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MBCRP Implementation Rules and Regulations Series of 2015

Published by itu.dilgncr, 2018-07-18 03:19:26

Description: MBCRP Implementation Rules and Regulations Series of 2015


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ADDITIONAL GUIDELINES FOR THE LGU KEY PERFORMANCE ANNEX V INDICATORS Pursuant to the SC decision in the case of Metropolitan ManilaDevelopment Authority et. al. vs. Concerned Citizens of the Manila Bay(December 18, 2008, G.R. No. 171947-48), the local government units (LGU)within the Manila Bay Area are directed to perform, accomplish, and carry outactivities in response to the following KPIs: % of total commercial establishments, factories and homes along riverbanks and shorelines of Manila Bay watershed area that are inspected for adequate wastewater treatment facilities/ septic tanks; % of total non-compliant commercial establishments, factories and homes that construct wastewater treatment facilities/ septic tanks following inspections; % of LGUs in Manila Bay watershed areas outside Metro Manila that are certified as compliant with regulations governing Solid Waste Management, particularly: 10-year Solid Waste Management Plan, Segregation at source, Segregated collection, Composed, recycled and reused (MRF), and Disposed residual waste in approved disposal site; % of Informal settlers and illegal encroachments (Permanently cleared); % of LGUs implementing their Water Quality Plan in compliance with RA 9275; and # of Information, Education and Communication activities. The Department of the Interior and Local Government, hereinafterreferred to as the Department, was in turn mandated to monitor the localgovernments’ performance in terms of the above KPIs. 94

ANNEX V Section 1: Basic Policy a. It is the basic policy of the state as enunciated in the 1987 Philippine Constitution1 and Republic Act No. 7160 or the Local Government Code of 19912 to protect the right of the people to health and to a balanced and healthful ecology. b. It is the policy of the state to promote decentralization for a more responsive and accountable local government structure, whereby local government units shall be given more powers, authority, responsibilities, and resources3. c. Local Government Units have the duty to protect the environment, and impose appropriate penalties for acts which endanger the environment4. d. Local Government Units have the duty to exercise powers and discharge functions and responsibilities to deliver basic services and facilities which includes solid waste disposal systems or environmental management systems and services and facilities related to hygiene and sanitation5. e. Local Government Units have the duty to prevent the proliferation of squatters6. f. The City/Municipal Environment Resources Officer or his/her equivalent has the duty to coordinate with government agencies and non-governmental organizations in the implementation of measures to prevent and control land, air, and water pollution7. 1The 1987 Philippine Constitution Article II Sections 15 and 16 2General Welfare clause (R.A. No. 7160, Section 16) 3Declaration of Policy (R.A. No. 7160, Section 2) 4Powers Duties and Functions of the Sanggunian (R.A. No. 7160, Sections 447, 458, 467) 5Basic Services and Facilities (R.A. No. 7160, Section 17) 6Powers Duties and Functions of the Sangguniang Barangay (R.A. No. 7160, Section 391) 7Environment and Natural Resources Officer (R.A. No. 7160, Section 484) 95

Section 2: Scope ANNEX V These guidelines shall cover the six (6) LGU KPIs that the Departmentmonitors and reports to the Supreme Court Manila Bay Advisory Committee andshall touch commonly asked questions and clarification as to their interpretationand extent of application. These takes into consideration existing agreements ofthe Department with other mandamus agencies as to the delineation of such KPIswith the KPIs of other mandamus agencies.Section 3: Coverage and Extent of LGU KPIsLGU KPI ICoverage LGUs within the Manila Bay area are to inspect all commercial establishments (CE), factories (F), and private homes (PH ) within their territorial jurisdiction; Includes CEs, Fs, and PHs on privately owned lands within the legal easement of the Manila Bay including water bodies and waterways that eventually drain into it; Institutions (religious, educational, etc.) are categorized under commercial establishments; and Informal Settler Families (ISF) are excluded.Extent Presence or absence of wastewater treatment facilities (CEs and Fs); Presence or absence of septic tanks (CEs, Fs, and PHs); and Universe data of all CEs, Fs, and PHs.LGU KPI IICoverage All CEs, Fs, and PHs without wastewater treatment facilities and/or septic tanks. 96

ANNEX V Extent  Issuance of notice of violation;  Monitoring of subsequent compliance to the issued notices;  Imposition of sanctions; and  Septage and Sewerage Ordinance. LGU KPI III Coverage  Entire jurisdiction of the City/Municipality; and  All component barangays. Extent  Sufficient compliance to the key provisions of Republic Act No. 9003 or the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000; and  DILG Environmental Compliance Audit. LGU KPI IV Coverage  All Informal Settler Families within the legal easement of the Manila Bay including water bodies, and waterways that eventually drain into it; and  Excludes structures within the easement area situated in privately owned real property. Extent  ISFs must fall as underprivileged members of society based on the provisions of the Urban Development and Housing Act;  Data on available housing facilities and housing initiatives;  Data on Resettlement; and  Status of LGU Local Shelter Plans and Resettlement Action Plans. 97

LGU KPI V ANNEX VCoverage All LGUs with established Water Quality Management Areas (WQMA) and functioning WQMA Boards9.Extent Status of LGU Water Quality Compliance Plans10.LGU KPI VICoverage All initiatives of LGUs within the Manila Bay Area in producing IEC materials and conducting IEC programs in relation to the protection and preservation of the environment; and All clean-up drives conducted by the Local Government Unit.Extent Data on number of IEC materials produced and disseminated; Data on IEC campaigns conducted and target participants; and Data on length of waterways cleaned and amount of garbage collected during clean-up drives.Section 4: Application and Limitation These guidelines shall direct the thrust of the LGUs in the fulfillment oftheir KPIs. The DILG Regional Offices are given authority to expand the detailsof these guidelines under the restriction that the expansions to be made shouldcoincide with the goals and needs of the program, the Supreme Court Manila BayAdvisory Committee, and the Inter-Agency Committee of the thirteen (13)mandamus agencies. The provisions of these guidelines shall be applied in consonance withexisting environmental laws and policies.9Republic Act No. 9275, Section 510Republic Act No. 9275, Section 20 98

ANNEX V Section 5: Separability Clause Amendments and declaration of non-effectivity of any part of these guidelines shall not affect the applicability of the unaffected sections. -END- 99

ANNEX VI ANNEX VI Manila Bay Clean-up, Rehabilitation, and Preservation Program Validation Guidelines for Local Government Units (LGU) Key Performance Indicators (KPI III) Pursuant to the provisions of the Philippine 1987 Constitution, RepublicAct No. 9003 or the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 and theSupreme Court decision and subsequent resolution in the case of MMDA et al. v.Concerned Citizens of Manila Bay, General Registry No. 171947-48. TheDepartment of the Interior and Local Government, through its established ManilaBay Inter-agency Monitoring and Validation Board, adopts these guidelines forthe validation of the Local Government Unit’s (LGU) Environmental ComplianceAudit (ECA) results.Section 1: Basic Policy These guidelines are anchored on the premise of existing laws andregulations relative to the roles, duties, and functions of LGUs in terms ofpreserving the right of the people to a balanced ecology and proper solid wastemanagement as prescribed under Republic Act No. 7160 or the Local GovernmentCode of the Philippines and Republic Act No. 9003 or the Ecological Solid WasteManagement Act of 2000.Section 2: Definition of Termsa. Environmental Compliance Audit (ECA)- a tool introduced by the Department of the Interior and Local Government, used in assessing the compliance of LGUs on environmental laws.b. Local Solid Waste Management Board- refers to City/Municipal Solid Waste Management Board required to be formed by LGUs under Section 12 of Republic Act No. 9003.c. Manila Bay Area - refers to the Manila Bay and its surrounding watersheds found in the three administrative regions in the main island of Luzon: the National Capital Region (NCR), the Central Luzon Region and the CALABARZON or the Southern Tagalog Region. (Manila Bay Area Environmental Atlas, 2007) 100

ANNEX VI d. Materials Recovery Facility - includes a solid waste transfer station or sorting station, drop-off center, a composting facility, and a recycling facility. e. National Monitoring and Validation Board - an inter-agency committee composed of representatives from National Government Agencies and a representative from the Non-governmental Organizations (NGO) sector which stands as the commission for the monitoring and validation of LGU KPI results and performance. f. Sanitary landfill - a waste disposal site designed, constructed, operated and maintained in a manner that exerts engineering control over significant potential environment impacts arising from the development and operation of the facility. The SLFs cater residual wastes only. g. Segregation at source - the solid waste management practice of separating, at the point of origin, different materials found in solid waste in order to promote recycling and re-use of resources and to reduce the volume of waste for collection and disposal. h. Segregation of Waste - the solid waste management practice of separating different materials found in solid waste in order to promote recycling and re- use of resources and to reduce the volume of waste for collection and disposal. i. Solid waste - all discarded household, commercial waste, non-hazardous institutional and industrial waste, street sweepings, construction debris, agricultural waste, and other non-hazardous/non-toxic solid waste. j. Ten-Year Solid Waste Management Plan- Plan that ensures the long term management of Solid Wastes. Section 2: Scope and Limitation This document covers the validation procedure of the Membership of the Manila Bay Inter-agency National Monitoring and Validation Board, the forms to be used in the process, and the means of verification for each of its indicators or components. The validation procedure embedded in this document shall apply only to the One Hundred Seventy Eight (178) local government units within the Manila Bay Area and subsequently covered by the Manila Bay Clean-up, Rehabilitation, and Preservation Program. The validation conducted by the National Level Validation Board shall not in any way affect the ECA scores and/or the Regional standing of the LGU subject 101

of the validation. The sole purpose of the National Level Validation is to ANNEX VIdetermine the National Level ECA Top performer.Section 3: The Manila Bay Inter-Agency National Monitoring and ValidationBoardA. Members The Manila Bay Inter-agency Monitoring and Validation Board shall havethe following members: a. DILG Manila Bay PMO (Chair) b. DENR-MBCO (Vice-Chair) c. DILG-Planning Service d. DENR-EMB e. DENR-NSWMC/S f. MMDA g. NGO sector (EcoWaste Coalition)B. Powers and Functions The Board shall have the following powers and functions: a. Create/amend guidelines on the validation of ECA results; b. Conduct validation on the yearly ECA results of regional top performers for purposes of determining the National Level ECA Top Performers; c. Issue criteria on breaking ties in case of their occurrence during the conduct of the validation procedure. The criteria shall take into consideration the following: i. Proportion of the budget of the LGU allocated to programs that service their KPI III; ii. The relative impact of the LGUs activities to the environment, and their capacity to solicit citizens’ participation; iii. The capacity of the LGUs environmental programs on solid waste to contribute to the livelihood of its citizens; and 102

ANNEX VI iv. The awards received by the LGU both local and international recognizing their good environmental practices. d. Convene on a regular basis to deliberate on the expansion of the ECA’s parameters; e. Coordinate with other national government agencies and/or the private sector, establish agreements, and tie-up with its existing programs to further the coverage, scope, and impact of the ECA; f. Exercise all other functions and powers consistent with existing laws, policies, rules, and regulations for the proper implementation of the validation procedures and the determination/announcement of the National Level ECA top performer; g. Issue resolutions relating to the above powers and functions; and h. Perform other functions as may be determined by the DILG Manila Bay Clean-up, Rehabilitation, and Preservation Program Project Management Office, subject to the consensus of the member agencies. Section 4: Applicability These guidelines shall generally be applied at the National Level with the reservation that for sections having universal applicability, the regional counterparts of the Board shall adopt the same in the conduct of their regional validation activities. Section 5: Adopted Assumptions In the application of the provisions of these guidelines, the following assumptions/premise are adopted and applied: a. The ECA reflects LGU performance but does not necessarily certify that the LGU is 100% compliant to the provisions and requirements of Republic Act No. 9003; b. The Local Government Units subject of the national validation (NV) are passers of the Department of the Interior and Local Government’s (DILG) Environmental Compliance Audit (ECA); c. The LGUs subject of the NV are the Regional Winners or top 103

performers as measured by the ECA; and ANNEX VI d. The ECA results of the LGUs subject of the NV have been validated by the Regional Offices.Section 6: Validation Processa. The Board shall, in its own right, conduct an Environmental Compliance Audit of the LGUs subject for validation. This shall be participated by each member agency or at least a quorum of its members.b. The members of the Board shall send their representative(s) to participate in an on-site validation of qualified LGUs.c. Each of the representative sent to participate in the validation activity shall be required to give his/her own audit of the LGU.d. In cases where a member agency sends more than one representative, the ratings given by its representatives shall be averaged or agreed upon by them whichever is applicable in order to come-up with a single agency audit rating. The member agency shall internally decide on which method to adopt to come-up with their agency’s rating.e. The audit ratings of the member agencies shall be consolidated and averaged to produce the LGU audit result.f. The results of the ECA conducted by the Board shall be the basis for the declaration of the National ECA Top Performer.g. In case of a tie between participating LGUs, the Board shall deliberate the results and through a majority vote of its members, determine the winner.h. The Board shall declare the National ECA Winners through the issuance of a resolution.Section 7: On-site Validation To aid the members of the Board in their audit, on-site validation of eachparticipating LGU shall be scheduled by the DILG Regional Offices concerned.Itinerary of the validation activity shall be prepared by the RO as well. The ROshall see to it that the sites to be inspected and the offices to be visited will be ableto provide the representatives information or evidences that will support the 104

ANNEX VI LGUs bid. The RO shall invite the Manila Bay Task Force of the LGU to send a representative to join the validation. Section 8: Audit Forms The DILG Manila BAYanihan form 2.1, shall be adopted and used by the Board in their audit of the LGUs. Existing rules and practices in the filling out of MBCRPP Forms shall be applied. The audit forms of the member agencies shall be certified by the head of the office to whom the representative concerned reports to. Section 9: Indicators Subject of the Audit Relative to Section 8, the ECA, and the provisions of Republic Act No. 9003, the following are the compliance indicators subject of the audit: I. Local Solid Waste Management Board; II. Local Ten-Year Solid Waste Management Plan; III.Mandatory segregation of wastes at source; IV.No-segregation/No-collection rule; V. Functional Materials Recovery Facility; VI.Access to sanitary landfill; and VII.No littering rule and other related ordinances. Section 10: Means of Verification In support of the audit, the indicators in Section 9 shall follow a checklist that would aid in determining the degree of compliance of the LGUs in each indicator, The means of verifying the indicators are as follows: 105

Indicator Means of Verification RemarksLocal Solid Waste Resolution or ExecutiveManagement Board Order creating the Board Compliance as to Must follow the member- Membership of the Board ship stated in R.A. 9003, Section 12. In case of valid reason for non-compliance, look for evidence to the same Copy of the Minutes of the At least quarterly or as meetings conducted by the scheduled by the Resolu- Board tion or E.O. creating itLocal Ten-Year Report of audit year’s Must be certified by theSolid Waste accomplishment members of the local SWMManagement Plan Board, or person delegated Resolution from the National with the authority Solid Waste Management If approved Commission Resolution from the If adopted by the Sanggunian Sanggunian for submission Receiving copy If submitted to EMB/ NSWMC for reviewMandatory Copy of the Plan If draftSegregation of Copy of the Ordinance orWastes at Source Executive Order Check if at least 70% of the Copy of the Barangay DCFs Barangays reported of the LGU compliance No. as determined by the Random Sampling/Inspection Board of Establishments and/or homes No. as determined by the Interview of home owners/ Board establishment owners Check the awareness of ANNEX VI home owners and owners of establishments on the ordinance and its implementation 106

No-segregation/no- Copy of the Ordinance or collection rule Executive Order Interview of home owners/ No. as determined by the establishment owners Board Functional Materials On-site inspection Check the awareness of Recovery Facility home owners and owners Copy of the Barangay DCFs of establishments on the of the LGU ordinance and its imple- mentation Check if at least 70% of the Barangays reported compliance Composting and Recycling Presence in the MRF Facility Capacity of the MRF No. of Barangays or Households Served Records and reports of the MRF Access to sanitary Contract between the SLF landfill operator and LGU Receipt/Acceptance Subject to the location of ECC the landfill and its relative On-site inspection (optional) distance to the LGU subject of the validation No-littering and Copy of the Ordinance other related ordi- nances Records of fines and penalties imposedANNEX VI Incentive programs Observation (include the waterways) 107

Section 11: Separability Clause ANNEX VI In case part of these guidelines are amended through a subsequentresolution from the Board, the remaining sections shall continue to be valid andtake effect. -END- 108

ANNEX VII Guidelines in the Filling-out and Submission of the Manila Bayanihan Forms General Guidelines 1. The forms are to be accomplished and signed by the Manila Bay Task Force or their authorized representative. 2. The Local Chief Executive (LCE) shall certify as correct the report forms. 3. Scanned copies of the certified MBFs shall be submitted to the Provincial DILG Offices (for Region III and IV-A) or DILG Regional Office (NCR). 4. Mailing of soft copies of accomplished MBFs with electronic signatures shall be considered as sufficient submission. 5. In every form, basic information pertaining to the quarter and year covered by the reporting period, the name of the City/Municipality and the province where such city/municipality is situated should be supplied. 6. The Manila Bay Database System Forms used as attachment does not have forms for Factories. The instruction for related attachments is to count Factories as establishments and indicate in the remarks section that they are factories. Definition of Terms a. Private Homes (PHs)- or Residential Units shall refer to an apartment, house and/or land on which another's dwelling is located and used for residential purpose and shall include not only buildings parts or units thereof used solely as dwelling places, boarding houses, dormitories, rooms and bedspaces offered for rent by their owners, except motels, motel rooms, hotels, hotels rooms, but also those used for home industries, retail stores or other business purposes if the owner thereof and his or her family actually live therein and use it principally for dwelling purposes (Section 4, Paragraph b, Republic Act No. 9161). For purposes of the MBCRP Program, Informal Settlements do not fall under Private Homes. b. Commercial Establishments (CEs)- public or private structure utilized or operated for business or profit. c. Factories (Fs)- includes all buildings and premises wherein, or within the close or curtilage of which, steam, water, or any mechanical power is used to move or work any machinery employed in manufacturing. 109

d. Manufacturing- is the processing of raw materials, components, and parts ANNEX VII while building finished goods based on a customer's specifications and expectations. It commonly employs a man/machine setup with division of labor in a large-scale production.e. Informal Settler Families (ISF)- underprivileged members of society whose family income falls within the poverty threshold. Must abide with the eligibility requirements stated under Section sixteen (16) of Republic Act No. 7279 or the Urban Development and Housing Act of 1992.f. Informal Settlement- structures used as a dwelling/commercial establishment situated within a waterway’s easement area not covered by any existing land title or secured by any legal document that can prove ownership by a private individual or entity of said land where the structure is situated.g. Hygienic Septic Tank- a watertight receptacle that receives the discharge of a plumbing system or a part thereof, and is designed to accomplish the partial removal and digestion of the suspended solid matter in the sewage through a period of detention. The septic tank should have the following minimum requirements: i. It shall be generally rectangular in shape. When a number of compartments are used, the first compartment should have the capacity from one half (1/2) to two thirds (2/3) of the total volume of the tank; ii. It should be built of concrete whether precast or poured in place. Brick, concrete blocks, or adobe may be used; and iii. It shall not be constructed under any building and within twenty five (25) meters of any water supply.h. Functional Wastewater Treatment Facility- facilities that effectively treat wastewater of an establishment or factory to meet existing effluent standards.i. Treatment- any method, technique, or process designed to alter the physical, chemical or biological and radiological character or composition of any waste or wastewater to reduce or prevent pollution.j. Effluent- means the discharge from known sources which is passed into a body of water or land, or wastewater flowing out of a manufacturing plant, industrial plant, including domestic, commercial and recreational facilities.k. Effluent standard- any legal restriction or limitation on quantities, rates, and/ or concentrations or any combination thereof, of physical, chemical or biological parameters of effluent which a person or point source is allowed to 110

ANNEX VII discharge into a body of water or land. l. Environmental Compliance Audit (ECA)- the assessment tool developed and used by the Department in monitoring the LGU’s compliance to the requirements of Republic Act No. 9003 otherwise known as the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000. m. Department- the Department of the Interior and Local Government. n. Waterways- water bodies, natural or man-made whose waters flow directly or indirectly through tributaries into the Manila Bay. o. Local Housing Board- a local special body devoted to addressing shelter concerns in the formulation, development and implementation of a comprehensive and integrated housing and land development program of the LGU. p. Monitoring Team- the Manila Bay Task Force established within each City and Municipality covered by the Manila Bay Program. Manila Bayanihan Form 1 (INVENTORY AND INSPECTION OF COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENT, FACTORIES AND PRIVATE HOMES WITH SEPTIC TANK AND WASTE WATER TREATMENT FACILITIES)  Indicate the Year and the Quarter covered by the MBF  Underline City or Municipality, whichever is applicable before writing the name of the Local Government Unit concerned.  Write the Province (for LGUs in Region III and IV-A) where the City or Municipality is located. Part A. Basic Information 1. Write the total land area in square meters of the City or Municipality. 2. Indicate the number of Barangays within the city/municipality. 3. Total PHs, CEs, or Fs- refers to the difference between the summation of the existing and new CEs, or Fs data and the data on closed CEs/Fs. For PHs, Total is solely the summation of the existing and the new data. 4. Existing Private Homes, Commercial Establishments, or Factories- refers to the Total number of PHs, CEs, or Fs reflected on the previous reporting quarter’s submitted MBF, provided that said data should reflect the entire 111

number of PHs, CEs, or Fs within the Local Government Unit’s (LGU) ANNEX VII territorial jurisdiction, or at least a close estimate of it which requires a supporting document as proof.5. New PHs, CEs, or Fs- refers to PHs, CEs, or Fs that are built or established during the current reporting quarter.6. Closed CEs or Fs- refers to CEs or Fs that have closed shop due to bankruptcy, closure order, or the decision of its owner/operator.7. For the supplied information on numbers 1-7, indicate the source of the information.8. For the attachment, i.e. the list of PHs, CEs, and Fs, use the “Manila Bayanihan Form on Private Homes and Establishments”.Part B. Inspection/Inventory1. Indicate the number of barangays within the city or municipality covered by the inspection for each type of structure (PH,CE,F).2. Total Number inspected refers to the number of PHs, CEs, and Fs monitored by the LGU or any of its instrumentalities within the reporting quarter with regard to the structure/establishment’s compliance to having a hygienic septic tank or a functional wastewater treatment facility.3. The column on compliance breaks down the data reported in number 2, indicate the number of compliant against the number of non-compliant structure inspected.4. For the attachment, use Manila Bayanihan Private Homes and Establishment Monitoring Forms.Part C. LGU ACTIONS AGAINST NON-COMPLIANT PHs, CEs & Fs1. LGU action includes the issuance of compliance notices/closure order/order for the cessation of operations, etc.2. Specify the number of issuances, notices, or other forms of sanctions imposed by the LGU on non-complying structures.3. Timeline involves the period given to the establishment to comply/period of suspension/effective date of closure, etc.4. Reason for non-action states the valid reasons why an LGU has failed to act against non-compliant PHs, CEs, Fs. The LGU upon stating its reason shall 112

ANNEX VII mandatorily provide a plan of action for addressing the same complete with documentary evidence to the foregoing. Part D. Result of LGU Action 1. “No. of outstanding Issued Notices w/ Commitment” are the issued notices of the LGU that have periods that have yet to lapse. 2. “No. that Complied after LGU action” includes structures and establishments that constructed septic tanks or wastewater treatment facilities, whichever is applicable, after the issuance of notices or related enforcement activities conducted by the LGU. 3. “No. of given sanctions” are divided between closure and Penalties/Fines. Closure applies to CEs and Fs that are closed down by the LGU as a sanction for non-compliance either temporarily while construction of adequate treatment facility is on-going or permanently subject only to future compliance of the owner of the establishment. 4. Attach the list of PHs, CEs, and Fs, that complied after LGU actions were taken. Manila Bayanihan Form 2 (Solid Waste Management)  Indicate the Year and the Quarter covered by the MBF.  Underline City or Municipality, whichever is applicable before writing the name of the Local Government Unit concerned.  Write the Province (for LGUs in Region III and IV-A) where the City or Municipality is located. 1. Manila Bayanihan Form 2 concerns the Environmental Compliance Audit (ECA). Form 2.1 is the City/Municipal MBF while Form 2.2 is the Barangay MBF. 2. The relevant parts of the ECA MBFs are integrated into this form with the exception of the following amendments: i. DILG City/Municipal LGOOs are removed as signatories of the DCFs, consequently, such forms will be accomplished and signed by the City/ Municipal ENRO or equivalent and certified as true and correct by the Local Chief Executive or his alternate; 113

ii. For Barangay MBFs, the designated Sanggunian Member in-charge of ANNEX VII environmental concerns shall accomplish and sign the form while the Punong Barangay shall certify it; and iii. For the NCR MBFs, composition of Local Solid Waste Management Boards are amended to follow the composition of the same boards in LGUs of Regions III and IV-A.3. Existing rules and practices in the filling-out of the ECA MBFs shall apply to these forms.4. The old ECA MBFs are effectively replaced by these Manila Bayanihan Forms. Manila Bayanihan Form 3 (Informal Settler Families) Indicate the Year and the Quarter covered by the MBF. Underline City or Municipality, whichever is applicable before writing the name of the Local Government Unit concerned. Write the Province (for LGUs in Region III and IV-A) where the City or Municipality is located.Part A. Organizational Requirements1. Indicate if the LGU has an established Local Housing Board (LHB), the reference number of the Sanggunian Resolution and/or executive order establishing it and the date of its effectivity.2. In the absence of an established LHB, cite the reason for its non- establishment.3. Supply the status of the LGUs Local Shelter Plan by ticking or putting a checkmark on its status .4. Indicate existing Resettlement Action Plans of the LGU, indicate the number of plans in each stage, if no plans exist in whatever stage, tick NA. e.g. LGU X has 3 RAPs adopted by the sanggunian, 5 RAPs for deliberation of the Sanggunian and 2 RAPs that are still in the process of drafting. 114

ANNEX VII Resettlement Action Plan 3 Adopted by the Sanggunian 5 Submitted to the Sanggunian for adoption Final Draft 2 1st Draft NA Part B. Availability of Data 1. Indicate the number of ISFs situated along the easement areas of waterways. 2. Cross validate the data with the Department of Public Works and Highways, National Housing Authority, and the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority. This refers to ISFs covered by a census or tagging activity by the LGU and concerned National Government Agencies. 3. Supply the census of the tagged ISFs using the Manila Bayanihan Informal Settlers Form. Part C. Resources Table 1. For LGUs with existing Socialized Housing Projects 1. Location is the address and area of the land as determined by its metes and bounds. 2. Land area is the measure of the land in square meters. 3. No. of Houses constructed refers to the actual or planned units that will be available for occupancy in the subject resettlement site. 4. Funding institution pertains to the agency or instrumentality responsible for providing or allocating funds for the acquisition of the property and the construction of housing units. 5. Mode of acquisition refers to the method by which the land, where the resettlement area will be situated, is acquired. It may be originally owned by the LGU, the NGA, acquired through joint venture, eminent domain, etc. 6. Status details the current standing of the project, this describes if the site is already built and ready for occupancy, in the process of building unit, land acquisition in progress, funding available, etc. 115

Table 2. Proposal Sites for Socialized Housing Projects/Resettlement Projects ANNEX VII1. Location is the address and area of the land as determined by its metes and bounds.2. Land area is the measure of the land in square meters.3. No. of units possible for construction refers to the capacity of the land based on its area and existing standards and policies to accommodate a given number of houses.Part D. Conferences/Dialogues Conducted1. List down the conferences or dialogues relating to resettlement conducted by the LGU. Indicate the date of the activity by stating the month, the day, and the year of conduct, the venue, and the target participants which includes the number.2. Only list activities done within the reporting quarter.Part E. Demolition Activity1. Demolition might be LGU initiated or by the DPWH or NHA.2. Date should be in the format of mm/dd/yyyy. In case the demolition activities spans for a period of time, indicate the period covered.3. No. of houses demolished refers to the number of structures leveled down. Multiple floored structures are considered as a single unit regardless of the number of Informal Settler Families using it as dwelling.4. Location pertains to the barangay or barangays covered (if the ISF area targeted for demolition crosses barangay borders) by the demolition activity.5. Number of families resettled refers to the number of families within the area cleared who are given units in existing resettlement areas and/or have availed of the government financial assistance for such purpose. This does not include professional squatters or those families who failed to meet the eligibility requirements stated under Section sixteen (16) of Republic Act No. 7279 or the Urban Development and Housing Act of 1992.6. “Transferred to” indicates the barangay address of the area where the ISF families subject for relocation are brought, it maybe in-city or off-city. 116

ANNEX VII Part F. Rehabilitation Projects 1. Rehabilitation projects refers to projects or activities aimed at preserving easement areas of waterways through the building of deterrents that would hamper the construction of dwelling structures of ISFs within such area. 2. Area is the measure of the land covered by the rehabilitation project or activity in square meters. 3. Location is the Barangay address where the project area is located including the adjacent waterway of the project location. Manila Bayanihan Form 4 (Information Education Campaign)  Indicate the Year and the Quarter covered by the MBF.  Underline City or Municipality, whichever is applicable before writing the name of the Local Government Unit concerned.  Write the Province (for LGUs in Region III and IV-A) where the City or Municipality is located. Part A. Clean-up Activities 1. Place is the Barangay or area within the LGU where the clean-up activity was conducted. 2. Water body refers to the adjacent waterway where the clean-up was conducted. 3. Length is the measure in meters of the shoreline or banks covered by the clean -up activity. 4. Volume of garbage collected by the clean-up should be filled out using number of sacks as measures. 5. Disposal refers to the facility or dumpsite where the collected garbage is sent for proper disposal. Part B. Dialogues 1. Indicate other information and education campaigns conducted by the LGU within the reporting quarter. 2. Fill-out the information on the venue where the IEC activity was conducted, 117

who the target participants are, and the commitments made by the ANNEX VII participants.Part C. Information Materials1. Enumerate the IEC materials produced by the LGU in relation to the Manila Bay Clean-up, Rehabilitation, and Preservation Program distributed during the Clean-ups and dialogues conducted. Manila Bayanihan Form 5 Indicate the Year and the Quarter covered by the MBF. Underline City or Municipality, whichever is applicable before writing the name of the Local Government Unit concerned. Write the Province (for LGUs in Region III and IV-A) where the City or Municipality is located.1. Indicate any existing ordinances that require establishments and homes to include in their plans the building of hygienic septic tanks and/or functional wastewater treatment facilities.2. Include ordinances that monitor the actual building of said establishments to inspect whether or not the approved plans are being followed.3. List down the number of violators and the penalties imposed by the LGU for the corresponding violations.4. Provide a detailed list of names of violators and the site of construction if any. -END- 118


B. INSPECTION/INVENTORY ANNEX VIII NO. OF TOTAL COMPLIANCE BARANGAYS NUMBER KIND COVERED INSPECTED COM- NON- PLIANT COMPLI-PRIVATE HOMESCOMMERCIAL ANTESTABLISHMENTFACTORIESC. LGU ACTIONS AGAINST NON-COMPLIANT PHs, CEs & FsLGU Actions Total TimelineNote: Attach Manila Bayanihan Monitoring FormReason for Non-Action___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Next Steps with timeline___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 120

ANNEX VIII D. RESULT OF LGU ACTIONS No. of No. that No. Given Sanction outstanding Complied after Kind Issued Notices w/ Penalties/ Closed Commitment LGU action Fines etc. Private Homes Commercial \ Establishments Factories Prepared by: Certified Correct: ______________________ ______________________ Monitoring Team Local Chief Executive 121

(Manila Bayanihan Form 2.1 City / Municipal MBF)MANILA BAY CLEAN UP, REHABILITATION AND PRESERVATION PROJECT Quarter: ___ Year: ____SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT ANNEX VIIICITY/MUNICIPALITY: _______________ PROVINCE: ___________________ LOCAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT BOARD AND PLAN1. A Local Solid Waste Management Board was created through an Executive Order or Sanggunian Resolution Yes NoIf the answer is “Yes”, proceed to number 2.2. Determine the functionality of the Board based on Composition, 10-Year SWM Plan and Meetings. Put a check mark (✓) on the appropriate box.2. On COMPOSITION YES NO 1 City/Municipal Mayor is the Chairperson of the Board The following are the members: A representative of the local sanggunian The president of the Local Liga ng mga Barangay The chairperson of the SK Federation A representative of a local environmental NGO that promotes recycling and the protection of air and water quality A representative from the recycling industry A representative from the manufacturing or packaging industry A representative of each concerned government agency possessing relevant technical and marketing expertise as may be determined by the Board 122

ANNEX VIII 2.2 10-YEAR SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN YES NO The Local Board caused the formulation of the local 10-Year SWM Plan (If “No”, proceed to 2,3) Status of the Plan (Tick only one) Draft Pending approval of NSWMC Resubmitted to NSWMC Approved by NSWMC YES NO The Plan is being updated every two (2) years 2.3 On MEETINGS The Board meets every quarter MANDATORY SEGREGATION OF WASTES AT SOURCE 3. Determine the compliance rate of the LGU*. 3.1 Total number of Barangays: 3.2 Total number of compliant Barangays**: 3.3 Computed average (Use formula below): No. of compliant Barangays X 100 Total no. of Barangays 4. Based on the computed average, is the LGU compliant? If average is 70% or higher, tick “Yes” If average is 69% or lower, tick “No” Yes No *Refer to Barangay Computation Sheet. **The Barangay must reach a rate of 100% in Manila Bayanihan Form 2.2 to be considered as compliant. NO SEGREGATION, NO COLLECTION RULE 5. The LGU implements segregated collection Yes No 123

6. If “Yes”, what is the collection scheme? ANNEX VIII Separate day collection of different wastes Same-day collection of different wastes on separate trucks Others, please specify: ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS RECOVERY FACILITY7. Determine the compliance rate of the LGU*.7.1 Total number of Barangays: 7.2 Total number of compliantBarangays**: 7.3 Computed average (Use formulabelow):No. of compliant Barangays X 100 Total no. of Barangays8. Based on the computed average, is the LGU compliant? If average is 70% or higher, tick “Yes” If average is 69% or lower, tick “No” Yes No*Refer to Barangay Computation Sheet.**The Barangay must reach a rate of 100% in Manila Bayanihan Form 2.2 to be considered as compliant.DISPOSAL FACILITY Type of disposal facility that services the LGU Open or Controlled Dumpsite Sanitary Landfill Alternative Technology (must be specified) __________________________________________ 124

ANNEX VIII NO-LITTERING AND RELATED ORDINANCES The LGU has a No-Littering ordinance Yes No If “Yes”, is the ordinance strictly implemented? (conduct a random ocular inspection) Yes No NEXT STEPS LEGAL REASONS FOR NEXT CONSEQUENCES LOW‐ STEPS KEY LEGAL PROVISION COMPLIANCE Local SWM Board an Plan Segregation at Source Administrative sanctions, fines Segregated Collection and/or Functional MRFs penalties under Disposal Facility R.A. 9003 No Littering Ordinances (Sections 49 and 50) ACCOMPLISHED BY: ___________________________________ __________ C/MENRO or Equivalent Date CERTIFIED TRUE AND CORRECT: ___________________________________ __________ LCE Date 125

(Manila Bayanihan Form 2.2 Barangay MBF)MANILA BAY CLEAN UP, REHABILITATION AND PRESERVATION PROJECT Quarter: ___ Year: ____SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT ANNEX VIIIGENERAL INFORMATION City/Mun Location: ____________________________ Name of Barangay: Regional Location: ______________________________________ _____________________________ Provincial Location: No. of Households: ____________________________________ _____________________________ Total Population: _______________________________________MANDATORY SEGREGATION OF WASTES AT SOURCE1. Determine the compliance rate of the Barangay.3.1 Total number of households: 3.2 Total number of compliant households: 3.3 Computed average* (Use formula below): No. of compliant Households X 100 Total no. of Households2. Based on the computed average, is the Barangay compliant? If average is 70% or higher, tick “Yes” If average is 69% or lower, tick “No” Yes No*The Barangay must reach a minimum rate of 70% to be considered as compliant. FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS RECOVERY FACILITY3. Determine the compliance rate of the Barangay. 126

Is there an existing MRF servicing the Barangay, whether individual, cluster or municipal? (50%) Does the existing MRF with an operational solid waste transfer station or sorting station, drop-off center, a composting facility, and a recycling facility? (50%) TOTALANNEX VIII 4. Based on the total score, is the LGU compliant? If score is 100%, tick “Yes” Otherwise, tick “No” Yes No NO-LITTERING AND RELATED ORDINANCES 5. The Barangay has a No-Littering ordinance Yes No 6. If “Yes”, is the ordinance strictly implemented? (conduct a random ocular inspection) Yes No NEXT STEPS LEGAL REASONS FOR NEXT STEPS CONSEQUENCES LOW‐ KEY LEGAL PROVISION Administrative COMPLIANCE sanctions, fines Segregation at Source and/or penalties under Functional MRFs R.A. 9003 No Littering Ordinances (Sections 49 and 50) ACCOMPLISHED BY: CERTIFIED TRUE AND CORRECT: _____________________________ _______ _____________________________ _______ Committee Chair on Date Punong Barangay Date Environment or Equivalent 127

(Manila Bayanihan Form 3)MANILA BAY CLEAN UP, REHABILITATION AND PRESERVATION PROJECT Quarter: ___ Year: ____ INFORMAL SETTLER FAMILIESCITY/MUNICIPALITY: ______________ PROVINCE: ___________________A. ORGANIZATIONAL REQUIREMENTS ANNEX VIII1. Local Housing Board created/organized thru Ordinance Ordinance No. __________ Date enacted: __________2. If none, reason for non-organization________________3. Local Shelter Plan: ______Adopted by the Sanggunian ______Submitted to the Sanggunian for adoption ______ Final Draft ______1st Draft ______None4. Resettlement Action Plan ______Adopted by the Sanggunian ______Submitted to the Sanggunian for adoption ______ Final Draft ______1st Draft ______NAB. AVAILABILITY OF DATA *Note: Manila Bayanihan Informal Settlers Form* Kind No. of ISFs along water- No. of ISF tagged/ ways and tributaries of the validated by DPWH &WaterwaysOthers Manila Bay NHA (MBCRPP Covered)Note: Attach Manila Bayanihan Informal Settlers Form 128

C. RESOURCES For LGUs with existing Socialized Housing Projects Location Land Area No. of Houses Funding Mode of Status constructed Institutions AcquisitionANNEX VIII Proposal Sites for Socialized Housing Projects/Resettlement Projects Location Land Area No. of Houses possible to be constructed D. CONFERENCES/DIALOGUES CONDUCTED Target Participants Date Venue E. DEMOLITION ACTIVITY Date of No. of Houses Location No. of Families Transferred Demolition demolished resettled to (in-city and off -city) Note: Attach Manila Bayanihan Relocatee Form 129

F. REHABILITATION Area Location Rehabilitation ProjectsPrepared by: Certified Correct: ANNEX VIII______________________ ______________________ 130

(Manila Bayanihan Form 4) MANILA BAY CLEAN UP, REHABILITATION AND PRESERVATION PROJECT Quarter: ___ Year: ____ INFORMATION EDUCATION CAMPAIGNANNEX VIII CITY/MUNICIPALITY: ________________PROVINCE: __________________ A. Clean Up Activities (LGU Initiated) Place Date Water Body/ Length Volume of Disposal Waterway Garbage Collected (sacks) B. Dialogues Venue Target \ Commitment Activity Participants C. Information Materials Please enumerate information materials developed/distributed ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Prepared by: Certified Correct: ______________________ ______________________ 131

(Manila Bayanihan Form 5) ANNEX VIIIMANILA BAY CLEAN UP, REHABILITATION AND PRESERVATION PROJECT Quarter: ___ Year: ____ ASSOCIATED REPORTS (Ordinances and Status of Implementation)CITY/MUNICIPALITY: ________________PROVINCE: __________________A. Ordinance Requiring Plans to include the Building of Hygienic Septic Tanks and/or Wastewater Treatment Facility Before the Issuance of Building Permits and Monitoring of Construction thereof (Pre and Post Occupancy) (Septage and Sewerage Ordinance)Ordinance No. Date of Responsible No. of Applications and Title Effectivity Office for Applications Denied Implementationa. Implementation and Penalties Note* attach list of names of violators, address, offense committed, penalties servedNo. of Violators Nature of Penalties ImposedPrepared by: Certified Correct:______________________ ______________________ 132

ANNEX IX         DEPARMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES   MANILA BAY COORDINATING OFFICE                   MANILA BAY DATABASE  Informal Settlers, Households, Establishments and River Systems                      133

INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . .  135   PURPOSE OF DATABASE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   135        136  WHAT IS M.B.D.S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 ACCESSING THE SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  136        137  LOGGING IN THE SYSTEM .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       ANNEX IXDASHBOARD FAMILIARIZATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  139       MANILA BAY DATABASE FORMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  142       ADMINISTRATOR CONTROLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143      DATA ENTRY TO THE SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  144     ADDING DATA TO THE SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145   EDITING DATA TO THE SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  146   REPORT GENERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  147      148  DATA ENTRY USING MBDS MS EXCEL FORMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    ESTABLISHMENT EXCEL FORM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148INFORMAL SETTLER EXCEL FORM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151PRIVATE HOME EXCEL FORM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153RELOCATEE EXCEL FORM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155MONITORING EXCEL FORM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157134

ANNEX IX   INTRODUCTION      On February 15, 2011 the Supreme Court rendered a decision through G.R. Nos. 171947-48 mandating 13 agencies to clean-up, rehabilitate and preserve Manila Bay in their different capacities. All agencies have to comply with the Key Performance Indicator (KPIs) identified by the Supreme Court. Every quarter, these mandamus agencies are required to submit reports to the Supreme Court. In order to help these government agencies to facilitate their reports, the Manila Bay Coordinating Office (MBCO) has developed a Database Management System (DBMS) that would cater to this need. A database is a collection of information that is recognized so that it can easily be accessed, managed, and updated. DBMS is a program that allows one or more computer users create and access data in a database. PURPOSE OF DATABASE SYSTEM     To aid in storage, control, manipulation and easier retrieval of data. All the data stored in a certain database system can be retrieved in a matter of seconds. An immediate report on data and information within the database can be easily created;  To establish the baseline data particularly relating to the KPI of the respective mandamus agencies as contained in the Supreme Court Order;  To facilitate the preparation of reports to be submitted to the Supreme Court;  To easily consolidate, integrate and analyse data which shall serve as basis for target setting;  To facilitate implementation of laws because of easier and efficient monitoring system;  To address problems regarding the laws better implementation of laws faster; and A major tool in the decision-making. 135

  ANNEX IXWHAT IS M.B.D.S.?   The Manila Bay Database System (MBDS), formerly known as the InformalSetlers, Households, Establishments, River Systems (ISHER), is a web-based databasemanagements system developed by the Department of Environment and NaturalResources (DENR) – Manila Bay Coordinating Office (MBCO) to establish an efficientreporting scheme for the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG),Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), and Metropolitan ManilaDevelopment Authority (MMDA). This system is accessible through the internet by usingweb-browsers. For the past few years, the system has been enhanced to accommodateadditional data requirements. The system is divided in to three (3) database systemcomponents namely; MBDS NCR, MBDS Region III and MBDS Region IV-A.   SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS  Processor Pentium IV- 1.3 ghz or Higher  Hard Disk 80 Gigabytes (GB) or Higher  Memory 1 Gigabytes of Higher  Internet Connection 1 mbps or Higher ACCESSING THE SYSTEM     To access the system you can use all known browsers by typing the followingsites.NCR – III – IV-A – 136

ANNEX IX   LOGGING IN THE SYSTEM  This part of the manual shows the function of each form page. Starting with the Login  Page.  Login Page  The picture above shows the Login  Page of the system. This page is equipped with security functions such as a user verifier, it also records user activities and tracks their actions. All of the recorded data will be stored or saved into the system.  To access the system, the user must input his/her username and password correctly. This step is done to verify the user’s identity prior to access. If a users fails his/her login attempt three (3) consecutive times, the system will temporarily prevent him/her from logging in. The user in this case would have to wait for five (5) minutes before he/she could try to login again. 137

.There are two (2) access levels that the system recognizes; the administrator or admin  ANNEX IXaccess level and the local user access level. Administrator Access Level In this level, the user can view all data that is recorded or stored into the system. Admin has all the privileges and has control over the system. Local User Access Level In this level, the user has limited privilege, in terms of view print report and delete. The user can only view his/ her own data that is encoded or stored.Once the user logs into the system, s/he will be directed to the dashboard page. Thispage has two (2) view functions, namely the administrator view page and the localuser view page. Administrator view page is for users with admin access level, while thelocal user view page is for users with local user access level. The dashboard containscharts and graphs that represent the data summary. 138

  Navigation menu links the user to DASHBOARD FAMILIARIZATION  other pages of the system.   1 NAVIGATION MENUANNEX IX 2 ONLINE USERS STATUS PANEL The panel shows a list of users that is 3 BREADCRUMS registered and logged into the system.   This shows the title, date, and name of the user. 4 DATA COUNTER The counter shows the total number of data in a certain form or category. 5 DATA TRACKER PANEL This panel shows the trends and list of 6 CHANGE PASSWORD users who are encoding into the system. This shows the button to change the user’s password. 139

62 3 415 ANNEX IX Administrator Dashboard  23 41 Local User Dashboard  140

The navigation menu is composed of categories where the main form can be found. Each category has specific functions, namely Main  Forms, Admin  Controls, Admin  Inputs, Archives  Data, Deleted  Data, Establishments  Report, Informal  Settlers  Report, Private  Homes Report and Relocatees Report.  Main Form In this category, the following forms are located: River Systems, Establishments, Relocatees, Private Homes, Informal Settlers, Monitored Private Homes. Admin Controls In this category, administrator controls are located. This is for users with admin access level only. This is used to control user action, add user, permission, view activity logs and view locked accounts.ANNEX IX Admin Inputs In this category, dropdown menu inputs are located. This is Archive Data used to add a specific category input of a certain dropdown Deleted Data menu. This category is limited to admin users only The archive data can be found in this category. In this category, deleted data of a certain main form can be found and used for retrieval of a certain data that is accidentally deleted or removed data. Establishments Report In this category, the system generated report of establishments can be found. Informal Settlers       In this category, system generated report of informal settlers Report can be found. Private Homes Report In this category, system generated report of private homes can be found. Relocatees Report In this category, system generated report of relocatees can be found. 141

MANILA BAY DATABASE FORMS All of these categories have corresponding sub-categories. These are functions that theuser can select to interact with the system. Manila Bay Database System is composed ofseven (7) forms to which categorization of the data inputs will be performed. Establishments Form All commercial and industrial establishments withinInformal Settlers Form and along the river systems, particularly those within the easements are captured in this data entry form. ANNEX IX All informal settler households within and along the river system, particularly those within the three (3) meter easement are captured in this data entry form. All data pertaining to Informal Settler households are encoded in this form.Private Homes Form All private homes within the territorial jurisdiction of the LGU are captured in this form. All data pertaining to private homes are encoded in this form.Relocatees Form All data pertaining to relocated ISFs are encoded in this form.Monitoring Establishments  All monitored establishments will be captured in this Form data entry form. All data pertaining to monitoring of establishments are encoded in this form.Monitoring Private            All monitored private homes will be captured in this Homes Form data entry form. All data pertaining to monitoring of the private homes are encoded in this form. 142

ADMINISTRATOR CONTROLS     This part of the manual will discuss how to use and navigate the system with an admin access level. This level of access gives the user an access to all functions of the system, including add, edit, user permission among others. The user with admin access level has the permission to see all encoded data that other users encoded. The admin access level shall only be given to selected authorized personnel of concerned offices. Starting with the Admin  Controls. Navigate the mouse cursor to the navigation menu and then click on the word named Admin  Controls. Notice that there are sub-menus. These sub-menus are used to control and view the records of a user.ANNEX IX User Permission The admin user can control the action and the form pages that other users can interact and see. The admin user can also create user accounts. User Members The admin user can assign a certain user to the created User Lists access level or in the pre-defined access levels. View User Logs The admin user can see the information of the user and can add user. The admin user can see the action events, login and logout events. This sub-menu lists all user-related actions that the user did. View User Locks The admin user can view users that are locked due to failed log-in for three (3) consecutive failed log-ins. Navigate your mouse cursor to Admin Inputs and then click the word. The sub-menus will appear. These sub-menus are used to control items inside the dropdown button. The admin user can specifically assign items to a certain dropdown. 143

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