Two Four Letter Words!! YB Slaves : Marcr Whrtehead. Marcra Page , Thor Larsen , Charlie Chnstensen , Robynn Cook , Tom Stowe , Arlene Hrbler , Patty Smock . Rrck Pavrch, Enka Zrllner, Enka Larsen , Laura Frllmore , Gordon Cook Not pict. Kelly , Mrke Holder , Lisa Holm , Allen Arko This craziness was only typical of this wild and crazy yearbook group who perpetrated organized chaos. Often late but always creative, four teams (sports, students, activities, and leadership) took, found, lost, and refound literally hundreds of pictures for exacting layouts. The most creative copy found its way to the printer in California after mildly rambunctious lunch-hour huddles of screaming laughter (to the dispar- agement of Mr. Fagg and his staff). Yearbook gave staffers several ad- vantages: unlimited access to the li- brary, dittoed excusses, and six- hour lunches. Yearbook photogs spent the school year in the dark. How often they heard, \"What an ugly picture,\" while confronted with a dastardly subject. No other school group spent as much time schlep- ping through the building arranging pictures, getting names, and dodg- ing their teachers. ANNOU NCER: For the continuing saga of Uncle DelMar's Yearbook for (bleep)-sakes have your yearbook picture taken next year. Allen Arko- Edrtor-rn -Chief, Enka Zrllner- -Leadershrp Edrtor , Tom Stowe- Public Relatrons, Enka Lar- sen- -Student Edrtor, Rrck Pavich . Patty Smock- Actrvrtres Edrtors, Not prct. Lrsa Holm- Sports Edrtor 235
Sentry Also Defies It's a bird! champion of the The Press It's a plane! co-editors .............................. cathy free, tonya talbot It's Superman- news editor ... . . .. ................... . ............. kris poulsen Daily Planet. viewpoint editor ......... . .......................... jolyn carter feature editors .............. becky stannard , donna schoenfeld Naturally, the Daily Planet, the senti- sports editor ......... . ..... . ............... . ...... darin wilcox nel of law and order, housed in a layout ............................... . .............. cathy free mighty sky-scraper, and the abode wide angle ............................ cathy free, tonya talbot of Mr. White , Lois Lane, and Jimmy cartoonist .. . . . ....................................... bill cazer is comparable to the fortress of business ...... . ......... ... ..................... . .tonya talbot HHS , The Sentry. However humble reporters . ....... . . .. . . ...... . ........ lisa larsen, todd cannon, its pressroom, the '79 Sentry pro- duced the most innovative paper in bill cazer, cathie genn, kim hirase, ronn cordova, barbara hof- years. With a completely new look, heins, kris poulsen, jane thornton , kathy petty, georgia hale, mike style, and staff, the paper went from roderick a four page blurb to an eight or ten page tabloid exploring school life. advisor . . ................................ mrs. earlene mitchell More importantly, however, was the publisher ................................. jordan valley sentinel paper's features which were re- photographers .. .... . ..... jeff nichols, robert hood, dan conder searched by the staff, lending a scholarly dimension to the new- sheet. Such features included \"Teen Pregnancy and Marriage ,\" \"Disco,\" and \"Suicide.\" The staff led by edi- tors Cathy Free and Tonya Talbot was adv:sed by Earlene Mitchell who supported staff members in their creative endeavors. Although Sentry was minus Clark Kent (therefore Superman), The Sentry championed the student and personal rights and kept students in- formed . Mrs . Mitchell IS always near w1th suggestions. Deadlines are as obnoxious for Sentry as they are for Yearbook . 236
Kryptonite Left to nght: Cathy Free . Tonya Talbot. Dann Wilcox . Cathy Petty. Mrs. Earlene M1tchell , Jolyn Carter. Bill Caz1er. Georg1a Hale. Barbara Hofhems. Becky Stannard. Todd Cannon. Cath1e Glenn . Jane Thornton . M1ke Rodenck Ron Cordova seeks \" professional \" help dur- Tonya Talbot . Mrs . Earlene M1tchell . and Cathy Free headed up a great year for Sentry. mg deadlines. 237
Expressions Are-Uh-Hard To- Well You Know. I'm supposed to write the copy for our school's creative writing magazine, but somehow I just can't find the words to-well, the words to tell about it. I mean I know what I want to say but I just can't-can't tell it to you. Anyway , the name of the magazine is Expressions-the advisor is Ann Swift and the editors are-Joanne Miles and Loree Godfree, Art-Tom Vawdrey, Short Story-Jolynne Carter and David Bodily, Poetry-Tracy Smith and Darwin Melville. The whole purpose of the magazine is to offer an outlet for students of Hillcrest who have the talent for-well, for letting other people know what they feel and think. I j;.Jst wish I could find the words to- well, you know. Ed1tors- left to nght · Jolynne Carter. Tom Vawdrey, Joanne M1les , Loree Godfrey, Darwm Melville. Tracy Sm1th. Dav1d Bodily ' Staff members- left to nght: Sandra Bedke, Dan Newman, Lorelei Coggle, Ten Healey, Shem Penrose, Sh<lron Gray, Cathy Free, Nancy Allred, Shar.a Green 238
A Week Of Civics Sent Mike To Boy's Nation \"Well James, what did you do this summer?\" \"I spent a week in Las Vegas- oops! I mean I spent a week at Boy's State.\" Besides the extracurricular activi- ties that made Boy's and Girl's State exciting and fun, a lot of \"whole- some\" hard work took place too. Each person ran for different of- fices in the mock cities in which they lived. The reps from our school came up with some fancy titles like \"judge of elections\" and \"county party chairman.\" All agreed it was a fantastic oppor- tunity to meet new People and to learn how our government works. It helped them develop a deep appre- ciation and respect for our country and its Political system . Brian Scholle summed their feelings up with \"I wouldn't trade it for any oth- er week!\" Front to Back: Tom Stowe , Bryan Jacobs , James Sangron1z , Kelvm Green . M1ke Mcintosh , Bnan Bentley, Brian Scholle, Verdon Walker . Joanne Miles . Jody Anderson , Marc1e Beck , Carn Phippen . not pictured : Enn Lee M1ke Mclntosb bad the bonor of gomg to Boy 's Nat1on. 239
The Senate Comes To Order \"Order in the Senate . Order in the Senate. We would like to call this meeting to order! Carri, that's the third tardy this week and today is Wednesday . And please, PLEASE leave your clogs outside! James, put your gum in the wastebasket if you can't keep it in your mouth, and Arko, would you keep that slimy thing in your mouth!\" No, this is not really what Hillcrest's Senate is like. Actually, they are very much like the Senate in our gov- ernment today. Each class appoints their own senators. The presidents of HAM HAW and the editor of the newspa- per are automatically a part of the Senate. The Senate got involved with the parent advisory coun- sel and solved the problems of the school. The Senate helped students and parents to have better relationships. Front Row: Kelly Chnst1an , Shauna Jenson, James Sangroniz, Noreen Petersen , Roger Lassig, Carri Phippen , Michelle Dahl, M1ddle Row: Tern M1tchell , Shauna Mart1neau. Jon Tholen , Debb1e Mitchell , Darw1n Bagley , John McEnt1re , M1chelle Bentley , Back Row: Jan Jeppson , Jeff Maynard, Allen Arko, Kelly Johnson , Jana Mitchell. 240
I've Had My Share Of Broken Dreams 1) Photo by Scott Lockwood 2) Spec1al effect photographer captured by camera Photo· Paul Wadsworth . 3) Spec1al effect captured by photographer . Allen Arko . 241
And More Than A 1) Winter beauty captured by Paul Wadsworth . 2) Before the controlled access of the library, rampant poker games flooded the \"learning ta- bles.' ' 3) The Jug, won by Hillcrest during the first re- gion match with Brighton, takes its rightful place in the Husky Showcase . 4) Merelyn Jensen helps the choirs music blend with her singing. 5) The cafeteria and fast-food joints were the hang-outs for Huskies during the long lunch hour. 6) Photo by Craig Stanley 3 242
Couple Of Falls 243
And In Chasin ' What 1) Doug Ostermiller delivers a Dr . Seuss ren - ditiOn for h1s theatre class m the wild and crazy style of comedian Steve Mart1n . 2) and 3) Photos by Cra1g Stanley and Scott Loc k- wood capture the essence of HHS country 4 ) Closed pod walls sported graH1t1 unt1l Novem- ber when the tapestries were hung. Photo Cred1t: Allen Arko . 5) Pre-Chnstmas weather d1pped to the low teens caus1ng frozen en - gines, fiery tempers, and trans1ent stalag- tltes . 6) ' 78 Indian summer allowed Husk1es and the1r fam1l1es to enJOY autumn vacat1ons. Photo: LuC1nda Gottfredson 3 244
I Thought Were Moon Beams 6 245
I've Run Into 3 4 246
A Couple Of Walls 1) Pete Mascaro regresses to his Freshman days. 2) Phil Xaiz \"ran into a couple of walls\" dunng the gnd season. 3) Hard work and discipline enabled the dnll team to take a first place m nat1onal competition . 4) Huskies, who think of themselves a super- human idolised Batman, Wonder Woman , The B1on1c Couple and SUPERMAN\". 5) As parents feared , sen1or boys dated fresh- man g1rls ; but, they did not ant1c1pate sen1or g1rls datmg freshman boys. 6) Bes1des the regular school activities , Husk1es found the t1me (and money! ) to go see one of many groups that appeared at the Salt Palace. 7 247
But In Looking Back 4 248
At The Faces I've Seen 1) Husk1es found t1me to frol1c 1n a wmter fantas1a desp1te the unusually short Chnst- mas break hampered by the Russ1an flu . Pho- tograph by Scott Lockwood . 2) The p1cture- tnlogy of Lmda Payne as the g1rl she was, 1s. and Will become reflects the yearbook theme , Faces of Change . Effects by R1ck Pav1ch : Photo by Lucmda Gottfredson. 3) A Scottish piper , courtesy of the Salt Lake Scotts, adds a wee b1t o ' highland fla1r to the production of Brigadoon. Paul Wadsworth. photographer . 4) That last tnp up the canyon before school started was marked with cnsp autumn a1r and scenery. It was the perfect settmg for good fnends and good t1mes. Scene captured by Arch Shaw. 5) The long awa1ted spring came after b1tter temperatures raked the area As blossoms burst and the grass transformed from dead b1ege to emerald green . HHS stu- dents took to the great outdoors dunng unch . Photo : Cra1g Stanley . 5 249
I'd Sure Be The 4 250
First One To Say 6 1) Three vice princ1pals and one computer had to hustle to keep up w1th 2500 plus Huskies. 2) R1valry : \" Harvey the Husk1e \" and \" Brutus the Tiger \" watch the outcome of the H.H.S.-Orem game. 3) Half of a Husky Helpers reward 1s the adora - tion and the awe of the children. 4) Kelly Johnson is \" in tune \" w1th her cello . 5) Kev1n Pullan found that slavery wasn 't abol- ished for the novice debaters. 6) Gordon Cook is caught. literally while he was in search of the elusive Mule Deer . 7) State Street was almost a part of the Husky campus on week-end even1ngs. 7 251
When I Look 3 4 252
At Myself Today 1) Hillcrest's monolith announces yet another act1v1ty dur~ng the 79 year . Photo cred1t · Fred Roberts 2) Th1s year 's cold wmter made a lot of av1d sk1ers and one snow-hungry photog very happy . Photo cred1t: Scott Lockwood 3) Dance student . Jod1 Anderson , \"b1tes the ap- ple \" and almost gets the camera too! Photo cred1t : Allen Arko . 4) Vars1ty eager Jerry Han- sen IS scouted for college ball Photo cred1t : Arch Shaw 5) The bas1s of all school sp1r1t IS centered m the Husky Day captured by Cra1g Stanley . 6 ) Photo cred1t: Scott Lockwood . 7) The Chr~stmas sp1r1t burned br~ghtly as Hus- kies part1c1pated 1n assemblies, Sen1or Snow- ball. and the spec1al concert g1ven by the Mu- SIC department Photo cred1t: Cra1g Stanley . 5 67 253
I Wouldn't Have Done It 1) Pat Sch1ev1ng delivers a severe blow to h1s obstmant opponent. 2) We \"Mangled\" a \" Bengal\" and \" Bnght- oned \" our day!!! - Battle of the Jug, 1979 3) The pep band provided both spectator and team enthus1asm during the home games. 4) Some libraries have books to read, others ... well 5) Arlene Hibler models autumn pep assem- bly att1re . 6) Pau l Ward thmks, \" All in all I'd rather be fishin'! \" 254
Any Other Way 45 6 255
1} Enke Zillner . National Honor Soc1ety Presi- dent, JUmps 1nto her work w1th all feet. Photo by Paul Wadsworth. 2} Hillcrest hunters trudged through slimy swamps search1ng edible prey and leav1ng man 's mark . Photo cred1t: Scott Lock- wood . 256
SENIOR INDEX Bigler, Ken 146, 54 Football-Soph. J.V., Corena, Helen 147 General Activities Greco, Ricky General Activities Varsity, Baseball, Toga Club, DECA, Let- Cottrell, Lucinda 160 Drama, Band Green, Kelvin 149, 239, 126, 127 Honor Roll Adams, Brad 145, 78 Football-Soph. J.V., tennens' Club Cressall, Chris 147, 161 Honor Roll '77- '79, Wrestling, Ski Club, Toga Club, Lettennens' '78- '79, Honor Society, Merit Commended Club. Bingham, Eric 146, 54 Football-Soph, J.V., Honor Society, Track Student, Sterling Scholar, Kings Corners- Varsity, Baseball, Toga Club, Lettennens' Cressall, Randy 147, 54 General Activities ,Debate, Key Club, Boys' State, Future Doc- Alldridge, Jamie 145 General Activities Club, Honor Society Crookston, Patty 147 Gymnastics, Pep Club tors of America- President Allred, Becky 145 General Activities Crump, Kirby 148 General Activities Green, Pam 149 General Activities Bischoff, Robert 146 General Activities Green, Shana 149, 238 Expressions staff, Wres- llred, Nancy 145, 128, 17, 238 Honor Roll Blackett, Edward General Activities Daley, Janet 148 Honor Roll '77- '79 Riding tling Club, Bleacher Babes, Ski Club '77 -79, Honor Society, Expressions Publicity Boggess, Shelly 146 Honor Roll '77, Pep Club Club, FBLA, FHA Greene, Rae 149 Honor Roll '77-'79 FBLA- Manager, Expressions Dance Club President Bollwinkel, Lee 146 VICA, Chamber Choir, Treasurer, FBLA, DECA '79, Dance Club, FHA, School Musicals: Dansie, Mark General Activities Greenhalgh, LaMar 149, 52 Basketball, Cross ''Brigadoon'' ''My Fair Lady'' School Musicals: \"Brigadoon\" \"My Fair Dansie, Stephen 148 Honor Roll '78- 179, Dra- country, Track, Lettermen 1s Club, DECA Anderson, Debra 145, 62, 67, Honor Roll Lady'' Creer, Alan 149 Football, School Musicals $G77- '79, Basketball- J. V., Var., Volley- Biesinger, Jackie General Activities ma Club Vice Pres. , VICA, Drama, Chamber Gregory, Scott 149, 104, 105 General Activi- ball, Wrestling Club. Baker, Linda General Activities Choir, Stage Crew, School Musicals: \"My ties Anderson, Jody, 145, 128, 239, 17 Honor Roll Booms, Bill 146 General Activities Fair Lady'', ''Brigadoon'', ''Hansel and Griego, Janea 149 General Activities '77- '79, Honor Society, Drama Club, Dance Borovatz, Jeff General Activities Gretal'' Griffiths, Colleen 149 General Activities Club, Orchesis, Folk Dance Co., Dance Boyer, Lauren 146, 52 Cross Country, Chamber Davidson, Aaron 148 VICA, Ski Club Griffiths, Sherry 149 General Activities Crafters Club, Girls' State, Assemblies, Choir, ''Husky Howl''-sheriff Davis, Tracy 148, 128, 232 Drill Team- Vice Gundersen, Sue General Activities School Musicals: 1 'Brigadoon'' Boynton, Marty 146 General Activites Pres., School Musicals, Choir '78-'79 Cunn, Kathy 149 General Activities Anderson, Kaylene 145 Honor Roll '77-'79, Bradford, David 146 General Activities Deem, Janet 148, 66-69 Honor Roll'77, Honor Gunther, Jacci 149 General Activities Junior Choir Bradley, Gerald 146 General Activities Society, Basketball-J.V., Varsity, Track Gunther, Jodi 149, 63 Volleyball Anderson, Wesley General Activities Brady, Marilyn 146, 125 General Activities Delacruz, David General Activities Angell, Scott 145 General Activities Brady, Scott 146 Toga Club, VICA, Ski Club Dooley, Evona General Activities Hair, Clorianne 149 Honor Roll'77- '79, Honor Apostol, Ceorgann 145, 49, 142, 143, 66-69 Breese, Nonnan 146 General Activities Doyle, Jim 148 General Activities Society, FHA Studentbody Secretary, Honor Roll '77- '79, Brenneman, Pau1146Baseball, Ski Club, Con- Draney, Susan 148 Gymnastics Honor Society, Merit Scholar- Semi- Fina- cert Band, Stage Band, Debate, DECA Duncun, Catherine 148 General Activities Haislet, Jayne 149 General Activities list, Soph. Sweethearts-2nd Attend., Jr. Bridge, Mark 146 General Activities Duran, Angela 148 General Activities Hall, Mark 149 General Activities Prom-1st Attend., Homecoming- -1st At- Brown, Dan 146 General Activities Hambleton, Steve 149 General Activities tend., Basketball-J. V. , Varsity, Tennis, Brown , Mark 146 Honor Roll '77- ' 79 , Honor Eisert, Claudia 148 Honor Roll '79 Pep Club, Hammer, !\\!ike 150, 126, 127 Honor Roll'77- Track, Volleyball, Chamber Choir, Big and Society, Toga Club Drama , Jr. Choir Little Sisters, School Musicals: \"Briga- Bryson, Wilk 146 General Activities '79, Honor Society, Sterling Scholar, Ten- doon 1 1 , Swing Choir Buck, Carla 146, 233 Honor Roll '79, Spirit Emmer, Karen General Activities nis, VICA, Toga Club Arko, Allen 145, 234, 235, 240 Yearbook Edi- Leaders-Historian, Chamber Choir, Wres- Enniss, Bonnie 148 General Activities Hampshire, Elliott General Activities tor-in-Chief, Sentry staff and photog., tling Club, School Musicals: ''Brigadoon'', Erdmann, JOhn 148 General Activities Hansen, Don General Activities Yearbook staff and photog. , Football- Soph. , HAM-HAW Erickson, Paul 148 General Activities Hansen, Jerry 150, 70-73 Basketball-Soph., CHAM-HAW-President, Senate Bunting, Shanna 146 Honor Roll 177- '79, Hon- Eske, Eileen 148 Honor Roll '77- '79 Honor So- J.V., Varsity, TrackVlCA, Drama, Letter- Ashby, Suzette 145, 17 Drama, Concert Choir, or Society, Chamber Choir, School Musicals: men's Club, Toga Club Chamber Choir, Swing Choir, School Musi- \"The Pajama Came\" \"My Fair Lady\" ciety, DECA,Debate, FBLA Hansen, Robin 150, 63 General Activities cals: 1 1Brigadoon' ' -lead, ' 'Hansel and Cre- 1 'Brigadoon 1 1 , Fha Esplin, Cary 148 General Activities Harding, Thomas, General Activities tal'' Burch, Bobbi 146 General Activities Evans, Christine 148 General Activities Hannan, Steve 150 General Activities f.shton, Lisa 145, 233 Honor Roll '77-'79, Burkinshaw, Laurie 146, 62, 4, 66-69 Senior Evans, John, FBLA, Toga Club Hannon, Joyce 150HonorRoll'77-'79, Honor Honor Society, Spirit Leaders-Act. Chair- Class Secretary, Honor Roll '77 -79, Honor Evans, Linda 148 General Activities Society, Mascot, Chamber Choir, Swing man, HAM-HAW, FHA, DECA Society, Jr. Prom- 2nd Attend. , Basketball- Singers, Drama Club, HAM-HA\\'.' School Varsity, Tennis, Track Volleyball, Fackrell, Randy 148, 55, 57 Football-Soph., Musicals Bagley, Curtis 145, Ski Club, Ushers Club, Burt, Bruce 146, General Activities J.V., Varsity, House of Rep., Toga Club, Harrington, Debbie 150, 125 Honor Roll '77- VIC A Butler, Mary 146 Honor Roll '77- '79, Ham Ski Club, Lettennens' Club '79, Drama Club Haw, Ski Club, DECA, Big and Little Sisters, Harrington, Shelly 150 General Activities Bagley, Darwin 145, 161, 240 Honor Roll '77- FHA Fahrner, Henry 148 Track, Scuba Club Harrison, Scott 150 General Activities '79, Senate, FBLA Butterfield, Julie 146, 20, 230, 231, 128 Honor Faulkner, Jeff Baseball Harshbarger, Haidee 150 General Activities Roll '77- '79, Honor Society, Songleader Fillmore, Laura 148, 234, 235 Yearbook Hatch, Raymond 150 General Activities Baker, Cathy 145 General Activities '78-'79, head-'79, Cheerleader-Soph., Fish, Cory 148 Honor Roll '79, Football- Hatt, Russ 150 General Activities Baker, Jerry 145 General Activities Wrestling Club, Dance Club, Orchesis, Haug, John 150 General Actitivies Banford, Lori 145 FI-lA-President, '79, Ski DECA, Debate, Big and Little Sisters, School Soph. , Chamber Choir, Ski Club, Science Haun, Brad 150 General Activities Club, Dance Crafters, Dance Co., School Hawley, Cindy General Activities Club. Musicals: ' 'Brigadoon' ' Musicals: ''Brigadoon'' ''My Fair Lady'' Hawthorne, Shayne General Activities Barber, Calvin 145 General Activities Byrd, Steve 146 General Activities 1 1Hansel and Gretal' 1 Hibler, Arlene 150, 254, 161, 143, 142, 234, Barbieri, Jeff 145 General Activities Fisher, Kyle 148 General Activities 235 Studentboyd Activities Charirnan, Year- Barclay, Mark 145 Football- J. V., Toga Club Callaway, Cary 146 General Activities Fowkes, Bret 148 Football-Soph., VICA- book, Honor Roll '77- '79, Honor Society, Barnes, Vickie General Activities Campbell, Chris 146 General Activities President, Chamber Choir, Swing Choir, Husky Howl-2nd Attendant, Chamber Choir, Barney, Julie 145 Honor Roll '77- 179, Honor Cannon, Todd 147, 236, 237 General Activities Drama, Track, School Musicals: ''Briga- Concert Choir, ''Brigadoon'' Cano, Debbie 147 General Activities doon'' Hickson, Korinne 150, 161 Honor Roll '77- Society, Adventures Club, Swing Choir, Carpentier, Suzie 147 General Activities Fowlkes, Ray 148 General Activities '79, Honor Society, Drama Chamber Choir, Concert Choir Carter, Jolyn 147, 236-238 General Activities Free, Cathy148, 236,237, 238Sentry-Editor, Higginson, Sheila General Activities Barnhurst, Blair 145 Soccer- Var., VICA Castillo, Craig 147, 54 General Activities Expressions, Wrestling Club, Drama, House Hirase, Kim 150, 142, 228-229, 236, 237 Basso, Sandra 145 General Activities Castillo, Pete 147 General Activities of Rep., Senate Head Cheerleader, Sentry Staff, Honor Roll, Beck, Marcie 145, 126, 127, 239 Honor Roll Cazer, Bill147, 236, 237 General Activites Freund, Kenny General Activities Cheerleader- Soph. , J. V. , Varsity, Horne- '77-'79, Honor Society, Merit Scholar, Chan, Tom General Activites Fullmer, Danna 149 General Activities corning- 2nd Attendant, Wrestling Club, Sterling Scholar, Assemblies, Debate-Sen. Christensen, Bonnie President, Wrestling Club, DECA, PTSA Council, Kings Corner- Pres. , Key Club- Gymnastics, Drama Cafa, Dennis General Activities Hjorp, Dan General Activities Vice Pres. , Honor Society Sec. , Dance Christensen, Mike General Activities Garduno, Dennis 149, 104, 105 Basketball- Hofeling, Wade 150, SSFootball-J.V., Varsi- Crafters, Drama, Dance Club, Sub Debs and Christensen, Susan 147 General Activities Squires, Senate , School Musicals: ' 'My Fair Christensen, Suzette 147 General Activities Soph, J.V., Tennis, Toga Club, DECA, ty Lady' 1 1 1Pajame Came 1 1 Childrens Theater Christian, Kelly 147, 54, 144, 232, 240 Senior FBLA Hoffman, Caylynne 150 General Activities Beckman, Fred 145 General Activities Garfield, Donna 149 DECA, Pep Club, Wres- Hofheins, Barbara 150, 236, 237 Sentry Staff, Beckstead, llene 145 General Activities Class President, Football- Varsity, Track, tling Club Beckstead, Kori Wrestling, Ski Club, Toga Toga Club, Ski Club Carner, Wayne 149 General Activities DECA, Drama Club, Ski Club Club, VICA Clark, Caron 147 Expressions, Honor Roll '77, Caster, John General Activities Hofhines, Steven 150 General Activities Bedke, Sandra Expressions, Drama, FBLA, J.V. Cheerleader, Drill Team, Gymnastics, Clad, Darla 149 General Activities Hogenson, Kevin 150, 78, Wrestling DECA HAM-HAW, PTSA., Drill Team Social Glenn, Cathie 149 236, 237, 123, General Ac- Hogenson, Kim 78, 79 Wrestling Beers, Warren 55, 238 Football-Soph., J.V., Pres., Big and Little Sisters, Drama, Wres- tivities Hoki, Richard 150, 54 Football Varsity, Toga Club, Lettennens Club, Most tling Club, HouseofRep., P.T.S.A., As- Click, Patricia General Activities Holm Lisa 150, 161, 234, 235 Yearbook Sports Inspirational Athlete '79 semblies Clover, Trent 149, 161, 17 Honor Roll, Foot- Bell, Teri 145 General Activities Cleaver, Greg 147 General Activities ball-Soph. J.V. Varsity, Debate, Ski Club, Editor, Track Bennett, Jeff 17 General Activities Cleavland, Carolyn General Activities Toga Club, Kings Corners, Dance Crafters, Horner, Lisa 150, 228, 229 Honor Roll '77- Bennett, Shelly 145 General Activities Cobbley, Linda 147 Honor Roll'78- 179, VICA Lettennens 1 Club, Assemblies, School Musi- .entley, Brian 145, 161, 239, 17, 126, 127 Coggle, Lorilei 147, 238 Expressions, FHA. , cals: ''Brigadoon'', Track '79, Cheerleader- J. V., Varsity, Sweet- Honor Roll'77-'79, Honor Society, Sterling Godfrey, Loree Ann 149, 110, 126, 127, 238 hearts Queen, Wrestling Club, Ski Club, Big G Scholar, Mascot, Chamber Choir- President, International Club, Ski Club Expressions-Editor, Honor Roll '77-'79, Drama, Dance Crafters, Boys' State, Coleman, Merlyn 147 General Activities Honor Society, Sterling Scholar, Key Club, Little Sisters P. T. S. A. , Assemblies, School Musicals: Collins, Leslie 147, 49, 845 Honor Roll '77, Debate, FHA, Drama, Chamber Choir, Hone, Clennis 150 General Activities ''Pajama Came'', ''Hansel and Gretal''- School Musicals: ''Brigadoon'', ''Our Hone, Suzette General Activities Lead ''My Fair Lady''-lead, ''Brigadoon''- Tennis, FBLA Secretary, DECA, Debate, Town'', ''Hansel and Gretal'', '' 1y Fair Hooker, Christine Honor Roll '77- '79, Honor lead, Chamber Choir, Swing Choir. Drama Lady'' Bergesen, Cary General Activities Comstock, Kelly 147 Honor Roll'77-'79, Gonzales, Yvonne General Activities Society, Drama, Chamber Choir, Swing Bernardo, !l:!ike 146, 70-73 Honor Roll, '78, Wrestling, Toga Club Corringe, Jan 149 General Activities Singers, Dance Crafters, Conspirato Dance Basketball-Soph., J.V., Varsity, Baseball, Condie, Mishele 147 General Activities Crady, Don 149 General Activities Co. , District Seminary Council, School Track, Toga Club, DECA, Lettennens' Cordova, Connie 147 General Activities Graham, Gene 149 General Activities Musicals: \"Brigadoon, 11 1y Fair Lady, 11 Club- President Cordova, Ronn 147, 54, 57, 236, 237 Sentry, Graham, Floyd General Activities ''Hansel GGretel,'' ''Pajama Game'' Football-Soph. Varsity, Baseball, Letter- Gray, Mike 54 Honor Roll'77-'79, Football- Horack, Lorie 150 Honor Roll '77- '79. mens' Club, Toga Club, DECA Soph., J.V., Varsity, FBLA, Toga Club, Horrocks, Sheila 150 General Activities Lettermen's Club, Art Club, Baseball Hoskisson, Brian General Activities 257
Houtl, !ax150Soph. Football, SkiClub, Toga lopez, Mike 152 General Activities King's Corners, Science Club, PTSA Page, Marcia 155, 101, 161, 66-69, 234, 235 Club lord, Valerie 152 International Club- Vice I\\tiles, Joanne 153, 161, 239, 236, 237, 238 Yearbook, Honor Roll '77-'79, Basketball, Track, FHA Hudson, !ike 150 \\'ICA Pres. Expressions-Editor, Sentry staff, Honor Roll Huffman, Andy 125 General Activities luck, Greg General Activities '77- '79, Honor Society, Drama, Boys 1 Park Dawna 155 General Activities Hunick, Lori 150 General Activities lucky, JOhn 152 General Activities State, School Musicals: \"My Fair lady\", Parker, George 155 VICA Club Hunter, Donna 150 General Activities Lunceford, Anne 152, 161 Soph. Class Secre- ' 1Brig adoon' ' Parker, Karen 155, 143, 142 Studentbody His- 1\\tilgate, Kelly General Activities Ingle by, I\\like 151 General Activities tary, Honor Roll '77, Big and little Sisters- /\\tiller, Eric 154 General Activities torian, Honor Roll '77- '79, Honor Society, !vie, Ronald General Activities President, HAM-HAW Secretary '77, Soph . Miller, Shelly, 154, 128, 232 Drill Team, Soph. HAW Vice President, Adventurer's Pep Club, FBLA, Dance Club, VICA Club- Secretary, Big (. little Sisters Jr. Rep . , jackson, Greg General Activities lund, james General Activities liner, Diane 154 HAM-HAW, Drama Drama , Big G little Sisters Jackson, Shauna 151, 232 Drill Team-Secre- lund, Julie 152, 233 Senior Class Advisor- Moon, Marion 154 General Activities Parker, Von 155 Honor Roll '78-'79 Spiritleaders, Ski Club Morin, Joel 160, 54 General Activities Parsons, linda 155 General Activities tary, Soph. Pep Club lund, lana, General Activities Moser, Kevin 154, 20, 16, 17 Senior Snowball- Payne, linda 155, 230, 231, 128, 17 Honor Jacobs, Bryan 87, 239 General Activities lund, Marie 152, 126, 127 Honor Roll '77- 2nd Attendant, Drama, Pep Band, \"Briga- Roll '77, Songleader, Drill Team, King's Jacobson, Reid 151 General Activities '79, Honor Society, Sterling Scholar, FHA- doon'' Corners, Drama, Dance Club, Dance Jenkins, Paul 151, 52, 53 General Activities Activity Chariman, Ski Club, HAM-HAW Moyeda, David 154 Honor Roll '77- 179, Honor Crafters, Orchesis, School Musicals : ''Han- Jensen, Cindy 151 General Activities lyons, lea General Activities Society, VICA Vice President, Toga Club, sel G Gretel\", \"My Fair lady\", \"Briga- Jensen, John 151, 83 General Activities Science Club doon'' Jensen, Merelyn 151, 242 Honor Roll '77, Dra- Mace, Shawn 152, 126, 127 Honor Roll '78- Muir, Deanna 154 FBLA-Activity Chairman, Pellegrino, Judy 155 General Activities '79, Honor Society, Sterling Scholar, Sci- FHA Pelt, Melvin General Activities rna, Concert Choir, Chamber Choir, School ence Club-President, Future Doctors of Mulvey, Patti 154 General Activities Penrose , Sherrie 155, 238 Expressions, Honor !usicals: ''My Fair lady,'' ''Brigadoon'' America, King's Corners Muthreich, Robert 154 General Activities Roll'77-'79, DECA, Wrestling Club, School !ackay, Dale 152 General Activities Myrick, Dana 154, 232 Honor Roll, Drill !usicals: ''Pajama Game'' , 1'Hansel G Jensen, 1\\tichael General Activities lackey, 1\\!ike 153, 55, 57 Football-Soph., Team, Ski Club, FHA, Dance Club Gretel'' Jensen, Ron 151 General Activities J.V . , Varsity· , Toga Club, lettermen's Club, Pepper, Doug 155 General Activities Jensen, Shauna 151, 128 Honor Roll '77-'79, HAM-HAW Nabaum, 1\\tichelle 154, 233 Honor Roll '77- Peterson, leeland General Activities '79, FBLA, Spiritleader Peterson, Noreen 155, 128, 233, 240 Honor DECA-Secretary, FBLA, Wrestling Club Macklyn, Kim 153 General Activities Roll '77, HAM-HAW-President, Spirit Jenson, Shauna 1S1, 232, 240 Honor Roll '77- Maddox, Sabrina General Activities Nelson, Melissa General Activities leader Secretary, Dance Club, Wrestling Mansfield, !elanie, 153, 63, 66-69 Honor Nelson, Patti 154, HonorRoll'77, Band-Presi- Club, Senate, \"Brigadoon\" '79, Honor Society, Dance Club- Historian, Phillips, Renee 155 General Activities Drill Team. Soph. Pep Club, Senate, School Roll '77-'79, Husky Howl-Queen, Basket- dent '79, School Musicals : ''My Fair lady' ' , Phillips, Susan 155 General Activities l\\.1usicals: 1 'Brigadoon'', ''l\\1y Fair Lady'', ball, Track, Volleyball, Chamber Choir, ''Brigadoon'' Phippen, Carri 239, 236, 237, 233, 240 Sentry ''Pajama Game'' Concert Choir, School !usicals: \"Pajama elson, Regana 154 General Activities Editor, Sentry Staff, Honor Roll '77-'79, Jesperson, joel General Activities Carne'' Nelson, Russ 154 Honor Roll '79, Scuba Club, Honor Society, Track, Spirit leaders Vice Jessop, Julie 151, 126, 127 Honor Roll '77- Mantas, Robert 153 General Activities Ski Club President, Drama, Key Club, Ski Club, '79, Honor Society, Sterling Scholar, HAM- Manwill, Rick 153 Football, Cross Country, Nemelka, Ken 154 General Activities Wrestling Club, HAM-HAW, Big Glittle Sis- HAW, FBLA, FHA, \"Brigadoon\" Track, Ski Club Newbold, Kelly 154, 52, 104-105, 70-73 ters Club, Senate, Girls' State, School Musi- Johnson, Sandra General Activities Marchant, Cheryl153 PTSA, FHA, Ski Club Honor Roll '79, Basketball- Soph. , J. V. , cals: ''Brigadoon'', 11 Hansel t Gretel'', johnson, Toney 151 Football, VlCA Mark, Dale 153 General Activities Varsity, Cross Country, Track, DECA- \\'ice Concert Choir, Chamber Choir Jones, Rick 151 General Activities Markosian, Sam 153 Wrestling President '79, lettermens 1 Club, Pickren, Jerri 156, 161 Honor Roll '77-'79, Markus, Don 153 General Activities Newman, Dan 154, 238 Expressions, Wrestling, Honor Society, Wrestling Club, Ski Club, Kallen, Shauna 151 General Activities Marrelli, Frank 153, 78, 29 Football-Soph., FBLA DECA, Debate Kammerman, John General Activities J.V., Varsity, Wrestling, Toga Club, let- Nichols, Dave 154, 20 Football, Baseball, Pierce, Bret 156 General Activities Kashishian, Karen 1S1 Honor Society, VICA- termen 1s Club, Wrestling Club DECA-President '79, lettermens 1 Club, Poll, Marcelle 156HonorRoll'77-'79, Track, !artinac, Jacque 87, 126, 127 Honor Roll '77- Toga Club Drama, Soph. Pep Club, FHA, Adventurer's President '79, Honor Society·, Sterling Scholar, Vol- Nichols, Jeff 154, 54, 236, 237, 238 General Club, School Musicals Kemp, Todd 1S1, 55, 70-73 General Activities leyball, International Club- President, De- Activities Pollick, Tracy 845, 20 Senior Snow Ball-1st Kennington, Clark 151 General Activities bate, Ski Club, Future Doctors of America. Nichols, Kelly General Activities Attendant, Track, FBLA President '79, De- Keys, Robert 151, 70-73 Football- Soph. , 1\\!artineau, Shauna 153, 17, 240 Junior Class Nielson, Byron Honor Roll 179, Science Club, bate Secretary, Honor Roll '77- '79, Honor Soci- VICA Porter, Paula 156, 232 Drill Team J. V. , Varsity, Baseball ety, Volleyball, BICEP Committee Chair- Nilsson, Stephanie 154 Drama, Adventurer's Powell, Gary 156, 54, 78 Basketball, Football- Keysaw, Earl General Activities man, Chamber Choir, Senate, School Musi- Club Soph. , J. V., Varsity, Tennis, Wrestling Killinger, Matthew 151, 107 Honor Roll '77- cals: 1 1Pajama Game 1 1 , 1 'Brigadoon 1 1 Noble, Sherrie 154 Honor Roll '78, Ski Club, Pyle, Chris 156 General Activities Martineau, Tracy 153 General Activities Big G little Sisters, Bleacher Babes '79, Science Club- Vice President, Senator !artinez, Debbie 153 General Activities Norris, Jaren 154, 52 Honor Roll '77- '79, Quintana, Valerie 156 General Activities Orrin Hatch Naval Academy Nominee Martinez, Gwen General Activities Honor Society, Basketball- Soph. , J. V. , Kim, William General Activities Masa, laurie 160 General Activities Varsity, Cross Country, Track, VICA Club, Rasmussen, Norman General Activities Kimball, Dave 151, 54, 57 General Activities Mascaro, Pete 153, 247 Football, Basketball HAM-HAW, lettermens' Club Rawson, Brad 156 VICA, Toga Club Kirk, Evan 151 General Activities Mathews, Frank General Activities Norton, launi 154 General Activities Reed, Kathy 156 Husky Howl-1st Attendant Kirk, linda 151 Honor Roll '78, Drama Club, Mathis, Kay 153 DECA-Historian, Wrestling Nuttall, Dave 154 General Activities Reid, Lori !56 General Activities Chamber Choir, DECA, School Musicals: Club Rekoutis, Bob 156, 55 Football- Soph. , J. V. , \"Hansel G Gretel,\", \"My Fair lady,\" Iatson, Jaine 153 Expressions-Editor '78, Oberg, Donna 154 Honor Roll '77- '79, Honor 1 'Pajama Game,'', ''Brigadoon'' Honor Roll '77, HAM-HAW-Historian '77, Society, Ski Club Varsity, Baseball, Toga Club, lettermen's Kirk, Stacey 151, 62 Honor Roll'79, Chamber VICA Secretary, Ski Club, Big G little Sis- Club, DECA Choir, Volleyball, Softball ters, Drama Club Ochoa, Susan 154 General Activities Reynolds, Karen 156 Expressions, Honor Roll Kirk, Veldon 151, 52 General Activities Martinson, Craig 153 Honor Roll '77- '79, Ohm, Dianna 154 Honor Roll '77 FBLA '77, FHA-Secretary '77, Drama, Chamber Kocherhans, Jim 151 General Activities Honor Society, Scuba Club, Ski Club Oleary, Kacey Honor Roll 177- '78, Big G little Choir, School Musicals: ''Brigadoon 1 ', Kofford, Lora lee 152 General Activities Maxfield, De ann 1S3, 128, 232 Honor Roll \"Hansel & Gretel\" Koford, Guy General Activities '78, Drill Team-President '79, Dance Club, Sisters, Adventurer's Club, DECA Richards, Perry 156 Honor Roll '77, '79, Bas- Koplin, Shawn 152, 55 Football-Soph., Varsi- Orchesis, School Musicals: ' 'Brigadoon'' Oliverson, Kurt 154, 55 Honor Roll '77-'79, ketball-Soph. J.V . , Varsity, Football- ty, lettermen's Club, Toba Maxfield, Greg 153, SSFootball-Soph., J.V., Soph. , J. V., Varsity, Tennis Kraft, Donna General Activities Varsity, Baseball, Toga Club, Ski Club, Football, Golf, Track, Toga Club, letter- Riet, Troy !56 General Activities HAM-HAW, DECA, lettermen's Club mens' Club, HAM-HAW Rietveld, Elizabeth 128 Honor Roll, Dance lake, Brent 152 General Activities Maxwell, Danny 153 General Activities Olson, Christine Honor Roll '79, FBLA Club, Drama, 1 1Brigadoon 1 1 , Dance Concert Lamoreaux, Gregory General Activities Mayne, Valerie 153 General Activities Olson, Heidi 154, 233 Honor Roll '77-'79, Rivas, Tony 156, 54 Football-Soph . , J .V . , larsen, Dan 152, 17 General Activities McMfee, Diane 153 Soph. Pep Club Vice Honor Society, Spirit leaders, Chamber Varsity, Soccer, Toga Club President, Ski larsen, Erika 152, 161, 234, 235 Yearbook President, DECA, FHA Choir, Swing Club, lettermen's Club, DECA, VlCA McCleery, Cindy 153 General Activities Olson, john General Activities Roberts, Kory General Activities Student Editor, Yearbook Staff, Honor Roll Mclff, Christine General Activities Olson, Tracey 154, FHA-Vice President Roberts, Paul 156 General Activities 177-'79, Honor Society, Adventurer's Club, Mcintosh, 1\\tike 153, 239, 126, 126, 17 Soph . Oneida, Shauna General Activities Robertson, Glen 156 Honor Roll '77, VICA Art Club Class President, Honor Roll '77- '79, Honor Onesto, Annette 1SS General Activities Robertson, Tina 156 General Activities larsen, Kelly Jo 152 Honor Roll'77-'79, Honor Society, Merit Scholar, Sterling Scholar, Ortega, JoAnn 155, 128 Cheerleader- J. V. Roderick, Mike 156, 54, 123 General Activi- Society, Soph. Cheerleader, Ski Club, Dance Crafters-President, Future Doctors of Head, Soph., Dance Club-Secretary, ties DECA, Wrestling Club. America- Vice President, Debate Research DECA, Wrestling Club, School Musical: Rogers, Jan 156 DECA, Wrestling Club, FHA, larson, Dan 152 Cross Country, Track, Adven- Director, King's Corners Secretary-Treasur- ''My Fair lady' 1 , ''Hansel GGretel'', ''Bri- Ski Club turer's Club, School !usicals: '' 1} Fair er, Boys' State, ''Brigadoon '' gadoon'' Romero, Debbie 156 Club of United People Lady, ' ' , ' 'Brigadoon' ' Mclaughlin, Tim Drama, Soccer Club Ortega, Lori 155 United Peoples Club Romero, Valerie 156 Club of United People- Leatherbury, Sandra General Activities Melendez, Robert Honor Roll '77, Toga Club, Orton, Lori 155 General Activities President, Gymnastics lee, James 152 Chamber Choir, Stage Crew DECA Osmond, linda 155 Honor Roll '77-'79, FBLA Rosa, jay 123 General Activities Lefler, Ralph 52, 53 General Activities Ostermiller, Doug 155 General Activities Rose, Pat 156 General Activities Lipsey, john 152, 55 Football-Soph., J.V., Melville, Darwin 153, 238 Expressions Asst. Ostler, Cheryl 155 General Activities Rostrom, Debbie General Activities Varsity, Baseball, lettermens' Club, DECA, Poetry Editor, Honor Roll '78, DECA, ''Bri- Overson, Chris 155 General Activities Roth, Trent 156 General Activities Toga Club gadoon'' Owens, David 155, 17 Dance Crafters, Drama Ruffell, lorene 156 FBLA little, Mark 152, 161, 124 General Activities Club, Swing Singers, Chamber Choir, School Rutherford, Kerry !57 General Activities littlefield, Terry 152 General Activities Menna, Robert 153 Toga Club Musicals: ''Pajama Game'', ''My Fair Littlewood, Teri 152 DECA-Historian, Ski Merritt, 1\\!ark General Activities Lady 1 1 , 1 1Bragadoon 1 1 Saez, Cookie 157 Baseball, VICA, Toga Club Club, FBLA Meyer, Scott 153 General Activities Ownby, Kris 155, 83 Honor Roll '77- '79, Hon- Uoyd, Steven 152 General Activities Michaelis, Arna 153HonorRoll'77- 179, Hon- or Society lockwood, Scott 152, 234, 235, 126, 127 Yearbook-Head Photographer, Honor Roll or Society, Soph . Pep Club Historian, FHA, '77-'79, Honor Society, Sterling Scholar, Ski Club Longhurst, Keith 152 General Activities 258
Saldivar, Kellie 157, 128, 232 Honor Roll 177- Soderman, Steve 157 Honor Roll '78- '79 Editor, Sentry Editor, Honor Roll '79, Dra- \\Veaver, Vanesa 159 General Activities '79, Honor Society, Drill Tearn, Dance Sorrels, Joyce 158 General Activities ma, Ski Club, DECA, Drill Team Webster, Christi 159 General Activities Club, Orchesis, Wrestling Club, School Sovereen, Kathy 158 General Activities Throckmorton, Donald General Activities Webster, Jeff 159 General Activities 1usicals: 1 1Brigadoon 1 1 , 1 1My Fair Lady 1 1 , Spence, John 158 Honor Roll'78-'79, Basket- Timpson, Charlotte 158 General Activities Webster, J\\.1ike Kings Corners, Drama, Dance \"Hansel & Gretel\" Tjagvad, l\\1ike General Activities ball-Soph., Varsity, Football, Cross Coun- Topalian, Debra 159 DECA Crafters, Dance Club, Concert Choir, Sangroniz, James 157, 143, 142, 87, 239, 240 try, Tennis, Track, DECA, Toga Club, Key Tornberg, Harold General Activities Chamber Choir, Swing Choir, Key Club, Studentbody Vice President, Honor Roll'77- Club, Lettermens 1 Club Tracy, Laurie 161, 159 General Activities Science Club, Dance Co., Stage Crew, Spendlove, Foster 158 General Activities Troester, Scott 159 General Activities School Musicals: ''My Fair Lady'', \"Briga- '79, Honor Society, Cross Country, Tennis, Spiers, Marcia 158, 63 Honor Roll'77, Volley- Trujillo, Randy 159, 54, 56, 95, 28, 122 oot- doon'' , 11 Pajama Came'' Debate, Key Club, Science Club, Letter- ball, Wrestling Club ball-Soph. J.V. Varsity, Soccer, Toga West, J\\.1ike General Activities men's Club, House of Rep. Vice President, Stannard, Rebecca 158, 236, 237 Sentry-Edi- Club, Lettermens 1 Club Wetzel, Scott 159 General Activities Senate President, Boys' State tor, Honor Roll '79, DECA, Wrestling Club, Turley, Curtis159HonorRoll'78-'79, Cham- Whipple, Brenda 159 Honor Roll '77- '79, FHA Schacht, Andy General Activities Dance Concert ber Choir, Swing Choir, Senate, School Whitehead, Marci 159, 63, 161, 66-67, 234, Schneider, Scott 157 General Activities Staples, Jeff 160, 236, 237 General Activities Musicals: ' 'Brigadoon' 1 235 Yearbook Staff, Basketball, Track, Vol- Steadman, Karl158, 79HonorRoll'77, Wres- Turner, Greg 159 General Activities leyball Schoenfeld, Donna 157, 128, 236, 237 Sentry tling, Toga Club T'viggs, Brad 159 Toga Club, DECA Wilcox, Darin 160, 236, 237 General Activities Feature Editor, Honor Roll '77- '79, Honor Steeneck, Sandra 8 Ski Club, FHA-Regional Tyler, Marie 159, 232 Drill Team, Ski Club Williams, Kim 160 General Activities Society, Dance Club Publicity Officer, Con- Rep. Williams, Kirk 160 Football, Cross Country, Stephenson, Kathryn 158 Honor Roll '77-'79, Urton, Lori 159 International Club-Secretary- Track, Toga Club, Ski Club, VICA spirato Dance Co., Dance Crafters, ''Briga- Honor Society Vacarro, Bonnie 159 Honor Roll '77-'79, Williams, l\\1ike General Activities doon'' Stewart, Cyri 158 HM1-HAW, Husky Helper Honor Society, Drama, Ski Club, Riding Williams, Tammie 160 Basketball- Varsity, Scholle, Brian 157, 239, 17 Swimming, King 1s Stidham, Robert 158 Wrestling, Toga Club Club Baseball, Volleyball Corners, Science Club, Drama, Boys' State, Stott, Alicia 158 General Activities Wilson, Janet -Honor Roll '77- '79, Honor So- 1 1Brigadoon 1 1 Stowe, Tom 158, 234, 235, 239 Honor Roll Vanhorn, Steve 159 General Activities ciety, HAM-HAW, FHA '77- 179, Honor Society, Junior Class Pres. , Vawdrey, Tom 159, 83, 238 General Activities Wong, Annie 160 General Activities Schott, Beckcy 157 Honor Roll '77- '79, Honor Yearbook-Business Manager, SkiClub, Foot- Vance, Connie Honor Roll '77- '79, Honor So- Wood, Wendy 160, 20 General Activities Society, Key Club, FBLA. School Musicals ball-Soph., Tennis, HM1-HAW Woodhouse, Lyle General Activities Stromberg, Monica 158, 228, 229 Honor Roll ciety, DECA, FHA, Wrestling Club Worthen, A Cathy 160, 21 HonorRoll'77-'79, Schow, Ken 157 VICA Club, Motorcycle Club '77-'79, Honor Society, Cheerleader- Vicchrilli, Sheri 159 General Activities Honor Society, Track, Soph. Pep Club, Ad- Scott, Craig 157 General Activities Soph., J.V., Varsity, Track, PTSA Vincent, Valerie 159, 228, 229 Honor Roll venturer's Club, FHA, FBLA Scott, Wes Toga Club Struthers, Phillip 158 General Activities Wright, Nancy 160 General Activities Suazo, Steve 158 Honor Society '77- '79, Cheerleader-). V. Varsity, Home- Wright, William 160 General Activities Semos, Janet157, HonorRoll'77, FHA, Wres- Swensen, Jerry 158, 161 VICA coming Queen, Track, Debate, Ski Club, Wubben, Stephan 160 General Activities tling Club Ham Haw, LA, Key Club, Wrestling, Big and Talbot, Tonya 158, 845, 236, 237 Sentry Edi- Little Sisters, School Musicals: \"Briga- Yeaman, Shauna General Activities Serdar, 177- '79, Honor Society tor, Expressions, Honor Roll '77- '79, Honor doon 1 1 , Concert Choir, Assemblies Yeo, Mark 160 Honor Roll '77, VICA, Toga Sherwood, Steve 122 General Activities Society, FBLA, DECA, Wrestling Sinclair, Cindy 157, DECA, Ski Club, Wres- Walker, Becky 159, 17 Honor Roll '79, Dance Club, Soccer Tapp, Rick General Activities Club, Drama, Chamber Choir, Concert Youmans, Vangie 160 General Activities tling Club Taylor, Alison 158 Honor Roll '77-'79, Honor Choir, Swing Choir, Dance Crafters, Con- Young, Doug 160, 55, 113 Football-Soph. spirato Dance Co., School Musicals: ''Paja- Singleton, Mark 157 General Activities Society, FBLA ma C:ame'', ''~1y Fair Lady'', ''Briga- ). V. Varsity, Wrestling, Toga Club, Letter- Skeem, Cody 157 Football, Track, \"My Fair Taylor, John 158 General Activities doon' 1 , 1 1Hansel and Gretal' 1 mens' Club Taylor, Lisa 158, 144, 128, 233 Junior Class Young, Gary 160 Ski Club, Toga Club, VJCA Lady'' Wade, David 159, 55 Honor Roll '77-'79, Yu, Tony 160 General Activities Vice Pres., Jr. Prom-2nd Attend., Spirit Football-Soph. , J. V., Varsity, Lettermens' Slade, Jeff 157 General Activities Leader Pres., Dance Club, Senate, Debate, Club Zdunich, Chris General Activities Smart, Leann 157 Honor Roll'79, VICA, Dra- Concert Choir, Ski Club, School 1usicals, Zillner, Erika 160, 256, 128, 234, 235, 232 PTSA Walker, Verdon 159, 52, 53, 101, 143, 142, ma Club, FHA Taylor, Patty General Activities 126, 127HonorRoll'77-'79, Honor Society, Honor Roll '77- '79, Honor Society Pres. , Smart, Leesa 157, 233 Honor Roll '78-'79, Taylor, Teresa 158 General Activities Sterling Scholar, Studentbody Pres. , Husky Dance Club Vice Pres., Drill Team Social Tetrick, Carrie 158 Honor Roll '77-'79, Ski Howl-Deputy, Cross Country, Track, Math Vice Pres. , Key Club, Orchesis, School Spirit Leaders Club Sec. , Drama, Wrestling, Riding Club, Club Pres. , Kings Corners, Chamber Choir, Smart, Stacey 157 Dance Club, Ski Club Big and Little Sisters, Band Swing Choir, Debate, School Musicals; fusicals: 1 ' 1y Fair Lady' 1 , 1 'Brigadoon t t , Smith, Cindy 157 General Activities Thomas, Brian 158 Honor Roll '79, Basketball- 1 'Brigadoon 1 1 Concert Choir, Dance Concert, Childrens Smith, Dana 157 Honor Roll '79, Honor Soci- Soph. , Track, Toga Club, Lettermens 1 Club Theater, Yearbook-Leadership Editor Thomas, Cindy 158 FHA-Sec., Riding Club Warner, Joyce 159 Honor Roll '77-'79, Honor ety, Riding Clb, Drama, School Musical Thompson, Cindy 158 General Activities Society, Key Club, Science Club, FBLA, Thompson, 1ichelle 158, 233HonorRoll'77- Kings Corners, Drama, Riding Club, The Smith, Dick 157Football-J.V., Varsity, Soc- '79, Honor Society, Spirit Leader, Debate, Club, FHA cer, Toga Club-Vice President DECA, HM1-HAW Thornton., Jane 158, 232, 236, 237 Expressions Washburn, 1ike 160 General Activities Smith, Kathy 157, 230, 231, 128, 17 General W•ssmer, Philip 159 General Activities Activities Weaver, Cheresa 159 General Activities Sr.Jth, Scot 157 General Activities Smith, Teresa 157, 125 Honor Roll'79, ''Bri- gadoon'', Chamber Choir Smith, Tracy 238 Expressions Staff, Honor Roll '79, DECA, Ski Club Smith, Vaughan 55 Football-Soph., ). V., Varsity, Track, Lettermens' Club, VICA Smock, Patty 157,161,234, 235Yearbook- Activities Editor Snyder, Bonnie Gysnnastics, Wrestling Club, DECA JUNIOR INDEX Baros, Robin 165, 17 Brown, Adam 166 Cook, Robynn 167, 232, 234, 235 Bartlome, Yvette 165 Brown, Jodie 166, 128, 230, 231 Coon, Steven Abott, David 164 Barton, Steven Brown, Marc 166, 70-73 Coope , James Abram, Lynnette 164 Beard, Kevin 165 Brown, Robert 166, 58 Cordova, )a lynn 167 Adams, Don 164 Brown, Todd 166 Cottrell, Holliann 167 Agnew, Gene Beckstead, Debbie 165 Buck, Roger 166 Crane, Jim Akian, Christina 164, 128 Beckstrom, Kathy 165 Bulkley, ancy 166 Cressall, Judy 167 Akian, Richard 164 Benavidez, Mark 165 Bullock, Vicki 166 Cropper, Corrie 167 Alder, Lori 164, 98 Bennett, Don Burch, )ami 166 Crump, Chet 167 Alldridge, Cody 164, 55, 58 Bentley, Dan 165 Burgess, Sherilyn 166 Curia, Tony 167 Allen Jamie 164 Berchtold, Jerry Burkinshaw, Randy 166, 80 Allen, Kerry Berg • }\\1isty Burningham, Janice 166 Dahlberg, \\'icky 167 Allen, Shaun Burrows , Lonn 166 Dalton, Donald Allen Steve 164, 71, 74, 24 Beverly, Mark 165, 54, 58 Butcher, Tim 166 Danes, Kim 167 Allen, Troy 164, 58 Bickmore, Tony 165 Daniels, Kerry 167 Allen, Weslie Biesinger, Jan 165 Call, Kevan Dannenberg, Cary 167 Allington, Marlin 164 Binks, Gene 165, 54, 58 Campbell, Glen 166 Davis, Jim 167 Anderson, Brenda 164 Bird, Jeanette 165 Carlson, Lisa 166 Davis, Steve 167, 52 Anderson, Cathi 164 Bird, Scott 165 Carter, Dan 166 Dawson, Dale 167, 55, 79 Andersen, Kellie 164 Blackett, Vickie 165 Casaday, Kelly 166, 234, 234, 79 Dayton, Ann 167 Anderton, Denise 164, 98, 163 Castillo, Jeff 166, 54, 58, 71, 74 Dea, Billy 167 Apostol, Jill 164, 49, 62, 64, 185, 233 Boat-.,Tight, Vickie 163, 165, 128 Castillo, Shawn Dehnert, Steve 167 Asay, Rodney 164 Chesley, Richard 166 DeJong, l\\1ichele 167 Astle, Kevin 164 Bodily. David 165. 238 Christensen, David 166, 54, 57, 5 Delacruz, Estela 167 Atkinson, Craig 164 Boggess, Cliff 165 Christnsen, Kathy Demarco, Bob 167, 70-73 Austin, George 164 Bolhvinkel, Susan 165 Christianson, Todd 166 Denning, Roger 167 Bosen, Trudy 165, 128 Cloward, Scott 166 Dlugas, 1anuela Baker, Robin 164, 64 Bowden, Kim Cole, Jay 166 Doherty, Helen 16 Ball, Cynthia 164 Collins, Kelly Domgaard, Paul Banks, Shari 164 Bowthorpe , Joe 165 Collins, Craig 166 Downs, Kory 168 Bardin, Kathy 164 Boyles, Chris 165, 128 Conder, Dan 166 Draney, Trudie Barfuss, Stacie 164, 845 Bradford, Gordon 165 Condie, Laurie 166 Draper, Siri 168 Barlow, Rex 164, 17 Brainich, Doug 165 Cook, Gordon 166, 52, 53, 251, 234, 235 Drossos, Perry 168, 0 Brandhagen, Greg Cook, John 167 Drushal, Lisa 168 Brazell , Lorrie Breen, Curtis 165 Brenneman, Kent Brent, Craig Brinkerhoff, l\\1ichelle 166 259
Duff, Dana Healey, Teri 170, 238 lacome, Maxine 173 Newbold, Clark Dumas, Darin 168 Heckenliable, Lori 171 laforett, June 173 Nichols, Gary 176, 58 Dumas, .,cy 168 Hendricksen, Kathy 171 laird, Stacy 173 Nielsen, Jeff 176, 58 Dumas, Randy Henew, Gene 171 larsen, Cindy 174 Nielsen, Paula 177 Duncan, Wendi 168 Hewitt, loraine 171 larsen, Joe 174, 54 Nielsen, Steve 177 Dyches, 1ark 168 Hill, Jim 171' 52, 53 larsen, leslie 174 Nielson, Cory 176, 234, 235 Hilton, 1\\tike 171 larsen Steven Nielsen, Ron 177 Earl, David 168 Hogenson, Mike 171, 78,29 laveder Tawnya Nix, Kelly 177 Earl, Scott 168 Holder, Darrell 171 Leavitt, Angie 174, 27 Noble , DeAnn 177 Edmonds, Ron Holder, tichael 234, 235 Leavitt, launa 174 Edwards, Mark Hollingworth, titzi 171 Ledford, Brad 174 Obemansley, Robin 177 Eichelberger, Kim 168 Holloway, Robert 171 , 52 lee, Peter 174 Okerlund, Julie 177 Eisert, Marten 168 Holt, lisa 171 lee, Robert 174 Olson, Mary 177 Eisert, Robert 168, 52 Holt, 1ark 171 leigh, Brenda Oneida, Kathy 177 Ellefsen, Bob 168 Hopkins, Raelynn 171 lennberg, Margene 174 Oneida, Sophie Horsley, Terry 171 Leyba , Debbie 174 0 1Neill, Chuck 177 Enniss ' Boyd 168 Horton, larlo 171 lillie, Jody 174 Onyon, Amanda 177 Erichsen, Heidi Howard, Paul 171 Uoyd, Jolee 174 Openshaw, Jan 177 Erickson, Julie Howe, lisa 171 Uoyd, linda 174 Orgill, laurie 177 Erickson, Steven 168, 52, 106 Howell, luDawn 171 lloyd, Roxanne Orgill, Julie 177 Ewell, Ted 168 Howells, Morgan 171 , 55 logan, Karen 174 Ortiz, Wilma Huber, 1\\tike logosz, Anthony 80 Ostlund, Chris 177 Facente, David 168 Humphrey, Mark 171 long, Angie 174, 128 Overdiek, Vicky 177 Farnsworth, Robbin 168 Hunter, Stacey looser, 1ark 174 Overson, Carl 177 Farnsworth, Scott 168, 55, 58 Huntington, Shanna 171 lopez, Nancy 174 Farnworth, Lori 168,230,231,128 Huntsman, lisa 171 lopez, Victor 174, 71, 74 Padilla , Albert Farrance, Nancy 168 Hurzeler, Tracy 171 Lovato, Joyce 174, 230, 231 Padjen, lisa 177 Faster, Curt 183 Hyer, Todd 171 love , Steve 174 Pagan, leonor 177 Fehr, Karen 169 lovejoy, Tim Pantoja, Naomi 177 Fehrmann, Douglas 169 Ingersoll, Gary lowe, Janeen 174 Parker, Dan 177, 54, 57, 90 Fetherolf, Melanie 169 Iorg , Julie 172 lucky, Ed 174 Parker, Doug Fletcher, Valerie Irish, Roger 172 lym, Nancy 174 Parry, Sandra 177 Flynn, Todd 169 Isabell, Tina lyman, Barbara 174 Pasley, Chip 177 Folkersen, Marianne 169 !vie, Alan 172 Pattison, Mickey 177 Foote, Jeffery J\\1ace, Cary Pavich, Rich 177, 234, 235, 17 Foster, Curt Jackson, Dave 55 Macfarlane, Jan 174, 185 Payne, Teri Frame, Dale MacKay, Patti 175 Pazell, Andy 71, 74 Free, Greg 169 Jacobs, leslie 172, 163 Maestas, leasa 175 Pearce, Tony 177, 52 Freebairn, Dana 169 Jacobson, Craig 172 Maestas, Rudy Peay, Kim 177 Frier, Mary 169 Jalkson, Brad 58 Magnuson, Julie 175, 49 Peck, Clyde 177 Fritz, Steve 169, 55, 58 Jansen, Shellee 172 Malkogiannis, Cassandra 175 Petersen, Mary 177 Fuentes, Marita 169 Jefferson, Miles 172 Mallet, Jeff 175 Peterson, Cheryl 177, 83 Fullmer, Jesse 169 Jenkins, Cindi 172 Mann, Troy 175, 58, 78, 29, 79 Peerson, Dale 178 Fullmer, Kent 169, 67 Jenkins, Julie 172, 163 Marchant, linda Peterson, lisa 178 Funk laurie 169, 65 Jensen, Anne 172 Markel, Gary 175 Peterson, Mark 178, 79 Jensen, Brenda 172, 98 Martineau, john 175 Peterson, Michelle 178 Gacnik, Marilyn 169 Jensen, Brenda 172 Martinez, Albert 175, 55 Peterson, Natalie 178 Gafa, Keith Jensen, Brian Martinez, Crista! Peterson, Ruthanne Gallegos, Marie 169 Jensen, Kenneth Peterson, Shari Garde, Frances 169 Jensen, Kerry 172 1artinez, Dick Peterson, Troy Gamer, Marilyn 169, 128 Jensen, lisa 172, 232 Martinez , joe Petrie, Brian 178 Garrett, Mike 169 Jensen, Rebecca 172, 128, 232 Martinez, leo 175 Petruzzi, Connie 178 Gaster, lorna Jensen, Van 172, 54, 58 Mascaro, louie 175 Pezel, Tina 178 Gaufin, DeAnn 169 Jentzsch, Terri 172 Pitts, Sean 178, 52 Gillespie, Mark 169 Johanson, Janice 172 1ascher, Diane 175 Plattner, leslie 70-73 Gillett, Julie 169 Johnson, Carri 172 Mason, Tricia 175, 101 Player, Gene 74, 24 Glazier, Greg 169 johnson, Danny 172 Mathis, Heidi 175 Polock, Debbie 178 Godwin, john 169, 54, 58 johnson, Dawna Maxfield, Debbie 175, 228, 229 Pollock, linda Gomales, Anita 169 johnson, Dennis Maxfield, Tracy 175 Polychronis, Coy 178 Gomales, David 169, 55, 58 johnson, Glenn May, Jim 175 Poor, David 178 Gomales, Rudy 169, 107, 79 Johnson, Jim McCann, Brian 175 Potts, Robert 178 Gomales, Shirley 169 Johnson, Kelly 172, 251, 240 McCoy, Toni 175 Poulsen, Kristin 178, 236, 237 Gomales, Teresa 170 Johnson , Kristine McDonald, Margaret 175 Pugmire , Scott 178, 55, 58 Gomales, Tracy Johnson, lisa 172 McDonald, Wendy 175, 228, 229 Pullan, Kellie 178, 251 Goodfellow, lisa 170 Johnson, Mike 172, 52 McEwen, Jill 175 Pullan, laurie 178 Gottfredson, lucinda 170, 234, 235 johnson, Mitch 172 Mcintyre, Kirk Pymn, Jerry 178 Graham, Julie 170 johnson, Nancy 172 McKay, Patty Gray, Sharon 170, 238 Johnson, Becky 172 McKinney, Marlett Quezada , Val 178 Greco, Debbie 170 Johnson Tammy 172 McMorris, lesli 175 Green, Daren 170, 54, 58 johnson Tammie 172 Meidlinger, Rich 175 Randolph, Shelly 178, 163 Greenig, Scott Johnstun , Kristy 172 Menlove, Cynthia 175 Ratner, Shawn 178 Greenwell, Shawn Jones, Keven Miera, Sam 175 Rawlinson, Lori 178 Griffin, Sherri 170 Jones, Karen 172 Mikesell, Dave 175 Rawson, Marcie 178, 163 Groomer, Sandi 170 Judd, Jeff 173, 54, 58, 79 Miller, Douglas Ray, Kelly 178 Grover, lynn 170 1\\titchell, Duane 175, 52 Ray, Russell 178 Gubitz, Anthony 170 Kapp, Steve 173 1\\,titchell, )ana 176, 108-109, 233, 240 Ready, Steve 178 Gubitz, Brad 170, 161 Kay, Doug 173 J\\,titchell, Ron 176 Reams, Chris 178 Gunnarson, Jeff 170, 55, 58 Kemp, Craig 173, 58 Mlaker, Kelly Reed, Jamie Gutierrez, Anthony Kemp, linda 173 Montoya, Debbie 176 Reed, Joan 178 Kesler, Matt 173 Moon, Deanna 176 Reese, Cory 178 Hakala, Todd Killpack, Jeanette 173 Morgan, 1elanie 176 Reimann, Bryant 178, 55, 58, 80 Hale, Georgia 170 King, Ronald Morris, David 176 Renner, Gary Hanson, Brad 170, 54, 58 King, Shawna 173 Morris, linda 176, 49 Resare , Colette 178 Hardcastle, Todd 170 Kirk, Shelly 173, 128 Morrow, lorna 176 Reynolds, Todd 179, 80 Hardman, 1\\l!ick 170 Knight, Brenda 173 Moser, Cheryl176 Rhead, Norman Hardy, Douglas Kopp, Deanna 173 Murphy, john 176 Rich, Perry Hardy, Merrill 170 Korte , Becky Murray, Kirk 176, 78, 29 Richards , Bill 179 Harrison, Craig 170 Koski, Camille 173 Richardson, Alison 179, 233 Harrison, Janet 170, 232 Kramer, Sharon Nache, John Riggs, Kenneth 227 Harston, Robyn 170 Kroger, Christie 173 Naylor, Michele 176 Rivera, Maxine Harvey, Donna 170 Krug , Chardell 173 Nealley, Mike 176 Roberts, Krisjon Haskell, Vicki 170 Krug, Michelle 173 Neilson, Michelle 176 Robertson, Tim 179 Hatt, Teresa 170,163 Kuehn, Kevin 173, 79 Nelson, Dave 176 Robertson, Tina Haun, Janica 170 Kunkler, Jackie 173 Robinson, Doug 179 Hayes, laura Kurtick, Anne 173 elson, Kim 176 Robison, Cheryl Haynes, Mark Kurz, Kelli 173 Nelson, Rebecca 176 Roblez, Stephan 179 Nelson, Rebecca Nelson, Robyn Nemelka Scott 176 260
Rodarte, Jeff 179, 54, 58 VanValkenberg, Richard 182, 55, 58 Bateman, }anne 187 Dethlefs, John 189, 59, 89 Rogers, Shelby 179 Velez, Artie 182 Bates, Andrea 187 Rogerson, Mark 179 Verde, Jill 182 Batista, Henry 187 Dietrich, Kelly 189 Romero, Doreen 179, 101 Vollmer, Jeff 182 Baxter, Kritie 187 Dix, ?1.1ike Romero, Mark 179 Beall, Michal 187 Doherty, Jim 189 Rose, Robert 179 Wadsworth, Paul 182, 242, 234, 235 Beck, Sherry Dokos, Kris 189 Roundy, Carolyn 179 Waldron, ll.tike 182, 80 Becerra, Jorge Domgaard, Lee 189 Rubalcava, Frank 179 Walker, Sandy Beddoes, Burke 187 Donaldson, Maren Rubens, Tami 179 Ward, Jenny 182, 128 Bedke , Gordon Dotson, Kelly 190 Rufi, Teri 179 Warren, Dale 182 Behrmann, Kenneth 187, 52, 53 Douglas, Todd Rutkoski, B J Waters, Steve 182 Bennett, Debbie 187 Dowd, Tim 190 Wayman, Randy 182 Bennett, Roger 187 Downing, Doug 190 Sandberg, Brian 179 Weaver, Richard Bertelsen, Anna Draper, Jill 190 Sato, Cathy 179 Wenner, Debbie 182 Bickmore, Barry 187 Draper, Tylan 190 Schiel!, Joddi 179 Wenner, Tom 182 Bills, Cory 187 Duke, Russell 205, 51 Schieving, Pat 179, 52, 254 West, Sandra 182 Birch, Lori 187 Duncun, Caroline 190 Schilling , Mike Wharton, Paul Bischoff, Scott 187 Dunn, Shawn 190 Schnibbe, Heidi 179 \\'/hetman, Sherry 182 Bitner, Brent 187, 80 Duran, Jody 190 Schoenfeld, Vivi 179 \\Vhipple, Julieann 182, 232 Black, Alicia 187 Durrant, Lori 190 Schuuunnan, Yvonne 180 White, Jeanine 182 Black, Sheri 187 Dyches, Bret 190 Searle, Shelley 180 White, Jollee 182, 17 Blake, Gordon 187 Dyches, Dyann 190, 64, 65 Semos, Pamela 180 Whitelock, Russell 182 Bogan, David 187, 59 Dykman, Robert 190, 59 Severson, Richard 180 Wilcock, Joe 182 Bolinder, Kim 187 Sevey, Kelli 180 Wilcock, Sherrie 182 Bollschveil, Ronald 187 Earnshaw, Rodney Sharp, Cindy 180 Wilcox, Michelle 183 Bosch, Eugene 187 Ellison, Julie Sharp, Linda 180 Wilde , David 183 Boston, ?1.1ichelle 187 Espinosa, Jonnette Shelton, Troy 180 Wilkes, Glenn 183 Boswell, John 187, 74 Esqueda, Carlos 190 Shepherd, Annette 180, 163 Wilkinson, Marie 183 Bouck, Ronny 187 Evans, Bret 190 Shields, Denise 180 Wilkinson, Randy 183 Boyack, Clay 187 Evans, Elizabeth 190 Shirley, Steve 180 Williams, Kristine 183 Boyer, Jeane en 187 Everett, Mark 190 Sickler, Milt 180, 79 Williams, Mark 183 Boynton, Nadine 205, 128 Ewell, Tammy 190 Simmons, 1artin Williamson, Bret Bradford, Rick 188 Eyre, Robin Simon, Teresa 180 Wilson, Shelly Bradus, Suzette 188 Smart, Pan 180 Winegar, Wade 183 Brewer, Jim 188 Facente, Karen 190 Smith, Brett Winn, 1ichael 183, 52 Bridge, Todd 188 Faerber, Jim Smith, Charlene 180 Winn, Kelly 183 Bringhurst, Linda 188 Fahrni, Roxsan 190 Smith, Chris 180 Winslow, Steve 183 Bronson, Angie 188 Fehr, Kindra 190 Smith, Clarence 180, 79 Winslow, Wayne 183 Brush, Leslie 188 Fetherolf, Torrey 190, 59 Smith, Dave 180 Withers, Chanda 183 Brush, Lisa 188 Fillerup, Sandra 190 Smith, Shauna 180 Withers, Patty 183 Bulkley, David 188 Fish, 1ike 190 Smith, Susan Wolf, June 183 Bunker, Mark 188, 59 Fisher, Kevin 190 Smith, Tina 180 Wood, Alexis 183 Burgess, Galyn 188 Fletcher, ?1.1ike 190 Sorensen, Gordon Woodard, Craig Burnham, Cindy 188 Fletcher, Valerie 190 Sorrels, Steve 180, 123 Woodard, Mark Burningham, Jim 188 Flowers, Tom 191 Spainhower, Roxanne Burt, Laurie 188 Flynn, Laura Spencer, Lamar 180 Xaiz, Jim Butler, Rex 188, 59 Forbush, Jeralyn 191 Spilker, Brian 181 Xaiz, Phil 247, 78 Butterfield, Brenda 188 Francis, Steve 191, 59 Sprague, William Frandsen, Gean 191 Stanley, Craig 181, 118, 234, 235 Yeager, Chip 183 Callaway, Donna 188 Freund, Kevin Stanley, Carl 181 Yeaman, Farrell 183 Campbell, ll.tike 188 Frisone, Nick 191 Stanley, Vaughn 181 Yengich, Tonya 183 Camsell, Tracy 188 Fullmer, Lori 191 Stapel, Teralee 181 Capson, Gay 188 Steadman, Shemayne 181, 232 Ziegler, Tracy 183, 80 Carlson, ?1.1ark 188 Gallegos, Janie 191 Stephenson, Kristine 181, 123 Zimny, Ciree 183 Cason, Barbara 188 Gallegos, Rick 191, 59 Stoll, Jolyn 181 Zirker, Bryon 183 Carter, Christine 188 Garbett, Rhonda 191 Stomberg, Wayne 181, 58 Ziser, Lynda Casaday, Kerry 188, 59 Gardner, Lance 191, 59 Stott, Stan 181 CayWood, Maury 188 Garrett, Troy 191, 59, 184 Stringham, Steven SOPHOMORE INDEX Certonio, Mark 188 Gilbert, jolene 191 Sudweeks, Randy Chesley, Randy 188 Gillespie, Susan 191 Summerhays, Tony 181 Ainsworth, Kent 186 Chidister, Paula 188 Gillins, Kevin 191 Swapp, David 181 Allen, Doug 186 Christensen, Marvin Glazier, Steve 191 Allen, John 186 Christensen, Todd 189 Glende, Kevin 191 Taylor, Russell Allen, Russ 186, 80 Christenson, Charlie 188, 234, 235 Glover, Cindy 191 Taylor, Saleena 181 Allen, Scott 186, 59 Clark, Charlie 188 Glover, Jeff 191 Tea, Bret 181 Allsop, John 186 Clark, Colleen Godfrey, Annette 191, 240 Templin, Ken 181 Ames, Tony 186 Clark, Janeene 189 Godwin, Debbie 191,233 Terry, Jeannette Andersen, Lisa 186 Congreves, Debbie 189 Gonzales, Bonnie Thayer, Steve Anderson, Jennifer 186 Todd 189 Gonzalez, Blanca Tholen, Jon 181, 185, 17, 240 Anderson, Laurie 186 Christenson, Charlie 188, 234, 235 Gonzalez, Julie 191 Thomas, Brian Anderson, Lisa 186 Clark, Charlie 188 Gonzalez, Maclovia 191, 233 Thomas, Jay 181, 103 Anderson, adell 186 Clark, Colleen Goodman, Greg 191 Thomas, Wendy Anderson, Shanna 186 Clark, Janeene 189 Gotberg, Rose-Mary 191 Thompson, KayLee 181, 233 Anderson, Yvonne 186, 128 Congreves, Debbie 189 Gottfredson, Diane 191 Thompson, Wendy 181 Andrews, Eddie 186, 185 Conti, Roger 189 Gray, 1arci 191 Thornell, Mark 181 Andrews, Stacey 186 Cook , Barry 189 Creene, Steve 191 Thornton, Melanie 181 Anthony, Julie 186 Cook, Cory 189, 80 Greene, Terry 191 Thorpe , Kris Anthony, Shawn Cook, Darrell 189 Greenhalgh, Linden 191, 0 Thurmond, Jimmy 181 Archer, Jay 186, 80 Cook, Janet 189 Greer, Connie 191 Tidwell, Jeff 181 Arrnijo, Linda 186 Cook, Jeff 189, 80 Greer, Ray 192, 59 Tippetts, Jeff Arterburn, Roland 186, 80 Coray, Jim 189 Griffiths, Suzette 192 Tippets, Scot 181 Arveseth, Debbie 186 Cordova , Betty 189 Grimsle}' , Laura 192 Tirrell, Curtis 181, 52 Ashton, Mark 186 Cottrell, Holliann 189 Gunn, Wendy 192 Tobler, Steve 181 Augason, Janalyn 186 Coulam, Tracie 189 Gunther, Chad Tolman, John Augason, Jeff 186 Cox , Casey 189 Gurske, Tad Tolman, Teresa 181 Ault, Mark 186 Crane, Sandy 189, 185 Gutierrez, Ana Maria 192 Tonnesen, Mike Cressall, Kevin 189, 59 Townsend, Laurie Bacik, Leslie 186 Crow, Tracy 189, 233 Hall, Kathy 192, 51 Trujillo, Tim 181, 79 Bagley, Teresa 186 Cruger, Tracey Hall, Mike 192 Tucker, Carlene 181 Barba, Tonette 186 Cutler, Holly 189 Hambleton, Sheila 192 Turner, Beth 181 Barbieri, Anna 186 Hammer, Lori 192 Tycksen, Scott 182 Bardin, Greg 186 Dahl, l\\!ike 189 Hammond, Cindy 192 Barlow, Doug 187 Daniels, Joe 189 Hammond, Gayleen 192 Vandenviele, Judy Barney, Lynne 187 Daniels, Todd 189 Hansen, Brook 192 Vanfleet, April 182, 233 Barrow, Cindy 187 Dasgupta, Abhijit 189, 51 Hansen, Holly 192 VanGrol, Rick 182 Davoren, Allen 189 Hansen, Tracy 192 VanStaveren, Ricky 182, 71, 74 DeGraw, Diane 189 Hanson, Barrett 192 261
Hardman, Susan 192 Leroy, David Nielsen, Paul Sangroniz, Christina 201 Hardman, Terry 192 Lewis, Ronald Nielsen, Shawn 198 Saunders, Dana 201 Hardy, Daniel Leyba, Tom Nielsen, Nita 198 Saxton, JayMee 201 Harrington, Bob 192 Leyland, Tod 195 Nipper, Sherry 198 Scarlet, Lizabeth 201 Harris, Kelly 192 Linam, Penny Nix, Karen 198, 845 Schacht, Marianne 201 Haun, Tony 192 Lingos, Mary 195 North, Terry 198 Schenk, Allen 201 Hawkins, Steven 192 Little, Steve 19S Nunley, Tracy 198 Schieving, Bruce 201 Haws, Susanne 192 Llewelyn, Brad 19S, 59 Nuttall, Malinda 198 Schindler, David 201 Hayes, Curtis Lloyd, Jackie 195 Nystrom, Jan 198 Schmidt, Geraldine Henderson, l\\-tike 192 Logosz, Jeff 195 Schneider, Jeff 201, 59 Henrie, Jon 192, 79, 80 Logsdon, James Odin, Jennie 198 Schoenfeld, Roger 201 Henrie, LeAnn 192 Long, Stacey 195 O'Leary, Erin 198 Scholle, Dale 201 Hermansen, Connie 192 Looser, Bernice 195 Olsen, Janice 198 Schuman, Dianna Hernandez, Moses 78, 80 Lopez, Patricia Olsen, Judy 198 Scott, Bryan 201, 59 Hess, Chip 192, 59 Loulias, Michelle 195, 233 Olsen, Julie 198 Scott, Karen 201 Hess, Julie 193 Lavato, Pam 195, 185 Olsen, Leslie 198 Searle, Cassandra 201 Heywood, Bobbett 193 Lucero, Benita 195 Olson, Alyssa 198 Servatius, David 201 Higham, Theresa 193 Lucero, Layne 195 Olson, Calvin 198 Hill, Greg 193, 59 Ludwig, Jaleen 195, 62, 64 Olson, Dale Sharp, Shauna 201 Hili, ~tike 193, 59 Lunceford, Lisa 195 Olson, Larry Sharp, Tammy 201 Hirase , Kristy 193 , 185 Lundberg, David 195, 59 Olson, Lori 198 Shaw, David 201 Hirst, Ronald Lyman, Jon Olson, Troy 198, 79 Shaw, Jedd Hjari, John Ortega, Sandra 198 Shelton, Dave 201 Hodges, Tracy 193 Maddox, Malinda 195 Osmond, Renee 198 Shirley, Darla 201 Hodson, Jody 193 Madsen, Paul 195 Ozuna, Virginia 198 Silcox, Kevin 201 Hoffman, MerryAnn 193 Maestas, Lora 195 Simpson, Mark 201 Hokanson, Connee 193 Main, Lisa 195 Pace, Phillip Slade, Jim 201 Holder, Jeff 193 Mallet, Jerry 196 Padjen Curtis 198, 59 Slotboom, Ron Holder, Starlyn 193 Marchant, Annette 196 Palmer, Jeff 198 Smith, Bryant 201 Holt, Darren 193 Martinez, Karla 196 Palmer, Todd 198 Smith, Lanette 201 Holmes, Sandra 3 Martinez, Lori 196 Parker, Jan 198 Smith, Rhonda 201 Homer, Ray 193, 59, 80 Martinez, Ron 196 Parker, Kirk 198 Smith, Teresa 201 Howa, Curtis 193, 59 Martinez, Tina 196 Parry, James Smock, Peggy 201 Howell, Todd 193 Masa, Karl 196 Pearce, Troy 198 Snyder, Jim 201 Hoyne , Tracy Mason, Ken 196 Peirce, Eddie 198 Sorensen, Gary 202 Houston, Bill 193 Maspero, Steve Pellegrino, Rodger 198 Sorensen, Jeff 202 Huber, William Massey, Kelly 196 Pena, Kenny 198, 59 Sorenson, Lanny 202 Hughes, James 193, 59 Massey, Philip 196 Perrin, Wendy 199, 233 Spencer, Georgi 202, 64 Humphrey, Kenneth Mattinson, Mike 196 Perry Chriss 199 Spiers, Kim 202, 65 Hunter, Kathie 193 May, Cynthia 196 Petersen, Brent Sprague, Patty 202 Huntington, Ann 193 Maynard, Jeff 196, 240 Petersen, Robert 199 Stafford, Janice 202 Hurst, Ron 193 Maynard, Stacey 196 Peterson, David 199 Staley, Lara 202 Maynard, Stacy 196 Peterson, Ruthanne 199 Stalleviere, Lori lorg, Justin 193 McCarty, Scott 196 Peterson, Sandra 199 Stanley, Melinda 202 lsely, Eileen 193 McCleery, Mark 196 Peterson, Wendy 199 Stanten, Crystal McCormick, Shay 196 Pett, Cheryl 199 Staten, Wendy 202 Jacobson, Lee 193, 51, 53 McFadden, Ron 196 Pettingill, Scott 199 Stauffer, Alan 202 Jansen, Kirk 193 Mclff, Roger 196 Pettingill, Stanley 51 Steadman, Leann 202 Jeffries, David 193, 59 McKean Dave Phillips, Gordon 199 Stevens, OzaLue 202 Jenkins, David 193, 52, 53 McKenzie, Karen 196 Phillips, Jim 199 Stewart, Kelly 202, 59 Jenkins, Kristi 193 McKenzie, Kathi 196 Phillips, Ruby 199 Stott, Jamie 202 Jenkins, Todd 193 McKinley, Dawn 196 Pickering, Chris Stowe , Roy 202 , 80 enkins, Mark McKinney, Lynette 196 Pickett, Lori 199 Strasburg, Jill 202 Jensen, Robert 193, 59 Menlove, Gary 196, 59 Pickup, Lori 199 Sullenberger, Kevin 202 Jensen, Robert 194 Milburn, Vangie 197 Pierce, Christy 199 Sullivan, Tiffany 202 Jensen, Troy 194 Millard, Tadd 197, 80 Pitts, Sharron 199 Sumbot, Teri 202 Jenson, Julie 194, 185 Miller, David 197, 51, 52 Podsesny, Donna 199 Sun, Deborah 202 Jentzsch, Robbie 194 Miller, Gary 197 Pope, Mark 199 Swapp, Merilee 202 Jeppson, Jan 194, 240 Miller, Kevin 197 Posselli, Michelle 199 Jeppson, Teresa 194 Millerberg, Julie 197 Poulos, Jordan 199 Tafoya, Julie 202 Jessop, Mar}ean 194 Milne, Korbi 197 Poulsen, Tracy 199, 59, 80 Takagi, Teresa 202 Johnson , Craig 194 Mitchell, Del 197 Price, Mark 200 Tareet, Lee 202 Johnson, Jerilyn 194 Mitchell, JoDee 197, 51 Prothero, Cindy 200 Taylor, Christina 202 Johnson, John 194 Mitchell, Becky 197 Pullan, Kevin 200, 59 Taylor, Myron 202 Johnson Kevin 194 Mitchell, Susie 197 Pyle, Laurie 200 Tea, Shelly 202 Johnson, Melanie 194 Moes, Robert Telesco, Greg 202, 51, 52, 80 Johnson, Shauna 194 Montgomery, Rachel 197 Quiney, Earl 51 Tenney, LuAnne 203 Jones, Jeff 194 Montoya, Judy 197 Quintana, Allen 200, 59 Terry, Doug 203 Jones, Scott 194 Moore , Brad 197 Tetrick Mike 203 Jorgensen, Mike 194 Moore , Fred 197 Ranson, Dianne 200 Thayer, Robert 203 Judson, Richard 194 Morris, Brad 197 Rasmussen, Craig 200 Thomas, Brent 203 Morris, Kurt Rasmussen, Joanne 200 Thomas, Danny 203 Kane, Bob 194 Morse , Linda 197 Reader, Steve 200 Thomas, Kaylin 203 Kastner, William 194 Mortensen, Shrley 197 Reber, Marcell 200 Thompson, Scott 203 Kero, Joe Morton, Steve 197, 59 Redmon, Mark 200, 59, 80 Thompson, Wes 203 Ketner, Jill 194, 62, 64, 67, 65 Mosher, Paula 197 Reid, Gary Throckmorton, Sheri 203, 185 Kirk, Sharon 194, 64, 65 Mower, Randy 197 Revas, Tina 200 Tischner, Nathan 203 Kniffen Jeanette 194 Mower, Teri 197 Reynolds, Wendie 200, 185 Tobler, Jayne 203 Korous, Alan 194 Murray, Heidi 197, 233 Rico, Connie 200 Tolman, Todd 203 Kunkler, John 194, 80 Murray, Wayne 197 Rigby, Sandra 200 Toly, AnneMarie 203 Kunz, Holly 194 Myers, Julie 197 Riggs, Rick 200 Topalian, James 203 Kirtick, Lisa 194 Myers, Paul 197 Rindlisbaker, Diane 200 Tracy, Sean 203 Myers, Tina 107 Ripley, Robin 200 Tripp, Monica 203 Labrum, Karen 194 Roberts, KaMille 200 Troester, Doug 203, 59 LaFollette, Lisa 194 Nabaum, Sherry 197 Robertson, Angie 200 Tschaggeny, John 203, 59 Landers, Susan 194, 49, 233 Nate, Fran 197 Rolfe, Kerry 200, 59, 79, 80 Tucker, Darren 203 Larsen, Harold 195 Nave, Rodger 197 Romero, Greg 200, 59, 184, 240, 80 Tullius, Nicki Larsen, Mike 195 Neilson, Andra 197 Rose , Sandra 200 Turley, Raymond 203 Larsen, Thor 195, 234, 235 Nelson, Alan 198, 59 Royce, Roger 59 Turner, Jackie 203 Lassig, Roger 195, 240 Nelson, Anne 198 Ruppel!, John 200 Twiggs, Denton Leavitt, Lisa 195 Nelson, David Tyler, Jeff 203 Lee, Ronald 195 Nelson, Patti 198 Sabey, Jamie 200 Lee, Steve 195 Nelson, Robin 198 Sa cos, Julie 202 Vaculine , Jerry 203 Lefler, Steve Nelson, Terri 198 Sampsel, Leah 200 Valdez, Mike Leikam, Richard 195 Nendell, DeeAnn 64 Sandberg, Gary 200 Vandenhazel, Kim 203 Leon, Stacey, 195, 185 Newbold, }alene Sandwick, Sue 201, 64, 65 VanderVeur, Karen 203 VanDerWiele, John 203 262
VanStaveren, 1\\.Uchelle 203 Atwood, Tammy 208 Cook, Dan 211 Giles, Linda 214 Vanzeven, Becky 203 Austin, Deanna 208 Cook, Don 211, 60 Gillen, Kathy 214 Varoz, Eric 204, 59 Cook, Kim 211 Clad, Deana 214 Veenenda-al, Brent 204 Babb, leslie 208 Coon, Lorin Clover, Randy 214, 60 Velez, Madeline 204 Baer, Lisa 208 Copier, Sharon 211 Godfrey, Richard 214, 51 Vicchrilli, Shauna 204 Bagley, Mark 208 Cordova, Donnie Colesh, Paula Vincent, !I.Uchele 204, 184 Baker, Scott 208 Cottrell, Ceresse 211 Gomez, Lisa Vincent, Sue 204 Balich, Shelley 208 Crew, Carl 211 Gonzalez, Juanita Viola, Ellen Banks, Becky 209 Croco, Rick 211 Goodman, Jennifer 214 Vollmer, Jill 204 Bardin, Cindy 209 Crow, Joel 211, 60 Crady, Tom Barlow, Kim 209 Crowl, Marcy 211 Gray, Lenard Wadkins, Cheryl 204 Barney, Uke Curtis, Thera! Gray, Mark 214 Walker, Fred Barow, Beckie 209 Cutler, Carnie 211 Green, Jaren 214 Walker, !I.Uke Basso, Troy 209 Creenig, Robin 214 Walker, Wendy 204, 86 Baumbartner, Nancy 209 Dahl, Michelle 211 , 240 Creer, Doreen 214 Ward, Paul 59, 2S4 Bean, Tom 209, 60 Daniels, Todd 211 Gregory, Connie 214 Warner, Patricia 204 Beauchamp, Maria Dannenberg, Cary 167 Griffin, Kevin 214, 51, 52 Warner, Richard 204, 59 Beckstrom, Jane 209 Davis, Robert 211 Groves, Lisa 214 Waters, Jeff 204 Beckstrom, 1\\.Uke 209 Davis, Will 212 Gunnarson, !I.Uke 214, 86, 76 Waters, Mike 204 Beebe, Connie 209 Davoren, James Gutierrez, Julie 214 Wayman, Kevin 204, 59 Bentley, 1\\.Uchelle 209, 240 Dawson, Wade 212, 60 Weaver, Stephanie 204 Berg, Rick 209, 76 Dayton, Reed 212 Hall, Becky 214 Welch, Ginger 204 Berg, Tyler 209 Dayton, Reed 212 Hambleton, Shelly 214 Wells, Shaun 204, 59 Berrett, Lisa 209 Delacruz, Elvira 212 Hammer, Keyleen 214, 197 Wengren, Steve 204 Berrett, Mark 209 Delacruz, Omar 212 Hammer, Renee Wenner, Robert 204 Berry, Gail 209, 64, 65 Deland, Carol 212 Hampsten, Mark 214 West, Steve 204, 59 Berry, Tina 209 Denning, Denise 212 Haney, Troy 214 Westerlund, Deborah Beverley, Cathy 209 Dennington, Wendy Hansen, Angie 214 Westover, Sean 204, 51 Bills, Ken 209 Dennison, 1\\.Uchelle 212 Hansen, Christine 214 White, Gene a! 204 Bills, Teresa 209 Derricott, Debbie 212 Hansen, John 215 White , Kristin 204 Bingham, Traci 209, 197, 207 Despain, Jackey 212 Hansen, Troy 215 Wilcox, JoAnn 204 Bird, Mark 209 Despain, Kevin 212 Hardcastle, 1ark 215 Willbanks, Jeff 204, 59 Bischoff, Mark 209 Dethlefs, Robert 212, 60, 76 Hardy, Dwayne 215 Williams, Curtis 204 Bleak, Ken 209 Dielmann, David 212 Hardy, Jennifer 215 Williams, Jeff Boggess, Bill 209, 60 Dooley, Ronda 212 Harman, Richard Williams, Kim 204 Boston, Roger 209, 60 Donaldson, Maren 212 Harper, Stacy 215 Williams, Randy 204 Bowen, Christine 209 Dorius, Orval 226 Harris, Brent 215 Wilson, Crace 204 Bowerbank, Brenda 209 Drake, Joe Harrison, !I.Uchael Winkley, larry 205 Bowthorpe, Tony 209, 60 Drake, Troy 212 Hart, Bryce Winter, Marie 205 Boyer, Marianne 209 Draper, Randon 212, 51 Haskell, Steve 215 Wolf, Ray 205 Brady, Kirk 210 Dumas, Clint 212, 60, 80 Hatfield, Wendi 215 Wolf, Tim 205 Brijs, Ronnie 210 Dunn, John 212 Hatt, Bobbi 215 Woodard, Peggy Brinkerhoff, Debbie 210 Duran, Tony Hatt, Jerry 215 Woodard, Tracy 205 Brinton, Julie 210 Dyches, Blake Hawkes, Chip 215 Woodhouse , Kent 205 Broadus, Suzette Dyches, Craig 212 Haws, Cindy 215 Woods, Jenny Brown, Jeffery Dyches , David 212 Head, Robby 215, 80 Wooley, Kathryn Brown, Jill 210 Dyett, Stacey 212 Heibel, Donny 215 Woolsey, Caylin 205 Brown, Jodi 210 Henew, Gene 215 Wooten, Tammy 205 Brown, Kim 210 Eagle, Wendy 212 Henrie, Cheri Wright, Daniel Brown , Scott 210 Eckman, Lisa 212 Heward, Doug 215 Wright, Gayle 205, 233 Brox, Danna 210 Eisert, Cary 212, 51 Hiatt, Patti 215 Wyatt, Craig Buck, Mark 210, 60 Ercanbrack, Tracy Hill, 1\\.Uke 215 Buck, Mark 210, 60 Erickson, laura 212 Hill, Patricia Yates, Kevin 205, 59 Buck, 1\\.Uke 210 Ertman, Brad 213 Hin, Quan Yeo, Julie 205 Budge, Jessie 210 Espinza , John 213 Hintze, Bonnie 215 Yohnke, 1\\.Uchael 59 Bullock, Richard 210 Evans, Dave 213 Hofeling, Derek Young, Kevin Burbank, Cary 210 Evans, Denise 213 Holder, Nancy 215 'oung, Lori Burke, Brian 210 Evans, liz 213 Holloway, Christine 'oung , Paul 205 Burris , David Everett, Wendy 213 Holt, Heidi 215 Young, Ty 205 Burrows, Carey 210 Ewell, Cary 213 Hone, Troy 215 Busch, Steve 210 Hood, Robert 215, 236, 237 Zirker, Dan 205, 59 Butcher, Peggy 210 Fairbanks, Greg 213 Hooker, Curt 215, 60 Zobell, Susan 205 Butler, Brenda 210, 197 Fairboum, Tom 213 Hoolan, leah 215 Butler, Kristy 210 Farmer, David Hoover, Rick 216 F RES HMEN INDE Z Fehr, Keith 213 Hoppa!, Wayne 216 Campbell, Blane 210, 60 Fehrmann, Brian 213 Hoskisson, Sherri 216, 64, 65 Abrego, Fred 208 Campbell, Dan 210, 80 Ferguson, David 213 Houston , Billy Adams, Amber 208 Campbell, Sharon 210 Ferry, Susie 213 Houtz, David 216 Adams, Barbara Campbell, Tracy Fillmore, Alison 213, 233 Howard, Brian 216 Ainsworth, Alan 208 Canning, 1ark 210 Finch, Ronda 213 Howell, Jan 216 Alldridge, Melody Carlson, Ken 210 Fitzpatrick, Robert 213 Hudson, Chris 76 Allen, Kenny 208 Carlson, Neil 210 Fleck, !I.Uke 213 Hughes, Simone 216 Allen, Penny Carlson, Tamra Fletcher, Helen 213 Humpherys, Alan 216 Allen, Russell Carrillo, Craig 210, 60 Folker, Traci 213 Humphrey, John 216 Allen, Scott 208 Carson, Dave 210 Folkersen, Glenda 213 Humphrey, Scott 216 Allen, Todd 208, 76 Carter, Debbie 210 Forbush, Kelly 213, 60 Hunsaker, Jon 216, 60 Allen, Wynona Carter, Patrick Forsey, Teri 213 Huntsman, Don 216, 60 Allred, Bruce 208 Castillo, Dleanor 210 Forsling, Scott 213 Hurzeler, Kim 216 Allsop, Joan 208 Cazer, Susan 210 Fowkes, Wendy 213, 233 Ambrose , Dale 208 Chadwick, Debbie 210 Frandsen, Delyn 213 Ingersoll, Diana 216, 207 Amerman, !I.Uke 208, 60, 80 Chatterley, Lori 210 Frandsen, Jeannine 213 Anderson, Angie 208 Chiapuzio, Shelly 210 Frankos, Scott 213, 80 Jackson, Calvin 216 Anderson, Cindy 208 Christensen, Arnie 210 Fritz, Diane 213 Jacob, Tyffanee 216 Anderson, Jacki 208 Christensen, Gloria 210 Froisland, Sheri 213 Jaly, Senh 216 Anderson, Joe 208 Christensen, Marilyn 211 Fronk, !I.Uke 214 Jamison, Kurt 216, 76 Anderson, Lori 208 Christensen, Tracy 211 Fuller, Edon 214 Jangard, Susan 216 Archuleta , Alan 208 Christensen, Kim 211 Fullmer, Shirl Jarvis, Alan 216 Arrington , Byron 208 Clark, Karilyn 211 Funk, Sherrie 214 Jeffs, 1elanie 216 Arveseth, Jack 208 Cloward, Colton Jenkins, Jacquelyn Asay, Alan 208 Cloward, Wendy 211 Gallegos, Dolores 214 Jenkins, Kisa 216, 206 Ashworth, leslie 208 Cobbley, Ronald Gallegos, Donna 214 Jensen, Blake 216, 60, 90, 91, 76 Aste, Janet 208 Cole, Becky 211 Garcia, Debra 214 Jensen, Brenda 216 Condie, Kevon 211 Gardner, Molly 214 Jensen, Cherie 216 Conger, Penny 211, 65 Carritson, Rick 214 Jensen, Kirk 216 Congreves, Greg 211 Caster, Joel 214 Jensen, Linda 216 Conti, John 211 Caster, Terry 214 Jensen, 1ark 216 263
Jensen, Todd 216, 76 McCleery, ielanie 219 Porter, Dirk 222 Swope, Tim Jensen, Zane 216 McCurdy, Dee 219 Poulsen, Niki 222 Jenson, Kari 216 McEntire, John 219, 206, 17, 240 Powell, Lany 222 Tapp, Cindy 224 Jenson, Sherri 217 McFarland, Kelli 219 Powers, Paul 222 Tapp, Jamie 224 Johansic, Tracy 217 Proest, Jackie Taylor, ]ana 224 Johanson, 1\\ill<e 217 !cKinley, David 219 Proctor, Becky 222 Taylor, Kyra 224, 233 Jolmson, Ann McLaughlin, Shawn Prue, Ladawn 222 Taylor, Troy Johr..son, Desiree 217 McMillan, Eddie 219 Pullman, eo Teerlink, Danny 224 Jolmson, Joel 217 Me air, Scot 219 Telesco, Gary 224, 80 Jolmson , Lori 217 McWen, Cindee 219 Quezada, Victor 222, 80 Tempest, Deborah 224 jolmson, Scott 76 Meiling, Mark 219 Thayer, Beth 224 Jolmson, Shaleen, 217, 19 Menlove, Martha 219 Raikes, Corie Thomas, Carla 224 Jolmson, Tanuny 217 Merritt, Kelly Rasmussen, Chris Thomas, Jon 224 Jolmson, Tina 217 Middlesworth, Alan 219, 60 Rasmussen, Jill 207 Thomas, Tonya Johnston, Julie 217 Rawlinson, Meladie Thompson, Becky 224 Jolley, Deanna 217 fika, Jeny219, 60,80 Ray, Jamie Thompson, Robin 224 Jones, Darlene 217 1\\fikkelson, Janet 219 Reese, Tamara Thurman, Wayne 224 Jones, Kathi 217 I\\files, Greg 219, 60 Reinhold, Sheny Tibbitts, Meya 224 Joos, Stefanie ]\\finer, Jack 220 Rekoutis, Deborah 62, 64, 65 Timpson, Kathy 224 Jorgensen, Julie 217 1\\fitchell, Debbie 220, 845 Rhodes, Ellen Tippetts, Scott 224 Judd, Debbie 217, 19 Mitchell, Dena 220 Richards, Renae Tobler, John 224, 60 1\\fitchell, Manon 220 Rinunasch, Bany 60 Tolman, Derek 224 Kallen, Cynthia 217 1\\fitchell, Terri 220, 233, 240 Ripley, Lorraine Tolman, !an 224 Kalleres, Jackie 1\\fiya, Greg 220, 60 Rivera, Deborah Toone, Kim 224 Kandas, Connie Molitor, Tara 220 Robinson, Lisa Tracy, Tania 224 Keane, Charles Moncur, David 220 Robinson, Scott Trane, Mike 224 Kelsey, Rick 217 Montgomery, Gordon Robison, Jill Trevino, Lupe Kendzior, Mark 217 Moon, Glen 220, 60 Robison, Lisa Tripp, Naylene Kenny, Dawn 217 Morley, Cindy 220 Robison , Shayne Kesler, Dan 217, 60 Morrey, Scott 220, 60 Rodarte, Chris 60 Ulibarri, Kathy 224 Killpack, Jodi 217 Morris, Peter Roden, Ronald Uny, liz 224 King, Steve 217 Morrison, Amy 220 Romaro, Paul Kirk, Tom 217, 60 Mortensen, LeeAnne 220 Romero, Jinuny 80 Vandevere, Kelvin 224 Kniffen, Cindy 217 Mounteer, Lisa 220 Rossi, Kathleen Vanwagenen, Julie 224 Koehler, Jeff 217, 60 Mower, Janet 220 Rowsell, Valerie Vanwyngaard, Becky 224 Kohlschein, Esther 217 Muir, Mark 220 Rubalcava, John Vasquez, Brenda 224 Koncar, Usa 218, 197 Muir, Randy 220 Ruf, Rosalie Vasquez, Joe 225 Korous, Scott 218 Murphy, Billy Russell, Tamera Verde , Kim 225 Kosovich, Joni 218 Murphy, Colette 220 Vellarreal, Oraldo Kramer, Karen 218 Murray, Erin 220 Sabey, Richard 222 Visher, Wesley 225 Kramer, Rosalie 218 Myers, Butch 220, 60 Savage, Jess 222, 90, 91, 60, 76 Krinnan, Dan 218 Myers, Julie Scarlet, Lizabeth Walker, Marian 225 Kroger, Brenda Schacht, Jenny 222 Walker, Natalie 225, 206 Kunz, Sheldon 218 Nave, Dan 220 Schiell, Kerri 222 Wallgren, Kris Neebling, Laurie Schieving, Bryce Wankier, Marjie 225 LaFollette, Stuanne 218, 233 Neilsen, Chris Schneider, Usa 222 Ward, Pam 225 LaForett, Peter Nelsen, Glen 220 Schoenfeld, Kristy 222 Wardle, Brad 225, 60 Landers, Gloria Schouten, Cathy Washburn, Christina 225 Lang, Bryan 218, 60 elson, Derek 220 Schow, Cathy Webster, Jim 225 Larsen, Danny 218 elson, Karen 220 Schronen, Penny 222 Webster , Matt 225 Larsen, Mike 218 elson, Sheryl 220, 49 Schuman, Scott 223 Webster, Sherrie Larson, Janae 218 ewby, Russel Scovill, Danny 223 Webster, Todd 225 Larson, Kindy 218 Newman, Darrell 220 Seghini, Steve 223 , 60 Wegener, 1\\fike 225 Lassig, Anita 218 Nghiepsu, Trung 221 Serdar, Gary 223, 76 Weiss, Christina 225 Lawin, Rob Nicol , Alan 220, 64 Severson, Randy 80 Welker, ]anew 225 Leavitt, Kelly 218 Nielsen, April 220 Sharp, Doug 223 Wells, Joel 225, 60 Lee, Melissa 218 Nielson, Ty 220 Sharp, Wendy 223, 63, 64, 67, 65 Wells, Steve Lee, Terri 218, 207 North, Jeny 221 Sharp, Wes 223 West, Shauri 225 Lenk, Christy 218 North, Roberta 221 ShaW, Judy Wester, Sherrie 225 Leyland, Ty 218 Norton, Aaron 221 Shaw, Steven Westover, Eilene 225 Uedtke, Wade 218 Nuttall, Jim 221 Sheldon, Karin Wheeler, Adele 225 tina, Keith 218, 60 Shepherd, Lea 223 Wheeler, Reed 225 Linam, Kent 218 Oakden, 1ark 221 Shepherd , Teresa 223, 207 Whicker, Becki 225 Unnell, Valerie 218 Ohm, Carla 221 Sheriff, Johnette 223 Whimpey, Mike 225 little, Shellie 218 Okerlund, Stacy 221 Sherwood, Don 223, 60 White, Bethany 225 Uoyd, Roger 218, 80 Olson, Margie 221 Shields, Paula 223 White, Usa 225 Longhurst, Dan 218 0' eill, Kim 221 Shook, John Whitesides, Brad 225, 76 Lopez, David Overdiek, Debbie 221 Shuman, Scott 60 Whiting , Joey 226 Louis, Patrick 51 Owen, Doug 221 Shurtz, Randy 223 Whiting, Tamara 226 Loveless, Gene 218 Sickler, Judith 223 Whitlock, McRae 226, 60 Lovell, Jeff 219, 80 Pace , Julie 221 Smart, Anndra 223 Wilcox, Bion 226 Lucero, Daniel Padgett, Stuanne 221 Smith, Ernest Wilcox, Jeff 60, 76 Lugo, Jacquelyn Page, Sherri 221 Smith, Jeff 223 Wilcox, Kathleen 226 Lunceford, Christy 219 Pando, 1\\fike 221, 60 Smith, John Willard, Patrick Lundgreen, Cindy 219 Paramore, Lisa 221 Smith, Kaylynn 223 Willbanks, Rene 226 Ly, Senh Patrick , Louis 221 Smith, Sharon 223, 233 Willet, Richard 226 Paulos, Ted 221 Snyder, Gretchen 223, 51 Williams, Jay 226 Madsen, Gregory Payne , Diane Spanton, Connie 223 Williams, Laurie 226 Madsen, Kelly 219 Payne , Sherrie 221 Spencer, Jim Williams, Shane Madsen, Joni 219 Peacock, Lee 221, 76 Staber, Diane Wilson, Keith 60 Mangum, Bryce 219 Pearson, Jeff 221 Stanton, Krystal 223 Wilson, Mark 226 Mansanarez, Jesse 219 Pearson, 1\\fike 221 Staten, Ryan 223 Wilson, Monty 226, 80 Markosian, Brian 76, 80 Peay, Stefanie 221 Stauffer, Kyle 223 Wilson, Steve 226 Marquez, Sandra Peirce, Lynda 221 Stauffer, Lynn 223 Winegar, Jennifer 226 Martinez, Lucie 219 Pepper, 1\\fichelle 221 Stephens, Shonna Winkel, Sheri 226 Martinez, Mark 219 Perelle, David 221 Stewart, Russell Wolfgranun, Finau 226 Perkins, David Stidham, Vickie Wong, David 226, 60 Martinez, Steven Perkins, Rick 221 Stillman, Kenneth Wood, Raylynn 226 Martinez, Wendy Peny, John 222, 80 Stott, Richard 223 Woodhouse, Paula Mascaro, 1\\filio 219 Petersen, Janet 222 Stowe , Bryan 223 Wright, Julie 226 Mathis, MaeBeth 219 Peterson, Jeff 222 Street, Bret 223, 60 Wright, Tracy 226 Maudsley, Ron 219 Peterson, Lee 222 Stubbs, Todd 223 Maxwell, David Peterson, Richard Sturdy, Manuela 223 Yates, Jeff 226 Maynard, Usa Peterson, Shane Su, Trung Ybarguen, Joe 226 Maynard, Patty 219 Peterson, Tanuny 222 Suazo, Kitty 223 Yu, Wailin 226 Mayne, Lynda 219, 233 peterson, Travette Sudweeks, Diane 223 McCartney, Tim 219 Petrie, Steven Sullivan, Harold, 224 Ziegler, Annette 226 McCleery, David 219 Phippen, David 222 Swink, Jared 224 McCleery, Janea! 219 Podlesny, Diane 222 Poe, Bryan 222 Pope , Mike 222 264
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