Page 196 Now, based on your answers, write a paragraph about the photograph in the given space. ,ZDVJRLQJWKURXJKVRPHROGSKRWRJUDSKVZKHQ,VDZP\\PRWKHULQRQHRIWKHP The photograph was taken around a pond in their village by a family friend, when WKH\\KDGJRQHWKHUHIRUDZHGGLQJ0\\PRWKHUORRNHGH[DFWO\\WKHVDPHHYHQZKHQ she was fifteen years old. She had the same bright smile on her face. Her sister was with her in the photograph. They both looked so happy. They were soaking wet from playing in the pond. This was a special photograph because they had just finished a swimming race in the pond. Creative Writing Fairy tale writing <RXKDYHOHDUQWDERXWGHYHORSLQJFKDUDFWHUVIRUIDLU\\WDOHV'LVFXVVWKHVHFKDUDFWHUV and write about them based on the questions given below. 1) What do they look like? 2) What are they doing? 3) How do you think they are feeling? 1) The first person is an old woman who is wearing a scarf. The second person is a young girl with wavy hair, who is wearing a frock. The third person is a bald man 56
wearing overalls and a shirt. 2) The woman is knitting something. The young girl is holding a bowl. The man is pointing at something angrily. 3) The old woman is feeling content, the young girl looks scared and the man looks angry. Exercise 5: Here are the elements of a fairy tale that you may have read. Use these elements to write your own fairy tale. Also, give the story a title of your choice. Characters: Papa Mama Baby Goldilocks Bear Bear Bear Page 197 Setting: Bears’ cottage Important beds chairs things to be included in the story: porridge Events: bears have gone out – Goldilocks enters – chairs: too high, too low and ‘just right’ – Baby Bear’s chair breaks while Goldilocks is sitting on it – porridge: too hot, too cold and ‘just right’ – Goldilocks finishes Baby Bear’s porridge – beds: too hard, too soft and ‘just right’ – falls asleep in Baby Bear’s bed – wakes up to find the bears are back – very surprised, runs away Module 12 57
Page 198 Goldilocks and the Three Bears 2QFHXSRQDWLPHWKHUHZDVDKDSS\\IDPLO\\RIEHDUVOLYLQJLQWKHZRRGV2QH PRUQLQJ0DPD%HDU3DSD%HDUDQG%DE\\%HDUZHQWRXWRQDZDON$\\RXQJJLUO called Goldilocks found their house and went in. Goldilocks was tired after walking in the forest for hours. She searched for a chair to sit on. The first chair was too high. The next chair was too low. Finally, she found a chair that was just right. She sat on LWEXWVXGGHQO\\LWEURNH*ROGLORFNVZDVKXQJU\\6KHVDZWKUHHERZOVRISRUULGJH on the table. The first bowl of porridge was too hot, and the other was too cold. The smallest one was just right. Goldilocks gobbled it up. Next, she wanted to take a nap. The first bed was too hard. The next bed was too soft and the third was just right. 6KHIHOODVOHHSRQ%DE\\%HDU·VEHG:KHQVKHZRNHXSVKHIRXQGWKHWKUHHEHDUV standing around her bed and looking at her in surprise. Goldilocks got very scared. She jumped off %DE\\%HDU·VEHGDQGUDQDZD\\ 58
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