Kent Amsworth Doug Allen John Allen Russ Allen Scott Allen John Allsop Tony Ames Jenn1fer Anderson Laune Anderson L1sa Anderson Lisa Anderson Nadell Anderson Shanna Anderson Yvonne Anderson Edd1e Andrews Stacey Andrews Jul1e Anthony Jay Archer L1nda ArmiJO Roland Arterburn Debb1e Arveseth Mark Ashton Janalyn Augason Jeff Augason Mark Ault Leslie Bacik Teresa Bagley Tonette Barba Anna Barb1en Greg Bardm 186
Mr. Hicks discusses grades w1th Marc1 Whitehead as the end of the term draws near . Lynne Barney Cmd y Barrow Janme Bateman Andrea Bates Henry Bat1sta M1chal Beall Sherry Beck Burke Beddoes Kenneth Behrmann Debb1e Bennett Roger Bennett Barry Bickmore Cory B1lls Lon B1rch Scott B1schoff Brent B1tner Alicia Black Sheri Black Gordon Blake K1m Bolander Eugene Bosch Michelle Boston John Boswell Ronny Bouck Clay Boyack Jeaneen Boyer 187
R1ck Bradford Teachers boxes are about the only way to contact the vast Suzette Bradus faculty . J1m Bremer Todd Bndge L1nda Bnnghurst Ang1e Bronson Lesl1e Brush L1sa Brush Dav1d Bulkley Mark Bunker Galyn Burgess Cmdy Burnham J1m Burnmgham Laune Burt Brenda Butterfield Donna Callaway M1ke Campbell Tracy Camsell Gay Capson Mark Carlson Barbara Carson Kerry Casaday Maury Caywood Mark Certonio Randy Chesley Paula Ch1dester Charlie Christenson 188
Todd Chnstensen Charlie Clark Janeene Clark Debb1e Congreves Roger Cont1 Barry Cook Cory Cook Darrell Cook Janet Cook Jeff Cook J1m Coray Betty Cordova Holhann Cottrell Trac1e Coulam Casey Cox Sandy Crane Tacy Crow Kev1n Cressall Holly Cutler M1ke Dahl Joe Dan1els AbhiJit Dasgupta Allen Davoren D1ane DeGraw John Dethlefs Kelly D1etnch M1ke D1x J1m Doherty Kns Dokos Lee Domgaard 189
Kelly Dotson Standardized tests are a painful part of the curriculum. T1m Dowd Doug Downmg Jill Draper Tylan Draper Carol1ne Duncan Shawn Dunn Jody Duran Lon Durrant Bret Dyches Dyann Dyches Robert Dykman Jul1e Ellison Carlos Esqueda Bret Evans Elizabeth Evans Mark Everett Tammy Ewell Karen Facente K1ndra Fehr Roxsan Fahrni Torrey Fetherolf Sandra Fillerup M1ke F1sh Kevm Fisher M1ke Fletcher Valene Fletcher 190
Confus1on re1gns as students make final choices. Tom Flowers Jeralyn Forbush Steve Franc1s Gean Frandsen N1ck Fnsone Lon Fullmer Jan1e Gallegos R1ck Gallegos Lance Gardner Troy Garrett Rhonda Garvett Jolene G1lbert Susan Gtllesp1e Kev1n G1ll1ns Steve Glaz1er Kev1n Glende Cmdy Glover Jeff Glover Annette Godfrey Debb1e Godwm Julie Gonzales Maclov1a Gonzales Greg Goodman RoseMary Gotberg D1ane Gottfredson Marcy Gray Steve Greene Terry Greene Lindon Greenhalgh Conn1e Greer 191
Ray Greer Suzette GnHtths Laura Gnmsley Wendy Gunn Ana Mana Gutterre:z Kathy Hall Mtke Hall Shetla Hambleton Lon Hammer Ctndy Hammond Gayleen Hammond Brook Hansen Tracy Hansen Barrett Hanson Susan Hardman Terry Hardman Bob Harnngton Kelly Harns Holly Hason Tony Haun Steven Hawkms Susanne Haws Mtke Henderson John Henne LeAnn Henne Connte Hermansen Chtp Hess 192
The B1g Green's mascot: the m1ght Husky. Julie Hess Bobbett Heywood Theresa H1gham Greg H1ll M1ke H1ll Knsty H1rase Tracy Hodges Jody Hodson MerryAnn Hoffman Connee Hokanson Jeff Holder Starlyn Holder Sandra Holmes Ray Homer Bill Houston Curt1s Howa Todd Howell James Hughes Kathie Hunter Ann Hunt1ngton Ron Hurst Justin lorg E1leen lsely Lee Jacobson K1rk Jansen Dav1d Jeffnes Dave Jenkins Knst1 Jenk1ns Todd Jenk1ns Robert Jensen 193
Robert Jensen Troy Jensen Jul1e Jenson Robby Jentzsch Teresa Jeppson Jan Jeppson MarJean Jessop Cra1g Johnson Jenlyn Johnson John Johnson Kev1n Johnson Melan1e Johnson Shauna Johnson Jeff Jones Scott Jones M1ke Jorgensen R1chard Judson Bob Kane William Kastner Jill Ketner Sharon K1rk Jeanette Kn1ffen Alan Korous John Kunkler Holly Kunz Usa Kurt1ck Karen Labrum Usa LaFollette Susan Landers 194
W1th longer lunch hours. students take to the park1ng lots and lawns. Harold Larsen M1ke Larsen Thor Larsen Roger Lass1g Usa Leav1tt Ronald Lee Steve Lee R1chard Le1kam Stacey Leon Tod Leyland Mary Lingos Steve L1ttle Brad Llewelyn Jack1e Lloyd Jeff Logosz Stacey Long Bern1ce Looser M1chelle Louhas Pam Lovato Bemta Lucero Layne Lucero Jayleen Ludw1g Usa Lunceford Dav1d Lundberg Lora Maestas Malinda Maddox Paul Madsen Usa Mam 195
Jerry Mallott Summery days lasted until the first of November. Annette Marchant Karla Martmez Lon Mart1nez Ron Martmez Tma Mart1nez Karl Masa Ken Mason Kelly Massey Ph1l1p Masey Mike Mattlnson Cynth1a May Jeff Maynard Stacey Maynard Stacy Maynard Stanley Maynard Scott McCarty Shay McCorm1ck Dawn McKinley Lynett McKmney Karen McKenz1e Kath1 McKenz1e Ron McFadden Mark McCleery Roger Mclff Gary Menlove 196
Trac1 Bingham, Brenda Butler, Kayleen Hammer, and Lisa Kon- Rachel Montgomery car showed effort to win votes in the freshmen elections. Judy Montoya Brad Moore Fred Moore Linda Morse Brad Morns Steve Morton Sh1rley Mortensen Paula Mosher Randy Mower Ten Mower Vang1e Milburn Tadd M1llard David Miller Kevm Miller Julie M1llerberg Korb1 M1lne Becky M1tchell Del M1tchell JoDee M1tchell Sus1e M1tchell He1d1 Murray Wayne Murray Paul Myers T1na Myers Julie Myers Sherry Nabaum Fran Nate Roger Nave Andra Neilson 197
Alan Nelson Anne Nelson Patt1 Nelson Rob1n Nelson Tern Nelson DeeAnn Nendell N1ta N1elson Shawn N1elsen Sherry N1pper Karen N1x Terry North Tracy Nunley Mal1nda Nuttall Jan Nystrom Jenn1e Odin Judy Olsen Jul1e Olsen Leslie Olsen Jan1ce Olsen Lon Olson Alyssa Olson Calvin Olson Troy Olson Enn O'Leary Sandra Ortega Renee Osmond Virg1n1a Ozuna Curt1s Pad)en Jeff Palmer Todd Palmer Jan Parker K1rk Parker Troy Pearce Eddie Pe1rce Roger Pellegrino Kenny Pena 198
Lisa Anderson , Cathi Glenn , Cra1g Cast1llo and Gary Young d1scuss the up-com1ng Husky Howl. Wendy Pernn Chnss Perry Scott Pettmgill Ruthanne Peterson Robert Petersen Dav1d Peterson Sandra Peterson Wendy Peterson Cheryl Pett Gordon Phillips J1m PhillipS Ruby Phillips Lon P1ckett Lon P1ckup Chnsty P1erce Sharron P1tts Donna Podlesny Mark Pope Michelle Posselh Jordan Poulos Tracy Poulsen 199
Mark Pnce Dance Club uses creat1v1ty and volunteers to decorate for Cindy Prothero Homecoming. Kevin Pullan Laune Pyle Allen Qu1ntana Cra1g Rasmussen Joane Rasmussen D1ane Ranson Mark Redmon Steve Reader Marcell Reber Wend1e Reynolds Tina Revas Conn1e R1co Sandra R1gby RICk RiggS Diane R1ndhsbaker Robin R1pley Ang1e Robertson KaM1IIe Roberts Kerry Rolfe Greg Romero Sandra Rose John Ruppel Jam1e Sabey Leah Sampsel Gary Sandberg 200
Sue Sandwick Dana Saunders Cnst1na Sangromz JayMee Saxton Lizabeth Scarlet Mananne Schacht Allen Schenk Jeff Schne1der David Schindler Roger Schoenfeld Bruce Sch1evmg Dale Scholle Bnan Scott Karen Scott Dav1d Shaw Cassandra Searl David Servat1us Tammy Sharp Shauna Sharp Dave Shelton Darla Shirley Kevin S1lcox Mark S1mpson J1m Slade Lanette Sm1th Bryant Sm1th Rhonda Smith Teresa Smith Peggy Smock Tim Snyder 201
Gary Sorensen Band members need brawn as well as brains. Jeff Sorensen Lanny Sorenson K1m Sp1ers Georgi Spencer Patty Sprague Julie Sacos Lara Staley Melinda Stanley Wendy Staten Alan Stauffer Leann Steadman Jan1ce Stafford OraLue Stevens Kelly Stewart Jam1 Stott Roy Stowe Kevin Sullenberger Jill Strasburg Merilee Swapp Ten Sumbot T1ffany Sull1van Deborah Sun Julie Tafoya Teresa Takag1 Lee Tarbet Christma Taylor Myron Taylor Shelley Tea Greg Telesco 202
LuAnne Tenney Doug Terry M1ke Tetnck Brent Thomas Danny Thomas Kaylm Thomas Scott Thompson Wes Thompson Shen Throckmorton Nathan T1schner Jayne Tobler AnneMane Toly ToddTolman James Topalian Sean Tracy Monica Tnpp Doug Troester Darren Tucker Raymond Turley Jack1e Turner Jeff Tyler John Tschaggeny Jerry Vacuhne K1m VandenHazel Karen VanderVeur John VanDerW1ele M1chelle VanStaveren Becky Vanzeven 203
Enc Varoz Jodi Brown and partner enjoy the music provided at an autumn Brent Veenendaal stomp. Madeline Velez Shauna V1cchnlll M1chele Vmcent Sue Vmcent Jill Vollmer Cheryl Wadkins Wendy Walker Patnc1a Warner R1chard Warner Jeff Waters M1ke Waters Kev1n Wayman G1nger Welch Shaun Wells Steve Wengren Robert Wenner Steve West Sean Westover Stephanie Weaver Geneal Wh1te Knstm White Dav1d Wh1tmg Joann Wilcox Jeff Willbanks Grace Wilson K1m Will1ams Randy Williams Curtis Williams 204
Larry Winkley Kent Woodhouse Tracy Woodard Mane W1nter Ray Wolf T1m Wolf Gaylin Woolsey Tammy Wooten Gayle Wright Kev1n Yates Jul1e Yeo J1m Young Paul Young Ty Young Dan Z1rker Susan Zobel! Russell Duke Nad1ne Boynton Hillcrest cheerleaders and songleaders take over at half-t1me at the Hillcrest-Brighton football game. 205
Fred Abrego Amber Adams Alan Ainsworth Kenny Allen Scott Allen Todd Allen Bruce Allred Joan Allsop Dale Ambrose M1ke Amerman Ang1e Anderson Cmdy Anderson Jacki Anderson Joe Anderson Lori Anderson Alan Archuleta Byron Arrington Jack Arveseth Alan Asay Leslie Ashworth Janet Aste Tammy Atwood Deanna Austin Leslie Babb Lisa Baer Mark Bagley Scott Baker Shelley Balich 208
Becky Banks Ctndy Bardtn Kim Barlow Beckie Baros Troy Basso Nancy Baumgartner Tom Bean Jane Beckstrom Mtke Beckstrom Connte Beebe Mtchelle Bentley Rtck Berg Tyler Berg Usa Berrett Mark Berrett Gatl Berry Ttna Berry Cathy Beverley Ken Btlls Teresa Bills Tract Btngham Mark Bird Mark Btshoff Ken Bleak William Boggess Roger Boston Chnsttne Bowen Brenda Bowerbank Tony Bowthorpe Mananne Boyer 209
K1rk Brady Ronn1e Brijs Debbie Bnnkerhoff Jul1e Bnnton J1ll Brown Jodi Brown K1m Brown Scott Brown Danna Brox Mark Buck M1ke Buck Jess1 Budge R1chard Bullock Gary Burbank Bnan Burke Carey Burrows Steve Busch Peggy Butcher Brenda Butler Kristy Butler Bla1n Campbell Dan Campbell Sharon Campbell Mark Cann1ng Ken Carlson Neil Carlson Craig Carrillo Dave Carson Debb1e Carter Eleanor Castillo Susan Carter Debbie Chadw1ck Lori Chatterley Shelly Ch1apuz1l Arnie Chnstensen Gloria Christensen 210
K1m Chnst1ansen Marilyn Chnstensen Tracy Chnstensen Kanlyn Clark Wendy Cloward Becky Cole Kevan Condie Penny Conger Greg Congreves John Cont1 Dan Cook Don Cook Kim Cook Sharon Cop1er Ceresse Cottrell Carl Crew Rick Crocco Joel Crow Marcy Crowl Carnie Cutler Michelle Dahl Todd Dan1els Eddy Dav1s Robert Dav1s Freshmen wander the halls 1n search of their classes . 211
Will Davis Michelle Thompson explores all aspects of Home Economics. Wade Dawson Reed Dayton Elb1na Delacurz Omar Delacruz Carol Deland Den1se Denning M1chelle Denn1son Debbie Derncott Jacky Despain Kev1n Despa1n Robert Dethlegs David D1elmann Maren Donaldson Ronda Dooley Joe Drake Troy Drake Randon Draper Clint Dumas John Dunn Cra1g Dyches Dav1d Dyches Stacey Dyett Wendy Eagle Usa Eckman Gary Eisert Laura Erickson 212
Band member tests his lung capacity. Brad Ertmann John Espmza Dave Evans Den1se Evans Liz Evans Wendy Everett Cary Ewell Greg Fa1rbanks Tom Fa1rbourn Ke1th Fehr Bnan Fehrmann Dav1d Ferguson Sus1e Ferry Al1son F1llmore Ronda Fmch Robert F1tzpatnck M1ke Fleck Helen Fletcher Trac1 Folker Glenda Folkersen Kelly Forbush Ten Forsey Scott Forslmg Wendy Fowkes Delyn Frandsen Jeann1ne Frandsen Scott Frankos D1ane Fntz Shen Fro1slend M1ke Fronk 213
Edon Fuller Sheme Funk Dolores Gallegos Donna Gallegos Debra Garc1a Molly Gardner R1ck Gamtson Joel Gaster Terry Gaster Lmda G1les Kathy G1llen Deana Glad Randy Glover R1chard Godfrey Jenn1fer Goodman Mark Gray Jaren Green Doreen Green Robm Green1g Conn1e Gregory Kev1n Gnff1n L1sa Groves M1ke Gunnarson Jul1e Gut1errez Becky Hall Shelly Hambleton Kayleen Hammer Renee Hammer Mark Hampsten Troy HaQey Ang1e Hansen Bonn1e Hansen Chnstine Hansen 214
Husk1es take a break at open ing st omp. John Hansen Troy Hansen Mark Hardcastle Dwayne Hardy Jenn1fer Hardy Stacy Harper Brent Hams Steve Haskell Wend1 Hatf1eld Bobb1 Hatt Jerry Hatt Ch1p Hawkes C1ndy Haws Robby Head Donny He1bel Gene Henew Doug Heward Patt1 H1att M1ke H1ll Bonn1e Hmtze Nancy Holder He1d1 Holt Troy Hone Robert Hood Curt Hooker Leah Hoolan 215
R1ck Hoover Wayne Hoppal Dav1d Houtz Bnan Howard Jan Howell S1mone Hughes John Humphrey Scott Humphrey Alan Humpherys Jon Hunsaker Don Huntsman K1m Hurzeler D1ana Ingersoll Calv1n Jackson Tyfanee Jacob Senh Ja Ly Kurt Jam1son Susan Jangard Alan Jarv1s Melan1e Jeffs L1sa Jenk1ns Blake Jensen Brenda Jensen Chene Jensen K1rk Jensen L1nda Jensen Mark Jensen Todd Jensen Zane Jensen Kan Jenson 216
Jane Madsen and Georg1a Hale enJOY Shen Jenson the Silence of the library. Tracy Johans1c M1ke Johanson An11e Johnson Des1ree Johnson Joel Johnson Lon Johnson Scott Johnson Shaleen Johnson Tammy Johnson T1na Johnson Jul1e Johnston DeAnna Jolley Darlene Jones Jul1e Horgensen Debb1e Judd Cynth1a Kalhn R1ck Kelsey Mark KendZior Dawn Kenny Dan Kesler Jod1 Killpack Steve K1ng Tom K1rk C1ndy Kn1ffen Jeff Koehler Esther Kohlschem 217
L1sa Koncar Cory Fish tnes h1s hand at drafting. Scott Korous Jon1 KOSOVICh Karen Kramer Rosalie Kramer Dan Knzman Sheldon Kunz Suzanne l_a Follette Bryan Lang Danny Larsen Janae Larson K1ndy Larson M1ke Larsen An1ta Lass1g Kelly Leav1tt Mel1ssa Lee Tern Lee Chnsty Lenk Ty Leyland Wade L1edtke Ke1th Lman Kent L1nan Valene L1nnell Shelhe Little Roger Lloyd Dan Longhurst Gene Loveless 218
Jeff Lovell Chnsty Lunceford C1ndy Lundgreen Kelly Madsen Bryce Mangum Jess1e Mansanarez Bnan Markos1an L1sa Markovich Luc1e Martmez Mark Martmez M1l1o Mascaro MaeBeth Math1s Ron Maudsley Patty Maynard Lynda Mayne T1m McCartney Dav1d McCleery Janeal McCleery Melan1e McCleery Dee McCurdy John McEnt1re Cmdee McEwen Kelll McFarland Dav1d McKmley Edd1e McM1IIan Scot McNa1r Mark Melling Martha Menlove Alan Middlesworth Jerry M1ka Janet Mikkelson Greg M1les 219
J<Jck M1ner Husk1es lay low as Garnson turns the corner. Debb1e M1tchell Dena M1tchell Manon M1tchell Ten M1tchell Greg M1ya Tara Molitor Dav1d Moncur Glen Moon Cmdy Morley Scott Morrey Amy Mornson LeeAnne Mortensen L1sa Mounteer Janette Mower Mark Mu1r Randy Mu1r Billy Murphy Collette Murphy Enn Murray Butch Myers Dan Nave Glen Nelsen Derek Nelson Karen Nelson Sheryl Nelson Darrell Newman Alan NICOl Apnl N1elsen Ty N1elson 220
The last students leave as another day Trung Ngh1epsu at H1llcrest ends. Jerry North Roberta North Aaron Norton J1m Nuttall Mark Oakden Carla Ohrn Stacy Okerlund Marg1e Olson K1m O'Neill Debb1e Overd1ek Doug Owen Jul1e Pace Suzanne Padgett Shem Page M1ke Pando L1sa Paramore LOUIS Patnck Ted Paulos Sheme Payne Lee Peacock Jeff Pearson M1ke Pearson Stefan1e Peay Lynda Pe1rce M1chelle Pepper Dav1d Perelle R1ck Perk1ns 221
John Perry Karen Parker demonstrates her \"stra1ght st1tch1ng sewing\" abilities. Janet Petersen Jeff Peterson Lee Peterson Tammy Petersen Travette Peterson Dav1d Phippen D1ane Podlesney Bryan Poe M1ke Pope D1rk Porter N1k1 Poulsen Larry Powell Paul Powers Becky Proctor LaDawn Prue V1ctor Quezada R1chard Sabey Jess Savage Jenny Schacht Karn Sch1ell L1sa Schneider Knsty Schoenfeld Penney Schronen 222
Jod1e M1tchell gazes 1n awe at her se- Scott Schuman cret 1dol. Danny Scov1ll Steve Segh1n1 K1tty Suazo Gary Serdar Randy Severson Doug Sharp Wendy Sharp Wes Sharp Lea Shepherd Teresa Shepherd Johnette Shenff Don Sherwood Paula Sh1elds Randy Shurtz Jud1th S1ckler Anndra Smart Jeff Sm1th Kaylynn Sm1th Sharon Sm1th Gretchen Snyder Conn1e Spanton Krystal Stanton Ryan Staten Kyle Stauffer Lynn Stauffer R1chard Stott Bryan Stowe Bret Street Todd Stubs Manuela Sturdy D1ane Sudweeks 223
Harold Sullivan Joyce Warner gnns as test scores are announced. Jared Sw1nk C1ndy Tapp Jam1e Tapp Jana raylor Kyra Taylor Meya T1bb1tts Danny Teerlmk Gary Telesco Deborah Tempest Beth Thayer Becky Thompson Rob1n Thompson Carla Thomas John Thomas Wayne Thurman Kathy Timpson Scott Tippetts John Tobler Derek Tolman lan Tolman K1m Toone Tan1a Tracy M1ke Tra1n Kathy Ul1bam LIZ Urry Kelvin Vanderver Jul1e Vanwagenen Becky VanWyngarden Brenda Vasqueo 224
Joe Vasquez K1m Verde Wesley V1sher Stefan1e Voos Manan Walker Natalie Walker Kns Wallgren Marg1e Wank1er Pam Ward Brad Wardle Chnstma Washburn J1m Webster Matt Webster Todd Webster M1ke Wegener Chnst1na We1ss Jan1e Welker Joel Wells Shaun West Sherne Wester Ellene Westover Adele Wheeler Reed Wheeler Beck1 Wh1cker M1ke Wh1mpey Bethany Wh1te Lisa Wh1te Brad Whitesides 225
Joey Wh1t1ng Tamara Whit1ng McRae Whitlock B10n Wilcox Kathleen Wilcox Rene Willbanks Richard Willeg Jay Williams Laurie Williams Shane Williams Lori Wilson Mark Wilson Monty Wilson Steve Wilson Jennifer Wineger Sheri Winkel Finau Wolfgramm David Wong Raylynn Wooa Julie Wright Tracy Wright Jeff Yates Joe Ybarguen Wailin Yu Annette Ziegler Orval Donus Tom Bean 226
Not defeat, but rather quiet victory. Not without purpose, but a cause for life, The reason that life is sometimes m re th n life, That man can be more than man. Vague shadows of a distant pa . Of Golden days and sunny skies. A hope for a new life of everlasting peace. Unknown Author In Memonum : Kenneth Riggs 1961 -1978
Cheerleaders Work Hard To Keep \"Ah so!\" Kim Hirase was the ring Out of all the cheerleaders, Monica Lisa Homer was one of the better leader of the squad . Kim's jumps Stromberg surely deserves the cheerleaders here at H.H .S. when it were sooooo good - she only went award of \" name that burn \". Her came to flips and round offs. She through 14 pairs of nylons this year- sense of humor and humorous re- knew all the slides- especially with one per game! marks really added to the squad . pompons. Valerie Vincent, one of the more flir- ''I'm so embarrassed!\" Wendy Mc- Debbie Maxfield thought she was tatious cheerleaders, sure knew how Donald was one of the quietest one of the most sneaky and sly to correlate numbers with names to cheerleaders on the squad- until we cheerleaders . But really Debbie, we meet up with the Orem players . went to eat and then realized she all knew it was Jerry you were sneak- wasn't on the bus . Oh my heck! ing out of class to see! Have things changed! 228
Husky Spirit Alive Valene Vincent Montca Stromberg It began with the after school workshops, sore muscles, and mil- lions of campaign buttons, and end- ed with six new cheerleaders, ner- vous and shaky-legged from the tryouts in front of the entire stu- dentbody, but deliriously happy and excited. Maybe \"ended with\" isn't appropriate because things had just begun for the six. Headed by Kim Hirase, '79's varsi- ty cheerleaders jumped into the year with more enthusiasm and noise than had been found at HHS in years. They spent many long after- noons planning skits and pep assem- blies and perfecting their cheers. With their bubbling personalities and endless enthusiasm, the cheer- leaders sparked the studentbody's spirit and helped make the year a screaming success! Ltsa Homer Debbte Maxfteld Wendy McDonald Ktm Htrase-Head 229
A ttNote'' About \"Well, we're at the mercy of the Kathy Smith Jodie Brown pep band again.\" \" You said it! If they go much slower we'll be doing the waltz.\" \" At least they're not playing dou- ble time. I thought my feet were go- ing to fall off on that 1st one!\" No matter how the band played, the songleaders always came out on top with the excited cheers of the crowd . Their performances always added a special touch to the pep assemblies and games, and the whole group proved to be a favorite sight of spectators in the infamous Toga club. With their precise coordination and sparkling originality, the song- leaders danced and cheered their way through a super '79. Lori Farnworth Joyce Lovato Julie Butterfield-Head Linda Payne 230
Our Songleaders Jodie is the quiet one of the group- although she does surprise us once in a while with a whisper or two. Ask her if she picks up some of her habits from Harvey the Husky- biting? \"Oops! I turfed it again.\" ''I'm sure! I'm sure!\" \"I'm so-o-o embar- assed.\" These are Kathy's famous words, especially when she turfs it! \"Wait a minute! Let me turn my Creative, dainty, sweet, funny, nylons around so the runs won't and feminine- these all describe Lin- show!\" Anyone need a pair of opa- da Sue- one wild and crazy woman! ques'? Ask Joyce- she knows where to buy 'em. 23 1
No Other Year Needed With a winter filled with bad news, the fall of Iran to anti American forces, tons of snow falling daily frOmgray skies . and run- off flooding everywhere, Huskies definite- ly needed a group to lift their failing spir- its. The Spirit Leaders did their best to Liven up a long winter with signs (and Valentines) all over the school. They sur- prised the football players on the morning of the Brighton game by decorating their homes. Organized for the first time this year, the thirty members met at six in the morning during the summer to practice hand movements and performances. Their advisers were Ros Rappaport and Susan Hawkins. Their disappointing loss at the donkey basketball game highlight- ed the girls ' forte sportsmanship and spir- it. Sp1nt Leaders attended all the games to help build the Husky pnde . L1sa Taylor, seen here try1ng to nde a donkey , organ1zed the Sp1nt Leaders. Sp1nt Leaders stand m the trad1t1onal \" H\" after the1r perfor- mance at the Kearns basketball game. 232
More Spirit Off1cers PreSident-LISa Taylor VIce-PreSident Cam Ph1ppen. Secretary-Noreen Peterson. Treasurer-Michelle Thompson. H1ston Rosaline Rappaport and Susan Hawk1ns were an-Carla Buck. Record1ng Secretary-Jana M1tchell. Hand Movement Cha~rman-He1d1 Olson . Act1v1ty Cha~rman . LISa Ashton , Sen1or great advisors. Rep.-Julie Lund, Jumor Rep. Kay Thompson. Sophomore Rep -Wendy Pernn, Freshman Rep -Wendy Fowkes. Front Row: Susan Hawk1ns-Adv1sor, Wendy Fowkes. Suzy Lafollette. Kay Thompson. Altson Richardson. Alison F1llmore. Suzy Landers, Noreen Peterson, L1sa Tyler, Rosaline Rappaport-Advtsor Second Row· Maclov1a Gonzalea, He1d1 Murrat, Carla Buck. Ltsa Ashton. Mtchelle Thompson, Carri Phtppen, He1d1 Olson, Julie Lund, Leesa Smart. Jana M1tchell Th1rd Row: Debb1e Godwm, Kyra Taylor. M1chelle Louhas, Lynda Mayne. M1chelle Nabaum, Tern M1tchell. Sharon Smtth. J1ll Apostol, Gayle Wnght. Tacy Crow, Wendy Pernn. 233
Yearbook: TITLE: Uncle DelMar's Yearbook drill team, cheerleaders, student- (formerly Shoots) body officers, faculty, and the Junior SETTING: Deadline time Prom and Husky Howl to be shot CHARACTERS: tomorrow morning. Basic Yearbook Slaves: Stowe, One Basic Slave: No way, slave dnv- Holm, Page, Whitehead, Cook, Casa- er! I've already missed too many day, Hibler, Smock, Pavich, Larsen, classes . Christensen, Cook, Larsen, Zillner, Kunta AI: All right, all right. Drop the Holder, Fillmore tennis picture! Massas: March, Shaw, Brady, Rob- VB Slaves: (Sigh of relief) erts, VandenAkker Another Basic Slave: We'll hafta Kunta Allen: Allen Arko dummy-up the Junior Prom. It's not Nignog Photogs: Lockwood, Nielson, till March . How about, \" Junior Prom Gottfredson, Wadsworth, Stanley, was attended by many juniors. It Arko was the best dance at HHS .\" (Organ Music trilling to a crescen- VB Slaves: (Groan) do .) Still Another Basic Slave: We'll hafta ANNOUNCER: Another year, an- fake Husky Howl. Cupcake forgot other book, and millions of empty her camera, and anyways, the yearbook pages bring us to the con- dance was too dark. tinuing story of Uncle DelMar's Photog: Hey, I shot graduation last Yearbook Room. Our characters are week, but I lost the film in the devel- seated in a filthy square room with oper. four doors surrounded by piles of First Basic Slave: You Nignog! boxes, rulers, chicken buckets, tape Graduation hasn't even happened pla;ers, and wasted students orga- yet. nized into teams. And now our story Nignog: A guy never gets a pat on the back for initiative. Can't do any- Kunta Allen: Another year, another thing right around here! book, and millions of empty year- Kunta AI: I need lunch-no year- book pages! Our final deadline's in book can be executed without junk two days. Here's my suggestion : get food . Nignog, clear away the depris on the drums, Tom, and arrange for from our last snack; Stowe hit the basketball, track, tennis, volleyball, machines! Photogs: Cory Nielson . Allen Arko . Paul Wadsworth . Luc1nda Gottfredson . Cra1g Stanley . Scott Lockwood-Head Photog 234
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