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Maxim Grammar Book 5_Sunil_2075

Published by sunil maharjan, 2021-07-27 04:57:18

Description: Maxim Grammar Book 5_Sunil_2075


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Test Yourself 1 Fill in the blanks with correct pronouns. a. I have three friends. …………….are from Butwal. (He, She, They) b. My uncle is forty years old. ……………. is a teacher. (He, She, They) c. Archi and ……………. mother are both fat. (his, her, their) d. Suman is a nice boy. I like ……………. a lot. (him, her, his) e. “Do you like cats?” “No, I don't like ……………. at all.” (it, they, them) f. “Where are my books?” “………… are in the cupboard.” (it, they, them) g. When Ashish was fifteen, …………. started playing cricket. (it, they, he) h. I’ve lost my pen. Can I use …………for the time being? (you, your, yours) i. This is my new dress. …………….is very expensive. (it, he, they) j. “Do you like his songs?” “Yes, I like ……………. a lot.” (It, his, them) k. Will you have more milk in …………….tea? (you, your, yours) l. I don’t know what ……………. name is. (she, her, hers) m. “Whose car is that outside?…………….is very nice.” (They, It, He) n. I am playing cricket with ……………. friends. (my, me, I) o. They were sleeping when …………….arrived. (I, me, my, mine) p. I met a European yesterday. …………….was very tall. (He, She, It) Test Yourself 2 Fill in the blanks with correct pronouns. a. Miss Rai is a good teacher. She teaches…………….English. (we, us, our) b. She's from Surkhet. ……………. name is Pushpa. (His, Her, Their) c. His name is Pukar. …………….studies in Grade V. (He, She, It) d. “Is Balram an inspector?” “Yes,…………….is.” (he, she, it) e. Anand is Indian and ……………. friend is German. (he, his, him) f. “My brother's an engineer.” “Where does ……………. work?” (he,she,they) g. Mina works very hard and so does ……………. brother. (she,her,hers) h. He will come with ………to the cinema tonight. (they, them, their, theirs) i. Did …………….play the flute yesterday? (she, her, hers) j. She gave him the book that…………….bought last week. (she, her, hers) k. The teacher made ……… learn the words of the poem. (we, us, our, ours) l. ……………....... boys can see really well in the dark. (This, These, That) m. They always hurt ……….........……. . (they, them, their, themselves) n. Here is a postcard from ……...............………. friend Pukar. (I, me, my) o. She lives in Pokhara now with …………….family. (he, her, she) p. Are you and ……………. friends coming to the party? (you, your, yours) q. How old are ………..............……. ? (you, your, yours) r. Can you do it ……..............………. ? (myself , herself, yourself) s. She painted it ……...........………. . (herself, myself, yourself) t. They did it ……….............……. . (himself, herself, themselves) 51Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

Test Yourself 3 Read the text and do the activities that follow. Mr. Awale is our English teacher. He is tall and smart. He has got curly hair. In our class, there are thirty students. He knows all of us. He calls us by our names. Everybody likes him. He is good at telling a story. One day I was walking with my aunt in the park. She was reading my diary, I met Awale Sir there. I greeted, “Good afternoon, Sir!” “Good afternoon, Deepa. How are you?” “I’m fine. Sir, meet my aunt. Her name is Shibani. She is a nurse.” Mr. Awale, “Hello! Nice to meet you. I am Basant Awale. I am Deepa’s English teacher. “ Deepa’s aunt, “Nice to meet you, too.” A. What do these pronouns refer to? a. He is tall and smart. ……….……….…........................................……. b. He knows all of us. ……….……….….........................................……. c. She was reading my diary. ……….…..............................…….………. B. Answer these questions. a. My aunt Whose aunt? Deepa’s aunt ……….……….………. b. My diary Whose diary? ……….……….………. c. Her name Whose name? C. Replace the highlighted parts with suitable pronouns. a. Mr. Awale has got curly hair. b. Everybody likes Mr. Awale. c. Deepa was walking with Deepa's aunt. d. Deepa met Awale Sir in the park. e. Deepa’s aunt’s name is Shibani f. I am Deepa's English teacher. 52Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

Vocabulary Practice 1. Fill in ‘there’, ‘their’ or ‘they’re’ in the blank spaces. a. I like your trousers. .............................. fashionable. b. I’ve invited Anu and Ali, and two of .............................. friends. c. Please put that over .............................. . d. I like them. .............................. nice. e. I’m fed up with .............................. behaviour. f. I don’t like the way .............................. always come late for meetings. g. .............................. are two points I'd like to make. h. I like them but I don’t like .............................. father. i. .............................. coming later. Please start without them. j. .............................. is someone to see you. k. .............................. not very beautiful, are they? l. .............................. isn’t any left. m. .............................. boss won’t let them come. n. .............................. are several reasons I want to see you. o. .............................. not English, are they? p. .............................. is Tom, standing by the post office. 2. Fill in the blank spaces. We use there is/there are often before a/an/some/any: There are some books. There aren’t any books. Are there any books? a. ………………………… some museums. (There is, There are) b. ………………………… any beaches. (There isn’t, There aren’t) c. …………………........................……… a temple. (There is, There are) d. …………………..……… a big party yesterday.(There was, There were) e. …………………......................…… a lot of trees. (There is, There are) f. …………………….......… a tree behind the house. (There is, there are) g. ……………………........… a temple in the village. (There is, there are) h. How many people ……........………in your family? (are there, there are) i. How many students ….........……… in your class? (are there, there are) j. ………......…… a little girl playing in the backyard. (There is, There are) k. ……… a three-year-old child sitting in the corner. (There is, There are) l. ……......................……… six churches in the town. (There is, There are) m. …….........................……… a few books in the bag. (There is, There are) 53Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

Grammar in Context Read the story and do the activities that follow. Two friends, Okra and Dogbu were walking through the desert. They had an argument. Okra slapped Dogbu in the face. Dogbu was hurt. He did not say anything but wrote in the sand: “TODAY MY BEST FRIEND SLAPPED ME IN THE FACE.” They kept on walking. They came to an oasis. They decided to take a bath. Dogbu got stuck in the mire. He started drowning. Okra saved him. After Dogbu became well, he wrote on a stone: “TODAY MY BEST FRIEND SAVED MY LIFE.” Okra asked Dogbu, “After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand and now, you write on a stone, why?” Dogbu replied: “When someone hurts us, we should write it down in sand where winds of forgiveness can erase it away. But, when someone does something good for us, we must engrave it in stone where no wind can ever erase it.” A. What do these pronouns refer to? a. They had an argument. b. He didn’t say anything. c. Okra saved him. B. Answer the following questions. a. Who wrote in the sand? b. Where did they take a bath? c. Who got stuck in the mire? d. What did Dogbu write on the stone? e. What lesson do you learn from the story? C. Use any five pronouns in your own sentences. 54Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

Guided Composition 1. Read and complete with suitable pronouns. Mohan + Gita Pukar + Urmila Niraj + Nita Anik + Riya Jenny Tina + Kumar Ashish + Shova I am Jenny. I am the youngest member in my family. I have a grandfather. ……………………is 70 years old. ……. ……… is Mohan. I have a grandmother. ………………is 65 years old. ……….. name is Gita. ……..father’s name is Pukar. ………is 35 years old. …….mother’s name is Urmila. ……is 30 years old. I have got two uncles. …………….are Niraj and Anik. I have two aunts. ………..are Nita and Riya. I have two cousins. ………..names are Tina and Ashish. ……….are married. Tina is married to Kumar. ………is thirty years old. Ashish is married to Shova. ……. is 22 years old. 2. Now look at the following family tree and describe it. 3. Make a similar family tree of your family members and describe it. 55Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

4. Read and write. Each paragraph deals with one main idea. It introduces the topic. COW It describes the cow physically. The cow is a domestic animal. It is usually white, red, black and brown in colour. It lives It describes what the cow eats. in a shed. Its baby is called a calf. The male of the cow is called ‘bull’ or ‘ox’. It says why the cow is useful. The cow is a large animal. It has a long body, four legs and a large head. It has two ears, two eyes and two horns. It has a long bushy tail. A cow eats different things. It eats grass, tree leaves, grains, maize and hay. Farmers take cows to the grassland for grazing. A cow is useful for us. It gives us milk. Milk is good for our health. Milk is used to make butter, curd, ghee and cream. Farmers use cow dung in the field to grow crops. In villages, many people use cow dung to coat mud walls of their houses. Now write a short essay on ‘DOG’. Use the guidelines. First paragraph Introduction: pet animal/different colours/kennel/puppy Second paragraph Physical descriptions Third paragraph What does the dog eat? Fourth paragraph Why is the dog useful? 56Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

5Adjectives Read the texts and underline the adjectives. We like our school uniform. It is very smart. We wear white cotton shirts with blue ties. The boys wear black shorts or pants. The students wear skirts and pants with leather belts. Both boys and girls wear cotton socks and leather shoes. My best friend is Alisha. She is small and has a beautiful round face. Her eyes sparkle when she speaks. She has black curly hair. Alisha is an intelligent girl. She always gets very good marks in exams. She is also very helpful. She helps me a lot in Science. It is her favourite subject. Yesterday our English teacher brought some chocolates for us. He gave two small chocolates to Alisha. She is the first student in our class. I got a large one. It was delicious. I asked, “Excuse me, Sir, where can I buy these chocolates?” He replied, “You cannot buy them in Nepal, they are American chocolates.” The words white, small, leather, beautiful, two, Indian, etc are describing words.They are called adjectives.They tell us quantity, quality, number, kind and origin of nouns. Adjectives are describing words that tell us more about a noun. Adjectives help to give the clear picture of what is being described. 57Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

ABC Grammar Practice: Read and learn. cotton socks It is an adjective of material. blue ties It is an adjective of colour. a round face curly hair It is an adjective of shape. It is an adjective of ‘kind’. an intelligent girl two chocolates It is an adjective of quality. It is an adjective of quantity. the first student Indian chocolates It is an adjective of number. It is an adjective of origin. these chocolates my friend It points out the noun. It shows the possession. Now, can you think of some adjectives of the following types? Quality beaut iful, Quantity two, Size long, Shape round, Material cotton, Origin Indian, Possession my, Demonstratives these, 58Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

Listening Practice: Repeat these words after your teacher. Types of adjectives: Quality : beautiful, good, bad, bright, clever, intelligent, dull, smart, old, young, cold, hot, happy, sad, honest, dark, cruel, wealthy, poor, healthy, expensive, useful. Quantity : some, any, all, much, more, a little, many, a few, enough, a lot of, several. Number : one, two, three, four, six, ten, hundred, eight, first, second, third, fourth, fifth, tenth, hundredth. Size : long, short, thin, thick, tall, small. Shape : oval, triangular, round, flat, square, circular. Material : cotton, leather, woollen, plastic, golden. Origin : Indian, Chinese, Nepali, American. Possession : my, your, our, his, her, their. Demonstratives : this, that, these, those. ABC Grammar Practice: Underline the adjectives and write their types. a. I have a silk dress. b. She is wearing leather shoes. c. Is that a Chinese radio? d. The painting is beautiful. e. Marco Polo was an Italian explorer. f. My father is tall. g. His new friend is friendly. h. She was wearing a red dress. i. What a dangerous snake! j. Can I see your golden ring? k. They live in a tall building. l. She has got an oval face. m. Can I see this photograph? n. His uncle is honest and hard working. o. This is a plastic glass. p. Nabin is an honest person. q. I saw an old woman in the street. r. Several students were there in the park. s. Give me the second one. 59Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

Vocabulary Practice: Here is an ‘abc’ of adjectives. Write an adjective next to each letter of the alphabet shown below. a. ........a..n...g..r.y.................. alligators n. ................................nightingales b. ........b..l.a..c..k...................bulls o. ..................................ostriches c. ..................................crocodiles p. ..................................parrots d. ..................................deer q. ..................................quails e. ..................................elephants r. ..................................rats f. ..................................foxes s. ..................................snakes g. ..................................goats t. ..................................tigers h. .................................. horses u. .............................umbrella birds i. ..................................insects v. ..................................vultures j. ..................................jackals w. ..................................whales k. ..................................kangaroos x. ..................................X l. ..................................lions y. ..................................yaks m. ..................................monkeys z. ..................................zebras Can you think of an animal that starts with the letter ‘X’? ABC Grammar Practice: Write an adjective in each blank space to complete the text. The sky was ................. . There were a few people in the park. An ................. man was reading an English newspaper. Suddenly a ................. dog appeared in the park. It began to bark at a ............................ lady. The lady was holding a ................. bag in her hand. She was scared. A ................. man came with a ................. stick leather clear fat thin and chased the dog away. The lady thanked the man. old black large 60Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

Writing Practice: Make sentences with these words. a. our school/small Our school is small. l. the cats / black b. our classroom/clean m. the dogs / barking c. my hair/black n. the bread / fresh d. my eyes/black o. the book / thick e. the tea/hot p. the man / fat f. my house /big q. the glass / full g. the apple / green r. the towels / dirty h. the elephant/ huge s. the kitchen / clean i. the dress / lovely t. the students / late j. the car / fast u. the shop / closed k. the bus / late Vocabulary Practice: Choose the correct words to fill in the gaps. a. The sun is ………..…… (hot, cold) It is ………..…… (sun, sunny) The earth needs the ………..…….. (rain, rainy) The weather is great today. It's nice and………..…….. (shine, shinning) b. The wind is ………..…… (blow, blowing) It will be ………..……..tomorrow. (wind, windy) The strong ………..……..will come from the south. (wind, windy) c. It will ………..……..tomorrow. (rain, rainy) The weather will be ………..…… week. (cloud, cloudy) The ………..……..will come from the north. (rain, raining) The temperature will be very ………..…….. .(cold, cloudy) I hope it won't be ………..……..tomorrow. (sun, sunny) Look at that ………..…….. (cloud, cloudy) It is very ………..…….. today. (hot, heat) It will be ………..……..tomorrow. (cloud, cloudy) It will probably be ………..for the whole day tomorrow. (sunny, sun) 61Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

Vocabulary Practice: Read the list and use suitable adjectives in your own sentences. Face Eyes Hair Clothes round, oval, square, with big round blue bald, straight, casual, scruffy, scares, wrinkles, freckles, eyes, large, small, curly, spiky, shabby, smart, tidy, sun-tanned, pale bright, narrow wavy messy Height Build Age tall, tallish, short, medium height frail, stocky, slim, thin, plump, young, elderly, middle-aged, fat, skinny, well-built teenager, in 20s, 30s, 40s Use any five adjectives in your own sentences. ABC Grammar Practice: Write the sentences in the right columns. Sarah She is tall and thin. She has got long hair. She speaks Hindi. She is short and fat. She has got short hair. She always wears a hat. She is an American. She is an Indian. She speaks English. Karina He is tall. He is short. He is thin. He is fat. He has got straight hair. He has got curly hair. He is Chinese. He is Indian. He has got fair complexion. He has got black complexion. Chang Balaram 62Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

Degrees of Adjectives 6 Look and read. Hari Bahadur is seventy years old. Ganesh is sixty-five years old. Ghanshyam is fifty years old. Hari Bahadur is old. (65) (70) (50) It is an adjective. Hari Bahadur is older than Ganesh. It is a comparative adjective. Adjectives are used to compare two things. Adjectives like this are called comparative adjectives. Again, read this sentence. Hari Bahadur is the oldest of the three. It is a superlative adjective. Adjectives are also used to show the most and the least of everything. Adjectives like this are called superlative adjectives. expensive cheap Positive expensive cheap Comparative more expensive cheaper Superlative most expensive cheapest 63Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

Listening Practice: Repeat these sentences after your teacher. Shova, Anu and Mina are tall girls. Shova is taller than Anu. Mina is taller than Shova. Mina is the tallest of all. These are expensive watches. My watch is more expensive than Riya's. Tina’s watch is more expensive than mine. Tina’s watch is the most expensive of all. Who is the tallest boy in this school? Who is the most intelligent girl in this class? Sumita is as tall as Mona. Kumar is not as tall as Mohan. Grammar Study: Use of comparative and superlative We use comparatives to compare two things: Grammar Note Riya is thinner than Bindu. ‘The’ is used with This watch is more expensive than that watch. superlatives. Do not use My house is smaller than my friend's house. ‘the’ with the superlative if there is a possessive. His strongest point is his ambition. We use superlatives to compare one thing with the rest of the group it belongs to: John is the tallest in the class. He's the best football player in the team. This is the most expensive dress I’ve ever bought. It is the most beautiful picture I have ever seen. We use ‘as + adjective + as’ to say that two things are equal in some way. We use “not as” to say that two things are not equal in some way. He is as tall as me. My watch is as expensive as Riya’s. He is not as tall as me. My watch is not as expensive as Riya’s. Is Riya as tall as her sister? 64Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

Grammar Study: How to form degrees of adjectives? 1 Add -er and -est to short adjectives of one syllable. Positive Comparative Superlative short shorter shortest great greater greatest small smaller smallest old older oldest 2 If a short adjective ends with ‘consonant + y’, change the -y to i and add er and -est. Positive Comparative Superlative lucky luckier luckiest heavy heavier heaviest happy happier happiest silly sillier silliest ugly uglier ugliest 3 If a short adjective ends with -e, add -r and -st. Positive Comparative Superlative little littler littlest fine finer finest 4 Put more(less) and most(least) in front of longer adjectives (with two or more syllables) to show comparison. Positive Comparative Superlative expensive more expensive most expensive useful more useful most useful dangerous more dangerous most dangerous helpful more helpful most helpful appealing less appealing least appealing remarkable more remarkable most remarkable beautiful more beautiful most beautiful 5 List of irregular adjectives: Positive Comparative Superlative worst bad worse furthest farthest far further best most far farther least eldest good better best many more little less old elder well (healthy) better 65Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

ABC Grammar Practice: Complete the following sentences. Suman Suman is as ...................... as Mohan. Mohan is ......................than Suman. Suman is not Mohan. Mohan is not as ...................... as Suman. fat thin tall fatter Mohan Riya is as...................... as Mona. Riya Mona Mona is ......................than Riya. Riya is not as Mona. Mona is not Riya. tall fat thinner thin Mary is ......................than Susan. Mary David Peter Daniel is ...................... than David. Daniel Mary is the......................of all the students. Peter is the ......................of all. Peter is ......................than Daniel. Daniel is not as Peter. shortest thinner thin taller fatter tallest Kunal Rajib Suman Rajib is ......................than Suman. Kunal is......................than Rajib. Kunal is the......................of all. Suman is......................than Rajib. fastest faster slower faster 66Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

Test Yourself 1 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of adjectives. a. Suman is …….....….. than Mohan. (fat) b. Kunal is as……....… Milan. (tall) c. My mother's hair is slightly ……....….. than mine. (long) d. This is the ……….............. chocolate I’ve ever eaten. (crunchy) e. Which is the …….......….. museum in London? (large) f. He's the ………........ person I've ever met. (rude) g. Your dress is…….....................…..than mine. (attractive) h. This place is the ….......................…….. of the town. (interesting) i. A car is ……...........….. than a bicycle. (safe) j. Heathrow is one of the….......……..airports in Europe. (busy) k. China is the ……................… in the world. (populous) l. My dog is …….............….. than your dog. (big) m. Bishnu is the……......….. person I've ever seen. (fat) n. Mary is…….........................….. than her sister. (thoughtful) o. Binod is ……...............….. than Anand. (careful) p. Of all the students in the class, Raghu is the ……..........….. . (thin) Test Yourself 2 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of adjectives. a. He is the ……...............…..boy in his class. (dirty) b. Sandra is ……...............….. than Sophia. (pretty) c. Your room is ……...............…..than mine. (quiet) d. Rahul is the……...............….. student in the school. (intelligent) e. Yesterday was the ……...............… of the summer. (hot) f. That is the ……...............….. food she has ever made. (delicious) g. Is Canada ……...............…..than the USA? (big) h. Which was your ……...............….. exam result last year? (bad) i. A car is not as ……...............….. as a bicycle. (big) j. That's the ……...............…..clown I've ever seen. (funny) k. Tom is ……...............….. than Jerry. (clever) l. The weather is ……...............….. today than it was yesterday. (bad) m. This flower is the ……...............….. of all. (beautiful) n. Wait for me! My bags are ……...............….. than yours. (heavy) o. Parrots are ……...............…..than eagles. (beautiful) p. Riya is ……...............….. than Kabir. (generous) q. Susan is the ……...............….. girl in her group. (intelligent) r. This road is the ……...............….. of all the roads in the valley. (narrow) s. Goma is ……...............….. than Mona. (angry) t. My dog is the ……...............….. of all the dogs in the neighbourhood. (big) 67Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

Test Yourself 3 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of adjectives. a. Which is the ……..................... tree in the world? (tall) b. These are the ……..................... poems he has written. (good) c. The white dress is……..................... than the blue dress.(expensive) d. This chair is much ……..................... than that chair. (soft) e. Elephants are ……..................... than all the other animals. (big) f. Her handwriting is …….....................than her sister's. (bad) g. Who can tell the ……..................... jokes in your class? (funny) h. This is the ……..................... ice-cream ever tasted. (creamy) i. It is the ……..................... photograph he has ever taken. (beautiful) j. Kathmandu is the …… of Nepal. (big) k. Mosquitoes are ……..................... than flies. (small) Test Yourself 4 Fill in the blanks with the correct adjectives. There are four seasons - summer, winter, spring and autumn. Seasons are not the same everywhere. Summer is the ……………season as the sun is close to the Earth. So there is also more daylight. The ……………day of the year is 21 June. The sun rises at the ……………time and sets at the ………time of the year. Summer is the most popular time for holidays. Winter is the ……………season and the days are the ……………of the year. Spring is the……………time of the year as it rains a lot. Some people think autumn is the……………season because the leaves on the trees change colour and are very pretty. shortest coldest latest wettest earliest longest most beautiful hottest What seasons do these pictures represent? 68Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

Vocabulary Practice 1. Opposites How many of these opposites do you know? Ask and answer with your partner. Student A: What’s the opposite of ‘beautiful’? Student B: ‘Ugly’. beautiful big attractive bright clean dangerous difficult easy expensive fast happy hard healthy high interesting loud noisy sad sharp smart true wrong thin kind busy near rich clever quiet simple empty tall old hot weak early cheap stupid soft careless sour curly heavy smooth sharp wealthy wet wide shiny loose married dark low messy slow silly 2. Look at the things in your classroom. Find examples of these adjectives. wooden chair, dirty soft nice looking bright rectangular shiny sharp large 69Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

3. Adjectives to adverbs Adverbs are words that give extra information about the events described in a sentence. A lot of adverbs give us information about how things happen, but some adverbs tell us where and when. Outside, the man was walking cheerfully. It tells us 'where' the man was walking. It tells us 'how' he was walking. She bought a book yesterday. It tells 'when'. Add -ly to these adjectives. clever - cleverly nice - .................. slow - slowly graceful - .................. beautiful - beautifully proud - .................. intelligent - .................. easy - .................. happy - .................. quick - .................. careful - .................. dangerous - .................. cheap - .................. strong - .................. normal - .................. certain - .................. sad - .................. powerful - .................. safe - .................. glad - .................. Fill in the correct adverbs in the blank spaces. a. Sabnam wrote the letter ………......………. . (careful) b. Milan writes very ………….........……. . (neat) c. Nirya does his homework very …….........…………. . (careful) d. Banti cooks food ………..........………. . (delicious) e. Bimala works ………….........……. . (honest) f. Mohan drives his car …….....…………. . (careful) g. He …………..........…….answered the question. (correct) h. He kicked the ball ……...........…………. . (immediate) i. He measured the bench ……...........…………. . (exact) j. He ran ……………............…. . (quick) k. He walked …………............……. . (silent) l. I write ……………............….in my notebook. (neat) m. Mona danced ……............…………. . (beautiful) n. Mona does everything very ………...........………. . (careful) o. Pukar ………...........………. arranged his books. (neat) 70Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

p. She helped me ………………. . (happy) q. She hid the letters under the book ………………. . (hurried) r. The answer sounded ………………. . (correct) s. The man talked to his neighbour ………………. . (angry) t. The sun shone ………………. . (bright) u. The tortoise moves ………………. . (slow) v. They sang two songs ……………….. (beautiful). Fill in the correct superlative forms of adjectives in the blank spaces. The Great Wall of China The Great Wall of China is a series of walls which took many hundreds of years to build. It is the ……………. (impressive) structure ever built to protect the land from invading foreigners. It is the ……………. (long) wall in the world, measuring 6,352 km. The workers building the wall had one of the ……………. (dangerous) jobs as they were attacked by the …………….(terrifying) bandits. Today it is one of the .................. (popular) tourist attractions in China. You can climb up the wall and walk along it. The ……………. (good) preserved areas are near tourist centres, while in some sections the wall has fallen into ruin. Over the years the wall served as one of the …………….(useful) sources of building material of the nearby villagers. They took the stones to build their houses. One of the ……………. (difficult) questions about the wall is whether it can be seen from outer space. But the ……………. (authoritative) sources agree that it is not possible to see it from space. There is a saying in Chinese that “You’re not a real man if you haven’t climbed the Great Wall”. Perhaps it should be called the ……………. (Great) Wall. 71Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

Much, Many Fill in many or much in the blank spaces. many + countable nouns many cars much +uncountable nouns much water He earns much money. Many students were in the park. (much pens) (many water) a. They ate so ………….… cake that they started to feel sick. b. How ………….… children does Mr. Rai have? c. I don't have ………….… free time. d. I haven't met her ………….… times. e. She doesn't have ………….… problems with her clients. f. ………….…boys are in the park. g. After today’s heavy rain, ………….… rivers are over flooded. h. He has travelled to ………….… countries. i. How ………….… apples are there? j. She doesn’t eat ………….… breakfast. k. I never carry ………….… money on me. l. How ………….… furniture is there? m. How ………….… jewellery is there? n. How ………….… languages can you speak? o. How ………….… sugar is in the bowl? p. How ………….… people were there at the meeting? q. I have been to Pokhara ………….… times. r. Police in ………….… countries carry guns. s. She spent ………….… money on her child’s education. t. The curry has ………….… more salt. u. There are far too ………….… students already. v. They are found in ………….… different colours. w. They have got ………….… money. x. Too ………….… cooks spoil the broth. y. We do not watch ………….… movies. z. Yoga is now taught in ………….… schools. 72Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

Too, Enough too + adjective or adverb too fast too much/many + noun too much water adjective or adverb + enough clever enough enough + noun enough money We use ‘too’ to mean “more than sufficient” or “more than necessary”. There are too many people on this bus, there's nowhere to sit. You have too much money, give some to me. It's too late to stop him. We use ‘enough’ to mean “sufficient” and in a negative sentence to mean “less than sufficient” or “less than necessary”. Your clothes are big enough to fit me. Have you got enough money to buy me a drink? Sorry, I haven’t got enough food for everyone. You're not working fast enough, you won't finish on time. Fill in too or enough in the blank spaces. a. David drives .................... fast. b. This house isn’t big .................... for us. c. We didn’t get up early .................... so we missed the bus. d. They are going to buy a house when we’ve saved e. She didn’t buy the ring because it cost .................... much. f. I don’t want to depend .................... much on my parents. g. The river is .................... wide. We can’t swim across. h. Is there .................... room for everybody? i. Six bottles should be .................... for this experiment. j. There was food .................... for all. k. I’ll be .................... busy to come to the meeting. l. The room’s .................... small. We can’t adjust here. m. The bench is .................... weak to bear your weight. n. Do you think a camel drinks .................... much water? o. She has not got .................... money to open an account in the bank. p. The fact is that we don’t have .................... money to buy this house. q. This shirt isn’t big .................... . I can’t wear it. r. I didn’t have .................... clothes to last a week. s. There wasn’t .................... water in the jug. t. I didn’t buy that dress. It was .................... much expensive for me. u. She has got....................much work. v. The text is .................... difficult to comprehend. w. The road is not safe .................... to travel at night. x. She is ....................weak to climb the mountain. 73Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

Grammar in Context Read the text and do the activities that follow. Mount Everest Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. It is in Nepal and the Nepalese name for it is Sagarmatha, which means ‘forehead of the sky’. Such a high mountain is one of the most difficult mountains to measure. One of the most recent measurements in 2005 claimed the mountain is 8,848 meters high. This is the most accurate measurement so far. Of course, it is one of the most challenging mountains to climb. The first climbers to have climbed up and down successfully were Sir Edmund Hillary and Tensing Norgay in 1953. Many people have attempted to climb it since then. In 1996 one of the most disastrous attempts took place. May 10th was the deadliest day in Mount Everest’s history when sadly 8 climbers died. One of the most terrible storms blew up and the climbers were stranded on the mountain. In spite of that, people continued to want to climb it. The first woman to climb it was a Japanese lady called Junko Tabei and the youngest westerner to climb it was Bertrand Roche of France who was only 17 at the time. One of the hardest things to deal with is the lack of oxygen at such heights. People need oxygen to breathe but at the top of a mountain the air is very thin. Only the fittest climbers can climb without extra oxygen. Many climbers see Mount Everest as one of the greatest challenges on the Earth. A. List out six superlative forms of the adjectives in the text. B. Answer the following questions. a. What is the most accurate measurement of Mt. Everest? b. Who were the first climbers? c. Why was May 10th the deadliest day in Mt. Everest’s history? d. Write down the names of some Nepali mountain climbers who have climbed Mt. Everest recently. 74Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

Guided Composition Read and write. Kunal Aryan fat friends thin oval face Grade V round face curly hair straight hair likes red dress tall likes black dress intelligent love dancing Aryan and Kunal are friends. They study in Grade V. They are tall. They are intelligent. They love dancing. Aryan is fat but Kunal is thin. .......................... ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. Mina Aruna straight hair sisters curly hair blue dresses tall and slim red dresses round face 10 years small eyes 8 years Grade V intelligent Grade III 75Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

7 Affirmative, Negative, Interrogative Act out the conversations. A: Do you play the flute? B: No, I do not play the flute. I play the cornet. A: Have you played the cornet in any band? B: Yes, I have been playing it in a band for two years. A: What did you do yesterday? B: I visited my aunt. A: What did you do there? B: I showed her my paintings. A: Did she like your paintings? B: Yes, she liked them. A: Can you play basketball? B: Yes, I can play basketball, but I cannot play cricket. A: Do you watch cricket on TV? B: I sometimes watch it. I play the cornet. It is an affirmative sentence. It tells something ‘YES’. I do not play the cornet. It is a negative sentence. It tells something ‘NO’. Do you play the flute? It is an interrogative sentence. It asks a question. • An affirmative sentence asserts ‘YES’. • A negative sentence asserts ‘NO’. • An interrogative sentence asks questions. 76Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

Listening Practice: Repeat these sentences after your teacher. Affirmative Negative Interrogative They play games. They do not play games. Do they play games? He plays games. He does not play games. Does he play games? He played games. He did not play games. Did he play games? She can play games. She cannot play games. Can she play games? We are playing games. We are not playing games. Are we playing games? Grammar Study: Auxiliary verbs and main verbs Verbs are of two types. They are auxiliary verbs and main verbs. Auxiliary Verbs modal Main Verbs v2 will v1 v5 went be have do shall sang is has do can go goes cooked am have did may sing sings wrote are had does might cook cooks watched was would watch writes danced were should dance watches studied could study dances played play studies plays Look at these sentences. She writes a letter. She can write a letter. It’s a main verb. It’s an auxiliary verb. There is no auxiliary verb. It’s a main verb. She wrote a letter. She will have written a letter. It’s a main verb. Here are two auxiliary verbs. There is no auxiliary verb. It’s a main verb. ABC Grammar Practice: Tick ( ) the sentences that do not have auxiliary verbs. a. He has bought a camera. g. I can solve the puzzle. b. She will sing a song. h. She was sick last week. c. They have gone out. i. They enjoyed a lot. d. He will have a car. j. You have finished the work. e. Neha dances very well. k. They may come here tomorrow. f. Anita lost her pen. 77Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

Grammar Study: Changing sentences 1. Sentences with auxiliary verbs He is writing a letter. He has written a letter. They are writing letters. She can write a letter. Insert not after the auxiliary verb to Keep the auxiliary verb before the subject make negatives. to make interrogatives. He is not writing a letter. Is he writing a letter? They are not writing letters. Are they writing letters? He has not written a letter. Has he written a letter? She cannot write a letter. Can she write a letter? 2. Sentences without auxiliary verbs He writes a letter. They write letters. He wrote a letter. v5 v1 v2 Insert do not/does not/did not after the Add Do/Does/Did before the subject to auxiliary verb to make negatives. make interrogatives. He does not write a letter. Does he write a letter? v1 v1 They do not write letters. Do they write letters? v1 v1 He did not write a letter. Did he write a letter? v1 v1 Remember: 1. When you insert does/did to make sentences negative and interrogative, the verb changes to its first form (v1). He danced. He did not dance. Did he dance? He plays. He does not play. Does he play? John does not likes noodles. John did not liked noodles. They do not likes noodles. They did not liked noodles. 2. Change these words while making negatives and interrogatives. some - any He bought some pens. He didn't buy any pens. already- yet Did he buy any pens? too - either several - any He has already eaten food. He has not eaten food yet. Has he eaten food yet? He likes oranges, too. He doesn’t like oranges, either. 78Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

ABC Grammar Practice: Change the sentences into negative and interrogative. • Sentences with auxiliary verbs a. She will sing a song. b. They have gone out. c. His friend can draw a picture. d. She is painting a picture. e. They are very intelligent. f. Riya was dancing in the hall. g. She has bought a doll. • Sentences without auxiliary verbs a. He played football yesterday. b. She dances well. c. Reema bought a dress. d. He wrote a letter. e. We sing songs. f. Hem works hard. g. His father earns a lot. ABC Grammar Practice: Look and complete the sentences. is isn’t are aren’t am am not Nikhil Beckham Anne Charlie Jackie Nepal England Germany England China a. Nikhil ……………from Brazil. He ……………from Nepal. b. Beckham…………… from Germany. He……………from England. c. Jackie……………from England. He……………from China. d. David Beckham and Charlie Chaplin ……………from China. They……………from England. e. Anne Frank ……………from Brazil. She ……………from Germany. f. I ……………from England. I……………from Nepal. 79Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

Speaking Practice: Tick ( ) the sentences that are true of you. Read out any ten sentences in class. I watch cartoons. I do not watch cartoons. I eat fish. I do not eat fish. I eat meat. I do not eat meat. I play snakes and ladders. I do not play snakes and ladders. I like short hair. I do not like short hair. I speak Maithili. I do not speak Maithili. I wear glasses. I do not wear glasses. I speak French. I do not speak French. I eat apples. I do not eat apples. I go for swimming. I do not go for swimming. I water plants. I do not water plants. I sing. I do not sing. I broom my room myself. I do not broom my room myself. I play basketball. I do not play basketball. I read newspapers. I do not read newspapers. I’m fat. I’m not fat. I’m Indian. I’m not Indian. My hair is short. My hair isn’t short. I’m from Jhapa. I’m not from Jhapa. I’m a student. I’m not a student. I’m healthy. I’m not healthy. I can play the flute. I cannot play the flute. I can play basketball. I cannot play basketball. I can run fast. I cannot run fast. I can swim. I cannot swim. I can drive a motorbike. I cannot drive a motorbike. I have visited Pokhara. I have not visited Pokhara. I have visited a zoo. I have not visited a zoo. 80Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

Test Yourself 1 Change the sentences. a. She can run fast. (negative) b. He bought a book. (negative) c. I am working on computer. (interrogative) d. Hem will drive a car. (negative) e. He has not bought any books. (affirmative) f. She is cooking mutton. (interrogative) g. The teacher is yelling at the boys. (negative) h. We are not going to the park. (affirmative) i. She has not eaten an apple. (affirmative) j. We cannot ride a bicycle. (affirmative) k. I have not got a computer. (affirmative) l. He told me a funny joke. (negative) m. Hem did not write any letters. (affirmative) n. They will come to school tomorrow. (interrogative) o. His mother was in the park. (negative) p. I am writing a poem. (negative) Test Yourself 2 Change the sentences. a. I am taking leave today.( negative) b. Mina was drinking juice. (negative) c. There aren’t any computers. (affirmative) d. My father is a doctor. (negative) e. He sang beautifully. (negative) f. My friend likes to do things by herself. (negative) g. Riya is coming in the evening. (interrogative) h. I have got some funny pictures. (negative) i. She has been cleaning the room. (negative) j. She has got a spare copy. (negative) k. She made some mistakes. (interrogative) l. Bibek is not going to school. (affirmative) m. Children do not speak English. (affirmative) n. David broke his pencil. (negative) o. The cat is behind the dog. (interrogative) p. The dog will jump over the table. (interrogative) q. He got some letters today. (interrogative) r. We will play the musical instruments. (negative) s. You did not make a mistake. (affirmative) t. There are some letters for you. (negative) 81Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

Test Yourself 3 Change the sentences. a. The students are running in the field. (negative) b. The swimming pool is dirty. (negative) c. The teacher called him in. (interrogative) d. These sums are hard. (negative) e. They are cooking food. (negative) f. He doesn’t read any books. (affirmative) g. He eats rice everyday. (negative) h. They are not earning any money. (affirmative) i. He has done his homework. ( interrogative) j. Riya lost her pen. (negative) k. They like each other. (negative) l. She can eat a mango. (interrogative) m. The hammer is broken. (interrogative) n. The hunter will shoot the tiger. (negative) o. The nurse works here. (interrogative) p. He has visited London. (negative) q. The old man looks healthy. (negative) r. They will come here. (interrogative) s. They will not sing a song. (affirmative) Test Yourself 4 Change the sentences. a. We took part in the competition. (negative) b. I can speak four languages. (negative) c. She writes an interesting story. (interrogative) d. They played football yesterday. (negative) e. She’ll leave next week. (interrogative) f. We will go there the next day. (negative) g. Suresh’s work was very dirty. (negative) h. The ball bounced into the well. (interrogative) i. The boy was naughty. (negative) j. She can speak English well. (interrogative) k. They are working in the field. (negative) l. She cannot eat a mango. (affirmative) m. They live in the suburbs. (interrogative) n. Those vegetables are rotten. (negative) o. We are going to picnic. (negative) p. The Principal said so. (negative) q. He doesn’t eat any food. (affirmative) r. These problems are difficult. (negative) s. They went jogging this morning. (negative) 82Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

Test Yourself 5 Correct the mistakes. A: Madhu is a doctor. She works in a supermarket. B: She does not work in a supermarket. She works in a hospital. A: Sachin is a cricketer. He plays table tennis. B: …………………………………………………. .....……………………………………………… A: David is a pilot. He drives a bus. B: …………………………………………………. .....……………………………………………… Test Yourself 6 Complete the sentences using the words given in the box. is isn’t has hasn’t The cat ……………. black. It ……………. white. It ……………. playing with string. It ……………. playing with a ball. It ……………. very big. It ……………. small. It ……………. got a doll. It ……………. got a ball of string. The dog ……………. white. It ……………. black. It ……………. playing. It ……………. sleeping. It ……………. got a doll. It ……………. got a ball and a bat. It ……………. got a plate. It ……………. got a helmet. 83Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

8 Tense Read the text. Kishan is a guitar player. He plays the guitar in a band. Today he has been practising the guitar for two hours. He started playing the guitar at 2 o’clock. It’s 4 o’clock now. He is still practising. Tomorrow he will play the guitar in a concert. . At this time tomorrow, he will be playing the guitar in the concert. Two weeks ago he was in Pokhara. He played the guitar in two programmes there. Sundar is a football player. He plays football in a national team. He has been playing football for five years. Now he is at the playground. He is practising alone. He has been practising for three hours. He started playing football at 1 o’clock. It’s 4 o’clock now. Tomorrow he will play a tournament. By this time tomorrow the tournament will have been finished. The tense of a verb shows the time of an action or event: Verbs that tell something about He plays. He is playing. now and today are said to be in He has played. He has been playing. the present tense. He was playing. Verbs that tell something about He played. He had been playing. yesterday and the past are said He had played. to be in the past tense. Verbs that tell something about He will play. tomorrow and the future are He will be playing. said to be in the future tense. He will have played. He will have been playing. 84Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

Listening Practice: Repeat these sentences after your teacher. Tenses Structures Examples Simple present sub + v1/v5 + obj He writes a letter. Present continuous sub + is/am/are + v4 + obj He is writing a letter. Present perfect sub + has/have + v3 + obj He has written a letter. Present perfect continuous sub + has been/have been + v4 + obj He has been writing a letter. Simple past sub + v2 + obj He wrote a letter. Past continuous sub + was/were + v4 + obj He was writing a letter. Past perfect sub + had + v3 + obj He had written a letter. Past perfect continuous sub + had been + v4 + obj He had been writing a letter. Simple future sub + shall/will + v1 + obj He will write a letter. Future continuous sub + shall be/will be + v4 + obj He will be writing a letter. Future perfect sub + shall have/will have + v3 + obj He will have written a letter. Future perfect continuous sub + shall have been/will have been + v4 + obj He will have been writing a letter. Grammar Study: Structures Simple Tenses Always use (v1), (v2) or (v5) forms of a verb to form simple tenses. Incorrect Correct She cook food. She cooks food. They does not cook food. They do not cook food. He was cooked food. He cooked food. She will cooking food. She will cook food. Did they cooked food? Did they cook food? Continuous Tenses Always use the –ing form of a verb after ‘is, am, are, was, were, will be’ to form continuous tenses. Incorrect Correct She is cooks food. She is cooking food. They are not cook food. They are not cooking food. He was cooked food. He was cooking food. She will be cook food. She will be cooking food. Are they cook food? Are they cooking food? 85Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

Perfect Tenses Always use the past participle form (v3) of a verb after ‘have, has, had, will have’ to form perfect tenses. Incorrect Correct She has cooks food. She has cooked food. They have not cook food. They have not cooked food. He had cooks food. He had cooked food. She will have cook food. She will have cooked food. Have they cook food? Have they cooked food? Perfect Continuous Tenses Always use the –ing form of a verb after ‘has been, had been, will have been’ to form perfect continuous tenses. Incorrect Correct She has been cooks food. She has been cooking food. They have not been cook food. They have not been cooking food. He had been cooked food. He had been cooking food. She will have been cook food. She will have been cooking food. Have they been cook food? Have they been cooking food? ABC Grammar Practice: Now correct these sentences. Always use the first form Simple Tenses of a verb (v1) after ‘did, a. She go to school. does, will, shall, can’. b. They sings songs. He doesn’t plays. c. His father work in a bank. He can’t plays. d. Does he writes a letter? He doesn’t play. e. Do they plays football? He can’t play. f. His friend will drives a bus. Continuous Tenses a. They are still play cricket. b. What are you done here? c. He is not read a newspaper. d. Are you eat something? e. Is he write a letter? f. She will be visit Pokhara. g. They were dance in the park. Perfect Tenses Perfect Continuous Tenses a. They will have been wrote essays. a. Has she cook food? b. They have finishing the work. b. What have you been do here? c. He has already ate some food. c. She had been sleep for two hours. d. She had wrote a letter. d. I have been played football. e. Have you ever climbing a tree? e. He has been sing a song for three hours. f. She has not wrote a letter yet. f. Has she been cooks food? g. They will have went to Pokhara. g. They had not been do anything. 86Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

Grammar Study: Simple present tense Read the text. I go to school from Sunday to Friday. I do not go to school on Saturday. In the evenings and at the weekend, I have free time. On Sundays, I watch TV. My favourite programme comes on that day. On Mondays, I read some magazines and papers. On Wednesdays, I don’t do anything. On Fridays, I do the shopping. On Saturdays, I have a rest. I go for swimming. I see my friends. Sometimes I go to the cinema. My best friend is Kumar. He likes swimming. He does not like shopping. The simple present tense explains actions which we do everyday or all the time. These time adverbials often come with the simple present tense. always sometimes usually often once nowadays never everyday these days seldom I usually speak English in class. I go to school from Sunday to Friday. He often drinks orange juice. I do not go to school on Saturday. Mona usually wears a red sari. I watch TV. He always goes to college. He likes swimming. They sometimes invite me. He doesn’t like shopping. I go for swimming. They often go to Pokhara. The simple present tense explains universal and general truths. Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. The moon revolves round the earth. Wood floats on water. A cow gives milk. We use the simple present tense to express what one does. He is a driver. He drives a car. He is a mechanic. He mends cars. My father is a secretary. He manages meetings for his boss. Incorrect Correct She go to school. She goes to school. They goes to school. They go to school. Does he goes to school? Does he go to school? Do they goes to school? Do they go to school? 87Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

Listening Practice: Repeat these sentences after your teacher. Affirmative Negative Interrogative Sub + v1/v5 + obj. Sub + do not/does not + v1+ obj. Do/does + sub + v1+ obj+? He reads a book. He does not read a book. Does he read a book? They read a book. They do not read a book. Do they read a book? Sony sings a song. Sony does not sing a song. Does she sing a song? Ali and Anu sing a song. Ali and Anu do not sing a song. Do Ali and Anu sing a song? Singular Subject does She sleeps. He sleeps. Plural Subject does not v5 She does not sleep. He does not sleep. do Does she sleep? Does he sleep? do not v1 They sleep. They do not sleep. Do they sleep? ABC Grammar Practice: Add -s or -es to these verbs and fill in the blanks . a. (read) She ……………………a lot of books. b. (fly) A kite ……………………high in the sky. c. (push) The baby ……………………you. d. (open) The school ……………………at 9:30. e. (speak) Anita ……………………five languages. f. (dance) Tina ……………………beautifully. g. (teach) Miss Yadav ……………………in a boarding school. h. (close) The shop ……………………at 8:45. i. (go) She ……………………to school by bus. j. (study) Milan ……………………in Grade V. k. (play) Binita ……………………basketball. l. (write) Anu ……………………poems. m. (wear) Deepa always ……………………nice clothes. n. (sing) His father ……………………songs. o. (sleep) Kunti ……………………six hours a night. p. (hoot) An owl …………………… at night. q. (bark) A dog …………………… . r. (wash) He …………………… his face with soap. s. (watch) She …………………… TV in the evening. t. (pay) Riya …………………… the bill. u. (pass) She …………………… the exam easily. v. (try) He always …………………… to work hard. w. (fry) She …………………… onions very well. x. (come) He always …………………… here in the morning. y. (die) A plant …………………… if you don’t water it. z. (draw) She …………………… a very nice picture. 88Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

ABC Grammar Practice: Form simple present sentences. a. We ……………..….. with our nose. (smell) b. She often ……………..….. her uncle in the evening. (visit) c. He ……………..….. his hands before every meal. (wash) d. George ……………..….. like his brother. (look) e. He ……………..….. in an office. (work) f. He ……………..….. fast. (run) g. The man ……………..….. his elders. (respect) h. The vegetation ……………..…..the surrounding hygienic. (keep) i. Suresh ……………..…..beautiful poems. (write) j. Sony……………..….. chicken very nicely. (cook) k. The hero ……………..….. the villain. (kick) l. Niraj ……………..….. cricket very well. (play) m. Kiran ……………..….. to keep the toys in her room. (want) n. Anu ……………..….. beautiful in a sari. (look) o. She ……………..….. the plants. (water) ABC Grammar Practice: Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs. Bikram gets up everyday at 6 o’clock. He …………… a shower, then has breakfast. He …………… homework and gets ready for school. Then he …………….. to the bus stop and …………… a bus to school. At school he …………… his friends and they go into class together. His school ……………. at 9:30. They …………… at school till 4 pm. After school, Bikram ………… home. He takes some food and goes out to play with his friends. Sometimes he …………. his uncle in the evening. He goes to bed early and also gets up early. catches, takes, walks, does, stay, goes, visits, starts, meets Speaking Practice: Look at the chart. Ask and answer these questions. What class does he/she study? What does he/she like? What does he/she dislike? Names Grades Likes Dislikes Anita V swimming dancing Manoj III football chess Pankaj IV oranges strawberries Mina VI red dresses black dresses Jenny VII coffee tea 89Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

Grammar Study: Present continuous tense Read the text. Some tourists are sitting by the lake. They are having a good time. They are sunbathing. A man is lying on the grass. He is wearing a hat. A dog is barking near the man. The sun is shining. An old man is playing the guitar. One boy and two girls are playing the guitar. They are singing. All of them are enjoying. This is the picture of a park. It is raining now. An old man is sitting on the bench. He is sitting under a big umbrella. A dog is jumping near him. The man is reading a newspaper. Two boys are wearing raincoats. The sentences with the structure ‘subject + is, am, are + v4 + object’ are in the present continuous tense. The present continuous tense is used to indicate actions happening at the time of speaking or right now. Some tourists are sitting by the lake. I am sitting in the sun. A dog is barking near the man. He is wearing a black hat. Some girls are clapping. She is using a computer. Milan and Sony are studying in the library now. They’re listening to music. I’m doing my homework. Please be quiet! I’m listening to the radio. We are cleaning our room. We use now, still, at present, etc with the present continuous tense. Singular Subject is/ is not She is dancing now. He is still playing. Plural Subject are/ are not The boys are dancing at present. We are dancing now. 90Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

Listening Practice: Repeat these sentences after your teacher. Affirmative Negative Interrogative Sub + is/am/are + v4 + obj. Sub + is/am/are + not+ v4 + obj. Is/am/are + sub + v4 + obj+? He is reading a book. He is not reading a book. Is he reading a book? They are reading books. They are not reading books. Are they reading books? She is singing a song. She is not singing a song. Is she singing a song? The boys are singing songs. The boys are not singing songs. Are the boys singing songs? We are dancing. We are not dancing. Are we dancing? ABC Grammar Practice: Complete these sentences with the present continuous tense. a. I……………................…… better today. (feel) b. He …………..............……… now. (sing) c. She …………............………to the radio. (listen) d. They ………...............………… now. (sleep) e. I ………….............……… home. (go) f. Rahul ………..............………… to his mother right now. (speak) g. Please keep quiet. The baby …….................…………… . (sleep). h. Bimal ……………................…… at a chemical factory. (work) i. She ……………..................…… a rabbit. (draw) j. The men ……….....................………… the boat. (drag) k. The doctor ……..............…………… the sick baby. (examine) l. She …………….............…… her cat. (feed) m. The puppy ………..............………… under the chair.(hide) n. The children ……...............…………… around the playground. (hop) o. He ……………..............…… a bicycle. (ride) Speaking Practice: Look and say what they are doing. 91Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

ABC Grammar Practice: Look and complete. 1 Look at this photograph. My father is ................................on the sofa. He is not standing. He is ............................... a newspaper. My mother is also sitting on the sofa. She is ............................... TV. I am ..................... a story book and my dog Tommy is ......................... beside me. I am not ............................... TV. My mother is not ............................... the newspaper. 2 Look at this photograph. Anil has a broom. He is ......................................... Kumar has a paint brush. He is ........................................... . Goma is .................................... and her daughter Anita is ......................................... They are ...................................................... . 92Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

ABC Grammar Practice: Look and write. I have lost my English book. I am trying to ask with my family members but they are all too busy. My parents are ...............................their best show on TV. My brother his friend. My sister is music. My pet dog Goura is............................... . It is not awake. My parents said, “Don’t disturb us! We are ............................... our best comedy show.” My brother said, “Don’t you see, I am ............................... to my friend.” My sister just said, “No.” Look at the picture and describe it. This is the picture of a market place. There are many people. Everybody is busy. The shopkeepers are selling things. People are buying them. Now write what other people are doing………………......................……… ........................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................ 93Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

Grammar Study: Simple past tense Read the text. Sunita : My dog Tommy was really naughty yesterday. Kumar : Why? What did he do? Sunita : I made some sandwiches to take to school, and I put them in my tiffin box. Then I went to the dressing room to wear my uniform. Do you know what Tommy did? Kumar : No, I don’t know. Sunita : He opened the tiffin box, took out the sandwiches and ate them. Kumar : Did he eat all of them? Sunita : Yes. He opened the tiffin box. It has a past verb ‘opened’. The sentence is in the simple past tense. It shows the past action. The sentences with the structure 'sub +v2 +obj' are in the simple past tense. 1. The simple past tense is expressed with the past form of the verb. I made some sandwiches. I went to the dressing room. He took out the sandwiches and ate them. 2. The simple past tense refers to: • action which occurred at a specific time in the past. yesterday last week ago Yesterday she bought a doll. They went to Pokhara two days ago. Last week I met an old friend of mine. • completed actions I bought a shirt last month. I lost it last week. She wrote a letter. She posted it. He broke his leg. He was in hospital. Two days ago, he painted his house. • past status When I was a child, I lived in Pokhara. I ate a lot of chocolates. He visited many places. 94Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

Listening Practice: Repeat these sentences after your teacher. Affirmative Negative Interrogative RSeupbea+tv2th+esoebjs.entences aSfutber+ ydoidunr’tt+eavc1h+ero. bj. Did + sub + v1 + obj +? Did he write a letter? He wrote a letter. He did not write a letter. Did she go to the park? Did he sing a song? She went to the park. She did not go to the park. Did they play football? He sang a song. He did not sing a song. They played football. They did not play football. ABC Grammar Practice: Complete these sentences with the simple past tense. a. Tina .......................... to school. (go) b. The parrot .......................... out of the cage. (fly) c. Sachin ......................... cricket very well.(play) d. I ........................ my book in the hall. (leave) e. He ........................ a camera. (not buy) f. I ....................... too much in the party. (eat) g. Suresh ....................... beautiful poems.(write) h. Shova ....................... for me at the bus stop.(wait) i. Bina ....................... away from the house. (go) j. Nisha ........................ chicken very nicely. (cook) k. The bus ....................... with the truck. (collide) l. The ball ........................ into a ditch. (fall) m. The hero ........................ the villain. (kick) n. I ......................... them at the park yesterday.(meet) o. His brother ........................ absent yesterday. (be) p. Anil ......................... sick last week. (be) q. She ......................... six last year. (be) r. Yesterday we ......................... to school. (go) s. He ....................... Sohan. (not call) t. I ........................ a movie yesterday. (see) u. He ....................... his car. (not wash) v. They ....................... to India last week. (travel) w. Binod ....................... on the bench. (sit) x. She ....................... for an hour. (wait) y. She........................ to me on the phone. (talk) Speaking Practice: Look at the chart and say what they did yesterday. Priya visited the park. Karim bought a dress. Suman wrote a poem. Kanchan drew a picture. Riya went for swimming. Binod painted a picture. 95Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

ABC Grammar Practice: Complete these sentences. a. On Saturday Jenny didn’t wake up at 6.00 am. She woke up at 8.00 am. b. She didn’t go to school. She ........................... to the park. c. She didn’t have a shower. She...................... a bath. d. She didn’t eat breakfast at about 7.00 am. She .............breakfast at about 9.00 am. e. After breakfast she didn’t go for a walk. She ........................... for a run. f. She didn’t visit her uncle. She ......................... her grandmother. g. She didn’t watch a movie. She .......................... a cartoon. h. She didn’t meet her friend. She .......................... her teacher. i. She didn’t eat apples. She ........................... oranges. j. She didn’t drink milk. She .......................... orange juice. k. She didn’t go to bed early. She ........................... to bed late. l. She didn’t read a poem. She .......................... a story. Speaking Practice: Look and say what Kabin did yesterday. Yesterday: 1. At 7, Kabin got up. 12 93 6 96Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

Grammar Study: Present perfect tense Yes, I have watched this movie five times. Read the sentences. Have you watched I've written two letters. this movie? They are in my bag. How many letters have She has lost her tiffin you written? box. Why is she sad? The sentences with the structure 'sub +has/have + v3 +obj' are in the present perfect tense. We use the present perfect tense: 1. to show that a finished action or event has a connection with the present, or has a result in the present. She has cut her finger. It is bleeding. Have they finished the report yet? I can’t go out because I’ve lost my keys. She has had an accident and she’s in the hospital now. I have had lunch so I’m not hungry. 2. to give news or talk about recent events or experiences. Have you ever flown to Pokhara? They have never seen a mountain. 3. We often use the present perfect tense with ‘already, yet, just, recently’. I’ve just had lunch. I’ve already watched this movie. Have you spoken to Milan yet? They have already finished the work. She has not cooked food yet. 97Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

Listening Practice: Repeat these sentences after your teacher. Affirmative Negative Interrogative SuRbe+pheaast/htahvees+ev3s+enotbejn. Scuebs +afhtaesrnoyto/uhravetenaocth+evr3.+ obj. Has/have + sub + v3+obj+? I have met her. I have not met her. Have I met her? She has written a letter. She has not written a letter. Has she written a letter? They have gone out. They have not gone out. Have they gone out? He has been to Pokhara. He has not been to Pokhara. Has he been to Pokhara? ABC Grammar Practice: Complete these sentences with the present perfect tense. a. They ...................... a house. (buy) b. We .......................... Pokhara many times. (visit) c. They .................. never ...................... by train. (travel) d. She .................. already ..................... her house. (sell) e. Man .................. on the moon. (walk) f. They .................. how to swim. ( learn) g. Doctors .................. many deadly diseases. (cure) h. James ..................................... his homework. (not finished) i. The Principal .................. to several students about the programme. (talk) j. I ........................... that movie one time. (see) k. Many tourists .......................... the park. (visit) l. Jenny ........................ her exam again. (fail) m. They .................. just ............................. in Kathmandu. (arrive) n. She .......................... in this village for ten years. (live) o. She ....................... five letters. (write) p. I ............................... my book. ( lose) q. I .................... never .......................... to Australia. (be) r. Bob .................................. his grandma. (visit) s. Jimmy ............................ games on computer. (play) t. Bhola ............................... his bike. (repair) u. Ali and Anu .................................. a film. (watch) Speaking Practice: Ask and answer. Bipin 3 How many poems has he written? Suman 4 How many poems has she written? Robin 5 Kunal 2 Sony 3 Goma 6 98Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

Grammar Study: Past continuous tense Read the text. Anita: I was returning from school when something funny happened. I saw a man following a girl. Binita: What did the man do? Anita: The girl was talking on phone when the man snatched the cell and ran away. Binita: What did the girl do? Anita: She began to shout “Thief, Thief”. She was shouting when the man stopped and gave back her phone. We all were surprised. Later we came to know that it was her husband. He was just joking. The sentences with the structure ‘sub + was /were + v4 + obj’ are in the past continuous tense. We use the past continuous: 1. to say that an action was in progress at a particular time in the past. I was having dinner at 6 pm last night. I was returning from school. What were you doing at midnight last night? She was shouting and he was just joking. 2. to say that an action was in progress at every moment during a period of time. They were reading novels all yesterday. You were working all day yesterday, weren’t you? I was playing football all day yesterday. His father was digging the field. 3. to denote a ‘longer’ or ‘background’ action that was in progress, together with the simple past. When I came there, they were watching TV. He was walking to work when he met John. She was eating when the phone rang. While I was working in the garden, I heard a woman scream. 99Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

Listening Practice: Repeat these sentences after your teacher. Affirmative Negative Interrogative Sub +was/were +v4 +obj. Sub +was/were + not +v4 +obj. Was/were +sub + v4 +obj+? He was singing. He was not singing. Was he singing? They were dancing. They were not dancing. Were they dancing? I was reading. I was not reading. Was I reading? We were playing. We were not playing. Were we playing? She was sleeping. She was not sleeping. Was she sleeping? ABC Grammar Practice: Complete these sentences with the past continuous tense. a. Archi .................................... a letter. (write) b. He called me while I .................................... a newspaper. (read) c. Sohan .................................... after his brother. (look) d. He .................................... an essay all yesterday.(write) e. At 10 o’clock we .................................... a movie on TV. (watch) f. When I phoned her, she .................................... her hair. (wash) g. At 5 on Tuesday they .................................... novels. (read) h. I .................................... yesterday evening. (dance) i. Pemba .................................... a newspaper. (read) j. When I went out, I took my umbrella because it ................................ (rain). k. Nina .................................... food in the kitchen. (cook) l. She .................................... food all yesterday for her guests. (cook) m. When she walked into the room, I .................................... to music. (listen) n. Sabnam .................................... along the road. (run) o. The students .................................... to play the match.(go) p. When they arrived here, we .................................... about dresses.(talk) q. These boys .................................... for the final exam. (prepare) r. At 12 o’clock yesterday I .................................... the park. (visit) s. When the teacher walked in, the children .................................... (fight) t. While she .................................... , a cat jumped on the table. (dance) u. We .................................... when she called. (study) v. While we .................................... the picnic, it started to rain. (have) w. While I .................... the email, the computer suddenly went off. (send) x. Last night at 6 pm, I .................................... dinner. (eat) y. While she was reading, they .................................... TV. (watch) z. What were you doing while she .................................... dinner? (make ) 100Maxim of English Grammar and Composition Book Five

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