Lj,*lirVt iittq et..i:Vt : lri:liril'riirllll:i.r:ri:r::::li.i:i;:i:l,t.iltiir lr.riri:::]]l::l li:f li'i!i . 1. word 2. sentence 3. paragraph 4. essay iL+ JIL iJ,ii Parts of an Essay Punctuation rC\" -i:tts ' ;eJtl cJldle cJt-iall rlJ+i 5. title q Carlos l,opez .,_,, 1 1. period Eng. Comp. j1_p t0/2r/10 Ltir 6. introduction Success in:the U.& t,? 12. question mark LJ; el{.!ii-l L)tc l- I came to lnsAngeles from Mexico in 2006. I had no 7. body fh job, no friends. and no family here. I was homesick and , I 13. exclamation mark 9-: scared, but I did not go home. I took English classes (always t, 8. conclusion YL-a:--.-at night) and I studied hard. I believed in my future successl !-s*i L)5 9. quotation More than 400,000 new immigrants come to the U.S 14. comma .r!i!1 every year.! Most of us need to find work. During my first ...r. .il*ta year here, my routine was the same: get up; look for work; 10. footnote go to class; go to bed. I had to take jobs with long hours and it.?t 15. quotation marks low pay. Often I had two or three jobs. .LI u*ljilil gl-)le Little by litt1e, work and success came to me. My first job wasn't good. I worked in a small factory. Now, I help 16. apostrophe manage two factories. $r a:.-l: u .:;ll,: 17. colon Cf\"dil#,ST1;;;ffiT.Ulh;T;illo?'\"#$.,\"., l (9 l ;u.tn rU.S. Census l \\ .*i.: 18. semicolon l t,'::': o!$ it -tl @ i {i}' 'te' parentheses ,-iL-j 20. hyphen Writing Rules LrisJt st3i A. Capitalize names. B. Capitalize the first letter C. Use punctuation. :':;',ryi,!ill.t:it$iig..*.1,!i+. t*lA:P,.tJdP. SYv$*: -,' : .ij+S LiJJs+ oL*Yl ,,,'r<1 in a sentence. .#Jillr dlil L)te d3'idl myfufure zuccess! tl il^;Jl *i:s'rcjjYl .i!t ,,,r<1 D. Indent the first sentence .*S' in a paragraph. .J ii.- ,Jri -fu ,j t.otJi dlJil .;++;rni Walri to'ask for SUggeitionr o.n youri:compositions ,Pair ptactice.,Make n€W conversations. ' ,Whgt'do you thiink of thistitle?' ' :, - ' , 'A::,\\ffhat do.,you thinrk of this fi'tle? ' R thk piifggiaph,A'K7:ls the punclggli@correct? ,', I , ' , 'Bz l'think you need tarevise rf.,, , '' . i!A:, Th a n ks ; D o yQ u .h av e' a ny m o ie s u g giesti on Di o yp'u h ave\"any su ggesti'on s'.for the'cancl usio n ?
Lj,*tr,:Vt iifq ruJ.iYt The Writing Process Lt:sllA,Lg @ Writing aeeignment, - Oue 1 Ol3 Write an eseay about, your firat y ear in i\"lhe U.5. my life ... hmmm... what can I say... I have one week... E. Think about the assignment. F. Brainstorm ideas. G. Organize your ideas. .4i J!q: I ' ,lsii tl*Lil 7g r.Lt i^*\":t a,.i rSg .llJ'L\\.ll-.i r.. eJu i_..\"li6radl: iF i:-i*.l1;f.;:1\"i',it;1in*i;[:\"\",:.\"1:1:;1r::::1i:\"'':;'F',i'tt*]:'i\"\";;\".r' \"',: ri.r\"..*;.\"'o \\ \"t* t\\*lrrre.rdd' \\o oJ 1' t' ,\"-t\"\"*\" H. Write a first draft. l. Edit. / Proofread. J. Revise. / Rewrite. .J;i ;.:r* ,,,'r<1 t|v,|i.iLls r,3) .Lr3l&i/.e+lJ SHARING AND RESPONDING K. Get feedback. L. Write a final draft. M. Turn in your paper. .i'1-4: ;.: \"* ,,,r<1 .eliit_, eL .;l , -i; u;l; s/o ;J-^l Think about it. Dis'cuss. Ask your classmates. Share the 6hsw€ys; 1. ln which jobs are writing skills important? 2. What tools can help you edit your writing? 1. Do you like to write essays? 3. What are some good subjects for essays? 2. Which part of the writing process do you like best? least? '191
ct!.aut lntegers 4r+r.all .rl.leYt Pr\"61i66s ;-*sll @,'.:t, 3,5,7,9,11... z:@--__z @1,,,'z',4,6, B, 10 ... re@-E 1. negative integers - .3. odd numbers 5. numerator .-a.tJ | L'ttl +rlL i* rl.ui .p 219 -,1l 6. denominator eul 2. positive integers 4. even numbers i5-9* +.p* rl:ti L=oi,G,i Math Operations i-r.;L, gttt\" A. add B. subtract C. multiply D. divide r ,Ll +l;l r*!1 a+4*tr2 8*+*+ 8x+sAz A+4sZ c- 7. sum 8. difference 9. product 10. quotient J-lJ1 {--!il 6j- tJ^+-jl .J-Flr A Math Problem apt; iJi,,- (11) 6)-*: :-x + 10 Kim's age now * :x 1 Tom's age now \\__./ Kim's age next year l Tom iolo yearo older : 2(x + 1) = Tom's age next year than Kim. Nextyear x* 10l1=2 (x+ 1) he will betwice as old ; x* 11 :2x+2 isae Kam, How old 11 -2:2x*x a Tomthieyear? x'*-9;,1( is9,Tom,ig'l9 1 1. word problem 12. variable 13. equation 14. solution .rLr. .tli. ;-rrL al:L- 4. s)-{,u..!\\l 4lLru J- When willthe Types of Math o!;r.rJl gljii rocket reach maximum height? x = the sale price area of path = 24 square ft. tan 63'= height /14feet s(t) = -t1, gt2 + Vo t + h x=79.00 - .40 (79.00) area of brick = 2 square ft. x = 547.40 height = 14 feet (tbn 63i) sr(t)=-gt+Vo-0 24/2= 12 bricks height =27.48feel t=Vo/9 16. algebra 17. geometry 18. trigonometry 19. calculus -*ll 4-.idl gt5IJl -1.^ &lsitlr jL;t!ill ',92
LineS LJL.i.ll d!r!,il1 Angles UsJl Shapes drs,iyl I @ ?@l @ WAO@ - 25. parallel lines 29. rectangle 34. circle 'J,ttu 20. line segment UIFI+i i;;rb L-, * J:L 30. square 26. right angle / 90\" angle 35. radius 21. endpoint .t . 4+rlj / Lrdi- Lrlj 31. diagonal ;lii ' i ^r 4,,\\s, iJ.lj 27. obtuse angle jrJS& 36. circumference 22. straight line Ll- ' 4+Jtu 4iJU 32. triangle *it- .t: 37. diameter 28. acute angle ,',\\'i . 23. curved line ;rL= LJlj JIJ 33. parallelogram -*; -L l,Msrt i al.-! 24. perpendicular lines Measuring Area and Volume ;r.LL I J.: i+SIIJ LL, .^tl u.G Geometric Solids lxw=;'yg;' 6 x f= surface area :.\"*.r..tt 4#\"qll dts,jyl T. ry 38. cube 39. pyramid 40. cone 43. perimeter 44. face -t;_,* e-S G+Jli Ll- \\r \" L_ 'rT)(12)/.h:volume tXTrXrr=VOlUme 41. cylinder 42. sphere 45. base 46. pi :i 'rtl cj+.sril Ail .-t-i iJs iJilJl l\"l* f :cli J;t ;r -r\"it) +! (u:s_, Ask your classmates. Share the answers. Think about it. Discuss. 193 1. Are you good at math? 1. What's the best way to learn mathematics? 2. Which types of math are easy for you? 2. How can you find the area of your classroom? 3. Which types of math are difficult for you? 3. Which jobs use math? Which don,t?
fittll Biology (!+J.*) rtpYl $ l. organisms 3. slide 5. cellwall 7. nucleus 9. cytoplasm aiJl ;l 'r I J,A 4+- glll5 {--}\" Dr'l 6. cell membrane 2. biologist 4. cell 8. chromosome a.ii i.\",lill eL,ii (!+:t,r* Ctc) ;L^j (e-p-r,r-S) \":+= @ roxyg*n Liahr hnergy , and $uga ,$F{ #\"# Carbon d'-=iowxnid* e 10. photosynthesis 1 1. habitat 12. vertebrates 13. invertebrates sr3; d,rlij .iUUA) ti* o!:s A Microscope (+-f*s-f+) -x+\" 14. eyepiece 20. base re+ra:lF ii:sLli 15. revolving nosepiece 21. stage clips {JlrJl j6i4l a-:iji liJjl ,31i.\". 16. objective \" (,X+^il 4-re). 4-,+l.t,1'i,ll. 22. fine adjustment knob 1 7. stage (#r +$ !t\",L x+ll d sJ 23. arm 18. diaphragm c!r l ': ql*ll 24. coarse adjustment knob 19. light source . r 'iii , L:,i ;rL (lJ- Jl^ , 194 l
eiltll Chemistry r!.;sJt Physics (*t-r\";pilt) L*rLll Ca ,lr€E@-lbr J\\ t 25. chemist 28. atom 31. proton 34. formula i;r- / alrl-- ('!+S Jt\")*:\\.$ -D\"):J- .t,il-l,r 35. prism 26. periodic table 29. nucleus 32. neutron q5+l+j :J'lii\" I ::-:^ c '\":.]1 l\":Jl Eo. elctron ..,rf>f+ 36. magnet YJT '. ^ .;<11 33. physicist '+l.!i- 27. molecule (+$ +.tt-; +t ;.1 A Science Lab pehll r',:i. 37. Bunsen burner 40. funnel 43. fo.rceps oJii !+L/iJJt I*i r)US 38. graduated cylinder 41. balance / scale 6l:^ +}ri 44. crucible tongs ,11-)F 39. beaker q:$r .tsL 42. test tube .J+-:'6 45. dropper JLlsl uj$l _i iJt.t! An Experiment tJ* Salt and sugar crystals will grow the same way. A. State a hypothesis. Do an experiment. C. Observe. D. Record the results. E. Draw a conclusion. .i_,;>Crln/L.,il .+l-F 'f-iljill ,\\vi .!>. \"l-p! tg$ .L>o dl r.J,., 195
(+.*,Lrlt; ;.*rsjt Desktop Computer srisJl JiJ#.sll g 1*a&Itrrebirtr&trew l. surge protector hard drive 10. software 15. mouse gb-,x\" :l:L,l;l * jk+ ,,,1.^11 ep:,rll el:o^ / *.L\\ iJ ,G 1 1. monitor /screen -.,y1;:il1 \\VJ I 4,iLi; 2. power cord 7. USB port 16. laptop 12. webcam *g-11 'sll . (riai\".)rrltl*r .J-JJI $iill rii. 4ilJ+.S _*:p1-rr.15 J* Ji.+S 3. tower 13. cable 17. printer o-i$Jll asllsll r.rs3 JJ\\i - 8. flash drive \\.< aJl 4. microprocessor / CPU Jj,^- d€lJAi cjJ* 14. keyboard (,t+-l.j\"S*.!-lr-r4-r+-.l,l5J*l)i\\-rx-/ 6tu- 9. DVD and CD-ROM drive g$1r. a-! 5. motherboard 9 a.,4J1Y E-S,Yc: 9 €GJ el* J p)l6iil iJJ fI Keyboarding eil.i.ll Ld sle /+l*sll A. type B. select C. delete D. go to the next line ,rti+ slljll J.Jl Jl ,!l+ ,erb ta*'t3jr 196
(a+\"lt'tt d]urull 4t*1) d$JljYl Navigating a Webpage cij*Yl ,F g:\" e1,,a] SIGN IN camsuyl47 @ user name password 1. menu bar URL / website address 7. tab 10. links 13. text box / *lul J' ^'\\l ey ** +J+ !)L-J / d:1 L,lJ ilrrl l+Jr 5 uil & glruu J l^2 i* 8. drop-down menu 1 l. video player 2. back button v' 'l 9 !J 4-!.L-lr L,jJt Jl :.+_i' _,; 4ll,,e e.dt! ,i+ Jij;\" 5. search box 14. cursor 3. forward button 9. pop-up ad 12. pointer ,',-rll .iiLt/jr$- )AJA 4l$l a-iJl JJ e:!:il tt aiiiu LLe.: i:^ 6. search engine 15. scroll bar ,'',-l d,>\" -rlJl!-l- Logging on and Sending Email +g+rt! +* cJL*rlg dr+rill flffi##ffi&ffi fsno rjlru* Sm*' To: guillermo.lopez@ mail.com PI*ase sign in... i., [email protected] Username: [email protected] i#\"iri#.l Cc: Cc: h** Subjecl: Hi from Claudia Password: ***** Subject: Hi from Claudia Dear Guillermo, Here's the picture you asked for. And here are the Er'ffifffi'ffi1 C. address the email movee times for tonight. 4Jll J-J X *.re;lSl)t !;Jt gljjc LJiri Call me. A. type your password -Claudia D. type the subject ,,\\i i-1lt Jrll a-K.Jili6$l ilL;Ji 1r*_r^ cJiri /C+Ll E. type the message ilLjJl (jFj diri l&&1 B. click\"sign in\" lula&tstactr H mo :j\"sign in\" \"\".!r+;\" -'E l To, guillermo.lopez ,W Ccr Here's the picture you aske Subject: Hi from Claudia movee times lor tonight. iif'ffiSffisr: i\"Y?sSt:' .qESiUqBll: Dear Guillermo, Here's the picture you asked movie times for tonight. Call me. F. check your spelling G. attach a picture H. attach a file l. send the email .:LL' u Ls.l r ' .o. r}€ !9-iUri e #:i !l:)llll +-lJl &ti 197
{*yYl ;.rsiill olyjilt 6;-,)u Colonial Period Judj.*yl iJii 1. thirteen colonies 4. slave 7. founders 10. minuteman \",2. Constitution oJtu oJs aiu 5. Declaration of lndependence UJ*jJl \"t Yt ,9,-,lsls,<lYlJJ '1'o,Yc:!' . :AJl qDGi-Yt cttej .:l-:'i-l 2. colonists 8. Revolutionary War 13. Bill of Rights U-r';pii*Jl 6. First Continental Congress tr:l, ii;5j ,151, ,j3iJl ,jU\".^ .i-F / a;Jr.ll +!l 3. Native Americans .J-e) I 6-.,1tlill .r-p.Fl 11. first president D6i-Y1 rr *!-Yt ct,i$-r\")l .t\"+-, .J_rj 9. redcoat :U- u c:i- 198
Clrll &Ju Civil ization5 crl_,;l,.bsJl 1. ancient 3. emperor ! Queen Elizabeth I prime minister i^li olljr c.'\"+,r t;lt_p\"J 5. president 2. modern u+J i-i.:- 4. monarch 6. dictator HistoricalTerms ar*s.,ru crr'lL r .\\r til.:s': 8. exploration 10. war 12. immigration +_F lil .!:<'i,.,1 ';_Fa 11. army 9. explorer 13. immigrant .-iJ+ t+k- ,;.i,<i!y C6sar ChSvez i 14. composer 16. political movement 18. inventor ,ii,l^ / os:-;* -:.ii- 4,F!- iS_F ZJ* 15. composition 17. activist 19. invention a++-:^ a-i1_r. / -+-r. rdi: L-t- l-;iu ZIJLI 199
L,-h*Jr!lJ 4Jtdll *yi iUz 6* FE5* 24 H(,) Fv p q o o a(6 oo oi o rtrE F s::tUn I6 to9 ,.1 (IJ & ;>' 5H 8=-S> 5 I<a2 o 5orJqv)) g lrl *Q 4o w s n2{z bgod s\"\". tqtt H rrl !uv U) o{n-- us r;-3 b4 200 +fi
s.h*JllJ 4+11- i,ll Syi *o !$:elo.o ': P-o Lo \\\\ ^tf 3-s > F^o- JO<C o H 9 = # €o;d#E+E + a vX-c=o-!-'=P:=<9r s jj J = o\"r F Eg;'q,f=, #€ESiir,s#P#if€1iPExic,,1l#S=,fii't+#p,=jsr#e;,u;in o .!T #d' Q o3 c z. O o_ z. Eoog \" fl< or,u'B ; cD(J 8E E !1,.=Tr+PlEartl J J oAa';'.u .EC;J UJ =e;=j- Ia -cr o;lr-e I. (.Ep'y?_1q,i =S LU E[ei, Eis4-f ElEEoj? -1.c, 4: .e;eo,A1 (kf5 #EfFFa{;1'iJi 5ifc-'\"d1,.E)il, g#ojEn; 5l#ptdr4;\\=lEjs-4; E_E-; €a€4 #1#| SI .Gtt Eto t .:68g1ig,r ,6=i E F ,: 5 51*A sJ I F;e-u7 z .'aEtg. F{ &2 +zEEJ'44,:fEc;i)o1.t..+1-'t,ErJOe!-a€1Or*r-i\"i-1rl 5l t! - c,i ri + ui F,t' 3 6 201
CL.ll 44Ji Continents drl-.1l3ll 1. North America M Gutf of ;JL;JI t<:_r-i (4 AIaska 2. South America ]}*& +:+JlEr-xi ' 1r{;O R'T H 3. Europe PAC IF IC !-r:-ri OCEAN 4. Asia ltt 'i 5. Africa !+jJ 6. Australia Ulrr-i 7. Antarctica 4. '+-ll ;!+lJJ '6jjill (<jr<;1-tl) GUATEMALA EL SALVADPR NICAFAGUA **,, *&, GALAPAGOS ISLANDS ]&AMERICAN i .& {Ecuadod :.S*:,SAMOA. :1..1 li. & S OUTH PACIFI C Vo *.k: $. *, i ) OCEAN F^o Snrnsor aoo* i ' . .I$!.ANDS i s'oorcurei'$rY'o5o1itilr3$\" ^ o i3 .'' ....6& ,ir.. tsLANos -^!:lv,l$ a 0s it d ..l'l s *rX ror'teA',' :: ' ... NORTI{ SOUTH
dl,$ i4Ji ARCTIC OCEAN \\.iP-' :1iyi\"r$&i!:j'v!5:L)l('\\l, FBANZJOSEF LAND *r-''-p:&t{* ,Yn*a;\\:**\"*r'-**?..r*i*s(SNVAoLBBwAABYD) (RUssrA)'*tus4 \\'.;l N ORTH PACIFIC OCEAN ir& ttl tr\\un r nEnrr WAKE ISLAND BLIAB|ANA qs| s-IS*L(AuNs)DS - luD/ !ISLANDS s {rNDrA) Pbilippine 'glltY \" .lSea ue PALAU E S \"s* -].'x' REe\\,TG\"oo\"DDe1,FEE-AeHnFrrvArlTetcEoRDo*oSsNTF'AsetTcAE\"d$\"-iMo*OlsoLArN.rDoS* GHANA IVIALDIVES q sRt LANKA -BEF tA __. __ 8U $* Ktntsnrt S OUTH 5 solot\\4oN ATLANTIC \\^''t&ISL\\]A*NDS OCEAN INDIAN Csoeraal * *s uoiuoru OCEAN q. s\\ $rur hB \\rc' i\\J| i ,.NEW* CALEDONIA S OUTHERN OCEAN 203
4F#L c,q+_, SIA 1. rain forest 6. ocean 10. beach 14. mountain peak 18. valley jEll eiLli Ll- -L ' :-tL; Jl^ i-! frl-r 2. waterfall \" t t. forest 19. plains 15. mountain range 3. river 7. peninsula Lli J!+ aIJ_ Jr<- ;-xt+ a+- 5.\" i 12. shore 16. hills 20. meadow 8. island 4. desert .l't- J)u e)^ ius 21. pond pl v 13. lake 17. canyon 5. sand dune 9. bay r-}'+ , ir: v2c:l \" is-r eti / t-t= ,,,'i< More vocabulary Askyour classmates. Shbre the answers. a body of water: a river, lake, or ocean 1. Would)ou rather live near a river or a lake? stream / creek: a very small river 2. Would you rather travel through a forest or a desert? 3. How often do you go to the beach or the shore? 204
o\"eslt The Solar System and the Planets +lsslts ,,,\"*4,ill rr-Ejll 1. Mercury 3. Earth 5. Jupiter 7. Uranus -:;tJ.c 4. Mars c n-:;-ll ,\"_*i_,-rj ir Jl 2. Venus 6. Saturn 8. Neptune Jr.-dF \\-. .-ri+ 9. new moon 11. quarter moon 1 3. star 15. galaxy J *!i 1-2' xll Jrl J\", I J),a i> ;r+ll 12. full moon 10. crescent moon 14. constellation 16. solar eclipse 1I ,J\"..ll s_-.S JJ'IA +ili:* rr;, +.r* 17. astronaut 19. space shuttle 21. observatory 23. telescope oL;! sl; cL;ill clrs- +uSJ 22. astronomer 18. space station 20. satellite s.:ls crc / .Ale 24. comet \"i ;d LL* JL/*cti-;r , rll^ More vocabulary Ask your classmateis. Share the answers. 205 solar eclipse: when the moon is between the earth and the sun 1. How do you feel when you look at the night sky? Big Dipper: a famous part of the constellation Ursa Major 2. Can you name one or more constellations? Sirius: the brightest star in the night sky 3. Do you want to travel in space?
All Adellais'photes I loved Art History. My last economics lesson Marching Band is great! The photographer was upset. We look good! I get my diploma. Dad and his digital camera 1. photographer 3. serious photo 5. podium 7. cap A. tqke a picture C. celebrate )24 ;rls;J!^ a--- e,A:.lr 4+ 1lAl,.,,iyiJr*.LiL! di:rl 2. funny photo 4. guest speaker 6. ceremony 8. gown dJ.,'iil 1i.!; B. cry 4Ss.-a. ;J * Jui=t g;siJl el.rl c5# 206
Look at the pictures. What do you see? Answer the questions. 1. How many people are wearing caps and gowns? 2. How many people are being funny? How many are being serious? 3. Who is standing at the podium? a. Why are the graduates throwing their caps in the air? @ neaa the story. A Graduation Look at these great photos on my web page!The first three are from my favorite classes, but the other pictures are from graduation day. There are two pictures of my classmates in caps and gowns. ln the first picture, we're laughing and the photographer is upset. ln the second photo, we're serious. I like the serious photo, but I love the funny photo! There's also a picture of our guest speaker, the mayor. She is standing at the podium. Next, you can see me at the graduation ceremony. My dad wanted to take a picture of me with my diploma. That's my mom next to him. She cries when she's happy. After the ceremony, everyone was happy, but no one cried. We wanted to celebrate and we did! Think about it. 1. What kinds of ceremonies are important for children? for teens? for adults? 2. lmagine you are the guest speaker at a graduation. What will you say to the graduates? 207
Listen and point. Take turns. Dictate to your partner.\"Take turns. A: Point to the trees. A: Write it's a tree. B: Point to a bird. B: Let me check that. I-t:s -a- t-r-e-e? Az Point to the flowers. A: Yes, that's right.
8. sun (,\" :l 9. sky 10. mammals .!_1..$ 1 f. insects ,j:l }.is 12. nest u\\.e 13. water 14. fish dL-i ways to talk about natufe Pair practice. Make new conversations. Look at the sky! tsn't it beautiful? A: Do you know the name of that yellow flower? B; t think it's a sunflower. /Did you see the fish insects? Az Oh, and what about thdt btue bird? tt's / They're so interesting.
2. branch ciEl+g _,,Si j'ai, 6. leaf &t-r 3. limb 4. trunk fJ+ 5. root JJJ+ 7. birch 10. needle 13. willow 16. elm JA)l J+,jll (.A\"xtt:.-)v+ \\-'lJ i-{-'-r qiL i€ ;tr;: 8. magnolia 1 l. pinecone 14. palm 17. oak 4JJ.* ::* j_6 JSt o!$- 9. pine 12. maple ;l\"iJl +,i , ,,i,i 15. dogwood 18. redwood (o.,r- :-r*; Plants c.ru$ Sl-P 19. holly 21. cactus 23. poison sumac 25. poison ivy j'l x€ ill :[: eL c!l^* eL +\\ 20. berries 22. vine 24. poison oak LJs er l-A drJi 210
JJ^J Parts of a Flowerf 6-.tO.,;ill el:+i ffi 1. seed 4. seedling 7. bud 6l+ oJ'l'.€ .i,u. 8. petals 2. bulb (nq+i) ci)[. 5. shoot iL-+ C-F / 4-+' 9. stems tJt+ 3. roots 6. leaves %@ JJI+ G:s % @ ffi w p 15. rose 20. carnation 25. daffodil !lJ-l 10. sunflower , \\:i Yaru.v.r su g-.Jl rLc 16. iris 21. chrysanthemum 26.lily 1 I. tulip O!J! Jlr-{i 27. houseplant 4r!j 1 7. crocus 22. jasmine jc-r1_pt a,tf*\\ d\\!tu 12. hibiscus ;i+F 18. gardenia 23. violet za. o;uquet !+t-P sl$ ,rai i.i! 13. marigold 19. orchid 24. poinsettia 29. thorn ii!\"! air';e ;..1* 45J.l 14. daisy uJl ;oi 211 !.-J
c-&*!gpii*g *Wtn;*Jig *fi\"t\\'1 Sea An i ma IS i\"1.,'\"+i ii'uii;,.r-*Ji 1. Iin ('-,rl*,1) .1-wj 2. gills 4. shark octopus 14. jellyfish 18. shrimp 22. snail 'L j.J.*i *!:ji) *j)'$t ;lJt r,iii *rl'\"ttll 10. swordfish ,:.+,$1 1.\"rk-li { -u*-'lt worm 5. cod !'-\"s, Fl {+-'*!t} 11. ray 15. flounder ';*1 -!,ili --iJi\"ll ;iJi 19. scallop ,.1 12. eel 6. bass 16. starfish !t f- i', 24. sea anemone {+-e 'L!;} -*u::t }!Lr J I Prll !+; -* -e;lii .*J1 e+. 13. seahorse 20. crab 7. squid ..-Jr ,. G 17. mussel {-,\"J1 \"\",U,r*i ;i.i*Li s. ;,\", ,\"Jl $ 21. sea urchin {;ij1 lL*l ,- \",*+lt ;f{ 'ni Amphibian5 &1ri*,p1
!t*.ue\" !3-\"5 !3*::L:iL+'-4-1 .q =,**+: rt l.+:':' ! I =! Sea Mammals a+-r*#l j,r.q1.rJl 29. whale 31. dolphin 33. sea lion 35. sea otter 32. walrus *Jl *i i.,1....,rr,*.,i={i .;,:ii ;r is-'r;-i'i :iFa . ..-,it r:. -!-i1 34. seal 30. porpoise ;Ji ;-;i El'arl;i ,ju ,.: Reptiles *{,s13,'i} ; i 36. alligator 38. rattlesnake 4O.lizard 42. tortoise i;-L*t-] .:j cr.\".: jj},is J,l _F-tr'i \":-;i: j ,ilJlroll ;+* 37. crocodile 39. garter snake 43. turtle 41. cobra {i-{..,}\"i -'.*i} )t* )*:1 3l*-!.r {1-\"4i i;i 213
beak / bill cililSirll3 i3lJyiAllJ JJCdI 1G* KW feather i4_, li t, 5. owl 8. woodpecker 1 1. penguin 14. peacock e9 ,.,.,:rtl J!!l .!rh a.r\",r-fl! 6. blue jay 9. eagle 12. duck 15. pigeon j+ +!:_i1 / Lerj)l J+6j1 ytj;* LL* 7. sparrow 13. goose 10. hummingbird 16. robin q)J3 I )\"i'^ (i:l) ;;,t oUJl ei .JUUl lnsects and Arachnids d,rbi JirSlllJ sl J,i.,ll 17. wasp 21. moth 25. honeybee 29. spider J,c aLj s +jc \\di aic 26. ladybug 30. scorpion 18. beetle 22. mosquito (4-J\"tj) L:jtr+ 27. n;k .::9 cL-s!:' 23. cricket iirlli 19. butterfly JiIl Jl r- 28. fly ul-F 24. grasshopper dLl 20. caterpillar Lti,r \"..r$> 214
crtl,lsll,, i+tYt aUlj+rll Farm Animals t:l>.ll clul.llr 1. cow 3. donkey 5. goat 7. rooster iJE J1-- )9v I D)e ,r\\i: 2. pig 4. horse 6. sheep 8. hen ,xi^ i-l^.: ;l.s -i-r-R PetS $j:\"ll d3UlJ.'isll 9. cat 11. dog 13. rabbit 15. parakeet cr:i /\\J\" ';' - .li-.'.1\\ ;J ,r il{ / r,.e .-rls 14. guinea pig 16. goldfish 10. kitten 12. puppy (6 !i- iJA) ilJa J,F Y, c:io J.uJ 'ui' -+l'4\" ' Rodents crtljJl '17. rat 19. gopher 21. squirrel lJ+ u. $-l- (*S.\"->\"i -1't ) >:' 'I 8. mouse 22. prairie dog 20. chipmunk Y,cJ ,1J.Jl . '\\< (!!:- !r- A_xi +tr;) i['l ^ More vocabulary Ask your classmates. shafb the answers. 215 1. Have you worked with farm animals? Which ones? domesticated: animals that work for and 1 or live 2. Are you afraid of rodents? Which ones? with people 3. Do you have a pet? What kind? wild: animals that live away from people
dlhrl:ll 1. moose 5. wolf 9. beaver 13. raccoon !J^ ' :'ij -,i- t-r-rSl-' 2. mountain lion (-PFt)cJls\\l:-l 6. buffalo / bison 10. porcupine 14. deer , =- / -,,.i JIP 3. coyote .-r-r-* / c-,\"r.B /\\9l\"\"/*l *:I!I-d 7. bat 11. bear 15. fox ul ..l'j 4. opossum -l.ljlr / uilri 8. armadillo 12. skunk e-i-ei ,rq$ L,rrJt 16. antlers 18. whiskers 20. paw 22. tail ,lcJl ,\"'i ,.: 'v,',jlr.\".]1 Y vJ1c1 ^'-\\l ;< ,-L. /.+i c+- 17. hooves 2',,. horn 23. quill 19. coat/fur \\i1i\\1 cllilj Jl:' rJ-F -...; 2'16
dit!lll 24. anteater 29. gorilla 34. leopard 39. orangutan 44. kangaroo J-ijl Jsl gl-iJl ;Lr1 Jijs \\'r:' .rf \"i 25. llama 40. panther 45. koala 30. hyena 35. antelope b) A-rl,p 46. platypus ci- I 26. monkey 41. panda ,-t\" ltt\\ 31. baboon :0. iion :j *+>l .tl.t* !,ii c+ / r-i 27. chimpanzee 32. giraffe 37. tiger 42. elephant Jls J* t1_.,j J,J 28. rhinoceros 43. hippopotamus (i+*,>) Os;S 33. zebra 38. camel xll u-F s-i-J Jta J^+ 47. trunk 48. tusk 49. mane 50. pouch 51. hump gI L:= Llj / e_rt_r- ic 217
ii+Lll rJlCl tri-J A^i$ll Energy Sources iiLh'll '1.rta. 1. solar energy 2. wind power 3. natural gas 4. coal i'sJJl a-iull aJ^*-,j.jt a-iujl ,r+$l jtill r* 5. hydroelectric power 6. oil /petroleum 7. geothermalenergy ,l. n,il / Lir\\l a;;Ji eiJlJ- a-iu 4ri\" t\"J4S all.t 9. biomass / bioenergy .- .,.furu- €' 8. nuclear energy i,:11-Yl iltljt / u\" ljs)t \"i-Ijsll a-iu 4-i-iu t[ g*le Pollution ,r,jrntl O:x tr\\:ry 10. fusion rk--jl 1 1. air pollution / smog 12. hazardous waste 13. acid rain ,rjlir uli.: / (J+l!) ,l-.dl nJX 6 ti d,l+til ,-r*- -,p. 14. water pollution 15. radiation 16. pesticide poisoning 17. oil spill zuJ .ll r.'::,Jl .:,l r:to.'* -n.j 11,\",_s .--tn ulS*,nl \"1, 218 Agk yoUr: ttasimates;q Share,1th'e, a,ns!r,9rs. Think about it. DiscusS 1, What,ty.pes of rh:ings do you, recycte? 1. How can you save energy in the summer? winter? 2. What types of energy sources are in your area? 2. What are some other ways that people can conserve 3. What types of pollution do you worry about? energy or prevent pollution?
!e;l!ll rJlJrll !:i-J 4^6l}ll Ways to Conserve Energy and Resoulsg5 !'*iLll lllClJ inLLll sle .bli:ll dil*J A. reduce trash B. reuse shopping bags C. recycle D. buy recycled products LLiJi 4r.rrJl ccsll oi risill 6rLe! 1a-;i;i .:L- ;iLi:^ pl.),^i' J_,Jl .r!si durjsl iltrl save water F. fix leaky faucets G. turn off lights H. use energy-efficient bulbs 'LJl el)i.dLl \"J JpJ.ll {lttli i--b!:4:iLJ4S elLJ dtll&*l a+;\";Jt otr;t-tl a1,o1 JlriYi eliLl l. carpool J. adjust the thermostat K. wash clothes in cold water 6.slj 61!* +JFt cF +.F cI lslt Ltt (JtL,*)ill) i;r sll ,ii- !+;r .:;L cL *.i erDLJl &n L. don't litter M. compost food scraps N. plant a tree .-,J! i1-Lll LIL,,lJr iLkll Ost4Yl Ll4ill sd! ee o.,i* tJJ 219
NATIONAL PARK ffi 1. landmarks 3. wildlife 5. coral 7. caverns Ct* Llll elj-)l Jl/\\ 4-jnL=J , ,-'.\\1\\ ',L Jl GrtS 2. park ranger 4. ferry 2 \";iiJt ,i 4-ii.r.ll JJ*L tv A. take a tour ;_r!, 220 6. cave 4.!* fug* 1rA )e
Look at the pictures. What do you see? Answer the questions. 1. How many U.S.landmarks are in the pictures? 2. What kinds of wildlife do you see? 3. What can you do at Carlsbad Caverns? ffi neaa the story. U.S. National Parks More than 200 million people visit U.S. National Parks every year. These parks protect the wildlife and landmarks of the United States. Each park is different, and each one is beautiful. At Yosemite, in California, you can take a nature walk with a park ranger. You'll see waterfalls, redwoods, and deer there. ln south Florida, you can take a ferry to Dry Tortugas. lt's great to snorkel around the park's coral islands. There are 1 13 caves at Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico. The deepest cave is 830 feet below the desert!You can take a tour ofthese beautiful caverns. There are 391 national parks to see. Go online for information about a park near you. Think about it. 1. Why are national parks important? 2. lmagine you are a park ranger at a national park. Give your classmates a tour of the landmarks and wildlife. 221
1. zoo .!ljl tJl iirrs 2. movies t\"iill 3. botanical garden cr[lrli an:= 4. bowling alley rrsli dd) edll .:>* (.+:^:t 5. rock concert J-eJ -r,1 dJJJI c4+-J* ali- 6. swap meet / flea market erlr) }=li ,l i;rU\":t 3r- 7. aquarium a-LJl plr-Yl ,,:t* Listen and point. Take turns. Dictate to your partner. Take turns. A: Point to the zoo. Az Write these words: zoo, movies, aquarium. B: Point to the flea market. B: Zoo, movies, and what? A: Point to the rock concert. A: Aquarium.
8. play 4+:,).- 9. art museum ;r+ell ers:. 10. amusement park crs\\ 4+- 11. opera 1;oyYl 12. nightclub 9-_lJs!,.L '/9'Y-iJ a:L 13. county fair crql uF-x- 14. classical concert i.S-)lS ,rsJ-j- ilL .,.*;;;*--';,:*\"i.--i-\"*i i--S.i-,,,,- Ways to make plans uslng Let's go Pair practice. Make new conversations. Let's go to the amusement park tomorrow. Az Let's go to the zoo this afternoon. Let's go to the opera on Saturday. B: OK. And let's go to the movies toniqht. Let's go to the movies tonight. A: That sounds Iike a good plan.
dGhYi qsJ*;; 1. ball field 5. fountain -.. i. 9. water fountain 13. slide Z. .V.fir, 4itu--q ujdl \"'s rj tsu 14. climbing apparatus 10. bench jj*i . jL-3; i*ir; 6. tennis court / ,-,.1 .--, - -ti ir;-\" '!*i\" j/ ;Sr 15. sandbox \"-:S1l 7. skateboard 1 1. swings $;;3e:;* 3. bike path ,:i)'.* Jl !;j:* g*-1_r. 16. seesaw '-,,1 .l \\r-. 8. picnic table 12. tricycle +- 9=.;i +. ;rri,.op\" .-r],s\"jl i:j)rj :* j ?'l j: 4.i :+, =- rl j:' _; A. pullthe wagon B. push the swing C. climb the bars D. picnic / have a picnic ,'r.-:-:i] 1t3i.S t\"a;! {es:} psil l *-Jl +, ejl ,=+x\"* i.\",.*_:Jl .q-.4*
i\"Ll.jllt ;fi;i:#iti !,: ;: :i:illtlii!:.:n **€*\"&, 1. ocean / water 7. fins 1 3. shade 19. lifeguard \"LJl / l+Jl itii)l Cl+- / rij^ *illt j 14. beach umbrella 2. kite 20. lifesaving device 8. pail / bucket ilLix;,l.L rLril ;l:i g=-il|:,1-!:-ilI r.r it$ ,l:*/ J: 15. surfer 21. lifeguard station 3. sailboat 9. cooler iJ\",Sj-Jl 613 Yl ,,,<l; rl]i.Vt Cq- -*. r1 .i,i,\"i \\.tli JJri ^ 16. surfboard 22. beach chair +. wet suit 10. sunscreen / sunblock ;r--SiJr :r.*Y' ,iFj --=;l _tl ,i\\\\ - s r*\".ilJ i..ii ..r glr d-r uPJc 4l+ 17. wave 23. sand 1 1. blanket 5. scuba tank 4+J^ &r gFjiJl uJ+,J1 ;1; +o+ 18. pier 24. seashell 6. diving mask 12. sand castle s=Jl -J-lr ri L\" , ;.i ^) \"lJl pUi L Jr * i-16 a1;s1 a-i-:- More vocabulary Ask your classmates. Share the answers. 225 seaweed: a plant that grows in the ocean 1. Do you like to go to the beach? tide: the level of the ocean. The tide goes in and out 2. Are there famous beaches in your native country? every 12 hours. 3. Do you prefer to be on the sand or in the water?
L*#t j pL.r1*Yl rll*,-l 1. boating 4. fishing 7. hiking .lj:l:-il .,,_6_r cll*)l ,i.^ il$)l cJe I r- o njll 2. rafting 5. camping &jl urSJ i-:llJ 8. mountain biking \"!si Jl+Jl -lt gj1rl;il ,,,jS; 3. canoeing 6. backpacking 9. horseback riding (J \\t. ^\\1) _i,1S1 .r;S,r tel.ll *lt i.j^Yl Jt - ,LJl -S' 10. tent 1 5. backpack 20. multi-use knife 1+r _El.ll *Jc LJ.-l i+i- 6)l-,i-Yl .r.:;ir,'+S- 1 1. campfire 16. camping stove 21. matches iiJl JU {+l.i iJ^ ,\",1;$ / +l]n:l-eci 12. sleeping bag 17. fishing net 22. Iantern e:.! .*5 g1_i ,r.^.ig o\"9L! 13. foam pad 18. fishing pole 23. insect repellent zituYl 'F i\"':l i ,rl^,, ,i, ^ !Jlj* Ul !].N oljl-Li D-]La 14. life vest 19. rope ii;Jl a19.:* 24. canteen J+r (et\" L;,{) ;:1;
a+t-.r lJli agq, .;tr.ti downhillskiing 2. snowboarding 3. cross-country skiing ,\\-i\" -ic gJJ iijl f-Ill e-lc JgJ nil is. i :\\1 -s gJ? $1 I ice skating 5. figure skating 6. sledding c:lSJAll s^ +I-I* e\\ill e^ Aljll ++ljJl +;S-, ,,r-\\t -lc JgJ ijll e waterskiing 8. sailing 9. surfing \"LJl sje Aij$l orl_p :rs_n ,rL+!t 6 !\"Sill 6l;*)l .;-5S; 10. windsurfing 1 1. snorkeling 12. scuba diving ,,.;i:ll ,.,1rl'vnr *, -Jl elj.ri Jl -'i,.,1 c^ \"ll1 p ejj,:ll ;*i'il1 sii JL€r\"'l C. aslt ,,ll More vocabulary Ask your classmates. Shate the answers. speed skating: racing while ice skating 1. Which of these sports do you like? windsurfing: sailboarding 2. Which of these sports would you like to learn? 3. Which of these sports is the most fun to watch? 227
4+rJF {labJ lrhli Mr#e 1. archery 2. billiards / pool 3. bowling 4. boxing 5. cycling / biking ,1*ll LL^ ) :r,r\\! \\l;lil u;S; (:,! t-ll ;;SJl nd) c$r 6. badminton fencing 8. golf 9. gymnastics 10. inline skating ; s A. .JI\\ ' it '\\lr ;i,rl* ril9. L- Yc:Jg*J Jill gJ a-\"; ', di-rl, Ulr\"r\\l i-;\\:Jl c;\"Jl e.: sr 1 1. martial arts 12. racquetball 13. skateboarding 14. table tennis 15. tennis rrrJl cJ*Klr .ilrUll ;JS .U+,+ Cj *l' dll /, \",i\\) -.J \":ll ;S @ @ \\v 16. weightlifting 17. wrestling ffffii 19. horse racing Jii:)l crJ aeJL* 18. track and field Jdl6!- irl \\,, Jl r )l-^:.Jl j1,,. , Pair practice. Make new conversations. Think about it. Discussi A: What sports do you tike? 1. Why do people like to watch sports? B: I tike bowting. What do you like? 2. Which sports can be dangerous? A: I like qvmnastics. 3. Why do people do dangerous sports?
-1.1 .-i+' :: .a .1, , 1. score 3. team 5. player 7. basketball court ;.i*.ll !t-ri '-'; ;)1,,r,!j1 .r*:-:l ,.:t -.ti +.:r' )i 2. coach 4. fan 6. official / referee ;:=1i.,.. 8. basketball 9. baseball 10. softball 1 1. football ; r 1,,.i=:lli-l 'r.1-1.1.,! 1ql r.Ir:ltlt.-: i I ri: *rl I a-a, ,.\"\"1 ' \"..:-lii # 12. soccer 13. ice hockey 14. volleyball 15. water polo ,: -i,.1-=..ii \"ili \".i..ll i .)! -l!1 1! : : ir i , ']r::..j] .i-.]':,] More Vocabulary captain: the team leader umpire: the name of the referee in baseball win: to have the best score Little League: a baseball and softball program for children lose: the opposite of win tie: to have the same score 229
A. pitch ,\"aU-lt+ lilri\" dLrei Ll* Ways to talk about your sports skills B. hit I can throw, but I can't catch. I swim wel!, but t don't dive well. +r4 |m good ot skating, but t'm terrible at skiing. C. throw sltl D. catch ..4 E. kick ,I-l F. tackle iG.) loilL,4 ... G. pass Jll H. shoot (iJsll dril) ir-lt .d i:sllc+j l. jump jiir J. dribble iJSll LLri K. dive o,,b_l L. swim ei*J M. stretch rJ{il N. exercise / work out !;9, ot1,a oiJui / Olcii O. bend gsl P. serve ;JFll tJ*: rki.r Q. swing ',,J.-i / Ai-S R. start Lil.h.lJ S. race ,ill ... T. finish qrdlt.hit d-r U. skate c-.r V. ski eLlJ iJJg elJ Use the new words. Look on page 229. Name the actions you see. A'. He's throwing. B: She's iumping.
4;h: alrra :tiiiffi i: '1. golf club 8. arrow 15. catcher's mask 22. weights qilj+ aJ*;\" / iJlja Jiii r&- ;flt *sY 3Ls 2. tennis racket 23. snowboard 4J u;,;o f. ice skates 16. uniform eill *lr eJJ.ll .-! 3. volleyball r,\\- qiJl; f=* ) q:r t ;iLLll ;rs 24. skis \" 17. glove ,.+)J 4. basketball 10. inline skates il;d 25. ski poles dLJl ;JS ..,lllr3 L:., ol; 18. baseball AlXl *l'eJjiil l ,. 5. bowling ball ,1\",,,,,;s Li.--l.Jl i s 11. hockey stick 26. ski boots 19. football helmet 6. bow *J* t* e$l -lr d>,lt \"tU (\"*-S\"2.i r:s;;S) Jr+'r iiri u*-* 12. soccer ball 27. flying disc\" 20. shoulder pads 7. target e.i;j /-.,lL q.J^ .i iu . ;( .,irU 13. shin guards * Note: one brand is J'lil 4*i.iGJj 21. football Frisbee', of Wham-O, lnc. \\\",: dll ; s 14. baseball bat \\u - 'i* Use the new words. Ask your classmates: Share the answers. ! Look at pages228-229. Name the sports equipment you see. l. Do you own any sports equipment? What kind? 231 e, inorl, tl\"\"tb\"ll-. 2. What do you want to buy at this store? 3. Where is the best place to buy sports equipment?
A. collect things +ltli3 cil+lJa ;l+.'ii 3\"+ D. do crafts \\jq YUui i.t tU: 1. figurine 5. board game 9. model kit 13. doll making kit uis, llji^i U4F-il Eit;,,'l<];.:c i-: eiJ;-rc 2. baseball cards 6. dice 10. acrylic paint 14. woodworking kit r;r.ll / A-lrtJ.ll g1 f;Lr irc J-i+,+l crlsU+ ,,trt,,JSi ;LA\"r 7. checkers 15. quilt block 3. video game console L\"lJl i,!J 1 1. glue stick +j*:j 4-]:iS 9r,r;\\l +!l) rQ^ 8. chess e*+ e'Jl'i 16. rotary cutter 4. video game control 12. construction paper 9rl;ll +l,li .-s ^<-:;tLi ;13.:4.tl!i c|!l dJJ Grammar Point: How often do you ploy cards? Pair practice. Mdke new conversations. I play all the time. (every day) A: How often do you do your hobbies? I play sometimes. (once a month) B; t play games al! the time. I love chess. I never play. (0 times) A: Reatty? I never play chess.
+t*llt dihlJa paint F. knit G. pretend H. play cards ;Jti..all,i ,llf:i grli:: ir,ili 0l+.! !l.rlY\\ r-j 17. canvas 21. watercolor 25. crocheting 29. diamonds ,.,rr .!L\"! iL^ ', J (++l:-S) +i-e!i* lrli. ^, ,;1,- , c 'ln:ll 18. easel ZZ. yarn 26. action figure A-J,LL= 30. spades , ti ri -ir* ii$ xr i ,Srrh. '19. oil paint ']bl .j.Jr.+l I -l \\ ',La: 23. knitting needles iSlJ_ sX* 27. modeltrains gt. hearts 20. paintbrush i*!r^.J ol;lJod e-J i$,p 24. embroidery 4+JSIl l.)^ t- 28. paper dolls i.a ,. .'-: 32. clubs srq- Y I Ways to talk about hobbies and games Ask your classmates. Share the answers. 233 This board game is interesting. tt makes me think. 1. Do you collect anything? What? That video gome is boring. Nothing hoppens. 2. Which games do you like to play? I love to plgggtsls. lt's fun to ptay with my friends. 3. What hobbies did you have as a child?
.;gJlaill t;!lj.ri3 i.:\" $Sl! i*+i 1. CD boombox 7. flat screen TV / flat panelTV 13. tuner (g. o-) a-t.;.,;^ uFlJFi , F,,ii 1l.F LL*,.,i1\"1 :j ._,gjil: (-r\"i-iJ*i).$i -rk+ 2. MP3 player 8. portableTV 14. speakers ,\\bi ,- sl ; n- nloLo (MP3) !+-,*lr \" .,+ al iLiL J.i-J -'1-€- 9. universal remote 15. adapter 3. dock &L,i (c,_*t) ui uc Ssj jl-e+ (Jriiiri) ir..t<- i.rcLi 0. DVD player 16. plug (,f. .+ ,f.) o+^!t _i:+ cFlrrli ,Ji\",i-]i jk+ headphones o-.1! cJ\"iJ olel*- 1. portable DVD player I7. charger 5. personal CD player cjl!,Jr d 9.: JS.t jk+ g-1; sYev+ al * Li-I it^ 2. turntable -J rulj'bl i rftu ., J.rt(+ 18. microphone 6. portable cassette player cl$:-rStt^ ijiir ds\"1S ij 234
'.;;Jraill ol3ri3 e+g-rsl! ij+li Gffi %uM@ffi W. ffio A digital camera 23. zoom lens 27. battery charger /, \\Li*:\\ a; , I *ls (e:j) !-x' a-r' *gLrt t-,t1 \\-..-l-JJ- 24. camcorder 28. camera case 9',tA9 ; ^-i aJ1 lJi.lSl iJc memory card 25. tripod 29. LCD projector ijsli ciJts rl \"iill , i$ , LL: /\\Yc: 9-- .1l\\ [L , J-;-:L: -]c ; c ill film camera / 35 mm camera 26. battery pack - Yc lJsts / a++ lj$.ls -t- film -!-rU+ Lj- 30. screen J+ -jlL,:, 31. photo album 33. out offocus 35. underexposed i.-;lj i.!e ;J * . ,.:Jl -;r.,4ll i-!L i;p ,,1- ell 34. overexposed 32. digital photo album \"_e\":JJ .;+_.y31 ;!lj iJ * (cJU*-:) 4+.IJ JrF rli record C. rewind E. pause .Ji,\"i rt-2i1ll gr.-i play ul,t .ii.s* D. fast forward e+ / di4 icr*,e aLVl ;1 alii 235
+;l;3 a1l; Types of TV Programs 4ije\"jAilill 6\"1!l glii news program 2. sitcom (situation comedy) 3. cartoon (oS *:\" a*;) ;-er;lS p)Lii c ,Lnl g*L . Y<.-:ggS *U t YJ. 4. talk show soap opera 6. reality show $\\[L e.U] -- *tLLt- l-dlr;\\- C-UJ] 7. nature program 8. game show 9. children's program i..-.vtgll ,c*L. r:Ui.L* 3i liL*iL. e L;l JG-ti e*UJ! 10. shopping program 11. sports program 12. drama I *aL-Jg' *1- u Ll;.r 6.-j f-Ji.-j \" 236
4:fJlJ 4il*3 Types of Movies pxvt gtjr:i 13. comedy 14. tragedy 15. western 16. romance (++'6)J> (!:r.t:) .s>*L (qrrK) ji+Il ;Lcr (o*ur:) ,,,^ Al:,r 17. horror story 18. science fiction story 19. action story /adventure 20. mystery / suspense -\"lc ,ltn Ll \" , story &:i:i / q-C* a+l:t 1..-t #) 4+r-r !lr_r (JlJ^Li* 4-rlJJ / ;JU1 UJJ Types of Music ,/+*.rtt gtii 21. classical 22. blues 23. rock 24. )azz irS-)lS / i.L\\ Lisl *ii,,,, (J:1 sI djl) i*tilJ iaL- ,r-ii-r. jL> \\JJ.I . 25. pop 26. hip hop 27. country 28. R&B / soul (1*!1J) +ra t+A (t+;) ':r \\+r 29. folk 30. gospel 31. reg9ae 32. world music 4l-s afJtt .r+-_f cJlsy +*; :Jl i,\"* 237
cff*'J.{ A. play an instrument B. sing a song C. conduct an or D. be in a rock band All clc dlj t l,sr-ri ljfo +.i e$J iqJr-2 sl ei-r; \"j-P tr.l; 1:t$ l(,n ^ff Woodwinds i+dilleiil syl Strings L;it ovvt Brass 4#Lrjll eijllsyl 1. flute 4. bassoon 6. violin 8. bass 10. trombone 12. tuba c,js (or.\"r)-P\"it x+i ..lL^S (cl-i+-r;) ;rl;i*lt 4+t (a+,X) crL\"S (r--lilif) 2. clarinet 5. saxophone 1 1. trumpet / 13. French horn (Lrr\"-Si-) 4i\"SJl 7. cello 9. guitar !s*-P ci} c.+t)tS (ru:+) :u+ horn arx)J*djl$ 3. oboe /i \",< (.-r\":_r) _,to / ej* (:t\"_r^) _i+,ri Percussion l4eptiiYl c,,YYl Other lnstrumenls .ej.i ,ryl 14. piano 16. drums 18. electric keyboard\" 20. organ ;r-,1 _il! (cJlt)J+ .,.\\xS (eL=i *!) .-,,.*S 21. harmonica 15. xylophone 17. tambourine 19. accordion -ir / 13: J1,, rJt\\\\ a.-!-iJl lS+_r-_F \\vr \"i r a_,_r:a_,:Si
Jt*r. I l parade 6. heart 11. costume 15. ornament L-.;13i*1 ':'<j4 : Sji *LJ float +h 4+J YJ i--u r::lr Ly 7. fireworks 16. Christmas tree i.f,1j ,iul] 1 2. candy confetti .-sA (+L+Fr) .r)eJr :t,,' i ; t-: 4,!JjJ1 Jliil1 !:L:[-i 8. flag ,J. / a;tt 1 3. feast 1 7. candy cane couple i9 JJI La .-rl+rj 9. mask o-J-t f* 18. string lights card 14. turkey / >Jr '* il\\ tu$c ,r !, ;d1L, / ,.1< 10. jack-ollantern s\"jj) e.+\\J. 239 *y,t- e,4 e r* \"Thanksgiving is on the fourth Thursday in November.
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