'·A Time for U ,\" the theme of the (A) Mu ic was provided by \"the Kraig Sweetheart ' Ball, created an enchanted Kielen and Co. Band.\" (B) Couples talk world for the couple who attended. In over the events of the evening, while this romantic etting of red and white others li ten to the music. (C) Jackie colored heart · and treamer , the Kraig Smith i c corted by Mark Archuleta over Kiclen and Company Band played 'Oft, the bridge and into the world created by slow, smooth mu ic. the theme \"A Time for U .\" (D) \"Sweet- heart \" captured the scene of red and To highlight the evening, Brian Mo er white heart and streamer , dance to the announced the names of the queen and mu ic of \"the Kraig Kielen and Co. Band.\" her two attendant , during intermission. (E) Brian Moser presents ro es to the Royalty was queen, icki Ra mu en, fir t queen, Vicki Ra mussen, and attendants, attendant, Annette Velez, and second at- Annette Velez and Kathy Thornwall. tendant, Kathy Thornwall . Rex Larson Julie Lar en
Sweethearts Ball Gary Lawson Scott Lee Mary Levine Mike Long Herbert Lozano Diane Lugo Vicky Lundgren Marie LeBeau Mike Lems Cheryl Linford Lynda Lott olista Ludwig Mike Lyman Robert Lugo
Stomp Students from other schools associated with students from Hillcrest at a stomp on April 5, in the girls' gym. Fast, moderate music wa pro>idcd by Load Stone, a three- man group. John Macfarlane Melody Mackay Marianne Malmstrom Jodie Manwill Connie Mark Guy Marler Luann Martineau Shelly Mad en Mike Markel Beckie Marlor Chris Martinez Wendy Mackay Wayne Mangum Ruth Marchant
Donkey Basketball The annual Donkey Basketball game had a new twist to it this year. Senior and junior girls played again t the faculty and the Lettermen, winning both bouts. (A) Jeff Mar Ji tries to get his donkey to move. (B) Sandy Goudie shoots for the basket. (C) RaeAnn Serdar walks to a seat by the girls team. 151 Traci Miller Shelly Mill
H~~sky Ho~vl Bale of hay, addle , and a hand orne heriff set the We tern cene for the Hu ky Howl. Many girl took thi opportunity to invite their favorite gu) to thi traditional girl choice dance. Hope Halladay a · Mi s Kitty, Sheriff Roger LePrey, and deputie Jeff Mar h and Alma Hansen officiated. Spiral Cro road provided the mu ic. (A) Sheriff Roger LePrey and hi deputie Jeff Mar h and lma Han en urround Miss Kitty (Hope Halladay) . (B) With hope in her heart, Mi s Kitty (Hope Halladay) loo,k dreamily at Sheriff Roger LePrey. (C) Huskies howl at traditional girls' choice dance. Melinda Moore Tom Morse Fdd Morgan Mike Morton
Junior Assen~bly Excited conte tants and perverted commercial were included in the juniors' \"game how\" assembly. Junior Prom queen candidate were introduced at the conclu ion of the program. (A) David Ferrin say two word about diarrhea. (B) Roger LePrey and Bobbi Sue Mat on extole the virtues of Life- Saver Gum. (C) Junior boy perform their Pep Club routine. 155 Jann Munson Matt Mower Jillyn Myers David McCaffree Jody McCulloch Todd Nebeker Dellene el en Elena Moyeda orval Myers Charles McAuoy herrie Me leery Brad McDonald Jene eff Julie el on
Junior Pro11~ In piredbythetheme\"Preciou andFew,\" the Junior Prom was held March 8 in the Capitol Rotunda. Johnny and the Blue Beat provided the mu ·ic for the two hundred twenty-fi e couple attending the dance. (A) Queen Diane Bonham po es on a Capi- tol tairca c. (B) Couple anxiously await the tart of the Promenade. A 156 ola elson Randy elson
(C) Johnny and the Blue Beats play \"Prec- iou and Few\" while couple dance. (D) Junior Prom royalty includes Tina Rig- by, 2nd attendant; Li a Rosenhan, 1st at- tendant; and Diane Bonham, queen. (E) Richard Homer and Janene Shield par- ticipate in the Junior Promenade. 157 Tracy Nilsson Paul Noble Vicki orth Debbie Nunley Gary O'Bryan Mike 01 en Denise Olson Janice ix Diana ogales Linda orton David ystrom Mike 0' onnor Ricky Olson Ryan Olson
Legislat~ire Elected at the beginning of each emester, eight tudent representatives of each cia s met to di cu s school problems, policie , and to provoke new idea for the academic school year. (A) Repre entatives met everal times thi year to di cu s problems. (B) Fred Dumas and Gary Teran li ten to uggestion during meeting. (C) ophomore representative pose for picture after being elected. (D) Alma Hansen realizes he solved his problem. (E) Studentbody officers discuss new idea with Mr. Schick. B 15 SOPHOMORES Wayne Olson Tracey Olson G Ioria Ortiz Dan Pacheco Dave Padjen Liz Pantelakis Roy Palmer Mike 0 man John Oneida Kathy Ott Judy Padilla Mark Padjen Bob Partner John Pappas
159 Tom Pavich Kelly Peck
J. V. a1~d Sophon~ore Cheerleaders After week of hard work and tryouts Ia t April and May, eight junior var ity and eight ophomore cheerleaders were cho en by a committee of faculty member and Ia t year' head J.Y. and opho- more cheerleader . (A) Liz Cox and Donna Craven· watch JV football game with Provo. (B) Thi year' ophomorc cheerleader were: from left to right, back row, Debbie Lambert, Ferol Ann White, Dianne Hinckley, Dana Howell . Front row, Tami Vawdrey, ickie Rasmu en, Liz Poul en, Lori Gritton. (C) Paula Caper, Karen Morris, Cindy Raymond, Steph Pavich, Donna Cravens, and Julie Romero, JV cheerleaders do a routine during Hillcrest-Brighton halftime. Mark Pett Ron Peterson Diane Phillips Scott Pierce Julie Porter Liz Poulsen John Prue Paula Pettingill Jerri Petty John Pickett Udell Player mily Poul en Greg Powell Staci Pugmire
Chamber Choir Chamber Choir, directed by Mr. Leo Dean, performed for a variety of civic organization including the Lion's Club and Kiwanis Club. The pecially selected student al o performed in the Univer ity of Utah Choral Festival and in several local competition . (A) Chamber Choir warms up before leaving for choral competition at Brighton High School. (B) Members of the choir are RaChell Ashby, Robert Olsen, Candace Collins, Alma Hansen, Cidnie Stowe, Paula Bunting, Steve Brinkerhoff, Connie Harmon, Tony Bernardo, Lorri Derr, Ru ell Morley, and Shauna Dean . In the sec- ond row are Eva Lybbert, Ron Leavitt, Cindy Cooley, Jeff Porter, Janice Williams, Kris Oliv- er on, Cathy Den ley, Steve Wilson, Susan Parry, Rene Schuurman and Glenna Gaster. In the third row are CloAnn Biesinger, Jim Peacock, Catherine Smith, Larry Brand, Lori Vincent, Tim Lewi ·, Shannon Winegar, Steve Randall, Robbi Betteridge, Stanford Sain bury and Mar- tene Taylor. (C) A variety of expre sions are seen on the face of Chamber Choir members as they per- form a Chri tmas program for the studentbody. c 161 Craig Pullan Gary Randall Russell Ra mussen Rob Rawson Melanie Ray Lee Reams Connie Rees Carl Pymm teve Ra mason Vicki Ra mu sen Kevin Ray Zane Ray Brad Reed Kirk Renner
Concert Choir Concert Choir member , working to- ward perfection in music, performed for many church and community groups. Highlighting the year was \"Songfest at Chri tma time\" in the Tabernacle. The choir pre ented \"The Messiah,\" Easter Sunday in the Hillcre t audi- torium, along with Murray High School and the Utah ·symphony Orche tra. (A) Gayle Goulding and Cathy Smith play the introduction to the Hallelujah Choru . (B ) Choir members rehearse for their performance of \"The Messiah.\" (C ) Mr. Dean prepares the choir for competition at Kearns. A Karen Ricks Susan Richardson Marleen Robertson Brent Robinson Robyn Robinson Bobbi Rogers Cindy Rodberg Glen Rigby Charlotte Rhodes Tamm y Robertson Keith Robinson Debbie Roblez Kelly Rolfe Laura Romero
ROW ONE: Denise Clavell, Teddi Howell, Peggy Koplin, Julie Thomp- Underwood, LuAnn Kocherhans, Marcia Lawrenca, Jeatttle Garner, son, Cathy Enniss, Susan Reed, Bart Cooper, Alan fangum, Steve Brink- erhoff, Jeff ickle, Todd Ostler, LaMar Ewell, David Ferrin, Scott Mon- Tamera Barbieri, Barbara Ahlstrom, Christina Labrum, Lynn Webb, dragon, Paul Welch, pre ident; Randy Pond, Cindy Lyman, Lynne John- Vaughn Silcox, Rene' Schuurman, Bob Olson, David Frederickson, Steven Oneida, Bill Orr, David Smart, Curtis Steadman, Kent ewbold, son, Debra Martineau, Kerrie Jorgensen, Carol Cremer, Tracy Schiel!, Carol Nichols, DeaAnn Poul en, Brenda Eckstrom, Michelle Milne, Shelly Phillip, Milta Avilez. ROW TWO: Kerry Walker, Leslie ilsson, Shannon Ready, Pat~· Poulsen, Lynn Haug. ROW FOUR: DeAnna Annette Lyman, Jolene Simons, CloAnn Bicsinger, Lorraine Miller, Clay- Manns, Lucinda Hughes, Terry Lund, Karen Burningham, Gayle Gould- ing, ancy Bascom, Linda Lundgren, Craig Ree , Drew Winegar, Ron ton Nielson, John Hinckley, Earnest Booker. Jetf Thomson, Lee Monsen, Robert Homer, Kent We t, Kris OJ iverson, Jeff Henderson, Dave Stauffer, Jensen, Daniel Web ter, Michael Roubicek, Timothy Lewi , Larry Brand, Sharla Glover, Catherine Smith, Laura Lu Warren, Patsy Anderson, Drew Park, Scott Hansen, Jeff Fowden, Alex Bailey, Stephanie Gee, Paula Price, Lynn Frankenberger, Lynne earle. ROW THREE: Paula Diane Crapo, Gerolynn Greer, Vikki Eccles, Robbi Betteridge, Tamie Christensen. Sherry Rossi LeAnn Rowsell Carla Rudarmel Rebecca Saldivar Tim Schelin Gary Schneiter Ray Scoggan Wendy Rowley Scott Royce Jeff Rushton Kathy Savage Paul Schmiett Wayne Scholle Kathy Scott
c h e e r l Candace Collins Patsy Pol en Carole Lambert e a The Yell rna ter was a new addition to the chccrlcading force . Dave Ruston and d Jo e Lozano, the yell master , and the Hu ky e Cheerleader worked throughout the year to generate enthu ia m among the studentbody. r The e enthu ia tic eight encouraged tudents to upport the team by pep rallies and many other outside activities. s 164 SOPHOMORES
Leslie Miller Connie d'Autremont 165 Pat Sorensen Jean Southworth
Cheryl Bills Diane Bonham Sandy Goudie Lori Butterfield Marci Conner Pam Vanoostendorp 166 SOPHOMORES
Preparing skits and dancing to the beat of the pep band, the Songleaders helped build chool spirit during pep a emblie and games. The c six, Cheryl Bills, head songleader, Diane Bon ham, Lori Butterfield, Marci Conner, Sandy Goudie, and Pam Vanoo tendorp, practiced dance routines throughout the summer vacation. 167 John Taylor Brent Taylor LeAnn Thacker Eric Tholen Melanie Thomas Kirk Thompson Dixie Thomp'50n Vickie Taylor Janice Terry Kri Thayne Colleen Thoma Brenda Thompson William Thomp on Ronald Thompson
Yectrbook Staff Staff member , under the direction of Editor Evelyn Claw n, met cveral times during the ummer to plan Hillcre t '74. They cho e a theme and a cover de ign that would be com- plementary. Arranging for picture · wa · always a big ha le. Though ections were late, rolls of film were ruined, and layouts often misplaced, taff member kept their pirit high a they filled the yearbook with happy memorie . Marjorie Dow Arval Nelson Yearbook Adviwr Photography Advisor D 168 SOPHOMORES T amra Thurmond Kathy T hornwall Leisa Tischner Greg Totland Jerald Tripp Carolyn Turner Scott Twiggs Eileen Tom David T rapp Tamie T uckfield Lorie Turner Kathy Urton Annette Ti mpson Kurt Tingey
(A) Editor Evelyn Clawson reviews index. (B) Alan Hepner and John Williamson en- large a print. (C) John Fletcher catalogues negatives. (D) John Hinckley caught in the act of writing a phtography order. (E) A myoptic Pam Horrocks read ight ign. (F) Becky Brady thinks of another way to word her copy. (G) Kevin Meyer· works on lay- out. (H) Stuart Elder accepts hi dunce hat graciou ly. (I) The staff takes five at Trolley Square. (J) Tracy Schiell dozes at her de k. (K) Heidi Jen en staple up an in pirational me age. F H 169
Sterli1Ig Scholars Hillcre t wa rcpre cnted by twelve Ster- ling Scholar nominee in Engli h literature, pecch and drama, mathematics, social sci- ence, cience, foreign language, art and art craft , vocational education, homemaking, bu ·inc education, music, and general schol- arship. Each nominee wa elected on chol- ar hip, leader hip, citizen hip, and character. The state Sterling Scholar in each field re- ceived a full tuition cholarship to the chool of hi choice. Dirk Chri tenscn Shelly Phillips Sterling Scholar Social Science Sterling Scholar Ellglish and Literature Honor Winner David Smart Jennifer Gardner Denise Clavell Sterling Scholar Vocational Education Sterling Scholar Business Education terling Scholar Speech and Drama Honor Winner Brent Wall Steve Wallgren Bruce Wayman Raylynne Weber Connie Webster Chris Weyland Curtis White Cliff Wallgren Guymond Wankier Cory Weaver Clair Webster Paul Web ter CindyWhall Ferol White
Jill Young Sterling cholar Homemaking Traer Caywood Sterling Scholar Science Finalist Honor Winner Randy Pond Debbie Walden Alma Hansen Sterling Scholar Music Sterling Scholar Foreign Language Sterling Scholar General Scholarship Honor Winner LuAnn Bradford Steven Heward Sterling Scholar Mathematics Sterling Scholar Art and Art Crafts Honor Winner 171 1im Whitehead David Whittenburg Robyn Williams Matthew Wilson Don Wise Leslie Wright Kelly Wynn Doug Wilke Clifford Winegar Dave Worlton Tom Wright teve Yate Charlotte Wilcock ancy Wilkinson
Honor Winners Tony Bernardo Honor Winner II Martene Taylor Honor Winner Pam Pavich Honor Winner Susan Parry Honor Winner Mitchell Olsen Patsy Poulsen Honor Winner Honor Winner 172 SOPHOMORES Jill Yates Fred Yazzie Darla Young John Yuhas Joanne Zillner GrantZobell Blynn Yergensen Joyce Young John Zdunich orma Zizumbo Randy Zorko
Paula Pollick Honor Winner Shauna Dean Kerrie Jorgensen Honor Winner Honor Winner Joyce Jordan Girls' State Michelle Nepoli Honor Winner David Seabury Honor Winner 73
Dave Rushton Jeff Marsh Honor Winner Boys' State Con tance d'Autremont Laurie O'Connell Honor Winner Honor Winner Steve McCann Brandon Zurlo Honor Winner Boys' State 174
Rhonda Nelson Honor Winner LaRae Tibbitts Honor Winner Julie Thompson Honor Winner Pilar Sangroniz Honor Winner Steve Brinkerhoff Cathy Cres all Boys' State Honor Winner Carol Cremer 175 Honor Winner
Study, diligence, and hard work all contribute to a 3.8 G.P.A. and one's be- coming an Honor Winner. Leadership ability was al o hown by attending Girls' or Boy ' State. Honor Winner Shannon Winegar Paula Bunting Honor Winner Honor Winner Sharon Glover Debra Olson Honor Winner Honor Winner Annette Lyman Honor Winner 176 Lynne Searle Pam Norton Honor Winner Girls' State
State Week Anticipating the tournament that lay ahead, tudent of Hillcre t spent an exciting week decorating the halls for our first game on March 12. A car decorating contest was held and pep rallies were planned and executed by the cheerleaders. (A) Decorating the halls for state week was very successful. (B) The Hu ky, Hillcrest's school symbol, was di played in the main hall for decoration. (C) Entering after half-time, the team ex- presses determination to win the game. (D Rick John on hows school spirited girls the art of motorcycle riding. (E) The cheerleaders, songleaders, and pep club lead in the school song. A c B DE 177
Track A (A) Coache Doug Ander on, Raynor Pearce, Raymond Watt and Manager Tony Gusta. (B) High jumper R)an \"Rastro\" 01 on and Ken Dail). (C) Row 1, left to right: Mike Baile). Gary Soren on. Clayton Duma , Kevin Young. Row Two: Greg Berhmann, Alma Han en, Lamar Ewell, and Scott Maxfield. Row Three: Ste\\ e Sharp, Tim Lewis, Kevin Myers, and Matt Montoya. (D) Tim Lewi , Steve Yate , Kevin M)er , Lamar Ewell, Greg Deem, Gary Hur t, Alma Han en, Greg Behrmann, Matt 'vtontoya, Blaine Ander on, and Steve Sharp \\'vere the di tance runner . (E) Tim Lewi , Scott Maxfield and Matt Mower go over the high hurdle . (F) Weight men were Steve Sharp, Mike Bailey, Steve Oneida and Robert Dan ie on the back row; and Finn Stuart and Joe Mascaro on the front row. (G) Grant Stuker and Scott Maxfield run towards low hurdles in Jordan Di trict meet. (H) This year' JV track team wa , from left to right: Steve Bringhurst, Will owell, Richard Rey- nold , Ru el Behrmann, Victor Laforett, Gary Randell, and Lee Mon en. Row One: Mike Gu ta, \\ ayne Middleton, Dan Web ter, Mark Padgen, Brent Stringham, Kevin Young, Mike Tripp, and Tom Wright. (I) Mike Bailey gives fine performance in discu at the Davis meet. (J) The track team warms up before the Davis- Hillcre t meet. B 17
(A) Alma Han en, Steve Yates and Gary Hur t place in mile for Hillcre t in Davis meet. (B) Raynor Pearce eye runners during practice. (C) Gary Soren on, Clayton Dumas, Kevin Young and Mike Tripp provided strength in sprinting thi year. (D) Tim Lewi take high hurdle in Davis meet. (E) Ryan 01 on shows long jump form in practice. A Bc 10 E
Baseball Although they had to battle the weather and had several games cancelled because of rain and snow, the baseball team coached by Don Gust and Dan Cowan had a fine ea on. Tryouts were held the first part of March, resulting in the choice of 22 player , mo t of them returning from Ia t year' team. (A) Coach Tom Gust discusses signal with catcher Ron Leavitt. (B) Jim Maynard runs to first base. (C) Steve Butterfield warms up with two bat . (D) Clair Soren en gets ready for the fir t Weber batter. A c 11
VAR ITY BA EBALL PLAYERS- ROW 0 E : tewart Taylor, Bill oach Don Gust, Capt. Tony Bernardo, Jim Maynard, Jace Pearson, Rob Rawson, Robert Acord, Marc erdar, Larry Earl, teve Rudelich, Mike Lunnen, Clair Soren en . Capt. Ron Leavitt, cott Casper, Bob Gon- Gacnik, Roger LePrey, Curtis Duma, Cory Ra mussen. ROW TWO : zales, Mitch 01 en, Kerry Wjnn, Steve Butterfield, Keith Goodwin and Coach Dan Cowan. A (A) Robert Acord pitches the last innings of the Granger game. (B) Keith Goodwin up to bat in the Weber game. (C) Ron Leavitt and Clair Sorensen walk back to the bench while Kerry Wynn and Coach Gust talk. c 12
J. V. Baseball (A) Coach Gust and Mike Gacnik start practice before the game. (B) Ron Leavitt lead off first ba e in the Granite game. A SOPHOMORE PLAYERS - ROW 0 E: Wayne Olson, Bell, Bob Matson, Mark Archuletta, Rob Stowe, Val New- Bevan Bryan, Ed Arko, Wade Littlefield, Greg Tolland, Brad bold, Randy Vrane , Paul oble, Chri Weyand and Lonny Reed, Clayton Niel en. ROW TWO: Coach Margett, teve ielson. 1
Girls' Track Thirty girls campo ed the girl ' track team and competed in twelve track and field events. Under the direction of Jane Miner, they held practice daily during sixth and eventh periods and after school. (A) Lynnette Larson and Kerry Walker strive for the fini h line. (B) Carlene Whittaker seems to be flying in thi picture of her long jump. (C) LuAnn Bradford approaches the last of her hurdles. (D) Pilar Sangroniz goes over the hurdle in her fir t race. c D 14
Sports 185
c Golf 6 (A) Gary Teran concentrates on- an iron shot. (B) Bruce Wilkes, John Taylor, Rick Bodell, Clay Reid and Gary Teran re- port their scores to Jim Jimas. (C) Randy Zorko tees off. (D) This year' golf team from left to right, front row: Gary Schneiter, Clay Reid, John Taylor, AI Lopez and Bruce Wilke . Back Row, left to right: Randy Zorko, John Yuhas, Rick Bodell, Gary Teran, Jeff Colegrove. D
Tennis AB Twelve boys, who composed the tennis team, felt the effect of the gas hortage in having to hold two meets on the same day. Practices held during seventh period and after school were under the direction of Gary Yama biro. (A) Ralph Pacheco goes high to return a volley against an opponent. (B) Prac- ticing his serve during one of the se sions i Ralph Pacheco. (C) Ronny Cisneros return the ball during a match again t Granger. (D) Coach Gary Yama biro. (E) Scott Morris and Bruce Hamilton playing one of their doubles match. (F) Scott Morris hammers the ball back dur- ing the match against Kearn . (G) Wayne Scholle and Richard Deem pair up against a common opponent. G 17
Soccer Soccer, one of the newe t sports introduced A B at Hillcre t, tarted the ea on off with a win. Twenty boys, under the direction of Lee Ben- son and Bob Kawa, practiced at Union Jr. High daily. (A) Paul Welch trive for a head in a game again t Brighton. (B) Chris Allen u es one skill, the throw in,during the Cottonwood game. (C) Bob Kawa, Scott Fergu on, Howard Hor- tin, Jeff Wilkin on, Greg Porter, John Pearce, Broc Thompson, and Lee Ben on. Row Two: Ron Hall, Scott Hardman, Paul Welch, Glade Warner, Warren Buchanan. Row Three: John Hell trom, Alan Mangum, Randy Thomp on, Wes Simmons. Mi ing is Chris Allen and Jame Peacock (D) During the Brighton game Randy Thomp on et the ball up for a score. (E) Di cu ing trategy at halftime the soccer team break· into their game. (F) Coach Bob Kawa. (G) Paul Welch trap the ball and starts to dribble up field. (H) Coach Lee Ben on. (I) Pacing the idelines Bob Kawa plan to put in John Pearce.
E H 19
LuAnn Bradford Basketball Track and Field Barbara Baker Leigh Slaugh Gymnastics Football Janet Reese Alma Hansen Softball Track 190 Cross Country ChavaLopez Basketball
Most Inspirational Athlete Gina Ludwig Volleyball Kim Rolfe Wrestling Karen Kennington Tennis 191
Expressio1~s Poems, pra:>ers, and promises printed in the \"Expre · ions\" magazine were writ- ten b:> creative writing cla ses first and third periods. There ponsibility of organ- izing materials for the magazine fell upon senior tudents and advisor Mrs. Marilyn Yates. (A) Chris Jenkins and Chris Labrum lis- ten to Bruce Stringham as he states his opinion on a controversial question. (B) Julie Wright relaxes as she finishes her story for the magazine. (C) Hard at work, George Snyder com- pletes his assignment. (D) \"Expre sions\" advisor, Mrs. Marilyn Yates, explains what will be contained in the magazine this year. c 192
Lives of great men all remind us 194
We can 1riake our lives sublime, 195
And, departing, leave behind us
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