thinks as one sees, hears and experiences,one gets results accordingly. So, only youyourself are totally responsible for whateverincidents take place in your life and noneother.Now you should think about those thingsonly which you want to get. For that youshould be thinking and doing positively.Because whatever you get at present is theproof of your thoughts and efforts of thepast. Hence think positively and do everywork positively to get whatever you want toget in future. And if need be, change yourthinking to correct planning and actaccordingly.Then your life will be changed and your lifewill be filled with happiness. NAZ 50
Technique 3Try to form good habits. It may not bepleasing but we have to make our habitspleasing and we have to accept them whole-heartedly. And for that we have to sacrificeour needs, facilities and comforts.A key to form good habits is when we do thework repeatedly, it becomes easy to do, andan easy work is liked by all. And we also feellike to do easy work repeatedly, byrepeating work (practice) makes manperfect. And this will become good habit.Habit –Work Happiness HABITRepeat EasyNAZ 51
One always considers other persons culpritsbecause one experiences many ups anddowns in his/her life time, experiences somany bad incidents and feels disappointed,resulting in his/her helplessness. He/shealways suffers from fear by thinking aboutsome incident and gets afraid of. Onealways tries to remain safe, healthy andrich. But because of nearby milieu, income,respect and status, virtues, education,interest, fear, blind faith, beliefs, ignorance,uncertainty and habit one does not get whatone desires for.One always thinks that from birth to deatheverything is predefined by the Naturewhich cannot be changed. But it is not so.Because if it would have been so, one would NAZ 52
consult foretellers and would have becomesure about the future and could have lead alife accordingly.But it is quite ponderable point why do thepeople work? The main reason to do thework may be hunger, love, fear, self-respect,status, virtues, interest, superstition, belief,ignorance, uncertainty, milieu, desire,habit, greed, feeling, education, etc. and themain purpose is to earn money in presentsituation.What could be the main purpose to earnmoney? It may be to get comforts,development, good health, increaseproperty, solemnizing marriage, lead a good NAZ 53
life, education for children, entertainmentand to complete the social responsibility,but in the pursuing money earning and toovertake other it becomes the habit. Andthat is why the main purpose to get moneyis forgotten and what remains with him isthe motive to earn money only. In otherwords man becomes money minded.But the life is an ocean full of uncertainnessand we have to find this solution with thehelp of our understanding, experience,knowledge and intelligence. NAZ 54
Technique-4Man is habituated to think about whateverhe sees, hears and experiences and formshis/her belief accordingly. As a result hecomes across all those entire things whichhe/she believes in his/ her life. Hence, onlythose incidents take place in his/her lifeabout which he thinks, sees, listens,experiences and believes in and does workaccordingly. When all this match itbecomes the character of the man.Thought = see + hear + experienceBelief = thought + acceptingIncident = Belief + Action NAZ 55
The Nature has given us everything inabundance. And if we follow its rules we canget whatever we desire for. Only for that,first you know the rules of the Nature andobserve them. Only for that firstly whatneeded is to know the rules of the Natureand observe them.For example, the manufacture of the mobilecompany manufactures the phone with twoSim cards, having battery life of 5 hours, 2GB HD, FM radio, two megapixel camerasand non-waterproof and it appears to beslim.But mobile itself or mobile operator can‟toperate three Sim cards instead of two andenhance battery life up to 10 hours, can‟tuse 5 GB data in 2 GB HD, can‟t play FM NAZ 56
radio, can‟t take photo of 5 megapixel, andcan‟t take bath with the mobile.Mobile phone is supposed to be operated asper the specification of the companyotherwise the mobile will be out of orderand its life will be shortened.Similarly, the Nature has set many rules forliving a good life. So it is necessary tounderstand the rules of the Nature andobserve them. Technique-5Form the habit of observation in your life,because it is an important andmultipurpose technique. Habit ofobservation can increase your self-confidence and you will become more alert.The habit of observation will increase your NAZ 57
self-confidence and you will become more active.Habit of observation will increase your memorypower and because of that you can live better inthe present. And this technique will help youmake your driving simplified and safe. The help ofthese techniques will be able to strengthen thesafety arrangement. It will also increase yourknowledge. This technique is the important keyfor the success in any field of the life. Thistechnique will also increase your visualizationpowers.The usage of these techniques can be done by theconcentration of your mind and eyes by scanninganything. This will help you set the mental imagein your mind and try to know the maximumspecifications and virtues of the thing. NAZ 58
Technique-6 Live Position technique. Habit to feel Live Position OR Stay in Live Position.- Nothing to be done, just watch and feel what are you doing. Start doing practice at any point of time. By continuous practice of this technique you can convert it in your habit.- Most of time we engaged in various activities, but we are not consciously aware, what we have done and after a little period we forget what we have done. Many a time we drive our vehicle to reach our destination, but you had frequently felt that some place have already gone without your notice due to running continue thought process in your mind.- This technique is for the beneficial to you as; 1. You will be able to stay alert. 2. Your habit of forgetting will improve. 3. You can take right judgement at right time. 4. You will be able to enjoy every moment of your life. 5. Way to go in NAZ secure zone. ********* NAZ 59
But no entire incident taking place in ourlife will be in accordance with our desireand will be having full of uncertainties.Because of this all our planning‟s gohaywire and most of us fear from accidenttaking place out of uncertainty. Let usunderstand the definition of accidents in awider sense and not in the form of onlyroad accidents and loss of life. For exampleto fall ill all of a sudden, suffer from heartattack, paralysis, fall on the road, loseinterest in the life, abnormal delivery, rapeand committing suicide by a student androad accident etc. are various forms ofaccidents.Accident means any incident taking placeagainst your wish which change your life NAZ 60
and you become helpless, permanentlydisabled and you are forced to facesorrowful situation.There are thousands types of accidentswhich take place in our life. The accidentsmay take place in the form of open gasvalve, causing fire, fall from the stair case,sudden fall on the road, resulting in eitherdeath or fractures of the hand and leg orany part of the body. All of a sudden, youfeel terrible pain in your chest which can bediagnosed as the heart attack during thediagnosis or blood pressure and blockagetests and force to admit in the hospital. Andyou are supposed to shell out very hugeamount of money to get cured as you are NAZ 61
left with no other choice except to bedependent on medicines.In the case of those people who sent theirwards to other cities or countries for highereducation, the life of this people becomesfull of tension till the moment their childrenafter having completed their highereducation return. Those whose wards goout of country have to face so manydifficulties, like getting passport, gettingvisa, getting the admission confirmed inthe foreign university, foreign colleges andby chance if they consult spurious agenttheir difficulties increase. In addition to allthese problems they will be forced toarrange money for the huge expenses. NAZ 62
The parents have no control over theirwards where they study and don‟t knowwhat they are doing in reality, the parentsalso don‟t know whether their children areattracted towards the money and wrongcompany and they also don‟t know whetherthey are doing the wrong things. Because ofthe ignorance of the student some peopletake benefits by alluring such children.Initially the students don‟t know about thetechniques of so-called professionals and itbecomes too late when they come to knowand their life is spoiled.When anybody goes for job, family of thatperson worry about him/her becauseanything can happen on the road, in theoffice, shops or mall. NAZ 63
We read many a time in the newspapersthat the people die because of stampedeespecially in the public meeting or religiousplace.It is shown here how to save our self fromsuch incidents. *********I relate my experience here. I use to getafraid whenever I read in the newspaper thenews about violence, or flood with thephotographs. Many a time I used to get lostin the thoughts whether it had happenedwith me, what would have happened to me?I used to get that much afraid and had NAZ 64
dreamt about such news in which I used tosee many dead people and there were longqueues in the burial ground, and dreamtabout phantoms, ghosts, etc. in my dream.I used to come across prolonged discussionsregarding such accidents during mychildhood. For example, a few people diedin an accident in an auto rickshaw and atruck collision. And two to three people gotinjured and admitted in the hospital.Under such circumstances suchincident leaves lasting impression onour mind. We cannot forget suchaccidents easily. And the families imposedrestrictions on me for not going on thehighway and if my going on the highwaywas reported to the family I was beaten up. NAZ 65
Most of time I never overlooked the ordersof elders.Most of the people suffer from the phobiasof water, fire, riots, heights, speed, accidentand serious illness. NAZ 66
Powers of Super MindBut I always thought about that powerwhich I would get and keep ourselves safe.But during those days the subject of mindpower was not popular and there was noneto teach it. I still regret that if this wouldhave been available I could haveachieved greater thing in my life. NAZ 67
CHARACTOERIESTICS OF MINDConscious Mind Unconscious Mind01. 10 % Power 01. 90 % Power02. Working if awakened 02. 24 hours working03. Can do logic. 03. Can’t do logic.04. Filter of Unconscious mind 04. Don’t have filter05. Boss of Unconscious mind 05. Servant of Conscious mind06. Do analysis 06. It is creator07. Do action 07. Do planning08. Think before action 08. Can’t think.09. Understanding jokes 09. Can’t understand jokes10. Decide Goal 10. Achieve Goal11. Limited Power 11. Unlimited Power12. Can be trained 12. No need of training13. Limitation of Time / Place 14. No limitation of Time / Place14. Aladdin 14. GenieThe picture shows that we have got twominds, conscious and subconscious.Conscious mind has 10 % power and 90 %power is with our subconscious mind. TheNAZ 68
power of 90 % of subconscious mind lyinghidden in our inner side like which is shownin this picture. And it is surprising that thepower of 10% of conscious mind rules the90 % power of the sub conscious mind. Andit is a sorry state of affair that we don‟t haveknowledge about how to get the work donefrom our subconscious mind, with the helpof conscious mind.Conscious mind is active only during theday, whereas subconscious mind is activefor 24 hours. For example if the mosquitoesbite you during your sleep andsubconscious mind orders hand to removethe mosquitoes. The order is issued byconscious mind and it is obeyed by yoursubconscious mind. Conscious mind thinks NAZ 69
and plans and subconscious mind obeysthem.Subconscious mind has got solutions of allproblems. Subconscious mind (Super mind)is the ocean of knowledge and has gotwonderful creation power and hascommand on universe. Conscious mind isthe sentinel of the super mind.Conscious and Subconscious minds neverdo the work themselves but they get thework done from the various organ of thebody. And subconscious mind works inabsence of conscious mind.The power of the Mind is not newinvention. It is an age old powerfultechnique. Our saints invented so many NAZ 70
things by using these powers of the mind.Even greater illness can be cured with thispower very easily. We can solve manyproblems by using the power of the mind.We can utilize these powers and for which itis not necessary to become a saint. We canalso fulfill our dreams easily by using thesepowers of the life. And lead a life accordingto our desires.But it is necessary to have knowledge of„mind powers‟ to use them. And it is alsonecessary to learn how to use these powersand for that it is necessary to get the propereducation to use these powers from MindPower trainer. Anybody can learn this fromMind Power trainer for which no NAZ 71
qualification is required. Only thing is thathe/she must have power to understand,irrespective of his/her education or beinguneducated/illiterate. Any person whowants to understand this can get theeducation of power of mind. I would like to say one thing, that till date I have not seen any accident myself, in which anybody is seriously injured or has died. I have always come across the accident in which the victim is either already dead or would have died after some time, when I go away nearby. In other words nobody has died in my presence. NAZ 72
In the year 2010 my mother washospitalized, I got a phone call that shewanted to see me. Straight from theoffice I went to the hospital but sheexpired just 5 minutes before I couldreach there. After one and half year,my father was admitted to the hospitalwith whom I stayed whole night, andwhen I proceeded in the morning tobecome fresh and bring snacks andtea, I got the news that my father hadexpired.At the age of 30, I learnt driving two-wheeler and fell down twice or thricebecause of my mistake, and receivedsmaller injuries. NAZ 73
There after I had not met with anyaccident and had never fallen downand I enjoy my driving till today.In the year 2011, I learnt car driving inRajkot and after one month of learningcar driving, I drove my car withconfidence at the speed of 100 km onthe Rajkot-Ahmedabad highway. But Ihad never driven the car carelessly. Ialways drive any vehicle very smoothlyand systematically, and always enjoymy driving.Most of the people believe that onecannot learn car driving without NAZ 74
meeting with an accident, but I learntit without accident.“Now I believe that I can driveand am safe in all the manner.This belief of mine has becomemy self-confidence and it is fittedvery well in my subconsciousmind (Super mind) because Ihave full trust on my innerpowers and Super mind. And thisbelief of mine saves me in everymanner.”This belief is for my self-driving. Evenwhen I go with others on long drive ortravel by any vehicle I feel myselfcompletely safe. And I pray to the NAZ 75
Almighty/Angel every moment and express my thanks to him, “as my past journey, this journey also, for making it completely safe, simplified and enjoyable” and also express full trust on the Almighty, because of which I have always got good results.For example, whenever I travelled with myfriends we met with no accident, didn‟t haveany tension or discomfort. Our every travelbecomes enjoyable as we don‟t face anytraffic problem, like jam of the traffic,Interruption of road, harassment of thepolice etc. and we reach our destinationcomfortably well in time. NAZ 76
Certain facts should always be rememberedand make them as habits because to form ahabit is not difficult. Only by rememberingthem we can use these habits frequently. Ifyou do any work repeatedly that work willbecome easier for you and you will beenjoying the work. During the course oftime doing the work in that manner willbecome your habit and you will not berequired to memorize it. NAZ 77
FORMULA 44 IMPORTANT SUGGESTIONS FOR SAFE DRIVING.01. One should have knowledge of the traffic rules and the signals which control traffic.02. When you start your day by going out on vehicle, you connect yourself with the traffic system. At that time, you should connect with the traffic system with great care and ease. For example, when you are going out of the internal road of society and approach the main road or when you have the narrow road to approach the main road you should be extra cautious and careful. Otherwise you will be creating traffic NAZ 78
problems to the already vehicles in motion.03. When you are nearing destination and are supposed to come out of this traffic system you should be extra careful. Hence, you should not overtake any vehicles to reach the nearing destination in hurry.04. When you are already in the traffic system you are supposed to adjust the speed of your vehicle. It means you should not drive your vehicle in the city at the same speed the way you drive on the highway and vice versa. Driving vehicle at a greater speed and in serpentine manner is endangers the NAZ 79
life of self and other person also and is not advisable.05. If you drive your vehicle at a greater speed you should keep distance enough between your vehicle and vehicles going ahead before you for the safety purpose.06. When you are driving your car fasten your seat belt and insist upon co- traveler to fasten the belt. And if you are driving two-wheeler you should wear helmet without fail for safety purpose.07. When you are driving don‟t get lost in the thoughts and stay in the present mode. And for that you should observe moving vehicles and their speed and NAZ 80
don‟t apply short brakes and keep safe margin for the safety purpose. If Attention = No Tension No Attention= Get Tension08. You should check the air pressure in the tyres regularly and send your vehicle for service on regular basis.09. You should develop the habit of keeping an eye on vehicles coming from behind you by looking at side glass and review mirror. And they should be utilized whenever you want to overtake any other vehicle.10. If you are in the heavy traffic, when you get the side you drive your vehicle, and move ahead at required speed or NAZ 81
slow down your vehicle accordingly to maintain your comfort level.11. You should make use of side lights to indicate the direction in which you would like to move your vehicle, use deeper system and horn at the proper place (during the night driving). And you should not be careless while driving in the early morning at the time of sunrise and twilight zone. And you should keep your light on (not thinking about saving money) to avoid any possible accident.12. If you are going on a long drive and require continuous driving for more than 2-3 hours, you should have a break journey so that you can take rest NAZ 82
and lessen the stress on your eyes andthe engine of your vehicle will beautomatically getting lesser heated.(the engine of vehicle get cooler)At this time, take deeper breath for therelaxation (Short nap) in the longjourney because that will relax you andyou will be fresh. Magic Mini. NapIn this technique of mini. Nap youcould get 2 hours deep nap in just 10minutes.During the short nap you have to makeself-suggestion to your Super mind.Take certain 2 to 3 deep breaths whileseating on your driving seat in therelaxed manner with closed eyes. Now, NAZ 83
see and give suggestions to your Supermind that you‟re sleeping nicely withlast 1 minute, again take a deep breathand think you are sleeping nicely withlast 2 minutes. Then take deep breathand think that you‟re sleeping wellwith last 4 minutes. By repeating itthat you‟re sleeping very well with last8 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1hour and 2 hours.Finally, take a long deep breath andrub your palm and keep on your closedeyes and open the eyes slowly, thenyou will feel that you have had awonderful sleep of two hours. And thisshould not be repeated more than two NAZ 84
times in a long journey. Third time you should rest completely for one hour.13. During long drive for more than 7-8 hours one should take a rest of completely 1 hour, during this time one should take rest as if he/she has slept on the real bed. This will remove the stiffness of the physique and you will be relaxed. Then you can restart your journey. During the long drive you should not go alone, ask someone to accompany you.14. Try to install music in the side light and the reverse gear. Don‟t think it is useless. Because reverse gear music lessens the risk and your work becomes easy. NAZ 85
15. Drive always with ease in the smooth manners and as per the traffic rules. By doing this you will not feel fatigued and you will be able to enjoy the driving with ease. And your mood will remain good in the long run. Don‟t drive at an uncontrollable speed and do not apply brakes frequently because it is quite risky. Because it does not save much of your time and you will get tired immediately, which will spoil your mood also. Always form the habit to drive smoothly, easily and in enjoyable manner.16. Don‟t use mobile phone while driving because it might result in the deadliest accident. If it is most important to NAZ 86
talk, stop your vehicle on the side of the road and then talk.17. When you are facing some trouble about your family don‟t drive your vehicle yourself. Ask someone to accompany to drive because under such situation you will be engrossed in the thoughts of your family problems.18. You must keep enough petrol or diesel in your vehicle. To keep in mind your journey period when the fuel in tank is depleting refill the tank with petrol or diesel.19. When you are planning picnic with your family, don‟t forget to take some snacks and drinking water and medicines along with you. Do proper NAZ 87
planning needful for the journey and arrange accordingly. Don‟t overlook the likes and dislikes of your family. As far as possible avoid eating open food on the road side motels. And insist upon eating only fresh and digestible food.20. Always pray to the Almighty before starting the vehicle for safe, easy and enjoyable driving and journey. And this pray should be done by all the persons who travel with you. Try to remember the purpose for which you are travelling and try to visualize that you have already reached safely that place on right NAZ 88
time and you have done your job also.21. If you are saved from any incident, thank the Almighty and remember NAZ rules and also thank the Almighty who has saved you from big incident, and realize the law of redemption of the Nature. If you are suffering like this, may be as law of redemption, which can‟t avoid. Be cool and go ahead with your travelling.22. Always drive cheerfully and remember the Almighty, if you have any tension or stress. Leave everything up to the Almighty, be relaxed and drive in the lighter mood. NAZ 89
23. While driving if you have any short or long Nature calls, park the vehicle on the side of the road and complete the call.24. If you want to stay somewhere, park your vehicle in the safe place so that your vehicle will be safe and it will not be a hindrance to the others.25. Every driver of vehicle has different style to drive the vehicle (Vehicle has been settled as per the habit of his owner/driver) and hence before driving anybody‟s vehicle, one should ask the owner of the vehicle about clutch, declutching, accelerator, horn, locks and brakes etc. NAZ 90
26. You have to connect an emotional energy with the vehicle which makes your drive safe, easy and enjoyable and hold steering, close your eyes and say to your mind that this vehicle gives me safe, easy and enjoyable ride/journey, and is of great help to make progress in my life. And I love my vehicle and then start your vehicle/journey.27. Don‟t be careless as far as repairing and servicing of the vehicle is concerned and if need be change the spare parts immediately and give priority to your safety. Don‟t consider expenses as cause of your worries.28. The vehicle should be fully insured with comprehensive insurance and see NAZ 91
that it is renewed before your renewal date because it saves you from greater expenses in the future and lessen the mental tension.29. Dispose of your vehicle well within time. Always keep safety in your mind and don‟t be emotional. Because vehicle is for your facility and don‟t consider it as status symbol and don‟t make it (consider) cause of expenses.30. While driving the vehicle, don‟t overlook any undue and undesirable knocks of any part because it wants to draw your attention towards the snag of the vehicle, get it either serviced or repaired same day without any delay, keeping the safety view in mind. NAZ 92
31. One must have traffic sense while driving. Because you will come across so many people while driving who don‟t have any traffic sense and you will be angry. You become restless and angry and with such situation you drive the vehicle for some time. But it is necessary to keep away this thought and return to calm/cool and then drive. This is one of the most important tips to drive. And you have to form the habit of this. For this you have to form the habit of NAZ meditation, pranayama and lighter exercise.32. You should keep tool box (tools of breaking glass also) and first aid box NAZ 93
ready in the vehicle. So that you get instant help and avail first aid without losing time in the case of any emergency. And you can come out of the difficult situation.33. Vehicle should not be overloaded with passengers or goods so that vehicle will remain in good condition and no undesirable accident takes place in the case of untoward hapless emergency.34. While driving keep yourself calm, cool and collected and have happy mood which requires your good health. If you are healthy your mood will be automatically healthy. NAZ 94
For this, form the habit ofremaining healthy and it ismentioned in this book.And another remedy to keep yourmood happy, depends on time,circumstance and your Nature. Moodis mostly dependent on the Nature.Everything is dependent on the Naturein this Universe and it is automaticallyadjusted as per the law of the Nature.For example, all animals and plantscan bear any type of situation but onlyman is such an intelligent animalwhich can improve his/her mood inany season and in any situation. Manis gifted with precious intelligence byusing which, man can bring himself NAZ 95
out of any adverse situation. Man can reach any destination with the help of the intelligence and expertise. But he can also cause harm to others and himself by misusing his/her intelligence.35. Drive any vehicle with full attention and without any tension so that you can pay complete attention to your driving and observe the traffic movements. It is also necessary to drive by keeping enough distance between your vehicle and the one going ahead to you and with proper judgment. Don‟t pay any attention to any activities near the driver‟s seat. It is not good to keep your eyes off the NAZ 96
road and be inattentive. Because it is not a good habit.36. It is not good to play music loudly and to play such songs which induce sleep, and don‟t listen to disco songs, for they can egg on the driver‟s urge to increase the speed, as disco songs influence the driver‟s mind very quickly.37. Don‟t compete with others as far as the speed is concerned. Don‟t get carried away to increase the speed if encouraged by friends or children. And drive carefully.38. If you are a Cab driver or an Auto rickshaw driver your responsibility increases because you are supposed to be in search of getting passengers to NAZ 97
earn more money. This requires frequent entries and exits of your vehicle in the traffic system, so never apply short brakes and keep enough distance between your own vehicle and other vehicles.39. When you drive with greater speed never apply short brakes because that might be getting your vehicle imbalanced and it becomes difficult for the driver of vehicle coming behind you to take the proper judgment and can meet with an accident. If you keep enough space from the vehicle going before you, you never need to apply short brakes. NAZ 98
40. If you want to overtake any vehicle keeps enough space from the vehicle going ahead of you and also keeps enough space for the vehicle coming from the opposite direction on the front side. Don‟t try to overtake with narrow margin.41. When you want to go to predetermined place prepare a road map in your mind to visit that place. You must have an idea of that road about bumps and ditches so that you can reach your destination within the expected time and use the road as per your need. NAZ 99
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