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Oxford Grammar for Schools 3 Student Book

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Oxford Grammar for Schools X V i

Oxford Grammar for Schools Rachel Godfrey OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

OXFORD UNIVERSITY l'RKSS Great Clarendon Street, Oxford. 0x2 6dp, UnitedKingdom Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University'sobjectiveofexcellence inresearch, scholarship. and education by publishing worldwide. Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press inthe UK and incertain other countries © Oxford University Press 2013 The moral rights of the author have been asserted First published in 2013 2o«7 2016 2015 2014 2013 10 987654321 No unauthorized photocopying All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press, or as expressly permitted by law,by licence or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to the El.T Rights Department. Oxford University Press, at the address above You must not circulate this work in any other form andyou must impose this same condition on any acquirer Links to third party websites are provided by Oxford ingood faith and for information only. Oxford disclaims any responsibility for the materials contained in any third party website referenced inthis work isbn: 9780194559027 Printed inChina This book is printed on paper from certified and well-managed sources ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Illustrationsby:Judy Brown pp.7. 12 (Ex 1). 18 (Ex 1). 19(Ex 4). 21. 25. 27. 32. 35. 39 (Ex 6). 44. 50. 64 (Ex 15).72 (Ex 1). 84. 88. 92 (Ex 1). 98 (Ex 1). 109. 111. 116 (Ex 2). 117 (Ex 5). 124. 130. 133. 134 (Ex 8). 143. 148(Ex 1). 151. 153 (Ex 11). 154:Heather Clarke pp.8 (Ex 1). 10 (Ex 5). 14. 16. 18 (Ex 18).23 (Ex 5). 26. 29 (Ex 3). 56(Ex 11). 67. 74. 76 (Ex 3). 79(Ex 1). 80. 85 (Ex 7). 86 (bee etc). 96 (Ex 1). 97. 99. 104. 112. 114 (Ex 6). 123. 126(Ex 5). 131. 142. 145 (Ex 2). 146. 149 (Ex 3&4). 150 (Ex 2). 155 (Ex 16). 156 (Ex 6):James Hart/Sylvie Poggio Artists Agency pp.10(Ex 8). 12 (Ex 4). 20. 23 (Ex 6). 34 (Ex 1). 37. 39 (Ex 7). 41. 43. 70. 77. 86 (Ex 3). 93 (Ex 3). 94. 1 14 (Ex 4). 116 (Ex 3). 126 (Ex 6). 138 (Ex 5). 141(Ex 9). 149 (Ex 5). 150 (Ex 3). 152 (Ex 7). 153 (Ex 12);Sean Longcroft pp.9. 19(Ex 6). 22. 38 (Ex 2). 49. 51. 58. 61 (Ex 6). 69. 73. 75. 81 (Ex 6). 82. 83 (Ex 1). 87(Ex 3). 89.90. 102. 119. 125. 129. 132(Exl). 136. 138 (Ex 4). 147. 155 (Ex 14). 156 (Ex 14);Andy Peters pp.6. 8 (shelves). 13. 17.24. 29 (bike). 31. 34 (See. hear, smell). 35. 40. 42. 46. 53. 56 (the phone rang). 59(Ex 3). 60. 62. 64 (a cold). 66 (fire-eater). 68. 72 (library). 78 (interview). 79(skateboard), 81 (Can and could). 83 (balloon). 85 (May). 87 (garden). 91. 92 (house). 95 (Ex 4). 98 (picture). 101. 103. 105. 106. 108. 115. 117 (prepositions). 120. 121. 126 (Ex 7). 127. 132 (house). 134 (funny film). 135. 139. 141 (Because andso). 145 (chameleon). 152 (Ex 10);Alexandria Tumerfl'he Bright Agency pp.15. 19 (Ex 7). 24. 36. 38(Ex 3). 45. 54. 59(Ex 1). 6 1 (Ex 4). 66 (Ex 1). 76 (Ex 1& 2). 78 (Ex 3). 86(Ex 4). 93(Ex 4). 95 (Ex 1&3). 96(Ex 2). 113. 118. 122. 125. 140. 140. 148 (Ex 2). 152 (Ex 8)

Introduction OxfordGrammar for Schools helps students develop a At the end of the book there are four pages of extra detailed understanding of grammar form and use in information for the information gap activities, a word context, and inspires them to have fun with English list, and an irregular verblist. through songs and games. The grammar is introduced or revised through easy-to-read tables and illustrated Students can use the Oxford Grammar for Schools series presentations with clear examples. The exercises in class with their coursebook to support and reinforce build from simple concept-check activities up to more their grammar study.The Teacher's Book includes all communicative and productive skills-based activities. the answers and audio scripts.There are also tests for Ineach unit there are several speaking activities where every Student's Book unit, and review tests which can students work with each other to use English with be usedat the end of a school term. improved accuracy and confidence. The extended writing activities also encourage students to use Student's DVD-ROM language in realistic situations. The Student's DVD-ROM includes scored interactive Each unit begins with a 'Can do'statement, which says activities as well as all the Student's Book pages in what students will be able to achieve on completion of the unit. At the end of each unit is a self-evaluation digital form and all the listening exercises and songs. table. Students should be encouraged to rate their progress in each exercise, which helps them to take The Student's DVD-ROM enables students to use the responsibility for their own learning and also increases Student's Book outside class, and can also be used on motivation. an interactive whiteboard in class. Key to the symbols O 0.0 0.0 (=track number) Listening activity Speaking activity A / Game © Extended writing activity Pronunciation activity Song * Introductory exercise ** Moderately challenging exercise *** Most challenging exercise A difficulty rating is given to each exercise. The scale of difficulty is relative to each unit, so there are exercises with one, two, and three stars in every unit. Introduction 3

Contents 1 Subject and object pronouns Subject pronouns 6 2 Plurals Object pronouns 8 Mini-revision Units 1-2 Regular plurals; spelling rules and pronunciation 12 3 Articles and quantifiers Irregular plurals 13 4 Demonstratives A, an and some; singular and plural countable nouns; 17 uncountable nouns Mini-revision Units 3-4 There is and There are 21 Revision 1 Units 1-4 How much, how many, some, any and a lot of; expressions 22 with containers 24 5 Make Demonstrative adjectives this, that, these, those; with and without a noun 29 6 Verb patterns: love, like, hate 34 Make somebody or something + adjective and want 38 Make somebody or something + verb 7 Verbs of sensation 40 Revision 2 Units 5-7 Be made of + noun 8 Present simple and continuous Verb + -ing form 46 9 Past simple Verb + to + base form 53 See, hear, smell 10 Past continuous 59 Look + adjective; look like + noun 60 Mini-revision Units 8-10 11 Present perfect Uses of the present simple; adverbs of frequency 66 72 12 The future Have got 76 13 Imperatives Mini-revision Units 11-13 Uses of the present continuous; time expressions 77 Revision 3 Units 8-13 Present simple and continuous contrast 79 14 Can and could for ability and 83 Was, were; past time expressions permission Past simple regular verbs Past simple irregular verbs 15 Might and may Use of the past continuous to give background information Past continuous and past simple contrast; simultaneous and interrupted past events Present perfect for past events, experiences and situations Present perfect and past simple contrast Since and for Will and be going to Warnings, instructions, directions Can and could for ability Can and could for permission Might and may for possibility May for permission 4 Contents

Mini-revision Units 14-15 Have to and don't have to 86 Must and mustn't; obligation, prohibition and necessity 87 16 Have to, must and shall Shall for offers Should and shouldn't; opinions and advice 92 17 Should 95 Mini-revision Units 16-17 Adjective agreement; position with verbs and nouns; plurals; 96 98 1 Revision 4 Units 16-18 articles 103 18 Adjectives Look and look like Adjective order before a noun 108 19 Adverbs Already, quickly, always 113 20 Comparative and superlative Adverbs of manner adjectives 115 Adverbs of frequency 120 IRevision 5 Units 18-20 Adverbs of time: still, yet, already Comparative adjectives 125 21 Prepositions of place Superlative adjectives 127 22 Prepositions of time In, on, and at 132 Other prepositions of place IRevision 6 Unit 21-22 In, on, and at 137 Time expressions 23 Question words 139 Who, where, what, when, why, how 145 24 Question tags 148 Who as\" s'ubject'; word order 150 Revision 7 Units 23-24 Questions with what + noun and how + adjective/adverb 27 Conjunctions Question tags in conversation 28 Zero conditional Revision 8 Units 25-26 Question tags to check information Revision 9 All units And, but, or, because and so Condition and result clauses Extra information 154 Word list 158 Irregular verb list 160 Contents 5

Subject and object pronouns Ican recognize and use subject and object pronouns. We use subject and object pronouns like this: look at it! It's a picture of us! Subject Verb Object The artist painted Jack and Heidi. He painted them. Jack and Heidi the picture. They like it. like Singular Subject Object Plural pronouns pronouns I me you you he she him it her we it you they us you them That s her. He's a qooA artist! * 1 Complete the sentences with subject pronouns. * 2 Complete the sentences with object pronouns. ÿ Mary has a dog. ÿ Ican see Tom and Louise. She hasadoa. Ican see em 1 Emily and Paul are here. 1 Iknow that man. 'rp hprp. T know 2 Andy speaks Russian. 2 Iwork with Anna Jackson. <;ppfik<; Russian. T work with 3 The pens are new. 3 Suzy loved the flowers. 'rp npw_ i7ii IovpH 4 Dave and Ilike tennis. like tennis. 4 You can come with George and me. 5 The house is very old. Ynn rnn rnmp with 's very old. 5 This book is for you, Dave, and for you, Vicky. 6 My sister's late. Thk hnnk k for 6 You can open the letter. 's late. You can open 6 Subject and object pronouns

53 Choose the correct answer. *6 O 1.2 Complete the sentences with subject Oÿ I've got(jhem)/ they. Oand object pronouns.Then listen and check. ÿ You wear them on your feet. They 1 Can you help us / we? 2 Him / He lives here. keep your feet warm. 3 They / Them are German. 4 He doesn't know me / 1. 1 -'s in the sky. At night, -'s 5 Ican go with she / her. 6 I/ Me drink juice in the morning. yellow. OÍ4 Write the sentences in the correct order. __2 -live in fields and on farms. People ÿ her / he / remembers ride t\\e remembers her._ 1 them /they /like rules a country. You see _ -on coins and stamps. 4 's small s green. _will change into a butterfly one day. keeps safe in the car. 2 teaches/ he /us * 7 Look at exercises 5 and 6. Complete the 3 it /helps /me sentences with the words in the box. Use a dictionary if you need to! 4 they / can hear / him a seatbelt a queen the moon a caterpillar socks horses 5 I/them /want _Picture a It's a caterpillar 6 her/ it /confuses _Picture b They're *5 Oi.i What are they talking about? Listen and Picture c She's ©number 1-5. Picture d It's -_Picture e They're _Picture f It's B* 1 Self-evaluation Rate your progress. 1 BBSIIIZIIIlIIIIII] 1 ÿÿÿÿÿÿI 11 ÿÿHHHHil 1 Unit 1 7

Plurals Ican recognize,form and use regular and irregular plurals. Regular plurals *1 02.1 Look at the pictures. Write the plurals. Listen and check, then listen and repeat. ll\\ ÿ one hat two hats 1 one face StO/Ü two 2 one knife two 3 one brush two Ive got tour sheNet, \\ six \\>ooks and ten trophies! We add -s to most nouns to form the plural. 4 one leaf —two tree ship flower cat shell 5 one fly trees ships flowers cats shells _two Here are some more regular spelling rules. Add -es to nouns Change -y to -ies in nouns ending in ending in -ÿs, -ss, -sh, consonant + -y. -ch, -x, and -0. bus buses pony ponies 6 one tomato two - dress dresses family box boxes families FT two potato potatoes Change -feto -ves. 7 one donkey Add just -s to nouns wife wives ending in vowel + -y. shelf shelves key keys toy toys 8 one apple two 8 Plurals

O*2 ©O 2.2 Listen and repeat. Is/: cats, rocks, ships /iz/: buses, dresses, boxes /z/: flowers, potatoes, ponies, keys, shelves S3 ©O2.3 Listen to the final sound in these plurals. What sound do you hear? Draw lines from the words Oto the sounds. flowers noses weeks cars fives places hats lips brushes cups doors horses books pages rooms /z/ /s/ /iz/ Irregular plurals These nouns have irregular plural forms. man,woman,child, tooth, foot men, women, children, teeth, feet ú 1 ' fish, sheep, mouse, goose, person fish, sheep, mice, geese, people piano, radio,photo pianos, radios, photos ©*4 O2.4 Change the singular sentences to plural sentences. Listen and check, then listen and repeat. ÿ I'm a man. 4 He has one tooth. 8 This is a radio. They're o2££L Ihave thirty _ These are 1 It's a mouse. _5 He has one fish. _9 Ow! My foot! Ihave six Ow! My They're - 6 Ican see one woman. 10 One sheep. _2 It's a photo. He can see four _ One hundred They're _3 She's a child. _7 You can see one person. They're Ican see three Unit 2

55 O2.5 Listen and tick the correct picture. *** 7/ Work in pairs and make true sentences about the numbers below. How many sentences can you make? 7 24 too 365 4 12 31 30 28 160 8 60 26 a¡ .1 v a ( There are seven colours in c rainbow. ( There are 12 months ¡n o year. *8 Work in pairs. Find ten more differences * between picture 1 and picture 2. In picture 1Ican see three chairs but in picture 2 Ican See four chairs. In picture 2 Ican see two WinAoWS bet in picture 11can see one WinAoW. Picture 1 9 hT *6 Write the singular form. _ÿ one foot ,two feet Picture 2 _1 one _ ,three geese 2 one ,four wives 3 one _ ,five addresses 4 one -,six stories _5 one _ seven scarves 6 one ,eight pianos _7 one _ ,nine mosquitoes 8 one ,ten children _9 one _ ,eleven wolves 10 one ,twelve strawberries 10 Plurals

Correct the spelling mistakes. £10 Complete the plurals in the 1Q?ref questionnaire.Then ask your partner Donkies: this way the questions and write their answers. Ponys: this way CLOThES QUESTIONNAIRE My photoes ÿ how many rings_ ¿o you 0 Adults £5.00, Cnildern: Free have? Danger! Wolfs 1 h¿oowyomu ahnayvep?airs of jean. 2 t\\oW many pairs of sunglass- ¿o you have? 3 how many pairs of sock_ ¿o you have? H how many necklace-¿o you have \\ 5 how many ¿ress_ ¿o you have? ( how many hat_ ¿o you have? _7 how many Watch ¿oyou have? 8 how many glove_ ¿o you have? 6 1 Cherrys: £4 per kilo Self-evaluation Rate your progress. Toothbrushs: £1.50 ÿ ÿÿ ÿÿÿ 8 1 2 Potatos: 70p per kilo 3 Sóndcuichs: £3.50. Cókes: £4.00 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Unit 2 11

Mini-revision Units 1-2 Reading and writing Listening Read the email. Choose the correct words from Q3 O R1.1 Listen and write. ÿ How does Harry travel to school? the box and write them next to 1-5. by vus_ 1 What does Harry see? child children family families her men man she woman women 2 Who is on the bus in the morning? 3 Who does Harry talk to? 4 Who does Harry travel home with? 5 Who does Harry meet at the bus stop? _Ihave a big family .There are lots of Speaking 1 - my mum, my three older sisters, 4 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures. Can you my two aunts and my grandma. There's just one - my dad. My oldest sister find 10 differences? is married. She's got two girls and two boys. Picture 1 _That's four 3 !My grandma is lovely. Picture 2 _*_ is 79 years old. We call 5 In Picture 1tUe bird is broWn 'Granny Rose'. bet in Picture 2 it's White. Read the letter and write the missing words. Write one word on each line. Dear 5en, ThanK \\)Cu -for \\\\jjCau<r letter.If arrived ÿes+eraa\\j The pho-fas are grea-H IiooK a+ 1_ everNj dasj How \\s \\jour bro-fher? Is +¿o+¡31_1 in hospi-fa-lf?roPmleamsee 2_ sovy 'hello' Wri+e +o 4_ again soon Or rw>sjbe we can speaK on ihe phone sorÿe +i¡me? __Ican call 5 From /And\\j 12 Units 1-2

Articles and quantifiers Ican identify and use countable and uncountable nouns;Ican use some, any and a lot of with countable and uncountable nouns. A, an and some t\\oW much fruit is there in the fnd Some nouns only have one form. These are uncountable nouns. milk, homework,juice, butter We can't count uncountable nouns, so we can't use numbers with them. We use some or nothing before them. Ialways do some homework after school. Do you want mayonnaise on your sandwich? In positive sentences, we use there is and there are like this: There's a melon, there are two apples There is ... + There are ...+ and there are aboutlO oranges. Most nouns have singular and plural forms. These are singular countable plural countable countable nouns. nouns nouns cup -> cups table -* tables child -> children There's an apple. There are bananas. We can use a, some or a number before countable nouns'. There's a bus. There are cars. Singular Plural There is ... + a bottle some bottles uncountable nouns one bottle six bottles There's fruit. There's traffic. * 1 Write C (countable) or U (uncountable). O52 O3.1 Circle the correct answer. Listen and check, then listen and repeat. _ Oÿ hospital C_ 14 sugar ÿ There's a /ÿome)bread in the bag. 1 Ican see some bird / birds. 1 toothpaste _ 15 bread _ 2 There's a snow / snow on those mountains. 3 There 's / are two men on the boat. _2 pencil 16 star _ 4 Would you like some / an ice in your drink? _3 spoon _ 5 Iwant some /two free time. _4 jam 17 lesson _ 6 You've got a tomato sauce / tomato sauce _5 necklace 18 coffee _ on your face! 7 Ilove rain / a rain! 19 river 8 This furniture is /are very nice. 6 plan _ __ 20 clock _ Unit 3 13 21 jewellery 7 salt 8 time _ 22 traffic _ _ _9 money 23 piece _ 10 petrol _ __ 24 juice 11 cup 25 furniture 12 friend __ 26 tea _ 13 rain 27 box _

Quantifiers: how much, how many, some, any and a lot of We use quantifiers to talk about the quantity of countable Here are some common examples. and uncountable nouns. a litre of water/petrol/apple juice a kilo of cheese/beef/potatoes Quantifiers Uncountable a bottle of water/lemonade a tin of beans/fruit/soup/paint Countable How much...? a spoonful of sugar/salt/spice some a tube of toothpaste/glue How many...? (not) any a lot of a cup of coffee/tea/milk some (not) any ajar of jam/honey a slice of bread/cheese/cake a lot of a bag of biscuits/crisps/flour/rice 1,2,3... We usually use some in positive sentences and any in questions and negatives. I'vegot some paper andpens. Have you got any money with you? There isn'tany butter. We use a lot of with countable and uncountable nouns to talk about a large quantity.We can use it in affirmative and negative sentences and also in questions. He's got a lot of friends. We haven'tgot a lot of time. Is there a lot ofpaper in that box? With uncountable nouns we often use expressions with bottles and containers, like a bottle of and a kilo of. He has a spoonful of sugar in his coffee. There are two bottles of milk in the fridge. a Countable noun of Uncountable some (measurement noun 1,2,3 or container) Ihave two bags of sugar. I'd like a spoonful of honey. There are 100 kilos of rice. There's a loaf of bread. I've got two litres of milk. *3 Circle the correct answer. 5 Are there some / any pictures in that book? 6 Ican't hear some /any birds. Oÿ Ive got(ÿome)/ any biscuits. 7 We never get some / any snow in this country. 8 Ineed some /any help! 1 lean see some /any stars. 8 There aren't some / any biscuits left. 2 Why aren't there some / any chairs in here? 3 I'd like some /any coffee, please. 4 Ineed some / any money. 14 Articles and quantifiers

*4 ©3.2 Listen and tick /the correct picture of ÿ*6 Match the quantities and the nouns. QMillville. bottle eup jar litre bag spoonful slice tin tube s ÿ a cup of tea rfSl 1 a. of toothpaste ; 2a of flour of honey ;So'0Da 3a of sugar ÿOo 4n 5 a of bread f\\/V « 6n of water 7a of juice j 8 a. of beans BSSÜ1 Work in pairs. Cover your answers in exercise 6. How many phrases can you ;T~r i( i. i JCtiii remember? J fa cup of tea a tube of .. \"*•/•» /TaV * *TI rtfol *8 Complete the second sentence so that it means X the same as the first. / \\ÿW ÿ How many tins of soup are there? / *5 O3.3 Listen again and tick/ the box. _How rnucln soup if there? _ Oÿ There good shops. _1 How many litres or juice are there? How there? n a aren't any 2 How many slices of cake are there? 0 b are a lot of How _ there? ÿ c are some _3 How many bags of rice are there? 1 You _ mountains. How there? I- a can see a lot of 4 How many bottles of water are there? O b can't see any How _ there? _fl c can see some 5 How many tins of paint are there? 2 There big parks. How _ there? [ a are a lot of _6 How many pieces of fruit are there? ÿ b are some How there? ÿ c aren't any 7 How many jars of jam are there? 3 There _ traffic. How _ there? f~] a 's some _8 How many loaves of bread are there? O b isn't any How there? ÿ c 's a lot of 9 How many kilos of flour are there? 4 There _ pollution. How _ there? ÿ a isn't any Hb's some ÿ c 's a lot of Unit 3 15

*9 Memory game. Look at the picture for *12 f Write about two of the things and places one minute, then turn to poaage 154 and water answer the questions. A7 below. Include information about the nouns. charcoal My bedroom paper bed wardrobe other furniture books DVDs pictures on the walls My bag books tissues pens rubbish bottle of water food My town traffic green spaces cafés shops pollution My life friends plans for the future free time O 3.4 Complete the conversations with [AY HEDROOiA My bedroom is quite SmaI). There's some or any,then listen and check. Act a bed and a WarAro be buf there out the conversations with a partner. Sisonm'tea.n.y. other furniture. There are ÿ CD Have you got any family in other Self-evaluation Rate your progress. countries? uuu Q No, but I've got some friends in Italy. CDÍ f need_ oldfamily photos for a school project. OThere are _ old photos in that box. _ _2 Í ) Have you got gold jewellery? _Q No. I've got _haven't got silver rings but I _3 CD Ineed gold jewellery. shampoo. Can Iuse of yours? _OIhaven't got ., but you can have of my soap. *11 Work in groups. What have you got? Make sentences with quantifiers. comics magazines free time pop music classical music friends in other countries glitter clay ink charcoal I've got Some comics. Ihaven't got any comic* bet IVe got a lot of magazines. 16 Articles and quantifiers

Demonstratives Ican recognize and use demonstrative adjectives and pronouns. look atthis! What are these look at those footprints! mushrooms? Can We eat them? What's that? Car you hear that noise? This and these indicate nouns that are near us. Demonstrative adjective + noun Look at this1. What are these mushrooms? We can use this, that, these and those with a noun. That and those indicate nouns that are far from us. This song is really good. Look at those footprints! Can you hear that noise? Who's that girl? Iwant these pens. Those bags are nice. Demonstrative pronoun + no noun We can use this, that, these and those without a noun when the idea of the noun is clear to the listener or reader. That's my sister. What does this mean? Can you post those for me? These are my new glasses. Unit 4 17

*1 OA.I Listen and number the conversations * 2 Complete the sentences with is or are. _ÿ What ¡£ 1-6. this? _1 These chocolates nice. 2 Those men 3 What _ those? 4 This exercise difficult. small. _5 These mice _6 This interesting. _7 That .my teacher. _8 Who .that? *3 ©4.2 Listen. Are the underlined sounds the same or different? Write S or D.Then listen and repeat. ÿ this is the door S ÿ those ducks D _1 these things 2 that zebra 3 Ihis is the key. 4 Those are their dogs. 5 Are these vases? 1JU set 6 That's the bathroom. in 18 Demonstrative pronouns

4 O 4.3 Complete the conversations with this, 16 Change these pictures into pictures of your friends and family. Then use this that, these or those. Then listen and check. and that to tell a partner about the people in the pictures. ThiS 1S wy mum Qr\\¿ tin1$ i$ my grandpa. He's my mum's ¿a¿. Who's that? That's rr\\y brother, William. t\\e Wears glasses. 17 Work in pairs. How many parts of the body can you name? Ask and answer ÿ How much is this hat? with this, that, these and those. _1 fish are beautiful! _2 What are What's this? _3 Mmm! red flowers? S your rose. are delicious! What are those? 4 What does _ sign say? boxes? _5 Could you help me with *5 Cover the sentences in exercise 5. Look * at the pictures. Can you remember all Othe sentences with this, that, these and those? how much is that hat? Unit 4 19

Work in pairs. Act out a conversation between a buyer and a seller at a charity sale. Look at the information below. Student A, seller Look at the things on the table. What are they? Decide on prices. Think carefully! You want to sell lots of things and you want to make lots of money. (ÿThese ) (UatCPare only £l\\ \\S really Student B, buyer r1 Look at the things on the table. What do you want to buy? What do you want to ask about? Self-evaluation Rate your progress. Think carefully! You want to buy the things but you don't want to pay high prices! uuu [ÿVJhat are those 1 This one is Kñ'\\r¿$' anA 2 3 this one is lVisit China'. 4 5 how much i$ this? ) ( It's on\\y £l. 6 7 8 20 Demonstrative pronouns

Mini-revision Units 3-4 Reading and writing Listening Look and read. Choose the correct words and O3 G R2.1 What do Julia and her family have for breakfast? Listen and write a letter in each box. write them on the lines. ÿ Julia \\e\\ 3 Mum QJ 6 Seth LJ Australia chairs drinks furniture 1 Grandpa [~~j 4 Dad G 7 James ÿ leaves milk pages Switzerland 2 Grandma Q 5 Beth ÿ ÿ These are often made with water. They're hot Speaking _or cold. ¿rinks Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about things in the classroom. Use the 1 You find these in a book.They're white and questions below. _they have lots of words on them. What's this? What are these? _2 This is a drink. It's white. What's that? What are those? 3 This is a country. It's got a lot of mountains. It hasn't got any sea. _ 4 You find these on trees and other plants. They're green. _ 5 People have this in their homes. It's often big and heavy. _ Read the notice. Choose the right words and write them on the lines. Attention: all artists! We need some volunteers to help paint a large picture on 1_ school wall on Saturday morning. Are you interested? Please read 2_ notes: Wear3_ clothes. This is important! There will be 4_ wet paint and we don't want 5_ accidents. _ _Bring 6 food for lunch and 7 bottle of water. ÿ And finally, please tell your friends! We need 8_ help! ÿ any a (some) What are these? y re pens 1 the some any What's that? Its glee. 2 those this these old that 3a much many 4 a lot of any much any 5 some a any a 6 some many a lot of 7 some 8 much Units 3-4 21

Revision 1 Units 1-4 Look and read. Choose the correct words Reading and writing and write them on the lines. stories litter wives knives What does Peter say to the grocer? Match 1-5 with a letter (a-h).You don't need to use all mice children jewellery letters the letters. ÿ Grocer Can Ihelp you? ÿ They are very young people, children Peter e_ 1 Some people drop this in the street. It's dirty. _1 Grocer These are very sweet. -2 A postman delivers these Peter 3 These small animals eat cheese and other _2 Grocer Anything else? Peter -pieces of food. Cats catch them _3 Grocer No, sorry, Ihaven't got any. 4 A lot of women wear this. It is often very Peter expensive- _4 Grocer Six. Peter 5 They're women. Husbands have them! _5 Grocer £3. 6 People write them and tell them. You can read Peter -them in books and magazines a Oh. How many lemons are in that bag? b That's very expensive! 7 They're sharp. You cut fruit, bread, meat and c Have you got any apples? d There's* tots of jcr'rce. vegetables with them- e I'd like some grapes, please. f How much are they? _Read the email and write the missing words. g OK, I'll have those ones. h What's this? Write one word on each line. < Dear Toby 22 Units 1-4 I live with my parents, my brother and my two _sisters. We live in a small village called Hanbridge. Hanbridge has got three sheep farms - you can see a 1_ of sheep in the fields around here! The village has got a _supermarket and a café but 2_ hasn't got a cinema.And there aren't 3 bookshops or music shops, unfortunately. Write and tell 4_ about your hometown. Iris P.S. I'm writing 5. email on my new computer!

Listening Speaking 4 OR3.1 Listen and write. 6 Look at the pictures and tell the story. Mixed Fruit Smoothie What is it? a delicious snack _Good points healthy and doesn't take much 1 Ingredient 1 a handful of 2 _ _Ingredient 2 some other 3 of fruit - e.g. banana or peach _Ingredient 3 a small pot of 4_ Ingredient 4 a 5 of honey How do you make it? Blend all the ingredients in a food processor for 30 seconds - then enjoy! 5 O R3.2 Listen and tick / the correct picture. L ÿ What has Bevgot? The two men are hungry. 1 What weather do they usually have on the island? 2 Which is Bev's grandma? Talk with a partner. Which of these do you 3 Which is the Island Hotel? have in your town or city? a university an airport crime a bookshop good clothes shops young people traffic litter pollution fresh air a cinema a hospital a river There ¡Sn't a river in fhis toWn. This toWn has got some qoo¿ clothes shops. university.ÿ IÿThere isn'tmuch Revision 1 23

Make Ican recognize and use make to mean different things in different verb patterns. Make somebody or something + adjective Argh! Tbat Itifn't real. It's l}ut itmaAe me ma me jump made of piastic I ScareA. Don't ¿o iKT— that again. Vvw\\ L We use make somebody or something + adjective to describe how an event, action, person or object changes another person or object. This music's making me happy. Salty food makes people thirsty. O*1 O 5.1 Complete the sentences. Use make or makes and the adjectives in the box. Then listen and check. O angry calm and relaxed happy tired wet yellow They make everything yellow 3 Yoga people 1 Water things 4 Bad drivers him 2 Exercise me 5 The sun her 24 Make

i2 O 5.2 Listen and number the pictures 1-5. @D *3 O 5.3 Listen again and circle the correct *5 Are the sentences in exercise 4 true for you? Talk about your answers Oobject. with a partner. ÿ Those will make me /(jjou)ill. 1 It makes food / people sweet. Swimming mokes me hungry. Tkai t nl/A Uak / »v*a nn/jii i g %w n* t C*# 4\"//>*JJin-uÿ) 3 It makes us/ you thirsty. if vcÿ au r.«n.ea . ic/r 4 These make us / you strong. Itisn't true for me. 5 These things make everyone / people fat. * 4 Write the words in the correct order. * 6 Match 1-5 with a-f. ÿ hungry / makes / swimming / me ÿ Idon't read those books at night. b_ _SlA/jrv)oping makes me hungry. _1 Take this medicine three times a day. 1 makes /chocolate /ill /me 2 My brothers love snow. _ 2 angry /makes /pollution /me _3 Iput red chilli pepper in all my food. _4 My sister doesn't like hospitals. 5 Idon't like that girl. _ 3 sad /classical music/ me/ makes a It will make you better. 4 happy /football /me /makes b They make me scared. 5 me /hot weather /makes /tired c It makes them very happy. d She makes me really angry. e They make her sad. f It makes it hot and spicy. 6 me / make / calm and relaxed / yoga *7 Work in pairs. Cover 1-5 in exercise 6. * Read sentences a-f. Can you remember sentences 1-5? Unit 5 25

Make somebody or something 510 f Look at the pictures and complete the *y + verb sentences. Use 's making, are making, an object and a verb. We use make somebody or something + verb to describe how an event or action creates a second event or action. That made mejump. O*8 O 5.4 Listen and tick / the sentence that * is true. £ ÿ ÿ He made her shout. [/ He made her jump. 1 [I She made him stop. ÿ She made him go. 2 G He made the bird fly away. LJ He made the woman go away. 3 dJ The book made her cry. [ ] The book made her laugh. 4 ÿ She made him fall off his bike. ÿ She didn't make him fall off his bike. 5 LJ The pepper made the woman sneeze. The pepper made everyone sneeze. 6 D The dogs are making them smile. ÿ They are making the dogs dance. O*9 ©O 5.5 Answer these two questions Objects about pronunciation.Then listen and repeat be* her him them the puppet the wheel the sentence. 1 Which word in the coloured sentence has the Verbs main stress? Underline it. cry dance laugh smile sneeze spin he ma¿e her jump. _The book's making her fmile . 2 What kind of word is the underlined word? _1 The onions _2 The clowns ÿ the subject .3 The boy _ ÿ make _4 The flowers ÿ the object _5 The man ÿ the verb . 11 Work in pairs. Cover the sentences in exercise 10 and look at the pictures. How many sentences can you remember? 26 Make

Be made of + noun *13 Work in pairs. Cover the sentences in We use be made of + noun to describe objects and * exercise 12 and look at the pictures. How many sentences can you their material. remember? It'smade ofplastic ©*14 ©Os.7 Answer these two questions about pronunciation.Then listen again and repeat *12 O5.6 Look at the pictures and complete all the sentences. the sentences. Use 's madeof or 're made 1 Which word in the coloured sentence has the main stress? Underline it. of+ a noun from the box.Then listen and It's rr)Q¿e of Woo¿. check. 2 What kind of word is the underlined word? ÿ the subject Qmade ÿ the noun 15 Tick / the sentences that are correct. Correct the sentences that are wrong. ÿ Is he making the children(cry]ncj)? h he making the children cry? 1 Will it make you ill? 2 Is it made in glass? 3 Did Imake you to jump? 4 Is it make people laugh? 5 Does it make food hot? Nouns Work in pairs or groups. Choose an leather metal glass paper rubber snow object below. Ask and anser yes/no questions to guess each other's objects. wood wool rr\\Q¿e of _ÿ It's\" ry)Q¿e of VJQO¿ Unit 5 27 1 They_ 2 It_ 3 It_ 4 They. 5 It_ 6 They. _7 It

17 Work in teams. Answer as many * 18 Write the words in the correct order to make questions as possible. questions. Then interview a partner. Think of three things that ... ÿ happy / makes / what / you ... are maAe of WooA pencil? tables Aoors_ What makes you happy?_ ...are maAe of metal 1 scared/ makes/ what/ you are maAe of plastic 2 what /laugh /you /makes are maAe of leather 3 makes / angry / what/ you . .. are maAe of cotton ...make people cry 4 made of/ shoes /what/ your /are ...make people laugh .make people Sneeze 5 made of/ what's/ your/ bag ...make people scream .make peoplejump 6 what / sing / you / makes ..make people happy ...make people sa¿ 7 grow/ what/ makes/ you ..make people angry 8 hungry / you /what/ makes ...make people scareA r . .. make fooA sVJeet . .. make fooA Spicy Self-evaluation Rate your progress. . .. make Aogs happy .make cats happy 1 2 28 Make 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Verb patterns: love, like, hate and want Ican use the correct verb forms after love, like, hate,and want or would like to talk about preferences and desires. Verb + -ing form When we use two verbs together, the -IL Jl o [fuaÿJ second verb is sometimes in the -ing form and sometimes in the to + base form. If Verb 1 Verb 2 JI IWant to ride my bike nowl riding his bike. He likes Verbs ending vowel + consonant (get, swim) double the final consonant, + -ing He wants to ride his bike. get —ÿ getting We make the -ing form like this: swim —> swimming Most verbs Verbs ending in -e (ride, dance) + -ing remove -e, + -ing read —ÿ reading ride —ÿ riding wait —> waiting lose —> losing We often use the -ing form after the verbs love, like and hate. V Ilove playingcomputer games. Love, like, don't like and hate express our general preferences. / Ilike reading in bed. We often use love, like, don't like and hate + -ing to talk about X Idon't like being late for things. XX Ihate tidying my bedroom. our feelings for hobbies and everyday activities. * 1 Write the -ing forms. 7 win ©S3 O6.1 Complete the 'You' column with V, /, X and XX. Then listen to Amy and Fred, and ÿ drink drinking 8 run complete the table. 9 get _1 play _ V = love X = don't like 10 tidy / = like XX = hate 2 sit 11 find 3 have _ 12 lose You Amy Fred 13 clean _4 chat paint / XX _5 go 6 do _ Í2 Complete the text with the -ing form of the Í computer verb in brackets. gomes basketball My sister Daisy and Iare very different! She likes _doino (do) sports, but Ilike 1 games (make) things. Ilike 2_ (draw), 3_ (paint) __ _and4 (cook). Ilike 5_ (write) _stories too. Daisy hates 6 _the house. She loves 7 _ (be) inside (swim) in summer and 8_ (ski) in winter. Unit 6 29

£4 Write the correct verb in the -ing form S6 -A How do you, your family and friends */ next to each noun.Work in pairs.Tell feel about the activities below? Write your partner what you like and don't like doing. sentences. do do go draw get up listen to swim play play read swim take watch Communication _ÿ listening to_ music read speak chat online listen write letters/emails/text messages 1 in the sea 2 _ early Sport 3 jigsaw puzzles run jump swim ski play golf 4 crossword puzzles 5 pictures House work 6 magazines cook clean tidy shop for food 7 films 8 to the supermarket Hobbies 9 photos 10 board games paint draw sing act play watch 11 football COWnUNJCATlON f Ilike Watching fitmS. - Ilike chatting on tlheetteprhso.nIe¿.o[Anyt like likes Writino Idon't like ¿oing crossword puzzles. mum OJ5 Write the sentences. WIhraititneg.l.e.tters. Ilike Writing emails. ÿ They / love / take / photos They love taking photos. **ÿ/7 Work in pairs.Take turns to make 1 I/ like /chat /online sentences about the people.The name 2 She /like /run and a word in the activity start with 3 I/not like /be /late /for school the same letter. How many lines of three can you get? 4 Tom / love / write / stories Carla hates making cakes. 5 I/hate /dance George Aoesn't like going shopping. 6 He /not like /go /to the dentist Leo loves' listening to music. 7 Sally and I/love /act We've got a line of three! 8 They / not like / sing Alison Betty Carla XX Dave Edward 9 I/ like / be / outdoors / / George V V 10 She/ hate /do /sport Emma S Frank X Jill Jenny 30 Verb patterns: love, like, hate and want Isabella y XX / Leo X Katy V Molly Mike Libby y Polly / X XX Oscar X Robert Sally Pat / William XX V V Tanya X Yasmin V Tony V XX

Verb + to + base form We use want + to + base form to talk IWant to eat but I¿on't Wantto about a specific wish, desire, goal or V. cook and Idon't Want to go out ambition for the future. We don't use it to talk about our general preferences and feelings. He wants to be a doctor. Idon't want to go home. We can also use would like + to + base form Do you Wantto order to talk about our hopes and desires. We a takeaway pizza? often use it when we think about the future. I'dlike to live in the mountains. Where would you like to go? *8 ©6.2 Listen and tick / the correct answer. O 6.4 Complete the conversations with ÿ Sam _ to go to the supermarket. Othe correct form of the verbs in brackets. _a 0 doesn't want b [_] wants Then listen and check. Act the 1 Jenny wants this evening. conversations with a partner. Oÿ I'dlike to go (go) to the beach. a Q to go out b 7H t0 st°y a* home O Me too but Idon't want to go (go) in the 2 The woman _ to sit down. sea. 1 Do you want _ (stop) for lunch? Q No, I'm OK, thanks. But I'd like _ a [J doesn't want b ÿ wants (have) a cold drink. __3 Charlie would like to be _a O a teacher b an astronaut 2 £Z) Idon't want _ (go) to school 4 Ben like to work in a hospital. tomorrow. na would b ÿ wouldn't O Nor me. Idon't want _ (do) that __5 Alex doesn't want _exam. (have) lots of money! a ÿ to be rich b to be famous _6 Sue 3 CO I'dlike speak to the teacher. O Me too! I'd like (be) rich and a \\~\\ wants to b doesn't want to famous. 59 ©o 6.3 Listen to these sentences. Answer the What do you want to do? Write sentences with (don't) want and question about pronunciation. Listen again would(n't) like.Then talk about Oand repeat the sentences. your sentences in small groups. invent something travel around the world Idon't Want to go to bed. IWant to Watch a film. be famous go to university go to the moon Idon't Want to sit ¿oWn. live in another country Do you Wantto go out? IWantto go to university. IWouldn't like to live here. IWouldn't like to go to the moon. VJou\\d you like to be a doctor? How do we pronounce to in the sentences above? a /t u:/ b /to/ Unit 6 31

«h O12 «| ÿ O6.5 Read and listen. Match the pictures to words in the song. Listen again and repeat. m He loves jumping. He loves climbing. He doesn't like lying around. He'd like to be a pilot or a high skydiver. He doesn't want to stay on the ground. She likes thinking. She likes doing puzzles. She doesn't like running about. She'd like to be a scientist or maybe a spy. She wants to help and sort things out. They both love winning. They both hate losing. They don't like getting things wrong. They want to win a trophy, a gold medal or a cup. And they don't want to wait very long! Work in pairs. Underline all the 514 Read the notice. Write a text for the activities and situations in the song. competition. Circle all the jobs and ambitions.Talk * with a partner. Do you feel the same or different to the people in the song? Competition: 'My goals in life' /\")e ¿oesn't like lying aroond What are your goals? bc/tl like lying around! What would you like to do? Why? fAe too. Would you \\ Write and tell us about: Your study goals Jlike to be a pilot? Your job goals Other goals No. Ar¿ IVJou\\¿r\\'t Big prizes for the winners! like to be a fkydiver. fAy qoa\\$ I'd love to be a vet. Ilike animals and Ilove helping people. IWontto ... 32 Verb patterns: love, like, hate and want

O*15 Complete the emails with the -ing or to + base form of the verb in brackets. JJJ vJ vJ Hi Kim Dear Kim It's a beautiful day today. I really want to cook Would you like 6 __ (go) on holiday with me (cook) a nice meal this evening. What would you like (travel) to different cities 1_ (eat)? _this year? I like 7 _(visit) museums.How about you? Dad and I love 8 (do) on holiday? And What do you like where would you like 10_ (go)? Beth Hi Kim C Dear Kim Do you like 2._ (watch) films? I want 3 (see) a film this evening but I hate _I have two tickets for a piano concert on Saturday evening. Would you like 11 (come) with (go) to the cinema alone. Do you want (come) with me? me? I love 12_ (listen) to piano music. Mandy Do you? Jenny f*16 You are Kim. Reply to the emails in 1 exercise 15. * '' Self-evaluation Rate your progress. JJ 1 2 Dear Dad 3 4 Thank you. I'd like to eat fish and salad tonight. I love sitting in the garden and ... 5 6 Work in pairs.What do you like doing? 7 8 What do you want or what would you 9 10 like to do now? 11 sleep play football eat pizza be outside 12 talk to my brother be at home 13 14 Ilike eating pizza bet I¿ont 15 16 Want to eat pizza now! 17 c I'd like to be out$i¿e now. Unit 6 33

Verbs of sensation Ican recognize and use see, hear, look, sound, feel, taste and smell in different verb patterns. See, hear, smell We use see, smell and hear to talk about the sights, smells and sounds that we notice.We usually use can with these verbs of sensation. Look at these verb patterns. Verb of Object -ing form sensation \\rv1 shoutlf J* Ican see a man running. can See a Qr)irY)Q J Ican hear music playing. cooking. (¿Ican smell food * 1 Look at the picture. Complete the sentences with a word from the box + the -ing form of the verb in brackets. a dog a cat a man a woman a boy a policeman two women _ÿ Ican see a man talking (talk) on the phone. _4 Ican see (play) with a toy mouse. 1 Ican see (sleep) under a tree. _5 Ican see _ (climb) a tree. 2 Ican see _ (ride) a bike. 6 Ican see (eat) a sandwich. 3 Ican see _ (paint) a wall. 34 Verbs of sensation

2 O7.1 What can you hear? Listen and circle th Talk in small groups. What can you hear? What can you see? What can you correct answer. smell? Use the nouns and verbs below. 0ÿ Ican hear(a\"person walking)/ a horse runnin Nouns a dog a clock a plane a bird 1 Ican hear someone singing / whistling. a person the teacher my friends clouds 2 Ican hear a dog barking / a bird singing. people food pupils 3 Ican hear a clock ticking / an alarm ringing. 4 Ican hear a phone/ phones ringing. Verbs bark cook cough laugh move 5 Ican hear a man / a woman singing. shout sing ring talk tick whistle write 6 Ican hear someone coughing / sneezing. 7 Ican hear people shouting / laughing. Icon ¡near people talking. 8 Ican hear a person / people clapping. Icar see c\\ou¿$ moving. Look + adjective; look like + noun -— We use look, taste, smell, feel, sound and seem to give an opinion SnoWnna about an object, activity or person. We can use an adjective or like + noun with these verbs of sensation. To give an opinion about a feeling, we use a verb of sensation + an adjective. Subject Verb of sensation Adjective happy. She sounds She seems tired. That looks interesting. To say that a thing or person is similar to another thing or a person, we use a verb of sensation + noun. Subject Verb of sensation Like Noun Iknow. I)of Ifeel really Warm! He looks like This my brother. T-7 tastes like honey. It feels like plastic. *4 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with look or looks and an adjective from the box. hot cold sad good funny angry difficult happy _ÿ That look? good ! __1 He 2 They 3 That. 4 She_ 5 They 5\\ ÿ * 6 They 7 He_ Unit 7 35

* 5 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences * 7 Complete the second sentence so it means the with look or looks like and a noun from the box. Osame as the first. Use the adjectives in the box. bad calm good happy a interested right sweet a boat a banana a bowl of fruit a car ÿ That sounds terrible. flowers a frog stars an umbrella It doesn't sound qoo¿ _ÿ It looks like q car _1 It 1 This doesn't smell nice. _2 They _3 It This smells 2 That looks wrong. 4 They 5 It It doesn't look - 6 It 7 It 3 You look sad. You don't look very Work with a partner. Look at the pictures in exercise 5. Cover the sentences. How 4 Ifeel nervous. many sentences can you remember? Idon't feel - 36 Verbs of sensation This orange tastes bitter. It doesn't taste _ He sounds bored. He doesn't sound very O*8 Circle the correct answer. ÿ They look /(jook like)football players. 1 Idon't feel / feel like tired. Do you? 2 Excuse me.That sounds / sounds like my ptofí#. 3 Does that feel / feel like comfortable? 4 This tastes / tastes like chicken. What is it? 5 He doesn't look/ look like a doctor. 6 It feels /feels like colder today. 7 You look / look like sad. Are you OK? 8 This perfume smells / smells like flowers. o ©7.2 Match 1-4with a-e. Listen and check.Then act the mini-dialogues with a partner. _ÿ Is this glass? e 1 Is this strawberry ice cream? _2 What's that music? Is it Mozart?_ 3 Is this T-shirt green or brown? 4 What's that animal? Is it a rabbit? _ a It looks brown. b It looks like a mouse. c It sounds like Beethoven. d It tastes like raspberry. e It feels like plastic.

*10©** Work in small groups. Look at the Complete the questionnaire, then talk pictures in exercise 11 and answer the about your answers in small groups. questions. Who can finish first? Use looks and sounds. In which picture can you see ... What kind of person are you? ÿ a person standing behind a tree? _c_ 1 a person that looks like a cat? 2 a thing that looks like a very big ball? _ _a thing that looks like a kite? a person taking a photo? _ How do you feel about a person cutting paper? these activities? _ 0*11 ©7.3 Listen and number the pictures 1-5. Rate each activity 1-6. Use the key below. & paragliding _ trainspotting y zorbing kirigami free running paintballing IT Key 6 QJ) = amazing 3 . 5 (¿J/) = exciting 2 scary 1 U (G) = fun Paintballing sounds fun. -( Ithink itsounds scary, j Self-evaluation Rate your progress. EE - - Unit 7 37

Revision 2 Units 5-7 Reading and writing Complete the email with the correct form of the 1 Look and read. Choose the correct words verbs in brackets. and write them on the lines. r cakes water ice medicine onions sugar Dear Martin ÿ It makes things wet. water 1 They are made of flour, eggs, sugar and butter. _Thanks for your email.The picture made me \\aualn (laugh')! Do you like 1 (watch) They taste good. _ _motor sport? I've won two tickets for an event _2 This makes food sweet. on Saturday 17th. I love 2 (go) to things 3 They are vegetables. They make people cry. like that, but I don't want 3_ (go) on my _4 You put it in a drink and it makes the drink own. Come with me! cold. _I saw you 4 _5 It makes ill people well again. It often tastes bad. morning. He 5_ Look and read.Write yes or no. _(talk) to Mr Barnes this (seem) angry. Is everything OK? Best wishes J Jack Read the letter and write the missing words. Write one word on each line. ao honne Dear Claire Your conceri las+ weeK was fan+as+ic Iiwas wonderful -to hearyou srionghianpgp\\a)!gIaiwnaInitemda2d_e 1_+ell everyone, (I Ksan<owndheder3!_She's a Ya< professional singer and \\)a< locked ÿ The boy's hat looks like a crown, yes fan+asiic +oo was <r dress rÿade 1 The cat's made of snow--4_ wool? __2 You can see people skiing School holiday s+ari nexi weeK ___3 The boy looks angry--5 4 The girl in the green jacket looks warm \\)Cu like -to mee+ up 5 The girl in the green jacket wants to go home. some+ime -for a cha+? Mar\\j 38 Units 5-7

Listening Speaking ©5 O R4.1 Listen and write. 7 Look at the pictures and tell the story. FITNESS CLUB APPLICATION PERSONAL PROFILE Name Nathan Hardy ÿ Application period three months 1 Goals lose weight; get _ 2 Likes _ and cycling _3 Why? likes being 4 Dislikes skiing and _ 5 Why? doesn't like getting _ 6 O R4.2 What are the objects at the exhibition made of? Listen and write a letter in each box. ÿ hat [0 3 microwave oven [~~] ¡imir 1 shoes ÿ 4 boxing glove [H %ere are fireworks in the liskkey.cO-nfloewloeor k.s.. 2 armchair ÿ 5 handkerchiefs Q 8 Ask and answer the questions with a partner. jelly What can you see? ice metal What can you hear? @ 0 paper What makes you laugh? wood glass What makes you scared? What do you like doing? What would you like to do next year? JWhat can you hear? Icon hear people talking ar\\A birds pinging. Revision 2 39

Present simple and continuous Ican use the present simple to talk about facts and regular events; Ican use the present continuous to talk about things happening now, and future arrangements. Present simple rWe use the present simple to talk about Why ate you eating a Ieÿon? regular events and permanent situations. LemonS contain Lemons contain a lot of vitamin C. ro. a Iot of Vitamin C. (fact, permanent situation) Ieat one every ¿ay. Ieat one every day. Do you Want one? (regular event) We form the present simple like this: No, thanks! Affirmative Negative Questions I/ we / you / they walk I/ we / you / they don't walk (do not walk) Do I/ we / you / they walk? he/she / it walks he / she / it doesn't walk (does not walk) Does he /she /it walk? Have got means have. Notice how questions We often use adverbs of frequency like never, sometimes, often, always, every day / week / year and are formed. We use it to talk about possessions on Fridays with the present simple. and appearance. We form present simple verbs like this: They've got a bighouse. Has the town got a swimming pool? In English the verbs like, want, need, know, and Most verbs Verbs ending in Verbs ending in understand are always facts, not regular events. -ch, -o, -sh, or -ss consonant + -y We always use these verbs in the present simple form. + -s + -es + -ies Do you want one? sit —> sits watch —> watches study —» studies go -> goes walk —ÿ walks —cry > cries *1 Circle the correct answer. * 2 Complete the sentences with do, does, don't Oÿ She drink /(cjríñks)milk. or doesn't. 1 We always have / has breakfast at half past ÿ C> you do your homework seven. every night? 2 The film finish / finishes at nine o'clock. _Q Yes, I¿o 3 He doesn't like / likes chocolate. o _1 What 4 Penguins live / lives in Antarctica. _Q I this word mean? 5 Idon't /doesn't understand. 6 Ben go / goes swimming every day. know. Sorry. 7 Does Andy live / lives here? 8 Nina and Eric play / plays tennis at the weekend. 2 Í ) What _ elephants eat? 9 Do /Does you want a sandwich? O Fruit, vegetables, and nuts. O3 --your sister go to school? __Q No, she 10 Do you / Have you got a phone? 40 Present simple and continuous

* 3 Complete the sentences with the present simple Write the questions and your short answers. form of the verbs in brackets.Then match a-g ÿ you /speak Spanish? with 1-6. Do you speak Spanish? No, IA on't.:_ 1 you /study at the weekend? 2 your friends /like football? 3 you and your best friend / talk every day? 4 you / watch European and American films? 5 you /fly a kite on windy days? 6 your friends /play computer games? t s stewte take? Hate) O*6 O8.1 Listen to Martin.Choose the correct answers. photos of the band, f_ ÿ Martin speaks /(goesn't speajÿSpanish. 1 Martin's friends play / don't play football. 1 He's a cook. He _ (make) their 2 Martin and his best friend talk / don't talk every day. _breakfast, lunch and dinner. f Martin watches / doesn't watch English and American films. _2 He's a singer. He _ (sing) in their music 4 Martin flies / doesn't fly a kite on windy days. videos. 5 Martin's best friend plays / doesn't play computer games. 3 He's a fan. He _ (have) all their songs 57 Use the questions in exercise 5 to _and he _ (go) to all their concerts. * interview your partner. (love) all their music (buy) all their songs. Í James, do you speak Spanish? _ (fly) the band 4 She's a fan. She —- _and she _ No, IAon't _5 He's a pilot. He Do your friends eat meat? around the world. _ AoÿjYesj they 6 She's a hairdresser. She (wash) and _(brush) their hair. 54 Work in pairs. Look at the picture in * exercise 3. Cover the sentences. Talk about the people and their jobs. How much can you remember? she? ( She's a photographer. She -Who's J takes photos of the band. I ' Unit 8 41

Present continuous We also use the present continuous to talk about things happening around now.These are temporary situations: We use the present continuous to talk about things happening now: newspape 3 She's reaAirq a Iof of books\" at We form the present continuous like this: the ory) e Affirmative Negative Questions I'm walking I'm not walking Am Iwalking? we / you / they're walking we / you / they aren't walking Are we / you / they walking? he /she /it's walking he / she / it isn't walking Is he /she /it walking? Heidi's wearing a reddress. I'mnot thinking about it this week. IsSam coming? We're having lunch. Itisn't raining at the moment. Where are you going? Present continuous verbs change like this: Most verbs Verbs ending -e Verbs ending vowel + consonant + -ing remove -e, + -ing double the final consonant, + -ing sit —ÿ sitting sing —> singing write —> writing —put ÿ putting —look ÿ looking —smile ÿ smiling We use the present continuous to talk about future plans and arrangements with other people. I'mhaving lunch at school tomorrow. Jack's playing tennis with Edon Friday. We often use these time expressions with the present continuous for now or around now: now, this week, today, at the moment We use these time expressions with the present continuous for future arrangements: tomorrow, next Friday, on Tuesday, this evening * 8 © 8.2 Who is who? Listen and write the names. £9 Work in groups. Choose one of the Max Rosy Louise Tim Beth activities. Act it. Can the others guess what you're doing? OEdward Alice Ted Henry make a sandwich fly a kite walk the dog play tennis swim do your homework ÿ Loaire is Rosy's cousin. read a newspaper make a phone call is Louise's husband. _1 and are playing What am Idoing? _2 Are you swimming _'Scissors Paper Stone'. Yes, Iam. 3 is throwing rice. _4 Rosy's grandma, _ ,is crying. 5 is filming the wedding. 6 _ is holding the flowers. 42 Present simple and continuous

* 1C Look at the diaries. Complete the sentences Circle the present simple or present continuous to complete each conversation. with the verbs in brackets. ÿ £ Hey! Where do you go /(aréÿ you going? Carrie's diary The band's diary Q To the park.Imeet /(m~meeting)Alex for a Sunday Thursday game of tennis. Write with // a.m. Children's £1 Does Mary go /Is Mary going to Art Club Akujiefc hospital visit on Wednesdays? Monday Friday O Idon't know / 'm not knowing. shopping with Talk on a TVshow £2 ) Why do you walk /are you walking to Louise Saturday school today? Tuesday Concert in Paris Q Because my brother uses / 's using my 2p.W, - Mtt MVS Sunday bike this week. iwflvtflger Fly to New York CD3 We have /'re having a barbecue on Wednesday Saturday afternoon. Do you want / Free day!! Are you wanting to come? Thursday O Thanks, but we go / 're going to my Children's hospitalvisit grandparents' house every Saturday. _ÿ On Sunday Carrie'? writing (write) songs 13 Work in pairs. Can you find ten more with Angie B. differences? 1 She _ (go) shopping with Louise In picture 1the girl \\s Writing a letter bc/tin picture 2 she's drawing a picture. on Monday. Picture 1 2 She _ (meet) a new manager at Picture 2 2 p.m. on Tuesday. 3 She (not do) anything on Wednesday. 4 Carrie and the band (visit) a children's hospital at 11 o'clock on Thursday morning. 5 They _ (give) a concert in Paris on Saturday. 6 They _ (fly) to New York on Sunday. Work in pairs. Student A You're Carrie. Look at the diary and answer your partner's questions. Use Iand we. Student B You're a music journalist. Ask Carrie about her and the band's plans and arrangements. What are you doing on Tuesday? f I'm Writing sorys With /Angie 6. Unit 8 43

*14 O8.3 Listen to two people playing'Who am I?' Which pictures do they choose? ÿ Person 1 _ Person 2 _ yv sv 3 HT iO'5 mÿ *15 Work in pairs. Student A: Choose a picture from exercise 14 and keep it a secret. Student B: Ask five yes/no questions. Can you guess which picture student A is thinking of? 0re you a boy? re you runmn9- Is tine son fining? Yes, Iam. No, I'm 44 Present simple and continuous

*16 Complete the email with the present simple or Use the prompts to make true present continuous form of the verb in brackets. sentences. Use the present simple + always,never,sometimes, or the present Hello! continuous + today or at the moment. IÿvTjvnfinÿCwriie) +0 \\)0u from ien+ _ÿ I/wear /pink socks Inever Wear pink socks. It's our annual family summer holiday - 1 I/use /a blue pen and +he wea+her's terrible! Right now, i+ 2 I/feel / hungry _ _1 Crain) and the wind 2 (.blow) 3 I/wear /trainers It feels like winter What',s the weather 4 I/read /science fiction like with vjou toda\\j? 5 I/wear /glasses We (.stay) in a -field near the 6 I/want /lots of homework mCunlamS We 4 _ Ccome) here every _\\)ear I5 7 I/sit/ by the door Cnot Know) why Ireally _6 Cnot liKe) capping Afy thingvS 8 My English /get/ better always 7_ (.get) wet and dirts) I (.want) +o ¿ta\\j in a big hotel by the .sea in Self-evaluation Rate your progress. J-ii-. .1 uuu countryaA />/V 1 hot 2 3 cWeavmherapytin\\ajgeb?aor1?u0_tWÿohue?rCesj1o1u_/ hCasvjoCeu\\)j/oauliK/heog)loid)?ay 4 5 _Ihope the rain .stops .soon This afternoon 6 we 12 CtaKe) a boat out on the laKe 7 See you .soon 8 Tobvj 9 PS I13_ Ccome) home at the weeKend 10 11 How about \\jcu? 14_ (you / have) an\\j 12 plans for the weeKend? 13 14 *17 Write to Toby. Answer his questions. Tell him about the weather today, your 15 */ typical family holiday, and your plans 16 for today and tomorrow. 17 18 /ii Toby Unit 8 45 Thanks for your letter. I'm atinóme With my family.

Past simple Ican recognize and use the past simple to talk about past events. Was, were We use the past simple Did you see the fireworks lost for actions, events and night? They Were bnlliont! situations that happened at No, Ididn't. IWas a definite time in the past. osleep in bed. We often use past time 6utthey started IWent to bed ~[ ot seven o clock! expressions with the past early. IWas tired. simple. VJere they noisy? yesterday, yesterday morning, yesterday afternoon, last — fÿ Yesj they jWere, Oh. Well, I didn't Wake up. night, last week, in September, two days ago, in 1988 For more information on past time expressions, see Unit 22. The past simple of be has two forms: was and were. Affirmative Negative O rfj /\\ I/he /she /it was I/ he/she / it wasn't Question we / you / they were we / you / they weren't WasI/ he/she / it ...? Iwas here. Itwasn't difficult. Were we / you / they ...? You were right. They weren't late. Were you OK? Yes, Iwas. Was he in the garden? No, he wasn't. *1 Circle the correct answer. * fO Write questions with was and were and short answers with was,were, was and ÿ They was /(ÿere)here yesterday. wasn't. 1 Where was/ were you? ÿ you / at school yesterday? 2 The film was / were funny. yesterday? 3 What was/ were the weather like? VJere you at school 4 We wasn't / weren't hungry. 5 Was /Were Jill at school? No, IWasn't. 6 He wasn't / weren't a doctor. 1 it /cold 7 Was /Were Leo and Sam there? 2 your friends / happy 8 You wasn't / weren't at the cinema. yesterday? 3 you /tired last night? 46 Past simple

Past simple: regular verbs We form the past simple of regular verbs by adding -ed to the verb. play -» played ask -tasked start -» started wash-* washed Icleaned my room yesterday. They waitedfor two hours. Look at these other regular spelling rules: Add -dto verbs ending in -e. Change -y to -ied in verbs ending in consonant + -y. like-» liked share -» shared study -» studied cry-» cried Double the last letter and then add -ed to most verbs ending in one vowel and one consonant. travel -» travelled chat -» chatted We use did or didn't and the base form for questions and negative forms. Ididn't enjoy the film. When did you start that book? O* 3 Write the verbs in the past simple. ©*6 O9.2 Write the verbs in brackets in the ÿ visit virifed 5 plan * past simple, then match 1-7 with a-h. 1 rain 6 miss You can look on the internet for help. 2 tidy 7 drop Listen and check your answers. 3 call 8 cook ÿ acted (act) in films, g (compose) music. 4 try 9 receive 1. (play) tennis. ©*4 O9.1 Listen and repeat. 3. (paint) pictures. /d/: climbed, stayed, enjoyed 5. (live) from 1935 to 1977. /t/: jumped, walked, watched 6 7 (die) in 2009. /id/: wanted, ended, landed (invent) the X-rau machine. fctiiHiri stars anH nlanets. 15 Complete the affirmative and negative past simple sentences and questions. ÿ Iusually play tennis. (+) Yesterday, Iployed_ football. a Billie Jean King b Elvis Presley _1 We usually chat online. on the phone. c Pyotr Tchaikovsky (-) Yesterday, we d Marie Curie e Galileo Galilei 2 Do you like the food today? f Vincent Van Gogh g Cary Grant (?) -the food yesterday? h Michael Jackson _3 He lives in this house now. (+) He in this house 5 years ago. _4 My sister doesn't want to go. (-) She to go last week. 5 Does it work now? (?) yesterday? _6 Istudy Japanese. Japanese in 1974. (+) My aunt Unit 9 47

* 7 Complete the magazine article with the past simple form of the verb in brackets. A Two Young Adventurers Solo Round-the-World Sailors Michael Perham and Jessica Watson are the Cape Horn because there World's two youngest round-the-world sailors. 9_ (be) bad Michael was (be) born in the UK in 1992. storms in the Southern When he was 17 he 1_ (sail) around _Ocean. Instead he _the world alone. At the time he 2 (be) 1(sail) through 0 the Panama Canal. the youngest person to do this. Jessica 11_ (be) born in Australia in _Michael 3 (start) 1993. When she was a child she had sailing lessons. For five years she and her family _his journey in November 2008 1_ (not / live) in a house or fla2t: they and 4 (finish) 1_ (live) on a boat at sea. 3 _it in August 2009. He originally In 2010 she 14_ (want) to do the (complete) her first solo round-the-world sailing trip - journey in four months at the age of just 16. She without any help. -15 (not / receive) Inthe end, this 6_ (not / be) possible any help on her trip. because of problems with his boat. _There 7 (be) also problems with the weather. He 8_ (not / sail) around ' O* *8 Work in pairs. Cover the article in £9 f Complete the questions with was, were * exercise 7. Look at the pictures below or did. and write J (Jessica) or M (Michael). _ÿ What did you watch on TV yesterday? 1 How your weekend? Make sentences in the past simple with your partner. _2 Where _ you live in 2008? 3 you study for any exams last month? 4 Where _ you at four o'clock yesterday afternoon? _5 _ a friend phone you yesterday? 5ÿ7 6 Where you born? / 7 What _ the weather like yesterday? he] 8 When _ you start learning English? sur 510 Use the questions in exercise 10 to interview a partner. Jessica ha¿ problems With her boat. What AiA you Watch or, TV yesterAay? Noj tAichae I haA IWatched a film. problems With his boat. 48 Past simple

Past simple: irregular verbs *13 Complete the email with the past simple form of the verb in brackets. Many verbs have an irregular past simple form. come -> came —say ÿ said do —> did see —> saw fall -> fell sit -> sat sing -> sang —find > found go —> went sleep —> slept have -> had take-» took put -* put think -> thought ring —ÿ rang win —» won UVe wenf fo fhe shops. Iboughtsome books. For a longer list of irregular verbs, see page 160. We use did or didn't + base form for questions and Dear Grandpa negative forms. How are you? I rang (ring) you yesterday but Grandma said you were in the garden. He didn't say that! Where did you get that pen? Guess what? Tommy 1_ (come) to our _house yesterday. He 2 *11 ©9.3 Look at the list of irregular verbs on (bring) a fish with _ _him! He 3 ©page 160. Write the past simple forms of these (say), 41 4 (catch) it verbs. Then listen and repeat. in the river.' ÿ give gave 10 hit _Mum cooked the fish and Dad 5 (make) 1 leave 11 meet 2 swim 12 eat a salad. We 6_ (sit) and 7. - (eat) in the garden. We all 8_ (have) a fantastic 3 lie 13 lose evening. 4 run 14 sleep See you soon. 5 read 15 write John 16 spend 6 sit 7 drink 17 get 8 hurt 18 begin OO 9.4 Complete the conversations. 19 say 9 make Then listen and check. Act the 512 Complete the table with the base form of the conversations with a partner. sJ verbs. Look at the list of irregular verbs on ÿo Did you drink my juice? page 160. Q _No, I¿rank my juice! ÿ come came 5 sang Oi Did you sleep in a tent? rang ÿ become became 6 _Q No, we on the beach! O1 slept 7 told 2 _ a newspaper? 2 kept 8 sold Q No, Igot a magazine. O3 thought 9 taught 3 Did you meet Julie? O4 No, I_ Jenny. brought 10 caught O4 _ any birds? Q No, but Isaw some butterflies. 5 O Did you have lunch? Q Yes, I_ a sandwich. Unit 9 49

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