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INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK – TERM 3 ENGLISH, MATHEMATICS, EVS Enhanced Edition 3 Name: ___________________________________ Section: ________________ Roll No.: _________ School: __________________________________ NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 1 1/7/2019 2:30:32 PM

English Contents Class 3 10 The Adventures of the Singh Family ���������������������������������������������������������������� 1 11 Aeroplane ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 7 12 Tania Visits Tanali �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11 S4 Speaking Project �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15 R4 Reading Comprehension ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 16 Glossary ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19 NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 2 1/7/2019 2:30:33 PM

10 The Adventures of the Singh Family Exploring the World Listen and Say Aloud Words with the hard ‘g’ sound Words with the soft ‘g’ sound goat flag cage bridge eagle good giraffe huge The table above has words with the hard ‘g’ sound (like ‘g’ in ‘gas’) and the soft ‘g’ sound (like ‘g’ in ‘page’). Warm Up • H ave you ever visited palaces, castles or forts? Did you know that a fort has strong walls so that nobody could enter them easily? • Imagine that you went to visit a fort and found a lost treasure. What would you do with the treasure? Let us read an interesting story about a family that discovers lost treasure in a fort. NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 3 1 1/7/2019 2:30:33 PM

Reading the Text The Singh family is on their summer vacation. They are visiting the Ramgarh fort in Chandigarh. It was a steep and long climb to the fort. ‘Come on children, we are almost there’, called Mummy to Noor and Aman. steep ‘Why is the road like this?’ asked Aman as he huffed and puffed. ‘The road was made in such a way that the huffed and puffed elephants could only climb the hill slowly. It also prevented the elephants from breaking the main gate and entering the fort’, explained Daddy. ‘Amazing’, said Noor. ‘Tell us more about Ramgarh fort’, said the children. wealth ‘In olden times, it was a very wealthy kingdom. whispers Once, there were whispers that an attack was being planned. The Maharaja secretly hid all his wealth. But before he could tell anyone about it, he died. The treasure was never found.’ N oor and Aman’s eyes widened with wonder. shields ‘What an exciting story! How we wish we could find it!’ they said. The children enjoyed seeing the fort. ‘Look at the heavy swords! And the shields!’ said Aman. ‘The walls are very thick; no enemy could possibly break through them’, said Noor. swords ‘See how the passages are dark and then suddenly there is light. The enemies would be blinded by it and would not be able to see’, said Mummy. passage 2 1/7/2019 2:30:33 PM NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 4

‘There were different halls for court matters, storerooms, guard rooms and stables. A secret well provided drinking water. The Maharaja’s room was large, airy and at the top of the fort’, informed Daddy. T he view from the windows was beautiful. As they went fireplace around the huge room, they saw a fireplace at one end. chimney Suddenly, a lizard ran up into the chimney. Aman went close to the fireplace and tried to see where the lizard was. ‘Mummy, Daddy! Come quickly; there is a ledge in the chimney’, he shouted. Everyone rushed to where he was standing. There was a small ledge in the chimney just out of sight. Daddy put his hand in and felt around it. ‘There ledge is something kept here’, he said. He could feel a small package, which he carefully brought out. It was a small seal leather pouch with the royal seal on it. ‘Open it fast!’ begged Noor. They opened it and found a gold coin with a letter containing instructions. ‘This must be part of the treasure!’ the children exclaimed. exclaimed Did Noor and Aman find the treasure? Yes, they did, but that is another story. Let Us Discuss 1) Which fort did the family visit? 2) What did the Maharaja hide? 3) What did the children enjoy seeing? 4) What did they find in the chimney? The Adventures of the Singh Family 3 NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 5 1/7/2019 2:30:33 PM

Understanding the Text Exercise 1: New words Meaning Word steep huffed and puffed prevented whispers wealth swords shields passages fireplace chimney ledge seal exclaimed Exercise 2: Literature comprehension 1) Why was the road to the fort steep and long? Ans.   2) Why were the passages dark and then suddenly bright? Ans.   4 1/7/2019 2:30:33 PM NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 6

3) Describe the rooms in the fort. Ans.    Exercise 3: Read and answer Read the sentences and write whether they are true or false. 1) The road to Ramgarh Fort was made in such a way that elephants could climb the hill quickly. ________________ 2) In olden days, Ramgarh was a very wealthy kingdom. ________________ 3) The passages in the fort were dark. ________________ 4) The Maharaja’s room was large, airy and at the top of the fort. ________________ 5) The family opened the leather pouch and found many gold coins in it. ________________ Exercise 4: Value-based questions – Judgement and appreciation 1) Do you think the fort was well protected? Ans.     The Adventures of the Singh Family 5 NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 7 1/7/2019 2:30:33 PM

2) D o you think the family found the treasure? Where do you think the treasure was hidden? Ans.     Speaking Task Recitation (Individual) Learn this poem by Tony Mitton and recite it in class. Many Ways to Travel There are many ways to travel And one that I like, Is to zoom down a hill, On a mountain bike. There are many ways to travel And another that is nice, Is to slide on a sledge, On the snow and ice. There are many ways to travel And isn’t it fun, To sail on the sea, In the wind and Sun? There are many ways to travel But the best by far, Is to ride on a rocket, To a distant star! 6 1/7/2019 2:30:33 PM NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 8

11 Aeroplane Exploring the World Listen and Say Aloud Word Rhyming word around ground cloud loud skies rise Warm Up • Have you ever heard the sound of aeroplanes as they fly? • Can you name a few things and creatures that can fly? Let us read a poem about the enjoyable experience of flying high in an aeroplane. NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 9 7 1/7/2019 2:30:33 PM

Reading the Text starter I press on the starter, brush The propeller whirls around. swoop My aeroplane and I Brush over the ground. I lift from the field, propeller The motor roars out loud, Far below is the earth, Above me a bright cloud. I dip and I drop dip I swoop and I rise – Oh, it’s fun to be flying way up in the skies. (Source: transport-poems-for-children) Let Us Discuss 1) What does the poet press to begin flying the aeroplane? 2) Who brushes over the ground with what? 3) What is far below the poet? 4) What is above the poet? Understanding the Text Meaning Exercise 1: New words 1/7/2019 2:30:33 PM Word starter propeller 8 NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 10

Word Meaning brush dip swoop Exercise 2: Literature comprehension 1) When and how does the motor roar? Ans.   2) How does the poet fly way up in the skies? Ans.   3) According to the poet, what is fun? Ans.   Exercise 3: Read and answer In the poem, around and ground, loud and cloud are rhyming words. Find two rhyming words for the following words. 1) whirl: _________________________ _________________________ 2) brush: _________________________ _________________________ 3) roar: _________________________ _________________________ 4) drop: _________________________ _________________________ 5) rise: _________________________ _________________________ Aeroplane 9 NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 11 1/7/2019 2:30:34 PM

Exercise 4: Value-based questions – Judgement and appreciation 1) Imagine that you could fly an aeroplane like the poet. How would you feel? Write your thoughts in two or three sentences. Ans.    2) If you were given wings for a day, what would you do? Ans.    Speaking Task Group activity Your teacher will ask a student to go in front of the class and perform a few actions. Look at the student. From the list given below, guess which of the actions they are doing. Make sentences using these words or phrases. Read them aloud in class. Actions: •  shake hands •  frown •  stretch •  yawn •  wave •  sit with arms crossed 10 1/7/2019 2:30:34 PM NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 12

12 Tania Visits Tanali Listen and Say Aloud Letters ‘-ed’ Letters ‘-ed’ Letters ‘gh’ making Letters ‘ph’ making making the ‘d’ making the ‘t’ the ‘f’ sound the ‘f’ sound sound sound rough alphabet called liked enough elephant rained packed Warm Up • Do you think that we can travel to lands far and away in our minds? • W hat kind of place would you like to visit? What would it be like? Wear your creative caps and share your thoughts. Let us read the story about a girl named Tania. She visits a fantasy land using her imagination. NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 13 11 1/7/2019 2:30:34 PM

Reading the Text ‘I visited Kullu Manali during the Dussehra holidays. I saw the famous temple and…’ Shivani went on and on about the places she had visited, the food she ate, the hotel she stayed in and the fun she had. chatter Tania smiled at her classmate, but she secretly wished that Shivani would stop her chatter! How Tania wished to go on holidays like Shivani did. She wanted to visit all those far-off places with her parents. But Tania knew that this was not possible. Her parents worked very hard in a factory. They were not allowed to take even a single holiday. ‘Tania! So, like last time, this time too . . .?’ Shivani asked Tania. ‘No, this time, we went on a holiday to a very beautiful place called Tanali.’ Shivani was surprised. ‘Tan… what?’ Just then, the bell rang. ‘Shivani, I will be late for my bus. I’ll tell you everything tomorrow. Bye.’ ‘So, where is Tanali?’ Rohan, Tania’s elder brother, asked her. ‘There is no Tanali. It is just my imagination. In our minds, we can create anything we like. Right?’ answered Tania. ‘Come and sit here with me’, said Rohan. He storeroom had taken out an old, red rug from the rug storeroom. ‘This is our magic carpet. On this magic carpet, we can fly to the land of our dreams: Tanali.’ carpet T ania’s face suddenly brightened. She jumped on desert to the carpet and sat down next to her brother. ‘OK, close your eyes’, he said. ‘Magic carpet, take us to Tanali!’ said Rohan loudly. ‘What do you see in Tanali, Princess Tania?’ mountains ‘I see jungles, lions and snakes. Look! I see sea mountains up there! I see a desert below! And I see the sea next to the desert!’ 12 1/7/2019 2:30:34 PM NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 14

Rohan was confused. ‘How can the mountains, desert and sea all be in one place?’ ‘They can be. Tanali can be whatever Tania wants it to be! It is Tania’s Tanali’, said Tania with confidence. ‘So, what do you see now?’ ‘I see and smell the most delicious food in Tanali. Chaat, pakodi, confused laddoos, biryani, kheer.’ ‘What a place Tanali is!’ said Rohan. ‘Yes, it is much better than Shivani’s Manali. I have explored the world on my magic carpet. No one has a magic carpet like me!’ ‘Who has an imagination like Tania?’ asked Rohan. explored ‘No one but me!’ Tania kept clapping her hands and dancing around the red rug. – Surbhi Sarna Let Us Discuss 1) Where did Shivani go for the Dussehra holidays? 2) Where did Tania’s parents work? 3) Which place did Tania say she had visited? 4) How did Rohan and Tania visit Tanali? Understanding the Text Meaning Exercise 1: New words Word chatter rug storeroom Tania Visits Tanali 13 NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 15 1/7/2019 2:30:34 PM

Word Meaning carpet mountains desert sea confused explored Speaking Task Role play In pairs, enact the conversation between Shivani and Tania or Tania and Rohan. You can add your own dialogues. The preparation time is five minutes. The presentation time will be two minutes. 14 1/7/2019 2:30:34 PM NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 16

S4 Speaking Project Create a mini-project about the place that you want to visit the most in India. Present your project before your class. You can create your project on a chart or even make a travel book. Collect the following information: 1) What are the main attractions of the place? Hints: Bengaluru has the Vidhana Soudha, Lal Bagh and so on. Hyderabad has the Charminar, Golconda Fort and so on. 2) What do you get there to buy or eat? Draw or paste images of these items on your chart or in your travel book. Make rough notes here before you start the project. NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 17 15 1/7/2019 2:30:34 PM

R4 Reading Comprehension Passage 1 Read the story and answer the questions given below. A donkey was grazing near a forest. He saw a lion’s skin lying on the ground. He decided to wear it and act like a lion. He thought that everyone would be scared and would listen to him. He walked into the forest, and all the animals thought he was a lion. They were scared. A clever fox saw him and realised that he was a donkey wearing a lion’s skin. So, he came to the donkey and said, ‘I am afraid of lions. But, I am not scared of a donkey wearing a lion’s skin.’ The donkey heard this, got scared and ran away quickly. Moral: Never act like someone you are not. 1) What did the donkey see lying on the ground? Ans.    2) What happened when the donkey walked into the forest? Ans.    3) U nderline the pronouns and state whether they are subject pronouns or object pronouns. a) He wore the lion skin. – ____________________________ b) The animals were scared of him. – ____________________________ 16 1/7/2019 2:30:34 PM NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 18

c) They realised that the donkey was wearing a lion skin. – _______________________ 4) Write two words from the passage that have the same meaning as ‘fear’. Ans.    5) Match the words to their correct meanings. Column A Column B 1)  grazing a)  to behave like someone else 2)  clever b)  eating grass in a forest or field 3)  act c)  smart; having knowledge Passage 2 Read the story and answer the questions given below. One day, two cats found a piece of bread. They decided to share it and cut it into halves. One half of the bread was a little bigger than the other. So, the cats started fighting for the bigger piece. A monkey was passing by. The cats asked him to help them decide. The monkey was smart and greedy. He said, ‘Let me help you.’ He ate small bites of both pieces of bread. He told the cats that he was making them equal. The cats saw that the pieces had become very small. They said, ‘We will take the pieces now.’ But the monkey ate all the pieces of bread and left. Moral: Never trust unknown people with your problems. 1) What did the two cats find? Ans.   Reading Comprehension 17 NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 19 1/7/2019 2:30:34 PM

2) Who did the cats ask for help? Ans.   3) Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions from the brackets. a) T he piece of bread was ___________________________ the road. (at the side of / over) b) The monkey was sitting ___________________________ a tree. (between/beside) c) The monkey put the bread ____________________________ his mouth. (under/into) 4) Write a word from the passage that is the homophone for the word ‘peace’. Ans.   5) Match the words to their correct meanings. Column A Column B 1)  greedy a)  give some of what we have to others 2)  share b)  of the same size 3)  equal c)  always wanting more 18 1/7/2019 2:30:34 PM NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 20

Glossary Sr. No. Words Meaning to move gently against something 1 brush (v.) a thick woven material used to cover a part of the floor in a decorative manner 2 carpet (n.) quick, foolish talk a long pipe on top of a house for smoke to come out 3 chatter (n.) unable to think clearly a dry, sandy area with less water and life 4 chimney (n.) to move quickly downward a sudden shout in excitement or surprise 5 confused (adj.) travelled through a new area to learn something new a small place where a fire is lit to keep the room warm 6 desert (n.) breathed loudly in a tired manner 7 dip (v.) a narrow shelf that comes out of a wall 8 exclaimed (v.) large hills narrow pathways or corridors 9 explored (v.) to stop something from happening a fan-like object that moves an aeroplane or ship 10 fireplace (n.) a small carpet a large body of salt water 11 huffed and puffed (phr.) 12 ledge (n.) 13 mountains (n.) 14 passages (n.) 15 prevented (v.) 16 propeller (n.) 17 rug (n.) 18 sea (n.) NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 21 1/7/2019 2:30:34 PM

Sr. No. Words Meaning a symbol of an important person, which is stamped on 19 seal (n.) wax large pieces of metal or wood that are used to protect 20 shields (n.) oneself during battles 21 starter (n.) a button to start an engine 22 steep (adj.) 23 storeroom (n.) a land with a sharp slope 24 swoop (v.) 25 swords (n.) a small room where unused things are kept 26 wealth (n.) 27 whispers (n.) to move down fast through the air towards something long metal blades with a handle that has a sharp point and edge having plenty of riches or money spoken in a low tone n. Key v. noun adj. verb adv. phr. adjective adverb phrase NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 22 1/7/2019 2:30:34 PM

Mathematics Contents Class 9 Fractions 3 9.1 F  raction as a Part of a Whole  1 9.2  Fraction of a Collection  7 10 Money 13 16 10.1 C  onvert Rupees to Paise  20 10.2 A  dd and Subtract Money with Conversion  22 10.3 M  ultiply and Divide Money  10.4  Rate Charts and Bills  29 35 11 Measurements 39 11.1  Conversion of Standard Units of Length  45 11.2 C  onversion of Standard Units of Weight  11.3 C  onversion of Standard Units of Volume  12 Data Handling 12.1  Record Data Using Tally Marks  NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 23 1/7/2019 2:30:34 PM

Chapter Fractions 9 Let Us Learn About • fractions as a part of a whole and their representation. • identify parts of fractions. • fractions of a collection. • applying the knowledge of fractions in real life. Concept 9.1: Fraction as a Part of a Whole Think Farida and her three friends, Joseph, Salma and Rehan, went on a picnic. Farida had only one apple with him. He wanted to share it equally with everyone. What part of the apple does each of them get? Recall Look at the rectangle shown below. We can divide the whole rectangle into many equal parts. Consider the following: 1 1/7/2019 2:30:34 PM NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 24

1 part: 2 equal parts: 3 equal parts: 4 equal parts: 5 equal parts: and so on. Let us understand the concept of parts of a whole through an activity. & Remembering and Understanding Suppose we want to share an apple with our friends. First, we count our friends with whom we want to share the apple. Then, we cut it into as many equal pieces as the number of persons. Thus, each person gets an equal part of the apple after division. Parts of a whole A complete or full object is called a whole. Observe the following parts of a chocolate bar: whole 2 equal parts 3 equal parts 4 equal parts We can divide a whole into equal parts as shown above. Each such division has a different name. To understand this better, let us do an activity. Fractions 2 NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 25 1/7/2019 2:30:34 PM

Activity: Halves Take a square piece of paper. Fold it into two equal parts as shown. Each of the equal parts is called a ‘half’. ‘Half’ means 1 out of 2 equal parts. Putting these 2 equal parts together makes the complete piece of paper. We write ‘1 out of 2 equal parts’ as 1 . 2 In 1 , 1 is the number of parts taken and 2 is the total number of equal parts the whole 2 is divided into. Note: 1 and 1 make a whole. 2 2 Thirds In figure (a), observe that the three parts are not equal. We can also divide a whole into three equal parts. Fold a rectangular piece of paper as shown in figures (b) and (c). 11 1 33 3 three parts three equal parts Fig. (c) Fig. (a) Fig. (b) Each equal part is called a third or one-third. The shaded part in figure (c) is one out of three equal parts. So, we call it a one-third. Two out of three equal parts of figure (c) are not shaded. We call it two-thirds (short form of 2 one-thirds). We write one-third as 1 and two-thirds as 2 . 3 3 Note: 1 , 1 and 1 or 1 and 2 makes a whole. 3 3 3 3 3 3 1/7/2019 2:30:34 PM NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 26

Fourths Similarly, fold a square piece of paper into four equal parts. Each of them is called a fourth or a quarter. In figure (d), the four parts are not equal. In figure (e), each equal part is called a fourth or a quarter and is written as 1 . 4 1 Four parts 4 Fig. (d) 1 4 1 4 1 4 Four equal parts Fig. (e) Two out of four equal parts are called two-fourths and three out of four equal parts are called three-fourths, written as 2 and 3 respectively. 44 Note: Each of 1 and 3 ; 1 , 1 , 1 and 1 and 1 , 1 and 2 make a whole. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 The total number of equal parts a whole is divided into is called the denominator. The number of such equal parts taken is called the numerator. Representing the parts of a whole as  Numerator  is called a fraction. Numbers of  Denominator  the form Numerator are called fractions. Thus, a fraction is a part of a whole. Denominator Fractions 4 NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 27 1/7/2019 2:30:34 PM

For example, 1 , 1 , 1, 2 and so on are fractions. 2 3 4 3 Let us now see a few examples. Example 1: Identify the fraction for the shaded parts in the figures below. a) b) Solution: Steps Solved Solve this a) b) Step 1: Count the number of equal parts, the figure is divided into Total number of Total number of equal (Denominator). parts = _______ equal parts = 8 Number of parts shaded Step 2: Count the number of Number of parts = ______ shaded parts (Numerator). shaded = 5 Step 3: Write the fraction Fraction = 5  Numerator  . 8  Denominator  Fraction = Example 2: The circular disc shown in the figure is divided into equal parts. What fraction of the disc is painted yellow? Write the fraction of the disc that is painted white. Solution: Total number of equal parts of the disc is 16. The fraction of the disc that is painted yellow = Number of parts painted yellow = 3 Total number of equal parts 16 The fraction of the disc that is painted white = Number of parts painted white = 7 Total number of equal parts 16 5 1/7/2019 2:30:35 PM NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 28

Application We have learnt to identify the fraction of a whole using the shaded parts. We can learn to shade a figure to represent a given fraction. Let us see some examples. Example 3: Shade a square to represent these fractions: 1 2 3 d) 1 a) 4 b) 3 c) 5 2 Solution: We can represent the fractions as: Steps Solved 2 Solve these 1 1 3 3 2 Step 1: Identify the Denominator 5 Denominator denominator and the 4 = = numerator. Denominator Numerator Denominator Numerator =4 = = Step 2: Draw the Numerator = 1 = required shape. Divide it into as many Numerator equal parts as the denominator. = Step 3: Shade the number of equal parts as the numerator. This shaded part represents the given fraction. Example 4: Colour the shapes to represent the given fractions. Fractions 1 2 1 4 5 2 Shapes Fractions 6 NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 29 1/7/2019 2:30:35 PM

Solution: We can represent the fractions as: Fractions 1 2 1 4 5 2 Shapes Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Let us see an example of a real-life situation involving fractions. Example 5: A square shaped garden has coconut trees in a quarter of its land. It has mango trees in two quarters and neem trees in another quarter. Draw a figure of the garden and represent its parts. Solution: Fraction of the garden covered by Coconut coconut trees = Quarter = 1 trees 4 Neem trees Fraction of the garden covered by Mango 1 trees mango trees = 2 Quarters = 2 Fraction of the garden covered by neem trees = Quarter = 1 4 So, the square garden is as shown in the figure. Concept 9.2: Fraction of a Collection Think Farida has a bunch of roses. Some of them are red, some white and some yellow. Farida wants to find the fraction of roses of each colour. How can she find that? 7 1/7/2019 2:30:35 PM NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 30

Recall We know that a complete or a full object is called a whole. We also know that we can divide a whole into equal number of parts. Let us answer these to revise the concept. Divide these into equal number of groups as given in the brackets. Draw circles around them. a)  [3 groups] b)  [2 groups] c)  [5 groups] & Remembering and Understanding To find the part or the fraction of a collection, find the number of each type of object out of the total collection. Finding a half We can find different fractions of a collection. Suppose there are 10 pens in a box. To find a half of them, we divide them into two equal parts. Each equal part is a half. Each equal part has 5 pens, as 10 ÷ 2 = 5. So, 1 of 10 is 5. 2 Finding a third Fractions 8 One-third is 1 out of 3 equal parts. In the given figure, there are 12 bananas. 1/7/2019 2:30:35 PM NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 31

To find a third, we divide them into three equal parts. Each equal part is a third. Each equal part has 4 bananas, as 12 ÷ 3 = 4. So, 1 of 12 is 4. 3 11 1 33 3 Finding a fourth (or a quarter) One-fourth is 1 out of 4 equal parts. In the figure, there are 8 books. To find a fourth, divide the number of books into 4 equal parts. 1 1 1 1 444 4 Each equal part has 2 books, as 8 ÷ 4 = 2. So, 1 of 8 is 2. 4 Let us see an example to find the fraction of a collection. Example 6: Find the fraction of the coloured parts of the shapes. Shapes Fractions 9 1/7/2019 2:30:35 PM NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 32

Solution: The fractions of the coloured parts of the shapes are – Shapes Fractions 2 6 3 6 5 8 Application We can apply the knowledge of fractions in many real-life situations. Let us see a few examples. Example 7: A basket has 64 flowers. Half of them are roses, a quarter of them are marigolds and a quarter of them are lotus. How many roses, marigolds and lotus are there in the basket? Solution: Total number of flowers = 64 Half of the flowers are roses. The number of roses = 1 of 64 = 64 ÷ 2 = 32 2 A quarter of the flowers are marigolds. Train My Brain 1 The number of marigolds = 4 of 64 = 64 ÷ 4 = 16 A quarter of the flowers are lotus. 1 The number of lotus = 4 of 64 = 64 ÷ 4 = 16 Therefore, there are 32 roses, 16 marigolds and 16 lotus in the basket. Example 8: There is a bunch of balloons with three different colours. Write the fraction of balloons of each colour. Solution: Total number of balloons = 15 Number of green balloons = 2 2 Therefore, fraction of green balloons is 15 . Fractions 10 NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 33 1/7/2019 2:30:35 PM

Number of yellow balloons = 3 3 Therefore, fraction of yellow balloons is 15 . Number of red balloons = 10 10 Therefore, fraction of red balloons = 15 Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) In some real-life situations, we need to find a fraction of some goods such as fruits, vegetables, milk, oil and so on. Let us now see one such example. Example 9: One kilogram of apples costs ` 16 and one kilogram of papaya costs ` 20. If Rita buys 1 kg of apples and 1 kg of papaya, how much 2 4 money did she spend? Solution: Cost of 1 kg apples = ` 16 Cost of 1 kkg apples = 1 of ` 16 = ` 16 ÷2 = `8 2 2 (To find a half, we divide by 2) Cost of 1 kg papaya = ` 20 Cost of 1 kkg papaya = 1 ooff ` 20 = ` 20 ÷ 4 = ` 5 4 4 (To find a fourth, we divide by 4) Therefore, the money spent by Rita = ` 8 + ` 5 = ` 13 Therefore, Sujay has solved 10 problems. Drill Time Concept 9.1: Fraction as a Part of a Whole 1) Find the numerator and the denominator in each of these fractions. 2 b) 1 2 a) 5 7 c) 3 45 d) 9 e) 7 11 1/7/2019 2:30:35 PM NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 34

2) Identify the fractions of the shaded parts. a) b) c) d) e) Concept 9.2: Fraction of a Collection 3) Find fraction of coloured parts. a) b) c) d) e) 4) Find 1 and 1 of the following collection. 2 4 5) Word Problems a) A circular disc is divided into 12 equal parts. Venu shaded 1 of the disc 4 pink and 1 of the disc green. How many parts of the disc are shaded? How 3 many parts are not shaded? them are unruled and 1 of them are four-ruled. b) J ohn has 24 notebooks. 1 of 6 2 How many books are (a) unruled and (b) four-ruled? Fractions 12 NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 35 1/7/2019 2:30:35 PM

Chapter Money 10 Let Us Learn About • converting rupees to paise and vice-versa. • adding and subtracting money. • multiplying and dividing money. • making rate charts and bills. Concept 10.1: Convert Rupees to Paise Think Farida has ` 38 in her piggy bank. She wants to know how many paise she has. Do you know? Recall We have learnt to identify different coins and currency notes. We have also learnt that 100 paise make a rupee. Let us learn more about money. 1 rupee = 100 paise 100 p = 1 rupee Let us revise the concept about money. a) Identify the value of the given coin.  [ ] (A) ` 1 (B) ` 2 (C) ` 5 (D) ` 10 13 NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 36 1/7/2019 2:30:35 PM

b) The ` 500 note among the following is: [] (A) (B) (C) (D) c) The combination that has the greatest value is: [] (A) (B) (C) (D) & Remembering and Understanding Let us understand the conversion of rupees to paise through an activity. Activity: The students must use their play money (having all play notes and coins). As the teacher writes the rupees on the board, each student picks the exact number of paise in it. There can be many combinations for the same amount of rupees. For example, 1 rupee is 100 paise. So, the students may take two 50 paise coins. Money 14 NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 37 1/7/2019 2:30:35 PM

Let us understand the conversion through some examples. Example 1: Convert the given rupees into paise: a) ` 2 b) ` 5 c) ` 9 Solution: We know that 1 rupee = 100 paise a) ` 2 = 2 × 100 paise = 200 paise b) ` 5 = 5 × 100 paise = 500 paise c) ` 9 = 9 × 100 paise = 900 paise Similarly, we can convert paise into rupees. Converting paise into rupees is the reverse process of converting rupees into paise. Example 2: Convert 360 paise to rupees. Solution: We can convert paise to rupees as: Steps Solved Solve this 360 paise 380 paise Step 1: Write the given 360 paise paise as hundreds of paise. = 300 paise + 60 paise Step 2: Rearrange 300 300 paise paise as a product of 100 = (3 × 100) paise + 60 paise paise. ` 3 + 60 paise Step 3: Write in rupees. = 3 rupees 60 paise Application Let us see some real-life examples involving the conversion of rupees into paise and paise to rupees. Example 3: Anil has ` 10 with him. How many paise does he have? Solution: 1 rupee = 100 paise So, 10 rupees = 10 × 100 paise = 1000 paise Therefore, Anil has 1000 paise with him. Example 4: Raj has 670 paise. How many rupees does he have? Solution: Amount with Raj = 670 paise 15 1/7/2019 2:30:35 PM NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 38

= 600 paise + 70 paise = (6 × 100) paise + 70 paise = ` 6 + 70 paise = 6 rupees 70 paise Therefore, Raj has 6 rupees 70 paise. Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Observe this example where conversion of rupees to paise and that of paise to rupees are mostly useful. Example 5: Vani has ` 4, Gita has ` 5 and Ravi has 470 paise. Who has the least amount of money? Solution: Amount Vani has = ` 4 Amount Gita has = ` 5 Amount Ravi has = 470 paise To compare money, all the amounts must be in the same unit. So, let us first convert the amounts from rupees to paise. ` 4 = (4 × 100) = 400 paise ` 5 = (5 × 100) = 500 paise Now, arranging the money in ascending order, we get 400 < 470 < 500. Therefore, Vani has the least amount of money. Concept 10.2: Add and Subtract Money with Conversion Think Farida’s father bought a toy car for ` 56 and a toy bus for ` 43. How much did he spend altogether? How much change does he get if he gives ` 100 to the shopkeeper? Money 16 NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 39 1/7/2019 2:30:35 PM

Recall Recall that two or more numbers are added by writing them one below the other. This method of addition is called the column method. We know that rupees and paise are separated using a dot or a point. In the column method, we write money in such a way that the dots or points are placed exactly one below the other. The rupees are placed under rupees and the paise under paise. Let us recall a few concepts about money through these questions. a) 50 paise + 50 paise = ________________ b) ` 50 – ` 10 = _______________ c) ` 20 + ` 5 + 50 paise = ______________ d) ` 20 + ` 10 = _______________ e) ` 50 – ` 20 = _______________ & Remembering and Understanding While adding and subtracting money, we write numbers one below the other and add or subtract as needed. Let us understand this through some examples. Example 6: Add: ` 14.65 and ` 23.80 Solution: We can add two amounts as: Steps Solved Solve these Step 1: Write the given numbers `p `p with the points exactly one below 1 4. 6 5 the other, as shown. + 2 3. 8 0 4 1. 5 0 + 4 5. 7 5 17 1/7/2019 2:30:35 PM NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 40

Step 2: First add the paise. `p `p Regroup the sum if needed. Write 1 the sum under paise. Place the 1 4. 6 5 3 8. 4 5 dot just below the dot. + 2 3. 8 0 + 3 5. 6 0 . 45 Step 3: Add the rupees. Add `p `p the carry forward (if any) from 1 2 3. 6 5 the previous step. Write the sum 1 4. 6 5 + 1 4. 5 2 under rupees. + 2 3. 8 0 3 8. 4 5 Solve these `p Step 4: Write the sum of the given ` 14.65 + ` 23. 80 amounts. Paise is always written in = ` 38.45 8 0. 7 5 two digits after the point. − 4 1. 5 0 Example 7: Write in columns and subtract ` 56.50 from ` 73.50. Solution: We can subtract the amounts as: Steps Solved Step 1: Write the given numbers with the ` p dots exactly one below the other, as 7 3. 50 shown. − 5 6. 50 Step 2: First subtract the paise. Regroup `p `p if needed. Write the difference under 7 3. 5 0 paise. Place the dot just below the dot. − 5 6. 5 0 6 0. 7 5 Step 3: Subtract the rupees. Write the − 3 2. 5 0 difference under rupees. 00 Step 4: Write the difference of the given `p amounts. 6 13 7 3. 5 0 − 5 6. 5 0 1 7. 0 0 ` 73. 50 – ` 56. 50 = ` 17.00 Money 18 NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 41 1/7/2019 2:30:35 PM

Application Look at some real-life examples where we use addition and subtraction of money. Example 8: Arun had ` 45.50 with him. He gave ` 23.50 to Amar. `p How much money is left with Arun? 4 5. 5 0 − 2 3. 5 0 Solution: Amount Arun had = ` 45.50 2 2. 0 0 Amount Arun gave to Amar = ` 23.50 Difference in the amounts = ` 45.50 – ` 23.50 = ` 22 Therefore, Arun has ` 22 left with him. Example 9: Ramu has ` 12.75 with him. His friend has ` 28.50 with him. What is the amount both of them have? Solution: Amount Ramu has = ` 12.75 `p Amount Ramu’s friend has = ` 28.50 11 1 2. 7 5 To find the total amount we have to add both the + 2 8. 5 0 amounts. 4 1. 2 5 So, the total amount with Ramu and his friend is ` 41.25. Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) In some situations, we may need to carry out both addition and subtraction to find the answer. In such cases, we need to identify which operation is to be carried out first. Let us see a few examples. Example 10: Add ` 20 and ` 10.50. Subtract the sum from ` 40. Solution: First add ` 20 and ` 10.50. `p `p ` 20 + ` 10.50 = ` 30.50 2 0. 0 0 4 0. 0 0 + 1 0. 5 0 − 3 0. 5 0 Now, let us find the difference 3 0. 5 0 0 9. 5 0 between ` 30.40 and ` 50. Therefore, ` 40 – ` 30.50 = ` 9.50 19 1/7/2019 2:30:35 PM NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 42

Concept 10.3: Multiply and Divide Money Think Farida's father gave her ` 150 on three occasions. Farida wants to share the total amount equally with her brother. How should she find the total amount? How much will Farida and her brother get? Recall While multiplying, we begin from ones place and move to the tens and hundreds places. Sometimes, we may need to regroup the products. We begin division from the largest place and move to the ones place of the number. Let us answer these to revise the concepts of multiplication and division. a) 32 × 4 = _____ b) 11 × 6 = _____ c) 20 ÷ 2 = _____ b) 48 ÷ 3 = _____ e) 10 × 6 = _____ f) 24 ÷ 8 = _____ & Remembering and Understanding Multiplication and division of money is similar to that of numbers. To multiply money, first multiply the numbers under paise (as we start multiplying from the rightmost digit), and place the point. Then multiply the number under rupees. To divide money, we divide the numbers under rupees (as we start dividing from the leftmost digit) and place the point in the quotient. Then, divide the number under paise. Now, let us understand multiplying and dividing money through a few examples. Example 11: Multiply ` 72 by 8. ` 1 Solution: To find the total amount, multiply the number under rupees as 72 actual multiplication of a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number. ×8 576 Therefore, ` 72 × 8 = ` 576 Money 20 NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 43 1/7/2019 2:30:35 PM

Example 12: Divide ` 35 by 7. 5 Solution: Divide the amount just as you would divide a 2-digit number )7 35 by a 1-digit number. So, ` 35 ÷ 7 = ` 5 − 35 00 Application We apply multiplication and division of money in many real-life situations. Let us see some examples. Example 13: The cost of a dozen bananas is ` 48. ` a) What is the cost of three dozen bananas? 2 b) What is the cost of one banana? 48 S olution: One dozen = 12 ×3 144 a) Cost of one dozen bananas = ` 48 Cost of three dozen bananas = ` 48 × 3 = ` 144 4 b) Cost of one dozen (12) bananas = ` 48 Cost of one banana = ` 48 ÷ 12 = ` 4 )12 48 − 48 00 (Recall that 10 × 4 = 40. Then, 11 × 4 = 44 and 12 × 4 = 48). Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) In some situations, we have to carry out more than one operation on money. Consider the following examples. Example 14: Nidhi buys 4 bunches of flowers each costing ` 54. She buys 6 candy bars for her brothers at the cost of ` 5 each. If she has ` 8 left with her after paying the amount, how much did she have in the beginning? Solution: Cost of a bunch of flowers = ` 54 Cost of 4 bunches = ` 54 × 4 = ` 216 Cost of each candy bar = ` 5 Cost of 6 candy bars = ` 5 × 6 = ` 30 21 1/7/2019 2:30:35 PM NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 44

Total cost of the things she bought = ` 216 + ` 30 = ` 246 Amount she is left with = ` 8 Therefore, amount she had in the beginning = ` 246 + ` 8 = ` 254 Concept 10.4: Rate Charts and Bills Think Farida went to a mall with her parents. She buys a pair of jeans, 2 shirts, a story book and a ball. How much should she pay? She was given a bill for what she has bought. Can you prepare a bill similar to the one given to her? Recall Recall that we make lists of items when we go shopping. The lists could be of provisions, stationery and items like vegetables or fruits. We can compare the list of items and the items we bought. We can compare their rates and add them to get the total amount to be paid. Let us answer these to revise addition and multiplication of money. a) ` 12 × 2 = __________ b) ` 20 × 3 = __________ c) ` 25 × 4 = __________ d) ` 12 + ` 20 = __________ e) ` 30 + ` 40 = __________ Trfa) `in21M+ `y10B=ra__i_n_______ & Remembering and Understanding Making bills A bill is a list of items that we have bought from a shop. A bill tells us the cost of each item and the total money to be paid to the shopkeeper. To make a bill of items, we write the rate of the object and the quantity in the bill. We then find the product of the rate and the quantity. We add the products to find the total bill amount. Addition of amounts is similar to the addition of numbers with two or more digits. Let us understand how to make bills through a few examples. Money 22 NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 45 1/7/2019 2:30:35 PM

Example 15: Look at the rates of the items from a stationery shop in the box below. Geometry Set Sharpener ` 5 ` 140 Colour pencils Notebooks ` 140 ` 40 Pencils ` 3 Pens ` 10 Water colours ` 100 Scissors ` 25 Sunil buys a few items as given in the list. Make a bill for the items he bought. Item Pencil Water colour Sharpener Pen Notebook Quantity 2 14 4 2 Solution: Follow the steps to make the bill. Step 1: Step 2: Write the items and their quantities in the bill. Step 3: Then write the cost per item. Find the total cost of each item by multiplying the number of items by Step 4: their rates. Find the total bill amount by adding the amount of each item. S.No Item Bill Rate per item Amount 1 Pencil Quantity ` 3.00 `p 2 6 00 2 Water colour 1 ` 100.00 100 00 3 Sharpener 4 ` 5.00 20 00 4 Pen 4 ` 10.00 40 00 5 Notebook 2 ` 40.00 80 00 Total 246 00 23 1/7/2019 2:30:35 PM NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 46

Making rate charts A rate chart is a chart in which the rate of the different items are written. A rate chart makes it easier for us to see and compare the prices of the items. Example 16: Anil and his friends are playing with play money. Anil runs a supermarket. Some items in his supermarket are given below, along with their rates. ` 40 per kg ` 147 ` 50 ` 34 ` 240 per kg ` 149.50 ` 44 per litre ` 48 per kg ` 80 per kg ` 150 per kg ` 50 ` 20 per dozen He makes a rate chart to display the price of each item. How will the rate chart look? Solution: 1. Draw a table. 2. Complete the table with each item and its rate. Item Rate (in `) Item Rate (in `) 1 kg sugar 40 1 litre milk 44 Tomato Ketchup 147 1 kg wheat 48 Chocolate bar 50 1 kg oranges 80 Soap bar 34 1 kg apples 150 1 kg tea 240 1 kg pineapple 50 Honey 149.50 1 dozen bananas 20 Money 24 NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 47 1/7/2019 2:30:35 PM

Application Let us learn how to make rate charts and bills and use them in our daily life with an activity. Go to a vegetable store. Suppose you see the rate chart of all vegetables with their rates per kg. Buy some vegetables and make the bill. Rate Chart Bill Rate per kg Vegetables Rate per kg (in `) Item ` Paise 1 kg brinjal 30.00 30 00 Brinjal 30.00 2 kg potato 40.00 80 00 2 kg tomato 20.00 40 00 Cabbage 24.00 1 kg onion 22.00 22 00 Total 172 00 Potato 40.00 Tomato 20.00 Onion 22.00 The bill for the items you bought would be as shown. Write the rates and their amounts carefully, by considering the quantity. Find the total bill by adding total cost of each vegetable. Here, the total bill is ` 172.00. Example 17: Ashish went to 'Seven Seas' restaurant. The rate chart of the items available there is as given. Burger Vegetable Pizza 1 pack of sandwich finger chips Item Rate 105.00 25.00 200.00 40.00 (in `) 25 1/7/2019 2:30:35 PM NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 48

1 packet of Coke Cupcake Grilled sandwich Potato wafers Item Rate 20.00 50.00 125.00 70.00 (in `) What can he buy at this restaurant, if he has to spend ` 250? (Write 3 different options and make a bill for one of the options.) Solution: To write three different options for Ashish to choose, see that the sum of the rates does not exceed ` 250. The three options could be: a) 2 burgers and 1 pack of finger chips b) 2 cupcakes c) 1 burger, 1 cupcake, 1 packet of potato wafers Let us now make a bill for 1st option. Find the cost and write the total. Seven Seas Restaurant Bill Item Rate per item ` p 2 burgers ` 105.00 210 00 1 pack of finger chips ` 40.00 40 00 250 00 Total Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Seeing the rate chart in a shop, we can calculate mentally the amount for the items we want to buy. Let us now see an example. Example 18: Sneha went to an ice cream 1000 ml tub of ice cream Rate in ` shop and saw the rate chart Butter Scotch 150.00 given. Sneha took 2 Butter Vanilla 120.00 Scotch, 2 Mango and 1 Strawberry 130.00 Vanilla ice cream tubs. What Mango 140.00 is the total bill? Make the bill. If she gave ` 1000, how much did she get as change? Money 26 NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 49 1/7/2019 2:30:35 PM

Solution: Write the items, number of each item and their rates. Multiply them to find cost of each flavour of ice cream. Find the total by adding all the amounts. Ice cream shop Item Quantity Rate per tub ` paise Butter Scotch 2 ` 150.00 300 00 Mango 2 ` 140.00 280 00 Vanilla 1 ` 120.00 120 00 Total 7000 00 Amount Sneha gave = ` 1000 Total bill amount = ` 700 The amount she received as change = ` 1000 – ` 700 = ` 300 Drill Time Concept 10.1: Convert Rupees to Paise 1) Convert rupees to paise. a) ` 34 b) ` 12 c) ` 80 d) ` 29 e) ` 10 2) Convert paise to rupees. a) 320 paise b) 140 paise c) 450 paise d) 298 paise e) 100 paise Concept 10.2: Add and Subtract Money with Conversion 3) Add: b) ` 31.20 + ` 19.16 c) ` 61.21 + ` 29.20 a) ` 23.24 + ` 10.80 e) ` 60.90 + ` 24.23 d) ` 11.10 + ` 12.90 4) Subtract: b) ` 20.12 – ` 10.13 c) ` 31.55 – ` 22.44 a) ` 87.10 – ` 23.20 e) ` 56.13 – ` 12.03 d) ` 99.99 – ` 22.22 27 1/7/2019 2:30:35 PM NR_BGM_9789386663214 MAPLE G03 INTEGRATED TEXTBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 50

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