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Home Explore Human Evolutionary Biology

Human Evolutionary Biology

Published by helviitenge, 2014-08-01 03:59:33

Wide-ranging and inclusive, this text provides an invaluable review of an expansive
selection of topics in human evolution, variation, and adaptability for professionals
and students in biological anthropology, evolutionary biology, medical sciences, and
psychology. The chapters are organized around four broad themes, with sections
devoted to phenotypic and genetic variation within and between human populations,
reproductive physiology and behavior, growth and development, and human health
from evolutionary and ecological perspectives. An introductory section provides
readers with the historical, theoretical, and methodological foundations needed to
understand the more complex ideas presented later. Two hundred discussion questions provide starting points for class debate and assignments to test student
Michael P. Muehlenbein is an assistant professor of anthropology at Indiana
University, Bloomington. He holds an MsPH in both tropical medicine


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Evolutionary Endocrinology 141 Latronico, A. C. and Segaloff, D. L. (1999). Naturally Muehlenbein, M. P. (2008). Adaptive variation in testoster- occurring mutations of the luteinizing-hormone receptor: one levels in response to immune activation: empirical lessons learned about reproductive physiology and and theoretical perspectives. Social Biology, 53, 13–23. G protein-coupled receptors. American Journal of Human Muehlenbein, M. P. and Bribiescas, R. G. (2005). Testoster- Genetics, 65(4), 949–958. one-mediated immune functions and male life histories. Leidy Sievert, L. (2006). Menopause: a Biocultural Perspec- American Journal of Human Biology, 17(5), 527–558. tive. Piscataway, NJ: Rutgers University Press. Muehlenbein, M. P., Campbell, B. C., Phillippi, K. M., et al. Leonard, W. R., Galloway, V. A., Ivakine, E., et al. (1999). (2001). Reproductive maturation in a sample of captive Nutrition, thyroid function and basal metabolism of the male baboons. 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9 Ethical Considerations for Human Biology Research Trudy R. Turner With commentary by Michael P. Muehlenbein The past 25 years have seen an ever increasing include: avoid falsifying data or plagiarizing; avoid emphasis on and discussion of ethics in professional carelessness when collecting data; avoid falsifying life. The Center for the Study of Ethics in the Profes- grant records; avoid mistreating or discriminating sions at the Illinois Institute of Technology currently against others, specifically students, coworkers, and has a library of over 850 Codes of Ethics for various employees; avoid giving professional advice on topics professions. Professional societies often have ethics you are not qualified to discuss; avoid falsely represent- modules online. Courses on ethics or ethics training ing a professional organization; report conflicts of are recommended parts of graduate curricula. Medi- interest; avoid clandestine research that cannot be cine, law, engineering, and business all have ethical published; follow rules of multiple authorship and be standards and codes. The scientific community as a an objective peer reviewer. These are well established whole also shares a set of guiding principles that have and agreed upon. However, the most difficult responsi- been codified into a code of ethics for research and bilities a physical anthropologist or human biologist practice. In addition, each academic discipline has its faces are often to the people we study. Discussion of own set of standards and principles, since each discip- these responsibilities can be subsumed under a general line has its own history and its own ethical dilemmas. discussion of bioethics. Here I will briefly review ethical principles common to Bioethics, a special branch of applied ethics, is the scientific community as well as some of the ethical concerned with human health and human subjects dilemmas faced by human biologists. This is not a research. Bioethics sets forth standards and principles comprehensive account. I direct the reader to the that have become the model for work in medicine and volume Biological Anthropology and Ethics: from Repat- research. Formal bioethics began after World War II, riation to Genetic Identity (Turner, 2005a) for a fuller in the wake of Nazi experimentation, with the discussion of the issues presented here. Nuremberg Code. This Code sets forth explicitly the Codes of ethics exist because every individual faces principle of voluntary consent and lists criteria that choices. These codes provide a framework for making must be met before any experimentation can be done informed choices in situations where there are conflict- on human subjects (Turner, 2005b). In the decades ing obligations and responsibilities. The codes provide following Nuremberg, several ethical codes were a framework of general principles for discussion and enacted by the US government, the National Institutes choice. No code can anticipate each unique situation. of Health, the World Medical Association, and the Discussion and reflection are vital to anticipate situ- Department of Health, Education and Welfare. In ations that may require quick decisions. Anthropolo- 1974, Congress enacted the National Research Act, gists (as evidenced in the American Anthropological which mandated an Institutional Review Board (IRB) Association [AAA] Code of Ethics, the American Asso- review for all Public Health Service-funded research, ciation of Physical Anthropologists [AAPA] Code of and authorized the establishment of the National Com- Ethics) recognize a series of responsibilities – to the mission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Bio- people with whom they work and whose lives they medical and Behavioral Research. The Commission study, to scholarship, to science, to the public, to stu- produced a document, known as the Belmont Report. dents and trainees, to employers, and employees. With The Belmont Report articulated three ethical prin- these multiple levels of responsibility it can be difficult ciples: autonomy or respect for persons, beneficence, to determine which takes precedence in a given situ- and justice. These principles are usually understood ation. Linda Wolfe (2005) has reviewed the responsi- as do no harm, apply the rules of justice and fair distri- bilities that anthropologists face that are common to bution, do not deprive persons of freedom and help all scientists in the practice of their science. These others (for a fuller discussion, see Stinson, 2005). The Human Evolutionary Biology, ed. Michael P. Muehlenbein. Published by Cambridge University Press. # Cambridge University Press 2010. 144

Ethical Considerations for Human Biology Research 145 Belmont Report has been codified into federal regula- identify practices that would no longer be considered tions and is used by Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) wholly acceptable. However, these practices may have in their analysis of research protocols. These IRBs are been fully acceptable and even far-sighted at the time local and found at institutions conducting or support- research was conducted. Recently a controversy ing human subjects’ research. Institutional Review occurred surrounding James Neel and his research Boards are responsible for the review and approval of among the Yanomami. The controversy erupted a short research activities involving human subjects. Their pri- time before a book by Patrick Tierney, Darkness in El mary mandate is to protect the rights and safeguard Dorado (2000), was published. In proofs of the book, the welfare of human research subjects. In 1981, final Tierney had accused Neel of starting a measles epidemic Department of Health, Education, and Welfare by injecting local villagers with a virulent measles vac- (DHEW) approval was given in 45 CFR 46, Subparts cine. These charges were withdrawn before the book was A, B and C (Title 45 Public Welfare, Code of Federal published, due to a huge outcry by the scientific commu- Regulations, Part 46 Protection of Human Subjects, nity about the validity of these claims. But controversy 1991). On March 18, 1983, Subpart D was added to continued, with some researchers claiming Neel and his the regulations, providing additional protections for team did not do all they could to alleviate the measles children who are subjects in research. Initially the epidemic among the Yanomami. Several professional Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS, organizations, including the AAA, set up task forces to the agency that replaced DHEW) regulations applied review all materials. Within the anthropological commu- only to research conducted or supported by DHHS. nity the controversy quickly came to concern the But, in June 1991, the United States published a seeming conflict between obligations to science and common policy for federal agencies conducting or sup- humanitarian efforts. Those members of the task force porting research with human subjects. That policy, charged with reviewing the Neel material (Turner and which is known as “the Common Rule,” extended the Nelson, 2005) found that Neel worked very hard to alle- provisions of 45 CFR Part 46, to fourteen other federal viate the measles epidemic he found in Venezuela. agencies; it now governs most federally supported There were other issues in the Darkness in El research. The composition and operation of each Dorado controversy that continue to have resonance university or institution IRB must conform to the for researchers today. These include the nature of terms and conditions of 45 CFR Part 46. (NIH Human informed consent, reciprocation for samples, and dis- Research Protection Program, http://www1.od.nih. position of samples. gov/oma/manualchapters/intramural/3014/). Since the establishment of the IRB system, other federal commis- sions, including the National Research Council, the INFORMED CONSENT National Bioethics Advisory Commission, and the Presi- dent’s Council on Bioethics, have continued to examine There are several excellent reviews of the history of issues concerning human subjects and to prepare informed consent. Philosophers, ethicists, historians of updated guidelines. Human subjects research must be science, and attorneys have all written about this (see overseen by local IRBs. Funding by federal agencies will for example, Beauchamp and Childress, 1989; Gert not be approved without IRB oversight and approval. In et al., 1997). Before the Nuremberg Report, most clin- multi-institution or multi-national projects more than ical medicine researchers were guided by the principle one IRB may be involved. Since every institution in this of beneficence and dealt little with the principle of country has its own IRB and every country may have its autonomy. This principle of autonomy or respect for own regulations, approval to do research can be cum- persons, articulated as voluntary or informed consent, bersome. But as Long (2005, p.278) states, “As a general was of primary importance in the shaping of the rule, investigators should simultaneously meet the Nuremberg Code, which resulted as a response to Nazi highest standards of both our own culture and those of medical experimentation. The Nuremberg Code and the research subjects’ culture.” According to Long others that followed presented an ideal for dealing with (2005, p. 279) the current guidelines now “mandate that human subjects. However, the particulars of application among other things, the researcher is responsible for of this ideal to real-life situations was not as well articu- proper scientific design, monitoring participant rights lated. There were certainly also situations and research and welfare in the course of research and ensuring that projects conducted before the current regulations when all personnel on the research team are qualified and principles of informed consent were missing (one of the trained in human subjects protections.” most egregious examples being the Tuskegee Syphilis Until 45 CFR 46 was implemented oversight of Study, which ended in 1972). The real question in many research projects was not well codified. It is certainly studies conducted before the implementation of the possible to look back at research conducted in the years Belmont Report is how informed was informed consent. between the Nuremberg Code and 45 CFR 46 and How well articulated were the goals, methods, and

146 Trudy R. Turner consequences of the research? While these questions require them to return again and again to local, identi- are important when dealing with relatively informed fied communities. Some researchers have had multi- Western, English-speaking individuals, how were they decade relationships with their study populations. handled with non-Western, non-English-speaking, indi- Over the decades, standards of what is included in genous populations? informed consent have changed. Friedlaender (2005) Recognizing this as a special case, the World Health gives a detailed account of his 35-year relationship Organization (WHO) convened a working group which with groups in the Solomon Islands and the changing met in 1962 and 1968 to discuss studies of “long-stand- standards of informed consent that he has imple- ing, but now rapidly changing, human indigenous popu- mented in his work. The current standard is, of course, lations” (Neel 1964). Two reports were produced, both full disclosure of the research project and the risks and authored by James Neel (1964, 1968), which detailed the benefits. This includes returning to the population for relationship and ethical obligations of researcher to additional consent if samples might be used for a study population. Neel particularly emphasized six related, but not identical project. The best way to factors of special importance: (1) The privacy and dig- describe the current paradigm is in terms of an on- nity of an individual must be respected and anonymity going relationship between subjects and researchers, of subjects must be maintained. (2) Satisfactory, but with subjects as active participants in research design carefully considered, recompense should be given for and implementation. participation in a study. (3) The local population should Researchers are conditioned to think about the benefit from the study by medical, dental, and related impact of research on an individual – on his or her services. (4) Attempts should be made to maintain con- health or psychological well being. It is important genial social relationships with participants. (5) Learned now that the researcher think about the impact of the individuals should be consulted. (6) There should be the research on the study population. The Belmont Prin- utmost regard for cultural integrity of the group. ciples protect individual participants in research pro- It is clear these principles were in place during the jects. But many anthropological studies are population heyday of studies conducted under the Human Adapt- based and the findings of these studies can impact and ability Section of the International Biological Program affect whole populations. Consultation and group con- (Collins and Weiner, 1977). Informed consent was sent is now sought from populations. But group con- sought, but not in the ways it is now sought. Turner sent leads to a new suite of questions (enumerated by and Nelson (2002, 2005) conducted a survey of 14 Juengst, 1999; Turner, 2005b): “Who speaks for the researchers working in the field during this time. They group? If the group is nested within a larger group, asked specifically how information was conveyed to who represents the original group? What are the limits individuals involved in studies. Every survey respond- of the group? What is the relationship between expatri- ent stressed that there were individuals in the popula- ate groups and the community of origin? Does permis- tions they worked with who did not participate. sion from a national government to conduct research Voluntary consent was therefore assumed. Research- have meaning for the community being studied? How ers either had government or local permission to con- does one obtain informed consent from an individual duct their studies. In every case, researchers gave some or a group whose members have little understanding of explanation of the motivation for the study. But some the project or the risks involved? How can the culture of these explanations were not necessarily complete. of the population be taken into account in the design or Researchers felt that perhaps local populations might implementation of the project? What are the implica- not understand precisely the questions they were pur- tions concerning the disclosure of the identity of the suing. Scientists who were part of the Yanomami group? Can consent be withdrawn sometime in the expedition in the late 1960s have stated that the Yano- future? How? Can samples be withdrawn sometime in mami were told that the researchers were going to look the future? How? Are there appropriate benefits for the for diseases of the blood. This was true, but there were population under study?” This series of questions must other things that were researched as well. Some Yano- be asked by every researcher engaged in research with mami that have spoken to outsiders after the publica- human populations. In fact, these same questions are tion of the Tierney book have stated that there was an asked by cultural anthropologists, archaeologists, skel- expectation of greater medical benefit from the work. etal biologists, and any other researcher working with identified human populations. An example of group consent and consultation can GROUP CONSENT be found in the work of O’Rourke et al. (2005) who have been engaged in ancient DNA research with sev- Physical anthropologists and human biologists are in a eral populations. Each of the populations O’Rourke unique position – they are interested in the range of has worked with necessitated an individualized human variation and they frequently study traits that approach for access to samples. Some communities

Ethical Considerations for Human Biology Research 147 requested in-person meetings; others did not. Different trust between the investigator and the participant. In communities had different restrictions on the size of medical studies in this country, compensation may take samples. Working with Paleo-Indian remains for the form of some level of medical care. However, what ancient DNA (aDNA) or skeletal biology studies in this are appropriate compensations for research studies country requires adherence to Native American Graves conducted with non-Western, identified populations? and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) regulations. This may If a study includes medical personnel, some level of mean that some of these studies cannot take place. On medical care may be given to the participants. But this the other hand, some scientists (Larsen and Walker, is not necessarily the type of care individuals need. 2005) have been able to open discussions with Certainly there are some conditions where antibiotics native peoples on the study and disposition of human or analgesics can be useful and even life saving. What if remains. a person is identified as diabetic? A single visit from a medical professional will not be sufficient to help this person. Referrals to more long-term care facilities may WEIGHING RISKS AND BENEFITS be in order. In the past, researchers have given many items as compensation. Researchers usually select these Distinctions are made in the Belmont Report between items in consultation with those familiar with the cul- biological and behavioral research. In biological or ture. Food items, photos, tools, machetes, and cash have medical research, risks can often be more clearly iden- all been given as compensation. Other items have been tified than in behavioral research. But, behavioral given to the group or community. One of the more research can cause emotional, psychological, or social recent examples of compensation involved technology harm (Stinson, 2005). Embarrassment or social stigma transfer and training of individuals to use this technol- can be real consequences of participation in a research ogy (Bamshad, 1999; Jorde, 1999). project. An individual may find questions embarrass- ing or might face social consequences if his or her answers to questions were known. One of the most DATA SHARING important risks to an individual is disclosure of iden- tity. Institutional Review Boards are very aware of the Circular A-110 of the US Office of Management and risks of this disclosure and will look closely at the ways Budget stipulates that data collected through grants in which identity can be safeguarded. awarded by federal agencies such as National Insti- Winston and Kittles (2005) describe the challenges to tutes of Health (NIH) and National Science Founda- perceived identity that were sometimes generated by the tion (NSF) are public. Federal agencies encourage the African Ancestry Project. Williams (2005) also discusses broad and rapid dissemination of information some disclosure issues faced by descendents of Thomas throughout the scientific community reflecting the Jefferson after a study of DNA from descendents of scientific ideal of an open community of scholars Sally Hemings and the Jefferson family. Stigmatization pursuing novel ideas and avenues of research. Major can also occur at the group level and this may be espe- complex electronic databanks already exist. Genetic cially true for marginalized or identified populations. information is shared via the International Nucleotide Membersof a group might be stigmatized by having their Sequence Database, which includes GenBank, the circumstances discussed. How can one avoid this DNA DataBank of Japan, and the European Molecular situation? Researchers feel that a frank and full discus- Biology Laboratory. The NSF has a database initiative. sion of this risk can lead to a negotiation between subject Data used by physical anthropologists, however, is and researcher on the presentation of the results and often unique and difficult to obtain. It may not be pos- the naming of the group as participant. Williams (2005) sible to obtain second sets of blood or saliva samples or also suggests that constant vigilance during the planning measurements, or interviews from members of identi- and execution of the project be paramount. fied communities. Individual and group consent and confidentiality become major issues if samples are shared. Specific questions about data sharing range COMPENSATION from the definition of data to fair use for the individual collecting the data (Turner, 2005c). The physical There is often a huge differential between the researcher anthropology program of the NSF has a data-sharing and the participant in studies in education, socioeco- requirement. However, the design implementation of nomic status and access to resources. Researchers can this requirement is up to the individual researcher, but and do compensate participants in research studies for must go beyond publication of results in a scientific their time and effort. But the compensation must not be journal. Questions related to the ethics and the require- so great as to compel participation in a study. In add- ments of data sharing are really just beginning in our ition, this differential may also influence rapport and community.

148 Trudy R. Turner IMPLEMENTING ETHICAL REFERENCES STANDARDS Bamshad, M. (1999). Session one: issues relating to popu- lation identification, anthropology, genetic diversity Discussions of ethics usually generate more questions and ethics. Symposium held at the University of than answers. Field-work situations are unique. Issues Wisconsin-Milwaukee. change from place to place and from time to time. projects/GeneticDiversity/session1.html (last accessed, Ethical standards have also changed over time. There November, 2007). are now laws and standards concerning research and Beauchamp, T. L. and Childress, J. F. (1989). Principles of research subjects. In the vast majority of cases, Biomedical Ethics, 3rd edn. New York: Oxford. researchers make their best possible efforts to behave Collins, K. J. and Weiner, J. S. (1977). Human Adaptability: a according to the letter and the spirit of the law. But History and Compendium of Research in the International there are judgment calls and the IRB system is in place Biological Programme. London: Taylor and Fraser. Friedlaender, J. S. (2005). Commentary: changing standards for oversight – so that someone else can add perspec- of informed consent: raising the bar. In Biological Anthro- tive. It is important, though, that ethics not be confined pology and Ethics: from Repatriation to Genetic Identity, merely to IRB oversight. Continual discussion, espe- T. R. Turner (ed.). Albany, NY: SUNY Press, pp. 263–274. cially during training, is important. Many training Gert, B., Culver, C. M. and Clouser, K. D. (1997). Bioethics: a programs offer specialized courses in ethics. Others Return to Fundamentals. Oxford: Oxford University Press. include discussion of ethics in every class. In either Jorde, L. (1999). Session four: successful research collabor- case, students and faculty need to continually engage ations. Anthropology, genetic diversity and ethics. Sympo- each other in an assessment of ethical standards in sium held at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. professional life. jorde.html (last accessed, November, 2007). Juengst, E. (1999). Session one: issues relating to identifying populations. Anthropology, genetic diversity and ethics. DISCUSSION POINTS Symposium held at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. 1. In the digital age, the treatment, storage, and trans- juengst.html (last accessed, November, 2007). portation of sensitive data are particularly import- Larsen, C. S. and Walker, P. L. (2005). The ethics of bioarch- ant. Storage of sensitive personal information on a aeology. In Biological Anthropology and Ethics: from laptop may not be secured. What precautions must Repatriation to Genetic Identity, T. R. Turner (ed.). Albany, be taken to secure this type of information? NY: SUNY Press, pp. 111–119. 2. How can one overcome the logistical issues associ- Long,J.C.(2005).Commentary:anoverviewofhumansub- ated with obtaining additional informed consent jects research in biological anthropology. In Biological from remote populations? Anthropology and Ethics: from Repatriation to Genetic Iden- 3. What if a previously unknown condition is revealed tity, T.R. Turner (ed.). Albany, NY: SUNY Press, pp. 275–279. during genetic screening? In many areas of the Neel, J. V. (1964). Research in Human Population Genetics of Primitive Groups. WHO Technical Report Series No. 279. world, referring a subject to a physician is not Geneva: World Health Organization. feasible. What do you do? Neel, J. V. (1968). Research on Human Population Genetics. 4. The disparity in wealth between a researcher and a WHO Technical Report Series No. 387. Geneva: World participant may influence rapport between the Health Organization. two. What are some methods to deal with this? O’Rourke, D. H., Hayes, M. G. and Carlyle, S. W. (2005). 5. There may be situations when a research agenda The consent process and DNA research: contrasting and humanitarian concerns come into conflict. approaches in North America In Biological Anthropology Discuss the expectations and limits of a researcher’s and Ethics: from Repatriation to Genetic Identity, responsibility to the participant community. T. R. Turner (ed.). Albany, NY: SUNY Press, pp. 231–240. Stinson, S. (2005). Ethical issues in human biology behav- ioral research and research with children. In Biological Anthropology and Ethics: from Repatriation to Genetic ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Identity, T. R. Turner (ed.). Albany, NY: SUNY Press, pp. 139–148. I am grateful to Michael Muehlenbein for asking me to Tierney, P. (2000). Darkness in El Dorado. New York: W. W. participate in this volume. I am also indebted to all the Norton. authors of the volume on Biological Anthropology and Turner, T.R. (2005a). Biological Anthropology and Ethics: from Ethics for their insights. I am also grateful to two Repatriation to Genetic Identity. Albany, NY: SUNY Press. anonymous reviewers who helped greatly with the Turner, T. R. (2005b). Introduction: ethical concerns in discussion questions. biological anthropology. In Biological Anthropology and

Ethical Considerations for Human Biology Research 149 Ethics: from Repatriation to Genetic Identity, T. R. Turner Williams, S. R. (2005). A case study of ethical issues in (ed.). Albany, NY: SUNY Press, pp. 1–13. genetic research: the Sally Hemings–Thomas Jefferson Turner, T. R. (2005c). Commentary: data sharing and access story. In Biological Anthropology and Ethics: from to information. In Biological Anthropology and Ethics: Repatriation to Genetic Identity, T. R. Turner (ed.). Albany, from Repatriation to Genetic Identity, T. R. Turner (ed.). NY: SUNY Press, pp. 185–208. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, pp. 281–287. Winston, C. E. and Kittles, R. A. (2005). Psychological and Turner, T. R. and Nelson, J. D. (2002). Turner Point by Point. ethical issues related to identity and inferring ancestry of El Dorado Task Force Papers. Final Report,vol.1, part 6. African Americans. In Biological Anthropology and Ethics: Washington, DC: American Anthropological Association. from Repatriation to Genetic Identity, T. R. Turner (ed.). Turner, T. R. and Nelson, J. D. (2005). Darkness in El Albany, NY: SUNY Press, pp. 209–229. Dorado: claims, counter claims and the obligations of Wolfe, L. D. (2005). Field primatologists: duties, rights and researchers. In Biological Anthropology and Ethics: from obligations. In Biological Anthropology and Ethics: from Repatriation to Genetic Identity, T. R. Turner (ed.). Albany, Repatriation to Genetic Identity, T. R. Turner (ed.). Albany, NY: SUNY Press, pp. 165–183. NY: SUNY Press, pp. 15–26.

Commentary: a Primer on Human Subjects Applications and Informed Consents Michael P. Muehlenbein Investigators utilizing human subjects for any reason in (; the US their research are charged with the vital responsibility National Institutes of Health Office of Extramural of ensuring ethical standards of conduct. These stand- Research, grants policy on research involving human ards are outlined by a number of governing bodies, subjects ( particularly the Department of Health and Human htm); the International Association of Bioethics (http:// Services, Office for Human Research Protections; and the Association ( and Office for Civil Rights for Practical and Professional Ethics (http://www. ( in the United States. Human Some of the basic information on subjects committees, empowered by these governing human subjects applications is summarized in Table 9.1. bodies, are then designated at the institutional level to Any project consisting of greater than minimal risk provide oversight of human use in biomedical and to subjects requires full committee review. However, behavioral research projects. Principle investigators US regulations allow certain types of research to be and their teams are then responsible for ensuring the exempt from or expedited through reviews. Those that safety and welfare of subjects and compliance with may be exempt include studies that constitute very research protocols. This is initially accomplished by minimal risk of harm or discomfort, such as research working with institutional review boards (human sub- involving normal educational practices with adults, jects committees in particular) in a detailed application anonymous surveys and interviews, and analyses of process prior to the initiation of research. existing data or biological specimens (with no identi- Below is a brief introduction for newcomers to the fiers attached). Other applications can be expedited human subjects committee application, including the through the review process if they constitute minimal informed consent. This general information has been risk from invasive or noninvasive sample collection compiled from a number of online sources (last (e.g., image, voice, body composition, biological fluid, accessed August, 2009). Application format is certainly DNA, etc.), or certain behavioral observations. In all specific to individual institutions. However, the gen- cases, applications are still read by at least an adminis- eral guidelines are usually the same, drawn from basic trator or decentralized reviewer. requirements laid forward by, among others, the US Certain research subjects require special attention, Department of Health and Human Services Code of and research projects utilizing these subjects must be Federal Regulations, Title 45 (Public Welfare), Part 46 evaluated via full panel review. This includes projects (Protection of Human Subjects) ( utilizing students, employees, and incarcerated indi- ohrp/humansubjects/guidance/45cfr46.htm) and the viduals who are susceptible to coercion by teachers, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act employers, and parole boards. If students are given (HIPAA) ( and http:// course credit or extra credit for participating in Specific questions research projects, they should be allowed alternative should be directed towards your institution’s review means to obtaining this credit if they do not wish to board office, its human protections administrator and volunteer as research subjects. Permission from a staff, as well as its HIPAA privacy board. Other useful legally authorized representative is necessary for resources include the following: Public Responsibility minors and decisionally impaired individuals, includ- in Medicine and Research (; the ing those with cognitive disorders, those under the US National Institutes of Health Office of Extramural influence of drugs or alcohol, or someone under Research, certificates of confidentiality (http://grants. extreme emotional distress. For those participants; the US Food aged 7–17 in the United States, the participant’s assent and Drug Administration, Guidance or Institutional must be obtained in addition to consent from a parent, Review Boards, Clinical Investigators, and Sponsors advocate, or guardian. Other special subjects include 150

Ethical Considerations for Human Biology Research 151 TABLE 9.1. Basic list of important considerations for preparation of human subjects applications. 1. Is your project exempt from review, or can it be expedited? This will depend on the type of data collected, methodology, and the type of population used (i.e., vulnerable populations like minors, prisoners, pregnant women, etc.). See http:// for categories. 2. For projects being conducted at multiple institutions or with multiple investigators, additional review board submissions may be required. Biomedical and behavioral research conducted outside of the United States is expected to be conducted with the same ethical and regulatory standards as research conducted within the United States. 3. Are all risks to participants minimized, including physical, emotional, monetary and other risks? 4. Include basic and detailed information in your application, but make sure that it is readable to a wide audience unfamiliar with your type of work. Include a brief description of the purpose of the study, the anticipated length and location of your study, the subject pool you are utilizing, including sex, ethnicity and age ranges, your ultimate sample size as well as detailed inclusion and exclusion criteria for your study. 5. Explain how you will contact and enroll subjects. Include any advertisements in your application. 6. The informed consent document should be written in a nontechnical language that is understandable to all participants or their representatives. Explain the purpose and procedures of the research, risks and benefits to participation, how confidentiality will be maintained, how participation may be terminated, important contact information and, most importantly, how participation is completely voluntary. Include the informed consent document in your application. 7. Include a detailed protocol for your project. Include any survey instruments with your application. 8. Thoroughly consider any risks of participation to your subjects. What alternatives to your procedures have been considered and why are they not feasible? How will risks be minimized? 9. How are you going to protect participant confidentiality during data collection, storage, analyses, and presentation? 10. Carefully consider whether participation with monetary or course credit incentives are coercive. 11. Include in your application any documentation of investigator training in the protection of human research participants. Do any of the investigators have significant financial interests in the subject of this research? 12. After approval by the human subjects committee, any changes to your project, including small ones, must be reapproved by the committee before implementation into the protocol. 13. Continuing review applications, following expiration of the initial approvals, require a status report on the project, particularly unanticipated problems involving risks to subjects. pregnant women, fetuses, and newborns, all of which nov_2002.htm); the Medical Ethics Manual (2005) from are particularly sensitive to adverse health outcomes. the World Medical Association ( Some research may require that a researcher provide ethicsunit/resources.htm); the Universal Declaration on participants with false information about the research Bioethics and Human Rights (2005) and the Universal or withhold information about the real purpose of the Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights research. Such deception may require debriefing (1997) from the United Nations Educational, Scien- after study completion as well as a statement in the tific, and Cultural Organization ( informed consent form explaining that the full intent of shs/bioethics). Other Country-specific human subjects the study may not be disclosed until completion. research legislation can be found at For projects being conducted at multiple institutions ohrp/international/HSPCompilation.pdf. or with multiple investigators, additional review board Most human subjects committee applications and submissions may be required. This is particularly the informed consent documents require similar basic case with international projects. Biomedical and behav- information, with variations depending on level of ioral research conducted outside of the United States is detail. You are usually first asked to provide a brief expected to be conducted with the same ethical and description of the purpose of the study, possibly regulatory standards as research conducted within the including specific hypotheses or problem statements United States. Research must comply with laws of the that are easily interpretable to nonexperts. You should host country, usually enforced through collaboration specify the anticipated length of your study, possibly with a local research or educational institution. Some including a general scheduled timeline. You must useful international resources include: the International specify the subject pool you are utilizing, including Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1996) from the sex, ethnicity, and age ranges. Does your research Office of the United National High Commissioner for focus only on one sex or ethnicity? If so, why? Are your Human Rights ( subjects affiliated with a specific group, such as uni- htm); the International Ethical Guidelines for Bio- versity students or members of a religious sect? Specify medical Research Involving Human Subjects (2002) your ultimate sample size as well as detailed inclusion from the Council for International Organization of Med- and exclusion criteria for your study. If there is a pos- ical Sciences ( sibility that the investigators can or will withdraw

152 Trudy R. Turner subjects from participation, what are the conditions procedures have been considered and why are they not for withdrawal? feasible? How will adverse events be reported? An individual must be free from coercion to make Unique identifiers should be used to link subjects the decision to participate in your study, and thus it is with their data and samples in order to maintain con- necessary to specify how you will be contacting and fidentiality. The code list linking this information must enrolling subjects. Will you be using media advertise- be kept in a secure place, such as a locked file cabinet ments, classroom announcements, direct greetings, or a password-protected computer. How secure is your etc.? Will the way you advertise the study inadvertently data if you are conducting the project over the inter- coerce someone into participation? Where will recruit- net? Who will have access to the individual research ment take place? Where will samples be procured or records? Will access be limited to only the principle data collected? investigator, or will access also be granted to research An inadequate informed consent can easily delay assistants, collaborators, and representatives of the human subjects application process. It is a truism funding agencies? To further safeguard subject iden- that consent must be voluntarily given by each research tity, outcomes of the research are usually only released subject after he or she has been completely informed. and published in aggregate form. Information that The consent document should be addressed to the sub- personally identifies individuals should not be released ject, inviting him or her to participate in the study. It without prior written permission or as required by should be written in a nontechnical language that is Federal or State laws (e.g., disclosure of reportable understandable to all participants or their representa- diseases, abuse, intent to harm oneself or others, tives (a 12-year-old reading level is a good benchmark), etc.). Finally, you must consider how participant con- and it must be in the subject’s native language, in which fidentiality will be maintained when the study is over. case a translator/interpreter may have to be employed. What will happen to the data/samples once you are In some circumstances, the informed consent docu- done with them? Will information be deposited for ment can be read to the participant. Studies involving future use or will it be destroyed? If there is a possibi- anonymous participation with only minimal risks to the lity that a subject’s data or samples may be used for subject may not require any informed consent, in which another related research project in the future, this case an information sheet is still supplied to partici- must be stated in the original informed consent. Other- pants. Anonymous surveys should still include a state- wise consent will have to be reobtained in the future. ment to the effect that completing the survey indicates Participant benefits must be carefully considered. that they agree to participate and are of appropriate age Often times the only benefit to subjects may be their to participate. For web-based studies, information contribution to the body of knowledge. High monetary about the study should be provided, and participants incentives are coercive, but some payment is frequently should be required to click an “agreement” button provided, at a minimum to cover transportation costs, before proceeding to the study task. meals, and lost wages. If the subject withdraws from A detailed list of procedures used to gather infor- the study before completion, it will likely be necessary mation must be included in your application and to distribute partial payment for time rendered. Keep informed consent. Describe the order of events during in mind that your home institution’s accounting office a typical session with each subject. How much time may also require that receipt of each participant’s com- will it take? Include information regarding follow-up pensation be signed for. Sometimes payee addresses visits, and include copies of all advertisements and and social security or other identification numbers survey instruments with your application. must be recorded. The risks of research with your human subjects Subjects sometime request to know their individual must be thoroughly thought out and clearly defined, results, particularly in the cases of genetic, hormonal, including all foreseeable immediate and long-term and infection diagnostics. This may be problematic, risks of their participation. These may include physical however, because most analyses are not conducted discomfort, injury or illness, anxiety, embarrassment, in clinically certified laboratories and thus results lost of respect, loss of time and wages, altered behav- are not technically available for nonresearch purposes. ior, loss of confidentiality, and so on. Are you investi- If subjects test positive for an infection, will you be gating illegal behaviors or gathering information that providing medical treatment or only informing them could make a subject uninsurable or unemployable? to see a physician? Most researchers in human evolu- What is the likelihood of infection if you are collecting tionary biology are not qualified physicians and thus blood samples? How will you minimize these risks cannot legally provide diagnoses and treatment. Other from occurring? How do the anticipated benefits of things to consider may include: if injury results from this project outweigh the risks? What is the rationale participation in your study, will subjects be provided for the necessity of such risk? What alternatives to your with medical care, and will participants be further

Ethical Considerations for Human Biology Research 153 compensated if your research results in eventual tech- information. A statement should highlight the com- nological development? pletely voluntary nature of the subject’s participation Most human subjects applications require contact and how refusal to participate or withdrawal at any information from all personnel directly interacting with time will not result in penalty or loss of benefits to subjects. Conflicts of interest need to be identified: do which the subject would otherwise be entitled, or any of the investigators have significant financial inter- affect the subject’s medical care if the research is being ests in the outcomes of the study? Furthermore, prior to conducted at a medical institution. Above the signa- the release of funds, most granting agencies require ture line, a statement should be provided that the documentation of investigator training in the protec- subject has read the consent form, has been given tion of human research participants. This may include the opportunity to have all of their questions answered simple online presentations and exams or even work- to their satisfaction, and agrees to participate. The shop attendance. Several excellent web-based tutorials informed consent should be signed (or otherwise can be found at the following: http://ohrp-ed.od.nih. recorded) and witnessed, and a copy supplied to the gov/CBTs/Assurance/login.asp; participant. clinicaltrials/learning/humanparticipant-protections.asp; Review board approval is usually granted for up to one year, after which a continuation or termination HethrLogin.jsp;; must be applied for. All changes in protocols, even; minor ones, require reapproval from the institutional ~rcr/index.php. review board before the changed protocols can be It is obvious that contact information of the implemented. This may all seem like a daunting task, principle investigator must be supplied on the but one that is absolutely necessary for legal, moral, informed consent documents. Additional information and ethical reasons. There is great satisfaction in doing should include contact information for the human things right the first time, especially for something subjects committee of the principle investigator’s as critical as the advancement of science with the institution as well as any relevant foreign contact assurance of human welfare.

Part II Phenotypic and Genotypic Variation “Man is the only creature who refuses to be what he is.” Albert Camus (1913–1960), The Rebel: an Essay on Man in Revolt (1951), p. 11 155

10 Body Size and Shape: Climatic and Nutritional Influences on Human Body Morphology William R. Leonard and Peter T. Katzmarzyk INTRODUCTION These morphological and physiological differences between organisms of different size are at the heart of Since the initial spread of Homo erectus from Africa the relationship described by Bergmann’s Rule. some 1.8 million years ago, the human lineage has col- Allen’s Rule, on the other hand, considers how onized every major ecosystem on the planet, adapting to changes in shape can alter SA:mass ratios. For organ- a wide range of environmental stressors (Anto ´n et al., isms of the same size, the more elongated or linear the 2002). As with other mammalian species, human vari- shape, the greater the SA:mass ratio. Thus, for organ- ation in both body size and morphology appears to be isms residing in tropical environs, a linear body plan – strongly shaped by climatic factors. The most widely with less mass in the trunk and greater mass in the studied relationships between body morphology extremities – will best help to facilitate heat dissipation. and climate in mammalian species are those descri- In contrast, for arctic-adapted organisms, a body build bed by “Bergmann’s” and “Allen’s” ecological rules. characterized by larger trunk size and shorter limbs Bergmann’s Rule addresses the relationship between will reduce metabolic heat loss by minimizing SA/mass. body weight (mass) and environmental temperature, Over the last 60 years, numerous studies have dem- noting that within a widely distributed species, body onstrated that contemporary human populations gen- mass increases with decreasing average temperature erally conform to the expectations of Bergmann’s and (Bergmann, 1847). In contrast, Allen’s Rule considers Allen’s Rules, such that populations residing in colder the relationship between body proportionality and tem- climes are heavier and have shorter relative limb perature (Allen, 1877). It finds that individuals of a lengths, resulting in a decreased ratio of SA to body species that are living in warmer climes have relatively mass (Schreider, 1950, 1957, 1964, 1975; Newman, longer limbs, whereas those residing in colder environ- 1953; Roberts, 1953, 1973, 1978; Barnicot, 1959; Baker, ments have relatively shorter extremities. 1966; Walter, 1971; Stinson, 1990; Ruff, 1994; The physical basis of both of these ecological rules Katzmarzyk and Leonard, 1998). The most widely cited stems from the differences in the relationship between research on this topic is the work by D. F. Roberts 3 2 surface area (cm ) and volume (cm proportional to (1953, 1978). In his 1953 paper, “Body weight, race mass [kg]) for organisms of different size (Schmidt- and climate,” Roberts demonstrated a significant nega- Nielson, 1984). Because volumetic measurements tive correlation between body mass and mean annual increase as the cube of linear dimensions, whereas temperature, indicating that humans appear to con- surface area increases as the square, the ratio of sur- form to Bergmann’s Rule. In subsequent work, Roberts face area (SA) to volume (or mass) decreases as organ- (1973, 1978) showed that humans also conform to isms increase in overall size. In addition, metabolic Allen’s Rule, such that populations living in colder heat production in all animals is most strongly related regions have relatively shorter legs and larger relative to body mass (e.g., Kleiber, 1975; FAO/WHO/UNU, sitting heights (RSH ¼ [sitting height]/[stature]) than 1985). Thus, in terms of thermoregulation, larger those groups inhabiting warmer regions. organisms are better suited to colder environments In 1998, we re-examined the influence of temperature because they produce more heat and have relatively on body mass and proportions, drawing on anthropo- less SA through which to lose that heat. Conversely, metric data collected after Roberts’s pioneering work small body size is better in warmer conditions, because in 1953 (Katzmarzyk and Leonard, 1998). Our analyses these organisms will both produce less heat and have confirmed many of Roberts’s original findings. Specif- relatively greater surface for dissipating that heat. ically, we found that the inverse relationship between Human Evolutionary Biology, ed. Michael P. Muehlenbein. Published by Cambridge University Press. # Cambridge University Press 2010. 157

158 William R. Leonard and Peter T. Katzmarzyk mass and temperature continues to persist for both TABLE 10.1. Geographic distribution of studies men and women; however, the slope of the regression compiled for the current sample of males and females was significantly shallower than that reported by and Roberts (1953) sample (males only). Roberts. Likewise, the relationship that we found Current sample Roberts sample between RSH and temperature was more modest than that of Roberts’s sample. These differences partly Region Males Females Males reflect secular changes in growth and body size over African 44 42 28 the last half-century, and development of improved Australian 11 8 2 technology that moderates extreme temperature Melanesian 47 41 4 exposure during development. These findings under- American 55 47 16 score the importance of both nutritional and tempera- European 17 18 20 ture stresses in shaping human variation in body size Central Asian 6 7 2 and shape. East Asian 11 8 29 Unlike most chapters in this book, the present Polynesian 13 12 2 chapter will not only provide a review, but also a South Asian 4 1 6 detailed reanalysis of the influence of climatic and Indian 15 14 7 nutritional factors on worldwide human variation in Total 223 198 166 body mass and proportions. We hope that this may serve as an example of the application of modern theory and methods in human evolutionary biology, as outlined above as well as in Chapters 6 and 7 of this sitting height (cm; n ¼ 168 samples; 94 males; volume. 74 females) and mean triceps skinfold thickness (mm; First we examine the relationships between n ¼ 102 samples; 56 males, 46 females) were also avail- selected anthropometric dimensions and mean annual able. Table 10.1 shows the geographic distribution of temperature in the Roberts (1953) sample, and our the studies compiled in the current sample and in the own worldwide sample (from Katzmarzyk and Roberts (1953) sample. The groupings follow those Leonard, 1998). In exploring the influence of climate used by Roberts (1953). Additional information about on body morphology in the two samples, we utilize the composition of the sample and its geographic dis- indices (the body mass index [BMI] and SA/mass tribution is presented in Katzmarzyk and Leonard ratios) not considered by Roberts and others in previ- (1998). Mean annual temperatures ( C) for the locales ous work. Next, we consider the magnitude of patterns from which the anthropometric data were collected of change in relations between climate and body size were obtained from climatic tables and atlases (Stein- and proportions over the last 50þ years, and consider hauser, 1970, 1979; Gentilli, 1977; Schwerdtfeger, the reasons for those changes. Finally, we examine the 1976; Lydolf, 1971; Willmott et al., 1981). implications that this work for the use of anthropomet- From the sample means of height and weight com- ric methods of nutritional health assessment in bio- piled from the literature, several derived indices were medical and public health contexts. Increasingly, also calculated. These included: (1) the body mass 2 2 weight-for-height measures such as the BMI are being index (BMI; kg/m ); (2) body surface area (cm ); 2 used as a screening tool for assessing the risks of (3) surface area/mass ratio (SA/mass; cm /kg); and obesity around the world. Our findings suggest that (4) relative sitting height (RSH). The BMI was calcu- 2 simple indices such as the BMI must be applied with lated as (weight [kg])/(stature[m ]). Surface area was caution when they are used to compare the relative risk estimated using the equation of Gehan and George of obesity and associated chronic diseases in popula- (1970) as recommended by Bailey and Briars (1996): tions from different ecological/environmental contexts. lnSA ¼3:751 þ 0:422lnðstatureÞþ0:515lnðmassÞ 2 where stature is in cm, mass is in kg, and SA is in m . SAMPLE AND METHODS Surface area/mass was then determined as body SA 2 (cm )/weight(kg). Relative sitting height was calculated This study draws on the published data on mean stat- as: 100  (sitting height[cm])/(stature[cm]). ure (cm) and body weight (kg) from 116 adult male samples compiled by Roberts (1953) in his original study on climatic influences on body mass. In addition, CLIMATIC INFLUENCES ON BODY WEIGHT the primary sample that we compiled includes mean AND PROPORTIONS stature and body weights for 223 male and 198 female samples from studies published between 1953 and Table 10.2 presents the descriptive statistics for the 1996. For a subsample of these studies, data on mean anthropometric sample of Roberts (1953), and our

Body Size and Shape 159 TABLE 10.2. Descriptive statistics of anthropometric dimensions for the D. F. Roberts (1953) sample (males only), and the current sample. Roberts (males) Current (males) Current (females) Measure n MeanSD n MeanSD n MeanSD Stature (cm) 116 163.7  6.6 a 222 165.4  6.5 d 197 154.3  6.0 Body weight (kg) 116 56.5  7.9 b 223 61.6  9.5 d 198 54.1  9.3 2 BMI (kg/m ) 116 21.0  2.0 b 222 22.4  2.5 197 22.6  2.9 2 Surface area (m ) 116 1.61  0.14 b 222 1.69  0.15 d 197 1.53  0.15 2 SA/mass (cm /kg) 116 287.1  16.5 b 222 276.8  16.4 d 197 286.8  18.9 Sitting height (cm) – – 94 85.1  3.7 d 74 80.7  3.4 RSH (%) – – 94 51.7  1.7 c 74 52.3  1.7 Triceps (mm) – – 56 7.7  3.4 d 46 14.1  7.0 b a Notes: Differences between the Roberts sample males and the current sample males are statistically significant at: P < 0.05; P < 0.001. c d Differences between current sample males and females are statistically significant at: P < 0.05; P < 0.001. BMI, body mass index; RSH, relative sitting height; SA, surface area. 2 2 TABLE 10.3. Regression parameters for the relationships of body weight (kg), BMI (kg/m ), SA/mass (cm /kg), and RSH (%) versus mean annual temperature ( C) for the Roberts sample, and the males and females of the current sample. Regression parameters Sample/measure n Y-intercept b +SE R Roberts (males): Body weight (kg) 116 65.80 0.55  0.70 0.59 *** 2 BMI (kg/m ) 116 23.41 0.14  0.02 0.59 *** 2 SA/mass (cm /kg) 116 267.55 1.15  0.15 0.59 *** Current males: Body weight (kg) 223 66.86 0.26  0.06 0.27 *** 2 BMI (kg/m ) 222 23.62 0.06  0.02 0.22 *** 2 SA/mass (cm /kg) 222 267.00 0.49  0.11 0.29 *** RSH (%) 94 52.97 0.06  0.02 0.37 *** Current females: Body weight (kg) 198 59.33 0.26  0.06 0.28 *** 2 BMI (kg/m ) 197 24.41 0.09  0.02 0.30 *** 2 SA/mass (cm /kg) 197 273.73 0.66  0.13 0.34 *** RSH (%) 74 53.66 0.07  0.02 0.45 *** Note: Correlations are statistically significant at: *** P < 0.001. BMI, body mass index; RSH, relative sitting height; SA, surface area. subsequent sample (Leonard and Katzmarzyk, 1998). shorter and lighter than their male counterparts, with Our male sample is significantly taller, heavier (higher shorter sitting heights and lower estimated body body weights and BMIs) and has a significantly lower surface areas. Conversely, SA/mass ratios and triceps average SA/mass ratio than the Roberts sample. Note skinfold thicknesses are higher among the women. that the relative differences in body weight between the Body mass indices of the female sample are compar- two samples are larger than the changes in stature able to those of the males, with similar prevalence of (þ9% vs. þ1%). Thus, we find that the prevalence of overweight and obesity (12.2% in males; 15.6% in 2 overweight and obesity (BMI  25 kg/m ) in the cur- females; n.s.). rent sample is more than three times that of the The influence of mean annual temperature on Roberts sample (12.2% vs. 3.4%; P < 0.001). selected anthropometric dimensions in both the original The Roberts (1953) paper did not provide data for Roberts (1953) sample and our more recent sample is females. The females of our sample are significantly explored in Table 10.3 and Figures 10.1–10.4. In each

160 William R. Leonard and Peter T. Katzmarzyk (a) (b) 100 100 Roberts (males) Current (males) r = –0.59 r = –0.27 90 90 80 80 Body weight (kg) 70 Body weight (kg) 70 60 60 50 40 40 50 30 30 –20 –15 –10 –5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 –20 –15 –10 –5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Mean annual temperature (°C) Mean annual temperature (°C) (c) 100 Current (females) 90 r = –0.28 80 Body weight (kg) 70 60 50 40 30 –20 –15 –10 –5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Mean annual temperature (°C) 10.1. Relationship between body weight (kg) and mean annual temperature ( C) in (a) males of the Roberts (1953) sample, (b) males of the current sample, and (c) females of the current sample. In all three samples, body weight is inversely related to temperature. The correlation between body weight and temperature is stronger in the Roberts sample compared to males and females of the current sample. group, weight and the BMI are negatively correlated inhabiting hotter regions have physiques that maxi- with mean annual temperature (Figures 10.1 and mize surface area/mass to promote heat dissipation. 10.2). In males of the present sample, the correlations However, as noted above, the correlations for the of mean annual temperature with weight and BMI are Roberts (1953) sample (r ¼ 0.59) are much stronger 0.27, and 0.22, respectively, whereas the correlations than in the current male and female samples (r ¼ 0.29 for females are 0.28 for body mass and 0.30 for the for males; r ¼ 0.34 for females). Additionally, the BMI. In the Roberts (1953) sample, the correlations regression slopes of the Roberts sample are twice as are stronger (r ¼0.59 for both weight and BMI), and large as those seen for in the current samples (b ¼ 1.15 the slopes of the best fit regressions are significantly [Roberts] vs. 0.49 [males] and 0.66 [females]; steeper than in the current male and female samples P < 0.001). (weight: b ¼0.55 [Roberts] vs. –0.26 [males], 0.26 Finally, we see that in the current sample RSH is [females]; P < 0.001; BMI: b¼0.14 [Roberts] vs. 0.06 negatively correlated with temperature in both sexes [males], 0.09 [females]; P < 0.001). (r ¼0.37 in males; r ¼0.45 in females; see Table 10.3 The SA/mass ratios are positively associated with and Figure 10.4). This relationship is consistent with mean annual temperature in all three of the samples the expectations of Allen’s Rules, indicating that trop- (Figure 10.3). This indicates that populations of colder ically adapted populations have a more linear body climes have body plans that minimize surface area build, with relatively longer limbs and shorter trunks. to mass to reduce metabolic heat loss, whereas those In contrast, populations of high latitude environments

Body Size and Shape 161 (a) (b) 36 36 Roberts (males) 34 Current (males) r = –0.59 34 r = –0.22 32 32 30 30 28 BMI (kg/m 2 ) 26 BMI (kg/m 2 ) 26 28 24 24 22 22 20 20 18 18 16 16 14 –20 –15 –10 –5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 –20 –15 –10 –5 051015 20 25 30 35 Mean annual temperature (C) Mean annual temperature (C) (c) 36 Current (females) 34 r = –0.30 32 30 BMI (kg/m 2 ) 26 28 24 22 20 18 16 –20 –15 –10 –5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Mean annual temperature (C) 2 10.2. Relationship between the body mass index (BMI; kg/m ) and mean annual temperature ( C) in (a) males of the Roberts (1953) sample, (b) males of the current sample, and (c) females of the current sample. In all three samples, the BMI is inversely related to temperature. The correlation between BMI and temperature is stronger in the Roberts sample compared to males and females of the current sample. are characterized by a more stout body plan with (WHO) (2006), at least 400 million adults worldwide shorter extremities and a relatively larger trunk. As are obese. If current trends continue, this number is with the previously discussed analyses, the correlations projected to increase to 1.1 billion by 2030 (Kelly et al., between RSH and temperatures reported by Roberts 2008). These dramatic increases in body size over the (1978, pp. 21–22) were stronger than those observed last two generations have altered the relationship in the current sample (0.62 for males; 0.65 for between climate and body morphology across human females). In addition, the regression coefficients for populations. the Roberts (1978) sample were twice those of the The results presented in Table 10.4 further investi- current samples (b ¼0.12 vs. 0.06 for males; 0.13 gate the temporal changes in the relationship between vs. 0.07 for females). climate and body morphology within our sample. The table presents results of multiple regression analyses in which both mean annual temperature and year of SECULAR TRENDS IN BODY WEIGHT study publication were entered as independent vari- AND PROPORTIONS ables. We see that even after adjusting for the influence of climate, both body weight and BMI have increased Obesity and associated metabolic disorders have now over time, whereas SA/mass ratios have significantly emerged as major global health problems. According to declined. In contrast, RSH does not appear to show a recent estimates by the World Health Organization consistent pattern of change over time. The temporal

162 William R. Leonard and Peter T. Katzmarzyk (a) (b) 340 340 Roberts (males) Current (males) 320 r =0.59 320 r = 0.29 300 300 SA/mass (cm 2 /kg) 280 SA/mass (cm 2 /kg) 280 260 260 240 220 240 220 200 200 –20 –15 –10 –5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 –20 –15 –10 –5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Mean annual temperature (C) Mean annual temperature (C) (c) 340 Current (females) 320 r = 0.34 300 SA/mass (cm 2 /kg) 280 260 240 220 200 –20 –15 –10 –5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Mean annual temperature (C) 2 10.3. Relationship between the ratio of body surface area:mass (SA/mass; m /kg) and mean annual temperature ( C) in (a) males of the Roberts (1953) sample, (b) males of the current sample, and (c) females of the current sample. In all three samples, the SA/mass is positively related to tempera- ture. The correlation between SA/mass and temperature is stronger in the Roberts sample compared to males and females of the current sample. (a) (b) 56 56 Males r =–0.37 54 Females r =–0.45 54 Relative sitting height (%) 52 Relative sitting height (%) 52 50 50 48 48 46 46 –20 –15 –10 –5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 –20 –15 –10 –5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Mean annual temperature (C) Mean annual temperature (C) 10.4. Relationship between the relative sitting height (RSH; %) and mean annual temperature ( C) in (a) males and (b) females of the current sample. In both males and females, RSH is inversely related to temperature.

Body Size and Shape 163 TABLE 10.4. Multiple regression analyses of the influence of mean annual temperature and “year of study publication” on body weight, BMI, SA/mass, and RSH. Independent variables Dependent variables n Constant Temperature (b + SE) Year (b + SE) Model R 2 Males: Body weight (kg) 223 165.05 0.27  0.06 *** 0.12  0.06 0.09 *** 2 BMI (kg/m ) 222 80.75 0.06  0.02 *** 0.05  0.02 ** 0.09 *** 2 SA/mass (cm /kg) 222 690.90 0.50  0.11 *** 0.22  0.11 0.10 *** RSH (%) 94 108.67 0.06  0.02 *** 0.03  0.02 0.16 *** Females: Body weight (kg) 198 –229.70 0.28  0.06 *** 0.15  0.06 * 0.11 *** 2 BMI (kg/m ) 197 –98.24 0.10  0.02 *** 0.06  0.02 ** 0.14 *** 2 SA/mass (cm /kg) 197 905.77 0.68  0.13 *** 0.32  0.12 ** 0.15 *** RSH (%) 74 33.39 0.07  0.02 *** 0.01  0.02 0.21 *** Note: *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001 BMI, body mass index; RSH, relative sitting height; SA, surface area. (a) (b) (c) 70 24 300 Roberts Current 23 290 Body weight (kg) 60 BMI (kg/m 2 ) 22 SA/mass (cm 2 /kg) 280 65 21 55 20 270 50 19 260 < 15C > –15C < 15C > –15C < 15C > –15C Temperature zone (C) Temperature zone (C) Temperature zone (C) 2 10.5. Mean (SEM) values of (a) body weight (kg), (b) body mass index (BMI) (kg/m ), and (c) SA/ 2 mass (m /kg) for males of the Roberts (1953) and the current samples residing in “colder” (<15 C) and “warmer” (15 C) climates. For all three measures, the differences between the Roberts and current samples are much larger in the warmer climate samples. changes are statistically significant for body weight, Among women, the temporal trend for RSH has been BMI, and SA/mass in the female sample. For men, essentially flat (b ¼ 0.01; P ¼ 0.50). the secular trend is statistically significant for BMI The marked changes in body size over time are not (b ¼ 0.05; P < 0.01), and approaches statistical signifi- same across all regions of the world. Rather, the cant for the weight (b ¼ 0.12; P ¼ 0.07) and SA/mass increases in body mass have been disproportionately (b ¼0.22; P P ¼ 0.056). larger among populations of the tropics. This point is The temporal increases in body mass appear to be evident in Figure 10.5, which shows the differences in: greater in women than men. The regression coeffi- (a) weight; (b) BMI; and (c) SA/mass among men of the cients indicate that after controlling for temperature, Roberts (1953) and current samples for groups living average gains in body weight were 0.12 kg/year in men in areas with mean annual temperatures of <15 C and 0.15 kg/year in women, whereas the increases in (“colder”) and 15 C (“warmer”). Differences in body 2 BMI were 0.05 and 0.06 kg/m a year for men and weight between the two samples are about 50% greater women, respectively. among populations of the warmer climates, as com- Relative sitting heights have shown modest pared to those of colder environments (differences of changes over time. Among men, there has been a þ6.9 kg [þ13%] vs. þ4.7 kg [þ8%]). Similarly the dif- decline in RSH over the last 50 years, a trend that ferences in BMI in the warmer climes are twice those 2 approaches statistical significance (b ¼0.03; P ¼ 0.16). of the colder regions (differences of þ2.0 vs. þ1.0 kg/m ).

164 William R. Leonard and Peter T. Katzmarzyk Conversely, declines in SA/mass ratios are twice as large in two large US samples (NHANES I and the Tecumseh 2 in colder environs (differencesof0.15 vs.0.08cm /kg). Community Health Study). Norgan (1994b) also found Thus while there has been a general, worldwide RSH to be strongly correlated with the BMI, and increase in body mass over the last 50 years, the argued that differences in body proportions shape the increases appear to be disproportionately larger in relationship between BMI and body composition tropical regions. across populations. In light of the strong influence that RSH has on the BMI, it is reasonable to expect that the relation- CLIMATE, BODY PROPORTIONS AND THE BMI: ship between BMI and body fatness may vary with IMPLICATIONS FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF climate. The extreme examples of climatic differences NUTRITIONAL STATUS in the BMI versus fatness relationship can be seen when we compare data from the Australian Abori- The results presented thus far clearly indicate that gines and Inuit of the Canadian Arctic. Norgan climate and dietary/nutritional factors both play (1994a) has shown that traditionally living Australian important roles in shaping patterns of interpopula- Aborigines studied before the 1970s had very low tional variation in adult body size and proportions BMIs, suggestive of chronic undernutrition, yet had around the globe. This finding has important implica- skinfold thicknesses that indicated adequate nutri- tions for the use of anthropometric indices for assess- tional status. Conversely, early work among Inuit ing physical nutrition status (Frisancho, 1990, 2008; men and women has shown that despite having BMIs Gibson, 2005). The implications are particularly crit- that were at or above the threshold for “overweight,” ical for considering the use of the BMI for assessing they were relatively lean, as reflected in both skinfold risks of both under- and over-nutrition. Over the last measures and estimates of body fatness from hydro- 15 years, the BMI has become the most widely used static weighing (Shephard et al. 1973; Rode and standard for assessing nutritional status of adults in both Shephard, 1994). the United States and throughout the world (Shetty and Figure 10.6 examines the relationship between BMI James, 1994; WHO, 1995, 2000, 2004). Current WHO and RSH for men and women of the current sample. (1995) recommendations advocate using the following The correlations between RSH and BMI in the sample BMI ranges for discerning different levels of nutritional are 0.48 for men and 0.58 for women, similar to those well-being in adults over the age of 18 years: (1) under- reported by Norgan (1994b) for analyses of 95 male 2 2 nutrition: <18.5 kg/m ; (2) “healthy”: 18.524.9 kg/m ; and 63 female samples from human populations 2 2 (3)overweight:25.029.9kg/m ;and(4)obese:30kg/m . around the world. Among men, each percent increase 2 Yet, accumulating research in human nutritional in RSH is associated with a 0.58 kg/m increase in BMI. science suggests that a single set of BMI cut-offs may For women, the slope of the best fit regression is not be appropriate for all human populations. In par- steeper, with each percent increase in RSH translating 2 ticular, recent work by Deurenberg and colleagues into an increase of 0.84 kg/m in BMI. These relation- (Deurenberg et al., 1998; Deurenberg-Yap et al., 2000; ships imply that at the extremes of human RSHs, from Deurenberg-Yap and Deurenberg, 2003) indicates 46 to 55%, the corresponding average BMI differences 2 that the WHO cut-off points for overweight and obesity are about 5 kg/m in men (mean BMIs of 19.1 vs. 24.3 2 2 do not effectively apply to Asian populations who kg/m ) and 7 kg/m in women (mean BMIs of 17.0 vs. 2 appear to have a different BMI versus body fat relation- 24.5 kg/m ). Thus, for adults with extremely linear ship than European populations. These conclusions builds (i.e., low RSHs), average BMIs tend to cluster are consistent with anthropometric studies of indigen- in the underweight to low healthy range, whereas those ous populations living in different environments with very high RSHs have mean BMIs that approach throughout the world (e.g, Norgan, 1994a, 1994b; the overweight range. Shephard and Rode, 1996; Leonard et al., 2002;Snodgrass It is also clear from Figure 10.6 that populations et al., 2006). from colder climates tend to cluster in the upper end of Much of the debate surrounding the appropriate- the relationship, having high BMIs and RSHs, despite ness of a single set of BMI cut-offs for assessing nutri- the recent trend for tropical populations to show more tional status has overlooked the central question of rapid increases in body mass. Body mass indexes of what factors may be responsible for producing differ- colder climate populations (<15 C) are significantly ent relationships between BMI and body fatness across higher than their warmer climate peers in both men 2 different populations. It is clear that variation in body (24.3 vs. 21.9 kg/m ; P < 0.001) and women (25.0 vs. 2 proportions and body morphology play a strong role 21.4 kg/m ; P < 0.001). Similarly RSH among popula- shaping variation in the BMI. Garn et al. (1986a, tions from cooler climes average 1.4% greater in men 1986b), for example, found that BMI was strongly cor- (52.8% vs. 51.4%; P < 0.001) and 1.6% greater in women related with measures such as RSH and chest breadth (53.4% vs. 51.8%; P < 0.001).

Body Size and Shape 165 (a) (b) 30 < 15 C 30 Females < 15 C Males ≥15 C r = 0.58 ≥15 C r = 0.48 Fit line for Total Fit line for Total 28 28 26 26 BMI (kg/m 2 ) 24 BMI (kg/m 2 ) 24 22 22 20 20 18 18 46 48 50 52 54 56 46 48 50 52 54 56 Relative sitting height (%) Relative sitting height (%) 2 10.6. Relationship between the body mass index (BMI) (kg/m ) and relative sitting height (RSH) (%) in (a) males and (b) females of the current sample. The BMI is positively correlated with RSH in both sexes, suggesting that body proportion exert a strong influence on the BMI. Additionally, note that populations from colder climes cluster to the upper right corner of the graph, having high BMIs and RSHs. (a) (b) 18 35 Males <15 C Females <15 C r =0.72 ≥15 C r =0.82 ≥15 C 16 Fit line for Total Fit line for Total 30 Triceps skinfold (mm) 12 Triceps skinfold (mm) 25 14 20 10 15 8 10 6 4 5 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 BMI (kg/m 2 ) BMI (kg/m 2 ) 2 10.7. Relationship between triceps skinfold thickness (mm) and the body mass index (BMI) (kg/m )in (a) males and (b) females of the current sample. The triceps skinfold measures are positively correl- ated with BMI for both sexes. Note, however, that populations from colder climates generally fall below the regression line (particularly among males), suggesting that they are leaner than expected for their BMIs. To directly test the influence of climate on the rela- increases in obesity rates over the last 50 years tionship between the BMI and body fatness, we draw (McGarvey, 1991; McGarvey et al., 1993; Flegal et al., on the subsample of 102 groups for which we have 2002; Ogden et al., 2006). We also find that in both measurements of triceps skinfold thickness, BMI, and sexes, the populations from colder regions generally mean annual temperature. Figure 10.7 shows the plot fall below the regression line, suggesting lower than of triceps versus BMI for males and females. As expected levels of body fatness for a given BMI. expected, the two measures are strongly positively cor- Table 10.5 compares the standardized residuals related, r ¼ 0.72 in males and 0.82 in females (P < 0.001 (z-scores) from the sex-specific triceps versus BMI in both sexes). The populations clustering in the upper regressions for populations from warmer and colder right-hand corners of both the male and female graphs regions. Populations of colder climes have lower values (Figures 10.7 a and b) include Samoans and Mexican than those of warmer climates, with the differences Americans, both groups that have shown marked being statistically significant for males (0.79 vs. 0.17;

166 William R. Leonard and Peter T. Katzmarzyk P < 0.05) and the pooled sample (0.51 vs. 0.12; set of BMI cut-offs to assess physical nutritional status P < 0.01). These findings indicate that for a given in populations around the world. In using the BMI BMI, populations residing in cooler climates have to assess obesity risks, particular attention should be lower levels of body fatness than those residing in given to body proportionality. For populations with warmer environs. extreme body proportions (e.g., RSH < 50% or >54%), Multiple regression analyses produce similar additional anthropometric measures (e.g., skinfolds results on the joint influences of temperature and and circumferences) may be needed to accurately BMI on body fatness (Table 10.6). Among males both assess risks of overweight and obesity. BMI and temperature are positively associated with variation in triceps skinfold measures, and together explain 57% of the variation in fatness. Among women, DISCUSSION the relationship between BMI and fatness is more com- parable across groups, as temperature is not signifi- The analyses presented here clearly demonstrate that cantly associated with the variation in fatness after climatic factors continue to exert an important influ- controlling for the influence of BMI. ence on body size and proportions among human Thus, we see that climate-related variation in body populations around the world. Variation in body mass morphology has a significant influence on the relation- (both weight and BMI), SA/mass and RSH within our ship between the BMI and body fatness. At the same current sample broadly conforms to the expectations BMI, individuals from colder climates are, paradoxic- of Bergmann’s and Allen’s Rules. However, it is equally ally, leaner than expected based on international refer- clear that these relationships have not remained static ences, whereas those of warmer regions are fatter. over time, but rather, have changed in response to These climatic differences appear to be associated with shifting socioeconomic and ecological circumstances. variation in body proportions. Relative sitting height is Indeed, the differences in the statistical relationships strongly positively correlated with BMI, such that high found between the current sample and the Roberts RSHs (as seen in arctic populations) are associated (1953, 1973, 1978) samples highlight important insights with greater BMIs, while lower RSHs (seen in tropical about the avenues through which climate and ecology groups) are associated with lower BMIs. These find- influence human biological variation. ings suggest serious limitations in applying a single It is widely recognized that climate can influence aspects of body morphology through a number of differ- ent pathways, including temperature, rainfall, ultravio- let (UV) radiation, and ecological productivity (i.e., TABLE 10.5. Standardized residuals (z-scores) of the triceps skinfold versus. Body mass index regression resource availability). In addition, humans can employ for samples from colder and warmer climates. a number of different adaptive strategies to deal with environmental stressors, ranging from shorter-term Colder Warmer physiological and developmental responses to longer- (temp. <15 C) (temp. 15 C) term genetic (Darwinian) adaptations (see Chapter 2 Sample N Mean  SD N Mean  SD of this volume). In discussing the application of Males 10 0.79  0.91 46 0.17  0.93 * Bergmann’s and Allen’s Rules to human populations, it is most often assumed that these relationships largely Females 9 0.20  1.25 37 0.05  0.93 Total 19 0.51  1.09 83 0.12  0.93 ** (or exclusively) reflect genetic adaptations to thermal stress (e.g., Schreider, 1975; Ruff, 1994). Yet, there is Note: Differences between the colder and warmer samples strong evidence to show these patterns are also the prod- are different at: *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01. uct of other environmental factors (such as nutrition) operating through nongenetic adaptive mechanisms. TABLE 10.6. Multiple regression analyses of the influence of BMI and mean annual temperature on triceps skinfold thickness. Independent variables Dependent variables n Constant BMI (b + SE) Temperature (b + SE) Model R 2 Males 56 15.52 0.96  0.12 *** 0.77  0.03 ** 0.57 *** Females 46 28.65 1.81  0.19 *** 0.03  0.05 0.68 *** Note: **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001 BMI, body mass index.

Body Size and Shape 167 Improvements in both nutrition and public health Although the multiple regression analyses failed to over the last half century have contributed to secular document a secular trend in body proportions in the trends in growth of stature and body mass in popula- current sample (see Table 10.4), is it clear that the tions throughout the world (e.g., Roche, 1979). Declin- relationship between RSH and temperature in the cur- ing rates of childhood malnutrition in the developing rent sample is different from that reported by Roberts world (de Onis et al., 2000) have contributed to the (1978). Unfortunately, because we do not have relatively larger increases in body mass among tropical Roberts’s raw data on body proportions, we cannot populations documented here (Figure 10.5). These explore the nature of the differences in the same detail disproportionate increases in mass among populations that we did with the body weight and BMI differences. of the tropics help to explain the marked reductions Nonetheless, it appears that changes in food availabil- in the strength of the associations of body weight and ity and Westernization of dietary habits may be BMI with mean annual temperature in the current responsible for reducing global variation in RSHs, thus sample relative to the Roberts sample. These findings explaining the lower correlations between RSH and further suggest that the very strong inverse relation- temperature observed in the current sample. ship between weight and temperature initially reported Finally, this work also has practical applications for by Roberts was partly attributable to differences in diet the development of anthropometric standards for and nutrition, as well as differences in thermal stress. assessing nutritional status. Our findings highlight Recent analyses by Kelly et al. (2008) suggest that these some of the limitations in using a single set of BMI trends are continuing, such that the developing regions norms for assessing risks of under- and over-nutrition of the world are projected to have the greatest propor- around the world (Shetty and James, 1994; WHO, tional increases in the number of overweight and obese 1995). It appears that climatic influences on body pro- adults over the next 20 years. portionality play a strong role in shaping the relation- Nutritional and developmental factors also appear ship between the BMI and body fatness across diverse to play a role in shaping variation in body proportions. human populations. Paradoxically, populations of Work by Frisancho et al. (1975, 1980; Stinson and colder climates tend to have lower levels of body fatness Frisancho, 1978) among Quechua children of the for a given BMI, a pattern typified by arctic populations Lamas region of lowland Peru provides important such as the Inuit of North America (Shephard and Rode, insights into the role of ecology in shaping the develop- 1996). In contrast, tropically adapted populations such mental changes in body proportions. This research as the Australian Aborigines have relatively higher levels compared the growth of lowland Quechua children of fatness than suggested by their BMI values (Norgan, from Lamas to Quechua children of the same genetic 1994a). These differences emphasize the need for cau- background living in the highland region of Junin. tion when interpreting BMI values among populations Stinson and Frisancho (1978) found that the immi- with extremely high or low RSHs. For these groups grant Quechua children to the warm and humid low- in particular, it will be important to include a broader lands had more linear body builds than their peers range of anthropometric measures (e.g., skinfolds, cir- from the cold, high altitude regions. The authors cumferences) to provide an accurate picture of body attributed the differences in body proportions between composition and potential risks of chronic diseases. the two groups to the influence of temperature and altitude stressors. These results also demonstrate the role of developmental acclimatization in promoting CONCLUSIONS significant differences in body proportions among two populations with similar genetic backgrounds Human biologists have long recognized the important living in radically different environments. role that climate plays in shaping body size and shape. A growing body of research is also documenting the The analyses presented in this chapter have re-exam- influence of nutrition on the development of body pro- ined the application of Bergmann’s and Allen’s Rules portions during childhood growth. It is now recognized for understanding climatic variation in human body that nutritional stress and poor growth during early size and proportions. The classic work of D. F. Roberts childhood disproportionately affects the growth of long (1953, 1973, 1978) demonstrated that humans broadly bones (Tanner, 1978). Hence, improvements in nutri- conform to these classic ecological rules. He found that tion during growth and development are associated across a diverse sample of human populations, body with not only taller overall stature, but longer relative mass, and RSH were inversely correlated with mean leg lengths and thus, lower RSHs (Frisancho, 2007). annual temperature, consistent with the predictions of Such developmental changes in body proportions Bergmann’s and Allen’s Rules, respectively. may help to explain the observed differences in the Our current analyses, drawing on anthropometric relationship between RSH and temperature between studies published after Roberts (1953) initial pioneer- the current sample and that of Roberts (1978). ing work, confirm some, but not all of his conclusions.

168 William R. Leonard and Peter T. Katzmarzyk The inverse relationships between body mass (as both Bailey, B. J. R. and Briars, G. L. (1996). Estimating the body weight and BMI) and temperature continue to surface area of the human body. Statistics in Medicine, persist for both men and women; however, the correl- 15, 1325–1332. ations are lower and the slopes of the regressions are Baker, P. T. (1966). Human biological variation as an adaptive shallower than those reported by Roberts. Similarly, response to the environment. Eugenics Quarterly, 13,81–91. Barnicot, N. A. (1959). Climatic factors in the evolution of the relationships between RSH and temperature in human populations. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on men and women of the current sample are also more Quantitative Biology, 24, 115–129. modest than those reported by Roberts (1978). These Bergmann, C. (1847). Uber die verhaltniesse der warmeoko- changes in the relationship between body morphology nonomie der thiere zu ihrer grosse. Gottingen Studien, 1, and climate over the last 50 years, in part, reflect secu- 595–708. lar change in the growth of body size and proportions. de Onis, M., Frongillo, E. A. and Blossner, M. (2000). Is child Improvements in nutritional health, particularly malnutrition declining? An analysis of changes in levels of among impoverished tropical populations, have pro- child malnutrition since 1980. Bulletin of the World Health duced notable changes in body mass and proportions. Organization, 78, 1222–1233. These results underscore the importance of both Deurenberg, P., Yap, M. and Van Staveren, W. A. (1998). nutritional and temperature stresses in shaping devel- Body mass index and percent body fat: a meta analysis opmental changes in human variation in body size and among different ethnic groups. International Journal of shape. Moreover, they also have important implica- Obesity, 22, 1164–1171. Deurenberg-Yap, M. and Deurenberg, P. (2003). Is a re-evalu- tions for the use of anthropometric indexes such as the BMI as tools for assessing of nutritional status ation of WHO body mass index cut-off values needed? The case of Asians in Singapore. Nutrition Reviews, 61,S80–S87. and chronic disease risks. Deurenberg-Yap, M., Schmidt, G., Van Staveren, W. A., et al. (2000). The paradox of low body mass index and high body fat percentage among Chinese, Malays and Indians in DISCUSSION POINTS Singapore. International Journal of Obesity, 24, 1011–1017. Flegal, K. M., Carroll, M. D., Ogden, C. L., et al. (2002). Preva- 1. Discuss the physical principles that are thought to lence and trends in obesity among US adults, 1999–2000. underlie Bergmann’s and Allen’s “ecological rules.” Journal of the American Medical Association, 288, 1723–1727. 2. Discuss how ongoing trends in global climate Food and Agriculture Organization, World Health Organiza- change may influence interpopulational variation tion, and United Nations University (FAO/WHO/UNU) in body mass, BMI, and body proportions (e.g., (1985). Energy and Protein Requirements. Report of Joint relative sitting height). FAO/WHO/UNU Expert Consultation. WHO Technical 3. Discuss the utility and the limitations of the use of Report Series, no. 724. Geneva: World Health Organization. the BMI as the preferred measure for assessing Frisancho, A. R. (1990). Anthropometric Standards for the risks of overweight and obesity in the United States Assessment of Growth and Nutritional Status. Ann Arbor, and around the world. MI: University of Michigan Press. 4. Discuss the pros and cons of have a single set of inter- Frisancho, A. R. (2007). Relative leg length as a biological marker to trace the developmental history of individuals national BMI norms for quantifying the prevalence and populations: growth delay and increased body fat. rates of obesity and overweight in adult populations. American Journal of Human Biology, 19, 500–508. Frisancho, A. R. (2008). Anthropometric Standards: an Inter- active Nutritional Reference of Body Size and Body Compos- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ition for Children and Adults. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press. We are grateful to Professor Michael Muehlenbein for Frisancho, A. R., Borkan, G. A.andKlayman,J.E.(1975). the opportunity to contribute to this volume. Addition- Patternof growthoflowlandandhighlandPeruvianQuechua ally, we thank Dr. Marcia Robertson and two anonym- of similar genetic composition. Human Biology, 47, 233–243. ous reviewers for their comments and suggestions on Frisancho, A. R., Guire, K., Babler, W., et al. (1980). Nutri- this chapter. 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11 Human Adaptation to High Altitude Tom D. Brutsaert INTRODUCTION features acquired through lifelong exposure to hypoba- ric hypoxia. The term indigenous (as in indigenous As of 1995, over 140 million people worldwide lived at altitude native) will specifically refer to an individual altitudes exceeding 2500 m (Niermeyer et al., 2001). with deep altitude ancestry who belongs to a popula- The effects of hypobaric hypoxia – defined as a low tion that may have experienced natural selection in environmental oxygen partial pressure – on cellular the past. In South America, archaeological evidence metabolic function, growth and development, physical suggests the presence of Native Americans as early as activity, reproduction, and human health have made 12 000 years ago (Lynch, 1990), and current indigenous high altitude a unique setting in which to investigate high-altitude groups (the Aymara and Quechua) can human adaptation. This is especially true for traits trace altitude ancestry back to at least 4000–6000 years that are directly or indirectly related to oxygen (O 2 ) ago, which marks the domestication of many highland transport. Following Niermeyer et al. (2001), the term plant and animal species (llama, alpaca, potatos, adaptation will be used to refer to a feature of struc- etc. . . .) (MacNeish and Berger, 1970; Lynch, 1990). ture, function, or behavior that is beneficial and On the Himalayan plateau, there is evidence of paleo- enables survival in a specific environment. Such fea- lithic human habitation as early as 25 000–50 000 years tures may be genetic in origin, although features that ago (Zhimin, 1982). These paleolithic populations may arise via developmental and/or physiological processes not have been ancestral to current populations, but may also be termed adaptations if they enable survival genetic and linguistic studies of Tibetans suggest a (see Chapter 2 of this volume). The term genetic time frame of habitation that goes back at least many adaptation will refer to a heritable feature that was thousands of years (Torroni et al., 1994). Thus, in both produced by natural selection (or other force of the Andes and the Himalayas, there has been sufficient evolution) altering allele frequencies over time. A time for the operation of natural selection. However, it developmental adaptation will refer to an irreversible is worth noting that there is little direct support for feature that confers survival benefit and is acquired the hypothesis of genetic adaptation, i.e., to date there through lifelong exposure to an environmental stress are no known gene (allele) or haplotype frequencies or stressors. Developmental features that arise without that are unique to an indigenous high-altitude native clear adaptive benefit will be termed developmental population with demonstrable effects on mortality/ responses. Finally, the term acclimatization will refer fertility under the conditions of hypobaric hypoxia. to a time-dependent physiological response to high This chapter is organized into eight sections as altitude, which may or may not be adaptive. follows: Section I defines hypoxia and provides an Around the world, various regional populations introduction to the well-known biological effects of show a wide diversity of time-depth exposure to alti- low environmental O 2 . Section II reviews the physi- tude providing a “natural experiment” to test hypoth- ology of O 2 transport as a basic understanding is cri- eses of developmental and/or genetic adaptation tical for subsequent discussions of human adaptation. (Moore, 1990). The term native (as in high-altitude or Section III provides several examples of the process of highland native) will be used generally to identify an acclimatization to altitude, mainly to distinguish accli- individual born and raised at high altitude, independ- matization from other modes of adaptation that are ent of ancestry. For example in North America, some more central to the interests of human evolutionary high-altitude natives of the Rocky Mountains with physiology, i.e., genetic and developmental adaptation. lowland European origins may trace altitude ancestry Sections IV and V, respectively, focus on the physical back ~150 years. This is not long enough for genetic work capacity (exercise) and reproductive perform- adaptation, but such altitude natives may show unique ance of highland natives in hypoxia. These two areas Human Evolutionary Biology, ed. Michael P. Muehlenbein. Published by Cambridge University Press. # Cambridge University Press 2010. 170

Human Adaptation to High Altitude 171 have been widely studied at high altitude and are con- (Figure 11.1). Note that FiO 2 is constant with altitude. sidered as important “adaptive domains,” following a For example, the ambient PO 2 at 3000 m where Pb conceptual framework that was originally described by is ~525 mmHg is ~70% of the sea-level value, or Mazess (1978). An adaptive domain is an area of life 525 mmHg  0.21 ¼ 110 mmHg. This definition of hyp- where the relative benefit (or significance) of a specific oxia is not particularly helpful from a functional stand- adaptive response can be evaluated or defined. For point, and some distinction must be made between example, if large lungs are adaptive in hypoxia, then hypoxia per se and the level of hypoxia (or the ambient benefit must be defined with reference to an adaptive PO 2 ) where measurable effects on human physiology domain like reproductive performance, i.e., do women occur. The latter depends on the physiological system, with larger lungs produce babies with lower mortality the outcome measure, and the individual. For example, risk? In most cases, adaptive significance is difficult at the modest altitude of 1500 m, some very good to ascertain. Thus, Section VI evaluates specific struc- athletes begin to experience decrements in aerobic tural and/or functional traits of the oxygen transport capacity, and some visitors may note a transient hyper- system that differ between highland and lowland popu- ventilation on first exposure (Maresh et al., 1983). In lations, without a priori reference to an adaptive this chapter, most of the populations under consider- domain. Where possible, the significance of a specific ation live above 2500 m where there are clear effects on trait is considered relative to health and disease, repro- cellular metabolic processes underlying diverse human ductive performance, exercise performance, growth activities and human health. Some of these effects and development, and/or nutrition and energy use. are briefly considered here to emphasize that hypoba- Section VII focuses on genetic studies of altitude adap- ric hypoxia is a formidable environmental stressor. tation, and Section VIII offers areas of future research. This is precondition for research approaches that focus on adaptive response. Linear postnatal growth and development is nutri- SECTIONI: WHATISENVIRONMENTAL ent and O 2 flow dependent (note: prenatal growth is HYPOXIA? discussed more fully in Section V below). Beginning with the studies of Paul Baker and his students in Environmental hypoxia is defined with reference to Nunoa, Peru (e.g., Frisancho, 1969), it has been sug- “normoxia,” which is simply the O 2 availability at sea- gested that hypoxia per se slows overall linear growth level with 760 mmHg atmospheric pressure and a frac- and delays sexual maturation. In the Andes, where the tional O 2 concentration (FiO 2 ) of about 0.21 (i.e., 21%). majority of growth studies have been conducted, much The latter represents the composition of the earth’s of the delay is probably established at birth as a result atmosphere. For dry air, the normoxic partial pressure of intrauterine uterine growth retardation, with little for O 2 (PO 2 ) is about 160 mmHg, or 760 mmHg  0.21. catch-up growth thereafter (Greksa, 2006). At least Hypobaric hypoxia refers to a lower than normoxic some of the growth delay is attributable to poor health PO 2 due to lower ambient pressure as one rises and nutrition in the research populations, but hypoxia through the air column with increasing altitude likely has an independent effect evidenced by the Barometric pressure (Pb) by altitude 100 700 Leadville, 90 Colorado (~3000 m) 600 80 Highest permanent human 70 500 habitation, La Riconada, 60 Peru (~5100 m) Pb (mmHg) 400 Lhasa, Tibet and La Paz, 50 Percentage of sea-level value Bolivia (~3600 m) 40 300 200 Mount 30 Everest 20 100 (~8850 m) 10 0 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Above sea-level (m) 11.1. Barometric pressure decreases with increasing altitude starting at sea-level. The highest permanent human habitation is likely the small town of La Riconada, in Peru (West, 2002).

172 Tom D. Brutsaert . ∆VO 2max with increasing altitude Pre-eclampsia is ~3 times more common above 3000 m 80 (Palmer et al., 1999; Keyes et al., 2003). 70 Various diseases are also associated with hypoxia, or exacerbated by hypoxic exposure. For example, ini- 60 tial exposure to altitude can lead to acute mountain m l/m i n/k g 40 sickness (AMS) in some individuals, with prevalence 50 and severity depending on altitude and rate of ascent. Acute mountain sickness is usually transient, but often 30 precedes or is associated with more serious and poten- 20 tially fatal complications like pulmonary or cerebral 10 edema. Lifelong or chronic hypoxic exposure is associ- 0 ated with a disease known as chronic mountain sick- 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 ness (CMS), characterized by excessive polycythemia Altitude (m) : (high red blood cell level), severe hypoxemia (low blood 11.2. VO 2max decreases with altitude, approximately 10% per O 2 levels), and in some cases moderate or severe 1000 meters after 1500 meters. Data points are updated from : pulmonary hypertension which may evolve to cor Buskirk et al. (1967) and represent mean V O 2max values from studies of lowland native males who were exposed to hypobaric pulmonale, leading to congestive heart failure (Leon- hypoxia. The length of exposure varies between studies (from Velarde et al., 2005). : acute exposure to several weeks of exposure), but V O 2max does not change much with ventilatory acclimatization to altitude (Bender et al., 1989). Some of the studies represented, particularly those at extreme altitude, were carried out in a SECTION II: THE PHYSIOLOGY OF O 2 hypobaric chamber. TRANSPORT FROM ENVIRONMENT TO CELL Given the O 2 poor environment of high altitude, the O 2 delayed growth of European populations at altitude transport system is logically an area of major focus. who generally live under relatively good socioeconomic This physiological system is frequently conceptualized conditions (Greksa et al., 1988). as a linear sequence of functional and structural steps Aerobic exercise is also an O 2 dependent process. that brings oxygen into the body for delivery to cellular One measure of performance is the maximal oxygen mitochondria (Figure 11.3). At the mitochondrial level, : consumption (VO 2max ) reflecting the integrated func- O 2 fulfills its role as the final electron acceptor in the tioning of pulmonary, cardiovascular, and muscle process of oxidative phosphorylation to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Examples of functional metabolic systems to obtain, deliver, and consume O 2 during maximal exertion. Buskirk et al. (1967) was the components of the O 2 transport system include the : : first to quantify the decrement in VO 2max (DVO 2max ) ventilation rate or the cardiac frequency (heart rate), with increasing altitude in lowland men of mostly both of which can be regulated physiologically to European origins, showing about a 10% decrease in increase or decrease O 2 flux. Examples of structural performance for every 1000 m additional altitude components include the pulmonary volume, the mass beginning at about 1500 m (Figure 11.2). of the left ventricle, or the mass of red blood cells in Reproductive performance is likely sensitive to circulation. Structural components may possess some hypoxia, including fertility, and fetal and early infant regulatory capacity, but generally not in physiological mortality (see Section V). Anecdotally, historical time, i.e., in seconds or minutes. For example, increa- accounts describe reproductive difficulties encoun- sing red blood cell production at altitude requires tered by early Spaniards in the Andes, with the best weeks. Increasing total lung volume requires exposure known of these accounts claiming a 50-year period of to hypoxia during growth and development (see infertility for Spanish women in the colonial city of Section VI). Potosı ´, Bolivia, at 4100 m! These effects are difficult The process of O 2 transport from environment to ascribe to hypoxia alone given the social, cultural, to cell involves, essentially, two convective and two and nutritional factors that impact fertility, but it is diffusive steps in series, as shown in Figure 11.3. Con- worth noting that fecundity/fertility in nonaltitude vection is the movement of a fluid (like air or blood), native rodent species at altitude is significantly lower while diffusion is the movement of a molecule or ion (Martin and Costa, 1992). Also, the lowest birthweights from a region of higher to lower concentration. The and highest rates of infant mortality in the United first step, pulmonary ventilation (V E , L/min), or the States occur in Colorado counties with the highest movement of air into and out of the lung, is convective. mean altitudes (Moore, 2003). A contributing factor Functionally, V E is the first line of defense in the face may be pre-eclampsia during pregnancy, a condition of hypoxia and it has the purpose of maintaining con- that increases mortality risk of both mother and fetus. stant values of the alveolar oxygen and carbon dioxide

Human Adaptation to High Altitude 173 Ambient PO ~ 160mmHg 2 (sea level, dry air) STEPS OF O TRANSPORT 2 V, l/min 1. Pulmonary ventilation (V), Lung convective movement of O 2 P ALV O 2 O 2 2. Pulmonary diffusion Blood Blood O content (CaO ) = 2 2 P O [Hb, g/dl]  art 2 (1.34 ml/dl) Q = Hb:O 2 3. Blood flow, convective (SaO , %) HR  SV movement of O 2 2 O delivery = 2 (CaO , ml/dl) 2 4. Peripheral diffusion of (Q, L/min) O 2 O to the mitochondria 2 Cell Mitochondria 11.3. The oxygen transport system has essentially four steps, two convective (pulmonary ventilation and blood flow), and two diffusive (pulmonary and peripheral, i.e., muscle diffusion). The structural/ functional parameters that determine O 2 delivery to the cell are indicated including; VE, pulmonary ventilation; [Hb], hemoglobin concentration; SaO 2 , arterial oxygen saturation; CaO 2 , arterial oxygen content; SV, stroke volume; HR, heart rate; and Q, cardiac output. See text for further details. partial pressures (P A O 2 and P A CO 2 , respectively). The vein has a PO 2 similar to that of alveolar gas PO 2 i.e., alveolar ventilation (V A ) is that proportion of V E that ~100 mmHg. But, this is not always the case. At alti- participates in gas exchange, taking into account the tude, or sometimes during extremely strenuous exer- fact that the conducting airways of the lung are cise, full equilibration between alveolar gas and an “anatomic dead-space” where gas exchange cannot arterial blood PO 2 may not take place, a condition occur. The V A is not usually measured directly, but known as diffusion limitation. Diffusion limitation this chapter will make reference to the concept of an causes a widening of the alveolar-arterial partial pres- “effective V A .” Effective V A is assessed by consideration sure difference (A-a)DO 2 as P a O 2 becomes less than of the functional consequence of breathing which is to P A O 2 . A widening of the (A-a)DO 2 may also occur from maintain/change gas partial pressures in the lung and a condition known as ventilation-perfusion mismatch, thus circulation. also common at altitude, but without belaboring the Note that P A O 2 at sea-level is approximately details, it is important simply to realize that there are 100 mmHg, or about 60 mmHg lower than the ambient limits to the pulmonary gas exchange process. If one PO 2 , and that PO 2 s fall at every subsequent step of the sees a small (A-a)DO 2 at altitude, this is a good indica- O 2 transport chain from environment to cell. For this tion of an efficient gas exchange process, and from reason, physiologists often refer to an “O 2 cascade” an evolutionary or developmental perspective, one driven by the partial pressure gradients at every step. might hypothesize adaptations in either functional Importantly, P A O 2 depends on ambient PO 2 , and so the or structural components of the pulmonary system to overall PO 2 gradient driving the diffusion of O 2 from account for it. lung to cell is reduced at altitude. V E itself is controlled The ambient PO 2 and the process of V E together in a complex manner by both central (brain) and determine P a O 2 . In turn, P a O 2 determines the satur- peripheral chemoreceptors. The latter are known as ation of hemoglobin with O 2 (SaO 2 ) according to the the carotid and aortic bodies, and these sense changes Hb-O 2 dissociation curve (Figure 11.4). The nonlinea- in arterial blood gases (P a O 2 and P a CO 2 ) brought about rity of the Hb-O 2 curve has several important physio- through low ambient PO 2 or increased metabolic logical implications. Above a P a O 2 of about 60, where demand for O 2 . the Hb-O 2 curve is relatively flat, large changes in P a O 2 The first diffusive step (pulmonary diffusion) is have little effect on SaO 2 . However, below ~60 mmHg, from alveolar gas to blood across the pulmonary- or on the “steep” part of the Hb-O 2 curve, small capillary membrane. At rest and at sea-level, alveolar changes in P a O 2 produce large changes in SaO 2 .In and capillary blood partial pressures equilibrate rap- practical terms, this means that SaO 2 is fairly resistant idly so that blood leaving the lung via the pulmonary to altitudes up to about 2500 m, but will rapidly

174 Tom D. Brutsaert Hb:O dissociation curve 2 100 90 Hb:O 2 saturation, SaO 2 (%) 70 80 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 020406080100120 Blood oxygen partial pressure (PO )/(mmHg) 2 11.4. The partial pressure of oxygen in the blood (PO 2 ) determines the saturation of hemoglobin with oxygen (SaO 2 ) according the hemoglobin-oxygen dissociation curve. Approximate arterial partial pressures at sea-level, 1000, 2000, 3000, and 4000 meters are indicated. From (Severinghaus, 1979). decrease thereafter. SaO 2 , hemoglobin concentration enlargement of the uterine artery (a structural par- [Hb], and the O 2 -binding capacity of hemoglobin (a ameter). Similarly, increased placental size (struc- constant at 1.34 ml O 2 /g hemoglobin) together deter- ture), analogous to increased pulmonary volume, mine the O 2 content of blood per unit volume, or would increase surface area for O 2 diffusion and CaO 2 -ml O 2 per dl blood. CaO 2 multiplied by blood thus increase O 2 delivery to the fetus. The physiology flow determines O 2 delivery. Blood flow, of course, is of O 2 delivery to the fetus in highland populations the second convective step of the O 2 transport process, has been researched extensively by Moore and col- and is determined by cardiac output (Q) and regulation leagues and is discussed in more detail in Section VI of regional blood flow by vasodilation/vasoconstriction below. of arterioles to capillary beds. In turn, Q is determined by heart rate (HR) and stroke volume (SV). The final step of O 2 delivery is peripheral diffusion of O 2 into SECTION III: ACCLIMATIZATION TO the cell down a diffusion gradient from capillary to HYPOBARIC HYPOXIA mitochondria, where mitochondrial PO 2 may be just a few mmHG. In general, an understanding of how acclimatization Given the importance of reproductive performance to high altitude affects a specific trait or feature is a at altitude, it is important to also consider the physio- prerequisite before analysis of how population trait logy of O 2 delivery to the fetus. The fetus receives distributions are conditioned by developmental nutrients from uterine arteries that derive from the exposure to hypoxia and/or by population genetic maternal arterial circulation. The uterine arteries branch background. Some traits are very sensitive to acclima- out into a dense capillary network known as the tization state, particularly ventilatory traits, and their placenta, which serves as a gas exchange organ analysis from a developmental and/or evolutionary between independent maternal and fetal circulations. perspective is therefore difficult. In other specific Thus, O 2 delivery to the fetus involves an additional cases, populations may not show the expected acclima- diffusive step across the placenta. Like O 2 delivery to tization response. For example, Tibetan populations skeletal muscle, O 2 delivery to the fetus is a function are characterized by [Hb] not different from sea-level of uterine artery blood flow, [Hb], and SaO 2 . The normative values, counter to the expectation of hema- student of human evolutionary physiology should tological acclimatization (see below and Section VI for again consider the various structural or functional further discussion). parameters that could be regulated (physiologically, As described, the term acclimatization refers to a developmentally, or across evolutionary time) to time dependent, short-term, and reversible physiolo- optimize O 2 delivery to the fetus under conditions gical response to an environmental stress or stressors. of hypobaric hypoxia. For example, O 2 delivery could To illustrate the concept, two text-book examples be upregulated by increasing uterine artery blood are considered here: (1) ventilatory acclimatization; flow (a functional parameter), perhaps via and (2) hematological acclimatization. Ventilatory

Human Adaptation to High Altitude 175 acclimatization involves the regulation of breathing by fitness state, and acclimatization state. Thus, partition- the nervous system including respiratory centers in the ing the effects of genes, development, and/or environ- : brain and peripheral chemoreceptors that are sensitive ment on VO 2max is difficult. Compared to sea-level to changes in blood PCO 2 , pH, and PO 2 . On initial residents in hypoxia, many studies have documented : exposure to hypoxia, the peripheral chemoreceptors a relatively high VO 2max (ml/min/kg) in Andean (Elsner (primarily the carotid bodies) sense changes in blood et al., 1964; Kollias et al., 1968; Mazess, 1969a, 1969b; gas partial pressures and signal an increase in V E that Frisancho et al., 1973; Baker, 1976) and Himalayan manifests within seconds to minutes (hyperventila- natives (Sun et al., 1990a; Ge et al., 1994b, 1995; tion). This hyperventilation is progressive and reaches a Zhuang et al., 1996). Indigenous altitude natives also : plateau after 5–6 days (Huang et al., 1984; Smith et al., appear to experience smaller decreases in VO 2max : 2001). Hyperventilation causes transient decreases in (▵VO 2max ) when exposed to increasing hypoxia PaCO 2 and increases in blood pH to produce a respira- (Elsner et al., 1964; Velasquez, 1966; Baker, 1969; tory alkalosis. Alkalosis may persist even after acclima- Frisancho et al., 1973; Vogel et al., 1974; Way, 1976; tization, but over days there is some compensation Hochachka et al., 1991; Brutsaert et al., 2003; Marconi : to normalize blood chemistry, in part because of the et al., 2004). For example, ▵VO 2max values in indigenous action of the kidney which increases bicarbonate ion groups have been reported as between ~30% and 80% excretion. In humans, the end of ventilatory acclima- of the decrement in lowland comparison groups. tization is marked by a stability in V E , PaCO 2 , and pH. It is a difficult problem to explain the higher mean : The functional result is that individuals maintain a VO 2max values of indigenous high-altitude natives. Is : higher V A to partially offset the decreases in SaO 2 and the higher VO 2max due to population genetics, develop- CaO 2 . It should be emphasized that this process does mental exposure to hypoxia, or is it due to differences not return the body to a sea-level physiological state. in lifestyle, particularly physical activity patterns? Rather, SaO 2 levels remain low depending on the spe- Consider the analyses shown in Figures 11.5 and 11.6. : cific altitude. Hematological acclimatization involves Figure 11.5 plots mean VO 2max values (ml/min/kg) by the hormone erythropoietin which stimulates an altitude for indigenous altitude-native males grouped increase in the production of red blood cells from by region. These mean values were taken from the precursor cells in the bone marrow. This process takes literature based on studies conducted over the past place over weeks with a resultant increase in the oxygen carrying capacity of blood. 100 90 O 2 saturation (%) 70 SECTION IV: DO HIGH-ALTITUDE NATIVES 80 HAVE ENHANCED WORK CAPACITY AT ALTITUDE? 60 Physical work is an important human activity, i.e., it is 50 an adaptive domain that is dependent on O 2 availabi- 40 lity. The question addressed here is whether high- 0 2000 4000 6000 altitude natives have higher upper limits of work cap- 30 acity in hypoxia compared to their counterparts from sea-level? Work capacity is a general term, but specific 25 aspects of work performance may be measured inclu- : ding the maximal oxygen consumption (VO 2max ,or Hb (g/100ml) 20 aerobic capacity), the endurance capacity, and the work efficiency/work economy. 15 : Aerobic capacity (VO 2max ) 10 0 2000 4000 6000 : VO 2max is usually measured on a treadmill or cycle Altitude (m) : ergometer by progressively increasing work-load over 11.5. Published mean V O 2max values from studies of Andean a 10–15-minute period in order to obtain a 1-minute and Himalayan males taken from the literature. Mean values for average of maximal O 2 consumption. It is not surpris- indigenous altitude natives are superimposed on the sea-level : native reference data (i.e., lowland native males from Figure ing that VO 2max decreases with increasing altitude 11.2) across the altitude range from 3000–5500 meters. P-value (Figure 11.1). But, there is substantial variation in the is for a test of the hypothesis that Andeans have higher mean : magnitude of the decrease between individuals depen- altitude specific VO 2max compared to lowland native males ding on age, gender, body-weight, body-composition, (sea-level reference) using regression analysis.

176 Tom D. Brutsaert . VO 2max : highland groups (a) Reference (sea-level natives) Andeans Himalayans 65 60 55 Andeans-vs.-Reference, P = 0.002 50 ml/min/kg 45 40 35 Reference 30 25 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 Meters Reference (sea-level natives) Developmentally acclimatized (b) 65 60 55 Developmentally acclimatized-vs.- Reference, NS 50 ml/min/kg 45 40 35 Reference 30 25 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 Meters : 11.6. (a and b) Published mean VO 2max values for developmentally acclimatized males living at altitude i.e., long-term European residents of Colorado and the Andes, and Han Chinese migrants to the Tibetan plateau. Mean values are superimposed on the sea-level native reference data (from Figure 11.2) across the altitude range from 3000–5500 meters. NS ¼ nonsignificant for a test of : the hypothesis that developmentally acclimatized males have higher altitude specific V O 2max compared to lowland native males (sea-level reference) using regression analysis. ~50 years and they are superimposed on the mean lowland ancestry who were born and raised at altitude. values for acclimatized lowland-native males (sea-level The latter include populations of European ancestry reference) that were shown previously in Figure 11.2. living in Colorado and South America, and also popu- Andean values across the range of altitude from 3000 lations of Han Chinese ancestry living on the Tibetan to 5500 m are clearly and significantly above the sea- plateau. Therefore, a cautious interpretation of these level reference line (P ¼ 0.002). Unfortunately, statis- results (given the small sample of studies) is that genes tical power is insufficient to test this hypothesis inde- play a more important role than developmental adap- : pendently with natives from the Himalayas. In tation in determining the high the VO 2max of Andeans contrast, in a similar analysis, Figure 11.6 reveals no and Himalayans. Unfortunately, confounding factors : difference in mean VO 2max values for populations of cannot be excluded, particularly the high physical

Human Adaptation to High Altitude 177 activity levels that are common among highland native et al., 1967; Kayser et al., 1994). One additional study groups (Kashiwazaki et al., 1995; Brutsaert, 1997). reported higher WE in Tibetans resident at 4440 m Confounding is a difficult issue to resolve and versus Tibetans resident at 3658 m (Curran et al., limits the inference of genetic adaptation based on 1998). Studies from Colorado show no differences in group differences using the comparative approach. WE related to acclimatization state or growth and This may perhaps explain the conflicting conclusions development at altitude (Dill et al., 1931; Balke, 1964; reached by different investigators and different stud- Grover et al., 1967). For economy, two recent studies ies. One previous study in the Andes argued for a gen- have reported a lower O 2 cost for treadmill running : etic basis to explain the high VO 2max of Aymara after (Bastien et al., 2005; Marconi et al., 2005) or load controlling for physical activity level (Frisancho et al., carrying (Bastien et al., 2005) in Sherpa. Both studies 1995), while at least three others studies emphasized are difficult to interpret with respect to metabolic effi- developmental and/or covariate effects (Greksa and ciency given differences in body size between study Haas, 1982; Greksa et al., 1985; Brutsaert et al., groups, and in the case of the Bastien et al. (2005) 1999b). A recent study by Brutsaert and colleagues study, differences in study location. Thus, on balance, (2003) argued for a genetic basis based on a negative there is little compelling evidence to support the : correlation between DVO 2max and the proportion of hypothesis that altitude natives use O 2 more efficiently Native American ancestry in a sample of 32 lowland in the performance of physical work. males of mixed Quechua-European ancestry who were transiently exposed to hypoxia. While admixture-based studies allow stronger inference regarding the action of Endurance performance genes, the problem of confounding remains. Thus, Hurtado’s aforementioned classic study is the only resolution of this issue will require a more direct report in the literature where a true endurance out- interrogation of the genetic basis of human perfor- come was measured, i.e., time to exhaustion during a mance at altitude (see Sections VII and VIII) and/or a sustained bout of submaximal work. Hurtado reported better understanding of how developmental exposure a higher average tolerance time for treadmill running impacts oxygen transport capacity. in 10 altitude natives of Morococha, Peru (4540 m) versus 10 sea-level residents of Lima, Peru (34.2 versus Work efficiency and the economy of locomotion 59.4 minutes). The difference was impressive as each group was tested in their native environment! How- Work efficiency (WE) is defined as the ratio of exter- ever, without information on subject fitness status nal work (output) to metabolic cost (input), with exter- and on the performance of both groups in the same nal work typically measured on a treadmill or cycle environment, the study is also difficult to interpret. ergometer and metabolic cost typically measured as O 2 cost, i.e., O 2 consumption (VO 2 ). Economy is a related but different construct, defined as the O 2 cost Summary of work capacity studies for a specific activity, like load carrying or running. In Numerous studies of indigenous altitude natives dating both cases, the evolutionary advantage of using O 2 back nearly half a century reveal higher than expected efficiently to do work in an O 2 poor environment is : values of VO 2max at a given altitude, but the genetic self-evident, particularly considering the agricultural versus environmental origins of this difference remain and pastoral labor demands that characterize life in obscure. Regarding energetic advantage during work the Andes (Kashiwazaki et al., 1995) and also on the Tibetan plateau. Alberto Hurtado, in his pioneering or exercise, there is widespread conflict in the litera- ture and no firm conclusions are possible. Regarding studies in Peru was the first to suggest that altitude endurance capacity, this aspect of work performance natives have a higher metabolic WE (Hurtado, 1932, has yet to be thoroughly evaluated. 1964). The subsequent literature in support of this hypothesis is conflicted. Several studies have reported higher WEs in Andeans versus lowland controls (Reynafarje and Velasquez, 1966; Haas et al., 1983; SECTION V: DO HIGH-ALTITUDE NATIVES Hochachka et al., 1991), while other studies have HAVE ENHANCED REPRODUCTIVE shown no differences (Mazess, 1969a, 1969b; Brutsaert PERFORMANCE AT HIGH ALTITUDE? et al., 2004), or indeed lower WE in Andeans (Kollias et al., 1968). Two studies have reported significantly Reproductive performance is central for any species. higher WE in Tibetans versus lowland controls at In this section, measures of reproductive success are altitude (Ge et al., 1994b; Niu et al., 1995), while three considered, including fertility, fecundity, prenatal and other studies have reported no WE differences in postnatal mortality, birthweight, and various measures Sherpas or Tibetans (Lahiri and Milledge, 1966; Lahiri of maternal O 2 transport to the fetus.

178 Tom D. Brutsaert Fertility and fecundity as selective agent on the locus for SaO 2 by the mechanism of higher infant survival of Tibetan women with high As cited by Carlos Monge (1948), sixteenth-century SaO 2 genotypes. These results are also consistent with Spanish historians were the first to note fertility/ the physiological studies described below that suggest a fecundity impairments in Spanish women who settled pathway linking maternal O 2 delivery, fetal growth, birth- in the Andeanhighlands.Mongeproposed that hypobaric weight, and the probability of infant survival. hypoxia lowers fertility, either by increasing fetal wastage or pregnancy loss (i.e., prenatal mortality), and/or by Birthweight decreasing the ability of a woman to conceive (fecundity). These hypotheses are difficult to test in humans given Birthweight has long been an important outcome myriad cultural and behavioral influences on fertility, to assess reproductive performance at altitude. and given the difficulty of directly assessing prenatal Figure 11.7 shows the birthweight decrement with hyp- mortality or fecundity. However, the animal literature oxia (Dbirthweight), estimated to be about 100 g per does give some evidence of reduced fertility/fecundity 1000 m. Long-term resident populations appear to be attributable to hypoxia when lowland native rats are buffered from the normal Dbirthweight, reminiscent of : raised in hypoxic conditions (Martin and Costa, 1992). pattern observed for DVO 2max (see Figure 11.5). Speci- In this context, what emerges as noteworthy is the appar- fically, on the basis of worldwide birthweight data, ently “normal” fertility and fecundity of indigenous high- Moore and colleagues have argued that Dbirthweight land populations in both the Andes and the Himalayas. as a consequence of hypoxia varies according to Although there is substantial interpopulation variability the duration of population exposure to hypoxia in fertility within altitude regions, the ranges observed (Niermeyer et al., 2001; Moore, 2003; Julian et al., are similar to those for natural fertility sea-level popula- 2007). Populations with the shortest history at altitude, tions. Considering fecundity alone, only one study has such as North Americans in Colorado or Han Chinese intensively investigated this issue in an indigenous migrants to the Tibetan plateau, experience the altitude group, with no evidence that the probability of greatest Dbirthweight. Populations with the longest conception was reduced in Andean Aymara women exposure (i.e., ancestral exposure), such as Tibetans (Vitzthum and Wiley, 2003). and Andeans, experience more modest Dbirthweight. Notably, altitude-specific birthweight is higher in indi- genous populations compared to lowland controls Prenatal and postnatal mortality despite socioeconomic differences that might other- wise predict lower birthweight. For example, Haas Prenatal, neonatal (birth to 28 days), and infant (birth to et al. (1980) found higher birthweight among Aymara 1 year) mortality rates are generally high in highland women compared to European controls in Bolivia, populations, but this is not unexpected given the signifi- despite the fact that the European women had better cant levels of poverty in most mountainous areas of the access to health care and better nutrition. Recently, a world. However, hypoxia may also have a direct effect. study by Bennet et al. (2008) provided evidence that Consider that in Colorado, until the 1980s, high-altitude genetic factors are involved to explain the higher birth- regions had higher neonatal and infant mortalities rates weight of Andeans. Using an admixture approach compared to lowland regions (Moore, 2003). Lowland based on surname analysis, this study shows a direct migrants to altitudemay have a higher mortality risk than association of indigenous high-altitude ancestry with indigenous altitude groups. Moore (2003) reported three- protection against hypoxia-associated fetal growth fold higher prenatal mortality and higher neonatal and reduction in a cohort of 1343 singleton births in La infant mortality rates in Chinese migrants to the Tibetan Paz, Bolivia. plateau compared to Tibetan natives. Quantitative gen- Whether there are differences in altitude-specific etic studies by Beall et al. (2004) in Tibetans suggested mean birthweights between Andeans and Tibetans is that there may be genetic factors at work to explain these unclear. Moore (2000) has argued that Tibetans have mortality-risk differences. In an original series of studies, higher mean birthweight compared to Andeans, but these investigators measured resting SaO 2 within fam- Beall (2000) have argued against this population differ- ilies. A significant proportion of the age- and sex-adjusted ence and suggest that women from both populations variance (from 21% to 39%) was attributed to additive are equally effective at supporting fetal development as genetic factors with the overall pattern of variance best measured by birthweight. explained by a major gene conferring a 5–6% point increase in resting SaO 2 (Beall et al., 1997a, 1997b). In a The placenta follow-up study, Tibetan women with a high likelihood of possessing one to two of the putative alleles for the high How do indigenous altitude native women produce SaO 2 phenotype had more surviving children (Beall et al., larger babies? One structural parameter to consider is 2004). This study provides evidence that hypoxia is acting the placenta which undergoes significant growth and

Human Adaptation to High Altitude 179 ∆ Birthweight with increasing altitude 3800 3600 Tibetan 3400 Birthweight (g) 3200 Tibetan 3000 2800 2600 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Altitude (m) 11.7. Mean birthweights by altitude from previously published studies of altitude residents from North and South American and the Tibetan plateau. Figure is from Moore et al., (2001). On average, birthweight (BW) decreases with altitude, approximately 100 grams per 1000 meters. See text for a discussion of group differences. remodeling during pregnancy to optimize gas and generations of altitude ancestry, but falls during preg- nutrient exchange between the maternal and fetal cir- nancy in residents with less than three-generations culations. At altitude, it has consistently been observed exposure. This suggests that developmental effects that placentas are more vascularized, i.e., a higher accumulate across generations (i.e., maternal effects) density of blood vessels, perhaps to compensate for affecting O 2 delivery to the fetus. lower uteroplacental blood flow at altitude. There are To emphasize the importance CaO 2 on birthweight, other structural changes in the high-altitude placenta, consider the studies of Moore and colleagues con- but without going into detail, these generally operate ducted in Colorado, Peru, and the Himalayas (reviewed to increase the diffusion capacity of this tissue. These in Moore, 2003). These researchers have shown that changes are evident to some degree in both recent larger birthweight babies are born to mothers who migrant- and native-altitude populations, and so it is show higher V E , greater increases in hypoxic ventila- not clear whether changes in placental architecture tory sensitivity during pregnancy, and higher CaO 2 per se can account for the larger birthweight babies during pregnancy. However, these are within group of Tibetans and Andeans. Indeed, only a few studies effects only, and CaO 2 differences per se probably do have directly compared placental morphology between not explain the birthweight differences between highland native and lowland groups, and these have groups. For example, in one study, Tibetan women offered conflicting results (Zamudio, 2003). had lower pregnancy [Hb] than Han Chinese, and thus lower pregnancy CaO 2 . Despite lower CaO 2 , Tibetan women produced babies nearly 0.5 kg heavier than Maternal O 2 transport Chinese residents at ~3600 m. This paradox led Moore Another possibility to increase birthweight is enhanced and colleagues to consider the role of uteroplacental maternal O 2 transport to the uteroplacental circula- blood flow in determining birthweight, recalling that tion. Under normal conditions, maternal V E increases O 2 delivery (not CaO 2 ) is the important functional par- during pregnancy as mediated by several reproductive ameter depending on both CaO 2 and blood flow (Moore et al., 2001). Uterine artery blood flow velocity was hormones, but principally progesterone. Increased V E serves to increase SaO 2 , and this process could be higher in Tibetans, presumably increasing O 2 delivery to the uteroplacental circulation. The latter may be the especially important at altitude considering that CaO 2 may actually fall due to an expansion of blood volume simple result of structural adaptation, i.e., an enlarge- during pregnancy without a concomitant expansion of ment in the diameter of the uterine artery permitting the red blood cell mass, i.e., a kind of “anemia of higher blood flow. Additional data consistent with this pregnancy.” Interestingly, McAuliffe et al. (2001) have hypothesis are now emerging from the Andes. Com- shown that CaO 2 is stable during pregnancy in resi- pared to women of European ancestry resident at dents of Cerro de Pasco, Peru, with three or more 3600 m, Andean women have greater uterine artery

180 Tom D. Brutsaert enlargement during pregnancy, increased uterine Secondly, some traits differ in interesting ways artery blood flow at week 36 of pregnancy, and thus a between highland native groups in the Andes, the 1.6-fold greater uteroplacental O 2 delivery near term Himalayas, and other regions. This means that there (Wilson et al., 2007). Unfortunately, comparisons have may be different patterns of adaptation in each region, not yet been made with women of either Han Chinese offering different solutions to the same environmental or European ancestry who were born and raised at problem of hypobaric hypoxia (Moore et al., 1992; altitude. Thus, at present, little is known regarding Beall, 2000). the developmental and/or evolutionary origins of this structural change. Further, there are other poorly Resting ventilation understood differences between highland populations in the physiological response to pregnancy. For A study by Chiodi et al. (1957) in the Andes was the example, Andean women have relatively high [Hb] first to measure the relative resting V A in a high- and CaO 2 during pregnancy compared to Tibetan altitude native group. Compared to acclimatized women. Andean women also have a different pattern lowland controls, lifelong residents of the Andean alti- of breathing during pregnancy to increase V E com- plano at 3990–4515 m showed lower “effective V A ”at pared to European women (Vargas et al., 2007). rest. A full description of the concept of effective V A is beyond the scope of this chapter, but functionally, low effective VA implies lower ventilation (hypoventilation) Summary of reproductive performance studies to maintain a given value of the PaO 2 . The basic find- Most of the evidence in support of a fertility and/or ing of a relative hypoventilation in Andeans has been mortality advantage among indigenous altitude groups repeatedly confirmed (Hurtado, 1964; Severinghaus is anecdotal. However, indigenous highland women et al., 1966; Lahiri, 1968; Cudkowicz et al., 1972; Beall clearly give birth to larger babies at altitude compared et al., 1997a; Moore, 2000), but has not generally been to lowland women. Generally, this is related to one or replicated in Tibetans or described in populations with more mechanisms that operate to increase nutrient lifelong developmental exposure to hypoxia (Weil et al., and oxygen flow across the placenta. Like the high 1971; Moore, 2000). Thus, Andeans may be unique in exercise capacity of the indigenous altitude native, the showing a relative hypoventilation at rest in hypoxia, developmental versus genetic origins of this difference while Tibetans and developmentally exposed popu- are obscure. However, recent studies do provide some lations may have a “normal” resting V A not different evidence that genetic factors are at work affecting from the V A of lowlanders after ventilatory acclimatiza- various aspects of reproductive performance, both in tion to hypoxia (Zhuang et al., 1993). The functional Andean and Tibetan women (Beall et al., 2004; Bennet significance of differences in alveolar ventilation et al., 2008). between populations is not known. One possibility for the Andean–Tibetan difference is that it relates to or explains the higher prevalence of chronic mountain SECTION VI: SPECIFIC STRUCTURAL AND sickness in the Andes, as suggested by Moore et al. FUNCTIONAL TRAITS OF THE O 2 TRANSPORT (1998). SYSTEM Ventilatory control and chemosensitivity The focus of this section is on specific traits related to the O 2 transport system, rather than on broader adap- The low V E and V A in Andeans may have something tive domains like exercise or reproductive capacity. to do with the ventilatory control system, which (as Following the organization of the O 2 transport system described previously) is both centrally and peripherally itself, the section begins at the lung with a consider- mediated by the brain respiratory center and carotid/ ation of V E and then moves down the O 2 transport aortic chemoreceptors, respectively. The earliest stud- chain terminating at the muscle-metabolic level. ies of ventilatory control were conducted at about A priori, two points are worth considering. Firstly, the same time in the Andes, Colorado, and the not all of the specific trait differences that are dis- Himalayas beginning in the late 1960s. In the Andes, cussed below have obvious adaptive benefits. For a number of studies showed lower sensitivity of che- example, high average [Hb] characterizes many popu- moreceptors (i.e., lower chemosensitivity) to hypoxia lations at high altitude. While increased [Hb] certainly or a lower ventilatory response to hypoxia, with the increases CaO 2 , elevated red blood cell levels also latter termed the HVR, or the hypoxic ventilatory increases blood viscosity which increases the work response (Severinghaus et al., 1966; Sorensen and (afterload) on the heart. Thus, some investigators have Severinghaus, 1968b; Cudkowicz et al., 1972). In the argued that increases in [Hb] at altitude constitute a Himalayas, early studies also suggested a lower HVR in maladaptive response (Winslow et al., 1985, 1989). Sherpas (Lahiri et al., 1967; Lahiri, 1968). Meanwhile,

Human Adaptation to High Altitude 181 in Colorado, studies of Leadville residents also showed of gas-exchange limitation, including diffusion limi- “blunted” chemosensitivity, with the implication being tation (Dempsey et al., 1995). Against this background, that blunting was acquired from lifelong exposure to it is noteworthy that many exercise studies conducted hypobaric hypoxia (Forster et al., 1971; Weil et al., at altitude report lower absolute V E (L/min) and/or 1971; Byrne-Quinn et al., 1972). Thus, for a time there lower V E relative to metabolic oxygen consumption was apparent consensus in the literature that long- (V E /VO 2 ) in highland natives compared to lowland term hypoxic exposure resulted in desensitization of controls. These include one study of exercise in a the ventilatory control system, and also that this was Colorado group born and raised at altitude (Dempsey a universal human phenomenon that could explain et al., 1971), nearly all studies in the Andes (Kollias the blunted chemosensitivity of disparate high-altitude et al., 1968; Schoene et al., 1990; Brutsaert et al., groups worldwide. However, since the 1970s, additi- 2000; Wagner et al., 2002), and most (Lahiri and onal studies have complicated this view somewhat. Milledge, 1966; Lahiri et al., 1967; Dua and Sen Gupta, While Andean studies are nearly uniform in 1980; Ge et al., 1994b; Zhuang et al., 1996) but not all showing a blunted chemosensitivity among Aymara/ (Sun et al., 1990a) studies in the Himalayas. It is not Quechua (Chiodi, 1957; Severinghaus et al., 1966; clear whether these are developmental or genetic Sorensen and Severinghaus, 1968a; Lahiri et al., 1969; effects. However, in support of the genetic hypothesis, Cudkowicz et al., 1972; Leon-Velarde et al., 1996; Beall one study by Brutsaert et al. (2005) shows a strong et al., 1997a; Moore, 2000; Gamboa et al., 2003; negative association of Quechua ancestry proportion Brutsaert et al., 2005), in the Himalayas a different with V E and V E /VO 2 in lowland-born subjects tested at pattern seems evident. Most (Hackett et al., 1980; 4338 m. This finding is consistent with better gas Huang et al., 1984; Zhuang et al., 1993; Ge et al., exchange in Quechua. For example, higher diffusion 1994a; Beall et al., 1997a) but not all (Santolaya et al., capacity or gas exchange efficiency could in theory 1989) studies of Tibetans and Sherpa since the late allow more O 2 to enter the blood for the same or lower 1960s have shown a normal HVR and high or normal level of V E . Indirectly, measures of increased pulmon- resting V E despite lifelong exposure to hypoxia. There ary volume and/or increased diffusion capacity in is indirect evidence to support the idea that these highland natives (see below) also supports the idea traits are genetically determined in both Andean and that lower exercise V E is made possible by better gas Himalayan populations. For example, a study by exchange. However, lower exercise V E could also Curran et al. (1997) showed lower HVR in admixed reflect a difference in ventilatory control that is inde- Chinese-Tibetans (Chinese fathers and Tibetan mothers) pendent of gas exchange. compared to nonadmixed Tibetans despite similar resting V E between groups.In the Chinese admixed group Pulmonary volumes only, HVR decreased with duration of altitude residence, suggesting that full Tibetan ancestry protected against Nearly all highland populations studied thus far have hypoxic desensitization. In the Andes, Brutsaert et al. larger mean pulmonary volumes compared to sea-level (2005) showed a strong negative association of HVR with controls, including total lung volume, vital capacity, the proportion of Native American ancestry, the latter and the residual volume. This includes both develop- assessed using a panel of 81 ancestry informative mole- mentally exposed populations and indigenous groups cular markers. Finally, a study by Beall et al. (1997a) (Sun et al., 1990a; Frisancho et al., 1997; Brutsaert conducted at the same time in both the Andes and the et al., 1999a). From studies of developmentally exposed Himalayas, could find no evidence of acquired blunting populations, as well as from numerous animal studies in either indigenous population, i.e., HVR did not (Johnson et al., 1985), it is clear that much of this effect decrease with age over time, at least from adolescence is explained by lung growth during infant/child devel- onward. However, in this study Andean HVR was clearly opment in response to lifelong hypoxia. For example, lower than Tibetan HVR. Figure 11.8 is a comparison of lung volumes between two groups of Peruvian women who were matched for ancestry (i.e., genetics) but who differed by where they V E during exercise were born and raised (Lima, at sea-level, versus Cerro At the onset of exercise, V E increases commensurate de Pasco at 4338 m). Cerro de Pasco women had ~15% to meet gas exchange requirements and metabolic larger total lung volume compared to Lima women. demand. At altitude compared to sea-level, V E (L/min) Whether “bigger is better” remains controversial, but is higher for a given level of fixed work, depending on at least one study in the Himalayas reported a positive : the specific altitude, and this is true for nonnatives and correlation between forced vital capacity and VO 2max natives alike (Brutsaert et al., 2003; Marconi et al., (Sun et al., 1990a). A similar study in the Andes failed 2004). Further, in lowland natives, depending on the to find this association within study groups (Brutsaert severity of exercise and altitude, there is clear evidence et al., 1999b, 2000).

182 Tom D. Brutsaert Pulmonary volumes Born and raised at sea-level Born and raised >4000 m 6000 P<0.01 5000 P<0.01 4000 ml-BTPS 3000 2000 P<0.01 1000 0 Residual volume Forced vital capacity Total lung volume 11.8. Pulmonary volumes are larger in Peruvian women who were born and raised above 4000 meters, compared to women born and raised at sea-level. Note: women in each group were matched on genetic background using a panel of ancestry informative molecular markers (see Brutsaert et al., 2003). BTPS refers to body temperature, pressure, and saturation. Arterial O 2 saturation (SaO 2 ) et al., 1995). Secondly, the quantitative genetic studies already described in detail (see Section V), suggest a Numerous comparative studies show higher SaO 2 sat major gene with a substantial phenotypic effect on rest and during submaximal and/or maximal exercise resting SaO 2 (Beall et al., 1997a, 1997b). Finally, there in indigenous high-altitude native populations (Sun is little evidence that SaO 2 is higher with developme- et al., 1990a; Ge et al., 1994b, 1995; Favier et al., 1995; ntal adaptation to altitude. In the few studies of deve- Zhuang et al., 1996; Chen et al., 1997; Brutsaert et al., lopmentally exposed groups, SaO 2 s were similar 2000). It is important to note that these studies meas- between acclimatized lowlanders and Europeans born ured SaO 2 via pulse oximetry. Pulse oximetry is a non- and raised at altitude during submaximal exercise invasive technique that correlates well with direct (Dempsey et al., 1971; Brutsaert et al., 2000) and at measures on whole blood, but there may be problems VO 2max (Frisancho et al., 1995). A recent study from : with bias particularly during intense exercise (Yamaya Qinghai China reports no differences in resting SaO 2 et al., 2002). In the Andes, there is some conflict in the between large cohorts of Tibetans and Han Chinese literature. Compared to fully acclimatized lowlanders, who were both born and raised at altitude (Weitz and two studies show no difference in Aymara submaximal Garruto, 2007), although whether this is also the case and maximal exercise SaO 2 , one study shows compar- for exercise SaO 2 cannot be determined from the able SaO 2 s despite lower V E in Aymara (Schoene et al., resting data alone. 1990), and three studies show higher SaO 2 s during submaximal (Favier et al., 1995; Brutsaert et al., 2000) and/or maximal exercise (Frisancho et al., Blood gases and direct measures of pulmonary 1995). Two of these studies showed higher exercise gas exchange SaO 2 s in Aymara even when compared to Europeans who had been born and raised at 3600 m, suggesting a A handful of studies have measured arterial gas partial genetic effect (Favier et al., 1995; Brutsaert et al., pressures at rest or during exercise in highland natives, 2000). In the Himalayas, nearly all studies show higher and these have been very informative. In particular, exercise SaO 2 s at altitude in Tibetans or Sherpas com- evaluation of blood gases during exercise is useful pared to acclimatized lowland controls (Sun et al., given the additional demands placed on the pulmonary 1990a; Ge et al., 1994b, 1995; Zhuang et al., 1996; Chen gas exchange system compared to rest. An early classic et al., 1997). Studies of resting SaO 2 in Tibetans indir- study by Dempsey et al. (1971) compared sojourners ectly support a genetic basis for the high exercise with residents of Leadville, Colorado at 3094 m. SaO 2 s. Firstly, Tibetan-native neonates born at altitude Colorado natives had smaller (A-a)DO 2 especially as have higher resting SaO 2 s compared to neonates exercise intensity increased. Recall that smaller (A-a) born to acclimatized lowland mothers (Niermeyer DO 2 can mean a better efficiency of gas exchange.

Human Adaptation to High Altitude 183 Thus, from the Colorado work, it may be inferred that resistance of local capillary networks and the venous differences in (A-a)DO 2 between altitude natives and return of blood to the heart. Notwithstanding the sig- lowland controls are due at least in part to developmen- nificant hemodynamic changes that occur with alti- tal adaptation to high altitude. However, this does not tude exposure and acclimatization (not discussed preclude the possibility of genetic effects. Zhuang et al. here), there is little to suggest that altitude natives (1996) showed that Tibetans had lower V E and about differ with respect to cardiac output, although data half the (A-a)DO 2 compared with acclimatized Han Chi- are limited. One report suggests the possibility of nese at 3658 m, again with the (A-a)DO 2 increasing higher stroke volume and lower peripheral resistance between groups as VO 2 or power output increased. in Tibetans (Groves et al., 1993), but most reports from A recent study by Lundby et al. (2004) at 4100 m showed the Andes indicate normal Q at rest and during exer- remarkably low (A-a)DO 2 (1–2 mmHg) at rest and cise (Banchero and Cruz, 1970; McKenzie et al., 1991), during exercise to maximum in Aymara compared to or indeed lower Q in residents of Cerro de Pasco, Peru Europeans with 8 weeks of acclimatization. A study by (Vogel et al., 1974). In the terminal step of O 2 trans- Wagner et al. (2002), at the relatively extreme altitude of port, oxygen must diffuse into working muscle, and a 5260 m, also showed that Aymara natives have mark- greater O 2 extraction at this level could obviate any edly lower V E and lower (A-a)DO 2 , especially as exercise need to increase Q. From limited data, Niermeyer and intensity increased. Improved gas exchange efficiency colleagues (2001) reported no differences in O 2 extrac- may have a simple structural basis in larger pulmonary tion between Andeans, Tibetans, and Colorado altitude volumes. Wagner et al. (2002) calculated that the O 2 natives, but at least one recent report showed parado- : diffusing capacity during maximal exercise was 40% xically lower O 2 extraction at VO 2max in Andeans com- higher in Aymara compared to acclimatized pared to acclimatized lowland controls (Lundby et al., Europeans, and many other studies document higher 2006). The few studies in this area are potentially con- diffusion capacities of highland natives at rest founded by subject fitness status, which greatly affects (Remmers and Mithoefer, 1969; Vincent et al., 1978). stroke volume and other aspects of the hemodynamic response to exercise. Thus, more work is necessary before firm conclusions may be drawn. The cardiovascular system One final trait considered in this section is exhaled At the heart structural level, a small number of studies pulmonary nitric oxide (NO), which may have some suggest changes in cardiovascular growth patterns relevance to blood flow, both in the lung and at the at altitude, but there is no convincing evidence of systemic level. Beall and colleagues reported high meaningful population differences (Penaloza et al., values of exhaled NO in both Andean and Tibetan 1963; Hulme et al., 2003). In persons born and raised populations compared to sea-level standards (Beall at altitude, there tends to be a relative enlargement of et al., 2001; Hoit et al., 2005). Nitric oxide is a power the right ventricle, i.e., predominance. This is expected vasodilator that regulates blood vessel diameter and as hypoxia provokes a vasoconstriction of the pul- local blood flow. Interestingly, Tibetans had nearly monary vasculature with a concomitant increase in twice the mean exhaled NO of Andeans. Also, in pulmonary artery pressure (PAP). Presumably Tibetans higher exhaled NO was associated with increased PAP is an adaptive response, perhaps serving higher pulmonary blood flow. These authors suggest to deliver a more uniform blood flow to the upper lung. a beneficial role of NO in Tibetans allowing for higher On the other hand, persistent pulmonary hypertension pulmonary blood flow and O 2 delivery without the is also associated with some of the acute and chronic consequences of higher PAP. problems of hypoxic exposure, including pulmonary edema and chronic mountain sickness. In this context, Hemoglobin-O 2 affinity what is most interesting is the absence of pulmonary hypertension in many altitude-adapted species like the Certain altitude-adapted species have high Hb-O 2 llama (Heath et al., 1974), and the very low prevalence affinity, attributable to amino acid sequence variation of pulmonary hypertension in Tibetans (Groves et al., in the hemoglobin molecule itself (Black and Tenney, 1993). This is in some contrast with Andean groups 1980). However, this does not appear to be the case for and Han Chinese migrants to the Tibetan plateau human groups adapted to altitude. For both Andeans who have higher prevalence of pulmonary hyperten- and Tibetans, Hb-O 2 affinity is similar to that of low- sion and chronic mountain sickness (Sun et al., land groups as assessed on whole blood by the position 1990b; Niermeyer et al., 2001). of the Hb-O 2 dissociation curve (Samaja et al., 1979; At the heart functional level, cardiac output (Q) Winslow et al., 1981). Further, at this time, there are increases to match O 2 delivery to metabolic demand. no reports of hemoglobin genetic variants unique to Q is regulated by increases in the heart rate or stroke altitude native populations. Similarly, for myoglobin, volume, and is also affected by the peripheral the muscle analog of hemoglobin, analysis of one

184 Tom D. Brutsaert exon in Tibetans does not show any novel polymorph- more work is needed in this area to replicate previous ism or selection for specific myoglobin alleles (Moore findings and special attention should be given to et al., 2002). matching comparison groups on physical activity levels. Finally, there is no evidence that muscle fiber- type distributions are different in altitude natives, Hemoglobin concentration [Hb] although again only two studies have addressed this A number of large-scale surveys now make it clear that question, one each in the Andes and in the Himalayas Tibetan populations have lower [Hb] compared to (Desplanches et al., 1996; Kayser et al., 1996). Andean, European, or Han Chinese populations resi- At the muscle metabolic level, Hochachka et al. dent at altitude (Beall et al., 1998; Moore et al., 2002; (1991) reported a persistent “lactate paradox” in Garruto et al., 2003; Wu et al., 2005). Indeed, Tibetan Andeans transported and tested at sea-level. The lactate values at moderate altitude are not largely different paradox refers to the observation that arterial lactate from sea-level values, a paradoxical finding given the levels at a given level of work tend to be higher during expected [Hb] increase with acclimatization. Hemo- exercise on acute exposure to hypoxia, but then return globin production is regulated by the hormone to near sea-level values after acclimatization time, erythropoietin, which is upregulated by hypoxemia. despite continued hypoxia. Hochachka et al. (1991) The low [Hb] in Tibetans suggests the absence of an reported persistently low lactate levels in Andeans even hypoxic stimulus to increase erythropoietin, but how after six weeks at sea-level, and suggested this was part exactly this comes about is unknown. Also interesting of a fundamental metabolic reorganization (i.e., adap- is the emergent evidence from Ethiopia. A recent study tation) on the part of the altitude native subjects. of 236 Ethiopian native altitude residents by Beall et al. According to Hochachka and colleagues, Andeans favor (2002) shows low [Hb], also within the ranges of sea- carbohydrate oxidation because glucose (glycogen) level populations. For myoglobin, one study by Gelfi metabolism uses O 2 efficiently. The low lactate levels et al. (2004) shows an upregulation of the myoglobin may be a reflection of a tight coupling between carbo- protein in Tibetans compared to lowland Nepali control hydrate-based ATP synthesis and efficient pathways for subjects. However, the genetic, developmental, and/or ATP utilization. This hypothesis has yet to be confirmed environmental basis of this trait difference is unknown. and is at some variance with the recent study of Wagner et al. (2002) who showed similar lactate levels in Andeans and lowland controls at altitude. However, Muscle structure and metabolism these authors did report an increased lactate acid buf- An early study in the Andes reported increased muscle fering capacity in Andeans compared to acclimatized myoglobin and oxidative enzyme concentration in lowlanders on the basis of measured bicarbonate Quechua compared to lowland controls (Reynafarje, levels during exercise. In the Himalayas only a few stud- 1962). However, this study has been criticized on the ies have measured lactate levels. During exercise at basis of training differences between the two compari- 4700 m, Ge et al. (1994b) showed lower lactate levels, son groups (Saltin et al., 1980), and subsequent studies before and at the end of exercise, in Tibetans-versus- have not replicated the findings. Indeed, prolonged acclimatized Han Chinese. Two studies conducted exposure to hypoxia in lowlanders tends to decrease in Kathmandu, Nepal (1300 m), show similar (Kayser muscle oxidative capacity in both relative and absolute et al., 1994) or lower (Marconi et al., 2005) lactate levels terms, i.e., decreased mitochondrial volume density in Tibetans-versus-Nepali control populations. Unfor- and muscle mass. Hypoxia also decreases the activity tunately, the lactate response is highly dependent on of several key oxidative enzymes (Green et al., 1989; subject fitness status and acclimatization state, and so Hoppeler et al., 1990; Howald et al., 1990). Altitude studies conducted thus far are difficult to interpret natives from both the Andes and the Himalayas appear regarding adaptive metabolic differences in lactate similar in this regard showing lower mitochondrial production/elimination in high-altitude natives. volume densities and/or oxidative enzyme activities (Kayser et al., 1991, 1996; Desplanches et al., 1996; Hoppeler et al., 2003). Further, in Andeans the SECTION VII: GENES AND ALTITUDE muscle-training response is similar to that seen in low- ADAPTATION landers, including increases in capillary-to-fiber ratio, capillary density, the volume density of total mitochon- At the beginning of this chapter it was stated that no dria, and the activity of citrate synthase (Desplanches direct (genetic) evidence exists to support the hypoth- et al., 1996). Interestingly, Kayser et al. (1996) report esis of natural selection in response to hypobaric hyp- lower mitochondrial volume density even in Tibetan oxia in a human population. What support exists for migrants born at moderate altitude (1300 m), suggest- this hypothesis is by inference from trait differences ing that this may be a fixed genetic trait. However, between populations. Even the most directly

Human Adaptation to High Altitude 185 comparative studies fall short of providing specific Bigham et al., 2008). In most European populations, information on a genetic system that may have been I-allele frequency is decidedly lower, ranging from modified by natural selection in an altitude native ~0.15–0.55. Does this mean that the ACE I allele is an group. However, there is a growing library of candidate “altitude gene” that was driven to relatively high genes that are associated with the altitude response, frequency by natural selection? The problem with this and these may have relevance to the larger question of conclusion, as Rupert et al. (1999) first noted for human adaptation. Quechua, is that many other populations worldwide Rupert and Koehle (2006) recently reviewed the show comparable or higher I-allele frequency without literature on genetic associations with altitude disease, a history of altitude exposure. For example, I-allele and much of it was centered on just a few candidate frequency is greater than 0.80 in a number of Native biochemical systems including polymorphisms in the American and Asian groups. Also, at a minimum, the pathway synthesizing nitric oxide, polymorphisms in evolutionary inference would require some demons- the renin-angiotensin system that regulates cardiovas- tration of I-allele benefit on fertility/mortality in the cular homeostasis, and polymorphisms in the hypoxia population under consideration. A phenotypic effect, inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) and erythropoiesis path- per se, is not always sufficient to make a compelling ways. In a literature that currently numbers less than case for phenotypic benefit on population demography. 20 independent studies, about half of the candidate Indeed, Bigam et al. (2008) have shown a strong I-allele genes tested against various altitude pathologies were effect determining higher resting and exercise SaO 2 in statistically significant, and some of these are the focus Peruvian Quechua (P ¼ 0.008). However, it is unclear of on-going current research. whether this is a common (within group) phenotypic One such genetic system, the insertion/deletion effect of the ACE I allele, or whether the ACE gene polymorphism of the angiotensin-converting enzyme has significance between groups as a locus of past (ACE), is considered here in some detail because it natural selection. may prove to be paradigmatic of how gene-association studies are incorporated into our understanding of human adaptation to high altitude. The insertion (I) SECTION VIII: FUTURE RESEARCH allele of the ACE gene is associated with lower tissue ACE activity, whereas the deletion (D) allele is asso- There are certainly compelling physiological differ- ciated with elevated serum ACE activity. In studies of ences between highland and lowland populations. altitude performance, the major focus has been on the But, despite these differences, the hypothesis of natural possible benefit of the I allele as lower circulating ACE selection cannot be adequately tested for a given trait may attenuate the hypoxic pulmonary vasconstrictor until the genetic architecture of that trait is under- response, attenuate pulmonary hypertension, and thus stood. Fortunately, the genomic information revolu- protect against AMS and high altitude pulmonary tion has made it possible to interrogate the genetic edema. There is some evidence in support of this basis of complex traits in new and powerful ways. hypothesis. In case control studies, the I allele was Several approaches are currently being applied, includ- over-represented in a cohort of elite British climbers, ing molecular studies of gene expression and genomic and it has been associated with success in reaching approaches that seek to identify the association of spe- the summit of Mt. Blanc (4807 m) (Woods and cific genes or genomic regions with traits of interest. Montgomery, 2001; Tsianos et al., 2005). The I allele Genome-wide association (GWA) strategies have has also been associated with higher SaO 2 in relatively emerged as perhaps the most powerful and efficient rapid but not slower ascents to 5000 m, and with a means to dissect the genetic basis of complex traits greater ventilatory response to exercise in hypoxia (Risch and Merikangas, 1996; McCarthy et al., 2008), (Woods et al., 2002; Patel et al., 2003). In contrast, at and the advent of high-density genotyping arrays has least one study suggests an I-allele disadvantage at allowed a shift away from candidate gene studies. altitude. A study of Kyrgyz highlanders revealed a Using GWA, there have been many recent successes three-fold higher frequency of the I/I genotype in in the elucidation of genes involved in disease pro- subjects with high altitude pulmonary hypertension cesses such as type II diabetes (Saxena et al., 2007; (Aldashev et al., 2002). In addition, the highland Scott et al., 2007; Sladek et al., 2007; Unoki et al., 2008; Kyrgyz had lower I-allele frequency (0.56, n ¼ 87) Yasuda et al., 2008), breast cancer (Easton et al., compared to a Bishkek lowland control group where 2007; Hunter et al., 2007; Stacey et al., 2007, 2008; ; Gold the I-allele frequency was 0.65 (n ¼ 276). et al., 2008), and prostate cancer (Yeager et al., 2007; In any case, at the population level Andean Gudmundsson et al., 2007, 2008; Eeles et al., 2008; Quechua have relatively high I-allele frequency (~0.72), Thomas et al., 2008). Two key elements of these succe- with Tibetans showing slightly lower frequency sses have been the collection of large sample sizes (i.e., (0.51–0.64) (Rupert et al., 1999; Gesang et al., 2002; thousands of individuals) with the consequent increase

186 Tom D. Brutsaert in study power to detect loci of modest effect, and the differences support the idea of “different, but exponential advances in genotyping technologies that equally effective patterns of adaptation to have dramatically improved genome coverage. altitude”? Genome-wide association has not yet been applied to 4. Why has birthweight been used so extensively to the study of the physiology of a highland native group, gauge population adaptation to hypoxia? Is birth- or to investigate any of the pathologies of high altitude, weight a better outcome variable in this regard : but several recent papers describe the potential utility of than VO 2max ? whole-genome approaches in this regard (Moore et al., 5. Of all the complex traits discussed in this chapter, 2004; Shriver et al., 2006). which, in your opinion, provides the best evidence of At the molecular level, there has been intensive genetic adaptation to high altitude in a native group? focus on the aforementioned HIF system. When intra- 6. How important is developmental adaptation? cellular O 2 levels fall, the HIF system is activated and HIF-1a works as a transcription factor to regulate cel- lular oxygen homeostasis via down-stream effects on REFERENCES numerous target genes, e.g., the erythropoietin gene which stimulates the production of red blood cells Aldashev A. A., Sarybaev, A. S., Sydykov, A. S., et al. (2002). (Wenger and Gassmann, 1997). To date, two studies Characterization of high-altitude pulmonary hypertension have examined sequence variation in the HIF-1a gene in the Kyrgyz: association with angiotensin-converting enzyme genotype. American Journal of Respiratory and in Andeans (Hochachka and Rupert, 2003) and Critical Care Medicine, 166, 1396–1402. Sherpas (Suzuki et al., 2003). The latter study showed Appenzeller, O. (1998). Altitude and the nervous system. significant allele frequency differences in the Sherpa Archive of Neurology, 55, 1007–1009. compared to lowland Japanese. Two other studies have Baker, P. T. (1969). Human adaptation to high altitude. investigated levels of gene expression of HIF-1a mRNA Science, 163, 1149–1156. (i.e., the gene product) in leukocytes of Andeans Baker, P. T. (1976). Work performance of highland (Appenzeller, 1998) and muscle cells of Sherpas (Gelfi natives. In Man in the Andes: a Multidisciplinary Study et al., 2004). In both studies, compared to lowland of High-Altitude Quechua Natives, P. T. Baker and controls, differences in gene expression or protein M. A. Little (eds). Stroudsburg, PA: Wowden, Hutchinson, levels were detected. 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