b. range c. cell reference d. b and c 19. Which of the following option is used to type a resultant value to achieve the goal? a. Goal Value b. Target Value c. Variable Value d. Goal Seek Value 20. OO Calc display the change of value in which of the following? a. In the variable cell b. In the dialog box c. In a message d. All of the above 21. You can optimize result to which of the following using solver? a. Best value, Value of, Exact Value b. Maximum, Minimum, Value of c. Less Than, Greater than or Equal to d. All of the above 22. Which one of the following options is true? a. We can only change the scenario properties if the Prevent changes option is not selected and if the sheet is not protected b. We can only edit cell values if the Prevent changes option is selected, if the Copy back option is not selected, and if the cells are not protected. c. We can only change scenario cell values and write them back into the scenario if the Prevent changes option is not selected, if the Copy back option is selected, and if the cells are not protected. d. All of the above options are correct 23. The behaviour of the copyback option in scenario depends on a. Cell protection b. Sheet protection c. Prevent changes option d. All of the above SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS: (2 MARKS QUESTIONS) 1. What do you mean by consolidating data? Mention the steps used. 2. What is the use of Macros in a Spreadsheet? 3. Define the following: a) Subtotals b) Consolidating Data 4. Describe the purpose of linking data in spreadsheet software. 5. Explain how multiple operations is similar and different from scenario. 6. What is the advantage of the option Link to source data while using consolidate feature? 7. Why user need to rename a worksheet? How it is beneficial for user? 8. Write steps to copy the worksheet into another document (New Excel File). 9. Explain all link to options available from insert hyperlink dialog box. 10. What are the basic predefined requirements for using Goal Seek? 11. What is role of optimized result to option in Solver dialog box? [301]
LONG ANSWER QUESTIONS (4 MARKS EACH) 1. Write steps to create a hyperlink in a spreadsheet and explain the insert hyperlink dialog box in brief. 2. Write the complete procedure to use solver in OO Calc. 3. How to edit the existing hyperlink in the spreadsheet? Explain with a brief description. 4. Enlist the options provided by Goal Seek and explain all of them in one line each. 5. What are the options available in options button of Solver dialog box? 6. What are the advantages of using spreadsheet software? UNIT 3 DATABASE MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTON (1 MARK EACH) 1. ___________ database is a type of database that stores data in several tables a. Flat b. Relational c. both (a) and (b) d. None of these 2. In database _________ helps us to retrieve the filtered data based upon some conditions. a. Forms b. Reports c. Queries d. Table 3. Rudraksh wants that the name column of a table must not be left blank. Help him to identify the field property for this purpose. a. Length b. Default c. Entry Required d. Format 4. ___________ can be set for a field if the user doesn't provide any value while entering the values in the table. a. Required b. Default c. Primary Key d. Format 5. Aadya wants to create a connection between two or more tables. Suggest her the option to accomplish the task. a. Table b. Form c. Relationships d. Sorting 6. _____________ data type takes the values in the form of 0 and 1 in the database. a. Integer b. Text c. Boolean [302]
d. Memo 7. Identify the odd one out from the following a. Microsoft Access b. Openoffice.org BASE c. MySQL d. MS Excel 8. Composite Key is a combination of ________ columns 9. A __________ is an organized collection of data 10. Expand RDBMS 11. Who introduced the term RDBMS? 12. Which one of the following is not true regarding Primary key? a. It can uniquely identify the record b. We can assign duplicate values in primary key c. A table cannot have more than one primary key d. A primary key act as a foreign key in another table. 13. What datatype can be used to store photos and music files in BASE? 14. What are the two categories of SQL commands? 15. A _________ is a set of data values of a particular type, one for each row of the table. 16. A ___________ represents a single, data item in a table. 17. In how many ways tables can be created in Base? 18. Identify the odd one out a. Select b. Delete c. Update d. create 19. A popular data manipulation language is _________________. 20. A ______________ is a language that enables users to access and manipulate data in a database 21. A ____________________ is a standard for commands that define the different structures in a database. 22. Which SQL command is used to group data? 23. By default, data is arranged in _______ order using ORDER BY clause 24. _________ statement retrieves zero or more rows from one or more database tables or database views. 25. _____________ are the interfaces with which the user interacts SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS (2 MARKS EACH) 1. Differentiate between data and information 2. Define RDBMS 3. How can one ensure referential integrity in the table? 4. Mention few characteristics of Primary Key 5. What do you mean by Sorting? In how many ways it can be done? 6. Differentiate between Primary key and Foreign key. [303]
7. How is text field different from a memo field? 8. Define tuple and attribute 9. What are the two types of DML commands? 10. Mention how the datatypes in OpenOffice base are classified. 11. Write SQL command to create the below table Admno Name Address 12. Differentiate between Where and ORDERBY clause of SQL statements 13. State the purpose of Update Command with the help of an example. LONG ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS (4 MARKS EACH) 1. What is DBMS? Mention few advantages of DBMS. 2. 3. Refer the above table and write queries to a. Display the total amount of each item. The amount must be calculated as the price multiplied by quantity for each item. b. Display the details of items whose price is less than 50. 4. Refer the table shown in the below figure and answer the questions that follow a. Identify the primary key of the above table b. Mention the datatype for all the fields of the table c. How many tuples and attributes are there in the above table? d. Write SQL command to display the details of those customers who purchased items on 2nd November 2012 5. Define Referential integrity. Mention how it is helpful in a DBMS. 6. What are the different types of relationships that can be set between two tables? [304]
7. What are the basic criteria to set the relationship? UNIT 4 WEB APPLICATIONS AND SECURITY OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTON (1 MARK EACH) 1. The email address provided while creating a WordPress account is used a. As user name for logging in b. As the address of our blog c. For Receiving activation link d. None of these 2. Before publishing our first blog post, we must first ___________ our site. a. Publicize b. Activate c. Customize d. None of the above 3. Through which feature/option the content can be typed for the blog a. Rich text box b. Title c. New post d. None of these 4. With a free plan from WordPress we cannot add a __________ a. Contact form b. Payment button c. Picture d. Video link 5. Which of the following is the online blogging site? a. Windows Live Writer b. Qumana c. Blogdesk d. None of these 6. In order to book an e-ticket, you need to fulfil some prerequisites: a. An internet connection b. Web browser c. Online payment facility with credit/debit card d. All of these 7. Blogs can have more than one page and the last page is the page posted last. (True/False) 8. Which one of the following is not the etiquettes to be followed while chatting? a. Always introduce yourself by name if your screen name doesn’t reflect it. b. In a business environment, know exactly what you want to discuss. c. Messages should be short and to the point. d. Messages should be typed in uppercase 9. Which one of the following statements is True? a. While working with Qumana we can use only WordPress account b. While working with Qumana we can use any blog account c. Qumana does not support any blogging account [305]
d. Google Talk is an instant messaging service that provides only textual communication 10. What is the significance of *(asterisk) used in signup or registration forms of the website? a. It allows only textual matter b. It denotes a compulsory field c. It denotes an optional field d. Only numeric data can be entered 11. ________________ feature of windows is used for people who have vision impairment or cognitive disabilities so that they can identify the key pressed and released with the help of sound. 12. What is the advantage of using sticky keys? SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS (2 MARKS EACH) 1. A blog is a discussion style site used by non-technical (or technical users) users for creating personal web pages. a. Mention and explain at least three points that we must keep in mind while writing a blog b. What is the advantage of using offline blog editors? Mention few examples of offline blog editors 2. What do you understand by client server and peer to peer architecture? 3. Differentiate between LAN and MAN. 4. What is the function of Modem? 5. What is the purpose of the following websites/applications? a. IRCTC b. Flipkart c. EBay d. Redbus 6. Mention the advantage of installing firewalls. LONG ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS (4 MARKS EACH) 1. Lalita is very active on social media. She has accounts on almost all social networking sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, twitter etc. In order to have ease of remembering her passwords of multiple accounts she has a common password for all. Mention any four important rules that Lalita should follow for keeping safe password. 2. WiMAX is a wireless communications standard designed to provide mobile broadband connectivity across cities and countries through a variety of devices. WiMAX is a long-range system, covering many kilometers and is typically used where DSL or Cable Internet Access cannot be used; this could be difficulty in laying out cables for home or offices located in remote locations but need access to the Internet. [306]
a. Expand WiMAX b. What do you understand by DSL? c. How do we decide whether to go for WiMAX connectivity or not? 3. Each packet is sent from computer to computer until it finds its destination. Each computer on the way decides where next to send the packet. All packets may not take the same route. At the destination, the packets are examined. If any packets are missing or damaged, a message is sent asking for them to be re-sent. This continues until all packets have been received intact. The packets are now reassembled into their original form. All this done in seconds! a. Which protocol is used in the above process? b. Mention the full forms of the protocols mentioned in part a c. What is packet in the above para refers to? 4. To access the Internet, you need an active internet connection. You need to gather and understand your requirement carefully before subscribing to an internet connection plan. a. Who provides internet connection? b. Why do one require internet connection? Mention few advantages c. When we have mobile data then why do we required Wi-Fi or broadband connection? 5. Instant messaging (IM) is a form of communication over the Internet that offers an instantaneous transmission of text-based messages from sender to receiver. Most instant messaging software include the option for performing file transfers, audio chat, video calling and conferencing, sharing desktops, etc. apart from standard text chat. Unlike email, instant messaging happens in real-time and the response from participants can be spontaneous. Some instant messaging software allows users to view messages received when they are not logged on. a. Mention few advantages of instant messaging b. Name few software used for instant messaging c. How is instant messaging different from email? d. How are application based instant messaging software different from web-based software? 6. Online shopping is a form of electronic commerce where customers can buy or sell goods over the Internet. Customers need to have an active internet connection for viewing goods or services offered by a seller; customers can pay online using a credit, debit card or by internet banking. a. How is online shopping useful? b. Mention few disadvantages of online shopping. c. Name few website/apps that offer online shopping. d. What are the different modes of payment offered to customers in online shopping? [307]
7. Though Internet provides valuable information and entertainment, it may leave your computer unsecure due to many online threats. You need to ensure that your usernames, passwords, credit card or online banking information secure as they are prone to be tracked and used by unauthorized users. Some websites can also install Malware on the computer without user consent thereby leaving the computer damaged or insecure. a. Mention few best practices for maintaining security while using internet. b. What are the characteristics of a strong password? c. What are the threats from unauthorized users? d. What will be the role of antivirus in such situation? 8. Every organization must follow a standard set of safety rules and procedures. These rules must be stated and displayed clearly at important areas. All the employees must be given a demonstrations and training to follow safety rules a. What are the basic safety rules to be followed by any organisation? b. What is first aid? c. What are the different types of accidents that may occur in a workplace? d. Name few emergency situations where evacuation is required. EMPLOYABILTY SKILLS (COMMUNICATION SKILLS) OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTON (1 MARK EACH) 1. The ability to work independently can be enhanced by a. Self awareness b. Self motivated c. Self regulated d. All of the above 2. Karan lives at a hostel in Shimla. He calls his mother who lives in Delhi, to get her approval for the robotics class which is going to start in his school next week onwards. However, due to disruption in the phone line, his mother could not understand and reply to him. He got very upset. Which another medium can he use to get immediate approval of his mother? a. E-mail b. Letter c. Message through Friend d. Fax 3. Trisha is always tense during exam time. She is a sincere and studious student, but the thought of exams creates anxiety in her. Which stress management technique that you would suggest to help her? a. Yoga b. Exercise c. Vacation with Family d. All of these [308]
4. ______________ ability of a person to do the things that need to be done without someone or something influencing us. a. Self-Awareness b. Self-Discipline c. Self-Motivation d. Self-Regulation 5. According to the concept of sustainable development, the environment and development are _________issues. a. Independent b. Inseparable c. Separate d. None of these 6. The cleaning of software installed in the computer cannot be achieved by ____________. a. Disk cleanup b. Backup c. Installing antivirus software d. Cleaning CPU cabinet 7. Entrepreneurship has a crucial role in the ____________ of the society a. Evolution b. Planning c. Functioning d. None of these 8. Which one of the following is not an example of navigation keys? a. Home key b. End key c. Delete key d. Pagedown key 9. Which one of the following is not an example of mobile operating system? a. Android b. Linux c. Symbian d. iOS 10. What is the name given to the screen that appears after Windows operating system is loaded? a. Taskbar b. Desktop c. Statusbar d. Menubar 11. Identify which of the following is a temporary file. a. Project.docx b. Mathsite.tmp c. Test.tmpi d. Trial.exe 12. How can you select all the files in a folder using the keyboard? a. ctrl + A b. alt + A c. Shift +A [309]
d. ctrl+shift+A 13. Which key combination will you press to get the Run dialog box? a. Windows button + R b. Ctrl+ R c. Windows button + Ctrl + R d. None of the above SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS (2 MARKS EACH) 1. Communication skills are very important for any business. Explain any two elements of a communication process 2. Mention any two misconceptions about the Entrepreneurship 3. Goal setting is a very essential factor in your personal life. List all the SMART methods to set the goals. Explain ‘A’ in brief. 4. What are the measures to increase the performance of a computer system? 5. Mention the various elements of communication cycle? 6. On what factors does the choice of communication mode depends on? 7. Mention the 7C’s of communication. 8. How can an individual contribute to Sustainable Development Goals? 9. What is the importance of giving feedbacks? 10. What are the barriers of effective communication? 11. Mention few ways to overcome barriers to effective communication? 12. Mention few stress management techniques 13. Why regular disk defragmentation should be done? 14. Differentiate between stress and abilities. 15. Mention few steps for effective time management 16. What are the various operations that can be performed using mouse? 17. What command will you write in the Open text box to open the Temp folder? 18. Mention few steps to be followed to secure our data. LONG ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS (4 MARKS EACH) 1. Mention few tips to be followed for maintenance of computer [310]
2. What is the possible cause of slowing down of computer? 3. List some of the maintenance activities for the computer system 4. How do we know that our computer is infected with virus? 5. List any four characteristics of entrepreneurship. 6. Define emotional intelligence. Mention few steps to manage emotional intelligence. 7. What is the use of antivirus software? Name any two commonly used anti-virus software 8. List any four factors causing ecological imbalance. [311]
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