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ldentiry your strongest skills, trackyear on year performance See clearly where you need to improve Measure your true capabilities on a globalscale ICAS is the most com preh€nsive, a nn ual, g lobal benchmark of l€afning progrcss.lcAs assesses the higher oderthlnklng rktllt that und€rpin success in Mathematics, 5c ience, Engllrh (Cl2-t2) and Dig ital Te.hnoloq ies (Cl3 l0). Find out more at wwwmacmillaneducation.in/icas aS uNswctonat foX%:il,Sl cAs 5r productof LrNsw6!obar,a whortyownedenterprkeof UNswAustrala Ohe UniwEit ofNewSoulh Watc, nisdisinbuted et. u5ive yin India byMa.milan Educat on
oths Xpress Sotyosree 6uptc l\\y'aths Educator and Teacher Trainer W;lA t\" r\"trt for t;f,
r A MACMILLAN at)Md.nilkn Publishes Indid Priwte Lt.l, 2013, 2al7 All rishts resened under the copyriShl act. No pan of lhis publication may be reproduced, iranscibed, bansmitted, storcd in a rerieval system or lranslated inlo any language or computer language, in any ibm or by any mcans, elecironic, mechanical. nagnetic, optical, chenical, manual, photocopy or olheMise without ihe prior pcmission ofihe copyright owner Any pc6on who does any unauthorised aci in relalion lo this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil clains for damages. Reprihted 20 1 4 (t'wi.e), 2A 1 5 (hti.e). 2A l 6 Reptirted 2017 Qhice), 2018 (Thri&), 2019 (T||ice) MACMILLAN PUEI,ISHERS INDIA PRIVATE LIMTTED Deihi Bengaluru Chennai Kolkala Mumbdi ,^hmedabad Bhopal Chandigalh Colnbatore , urra.k uuqchar H)oe?b\"d '.p r Lucln k \\4rdu€i Nagpur Patna Pune Thiruvananthapuram Visakhapatnant ISBN: 978-9152-52162 3 Published by Macmillan Publishers India Private Lid, 21. Patullos Road. Chennai 600002, India Prirted at K.iti. New Delhi ll0 020 ,.This book is meanl for educational and lcaming purposes. Thc author(s) ofrhe book hasnrave tdken all reasonablc care to ensure that ihe contents oflhe book do not violate any copyridl or other intellectualpropcrly rights ofanv person in anv manner $ha! soever In the evcnt the auLhor(s) h.s,lrave been mable to track any source and ifany oopyiight has been inadveftently infringcd, please notiry thc publisler in qiting fof anyconective action
Pref ace Maths Xpress for Classes 'l to 8 has been developed by practising teachers and maths experts. Based on the latest pedagogical approaches to teaching mathematics, the series provides a strong mathematical focus and plenty of opportunities for periodic evaluation. The series is based on the premise that all students can become powerful mathematical learners. Spe<ial Features a Let's Recall recapitulates previous knowledge of concepts a Maths Around Us helps students apply mathematical concepts in reallife situations a HOTS/Target Olympiad empowers students to think out-of-the-box I Speed Maths/Mental Maths prepares students to carry out quick calculations a Take Care helos students avoid common errors a Maths Lab Activity and Project connect maths with reallife situations a Fun With Maths and Maths Game reinforce the concepts taught in a fun way a Enrich Yourself provides deeper insight into the concept under study a Revision Station helps students in assessing their understanding of the concepts learnt a Worksheet helps in reinforcing the concepts learnt a Glossary serves as a ready reference a Practice Sheets aid in comprehensive evaluation a Maths Engine includes tasks that foster creative thinking and problem-solving skills amonq students
n G, ,, Beggom Dilr'utivt,irre Recapitulates previous knowledge of concepts. /.l.iLr,r'r:,.1 L-. a : O,t Helps students apply mathematical concepts in real life situations. A \\ Empowers students to think out-of the box. h 1 !i arii, \\ Prepares students to carry out i l!! nir:rn,rt.. - t,r.i,h.,5;n. rli.:lii.7 quick calculations. ,l11 i{ 1 Nnb.: ih*..n5tLri.1fr ! i5 Connect maths with real life struat on5.
? .arlcl ,le,iisicir !:iriio!r Helps students in assessing their understanding of the concepts learnt. r,,ri' ls l,le r: Helps in reinforcing the concepts learnt. (: !{)!!a r)r 't Serves as a ready reference. Practie(-\" Sheets Aid in comprehensive evaluation.
2. Numbers uP to 20 3. Addition uP to l0 4. Subtr.ction uP to l0 6. Addition and Subtraction uP to 20 7. Numbers uP to 50 9. Numbers uP to loo 10. Addition and Subtraction uP to 99 1 l. Time and MoneY
0ge-qppropriote digitol resources to eDricb leqrDing experlence
Contents t t. Comparing 33 2. Numbers uP to 20 49 3. Addition uP to 10 68 4. Subtraction uP to 10 82 5. ShaPes 98 6. Addition and Subtraction up to 20 7. Numbers uP to 50 112 8. Measurement LZ) 9. Numbers uP to 100 150 10. Addition and Subtraction up to 99 156 LL. Time and MoneY 12. Data Handling rb6 13. Patterns 173 1\"4. Introduction to Multiplication 181 188 Practice Sheet 1 189 L9L Practice Sheet 2 GlossarY
Hello! Let us start with revision. L. Colour the objects above the caterpillar red. LO|OUT tne ootects oetow ii the caterpilla r orange. 2. Neha is playing football with her father. Draw one more football near her and two footballs far from her.
1.. Tick (/; the biggest and cross (r) the smallest ball, t2. Tick (/1 the shortest and cross (r) the longest snaKe. o 3. Tick (;)the thickest and cross (t) the thinnest tail. & q' +9 F D Sabina planted a sapling when she was in nursery. Now, she is € in Class L. 'f The sapling is n-ow .............. (taller or shorter) than before. AIso, write two advantages of planting trees.
\"s1. Here is a Picture of MaYank's room' Look at the Picture and fill in the blanks. w ffi a. Boolc are (on/under) the table. D, The dustbin is (under/inside) the table' c. The photo frame is (below/above) the calendar' d. The calendar is (above/below) the table' The Photo frame is (on/inside) the wall' =--t. The boy is standing near tne (top/bottom) of the ladder' o The pencil is (on/under) the studY table' h. The pair of shoes is (nearer to far from) the study -table than the ladder' (thicker^hinner) than the cricket The hockeY stick is bat.
2. Write_the number given at the topmost step of each ladder in the oox. Une has been done for you. 3. Write the number given on the bottommost book in the box. One has been done for you. a. o. L. d. You cannot reach to items kept at some height in the kitchen, but your mother can reach them. She can do this because she is taller than you. Your father can lift many things easily that you find difficult to lift. He is stronger than you. Similarly. observe and list a few things in pair which are shorter-longer; lighter-heavier, or smaller-bigger around you.
LOOK at the picture below and follow the instructions as given. L. Colour the tallest flag green and the shortest flag red. 2. Circle the child nearest to the bucket. Burj Kholifo in Duboi is the tollest ? Circle the smallest tyre. building in the 4. Cross (r1 the thickest rope and tick (/) worro. the th in nest rope. 5. Fill in th e bla n ks. (inside/on) the sand. (inside/outside) the water. a. The bucket is b. The dog is (top/bottom) of the c. The flag is at the sa nd castle. -l\"T -..
1g!!!\"j'Jr# . frrttO ly woRD ldentify the words in the grid which are given in the clue box. Circle the words using a pencil. Top Bottom Above Out Neor Below For Thin Thick Smollest Long Under Inside W U E T TJ P Ns DE R X Hq N K H M W rt MD P W T A B tJ EX Az BcH R R TU P L S R K P A oMX c T N G H T B n T T tJ M E T MU I UP S z R N F J tl BsTU T X F S U T \\l LN X BA K 'r N E A R J TD I D R E P T s F UM E BE tJ W TH Nz R rEH gatErtrtEgHr grigrrn F| 6t lr -uG
ii Revision of numbers. ii ii ,l i|i' L| ^e+tI u.U,-sS Ss-i^iln- g a^-nI dq -r^e,v,i-lis^e t+nhLe^ nl^l,uu,-hmu^.bl.Deres.]s. ii , o'\"I+y':,thrq,3.rb\"rr4'five5' i l r$ryg i Cffi \"e#-!:d,v:uret-iu{r*' il- E h'i1'b;;#i\"\":il'inF ConceptolZero Five birds are sitting on a branch. -
v^ t_]Two birds fly away. How many are left? ll DAgain 2 birds fly away. How many are left now? The remaining bird also flies away. Now the branch is empty. We can say that there are no birds or zero birds left on the branch. Trace the zeto Zero r' Teacher's Tip./ Clarify the concept ofzero.Tell students that the value of zero at different places is very impo Students will then find it easy to deal with all the matters related to zero in further chapters. -_ilFI Rt IE
Song for Zero Zero the hero comes to school. Zero the hero knows o rule. Zero the hero stoys in o spoce. 5o oll the other numbers get in the right plocel Number Names 7 One t -.1\\-r, 2 Two oto 5 Three O,tOtfOt O 4 Fou r 5 Five JJE}}J Six 7 Seven ooooooo Itittrii 8 Eight CIOOIOTIOT5 6 d 5 E0 d 5 6 9 N ine 10 Ten
t. Claoduynbtirtdhetobiltasclkeasfpobtys.dornawthinegblaincekso' fOenaechhalas dbyebeinrddoTnheenfotar kyeoue'acn gs 4g ws 2. Count and wrlte. rr--ll a. How manY eyes do You have? b. How many fingers do you have in one hand? c. How many wings are there on your body? 3. Look at the given fruit basket' Count and write the number of fru its in it. a. How many apples are there in the basket? [] Db. How many mangoes are there in the basket? c. How many bananas are there in the basket? E[] d. How many oranges are there in the basket?
t. Practise writing numbers and their number names. One has been done for vou. t2345 One 6 7 8 9 10 2. Read the number and then draw lines to match it with the same number of shapes on the cap and the number name. One has been done for vou. (,^1{ ) I
3. Cou nt the number of dots on the clothes and join them with the matching numbers and number names. One has been done for vou. @) G) !8i .c €) loo '. -€*D aa @ Numb'e,r talferfti-ffi=-J@ The number of children is divided into groups of 5 each. One child in each group acts as the referee. How to play . When the teacher calls out numbers I,2, 3, all children (except the referees) clap their hands. . When the teacher calls out numbers 4,5,6, all children (except the referees) tap their feet. . When the teacher calls out numbers 7,8,9, all children (except the referees) snap their fingers. Any child, who makes a mistake (for example, tapping feet when he/she has to clap hands), is out of the game, Referees have to watch out for the children making mistakes. The teacher may increase the pace of calling out numbers so that all children remain alert when the numbers are called out. -F---.--
Count and write the number and its number name. One has been done for vou. L. How many legs does the 2. How many legs does the boy have? ant have? Two 4. How many legs does the elephant have? 3. How many legs does the spider have? 5. How many wheels are there 6. How many colours are there in the tricycle? in the rainbow? n
T Before, After, and ln between kSam is arranging his gloves. Each pair of gloves has a number. The green poir is in between the blue ond the red poirs. @@ o@@ @@ Look at the numbers 7, 8, and 9 on the number strip. 8 9 t0 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 is just before 8. I hove olwoys found 8 is in between 7 and 9. 9 is just after 8. 'before' , 'ofter', ond 'in belween' very inieresting. L. Which number comes before 7? 2. Which number comes in between 5 and 7? Which number comes after 4?
t. Write the number thdt comes just after the given number' One has been done for You. 2. Write the number that comes just before the given number' One has been done for You. 3. Write the number that comes in between the given numbers' One has been done for You. *** *** * *** ** ..._{H.
4. Count forward and write the missing numbers. d^, o,., \"oil'\\-f , ., L ' ., /' .. .,- .\" 1;J'*'*, if fb -1: f:\"_ y_:.j i 1:-l) lr.,:i >-: t; 1t\"-11 5. Count backward and write the missing numbers. , .9-..) \\..-./ \"'l n*:r1\"*f Y-: t: Ia, r.:.1 )'s , Mnrrs Anouruo Us You know many cartoon characters. Tell the name of a cartoon character and fold a finger of your hand. Do this until you name all the cartoon characters you know. Then unfold the fingers one-by-one counting the numbers-one, two, three, and so on. How many characters do you know? Share with your friends. Fill in the blanks. One has been done for vou. 1. 5rX, Seven, etonT 2. Number that comes just after 5 and just before 7 is 3. Number that comes just after 3 is 5. Number that comes just after 8 is 5. r, 2, _4,5, _
Tens and Ohes lqr Ria and Anu have to arrange flowers into groups to make bouquets. There are 9 flowers. How many flowers do we get if we add one more flower? # *&#'#, ond s*&@* ond 1. *- *@a,KS*K i, *K gives 10 Now there are L0 flowers. To make counting of larger numbers easier, we group ten ones and ma ke one bu nch of ten. #\" @ #*i3s s :r.) 10 ones 1 ten
Numbers from Ll to 20 m?k', numoer L. Read and write numbers from 1- 1- to 20. Tro.ce 1 ten and 1 one mche eIeven qt*k 1 ten and 2 ones mahe twelve q*J=& 1 ten #s\" i q-t$t ond 3 ones malte tnlrteen 1 ten s'* :: 'Std.a fourteen ,s*and 4 ones mche .,i ; # : ond 5 ones mohe l?al^^- J :' -- -'-
l ten cnd d3 i,$'* 5 ones mche saxteen q*s.& %v# l ten cnd 7 ones mahe seventeen q*+& ,$+i(. L*,e,' t +ii,,,' ss#;34.\\ 1 ten cnd 8 ones mche 1 ten .a- nineteen twentg - ardgt{t d-zrri.l-5f!.'_ . .65 *j,€ej\"ag ond I ones mcke qtqis *f3e*K * s{ss* 1 ten ond 10 ones mohe
1\". Make a group of ten and fill in the boxes' One has been done for vou. 3**iot r. 3R3ti**#7 \\h?^;1cl \\i. ^/ k,li'SFJratntiJ,.'sa C'- ^, ) Match each block to the correct display card. One has been done for you. 1 ten and 5 ones tn -\\ 1 ten and 3 ones !l 10 15 l\" ten and 7 ones 1 ten and 0 ones
3. Arrange the numbers in the correct order. Help Jikky reach his friend by filling the number that comes... @-o @^o ... befo re ... in between \\lLE g Share an instance with your class where you helped someone made him/her happy.
trla. Tens and Ones on the Abacus ,, An abacus is a tool used for reading and counting numbers. This is an abacus with two rods-the tens rod (T) and the ones rod (O). Each rod can have a maximum of 9 beads. How to read numbers on the abacus? TO TO t--?l lf-r-----=c-l I am Samantha and my name has 8 letters. TO TO r-----;-l f-r--o I t-l
1.. Read the number sllown on each abacus and fill in the boxes. One has been done for you. 2. Draw beads on the abacus for the given numbers. 3. How many letters does your name have? Draw beads on the given abacus to show the above number.
Comparing Numbers Smaller Number Count and write the number of circles shown on each gift box' [] Let us compare these numbers on the number strip' When two numbers are compared on the number strip, the number closer to zero is smaller than the other number. 1 nns0 2 3 (4) 6 7 s (s) ro rtL2t3L4rst'tT L8 t92o \\,i V Thus. 4 is smaller than 9. '1. Circle the smaller number in each pair. One has been done for you. L\"'12 t4 ' 39L6 .l L\"7', e' 7 5 T'' 1013 e zo,:t8; h' t7 1_5 2. Colour the petal having the smallest number in red. One has been done for you.
Larger Number Count and write the Let us now compare these numbers on the number strip. When two numbers are compared on the number strip, the number farther from zero is larger than the other number. 0 nn1 2 3 I4)5 6 7 {8) 9 10Lr72t3L4ts16t7L8 1920 \\-/ \\_/ Thus, 8 is larger than 4. 1. Circle the larger number. One has been done for you. o'.-t.rc L. T5t2 ) /- 1.-1 10 ' ig _,ii ' i8la6l\\.''.-''/ 6 2O,L7 \"L ' t9 20 2. Colour the petal having the la rgest number in blue. One has been done for you. a. o.
Decreasing Order of Numbers Count the number of marbles in each bowl and write in the box. @dsq ooo- The numbers have been arranged from the largest to the smallest. The numbers below have also been arranged from the largest to the smallest. 6,4,2 12, LL, t0 ]-L,9,6 1,. Arrange the n um bers on the blocks from the largest to the smallest, sta rting from the top. One has been done for Vou. a. 2 4 o. 7 L. 6 8 4 3 10 5 9 3 L 2 8 3 t o. t2 e. 15 t4T. !6 20 9 LL L3 13 7 1.4 t7
Increasing Order of Numbers ffi=', Count the number of petals in each flower and write in the box. The numbers have been arranged from the smallest to the largest. The numbers below have also been arranged from the smallest to the largest. L,2,3 7 ,8,9 Lt, L3, !6 1. Arrange the numbers on the blocks from the smallest to the largest, starting from the top. One has been done for you. a. 9 8 n7 t2 10 9 9 L4 10 L7 Lt 10 8 13 8 tt d. 5 L4 f. 6 L2 9 18 t9 15 L! 10 1_3 L6
.'/ Ordinal Numbers When objects are placed in an order, ordinal numbers describe their oosition. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th First Second Third Fourth Fifth 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth Fill in the missing ordinal numbers and write their names'
.\"w In the maze, find the number sequences given in the clue box and shade them with different colours. -You can go up, down, forward and backward. One has been done for vou. r234567 50 4 8 o 13 1.4 12 6 19 7 89 70 7t 1213 72 t2 15 5 I4 7 5 7 t9 15 15 20 5 131.415 16 8 t9 8 5 7 t6 6 2 9 70 L71213 L4 94 2849 5o .56789 .246810 2 10 5 2 4 10 8 2 38 8 9 10 I'J. L2 13 18 6 T2 7 15 4 L2 13 4 3 4 4 8 5 5 13 'J.4 4 5 2 1.4 19 x 4 L4 12 18 1. Rearrange the numbers in the order from the smallest to the largest. One has been done for you. a. o. L6 EL f 10 9 c. ---4'!- d. r)rCa 8 ryU 2 V 'tfi,iz 4
MA';!ISJUAE Objective: Understanding increasing and decreasing order of numbers Material required: Cards with numbers written from 1to 20 Method: Teacher asks any three children to pick a number card each. Children read the number on their card and sit in increasing order while displaying the cards. One child among the three calls out'increasing order'. This activity is repeated by other children for both increasing and decreasing order.
e correct option. at comes after 15? c. 16 d. L9 t4 b. L5 at comes before 8? rO d.7 b.4 at comes in between t2 and t4? c. L3 u^. nlr.t : 12 b. 1s : at comes after 18? c. L5 u.zv: t7 b. 19 ich one of the following is in increasing order? 5,4,3 b.2,7,10 c. I,5,4 ich one of the following is in decreasing order? 1,9,15,7 b.2,8,to c. 14,17,5 : a. smaller than b. larger than c. equal to :: 8. 15is-8. 'Score' is on old : a. smaller than word used for the b. equal to number 20. : c. rarger rna n . : _9. The number name of 17 is c. eighteen ! a. sixteen b. seventeen c. ntne : | | | | na nt trnrrar n2rna ari q rc b. eight
4 (^ lt a WoRKsHErr,f&\" Help Makkie, the monkey, to cross the tiles to reach the mango. Read the instructions eiv'en below the tiles to find the number. _LO l ten and Comes Number name before 19 ts Sevenreen 10 ones l ten and 2 ones Largest in the increasing order of 13, 'J.4,1-5 Larger than 9 Comes in and smaller between 7 than 11 and 9 1_ Number ordinal Comes after 4 name is two number is third How many tiles did monkey cross to reach the mango? b. Arrange the tiles with numbers 3, t, L2,9,20, t7 inlhe ascending order. Which are the largest and the smallest numbers written on the tiles? IHIH HITIHIIFIFFIEiFI'I TITIHTiTHHiHHfrttttttftFtEFtFFFE ggrlJtaHt THEIHHIHHHHBH
Adidiiit-i,o-,rnr u,p to 10, I Addifion is putfing things together. I Look at the picture below and fill in the blank boxes. a) .oo'_d Number of dog = Number of girls = Number of cats = Number of boys = Total number of animals = Total number of children = -----rH
Reema's necklace gets broken. She strings the separated beads and adds a few more beads to it. Help her by drawing one bead at each stage. Then count and fill in the boxes. oO66- ond I more is [] \"?3 ond 1 more ts 3\"\"i ond 1 more [] 3ooo\"o ond 1 ^or. nts 33ig ona r 'o'. [] ts Ets j 4There were | beads in the broken necklace. Reema added [-.l .or\" beads to it. f-lThen there *ur\" b\".dr. Adding 1 #s# + 1 tree s### 3 trees 3 +'_1L= *dh 4 trees 4 When we add 1to a number, the answer is the number just after. *..
L Count and fill in the boxes. One has been done foryou. , gandl moreg ., El,t* 1 =[-Zl [-lu. 4lf15# ry#+and r moreff o [-1, z + r = , Of,Q,ondrmore 6. [---l,e*1=[-l y' [-lonat d. /// /// ^o,\" i, [--l,o + r = @ @ ondlmore 1.--ris[---l'o*1=[---l UU Uondlmore o[-l,z+r=[-l // JJll / /Jg 1l \"\"a 1 more s [---.], e + r = [---l fff,ff,Adding Zero offto.r-1 . + 5 raspberries 5 raspberries 50 5 When we add zero to a number, the answer is the number itself. 1. Fill in the boxes. One has been done for you. tn# tr + u@ + @ tr + @=D o@ + tr
Addition on the Number Strip -d..-€F- ?^ 0 2 4 5 6 7 8 910 Starting from 5, go two steps forward. Where do you find yourself? You will be at 7. Hence. 5+ 7 A slYt 1. Add the given numbers on the number strio. One has been done for you. a.3+4=7)ffi o 1 z 910 b.4+3=Ed o 1 z 3 4 s G 7 8 s 10 c.3+5=nffo1234sG78e10 d.7+2=8G01234s678s10 e.8+1=IG01234s678s10
Number Bonds Observe the patterns and fill in the number bonds. Numbe r bonds of 1 Number bonds of 2 V/rr\\ 1+0=L \\eJ z+u=z (, 0+1=L v o Number bon dsof3 Number bonds of4 (, @o ?rn-2 \\v/ V V V 4+O=4 () C'C u\\\\/ /.,',) /, ,\\ (, (.,,,) (, o VV C' \\v/ v uv (, (, u oC' (,) umber bonds of 5 oo(, (, (*, Number bonds (, 5+0=5 ore olso l(nown os oo ou oo(, vv oddition focts. c(, \\/r3i/\\ vv (9C(r, Va,\\ V oov
VerticaI Addition .r,i_,,;ellRffitffi{r. L. Add vertically by drawing sticks. One has been done for you. b. c. 4 +3 e. f. 3 +6 Colour any two tickets blue whose sum is equalto the number on the popcorn pack. One has been done foryou. ffiffi{mw ffi
Horizontal Addition L. Add horizontally by drawing sticks. One has been done for you. a. o. 2ll+lli7lill= g +4 o. + 3 3+6= Addition Using Number Train Add 3 and 4 with the help of the number train. Keep your finger on 3 and move forward by 4 steps. *ldilFDo you reach 7? Tick the correct answer. ,,,::.F*, a p+E= [] b.@+E= nL. Use the number train to add the followins: EE +[f= n d. ee. *E= [] tl nEa + F--'l = [] h. fl+E= . -c-#.
Order in Aqqtfton.- Look at the pictures given below= \\ap' .\\ffi\\ \\prqqr+ E E \\rr\\ + \\ p=\\rf,\\q/ +@ We see that the answer remains the same in both the cases, whether we add 2to 4 or 4to2. Thus, even if we change the order of the numbers to be added, the answer remains the same. t. Box 1 and Box 2 have objects of the same type. Write two addition sentences, in front of each figure, to show how many of them are there in all. One has been done for vou. Box 1 Box 2 | 9999tr9 f:Iq :i:tt*q*q**Eq ::&Q&aa&a&e ae,fttof|fnilaQa :*** e@+E=E )r), 1Box Box 2 E +E=E Box 2 Box l-
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