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Home Explore Grade 1 English Story Kids

Grade 1 English Story Kids

Published by White House Farm Barn Wedding, 2023-07-15 18:10:12

Description: Grade 1 English Story Kids


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Table of Contents Lesson Plan ................................................................... 3 Alphabet........................................................................ 6 Story .......................................................................... 8 Quiz ......................................................................... 11 Phonics........................................................................ 17 Story ........................................................................ 19 Quiz ......................................................................... 22 Vocabulary .................................................................. 29 Story ........................................................................ 31 Quiz ......................................................................... 34 Grammar ..................................................................... 41 Story ........................................................................ 43 Quiz ......................................................................... 46 Reading ....................................................................... 53 Story ........................................................................ 55 Quiz ......................................................................... 58 Writing ........................................................................ 64 Story ........................................................................ 66 Quiz ......................................................................... 68 Listening ..................................................................... 75 Story ........................................................................ 77 Quiz ......................................................................... 80 1

Speaking ..................................................................... 86 Story ........................................................................ 88 Quiz ......................................................................... 91 Conversation ............................................................... 96 Story ........................................................................ 98 Quiz ....................................................................... 100 Culture ...................................................................... 105 Story ...................................................................... 107 Quiz ....................................................................... 110 2

Lesson Plan ❖Alphabet: Introduce the English alphabet and help students learn the names and sounds of each letter. ❖Phonics: Teach students how to read and pronounce basic words by introducing them to phonics rules and practicing phonetic sounds. ❖Vocabulary: Introduce new words and help students learn their meanings, spelling, and usage. ❖Grammar: Teach basic grammar concepts such as sentence structure, parts of speech, and punctuation. ❖Reading: Introduce students to simple reading materials such as stories and rhymes and encourage 3

them to read aloud and practice reading comprehension. ❖Writing: Teach basic writing skills such as handwriting, spelling, and sentence formation. Encourage students to write short stories, sentences, and paragraphs. ❖Listening: Help students improve their listening skills by engaging them in activities such as listening to songs, stories, and poems. ❖Speaking: Encourage students to speak in English by engaging them in activities such as role plays, dialogues, and speeches. ❖Conversation: Teach students how to engage in basic conversations by introducing them to basic conversational phrases and sentence patterns. 4

❖Culture: Introduce students to the culture and customs of English-speaking countries by engaging them in activities such as storytelling, songs, and crafts. 5

Alphabet 6


Story Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Alice who loved to explore. One day, she decided to go on an adventure to learn about the letters of the alphabet. As Alice walked through the forest, she came across a big, furry bear. The bear looked friendly, so Alice said hello and asked if he knew the alphabet. The bear replied, \"Of course I do! A is for apple, B is for bear, C is for cat, and so on.\" Alice was thrilled and asked the bear to teach her the rest of the letters. They walked through the forest together, and the bear taught Alice a word for each letter of the alphabet. Alice repeated each word after the bear, trying to remember them all. 8

As they walked, Alice saw a bird flying in the sky. \"What letter does bird start with?\" she asked the bear. \"B for bird,\" he replied. They continued on until Alice saw a snake slithering across their path. \"What letter does snake start with?\" she asked the bear. \"S for snake,\" he replied. Alice was getting better and better at remembering the letters and the words that went with them. They came across a river, and Alice saw a fish swimming. \"What letter does fish start with?\" she asked the bear. \"F for fish,\" he replied. Finally, they came to the end of the alphabet, and Alice proudly recited all the letters and the words that went with them. The bear was impressed and said, \"Well 9

done, Alice! You know the alphabet now. Keep practicing and you'll become an expert!\" Alice thanked the bear for his help and continued on her adventure, feeling proud and excited to know all the letters of the alphabet. From then on, she made sure to practice every day to keep her alphabet knowledge sharp. 10

Quiz 01. What is the name of the little girl in the story? A) Sarah B) Alice C) Emily D) Lily 02. What did Alice want to learn about? A) Numbers B) Animals C) Colors D) The alphabet 03. Who did Alice meet in the forest? A) A rabbit B) A bear C) A fox D) A bird 04. What was the bear's response when Alice asked if he knew the alphabet? A) \"No, sorry.\" B) \"Of course I do!\" 11

C) \"I'm not sure, let's learn together.\" D) \"I don't feel like teaching today.\" 05. What word did the bear teach Alice for the letter A? A) Apple B) Ant C) Alligator D) Airplane 06. What word did the bear teach Alice for the letter B? A) Bear B) Bird C) Butterfly D) Banana 07. What word did the bear teach Alice for the letter C? A) Car B) Cat C) Cow D) Cake 08. What did Alice ask the bear when she saw a snake? 12

A) \"What letter does snake start with?\" B) \"What color is the snake?\" C) \"What sound does the snake make?\" D) \"Can we pet the snake?\" 09. What letter does the word \"fish\" start with? A) F B) G C) H D) I 10. What did the bear say when Alice recited all the letters of the alphabet? A) \"You did it!\" B) \"That's correct.\" C) \"You're almost there.\" D) \"Let's try again.\" 11. What did Alice do after she learned the alphabet? 13

A) She went home. B) She went to bed. C) She continued practicing. D) She forgot everything. 12. What did the bear teach Alice for the letter D? A) Dog B) Donut C) Dolphin D) Dragon 13. What did Alice see flying in the sky? A) A bird B) A plane C) A kite D) A cloud 14. What did Alice see swimming in the river? A) A fish B) A duck C) A turtle D) A frog 15. What letter does the word \"snake\" start with? A) S B) T C) R D) U 14

16. How did Alice feel after learning all the letters of the alphabet? A) Bored B) Excited C) Tired D) Confused 17. What did Alice and the bear walk through together? A) A forest B) A city C) A desert D) A beach 18. What did Alice practice after she learned the alphabet? A) Her dance moves B) Her singing voice C) Her writing skills D) Her math skills 19. What letter does the word \"bear\" start with? 15

A) B B) C C) A D) D 20. What did Alice say to the bear at the end of the story? A) \"Thank you for your help.\" B) \"I don't want to learn anymore.\" C) \"I'm bored.\" D) \"Can we do this again tomorrow?\" 16

Phonics 17


Story Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Jack who loved to read. He would spend hours in his room reading books, but he found it difficult to pronounce some of the words correctly. One day, his teacher introduced him to the concept of phonics and helped him learn how to read and pronounce words accurately. Phonics is a method of teaching people how to read and pronounce words by breaking them down into smaller sounds called phonemes. Each phoneme represents a unique sound that can be combined with other sounds to form words. Jack's teacher started by teaching him the sounds of the letters of the alphabet. She showed him how to make each sound and asked him to repeat after her. Jack 19

enjoyed making the sounds and found it easy to remember them. Next, Jack's teacher taught him about vowel sounds. She showed him how to pronounce the short and long sounds of each vowel, and then gave him examples of words that contained those sounds. Jack practiced saying the words and was excited to find that he could read them more accurately. Jack's teacher also taught him about consonant blends and digraphs. She showed him how to blend two or more consonant sounds together, such as \"bl\" in \"blue\" or \"dr\" in \"drink.\" She also showed him how to recognize digraphs, which are two letters that together represent one sound, such as \"ch\" in \"chair\" or \"sh\" in \"ship.\" 20

To practice his phonics skills, Jack's teacher gave him worksheets with different words and phonics exercises. Jack enjoyed doing the worksheets and found that his reading skills improved quickly. Thanks to his teacher's help, Jack became a confident reader and was able to pronounce words accurately. He even started writing his own stories and reading them out loud to his classmates. The end. 21

Quiz 1. What is the name of the main character in the story? A) Alice B) Jack C) Sarah D) Emily 2. What is phonics? A) A method of teaching people how to write B) A method of teaching people how to read and pronounce words C) A method of teaching people how to speak a foreign language D) A method of teaching people how to do math 3. What are phonemes? A) Smaller words that make up larger words 22

B) Smaller sounds that make up words C) Letters of the alphabet D) Punctuation marks 4. What did Jack find difficult about reading? A) Understanding the meaning of words B) Pronouncing some of the words correctly C) Memorizing the words in a book D) Reading quickly 5. What did Jack's teacher teach him first about phonics? A) The sounds of the letters of the alphabet B) The sounds of the vowels C) The sounds of the consonants D) The sounds of the blends and digraphs 6. What are vowel sounds? 23

A) Sounds made by consonants B) Sounds made by vowels C) Sounds made by punctuation marks D) Sounds made by numbers 7. How many vowel sounds are there? A) 2 B) 5 C) 10 D) 26 8. What are consonant blends? A) Two letters that together represent one sound B) Two or more consonant sounds blended together C) Two words combined to form a new word D) Two vowels that together represent one sound 9. What are digraphs? 24

A) Two letters that together represent one sound B) Two or more consonant sounds blended together C) Two words combined to form a new word D) Two vowels that together represent one sound 10. What is an example of a consonant blend? A) \"sh\" in \"ship\" B) \"ch\" in \"chair\" C) \"bl\" in \"blue\" D) \"a\" in \"cat\" 11. What is an example of a digraph? A) \"bl\" in \"blue\" B) \"ch\" in \"chair\" C) \"a\" in \"cat\" D) \"b\" in \"bat\" 25

12. What did Jack's teacher give him to practice his phonics skills? A) Toys B) Puzzles C) Worksheets D) Art supplies 13. Did Jack enjoy doing the phonics worksheets? A) Yes B) No 14. Did Jack's reading skills improve after he started learning phonics? A) Yes B) No 15. What did Jack start doing after he became a confident reader? A) Writing his own stories B) Drawing pictures C) Playing video games D) Watching TV 26

16. What did Jack read out loud to his classmates? A) His homework assignments B) His favorite books C) His own stories D) The dictionary 17. What was the main benefit of learning phonics for Jack? A) He learned how to write stories B) He learned how to speak a foreign language C) He became a confident reader D) He learned how to solve math problems 18. What did Jack find easy to remember? A) The meaning of words B) The sounds of the letters of the alphabet C) The sounds of the consonants 27

D) The sounds of the blends and digraphs 19. How did Jack's teacher teach him the sounds of the letters of the alphabet? A) By showing him pictures B) By using flashcards C) By singing songs D) By reading books aloud 20. What is the goal of phonics instruction? A) To help students learn how to write B) To help students learn how to speak a foreign language C) To help students become confident readers and spellers D) To help students learn how to do math 28

Vocabulary 29


Story Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to explore the world around her. One day, she decided to take a walk in the forest and she came across a small pond. Lily noticed that there were many different creatures living in and around the pond. She saw a frog hopping along the shore, a dragonfly buzzing through the air, and a snail slowly making its way across a lily pad. As Lily watched these creatures, she realized that she didn't know the names for many of them. So, she decided to ask her mom to help her learn some new vocabulary words. Her mom was happy to help, and together they learned the names for all the different creatures. They also 31

learned some other new words that described the things they saw in the forest, such as \"shimmering\" to describe the way the sun reflected off the water, and \"rustling\" to describe the sound of leaves blowing in the wind. As Lily continued her walk through the forest, she began to use her new vocabulary words to describe the things she saw. She told her mom about the \"hoppy\" frog and the \"buzzing\" dragonfly. Her mom was impressed with how well Lily was using her new words! By the end of the day, Lily had learned many new words and felt more confident in her ability to communicate about the world around her. From that day on, she continued to explore the world with a curious and vocabulary-rich mindset. 32

The end. 33

Quiz 1. What is the name of the little girl in the story? a) Sarah b) Lily c) Emma d) Sophia 2. What did Lily find in the forest? a) A river b) A pond c) A lake d) A stream 3. What did Lily see hopping along the shore of the pond? a) A snail b) A frog c) A dragonfly d) A bird 4. What did Lily notice about the creatures living in and around the pond? a) She didn't recognize any of them. b) They were all the same color. 34

c) They were all very big. d) They were all very small. 5. Who helped Lily learn some new vocabulary words? a) Her dad b) Her grandma c) Her mom d) Her friend 6. What word did Lily learn to describe the way the sun reflected off the water? a) Shimmering b) Sparkling c) Glowing d) Reflecting 7. What word did Lily learn to describe the sound of leaves blowing in the wind? a) Rustling b) Crinkling c) Flapping d) Thumping 35

8. What was Lily's reaction when she realized she didn't know the names for many of the creatures she saw? a) She got scared and ran away. b) She started crying. c) She asked her mom to help her. d) She ignored them and kept walking. 9. How did Lily feel after she learned some new vocabulary words? a) Nervous b) Confused c) Excited d) Bored 10. What did Lily use her new vocabulary words to describe? a) The creatures in the forest b) The weather 36

c) Her clothes d) Her toys 11. What word did Lily use to describe the frog? a) Buzzing b) Rustling c) Shimmering d) Hoppy 12. What did Lily's mom think about her daughter's use of new vocabulary words? a) She was impressed. b) She was angry. c) She was disappointed. d) She didn't care. 13. How did Lily explore the world after learning some new vocabulary words? a) With a curious and vocabulary-rich mindset. b)With a boring and uninterested mindset. c) With a scared and nervous mindset. 37

d)With a rude and mean mindset. 14. What did Lily and her mom learn about the creatures living in and around the pond? a) Their names. b) Their colors. c) Their sizes. d) Their shapes. 15. What did Lily learn about the dragonfly? a) It was hopping along the shore of the pond. b)It was making a rustling sound. c) It was buzzing through the air. d)It was slowly making its way across a lily pad. 16. What did Lily notice about the sun? a) It was very bright. b) It was very hot. 38

c) It was reflecting off the water. d) It was hiding behind the clouds. 17. What did Lily hear when she walked through the forest? a) The sound of leaves blowing in the wind. b) The sound of cars driving by. c) The sound of people talking. d) The sound of music playing. 18. What did Lily think about the creatures she saw in the forest? a) She didn't like them. b) She was scared of them. c) She was curious about them. d) She didn't care about them. 39

19. What did Lily do after she learned the names of the creatures in the forest? a) She kept walking without saying anything. b)She used her new vocabulary words to describe the creatures. c) She forgot the names of the creatures. d)She went back home. 20. What is the main lesson that Lily learned in the story? a) To be afraid of the creatures in the forest. b)To ask for help when she doesn't know something. c) To ignore the world around her. d)To be rude to others. 40

Grammar 41


Story Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Sally. Sally loved to play with her friends at the park. One day, she wanted to invite her friends to a tea party at her house. Sally thought about what she wanted to say to her friends. She knew she needed to use sentences so her friends would understand her invitation. First, Sally thought about the parts of a sentence. A sentence needs a subject and a verb. The subject is who or what the sentence is about, and the verb is the action the subject is doing. Sally decided her sentence would be, \"I am having a tea party.\" \"I\" is the subject, and \"am having\" is the verb. 43

But Sally knew her sentence wasn't complete. She needed to add more information so her friends knew when and where the tea party was. Sally added more to her sentence, \"I am having a tea party on Saturday at my house.\" Now her friends knew the date and location of the party. Sally also knew she needed to use punctuation so her friends could understand where one sentence ended and another began. She added a period at the end of her sentence. Sally's sentence was now complete: \"I am having a tea party on Saturday at my house.\" Sally's friends were very excited to come to her tea party, and Sally was happy she could communicate her 44

invitation clearly using sentences, parts of speech, and punctuation. 45

Quiz 1. What is the name of the little girl in the story? a) Sarah b) Sally c) Samantha d) Susie 2. What does Sally love to do with her friends? a) Play video games b) Play sports c) Play at the park d) Watch TV 3. What does Sally want to invite her friends to? a) A sleepover b) A movie c) A tea party d) A concert 4. Why does Sally need to use sentences? a) So her friends can understand her invitation b) So she can be polite 46

c) So she can practice grammar d) So she can show off her writing skills 5. What are the two parts a sentence needs? a) A subject and a verb b) A noun and a verb c) A verb and an object d) An adjective and an adverb 6. What is the subject of Sally's sentence? a) The tea party b) Sally's friends c) Sally d) The park 7. What is the verb of Sally's sentence? a) Invite b) Play c) Have d) Understand 8. What else did Sally need to add to her sentence? a) More verbs b) More adjectives 47

c) More nouns d) More information 9. What does Sally add to her sentence to let her friends know when the tea party is? a) The day of the week b) The time of day c) The month d) The year 10. What does Sally add to her sentence to let her friends know where the tea party is? a) The park b) The movie theater c) Her house d) The library 11. What does Sally need to use to show where one sentence ends and another begins? 48

a) Punctuation b) Emojis c) Capital letters d) Underlining 12. What does Sally add at the end of her sentence? a) An exclamation mark b) A question mark c) A period d) A comma 13. What does Sally's sentence look like with the added information? a) \"I am having a tea party.\" b) \"I am having a tea party on Saturday.\" c) \"I am having a tea party at my house.\" d) \"I am having a tea party on Saturday at my house.\" 49

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