K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas10 Bahasa Indonesia Bab 01 - Laporan Hasil Observasi - Soal Doc. Name: RK13AR10IND0101 Version : 2016-09 halaman 1 Alunan nada yang membentuk harmonisasi Teks di atas melaporkan .... lagu menggema di halaman kampus Universitas Padjdjaran Jln. Dipati Ukur (A) keganasan ribuan tikus Bandung, Senin (27/8) siang, lebih dari (B) ketakutan penduduk desa sepuluh ribu pasang tangan memainkan alat (C) keadaan suatu perkampungan musik tradisional angklung dan memanjakan (D) kondisi tamanan di suatu tempat ribuan pasang telinga yang mendengarnya. (E) kehidupan penduduk pedesaan Ribuan mahasiswa baru dari Civitas academica Unpad memainkan alat musik tradisional 04. (1) perumusan masalah angklung. Mereka begitu kompak. Permainan (2) latar belakang masalah mereka begitu memukau para penonton. (3) sistematika pembahasan Acara yang merupakan rangkaian acara Dies (4) prosedur pemecahan masalah Natalis ke-50 Unpad itu membuat Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Jero Wacik itu Sistematika penulisan pendahuluan untuk ikut terpukau. laporan adalah .... 01. Berdasarkan isi, teks di atas tergolong ke dalam jenis …. (A) (1)-(3)-(2)-(4) (A) laporan peristiwa (B) (2)-(1)-(4)-(3) (B) laporan pandangan mata (C) (2)-(3)-(1)-(4) (C) leporan bersama (D) (3)-(2)-(4)-(1) (D) laporan perjalanan (E) (4)-(1)-(2)-(3) (E) laporan ilmiah 05. Pilihlah satu jawaban yang benar. 02. Sekitar dua ratus pelajar SMA, SMK, dan sederajat, berkumpul di depan kantor PDAM Beberapa waktu yang lalu, terjadi kebakaran Bandung, Jalan Badaksinga, Minggu (12/8). di perumahan dekat lingkungan sekolahku. Setelah melakukan beberapa persiapan, Terjadinya malam hari, di saat orang-orang kelornpok pelajar ini melakukan pawai sedang lelap tertidur. Aku mengetahui berita melewati Taman Cikapayang, menyusuri itu melalui Berita Pagi di televisi. Ketika itu, Jalan Ir. H. Juanda, menuju Bandung Indah aku tengah bersiap-siap ke sekolah. Aku Plaza (BIP). sangat terkejut. Di daerah itu, banyak rumah Teks di atas tergolong jenis laporan karena …. temanku. Dalam hati aku berharap, tidak ada (A) banyak menyajikan fakta temanku yang terkena musibah itu. (B) mengemukakan sejumlah alasan (C) menggunakan pendapat Cuplikan di atas merupakan laporan (D) bertujuan membujuk orang lain pengamatan karena .... (E) memuat fakta dan pendapat (A) menyajikan tema, tokoh, alur 03. Setiap malam, berpuluh ribu tikus menyerbu (B) menyatakan fakta-takta langsung desa-desa di Kecamatan Pracimantoro. (C) mengungkap tokoh, latar, rangkaian Segala macam tanaman, bahkan pohon petai (D) memadukan rangkaian peristiwa dan cina yang sudah tua, habis digerogoti tikus. Binatang piaraan seperti ayam, kambing, dan tokoh sapi, tidak luput dari serangan tikus yang (E) mengemukakan sejumlah fakta yang ganas itu. Apalagi bahan makanan. Memang itu yang dicari. Semuanya habis tandas diperoleh melalui kegiatan pengamatan ditelan tikus. Bahkan penduduk beberapa desa terpaksa diungsikan karena ketakutan. Sampai sekarang masih ada orang yang tidak mau pulang ke kampung halamannya. Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 5276 ke menu search. Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas 10 Bahasa Indonesia, Bab 01 - Laporan Hasil Observasi - Soal doc. name: RK13AR10IND0101 version : 2016-09 | halaman 2 06. Tak seorang juga yang dapat sungguh- 08. Alunan nada yang membentuk harmonisasi sungguh tidur sepanjang malam, dan ketika lagu menggema di halaman kampus bunyi kokok ayam hutan berderai-derai Universitas Padjdjaran Jln. Dipati Ukur menandakan dini hari telah dekat, mereka Bandung, Senin (27/8) siang, lebih dari pun segera bangun. Kini mereka sepuluh ribu pasang tangan memainkan alat memandangi rimba sekelilingnya dengan musik tradisional angklung dan memanjakan lebih awas dan cermat. Mereka memasak air ribuan pasang telinga yang mendengarnya. dan makan, mengambil air sembahyang, Ribuan mahasiswa baru dari Civitas academica dengan selalu sebagian utama pancaindra Unpad memainkan alat musik tradisional mereka memeriksa dan mengamati rimba di angklung. Mereka begitu kompak. Permainan sekelilingnya. Rimba yang kini mengandung mereka begitu memukau para penonton. ancaman dan rnaut. Acara yang merupakan rangkaian acara Dies Natalis ke-50 Unpad itu membuat Menteri Teks di atas disusun dengan pola .... Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Jero Wacik itu ikut terpukau. (A) kronologis Peristiwa yang dilaporkan dalan teks di atas (B) spasial adalah …. (C) tematis (D) deduktif (A) permainan angklung (E) induktif (B) harmonisasi lagu (C) kehadiran seorang menteri 07. Pembahasan laporan ini penulis awali dengan (D) keterpukauan penonton mengetengahkan masalah yang berkaitan (E) kecakapan para mahasiswa dengan peranan pelajar dalam menciptakan kamtibmas. Secara umum, pelajar merupakan 09. Rupanya kece patan angin sangat bagian dari masyarakat. Oleh karena itu. mempengaruhi volume suara kincir. Makin pelajar tidak mungkin terlepas dari tanggung keras angin bertiup, makin cepat baling- jawab dalam kamtibnas, baik secara langsung baling kincir berputar. Gesekan sumbu kincir maupun tidak langsung. Pembahasan tersebut pun bertambah keras. akan dibatasi ruang lingkupnya. Informasi utama yang dikemukakan dalam penggalan laporan pengamatan di atas .... Pertanyaan yang sesuai dengan pendahuluan di atas adalah .... (A) jenis-jenis kecepatan angin (B) pengaruh kecepatan angin terhadap kincir (A) Benarkah remaja merupakan bagian dari masyarakat? angin (C) hubungan antara kecepatan angin dengan (B) Umur berapakah seseorang dapat dikelompokkan sebagai remaja? perputaran kincir angin (D) tiupan angin yang dapat menyebabkan (C) Apakah remaja senang bersikap acuh tak acuh terhadap kamtibmas? berputarnya kincir angin (E) gesekan sumbu kincir sebagai akibat dari (D) Kapankah remaja harus berperan langsung dalam menciptakan tiupan angin kamtibmas? (E) Bagaimanakah hubungan antara remaja dan orang tua dalam menciptakan kamtibmas? Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 5276 ke menu search. Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
Persiapan Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS) Ganjil Doc. Name: RK13AR10IND01PAS Version : 2016-12 | halaman 1 01. Alunan nada yang membentuk harmonisasi 03. Setiap malam, berpuluh ribu tikus menyerbu lagu menggema di halaman kampus desa-desa di Kecamatan Pracimantoro. Universitas Padjadjaran Jln. Dipati Ukur Segala macam tanaman, bahkan pohon petai Bandung, Senin (27/8) siang. Lebih dari cina yang sudah tua, habis digerogoti tikus. sepuluh ribu pasang tangan memainkan alat Binatang piaraan seperti ayam, kambing, dan musik tradisional angklung dan memanjakan sapi, tidak luput dari serangan tikus yang ribuan pasang telinga yang mendengarnya. ganas itu. Apalagi bahan makanan. Memang Ribuan mahasiswa baru dari civitas academica itu yang dicari. Semuanya habis tandas Unpad memainkan alat musik tradisional ditelan tikus. Bahkan penduduk beberapa angklung. Mereka begitu kompak. Permainan desa terpaksa diungsikan karena ketakutan. mereka begitu memukau para penonton. Sampai sekarang masih ada orang yang tidak Acara yang merupakan rangkaian acara Dies mau pulang ke kampung halamannya. Natalis ke-50 Unpad itu membuat Menteri kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Jero Wacik itu Teks di atas melaporkan .... ikut terpukau. (A) keganasan ribuan tikus Berdasarkan isi, teks di atas tergolong ke da- (B) ketakutan penduduk desa lam jenis …. (C) keadaan suatu perkampungan (D) kondisi tamanan di suatu tempat (A) laporan peristiwa (E) kehidupan penduduk pedesaan (B) laporan pandangan mata (C) laporan bersama 04. (1) perumusan masalah (D) laporan perjalanan (2) latar belakang masalah (E) laporan ilmiah (3) sistematika pembahasan (4) prosedur pemecahan masalah 02. Sekitar dua ratus pelajar SMA, SMK, dan sederajat, berkumpul di depan kantor PDAM Sistematika penulisan pendahuluan untuk Bandung, Jalan Badaksinga, Minggu (12/8). laporan adalah .... Setelah melakukan beberapa persiapan, ke- (A) (1)-(3)-(2)-(4) lompok pelajar ini melakukan pawai (B) (2)-(1)-(4)-(3) melewati Taman Cikapayang, menyusuri (C) (2)-(3)-(1)-(4) Jalan Ir. H. Juanda, menuju Bandung Indah (D) (3)-(2)-(4)-(1) Plaza (BIP). (E) (4)-(1)-(2)-(3) Teks di atas tergolong jenis laporan karena …. (A) banyak menyajikan fakta (B) mengemukakan sejumlah alasan (C) menggunakan pendapat (D) bertujuan membujuk orang lain (E) memuat fakta dan pendapat Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 5862 ke menu search. Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas 10 Bahasa Indonesia, Persiapan Penilaian Akhir Semester Ganjil doc. name: RK13AR10IND01PAS version : 2016-12 | halaman 2 05. Pilihlah satu jawaban yang benar! 07. Pembahasan laporan ini penulis awali dengan mengetengahkan masalah yang berkaitan Beberapa waktu yang lalu, terjadi kebakaran dengan peranan pelajar dalam menciptakan di perumahan dekat lingkungan sekolahku. kamtibmas. Secara umum, pelajar merupakan Terjadinya malam hari, di saat orang-orang bagian dari masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, sedang lelap tertidur. Aku mengetahui berita pelajar tidak mungkin terlepas dari tanggung itu melalui Berita Pagi di televisi. Ketika itu, jawab dalam kamtibmas, baik secara langsung aku tengah bersiap-siap ke sekolah. Aku maupun tidak langsung. Pembahasan tersebut sangat terkejut. Di daerah itu, banyak rumah akan dibatasi ruang lingkupnya. temanku. Dalam hati aku berharap, tidak ada temanku yang terkena musibah itu. Pertanyaan yang sesuai dengan pendahuluan di atas adalah .... Cuplikan di atas merupakan laporan pengamatan karena .... (A) Benarkah remaja merupakan bagian dari masyarakat? (A) menyajikan tema, tokoh, alur (B) menyatakan fakta-fakta langsung (B) Umur berapakah seseorang dapat di- (C) mengungkap tokoh, latar, rangkaian kelompokkan sebagai remaja? peristiwa (C) Apakah remaja sering bersikap acuh tak (D) memadukan rangkaian peristiwa dan acuh terhadap kamtibmas? tokoh (D) Kapankah remaja harus berperan lang- (E) mengemukakan sejumlah fakta yang sung dalam menciptakan kamtib-mas? diperoleh melalui kegiatan pengamatan (E) Bagaimanakah hubungan antara remaja dan orang tua dalam menciptakan 06. Tak seorang juga yang dapat sungguh- kamtibmas? sungguh tidur sepanjang malam dan ketika bunyi kokok ayam hutan berderai-derai 08. Prosa baru yang menceritakan kehidupan menandakan dini hari telah dekat, mereka sehari-hari tokoh yang mengalami konflik pun segera bangun. Kini mereka sehingga menyebabkan perubahan nasib memandangi rimba sekelilingnya dengan pada tokoh disebut dengan .... lebih awas dan cermat. Mereka memasak air dan makan, mengambil air sembahyang, (A) cerpen dengan selalu sebagian utama pancaindra (B) novel mereka memeriksa dan mengamati rimba di (C) puisi sekelilingnya. Rimba yang kini mengandung (D) hikayat ancaman dan maut. (E) prosa Teks di atas disusun dengan pola .... 09. Karya sastra yang mengandung unsur-unsur dialog di dalamnya disebut dengan .... (A) kronologis (B) spasial (A) drama (C) tematis (B) cerpen (D) deduktif (C) puisi (E) induktif (D) prosa (E) mantra 10. Karya sastra lama yang berisi kehidupan para raja (seputar istana sentris) disebut juga dengan .... (A) hikayat (B) puisi (C) gurindam (D) talibun (E) bidal Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 5862 ke menu search. Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas 10 Bahasa Indonesia, Persiapan Penilaian Akhir Semester Ganjil doc. name: RK13AR10IND01PAS version : 2016-12 | halaman 3 11. Nilai yang berkaitan dengan baik buruknya 15. Hanya ini saja yang saya miliki perilaku seseorang disebut dengan .... Kalimat tersebut bisa menjadi kalimat efektif jika …. (A) nilai estetika (B) nilai agama (A) kata saja dihilangkan (C) nilai sosial (B) kata ini dihilangkan (D) nilai rasa (C) ditambahkan kata ada di antara kata saya (E) nilai moral dan miliki 12. Kalimat yang menyampaikan atau (D) menggunakan tanda seru di akhir kalimat menginformasikan pesan/ide secara tepat (E) ditambahkan kata yang di antara kata dan tidak menimbulkan salah tafsir disebut dengan …. hanya dan ini (A) kalimat spontan 16. Pada waktu itu mengadakan lomba di sekolahku. (B) kalimat majemuk setara Agar kalimat tersebut menjadi kalimat efektif, (C) kalimat majemuk bertingkat diubah menjadi … (D) kalimat efektif (E) kalimat nonefektif (A) Di sekolahku akan mengadakan lomba pada waktu itu. 13. Di antara kalimat-kalimat berikut yang termasuk kalimat efektif adalah ... (B) Akan mengadakan lomba pada waktu itu di sekolahku. (A) Adik menangis dengan meraung-raung suaranya terdengar sangat keras sekali. (C) Di sekolahku pada waktu itu akan mengadakan lomba. (B) Muai bulan depan jalanan akan ditutup sehingga dengan demikian orang-orang (D) Pada waktu itu diadakan lomba di tidak bisa lagi lewat. sekolahku. (C) Saya akan pergi ke Bali melainkan pergi (E) Pada waktu itu belum diadakan lomba di ke Cilacap tertebih dahulu. sekolahku. (D) Badannya sangat gemuk sehingga sangat 17. Berdasarkan masalah yang dihadapi, penulis sulit untuk berlari. tergerak untuk menemukan penyebab meningkatnya kenakalan remaja akhir-akhir (E) Banyak anak-anak menyeberang ini. sembarangan padahal kendaraan melaju sangat kencang. Perbaikan kata untuk kata bercetak tebal adalah …. 14. Ciri-ciri kalimat efektif adalah sebagai berikut, kecuali .... (A) bertujuan (B) berdiskusi (A) mengandung satu gagasan pokok (C) berbagi (B) informatif (mengandung informasi (D) berkeinginan (E) berkewajiban penting) (C) strukturnya baku (D) mengandung makna ambigu (E) ditulis dengan berpedoman pada EYD Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 5862 ke menu search. Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas 10 Bahasa Indonesia, Persiapan Penilaian Akhir Semester Ganjil doc. name: RK13AR10IND01PAS version : 2016-12 | halaman 4 18. Bacalah paragraf esai berikut! 19. Bacalah kutipan cerita berikut dengan saksama! Siapa yang tidak ingin bekerja? Orangtua membiayai anaknya sekolah sampai tingkat Tatkala aku masuk sekolah Mulo, demikian tinggi, bahkan kalau mampu hingga bertitel fasih lidahku dalam bahasa Belanda sehingga profesor doktor. Tujuannya, agar dapat orang yang hanya mendengarkanku berbicara bekerja dan mencari nafkah. Akan tetapi, jika dan tidak melihat aku, mengira aku anak si anak sekolahnya gagal, orangtua pasti Belanda. Aku pun bertambah lama marah dan kecewa. Bukankah orangtua rela bertambah percaya pula bahwa aku anak membiayai pendidikan agar anaknya hidup Belanda. Sungguh hari-hari ini makin bahagia? ditebalkan pula oleh tingkah laku orang tuaku yang berupaya sepenuh daya menyesuaikan Hal yang diungkapkan dalam kutipan esai diri dengan lenggak-lenggok orang Belanda. tersebut adalah …. (Kenang-kenangan oleh Abdul Gani AK.) (A) Para orangtua menginginkan anak mereka bersekolah agar mudah Watak tokoh “aku” dalam penggalan cerita mendapatkan pekerjaan tersebut adalah …. (B) Orangtua pasti marah dan kecewa jika (A) percaya diri anaknya gagal sekolah (B) mudah menyesuaikan diri (C) sombong (C) Setiap orangtua pasti ingin agar anaknya (D) rajin berusaha bersekolah dan bertitel (E) mudah dipengaruhi (D) Orangtua rela membiayai pendidikan anaknya agar mencapai gelar yang tinggi (E) Salah satu upaya untuk mencapai kebahagiaan adalah dengan bersekolah dan bekerja Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 5862 ke menu search. Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas10 Bahasa Inggris 01 Descriptive Texts - Exercise Doc Name: RK13AR10ING0101 Version : 2016-09 | halaman 1 01. What is the text above? 06. The underlined word “uniform” in (A) The description of palaces in Marrakesh. paragraph 1 most nearly means …. (B) The best destination in the world. (C) The description of Marrakesh. (A) the clothing worn by members of the (D) The most important city in Morocco. same organization. (E) The history of Marrakesh. (B) identical. 02. Based on the text, you can find all the (C) changeable. followings in Marrakesh, EXCEPT …. (D) different (A) Snake charmers. (E) costume. (B) a toothbrush. (C) turbaned potion-sellers. 07. Which may NOT be considered the wizards‟ (D) palaces. look? (E) donkey carts. (A) Wearing robes or cloaks. 03. What is the topic of the text? (B) Wearing pointed hats. (A) the Baroque and Renaissance architecture. (C) Being an old man. (B) the Renaissance architecture. (D) Walking with a staff. (C) the Baroque architecture. (E) Showing wisdom. (D) the world‟s architecture. (E) the architects. 08. What is NOT TRUE according to the text? 04. The synonym of the underlined word (A) Enchantresses are more likely to appear “abundance”most likely is… young. (A) enough. (B) sufficient. (B) The Germanic god Odin is the main (C) quantity. influence for Tolkien‟s Gandalf. (D) importance. (E) look. (C) In the Dragonlance Dungeons and Dragons, the wizards‟ robes show moral 05. What is NOT TRUE according to the text? alignment. (A) the Baroque architecture had many circles and straight lines. (D) Crystal balls may be one of wizards‟ (B) the Baroque buildings were ornamented accessories. in detail. (C) the Baroque buildings used many pilas- (E) Wizards‟ clothing is often typical. ters on facades. (D) the Baroque architects also designed 09. The descriptions of the chocolate room surrounding spaces around the were below, EXCEPT …. building. (E) Garlands were used for the Baroque (A) There were very big glass pipes high up decorations. in the ceiling. (B) There was a great river made of chocolate. (C) There was a waterfall. (D) There were thousands of buttercups in the meadows. (E) There were marshmallows along the riverbanks. Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 5672 ke menu search. Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas 10 Bahasa Inggris , 01 Descriptive Texts - Exercise Doc name: RK13AR10ING0101 Version: 2016-09 | halaman 2 10. What did each character do in the text above? (A) Augustus Gloop took more than one blade of grass. (B) Violet Beauregarde stuck her blade of grass behind her ear. (C) Veruca Salt pointed at an Mr.Wonka below the waterfall. (D) Grandpa Joe ate the whole field of grass. (E) Mr. Wonka asked everybody, except Au- gustus Gloop, to try the swudge. 11. Below were the descriptions of Oompa- Loompas, EXCEPT .... (A) They were not larger than medium.sized dolls. (B) They had funny long hair. (C) There were five of them. (D) They were able to walk. (E) They had big mouths. 12. All of these were Mr Wonka’s claims, EXCEPT .... (A) Oompa-Loompas were real people. (B) The room they visited were important for the whole business. (C) The chocolate in the river was the finest quality chocolate. (D) Only Mr.Wonka‟s factory had chocolate waterfall. (E) Oompa-Loompas only existed in Mr. Wonka‟s factory. Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 5672 ke menu search. Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas 10 Bahasa Inggris , 01 Descriptive Texts - Exercise Doc name: RK13AR10ING0101 Version: 2016-09 | halaman 3 Text A Text B From the moment you arrive in Marrakesh, While Renaissance architecture was you‟ll get the distinct feeling you‟ve left characterized by circles and straight lines, the something behind - a toothbrush or socks, Baroque was the era of ovals and undulating maybe? But no, what you‟ll be missing in walls which alternated between concave and Marrakesh is predictability and all sense of convex. Baroque buildings became ever more direction. Never mind: you‟re better off elaborately ornamented. Interiors were without them here. Marrakesh is too packed covered in paintings, and windows and doors with mind-boggling distractions and were capped with complex shapes. Garlands, labyrinthine alleyways to adhere to boring vases, urns, cartouches, and scrolling were linear logic. If you did have a destination, used for decoration. Composite capitals and you‟d only be stopped by snake charmers, other variations on the ancient orders were donkey carts, trendy silver leather poufs and used. Pilasters (columns partly attached to ancient Berber cures for everything from walls) appeared on facades in great abundance. relationships to rent. In order to appear more monumental, columns and pilasters were paired and often Start at action-packed Djemaa el-Fna, and extended over two or more stories, forming if you can tear yourself away from the castanet what is called the colossal order. In order to -clanging water-sellers and turbaned potion- maximize drama and grandeur, architects came sellers, head into Marrakesh‟s maze of covered to incorporate the spaces around buildings market streets. Dive in headfirst at any street themselves in their designs. The manipulation headed north off the Djemaa el-Fna, and with of the surrounding environments was highly any luck you‟ll emerge exhilarated and controlled. Shrubs and hedges were cut into triumphant some hours later, carpet in tow. cubic shapes, flowers were planted in geometric patterns, and the gardens and Marrakesh’s old town is an ideal place to woodlands surrounding palaces were explore palaces, stay in a palatial traditional penetrated by straight rays of avenues. This guesthouse, and sample a dish of piping-hot snails. But it‟s worth leaving the old city total control molded the viewer‟s entire experience of the shapes. occasionally for dinner, drinks, art galleries and fixed-price boutiques in the new town. Go with the flow, and become an honorary Marrakshi bahja (joyous one). Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 5672 ke menu search. Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas 10 Bahasa Inggris , 01 Descriptive Texts - Exercise Doc name: RK13AR10ING0101 Version: 2016-09 | halaman 4 Text C Text D The appearance of wizards in fantasy art, Taken from: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, by Roald Dahi. and description in literature, is uniform to a great extent, from the appearance of Merlin in „An important room, this!‟ cried Mr Arthurian related texts to those of Gandalf in Wonka, taking a bunch of keys from his The Lord of the Rings. The association with age pocket and slipping one into the keyhole of means that wizards, both men and women, are the door. „This is the nerve centre of the whole often depicted as old, white-haired, and (for factory, the heart of the whole business! And men) with long white beards so majestic as to so beautiful‟ I insist upon my rooms being occasionally become host to lurking woodland beautiful! I can‟t abide ugliness in factories‟ In creatures. It predates the modern fantasy we go, then! But do be careful, my dear genre, being derived from the traditional image children! Don‟t lose your heads! Don‟t get of wizards such as Merlin. Some theorize the over-excited! Keep very calm!‟ look of the wizard is modeled after the Germanic god Woden or Odin as he was Mr Wonka opened the door. Five children described in his wanderer guise as being an old and nine grown-ups pushed their way in — man with a long gray beard, baggy robes, a and oh, what an amazing sight it was that now met their eyes‟ wide-brimmed hat and walking with a staff; he has been hypothesized as the main influence They were looking down upon a lovely for Tolkien‟s Gandaif. Women, especially valley. There were green meadows on either those termed „enchantresses‟, are more likely side of the valley, and along the bottom of it to appear young, though that is often the there flowed a great brown river. effect of magic. What is more, there was a tremendous Their clothing is often typical as well. waterfall halfway along the river—a steep duff Wizards commonly wear robes or cloaks and over which the water curled and rolled in a pointed hats. These are often brightly colored solid sheet. and then went crashing down into and spangled with stars and moons, a boiling churning whirlpool of froth and spray. astrological symbols, or with magical sigils. They may also be of gold. The coloring may Below the waterfall (and this was the most have significance with in the fantasy worlds; in astonishing sight of all), a whole mass of The Lord of the Rings, the wizards have colors enormous glass pipes were dangling down into assigned to them, indicative of rank. When the river from somewhere high up in the Gandalf the Grey becomes Gandalf the ceiling! They really were enormous, those White, it is a major ascension of status; pipes. There must have been a dozen of them whereas in the Dragonlance Dungeons and at least, and they were sucking up the Dragons setting, the wizards show their moral brownish muddy water from the river and alignment by their robes. Terry Pratchett carrying it away to goodness knows where. And because they were made of glass, you described this common attire as a way of establishing to those they meet that the person could see the liquid flowing and bubbling is capable of practicing magic. along inside them, and above the noise of the waterfall, you could hear the never-ending Wizards may accessorize their wardrobe suck-suck-sucking sound of the pipes as they with magical props, such as crystal balls, did their work. wands, staves, books, potions, scrolls or tinkling bells, while often rounding out their appearance with ever-present animal companions, which may act as familiars. Stories in contemporary settings resembling the real world, such as those of Harry Potter, sometimes eschew some or all of these trappings for more conventional attire. Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 5672 ke menu search. Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas 10 Bahasa Inggris , 01 Descriptive Texts - Exercise Doc name: RK13AR10ING0101 Version: 2016-09 | halaman 5 Continued from Text D ‘Isn’t it wonderful!’ whispered Charlie. Graceful trees and bushes were growing „Hasn‟t it got a wonderful taste, Grandpa?‟ along the riverbanks— weeping willows and alders and tall clumps of rhododendrons with ‘l could eat the whole field” said Grandpa their pink and red and mauve blossoms. In the Joe, grinning with delight. „I could go around meadows there were thousands of buttercups. on all fours like a cow and eat every blade of ‘There” cried Mr Wonka, dancing up and grass in the field!‟ down and pointing his gold-topped cane at the great brown river. „It‟s all chocolate! Every ‘Try a buttercup” cried Mr Wonka. drop of that river is hot melted chocolate of „They‟re even nicer!‟ the finest quality. The very finest quality. There‟s enough chocolate in there to fill every Suddenly, the air was filled with screams of bathtub in the entire country! And all the excitement. The screams came from Veruca swimming pools as well! Isn‟t it terrific? And Salt. She was pointing frantically to the other just look at my pipes! They suck up the side of the river. „Look‟ Look over there” she chocolate and carry it away to all the other screamed. „What is it? He‟s moving‟ He‟s rooms in the factory where it is needed! walking‟ It‟s a little person! It‟s a little man! Thousands of gallons an hour, my dear Down there below the waterfall!‟ children! Thousands and thousands of gallons!‟ Everybody stopped picking buttercups The children and their parents were too and stared across the river. „She‟s right, flabbergasted to speak. They were staggered. Grandpa!‟ cried Charlie. „It is a little man! Can They were dumbfounded. They were you see him?‟ bewildered and dazzIed. They were completely bowled over by the hugeness of the whole ‘I see him, Charlie!’ said Grandpa Joe thing. They simply stood and stared. excitedly. ‘The waterfall is most important!’ Mr And now everybody started shouting at Wonka went on. „It mixes the chocolate! It once. churns it up! It pounds it and beats it! It makes ‘There’s two of them!’ it light and frothy! No other factory in the „My gosh, so there is!‟ world mixes its chocolate by waterfall! But it‟s the only way to do it properly! The only way! ‘There’s more than two! There’s one, two, And do you like my trees?‟ he cried, pointing three, four, five!‟ with his stick. „And my lovely bushes? Don‟t you think they look pretty? I told you I hated ‘What are they doing?’ ugliness! And of course they are all eatable‟ All ‘Where do they come from?’ made of something different and delicious! ‘Who are they?’ And do you like my meadows? Do you like my Children and parents a like rushed down grass and my buttercups? The grass you are to the edge of the river to get a closer look. ‘Aren’t they fantastic!’ standing on, my dear little ones, is made of a . ‘No higher than my knee!’ new kind of soft, minty sugar that I‟ve just ‘Look at their funny long hair!’ invented! I call it swudge! Try a blade! Please The tiny men - they were no larger than do! It‟s detectable!‟ medium-sized dolls - had stopped what they Automatically, everybody bent down and were doing, and now they were staring back picked one blade of grass — everybody, that across the river at the visitors. One of them is, except Augustus Gloop, who took a big pointed towards the children, and then he handful. whispered something to the other four, and all five of them burst into peals of laughter. And Violet Beauregarde, before tasting her blade of grass, took the piece of world-record- But they can’t be real people,’ Charhe said. breaking chewing gum out of her mouth and ‘Of course they’re real people,’ Mr Wonka stuck it carefully behind her ear. answered. They‟re Oompa-Loompas.‟ Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 5672 ke menu search. Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas 10 Bahasa Inggris Recount Texts - Exercise Doc Name: RK13AR10ING0103 Version: 2016-09 | halaman 1 Text 1-a Text 1-b Very little was ever written about the Soon there was a hard and very fast third-class passengers of the Titanic; report- knock at the door, and one of my friends ers, the United States Senate investigation, from Finland dashed in to say the ship had and the British investigation never bothered struck something and was sinking. \"Where is to interview any of the third-class survivors. Pekko?\" she asked. \"He went to see why the ship had stopped. I don't know where he is Most of those in third class spoke very now.\" \"How did he get out of the passage- little English. But for some, like Titanic way?\" she continued. \"All the doors are survivor Elin Hakkarainen, the memory locked!\" I was confused; I didn't know what lingered long enough for her English to to do next. After a few moments I grabbed catch up ... my purse and life jacket and ran out to the passageway. The door was locked! All of the We could hardly believe that in two more doors were locked. days we would be landing In America. Originally, my husband and I planned on Finally a ship's steward came and gath- making the trip on board the Mauretania, but ered a small group of us together and guided we decided to wait a few months so we us, \"Come, there is another way to get to the could make the crossing aboard the luxury upper deck.\" On the upper deck, it was liner Titanic. Married just a few months, rather quiet — almost eerie. The deck on Pekko and 1 decided to leave Finland and the ship's bow was already under water, and start a new life in America. Although we the loud sound of the steam escaping from were booked as third class, we still enjoyed the funnels had settled down. The lifeboats many \"extras\" on board and had quite a time were guarded by the ship's officers standing in our little group. After a couple of days at in semicircles around each one. Soon I was sea we settled into a routine: attending motioned aboard a lifeboat, but I still was church services after breakfast, strolling the scanning the listing deck looking for my hus- decks, and during the evening playing games band. in the third-class general room. We rowed away quickly, watching our We would leave the game room very late ship slide beneath the surface of the water. in the evening, and the night of April 14th The screams of those in the water were hor- was no exception. Just after we returned to rible — I remember calling over and over, our cabin and settled in, Pekko reached to \"Pekko, Pekko, I am here; come this way.\" It turn out the light when we heard a scraping was cold on the lifeboat, and I wasn't wear- sound and felt the ship shudder. A few mo- ing warm clothes. I didn't know if I was fal- ments later the throb of the engines ling asleep or freezing to death, but I drifted stopped. Pekko jumped out of bed, slipped into unconsciousness. into his clothes, and said, \"I'm going to see what has happened.\" Not thinking too much of WI this, I dozed off. But after an hour or so, the murmuring of other passengers in the hall awakened me. I noticed Pekko was still gone, and when I tried to step out of the bed, the cabin was tilted at an angle. Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 5676 ke menu search. Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas 10 Bahasa Inggris, Recount Texts - Exercise doc. name: RK13AR10ING0103 doc. version: 2016-09 | halaman 2 Text 1-c 05. Guess what Carpathia is! (final paragraph) ________. Soon after, it was daylight, and we could see a ship in the distance — we would be Text 2-a rescued...and made warm. Once aboard the Carpathia, the passengers and crew did their August 6, 1945 - the sun rose into a clear best to console us. We were given clothes, blue sky over the city of Hiroshima, Japan food, and hot coffee. But with all we were promising a warm and pleasant day. Nothing given. I was still lacking. I slowly realized the in the day's dawning indicated that this day last words I might ever hear from my hus- would be any different from its band were, \"I'm going to see what has hap- predecessors. But this day would be differ- pened.\" I remember standing at the railing ent very different This day would change the for hours, looking out to the open sea and world. On this day a single bomb dropped hoping upon hope that I would discover just by a single airplane destroyed the city, leading one more lifeboat. to the end of World War II and introducing mankind to the Atomic Age. 01. What is the purpose of paragraph 1 and 2? ________. Dr. Michihiko Hachiya lived through that day and kept a diary of his experience. He 02. What is the topic of the passage? served as the Director of the Hiroshima (A) The Titanic Communications Hospital and lived near the (B) A Titanic survivor account hospital approximately a mile from the ex- (C) The sinking of Titanic plosion's epicenter. His diary was published (D) The experience of a husband and a wife in English in 1955: (E) The death of the writer’s husband Suddenly, a strong flash of light... 03. The information ____ is NOT TRUE The hour was early; the morning was still according to the text. warm, and beautiful. Shimmering leaves, re- flecting sunlight from a cloudless sky, made a (A) The night of April 14th, the writer and pleasant contrast with shadows in my garden Pekko left the game room in the left as I gazed absently through wide-flung doors evening. opening to the south. Clad in drawers and undershirt, I was (B) On the lifeboat, the writer was uncon- sprawled on the living room floor exhausted scious because I had just spent a sleepless night on duty as an air warden in my hospital. (C) A ship steward helped the writer to go Suddenly, a strong flash of light startled to the upper deck me—and then another. So well does one re- call little things that I remember vividly how (D) Pekko informed the writer that the ship a stone lantern in the garden became bril- was sinking liantly lit and I debated whether this light was caused by a magnesium flare or sparks (E) The writer had married before boarding from a passing trolley. the Titanic 04. The last sentence \"I remember …. hoping upon hope that I would discover just one more lifeboat.\" means …. (A) The writer hopes that her husband is not dead. (B) The writer still hoped that her husband would be alive. (C) The writer had found the last lifeboat. (D) The writer's husband was found aboard the last lifeboat. (E) The writer was alive. Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 5676 ke menu search. Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas 10 Bahasa Inggris, Recount Texts - Exercise doc. name: RK13AR10ING0103 doc. version: 2016-09 | halaman 3 Text 2-b Text 2-c Garden shadows disappeared. The view We'll be all right,' I acclaimed. 'Only where a moment before had been so bright let's get out of here as fast as we can.' and sunny was now dark and hazy. Through swirling dust I could barely discern a She nodded, and I motioned for her to wooden column that had supported one cor- follow me.\" ner of my house. It was leaning crazily and the roof sagged dangerously. It was all a nightmare... Dr. Hachiya and his wife made their Moving instinctively, I fried to escape, way to the street. As the homes around but rubble and fallen timbers barred the way. them collapsed, they realized they must By picking my way cautiously I managed to move on, and began their journey to the reach the roka [an outside hallway] and hospital a few hundred yards away. stepped down into my garden. A profound “We started out, but after twenty or weakness overcame me. so I stopped to re- thirty steps I had to stop. My breath be- gain my strength. To my surprise I discov- came short, my heart pounded, and my legs ered that I was completely naked. How odd! gave way under me. An overpowering thirst Where were my drawers and undershirt? seized me and I begged Yaeko-san to find me some water. But there was no water to What had happened? be found. After a little my strength some- All over the right side of my body I was what returned and we were able to go on. cut and bleeding. A large splinter was pro- I was still naked, and although I did not truding from a mangled wound in my thigh, feel the least bit of shame. I was disturbed and something warm trickled into my to realize that modesty had deserted me. mouth. My cheek was torn, I discovered as I On rounding a corner we came upon a sol- felt it gingerly, with the lower lip laid wide dier standing idly in the street_ He had a open. Embedded in my neck was a sizable towel draped across his shoulder, and I fragment of glass which I matter-of-factly asked if he would give it to me to cover my dislodged, and with the detachment of it, my nakedness. The soldier surrendered the hand was bleeding. towel quite willingly but said not a word. A Where was my wife? little later I lost the towel. and Yaeko-san Suddenly alarmed, I began to yell for took off her apron and tied it around my her: 'Yaeko-san! Yaeko-san! Where are you?' loins. Blood began to spurt. Had my carotid artery Our progress towards the hospital was been cut? Would I bleed to death? Fright- interminably slow, until finally, my legs, ened and irrational, I called out again 'Its a stiff from drying blood, refused to carry five-hundred-ton bomb! Yaeko-san, where me farther. The strength, even the will, to are you? A five- hundred-ton bomb has go on deserted me, so I told my wife, who fallen!' was almost as badly hurt as I, to go on Yaeko-san, pale and frightened, her alone. This she objected to, but there was clothes torn and blood-stained, emerged no choice. She had to go ahead and try to from the ruins of our house holding her el- find someone to come back for me. bow. Seeing her, I was reassured. My own panic assuaged, I tired to reassure her. Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 5676 ke menu search. Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas 10 Bahasa Inggris, Recount Texts - Exercise doc. name: RK13AR10ING0103 doc. version: 2016-09 | halaman 4 Text 2-d All who could were moving in the direc- tion of the hospital. I joined in the dismal Yaeko-san looked into my face for a mo- parade when my strength was somewhat re- ment, and then, without saying a word, covered, and at last reached the gates of the turned away and began running towards the Communications Bureau.\" hospital. Once, she looked back and waved and in a moment she was swallowed up in 06. The underlined word the gloom. It was quite dark now, and with “predecessors” (paragraph 1) most nearly my wife gone. a feeling of dreadful loneli- means …. ness overcame me. (A) Successors. (B) Former days. I must have gone out of my head lying (C) Ancestors. there in the road because the next thing I (D) Descendants. recall was discovering that the clot on my (E) Previous life. thigh had been dislodged and blood was again spurting from the wound. 07. What is the best title for the text? I pressed my hand to the bleeding area (A) Recounting the Atomic Bombing. and after a while the bleeding stopped and I (B) Recounting the Bombing of Hiroshima. felt better. (C) Recounting the Bombing of Hiroshima Could I go on? and Nagasaki. I tried. It was all a nightmare - my (D) Recounting an Atomic Bombing Ex- wounds, the darkness, the road ahead. My movements were ever so slow; only my mind periment in Japan. was running at top speed. (E) Recounting Atomic War. In time I came to an open space where the houses had been removed to make a fire 08. Which one is NOT TRUE according to the lane. Through the dim light I could make text? out ahead of me the hazy outlines of the Communications Bureau's big concrete (A) After the bomb had been dropped, his building, and beyond it the hospital. My spir- house's wooden column tilted. its rose because I knew that now someone would find me; and if I should die, at least (B) After the bomb had been dropped, he my body would be found. I paused to rest. was completely naked. Gradually things around me came into fo- cus. There were the shadowy forms of peo- (C) His wife arrived at the hospital before ple, some of whom looked like walking he did. ghosts. Others moved as though in pain, like scarecrows. their arms held out from their (D) On his way to the hospital, he stopped bodies with forearms and hands dangling. more than once. These people puzzled me until I suddenly realized that they had been burned and were (E) He saw walking ghosts on his way to the holding their arms out to prevent the painful hospital. friction of raw surfaces rubbing together. A naked woman carrying a naked baby came 09. Below are what happened to Michihiko Ha- into view. I averted my gaze. Perhaps they chiya's body after the bomb had been had been in the bath. But then I saw a naked dropped, EXCEPT …. man, and it occurred to me that, like myself, some strange thing had deprived them of (A) The right side of his body was their clothes. An old woman lay near me wounded. with an expression of suffering on her face; but she made no sound. Indeed, one thing (B) His thigh was wounded. was common to everyone I saw -complete (C) His cheek was torn. silence. (D) His neck was lunged with a fragment of glass. (E) His face was pale. Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 5676 ke menu search. Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas 10 Bahasa Inggris, Recount Texts - Exercise doc. name: RK13AR10ING0103 doc. version: 2016-09 | halaman 5 10. The underlined word “concrete” (paragraph Text 3-b 25) most nearly means …. Soviet troops entered the camp in July (A) abstract. 1944. A week later, (B) real. Alexander Werth joined a group of fellow (C) building material. reporters in a guided tour of the facility: (D) destroyed. (E) safe. \"My first reaction to Maidanek was a feeling of surprise. I had imagined something horri- Text 3-a ble and sinister beyond words. It was noth- ing like that It looked singularly harmless Hitler established the first concentration from outside. 'Is that it?' was my first reac- camp soon after he came to power in 1933. tion when we stopped at what looked like a The system grew to include about 100 camps large workers' settlement Behind us was the divided into two types: concentration camps many towered skyline of Lublin. There was for slave labor in nearby factories and death much dust on the road, and the grass as dull, camps for the systematic extermination of greenish-grey colour. The camp was sepa- \"undesirables\" including Jews, Gypsies, ho- rated from the road by a couple of barbed- mosexuals, the mentally retarded and others. wire fences, but these did not look particu- larly sinister, and might have been put up As the allied armies raced towards final outside any military or semi-military estab- victory, advancing troops liberated the camps lishment The place was large; like a whole one-by-one, revealing the horrors of the town of barracks painted a pleasant soft Nazi concept of establishing a \"pure\" soci- green. There were many people around - ety. The first liberation came in July 1944 soldiers and civilians. A Polish sentry opened when Soviet troops entered Maidanek, a the barbed-wire gate to let cars enter the death camp located in Poland two miles from central avenue, with large green barracks on the city of Lublin. Alexander Werth, a corre- either side. And we stopped outside a large spondent for the London Sunday Times and barrack marked Bad und Desinfektion II. 'This,' the BBC, accompanied the Soviet troops and somebody said, 'is where large numbers of described the camp shortly after its capture. those arriving at the camp were brought in.' The BBC refused to air his report of the The inside of this barrack was made of camp as his description was so unbelievable concrete, and water taps came out of the they considered it a Soviet propaganda ploy. wall, and around the room there were It was not until the later capture of Buchen- benches where the clothes were put down wald, Dachau and other camps on the west- and afterwards collected. So this was the ern front that his description was accepted as place into which they were driven. Or per- true. haps they were politely invited to 'Step this way, please?' Did any of them suspect, while \"It looked singularly harmless.\" washing themselves after a long journey, The Maidanek camp was established by what would happen a few minutes later? the Nazis in 1941 soon after their conquest Anyway, after the washing was over, they of the then Russian occupied region of Po- were asked to go into the next room; at this land. The primary purpose of the facility was point even the most unsuspecting must have the speedy extermination of new arrivals begun to wonder. For the \"next room\" was a (mostly Jews) transported in from various series of large square concrete structures, countries including Czechoslovakia, France, each about one-quarter of the size the bath- Austria, and Holland. The majority of vic- house, and, unlike it, had no windows. The tims, however, came from the immediate naked people (men one time, women an- area. It is estimated that 1.5 million died at other time, children the next) were driven or the camp during its three years of operation. forced from the bath-house into these dark concrete boxes - about five yards square - and then, with 200 or 250 people packed Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 5676 ke menu search. Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas 10 Bahasa Inggris, Recount Texts - Exercise doc. name: RK13AR10ING0103 doc. version: 2016-09 | halaman 6 into each box - and it was completely dark what prayers perhaps, had been uttered in- there, except for a small light in the ceiling side that gas chamber only a few minutes and the spyhole in the door - the process of before?...\" gassing began. First some hot air was pumped in from the ceiling and then the 11. The text mainly tells us about …. pretty pale-blue crystals of Cyclon were showered down on the people, and in the hot (A) The victim account of the Maidanek wet air they rapidly evaporated. In anything Concentration Camp. from two to ten minutes everybody was dead ... (B) A reporter experience touring the Maidanek Concentration Camp. There were six concrete boxes—gas- chambers—side by side. 'Nearly two thou- (C) A Soviet troops retelling his story find- sand people could be disposed of here si- ing the Maidanek Concentration Camp. multaneously,' one of the guides said. But what thoughts passed through these people's (D) Hitler account of the Maidanek minds during Concentration Camp. But what thoughts passed through these (E) The slaughtering of Jews by Nazi people's minds during those first few minutes Germany. while the crystals were falling; could anyone still believe that this humiliating process of 12. The opposite of the underlined word being packed into a box and standing there \"immediate\" (paragraph 5) is mostly …. naked, rubbing backs with other naked peo- ple, had anything to do with disinfection? (A) fast (B) slow (C) far (D) near (E) indirect Text 3-c 13. Which one is TRUE about the text? At first it was all very hard to take in, (A) From the outside, Maidanek looked without an effort of the imagination. There horrible and sinister. were a number of very dull-looking concrete structures which, if their doors had been (B) The doors of the gas chambers in wider, might anywhere else have been mis- Maidanek were made of iron. taken for a row of nice little garages. But the doors - the doors! They were heavy steel (C) The writer was the first person to find doors, and each had a heavy steel bolt. And the Maidanek Concentration Camp. in the middle of the door was a spyhole, a circle, three inches in diameter composed of (D) At first the BBC thought the camp was about a hundred small holes. Could the peo- a Soviet scheme. ple in their death agony see the SS man's eye as he watched them? Anyway, the SS-man (E) Concentration camps were made only to had nothing to fear: his eye was well pro- murder the \"undesirables\". tected by the steel netting over the spyhole ... 14. The underlined word “disposed ...Then a touch of blue on the floor of ” (paragraph 9) mostly means …. caught my eye. It was very faint, but still legi- ble. In blue chalk someone had scribbled the (A) located. word \"vergast’ and had drawn crudely above (B) transferred. it a skull and crossbones. I had never seen (C) killed. this word before but it obviously meant\" (D) arranged. gassed\" - and not merely \"gassed\" but: with, (E) thrown. that eloquent little prefix ver. 'gassed out'. That's this job finished, and now for the next 15. what does the phrase “…. the pretty lot. The blue chalk came into motion when pale-blue crystals of Cyclon ….” mostly there was nothing but a heap of naked refer to? corpses inside. But what cries, what curses, (A) jewellery. (B) hot water. (C) poison. (D) hot air. (E) air evaporation. Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 5676 ke menu search. Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas 10 Bahasa Inggris, Recount Texts - Exercise doc. name: RK13AR10ING0103 doc. version: 2016-09 | halaman 7 Text 4-a Either way I knew I had to get out be- cause we could well be next in line and I did- On September 11, 2001, Sydney woman n't want to be leaping to my death from a 60 Penny saw American Airlines Flight 11 hit -storey building like those poor people I had the north tower of the World Trade Centre tragically just witnessed. from her hotel window across the road. She shares her story and photos for the first time. My instinct was to run - I didn't get . I was staying in the Millennium Hilton dressed, I didn't grab anything, I escaped in Hotel, directly across the road from the twin the hotel bathrobe and only took my camera towers on Church Street. I was standing at as it was still in my hand and I hadn't the window taking photos of the view when I thought to put it down. heard the sound of the plane approaching. It seemed normal at first until in a few split sec- People came streaming out of their onds it turned into a roar, followed by a mas- rooms, panicked and fighting to get into the sive explosion. I'm sure as I can be that who- lift, which was packed by now. An an- ever was flying that jet put it in full throttle nouncement came over the loudspeaker to just before it hit, as the screech sounded just evacuate immediately. It seemed like an eter- like when a plane is taking off. nity for the elevator to get down to the . I watched at the window while the enor- ground because it stopped at every floor and mity of the disaster began to unfold, watched people were pushed back as they tried to as we realised people were trapped on the crush their way in. floors above the explosion, as fire and police rescuers streamed into the building. In the foyer we were ushered out a side . People were throwing whatever they door and I was grateful I had grabbed my could out of the windows -tables, water cool- sandals, as there was debris on the ground. ers etc. - to break the glass and get air. I could see them hanging out of windows, then We ran up a side sheet and I recall being to my horror I realised people were begin- astonished that people were just standing ning to jump to their death rather than being there, mesmerised by what they were seeing. burned alive. What a terrible choice to have I've thought about why since then and I to make. And there was nothing I. or as it think they were so shocked to see those turned out, anyone else, could do to help. buildings, which were so familiar to them and part of the New York those building, I saw what I'm pretty sure was a police- which were so familiar to them and part of man killed by a person who fell on him. the New York landscape, attacked and burn- ing. It was personal to them. We were told to stay in the building as there was a lot of falling debris, massive pil- Text 4-b lars, all sorts of things, paper like a ticker-tape parade. But my every instinct was to get as far away from the towers and all the other build- I switched on the television to see if ings as I could. I ran down to Battery Park, there was anything on the news. Up until that where I had caught the Statue of Liberty point I thought it was an accident Then sud- ferry the day before. On the streets people denly as I watched it live, like millions of were standing around people with mobile other people, I heard the second plane come phones getting updates and we heard there screaming in. were more planes hijacked and on the way. The explosion was a lot bigger and closer I had only been on a wharf near Battery and our building shook. I suddenly realised Park for a relatively short time when I heard something was very wrong. For some bizarre another massive explosion and saw a huge reason I thought there must be something cloud of dust coming our way. wrong with air traffic control and they didn't realise they were directing the planes into It was incomprehensible that one of the downtown Manhattan. towers had fallen down but we pretty soon understood that's what happened. And then a short time later the next tower fell. It was too much in. All we could do was cover our faces from the dust, sit and wait to see what was going to happen next. Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 5676 ke menu search. Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas 10 Bahasa Inggris, Recount Texts - Exercise doc. name: RK13AR10ING0103 doc. version: 2016-09 | halaman 8 Thousands of people were on foot escap- 19. What did the writer think after the saw the ing across the bridges but it just seemed too first crash? exposed if there were more attacks so I waited by the river thinking at least I could (A) She thought it was a terrorist attack. swim for it if necessary. (B) She thought it was an air traffic Eventually a police boat came and evacu- control’s fault. ated us from Manhattan. I was given shelter (C) She thought it was an accident. for a couple of nights by a Wall Street banker (D) She thought it was only a normal I had met who had just lost dozens of friends. I was stuck in New York for almost sound of an airplane. two weeks before I could get a flight home. (E) She thought her hotel would be the I've been back to New York twice now, I next target. still love it and feel a dose bond with the peo- ple, who we shared such a tragic time with in 20. The underline word “take in” in sentence the days after the attack. “it was too much to take in” (paragraph 16) mostly means .... I've tried to connect with other Austra- lians who were there on that day and will be (A) Understand. attending the interfaith memorial service at St (B) Enjoy. Mary's Cathedral in Sydney on the 10th anni- (C) Disgust. versary of the attack. (D) Humiliate. (E) Possess. 16. What was the writer doing right before the first plane hit the twin towers? (A) She was sleeping. (B) She was taking photos at the windows. (C) She was running outside her hotel. (D) She was jumping from her hotel window. (E) She was helping people. 17. The writer saw the following after the first airplane crashed the twin towers, EXCEPT …. (A) fire and police rescuers who immediately entered the building. (B) people in the twin towers throwing things out of the windows to get air. (C) people in the twin towers jumping from the building. (D) a person stepped on a police officer. (E) falling debris. 18. Which one is TRUE according to the text? (A) There was only one plane crashing into the twin towers. (B) Only one of the twin towers fell down. (C) A firefighter evacuated the writer from Manhattan. (D) The writer entered the twin towers after the plane crash. (E) The writer was not the only Australian who had witnessed the 9/11. Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 5676 ke menu search. Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas 10 Bahasa Inggris 04 Narrative Texts - Exercise Doc. Name: RK13AR10ING0104 Version: 2017-02 | halaman 1 The Little Match Girl by Hans Christian It made a warm, bright flame, like a little candle, Andersen as she held her hands over it; but it gave a strange light! It really seemed to the little girl as It was so terribly cold. Snow was falling, and it if she were sitting before a great iron stove with was almost dark. Evening came on, the last shining brass knobs and a brass cover. How evening of the year. In the cold and gloom a wonderfully the fire burned! How comfortable it poor little girl, bareheaded and barefoot, was was! The youngster stretched out her feet to walking through the streets. Of course when she warm them too; then the little flame went out, had left her house she'd had slippers on, but the stove vanished, and she had only the remains what good had they been? They were very big of the burnt match in her hand. slippers, way too big for her, for they belonged to her mother. The little girl had lost them She struck another match against the wall. It running across the road, where two carriages had burned brightly, and when the light fell upon the rattled by terribly fast. One slipper she'd not wall it became transparent like a thin veil, and been able to find again, and a boy had run off she could see through it into a room. On the with the other, saying he could use it very well as table a snow-white cloth was spread, and on it a cradle some day when he had children of his stood a shining dinner service. The roast goose own. And so the little girl walked on her naked steamed gloriously, stuffed with apples and feet, which were quite red and blue with the prunes. And what was still better, the goose cold. In an old apron she carried several jumped down from the dish and waddled along packages of matches, and she held a box of the floor with a knife and fork in its breast, right them in her hand. No one had bought any from over to the little girl. Then the match went out, her all day long, and no one had given her a cent. and she could see only the thick, cold wall. She lighted another match. Then she was sitting Shivering with cold and hunger, she crept along, under the most beautiful Christmas tree. It was a picture of misery, poor little girl! The much larger and much more beautiful than the snowflakes fell on her long fair hair, which hung one she had seen last Christmas through the in pretty curls over her neck. In all the windows glass door at the rich merchant's home. lights were shining, and there was a wonderful Thousands of candles burned on the green smell of roast goose, for it was New Year's eve. branches, and colored pictures like those in the Yes, she thought of that! printshops looked down at her. The little girl reached both her hands toward them. Then the In a corner formed by two houses, one of which match went out. But the Christmas lights mount- projected farther out into the street than the ed higher. She saw them now as bright stars in other, she sat down and drew up her little feet the sky. One of them fell down, forming a long under her. She was getting colder and colder, but line of fire. did not dare to go home, for she had sold no matches, nor earned a single cent, and her father \"Now someone is dying,\" thought the little girl, would surely beat her. Besides, it was cold at for her old grandmother, the only person who home, for they had nothing over them but a had loved her, and who was now dead, had told roof through which the wind whistled even her that when a star fell down a soul went up to though the biggest cracks had been stuffed with God. straw and rags. She rubbed another match against the wall. It became bright again, and in the glow the old Her hands were almost dead with cold. Oh, how grandmother stood clear and shining, kind and much one little match might warm her! If she lovely. could only take one from the box and rub it against the wall and warm her hands. She drew \"Grandmother!\" cried the child. \"Oh, take me one out. R-r-ratch! How it sputtered and burned! with you! I know you will disappear when the Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 5678 ke menu search. Copyright © 2017 Zenius Education
K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas 10 Bahasa Inggris, 04 Narrative Texts - Exercise Doc. Name: RK13AR10ING0104 Version: 2017-02 | halaman 2 match is burned out. You will vanish like the Suicides by Guy de Maupassant warm stove, the wonderful roast goose and the beautiful big Christmas tree!\" And she quickly Hardly a day goes by without our reading a news struck the whole bundle of matches, for she item like the following in some newspaper: wished to keep her grandmother with her. And the matches burned with such a glow that it \"On Wednesday night the people living in No. became brighter than daylight. Grandmother had 40 Rue de-----, were awakened by two successive never been so grand and beautiful. She took the shots. The explosions seemed to come from the little girl in her arms, and both of them flew in apartment occupied by M. X----. The door was brightness and joy above the earth, very, very broken in and the man was found bathed in his high, and up there was neither cold, nor hunger, blood, still holding in one hand the revolver with nor fear-they were with God. which he had taken his life. But in the corner, leaning against the wall, sat the \"M. X---- was fifty-seven years of age, enjoying a little girl with red cheeks and smiling mouth, comfortable income, and had everything frozen to death on the last evening of the old necessary to make him happy. No cause can be year. The New Year's sun rose upon a little found for his action.\" pathetic figure. The child sat there, stiff and cold, holding the matches, of which one bundle What terrible grief, what unknown suffering, was almost burned. hidden despair, secret wounds drive these presumably happy persons to suicide? We search, \"She wanted to warm herself,\" the people said. we imagine tragedies of love, we suspect No one imagined what beautiful things she had financial troubles, and, as we never find anything seen, and how happily she had gone with her old definite, we apply to these deaths the word grandmother into the bright New Year. \"mystery.\" 01. Why didn’t the little match girl go home? A letter found on the desk of one of these \"suicides without cause,\" and written during his 02. What did the first match seem like to the last night, beside his loaded revolver, has come girl? into our hands. We deem it rather interesting. It reveals none of those great catastrophes which What did the girl see in the window when we always expect to find behind these acts of she lit the second match? despair; but it shows us the slow succession of the little vexations of life, the disintegration of a What did she see when she lit the third lonely existence, whose dreams have disap- match? peared; it gives the reason for these tragic ends, which only nervous and high-strung people can What did she see when she lit the fourth understand. match? Here it is: 03. Where did the girl go after all the candles were burned out? \"It is midnight. When I have finished this letter I shall kill myself. Why? I shall attempt to give the 04. Was the girl happy in end? reasons, not for those who may read these lines, but for myself, to kindle my waning courage, to 05. What is setting of the story? impress upon myself the fatal necessity of this act which can, at best, be only deferred. \"I was brought up by simple-minded parents who were unquestioning believers. And I believed as they did. \"My dream lasted a long time. The last veil has just been torn from my eyes. Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 5678 ke menu search. Copyright © 2017 Zenius Education
K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas 10 Bahasa Inggris, 04 Narrative Texts - Exercise Doc. Name: RK13AR10ING0104 Version: 2017-02 | halaman 3 \"During the last few years a strange change has \"Now I even hate to be with people whom I been taking place within me. All the events of used to meet with pleasure; I know them so Life, which formerly had to me the glow of a well, I can tell just what they are going to say beautiful sunset, are now fading away. The true and what I am going to answer. Each brain is meaning of things has appeared to me in its like a circus, where the same horse keeps brutal reality; and the true reason for love has circling around eternally. We must circle round bred in me disgust even for this poetic always, around the same ideas, the same joys, sentiment: 'We are the eternal toys of foolish the same pleasures, the same habits, the same and charming illusions, which are always being beliefs, the same sensations of disgust. renewed.' \"The fog was terrible this evening. It enfolded \"On growing older, I had become partly the boulevard, where the street lights were reconciled to the awful mystery of life, to the dimmed and looked like smoking candles. A uselessness of effort; when the emptiness of heavier weight than usual oppressed me. everything appeared to me in a new light, this Perhaps my digestion was bad. evening, after dinner. \"For good digestion is everything in life. It \"Formerly, I was happy! Everything pleased me: gives the inspiration to the artist, amorous the passing women, the appearance of the desires to young people, clear ideas to thinkers, streets, the place where I lived; and I even took the joy of life to everybody, and it also allows an interest in the cut of my clothes. But the one to eat heartily (which is one of the greatest repetition of the same sights has had the result pleasures). A sick stomach induces scepticism of filling my heart with weariness and disgust, unbelief, nightmares and the desire for death. I just as one would feel were one to go every night have often noticed this fact. Perhaps I would to the same theatre. not kill myself, if my digestion had been good this evening. \"For the last thirty years I have been rising at the same hour; and, at the same restaurant, for thirty \"When I sat down in the arm-chair where I years, I have been eating at the same hours the have been sitting every day for thirty years, I same dishes brought me by different waiters. glanced around me, and just then I was seized by such a terrible distress that I thought I must \"I have tried travel. The loneliness which one go mad. feels in strange places terrified me. I felt so alone, so small on the earth that I quickly started \"I tried to think of what I could do to run on my homeward journey. away from myself. Every occupation struck me as being worse even than inaction. Then I \"But here the unchanging expression of my bethought me of putting my papers in order. furniture, which has stood for thirty years in the same place, the smell of my apartments (for, \"For a long time I have been thinking of with time, each dwelling takes on a particular clearing out my drawers; for, for the last thirty odor) each night, these and other things disgust years, I have been throwing my letters and bills me and make me sick of living thus. pell-mell into the same desk, and this confusion has often caused me considerable \"Everything repeats itself endlessly. The way in trouble. But I feel such moral and physical which I put my key in the lock, the place where I laziness at the sole idea of putting anything in always find my matches, the first object which order that I have never had the courage to meets my eye when I enter the room, make me begin this tedious business. feel like jumping out of the window and putting an end to those monotonous events from which \"I therefore opened my desk, intending to we can never escape. choose among my old papers and destroy the majority of them. \"Each day, when I shave, I feel an inordinate desire to cut my throat; and my face, which I see \"At first I was bewildered by this array of in the little mirror, always the same, with soap on documents, yellowed by age, then I chose one. my cheeks, has several times made me weak from sadness. Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 5678 ke menu search. Copyright © 2017 Zenius Education
K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas 10 Bahasa Inggris, 04 Narrative Texts - Exercise Doc. Name: RK13AR10ING0104 Version: 2017-02 | halaman 4 \"Oh! if you cherish life, never disturb the \"Then, opening another drawer, I found burial place of old letters! myself face to face with memories of tender passions: a dancing-pump, a torn handkerchief, \"And if, perchance, you should, take the even a garter, locks of hair and dried flowers. contents by the handful, close your eyes that Then the sweet romances of my life, whose you may not read a word, so that you may not living heroines are now white-haired, plunged recognize some forgotten handwriting which me into the deep melancholy of things. Oh, may plunge you suddenly into a sea of the young brows where blond locks curl, the memories; carry these papers to the fire; and caress of the hands, the glance which speaks, when they are in ashes, crush them to an the hearts which beat, that smile which invisible powder, or otherwise you are lost--just promises the lips, those lips which promise the as I have been lost for an hour. embrace! And the first kiss-that endless kiss which makes you close your eyes, which \"The first letters which I read did not interest drowns all thought in the immeasurable joy of me greatly. They were recent, and came from approaching possession! living men whom I still meet quite often, and whose presence does not move me to any great \"Taking these old pledges of former love in extent. But all at once one envelope made me both my hands, I covered them with furious start. My name was traced on it in a large, bold caresses, and in my soul, torn by these handwriting; and suddenly tears came to my memories, I saw them each again at the hour eyes. That letter was from my dearest friend, of surrender; and I suffered a torture more the companion of my youth, the confidant of cruel than all the tortures invented in all the my hopes; and he appeared before me so fables about hell. clearly, with his pleasant smile and his hand \"One last letter remained. It was written by me outstretched, that a cold shiver ran down my and dictated fifty years ago by my writing back. Yes, yes, the dead come back, for I saw teacher. Here it is: him! Our memory is a more perfect world than the universe: it gives back life to those who no \"'MY DEAR LITTLE MAMMA: longer exist. \"'I am seven years old to-day. It is the age of \"With trembling hand and dimmed eyes I reason. I take advantage of it to thank you for reread everything that he told me, and in my having brought me into this world. poor sobbing heart I felt a wound so painful that I began to groan as a man whose bones \"'Your little son, who loves you are slowly being crushed. \"'ROBERT.' \"Then I travelled over my whole life, just as one travels along a river. I recognized people, \"It is all over. I had gone back to the beginning, so long forgotten that I no longer knew their and suddenly I turned my glance on what names. Their faces alone lived in me. In my remained to me of life. I saw hideous and mother's letters I saw again the old servants, lonely old age, and approaching infirmities, and the shape of our house and the little everything over and gone. And nobody near insignificant odds and ends which cling to our me! minds. \"My revolver is here, on the table. I am loading \"Yes, I suddenly saw again all my mother's old it . . . . Never reread your old letters!\" gowns, the different styles which she adopted and the several ways in which she dressed her And that is how many men come to kill hair. She haunted me especially in a silk dress, themselves; and we search in vain to discover trimmed with old lace; and I remembered some great sorrow in their lives. something she said one day when she was wearing this dress. She said: 'Robert, my child, 06. What is the text about? if you do not stand up straight you will be round-shouldered all your life.' 07. What is the setting of the story? Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 5678 ke menu search. Copyright © 2017 Zenius Education
K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas 10 Bahasa Inggris, 04 Narrative Texts - Exercise Doc. Name: RK13AR10ING0104 Version: 2017-02 | halaman 5 08. What did the story-teller feel at the \"It's Miss Fairchild,\" he said, with a smile. \"I'll beginning about those suicides? Why? ask you to excuse the other hand; \"it's otherwise engaged just at present.\" 09. In your opinion why did Mr. Robert commit suicide? He slightly raised his right hand, bound at the wrist by the shining \"bracelet\" to the left one 10. “Our memory is a more perfect world than of his companion. The glad look in the girl's the universe: it gives back life to those who eyes slowly changed to a bewildered horror. no longer exist.” (last sentence of The glow faded from her cheeks. Her lips paragraph 28) parted in a vague, relaxing distress. Easton, with a little laugh, as if amused, was about to Did Mr. X emphasize this perfection with a speak again when the other forestalled him. positive light? The glum-faced man had been watching the girl's countenance with veiled glances from his 11. Was the suicide letter addressed to t he keen, shrewd eyes. finder? \"You'll excuse me for speaking, miss, but, I see Heart and Hands by O. Henry you're acquainted with the marshall here. If you'll ask him to speak a word for me when we At Denver there was an influx of passengers get to the pen he'll do it, and it'll make things into the coaches on the eastbound B. & M. easier for me there. He's taking me to express. In one coach there sat a very pretty Leavenworth prison. It's seven years for young woman dressed in elegant taste and counterfeiting.\" surrounded by all the luxurious comforts of an experienced traveler. Among the newcomers \"Oh!\" said the girl, with a deep breath and were two young men, one of handsome returning color. \"So that is what you are doing presence with a bold, frank countenance and out here? A marshal!\" manner; the other a ruffled, glum-faced person, \"My dear Miss Fairchild,\" said Easton, calmly, heavily built and roughly dressed. The two \"I had to do something. Money has a way of were handcuffed together. taking wings unto itself, and you know it takes money to keep step with our crowd in As they passed down the aisle of the coach the Washington. I saw this opening in the West, only vacant seat offered was a reversed one and--well, a marshalship isn't quite as high a facing the attractive young woman. Here the position as that of ambassador, but--\" linked couple seated themselves. The young woman's glance fell upon them with a distant, \"The ambassador,\" said the girl, warmly, swift disinterest; then with a lovely smile \"doesn't call any more. He needn't ever have brightening her countenance and a tender pink done so. You ought to know that. And so now tingeing her rounded cheeks, she held out a you are one of these dashing Western heroes, little gray-gloved hand. When she spoke her and you ride and shoot and go into all kinds of voice, full, sweet, and deliberate, proclaimed dangers. That's different from the Washington that its owner was accustomed to speak and be life. You have been missed from the old heard. crowd.\" \"Well, Mr. Easton, if you will make me speak The girl's eyes, fascinated, went back, widening first, I suppose I must. Don't vou ever recog- a little, to rest upon the glittering handcuffs. nize old friends when you meet them in the West?\" \"Don't you worry about them, miss,\" said the other man. \"All marshals handcuff themselves The younger man roused himself sharply at the to their prisoners to keep them from getting sound of her voice, seemed to struggle with a away. Mr. Easton knows his business.\" slight embarrassment which he threw off instantly, and then clasped her fingers with his \"Will we see you again soon in Washington?\" left hand. asked the girl. Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 5678 ke menu search. Copyright © 2017 Zenius Education
K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas 10 Bahasa Inggris, 04 Narrative Texts - Exercise Doc. Name: RK13AR10ING0104 Version: 2017-02 | halaman 6 \"Not soon, I think,\" said Easton. \"My butterfly 14. What was the young man embarrassed days are over, I fear.\" when the woman recognize him? \"I love the West,\" said the girl irrelevantly. Her 15. Why didn’t the young man take interest in eyes were shining softly. She looked away out talking to his old friend, the woman? the car window. She began to speak truly and simply without the gloss of style and manner: 16. What was the role of the other two \"Mamma and I spent the summer in Denver. passengers at the end of the story? She went home a week ago because father was slightly ill. I could live and be happy in the The Story of An Hour by Kate Chopin West. I think the air here agrees with me. Money isn't everything. But people always mis- Knowing that Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with understand things and remain stupid--\" a heart trouble, great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her \"Say, Mr. Marshal,\" growled the glum-faced husband’s death. man. \"This isn't quite fair. I'm needing a drink, and haven't had a smoke all day. Haven't you It was her sister Josephine who told her, in talked long enough? Take me in the smoker broken sentences; veiled hints that revealed in now, won't you? I'm half dead for a pipe.\" half concealing. Her husband's friend Richards was there, too, near her. It was he who had The bound travelers rose to their feet, Easton been in the newspaper office when intelligence with the same slow smile on his face. of the railroad disaster was received, with Brently Mallard's name leading the list of \"I can't deny a petition for tobacco,\" he said, \"killed.\" He had only taken the time to assure lightly. \"It's the one friend of the unfortunate. himself of its truth by a second telegram, and Good-bye, Miss Fairchild. Duty calls, you had hastened to forestall any less careful, less know.\" He held out his hand for a farewell. tender friend in bearing the sad message. \"It's too bad you are not going East,\" she said, She did not hear the story as many women reclothing herself with manner and style. \"But have heard the same, with a paralyzed inability you must go on to Leavenworth, I suppose?\" to accept its significance. She wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment, in her sister's \"Yes,\" said Easton, \"I must go on to arms. When the storm of grief had spent itself Leavenworth.\" she went away to her room alone. She would have no one follow her. The two men sidled down the aisle into the smoker. There stood, facing the open window, a comfortable, roomy armchair. Into this she The two passengers in a seat near by had heard sank, pressed down by a physical exhaustion most of the conversation. Said one of them: that haunted her body and seemed to reach \"That marshal's a good sort of chap. Some of into her soul. these Western fellows are all right.\" She could see in the open square before her \"Pretty young to hold an office like that, isn't house the tops of trees that were all quivered he?\" asked the other. with the new spring life. The delicious breath of rain was in the air. In the street below a \"Young!\" exclaimed the first speaker, \"why-- peddler was crying his wares. The notes of a Oh! didn't you catch on? Say--did you ever distant song which some one was singing know an officer to handcuff a prisoner to his reached her faintly, and countless sparrows right hand?\" were twittering in the eaves. 12. What is the story about? 13. What was the reaction of the woman when she saw the handcuff ? Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 5678 ke menu search. Copyright © 2017 Zenius Education
K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas 10 Bahasa Inggris, 04 Narrative Texts - Exercise Doc. Name: RK13AR10ING0104 Version: 2017-02 | halaman 7 There were patches of blue sky showing here There would be no one to live for during those and there through the clouds that had met and coming years; she would live for herself. There piled one above the other in the west facing her would be no powerful will bending hers in that window. blind persistence with which men and women believe they have a right to impose a private She sat with her head thrown back upon the will upon a fellow-creature. A kind intention or cushion of the chair, quite motionless, except a cruel intention made the act seem no less a when a sob came up into her throat and shook crime as she looked upon it in that brief her, as a child who has cried itself to sleep moment of illumination. continues to sob in its dreams. And yet she had loved him--sometimes. Often She was young, with a fair, calm face, whose she had not. What did it matter! What could lines bespoke repression and even a certain love, the unsolved mystery, count for in the strength. But now there was a dull stare in her face of this possession of self-assertion which eyes, whose gaze was fixed away off yonder on she suddenly recognized as the strongest one of those patches of blue sky. It was not a impulse of her being! glance of reflection, but rather indicated a suspension of intelligent thought. \"Free! Body and soul free!\" she kept whispering. There was something coming to her and she was waiting for it, fearfully. What was it? She Josephine was kneeling before the closed door did not know; it was too subtle and elusive to with her lips to the keyhole, imploring for name. But she felt it, creeping out of the sky, admission. \"Louise, open the door! I beg; open reaching toward her through the sounds, the the door--you will make yourself ill. What are scents, the color that filled the air. you doing, Louise? For heaven's sake open the door.\" Now her bosom rose and fell tumultuously. She was beginning to recognize this thing that \"Go away. I am not making myself ill.\" No; she was approaching to possess her, and she was was drinking in a very elixir of life through that striving to beat it back with her will--as open window. powerless as her two white slender hands would have been. When she abandoned herself Her fancy was running riot along those days a little whispered word escaped her slightly ahead of her. Spring days, and summer days, parted lips. She said it over and over under the and all sorts of days that would be her own. breath: \"free, free, free!\" The vacant stare and She breathed a quick prayer that life might be the look of terror that had followed it went long. It was only yesterday she had thought from her eyes. They stayed keen and bright. with a shudder that life might be long. Her pulses beat fast, and the coursing blood warmed and relaxed every inch of her body. She arose at length and opened the door to her sister's importunities. There was a feverish She did not stop to ask if it were or were not a triumph in her eyes, and she carried herself monstrous joy that held her. A clear and unwittingly like a goddess of Victory. She exalted perception enabled her to dismiss the clasped her sister's waist, and together they suggestion as trivial. She knew that she would descended the stairs. Richards stood waiting for weep again when she saw the kind, tender them at the bottom. hands folded in death; the face that had never looked save with love upon her, fixed and gray Someone was opening the front door with a and dead. But she saw beyond that bitter latchkey. It was Brently Mallard who entered, a moment a long procession of years to come little travel-stained, composedly carrying his that would belong to her absolutely. And she grip-sack and umbrella. He had been far from opened and spread her arms out to them in the scene of the accident, and did not even welcome. know there had been one. He stood amazed at Josephine's piercing cry; at Richards' quick motion to screen him from the view of his wife. Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 5678 ke menu search. Copyright © 2017 Zenius Education
K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas 10 Bahasa Inggris, 04 Narrative Texts - Exercise Doc. Name: RK13AR10ING0104 Version: 2017-02 | halaman 8 When the doctors came they said she had died of heart disease--of the joy that kills. 17. What is the story about? 18. From 5-14, what do you think Mrs. Mallard feel? 19. “It was only yesterday she had thought with a shudder that life might be long.” (last sentence, paragraph 17) What does it mean? 20. Did Mrs. Mallard feel sad about her husband’s death? 21. What did the family mean by the phrase “of the joy that kills” in last sentence? 22. What was the cause of Mrs. Mallard’s heart attack? Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 5678 ke menu search. Copyright © 2017 Zenius Education
K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas10 Bahasa Inggris 01 Starting & Ending a Conversation - Exercise Doc. Name: RK13AR10ING0201 Version : 2016-09 | halaman 1 01. Read the conversation below. 04. Read the conversation below Jerry : “Never thought I would see you Terry : \"Hello Mindy, how is every here.” Mindy thing?\" Terry : \"Oh hi. Terry! I have been busy. Katie : “Jerry! You haven’t changed. It’s good How about you?\" to see you.” Mindy Terry : \"I feel great. You know what? Jerry : “How is John?” We should catch up. There are Katie : “Actually we are not together many things to talk about. It's been years.\" anymore.” Jerry : “_____” : \"Sure, but not today because I have things to do. Here is my The best expression to fill the gap above is... number.________. (A) Good to see you. : \"Cool. I'll be in touch \" (B) I must go. (C) I am sorry to hear that. The best expression to fill the gap above is ... (A) You can call me. 02. Read the conversation below. (B) Let's have lunch now. (C) How are you doing? May : “How do you do?” Nina: “_________” 05. Read the conversation below. The best expression to fill the gap above is ... Greg : \"It's been a long time. Henry. Henry How are you doing?\" (A) I am very good. (B) Call me. :\"I have been under the weather.\" (C) How do you do. What does the underlined sentence mean? 03. Read the conversation below. (A) Henry feels good. (B) Henry feels so-so. Jay : “Hi, didn't we meet at Ginny's (C) Henry doesn't feel well. party last week? Nina, right?\" Nina : \"Oh. yeah, I remember you. You're the one with the silly blue hat. _______. Jay : \"It's OK. Jay is the name. But the hat managed to catch your attention, right?” Nina : “Well, the hat was silly but amusing.\" Jay : \"Can I call you sometime. maybe?\" The best expression to fill the gap above is ... (A) You are Jay. (B) Sorry, but I forget your name. (C) It's good to see you, but I am late for an appointment. Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 5680 ke menu search. Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas 10 Bahasa Inggris 02 Expressing Surprise & Disbelief, Congratulating, Complimenting - Exercise Doc Name: RK13AR10ING0202 Version: 2016-09 | halaman 1 01. Read the conversation below. Joey : “Goodness! He almost killed himself !” Kate : “ . He seems happy.” The most appropriate expression to show surprise is… (A) Wrong. (B) I can’t believe it. (C) Yes. 02. Read the conversation below. Jesse : “Your face is charming.” Kylie : “Really? “ The most appropate expression to fill the gap to accept the compliment is… (A) It’s not my real face. (B) It is not mine. (C) You are too kind. 03. Read the conversation below. Citra : “ “ The best expression to show compliment is … (A) What a gorgeous dress. (B) What a terrible hair. (C) Are you here for a halloween party? 04. Read the conversation below. Bemy :”I know that your birthday is tomorrow, but I want to be the first person to .” The most appropate expression to fill the gap is… (A) congratulations! (B) congratulate. (C) say happy birthday to you. Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 5682 ke menu search. Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas10 Bahasa Inggris 03 Talking About Plans - Exercise Doc Name: RK13AR10ING0301 Version : 2016-12 | halaman 1 01. The following are the expressions to show plans, EXCEPT .... (A) I am swimming at 9on Friday. (B) I am eating at the moment. (C) I am going to read a novel tonight. 02. X : .... Y : I still don’t know. My mother might plan on having a family dinner. The appropriate expression to fill in the blank above is .... (A) What have you done? (B) What are you doing now? (C) What is yout plan tonight? 03. X : What are going to do next week? Y : .... The appropriate expression to fill in the blank above is .... (A) I would like to visit my relatives. (B) I like to visit my relatives. (C) I visited my relative. Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 5743 ke menu search. Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas 10 Bahasa Inggris, 03 Talking About Plans - Exercise Doc name: RK13AR10ING0301 Version: 2016-12 | halaman 2 Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 5743 ke menu search. Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas 11 Bahasa Inggris Expressing Satisfaction & Dissatisfaction - Exercise Doc Name: RK13AR10ING0204 Version : 2016-09 | halaman 1 01. Tomoyo : “I will definitely eat there again. 04. Mother : “I have just read your report I’m glad with what they’ve card and you obviously know cooked.” Child that the results are not that Mother good. Did you actually study for Hiroshi : “It’s not good enough. My sister Child the test?” can cook better than that.” Mother : “Yes, I did.” : “How did you study?” Miyake : “Whatever.” Child : “Well, I started studying two Mother days before exam. Usually it is Who expresses satisfaction?____. enough to get an A.” : “Clearly that is not enough for Who expresses dissatisfaction?____. you. I am not happy with your test results. You should change 02. Mina : “You haven’t been traveling by your habit.” Kazawa trains these days. What’s going on?” : “But I am glad with my grades. All of them are Bs.” : “______. The trains are always : “______. You’d better start to late.” study now.” Which one is the best expression to fill the Which one is the best expression to fill the gap? gap? (A) I am satisfied with the train (A) I am glad, too. management. (B) Not satisfying. (C) B is enough (B) I am dissatisfied with the train management. (C) I don’t care about it. 03. Kotaro : “I saw you on stage last night. You could have danced better.” The underlined expression is synonymous with …. (A) The dance last night was the best of your performance. (B) The dance last night was not good enough. (C) The dance last night was better than the rehearsal. Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 5684 ke menu search. Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas 11 Bahasa Inggris, Expressing Satisfaction & Dissatisfaction - Exercise Doc name: RK13AR10ING0204 Version: 2016-09 | halaman 2 Read this letter. To Whom It May Concern: I am writing to tell you about the amazing service I received when I called your customer service line on February 25th 2014. Initially, I purchased your SIM card and its credits for $1000. I only used your SIM cards for some long-distance calls. I called region X (landline) for around 20 minutes five times and I ran out of credit. It was a problem because you mentioned in your website that the cost per minute to make a call to region X is the cents. My five phone calls should have cost me $10, not $1000. So, I decided to call your customer service departement. I was greeted by one of your employees, Diana. She was very polite but rather unskillful in arithmetic. She assured me that cost per minute is indeed the cents, but she totaled my calls for $1000. I tried to tell her that teh cents is $0.1, but she didn’t believe me. After being put on hold for over 10 minutes, her colleague, Bruce, replaced her to assist me. He also believed that ten cents is equal to $10, which made my phone calls cost $1000. In the end I hanged up the phone and decided to write this letter. I highly suggest you teach your customer service representatives some arithmetic. A few lessons from your nearest elementary school would do you good. Regretfully, Joanie Kim. 05. Is Joanie Kim satisfied or dissatisfied with the SIM card service? ______. Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 5684 ke menu search. Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
Doc. Name: RK13AR10ING01PAS Version: 2017-02 | While Renaissance architecture was characterized 03. What is not true according to the text? by circles and straight lines, the Baroque was the (A) The Baroque architecture had many era of ovals and undulating walls which circles and straight lines. alternated between concave and convex. (B) The Baroque buildings were orna- Baroque buildings became ever more elaborately mented in detail. ornamented. Interiors were covered in paintings, (C) The Baroque buildings used many and windows and doors were capped with pilasters on facades. complex shapes. Garlands, vases, urns, (D) The Baroque architects also designed cartouches, and scrolling were used for surrounding spaces around the building. decoration. Composite capitals and other (E) Garlands were used for the Baroque variations on the ancient orders were used. decorations. Pilasters (columns partly attached to walls) appeared on facades in great abundance. In Parent - Teacher Conference order to appear more monumental, columns and pilasters were paired and often extended over Date: November 15TH 2014 two or more stories, forming what is called the colossal order. In order to maximize drama and Dear parents, grandeur, architects came to incorporate the spaces around buildings themselves in their The teaching staff at Summer High School takes designs. The manipulation of the surrounding this opportunity to invite you to a conference environments was highly controlled. Shrubs and with your child's teacher. The conference is held hedges were cut into cubic shapes, flowers were to increase your understanding of the progress planted in geometric patterns, and the gardens your child is making. and woodlands surrounding palaces were penetrated by straight rays of avenues. This total The date and time attached have been reserved control molded the viewer’s entire experience of for you. the shapes. If you find your scheduled time inconvenient, 01. What is the topic of the text? please indicate so below or call the school office to arrange for a different time. Additionally, we (A) The Baroque and Renaissance would appreciate being notified if you cannot architecture. attend your conference. (B) The Renaissance architecture. Written reports will be sent home to all students (C) The Baroque architecture. on December 10TH 2014. Interpreters can be (D) The world’s architecture. provided if requested. (E) The architects. Sincerely, 02. The synonym of the underlined word “abundance”most likely is … Balmor Tilby (A) enough. Summer High School Principal (B) sufficient. (C) quantity. 04. What is the letter about? ____________. (D) importance. (E) look. 05. Who is the inviter and invitee of this letter? ____________. Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 5877 ke menu search. Copyright © 2017 Zenius Education
06. “The date and time attached have been reserved for you.” (Paragraph 2) What does the sentence mean? (A) Each parent must choose his/her own schedule. (B) The school has chosen the schedule for each parent. (C) Each parent must not change his/her schedule. 07. Which one is not true according to the text? (A) There is a certain attachment after the letter above. (B) If the parents can’t attend the meeting, the parents must inform the school. (C) Parent may change their schedule. 08. Read the conversation below! Jesse : “Your face is charming.” Kylie : “Really? ____________” The most appropriate expression to fill the gap to accept the compliment is … (A) It’s not my real face. (B) It is not mine. (C) You are too kind. 09. Read the conversation below! Berny : “I know that your birthday is tomorrow, but I want to be the first person to ____________” The most appropriate expression to fill the gap is … (A) congratulations! (B) congratulate. (C) say happy birthday to you. Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 5877 ke menu search. Copyright © 2017 Zenius Education
K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas 10 Bahasa Inggris Persiapan Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS) Genap Doc. Name: RK13AR10ING02PAS Version: 2018-05 Halaman 1 From the moment you arrive in Mar- Parent-Teacher Conference rakesh, you'll get the distinct feeling you‗ve left something behind–a toothbrush or Date November 15th 2014 socks, maybe? But no, what you'll be mining in Marrakesh is predictability and all sense of Dear parents, direction, Never mind: you're better off without them here. Marrakesh is too package The teaching staff at Summer High School takes with mind-boggling distraction and labyrin- this opportunity to invite you to a conference thine alleyways to adhere to boring linear with your child‘s teacher. The conference is held logic. If you did have a destination, you'd to increase your understanding of the progress only be stopped by snake charmers, donkey your child is making. carts, trendy silver leather poufs and ancient Berber cures for everything from relation- The date and time attached have been reserved ships to rent. for you. Start at action-packed Djemaa el-Fna, If you find your scheduled time inconvenient, and if you can tear yourself away from the please indicate so below or call the school office castanet-clanging water-sellers and turbaned to arrange for a different time. Additionally, we potion-sellers, head into Marrakesh‘s maze would appreciate being notified if you cannot of covered market streets. Dive in headfirst attend your conference. at any street headed north off the Djemaa el-Fna, and with any luck you‘ll emerge ex- Written reports will be sent home to all students hilarated and triumphant some hours later, on December 10th 2014. Interpreters can be pro- carpet in tow. vided if requested. Marrakesh‘s old town is an ideal place to Sincerely, explore palaces, stay in a palatial traditional guesthouse, and sample a dish of piping-hot Balmor Tilby snails. But it‘s worth leaving the old city oc- Summer High School Principal casionally for dinner, drinks, art galleries and fixed-price boutiques in the new town. Go 03. What is the letter about? with the flow, and become an honorary Mar- rakashi bahja (joyous one). 04. Who is the inviter and invitee of this letter? 01. What is the text above? 05. ―The date and time attached have been re- served for you.‖ (paragraph 2) (A) the description of palaces in Marrakesh (B) the best destination in the world What does the sentence mean? (C) the description of Marrakesh (D) the most important city in Morocco (A) each parent must choose his/her own (E) the history of Marrakesh schedule 02. Based on the text, you can find all the fol- (B) the school has chosen the schedule for lowings in Marrakesh, except …. each parent (A) snake charmers (C) each parent must not change his/her (B) a toothbrush schedule (C) turbaned potion-sellers (D) palaces 06. Which one is not true according to the text? (E) donkey carts (A) there is a certain attachment after the letter above (B) if the parents can‘t attend the meeting, the parents must inform the school (C) parents may change their schedule Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 6828 ke menu search. Copyright © 2018 Zenius Education
K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas 10 Bahasa Inggris, Persiapan Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS) Genap Doc. Name: RK13AR10ING02PAS Version: 2018-05 Halaman 2 Hitler established the first concentration worker‘s settlement. Behind us was the many camp soon after he came to power in 1933. towered skyline of Lublin. There was much The system grew to include about 100 camps dust on road, and the grass as dull, greenish- divided into two types: concentration camps grey colour. The camp was separated from for slave labor in nearby factories and death the road by a couple of barbed-wire fences, camps for the systematic extermination of but these did not look particularly sinister, \"undesirables\" including Jews, Gypsies, and might have been put up outside any mili- tary or semi-military establishment. The place homosexuals, the mentally retarded and others. was large; like a whole town of barracks painted a pleasant soft green. There were As the allied armies raced towards final many people around - soldiers and civilians. victory, advancing troops liberated the camps A Polish sentry opened the barbed-wire gate one-by-one, revealing the horrors of the to let cars enter the avenue, with large green Nazi concept of establishing a ―pure‖ barracks on either side. And we stopped out- society. The first liberation came in July 1944 side a large barrack marked Bad und Desinfek- when Soviet troops entered Maidanek, tion II. ‗This,‘ somebody said, ‗is where large a death camp located in Poland two miles numbers of those arriving at the camp were from the city of Lublin. Alexander Werth, a brought in.‘ correspondent for the London Sunday Times The inside of this barrack was made of and the BBC, accompanied the Soviet troops concrete, and water taps came out of the and described the camp shortly after its cap- wall, and around the room there were ture. benches where the clothes were put down and afterwards collected. So this was the The BBC refused to air his report of the place into which they were driven. Or per- camp as his description was so unbelievable haps they were politely invited to 'Step this they considered it a Soviet propaganda ploy. way, please?' Did any of them suspect, while It was not until the later capture of Buchen- washing themselves after a long journey, wald, Dachau and other camps on western what would happen a few minutes later? front that his description was accepted as Anyway, after the washing was over, they true. were asked to go into the next room; at this \"It looked singularly harmless.‖ point even the most unsuspecting must have The Maidanek camp was established by begun to wonder. For the \"next room\" was a series of large square concrete structures, the Nazis in 1941 soon after their conquest each about one-quarter of the size of the of the then Russian occupied region of bath-house, and, unlike it, had no windows. Poland. The primary purpose of the facility The naked people (men one time, women was the speedy extermination of new arrivals another time, children the next) were driven (mostly Jews) transported in from various or forced from the bath-house into these countries including Czechoslovakia, France, Austria, and Holland. The majority of vic- dark concrete boxes-about five yards square- and then, with 200 or 250 people packed into tims, however, came from the immediate each box-and it was completely dark there, area. It is estimated that 1.5 million died at except for a small light in the ceiling and the the camp during its three years of operation. spyhole in the door-the process of gassing began. First some hot air was pumped in Soviet troops entered the camp in July from the ceiling and then the pretty pale- 1944. A week later, Alexander Werth joined a blue crystals of Cyclon were showered group of fellow reporters in a guided tour of down on the people, and in the hot wet air the facility: they rapidly evaporated. In anything from \"My first reaction to Maidanek was a feeling of surprise. I had imagined something horri- two to ten minutes everybody was dead... ble and sinister beyond words. It was nothing like that. It looked singularly harmless from outside. ‗Is that it?‘ was my first reaction when we stopped at what looked like a large Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 6828 ke menu search. Copyright © 2018 Zenius Education
K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas 10 Bahasa Inggris, Persiapan Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS) Genap Doc. Name: RK13AR10ING02PAS Version: 2018-05 Halaman 3 There were six concrete boxes—gas- (D) Hitler account of the Maidanek Concen- chambers—side by side. 'Nearly two thou- tration Camp sand people could be disposed of here simul- taneously,' one the guides said. (E) the slaughtering of Jews by Nazi Ger- many But what thoughts passed through these people's minds during those first few minutes 08. The opposite of the underlined word while the crystals were falling; could anyone ―immediate‖ (paragraph 5) is mostly …. still believe that this humiliating process of (A) fast being packed into a box and standing there (B) slow naked, rubbing backs with other naked peo- (C) far ple, had anything to do with the disinfection? (D) near (E) indirect At first it was all very hard to take in, without an effort of the imagination. There 09. Which one is true about the text? were a number of very dull-looking concrete (A) from the outside, Maidanek looked hor- structures which, if their doors had been rible and sinister wider, might anywhere else have been mis- (B) the doors of the gas chambers in taken for a row of nice little garages. But the Maidanek were made of iron doors-the doors! They were heavy steel (C) the writer was the first person to find the doors, and each had a heavy steel bolt. And Maidanek Concentration Camp in the middle of the door was a spyhole, a (D) at first the BBC thought the camp was a circle, three inches in diameter composed of Soviet scheme about a hundred small holes. Could the peo- (E) concentration camps were made onlu to ple in their death agony see the SS man's eye murder the ―undesirables‖ as he watched them? Anyway, the SS-man had nothing to fear: his eye was well pro- 10. T he unde rlined word ―disposed tected by the steel netting over the spyhole... of ‖ (paragraph 9) mostly means …. (A) located Then a touch of blue on the floor (B) transferred caught my eye. It was very faint, but still legi- (C) killed ble. In blue chalk someone had scribbled the (D) arranged word ―vergast‖ and had drawn crudely above (E) thrown it a skull and crossbones. I had never seen this word before but it obviously meant 11. What does the phrase ―… the pretty pale- \"gassed\"- and not merely \"gassed\" but: with, blue crystals of Cyclon …‖ mostly refer to? that eloquent little prefix ver, ‗gassed out‘. (A) jewellery That‘s this job finished, and now for the next (B) hot water lot. The blue chalk came into motion when (C) poison there was nothing but a heap of naked (D) hot air corpses inside. But what cries, what curses, (E) air evaporation what prayers perhaps, had been uttered inside that gas chamber only a few minutes be- fore?...‖ 07. The text mainly tells us about …. The Story Of An Hour by Kate Chopin (A) the victim account of the Maidanek Knowing that Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a Concentration Camp heart trouble, great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her hus- (B) a reporter experience touring the band‘s death. Maidanek Concentration Camp It was her sister Josephine who told her, in bro- (C) a Soviet troops retelling his story finding ken sentences; veiled hints that revealed in half the Maidanek Concentration Camp concealing. Her husband's friend Richards was Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 6828 ke menu search. Copyright © 2018 Zenius Education
K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas 10 Bahasa Inggris, Persiapan Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS) Genap Doc. Name: RK13AR10ING02PAS Version: 2018-05 Halaman 4 there, too, near her. It was he who had been in Now her bosom rose and fell tumultuously. She the newspaper office when intelligence Of the was beginning to recognize this thing that was railroad disaster was received, with Brently Mal- approaching to possess her, and she was striving lard's name leading the list of ―killed.‖ He had to beat it back with her will—as powerless as her only taken the time to assure himself of its truth two white slender hands would have been. When by a second telegram, and had hastened to fore- she abandoned herself a little whispered word stall any less careful, less tender friend in bearing escaped her slightly parted lips. She said it over tie sad message. and over under the breath: ―free, free, free!‖ The vacant stare and the look of terror that had fol- She did not hear story as many women have lowed it went from her eyes. They stayed keen heard the same, with a paralyzed inability to ac- and bright. Her pulses beat fast, and the coursing cept its significance. She wept at once, with sud- blood warmed and relaxed every inch of her den, wild abandonment, in her sister‘s arms. body. When the storm of grief had spent itself she went away to her room alone. She would have no She did not stop to ask if it were or were not a one follow her. monstrous joy that held her. A clear and exalted perception enabled her to dismiss the suggestion There stood, facing the open window, a comfort- as . She knew that she would weep again when able, roomy armchair. Into this she sank, pressed she saw the kind, tender hands folded in death; down by a physical exhaustion that haunted her the face that had never looked save with love body and seemed to reach into her soul. upon her, fixed and gray and dead. But she saw beyond that bitter moment a long procession of She could see in the open square before her years to come that would belong to her abso- house the tops of trees that were all quivered lutely. And she opened and spread her arms out with the new spring life. The delicious breath of to them in welcome. rain was in the air. In the street below a peddler was crying his wares. The notes of a distant song There would be no one to live for during those which someone was singing reached her faintly, coming years; she would live for herself. There and countless sparrows were twittering in the would be no powerful will bending hers in that eaves. blind persistence with which men and women believe they have a right to impose a private will There were patches of blue sky showing here upon a fellow-creature. A kind intention or a and there through the clouds that had met and cruel intention made the act seem no less a crime piled one above the other in the west facing her as she looked upon it in that brief moment of window. illumination. She sat with her head thrown back upon the And yet she had loved him—sometimes. Often cushion of chair, quite motionless, except when she had not. What did it matter! What could love, a sob came up into her throat and shook her, as a the unsolved mystery, count for in the face of child who has cried itself to sleep continues to this possession of self-assertion which she sud- sob in its dreams. denly recognized as the strongest impulse of her being! She was young, with a fair, calm face, whose lines bespoke repression and even a certain strength. \"Free! Body and soul free!\" she kept Mispering. But now there was a dull stare in her eyes, whose gaze was fixed away off yonder on one of those Josephine was kneeling before the closed door patches of blue sky. It was not a glance of reflec- with her lips to the keyhole, imploring for admis- tion, but rather indicated a suspension of intelli- sion. \"Louise, open the door! I beg; open the gent thought. door—you will make yourself ill. What are you doing, Louise? For heaven‘s sake open the door.\" There was something coming to her and she was \"Go away. I am not making myself she was waiting for it. fearfully. What was it? She did not drinking in a very elixir of life through that know; it was too subtle and elusive to name. But window. she felt it, creeping out of the sky, reaching to- ward her through the sounds, the scents, the color that filled the air. Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 6828 ke menu search. Copyright © 2018 Zenius Education
K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas 10 Bahasa Inggris Persiapan Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS) Genap Doc. Name: RK13AR10ING02PAS Version: 2018-05 Halaman 5 Her fancy was running riot along those days ahead of her. Spring days, and sum- mer days, and all sorts of the days that would be her own. She breathed a quick prayer that life might be long. It was only yesterday she had thought with a shudder that life might be long. She arose at length and opened the door to her sister's importunities. There was a fe- verish triumph in her eyes, and she carried herself unwittingly like a goddess of Vic- tory. She clasped her sister's waist, and to- gether they descended the stairs. Richards stood waiting for them at the bottom. Someone was opening the front door with a latch key. It was Brently Mallard who en- tered, a little travel-stained, composedly car- rying his grip-sack and umbrella. He had been far from the scene of the accident, and did not even know there had been one. He stood amazed at Josephine's piercing cry; at Richards' quick motion to screen him from the view of his wife. When the doctors came they said she had died of heart disease--of the joy that kills. 12. What is the story about? 13. From paragraph 5-14, what do you think Mrs. Mallard feel? 14. ―It was only yesterday she had thought with a shudder that life might be long.‖ (last sentence, paragraph 17) What does it mean? 15. Did Mrs. Mallard feel sad about her hus- band‘s death? 16. What did the family mean by the phrase ―of the joy that kills‖ in last sentence? 17. What was the cause of Mrs. Mallard‘s heart attack? Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 6828 ke menu search. Copyright © 2018 Zenius Education
K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas 10 Matematika Wajib Persamaan Nilai Mutlak - Latihan Soal Doc. Name: RK13AR10MATWJB0102 Version : 2016-09 | halaman 1 01. Jika f x 4x 7 , maka f 1 .... (A) -3 (B) -2 (C) 0 (D) 2 (E) 3 02. Jika |x| = -p , maka pasti …. (A) p > 0 (B) p ≠ 0 (C) p ≥ 0 (D) p < 0 (E) p ≤ 0 03. Penyelesaian dari |x + 1| = 1 adalah …. (A) -2 (B) -1 (C) 0 (D) -2 atau 0 (E) 2 atau 0 04. Himpunan penyelesaian dari 3x 1 2 adalah …. x7 (A) {13 , 5} (B) {-13 , 5} (C) {-5 , -13} (D) {-5 , 13} (E) {-2 , -13} Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 5453 ke menu search. Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas 10 Matematika Wajib, Persamaan Nilai Mutlak - Latihan Soal Doc. Name: RK13AR10MATWJB0102 version : 2016-09 | halaman 2 05. Persamaan 5 1 dipenuhi untuk x = .... x 1 2 (A) 9 atau 11 (B) -9 atau 11 (C) -11 atau 9 (D) -11 atau 9 (E) -9 atau 12 06. Penyelesaian dari |3x - 1| = x - 2 adalah …. (A) x 1 atau x 3 2 4 (B) x 1 atau x 3 2 4 (C) x 1 atau x 3 2 4 (D) x 1 atau x 3 2 4 (E) Tidak ada nilai x yang memenuhi 07. Himpunan penyelesaian dari |3x - 5|=|2x + 20| adalah …. (A) {3, 25} (B) {-3, 25} (C) {-25, -3} (D) {4, 26} (E) {-24, -4} 08. Pernyataan berikut yang tidak benar adalah …. (A) |ab| = |a| |b| (B) |a - b| = |b - a| (C) |a + b| = |b + a| (D) a = a b b (E) |a + b| = |a| + |b| Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 5453 ke menu search. Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
RK13 Antiremed Kelas 10 Matematika Peminatan Pertidaksamaan Mutlak – Materi dan Soal Doc. Name: RK13AR10MATPMT0401 Version : 2016-10 | halaman 1 01. Nilai |x|<7. Berapakah nilai yang memenuhi x? 02. Nilai x yang memenuhi pertidaksamaan |x-1|< 2 adalah ... (A) x ≥ -1 (B) x ≥ 3 (C) x > -1 (D) -3 < x < 1 (E) -1 < x < 3 03. Nilai x yang memenuhi pertidaksamaan |x-3|≥ 5 adalah ... (A) x ≥ -2 (B) x ≥ 8 (C) x ≤ -2 ATAU x ≥ 8 (D) x ≤ -2 DAN x ≥ 8 (E) x > -2 DAN x > 8 04. Nilai x yang memenuhi pertidaksamaan |x-5|< -3 ... (A) x < 2 (B) x > 8 (C) x > 3 (D) 2 < x < 8 (E) Tidak ada nilai x yang memenuhi. Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 5555 ke menu search. Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
RK13 Antiremed Kelas 10 Matematika Peminatan, Pertidaksamaan Mutlak – Materi dan Soal Doc. Name: RK13AR10MATPMT0401 version : 2016-10 | halaman 2 05. Nilai x yang memenuhi pertidaksamaan |x-7|≥ -2 adalah ... (A) x ≥ 5 (B) x ≥ 9 (C) x ≤ 5 ATAU x ≥ 9 (D) x ≤ 5 DAN x ≥ 9 (E) Dipenuhi untuk seluruh nilai x real. 06. Untuk 3<x<9. Berapakah nilai |x-1| + |x-10| + 3 ? 07. Himpunan penyelesaian dari pertidaksamaan |x+3|> 10 adalah … (A) x|x < -13 x > 7 (B) x|x < -13 x > 7 (C) x|x -13 < x < 7 (D) x|x R (E) {} 08. Jika |x-2| < 3 atau |x-4| ≤ 3, maka nilai x yang memenuhi adalah ... (A) -1 < x ≤ 7 (B) 1 ≤ x ≤ 7 (C) -1 ≤ x ≤ 7 (D) -1< x ≤ 5 (E) -1 < x < 5 Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 5555 ke menu search. Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
RK13 Antiremed Kelas 10 Matematika Peminatan, Pertidaksamaan Mutlak – Materi dan Soal Doc. Name: RK13AR10MATPMT0401 version : 2016-10 | halaman 3 09. Jika |x+7| < 3 atau |x+5| ≤ 3, maka nilai x yang memenuhi adalah ... (A) -8 < x ≤ -4 (B) -8 ≤ x ≤ -4 (C) -8 ≤ x ≤ 4 (D) -8 ≤ x < -4 (E) -8 < x < -4 10. Nilai x yang memenuhi pertidaksamaan 2x 5 7, 5 adalah .. 3 (A) -37,5 ≤ x ≤ 7,5 (B) -18,75 ≤ x ≤ 3,75 (C) x ≤ -18,75 x ≥ 3,75 (D) x ≤< -37,5 x ≥ 7,5 (E) Tidak ada nilai x yang memenuhi. 11. Penyelesaian dari pertidaksamaan|x-2| ≤ |x+2| adalah ... (A) x ≥ 0 (B) x ≤ 0 (C) x ≥ 2 (D) x ≤ 2 (E) x ≥ 4 12. Untuk 5 ≤ x ≤ 9. Nilai x yang memenuhi |x-10| + |2x-1| ≤ 8? Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 5555 ke menu search. Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
RK13 Antiremed Kelas 10 Matematika Peminatan, Pertidaksamaan Mutlak – Materi dan Soal Doc. Name: RK13AR10MATPMT0401 version : 2016-10 | halaman 4 13. Penyelesaian pertidaksamaan |2x+1| ≤ |x+2| adalah ... (A) -2 ≤ x ≤ 2 (B) -1 ≤ x ≤ 1 (C) 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 (D) x ≤ -1 x ≥ 1 (E) x ≤ 0 x ≥ 1 14. Nilai x yang memenuhi pertidaksamaan x2 - |x| - 6 ≤ 0 adalah ... 15. Penyelesaian perrtidaksamaan x-1 <1 adalah x+2 (A) x< 1 2 (B) x> 1 2 (C) x< 11 3 (D) x > 113 (E) 0 < x < 1 1 3 Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 5555 ke menu search. Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
RK13 Antiremed Kelas 10 Matematika Peminatan, Pertidaksamaan Mutlak – Materi dan Soal Doc. Name: RK13AR10MATPMT0401 version : 2016-10 | halaman 5 16. Nilai x yang memenuhi pertidaksamaan 1 < |x-3| ≤ 3 adalah ... (A) 0 < x < 2 4 < x < 6 (B) 0 ≤ x < 2 4 < x ≤ 6 (C) 0 < x ≤ 2 4 < x < 6 (D) 0 ≤ x ≤ 2 4 < x ≤ 6 (E) 0 ≤ x ≤ 2 4 < x < 6 17. Himpunan penyelesaian pertidaksamaan |x2 - x - 2|< 4 adalah ... (A) {x| - 3 < x < 2} (B) {x| - 2 < x < 3} (C) {x| - 1 < x < 5} (D) {x| - 5 < x < 1} (E) {x| - 1 < x < 6} 18. Penyelesaian pertidaksamaan |x - 3|2 - 3|x - 3|- 10 < 0 adalah ... (A) 3 < x < 8 (B) 2 < x < 8 (C) 0 < x < 8 (D) -2 < x < 8 (E) -3 < x < 8 19. Penyelesaian pertidaksamaan |x|2 - 7|x|+ 10 < 0 adalah ... (A) -5 < x < -2 2 < x < 5 (B) -5 < x < -2 0 < x < 5 (C) x < - 5 x > 5 (D) -2 < x < 2 (E) -5 < x < 5 Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 5555 ke menu search. Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
RK13 Antiremed Kelas 10 Matematika Peminatan, Pertidaksamaan Mutlak – Materi dan Soal Doc. Name: RK13AR10MATPMT0401 version : 2016-10 | halaman 6 20. Penyelesaian pertidaksamaan |x - 1|< 2x + 1 adalah ... (A) -2 < x < 2 (B) -1 < x < 2 (C) 0 < x < 2 (D) x < 2 (E) x > 5 21. Penyelesaian pertidaksamaan |x + 2|> x - 3 adalah ... (A) 1 < x < 2 (B) 2 < x < 1 -1 2 (C) 0 Є R (D) x< 1 2 1 (E) x> 2 22. Carilah nilai x yang memenuhi pertidak- samaan berikut ini: |x-10|+|2x+6| > 8 23. Carilah nilai x yang memenuhi pertidak- samaan berikut ini: |||x|+x|+x| < 2 Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 5555 ke menu search. Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas 10 Matematika Wajib - Persamaan Nilai Mutlak - Latihan Soal Tambahan Doc. Name: RK13AR10MATWJB0106 Version: 2017-08 Halaman 1 Selesaikan persamaan nilai mutlak berikut! 01. |x - 2| = 3 02. |x + 2| = 5 03. |x - 1| = 7 04. |3 - x| = 5 05. x 1 - 3 2 2 06. |4x + 3| = 7 07. |3x - 8| = 4 08. |4 + 3x| = 1 09. |5 - 2x| = 11 10. |4x - 6| = -10 Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di dengan memasukkan kode 6164 ke menu search. Copyright © 2017 Zenius Education
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