!1 .r... -$ ill education REVISED EDITION '{.. HEP @ \" ., ,t t'&3t''* i't ji ''''' sENI@R KG ,,.! LITERACY SKILLS ,' ,,i,l11!. \",i ;l fli.,t. ,: ,. \"r i ' .,. \".i. It j t. -\".,,{'i3* , ,ij t \".1 o I . . ..; i ,n-.fl*\"., .',r .,_i \":.*.d*ki.,. , # YI ; *'b. ' ffi 4 w,-;i4*,ti r &ffi;#f \"tFT'.$rL _tt ; ffi I -&, ,r.;,i].' :10 I ;i\"t\\*: '\" *. Tr' *'. \", *:::'\" '.,l',:;-:'E;gt# .-.qi ,*'*, *d, 9. .-..fr?@ *-g
He n fKlF nP'*JUSIP - r,r:j \".t't' 5ENIOR KG LITERACY 5KIL15 GEETA UNNITHAN Principal, JD Bharda High School., Mumbai INGRID IRANI Teacher, Podar Education Society, Mumbai I t,\"'t t l I I I I I I I I f afaa rfr..r a a arrtar ar r r rI l. This book belongs to I t I I at,... t f. aa I .ta |tl,. ;:, I I ri,' I i ..a 1: I a', :f 'a ta... :a.,t I ,.i.:. a. . I r .,, I I,. I I lrrrrrrtfr I -'r'aarrrrrrrllt'lt- -atl.trttl Wiil\" barnert for CIf\"
ffi MACMILLAN @ Macmillan Publishers India Private Ltd. 2 0 I 8 All rights reserved under the. gopyright act. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transcribed, transmitted, stored in a retrieval system or translate^<l into any language or computer language, in any form or by any m€ans, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, cnJmical, manual, photocopy or otherwise without the prior permission of the copy.ftttt owner. Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be fialbie io criminal prosecution and civil claims fordamages. First published 2004 New and enhanced edition 2009 Revised and enhanced edition 2015 Reprinted 2016 (Twice), 2017 (Thrice) Enhanced Edition Published 2018 Reprinted 2018 (Thrice), 2019 (4 Times), 2020 (Tbrice) MACMILLAN PUBLISHERS INDIA PRIVATELIMITED Bengaluru Delhi Chennai Kolkata Mumbai Ahmedabad Bhopal Chandigarh Coimbatore Cuttack Guwahati Hyderabad Jaipur Lucknow Madurai Nagpur Patna Pune Thiruvananthapuram Visakhapafiram ISBN : 978-93-86853-56- I Stock images from Shutterstock and Thinkstock Published by Macmillan Publishers India private Ltd. 21, Patullos Road, Chennai 600002. India Printedat : Universal Offsets, Noida - 201301 Hop Skip and Jump is a registered trademark of Macmillan publishers Indh private tjnrited \"This book is meant for educational and learning purposes. The author(s) ofthe book hasArave taken all reasonable care to enswe that the contents-ofthe book do not vioiate any copyright o, ott.i intellectual property rights o.f any person in any manner whatsoever. fn the eve* tie author(s) has/have been unable to track any source and ii any copyright has been inadvertently infringed please noti$r the publisher in writing for any correctivi action.'i
F@s@md@ Hop Skip and Jump is an easy-to-use pre-primary programme designed especially for early childhood students' unique needs, abilities and interests. The series comprises three kits for classes-Nursery, Junior KG and Senior KG. Based on the multi-sensorial approach and lavishly illustrated, each kit provides a comprehensive curriculum' encompassing key early childhood content areas, including phonemic awareness, numeracy, general awareness, art and craft, rhymes and songs, stories, handwriting and more. Senior KG Kit includes ,g . Literacy Skill Sheets 4#',,..*.1 . Numeracy Skill Sheets . General Awareness Skill Sheets #T . My Third Book of Stories . My Third Book of Rhymes and Songs . My Third Book of Art and Craft . My Second Book of phonics . My Second Book of Handwriting FREE Additional Resources . VocabularyFlashcards Puppets Masks Fun Mats Poster The only pre-primary package with tips for teachers/parents, rubrics for assessments and learning outcomes checkpoint for each print component FREE teacher's resources: daily lesson plans, additional activities and worksheets, e-books, animations-rhymes and stories- videos, slide shows, alphabet stories, games, letter formation chants and Apps-Rainbow Tracing, Magical Colours and Stunning Animals
ffiW'ffi sl. SpecialTips Theme Encourage the child to observe the picture and identify the different objects that No. begin with the letters of the alphabet. Ask leading questions based on the picture 1 Alpha Talk (7,8) to help the child weave a storv. 2 Alphabet Chart (9-12) Help the child to recognise and write capital and small letters. 3 Odd One Out (13-18) 4 Complete Encourage the child to read the words and identify the initial sound of each word. Let the child look at the pictures given. Encourage the child to recognise the initial lL9-2L,24,251 letter sound and complete the words. 5 Once More (22,23,44, Pages22,23 provide practice in writing capital and small letters. 49,69,79, L02 Page 44 helps the child to frame new words using the vowel sounds. Page 49 provides revision of vowel sounds. 6 Vowefs (26,28,291 Page 69 provides practice on position words (prepositions). Phonic Drlll (27, 42, 43l. Page 79 focuses on 'This' and 'That'. Explain that 'this' is used to denote things which are nearby while, 'that' is used to denote distance. 7 Rhyming Words (30, 31, Page 102 focuses on opposites 48) Explain that 'a', 'e','i','o', and 'u' are vowels. Read aloud the words-ant, elephant, ice, orange and umbrella-and ask the child to repeat after you to internalise the 8 Picture Reading vowel sounds. (32,34,36, 38, 40,46, Read the words aloud. Let the child recognise the words that rhyme. Create flash 47,70,7L,84,851 cards of rhyming words and ask the child to match them. Match (33,35,37,39, Pages 32-40, 46,47 focus on the five short vowel sounds. Let the child associate 4tl the picture with the vowel sound. Pay attention to the handwriting of the child. Pages 70, 71 deal with the concept 'this'. Point out to things that are nearby to help v Word Puzzle (45) the child understand the concept'this'. Word Building (50, 51) Pages 84, 85 expose the child to cloze exercises. Let the child look at the pictures Rearrange (52) and replace the picture with the word. TU Fun Time (53,98,99) Encourage the child to build words. Let the child build words using the word 'ELEPHANT'. You may give some more words for practice. Pages 98, 99 focus on colours.
d- sl. SpecialTips Theme Recall the child's knowledge on vowels and consonants. Explain that words that No. begin with consonants take 'a'; while words that begin with vowels take 'an' before them. 4f1n 'A'and'An' Pages 56-59 focus on Singular-Plural. lntroduce words that form their plurals by adding 's'. (54, 55) Pages 60-68 focus on position words (prepositions)-Top and Bottorn, Up and One and Many (55-59) Down, Over and Under, Inside and Outside, In and On, Front and Back, On and Under, In Front Of, Behind, Far and Near. lllustrate the position words using real- 72 Position Words (60-68) life objects/situations. 13 Th i s...Th at... ( 7 2-7 8l These pages focus on 'This/That'. lllustrate using real-life objects. t4 Questions and The pages introduce the child to question words. Encourage the child to answer Answers (80-83, in full sentences. 86-89,104,105) Encourage the child to incidentally use capital letters to begin a sentence, full stop or How Many? (109,110) question mark to end a sentence. Pay attention to the handwriting of the child. Pages L09, 110 focus on number names. 15 Action Words (90-93) List different action words on the blackboard. Ask each child to mimic these J-O Opposites (94-971 Pairs (105-108) actions. t7 Colours (100, 101, 103) Use the Action Words Fun Mat'to reinforce action words. List different opposites on the blackboard. 18 Days of the Week Use the 'Opposites Fun Mat'to reinforce opposites. (111-114) Create flash cards and ask the child to match the opposites. Months of the Year Explain to the child that some things always go in pairs. For example, 'day and (11s-118) night', 'cats and dog'. 19 Picture Study and Story Draw the child's attention to different colours in the surroundings. Speak on the different colours in our National Flag. ltl9-t28, t33, L34l Explain to the child that the names of the days of the week and months of the year always begin with a capital letter. 2A Animals and Their Babies (129, 130) Encourage the child to look at the pictures and answer the questions/tell the story. Animals and Their sounds (131, 132) Let the child recognise the animal and its young ones. Encourage the child to match the right sound for each animal. 5
Iti.i' Tips for Teachers/Parents ..........4, 5 Alpha Talk! ........... ...........................7 Alpha Talk! ......................................8 Alphabet Chart ........ ;. ...............9 -12 Odd One Out..........................r3- 18 Complete..................... 19 -21, 24, 25 Once More ......,...........22, 23, 44, 49 69,79,102 Vowels........ ...26,28,29 Phonic Drill............. ..........27, 42, 43 Rhyming Words................30, 3 1, 48 Picture Reading ...... ....32, 34, 36, 38 40,46,47,70,7r,94,95 Match......... ............33, 35, 37, 39, 4l Word Pu221e ..................................45 Word Buildirg.........................50, 5 1 Rearrange... ...............52 Fun Time ......53, 98,99 A and An'................................54, 55 One and M*y........................56-59 Top and Bottom/Up and Down..60 Over and Under/ Inside and Outside........................6 I Front and Back/ ..........62 On and Under In Front of, Behind/ Far and Near..................................63 Position ........ i.................. .........64- 66 Draw... ......................67 Where Is. .. ? ...................................68 Look and Write .......... .............72, 7 3
@rcffikfi Looh ot the picture. Sog the letter and, the object. For exomple, 'a'for 'o,rrow'. Did you F^d these? o-errowi b-bolloon c-candLe, d-dolphin e-envetope ! J-JLamel g-goati h-hut ; l-iron i j-jug i k-keg , l-tamp I m-moon SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Association . Creative thinkinq :.'iil :.r,r' :llr;:.:r.l:.:'
Looh at the picture. S*g the [etter and the object. For exomple, 'n'for 'needte'. Did gou -fl*d these? n-needl,e o-one p-pen trqueen r-rocket s-saw t-tortoise u-unde rwear v-volcano w-whistle x-Xmas tree A_.Vo-go z-zig-zag SKILL FOCUS: . Observation ' Association . Creative thinkino 8
ffi First trace the letter and then,write it. SKItt FOCUS: . Recognition of dapital and smail letters
ffi First trcce the letter and then write it. SKILL FOCUS: . Recognition of capital and small letters .,, : ., :,...,,,,,..':,,,,f1i;l;iri]f!.. jiiir+il.i1i1.i'
@hdffi iqFirst trq,ce the letter and then write it. i_ - o.i ) I I _%j SKILL FOCUS: . Recognition of capital and small letters ll .\"j r;irlillilr'r,i',:..t'i,.ai.. '...'., ,,-.r i;,,l...iirli.{,..,r..:ll:i:: .i:r11lriLl,.fil;.i;ili.ili:,,:
First trace the letter o,nd then write it. \\(rq/43{ru<--YtHa< -\\J n:'\\-/ ,d:affi\\ffi._, \\ w -i I r\\--- O Ni) 'SKILL FOCUS: Recognition of capital and small letters
@dd Oneqrt Circle the two pictures that begin with the some [etter sound. {F) i gir'l @ i9i ur td' moL hot hrt ont insect Indio iiI fis % \\. lt SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Identification . Hand-eve coordination
Oddmoqtt ;QI, Circle the two picture.s.thot begin with the scme letter sound. jrg jo. .D \\-UI @ ,$Jurce king kiL. {Ki K-F & eor lo\"L, @n ey. 'not TF S ffi wl.of n\"sL neL 'SKILL FOCUS: . Observation 'Identification Hand-eye coordination
ffiffiffi the two pictures that b\"gin with the scme letter sound' oronge oxe owl ('j ) +hjhr ffi L'.+-'\\ \\::--l ii. wi :( q,#boL il p\"\"\"it i ti ii @-' 4ii i'\".-.! ffrf-'.ur : ii iI;il,''\\.U ,t ii il *g-X- -u.riilt,-p: ot:-q-f ,-u-e'ier- -n- - ' ,l-i .\\sry_ I \\ry-{.'i14'\"flr i i \"'\"..,.-..; ,) t'w-l3\\d5l'|lue4ck : \"fqrfo_ri suye li l olnoow iiii ri LrfI\"f*li-*N;' -;. 11 SKILL FOCUS: . observation . Identification ' Hand-eye coordination
@dmm Circle the two picturer ihot begin with the scme [etter sound. bell ttstor' #sun i/e' ! \\. {$l i\\,ti } !t \".r..-,.2' Lree ,t)tige. {T,i mbrel underweor iui/\"--\"4.. el {u) ry ry rI: hvulLu.e VOSE rl--il IU SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Identification . Hand-eye coordination T7 ,.:.:il ttll:, ri.;a:
ffidmftffi Circle the two pictures thot begin with the same letter sound. rWr' /'\\.r'--., 'iW %i[ P'\" ii )i1l-.r-,'\\-.v.. i \\\".1 \"s..-../' ) z.bro zig-zog /' \\. % ti j
Look, at the' pictures.,,,€ornp[ete the .words. W SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Identification . Recognition of the initial sound of a letter T9
Looh ot the pictures. Cornptete the words. rw :J d r&ts \\ re SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Identification . Recognition of the initial sound of a letter :i . i. l:: - , 20 ., i, ,r,r ii- ir::r:,,:, ,i:a:.r ' r: ,r, ,
Looh ot the pictures. Comptete the words. il m$.h,,^ K -#8vWl8t llltrrEry[ \\ SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Identification . Recoqnition of the initial sound of a letter 2r ': ,.:1 '.,' \"'':1.,
# b,. u\"vV'tu' Fill in the missing small letters. nnDnn DDDUN nnnnmm m nnl tU ll llil t[Jla--],i ir--_llillirlzl=il i tL__Jl lL___Jt SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Association . Creative thinkinq
@n@ nnome Fitt in the missing capital [etters. n nnnF- tL ,l nmmnn W@mmm @ SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Association . Creative thinking
W, o u-e Fitt in the correct tetters. e-e-h | o-t -l oll J o-e oo l,o SKILT FOCUS: . Observation . Identification . Spelling
til tn ttrc G6rru kttiru. rs=l ii1 ,.] t,' ol ow S e:- $nl'[ fOGU$: r Obgervation.ldentifieation r $peili/rg
There are twentg-six letters in the Engtish ctphabet. e, e, i, o, u o,re cotled vowels. The rest of the letters cre consoncnts. I ,/ I I ;\\ \\.. o '\"-1\"'. ..\"'-\"-'.\\ \\ I I i,1\". t \\ I ,J_ t i )r.1. I a\"\"\"\"*'.\" _,'-\"-..\\ z\\ \\.. -'.*..-\"'/ t\"-.-.-.,-\"' I:It SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Identification . Recognition of vowels and consonants 26
ffiDffi Looh and sog. A, ab J .. . .,,i ' 2':t' ln. , . i,t$ ' . l;;': : s u'a. cts [n. .. , L O cs [n... orange umbretta U as [n...
I 6*'
Fitt in the btcnhs with c1 e', i, o, or u. SKItt FOCUS: . Observation . Identification . Word building 29 ,trs.. i.ri:.ir t'Sri, lif:i:l iiif,i:fl li:irll:i..
WWM Sog the words o,loud. Circle the rhyming words in each set. Then write the words. ffi ry.-,iF,- ffi Jrog Log lock p4n w #'{. R$ top mat jet cake ry ^&WB tii'\\:a==:*r tree s nake bun watI \\ SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . identification . Listening . Rhyming words pencil ,30
M l3 the words aloud.\" Glrglerthe:,rhgrnrtingr,w,oJds .in,ecrch Then write the words. ffi rfrdog man Log sKltt Focus: ' observation ' Identification . Listening . Rhyming.words
Write thc *orract, want h*tgw *ach pictrrr;. beg rf,t cst mat cqn mon VflN bat im ?raarllrraaaratrlrtr SKITL FOCUS: . Observation . Identification . Assoeiation 32
Mateh the word with the.p[cttrre. vctn rat p0n cat mot top Jan SKITL FOCUS: . Observation . Identification . Association . Matching
Match the word with'the p,icture. r0 hen SKITL FOCUS: . Observation . Identification . Association . Matching
Write the correct word below eq,ch picture. @ffitrEw Choose fro^ the [ist. # :. ' '\"'*'',,fli&: , '1'1i\" Log ffi dog ff hot pot .#?l rod top OX boa SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Identification . Association
Match the word with the picture. Jo^ top ffi Log OX SKILL FOCT S: . Observation . Identification . Association . Matching 39
PhonreDffi Write the words in the right columns. bed hen red cat pin iet _rtl:n- bat mqn rot vo,n tid net tin pLg hot pen kid SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Identification . Word buildinq 42
ffs+ff#ififiwftFirg+'Write the words in the right,coluRrng. ffffffiii \"]t.rffi SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Identification . Word building
m@m@re Mahe words using the given vowels. o\\.r' \\ \\ ,1 g / / .r' \\ \\ I\\ \\ ,1 O / SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Association . Word buildinq
WOffiM How mong words ccn gou buitd? Complete the'puzzle. Wrtte the words in the blcnhs. cf t@\\ o e \\ u t SKILt FOCUS: . Observation . Identification 'Association . Word building . Creative thinking 45
Write the correct word. net or nest? ztp or zebra? ant o r bee? ''\\ cat o r rat? t,;:i,.1:' kite or ship? l drum or door? cup or cap? sffi .y',n Kt. Lng or queen? tree ar tap? parrot or owt? Log or rod? box or Jox? *ffi*ffi' SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Identification . Association 46
\\ Name the pictures. il0 tu r r r I r r r r r r t r a I r t ai SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Identification . Association
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