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Home Explore APSDC Magazine -Horizon 2021

APSDC Magazine -Horizon 2021

Published by apsdchorizon2020, 2021-07-08 04:18:35

Description: Horizon Magazine 2021


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MESSAGE FROM THE PATRON “Adaptability to change is itself a hallmark of successful education.” The past year has been a unique one in so many ways. It challenged each one of us to not just shield ourselves from the deadly virus but also to adapt to the new ways of existence. Everyone was seen strictly following a new unforeseen lifestyle marked by the quality of always being cocooned from the omnipresent potential threat. The pandemic was inevitable since the virus was a potent one but there was also a need to quickly adjust to the unprecedented times. As schools all over were forced to shut their physical gates for the young learners, they were quick to open gates on the digital platform. With a vigour commensurate with the exigencies of the times and a sense of responsibility towards the future generation, school systems settled down to the new normal. As per the recommendations by the New education Policy- 2020, the future lies in creating an environment which relies heavily on technology. Through lessons learnt during the past year, I am sanguine about APS Delhi Cantt. working towards creating learning systems which boost the use of technology in an all- pervasive and ubiquitous way. It is commendable that Army Public School, Delhi Cantt. lived up to its institutional ethos once again and proved to be successful in maintaining a continuum in learning. Under the visionary leadership of the Principal, Mrs. Neetu Kapoor, and relentless efforts by the teachers, the school has been able to provide wholesome education to the students. I wish to congratulate the entire staff of the school and convey my best wishes to them in their onward journey towards ensuring a fulfilling future for every learner. Jai Hind ! Maj Gen Alok Kacker, COS HQ Delhi Area & Patron

CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE It gives me immense pleasure to unveil the new edition of the school magazine ‘HORIZON’ of Army Public School, Delhi Cantt. With the announcement of the new education policy, the focus shifts to practical orientation for better employability of students. To achieve this goal, an interdisciplinary approach to inculcate life skills among the students is the need of the hour. This will help them to acquire knowledge , skills, values and attitude required to meet the needs of the 21st century. The challenge that the world faced in the year gone by brought to the fore a new method of imparting knowledge – both for the teachers and the students. The pandemic highlighted the importance of virtual education which set a new norm for the entire world. Learning online not only made the students self-reliant but also made the parents accountable. The education field will most likely increase its use even after normalcy returns. I congratulate the Principal and staff of the school for meeting this challenge with remarkable patience and resilience. I wish them luck in their future endeavours. Regards Brig T.J . Singh 3 Chairman

FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK ‘’ Sometimes when you’re in dark place you think you’ve been buried, but you’ve actually been planted.’’ Christine Caine Dear Parents, teachers and Students, Greetings to you all! I am glad to communicate to you all through this medium. This year has taught us new lessons of life. It taught us to slow down. It gave us time to weigh our options. The most important thing is that it has made us all stronger and more determined. We all have sailed through this difficult time with optimism, courage and confidence. Dear children, you all should remember that one should have the will power to turn adversities into opportunities. Our school children displayed admirable patience, enthusiasm and keen interest in all the activities and events despite, all limitations. The sudden shift to virtual learning would not have been possible without the support of the parents. Virtual classrooms to online exams, Podcasts to video lectures our team of well accomplished teaching faculty did everything to make digital learning beneficial for the keen learners. The institution planned an eventful calendar inclusive ofonline work shops , club activities and community outreach programme to engage students in a fruitful manner and help them acquire the 21stC skills through their participation . Our educators and learners have proven that we have the ability to perform, contribute and compete thus displaying the spirit of academic resilence. The magazine throws light on the efforts and stand as denouement of the journey we had during the pandemic year. Dear children, I wish you all success in all your endeavours ! Be strong and be positive so that nothing can deter you from reaching your goal. Heartiest congratulations to the editorial team for their commendable effort in successfully bringing out this edition of ‘HORIZON’! Mrs Neetu Kapoo4r Principal

FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK I Trust the next chapter, because I know the author. Warm greetings to all readers! I truly feel elated to communicate once again to you all through ‘HORIZON’. Last year the world witnessed unprecedented situation due to pandemic. It was a severe blow to the ego of man. It snatched away many precious lives and stalled our priceless time. However, the other side of it was,that it had been a great teacher to man. It taught us patience, compassion and will power. It transformed the perspective of man and forced us to introspect and rectify our life style. In our struggle to grapple with the situation, we emerged stronger. Despite all constrains, educational institutions played a major role in providing education without any hindrance through remote learning. Online education helped students discover their innate talent and strength to become more innovative. Ardent educators and enthusiastic students worked in tandem to make this academic year frilled with events and achievements. From podcasts to video lessons, online competitions to club activities, the session was dotted with digital events. Educators and learners seized the opportunity to utilize the new platform to exhibit their innovative talent and skill. Remote learning failed to dampen the zeal and enthusiasm of the students. Students of the institution surmounted all constraints to make the journey exhilarating and exciting one. HORIZON is a reflection of the colourful journey and itpresents before you the efforts taken by the institution to keep the children engaged and engrossed in activities that enhanced their skills and empowered them with the confidence to face challenges in life. Hope you enjoy and appreciate! MalathiSrinivasan 5 Editor-in –Chief.

STUDENT EDITORIAL Don’t lose hope. When the sun goes down, the stars come out. Greetings to all! The academic session 2020-21 brought unprecedented challenges to the entire world. The student community at their tender age has faced the onslaught of the pandemic. When their mind was gripped in fear and despair, it was the educational institutions that made them realise, ‘’ The darkest hours are just before dawn.’’ We understood that storms make people stronger. APS, Delhi Cantt enlightened us with the thought that Don’t be afraid of Change. It’s leading you to a new beginning.’ Yes, this year taught us many new skills, opened up many new avenues and equipped us with many new strengths and talents. Online classrooms to virtual labs we did everything to make sure that the journey goes on. We owe our special thanks to our Principal Mrs. Neetu Kapoor and our mentors for making this session replete with events, competitions and activities despite, all odds. This has boosted our morale and courage not only to fight adversities but, also to build new roads. Pandemic did not stop us from reaching out to people. Our mentors gave us an invaluable experience of extending a helping hand and expressing our concern and support through ASHA school project as part of our community outreach programme and we are proud making a difference in their lives. The institution identified our ability to learn, the will to withstand and the desire to explore and experiment. By offering the right opportunity, the institution and educators made sure that their wards emerge stronger and greater to lead the world in future! Our earnest gratitude rests with the institution for the role it played in making the younger generation optimistic, courageous and socially responsible. HRIZON is an attempt to showcase those moments of glory and excitement. 6 Happy Reading! Mansi Avhad. XII D.



Crowning Glory A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way…… These inspirational and motivating words fit the persona of Mrs Neetu Kapoor, Principal, Army Public School Delhi Cantt perfectly. She has proved to be a leader who leads by example and faces challenges in her inimitable and indomitable style and panache. In recognition and acknowledgement of her immense contribution in leading the school in various spheres, Army Public School Delhi Cantt ranked All India No. 1 in the category of Extraordinary Leadership in Education World Grand Jury India School Rankings 2020-21 . It’s a matter of great pride that the school was nominated by a grand Jury of well-informed educationists and educators who rated and ranked over 1000 nominated schools in 12 categories of 21st –century education excellence—Environment -friendly schools, STEM Education Excellence, Excellence in Blended Learning etc The staff and the students of the school congratulated the Principal and expressed hope and optimism at attaining several milestones under her able and dyna9mic leadership.

In here lies a What is puddle of us Life ? In here lies a puddle of us, Life is beautiful, worship it. Glued to the chairs with abundant fuss. Life is an opportunity utilize it. Sinister thoughts those children, they wished, Life is a struggle, face it. Only to know that now school can never be ditched. Life is a song, sing it. Parents being desperate, to hire a mythical bait... Life is a promise, keep it. While not being a subject of hate. Life is a tragedy, overcome it. Introverts are granted the time of their life, Life is a mystery, unfold it. In turn of petty extroverts' plight. Life is a bliss, experience it Family it was then, Family it is now, Life is a dream, realize it. The only difference is, where and how? Life is a game, play it. Bundled together like a woven yarn, Life is a journey, complete it. They were made there, in that very barn. Life is a happiness, enjoy it. Life is a challenge, accept it. Pandemic; a great word, So great, it shook the whole world. Life is a character, maintain it. Life is a duty, perform it. We’ve travelled and searched, for people and souls, But all we’ve found is zombies on a stroll. ADITI -X(th)D Nature; the forever,”took for granted gift” 10 Oh! Now it has finally changed its shift. Bees and butterflies, they all have revived, Learn from them, and how they have survived. Hanging on cobweb threads, Hoping the distance would spread. We are only trying to mend, So our precious little bubble won't end. -Jeetisha Budhraja 10-D

ONLINE TRANSMISSION When Corona spread its tentacles When the world submerged in darkness We lit up a flame of HOPE When Children couldn’t come to school School entered their home Teachers – The unsung warriors Displayed their Will to Win this war Right use of Technology at Right Time 11 Educators given new dimensions

Unfolding The Student’s Talents 12

Voyager The most distant human- created object in space Voyager, in space exploration, either of a pair of robotic U.S. interplanetary probes launched to observe and to transmit information to Earth about the giant planets of the outer solar system and the farthest reaches of the Sun’s sphere of influence. Each craft carried a greeting to any form of extraterrestrial intelligence or Aliens that might eventually find it. A gold-plated copper phonograph record—accompanied by a cartridge, needle, and symbolic instructions for playing it—contained images and sounds chosen to depict the diversity of life and culture on Earth Voyager 2 was launched first, on August 20, 1977; It’s launch mass was 825.5kg for Voyager 2 and total cost was 89.5 crores USD. Voyager 1 followed some two weeks later, on September 5 and it’s launch mass was the same as Voyager 2 and a total cost of 25 crores USD. The twin-spacecraft mission took advantage of a rare orbital positioning of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune that permitted a multiplanet tour with relatively low fuel requirements and flight time. It sped by Jupiter on July 9, 1979, and passed Saturn on August 25, 1981. It then flew past Uranus on January 24, 1986, and Neptune on August 25, 1989, before being hurled toward interstellar space. Voyager 2 is the only spacecraft to have visited the latter two planets. On February 17, 1998, Voyager 1 overtook the space probe Pioneer 10 (launched 1972) to become the most distant human-made object in space. By 2004 both Voyagers were well beyond the orbit of Pluto. In 2012 the Voyagers became the longest-operating spacecraft, having functioned for 35 years and still periodically transmitting data. On August 25, 2012, Voyager 1 became the first space probe to enter interstellar space when it crossed the heliopause, the outer limit of the Sun’s magnetic field and solar wind. Voyager 2 crossed the heliopause on November 5, 2018. The Voyagers were expected to remain operable through 2020. Piyush Kumar XI B 13

GIRLS- A BLESSING AND NOT A CURSE A girl is a creation of God without whom the world wouldn’t have turned into generations. Right from the birth, she is intricately bonded with so many relations and plays every role with utmost eficiency. She is an ocean of emotions and feelings and can understand everything without saying. Today women are moving ahead in every sphere . She is no longer limited to the four walls of her house. She has become a pilots,chef,doctor,teacher,minister, you name a field and she has achieved it today. Indeed a girl today is not only a homemaker but the one who can run the country. Being a part of a largely patriarchal society, they have to face many problems too. A girl stands in support of everyone but there are many situations when no one stands for a girl. We get to hear about new rape cases every second day. A girl is worshipped as a goddess and brutally treated by hurting mortality and her respect. What an irony! People have become insane today, they don’t even spare new born babies from these grievous acts. The heart wrenching incident of Nirbhaya can never wipe out from the memories of many. There are many stringent laws made for the protection of women and girls but according to me that won’t help much rather we need to change the toxic mindset of the people. People think that providing freedom to girls is not good for them. This mindset has to change. Moreover if they put restrictions on girls they should do the same for boys as well and that’ll surely bring a great change. When a girl is raped, people mortify her as if she has committed a crime. People who really commit these monstrous acts are roaming free on the roads and no one is there to take action against these people. And if someone tries to take action against them they abscond. Those women or girls stay in a deplorable condition.People organize candle marches but that doesn’t help the victim . If we really want to help, then be a catalyst in changing the highly toxic mentality of the society . A girl is a sum and substance of affection and love . She carries out every relation genuinely and truthfully A girl like Kalpana Chawla,Sunita Williams, Hima Das have brought fame to the country and made both their family and the country proud.. So if people have these kinds of daughters they should be proud of themselves rather than to feel ashamed of having a daughter. So if you have a girl child be happy to have her, I’m sure she’ll make you proud one day . Ayushi Nadar 14 XII- G

The Kite The Air Blew So Nice Kite Flying In The Sky There A Little Boy Trying To Make His Kite Fly Every Time Trying But Never Got Better Result “Never Mind” Thinking Himself “Trying Next Time Will Make My Kite Fly So High” One Day, Crying Like A Baby “My Kite Never Fly” Thought The Kite Is Not For Him, So, Decided To Buy A Paper Kite, A Kite Which Can Fly So High, A Kite Looking Nice, Now He Was Confident, This Time A Possitive Result!! The Kite Flew For Some Time, He Tried A Lot “I Will Make My Kite Fly One Day” The Boy’s Goal Was Set … To Make His Kite Fly. Then One Day I Heard Him Exclaiming, “I Made My Kite Fly!” He Announced As If He Won A Trophy But Still He Was Not Satisfied Now He Wanted Fly His First Kite He Practice A Lot And Made His Kite Fly, Automatickly A Big Smile Came In His Face, Hard Work And He Got The Result, Product You Use Never Matters And Luck Never Matters Only Confidence Matters And Always Your Practice And You, Togethermake Rusult. Pratibha (7th F) 15

Your Best If you always try your best Then you’’ll never have to wonder About what you could have done If you’d summoned all your thunder And if your best Was not good As you hoped it would be You still could say ‘’I gave today All that I had in me.’’ Yash kumar - 7F MUSIC Music makes my day, Without it I can't stay. With music the world dance, And my heart feels with natures glances. Music is loved by all, He or she may be older boy who is small. After listening to music we forget our stress, Because it makes us happy and fresh. I like to listen to the singers who sing, And see the birds flying with the help of their wings. Priyanka Mishra -11G 16

PREFECTORIAL BOARD SENIOR Head Boy Head Girl Utkarsh Mahajan, 12E Manavi Goel, 12E Sports Captain Boy Sports Captain Girl Pushpender., 12B Jyoti Rathaur.,12G Cultural Head Boy Cultural Head Girl Kuldeep Bishnoi 12D Khushi Negi, 12H Executive Head Boy Executive Head Girl Sharanya kapoor., 12G Sonia, 12G Executive Members Rajeswari jena ,11D Samridhi, 9B 17 Sparsh Negi, 9A Shubham solanki. 9B

PREFECTORIAL BOARD JUNIOR Head Boy Head Girl Shreyansh Gupta. 8D Pademeshwari Jena 8J Sports Captain Boy Sports Captain Girl Sujal Yadav 8J Riya Tiwari 8J Cultural Head Himani Rawat, 8D Executive Head Boy Executive Head Girl Shreyansh Singh. 8D Riya Singh, 7F Executive Members Rudra Pratap ,7H Shelja , 7F Gauri Khanna. 7D 18 Prathvi , 8D

ONLINE INTERSCHOOL COMPETITIONS NAME OF THE FEST HOST SCHOOL POSITION National Level THE MODERN Special Jury Award Interschool SCHOOL , DELHI Quarantine Khoj Free Style Western Dance DPS JAIPUR Painting Tal Tarang Special Jury Award Photography Msway Movie Making Expressions APS SHANKAR VIHAR 1st Position in Higher Trajectories  2nd Position in Science Colloquium Euphony Pratibimb 2020 3rd Position in 3rd Microcosm Mole Day THE INDIAN HEIGHTS 3rd Position in Not Just Advertisement Ecomm Tech SCHOOL Fest Matrix Ecomm 2020 CENTRE FOR SOCIAL 2nd Position along with cash prize of Rs DEVELOPMENT 2,000/- &TRANSFORMATION (CSDT) BBPS ROHINI 2nd Position In Chemagination Chemical Solution To Beat Pollution MOUNT SAINT MARY’S SCHOOL 1st Position in The Cryptic Hunt 3rd Position in Video Editing 2nd Position in Meme –O-Mania Cryptic Hunt ALCOHN PUBLIC 3rd Position in Digital Imaging SCHOOL 3rd Position In Team Cryptic Hunt Jivanotsav Celebration GD GOENKA 1st Prize In Kavyanjali Of Life SCHOOL, 2nd Position in Abhinay Ka Rang Manch Grandeur GHAZIABAD 1st Position in Sway With Heart 1st Position in The Happy Common Man 19

Name of the Fest Host School Position 2nd Position Aura Dance CAMBRIDGE Competition SCHOOL,INDRAPURAM Incryptix CAMBRIDGE SCHOOL, 1st Position INDRAPURAM National Level Multi RAMAKRISHNA SARADA Consolation Prize Talent Competition MISSION NIVEDITA 2020 VIDYAMANDIR Declamation GURU NANAK SCHOOL 1st Position Philoquence ,PUNJABI BAGH JYB- The Mris Quiz MANAV RACHNA Rolling Trophy League (International INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, event) NOIDA Road Safety GYAN MADIR PUBLIC SCHOOL Transport Planning :2nd IN ASSOCIATION WITH SIAM ( Position 24th Mosaic Online Painting SOCIETY OF INDIAN MOBILE Smriti Chinh (Stamp) :2nd Competition 2020 (Inter National Event) Position MANUFACTURERS ) AND DELHI TRAFFIC POLICE HAPPY SCHOOL PADAM Consolation prize & CHAND MARG, DARIAYAGANJ, Special Jury Award. NEW DELHI Won The Rolling Trophy in The 6 To 8 Young Achievers Level 20 Champion Orator : Ankita Das of 11 D

Marks do not reflect one’s knowledge & ability. It only shows a person’s memorizing & observing skills. Marks oriented studies do not set the thinking of doing research and gaining extra knowledge. People forget that after retirement that post will be taken by others, looks are faded, status loses its value, and the power is gone. And money lost its value as now you cannot buy the entire non- materialistic thing that is necessary for that time. The materialistic thing cause wars, deviate a person on the wrong path, limits your vision, sets thinking in one-directional, impedes the ability to grow and distorts the value of life. Life is bliss if priorities are right. Now a day’s people link their emotions to the materialistic things that have shaken the essence of life. Most of the people tend to live with fake reality. They made their life a GAME where everything is talked in terms of winning and losing. It has given birth to the destruction of values, the essence of life, emotions, relations; birth of greed & most criminal mindsets. But materialistic things have a short life span, so it will end either because of human greed for materialistic things or by the realization of the faults by humans. The person who rushes for materialistic things may achieve the highest peak but on reaching the pinnacle of success the person will find himself standing alone on the peak. On introspection, he will find that his greed, love for money, name, fame, power & position have become permanent barriers in achieving the non- materialistic things of life. So the decision is yours either you have to be like them and live in a fake reality, fake world and as a character of a game, or want to live in the true world with true people. So prioritize things in life very carefully… 21

MY SO-CALLED ‘LOCKDOWN’ EXPERIENCE Today I am having mixed emotions. On the very first day when the lockdown was imposed by the Indian government on 21st March 2020, no one had an idea that it was going to extend this long. In the beginning almost everyone was excited to have a break in their busy lives. We all took it in a positive way and enjoyed ourselves. Some got to spend this precious time with their families within the four walls of their sweet home, whereas some had the opportunity to admire and discover their hidden talents. Even I cooked many dishes by following videos on you-tube and even put a status in the evening. But slowly but surely, we realized that the lockdown wouldn’t cease. My initial excitement gave way to disappointment and impatience. I missed my normal and busy life, when I used to spend almost half of my day at school having fun with my friends. Those days we used to dream of having two Sundays in a week but now every day feels like a boring Sunday. Although we have online classes and interaction with our teachers, it still doesn't feel normal. I am also happy at the same time realizing that we are about to win the battle against coronavirus. I feel that I am slowly getting used to this kind of life where we all are using technology to save our precious time. We still have that bright sparkle of positivity and hope inside our hearts. I hope that this pandemic and horrifying year gets over and we have a real Happy New year soon! Ranjana Rathore IX-A एक बचपन का जमाना था एक बचपन का जमाना था, जजस मंे खुजिय ों का खजाना था.. 22 चाहत चाँाद क पाने की थी, पर जदल जततली का जदवाना था.. खबर ना थी कु छ सुबहा की, ना िाम का जिकाना था.. थक कर आना स्कू ल से, पर खेलने भी जाना था.. माँा की कहानी थी, परीय ंो का फसाना था.. बारीि में कागज की नाव थी, हर मौसम सुहाना था.. हर खेल में साथी थे, हर ररश्ता जनभाना था.. गम की जुबान ना ह ती थी, ना जख् ंो का पैमाना था.. र ने की वजह ना थी, ना हाँसने का बहाना था.. क्ँाु ह गऐे हम इतने बडे, इससे अच्छा त व बचपन का जमाना था Priyanka Mishra -XI G



PRIZE WINNING SPEECH AT INTER SCHOOL COMPETITION Religion Is above Ritual Karl Marx once said Religion is the opium of the masses…….. Isn’t it amazing to discover that the earliest archaeological evidence of religious ideas dates back several hundred thousand years to the Middle and Lower Palaeolithic periods ? So what is Religion and how is it different from ritualism?and most important –is religion above ritualism ? The word Religion comes from the Latin Religio, meaning 'restraint,' Whereas the word ‘ritual’ is derived from the Latin word ‘ritualis’, associated with the word ‘rite’ meaning a type of ceremony or custom. Ironically today religion has less to do with restraint and more to do with ostentatious display of wealth under the garb of rituals A prayer couched in the words of the soul, is far more powerful than any ritual. I strongly believe that religion will always have an edge over rituals as it nourishes the spirit and the soul as compared to rituals which are hedonistic and to some extent exploitative in nature if practiced for selfish motives Undoubtedly rituals give some kind of an order to the society in propagating the values of a religion but they also tend to divert the mind towards the method rather than the content and the value of religious tenets Rituals demand immense economic investment on the part of the follower thus leading to more emphasis on the materialistic aspect rather than the spiritual .While religion demands detachment from the material world, ritualism on the contrary encourages materialism In today’s turbulent times the spiritual aspect of religion has a far more vital role to play than a few rituals .Man’s soul needs constant nourishment and what better way than following the philosophy of the spiritual gurus like kabir, Rahim,Rumietc !!! My dear friends remember that It is important to create a world that feels good on the inside not just one that looks good on the outside I would like to conclude by reiterating that if one wants to understand religion in the true sense of the word then one should opt for the spiritual path rather than the ritualistic one as one can find life’s true lessons in the magical and valuable utterances of the spiritual gurus like Guru nanak, kabir,Rahim rather than in the ritualistic jingoism that goes in the name of religion today To quote Buddha Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.” – Ankita Das 11D 25

In a World full of misery, Happiness is Utopian Life is a journey of endless misery, crisis in all aspects is creating challenges… striking and turning man into his own enemy It is a basic human need to live a happy life. Great saints and mahatmas have been preaching ways to experience real happiness. A few of my worthy opponents have said that for real, lasting and stable happiness, one has to make a journey deep within oneself. But, in this fast- paced world where one is caught up with fulfilling one’s desires because we live only once, do we have the time and inclination to do that? It is difficult to remain happy in this world full of miseries. We are all entangled in a vicious cycle of misery. We run after wealth, success, comforts but end up being the most dissatisfied beings on this planet. Today happiness is measured in terms of wealth, social stature and rank. Why are money and material desires seen as villains that conspire to cause human suffering. May I ask you if you and I can do without the worldly comforts and pleasures? Can we think of a lifestyle without the gizmos, gadgets and facilities invented and discovered for our comfortable living in the first place? My opponents have been waxing eloquent about how to find happiness in the small joys which life offers us. But let me point out that happiness is an ephemeral condition... almost like a mirage we all seem to be chasing it to no avail! It is rapidly fleeting; here one moment and gone the next. At present, living life is very tough and happiness is elusive in these uncertain times. A host of challenges face mankind today: global warming, poverty, depravity of moral character and as if this wasn’t enough! There’s the novel coronavirus we all have to deal with now. Almost 7 months into the new normal and the effects can be seen…we can hear people committing suicides, depression, economic hardships and the school learning graph is at its all time low! And it is so easy to say that let us be satisfied with our lot. Isn't it funny that happiness still seems so far away no matter how much of our dreams we achieve? We finally graduate from school, but we're still unhappy because we're worried about being hired. Then we are worried about getting promoted. We finally get promoted but are still unhappy because with position come responsibilities. So when are we ever going to be happy?? I will leave you with that to ponder on…and reiterate that IN THE WORLD FULL OF MISERY, HAPPINESS IS UTOPIAN…! Ankita Das , 11D 26

PANDEMIC View A CURSE ON HUMANITY The impact of COVID 19 has caused distress to economies and businesses around the globe. It has killed nearly 3 lakh people world wide. It has pushed the Indian economy into a tailspin. With more than 84,000 people succumbing to COVID 19 infection so far India's death toll is third Highest in the world after USA and Brazil. The international monetary fund released its World economic Outlook Report , according to which , India's GDP will contract by 10.3% this fiscal year. As the country is facing loss in gdp the education sector too has been fighting to survive the crisis with a different approach and digitising the challenges to wash away the threat of the pandemic, schools are conducting online classes, exams,and many activities for children. But the children living or surviving in poverty are not able to connect with today's world. Parents are forced by this pandemic and just for the sake of their children's future they are ready to give up anything. These online classes are somewhere , unfortunately affecting children's minds , creating stress and depression. Because of this many children are committing suicide. Among the plethora of health risks that the corona virus has exposed us to, many people across industries were subjected to salary cuts ranging anywhere from 5% to 60% or even more. Many unfortunate ones even lost their jobs. Many migrant workers walked to their native places during this pandemic. No money, no food, no work and so , obviously resulting in poverty. The UN's International labour organisation (ILO) said that about 400 million workers from the informal sector in India are likely not to be pushed deeper into poverty due to COVID 19. Because of this pandemic people are suffering from mental illness. Many psychologists have been saying that even when the pandemic is brought under control , grief , anxiety and depression will continue to affect people and communities. Many families just because of unemployment and poverty are giving up on their lives. Adding to the long list of crises that the pandemic and the lockdown has hurled at us, one new and developing evil has completely gone unnoticed until Various reports Started pouring in from corners of the world. Cases of domestic violence across the World are increasing at an Alarming rate and India is no exception to this. According to the reports of the National Commission for Women , nearly 50 cases are being registered everyday ! These cases are increasing day by day and still people are saying that , “ this pandemic is happening for a good?!” 27

Counter View PANDEMIC IS IT A BLESSING IN DISGUISE? Loss of lives, loss of money, loss of jobs, loss of social connect..LOSS But let me remind you it's a loss that teaches us about the worth of things. Good Morning esteemed judges, respected teachers and my fellow elocutionists. Today , I, Aastha from Ashoka house will enlighten you all, especially my pessimistic friends, by pulling them out of their dark disillusionment and disappointment. I strongly believe that we have gained immensely from our losses as the hindsight is 20/20. Dear friends COVID 19 is that virus which has made us reboot our lifestyle and reorient our thoughts and actions. Let me take you back to the world before Covid -19. It was a world of waste and wonder; of poverty and plenty.. Families stopped talking and even if they spoke , the meaning started melting. Everyday the skies had grown thicker till we couldn’t see the stars.We filled the sea with plastic and consequences became drastic. And then came the virus that changed our world. People went into hiding in fear and while they were in hiding they dusted off their old instincts and remembered how to smile. They expressed gratitude and they clapped. The sky is now less full of smoke , the earth has begun to breathe. A virus was required to bring the people back together as sometimes we’ve got to get sick before we start feeling better. We all will agree that though the pandemic brought everything to standstill and slowed everything possible, humans and nature, had some or other thing to gain from it. Pollution reduction, reduced paper waste, digitalisation, personal development, sense of responsibility and gratitude for being alive are few important aspects where we have gained. Nature which was at the verge of apocalypse took a sigh of relief. Nature has gotten so much better, Himalayas could be seen from Punjab. People who were caught in their own self centric webs could connect with their near and dear ones.Family values showed remarkable improvement. The adults who had left behind their hobbies or interests in the rat race of establishing themselves, found time to recreate the magic of art and heal their soul. We learnt the ways of hygienic life. From shaking hands to namaste, we all have had a lifestyle change for the good. And most importantly,this pandemic situation has made us realise the epistemology of loss that nothing external lasts forever. People and countries all over the world are becoming more self reliant. With this I rest my case. Let us take out this arrow of lamentation and rather than brooding and grieving over the loss let us learn from our mistakes and look forward to a better life in future. “Life can only be understood backwards but it must be lived forwards.” 28

‘LOCKDOWN’ BROGHT THE BEST OUT OF ME Staying away from school, is the hardest time I have ever seen, in short span of life of mine. We were locked down inside the four walls, Without any reason or rhyme. When I was afraid inside the doors, Corona outside gave a loud roar. Problem was big, where to now hide, It seems situation is difficult to be rectified. The schools are closed so the malls We missed the shopping and the cinema halls. But sitting and taking tension will not do, Crying on the circumstances will not take us through, Then I had a thought in my mind, The world is going on, we can’t be blind. When I looked into the mirror, my talent I could clearly see This lockdown scenario brought best out of me. Seeds of Patience and perseverance germinated in me Opportunities hidden in worse situation now I can see How my mother is toiling to manage home, I can relate Her unnoticed efforts for us now I can appreciate. Fast moving mechanical world came to a halt, Tiny virus brought human race on knees to realize their fault. Spending time with dears is above all gains It’s not money but happiness is in sharing pains I became more observant, helpful and fear free This lockdown scenario brought best out of me.. Shelja Srivastava 7F 29

MAGIC OF DIGITS 1x8+1=9 12 x 8 + 2 = 98 123 x 8 +3 = 987 1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876 12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765 123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654 1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543 12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432 123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321 SOLITARY DAYS The streets were empty in the morning Shutters were down As it was a country wide lock down Rich are enjoying at home Kids are surfing on Google Chrome Youngsters are chatting with zeal Poor are worried of their meal Corona virus a big glitch Will visit door to door Rich will always be rich Poor still have to lay on roads Don't cry in despair The government is well prepared United, we still stand Divided, it's too tough to withstand # lockdown Deeksha Rathore Xll D 30

ASHA SCHOOL MENTORING PROJECT In this programme, our leaders act as buddies to Asha school children (specially abled), and our own school NIOS children as well, and reach out to them and help them to enhance their skills and confidence through different activities, to face the world outside. Its a 3 months project (Sep2020 to Nov 2020) in which weekly once one hour online session is conducted by our students. Every special child has two buddies, who collaborate with the special child allotted to them and their parents, and help them excel in their areas of interest. We have 14 Asha school children, and 3 of our own NIOS children. Thereafter one hour weekly online session is conducted by our children for them, through zoom or video calling preferably between 5 to 6 in the evening, when both their parents are at home. Initial few sessions aimed at building a rapport with the children and their parents, then activity based sessions were conducted based on the child’s inclination, interest and skills, viz; art & craft, painting, computers, music, cognitive activities, poetry recitation etc. Around 34 students of leadership club have initiated and taken the lead to stretch their helping hands to these specially abled children, and are mutually getting enriched and benefitted, which is evident from the positive behavioral outcomes observed in the special child. Ultimate goal of this project is mutual enrichment and enhancement of leadership skills amongst children. 31

OVERCOMING THE ODDS When the nation was struck by the virus, Army Public School rose to the occasion and faced the pandemic with great stoicism and grit . The School played a pivotal role in facing the challenge by stepping in as a helping hand and assisting in aiding the less privileged to overcome the tough times The school was declared a Food Hunger Relief Centre (Covid-19) to cater for lunch and dinner for the economically weaker sections of society and became operational wef 02 April 2020 videO/o the District Civil Defence, New Delhi till 9th June 2020. 32

“SELF HELP” Nothing is sweeter than the fruits of our own exertion. It has been rightly said “Self help is the best help”. Self-help is basically relying on ourselves and avoiding all sorts of unnecessary dependence. Everyone has to depend to some extent on others. Still, the most successful man is one who depends least on others. There are hundreds of things in our life, which can be easily done by us. This is known as self-reliance or self-help. It is a precious tool in the hands of a man for his upliftment and progress. It is with own labour, participation and will that a man can get desired results. Our famous scripture Gita also says that it is a person’s ‘karma’ that bears the fruit. Hard work never goes unrewarded. A self-reliant person is able to move himself out of any difficult situation or condition. On one hand, he always does his work on his own. On the other hand, he is always ready to help others in need of help. This virtuous quality makes him respectable and praiseworthy. Often, we hear people complaining of their bad luck. In reality, it is not their luck, but their laziness, idleness which leads them to an unsuccessful path. Many people sit in temples for hours, praying that their wishes be granted. Even god cannot help them until and unless they make efforts. A student cannot get good marks if he does not work hard regularly. God also helps those who sincerely make efforts and help themselves. People with the quality of self-help or self, reliance never fail. Such men succeed in life. They do not wait for others to bring success to them. They try every means at their disposal to bring success. When we do things by ourselves they tend to be good and perfect since they have been done willingly and done on our own. Tasks completed by ourselves not only give us great satisfaction and a sense of achievement, but also teaches us the value of tolerance. We come to understand that every work and task have their own lacunas and difficulties and therefore criticism of others and their work is considerably reduced. Another quality of self-help is that it makes the person self-confident and self-reliant. It makes individuals strong in mind and character. It instils the power of self- decision and personal choice. We become self-guiding and self-directing personalities. This habit of self-help like all other habits should be acquired early in life. Children, when they are very young, should be taught to manage their own things such as, clothes, books, personal items, school work, etc. Providing too much of support and being always at their back, will spoil them. Self-help instills in our minds, the power of independent thinking, quick decision and makes us responsible citizens. That is why, Swami Vivekananda once said “Give me ten men who believe in themselves and I shall revolutionise the entire world”. Self-reliant men are the need of the hour. Such men create history and lead a nation forward. The33y are the true pillars of a nation.

Develop a sense of yourself. An effective starting point for gaining self-confidence is discovering who you are—who you really are, at your core, as opposed to what you think others want you to be. Accept yourself fully. You are a human being, and as such you are multi-faceted and imperfect. Knowing, acknowledging, and accepting your strengths and your weaknesses help you gain self-confidence. Give yourself permission to want. Many of us are taught from a young age that desire is selfish, even bad. Naturally, that destroys self-confidence. Wanting things is the core of healthy goal-setting. Live fully in the present. Low self-confidence is, in part, connected to being stuck in the past or worrying about the future. That increases anxiety and decreases self-confidence. Rather than getting worried about what you “should” do or “should/should not” have done, live fully in the present moment. Be mindful of what’s going on around you, what you are thinking, and what you are doing. Challenge negative thinking and embrace the positive right now. Develop your whole self. Self-confidence is about positive thoughts and actions. These don’t always have to do with achievements. Quite the contrary, actually, for getting caught up in having to constantly achieve sets up unrealistic expectations, thus reducing self-confidence. Instead, allow yourself to simply be. Discover things about yourself and in your life that create a sense of peace and joy, and do them. Develop hobbies, explore your interests, practice self-care, connect with others, volunteer, make opportunities to laugh. Allowing yourself to enjoy your life boosts positivity and increases self-confidence in a fun way. This habit of self-help like all other habits should be acquired early in life. Children, when they are very young, should be taught to manage their own things such as, clothes, books, personal items, school work, etc. Providing too much of support and being always at their back, will spoil them. Therefore, the habit of self-reliance should begin early in 4.The habit of self-help instills in our minds, the power of independent thinking, quick decision and makes us responsible citizens. That is why, Swami Vivekananda once said “Give me ten men who believe in themselves and I shall revolutionise the entire world”. Self-reliant men are the need of the hour. Such men create history and lead a nation forward. They are the true pillars of a nation. Mira Rani Bera 34 PGT Physics. Senior co ordinator

Virginia Woolf Adeline Virginia Woolf, best known as the author of Mrs Dalloway (1925) and To the Lighthouse (1927),was an English writer, considered one of the most important modernist 20th century authors. She was also aprolific writer of essays, diaries, letters and biographies. The troubled writer had many indications of a depressed life. Her determination allowed her to continue to write and participate in social life until hersuicide. Her talent and dreams continue to inspire other women writers. Virginia Woolf was a feminist. She was one of the many women who tried to improve her gender’s condition, not by manifesting or doing what we call today “street activism”, but by studying and contributing to universal culture. She would analyze the role of women in her novels and portray them in several contexts, trying to break the common stereotypes of female characters in literature. Woolf’s work captured the fast-changing world in which she was working, from transformations in gender roles, sexuality and class, to technologies such as cars, airplanes and cinema. Woolf’s work explored the key motifs of modernism, including the subconscious, time, perception, the city and the impact of war. Her ‘stream of consciousness’ technique enabled her to portray the interior lives of her characters and to depict the montage-like imprint of memory. She refused patriarchal honours like the Companion of Honour (1935) and honorary degrees from Manchester and Liverpool (1933 and 1939), and wrote polemical works about the position of women in society, such as A Room of One’s Own (1929) and Three Guineas (1938). In Flush (1933) she wrote of the life of the spaniel owned by the poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning , in Orlando. She fictionalised the life of her friend Vita Sackville-West into that of a man-woman, born in the Renaissance but surviving till the present day. Besides her writing, Woolf had a considerable impact on the literary and cultural life around her. The publishing house she ran with her husband Leonard Woolf, the Hogarth Press, was established in London’s Bloomsbury, an area after which the ‘Bloomsbury Set’ of artists, writers and intellectuals was named. Woolf’s house was a hub for some of the most interesting cultural activity of the time, and Hogarth Press publications included books by writers such as T S Eliot , Sigmund Freud, Katherine Mansfield , E M Forster , and the Woolfs themselves. Jeetisha Budhraja 10th-D 35

~~Riddle de diddle~~ 1. I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind! What am I? 2. You measure my life in hours and I serve you by expiring. I am quick 3. when I am thin and slow when I am fat. The wind is my enemy. 4. Can you write eight ‘eights’ in such a way that they add up to one thousand? 5. Who is it with a neck but no head, two arms but no hands? 6. What has four legs and a body but cannot walk? Tanya- 7 F 1.An echo 2. A candle 3. 888+88+8+8+8=1000, 4. A shirt , 5.A table ~~What should you 36 do?~~ Read, but write more Talk, but think more Play, but study more I promise, your success is sure Eat, but chew more Weep, but laugh more Sleep, but work more I promise, your healthy life is in for sure Hate, but love more Order, but obey more Quarrel, but agree more I promise, people will love you for sure Punish, but forgive more Spend, but save more Consume, but produce more I promise, people will respect you more Bhawana- 12 G

WHAT IF … We wake up today and realize that everything stands still and you can feel the vibrations of the universe speaking. You can hear the birds singing to the rise of the sun. All inhabitants of this earth are being blessed with the sensation of enlightenment: a state of mind where material belongings and housing and property of any kind no longer matter to us. A sensation of peace and tranquility sweeps over the world like a great flood, with it taking away all the feelings of worry and stress of the masses. What if… The headlines of today and the future all state the same thing:” A welcoming, all- knowing sensation sweeps across the world. There is no longer any need for worry or distress!” You ask your fellow man on the street as you go out into this light “Do you feel what I feel?”, the man looks at you with forgiving and loving eyes and speaks. “ Yes I do.” What if .. The structure of the inner most core of the establishment is changing. The banks suddenly cease to exist in its original manner, money as a way of transaction of goods and merchandize has also dissolved into a thing of the past. What if… As you enter a public place, people are all coming out to see what IS happening. Everyone knows something is changing in their minds and all around them but words are no longer sufficient to describe this sensation of total well-being. You sit down and pick up today's paper, it says “ CHANGE IN WORLD CONSCIOUSNESS OVER NIGHT”. You look over your shoulder and you notice a beautiful girl, all you see is beauty and light emitting around her. You no longer think in terms of wrong and right or rigid norms you might have been taught to this age. Now you feel a sensation of perfect order and love all around you and in the deepest part of your self. No more guilt , no more anxiety. What is happening? The stores all seem to be open but there´s no rush of people going through them, instead signs hang in the widespread windows, sunrays reflecting on them. Inside curious people standing around just gently touching the fabrics as they have not felt this sensation before. What if… 37

What if… On the garden, back outside, people are gathered, people of all ages coming out just for the feeling of freedom from the things that in an earlier life had put a burden on them. This sensation can only be described outside of our earlier senses and way of thinking and feeling. A sensation so pure and without side effects to bring you back to your earlier reality. We can now see music in light and touch the vibration of the notes in the music playing all around us. What if… Everything is now lit up in a way so that there are no longer any shadows around us. And when you look down at your wristwatch you no longer see the arms of the watch, as if time as we knew it ceased to exist. There is no longer any feeling of loss, instead a feeling of abundance is rising from within you and things as we use to know them all of a sudden have another meaning. A meaning so pure that you do not feel the need to describe them. What if… You now open your mouth to say something but instead of words the most beautiful music is coming out. You feel even more enlightened, the vibrations of this music coming out of your mouth feel and look like angel-energy waves caressing the souls around you. There is a meaning to this. What if… Our egos have dissolved and the light spreading from one to another seems to bend corners as it travels all around the globe, connecting people to each other from continent to continent, to all forms of life. We all now understand what is happening and understand everything around us. It is now in us, we are now all in one. What if… The world is now so still and at the same time so alive that what we use to think of as problems now are presented to us as solutions. As we now love ourselves and the people around us we do what is right. The term “wrong” is no longer because deep inside we now know what is true…what if… All these things are happening right this moment? Khushi Negi - 12 H 38

~~Research work – Carrot~~ Carrot is a root vegetable, usually orange in color, though purple, black red, white and yellow cultivars exist. Carrots are particularly good source of beta carotene, fiber, vitamin K1, potassium and Antioxidants. Healthy benefits Rich in carotene. They are weight loss friendly food They have been linked to lower cholesterol. Improves eye health and vision. Tanu Kumari- 6 G Nutrient Amount in Daily Adult one carrot requirement Energy (cal) 25 1,600-3,200 39 Carbohydrates (g) 6.8 g 130 Fiber (g) 1.79 Calcium (mg) 20.1 mg 22.4-33.6 Phosphorus (mg) 21.4 mg 1,000-1,300 Potassium (mg) 195 mg 700-1,250 Vitamin c (mg) 3.6 mg Folate (mcg DFE) 11.6 4,700 Vitamin A (mcg) 509 65-90 Beta Carotene 5,050 400 Alpha Carotene 21,120 700-900 lutein and zeaxanthin (mcg) 156 - - Vitamin E (mg) 0.4 Vitamin K (mcg) 8.1 - 15 75-120

~~MEMORIES~~ We may complain about our school work, Perhaps we think our lessons hard. We’d much prefer playing out And running in the big schoolyard. But with the passing of years, The dearest memories we’ll call Will be of hours that we have spent, Within the old grey schoolhouse wall. We may consider it a trial To have to add and multiply, And lessons in geography, Bring many a long-drawn, anxious sigh. But with the passing of the years, When time has cast it purple haze. The memories that we will treasure, Will be of long-gone, old school days. Sakshi- 7th F ~~MY MOTHER~~ My mother has been my inspiration from day one, She is the one who taught me to shine like the star. She knows what is wrong and right She tells me to always be polite. No one can take her place, You are everything to me You help me with my studies, You are my guide forever. My mother is the best. Diksha- 6th H 40

What does failure mean? Failure doesn’t mean you are a failure. It means you haven’t succeeded yet. Failure doesn’t mean you’ll not be able to do it. It means you have to do it in a different way Failure doesn’t mean you have to give up. It means you must try harder. Failure doesn’t mean you will never make it. It means it will take just a little longer. Failure doesn’t mean God has abandoned you. It means god has a better idea for you. Bhawana 12 G 41

Save Earth We live on the planet earth. We get air, water, food, shelter, and everything else from the Mother Earth. We should save our earth from environmental issues such as the pollution and global warming. We should keep the earth green by planting trees, and save earth’s resources by revising and recycling old things. We should avoid misusing the earth’s natural resources such as water air and minerals. We should promote organic farming by buying and creating demand for chemical free food grains. We can save fossil fuels by sharing our cars and participate in resources conservation which ensures the sustainability of the earth. If we manage to save our earth from pollution, our earth would be a healthier place for the future generation. Shreyasi Yadav- 6 H 42



Creativity Unplugged

Priya -11D 46

NATURE IS EVERYWHERE Nature is everywhere. Nature is everywhere you go, Everything that lives and grows in nature Animals Big or small, Nature is plants that grow so tall. Nature is beautiful in every way Wonderful, exciting And need our craze. So, listen learn and do your part to keep Nature beautiful forever. Priyanshu- 6th B FRIENDSHIP Either winter or monsoon Spring or summer, This unsinkable ship Floats forever This is my only life boat, On which I can survive. It is warmer than anything else And has always helped me to revive. This relationship of friendship, Is the best relationship. Diksha- 6th H 47

STOP OVERTHINKING “Overthinking is exactly what it means, thinking too much” Why do we overthink? It’s simple just because we want more than our expectations, we expect better every time and it’s human tendency that they will never satisfy. We don’t think about the present situation, we just overthink and make the situation worst and thinking too much will create a whole new problem that wasn’t even there. Have you ever committed a sin? Or do you have a coward friend? If you are thinking that why I am asking such weird questions; which are not related to this topic…!!! Then let me tell you, Yes, we all have that disastrous sin which is called OVER THINKING and this coward friend steals your joy and ability to live the lives we truly want to live. Have you ever think that we do over think about the slightest problem. I am not telling you to stop this completely as it can’t be done because it is a common thing and it is a human tendency to over analyze the situation. But we can try to control over this habit to make our life better and comfortable. Here are some tips to control over thinking:- 1) Try to do meditation, concentration and many more exercise, it helps to release stress. 2) Whatever you do, give your best, and don’t worry about the result. 3) Always take a healthy diet. 4) Take a good sleep, as it promotes positive and. A healthy mindset. 5) Find positivity in everything, and try to avoid looking things in a negative way. Over thinker is as equal as the alcoholic person. Just like alcohol, ruins the life; as it is a disastrous habit and may lead to brain hemorrhage, tension, depression, and many more problems. So, one should not adapt this habit and therefore, live in the present moment. BY – SAKSHI 48

QUARANTINE DAYS These Quarantine days, Work on your vocation in many ways. Relish with chats But be away from bats. Don’t anguish about ahead You are not dead Give your rapt attention, to yourself as their is no detention. Give time to your siblings It is worth living. When it rains Toss your all delusion in vain Don’t sit ideal, play ludo, Or learn Judo. Nature is healing Do you have this feeling Motherland is on rebooting mode Telling that don’t go away from your road. Do some painting Don’t waste your time in just waiting. Don’t worry about your play grounds, they are taking rest for while. Till that go and complete your file. Always be positive like a proton don’t be in a brown study just vote on. This is time to prove 49 Just show your all move If you will rove People will gove Police will shove Be aware! And take care


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