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Padhle E-Book - Previous 10 Year Question Papers with Solutions 2011-20 - Class 10 Social Science

Published by kumarabhishek56447, 2021-04-12 09:29:12

Description: Padhle E-Book - Previous 10 Year Question Papers with Solutions 2011-20 - Class 10 Social Science


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For 2021 CBSE PREVIOUS 10 YEARS PAPERS with SOLUTIONS Social Science CLASS X 2011 - 2020 Thank you for using We here at Padhle, make sure that every piece of material reaches you without diving deep into the tabs of your browser. This E-Book has been downloaded totally for free from To help us in maintainig this, you can contribute to Padhle. Even a small amount can do wonders. Contribute to UPI ID - padhle@paytm You can contribute a little to our efforts. Even a small amount can do wonders. Scan the Code in any UPI App OR Contribute to UPI ID - padhle@paytm Now... Padhle!

5 2020 FO ELBAT CONTENTS Answers Begin at page 17 34 2019 Answers Begin at page 40 56 2018 Answers Begin at page 63 81 2017 Answers Begin at page 86 96 2016 Answers Begin at page 105 122 2015 Answers Begin at page 126 136 2014 Answers Begin at page 139 149 2013 Answers Begin at page 153 162 2012 Answers Begin at page 167 174 2011 Answers Begin at page 179

CBSE Social Science 2020 G aI : a. . Ea .T a a 35 . .A . Ma a a aa a .Q 20 a b a b1 a a .A a. .Q a b 21 28 a 3 a 80 a . .Q a b 29 34 a 5 a .A 120 a . . Q b 35 a a 6a a - 35 a. H (2 a ) a 35b. G a (4 a ). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Downloaded from

Sec ion - A (1 mark each) 1. Ma ch he follo ing i em gi en in col mn A i h ho e in col mn B. Choo e he correc an er from he op ion gi en belo : COLUMN A COLUMN B 1. C A Ba Ka Sa a A. Ra a Db 2. K a 3. A a J ba B. S a a C a 4. Sa Ka a C. Ka baba D. . Ba Ga a a T a 2. Iden if he appropria e rea on for he forma ion of he S araj par from he op ion gi en belo : A. Wan ed member of Congre o re rn o Co ncil Poli ic B. Wan ed member of Congre o a k for Poorna S araj for Indian C. Wan ed member of Congre o a k Dominion S a e for India D. Wan ed member of Congre o oppo e Simon Commi ion 3. S d he pic re and an er he q e ion ha follo : Downloaded from

Which of he follo ing a pec be ignifie hi image of Germania ? A. Heroi m and J ice B. Folk and C l ral Tradi ion C. A eri and A ce ici m D. Re enge and Vengeance No e: Thi q e ion i in lie of Q3 for Vi all Impaired Candida e onl Q-3 Wha doe he cro n on allegor of Germania ignif ? 4. Who a called a he archi ec of German nifica ion? 5. Which one of he follo ing i an e ample of C l i able Wa eland? A. Gro cropped Area B. Unc l i able Land C. Barren Wa eland D. C rren fallo Land 6. Comple e he follo ing able i h correc informa ion i h regard o c l i a ion of Rice: RICE Ann al rain fall Cropping Tempera re req ired for i req ired ea on gro h (in degree ) 100 cm (A)- ? (B) - ? 7. Being a ropical co n r , India ha enormo po ibili ie of apping olar energ . S gge an one a o pop lari e i ma im m e. OR Downloaded from

A concer ed effor ha o be made for ainable de elopmen .S gge an one ep in con er ing o r mineral re o rce for he f re. 8. Correc he follo ing a emen and re ri e: In Srilanka, an Ac a pa ed in 1956 o recogni e Tamil a he onl official lang age, di regarding Sinhala. OR Correc he follo ing a emen and re ri e: i h France, Belgi m i a mall co n r in E rope and hare border I al , German and L embo rg. 9. Which one of he follo ing op ion be ignifie hi car oon? A. Demand for epara e a e from Democra ic Go ernmen Downloaded from

B. Democra ic Go ernmen i facing erri orial i e i h he bordering a e C. Democra ic Go ernmen i coping i h m l iple pre re hro gh accommoda ion D. Democra ic Go ernmen accep demand ba ed on epara e a e No e: Thi q e ion i in lie of Q9 for i all impaired candida e Q9. Gi e an one e ample of Social Democrac . 10. The repre en a ion of omen in Indian Parliamen i ill lo a compared o E ropean co n rie beca e __________________. OR The Con i ion of India pro ide o all indi id al and comm ni ie freedom o profe , prac ice and propaga e an religion beca e ___________________________________. 11. Who pre ide o er he mee ing of he M nicipal Corpora ion? OR Which go ernmen ha he po er o legi la e on Re id ar bjec in India? 12. Men ion he form la o calc la e he BMI (Bod Ma Inde ). 13 Which of he follo ing a emen define S ainable De elopmen ? con idering he need A. S ainable e of na ral re o rce i ho of he f re genera ion. B. Pre en genera ion f lfil i need hile con idering he need of he f re genera ion a ell. C. I mean ili a ion of na ral re o rce b he pa , pre en and for hcoming f re genera ion. Downloaded from

D. To mee he need of he f re genera ion e en if he need of he pre en genera ion go nme . 14. One of he be a o red ce o er age of gro nd a er i ____________________________. 15. Which of he follo ing profe ion belong o he Ter iar Sec or of econom ? A. Fi herman B. Farmer C. Fac or orker D. Teacher 16 The n mber of dea h of children le han one ear of age per 1000 li e bir h i referred a ______________. OR The o al n mber of children of age gro p 14 and 15 ear a ending chool a a percen age of o al n mber of children in he ame age gro p i referred a __________________________. 17. Find he Incorrec op ion: A. Demand depo i hare he e en ial fea re of mone B. Wi h demand depo i pa men can be made i ho ca h C. Demand depo i are afe a of mone ran forma ion D. Demand depo i facili i like cheq e 18. Arrange he follo ing in he correc eq ence i. Tran por ing clo h o he ork hop ii. Sale in hop and ho room iii. Spinning he arn i . Wea ing of he fabric Downloaded from

Op ion - A. i--i --iii--ii B. iii i i--ii C. i i--ii--iii D. iii i --ii--i 19. In he q e ion gi en belo , here are o a emen marked a A er ion (A) and Rea on (R). Read he a emen and cho e he correc op ion: A er ion (A): No e er good or er ice ha i prod ced and old need o be co n ed o kno he o al prod c ion in each ec or. Rea on (R): The al e of final good alread incl de he al e of all he in ermedia e good . Op ion : a. Bo h A and R are r e and R i he correc e plana ion of A. b. Bo h A and R are r e b R i no he correc e plana ion of A. c. A i correc b R i rong. d. A i rong b R i correc . 20. Ri a ha aken a loan of R . 7 lakh from he bank o p rcha e a car. The ann al in ere ra e on he loan i 14.5 per cen and he loan i o be repaid in 3 ear in mon hl in almen . The bank re ained he paper of he ne car a colla eral, hich ill be re rned o Ri a onl hen he repa he en ire loan i h in ere . Anal e he loan informa ion gi en abo e, con idering one of he follo ing correc op ion. a. Mode of re-pa men b. Term of credi c. In ere on loan Downloaded from

d. Depo i cri eria Sec ion - B (3 Mark Each) 21. De cribe he incidence of Jallian ala Bagh Ma acre. OR De cribe he role of All ri Si aram Raj in Andhra Prade h d ring 1920 . 22. Wh did E ropean flee o America in nine een h cen r ? E plain. OR Wh did merchan mo ed o he co n r ide E rope d ring he e en een h and eigh een h cen rie ? E plain. 23. Read he o rce gi en belo and an er he q e ion ha follo - So rce A​---- Religio Deba e and he Fear of Prin Prin crea ed he po ibili of ide circ la ion of idea , and in rod ced a ne orld of deba e and di c ion. E en ho e ho di agreed i h e abli hed a hori ie co ld no prin and circ la e heir idea . Thro gh he prin ed me age, he co ld per ade people o hink differen l , and mo e hem o ac ion. Thi had ignificance in differen phere of life. So rce B-​ ----The Reading Mania The idea of cien i and philo opher no became more acce ible o he common people. Ancien and medie al cien ific e ere compiled and p bli hed, and map and cien ific diagram ere idel prin ed. When cien i like I aac Ne on began o p bli h heir di co erie , he co ld infl ence a m ch ider circle of cien ificall minded reader . The ri ing of hinker ch a Thoma Paine, Vol aire and Jean Downloaded from

Jacq e Ro ea ere al o idel prin ed and read. Th heir idea abo cience, rea on and ra ionali fo nd heir a in o pop lar li era re. So rce C​ --- Prin C l re and he French Re ol ion Prin pop lari ed he idea of he Enligh enmen hinker . Collec i el , heir ri ing pro ided a cri ical commen ar on radi ion, per i ion and de po i m. The arg ed for he r le of rea on ra her han c om, and demanded ha e er hing be j dged hro gh he applica ion of rea on and ra ionali . The a acked he acred a hori of he Ch rch and he de po ic po er of he a e, h eroding he legi imac of a ocial order ba ed on radi ion. The ri ing of Vol aire and Ro ea ere read idel ; and ho e ho read he e book a he orld hro gh ne e e , e e ha ere q e ioning, cri ical and ra ional. S ce A - Re igi Deba e a d he fea f P i 23.1 E al a e he effec i ene of Prin in he ran mi ion of idea and c l re . S ce B - The Readi g Ma ia 23.2 To ha e en do o agree ha cien ific idea ere circ l aed hro gh prin . S ce C - P i C e a d he F e ch Re i 23.3 To ha e en did prin c l re crea e condi ion for French Re ol ion? Ci e an one e idence o ppor o r an er. Prin in rod ced a ne orld of deba e and di c ion hich led o he beginning of he Pro e an Reforma ion i h he con rib ion of Mar in L her. Downloaded from

24 Energ a ed i energ prod ced . S ppor he a emen i h i able e ample . OR India ha fairl rich and aried mineral re o rce acro differen region . S ppor he a emen i h e ample . 25. De cribe an hree fea re of Indian Federali m. 26. De cribe he role of Poli ical Par ie in India. 27. Wh do e need o e pand formal o rce of credi in India? E plain. OR Wh do bank and coopera i e ocie ie need o lend more? E plain. 28. Underemplo men con in e o be rampan in he r ral area . S gge hree a hro gh hich emplo men for ch people can be genera ed. Sec ion - B (5 Mark ) 29. Highligh he rea on for he gro h of na ionali en ion in he Balkan region before he Fir World War. OR Wh a he period of 1848 con idered a pha e of he Re ol ion of he Liberal in E rope? E plain. Downloaded from

30. Read he e rac and an er he q e ion ha follo : T da , he d ha bee c e ed i a a ge i age i h he he f efficie a d fa ig a .T a ha bee ab e achie e hi i h he he f e a de e ed c ica i e . The ef e, a ,c ica i a d ade a e c e e a each he . T da , I dia i e - i ked i h he e f he d de i e i a i e, di e i a d i g i ic a d ci -c a a i . Rai a , ai a , a e a , e a e , adi , e e i i , ci e a a d i e e , e c. ha e bee c ib i g i ci -ec ic g e i a a . The ade f ca i e a i a e e ha e added he i a i f i ec . I ha e iched ife a d added b a ia g i g a e i ie a d faci i ie f a d efficie e he c f f ife. I i h , e ide ha a de e e e i ief kf a a dc ica i i a ca , a i a a d g ba ade f da . 30.1-Wh i he e a eed i e i k i h he d? 30.2-I fe he i a ce f ea f a ai a d c ica i f ci - ec ic g e ? 30.3- H d e ade e g he he ec fac ? 31. The challenge of ainable de elopmen req ire con rol o er ind rial poll ion. S b an ia e he a emen i h e ample . 32. E plain i h e ample he accommoda i e e perience of Belgi m for peace and harmon . 33 Democrac i ba ed on he idea of delibera ion and nego ia ion .E amine he a emen . OR Downloaded from

Re pec and eq al rea men of omen are nece ar ingredien of a democra ic ocie . E amine he a emen . 34. De cribe he role of echnolog in promo ing globali a ion proce . MAP SKILL BASED QUESTION 35 (a) T o place A and B ha e been marked on he gi en o line map of India. Iden if hem and ri e heir correc name on he line dra n near hem A) The place here Indian Na ional Congre e ion a held in December 1920. B) The place here Sal La a broken b Maha ma Gandhi. b). On he ame o line map of India loca e and label an fo r of he follo ing i h i able mbol . 1. Parad ip - Major Sea Por 2. Noida - Sof are Technolog Park 3. Salem - Iron and S eel ind r 4. Kalpakkam - N clear Po er Plan 5. Bhakra Nangal - Dam 6. Cha rapa i Shi aji In erna ional Airpor Downloaded from

An er 1. A-3, B-4, C-1, D-2 2. A. Wan ed member of Congre o re rn o Co ncil Poli ic 3. A. Heroi m and J ice For i all impaired- Heroi m 4. O o Von Bi marck a called a he archi ec of German nifica ion. 5. B. Unc l i able Land 6. (A) - Kharif Cropping Sea on (B) - 16-27​ ​C 7. o i). The be a o pop lari e he apping of olar energ i e olar panel . ii). The can idel pop lar he e da and ha e managed o replace he generall ed in er er and genera or in he ho ehold . iii). The are ea o in all and ha e a nominal co . OR Downloaded from

The mineral are he e en ial re o rce on hich h man being are direc l dependen on. The e mineral re o rce are he rock ha are made p of economic and al able mineral . For e ample, gold, il er, pe role m, and na ral ga . The e mineral are e ha ed a a m ch higher ra e o er he pa ear . So i ha become nece ar o con rol he e of i o ha a fficien amo n of i i al o ored for he f re genera ion. Thi i kno n a a ainable de elopmen me hod. 8. In Srilanka, an Ac a pa ed in 1956 o recogni e Sinhala a he onl official lang age, di regarding Tamil. OR Belgi m i a mall co n r in E rope and hare border i h France, he Ne herland , German and L embo rg. 9. (C) Democra ic Go ernmen i coping i h m l iple pre re hro gh accommoda ion 9. For i all impaired - Digni of indi id al (gender, ca e, religion) or an o her poin . 10. Lack of legall impo ed q o a or re er a ion polic a cen ral le el OR Downloaded from

India i a ec lar co n r . 11. The Ma or pre ide o er he mee ing of he m nicipal corpora ion. He i he m nicipal head of he corpora ion. OR The nion go ernmen ha he po er o legi la e on re id ar bjec in India. I refer o he bjec hich are no incl ded in nion, a e or conc rren li . 12. The form la i BMI = kg/ m2​ ​ here kg i a per on' eigh in kilogram and m2​ ​ i heir heigh in me re q are. 13. B. Pre en genera ion f lfil i need hile con idering he need of he f re genera ion a ell. 14. Implemen a ion of ringen policie o con rol mi e of a er / or an o her poin . 15. D. Teacher 16. Infan Mor ali Ra e Downloaded from

OR Ne A endance Ra io 17. ​ D. Demand depo i facili i like cheq e 18. B. iii i i--ii 19. a. Bo h A and R are r e and R i he correc e plana ion of A. 20. b. Term of credi 21. i). On 13 h April 1919, he infamo Jallian ala Bagh inciden ook place. ii). On ha da , a cro d of illager ho had come o Amri ar o a end a fair ga hered in he enclo ed gro nd of Jallian ala Bagh. iii). Being from o ide he ci , he ere na are of he mar ial la ha had been impo ed. i ). General D er en ered he area, blocked he onl e i poin , and opened fire on he cro d, killing and o nding h ndred of people. Downloaded from

). Hi objec i e a o prod ce a moral effec o crea e in he mind of a agrahi , a feeling of error and a e. A he ne pread, cro d ook o he ree . There ere rike , cla he i h police and a ack on go ernmen b ilding . The go ernmen re ponded i h br al repre ion. Seeing iolence pread, Maha ma Gandhi called off he mo emen . OR i). Role of All ri Si aram Raj in he G dem hill of Andhra Prade h i. All ri Si aram Raj claimed ha he had a arie of pecial po er like making a rological predic ion , healing people and r i ing b lle ho ii). The rebel proclaimed him a an incarna ion of God. iii). Raj a in pired b Gandhiji Non-Coopera ion Mo emen i ). Per aded people o ear khadi and gi e p drinking. ). B a he ame ime he a er ed ha India co ld be libera ed onl b he e of force, no non- iolence. He ed g errilla arfare for achie ing araj. 22. E ropean fled o America in 19 h cen r beca e : (i). Un il he 19 h cen r , po er and h nger ere common in E rope. (ii). Ci ie ere cro ded and deadl di ea e ere nder pread. Downloaded from

(iii). Religio conflic ere common and religio di en er ere per ec ed. (i ). In America, plan a ion ere gro ing co on and gar for he E ropean marke . ( ). The e plan a ion ere orked on b la e . OR i). Merchan from o n in E rope began o mo e co n r ide in e en een h and eigh een h cen rie beca e of rade g ild , a ocia ion of prod cer , rained craf men and ar i an ho re ric ed he en r of ne people in o he rade. ii). The e ere a ocia ion of prod cer ha rained craf people, main ained con rol o er prod c ion, reg la ed compe i ion and price , and re ric ed he en r of ne people in o he rade. iii). R ler gran ed differen g ild he monopol righ o prod ce and rade in pecific prod c . i ). I a herefore diffic l for ne merchan o e p b ine in o n . So he rned o he co n r ide. 23. Deba e a d he Fea f P i S ce - A Re igi Downloaded from

23.1 Prin in rod ced a ne orld of deba e and di c ion hich led o he beginning of he Pro e an Reforma ion i h he con rib ion of Mar in L her. S ce B-The Readi g Ma ia 23.2 Ne paper , jo rnal , chapbook and o her medi m pop lari ed he cien ific idea of cien i and philo opher like I aac Ne on,Thoma Paine, Vol aire and Jean Jacq e Ro ea . S ce C - P i C e a d he F e ch Re i 23.3 i. Prin pop lari ed he idea of he Enligh enmen hinker . ii. All al e , norm and in i ion ere re-e al a ed and di c ed. iii. I led o he gro h of ho ile en imen again he French monarch . ( an o her poin ill al o ork if rele an ) Downloaded from

24. Energ a ed i energ prod ced . i. Promo ion of energ con er a ion and increa ed e of rene able energ o rce are he in plank of ainable energ . ii. India i pre en l one of he lea energ efficien co n rie in he orld. iii. We ha e o adop a ca io approach for he j dicio e of o r limi ed energ re o rce . i . U ing p blic ran por em in ead of indi id al ehicle . . S i ching off elec rici hen no in e. i. U ing po er- a ing de ice and ing non-con en ional o rce of energ . OR India ha fairl rich and aried mineral re o rce acro differen region . i. Penin lar rock con ain mo of he re er e of coal, me allic mineral , mica and man o her non-me allic mineral . ii. Sedimen ar rock on he e ern and ea ern flank of he penin la, in G jara and A am ha e mo of he pe role m depo i . Downloaded from

iii. Raja han i h he rock em of he penin la, ha re er e of man non-ferro mineral . i ). The a all ial plain of Nor h India are almo de oid of economic mineral . 25. ​Main Fea re of Federali m are : (i) There are o or more le el of go ernmen .India ha hree le el . (ii) Each le el of go ernmen ha i o n j ri dic ion in ma er of legi la ion, a a ion and admini ra ion e en ho gh he go ern he ame ci i en . There are hree li - 1. Union li hich incl de he bjec of na ional impor ance ch a defen e, foreign affair , and c rrenc . 2. S a e li con ain he bjec of a e impor ance ch a rade, irriga ion, and Agric l re. 3. The conc rren li incl de he bjec of common in ere ch a ed ca ion, rade nion, and fore . 4. The bjec ha do no fall in o an of he abo e li are called re id ar bjec and he nion go ernmen ha he po er o legi la e on i . Downloaded from

Some of he area hich are oo mall o become an independen a e and co ld no be merged i h an of he e i ing S a e ch a Delhi and Chandigarh are called nion erri or . The cen ral go ernmen ha he po er o r n he e. I i no ea o make an change in he po er- haring arrangemen . The Parliamen canno change hi arrangemen on i o n Accord. 26. Role of Poli ical Par ie i a follo : i. Par ie con e elec ion. ii. Par ie p for ard differen policie and programme iii. Par ie form and r n he go ernmen . i . Par ie ha lo e in he elec ion pla he role of oppo i ion. . Par ie hape p blic opinion. i. Par ie pro ide people acce o go . Machiner and elfare cheme . 27. ​We need o e pand formal o rce of credi in india beca e:- i). There i no organi a ion hich per i e he credi ac i i ie of lender in he informal ec or. Downloaded from

ii). There i no one o op hem from ing nfair mean o ge heir mone back. iii). Formal o rce of credi are le ri k and he charge le ra e of in ere . i ). T​ he RBI per i e he f nc ioning of formal o rce of loan . OR Bank and coopera i e ocie ie need o lend more: i. Thi o ld lead o higher income ii. People co ld borro cheapl for a arie of need . iii. The co ld gro crop and e p mall- cale ind rie e c. i . Cheap and affordable credi i cr cial for he co n r de elopmen . I i al o impor an o a e and red ce he dependence on informal o rce of credi . 28. Underemplo men con in e o be rampan in r ral area . The a hro gh hich emplo men for r ral people can be genera ed are: i). Underemplo ed mean ha he n mber of people ha are in ol ed in a par ic lar ork i more a compared o he ac al n mber of people req ired o do he ame job. Downloaded from

ii). The people can be emplo ed in ario projec ch a he con r c ion of dam and road in he illage area. iii). The people can al o be emplo ed in he er ice ec or ch a banking and rade. i ). The go ernmen can iden if and promo e mall ind rie in r ral area o increa e emplo men . 29 i). The Balkan a a region of geographical and e hnic aria ion compri ing of modern- da Romania, B lgaria, Albania, Greece, Macedonia, Croa ia, Bo nia-Her ego ina Slo enia, Serbia and Mon enegro. The inhabi an ere called Sla ii). The pread of roman ic na ionali m lead o i di in egra ion. iii). Differen Sla ic na ionali ie r ggled o define heir iden i i ). Balkan region became a region of in en e conflic o er e pan ion of erri or . ). A he ame ime, he grea E ropean Po er --R ia, German , England and A ro- H ngar ere keen on aking he con rol of he Balkan region, ince i a impor an for rade poin of ie . Downloaded from

OR The period of 1848 con ider a pha e of he Re ol ion of he Liberal in E rope i). E en of Febr ar 1848 in France had bro gh abo he abdica ion of he monarch and a rep blic ba ed on ni er al male ffrage had been proclaimed. ii). German , I al , Poland, he A ro-H ngarian Empire men and omen of he liberal middle cla e combined heir demand for con i ionali m i h na ional nifica ion. iii). The ook ad an age of he gro ing pop lar nre o p h heir demand for he crea ion of a na ion- a e on parliamen ar principle a con i ion, freedom of he pre and freedom of a ocia ion. i ). In he German region a large n mber of poli ical a ocia ion ho e member ere middle-cla profe ional , b ine men and pro pero ar i an came oge her in he ci of Frankf r and decided o o e for an all-German Na ional A embl . . The middle cla e ho re i ed he demand of orker and ar i an and con eq en l lo heir ppor . In he end roop ere called in and he a embl a forced o di band. 30.1 There i need o in erlink i h he orld for de elopmen , ad ancemen , globali a ion e c. 30.2 i). The are he er ba i of ind rie and rade of co n r . Downloaded from

ii). Crea e job emplo men oppor ni ie iii). Help o gro econom 30.3 i). Trade be een na ion and co n rie are he inde o i economic pro peri . ii). I genera e emplo men . 31. The challenge of ainable de elopmen req ire con rol o er ind rial poll ion: . i). Ind rial poll ion i ha ardo o li e being a i pe o ic chemical in air and a er hereb con amina ing rro nding . ii). S ainable de elopmen can be achie ed hen care for he en ironmen i gi en preme impor ance. iii). A ch ainable de elopmen help achie e ind rial poll ion nder reg la ion. i ). For e ample, a man fac ring concern ha man fac re medicine a par of ainable de elopmen and rea he poll ed a er a par of good man fac ring prac ice in he in-ho e effl en rea men plan . Downloaded from

32. The accommoda i e e perience of Belgi m for peace and harmon i e plained belo : i). The con i ion of Belgi m ha an eq al n mber of D ch and French- peaking mini er in he cen ral go ernmen . ii). Some of he pecial la req ire he ppor of he majori of he member from bo h he ling i ic gro p o he deci ion canno be made nila erall b onl 1 comm ni . iii). Man po er of he cen ral go ernmen ha e been gi en o he a e go ernmen of he o region of he co n r . i ). The a e go ernmen are no bordina e o he cen ral go ernmen . ). Apar from he o go ernmen , he hird pe of go ernmen i formed called he comm ni go ernmen . i). The people belonging o 1 lang age comm ni o e for i , di regarding here he li e. 33. Democrac i ba ed on he idea of delibera ion and nego ia ion: i). Democrac gi e impor ance o delibera ion and p blic opinion. ii). The democra ic go ernmen ill ake more ime o follo proced re before arri ing a a deci ion. iii). I deci ion ma be bo h more accep able o he people and more effec i e. i ). Democrac en re ha deci ion making ill be ba ed on norm and proced re . Downloaded from

). Tran parenc a Per on ha e he righ and he mean o e amine he proce of deci ion making. OR i). Economic independence or acce o an inheri ed or elf-genera ed income i con idered o be he major mean of empo ering omen. ii) Eq al poli ical and ci il righ a men iii). Wa of a onom and freedom. i ).Di rib i e j ice o red ce ineq ali ie in re o rce and po er. ). Lo e, ni er al bro herhood, inceri , hone and in egri of charac er, firm a i de of rendering help i). Remo ing ocial e il incl ding iolence, or re, h milia ion e c. 34. Role of echnolog in globali a ion: i). There ha e been man impro emen in ran por ec ion hich help in e por and impor of good . Thi increa e rade rela ion be een co n rie . ii). Since echnolog impro e efficienc , he proce of e change ha become fa er and cheaper. iii). De elopmen in informa ion and comm nica ion echnolog ha been he mo beneficial ince informa ion can be no en in econd acro he orld. Downloaded from

i ). De elopmen in IT al o ha led o he prod c ion of er ice hro gh o o rcing like call cen er , online eaching e c. ). Telecomm nica ion ha e impro ed con ac be een people. People li ing in o differen co n rie can ea il be in o ch i h minimal price . 35. Downloaded from

CBSE Social Science 2019 Ge e a I c i : . (i) A e i a e c (ii) Thi e i aec i f 30 e i di ided i f ec i A, B, C a d D. (iii) Sec i A c ai 6 e i f 1 a each. Sec i B c ai 6 e i f 2 a each, Sec i C c ai 10 e i f3 a each. Sec i D c ai 8 e i f 4 a each. (i ) The e i e a ch ice. H e e , a i e a ch ice ha bee ided i f e i f 3 a each a d 3 e i f 4 a a e e f he a e a i e i a ch each. Y ha e ei . ( ) U e f a ca c a i e i ed. Downloaded from

Section - A (1 mark each) 1. E plain the meaning of C rrenc . OR E plain the reason for necessit of s per ision b the Reser e Bank of India of formal so rces of loans. 2. Which t pe of soil is most s itable for gro ing the crop of cashe n t? OR Which t pe of soil in India is most idespread and important ? 3. Wh had some parents kept no els a a from their children s reach d ring 19th cent r in India ? OR Wh had Englishmen demanded a clamp do n on the Vernac lar Press in the 19th cent r ? 4. Name the co ntr here the Constit tion as amended fo r times to accommodate the regional differences and c lt ral di ersities. Downloaded from

5. Wh did Fr d ric Sorrie present topian ision in his prints in 1848 E plain one reason. OR Wh as the Tonkin Free School started in Vietnam ? E plain one reason. 6. Anal se the contrib tion of fast transport in globalisation. 7. Which logo of q alit is marked on the electrical instr ments ? Section - B (3 marks each) 8. M lti-p rpose projects and large dams ha e been the ca se of man ne social mo ements. Highlight the concerns related to s ch mo ements. OR Traditional har esting s stem is a sef l s stem to conser e and store ater. Highlight the importance of this s stem ith t o e amples. 9. Describe the importance of the Right to Information (RTI) for cons mers. OR Downloaded from

Describe the importance of the Right to Seek Redressal for cons mers. 10. Assess an three ad antages of globalisation. OR Assess an three ad antages of m ltinational corporations. 11. Highlight an three differences bet een primiti e s bsistence farming and commercial farming. 12. A erage income is sef l for comparison b t it ma hide disparities. S pport the statement ith s itable arg ments. 13. Caste ineq alities are still pre alent in India. E amine the statement. 14. E plain an three reasons for the banks and cooperati e societies to increase their lending facilities in r ral areas. 15. Describe the role of Romanticism in de eloping nationalist feelings among E ropeans d ring nineteenth cent r . OR Describe the Hoa Hao mo ement as a mainstream nationalism of Vietnam. 16. Iss es of caste discrimination began to be ritten abo t in man printed tracts and essa s in India in the late nineteenth cent r . S pport the statement ith t o s itable e amples. OR Downloaded from

Premchand s characters in different no els create a comm nit based on democratic al es. S pport the statement ith t o s itable e amples. 17. E al ate the strengths and limitations of local self-go ernment in a democrac . E al ate the po er sharing s stem in India. 18. Complaints are treated as testimon to the s ccess of democrac . S pport the statement ith e amples. Section - C (5 marks each) 19. Wh did Mahatma Gandhi start the Ci il Disobedience Mo ement ? Ho did this mo ement nite the co ntr ? E plain. OR Wh did Mahatma Gandhi la nch the Non-Cooperation Mo ement ? Ho did this mo ement nite the co ntr ? E plain. 20. E plain the reasons for concentration of iron and steel ind stries in and aro nd Chotanagp r region. 21. E plain the role of Political Parties in a democrac . OR E plain the necessit of Political Parties in a democrac . 22. E plain the importance of Rail a s as a means of transport. 23. Describe an fi e feat res of sec larism in India. Downloaded from

24. Describe the condition of indent red labo r that migrated from India d ring the nineteenth cent r . OR Describe the role of earl entreprene rs of India in the de elopment of ind stries. OR Describe the land reclamation process in Bomba d ring the late nineteenth and the earl t entieth cent ries. 25. Highlight an fi e reasons for the importance of tertiar sector in India. Section - D (map) (A) T o feat res a and b are marked on the gi en political o tline map of India (on page 11). Identif these feat res ith the help of the follo ing information and rite their correct names on the lines marked near them : (a) The place here the Indian National Congress Session as held. (b) The place from here Gandhiji organi ed Sat agraha in fa o r of Indigo planters. (B) Locate and label an three of the follo ing ith appropriate s mbols on the same gi en political o tline map of India : Downloaded from

Ans ers 1. An form of mone that is appro ed b the go ernment and sed b the p blic for trading is kno n as c rrenc . It can be soft mone in the form of r pees or hard mone in the form of coins. E er co ntr has its o n c rrenc . For e ample , c rrenc of India is R pees OR The RBI monitors that the banks act all maintain the cash balance. The RBI sees the the banks gi e loan not j st to profit - making b siness and traders b t also to small c lti ators, small-scale ind stries, small borro ers, etc. Periodicall , banks ha e to s bmit information to the RBI on ho m ch the are lending, to hom, at hat interest rate, etc. 2. Cashe plants can adapt themsel es to an t pe of climate itho t affecting the prod cti it . The best soil s itable for this crop is ell drained sand loam soil ith a hard pan. Also red sand loam soil, lateritic soil, sand of coastal areas and soil ith acidic pH are all s itable for the c lti ation of cashe . Downloaded from

OR All ial soil is the most important soil in India beca se it is highl fertile soil, it is rich in h m s, it is fo nd in northern plains like P njab, UP, etc. And is ideal for c lti ating s garcane, heat, etc. 3. No els contained some bold s bjects hich ere considered ns itable for children. OR After the re olt of 1857 most of the Englishmen decided to close the ernac lar press. The ernac lar ne spapers ere t rning iolent. 4. The constit tion of Belgi m as amended 4times bet een 1970-1993. 5. In Sorrie 's topian ision, the peoples of the orld are gro ped as distinct nations, identified thro gh their flags, and national cost mes. Sorrie created the image to nif the disintegrated states into a nation state nder a democratic constit tion. OR Tonkin Free School started in Vietnam beca se: i) The tonkin free school as started in 1907 to pro ide a estern st le ed cation to the ietnamese. ii) This incl ded classes in science,h giene and french(these classes ere held in d e ening and had to be paid for separatel . Downloaded from

iii) The school responded b adopting estern st les like ha ing a short hairc t. i )This meant a major break for ietnamese ith their o n identities. 6. Technological ad ancements ha e helped in e panding the prod ction of goods and ser ices and enco raged greater trade among the nation states. It also contrib ted to the gro th of rail a s, ships, air a s and f rther inno ations for easier transportation of goods and mobilit of people. Technological changes ha e led to the increased a areness among people, telecomm nication and gro th of electronic media. The Internet has also helped in the greater e change of ideas and beliefs among the people. 7. The ISI mark is mandator for an electrical eq ipment or other mechanical eq ipment to be old I the market. This is a mark of safet and also states that a partic lar object is fit for se. The logo as de eloped b the B rea of Indian Standards (BIS), the national standards bod of India. ISI is the acron m for Indian Standards Instit te. 8. Concerns related to social mo ements hich ere raised d e to m lti-p rpose ri er alle projects: i). En ironmental iss es related to c tting and destr ction of trees. ii). Rehabilitation of the displaced people . iii). Compensation from go t. for their loss of land and ho ses. OR The importance of traditional har esting s stems are: i). Helps to conser e ater and red ce the scarcit of ater. Downloaded from

ii). The are simple, eco-friendl and good for conser ation of rain ater as ell. E amples: Ba ari- niq e step ells of Rajasthan. K nd- sa cer shaped area that slopes to ards an ndergro nd ell for conser ing ater in Western Rajasthan and G jarat. 9. Details of the goods and ser ices that cons mers p rchase is essential in order to protect their interest or sa e them from e ploitation in the marketplace. (i) E er prod ct m st carr certain details on the packing s ch as date of man fact re, e pir date, address of the man fact rer, etc. (ii) If an prod ct pro es to be defecti e in an manner, cons mers can complain and ask for compensation or replacement of it. OR The cons mer has the Right to Seek Redressal against nfair trade practices and e ploitation. If an damage has been done to a cons mer, he/she has the right to get compensation depending on the degree of damage. There is a need to pro ide an eas and effecti e p blic s stem b hich this can be done. This is done thro gh the Cons mer For m b filing a case for compensation. 10. GLOBALISATION and greater competition among local and foreign prod cers has been of ad antage to cons mers. i). There is greater choice before the cons mers. No , the enjo impro ed q alit and lo er prices of se eral prod cts. Downloaded from

ii). Cons mers enjo higher standards of li ing than as possible earlier. iii). It integrates co ntries thro gh foreign trade and foreign in estments b m ltinational companies. Interconnections ha e man dimensions-c lt ral, political, social and economic. OR Ad antages of MNCs are: i). There are better emplo ment opport nities. ii) It also helps in de elopment of ne technologies. iii). There is impro ement in infrastr ct re. i ). A ailabilit of ariet of goods. 11. S bsistence Agric lt re Commercial Farming i). S bsistence agric lt re is i). Commercial farming is done practised on small patches of on a large scale ith the se of land ith the help of primiti e h ge doses of modern inp ts tools like dao, hoe and digging e.g. HYV seeds, chemical sticks. fertili ers, insecticides and pesticides. ii). Farmer and his famil prod ce cereals for themsel es ii). Crops are gro n ith a ie and for the local market. It is to e port them to other labo r intensi e here most of co ntries. It is capital intensi e the acti ities are done b famil /comm nit labo r. here m ch of the ork is done ith the help of machines. iii). It is practised in thickl pop lated areas. iii). It is practised in sparsel pop lated areas. Downloaded from

E ample: Cereals like heat, E ample: Coffee, cotton, rice, millets are mainl raised. s garcane etc are mainl raised. 12. A erage income is calc lated b di iding the total s m of income b the total pop lation of the co ntr . It is sed to make a comparati e anal sis of the position of the co ntr since the total income can ne er be an indicator of the economic health of the co ntr and its people. B t it comes ith its o n limitations hich are as follo s: i). It does not pro ide s ith information regarding non-economic goods and ser ices. ii). Also, the a erage income does not reflect the tr e pict re of the income distrib tion. 13. Caste has not disappeared from contemporar India. E en no most people marr ithin their o n caste or tribe. Unto chabilit has not ended completel despite constit tional prohibition. Effects of cent ries of ad antages and disad antages contin e to be felt toda . 14. Necessit for the banks and cooperati e societies to increase their lending facilities in r ral areas : (i) Dependence on informal so rces of credit red ces. (ii) To pro ide more loan facilities to r ral ho seholds. (iii) To sa e r ral people from e ploitation. (i ) It is important that the formal credit is distrib ted more eq all so that the poor can benefit from the cheaper loans. Downloaded from

15. Romanticism, a c lt ral mo ement, so ght to de elop a partic lar form of nationalist sentiment. It generall criticised the glorification of reason and Science and foc sed instead on emotions, int ition and m stical feelings. Its effort as to create a sense of a shared collecti e heritage, a common c lt ral past, as the basis of a nation Romanticism is a c lt ral mo ement hich so ght to de elop a partic lar form of nationalist sentiment. The emphasis on ernac lar lang age and the collection of local folklore as not j st to reco er an ancient national spirit, b t also to carr the modern nationalist message to large a diences ho ere mostl illiterate. Lang age too pla ed an important role in de eloping nationalist sentiments. OR Vietnamese B ddhist religio s mo ement that as formed in 1939 b the B ddhist reformer H nh Ph So. The Hoa Hao, along ith the s ncretic religio s gro p Cao Dai, as one of the first gro ps to initiate armed hostilities against the French and later the Japanese colonialists. Hoa Hao gre rapidl d ring the Japanese occ pation in World War II. After the ar, it contin ed as an independent force in Vietnamese politics, opposing both the French colonialists and the Viet Minh nationalist mo ement of Ho Chi Minh. After 1954 the Hoa Hao and Cao Dai began armed opposition to the U.S.-backed go ernment of President Ngo Dinh Diem. At the time of Diem s death in 1963, the Hoa Hao had control of se eral so thern and estern pro inces of So th Vietnam. Tho gh man Hoa Hao adherents joined the comm nist-backed National Liberation Front in the late 1960s, the Hoa Hao remained a po erf l independent force in So th Vietnamese politics ntil the final ictor of the comm nists in 1975. 16. J otiba Ph le as the Social Reformer of 'lo caste' protest mo ements. He rote abo t the ineq alities of the caste s stem in his ork called G lamgiri in 1871. Downloaded from

E.V. Ramas am Naicker and B.R. Ambedkar rote abo t caste-based discrimination in societ . Their orks ere pop lar all o er the co ntr . Regional protest mo ements and parties also p blished man periodicals and articles condemning the religio s ritings and foreseeing a ne o tlook. Kashibaba, a mill orker in Kanp r a thored Chhote A r Bade Ka Sa al in 1938 to sho the relations bet een class and caste mistreatment. Cotton mill orkers of Bangalore started libraries to ed cate themsel es in 1930; the same as first initiated b the Bomba mill orkers. OR It is obser ed that Premchand's no els are filled ith all kinds of po erf l characters dra n from all le els of societ . In his no els the characters are dra n from dail life e periences. One might notice characters like aristocrats and landlords, middle le el peasants and landless labo rers, middle-class professionals and people from the margins of societ . The omen characters are strong indi id als, especiall those ho come from the lo er classes and are not modernised. The central character of his no el Rangbhoomi (The Arena), S rdas, is a is all impaired beggar from a so-called ' nto chable caste. One can see S rdas str ggling to get back the land that had forcibl taken a a from him. 17. The strengths and limitations of local self-go ernment in a democrac are: STRENGHTS :- i). Pancha at Raj s stem ens res greater participation of people in r ral de elopment programs. ii). Pancha ats f nction as instit tions of self-go ernance and it settles disp tes bet een illages and indi id als and this po er Downloaded from

has been decentrali ed b the Go ernment of India to f nction at the illage le el. iii). Gram Pancha at is responsible for the constr ction and maintenance of ater so rces, roads, drainages, and other common propert reso rces. LIMILATIONS :- i).There is no proper distrib tion of po er. the q estion on hat basis the ork is assigned, ho is eligible, and the q alifications req ired are not ans ered. ii). Ins fficient f nds- this problem hinders the act al p rpose of self-go ernment d e to limited financial po ers. iii). These are fe of the limitations of local-self go ernment. Indirect election to the Pancha ati Raj allo s for corr pt practices. 18. Complaints are treated as a testimon to the s ccess of democrac this is a statement is tr e as: i). Complaints are like a s ggestion,the can bring foc s on important iss es.the can bring social change ii). Complaints sho that e ha e freedom of speech and right to critici e constr cti el . iii). Complaints lead to disc ssion hich f rther leads to problem sol ing. i ). It also brings ne ideas. 19. Gandhiji had made certain demands on behalf of the hole of the Indian National Congress to the British Go ernment. When these demands ere not f lfilled, the Ci il Disobedience Mo ement as la nched in 1930. The follo ing are fo r important feat res of the mo ement: Downloaded from

i). The mo ement began ith Gandhiji s march from Sabarmati to the coastal to n of Dandi in G jarat. On 6th April, Gandhiji reached Dandi here he broke the Salt La in defiance of the British, b making salt from sea ater. ii). All classes and categories of people ere no asked to not onl be ncooperati e of the British regime b t also break nj st colonial la s. iii). As soon as the mo ement started, all important leaders incl ding Gandhiji and Nehr ji ere arrested. In all, 90,000 people ere arrested and 67 ne spapers ere banned. i ). D ring the mo ement, salt as man fact red in man areas, foreign cloth as bo cotted, liq or shops ere picketed and peasants ref sed to pa re en e and cha kidari ta es. A large n mber of illage officials also resigned and forest la s ere iolated on a large scale. OR Gandhiji la nched the Non-cooperation mo ement of 1921 beca se: i). According to Gandhiji , the British r le as established in India ith the cooperation of Indians, and had s r i ed onl beca se of this cooperation. So time has arri ed o ithdra cooperation to the British. ii). First World War added to the miser of the Indian people. Hea ta es, high prices, famines and epidemics made people's life miserable. iii). Ro latt Act in ited large scale protests thro gho t the co ntr . Downloaded from

Jallian ala Bagh Massacre and the inj stice done to P njab made Indians angr hich need to be a enged. i ). It as also to restore the stat s of the r ler of T rke . ). One of the important reasons ere to bring S araj or Self R le to India. Non cooperation mo ement nite people across India thro gh :- i). Tho sands of st dents stopped going to school and collages ii). Headmasters and teachers resigned iii). La ers also stoped going to co rt i ). The Co ncil election ere bo cotted. ). Foreign goods ere bo cotted and liq or shops picketed. 20. Reasons for high concentration of iron and steel ind stries in Chotanagp r region: i). A ailabilit of iron mines in the nearb regions ii). A ailabilit of other ra materials like limestone and coking coal in the region iii). Access to cheap labo r from nearb states like Odisha and Jharkhand i ). Good connection b roads and rail a s ith the rest of the orld ). Presence of Kolkata port nearb . 21. Political parties are a gro p of people ho tr to r n the go ernment b inning in elections. The roles of political parties are : i). The contest elections. Downloaded from

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