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Home Explore IATA-Training-Catalog


Published by capochichianatolejean, 2018-03-18 17:06:01

Description: IATA-Training-Catalog


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Aviation passenger numbers are setto double by 2035! Imagine the career opportunities this offers you!

TABLE OFCONTENTSINTRODUCTION TRAINING CENTERSMessage from the Director General 6 Training Center Locations 22The Aviation Industry 8 Explore the Cities 26IATA TRAININGIATA Training 10Message fromthe Director of Training 14 Subject Areas 16 IATA Training Experiences 18Ways to Learn 20 TRAINING PARTNERS NETWORK Training Partners Network 28 Academic Partners 304

PROGRAMS AND COURSES CONTACTS 108Pricing and Discounts 35 5Air Navigation Services 36Airline Business Management 43Airline Operations and Quality 48Airport Planning, Managementand Operations 52Aviation Performance and Management 56Cargo 63Civil Aviation Authorities 69Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) 74Environment and Fuel 78Fares and Ticketing 80Finance and Accounting 84Ground Operations 87Law and Regulations 91Safety 94Security 98Travel and Tourism 103

MESSAGEFROM THEDIRECTORGENERALIt is my pleasure to welcome you to this We have a great track record. More thannew edition of our Training catalog. one million current and future aviationAviation is the business of freedom. professionals have advanced their careersThis year it will connect the global by participating in IATA by transporting 4 billion Our syllabus is developed around IATA’spassengers and over 50 million tons comprehensive areas of expertise andof cargo. Our customers rely on airlines commitment to promoting global standardsto provide safe, reliable and affordable to address real workplace challenges.air transport. And the $2.7 trillion in GDP We continue to develop courses usinggenerated by air transport is critical to advanced technology, in formats andthe global economy. schedules that can fit into even the busiestAll this is made possible by a dedicated work commitments.workforce of 9.9 million aviation IATA is your training partner, developingprofessionals. Aviation is a dynamic aviation professionals for today andand growing industry. So it is important tomorrow.that today’s aviation professionals andtomorrow’s industry leaders have the Alexandre de Juniactraining needed to keep pace with the Director General and CEOlatest advances in global standards,best practices, regulations and technology.These are the focal points for IATA’straining offering which supports theindustry in delivering ever more efficient,safer and sustainable connectivity.6


THE AVIATIONINDUSTRYA THRIVING INDUSTRY THATCONNECTS THE WORLDThe numbers don’t lie. More than 4 billion people will travel by air in 2017 to visit friendsand family, explore new cultures, and negotiate business deals. The demand for air travelis such that some 63 million jobs are supported by the industry globally.A safe, sustainable, and affordable aviation industry makes it all possible.Safety is always the paramount concern. More than 100,000 flights take to theskies every day, carrying some 11 million people and 150,000 tons of cargo.In 2016, there were more than 40 million flight sectors and only 10 fatal accidents.It is an extraordinary achievement that makes flying the safest form of long-distancetravel by far. However, the goal will always be zero accidents.Meanwhile, sustainability took an enormous step forward in 2016 with a landmarkagreement by governments. The Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Schemefor International Aviation (CORSIA) is crucial to ensuring the industry meetsits environmental commitments. No other industry has gone as far as aviationto tackle climate change. Targets for carbon-neutral growth from 2020 and cuttingnet emissions by half in 2050 compared with a 2005 baseline were self-imposed.But, again, there is always more to be done.

As for making air transport affordable, ticket prices have more than halved since the1970s in real terms. They fell about 10% in 2016 alone. Even with this, huge efficiencygains continue to make the airline business viable and customers benefit from a safer,cheaper and better-connected air transport system. Airlines are expected to makea $31.4 billion profit on $743 billion in revenues in 2017. That will reward investors withabove-cost-of-capital returns of 8.8%. Yet again, though, improvements can be made.To ensure these incredible achievements are not just maintained but surpassed in futuregenerations, recruitment and training must keep up with demand. Accommodating7.2 billion passengers by 2034 won’t be easy. Aside from pilots and engineers, aviationneeds ground crew, safety auditors, security specialists, financial experts, marketingprofessionals, and many, many more.That’s where IATA Training comes in. Industry-leading expertise and modern deliverymethods make IATA and its network of partners the ideal choice for starting or enhancingyour career in aviation.In 2016, almost 100,000 professionals and students studied over 350 finely-tunedcourses. IATA’s unique insight as the industry’s most comprehensive training providerensures each student and each course benefits from high quality, innovative trainingsolutions that generate value for the industry and lock in the global standards that havemade aviation such a success story.Aviation is globalization at its very best. It helps people to live better lives.It is the business of freedom.IATA is committed to cooperating with its partners to train the aviationprofessionals of tomorrow. Delivering the skillset required for sustainable industrygrowth is a daunting challenge. But it is one that IATA and its partners are proudto accept.

TRAINING CATALOG | THE AVIATION INDUSTRYAirlines are 12% 9% (on average)forecast to earn$736 billion of European of airlinein 2017, a 4.1% air traffic revenuenet profit demands could is generated go unserved by cargoDoes your airline achieve this return in 2035on investment? It equates to $7.54 By 2030, 36 millionper passenger. Train to understand The problem is congestion. New new aviation-relatedwhere airlines spend their money airports and runways are not being jobs will be createdand where they might improve revenue built quickly enough. The only solutionstreams. This might make all the is to maximize existing capacity. Meeting the demand for skilleddifference to your employer in a fiercely Airport Slots and Coordination might professionals will be no easy task.competitive market. Try Airline Financial be the course for you. Or try Airport Companies can only achieve growthManagement or one of the many other Terminal Planning and Design. Serving with a well-trained talent dealing with costs and revenues. that 12% might depend on you. That’s the objective of IATA’s training activities. IATA is your training partner There are 1 million to help you meet the challenges 2.3 billion of today and realize the potentialactive social professionals of users and graduates have trained The averageSTATISTICS with IATA return fare fell since 1999 $44 in 2016If you’re one of them, then you know alone, even ashow important social media channels are. airlines openedNot just for connecting with people but up 700 newfor sales, marketing, customer service, routesand much more. Airline Social MediaStrategy weaves the importance of anonline presence into airline business.10

TRAINING CATALOG | THE AVIATION INDUSTRY$2.7 “ The IATAtrillion Aircraft Weightis the and Balanceworldwide course ineconomic impact Frankfurt hasof aviation been one of the In 2015, more most formative than 3.5 billion experiences in people flew my life.” safely on 37.639,000 million flights Maurizio Carraranew aircraft Ground Operationswill be required, Flying is the safest mode of Aviation passengervalued at $5.9 transportation by far. IATA is making numbers are settrillion by 2035 it even safer as a leading driving to double by 2035 force in the industry. No stone is left unturned. IATA safety training 2017 ranges from basic airside safety to managing accident investigations 2035 and preventions. 11

IATA Aviation brings economic, social, and cultural benefits toTRAINING the world. Connectivity thrives thanks to a framework created by IATA through global standards and coordinated industry policyESTABLISHING A SUCCESSFUL on critical issues. IATA further supports key areas of aviation by trainingCAREER IN AVIATION professionals to achieve real results—in safety, in business, and in environmental mitigation. IATA Training courses are designed and delivered by industry experts. They equip students with the practical and relevant skills that develop individual careers, boost company performance, and ensure aviation continues to deliver real benefits to the world.


TRAINING CATALOG | MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR OF TRAININGMESSAGE FROMTHE DIRECTOROF TRAININGMOVING of training and development initiatives, Business Development, Training PartnersINNOVATION AND we believe that our firm commitment Management, Operations and TrainingQUALITY FORWARD to quality, regardless of the format Center Tasks. This stands as a testimony in which they are brought to the learner, of our ability to unfailingly meet businessIn the aviation industry, training is is of paramount importance. and client requirements in these areas.crucial to keep up-to-date with global Courses don’t grow on the proverbial We are very proud of this achievement.standards and regulations, particularly tree of knowledge. They are the result of Nevertheless, we’re determined to keepthose pertaining to safety and security. systematic planning, design, development, moving forward and improve even more.I invite you to browse through our catalog and quality assurance processes. At IATA As such, this year has been marked byand explore the breadth of courses that Training, the carefully appointed subject two additional quality initiatives aimed atwe have developed to empower you and matter experts and talented professionals certifying that our curriculum developmentyour organization to be even more efficient, who have made us the world-class learning and revision processes, our trainingeffective and agile in your daily activities. institution we are today, are the guardians material, and our instructors meet theWe also recognize that the face of training of this process. Whether they are delivered highest standards in the training andis changing. Technology continues in the classroom or in-company, at a development industry. We are confidentto penetrate the lives of people and distance through printed textbooks, that these initiatives will take IATAorganizations worldwide and has changed e-textbooks or online, our training Training to new heights in terms of qualityour customary ways of working and products go through the same rigorous so that you, the learner, and ultimately, thelearning. We are striving to keep ahead methodology to ensure they comply with aviation industry as a whole, may benefitof this tide of change and are developing instructional best practices. further.innovative training solutions to meet the And it doesn’t stop here. If you have As you can see, we are taking a solid standnew demands placed on training decision- already taken a course with us—and that for innovation and quality and makingmakers today. would include almost 100,000 of you a commitment to continuously improveSince the introduction of e-learning and counting—you know how much we to deliver better results.and blended learning into our training value your opinion of the instructional We look forward to seeing you virtuallycourses, we make them more accessible, quality of our courses. Indeed, participant or in class in one of our network trainingengaging and interactive to facilitate feedback, together with that of instructors, centers or even closer to home in yourthe absorption of knowledge, within is thoroughly analyzed so that it may inform organization!a schedule that suits the individual’s decisions that contribute to the continuousneeds. In the past year we have also improvement of our curriculum. It is through Guy Brazeauintroduced virtual reality technology into processes such as these that IATA Training Director of Trainingthe classroom. For example, RampVR™ is has been consistently able to deliverIATA’s innovative virtual reality (VR) training quality training to aviation professionalsplatform, which was developed for ground worldwide and remains, year after year,operations training, especially where the leading and most respected traininghands-on airside training is not feasible. organization in the industry.However, in order to safeguard the value In 2016, IATA Training was granted ISO 9001-2015 certification for Leadership,14


TRAINING CATALOG | SUBJECT AREASSUBJECT AREASA COMPREHENSIVE TRAININGPORTFOLIOLaw and RegulationsA global perspective to managethe cross-border provision ofair services in a safe, secure,and economical mannerAir Navigation ServicesKnowledge for managing a highperformance business while providingsafe, compliant and cost-effective airnavigation services to airspace usersCivil Aviation AuthoritiesBest practices and skills with a focuson ICAO SARPs, for safety, security,risk, airworthiness, airspace policy, law,economic regulation, efficiency, andsustainability Security Timely information on legislation and strategies for addressing today’s security challenges, with courses ranging from operations to planning to management Accounting Covering customized subjects for airlines, airports, cargo agents, and travel agents Airline Operations and Quality Engaging, interactive training that quickly transfers the tools you need to ensure consistent operations Airport Planning, Operations Environment and Fuel Learn how to responsibly address and Management environmental challenges such as noise, Best practices and skills for building and maintaining safe, efficient, and emissions, and waste management16 competitive airports

Ground Operations TRAINING CATALOG | SUBJECT AREASBest practices for today’s complexoperational environment, preparing Dangerous Goods Regulationsyou to increase on-time performance The latest industry regulations and procedures to ensure that your dangerous goods shipments comply with industry standards Cargo Innovative training solutions for every aspect of air cargo operations, including on-time performance, business management, and strategic planning Safety Safety is everyone’s priority in our industry. Our courses are available for all sectors, focusing on safety management, workplace safety, and best practices for civil aviation Travel and Tourism From entry-level travel agent basics to senior management for agencies or tour operations, each course leads to an IATA qualification, recognized internationally by the travel industry Fares and Ticketing Beginner to advanced training on using the IATA BSP, global distribution systems, and other fare calculation procedures Aviation Performance and Management From strategy planning and implementation, to project and operations management, our courses can help you and your company improve efficiency Airline Business Management 17 Industry case studies, challenging simulation programs and practical training will help you maximize your potential as an airline manager


TRAINING CATALOG | TRAINING EXPERIENCESNAME: AKHILESH TILOTIA NAME: CENK ÖZÖZTÜRKEMPLOYER: MINISTRY OF CIVIL AVIATION, EMPLOYER: COLOGNE/BONN AIRPORTGOVERNMENT OF INDIA JOB TITLE: VICE PRESIDENT AVIATION/JOB TITLE: OFFICER ON SPECIAL DUTY MEMBER OF MANAGEMENT BOARDTO THE MINISTER OF STATE TIME AT THIS POSITION: SINCE 2013TIME AT THIS POSITION: ONE YEAR COURSE NAME: STRATEGIC AIRPORTCOURSE NAME: AVIATION ECONOMICS MANAGEMENTIATA is great in its ability to pool together I enjoyed the training a eclectic bunch of people from around The instructors are very competent,the world with diverse experiences and and all of them are very experienced.backgrounds. The more diverse the They have a well-founded knowledge ofbackgrounds, the more interesting the the aviation business, as welldiscussions and perspectives will be. as experience and knowledge in airportThe quality of interaction and the learning projects all over the world.from each other came as a good surprise! I met lots of people in the different courses from all over the world, in differentHOW WILL THE TRAINING HELP YOU? functions in the aviation business.The skills learned are conceptual and Different experiences around the worldhence will help me in driving better policy offer you a new point of view and differentdecisions. I will now better understand the ways you can handle challenges.opportunities and challenges of the various I can definitely recommend IATA Trainingecosystem players. classes to anybody who is really interestedMy employer chose IATA for me and I am in gaining skills and having a betterthankful for this! This course was chosen understanding of the aviation I have a background in finance but notin aviation. This course helped me getup-to-speed and refine my conceptualunderstanding of the field. 19

TRAINING CATALOG | WAYS TO LEARN AT YOUR COMPANY An in-company session is the most efficient and cost-effective solution for training a group of five or more. You can choose any existing classroom course for in-company delivery or request a customized solution based on your training needs.LEARN WITH AN eLearning Printed Textbook AT OUR TRAINING PARTNERINSTRUCTOR eTextbook Virtual LOCATIONS Classroom We have a truly international networkCourses offered at our training centers of training partners, with more thanare designed for professionals working AT AN IATA TRAINING CENTER 400 partnering institutions, located in overin all areas of the industry covering a The classroom setting is ideal for 90 countries and across all continents.range of relevant topics. Hundreds of learning practical skills and exchanging These include leading universities andclasses are scheduled at IATA Training best practices with international peers. some of the industry’s most respectedCenters and partner locations every Hundreds of classes are scheduled at IATA organizations. Different partnershipyear. You can choose the courses that Training Centers and partner locations programs are available to trainingwill help you get ahead in your career. every year. entities offering aviation-related courses. Find courses in a location near you:See our classroom schedule at: IN A VIRTUAL CLASSROOM Our new virtual classroom platform is an ideal training solution for managers who are not able to spend time away from the office. It lets them study remotely with full interaction with the instructor and the other participants of the course. We bring the learning to you, making it easier to take advantage of the training we offer and advance your career. The virtual learning environment cuts down on travel and accommodation expenses, while offering a quality training solution through live and virtual events. QUALITY TRAINING That is why we hire only the most qualified instructors to deliver our courses at our IATA Training Centers, in-company sessions and Regional Partner locations. We work with more than 200 official IATA Instructors, IATA employees and sought-after consultants from around the world. Our instructors are dedicated professionals and it shows – participants consistently score our instructors over 90% on course evaluations for their knowledge of course content and ability to transfer skills in the classroom. Are you interested in becoming an IATA Instructor? Find out how you can become an Instructor on our website.

LEARN AT YOUR TRAINING CATALOG | WAYS TO LEARNOWN PACE “IATA TrainingOur self-study courses are programs addideal for graduates, industry great value tonewcomers looking to get a start the knowledgein aviation and young professionals of all travelseeking vocational qualifications. professionalsThese courses focus on key job as well as theroles in airline operations, airport beginners.”operations, cargo operations,travel and tourism. All materials Vinodini Lakshmanadasare developed by IATA subject Graduate from Louis Preston Schoolmatter experts, and supported byinstructional design experts to ensure of Travel & Tourism, Sri Lankayou get the most out of your learningexperience. 21SELF-STUDY KITSIATA self-study courses delivercomprehensive instruction to busyaviation and travel industry professionals.Our training solutions are interactive,learner-friendly, and available in a varietyof convenient quick and flexible training methodallows you to learn online using short,interactive modules. Enroll for a courseat any time and complete your finalexamination online when you are ready.

TRAININGCENTERSWith more than 780+ classroom training sessions each year,no matter where and how you choose to train with IATA, our coursesare developed by subject matter experts and updated regularlyto provide you with the most valid and relevant information.We live by our mission to provide quality training to our customersworldwide, with the aim to help you develop your career.

TRAININGCENTERSIATA is continually expandingits services to help aviationbusinesses develop and retaintalent for the future.We are opening new training centersaround the world, and expanding severalof our existing training facilities to helptraining become even more accessible.We have more than 20 IATA TrainingCenters, located at IATA offices nearkey international hubs, offering coursescovering all portfolios. Each centeroffers modern classrooms equippedwith complimentary Wi-Fi internetaccess, printers and quiet workspaces.Choose to study at an IATA Training Centerand take advantage of a 20% early-bird discount when you register early(conditions apply) 23

TRAINING CATALOG | TRAINING CENTERSTRAINING CENTERLOCATIONS45 Training CentersIATA Training Centers and RegionalTraining Partners   Stockholm, Sweden    Brussels, Belgium    Amsterdam, Netherlands    Riga, Latvia    London, United Kingdom    Geneva, Switzerland   Moscow, Russia    Montreal, Canada    Paris, France    Frankfurt, Ge   rmany  Italy    Amman, Jordan     Santo Domingo,   Madrid, Spain    Rome,   Istanbul, Turkey  Dominican Republic    Athens, Greece    Tel Aviv, Israel    Miami, USA  Muharraq, Bahrain  Doha, Qatar  Abu Dhabi, UAE    Mexico City, Mexico  Dakar, Senegal  Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Panama City, Panama   Bogotá, Colombia    Lagos, Nigeria    Nairobi, Kenya    LLimimaa, ,PPeerruu     São Paulo, Brazil   Johannesburg,   Santiago, Chile    Buenos Aires, Argentina      South Africa AMERICAS EUROPE AFRICA Argentina | Brazil | Canada | Chile | Colombia | Panama | USA Belgium | France | Germany | Israel | Italy Nigeria | Senegal The Netherlands | Spain | Sweden | Kenya | South Africa (ATNS) |Argentina | Dominican Republic | Switzerland | United Kingdom South Africa (SAA)Mexico | Peru Germany | Greece | Latvia | Russian Federation | Turkey24

TRAINING CATALOG | TRAINING CENTERS25 IATA TRAINING CENTERS 20 REGIONAL TRAINING PARTNER REGIONAL CONTACTAmman, Amsterdam, Beijing, Bogotá, (RTP) TRAINING CENTERS INFORMATIONBrussels, Buenos Aires, Dakar, Frankfurt, Abu Dhabi, Amman, Athens, Buenos Aires,Geneva, Lagos, Lima, London, Madrid, Colombo, Doha, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, asia - north and chinaMiami, Montreal, Panama City, Paris, Istanbul, Jeddah, Johannesburg, Lima,Rome, Santiago, São Paulo, Singapore, Mexico City, Moscow, Muharraq, Nairobi, tel: +86.10.8571.9262Stockholm, Taipei, Tel Aviv Riga, Santo Domingo [email protected] asia - pacific and south asia tel: +65.6499.2367 [email protected] middle east and africa tel: +41.22.770.2820 [email protected] europe, russia and cis tel: +41.22.770.2820 [email protected] north and south america tel: +1.305.779.9860 [email protected] See our classroom schedule at:  Beijing, China    Hong Kong, China  “I’ve never   Taipei, Taiwan seen such a well-equipped,  Colombo, Sri Lanka  knowledgeable instructor  Singapore  before.”MIDDLE EAST ASIA PACIFIC Jordan China | Indonesia | Singapore | TaiwanBahrain | Egypt | Jordan | Oman | Qatar |Saudi Arabia | UAE Hong Kong | Sri Lanka 25

EXPLORE THECITIES ANDSURROUNDINGSOF OUR IATATRAININGCENTERSCombine your learning in theclassroom with exploring the citiesand regions of our Training Centersand discover what they have to offer.BEIJINGBeijing manages to be everything youexpect it to be and yet still retains surprisesaround every corner. In so many waysit is ultra-modern, a densely-populatedcosmopolitan city bursting with life.Sleek high-rises house shopping malls,theatres, bars, and restaurants. But alwayspresent is a deep respect for the past.The Forbidden City—the Imperial Palacefrom 1420 to 1912, comprising closeto 1,000 buildings—remains at the heartof Beijing. Tiananmen Square extendsbeyond the south gate of the ForbiddenCity and is an important ceremonial centerto this day. Old Beijing can also be foundin the Shichahai area, where you can learnfolk arts, and, if you have the time to travelfurther afield, the Ming Tombs, and theawe-inspiring Great Wall.

TRAINING CATALOG | TRAINING CENTERS to South Beach style, the city piques interest on every street. Miami is also the gateway to an array of attractions. Visitors can enjoy an air boat ride in the Everglades or sample a key lime pie in the Florida Keys. Perhaps most tempting of all, just a few hours’ drive from Miami is the wonderful world of Walt Disney. The legendary theme parks and aquatic attractions in the Orlando area provide a once-in-a-lifetime experience.GENEVA MONTRÉAL SINGAPOREA global hub for diplomacy and banking, A unique mix of cultures and styles, Singapore is an island city-state offGeneva is equally adept at easing the Montréal merges European and North Southern Malaysia that packs quitestress of business through its natural American culture as well as English a punch for its size. Multicultural, efficient,splendor. Pristine Swiss air, a vibrant and French heritages. The result and with a can-do attitude, Singaporelakeside city center, and a spectacular is a cosmopolitan and creative city, has become a driving force in the region,Alpine backdrop combine to make Geneva evident as much in the cuisine as it particularly renowned in the financialan elegant and exciting city. Culture is as is in the architecture. Far from being sector. The modern dynamism of theprominent as the seamless blend of defined by dark winter months, Montréal Marina Bay area effortlessly dovetails withbusiness and nature. Museums and keeps the heat on all year round with ethnic neighborhoods, a vibrant harborfronttheatres sit side-by-side with boutique theatres, museums, and art galleries and colonial-era districts. But Singaporeshops, cafés, and restaurants on galore. Added to the mix is a full calendar isn’t all about hustle and bustle. Sentosa isimmaculate cobbled streets. Watch of events. Music festivals are just one of one of many retreats from the high-energyout for the Jet d’Eau, one of the tallest many highlights. The Festival International city, offering the chance to unwind onfountains in the world, or, if you have de Jazz de Montréal is perhaps the beaches, in picturesque quayside barsmore time, travel to the Alps for adventure headline event but there is something and restaurants, or even at the luxuriousall year round, from winter snow sports for everyone, from MUTEK and Île Auriga Spa at Capella Singapore Hotel,to summer meadow trails. Soniq to the Orchestre symphonique set with a private pool and views of the de Montréal’s Classical Spree. nearby Southern Islands. One ‘must-MIAMI see’ for tourists is the Merlion, whichOne of the most famous destinations in symbolizes Singapore’s humble beginningsthe world, Miami lives up to its enviable as a fishing village known as Temasek,reputation. Enjoy its rich cultural mix, its meaning ‘sea town’ in Old Javanese.fine dining, its nightlife, and, most of all,its beaches, always magnificent under “ You reallya tropical sun. From Cuban influences offer the best training. Keep it up! ” Dennis Mbole Cargo Advanced Rating and Marketing course participant 27

TRAININGPARTNERSNETWORKTHE VALUE OF PARTNERSStrategic partnerships with other industry organizations and businesses enableIATA Training to offer global coverage and a full range of resources.IATA has a network of more than 450 training partners globally. Partnerships improveeffectiveness and efficiency as well as create stability, cultivate trust, build localconfidence, and minimize risk. Partners are chosen for their location and their poolof instructors who have local industry knowledge and expertise.With the right alliances, the overall offer to the student is greatly enriched. This is particularlypertinent given that the countries with the greatest projected air traffic growth areemerging markets. Access to high quality aviation training in these markets is essential,especially in safety. It promotes compliance with ICAO Standards and RecommendedPractices (SARPs) and is consistent with ICAO’s No Country Left Behind policy.Technology will play an important role in extracting more value from partnerships. IATA has125 locations globally where exams are held four times per year. Though until recentlythese exams have been paper-based, access to technology and greater connectivity willfacilitate online exams. Benefits include security and confidentiality with the exam; costsavings in administration; consistency; and a high level of transparency. For the student,online exams provide greater flexibility, standardized grading, and fast results.In 2016, IATA’s training partners recorded student enrolments from 156 countries,reaching 80% of all countries globally. This steadily growing professional network oftraining partners is a fundamental part of the success not only of IATA Training but alsoof the industry, which is growing safer by the day even as air traffic increases.Thanks to IATA’s partners, over 100,000 professionals and students are trained each year.By expanding training capacity, partners play an integral part in IATA’s vision to be theleader in developing professionals for tomorrow’s air transport.2017• Aircargo Training Center • Kadosh Training Services, Mauritius of Japan, Japan • Louis Preston, Sri Lanka• Alhind Academy, India • Qatar Aeronautical College, Qatar• Airport College, France • Sichuan Southwest College of Civil• DGM, The Netherlands Aviation, People’s Republic of China• Etihad Airways, • Turkish Airlines Aviation United Arab Emirates Academy, Turkey28


TRAINING CATALOG | ACADEMIC PARTNERS Harvard Business Publishing, USA (Cambridge) • Aviation Leadership Development ProgramACADEMIC PARTNERS& PROGRAMS in collaboration with Harvard Business Publishing • Aviation Strategy Execution Program in collaborationOur Academic Partners are internationallyrenowned universities with programs with Harvard Business Publishingdesigned for the working professional. • Foundations in Leadership Program in collaborationThese programs are a combination ofindustry and academic training, available with Harvard Business School Publishingas eLearning, virtual classroom and • Harvard ManageMentor Leadership and Managementclassroom training. Training Program McGill School of Continuing Studies, Canada (Montreal) ENAC, France (Toulouse) • Project Management: Practice • IATA-ENAC Advanced Master and Certification in Aircraft Life Management and Maintenance Embry-Riddle Aeronautical • IATA-ENAC Advanced Master University, USA (Miami) in Airline Operations • IATA-Embry-Riddle Aviation Management Certificate • IATA-Embry Riddle Supply Chain Management Certificate • IATA-Embry-Riddle US Aviation Law Diploma30

TRAINING CATALOG | ACADEMIC PARTNERSUniversity of Geneva, “What makesSwitzerland (Geneva) this efficient• Advanced Studies in Aviation Management is mixing• Diploma of Advanced Studies in Advocacy, the academic experience of Communication, and External Relations university style lectures with Nanyang Technological University, the experience Singapore (Singapore) of IATA experts, • Advanced Management Program on top of the immense in Aviation knowledge of • Executive MBA in Air Transport other professional participants from all aviation fields.” Capt. Anwar Bassam Akkad Senior Manager Quality-Operation Abu Dhabi, UAE 31


TRAINING CATALOG | TRAINING PARTNERS NETWORKREGIONAL TRAINING PARTNERS AUTHORIZED TRAINING CENTERS ACCREDITED TRAINING SCHOOLSRegional Training Partners (RTP) undergoa rigorous selection process. Each RTP The Authorized Training Center (ATC) There are more than 160 Accreditedmust display an in-depth knowledge network comprises 250-plus training Training Schools (ATS) around the world.of its region’s training needs and be institutes that deliver IATA self-study They are permitted to provide courses thatable to translate this understanding courses using their own instructors. use IATA-approved training material andinto high-quality customer service ATCs have demonstrated the requisite instructors that meet IATA appropriate facilities. Classroom training expertise in their subject areas and ATS are able to deliver Dangerous Goodswith IATA Instructors and official IATA an ability to deliver quality training. Regulations (DGR) training. Criteria forcourse materials are offered at more than ATCs recruit and train students endorsement to teach DGR are based20 independent institutions. independently but examinations are on Section 1.5 of the IATA DangerousIf you would like to study at a organized and supervised by a local IATA Goods Regulations and Dangerous GoodsRegional Training Partner, please visit coordinator. Training Standard.our website for more If you would like to study at an If you would like to study at anAreas of training include: ATC, please visit our website ATS or become one, please visit• Air Navigation Services for more information: our website for more information:• Airline Operations, Management, training-ATC Law, Finance TOP PERFORMING ATCs TOP PERFORMING ATSs• Airport Planning, Operations • Bird Education Society for • BCR Consultoria e Treinamento Ltda and Management Travel & Tourism • Bird Education Society for• Civil Aviation• Ground Handling and Operations • Erican College Travel & Tourism• Safety, Quality and others • AFTRAL • Dangerous Goods Management (China)• Security: Cyber, Cargo, Predictive, • Air Travel Aviation Academy Ltd. • Entebbe Handling Services Limited • Airline Training Center • Excellence Academy Management • Career Institute • Global Transport Training Services • Flymates • GMR Airport Limited 170+ • Institute of Air Travel Studies • IFMA - Institut de Formation • Instituto de Formacao Turistica Accredited Training • International Aviation Academy aux Métiers de l’Aerien Schools • Instituto De Capacitacion Internac of Sri Lankan Airlines • SAAA Cargo Services Pte Ltd 300+ • Mega Airlines Studies • Shanghai Pudong International • National Kaohsiung University Authorized Training Airport Cargo Centers (ATC) of Hospitality & Tourism • The Japan Air Cargo Institute • Omni Aviation Corporation • Patriot Aviation College for Safety (JACIS) • ProNordic Education Kommanditbolag • Sanya Aviation and Tourism College • Zabeel International Institute of Management & Technology 33

TRAINING CATALOG | PROGRAMS AND COURSESPROGRAMSAND COURSESINTRODUCTIONTraining is a multi-faceted sector, requiring the intelligent weaving of manydifferent strands. As the association for the global airline industry, IATA isbest placed to combine these strands in a manner that ensures your trainingsuccess. IATA Training is effective and efficient, enabling the rapid transferof rich, relevant content from subject matter experts to aviation professionalsno matter how the student chooses to access that content. The global reachof the courses and the deployment of leading-edge technologies to deliverthem is aligned with IATA’s vision to be the force for value creation andinnovation in the industry. It ensures aviation knowledge continues to developto help the industry deliver its many economic and social benefits throughever-safer air connectivity.LIST OF COURSES: 74 DANGEROUS GOODS REGULATIONS (DGR)36 AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES 78 ENVIRONMENT AND FUEL43 AIRLINE BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 80 FARES AND TICKETING48 AIRLINE OPERATIONS AND QUALITY 84 FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING52 AIRPORT PLANNING, MANAGEMENT 87 GROUND OPERATIONS AND OPERATIONS 91 LAW AND REGULATIONS56 AVIATION PERFORMANCE 94 SAFETY AND MANAGEMENT 98 SECURITY63 CARGO 103 TRAVEL AND TOURISM69 CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITIES34

TRAINING CATALOG | PROGRAMS AND COURSES PRICING IATA courses combine industry-leading expertise with the most up-to-date materials and resources for a valuable learning experience. Even so, to encourage participation in this growing, dynamic industry, courses are priced competitively, with discounted prices for IATA Members and Developing Nations. MEMBERS The following organizations and their employees are eligible for the reduced member price: • IATA Member Airlines • IATA Strategic Partners • NAA Members of ICAO • IGHC Members • GSSA Members • Accredited Travel and Cargo Agencies • ATC and ATS Employees • Airport Operators and Authorities DEVELOPING NATIONS Member organizations headquartered in a developing nation and their employees are eligible for the reduced developing nation price. For the current list of developing nations, please visit our website: NON-MEMBERS The non-member price is applicable to organizations and individuals who are not eligible for Member or Developing Nation prices. DISCOUNTS To further assist organizations and potential students, there is a discount available for those who register far enough in advance for scheduled classes at an IATA Training Center. • Register three weeks before the course start date to save $100 • Register three months before the course start date to receive a 20% discount • Payment must be made by credit card or clearing house Please visit our website for course prices and more information: 35

Air Navigation Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSP) areServices responsible for providing safe, efficient and cost effective air navigation services to airspace users in compliance with state regulations. They also manage unique high performance businesses. Training with IATA will help you respond to these demands in a globally focused, harmonized manner. Our courses focus on business management, as well as air traffic management, AIS, safety, technology and change management to help you respond to all of these demands.DIPLOMASAir Navigation Services Management DiplomaBe equipped to manage the challenging environment faced by Air Navigation Service Providers and learn how to run a businessenterprise. DIPL- 34Requirements: 2 Required courses and 2 Elective coursesAir Traffic Services Management DiplomaLearn how to be a leader in air traffic services management. DIPL- 17Requirements: 4 Required coursesLeads to Diploma eTextbook Classroom Printed Textbook Virtual eLearning* V isit and enter the 6-character code for more information. Contact: [email protected]

TRAINING CATALOG | AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES COURSESCOURSES Airspace Strategy [ASM-STRAT] - with the Eurocontrol Institute of ANSAeronautical InformationManagement (AIM) Online Code*: TCVT-43 New Be able to actively participate in the various fora dealing with airspaceOnline Code*: TCVT-10 regulation, strategy, development and harmonization within ECAC. | Length: 5d Area Navigation in European Terminal Control Areas (TMAs) [NAV-PRNAV-RNAV1] -Benefit from the latest in Aeronautical Information Management with the Eurocontrol Institute of ANS(AIM), reviewing SWIM, eTOD, AICM/ AIXM, aerodrome mapping,aeronautical information briefing, e-AIP, AIS/MET datalink. Online Code*: TCVT-47Also available in Spanish This e-learning course describes the use of Performance Based Navigation (PBN) in the TMA, specifically RNAV1, termed PrecisionAeronautical Information RNAV (P-RNAV) in Europe. Examine aircraft functionality, theServices (AIS) benefits of RNAV SIDs/STARs, different types of waypoint and how turn performance is affected. Learn relevant ATC best practices,Online Code*: TCVT-01 including RTF phraseology, specifically related to RNAV operations. | Length: 3d Assessor - with Entry Point NorthDuring this foundation course, gain a comprehensive overview Online Code*: TCVT-52of the ICAO Annexes, documentation and activities relatingto Aeronautical Information Services (AIS) and an understanding | Length: 3dof the Aeronautical Information Management (AIM) concept.Also available in French Designed for qualified ATM personnel, gain the knowledge and skills to conduct assessment of colleagues and/or studentsAeronautical Meteorological Observation in the operational environment, to define roles and handle(AMO) - with Entry Point North (AIS) conflicts in a professional way.Online Code*: TCVT-57 ATC Team Resource Management (TRM) and Safety | Length: 5d Online Code*: TCVG-21Gain the theoretical knowledge and practical skills to make fullystandardised, accurate surface meteorological observations, | Length: 5dobserve and note the parameters for METAR and MET reportmessages, and encode the observations in a standard coded Practical tools to manage your air traffic control team andformat and transmit them. resources for optimal safety. Gain an awareness of common human factor elements such as error, stress and communication.Aeronautical Meteorological Observation(AMO) Refresher - with Entry Point North Aviation English Language Solution - AssessmentOnline Code*: TCVT-58 Online Code*: TAPH-13 | Length: 1dRefresh and update your knowledge and skills relating to analysingand describing the existing local weather conditions as localroutine report and/or meteorological terminal air report (METAR)in accordance with ICAO Annex 3 and national legislation. Berlitz’ comprehensive assessment service assesses your ICAO Aviation English proficiency level and designs the right training program for you to achieve ICAO level 4 proficiency. 37

TRAINING CATALOG | AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES COURSESAviation English Language Business Transformation for ANS ProvidersSolution - Training Online Code*: TCVG-62Online Code*: TAPH-19 | Length: 5d | Length: Varies Be prepared for the new developments affecting Air NavigationIATA and Berlitz have developed this comprehensive Aviation Service Providers, and benefit from the business practices ofEnglish language training solution to achieve ICAO Level 4 successful Air Navigation Service Providers who are leaders inrequirements. Choose an intensive classroom program with a transforming Air Traffic Management performance.local instructor or a range of distance learning methods. Civil Military ATM Coordination [GEN-CIV/MIL]Aviation System Block Upgrades (ASBUs) - with the EUROCONTROL Institute of ANSImplementation Online Code*: TCVT-41Online Code*: TCVG-02 | Length: 4d | Length: 5d Improve your understanding of civil-military ATM/CNS requirementsGet the latest updates on the ASBU work coordinated by and of the need for greater military involvement in national andICAO, including the leading examples of NextGen and SESAR. international ATM processes.With a thorough review of the ICAO Global Air Navigation Plan(GANP) and ASBU components, you will be able to relate these Civil, Military Co-operation - with Entry Point Northconcepts to your region and work toward an implementationtimeline. Online Code*: TCVT-55Also available in Spanish | Length: 1-2dBenchmarking and Best Practicesfor Air Navigation Service Providers This course focuses on the topic of civil/military cooperation in shared airspace and explains the benefits of sharing the airspaceOnline Code*: TCVG-54 between the military and civil aviation, based on the extensive and successful Scandinavian experience. | Length: 5d CNS/ATM Planning Master ClassLearn how to use benchmarking effectively to deliver serviceimprovements and achieve better performance results. Online Code*: TCVT-26Explore Key Performance Areas and Key Performance Indicatorsfor ANSP operational performance and safety. | Length: 5dBuilding a Future ATM System [GEN-FUT] Apply the theory learned in IATA’s Foundations of CNS/ATM- with the EUROCONTROL Institute of ANS course, to plan, manage and measure performance of Air Traffic Services compliant with the ICAO Global Air Traffic ManagementOnline Code*: TCVT-39 Operational Concept (GATMOC). Also available in Spanish | Length: 5d Collaborative Decision Making (CDM)This course looks at the future of the European air traffic and ATFMmanagement system from general aspects (SES, SESAR,SJU, EASA, SESAR deployment manager, European ATM Online Code*: TCVT-08Master plan and Centralised Services) to more specific (NetworkManagement, CNS, AIM, ATM Architecture). | Length: 4d38 Learn how all members of the Air Traffic Management community can collaboratively share data to improve Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) using the Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) process.

TRAINING CATALOG | AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES COURSESCost Reduction Strategies for Air Navigation Legal and Financial Issues for Air NavigationService Providers (ANSPs) Service ProvidersOnline Code*: TCVG-57 Online Code*: TCVG-25 | Length: 5d | Length: 5dReview the best practices of successful Air Navigation Service Understand the legal and financial issues that affect AirProviders in each of the major organizational models. Learn how to Navigation Service provision, such as State rights, legalincorporate procedures for cost reduction and control within your obligations, charging policies, financing, commercializationorganization. strategies and new external influences.Fatigue Risk Management Systems (FRMS) Management of Air Navigation Servicesfor ANS Providers New Online Code*: TCVG-04Online Code*: TCVT-66 | Length: 5d | Length: 4d Gain a solid knowledge of current business managementFor Air Traffic Controllers and their managers, understand how practices, operating models and technology developmentsfatigue affects operations and learn how to assess and mitigate affecting the provision of air navigation services. This interactivefatigue risk through the application of a FRMS. This course course provides examples from ANSPs around the world who areis designed to help ANSPs comply with prescriptive fatigue transforming global Air Traffic Management regulations expected to take effect by 2020. Also available in SpanishFoundations of CNS/ATM Managing ATM and the EnvironmentOnline Code*: TCVT-24 Online Code*: TCVG-63 | Length: 5d | Length: 3dGain an overview of ICAO CNS/ATM technologies and Find out how the aviation industry is working to reduce its impactinfrastructure to support the transition to a performance-based air on the environment, and in particular, the work of ICAO and thenavigation system. major ATM environmental efficiency programs in the Single European Sky (SES), NextGen, ASPIRE and AIRE.Implementing Performance-Based Managing Security in ATMNavigation (PBN) in ECAC [NAV-PBN] [SEC-MS] - with the EUROCONTROL- with the EUROCONTROL Institute of ANS Institute of ANSOnline Code*: TCVT-35 Online Code*: TCVT-40 | Length: 4d Gain a basic understanding of ATM security (the regulatory framework, security aspects in certain ATM domains) and theThis course provides an introduction to the PBN concept EUROCONTROL Security Management Handbook, relatedapplicable to the ECAC region. Review the current status of the guidance material and the recommended risk assessmentPBN rule and ATM Functionalities (AF) #1 and #3 of the Pilot method.Common Project (PCP) both of which have specific requirementson PBN functionality. 39

TRAINING CATALOG | AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES COURSESManaging the Implementation of Aviation Operational Airspace Management (ASM-OPS)System Block Upgrades (ASBUs) in the - with the EUROCONTROL Institute of ANSAfrican Context Online Code*: TCVT-42Online Code*: TCVG-46 | Length: 3d | Length: 2d Gain an improved understanding of civil-military ATM/CNSBe brought up to date on the Aviation System Block Upgrade requirements and of the need for greater military involvementwork coordinated by ICAO in the African region. in national and international ATM processes.Network Capacity Planning [ASM-CAP] Performance Based Navigation (PBN)- with the EUROCONTROL Institute of ANS Awareness Package (NAV-PBN-AWR) - with the EUROCONTROL Institute of ANSOnline Code*: TCVT-45 Online Code*: TCVT-48 | Length: 4dGain an overview of the regulatory background and explore the This PBN web-based training (WBT) package has beenvarious steps of the capacity planning process. Gain in-depth significantly revised to ensure the EUROCONTROL PBN trainingknowledge about NEST, one of the main tools provided by addresses the changes introduced by the updates to the PBNEUROCONTROL to support network operations planning. Manual (ICAO Doc 9613 Edition 4) and the European Airspace Concept Handbook (Edition 3).OJTI Refresher - with Entry Point North Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) IOnline Code*: TCVT-50 Online Code*: TCVT-20 | Length: 2d | Length: 5dRefresh and update your knowledge and the techniques learnedon the On-the-Job Training Instructor (OJTI) course. Renew Be brought up to date on the PBN concept, GNSS theory, RNAV,the validity of the OJTI rating and be motivated and inspired to RNP and airspace planning and design with this foundation course.continue to work as On-the-Job Training Instructors. Also available in SpanishOn-the-job Training Instructor (OJTI) Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) II- with Entry Point North Online Code*: TCVT-21Online Code*: TCVT-49 | Length: 5d | Length: 5d PBN Implementation for ANSPs. Take your first steps inThis course provides qualified Air Traffic Control (ATC) and implementing instrument procedures based on PBN navigationAerodrome Flight Information Service (AFIS) Officers or others specifications and project managing the related airspace changes.with the basic knowledge of teaching, and practical methods, This course concentrates on basic Terminal Manoeuvring Areaprinciples and tools to manage the interaction with trainees during (TMA) airspace design.On-the-Job Training.40

TRAINING CATALOG | AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES COURSESPerformance-Based Navigation (PBN) Remote Tower Operation - with Entry Point NorthImplementation Workshop Online Code*: TCVT-54Online Code*: TCVT-25 | Length: 5d | Length: 5d The course is designed for operational or student controllersThis accelerated course guides you from the theory of who have completed their Aerodrome Control Instrument (ADI)Performance-based Navigation (PBN) to the activities required training and will operate at a remote tower. The aim of the courseto start using PBN procedures. is to provide a theoretical base to enable controllers to understand the unique aspects of working at a remote tower facility,Personal Conflict Handling - with Entry Point North and prepare them for unit training.Online Code*: TCVT-60 Root Cause Analysis for Civil Aviation Authorities and Air Navigation Service | Length: 1-3d ProvidersThis course focuses on bringing about an end to conflict situations Online Code*: TALP-37quickly, cost-effectively and with as little discomfort as possible.Learn how to reach a win/win situation and collaborate to a | Length: 5dsuccessful conclusion for all involved. Gain the knowledge and skills necessary to facilitate an effectivePhraseology and Safety Training problem analysis. Investigate errors, accidents and incidentsfor Air Traffic Controllers and Pilots and comply with your internal quality processes and international regulations, such as ICAO and EASA using the root causeOnline Code*: TCVT-11 analysis tools. | Length: 5d Rough Guide to Air Traffic Control - with Entry Point NorthRefresher training in ICAO standard phraseology to help maintainyour standard of Aviation English is ICAO Level 4 or above. Online Code*: TCVT-61Pilot’s Guide to Air Traffic Control | Length: 2d- with Entry Point North Receive a complete introduction to Air Traffic Control. This courseOnline Code*: TCVT-62 is designed for people who work within the aviation industry, either in a peripheral/supporting role or in an administrative/ | Length :1d managerial position, but it is also addressed to people working within complementary industries that have contact with theDesigned for pilots as a hands-on introduction to air traffic ATC environment.control and air traffic controllers (ATCOs) role, this course givesparticipants the opportunity to gain practical experience of Safety, Legal and Regulatory issuesworking as an operational controller. of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS/drones) NewRefresher Training - with Entry Point North Online Code*: TCVl-06Online Code*: TCVT-56 | Length: 5d | Length: Customized Learn the latest on the legal, regulatory and safety implications​Refresher training for Air Traffic Controllers to review, reinforce of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS/ drones) on civil aviationand upgrade your existing knowledge and skills. and how UAS are being integrated into the Air Traffic Management system. 41

TRAINING CATALOG | AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES COURSESSynthetic Training Device Instructor Train the Trainer - with Entry Point North- with Entry Point North Online Code*: TCVT-59Online Code*: TCVT-51 | Length: 5d | Length: 5d Gain the necessary skills and knowledge to deliver effectiveThe course addresses qualified Air Traffic Control, AFIS Officers classroom training. Participants will become more confident inand others, interacting with students in a simulator environment, delivering presentations to an audience. Designed for instructors,who wish to become competent and licensed Synthetic Training training specialists or other staff delivering classroom-basedDevice Instructors (STDIs). lessons/presentations in a training environment.System Wide Information Management Train the Trainer for CNS, AIS and MET(SWIM) New Online Code*: TCVT-32Online Code*: TCVT-71 | Length: 5d | Length: 2d Improve your instructional skills to conduct effective CNS, AISBenefit from the latest on SWIM by reviewing the standards, and MET training through these demonstrations and practicalinfrastructure, governance and implementation that enable activities. This course goes beyond traditional instructionalthe management and exchange of ATM-related information. concepts, showing you training techniques specific to this specialized subject matter and audience.Threat and Error Management(TEM) in ATM NewOnline Code*: TCVT-85 | Length: 5dLearn how to prevent incidents and accidents by usinga documented and structured approach to safety managementin Air Traffic Management. You will be taught how to apply theconcepts of Team Resource Management (TRM) and specificallyThreat and Error Management (TEM).Also available in Spanish42

Airline Maximize your potential as an airline managerBusiness and improve your management skills with the helpManagement of industry case studies, challenging simulation programs and hands-on, practical training. We provide basic to advanced level aviation business knowledge in the areas of marketing channels, sales management, advertising, research, consumer behavior and communications. Our courses and diplomas address current industry challenges and will equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to overcome them.DIPLOMASAirline Business Development DiplomaThe IATA Diploma in Airline Business Development provides the platform to effectively develop the skills and behaviors required toachieve key commercial objectives. This diploma comprises two required courses in airline marketing and sales strategies that provideyou with key fundamental information, and two elective courses in topics such as strategic partnerships, distribution strategies ande-Commerce or negotiation skills, to further your proficiency to implement airline business development strategies. DIPL-15Requirements: 2 Required courses and 2 Elective coursesAirline Management DiplomaMaster airline management and emerge with the skills to anticipate, respond, and adapt to the demands and challenges of a changingindustry. DIPL-38Requirements: 2 Required courses and 2 Elective coursesLeads to Diploma eTextbook Classroom Printed Textbook Virtual eLearning* V isit and enter the 6-character code for more information. 43 Contact: [email protected]

TRAINING CATALOG | AIRLINE BUSINESS MANAGEMENT COURSESCOURSESAirline Business Foundations Airline Distribution Strategies and e-CommerceOnline Code*: TALG-01 Online Code*: TALM-32 | Length: 5d | Length: 5dIf you are a new airline recruit, this course will bring you up tospeed on key airline business practices to help you succeed in Take an insider look at today’s leading distribution modelsthe industry. Learn about the internal organization of airlines, the and strategies, while gaining tools to optimize your company’sairport environment, and the external bodies that regulate them to distribution processes. Through a series of business cases andunderstand what shapes airline strategies. exercises, learn how to implement an efficient distribution strategy that leverages both traditional marketing andAirline Business Models and Competitive e-commerce resources.Strategies Airline Leading Practices and CostOnline Code*: TALG-02 Reduction Strategies | Length: 5d Online Code*: TALG-36Understand what it takes to lead an airline to success in | Length: 5dthis dynamic learning environment! Use the latest simulationtechnology to manage a virtual airline through real-life business Review the leading practices of successful airlines from bothscenarios and work in teams to explore the interrelated factors the low cost and network carrier sectors. Learn to incorporateaffecting airline profitability. necessary procedures to maintain a viable cost reduction program within your organization.Airline Customer Service Airline MarketingOnline Code*: TALM-51 Online Code*: TALM-53 | Length: 45h | Length: 45hDrive outstanding customer service with the winning combinationof knowledge, skills, and attitude. Learn how to interpret and understand your customers’ needs,Also available in Mandarin segment your target markets, and develop creative and cost- effective marketing strategies.Airline Customer Service: Strategy Design Airline Marketing - Advancedand Implementation Online Code*: TALM-35Online Code*: TALM-08 | Length: 4d | Length: 3d This course looks at the latest airline marketing and commercialLearn to design a customer service strategy and implementation trends to help you revamp your marketing practices.plan aimed at delivering superior service across different As the customer becomes the central focus of airline marketingcustomer touch points. strategy, this course also provides insight into tools for assessing your target markets and developing a long-term relationship with your customer.44

TRAINING CATALOG | AIRLINE BUSINESS MANAGEMENT COURSESAirline Marketing - Introduction Airline Social Media StrategyOnline Code*: TALM-01 Online Code*: TALM-46 | Length: 3d | Length: 3dLearn the fundamentals of airline marketing and stay ahead Thrive in today’s marketing environment with this crash courseof the competition! Learn how to segment targeted markets in social media. Explore how this user-driven technology caneffectively, create cost-effective marketing strategies, and increase your profitability and learn successful communicationcustomize products and services to satisfy the needs of your strategies to apply in your airline. Recommended for seniortarget audience. This course is recommended for newcomers managers and suppliers working for the aviation airline marketing.Airline Revenue Management Airlines Understanding and Adopting NDCOnline Code*: TALF-51 Online Code*: TALF-79 | Length: 45h | Length: 3.5dEvaluate the techniques applied by airlines to derive revenue from For airline passenger sales and revenue managers responsibleseat sales, in order to maximize profitability. for business development planning, this training provides access to the NDC financial simulator and help build a business case for design and deployment of the distribution strategy.Airline Sales and Key Account Management Ancillary Revenue StrategiesOnline Code*: TALM-04 Online Code*: TALG-82 | Length: 4d | Length: 4dStudy different techniques to generate passenger traffic Learn how ancillary sales work, the impact on airline andamidst increasing competition. Learn how to manage an distribution systems, and how to develop ancillary revenue.existing customer base, generate and follow up with new leads,and incorporate quality measurement results. This course uses Aviation Policy and Advocacya competency-based approach to develop your skills as a strategicairline sales professional. Online Code*: TALG-23Airline Sales Strategies - Advanced | Length: 3dOnline Code*: TALM-39 This course shows you how to use advocacy to shape current aviation policy and positively influence your organization’s business | Length: 4d objectives. Through case studies, classroom discussions and role playing, you will have opportunities to practice basic advocacy skillsLearn new techniques to manage and negotiate complex sales and develop campaign plans around the issues that matter to you.transactions, plan strategic sales targets, and successfully handlecustomer interactions. This course is recommended for sales Cargo Airline Customer Servicerepresentatives and managers with account oversight. Online Code*: TCGP-70 | Length: 3d An introduction to the fundamental elements of customer service and how they can be applied in any organization, for all employees, ensuring they are equipped to meet and exceed the customer’s expectations. 45

TRAINING CATALOG | AIRLINE BUSINESS MANAGEMENT COURSESDeregulation and Open Skies, Alliances, IATA Trained NDC ConsultantEquity Partnerships and StrategicPartnerships Online Code*: TALF-11Online Code*: TALG-05 | Length: 4d | Length: 5d This course is designed to provide aviation industry consultants with in-depth expertise on the NDC standard.Contribute to your company’s success by learning how to build,analyze and implement effective alliances, strategic partnerships, Introduction to Airline Distribution andand equity partnerships within the industry. e-CommerceDynamic Pricing and Revenue Management Online Code*: TAPH-85Online Code*: TALM-33 | Length: 3d | Length: 4d L​ earn the fundamentals of airline distribution and e-commerce and how this plays a role in distribution management for an airline.Gain competitive advantage with this expert insight into airlinerevenue management. Learn how to maximize your revenue by Introduction to the Airline Industryachieving a balance between demand, reservation scheduling andvariable pricing. Learn how to valuate and apply airline passenger Online Code*: TALG-50demand, seat inventory control, and more! | Length: 45hExecutive Aviation Policy Start with the essentials to launch a career in the airline industry. Learn about the history of airline organizations, and the variousOnline Code*: TALG-48 operational and business functions that make up an airline. | Length: 3d NDC Awareness for Airline Sales Account ManagersThis course will provide you with a high level overview of theaviation industry and how to influence a national or organizational Online Code*: TALF-81aviation agenda. | Length: 1dFrequent Flyer Programs (FFPs), CustomerLoyalty Management with Fraud Prevention Understand the scope of NDC, how it fits in the distribution ecosystem, and the current level of adoption in the industry.Online Code*: TALM-21 NDC Extensive Training for Airlines | Length: 3d Online Code*: TALF-35This course offers an advanced, in-depth knowledge of Frequent | Length: 10dFlyer Programs (FFPs), Customer Experience and LoyaltyManagement strategies, skills, development tools and latest trends. Implement an effective NDC project for your airline, align yourIt will prepare you with the critical capabilities to succeed in an strategy and determine potential revenues and costs associatedever-changing global Aviation business and consumer environment. with NDC.46

TRAINING CATALOG | AIRLINE BUSINESS MANAGEMENT COURSESNetwork, Fleet and Schedule Planning Route Forecasting and DevelopmentOnline Code*: TALM-26 Online Code*: TALG-18 | Length: 5d | Length: 4dContribute to your company’s success by developing a profitable Gain an overview of the regulatory background and explorenetwork fleet plan and an effective flight schedule. Improve your the This course shares common industry practices for routeplanning and management skills and understand scheduling forecasting to help you assess the performance of your airline’sprocess and tactics. This course is recommended for network network and analyze the revenue potential of new routes. Learnplanning personnel and airline marketing professionals. methods for calculating the financial performance of different routes, forecasting cost and revenue drivers, and planning for theNew Distribution Capability Readiness future development of your network. Also available in SpanishOnline Code*: TALG-22 Understanding NDC Architecture | Length: 3d Online Code*: TALF-80Gain a basic understanding of ATM security (the regulatoryframework, security aspects in certain ATM domains) and the | Length: 2dEUROCONTROL Security Management Handbook, relatedguidance material and the recommended risk assessment method. This introductory New Distribution Capability (NDC) training course is designed for Information Technology (IT) specialists toRevenue Management - Introductory gain an understanding about the NDC schemas for shopping and order management, and about the airline reference architectureOnline Code*: TALM-05 required to support NDC. | Length: 3dStudy the key factors affecting airline performance and therevenue management methods used to measure and controlthem. Through a series of practical exercises, this course preparesyou to make accurate forecasts and implement the right approachin your organization. 47

Airline Our operations, quality and audit training deliversOperations the skills and information you need to stay on topand Quality of international regulatory requirements covering the most recent trends to ensure top-quality operations. Get access to the most recent aviation quality standards to help you ensure consistent and efficient operations. Using an engaging, interactive approach to learning, these courses combine lectures, technology, and hands-on exercises to quickly transfer tools you can immediately apply in the workplace.DIPLOMASAirline Operations DiplomaLearn the skills to manage airline operations, ground operations including contracts, and to implement emergency response programs.DIPL-36Requirements: 2 Required courses and 2 Elective coursesAirline Quality Management Diploma Learn how to design and implement a Quality Management System that includes a documentcontrol system and internal audit processes. DIPL-12Requirements: 2 Required courses and 2 Elective coursesLeads to Diploma eTextbook Classroom Printed Textbook Virtual eLearning* V isit and enter the 6-character code for more information. Contact: [email protected]

TRAINING CATALOG | AIRLINE OPERATIONS AND QUALITY COURSESAIRLINE OPERATIONS AND QUALITY DIPLOMAS CONTINUEDNew IATA - ENAC Advanced Master in Aircraft Life Management and MaintenanceIATA and the Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile (ENAC) have partnered to offer a Master Degree program for airline,OEM and MRO maintenance professionals. This Master is a part-time program with 11 intensive modules of five days eachevery month. The theoretical part will be followed by a practical phase in the industry.The Master aims to improve not only the technical and regulatory knowledge of engineers and managers but also an understandingof the business models and the commercial fundamentals of the maintenance market.The Master leads participants in a rigorous academic manner through the theories behind the practices in order to strengthenthe application of practical operational expertise. Case studies and real-life examples are explored in all modules. DIPL-91IATA - ENAC Advanced Master in Airline OperationsIATA and the Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile (ENAC) have partnered to offer a degree program for airline operations professionals.The Advanced Master in Airline Operations combines operational expertise and comprehensive academic rigor. DIPL-86COURSESAircraft Airworthiness and Air Carrier Aviation Internal AuditorCertification New Online Code*: TALP-22Online Code*: TCVT-19 | Length: 5d| Length: 5d This course prepares you to conduct consistent audits and drive continuous improvement within your organization. Learn about theLearn how to manage aircraft certification and continuing audit process through a breakdown of its stages: the objectives,airworthiness as per the current ICAO Annexes, regulations, followup, and closing. ICAO and civil aviation authority auditand requirements of the FAA, JAA, and EASA. Upon completion requirements are covered in detail followed by a hands-on practicalof this course, you will be able to approve aircraft maintenance component.control, procedural manuals, maintenance programs and MinimumEquipment Lists (MEL).Airline Cabin Crew Training Aviation Lead AuditorOnline Code*: TALG-51 Online Code*: TALP-57 | Length: 45h | Length: 3dThis course is ideal for young professionals looking to get a head This course is designed to give you the relevant skills andstart in the profession, introducing the skills and responsibilities knowledge on how to be an audit team leader. Improve yourexpected by the world’s leading airlines. Special emphasis is given auditing skills and presentation techniques needed for a leadto customer service and procedures for handling unusual situations auditor and be better prepared to manage audit challenges suchduring flight. as time constraints and cultural differences.Also available in Mandarin Introduction to Flight Operations Management Online Code*: TALP-03 | Length: 5d The skills you learn in this course will help you to control flight operations costs, enhance training, retention, and recruitment practices, and improve overall quality management. 49

TRAINING CATALOG | AIRLINE OPERATIONS AND QUALITY COURSESIOSA Airline Auditor - Flight Operations ISAGO Auditor CBT - AGM New(FLT) Discipline Online Code*: TALS-63Online Code*: TALS-55 | Length: 3h | Length: 3d Learn how to implement best practices in auditing groundLearn how to use the IOSA auditor actions and interpret IOSA operations within the scope of ISAGO.Standards and Recommended Practices (ISARPs) and get toknow challenges you may encounter when conducting internal ISAGO Auditor CBT - CGM Newassessments against Flight Operations ISARPs. Online Code*: TALS-64IOSA Airline Auditor - Operational Controland Flight Dispatch (DSP) Discipline | Length: 3hOnline Code*: TALS-56 Learn how to implement best practices in cargo and mail handling within the scope of ISAGO. | Length: 2d ISAGO Auditor CBT - HDL NewDesigned for qualified ATM personnel, gain the knowledgeFocusing on the IOSA discipline - Operational Control and Flight Online Code*: TALS-62Dispatch (DSP), you will be equipped with the knowledge andskills to perform internal audits using the IOSA DSP checklist. | Length: 3hIOSA Airline Auditor Training Learn how to implement best practices in auditing aircraft handling and loading within the scope of ISAGO.Online Code*: TALS-52 ISAGO Auditor CBT - LOD New | Length: 5d Online Code*: TALS-60Meet the requirements of the IOSA Standard and RecommendedPractice (ISARP) ORG 3.4.13 and ensure the fundamentals of the | Length: 3hcurriculum for the training of auditors assigned to conduct internalauditing against the ISARPs are learnt through a comprehensive Learn how to implement best practices in auditing load controlapproach. within the scope of ISAGO.IOSA Program Workshop ISAGO Auditor CBT - ORM NewOnline Code*: TALS-47 Online Code*: TALS-59 | Length: 2d | Length: 3dLearn how to incorporate the IOSA process into your internal Learn how to use the IOSA auditor actions and interpret IOSAQuality Assurance program and how to ensure: continued Learn how to implement best practices in organization andconformity with IOSA, implementation of IOSA standards, management within the scope of ISAGO.increased reliability of quality assurance functions, andstandardization of the auditing process. ISAGO Auditor CBT - PAB New50 Online Code*: TALS-61 | Length: 3h Learn how to implement best practices in auditing passenger and baggage handling within the scope of ISAGO.

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