase driver. While particularly high ranking for comfort, support andsome buyers opt for premium, rapid delivery durability. Simmons Beautyrest, at 846, rankedoptions, and it has had an impact on the market to third, getting points above the report average onsome extent, this preference is limited to only few all parameters. Serta, with a customer satisfactionproduct categories. Most online buyers value free score of 838, was fourth, followed by Ikea, with adelivery the most. score of 825, Sealy, with 821, and Stearns & Foster, with a score of 820. Offline retailers go online Sleep Number had five circles on the PowerAs consumer online-only purchasing platforms Circle Ratings, a performance which meanscontinue to grow, traditional retail in USA has “among the best.” Tempur-Pedic and Simmonsbegun to fight back. Some 95% of retail is still done Beautyrest each received four circles, which ranksin stores. Eight of the top ten U.S. Internet retailers them as “better than most.” Serta and Ikea bothalso have a brick and mortar presence. Every day had three circles, which indicates a performanceone more US retailer announces unprecedented of “about average.growth in its online business. Price and comfort are the two most importantWilliams Sonoma says that over 50% of its 2014 factors affecting mattress purchase in was done online. Even Home Depotrecently announced a 30% quarterly growth The 2015 J. D. Power Mattress Satisfaction Reportonline; a total of 5% of their total business is now is based on responses from 2,660 customers whodigital. Same with Bed Bath and Beyond. purchased a mattress in the 12 months.And most of the online purchasing has now Hallmark cards on a pillow?moved to phones or tablets, a trend that willcontinue to accelerate. According to a report published in Home Textiles Today, Hallmark Cards Inc. has launched Gillham Mattress consumer Studios Home, a new online shop that reinterprets satisfaction survey the company's archives of art, lettering and illustration over its 105-year history into modernAccording to the J.D. Power 2015 Mattress home furnishings.Satisfaction Report published by J.D. Power, well-known for ranking the automobile sector At the new site,,companies, 'Sleep Number' mattresses ranked the shoppers can choose from a wide variety ofhighest in customer satisfaction, on parameters Hallmarks' artworks and designs and applylike price, warranty and features. them to any of “tens of thousands” of home decor items in more than 20 formats. Each itemThe recent report measured American consumers' can be customized from a range of material andsatisfaction with their mattress purchases on color parameters, which in order of importance Included in the offering are throw pillows, 11 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016

International Newsblankets, rugs, wall art, duvet covers, and many While Aéropostale will benefit by capitalizing on itsother home pieces. All are made in the USA and brand to expand its market reach through newready to ship within three to five days. And the categories of bed & bath, Himatsingka America,company noted that each item is printed on which already has a strong portfolio of brands anddemand, exclusively for the customer. proven track record, will be able to expand its market opportunities further, using its strong“Gillham Studios Home is introducing inspiring product development and manufacturing base ofvisual packages that represent the conceptual feel the parent company.or mood the consumer wants to convey for theirhome space, be it retro, abstract, chic - or Europesomething more traditional,” explained ChrisShaw , Gillham Studios general manager. “We are IKEA to go onlinetaking Hallmark's expertise in understanding whatpeople want to express and applying it to the world Though a late entrant on the e-commerce platform,of home décor. The home is a special place and IKEA, the leading Swedish homeware retailer plansdeserves a personal feel.” to grow its online business substantially over the next five years. Jeff Kaufman, New HFPA President Privately-owned IKEA has annual revenues exceeding Euro 30 billion with stores operating in 42Jeff Kaufman, President and CEO, Avanti Linenshas been elected as the new President for TheHome Fashion Products Association (HFPA) for aperiod of two years.Also elected to the board were David Greenstein,CEO of Himatsingka America, and Nina Nadash,home and interiors marketing manager at Lenzing. Aeropostale License countries. It has online offering in 13 of its markets. for Himatsingka America About 80% of IKEA's total sales are generated in Europe. The retailer is targeting an annual revenueAéropostale, Inc., a mall-based specialty retailer of of Euro 50 billion by the year 2020, at an averagecasual apparel for young women and men, has annual growth rate of about 10%. Part of this growthentered into a licensing agreement for home will come from its online business.textiles with Himatsingka America, an associatecompany of Himatsingka group, a leading home A new website as well as the logistics for getting itstextiles group based in Bengaluru, India. products to customers are being worked upon. \"Today our e-commerce business is about Euro 1 Under the licensing agreement, Himatsingka billion, which will probably reach about Euro 5will design, manufacture and distribute home billion in 5-6 years from now,\" said Peter Agnefjäll,textiles such as bedding and bath linens using CEO, IKEA. While online retail has been boomingthe Aéropostale label for department stores, big worldwide, IKEA had continued to largely follow thebox retailers and wholesale channels across conventional vast warehouse stores format so far.North America.12 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016

International NewsAsia AustraliaHome Centre expands in UAE Zara Home now in SydneyHome Centre, the home decor retailer, will Spanish retail major Zara opened its first Zarabe adding 4 more stores in UAE as part of Home store in Sydney last month. This is aits Dh1 billion, expansion plan spread over the flagship Zara Home store. The retailer is alsonext 5 years. complementing E-commerce site to serve the Australian market.Home Centre currently has 16 stores acrossthe UAE. The new store openings will be Karama The 5,381 square feet store spread over twoin Dubai opening imminently, Fujairah opening floors, is located in the city's Pitts Streetin November, Al Ain which has already Mall, and the website can be found atpartially opened and the fourth in Nakheel Mall on Jumeirah. Both are set to be merchandised with Zara'sFurther aggressive expansion plan includes signature chic-yet-cheap neutral-palette beddingopening of another 20 stores across Saudi Arabia, and bath linens and other home goods, includingtaking the total number of Home Centre stores in table linens, furniture, tableware, cutlery and otherthe kingdom to 49. decorative items. The store also features its Zara Kids Home line.The group will finance its own expansion, lookingto increase its store count and retail footfallby 50 per cent.The retailer has close to 90 stores and an annualfootfall of more than 3 million people currently.The UAE-based retailer, celebrating its 20-yearanniversary this month, has also begun sellingover 2,500 products online, offering next-daydelivery, cash on delivery and an easy returnspolicy. “Our online offering will only be available inthe UAE at first,” said Mr. Mederic Payne, CEO,Home Centre.“We have the capability and warehousing tofulfill our UAE commitments, which is mostimportant with online sales. I do not see itdriving growth in sales and revenues until 2018-19but it will be a key growth driver for us. .Ourmost loyal customers are Emiratis, followed byexpat Arabs and Asian expats and we are focusingour sales and service to reflect that demographicmix,” added Mr. Payne. 13 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016

Report Jagdish Storeslaunched in Ludhiana Jagdish Store, Ludhiana Spread over a huge area of 25,000 square feet on 5 floors, one of the largest in India till date for aJagdish Stores, Delhi, the pioneer, oldest single specialty home furnishing retailer, the store and one of the most respected retailer for was inaugurated by Mrs. Derrco Devi Khandelwal, home furnishings in India, opened its fourth mother of Mr. Jagdish Khandelwal, Managingstore and the very first in Ludhiana 9th August Director, Jagdish Stores, who himself is known in2015. The retailer has well-known stores in Delhi the industry as the father of Indian furnishing retail.and Kolkata. For him personally and for the entire family, this was a highly emotional moment. The high profileThe Ludhiana store being inaugurated by Mrs. Derrco Devi Khandelwal. launch was attended by who is who of not onlyAccompanying her is Mr. Jagdish Khandelwal and other family members and invitees. Ludhiana city, but the entire home textiles and furnishing industry and trade from across the country, reflecting the personal popularity of Mr. Jagdish Khandelwal in the industry. The exclusive boutique-store will stock the same quality and range of home textile & home décor20 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016

ReportEach section in Jagdish Store Ludhiana is well laid out and helps the customer choose. Total store area is 25,000 square feet.products as the other branches do. These include with the city, and to servicing its people at afabrics, upholstery, curtains, carpets, mattresses, standard that is synonymous with our brand.”bed linen, table linen, bath linen and decorative Specialty format stores will always be importantaccessories. Hence, the store will give an and convenient for the customers as it givesopportunity to the people in Ludhiana and the customers an experience factor of feel &surrounding cities and towns to shop for high touch. Jagdish Stores, Ludhiana also has a teamquality and unique merchandise with a high of trained interior designers and home styliststandard of customer service for which the retail to customize the products according to thebrand Jagdish Store is known for over five decades. choice of the customers.Commenting on the establishment of the new Many high-profile celebrity homes, corporatestore, Mr. Jagdish Khandelwal, MD, Jagdish offices, restaurants and boutique hotels haveStores, said “Ludhiana is one of north India's relied on fabrics and furnishings from Jagdishmost prosperous cities with an elite class of Stores to enhance their interiors. Also India's mostcitizens. We already have a loyal clientele of respected architects and interior designers haveLudhiana who patronize our Delhi store for given a top choice priority to the India's largesttheir home furnishing needs. We are delighted chain of home furnishing as well.that with the opening of this boutique, these The brand is also a favourite with individualpatrons, and new ones, will not have to travel customers, who enjoy visiting just to survey theall the way to our other outlets to enjoy high new collections as much as they enjoy buyingquality furnishings, which have an Indian soul and decorating with them.and an international appeal. We're looking Opening of the store is likely to set a new retailforward to a long and meaningful association trend in Ludhiana and Northern India. 21 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016

Retail Online or offline Retail “All Retail Formats willCo-exist and Need to Collaborate” - Sitaram Kumar, Vice-President, Home Centre, Landmark Group There has been a constant debate about the threat posed by online retailers to the offline retailer by offering deep discounts on merchandise acrosscategories- especially in core home categories like bed linen and decorative accessories.What do leading and successful offline retailers feel about this threat or the so-called unfair competition by their online counterparts? In an exclusive interview with Home Fashion magazine, Mr. Sitaram Kumar, Vice-President, Home Centre, Landmark Group, shares his candid opinion on this issue and various other aspects of home retail market in India.HF: How has the home products market grown and finding it more convenient to buy online – Do youevolved over the past 2-3 years and have there agree? Reasons?been any significant changes in the past one year?SK: The home market has been consistently SK: Partly yes and partly no - there is still a largegrowing at a CAGR (Compounded Annual Growth number of customers who would like to have aRate) of 30%. Looking at the growths and potential touch and feel of the product before they buy, irrespective of the age group. This is especiallySitaram Kumar, Vice-President, Home Centre, Landmark Group true of the big ticket items like furniture. HF: What growth are you expecting in the homeof the category, over the last one year, more textiles and home décor product categoryplayers have entered into home space, both for 2015-16?in online and off line versions. The changesin lifestyle and buying habits of Indian consumers SK: Currently, the growth is to the extent of aboutare making the industry more robust and attractive. 25%. Depending on how the festive season andHF: It is now being widely mentioned that last quarter of 2015 trends, which is the bestsellingyounger customers are turning towards stores for quarter in India, the industry should be able tobuying home products while older customers are close the year with not less than 30% market growth for the current financial year. HF: Which home products are top sellers in terms of volumes and which ones earn maximum sales in value terms? Has there been any significant change in the top selling products over the past 2 years? If yes, which specific products have seen maximum change in demand and why? SK: Bed sheets and curtains are the top selling products in both volume and value and the trend22 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016

Retailcontinues....Having said that, kitchen as a the ranges, do right pricing, ambience andcategory is showing good traction and growing customer service etc., It is important to packageconsistently especially in the kitchen gadgets and all of these well, enabling one to become theaccessories segment. market leader. It is very essential to understand consumer behaviour enabling to be closer to theHF: In what way and to what extent are online customer requirements rather than living with theretailers impacting offline retail business in the fear of competition etc.,home product segment?Sitaram Kumar, at Home Centre store HF: E-commerce players say that home product retail is more suited to online format as thisSK: There should not be any major impact on category requires vast physical space in the storeoffline business as the size of the market is big to display all products. Do you agree with thisenough for everyone to sustain and cater to so view? Reasons?many different segments and needs of theevolving customers. SK: Every business is suitable for both online and offline depending on how the same would beHF: For offline retailers, is the major competition operated and at the same time how muchfrom online retail or from other brick and mortar convenience the customer is looking for in theretail formats? Who are your major competitors? category. It is important for all the businesses toWithin offline, is the main competition from large be present both online and offline as majority offormat value retailers or from home product the customers prefer their convenience. As I saidspecialty stores? Why? in the previous question, there is still a customer who would not buy the product without the touchSK: Competition can be from anywhere and feel especially categories like sofas. Also,irrespective of brick and motor, LFS, speciality or online retailers live on larger width whenonline…provided one does not focus oninnovation in terms of merchandise mix, properpresentation of product categories, coordinate 23 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016

Retail24 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016

IndiaGlobal Leader inCotton Home TextilesS ince time immemorial, Indian cotton textiles have mesmerized designers and consumers the world over. In contemporary times, home textiles from India are considered at par with the best in the world in terms of quality and performance. They set new trends in international markets in terms of material, design, colour and innovation. No wonder, India today commands 16% share of all home textiles imports in USA and 8% share of global trade in home textiles. Over the last five decades, The Cotton Textile Export Promotion Council (TEXPROCIL), has been connecting its 3,500 members with thousands of cotton home textiles importer across 160 countries. This feature by TEXPROCIL depicts the latest innovations by Indian exporters, inspired by Trends for the year 2016-17. Making in India for the world Indian Cottons, Global Reach

Bed linenAs one of the leading exporters of bed linen in the world, India houses some of the largest and most modern bed linen plants with vertically integrated facilities. Hundreds of large, medium and small Indian exporters offer versatile solutions for varied needs. From high-volume basic bed sheets and bed sets in 80 TC to 1400 TC to highly creative designer bed covers, quilts, pillows and cushion covers, India offers innumerable options in pure cotton and cotton rich bed linen products. From certified organic cotton to intricately woven designs, embroidery, prints, hand crafting along with other value additions, India offers bed linen for all forms of lifestyle.26 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016

Makingin Indiafor the world 27 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016

Bath linenBeing home to one of the youngest terry towel industry, India, known the world over for its state-of-the-art terry towels, which produces the finest terry towels and bath linen the consumers can experience. Many of the world's top ranking producers in this category- in terms of quality and quantity- are located in India. India produces a variety of towels that include high quality basics to an innovative range of high performance, opulent and refined towels comprising pure cotton, organic cotton, bamboo and their blends. Specialty fibers like soya, milk, and viscose are also blended with cotton and other natural fibers for special effects and designs. Complete range of towels and bath accessories like bath mats, bath robes, slippers etc. are made in India for bath, beach, hotels, spas and gifts. These include basic, micro cotton and value additions like embroidery, printing and appliqué work.28 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016

Makingin Indiafor the world 29 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016

Decorativemade - upsWith its centuries of culture of arts & crafts and innumerous varieties in traditional and modern textiles, decorative made-ups are accepted as India's core competency in the international markets. Opulently designed, hand-crafted cushion covers to a wide range of exquisite bed covers, quilts, pillows, throws, curtains, sheers, blinds, upholstery, shams, bolsters… the range of India's decorative made-ups has always been in demand amongst discerning buyers. Creative combinations of various crafts like hand weaving, crochet, embroidery, beads, hand painted, block printed, digital printing and applique work etc. offer endless possibilities for innovations that have made India popular amongst interior designers, retailers and consumers.30 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016

Makingin Indiafor the world 31 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016

Table &Kitchen linenF rom traditional hand-woven textures to a wide range of contemporary designs in dobby, jacquards, damask and digital printing, Indian exporters offer a wide range and versatile solutions in table & kitchen linen. Yarn dyed, fabric dyed, quilted, appliquéd, printed, embroidered range of table covers, dining napkins, placemats, runners, mittens, aprons, kitchen towels, bread baskets, bottle covers…and more…the table and kitchen linen range from India holds a unique position amongst leading international retailers, importers and institutional buyers.32 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016

Makingin Indiafor the world 33 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016

Floor CoveringsDecorative floor coverings reflect high creative skills of Indian weavers in handling thick yarns and heavy fabrics. Products like cotton and cotton blended durries, area rugs, bathmats, prayer mats, and door mats are created using a variety of weaving techniques and crafting skills. Indian exporters today offer highly innovative products for contemporary consumer demand for items like recycled floor coverings that are eco-friendly and bring a true marketing edge for brands and retailers.34 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016

Makingin Indiafor the world 35 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016

Making in India for the world TEXPROCIL, the non-profit export promotion body, facilitates sourcing for global buyers from India. It is today the international face of Indian cotton textiles. Spearheading the country's export targets and its 3,500 members' efforts to reach out to over 160 countries across seven continents, where Indian cotton textiles are exported, Texprocil takes regular initiatives to connect Indian exporters with global importers, acting as a catalyst to forge long term relationships. It enables international buyers of Indian cotton yarns, fabrics and made-ups to reach out to reliable, experienced and leading exporters. TEXPROCIL has successfully established the industry as a reliable source of cotton textiles in the international market and is committed to spreading brilliance in the global textile industry. The Council undertakes continuous initiatives to diversify export efforts into promising emerging markets, provide timely intelligence on business trends and connect enterprising sellers with prospective buyers. Textile manufacturers remain confident of exporting large quantities of yarns, fabrics and made-ups to markets like China, Korea, Myanmar, Turkey and Vietnam apart from the existing markets. TEXPROCIL's strategy for the near future includes, owning up competitiveness, showcasing it to the world and offering our yarns, fabrics and made-ups as a more economical alternative under 'Make in India' - the major new national program designed to transform India into a global manufacturing hub. For TEXPROCIL, what was once just a trade promotion activity, is now a sacred duty to the nation and its people! Get in touch today @ The Cotton Textile Export Promotion Council (Sponsored by Government of India) AN ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED COMPANY Engineering Center, 5th Floor, 9, Mathew Road, Mumbai - 400004 Tel: + 22-23632910/ 11/ 12 Fax: + 22-23632914 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.texprocil.org36 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016

Spotlight“Cotton Made-ups & YarnsIndia's Key Global Strengths” -R. K. Dalmia, Chairman, TEXPROCIL R. K. Dakmia, Chairman, TEXPROCIL 37 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016

Spotlight India's Cotton Textile Exports (Product wise & Market wise)Product 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 3535 4555 3938Yarn 2990 2039 2199 2443 4397 4797 5051Fabrics 1952 9971 11551 11432Made-ups 4077Total 9019Market 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2167 2278 2389USA 1913 1561 1722 1650EU 2021 6243 7551 7393Rest of 5085 9971 11551 11432the WorldTotal 9019Note: Value in Million USD38 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016

SpotlightIndia's Export of Cotton Made-ups (USD Millions)Rank Partner Country April - March April - Sept %Change 2014-15 2014 2015 2015/2014 1 United States 2245.83 1120.92 1207.51 7.72 442.85 243.14 273.20 12.362 UAE 301.83 155.12 146.50 -5.563 United Kingdom 285.32 148.62 127.91 -13.944 Germany 119.71 59.42 63.74 117.14 60.60 52.70 7.275 Australia 108.80 57.29 53.43 -13.04 107.18 52.62 51.476 France 84.34 40.95 32.47 -6.747 Italy 83.71 44.31 40.40 -2.17 74.62 36.78 45.33 -20.728 Canada 72.86 39.69 32.58 -8.839 Japan 64.61 38.81 27.91 23.27 52.11 30.06 25.40 -17.9110 Netherlands 48.78 23.04 31.79 -28.0911 Spain 45.58 26.75 19.82 -15.51 41.05 18.57 15.32 37.9812 Sweden 40.68 24.01 16.85 -25.9113 Saudi Arabia 34.16 17.78 16.80 -17.49 28.23 17.10 20.16 -29.8114 Denmark -5.48 17.9115 South Africa16 Belgium17 Tanzania18 Malaysia19 Norway20 ChileTop 20 Countries 4399.39 2255.57 2301.29 2.03Rest of the World 651.93 342.14 301.62 -1.83World-Total 5051.33 2597.71 2602.91 0.20Top 5 buyers in bold account for 69.87% of India’s total exports 39 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016

Spotlight40 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016

Profile Indo CountSurges AheadBed linen: Vintage look per share in April 2014 to over Rs 900 in October 2015, offering a one year stock return of 418%. NoHaving gone for corporate debt wonder, Indo Count was ranked 366 amongst restructuring in 2008, for a company to India's top 500 companies by Business Today, become one of the most valuable India's leading business magazine.companies in India from investors' perspective in2015 is quite a feat to achieve. Indo Count Today, the Company is the second largest supplierIndustries Ltd. has just done this! In the past 18 of bed linen products from India and the fourthmonths, the share price of this home textile and largest bed sheet supplier to the USA.spinning major has increased 20 times- from Rs 4442 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016

Profile“The company had sowed the seeds for growth in Anil Kumar Jain, Chairman & Managing Director, Indo Count Industries2006, when it entered the home textile business, abig step away from spinning and exporting yarn achieved a sales of Rs. 1,043 crore. A whoppingand manufacturing consumer durables. This 31.2% increase over the comparable period lastdecision was primarily triggered by the quota year, which outperformed India's national growth ofregime coming to an end in USA in 2005. Today, 5%. This is a testimony of stellar performance byhome textiles account for 81 per cent of its the company under the current global marketrevenues,” explains Anil Kumar Jain, Chairman conditions. In the first half of FY 2015-16, theand Managing Director, Indo Count Industries. company's profit after tax was Rs. 121 crore, an increase of 80% over same period of last year.From flat sheets, fitted sheets, utility bedding and Improvement in margins has been contributed bypillow cases to entire range of fashion beddings the growing share of value-added home textiles inlike comforters, bed-in-bag, quilts and coverlets, its product portfolio from 60% to over 90%.decorative pillows to mattress pads, protectorsto institutional linen; company makes a wide Indo Count, which makes bedsheets and cottonrange of bed linen products for its customersacross 49 countries. About 65% of Indo Count'srevenues come from USA, its largest market.Other prominent markets include the UK,Canada, Europe, MENA and Australia. TheCompany enjoys long-term relationships withlarge global retailers.Focusing its investments primarily on processing,while outsourcing over 65% of its spinning andweaving requirements has paid rich dividends toSpinning unit Weaving unitIndo Count. \"This was a conscious strategy and yarn for exports, has demonstrated strong all-probably we will be the only company in the world round performance in recent times. Being entirelyto adopt such a model,\" says Anil Kumar Jain. export driven, Indo Count is highly dependent on the behaviour of international markets. With USATaking off from an annual sales of Rs 1,680 crore in being the only exception, general economicFY 2014/15, in the first 6 months of the current conditions and demand for bed linen has not beenfinancial year (April-Sept. 2015), Indo Count has 43 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016

Profilefavourable in recent times- be it Europe, Japan or Indo Count has been increasing its plantAustralia. Bigger yarn buyers like China and Turkey productivity and improving inventory turn arounds,have been slow in demand. Besides, the prices making it more efficient quarter after quarter. At theasked by them leaves hardly any room for profits same time, anticipating further growth in itsby the spinners. markets, it plans to expand the capacity at itsShift of business to India from China due tochanging competitive dynamics of home textile Retro Geo cushion coversbusiness has helped Indo Count get a strongerfoothold in the international markets. But Kolhapur plant from 68 million meters to aroundconsidering that the company, primarily 100 to 110 million meters over the next two years.manufacturers high value bed linen for the “As a validation of our focus on the general textilespremium segments, this factor would have played market and a niche in the bed linen space, we werea limited role in its recent growth. Being highly awarded the silver trophy by TEXPROCIL forinnovative with designs and product development emerging as India's second largest exporter of bedand high standards of customer service seem to linen, bed sheets, quilts and comforters for thehave been prime contributors to Indo Count's financial year 2014-15. With an annual fabricgrowing popularity with its international customers. capacity of 68 million metres, we are the country'sOver the years, Indo Count has been successfully second largest manufacturers of bed sheets,growing in the USD 13 billion market in USA for employing world-class technology and ensuringfashion bedding, institutional linen and utility high global quality standard,” says Anil Jain. The company plans to invest Rs. 175 crore toQuilting Unit increase its fabric capacity from 68 million meters to 90 million metres in the first phase to bebedding. Following this logic of not keeping all the completed by December 2016. It is also proposingeggs in one basket, Indo Count for whom USA an additional capital outlay of Rs.300 crore inaccounts for 70 per cent of its sales, is working phase II to be completed by March 2018, which ison bringing down this share to about 50 per under planning.cent over the next five years and spread Indo Count is also all set to make its forays in theand diversify into markets in Europe and Australia. rapidly emerging Indian domestic home textiles\"We have already opened offices in Manchester market by creating its own brand, for which it hasand Melbourne,\" says Mohit Jain, Director and formed a subsidiary unit of Indo count.adds further, \"We plan to open an office in Dubaito cater to the Middle East and North Africaregion (MENA) region.\"44 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016

Special Report Modern Floor CoveringsBeginning of anew era in IndiaWhen it comes to use of floor Pic Courtesy: Ego Flooring coverings, India has been completely defying the global trends. “For us Roshan, Director, Ego Flooring Pvt Ltd.Indians, traditionally, the most preferred floor Why conventional stone is so popular in a country,covering has been various forms of stones and which makes the most exquisite and luxuriousmarble, which till today account for 80% of handmade wool and silk carpets in the world, whichthe country's floor coverings consumption. are full of softness and character. Not only that,This percentage in countries like USA, Europe these rugs are sought by buyers across the globe,and even China is between 30-40%,” says with India commanding a lion's share of 38% in the world market, clearly indicating, volume and scale of production. Then why don't Indians themselves 45 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016

Special Reportuse these lovely rugs in their own homes? segments. Its only in the last 10 years, the marketIt's certainly not because of affordability, knowledge has started unfolding in true sense.or choice of Indians. They want easy maintenance, Key Categories in wooden floorings areand cool feeling being a warm climate country, Laminated flooring, engineered flooring, solidwhich is offered by most forms of marbles and wood, outdoor and sports flooring.stones. Handmade woollen and silk rugs aresimply unaffordable in terms of prices for most Pic Courtesy: Ego FlooringIndians, too warm for most parts of India'sclimate and are difficult to maintain in the country's Currently, the Indian market size for woodendusty environment. And very few know about flooring would in the range of Rs. 1000 to 1500more options in floor coverings beyond these crore, of which only about 25% is catered bytwo categories. 12-15 branded and organised sector players. Of this Indian brands are not more than 2 or 3, EgoModern floor coverings being one of them. We also distribute in India some internationalIt seems that the consumers here are simply not brands like Quick Step from Belgium; Pergo fromexposed enough to the plethora of modern floor Sweden and Kronotex from Germany. Kronotex iscoverings to which the world has been changing world's number one brand with a market share ofover to during the last three to four decades. Lack about 20% in India.of knowledge, lack of understanding, not enoughpush by the manufacturers and brands are some Pic Courtesy: Ego Flooringof the reasons that Indians continue to live withtheir traditional floor covering solutions. Out of the total floor covering market in India,So what are the modern options in floor coverings? wooden floors account for only 2-3%, syntheticSeveral, to answer the question straight. From and vinyl for 7-8%, carpets for another 8-10% andwooden flooring to vinyl to astro turf to a variety of stones and marbles for 80%.synthetic solutions for both indoor and outdoorapplications. Further each one of these maincategories have several sub-categories andinfinite design, style, price and technical optionsfor various end uses like residential, institutional,outdoor, sports and so on.Home Fashion spoke to some key industry playersin these categories to assess the current marketscenario in India. Excerpts from their views:Roshan Bisani Director, Ego FloorEgo Floor is a10 year old company, pioneering inIndia the sales of wooden floor coverings,completely under its own brand “Ego”.Though the Indian market for modern woodenfloor coverings is in existence for over 25 years, itwas very small and demand has been from niche46 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016

Special ReportSunil Parekh Director, A to Z Pic Courtesy: ATM EnterprisesIn India the demand for modern floor covering is demand for wooden and vinyl flooring isfor Polypropylene because people are influenced the looks of the product. It is also eco-friendly Wooden flooring is further divided into 3and recyclable. The choice is more towards carpet categories which are: laminated flooring,tiles for office and corporate areas, vinyl flooring engineered flooring, and solid wood flooring.for hospitals and nylon flooring for general use. Similarly, vinyl floorings are offered multipleMajor sub categories are carpet, carpet tiles, PEC varieties like tiles, carpets, strips flat planks etc.flooring and vinyl. While wooden flooring is used in offices, for homesCurrent size of the Indian market is about Rs. 400- primarily synthetic carpets, nylon carpets and500 crore, which is annually growing by 40-50%. cheaper Polypropylene flooring & nylon are in use.Key players in this business currently are Among all the players of modern floor coveringsimporters as very little is produced in India due to present in India, some well European brandslack of technology, investment and market size. include Armstrong, Pergo and Kronotex.A to Z markets its own brand 'walk-on' in India. Indian market for modern floor covering is veryWalk-on floor covering mainly manufactures good and is growing by about 10-15% per annum,wooden floor covering on planks and tiles used for including in tier 2 and tier 3 cities.both interiors and exteriors. Manish Singhvi Director, Spaarsh Pic Courtesy: A to Z The demand for wooden flooring is increasingThe products manufactured are sold by architect, year on year and it occupies 25-30% share of thedealers, distribution through online presentations entire modern floor covering market in India.from architects. Size of the Interior wooden flooring in India is around Rs. 200-300 crores.Vatsal Bajoria Proprietor, ATM Enterprises The products are usually imported from Europe, Korea & China. Keeping the demand in mind,Key products available in India in modern home wooden flooring further has been created inflooring are the wooden flooring and PVC or Poly varieties such as a laminated, engineered andVinyl Chloride Flooring, which are considered the solid wood bamboo. These three have differentmost important among the other categories like compositions with different usages in the industry.Polypropylene and grass flooring.Though tiles and marble are used extensivelyin India, with changing trend and lifestyle, the 47 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016

Special Report Pic Courtesy: Spaarsh (VIVA Surfaces) from Rs.80 Square foot and goes up to Rs. 3000 per square foot. Currently, the Indian marketIn laminated flooring, High Densified Fibre demand consists of about 40-50% for low-end, 30-(HDF) backing is done by pressing a decorative 35% for mid-range and only about 12-15% for thepaper along with the fibre on HDF board. HDF premium range.board is a particle board with different sizes of Products under Symphony International are 100%8mm, 10mm and 12mm. Engineered flooring imported as the raw material like oak, usedis made upon Plywood or a Pine wood with specially for flooring is not readily available in Indiaa layer of actual wood on top of size12mm. for manufacturing, so it has to be imported.Bamboo Flooring is a solid actual real wood Overall market growth for wooden floor covering inflooring in which actual bamboo is composed India is between 25-35%, which is likely to grow atand processed. a faster pace in the future as consumers getThese floorings come in planks and in tiles shapewhich has an interlocking system and needs a Pic Courtesy: Symphony Internationalprofessional to install in the required spaces.Market growth for wooden flooring is only exposed to the benefits of wooden flooring over10% as Indian climate is mostly hot and humid, marble and stone flooring, in terms of temperaturewhere people prefer mostly marble flooring control and friction on the surface. Besides,to keep the interior cold. Besides, marble there are health benefits. For example, woodenflooring is readily and conveniently available staircase is much more comfortable to the knees,to the consumers. it is less tiring as it provides more flexibility to the body due to a cushioning effect which stones doVinod Hemnani VP, Symphony International not have.Annual growth rate of 20-25%. Main storesare in Mumbai, Hyderabad and Bangalore. Morestores are expected to be launched inKolkata, Delhi and Ahmedabad over the next4-5 years.Distribution is done through their own dealernetwork besides their own shops. Directcontact with architects is maintained as 90% ofwooden flooring business comes throughrecommendation by architects.Retail prices for low-end wooden flooring starts48 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016

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