Ms Preethi Thunga of final year Biotechnology participated in the ‘Voice for BT 2017’ an Inter-Collegiate Oratorical Competition organised by Novozymes India Ltd on 11.08.2017and was declared as the First Runner-Up by virtue of which she won INR 20000 and a 3 month internship opportunity at Novozymes. Over-All WINNERS of innoWAH Innovation Challenge 2018 organized by PALS (PAN IIT Alumni Leadership Series) 42
DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERINGStudents’ AchievementsS. No Details Prizes/ 1 Medals won Varshini Ramesh , II Year, participated in the in Poster presentation, Nano Technology as a source of energy, Extract 2K17, A National level Technical First Prize Symposium at Sriram Engineering College on 26-Sep-17 B.Yuva Sriram V.Adithyajairam, II Year, participated in the EXTRACT 2K17 in First Prize2 Poster presentation, Plastic pollution and its recover measures, A National level Technical Symposium at Sriram Engineering College on 26-Sep-17 B.Yuva Sriram V.Adithyajairam, II Year, participated in the Paper presentation Second Prize3 at Sriram Engineering College on 26-Sep-17 Akshya Radhakrishnan, Mujahid Ali and Varshini Ramesh, II Year, participated First Prize4 in the Working model contest held at Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering from 26-Sep-17 to 27-Sep-17 S.Dharshana. Basil Babu, II Year, participated in the Working model at SSN First Prize5 College of Engineering from 08-Sep-17 to 09-Sep-17Industrial Visits:Sl. No. Date Place of visit Participants PRASAD ORGANIC PVT LTD II YEAR1 19.08.17Invited Talks: Topic Speaker Host Institution Dr.K.Nagarajan Sl. No. Date Job oppurtunities for Arunai Engineering 6-Oct-17 Chemical Engineers College 1 43
Faculty Publications/Presentations: 1. G.Vijayaraghavan, M.Jayalakshmi,Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks Based Expert Systems in Chemical Process Systems, International Journal of Chemical Sciences, Volume 15, Issue 3, (2017),page156. 2. G.Vijayaraghavan, P.Vignesh Kumar, K.Chandrakanthan, S. Selvakumar. Acanthocereus tetragonus an effective natural coagulant for Decolorization of synthetic dye wastewater, Journal of Material and Environmental Science (Scopus Indexed), Volume 8, Issue 9, (2017), page 3028-3033. 3. G.Vijayaraghavan,S.Shantha Kumar, Effective removal of Reactive Magenta dye in textile effluent by coagulation using Algal Alginate, Proceedings of the Third International conference on “Recent Advancements in Chemical, Environmental & Energy Engineering (RACEEE 2018)” at Department Of Chemical Engg. SSN College ofEngineering held on Feb 15-16, (2018), page – 47.Faculty Achievements:BEST PAPER AWARDG.Vijayaraghavan, Assistant Professor (SG)received a best paper award in the Third Internationalconference on “Recent Advancements in Chemical, Environmental & Energy Engineering (RACEEE2018)” at Department Of Chemical Engg. SSN College of Engineering held on Feb 15-16, (2018), forthe research paper entitled “Effective removal of Reactive Magenta dye in textile effluent bycoagulation using Algal Alginate”, page – 47. 44
DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERINGStudents’ Achievements Prizes/ S. No. Details Medals won 1 Rajendran.V , IV Year/ B SEC, participated in the Brick bonding at Easwari First prize Engineering College on 12-Aug-172 Rajendran.V , IV Year/ B SEC, participated in the Pixewate- poster First prize presentation at Easwari Engineering College on 12-Aug-173 Mahalakshmi.V and Gokula Pandian.S, IV Year, participated in the Paper Second Prize Presentation at Easwari Engineering College on 12-Aug-174 Kamalesh.V and Arshad Gani.M, IV Year, participated in the paper Third prize presentation at Easwari Engineering College on 12-Aug-175 Swetha.R , IV Year, participated in the Brick bonding at Easwari Engineering First prize College on 12-Aug-176 Akshayaa.P , Hemalatha.S, IV Year/A SEC, participated in the paper First prize presentation at Easwari Engineering College on 12-Aug-177 Kaleem.S.K and Jagadesh.D, IV Year / A SEC, participated in the perfect Second prize engineer at Dhanalakshmi College of Engineering on 20-Sep-178 Krishnakumar.J , IV Year / A SEC, participated in the Technical quiz at Second prize Dhanalakshmi College of Engineering on 20-Sep-179 S.Nivedha Devi, IV Year A SEC, participated in the IMEXEA - 2017 at Prince First Prize Sri Venkateshwar Padmavathy Engineering College on 31-Jul-1710 Akshaya .P , IV Year / A SEC, participated in the Paper presentation at Sai Second Prize Ram Engineering College on 23-Sep-1711 Raguraman C. , Vijayakumar S, IV Year B SEC, participated in the Anna Third prize University Zone-2 Volleyball Tournament at CIT from 23-Aug-17 to 24-Aug- 1712 Sathisk Kumar K , IV Year / B SEC, participated in the Cricket (Men) at Jeppiar I (winners) Maamallan Engineering College from 15-Sep-17 to 22-Sep-17Symposiums/Workshops/Seminars/Guest Lectures/Industrial Visits/FDPs OrganizedWorkshops/ Seminars:Sl. No. Date Title Sponsoring Agency1 3-Apr-17 ''PLAN CADD NEXT'' - an introduction into CADD Centre, Mylapore, CADD possibilities. Chennai - 600 0042 07-Jun-17 Training on STAADPro Space Cadd Designers & to 07-Jul-17 Constructions 45
3 29-Jun-17 Training in Stadd Pro Space Designer4 5-Jul-17 Primavera and MS Project Synergy-CADD centre5 7-Jul-17 Training on STAADPro Space Cadd Designers & Constructions6 20-Jul-17 ETABS for structural design and Analysis Dynamic Engineering Research Centre7 21-Jul-17 Training on Revit Architecture Dynamic Engineering Research Centre8 29-Jul-17 Workshop on BIM CADD Labs9 4-Aug-17 Use of Total Station for Civil Engineering Ladder Land Surveys Applications CAAD India10 24-Aug-17 ETABS for Structural Design11 14-Sep-17 Engineers Day-E creation-Poster and Model ICI competition12 29-Nov-17 Corrosion Resistant concrete DRDO to 30-Nov- 1713 05-Dec-17 Faculty Development Training Program on Center for Faculty to 12-Dec- Design Of Reinforced Concrete and Brick Development, Anna 17 Masonry Structures University14 10-Jan-18 Design of High rise Buildings using ETABS REC15 14-Feb-18 Building Information Modelling REC16 15-Feb-18 ''Hands-on training of ETABS'' REC17 23-Feb-18 ''Hands-on training of ETABS'' RECGuest Lectures:Sl. Date Topic Resource Person- DetailsNo. Design of Prefabricated Structures Er.Muthuramalingam, Assistant Executive1 4-Mar-17 Engineer, TamilNadu Slum Clearance Board2 4-Jul-17 Concrete Technology Dr. Sunitha K Nayar, Project Officer & Scientist, IIT Madras3 20-Sep-17 Complex Stresses & Analysis of Dr. P.Venkateshwara Rao, Associate Trusses Professor, Sri Venkateshwara Engineering College4 26-Sep-17 Design of Rigid Pavements. Mr.T.A.Rajha Rajeshwaran, Assistant Professor, Velammal Engineering College5 27-Sep-17 Earth Quake Resistant structures – Dr.T.CH.Madhavi, Professor / HOD, SRM Retrofitting University Krishna Kumar.G, Assistant manager6 21-Feb-18 Precast in Indian Scenario (Design), Infrastructure leasing and finance limited7 8-Feb-18 Corrosion Protection Methods Dr. T. Ch. Madhavi, Prof. & Head-Dept. of Civil Engg, SRM University,Ramapuram Campus 46
Industrial Visits: Place of visit Participants Sl. No. Date Water treatment Plant,Kilpauk III Yr. A 1 14-Mar-17 III Yr.A & B2 17-Mar-17 Virtual reality centre, KKM Soft Pvt Ltd., II Yr.A Thiru vi ka Industrial estate, Guindy II Yr.B3 21-Mar-17 Virtual reality centre, KKM Soft Pvt Ltd., II A II B Thiru vi ka Industrial estate, Guindy III Yr.A & B III Yr. A4 22-Mar-17 Virtual reality centre, KKM Soft Pvt Ltd., III Yr.B III Yr.A & B Thiru vi ka Industrial estate, Guindy IV A&B II A&B5 27-Jun-17 Virtual Reality Center III- A & B6 28-Jun-17 Virtual Reality Center III- A & B7 30-Jun-17 Space Cadd Designers & Constructions, IV-A IV-B8 01- Jul-17 Survey Camp at III-A & B Palayaseevaram,Kanchipuram district9 15-Jul-17 Survey Camp at Palayaseevaram, Kanchipuram district10 27-Jul-17 Construction site at Santha Towers, Paruthipettu11 09-Aug-17 Kamarajar port Trust,Ennore12 17-Aug-17 Hydro logical Research Station13 9-Jan-18 RANITEC Common Effluent Treatment Plant,Walajapet,Vellore14 9-Jan-18 RANIPETCommon Effluent Treatment Plant,Walajapet,Vellore15 23-Jan-18 Pidilite Industrial Ltd,Gopalapuram16 24-Jan-18 Pidilite Industrial Ltd,Gopalapuram17 13-Feb-18 Kamarajar Port LimitedInvited Talks:Sl. No. Date Topic Speaker Host Institution 1 21-Mar-17 Dr.S.Geetha Basic Dynamics and Earthquake DMI College of Engineering Steuctures Engineering 47
Faculty Publications/Presentations: 1 Dr.Geetha & Dr.M.Selvakumar “High Performance Concrete with copper slag for Marine Environment” Materials Today, Vol 7 (April 2017) 2 P.Saranya “An experimental study on the behaviour of geo polymer concrete compared to conventional concrete” International journal of advanced research trends in engineering and technology, Vol 4 Special issue p 2394- 3777 (Apr 2017) 3 K.Banupriya “Design of stone matrix asphalt pavement using chrome shavings” International journal on recent engineering and development, Vol 2 ISSN 2455-8761 ( July 2017) 4 K.Banupriya “Design of SMA using leather waste” International journal on civil engineering and technology, Vol 2 pp 45 – 52 (July 2017) 5 S.PremKumar, N.Mahamood UL Hasan “Experimental behaviour of high performance concrete using GGBS and M Sand, International journal on latest engineering and management research ,Vol 2 p 1- 7 (Aug 2017) 6 S.PremKumar, A.J.Jeyaarthi “Experimental investigation of reinforced concrete using Recron 3s, International journal on latest engineering and management research, Vol 2 p 45- 52 (Aug 2017) 7 Dr.Geetha & Dr.M.Selvakumar “Optimization of structural lightweight concrete for use in precast construction” International journal on emerging technology and advanced research, Vol 4 p 132 – 136 (Jan 2018) DEPARTMENT EVENTS Two Days Workshop on Corrosion Resistant Concrete held during November 29-30, 2017. A student explaining his project. 48
DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERINGStudents’ Achievements Prizes/ S. No. Details Medals won1 Dev Anand L , Arumugam P and Aashish Vivekanand, IV year, First Prizeparticipated in the Mobile App Contest at REC from 11-Apr-17 to 11-Apr-172 Sakthipriya M , III CSE C participated in the Mobile App Contest at REC Second Prizeon 11-Apr-173 Jayapraveen A R, Jayakumar R and Hemaant.C, II year, participated in Consolation - under the VIT IOT Makethon at VIT University from 15-Apr-17 to 16-Apr-17 Smart City Special Category4 Aishwarya , Akshaya Saraswathi M, G Harish, IV year and Sai Sanjana R , EliteBaarath S , II year and Abdul Azeez K Anto David Christopher A,Raveena S , Shobana S, III year participated in the Introduction toModern Application developement at IIt-M from 01-Jul-17 to 30-Sep-175 Delliganesh S , II year, Aravindan M , III year and A Anusha , IV year, Eliteparticipated in the Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms usingPython at IIT-M from 01-Jul-17 to 30-Sep-176 S.Lokesh Kumar , II year, participated in the Tennis Tournament at Third PlaceSaveetha Engineering College on 05-Sep-177 Yaseen Hussain , IV year CSE D, participated in the UI Boss at SSN First place College of Engineering from 08-Sep-17 to 09-Sep-178 Yaseen Hussain , IV year CSE D, participated in the Poster Design at SSN Second place College of Engineering from 08-Sep-17 to 09-Sep-179 Poornima T, K V Meenatchi and Pooja M, III Year participated in the IoT Winner innovation challenge at Buoyanci on 15-Sep-1710 Nivedh N , III Year CSE C, participated in the Cricket (Men) team which Winner won the title in Anna University zonal tournament on 15-Sep-1711 G.Munna Basha, III year, participated in the Ball badminton (Men) Runnerteamin State level Ball badminton Tournament at Alpha Arts andScience College on 20-Sep-1712 Sriram.V , II CSE E participated in the HASTAG 17 at DMI Engineering Second prizeCollege on 23-Sep-1713 Sharon B , II Year CSE D, participated in the Paper presentation at DMI Second Place College of Engineering on 23-Sep-1714 Shwetha Gurudev , Shobana A I and Swetha Gurudev, II Year, Second Placeparticipated in the Paper presentation at Sri Venkateswara College ofEngineering on 25-Sep-17 50
15 Sriram N , II CSE E participated in the INTERRUPT 2K17 at Sri Certificate of Venkateswara College of Engineering on 25-Sep-17 Excellence16 Sharon B and Shobana A I II year CSE D, participated in the IOT at SVCE Second prize on 25-Sep-1717 B. Monisha , I year participated in the table tennis (women) team at 3rd place Anna University on 01-Oct-1718 Varshini.S and Vibha.S, II year, participated in the National Level Second PrizeTechnical Symposium at SSN Engineering College from 08-Sep-17 to09-Sep-1719 Srivats V S , Vasanth P, Sidharth A, Shailesh Khiran B , Udhai Solai A R, First PlaceVenkatesha Prasad S, Skantha Prasath V and Sharan R, Iyear,participated in the Rewind Video Making at Rotaract Club ofWomens Christian College on 11-Nov-1720 Keerthana K G , Karthi P, Guhan S, Jeeva Sudhegan G, Shobana S, Rahul TOPPERA, Prem TS, Harini S and Bhargav S, III year and Asim Nath , II year,participated in the REC Programming Contest :- Season 2: Round 07 :CSE & IT Stream at REC on 27-Aug-1721 Meenatchi Kv , III CSEC participated in the REC Programming Contest :- WINNERSeason 2: Round 07 : CSE & IT Stream at REC on 27-Aug-1722 Shobana S , Raveena S , Mukesh Raj L, Harini S, Poornima T, Guhan S and TopperKarthi P, III year participated in the REC Programming Contest :- Season2:Round 08 : CSE and IT Stream at REC on 09-Sep-1723 Sathya Praveen R , IV year, participated in the REC Programming WinnerContest :- Season 2:Round 08 : CSE and IT Stream at REC on 09-Sep-1724 Poornima T , III year, participated in the REC Programming Contest :- Winner Season 2:Round 09 : CSE and IT Stream at REC on 09-Sep-1725 Poornima Thangavel , III year, participated in the REC Programming Winner contest: Season 2: week1 CSE/IT stream at REC on 03-Jul-1726 Jayakumar, Guhan, III year, participated in the Tech-A-Thon 17 - Winner Programming at REC on 15-Sep-1727 Poornima T , III CSE B participated in the Tech-A-Thon 17 - runner Programming at REC on 15-Sep-1728 Karthi Prabhakaran , III CSE B participated in the TECH-A-THON 17 - RUNNER PROGRAMMING at REC from 15-Sep-17 to 15-Sep-1729 K V Meenatchi , III CSE C participated in the Tech-A-Thon 17 -QUIZ at WINNER REC on 28-Sep-1730 Sriram N , II CSE E participated in the House of Code at DMI College of First place Engineering on 23-Sep-1731 Poriyar Neha Ravi , Pooja A S, Malini C, III year, participated in the Third Place Paper presentation at DMI College of Engineering on 23-Sep-17 51
32 Sriram N , II CSE E participated in the Hash Tag 2K17 at DMI College of First place Engineering on 23-Sep-1733 Rajasekar KR and Raguraman K, IV year, participated in the Quiz at REC Runner on 03-Jul-1734 K V Meenatchi and Pavithra J, IV CSE C participated in the Quiz at REC Winner on 03-Jul-1735 Pavithra J and Akshaya Saraswathi M, IV year, participated in the Winner Debugging at REC on 03-Jul-1736 Akshaya Saraswathi M , IV year, participated in the Tech-A-Thon at REC Winner on 03-Jul-1737 Ragul S , IV year, participated in the Programming at REC on 03-Jul-17 Runner38 Yatheendra Pravan KM , Sidharth and Srinarayan, III year, participated Second place within the Project design contest at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology Rs.50,000/- cashfrom 07-Sep-17 to 09-Sep-17 prize39 Bagavathi Muthiah S, Arun C and Aravindh Charukesh K, III year, SECOND participated in the event HACKATHON held at REC on 09-Feb-1840 Delliganesh , II year, participated in the event HACK KNIGHT at Second MIT from 09-Feb-18 to 11-Feb-1841 G.Munna Basha, III year, participated in the event Ball badminton Third place at Chennai Institute of Technologyon 08-Jan-1842 Mukesh Raj L , III year, participated in the event Debugging held Second place at St Joseph college of Engineering on 15-Mar-1843 Nandhini R , III year, participated in the event Debugging held at First St Joseph college of Engineering on 15-Feb-1844 Varun Dwarkani , Vishal V, II year, participated in the event 1st placeTechnical Quiz at PB College of Engineering from 06-Feb-18 to06-Feb-1845 AsimNath , II year, participated in the event JIT Hackathon#1.0 Third placeheld at Jeppiaar Institute of Technology from 20-Feb-18 to 25-Feb-1846 Adhishwar S , II A participated in the event K! G20 Summit held at Best DelegationCEG, Anna University on 01-Jan-18 Rs. 12000/-47 G.Rajesh Kanna of IV year, G.Nivedh of III year and Jaivel.T of I winneryear, participated in the event Cricket at Sri Venkateshwaracollege of Engineering from 20-Feb-18 to 25-Feb-1848 M.Adithya, I year, S.Lokesh Kumar, II year, participated in the 3rd Placeevent State level Tennis Tournament at S.A. Engineering Collegefrom 01-Feb-18 to 03-Feb-18 52
49 K.Susmitha, K.Aiswarya of IV year, L.Priyanka of III year and Runner-upJ.ABIRAMI of II year, participated in the event State levelVolleyball Tournament at VIT Vellore from 12-Feb-18 to 14-Feb-1850 D.S.Hemaharini, II year, participated in the event Throw ball at VIT Runner-upVellore from 12-Feb-18 to 14-Feb-1851 Jagadeeshwaran R , II year, participated in the event Paper Second presentation at Jeppiaar Institute of Technology on 09-Feb-1852 R.Purusothaman, I year and M.B.Kader Malik, II year, participated Winnerin the Throw ball tournament held at Tamil Nadu Throw ballAssociation from 09-Feb-18 to 11-Feb-1853 Hemaharini DS , II year, participated in the event Paper 2ND PLACEPresentation at JIT from 09-Feb-18 to 10-Feb-1854 R Jagadeswaran , II year, participated in the event Material Hunt 2ND PLACE at CEG from 14-Feb-18 to 17-Feb-1855 Purusothaman R , I year, participated in the event Chennai Disrict WinnerThrowball Association Trophy at Nehru Indoor Stadium from 08-Feb-18 to 08-Feb-1856 Varun Dwarkani and Vishal S, II year, participated in the event 1st placeLogo Guru at MuthuKumaran Institute of Technology on 31-Jan-1857 Varun Dwarkani , II year, participated in the event Web designing 2nd placeat MuthuKumaran Institute of Technology from 31-Jan-18 to 31-Jan-18Symposiums/ Workshops/Seminars/Guest Lectures/Industrial Visits/FDPs OrganizedWorkshops/Seminars:Sl. No. Date(s) Title Sponsoring Agency 1 7-Mar-17 to Workshop on IoT and its Applications - Mr. B. REC 8-Mar-17 Bhuvaneswaran2 9-Mar-17 Tech-A-Thon-Programming REC3 11-Mar-17 Workshop on Linux Fundamentals-Mr. Benedict REC4 20-Mar-17 BOOT UP 17 REC/CSI/5 20-Mar-17 Python Programming with Django-Mr. Aswin CSI,REC Murugesh, Web Developer,Tenmiles6 20-Mar-17 Data Visualization using R Language - Mr. Ajith CSI,REC Sahasranamam, Data Scientist, Ongil7 20-Mar-17 Blender 3D tool CSI, REC 53
8 22-Mar-17 Workshop on Latex - Ms,Abirami REC9 21-Jun-17 to Python and IoT REC22-Jun-1710 19-Jul-17 to Mobile Application Development REC,CSE26-Jul-1711 23-Jun-17 to Installation and working with Python REC24-Jun-1712 22-Jun-17 to Programming using Python REC23-Jun-1713 24-Jun-17 Linux OS and Commands REC14 22-Jun-17 to Foundation Program 5.0 REC24-Jun-1715 23-Jun-17 to PHP REC24-Jun-1716 23-Jun-17 to MySQL REC28-Jun-1717 9-Aug-17 Problem Solving Prelims REC18 10-Aug-17 Debugging Prelims REC19 11-Aug-17 Quiz Prelims REC20 11-Sep-17 Tutorial on Web Application Development Using ACM - W Hibernate with Spring MVC21 25-Sep-17 Training program on Sales Force rec22 27-Sep-17 Webinar on Operationalising Threat Intelligence Symantec23 20-Sep-17 Webinar on Empower Your Digital Workplace Cloudnine24 26-Sep-17 Webinar on Virtual Reality Simulation & Training EndeavorVR for Education25 19-Sep-17 Webinar on Understanding Real World Storage Calypso Systems Workloads SNIA Solid State Storage Initiative26 13-Sep-17 Webinar on VMworld 2017 Wrap Up: Top Trends Product & You Need to Know Solutions Marketing27 26-Sep-17 Webinar on Campus Fabrics & Future Ready Dell EMC Networking solutions.28 20-Sep-17 Webinar on IoT and Smart Buildings: The New Argent Associates, Construct Inc29 19-Sep-17 Webinar on Bridging the Memory-Storage Gap to VP Products & Accelerate Fast Data Analytics Strategy at GigaSpaces30 25-Sep-17 Webinar on Drive Faster Breakthroughs Using Intels software and Vectorization and Intel Xeon Scalable Processors services group31 19-Sep-17 Webinar on Providing Security and Threat Symantec Protection for the Enterprise - Why It Matters32 16-Sep-17 Webinar on Information Centric Security The Symantec Convergence of Data Protection Technologies33 20-Sep-17 Webinar on modern infrastructure demands All- Dell EMC Flash34 22-Apr-17 Teaching in the New Normal Infosys Ltd35 20-Apr-17 Dell EMC Blueprints- Hybrid Cloud & DELL Virtualization with VMware36 25-Apr-17 to Internet of Things for Real Time Applications REC27-Apr-1737 01-Jul-17 to IoT workshop REC31-Jul-17 54
38 19-Jul-17 to Mobile App Development REC26-Aug-1739 01-Jul-17 to Spoken Tutorial REC31-Jul-1740 19-Aug-17 Cloud computing TCS and ICT Academy.41 18-Aug-17 to Protection Domination & E-Discovery Prototype A INSA19-Aug-17 Holistic Approach Through Cloud Computing Field42 13-Sep-17 One day Seminar on Bootstrap Mr. Ashwin nil Irudayarajan Freelancer, Precision Infinite Ventures, Chennai43 22-Sep-17 to Two Days National Level Seminar on Data ICMR23-Sep-17 Analytics Techniques to Predict Epidemics from Public Health Records44 5-Sep-17 One day Seminar on Cyber Forensics Dr.Harish nil Ramani, Founder & CTO, Internettechies45 14-Sep-17 webinar on Data Governance Strategy Data Intelligence Biz46 6-Sep-17 webinar on Hybrid & Multi-cloud environments: Quali Strategies for migration & app modernization47 15-Sep-17 webinar on The Four Requirements of a Cloud-Era Pivotal File System48 9-Sep-17 webinar on Industrial IoT - Digitization of Hitachi Manufacturing: from Theory to Practice49 12-Sep-17 webinar on Preparing for Cyber Attacks Expect the BC in the Cloud Unexpected by Paul Fletcher, Cyber Security Evangelis50 20-Sep-17 webinar on modern infrastructure demands All- Dell EMC Flash51 5-Sep-17 webinar on Oracle Migrate to Cloud without NetApp Compromise52 12-Oct-17 lecture demonstration on Scilab FOSSEE team, IIT Bombay53 16-Dec-17 to Two-Day Weekend Training Programme IIT Kharagpur17-Dec-17 Saptahaant Shikshak Prashikshan (SSP) on Introduction to Machine Learning54 14-Dec-17 to Workshop on Advanced Python and IoT REC16-Dec-17 Applications55 05-Dec-17 to Integrated Project Development for Foundation Infosys09-Dec-17 Program56 26-Dec-17 to Learning IoT using Aurdino REC30-Dec-1757 12-Dec-17 to UTLP Training Wipro16-Dec-1758 14-Sep-17 Webinar on Protect your data everywhere, from Dell EMC physical to virtual to cloud59 13-Sep-17 Webinar on Discover Dell Endpoint Security. SAARC Dell data security60 2-Sep-17 Webinar on Modeling and Pricing Cloud CloudPhysics Migration Scenarios61 18-Jan-18 Orientation on Block chain DigiPropel62 19-Jan-18 Technical Seminar on IoT Infosys Limited 55
63 21-Jan-18 Basics of Data Analytics REC64 24-Jan-18 TCS Environmental Sustainable Health and Safety Sessions - Green IT & Road SafetyGuest Lectures:Sl.No. Date Topic Resource Person – Details1 10-Apr-17 Boost your analysis with Bayesian Douglas Stauber and Murali Prakash, Statistics, IBM SPSS IBM SPSS Statistics2 10-May-17 Modernize Your Data Center With The Rajesh Ramani, Converged New Standard in Hyper-Converged Infrastructure Solutions-, Dell EMC3 10-Jul-17 Challenges in Data Privacy Craig Scoon, Risk Advisory Service,4 6-Jun-17 Virtual Lab Deloitte Dr.K.C.Narasimhamurthy, Tumkur, KN5 6-Jun-17 Video Recording Tools Mr Roy Arnoldn, Infosys Ltd6 15-Jun-17 Developing An Entrepreneurial Mindset Dr. Ron Harichandran, University of Through Integrated E Learning New Haven, USA,7 17-Jun-17 Transforming Your IT MOOC Abhijit.Sreenivas, Dell EMC8 20-Jun-17 Teaching & Learning using TCS ERP Dr.Ajit Kumar Shukla, School of Engg, R.K.University, Rajkot9 21-Jun-17 Flipped Class Room Prof. Alex Chacko C, Vidya Academy of Science and Technology, Kerala10 22-Jun-17 Augmented Reality (AR) Dr. Deeksha Bhardwaj,G. H Raisoni11 13-Jul-17 Democratize your data Inst of Engg. & Tech, Wagholi, Pune Mr. Robert Schillings, Adobe India12 13-Jul-17 Best practices for OBE Implementation Dr.B.Kanmani, BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore.13 19-Jul-17 Briefing of Foundation Program 4.1 Mr. Roy Antony Arnold,Infosys Ltd14 19-Jul-17 integrate with AWS IoT to create human Glenn Gore,Amazon Web Services interaction and environmental awareness15 20-Jul-17 Understand how Amazon Kinesis Streams Olivier Klein,Amazon Web Services16 24-Jul-17 Amazon Cloud Security Santhosh Rajeev,Amazon Internet Services17 8-Aug-17 Python Database Integration,Introduction Ms. Kalpana, Infosys Ltd to PL-SQL 56
18 10-Aug-17 Angular JS Single Page Application Ms. Kalpana,Infosys Ltd Development Sobhesh Agarwall,IIMA19 22-Aug-17 Project/Credit Appraisal in a Volatile Business Environment20 24-Aug-17 FP4.1 OOP using Python Concepts,OOP K.N. Vani,Infosys using Advanced Python21 29-Aug-17 Databases on AWS A Modern Data Blair Layton,APAC Business Architecture for Microservices development22 29-Aug-17 Data Protection, Security & Recovery Tajinder Channi Jitendra against cyber-attacks Shrivastava,Hitachi Data Systems23 11-Sep-17 IoT – Tools and Technologies to build the Christian Dornacher,Storage & IoT Stack Analytics Solutions EMEA, Hitachi Data Systems24 17-Sep-17 Blender Sameer S Sahasrabudhe25 20-Sep-17 Spatial Data Analysis for Disease Dr. Vasna Joshua M.Sc., Ph.D., Prevalence and Prediction National Institute of Epidemiology26 21-Sep-17 Epidemics and Survival theories Dr.N.Viswanathan,Department of Statistics, Presidency College27 24-Oct-17 Information Management in the Context Jan Konjack & Christian of IoT Dornacher,Hitachi Vantara28 25-Oct-17 Using DevOps to get from Problems to Jeff Kirkpatrick,Hitachi solutions Solutions ScaleIO for VMware Environments: How &29 26-Oct-17 Why,Optimize operation and Jason Brown, Karthik K,Dell EMC management of your data center30 28-Oct-17 Vision for Object Storage Scott Nyman,Content, Mobility and Data Intelligence, Hitachi Solutions31 31-Oct-17 Bring Intelligence to the Edge with Intels Ashwin Vijayakumar,Intel Neural Compute Stick IDEAL-PiY : Integrated Development Prof. R. Anandha Murugan & Dr. R.32 14-Dec-17 Environment for Assessment and Learning Alageswaran,K.L.N. College of Python Using Raspberry PI Engineering, Madurai 57
33 19-Dec-17 Cyber Hygiene and Opportunities in Cyber Mr. Prashant Pandey,Computer Security Society of India Division IV Communication34 28-Dec-17 Smart India Hackathon 2018 A Digital Dr. Abhay Jere,Organizing Movement Secretary, Smart India Hackathon 2018,35 3-Mar-18 Incident Response & Disk Encryption Mr.Velayutham Selvaraj, Cyber Forensics Forensics Investigator, CEO - Twin Tech Solutions Private Limited.Industrial Visits:Sl. Date Place of visit ParticipantsNo.1 18.08.17 Sans Bound, Komdambakkam III CSE A2 18.08.17 Sans Bound, Komdambakkam III CSE B3 30.08.17 Hindustan Coke Cola II CSE D4 30.08.17 Hindustan Coke Cola II CSE E5 30.08.17 Kamaraj Port, Ennoore II CSE D6 31.08.17 Hindustan Coke Cola III CSE D & E7 01.09.17 Hindustan Coca Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd., III CSE A & E8 05.09.17 Satish Dhawan Space Centre SHAR, Sriharikotta-524124. II CSE A ,B & C9 21.09.17 Kamarajar Port (P) Ltd., Rajaji Salai, Chennai II CSE D & E10 22.09.17 BORN Ramananujan IT Park, Tharamani, Chennai. III CSE C III CSE B 28.02.18 Infosys Ltd.11Invited Talks: Topic Speaker Host Institution Sl. No. Date Cloud Service Exam 1 6-Mar-17 Preparation Mr B.Bhuvaneswaran REC 2 6-Mar-17 VMware Exam Preparation Mr B.Bhuvaneswaran REC3 7-Mar-17 Aspire LLP Ms.Vidhupriya REC4 8-Mar-17 Big Data Training Mr B.Bhuvaneswaran REC 58
5 8-Mar-17 Big Data Concepts Mr B.Bhuvaneswaran REC6 15-Mar-17 Tech mahendra LFC - Software Mr.Dhanasekar REC Engineering REC REC7 15-Mar-17 Tech mahendra LFC - Ms.Dhivya S REC Computer Networks8 15-Mar-17 Tech mahendra LFC - Mr.Padmanabhan Programming Concepts9 15-Mar-17 Tech mahendra LFC - RDBMS Mrs.Revathy10 15-Mar-17 Tech mahendra LFC - Java Mr.S Suresh Kumar REC11 15-Mar-17 Tech mahendra LFC Ms.Vaidhya GK REC12 17-Mar-17 Hadoop Mr B.Bhuvaneswaran REC13 20-Mar-17 Big Data Concepts Mr B.Bhuvaneswaran REC14 21-Mar-17 Java script Object Notation Mr K.Vijay REC (JSON) Mr B.Bhuvaneswaran REC15 23-Mar-17 Big Data Concepts16 25-Mar-17 Scoop Mr B.Bhuvaneswaran REC17 27-Mar-17 Java script Object Notation Mr K.Vijay REC (JSON) Mr K.Vijay REC18 28-Mar-17 Cloud Computing Overview19 29-Mar-17 Creating Virtual Network Mr K.Vijay REC20 5-May-17 Next Generation Wireless Dr.Dhaya.R SriRam Engg. College Networks Bhuvaneswaran.B Priya Vijay Rajalakshmi Institute21 13-Jun-17 FDP on Data Warehousing Dr R Dhaya of Technology and data Mining:- Introduction to R Tool Rajalakshmi Institute of Technology22 13-Jun-17 FDP on Data Warehousing Tirupathi university and data Mining23 7-Aug-17 As Resource person in NS2 workshop 59
24 8-Aug-17 As Resource person in NS2 Dr R Dhaya Tirupathi university workshop SKB Sangeetha B. Bhuvaneswaran JNN25 9-Aug-17 Data Analytics Priya Vijay P Revathy Shasun Jain College26 21-Nov-17 Session on Python PV. Rajaraman Programming for School Dr Swaminathan Shasun Jain College Teachers organised by CSI Sairam Institute Of27 21-Nov-17 Session on Python Technology Programming for School GSS Jain Vidyalaya, Teachers organised by CSI Vepery Maharishi28 6-Dec-17 Syntax Analyzer International Residential School29 27-Dec-17 Python Guru shree shantivUai Jain30 28-Dec-17 Data Analytics using Excel vtdyalaya Junior College, Chennai31 20-Jan-18 Arrays and Strctures in C++ Mr K VijayFaculty publications/presentation: 1. SrihariVasudevan, Sreenath G.R, Shree SaiKrishna.R, Chithambarathanu M, ”Voice controlled device to read out files and Control its pace”, American Journal of Engineering and Research(AJER), Vol. 6, no. 3, 2017, pp 68-70. 2. DevAnand.L, Arumugam.P, Harini.J, Chithambarathanu M,”Optimized Service Oriented Request and Compliance Management Application”, International Journal of Computer science and Mobile Computing (IJCSMC), Vol. 6, no. 3, 2017, pp.9-13 . 3. H.Poojashree, P.Priyanga, R.Srimathi, Thejeswari C K , ”Phone theft detectionSecret lock”, National Conference ICTCON’17 , 2017. 4. Sowmiya.M, Renuka, Thejeswari C K ,V.Sumathy, ”A survey on in the mobile networks”, International Conference on Contemporary Engineering and Technology, 2017. 5. Nancy P, RaveenaPooja.K, Priyadarshini.R, Ramya.R, “Secure and Authorised De-Duplication “, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, Vol. 6 ,no. 3, 2017, pp.204-211. 6. Abinaya.S, Bhuvana.S, Devi.S, Padmanaban K, “Predicting bus location information with mobile phone based participatory sensing”, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, Vol. 6, no. 3 2017, pp.174-177. 7. Revathy.S, Roopika.G, Rishitha.R, Revathy P, “An Approach To Suggest Company Specific Placement Opportunities Using Data Mining Techniques”, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, Vol. 6, no. 3, 2017, pp.196-203. 8. AlapthyBhavanaChoudary, GayathriDevi.M, Gayathri.R, Roxanna Samuel, “Nearby offers using android”, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, Vol. 6, no. 3, 2017, pp.212-215. 9. Amirthavalli.P, Bhuvaneshwari.H, Divya.G, SornaShanthi.D, “Optimized alumni data management system”, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, Vol. 6 , no. 3 , 2017, pp. 110-113.60
10. Arumugapriya.S, Abinayasundari.P, Elakkia.R, Sumathy.V,”Electronic toll collection (etc) system using smart phone”, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, Vol. 6 , no. 3 , 2017, pp. 126-130.11. Anandhi.D, Deepa.S, Divya.B, Padmanaban.K, ”Online Admission Providing System”, International Journal of Computer science and Mobile Applications (IJCSMA), Vol. 5 , no. 3, 2017, pp. 1-4.12. Padmanaban.K, Lakshmi.B,Keerthana.R, Hemavasanthi.E, ”Improving Privacy and Security of data Using Secured Distributable Cloud Storage (SDCS)”, International Journal of Recent and Innovation Trends in computing and Communication (IJRITCC), Vol. 5 , no. 3 , 2017, pp. 58- 61.13. M.Bhavani, VinodKumar.S, ”Ensemble Based Envision of Dengue Fever”, International Conference on Contemporary Engineering and Technology, 2017.14. Revathy.P, Surya.E, ”Demographic Factors influencing academic performance”, International Conference on Contemporary Engineering and Technology, 2017.15. B.Kumudha, B.Lavanya, R.Manjusri, SivaRanjani.P, “E-construction estimator based on CPM/PERT Techniques Using Android”, International Conference on Contemporary Engineering and Technology, 2017.16. Varun Kumar.CR, Vaaruni.R, K.Jayashree, ”Third Eye Navigator”, International Conference on Contemporary Engineering and Technology, 2017.17. ChahatAgarwal, MukeshRaj.L, Ashwin.P, UdhayaKumar.S, “Cloud Integrated Route Optimisation based on Pollution Intensity”, International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Computational Intelligence (ICKDCI'17), 2017.18. AnushKishan.P, Gajapathy.P, Chandhan.GK, UdhayaKumar.S, “An Enhanced Firmware for Mobile Device Security Using e-SIM Technology”, International Conference on Operating System Security (ICOSS 2017), 2017.19. M.Ramya, Suresh Kumar.S, ”The Combination of Tesseract and Cassandra Cluster for Recognizing Tamil Optical Character”, International Intellectual Convergence On Advances in Science & Engineering, 2017.20. Benedict.JN, K.Jayashree, ”Programme Evaluation Of Cryptographic File System in Linux”, International Conference on Operating System Security (ICOSS 2017), 2017.21. Ajith.U, Aravind.N, Deva Prasad.L, Swaminathan.B, ”Text Recognizer and document reader in various languages and accents”, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, Vol. 6, no. 4, 2017, pp. 40-44.22. Uma Nandhini,LathaTamilselvan, SilviyaNancy.J, UdhayaKumar.S, ”A Secure Client Aware Certification for Mobile Cloud Offloading Decision” , International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems,(Scopus), Vol. 10, no. 2, 2017, pp. 106-115.23. Sarassri.S, Pavithra.R, Jananee.V, ”Intelligent Travelling System”, International Journal of Engineering and Sciences (IJES),Vol . 6, no. 3, 2017, pp. 55-57.24. Rajalakshmi.N, RamyaNamasivayam, Renuka Devi. SR, .Jananee.V, ”Agile shopping of Grocery Items in a Mart”, International Journal of Engineering and Sciences (IJES), Vol. 6, no. 3, 2017, pp. 64-67.25. Dr.K.Devaki, “E-Governance -Transparent Administrative Governance [TAG]”, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, Vol. 6, no. 4, 2017, pp. 316-320.26. SwethaSridharan, “Survey on image analysis using Brain Magnetic resonance Images”, International conference on telecommunications, power analysis and computing techniques, (IEEE), 2017.27. Dr.K.Devaki, “Efficient Algorithm search systems scholarly documents using Feature set Classification”, International conference on telecommunications, power analysis and computing techniques (IEEE),2017.28. Vijayakumar R, “ Integration of IoT in reducing the losses of Jatropha Supply Chain”, International Conference on Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering (CAMME ),2017. 61
29. SornaShanthi D, “Inventory Transparency for Agricultural Produces through IoT”, International Conference on Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering (CAMME) 2017.30. Revathy P, “Aggregated Clustering for Grouping of Users based on Web Page Navigation Behaviour”, Second International conference on innovative & Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology – ICIETET, 2017.31. RevathyP,”Grouping of Users based on User Navigation Behavior using Supervised Association Rule Tree Mining”, Second International conference on innovative & Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology – ICIETET, 2017.32. SwaminathanB,”Churn Prediction Analysis Using various Clustering Algorithms in Analytics Platform”,Third Internatiojnal Conference on Sensing, Signal Processing and Security (ICSSS ), 2017.33. Dr.R.Dhaya, “ Performance Analysis of Segmentation Algorithms for Real time crowd detection and tracking “,Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, Vol. 11 , no. (7), 2017, pp. 200-211.34. Dr.R.Dhaya and Swetha Sridharan, “Rescuing and Rehoming pets from injuries and orphaning for Indian scenario- An android based application”, International Conference on Innovative Research in Engineering and Science (IRES 2017) @ Thailand, 2017.35. Swetha Sridharan, “Propertypedia- A Twitter data analysis and recommendation based android application for Real Estate Users“, International Conference on Innovative Research in Engineering and Science (IRES 2017) @ Thailand, 2017.36. Dr.K.Devaki, R.Akiladevi and P.Vidhupriya, “Fissure Detection in Lung CT Images using Back Propagation Neural Networks”, Journal of Industrial Pollution Control, (Scopus),Vol.33 (2), 2017, pp.1571-1578.37. Dr.R.Dhaya, “Software defined Networking: Viewpoint From IP Networking, Pros And Cons And Exploration Thoughts”, International Conference on Innovative Research in Engineering and Science (IRES 2017) @ Thailand , 2017.38. Dr.R.Dhaya, “Cognitive Spectrum Framework on Cooperative Environment: A Study”, International Conference on Innovative Research in Engineering and Science (IRES 2017) @ Thailand, 2017.39. Dr.R.Dhaya, “Resourceful And Proficient Exploitation Of MDYMO In Mobile Ad-hoc Networks”, International Conference on Innovative Research in Engineering and Science (IRES 2017) @ Thailand, 2017.40. S.Gnanavel, “HD video transmission on UWB networks using H.265 encoder and anfis rate controller”, Cluster Computing The Journal of Networks, Software Tools and Applications, (Scopus), pp.1 to 13.41. L.K.Nandhini and S.Udhayakumar, “Service offloading of computationally intensive tasks using HIPI in private cloud” ,Eighth International Conference on Advanced Computing @MIT Campus (IEEE Explorer), 2017.42. V.Anitha, “Wardrobe Advisor Technology (WAT)”, IEEE International Conference on Smart Technologies and Management for Computing, Communication, Controls, Energy and Materials (ICSTM) @Veltech Dr.RR & Dr.SR University, 2017.43. K. Tejeswinee, “Feature Selection Techniques for Prediction of Neuro-Degenerative Disorders: A Case-Study with Alzheimer’s And Parkinson’s Disease”, Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier,Vol.115,2017, pp.188-194.44. P.Nancy, “Prediction of rescuable cancer mutants in p53 mutation network using centrality measures”, Int. J. of Biomedical Engineering and Technology , (Scopus), Vol.25(2/3/4),October 2017, pp.310-325.45. Dr.SP.Chokkalingam, N.DuraiMurugan, “Sentiment Analysis On Gst In Social Mediausing R”, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, (Scopus), Vol. 9. Sp– 17 ,December 2017, pp276-282. 62
46. Dr R Dhaya, Dr R Kanthavel,S.K.B.Sangeetha, Jagadeeshwaran.R, “Presentation Investigation Of Svm Classifier For The Recognition Of Shark Fish”, International Conference on Intelligent Computing Systems, 15th & 16th December, 2017, Salem, Tamil Nadu.,December 2017.47. Chahat Agarwal, Akshay, Priya Vijay, “A State Of Art For Traffic Rerouting Based On Pollution Intensity”, International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology ,Vol.9 (3),January 2018, pp.200-203.48. Dr.P.Kumar, E.V.Pavithra, “Survey On Deduplication In Cloud Environment” , International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT),Vol.7(2), February 2018, pp.20-2349. Priya Vijay,S.Bharatwaaj S.Bharadwaj, “Multi Tier Security System Using Ulk Kit For Secure Door Operation”,International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics,(Scopus),Vol.118 (18), February 2018, pp.2401-2411.50. Reeta R,Pushpavathi .V,Sanchana .R,Shanmugapriya .V, “A Deterministic Approach For Smart Agriculture Using Iot And Cloud “, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics,(Scopus),Vol.118 (18), February 2018, pp.2413-2424.51. S.K.B.Sangeetha,V.Vanithadevi,S.K.B.Rathika, “Enhancing Cloud Security Through Efficient Fragment Based Encryption”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, (Scopus),Vol.118 (18), February 2018, pp.2425-2436.52. Silviya Nancy J and Udhayakumar S, “Application Recommendation Service Using Collaborative-Filtering In A Mobile Cloud Environment”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, (Scopus), Vol.118 (18), February 2018, pp.2437-2449.53. Yatheendra Pravan K M, Sujith Kumar S,Sumathy V and Thejeswari C K, “Incorpration of aadharcard for smart Indian railways “,International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, (Scopus),Vol.118 (18), February 2018, pp.2451-2465.54. E.Surya,P.Sivaranjani,K.Vijay, “Context Aware And Adaptive Real Time Video Streaming With Quality Assurance In Mobile Learning Environment”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, (Scopus),Vol.118(18), February 2018, pp.2467-2480.55. Venkatesh Prasad.R, S.Harini and Swetha Sridharan, “Design Of Smart Device For Healthcare And Road Safety”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, (Scopus),Vol.118 (18), February 2018, pp.2481-2489.56. Thejeswari.C.K, Sumathy.V, Sivaranjani.P, “Data Mining: A Perspective Study On Various Tools & Techniques With Security Applications And A Two-Stage Process To Detect Fp & Fn Alerts”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, (Scopus),Vol.118 (18), February 2018, pp.2491-2504.57. Anush Kishan.P, Gajapathy.P, Chandan.G.K and Udhayakumar.S, “An Enhanced Firmware For Mobile Device Security Using E-Sim”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, (Scopus),Vol.118 (18), February 2018, pp.2505-2513.58. R.Abirami,L.Andrea,M.Diviya, “Optimal Detection Of Lung Cancer Using Bees”,International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, (Scopus),Vol.118 (18), February 2018, pp.1775- 1781.59. R.Akiladevi,P.Vidhupriya,V.Sudha,”A Study And Analysis On Software Testing Tools”,International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, (Scopus),Vol.118 (18), February 2018, pp.1783-1800.60. Andrea.L, Abirami.R,Diviya.M and J.Silviya Nancy, “Framework For Fire Detection And Mitigation Using Iot”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, (Scopus),Vol.118 (18), February 2018, pp.1801-1811.61. S.Harini, K.Jothika and K.Jayashree, ”A Review Of Big Data Computing And Cloud”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, (Scopus),Vol.118 (18), February 2018, pp.1847-1855.62. P.Kumar, M.Jaeyalakshmi, ”Task Scheduling Using Meta-Heuristic Optimization Techniques In Cloud Environment”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, (Scopus),Vol.118 (18), February 2018, pp.1893-1912. 63
63. NANDHINI L.K and UDHAYAKUMAR. S,”A Mobile Cloud Offloading Technique For Image Classification Service Using Hipi”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, (Scopus),Vol.118 (18), February 2018, pp.1925-1941.Congratulations! • Mr. S. Udhayakumar, Associate Professor, successfully completed the Doctoral Program and obtained Ph.D. from B.S.Abdur Rahaman University in November 2017Faculty Achievements: • Dr. P. Kumar received the Longest Continuous SBC Award during 52nd CSI Annual Convention held at Kolkata on 21st January 2018 • Mrs. Priya Vijay received the Active Participation Award during 52nd CSI Annual Convention held at Kolkata on 21st January 2018 • Mr. B. Bhuvaneswaran received Silver Medal at Inspire Faculty Awards conducted by Infosys Ltd on June 2017. • Mr. R. Vijayakumar received Silver Medal at Inspire Faculty Awards conducted by Infosys Ltd on June 2017. • Mr. K. Vijay received Bronze Medal at Inspire Faculty Awards conducted by Infosys Ltd on June 2017. Mrs. Priya Vijay Receiving Active Women Participation award from CSI 64
Mr R. Vijayakumar and Mr B. Bhuvaneswaran receiving Inspire Faculty Award from Infosys DEPARTMENT EVENTS Seminar on Green IT on 24th January 2018 65
Workshop on Cyber Security on 3rd March 2018Technical Seminar on IoT\" by Mr. V. Sivakumar Senior Project Manager, Infosys Limited, Chennai on 19th January 2018 Seminar on Spatial Data Analysis for Disease Prevalence and Prediction on 22nd September 2017. Dr.Vasna Joshua, Scientist-B, National Institute of Epidemiology, Chennai 66
Seminar on Transforming Healthcare with Analytics on 23rd September 2017 Mr.SathyaVenkatraman, Consulting Partner - IBM Seminar on Cloud Computing-Privacy Management–An Cloud Research Orientation on 19th August 2017National Level 24 Hrs Learnathon Competition conducted by ICTAcademy on 01/02/2018 67
Students participating in the Salesforce LearnathonInteraction with Prof. Sameer , IIT , Bombay in AICTE Pedagoy FDP 68
DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERINGStudents’ AchievementsS. Details Prizes/No. Medals won1 N.M.Shankar , III year, participated in the Anna University Zone-2 Silver Medal Athletic Meet at Saveetha Engineering College from 08-Oct-17 to 09- Oct-172 K.Vineeth, N.M.Sankar Raman, K.Abijith , III & IV year participated in Winner the Anna University zonal tournament at Anna University from 15-Sep- 17 to 22-Sep-173 B.Vishal,S.Yugan Raj, B.Yupindra Kumar, M.Suryaprakash , II year, Best project with cash participated in the Digital Design Exhibit 2017 at REC on 27-Sep-17 award4 Ashok.K, Barath Kumar.S, Bharath Kumar.D, Dinesh.S , II year, First prize with Cash participated in the Electronic Expo 2017 at REC on 15-Sep-17 Award5 R.Sudharson , IV year, participated in the Embedded Design Contest at Project Award with REC on 27-Sep-17 cash prize6 A.Hariram, A.Divya Anchana.C Asher Shaji , III year, participated in the First Prize Hack4throne at Rajalakshmi Engineering college from 26-Aug-17 to 27-Aug-177 R.Sethurajan , II year, participated in the Anna University Zone-2 Third Prize Handball Tournament at Rajalakshmi Engineering College from 18- Sep-17 to 19-Sep-178 PravinKumar, Gayathri.S , II year participated in the IEEE SS12 - Third Prize International Project competition and Maker Fair 2017 at Vardhaman College of Engineering, Hyderabad from 08-Sep-17 to 09-Sep-179 Ms. Shobana Jayalakshmi.M, Ms.Sindhuja.C, Ms.Pooja.S, J.Saranya(G) , second phase participated in the Fabrication Of Selenium Biosensor Derived From evaluation of IEEE Catharanthus Roseus Plant Extract For Cervical Cancer Therapy at REC Student Project on 08-Nov-1710 Mr. Mydavolu Venkata abhijith,Ms. S.Poorna Pushkala ,Ms. M.Renuka BEST PROJECT and Mr.V.Muthuraman , III year, participated in the project Expo at IT AWARD -Track dept, REC on 04-Apr-17 Intelligent Systems Light Channel based data transmission using LiFi11 Mr. M Raja , Ms.W K Palisa Azhahammal, Ms. D Oveya, Ms.N Nancy BEST PROJECT Niranjana, III year, participated in the project Expo at IT dept, REC on AWARD -Track 04-Apr-17 Decision Based Systems IOT based Home automation12 R.Rajesh Kumar, III year, participated in the Kho - Kho Men Third prize tournament Zone at CEG on 21-Dec-17 69
13 Vishal.B , II year, participated in the Make-A-Thon at REC from 11-Sep- First prize 17 to 12-Sep-1714 Janaki.S, Atchara.N, Chitra.C, Abirami, L Vasanth , III & II year, Consolation Prize participated in the Make-A-Thon at REC from 11-Sep-17 to 12-Sep-1715 Gokularajan.G.T, Dhaneshwar.S, Hari Prasad.S.R , III year, participated First prize in the Make-A-Thon at REC from 11-Sep-17 to 05-Sep-1716 A. Hari ram, Asher shaji, A. Divya, C. Anchana , III year, participated in Third Prize the Make-A-Thon at REC from 11-Sep-17 to 12-Sep-1717 K Harish Krishnan, IV year & Abirami.R, III year, participated in the ELITE Design For Internet of Things at NPTEL on 17-Nov-1718 Ramasubramanian D , III year, participated in the Introduction to ELITE Ranked in TOP 5 Modern Application Development at NPTEL on 17-Nov-1719 Sathyanarayanan.R , IV year, participated in the QUIZ at Sri Sairam Second Prize Engineering College on 16-Aug-1720 Mr.Gokulrajan and Ms.Chitra , II year participated in the PALS won online quiz Leadership series at IIT Madras on 01-Apr-1721 Mr.Aswin Ramesh , III year, participated in the PALS Leadership series best volunteer award at IIT Madras on 01-Apr-1722 Ashwath V S , IV year, participated in the REC-Programming Contest - Winner Session-2-Week-04 at Rajalakshmi Engineering College on 06-Jul-1723 P. Rohith Kumar , Ashwin S M, A.B. Sai Prasad, IV year and R.Christian Runner Up Sugantharaj , II year, participated in the REC-Programming Contest- Session-2-Week-04 at Rajalakshmi Engineering College on 06-Jul-1724 Ashwath V S , IV ECE A participated in the REC-ProgrammingContest- Winner Session-2-Week-06 at Rajalakshmi Engineering College on 14-Aug-1725 S.M.Ashwin Prasad., J A.B.Sai Prasad , IV year,and Christian Runner up Sugantharaj, II year participated in the REC-Programming Contest- Session-2-Week-09 at REC on 08-Sep-1726 Ajit Babu.V , IV year, participated in the REC-ProgrammingContest- Winner Session-2-Week-09 at REC on 08-Sep-1727 Dona Maria Simon , IV year, participated in the REC- Winner ProgrammingContest-Session-2-Week-11 at REC on 08-Sep-1728 Christian Sugantharaj Mothi Prakash Devakar , IV year, participated in Runner up the REC-Programming Contest-Session-2-Week-11 at REC on 08-Sep- 1729 A.Divya, A.Hariram and C.Anchana, III year, participated in the Winners for prelims Fair2017 (Finals:Varadhaman College of Engineering, Hyderabad on Sep 8,9) at Rajalakshmi Engineering College on 22-Jul-1730 Ms.Abirami, Ms.P.Abilasha, Ms.R.Archana , IV year, participated in the First prize Speech Expo Contest at REC on 08-Sep-1731 Mr.K.Harish Krishnan, Mr.B.Kushal Singh, Mr.N.Mothi Prakash, Second Prize 70
Mr.M.Mohammad Rifath , IV year, participated in the Speech Expo Contest at REC on 08-Sep-1732 Ms.Sanjana Suraj Kumar, Ms.S.Pooja, Ms.R.Ramya, Ms.M.Pavithra , IV Third Prize year, participated in the Speech Expo Contest at REC on 08-Sep-1733 Gokulrajan G T , III year, participated in the Texas Instruments Contest First Prize at Rajalakshmi Engineering college on 18-Jul-1734 Vimala priyadharshini K P , III year, participated in the Texas Second Prize Instruments Contest at Rajalakshmi Engineering College on 18-Jul-1735 Thaslim Banu, Priya S, Valentina Regina Steffi, Thamizh Malar D , III Third Prize year, participated in the Antenna Design Using HFSS at REC from 25- Sep-17 to 26-Sep-1736 Priyadharshini R, Sathya Priya, Poonguzhali D , III year, participated in First prize the Workshop Organized at REC from 25-Sep-17 to 26-Sep-1737 Priya Dharshini M, Ranjitha P, Tamil Selvi S , IV year, participated in the Second Prize Workshop organized at REC from 25-Sep-17 to 26-Sep-1738 Gokularajan.G.T, Dhaneshwar.S, Hari Prasad.S.R, Hemanth Kumar.R , III World Record Holders year, participated in the World Biggest International Hands on Security Forensics Workshop at Wikitechy and Microsoft Research Community on 30-Jul-1739 K.V.Pravin kumar and S.Gayathri , II year, participated in the project WINNER expo at Velammal Engineering College on 14-Aug-1740 K. Abhijith and M. Manibalan, K. Vineeth, Harinarayanan, ECE Students A. C. Muthiah Rolling participated in the event Cricket (Men) at Sri Venkateswara College of Trophy Engineering on 22-Feb-1841 B. Karthik , II year, participated in the event International Sports and Second Place Cultural Carnival-Riveria 2018 Raaga Reggae held at VIT, Vellore from 15-Feb-18 to 18-Feb-1842 Mr. Prabhakaran, participated in the event NPTEL, IITM at REC on 18- Project Associate Jan-1843 B. Vishal, M. Surya Prakash, S. Yugan Raj, B. Yupindra Kumar , II year, Cash Prize Rs. 500 participated in the event National Level Technical Symposium Revotronics 18 held at REC on 26-Feb-1844 V. Ajit Babu S. Divya , IV year, Harshini Rajagopal K. Vignesh V. Roopesh Runner up Harish kumar Sanjay Saravanan , III year and R.Christian Sugantharaj, II year, participated in the event REC-ProgrammingContest-Session-3- Week-01 held at REC on 07-Feb-1845 R.Christian Sugantharaj , II ECE A participated in the event REC- Winner ProgrammingContest-Session-3-Week-01 at REC fon 07-Feb-1846 S. M. Ashwin S. Divya V. Ajit Babu J. Prasad , IV year, V. Roopesh K. Runner up Vignesh Sanjay Saravanan , III year, participated in the event REC- ProgrammingContest-Session-3-Week-02 at REC on 22-Feb-1847 Harish kumar , III year, participated in the event REC- Winner ProgrammingContest-Session-3-Week-02 at REC on 22-Feb-18 71
48 K.V. Pravin Kumar, S.Gayathri , II year, participated in the event SPEAK First prize VIA FINGERS TAP CODE at REC on 27-Jan-1849 S. Swedha R. Thila , II year, participated in the event STRIDERZ 2018 Cash Prize Rs. 1000 Techmarathon at Rajalakshmi Engineering college on 09-Feb-1850 K. Abijith, K. Vineeth Harinarayanan, ECE Students participated in the Winner event State level inter-collegiate tournament organized by SVCE at SVCE from 20-Feb-18 to 25-Feb-1851 S. Vijay and M.Vishal, III & II year participated in the event Throw ball Won the Title in Tamil(Men) team at Rajalakshmi Engineering college from 09-Feb-18 to 11- Nadu StateFeb-18 Independence day Trophy Organized by Tamil Nadu Throw ball Association52 A.G.Shivram, A.Sundarbalaji, G.Sundar, T.Tamiliniyan, IV year, Third Prize participated in the event ATTENDANCE SYSTEM BASED ON EAR BIOMETRICS at REC on 27-Jan-1853 Chithambara Karthikeyan T, Aswin Balaji R, Bhuvanesh L, Cheran M , III Second Prize year, participated in the event BIKE SAFETY DEVICE at REC on 27-Jan- 1854 B. Vishal M. Surya Prakash S. Yugan Raj B. Yupindra Kumar B. Karthik , II I PRIZE year, participated in the event iQuest 18 at REC on 28-Feb-18Symposiums/Workshops/Seminars/Guest Lectures/Industrial Visits/FDPs OrganizedWorkshops/Seminars:Sl. Date(s) Title Sponsoring AgencyNo. REC1 1-Mar-17 EPDDC-Electronic Product Design and Development Cell2 14-Mar-17 Diversity Techniques of Wireless REC Communication3 28-Mar-17 Industrial Needs for Communication Reuben Thomas Engineers Koshy, System Engineer, ITIS4 15-Mar-17 to 16- MEMS and its Applications2017 REC Mar-175 30-Mar-17 to 31- Power Management under TI India University RECMar-17 Program6 10-May-17 to 12- Advisory and Technical committee member K.S. Institute ofMay-17 for the National Conference on Technological Technology, Innovations in communication and Bengaluru. computation- NCTICC 2017 72
7 23-May-17 to 30- Optical communication and networks (EC REC & Anna UniversityMay-17 6702 )8 1-Jun-17 Attenuation Mechanism in an optical Fiber Sri Sairam9 16-Jun-17 Real Time Operating Systems Engineering College Sri Venkateshwara10 20-Jun-17 Blooms Taxonomy College of Engineering, Sriperumbudur. REC11 21-Jun-17 Induction Programme REC12 28-Jun-17 Development boards based on ARM Cortex St. Josephs College of Engineering13 8-Jul-17 NPTEL Awareness Program rec14 8-Jul-17 Software Defined Radio- Hands on Approach REC15 12-Jul-17 Digital Circuits Lab and Signals and Systems rec Lab16 12-Jul-17 Robot Design using ATmega Controller REC17 17-Jul-17 to 18- Analog Systems Learning Kit (ASLK) under RECJul-17 Texas Instruments University Program18 17-Jul-17 to 21- FDP on Advances in Communication and ECE department ofJul-17 Networking Galgtias College of Engineering & Technology, Greater Noida, U.P.19 18-Jul-17 MCQ Training, EC 6504 - Microprocessor and Nil Microcontroller20 18-Jul-17 Electronic Product Design and Development REC Cell (EPDDC)21 19-Jul-17 Small Signal Analysis of Transistor Special training for GATE22 20-Jul-17 NPTEL REC23 20-Jul-17 UTLP Training Programme REC24 21-Jul-17 Cortex M0+ ARM university25 21-Jul-17 to 22- Antenna Design Using HFSS-Hands on RECJul-17 Training26 27-Jul-17 IETE professional society IETE professional society27 13-Aug-17 National Programming Aptitude Test - NPAT NPTEL in association 2017 withACM India and Google28 8-Sep-17 Speech Expo Contest REC29 16-Aug-17 to 17- MEMS and its Applications NilAug-1730 23-Aug-17 to 24- IoT Based Amplifiers Design Challenges and NilAug-17 Opportunities31 11-Sep-17 to 12- Make-A-ThonREC2k17 RECSep-1732 15-Sep-17 Electronic Expo 2017 REC33 23-Sep-17 Ham Radio Awareness Program REC34 25-Sep-17 to 26- Antenna Design Using Hfss RECSep-1735 27-Sep-17 Digital Design Exhibit2017 Nil36 27-Sep-17 Embedded Design Contest REC 73
37 02-Jan-18 to 06- UTLP Training Programme REC Jan-1838 05-Jan-18 to 06- Power Management under TI India University REC Jan-18 Program39 08-Jan-18 to 12- UTLP Training Programme REC Jan-1840 29-Jan-18 PYTHON Programming REC41 05-Feb-18 to 06- PCB based product design REC Feb-1842 05-Feb-18 to 06- ISER-307th International Conference on Malacca, MalaysiaFeb-18 Nanoscience, Nanotechnology & Advanced Materials (IC2NAM)43 8-Feb-18 Cisco Packet Tracer REC44 13-Feb-18 Electronic Design Challenge REC45 15-Feb-18 Control System Design Contest1 REC46 16-Feb-18 to 17- Analog Systems Lab Kit REC Feb-1847 26-Feb-18 National Level Technical Symposium REC Revotronics 18Guest Lectures:Sl. No. Date Topic Resource Person- Details1 21-Mar-17 PROJECT EXPO 2K17 Dr. K.Rathna kannan, Ms. Ambica Sankaran, Associate Professor/EEE, Team Head, , CEG, Anna University Chennai , HCL Technologies, Chenni.2 16-Mar-17 Chennai delivered a Lecture on Dr.M.D.Selvaraj AP/IIITDM, AP/IIITDM, Green Radio [Indian Institute of Information Technology Design & Manufacturing],3 21-Jun-17 Life is a Boxing Arena Mr.C.Arun Sandeep, Project Manager, TechChefs , Bengaluru4 29-Jun-17 Electromagnetics Without Tears Prof. M. S. Narayanan, PG Professor, REC5 8-Jul-17 Challenges in Analog Design Dr. R.Sundar, Prof. & Head, REC 74
6 8-Jul-17 WebSDR-Demonstration Dr. S. Chitra, Asso.Prof., REC7 11-Jul-17 Blooms Taxonomy Dr.B.LakshmiMs.G. Alamelu Ms.M. AbishekaMr.R.J Hastin Fernandez Ms.G.JanetMs.Marie Evangeline Ms.Andria BabuMs.Lathaviswanath Mr., Nil, REC8 13-Jul-17 Overview of Digital Image Dr. S. Joseph Gladwin, Professor, SSNCE Processing9 13-Jul-17 Overview of Speech Synthesis Dr. B. Ramani, Asso.Prof., SSNCE10 27-Jul-17 The Role of GPS and Sensors in Dr. Swarna Ravindra Babu, Professor, Modern Navigation IETE Chairman-Chennai11 8-Sep-17 Histogram Processing and Dr.R.Amutha, Professor, SSN College of Imagecompression Engineering12 22-Feb-18 Digital Signal Processing Mr. M. Sathish, Assistant Professor (SS), REC13 14-Feb-18 Signal Processing in Wireless Dr. Sabitha Gauni, Senior Assistant Communication Professor, SRM Institute of Science and TechnologyIndustrial Visits:Sl. Date Place of visit ParticipantsNo. BSNL, Chennai III ECE D 1 24-Mar-17 BSNL, Chennai III ECE C 2 23-Mar-17 BSNL, Chennai III ECE B BSNL, Chennai III ECE A- 3 22-Mar-17 BSNL, Chennai III ECE K -Lite Pvt Ltd, Chennai I ECE C & D 4 25-Mar-17 Regional Meteorological Centre, Chennai I ECE Technocrat Automation I & II Year M.E 5 22-Mar-17 RETECH Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Chennai. IV ECE A RETECH Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Chennai. IV ECE C 6 29-Mar-17 RETECH Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Chennai. IV ECE D RETECH Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Chennai. IV ECE B 7 23-Mar-17 Koyambedu Substation, Chennai II ECE A Koyambedu Substation, Chennai II ECE B 8 17-Mar-17 9 01.07.17 10 12.07.17 11 13.07.17 12 14.07.17 13 09.08.17 14 10.08.17 75
15 11.08.17 Koyambedu Substation, Chennai II ECE C16 16.08.17 II ECE D17 22.08.17 Koyambedu Substation, Chennai III ECE A18 23.08.17 Technocrat Private Limited, Nungambakkam, III ECE B Chennai.19 24.08.17 Technocrat Private Limited, Nungambakkam, III ECE C Chennai.20 29.08.17 Technocrat Private Limited, Nungambakkam, III ECE D Chennai.21 30.08.17 Technocrat Private Limited, Nungambakkam, III ECE C22 05.09.17 Chennai. III ECE C,D23 13.09.17 Port Trust, Chennai IV ECE24 20.09.17 III ECE A,B25 28-Feb-18 NIOT IV ECE Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota. Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota CalicutInvited Talks: Topic Speaker Host Institution Sl. No. Date1 3-Mar-17 Recent Trends in the Dr.M.Palanivelan & RIT Campus Development of Smart Dr.L.Bhagyalakshmi Cities (NCRTDSC17)2 16-Mar-17 Resource Person in Ms. C.Jamuna Devi & REC TCSPreILPProgram on Ms. A. Dona Joice MICROSOFT AZURE CLOUD3 22-Mar-17 IEEE International Dr.M.Palanivelan SSN institutions Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking WiSPNET 20174 30-Mar-17 Power Management Mr.V.S.Selvakumar, REC under TI India Mrs.S.Suganthi, University Program Mrs.D.Sasirekha and Mr.Richard JebasinghFaculty Publications/Presentations 1. Suganthi, Selvakumar, SujathaLakshminarayanan, and RajesekarPanchamoorthy, “Functionalized PolyDimethyl Siloxane Layer for Capacitive Type Uric Acid Sensor” Sensor Letters.Vol 15 pp:242- 248, March 2017. 76
2. Vaibhavi A, Bhagyalakshmi L, Porselvi S, and Sanjay Kumar Suman, “Review of Detecting Diabetes Mellitus and Diabetic Retinopathy using Tongue Images and Its Features”, Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences,vol. , issue 2, pp. 378-386, March20173. A.Asha, Dr.C.Arun, “Fuzzy based Distributed Self-Organized Secured G-Cast Routing Protocol for Energy- Efficient Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks “,Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, vol 7 Issue:3 pp 985-1005, March 20174. Padmalaya.G, SreejaBS, Radha.S, Raamdhee.G, Saranya.J,” Removal of Chromium(VI)cation metal usig Poly(N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone)/Magnetite nanaocomposite from aqueous media.”, Journal of Advances in Chemistry, vol 13 Number 10 pp: 5886-5891.March 20175. R.Sandhiya, D.Indumathy, “Online Voting Using Face Recognition and Password Based Security system”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation, vol 6, Issue 3, pp 1043 -1051.March 20176. Bharathy R, Krithika V, Manoj M, Naresh S, Naveen Kumar N , Protection Of Movie From Camcorder Piracy” International Journal For Science And Advance Research In Technology(IJSART) Volume 3 Issue 4, pp: 185-188, APRIL 2017, ISSN [ONLINE]: 2395-1052. IF:3.557. B.Devi, K.Sanju Prakash, S.Vijay Kumar, Rohan P. Ganpati, “HARDWARE SOFTWARE CO- DESIGN FOR A CLOSED LOOP CONTROL SYSTEM” International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology, vol 8 Issue 2 ,pp421-426 April 2017 ISSN: 2278-621X IF:4.498. R.Priyanga, K.Senthilkumar, R.Amutha, “MPSK Modulation Based Energy Efficient Wireless Body Area Network”,International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology(IJARTET), vol 4, Special Issue 16 April 2017 Pg:255-259,ISSN 2394-3777 Google Scholar indexing IF : 4.753,9. R.Sandhiya, D.Indumathy, “Online voting using Integrated Measures “,International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology(IJARTET), vol 4, Special Issue 16 April 2017 Pg:255-259 ,ISSN 2394-3777 Google Scholar indexing IF : 4.75310. Sheena Christabel Pravin, S.Satheesh Kumar,” Connected Speech Recognition for Authentication”, International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology, vol 8 ,Issue 3, pp303-310, May 2017, ISSN: 2278-621X Cosmos Impact Factor 4.49 IF:0.68511. K.Karthika, J.Karthi, Dr.M.Palanivelan,An Improved Badnwidth Microstrip Patch Antenna with Integrated RF bandpasss Filters,International Journal of Science and Innovative Engineering & Technology(IJSIET),vol 3 May Issue 2017 pp 320-324,vol 3 May Issue 2017 pp 320-324,12. Anitha Mary M, Sai Krishna, Devanand ,”Metro city Parking Arrangement using Cloud”,International Journal of Recent Engineering Research and Development (IJRERD), vol 2, Issue 5, pp: 93-97 , May 2017,ISSN: 2455-8761 Google Scholar indexing 77
13. Karthikeyan.K, Sujatha.L and N M. Sudharsan,” Numerical Modeling and ParametricOptimization of Micromixer for Low Diffusivity fluids”, International Journal of ChemicalReactor Engineering, May 201714. J.Saranya, Dr.B.S.Sreeja, S. SriValli Meena, Y.S. Vedhajanani, B. VigneshaPriya, G. Padmalaya,“Study of Electrical Properties of Cadmium Oxide Nanoparticles Embedded with AnnonaReticulata Plant Extract for Cervical Cancer Applications”, Journal of Chemical andPharmaceutical Sciences,JCHPS Special Issue 8: June 2017 pp 54-6215. J. Saranya, B.S. Sreeja, N. Sai Saranya, S. Sridharani, S. Sree Shyni, S. Anitha, “ImpedanceCharacteristics of Graphene Oxide for Detection of Breast Cancer”, Journal of Chemical andPharmaceutical Sciences,JCHPS Special Issue 8: June 201716. J. Saranya, B.S. Sreeja, N. Sai Saranya, S. Sridharani, S. Sree Shyni, S. Anitha, “Design of MicroDevice for detection of Leukemia”, Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences,JCHPSSpecial Issue 8: June 201717. M. Sathish, V. Vignesh, S. Sivasubramanian and G. Vijaya Sripada, “Design, Analysis and GainEnhancement of a Series-Feed Microstrip Patch Antenna Array for Wireless Applications”,Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences,JCHPS Special Issue 8: June 201718. M. Sathish, V. Vignesh, S. Sivasubramanian and G. Vijaya Sripada,”Design, Analysis andPerformance Enhancement of a Corporate -Feed Microstrip Patch Aerial Array for ISM BandApplications” , Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences,JCHPS Special Issue 8: June201719. Manikandan T, Bharthi.N , Sathish.M , Asokan.V, “Hybrid Neuro -Fuzzy System forPrediction of Lung Diseases Based on the Observed Symptom Values”, Journal of Chemicaland Pharmaceutical Sciences,JCHPS Special Issue 8: June 201720. Manikandan T, Mohammed Aejaz M.A, Nithin Krishna N.M, Mohan Kumar A.P, ManigandanR, “RFID based Advanced Shopping Trolley for Super Market”, Journal of Chemical andPharmaceutical Sciences,JCHPS Special Issue 8: June 201721. Keerthana.S, Lavanya.P, SasiRekha.D, Manju Bhargavi.G, Madhuvarshini.U, “Rectenna BasedWireless RF Energy Harvester”, Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences,JCHPSSpecial Issue 8: June 201722. Vighnesh.S , Uppu Sriharsha, Jamuna Devi.C, Srinivas.V , Rakesh.U.P, “Awarness of SelfishNode in mobile AdHoc Networks,” Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences,JCHPSSpecial Issue 8: June 201723. Kaviya.S, Shobanadevi.R, Shanmuga Priya P, Premalatha.V.A.R, Nandhini.G “Awarness ofSelfish Node in mobile AdHoc Networks”, Journal of Chemical and PharmaceuticalSciences,JCHPS Special Issue 8: June 201724. Nirmal Kumar.B, Premika.D, L.Bhagyalakshmi, Sanjay Kumar Suman, “Smart TrafficRescuer using IOT”, Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences,JCHPS Special Issue 8:June 2017 78
25. Sheena Christabel Pravin, S.K.Ranganath, R.Anjana, T.Prabhu Pandiyan, Pradeep Rangarajan, “ANN Based Assessment of Disfluent Speech”, Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences,JCHPS Special Issue 8: June 201726. Vinodhini, B.Priya , “Optimum Modulation Technique for WSN”, Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences,JCHPS Special Issue 8: June 201727. Aravindu.S, Athreya.M, Aqshay.C, Karthikeyan.J ,priya.B, “Design and Development of Coal Mine Safety System using IoT,International Journal of Recent Engineering Research and Development (IJRERD),Vol. 02, July Issue 07, page 97-101.28. V. Noor Mohammed ,M. Lakshmanan,S. K. Jayanth Prabu,S. Nandakumar,T. Velmurugan,M. Palanivelan, “ANALYSIS OF ICI CANCELLATION IN MC-CDMA SYSTEM USING SELF- CANCELLATION AND EXTENDED KALMAN FILTER METHOD”, Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, Indexed in ScopusVolume 76–Issue 7, Sep 2017 pp.591-60529. S.Poorna Pushkala , M.Renuka, Muthuraman, Mydavolu Venkata Abhijith, S.Satheesh Kumar, “Li-Fi Based High Data Rate Visible Light Communication for Data and Audio Transmission”, International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Volume 10, Number 2 (2017), Oct pp. 83-9730. Anitha Mary.M, Preethy.S, Anna Poorani.p, Shobana.D, “VHDL Design of Application Specific Low-Power Multipliers “,Fronteiras: Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science, Special issue 1 Indexed in Scopus , Oct 2017 ,ISSN NO: 2238-8869 pg:619 -62531. Sathish.M, Bharathy.R, Asokan.V, MohanKrishnan.V, “Wireless Intelligent Humanitarian Demining Robot “,Fronteiras: Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science, Special issue 1 Indexed in Scopus Oct 2017 ,ISSN NO: 2238-8869 pg:619 -62532. S.Chitra, N.Kumaratharan, “Multimedia transmission in MC-CDMA using adaptive subcarrier power allocation and CFO compensation” , Indexed in Scopus,International Journal of Electronics , vol 105, No:2, Oct 2017 Pg: 289 -30233. A.Asha, C.Arun, “Active Trust and Fuzzy Logic Based energy Aware Routing Algorithm for WSN”, Journal of Computational and Theoretical NanoScience , Indexed in Scopus Vol. 14, No:11, Nov 2017, 5427–543434. Radhmanai V, Pearline Sheeba P, Abishak S,Gopinath V, “A Multi-Signal Acquisition System using IoT for Preventive Cardiology, International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology(IJRASET),Issue 5, Volume XI, November 201735. M.Kanthimathi, R.Amutha, K.Senthilkumar, “Energy Efficiency Analysis of differential coopertive algorithm in wireless sensor networks”, Cluster computing, ISSN:1386-7857 Indexed in Scopus, January 2018. Google Scholar IF:2.04. 79
Congratulations!Mr. K. Senthil Kumar, Associate Professor, successfully completed the Doctoral Program andobtained Ph.D. from Anna University in January 2018Faculty Achievements:Dr.L.Sujatha, Professor has been awarded \"Dr. A.P.J ABDUL KALAM AWARD FOR INNOVATIVERESEARCH\" for the year 2017 by Society for Engineering Education Enrichment (SEEE), India 80
DEPARTMENT EVENTS Workshop on Software Defined Radio held on July-8, 2017Resource persons: Mr.UmashankarShetty, Technical support Engineer and Mr. SalaiDeva,Application Engineer from Tenet Technetronics, Bengaluru. Workshop on PCB Based Product Design held on July-18, 2017. 81
Workshop on Antenna Design Using HFSS held on July-22, 2017.Workshop on IoT Based Amplifiers design Challenges and Opportunities held during August- 23-24, 2017.Resorce Person: Mr.T.Jayanandhan, Founder, Tesla Minds. 82
Faculty Development Program - Analog Systems Learning Kit (ASLK) under Texas instrumentsuniversity program held during August-23-24, 2017Resorce Person: Mr.T.Jayanandhan, Founder, Tesla Minds. Workshop on Speech Processing held on September-15, 2017 83
Workshop on Analog Systems Learning Kit (ASLK) held during 16th & 17th February, 2018Workshop on Electronics in mobiles and troubleshooting held from 7th – 8th March, 2018 84
Hands-on-Training on Robot Design Using Atmega Controllers held on July -12, 2017 Electronic Expo held on September 15, 2017 85
Embedded Design Contest & Digital Design Exihibit held on September 27th, 2017 Control System Design Contest held on 15th February 2018 86
Topic Delivered: HAM Radio-Awareness Program held on 23rd September, 2017 Resource Persons: Mr.K.Rajesh, Amateur Radio expert Revotronics’18 – Technical Symposium held on 26.02.2018 87
Students: Ms.Anchana, Ms.Divya, & Mr.Hariram of II ECE First prize for the project, \"Smart Shopping Cart” - Project Expo 2K17- REC, Chennai.R.Sathyanarayan,M.Sudharsun, M.Senthil Kumar, R.Subhashini, S.Bharath, A.B.Sai Prasad, S.M.Aswin & K.Harish Krishnan of III ECE selected as one of the Top 8 finalistProject on IoT using Raspberry-pi, Robo Feast-2017 during 24th -26th March-2017 held at IIT Roorkee 88
M Raja and Mydavolu Venkata Abhijith of III ECE, won BEST PROJECT AWARD in INNOVISION ' 17 at 4th April 2017 organized by Department of IT, REC. Venkata Abhijith, S.Poorna Pushkala, M.Renuka, V.Muthuraman of III ECE Won Best paper award- SPICE’17 during 29.04.17 held at PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore 89
S.Karthick, V.Mohanakrishnan, D.NithinKumar, R.Mugesh & R.Kousik II ECEWon the First prize for the project,“Autonomous Mine Robot, i-Quest Project Contest at REC. S.Pavithra, B.Krishna Nivetha, Mathumitha, IV year ECE Displayed a Project on “IoT Based Smart Irrigation using Embedded Development Board” Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Ecosystem Innovation Awards 2017 held on 8th April 2017 90
Aswin Ramesh of III year ECE & G.T. Gokulrajan, Chitra of II year ECE Won Best Volunteer Award and Won Online Quiz Series PALS Leadership series at IIT Madras on 01.04.17 M Raja of III ECE and Pavithra of IV ECEParticipated in the IOT MAKEATHON conducted by VIT, Chennai on 21st and 22nd April 2017 and presented the project titled “Smart Farming” held at VIT, Chennai. 91
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