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Home Explore Grat&PosAffirmationsColoringPrompts_JournalstoFreedom


Published by jenilyllc, 2019-10-14 14:03:55

Description: Grat&PosAffirmationsColoringPrompts_JournalstoFreedom


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How does being productive make me feel?

What does “color outside the lines” mean to me? How does this apply in my life?

What did I have for breakfast today? Did this food nourish my body?

How have I taken care of my body today? Does my body need more rest or more movement? Both?

What does it mean to observe my thoughts without judging them? Have I done this today?

How am I present in my relationships today? Is there a relationship that would bloom if I watered it?

What will I remember about today’s events?

What can I take away from unpleasant experiences? Can I learn something positive from them?

How do I show acceptance for my past, practice being “in the momeny” for my present, and have faith for my future?

In what ways do I impact the world? My job? My neighborhood? My family and friends?

What has inspired me recently? What action have I taken as a result?

What purpose do I feel in my life?

What specials skills or knowledge do I have that can cange the world?

How have I made a difference in the world? How have I made a difference in someone else’s life?

Do I believe that I am a gift to the world? Why or why not? Can I be a gift to the world and still be humble?

How can I spread my enthusiasm about life to others?

How has the universe guided me?

What makes me feel strong? Is this a physical, emotional, or spiritual strength?

How do I practice living in the moment but stay hopeful and prepared for the future?

What happens when I compare my insides to others outsides? What happens when I do not do this? How do I feel?

What people/places/things bring me joy in life and fuel my purpose?

What is my life’s foundation? How have I picked the people & things this foundation conssts of?

How does it bring peace to my life when I believe that everything is going to be okay?

What benefits do I notice when I focus on one task at a time?

What about my morning breathes peace for the rest of the day?

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