National Workshop on Structural equation modeling using AMOS held during 27th & 28th October 2017Seminar for I year students on relevance of subjects and syllabus on 22.11.2017 142
International Conference on Economic Transformation with inclusive growth 30th & 31st January 2018 143
DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION1. Our College Volleyball (Men) team secured Third position in Anna University Zonal Volleyball Tournament conducted by Chennai Institute of Technology on 23rd & 24thAug 20172. Our College Tennis (Men) team secured Third position in Anna University Zonal Tennis Tournament conducted by Saveetha Engineering College on 5th Sep 20173. Our College Ball badminton (Men) team secured Second position in Anna University Zonal Ball badminton Tournament conducted by REC on 13nd Sep 2017.4. Our College Ball badminton (Men) team secured Third position in State level intercollegiate Ball badminton Tournament conducted by Alpha Engineering college on20th Sep 20175. Our College Handball (Men) team secured Third position in Anna University Zonal Handball Tournament conducted by Rajalakshmi Engineering College on 18th & 19thSep 20176. Our College Cricket (Men) team claimed title in Anna University Zonal CricketTournament conducted by Mamallan Engineering College on 15th to 22nd Sep 20177. Our College Badminton (Men) team claimed title in Anna University Zonal Badminton Tournament conducted by Rajalakshmi Engineering College on 22nd &23rdSep 20178. Our College Volleyball (women) team secured Third position in Anna University Zonal Volleyball Tournament conducted by RIT on 26nd Sep 2017.9. Our College Table Tennis (women) team secured Third position in Anna University Zonal Table Tennis Tournament conducted by SMIT on 19th Sep 2017.10. Our College Badminton (Men) team claimed title in Anna University Inter ZonalBadminton Tournament conducted by KSR Engineering College Tiruchengode from28.10.2017 & 29.10.2017.11. Our College Kho Kho (Men) team secured Third position in Anna University Zonal Kho Kho Tournament conducted by College of Engineering Guindy on 21st Dec 201712. Our College Ball badminton (Men) team secured Third position in State level inter collegiate Ball badminton Tournament conducted by CIT on 10th & 11th Jan 201813. Our College Badminton (Men) team secured Second position in State level Inter collegiate Badminton Tournament conducted by Loyola Engineering College on 22nd to 25th Jan 201714. Our College Hockey (Men) team secured Third position in Anna University Zonal Hockey Tournament conducted by Saveetha Engineering College on 27th Sep 201715. Our College Tennis (Men) team secured Third position in State level Inter collegiate Tennis Tournament conducted by SA Engineering College on 1st to 3rd Feb 201816. Our College 4x100Relay (Men) team secured Second position in Anna UniversityZonal Athletic meet conducted by Saveetha Engineering College on 08.10.2017 &09.10.17 • T.SAKTHIVEL OF III-CIVIL • N.M.SHANKAR OF III-ECE • S.PURANDHAR OF III-EEE • B.SABAREESWARAN OF III-EEE17. S.Arun of IIV Mech got Silver Medal in Hammer throw and Discuss throw in Anna University Zone-2 Athletic Meet. 144
18. B.Y.KISHANTH of I Aero got Gold Medal in Javelin throw in Anna University Zone-2 Athletic Meet.19. K.Koushik of III Mech got Gold Medal in Half marathon in Anna University Zone-2 Athletic Meet.20. U.S.Udhayan III Mech got Silver Medal in High Jump in Anna University Zone-2 Athletic Meet.21. T.Sakthivel of III-Civil got Bronze Medal in 110m Hurdles in Anna University Zone-2 Athletic Meet.22. Sruthi G Srinivas of IV Bio-Tech got Gold Medal in Short put and silver medal in discuss throw in Anna University Zone-2 Athletic MeetBadminton Team Ball Badminton TeamVolley Ball Men’s Team Volley Ball Women’s Team 145
CENTRAL LIBRARYCollege LibraryThe College library is located in a spacious building. The library is open to students and staffmembers from 7.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. on all working days. The library has a rich collection oftext books, reference books, National and International journals in all branches ofEngineering, Science, Technology, Management and General Studies and the collection isever increasing. The books are classified according to Dewey Decimal Classification scheme.Open access systems is followed in the libraryPeriodicals SectionThe library has separate periodicals section and subscribes to 2582 Journals, 347 National and2235 International Journals. The library receives Journals, News Letters regularly fromorganizations and societies like IEEE, ASME, ASCE, J-GATE, IETE, ISTD IEl, CII, NASSCOM,ESC, BHEL, CEERI, ERDA, BARC, NRDC, ISTE, ISRS, IAS, NISCAIR, CSI & Nuclear PowerCorporation of India and provides the staff and students latest information in technicaleducation, research and development activities. The library has subscribed to the completepackage of AlCTE suggested E-Journals with campus wide access to all faculty members andstudents. This provides access to reputed journals across various disciplines of engineeringand technology. Besides, NPTEL Learning Resources from llTs are also made available tofaculty and students.Digital LibraryA full-fledged Digital Library also functioning in the library. The Digital Library is a gateway tothe world of e-resources and a one-stop for nascent information handling, transfer and aboon to the knowledge seeker. 146
E-ResourcesThe subscribed e-resources are IEEE, ASME, ASCE Journals and J-Gate.Wi-Fi FacilityWi-Fi facility is available in the library. Wireless access points are provided for the studentsand staffs to make use of internet and intranet.Reference SectionThe reference section of the library has rich collection of International editions of referencebooks, hand books, conference proceedings, encyclopedias and various referencedocuments.Back VolumesBack Volume of Journals have been neatly bound and arranged subject wise for referenceCompetitive Examination Study SectionA number of books, text guides are available in reference section for competitive exams likeGATE, Civil Service Exam, TOEFL, GRE, IELTS, CAT, MAT, GMAT and JTO.Electronic LibraryThe Electronic Library section now has a rich collection of more than 3960 CD- ROMs.Audio Visual SectionThe Library has a separate Audio Visual Section to view NPTEL video lectures and videolectures of eminent professors of Foreign Universities.Institutional MembershipThe college is an institutional member of Anna University Library and Institution of Engineers(IEI) Library, Chennai to facilitate the staff and students to access books and Journals fromthese library also.Online Public Access Catalogue (Opac)The library is equipped with computerised On-line Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) forsearching availability of books and CD-ROMs. Barcode system is followed in all transactions.Various Facilities In The LibraryVarious facilities available in the Library are Photo Copying Facility (Xerox), Scanning Facility,Internet Facility, Intranet Facility, Internet Connectivity with other leading libraries,Downloading / Copying Facilities, Multimedia, Book Bank for SC/ST Students, CurrentAwareness Service. 147
TRAINING AND PLACEMENT CELLTraining Department:The Training department organized several trainings, internships and implant programs during theperiod Jun 2017 and Mar 2018. We are glad to share the following particulars of the events whichwould provide a brief outlook on the same:Faculty Development Programmes and Workshops 1. During 14th and 15th of July 2017 our faculties from Automobile & Mechanical departments had the opportunity to participate in the “Teaching Techniques “-Faculty Development Programme at our campus. 2. Two faculty members from Computer Science department were able to participate in the “Data Science and Big Data Analytics” – Faculty Development Programme and were able to benefit out of it during 11th and 15th Sep 2017& 22nd and 23rd Dec 2017. 3. Computer science and Information Technology faculties took advantage by participating in the ‘‘Introduction to R Programming’’ - Faculty Development Programme between 25th and 26th Sep 2017, 16th and 17th Nov 2017, 18th and 19th Jan 2018 & 30th Jan and 31st Jan 2018. 4. Our Computer Science and Information Technology department faculties grabbed pro by participating in ‘’Introduction to Internet of Things’’ - Faculty Development Programme during 04th and 05th Oct 2017. 5. Mechatronics and Chemical department faculties gained out of ‘’Creative Thinking’’ - Faculty Development Programme between 21st Nov and 22nd Nov 2017. 6. Computer Science and Information Technology department faculties benefited by attending ‘‘Introduction to Mobile development’’ - Faculty Development Programme between 17th and 18th Jan 2018. 7. On 20th Jan 2018 faculties from Computer Science, Information Technology, Electronics and Communication & Electrical and Electronics departments clutched ace out of ‘’Basics of Analytics’’ - Faculty Development Programme held at our campus.Value Added ProgramWe are consistently conducting the Value Added Training Program.It was scheduled between 26thDec and 14th Mar 2018. Second year students from all departments gained out of it for theirdevelopment.AMCAT Assessment-IAMCAT Assessment-I happened between 18th& 22nd Jan 2018. Students with up to two standingarrears from all the departments participated in it.Core TrainingStudents from Mechanical and Electrical departments gained benefit out of Barry Wehmiller CoreTraining which happened between 29th Jan and 12th Mar 2018.AMCAT TrainingThird year students with up to two standing arrears were allowed to participate in the AMCATTrainingbetween 29th Jan and 10th Mar 2018. 148
Personality Development TrainingWe organized aPersonality Development Trainingprogram between 23rd Jan and 14th Mar 2018. Firstyear students from all departments attended and gained advantage out of it.Advanced Product Based TrainingOur third year students had the opportunity to participate in the Advanced Product basedtrainingduring 06th Jan and 10th Mar 2018.PEGA CSSA Level 2Final year students attended the PEGA CSSA Level 2 training between 20th Nov 2017and 22nd Feb2018 and enhanced out of it.ZCCA TrainingZCCA Technical trainingprogram happened during 29th Aug and 16th Sep 2017. Students from thirdyear participated and augmented their skills.CLOUD/VM WAREDuring 21st Aug and 14th Sep 2017, CLOUD/VM WARE training was organized for third year studentsto enhance knowledge out of it.REVITREVIT Architecture training was organized between 27th Sep and 12th Oct 2017.Final year studentsattended and benefitted out of it.Hindi Language classWe organized a Hindi Language training program between 26th Dec 2017 and 27th Jan 2018 for ThirdYear Students within campus.At the conclusion of the training, students were able to pick up thebasics of the language, which would enable them to handle basic conversations in Hindi.T2P (Theory to Practical) LECTURES by PALS:On 24th Aug 2017, fifteen students from Civil department took advantage by attending a lecture on‘Professional Development and Creativity in Structural Engineering’.A lecture on ‘Experiences on Developing Next Generation Precision Grinding Machine Tools’happened on 7th Nov 2017. Ten students and threefaculties from Mechanical department participatedand enhanced their skills on it.Fifteen students from Computer Science and Information Technology department were able toparticipate in a lecture program on ‘Data driven Automotive Design’on 15th Feb 2018.CII (Confederation of Indian Industry):On 12th Nov 2017, three faculties from Computer Science, Information Technology and Biotechnologydepartments had the opportunity to participate in the lecture program on ‘Interactive Session onTraversing the Labyrinth’. 149
We nominated twenty students to participate in the CII Conclave on ‘New Age Entrepreneurship &8th Edition of CII Emerging Entrepreneurs Awards 2017’on 16th Feb 2018. These students gained anenormous volume of exposure on the topic and thoroughly relished this experience.Ten students from Mechanical, Automobile and MBA departments had the opportunity to participatein the CII ‘Chennai Zone Annual Day Meet’ for the year 2017 – 2018 on 01st Mar 2018.Five women faculties had the honor to participate in the CII ‘WomenCon-PRESSforPROGRESS’on15thMar 2018.Higher Education Seminars:Higher Education department conducted various Seminars and Higher Education fairs during theperiod Jun 2017 to Mar 2018. During these activities students had the opportunity to have interactivesessions with university delegates, application and scholarship information for universities abroad,admission assessment, Course selection, and assistance on visa process and interviews, guidance onGRE/GMAT/SAT/TOEFL/PTE/IELTS, and assistance on accommodation, Insurance, and Forex etc.Several students benefitted out of this and were able to identify their higher education stream,university and the country they wish to pursue their higher studies.Following table would provide a quick view on the various activities pertaining to higher Education:S.NO EVENT ORGANIZATIONS1 Seminar on Higher Education – 3rd Aug 2017 Princeton Review2 Seminar on Higher Education – 9th Aug 2017 ELS Education Services3 Seminar on GATE- 8th Aug 2017 GATE Forum4 Seminar on GRE/TOEFL – 16th Aug 2017 Galvanize5 Seminar on Higher Education – 12th Sep 2017 IDP6 Orientation of University of Texas – 8th Sep 2017 University of Texas , USA USIEF7 US Universities mini fair Beyond Borderz8 Seminar on Higher Education – 11th Jan 2018 SI UK9 Seminar on Higher Education – 27th Jan 2018 Galvanize10 Study Abroad event – 18th Jan 2018 Ace Engineering Academy11 Seminar on GATE – 2nd Feb 2018 BEAT GRE12 Seminar on CAT,GRE,TOEFL,IELTS – 13th Feb 2018 Munich School of Business, Munich13 Seminar on Higher Education – 21st Feb 2018 GATE Forum14 GATE Seminar – 23rd Feb 2018 Northern Illinois University, USA15 Higher Education Seminar Fair- 2nd Mar 2018 Byju’s higher education16 Higher Education Seminar – 13th Mar 2018Placement Department:The Placement department coordinated and conducted various recruitment drives during the periodJun 2017 and Mar 2018. The most rewarding achievement of the Placement department is the factthat 725 offers have been made already from various Core, IT and Other companies as on 15th March2018. We are glad to share the following table, which would provide a quick view on the variousnames of the companies and the number of offers provided across during this period for the students: 150
Sl Company Name No Of OffersNo 21 Ababil Health Care 1 152 AKRIVIA AUTOMATION 1 33 AMAZON 9 134 AMAZON - IT 3 25 ASHOK LEYLAND 1 36 Auto Link Gears 9 57 Axles India 2 38 BORG WARNER 1 29 Brakes India 7 210 BYJU THINK AND LEARN 1 111 Capgemini Aero 4 1012 CITY UNION BANK 4 513 Conceptree Learning 81 114 COVENANT CONSULTANTS 1 2015 DOODLE BLUE 2 216 Exeter Premedia 1 117 F22 Labs - Intern 1 418 FACE 9 1919 Full Creative 2 120 Full Creative-PEGA 11 521 GESCO HEALTH CARE 5 522 HCL-PEGA 3 1023 HealthWatch TeleDiagnostics24 HEXAWARE-PEGA25 ICICI Securites26 IDBI Federal27 INFOSYS28 JM Frictech India29 Just Dial30 KAAR TECHNOLOGIES31 Kotak Life32 L & T ECC - INTERN33 LUCID TECHNOLOGIES34 Maarga Systems35 Mazenet Solutions36 MPHASIS37 Mr.Cooper( Nationstar)38 NTT DATA39 ODESSA TECNOLOGIES40 Omics International41 PEGASYSTEMS42 Prodapt Solutions43 Rane44 RDC Concreate45 SCOPE E KNOWLEDGE 151
46 SERENDEBYTE INC - PEGA 847 SPIRALUP SOLUTIONS 548 SRF 149 SUNDARAM CLAYTON 150 Sutherland 6551 SVS Infotech 1152 Syrma Technology 153 SYSTECH SOLUTIONS 554 TCS 26455 TCS-CODEVITA 556 TCS-PEGA 2357 Tikona 158 TNQ Books and Journels 659 TRIMBLE TECHNOLOGIES 160 VERNALIS 561 Vernalis- QA 262 VIRTUSA-PEGA 1063 WIPRO 764 ZIFO RnD SOLUTIONS 365 ZOHO CORPORATION 666 Zouse Rentals 2 725 Grand Total152
STUDENTS COCURRICULAR AND EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES ATRIUM –COLLEGE LITERARY CLUBAtrium is the english literary club of Rajalakshmi Engineering College which promotes thelanguage of English, literature and expressionism. It also engages the students and themembers of the club with fun activities related to pop culture and fandom. Since 1-04-2017,Atrium has conducted 4 student meets with the last one happening on 17-02-2018. Thestudent meets focused on various events which engaged and entertained the students. Thefirst atrium meet had events such as Quiz, Finding the Jumbled characters and other Fandomrelated activities. The second Atrium meet had Quiz, an event with witty puns and a talksession where the students spoke about various things like the moments in life which excitedthem. The third Atrium meet had a general quiz participated by a huge turnout of studentsand a jam session wherein the students had to come up with one minute speeches in a limitedtime with the respective topics given to them. The fourth and final atrium meet was held on17-02-2018 and had an interactive session which focused on the knowledge that the studentshad on “Facts from around the world”, “Food Sciences” and “Fandom and Pop Culture”. Allthe meets engaged and entertained the students thoroughly, and ended with a groupphotograph.The Ed-Board :The Ed-board is the editorial section of Atrium which focuses on writing, giving out opinionsand expressing ideas and thoughts through the english language. The members of Atriumwere given six online assignments as a part of the Ed-board. • The students were asked to write a movie or a book review of their choice in a maximum of 100 words. • The students were given Word Of the Month , where they had to submit a write-up on anything related to the word. 153
• The students were asked to write tiny tales of maximum 25 words , and were either given a word or a theme. • The students were asked to analyse their favourite quote from a movie or TV show of their choice. The analysis had to be in English. • The instagram page was opened to #metoo posts as a tribute to the movement against harassment of women. • Scintillations is the annual magazine of Atrium and The Ed-Board. As a part of their final assignment the students were asked to submit an article for the magazine, on various topics given to them.Theatricals :For the first time, a dramatics team headed by the Ed-board of Atrium representingRajalakshmi Engineering College participated in the Evam Theatricals 2017 hosted by StellaMaris College . The team was selected for the finals and performed at the Alliance Francaiseof Madras. A play called Moonshine was performed by the team. Moonshine dealt with thetopic of harassment against men. The team got special mention from the Judge and famoustheater artist T.M.Karthik for dealing with the sensitive issue in a subtle manner. Pictures from the Student Team 154
The achievements of the club are credited to the participation of the students and support from the faculty and management. DEBATING UNIONOn Campus Meets DATE MOTION04/06/17 THBT Nuremberg defence should be legally accepted against corruption.13/07/17 THR that the west has demonised Islamic terrorists instead of painting them as criminals with legitimate political grievances.10/08/17 THBT the sorting system in Hogwarts should be abolished.11/08/17 THBT Britain owes India reparations for their colonialism.17/08/17 MUN agenda: Addressing the plight of the refugees and state sponsored and non-state actors effected human rights violations on civilians.23/08/17 THBT religions must actively and progressively halt the idea of divine providence.24/08/17 THBT secular democracies with substantial religious diversity should allow a separate legal system for these communities.20/09/17 **FIRST YEAR STUDENTS JOIN THE CLUB**7/10/17 Extempore speech14/10/17 THW ban journalists from regions of conflict. In case of a zombie epidemic, THBT zombies should have a right to humane life in20/10/17 special zombie zones. THBT all surgical and cosmetic procedures aimed to alter one’s race or appearance26/10/17 should be banned.25/01/18 THBT Britain owes India reparations THR the diplomacy of the fictional town Wakanda 155
ONLINE EVENTS1 THBT hactivism should be seen as a legitimate form of protest.2 THBT the feminist movement has overstayed its welcome in the west and most parts of Asia.3 THBT the gamers of the blue whale challenge are more culpable than the creators.4 The exploration of the mindsets of the followers and the cult personality surrounding leaders like Ram Rahim. NATIONAL COMPETITIONSDATES COMPETITION AWARDS Sunanda K- Swing break9/9/17-11/11/17 MSRMPD, Bangalore Vaishali R and NischayVegi – novice break Sudharshana – High commendition15/9/17-17/9/17 NALSARIV, Hyderabad Sudharshana - Third 22/9/17 Spotlight, Chennai 11/08/17- SRMVMUN Nischay, Vaishali – Runners up 13/08/17 SRMRMUN 1/9/17-3/9/17 ALM CONTEST 23/1/18 SRMMUN HYLC9/2/18-11/2/18 ILS IVPD19/1/18-21/1/18 TNNLS IVPD12/1/18-14/1/18 Indo American Debate9/2/18-11/2/18 7/3/184/3/18 Blitzkrieg Sudharshana, Sunanda – Semi Finalists Sidarth, Arvind – Semi Finalists1/3/18 MCC DEBATE Nischay, Vaishali – Runners up Sidarth, Arvind – Second Runners up8/3/18-9/3/18 INSTINCTS Sudharshana, Sunanda – Semi Finalists Nischay, VaishaIi – Semi finalists 156
PHOTO GALLERY YAAZH MANRAMInauguration of Yaazh Tamil Manram on 03.10.2017Chief Guest: Mr. K. T. Ilango, Consultant, Varta-SMART IndustriesSpecial Talk: “Science in Tamil Literture”The inaugural meeting of Yaazh Tamil Manram for the academic year 2017-2018 wasconducted on 3rd October, from 3 pm to 5 pm at Main Seminar Hall in our college campus.Mr. K. T. Ilango, Consultant, Varta-SMART Industries, graced the occasion as chief guest anddelivered a special talk on ‘Science in Tamil Literature’. In his talk, the chief guest highlightedthe Mathematical, Physical, Chemical, Mechanical Engineering, and Electrical Engineeringconcepts embedded among the various Tamil literary works. 157
The new office bearers for the current academic year were sworn in during the event. Ms. A.Kamali, of III year Mechanical Engg., took charge as President while Ms. V. Kruthiga, of IIIyear Biotechnology, as Vice-president, Mr. N. D. Dinesh, of III ECE, as Secretary, and M.Gayathri, of II year Chemical Engg., as Deputy Secretary undertook their respective offices.Also, Ms. P. Praveena (II Biotech) & Mr. A. Arivazhagan (II Aero) joined them as EventOrganizers, while Ms. S. Smruthi (III BME) & Ms. R.S. Sheefa (II Biotech) took charge asmembers of Creativity Group and Mr. Kathiravan (III CSE) & Mr. C. Gopi (III CSE) joined theteam as members of Technological Group.Principal of our college delivered the Presidential Address during the event. Prof. M. Subbiahdelivered a special talk while Mr. K. Vijayanarasimhan, Faculty Coordinator of Yaazh TamilManram gave a concluding note.Dr.S.N.Murugesan, Principal, inaugurating the Yaazh Tamil ManramEVENT – 2: Inauguration of Yaazh Tamil Manram on 07.11.2017Chief Guest: Prof. Dr. C. R. Muthukrishnan, Advisor, Rajalakshmi InstitutionsSpecial Talk: Ethics for LifeThe second event of Yaazh Manram was organized, on 7th November, from 3 pm to 5 pm atMain Seminar Hall, in collaboration with the Ethics Club of our college. Prof. Dr. C. R.Muthukrishnan, Advisor, Rajalakshmi Engineering, elucidated the importance of Ethics in lifeto the students.Senior professor of our college Dr. M. Subbiah highlighted the ethical aspects dealt inThirukkural in his special talk. Principal of the college and Mr. P. V. Rajaraman, FacultyCoordinator of Ethics club were also present at the event. 158
EVENT – 3: Elocution & Poetry Workshops on 14.11.2017Two parallel workshops, one on Elocution and another on Poetry were conducted in parallelon 14th November, from 3 pm to 5 pm at Purple hall. Mr. P. V. Rajaraman, Assistant Professorin the Department of Computer Science and Engineering and the Faculty Coordinator ofEthics Club of our college, who is also an established religious orator, trained the students inelocution while Mr. K. Vijayanarasimhan, Assistant Professor in the Department of Humanitiesand Science and the Faculty Coordinator of Yaazh Tamil Manram trained the students inwriting poems. ETHICS CLUBThe Ethics was formed in the year 2012 under the orders of our Chairperson to have lectures on thetopic of Ethics by quoting them stories from Ramayana, Mahabaratha and The Lectures ofVivekannada.In between the dates 01.04.2017 to 31.01.2018 we conducted two activities and the details arefollowing.Date Topic Discussed Resource Person Target Audiance 1. Mr. PV Rajaraman Students registered under21.09.2017 The Science of 2. Dr.M. Subbiah Ethics club 1. Prof. Dr. C.R. Muthukrishnan Students registered under Concentration 2. Mr.K. Vijayanarasimhan Ethics club and Yaazh 3. Dr.M. Subbiah Tamizh MAndram07.11.2018 Special Lecture on 1. Mr. PV Rajaraman MBA Students Ethics and Hard work11.1.2018 The Science of Perfection 159
Special Lecture on Ethics and Hard work by Dr.C.R.Muthukrishnan, Advisor, RGI Special Lecture by Mr.PV Rajaraman 160
ROTARACT CLUBREGALThe installation ceremony - REGAL of our club was a great start of the year. Our IPP. Rtr. Venkatesh B Sexchanged his collar with Rtr. Thiyagarajan S and the board members were honoured with the badgesand the letter of appointment by the dignitaries. The launch of the membership form, Identity cards,letter head and the banner for the year 2017 - 2018 were done by the dignitaries on the dais. Thechief guest and the guest of honour were presented with a memento. The ceremony successfullyended with groupies.AMUDHAMWe RCREC was very glad to do this project with four other clubs. The theme of the project is servingthe kids of Madras Christian Council of Social Service, Perambur with food packets which is the basicneed of every human being. The result of this project was the happiness in the face of every kid.ORPHANAGE VISITThe orphanage visit to St. Thomas care home, Thandalam was a successful joint project with RotaractClub of Coastal Legacy. The day started with prayer song continued by lovely performances of thekids. The kids became so much attached with us in a very short span of time. In mean time period westarted playing along with the kids and the enthusiastic level of the kids took us back to our childhood.On behalf of our club, refreshments were given to the children over there and heartful of joy.JANANAMThe project JANANAM is a new initiative of our club where the members of RCREC visited C.Annapoorani Ammal Middle School, West Mambalam. There we taught the students of class 3 to class7 about the basic traffic rules and the board signs which could help them be safe now and also infuture. In addition to that we also insisted them to teach their friends and family members to followthe traffic rules in a polite manner. 161
GRASPThe project Grasp is one of the signature projects of our club. The theme of the project is to collectthe old books from the students and people around us and setup a library in orphanages. The secondphase of grasp was done in Avvai home, Adyar. The knowledge of children is the future of the nation.This project was done considering that and in the plan of increasing the knowledge of the children.GRATITUDEAs the name implies the project is initiated in the way of showing gratitude to the teachers onteacher's day. The rotaractors of RCREC came up with a new idea of making handmade badges writtenwith quotes in it. Around 780 badges were made and pinned individually to every teacher by our ownrotaractors. This act touched many hearts of the teachers as well as the students.TERRYFOX RUNThe big event that is happening every year to create awareness about cancer and contribute someamount to the cancer affected people is Terryfox run. RCREC takes immense pleasure in supportingthis event with a huge crowd of around 250 participants from our college who took part in the run andwas a part in making a change. 162
GOLFIEThis is an online club service project in which the participants have to send a selfie with golu. The bestselfie will be awarded with prize.KARPIKALAMThis is a carrier guidance programme done to the orphan kids in which we teach them through activityalong with fun. The programme started with an interactive session with the students followed byteaching them the things that are important for their carrier and future. It also includes mouldingthem into a good human being in the society. The session ended with giving refreshments to thestudents of the orphanage. 163
RYLA ECRWe RCREC feels so proud to be one of the host clubs of the first District RYLA of RID 3232 - RYLA ECRalong with Rotaract Club of Coastal Legacy and Rotary Club of Chennai Central Elite on September 30,October 1,2. We are so happy that the event was a great success and touched the hearts of manypeople. Not only that, the sessions of various speakers taught the participants a lot and they had abundle of learnings to take home to become a good leader and also a good human being in this world.LETTERHEAD EXCHANGEWe had an opportunity to have a meet up and a talk with Rtr. Vikas from Rotaract Club of DombiviliSunsity. Later we felt so proud to exchange letter head and club pin with Rtr. Vikas. The interactiveconversation let us know about each other's club.DEEPAMThe project DEEPAM is the Diwali celebration of RCREC with the kids of DMI KARUNAI ILLAM. Thekids were so much enthusiastic on seeing all of us. The day started with a casual introduction and smalloutdoor games to make them interactive feel comfortable with us. To boost up their energy levelsnacks and refreshments were served to them. No words to explain the happiness we saw in the faceof the kids while bursting out the crackers we bought for them. The day ended with group picturesand heartful feeling of satisfaction on seeing the happy faces of the kids. 164
CELEBRATING FRIENDSHIPThe rotaractors of our club had a productive day with the IDYE team from Pune that comes under RID3131. We had the letterhead and club pin exchange with them followed by a delicious lunch whichcreated a good bond and also a great friendship with them. Better ideas evolved while sharing eachother's ideas and thoughts to make a change in the society.RECORD V3.0The RECORD is one of the signature projects of our club and this is the third phase of the project. Themain theme of the project is to collect the old record notebooks from the laboratory and students ofour college followed by donating it to different blind schools. The record note books will be convertedinto braille sheets that is used for learning purpose of the blind students that will make a majordifference and leave lasting impression on many blind people's life.VIZHITHEZHUOn the international day of eradication of poverty, we TEAM RCREC took a small step in the aim oferadicating the poverty by inducing knowledge about the bad effects of poverty to the young mindsof the nation. The main part of the session taught them about their roles and ways to eradicate thepoverty. The session also covers the statics about the current condition of economy and other factorsthat causes poverty. We believe that this will make a change in themselves and also in the society.BIRTHDAY BOOKSThe most beneficiary thing you could lend someone is knowledge and wisdom and the thingsconcerned with it. Having this in mind we decided to gift the buddies in St. Thomas care home withbooks on their birthdays. This was like a unique gift which made the kids really happy. This project wasinitiated on children's day and we hope that this project continues to fulfil hearts.JINGLE BELLSWe follow this custom of celebrating Christmas with kids every year. It gives us immense happiness tokeep up this tradition. This year we celebrated Christmas with the kids at Gladden children's home,kovilambakkam.THAIMAIMost of the infants today are malnourished and it is a burning problem in today's generation. To act asa helping hand to overcome this we started the project thaimai last year and this year as the secondphase of thaimai project we provided milk powder and napkins to infants at Christ home,manapakkam.PAWThe project PAW is a simple club service project. The main idea of the project is to capture the pictureof their pets. This covers the photography skills and also about the pets. The best three will beawarded. We got good response than we expected. 165
UDHIRAMOur blood donation camp is one of our signature projects of our club. Indeed, it is also one of theheart touching projects of our club. This year we collected around 627 units of blood in just 4 hoursfrom our very own rotaractors of our club. At the end of the day the organisers were also grateful fortheir act and the junior volunteers learnt something new.MAATRAMThis project is about collecting various responses from the students of what should be changed in thesociety and also the reason for it. We got amazing responses from each one of the participant. Thisgave us an out of box idea.VITALThe project VITAL is all about bringing awareness about food intake maintenance and the values oflove and care, the speakers addressed the gathering and had spoken based on the mentioned topics.RYLA UNRAVELThe main objective of the ryla is to unravel the potential within the students and inspire them to reachgreater positions in their lives. RCREC’s Ryla Unravel was the most awaited signature project and weare proud to say that it changed lives of about 150 people. It is the eighth college ryla organised byRCREC and at the end of the camp there were significant changes in the perception of the studentsabout their lives and their leadership and decision making qualities. 166
NATIONAL SERVICE SCHEME Annual Camp 2017 (29th March to 4th April 2017) Inauguration 29.3.17Railway day 29.3.17Was conducted for honoring the 165 years of Indianrailway service. The events that took place on thatday were Railway quiz, Connexions and Rail crashinvestigation.Ethnic day 30.3.17This day was conducted to celebrate the ethnicity ofour culture. Dress code: Traditional Attire. Events liketraditional cooking, traditional games, dancing andsinging and Rangoli.Women's workshop 31.3.17Women’s workshop was conducted to make women realize howmuch the society depends on women and still it uses women. So, weconducted a simple activity which was very useful.Self-defense andWomen empowerment speeches.Pranav(Army day) 31.3.17Pranav was a tribute to the Indian army. Lots of fun Filled activitieswere there for the boys. 167
Village survey 1.4.17NSS students organized the village survey to identify people who need medical emergency anddropouts in 10th and 12th and conducted medical camp and youth empowerment activity.Medical Camp 1 at Nayapakkam 1.4.17 and 2.4.17In Association with Annai Medial College and Hospital we conducted medical camp for identifiedpeople during village survey, on the same day we conducted Sports activity for village kids andperformed mime show on cleanliness to children’s.Railway Station cleaning 4.4.17Old Kanchipuram Railway Station was cleaned and made easily accessible to people using the railwaystation by removing the debris.Thulir phase – 2 4.4.17Workshop on Organic farming and home terrace farmingConducted By Mr. Vetrimarran ,Memberfrom vanagam, nammalvar, The target audience was students and the farmers.A mime activity wasconducted by REC students, That suggested the activities of modern day farming and the traditionalday farming.Valedictory function 04.04.17.A token of love was given to the chief guestMr. Vetrimarran by Mr. Anandraj,the president of (nss-rec), the secretary(nss-rec) and the thulir project heads.This marked the end of day 7 of nss camp 168
SWACCHTA PAKHWADA 2017 (1st Sep to 15th Sep 2017)NSS Volunteers conducted various events on cleanliness among students from 1st sept to 15thsep 2017in our college campus and hostel They have extended their active participation by Trimmed theovergrown bushes and plants, Cleaned the play ground and resting area at Victory Memorial BlindSchool, poonamalle. Planted trees in various places in our college with the help of teaching faculty.Blind school Scribe (3rd Jan 2018)NSS volunteers extended their service to help blind children at Victory Memorial Blind School,poonamalle, to write records and examination.Personality development activity at Hand in hand old Kanchipuram (15th Dec 2017)NSS volunteers have prepared and conducted a activity based module on personality development for5th and 6thstdstudents of Hand in hand. 169
Temple Cleaning activity (Uzhavaarapani)In association with AnnamalaiyarArapanikuzhu our college NSS volunteers have cleaned 3 templesthis year. 1. Dilapidated Shiva Temple in Karunagaracheri 19.11.17 2. ChandramouleeswararKoil, Maamandur (Ocheri) (100 yr) Uzhavaarapani on 24.12.2017 3. KuntheeswararKoil, Dharmapuram (Madurantakam) – 11.03.2018Our volunteers actively participated in all the three event and cleaned the overgrown shrubs andplanted around 50 saplings around the temple.Participation on external events organized by various organization 1. Anna University a. Empowerment of volunteerism (2nd and 3rd March 2017) b. State level NSS conference (8th and 9th Feb 2018) i. Kovardhna guru. J (III AERO) and Nilamathiri. S (III BME A) have won the 3rd place in poster presentation. 2. Thuvakkam, 32 Hours Cleanation, “Clean and Paint ValluvarKottam” (18.03.2017)NSS volunteers actively participated in cleaning activity marathon at valluvarkottam. YOUNG INDIANS YUVAYI Launch on 18/8/17 at REC (Main seminar hall)The Young Indians YUVA Chapter was launched at RajalakshmiEngineering college on 18.8.17, Friday. 170
Rally for rivers on 18/8/17 at REC (Main seminar hall)MrPratheep Kumar Chair, HNOP, YI, Chennai Chapter spoke about the importance of water andabout the RALLY FOR RIVERS and plug cards representing rally for rivers was distributed and furtherthe pictures were took. Entrepreneurship Workshop on 13/10/17 at REC (Purple hall) A Guest lecture on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Leadership was given by Justin Jesudas, theMarket Strategist and activities based on leadership skills were conducted. 171
E – waste collection on 13.10.17 at REC (Purple hall)The Swachh Bharat vertical of YI YUVA CII REC conducted a session on importance on e-wastecollection and recycling process Mr. Lakshmanan, the Chair SwachhBhart YI YUVA CII Chennaichapter headed the workshop. Youth day on 25.1.18 at REC (Purple hall)YI YUVA CII REC celebrated the Youth day on behalf of Swami Vivekanandha’s birthday with activitiesinvolving leadership skills and technical knowledge. As a token of love and appreciation saplings weregiven to all the participants. YI CII Chennai chapter conference on 8.2.18 at CII office, VelacheryAll the units of YI from various colleges were invited to exhibit their ideas on reciprocity andsustainable Chennai “a better place to live in” and all the future projects of YI YUVA CII REC was alsodiscussed in the conference. Metro smiles on 14.2.18 at Sevasadan, Chetpet , CMRL\"We cannot always build a future for the youth but we can always build the youth for the future.\"We at Young Indians aim to bridge the gap both in educating the children about how the tomorrowsworld will be and bring them happiness by doing little things like \" Metro Smiles - for kids \" inassociation with CMRL - a sponsored joy ride in a metro for these children.The students of SevaSadan were taken for an educative and experiential metro ride, showing themthe growth of the city in hand with the latest technology. This will be a great reason for us, volunteersto bond with the kids, appreciate humility, learn organising skills and more. These children will also bepart of the nation building campaign of HNOP - Horn Not Ok Please outside the CMRL office.The YI YUVA CII REC joined hands with the YI CII Chennai chapter. 172
YI CII Chennai chapter Annual day on 7/3/18 at Raintree Hotel, TeynampetThe YI CII Chennai chapter organized an Annual day session were all the previous year projects werehonored and the future projects were discussed all the partnering colleges were honored for theirwork and REC received a big profile credit for the work done the team YI YUVA CII REC. Women’s day on 8.3.18 at RECAs a token of gratitude and love the volunteers of YI YUVA made handouts and gifted it to all theteaching and non-teaching women staffs of REC on the International Women’s day.The events of the year 2017-2018 YI Launch , HNOP, Rally for rivers, HNOP Awareness, YICII BHARAT YATRA, HNOP- Chennai Airport, Entrepreneurship workshop, E-Waste collection, Youth day, YI CII Chennai chapter conference, YI Reciprocity event, HNOP- Metro smiles, YI CII Chennai chapter Annual day, Women’s day 173
COLLEGE ACHIEVEMENTS• The college has been contributing immensely to the field of Technical Education in the last 20 years and recently celebrated its 20 years of Academic Excellence and conducted a Conclave on “How to gain from India’s Demographic Dividend – the way forward” – a focus on skills for the next generation jobs. Taking into consideration, the excellent students’ academic performance; the faculty qualification, experience and publications; research & development activities, funded projects secured from national organizations such as AICTE, DST, DRDO etc., the UGC has granted Autonomous status for the College from this academic year 2017-18.• The International Association of Lions Club honoured Dr. (Mrs.) Thangam Meganathan, Chairperson, Rajalakshmi Institutions, with an award for her contribution in the field of education.• Prof. C.R.Muthukrishnan, Advisor, Rajalakshmi Institutions, was honoured with CSI Life Time Achievement Award for his decades of committed and continuous contributions to Computer Society of India, at the 52nd CSI Annual Convention held at Kolkata on 19thJanuary 2018• REC continues to be one of the 100 best institutions in the country recogonized by TCS, sixth year in succession.• The college has secured the SEEE Award by the Society for Engineering Education Enrichment in recognition of the significant contribution made by the institution for the improvement of engineering education enrichment. The award was given at a function organized at Karpagam college of Engineering, Coimbatore on 16.03.2018.• The Department of Automobile Engineering has got permenant affiliation from Anna University from the year 2017-18• Rajalakshmi Engineering College has been awarded as Best Accredited Student Branch by Computer Society of India during 52nd CSI Annual Convention held at Kolkata on 21st January 2018• The college has been conferred National Winner Award for the New India Student Championship 2018 by ICT Academy.• The college has secured a total sponsored project grant of Rs.195.87 laksh from various National agencies such as AICTE, DRDO, ISRO, CVRDE & RCI CARS, in this academic yar, based on the innovate project proposals. 174
Dr. (Mrs.) Thangam Meganathan, Chairperson, Rajalakshmi Institutions receiving the International Association of Lions Club Award Dr. C.R. Muthukrishnan, Advisor, receiving Life time Achievement Award from CSI 175
STAR-STUDDED WOMEN’S DAY PROGRAMME CELEBRATED AT RAJALAKSHMI ENGINEERING COLLEGE ON 8th MARCH 2018Celebrities who visited the institution on Women’s Day Acclaimed Architect Mrs.Sheila Sri Prakash receiving the Women’s Achievements Citation from ChairpersonMrs.Rajashree Natarajan, Chief Operating Officer, Receiving the Women’s Achievements Citation from Cognizant Foundation ChairpersonMrs.Saashwathi Prabhu, Carnatic Vocalist, Receiving the Women’s Achievements Citation from Musician & Composer Chairperson 176
Mrs.Sayee Bhuvaneswari, Senior Vice President, Receiving the Women’s Achievements Citation fromSales & Solutions, Hitachi Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. ChairpersonMrs.Pramila Sridhar, Professional Photographer Receiving the Women’s Achievements Citation from Chairperson Dr.Anitha Pauldurai Receiving the Women’s Achievements Citation fromInternational Basketball Player and Chairperson Indian Women’s Team Captain 177
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