123 SHS Sparkles (2020-2021)
Sacred Heart School, Bahrain Wishes Our Beloved Leadership All the Love and Loyalty
FROM ` THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK….. “Education is incomplete without the formation of character” and “warmth and sunshine of love are required to bring out the best qualities of character in the students”, said Mother M. Aloysia A.C., a passionate educationist of the Apostolic Carmel. Following her footsteps, we, at Sacred Heart School provide excellent quality education stressing the 21st Century skills, including a strong component of cultural values, environmental awareness, religious tolerance and physical education to talented children who are our future scholars and leaders. Through this E-magazine, we strive to keep alive the children’s inborn sense of wonder and arouse in them a sense of curiosity to discover the mystery of the world we live in. It is also an opportunity for every child, to dive into oneself to see the innate talents and bring them out in various ways. Aristotle once said that, “A committed and supportive Management, dedicated teachers, caring and co-operative Parents blend harmoniously to create a Child-Centric School”. Sacred Heart School Community is an example of this. The Management and the Staff leave no stone unturned to offer multitudes of opportunities for the growth of our students. I congratulate the entire team of Staff and students for their hard work and dedication for making this magazine. The reflection of the students’ and teachers’ creativity is the essence of the magazine. I am sure that the positive attitude, hard work, sustained efforts and innovative ideas exhibited by our young children will surely stir the minds of the readers and take them to a world of delight. With God’s Blessings!! Sister Roselyn Thomas A.C. PRINCIPAL
A Note from the Vice-Principal …. I am thrilled and it gives me immense pleasure to add a note of appreciation to SHS E-magazine. This is an attempt to make our budding talents to give shape to their creativity and learn the art of being aware of themselves and the world around, because I believe that our success depends upon our power to perceive, the power to observe, and the power to explore. “Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel,” said the great ancient philosopher, Socrates. SHS paved a new platform during this Pandemic to kindle that flame in students to shine better. The enthusiastic write-ups of our young writers, the expression of their Mathematical skills in presenting the Math Quizzes, sharing their inquisitive thirst in Scientific information and findings, and demonstrating their aesthetic sense through Art, are indubitably sufficient to hold the interest and admiration of the readers. I am sure that the positive attitude, hard work, sustained efforts, and innovative ideas exhibited by our young students will surely stir the minds of the readers and take them to the surreal world of unalloyed joy and pleasure. I am sure that this E-magazine has successfully accomplished its objectives. The reflections of the students’ creativity and achievements are the epitome of this magazine. “If the mind is intensely eager, everything can be accomplished. Mountains can be crumbled into atoms”. These words of Swami Vivekananda best describe our enthusiastic and exuberant teachers. This E-magazine is before you, due to the combined efforts of the Editorial Board. They have realized this E-magazine in a short period of time as a result of the INTENSE EAGERNESS which rests in their minds. I appreciate the teachers who put in the effort to bring excellence in their treasured students. My gratitude to all contributors who made this E-magazine a reality! May the Almighty bless all the contributors for taking part in the Divine Mission of kindling the flame in the young minds and adding colours in their lives by helping them to bloom brightly. Best Wishes, Sister Jacintha Varghese A.C. VICE-PRINCIPAL
Our Editor Reflects….. 2020, was a year of drastic change for Sacred Heart School for when the Lockdown was announced on 26 February, the school children started attending Online Classes. Classroom teaching was suspended. The school building and campus looked desolate as students and teachers started conducting all their activities from home. Although things appeared difficult at first, there was a silver lining to all this, for more and more students began showcasing their talents through active participation in Online Assemblies and Activities via Zoom. Immediately, an announcement was forwarded to all the students to unleash their creative side and design a cover page for the new E-magazine. Later, the Class Teachers motivated students to send in their articles. The response was remarkable! My sincere thanks to the organizers and teachers for their prompt action and support. I’d also like to appreciate the effort of the students in contributing a variety of articles that reflected diverse cultures that are present in our school. Without their imaginative contributions, this E-magazine would not have been a reality! My special thanks also goes to the various Committees for devoting their valuable time to select the relevant articles for the magazine. Last but not the least, I’d like to thank our Reverend Principal, Sister Roselyn for her constant encouragement and all our teachers for their invaluable assistance. Well done students! Keep up your creative spirit! May Sacred Heart School go from strength to strength as we place her under God’s loving care! Mrs. Selma Mendonca CHIEF EDITOR
HEART TO HEART WITH THE BISHOP Paul Hinder, O.F.M. Cap. is a Catholic Bishop. He is the current Vicar Apostolic in the Apostolic Vicariate of Southern Arabia. On 13 May, 2020, Bishop Paul Hinder was also appointed Apostolic Administrator of the Vicariate Apostolic of Northern Arabia. Sushmi: Who would you say is your role model? Bishop Paul Hinder: *Chuckles* My role model? Yeah, being a Franciscan, Saint Francis of Assisi is the one. And, as for a role model now, I could say Pope Francis, a man who has guided me and given me the... courage, let’s call it, to look in a different way at the challenging questions around me. Nathan: If not for your vocation, what career would you have pursued? Bishop Paul Hinder: That’s a good question. Of course, these are tough questions to answer because I don't know. I don’t think I can give a proper answer to this, but uh, if not this path, I would have loved to be an actor, or even a singer, really. Nathan: You wouldn’t believe it, but funnily enough that’s an answer a lot of priests I know have given me. Bishop Paul Hinder: Oh really? *laughs* that’s quite interesting. Sushmi: What would you consider is the greatest joy of being a priest? Bishop Paul Hinder: I have many great joys, but one of the greatest joys of being a Bishop is being able to live with Communities to form Faith, to celebrate Liturgies is something that is satisfying or challenging. And I kind of got there because I have realized that in different parts of the world, people love this. They are really enthusiastic about this. I have seen many parts of the world, and travelling in Europe, Africa and Asia has enriched me and given me the chance to know many different cultures, to know different religions and let me learn the different approaches to know different religions.
That is important especially nowadays, because I have noticed that many people have a tendency to narrow their horizon today, may be due to fear and insecurities in certain sense, but in reality, it’s an enrichment which, of course can get tedious eventually, at the same time, it can be very good. Sushmi: What was a difficult experience you had and how did you go through it? Bishop Paul Hinder: One of the most difficult times was in Yemen, when two of our Sisters were killed and one of the Fathers were kidnapped. There was a lot of tension I had to go through because I was held responsible for the disaster. There were people who said, I should have taken them out from the country. It was a very difficult moment. For 18 months, we didn’t know if Father was still alive or set free. Although I was convinced he was still alive, I had no guarantee. It was a very difficult moment in my life. Nathan: Is there anything you have done in your life that you wish you changed? Bishop Paul Hinder: *chuckles*There are many, many things I’d wish to change. Although, there is a saying, “You learn from your mistakes, looking back into my life, there are many mistakes I have made, and so, that means I have learnt many lessons.” Sushmi: What would your message be for the Youth of today? Bishop Paul Hinder: To have hope, because there are so many who criticize everything and I think that should be the motto in our life, Hope. Nathan: Well, that’s absolutely right. We will try to be better citizens of our world, and do our best to change the wrong things around us. We will work hard in our own little way and hope for the best results. But, we know that, even that will be difficult. So, Bishop, could you give us some guidelines as to what we need to do to make the world a better place? Bishop Paul Hinder: Many people are seeing what is going wrong and are wonderfully able to criticize. No one is able to accomplish the most important steps in our life. I think to live happily and peacefully; we must work in solidarity. For example, take care of our environment. We may not be able to stop Nuclear Power Stations right now of course, but with enough hard work, goodwill and perseverance, I believe you children can accomplish a lot. Nathan: Alright then, that concludes our interview. Sushmi: Once again, many thanks to you, Your Excellency, for joining us today. Nathan Crasta & Sushmi Andriana, Senior 4 – Christianity Department
SisterRoselynThomasA.C. SisterJacinthaVargheseA.C. SisterMariaElsieA.C. SisterMariaNimalapriyaA.C. SisterRoseCelineA.C. SisterArmilianMylliemA.C. SisterMariaSarahA.C. OURPILLARSOFSTRENGTH
InM emorium ATributetoOurLovingBishopCamilloBallin BishopCamilloBallin,wasaChristcentredApostle, Amanoffewwords,greatinwisdomanddocile, HelivedatrueComboniMissionarylife,simpleandfrugal, HisroompossessednothingexceptabreviaryandHolyBible. BishopCamillohadsuchapastoralheartforthechildren, Hemadesurethatallgrowinunityamongdiversity. Hewascompassionatetothepoorbrethren, Andmadesuretheyassociatedwithhimwithaccessibility. HisLordshipwasdisciplinedandtransparentinhisdealings, Hecommunicatedwithothershisdecisionsandtookcareoftheir feelings. Hismo o,INVERBOTUO“Master,onyourwordIwillthrowthe nets,” BishopCamillo’stotalsurrendertotheLord,wecanneverforget. TwofamiliarwordsBishopusedo en, ‘INSHALLAH’and‘COURAGE’canneverbeforgo en, Withcourage,hetravelledfarandwidetogetaidtofulfillhis dream, ToconstructtheCathedralofOurLadyofArabiawithgleam. YourLordship,wearesureyouareenjoyingheavenlybliss, Duetoyourcon nuousintercessiontotheLord, TheCathedralwillsoonbeaccomplishedaccordingtoyourwish. Wecanneverforgetyoursmileandgentleways, SacredHeartSchool,Bahrain Willfondlyrememberyoualways. ByMrs.AlditaD’Costa
InM emorium Ourmostbeau fulLILY!!! Rosesarered,violetsareblue,Godmadeabeau fulLily, AndthatwasYOU! Youwerepureofheart,likeaLilyflower,KindandSweet, GentleandLovingandServingZealously. Youboreyourpainsobravely,nevercomplainingatall, Intearswesawyousinking,ourheartsalmostbreaking. Ifweknewthatmorning,whenGodwasgoingtocallyour name, WewouldhavepleadedwithHimnottotakeyouaway,as wewantedyousomuchtostay. GODlookedaroundHisGardenandfoundanemptyplace, Hethenlookedupontheearth,andsawyour redface. HeputHisarmsaroundyou,andliedyoutorest, God’sgardenmustbebeau fulnow,‘cozyouaretheBEST. Andnow,asyourestinthearmsofangels, Inaplaceofpeaceandlove, Watchingoverusalways,fromheavenupabove. WemissyoudearSister,inourheartsyouholdaspecial place, Thebondwillneverbebroken,asithasastrongbase.It brokeourheartstoloseyou, Butyoudidn’tgoalone; Forapartofuswentwithyou, THEDAYGODTOOKYOUHOME!!!!! ATributefromtheLKGDepartment
OUR HEAD GIRL & HEAD BOY LOOKS BACK…… SEEK, SOAR, SUCCEED! They taught me to.... TRY, TRANSFORM & TRIUMPH!! “A well-educated mind will always have more If I were ever asked, “What was one of the questions than answers.” – Helen Keller best decisions that have been made in my Built on the fundamental values of love life?” “Joining this school” would be on top of the list. After 12 years of experience, I’ve and truth, Sacred Heart School has taught me learned that our school’s vision is to build a more than what comes from books. Taking me society of excellent leaders of tomorrow from through an astounding and adventurous the youth of today. When I initially strolled 12-year long journey, it has never failed in past the giant pitch-black gates of Sacred surprising me. Heart School, slight shivers of fear ran down Of course, they provide young and my spine for it was a whole new world! Yet, aspiring individuals with quality education, but those pupils who had loving, wide smiles what I love more is their ceaseless urge to spread across their faces enlightened my heart develop a child in discipline, diplomacy and as though a spark of sunshine dashed right dignity. The staff and management live and through. From all my years of learning, impart the virtues of teamwork and unity. The sometimes my life has been similar to a Roller- caring nature, supportive words and guidance Coaster, filled with ups and downs, twists and from the Carmelite nuns is something I will turns.
However, it was my choice whether I hold on certainly treasure. in sheer terror, or just raise my hands in the air The school has, is and I believe will forever and ENJOY THE RIDE, for it was a tremendous keep up to its high standards of discipline that journey that was guaranteed to succeed. I just they instill into youngsters of all races, needed to keep moving forward! All those religions, gender and ethnicity. It has never precious memories, some dim, some elusive, differentiated nor underestimated the and some clear as crystal, now bring a bitter capabilities of a student that is open to the sweet smile to my lips because it has taught world’s action-packed Roller Coaster. me that if you want everyone else to be passionate, dedicated, committed and Behind the four walls that are open to any motivated, you should go first. As I ventured innovative mind that has the will to learn, lies further and deeper, I have been nurtured in a combination of fun and technology that the arts of creativity and great education, shape a child’s mind and heart to the best which was shown by this prestigious limits. Advancing in technology and increasing institution. It was because of those obstacles their Extracurricular Activities, the school puts and times of difficulty that has led me to in all its best to see the future leaders of unlock a piece of myself which gave rise to tomorrow flourish into successful adults. some of the phenomenal and best years of my I could never put in writing my emotional life. Therefore, if there is something more this attachment to a school so welcoming and prodigious school has taught me, is that if you independent that houses a family-like want to dream, if you want to believe, if you atmosphere so loving. However, I can assure want to achieve, you just have to SEEK… you that this school has made me into a SOAR… and SUCCEED! person I once thought I would never become. All those daring adventures, also made me A moment in this school may be temporary, recall a poem which I have learnt in Junior 5 but the memories will last forever. that has taught me a valuable lesson till Aaron D’Costa Sr. 4B today... Keep pushing- It’s wiser Than sitting aside, And dreaming and sighing, And waiting the tide. In life’s earnest battle They only prevail Who daily march forward And never say fail! Senuri Hashinika Sr. 4A
EDITORIAL TEAM Mrs. Selma Sr. Roselyn Sr. Jacintha Mrs. Panna Mendonca Thomas A.C. Varghese A.C. Kaianda Mrs. Sylvia Mrs. Lissy Mrs. Mercy Mrs. Marina D’Souza Jolly Mascarenhas Lobo Mrs. Diana Mrs. Asha Mrs. Jyoti Mrs. Arya Vinson Thomas Rao Nair Mrs. Amita Mrs. Nisha Mrs. Sindhuja Mrs. Bhavana Pandey Jha Manish Babu Mrs. Nawal Mrs. Eftekhar Mrs. Marily Salman Yusuf Francisco Mrs. Olga Karima Mrs. Fatima D’Cruz Daoud Afzal Rim Mohd. Salman
MEDIA TEAM Mrs. Sindhuja Mrs.Bhavana Manish Babu Mrs. Jelin Terance Mrs. Jerlin Fernandez Ms.Aleena Mrs.J.E. Zuzarte Mathew Mrs.Jenifer Mrs. Sumitra Sharly Victoria
STUDENT EDITORIAL Falak Shaikh Buddhima Lihini Faith Francisco Nawshee Labib Sr. 3B Sr. 3B Sr. 3A Sr. 3A Chris Joby Faizan Ali Anlin Angel Johan Binoy Sr. 3A Sr. 3C Sr. 3C Sr. 3B Cynthia Marie Cheska Alyssa Christina Fernandez Susan Sequeira Sr. 3A Sr. 3C Sr. 3A Sr. 3B Nicole Navarro Michelle Limjoco Sr. 3C Sr. 3B “Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another.“ G.K. Chesterton
Change Your Perspective, Change Your Life! ‘’If you don’t like something, change it; If you can’t change it, change the way you think about it.’’ Life is like a game of chess. There is an infinite number of ways to play it. It’s possible to become a master and yet, have room to grow. At the core, the game is about problem-solving. To be great at chess one needs to see patterns, think ahead, use logic, be creative, fail, and learn. Never underestimate your opponent. This is what life feels like to me. There are numerous moves and glitches in life. Some are trivial while others seem tough. Most of the time I may not be in control of the issues that come my way, but I can sure, control my response. No! Don’t think I get it right all the time. Sure! I may have tackled some nasty problems in life and even came up with some good solutions. But, I always learnt more from my let-downs. I could look back and ask myself “Why didn’t that work?” “Did I think through every possibility?” or “Were my assumptions wrong?” Introspection is one of the best ways I’ve found to improve my problem- solving skills. Its never the situation that's at fault. It's the way we choose to interpret it. In life, nothing is \"wrong\" or \"right\" (rare circumstances aside). Too often, we think of \"success\" or \"doing what we love\" as a destination that we have to reach. The reason why so many people struggle with this is because it needs shouldering of responsibilities. Many a times, we often complain \"This place isn't giving me enough. It's not helping me grow.\" Feeling like crap, is crap, right? Letting negative thoughts consume your mind and feeling stressed on a persistent basis can be tough to handle. So, why don’t you practice focusing on the positive thoughts. The more you practice, the easier it will be for these thoughts to become second nature. Strive to think at least three positive views about yourself each day, as it can make you feel happier and more confident and thus help alleviate negative thoughts. No matter how you feel, feeling happier and more positive will definitely enhance your wellbeing and make you feel more satisfied with life. Life is beautiful. Lets learn to love it. Mrs. Joaquina Ema Zuzarte Class Teacher Junior 3
لغتنا العربية من طبيعة اللغات البشرية بحسب علوم اللسانيات أن اللغة كائن حي ،يتطور وينتعش ويموت أي ًضا ،وخلال دورة حياة اللغة تولد كلمات وتشيخ كلمات وتموت أخرى ،كما تولد تعابير وجمل جديدة ،وتحال إلى القواميس تعابير انتهى زمنها وانقضى عصر استخدامها. و للغتنا العربية خصوصية فريدة بين اللغات ،صحيح أنها ليست اللغة الأوسع انتشارا بين اللغات الحية في عالمنا المعاصر ،إذ تتصدر الإنجليزية قائمة اللغات الأكثر انتشا ًرا ،وعدد الناطقين بها يبلغ 1.5مليار نسمة، تليها الصينية تبلغ 1.1مليار نسمة ،ثم الهندية التي تبلغ 650مليون نسمة ،ثم الإسبانية حيث يتحدث بها 450 مليون نسمة ،وبعدها الفرنسيةالتي يتحدث بها 370مليون نسمة،أما العربيةفيبلغ عدد الناطقين بها 300مليون نسمة. غير أن خصوصية اللغة العربية تتميز في قدرتها الفائقة على مواكبة التطورات ،فهي أغنى اللغات بالمفردات والمترادفات؛ لها عذوبة في اللفظ ،ونغم في النطق ،وجمال في الحديث؛ لذا يقول الشافعي\" :العربية أوس ُع الأل ِسنة مذهبًا ،وأكث ُرها ألفا ًظا\" .كما أن للعربية خصائص تنفرد بها دون غيرها؛ فهي أغنى اللغات التي تولد التراكيب المختلفة للكلمات من الأفعال نفسها بثراء منقطع النظير وقوة بالغة. وقد اجتاحت حديثًا جائحة كورونا العالم ،لتضيف إلى معجم العربية كلمات جديدة ،ومصطلحات مستحدثة وتراكيب مستجدة ،إذ قبل الكورونا لغويًّا ليس كما بعدها ،وأزعم أن كورونا كما انعشت معجمها الخاص المرتبط بالسلوك اليومي حتى بتنا نتذوق كلمات مثل :جائحة ،كمامة ،حجر ،واحترازات ،...كذلك استحدثت جائحة كورونا كلمات وتعابير وتراكيب جديدة مثل :التباعد الاجتماعي ،تفشي المرض ،وباء عالمي ،..وأزعم أن كورونا التي غيرت سلوك العالم بأجمعه أثرت لغتنا بنشاط لغوي مستجد يتطلب جهو ًدا من المختصين لحصره. ا .نوال حسن
Aliena Elsa Jacob Jr. 1A
The Scary Dinosaur James Matthew P. Dureza And The Snail Jr. 1D One day, there was a big thunderstorm; the scary dinosaur was roaring RRRRrrrrrrr!!! It roams around the forest… Then, the dinosaur saw the slimy snail... RRRrrrrr!!! The snail got so scared… he tries to run, but then there’s a creepy lake. Unfortunately, the snail can’t swim. So, the dinosaur eats the Snail… Then, suddenly, the dinosaur Sneeze… Achuuu... he spits out the snail far, far away… Luckily, the snail came out ALIVE!
My Pet - Betta Aarav John Paul Abreu Fish Jr. 3C I have two betta fish and their names are Dots Sunny and Dots. Betta fish are also known as a Siamese fighting fish which is a freshwater fish. They come in different sizes and colours. Males and females look very different from each other. Males have bright colours and very long fins. On the other side,females have very short fins and dull colours. Sunny Betta Fish have a very simple care requirement. Here are some facts about them. There are many kinds of betta fish and some are Crown Tail Betta, Veltail Betta, Plakat Betta and Half Moon Betta. In the Wild, they eat a wide variety of food such as blood worms, bugs, small crustaceans and many more . If you want to have a betta have a betta fish, you would need a 5-gallon tank and filter.You need to put 5 ml of water conditioner ro get rid of
“The journey of a Life time starts with the turning of a Page” – Rachel Anders the chlorine from the water. You can get some live or artificial plants to place in the tank.If you are a beginner, you should get artificial plants. You need to make a base of plants, stones and a layer of sand or small rocks. A male betta fish does not get along with each other as they are territorial. You can get some tank mates for your betta fish such as Neon Tetra, Cory Catfish Danios, Shrimp or Otocinclus Catfish. Make sure that the other tank mates are not bigger than your betta and not aggressive. Betta fish are amazing pets! The Sun The best thing I see… everyday! But dearest Sunset, You help me in every way, It makes me happy when I realise, So connected in everything I do. While I’m fast asleep When the sky is bright with You are shining up there, in different shades, another place, Feel sad that you are set to go, Helping others to live and grow…. Chelsea Elisha Ryde Jr. 5 A
My School Promise Mehak Mansoor Shaikh Jr. 5C Each day I’ll do my very best I’ll respect myself and others too And never any less, And always say the truth, My work will always be accurate I’ll be kind to one and all And I’ll never accept a mess, And be the best I can, I’ll follow every rule I’ll pay attention in all my classes That is given to me by my school, And always be sincere, I’ll always do my homework I’ll study hard And do my best in tests, So I can make the world a better place to live. I call him Pappa! Eva Hannah Rodricks I call him Pappa! Jr. 3B Ears that really listen, Arms that always hug, Heart that is made of gold, Endless love, a gift from above, And I know he is my Grandpa, I call him Pappa.
The Ghost In The Smritee Manish Restaurant Jr. 5D Once upon a time, there lived an old man called Old Van. He used to go to the older part of the city. He went to pray in an old, creepy house where ghosts lived. He never forgot to lock the gate.But one day, he forgot to lock the large metal gate. The youngest ghost, with her dark eyes as black as coal and the blue glowing body, was curious. As soon as Old Van left, she plopped out of the window and went outside the gate. This ghost was seeing a victim and found the best restaurant in town. She plopped in, then she found hiding places. Everyone felt as if they were being followed. The naughty little ghost was never out of hiding places. Suddenly, she came out! Everyone in the restaurant was terrified! All the children laughed. They knew and believed in ghosts!
Word Search Klevon Rayen Roshan Jr. 6B B AHR AI NS OS Clues: OR P AF R I C AR Paris is located in which continent- T U NE I E F O R I This continent is known as the darkest T S E UL L RT CL L S P RL AAL T A continent and it is the second largest E I AOANNAI N continent- E A L P MD C N C K Dilmun is the old name of which country- CAR E B F E DS A In which country have they created a vaccine known as the ‘EPIVACARONA’ - Your mother and father takes …………… of you. This country has the EDINBURGH castle- This country has the Yala National Park - This country has ‘THE CLIFFS OF MOHER’- This country has the ‘BOUDHANATH STUPA- This ocean has ‘POLAR BEARS’- We do flips in this thing-
Dark in the Woods Sriradha Namitha Rathnakumar Jr. 2B Do you want to know what what it could be? – a monster or a happened dark in the woods?.... ghost or is it a human. What do you One evening, as usual, Rose along think it would be? with her pet, Bunny went to the Well, she got hold of her emotions nearby forest to collect firewood. She and stopped. She geared up her was wearing a white frock. courage and started to walk back to Suddenly, a thunder cloud appeared the spot to pick her Bunny. She was and the sky looked dark. Rose thrilled to find out that it was Honey, became frightened and suddenly she her neighbour’s friend who screamed heard a scream. She looked around on seeing Rose, because Rose was and saw a figure coming towards wearing a white frock and Honey her. She just ran away from the spot thought Rose was a ghost. leaving her pet behind. All the way running she was wondering B AHR AI NS OS OR P AF R I C AR Answers – T UNE I E F OR I Wordsearch T S E UL L RT CL L S P RL AAL T A E I AOANNAI N E A L P MD C N C K CAR E B F E DS A
Reading - A life Maryam George changing habit Jr. 3 A Now, I am reading the “The Diary of Anne Frank’’. She got the diary on her birthday. She died when she was 15 years old in a Nazi concentration camp. Reading is a very good habit and it develops our brain. There is no better companion than a good book. Books can teach us precious lessons. Good books will lead us in the right direction to succeed in life. Reading is also a good way to relax and reduce stress. Reading will introduce new words to our life. Knowledge which we get through reading will open a new world. Reading gives us new dreams. I enjoy reading books. \"There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate's loot on Treasure Island.\" – Walt Disney. Let us read good books and change our lives. Go Corona Go!!! Wash, wash, wash your hands, Stay, stay, stay indoors, to kill the germs away. to shut the virus out. Wear, wear, wear a mask, Hope you are safe and sound as I am . to keep the germs at bay. Dillon Johnson Vinod Jr. 3 B
Kids Christmas Ellouise V. Fernandez Trivia Jr. 1D 1. Which of these is NOT one of the reindeer that pulls Santa’s sleigh? Vixen Dancer Fireball 2. Where does Santa Claus live? North Pole South Pole North Carolina 3. How does Santa get into a house on Christmas Eve? front door chimney window 4. What are the traditional Christmas colours? red and green red and white orange and black 5. What are Santa's helpers called? Elves candy canes kittens 6. What type of vegetable do people leave by the fireplace on Christmas Eve for Santa's Reindeer: carrot onion spinach 7. In 'The Twelve Days of Christmas' song, how many lords are leaping? 10 2 5 8. What day is Christmas on? December 25th December 22nd November 25th 9. What form of transport does Santa use to deliver presents across the world? Sleigh Train Bus 10. According to the song, what colour is Rudolph's nose? Red Purple Green 11. In the song 'Jingle Bells', what was it fun to ride in? a car a sleigh a van 12. Who delivers presents across the world on Christmas Eve? Santa Scrooge Grinch 13. What brought Frosty the Snowman back to life? a hug a scarf a silk hat 14. In the 'Twelve Days of Christmas' song, what did the true love send on the first day? a turtle dove a partridge in a pear tree a french hen
A Walk in the Jeremiah Kylle Chu Baun Forest Jr. 6B One day my family wanted to go out After walking for a while, we found for a nice walk, away from the a gigantic lake with a waterfall. pollution and from the concrete jungle There were a lot of animals near the for a day. So we decided to go for a lake. A family of deer sipping the walk in the forest. It was a long drive, water, a flock of humming birds but we eventually reached it . When we playing around and the smell of reached, the forest was filled with lush fragrant flowers surrounded the greenery. It was like something out of lake. a storybook. There were trees as tall as We cooled off and before sunset all skyscrapers, rivers wider than the the animals left the river. The roads in the city, and the floor was humming birds were fast asleep and filled with grass that spread miles the family of deer ran quicker than a away. car away from the lake. We figured As we walked deeper and deeper into that it was time to head home, so we the forest, we were greeted by many walked to the car and went back to animals. We encountered a lot of our old life in the concrete jungle. It lizards and insects. We wanted to cool was fun while it lasted. off so we looked around for a lake.
Digraph Puzzle Don Shenya C. Diyenka Algama Jr. 1 B
Covid 19 - Pandemic Nael Umali de Lara Jr. 2C ?What I have been doing during Covid - 19 pandemic In 2020, a new virus came out. It was a naughty virus. Many people became sick. Nobody knew what to do. Everyone was scared. Our parents were worried. Schools closed and ours too.We had to stay home inorder to be safe and keep the virus at bay. We missed school. We missed our teachers, classmates and everyone at school. The school finished in June without even saying ‘Goodbye’ to everyone. Covid-19 was still there. The new school year has started. Yet, Covid-19 is still out there. We are still home. Online Classes have become part of our lives. We only get to see our teachers and classmates on the computer screen. Seeing friends is a rare opportunity. After having online classes and doing homework, I do what interests me most. I play the piano. I play the music of Beethoven, Mozart, Tchaikovsky and Bach. I also draw a lot of things such as cars, mountains, trees and dinosaurs. I love to draw Triceratops, Parasaurolophus, Ankylosaurus and T-rex the most. Doing these things keeps me occupied, so I don’t get bored.It is safe too, because you don’t need to get out of the house to do it.
My Teacher Romessa Tariq Butt Jr. 3D Answers – Riddles Kids Xmas Trivia 1. What can you see in the middle of the sea? 2. What can clap without any hand? 3. I go around the world, but never leave the corner. What am I? 4. I can fill a room, but I take up no space. What am I? 5. If you don’t keep me. I’ll break. What am I? 6. I make a loud sound when I'm changing. I get bigger but weigh less. What am I? 7. It has keys, but no locks, it has space, but no room. You can enter,but can't go inside. What am I?
A Day spent on a Ralph Aiden Daguio Azanza Deserted Island Jr. 6B Ever imagined what it would be like, to be all It was morning and I was low on alone on an island, with no one to talk to? supplies. I carved the sand into words Well... It happened to me. It all started on a saying ‘Help me’ but it was washed tourist vacation on the island. That trip was away by the water. I wanted to use tiring therefore leading to a very long nap. wood, but I didn’t have an axe so I had to Once I woke up I realized the cruise ship had use my last resource, the flare gun. I left me. I also noticed that I had a massive heard a helicopter so I pulled the trigger. sunburn on my torso. Thankfully, I still had I closed my eyes wanting to hear a voice. my supplies. I knew how to survive alone so The flare gun exploded in front of the that was good. helicopter. They had seen me and rushed I was scared, but knew I had to be focused, I towards me. couldn’t let my guard down. I started to get It was a miracle, but there was something the coconuts. They were incredibly sweet. I saying that I shouldn’t leave, but I had to tried to catch fish, but they were very fast and because I needed to get to my family and bit very hard. After my meal, I decided to friends. The experience was thrilling. I calm myself down by looking at the learnt what it was like and became more breathtaking view with birds flying around independent than ever. the evening sky. There was a cave I went to, but I left because the rocks started to fall.
I just can’t wait Janoos Devin Merion to go to school!! Jr. 1A I’ve read all my books; Unscramble the jumbled I’ve done all my chores, words using the hints. Our school’s been closed for many otobs months and more. elfa I’m stuck at home in my room, Can’t wait to meet my friends on Answers -Riddles Zoom! The parks are closed – the swings, the slide, And everybody is stuck inside. We can’t go out and play with friends, I hope this COVID will soon end! But I know it’s only for a while, And here’s a thought that makes me smile. Even though we all have Zoom, I just can’t wait to go to school!. Lynton Paul Mendonca Jr.1A 2) Thunder 1) The letter ‘E’ 4) Light 3) A stamp 6) Popcorn 5) A promise 7) A keyboard
The Robbery Tamanna Daniel Jr. 5A Sophie and Ethel were sitting at a park and that they live in the old shed at the end of talking. “Did you hear about the robbery in town.” They both thanked Mrs.Johnson and town?” asked Ethel. “No, where was it?” hurried to the shed. asked Sophie. “At the Gift Shop, let's go check The closer they reached the shed, the more it it out.” said Ethel. They both headed to the looked deserted. The streets were empty. They shop. made a plan. Sophie headed inside while Ethel Sophie and Ethel saw the owner in distress took a quick peek and saw Mark and Steve and there were cops surrounding the shop. playing cards. “Who are you?” asked Mark. The windows were broken and the shop was “Oh! Hello! I was just exploring the city and in a mess. The girls felt very sorry for the found this shed, I am new here actually!” said owner and were sympathetic. They knew if Sophie trying to buy some time. While she was they found the robbers it would be a great stalling, Ethel phoned the cops. It was quite help to the shop owner. Ethel overheard one funny hearing Sophie stalling for time. Steve of the policemen telling the owner that the was getting very irritated. He picked up a rifle people involved in the theft were Mark and and asked, “Who are you?!” He aimed the rifle Steve Johnson. They were brothers. Ethel and at Sophie but Chief Sam who had reached just Sophie went to the post office and found out in time, shouted out “You are under arrest for where the Johnsons lived. They went to the stealing from the Gift Shop!”. Sophie and Ethel address and knocked at the door. The door were awarded a free gift from the shop as they was answered by an old woman who was had helped officials bring justice to the shop Mrs. Johnson. They asked her gently about owner! her sons. “I am not in contact with my sons anymore,” she replied sadly, “But I do know
Riddles For You Nardin Jan Luke Jr. 6B Homophones Giftlin Saviour Lenin Jr. 5B
The Precious Rock Kaine Jacob Soby And The Farmer Jr. 3C Once upon a time there was a farmer living in One day a man saw the rock, took it and a village. He had 4 children and a wife. He cleaned it. He carved it into a statue to sell to always worked hard as a farmer. Every day anyone who wanted to buy it. A priest liked the the farmer walked to the farm because his statue. He bought the statue, blessed it and house was near his farm. He always plucked kept it in the temple. fruits and vegetables to sell and for As time went by,many visitors came to themselves. After work, he came back home worship the statue every day. They gave gold, and washed his clothes on a big rock and also flowers, candles etc. The farmer and his family washed his legs on the same rock. The rock also came to worship the statue. He didn’t thought he was beating it with the clothes and recognize it was the same rock he had used kicking the rock’s head with his legs. before. The rock became precious to everyone. After a few years, the farmer became a rich They worshipped the same rock and lived man by selling all his fruits and vegetables. He happily ever after. built a new house and bought a washing machine instead of using the rock. After that, he threw the rock on the street. People who passed the street kicked the rock and spat on it. Answers - Riddles for you
The Curious Treasa Dominic Little Boy Jr. 6C There is a little boy He asks why we have to sleep He lives right down the street. And why we have to learn. He is always full of joy Why there are promises to keep And he is very sweet And why we have to wait for our turn. For he always has a question or two Why he has to have vegetables to eat And won’t let you go without answering a few. When he could have something sweet. He asks why the sky is so high Once I met him down the street And why the ground is so low. He asked me questions one a many. Why the birds have to fly It was indeed quite a treat And why the sloth is so slow. I am not sure if I did answer any He questions his parents from morn to night As I was in awe of his curious mind, Without letting them turn left or right. I am sure he is one of a kind. The Bee Oh, little bee! Cute little bee! Oh, little bee! Cute little bee! I have been watching you for over an hour, Thank you for the honey so sweet, If I come near, will you fly away? The honey that we all love to eat. Don’t be scared, I just want to play. Don’t forget to stop by here, When you come anywhere near. Maria Dominic Jr. 2A
• • The Secret Santa One Christmas morning as Eva sat on her chair, staring across the window pane looking at the birds that pecked up every last bit of bread crumbs from the ground, she said to herself, “Another boring Christmas Eve.” Suddenly out of nowhere came Hillary. Hillary was 10 years old, just two years older than her. She was Eva’s neighbour. ‘’What‘s for Christmas?’’ asked Hillary. Eva gave her a blank look which convinced her that Eva was totally idle. ‘’What about a sleepover?’’ asked Hillary. Eva wasn’t so interested in having a slumber party, but boredom persuaded her to give a positive answer and so she accepted the invitation. Hillary asked Eva to keep everything ready and reach at 8 o’clock and so she did. She reached the place at sharp at 8:02. They started with some crunchy cookies and concluded with a hot, chocolate milkshake. With the hot, sweet milkshake running down their throats, they made their steps to Hillary’s bedroom. As they reached the place Hillary climbed on her bed and announced, ‘’Story time!’’ Hillary’s stories were the best. They were so good that even Shakespeare’s plays weren’t a match for Hillary’s magnificent and amazing stories. Since it was Christmas, she decided to have something related to Christmas. She ended up choosing Santa Claus as the theme of the story. This time she didn’t have a story, instead, she gave a speech on how Santa Claus comes through the chimney to provide the good children with gifts and presents. It was not a story fit enough to convince 8 year old Eva. Hillary’s stories and sentences, no matter how untrue, could activate the adrenaline to produce highly reactive chemicals which could make others think that whatever she said was true. The fact that St. Nicholas was a real person who had lived and died just like any other human being kept her puzzled throughout the speech. She concluded by saying, ‘’I am going to receive a gift from Santa very soon.” According to Eva, everything that she said was quite convincing except the last line when Hillary said that she was going to receive one too. The clock struck twelve and everything was ready for them to go to bed. Hillary had an extra bed which was as soft as a chocolate fudge cake. It was so soft that you would feel as if you were going to sink deep down into it. However, no matter how comfortable it was, they never felt sleepy.
So both of them sat upright staring at each other. Suddenly, Hillary’s face lit up as if something had struck her mind. She asked Eva to get some things from Colvin’s (Hillary’s younger sister) bedroom. Colvin’s bedroom was just across the kitchen passage. Eva made her steps towards the bedroom as silently as a mouse. As she passed the kitchen passage, she heard some unfamiliar voice. First, she thought it might be Hillary’s pet rabbit, but as the voice grew louder, strange suspicions began to pass through her jaded mind. She decided to take a closer look. The sight that she saw made a lightning of excitement flash through her. Thud! Something had fallen down. ‘’Hillary! Hillary!’’ Eva shouted, ‘’Santa has come to give you your gift!’’ Eva shouted so loudly that everyone in the whole house woke up. Including Colvin, they all ran to her aid. Hillary’s father switched on the light. No one in the whole family could believe what they saw. Eva examined the Santa that had fallen down from the chimney, he didn’t look similar to the Santa she had seen in the pictures. Hillary’s father exited through the kitchen door and after 2 minutes came back, till then, we were all as steady as a rock staring at the Santa who had fallen down from the chimney. Even Santa himself made no slight movements. ‘’I have called the police.’’ said Hillary’s father. That’s when Eva realized that it wasn’t Santa but a thief trying to break into their house. Eva had always admired Hillary’s stories, but now she admired them even more, as Hillary was right in saying that Santa comes through the chimney. She was also right in saying that Santa will award Hillary. That was quite true, Santa had awarded her by giving her the funniest, overwhelming Christmas story by breaking into her house. It was all thanks to Eva, their Secret Santa, who saved their house from being broken into. Catherine Moncy Sr.2C
THE IMPORTANCE OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE In the wide and quiet classroom, the English teacher stood in front of the whiteboard busy teaching. Her students were listening to her attentively. Everyone looked interested, except for one. The student was sitting at the back. He had dark hair and eyes. He was wearing the school uniform and sport shoes. He looked very drowsy. “Miss, your class is boring.” He said. “Can we learn something else?” His classmates glanced at him angrily, “Julius!” said the girl next to him. “Stop complaining. Just listen to teacher or be quiet.” Once the class was quiet again, the teacher said, “It’s alright students, I’m not offended.” “But teacher!” the children said. The teacher didn’t say anything else. She smiled at them and just continued her lesson. When Julius opened the front door of his house, his mother was there, waiting for him. “Welcome home, Julius!” she said to him with a smile. His mother was the most important person in his life. She wore a white top and a light pink skirt. Her dark brown hair was tied into a high ponytail. She had the same eye colour as her hair. She has a beautiful smile. “Good afternoon, Mother.” He greeted her with a smile. His mother took him to the living room and gave him a treat. “How was school, Julius?” She asked. “What did you learn today? Did you learn something new?” Julius looked at his mother. “I did.” He said. “I learnt a lot today, except in English…” “And why is that?” she asked. “We just learnt the same thing as last year, mother…” Julius said. “It was really boring.”
His mother let out a sigh. “I understand.” His mother said. “English is important, that’s why. You will use it everywhere. Whether you like it or not. Let me tell you something.” Julius looked at his mother again. “What is it?” His mom smiled. “English is the language of international communication. It is not the most spoken language in the world, but it is the official language in some countries. Without English there wouldn’t be books, or your favourite television shows, because if there wasn’t English, everything in the television show would sound weird, right? Imagine if the dialogues in movies and books were framed in the wrong way, you would get the wrong idea about what they were saying, right?” she said. “Why don’t you show your teacher some respect? You know, some children don’t have access to school, consider yourself and everyone who goes to school lucky.” Tears started rolling down Julius’ cheeks. “Why are you crying, Julius?” his mother asked. “I feel bad for teacher…” he said. “I want to be a teacher when I grow up! I want to teach the children who can’t go to school!” The next day when the English teacher entered the classroom, everyone was excited, especially, Julius. Jelianne Esguerra Sr. 1B Class: Sr. 1B Jelianne Trishia Q.
REFLECTIONS Summer Chronicles 2020 While everyone kept busy, adapting to new lives, Summer came breezing by, not taking notice of anyone’s choice, Soon Online Classes came to an end, And there were no more Zoom IDs to lend to friends. Holidays started but then it felt like, We had already been holidaying awhile - just without the homework spike, So, we spent our days lazing around and being fed, Not realizing the oodles of opportunities this summer sends. Though summer camps are cancelled and temperatures soar, Think of all the wonderful things we can explore at home, With all this time on our hands imagine what we could do, Paint pictures or colour in hues of red, green and blue, Read fascinating books: science, fiction and novels, Make use of our backyards and find long lost caches with shovels, Bake some muffins, cookies and cakes, And not care about all the time that it takes! Build better relationships with our family and friends, And get to know what each other is really like on the opposite end! Discover new passions, hobbies and more, Who knows what you might be good at and what it could be used for? Take better care of yourself by exercising when you have the time, Because this blank cheque of time will probably never come again in your life! Set goals and schedules and stick to them, It’s the only way to stay productive till the end.
Write down your daily goings-on in a journal or diary, So that later on in life you can remember how it was - actually, 2020 is not the worst year ever, In fact, it poses the chance to make yourself even better, For who knows what the future may hold, And how useful the skills might be that you’ve honed, Although no one expects us to do much this year, Let’s improve ourselves even further as normal life is quite near, Take advantage of what this summer offers, And create for us memories that will linger much longer. Routine? Definitely! Wake up. Log in. 10minute break. Class. Yet another 10minute break. Lunch. Homework. Dinner. Sleep. Repeat. Doesn’t this seem just like a typical Online School day? Everything seems to be crushed into those 24 hours and there’s always not enough time to finish everything; whether it be homework or test preparation. You may accept it as an impossible task; For no one can humanly go to sleep content, that all is finished for the day. But, in truth, there is a loophole to get through with our work, that all successful individuals make the most use of. Mike Murdock famously declared, “The secret of your future success is hidden in your daily routine.” Routine, yes that’s what I was hinting at. It may seem like an overrated concept, but let’s dive deep into its real essence. A routine is like a habit or sequence of actions that is planned and executed in a practical way. Daily routines can be as simple as jotting down what it is that you want to accomplish and leaving a time slot for that particular activity. But routines don’t just help you be up-to-
date with your schoolwork. They can be really fun too, not necessarily boring. Routines lead to better stress levels which mean that not only will you be able to complete your tasks; you will also acquire more time to relax and spend time with your family, which is a great booster for your mental health. They can also help with better sleep at night. Knowing that all your jobs are done improves the quality of your sleep, leaving you refreshed and sharp the next morning. However, many of us are plagued with the dilemma of how do I go about a routine? Well, the only things you need to get started are a pen, a piece of paper and an eager mind. Start by listing out what you would like to do that day. Then, dedicate brackets of time to each item and make sure you leave enough spare time as the task may be longer than you expected. Make it a point to put the most important and urgent things first, so you can eliminate anything after that if it’s not possible to do it that day. Don’t feel disappointed if you have to leave something out of your schedule, as long as the important things are done, you can afford to drop a few others. Remember, even if you spend a whole lot of time on making a routine, nothing’s going to happen if you don’t start it. Crafting a routine and sticking to it is hard, so don’t be inclined to give up whenever you haven’t kept it exactly. As Mikhail Baryshnikov put it rightly, “Perfection is a theory. You cannot be a perfect human being. But go through your daily routine with hope and you will be better in all respects, and do something meaningful with your time.” Rheanna M. Kantipudi Sr.2c
Look who’s here! I Wish I Could Fly I feel a chill but it’s sunny still, I wish I had wings to fly, And I wonder what’s changing, And if I did, I would fly straight As the time goes by, I do realize to the sky. The warmer days are o’er! I had always wished to fly and touch the clouds that probably feels like Then as I see, the bright coloured leaves, cotton candy. Slowly starting to wither, When the night comes, I would try I smile to myself, so do the elves, hard to touch the stars, The birds, oh, so nonchalant! which I definitely can’t, but I would do my best. As winter sets, I start to regret, And finally, As I miss the sun already, If God ever gave a word that But I do not care, as my thoughts he would fulfil one of my wishes, I share It would be to have wonderful wings Christmas is just round the corner! and to fly across the beautiful world. Nishka Acharya Lorita Amirtharaj Sr. 1C Sr. 2C
PERSEVERANCE Nicole Diasz Sr. 2A “Great works are done not by strength but by perseverance”- Samuel Johnson. Nicole Angelica Diasz Perseverance is a great thing especially for us students, but do we know how to persevere in life? Life my dear friends is like a movie, a movie has two main characters, a hero and a villain. We can compare these two characters to our daily lives too. The hero is the perseverance inside us to stand straight and tall during any circumstances, but why do we fail? We fail due to this villain, failure. Failure has two main aspects ‘to push a rising person down’ and ‘to make the life of that human being miserable.’ The wise person will never let himself down at any point and will know how to handle failures. Here’s an example: I have seen many of my own classmates who after finishing the exam approaches someone else and says, “Oh I wish I should’ve worked harder.” Why does this happen? This happens because of our laziness, irresponsibility; we do not like to take the challenges seriously, now this is a trick of the villain. The villain always tries to hit the weak points of our lives, but always remember “Failure is the stepping stone towards success.” When we overcome these fears, we become real heroes. You don’t really have to save someone to become a hero; you can become one just by saving yourself from the trap of failure. “Its how you deal with failure that determines your success.” Life will feed you with ups and downs; you should know how to deal with your downs. People who work hard and find solutions to their problems succeed in life. All of us need to have a growth mindset and always be positive. “Push yourself because no one else is going to do that for you.” If you “Believe you can, you’re halfway towards your goal.” Seize the opportunity as it comes as “Opportunity doesn’t always knock twice.”
To Baking adventures, Sleepovers & Learning new skills We have all endured and continued to experience this pandemic. As much as we complain about This pandemic season led to some marvellous sleepovers with my best this pandemic, I friends. It helped me learn about new games and allowed me to spend quality want to try to stay time with them. There were also many sessions of late night gossiping and tellings positive and of ‘ghost stories’. continue to look back at the great times this has brought about it. Being stuck at home has been challenging, but my mom introduced me to the world of baking. My first attempt was baking chocolate chip cookies. During the process, the challenging part was kneading the dough. The easiest part Reham Sada was munching on the cookies with my best Sr. 2C friend!
One of the best things during this time has also been my video calls with my favourite Aunt – Ms Natasha Pinto. When my aunt visited us in 2019, she taught me the ‘Single hand’ sign language, something that was entirely new to me. At the very beginning of the lockdown, she also sent me a video recording of herself, illustrating the different letters of the English Language. I revised using this video and later sent her a video recording of myself communicating all the letters of the English Language. She was content and proud of me. I also made a promise to myself that I will continue to learn sign language and visit a school for differently-abled special children.I will conclude by saying that this pandemic has allowed us to try out new things and spend some time with our family. Senuri Hashnika Sr. 4A
ADJECTIVES WORD SEARCH g d e y p r b o o p q a mt t e wz s g r a b ml v h u e l wz c f a r c d p a l j a i r i wc v b ml n u i o i c y d wb e h a k o d c n a i i s s v wc f k c f i t s o r d wt i u d v e g u h duhni nl s j yl bdf ps ol yc xbet l r vo zt ycj f i er cel em o d wg a q t e u s s d o s x s f k l a e d i g y wr j Acidic Fierce delicious Dizzy jolly brave icy Thankful Cumbersome plain cynical ideal huge
IDIDIOIOMMAATTICICPPHHRRAASSEESS FIND THE IDIOMATIC PHRASES FROM THE BLOCK FOR THE GIVEN SagaiRonald Stephen COMMON PHRASES. Sr.2C A hard nut to crack 1) A very easy matter Once in a blue moon 2) A feeling of extreme joy A close shave 3) A narrow escape A pinch of salt 4) Not a serious information Birds of the same feather 5) People with similar character Tooth and nail 6) A difficult person to deal with A cake walk 7) To give away a secret Seventh heaven 8) With all power and resources To spill the beans 9) Something old fashioned Out of date 10) Very rarely Mother Mother , she is like rain . Sometimes calm and comforting like the soothing sound of rain hitting tree branches. Sometimes petrifying like furious thunderstorms , my heart it detaches. But always beautiful ….. Like the sun after the storm , she is blissful. Oh ! Haven't you noticed how similar the sound of her silver anklets is like the rhythm of raindrops falling ? how graceful … Mother , she is like rain . Gabriela Fernandez Washes away yesterday’s pain. Sr. 4 C Rain, rain please never go away .
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