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Part III Reproduction “The reproduction of mankind is a great marvel and mystery. Had God consulted me in the matter, I should have advised him to continue the generation of the species by fashioning them out of clay.” Martin Luther (1483–1546) 293
17 Human Mate Choice David P. Schmitt From an evolutionary perspective, animal mate choice seen among truly monogamous species, especially depends in large part on the natural mating system primates (Alexander et al., 1979). Moreover, across of a species. The natural mating system of humans, foraging cultures – the predominantly polygynous cul- however, seems at first glance to contain internal con- tures in which humans have spent most of our evolu- tradictions. On the one hand, humans show several tionary history (Frayser, 1985; Brown, 1991; Pasternak signs of having a monogamous mating system. et al., 1997) – there are ethnographically pervasive links For example, humans are highly altricial – we have among men’s status, polygynous marriage, and repro- prolonged childhoods and rely heavily on extended ductive success (Low, 2000; Turke and Betzig, 1985). families throughout our life spans (Alexander and In contrast, very few cultures (<1%) have polyandrous Noonan, 1979). We also appear designed to form marriage systems (Broude and Greene, 1976). romantic pair bonds, having a dedicated neurochemis- try of attachment associated with monogamy when comparisons are made across mammalian species EVOLUTIONARY THEORIES OF MATE CHOICE (Fisher, 1998; Young, 2003). On the other hand, humans seem to possess Evolutionary psychologists tend to reconcile these evolved design features associated with multimale/ seemingly contradictory findings by acknowledging multifemale or “promiscuous” mating systems. For that humans, like several other species, are probably example, humans possess psychological and physio- designed and adapted for more than one mating strat- logical adaptations to sperm competition (Baker and egy (Mealey, 2000; Barash and Lipton, 2001). Specific- Bellis, 1995; Shackelford and LeBlanc, 2001), such as ally, most evolutionary psychologists view humans as women’s adaptive timing of extrapair copulations coming equipped with specialized mate choice adapta- (Gangestad and Thornhill, 1998; Haselton and Miller, tions for both long-term mating (i.e., marriage and 2006), men’s specialized expressions of sexual jealousy extended pair bonding) and short-term mating (i.e., (Buss, 2000; Schu ¨tzwohl, 2006), and the physical struc- promiscuity and infidelity; see Buss and Schmitt, ture of the human penis serving as a semen displace- 1993). Not all people pursue both mating strategies at ment device (Gallup et al., 2003). Among men, causal all times. Instead, humans possess adaptive desires, sex with multiple partners is often viewed as desirable preferences, and behavioral tactics that are differen- (Symons and Ellis, 1989; Oliver and Hyde, 1993), with tially activated depending on whether a long-term or most men agreeing to have sex with complete strangers short-term mating strategy is actively being pursued at when asked in field experiments (Clark and Hatfield, the time (Schmitt et al., 2003; Schmitt, 2005a). 1989). Adaptive patterns of premarital sex, extramar- Most evolutionary theories of human mating ital sex, and mate poaching by both men and women argue that such a flexible mating design – comprised have been documented across cultures (Broude and of both long-term monogamous adaptations and Greene, 1976; Schmitt et al., 2004a). short-term promiscuous adaptations – would have Moreover, there is further evidence that humans provided important reproductive benefits to humans are designed, at least in part, for polygynous mating. in our ancestral past, allowing individuals to function- For example, men and women have sexually differenti- ally respond to a wide range of familial, cultural, and ated life history traits such as men’s tendencies to be ecological contexts (Pedersen, 1991; Buss and Schmitt, more physically aggressive, to die much earlier, and to 1993; Lancaster, 1994; Belsky, 1999; Gangestad physically mature much later than women across all and Simpson, 2000). Evolutionary theories further known cultures (Archer and Lloyd, 2002; Kaplan and acknowledge that humans can benefit from shifting Gangestad, 2005). Such sex differences are usually not between long-term and short-term mating strategies Human Evolutionary Biology, ed. Michael P. Muehlenbein. Published by Cambridge University Press. # Cambridge University Press 2010. 295
296 David P. Schmitt during their life span, when in different stages of to mate more quickly, at lower cost, and will initiate romantic relationships, and across the ovulatory relationships with more partners than the heavier- cycle (Gangestad, 2001; Klusmann, 2002; Schmitt investing parent (Bateson, 1983). et al., 2002). Thus, humans have evolved the capacity Much of the evidence in favor of Parental Invest- to follow a mix of different strategies – both long- ment Theory (Trivers, 1972) has come from species term and short-term – depending on fitness-related where females happen to be the heavy-investing sex circumstances. (see Clutton-Brock, 1991). In such species, Parental Most evolutionary psychology approaches further Investment Theory leads to the prediction that sexual postulate that men and women possess design features selection has been more potent among males. Upon that cause sex differences in mate choice within long- empirical examination, males of these species tend to term and short-term mating contexts. For example, display more competitiveness with each other over when men seek short-term mates they appear motiv- sexual access to heavier-investing females, and to ated by adaptive desires for sexual variety – desires that exhibit more intrasexual competition through greater lead them to functionally pursue numerous mating aggressiveness, riskier life history strategies, and partners and to consent to sex relatively quickly com- earlier death than females (Archer and Lloyd, 2002; pared to women (Clark and Hatfield, 1989; Symons Trivers, 1985). Lesser-investing males also exhibit rela- and Ellis, 1989; Okami and Shackelford, 2001; Schmitt tively indiscriminate intersexual mate choice, often et al., 2003). Women’s short-term mating motivations seeking multiple partners and requiring less time appear not to be rooted in the desire for numerous before initiating sex than females do (Geary, 1998). sexual partners and seem focused, instead, on other Perhaps the most compelling support for Parental factors such as obtaining select men who display dom- Investment Theory (Trivers, 1972), however, has come inance, intelligence, or creativity (i.e., show high from “sex-role reversed” species. In species where genetic quality; see Gangestad and Thornhill, 1997; males are the heavy-investing parent, the processes of Regan et al., 2000; Penton-Voak et al., 2003). As a sexual selection are thought to have been more potent consequence, evolutionary approaches predict men’s among females. Females of these species vie more fer- and women’s mate choices and attraction tactics will ociously for sexual access to heavy-investing males differ in important ways, especially within the context and require little from males before consenting to sex. of short-term mating. Most evolutionary theories of Evidence of this form of sexual differentiation has been human mate choice are based on the assumption that documented among such “sex-role reversed” species the sexes will differ in some ways, an assumption as the red-necked phalarope, the Mormon cricket, that can be traced to the logic of Parental Investment katydids, dance flies, water bugs, seahorses, and a var- Theory (Trivers, 1972). iety of fish species (Alcock, 2001). Parental Investment Theory, therefore, is not a theory about males always having more interest in indiscriminate sex than Parental Investment Theory females. Instead, it is a theory about differences in According to Parental Investment Theory (Trivers, parental investment obligations systematically relating 1972), the relative proportion of parental investment – to sex differences in mate choice and relationship the time and energy devoted to the care of individual initiation. offspring (at the expense of other offspring) – varies Among humans, many men invest heavily in their across the males and females of different species. children by teaching social skills, emotionally nurtur- In some species, males provide more parental invest- ing children, and investing in their offspring both ment than females. In other species, females possess resources and prestige. Nevertheless, men incur much the heavy-investing burdens (e.g., most mammals; lower levels of obligatory or “minimum” parental Clutton-Brock, 1991). Sex differences in parental investment in offspring than women do (Symons, investment burdens are systematically linked to pro- 1979). Women are obligated, for example, to incur cesses of sexual selection (Darwin, 1871). The sex that the costs of internal fertilization, placentation, and invests less in offspring is intrasexually more competi- gestation in order to reproduce. The minimum physio- tive, especially over gaining reproductive access to logical obligations of men are considerably less – members of the opposite sex. That is, the lesser- requiring only the contribution of sperm. Furthermore, investing sex is reliably more aggressive with their all female mammals, including ancestral women, own sex, tends to die earlier, tends to mature later, carried the obligatory investments associated with and generally competes for mates with more vigor lactation. Lactation can last several years in human than the heavier-investing sex (Alcock, 2001). Further- foraging environments (Kelly, 1995), years during more, the lesser-investing sex of a species is intersexu- which it is harder for women than men to reproduce ally less discriminating in mate choice than the and invest in additional offspring (Blurton Jones, heavier-investing sex. The lesser-investing sex is willing 1986). Finally, across all known cultures human males
Human Mate Choice 297 typically invest less in active parenting effort than influences, regnant cultural norms, and other features females (Low, 1989; Munroe and Munroe, 1997). of social and personal context (see also Gangestad This asymmetry in parental investment should and Simpson, 2000; Schmitt, 2005a, 2005b). affect human mate choice, with the lesser-investing sex (i.e., men) displaying greater intrasexual competi- tiveness and lower intersexual “choosiness” in mate EVOLUTION OF SEX DIFFERENCES preferences. Numerous studies have shown that men IN MATE CHOICE exhibit greater physical size and competitive aggres- Sex differences in long-term mating sion (Archer and Lloyd, 2002), riskier life history strat- egies (Daly and Wilson, 1988), relatively delayed Although SST views both sexes as having long-term maturation (Geary, 1998), and earlier death than and short-term mating strategies within their reper- women do across cultures (Alexander and Noonan, toire, men and women are predicted to psychologically 1979). In addition, men’s mate preferences are, as pre- differ in what they desire (i.e., mate choice) and in dicted, almost always less “choosy” or discriminating how they tactically pursue (i.e., initiate) romantic rela- than women’s, especially in the context of short-term tionships. In long-term mate choice, the sexes are mating (Kenrick et al., 1990; Regan et al., 2000). predicted to differ in several respects. Men are Because men are the lesser-investing sex of our hypothesized to possess long-term mate choice adap- species, they also should be more inclined toward ini- tations that place a greater premium on signals of tating low-cost, short-term mating than women. fertility and reproductive value, such as a woman’s Human sex differences in the desire for short-term youth and physical appearance (Symons, 1979; Buss, sex have been observed in studies of sociosexuality 1989; Jones, 1995; Kenrick and Keefe, 1992; Singh, (Simpson and Gangestad, 1991; Jones, 1998; Schmitt, 1993). Men also prefer long-term mates who are sexu- 2005a), motivations for and prevalence of extramarital ally faithful and are capable of good parenting (Buss mating (Seal et al., 1994; Wiederman, 1997), quality and Schmitt, 1993). Women, in contrast, are hypothe- and quantity of sexual fantasies (Ellis and Symons, sized to place a greater premium when long-term 1990), quality and quantity of pornography consump- mating on a man’s status, resources, ambition, and tion (Malamuth, 1996), motivations for and use of maturity – cues relevant to his ability for long-term prostitution (McGuire and Gruter, 2003), willingness provisioning – as well as his kindness, generosity, emo- to have sex without commitment (Townsend, 1995), tional openness – cues to his willingness to provide for willingness to have sex with strangers (Clark, 1990; women and their children (Ellis, 1992; Feingold, 1992; Clark and Hatfield, 1989), and in the fundamental dif- Cashdan, 1993; Townsend and Wasserman, 1998; ferences between the short-term mating psychology of Buunk et al., 2001; Brase, 2006). gay males and lesbians (Bailey et al., 1994). Clearly, Conversely, men who display cues to long-term sex differences in parental investment obligations provisioning, and women who display youthfulness, have an influence on men’s and women’s fundamental tend to be the ones that are most effective at initiating, mate choices and basic reproductive strategies. enhancing, and preserving monogamous mating relationships (Buss, 1988; Tooke and Camire, 1991; Walters and Crawford, 1994; Landolt et al., 1995; Sexual strategies theory Hirsch and Paul, 1996; Schmitt, 2002). From an evolu- Buss and Schmitt (1993) expanded on Parental Invest- tionary perspective, the differing qualities that men ment Theory (Trivers, 1972) by proposing Sexual Strat- and women preferentially respond to are thought to egies Theory (SST). According to SST, men and women help solve the adaptive problems that men and women have evolved a pluralistic repertoire of mating strat- had to overcome throughout human evolutionary his- egies. One strategy within this repertoire is “long-term” tory (Schmitt and Buss, 1996). Of course, in our ances- mating. Long-term mating is usually marked – for both tral past men and women also faced similar problems men and women – by extended courtship, heavy invest- of mate choice, leading to little or no sex differences in ment, pair bonding, the emotion of love, and the dedi- some domains (Buss and Schmitt, 1993). cation of resources over a long temporal span to the Numerous survey and meta-analytic studies mating relationship and any offspring that ensue. have confirmed many of the major tenets of SST, Another strategy within the human mating repertoire including the fact that men and women seeking long- is “short-term” mating, defined as a relatively fleeting term mates desire different attributes in potential part- sexual encounter such as a brief affair, a hook-up, or ners (e.g., Cunningham et al., 1995; Jensen-Campbell one-night stand. Which sexual strategy or mix of strat- et al., 1995; Graziano et al., 1997; Regan, 1998a, 1998b; egies an individual pursues is predicted to be contin- Li et al., 2002; Kruger et al., 2003; Urbaniak and gent on factors such as opportunity, personal mate Kilmann, 2003). Several investigators have replicated value, sex ratio in the relevant mating pool, parental or confirmed SST-related findings using nationally
298 David P. Schmitt representative, cross-cultural, or multicultural samples mate preferences of one sex should have a substantive (Feingold, 1992; Knodel et al., 1997; Sprecher et al., impact on the effectiveness of attraction tactics used 1994; Walter, 1997; Schmitt et al., 2003). Other investi- by the opposite sex. If men possess an evolved prefer- gators have validated key SST hypotheses concerning ence for physical attractiveness, the argument goes, sex differences in long-term mate choice using nonsur- women should be more engaged than men at using vey techniques such as studying actual mate attraction, mate initiation and attraction tactics that manipulate online dating services, speed dating contexts, personal physical attractiveness. Conversely, if women prefer advertisements, actual marital choices, spousal con- resources more than men do, men should be more flicts, and which traits lead to divorce (Betzig, 1989; engaged than women at using resource-related tactics Wiederman, 1993; Kenrick et al., 1994; Townsend and of initiation and attraction. Empirical evaluations Wasserman, 1998; Salmon and Symons, 2001; Schmitt have supported this aspect of sexual selection in et al., 2001; Dawson and McIntosh, 2006; Hitsch et al., humans. For example, Buss (1988), Tooke and Camire 2006). These experimental, behavioral, and naturalistic (1991), and Walters and Crawford (1994) all demon- methodologies suggest evolutionary-supportive find- strated that women are judged more effective than men ings are not merely stereotype artifacts or social desir- when using appearance-related tactics of initiation and ability biases limited to self-reported mate choice. attraction, whereas men are judged more effective than Hitsch et al. (2006) recently examined 22 000 mem- women when using resource-related tactics of roman- bers of an online dating service and tested for sex tic initiation and attraction (for a meta-analysis of differences in the attributes of members who were mate attraction results, see Schmitt, 2002). sought out and contacted by other members as pro- Perceived sex differences in physical appearance spective partners versus those who were not. For and resource-related tactic effectiveness have also been female members, physical attractiveness (as judged documented within more specialized rating contexts of from a photograph) accounted for 30% of the variance romantic attraction. Buss (1988) found sex differences in whether men contacted them. For men, physical in effectiveness ratings of appearance and resource- attractiveness accounted for 18% of the variance. related tactics when used by men and women to both In contrast, women’s income accounted for 4% of the attract and retain a long-term marital partner (see also variance in whether men contacted them. For men, Flinn, 1985; Bleske-Rechek and Buss, 2001). Schmitt income accounted for 7% of the variance. When com- and Buss (1996) documented sex differences in per- bining physical attractiveness and income as predict- ceived tactic effectiveness across both self-promotion ors, researchers found for women that having high and competitor derogation forms of mate attraction (see income could not make up for having relatively low also Greer and Buss, 1994; Walters and Crawford, or even average levels of physical attractiveness. How- 1994). Schmitt and Buss (2001) found sex differences ever, a man of average attractiveness was considered in perceived appearance and resource-related mate just as desirable as the most attractive men if he made attraction within the specialized context of obtaining at least $205 500 per year (Hitsch et al., 2006). a long-term mating partner who is already in a rela- Kenrick et al. (1994) demonstrated a double disso- tionship, what they called the context of mate poaching ciation of “contrast effects” in that experimental expos- (see also Bleske and Shackelford, 2001; Schmitt and ure to physically attractive women tended to lessen a Shackelford, 2003). Whether researchers ask people man’s commitment to his current relationship partner. directly, observe their real-life behavior, or subtly look However, exposure to physically attractive men had for indirect effects, the pervasive range of sex differ- no effect on women’s commitment to their current ences in long-term mating psychology supports the partners. Conversely, when women were exposed to evolutionary perspective on mate choice. targets who had high status and resource-related attri- butes, this lessened women’s (but not men’s) commit- Sex differences in short-term mating ment to their current romantic partners. Kenrick et al. (1994) argued that this indirect research method not According to SST, both sexes are hypothesized to only confirms self-reported mate preference findings, pursue short-term mateships in certain contexts, but further shows that men’s and women’s evolved but for different reproductive reasons that reflect sex- mate preferences unconsciously influence men’s specific adaptive problems (Buss and Schmitt, 1993). and women’s satisfaction and commitment over the For women, the asymmetry in obligatory parental long-term course of relationships (see also Buss and investment (Symons, 1979; Trivers, 1972) leaves them Shackelford, 1997; Little and Mannion, 2006). little to gain in reproductive output by engaging in Another indirect effect of sex-differentiated mating indiscriminate, short-term sex with high numbers of desires can be found in the context of relationship partners. Women can reap evolutionary benefits from initiation and romantic attraction. According to short-term mating (Hrdy, 1981; Greiling and Buss, Sexual Selection Theory (Darwin, 1871), the evolved 2000); however, women’s psychology of short-term
Human Mate Choice 299 mate choice appears to center on obtaining men of but less than 20% of women, expressed desires for high genetic quality rather than numerous men in multiple sexual partners (Schmitt et al., 2003). This high-volume quantity (Smith, 1984; Gangestad and finding supports the key SST hypothesis that men’s Thornhill, 1998; Banfield and McCabe, 2001; Li and short-term mating strategy is very different from Kenrick, 2006). women’s and is based, in part, on obtaining large For men, the potential reproductive benefits from numbers of sexual partners. short-term mating with numerous partners can be pro- Other findings from the cross-cultural study by found. A man can produce as many as 100 offspring by Schmitt et al. (2003) documented that men universally mating with 100 women over the course of a year, agree to have sex after less time has elapsed than whereas a man who is monogamous will tend to have women do, and that men from all world regions expend only one child with his partner during that same time more effort on seeking brief sexual relationships than period. In evolutionary currencies, this represents a women do. For example, across all cultures nearly 25% strong selective pressure – and a potent adaptive of married men, but only 10% of married women, problem – for men’s short-term mating strategy to reported that they are actively seeking short-term, center on obtaining large numbers of partners (Schmitt extramarital relationships (see also Wiederman, et al., 2003). Obviously, 100 instances of only one-time 1997). These culturally universal findings support the mating would rarely produce precisely 100 offspring; view that men evolved to seek large numbers of however, a man mating with 100 women over the course sex partners when they pursue a short-term mating of a year – particularly repeated matings when the strategy. Some women also pursue short-term mates. women are nearing ovulation and are especially inter- However, when women seek short-term mates they are ested in short-term mating (Gangestad, 2001) – would more selective and tend to seek out men who are phys- likely have significantly more offspring than a woman ically attractive, intelligent, and otherwise possess mating repeatedly with 100 interested men over the high-quality genes (Buss and Schmitt, 1993; Gangestad course of a year. and Thornhill, 1997, 2003). According to SST, three of the specific design fea- tures of men’s short-term mating psychology are: (1) men possess a greater desire than women do for a EVOLUTION OF INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES variety of sexual partners; (2) men require less time to IN MATE CHOICE elapse than women do before consenting to sexual intercourse; and (3) men tend to more actively seek The previous section addressed the evolutionary short-term mateships than women do (Buss and psychology of how men and women choose and initate Schmitt, 1993). This suite of hypothesized sex differ- short-term and long-term mating relationships. ences has been well supported empirically. For Another important question is when and why an indi- example, Schmitt et al. (2003) documented these fun- vidual man or woman would choose to pursue a long- damental sex differences across 10 major regions of term mateship versus a short-term mateship. Several the world. When people from North America were theories have suggested that personal circumstances – asked “Ideally, how many different sexual partners including stage of life, phenotypic quality, local would you like to have in the next month?” over 23% ecology – play an adaptive role in shaping or evoking of men, but only 3% of women, indicated that they people’s strategic mating choices (Buss and Schmitt, would like more than one sexual partner in the next 1993; Gangestad and Simpson, 2000). Among the more month. This finding confirmed that many men, important sex-specific personal characteristics that and few women, desire sexual variety in the form of affect mating strategies are men’s overall mate value multiple sexual partners over short time intervals. and women’s ovulatory status. Similar degrees of sexual differentiation were found in South America (35.0% vs. 6.1%), Western Europe Mating differences within men (22.6% vs. 5.5%), Eastern Europe (31.7% vs. 7.1%), Southern Europe (31.0% vs. 6.0%), the Middle East According to SST (Buss and Schmitt, 1993), men pos- (33.1% vs. 5.9%), Africa (18.2% vs. 4.2%), Oceania sess a menu of alternative mating strategies that they (25.3% vs. 5.8%), South/Southeast Asia (32.4% vs. can follow. Whether a man chooses to pursue a short- 6.4%), and East Asia (17.9% vs. 2.6%). These sex differ- term or long-term mating strategy (or both) may ences also persisted across a variety of demographic depend, in part, on his status and prestige. In foraging statuses, including age, socioeconomic status, and cultures, men with higher status and prestige tend to sexual orientation. Moreover, when men and women possess multiple wives (Betzig, 1986; Borgerhoff who reported actively pursuing a short-term mating Mulder, 1987, 1990; Cronk, 1991; Heath and Hadley, strategy were asked whether they wanted more 1998), and in so doing polygynous men are able to than one partner in the next month, over 50% of men, satisfy aspects of both their long-term pair bonding
300 David P. Schmitt desires and short-term “numerous partner” desires. (sometimes in addition to long-term mating) whereas In most modern cultures, men with high status are women strategically prefer a single monogamous unable to legally marry more than one woman. How- mateship. An important determinant of individual ever, they are more likely to have extramarital affairs mate choice, therefore, is overall mate value in the and to practice de facto or “effective” polygyny in the mating marketplace, with men of high mate value form of serial divorce and remarriage (Brown and and women of low mate value more likely to pursue Hotra, 1988; Fisher, 1992; Buss, 2000). Given an equal short-term mating strategies. sex ratio of men and women in a given culture, this According to Strategic Pluralism Theory (Ganges- results in other men – namely those with low status tad and Simpson, 2000), men should also be more and prestige – being limited to monogamy in the form likely to engage in short-term mating when they of one wife. Some low-status men are left with no wives exhibit the physical characteristics most preferred by at all and may be forced to resort to coercive, promis- women who desire a short-term mate, especially those cuous-mating strategies (Thornhill and Palmer, 2000). traits indicative of high genetic quality. Higher facial Consequently, an important source of individual vari- symmetry, for example, is indicative of low genetic ation in men’s mate choice and relationship initiation mutation load in men, and women adaptively prefer tactics is status and prestige. facial symmetry when pursing short-term mates Whether a man follows a more short-term or long- (Gangestad and Thornhill, 1997). This is because one term oriented mating strategy depends on other factors of the key benefits women can reap from short-term as well, many of which relate to the man’s overall value mating is to gain access to high-quality genes that they in the mating marketplace (Gangestad and Simpson, might not be able to secure from a long-term partner 2000). A man’s “mate value” is determined, in part, by (Gangestad, 2001). his status and prestige. It is also affected by his current Evidence that physically attractive men adaptively resource holdings, long-term ambition, intelligence, respond to women’s desires and become more promis- interpersonal dominance, social popularity, sense of cuous comes from other sources, as well. For example, humor, reputation for kindness, maturity, height, men who possess broad and muscular shoulders, a strength, and athleticism (Chagnon, 1988; Ellis, 1992; physical attribute preferred by short-term oriented Pierce, 1996; Miller, 2000; Nettle, 2002). women (Frederick et al., 2003), tend toward short-term Most studies of men in modern cultures find that, mating as reflected in an earlier age of first intercourse, when they are able to do so as a result of high mate more sexual partners, and more extrapair copulations value, men choose to engage in multiple mating rela- (Hughes and Gallup, 2003). In numerous studies, tionships. For example, Lalumiere et al. (1995) Gangestad and his colleagues have shown that women designed a scale to measure overall mating opportun- who seek short-term mates place special importance ities. The scale, similar to overall mate value, included on the physical attractiveness of their partners, items such as “relative to my peer group, I can get dates and that physically attractive men are more likely to with ease.” They found that men with higher mate pursue short-term mating strategies (Thornhill and value tended to have sex at an earlier age, to have a Gangestad, 1994, 1999; Gangestad and Thornhill, larger number of sexual partners, and to follow a more 1997; Gangestad and Cousins, 2001). promiscuous mating strategy overall (see also Landolt Some research suggests that genetic and hormonal et al., 1995; James, 2003). predispositions may affect men’s mate choice and Another potential indicator of mate value is the relationship initiation strategies (Bailey et al., 2000). social barometer of self-esteem (Kirkpatrick et al., Much of this research focuses on the moderating 2002). Similar to the results with mating opportunities, effects of testosterone (Dabbs and Dabbs, 2000). men who score higher on self-esteem scales tend to For example, married men, compared to their same- choose and to successfully engage in more short-term age single peers, tend to have lower levels of testoster- mating relationships (Walsh, 1991; Baumeister and one (Burnham et al., 2003), though this is not true Tice, 2001). Indeed, in a recent cross-cultural study among married men who are also interested in concur- by Schmitt (2005b), this revealing trend was evident rent extrapair copulations or short-term mateships across several world regions. The same relationship (McIntyre et al., 2006). Men who are expectant fathers was usually not evident, and was often reversed, and hope to have children only with their current part- among women in modern nations (see also Mikach ner have relatively low testosterone (Gray et al., 2002), and Bailey, 1999). That is, women with high self- whereas men possessing high testosterone tend to have esteem were more likely to pursue monogamous, more sexual partners, to start having sex earlier, to long-term mating strategies. These findings would have higher sperm counts, to be more interested in seem to support Parental Investment Theory (Trivers, sex, to divorce more frequently, and are more likely to 1972), in that when mate value is high and people are have affairs (Alexander and Sherwin, 1991; Udry and given a choice, men prefer short-term mating Campbell, 1994; Mazur and Booth, 1998; Manning,
Human Mate Choice 301 2002). The root cause of this mate choice variability their psychology to that of a short-term mating strat- may lie in early testosterone exposure and its effects on egist. It has also been shown that women who are the activation of men’s short-term mating psychology. nearing ovulation find the pheromonal smell of sym- Exposure to high testosterone levels in utero causes metrical men more appealing than when women are increased masculinization of the human brain and less fertile (Gangestad and Thornhill, 1998; Rikowski increased testosterone in adulthood (Manning, 2002; and Grammer, 1999), that women who mate with more Ridley, 2003). If men’s brains are programmed for symmetrical men have more frequent and intense greater short-term mating in general (Trivers, 1972; orgasms (Thornhill et al., 1995), and that men with Symons, 1979), this would lead to the hypothesis attractive faces have qualitatively better health (Shack- that those who are exposed to higher testosterone in elford and Larsen, 1999) and semen characteristics utero would be more likely to develop short-term (Soler et al., 2003). Finally, women appear to dress mating strategies in adulthood. In women, though, more provocatively when nearing ovulation (Grammer other factors appear to adaptively influence mating et al., 2004), though women near ovulation also reduce strategy choice. risky behaviors associated with being raped, especially if they are not taking contraception (Bro ¨der and Hohmann, 2003). Mating differences within women Overall, there is compelling evidence that women’s Women’s desires for engaging in sexual intercourse mating strategies shift, from a long-term mating tend to vary across their ovulatory cycles. On average, psychology to a more short-term oriented mating women’s desires for sex peak during the late follicular psychology, precisely when they are the most fertile. phase, just before ovulation when the odds of becom- It is possible that these shifts reflect women seeking ing pregnant would be maximized (Regan, 1996). high-quality genes from extrapair copulations while It was once thought that this shift in sexual desire maintaining a long-term relationship with a heavily evolved because it increased the probability of having investing partner (Gangestad, 2001; Haselton and conceptive intercourse in our monogamous female Miller, 2006). ancestors. However, several studies have now docu- Additional individual differences and personal situ- mented that women’s short-term desires for men with ations may be linked to adaptive variability in women’s high-quality genes actually peak in the highly fertile mate choices and relationship initiation strategies. days just before ovulation (Gangestad and Thornhill, For example, short-term mating strategies are more 1997; Gangestad, 2001; Haselton and Miller, 2006). likely to occur when in adolescence, when one’s part- For example, women who are interested in short- ner is of low mate value, when one desires to get rid of term mating tend to prefer men who are high in dom- a mate, and when one has recently divorced – all situ- inance and masculinity (Buss and Schmitt, 1993), as ations where short-term mating may serve specific indicated by testosterone-related attributes such has adaptive functions (Cashdan, 1996; Greiling and Buss, prominent brows, large chins, and other features of 2000). In some cases, short-term mating seems to facial masculinity (Mueller and Mazur, 1998; Perrett emerge as an adaptive reaction to early developmental et al., 1998; Penton-Voak and Chen, 2004). Short-term experiences within the family (Michalski and Shackel- oriented women may prefer these attributes because ford, 2002). For example, short-term mating strategies facial markers of testosterone are honest indicators of are more likely occur among women growing up in immunocompetence quality in men (Gangestad and father-absent homes (Moffit et al., 1992; Quinlan, Thornhill, 2003). During the late follicular phase, 2003) especially in homes where a stepfather is present women’s preferences for men with masculine faces (Ellis and Garber, 2000). In these cases, the absence of conspicuously increase (Johnston et al., 2001; Penton- a father, and presence of a stepfather, may indicate to Voak et al., 2003), as do their preferences for masculine young women that mating-age men are unreliable. voices (Puts, 2006), precisely as though women are In such environments, short-term mating may serve shifting their mating psychology to follow a more as the more viable mating strategy choice once in short-term oriented strategy around ovulation. adulthood (see also Belsky, 1999). A similar ovulatory shift can be seen in women’s Finally, some have argued that frequency-depend- preference for symmetrical faces. Women who gener- ent or other forms of selection have resulted in differ- ally pursue a short-term mating strategy express ent heritable tendencies toward long-term versus strong preferences for male faces that are symmetrical, short-term mating (Gangestad and Simpson, 1990). perhaps because facial symmetry is indicative of There is behavioral genetic evidence that age at first low mutation load (Gangestad and Thornhill, 1997). intercourse, lifetime number of sex partners, and During the late follicular phase, women’s preference sociosexuality – a general trait that varies from for symmetrical faces increases even further (Gangestad restricted long-term mating to unrestricted short-term and Cousins, 2001), again as though they have shifted mating – are somewhat heritable (Bailey et al., 2000;
302 David P. Schmitt Rowe, 2002). However, most findings suggest heritabil- be responded to if men are to remain competitive in the ity in mate choice and mating strategy is stronger in courtship marketplace. men than in women (Dunne et al., 1997). Using data from sex ratio fluctuations over time within the United States, Pedersen (1991) marshaled a compelling case for a causal link between sex ratios and human mating strategies (see also Guttentag and EVOLUTION OF CULTURAL DIFFERENCES Secord, 1983). For example, high sex ratio fluctuations IN MATE CHOICE have been historically associated with increases in monogamy, as evidenced by lower divorce rates and Sex ratios and human mating men’s greater willingness to invest in their children. In addition to sex and individual differences in mating Low sex ratios have been historically associated with strategies, mate choices and attraction behaviors indexes of short-term mating, such as an increase in appear to vary in evolutionary-relevant ways across divorce rates and a reduction in what he termed female cultures (Frayser, 1985; Kelly, 1995; Pasternak et al., “sexual coyness.” In a recent cross-cultural study 1997). Pedersen (1991) has speculated that the relative (Schmitt, 2005a), national sex ratios were correlated number of men versus women in a given culture with direct measures of basic human mating strategies should influence mating behavior. Operational sex across 48 nations in an attempt to test Pedersen’s ratio can be defined as the relative balance of mar- (1991) theory. As expected, cultures with more men riage-age men versus marriage-age women in the local than women tended toward long-term mating, whereas mating pool (Secord, 1983). Sex ratios are considered cultures with more women than men tended toward “high” when the number of men significantly outsizes short-term mating (see also Barber, 2000). the number of women in a local culture. Sex ratios are considered “low” when there are relatively more Attachment and human mating women than men in the mating market. In most cul- tures women tend to slightly outnumber men, largely Several combinations of life history theory (Low, 1998) because of men’s polygyny-related tendency to have a and attachment theory (Bowlby, 1969) have suggested higher mortality rate (Daly and Wilson, 1988). Never- that certain critical experiences during childhood theless, significant variation often exists in sex ratios play a role in the development of human mating across cultures, and within cultures when viewed over strategies (Belsky, 1999). Perhaps the most prominent historical time (Guttentag and Secord, 1983; Grant, of these theories is a life span model developed by 1998). Belsky et al. (1991). According to this model, early Pedersen (1991) argued that a combination of social experiences adaptively channel children down Sexual Selection Theory (Darwin, 1871) and Parental one of two reproductive pathways. Children who Investment Theory (Trivers, 1972) leads to a series of are socially exposed to high levels of stress – especially predictions concerning the effects of sex ratios on insensitive/inconsistent parenting, harsh physical human mating strategies. According to sexual selection environments, and economic hardship – tend to theory, when males desire a particular attribute in develop insecure attachment styles. These children potential mating partners, females of that species tend also tend to physically mature earlier than those chil- to respond by competing in the expression and provi- dren who are exposed to less stress. According to sion of that desired attribute. Among humans, when Belsky and his colleagues, attachment insecurity and sex ratios are especially low and there are many more early physical maturity subsequently lead to the evolu- women than men, men should become an especially tionary-adaptive development of what is called an scarce resource that women compete for with even “opportunistic” reproductive strategy in adulthood more intensity than normal (see also Guttentag and (i.e., short-term mating). In cultures with unpredict- Secord, 1983). able social environments, it is therefore argued, chil- When combined with the parental investment dren adaptively respond to stressful cues by developing notion described earlier in which men tend to desire the more viable strategy of short-term mating. short-term mating (Trivers, 1972), this leads to the Conversely, those children exposed to lower hypothesis that humans in cultures with lower sex levels of stress and less environmental hardship tend ratios (i.e., more women than men) should possess to be more emotionally secure and to physically more short-term oriented mating strategies. Con- mature later. These children are thought to develop a versely, when sex ratios are high and men greatly out- more “investing” reproductive strategy in adulthood number women, men must enter into more intense (i.e., long-term mating) that pays evolutionary divi- competition for the limited number of potential female dends in low-stress environments. Although the causal partners. Women’s preferences for long-term mono- mechanisms that influence strategic mating are most gamous relationships become the key desires that must prominently located within the family, this model also
Human Mate Choice 303 suggests that certain aspects of culture may be related of mate choice and relationship initiation – differ in to mating strategy variation (see also Belsky, 1999). adaptive ways across sex, individual circumstance, and A closely related theory has been proposed by cultural context. Chisholm (1996). Chisholm argues that local The sexes differ significantly in their adaptations mortality rates – presumably related to high stress for short-term mate choice. Men’s short-term mating and inadequate resources – act as cues that faculta- strategy is based primarily on obtaining large numbers tively shift human mating strategies in evolutionary- of partners, being quick to consent to sex, and more adaptive ways. In cultures with high mortality rates actively seeking brief sexual encounters. Women’s and unpredictable resources, the optimal mating strat- short-term strategy is more heavily rooted in obtaining egy is to reproduce early and often, a strategy related to partners of high genetic quality, including men who insecure attachment, short-term temporal orienta- possess masculine and symmetrical features. Both tions, and promiscuous mating strategies. In cultures sexes desire long-term monogamous partners who are that are physically safe and have abundant resources, kind and understanding, but men place more emphasis mortality rates are lower and the optimal strategy is to on youth, and women on social status, when consider- invest heavily in fewer numbers of offspring. In safer ing a long-term mate. environments, therefore, one should pursue a long- Individual differences in mate choice within each term strategy associated with more monogamous sex appear to emerge as adaptive responses to key mating. Collectively, the Belsky et al. (1991) and personal circumstances. Men high in social status and Chisholm (1996) theories can be referred to as a “devel- mate value, for example, tend to pursue more short- opmental-attachment theory” of human mating term oriented mating strategies than other men, and strategies. highly valued men strive for polygynous marriages Numerous studies have provided support for where possible (or serial marriages where polygyny is developmental-attachment theory (Moffit et al., 1992; illegal). Women nearing ovulation tend to manifest Belsky, 1999; Ellis and Garber, 2000; Barber, 2003; desires indicative of their short-term mating psych- Quinlan, 2003). In a recent attempt to test developmen- ology, expressing more potent mate choice for mascu- tal-attachment theory, Schmitt et al. (2004b) measured line and dominant men and being more sensitive to the the romantic attachment styles of over 17 000 people pheromones of symmetrical men. from 56 nations. They related insecure attachment Features of culture and local ecology influence the styles to various indexes of familial stress, economic differential pursuit of long-term versus short-term resources, mortality, and fertility. They found over- mating strategies. In cultures with high stress levels whelming support for developmental-attachment and high fertility rates, insecure attachment and theory. For example, nations with higher fertility rates, resulting short-term mating psychologies in men and higher mortality rates, higher levels of stress (e.g., poor women may be more common. As a result, in these health and education), and lower levels of resources cultures evolutionary psychologists expect men to tended to have higher levels of insecure romantic emphasize obtaining large numbers of partners and attachment. Schmitt (2005a) also found that short- women to emphasize physical features associated with term mating was related to insecure attachment across masculinity and symmetry in potential mates (see cultures. As expected, the dismissing form of insecure Schmitt, 2005a). Finally, the relative sex ratio of men attachment was linked to short-term mating in men versus women in the local mating pool may play a and fearful/preoccupied forms of insecure attachment causal role in generating differences in mate choice were linked to short-term mating in women. These behavior both over historical time and across the many findings support the view that stressful environments diverse forms of human culture. cause increases in insecure romantic attachment, increases presumably linked to short-term mating strategies (see also Kirkpatrick, 1998). DISCUSSION POINTS 14. What features of mate choice and romantic CONCLUSIONS attraction in humans show the most sexual differ- entiation, and what features show a high degree From an evolutionary perspective, humans seem to of sexual similarity? What adaptive problems possess psychological adaptations related to monog- faced by humans over the ancestral past explain amy, polygyny, and promiscuity. It appears that sexual differentiations in mate choice? humans evolved a pluralistic mating repertoire, organ- 15. How would a shift toward higher levels of short- ized in terms of basic long-term and short-term mating term mating influence a culture? For example, if psychologies. The activation and pursuit of these women were to engage in increasingly more mating psychologies – including concomitant patterns short-term mating over time, how would women’s
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18 Mate Choice, the Major Histocompatibility Complex, and Offspring Viability Claus Wedekind and Guillaume Evanno INTRODUCTION exist in humans, they are likely to also affect offspring viability. Human offspring become independent relatively late in Let us start with a more general question, namely, life and fitness in our species is therefore critically why is there sex at all? Or: why do we need males in our linked to the amount and quality of the parental care species? Asexual reproduction is common in many that children receive. This explains, in evolutionary plants and animals. Thinking harder about the evolu- terms, why humans generally have a resource-based tionary costs and benefits of sex may help us to better mating system where both sexes invest substantially understand why mate choice may indeed be strongly into offspring (Trivers, 1972). Women are expected to linked to genetic aspects, and why mate choice for prefer men who are likely to provide much parental “high genetic quality” partners may in turn help main- care in the form of active parenting and/or in the taining sex as an, in evolutionary terms, costly way of amount of resources they can provide. These men are, reproduction. in turn, expected to be choosy about the women they select as mates (Trivers, 1972; Johnstoneet al., 1996). The present chapter is not about this rather obvious link between mutual mate choice and offspring sur- SEX, SEXUAL SELECTION, AND INFECTIOUS vival. Instead, we focus on probably less obvious DISEASES aspects of mate selection that are likely to influence offspring viability. These include various genetic For evolutionary biology, explaining the success of aspects that may play a role, e.g., inbreeding avoidance sexual reproduction has been a challenge because sex or preference for characteristics that are linked to her- involves a number of enormous disadvantages com- itable viability or to genes that may be complementary pared to asexual reproduction. The major disadvantage to the chooser’s own genes. Genes of the major histo- is called “the cost of meiosis” (Williams, 1975; compatibility complex (MHC) have been intensively Maynard Smith, 1978): a female that reproduces sexu- studied in this context. The MHC genes play a central ally is only 50% related to her offspring while an asex- role in controlling immunological self- and nonself ual female transmits 100% of her genes to each of her recognition (Apanius et al., 1997). The MHC is also daughters. Hence, gene transmission is about twice as one of the most polymorphic regions of the genome, efficient in asexuals as it is in sexuals. The other evolu- and it has been found to influence sexual selection. tionary disadvantages of sex are, for example, cellular- We will outline the various concepts that have been mechanical costs, damages through recombination, proposed about possible genetic aspects of sexual exposure to risks, mate choice, mate competition, etc. selection, and we will summarize a number of experi- (Andersson, 1994). Therefore, if asexuals would have a mental studies on humans and other organisms that similar survival probability as sexuals, a mutation provide support for one or the other model. We will causing a female to produce only asexual daughters also briefly discuss the possibility of differential paren- would, when introduced into a sexually reproducing tal investment, i.e., of life history strategies that take population, rapidly increase in frequency and outcom- the perceived quality of a present partner and the per- pete sexuals in numbers within few generations ceived future reproductive success into account. Differ- (Williams, 1975; Maynard Smith, 1978). Obviously, ential parental investment has been intensely studied this does not seem to happen very often, so sex must in various animal models. If such life history strategies come with large evolutionary benefits. What might Human Evolutionary Biology, ed. Michael P. Muehlenbein. Published by Cambridge University Press. # Cambridge University Press 2010. 309
310 Claus Wedekind and Guillaume Evanno these benefits be? And what are the disadvantages investment into gametes as the result of disruptive of asexual reproduction? selection: smaller gametes can be produced in greater One serious disadvantage of asexual clones is that number, and larger gametes provide the later zygote they are likely to die out after some hundred or thou- with more resources to survive better (Parker and sand generations because of a fatal mechanism called Baker, 1972). Such anisogamy automatically leads to “Muller’s ratchet” (Muller, 1932). Muller’s ratchet pre- a race among males to ensure that their sperm find and dicts that slightly deleterious mutations are accumu- fertilize eggs. This is when sexual selection comes into lated in asexuals from generation to generation until play. It is expected already in the most primitive sexual the genome does not code for a viable organism any organisms, and although the difference in egg and longer and the population goes extinct (Andersson, sperm size can be trivial in more complex organisms 1994). On a first glance it may therefore seem that sex with lactation or intense sexual advertisment, sexuals must be so successful because recombination followed will probably never get rid of sexual selection (Kokko by selection can result in the efficient removal of dam- et al., 2006). In order to propagate their genes, individ- aged genes from generation to generation. However, uals must not only survive natural selection, i.e., all the such a benefit of sex is likely to have a significant effect lethal threats imposed by harsh climates, predators, only when it is too late, i.e., after an asexual population pathogens, and competitors, but they must also be has outcompeted all its sexual conspecifics. Without able to find a mate and withstand competition from any further benefits of sex, asexuals are expected to rivals of the same sex for access to potential mates. outcompete sexuals within only few generations They have to be successful in sexual selection. Some- because of the “cost of meiosis” and the other costs times, females have to compete for access to males and mentioned above, i.e., sexuals would die out before are chosen by males. However, sexual selection is usu- Muller’s ratchet drove the asexual population to extinc- ally stronger on the male sex, because males usually tion (Michod and Levin, 1987; Kondrashov, 1993; have a much higher potential rate of reproduction Howard and Lively, 1994). Muller’s ratchet itself, there- than females (Cluttonbrock and Vincent, 1991; fore, cannot explain the evolutionary success of sex. Cluttonbrock and Parker, 1992). Regardless of the dir- Another set of hypotheses suggests that sex enables ection, sexual selection shapes the evolution of a the spread or even the creation of advantageous traits. species, and it might even help to maintain sexual This second category of hypotheses on the evolutionary reproduction itself (Agrawal, 2001; Siller, 2001). significance of sex requires that the direction of selec- Mate choice (intersexual selection) and competi- tion is continuously changing, i.e., the main sources tion for mates (intrasexual selection) are two large of mortality are short-term environmental changes. categories of sexual selection. They both cause a The condition is especially fulfilled in coevolving number of immediately negative aspects, including systems such as parasite–host communities. The idea the waste of resources for being attractive (the pea- is that host resistance genes that are advantageous cock’s tail as a classical example in animals, various today might become disadvantageous in the near forms of status-signaling in humans) or the risk of future because parasites evolve to overcome them. injury or distraction from predator surveillance during Therefore, hosts must continuously change gene com- intrasexual struggles or courtship behavior. Further- binations, and sex is an efficient means to do so. This more, transmission, maintenance, and growth of many idea is called the “Red Queen hypothesis” (Jaenike, pathogens are increased during the courtship phase 1978; Hamilton, 1980). Of course, the argument can of their host, either directly by sexual behavior be turned around to predict that any form of sex and itself (transmittance of ectoparasites or sexually trans- recombination in parasite populations is maintained mitted microparasites) or indirectly by a reduction as a diversity-generating mechanism to counteract of immunocompetence of the host (Grossman, 1985; the rapidly changing selection imposed by the host’s Folstad and Karter, 1992), which may be a conse- immune system (Gemmill et al., 1997; Wedekind and quence of an adaptive resource reallocation during Ru ¨ etschi, 2000). Hence, the evolutionary conflict the courtship phase, mating, and reproduction between pathogens and hosts may select for diversity- (Wedekind and Folstad, 1994; Gustafson et al., 1995). generating mechanisms on both sides and in turn pre- These disadvantages that are associated to sexual vents both parties from dying out as a direct or indirect selection add to the evolutionary costs of sex men- consequence of Muller’s ratchet. tioned above. Sexual reproduction is a very powerful diversity- Sexual selection does not need to be over when generating mechanism. But there is more to sex than mating has occurred. There are various postcopulatory just creating diversity, even in evolutionary terms. As selection levels possible, especially in mammals with soon as we have two different mating types (males and their internal fertilization and their intense mother– females), different reproductive strategies can evolve. embryo interaction (see points 2–8 in Figure 18.1). This usually starts with anisogamy, i.e., an unequal Postcopulatory inter-sexual selection (also called
Mate Choice, the Major Histocompatibility Complex, and Offspring Viability 311 is hence a possibility that is discussed for humans too (see below). INBREEDING AND INBREEDING DEPRESSION If sex evolved as a diversity-generating mechanism and sexual selection as a consequence of conflicts between and within the sexes, it may not be surprising that mate choice often takes at least the degree of kinship between two individuals into account. Mating between kin not only reduces the efficiency of sex as a diversity- generating mechanism but also gives rise to inbreeding depression. Inbreeding depression is the immediately reduced fitness of inbred offspring that results from the manifestation of deleterious traits. The more closely the breeding pair is related, the more homozy- gous the offspring will be. Therefore, recessive deleteri- ous mutations will be expressed. The significance of inbreeding depression has been studied in many systems. Pedigree and/or molecular data from natural populations that allow for identifying kinship and quantifying inbreeding have revealed that inbreeding 18.1. The levels at which females or female reproductive tissue depression is usually substantial enough to affect indi- could select for or invest differentially into different offspring genotypes: (1) male choice; (2) selection on sperm with vidual performance, but it varies across taxa, popula- the female reproductive tract; (3) egg choice for sperm; tions, and environments. In bird and mammal (4) the second meiotic division in the egg (that only starts some populations, inbreeding depression usually affects time after the genetic material of the sperm has entered birthweight, survival, reproduction, tolerance or resist- the egg); (5) selection on the early embryo by the oviduct; ance to diseases, predators, and other stress factors (6) implantation; (7) maternal supply to the developing embryo and spontaneous or induced abortion; (8) maternal care after (Keller and Waller, 2002). Analogously, in plants it birth. Figure reproduced from Wedekind (1994). affects seed set, germination, survival, and tolerance or resistance to stress (Keller and Waller, 2002). Quan- titative estimates of the effects of inbreeding depres- “cryptic female choice”) may include selection on sion are, however, often difficult to obtain, because sperm within the female reproductive tract, nonran- there are a number of potentially confounding factors dom gamete fusion, a nonrandom second meiotic div- that need to be taken into account. ision in the egg, and/or selective support of the embryo In the case of humans, matings between first- or the offspring. Preferences for certain kind of sperm degree cousins are frequent in various cultures, and have been observed in vertebrates and invertebrates various quantitative estimates of inbreeding depres- (reviewed in Birkhead, 1996, 2000). In many plants, sion exist. The estimates are quite consistent: Descend- growth of the pollen tube is often affected by the ants of such pair bondings have on average a 4–5% stigma and depends on the combination of male and increased probability of not reaching their 10th year female alleles on the self-incompatibility locus (Jordan of life (Bittles and Neel, 1994; Modell and Darr, 2002). et al., 2000). In mice (Mus musculus), gamete fusion One could carefully project this estimate to other kinds and the second meiotic division of the egg is not fully of kin matings, for example brother–sister matings. random with respect to genetics (Pomiankowski and The average degree of relatedness between first-degree Hurst, 1993; Wedekind et al., 1996; Ru ¨licke et al., cousins is 12.5%, for half-sibs it is 25%, and for full sibs 1998). Analogous results have been found in other it is 50%. Inbreeding depression might then rise up to a species (Eberhard, 1996; Zeh and Zeh, 1997), but roughly 20% increased probability of inbred children Stockley (1997) could not find it in common shrews not reaching their 10th year of life. Other authors esti- (Sorex araneus). Last but not least, in many mammals mate this increased mortality to 25% (Aoki, 2005). the outcome of pregnancy may be often depend on the This is obviously a significant reduction in offspring dam’s perception of the sire’s attractiveness or other viability and fitness that may, however, still be wide- aspects that may be fitness relevant (Bruce, 1954; spread in many human cultures because of the signifi- Ru ¨licke et al., 2006). Such differential maternal in- cant social benefits that consanguineous marriages vestment has been observed in some mammals and often provide (Modell and Darr, 2002). In captive
312 Claus Wedekind and Guillaume Evanno animals (e.g., in zoos), full-sib matings lead on average the oviduct while sperm from other clones progressed to about a 33% increased mortality in the offspring to the ovary (Bishop, 1996). Furthermore, a negative (Ralls et al., 1988). correlation was found between the mating success of Inbreeding depression is a genetic effect, but it is pairs and their overall genetic similarity (Bishop, not heritable. If an inbred individual mates with an 1996). In the tunicate Botryllus sp., eggs appeared to unrelated one, the resulting offspring is not likely to resist fertilization by sperm with the same allele on suffer from a reduced viability as compared to all other the fusibility locus for longer time than sperm with a offspring of outbreeding pairs. However, the immedi- different allele on it (Scofield et al., 1982). ate viability and fitness reduction that is linked to Within vertebrates, a series of fertilization experi- inbreeding depression is expected to select for mech- ments in mice revealed that gamete fusion is not anisms that lead to kin recognition and inbreeding random with respect to the sperm’s and the eggs’ geno- avoidance. Indeed, there are many examples of types (Wedekind et al., 1996; Ru ¨licke et al., 1998). inbreeding avoidance in animals and humans (Pusey In these studies, mice of two inbred strains that were and Wolf, 1996). bred to differ only in MHC but otherwise had an iden- Incestuous matings are in many human societies a tical genetic background. F1s of both strains were cultural taboo, but these taboos may often be politic- paired or used for in-vitro fertilization experiments, ally motivated (e.g., to avoid too much accumulation of and the MHC of the resulting blastocysts was analyzed power), and there is much variation among the various by polymerase chain reaction. The observed nonran- human societies with regard to this taboo (Thornhill, dom fusion of male and female genetic material could 1991; Scheidel, 1996). Beside such social factors that at least partly be explained by inbreeding avoidance. influence the rate of inbreeding, there also exists a These first experimental data on mice confirmed previ- number of more biological factors. Avoidance of kin ous observations of deviations from Mendelian inherit- as mates often relies on recognition of familiarity ance of some alleles in rats (Palm, 1969, 1970; Hings (Clarke and Faulkes, 1999; Penn and Potts, 1999). In and Billingham, 1981, 1983, 1985), mice (Potts et al., some species, odors that reveal information about 1991), and lizards (Olsson et al., 1996). However, the highly polymorphic loci seem to play a crucial role in data could also be explained in the light of hypotheses this recognition of familiarity and hence inbreeding that compete to the inbreeding avoidance hypothesis. avoidance (Brown and Eklund, 1994; Penn and Potts, We will therefore come back to these examples later. 1999). In humans, the so-called “Westermarck effect” (Westermarck, 1891) may also play an important role in avoiding inbreeding. Westermarck postulated that “GOOD-GENES” AND “COMPATIBLE-GENES” men and women who were raised together in some sort SEXUAL SELECTION of family-like structure are usually not sexually attracted to each other, regardless of whether they are Apart from inbreeding avoidance, there are a number genetically related or not. Shepher (1983), for example, of more sophisticated forms of sexual selection, based found that marriages among communally reared chil- on general phenotypic appearance or on sexual signals dren in an Israelian kibbutz were virtually absent. such as odors, certain forms of behavior, fluctuating Analogous observations in other cultures followed asymmetry, or secondary sexual characteristics. The (Wolf, 1995), and more recent studies (Lieberman literature usually groups criteria for mate choice into et al., 2003; Fessler and Navarrete, 2004) found that a three classes (Andersson, 1994): (1) criteria that reveal history of cosocialization with an opposite-sex individ- direct benefits, such as parental care or nuptial gifts; ual is linked with a decreased tolerance of other’s inces- (2) “Fisherian traits”, i.e., traits that are attractive to tuous behaviors. Such effects are stronger in females members of the other sex but do not reveal anything than in males (Lieberman et al., 2003; Fessler and else (Fisher, 1930); and (3) indicators of “good genetic Navarrete, 2004), and the effect seems to have, among quality” (Zahavi, 1975; Hamilton and Zuk, 1982; others, an olfactory basis (Schneider and Hendrix, Grafen, 1990). In the following we concentrate on 2000; Weisfeld et al., 2003). this last class of criteria, because a preference for Inbreeding avoidance does not need to be confined “good genetic quality” is expected to increase offspring to mating decisions. Nonrandom gamete fusion with survival while a preference for Fisherian traits is not. respect to kinship has been observed in various taxa. “Genetic quality” is, in the context of sexual selec- The ascidian Diplosoma listeranum, for example, is a tion, an umbrella term. It includes “good genes” and colonial, sessile, marine filter-feeder that disperses “compatible genes” (Neff and Pitcher, 2005). “Good sperm into surrounding water. Sperm are taken up genes” are alleles that increase fitness directly and, in and pass via the oviduct to reach oocytes within the principle, independently of the rest of the genome. ovary. Autoradiography of labeled sperm revealed that If variation in such loci exists within a population, sperm from the same clone were normally stopped in i.e., when there is variation in fitness that can be linked
Mate Choice, the Major Histocompatibility Complex, and Offspring Viability 313 to such loci, population studies will show additive gen- (1999) concluded that sexual selection for “good genes” etic variance for viability, and populations are expected is widespread across vertebrate taxa, but its effect on to evolve in response to directed selection. “Compatible offspring survival varies. Their meta-analysis revealed genes” are defined as alleles that increase fitness only that male sexual characters chosen by females on aver- when in combination with other alleles, i.e., only when age accounted for only 1.5% of the variance in off- in a specific genotype. Such fitness effects can be due spring viability, but the authors stressed that many of to epistasis, i.e., due to interactions with alleles on the studies included in their analysis may only partly other loci, or due to any sort of heterozygote advantage estimate the full fitness consequences of mate choice (e.g., overdominance) when the allele is paired with a for offspring survival. The effects were generally specific homologue. In population studies, “compatible- stronger for studies where the target of selection had gene” effects will be revealed in significant nonadditive been identified than those with an unknown target of genetic variance for viability: some male–female com- selection. Indeed, more recent experimental studies binations will then have a higher fitness than other demonstrated that “good genes effect” of mate choice combinations, regardless of possible “good-genes” can be very strong: optimal mate choice in a whitefish effects. In principle, alleles that contribute to any kind (Coregonus sp.), for example, would reduce pathogen- of “good genetic quality” can code for all sort of traits. correlated embryo mortality by 67% as compared to However, there are good reasons to assume that most random mating (Wedekind et al., 2001). Hence, the of these alleles play a role in the coevolution between potential effects of pathogen-driven sexual selection hosts and their pathogens, i.e., that sexual selection for on offspring viability can be, at least in some vertebrate “good genetic quality” is expected to be pathogen taxa, very significant. driven. A potential indicator of genetic quality that has The most important aspect of the interaction been intensely studied is fluctuating asymmetry (FA): between a pathogen and its host is the virulence an the random deviations from perfect bilateral symmetry infection is associated with, here defined as the loss sometimes observed on various body parts. Develop- of fitness the pathogen causes to the host. Although mental instability reveals the tendency of an organism this definition sounds as if virulence were a specific to be influenced by various stress factors (environmen- trait of a pathogen, it is not. Rather, it is the result of tal-like pathogens, or genetic-like mutations) during the interaction between this pathogen and its host development (Thornhill and Gangestad, 2006). Fluctu- (Bull, 1994; Read, 1994; Ebert and Hamilton, 1996). ating asymmetry can then be considered as a measure- Sexual reproduction and the different forms of patho- ment of developmental instability. Many studies gen-driven sexual selection have the potential to provide evidence for a link between FA and mate increase or decrease virulence. Firstly, as indicated attractiveness (reviewed in Møller and Thornhill, above, the ability of the host to reproduce sexually 1998; more recent studies include Scheib et al., 1999; plays a significant if not the most important role here Brown et al., 2005; Little and Jones, 2006). An up-to- (Ebert and Hamilton, 1996). Sexual reproduction date meta-analysis of studies on humans reported a (especially in the case of outcrossing) results in a statistically significant global effect size of 0.30 (Pear- rearrangement of host genes. Pathogen populations son’s r) between facial symmetry and mate attractive- that have adapted to one host line have to readapt to ness (Rhodes and Simmons, 2007). In these studies, the next one and so on. Hence, host reproduction by attractiveness was either measured as self-reported sex leads to the existing pathogen population being reproductive success or by rating. The authors also suboptimally adapted to their current host population. analyzed the attractiveness of body symmetry separ- This could typically mean that the pathogens are less ately from face symmetry and found a lower but sig- virulent than would be expected if they were optimally nificant effect size of 0.14 (P < 0.001). It is, however, adapted to their host (Ebert, 1994). This benefit of less clear whether there exists a relationship between sexual reproduction could be amplified by certain FA and mate quality. Rhodes and Simmons (2007) also forms of mate choice. made a meta-analysis of studies looking at symmetry Hamilton and Zuk (1982) were the first who sug- and health measured as self-reported health status. gested that individuals in good health and vigor are They found low and not significant effect sizes both preferred in mate choice because they are the ones that for facial and body symmetry. The link between paren- are likely to possess heritable resistance to the predom- tal FA and offspring survival has been rarely investi- inant pathogens. By preferring healthy individuals one gated (Waynforth, 1998) but one study revealed a may thereby produce resistant progeny. This could higher FA in mothersof preterm infants (Livshits et al., result in subsequent generations of hosts that are 1998). Overall, while the relationship between FA better adapted to the local pathogens, i.e., that are less and mate attractiveness is well established in humans, susceptible (Grahn et al., 1998). In a meta-analysis on further investigations are needed to demonstrate a the available empirical evidence, Møller and Alatalo potential link between FA and mate quality.
314 Claus Wedekind and Guillaume Evanno A preference for indicators of health and vigor will lead to populations where all individuals of one sex have the same mate preference, i.e., the members of the opposite sex can be ranked in an universally valid order of attractiveness, and less attractive individuals would only be taken as mates if the more attractive ones are not available for some reasons. However, in some species this prediction does not appear to be fulfilled (Wedekind, 1994, 2002a; Neff and Pitcher, 2005). This may be, at least partly, due to the fact that an offspring’s level of resistance depends on both its mother’s and father’s genetic contribution. At loci that are important for the parasite–host interaction (e.g., immunogenes), certain combinations of alleles may 18.2. Participant of the study by Wedekind et al. (1995) where be more beneficial than others. If individuals choose the odors of six T-shirts worn by men were evaluated for pleas- their mates in order to produce such beneficial allele antness, sexiness, and intensity. One T-shirt was unused. Three of the T-shirts had been worn by men who shared no or very few combinations, their preferences would have to depend major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigens with the on their own genotypes as well as their partners’ ones woman who judged the odors, while three other T-shirts had (Wedekind, 1994). As a consequence, individuals with been worn by men who shared as many MHC antigens with the different alleles would show different preferences, and woman as possible in the study sample. It turned out that there would be no universally valid order of sexual women who were not using the contraceptive pill at the time of the experiments preferred the odors of MHC-dissimilar men attractiveness with respect to signals that reveal herit- (as predicted from mouse studies [Penn and Potts, 1999]), while able disease resistance. Sexual selection for such women on the pill preferred the odors of MHC-similar men. “complementary genes” is therefore expected to lead This preference change could be due to hormones that simulate to very different dynamics as compared to sexual selec- aspects of pregnancy. Pregnancy is known to change tion for “good genes.” MHC-linked odor preferences in mice (Manning et al., 1995). The “compatible-genes” sexual selection hypothesis usually predicts that dissimilar genotypes are more attractive to each other, e.g., because mating with dis- Potts et al., 1991; Roberts and Gosling, 2003). They similar genotypes leads to heterozygous offspring that chose according to their own MHC-types, apparently may benefit from some sort of heterozygote advantage, to reach certain allele combinations or to avoid certain as has often been proposed in the case of the MHC allele combinations in the progeny. (Thursz et al., 1997; Carrington et al., 1999; McClelland Humans can distinguish the odors of two congenic et al., 2003). It has to be stressed, however, that MHC inbred mouse strains that differ only in their MHC heterozygotes are sometimes less resistant to infec- (Gilbert et al., 1986), and rodents seem to be able to tions than expected from the average response of recognize human MHC-types (Ferstl et al., 1992). homozygotes (McClelland et al., 2003; Wedekind Wedekind et al. (1995) found that women’s preferences et al., 2005). for male odors correlated with the degree of similarity Preferences for mates or for sperm of genetically of their own and the men’s MHC type. T-shirt odors dissimilar types have been observed in different verte- were judged as more pleasant when they were worn brate taxa. Olsson et al. (1996) found in a population of by men whose MHC genotype was different from that sand lizards (Lacerta agilis), where most females mate of the judging woman (Figure 18.2). The difference in with more than one male, that the male’s genetic simi- odor assessment was reversed when the women were larity to the female correlates with the proportion of taking oral contraceptives (studies by Thorne et al., her offspring that he sires: more dissimilar males sire 2002 and Roberts et al. 2008, revealed further effects more offspring, both in the field and in the laboratory. of oral contraceptives on odor perception). Further- They concluded that the female reproductive tissue more, the odors of MHC-dissimilar men more fre- actively selects from genetically dissimilar sperm. So quently reminded the women of their own present or far, the best example of mate preferences that depend former partners than did the odors of MHC-similar on the chooser’s own genotype is the mouse and the men. These memory associations suggested that the effects of genes on the MHC. Mice base their mate MHC or other linked genes influence human mate choice to a large extent on odors. These odors reveal choice. Later experiments (Wedekind and Fu ¨ri, 1997; some of the allelic specificity of the MHC (Yamazaki Thornhill et al., 2003; Santos et al., 2005; Roberts et al., et al., 1979, 1983a, 1983b, 1994), and this information 2008) with new combinations of T-shirt wearers and is often used in mate choice by males and females smellers provided further support of a link between (Yamazaki et al., 1976, 1988; Egid and Brown, 1989; MHC and body odors (but see Jacob et al. 2002, and
Mate Choice, the Major Histocompatibility Complex, and Offspring Viability 315 Wedekind’s 2002b, comments on this). When men and to at least one external factor that can vary over time. women sniffed at male and female odors, there was no In an in vitro experiment with two congenic mouse significant effect of gender in the correlation between strains, Wedekind et al. (1996) tested whether: (1) eggs pleasantness and MHC similarity (Wedekind and Fu ¨ri, select for sperm according to their MHC; and 1997). Carol Ober and her colleagues then found in a (2) whether the second meiotic division of the egg is large study on American Hutterites that married influenced by the MHC type of the fertilizing sperm couples were less likely to share MHC loci than (Figure. 18.1). They found that neither egg–sperm expected by chance, even after incest taboos were stat- fusion nor the second meiotic division is random, but istically controlled for (Ober et al., 1997), but Hedrick that both processes depend on the MHC of both the egg and Black (1997) could not confirm the effect in South and the sperm. However, these selection levels did not Amerindians. See Roberts and Little (2008) for a recent simply select for heterozygous MHC-combinations. review on the subject. Sometimes the eggs appeared to prefer homozygous It is still not yet clear whether MHC-correlated combinations, and sometimes they appeared to prefer mate preferences in mice or in humans optimize the heterozygous combinations. This effect of time was offspring’s immunogenetics or whether the MHC statistically significant. It seemed that the external merely serves as a marker of kinship to avoid inbreed- factor that influenced sexual selection was an uncon- ing (Potts and Wakeland, 1993; Apanius et al., 1997). trolled epidemic by mouse hepatitis virus (MHV). If the first variant holds, this would further improve The presence of MHV appeared to stimulate a prefer- host defense against pathogen populations, i.e., it ence for heterozygous combinations, while when would further reduce the observable level of virulence. absent, the mice seemed to prefer homozygous vari- However, even if the first variant holds, it remains ants. To test this hypothesis, Ru ¨licke et al. (1998) unclear what kind of MHC-complementarity is pre- repeated the experiment in vivo with two groups of ferred, i.e., whether individuals simply prefer other mice: some females were experimentally exposed to types to ensure a higher proportion of MHC-heterozy- MHV while the others were sham exposed. When gous offspring (Brown, 1997) because heterozygosity the authors typed the blastocysts of these mice for the at the MHC appears to be beneficial on average MHC, they found again that infected mice had (Hedrick and Thomson, 1983; Thursz et al., 1997; more MHC-heterozygous embryos than noninfected Carrington et al., 1999; but see Lipsitch et al., 2003; mice. This time, the finding was the outcome of an Wedekind et al., 2005), or whether mate choice aims to experiment designed to test an a priori hypothesis. reach specific allele combinations that are more bene- Several authors have previously searched for devi- ficial under given environmental conditions than ations from the expected ratios of MHC-heterozygosity others (Wedekind and Fu ¨ri, 1997). At the moment, in the progeny of controlled matings (Palm 1969, 1970; there are only few indications that such beneficial Hings and Billingham 1981, 1983, 1985; Potts et al. allele combinations exist. The strong linkage disequi- 1991). They reported a significant variability of MHC- librium observed between some alleles of the MHC heterozygote frequencies which, however, remained could be explained by long-term epistatic fitness effects poorly understood because there appeared to be a gen- (Klein, 1986; Maynard Smith, 1989), but there is still eral inability to replicate previous findings (see discus- much need for research on the beneficial or deleterious sion in Hings and Billingham 1985). Ru ¨licke et al.’s aspects of various homo- or heterozygous combin- (1998) results could lead to an explanation for the ations of MHC-haplotypes under given environmental apparently controversial findings published before, conditions, i.e., under given pathogen pressures. since they could perform the experiments under Choice for complementary alleles would be most defined hygienic conditions with a selective and moni- efficient, i.e., it would result in the highest fitness tored viral infection, i.e., they could control for the return, if individuals were able to choose their mate factor infection that was not fully controlled for in the conditionally (Wedekind, 1999). A well-tuned condi- previous studies and that could have influenced their tion-dependent mate selection could have evolved in outcome. However, it is still not clear whether MHC- some species because of a nontrivial fitness advantage. heterozygous offspring of the mice strains used in the Conditional choice would take the present pathogen above experiments have a greater resistance to pressure into account and would promote allele com- MHV-infection than homozygous variants, and it is binations in the host that ensure the optimal defense still not known whether homozygous offspring have against these pathogens. However, this requires higher survival in the absence of MHV. If so, nonran- physiological achievements that have not been demon- dom fusion of egg and sperm with regard to their strated so far. respective MHC and to the presence or absence Two studies on mice suggest that sexual selection of MHV could improve the health of the progeny, i.e., takes not only the male and female MHC-genotypes it would decrease the observed level of virulence in into account, but is also conditional since it responds a locally adapted host-pathogen system.
316 Claus Wedekind and Guillaume Evanno DIFFERENTIAL PARENTAL INVESTMENT (Weckstein et al., 1991; Ho et al., 1994), to the inter- birth interval (Ober et al., 1988), to the placenta and Evolutionary theory predicts that parents invest in baby birthweight (Reznikoff Etievant et al., 1991), and each offspring according to the potential fitness return to the likelihood of otherwise unexplained spontan- of that offspring (Fisher, 1930). If, for example, the eous abortions in the first three month of pregnancy, relative reproductive value of sons and daughters as found in the United States (Beer et al., 1985), differs for different females or different males, sex Germany (Karl et al., 1989), Japan (Koyama et al., allocation theory predicts that females adjust the sex 1991), Finland (Laitinen, 1993), or a Chinese popula- ratio of their offspring according to their own condi- tion in Taiwan (Ho et al., 1990). tion or according to their mate’s attractiveness (Trivers and Willard, 1973). Life history theory also predicts that parental investment depends on the perceived POSSIBLE GENETIC CONSEQUENCES mate quality (Williams, 1966). Such conditional paren- OF FREE MATE CHOICE tal investment was first demonstrated in experiments and field studies that showed that females increase There are many examples of human interference with their investment in the current brood when mated with animal and plant reproduction. Free mate choice is a preferred male (Burley, 1982; Delope and Møller, usually circumvented in many farm animals and 1993; Petrie and Williams, 1993). Increased parental plants, and it is often rather restricted in zoo animals. effort may lower one’s own survival and future repro- Even in our own species there are cases in which free ductive potential (Saino et al., 1999). mate choice is at least partly prevented, e.g., for some Recent studies on birds have identified the mech- cultural reasons. From a genetical point of view, this anisms of these life history decisions. Some female can also be the case as a result of infertility treatment birds lay more eggs (Petrie and Williams, 1993) or with some forms of assisted reproductive technology, larger eggs (Cunningham and Russell, 2000) after especially so in donor insemination and in egg or copulating with preferred males. In the latter case the embryo donation (donors are usually anonymous), females produced offspring of better body condition but possibly also in intracytoplasmic sperm injection when paired with preferred males. Gil et al. (1999) where potential egg choice is not allowed for. found that females deposit higher amounts of testos- It may be too early to speculate about the evolution- terone and 5a-dihydrotestosterone in their eggs when ary consequences of such interference in our own mated to attractive males. In kestrels, maternal hor- species. The implication of sexual selection on para- mones influence offspring survival (Sockman and site–host coevolution is not well understood in natural Schwabl, 1999), and in canaries, chick social rank is systems, and it is even less understood in a culturally positively correlated with the concentration of yolk shaped species like our own one. Moreover, while the testosterone in the eggs from which they hatched, sug- evidence for cryptic female choice (Figure. 18.1) is gesting that the development of aggressive behavior of increasingly convincing in some plants and animals, offspring may be modified by maternal testosterone the evidence for it in humans is only correlational, (Schwabl, 1993; Schwabl et al., 1997). There is evi- i.e., cause and effects are unclear. The existing data dence that the effect exists also in somewhat more can therefore be interpreted in various ways (Hedrick, primitive taxa. The tapeworm Schistocephalus solidus, 1988; Verrell and McCabe, 1990; Wedekind, 1994). for example, produced large eggs if given the oppor- Assisted reproductive technology is now responsible tunity to outbreed, but relatively small ones if forced to for tens of thousands of new births annually. Gosgen reproduce by selfing (Wedekind et al., 1998). et al. (1999) discussed the possibility of genetic costs of Some data suggest that there is differential paren- assisted reproductive technology in humans. The tal investment in humans, too. However, in contrast to authors found that the incidence of birth defects in many of the studies on animals, most evidence that these children is not higher than in those conceived suggests human differential investment is correl- naturally, and that any other possible negative conse- ational, i.e., causes and effects are not clear. As men- quence of circumventing free mate choice is at least not tioned above, the degree of MHC-similarity could be obvious in the context discussed here. However, the shown to influence mate preferences or aspects of success of assisted reproductive technology may mate attractiveness in some human populations. Life depend on the respective MHC types of the genetic history theory may therefore predict that differential parents of an embryo (Weckstein et al., 1991; Ho et al., maternal investment is linked to the degree of sharing 1994). Gosgen et al. (1999) called for more research on of MHC antigens between a couple. Indeed, this degree the impact of new reproductive technologies on individ- of sharing is linked to the rate of successful pregnan- uals and the population, and whether or not donor cies after in vitro fertilization or tubal embryo transfer insemination programs should reflect female choice.
Mate Choice, the Major Histocompatibility Complex, and Offspring Viability 317 Many studies on sexual selection have suggested offspring viability in modern human societies, at least that genetically dissimilar mates are sexually pre- as long as it is not used as a mechanism for inbreeding ferred (see examples above), probably because high avoidance. genetic diversity in the offspring is beneficial. It should, however, be noted that a preference for gen- etic dissimilarity could not always be observed (e.g., DISCUSSION POINTS Yamazaki et al., 1976; Wedekind et al., 1996; Hedrick and Black, 1997; Ru ¨ licke et al,. 1998), and it is not 18. What are the genetic and social costs and benefits clear whether these exceptions would have led to of various degrees of inbreeding in humans? higher viability in the offspring under given environ- 19. The idea of “good-genes” sexual selection assumes mental conditions. that potential mates differ in their heritable via- bility. What maintains variation in heritable via- bility over time in our species? CONCLUSION 20. The idea of “compatible-genes” sexual selection predicts that some combinations of alleles lead to Sexual mixing of genes has two main evolutionary fitter offspring. If choice for “compatible-genes” advantages, namely that recombination followed by lead to offspring that are heterozygous on some selection results in the efficient removal of deleterious loci, does this mean that heterozygote individuals mutations, and that it creates genetic diversity which is are generally more attractive in mate choice? important in evolutionary arms races, especially in 21. If differential maternal investment really exists in host–pathogen coevolution. It may therefore not be humans, what does it say about the fitness conse- surprising that mating in nature is often not random quences of mate choice based on attractiveness with respect to genetics, and that it may often be linked traits? to host–pathogen coevolution. Different kinds of sexual 22. How important are odors in mate choice today? selection could have different potential consequences 23. Is it possible that some forms of pregnancy prob- on offspring viability. A preference for unrelated indi- lems in humans may be induced by body odors? viduals (i.e., inbreeding avoidance) is already a very If so, what would that mean for therapy? simple form of sexual selection. Several more sophisti- cated kinds of sexual selection that can be relevant for parasite–host coevolution have been proposed, some of ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS them even after mate choice has occurred, i.e., before, We thank Michael Muehlenbein and the two anonym- during, and after gamete fusion. These possibilities ous reviewers for suggestions and comments on the have been investigated in some model species, espe- manuscript, and the Swiss National Science Founda- cially with respect to the MHC, i.e., to a set of genes tion for financial support. that are crucial in the parasite–host interaction. More- over, sexual selection is often connected to life history decisions about the use of resources, as for example in REFERENCES peahens that lay more eggs if mated to a more attract- ive peacock. In humans, mate attractiveness has been Agrawal, A. F. 2001. Sexual selection and the maintenance of found to be linked to the degree of sharing of MHC sexual reproduction. Nature, 411, 692–695. alleles, and this degree of sharing is linked to the rate of Andersson, M. 1994. Sexual Selection. Princeton: Princeton successful pregnancies after in vitro fertilization or University Press. tubal embryo transfer, the interbirth interval, placenta Aoki, K. 2005. Avoidance and prohibition of brother–sister and baby birthweight, and the likelihood of otherwise sex in humans. Population Ecology, 47, 13–19. unexplained spontaneous abortions in the first three Apanius, V., Penn, D., Slev, P. R., et al. 1997. The nature months of pregnancy. These correlations to a genetic of selection on the major histocompatibility complex. Critical Reviews in Immunology, 17, 179–224. aspect of mate attractiveness may indicate two points, Beer, A. E., Semprini, A. E., Zhu, X. Y., et al. (1985). namely that: (1) some sort of “compatible-genes” Pregnancy outcome in human couples with recurrent sexual selection may still influence mate attractiveness spontaneous abortions: HLA antigen profiles, HLA anti- and hence mate choice in our species; and (2) that gen sharing, female serum MLR blocking factors, genetic aspects of mate attractiveness may sometimes and parental leukocyte immunization. Experimental and lead to differential maternal investment. Such differen- Clinical Immunogenetics, 2, 137–153. tial maternal investment obviously influences zygote Birkhead, T. R. (1996). In it for the eggs: a review of “Female and embryo survival. It remains unclear, however, Control: Sexual Selection by Cryptic Female Choice,” by whether MHC-linked sexual selection itself affects W. G. Eberhard. Nature, 382, 772.
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19 Why Women Differ in Ovarian Function: Genetic Polymorphism, Developmental Conditions, and Adult Lifestyle Grazyna Jasienska VARIATION IN LEVELS OF REPRODUCTIVE the endometrium (Eissa et al., 1986; Dickey et al., HORMONES 1993). The endometrium is the lining of the uterus in which the fertilized egg implants and begins its further High levels of ovarian steroid hormones in menstrual development. Progesterone is essential for maturation cycles are crucial for successful pregnancy (Lipson and of the endometrium and a dose-response relationship Ellison, 1996; Venners et al., 2006) and, as such, are has been described between progesterone levels and important determinants of female reproductive suc- transformation of endometrium during the second half cess and evolutionary fitness. However, there are sub- of menstrual cycle (Santoro et al., 2000). Cycles that stantial differences in mean levels of estradiol and vary in levels of these hormones show corresponding progesterone between populations, among women variation in the chance of pregnancy. In a group of within a single population and among menstrual cycles Caucasian women from the United States who were of a single woman (Figure 19.1) (Ellison et al., 1993; attempting pregnancy, women were more likely to Jasienska and Jasienski, 2008). For example, urban achieve pregnancy during menstrual cycles with higher women in the United States have progesterone levels levels of estradiol in the follicular phase (Lipson and that are on average 65% higher than those of women Ellison, 1996). In this group of women, average estra- from the Democratic Republic of Congo (Ellison et al., diol levels were associated with a 12% probability of 1993). In a rural population from Poland, as much as conception, while a 37% rise in estradiol levels was 46% of the among-cycle variation in salivary progeste- associated with a 35% probability of conception. In rone is due to differences among individual women, healthy Chinese women who were trying to conceive, while the remaining 54% of variation is due to differ- cycles characterized by higher levels of estradiol ences among cycles of individual women (Jasienska resulted in higher rates of conception (Venners et al., and Jasienski, 2008). Such high intercycle variation 2006). Progesterone levels, especially during the mid- is probably caused by a seasonality of agricultural luteal phase, are also positively correlated with the workload and is much higher than in nonseasonal, probability of successful conception (Lu et al., 1999). industrial populations. However, even in urban women While it is well established that, among women from the United States and the United Kingdom, where from the same population, lower levels of ovarian hor- lifestyle is less influenced by seasons, progesterone mones lead to a lower probability of conception, it is levels vary from cycle to cycle (Lenton et al., 1983; less clear if differences in average levels of these hor- Sukalich et al., 1994; Gann et al., 2001;). mones described for different population can be inter- The present chapter reviews recent findings about preted the same way. That is, between populations, do variation in human female ovarian function, and more lower average levels of estradiol and progesterone lead specifically, the levels of two primary female repro- to lower probability of conception in one population ductive hormones: 17-b estradiol and progesterone. versus another? It has been suggested that ovarian These steroids are involved in processes leading to function may have different set-points, depending on ovulation, fertilization, and implantation of the fertil- lifestyle conditions (Vitzthum, 2001). Women with ized egg. Their levels are important for successful com- chronically poor energetic conditions would have pletion of these processes and as such are directly lower levels of ovarian hormones, but that these levels responsible for the establishment of pregnancy. Estra- would be sufficient for conception to occur. For diol levels positively correlate with follicle size and egg example, rural Bolivian women conceived during quality, and are related to morphology and thickness of cycles with mean progesterone levels approximately Human Evolutionary Biology, ed. Michael P. Muehlenbein. Published by Cambridge University Press. # Cambridge University Press 2010. 322
Why Women Differ in Ovarian Function 323 Luteal progesterone (pmol/L) 350 Woman 1 Woman 2 Woman 3 450 250 150 50 12345678 12345678 12345678 Month of the study 19.1. Inter-individual and intra-individual differences in mean luteal progesterone levels among healthy Polish rural women with regular menstrual cycles. Progesterone was measured for each woman in daily collected saliva samples during six menstrual cycles. 40% lower than the levels measured during conception Fetal Adult Childhood cycles of urban US women (Vitzthum et al., 2004). It Genes environment environment environment is argued that women living in chronically poor ener- getic conditions are not expected to have levels of hormones equally high as women having good ener- getic conditions (Ellison, 1990; Lipson, 2001). Lower levels of hormones during the cycle observed in women from chronically poor environments lead to the longer Ovarian function waiting time to conception, but conception is still possible. It is important to note that comparisons of mean Fertility levels of ovarian hormones among populations or among individual women are difficult. One needs to Reproductive success make sure that women were in a similar age range, were selected for participation in a study using similar 19.2. Ovarian function is influenced by genes, developmental criteria, and that differences in laboratory procedures conditions during fetal and childhood growth, and adult life- style. Ovarian function, and more specifically, levels of estradiol do not contribute to variation in hormone levels. In and progesterone, are important determinants of female addition, hormonal values from blood or serum are fecundity, and as such directly related to her reproductive not directly comparable with values obtained from success. saliva or urine (see Chapter 8 of this volume). In conse- quence, reliable comparisons of hormone levels can be made, at present, only for very few populations (Ellison important to emphasize that considerable variation in et al., 1993; Ellison, 1994; Jasienska and Thune, 2001a). the levels of estradiol and progesterone exists among cycles in such women, and that substantial variation is still present even among cycles that are regular and WHY DO WOMEN AND POPULATIONS DIFFER ovulatory. IN LEVELS OF HORMONES? Ovarian function is sensitive to changes in lifestyle and can respond with reproductive suppression, espe- Levels of hormones are influenced by many factors: cially to changes in energy availability. Reproductive genes, developmental conditions during fetal and suppression is understood here as any change in childhood growth, and adult lifestyle (Figure 19.2). It reproductive function which lowers the probability of is also well established that levels of reproductive hor- pregnancy. When reproductive suppression results mones change with age. The lowest levels are observed from the presence of environmental stressors, it usu- in the years past menarche and before the menopause, ally occurs in gradual fashion (Prior, 1985; Ellison, and the highest levels for women between 25 and 1990): a small reduction in energy intake may cause 35 years of age. For a review of age-related variation low progesterone production in the luteal phase of the in ovarian function see Ellison (1994). menstrual cycle. A more serious energy limitation may This chapter does not review variation in hormonal result in the absence of ovulation or even total suppres- levels due to various diseases or anatomical/ sion of cycling (amenorrhea). The probability of preg- physiological pathologies, but rather focuses on vari- nancy is, of course, reduced to zero when menstrual ation in ovarian hormone levels in healthy women. It is cycles are anovulatory or absent. However, it must be
324 Grazyna Jasienska noted that even during ovulatory cycles characterized impact on ovarian function (Ellison, 2003a, 2003b). by reduced levels of ovarian steroids, the chances of But the interactive effects of energetic conditions successful pregnancy are decreased (Eissa et al., 1986; during fetal development and adulthood energetic McNeely and Soules, 1988; Dickey et al., 1993). conditions on ovarian function in adult women may be very important. A study of Polish women that used ponderal index at birth (as an indicator of energetic CONDITIONS DURING FETAL DEVELOPMENT, conditions during fetal development) also assessed AND HORMONE LEVELS AT ADULTHOOD levels of mean total daily energy expenditure (as an indicator of energetic conditions during adulthood) Relatively little is known about the influence of maternal (Jasienska et al., 2006d). It was hypothesized that size conditions on the development of offspring reproductive at birth would correlate with the sensitivity of adult functions. Maternal environment may permanently ovarian function to energetic stress. More specifically, influence numerous aspects of fetal physiology (see women born with poorer nutritional status should have Chapters 2 and 30 of this volume), but most research higher sensitivity to energetic stress and lower response projects have been concerned with physiological thresholds in adulthood than women born in better changes related to subsequent risk of cardiovascular dis- nutritional status. Higher sensitivity may be indicated eases, high blood pressure, and insulin metabolism. by a reduction in the levels of estradiol in menstrual However, prepregnancy weight, weight gain during cycles at a lower threshold of energetic stress. pregnancy, and newborn size may be indicators of sub- Results of this study indicated that nutritional sequent reproductive functioning in offspring. status at birth is a predictor of the sensitivity of adult Several studies support the hypothesis that condi- ovarian function to energetic stress. Physical activity tions during fetal development, indicated by the size of may suppress ovarian function. However, women who 0 the newborn baby, have important effects on a woman s had a high ponderal index at birth did not exhibit reproductive physiology (Davies and Norman, 2002). ovarian suppression in response to moderate levels Girls born small for gestational age have, as adoles- of physical activity at adulthood. They responded with cents, a smaller uterus and ovaries and reduced rates suppression only to higher levels of physical activity, of ovulation (Ibanez et al., 2000a, 2000b, 2002). Size at while, in contrast, women who had a lower ponderal birth may even influence age of menarche and meno- index at birth showed ovarian suppression even under pause (Cresswell et al., 1997; Adair, 2001). Cycles in mild energetically stressful conditions (Figure 19.3). women with early menarche may also be characterized by higher levels of ovarian steroids (Apter, 1996). While the studies listed above focused on small size Low activity Moderate activity High activity for gestational age (usually below 2500 g), variation in “normal” size at birth may also be related to ovarian 24 function. In healthy Polish women with regular men- strual cycles, variation in levels of estradiol was related to their size at birth (Jasienska et al., 2006e). The 20 ponderal index (calculated as body weight/body 3 length ) describes fatness at birth and, therefore, can Estradiol (pmol/L) 0 be used as an indicator of newborn s nutritional status. 16 This measure significantly predicted levels of estradiol in menstrual cycles: mean estradiol was 16.4 pmol/L in the group of women with low ponderal index, 12 17.3 pmol/L in the group with moderate ponderal index, and 19.6 pmol/L in the group with high ponderal First tertile Third tertile index. These results suggest that conditions during Tertiles of fatness at birth fetal life influence physiological mechanisms respon- sible for production of reproductive hormones in 19.3. Mean (with 95% confidence intervals) levels of estradiol in women from the first and the third tertiles of fatness at birth (as adulthood, and may be one of the central causes of quantified by the ponderal index) at three different levels of interindividual variation in reproductive function mean daily physical activity. At low physical activity, both tertiles observed in adult women. of fatness at birth had similar levels of estradiol. These tertiles of Of course, the levels of ovarian hormones in adult fatness also did not differ at high levels of physical activity. Such women result not only from impact of the fetal envir- activity was associated with reduced estradiol in both groups. Moderate levels of physical activity, however, were sufficient to onment, but also from the influences of the adult envir- suppress estradiol levels in women who were relatively skinny at onment. As discussed later in this chapter, metabolic birth (the first tertile), but not in women relatively fat at birth (the conditions during adult life have a well established third tertile).
Why Women Differ in Ovarian Function 325 The predictive adaptive response hypothesis was for the effects of potentially confounding factors, like developed by Gluckman and Hanson (2005) in order sports ability (Paul et al., 2006). Since energy expend- to explain how physiological adjustments made by a iture resulting from sports participation is one of the fetus may result from developmental constraints or, most important factors influencing levels of ovarian alternatively, are adaptive responses to future enviro- hormones, such a variable should be controlled for nment. It was suggested that the developing fetus (e.g., as a covariate) when investigating a relationship receives information about past environmental condi- between 2D:4D and hormone levels. tions that serves as cues for making predictions about future environmental conditions (Gluckman et al., CONDITIONS DURING CHILDHOOD 2005b; Ellison, 2005; Kuzawa, 2005; Jasienska, 2009). AND OVARIAN HORMONES Therefore, women who develop under poor in utero conditions may receive a signal predicting poor envir- Nutritional conditions during childhood can influence onmental conditions in adulthood. In these women, the age at menarche: girls with poor nutritional status ovarian sensitivity to energetic stress may be more mature later than those with good nutritional status acute, so that relatively mild energetic stressors in (Ellison, 1982, 1990; Vermeulen, 1993). In those that adulthood (a possible signal of deteriorating environ- mature early, ovarian hormone levels are higher, in mental conditions) would result in reproductive sup- comparison with those that mature late, for at least pression. Such ovarian suppression, associated with a several years past menarche (Vihko and Apter, 1984). reduced probability of conception (Lipson and Ellison, It is unclear if early menarche somehow changes the 1996), may represent a developmentally plastic, pre- future trajectory of reproductive physiology or if both dictive adaptive response, lowering the probability of age at menarche and hormone levels are independently conception when prospects for successful gestation are influenced by nutritional conditions. poor (Ellison, 2003a; Jasienska, 2003). Recently, more direct evidence pointed to the Studies of body asymmetry, finger length ratios impact of childhood conditions on adult ovarian func- (2D:4D), and ovarian hormones also reveal an influ- tion. Nunez-De La Mora et al. (2007) analyzed levels of ence of the uterine environment on adult ovarian func- ovarian hormones in Bangladeshi women of repro- tion. Fluctuating asymmetry (FA), or random deviation ductive age living in Bangladesh with Bangladeshi from perfect symmetry expected in bilateral structures women who migrated to the United Kingdom at differ- of bilaterally symmetric organisms, may result from ent points of their lives, and also with Caucasian the influences of environmental stressors operating women living in the United Kingdom. Bangladeshi during fetal development (Moller and Swaddle, 1997; women who spent their childhood in Bangladesh had Jones et al., 2001). Results pointing to a relationship lower levels of progesterone than Bangladeshi women between FA and reproductive physiology in women are who migrated to United Kingdom as children, or preliminary, but such a relationship was indicated those who were born in the United Kingdom. Those between breast symmetry and fertility-related traits, women who migrated as young children (between zero since women with higher breast symmetry had a and eight years of age) had significantly higher levels of higher number of offspring (Moller et al., 1995). progesterone than those who migrated at later ages. Another study confirmed this finding and, in addition, They also exhibited earlier age at menarche and taller documented an earlier age at first birth for more sym- adult size. For women who migrated as children (prior metric women (Manning et al., 1997). A relationship to menarche), age at migration predicted age at menar- between FA and ovarian function was also documented che and average levels of luteal progesterone: early in Polish women: mean mid-cycle estradiol levels in migration was associated with earlier maturation and more symmetric urban women were almost 30% higher hormone levels at adulthood. Energetic stres- higher than estradiol levels in asymmetric women from sors resulting from maintaining immune responses to the same population (Jasienska et al., 2006b). high infectious disease burden in Bangladesh was sug- Digit length ratio (index to ring fingers; 2D:4D) may gested to be responsible for lower levels of ovarian also be another marker of uterine conditions, parti- function in women who remained in Bangladesh and cularly the influence of androgens on prenatal sex those who emigrated at later ages. differentiation (Manning et al., 2002). In women of reproductive age, estradiol measured in a single serum sample was positively correlated with 2D:4D (Manning ENERGY METABOLISM DURING ADULT LIFE: et al., 1998). McIntyre et al. (2007) also identified a ENERGY INTAKE AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY positive correlation between right hand 2D:4D and estradiol, but not progesterone, levels. While the latter The influence of adult lifestyle on reproductive func- study was advantageous by measuring hormones in tion has been studied intensely (Ellison, 2003b). Levels daily collected saliva samples, neither study controlled of ovarian hormones are often reduced due to poor
326 Grazyna Jasienska nutritional condition. Negative energy balance, is stronger when weight loss occurs in combination resulting from either high levels of energy expenditure with exercise (Bullen et al., 1985), or when it occurs or from low levels of energy intake, correlates with in young women (Schweiger et al., 1989). reduced levels of ovarian hormones. Variation in ovarian function caused by energetic Intense exercise and very negative energy balance factors is not restricted to cases of voluntary exercise or are associated with increased incidence of menstrual dieting in urban women. It has also been described as disturbances and even total amenorrhea (absence of a result of workload or seasonal food shortages in cycles) (Prior et al., 1982; Prior, 1985; Broocks et al., women with more traditional lifestyles. Farm women 1990; Rosetta, 1993, 2002; Rosetta et al., 1998;). High in rural Poland have profiles of salivary progesterone incidence of menstrual disturbances in female endur- that vary with the intensity and duration of their work- ance athletes has been well documented (Feicht et al., loads (Jasienska, 1996; Jasienska and Ellison, 1998, 1978; Prior et al., 1992; Rosetta, 1993). Such disrup- 2004). Women in Zaire and Nepal show seasonally tions can be induced in previously untrained women suppressed levels of ovarian steroids associated with who are subjected to demanding regimes of aerobic changes in workload and energy balance (Ellison et al., exercise (Bullen et al., 1985). 1986; Panter-Brick et al., 1993). In Zaire this seasonal More moderate variation in energy expenditure variation in ovarian function has been implicated as (e.g., women engaged in various forms of recreational the main cause of observed seasonality in conceptions exercise) is associated with less dramatic changes in (Bailey et al., 1992). ovarian function, including lower levels of ovarian Energy expenditure due to sport participation or hormone, but without the disruption of menstrual pat- occupational work may influence ovarian function terns, and often even without any change in menstrual independently of negative energy balance. Bullen cycle regularity (Pirke et al., 1989; Broocks et al., 1990; et al. (1985) investigated the effects of intense physical Ellison, 1990; De Souza et al., 1998; Jasienska and exercise on ovarian function in previously untrained Ellison, 1998, 2004; Jasienska et al., 2006f). For women. While women in one group were losing weight example, weekly running, even at very low distances, during eight weeks of intense training regime, a second causes changes in the length of the luteal phase of the group of women were receiving controlled diets with menstrual cycle (Shangold et al., 1979). Recreational enough additional calories to maintain prestudy body joggers who run on average less than 24 km per week weight. Even though the suppression of ovarian func- have suppressed levels of salivary progesterone tion was more pronounced in the weight-loss group, (Ellison and Lager, 1985, 1986; Bledsoe et al., 1990). women who did not lose weight when training also The incidence of anovulatory cycles in adolescent girls showed evidence of moderate ovarian suppression. also shows a dose-response relationship to weekly Ovarian suppression has also been documented in energy expenditure (Bernstein et al., 1987). women who were maintaining stable body weight Negative energy balance resulting from low energy while running on average 20 km per week (Ellison 0 intake also influences ovarian function. During the and Lager, 1986). Even though the runners menstrual Dutch famine in the winter of 1944–1945, severe cal- cycles were of similar length as those in the control oric restrictions resulted in reduced ability to conceive, group, they were characterized by lower levels (and as indicated by birth records (Vigersky et al., 1977; shorter profiles) of luteal progesterone. In Polish Painter et al., 2005). Women who lost 15% of initial women, variation in the amount of habitual physical weight exhibited amenorrhea and disturbances in the activity (as measured by average total daily energy release of pituitary gonadotropins (Vigersky et al., expenditure) corresponds to variation in estradiol 1977). In young women, caloric restriction (i.e., levels (Jasienska et al., 2006f) (Figure 19.4). Women dieting) is associated with increased incidence of from the low-activity group had 30% higher estradiol menstrual disturbances and suppressed ovarian concentration than women from the high-activity hormone profiles (Pirke et al., 1985). Eating disorders, group. such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are Occupational work that does not necessarily cause often associated with serious menstrual and hormonal negative energy balance may still result in ovarian sup- disorders (Becker et al., 1999). Women do not need to pression (Jasienska, 1996; Jasienska and Ellison, 1998, be thin, however, to develop ovarian suppression in 2004; Jasienska et al., 2006f). Polish women working response to weight loss. Lower salivary progesterone on their own farms had salivary progesterone levels profiles have been observed in women who lose only reduced by almost 25% during the months of intense moderate amounts of mass through caloric restriction harvest-related activities in comparison to months (Lager and Ellison, 1990). In these women, suppres- with less demanding work. These women were in good sion of ovarian steroid levels was even more pro- nutritional status (mean body mass index [BMI] of 2 nounced in the cycle following that in which the 24.4 kg/m , mean body fat percentage of 27.5) and did weight loss occurred. Suppression of ovarian function not exhibit negative energy balance as a result of
Why Women Differ in Ovarian Function 327 19.4. Profiles of mean estradiol for groups of Low activity women with low, moderate, and high levels of Moderate activity mean daily habitual physical activity. Confidence 35 High activity intervals were omitted for clarity. Reprinted from Jasienska et al. (2006f). 30 Estradiol (pmol/L) 25 20 15 –8 –6 –4 –2 0 +2 +4 +6 +8 Aligned days of menstrual cycle intense work. Results of these studies clearly indicate example, in a study which examined women who were that negative energy balance is not a necessary condi- patients of fertility clinics from the United States and tion for the occurrence of physical activity-induced Canada, obese women (BMI 27) were three times less reproductive suppression in women. likely to conceive than women with a BMI between 20 and 25 (Grodstein et al., 1994). Similarly, obese British women reported more menstrual problems IS BODY FAT RELATED TO FECUNDITY? and were less likely to conceive than women with lower body weight (Lake et al., 1997). These obese women Women with very low and very high body fat levels often experienced pregnancy complications, including often experience menstrual and hormone level irregu- hypertension. In the United States, the risk of infertility larities, and thus are less likely to conceive. Several increases from 1.1 among women with a BMI of 22.0– studies have described a positive or an inverse U-shape 23.9 to 2.7 in women with BMI 32 (Rich-Edwards relationship between BMI or body fat percentage and et al., 1994). Obese women who are able to lose a estradiol levels in women (Bruning et al., 1992; Barnett modest amount of weight (even less than 10%) often et al., 2002; Furberg et al., 2005; Ziomkiewicz, 2006). observe improved menstrual regularity, higher rate of None of these studies, however, controlled for the ovulation, higher ovarian hormone levels, and, conse- effects of energy balance. It is possible that variation quently, a higher chance of conception (Falsetti et al., in BMI or body fat is correlated with variation in 1992; Clark et al., 1995; Galletly et al., 1996; Norman energy balance. Many women are able to achieve low and Clark, 1998). Therefore, weight loss is recom- BMI or low fat percentages due to conscious control of mended for obese women who are unable to become body size through low energy diet or exercise. These pregnant. Some authors even suggest that weight loss women are more likely, on average, to be in a state of programs should be offered to women before any other negative energy balance or have high levels of energy treatments for infertility (Norman et al., 2004). expenditure. As discussed earlier, both of these factors have well established suppressive effects on ovarian function. In further analyses, Ziomkiewicz et al. OVARIAN SUPPRESSION AS AN (2008) suggested a positive relationship between body EVOLUTIONARY ADAPTIVE PHENOMENON fat percentage and estradiol levels, but only in women with positive energy balance, while in women with Ellison (1990, 2003a) proposed that physiological negative energy balance, body fat did not correlate responses of the reproductive system of contemporary with ovarian function. women to energetic factors are not pathological, but An excess of body fat seems to be detrimental to rather reflect important features of human biology fecundity. Women who are obese or overweight have a during the evolution of modern humans, particularly lower likelihood of conceiving and suffer more compli- throughout the late Paleolithic era. Human physiology cations during pregnancy than women of healthy body has remained basically unchanged since this time weight (Baird et al., 2006; Homan et al., 2007). For (Eaton et al., 1988, 2002), and energetic stressors have
328 Grazyna Jasienska been, and still are, salient features of life in many and Martorell, 1988; National Academy of Sciences traditional populations (Roberts et al., 1982; Lawrence Committee on Population, 1989; Tracer, 1991; Little and Whitehead, 1988; Panter-Brick, 1993; Adams, et al., 1992; Winkvist et al., 1992; Miller et al., 1994; 1995; Benefice et al., 1996; Sellen, 2000). Pike, 1999; George et al., 2000), thus negatively Human female reproduction is energetically expen- affecting her future reproductive potential. Shorter life sive. Relatively little energy is required to maintain spans in women with many children also suggests that ovarian and uterine functions. However, resting meta- reproduction may indeed have negative long-term con- bolic rate rises by 612% for several days during the sequences for maternal health (Doblhammer, 2000; luteal phase (Bisdee et al., 1989; Meijer et al., 1992; Helle et al., 2002; Dribe, 2004; Jasienska et al., 2006c). Howe et al., 1993; Curtis et al., 1996), and women tend Reproductive suppression in response to tempor- to increase their caloric intake during the days ary, poor environmental conditions serves to protect following ovulation, perhaps compensating for addi- maternal condition and optimize lifetime reproductive tional energetic expenses of hormone production output (Ellison, 2003b). With longer interbirth inter- (Johnson et al., 1994). Such evidence points to the fact vals, women can improve their nutritional status that some additional energy beyond regular mainten- before the next energy drain caused by pregnancy and ance needs is required to support regular menstrual lactation. Negative energy balance is a transient state, function (Strassmann, 1996), although these costs are often occurring just seasonally, and quickly changing negligible in comparison with the energetic demands when food availability improves or workload lightens. 0 associated with pregnancy and lactation. Ellison s hypothesis elegantly explains why reproduc- Frisch (1984) proposed that, due to high the ener- tive suppression is adaptive in women with a negative getic costs of pregnancy and lactation, ovarian func- energy balance. However, suppression occurring in tion should respond in an on/off manner to the body fat response to high levels of physical activity in women stores. A woman with body fat insufficient to support with a neutral or positive energy balance (i.e., not the energetic costs of pregnancy and lactation should losing or gaining body weight) requires additional be unable to conceive. However, while fat stores may explanation. indeed be necessary to support the energetic costs of The “constrained downregulation” hypothesis pro- 0 milk production (McNamara, 1995), such stores are posed that intense workload compromises a woman s insufficient to support the energetic costs rendered by ability to allocate sufficient energy to reproduce both pregnancy and lactation. (Jasienska, 2001, 2003). Women who, as a result of Data demonstrating that women in developing increased physical activity, remain in a state of high- countries often have very low fat reserves (Lawrence energy flux (high-energy expenditure compensated by et al., 1987; Little et al., 1992; Panter-Brick, 1996) led to high-energy intake), may have an impaired ability to the hypothesis that, in the developing world, the func- downregulate their own metabolism when faced with tion of fat stores is to serve as an emergency resource. increasing energetic needs of pregnancy and lactation. Maternal fat stores may become useful when environ- Lowered basal metabolism serves as one mechanism mental conditions decline, but they cannot be used allowing women from traditional subsistence popula- to steadily support milk production (Prentice and tions to allocate more energy to reproduction (Poppitt Prentice, 1990; Lunn, 1994). Even in well-nourished et al., 1993, 1994; Sjodin et al., 1996). On the other Western women, body fat stores used to support just hand, increased basal metabolism is frequently obser- half of lactation costs would last not longer than ved in individuals who exhibit increased physical acti- 11 months. In poorly nourished Gambian women, fat vity (Sjodin et al., 1996). It is possible that these reserves used for this function would last for only hard-working women with elevated basal metabolism 4 months (Prentice and Prentice, 1990; Lunn, 1994). have constrained ability to redirect energy for repro- It should be stressed that women are capable of ductive processes. In this case, temporary suppression supporting a reproductive episode on a limited energy of ovarian function may be adaptive even in individuals supply, but this does entail substantial long-term costs. who are still sustaining positive energy balance. Reproduction in women in poor energetic conditions is often associated with diminished reproductive out- comes, reflected by poor newborn health conditions THE HOURGLASS FIGURE: RELATIONSHIPS (Lechtig et al., 1975; Roberts et al., 1982; Kusin et al., BETWEEN BODY SHAPE AND 1992; Siniarska, 1992; Pike, 2000). These children are, HORMONE LEVELS as adults, at increased risk of several metabolic diseases (Barker, 1994; Gluckman and Hanson, 2004; According to human evolutionary psychology, physical Gluckman et al., 2005a). Reproduction during poor characteristics like breast size and waist-to-hip ratio energetic conditions also worsens maternal nutritional (WHR) are used by human males to assess female status (“the maternal depletion syndrome”) (Merchant attractiveness (Singh, 1993; Tovee et al., 1999). Males
Why Women Differ in Ovarian Function 329 may pay attention to these features because they may (Tuschen-Caffier et al., 1999), but these results cannot serve as cues to fecundity and health. However, only a be used to suggest that psychological stress was the few studies have reported significant relationships primary factor causing infertility. between a low WHR (narrow waist, wider hips) or “Psychological stress” is a broad concept, and stu- large breast size and increased fecundity. In addition, dies use various ways to qualify and quantify psycho- in most such studies, women with high WHR were also logical stress, focusing on “stressors,” “perceived obese (Evans et al., 1983; Moran et al., 1999), or were stress,” or physiological “stress responses.” Cortisol patients of fertility clinics (Zaadstra et al., 1993). Low levels are often used as markers of psychological stress, fecundity in such women may be the direct effect of and while they indeed become elevated in response to obesity and not a high WHR. stressful stimuli, cortisol is also elevated in response One study investigated the relationship between to energetic stress. Mobilization of energy due to, for body shape and fecundity in nonobese, fecund women example, physical activity, infection, or low ambient (Jasienska et al., 2004). Women with a higher breast- temperature is associated with high levels of cortisol to-underbreast ratio (larger breasts) and women with a (Hackney and Viru, 1999). Therefore, a relationship relatively low waist-to-hip ratio (narrower waists) had between cortisol levels and ovarian hormones cannot significantly higher fecundity as assessed by estradiol be used as the evidence that psychological stress sup- and progesterone levels. Even more interesting was the presses ovarian function. To complicate things further, finding that women who were characterized by both a psychological stress and energetic stress often coin- narrow waist and large breasts had 26% higher mean cide. For example, in traditional agricultural popula- estradiol and 37% higher mean mid-cycle estradiol tions, famine may lead to both weight loss and high levels than women with other combinations of body anxiety levels. shape variables (i.e., low WHR with small breasts and A potential impact of moderate, acute psycho- high WHR with either large or small breasts). In this logical stress on levels of ovarian steroid hormones study, breast sizes and WHR were large or small, in a was addressed in a study of United States college relative sense; population mean values were used as women taking the Medical College Admission Test criteria for categorizing women into groups of large (MCAT) (Ellison et al., 2007). Women who took the or small sizes. Therefore, a relationship between body MCAT had significantly higher scores of anxiety during shape and reproductive potential can be detected even the months preceding the MCAT exams than several within a group of otherwise “average” women. months after the exams. During the exam period, their anxiety was also higher than in women from the control group. Despite the differences in levels of PSYCHOLOGICAL STRESS AND FECUNDITY self-reported anxiety reported by women, no statistic- ally significant differences were observed in the levels We know that infertility often causes psychological of cortisol, estradiol, or progesterone. In addition, stress, but there is limited evidence that psychological the relationship between chronic anxiety levels and stress causes infertility (Campagne, 2006). Many ovarian function was examined in women 27–41 years women with fertility problems report high levels of of age. There was no statistically significant relation- psychological stress, and these results are often inter- ship between chronic anxiety and levels of either corti- preted as evidence that psychological stress influences sol or ovarian hormones. In total, the study did not fecundity. Despite great interest in the potential impact identify any suppressive effects of moderate anxiety, of psychological stress on the ability to conceive, or on either acute or chronic, on ovarian function. the risk of early pregnancy loss (Domar et al., 2000; In general, it is too early to conclude if psycho- Smeenk et al., 2001; Boivin, 2003; Cwikel et al., 2004; logical stress has a suppressive effect on ovarian Anderheim et al., 2005; Nepomnaschy et al., 2006), it is function. Carefully controlled studies on the effects of not clear if moderate psychological stress may indeed energetic stress on ovarian function in women from have such detrimental effects. traditional, non-Western populations may help resolve Studies investigating relationships between psy- this problem. chological stress and fertility in women are plagued by several methodological problems (Ellison et al., 2007). Frequently, stress levels of women at fertility IS VARIATION IN HORMONE LEVELS clinics are compared to stress levels in women who EXPLAINED BY GENETIC VARIATION? do not exhibit fertility problems (Harrison et al., 1986; Domar et al., 1990). It is not surprising if the Levels of ovarian hormones within and between popu- former group experiences more severe psychological lations may be influenced by genetic polymorphisms, stress. Cognitive-behavioral therapy may improve and there are several candidate genes. For example, some aspects of fertility in otherwise infertile couples some studies suggest that polymorphisms of the
330 Grazyna Jasienska estrogen receptor genes are related to variation in (Garcia-Closas et al., 2002; Travis et al., 2004) which levels of androgens in premenopausal women also did not identify significant differences in estradiol (Westberg et al., 2001) and variation in levels of levels among CYP17 genotypes, used a single blood estradiol in postmenopausal women (Peter et al., sample per woman for hormone measurements. 2008). However, a large multiethnic study has found Only two studies have controlled for within-cycle only weak (explaining < 4% of variation) and inconsis- variability in estradiol levels by measuring hormones tent associations between receptor genetic polymor- levels via multiple samples. Over a 2-year period, Lurie phism and estradiol levels (Sowers et al., 2006). et al. (2005) sampled women, on average, at 4.4 time Genetic variants of CYP17, CYP19, CYPA1A, and points and did not identify any significant relation- CYPB1B are involved in the steroid metabolic pathway ships between estradiol levels and CYP17 genotype. In and code for enzymes involved in steroid production contrast, Jasienska et al. (2006a) measured ovarian and metabolism. These genetic variants can therefore hormone levels in saliva samples collected daily across influence levels of circulating steroid hormones. The an entire menstrual cycle. In this case, variation in most intensely studied of all genes involved in steroid estradiol levels was partially explained by polymorph- metabolism are CYP19 and CYP17. ism at the CYP17 locus: women with A2/A2 genotypes CYP19 encodes aromatase, a key enzyme in the had 54% higher mean estradiol levels than women with synthesis of estrogens. Several studies have docu- A1/A1 genotypes, and 37% higher mean estradiol levels mented a relationship between polymorphism of this than women who had only one A2 allele. Heterozygous gene and estrogen levels in postmenopausal women A1/A2 women had 13% higher estradiol levels than (Tworoger et al., 2004; Haiman et al., 2007; Peter homozygous A1/A1 women. Levels of estradiol during et al., 2008), but not in the menstrual cycles of younger the preovulatory day were 72% higher in A2/A2 com- women (Garcia-Closas et al., 2002). CYP17 encodes pared to A1/A1, and 52% higher compared to A1/A2. cytochrome P450c17a, which mediates activities of While variation in levels of hormones in response the enzymes 17a-hydroxylase and 17,20-lyase, both energetic factors, such as energy balance or energy involved in the biosynthesis of estrogen (Small et al., expenditure, can be explained as adaptive, the exist- 2005). A single nucleotide polymorphism in the ence of genetic variation at the loci responsible for 0 5 -untranslated region of CYP17 is relatively common, hormone production is not immediately clear. Since and presence of the A2 allele is thought to increase high levels of hormones are important determinants transcription rates. In other words, having a simple of female fecundity, one would expect a strong and mutation in CYP17 (e.g., having the A2 allele as part consistent selective pressure promoting the alleles of the CYP17 genotype) increases enzyme production encoding high levels of reproductive hormones. These rates needed for the synthesis of estrogens. alleles should be most prevalent in all contemporary The relationship between CYP17 polymorphism and populations. Instead, in all studied populations there estradiol levels in premenopausal women has been the is a considerable polymorphism in genes involved in focus of several studies (Feigelson et al., 1998; Garcia- steroid production and metabolism. Why are the low- Closas et al., 2002; Travis et al., 2004; Hong et al., 2004; steroid alleles present in modern populations at all? Lurie et al., 2005; Small et al., 2005), although results Females with alleles that code for high production are inconsistent. Estradiol levels measured around day of reproductive hormones could have a clear selective 11 of the menstrual cycle have been reported to be 11% advantage over females with allelic variants coding for and 57% higher among women with genotypes A1/A2 lower steroid levels. However, those with high-level and A2/A2, respectively, compared to A1/A1 women alleles could potentially exhibit lower lifetime fitness (Feigelson et al., 1998). Estradiol levels during the luteal compared to other females. While estrogens are in phase, around day 22 of the cycle, were reported to be general beneficial for fecundity and health in women, 7% and 28% higher for women with A1/A2 and A2/A2, high estrogen levels are also responsible for increased respectively. Women with the A2/A2 genotype had 42% risk of hormone-dependent cancers, including breast (and heterozygotes A1/A2 19%) higher estradiol than the cancer (Pike et al., 1983, 1993; Bernstein and Ross, A1/A1 homozygotes, but this was true only for women 1993). Therefore, women with high levels of estradiol 2 with BMI values not greater than 25 kg/m (Small et al., would have the advantage of having higher potential 2005). It is important to note that both of these studies fertility, but at the risk of dying from reproductive were based on only one or two estradiol values meas- cancers. Reproductive cancers are, however, most ured per woman. prevalent in postmenopausal women. Another study of premenopausal women did not An alternative explanation is that low-level alleles identify any differences in estradiol levels among are simply sufficient for normal physiological func- CYP17 genotypes, but rather documented significant tions, but that lifestyle changes associated with the differences in dehydroepiandrosterone levels (Hong introduction of agriculture led to the consumption of et al., 2004). This study, in addition to two others larger quantities of food which contain high
Why Women Differ in Ovarian Function 331 concentrations of phytoestrogens. These chemicals observational studies allow us to only conclude that bind to estrogen receptors and influence activity of two variables are correlated. For example, causality enzymes involved in the steroid metabolism (Kuiper cannot be determined between the correlation of et al., 1998; Xu et al., 1998). When consumed in large WHR ratio and estrogen levels. Estrogen influences quantities, these chemicals may reduce levels of the pattern of fat distribution so that women with endogenous estrogens (Kapiszewska et al., 2006; Xu higher estrogen levels may have higher fat deposition et al., 1998). Phytoestrogens exhibit much more potent in the hip region, or lower fat deposition in the waist estrogen receptor binding abilities when diet is rich in region, or both. At the same time, body fat influences carbohydrates, a common feature in agricultural popu- estrogen levels, and women with high abdominal lations (Setchell and Cassidy, 1999). fat may have reduced levels of estradiol. Causality In ancestral populations that lacked high consump- in this example is likely complex and bidirectional. tion rates of phytoestrogens, the levels of hormones The relationship between physical activity, ovarian coded by low-levels alleles could have been optimal function, and estrogen levels seems to be much more for ovarian function, ensuring sufficiently high prob- straightforward. ability of conception. But because increased phytoes- trogen consumption may cause lower fecundity in women, consuming large quantities of phytoestrogens AREHIGHLEVELSOFHORMONESIN after the spread of agriculture may have placed a WESTERN WOMEN A PHYSIOLOGICAL NORM? selective advantage on high-level genotypes. Medical sciences have assumed that urban women from industrialized countries have physiology operat- HORMONE LEVELS AND ing at optimal levels. Therefore, high levels of ovarian GENE–ENVIRONMENT INTERACTIONS hormones in menstrual cycles are considered a physio- logical norm. Lower hormone levels in women from In healthy women of comparable ages, variation in non-Western populations are not discussed much in hormone levels can be explained, to a large extent, by medical literature. Many physicians have and still do variation in energetic factors, which in turn are related consider low ovarian hormonal levels in these women to environmental conditions. Energy availability to a as pathological. However, as pointed out by Ellison developing fetus, to a growing girl, and to an adult (2003b), hormone levels in Western women actually woman influences the levels of hormones produced appear to be abnormally high. Abundant availability during the menstrual cycles. But what about gene– of energy during fetal and childhood development environment interactions? Do women with genetically and during adult life contributes to the presence of influenced low levels of hormones have comparable high levels of ovarian hormones. Such energetic condi- responses to environmental energetic factors as do tions were unlikely features throughout the majority of women with genetically influenced high levels? Would human evolution. physical exercise of exactly the same duration and In Western populations, women also have high intensity have the same effect on women of different numbers of cycles during their lives (Strassmann, genotypes? No studies have so far addressed these 1997; Eaton and Eaton III, 1999). Early age at questions. If the suppression of reproductive function menarche and late age at menopause expand the is an adaptive response to low availability of metabolic range of years during which cycles occur. With fewer energy, should similar responses be observed in all pregnancies, a woman spends more time cycling. women, regardless of whether they are genetically low With fewer pregnancies, a woman also spends less or high hormone “producers”? time breast-feeding. Even while breast-feeding, a Furthermore, as suggested before, genetic variation woman may resume her cycles early, because of in hormone levels may be a relatively new evolutionary infrequent nursing episodes and good maternal phenomenon, appearing after the origin of agriculture. nutritional status (Valeggia and Ellison, 2004). Com- If so, it may be that an inadequate amount of time has bined, this may expose her to higher lifetime levels of elapsed for different genotype-specific responses to estrogens. environmental challenges to have evolved. In women, many aspects of health and disease are estrogen-dependent, including cardiovascular DETERMINANTS OR MERELY CORRELATES function, bone density, psychological well-being, and OF HORMONE LEVELS? reproductive cancers (Key and Pike, 1988; Barrett- Conor and Bush, 1991; Pike et al., 1993; Nguyen While some of the factors described here clearly influ- et al., 1995; Jasienska et al., 2000; Jasienska and Thune, ence levels of hormones, others just show correlations 2001a, 2001b; Jasienska, 2002). In premenopausal with hormonal levels. Results of cross-sectional, women of reproductive age, those with higher
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20 Pregnancy and Lactation Ivy L. Pike and Lauren A. Milligan In this chapter, we draw on life history theory to create over an individual’s lifetime rather than fitness at one a comparative framework for exploring pregnancy and point in time or the maximization of one particular life lactation as coevolved elements of the primate repro- history trait (Alberts and Altmann, 2003). Using this ductive strategy, broadly defined. We draw on the theoretical framework, a species’ reproductive strategy physiological evidence to create a picture of how preg- is predicted to maximize the mother’s fitness, or repro- nancy and lactation represent a highly integrative ductive success, over her lifetime. However, pregnancy reproductive strategy. Life history theory offers several and lactation also affect the fitness of the offspring. advantages for understanding this integrative primate The offspring is predicted to maximize its own lifetime reproductive strategy. Firstly, by comparing life history fitness, which may or may not be at odds with that of characteristics across nonhuman and human primates the mother (Trivers, 1974). Given the importance of we can examine benefits and costs to this energetically maternal transfer of nutrients during gestation and expensive strategy and how natural selection may have that milk is the only source of nutrition for neonates tailored aspects of the larger strategy toward more and developing infants, selection is expected to favor a species specific ends. Secondly, life history theory strategy that balances the interests of maternal and emphasizes trade-offs between survival and current offspring survival. The pattern and rate of growth and reproduction, current and future reproduction, and development of the offspring, established in utero, number, size, and sex of offspring among many others requires the production of sufficient milk quality and (Stearns, 1992). We take the position that these trade- quantity. In turn, maternal energy balance and body offs must be examined from the dual vantage point size determine the mother’s ability to provide the of the mother and the fetus/infant since the two will necessary resources for growth and development not always have completely overlapping interests. during lactation (Lee, 1999). The chapter unfolds across four sections. In the first Life history traits are products of natural selection section, we explore the primate reproductive strategy and therefore a species’ life history strategy is intim- by comparing life history parameters across broad ately tied to that species’ evolutionary history. Natural phylogenetic groupings, making note of similarities selection elaborates, rather than innovates, leading to and differences. The next section examines gestation similarities in life history traits among closely related from the perspective of maternal constraint, maternal species. Across the mammalian class considerable investment in reproduction, and physiological mechan- physiological similarities exist with the important isms that might shift the cost of any given pregnancy. exception of reproduction (Smith, 2007). For example, Mechanisms that might enhance fetal survival and offer variation on how placental mammals proceed to par- developmental cues are also explored. In the lactation turition varies widely (Smith, 2007). Only anthropoid section, lactation is viewed as a highly conserved part primates produce corticotrophin-releasing hormone of the reproductive strategy but with considerable bio- (CRH), a neuropeptide found in amphibians and logical and behavioral flexibility. We conclude by argu- mammals (Denver, 1997), in the placenta (Smith et al., ing that an evolutionary approach that draws on both 1999; Power and Schulkin, 2006). Also, only gorillas, biocultural and life span perspectives to examine preg- chimps, and humans experience increasing levels of nancy and lactation has important policy implications. CRH across pregnancy, apparently playing a role in timing parturition (Smith et al., 1999; Bowman et al., THE PRIMATE REPRODUCTIVE STRATEGY: 2001; Power et al., 2006). The wide range in age at SITUATING HUMANS IN A BROADER CONTEXT weaning among primates (e.g., Ross, 2003) indicates that the duration of lactation has been modified by Life history theory asserts that life history traits have selection over the course of primate evolution. Such evolved as a suite, and the target of selection is fitness data suggest different components of pregnancy and Human Evolutionary Biology, ed. Michael P. Muehlenbein. Published by Cambridge University Press. # Cambridge University Press 2010. 338
Pregnancy and Lactation 339 lactation also would be likely targets of selection over mammalian mothers still need to increase their non- the course of primate evolution. However, similarity reproductive energy intake above normal levels to sus- of life history traits within genera, families, and even tain infant growth (Lee, 1996). For example, baboon superfamilies indicate a phylogenetic ordering to this mothers are estimated to require 1.5 times and human variation. A species’ reproductive strategy therefore females 1.3 times their normal energy intake (non- may carry phylogenetic baggage, both in regard to pregnant and nonlactating) (Lee, 1996, 1999). the genetic makeup of inherited trait and the range of The lactation strategy can be divided into four, variation (phenotypic plasticity) in this expression. interrelated traits: the composition of the milk pro- Like other life history traits, the primate reproduct- duced, the volume of milk produced, the frequency at ive strategy also may be an adaptive response to which the mother feeds the infant throughout the day, ecological variation (Morbeck, 1997a, 1997b; Hill and and the total duration of lactation per reproductive Kaplan, 1999; Kaplan et al., 2000). Morbeck (1997b) cycle. All these elements must work together to deliver argues that external factors such as climate, the quality the necessary nutrients and tactile stimulation to the and quantity of available food, disease ecology, and infant for its growth and development without irrevers- group structure can affect the timing, duration, and ibly compromising maternal health. The duration of energetic effort of an individual’s life history. As an lactation is considered a life history trait of the species; example, mechanisms that modify fecundity and con- a trait that exhibits considerable flexibility in timing ception have been documented and suggest the ability within and across species. Milk composition, volume to delay conception when conditions are poor (Wood, of milk produced, and nursing frequency can also 1994; Ellison, 2001, 2005). Primate mothers may be modeled as life history traits. As such, each of the choose to lengthen lactation if ecological conditions four components of the lactation strategy is subject are poor, or shorten lactation when conditions are to natural selection, as each interacts with the environ- good (Lee, 1996). The extent to which they are able to ment and other life history traits to maximize the do this is part of their evolutionary history, however, fitness of the individual. and the degree of plasticity is itself a product of natural selection (Morbeck, 1997a). Gestation represents a considerable energetic FAT STORAGE, GESTATION, AND investment but the daily costs of fetal growth are lower LACTATION – IS IT ALL ABOUT THE BRAIN? than might be expected among primates when exam- ined across mammals (Dufour and Sauther, 2002; The human brain is approximately one-third lipid, all Ulijaszek, 2002) and this may be achieved in part by of which must be supplied to fetuses and young infants having longer gestational durations (Martin, 1996). by the mother in utero and in milk, respectively. When compared to great apes, humans invest more A relatively larger brain with a longer period of post- heavily in fetal tissue, with fetal body fat comprising natal growth may have been linked to the selection of approximately 61% of the total cost of pregnancy an increased ability in human females to store energy (Dufour and Sauther, 2002; Ulijaszek, 2002). There is and later mobilize this stored energy for lactation. The considerable flexibility in meeting the energetic human brain has “obligatory and inflexible require- demands of gestation (Dufour and Sauther, 2002), with ments” (Kuzawa, 1998, citing Armstrong, 1983) across examples of lower basal metabolic costs for females a range of nutrients, with some less “inflexible” than who experience marginally adequate nutritional levels others. Development of significant fat stores may be (Durnin, 1987; Prentice and Goldberg, 2000). Ultimately, a physiologically linked adaptation to changes in fetal growth and body composition reflect a compromise rate and pattern of brain growth (Ulijaszek, 2002). between maternal and fetal interests (Wells, 2003). Although large fat stores are found in many female Lactation is the most energetically expensive com- mammals, including nonhuman primates, human ponent of a mammalian female’s reproductive strategy female fat stores are argued to be relatively larger than (Pond 1984, 1997; Gittleman and Thompson, 1988), (Dufour and Sauther, 2002) and different from (Pond, with energetic costs and micronutrient requirements 1997) the female primate pattern. Further, the degree shifting to reflect infant growth and development of difference in fat mass between males and females is trajectories (Picciano, 2003). Like gestation, the cost greater in humans than nonhuman primates. While of lactation is argued to be related to maternal body human males are heavier than females, females are size and to the evolutionary history of the species fatter, with 34% more fat mass on average than males (Martin and MacLarnon, 1985). Lee (1996) argues that (Wells, 2006). Wells (2006) argues that the greater fat the energy cost of lactation is inescapable; mothers mass of human females relative to human males and to must convert maternal nutrients or body reserves to nonhuman primate females indicates the importance milk. Although the conversion of maternal stores or of reproductive energetics in human evolution. Specif- dietary intake to lactation is relatively efficient, most ically, he proposes that the evolution of fatness in
340 Ivy L. Pike and Lauren A. Milligan human females is at least partly the result of From the maternal perspective, reproduction rep- encephalization. resents a balance of shorter- and longer-term trade-offs Dufour and Sauther (2002) report on four non- (Ellison, 2001, 2005). Given the energetic cost of preg- Western human populations, in which females have nancy, maternal investment in any given pregnancy greater than 20% body fat. There is little comparative only makes sense if the demands do not threaten sur- data on nonhuman apes, but data on captive lowland vival. If maternal condition, defined as the adequacy of gorillas (Zihlman and McFarland, 2000) show that one her growth, health, and nutritional experience across captive female gorilla had the potential to store similar the life span, is marginal then investing in an individ- amounts of body fat. It is unknown if wild living apes ual pregnancy is weighed against future reproductive are capable of maintaining the percent body fat of opportunity. If opportunity is low, for example due to human females. Such data would be invaluable to deter- older maternal age, then investing in gestation now mine if adult female fat storage is indeed a unique- may be worth the risk and may benefit overall repro- derived human adaptation to support brain growth. ductive success. If future reproductive opportunity is Another possibility is that the cost of growing a high, delaying conception until maternal condition larger brain was not met through alterations to the or environmental circumstances improve offers a reproductive strategy at all. Modern human infants reasonable trade-off. Strategies look different if mater- have a precocious condition of adipose development nal condition is poor as a result of an acute insult at birth (Kuzawa, 1998; Ulijaszek, 2002) and are the versus chronic energetic deficiency across the life span. fattest species on record at birth (Kuzawa, 1998). In the presence of chronic stress, waiting for maternal While variation in human fatness at birth exists across condition to improve may be a higher risk strategy. a range of pregnancy-related circumstances, including Instead, relying on mechanisms that might limit the maternal weight gain and fat stores during pregnancy, cost of individual pregnancies may be a more viable fatness is argued to be an adaptation to the higher lipid strategy (Prentice and Goldberg, 2000; Pike, 2005). needs of newborns for rapid brain growth during the Several different mechanisms have been proposed first year of life (Kuzawa, 1998; Ulijaszek, 2002). Like for lowering the energetic cost of pregnancy. One well- maternal depot fat stores, infant fat stores (deposited documented physiological mechanism is to lower basal primarily during the third trimester) would act as a metabolic rate during gestation, particularly via reduc- buffer against disruptions in energy transfer during tion in diet-induced thermogenesis (Durnin, 1987; lactation (Kuzawa, 1998). As reviewed by Kuzawa Dufour et al.,1999). Another widely examined mechan- (1998), this hypothesis is indirectly supported by data. ism is to reduce energy expenditure, particularly Without comparative data from nonhuman primates, during the third trimester when the energy demands it is not possible to say whether this is a unique human of even basic movements are higher ( Lawrence et al., adaptation or a nonadaptive consequence of other 1985; Lawrence and Whitehead, 1988; Panter-Brick, ontogenetic changes (such as increased fat storage by 1989, 1992; Dufour et al., 1999). Although humans the mother). exhibit slower fetal growth across longer gestations when compared to other nonhuman primates (Dufour and Sauther, 2002; Ulijaszek, 2002), several lines of research suggest limiting fetal growth may incur PREGNANCY energetic savings. Drawing on studies of genomic imprinting and Trivers’s (1974) ideas regarding Gestation long has been considered a critical selective parent–offspring conflict, Haig (1993) suggests there point in reproductive success. In addition to low may be maternally derived fetal genes that limit fecundability (Wood, 1994), fetal loss during the first fetal growth, with predictions that paternally derived 4 weeks of gestation are estimated at 40–50% (Wood, genes might encourage fetal growth. Recent evidence 1994), with fetal deaths across pregnancy representing suggests that maternal neurohormonal cues that signal a considerable modifier of birth intervals and thus a poor or insufficient intrauterine environment can total reproductive potential (Wood, 1994; Holman accelerate fetal developmental trajectories (McLean and Wood, 2001). Methodological constraints focused et al., 1995; Pike, 2005), creating a “thriftier pheno- attention on pregnancy outcomes, such as gestational type” (Hales and Barker, 2001). A shortened gesta- duration and weight and length at birth, as proxies for tional duration once the fetus is viable may offer the adequacy of the fetal experience. Yet more recent important energetic savings for the mother by limiting advances in physiology, genetics, endocrinology, and the higher costs of fetal fat deposition and the active gestational age assessments, have provided opportun- transfer of maternal nutrients (Peacock, 1991). Such ities to refine our understanding of the selective strategies may limit the cost of an individual preg- pressures and evolutionary relationships between the nancy but come with important risks for perinatal maternal–fetal unit. and longer-term survival for the infant.
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