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Home Explore Real Peaceful Rainbow Resistance Revolution

Real Peaceful Rainbow Resistance Revolution

Published by zen, 2017-04-06 03:41:18

Description: Real Peaceful Rainbow Resistance Revolution

Keywords: God,Jesus,Christ,Holy,Ghost,Spirit,Second Coming,proof God exists,seven dimensional space


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ArtificialSubstancesDrug AbusesA lot of work went on in laboratories in most countries involved inthe Second World War, especially in Nazi Germany, to invent awhole range of wholly new artificial materials and substances,which has continued apace ever since under the Beast 666: -  Above all, a whole range of new plastics came out, initially to be derided as ‘cheap and nasty’ – especially when as often, used to make cheaper imitations of natural products – especially wood.  A whole range of artificial foodstuffs, and food additives. Again, these have often been regarded as dangerous or even poisonous – especially the infamous ‘E number’ additives.  Many new, more potent fuels, and other new chemicals and materials, to be used in the many new technologies that we just saw above.  A vast and ever increasing range of new medical drugs. However, most of these have since been found to have very toxic effects; or even not work at all as stated. Often the drugs are tested on animals, which very many people totally disapprove of.  Meanwhile, many drugs are obtained by drug addicts as they have strong narcotic effects. Worldwide, growing and manufacture of narcotics seems to be something that likewise, the Beast 666 totally approves of. Anything to upset the minds totally of drug addicts – and make them feel totally unnatural! 147

Left hand or ‘government’ column of three ‘horns’ orInfernal Triangles of three Evil Spirits, under Be-elzebubTop SecrecyCensorshipPropagandaAll of these three crucial aspects of Government use of information,common to all nations, have been critical throughout all the manywars of the last century. However, the Fall and Descent of vastForces of Evil, after the Battle of Evermore was won and lost, alsoat the very most intense peak ever of fighting in the World, in1946, immediately saw a huge Satanic ‘Cloak of Darkness’ descendon the whole world. Also there has been massively increasedcontrol of information, in greatly increased censorship andpropaganda, from then on, increasingly, worldwide.The ‘Cloak of Darkness of Top Secrecy’, under the Beast 666 from1946-2016, has started with all governments, from Premier’s officeright down to local council offices. Industry now became massivelysecretive, in particular about the insides of the huge numbers ofnew machines, especially as they have largely been ‘black boxes’ –as well as their factories. Naturally the military and police have gotever more secretive.Health care is also massively ‘confidential’, the word for ‘TopSecrecy’ as in ‘Newspeak’, the new way of never saying what youmean. ‘Newspeak’ was proposed as a description of new post-warlanguage now being used by the media and governments, in ‘1984’,the science-horror novel by George Orwell, which he wrote at thevery start of all this, in 1948.Meanwhile, censorship has just gone on continuing, even in peace-time. Often TV and the press complain about the gagging theyfeel, from most governments. It is very noticeable in our ownBritish Isles, that nearly all newspapers have very little actual‘news’ content, but instead lots of random ‘news items’. These aremostly about ‘celebrities’ and their lives, other gossip, and yet ahuge coverage of sport – above all the ‘opium of the peopleworldwide’ – endless football! TV is absolutely obsessed withfootball also, to the near total exclusion of all other sports. Again it 148

is often ‘celeb telly’, and recent years have seen both a massiverise in channels and programs of increasingly poor taste andquality. More on TV in particular, much later on, under ‘Satan Horn2’.Propaganda has just got steadily more and more lurid, ever sincethe Beast 666 took world power in 1946, especially duringinternational crises, when both sides often issue wildly lurid, andblatantly totally distorted and untrue, views of their own side andthe other side. Probably the most wild propaganda in the entirehistory of the Beast 666 1946-2016, were the later completelydiscredited claims of the main Allies, that ‘Iraq definitely had manyweapons of mass destruction’ as an excuse for the massive invasionin 2006. They found absolutely none!‘Spin’ of so-called ‘spin doctors’ started in the early 1990’s, and isbasically the art of putting out stories, mainly in the media, givingfull details of very extreme policies, as if they were about tobecome reality.Two recent ‘spin’ policies in our own country will illustrate this. Afew months ago, the British Government announced it was ‘going tostart intercepting every letter, email and phone call, in the entirecountry’, which obviously never happened. A while later, anotherclaim was that the Government, known to be extremely right wing,‘was about to completely axe the entire elaborate, vital, essential,long-standing benefits system’!Once you appreciate just how very Evil the global influence of theSatanic Beast 666 has been for many years, constantly growing, alot of how strange all of this is, becomes much easier to start tounderstand. 149

Multi-stateEnterprise &Health CareInitially after the Second World War, as the Reign of the Beast 6661946-2016 started, there were many new companies round theworld, especially those keen to develop and produce, and sellprofitably, machines etc, of the many new technologies that wehave discussed. Initially these companies and corporations were allnationally based in their own host country.However, from about the mid 1960’s, a new type of corporationemerged – the ‘multi-national’ corporation, usually initially a largecompany based in one country, that bought factories and offices,and hired staff, in one or more other countries.Reasons given were often: - resources,  Cheaper or very suitable workforce  Availability of (especially when cheap) natural and/or sources of (cheap) parts  Close to markets, so making transport cheapHowever, multinationals employ staff of many nationalities, andtheir products are sold in many countries; so often very manylanguages have to be supported. Staff need to travel between sitesin different countries, and there are often large cultural differencesto overcome.As far as the Satanic Beast 666 is concerned, it must love: -  The even larger than ever ‘Cloak of Darkness’ used by these multinationals  The fact that many cultural differences between sites in different countries, above all language, make working life extremely difficult – often with very bland communication  All this complexity greatly confuses company staff, but above all, consumers, who often cannot tell the true country of origin of many multinational companies’ products.150

Health CareMany occupations in our own country, Great Britain, especiallyhealth care, above all in the British National Health Service, alsohave a very racially mixed staff. They are claimed to be employedin this NHS because of a national shortage of doctors, nurses andother medical staff.However, particularly because this is supposed to be a very ‘caring’profession, there are very many problems with most of these staffonly having English as a second language. Often even worse, theyhave little or no knowledge of British culture – and often cannoteven muster a laugh, they are so very serious!There is much resentment of these NHS staff, and other migrantsfrom other countries, apparently snapping up all the low-paid jobsin the country, and other higher-paid jobs if possible.However, it is only due to news censorship, as above, that little isheard of the same problem also greatly affecting other countriesaround the world. Every country in the world, it seems,increasingly dramatically over the past few years, is complainingbitterly about huge numbers of migrants, causing many problemswith employment for the natives.This seems to be a very recent ploy and development by the Beast666, yet again, to maximise feelings of resentment and distress, inmost if not all countries, round the world. 151

MilitarismHolocaustsPolice RuleA very key feature of the reign of the Satanic Beast 666 since 1946,has been the continuation from the Second World War, of a worldthat has since been extremely war-like. As we said way back whendiscussing Chapters Five and Six of this Book of Revelation,following the Second World War, there seem to have been twoother ‘unofficial’ World Wars. Firstly all this time there has beenwaged a ‘Third World War – of the Third World’. In parallel, butlately dominant, there has been going on a ‘Fourth World War –blamed on religion’.Many genocides, especially that have involved ‘ethnic cleansing’,and other atrocities in all of these wars, amount to the ‘Holocausts’pointed out in the title above, even though they have been on alesser scale to the Great Holocaust of the Second World War.However such ‘Holocausts’ can often occur in civilian populations.We actually have worrying news of what might perhaps be strongevidence of very suspicious events of the last ten years or so, inour own supposedly highly civilised country, Great Britain.Where do all the following groups of ‘disadvantaged’ people seemto have vanished to in that time?  Children, especially orphans?  ‘The elderly’?  All of the harmless tramps and bag-ladies, all vanished since about 15 years ago? Many are known to have been put into ‘mental hospitals’, and then very badly treated.  The physically disabled, now very rarely seen, and then only with their family?  People with learning difficulties?  Many ‘mentally ill’ people? Although many are known to be forced for life, into so-called rehabs, when their homes and all property is stripped from them, and all their income is also stripped from them, usually benefits, so they then live on no money at all? 152

Police RuleWe beg the question, does the world under the Beast 666, liveunder a Global Universal Police State (GUPS) in virtually everycountry on earth? CCTV and other control and surveillancetechniques, along with a host of new police equipment based ondigital technology, make that seem very likely! Some police forcesround the world have such extensive CCTV, that they are said tomostly sit in their police stations watching CCTV!One striking development, is that while police cars started withbells in the 1950’s, then claxons, finally much quieter sirens thantoday in the 1970’s and 1980’s – their sirens today really areincredibly, loud, spooky, and indeed completely Satanic! It soundslike a Devil or two is driving around, not the police! 153

Right hand column of three ‘horns’ or Infernal Triangles ofthree Evil Spirits each, under Be-elzebub‘Suppression of people under the Real, Utterly Satanic BigBrother up to this year of 2016 – the Beast 666’. Thediscussions here are actually much easier, so shorter, thanour discussions of the other ‘horns’ so farPoker FacedMacho FrontGrim SpiritsOver the last few years, most people, especially when out andabout walking in the street or shopping, do indeed seem to us to bemostly very solitary, and also to have all come to seem ‘pokerfaced’. Nearly everybody seems to put up a totally grim, oftenquite aggressive, ‘macho front’.They all look grim, and often worried, and their nearly blankexpression betrays the fact that they totally lack ‘good spirits’. Theonly people who ever seem even to manage a little smile, let alonea laugh these days, are children or still quite young people.This never used to be the case quite a few years ago, when youmust remember many people smiled, laughed, and above all justtalked very much more. We are obviously very concerned at this,for it does appear clearly, that in this year 2016 of the SatanicWorld Reign of the Beast 666 1946-2016, the Devil is triumphant.The 42 Spirits of the Devil do seem to have nearly entirelyeliminated the 42 Good Spirits of the Holy Ghost and the Holy Spirit– from virtually everybody!Self-centredAnti-socialSpiritlessHere is the second set of ‘problem spirits’ mostly afflicting mostpeople on the entire planet today. Firstly, people have beenconditioned by TV especially, as we see in due course, to be veryself-centred and so selfish, compared to years gone by. 154

This selfishness, in turn makes many people very anti-social. Wesee soon that not only TV, but a massive drive urging digitaltechnology, computers, and ‘gadgets’ on us, even making mostdating computer- and Internet- based, is a main reason.Then we will again be spelling out very clearly, that the Beast 666has foisted such a vast amount of digital technology on everybodyfor years, because it is extremely similar to the nature of the veryEvil Spirits, being made of pairs of polar opposites in conflict. TheBeast 666 is desperate for us to have these, so be ‘spiritless’ i.e.empty of ‘Good Spirits’ – that is, based on the Holy Spirit and theHoly Ghost.Big BrotherMoney SlaveDumbed DownFollowing on from the above, most people we see, especially out inthe street, seem rather too self-aware, and seem to feel the needto behave almost too perfectly correctly, at all times – totallyunrelaxed. It seems our awareness that we do indeed live in anAge of ‘Big Brother’, CCTV, big files on everybody, and vastly toomuch control and supervision, especially at work, is furtherconditioning everybody as in the two discussions above.Yet there really is a Big Brother – yet one who hides away insecrecy and a ‘Cloak of Darkness’ – The Devil, and the Beast 6661946-2016!The Devil’s Ring of Power, in turn, is money itself, which is why allof these last 70 years have been so utterly materialistic – witheverybody constantly urged to constantly keep that ring, of makingand spending money, as active as possible. Digital Technology hasbeen totally key to this, being so very similar to Evil Spirits, beingpolar opposites in conflict. Hence the price of it has always beenkept extremely low, to lure and seduce the unwary.All the above aspects of the Reign of the Beast 666, as they haveaffected people on Earth, have massively been encouraged mostlyby television, but also by ‘digitalis(m)’ and its technology. A final 155

key aspect is the ‘dumbing down’ that famously has gone on foryears, by TV and the media.LUCIFERBabylonControlCrueltyLucifer fell in the description of the Battle of Evermore in the Bookof Revelation Chapter 12, which we actually covered in great detail.Back then in 1946, helped by massive Forces of Evil that fell toEarth with him, he clearly placed himself in a central position, ofwhat we can see on page 136, is one of three ‘heads’ of this Web ofIntrigue and Cloak of Darkness - to help make up the Beast 666.So Lucifer’s Infernal Triangle of three Evil Spirits, convey the coreobjective of the whole Beast 666 – to make the entire world into aSatanic ‘New Empire of Babylon’ – with absolutely the main overallemphasis being of Control and Cruelty. This can clearly be seen toindeed have happened 1946-2016!Later we read a full account of the Book of Revelation Chapters 17and 18 – describing the imminent total destruction of this BabylonEmpire controlled so cruelly – so of Lucifer too.SATAN - WITH TWO ‘HORNS’The eyes and ears of the Beast 666The Book of Revelation Chapter 13 describes Satan seducing peopleof the world to worship the Beast 666 (the MACHINE) in two waysthat have indeed turned out to be incredibly powerful. However,both have always increasingly been used, as we see below, tocondition and control the whole population of the world.  Firstly, Satan’s Horn 1 contains the elements of modern day ICT (information and communications technology): - cyberspace, digitalis(m) or digital technology, and telephones i.e. recently telecommunications. 156

 Secondly, Satan’s Horn 2 contains firstly television, and so CCTV, but also psychiatry, that is the ‘Thought Police’ described in 1948 by George Orwell, in his book ‘1984’, that actually started in Nazi Germany in the 1930’s, when it was soon adopted by the Stalinist USSR.SATAN HORN 1CyberspaceDigitalis(m)Telephones (more recently, telecommunications)Digitalis(m), that is digital technology, is now the basis of vastamounts of digital equipment, especially digital computers. Theglobal world of ‘cyberspace’, especially the vast and highlydisorganised Internet since 1993, is entirely made of so-called ‘bits’and ‘bit streams’ made of them – that is, totally unnatural ‘squarewaves’ of ‘bit patterns’. Telephones have also nearly all becomedigital, and computerised as telecommunications.Yet digital technology is greatly loved by Evil Spirits, as completelymake up the Beast 666. Being close to, if not identical to, theirvery basis, of two polar opposites in conflict!Digitalis(m) is The Devil’s great attempt to replace God and Spirit,which instead involve ‘analogue’ waves, with a world mostlydependent on, and often obsessed and lusting after, digitaltechnology, the closest thing possible to Evil Spirits, which are pairsof polar opposites in conflict, whereas ‘Good’ Spirits are, bycontrast, creative.Such digital technology has been offered at deliberately verytempting low prices, since soon after the Second World War. Thetwo principal innovations were the invention in 1948 of thetransistor, made of extremely strange and poisonous materialscalled semiconductor; then in 1979, the appearance ofrevolutionary ‘microprocessors’, led soon to the personal computer,ever since universal.From then, computers have been offered as affordable toeverybody, and one main way that many people have been 157

seduced into getting hooked on digital technology, so the ‘worshipof the MACHINE’ as in the Beast 666, as warned about strongly inthe Book of Revelation Chapter 13.However, at the same time, most information about the populationis naturally held on computer files, under the strict control of theComplete Cloak of Darkness maintained by world governments andbehind them in secret – by the Masters behind the Beast 666.Hence, not only is digitalis(m) completely in control of the mainaspects of world governments, which we discussed under ‘the lefthand column of Be’elzebub’ earlier; it is also a huge force enablingtight control of the world’s population, hence a large part of theproblem areas of the ‘right hand column of Be’elzebub’, alsodiscussed a few pages back.SATAN HORN 2TelevisionBrain DamagePsychiatryAs predicted in 1948 by George Orwell’s novel ‘1984’, the years inbetween have seen increasingly large-scale use of CCTV (closed-circuit television) for ‘security’ control of large areas of towns andcities, until it is now extremely intrusive in some places.In ‘1984’ Orwell also predicted a TV-like box in every room in eachhome, that showed ‘Big Brother’ everything going on – hence themodern silly TV show of that name. In actuality, while hopefully TVsets do not film and tape people watching them (although it isactually hard to tell!), ever since TV got very popular in 1945 or so,TV in every home, hence ugly rows of aerials down each street, hassupplied an ever-increasing variety of ‘channels’.This is all controlled by the media, governments and big business,and has always seemed to be mostly aimed at increasingly offeringever more channels that most people simply would not watch. Sopeople have to absolutely scour the ever more vast TV listings – fora show they might possibly want to watch. 158

Massive editorial control as above, is used blatantly and constantlyto completely control how people think, due to the TV programmesthey watch, from the very controlled selection made available bythe censors. Much TV is completely intended to ‘dumb’ down all theviewers, so instead of watching you in your room, TV conditionsyou to think in a certain low-level, basic, ‘lowest commondenominator’ way. Examples are: -  Manic behaviour is totally unacceptable in the everyday non- TV world, but totally tolerated by Big Brother, Beast 666, while watching football on TV, or actually watching a match from the stands. Incredible amounts of money are spent on this one sport of football, with virtually no other sports ever screened, but football shown incessantly on TV. Such has been the conditioning and brainwashing by the media moguls, that indeed a huge proportion of the viewing public have been made ‘football junkies’, partly it seems because going manic while watching is completely tolerated.  Over the years, aggressive behaviour, especially in so-called ‘soap operas’, and above all extreme violence, increasingly in virtual reality ‘science fantasy’ films, seems to have become the staple diet of many people, especially of course men.  A ‘cult of celebrities’ has for long been a no-brainer mainstay of TV working with the (mainly ‘tabloid’) press. Many seem to have a massive thirst for fame, and hopefully the usual money rewards, and then almost always, once they have ‘made celebrity stardom’ start getting torn apart by the media for the slightest thing.  Old-fashioned good comedy, especially situation comedy, seems to have now been totally replaced by mere ‘mocking of other people’ – usually the above clique of ‘TV celebrities’.  Good news programmes have become extremely hard indeed to find on TV, and most are clearly heavily controlled, as to the actual view of the world given by the selection of news items actually shown.Hence overall, TV has become increasingly over the years, one ofthe two forms of ‘brain death’ ironically described here, as the twotypes of ‘1984’ Thought Control discussed. 159

Psychiatry (final part of earlier discussions)We have mentioned in various parts of our discussion of Chapter12, and since also Chapter 13 of The Book of Revelation, lots ofpoints of great interest about this Orwellian ‘Thought Control’.In particular, the seemingly totally unknown but very sinister fact,that ‘psychiatry’ in fact originated in Nazi Germany as its ‘ThoughtPolice System’ in the 1930’s, and this was completely obscuredwhen this alleged ‘new branch of medicine’ was announcedworldwide in 1945.We have covered this terrifying and very secretive pseudo-sciencevery thoroughly already, except for us now just to summarise justhow high risk is imprisonment without trial by this system forabsolutely anybody. If you think you are ‘totally sane’ so could notpossibly end up trapped in a psychiatric ward (and they are utterlybleak, and most people endure many months of torture by sensorydeprivation) – what follows will make you think again, almostcertainly!  Before the Second World War, people had always been treated for ‘madness’ or ‘insanity’. When the Nazi German system of ‘psychiatry’ was launched in 1945, at the end of that war, it was totally falsely described as a ‘new invention’. Henceforth the above terms were obsolete – ‘mentally ill’ people would now all be treated with new ‘super drugs’. This new ‘mental health’ system now operated essentially worldwide, under vast secrecy, never explained, but called ‘confidentiality’, which like ‘mentally ill’ and ‘mental health’, were actually pure ‘George Orwell 1984 Newspeak’ propaganda.  This new system has always been kept top secret, simply because it has many very alarming features. In and around 1984, the Beast 666 in fact greatly increased the severity of the ‘Destruction of Souls’, worldwide, that is actually the true nature of this extremely sinister ‘mental health’ system, originally from Nazi Germany. For instance, in our own country of Great Britain, the extreme right-wing Government of Margaret Thatcher, brought in the current very extremist laws just in time for them to become fully enforced in 1984. 160

 Just because of hearsay or rumour, under the global mental health system, a person can be assessed as ‘mentally ill’ based on only the simple ‘opinions’ of just one or two ‘medical experts’. Such opinions are always totally subjective, not based on any actual logic or facts, and often totally wrong in fact. Absolutely with no formal trial, the person can then be placed in a ‘mental hospital’, with absolutely no legal rights, and only limited basic human rights, for what could turn out to be months or years. While put in hospital ‘at the drop of a hat’ as above, unless they can persuade their ‘doctor’ that they are well enough to be released, they have to apply for, then endure a long wait for, a slight chance to persuade a very legal panel of the same. However, all reports by staff for these legal appeals, are nearly always flagrantly biased, both by using inflamed language, and above all greatly exaggerating about or even totally lying about, how a ‘patient’ has been behaving. Conditions in most mental wards are incredibly Spartan. Books and magazines are either absent or in appalling taste. Adult patients are sometimes offered games to play, very rarely, and rarely do limited and more structured, ‘creative activities’. There is very rarely any music on ‘wards’. Very occasionally a ‘ward’ does have a computer or two that sometimes works, but then has near total control by censorship software. So, with all of this strictly controlled, most ‘patients’ are only left with TV to watch, usually other people’s taste, nearly all day and evening. Hence life on these ‘wards’ is usually extremely boring indeed, which often lasts many months. Really, apart from a diet nearly entirely of TV, which usually soon runs out of appeal, there is only very poor food in most ‘wards’ – ‘bedtime’, and ‘drugs’. These are actually completely ‘forced on patients – if necessary by brute force and ignorance’. A primary aim of all ‘patients’ is, as quickly as possible, to get increasing time or ‘leave’ from their Doctor, to get off the ward, then in due course to the local area, and eventually to their home. 161

 Meanwhile, staff on these ‘wards’ are notoriously very po- faced at nearly all times, and usually exhibit absolutely no feelings. However the ‘Doctors’ or ‘Psychiatrists’ never even bother to visit their Wards, and only ever even talk to their patients, as a result, for a few minutes a week, and then at extremely formal meetings. They hardly seem to justify their huge salaries at all, in any way. In fact, while the nurses working under the Doctors get a good salary for such ‘care workers’, by all accounts, they only actually work very sporadically – only actually working just one or two eight hour shifts in any week! Work on ‘mental health’ patients in the home was again originally thought up in Nazi Germany and then in turn, the USSR. The Nazis created a huge network of ‘SA’ or ‘sozialarbeiter’ – and this term directly translated, became the Universal ‘social worker’ – after this Nazi system was introduced worldwide by stealth, in 1945. Likewise the term PSychiatriSt obviously conceals the fact, that psychiatrists around the world since then, are really thinly-disguised versions of Nazi SS Officers, offering ‘health’, but behind closed doors, very fiercely imposing Control! In PRISONS, at least most prisoners have been through a trial in Court, so have had to be found guilty of some crime, to be put in prison. Prisons and mental hospitals are said to be more similar these days, with slightly more rights for prisoners. Above all, the use of ‘psychiatric drugs’ is now very common in both, no longer just ‘mental hospitals’. Doctors in both prisons and hospitals have now got extremely harsh indeed on smoking, citing health reasons, so the ‘blue haze’ that so many find so very relaxing, is now either very controlled indeed – or even banned. One extremely obvious feature of all ‘lock-ups’ – is that if any ‘art work’ is displayed, it is of very strange, usually abstract designs, clearly very Freemason – the Beast 666 is about again! This is especially obvious if the ‘art’ only has three colours – symbolising the Three Heads of the Devil! In Brixton and Pentonville prisons in London, England, we even hear that 162

the main courtyards are actually adorned boldly, with Freemason stars! I have recently received astonishingly accurate Intelligence from a Gypsy King of a vastly long pure blood line, who was, he said, about to start a World Mission along with many other similar Gypsy Kings – which sounded very dark indeed. He says he has a full list of all Senior Illuminati and Freemason Leaders round the world, whom these Gypsy Kings can easily ‘call out the blood from’, which sounds very gruesome. One of their main targets is one of the leading World Illuminati – none other than USA President Barack Obama! However his main ‘pet hate’ is said to be one ‘CB’, who lives in Sandy in Bedfordshire, England, whom these Gypsy Kings loathe and detest for two very good reasons: - ‘CB’ allegedly keeps invading women’s houses, who have what he terms a ‘blood line’ that will further strengthen his own. He then rapes them to make babies for this sinister purpose. However, the Gypsy Kings that I spoke to said that this ‘CB’ is probably the most senior Freemason in Great Britain, also an extremely senior Illuminati in the world! Vitally and above all, it is he who is principal keeper of the Original German Nazi HOLOCAUST FILE, which is kept in or near his home in Sandy, Bedfordshire. Surely at least the Herts and Beds Police, if not MI5, MI6 and possibly the SAS, should make every effort to secure this horrendously historically totally EVIL DOCUMENT! 163

Main milestones in time during the Reignof the Beast 666, 1946-20161964. For a very long time indeed after the end of the SecondWorld War in 1945-1946, most of the world was in deeprecession, and indeed for many years, even into the 1950’s,many countries had to retain wartime rationing of food anddrink, etc.The huge ‘arms race’ at that time, mostly in the new nuclearweapons, and missiles to fire them with, caused a massive ‘ColdWar’, mostly between new main world ‘superpowers’ – especiallythe USA and the USSR. Extremely fierce wars took place,especially the US involvement in the horrendous Korean andVietnam Wars. This whole extremely long period of ‘AustereYears’ of recession lasted right up to the early 1960’s. Lucifer,the Head of The Devil for ‘free money’, was having to really wait,before the Dream of the MACHINE, of the Beast 666, took off –with economic recovery.Seemingly the only bright spots in very miserable times indeed,were for young people, new forms of music, starting in the USAwith Rock and Roll in 1957. Soon after that there was muchexcitement after the USSR launched the first space satellites,immediately starting the well-known space race that followed,particularly with the USA.Finally, in 1964, 20 years on from 1944, firstly after thefamously dramatic ‘Cuban Missile Crisis’ allowed mostly USPresident John F Kennedy to very skilfully resolve this Crisis –and then achieve a huge downplaying of the ‘Cold War’. He waslater famously assassinated in Dallas, Texas.However, finally in 1964, after all these many years, the worldeconomy was now in a ‘boom’. Soon British Prime MinisterHarold Wilson made the famous remark ‘we are now in the whiteheat of a technological revolution’ (worldwide). 164

Soon the Beast 666 was seeing this get ever stronger! This BigBrother had waited 20 years – but its ‘Dream of the MACHINE’ asa global object of worship, seemed underway.1979. This year was exactly the halfway mark of the Reign ofthe Beast 1946-2016 – and saw a milestone development, of thefirst microprocessors. Also, at the same time, there were hugeongoing parallel efforts to massively ‘miniaturise’ or makeincredibly small, computers using these, which had often beentoo big to use by most – or simply too expensive.At the same time, prices of all this new digital technology startedto fall sharply, as the new devices were now being used in a newand ever larger range of digital devices. Overall, all this newmicro technology was really promoted heavily, so became verypopular for indefinite years ahead.1984. This was a year made famous years earlier by theHorror-fiction novelist, George Orwell. As we just saw, as if toreinforce his views that ‘psychiatry’ was really the ‘ThoughtPolice’, which he described in his book ‘1984’ – worldwide,massively more punitive laws were brought in for this originallyNazi System for ‘Crushing of Souls’.This has always masqueraded itself as somehow ‘medical’ – the‘Newspeak’ for this very sinister system of imprisonment withouttrial or any rights, is ‘mental health’.At this time, many more TV channels started to be added to TVservices around the world, so enhancing the other main aspectalong with the above sinister ‘psychiatry’, of the ‘Satan Horn 2’ ofthe Beast 666, as shown and discussed earlier.On the other Satan Horn, by 1984, the personal computer hadbeen introduced, far smaller than previous computers, and atlast able to be placed on, or beside, any desk. Immediately,huge effort by many firms, went into producing ‘software’ orincreasingly large and complex programs for such ‘PCs’. These‘PCs’ still remain as the standard computer for business and 165

industry, and undergone many huge improvements, especially inspeed and ‘software’.At last the Beast 666 possessed new affordable, small PCmachines, which indeed now mostly followed standards... 166

1993. The Beast 666 finally had everything in place aftermany years of preparation – and finally started its ultimate‘dream’ – under the usual ‘Cloak of Darkness’: –The (in)famous NEW AGE OF THE ENTIRE OCCULT!We can actually vividly recall, from late 1992 into early 1993, avery surprisingly high number of items in the press, saying thatclearly, an unusually large number of global conferences of ‘NewWorld Order’ was then going on, known to be the most senior groupof ‘Illuminati’ in the whole world.Very unusually, for they usually operate under a total ‘Cloak ofDarkness’, some small press releases were actually given out,which seemed to betray that these ultra serious, totally grim, ‘menin black’, the secretive Occult controllers of nearly the whole world,were at least – a bit excited for a change.Finally, one or two of these tiny Press Releases revealed that infact, these Big Brother people or Beast 666 Principals, hadeverything in place they needed, around the world, so at last themuch desired Ultimate Target of the Occult, their so-called, NewAge, was definitely going to happen – that year of 1993!No details ever seemed to be supplied, but indeed, as that year of1993 went, there was a virtual deluge of announcements, in allsorts of areas, especially a whole raft of them in the favourite areaof the Occult, digital technology.As ever, all this technology was designed to titillate and entrap itsusers, into effective ‘worship’ of their ‘shiny digital toys’; and divertthem totally from human – so ‘Good’ spiritual – contact.Very major developments in computing  The Internet had been steadily gaining in popularity, and so electronic mail or e-mails, but now received absolutely massive investment, which made it a global sensation virtually overnight. As a result, for several years afterwards there was a famous ‘bubble’ of ‘dot com’ companies with web-sites that became incredibly highly valued on stock markets. Then 167

suddenly, a few years later, the market realised that all this was an elaborately hyped scam, the ‘bubble’ burst, and nearly all ‘dot com’ companies vanished back into obscurity. Nevertheless, the Web or Internet has gone on to be a massive central focus of world computing, a major forum for trading, and has stupendous numbers of web sites, for which many search engines are on offer – with only few major ones.  The first version of Windows (3.1) software was brought in by Microsoft for PC’s, and quickly saw off all other ‘Windows’ like competition, especially ‘X Windows’. Soon, a long line of ‘Windows’ systems has become fully integrated with the Internet, leading to most computer users using ‘mouse- pointer-keyboard-screen’ systems. There have been really only two choices in PC software ever since – Windows (or possibly Linux) on PC’s – and the Apple equivalent of Windows on their own PC’s.  Windows based software has rapidly since been spawned by many companies – either office software, or utilities, or very many increasingly semi-realistic and ever faster, virtual reality computer games.  Broadband Networking between computers has greatly decreased computer access times to others. However, much more work is being done, to make networking much quicker still.Other developments in digital technology  ‘Mobile phones’ or ‘cell-phones’, which had just come out, were massively promoted, and developed to make them much smaller and cheaper, very heavily from 1993. These ‘beam me down, Scottie’ devices almost immediately became immensely popular. However, the price of actual calls has always remained high, so especially poor people and children have to resort to laborious typing of text messages on them. As usual, this digital technology makes everyone less human i.e. very un-‘spiritual’.  Digital television, satellite television, and cable television. All of these, now all very familiar, were all introduced then, or massively invested in and developed. Suddenly nearly every country followed the pattern in the USA for many years, and offered vastly more channels for all of 168

these – although many people still find that the quantity usually spells poor quality and choice! Virtual Reality. This had been around for some years, but this use of computer animation to make dramatic special effects on video films, was from now massively promoted and its development heavily invested in. So, increasingly till today, very many films make heavy use of virtual reality computerised filming techniques – especially for special effects, often very violent. Compact discs and players, and DVD discs and players, both to listen to music, watch films on DVDs, and to use these CDs and DVDs on computers. Yet again, even music and the old tapes for films, also went digital! So aggressive were music CD’s promoted, that nearly all production of music on vinyl records was stopped virtually overnight that year! That left lots of people saying that they still much preferred the much warmer, smoother ‘analogue’ vinyl sound – to the sharper, much crisper sound of the new CD’s. There was far less objection to DVD’s over film tapes, which were hard to easily wind. CD’s and DVD’s have of course gone on to become completely the choice for use on computers, over the much smaller old floppy discs. Computerised, digital modern music n.b. ‘club’ Along with this massive armada of digital technology, there also now started a whole new style of very electronic, very melancholy and very fierce, music all produced for these CD’s – exclusively on computers. The only tiny sign in 1993 that a ‘New Age’ had been started, was that the media made the first ‘anthem’ of a brand new kind of totally computerised music, most famously put out by ‘Ministry of Sound’, be called ‘New Order’, appropriately with the artists called ‘The Blue Mondays’. It was typical of all this new computer music that has followed – technically perfect, but at the same time soul- less, and often quite depressing, aggressively so – especially ‘trance’ music. 169

Just why did the Occult, serving ‘the Beast 666’, choose1993, in which to launch this flotilla of technology – so atlast to launch their (in)famous NEW AGE?There in fact seem to be three reasons for this, as far as we cansee, all based on the fact that the Occult, and so the Beast 666,seems to slavishly follow ‘mystic numbers’ actually from the Bible: - 1. Firstly, 1993 was exactly 49 years from 1944, the start of the ‘dream of the MACHINE’ of the Beast 666 – and 49 is 7 times 7, which seems to have appeared important to it. 2. Much more important, as we have said before, and this is a sort of thing clearly very important to the Occult, Jesus was born in 7BC, according to most research by Biblical scholars. Also, there was no year zero, as the number zero was actually invented, around the time of Mohamed. So, while the year of 1993 was never of great importance to any Christian Church, it was indeed apparently very important to its enemies, the Occult, who clearly thought this to be the Real Second Millennium – the ‘Real Year 2000’! 3. There seems to be yet a third main reason why the Beast 666 chose 1993 to start the ‘Occult New Age’. This is based on a very different interpretation to the one we gave before, of Chapter 11 of Revelation. We discuss all of this new, and very different, interpretation below now.Completely new interpretation of Revelation Chapter Eleven– from the one given earlier concerning ‘9/11’This interpretation is totally different to what we gave when weinterpreted Revelation Chapter 11, immediately after quoting thatChapter in full, a long way back in this Part Two of this Book.Instead of saying that the ‘two martyrs’ were the ‘Twin Towers’ inthe horrible terrorism of ‘9/11’ or 11th September 2001 in the USA,this completely different version is instead totally biblical, andprobably more acceptable to most readers.Verses 11:3-4 say, ‘... I will grant my two martyrs (or witnesses),and they will prophesy for one thousand two hundred and sixty 170

days, clothed in sackcloth. (Some translations say instead ‘fortytwo months’). These are the two olive-trees and the two lamp-stands standing before the lord of the Lord of the Earth’.In this second interpretation, we now claim very clearly, that thesetwo ‘martyrs’ or ‘witnesses’, must indeed be the Holy Ghost andHoly Spirit, just as we saw a diagram of them indeed, ‘standingbefore the Lord of the Earth’ back near the start of Part One of thisBook.As we said there, there are a total of 42 ‘fruits’ of these two, 21each of their ‘Good Spirits’ or ‘Good Fruit’. These, we can see, arecompletely opposed by 42 ‘Evil Spirits of Darkness’ – that seem tobe in a new much stronger formation since the Reign of the Beast666, 1946-2016.Verses 11:5-6 describe their very great powers, of all sorts.Verses 11:7-8 However, these two verses describe how these are(have been?) dramatically ended – after the ‘beast coming out ofthe abyss’ conquers and indeed kills them.Basic history of the Christian Church, as written a lot about in theNew Testament of the Christian Bible, does seem to be completelysupported by historians from that time. So it seems certain thatthe Holy Spirit (and so Holy Ghost) did actually appear, in verygreat power, just as Jesus had been recently promising, atPentecost in 33AD, the very same year that Jesus was crucified,and indeed only about two months later.Looking back at what was has gone before in this Section, aboutthe Occult New Age having started with huge impetus in 1993 AD,this then happened exactly 1,960 years after the Holy Spirit (soHoly Ghost) appeared at Pentecost 33AD.A massive main aim of this immense onslaught in the Occult NewAge of 1993, especially of many very seductive new ‘shiny toys’ ofmuch new digital technology, was indeed to attack the Holy Spirit(and Holy Ghost), so much that indeed in 1993, they literally 171

‘dwindled away so much under this Occult Onslaught’ – that theyliterally died under the Beast 666’!This Chapter 11 of the Book of Revelation says that these two,whom we say clearly were and are the Holy Ghost and Holy Spirit,reigned for a mystical ‘1,260 days’ or ‘42 months’. We just saidthat Pentecost at 33AD, till 1993, took 1,960 years.Astonishingly, perhaps, a ‘time’ of exactly 560 years makes up one‘time’, in a ‘time, and times and half a time’ of 1,960 years, as wejust saw appear in both Revelation Chapters 12 and 13. It mayastonish you now to be told that 560 years is precisely, or nearlyso, the Age of Science dating it back from 1993 – so of the Age ofTechnology which that immediately also caused!Indeed, as we have been seeing, since 1993, an Occult ‘New Age’has indeed dominated the world. This seems to have everincreasingly made people mostly in outlook: -  Miserable  Grim  Selfish  With a ‘macho’ and ‘hard’ front at least  Controlling  Even more money dominatedSo, indeed the Holy Spirit (and Holy Ghost) have been as good asdead, so completely absent from nearly everyone, over these lasttwenty-one years 1993-2016.However, Verse 11:9 seems to show these two being fondlyremembered in that time, almost certainly because TV and filmscontinue to portray Life as it Used to Be – full of both Holy Ghostand Holy Spirit.Verses 11:11-12 These now show the two ‘dead bodies’symbolically of these two, standing up alive, and ‘ascending toheaven in a cloud’. The ‘3½ days’ are in fact almost certainly of 6.6years each – as in 666 - so amazingly, they should stand up, aliveagain, 23 years after 1993 – in this very year of 2016! 172

Indeed, this very book, shows a full 21+21 ‘fruits’ of the two olive-trees of the Holy Ghost and Holy Spirit – see page 23! We hopethat by showing them ‘stand up in full’ in this way – many readersmay receive a much fuller view of them – even in a large Revival! 173

Most important aspects of ‘the Beast 666’ under its ‘OccultNew Age’ 1993-2016Although there are many aspects we could talk about, herewe discuss perhaps just the three most important  We saw a while back, a huge list of new innovations back in 1993, which indeed soon achieved their target for this Occult New Age, a very highly achieved ‘Digital World’. This resulted from massive seduction for very many people worldwide, to buy and use these digital technologies. Mobile phones were soon everywhere, and also especially the Internet was grown massively in just a few years, and today has many truly massive websites, which are literally ‘household names’ – like ‘Facebook’ and ‘Twitter’. TV became digital in many ways, as we saw earlier, and has increasingly offered massive numbers of ‘channels’ – which we said gloomily, only helps the process of ‘dumbing down’ the global TV viewing audience.  At that time there had just taken place the ferocious ‘First Iraq War’ including ‘Desert Storm’, and that was, naturally, a great excuse for massively increased CCTV worldwide, as well as even more of an approach to a Global Universal Police State (GUPS) worldwide.  Again, from 1993 there started ever increasing, and mostly very irritating, use of political ‘spin’ by people who were known as ‘spin doctors’. We saw earlier, some examples of recent ‘spin’, in our own country, which reveals just how incredibly crazily extremely worded it has become. As ultra extreme government propaganda, ‘spin’ has obviously reached a point where it assumes all its readers have zero intelligence!2001 and ‘9/11’ onwards. America and its Allies now start a‘global war on terrorism’ which its opponents, meanwhile,mainly call a ‘jihad’ or so-called ‘Holy War’The terrorist atrocities in the USA on 11th September 2001, mostlyaffecting the World Trade Centre in New York City, were a complete 174

surprise, and a devastating blow to the USA. When describingChapter 11 of the Book of Revelation, much earlier, we gave thefirst one of two in-depth interpretations of that Chapter 11, that infact it closely prophesied events of ‘9/11’. (We gave another,totally different, interpretation of Chapter 11 of Revelation, just awhole back, while discussing Chapter 13 – and the ‘Occult New Agein 1993 – of the Beast 666’).The US President, George Bush, declared a ‘global war on terrorism’the very next day. This was just so very much of a knee-jerkreaction, and so obviously without bothering to take any advice atall, that many observers were very suspicious that the USA evenengineered ‘9/11’ itself, to allow George Bush to have such anexcuse to rush into such a new ‘war’!Yet again, security measures around the world were totally rampedup even more, now way beyond even levels in 1993, obviouslyespecially in the USA. The new war was largely completely covertand undercover, and totally secret, all in very new ways, especiallyinvolving new and vast involvement by intelligence offices, oftencooperating globally.Finally in 2006, the USA, Britain and their mainly European Allies,started intense military posturing, once more against Iraq. It wasannounced extensively, that they had ‘complete proof’ that SaddamHussein, dictator of Iraq, had amassed ‘huge stocks of weapons ofmass destruction, despite the terms of Iraqi surrender after the firstGulf War back in 1992’. This, however, would eventually be provedto be all completely false!However, the USA, UK and others started the Second Gulf Waragainst Iraq, and within weeks had completely overwhelmed Iraqwith immense firepower. This was in total contrast to ‘OperationDesert Storm’ against Iraq back in 1992, which failed toconclusively conquer Iraq. Saddam Hussein and his two sons werecaptured, and executed by Iraqis. The USA has since maintained astrong military presence in Iraq, including air bases, which is acrucial central location in the Middle East, as well as having large oiland mineral resources. 175

Since this decisive Second Gulf War, for which the reasons claimedwere totally false, there have been continued huge ongoing Alliedmilitary actions in many countries, especially Afghanistan, Pakistan,and at one time, during the ‘Arab Spring’ that has gone on for someyears – Libya, especially. Allied forces have come up against newand very vicious threats all this time, especially land-mines andsuicide bombers.2016. Horrifying, extremely lethal weapons – mostly basedon digital technology – which have recently emerged  For several years, the Western Allies have extensively used unmanned aircraft or ‘drones’ to fly and deploy missiles, etc, in Afghanistan, Pakistan and other countries supposed to harbour terrorists, mainly Alqua’eda.  For many years, it turns out that many countries have in fact been developing incredibly strong, motorised ‘military suits’ for soldiers to wear in battle – like they are a tank! This sounds just like the TV science–fiction series ‘Iron Man’ – but reports across the media say it is all true!  For years, many countries are known in parallel, to have developed incredibly strong, motorised ‘exoskeletons’ – which when fitted to men, enable them to pick up incredibly strong weights, and easily move them around, way beyond their own strength.  It has been known for some years, also, that development of extremely intelligent robots, to the point that they are virtually autonomous, has taken place on a large scale, especially in the USA, and many South-East Asian countries, notably Japan.  Now the military have definitely combined these robots with exoskeleton research as we just saw. Very large robots, that can jump and land accurately great heights, and run extremely quickly, with exoskeletons so immensely strong, have been fully developed.  Finally, while not strictly weapons, it was reported many years ago, that secretive, very sinister factories, especially in the USA, were carrying out the production of cows and horses, but with human heads transplanted, and other similar totally ‘Frankenstein’ experiments! 176

 Now, amazingly, many papers in the British Press reported in the same week recently, that the monster USA Internet company, Google, had now bought literally a large army of the above military robots, presumably ex-services! No doubt, many other big international corporations will also have quietly followed the example of Google. These newspapers mostly wondered, seemingly naively, why Google bought military robots – in large numbers? Well, presumably to arm them, by again buying surplus military stock – of guns, or even missiles!? This horrifying new trend, of common domestic international companies buying military equipment, especially super-robots, was followed by a further example in the press, a few weeks later. Now Amazon, even bigger than Google, is even saying that it is even very interested in unmanned ‘drone’ aircraft! Where does all this lead, we ask? A very infamous medical technological development is currently proposed in the USA, the UK, and most other advanced countries – the (in)famous RFID chip (Radio Frequency Identification). This is to be used ostensibly to allow everybody, via a micro chip implanted in their hand (or head) to control all their electronic affairs and even home devices, with the utmost ease. The sinister side, which many see as ‘the Mark of the Beast’ and which I view as the latest and ultimate such ‘Mark of the Beast’ in a long development in the history of machines since 70AD, is that these RFID chips will enable unique numerical or symbolical ID of every single person, even animal or object. Secondly, even more sinister, anybody controlling the chip in your hand or head will always be able to locate where you are, wherever you are above, on or below the Earth, using simple yet precise radio echoes anywhere, to the nearest centimetre, of your RFID chip! 177

The Book of Revelation - Chapters Fourteen to TwentyThese chapters describe, usually in much less ‘veiled and prophetic’words than we have read up to now, how the 70 years to date, ofthe Beast 666, 1946-2016, will imminently be ended by conquestby ‘Armies from Heaven’ – seemingly the Sun – 2016?Will the Sun, Capital of the Heavens,imminently fire vast Solar Flares at theEarth? Is this the very Day of the Lord?  The sun has an 11 year cycle of ‘Solar Flares’ and sunspot activity, and is at the peak of one such cycle  However, the sun in also known to have a deeper 14x11 = 154 year such cycle. This last peaked in 1859, so a big peak is due now (2016, or later, as the solar cycle is late)  In 1859, there was then very little technology, but first the sky went black; then was largely covered in mostly red, aurorae or ‘Northern – and Southern – Lights’; normally seen only at the Earth’s North and South Poles. All electrical equipment then, like telegraphs, failed; and all magnetic compasses span uselessly round and round.  With our total global reliance on technology, clearly when massive Solar Flares engulf the Earth, all electrical and electronic technology will be totally vulnerable! In 2016?  Are these imminent Solar Flares in fact the cause of the very Day of the Lord?  As for exact timing, as Jesus said, ‘of that day and hour, nobody knows, not the Angels in Heaven, nor even the Son, only the Father’! The Book of Revelation - Chapters Twenty-One and Twenty-TwoA New Heavens and a New Earth are described as being Created,and a huge cubic ‘City of New Jerusalem’ appears, nearly the samesize as the moon. Other wonderful things coming along, in this‘New Universe’, are beautifully hinted at. 178

REVELATION CHAPTER FOURTEEN1. And I saw, and behold, the lamb standing on Mount Sion, with a hundred and forty-four thousands with his name and the name of his Father written on their foreheads.2. And I heard a sound out of heaven like the sound of many waters and like the sound of loud thunder, and the sound which I heard was like harpists playing on their harps,3. and they sing a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders; no man could learn the song except the hundred and forty-four thousands, those ransomed from the earth.4. These have not been defiled with women; for they are celibate. They follow the lamb wherever he may go. They were ransomed from mankind as first fruits for God and the lamb,5. and in their mouths were no lies, for they are unblemished.6. I saw another angel-messenger flying in mid-heaven, with an eternal gospel to preach over those on the earth and over every nation and tribe and tongue and people,7. saying in a great voice, “Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgement came, and worship him who had made the heavens and the earth and sea and fountains of waters”.8. Another angel-messenger, a second, followed, saying, “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the Great, she who made the nations drink of the wine of the anger of her fornication”.9. Another angel-messenger, a third, followed them, saying in a great voice, “If anyone worships the beast and its image, and receives a mark on their forehead or on their hand,10. they shall drink the wine of the wrath of God, mixed undiluted in his cup of wrath, and will be tormented with fire and sulphur before the holy angel-messengers and the lamb.11. The smoke of their torment goes up for ages of ages, and they have no rest day and night, those worshipping the beast and its image, anyone receiving the mark of its name.12. Here is the endurance of the saints, those keeping the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus”.13. I heard a voice out of heaven saying, “Write you, Blessed are the dead in the Lord who die from now”. Yes, says the Spirit, so that they shall rest from their labours, for their work follows with them. 179

14. I saw, and behold, a white cloud, and on the cloud one sitting like the Son of Man! - with a golden crown on his head and a sharp sickle in his hand.15. And another angel-messenger went out of the shrine, crying in a great voice to the one sitting on the cloud, “Send your sickle and reap, because the hour has come to reap, because the harvest of the earth has dried.”16. The one sitting on the cloud thrust his sickle over the earth, and the earth was reaped.17. Another angel-messenger went forth out of the shrine in heaven, also with a sharp sickle.18. Another angel-messenger went out of the shrine, the one with authority over the fire, and spoke in a great voice to the one with the sharp sickle, saying, “Send your sharp sickle and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth, because its grapes are ripened”.19. The angel-messenger thrust the sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God.20. The winepress was trodden outside the city, and blood left the winepress, as high as a horse’s bridle, for two hundred miles. Commentary on Revelation Chapter 14This account of the Book of Revelation, chapters 1-13, stronglybacks up my own view that it is a very old yet very accurateprediction of the Great World Warfare of the last 102 years 1914-2016, culminating in a Big Brother 1984/666 Global Regime. Fromnow it therefore appears that the rest of Revelation chapter 14onwards, deals with 2016 or later. So my comments on the rest ofRevelation are limited to this chapter 14, and comments onchapters 17-18, because the ‘Beast of Babylon’ there is not thesame as the Beast 666 of chapter 13 that we just looked at. My perhaps astonishing comment on Revelation 14 above, isthat the ‘reaping with a sickle’ by a ‘Christ-like’ figure seems in factto have an astonishingly good double meaning: - 1. The grapes of ‘the Root of all Evil’ – Wrath - or insane chaos and violence – are turned to wine in the winepress, surely, so the Root of all Evil is DESTROYED! 2. The blood may have already flowed for a 200 mile radius from ‘the city’ – in ancient battles over aeons! Is it London? 180

REVELATION CHAPTER FIFTEEN1. Then I saw another sign in heaven, great and wonderful, seven angel-messengers with seven last plagues, for with them the wrath of God is ended.2. I saw something like a glassy sea mingled with fire, and those who had conquered the beast and its image and the number of its name, standing on the glassy sea, with harps of God.3. They sing the song of Moses, the slave of God, and the song of the lamb, saying, “Great and wonderful are your deeds, O Lord God the Almighty; righteous and true are your ways, king of the nations!4. Who will not fear and glorify your name, O Lord? Because only you are holy, because all the nations will come and worship before you, because your ordinances were made manifest”.5. After these things I saw, and the shrine opened in heaven of the tabernacle of the testimony,6. and the seven angel-messengers came forth out of the shrine, with the seven plagues out of the shrine, clothed in bright clean linen, with golden girdles round their breasts.7. One of the four living creatures gave the seven angel- messengers seven golden bowls full of the anger of God, the living unto the ages of the ages.8. The temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God and from his power, and no one could enter the shrine until the seven plagues of the seven angel-messengers were ended. 181

REVELATION CHAPTER SIXTEEN1. Then I heard a great voice out of the shrine saying to the seven angel-messengers, “Go and pour out the seven bowls of God’s anger on the earth”.2. The first went away and poured out his bowl on the earth, and a foul and evil sore came on the men with the mark of the beast and worshipping its image.3. The second poured out his bowl onto the sea, and it became like the blood of a dead man, and every living soul died, of the things in the sea.4. The third poured out his bowl onto the rivers and the fountains of the waters; and they became blood5. And I heard the angel-messenger of the waters saying, “Righteous are you, the Being Now and the Having Been, the holy one, over those you judge,6. because they shed the blood of saints and prophets, and you have given them blood to drink. It is their due!”7. And I heard the altar saying, “Yes O Lord God the Almighty, true and righteous are your judgements”.8. The fourth poured out his bowl onto the sun, and it was allowed to scorch men with fire.9. They were burnt with a great heat, and they blasphemed the name of God, who had the authority of these plagues, and did not repent and give him glory.10. The fifth poured out his bowl onto the throne of the beast, and its kingdom became darkened, and they gnawed their tongues from the pain,11. and they blasphemed the God of heaven from their pains and sores, and did not repent of their works.12. The sixth poured out his bowl onto the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to make way for the kings from the rising of the sun.13. I saw, issuing out of the mouth of the dragon, and the mouth of the beast, and the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs;14. for they are demonic spirits performing signs, which go forth to the kings of the whole earth, to assemble for the war of the great day of God the Almighty. 182

15. Behold, I am coming as a thief! Blessed is he who watches and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked and men see his shame.16. They assembled in the place called in Hebrew Armageddon.17. The seventh poured out his bowl on the air; and a great voice came out of the shrine from the throne saying, “It has happened!”18. There were lightnings and voices and thunders, and a great earthquake occurred, such as has never been since men were on the earth, so great was that earthquake.19. And the great city was split in three parts and the cities of the nations fell. And God remembered Babylon the Great, and gave her the cup of wine of his anger and wrath.20. Every island fled, and no mountains were found.21. A great hail, a talent in size [50 kg!] came out of heaven on men; and men blasphemed God for the plague of the hail, because the plague was exceedingly great. 183

REVELATION CHAPTER SEVENTEEN1. Then one of the angel-messengers who had the seven bowls came to me, and said, “Come, I will show you the judgement of the great harlot seated on many waters,2. with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication, and the dwellers on earth became drunk on the wine of her fornication.”3. He carried me away in Spirit into a desert. I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast, filled with names of blasphemy, with seven heads and ten horns.4. The woman was clothed in purple and scarlet, gilded with gold and precious stone and pearls, with a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and the unclean things of her fornication,5. And on her forehead was written a name of mystery, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF THE HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.6. I saw the woman being drunk from the blood of the saints, and from the blood of the witness of Jesus. When I saw her, I wondered greatly.7. But the angel-messenger said to me, “Why wonder? I will tell you the mystery of the woman and of the beast carrying her with the seven heads and the ten horns.8. The beast which you saw was and is not, and is about to come up out of the abyss and go to destruction.9. This needs a mind with wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, where the woman sits, and seven kings:10. Five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come, and whenever he comes he remains only a little while.11. The beast which was and is not, even he is an eighth, and is of the seven, and goes to destruction.12. The ten horns which you saw are ten kings, who have not yet received a kingdom, but are to receive authority as kings for one hour with the beast.13. These have one mind, and give their power and authority to the beast.14. They will make war with the lamb, and the lamb will overcome them, because he is lord of lords and king of kings, and those with him are called and chosen and faithful”. 184

15. He said to me, “The waters where the harlot sits, are peoples and crowds and nations and tongues.16. The ten horns which you saw will hate the harlot and make her desolate and naked, eat her flesh, and consume her with fire;17. for God has put it into their hearts to do his will, by having one mind and give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God are accomplished.18. The woman which you saw is the great city which has dominion over the kings of the earth”. Comment on Revelation 17-18 – the false gods of Babylon I was inspired recently to research ‘false Gods of Babylon’ in Wikipediaon the Web, where I was mostly astonished to find a precise match betweenthe 24 main gods of very many, and not only the ’24 elders’ back in Revelationchapters 4-5 (!) but the ‘7 kings (main 7 gods of Babylon), 7 mountains (7primordial spirits of Babylon) and 10 horns or kings (10 older and so lessergods). It strikes me that if I describe all the powers and above all names ofthese now, bringing this deluded evil to the light can only be a good thing,partly because it fulfils Revelation 17, certainly concerning the evil of modernBabylon (much of Arabia nb Syria/Iraq) – al Jazira, al Quaeda, IS, ISIS & ISIL! Seven kings or main false Gods of Babylon 1. Anu (or An) KingGod of Heaven 2. Enlil (breath/wind/space) 3. Ishtar, Queen God ofHeaven – fertility, love, war & sex 4. Nanna (Sin) God of the Moon 5. Utu(Shamash) God of the Sun (IN REVELATION THESE ARE THE FIVE‘FALLEN’ Sky Gods!) 6. Ninhursag Mother Fertility Goddess (of themountains) (IN REVELATION – THE ‘ONE WHO IS’) 7. Enkio, LORD OFTHE EARTH (IN REVELATION – ‘the one who has not yet come’) Seven primordial spirits (‘7 mountains’ in Revelation) 1. Abzu(Atzu, Apsu, or Engur) Fresh Water 2. Tiamat Earth Mother to Abzu asSky Father – salt water 3. Lahmu (Lakhmu, Lache, Lumasi, or Lammasu)parent stars 4. Lahamu (Lakhamu, Lachos, Lamasi or Lammasas)Lahmu’s sister – also of the stars 5. Anshar (Anshur) “whole heaven” 6. Kishar (Antu) Earth Mother Goddess 7. Mummu (Umun) mainbody / bulk / life-giving force/ knowledge The TEN OLDER gods of Babylon (false?) as horns in Revelation: -Adad – storms; Dumuzid – shepherd –OR- Tammuz – food&plants;Enkindu – farming&irrigation; Ereshkigol – goddess of Underworld; Kingu –leader of all gods; Gehtinanna – goddess of wine; Lahar – cattle god(dess?);Marduk – ‘solar calf’; Nergal hunting and war; Ninurta – deity ofMesopotamia NB city of Cush – theme not known... 185

REVELATION CHAPTER EIGHTEEN1. After this I saw another angel-messenger coming down out of heaven, having great authority, and the earth was enlightened from his glory.2. And he cried in a strong voice, saying, “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great, and become a dwelling-place of demons, and a prison of every unclean spirit, and a prison of every unclean and hated bird,3. because all the nations have drunk of the wine of the anger of her fornication, and the kings of the earth practiced fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth became rich from the power of her luxury”.4. Then I heard another voice out of heaven saying, “Come you out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues;5. Because her sins were heaped up to heaven, and God remembered her misdeeds.6. Give you back to her as indeed she gave back, and double you her double-deeds; mix her a double draught in the cup she mixed.7. How she glorified herself and luxuriated, so give her a like measure of torment and sorrow. Because in her heart she says, ‘A queen I sit, I am no widow, and sorrow by no means do I see’.8. Therefore in one day will her plagues come, death and sorrow and famine, and she will be consumed with fire; because mighty is the Lord God judging her”.9. And the kings of the earth, who practised fornication and luxuriated with her, will weep and wail over her, when they see the smoke of her burning,10. standing afar because of the fear of her torment, saying, “Woe, woe, the great city, Babylon the mighty city, in one hour your judgement came.”11. And the merchants of the earth weep and sorrow over her, because no one buys their cargo any more,12. cargo of gold, silver, jewels and pearls, fine linen, purple, silk and scarlet, all kinds of scented wood, all ivory vessels, all vessels of valuable wood, bronze, iron and marble, 186

13. cinnamon, spice, incenses, wine, oil, fine flour and wheat, cattle and sheep, horses and carriages, and bodies and souls of men.14. Your fruit of the lust of the soul went away from you, and all the sumptuous and bright things perished from you, and nobody shall ever find them again!15. The merchants of these wares, who got rich through her, will stand afar because of the fear of the torment of her weeping and sorrowing, saying,16. “Woe, woe, the great city, which was clothed with fine linen and purple and scarlet, and gilded with gold and precious stone and pearl!17. In one hour such great wealth has been laid waste!” And every steersmen and person sailing on the sea, and sailor, and all who work the sea, stood far off,18. and cried out as they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, “Who was like the great city?”19. And they threw dust onto their heads, and cried out weeping and sorrowing, saying, “Woe, woe, the great city, whose worth made rich all those who had ships on the sea, for in one hour she was made desolate!20. Be glad over her, heaven and the saints, apostles and prophets, because God judged her by your judgement”.21. Then a mighty angel-messenger took up a stone like a great millstone, and threw it into the sea, saying, “Thus Babylon the great city will be thrown, with a rush, and shall be found no longer.22. And the sound of harpists and musicians and flutists and trumpeters will never be heard in you again, and any craftsman of any craft shall not be found in you any more; and the sound of a factory shall not be heard in you any more;23. And the light of a lamp shall shine in you no longer, and the voice of bridegroom and of bride shall be heard in you no more; for your merchants were the great ones of the earth, because your sorcery deceived all the nations,24. and in her was found the blood of prophets and of saints, and of all those slain on the earth”. 187

REVELATION CHAPTER NINETEEN1. After these things I heard what seemed to be a great voice of a great crowd in heaven, saying, “Hallelujah! The salvation and the glory and the power of our God!2. For true and righteous are his judgements; because he judged the great harlot who defiled the earth with her fornication, and he avenged the blood of his slaves by her hand”.3. Secondly they cried, “Hallelujah! The smoke of her goes up unto the ages of the ages”.4. The twenty-four elders and the four living creatures fell and worshipped God sitting on the throne, saying, “Amen. Hallelujah!”5. And a voice came out from the throne, saying, “Praise you our God, all his slaves, you who fear him, the small and the great”.6. Then I heard what seemed to be the sound of a great crowd, like the sound of many waters, and like the sound of loud thunders, saying, “Hallelujah! For the Lord our God the Almighty reigned.7. Let us rejoice and exult, and give the glory to him, for the marriage of the lamb has come, and his bride prepared herself,8. and she was granted to be clothed in bright clean fine linen – for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints”.9. And he tells me, “Write you: Blessed are the ones who have been called to the marriage supper of the lamb”. And he says to me, “These are true words of God”.10. Then I fell down at his feet to worship him, but he said to me, “You, do not do that! I am a fellow slave with you and your brothers with the witness of Jesus; worship God”. For the witness of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.11. Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! The one sitting on it is called faithful and true, and in righteousness he judges and makes war.12. His eyes are like flames of fire, and on his head are many diadems, and he has a name inscribed which nobody knows but him.13. He is clothed in a robe dipped in blood, and the name by which he is called is The Word of God. 188

14. The armies in heaven followed him on white horses, dressed in white fine linen.15. From his mouth proceeds a sharp sword, with which to smite the nations, and he will shepherd them with an iron staff; he treads the winepress of the wine of the anger, of the wrath of God the Almighty.16. He has on his robe and on his thigh a name inscribed, KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.17. I saw one angel-messenger standing in the sun, and he cried out in a great voice, saying to all the birds flying in mid-heaven, “Come you, assemble you for the great supper of God,18. to eat the flesh of kings, the flesh of chiliarchs[generals], the flesh of strong men, the flesh of horses and those sitting on them, the flesh of all men, both free and slave, both small and great”.19. And I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies assembled to make war with the one sitting on the horse and with his army.20. And the beast was seized, and with it the false prophet which had performed the signs before it, deceiving those who had received the mark of the beast and worshipped its image; these two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with sulphur.21. And the rest were slain by the sword of the one sitting on the horse, the sword that proceeds from his mouth, and all the birds were gorged with their flesh. 189

REVELATION CHAPTER TWENTY1. Then I saw an angel-messenger coming down out of heaven, holding in his hand the key of the abyss and a great chain.2. And he laid hold of the dragon, the old serpent, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,3. and cast him into the abyss, and shut and sealed it over him, so that he should no longer deceive the nations, until the thousand years are finished. After that he must be loosed for a little while.4. Then I saw thrones, and seated on them were those to whom judgement was given. Also I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of the witness of Jesus and because of the word of God, and who did not worship the beast nor its image, and did not receive the mark on their forehead or their hand. They lived [again] and reigned with Christ a thousand years.5. The rest of the dead did not live [again] until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.6. Blessed and holy is he who shares in the first resurrection! Over these the second death has no authority, but they will be priests of God and of Christ, and will reign with him the thousand years.7. And when the thousand years are ended, Satan will be loosed from his prison8. and will go forth to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to assemble them for war; their number is like the sand of the sea.9. And they went up over the breadth of the land, and encircled the camp of the saints and the beloved city; but fire came down out of heaven and devoured them;10. and the devil who deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and sulphur, where also the beast and the false prophet were, and they will be tormented day and night unto the ages of the ages.11. And I saw a great white throne and him who sat upon it, from whose face the earth and the heavens fled, and no place was found for them. 190

12. And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and books were opened; and another book was opened, which is of life; and the dead were judged by the things written in the books, according to their works.13. And the sea gave up the dead in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead in them, and each one was judged according to their works.14. Then death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire.15. If anyone was not found in the book of life that had been written, he was cast into the lake of fire. 191

REVELATION CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE1. Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away, and the sea was no more.2. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.3. And I heard a great voice out of the throne saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will tabernacle with them, and they will be his peoples, and God himself will be with them,4. and will wipe off every tear out of their eyes, and death will be no longer, nor will sorrow nor clamour nor pain be any longer; for the first things passed away.”5. And the one sitting on the throne said, ‘Behold, I make all things new!’ And he says, ‘Write you, for these words are faithful and true’.6. And he said to me, “It is done! I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. To the thirsty I will give freely out of the fountain of the water of life.7. The one who overcomes shall inherit these things, and I will be God to him and he will be to me a son.8. But for the cowardly and the unbelieving, the polluted, murderers, fornicators, sorcerers, idolaters and all the false ones, their lot shall be in the lake burning with fire and sulphur, which is the second death”-9. Then came one of the seven angel-messengers with the seven bowls filled with the seven last plagues, and spoke with me, saying, “Come, I will show you the bride, the wife of the lamb”.10. And he bore me away in Spirit onto a great, high mountain, and showed me the holy city Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God,11. having the glory of God; its light was like a very valuable stone, like a jasper stone clear as crystal.12. It had a great, high wall, with twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angel-messengers, and names inscribed, which are of the twelve tribes of Israel.13. From the east three gates, from the north three gates, from the south three gates, and from the west three gates.14. And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them the twelve names of the apostles of the lamb. 192

15. The one speaking with me had a golden measuring-reed, in order that he might measure the city and its gates and its wall.16. The city lies square, and its length is equal to its breadth. He measured the city with the reed at twelve thousand furlongs [1,500 miles]; its length and its breadth and its height are equal.17. He measured its wall of a hundred and forty-four cubits, a man’s measure, that is, that of an angel-messenger.18. The coping of the wall was jasper, and the city was clean gold like clean glass.19. The foundation of the wall of the city was adorned with every precious stone; the first was jasper, the second sapphire, the third agate, the fourth emerald,20. the fifth onyx, the sixth carnelian, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh jacinth, the twelfth amethyst.21. The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each of the gates was one pearl. And the street of the city was clean gold as transparent as glass.22. And I saw no shrine in the city, for the Lord God Almighty is its shrine, and the Lamb.23. And the city has no need of the sun nor of the moon, for the glory of God enlightens it, and its lamp is the Lamb,24. and through its light shall the nations walk, and the kings of the nations bring their light into it.25. Its gates shall never be shut by day, for night shall not be there;26. and they will bring the glory and the honour of the nations into it.27. By no means may any profane thing or any cause for abomination, or any lie enter it, only those written in the Lamb’s book of life. 193

REVELATION CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO1. Then he showed me a river of water of life, bright as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.2. In the midst of its street and from the river there came hence a tree of life producing twelve fruits, yielding its fruits according to each month, and the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations3. There will be no more curses. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in it, and his slaves will do service to him,4. and they will see his face, and his name will be upon their foreheads.5. And night will be no longer, and they will not have any need of light of lamp and light of the sun, because the Lord God will shed light on them, and they will reign unto the ages of the ages.6. And he said to me, ‘These words are faithful and true, and the Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, sent his angel- messenger to show to his slaves, things which must occur quickly.7. And behold, I am coming quickly. Blessed is the one keeping the words of the prophecy of this book.8. And I, John, am the one hearing and seeing these things. And when I heard and I saw, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel-messenger showing me these things.9. He tells me, “See you dost not do that! I am a fellow-slave with you and your brothers the prophets and of the ones keeping the words of this book. You worship God”.10. He tells me, “Do not seal the words of prophecy of this book; for the time is near.11. Let the unjust one still act unjustly, and the filthy one still act filthily, and the righteous one let him still do righteousness, and let the holy still be hallowed.12. Behold I am coming quickly, and my reward is with me, to render to each man according to his work.13. I am the alpha and the omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.14. Blessed are those washing their robes, in order that they may have authority over the tree of life, and may enter the city by the gates. 194

15. Outside are the dogs and the sorcerers and the fornicators and the murderers and the idolaters and everyone who loves and makes a lie.16. I, Jesus, sent my angel-messenger to witness to you these things, for the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, the bright morning star.”17. The Spirit and the bride say, “Come”. And let the one who hears say “Come”. And the thirsty let him come, anyone who wishes let him take the water of life freely.18. I witness to everyone hearing the words of the prophecy of this book: if any one adds to them, God will add to him the plagues written in this book,19. and if any one takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away from him his share of the tree of life and the holy city, of the things written in this book.20. Says the one witnessing these things, “Yes, I am coming quickly”. Amen, come Lord Jesus!21. The grace of the Lord Jesus with all. 195


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