4$b.ll cltj:llg &l.rrYl B. start school m L\"-,;.r.Jl sJi,rr frff#if€fsriyi1--_,w-e.;.:r;cl;;:,.a\"-',-\" 6wfifi 2. Resident Alien card / green card {os Angcles 9igb Scbool Martin Perez .*,.\"\".-*.;'.df.f*wi-'- ---. C. immigrate D. graduate 3. diploma e.Fr gs-r..t*+ / -nt*+ ajJ,r ;.:la,Ji 4,EeA NI, DRryEi ilC€NsE ffi Ern0fofrninF. f.f'i:ir,-::dffgi ry: 3=.-@sffi ---- ffiffi't: - nliffi\" 4. driver's license i;11.\" llrj'd:i-o5, E. learn to drive F. get a job 6i.lJ1 ill+! d'+ 44lJ s.!e d,aAf 5. Social Security card sr,l ^:il Jlr',: 4li1 Ll ctrsrtreAtDor 1s **,*ourrn\"* G. become a citizen H. fall in love 6. Certificate of Naturalization ;Ui \"l e ,..i ,tii a5;;lt-6; Lll_;* 6;,.a; Grammar Point: past tense These verbs are different (irregular): start +ed immigrate retire be - was go - went buy - bought learn graduate get * got die ].0 have - had 40 travel become - became fall - fell
4J!.Jt #riJtg &t.sYt l. go to college L. have a baby g,*g Sog** )sl {:+ji i*lr\\i.,J:4 rc N. become a grandparent Mattin Petez K. get married lrr,1e B.rclxlordftimre eJ}i - M. buy a home 7. college degree arofr 4+*\"1+ ir$ RIAGE LICENSE 8. marriage license c))* 9. deed ii.l(\\o ,;\\, ^ 10. passport -p- j1:+ Q. volunteer R. die rfi..}J 11. death certificate rl.ir;rk,ri p \"o!:. sJ4J / More vocabulary Ask your classmates, Shhre the answers. When a husband dies, his wife becomes a widow. 1. When did you start school? When a wife dies, her husband becomes a widower. 2. When did you get your first job? 3. Do you want to travel?
oni/.{Lr 1. hot ol,n / F! -pu 2. thirsty 01 .\".L. / ijjll\" 3. sleepy ;L; 4. cold ol:j{ / :J+lL Jc|,.i 5. hungry v,'Lcr.^/'nl L - 6. full / satisfied ,fl-i- / Ll:* 7. disgusted Use the new words. Look at pages 40-41. Describe what each person is feeling. (or}* A: Martin is excited. 8. calm B: Martin's mother is Wul!. (i)c;rla 9. uncomfortable zu* ui .J J. 10. nervous (r)jr- 11. in pain $ (;)+r* / (r)Jij. 12. sick (l).rl-F 13. worried (6)& 14. well 4\",sL*\" / \"+1-- 15. relieved (r)e :.:- 16. hurt +Lilt J.\"s- 17. lonely +-J 18. in love .!i!\" / ', '' \" Pair practice. Make new conversations. A: How are you doing? B: I'm hungry. How about yrou? 42 A: t'm hung4t and thirsty. too!
cJ\"j*tri 19. sad 20. homesick / JtjlJlJu;^ Jljil n:,j-lL fL; 21. proud (;):r., 22. excited /z:. lcared afraid qi \"ii. I iiiLl 24. embarrassed e_ts 25. bored 6r* / JJ! 1rL* 26. confused JLi-^ 27. frustrated L,_ o 28. upset rc's / uL;.L gJ 29. angry ;Lr;; 30. surprised ai;AJi\" 31. happy ,t_t-,r* / :r* 32. tired '1Lri / iA * Ask your classmates. Share the answers. More vocabulary overjoyed: very happy 43 starving: very hungry 1. Do you ever feel homesick? exhausted: very tired terrified: very scared 2. What makes you feel frustrated? furious: very angry 3. Describe a time when you were very happy. humiliated: very embarrassed
1. banner 3. opinion 5. glad A. laugh !1: !?,J f J-},M r:lar-a: 2. baseball game 4. balloons 6. relatives B. misbehave J,+\"+ i;1;!* \"!Yi/.;;Gi iJ.aill Ji djJJl r\",; (iti-il1+ 44
Look at the picture. What do you see? Answer the questions. 1. How many relatives are there at this reunion? l J 2. How many children are there? Which i children are misbehaving? 1 3. What are people doing at this reunion? -affi; @ neaA the story. E€- A Family Reunion EF=* Ben Lu has a lot of relatives and they're :'ffi all at his house. Today is the Lu family reunion. :3ft There is a lot of good food. There are j %* also balloons and a banner. And this year & r,r* there are four new babies! People are having a good time at the reunion. Ben's grandfather and his aunt are talking about the baseball qame. His cousins are laughing. His mother-in-law is giving her opinion. And many of the children are misbehaving. Ben looks at his family and smiles. He loves his relatives, but he's qlad the reunion is once a year. Think about it. l. Do you like to have large parties? Why or why not? 2. lmagine you see a little girl at a party. She's misbehaving. What do you do? What do you say? ...'.,.,'.'.'.,.'.,,.@ I ) 45
1. roof , i;.., 2. bedroom 3r {!,r 3. door +! 4. bathroom tl:s 5. kitchen a!* 6. floor i+;Ji 7. dining area iLJ\"jl 4AJi, Listen and point. Take turns. Dictate to your partner. Take turns. A: Write kitchen. A: Point to the kitchen. B: Was that k-i-t-c-h-e-n? B: Point to the living room. A: Yes, that's right, kitchen. A: Point to the basement.
i;:;liii+.! 8. attic aii* 9. kids'bedroom -jGj-=\\'l ae. i-4_5a 10. baby's room 3r;.i1 *!J.Jl +3 ; 11. window J'L]\"- l;-:.?L 12. living room *,, .i\"Ji ,Jt-., 13. basement JJLLL / J=F! ,j,' {e;-'+i 14. garage :lF j : j,r- Ways to give locations Pair practice. Make new conversations. 47 l'm home. A:Where's the man? I'm in the kitchen. B: He's in the attic. Where's the teenager? I'm on the roof. A:5he3 in the laundry room.
gJ-;L ,1e 'r''r'11 !3strlfrffi!#}lGffis rr lH?-2rq)eunniat.pr. AFartment For Rent NOrrnLtgnr Abbreviations 2 bdrm 2ba city apt $550. W/D West Rentals i?Y'''i:t'\"d Unlurn $unny kit Water incl, kit = kitchen 'l Bedroom Util incl F650i mo $850lmo oo!, fitne util = utilities 5900 I Month ]s-2345 Call mqgr eves center. Cl( incl = included Call for info: shoppi ng. rTlO = lTlOflth t For Reni 1 2-555-2368 21 9-993-4 furn = furnished 818-555-4949 w*i id city apt unfurn = unfurnished Jor unit, al Plaza Dover Aptl mgr = manager 1-3 8R. Hr eves = evenings 1. lnternet listing 2. classified ad $Jijll ,,1\" 6$ Jjilt cr_r i+s .j:>r^.-)rJ 3. furnished apartment 4. unfurnished apartment i-iy;e\" +i; a.i9;u ;c ih.i 5. utilities .ia1-x Renting an Apartment ;&i Jt+'iisl A. Callthe manager. B. Ask about the features. C. Submit an application. .cil;;^Jl iJe Ji*l .qiJpiJl / 1r.ilL,lgii .rirL lJ! D. Sign the rental agreement. E. Pay the first and last month's rent. F. Move in. rL-Yl $e ,l,! oi .ii\"< crl! dlli: .J..-Vtr JJYI +_xll ,r1r:j i$ More vocabulary Ask your classmates. Share the answers. lease: a monthly or yearly rental agreement 1. How did you find your home? redecorate: to change the paint and furniture in a home 2. Do you like to paint or arrange furniture? 48 move out: to pack and leave a home 3. Does gas or electricity cost more for you?
!, l, .r. '.a 7\",!1. 11.:;]i-r'-il Buying a HOUSe ,,.1.,_+\"r*r ;i...,i @ t'. G. Meet with a realtor. H. Look at houses. l. Make an offer. :=,i -lise ';''.\"..\"'\" l-\" ij.:li:'\": -., t., ,-,,, i*;-i,i.; \"'r*;* ej3't L ,':::';i'\" 5** n\"fu ^ . ^:'-^*\"o\" J. Get a loan. K. Take ownership. L. Make a mortgage payment. .ii. -_,.:,., '.1€ r.1,.i::: \".i\".i\"i\"ii ..Jo ,-]'.*rn1 y' o13ig .61isJ1 ;;_ii a\"-i: ;\"i,-o; lnMoving .i;:\",I! 1,j1 r,jiUiTi M. Pack. r li.? N. Unpack. O. Put the utilities in your name. ; l.,tt .-d',\"du <*\"u +\"\"L11 as';jj ,!s\"-d rJ,Lr Lll _,i ,,r '- . !e,* Q. Arrange the furniture. R. Meet the neighbors. \" ,1 yil ,5Lii \",j ;!'rl\": ,.:=,rj'tr ! i.r..,;l Ways to ask about a home's features Role play. Talk to an apartment manager. 49 Are uti I ities i ncl u ded? A: Hi. l'm calling about the apartment. ls the kitchen large and sunnyT B: OK. lt's unfurnished and rent is 5800 a month. Are the neighbors quiet? Az Are utilities included?
,j6.ilt 1. apartment building 2. fire escape 3. playground 4. roof garden ij6- iJt@/ .!fi Cq, , ,-1\" e.t-Jt *.lc ass ,-!_,Jl .t- rl+jll J- EntranCe cj.r.ll Lobby 3ait 1 l. mailboxes ffi &attflptfrAnlhttu 9. elevator l'l+U cr,.tt ^ 10. stairs / stairway ffiffi e J. / J)t* ffi 5. intercom / speaker 7. vacancy sign (r;Jil)A1r Jt*:l.Lb 411-i liL:4ii) 6. tenant 8. manager/ gSL-/ superintendent ^i'r\". u1,i,\" / ;:a Basement (el+lt) g'irl-lrl/ sliJl JJJI I2. washer 14. big-screen TV 16. security gate 18. parking space ;-r+5 .i.il .':i ;9 iri$ ijt^\"i ct l ql:+ ;_.,11+Jl e-iy-eJ gts\" 15. pooltable 13. dryer 1:1\\! alyLt 17. storage locker 19. security camera a-ii* rJ-A' ;J'l.l 1;u15 Grammar Point: there is / there are Look at the pictures. Describe the apartment building. singular: there is plural: there are A: There's d pooltable in the recreation room. There is a recreation room in the basement. B: There are parking spaces in the garage. 50 There are mailboxes in the tobby.
cji^i,ll 20. balcony 22. swimming pool 24. alley LrS! / ast^: Asli,., eLa / e.u Jl.AJ 21. courtyard ;lrJl a,* / o1.! 7;- 23. trash bin a-lL, a-;* / l!)*{- rle3 Hallway 631-l-'.ll Rental office ;;;i-i!l','i<o 25. emergency exit 26. trash chute 27. landlord 28. lease / rental agreement .rLG..ll qr\"ui .i-ii _,1++)l ri' a ,l ^LIi z .i. ,j\\\\Jl , ,_L- ^ f/ An Apartment Entryway ,i;tt r_lir. q{P-9 w 29. smoke detector 31. buzzer 33. door chain a:-::i , i.':is ,Lr slr\\t;Li .i_!-L 30. key 32. peephole 34. dead-bolt lock lii' !J* rj.e /.-,Sl :.i *.1j evi.!& e More vocabulary Role play. Talk to a landlord. I I upstairs: the floor(s) above you A: ts there a swimming pool in this complex? ! downstairs: the floor(s) below you B; Yes, there is.lt's near the courtyard. fire exit: another name for emergency exit A: ls there...? 51 I I
gS*Jl iilii. CSt i 1. the city / an urban area 2. the suburbs 3. a small town / a village 4. the country / a rural area (ssi ell) 4isLll L;.:-;i!- / b-rJl !-p /;;*;*;'tt a.u ijil\"t^ /, irjt 5. condominium / condo 6. townhouse 7. mobile home a-+:. *S .-+ ,;\\,\\\"i +i^r Js.s'$ 8. college dormitory / dorm 9. farm 10. ranch \\-,r-y ; tS a-,r_X !i).t11 JSL* 11. senior housing 12. nursing home 13. shelter J+Jr..1sL* r_;,J.I.+ kl More vocabulary Think about it. Discuss. co-op: an apartment building owned by residents 1. What's good and bad about these places to live? duplex a house divided into two homes 2. How are small towns different from cities? 52 two-story house: a house with two floors 3. How do shelters help people in need?
suis d;; Front Porch 4Jit-{yl (iJlJill) a^iJ*.ill FrOnt Yard and HOuSe rjl:\"11., .r*toYt rtjlilt 1. mailbox * 4. gutter 7. garage door 10. storm door 13. porch light +j,,-x zl sil *L +'r$ c!:'1 ^ ( , ^lr*il tt-) ,nt'+! (t-llrsll) 4rl,jil C1+* 5. chimney ! J' 2. front walk i:-r\" 1 1. front door 14. doorbell .,,,JI \\iilt 8. driveway g-Ul +Lr +Ui .,'-l+ 6. satellite dish 3. steps elFl'P 12. doorknob 15. screen door e:j / c)u ,\",.tl'iL,.}M (ssL) ,,l!- !L 9. gate rtr.il (irsi; i :,i !lr Backyard o.ilill rtJiJl 16. patio 19. patio furniture 22. sprinkler 25. compost pile A. take a nap liltll ,ljdl s-a GJ*J. eli! qir*ll ot$ll 51ii alxi *,!\" lL* L;S i-ltN r\"..!S- L 17. grill 20. flower bed 23. hammock 26. lawn e. 4eqlrda1ejn,J-r \"il-!j i-i,-::i; 18. sliding glass door t.Pi o::- 6..:$ a::+; as5;t I 27. vegetable garden d>. .r-. la-, .:q 21. hose 24. garbage can rf 1; u:: ;11'\" e:t-> ci)-{- eLoJ 53
tiLill effi ***.' 1. cabinet 8. dishwasher 15. toaster oven 22. counter s ^* iJL^c ;5Jl ,:+J;;s 6 \\. ;i ^ / nljt .il3U 2. shelf 9. refrigerator 16. pot 23. drawer ciJ e$ -'td t:_rl+ / 6;i 3. paper towels 10. freezer 17. teakettle JIJ / 4+Xll ,J-i r'i'.\"'r\\l 6 *- , cL;:,] :l -u / L)Lc 24. pan c!-r: ,}rl- 6)'lL / i F-it 11. coffeemaker 18. stove 4. sink iL *S '\" *6 nL- 25. electric mixer ts. u;rner *-!:+S .t)l.: OAF I.Js '! I 20. oven 26. food processor 5. dish rack 12. blender ; r* L'i. ^ ,,,i -!; tJ'F .:)rSUl $:sr jks 13. microwave 6. toaster 21. broiler 27. cutting board c-+::_S+ rJ_p Cilii: 4-j (Jr-i) j$Jla* 14. electric can opener 11.L 28. mixing bowl 7. garbage disposal 4J!J+S t l\" ,-15 s[\\gll , :t sl eLcj L\\i \\\\ ill LL , {': Ways to talk about location using on and in I ! Pair practice. Make ndw conversations. ; A: Please move the blender. i Use on for the counter, shelf, burner, stove, and i Bz Sure. Do you want it in the cabinet? , cutting board. lt's on the counter. Use in for the A: No, put it on the counter. i 54 1 dishwasher, oven, sink, and drawer. Put it in the sink. 1 I ! .!
rtr.L Aif 1. dish / plate 7. coffee mug 13. salt and pepper shakers 19. fan g* / &t _H5;r$ JL'ji Jlilsilr elJl tiJi a-;-r 2. bowl 8. dining room chair 14. sugar bowl 20. platter eL Lll 6J+s c-JS L^l.* /-.\"rSv,l,t iJil Ll, ,, Js.Jl ,uJ 9. dining room table 21. serving bowl 3. fork i;i- / elrtll ;J+- 4lJU 15. creamer lsj 1,ilti ajl L\\,,, asyj 10. napkin ,.,,1-\\\\ eul 22. hutch 4. knife irl- 4lb ,iS- 16. teapot LrJJl+!rajr} 1 1. placemat 5. spoon +u &:i 23. vase j,JJl .',-r c;i LJ!. u;i1., iJi iiJ 17. tray C,F-) 12. tablecloth 4++- 6. teacup aljttll Ljji)i^ 24. buffet , cL,ill ,v.,1-i 18. light fixture 6JU,J 4+SJ! / cr&. e * ,; -iio/a*t = Ways to make requests at the table Role play. Request item3at the table, 55 A: What do you need? May I havelhc;ageL b9w!? B: Coutd thave a coffee mug? Would you pas thr rr\"o*rr, please? A: Certainly. And would you... Could I have a coffee muo?
{Alrdt} u*jJd! i.-:ir::i:1:.:i:i,jii-.ii:1,4:ii:ii:u!lllaittiltuirtiiri:=:rairt!ti!,: r- 1. love seat 7. DVD player 13. fireplace 19. coffee table a3j-r; +9S / +!;i 4-{9-r .s=+l ** .!: -:l' \" ,,- -DLE:-i I r.J:\"l\"-u ;-r*,6 \"JJ'J= 2. throw pillow / (+.,1+.) 20. candle 4JiJ r{n ;Jd j 8. stereo system 14. end table 4'i..jr[+ ,cl a#_,*\" a] tth ;*; 3. basket -c-r- j'++ 4l- 15. floor lamp 21. candle holder 9. painting ,-*jll ;lru 4. houseplant {*:d 4-d --;;i -\"* 22. armchair / easy chair *rJ! -s 10. wall 16. drapes JjL'/;l rr +\"Lr;s I ;,iri,.. ,: ,r-la 5. entertainment center r;rJ* 1 1. mantle jlL- 23. magazine holder n-i!rJ a+J ^' oit3j J- i;1i:\"'l1):1 iJl sl 17. window \":)L., ::i;arl $ta J!'r:: / ;jL 6. TV (television) '12. fire screen 24. carpet (:Lilt ',+.'*) -\\E +:-.X -i;j. 18. sofa / couch JJi )s!i +1;! / +:s i:l.g Use the new words. More vocabulary I Look at pages 44-45. Name the things in the room. light bulb: the light inside a lamp A: There's gll/. lampshade: the part of the lamp that covers the light bulb sofa cushions: the pillows that are part of the sofa B: There's a carpet.
pL^- It 4gii !@;;:#:oi@ 1. hamper 8. faucet 15. towel rack 22. medicine cabinet (J+GX d!-) ou).ll 4l- , ;.i,l-i. / l\"-rs ilt- a\"sl- a;3.:1 -) 9: 2. bathtub 16. bath towel 23. toothbrush 9. hot water i1--i-X ii-jii^ (+!; .u=;vt ,:- .iil- eL\" gu-i;i.t; 17. hand towel 3. soap dish 10. cold water 24. toothbrush holder g-9L* r* :;L eL --y .r. irr..or\"UJ$r ct,-jt, 4. soap 18. mirror Jull ,J91- 11. grab bar 6i-x 25. sink ,rl.,. iill , : ,j. :t 5. rubber mat 19. toilet paper (FF c$ir ci_,_r 4+u.ir^,i iuu+ 12. tile 26. wastebasket cjL,ii! / .t)L 20. toilet brush 6. washcloth ,',rlld1 iu-)i s)1\"{- iL ; !i* 4iiii\" / 4tJB 13. showerhead 21. toilet 27. scale 7. drain ac\\/bLJl dr - diJl d\"iJ .rl--x / c$li JIJJ. 14. shower curtain 28. bath mat aLe; +.^ r.!l J$1- JrJr More vocabulary Ask your classmates. Share tlie answers. 57 stalt shower: a shower without a bathtub 1. ls your toothbrush on the sink or in the medicine cabinet? half bath: a bathroom with no shower or tub 2. Do you have a bathtub or a shower? linen closet: a closet for towels and sheets 3. Do you have a shower curtain or a shower door?
rdl i-iP l-:Ij]+lll:t+ll il,:. r ir:r :i.l.::l: I 1. dresser / bureau 8. mini-blinds 15. blanket 22. rug ; 'd- i..,j- ,i L-r* ,rU- 4$tl+ 1zl2,:_,ill )6;l \\! uL tul s i:6- 9. bed 16. quilt 2. drawer .il-p / -r,.p 23. night table / nightstand ijt-l ',::t+ / 6;i 10. headboard -rfr:.:S / a-rd- 4lJU 17. dust ruffle 24. alarm clock 3. photos -P;Jl s\"11 LJJX i,jl-.i-::s.'is a+l_.rt_s._f lJ- 11. pillow 4+j^ 18. bed frame 4. picture frame rl5- / trL-J ; \"Jl ;.:cLA 25. lamp jlrjillJ*JrUJ 12. fitted sheet (;rFrri) CL,* 19. box spring 5. closet al*k f\")L\" 26. lampshade _r>Jl, \",-., d_r,j .:rri* tuJF / ulJl 13. flat sheet cL-Jl a.+-*j rj i+ 20. mattress 6. full-length mirror 14. pillowcase .Fly / +j-x 2T.lightswitch ils. / ;rL-J u+S Jul {LlS;l_F 21. wood floor ei\":11 CUu a..-ll i-GJj 7. curtains 28. outlet rilji- Jlrili sL Look at the pictures. Ask your classmates. Share the answers. Describe the bedroom. 1. Do you prefer a hard or a soft mattress? A: There's a lamp on the nightstand. 2. Do you prefer mini-blinds or curtains? 58 B: There's a mirror in the closet. 3. How many pillows do you like on your bed?
JlilYl p_r li_r I ll ffi ,F I i! Furniture and Accessories crl;13*sl3 &Ei Toys and Games uLr.d9,r.J l[. changing table 7. baby monitor 12. ball 18. dollhouse -Jl _u\\ J_-il iJJu cr-:,I .-+ !)sleil a.iglJi;lll ;JS Z changing pad 19. blocks 8. wallpaper 13. coloring book c,!,S^ ;j -;Lir l*+ijl;rLJ JjL.!,,: .r-A':]iS 3- crib 20. cradle 9. bunk beds 14. crayons _.=-;.)il;;- (6:.:-x *x-x) garl6 l(j 4i*-x;tji .Xi ,4. bumper pad 10. safety rail 21. doll eLi ', 'i :i 15. stuffed animals ;i i-tti9 rrLl i;\"i* d!lrl-;1s i*: 1 1. bedspread 5. mobile 16. toy chest ';-e ;;ljr irJ .-i.']ii /,r_p j,r- .r'JJl .3r'r' ^ 6- chest of drawers 17. puzzle - ;:i .a1.1 11ra -F Pair practice. Make conversations. Think about it. Discuss. A: Where's the changing pad? B: It's on the changing table. 1. Which toys help children learn? How? 2. Which toys are good for older and younger children? 3. What safety features does this room need? Why? 59
4$$dl *'rs'\"#t -a::'.! \": ql A. dust the furniture F. make the b':ed K. scrub the sink P. change the sheets --i'_ ;c *irl1 $;i i F*J il-:t;\"i.tL \"r:rJl rjlEii jtrl4)LJr B. recycle the newspapers G. put away the toys L. empty the trash +.1 lr-*i*'-ttl .g*Jl :ru qig\" d *Elri &\"e* ;)r-gJl .l* &lq ,h,Ai M. wash the dishes Q. take out the garbage ;y\"Jt ,i jlr-L)l ;L*ir L'*rll #\"& C. clean the oven H. vacuum the carpet N. dry the dishes ,;;slt *L.&X 4iqr4sjl fudsJq :L*-jl g*,is* jr+:\"t *tlJi / d$*i D. mop the floor l. wash the windows O. wipe the counter i+-:\";lt gru Jr +r d\".,e r.r.a,nll tu E. polish the furniture J. sweep the floor :uli &;s LJLJq:i+;rYl d\";si Ia--P--air--p-ractice. Make new conversat:ons. Ask your classmates. Share the answers. A: Let's clean this place. First, I'll sweep the floor. 1. Who does the housework in your home? 2. How often do you wash the windows? B: I'll mop the floor when you finish. 3. When should kids start to do housework? 60
, i.,B:ll1 grlrji @g @ d -1l feather duster 9. rags 17. dustpan :r:tl a*iuJ L 6.t L ,,' r 4!!A5-ti t -, - a-Ls,ll itLil / -i:_rB 2- necycling bin / Lg )s r .'-S lLJl .:r)-g.ll oie e 18. cleanser 10. vacuum cleaner r!1\". ' il^t. 3- oven cleaner ,;rt jJ.u urrd a.\"rs. 19. sponge 4+l-] \"[. rubber gloves 11. vacuum cleaner attachments I -j^ $ljtli 20. scrub brush 4-.:!J+<ll i.\".Sll erti* 5. steel-wool soap pads JLr e*;uJ :j:til\\ CIL Ct! 12. vacuum cleaner bag 21. dishwashing liquid 6\" sponge mop 4,il!J+Sll a-lsJl r,5 J-L, lh! Yi,,r J'.@ L'b, L- :_:ri .l ;i-.\"q 13. stepladder 22. dish towel 7. bucket / pail :':.L g-t,tutlta.,, 66 a-l:_53 '-o/ J: t +. gtass cleaner gl+j ..-Ui\" 23. disinfectant wipes 8. furniture polish ;;,i-L.!pL^ 15. squeegee - '\\,r ((r+litu) 4il1L 4-LL 24. trash bags -i2r^& cl)-4- Lj\"l,t<i 16. broom Ways to ask for something i-\"is. / a.$. Please hand me the squeegee. Pair practice. Make new coiiversations. l Can you get me the broom? I need the sponoe mop. Az Please hand me the sponge mop. 61 B: Hereyou go. Doyou need the bucket? A: Yes, please. Can you get me the rubber gloves, too?
ted*!3 Jj.r.cJl d5l,:'r 1. The water heater is not working. 6. The lock is broken. 1 1. locksmith .jc; Y 'LJl ;L- .J9\"S4 JEll ,, ...f ^^ ll6ql --l 7. The steps are broken. 2. The power is out. ' sS. q-- 'il t z. carpinter :t+, P &!r -t9.J! *Sll ,Lll 8. roofer '9v itll , ;;-i eJ,-i _jr -rl 3. The roof is leaking. 9. electrician 1 3. fuse box .vruJr.tlgt s,.ir,i,,l1l iL *s (sljlill) +\\+r+Sll 2r1 .-Jl ,!rrr.- 4. The tile is cracked. 10. repair person 14. gas meter .,3.:i.ir .t)tJt ;l;Jl :lrc eL-J -tL\" / dL-; 5. The window is broken. .i-.1j-454 i$trll i More vocabulary Pair practice. Make new conversations. fix: to repair something that is broken A: The faucet is leaking. pests: termites, fleas, rats, etc. B: Let's callthe plumber. He can fix it. 62 exterminate: to kill household pests
tg-)t-!s cjjj^ll CFL.L ffi ffi 15. The furnace is broken. 20. plumber ffi ,cS*/elll- .Jhrl-,11lJ1/;-;slt ffffii YJ 'T 6. The pipes are frozen. ffi 21. exterminator ffi ;!+. !.\"1d1 gl u:iJl ;lLl !5-{ !-.-sj.,J-i,i 25. fleas ('\"'ir l-;c) .i c;r I 'il7. The faucet is dripping. 22. termites i .-Jri6 / Lil'l L!r-11 (r\",'eri .11 cl;a:16 26. cockroaches / roaches l (_x:l_r) )jsy 18. The sink is overflowing. 23. ants l ..rj.l*o / Ct.L,*_rJt (.J^) &' 27. rals (r.rlr5) i;r; :il 'fi9. The toilet is stopped up. 24. bedbugs :3r*r (c_,_Jl;jll) u-L;'Jt (t:*) l* 28. mice* Ways to ask about repairs (.tt-rs) -.rG How much wittthis repair cost? xNote: one mouse, two mice When can you begin? How long will the repair take? Role play. Talk to a repair person. 1 A: Can you fix the rooft B: Yes, but it willtake two weeks. A: How much willthe repair cost?
1. roommates 3. music 5. noise 7. rules f. invitation :i*r; /;p-r Li,: eGiJ 4. D) 6. irritated jrl$ A. dance 2. party (+B +.) nlil J.-Yl .Fj:* 6*-. i 6Ue\" 8. mess ili.. 'l-i l4Lil ,',\"-! ,
-lllllL* Look at the pictures. What do you see? #1\"- Answer the questions. -IE NEXT SATURDAY... 1. What happened in apartment 28? J -/ How many people were there? I\\I\\I 2. How did the neighbor feel? Why? 3. What rules did they write at the ------.'-;* tenant meeting? 4. What did the roommates do after the tenant meeting? llv, Read the story. The Tenant Meeting Sally Lopez and Tina Green are roommates. They live in apartment 28. One night they had a big party with music and a DJ.There was a mess in the hallway. Their neighbors were very unhappy. Mr. Clark in 24 was very irritated. He hates noise! The next day there was a tenant meeting. Everyone wanted rules about parties and loud music. The girls were very embarrassed. After the meeting, the girls cleaned the mess in the hallway.Then they gave each neighbor an invitation to a new party. Everyone had a good time at the rec room party. Now the tenants have two new rules and a new place to dance. Think about it. 1. What are the most important rules in an apartment building? Why? 2. lmagine you are the neighbor in 2A. What do you say to Tina and Sally? T-f# 65 :a t,\"
1. fish -:i-. 2. meat 3. chicken !: 4. cheese 5. milk --\".I* 6. butter +j 7. eggs 8. vegetables ;iJi*:ia (6) Listen and point. Take turns. i A: Point to the vegetables. ! t B: Point to the bread. I A: Point to the fruit. l Pair Dictation A: Write veaetables. B: Please spellvegetables for me. Az V- e- g- e -t- a-b -l- e -s.
9. fruit 4€Sll 10. rice ::\\ 1 1. bread dl' / i+i 12. pasta '* g e'\\ I L-lr (4jrlSJl 13. grocery bag 4lGJl up.S 14. shopping list J.\"il a-iLi 15. coupons Crly6 vmilk { bread v {ettuce '/ graPes Ways to talk about food. Role play. Talk about your shopping list. Do we need eggs? A: Do we need eggs? Do we have any pasta? B: No, we have some. We have some vegetables. but we need fruit. A: Do we have any...
wry 4-FLilt %d%- @ ffiryff' @d 5T %* gf, p 1. apples 9. tangerines 17. blackberries 25. raisins C-li*i -rL u dut sri ..+i 2. bananas tO. p\"u.h\", 18. watermelons 26. prunes ,i )v ,..L /\\ .ii-..,i.!\"vr\\J1-t ,,^t 4 -F 3. grapes 19. melons 27. figs 1 1. cherries !-ne iS iL\"-,ji ,$ 4. pears 12. apricots 20. papayas 28. dates ,Ji..i. J/ *i ..'ix tr\"1+ 13. plums 29. a bunch of bananas 5. oranges ,jY-r 21. mangoes i-r L>' . \\Lii \" 14. strawberries JFil- 30. ripe banana 6. grapefruit -,J / alrl;s 22. kiwi 1\\ oJoJ 's*.-SJ \\iiI=jl ,J 6rtr;.s^ 15. raspberries 9F 7. lemons *SJ- ei9 31. unripe banana 1;i-i .lrC) o:+: 23. pineapples 16. blueberries (i#) C+u * ,ts^ 8. limes 4!dl cJji r.r.l 32. rotten banana (er-\"l' ;i ,rri ;r\"r:; ;\"t 24. coconuts illc jJ. Sell ,,-r+ 68 Ask your classmates. Share thebnswers. 1. Which fruit do you put in a fruit salad? 2. What kinds of fruit are common in your native country? 3; What kinds of fruit are in your kitchen right now?
cilg*itiJl f._f*ix ffi ! :l Wffi t. ,! ii ri ii ti 6irts 1. lettuce 9. celery 1 7. potatoes 25. zucchini .),l.u+ / uu+ .A U.\"r-s L,rs i 18. sweet potatoes I 2. cabbage 10. cucumbers 26. asparagus t\\: rA l-l.U+ x irr.L / +-S !d6 1 1. spinach 19. onions I 3. carrots oL- J.-+ 27. mushrooms { 4. radishes 12. corn 20. green onions / scallions (.:l,r ri*) ;.1\"s 69 J+ !J:: *Jsi lt5 / ,;:i cJ- 28. parsley 5. beets 13. broccoli ,\\i\".': / F+ 21. peas O!JI+ (.L\",4t\"ple).-](sr 29. chili peppers 6. tomatoes \\ -.J v lrt9 Jr. ()j!) n\\ ,L, lila ;-,rr+/aJ\"*/+Ll 14. cauliflower 22. artichokes *J,i-F 30. garlic 7. bell peppers 4r-p 23. eggplants i-ts \"I\\ blqi -\"',bls 15. bok choy .rhjrq ,JJ':n df 31. a bag of lettuce 8. string beans 24. squash .)* l.tsr$ 16. turnips 'Jr-c c,d 32. a head of lettuce .jl (_J LJ^ cJ*iJ Pair practice. Make new conversations. Ask your classmates. Share the answers. A: Do you eat broccoli? l. Which vegetables do you eat raw? cooked? B: Yes. ! like most vegetables, but not peppcn. A: Realty? Wett, t don't like cautiflower. 2. Which vegetables do you put in a green salad? 3. Which vegetables are in your refrigerator right now?
ipt3.tll3 fJslll Beef Jqd 5. beef ribs pqyk Jijiilt fJ Lamb (cti.at; d,asll esl 1. roast d.9;'l+ (a_d.-) .*u 9. ham 13. lamb shanks -r_tg .:i SJ (-,--,-r) elei.ll r*,J 6. veal cutlets J^ dt- 10. pork chops 2. steak 1\\' J..\\t , kc \\J -il! J\".1, u ii --l -il '1 14. leg of lamb \"1.- il-i (cl;iqr) d.--J,i -. 1 1. bacon 15. lamb chops 3. stewing beef ^/. ltver (.r:+; 3't* -rj! ! , L- J L--'i1 .i ! rj( (iii,r! r* #) ,jLJl -J 12. sausage 8. tripe 4. ground beef cj;Ej / 'jc- (.-lJS) rJJ* # \"iJsll Poultry !q13.!l 18. duck 20. wings 22. thighs 24. raw chicken l+ cilJri / jl-i-ii 16. chicken i-i-i c+ 6F' 19. breasts 23. drumsticks 25. cooked chicken c-l-:- , 21. legs (GlSll+ riill i-l-e) g*,1i.lir JJls A,,i 6.*-b asl.r 17. turkey ,-o tdr: More vocabulary Ask your classmates. Share the answers. vegetarian: a person who doesn't eat meat l. What kind of meat do you eat most often? boneless: meat and poultry without bones skinless: poultry without skin 2. What kind of meat do you use in soups? 3. What part of the chicken do you like the most?
4*3*l, idi3 a;;s,,tt ciVjSrlt ji.;'t *, ?,.,\" :-r rj*,' f+ ,i*: F:-!F;{ q fi'.1 tr;.-.'*'+;';r'il'i',:: '+,F fisft r:lt u,,i 6. halibut steak Shellfish :t* 14. oysters .: Ja /\\4...!i)/ a' \"i: I \" trout 9. crab aai r \\l -. 7. tuna (!trt5) Js-Jl uUJ* -i;r i:r;r ,a\",. 15. clams 4.Jlll 10. lobster g\" *ll=Jl ri'. ^ 2. catfish _ JJl cL* 8. cod (;jrstLt) ;s=Jl rl;- 16. fresh fish 3. whole salmon (\"\\) $jl ,jl* 11. shrimp eil! '4 * ,rLr,/,c^ ;sj*L 17. frozen fish 12. scallops 4. salmon steak :t:'i.;i la. ,J\\ . , -^1., 1\\ 4.-Ji\\/ a* ,i 13. mussels 5. swordfish r JI !J. .,, ,i ,;l^., \"lll8. white bread 21. roast beef 24. salami 27. Swiss cheese **)tJl ;e.ln) €J*+J- o++ .i (.-,+j:-,r) *:& *-e pL i.J.l 25. smoked turkey 28. cheddar cheese ,s. *i\"u, u*uo 22. corned beef ,-A.:. .r^:,, d-L. l+i,..r++ =-:^i j+i (.-++) d- +_x e,t 26. American cheese 20. rye bread A_xi .t++ 29. mozzarella cheese 23. pastrami : .1.:.t '-i );_rL*:i:-.r+ Llt + Ways to order at the counter Pair practice. Make new conversations. td like some roast beef. A: What can I get for you? I'll have a hatibut steak and some shrimp. B: ld like some roast beef. How about a pound? Could I get some Swiss cheese? A: A pound of roast beef coming up!
alQlt 1.1.. 1. customer 3. scale 5. pet food 7. cart 4-Jjill uljl *511 il-.t 2. produce section LJI lt- oj* !-,rt a+'l_,jl ertliill i*{ 6. aisle 4. grocery clerk 8. manager 4lGll t^ 9-!A -L Canned Foods Dairy Grocery Products Frozen Foods O$Yl crttrr' iJLi; ctr,r^ ir..o* ciY3SL olr,h,^ 20. margarine 23. aluminum foil 26. ice cream 17. beans (.s.S..' ) .r,n-x pe-iJi .+i;l o-lr ,\"r)i+ / +tr / a-,S l*j ..Jj 21. sour cream 24. plastic wrap a--b-i- (4-*JS) t!i! jSjL)L .+lA .:_r_, 27. frozen vegetables 18. soup 6l* c:l; ,.:a 22. yogurt '':25. plastic storage bags ,L^ / t:-+- .-rJ / qti+-l 4+J-jC .l o, .-p!$l 28. frozen dinner 19. tuna fls eLfe.;.sJ {iJili ,4\" . j.rie Ways to ask for information in a grocery store Pair practice. Make <oiiversations. Excuse me, where are the carrots? A: Can vou please tell me where to find the dog food? Can you please tell me where to find the dog food? B: Sure. !t's in aisle 18. Do you need anything etse? 72 Do you have any lamb chops today? A: Yet where are the carrots?
tlqll d.. shopping bask< 1 1. line 13. cashier 15. cash register .!r ri, ^ ;ii-j idl,iL ,,rlt /, ;.^ lJsrll , lid 4ll 14. bagger 10. self-checkout 12. checkstand 16. bottle return jli ut ,,,-11 g: d*LEi i=j'- / LdS^ 4dJlJl nbl+jjl illcl g1S^ Cjl _S_x (30) +@ \\_-,/ ffi f-*fMiffi ,,J&G W ffiwffi% ffi Baking Products Beverages Snack Foods Baked Goods +4pii ovSL - :. \" Jili.ii^ d3l+JJ^i.a ijJri-l a-crli 29. flour 32. apple juice 35. potato chips 38. cookies 1 ..,,',i a..lL JLL to. iusar 6l_i: r'^.a LG , -t-/ '+i , :LS\\ .:. ^< \\v .- / - | -t F 33. coffee \\e 36. nuts 31. oil : -^i d]lJ*& 39. cake +i 34. soda / pop as,s l.:;e / a;1le u11y;\"j^ 37. candy bar 40. bagels u JJI 6 {lil (t+'tt .t u-lJii) J+ Ask your classmates. Share the answers. Think about it. Discuss. \" l. What is your favorite grocery store? l. ls it better to shop every day or once a week? Why? 2. Do you prefer to shop alone or with friends? 2. Why do grocery stores put snacks near the checkstands? 3. Which foods from your country are hard to find? 3. What's good and what's bad about small grocery stores?
ilJrjJ d3l+-91r, Mru#Kfu 2. jars 1. bottles OLJ\",x / Ot\"l-r 3. cans 4. cartons 5. containers 6. boxes 4+l+i eLeJ / 4iJL lilr* (el') 4J' ((),ili) Jli 4& /,ir:L-\\ ,viJ,,1. ^ / ilc @ \\v\" I 7. bags 8. packages 9. six-packs 10. loaves 1 1. rolls 12. tubes (.iic;i) , irr, (..+ul)++i (o\"lisi) o*rs (eir) Li,, j d! 4+JL.il.ie (.:rbr.il) 4il @ @ ,.,t. ,i o[B @ fJl#E ':w @3 13. a bottle of water 1 7. a container of cottage cheese 21. a six-pack of soda (pop) . J- * L.t'/\"Lc . ll l- ciLl^J d! 4+JL .iJe tL\" 4+t+J 18. a box ofcereal 22. a loaf of bread 14. ajar ofjam ii \"-q.--l (J!-x.,) +-p {J' 4;^ 9Lt; 23. a roll of paper towels 19. a bag of flour +$;_e jpL* a.il 15. a can of beans .-!*..r$ , l.i iJc 24. a tube oftoothpaste 20. a package of cookies 16. a carton of eggs ,\"'.1 ,S.+ LjJ ..1ir-i g.:* .fra.i e,:* (;)ctr-S Grammar Point: count and non-count Pair practice. Make conversations. Some foods can be counted: an apple, two apples. A; How many boxes of cereal do we need? Some foods can't be counted: some rice, some wqter. B: We need two boxes. For non-count foods, count containers: tyyo bags of rice.
;lrt ^tlj 6llYl A. Measure the ingredients. B. Weigh the food. C. Convert the measurements. .;:GJl ,.;l*i .,J#1S11 cjjr.j .L!r ,.,i: Uquid Measures dilJr,.Jl JrrLi. 1 fl. oz. ffi 1 gal. 1 pt. Dry Measures i3t+lt .rljrJl -.;s$L & *=*M,**.., w\"@ 1 tsp. 1 TBS. 1/4 c. 112 c. Weight @\" 11. a fluid ounce of milk 5. a gallon of water 9. a half cup of raisins , ;\\-11 eio LfiL\" a.=i:i oL ,t-ilt+ ..+-,ll ..1. -:ts. i ^, Z a cup of oil -+j:r-6 6. a teaspoon of salt 10. a cup of flour ^lll *,cLia-iiJ c#:ll .r\" .:1S 3. a pint of frozen yogurt -+\" (C) 19rLj Ls.ir 7. a tablespoon of sugar 1 1. an ounce of cheese .t*rjl gF i-:iji 4. a quart of milk iJt s (!Js-) il-.t l&1\" ,iil- ltl6 12. a pound of roast beef 8. a quarter cup of brown sugar Equivalencies r$l-J elj.r. (,E:) sr! ,-iJl SJI v,xqS-r ' t.! Weight : Volurne 1 o4,= 2$.35 grams (g) 1 fl. oz.= 30 ml 2.205 lbs. = 1 kilogr.am {kg) ;tii1 Pt.:= ,47 L . 1 gal. = 3.79 L 75
ai^),..,g flt Lll JH..h:i Food Safety at-\"tttL)* A. clean .i. !-!5J B. separate ,ldll C. cook e+!l D. chill .t-f / ,lof Ways to Serve Meat and Poultr1l inlsJls eJrlll #:.ll d-t! l. fried chicken 2. barbecued / grilled ribs 3. broiled steak ,i;\"L.J'*ii & zL: -rlt *l' 4+j.j:. / 4+ri. (t_it-) \"*t 4. roasted turkey rii!i:lr,1dt& 1hl:* !!i!.il4iii1! 6. stir-fried beef ,jJ\"il .,s X-L *-:,,4. 5. boiled ham . ,,\\iii\\L lij^ < ,L --\\ Ways to Serve Eggs o:$l J*asiJ d-lL 7. scrambled eggs 8. hardboiled eggs 9. poached eggs l\\rtl J J* ,J;.# JUll el-]l .:s L-Jti\" rJ-J* ,Ji.+ Z, Jc ui: .:* 10. eggs sunny-side up 1 1. eggs over easy 12. omelet 'rc \\S.i -lc lL .;,' IJILJ 14r: *& r-E+ \\//i.*\\ ,'',1 \" .1 -\" Role play. Make new conversations. Ask your (lassmates. Share the answers. A: How do you like your eggs? 1. Do you use separate cutting boards? B: I like them scrarnbled. And you? 2. What is your favorite way to serve meat? poultry? 76 A: t like them hardboiled. 3. What are healthy ways of preparing meat? poultry?
,! 'o ''e\" s l+k\"%ti '\";a*\\: Cheesy Tofu Vegetable Casserole oi*-t.Xi ;*3iil; -ri.,;* 4;*43 fus_p*$ A. Preheat the oven, B. Grease a baking pan. C. Slice the tofu. D. Steam the broccoli. ,i:u;;\"Jl ,jss ._p:,. L*LL I l_p.:J= ;.j .:t**11 e\"b €lj51jlll 4&l .p:1;+i:,ri ;4lt g*r4 E. Saute the mushrooms. F. Spoon sauce on top. G. Grate the cheese. H. Bake. ..ll+r i4r .*Jsll crs jj.l p*:,+S1 ;pe &S ic;** .J*it $t \"eL-ii *1\" qSelJU i'd.* *** Easy Chicken Soup i r-' ryi-''; j. ,.p; Cut up the chicken. J. Dice the celery. K. Peel the carrots. L. Chop the onions. - .Jill J#e J*ii1 {eji}e*,3 :;i* gh} #! et+:ji a-h! .{3'.Fetu,jll **Fl t# \\1. Boil the chicken. N. Add the vegetables. O. Stir, P. Simmer. :+Jl g.i&+l \",;.rr.;Jl u.Lmi .4,L\":la ;U,r:\") e&++ j.&t Quick and Easy Cake 4fu+-,\"-g i*#;\"'u ;*.5 O. Break 2 eggs into a R. Mix the ingredients. S. Beat the mixture. T. Microwave for 5 minutes. microwave-safe bowl. :,f 'S,,ll J=inl -i L:UJ,r3;1L;-r ,'*51 .}=jkjl u_j\"41 ril.-;16: o kqJJJ5+.11 ,Fi 4.h1 *r:-6.* *P i'**i-)l 77
6L.ll c,l3ri jE 6.6. E. E ;if64+'€ *:4 ++::#- q #,i€ +s B f +t.igFffi H-a s&l I ,i 4 1. can opener 9. wooden spoon 17. colander 25. saucepan iits* r.).-: ^ ..i ,.,1. i^LiA li-jj.\".i:iiirL 2. grater 10. casserole dish 18. kitchen timer 26. cake pan i ui+ il_,_6,1$ / r+s J+l !t,u.Lll ,\",,i i a'L dLSl eu1 3. steamer 11. garlic press 19. spatula 27. cookie sheet J1-iJL .r<l.ll eLcJ e-i i-** iL+. ai,l^ f;l ./ ^< ,,11t \\vJc JJl oJ 4,j,- 4. plastic storage container l$.i-\\ uij.Jj 4+JL' \\ 5. frying pan 12. carving knife 20. eggbeater 28. pie pan ore / D )+s .*lli L^. ,Lil .,< , .:,' /q '.:^\\ {ii,il- )tl\"s.il+- 6. pot , \\2 vi \\ 'J ;F / oul 13. roasting pan 21. whisk 29. pot holders 7. ladle ;.ii:- 4.-1- l +Vl .i1<,,,.\" i_iy* .\"1\\\\ .Ll /;,_iL 8. double boiler YJ (a+:r_r^ 4tla) sl,X E:r_x eUl 14. roasting rack 22. strainer 30. rolling pin (cl.lr-Jl; ;tr ^\" 4r,i / u+r'Jl J1-!J Yc2\",lJl a\\ri, 23. tongs 15. vegetable peeler 31. mixing bowl r!!J \":- ;JL,l! il.iL Llr (eG,r) iljl L1,,, 24.lid 16. paring knife \"Lb +is ;$- Pair practice. Make new conversations. Use the new words. A: Please ha;nd me the whisk. Look at page 77. Name the kitchen utensils you see. B: Here's the whisk. Do you need anything else? 78 A: Yes, pass me the casserole dish. Az Here's q grater. B: This is a mixing bowl.
4+;*,,'ll gLrr, J'll fr.h.o . ii;:;iiiilili:# +liiriliir 1. hamburger 7. nachos 13. ice-cream cone 19. plastic utensils ,\",i S-dl J^ jrs *s d_S u+l (J+ll FJ) ->-r_r+^a r.S::- J-}dU 4S$-\\.L.t rtr:i 2. french fries 14. milkshake 8. taco 20. sugar substitute lli^,J*ltl4 d \"ii* ', \"\\- / !J SJI Lr rsu 15. donut 3. cheeseburger 21. ketchup 9. burrito eiLUJl iS,S :+jl C. JsJJd.A UIXJI! (-,.uts) +lJ a*L r+-tg 16. muffin 4. onion rings 10. pizza (o*+-) ;;-e.:^; +LA 22. mustard oUt l-)r*l 17. counterperson (i.J:,\"r.) Jri i*-t*- ( ii 'lsl) i!:J^ll , LLc \"IL,j,-1 1 1. soda di^ 23. mayonnaise 5. chicken sandwich ir * / cgjLc !j 18. straw i:*l- / 4tLj-j: :-'+::t\" zL.: , ,ji \":i 12. iced tea ^li- , cL; 24. salad bar 6. hot dog s1J\")LJl c6: / o+r (63.: o:a) ei+- Grammar Point: yes/no questions (do,, Think about it. Discuss : Do you like hamburgers? yes, ! do. 11. FD\\on .y,ao'ur +thhii^nI,k +thLa.^t+ ff-a-+st tf^oo^ d) its- bt- a- dt tfor people? Why or why not? i Do you like nachos? No, I don't. 2. What fast foods do you have in your country? 3. Do you have a favorite fast food restaurant? Which one? 79
,,4i\" ef tbL't a4jE 1. bacon gtrg#gtrg#*ffimffi6ff9#g*qs6s4sg*66gsg#gfgffigtrgHg$gffig#g#g#gsry*gffg$i g*g€.H..$9sg#*H3 gTyFg€;3 (\":s+)eu',rja d -**,@o.i--BRtAKrA5T5p[ClAL\"'\"Fi.5c?:?..-FeEqF3':sH5 2. sausage ffi ffiW,.#'\"':,R,r:::Served 6a.m.to 11a.m- /, qiuiIi\\v.i* \\v 3. hash browns Lelu3 !li-,;J-U+ 4. toast 1\\ ,-',J,tdv r\\ .^\"-- ,n 5. English muffin !_xl+,1 a++y\" 6. biscuits ,\",,r cS*+ i;l\"A 7. pancakes (e-ts!)i)r6\\+r,s 8. waffles $ilt \\+t\" 9. hot cereal i:iL- (cJ\\-r+-) +:+- 10. grilled cheese sandwich ffii*E@S*4@s€ ,c\"L rs ,:J.:i- Served 1'l a\"m. to 2 p.m. 1 1. pickle All sandwiches corne with soup or salad \"[i- ;tlt W 12. club sandwich t t55l J,*****,SALADS SALAD5ffi il*ffi i+-itr*# l D (_s::i .:A) .r:LJt _i:;:i 6$$*'!:*d,6*ffi Hsspcii*ffi !-H*ffi u.s\" DP N fi 13. spinach salad ffiThousand lsland fwt e,!- al;- ffi ffiItalian Blue Cheese 14. chef's salad il( L\\l u,SJ 4l)Lu 7 , i, r,t1 i11_ 15. dinner salad eLiJl iar it\\ 16. soup cls / 1r-i 17. rolls j> \"=l-Bi 18. coleslaw (rLJjs) \\.iJS 4t\\ 19. potato salad 9JU+ 4t)t- 20. pasta salad (u-L) turlss 4t)L 21. fruit salad 4Slrs 4t)t- *g*g$gs6Hg'sgffigsgfu-$rffig*gHv;igffi;€*3rr*gffigsg€gsg*r*g*gsgsgsgsgig#gHg*g gygEg*: e*s;Tgfrg*g€ 80 Ways to order'from a menu Pair practice. Make conVersations. A: ld like a orilled cheese sandwich, please. I t'd like a grilled cheese sandwich. B: Anything else for you? l'll have a bowl of tomato soup. Az Yes, !'ll have a bowl of tomato soup with that. Could I get the chef i salad. with ranch dressihg?
,r{i\" ce ,trt^tt iait! , \" g= g€gflr$gY6&rHg*;*gFg#gHigffg#gFgSgHgffi6$g$g-eg*g,i641;$gfi;$68g6g#gH.ffgTg#g*g* g$_#g#gH 22. roast chicken 'r rsll -i ^\"L\" g-L=: ffiffi nmffisDlNNtP e nsa*Bsffis'effi s6ffi*q* m&m nF €@mms6e 23. mashed potatoes rrr \"i=*es*sffe-n*wwvmmsew+r:.ms#rresaffiff Df55ruJ$ *******skw*j4€6ffi6ffis:+sstrr:.ffi#$ss**:ss*r (a+-r-*) +-3;a- ,,\"J.t L, rrr:::*4**E+q!Ee*esqigureemwrr.***.**\"* btVtRAfif5 *******EBr*+m*ssmmr*€gs::.#e;i##H*sGs 24. steak !,.;33€g$g'fr*6Hg$gffg;gffi.lHTtrsffig$g#gHX*mffigarSg-$*$ES**m:;sffi*&g*;:ffig#p$g&ryff6*gHgff6&g6s g#; (d-LL) +r&,f-g.J i.+-)- 25. baked potato rjJrll .J ; xl.\" .4lLL 26. spaghetti (et !-l) +!rtr +,+: L3_,S* 27. meatballs (a+--s)d i+s 28. garlic bread ed! -'S 29. grilled fish psjll *! €J*,,\\ * 30. rice -t:\\ 31. meatloaf J,.,rLd ,-s a,,1L p_r_F. 32. steamed vegetables :tJl _b .ii.A. c:lr !-- 33. layer cake cjlill. dla;iSJ 34. cheesecake a)++ aSd 35. pie ;-+ts 36. mixed berries LK*.:f.9l 37. coffee i -\"4 38. decaf coffee ;#siS ;3q ;r,+i 39. tea L5s +0. herbal tea !l.v.':. i .Li 41. cream ',irl- ;r;ii / ;s! 42. low-fat milk e-Jl .-;.+i ,,ill- Ask your classmates. Share the answers. Role play. Order a dinner fibrn the menu. 1. Do you prefer vegetable soup or chicken soup? A: Are you ready to order? 2. Do you prefer tea or coffee? B: t think so. t'll have the roast chicken. 3. Which desserts on the menu do you like? Az Would you atso like...?
dining room 3. high chair 5. to-go box 7. menu C$,x q--S eLlll a^jl! e'- Ltl iiL- JlJl Jl euj^\\r l:) al]c 4. booth 8. server / waiter 2. hostess 'elll ,_.*_x ;$;t ;r\"i^ gre isL\" 6. patron / diner .r;--t+ / Jrl: ii.;\" aLJ.ll ;rtr:,, ,ri; / ..19; A. set the table D. order from the menu G. clear / bus the dishes pay the check 4lrl-Lll J;r-r atlll a-jLq c.).,,.lll (.:L-Jt) ;r;LLit 6l+ / 4lrU\"lr *.Ic J^ dLJ\")l 4.';g B. seat the customer E. take the order 4lrLtll , ;'t|i'. leave a tip ;;lr-jl ,:,tLIl di4 H. carry the tray f .ilJ,iiit d_JiJ \"r.J+: F. serve the meal a.i'Ji Ja+ C. pour the water q++-,lt eJq Look at the pictures. etll q{sJ Describe what is happening. A; She's seating the customer. ''\"-* B; He's taking the order. I More vocabulary l I eat out: to go to a restaurant to eat 82i I take out: to buy food at a restaurant and take it l home to eat 1 I
ft!\" 9. server / waitress 1 1. bread basket 13. dish room 15. kitchen :.-*:s / ilrLi iiJl al e ^Jl .ii9 & '10. dessert tray 12. busser 14. dishwasher 16. chef iJl irrl.i ir:M / ,* Jl\\ v \\:Lll rr ,\" s +-Jt sJL:e *, f\\-.il/,i\\;l.\"l.ll \\er J. I 17. place setting 21. soup bowl 25. saucer 29. steak knife .r- Lll ;J|r- jt++ Jlii.\\l a,: a+:,i,.iiJt +r:t i^t ,, -lllClil !S- 18. dinner plate 26. napkin 22. water glass i$L\"I LrilL\"i J.ru 30. knife alls. pL!;* t, c\\.dl 27. salad fork Js- 1 9. bread-and-butter plate .-.pL\\ i.DtJi isr.i i:r;Jlj j+Jl ,'tM 31. teaspoon 23. wine glass 28. dinner fork , cL;i {iiJ 20. salad plate iU 4Sr- 4l)LJl ,jpt \\r., i il L 32. soupspoon JjL\\ L::- ai,l 24. cup Ut+j! Pair practice. Make new conversations. Role play. Talk to a new busser. 83 A: Excuse me, this spoon is dirty. A: Do the salad forks go on the left? B: I'm so sorry. I'll get you a clean spoon right qway. B: Yes.They go next to the dinner forks. A: Thanks. A: What about the...7
1. live music 3. lemonade 5. samples 7. vendors 9. herbs t+ ssl--l /\\iru tJ\\-t ', J .,.4 gLre ,rJ-! -t-Li 2. organic 4. sour A. count J* / s;.* d1r. 6. avocados 8. sweets *'\"1+ rL..i 4eJJj iL'j- L-r.; / clsyi dr!-d' .rij 7 ,..o.i
C*r'wy'ea,k4t Look at the pictures. What do you see? Answer the questions. 1. How many vendors are at the market today? 2. Which vegetables are organic? 3. What are the children eating? 4. What is the woman counting? Why? @ nead the story. The Farmers'Market On Saturdays, the Novaks go to the farmers'market. They like to visit the vendors. Alex Novak always goes to the hot food stand for lunch. His children love to eat the fruit samples. Alex's father usually buys some sweets and lemonade. The lemonade is very sour. Nina Novak likes to buy organic herbs and vegetables. Today, she is buying avocados. The market worker counts eight avocados. She gives Nina one more for free. There are other things to do at the market. The Novaks like to listen to the live music. Sometimes they meet friends there. The farmers'market is a great place for families on a Saturday afternoon. Think about it. 1. What's good or bad about shopping at a farmers'market? 2. lmagine you are at the farmers' market. What willyou buy? 85
Listen and point.Take turns. Dictate to your partner. Take turns. A: Point to the dress. Az Write dress. B: PointtotheT-shirt. B: Is that spelled d-r-e-s-s? Az Point to the baseball cao. A: Yes. That's right.
8. blouse -Ot JJ+ 9. handbag ,.r +ll^1: / Lgi- 10. skirt (x:+) ;',-r- 1 1. suit al:r 12. slacks / pants ,ll .!i,^lLi, 13. shoes !ii 14. sweater (;js)_p:! B. put on ;eJill ,jsj Ways to compliment clothes Role play. Compliment a friend. That's a pretty dress! A: That's a pretty dress! Green is a great color on you. Those are great shoes! B: Thanks! I really like your... I really like your baseball cap!
d*ll Ug[.q3 {;a-,,,,;Jl3 l* *jl -He cJ.+)-oJl *CaSual ClOtheS i+.l..,,Jll o+l,l-ll Work Clothes ,Ji-qdl or+)j 1. cap 6. overalls 10. uniform (Je;ei);;;rlt a!!j! / ; e,nid :ls* :, 7. knit top cardigan sweater Af e.rs-r- i,r- 11. business suit JL@l {} elsi^ ^ v ^(i\\t';S\\ tJr eJ 8. capris 3. pullover sweater (J\"t.L j+;\" .r Jli,) dJ,.lS ; J.ti, 12. tie 'iic *iJl i.J. v * v J 19 -{J*/;*\\{\\r GJ| / J. 9. sandals /\\ Li!tJ s\\ iLl , te J$- 4. sports shirt 13. briefcase 4+;!J iJi,\" JIJJI 4-i' 5. maternity dress J-lr-X c-,Li\"s More vocabulary Describe the people. Take turns. A: She3 wearing a maternity dress. three piece suit: matching jacket, vest, and slacks B: He's wearing a uniform. outfit: clothes that look nice together !88 in fashion / in style: clothes that are popular now
,,,,.'.,,. u .i-,..:..*.-,:.1 i,..,\".','.r+)i*i I t+'J :i i:t:,-:.: ti!rt!?tal:,i,j ::;::. I :-:'.\"..''t , FOrmal ClOtheS,4-;,l.o.,;!i a-p4i!,Ji 18. evening gown fEXg f CiSe Wea 4.'1..\"r!1, iii .lr.ir. :,r-rrl 1 r,., '4. sports jacket / sports coat 19. clutch bag 22. sweatshirt / hoodie ,.,._., ,_+-,... ,r ,1*'-. iiil:. ,.r,i-_,ll .-k= i-a;1^,.1 i-i,, / :i,;L!-:; : ,:1: il rr.,, 'i!.1. .; ,, .,.=l \"..i,. 1 5. vest 23. sweatpants !-.. l;=l.-;,,ji* ;J, i-',r.=:=l,-li,qp, 16. bow tie 20. cocktail dress 24. tank top '17. tuxedo j-='.,-; 1-.,:, ii=:i.,-j !_;li .=.,:..ji,, ,.i.fj j -,.:, _.,-.,.. -.,. , ti t: -.,.-ll j.-,-.\"-.,,, :r,,;.1,,., .1,1.:r 21. high heels i,\"=i;,.i.i,.1-.\",,.4:, :.,:. i,-.tJ ,.li::., -.,.-,.:,' ..:,i.: 25. shorts \"=,\":'....i i;-: -1 ,\":;i ;.,-...-li . , \"t 1.., Ask your classmates. Share the answers. Think about it. Discuss. 89 1. What's your favorite outfit? 1. What jobs require formal clothes? Uniforms? 2. Do you like to wear formal clothes? Why or why not? 2. What's good and bad about wearing school uniforms? 3. Do you prefer to exercise in shorts or sweatpants? 3. What is your opinion of today's popular clothing?
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