i+4-\"Cl cJ-.Ul 1. hat 5. winter scarf 9. parka 13. earmuffs (i.iiL 4-.i1;s ;Jl-),liJi i+ ,< \"i..i !-L,i -\" rll u- s!)J e!!3 YJ 10. mittens 2. (over)coat eL-i \\i+i*d,ljlji 14. down vest 6. gloves ;ay -9i qsJ c1. i1r, ^ (\"*tts)-lt!/(6+Jti)':L'\" eiljli! 1 1. ski hat 15. ski mask 3. headband 7. headwrap +Hl *l' ,A,!jt o+ +Hl *i'.}J.;lll eS .ril4i .i ,tt , t^ .: *u 12. leggings GL.,[ eL-s / dl .'L\\1 16. down jacket 4. leatherjacket 8. jacket +i+ (;_!-){jsl^ aisl. ;1 ji ..a; dr 4+ 4lStr 17. umbrella 20. rain boots 22. swimming trunks 25. cover-up J.ll (L1.) ,!LJt *JLc el.:s (\"*t-) Jt+J isli ,ll c:Jrj 4+.\"\"j c-.:i^ oLtrl! 21. trench coat 23. straw hat 18. raincoat (_E :t cr dlr qjiL*) JL:JI c.,\"ilt e* +r+ 26. swimsuit / bathing suit (\"-*..u) \"t*U tl-' i '1 il! / a-!- .1+ :.L 1;r1;, ,i^* 24. windbreaker C,Ljl -J. ajslj ; 4--s ir):L 27. sunglasses 19. poncho (-.Jr;* \"+':) -*;;rt! (;'!'o$, ;L-\") oiir,li Grammar Point: should Pair practice. Make nerfu conversations. It's raining. You should take an umbrella. A; tt's snowing. You should wear a scarf. tt's snowing.You should wear a scarf. B: Don't worry. l'm wearing my Wfus. It's sunny. You should wear a straw hat. A: Good, and don't forget your mittens.
psill o+).: i.,titSt cp.).ll Unisex Underwear Men's Underwear Unisex Socks Women's Socks :*.j+ll >tSl 4.dit.r o+)1. dt+jl4Ji,lt o..,r.)-o O+..liill )5J i;y.a! !r;lJ+ 9L,,,'ilt er,;ljrs, 1. undershirt 7. ankle socks i\\.\\LA/\\9 -]=1:,,^,\"i 4. boxer shorts +rJ-tS u;l,p 10. low-cut socks /\\v'.\".S)1. \".J'r \"-:l \\*-Llr rl )r- 3tiilYl ;;r*d ,,,115 2. thermal undershirt 8. crew socks :,1 o \\ll: .^,.d 5. briefs a.;!J uJlF I 1. anklets YJJ 9 ,,.^! jl i^i,ll \"* 9. dress socks \")-13.11 1ts:1L o;19 3. long underwear 6. athletic supporter / c_+*,).:JlJ+ 12. knee highs oIA i.Ll: .1l>U jockstrap Jl- *',,i,<plS 'L ,l / +:l1;JJ vrJL ,;L,,11 .\"-\"-!_.,J\"!-, WOmen'S UndefWeal el ,.,iir LJrt.l cp+)I, Sleepwear e*xl o+)L 13. (bikini) panties 16. garter belt 21. camisole 24. pajamas 27. blanket sleeper l-1l:r / JU-t)U ey a!_x jL. *d i-i,\\l ou .:t r*jl l!,r ;n*\\,1^,^,\"i Ltili J Lj\"!.$ glj ..rg i 17. stockings .,-t't! L-L\"; /; 28. nightshirt \"aSg \\J. c:n JA.:+^ 14. briefs / 4$-,ll ,j,f *,U +t:+ 22. full slip 25. nightgown eL-$I ii u-+i 29. robe underpants 18. panty hose irLl.r ;_ru o--r / pL- -; F;rr*l-jL, ,,,^i i-i \\l .- iLi ll ouu,d Lat\\ I ..Lr re. iistrti 23. half slip 26. slippers ltr .!\"s 9 Jl+ fJil: r:p- 15. body shaper/ JJt .-t-]J qi: / ,, girdle 20. bra \"r+,i i,.x. / ,G r *LI .uv-]sill L .u \\vi More vocabulary Ask your classmates. ShHre the answers; 9', lingerie: underwear or sleepwear for women 1. What kind of socks are you wearing today? loungewear: very casual clothing for relaxing around 2. What kind of sleepwear do you prefer? the home 3. Do you wear slippers at home?
,Jcll gtS\"c Oa)l-e 1. hard hat 4. Hi-Visibility safety vest 7. ventilation mask 9. bump cap t_i* d+ ,.iiioLujerd .:,+ -l'k+j, ,fu ,l\"i Lr.r: Lr,:ll ;.r1 ,:\" ]L., 2. work shirt 8. coveralls &-:,_Fi^d / & !4^! 5. work pants 10. safety glasses (&.i)J*,t91-tl (au.s rr J- .:r),,ji 3. tool belt Jk' l i u.l.J, tlartr.. 6. steel toe boots ':rtrrl al; 1 1. apron ak-.:t: JLJI 4:Jtc Li 4-r\" :)eilt sn 12. blazer 14. polo shirt 16. bandana 18. cowboy hat / , ul\\ ir.!i,iSL +--ji! Jl r!.9 -)]ts e:*,-rl! .tl.:-x *1,, ,Is. J+ll .:-i: o.+ \\JJ4 . I 15. name tag a*)l 1++ ii1 Ll 17. workgloves 19. jeans 13. tie cLe $ljtid 1\\ {Alr St\\v iic iLl , 'l+ tt dL\" Pair practice. Make new conversations. Use the new words. Look at pages 166-169. Name the workplace clothing you see. Az What do construction workerswear to work? B: They wear hqrd hats and tool belts. A: He's wearing a hard hat. A: What do road workers wear to work? B: 5he3 weariig scrubs.
,lgll glS,c gr*r.). 20. security shirt 23. helmet 25. hairnet 28. chef's hat grYl r:!l uFL:,J,+^li ;:Ji *,iI asl.li f . i,'rlt\\ .;r , Lll ,.,.i , a-i 21. badge 24. jumpsuit 26. smock \\r/! 22. security pants Laji u ; iL\\ i! * (f 29. chef's jacket 3.)l .;l^J,-t-;qlt-i, /. ;, r\\l\\ ;Latll 'J , \"jsLS 1lLJl 27. disposable gloves J1 ri...Yi + si! crljli! 30. waist apron ar>^ 4_x 31. scrubs 33. lab coat 35. surgical scrub cap 37. surgical gown 61*ll ri:1 sL:jJiJ or-l,rJi :$ l.l$l DJ! crlra+ 38. surgical scrubs 32. face mask 34. latex gloves 36. surgical mask crliUl il'1i, lLJ ,+_rl1 tili GjIl (J4 eiljti{ C')>' a* Askyour classmates. Share the answers. Think about it. Discuss. 1. Which of these outfits would you like to wear? 1. What other jobs require helmets? disposable gloves?
Ol.,,1ljl*.ls13 a,;lsi A. purchase 1. suspenders 3. salesclerk 5. display case c+1ij 6L:JJ* 6J$* B. wait in line ; Jl-i-Jl a..lt^ g!:i u\\ 2. purses / handbags 6. belts ,.Ltll 9. -! l\\Jir\"l' r sin 4. customer (lulri / +.,.[i- L;i rlri 13. wallet 17. shoulder bag 21. sole :UL^J , '\"'i< :Llis eliJl J,,j al;!* 1 8. backpack 22. heel 14. change purse / coin purse rF c.\"$ / Jhj+ ., Lll . -jc , 1--i ;ijis cl.rJl ..\"5 15. cell phone holder 19. tote bag 23. toe (Jl!ill) c)j*Jl J i$l / !-ul-€ll .hls Ji i+i- eliJr (e$ 6*)) 3.:; 16. (wrist)watch (+)a-u 20. belt buckle 24. shoelaces oltlt .tLr ,l!l (,,\\r*) Ar) More vocabulary Grammar Point: object pronouns gift: something you give or receive from friends or My sister loves jewelry. I'll buy her a necklace. family for a special occasion My dad likes belts.l'llbuy him a belt buckte. 94 present: a gift My friends love scarves. t'lt buy them scarves.
Ol-1lj*..'Sl3 allri 7. shoe department 9. bracelets 1 1. hats C. try on shoes t{+\"lfil ,liJl ,J+,li :riYi 3.d --,rLi cJ-jii D. assist a customer 8. jewelry department 10. necklaces 12. scarves :lJA ,+11 i,,,s rjc /:rX ;.jJi Lrj.pL+ w i**ffi*;ffid* i;R# 25. high heels 29. oxfords 33. chain 37. clip-on earrings JLe ,,,*S Ji elis :; nlJi olt ,r\\i.,lc cit il- 26. pumps 30. loafers 38. pin rjt,n elt JL-K!! 4+,,:l el:- 34. beads in 39. string of pearls 27. flats 31. hiking boots .-uS;j+ 4J:t\"i Lti 35. locket til $' :\\.,i1\\ / lLJt lle \"l:=\\ L ; 28. boots 36. pierced earrings 40. ring v\\v9/ (dLJl -Jt' el:-) L; +r.tir^,.tr) jL 32. tennis shoes /u -Jl ii S\\ \"ai \"rrs Ways to talk about accessories Role play. Talk to a salesperson. 95 t need a hat to wear with this scarf. A: Do you have boots that woutd go with this skirt? td like earrings to go with the necklace. B: Let me see. How about these brown ones? Do you have a belt that would go with my shoes? A: Perfect. I also need...
O..r*Y-oll ui,a3 SiZeS diL*lLo 1. extra small 2. small 3. medium 4. large 5. extra large 6. one-size-fits-all Iri ;;u ^ 1:+:+5 r--ll:-1 .,*G^ )P- .t_r,j,\" J#s Styles et+ii !+. 7. crewneck sweater 1 1. sleeveless shirt 15. mini-skirt pt*si gjq ,;pr^{ i.l+.tt-e , /iJ.r \\ J'.iSI \\ t G r\".L (c#) t+ i.*g!;;r,i: 1 2. short-sleeved shirt 8. V-neck sweater 16. short skirt (# d4) 6Jbua! fUSi rr cr-*\"ii V,r,,r- ,#,P +$t _,i (;js)y_,! i:ri ;;rs 13. 3/4-sleeved shirt 9. turtleneck sweater 17. mid-length / calf-length skirt l+ 4JLe a+t _ri (;-.,S) >A d (g'*ri i5E1 rlt rr u-\"\"'i dlJl Oh cJ3!1;t_i. / cJ.*11 i-h*li.;-rE 10. scoop neck sweater 14. long-sleeved shirt 18. long skirt iJ(J!* r4.!. ri (;F) JFA 4-L\"JE ft^si Ji ri+^{ a!\"gL ;_,_,- Pattefns Ls*y or 'r^ 'i 19. solid 21. polka-dotted 23. print 25. floral d!\"* / irL- dJL !L (4r;-e cJltui :i) tr-x 20. striped 24. checked 22. plaid 26. paisley JjL / t^t^.. nlaJJIS fu3L -tq-r (er--'l! oiS:-r. e+-) -\\ Ask your classmates. Share the answers. Role play. Talk to a salesperson. 1. Do you prefer crewneck or V-neck sweaters? A: Excuse me. l'm looking for this V-neck sweoter in lqge. 2. Do you prefer checked or striped shirts? Bz Here's a larye. lt'i on sale for.51_9\"92. i 3. Do you prefer short-sleeved or'sleeveless shirts? A: Wonderful fil tuke it. I'm also looking for,..
- o m paring Clothing,r,:.....'.-'.,, I --. heavyjacket 29. tight pants 31. low heels 33. plain blouse 35. narrow tie a#r (+:*t s] ,-id L:r. -::.-r . l::;-:.1 _l;:,!1\".r, 32. high heels 1+Ia.r*;,tr 6 ;'r*' \" ;31-, 36. wide tie - 3, light jacket 30. loose / baggy pants 1Ji,e;,-.,\"\"5 34. fancy blouse {4Gi ts) jia nj*l j ,,,. :,-!-:.,1_-,,, rj_::i;1,]9 \"i q-.,.t.;t ,]_;r\"\",a {;-i-{ri) ,-';;:i ;;ri i**+.F C I oth i n g Pro b I em s rlri...,-ir!r Iii. ii..:';.::, l:il\". i 7. lt's too small. 38. lt's too big. 39. The zipper is broken. 40. A button is missing. .-;3.\"*tu {:;:-Jt) 3 j\"t*il ir\"_}i1 , ,..i.lrl rl:-,. ;:..,,t] r.rl .;,-li:,i.1! r';: ..'.,:il .r3&&a ;..1 J1.a il ii 11. lt's ripped / torn. 42. lt's stained. 43. lt's unraveling. 44. lt's too expensive. \"\".e:-+= r*i: / ci;-,+ ,.\"\"]l \"i,.jJil ;* ,.iii ,.r r:-jg i:jl More vocabulary Role play. Return an item to a salesperson. 97 ] refund: money you get back when you return an item to the store complaint: a statement that something is not right A: Welcome to Shopmart. How may t help you? i customer service: the place customers go with their complaints B: This sweater is new, but it's unraveling. i A: l'm sorry. Would you like a refund?
TyPes of Material jiul3ll erj;l U+Y4ll ei.a 1. cotton 2. linen 3. wool -i:- .il! Jts 6. leather 4. cashmere J+ !.*XS Parts of a Sewing Machine A Garment FactorY o*r.>la 6iar a.buill4+St- ptj+i A. sew by machine 14. sewing machine operator 17. needle 20. feed dog /feed bar ;-tli:.\\1 ijsLd L;{1 ;il't,rrlt irSL (i)J^tc .:[^1 ,,,j :i / rl-:\"J crJS ;:l B. sew by hand 15. bolt of fabric 21. bobbin \\J! .LFl ,-FL. +_i 18. needle plate 6Js| / drs^ 6.-;DU i.rir* a-$- 13. sewing machine 16. rack u,Dl-ll J\"JJ J_.r / &L- 19. presser foot itl* ai.su !;L: eii More vocabulary Use the new words. Look at ilages 86-87. Name the materials you see. fashion designer: a person who makes original clothes natural materials: cloth made from things that grow in nature A: That's denim. 98 synthetic materials: cloth made by people, such as nylon B: That's leather.
1.,1*dt oll L,JA Types of Material cit-atill gljJi /tv-J.. il^i,,1iL6\\, t*-jlt /\"i *,;Li.i :Lt:,Jt \\r-2 v r I 4J 10. velvet 11. corduroy 12. nylon J4u a+L{ i-I:- ai,tn Closures .lJill crl3ri A Fabric Store i,LEi J.\" 22. pattern 25. zipper 28. buckle Trim cl\".'rjll (u-';!) 'J,-dt oiro ('lr t.) e,rJ (e*) c!lj! euj ##=eg'P$cf,& 23. thread 29. hook and loop fastener 31. appliqu6 33. sequins 26. snap .r.r l+r 4jr+ Jt d u+S 4i.L3 4+i+ LllJ +ggi ;'ij.: 34. fringe 24. button 27. hookand eye 30. ribbon 32. beads (iaiir dL&) ij;cj +fuic +l.tt+ i-x )) h),i i-F (\\JJ$rJ-) Ask your classmates. Share the answers. Think about it. Discuss. : - l. Can you sew? 1. Do most people make or buy clothes in your country? 2. ls it better to make or buy clothes? Why? 2. What's your favorite type of material? 3. Which.materia'ls a're best forformal clothes? 3. How many types of material are you wear,ing today?
rlll &.lri An Alterations Shop +$lt ,!u:.J* 1. dressmaker 4. collar 7. pocket 4t\\:j: a-ii-l + 2. dressmaker's dummy a'tt Jt (;ts+u) .Ju; 5. waistband 8. hem 3. tailor ; Jti ,r 6.,i- JU :i cli (.+ro) +$'t- (+ j>)lt+i 6. sleeve 9. cuff Sewing Supplies iltrr't1 g1r1i ff^ ; ilL+ll giU 1p:: W 10. needle 12. (straight) pin. 14. safety pin 16. pair of scissors 18. seam ripper 6:ij* crf: ,J.L o-ll eJr,.l- U\"3rr ihi\\ i.,it ;1* 13. pin cushion 17. tape measure I JJJ I l. thread arr^ / .r.*[r: i;:i- 15. thimble (;r.9ju) .rS L__p (4!..J1 cl, l+r 91ti...( Alterations +$l As.i A. Lengthen the pants. B. Shorten the pants. C. Let out the pants. D. Take in the pants. .; Jti,ll,Ji;.!:; ..JJ.tirll ;,!i, .1,ltiilt ,,!*,-; ', ^\\Lr,.lg1v/ r.g o Pair practice. Make new convetsations. Ask your classmates. Share the answers. A: Would you hand me the thread? 1. ls there an alterations shop near your home? B: OK. Whot are you going to do? 2. Do you ever go to a tailor or a dressmaker? A: !'m going to take in these ps!)Is. 3. What sewing supplies do you have at home?
o,.+Y.oll d;,,c 1. laundry 6. fabric softener I 1. hanger 16. clean T-shirt Ji-\"ilj u!\"\\ ^,^\"Jl . \"Jo- , ;JUt dr-Xj ; al:t'i\\l all^S 2. laundry basket 7. bleach 17. wet shirt 12. spray starch \"t\" .-,+\\ {L ct \"ill j * /qUtu .. r l,dr J-UJ 3. washer 8. laundry detergent 18. dry shirt ;a)L a.il,c 13. iron \"n+:^ .il+ .iJ+J ,t 4. dryer 6l_6^ .r!)t\" i-il,'ii] 9. clothesline 19. wrinkled shirt 14. ironing board (c,i\"Js-) \\';1^,-F+^! 5. dryer sheets , LJr '\"i^ a-iL,i,j JtJri rsll ilru 20. ironed shirt 10. clothespin g,\")-ll dI\"L 15. dirtyT-shirt dJSi L4-!i e,.L drJ+,i.J A. Sort the laundry. B. Add the detergent. C. Load the washer. D. Clean the lint trap. .,J+\"Jl d t-,* , ii '1 .4lL.J1 ; r\\,l-ilt e;i .fitJl C.+i Otsi, ;'Lr'i LJr i,i: E. Unload the dryer. F. Fold the laundry. G. lron the clothes. H. Hang up the clothes, -)Lll ,\" o,Li .#)Ull di- eJrJ ..-,+)1\"11 ,jJS! .J+)j.lr !9.1! U wash in cold water E line dry Pair practice. lVlake new conversations. 101 * no bleach C dry clean only, do not wash A: t have to sort the laundry. Can you help? B: Sure. Here's the laundry baskei. A: Thanks a lot!
It's stained. I can give you seventy- five cents. 1. flyer 3. sticker 5. folding chair 7. VCR B. browse tuieJ D uu .3.-Y -l ll lrts \\\\ J \"+Y <!i \\L^ 420 sll rLll , A qig - + !v, 2. used clothing 4. folding card table J'. eU) ..J.ll A-Ll.! ilrlJ. LtJl .il\"r:* oN)- o. .to.t r,uiio A. bargain i$lridrlr 102 acLr j1:l; lilt rJ.lt3: \"fo
Look at the pictures. What do you see? Answer the questions. 1. What kind of used clothing do you see? 2. What information is on the flyer? 3. Why are the stickers different colors? 4. How much is the clock radio? the VCR? @ neaa the story. A Garage Sale Last Sunday, I had a garage sale. At 5:00 a.m., I put up flyers in my neighborhood. Next, I put price stickers on my used clothing, myVCR, and some other old things. At 7:00 a.m., I opened my folding card table and folding chair. Then lwaited. At 7:05 a.m., my first customer arrived. She asked, \"How much is the sweatshirt?\" \"Two dollars,\" I said. She said, \"lt's stained. I can give you seventy-five cents.\"We bargained for a minute and she paid 51.00. All day people came to browse, bargain, and buy. At 7:00 p.m., I had $85.00. Now I know two things: Garage sales are hard work and nobody wants to buy an old clock radio! Think about it. 1. Do you like to buy things at garage sales? Why or why not? 2. lmagine you want the VCR. How will you bargain for it? 103
1. head *i_, 2. hair F 3. neck i.d. 4. chest Jl.. 5. back J<-l 6. nose -iii 7. mouth c 8. foot ii Listen and point.Take turns. Dictate to your partner. Take turns. A: Point to the chest. Az Write hst Bz Pointtothe neck. Az Point to the mouth. B: Did you say hair? A: That's right, h-a-i-r.
9. leg J+,, 10. toe e$ C+=l 1 1. eye 12. ear .i ull 13. shoulder , i!i< 14. arm Ll:1 15. hand + 16. finger + C+-J Grammar Point:'imperatives Pair practice. Take turns giving commands. Please touch your right foot. Az Raise your arms. Put your hands on your feet. B: Touch your fes!. Don't put your hands on your shoulders. A: Put your hand on your shoulder.
4$.,,lill-, i-tti,tSt |.,+ll *l'2o1 The Face The Mouth The Eye The Senses D. taste (JflJ.ll 4-.Jll ri! d+rll cgjl+ A. see 1. chin 5. lip 9. eyebrow 6)t E. touch tl!: .,.+L ir. B. hear L\\v ...il|- ,.,,- .nrv , \"ulr 2. forehead 10. eyelid 6. gums '4 i€++ 4l .J,+ c. smell 3. cheek 7. teeth 1 1. eyelashes ,-L li, L.,J.si t ,-is^-t 4. jaw 8. tongue elA ...11- The Arm, Hand, and Fingers +ll g1uis qJl3 gl-1i'll The Leg and Foot p.till3 rjr._jl 12. elbow 15. palm 17. knuckle 19. thigh 22- calf t-6 4^+'t &LJl ild rj 4!J LA i.i-i 13. forearm 18. fingernail 23. ankle .rL- 16. thumb jl 20. knee +$: rl-tS 14. wrist ,l*,1 21. shin 24. heel .+ *!ti1 -iJs lr'S More vocabulary Pair practice. Make new conversations. torso: the part of the body from the shoulders to the pelvis A: ls vour arm OK? limbs: arms and legs B: Yes, but now my elbow hurts. toenail: the nail on your toe A: l'm sorry to hear that.
4S-,,tillg A-,llrlJl f-4+ll r,Wl 25. chest 28. shoulder blade 31. skin JJ€ J+ , :'i<\\i c! 26. breast 32. muscle 29. lower back ,J.:e , c:i xl;lt o. jjiJi ej+ll 33. bone 27. abdomen 30. buttocks JI+ -ilr;i / irli. J- 34. brain 39. lung 44. gallbladder 49. spinal column {iJ 35. throat ;r1-x .c G:\"c ij+s 40. liver rs 45. pancreas YJ 36. artery .,*!:s+ 41. stomach 50. pelvis 37. vein 46. bladder iils LFF 38. heart a.U. ..i! 42. intestines 107 47. skull oL^i i.+^.. 43. kidney 48. rib cage 4_]l\\ fJl- uFii
i-r,a$ll ai$ill A. take a shower B. take a bath / bathe C. use deodorant D. put on sunscreen (utr riii) i.j!,.! i.':.+ltt^3i; dJtll i:itJ &\"j\" J-'\\ \"..-ill ar-ni .'* Gl o -5 1. shower cap . JL o iL\"-ll F \"u.i €tr €m 2. shower gel ,ffiw ,,1ril , L- 4. bath powder 7. sunscreen 3. soap 6Li;1 ;;r9 ,,.*ll ;.Ji J^ crl, .llL- 5. deodorant / antiperspirant 8. sunblock iJl 4-1 ,,L* l\\JJd'rrr er J ri' ek 6. perfume / cologne 9. body lotion / moisturizer Jtr / Srirs :\\Jl:,1_r / *tt e-5 E. wash...hair F. rinse...hair G. comb...hair H. dry...hair l. brush...hair *ll cll\"ij jaXll !i!,-:,i ';n-ltt (6y) .L*s E-ill , ;it'i ff.;Lj:)iJL ,-xll dii€i W@€ 16. hair gel 10. shampoo 13. comb *,iil L- :r.X cl1;r l\"^r. ;4^Li 17. curling iron 20. barrette 14. brush J'.i 6lF 1 1. conditioner ir^i 'Jlr'':o -,Jl .iL i;uj 18. blow dryer (,,1-r.\"+-) liLJl ,lrd1i J- .j'i+\" 21. bobby pins 12. hair spray 15. pick ,i-S* ;r.-,1 94rL: *;lt '\"'il\" Ut-)l a)\" J'jL, More vocabulary Think about it. Discuss. unscented: a product without perfume or scent 1. Which personal hygiene products should someone use hypoallergenic: a product that is better for people before a job interview? 108 with allergies 2. What is the right age to start wearing makeup? Why?
4#ai-ilt i^ir-Eilr J. brush...teeth K. floss...teeth L. gargle M. shave , il! FDsrsr! rJt.Lui,l,r L-eZuJ aj\\rti , . i,, t'h!!l fA |Jlullr t8' ffire trry€ 22. toothbrush 25. mouthwash =r-#28. razorblade gu-i ;uy rill glJ !-bs:u 4I\\ u*J- 23. toothpaste 26. electric shaver 29. shaving cream ljLJeS 4i)l.s ijSL elui g3;* il)o ;-\".* 27. razor 24. dentalfloss 30. aftershave rJLsYl , ::11^i1l L,!i i-DLs iisl- +Dtll .u ta;JeS N. cut...nails O. polish...nails P. put on / apply Q. take off / remove r6ll;Yr dil 1sl-L)l s&{ ,.23 dJJJ 31. nail clipper Jlui aJL w\\- 6) *6alf 32. emery board \\--,/ ;st-ti :;* ---rG 33. nail polish 61 $tu\" JltlYl e)! @=,.3,r Makeup 6t+s^ 37. blush 40. foundation 34. eyebrow pencil f3:- ^i +Li e_S .,r+l:- # 38. lipstick 41. face powder 35. eye shadow oG-,,:,ll ^i a+C i:.rr 39. mascara JEs >15 42. makeup remover (r!^+ \":-:*) 6iS,; SO. eyeliner e li< Jl LiJJ^ ;idl L.rLlr $
c,!to!,, \\AJ^ crl*i l. headache 6. sore throat A. cough ;*:Jl uQ.iJl d*J eL 1:- 7. nasal congestion B. sneeze 2. toothache ro)l .J.jLiij.l L*!+ ^.e,',1!-i !.- 8. fever / temperature C. feel dizzy ;111s / *s /\\a^.r:\\Itr 'l .iL-- c.i:/ s'iu 3. earache 9. chills D. feel nauseous ;iYt =s.li i,i.ef 4. stomachache rJ1,il.ll+ ,\"r^:,i 10. rash lr*ll C eli 611- 2iL E. throw up / vomit 5. backache g;J ,i:*j -;g, .il,,, / i,i11 -Ill 9_\\A Ji ffiW 15. blister 11. insect bite 13. cut (rls) t--$ 17. bloody nose 6 lis {J cF 16. swollen finger rUYl ,rs ra} 12. bruise e+*)l .+ et-: Lls 14. sunburn 18. sprained ankle JnKl \"lrill su (t->;)i;- Look at the pictures. Think about it. Discuss.' Describe the symptoms and injuries. 1. What are some common cold symptoms? A: He has a backache. 2. What do you recommend for a stomachache? 110 B: She has a toothache. 3. What is the best way to stop a bloody nose?
L.L crYLr.s db Common lllnesses and Childhood Diseasss ilriLlt crl-ris ir.iutt ,Jit.tt 2. flu 3. ear infection 4. strep throat i EjJl i !. kjl I )J 9l$l i,3rY1 +1a11 ; i 5. measles 6. chicken pox 7. mumps 8. allergies i,* (+-xr,+; eLJl 4;;\\ ,< ti 7 -lis: Lul ,.,- Serious Medical Conditions and Diseases ;.l+!i. &l.,jr.is j\".L c,yt 9. asthma 1 3. intestinal parasites 17. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) L \"\"Jr €LJl _-ii: ;\"9,;,s 'l 0. cancer Y.rAfulol .-,[-l- 18. dementia 14. high blood pressure / hypertension (JS) q+*tt se3jill rrlii! 11. heart disease iJl .ti-: 3l!:;l / JLc ar L:.: ,,,liill ,;}4 15. TB (tuberculosis) 12. diabetes .9jJl g-=,1 & 16. arthritis &t!\" -. klr More vocabulary coronary disease: hedrt disease infectious disease: a disease that is spread through AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome): a medical air or water condition that results from contracting the HIV virus Alzheimer's disease: a disease that causes dementia influenza: flu
tl+r l. pharmacist 3. prescription medication 5. prescription number 7. expiration date l+i.t .ir ^-J^ el;r J+* a'JJl a-l-jl ,,st ,uj|rall eL(rl erJU 2. prescription 4. prescription label 6. dosage 8. warning label (4j.irJ) 4.lt ai-r alul ii-jl i-atL _f.r +!U+ AcJA Medical Warnings i-.',! c,,t;xiri A. Take with food or milk. B. Take one hour before eating. .,JSVi ;\" 4eL g}l! JJtji - i. ,,r- .l , 1si ,lot LYV C. Finish all medication. Do not take with dairy products. .qt*J,F ei3:11 siS j3Lii .;L,Ji .:t.'ir \" 6. Jjlrii Y E. Do not drive or operate heavy machinery. F. Do not drink alcohol. ..4,'r!.$.r,ijYl ,'Ji,.i;: ,t,-.;,rq- 19fi Y .a-rlFs.!qJJ* :_,,.i: Y More vocabulary Role play.',Tal k to thepharmacist. prescribe medication: to write a prescription Az Hi. t need to pick up a prescription for Jones. fill prescriptions: to prepare medication for patients 112 pick up a prescription: to get prescription medication B: Here's your medication, Mr, Jones. Tske these once a day with milk or food.
4-,1 !r.€ 9. wheelchair 13. heating pad ast !r s ,+ iri:,i ;:Lrl -)$'+.r-rs 17. vitamins 14. air purifier oq+qs 10. crutches ol_ieJ ,ji^ 1 8. over-the-counter medication JlSc 15. hot water bottle iJ:.i-J ;yr. icL* L3.ri laLJl ,LJl L.j+S I l. walker 19. sling 16. cane (a+r*) it.i* J)tr 12. humidifier 20. cast el *ll ','L,r^ o-++ / ;-.rr++ Types of Medication L;.ryl Eleji i I o \",,,ii3sr 21. pill 22. tablet 23. capsule 24. ointment 25. cream 1^ ,.G 4l \"-!S crr* /,+-;S Over-the-Counter Medication 4#!;i,.J Os+ ie!.tt qgrVt f.f&i't9-3\\..,f-\"fiih v ,<5-4, rc , .:::,,:t l . .,!\" M & 26. pain reliever 28. antacid 30. throat lozenges 32. nasal spray i;r6ll 31 : i l+jsX:,ilL !-^ll u-lJli !ij)U Uit^i; evX,:s* 27. cold tablets 29. cough syrup 31. eye drops 33. inhaler ,j,t'lj;;JJ elsjil ri r;.lj g-l;si .JL,\"ll ati 4'.!..:i; Ways to talk about medication Ask your classmates. Share the answers. 113 Use take for pills; tablets, capsules, and cough syrup. 1. What pharmacy do you go to? Use apply for ointments and crearn5. 2. Do you ever ask the pharmacist for advice? Use use for drops, nasal sprays, and inhalets. 3, Do you take any vitamins? Which ones?
'rfir rref t&ll Ways to GetWell A. Seek medical attention. B. Get bed rest. .a..ul LuJt +!l .ri .jFl Jsll ejl C. Drink fluids. D. Take medicine. .Ll *gdl , c ljl ult! Ways to Stay Vvsll dlis,6 crle il&l:\"ll dJL E. Stay fit. F. Eat a healthy diet. G. Don't smoke. .4+'ill JIiAl+j,-J\" !€t .iAJ Y ;r* a-,.r\"i ,1i H. Have regular checkups. l. Get immunized. J. Follow medical advice. .i-ll- ri4*+t \".iiS e19,1 ,,,1L1 .iJll i5.--:11 c! .!,j.l;+)l r; gL'ili 'a:r' 'r glbl More vocabulary Ask your classmdtes. Share the answers. injection: medicine in a syringe that is put into the body 1. How do you stay fit? immunization / vaccination: an injection that stops 2. What do you do when you're sick? 114 serious diseases 3. Which two foods are a part of your healthy diet?
d3!+ !&ll Types of Health problems 4'rr.al ,Jsr,LJ grjii c_ l. vision problems 2. hearing loss 3. pain 4. stress 5. depression J;ll -.i,lsu- eJt cJtriA Ji rk+l/ jj Help with Health Problems a+s,all dSl,LllcJ O3rrll 6. optometrist 8. contact lenses 9. audiologist 10. hearing aid iii*Y erLrc )-ill ei* 6^.et ^ri ;.rl ,-u* 7. glasses alJb 11. physical therapy 13. talk therapy 15. support group e.l L_t^+ -.J -). csL eb 12. physical therapist 14. therapist .-.,+$ e)te ;L-:i alL- Ways to ask about health problems Pair practice. Make new conversations. 115 A: Doyou know a good gplgme!$l? Are you in pain? B: Why? Are you having vision problems? Areyou having vision problems? Az Yes, t might need olasses. Are you experiencing depression?
i.:rt! +;;L ctVU, 1. ambulance E. have an allergic reaction K. overdose on drugs *i[**l ;JL- ely:ll cJ a!.:i\" a*\"S ,J:Ul a+-L^ c,. <lh 2. paramedic L. choke sL-)l CU F. get an electric shock c9s a+!XS L:--+ +t*ol A. be unconscious M. bleed G. get frostbite djiiJ *-jl ri! liJl U*,6r N. can't breathe B. be in shock Lr L,,-r +La* cJ\"ijlll el{*t y H. burn (your)self O. fall C. be injured / be hurt a*n;f-+r ur! Sto; / a+L-l+ +t-: Lii l. drown D. have a heart attack P. break a bone C$ cr+ +l-J .a;l a-^Ltc ;. i\"te r*,,Si Grammar Point: past tense J. swallow poison LL;ri- el.ri For past tense add -ed: burned, drowned, swallowed, These verbs are different.(irregular): 116 overdosed, choked be - was, were bleed - bled have - had can't': couldn't get - got break - broke
qt3i c,tit*..'t First Aid er't3i etltr*,t l. first aid kit first aid manual 3. medical emergency bracelet !J ei ,:LAL*I , ,,lr< 4-'lJi !iti\\,-l iJc irr! .e;lr-t ;;r*i lnside the Kit i.g*I dJr w@ 4. tweezers 8. gauze 12. elastic bandage .tul\" ,_tt 1 ;$ll\" i.rL^; 5. adhesive bandage 4j,i-) rrL\"; 9. hydrogen peroxide 13. ice pack 6. sterile pad .t++:-,+ell +*,S-i-r+ C LjE a-ii* ilu 1 0. antihistamine cream 14. splint .Mi:,,,,\"1\\:L:- 7. sterile tape -I r/ s +$;-x++ .,! c* 4.>- 1 1. antibacterial ointment p\"$l +I :t ^\" aa-.,;. First Aid Procedures +JsYl crGlr..,Yl c1bl;6! 15. stitches 16. rescue breathing 1 7. CPR (cardiopulmonary 18. Heimlich maneuver \\6 tl / \\ @ .giunl ,J*iii resuscitation) Glri:)l iJl*j,,tll +n a+>t LiinJilr ', 'liill dLjl Paif practiee.: Make :ne.w cohversationr; ThihkaboutitlDis'cuss;:,: i , .\"',',.l, ;.;.:. ,.:; i,.' 117 \"' A:, What da:we,need'ih the first aid kii) | , : , Bz, We'neAd NeeZei|end,Q .', 1. What are the three most important first aid items? Why? A: I think we need sterile tape, too. 2. Which first aid procedures should everyone know? Why? :. Wfrtt are:rome gocidr: plice!;,:to,keep,a ifirst a i d kit ?
4F,4ll ttortt ln theWaiting Room JtliijYYl l4i.eiJJni !P tl*alth Foitn ffi Slaallh Hlctory: 1. appointment 2. receptionist 3. health insurance card Childhood Diseases: le Ja Jiii.i.,l , iL'4 *-- 3yi: +dt t^, t'chtckon pox ddiphthsria glrubella E'\"measles nmumps nother Dsscription of symptoms: 4. health history form G-Jl GJ[il iJl^Ll ln the Examining Room , ; x<rl ijJi d 5. doctor 7. examination table 9. blood pressure gauge 1 1. thermometer ','iiL , ;.i<\\1 AIJLI p:Jl L: : .rt\"il jk- (Yr'-r) rJlJ= !*!L 6. patient 8. nurse 10. stethoscope 12. syringe LJ.4cL- a+.,p / ;_rl rlaJ-F '4,-z)^ Medical Procedures +*;! c,trt5! A. check...blood pressure C. listen to...heart examine. ..throat eJl L: ^ c1aii ,,,lii\\l ,;.+(,ll C4* i +i-ll ,Jaii B. take...temperature D. examine...eyes draw...blood i,,jiJl oail ;;1 Jl i^1: 3iry,..j-.ii L: qi Grammar Point future tense with will +verb Az What will the doctor do? To show a future action, use will + verb. The subject pronoun contraction of will is:ll. 118 She wilt draw your blood. = She'll draw your btood.
6tiuYl L-to-t Dentistry otj*Yl+L l. dentist 3. dental hygienist 5. orthodontist jLr*i a..J... /,,,JlL .1u-i i-*;l ^r j OL-Yi ejn, !,L 6. braces 2. dental assistant 4. dental instruments *11-i ,,,,,,L jt1* rrt!-)l 6jsil drt ;LuYl q.lG-.:13ri Dental Problems Ol&*Yl Jsl,L ,.,j*;i i;+:;:. i1:i.:@.,\":4.T;.,::+-:a,er*'iii !:',+';;;:t;l:r.n1.'.:::t:::l 7. cavity / decay 9. crown 1 1. gum disease I ajlll cr_x I i/ s eu 10. dentures 12. plaque I 8. filling i aE1iL. ^1 !U-i iiU eDtlt .:t-:_d I A I An Office Visit Otii irrr.t i;t;j B. take x-rays C. numb the mouth dl -,.ri+ ;f.:.- i*;fi 3i; D. drilla tooth E. filla cavity F. pull a tooth .1JiA Flt r v, Jl l\\!di,r.rlg rljil d Ask your classmates. Share the answers. Role' play. Talk to a dentiiti' 1. Do you know someone with braces? Who? A: lthink t have a cavity. 2. Do dentists make you nervous? Why or why not? B: Let me take a look. 3. How often do you go to the dentist? A: Will I need o fillino?
ti*ilr*all MedicalSpecialists 63Et ri etili 3. cardiologist 4. pediatrician Jutj ,,,.t,L 1 ffi ,,,\\i .-,jrL 1 ,:. 1 u:,I . . 'i': 2. obstetrician ;:)j ..rJ\" 5. oncologist 6. radiologist 7. ophthalmologist 8. psychiatrist ell:j',lil i,;i ' , frL .-,,*t C+$t .!; r:toi , ,,,L Nursing Staff cr+-r-ll *+$ 9. surgical nurse 10. registered nurse (RN) 11. licensed practical nurse 12. certified nursing i--=j^ a.:J- assistant (CNA) i-lj+ a;J- (LPN) :-:,* a,;1* rcL* A-:iJ i-JL-:,; * Hospita|Staff .j\"ll,.*t! ogl\"t lt 13. administrator 14. admissions clerk 15. dietician 16. orderly L,:ill ,.1 .; -A -t ^li f:ltl Jt:l ) I !$jr LLz,lP ry*_ Chiropractors move the spine to improve health. Orthopedists treat bone and joint problems. ! nnore vocabulary Gynecologists examine and treat women. Nurse practitioners can give medical exams. 120 Nurse midwives deliver babies.
,--i.i,t,.all 16! :+:icll A Hospital Room r.i,.i1,,-ll+ 4iJi 17. volunteer :Fl fF,.:F€-:\"i 25. lV (intravenous drip) 29. phlebotomist rL-! ztu 21 . bed table +_,_dl ,\"+ sl.,-. lrX JIL -r-p ol;Lt 30. blood work / blood test '18. patient 26. vitalsigns monitor .: Ll,-i 22. hospital bed 19. hospitalgown 4.u1J-\\l 'il\")'li ','Gi 31. medical waste disposal *e:-l- 27. bed control aaul c:)^+.X;l- -.i;L* r1r; 23. bed pan _r!l os> .'s S=rll 20. medication 1,9 / -p \".ll rt'3 28. call button o iJl 24. medicalchart oLo rl \")l cr-,'= i.#l drt L. aiiJ3 Emergency Room Entrance Operating Room -:;lj&Jliip At c!'ltorll 4ili 32. emergency medical technician (EMT) 35. anesthesiologist 37. surgical cap 39. surgical gloves ,,lil^ i1i\\ .Jl 4aJe r .\"-il! sl.r\\.-ll ;Gj: sljGi J)rur 'r)il r+ JJr ^ri 33. stretcher / gurney -;r.lJi 38. surgicalgown 40. operating table sLJJI {ij,e elrJ ..;;. iJLllr 36. surgeon !-l!l 4+lJl .ilrU 34. ambulance Role play. Ask about a dottor. \"t2', .jl^-1 ;Jli , A: I need to find a good surgeon. Dictate to your partner. Take turns. B: Dr. Jones is a great surgeon.You should call him. A: Write this sentence. She's a volunteer. A: lwill! Please give me his number. Bz She's a what? A; VoIunteer. That's v-ol-u-n-t-e-e-r.
1. low-cost exam 3. booth 5. aerobic exercise sugar-free check... pulse rl^ r*i a-iKill i-L;iS gu+ SJI *.lt-i ,J;\",i.]l CEa-ii \"l\"'li 6. iemonstration 4. yoga nutritio; label give a lecture 2. acupuncture a+r a4;+,/ t-,,p tJ;t-*,*jlf l+dl !-9-r'j ciLl- ill Lr +,Jl 1r)L elc 't22
Look at the picture. What do you see? Answer the questions. 1. How many different booths are there at the health fair? 2. What kinds of exams and treatments can you get at the fair? 3. What kinds of lectures and demonstrations are there? 4. How much is an acupuncture treatment? a medical screening? Q neaa the story. A Health Fair Once a month the Fadool Health Clinic has a health fair. You can get a low-cost medical exam at one booth. The nurses check your blood pressure and check your pulse. At another booth you can get a free eye exam. And an acupuncture treatment is only 55.00. You can learn a lot at the fair. This month a doctor is giving a lecture on nutrition labels. There is also a demonstration on sugar-free cooking. You can learn to do aerobic exercise and yoga, too. Do you want to get healthy and stay healthy? Then come to the Fadool Clinic Health Fair! Think about it. 1. Which booths at this fair look interesting to you? Why? 2. Do you read nutrition labels? Why or why not? 123
l. parking garage t/.l rl,L*-gJl. * *lJL- dir- 2. office building , .ils.ll u-l_: cii. 3. hotel J$s 4. Department of Motor Vehicles 4\",lvl i,L.sJJl J-,,,j i]rlr 5. bank ;:* / e! 6. police station dtJ;1l Gi^ 7. bus station ur*:i:Yl it* 8. city hall 4+$1 *j+ Listen and point. Take turns. Dictate to your partner. Take turns. A: Point to the bank. A: Write bank. B: Point to the hotel. B: ls that spelled b-a-n-k? A: Point to the restaurant. A: Yes, that's right.
9. hospital ,r-s,Jt* 10. gas station JtJJi 4l.s 11. post office +::.K\" 12. fire station +ctl 13. courthouse i^(Jl ti: '44. restaurant erJ.\" 15. library L:<^ Grammar Point: in and otwith locations Pair practice. Make new conversations. Use in when you are inside the building. lam in A: l'm in the bank. Where are you? (inside) the bank. Use at to describe your general B: l'm at the bank. too, but I'm outside. location. I am at the bank. Az OK. I'll meet you there.
Anrdl p rla.i , \\L<J stadium 5. mosque 9. school i-:-r. :1j,,1 6. movie theater 10. gym 2. construction site L+'/,l:;c;y: (jl*'ll 4'G) e:,iL^: iil'Lii] eE:^ 7. shopping mall 1 1. coffee shop 3. factory ,-sl*- -S-X \"+* el^ 8. furniture store 12. motel 4. car dealership .:,li\\l -d 1.- ol;1;-;*-r I 'n- eiji!)l*.J U * \\7- Ways to state your destination using fo and to the Pair practice. Make new Gonversations. \"r26 Use fo for schools, churches, and synagogues. Az Where are you going today? B: l'm going to school. How about you? l'm going to school. A: t have to go to the bokerv. Use to thefor all other locations. I have to go to the bakery.
4fo$lt g:}_*,j 13. skyscraper / high-rise 17. community college 21. office supply store 1Ll,1! I +Jl* 4lL! I !'L-' LJL 4. r-rIAil - i- a,;S* ;tl:i J* 14. church 4,!L\\ {rr\"6 22. garbage truck t8. supermarket .itr'Gll ;fLu 15. cemetery .:,s,L \"* L-- 23. theater ;-+c\" 19. bakery jt'* e ,)* 16. synagogue 20. home improvement store 24. convention center JjLll i*-\"'i] j.ltr:i .[. :l.a \"u ':l_;^_r^ jS_x vJ. Ways to give locations Ask your classmates. Share the answers. 127 The matl is on 2nd Street. l. Where's your favorite coffee shop? The mall is on the corner of 2nd ond Elm. The mall is next to the movie theoter. 2, Where's your favorite supermarket? 3, Where's your favorite movie theater?
,i & ^.hLii 1. laundromat 7. corner 13. mailbox LLc il,,i* 4:-ti / lru q;all .3r'r' ^ 2. dry cleaners dtrilLiil+t* 8. traffic light 14. pedestrian -rt-x ;lLdl 3. convenience store i;Li* ij+i- 4-1tri, 9. bus 15. crosswalk 4. pharmacy ,-ill- 7 ,+riri ;L,x,Jl J* U.,+- 10. fast food restaurant +r;1* l1,f-9i'.L A. cross the street 5. parking space ;;ti,,lt ;;; 6^ 1 1. drive-thru window c 'LJl .-i &lJri '\\\\ i-J)l eiriil ;rili 6. handicapped parking !J ecrl-l!- -iY-d ,irrl *J \"e:i\" 12. newsstand :rl1- ';l 'l< B. wait for the light sJdr - tr -o r:rl llttu,. J JU)l uiS\" C. jaywalk dllil ,-6.4i-ll OtSl Jie uJ &ttJl *+ Pair practice. Make new conversations. Think about it. Discuss. A: I have a lot of errands to do today. 1. Which businesses are good to have in a neighborhood? Why? Bz Me, too. First, I'm going to the laundromat. 2. Would you like to own a small business? lf yes, what kind? lf 128 A: I'll seeyou there ofter ! stop at the copy center. no, why not?
,t & ah$i iffi 16. bus stop 22. bike 28. cart u\"!+1\"3j -i!J- + 4+f a+l:r 17. donut shop 29. street vendor 23. pay phone iUJJI cts L!. cJj+L i! (..^g* .f+t); )+)! '1_9s$ / -i,iLA 18. copy center 30. childcare center !i1$* JJ*J J* / tJ-\" \\9J JU.tj 4iteJ jSrF 19. barbershop 24. sidewalk D. ride a bike G)ts .-ji-J i:l;r,,,<..! 20. video store 25. parking meter E. parkthe car illJi r!G;* rlre ;-,!- ti!.* t'li I'li ' L^ 26. street sign F. walk a dog 21. curb , i.,.^; +iL- g;LJ a:sV tilS 27. fire hydrant \"/*.J jrJ- ailL More vocabulary Ask your classmates. Share'the answers. ',2e neighborhood: the area close to your home 1. What errands do you do every week? do errands: to make a short trip from your home to 2. What stores do you go to in your neighborhood? buy or pick up things 3. What things can you buy from a street vendor?
tttdidj u6Jqr JsY 1. music store 5. toy store 9. optician i-* k- ';d J* 'u-l:k 2. jewelry store 6. pet store 10. shoe store rl;a-* \"|** 4+ ,Sr Jlr _o5lr JLI.M ,)sj Lr-i *!.* 3. nail salon 7. card store 1 1. play area jLl:,)l J-l*:J;el'u* -:J J-- / ; rtL\" r:iG1 Lt .!,- -r\"\"U ,\"i L.\" 4. bookstore 8. florist rd,rL 12. guest services ,,l<* t- ,j e-iJl .:L\".:* JJJ'. il More vocabulary Pair practice; Make new conversations. ,iI beauty shop: hair salon A: Where is the florist? men's store: men's clothing store B: lt's on the first ftoor, next to the optician. i 130 gift shop: a store that sells t-shirts, mugs, and other small gifts I
{*l**} g*ki S*t' lil'..=..- iiu-t:.'r I :.1. ::.:.:1,-':,: ::!. ii- .,r:-.i:r I I ::: ii : r.t,.. a:.r: :ii::::_-l -.:::-::ar:: ,i-.ril.::.:rl_.:1:.1|: :i::r:jt::i:.:lit.:r:i::' :r.:-i,_::- ir:l. 13. department store 17. candy store 21. elevator eLiiYl -:r,i. .J-- .LJl * L.- 22. cell phone kiosk 14. travel agency 18. hair salon (4l$ll) ,J r\"Jl f,inlrdl ,JLi{ ;a- all.53 j61:!,,,, r,:<4 +s)* ;;Jt* 23. escalator 1 dtrer. J- '15. food court 19. maternity store 24. directory eL*.!Jl i*t* J;idl ;s)- e+ J* J.'l.:il 16. ice cream shop 20. electronics store !s .i, !r tu 4+_9_!Nl r_ldsl i, J5i Ways to talk about plans Role play. Talk to a friend at the mall. I I Let's go to the card store. A: Let's go to the card store. I need to buy a card for ! I have to go to the card store. lwant to go to the card store. Maogie's birthday. I 131 B: OK, but can we go to the shoe store next? i i
tiJr.dl / 4l+ll Townlul .-{ erlT$f- [| 1. teller 3. deposit 5. security guard 7. safety deposit box .3, rt. ^11 fu-i .l.i ,*_,1- 3!.r3Jl l-i- .3rrt: tl+l 2. customer 4. deposit slip 6. vault 8. valuables 4+F ,b luy: Il:rYl , '1. ri;; or,,.Li 7.615 Opening an Account -t*r, z.ii Town Bank ;*fitxs:.,** tfri-6frEr3-ginrEfrEFfl 4sl..lns &bn.. on A/7/gg 9. account manager 12. check book Endlng B3lsn€r 6le/00 Cri:ts;r. Cr1<+,:r Jjll 15. ATM card 10. passbook 13. check JYI d Jl ,fk+ aiu+ frf' clj 16. bank statement t t. savings account number 14. checking account number *(+ll o1 ,-\\l , i.':< G\"lll s- l . - ri, f:hJl +L-Jt P, 17. balance lJ +-',ll A. Cash a check. B. Make a deposit. C. Bank online. ,i.t<,,.\". l-r!i: g,lj,; .e,jJ!)l *1\" 45! Ytooi 6.;,1 .l<J,r , iJ.aJ The ATM (Automated Teller Machine) sJYl !.iy-ll jl,g1 D. Insert your ATM card. E. Enter your PlN.* F. Withdraw cash. G. Remove your card. < Jl .,1-i ,,ls.li .clt 1*Bll el .i 4+l :Gl Lr al:ti ..ljliLJl {:ts! .,j! i*tJl ei .,. ll o!U+ eei 'YJ xPlN = personal identification number
4J,LlaJl irinth 1 :, 1oS iaftet !r. be :lr f_-r,.*. Reillsed she t1')! ;r ,.''# . get a library card B. look for a book C. check out a book D. return a book E. pay a late fine :_nS. :G1 L.r ,;e J.aJ +ttt 4P ,t^* ,ol.: Lt rWc -rir. LtS Jiri*i 1+tS qr; \\r'fe<li.a Section 1. library clerk 4. periodicals 7. headline 10. self-checkout ai<.,',r;J*i,,rils ('\"''1'L) *-+r Jl9!\" L;j-: ull;i; 1+1:. ,1<;JLLL1 2. circulation desk 8. atlas 5. magazine 1 1. online catalog I atJ L 1r\\^ ilLl s-r)--.trs<1\\1-C-\\1-):.<* al+- 3. library patron 9. reference librarian 12. picture book i\"<. rU-x 6. newspaper ii-+JJl nL\"!,-X i.:f\" ;*\"i J9 - ','ljs ii.,* 13. biography 1 5. author 17. audiobook 19. DVD 4nl: ,; !,\" -iJ;* qrt1l,* '\"'LK /:: 9 -s ::\\ -..ii 2' r-r]ri v *,!ti 14. title 16. novel 18. videocassette \\Y Y le ..1llr. !1-s-r s+ 4-,l,, 133
+-$l +6s..c 1. Priority Mail@ 3. media mail 5. airmail q)-;l* l; cf)t'l +-r Y.rA. trU 2. Express Mail' 4. Certified Mail-' 6. ground post / parcel post k*1. €'r -!'r !utru l-J 13. letter 15. greeting card 1 7. package 19. postal forms ,,,lF /,i1 L:. i!.L- djJK/a-ll Ll L-1;r c,l;1\"i,1 r$ 14. envelope 16. post card 20. letter carrier (JLL} .!rts) ++_r AiU+ 18. book of stamps :r 'rlt . Ll^ / :. Jl rL , :\\;_ / -i$ L.-:Jr, \"-1l.r J 'ii: 23. stamp 21. return address .l u pLt &dt ;tr- 24. postmark 22. mailing address +!t$ +Jl &!l .rl_* Ways to talkabout sending mail Pair practice. Make new conversationt. This letter has to eet there tomorrow. (Express Mail') Ai Hi. This letter has to oet there tomorrow. This letter has to arrive in two days. (Priority Mail') B: You can sentd it by Expres;s Mail'. This letter can go in reaular mail. (First Class) A,: OK.l need a book of stamps, too.
+J+ll +Sl 7. postal clerk 9. post office box (PO box) 1 1. stamp machine r.t; , il-rr 1u *\\:.. ei' .:-i- ellt 4sl- 8. scale \\' 'v I 'J' 12. mailbox Sending a Card diJEiilu+ cI*J! 10. automated postal center (APC) +;pJl 'GJY.93r:- Ji .s+,;; -,sJ. A. Write a note in a card. B. Address the envelope. C. Put on a stamp. D. Mailthe card. ..jLlJl *lt OlJitll ';'1<1 . r:;il .3rrr ^ lr-s $Jlsll qrilj jJl.:jl J allu; r$r . r,r!1 gU\" e;i . E. Deliver the card. F. Receive the card. G. Read the card. H. Write back. .cj)1S1 ij,i .+-,Jt cJ-i,e; .u- jrr\\.tt l. . .J Jl-!l Lrie ll J k-!l risr is More vocabulary Think about it. Discuss. 13s i i overnight / next day mail: Express Mail' 1. What kind of mail do you send overnight? I postage: the cost to send mail 2. Do you want to be a letter carrier? Why or why not? I junk mail: mail you don't want 3. Do you get junk mail? What do you do with it? I
i-,ll3t cig;.ll cjr+i iJ,ilt l. DMV handbook DMV clerk !J.l:. ;l^_* 5. fingerprint 7. window 4+j)l \".1,<)ll J5j dl1,J.-j, / 6riLi il)t crtr<_rJl g\\+ri ;1.lt , , ,,t'i< 6-l a-,:; 4. photo 2. testing area 6. vision exam ;l=i\")l ;!ilu qel_py.1s;11e j-, iis @ c*rFonurf ;'IdAUG Aar/t;,[ut t-ta- 0RtvERs ll8Ft{99 uspu}ffstr ffi(J9r N57881049/ CLASS 8. proof of insurance 10. expiration date 12. license plate ekii)l GJU 4\"'i.r'll , =+:jil .t1J - i-tr u-$rl rr LJIUI 11. driver's license number 13. registration sticker / tag ;lLriill ;.-i-l pli-l , \\*iJl iiJ / gFY 9. driver's license fJLu 6rlii i,:iJ Ask your ilassmates. Share the answers. 1. How far is the DMV from your home? More vocabulary 2. Do you have a driver's license? lf yes, when expire: a license is no good, or expires, after the expiration date does it expire? lf not, do you want one? renew a license: to apply to keep a license before it expires vanity plate: a more expensive, personal license plate
a*JVt *t *<r;l j-*E; 6y!* *r*r*^ ,.. Getting Your First License clJ &rr€s 4,*i'1 J3i Js.**:t ,sor;-r,..^,, \"-u _{}S : .-- :., :l l. Studythe handbook. C. Show your identification. j,<lt jsli \";&p +atja j*! i F. Get a learner's permit. .J\"j.X Crr\"-i ulo d,6l jlttl:l:.r rij..a.. ,,'lt.'ltrt,l:nj: ri i:i:'r-rj;dii; ). Pay the application fee. E. Take a written test. . .,1L11 fl$: e-,, egrt .#,r-Plt ;l-')ll P$rl STUDrilT DRIVHR \\ 3 G. Take a driver's training course.* H. Pass a driving test. l. Get your license. .j+iLJl .,,Jjr: ;;r't d:fll .i;ur b:G .jl -j-' J SCil .,,',t.i-LJl i:1,rii1l ;i--o, *[1 *Note: This is not required for drivers 18 and older. Ways to request more information Role play. Talk to a DMV clerk. 137 What do I do next? A: lwant to apply for a driver's license. What's the next step? Where do I go from here? B; Did you studv the handbook? A: Yes, I did. What do I do next? il
4+JS,.dl L.riJl3 LJS:JI Federal Government ({Jl:$ll) alrtsiYl LJS.rll Legislative Branch 4. congressperson 4++J.j,illLLLJI rl\"l+.:5 \"^:. l. U.S. Capitol 5. Senate , , * sll r 'L\\l-J\"'l;illsll r \",,1,\\l ,J* (;,tilt; i \"-!:.)l !J- 2. Congress 6. senator c-,.-,*,;sll / ; .; ,,\\- ^ .,:c 3. House of I !7i -1 . Representatives ,.,1C1 ,J*l+- Jll! Executive Branch a1+$j!ta-hLlt 7. White House ei.#Yl d+jl 8. president (.,$-tll 9. vice president +$_'ll +lj 10. Cabinet b)t )9t Judicial Branch i.lit'ill 4llull 1 1. Supreme Court ]+ul ;-sJl 12. justices iL:i 13. chief justice i-aJl u\"+J / ;l :iill U\"+J The Military As!..'ll dllJill 14. Army 15. Navy 16. Air Force 17. Marines 18. Coast Guard 19. National Guard !j+Jl .:lrill Li JI ,iA ,rjtjJl u\"Fl , 'j++ll !r.Jl a. -,Jl iL,i. C)t- 138 (-l+ll^l',1
deJ6*,rll L.l.:J|3 a-SSJt City Government +4utt Lrs. State Government qYstt A,,ss. 20. governor 23. Legislature 26. mayor , ,\\- - tsui r)l *4;;ilt -*I-Jt ';J.J1 21. lieutenant governor 24. assemblyperson 27. city council 3SkJl ','rg -\"J+lt +;s Y, c-e:-lJl . t- -tl / ij.ill 22. state capital \"+J']iJJi 28. councilperson dYll i*Lc 25. state senator i-rJl .rt- r:. An Election cil+Li,ijl dY Jl z \"',,i, .l.- ';p ffFfV Fon {}lfY COt}StC A. run for office 29. politicalcampaign B. debate 30. opponent L&1\"- 4!Li*1i1 al* 6$U\" urg rJ.+ r'-i\\l / LreLJt ,G u^-jil a*O:3*;a C. get elected 31. election results D. serve 32. elected official nuLrijYl s.i jJq clLl.ji)l erljl 4i!n{ elJQ ..,-_:i\" jr}* ---) More vocabulary Think about it. Discuss. I l term: the period of time an elected official serves l. Should everyone have to serve in the military? Why or political party: a group of people with the same I political goals why not? I : I 2. Would you prefer to run for city council or mayor? Why? 139
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