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Home Explore English BOOK-NAZ

English BOOK-NAZ

Published by pratik gandhi, 2016-10-19 01:20:02

Description: English BOOK-NAZ

Keywords: English BOOK-NAZ


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42. When you start your vehicle, think that „I am very fresh and not feeling sleepy and I have planned to sleep enough‟. And you form this thinking in your confirmed belief. Even then if you feel sleepy use magical technique of the sleep Mini Nap discussed previously.43. Make use of this technique to keep your mind calm and free from superficial thoughts. Pray to God that those who have caused me harm, pain and insulted me I forgive them from the deep bottom of the heart and that too without any condition. NAZ 100

By doing this if you are having any grudge for any person and by chance if you happen to see him/her personally or remember him/her, your mind becomes unhappy and restless, and you become angry. By forgiving such person you will have calm mind. Now think about all such persons and start forgiving them one by one. And continue forgiving till the moment your mind return to feel calm and free from disturbing thoughts about such person.44. One of the main reasons for the accident is physical problem and to solve the problem, perform daily some yoga and exercise. Another reason is NAZ 101

for accident is weak eye sight. So wearspectacles if necessary, this will saveyou from meeting with an accident. Toimprove your eye sight the Video isgiven on our website as NAZ Exercise.There is one book available in theIndian market title “The Better Eyesight without Glasses” authored byAmerican doctor Richard Bates.In addition to this another techniqueto improve eye sight is given here. Usethis technique and improve your eyesight.Seat in the proper posture keep yourindex fingers at the parallel distance toyour eyes. And keep your eyes on thesite between the two fingers and try to NAZ 102

look at your finger. And you will ableto see both your index fingers veryclearly because reflection of both thefingers is perceived by your mind. Nowincrease the distance between the twofingers without disturbing your eyesand see that you can see both the indexfingers very clearly. And stop whenboth the finger cannot be seen clearly.Now move both index fingers up anddown till the moment they becomeappear clearly. Gradually increase thedistance till between the two fingerswithout disturbing your eyes and seethat you can see both the index fingerclearly. NAZ 103

And bear it in mind that both the fingers and eyes are kept on 180 degree in the straight line and try to look at both those fingers till they are clearly visible. This will increase power of your eye sight; use this technique daily to make your eye sight powerful. Because powerful eye sight will help you to improve driving.45. Choose vehicle as per your height, weight and capacity and drive only such vehicle which you can control easily.46. Try to plan your timings to reach the destination well within time by keeping in mind traveling time, hindrance on the road, etc. NAZ 104

47. When we go on long drive with family or friends we normally hire the vehicle along with the driver and ensure that driver does have valid driving license and have enough experience. Because during that time our life is totally dependent on the driver. So it becomes our responsibility to co-operate the driver and treat him as the family. NAZ 105

New era of thinking.The accident (elaborated explanations) isnot an accidental incident. It is a result ofour thinking and belief. Because anythought of incident takes place in the mindfirst and then takes a form of reality. Andthere are so many beliefs that we haveaccepted without thinking about theirauthenticity and verifying. Nobody‟s beliefscan be applied to the others because thereare various and different factors in eachincident or accident. The greatest weaknessof our thinking is superstition (blind faith).Unfortunately we have made various blindbelief tradition of our life. For examplegood omen, ill omen, good and bad timingsetc. Friends, there are nothing like good or NAZ 106

bad timings for the most important incidentof our life i.e. birth and death. All livingbeing are the creations of the Almighty. Andnone other living being other than the mankind does believe in good or ill omen butfollows the rules of the Nature and sustainstheir life.Friends, we repeat many incidents of thepast and the present and we knowingly orunknowingly attract them in our life and itis affected by the Law of the Attraction. Thesecond weakness of our thinking is webelieve what is said by others as right andmake them our belief.We knowingly or unknowingly invite in ourlife that accident by remembering it everynow and then which has never taken place NAZ 107

in our life and there is no possibility tohappen.We have confined our life to so manyrestrictions like we are supposed to do thisand not that, do this way or that way.Friends, life is very easy, don‟t make itcomplicated and use your gumption(Common sense).Friends the mankind use 99 % intelligenceand 1 % of sense, whereas other livingbeings use intelligence only 1% and 99 % ofthe sense.Friends, we are supposed to change thethinking pattern of our life and make ourlife which is dependent on Law of theNature, to be healthy, safe, easy andenjoyable. NAZ 108

Personal godWhen you pray to any God, youhandover everything of yours to thosepowers of the God. Do you know whichfactor is working at this time?When you pray to God with thoroughfaith and sincerity, it is imprinted inyour Super mind which begins as peryour belief and you get the resultsaccordingly.But you believe that you got the resultbecause of the prayers and during theprocess you incurred huge expenses.And sometime you are so involved in NAZ 109

such prayers that you cause monetaryloss to your family and become thevictim of physical exploitation. Andthere is always someone to take benefitof your situation.But whatever result you get it is becauseof your inner power of the mind andyour Super mind plans accordingly andyou get the desired results.For your satisfaction you can observeausterity, do the prayers and observefast, but keep yourself away from anyfalse suggestions given by others to do itin this matter. Because to get any kind ofresult as per your desire you have gotinner powers of mind. Your Super mind NAZ 110

is your own God and it can fulfill all your desires without any austerity, prayer and fast. Try to realize the powers of your mind within you and fulfill your desire by using the sense, free of cost.You begin to believe in the blind faith andaccept it to get the solution when you are ina difficult situation, and when you cannotcomplete your work and face so manyobstacles. You begin to believe that there isan adverse effect of some planets ordissatisfied soul (ghost) and your allwisdom, intelligence and senses becomeuseless.And you are trying to search that way inwhich your work will be completed by some NAZ 111

unethical way. And you begin accepting theway of Superstition.But your uncompleted work may be sobecause of the work done by you previouslyor you are doing the work without planningand with wrong directions or any otherreason also.In other words, you have to review youruncompleted work and try to find out theroot cause. If you can develop the skill tofind out the root cause of the incompletework, you will automatically get the reasonfor it and it will help you to complete thework. ******************************** NAZ 112

Goal settingfor the Life Time beHealthy, Safe,Easy and Cheerful.NAZ 113

Possible reasons for the accident. 1 Poor Eyesight 2 Physical problems 3 Tension, anger, idleness, revenge, etc. 4 Constant Thought / Wrong beliefs 5 Mistakes and Carelessness 6 Superstitions 7 Habits 8 Dreads / Fears / Phobias 9 Diffidence 10 Doubts 11 Mismanagements 12 Accidents due to others – Normal belief 13 Snags of the vehicle 14 Riots *** 15 Catastrophes ****** We should always be aware to protect our life.Friends, decide one thing that,There is always solution for anyreason/cause.Solution is shadow of the problem. NAZ 114

What is needed is to find out with solution in above reason which is given in this book.Now we have to change our style of theasking from the Almighty. Till date wealways ask for riches, safety, forgivenessand getting success in the examination. Wealways pray with this expectationconditionally and offer to the Almighty likeCoconut or “Prasad” etc.In turn, God asks that OH „man‟ what isyours which you can offer me? In fact youare giving me what I have created. TheAlmighty opines that he has created themankind and the mankind befools Him. Heinsists that if you want to give something to NAZ 115

him, He wants to have faith in him anddon‟t harass others and always be happy.From today the prayer should bepresented to the Almighty in the newform.It is believed that flattery is liked by all eventhe Almighty and He loves it. Now we willnot ask for what we don‟t have but willthank God for what we have.Oh God I thank you very much from thebottom of my heart for you have given megood accommodation, virtuous family, goodchild, good income, good job, goodeducation, good health, safety, happiness,riches and peace and remedy to lead awonderful life. Oh God I am happy that I NAZ 116

took birth as human being who has gottreasure of intelligence and freedom to useit. And blessing in disguise to forget allsorrows and wonderful gift to Laugh, whichother living beings don‟t have. If we praisethe God, He will be doing favour to us andwe are favoured by the God. Our Supermind would be happy which will try totransform our desires into reality and wewill get more things to lead a wonderful life.And this is the secret of the NAZ.When we pray to God for good health,safety, happiness and peace, oursubconscious mind will try to give us bymultiplying them. For whatever we thinkabout and attract in our life, will bedefinitely increased in our life. This process NAZ 117

is to be repeated on daily basis so that it canbe imprinted on our Super mind.Now, when we will visit Temple, Mosque,Church or Gurudwara and pray to God, wewill behave in this manner and form thehabit of being happy.“Oh‟ God, I thank you very muchfrom the deep bottom of the heartthat you have always kept me, myfamily, friend, relatives, neighborsand all others and their interestscompletely safe, healthy and happyby all way, at every place, at any timeand in every situation. And also thankfor making my/our every trip safe,easy and enjoyable.” NAZ 118

Form the habit of doing this prayer. Keep your mind totally free from negative and disturbing thoughts so you can listen to your heart beat, while doing prayer to the God. So that it can have desirable effect on your life. While starting your vehicle in the morning. Remember this prayer when you are saved from any incident/accident. Remember this prayer when you happened to come across any incident/accident. Remember this prayer when you happened to recollect NAZ while sitting at ease. NAZ 119

 Remember this prayer after the completion of every travelling and reaching the destination. Remember this prayer before going to sleep. Always realize that God/Angel is always with you and protect you all 24 hours and 365 days and keep eyes on our life. Keep your mind calm, cool and collected while realizing this. Don‟t allow any doubt in your mind and even then if any doubt come across in your mind, think about the cancellation of the negative thought by uttering;Cancel ……. Cancel……… NAZ 120

And create positive feeling in your mind by thinking that such negative thoughts are useless and they are not meant for me. I also don’t agree with this and I condemn that thought. Think that I am safe, healthy and happy and God’s blessings are with me. Use this technique when you come across such negative thoughts. By using this technique, your capacity will be increased to think positively and will enhance your confidence and will remove any kind of dread/phobia, wrong belief, and wrong inference. By using this technique your mind will be filled with positive thought to a greater extent. NAZ 121

It is but natural that you becomeemotionally attached with any incidentand accident when you happened tosee it on television or read about it innewspaper, but you are supposed toact in opposite direction in thistechnique. When any incidenteither any illness or accidentoccurs and if you feel like to help thevictim you should definitely help.Under this situation, remain detachedand do not be emotional. Remaintotally detached even if the victimhappened to be your family, friend oracquaintances and console him/her.And express your concern abouthim/her. NAZ 122

You have to remember that inany situation you will remaincalm, cool and collected anddetached. Then think that youare safe, healthy and happy. Andthank God that, He gives yousafety, healthiness andhappiness. And realize it, beinghappy, that God has given you aNAZ safety technique.When you love or like anything or incident,they get ready to become part of your lifeand when you hate or dislike anything orincident, they will gradually remove fromyour life.NAZ 123

Whenever you want to see a movie or TVprogram give command to your mind thatyou are seeing the movie or TV programonly for the sake of entertainment. I will notco-relate any character or event of drama;movie or TV program and I will not getdistracted. Always select drama, movie andTV serial full of laughter, entertainment andknowledgeable. NAZ 124

Goal setting How much do you plan when you are going to buy anything? What to buy? Which type of article do you want to buy? From where to buy? For whom to buy? Why to buy? And how much time would you like to buy? When you buy? At how much price you want to buy and whom do you want to accompany you on buying spree? For that how much time, energy and money do you use for planning? NAZ 125

 Whether that type of planning is appropriate to make your life safe, healthy and happy? No !!! This book discloses the secrets of and will help you to plan for making your life safe, healthy and happy. Now let us see how to set goal for this. It is most important that; “Any thought or incident takes place in the mind first and then get transformed into reality in the life.” When you remember any incident and revise/ refresh your memory repeatedly it will definitely take place in your life. Similarly, if you feel NAZ 126

yourself safe, and refresh/revise your memory about that very often, it will increase the safety in your life.Now we will try to understand how to getthe license of No Accident Zone(Accident free Life) means license forSafety Zone and by implementing it in ourlife, we can make our life safer.For example, if anybody is expert in doingany work which you want it to be done,what will you do?You will definitely try to be familiar withthat person and try to befriend him andwould try to create intimacy with thatperson. You will respect that person and dowork according to his wish. You woulddefinitely provide all the things which are NAZ 127

necessary for your work and would you bearhis likes and dislikes and would encouragehim and provide him protection and wouldpraise him.On the other hand if you are expert in anywork and do it for other, the other peoplewould definitely thank you and praise you.At that moment you will feel self-satisfaction and you will be happy. And youwill not feel tired. You are also getting readyto work for him on other occasions too. When you get ready to do so much of work for any task to be completed, but here is the question of safety of your life arises. Now the question is NAZ 128

what would you do for your safety purpose? Oh‟ this is to be only done by you and no other person can do it. You have to do all above mentioned works for yourself.“ खुद को कर बऱु दीं इतना की, हर तकद र से पहऱे खदु ा बीदं े से यह पछू े , बता तेर मिी है क्या? ” “Create such powerful entity out of you that even Gods become helpless to ask you about your wish”. How does your thinking work? When you begin to think, a definite process starts in your mind regarding whether that thought is correct or not, emotional or NAZ 129

intelligent, useful or useless, whether it ismeant for present or future and you get asolution for that. This is called an idea.Our mind does not give solutions for allthe thoughts. Sometimes it is transferredto the expert i.e. (Super Mind) and givesyou solution with its advice.Now we have to use alpha position to getthe advice from the expert (Super Mind).Now let us understand what alphaposition is? There are four positions ofthe mind given in the picture shown here.During alpha position Conscious andSubconscious (Super Mind) mind are onthe same level. And your mind becomestotally calm, cool and collected duringthis alpha position. NAZ 130

There are two ways to attain alphaposition. One is when we are in peacefuland natural position and we don‟t knowhow we have entered in alpha position.The second way to enter alpha position ismeditation. During meditation of alphastage, we can exchange our thought andcan do conversations with Super mind. NAZ 131

Goal setting process.To come across this book and buy it is thereason you‟re willing to have safety.01. Strong Desire Firstly, it is your strong desire to sow the seed of safety means you have to create the willingness for the safety by anyhow. The way the farmers sow the seeds in the soil to get flowers, fruits and grains you have to sow the seed of the safety in your Super mind, and have to take care of it. But your willingness should be powerful and have burning desire; NAZ 132

“I want to remain safe, simple, healthy andjoyous every moment in my life.”I will be safe, simple, healthy and joyouswithin a year.When we sow the seed of the safety in ourSuper mind in the form of the willingnessfor the safety, we automatically becomejoyous and to make it perfect/possible, weleave it to the Nature with complete faith inthe Nature. At this time this willingnessspreads in the universe and its magnetic NAZ 133

effect attracts all possibilities to make itcomplete, because of which the entireuniverse get activated to make our desirefulfilled.Consider the Hindi filmy dialog;इतनी ससद्दत से तमु ्हें पानके ी कोसिि की है,की हर सररेने (परू कायनातने) मिु े तुमसे समऱाने कीसाजिस की है। “I have try to get you in such a way thatall the forces of the universe have cometogether to make you meet me.”This dialog carries highly effective and deepmeaning.In other words the thing that you crave for,love it by whole heart and show it to theworld and be happy and joyous. NAZ 134

02. DecisionWhen you express any desire so manyproblems arises the answer of which can beaffirmative or negative. All these questionsarise out of the experience of our life likehunger, love, dread, respect, virtues,interest, blind belief, ignorance,uncertainty, milieu, craving, habit,prejudice, greed, emotion, education andmain reason of money. Now try to classifyexperiences to answer all these questionsand accept positive side of the answer andremove negative thought from the mind.And keep faith in yourself and be confidentabout yourself. NAZ 135

For that, at first, purify your mind byremoving the trash of anger, disrespect,selfishness, fear and feeling of revenge.Always ask for the following thing duringthe prayer time on daily basis.I forgive unconditionally all thosewho have knowingly or unknowinglyhave pained me, disrespected me andcause to me. By doing this if you are having any grudge for any person and by chance if you happen to see that person or remember him, your mind becomes unhappy and restless. And you become angry. By forgiving such person you will have calm mind. Now think about all such person and start forgiving NAZ 136

them one by one. And continue forgiving till the moment your mind becomes calm and free from disturbing thoughts about such persons. When you are using this technique then you will feel its magical effect in your life. You are only person to feel the wonderful changes taking place in your life.No coward can forgive wholeheartedlywithout any condition and selfishnessbecause it can be done only by the bold orcourageous person because it requiresreally strong courage. NAZ 137

Forgiveness is the most befittinglyprestigious ornament of the courageous. ऺमा विरश्य भषू णम;First of all forgive yourself. Sometimes weare harassed by melancholy of committingmistake, inferiority complex, and degradingfeelings which make our entity weak. Byforgetting past and taking an oath not torepeat the mistake in future, forgiveyourself and be calm, cool and collectedthen you will be a pure personality.It is utmost necessary to cleanse our bodydaily so that we can accept the positivethinking easily and quickly. To cleanse yourbody perform „Pranayama‟ purificationprocess for 10 minute and do certain simple NAZ 138

exercises. The video for easy „Pranayama‟,simple exercises and meditation has beenembedded on our website. In other wordsyou have to allot only 45 minute foryourself. As a result, your life will be filledwith happiness and joy and you will be ableto live healthy and prolong life and you willbe free from so many troubles for the lifetime and you will be able to save muchmore money.In other words, along with the savingof time and money there is aguarantee of healthiness and safety.Thus there are four benefits.Now, transform the seed of the wish intoresolution. In other words, you have tomake your wish a dogged decision. By NAZ 139

giving a specific form to your wish it willbecome a resolution.Be firm in your resolution and do notchange it often. If you decide to do anywork nothing is impossible. With the helpof your firm decision you will be able to seeyour vision clearly and will be able to dosomething in your life.With the help of unflinching decision itbecomes easy to transform your vision intoreality.Transform your all wishes in the form ofsafety zone into a firm decision andremember them every now and thenbecause this is one of the ways to enter intothe safety zone of NAZ. NAZ 140

03. GoalSet your goal to get your resolutiontransformed into the reality. The life ofmany persons ends without achieving anygoal.“Friends remember one thing thatthose who don‟t have their own goalsin their life, will always work for thegoals of the others.”To set goals means preparing of the masterplan of your wishes.Before implementing your master plan,verify that it is advantageous and notharmful to others. NAZ 141

Goal should be correct and effective.S - SpecificM - MeasurableA - AchievableR - RealisticT - Time BoundV - VisualizationW - WrittenPD - Publically DeclaredF - FocusP - PerfectionC - ChallengesP - PassionS - SpecificYour goal will become much more effectivewhen it will be planned with perfection byevery side.If your goal is effective it can really affectothers. You have to ensure all dimensions of NAZ 142

the goal e.g. personal, professional,genuineness, test, colour, height, weight,form, fragrance, temperament, style, time,place, and number.For example, I am safe with water, air, fire,land, sky. So I am safe under anycircumstances in the entire situation. I amalways healthy, safe and happy in my lifeand will remain so.M - MeasurableI and my family are safe and healthy andwill remain so tomorrow and we will alwaysbe safe and healthy. The goal of thecomplete family should be this and all mustaccept this technique so that the effect ofthis technique becomes powerful. NAZ 143

A - AchievableI do believe that I will definitely live for 100years and will be safe, easy, comfortable,happy and healthy for that period. And forthat I thoroughly trust the God.R - RealisticGoal should be realistic and modifiable sothat it can be changed, if the wrong goal hasbeen set up and it can be changed inaccordance with the situation. Our goalshould be thoroughly realistic. Our goalsare of safety and healthiness and they arepossible by the mind powers. We canchange them according to time, place andcircumstances. NAZ 144

T - Time boundTime is the most important factor forsetting goal and that is why it should bealways be time bound. In the absence oftime limit no goal can be effective. Forexample, if I set a goal to be healthy anytime in my life and if I don‟t set anydeadline to be healthy it will not beeffective.Actually the goal should be time bound insuch a manner that I will make myselfhealthy during next 6 months and willremain so for the life time.In other words, I will definitely enterinto the NAZ safety Zone within oneyear, without fail-that should be thegoal of the life. NAZ 145

V - VisualizeThis is really an important and powerfultechnique. Whichever goals are sets by usand are written in a diary should betransformed into a movie, so that we cansee them in the form of a movie. Because,remember that our Super mindunderstands only the language of thepictures.Now, if you have set the goal of good healthyou are required to morph the face of ahealthy person by your face and then try tolook at that and decide that your self will bedesirous to attain the same healthiness andwill achieve good health.I want to tell you one of the most importantthings and that is to see this movie in the NAZ 146

present time mode only. For example,whichever goal has been set by you havebeen gotten by you and you look healthynow. And while seeing this movie try torealize that you are too happy and yourhappiness has been increased. Similarly tryto connect yourself emotionally in thisvisualization technique and see thesemovies daily and start your day with ajoyous mood.In the same manner, use this technique toget entry into NAZ safety Zone. Andmake your life completely safe, healthy,simplified and enjoyable. You visualize thatyou have already entered into NAZ safetyzone. And be happy as you have learnt thesecret of the world. NAZ 147

Powers of visualization technique.Use this technique with complete faith andpositive emotions twice a day for 21 days sothat this technique will embed on yourSuper mind and then this technique willstart working in the direction of your goal.And you will be able to get the result. Important comments.But you have to continue with thistechnique even after 21 days and you haveto form a habit to use this technique once aday. NAZ 148

W - WrittenWhatever goals set by you should be writtenin your personal diary and read them daily.By writing and reading about goals, you willhave more benefits. And there will be nochange in its meaning and you will be ableto remember it easily.PD - Publically DeclaredOur goals should be realistic, so that we canget them and tell others. By telling aboutour goals to others, we are forced to followour goals out of the apprehensions that ifwe don‟t practise them they will taunt usand whenever we go away from our goalsthey will remind us about our goals. NAZ 149

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