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Home Explore Sensus Communis IX

Sensus Communis IX

Published by The LATHE, 2020-08-15 22:55:02

Description: The ninth edition of Sensus Communis is a compilation of stories highlighting one's reasons for existence as the editorial team pursued to celebrate our sense of individuality. Each of us is here because nothing else like us existed. We have a purpose—not based on how others perceive us, but on how we truly see ourselves.


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SCEONMSMUUSNIS IXTHE LATHE GROUP OF PUBLICATIONS ABOUT THE COVER Despite the murky waters brought by her scoliosis, Grace continues to sail through her journey. For her, the ebbing tides are opportunities to delve deeper, embrace more, and inspire better than she could ever have with a perfect backbone. Her story is a testimony that no matter how drowning the truth may be, one can only rise up to breathe life within a renewed sense of purpose. Cover design by: DANIEL D. DE CASTRO and CAMILLE FE D. MANGUIAT Words by: XAVIER M. TOMAS



“He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.” –Friedrich Nietzsche 3

EDITORIAL BOARD Sensus Communis IX: The LATHE Journal The LATHE Group of Publications AY 2019-2020 Editor in chief Marjun R. Rayos All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or Associate Editor mechanical means including information storage and Jacob A. Esguerra retrieval systems without permission in writing from the publisher except by a reviewer, who may quote brief Managing Editor passages in a review. Views and opinions expressed Aikovin O. Clerigo by authors do not reflect those of the publisher or the SECTION EDITORS editorial board. Noriene Joyce D. Anareta, News Editor Niña Angela Gracia C. Perez, Opinion Editor Ad maiorem Dei gloriam! Xavier M. Tomas, Features Editor Avahel Trsiel O. Bautro, Literary Editor Roland R. Reyes, Devcom Editor Edmarie Joy E. Panganiban, Sports Editor Circulation Manager Harriette Joshua B. Hernandez Chief Artist Ariel G. Magnaye Jr. Chief Photographer Camille Fe D. Manguiat Reporters Dorothy Lizzette F. Abeleda, Kris Steven A. Amul Rina Marie M. Arellano, Edward Glenn L. Bagui Ken Xaviery G. Buensalida, Sheena Patricia L. De Leon Kristine Marie C. Dimaano, Cindy B. Evangelista Trisha Ann Marie F. Fonte, Roselle C. Luna Jhon Mark A. Mercado, Nica Mae P. Montero Jesus L. Motea Jr., Richmond Zedrick E. Orioste Miraflor B. Perez, Maria May M. Rosales, Daniel Joshua T. Taligatos Sebastian Ardie M. Tan, Roschelle R. Zuniga Photographers Bryan Jed C. Barola, Maureen Irish D. De Castro, Arvin I. Faigmani, Raven N. Garme, Lei Trinnah A. Lontoc Christian L. Padua, John Lester B. Piol Artists Ivanne Benhur M. Briones, Dyjay Yvann T. Dimasacat Loumer H. De Silva, , Aram John Alfred M. Flosa Jannela Mae V. Magtibay, Lou Reggie C. Mulingtapang Ramon Jr. M. Omagap, Johannes R. Ramoyan Sandro Carlo B. Tablizo, Ian Joshua A. Talaisa Layout Artist Daniel D. De Castro Contributors Bill Janzent G. Alfonso, Jayson D. Binay Mark Andrian T. Jarlos Advisory Board Dr. Vaberlie P. Mandane-Garcia Adviser Dr. Vanessah V. Castillo Assistant Director, Office of Student Publications Dr . Lucille D. Evangelista Director, Office of Student Affairs and Services Upholding Responsible Scholastic Journalism 4

FROM THE EDITOR Exist. At the age of twenty-one, how I see myself in the next two or three years is one of the most pressuring questions I really don’t want to answer. I’m down to my last year in the University and I know that life outside is harsh. The moment we go out of our comfort zones, societal expectations are already right in front of our eyes, yet at some point, we still struggle to find our courage to stand up. Perhaps, that would be my greatest fear. Being left behind or not existing at all. But we must withstand our self-doubts and hesitations. Sometimes, we struggle to fit in this fast-paced generation that we forget to live at our own speed. As the cliché saying suggests, life is not a race. We must go at our own pace because growth, no matter how swift or tedious, is still growth. The standards set by this generation might be overwhelming but no matter how gigantic or dwarfed our functions are, never forget that we have equally important roles to fulfill in this society. In my last issue of The LATHE Journal together with the other members of the editorial board, we compiled stories tackling one’s reasons for existence as we pursued to celebrate our sense of individuality. The editorial team believes that our scars and bruises are beautiful and we have something unique to offer to the world. Lastly, this edition hopes to inspire you to purposely go beyond with time . You should never look down on yourself. You may be fighting silent battles or trying to find reasons for enduring but remember that you are never an outcast. You are here because nothing else like you existed. You have a purpose. This ninth edition of Sensus Communis is for you. Marjun R. Rayos Editor in chief 5

opinion 6

CONTENTS 8 Editorial cartoon 9 Free is not for everyone 10 Process. Progress. 11 Call me bakla all you want 12 Fanning the flame 13 Never again 14 Ci vediamo 15 Identifying who’s who 16 Paying the price 17 Practicality aside 7


OPINION Free is not for everyone For students who still struggle with finding reflected on their student portal which are apparently a decent and stable financial support for from the school fees during their last year of stay in their education, college life was supposed to the University. be smooth-sailing after the Free Education Law, legally known as the Republic Act No. 10931 or the According to Dr. Jennifer G. Manalo, assistant Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act, was director of the Scholarship and Financial Assistance finally put into implementation. But this was not the Office (SFAO), such problems arise because our case for everyone. University’s implementation of the said law is still in the transition period, which only began to take effect In her own words, Jane (not her real name) said that last academic year. she was shocked and saddened when she found out that she will no longer be benefitting from the said law. Dr. Manalo also shared that in a meeting with the After spending her first four years in the University Commission on Higher Education’s Unified Student paying for her school fees, she decided to shift from Financial Assistance System for Tertiary Education her previous five-year program to a four-year one (UniFAST) Board last year about the implementation this time. She assumed her “new” life in college would of the law, our University and PASUC President be hassle-free because of the Free Education Law. Tirso A. Ronquillo, actually appealed for the cases However, she discovered that her online portal got of students under the transition period who might locked the moment she was about to enroll in her new fall into the exceptions of the law because he really program and when she opted for manual enrolment, wanted everyone to enjoy the benefits of the law. the University Registrar advised her that she had to Unfortunately, the Board held otherwise as, according pay the required school fees this time. When she asked to them, this may cause other students to abuse the some students from her batch (2014-2015) if they are benefits they get from the Free Education Law. experiencing the same dilemma, she found out that they are still free from paying the said fees. “Ipinaglaban ng ating administration sa Board na sila ay maka-avail din kahit sila ay nag-exceed na sa Based on Section 6 of RA 10931, “students who have residency. That’s why hindi tayo nangolekta nung first already attained a bachelor’s degree or comparable year of implementation kasi this will be the first time undergraduate degree from any HEI, whether public na mae-enjoy ang free tuition fee [so] dapat lahat. Kaya or private; students who fail to comply with the lang, hindi siya in-approve ng UniFAST Board that’s admission and retention policies of the SUC (state why naglabasan na ‘yung ga-graduate na yung mga bata universities and colleges) or LUC (local universities [or] kukuha na sila ng TOR, nag-reflect ngayon sa kanila and colleges); and students who fail to complete ‘yung assessment of fees,” Dr. Manalo explained. their bachelor’s degree or comparable undergraduate degree within a year after the period prescribed in Evidently, RA 10931’s purpose to provide free their program” are ineligible to avail the Free Tertiary education for all is too ideal. Granting financial aid Education in SUCs and LUCs. Thus, exceeding years to the students is great but with a limited budget from the students’ respective programs shall not be allocated for the SUCs to fully implement the law, covered by the said law. the law itself can’t be generous to literally everyone. As much as the higher-ups of state universities and Jane moved from a five-year program to a four- colleges would want to let everyone benefit from the year one which automatically means her allowable free education, the law would only give this privilege period to benefit from the law changed from six to to those who deserve it academically-wise. only a maximum of five years which she already consumed before her enrolment this semester. Clearly, However, since the decisions regarding the her colleagues can still enjoy the privileges of free implementation of the Free Education Law are up to education on their final allowable year as they didn’t the UniFAST Board and the University is just observing change their program. prompt compliance with the provisions of the said act, the best and most feasible action to be taken However, this is not just about Jane. Cases of fresh is ensuring that the concerned students are well- graduates who expressed their disappointment with informed of such sudden and critical development. their experience on the “not-so-good” side of the Amidst all the fuss and confusion, The LATHE hopes Free Education Law also spread online. They were for a more effective dissemination of matters involving either about to request for a copy of their Transcript the implementation of RA 10931 from the concerned of Records (TOR) from the Registrar’s Office or other University offices in order to avoid misunderstandings necessary documents for their job applications, and more serious conflicts between the two sides. ● but their requests were dodged after liabilities are 9

OPINION To be honest, after four considerably the issues concerning plagiarism, ethics in fruitful years with The LATHE, I journalism, and campus paper management. Make Cents thought the individual milestones We also launched the newspaper rack this year and group recognitions from in response to one of our dilemmas during Marjun R. Rayos different press conferences are already enough distribution ever since—the ignored and worse, for me to finally let my (hopefully) last year in scattered published editions along the hallways. BS Accountancy the University be a less stressful one—stepping Meanwhile, our promising protégés are looking down from the executive editorial board and forward to improve our online presence Editor in chief simply guiding the younger scribes fill in the through reviving Baybay: The LATHE Online vacated positions. Magazine after its almost two-year hiatus. [email protected] @marjunrayos Process. Progress. At least, that’s what I thought. Moreover, I surprisingly found myself @marjunrayos engaged in several campus journalism seminars Since the last year is believed to be the most even if I’m not really used to speaking in 10 crucial part of college, I could easily turn down front of a lot of people. Before the start of the the call of duty and just focus on my undergrad academic year, I was invited to share the basics review and upcoming comprehensive exam of writing to the young scribes of my grade considering my current academic standing. But school alma mater. Through Journo-Eskwela, I learned that this year would be an adjustment one of the Development Communication phase for the Office of Student Publications program’s extension activities, I was able to following the migration of our former assistant teach news writing and copyreading. With some director to Canada and the graduation of of my fellow editors, I also got the chance to our dependable senior writers; some are my help the budding journalists of the University’s batchmates who, by now, are probably starting high school department and another public to prove themselves in the industry. secondary school in their preparation for the Regional Schools Press Conference. Lastly, Call it bad timing for being in this situation aside from talks and trainings, we imparted but I’d rather grab this as an opportunity to our practice and system to the college and assess if we, as campus press, are still true to campus publications in a seminar-workshop our mantra of upholding responsible scholastic last October. journalism; if we are up to the challenges and demands of the ever-changing landscape of These really mean a lot to me as I witnessed journalism in the country, or in a smaller scale, how our publication has transitioned every year. in the University. It is no longer just about winning accolades but hopefully giving back and creating an impact It was 2016, my second year in the student to our fellow students. The challenge is to publication, when we crafted The LATHE continue what we have started, given all the Strategic Plan for the next five years. From pressing societal issues that must be addressed our vision, our seniors back then envisioned nowadays. “to develop a community of insightful readers and critical thinkers” as they have Still, we are a work-in-process. But observed that despite being hailed as the top- progress, no matter how trivial and sometimes performing campus publication in the region immaterial, is still progress—my greatest for several years, we are yet to establish social realization throughout the process. relevance, specifically that strong connection to our fellow students. With this, we devised In probably my last column before formally different strategic goals and initiatives such facing the reality outside the University, I as benchmarking for best practices of other just want to extend my hope that The LATHE student publications and offering free campus Group of Publication’s pursuit of upholding journalism seminars to elementary and responsible scholastic journalism is not futile— secondary schools. that it served its purpose. Frankly speaking, I believed the aspirations For almost four years, my co-editor had been we raised are too ideal that time, maybe because so vocal about me relying too much on overused I was kind of hesitant to embrace abrupt yet puns and word plays. If by chance, you would positive changes: extending initiatives outside see one in this column, forgive me for one last the campus, improving our group branding, and time. utilizing the online platform. However, midway that five-year span, I realized that step by step, Ciao! ● these innovations are no longer just improbable ideas. “But progress, no matter how trivial and sometimes immaterial, is In 2018, BARAKAHAN, the second university- still progress—my greatest realization wide press conference for student journalists throughout the process.” in Batangas, gathered prominent media practitioners in the country as it tackled

y, bakla!” Another misconception and perhaps the OPINION Call me bakla biggest contention is that it “imperils freedoms all you want I don’t know how many of speech and religion” as quoted by Bulacan Dream representative Eddie Villanueva. Others are Chaser “Atimes I have heard this worried that the speech of priests and other phrase from people I met for religious preachers will be regulated as the bill Jacob A. Esguerra the first time. Sadly, I have been hearing it up penalizes speeches which are discriminatory to until now. I may have gotten used to it, but deep the LGBTQIA+ community. BS Development Communication down inside, it still hurts. Believe me when I say it hurts. Can you imagine how powerful that Villanueva stated, “What happens to a Associate Editor phrase is—that it makes me question myself if Christian like me, and to the majority of it does make me less of a human? the people in this chamber, if we are to be [email protected] threatened by punishment every time we @jacobeautiful8 On August 13, Gretchen Custodio Diez, a share our Bible-based beliefs on matters of @jacobeautiful8 transwoman who was prevented from entering transgenders and homosexuals?” 11 a women’s restroom in a Cubao mall, was sent to the Quezon City Police District’s Anti- Religious institutions have nothing to fear. Cybercrime Division in Camp Karingal for Inasmuch as preachers would be able to express taking videos while confronting the restroom their views on sexuality without making it attendant about the issue. This incident sparked aggressive enough to amount to hate speech, public interest and called for the passage of there is no reason to worry. We are taught to Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity or love one another, after all. Expression (SOGIE) Equality Bill, also known as the Anti-Discrimination Bill. I will be needing more space if I mention all of the misconceptions and discuss it here one by SOGIE Equality Bill seeks to address all one. A piece of advice: go and see for yourself. forms of discrimination, marginalization, and violence on the basis of sexual orientation or SOGIE Equality Bill will not take anything gender identity [or expression]. It also aims to away from anyone except the ability to promote human dignity as specified in Section discriminate against your fellow human beings. 2 of the said bill. First filed in the year 2000, it It actually saddens me how a bill like this has is considered as one of the slowest-moving bills to be made to address a form of discrimination. in Philippine history. Isn’t it just natural for everyone to respect anyone? It would be beautiful to live in a place Truth be told, the discussion of the rights of where you feel you really belong and not any among members of the LGBTQIA+ community different, wouldn’t it? in the country is a sensitive matter. Several misconceptions about the bill are all over social If everyone will just study the bill, it doesn’t media platforms influencing many people that ask for more for the members of the LGBTQIA+ these individuals’ plea for equality, in effect, community. This bill asks for what we deserve; would make them suffer. for what all of us deserve. This is not about the restroom anymore nor the clothes we One of those misconceptions is about the should wear. This is about basic human right— bill granting special rights to the LGBTQIA+ equality. community, when in fact, SOGIE speaks for everyone. Call me bakla all you want but I won’t be questioning myself again as I know—it doesn’t Sexual orientation, as defined in the bill, make me less of a human. Does it make you is the direction of emotional and sexual more of a human? ● attraction, or conduct towards people of the same sex, towards people of the opposite sex, “This bill asks for what we towards people from both the opposite and deserve; for what all of same sex, or even to those people without the us deserve. This is not about presence of sexual attraction. the restroom anymore nor the clothes we should wear. This On the other hand, gender identity is about basic human right— refers to the personal sense of identity as equality.” characterized, among others, by manner of clothing, inclinations, and behavior in relation to masculine or feminine conventions. Meanwhile, gender expression refers to the way a person communicates gender identity to others through behavior, clothing, hairstyles, communication or speech pattern, and/or body characteristics. Hence, whether you’re straight or not, you are protected by this bill.

OPINION Fanning the flame ake your passion your Despite all the what-ifs and could-have- profession.” beens, I found myself moving forward. My Walking advice? Don’t let your passion die. Seek it Riddle “M This is a famous and let it glow. College life shouldn’t be just line from one of my about learning the contents of your textbooks. Aikovin O. Clerigo all-time favorites, 3 Idiots, an Indian movie You’ve got to enjoy the ride, too. Sing, dance, which follows the journey and friendship of write, or draw your hearts out. Join groups or BS Chemical Engineering three students who took up engineering. I first organizations which celebrate your passion. watched the film when I was in high school and Can’t find one? Create one. Managing Editor this line was the one that strikes me the most. I guess it’s because I believe, even back then, that I think it’s really important for all of us to [email protected] when you pursue what you love doing, work have an outlet and safety blanket where we can @aikovinclerigo becomes a hobby just like what was depicted in express our passions freely. The LATHE serves @aikovinclerigo the film. Unfortunately, not everyone gets to as both for me. Even though I didn’t take up experience that. my dream career, I got to experience doing two 12 of the things I love through being part of the I found myself under a rock and a hard place student publication. I hope that other people in when the time came to decide what profession I a similar situation as mine all get to feel that, will pursue in college. I knew what I wanted—to too. travel. Getting the chance to explore different places and countries while earning money In this possibly last column that I will write would be my idea of a dream-come-true. I for the student publication, I also wanted also knew what I am fond of doing—writing. I to spare a bit of the remaining space to have been joining writing contests since I was acknowledge all the amazing people I have in grade school and I guess, as an introvert, I met and been with throughout my five-year prefer expressing my thoughts on paper than journey. To my awesome God, to my unique saying them out loud. family, to my famiLATHE, to my solid groups of friends (5K, Bullies, Girlas, Pretty Brains, GE Growing up, I always thought that I would be friends, HS batchies), to my lodi batchmates, to taking up a program related to either traveling the ChE-FE department, to all my former and or writing. But on the first day of University current instructors, and to you who’s reading classes, I found myself in a familiar ground—in this right now, thank you for staying and for the corridors of the building designated for being a part of my journey. I appreciate you all. engineering students. Yup, just like the film. The universe must be playing tricks on me, I Let’s all keep our passions burning. ● thought. But here’s the twist—I wasn’t forced. Even with no one pressuring me, I felt the “Looking back, I realized need to pursue a practical course; to pursue that the only pressure I what most of my relatives pursued; to pursue have experienced was the one I what most of my classmates wanted to pursue; put on myself.” and to pursue what I think was aligned to the teachings of a special science class. Looking back, I realized that the only pressure I have experienced was the one I put on myself. This late reflection has brought me to engineering—a program I wasn’t into that much. I often told myself back then that if I fail in engineering, it’s a sign from the universe saying it wasn’t for me and that I should pursue my dream program instead. I admit there were countless times when I thought of quitting or shifting to another course but I often convince myself to endure everything as it would be a letdown to my parents and the people who believe in me if I did. I figured out that as I have already set my foot in this path, I might as well walk through the end. It was a difficult road but now, I’m on my fifth and hopefully last year as an engineering student. Bit by bit, I learned to love my chosen program. It may not be the one I expected but it turned out to be the one I needed.

Scholarship is both a right and a experienced. This just shows how stagnant the OPINION Never again privilege. Either way, you don’t just system is and how it even gets worse every year. get it overnight or in a snap of a They should have expected that the number of The finger. It is meant to be given to those applicants often increases each year. It could Antidote who deserve the help, to those who qualify, and have not overwhelmed them if they just did to those who need it the most. something to address the recurring conflict. Noriene Joyce D. Anareta Also, the qualification exam would be better if Batangas Provincial Scholarship Program it’s not just a one-day event and is scheduled BS Development Communication (BPSP) is one of the educational projects in different towns so as to accommodate of Governor Hermilando Mandanas for the each applicant well and to give everyone the News Editor students of Batangas Province. It is divided opportunity to take the exam. into three schemes with different grade [email protected] qualifications: Scheme 1 for scholars who shall Still, the situation is not entirely their fault. @ninja_nareta receive 25,000 per semester; Scheme 2—10,000 Undisciplined applicants who butt into lines @oyenaaaaaa per semester; and Scheme 3—5,000 per actually made the situation worse. Scholarship 13 semester. Meanwhile, beneficiaries under the applicants should have been courteous enough financial assistance, mostly family members to fall in line and follow given instructions of barangay functionaries, receive 3,000 per properly. Considering the fact that they semester. went there to take the exam, they must have expected to go through such process before Last July 27, hundreds of applicants from successfully getting in. different towns went to the Provincial Capitol of Batangas for the annual examination of BPSP. I see the reasons why some applicants ranted Applicants started coming as early as 2 AM that online but I don’t see how it made the situation even before sunrise, long lines in front of the better when it only caused other conflicts as provincial capitol could be seen. Everyone tried people who were not fully aware of the situation hard to get in front to secure their spots as the also joined the fuss. It could have reached the exam would be given through “first come, first administration in a more appropriate way. served” basis. The applicants, on the other hand, must give Later that day, posts criticizing the more value to scholarships and understand organizers and the system circulated on social that undergoing such process is normal. Still, media platforms. Furious applicants posted how try even the hardest process to get it. Aside bad their experiences were. Some even claimed from the required documents to bring, patience that they failed to take the exam even though and discipline shall be basic values. Besides, they came earlier than others. Doubts spread complaining through social media without that the papers would no longer be checked considering the repercussions is not “scholar- since passers would just be randomly picked. like”. Evidently, the scholarship services staff Currently, BPSP has 55,000 scholars around didn’t expect the turnout of applicants, making the province and is expected to accomodate it difficult for them to properly accommodate more in the succeeding years. Next year, more such huge number of crowd. The scholarship applicants will surely knock on the capitol’s is a privilege given by the government to the door. I believe it is high time the administration students but they should have accommodated learn from its repetitive lapses to strengthen everyone better and come in prepared for the their system. ● worst possible scenarios like that. They surely fell short that day. “Isee the reasons why some applicants ranted A year ago, I was one of the applicants in online but I don’t see how line, hoping for that scholarship too, and it made the situation better I know how much effort it would take to when it only caused other achieve that goal. I was at the gates of the conflicts as people who capitol with my friends at 3 AM and we saw were not fully aware of the how students came and filled the lobby. We situation also joined the struggled as the lines previously made by early fuss.” birds were disregarded as the staffs arranged us by schemes at 8 AM. I trusted the process, survived the day, and waited for the results. This, however, doesn’t invalidate the feelings of those who experienced the same and even worse this year. It implies the repetitive lapses of the system. It is actually bothering that this year’s concerns are the same scenarios I had

OPINION Writing and I have an “on- newspapers in disguise to recruit aspiring and-off” kind of relationship members. It was for The LATHE. And this soft- The which I have grown attached hearted and easily lured fellow got caught yet Hidden to through the years, although again. I don’t really know when it started and how it Edge bloomed. It was like a play of fate over the years—a continuous push and pull mechanism between Niña Angela Gracia C. Perez Maybe I first liked writing when I was writing and I. On and off. I almost quitted and learning how to write my name at home. I left this wordy world a number of times before BS Chemical Engineering might have had that first kilig and satisfaction (even now in college), but whenever I see our when I successfully wrote my whole name editions at home and my first published articles Opinion Editor on paper for the first time. Although I can’t during freshman year, my love for writing and remember the feeling, I know that it was tiring the people that I met through it would always [email protected] but self-satisfying as I get to show off to my pull me back in. @ninyaagcperezdo parents and elder siblings at a very young age. @ninyaagcperez It’s been six challenging yet self-satisfying In third grade, if I remember it correctly, years for me—a rough but still a beautiful Ci vediamo I was offered for acceleration to fifth grade journey. However, I need to leave and let go. because of some of my writing outputs and performance in class but I declined. I didn’t So before I reach the last dot of this blabber want to skip lessons and leave my friends. Still, of thoughts, let me extend my gratitude to the offer was a confidence booster. I liked the everyone who made me the comfortable writer idea of putting my thoughts into written words and the stronger person that I am today. more than before. To the Lord Almighty, my supportive family When I first joined an official competition in and relatives, my past and present teachers, the field of writing outside the school premises, TNKs, tropas in JPower concepts, Maks&Mars I was delighted. My adviser handpicked me and JMY family, Rotaract Downtown Ibaan, to compete for copyreading and headline my GE buddies, my ChE-FE family, my thesis writing in the district schools press conference. and PD mates, and to my famiLATHE (seniors/ However, I barely knew anything about it and alumni, my solid Q-batch, juniors, apprentices, was not trained enough that time. Hence, I lost. co-EEB, former and present assistant directors, Although it was an expected outcome, I almost advisers, pub aides, and OSAS peeps), thank lost interest in this field because of mere failure. you for joining me in this journey. For the love, You couldn’t blame me, I wasn’t used to losing encouragement, and support all these years, anything. thank you. To you who joined me in my last ride until this very end, thank you. Along with a bunch of kids in sixth grade, I got the chance to be taught and trained by I will treasure all our memories. See you Sir Eric, my teacher in kindergarten, and again. his colleague who both specialize in campus journalism. With their help, I was able to — discover a suited category for me, I got my first win and was able to reach the provincial level To EXO, SuJu, and NCT, thank you for the which was already a great feat that time for me. incredible music that’s healing me. DKS, With that little victory, I expected too much saranghae. ● to easily get in the school paper staff in high school but unfortunately, I didn’t make it. “It was like a play of fate over the years—a I lost hope to collect myself as a writer so continuous push and pull I planned to never engage again. However, mechanism between writing persistent seniors who believed in me to try and I. On and off. “ again on my junior year brought me back. I was then promoted as a section editor and the editor in chief of our Filipino edition school paper on my junior and senior year, respectively, but that’s just it and I was never better—making me believe that writing wasn’t really for me to explore too much. Leaving writing for good was my plan in college when I joined our department’s cultural organization as a dancer. But a scene made me think otherwise. Some staffers were giving away copies of magazines, folios, and 14

t almost isn’t much of a surprise for the reimposition of death penalty. While OPINION anymore. the fiasco has blown out of proportion and the media is on its tempest, lawmakers proposed Identifying I The recent brouhaha on Republic amendments on the existing implementing who’s who Act 10592 or the Good Conduct Time rules and regulations to eradicate the “lack” Allowance (GCTA) Law has shooed away of explicit exclusions—the crook behind all Focal Point the spirit and good faith to see fit the Act’s convoluted logic. If we, as a nation, are to devise intention for a reformative—not retributive— a measure meant to make up for the flaws in justice system, through deducting time spent our current proceedings, it is only appropriate by convicts in penitentiaries for their exemplary that the media and officeholders take utmost performance during sentence. responsibility for their actions. In the Philippines, where media A positivist view of psychology affirms a sensationalism and inept bureaucrats are a person’s chance for a “good life” or the aspects lethal combination, commoners have little to of the human experience that make life worth no say as they continue to become ill-informed. living. It entails understanding interventions This scheme may jeopardize Filipinos’ security that foster positive attitudes toward one’s to common rights to life, liberty, and pursuit individual traits and subjective events in order of happiness for feared threat of recidivist to minimize pathological thoughts that may criminals’ freedom. The unnerving issue arise in a hopeless mindset. Thus, making cracked when former Calauan, Laguna Mayor GCTA Law rehabilitative as it tries to reward Antonio Sanchez could be released after having those who served their time conscientiously served 25 years, with 15 years remaining executing good behavior. Only, it assumes that under a 40-year maximum imprisonment we have a perfect justice system—something after the Sarmenta-Gomez rape-slay case. that we do not and never will—so long as it is Evidently, he was availing of the shortened slanted against the poor. service of sentence for good behavior under the “corrupted” GCTA. Since most, if not all, inmates see this as a window of opportunity to reform themselves, The eligibility for early release of the 20,000 the government may pacify the turmoil (including Sanchez) will have yet to be reviewed on a gradual basis despite the shortage on by the Justice Department and prison officials resources to avoid a rat race. One approach is by to shed light on the confusion over the law. dispersing correctional facilities on the regions This was after Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) for a higher chance of transformation among Director General Nicanor Faeldon announced offenders, unlike with how it is centered in the discharge of even the nearly 2,000 convicts Metro Manila, where even the convicted from who committed heinous crimes, such as Tawi-Tawi shall reside in. On the observance, Sanchez’. Faeldon claimed the proclamation BuCor shall need proper budget allocation and as to their interpretation on Section 3: “any all-out administrative support to achieve what convicted prisoner in any penal institution, ought to be. rehabilitation or detention center, or any other local jail shall entitle him to the following Nonetheless, this matter still shouldn’t come deductions from the period of his sentence”. as a surprise because there are mechanisms in place for these unethical behaviors to be However, the rations stand firm on Section minimized if not fully eradicated. In this time, 1 as it states that: “recidivists, habitual what we only need to be more adamant about delinquents, escapees, and persons charged is to consider the common good and abide by with heinous crimes are excluded from the the basic human law that shall not, in any way, coverage of the entire act”. imperil each and every Filipino. ● Indeed, this frankly explicates BuCor “Only, it assumes that we administrators’ incompetent practice of have a perfect justice calculating the provisions dictated on print. system—something that we do Hence, President Duterte’s quick deal of not and never will—so long as it terminating Faeldon and leaving them is slanted against the poor.” suspended for six months without pay for grave misconduct, gross neglect of duty, and conduct Xavier M. Tomas prejudicial to the best interest of the service for erroneously construing the Act. BS Pyschology On the other hand, the media successfully Features Editor prodded the public sentiments, repeatedly tying the law to the supposed impending release of [email protected] Sanchez. Even if not the media’s intent, it has stirred a din where the Act is being questioned @xvrtms to be soft on crime, and worse, led to the calls @xvrtms 15

OPINION Paying the price The first time I probably tasted my gate price mentioned in the law and the selling Father’s fresh ani was way back price being lower than the estimated 12 pesos Song of 2015 when he arrived at our dainty per kilo, buying local rice would be of great help Roland home in Bacoor, Cavite from a to the local farmers. It is not hard as even with three-day trip bound from Bohol, carrying 50 our Batangas City market rice stalls, the variety Roland R. Reyes kilos of his hard-earned sack of rice. Beaming of rice marked “local” is ready for the taking. with pride, he told his experiences as a farmer BS Development Communication and how, for months, he labored in the fields Second, the governing body should with some of his companions, all Boholano take a pause on the law given the current DevCom Editor farmers. repercussions and study the situation of the rice market for several seasons. With production on [email protected] To see my dad, once an automotive specialist a fast lane to an all-time low, something must @rolandreyes_ abroad, muster up the strength for a career- be done on the situation of farmers beat up with @yes.roland change as a Filipino farmer is a cathartic increasing debts—something necessary for moment for us. We are aware of the truth, their next production. 16 “Magtanim ay ‘di biro.” This playful lyric of an old Filipino folk song bears witness to the A sad valentine’s gift, I can say. The signing burden carried by millions of farmers like of the Rice Tarrification law was nothing Papa as each day of their lives are filled with short of an insult to the stakeholders of this uncertainty and the bitter taste of our own noble profession. Reflective on the current government’s betrayal. Farming here in the administration’s ideals of putting colonial Philippines is no joke, indeed. recompenses at first before the promotion of sariling atin. The mere approval of removing A supposed solution to the recurring rice restrictions in importing rice is too much of a price hike in the country, the Republic Act 11203 blow to our local farmers. or the Rice Tarrification Law, was approved on Valentine’s this year; however, it turned out to Papa died in 2017 due to organ failure with be a double-edged sword—with the sharper exhaustion as a factor in the deterioration of blade struck deeper to our local farmers. The his health. We have witnessed his struggles law legalized the liberalization of rice imports, and his joy as a farmer in Bohol. The noble which lifted the quantitative restriction on rice. responsibility of feeding the nation is carried This opened the floodgates to its unlimited by the backs of almost 2.4 million Filipino rice entry from neighboring countries. farmers and if no intervention to promote their rights and enhance their production The idea is simple and we have heard of it takes place—end is in sight for our self- in the rules of economy: the law of supply and sustainability. demand will dictate market prices. Ergo, more competitors in the market mean the price of But it’s not too late. ● rice will lower with a dramatic increase in its supply. Furthermore, reliance on rice imports “However, it turned out enables the country’s vulnerability to higher to be a double-edged world market prices which is in contrast to the sword—with the sharper blade goal of the law in the first place. struck deeper to our local farmers.” Fast forward to six months after its effect and the results are disappointing. Farmers are selling rice to as low as seven pesos and the projected 27 pesos per kilo is still a myth on the market for consumers. As rice is the most staple food in our diet, a lower price (that is supposed to be in effect by now, according to experts in the field) will bring a huge positive change in the Filipino household. They say the best is yet to come—but will it though? Crystal-clear evidences point the ineffectiveness of the law and farmers agree that it cripples the local rice industry. Instead of boosting the country’s production, this only leads to the possiblity of losing more farmers in the field. There are available options on how to act upon this grave situation. First, prioritizig local rice rather than imported ones. With no floor

In terms of practicality, removing these, students can further develop their OPINION homework as a major requirement for sense of obedience, honesty, independence, students from Kinder to Grade 12 can be and discipline. Getting assignments out of the Practicality considered as a stress relief for parents picture will only leave them defenseless once aside and even the older siblings who are always they reach college—a place where everyone stuck with doing the hard work. As one of those is expected to act with the least amount of Drippin’ ates and kuyas who experience that kind of supervision. water situation on an almost daily basis, I wouldn’t faucet bother pretend that a student life without Here’s the tea: assignments are really not the homework for my Grade 6 brother would make ones we should be focusing on this issue. Sad me sad. to say, the problem lies with us, adults. It’s not the existence of assignments that we should be But this is no place for my personal feelings. worrying about, but rather the ways we use to lead the children to success. The Philippine government, in the Department of Education’s point of view, has It lies with those teachers who barely made once again become a laughingstock to its critics an effort to fully understand the situation of after the release of their statement supporting their students. From the perspective of an elder the no-homework policy bills proposed by sister, I would not hesitate to say that there are House Deputy Speaker Evelina Escudero (HB times that I feel that my brother’s assignments No. 3611) and Quezon City Representative seem too difficult for their current level. While Alfred Vargas (HB No. 3883), August 28. While homework must also serve as challenge to the the students’ general well-being was really students, I believe that teachers must also learn considered in the said house bills, it is obvious to consider if the homework they are giving are that these won’t do them any good in the long really doable without help. run. The problem also lies with the parents As already pointed out by others who are and the guardians who thirst for too much also against the idea, there’s a chance that perfection to the point that they would rather implementing the “No Homework Policy” do the children’s assignments themselves than would only result to more school activities. let them solve their own problems just for the Since the aim of this policy is to remove sake of a high score. Even I am guilty of having homework and instead keep all academic this kind of mindset. Sometimes, we are too activities within school premises only, we focused on getting good results that we forget cannot ignore the possibility that the absence the greatest reason why such assignments are of homework might result to additional school being given. activities in order to compensate for that loss. As a college student, trying to finish all my Ridding the “homework requirement” is homework along with other school activities definitely not the answer. Students should be while inside the campus is already tiring. What allowed the freedom to work alone and discover more for those who are younger than me? their strengths and potentials, lessons after lessons, as a form of preparation for their Taking my younger brother’s school life as adulthood. Success should not be measured example, he spends almost 10 hours in school with outputs alone. Rather, let us also pay each day, with only one and a half hour at attention on their progress. While it can get most for resting during lunchtime. As someone frustrating for us to witness their mistakes, who had already went through with such let them learn how to overcome those on their routine, I can say that it’s too much especially own. There’s always room for improvement, as for someone who ideally needs at least eight they say. ● hours of sleep each day. Coming home tired from school works only to do more of it after “Sometimes, we are too dinner is something I barely enjoyed doing as focused on getting a kid. Nevertheless, this shouldn’t be the part good results that we forget we should be mending. Personally, if there’s the greatest reason why such something that we should fix, it should be the assignments are being given.” way schools set class schedules instead because honestly, the typical 7 AM to 5 PM school Harriette Joshua B. Hernandez day is too much. Forcing oneself to absorb BS Development Communication information from about seven subjects every Circulation Manager weekday can be exhausting. [email protected] Likewise, we should consider the fact that doing assignments is not just a form of @androgynoustrap assessment on students’ learnings but also @charishatoruzu a form of character development. Through 17

news 20 8 out of 10 Red Spartans still favor online enrolment CONTENTS 22 PTAR pushes innovations for BatStateU, PASUC 23 SSC PB Main II hastens passport bid thru passport-on-wheels BatStateU receives 4-peat Gawad Kalasag award 24 ssc pb Main i eyes multi-faith chapel’s revamp 25 ‘Extended‘ red and white apparel promotes patriotism, inclusivity 26 BatStateU maintains academic excellence 30 Huawei ICT Academy to rise in BatStateU 31 Thema Arts Society to expand its horizons in 2020 32 The LATHE hauls awards in SPAM’s 13th Nat’l Confab 18

33 Engineering studes pioneer flood warning system 34 Batangas City invests in infrastructure projects, set to serve Batangueños 36 E-trikes to take over Batangas City 37 DPWH rips down Lions’ marker for road-widening project 38 PH, China strengthen academic ties Milagros 1948 prides Batangan history 39 Vigan is one of Asia’s most beautiful cities — CNN 40 PH space agency to pave way for sci-tech revolution 41 PH ID system registration undergoes pilot testing 19

NEWS BATSTATEU ONLINE REGISTRATION SYSTEM SATISFACTION RATING Despite system woes 8 out of 10 Red Spartans still favor online enrolment WORDS BY: DOROTHY LIZZETTE F. ABELEDA and NORIENE JOYCE D. ANARETA INFOGRAPHICS BY: JANNELA MAE V. MAGTIBAY Since the University launched the online registration system in the first semester of academic year 2017-2018, students no longer have to undergo the manual evaluation of grades and encoding process. The said move apparently targeted to shorten queues and the procedures during enrolment period but students can still opt to enrol manually. However, this academic year, some students faced another difficulty when the University Information and Communications Technology (ICT) issued a public advisory dated July 25 which cancelled all enrolment-related transactions due to system maintenance from simultaneous access of numerous enrollees at a time. Satisfaction level in numbers Despite the conflicts “Are you satisfied with the encountered during the online registration system of previous enrolment, a survey BatStateU?” conducted by The LATHE this semester showed that majority On the other hand, the or 77 percent of Red Spartans College of Informatics and from PB Main I and PB Main Computing Sciences (CICS) II are still satisfied with the showed the least number of University’s online registration satisfied students with 70 system. percent out of 19 respondents. However, 3 percent of the Moreover, 34 percent of satisfied students do not the 77 respondents from recommend the online system the College of Accountancy, for the next few years, which Business, Economics, and means that only 74 percent of International Hospitality the respondents are still looking Management (CABEIHM), do forward to using the online not recommend the system for system. the next enrolment periods. The highest level of A total of 391 respondents satisfaction is from the College (derived from Slovin’s formula) of Arts and Sciences (CAS), who were randomly selected out wherein 88 percent or 22 out of 16,706 students answered of 25 respondents, answered the survey. “yes” on the question, 20

NEWS Problems and difficulties encountered Meanwhile, 23 percent of the on the site to help them with their inquiries in respondents are not satisfied with the proceeding with the process. University’s online registration system. In addition, a fourth year irregular student A 4th year Petroleum Engineering student commented that it could have been better if the pointed out that the system always crashes online registration system will also recognize and he can’t log in easily which was also the their records so it would be easier for them to complaint of the majority of the dissatisfied process their enrolment. respondents. Other problems encountered were the slow Some students also mentioned that they response of the system and conflict of posted were looking for “help” or “inquire” button schedules. System maintenance and solution Mr. Orville F. Fajilan, programmer the point that all slots within the range He also admitted that the system of ICT, stressed that the of the system were already consumed, is not mobile-friendly but they are emergency system maintenance last which made the internet connection currently on the planning stage to July 25 and other issues encountered slow and unresponsive. This eventually create a mobile app for students’ by the students during enrolment can led them to closing the server and convenience. be traced from the syncing process and shutting it down temporarily. users of the server. He also said that The ICT department assured that the the issue in processing was an internal “Kailangang i-shut down lahat ng issue will not happen anymore as they and a technical problem but in simpler services dahil kapag may gumagamit, have already prepared for such similar sense, problems from users occurred. hindi matatapos ang pag-aayos. The situations. They might also implement a server will focus more on the services server dedicated for user-based only as Fajilan pointed out that students go accessed rather than the maintenance,” a long-term solution. ● online at the same time, and it came to he added. TOTAL NUMBER OF ENROLLED STUDENTS PB MAIN I AND II 21

NEWS PTAR pushes innovations for BatStateU, PASUC WORDS BY: XAVIER M. TOMAS ON LEADING INNOVATIONS. Dr. Tirso A. Ronquillo Dr. Tirso A. To qualify as COD, Dr. continues to lead the Red Spartan community on Ronquillo bared Ronquillo cited several factors his fifth year as the University President. Likewise, his plans for the to comply with such as advanced he was reelected as the president of the Philippine University and for degrees and trainings for faculty Association of State Universities and Colleges. the Philippine Association members, quality academic PHOTO COURTESY OF: PRESIDENT’S OFFICE of State Universities and infrastructure such as laboratory Colleges (PASUC), following facilities and forwarding his reelection as the equipment, and adequate library association’s president. resources. In an interview with The As of now, BatStateU has five LATHE, Dr. Ronquillo, who is programs acknowledged by now on his fifth year as the CHED—Electronics Engineering University president, shared that as COE; Mechanical Engineering, the improvement of the learning Electrical Engineering, Teacher facilities including the five- Education, and Development storey higher education building Communication as COD. is anchored on our programs’ preparation for accreditation as Meanwhile, Dr. Ronquillo, Center of Excellence (COE) or spearheaded PISI or Platform Center of Development (COD). for Innovating SUCs’ [State Universities and Colleges] COE refers to a department Industry, in line with his within a higher education reelection as PASUC president. institution, which continuously He said that there is really a demonstrates excellent need to see the innovation performance in the areas of capital of SUCs as PASUC is now instruction, research and profiling them by crafting their publication, extension and innovation diagnostic tool to see linkages, and institutional where they shall intervene and qualifications while COD focus on more programs set for validates the potential to Industry 4.0. become a COE in the future. Dr. Ronquillo also hoped These programs are provided for Red Spartans to be more for under Section 8 (f) of motivated in pursuing their Republic Act 7722, otherwise studies in the University and known as the “Higher Education expected all of them to be merit Act of 1994”, which states scholars. that the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) shall “I hold you responsible for “identify, support, and develop your stay here in BatStateU. We potential centers of excellence expect you to be independent in program areas needed for learners, not all shall be taken the development of world-class from your teachers. You should scholarship, nation-building do your share,” he said. ● and national development”. 22

NEWS SSC PB Main II hastens passport bid thru passport-on-wheels WORDS BY: EDMARIE JOY E. PANGANIBAN More than EASIER PASSPORT BID. Students, alumni, faculty members, and university personnel from different BatStateU campuses 800 Red benefited from the “Passport-on-wheels” initiated by the Supreme Student Council PB Main II, Aug. 27. Spartans PHOTO BY: BRYAN JED C. BAROLA benefited from the Supreme BatStateU receives Student Council (SSC) PB 4-peat Gawad Main II’s “passport-on- KALASAG award wheels” project held at Foster Wheeler Library, WORDS BY: DANIEL JOSHUA T. TALIGATOS CEAFA Bldg., PB Main II, Aug. 27. Batangas State University Entries were judged based on the emerged as the Best following criteria: prevention and The said initiative, in Higher Educational mitigation, preparedness, response, and collaboration with the Institution, for the fourth rehabilitation and recovery. Department of Foreign time, during the regional awarding Affairs (DFA), catered of Office of Civil Defense– Gawad KALASAG is an annual award- students, alumni, faculty Regional Disaster Risk Reduction giving ceremony which recognizes members, and university and Management Council partners of disaster risk reduction personnel from different CALABARZON’s 21st Annual Gawad and management. It also aims to BatStateU campuses. KALASAG Search for Excellence strengthen the communities’ resiliency in Disaster Risk Reduction and to disaster risk and to promote the spirit SSC PB Main II officers Management and Humanitarian of volunteerism among government assisted the applicants Assistance held at Santa Rosa, agencies and private institutions. ● with the filing of their Laguna, Aug. 22. accomplished passport application forms. The requirements for passport application included a valid ID (original and photocopy), PSA birth certificate (original and photocopy), application packet which are sent to the applicant’s email upon payment of 1,200 pesos and 150 pesos for the passport application and courier fee, respectively. “Para sa katulad kong matagal na ring gustong kumuha ng passport, maganda itong naisip ng SSC kasi super convenient n’ya. Hindi ko na kailangang mag-excuse sa klase para pumunta mismo sa DFA. Less hassle na rin kasi pipila ka lang nang kaunting oras, processed na ‘yung application mo,” commented Christine Sempino, 5th year Mechanical Engineering student. ● 23

NEWS SSC PB Main I eyes multi-faith chapel’s revamp WORDS BY: ROSELLE C. LUNA Strengthening faith as one of the University Student Council (formerly Supreme University’s core values, the Student Council Confederation) will be responsible Supreme Student Council (SSC) PB for the centralized custody and management of Main I launched the “One Faith, One donations. Mission project”, a fund-raising activity for the renovation of the multi-faith chapel. Tisbe also shared the special features planned for the multi-faith chapel such as air-conditioning While the campus bares the seven-storey units, prayer room, and a separate room for research and training center and five-storey higher religious articles. education building, the council believes that the multi-faith chapel also needs reconstruction. According to Architect Lenuel M. Bool of the Project Management Office, the proposed exterior Jonnel Aivan U. Tisbe, SSC PB Main I vice design ranges from 3.8 to 3.9 million pesos. president for student governance, shared that they However, the chapel’s final design will still depend [SSC] had already planned to organize a concert- on the fund which will be raised from the campaign. for-a-cause as they seek to raise around 1.7 million pesos for the demolition of the existing chapel. SSC PB Main I and some religious organizations are currently asking for help through Facebook and As approved by the University President, the other social media platforms. ● ONE FAITH, ONE MISSION. The Supreme Student Council PB Main I will be conducting different fund-raising activities for the renovation of the multi-faith chapel. | PHOTO COURTESY OF: PROJECT MANAGEMENT OFFICE 24

NEWS ‘Extended’ red and white apparel promotes patriotism, inclusivity WORDS BY: MARJUN R. RAYOS SHIRTS FOR A CAUSE. Red and White Apparel released three Red and white are now personal interests. [This year,] shirt designs for the Pinoy Pride Edition along with their 12 main the new colors of pride, we considered the diversity in the designs for the whole year which aims to advocate diversity and wisdom, and power. University and also brought in patriotism in the University. models who excel in their certain PHOTO COURTESY OF: SUPREME STUDENT COUNCIL PB MAIN I The Supreme Student Council fields in order to create a sense of (SSC) PB Main I, in its aim of involvement to our customers,” advocating diversity and patriotism Marestila said. in the University, featured different student personalities on the These shirts are available at relaunching of Red and White the University Shop with prices Apparel (RWA). from 200 to 215 pesos. Students of Malvar Campus can also avail such Gracing Kick-Off 2019, an annual as their respective student council gathering and exhibit of student was tapped by SSC PB Main I as organizations in the University last their project’s extension partner. August 15, RWA paraded three shirt designs for the Pinoy Pride Edition “We want them [students] to along with their 12 main designs for know that red and white apparel is the whole year. This limited edition for all. In the previous years, our highlights patriotism as one of the models are local celebrities and University’s core values and also pageant title holders. This year, we seeks to celebrate our roots in line want to include a representation of with the Buwan ng Wika celebration. each of them, so we have a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, This year’s RWA with the a foreign student, a student theme “Extended” was a diverse journalist, a student athlete, just collection of shirts, innovative to name a few,” said Dr. Daryl designs, and extended dimension Magpantay, SSC PB Main I adviser. of concepts, according to Jay-R Marestila, SSC PB Main I business Dr. Magpantay added that RWA manager for income generation. finances some of the student council’s extension projects This income-generating project such as Project Santa, Project was formerly termed “Red and Kinabookasan, and Chikiting Pasko. White Parade” as part of the 2014 Charter Week celebration. “I believe this institution ties up Extending RWA, meanwhile, its mission to advocate in accepting rooted from the postponement each member of the community. of relaunching by the previous Aside from the banners that administration [SSC PB Main I] last support the rainbow community, year. Red and White Apparel serves as the new platform for us to express “We saw that there should be our feelings,” Kier Vincent Real, innovations—prioritizing the one of RWA’s models, said. ● students’ participation and their 25

NEWS BatStateU maintains academic excellence Soars high in engineering licensure exams WORDS BY: EDMARIE JOY E. PANGANIBAN and MARIA MAY M. ROSALES | INFOGRAPHICS BY: RAMON JR M. OMAGAP Throughout the years, Batangas State University prides itself as one of the leading universities in the field of engineering as evidenced by its consistent performance and reputable presence in different licensure examinations administered by the Professional Regulation Commission. In the first two months of the academic year, the University registered a total of 178 new professionals after garnering 100 percent (81 out of 81) and 80 percent (28 out of 35) passing rates in the August 2019 Mechanical Engineering and Sanitary Engineering Licensure Examinations, respectively, and an 84.48 percent passing rate (49 out of 58) in the September 2019 Electrical Engineering Licensure Examination. TREND OF PASSING RATES FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING LICENSURE EXAMINATION Mechanical Engineering With numerous topnotchers, the University has been In March 2018, meanwhile, seven graduates topped the hailed as the top performing school in the Mechanical licensure examination as the University attained a 98.51 Engineering Licensure Examination for several years. In fact, since percent passing rate (66 out of 67). In an interview, Engr. Hazel 2014, the University achieved a 100 percent passing rate twice, one Joy D. Veyra, top 6 of the March 2018 Engineering Licensure in March 2015 (84 out of 84) and one in August 2019 (81 out of 81). Examination, emphasized that the discipline of students, unity of the department, and program curriculum are contributing factors In an article published by the Local Pulse, a news and media to the over-all performance of the University in this field. website, BatStateU led the 2019 best mechanical engineering schools in the country with 88.06 percent which was based on “We have a very strategic curriculum in Mechanical the overall performance in licensure exams including the number Engineering. For example, the comprehensive examination helps of examinees, top performing examinees, as well as the school’s us review everything we took from first to fifth year. Big help ‘yun accreditation status and faculty-student ratio. sa review for board exam,” Engr. Veyra shared. 26

NEWS According to Engr. Rocel Sanitary Engineering D. Gualberto, chairperson of the Mechanical Engineering While it has been a see-saw grade ay nakabase sa percentage ng department, they are focusing performance in the Sanitary actual examination. Kapag ‘di naipasa on the final coaching of Engineering Licensure Examination ‘yun, may times talaga na kumokonti the board takers before the since 2015 which is being held every ang graduates namin,” the department exam. He also noted that the January and August, BatStateU is chair explained. University’s academic calendar recognized by the Local Pulse as the sometimes affects the changes fifth best sanitary engineering school Engr. Dimailig also commended the in passing rates. in the country in 2019. Additionally, the support of their department, its faculty University posted an 80 percent passing members, and students to the takers as “The change in the schedule rate both in January 2017 and in August the licensure examination approaches. of the academic year affects the 2019—the highest in five years. passing rate since the review “Before ‘yung mismong board classes in Manila coincide with Engr. Oliver S. Dimailig, chairperson examinations, nag-a-allot talaga ang our academic schedule,” Engr. of the Sanitary Engineering faculty members [ng time] na mabisita Gualberto said. department, mentioned that the sila sa review center o kaya sa mismong sanitary engineering practice with bahay na inuupahan. Ang review Furthermore, the University comprehensive examination is one of materials, ‘yung mga maaaring ibigay is a Center of Development their means to prepare the students aside from mga galing sa review center, for mechanical engineering before the actual examination. ibinibigay rin ng faculty members,” Engr. together with the University Dimailig shared. of Sto. Tomas, as accredited “Mahigpit ‘yung pagsasala roon kasi by the Commission on Higher ‘yung percentage na ginagamit sa pagge- Education (CHED). TREND OF PASSING RATES FOR SANITARY ENGINEERING LICENSURE EXAMINATION 27

NEWS TREND OF PASSING RATES FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING LICENSURE EXAMINATION Electrical Engineering The Electrical Engineering Licensure Examination is administered every April and September of the year. In September 2014, the University posted a 96.47 percent passing rate (82 out of 85)—the most notable since 2014 considering the total number of passers and examinees. In an article published by the Local Pulse, BatStateU landed seventh in the 2019 best electrical engineering schools in the country with 82.64 percent. The University, in addition, is accredited by CHED as Center of Development for electrical engineering. According to Engr. Maria Lourdes V. Balansay, chairperson of the Electrical Engineering department, the retention policy is significant in the students’ preparation for the licensure examination. “When a student is not yet ready to take the big lift, we don’t let them pass [the subject]. When we feel that a student is not yet equipped, we can control it in their major subjects. If they failed, they have to repeat the subject all over again. We don’t care if they take it two times or three times, as long as they understood the subject because it will be useful during their examination.” The University has also produced several topnotchers aside from consistently surpassing the national passing rate. Engr. Carlo L. Padilla, for instance, topped the recently concluded September 2019 Registered Master Electrician Licensure Examination with an average of 94 percent. In an interview, Engr. Padilla emphasized the students’ unity in their preparation for the examination as a contributing factor to the University’s passing rate. “Iba kasi kapag may unity, may tutulong sa’yo, saka may magfo-force sa’yong mag-aral pa nang ayos. Malaking tulong sa’yo saka sa mga kasama mo kapag nagtutulungan kayo,” he said. 28

NEWS “I think the biggest factor that greatly affects the high passing rate [in engineering licensure examinations] is the quality of students that we have. We get the best students especially now that we have free tuition, a lot of applicants are coming. If lots of applicants are coming, we can select the best from these applicants,” shared Dr. Elisa D. Gutierrez, dean of College of Engineering, Architecture and Fine Arts (CEAFA). Likewise, the comprehensive examination strengthens the students’ foundation in their preparation for their licensure examinations. Dr. Gutierrez shared that the college supports the students by inviting resource speakers from the industry who could help them prepare in their respective examinations. “The administration also has a big part in terms of support. Talagang we get a lot of support dito sa CEAFA—our students, the trainings, their attendance to different quiz shows. Of course, the extensive holding of comprehensive classes, ‘yan ay malaking factor plus the great moral support that the students are getting from their department,” she ended. ● TREND OF PASSING RATES FOR REGISTERED MASTER ELECTRICIAN EXAMINATION 29

NEWS First in the region Huawei ICT Academy to rise in BatStateU WORDS BY: SHEENA PATRICIA L. DE LEON Huawei Technologies Philippines, membership, consultation, and learning materials Inc.’s first ever ICT Academy in for successful student applicants. the region is set to be established in Batangas State University as they signed Dr. Tirso A. Ronquillo, University president, a memorandum of agreement held at the led the sealing of agreement, together with Engr. Higher Education Building, PB Main I, Aug. 24. Albertson D. Amante, vice president for research development and extension services; Dr. Elisa D. The said ceremony highlighted the ICT Academy Gutierrez, dean of the College for Engineering, and its purpose to fulfill Huawei’s vision to “bring Architecture, and Fine Arts; Mr. Alan Li Guodong, digital to every person, home, and organization Huawei service director; and Mr. Lim Seow Boon, for a fully connected intelligent world” a steady Huawei channel service manager. ground. “Huawei will help prepare future talents into An audio-visual presentation emphasized the ICT industry as well as support the sustainable the academy as a non-profit project with “rich growth of the Philippines,” Guodong said. ● course sources” including benefits such as free GEARING UP FOR GREATNESS. Dr. Tirso A. Ronquillo, University president, and Mr. Alan Li Guodong, HUAWEI service director, signed a memorandum of agreement which will pave way for more future talents into the ICT industry, Aug. 24. | PHOTO BY: BRYAN JED C. BAROLA 30

NEWS MASTERPIECES ON DISPLAY. Viewers take in the artwork displayed at Thema Arts Society’s exhibit at Xentro Mall Batangas, April 2019. PHOTO COURTESY OF: THEMA ARTS SOCIETY Thema Arts Society to expand its horizons in 2020 WORDS BY: NORIENE JOYCE D. ANARETA After almost two decades of and invited printing specialists. The materials to conducting art exhibits, Thema be used like ink, silkscreens, and blowers will be Arts Society (TAS) will venture given to the beneficiaries. into more meaningful endeavors through extending its initiatives in “Usually kasi, ang extension programs, Dumantay, Batangas City. namimigay ng pagkain, isang linggo, ubos na rin. Kaya ang gagawin namin, ishe-share namin ang TAS, to be led by its new president, Ms. Jem skills namin na magagamit nila in the long run,” Marasigan, will partner with Buklod-Unlad said Lidenate Lindo, former TAS President, in an Batangas Inc. Village, in organizing an extension interview with The LATHE. program in Dumantay where fine arts students will share their skills on t-shirt printing and TAS pulled off its latest exhibit last April with mural making. the theme “Eksena” in Xentro Mall Batangas, which showcased theses, murals, paintings, The extension program will be a one-day photos, animation skills, sculptures, and tutorial session with fine arts students and faculty character designs made by students. ● 31

NEWS BatStateU is 3rd top performing school The LATHE hauls awards in SPAM’s 13th nat’l confab WORDS BY: JACOB A. ESGUERRA DAMO NGA SALAMAT, ILOILO! Batangas State University emerged as the third top performing school out of 47 tertiary schools in the13th National Campus Media Conference held at Punta Villa Resort, Arevalo, Iloilo City, Sept. 11-13. The LATHE, the official Sports Writing (F); Harriette Joshua In the group contests for student student publication B. Hernandez, 2nd place, Editorial publications, Sensus Communis of Batangas State Writing (F) and 8th place, Lead VIII: The LATHE Journal bagged the University, emerged Writing (F); Noriene Joyce D. Anareta, Campus Magazine of the Year award as the third top performing 2nd place, Feature Writing (F); Jacob after grabbing 1st place in page make- student publication out of the A. Esguerra, 3rd place, Pambansang up, 2nd place in the feature page, and 47 tertiary schools all over the Pautakang Pampahayagan; Aikovin 3rd place in cover design. country which participated in O. Clerigo, 4th place, Lead Writing the 13th National Campus Media (E) and 10th place, Sports Writing Meanwhile, The LATHE Newsletter Conference facilitated by the (E); and Marjun R. Rayos, 5th place, received 3rd place both in news story School Press Advisers’ Movement Photojournalism–Mobile Category and editorial content, 7th place in (SPAM) Inc., held at Punta Villa (F). editorial cartoon, and 10th place in Resort, Arevalo, Iloilo City, Sept. sports story, making it the 3rd Best 11-13. For the group contests, Marjun R. Campus Newsletter of the Year. Rayos, Xavier M. Tomas, Ramon Jr M. The winners in the individual Omagap, Aram John Alfred M. Flosa, A total of 720 students and advisers contests were Daniel D. De Castro, and Dr. Vanessah V. Castillo topped from 85 student publications joined 1st place, Backpack Journalism (E); the Creative Magazine Publishing tilt the said confab. ● Niña Angela Gracia C. Perez, 1st place, where Tomas was also awarded as the Best Feature Writer. 32

NEWS Engineering studes pioneer flood warning system WORDS BY: MARJUN R. RAYOS REAL-TIME FLOOD UPDATES. Two units of solar-powered early Electrical Engineering students developed a solar- powered early warning system (EWS) designed to give warning system developed by real-time flood alerts to the residents of Poblacion 20. Electrical Engineering students of the University were installed Ryan Ace C. Ortega, Campvale L. Rosales, and Vanessa B. along Rizal Avenue and DJPMM Sales launched the said system out of their thesis project entitled, “Design Installation of Solar-powered–GSM-based Flood Alert and Light System Access Road. | PHOTO BY: at Batangas City”. Engr. Rodel Tejada served as their research adviser. JOHN LESTER B. PIOL Two units which cost around 59,000 pesos each were installed along Rizal Avenue and DJPMM Access Road as these streets are flood-prone areas in the metro. The EWS has a water float sensor which can detect the flood level, with corresponding color-coded warning signals and reminders flashed on the LED module display: level one or yellow warning—four to 12 inches deep; level two or orange warning—12 to 20 inches deep; and level three or red warning—20 inches and above deep. It is also a global system for mobile communications-based which means residents, establishments, and motorists nearby the warning system will receive text messages once there are flood alerts. The said project has undergone initial testing before its installation and turnover to the beneficiaries’ custody, May this year. The proponents also conducted a seminar to inform the concerned residents about the project wherein the dissemination of brochures and signing of memorandum of agreement with the barangay captain also took place. ● 33

NEWS Batangas City invests in infrastructure projects, set to serve Batangueños WORDS BY: MIRAFLOR B. PEREZ Two infrastructure projects, cumulatively worth around 125 million pesos, are now placed in Batangas City and set to serve the Batangueños. “It was the second time na ma-renovate ‘yung plaza. It was during Mayor Eduardo Dimacuha’s term pa. Napansin ng present administration na hindi na ganoon kaayos ‘yung plaza, its original design doesn’t function in a way that best serves the community,” said Ar. Gerry Palas of City Engineers Office. The newly-renovated Plaza Mabini has improved aesthetically as requested by Mayor Beverly Dimacuha. It now has an amphitheater in the halfway area of the plaza for community events and outdoor performances of the citizens. The statue of Apolinario Mabini, to whom the plaza was dedicated and named after was also restored. An engraved “Batangas Kong Mahal” script was lined up with the plaza’s benches and trees, where locals and tourists can sit and relax while enjoying the view. The Plaza Mabini renovation was finished on July 31, last year. 34

NEWS Another infrastructure project is the 110 million-peso “Mas modern na itong sa Market III [bagong palengke], market which is also known as “bagong palengke” located kumbaga, iba ‘yung architectural design at mas mataas na at Brgy. Cuta. It is constructed beside the Don Julian Pastor quality na,” he added. Memorial Market which was demolished in 2016 for the massive rehabilitation of the market. The market also has a sewage treatment plant so all the wastewaters will be recycled and reused. “Yung old building ng market before, maliit at madumi. To provide a better and spacious market place for the “Right now, 100% completed na ang Market vendors and para na rin maging convenient ang pamimili ng III, everything was already turned over to the mga customer kaya nagkaroon tayo ngayon ng Market III,” administration,” Ar. Palas added. said Allan Robert Pargas of the Office of the City Market Administrator. Before the year ends, the market vendors are expected to move to their new home. ● Pargas also pointed out the market’s new features and facilities which are similar to supermarkets. The new structure of stalls is divided for dry, wet, meat, and vegetable sections. The ceilings were not designed like a usual market. ZOOMING AHEAD. Infrastructure continues to boost in Batangas City as the newly renovated Plaza Mabini and Don Julian Pastor Memorial Market at Brgy. Cuta. are set to serve the Batangueños. | PHOTOS BY: CAMILLE FE D. MANGUIAT 35

NEWS E-trikes to take over Batangas City WORDS BY: RICHMOND ZEDRICK E. ORIOSTE The reign of City Environment and Natural on the environment. These traditional Resources Officer. can ferry five passengers in vehicles is bound addition to the driver,” said to end. Mayor Dimacuha signed Mayor Dimacuha. the Memorandum of Department of Energy Understanding with First The City government of (DOE) formally turned over Gen Power Corporation vice Batangas has been qualified 50 electrically-run tricycles president Ramon Araneta for the program due to its or e-trikes to the local regarding the launching of environmental programs government unit of Batangas e-trikes to promote energy- and ecological drive as part City under DOE’s Introduction efficient and environment- of its Local Climate Change of Energy-Efficient Electric friendly form of transportation Reduction Plan that aims Vehicles project. on April 29. to curb carbon monoxide emissions from vehicles. City Mayor Beverly Rose “The three-wheeled e-trike Dimacuha spearheaded the is environment-friendly Each e-trike costs 455,000 turnover ceremony of the 50 because it uses electricity pesos. ● e-trike units together with instead of gasoline or diesel Mr. Oliver Gonzales, head of to reduce carbon emissions TOWARDS AN ENVIRONMENT- FRIENDLY BATANGAS. The 50 e-trikes from the Department of Energy was formally turned over to Batangas City. | PHOTO BY: ROLAND R. REYES 36

NEWS DPWH rips down Lions’ marker for road-widening project WORDS BY: AIKOVIN O. CLERIGO To expand the Manila-Batangas road, the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) displaced the 40-year-old Batangas Lions Club marker along Kumintang Ilaya, Batangas City, Sept. 5. DPWH Batangas 5th District Engineer Edwin Abrigonda said that the marker needs to be demolished because it is in the right of way and is within government property. Ariel Armedilla, chief of the District Planning and Design Section, added that the area has been the bottleneck of traffic build-up during rush hours. The 69-million-peso road-widening plan is one of the district’s priority projects covering the barangays of Concepcion, Balagtas, and Kumintang Ilaya. Work in the area started last July and is expected to be finished by January 2020. “It saddens me that the iconic Lions’ club marker needs to be demolished because it has been part of the identity of our beloved community for 40 years now. But I do hope that the road-widening plan will improve the flow of traffic and flooding in our area,” shared Jeus Kim Mendoza, a resident of Kumintang Ilaya. ● THE LION SLEEPS TONIGHT. After four decades of serving as a landmark of Batangas City, the Batangas Lions Club marker has been ripped off by DPWH to pave way for the Manila-Batangas road, Sept. 5. | PHOTOS BY: RAVEN N. GARME 37

2 |NnE WeSws MUTUAL RECOGNITION. The Philippines and China signed a memorandum of understanding in developing future collaborations for life-long learning, Aug. 29. PHOTO COURTESY OF: RAPPLER PH, China strengthen academic ties WORDS BY: DANIEL D. DE CASTRO Milagros 1948 prides Batangan history To push for the internationalization of universities, Philippines and China signed a WORDS BY: NORIENE JOYCE D. ANARETA memorandum of understanding during President Rodrigo Duterte’s visit to China, Aug. 29. Lipa Actors Company’s (LAC) latest show, Milagros 1948, highlighted faith and The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) claimed that history through pure Batangueño story, collaboration between the two countries could improve through production and cast, and music in its mutual recognition of degrees to promote life-long learning and preview show held at LBX Studio, Big Ben Complex, the practices of profession in both countries; increasing the number Lipa City, Aug. 23. of universities recognized by both countries in their registry; and faculty and student exchanges through scholarships, training “Gusto naming ipahiwatig dito ang debosyon natin sa mahal programs and country visits. na Ina, and at the same time, ang mayamang kasaysayan ng lungsod ng Lipa,” said Luisito Nario, LAC’s writer, in an According to CHED Chairman J. Prospero E. De Vera III, the interview with ABS-CBN. cooperation between the two countries aims to expand support and opportunities to develop ‘future-ready’ graduates and to Milagros, which tackled the life in Lipa after the Japanese contribute to innovation and technology for economic growth and occupation in the country, is one of the trilogy series national competitiveness. about Batangas in line with LAC’s 10th year anniversary. Before Milagros, they staged Kumintang which is about Areas such as information sharing on the structure of higher the Lawa ng Taal and Segunda which depicted the Spanish education, academic quality, performance standards, evaluation occupation. of results, methodology development, student affairs, and qualifications frameworks; establishment of a credit transfer “Ayaw naming ‘peke’ ang makita ng mga manonood, kaya arrangements; strengthening of cooperation in the study of kahit sobrang challenging ng Milagros, we really prepared languages and the establishment of additional Confucius Institutes well to make the audience feel the show,” Glen Ramirez in the Philippines; and promotion of participation in educational said, the actor who played Eliseo’s character, one of the congresses, conferences, workshops, symposiums, training major casts. ● courses, and exhibits are also being eyed for collaboration. China’s Ministry of Education and CHED will provide a joint working group that will develop programs and projects between higher education institutions in both countries. ● 38

NEWS Vigan is one of Asia’s most beautiful cities — CNN WORDS BY: TRISHA ANN MARIE F. FONTE Vigan City once again proved its beauty and glory internationally, as it was recognized as one of the most picturesque towns along with other cities in Asia by Cable News Network, published in a travel article, Aug. 28. In her article, Kate Springer described the city as “one of the best places to experience Spanish colonial-era architecture in Asia”. Established by the Spaniards in 1572, Vigan was branded as one of the most scenic and attractive cities in Asia, with its preserved structures which include over 200 homes from the Spanish colonial period along Calle Crisologo, the Syquia Mansion known as Malacañang of the North, the Bantay Bell Tower, the cathedral, and the plaza. The city has never been outlisted from the most visited tourist spots in the country. It is also a United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage city and one of the 2014 seven wonders of the world. Vigan’s tourism office extended its initiatives to assure the maintenance of the beauty and culture of the city with the growing number of visitors in Ilocos Sur. ● WORLD-CLASS BEAUTY. Once included in the 2014 seven wonders of the world, Vigan City continues to create news internationally as it was recognized as one of the most picturesque towns in Asia by Cable News Network. | PHOTOS COURTESY OF: FLICKR and THE SUMMIT EXPRESS 39

NEWS PH Space Agency to pave way for sci-tech revolution WORDS BY: EDWARD GLENN L. BAGUI SPACE IMPACT. The implementation of the Philippine Space Act is expected to make the country space-capable and space-faring for the future years. PHOTO COURTESY OF: RAPPLER Philippines just entered The agency’s main objective sustainability of the short-term and a new phase in science, centers on enhancing all space- long-term targets of the PhilSA. technology, and related activities which focuses on six innovations as President developmental areas: national security “Space is no longer a luxury when Rodrigo Duterte signed Republic and development, hazard management it comes to national development and Act 11363, otherwise known as the and climate studies, space research and security. It’s a necessity,” said Rogel “Philippine Agency Act of 2019”, development, space industry capacity- Marie Sese, a Filipino astrophysicist who which established the Philippine building, space education and awareness, helped craft the law, in an interview. Space Agency (PhilSA), Aug. 8. and international cooperation. The creation of PhilSA made the With an initial fund of one billion An additional fund totaling 10 billion Philippines the sixth country in pesos, PhilSA—the Filipino version of pesos for five years, coming from the Southeast Asia to have its own space NASA—is bound to make the country gross income of Philippine Amusement agency after Indonesia, Malaysia, “space-capable” and “space-faring” for and Gaming Corporation and Bases Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. ● the next years after its implementation Conversion and Development Authority, under the Philippine Space Council. 2 billion pesos every year, will aid the 40

NEWS BEFORE PUBLIC LAUNCH. A series of pilot testing for the national identification card by the Philippine Statistics Authority ensured that the processes are efficient and the systems are fully functional before launching it to the public. | ILLUSTRATION COURTESY OF: RAPPLER PH ID System registration undergoes pilot testing WORDS BY: MIRAFLOR B. PEREZ Before its official public. We want to ensure that based on different geographical start in 2020, the the processes are efficient, the typologies. Philippine Statistics systems are fully functional, and Authority (PSA) all information within the system “We, at the PSA and our conducted a series of pilot are secure,” said Claire Dennis partners in PhilSys, take very testing of registration for Mapa, National Statistician and seriously the responsibility to the Philippine ID System Civil Registrar General. ensure the security and integrity (PhilSys), Sept. 2. of the personal data of Filipinos. Aside from biometric and Given that the PhilSys is a highly The first set who entered the demographic capturing processes, technical and complex program, system were from the National the pilot test also involved we are pushing with multiple pilot Capital Region, particularly the thorough reviews of the data to testing to continuously improve beneficiaries and employees of ensure there will be no duplication the system and level up its security Department of Social Welfare and or generation of unique PhilSys features before launching it to the Development, National Economic numbers, and card printing and public,” Mapa added. and Development Authority, and issuance. Testing the end-to-end PSA. system will be extended until May Registration will be open to 2020. the public by July 2020. Overseas “The PSA sees the utmost Filipinos are targeted to be importance for the PhilSys to first Once the system is stable, registered in 2021. ● undergo a series of pilot testing operations will cover selected before finally launching it to the groups from Regions III and IV-A, 41

features CONTENTS 44 Repurposed. 46 Survivors turned advocates 54 Likha Fablab: Creating an impact in the digital paradigm 58 Sublian Festival: The barako version of worship and devotion 62 Fad and fascination, the Filipino way 66 More than just satisfying your taste buds 70 To deal or not to deal 72 Batangas Film Society 76 A quick guide for on-the-go students 42

80 Backstage stories of University workers 84 Debunking the major misconceptions on students’ majors 88 Someone great behind 92 Samgyeopsal era 98 Escaping the sleep thief 102 Confessions of concert freaks 106 #UnpopularOpinion 108 Freedom of the press: An exposé on silence 43

FEATURES repurposed. WORDS BY: EDMARIE JOY E. PANGANIBAN and MARJUN R. RAYOS | PHOTOS BY: CHRISTIAN L. PADUA Confident. Composed. Collected. These are just some of the things a typical beauty queen has to personify in conquering the pageant scene. Despite being on trembling knees while wearing six-inch stilettos, one still needs to flash the most stunning smile and flaunt a gracious performance to hopefully bring home the most coveted crown. Undoubtedly, physical appearance has become instrumental in how not just the pageant judges, but especially the society, would perceive beauty queens. Prestige comes with patience and pressure. Behind the glitz and glamour, stage lights can be so cruel. In line with Sensus Communis IX’s purpose of celebrating our sense of individuality, here is the story of Mary Grace B. Macaraig, a second year BS Psychology student of the University, who remained dauntless to show off her scars in doing what she loves and chasing all of her pursuits in life. Unbowed. While facing an October 2012 when she she felt a bit different from Laguna for weeks until her immense crowd for half-heartedly embraced others. surgeon told them that most of the beauty queens her fate. “Tandang tanda ko wearing correctional braces means a poised figure and a ‘yun. Ayokong umuwi noon “Kailangan kong magsuot is no longer advisable. They perfect physique, this is not kasi alam kong pagdating ko ng sando, lampin, braces, also tried the chiropractic the case for Grace who at sa bahay, nandoon na ‘yung tapos sando ulit, saka pa ang treatment in Brgy. Balagtas, a relatively young age was brace ko. Kailangan ko na uniform. Ang struggle, 23 underwent several physical diagnosed with scoliosis. s’yang isuot,” she recalled. hours a day kailangan mo exercises in Alabang, and s’yang isuot. Ang tanging are currently in consultation “Grade five, napapansin For Grace, her condition pahinga ko lang [kapag] liligo with medical specialists na nina mommy at daddy na is more than having a na. Kahit tutulog, suot ko s’ya from Batangas Medical parang tabingi nga ang spine sideway curvature of the tapos bawal akong tumagilid Center. ko. Akala nila noon, normal spine—it is a long-term sa pagtulog kaya nakatihaya lang kasi mabigat ang bag ko. reminder that she needs to lang.” Her parents have been so Noong grade six, napansin adjust in certain situations vocal about her condition nilang parang lumalala na even if it doesn’t favor her However, through that and constantly reminded her [kaya] nagpa-check up kami condition. Commuting to unfortunate twist in her that there are sparks of hope noon at na-diagnose ako school everyday especially journey, she also felt and even during the darkest of with scoliosis.” when riding on and off realized the untiring love of hours. She remembered public vehicles turned out her parents. They pursued her father saying, “Hindi, With the fear of struggling challenging for her. She different therapies even if anak, maganda ka. Hindi physically and emotionally, endured back pains, muscle it meant hours of travel, diyan [scoliosis] mame- she was left with no choice tensions, and even bruises financial expenses, and even measure ang kagandahan but to wear correctional as well. Grace admitted that physical fatigue on their mo as a person, hindi lang sa braces as prescribed by it is during these years that part. They were visiting panlabas kundi sa panloob.” her physician. It was a resident manghihilot in 44

FEATURES Unbroken. Unbent. What was supposedly a scratch—learning the basics mere try of luck turned and undergoing a difficult yet Grace searched for ‘yung gitara pero passion ko out as a turning point for Grace rewarding process. deeper reasons to ‘yung ginagawa ko kaya kahit when she was encouraged by endure until she found mahirap, alam kong masaya her college friends to join their This milestone opened more herself inside the four ako. Masarap din kasing makita college’s search for Mr. and opportunities for Grace as corners of St. Bridget sa crowd na nanonood na Ms. Beauticology 2018 wherein she represented her college College’s auditorium as they are having fun watching she eventually emerged as first in last year’s Spartan Youth an active member of their you,” she shared. runner-up. Ambassador and Ambassadress Institutional Culture and Arts and was awarded as Darling of Program (ICAP). She learned More than the personal She admitted that she was the Crowd in their ROTC ball. to play several musical recognitions and accolades crippled by her insecurities at instruments such as guitar she received in her six years first, considering her physical “Dati naiyak talaga ako. Sabi and the marimba, a wooden with ICAP, Grace became condition and inexperience in ko sa sarili, kapangit ko naman, version of xylophone. more committed to her faith such competition. However, hindi ako normal, hindi pantay to the Almighty. what really helped her the most [ang likod ko]. Sabi ko sa sarili, Aside from the opportunity in succeeding in the pageant buti pa ‘yung ibang tao, kayang to showcase her artistry “Dati kasi nagtatanong is her trainer and handler who magsuot ng body-fitted dress. through recitals and ako why in a million of happens to have scoliosis, too. Ako, hindi kasi feeling ko baka concerts, this performing arts people, ako. Pero ngayon, ma-judge lang ako.” organization brought out the nasasabi ko na lang sa sarili “Hindi kawalan na may best in her and helped her kong kaya ko pala. Yung mga scoliosis ka. Magbibigay pa Through all the ups and view things from a different bagay na pumipigil sa akin ‘yun sa’yo ng inspiration para downs, twists and turns that perspective. noon, nakikita ko na as an ma-realize mo that you are a she has went through, Grace opportunity para mapagbuti deserving person to win the emphasized that scoliosis is not “Noong junior high ang sarili ko. I know I am title,” her mentor told her. a disability. Instead, it served school ako, kapag magpe- living a life that God has as an opportunity for her to perform kami, mabigat wanted for me.” Her preparations prior to realize that she is capable of the pageant were not just doing more noble things for physically draining as these herself, for her family, and for include duck walks while those who believe in her. wearing six-inch heels. Compared to her batchmates “Ikaw mismo sa buhay mo, during those sessions who you are living with a purpose. are already regarded as You are existing because you seasoned personalities on the have a purpose and whatever spotlight, she started from the purpose it may be, you still have a great life to live.” Oftentimes, we don’t fit in the conventional standards of society because of our flaws and shortcomings. But if we start appreciating our scars more than concealing them, we can conquer what others perceive of us and eventually live our lives to their fullest. ● 45

FEATURES From misfortunes to missions: Survivors turned advocates WORDS BY: XAVIER M. TOMAS | PHOTOS BY: BRYAN JED C. BAROLA and XAVIER M. TOMAS Y ou cannot just stop breathing and you’ve been forming questions in your mind that consume the life out of you. Never even think about it. Consider yourself as one of the world’s greatest assets, for who knows we might only have one shot to live. This is a glimpse in the story of three personalities who have battled the tides of chance and the hands of time in pursuit of what they are presently fighting for. 46


FEATURES “You want to get back into the world, but you have to go through things. One RYAN of the things that I really valued was just the idea of living by the day so you FERNANDEZ don’t have to worry about what’s going to happen next week, month, or year. Just be grateful for today.” President, Corridor of Hope Inc. Back in February 2007, Ryan Fernandez lived an ordinary life in the United States after graduating from Fordham University, New York with a degree in Fine Arts. He would work in an art gallery during the day and consume tireless hours of waiting tables at night. It was an unhealthy phase of his life. During his vacation in Manila, he noticed a lump right above his chest and was then advised by his colleague to get himself checked. The diagnosis read stage 2B Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, a cancer of the lymphatic system. Processing it all out, he pursued chemotherapy at St. Luke’s Medical Center, Quezon City under the observation of Dra. Charity Gorospe, one of the top oncologists therewith. He and his family were worried by the cons that chemo poses on patients but seeded hope in the fact that this type of cancer is highly curable. His treatment was not as dark as how society deems it may be and he also gained the strength he needed from his support system. Gratefully, his journey was supported by doctors who encouraged supplementation which aid in speeding up even the littlest of progress. For some time, he felt disheartened for not being able to continue his career in the US, but after six months of long cycles and sessions, he was back on his feet and secured a temporary job as a lecturer of Literature at St. Paul College-Pasig. 48

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