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Home Explore แบบฝึกพัฒนาทักษะภาษาอังกฤษด้วยแบบทดสอบตามมาตรฐานการเรียนรู้และตัวชี้วัด ชั้นประถมศึกษาปีที่ 6

แบบฝึกพัฒนาทักษะภาษาอังกฤษด้วยแบบทดสอบตามมาตรฐานการเรียนรู้และตัวชี้วัด ชั้นประถมศึกษาปีที่ 6

Published by ton_323, 2020-10-09 11:27:58

Description: แบบฝึกพัฒนาทักษะภาษาอังกฤษด้วยแบบทดสอบตามมาตรฐานการเรียนรู้และตัวชี้วัด ชั้นประถมศึกษาปีที่ 6

Keywords: แบบฝึกพัฒนาทักษะภาษาอังกฤษด้วยแบบทดสอบตามมาตรฐานการเรียนรู้และตัวชี้วัด ชั้นประถมศึกษาปีที่ 6


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คำนำ แบบฝกึ พัฒนาทักษะภาษาองั กฤษด้วยแบบทดสอบตามมาตรฐานการเรยี นรู้และตัวชี้วัด ชั้นประถมศึกษาปีท่ี 6 ฉบับนี้สานักงานเขตพ้ืนท่ีการศึกษาประถมศึกษาสุราษฎร์ธานี เขต 1 จัดทาขึ้นเพ่ือเป็นแนวทางสาหรับครูผู้สอน ภาษาอังกฤษ เพื่อนาไปประยุกต์ใช้ในการจัดการเรียนรู้การยกระดับผลสัมฤทธิ์ทางการเรียนภาษาอังกฤษ รวมท้ัง เตรียมความพรอ้ มนักเรียนในการทดสอบทางการศึกษาระดับชาตขิ ั้นพืน้ ฐาน ศึกษานิเทศก์ผู้รับผิดชอบกลุ่มสาระการเรียนรู้ภาษาต่างประเทศ (ภาษาอังกฤษ) สานักงานเขตพื้นท่ี การศกึ ษาประถมศกึ ษาสุราษฎร์ธานี เขต 1 ตระหนักถึงความสาคัญในการพัฒนาทักษะภาษาอังกฤษ ได้จัดทาแบบ ฝึกพัฒนาทักษะภาษาอังกฤษด้วยแบบทดสอบตามมาตรฐานการเรียนรู้และตัวชี้วัด เพื่อเป็นเคร่ืองมือช่วยให้ นักเรียนมีความคุ้นเคยกับรูปแบบข้อสอบ คาส่ังในข้อสอบ ขอขอบคุณคณะดาเนินงานทุกท่านที่มีส่วนเกี่ยวข้องใน การจัดทาแบบฝึกพัฒนาทักษะภาษาอังกฤษด้วยแบบทดสอบตามมาตรฐานการเรียนรู้และตัวชี้วัดฉบับน้ี และหวัง เป็นอย่างย่งิ วา่ จะเปน็ ประโยชน์สาหรบั ครูผ้สู อนภาษาองั กฤษ ในการนาไปใช้เพ่ือใหเ้ กดิ การพัฒนาต่อผู้เรียนต่อไป กลมุ่ สาระการเรียนรู้ภาษาตา่ งประเทศ สานักงานเขตพื้นท่กี ารศกึ ษาประถมศึกษาสรุ าษฎร์ธานี เขต 1

สำรบัญ เรื่อง หนำ้ คานา ก สารบัญ ข สำระที่ 1 ภำษำเพอ่ื กำรสือ่ สำร 1 มำตรฐำน ต 1.1 เข้ำใจและตคี วำมเรื่องทฟี่ ังและอ่ำนจำกสื่อประเภทตำ่ งๆและเสนอ 5 ควำมคดิ เหน็ อย่ำงมีเหตผุ ล 10 ต 1.1 ป.6/1 ปฏบิ ตั ิตามคาสัง่ คาขอรอ้ ง และคาแนะนาทฟ่ี ังและอ่าน ต 1.1 ป.6/2 อ่านออกเสยี งข้อความ นทิ านและบทกลอนสัน้ ๆถูกต้องตาม 20 22 หลกั การอ่าน ต 1.1 ป.6/4 บอกใจความสาคญั และตอบคาถามจากการฟงั และอ่านบทสนทนา นทิ านงา่ ยๆ และเรือ่ งเล่า ต 1.1 ป.6/3 เลอื ก/ระบปุ ระโยค หรือข้อความส้นั ๆ ตรงตามภาพ สัญลักษณ์ หรอื เคร่ืองหมายท่ีอา่ น มำตรฐำน ต 1.2 มีทักษะกำรสื่อสำรทำงภำษำในกำรแลกเปลย่ี นข้อมูลข่ำวสำร แสดง ควำมรสู้ กึ และควำมคิดเห็นอยำ่ งมีประสทิ ธิภำพ ต 1.2 ป.6/1 พูด/เขียนโต้ตอบในการสือ่ สารระหวา่ งบุคคล ต 1.2 ป.6/2 ใช้คาสงั่ คาขอรอ้ ง คาขออนุญาตและให้คาแนะนา ต 1.2 ป.6/3 พดู /เขียนแสดงความตอ้ งการขอความช่วยเหลอื ตอบรับและปฏเิ สธ 24 การให้ความช่วยเหลอื ในสถานการณ์งา่ ย ๆ ต 1.2 ป.6/4 พูดและเขยี นเพอ่ื ขอและให้ข้อมูลเกี่ยวกบั ตนเอง เพื่อน ครอบครวั 26 และเร่ืองใกล้ตัว ต 1.2 ป.6/5 พดู /เขียนแสดงความรสู้ ึกของตนเองเก่ยี วกับเร่ืองต่าง ๆ ใกล้ตวั 29 กจิ กรรมตา่ ง ๆ พร้อมท้ังใหเ้ หตุผลสน้ั ๆ ประกอบ มำตรฐำน ต 1.3 นำเสนอข้อมูลขำ่ วสำร ควำมคิดรวบยอด และควำมคิดเห็นในเรอื่ งต่ำงๆ โดยกำรพดู และกำรเขยี น ต 1.3 ป.6/1 พดู /เขียนให้ข้อมลู เก่ียวกับตนเอง เพือ่ น และส่ิงแวดล้อมใกล้ตัว 32 ต 1.3 ป.6/2 เขยี นภาพ แผนผงั แผนภมู ิและตารางแสดงข้อมูลตา่ ง ๆ ทีฟ่ ัง 36 หรอื อา่ น 43 ต 1.3 ป.6/3 พดู /เขียนแสดงความคดิ เห็นเกีย่ วกบั เรื่องต่าง ๆ ใกล้ตัว

สำรบญั (ต่อ) เรื่อง หนำ้ สำระท่ี 2 ภำษำและวัฒนธรรม 46 มำตรฐำน ต 2.1 เข้ำใจควำมสมั พันธ์ระหว่ำงภำษำกับวัฒนธรรมของเจำ้ ของภำษำและ 48 นำไปใช้ได้อย่ำงเหมำะสมกับกำลเทศะ 50 ต 2.1 ป.6/1 ใชถ้ อ้ ยคา นา้ เสียง และกริ ยิ าทา่ ทางอย่างสุภาพ เหมาะสม 53 ตามมารยาท สังคม และวฒั นธรรมของเจ้าของภาษา 55 ต 2.1 ป.6/2 ใหข้ ้อมลู เกีย่ วกบั เทศกาล/วันสาคัญ/งานฉลอง/ชีวิตความเปน็ อยู่ 60 ของเจ้าของภาษา 65 ป.6/3 เขา้ รว่ มกจิ กรรมทางภาษาและวัฒนธรรมตามความสนใจ 75 มำตรฐำน ต 2.2 เขำ้ ใจควำมเหมือนและควำมแตกตำ่ งระหวำ่ งภำษำและวัฒนธรรมของ 82 เจำ้ ของภำษำกบั ภำษำและวัฒนธรรมไทย และนำมำใช้อยำ่ งถกู ต้อง 83 และเหมำะสม ต 2.2 ป.6/1 บอกความเหมือน/ความแตกตา่ งระหว่างการออกเสียงประโยค ชนดิ ตา่ ง ๆ การใชเ้ ครื่องหมายวรรคตอน และการลาดบั คาตาม โครงสรา้ งประโยคของภาษาต่างประเทศและภาษาไทย ต 2.2 ป.6/2 เปรียบเทียบความเหมือน/ความแตกตา่ งระหวา่ งเทศกาลงานฉลอง และประเพณีของเจา้ ของภาษากับของไทย สำระที่ 4 ภำษำกับควำมสัมพันธ์กบั ชุมชนและโลก มำตรฐำน ต 4.1 ใชภ้ ำษำต่ำงประเทศในสถำนกำรณต์ ำ่ งๆ ทั้งในสถำนศึกษำ ชุมชน และสงั คม ต 4.1 ป.6/1 ใชภ้ าษาสอื่ สารในสถานการณต์ ่าง ๆทเี่ กดิ ข้ึนในห้องเรียน และในสถานศึกษา มำตรฐำน ต 4.2 ใช้ภำษำต่ำงประเทศเป็นเครือ่ งมือพืน้ ฐำนในกำรศึกษำตอ่ กำรประกอบอำชพี และกำรแลกเปล่ียนเรียนรกู้ บั สงั คมโลก ต 4.2 ป.6/1 ใชภ้ าษาตา่ งประเทศในการสืบค้นและรวบรวมข้อมูลต่าง ๆ ภำคผนวก ภำคผนวก ก ภำคผนวก ข อำ้ งอิง คณะผจู้ ดั ทำ

1 มาตรฐานการเรียนรูท้ ตี่ อ้ งเร่งพฒั นา ระดับชน้ั ประถมศึกษาปีที่ 6 มาตรฐาน ต 1.1 ป.6/1 ปฏิบัตติ ามคาส่ัง คาขอร้อง และคาแนะนาท่ีฟงั และอา่ น เลอื กประโยคทสี่ มั พันธ์กับภาพให้ถูกต้อง Choose the best answer from the picture. 1. 1. Walk to the windows. 2. Show me to the windows. 3. Run to the windows. 4. Point to the windows. 2. 1. Sing and jump. 2. Sing and act out. 3. Sing and stamp one’s foot. 4. Sing and clap your hands. 3. 1. Clean the blackboard, please. 2. Write on the blackboard, please. 3. Draw on the blackboard, please. 4. Point to the blackboard, please. 4. 1. Close your book. 2. Open your book. 3. Read your newspaper. 4. Write on your book. 5. 1. Brush your teeth before meals. 2. Wash your face before meals. 3. Clean your hands before meals. 4. Wash your dishes before meals. 6. Switch off the light before you go to bed. 2. เปดิ ไฟหลงั เข้านอน 1. เปดิ ไฟกอ่ นเข้านอน 4. ปิดไฟหลังเข้านอน 3. ปดิ ไฟก่อนเข้านอน 2. กรุณาเดนิ บนทางแยก 7. Please walk on the footpath. 4. กรณุ าเดินบนทางเท้า 1. กรณุ าเดินบนทางเบี่ยง 3. กรณุ าเดินบนหญ้า 2. กรุณาจัดโต๊ะรบั ประทานอาหาร 4. กรณุ าจดั โตะ๊ เรยี น 8. Please set up the bed. 1. กรณุ าจัดทน่ี อน 3. กรุณาจัดหอ้ งครัว

2 9. ถา้ นักเรียนขออนุญาตปิดหน้าตา่ ง นกั เรยี นควรพูดวา่ อย่างไร 1. May I open the windows? 2. Please open the windows? 3. May I close the windows? 4. Please close the windows? 10. ข้อความใดพบตามบรเิ วณที่ทาสีใหม่และสยี ังไม่แห้ง 2. Keep left. 1. Go away. 4. Release it. 3. Wet paint. 11. ขอ้ ความใดแนะนาเรื่องการทอ่ งเท่ียว 1. Two for five. 2. Buy 1 Get 1 free. 3. 50% off for the first class. 4. 3 days 2 nights with a B.B.Q. party on the beach. 12. What should you do when you see the sign? 1. You park your car here. 2. You get in the park quickly. 3. You find another park to visit. 4. You find another car park somewhere else. 13. What should you do when you see this sign? 1. Do not enter. 2. Call your friend. 3. Stay on the phone. 4. Do not use mobile phone. 14. What should you do when you see this sign? 1. Mind your steps. 2. Beware of the dogs. 3. Pick up your luggage. 4. Throw the garbage in the bin. 15. Look at the picture. Who can use this lift? 1. monks 2. priests 3. teenagers 4. disabled people

3 16. Hana’s friend is from England. He just arrived at the airport and he was very hungry. Which sign should he look for? 1. 2. 3. 4. 17. From the notice, which sentence is correct? ทีม่ า 1. Visitors must buy visitor badges. 2. Visitors have to change their clothes before signing in. 3. Visitors don’t have to tell anyone when entering the school. 4. Visitors must write their names at the main office and wear visitor badges. 18. This sign says \" \". 1. You couldn't turn right. 2. You could turn left ahead. 3. You have to turn left now. 4. You need to turn right here.

4 19. The sign tells you to . 1. speed up your car. 2. stop your car here. 3. reduce your speed. 4. drive as fast as you can. 20. What does the sign mean? 1. Bikes are not allowed here. 2. The lane is for the bike only. 3. You shouldn't ride in a bike lane. 4. You can ride in a motorcycle lane

5 มาตรฐาน ต 1.1 ป.6/2 อ่านออกเสยี งข้อความ นิทานและบทกลอนสั้นๆถูกต้องตามหลักการอา่ น ต 1.1 ป.6/4 บอกใจความสาคัญและตอบคาถามจากการฟงั และอ่านบทสนทนานทิ านงา่ ยๆ และเร่ืองเล่า Directions: Read this fable and answer the questions. (1 – 5) One day in summer, a grasshopper was hopping, dancing and singing happily in a field. Then the grasshopper saw an ant was carrying an ear of a nut to its nest. He asked, “Why don’t come and chat with me? You don’t have to do that hard work.” The ant answered the grasshopper, “I have to prepare my food for the winter and you should do the same.” The grasshopper didn’t care about the ant’s advice and said, “We have plenty of food at the present” The ant went away and worked. When the winter came, the grasshopper had no food so it was very hungry while the ant had much more food to survive from winter to summer. ทมี่ า: 1. What animals were there in this story? 2. A rabbit and a turtle 1. A fox and a crow 4. An ant and a grasshopper 3. A goose and a mouse 2. In summer, how did the grasshopper feel? 2. Happy 1. Sad 4. Worried 3. Scared 3. From the passage, in which season did the grasshopper have no food? 1. Spring 2. Winter 3. Autumn 4. Summer 4. Which of the following is correct? 1. The ant was very lazy but the grasshopper was diligent. 2. In winter, the ant had no food but the grasshopper had enough food. 3. The grasshopper had enough food when the ant stayed in its nest happily. 4. In winter, the grasshopper was sad and hungry but the ant was happy and full.

6 5. What is the moral of the story? 1. Easy comes, easy goes. 2. Never waste the time. 3. Honesty is always rewarded. 4. Actions speak louder than words. Directions: Read this e-mail and answer the questions. (6 – 10) ทมี่ า 6. Who will go to Chiang Mai? 2. Roger 1. Mick 4. Roger’s family 3. Mick’s parents 7. Why does Mick feel excited? 1. Because he is going to Chiang Mai for the first time. 2. Because he is going to meet Roger for the first time. 3. Because he is going to see an elephant for the first time. 4. Because he looking forward to receiving Roger’s e-mail for the first time. 8. Who will travel to Chiang Mai with Mick? 1. Mick’s uncle and aunt 2. Mick’s father and mother 3. Mick’s teacher and friends 4. Mick’s brothers and sisters 9. Where is Mick going to visit in Chiang Mai? 1. He is going to visit the zoo and the national park. 2. He is going to visit the beach and the department store. 3. He is going to visit the ancient palace and the floating market. 4. He is going to visit the umbrella village and the elephant camp.

7 10. When will Mick go back home? 2. On Monday 1. On Sunday 4. On Wednesday 3. On Tuesday Directions: Read this notice and answer the questions. (11 - 13) Rd. ทม่ี า 11. Where did the dog lost? 2. In the car 1. At home 4. At the station 3. On the road 12. If you find Tony which number should you call? 1. Zero – two – two – three – one – two – three – four – five 2. Zero – two – two – three – six – seven – eight – nine – zero 3. Zero – two – two – nine – eight – seven – six – five – four 4. Zero – two – two – four – six – eight – zero – two – two 13. Who will get the reward from Weerasak? 1. Pim found a white furred and green eyed dog. 2. Pong found a black furred and blue eyed dog. 3. Ping found a brown furred and green eyed dog. 4. Pam found a brown furred and brown eyed dog.

8 Directions: Read the story and answer the questions. (14-15) ทม่ี า: 14. Which fruit has a shape like the moon? 1. 2. 3. 4. 15. From the story, which sentence is not correct? 1. Some apples have the same color as the bananas. 2. The similarity between the banana and the apple is the shape. 3. The apple makes crunchy sound when you eat because it’s not soft. 4. The banana doesn’t make any sound when you eat because it’s not hard. Directions: Read the story and answer the questions. (16 -17) Jasmine studies at the Wittaya School. In her free time, she likes to go to the library. She likes to read books about animals, space, stars and human bodies. She always borrows the books on Mondays and Wednesdays. 16. What kind of books does Jasmine like to read? 1. Travel 2. History 3. Science 4. Romance 17. How often does Jasmine borrow the books from the library? 1. Once a week. 2. Twice a week. 3. Four days a week. 4. Three days a week.

9 Directions: Read the news below and answer the questions (18 – 19). It’s A Short Man’s World September 20, 2010 - 24 year old Edward Nino Hernandez of Colombia has been named the world's shortest living man by the Guinness Book of World Records. Edward is 70 cm tall, weighs 10 kg and has not grown since he was 2 years old. His mother said doctors do not know why he stopped growing. (ทมี่ า : 18. What is the main idea of the news? 1. Edward Nino Hernandez lives in Columbia. 2. Edward Nino Hernandez is the shortest man in the world. 3. Edward Nino Hernandez was interviewed on September 20, 2010. 4. Edward Nino Hernandez hasn't grown up since he was 2 years old. 19. According to the passage, which of the followings is true? 1. His mother is only 70 cm tall and 10 kg now. 2. Edward Nino Hernandez is two years old now. 3. Doctors does not understand why he stopped growing. 4. Edward Nino Hernandez was born on September 20, 2010. Directions: Read this passage and answer questions (20 - 21). Corn is the most popular crop in the United States. Corn grows almost everywhere. China, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, India and France grow lots of corn, but the US grows the most. Corn is an important food in many countries. People use corn flour, called cornmeal, to make baked foods. People also eat cornflakes. At first, people ate cornflakes only in the United States. Now people eat cornflakes all over the world. 20. Which country grows the most corn? 1. The United States 2. Argentina 3. Brazil 4. India

10 มาตรฐาน ต 1.1 ป.6/3 เลือก/ระบุประโยค หรอื ข้อความสัน้ ๆ ตรงตามภาพ สญั ลักษณ์หรือ เคร่ืองหมายทอี่ า่ น 1. Time 08.30- 09.30- 10.30- Lunch Time 13.00- 14.00- 15.00- 09.30 10.30 11.30 14.00 15.00 16.00 Day English Math Thai P.E. Techno Club Math Thai Art Social Science Mon Social Thai English Math Thai Home Room Tue Science Math Social Health Music Wed Math English Techno Library Social Scout Thu Thai Fri Meeting Directions: Read the table and answer the questions. 1. I learn English five days a week. 2. I learn English two days a week. 3. I learn English three days a week. 4. I learn English four days a week. 2. 1. An apple is fifteen baht. 2. An apple juice is fifteen baht. 3. Two cartons of apple juice is fifteen baht. 4. I pay thirty-baht for three cartons of apple juice. 3. 1. Malee wants to buy some vegetables. 4. 2. Malee wants to buy some flowers. 3. Malee wants to buy some fruits. 4. Malee wants to buy some snacks.

11 4. 1. Stamp your feet. 2. Bend your knees. 3. Turn your head. 4. Swing your arms. 5. 1. 1. Children should go to bed late. 3. 2. Children should sleep ten hours a night. 3. Children should sleep alone. 4. Children should eat before sleep. 6. Your friend is very hungry. Which sign can help you find a restaurant? 1. 2. 3. 4. 7. Which sign can you see at the airport? 2. 1. 3. 4. 8. You and your deaf friend are at a zoo. The zookeeper says “Do not feed the animals”. Which sign will help your friend understand the message? 1. 2. 3. 4.

12 9. According to the sign, what will happen on Tuesday? 1. It will be a rainy day. 2. It will be a sunny day. 3. It will be a windy day. 4. It will be a cloudy day. 10. What will a boy do when seeing this sign at the school? 1. He will avoid the path. 2. He will skate on the path. 3. He will jump on the sign. 4. He will continue walking. 11. What is this product used for? 1. Washing dishes 2. Washing clothes 3. Washing cars 4. Taking a bath 12. What is the best statement for this symbol? 1. \"It’s good to have a party.\" 2. \"It’s not bad to drink wine.\" 3. \"It’s good to drink non-alcohol.\" 4. \"It’s not bad to buy some alcohol.\" 13. What does this sign show? 1. Florio can get some drinks. 2. Thomas can check the luggage weight. 3. Sandy can wait for the plane taking off. 4. John can buy some souvenirs for his friends. 14. What do tourists do when they see this symbol? 1. The tourists often ask for information. 2. The tourists can exchange bank notes. 3. The tourists will get a boarding pass. 4. The tourists should show a passport.

13 15. When you see this sign, what will you see near by? 1. You will face an elevator. 2. You will stop at a restroom. 3. You will see a luggage claim. 4. You will find a money exchange. 16. What does this sign mean? 1. No Coffee. 2. No Drinking. 3. No fork and spoon. 4. No food and drink. 17. Where can you see this sign? 1. In the park 2. In the library 3. In the airport 4. In the canteen 18. Where can you see this sign? 1. At school 2. At hospital 3. At market 4. At shopping mall 19. Which product do you usually see this label on? 1. clothes 2. furniture 3. IT accessories 4. Food and beverage

14 20. What does this sign mean? 1. Please stop, I would like to see the koalas. 2. Shall we take a photo with the koalas? 3. Slowly please, you will hit the koalas. 4. Look! The koalas are walking cross the road. 21. This is Jim Smith’s family tree Jim Nancy Noot Sak Nid Wang May Dawid Rose Sam Som Sandy Bob John Which sentence is correct? 1. Nancy is David’s wife. 2. Jim has seven children. 3. Som is Sak and Nid’s son. 4. Sandy has three brothers. Directions: Look at the chart and answer the questions (22-23). The number of women men Chart of population in Asia and children. 6 Malaysia China Thailand 5 4 2= two million 3 2 Woman Children 1 Laos 0 1= one million Men

15 22. Which country has the most population? 1. Laos 2. Malaysia 3. China 4. Thailand 23. Which sentence is incorrect? 1. Laos has the men more than China. 2. Malaysia has the children as much as Laos. 3. Thailand has 5 million children. 4. China has the men less than Malaysia. 24. Lilly loves orange juice. Her mother always does it for her every day. Because the orange juice is …….. . 1. all yellow 2. full of vitamin C 3. all sweet 4. full of protein 25. Jim is going to 95 kg. Today there is pasta for lunch. So he wants to skip lunch. Because …….. . 1. it is delicious 2. it isn’t good 3. it makes him fat 4. it makes him hungry 26. The water sport that makes us strong is …….. . 1. swimming 2. climbing 3. jogging 4. doing yoga 27. Amnart loves entertaining people. He always practices to sing. He wants to be …….. . 1. a programmer 2. a salesman 3. an actor 4. a singer 28. What’s the matter? 1. He was sad. 2. He broke his leg. 3. He was in pain. 4. He broke his hand. 29. This sign means …….. . 1. there is a food shop around here 2. there is no food shop in this area 3. you can sell food here 4. you can eat food here

16 30. My uncle likes going fishing. The fishing is …….. . 1. interesting 2. exciting 3. a challenge sport 4. a boring game 31. Tim and Tom like playing tennis in double. “in double” is …….. . 1. cousins 2. twins 3. classmate 4. best friends 32. A. What does the woman do? 1. She’s a doctor. 2. She’s a reporter. 3. She’s a salesman. 4. She’s a photographer. B. What does she use for her job? 2. She uses a camera for her job. 1. She uses a torch for her job. 4. She uses a radio for her job. 3. She uses a light for her job. 33. In the morning Grandma: Look at the sky! You should bring ___________________ with you. Mook: Okay, thank you. 1. a scarf 2. a swimsuit 3. an umbrella 4. a pair of gloves 34. Jenny: Excuse me. I want to move this sofa. _________________ Oven: Sure, no problem. 1. What are you doing? 2. Can you give me more? 3. Could you do me a favor? 4. Where did you buy this sofa?

17 35. Look at the picture. What should you say to him? ท่ีมา: 1. You should sleep in the bed. 2. You should go to see a doctor. 3. You should drink a lot of water. 4. You should exercise every day. 36. 1. Park here, please. 2. Stop here, please. 3. Do not pass, please. 4. Drive slowly, please. 37. You see a pregnant woman on the bus. What should you say to her? 1. Stand in line, please. 2. Can I have your seat? 3. You can have my seat. 4. I’ll get the food for you. 38. What is not the food made with? ทีม่ า 1. Bread 2. Steak 3. Sausage 4. Lettuce

18 39. Look at the picture. If you have a plan to go to America in this season. Which clothes will you wear? 1. blouses / skirts / boots 2. t-shirts / hats / gowns 3. coats / scarves / gloves 4. suits / swimsuits / sunglasses 40. From the picture, what is promoted to save the Earth? 1. Growing more trees 2. Recycling resources 3. Using clean energies 4. Reducing use of wind 41. Look at the picture. What will happen if someone follows the instruction? 1. He will be intelligent. 2. He will lose some money. 3. He will get special discounts. 4. He will keep the environment.

19 42. Look at the picture. ทมี่ า From the picture, where are they? 1. At the hospital 2. At the post office 3. At the police station 4. At the railway station 43. ท่ีมา: From the picture, Mike will get a 80% discount if he buys textbooks at the________. 1. barber’s 2. drugstore 3. bookstore 4. restaurant 44. A doctor recommended you to reduce Carbohydrate. What kind of food should you take less? 1. 2. 3. 4.

20 มาตรฐาน ต. 1.2 ป.6/1 พูด/เขียนโต้ตอบในการสือ่ สารระหวา่ งบคุ คล 1. Somsak is introducing Champei, a Cambodian friend to Naree. Somsak: Naree, ………………………… , Champei. Champei: Hi ! Naree. It’s nice to meet you. Naree: Hi ! Champei. Nice to meet you, too. 1. this is my friend 2. here is my sister 3. do you know her 4. may I introduce myself 2. Your friend hurried to see you, but unluckily, he fell and hurt his knee. What should you say to your friend? 1. How are you? 2. Are you okay? 3. What are you doing? 4. Do you want to see me? 3. A: You look tired. Are you okay? B: …………………… I have a fever. 1. No, I’m fine. 2. Yes, I’m fine. 3. Yes, I feel happy. 4. No, I don’t feel well. 4. Pam: Thank you very much. Ali:_______________ 1. I'm good . 2. That's right. 3. Never mind. 4. You’re welcome. 5. Rose: You look very happy. Ben: I am. I got an A in English! Rose: ………………………………………… 1. Cheers! 2. That's okay! 3. Thank you! 4. Congratulations!

21 6. Amy: Let me introduce myself. I'm Amy. Prim: Hi Amy. I'm Prim. Amy: …………………………………… 1. I'm all right. 2. Fine, thank you. 3. I have to go, bye. 4. Nice to meet you. 7. At the party Frank : Joey, do you know that song? What’s the name? Joey : ……………… . What did you say? Frank : The name of the song! What is it? 1. Sorry 2. Certainly 3. Not at all 4. My pleasure 8. On New Year’s Day Father: Thank you for your present. You are my lovely daughter. Bella: ……………………………………… 1. Great! 2. No more. 3. See you later. 4. With my pleasure. 9. On Saturday morning Ken: Do you mind if I borrow your jacket? Tom: …………………………………………… Ken: Thank you. You are my lovely brother. 1. Sure. 2. Good luck. 3. That’s bad. 4. Certainly not. 10. Situation: Jane is talking to her younger brother, Joe. Jane: Let’s ask mom and dad to go to the beach this weekend. Joe: ……………………………………………….. 1. Not at all. 2. Congratulations! 3. That’s a good idea! 4. Don’t worry about it.

22 มาตรฐาน ต 1.2 ป.6/2 ใช้คาสงั่ คาขอร้อง คาขออนุญาตและให้คาแนะนา 1. In Nicha’s bedroom Mother: ________ It’s late for your class. Nicha: Oh! Really? I’m so tired because I went to bed late last night. 1. Shut up! 2. Wake up! 3. Cool down! 4. Slow down! 2. Sam: I’m very thirsty. _________________________ Alex: Yes. Wait a minute. 1. Can I get something to eat? 2. Would I get you some soup? 3. Can you give me some snacks? 4. Can I have some water, please? 3. Your friend catches a cold. What should you say to him? 1. You should go outside. 2. You should take a rest. 3. You should stay up late. 4. You should drink some ice tea. 4. Situation: Nakin wants to join the football club at school. Nakin: ______________________ The teacher: Yes, you may. 1. I may join the football club. 2. May I join the football club? 3. Should I join the football club? 4. I can join the football club. 5. You see a child crossing a lawn and you want to warn him not to do that. What should you say? 1. Be careful, please. 2. Keep off the grass, please. 3. Beware of the grass, please. 4. Stay away from the lawn, please.

23 6. Situation: Pam is looking for a seat. Pam: _____________ Tong: Sure. Pam: Thank you. 1. May I sit here? 2. What do you do? 3. When is your next class? 4. Could you take me to the bank? 7. At the first aid room Anny: I’ve got a stomachache. ________________ Staff: Sure, but you should take some medicine first. Anny: Okay. 1. Can I get some rest? 2. Can I go to the class? 3. Can I get some drink? 4. Can I go to the canteen? 8. A: I forgot my pencil. _________________ B: Yes. Here you are. 1. Will I buy it? 2. What can I do? 3. Can I borrow yours? 4. How do you write it? 9. You want someone to take a photo for you. What would you say to him? 1. Can I take a photo? 2. May I take a photo of you? 3. Do you want to take a photo? 4. Could you take a photo of me? 10. In English class You need to go to the toilet, so you say to your teacher, “Excuse me.__________” 1. May I go to the toilet? 2. Can you go to the toilet? 3. How will I get to the toilet? 4. Where do you get to the toilet?

24 มาตรฐาน ต 1.2 ป.6/3 พูด/เขยี นแสดงความต้องการขอความชว่ ยเหลือ ตอบรับและปฏเิ สธ การใหค้ วามช่วยเหลือในสถานการณง์ า่ ย ๆ 1. Mana: Would you like to go to the cinema with me this Saturday? Wilai: I’d love to, but _______________ I have to look after my sister at home. 1. Never mind 2. I’m afraid I can’t 3. With my pleasure 4. Don’t worry about it 2. You see a pregnant woman on the bus. What should you say to her? 1. Stand in line, please. 2. Can I have your seat? 3. You can have my seat. 4. I’ll get the food for you. 3. Jack: Excuse me. _____________________ Jill: Go straight to Max Street, you will see it at the left corner. 1. Where are you going? 2. When will the train leave? 3. How can I get to the train station? 4. How do you go to Max Street? 4. Tourist: Excuse me. Do you speak English? Winai: Yes, I do. ______________ Tourist: Yes, please. I would like to know where the museum is? 1. Will you be ok? 2. Are you a tourist? 3. Where are you from? 4. What can I do for you? 5. Teacher: It’s rainy and windy outside. Anna, can you ____, please? Anna: Of course. 1. open the door 2. turn off the light 3. switch on the fan 4. close the window

25 6. Jenny: Excuse me. I want to move this sofa. ________________________ Oven: Sure, no problem. 1. What are you doing? 2. Can you give me more? 3. Could you do me a favor? 4. Where did you buy this sofa? 7. Teacher: It's very dark in here. Please………………. Student: Yes, sir. 1. turn on the light 2. close the window 3. switch off the fan 4. clean the blackboard 8. Bella: Hello. Paul: Hello. ____________________________ Bella: Yes. I’m speaking. 1. Who’s calling? 2. Where is Bella? 3. Can I take a message? 4. Can I speak to Bella, please? 9. At school Linda: _________________________ Teacher: Yes, please. 1. Could you help me with those books? 2. Can I help you carry those books? 3. Can you give me those books? 4. Do you have those books? 10. In English class You do not hear the teacher, so you say to her, “______________” 1. Can I read it again? 2. Shall I say it, please? 3. Could you repeat that? 4. May you listen to it again?

26 มาตรฐาน ต. 1.2 ป.6/4 พูดและเขยี นเพื่อขอและให้ข้อมลู เกยี่ วกับตนเอง เพอ่ื น ครอบครวั และเรอื่ งใกล้ตัว 1. Teacher: ___________________ Pimpa: I come to school by bus. 1. How are you? 2. Where do you study? 3. When do you go to school? 4. How do you come to school? 2. Situation: Nam and Pam, her sister, are walking home. Nid: Today, there is a new student in my class. Pam: What does she look like? Nid: ____________________________ 1. She is friendly. 2. She is tall and slim. 3. She is forty-five kilos. 4. She is twelve years old. 3. Teacher: __________ Student: I'm eleven. 1. How old are you? 2. How much do you weigh? 3. How often do you exercise? 4. How many books do you have? 4. June: You look taller than me. How tall are you now? John: _________________________ 1. I am 10. 2. I am 165. 3. I am so shy. 4. I am getting chubby.

27 5. A : Good morning. Can I help you? B : I want some roses, tulips and lotuses. What does A do? 1. She is a nurse. 2. She is a florist. 3. She is a designer. 4. She is a shopkeeper 6. Peter: I visited my grandparents in Khonkaen last weekend. You: __________________ 1. How did you go back? 2. What did you do there? 3. When did you go shopping? 4. Where did you have dinner? 7. John has three daughters. Donna is ten years older than Laura while Tina is two years older than Donna. So, Laura is ______________. 1. John’s youngest sister 2. John’s eldest daughter 3. Tina and Donna’s eldest sister 4. Tina and Donna’s youngest sister 8. In the classroom New student: Tom, where is our homeroom teacher right now? Tom: I think she is ______________________________. New student: Thank you. I will walk to the library. 1. eating outside 2. checking exercises 3. reading somewhere 4. playing hide and seek in the room

28 9. Patty: What do you do in your free time? David: I love eating so I love ___________. Patty: Oh really? I love doing exercises. What is David’s hobby? 1. jogging 2. dancing 3. cooking 4. diving 10. In Ben’s free time, he always rides a bike his mother bought him. He rides it for 30 minutes or 10 kilometers every day. What is his hobby? 1. Sailing. 2. Cycling. 3. Cooking. 4. Collecting stamps.

29 มาตรฐาน ต 1.2 ป.6/5 พดู /เขียนแสดงความรสู้ ึกของตนเองเกย่ี วกับเรื่องตา่ ง ๆ ใกลต้ วั กจิ กรรมตา่ ง ๆ พรอ้ มทัง้ ใหเ้ หตุผลสั้น ๆ ประกอบ 1. Matt: Wichai, let’s have a break for a moment. I can’t hit the ball anymore! Wichai: Why? Matt: _____________________ 1. I’m busy. 2. I’m happy. 3. I’m so tired. 4. I’m worried. 2. A and B are talking about the season they like. A: Why do you like hot season? B: _____________ 1. I like going to the beach. 2. I like playing in the snow. 3. I like wearing nice sweaters. 4. I like skiing on the mountain. 3. A: What TV program do you like? B: I like cartoons. A: Why do you like it? B: I like it___________. 1. or it's exciting 2. and it's boring 3. but it's interesting 4. because it's funny 4. Joe:What subject do you like most? Jim: English. It's fun. Joe: __________.A lot of foreigners visit our province, and I like talking to them. 1. Me, too 2. Not for me 3. Me, neither 4. Neither do I 5. Wandee: What do you think about April in Thailand? Tourist: ______________ 1. It comes after March. 2. I like it. It’s in Thailand. 3. It is not the fourth month. 4. I don’t like it. It’s too hot.

30 6. Situation: At home Mom: What’s wrong with you? Ben: I’ve got a toothache. Mom: Did you eat many candies yesterday? Ben: Yes, I did. Why did he feel pain? 1. Because he hit the table. 2. Because he ate many candies. 3. Because he drank many cans of soda. 4. Because he had never brushed his teeth. 7. A: What club would you like to join? B: I'd like to join the ____________because I like baking cakes. 1. arts club 2. sports club 3. cooking club 4. computer club 8. Teacher: How was your skiing trip last week? Robert: _______________ It was freezing and I had a bad cold. 1. Great! 2. Terrible! 3. Excellent! 4. Amazing! 9. At the gallery Ray: Do you like these paintings? Penny: Of course! _______________ I’ve visited here twice. What about you? Ray: It’s my first time here. 1. They’re terrible. I’m not okay. 2. I love them. They’re interesting. 3. I don’t like them. They’re boring. 4. They’re scary. I’m afraid of them.

31 10. At the clothes shop Pam: Look at this skirt. I really like it. Mike: I think it’s too long. Why don’t you buy this one? Pam: Oh! It’s five hundred baht. _______________ I can’t buy it. 1. it’s too short. 2. it’s not the best. 3. it’s too expensive. 4. it’s too old-fashioned.

32 มาตรฐาน ต 1.3 ป.6/1 พูด/เขียนให้ขอ้ มูลเกีย่ วกับตนเอง เพื่อน และสิง่ แวดล้อมใกลต้ ัว 1-3. Read and complete the sentences. Laura_ (1) __ a secretary 10 years ago. Now she __ (2) __ businesswoman. She has her own company and there__ (3) ____20 workers in her office. 1. 1) is 2) are 3) will be 4) was 2. 1) is 2) are 3) will be 4) was 3. 1) is 2) are 3) will be 4) was 4. Logan : ____________________________________ Emily : She has long brown hair. 1. What is your neighbor like? 2. What does your neighbor do? 3. What is your neighbor doing? 4. What does your neighbor look like? 5. Joe : What subject do you like most? Jim : English. It’s fun. Joe : _______ A lot of foreigners visit our province, and I like talking to them. 1. Me, too 2. Not for me. 3. Me, neither. 4. Neither do I.

33 6. Read and complete the sentences. Name : Malee Deejai Date of Birth : ________________ Age : 12 years old. Height : 155 centimeters Weight : 45 kilograms Nationality : Thai 1. 23/05/2007 2. 08-1123-4567 3. ID. 1560300245896 4. 404/20 Sukumvit Rd. 7. A: Look at the key chain. ________________ B: It’s Tom’s key chain. 1. Who has the key chain? 2. Whose key chain is this? 3. Which is Tom’s key chain? 4. Whose key chain is Tom? 8. Mark : _______________? Harry : Yes, I am. 1. Are you friendly? 2. Do you friendly? 3. Were you friendly? 4. Have you friendly? 9. You want someone to take a photo for you. What would you say to him? 1. Can I take a photo? 2. May I take a photo of you? 3. Do you want to take a photo? 4. Could you take a photo of me? 10. Nid likes ____________. She loves drawing and painting. 1. Thai 2. gym 3. art 4. music 11. We have to wear sunglasses because it is _____________. 1. windy 2. sunny 3 cloudy 4. rainy

34 12. Chai sits near the _______. He is fishing. 1. river 2. tree 3. park 4. market 13. John : What do you like to do in your free time? Jane : I like reading and watching TV._________________ John : I collect stamps. 1. How are you? 2. How about you ? 3. What do you do ? 4. What are you doing? 14. I’m hungry. I want some _______________. 1. book 2. rice 3. drinks 4. ice cream. 15. I’m thirsty. I want some __________. 1. water 2. apple 3. rice 4. fish 16. Anna: What do you do now, Tommy? Tommy: I’m _____________ I work in this hospital, and you? Anna: I'm a teacher. It’s nice to see you here. 1. a pilot. 2. a pharmacist. 3. a policeman. 4. a flight attendant. 17. A: When is your birthday? B: ______________________. 1. It’s on 3rd floor 2. It’s at half past six 3. It’s at 125 Tiwan on Street 4. It’s on November the twentieth 18. A: What’s your nationality? B: ________________. 1. I’m thirty years old 2. I’m British 3. I’m married 4. I’m shy

35 19. A: What’s your teacher like? B: _____________________ 1. She likes to teach English. 2. She’s very kind and joyful. 3. She likes teaching at the library? 4. She’s chubby but she is also beautiful. 20. The floor is wet. Your brother is walking on it. What should you say to him? 1. Be quiet. 2. Hurry up. 3. Be careful. 4. Step down.

36 มาตรฐาน ต 1.3 ป.6/2 เขยี นภาพ แผนผงั แผนภมู แิ ละตารางแสดงขอ้ มูลตา่ ง ๆ ที่ฟังหรอื อา่ น 1-5 The chart shows activities each Primary 6 Student does in the morning at school before class. 1. Which of the following is correct? 1. More students do homework than eat breakfast. 2. Ten students play sports. 3. Four students eat breakfast 4. More students read books than play sports. 2. Which of the following is correct? 1. One student eats breakfast. 2. Four students read books. 3. More students eat breakfast than play sports. 4. More students read books than do homework. 3. How many students are there in Primary 6? 2. Twenty- four 1. Twenty-eight 4. Fourteen 3. Thirty 4. Which of the following is not correct ? 1. More students play sports than do homework. 2. More students eat breakfast than do homework. 3. More students read book than do homework. 4. More students do homework than read books.

37 5. How many students do homework? 1. One 2. There 3. Two 4. Zero 6. To get more protein, what kind of food should you take? 1. 2. 3. 4. 7. Who is the most intelligent student in this room? 1. Jack 2. Tony 3. Lora 4. Eric

38 8. English Camp 07.00 Meet at school. 07.30 Depart Bangkok. 10.00 Arrive at Hua-Hin. 12.00 Collect your lunch box. 18.00 Dinner time. Where are the students going? 2. To Bangkok. 1. To Hua-Hin. 4. To the bus station. 3. To the market. 9-11. Read the chart below and answer the questions. Milk Mon. Tue. Wen. Thu. Fri. Sat. Sun Lisa always  Anne Usually  Tom sometimes  Jack never 9. Tom ……………............. drinks milk. 2. always 1. never 4. sometimes 3. usually 2. Jack 10. .……………............ always drinks milk. 4. Tom 1. Lisa 3. Anne 2. usually 4. sometimes 11. Anne……………..…… drinks milk. 1. always 3. never

39 12. Which sign means “Please turn right here”. 2. 1. 3. 4. 13. If you are in Thailand, how will you go to New York? 1. 2. 3. 4. 14. Today is windy. 2. 1. 4. 3.

40 15. From the passage, which one is CORRECT? There are 36 students in the classroom. The teacher asks them about their favorite social media used. Half of the students always use Facebook. Five of them use Instagram and ten of them like Line. The others love Twitter. Line Instagram Facebook Line Twitter 2. 1. Twitter Twitter Line Facebook Facebook 3. 4.

41 16. There are one hundred and eighty students. Half of them go to school by bus. More students ride a bicycle than walk to school. Which diagram is correct? 1. 2. 3. 4. 17. There is a fire while you are watching a film in a cinema. Which sign should you follow? 1. 2. 3. 4.

42 18-20 Read the information and answer the question Animals height weight rhino 2 metres 1,300 kilos giraffe 5 metres 1,000 kilos tiger 120 centimetres 75 kilos 4 metres 5,000 kilos elephant 18.Which animal is the fastest? 2. Tiger. 1. Rhino. 4. Giraffe. 3. Elephant. 2. Elephant. 19. Which animal is the biggest? 4. Giraffe. 1. Rhino. 3. Tiger. 2. Giraffe. 4. Tiger. 20. Which animal is the heaviest? 1. Rhino. 3. Elephant.

43 มาตรฐาน ต 1.3 ป.6/3 พูด/เขียนแสดงความคิดเห็นเก่ยี วกับเรอ่ื งตา่ ง ๆ ใกล้ตัว 1. After the movie 2. It is in the city. Oliver: How was the movie? 4. It took two hours. Amelia: ___________________ 1. It was great. 3. It helps me a lot. 2. At an open zoo Susan and Tom visited an open zoo. It’s a very big place and there are lots of things to see. They saw birds and animals. Tom really liked the flamingos. He thought, they were _______________ birds. 1.ugly 2. awful 3.horrible 4. beautiful 3. This summer was my best holiday. I went to visit my uncle, Bob. He lives on a small island. It was very beautiful. I swam and played on the beach every day. I think, it was _______________. 1. awful 2. terrible 3. boring 4. amazing 4. Put these sentences in the right order. “How to make a ham sandwich” A. First, get two slices of bread. B. Next, spread a little butter on the bread. C. After that, put some ham, lettuce, and cheese on the bread. D. Finally, put another piece of bread on the top. 1. A-B-C-D 2. B-A-C-D 3. C-B-A-D 4. D-A-B-C

44 5. Situation: Prakit and Wirat are singing karaoke. Prakit: I don’t like this song, please skip it. Wirat: Ok, what about this song? Prakit: I like it. Wirat: Let’s sing together. 1. It’s too fast. 2. That’s great. 3. That’s boring. 4. It’s hard to sing. 6.It is a place where we buy things. 2. amusement park 1. bowling alley 4. supermarket 3. Internet café 7. It is very hot in the classroom. What should you do? 1. Turn off the light. 2. Tum on the lamp. 3. Switch on the fan. 4. Switch off the gas . 8-9. Look at the things and their price. 8. You have 40 baht. What can you buy? 1. A notebook and two pens 2. Three pens and two rulers 3. Two rulers and three rubbers 4. Four rubbers and one notebook 9. Sam buys a pen and a rubber. How much does he pay? 1. Six baht 2. Ten baht 3. Sixteen baht 4. Sixty baht

45 10. The bus had just left when Mike arrived at the bus stop at 2.50 p.m. Mike : Excuse me. When is the next bus coming? Woman : It comes every fifteen minutes. When is the next bus? 1. 2.55 p.m. 2. 3.05 p.m. 3. 3.15 p.m. 4. 3.30 p.m. 11. Samuel : How did you go to the cave? 2. It was very dark. Wayne : ………………………. . 4. I wanted to see the rocks. 1. I rode my bike. 3. It was very nice there. 12. Wandee: What do you think about April in Thailand? Tourist : …………………………… . 1. It comes after March. 2. I like it. It's in Thailand. 3. It is not the fourth month. 4. I don't like it. It's too hot. 13. Mrs. Smith Candy Which of the following sentences is the correct answer? 1. Candy is fatter than Mr.Smith. 2. Mrs. Smith is fatter than Candy. 3. Candy is shorter than Mr.Smith. 4. Mrs. Smith is thinner than Candy.

46 มาตรฐาน ต. 2.1 ป.6/1 ใช้ถ้อยคา น้าเสยี ง และกิรยิ าท่าทางอย่างสุภาพ เหมาะสม ตามมารยาท สังคม และวฒั นธรรมของเจ้าของภาษา 1. Situation: The teacher is asking Suporn to open the window. Teacher: Please open the window? Suporn:................................. . 1. Yes, of course. 2. No, I don’t. 3. Yes, go ahead. 4. Please do. 2. Bob: It’s time to go now. See you later. 2. Thank you Billy: ______________. 4. You’re welcome 1. Goodbye 3. Not at all 3. Situation: Talking on the phone 2. Ok, I will talk to him The girl: Hello, Bella’s speaking. 4. I’m sorry, I have a wrong number Ben: Errr, may I talk to Peter, please? The girl: Peter? I don’t know him. Ben: __________________. 1. Don’t worry, I do 3. Thank you very much 4. Situation: Mark is introducing Ben to Justin. 2. Never mind. Mark: Justin, this is my friend, Mr. Ben. 4. I am fine, thank you. Ben, this is my boss, Justin. Ben: How do you do? Justin:_____________ 1. Oh, really! 3. How do you do? 5. You are late for the English class. 2. See you soon. What should you say to your teacher? 4. May I come in, please? 1. Am I so late? 3. Sorry, I’m late.