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Home Explore English BOOK-NAZ

English BOOK-NAZ

Published by pratik gandhi, 2016-10-19 01:20:02

Description: English BOOK-NAZ

Keywords: English BOOK-NAZ


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F - FocusIt is quite necessary to concentrate on your workbefore completing the work. To focus means to beattentive and apply all your powers of yourphysics, money and mind. For that use thefollowing techniques. 1. Remember your goals daily. 2. Visualizes your goals daily. 3. Plan them and try every day to complete them. 4. Prioritize that work on daily basis 5. Collect all the information regarding the work to be completed. 6. Evaluate that work continuously. P - Perfection Perfection in any work leads to success. Perfection comes from observation, practice, knowledge, dedication, interest and passion to achieve goal. Practice makes man perfect and perfection makes man succeed. Perfectnist never do compromise with principle and avoid excuses. NAZ 150

C - ChallengesChallenge factor must be added to your goal. Ifyou take challances with your goal means yourefforts will automatically gearup. Challengesmake you energetic and goal oriented.Challenges make you creative thinker.Challenges make your work cheerful. Any goalachived with challenges will give you morepleasure and confidence.P - PassionPassion is most important element to achive anygoal. If you have goals with passion, no body canstop you to achieve your goal. Passionate personis mostly self motivated, self learner and selfdiscipline. Passion makes you restless and boostup at every moment. Main secret of mostsuccessful people is that passion. Follow our goalof NAZ Security zone with passion. NAZ 151

4 - IntuitionNow, when you have decided about goal ofNAZ Safety Zone, remember it everymoment and visualize it during meditation.The door of the safety Zone will be openedslowly, and you will be able to enter in aNAZ safety zone.Now, just like SMS alert you will startreceiving NAZ safety alerts. These alertswon‟t be sent on your mobile. But you willreceive it in different manners which youare supposed to understand and obeytheir orders and will have to do workaccordingly.You will receive these alerts in fourdifferent ways, and you have to implementthese alerts and this is most important to NAZ 152

execute these alerts instantly. If youconsider these alerts next to some otherimportant work, (secondary work) NAZsafety zone won‟t be effective for you.Now you will receive these alerts in thefollowing manner; 1. Intuition 2. Flashes 3. Dream 4. Hunches (constant thought)This alert is revived in above symbolicorders.Now you have to take correct decision afterhaving classified all these intuitive alertswith help of your conscious mind.Now you will have to implement the alertswithout any fear and sorrow and with joy, NAZ 153

received from your Super mind which isomniscient in the Universe.These alerts are of different types and youcan receive them in the forms of thought orpictures. For example, all of a sudden youremember that you have forgotten somework to do and by completing the same youwill achieve your goal.Intuition will help you in all your works. Ifany works will be bad and if it isdisadvantageous for you it will try to stopyou. And the feeling of dissatisfaction willbe created in your inner self. You will alsofeel like that something is lacking and youare doing that work much against your will. NAZ 154

You can also receive the alerts in yourdreams. But all people are not able tounderstand all the dreams, because all thedreams are not true. Even then you canimplement the alerts of your dreams withyour (wisdom) understanding andexperience if you could remember thedream correctly.Many a time it happens that a singlethought strikes your mind every now andthen especially when you are calm. At thistime verify that thought with the help ofyour Super mind and implement it with acareful planning. NAZ 155

Important remarks.It is the duty of the Nature to completeyour goal but the Nature itself never worksand does not interfere in any one‟s work butit will also show you correct path and youyourself will have to trade on it and it is upto you to decide, whether to trade on thatpath or not. You can choose your own pathand for that you have to take correctdecision. NAZ 156

5 - ActionYou have to implement your correctdecision, if you would like to go ahead inthe direction of your goal. You can‟t get theresults without any work. Whichever goalyou have to decide with the help of thetechniques of visualization, we receive thealerts and we have to implement them asour wisdom and experience guide us.You will be able to receive such alerts bythis process, which you have neverimagined about. And your difficult andincomplete work will be completed withgreat ease. Some time, you may receive thealerts about the works which you want to doyourself but cannot do, because it would be NAZ 157

proper to get it done by other person. Insuch cases you have to forget your sorrowsand insult and get the work done from thatperson. In other words, we have to bepractical by leaving our likes and dislikesand that too as per the prevailingcircumstances.Our mind works thinking in logical way inevery direction and our heart is guided byemotional thought. In most of the casesmen works with mind and women workswith heart in emotional manner. We shouldnot be adamant for any work. It is rationaland beneficial to all, if we use both ourheart and brain to finish the work. NAZ 158

6 - Ready to receive.Be ready to get the results. You havecompleted the process of setting the goal tovisualization and from getting alerts tocompletion of the works. Now be ready toget the results. But be careful that youremain happy from setting of goals toattainment to goals and maintain completefaith and patience and there is no need tobe in hurry.It is one of the most importantconditions of the NAZ safety zone tomaintain faith and patience. NAZ 159

And we must make the atmospherecompletely peaceful and joyous during thisperiod. For example, the farmer sows the seeds in the farm to get grain, as if we have sowed the seeds of the safety in the land of the mind. Now when the way in which the farmer puts in fertilizer and waters them to get the grains, we have given fertilizer of faith and patience to attend the goal.Now the farmer sows the seeds in his fieldand protects them and visualize that aftertwo to three months he will reap the grainsfrom the sowed seeds and he will have NAZ 160

income by selling the grain and plan hisexpenses and remain always happy. But thefarmer never doubts about the grains hewould get from the seeds and never checkshis farm to see that whether the seeds aresprouted or not.Similarly we have to visualize and preparethe picture of the result by connecting ouremotions with thorough faith. And we haveto be happy by looking at that picture. Andwe have to keep our goals saved from thenegative thoughts of ours and others. Andwe have to wait to get our goal; we shouldnot doubt our goal. We should not alsodoubt whether we will achieve our goal ornot. We have to wait for the result with thethorough faith and patience. NAZ 161

Laughing.To laugh is a wonderful panacea to keep ourlife healthy. In other words the Nature hasblessed us beyond limit and has given usthe panacea to laugh. Only the mankind hasthe sense to laugh. No other living being hasbeen given panacea to laugh. Any animalcan be happy and express their happinessbut it cannot laugh.Therefore we must laugh at least 10minutes a day for 10 days and then therewill be an improvement in your health. Andyour face will be brightened with happiness.The adult has to learn how to laugh fromthe children. When you laughwholeheartedly as child you will feel like toshed tears. And you will feel that you have NAZ 162

forgotten to laugh since long and you will beable to remember the sorrowful days ofyour life. Let them be remembered by you.Your emotions would become fresh, letthem be. Laugh more and be sorrowful andif you feel like to weep don‟t hesitate toweep but start weeping. Don‟t try to stopyour weeping because after having deepweep your mind will become peaceful. Andthen try to smile. This way the wastagewhich lies in you (for example displeasure,disrespect, anger, revenge and acrimony)will be washed out and you will form a habitto laugh. NAZ 163

NAZ 164

TipsTo get the full advantage resolve that you will readthis book frequently. This is my own experience.As the days will pass by you will face a newproblem or challenge and you will get the solutionto it from this book. And the principles of thisbook will become permanent in your Super mindgradually. Then you will be getting all theadvantages of this book.During my banking career I came across a book ofmarketing “the great sales man of the world‟which is written by respected Mr. OG Mandino. Iread this book continuously for three years andfor more than 500 times, which helped me toincrease my self-confidence and I use to learn newthing every time. And I used to be successful inmarketing. NAZ 165

Good thought – Principle of act – Thebalance sheet of act.Whatever you get now is the result of yourthoughts and efforts done by you in thepast, and that is why whatever you get youhave to accept it without any grudge. If youget any undesirable result, you are repayingfor whatever you have done in the past. Andyou are being freed from this bondage,because you are not in a position tochange/stop the results.You will get the results for the work done byyou accordingly.If you want to make your future secure,then have good thoughts, effective planningand sincere efforts. NAZ 166

You yourself are totally responsiblefor whatever you are getting and whateveris happening with you. Because whateveryou think and believe your work will be –either good or bad and you will get theresults accordingly.How you can hold others responsible foryour thoughts and the results of yourworks? If you understand this and acceptthis principle, your life will become betterand there will be happiness unbound inyour life.This is my promise to you.To make your future secure and to get entryin the NAZ secure zone you have to changeyour thinking. NAZ 167

According to one Hindi filmy dialogue youcan live your life in two ways-let it be whatis happening with you, bear it and besatisfied or be aggressive and acceptresponsibility, change yourself and theworld will automatically change. NAZ 168

The factors which are affecting our Supermind (subconscious mind) are as under; 1 Emotions 2 Visualization 3 Behaviors 4 Thoughts 5 Fears/Phobias 6 Habits 7 Beliefs 8 Speeches/words 9 Expectations 10 Strong desires 11 Jokes 12 Faiths 13 Doubts We have to accept positive attitude by considering all these factors wisely. NAZ 169

The planning of our Super mind (subconscious) mind will become useless by the following reasons. When we do not have trust in our mind power and are not patient for the result. When we don‟t use our parlance as per our works, behavior and style of speaking. When we don‟t give time to our Super mind and begin to work according to the goal set. If we give time to the Super mind it will provide us new opportunities and give us results accordingly. NAZ 170

 Super mind is not informed about the time limit. It is not advisable to guide the Super mind about how to do the work because it is omniscient. And if we try to guide the Super mind we will not be able to get benefits as per the efficiency of the Super mind. After handing over goal to the Super mind we have to keep ourselves away from the negative thoughts because they become the obstacles in the ways of the Super mind. NAZ 171

As and when you will begin to accept theNAZ rules and beliefs they will beembedded on your Super mind and theeffect of the NAZ prayer will begin. Andyou will be able to get results in twoways.First the incident you don‟t want to takeplace in your life will be stopped by it andyou will be stopped from going to thatincident.But this will not happen automatically.You will be getting intuitive alerts. Youhave to understand these alerts andimplement in your life. NAZ 172

For that you have to mould yourselfaccording to the circumstances. It isnecessary to take decision as per thecircumstances.There is no work which can beincomplete without us so you have toadjust yourself, if you are forced to leavethat work or work much against yourwill.Your happiness will be increased whenyou will be getting results as per yourdesire and you will become happier andyou will realize that whatever you dohave and others do not have. You will beable to take much pleasure from the NAZ NAZ 173

safety zone results and you will be able tounderstand the secret of NAZ. You have toremember NAZ safety zone technique andmake a slogan Hail NAZ !!!If you are going to somewhere repeat the sameslogan,And frequently think (in your mind) thatI am in NAZ secure Zone.Thank the Nature that you have got theknowledge of NAZ secure zone and everymoment feel that you are in NAZ secure zone. When you think in your mind “I am in NAZ Secure Zone” Recall these lines quickly. I am in present mode and free from thought and tension. I am in Observation mode and enjoy my driving/traveling. I am fresh and energetic. I am under protection of Almighty God. NAZ 174

Positive thinking - self-suggestion forliving better life.  I feel healthier and fresher than before.  Whatever I have longed for I have got.  I always give priority and importance to safety and health.  I always eat tasty and good foods.  I am expert in driving and enjoy my every tour.  I know the techniques to be happy and I am always happy.  I take every decision with the help of heart and mind.  I have always accepted compromising attitude.  I am always knowledge thirsty. NAZ 175

 My memory is very sharp, and I can remember anything very easily. I trust the Nature and power of myself. I understand the importance of timings and I utilize them in the better manner. I have always formed good habits. I don‟t repeat my mistakes and blunders. I have always followed the Nature‟s laws in toto. Oh‟ God, I thank you very much from the deep bottom of the heart that you have always kept me, my family, friend, relatives, neighbors and all others and their interests completely safe, healthy and happy by all way, NAZ 176

at every place, at any time and in every situation. And also thank for making my/our every trip safe, easy and enjoyable. Form the habit of doing this prayer. I am also thankful to you to give me happiness, prosperity and peace. Oh God, I am thankful to you for guiding me in every situation and inspiring me to have new thoughts. Oh God, I am also thankful to you for giving me enough money. Please realize that you have got enough money and fulfill your all wishes. Oh God, I am thankful to you for enriching my knowledge every NAZ 177

moment. Please realize that you have got greater knowledge and degree. Oh God, I am thankful to you for satisfying my hunger by giving me the food. You think and realize that whatever you desire to eat you get it as per your wish at any place. Oh God, I am grateful to you to give me safety zone protection. You have realized that you are safe and sound in every manner and entire cosmic powers of universe are ready to keep you safe. Oh God, I am thankful to you for all the essential commodities like money, knowledge, food and safety. NAZ 178

 I can see that I am healthy and active during my life span. My eye sight is healthy and I can see all the gimmicks easily during my life span. My ears are OK and I can listen to all the noises and voices and recognize them during my life span. I can speak and eat easily because my mouth and teeth are intact during my life span. I can breathe easily during my life span and I have complete control over my mind. I am passing every moment of my life with enough energy, consciousness, NAZ 179

joy because my physique is completely ok during my life span. I am thankful to God that I can see and experience all these every day. I have already forgotten whatever has taken place in my life. I always think about my future and I would like to be happy. All good and positive things are attracted towards me and taking place in my life. I am free from all the diseases and I have strong and enough immunity to fight any disease. I am thankful to God that I am a living a healthy and safe life. NAZ 180

 I am enjoying the surrounding beauty of the Nature. I live my life with full of energy and self-confidence. I have certain goal and am heading towards the goal of my life. I forgive unconditionally and heartily to all those people who either have insulted me or caused me harm knowingly or unknowingly. I always accept compromising ways and I enjoy good relation with everyone. I feel myself highly charged with energy when I see the beauty of the Nature when I laugh, dance, sing and play. NAZ 181

 Every day there is an increase in happiness, prosperity, peace and safety in my life. I am thankful to the God that my family is completely safe, healthy and happy. I am always ready to face any situation in my life. I am fully aware of what is happening in my life and I am maintaining my calm in every situation and under any circumstances. I have also experience love, happiness, prosperity and safety in my life. I feel free from every constraint and lead a complete life. NAZ 182

 I know that the God, Allah and Christ are complete and because I am part and parcel of it, I am also complete. I am also thankful to God and love myself because I am complete in the form given by the God. I am smart and I can complete any work successfully in lesser time than required. I am always alert so that nobody either can betray or cheat me. I have got complete control on my mind and when I drive I don‟t feel sleepy because I plan my sleep in advance. I am thankful to God because I have taken birth as human being and enjoy NAZ 183

the planning of the God for all the living features to live and to remain happy. Though the birth and death are not in our control we definitely have control on how to live a life between birth and death, because this is my life and I will live as per my wish. I have my own goals and I have not become a part of any one‟s conspiracy and nobody can force me to be. I will never be impressed by anyone personally because every person has virtues and vices but I will accept only good aspects of the person. I will clearly say NO while taking decision if I will not like to take NAZ 184

decision and if is not good for me, my family or organization. I am Brahma and I can mould my life the way as I want to live. ------ Finish ------- Continue reading……. NAZ 185

LIVE LIFE WITHOUT FEAR & TEAR. Benefits of Dynamic Yoga - Purification process----------------------------------------------------------1. Permanentyly relief from Gas, acidity, indigestion, constipation.2. Protect against infection diseases, such as tuberculosis, infectious bacteria etc.3. Eliminate diseases from pollution.4. To protect against allergic diseases.5. Say bye to Stress and tension.6. The body becomes healthier.7. The body of obstacles (blockages) away.8. Colds, cough, fever, permanent relief.9. Eliminate illness of breath and asthma.10. Headache, sinus, migraine relief permanent.11. Eliminate impotence and incapacity.12. Energy increase and the day will become energetic.13. The body seems to have less pain and fatigue.14. Eliminate disease of skin.15. The increase in muscle strength and power increases.16. Chicken Guinea will control.17. Protection against swine flu, Ebola etc.18. Diabetes will control.19. Eliminate complex diseases of the brain.20. Preventable diseases such as polio and Parkinson's.21. Drag prevents diseases such as stress.22. Blood pressure becomes regular.23. High blood pressure, low blood pressure and to control and give permanent relief.24. Balloon, stent and from open-heart surgery can be avoided.25. The Risk of hospital medicine and getting rid of the pain of the cost saving can be a big savings.26. Control of the mind and heart problems will relief from pain. NAZ 186

27. Emotion and anger can be controlled and improverelationship.28. Overcome the fear and confidence.29. The increase in the power of decision.30. Menstruation is the time of the physical and mentalbarriers.31. The problems of the liver are removing.32. To remove bad manners and useful develop goodhabit.33. Stay young and healthy permanently.34. The increase in the power of listening and removeDeafness.35. Problems of the neck is removed and theimprovement in voice.36. Pains in the joints will remove.37. Increasing power of immunity.38. Sex power increases.39. It is useful to improve concentration. (Especially forStudent /Youngster)40. The increase in memory. (-do-)41. Sleep well. (-do-)42. Brings luster by removing the stain on the face (-do-)43. Increasing self-confidence and communicationpower. (-do-)44. Negativity removal and increase in positive ideas.45. Increase creativity. (-do-) (-do-)46. Increase personality. (-do-)47. Saving money and time to live a better life incostlier world.48. Habit of snoring gradually remove.49. Bad smell of breathing will remove.50. Bad smell of sweating will remove.51. Protect in many more disease and cure it. (Benefits in 300 & more diseases)52. Chances of illness will be lesser and in illness can get well soon.NAZ 187

Benefit of NAZ Exercise (Bodyalignment Exercise)01. Body becomes very strong and keep it in alignment.02. Will strengthen the muscles of the arms and legs.03. Increasing power of your Eye Sight.04. Body will become very active, smooth and flexible.05. Your face will become so shiny.06. Your face will become wrinkle free.07. Your joints will become strong and healthy.08. Your body’s stiffness will become smooth.09. Your throat stiffness will become smooth.10. Your neck will become beautiful.11. Increasing in your power and remove fatigue.12. You are become more efficient.13. Good exercise for brain muscles and become more efficient.14. To receive benefits of acupuncture.15. To receive relief in disease of ENT. NAZ 188

Benefits of NAZ Life Saver Meditation01. To remove of stress and tension.02. Body will become relaxed.03. Mind will become cool and calm.04. Will Increase in positive thinking.05. Will increase in concentration.06. Will increase in memory power.07. Will achieve happiness, prosperous and peace.08. Will increase in energy level.09. Will increase in self-confidence.10. To remove old and incurable disease.11. To live safe and healthy life.12. To remove fears and doubts.13. To live better life.14. To remove body pain.15. To achieve any goal in life.16. To solve any human life problems.17. To remove superstitions.18. To increase mind control.19. To utilize powers of Super Mind.20. To remove negative thought. NAZ 189

Tips Goal Setting ProcessYou can set any Goal of your life and will achieve itby the process of goal setting of this book.Like, to set Goal of Academic career orProfessional career, to get high score in exam, toplan for getting better job, to build up Sportscareer, to become CA., Advocate, Engineer, PI,Scientist, Businessmen, Singer, PersonalityPerson etc. You can plan to live better life also.You can plan to get your Own House, Jewelry, Car,Wealth etc.You can plan to improve your weakness by thisprocess.There is some time limit to achieve any goal and itis decided by circumstances and system of Nature.We don‟t know time limit of system, so we alwaysfixed our own reasonable time to get it. Our timelimit and Nature‟s system time limit may bevaries, so it is necessary that we have to keeppatience and trust during this gap of time. NAZ 190

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