Sophomore Football lfilicJeSl 26 . Orem 12 Hillcrc\\l 20 . Brighton IH Hillcrest 42 Granger 6 Hilkresl 26 Murray 12 Hillcrest 24 ..... Provo 6 Hillcrest 14 . ..... . Kearn 22
Cross Country (A) Cro Country team, back row left to right, Steve Wil on, Mike Gusta, Alma Han- sen, Jim Snowden, John Pickett, Tim Lewis, Mike Claw on, Gordon McDonald, Matthew Lee, and Kevin Myers. Front row, left to right, Lorring Manning, Greg Penro e, Rus- ·el Behrman, David Seabury, Sanford Sains- bury, Greg Beem, Ted Gallegos, Ru s Cook, Claire Web ter. (B) Alma Han en crosses fini h line 2 minute ahead of all other team member at Brighton meet. (C) Jim Rich- mond cro e in a great fini h at Brighton meet. (D) Brighton and Hillcrest runners take off at Hillcre t Brighton meet.
Hillcrc t 41 ............... Orem 20 Hillcrest 21 ................ Granger 36 Hillcrest 21 Brighton 34 Hillcrest 17 ........ ......... ... Murray 38 Hillcrest 33 .. .. .................. Provo 23 Hillcrest 15 ..................... Kearns 45 Region 3rd tate 9th
Girls' Tennis Tennis was put one step ahead early in October when the girl ' team finished region fir t in singles and ccond in doubles. The accomplishment was helped greatly by senior Karen Kennington, the number one 18-ycar-old singles player in the intermountain area. Also helping in the cau e were Julie Romero and Terry Earl, the double player . (A) Karen Kennington return · the ball in the second game of the fir t match. (B) Julie Romero dumps the ball over the net to win the fir t game of their first match. (C) erry Earl ervcs to start the match. (D) A powerful forehand i delivered by Karen Kennington. Ktm Higginson Vicky Hilton Kim Hoggard Debbte Horrocks ivan Houtz Kendall Holt
A Girls' Archery Thl.! region archery meet was held at Provo. fhe Hu ky team, although practicing from a far shorter di tance than what was expected, finished fourth in the meet. The team included Janet Rees, Gina Ludwig, Mary Williams, and Cindy Squire. (A)JanetRee · takc aimatatarget50yard away. (B) Gina Ludwig lets loose with an arrow bound for the target. (C) Cindy Squire attempts a hull's eye on her ec- ond try from this di tance. Teddi Howell
History A new dimen ion entered the cene a clas es studied the problem of contemporary America. The environmental crisi , poverty in an affluent ociety, foreign policy, teen- agers and ex, and violence in America were orne of the i sue bringing greater depth to the curriculum. In studying each problem effort were made to deal with real people involved, to give many per pectivr• and to mclude activities to mvolve student m considering further the i ue imbedded in the problem. (A) An amazing rat searching for the maze solution. (B) Talking to his clas i Mr. Charles William . (C) Mr. Leon Hales passes out assignments to his tudents. Jack Jensen Jeff Jensen Ron Jen en Steve Jensen Cheryl Johnson Joe Johnson
G (D) Mr. Burns di cus c a ignmcnt with a tudcnt. (E) A hi tory cia s hard at work. (F) Mr. Raymond Watt · instruct hi history cia ·. (G) Dianne Gori and Gayle Goulding teach their p y- chology cia . Jeri Johnson Lynne Johnson Rick Johnson Joyce Jordan Sherrie Johnson Jessie Jone
Industrial Arts Six cour ·c .vere featured thi year in the Indu trial Arts Department: graphic art , elec- tric wiring, auto mechanic , drafting, wood- work, and metals, beside auto mechanics cia e for girl . The e clas e provided neces- ary training for student in chao ing a vocation. (A) Greig Deem and Randy Gorring are clean- ing engine part , in their auto mechanic class. (B ) Bradley Ander on, in the wood's shop, work on a cabinet. (C) Scott Pickren u e his drafting technique to sketch an outline. B Marilyn Jorgensen Trudy Jones Kathy Kane
(D) Randy Gorringe puts his auto mechanic techniques to practice, working on the engine of his Blazer. (E) Welding is one of the technique of the metals classe . Gordan Mickelsen Dean Samuels George Waite Glade Bailey Drafting Electronics Auto Mechanics Graphics, Wiring E Sam Klemm JoAnne King Gary Kirk LuAnn Kocherhan Mari a Korologo Peggy Koplin
Denni Edmonds Pouwel Vuyk English II, Forensics Eng. ll, Drama, Speech Dick Koos Vicki Kulkus David R. Lamb Christina Lee Labrum Marcia Lawrence Judy Kay Lamb
Speech and Drama Involved in many activities this year, the drama students performed one-act plays, pantomimes, and participated in region, tate, and interpretive meets. Student po se ·sing mu ical ability could al o try out for \"The Music Man.\" Mr. Powell Vuyk, chairman of the speech de- partment, was mainly concerned with getting the student to perform in front of the class and to re earch and organize their material. (A) Fred Duma pantomimes an old man playing handball. (B) Robbi Betteridge performs pantomime. (C) Brian Moser and Kathy Savage re-enact a couple at a drive-in movie. (D) Lynn Haug and Ron Leavitt present a scene from the \"Fanta tik \" a Earne t Booker looks on. (E) While enacting a cene from the \"Fanta tiks,\" Glenna Gaster slap Ron Leavitt across the face. (F) The eventh period speech cia li ten atten- tively as Janice Jensen gives debate demon tration. (G) Melanie Beebe and Scott Han en plead with Mr. Vuyk for better grades. F Mark Lawrence Glen Lee Ron Leavitt Matthew Lee Gene Leigh Timothy Lewi
Physical Education Art Hughes P. E., Golf Coach Jane Miner Bob Kawa Dorothy Schmidt Jim Jima Jeanne Johnson Grant Price P. E., Sports, Hltll. P. E., Sports, Dance, Ballet, Health P. E., Wglzt. training, P. E., Wrestling Coach, P. E., Gymn., Pep Club Basketball Coach Stage tech. Driver Education Special activitie in the girl ' P.E. cia e were badminton, table tenni , bowling, golf and croquet. Weight-lifting and other conditioning exerci e were being done each day. On the other side of the gym building the boy were being instructed by the two new ba ketball coache Dan Cowan and Jim Jimas. (A) Weight-lifting i one of the conditioning ex- erci e done each day. (B) One of the daily activities of boy 'P. E. wa cage ball. (C) Blaine Bradford demon trate the form of a pushup. (D) Girl cage ball in action. (E) Shuflle board is one of the daily activitie . (F) Cage ball gets hung up on the net. 59 Gina Ludwig Linda Lundgren Annette Lyman
Business Three new cla~se ! This year for the first time in Maurice McKay Carol VandenAkker Virginia Poole ~cveral years three cia e · were added to the bu ine Bookkeepin~ , Data Proc . horthand, Type, department's curriculum. They arc data procc ing, Bus. Law Type, Shorthand, businc communication and per ·onal finance . This Bus. Com. bring the total number of clas e · in the department to eleven. Department head Mr. Max Dick on tated that he wa extremely plea ·cd with the teady incrca c in en- rollment number · and hoped to continue adding eta e . (A) Typing in Mr. Max Dix on's 6th period cia arc back row: Glenna Moyleda, Richard Allam; econd row: Jody McCulloch, Lila Fahrner; front row: Jody Manwell. (B) Sandra Linford finishes typing her horthand. Cindy Lyman Danny McCaffree Greg McCleery Steve McCann Keith McComb Lisa McCombs
Max Dickson Voc. Off. Proc., Type, Per. Fin. (C) Mr. Maurice McKay's 6th period learns fundamentals of business machine . Left to right: Blain Green, Gary Koford, Jeff Fowden, Cythia Xaiz. (D) Tamie Christen en take shorthand in preparation for job in bu inc s world. (E) Mitch Olsen, John Drake, Laura Brown, Marlene Parsons and Terry Jenkins. D
Home Ec. Hillcre t' male population has finally made the breakthrough into home economic . Bach- elor Survival taught the young men how to live succe · fully on their own. Musical co tumes, panda bears, and men' suits were crafted by the clothing services class, a pecial two period session. Featured activities in the homeliving cla ses were panel discu ions on dating and a play- chool, de igned to help student · learn more of child development. (A) Doug DuMond, Roland Kuwahara, and Kit Middleton lick the bowl and spoons after craping out their fudge. (B ) Cooking student display various expres- sions on having to cat their elf-cooked break- fa st. Ben Mart inez Delores R. Martinez Ted Martinez Joe Mascaro Carol Matsumori Scott Maxfield
( ) George Purin carefully wipe the top half of his fudge pan. (D) Lorraine Miller tests her fabric on the power machinery. (E) Mrs. Maree Nelson sugge ts Christmas projects for her homcliving class. Maree Nehon Eunice Pixton Linda Roger flomelil·., Cloth. Cloth., Tay., Cloth. Sen•. Foods, Int. Des., Bach. Surv. Kathy Maxwell Jim Maynard Allen Memmott Denise Meadows Lorraine Miller Le lie G. Miller
Music A Department Mu ic tudent performed at night, during !>chool, and on Sunday . The Chamber, Concert, and Junior Choir ang for the PTSA, churches, and variou other organizations and groups. Chri tmas activities included caroling at the lighting of the Tribune Chri tma tree, and ing- ing with other ccondary chool · at the L.D.S. Tabernacle. Leo Dean and Robert Hix on·s main pur- pose wa · to teach tudent how to read music. In the music theory classes ·tudent were taught how to compose mu ic o that they could begin to make their own arrangement for band or orche tra. ( ) Phil Stark, tudent teacher, directs the Junior Choir' practice for the Hillcrest Music ight. (B) Girl ' Choir, directed by Phil Stark, prac- tice· Chri tma song to be sung at the Hillcrest Mu ic Night. Michelle Milne Allen Mitchell Albert Money Frank Montoya Ralph Montoya Robin Morris
(C) nder the direction of Robert Hixson the band gets ready to practice one of the number for the Mu ic Man. Leo Dean Robert Hixson German , Choir Band, Orch., Soc. Am. Hist. Paula Mousley rerri Moss
Ar t Departn~e1~t Hiller\\! t tudl.!nt~ interested in art e.xpre. ed p~.!r~onal idea and attitude thi year while learning new art techniques and t)lcs. Acrylic paint, oil , and and glue Wl.!re used to teach the technique of adding texture. In each area of study - commercial art, pottery, fine art, and craft - tudents enrolled in beginning thru advancl.!d cour e . Th highlight· of the year included making scenery for \"The Mu ic Man,\" participating in variou art exhibits and di play , and preparing fo r H illcre t's \" Sho wca c.\" Rhonda Nelson Michelle Nepol is Keith Nelson Kent Newbold Val Newman Whi tney Nickle
c (A) Mr. David Montgomery demonstrates the technique of illustration to Teena Allen as Ron Fowlks looks on. (B)Mud plaltered Mickey Haun puts fini hing touches on his pottery project. (C) Cindy Rich makes jewelry as Cory Brkla- cich and Ralph Pacheco work on other individ- ual project . (D) Pam Perry smiles a she work on her illu tration project. (E) Kerry Winn add detail to his land cape painting. Donald Marr Nancy Judd Poll., Sculpture Exprs. Desi[:. Carol Nichols uc iclson Leslie ilsson Pamela orton
Math Department Logical and ab tract thinking, ba ic and ad anced skills, old and new concepts were combined to provide a wide mathematical curriculum. Course were taught in algebra, geometry, algeometry, and ·urvey math . For the tudent who have filled prerequisite cour e , cia e were taught in trigonometry, college algebra, computer science and calculu . Debbie Olsen Wendella Olson
(A) Mr. hampton's fir t period algebra clas~ corrects their homework assignments. (B) Lori Derr, teacher's aide, listens at- tentively while Mrs. Fergu on explains a difficult math problem. (C) Mr. Neilson points out to his calculus class the an wer to the problem he ju t worked. (D) Mr. hell directs a question and an- swer discu sion. (E) Steve McCann, Pilar Sangroniz, and Dan Webster verify their program on the Wang 500. (F) Mr. Margetts takes scores after a geometry quiz. Steve Margetts Richard Nielson Lynn Boice Max Frampton A/g., Geo. Cal., Geo., Comp. Sci. A/g., Math., Ess. A/g., M ath., Ess. 69 Jeanne Par usan Parry Marlene Parsons Pam Pavich J ames Peacock Don Payne
Foreign Language The foreign language clas e provided pe- cial interest with film , lide , and lectures. The mu ic and folk dance of everal foreign coun- trie added fun to the cia . Other cult).lral activitie included ta ting authentic fo d of Ru sia, Spain, and Greece. (A) Learning i fun when Greek dance are being taught. (B) Trying their hand at Spani h Food are David ickle, ictor Saldivar, and Vickie Swapp. (C) Greg Poul on gets a charge out of the Ru ian cia while Clayton Neil on dreamily looks on. (D) Marcie Mana eau li tens intently to her French teacher. John Pearce Jace Pearson Randy R. PearM>n Greg Penrose Pam Perry Ralph Peterson
Anne Iasella Sp. I & ll,Greek Hum./ & II (E) Mrs. Earlene Mitchellli ·ten intently to a student. (F) Two German tudents hard at work tudying. (G) Greek student performing a tradi- tional dance. ' huck. Pellegrino helly Phillips Dave Pollock Marsha Pickett Paula L. Pollick Pat y Poulsen
English Sonja Beere Eng., A .P. Eng., Lit. Thi year Engli h department offered creative writing, commercial compo ition, cience fiction and humanitie . Through tudy of thematic units the hu- manitie cia · e learn the relation hip of the art . Her tudent · study music, architecture, art, literature and philo ophy. At lea t three week each quarter i devoted to project which the tudents choo e and com- plete in mall group or individually. Marilyn ate Creal. Writ., English (A) Instructing her cia s on the rule of gram- mar is Mr . Sandra Clark. (B) Student receiving help on their a ign- ment from Mr . onja Beere. (C) Students reading their novels in Mr . Bar- bara Ward' cia . (D) A Buddhi t reverend vi its a humanities clas room. (E) Students in a humanities clas watch a filmstrip. Randy Pond Jeff Porter Paula Kay Price Joni Lynn Pur er Steve M. Randall Diane Rawson
Renee Whitney Earlene Mitchell Lorene Mark Venna Beck Ann Griffiths Barbara Ward Eng. II & Ill French, Hum. Reading, Eng. If Eng.ll Rus., Eng., Joum., Hum. Eng./1/, Depart. Chair. Roland D. Rasmussen Craig W. Ree~ Janet Reese Jon Reese Clay Reid Brent Riccardi
Science Dissecting in ects and the discovering of the relation hip of heat to work were ju t a few of the ob ervation made by the students in the cience classes. A new clas , The Way Things Work Chem- ically, taught by Mr. Argyle wa added to the curriculum. Science, a required ubject, had wide election of cia · e including chemistry, Biology I, II, The Way Thing Work Mechani- cally, and physiology. Paul Thompson Biology, Driver Ed. Richard Reynolds Gary Richards Mary Richardson Roxana Robert John G. Robertson Dave Roberts
(A) Pat Brinkerhoff peers into a microscope and ex- amines microscopic animals. (B) Brent Taylor and Phillip Grunhalgh unravel the ticker tape to do an experiment in physics. {C) Layne A hby and Kathy Nicol connect circuiting on the Logic Circuit Board. (D) Dave McPherron and Jim Maroney decant a solu- tion in chemi try. (E) Rex Lar on and Paul Spencer examine their olu- tion with the help of Mr. Argyle. (F) An experiment on acceleration is conducted by Chris Allen, Randy Johanson, and Steve Nolton. Kim Rolfe indy Romero Tina Rossi David R. Romney Dave Ru hton Pilar angroniz
Renae Scott Lynne earle
Driver Ed (A) Jaylynne Bagge s and Jeff Henrie look on a Mr. Glen Jackson explain driving concept. (B) A wreck on the driving range? (C) Jeff Henrie and William Buckley look urprised as Scott Williams asks Mr. Glen Jack on a que tion on the test. (D) Mr. Robert Kawa instructs students on proper parallel parking. (E) Lori Vincent displays confidence behind the wheel as Wendell Bogden looks on. ew! ew is the only word for Hillcre ts Driver Education Department. Many innova- tion have been made this year including stretching cia time from a quarter to a erne ter, having nine new car , and com- pleting the new driving range. Department head, Mr. Glen Jackson, noted that for the first time, students took their learner's per- mit tc t at the chao!. E 77 Lyn.ette edgwick Diann harp
Health ing lancet and microscope !ide , health student had a new experience this year in typ- ing their own blood. Other subjects studied in depth were all the bone of the body, mental health, ystems of the body, first aid, and ecology. The atmosphere of the e co-eduational cia e wa open and conducive to learning. Terri Shurtleff Ramona Sierra Michelle Silcox Jolene Simons
(A) Jose Lozano listens to a lecture on mental illness. (B) Looking at the muscular system of the human body are Kevin Meyers and Pam Horrocks. (C) Don Gust explains blood types to his Physiology I cia c . (D) Working hard on an as ignment are Melanie Beebe, Denise Meadows and Lauric A hby. (E) Dan Cowan relaxe as he li tens to his students in a discu sion. Dan Cowan Don Gust Health, Spts. Health, Sports, Dr. Ed. Psych I & II Holly Skeem Gerri mith
Byron Thompson Independent Ed. Ind. Ed., Psy. inety- ix tudents, at eight different elemen- tary chool , were involved in the \"Husky Helper\" program. This wa the fir t year that juniors par- ticipated in thi program. Hu kie helped the teachers work with the children on a one-to-one ba is in the more difficult cholastic areas. Thi program help · elementary teacher give better learning experience to their tudent . (A) Kathy Birrell a sist student with their art a ignment. (B) Evelyn Claw on play a game with her fir t grade tudent during their P. E. time. (C) Third grade student go to their Husky Helper, Marlene Par on for a sistance on their English. (D) Patsy Anderton work with fir t grader on how to write the alphabet. (E) Marianne Wilcox, helped by two third grade tudents, po t their work on a bulletin board for Back to School Night. 80 SENIORS Maurine nyder
Kayleen Spencer Cindy Squire Lynell Stagg Tracy Stapel Phyl tewart David Stauffer
Scope Center With the suce of Ia t year the Scope Cen- ter till goes on. There are many machine and reference material to help tudent decide on an occupation. The counselor are in charge of thi program. They tried to help tudcnt be- come more prepared for their future . Don Stout Cidnie Stowe Rick Stowe Bruce Stringham Michelle Strong Vicki Swapp
Stage Before the studentbody and faculty could enjoy anything in the auditorium, eleven boys worked with Advi or Grant Price to check lights, sound system, screens, micro- phones, and other equipment to be u ed in as emblies, movies and program ·. The stage crew spent long hours after school to adju t lights and create other pe- cial effects for the program . (A) Randy Hansen rotates the spotlight for a special effect in the Battle of the Bands assembly. (B) Jim Andreason adju ts the lights on the tage. (C) Ben Martinez checks the sound ystem. (D) Stuart Nelson, Mark Lawrence and Jim Andrea on put up the cope screen for the movie \"The Undefeated.\" (E) Mark Lawrence sets the lights for the senior assembly.
Battle of the Bands The Battle of the Bands rocked the Hillcre t auditorium Nov. 15, 1973. Ei heol was matched again t Carcu . Each Group entertained student with four of their be t songs. (A) Ralph Peter on, '·Eli Sheol\" drum- mer, ing. (B) Checking to ee if he ha the right chord, Lead Guitar Ron Jensen awaits for other . (C) Eli Sheol member Rus Brown await to receive count to start. (D) Bass guitar Kent Corlet for \"Carcus\" changes chord . (E) Kent Corlett, Chad Caywood, Rus- sell Jex, Jeff Colgrove, and Russell Bird are ''Carcus).\" E SENIORS Kelly E. Thomas Paul Thomas Broc Thompson Julie Thompson Jennifer Thornblad Clay Thornton
Media Center Kay McNamara Duane Densley Librarian Media Center Student had a wide choice of book from among the 17,800 volumes in the Hill- crest library. Sophomore were oriented to the library in the autumn. Mr . Florence Dowding and Mrs. Dana Tripp helped Mi Kay McNamara index the con tant upply of new books. A new copy machine wa added to the library for u e by the student . In the equipment portion of the Media Center Mr. Duane Den ley provided both student and teachers with machine and assistance they needed. (A) Michelle Napolis and Patsy Paul en studying in the library. (B) Doug Coleby doing his math as ign- ment in the quiet of the library. Gary Tingey LaRae Tibbitts Eric Titus ldania Torres Moti Trujillo Michael Trapp
Sentry Staff Smoth flowing information and report- ing brought a paper a month to the waiting Hu ky tudentbody. The thirteen members covered controver ial problems and pub- li hed the thought · of the student through letter to the editor. Thi year an early journali m activity that in olved the entire staff was vi iting KCPX tudio for the ew paper Intern- hip Program. Stud nt spent a day with the new caster learning the trick of broad- casting. Charlotte Turner hellcy Trujillo Pam Uremovich
(A) Editor Brandon Zurlo looks over Marlene Par on's work as photographer George 0 borne selects negative from file box. (B) Rob Elkin · a ks que tion con- cerning copy of advisor Mrs. Mitchell. (C) A sociate Editor Tami Hirase corrects work and advi or, Mrs. Earlene Mitchell, helps news editor Curti Steadman insert new copy in the layout. Brandon Zurlo overlooks operation . (D) Lynell Stagg examine picture while Stuart Elder helps Donna Cook elect best photos for her story. (E) Allen Hepner, John Williamson, Alan Mitchell, and Jeff Colegrove enter KCPX tudio to enrich their knowledge of newsca ting. (F) Greg Poulson inter- views Senator Moss after the assembly. OC t ll r.rt ., .• ~ UI' I ' •VI• HA EF 87 Tere a Valdez Yvette Vazquez Lori Vincent Kevin Wade Debbie Walden Laura Lu Warren
Senior Assen~bly \"Everything You Always Wanted to Know / About enior But Were Afraid to A k,\" fea- tured the Chamber Choir and the male quar- c tet. kit included eniors on a typical double date, the difference between a enior and a ophomore, and student and teachers drinking in the re troom . (A) Hope Halladay, Carol Mat umori, Rob Lunnan and Scott Maxfield on a double date. (B) Ralph Peter on quip · to the audience. (C) Sharon Glover and Ralph Peter on prov- ing they are enior . (D) Hallucinating he' Elvis Pre ley i Kevin Garner. (E) Chamber Choir inging \"Twa the Night Before Christmas.\" 90 SENIORS Carol Walkenhor t Richard Ward James Wa srner Paul Welch Jeff Welkinson Randy Webster
KRSPvs Faculty In a one-sided game that didn't threaten KRSP' losing treak, the Hillcre t faculty dom- inated the boards a well as the scoring. Coach Dan Cowan was the high point man. Record and perfume were handed out to students during half-time drawing. Disc-jockey Johnny Vann acted as rna ter of ceremonie . (A) Referee Fred Worlton watches Johnny Vann give away prize at halftime. (B) Coach Steve Margetts outjumps Michael Kane, controlling the third quarter tip off. (C) Johnny Van goes in for a lay-up with Coach Doug Ander on right behind. B Pamela West
\"Colour My World With Love,\" created a romantic atmo phere for the Senior Hop, held on December 21. A Christma cene of decorated pine tree , tin el, icicle , and now, captured couple dancing to the mu ic of Time Line which added the fini hing touch to this formal dance. Pam We t and Stanford Sainshury were pre ented a queen and king during inter- mi ion. Janice Williams John Williamson Steven Wilson Shannon Winegar Chad Wright Kerry Winn
{A) Caught up in a dream world, couple dance to the music of Time Line. (B) Stanford Sainsbury, king, and Pam West, queen, danced together during in- termis ion. (C) Couples stand awaiting the announce- ment of king and queen. (D) Cidnie Stowe pre ents a bouquet of roses to queen, Pam West. (E) Time Line, a six member band, played everything from the polka to \"Close to You.\" 93 Julie Wright Jamce Yakovich Bill Young Jill Young Sue Young
Pep Ba1~d Fla h Tran it Authority members cre- ated more pirit at Hillcrest by playing at ba ketball game , football game , and pep rallies. Their bu y chedule included early morning rehear al during which they practiced new ongs by Chicago and other popular hits. (A) Ralph Peter on takes out his frus- trations on the drum at halftime. (B) John Robertson watches a · Randy Pond leads the band in the school song. (C) Fla h Tran it Authority play \"Green Green.\" Brandon Zurlo Robbi Betteridge Kathy Birrell Lorie Burgon athleen Campbell Debbie Burgon
Orchestra Orchc tra involves fifteen Hillcrest stu- dent who have been tudying mu ic for five to eight years. Each year the orche tra participate in the Hillcrest musical, Chri ·tmas concert and pring concert. They arc also active in the region festival and the Jordan District honor orche tra. The orchc tra is not competitive with other chools, goals arc et for individual improvement. Students who excel in mu ic perform in the solo festival. (A) The orchc tra di play mu ical skill developed by conductor Bob Hixon. (B) Kcrri Anderson and Julie Rushton practice their parts for a concert. (C) Bob Hixon in truct his orchc tra on musical techniques. ---• \\# •• \"1a_, • • c 95 Tracy Ca ell RoAnne Dahle Kay Garfield DeaAnn Poulsen
Co1~cert Band A Sixty-eight tudents, in the concert band, did everything from marching dur- ing football game to marching in parades. Randy Pond, president of econd period band, filled in as conductor and partici- pated in the band by playing his trumpet. Ralph Peterson, president of third period band, exploited his talent on the drums. Mr. Robert Hixon wa the official con- ductor and the instructor. (A) Mr. Robert Hixon gets ready to play for the chool mu ical. (B) Bob Partner, Richard Scholle, Rich- ard Deem, Kelly Wynn, Curtis Steadman, and Jame Andreason arc practicing the ong for the march. (C) Randy Pond fills in and leads second period band in a practice for the music night. (D) \"Green, Green,\" was played by Mike Trapp and Scott Fullmer. (E) Concert Band playing during half time of the football game with Provo. (F) Diligently practicing arc John Hall- tram and Jeff Rushton. (G) Third period band reviewing ale on. 96 JUNIORS J·unior class officers Wendy Campbell Curti Steadman Scott Cartwright Secretary Vice President President With the as urance of their ophomore year behind them, the junior cia s officer , led their cia smate and helped provide a necessary part of Hillcrc t by being active in the Hou e of Representatives and par- ticipating in school functions. Pre ented and participated in by the Junior Cia s were the junior assembly, Military Day, Donkey Basketball, Inquir- ing Editor. Highlighting the year was the Junior Prom, on March eighth at the Capitol Rotunda, with the theme \"Pre- cious and Few.\"
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