Whitepaper How To Make Digital Transformation Easier? © Veritis Group Inc
Whitepaper Take the Culture-Driven Approach! Culture can be a barrier as well as accelerator in any IT organization. While a new culture can interrupt an organizational flow, a right cultural practice can be an eff icient accelerator of business growth. Citing ‘Culture Hacks’ in digital transformation, Gartner says, “By culture hacking, we don’t mean finding a weak point to break into a system illegally. It’s about f inding vulnerable points in your culture and turning them into real change that sticks.” Here are 8 culture hacks that can drive digital transformation success: 1 Failures, Steps to Success As leading global surveys say, CIOs adopting cultural practices in digital transformation witnessed high risk tolerance and improved innovation. 2 Decision Rule As the experts say, a 48-hour decision rule drives accountability in effective decision making, contributing to digital transformation journey 3 Encourage Ideation! Encouragement is key to any success in a teamwork. CIOs, who have welcomed noble thoughts from the teams, have reportedly witnessed encouraged teams with high team spirit contributing to higher productivity. © Veritis Group Inc 02
Whitepaper 4 No Back-To-Back Meets Days are gone when you have to run behind the teams to get the work done. Let the teams think and get back instead of pressurizing them with back-to-back meetings. 5 Agenda is Key! Right cultural practices involve inclusion of all related stakeholders for decision-making on an initiative. This is where you discuss agenda, take opinions before announcement further. 6 No Long Meetings Let the meetings not deviate focus! Gartner says CIOs spend 70 percent of their valuable on meetings and email conversations. Long meetings may not help. Stay straight to the point and crisp with seeking multiple short updates. 7 Brainstorm Let the team members be expressive and leave the discussion room with full clarity on their future action. Driven by clarity and planned roadmap, this kind of culture fastens the process. 8 Growth Mindset Encourage the growth mindset and learning environment that is key to continuous development. This is the key part of driving success in any process. These might be generic to any process, but yes! They are equally critical to achieving the success in your Digital Transformation Journey! © Veritis Group Inc 03
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