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Home Explore 1974


Published by lynette, 2019-05-15 00:32:24

Description: Hillcrest High, hillcrest, Midvale, Utah, class of 1974

Keywords: Hillcrest High, hillcrest, Midvale, Utah, class of 1974


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97 Robert Acord Chris Allen Debbie Allred Brenda Anderson Karen Anderson Mike Anderson Kathryn Anderton Mohonri Alba Richard Allam Larry Allred Brad Andersen Chris Anderson Kerry Lee Anderson Renette Anderson

Girls' Volleyball After placing second in region com- petition, the girls' volleyball team won the first State Volleyball champion- ship ever held. Playing with enthu- siasm and spirit, the) fini hed the first day of State competition without a loss. The ccond day of the meet was the day of the championship game. Lo. ing the first game of the champion- hip match again t Weber, the Husky team, led by captain LuAnn Bradford, pulled out the next two game to de- feat Weber and become State Cham- pion . B Layne Ashby Colleen Atkinson

State Champions (A) Mary Williams goes high over net to with the help of her teammate Mary Wil- return the ball. (B) Karen Kennington liams, returns the ball. (E) LuAnn Brad- shows ju t some of her ability as she re- ford set the ball for Gina Ludwig's spike. turns the volley. (C) Carol Cremer sends (F) Barbara Baker goes high for a pike the volleyball over the outreached hand of against two opponent . (G) Janet Rees her opponents. (D) Karen Kennington, blocks spike of her rival and adds point for the victory. FG Matt Ballinger Karen Barnes Ruth Barron Marrdy Baxter Coleen Beckstead Julie Bentley Kraig Berrett Julie Barfuss Jackie Barrett Collette Bate Melanie Beebe Greg Behrmann Richard Berrett Joyce Berghout

Wrestling Bc 100 JUNIORS Cindy Blitz Diane Bonham Sharon Borger Perry Brewer Greg Brinkerhoff Cory Brklacich Jeff Brown Rick Bodell Terri Booms Becky Brady Jesse Brimhall Kim Brinton Gregory Brown Laura Brown

E Coach Kawa and his wrestlers finished a gratifying eason third in state. Winning in- dividual state honors were Mike Bailey, first; Kim Rolfe, first; Jo e Lozano, second; Val New- man, third. The e wrestlers worked hard for the honors as did the entire team in this, one of the most physically demanding of sports. (A) Member of the wre tling team are, back row; Coach Price, Ru s Cook, Mat Wil on, Wyatt Burke, Randy Cloward, Chuck Farn- worth, Jim Richmond, Philip Greenhalgh, Kevin Wade, Todd Besendorfer, Bart Cooper, and Coach Kawa. Middle Row: David Penro e, Joe Johnson, Chri Long, Steve Bringhur t, Mike Bailey, Doug Wilkes, Glenn Lee, Kim Rolfe, and Greg Penrose. Front Row: Kevin Takogi, Herbert Lozano, Jose Lozano, Val Newman, Roland Kuwahara, Dan Wall, Randy Kawahara, Vic Conner, and John Daw on. (B) Var ity team member . ot pictured is Alan Conner. (C) The ixteen J. V. wre tiers in a group poe. (D) Alan Conner goes for a cradle hold in a match with Murray. (E) Kim Rolfe, returning tate champ, turns his opponent for a pin. (F) Coach Kawa shoot for a leg against Coach Price. 101 Randy Brown Tammy Brown William Buckley Kelly Burgon Patti Burt ........._ Faith Cash Rhonda Burbank Lori Butterfield Paula Caper Stephanie Brown Cheryl Buchingham Chri tine Buhler Wendy Campbell Scott Cartwright

A Wrestling B (A) Val Newman holds his aggressor in an awkward po ition. (B) Jo e Lozano starts off Region meet against Kearns. (C) Two points are awarded to Kim Rolfe for a near pin. (D) Val Newman give his opponent one last breath before the pin. 102 JU Chad aywook l amie hristensen

Basketball Picked to take Ia t place in region IV, Hillcrest compiled a 7-5 record. Under the A direction of freshman Coach Jim Jima , Hus- ky cagers earned a state tournament berth. Pitted against team that took 1 t, 2nd, and 7th place Hillcre t averaged 62.5 points per game and held their opponents to under 60 points. (A) Chava Lopez tip rebound to Scott Casper. (B) Coach Jim Jimas instructs Bob Gon- zalez in Brighton game. (C) Coach Cowan changes offen e in Brigh- ton J. V. game. 103 Paul Coleman Lori Conti Dow Cook Russell Cook Bart Cooper Rolf Crapo Kent Corlett Marci Conner Cindy Coombs Roger Cook Jill Cooley Laurie Cooper Liz Cox Donna Craven

Basketball (A) Scott Casper attempts to stop drive of Kearns player. (B) Scott Casper hoot over two Orem op- ponents. (C) Gary Teran puts in two more during Orem game. (D) Steve Sharp controls opening tips in Murray game. 104 JUNIORS Rebecca Crew Doug Crump Keith Daley Kathy Doelle Cindy Dominguez Tad Draper Curtis Dumas Denise Crump Erin Culp Audrey Dansie Annette Dahl Eloise Douglas Debby Dumas Clayton Dumas 104

(E) Mike Whittenburg intercepts Kearns pass. (F) Coach Jim Jimas points out problems to his team during the Orcm game. (G) Bob Gonzalez hows his defensive strength in Murray game. (H) Gary Teran looks for player upcourt after pulling down rebound in Murray game. 105 Doug Dumond John Durfee Deanna Davis Marilyn Davis Duff Dazley Lonny Derr Lamar Densley Shauna Dunster Robert Dansie Jane Davis Mike Davis Richard Deem Elena de Ia Cruz Detlef Dlugas 105

Basketbctll Basketball Box Scores Pre-Season Hillcre t 58 . ... ........ Olympus 77 Hillcrest 51 ......... .............. ..... Clearfiield 36 Hillcrest 57 ......... . ....... . .. . Highland 71 Hillcre t 72 ...... ............. ......... Viewmont 61 Hillcre t 59 .. ....... . .................. Jordan 36 Hillcre t 48 ...................................... Bingham 54 Hillcrest 66 ..................................... . Judge 77 Hillcrest 66 ........................................ Cyprus 42 Season Hillcre t 63 . ..... ........ . . Provo 66 Hillcre t 56 . ........................ ... Kearns 79 Hillcrest 54 ..................................... .. Orem 55 Hillcrest 66 ..................................... . Murray 63 Hillcrest 62 .. ........... ...................... Granger 42 Hillcrest 90 . .................................. Brighton 67 Hillcre t 60 ........ ........ ........... .. . Provo 77 Hillcre t 32 .. .. . ... ............ ............ Orem 61 Hillcrest 51 .. ......................... ......... . Kearns 50 Hillcrest 71 .. . .................................. Murray 42 Hillcrest 78 ...................................... Granger 58 Hillcrest 82 ..................................... Brighton 55 State Tournarnent Hillere t 69 .. .. . ..... .... . . Viewmont 50 Hillcrest 56 .......................................... West 65 Hillcrest 75 ...................................... Skyview 93 A 106 JUNIORS Larry Earl Juanita Edaakie Patricia Eisert Cheryl Elkins Sue Enniss Doug Error Robyn Ewell Stacy Eatchal Deborah Egbert Jimmie Elder Roger Ellison Cathie Erickson Robin Evans andy Ewell

(A) Chava Lopez scores two more points over his Viewmont opponents. (B) John Hinckley and Paul Thomas run scoreboard during Grange J. V. game. (C) Steve Sharp forces West opponent to get rid of the ball in tournament game. (D) Var ity team this year is from left to right, fir t row: John Hinckley, Coach Steve Margettes, Coach Jim Jimas, Coach Dan Cowan, Coach Robert Burn , Ivan Houtz. Second row: Marc Serdar, Steve Butterfield, Greg Worthen, Bob Gonzalez, Ryan \"Ras- tro\" Olson, Scott Casper, Mel Wilkens, Gary Teran, Brian Jeppson, Chava Lopez, Steve Sharp, Bill Raw on, Mike Whittenburg, Jeff Colegrove, Greg Behrmann, and Jeff Mil- lington. 107 James Ewell Leila Fahrner Jeff Fausett Scott Ferguson Jeanne Fillerup Maribeth Fletcher Kim Fortner Charles Farnworth Mike Forbush heri Feragen David Ferrin Bob Fitzgerald Jeff Fowden Pam Fowke

J. V. Basketball (A) Coach Dan Cowan, Marc Serdar, Greg Worthen, Jeff Colegrove, Bill Raw- on, Brian Jepp on, Ryan Olson, Greg Behrmann, and Jeff Millington. (B) From left to right Coach Steve Mar- gette , Mike Peter en, Scott Hardman, Chri Martinez, Ken Daily, Blaine Brad- ford, Randy Vranc , Tom Wright, Jeff Henrie, Mike 0 man, Steve Yates, Brad McDonald, Bob Matson, Tim Schelin, and Coach Robert Burns. Sophomore Basketball 108 JUNIORS Diane Goris Doug Francom MikeGacnik Anthony Gallegos Jeanne Garner Ronnie George Sandy Goudie Bill Gore Joleen Frier Cheryl Gadd JoAnn Garcia Marlene Garner Debra Glad Gayle Goulding

Gymnastics Taking fourth in region competition the Huskie gymna t placed nine in the state cham- pionship on the advanced, intermediate, and beginning levels. Out of the nine, three placed in vaulting, three in floor exercises, two on the bars, and one on the beam. (A) Barbara Baker hows a ballet form in her floor exercise . (B) Laughing out loud, Carole Lambert tries her luck on the trampoline. (C) Julie Hayes does a back walkover practicing for the State meet. (D) Jodi May, after placing second in Region perfects her skill in the floor exerci es. D 109 Dave Graham Ken Grayson Gerolynn Greer Pam Grose Kathy Hagen Bruce Hamilton Lucinda Hansen Randy Gray Cindy Greer Terry Griffith Cary Groves Kathleen Hair Delynne Hanson Bill Haney

H- Week (A) David Ferrin and Randy Brown show off their newly acquired garters. 8c (B) Larry Brand places a hat-and-a-half on 110 Becky Crew. Looking on arc Paul Welch, Steve McCann, and LiAnn Hathenbruck. (C) Randy Brown and Craig Rccs it idly by the book tore on T- hirt Day. (D) Member of the studentbody wear a variety of hats on Hat Day. (E) Student entertain themselves while waiting to be judged for best T- hirts . (F) Mr. Byron Thomp on and Mr. Fred Worlton pour pancake batter on a hot griddle at the HAM and HAW ponsored breakfast. (G) Pam Uremovich di plays her great tal- ent in bubble gum blowing. (H) Wiping out crime in our halls, police- man Don Hagberg poses with two \"hoods,\" Dana Howells and Wendy Wenerstrom. (I) A wide variety of costumes was seen on Occupation Day. Cindy Harding Howard Hartin Kent Hatch Lynn Haug Marlin Hayward Alan Hepner Dave Hermansen Terry Hart Michael Haun Jeff Henderson usan Harvey Liann Hathenbruck Dawn Hermansen Emilia Hernan'dez

111 Sharon Heward Cathy Hoesch DeAnne Hogan Robert Homer Lucinda Houtz Cindy Howell Dyke Hudson John Hinckley Jeff Hofheins Kris Holmstead Pam Horrocks Mark Howa Curt Hughes Gary Hurt

Club of United People The Club of United People is a new club this year at Hillcre t. One of it major goal is to encourage under tanding and appreciation of different culture . The club made a float for homecoming, attended the Chicano Leader hip Conference, ate dinner and danced at the Guadalupe Center. Members also attended a perform- ance of Ballet Folkloric of Utah, where they also took dancing lessons. The United People went Chri tma caroling and participated in a ub for Thanksgiving and sub for Santa. (A) Annette Vasquez makes plans with the club member for future activities. (F) Cindy Dominquez and Ernie Valdez refer to their \"Melting Pot\" while they report to the club. (G) Yvette Vasquez takes notes while Mrs. Earlene Mitchell, Darlene Martinez, Annette Vasquez, Diana Nogales, Kathy ReKoutis, and Terry Boom make sugge tion 112 JUNIORS Joey Hutchings Lisa Ivie Kim Jenkins Heidi Jensen Ron Jensen RusseliJex Allison Johnson Lavon Huntsman Jayne Jackson Diane Jensen Janice Jensen Steve Jensen Randy Johanson Stan Judd

Pep Club Hillcrest's pep club became a ymbol of school unity and spirit in 1973-74. Much work and preparation were put into halftime marches, decorating of team members' locker , elling snack during games, buying gifts to give their \"pixie ,\" cheering at early morning pep rallie , and creating enthu ia m among student at Hillcre t. Each girl with Hillcre t in her heart built within her elf per onal pride as well as unify- ing the studentbody. (A) Tina Rigby takes time out from initiation activitie to relax. (B) Hope Halladay hurrie to catch up with other pep club member at the Di trict pep club work hop. (C) Pep Club Officer : Shannon Winegar, President ; Lucinda Han en, Vice President; Kerri Jorgen en, Secretary; Julie Thomp on and Carol Cremer, A si tant Drill Mi Ire e ; Pilar Sangroniz, Head Drill Mi tre ; Jill Cooley, Corre pondence ecretary; Michelle epoli , Hi torian; and Pam We t, Trea urer. Advisor : Jane Miner, Dorothy Schmidt and JoAnn Brady. 113 Cindy Jones Toni Kashi hian Becky Kesler Denise Kochevar Randy Kuwahara Dave Larsen Debbie Lamb Merrill Kennedy Mike Kalipet i Marilyn Larsen Carole Lambert Kathryn Killpack Jamie Korologos Roland Kuwahara

(A) Connie Harmon and Le lie ils on await the dcci ion of their cu tamer at the conce ion tand in the football stadium. (C) Pep Club member (Back Row): Carol Cremer, Lauric O'Connell, Hope Halladay, Jayne Jack on, Julie Thompson, Annette Ly- man, Tamie Christen en, Paula Price, Sue Young, Michelle epoli , Debbie Martineau, Jeanne Garner, Pam Pavich, Kcrrie Jorgen en, and JoAnn King. (Front Row): Pam We t, Cathy Erick on, Shauna Dean, Leslie il on, Connie Harmon, Lynne Searle, Sheila Wengren, Cidnie Stowe, Gina Ludwig and Annette Dahl. Lynnette Larson Roberta Lawler Roger LePrey Jeanne Lewis Garry Lipsey Wade Littlefield Sandra Linford teve Latimer Lynn Leatham Julie LeRoy Bev Leyba Kim Little Crystine Longmore Trene Lopez

(B) Pep club shows enthusiasm a they per- form a hand routine at a home football game. (D) Gina Ludwig practices marching routine at the Di trict pep club workshop at Brighton High. (E) Pep club member : (Back Row): Val Christen en, Shannon Ready, Deni e Koche- var, Lucinda Hansen, Barbara Gorringe, Lori Vincent, Susan Reed, Sharon Glover, Rhonda Burbank, hannon Winegar, Pilar Sangroniz, and Jill Cooley. (Front Row) : Julie Barfu , Dawn Herman on, Chris Buhler, Janice Wil- liam , Tina Rigby, Sheri Feragan, Pam Fowke , Cindy 01 on, and Shery Peter on. Joanna Lucero 115 arl Malmstrom Ruth Mathews Pam Maynard

Radio Club The Radio Club enabled student · to gain valuable fir t-hand experience in broadca t- ing. long with experience in electronic , mcmb r · were able to qualify for a HAM operator's liccn c. The c tudcnts talked to other operator· around the world and traded Q. .L. card. bearing information about thcm- elve . (A) Guy Marler adju ts the radio and Shauna Dun ter hold the microphone while Ken Flin- der and Robert Stromberg look on. (B) Lynn mith tudics the Mor e code. (C) ROW ONE: Shauna Dun tcr, Paul Web- ter, David Penro e, David John on. ROW TWO: Ken Flinder . Robert Stromberg, Rob- ert Winkler, Roy Boucher, Bryce Jen en. c 116 JUNIORS Katy McCalli ter Eddie Mile Margie Melendez Ann Miller

I1~ternationa l Club The purpose of the International Club is to acquaint themselves with foreign countries. Initiation of new club members at a Murray Park picnic included very Mexican \"Hot\" sauce in the loppy joes. International Week, February 11-15, spot- lighting various cultures and mores in order to promote international understanding on a per- sonal level. The creed of thi club i \"the more under- standing between individual of nations the greater the possibility of international peace.\" (A) International Club member paint words and phra es in different languages to create an atmosphere for International Week. (B) Brandon Zurlo, Janice Jen en, and Gero- lynn Greer mixed several colors of paint for the temporary wall. (C) Joyce Jordan, International Club president, paints an adverti ement for International Week. c 117

Dance Club Linda Ka tner, president of the Dance Club, and the twenty-nine member worked hard to help put on the \"Music Man,\" Dance Show- ca e, a performance at B.Y.U., and the J. V. halftime for both ba ketball and wre tling. The club p nsored the Homecoming dance which honored the alumni. Debbie Cooper, a member of the club, wa 1 t attendant. (A) Mr . John on and Dance Club member po e for yearbook photographers. (B) Connie Day, Barbara Ahl trom, Michelle trong, Charlotte Turner, Linda Ka tner, and to the right, Milta Avilez, and to the left, Ro- Anne Dahle how a type of pyramid. (C) The u ual activitiy is broken in the Dance Club when orne member participate in the celebration of Debbie Cooper' birthday. 11 JUNIOR

Deca Club Deca has maintained the bookstore ince Ia t year and the business i strongly supported by the students. Deca students have obtained experience in salesmanship by selling school supplies, Huskie T-shirts, and Hostess cakes. The member of Di tributive Education Cia se of America learned merchandi ing and gained in human relations. Student qualifying for the club were se- lected by advisor, Mr. Scott 01 en. (A) ROW ONE: Kendall Holt, Val Newman, Kim Rolfe, Steve Sharp, Ronnie Wilcox, Chad Hansen, Alan Mangum, Drew Wineger. ROW TWO: Paula Polick, Brenda Anderson, Lynne Searle, Connie d'Autremont, Sherry Graham, Lori Taylor, Sonia Stukcr, Mr. Olsen, Advisor. (B) ROW ONE: Bob Zambro, Roy Trujillo, Scott Casper, Brad Ander on. ROW TWO: Mike Culp, Russell Morley, Kim Burke, Debbie Walden, Lynell Stagg, Roger Leprey, Keith Goodwin. ROW THREE: Mr. 01 en, Advi or, Tami Hirase, Kathy Thorpe, Natalie Taylor, Lisa Borich, Tracy Cas ell, Ranae Scott, Cindy Romero, Kim Brinton. (C) Alan Conner tock up on Twinkies and fruit pies. Diane Bonham i bookstore ale girl. 119 Mike Pavich Stephanie Pavich Callie Peck Elaine Peterson Brenda Phillips Robert Pollock Kari Pierson Shery Petersen Rusty Payne Dom Pellegrino Ralph Peterson Scott Pickren Greg Porter Cindy Poll

Sub-Debs and Squires Sub-Deb and quires were found \"living it up\" musically this year. They hosted the Utah Symphony Orche tra at Hillcrest and invited various scho I from the Di trict. Many gathered together for member hip teas, early morning breakfast , symphony balls and concert . (A) Carol Cremer, Annette Dahl, Sharon Glover, Cindy quire, Pam Horrock , heri Feragen, Terri Mo s, and Tami Chri ten en, discuss a breakfa t date. (B) Carol Cremer (Pre ident) engages members in a discu ion on a Ger hwin Concerto. (C) Club members organizing a Party. Cory Rasmussen Debbie Rasmussen

Upward Bo1t/nd Upward Bound, a state-wide club has been very busy with activities. During the summer they attended cia scs at the University of Utah. During this ix week period they lived in the dormitories learning how college students live, receiving up to 2V2 high school credits for attending. Major goals of the club arc to motivate the club member to stay in chool and help them find their own goals in life. (A) Mr. Montoya, tutoring member in va- rious field . (B) Members discu ing upcom- ing activities. (C) orma Zizumbo listen pa- tiently to her members of the club. Bc 11 Paul Richardson Kathy Rekouth Tina Rigby David Robertson Lloyd Robertson Garth Roger on Jane Rose indy Rich Jim Richmond Gary Rigler Kevin Robertson Karen Rockhill Julie Romero Jennifer Roth

Folksi1 gi1~g Cl~ib Striving for perfection in their music, the Folk inging '\"'lub rehear cd for program they put on during the year. They participated in floor how · and other kind of mu ical pro- grams. cni r , junior and sophomore were wel- come to join thi club. The only requirement · were to sing and have an interest in mu ic. (A) Officer : Pre ident Robbi Betteridge, Sec. udrc Dan ic, Treas. Allison Johnson, Vice Pre . Paul Welch. dell Player ings a Curti · Hughe play· hi guitar. (C) Curti Hughc Paul Welch, Audrey Dan- ie, dell Player, Robbi Betteridge, Allison John on, Debbie Allred, and Julie Weyand arc practicing for a floor how. B 122 JUNIOR S

Spelunking Club Spelunking is the Hillcrest chapter of the Intermountain Climbing Club. xploration were made into the world of darkness which lie below the urface of the earth. Special equipment was required and pecial climbing techniques were taught which enabled members to chimney up narrow chute , climb aero s deep cha ms and slide down cliffs. Mem- bers were selected by advi or, Mr. John Lyon. (A) Allison John on leads spelunker down a narrow chute. (B) The spelunkers follow Fred Dumas down a slide. (C) ROW 0 E: Julie LeRoy, Jeanne Fillerup, Fred Dumas, Mr. Lyon, advi or; Jane Ro e, Allison Johnson. ROW TWO: Kirk Johnson, Kevin Myer , Ron Fowlks, Brian Domguard. ROW THREE: Kim Pear on, Bruce Gate . (D) Julie LeRoy and Brian Domguard bridge a deep chasm. Janene hield Gary mart Li a laugh Kelly mith

Han~ & Ha~v The Ham and Haw Club is made up of thirty students who arc elected as ophomore · to promote chool spirit. nder the leadership of Linda Lundgren, the club purcha ·cd new wcatcrs and sold ucker · for Homecoming activities. Ham and Haw also aided the Dcca Club in their ub for anta by contributing one dollar per member to the cash fund and by help- ing to do the hopping for clothes and groccrie . In addition they pon orcd H- week which got students involved in ac- tivitic such as garbage day, kangaroo court, an early morning breakfast, and a carnival and stomp. {A) Linda Lundgren, Pre idcnt of Ham & Haw, finalizes plans for H-wcck in a meeting after chool. (B) Stephanie Gee look in the mirror as she tric her new wcater on for size. (C) Shannon Ready and Cindy Harding di cu recent events while inspecting their sweater . 124 JUNIORS

Motorcycle ·Club Fa t action de ccnded upon Hillcrest with the organizing of the Motorcycle Club. Led by advi or Guy Pierce, the motorcyclers planned rides nearly every two weeks. Trips were taken from Ita to Wendover, Nevada, involving bikes from 75 cc' to 500 cc' . Special interest was taken in techniques involving jumping, climbing, and motor- eros ing. (A) Pouring on ga coming around the corner, advisor Guy Pierce maneuver ahead in race against Club Pre ident Kim Hogard. (B) Vice-President Jay Burningham how expert form while jumping. (C) Skill is u ed to its utmost a Guy Pierce depart a steep embankment. A 125 Ernie Valdez Yuonne Visher

Debate A (A) Dirk Chri ten en pomts out new infor- mation a Traer Caywood look for facts to contradict him. (B) Cathy Enniss take role in second period debate clas . (C) Mr. Dcnni Edmond explains a ign- ment in debate cia a Mike Pavich, Robin Morri , and Rick Holt li ten. (D) Participant in State Bar Meet expre s delight after winning the ccond place trophy. TOP ROW: Lauric O'Connell, Carol Mat umori, Cindy Cooley, Shannon Winegar, Michell Ncpoli . BOTTOM ROW: reg Pout en, Stuart Taylor, Dirk Chri ten en, and Jeff Mar h. (E) Jace Pear on pre cnt a speech in Legi lative Forum. 126 JUNIORS Pamela YanOostendorp Susan Wagstaff Kerry Walker Raymond Ward Theresa Watson Lynn Webb Wendy Wenerstrom Mark Ward Glade Warner Douglas Watts Dan Webster Sheila Wengren Annette Vazquez Dan Wall

Debate, Hillcrest's fa te t growing organi- zation, involved over a hundred tudent , who al o participated in a debate cia · . Stu- dents gained experience in orations (prepared speeches), extemporaneou peaking (opin- ion on current events), legislative forum (recreated legislature), and impromptu peak- ing. The debate team took second place in the State Bar A ociation Debate Meet. They al o participated in the world's bigge t debate tour- nament, held at Weber State College. The Debate Club ponsored the ational Forensic League by voting for new honorary members elected from Hillcrest' debaters. E 127 Karen West Jerry Welch J ulie Weyand Bre nd a Wh ite Mike Whittenb urg Debbie Willden Becky Wilson Kent Wet Mark Wetzel andi Wheeler D ick W ill iam Jolyn Wilson orlene Whittaker Melia Wilco

Thespia1~ Cl~[b The pian Club members continued their annual production of the Children's Theater by presenting ''The Emporer's Nightingale\" to even elementary school . The actors attended performances of \"Ki Me Kate,\" \"Private Lives,\" and \"No No Nannette\" at the Univer ity of Utah and \"Witness for the Prosecution\" at Promised Valley Theater. Scott Han- en pre ided over the club and was as- i ted by Steve Randall, vice-president, and Denise Clavell, secretary-trea urer. (A) Lynn Haug, Michelle Doelle, Re- nette Anderson, Craig Rees, Kathy Nel- en, Connie Ree , Scott Hansen, Ann Spencer and Janet Spencer pose for a yearbook picture. (B) Jolene Simons and Larry Brand prac- tice improvi ation for region competition. (C) Colleen Densley and Jill Young demonstrate improvisation. 128 JUNIORS Kelvin Williams Drew Winegar Debbie Withers Greg Worthen Patrice Yazzie Randy Young Charlene Montgomery Kent Wilson Karla Winkler Mary Wood Cynthia Xaiz Kevin Young Frank Zizumbo Russell Bird

FHA mphasing the importance of planning for the future , members of Future Homemaker of mer- ica held regular meeting after chool to di cu · family life, child development, and elf improve- ment. ( ) guest speaker from ontinentat College tells about hair care. (B & C) FHA members di play craft · they learned to make in after-school meeting ·. c 19

Hi-Ettes Member. of the u her club were busy lending a helping hand during school a. sem- blie . They ushered at performances of \"Th Music Man,\"\" p the Down tairca e,\" and at other chool activitie a · well as at the con ention in the fall. ) Laura u \\ arren ans'i crs que. tion of a future ophomon:. (B) Club of1lcers: Chri tina Labrum, ice Pre ident; helly Phillip , President; and Laura Lu \\ arren, Secretar; . ( ) Kim Jenkin hands regi tration booklet to Mr . Gillam. (D) Club member sleepil; poe for year- book picture. 130 SOPHOMORES Jackie Smith Vice President ophomore class officers Representation for each class i required in the school constitution. ophomores ran for office last eptember, and three cia s of- ficers were cho en to repre ent 620 sopho- mores. Helping build chool spirit, the etas of- ficers met many time throughout the year to plan their activitie · which included the sophomore assembly and the annual Sweet- hearts' Ball.

Reel Cross Brave children who look their shot with- out cr)ing at the Cottonwood and Veterans' hospitals were rewarded with buttons made by the Red ro~~ lub. ·r he club also sponsored a bake sale to raise money for ub-for-Santa. ) Two cherubs on the patio. (B) Marsha Pickett listens to new idea from Red Cross members. ) Rcd Cross oflicer : Crystal Berrett, Vice President; Marsha Pickett, President; indy Price, ecrctary. (D) \\!tar ha Pickett discu cs a new project with Susan Hogenricf, Jeanne Lewis, Pat y Anderton, and Marianne Wilcox. 131

Lettern~ en's Hillen:: t athletes have spent a gn:at por- tion of their chool and spare time partici- pating in port . This yt.:ar over . i ty Huskie · earned lett rs. ct1 1t1e sponsored by the Lettermen includt.:d Bask.etball, the Big Buck onte ·t, and the purchase of nets for the Rubber Room. lub Officers arc Mitch 01 en, pre i- dent; Gary Teran, vice-pre. ident; Jace Pear- on, secretary; and Bill Rawson, treasurer. (B) a t action becomes blurry as D nk.ey Ba ketball player speed downcourt with their animal . A

ROW ONE: Kim Rolfe, Wre~t.; Fred Dumas, Trk.; Chris Long, Ftbl., Bsbl.; Tom Pappas, Ftbl.; Greg Behrmann, Ftbl.; Mike Clawson, Cr. Wrest.. Golf.; Ted Gallegos, Cr. ntry., Trk.; Joe Johnson. Fthl.. Wrest.; Cntry.; Greig Deem. Cr. Cntry.: Jim Maynard, Bsbl. ROW FOUR: Mel Val Wrest., r. ntry.; rony Bernardo, Bshl.; Bill Ra\\\\\\On, Wilkins. Ftbl.. Bskhl.: Jeff olegrove. Bskbl.. Golf; Kent Hatch. Ftbl.: Fthl., Bskhl., Bshl.; Jace Pearson. B\\hl.: 1itch Olsen, Fthl., Bshl.: Gary Rick Bodell. Golf; Will owell. Fthl.: Howard Hortin, Ftbl.; tewart Teran, Ftbl., Bskbl.. Golf: teve Sharp, Fthl.. Bskhl.. Trk.; ROW TWO: Taylor. thl.: teve Jensen. Tennis: Clair rensen. Bskbl., Bsbl.; Kevin Myers. r. ntry .. rrk.; . colt Maxfield. Fthl.. Trk.: Dave reder- Broc Thompson. Ftbl.. Trk. ROW FIVE: cott asper, Bskbl.. Bsbl.; ickson, Fthl.; Alma Hansen, Cr. ntry.. frk.; Robert Dansie. Ftbl., Wrest.; Glenn Lee. Ftbl.. Wrest.: Rick Stowe, Ftbl.. B'>bl.: Kerry Winn. teve Butterfield. Bskbl.. Bsbl.: AI Lopez. Golf; Bob Gonzales. B kbl., Ftbl., Bsbl.; Ron Leavitt. Fthl.. lhhl. ; Dan Wall, Wrest. ROW THREE: Bsbl.; Finn tuart. Ftbl.; Paul Thomas, Ftbl., Bskbl., Bsbl.. Tenni ; Karl Dee Brimhall. Fthl.. Wrest.. Irk.: David Robertson . Ftbl.; fimothy Ronnie Wilcox. Fthl.: Grant tuker. Trk.; Mark Ward, Ftbl.: Keith W. Lewis. r. ntry.. Trk.; teven R. Oneida. Fthl., Trk.; ory . Ras- Goodwin. Bshl.; Leigh laugh. Ftbl.. B bl.; Clayton Duma . Ftbl.. Trk. mussen. Ftbl.. Bsbl.; 1ike Bailey. Ftbl., Wrest., Trk.; Roger l.ePrey, Ftbl., ROW SIX: Mike Pavich, Ftbl.; teven Wilson, Wre t., Cr. Cntry.; Bill 1ower, Trr.:. 133

!--.~} tub's tradition,ll role~ w~r~ fulhll~d thi~ year with the ~ponsoring of Sub-for- ,mt,t and rabing thl: national flag ~wry chool morning. 'J h~:y also ushered at foot- ball and ba~ketball game~. and at orkntation, ami painh.:d th~ letters in th~: stadium. The club took 'l st~:p forward b p~rmitting four girls to join and b} exchanging their tradi- tional orfolk for white sweaters. al rton and h~ryl Elkms tr} to p~rsu,td~ Craig R~es and urtis teadman to relax the initiation on the girls. (B) Clark. elson, K~vin Wade and Val d on were dressed up for initiation. ( ) had Hansen helps clean stadium by pulling we~ds and raking. (D) e\\\\- m~mbcrs pati~ntl} wait for tht.: next part of tht.: initiation . (E) Carol Bigdow \"shaves\" Ke.,in Wadt.:, during initiation. ( ) Dirk Cristt.:nst.:n, Randy Gorringe and James Andreason paint lettL:rs while John Hellstrom rakes. ( ) ROW 0 f.: Kathy rton, Jant.:t pen- cer, Cht.:r}l lk.ins and Val rton. ROW TWO: Glen Rigb), Ronald Bradley, Rich- ard Reynolds, Jamt.:s ndrt.:ason, Vice Presi- dent; Dirk hristensen, President; Jeff Marsh, Secretary; Greig Deem, Kevin Myers, Clinton Hepner, John Hellstrom, Val Nelson and Kevin Wade. Not in Picture: Randy Goringc, Clark clson, Chad Han en and Sam Klemm. Debbie Black hlward Blake Cindy Bogge s • Roy Boucher Linda Bowerbank Blain Bradford Vance Bradford arita Blomqui~t Wendell Bogden Jaylynne Bogge~s Jeanne Bouldin frishell Boynton Gary Bradford Kevin Bradshaw


PTA PTSA, functioning as tudcnt and faculty rcprc cotati n, con i t. of an executive and tudent committee. ophomorc rcprc ·cn- tative were recommended by the coun elors from their junior high chools. \\l orking together to create intcrc ts be- tween all three cla · c ·, the committee met with their advisor, Mr. Richard Bird. (A) The marquee i changed by committee member to announce important events at Hillcrest. (B) ROW 0 E: urti Steadman, cal Jcn- on, Lei a Ti chner, Julie LeRoy, Tammy Gaminga co. ROW TWO : Gary Teran, Jame ndrea on, am Klemm, Gerolyn Greer, Carol Mat urn ri, Cindy ooley.

Ski Club rom undance to Snow Basin the Hu- Ski Club member sampled all the now they could find. The ski club also purchased jac- kets and sponsored the ki as embly and movie. (A) Members of the Ski Club are from LEFT TO RIGHT, ROW ONE: Julie Leroy, Jillyn Mycr , Raylynne Weber, Advisor Mr. Den- ni Edmonds, Shar Rakich, Robin Evan . ROW TWO: Danny Gile , Traer Caywood, Paul Web ter, Pam Uremovich, Teena Allen. (B) HuSki Club member show her form at olitude Resort. (C) It takes balance and kill. Bc 137

H 01~or Society ational Honor ociety is an honorary club with it membership ba ed on individual leader hip, service, academic achievement, (3.75 grade point average) and character. The induction ceremony wa held ovember A 27 in the Hillcre t auditorium with over 90 tudl:nts involved. The fir t meeting was con- ducted by the advisor, Mr . Sandra Clark, and thc fficers elected were David Seabury, prc idcnt, and teve McCann, vice pre ident. The honor society at Hillcrest is only a small branch of the national club, and it allows student to win national scholarships, which arc highly rated in college entrance. ( ) BACK ROW: Gary Teran, Alma Han- sen, Tim Lewis, Roy Stromberg, and Richard Reynolds. FRONT ROW: Dave Seabury, Roland Wong, Traer Gaywood, Steve Mc- Cann, and Glade Warner. (B) Mr . anura Clark, advisor, explains the procedure of ordering Honor Society sweat- er . ( ) BACK ROW: Chri tine Buhler, Kath- leen Hair, Julie Bentley, and Deanna Davis. FRO TROW: Julie LeRoy, Debbie 01 on, Sandra Linford, and Faith Cash.

D E (D) Paula Pollick, Sandra Linford, Kathleen Hair, and Julie LeRoy pay attention to the explanation of ordering sweaters. ( ) BACK ROW: usan Harvey, Rhonda elson, Debbie Walden, and Terry Lund. FRONT ROW: Sandy Ewell, Kerri Ander- son, Jill Young, and Annette Dahl. ( ) Steve McCann looks as Terry Lund writes down the names of the officer . BACK ROW: Carol Cremer, Lorri Derr, Janice Williams, Cidnie Stowe, Susan Parry, and Mar ha Pickett. FRONT ROW: Denise Clavell, Paula Pollick, and Martcne Taylor. G 19

VICA Club VICA Club' main goal was to improve the fifty members' skill in various voca- tional area . The e areas included woodwork, electronic , printing, auto mechanic , metal work, and drafting. Funds for the club were rai ed by build- ing a rcfre hment stand for the chool, print- ing, working on car , and various other job . Members were given the opportunity to exhibit project they developed during the year at conventions held on di trict, tate, and national levels. (A) David Harker fit the top rim of a ilver- ware box while Ken Ewell look on. (B) Kent Melfi mark the cutting line. (C) Joe Valdez glue the joint on the inside of hi project.

Riding Club Riding throughout mountainou · terrain, eating dinner by the warm fire and roa ting mar hmallow wa just part of the fun en- countered by Riding Club. Apart from riding, member · made leather ve t to wear on their aturday trip . (A) hcryl Linford receives in truction from Advisor Glen Jack on on how to addle a horse. (B) Before going on second ride of the year, dvi or Glen Jackson, Cheri Lin- ford , Monty Wither , Diane Carl on, Robin Evans, Wendy Wcnerstrom, Kaye Kemp, urt Hughc , and Raylynne Weber po e for picture. A l ori Farrell John Fletcher David Forsyth Mike Fowll..s Darren Franchow Janet Freeman Michael Funk Kent Fle ming Keneth Flinders indy F-ortner Bill Frampton Laura Franl..o ich ott Fullmer Tammy aminga co

Art Cl~ib The goal of the Art Club i to gain an appreciation for art through visits to mu- seum and art haws. Old masters, well known modern paint- ers, and local talent arc all given attention to broaden the individual tudcnt' inter- est in painting, sculpturing, and all other media. (A) Steve Heward, Mark Greenhalgh, hcryl Weyand, and Ted Gallego · watch President Pam rcmovich work. (B) Mr. Wayne Killpack, Art Club ad- vi or, look up from preparing a dry mounting for a photograph . ( ) Ted allcgo , vice-pre ident put · fini hing touche on hi painting. (D) Teena Allen and Ron Cisnero relax during an Art Club meeting.

Gun Club Powdered pigeons became the trademark of the new Huskic gun club. Wednesdays at 7:30 a.m. the gun club met to plan hooting practice and hunt . The imrods met after chool cveral time to reload shells under the direction of advisor Mr. Dennis Lar en. ) Preparing for hootout arc David ea- bury, Pre ident Kevin Myers, Clinton Hep- ner and Vice-President Clifford Winegar. (B) Clinton Hepner, Danny Giles, and David Seabury wait intently for clay pigeons to be rclca ed. A Kevin Greer Lori Gritton Tony Gusta Deana Hansen arah Hanson Kevin Harkins Lester Harrison orey Griffiths Michelle rubb Kim Hallstrom Toni Han en cott Hardman LuAnn Har ton 1ark Haug

Senator Mo CoJ~gres ~man Owens Di cussing highly popular topics like politics, the en rgy cri i , Watergate, and foreign policy, enator Frank Mo · and on- gre man Wayne Owen , peaking in sep- arate a emblie , put the truth of the matter to a recepti e tudentbody. In the a emblies the congre smen gave Hu kie · the opportunity to a k que tion . The tudent jumped at the chance, asking que - tion concerning e erything from the out- come of the Super bowl game to the hortage of bailing wire. (A) Linda Lundgren eb aside microphone to li ten to Senator Mos ' an wer. (B) Dana Howell wait for her turn at quizzing on- gres man Owen . c

International Week Start with honey on French bread, for- tunc cookies, and Ru sian and Greek pa - trie . Add native costume , throw in a Mexican lottery, attend premier of foreign film , and drop in on a che tournament. While you re at it li ten to the mu ic of AGAPE and watch the ixth grade Ru sian Folk Dancer . You have ju t completed an international tour in a week. (A) Brandon Zurlo, Janice Jensen, and Bon- nie Craven paint walls to advertise Inter- national Week. (B) AGAPE plays folk mu ic as entertainment for Huskie . (C) Sixth grade Ru ian Folk Dancers perform in International Assembly. A 145 Jeff Howell Kordell Howell

School Play (A) Joe Ferone, played by Craig Ree , lap an admit on Sylvia Barrett' de k. (B) Joe Ferone how di gu t at Sylvia Bar- rett' lack of tru t in him. (C) Rachel Gordon, who was played by Mel- anie Beebe, advertizes the chool new paper. (D) Paul Barringer (Scott Han en) i con- cerned about the cru h Alice Blake has on him. (E) Linda Lundgren, a Beatrice Schachter, li ten a teaching problems are di cu sed. (F) Syliva Barrett, played by Martene Tay- lor lead her fir t period Engli h class in a heated discu ion. (G) Dr. Maxwell Clarke (Rick Rasmu en) colds Sylvia Barrett a Edward Williams, Esquire (Steve Randall) looks on. (H) Sylvia Barrett consoles Alice Blake, played by Deni e Clavell.

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