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REVISTA 2017-2018

 Vision and Mission Revista 2017-2018 Chairman’s Message Chairperson’s Message iii Principal’s Message iv Editorial Board v Editor’s Note vi vii CONTENTS viii Articles 01 1. Contribution by faculty members 04 2. Contribution by Students 13 Department Activities 19 26 1. Department of Aeronautical Engineering 30 2. Department of Automobile Engineering 43 3. Department of Biomedical Engineering 45 4. Department of Biotechnology 50 5. Department of Chemical Engineering 69 6. Department of Civil Engineering 92 7. Department of Computer Science and Engineering 105 8. Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 117 9. Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 127 10. Department of Information Technology 130 11. Department of Mechanical Engineering 136 12. Department of Mechatronics 144 13. Department of Humanities and Sciences 146 14. Department of Management Studies 148 15. Department of Physical Education 16. Central Library 152 17. Training and Placement Cell 155 18. Students Co-curricular and Extra Curricular activities 157 159 a. Atrium 161 b. Debating Union 167 c. Yaazh Manram 170 d. Ethics Club 174 e. Rotaract f. NSS g. Young Indians Yuva 19. College Achievements ii

Revista 2017-2018Our Vision To be an institution of excellence in Engineering, Technology and Management Education & Research. To provide competent and ethical professionals with a concern for society. Our Mission To impart quality technical education imbibed with proficiency and humane values. To provide right ambience and opportunities for the students to develop into creative, talented and globally competent professionals. To promote research and development in technology and management for the benefit of the society. iii

Revista 2017-2018CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGEWe, at Rajalakshmi Engineering College, havededicated ourselves to impart education and enablethe student to become a competent and responsibleindividual.Students of Rajalakshmi Engineering College aregroomed carefully; the virtues of hard work, disciplineand ethical practices in profession are imbibed in themconstantly during their campus life.Campus life here stresses the importance of extraacademic activities apart from academic learning,leading them to many new avenues.These go a long way in making our student athoroughbred, eminently suited to contribute in hischosen career with an ever open mind for newthoughts and ideas in industrial and technologicaladvancements.Hence, we are confident that our students equippedwith such capabilities will emerge ultimately asleaders in their chosen path and thereby help as agentsto meet tomorrow’s needs and challenges in the nationbuilding process.Thiru. S. Meganathan, B.E., F.I.E.Chairman and Founder iv

Revista 2017-2018CHAIRPERSON’S MESSAGEDreams are tiny seeds out of which mighty tomorrows grow. So, let us protect our dreams and nursethem through bad days till they bring us to the sun shine and light which is possible for all those whosincerely work towards the fulfillment of their dreams.We at REC are poised to take a giant leap into another milestone of academic upswing in the years tocome. I am glad to know that the staff and students of our engineering college have made tremendouseffort in bringing out the college magazine “REVISTA” for the academic year 2017-2018 to bereleased during the college day celebration.We are here to help you achieve your educational, professional and personal goals. The facilities andatmosphere at Rajalakshmi Engineering College are meant to foster innovative and creative thinking.I congratulate the staff and student fraternity in their march towards the accomplishment of theinstitution’s vision and mission.We have miles to go before we look back and smile at our achievements.My best wishes…Dr. (Mrs.) Thangam Meganathan, M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.Chairperson v

Revista 2017-2018PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGETechnical Education is the backbone of every nation andis the stepping stone for a country to move into the nicheof a developed nation. Rajalakshmi Engineering Collegecontinues to strive hard towards ensuring excellence inoffering quality technical education and to promoteresearch and development in technology and managementfor the benefit of the society.The infrastructure facilities and state-of-the-artequipment combined with dedicated faculty membersprovide an excellent academic environment conducive forenjoyable learning for the student community. The mainfocus of the Institution is to create competent and ethicalprofessionals with sound knowledge and skill, and also totrain them to face with confidence, the global challengesin today’s highly competitive industrial scenario.We wish the best for all our students, for evincing keeninterest not only in academic pursuits but also in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, adhering tohard work and discipline, the motto of our institution.We are all happy that this academic year also has beenfilled with successful events.Be assured that you will be proud of yourself as asuccessful technocrat after completion of your programmeat Rajalakshmi Engineering College, contributing yourexpertise in making our country a developed nation verysoon, as envisaged by our former president (late) Dr. APJAbdul kalam.I congratulate the editorial team for their efforts to bringthis magazine which truly reflects all our activities.Dr. S.N.Murugesan.Ph.D.Principal vi

Revista 2017-2018PatronsThiru. S. Meganathan, B.E., F.I.E.Chairman and FounderDr. (Mrs.) Thangam Meganathan,M.A.,M.Phil.,Ph.D.ChairpersonPrincipalDr. S.N.MurugesanPrincipalEDITORIAL BOARDMs.Latha ViswanathAssociate Professor, Department of EnglishDr. M.SubbiahProfessor, Department of Electrical and Electronics EngineeringEditorial Assistance:Mrs.R.LathaPA to Principalvii

Revista 2017-2018From the Editor’s DeskRevista 2017-18 is yet another milestone which showcases the giant leap taken by Rajalakshmi EngineeringCollege from the academic year 2016-17 to 2017-18. The march of this institution towards progress and glory isbrought out in a nutshell in the Annual College Magazine Revista 2017-18.Students were offered a host of opportunities which enabled them to hone their skills in co-curricular activities.The achievements of Faculty members who have made a difference, comes alive in this magazine. Thecontributions of many students and faculty have transformed the life as well as the quality of educationimparted in Rajalakshmi Engineering College. The end of this academic year is the opening to yet another yearof dreams and fulfillment We look with gratitude towards God Almighty with whose blessing we travelledon the road to success. Our special gratitude goes to the ever supportive and dynamic Chairperson ofRajalakshmi Engineering College, Dr.(Mrs.) Thangam Meganathan, without whom all this would not havehappened. Our thanks to the Principal, Deans, Heads of all Departments and to all the faculty members fortheir support and cooperation.Mrs. LathaViswanathAssociate ProfessorDepartment of English viii

ARTICLES CONTRIBUTIONS BY FACULTY MEMBERS USAGE OF SMART PHONES - A BOON OR BANE Invasion of technology in society has changed the human life to a great extent.Especially, rate of advancement in communication has reduced the distance and paved theway for globalization and connectivity. Telephones have taken different forms starting fromlandline phones to wireless device like walkie-talkie, pagers, mobile phone and today we arewith smart phone. The technology embedded in this device makes it smart such that it is ableto perform multitask in less time and more accurately. It is no more a device but a minicomputer makes our life comfortable like performing business while travelling, keeping trackof vehicle movement through GPS, making reading material available for students etc.However its smartness attracts many people to involve for much longer time creating bighazard to the society and to their own health. Especially youngsters have forgotten physicalexercise and adhere to this type of electronic gadgets which leads to increase in obesity, theirinterpersonal relationship is affected in the sense they become more intolerant to criticism.Young parents spend more time in social network than with their children and so the nextgeneration is affected. Above all, the electromagnetic radiation coming out of this phoneand its tower is slowly takeing away our health. The spectrum of sun light is spread overentire visible range (400 to 700 nm), human eye is designed only for this range. However thespectrum of light from smart phone is more intense near blue light. Long term exposure tothis high energy light would definitely affect the vision. Presently phones are becomingsmarter than man. So technology is boon or bane depends on the right usage for the rightapplication. No doubt change is inevitable, “has existed and always will”, adaptation is oneimportant thing to be practised for the betterment of our society.Dr. R. KalpanaDeanDept. of Biomedical Engineering 1

வாெனாலியŽ} பƬணாமஉலக{திƒ எuெகƒலா தமி… ெமாழி ெதƬ|தவƫக„ இ¯tகிறாƫகேளா,அuெகƒலா, ஒ¯ தமி… சி‚றைல வாெனாலி நிைலய ஒலி{¢t ெகாzœ¯t”.அ|த வƬைசயŽƒ வ|த சில வாெனாலிக„, பŽபŽசி தமிேழாைச, சிuக~ªƫ ஒலி 96.8,வ{திகா}, பŽலி~ைப}ˆ, ேவƬதாˆ தமி…பணŽ, சனீ வெனாலியŽ} தமி… ேசைவம‚² இலuைக வாெனாலி ஆ”.«|ைதய காலuகளƒ ஒ¯ நாyைட~ ப‚றி ெதƬ|¢ ெகா„ள ேவzž எ}றாƒஇரzž வழிக„தா} உzž. ஒ}²- தபாƒ தைலக„ ேசகƬ~ப¢, ம‚ெறா}² அ|தநாyœ} வாெனாலிையt ேகyப¢ தா}. ம‚றபœ ெச€தி பறிமா‚றuக¶t” ேவ²ெதாடƫ© வசதிக„ இƒைல. அ|த «ைறயŽƒ வாெனாலி ¬ல பல நாžகள}கைலக„, கலாசார, வரலா², ேதசிய, ˜‚²லா தளuக„ ம‚² பல அ|தநாyœ‚ேக உƬ{தான சிற~©க„ ப‚றி ெதƬ|¢ ெகா„ள «œ|த¢.இ|தியாவŽƒ அைன{¢ இ|திய வாெனாலி ம‚² தனயாƫ பzபைலவாெனாலிகள} ஆதிtக ேமேலாuக ¢வuகி­„ள¢ வரேவ‚க~பட ேவzœயஒ}². இ¢ இைளஞƫகளட வாெனாலி ேகy” பழtக{திைன உயŽƫ~©ட}ைவ{தி¯tக உதº. ேம´, சில ெச€திகைள ெபா²{தவைர, ெதாைலtகாyசிையெதாடƫ|¢ மணŽtகணtகாக பாƫபைதவŽட, வாெனாலி ேகyப¢ ஆேராtகியமானெபா¸¢ேபாt” ஆ” எ}றாƒ அ¢ மிைகயƒல.எதிƫபாராத இய‚ைக ேபƬடƫ காலuகளƒ அைன{¢ ெதாடƫ© சாதனuக¶ெசயலிழt” நிைலயŽƒ, பாதிtக~பyட ப”திக„, பாதிtக~பyட மtகள} நிைலைமம‚² ம‘y©பணŽகள} «ய‚சிக„ ”றி{¢ உட§t”ட} தகவƒகைளபறிமாறிtெகா„ள த}னாƫவ வாெனாலி (Ham Radio) ேப¯தவŽ ©Ƭகிற¢. இ{ெதாழிƒ¤yப ெதாைலெதாடƫ© கzžபŽœ~பŽ} ஒ¯ சாதைனயாக க¯த~பžகி}ற¢.இ}ைறய நவன“ ­க{திƒ அபƬமிதமான அறிவŽயƒ ம‚² ெதாழிƒ¤yபவளƫvசியŽனாƒ சி‚றைல ம‚² பzபைல வாெனாலிக„ தuகள} பƒேவ²வŽதமான ெதாைலெதாடƫ© ேசைவகைள ெம}ெபா¯„ வைரய²tக~பyட வாெனாலி(Software defined Radio) ஆகº, அறிவா‚றƒ வாெனாலி (Cognitive Radio) ஆகºேமபž{த~பyž மtக¶t” ெதாடƫ|¢ த} ேசைவகைள வழuகி வ¯கிற¢.இைணய தள வளƫvசி ம‚² பய}பாyžட} இண|த இ¢ேபா}ற ெதாைலெதாடƫ©ேசைவக„, இ}ைறய கƒவŽ ம‚² அறிºசாƫ|த வளƫvசிt” இ}றியைமயாத¢ஆ”.«ைனவƫ மா.பழனேவல}தைலவƫ, மி}ன  ம‚² ெதாடƫ© ெபாறியŽயƒ ¢ைறந. அ¯z ”மாƫ, ேமலாளƫ, ஊடகவŽயƒ 2

19. SURENDRA BOGADI, HARSHA VARDHANAN S., VENKATESH R., and VENKATESH S. S., “Broadband Shock Noise Characteristics of Rectangular Nozzle with Passive Controls”, 2nd International Conference on Modelling Simulation and Control, Karpagam College of Engineering, International Conference, Coimbatore, 1-2nd April 2017.20. TAMIZHVENTHAN B.,RAGUPATHI G., SARAVANAN R and VIJAY K., “Design & Fabrication of Glass Fiber Composite Stringer”, National Conference on Recent Innovations and Trends in Mechanical Engineering NCRITME 17, 23 March 2017.21. BALAJI R.,KEERTHANA J. and PRAVEENA K, “Experimental evaluation of mechanical strength of glass fiber composite loaded with nano cellulose particles”, National Conference on Recent Innovations and Trends in Mechanical Engineering NCRITME 17, 23 March 2017.22. MUTHUSAMY N., BHUVANESWARI.B., MAHESH KUMAR.M. and NANTHESH.V.P., “Reduction of induced drag by wing tip vortices using pneumatic jets”, National Conference on Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering (NCAME 2017), 23 March 2017.23. YOGESH KUMAR SINHA,MONISHA S. and MONISHA J., “Parametric study on supersonic vacuum ejector”, National Conference on Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering (NCAME 2017), 23 March 2017.24. YOGESH KUMAR SINHA, SIDHARTH KRISHNAN K. SUBASHINI K.S. SUNDARA PANDIAN V., “Design and Analysis of Protective Mechanism forA Micro Aerial Vehicle”, National Conference on Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering (NCAME 2017), 23 March 2017. DEPARTMENT EVENTS AERO SYMPOSIUM “AVION 18” was held on 08/01/2018 16

Guest Lecture by Alumni Mr. MOHANAKANNAN M. (2005-09) on 25/03/2017Winner of AK Edusat contest on 15/03/2017 17

Training to the students of Aeronautical Society of India, Summer 2017 18

DEPARTMENT OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERINGStudents’ AchievementsS. No. Details Prize/ Medals won 1 24 students of Automobile Engineering fabricated Electric mobility vehicle 6th position among and participated in SAE e - Baja competition held at Pithampur, Tamilnadu teams, 21st 2 Mathyapradesh - 24.01.2018 to 30.01.2018 position All India Rank Akshay Jain P (III year), Sakthivel S (III year), I Prize and Hands on Vishal K Srivatssa (III year) and Prahlatha Varadhan TPM Training at SWE ( II year) won National level Competition “CAT IT” conducted by Training Camp CATERPILLAR.3 Prahlatha Varadhan TPM, II year Participated in Winter Internship at Received stipend Ratech-TVS Engineers for 2 Weeks Rs. 10,000/-4 Manoj D, III year Participated in Summer Internship at IITM for 6 Weeks Received stipend Rs. 12,000/-5 M Santhosh Kumar, IV year, presented a paper titled “Rejuvenation of Best Paper Award wheel cylinder using vacuum Technology in vehicle braking system” in International Conference on contemporary design and analysis of manufacturing and Industrial Engineering systems NIT, Tiruchirappalli during Jan 18-20, 20186 K Sarath Kumar, IV year, presented a paper titled “Determination of effect Best Paper Award of Geometrical Parameters of a Magnetorheological Damper for achieving optimum Magnetic Flux” in International Conference on contemporary design and analysis of manufacturing and Industrial Engineering systems NIT, Tiruchirappalli during Jan 18-20, 20187 P L Elakkiya , III Year, participated in the National Level Workshop First Prize conducted at REC from 16-Aug-17 to 17-Aug-178 Elakiya PL , III year, participated in the Technical Paper contest held at REC First Prize on 25-Sep-179 Neil Joy Janfy & Vittal Srinivas , II year, participated in the Business Plan First Prize contest held at REC on 25-Sep-1710 K.Hariharan, K.Sabarinathan , II year, participated in the Modelling and First Prize Animation contest held at REC on 25-Sep-1711 V.Bharadhan, P. Akshay Jain , III year, participated in the Auto Quiz First Prize conducted at REC on 25-Sep-1712 K.Hariharan, K.Sabarinathan , II year, participated in the Modelling and First Prize Animation conducted at TJS Engineering College, Chennai on 23-Dec-1713 PL. Elakiya , III Year, participated in the Technical Paper Presentation held Third Prize at TJS Engineering College, Chennai on 23-Dec-171 4 R.Prithviraj, III Year, participated in a sports event at CIT held on 23-Aug-17 Third Place and 24-Aug-1715 K.Srinivasan, II year, participated in a sports event at Rajalakshmi Third Place Engineering College held on 18-Sep-17 to 19-Sep-1716 S.Deepak Prasad, III year, participated in a sports event at CEG held on 21- Third Place Dec-1717 Aswin A, II year, participated in a sports event at S A Engineering College Fourth Place held on 01-Feb-18 to 03-Feb-1818 S.SHREE REVANTH KUMAR, M.LALIT KISHORE, H.TAHA SHERIF, IV First Place year, participated in a sports event organized by Anna University 19

(zonal tournament) at Jeppiaar Maamallan Engineering College held on 15-Sep-17 to 22-Sep-1719 M Lalit Kishore (IV year), Vigneshkanth (I year), participated in a First Place sports event at Sri Venkateshwara college of Engineering held on 20- Feb-18 to 25-Feb-18Symposiums/ Workshops/Seminars/Guest Lectures/Industrial Visits/FDPs Organized:Workshops:Sl. Date(s) Title Sponsoring AgencyNo.1 22-Sep-17 to Two days practical workshop on Advances in fuel REC 23-Sep-17 handling system in SI Engines: from carburetor to fuel injection2 25-Sep-17 SAE Students Convention Tier 1 REC3 1-Feb-18 One Day Workshop on Advancement In CREO Sri Design CAD Parametric Technologies Solutions Pvt. Ltd.4 02-Mar-18 One Day Workshop on Advancement In Sri Design CAD Automotive Safety Technologies Solutions Pvt. Ltd.5 10-Mar-18 One Day Workshop on Introduction To Solid Works CADCAM Solutions6 12-Mar-18 One Day Workshop on Plan CADD Next CADD CenterGuest Lectures: Topic Resource Person- DetailsS.No. Date \" How to crack GATE- Mr. Arunachalam, Centre Manager, GATE opportunity and prospects FORUM 1 14-Mar-17 Introduction to GREO, CATIA, Bitsu Baby, Technical Trainer, Cadd Center 2 8-Aug-17 ANSYS 3 13-Sep-17 to Turbo Charger/Power steering K. Chandra Mohan, Proprietor, Turbo Power Engineers 14-Sep-17 Supply Chain Management 4 16-Sep-17 V.Nagaraja Rao, Deputy General Manager, 5 22-Dec-17 CADD Quest Ashok Leyland 6 20-Jan-18 Chandru, Megala, Saranya, Branch Supply Chain Management Managers, Cadd Centre 7 14-Feb-18 K.Srinivas, Associate Vice President 8 22-Feb - 18 (Operations), M/s TI METAL FORMING 9 13-Mar-18 Present Industry Requirements DILLIBABU.D (Alumni), JBM Automobiles Higher Studies opportunities in Ganesh C (Alumni), M.Eng. [Industrial Canada Engineering], University of Windsor, Canada Placement opportunities & Higher studies in Data Analytics Karthick Ramanathan (Alumni), System Engineer, TCS 20

Industrial Visits:Sl. No. Date Place of visit Participants First year Auto1 8-Mar-17 M/s. Arrow Coach Builders IV year2 17-Aug-17 M/s Daimler India Commercial Vehicles Pvt. Ltd II year3 23-Aug-17 Central Institute for Plastic Engineering & II Year Automobile4 09-Jan-18 Technology Integral Coach Factory5 11-Jan-18 Automotive Expo, Chennai Trade Center III Year Automobile6 16-Jan-18 Integral Coach Factory III Year AutomobileInvited Talks:Sl. No. Date Topic Speaker Host Institution 1 3-Mar-17 Dr. K. Bhaskar Sri Venkateswara session chair in National Engineering College 2 3-Mar-17 conference on Evolution of Dr. K. Bhaskar Green and Material Sri Venkateswara college Processing Technology of Engineering (NCEGMPT 2K17) End of Life vehicle (ELV)- Indian Perspective3 23-Mar-17 Session chair in National Dr. K. Bhaskar Rajalakshmi Institute of conference on Recent Technology Innovations and Trends in Mechanical Engineering4 23-Sep-17 End of Life of Vehicle - Indian Dr. K. Bhaskar SVCE- BIO TECH Scenario Conference Hall5 7-Nov-17 Automotive Engine Crank- Dr. K. Bhaskar Sri Venkateswara Train Fundamentals College of Engineering6 11-Nov-17 Engine Pollution and after Dr. K. Bhaskar Sri Venkateswara treatment techniques College of Engineering7 26-Dec-17 Automotive Electeronics Mr. AJD. Nanthakumar REC-ChennaiFaculty Publications/Presentations1. Dr.K. Bhaskar, Chemical and experimental analysis of fumigation process to reduce emission without affecting the performance of an engine, Rasayan J Chem, ISSN: 0974-1496 Page no 111- 116 Vol 10, Jan -march 2017.2. Dr.K. Bhaskar Performance and emission characteristics of biodiesel blends in a premixed compression ignition engine with exhaust gas recirculation, ISSN: 2028-2508 Page 294-301, 13- Mar-17.Environmental Engineering and Research. 21

3. Dr. K. Bhaskar, Experimental investigation on cerium oxide nanoparticles with alumina catalytic converter to increase emission conversion efficiency in automobiles.Rasayan J Chem ISSN: 0974- 1496, Page no 454-460,Vol 10, April-June 2017.4. Dr. Bhaskar, Analysis of performance, combustion and emission characteristics on biofuel of novel pine oil Rasayan J Chem, ISSN: 2028-2508, Page no 873-880, Vol 10, July-Sep 2017.5. Dr.K. Bhaskar Reduction of NOx and opacity from diesel engine with dimethyl carbonate and isopropyl alcohol, Rasayan J Chem ISSN: 2028-2508 Page no 844-851, Vol 10, July-Sep 2017.6. Dr.K. Bhaskar A Comparative Evaluation of Usage of Methyl Esters of Jatropha and Fish Oil for Environmental Protection Journal of Materials and Environmental Sciences ISSN: 2028-2508,Page 2564-2571.Mar 2017Issue 7 Volume 8.7. Dr.K. Bhaskar Performance studies on diesel engine usingblends of coconut de-oiled cake and methyl esters of jatropha Rasayan J Chem ISSN: 0974-1496 Vol. 10 No. 3, Page no 1043 - 1049, July - September 2017.8. Dr.K. Bhaskar Performance and emission characteristics of a diesel engine with Diesel Premixed Compression Ignition and exhaust gas recirculation. Heat Transfer and Asian Research. 2017; Page no 1–13.August 2017, Wiley Periodicals, Inc.9. Dr.K. Bhaskar Comparative performance studies on DI diesel engine with neem de-oiled cake and Jatropha methyl ester diesel blends. World Journal of Engineering Pages.348-352 Vol. 14 Issue: 4.November 2017.10. Dr. K.Bhaskar, Emission characteristics of biodiesel obtained from jatropha seeds and Fish wastes in a diesel engine. Sustainable Environment Research,P-ISSN 24682039,July 2017.11. Dr. K.Bhaskar, Studies on the enhancement of diesel engine combustion and reduction of emissions through the use of polymer based additives, Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Pages 277-287,Volume 14, Number 3, 2017, August 2017.12. Dr. K.Bhaskar Aluminum Phosphate Supported Copper Phosphate Catalytic Converter to Reduce Nitrous Oxides and Particulate Matter from Engine Emission, Pages 2111-2117,Volume 33, No (4) (2017),Oriental journal of chemistry.13. Dr. K. Bhaskar, Effect of Dimethoxy-Methane (C3H8O2) Additive on Emission Characteristics of a Diesel Engine Fueled with Biodiesel, PP 399-406, Vol. 8, No.1, (2018), International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD)14. A.J.D. Nanthakumar, Design and analysis of magnetorheological damper based on magnetic saturation principles, Pages 1471 -1479,Volume 14, (2018), TAGA Journal of Graphic Technology.15. Mr.P. Pavan, Analysis and Optimization of Material forKTM Motorcycle (Duke 390) Front Alloy Wheel,Page 113-130, Volume 8 Issue 2 April 2017, ISSN: 2319 – 1058, International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology (IJIET).16. Pavan. P, Analysis and Optimization of Material for Bajaj Platina Motorcycle Alloy Wheels, Volume 4(No 2),16-21 March to April 2017, SSRG International Journal of Industrial Engineering (SSRG - IJIE).17. Mr. A. J. D Nanthakumar “Fluid Flow Analysis Of A Magnetorheological Damper Under Varying Flux Conditions” Advances In Materials And Manufacturing Techniques-(Ncammt'17), 24-Mar-17.18. Mr. M. Zahir Hussain “Vehicle and Fuel Anti-Theft System”, Developments in Automobile and Mechanical Engineering -2017, 24-Mar-17.19. Dr. K. Bhaskar “Combustion and Emission Characteristics of Jatropha-Oil Methyl Ester” National Conference On Smart Energy Systems For Sustainable Development, 03-Mar-17.20. Mr A.J. D Nanthakumar “CFD Analysis Of Magnetorheological Fluid Flow In An Automotive Damper” National Conference On Modernization, Dynamisation Mechanization&Structuralisation In Mechanical &Civil Engineering (NCMDMS,L7),20-JAN-1721. Mr. Venkatasubramanian. N “Sensor assisted reverse braking system” International conference on innovations and challenges in engineering and technology, ICICET`17, Kings Engineering College 8th April 2017. 22

22. Mr.R.Gowtham “Performance, emission and fabrication of a variable compression ratio in SIengine”. International conference on innovations and challenges in engineering and technology,ICICET`17, Kings Engineering College 8th April 201723. Mr. Mohanraj.K “A comparative study of non-standard and standardized helmets by penetration and impact tests” 4th international conference on contemporary challenges in engineering and management – 2017, ARM College of engineering& technology, Mariamalar nagar 8th April 2017.24. Dr. K. Bhaskar, “Performance and emission characteristics of PPCCI Engine” ,4th internationalconference on contemporary challenges in engineering and management – 2017, ARM College ofengineering& technology, Mariamalar nagar 8th April 2017.25. Mr. P. M. Subramanian, “Design and analysis of composite leaf spring”International conference oninnovations and challenges in engineering and technology, ICICET`17, Kings Engineering College8th April 201726. Dr. K. Bhaskar “Reduction of cold-start emission from multi-cylinder automotive SI usingelectrically heated catalyst”,International conference on Innovations and future trends in electricand hybrid vehicles 6th& 7th Jan 2017.27. Mr.A.J.D Nandha Kumar “Determination of effect of Geometrical Parameters ofaMagnetorheological Damper for achieving optimum Magnetic Flux”, InternationalConferenceon contemporary design and analysis of manufacturing and Industrial Engineering systems, NITTrichy ,18 January to 20 January 2018.28. Mr.Anbalagan “Rejuvenation of wheel cylinder using vacuum Technology in vehicle brakingsystem” InternationalConference on contemporary design and analysis of manufacturing andIndustrial Engineering systems, NIT Trichy, 18 January to 20 January 2018.29. Mr. Edwin Joseph“Review on evolution of natural fiber friction and wear behavior in the application of brake pad 2nd International conference on recent trends in Science, Engineeringandmanagement (ICRTSEM), Karpaga vinayaga college of Engineering and Technology, 23, & 24February 2018.30. Mr.A.J.D Nandha Kumar “Multiphysics analysis of a Magnetorheological damper” Nationaltechnical Seminar on Combat vehicle electronics. Combat Vehicles Research and Developmentorganization 23 February 2018. DEPARTMENT EVENTS Alumni Interaction 23

Best Paper Award in International Conference received by Mr.A.J.D. Nanthakumar Industry-Academia Connect organized b ACMA 24

Two day workshop on Advances in fuel handling systems during 22-23 September 2017 25

DEPARTMENT OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGStudents’ AchievementsS. No. Details Prizes/ Medals 1 won Divya. N , II Year, won an award at the College Day function at REC on 12- Apr-17 Lady Parvatham Award2 Nivetha S , III Year, participated in the Conservation of Water at ICT Top 10 Academy on 19-Aug-17 Smruthi S, Srijanani T S, Shrinidhi Vijay and Geethika K , III Year Second Prize3 participated in the paper presentation event conducted at GRT, Tiruthani on 24-Aug-174 Geethika K and Smruthi S, III Year, participated in the Technical Quiz First Prize conducted at GRT, Tiruthani on 24-Aug-175 Vineeth N.K , III Year, participated in the Ist Floor club League tournament Runner held at Chennai Floor ball Association on 10-Sep-17 Priyanka S , IV Year, participated in the NDTV Scholarship selection for Short Listed in6 Deakin University, Australia on 20-Sep-17 Final Round Santhosh Kumar , Sakthivel S , Subalakshmi.J, Saravanan R of II year and Elite category7 Srijanani T S , III Year, participated in NPTEL exam held on 22-Nov-17 (Biomedical NanoTechnology )Symposiums/ Workshops/Seminars/Guest Lectures/Industrial Visits/FDPs OrganizedSeminars/Workshops:Sl. No. Date Title Sponsoring Agency1 24-Mar-17 Brain Awareness Week REC2 14-Jul-17 Basic Electronics REC3 19-Aug-17 Electronics Circuits REC4 22-Aug-17 Electronics Circuits REC5 9-Sep-17 Non Invasive Ventilators REC6 14-Sep-17 to entrepreneurship awareness Program DST 16-Sep-177 15-Sep-17 to Medical Equipment Demo REC 16-Sep-178 20-Sep-17 to Bio Photonics ICMR 21-Sep-179 05-Dec-17 to Designing of Analog and Digital Circuits REc 07-Dec-1710 21-Dec-17 to Analog Electronic Design Using ASLV kit and REC 22-Dec-17 simulation PRO and TINA11 15-Feb-18 Basic Science workshop REC 26

Guest Lectures:Sl. No. Date Topic Resource person-details Dr.Sujatha, Professor, IITM1 31-Mar-17 Fiber optics in research and2 20-Apr-17 medicine3 8-Jul-174 15-Jul-17 Web programming and Mr. Rajesh kanna, Asst professor, REC5 15-Jul-17 interner Industrial Requirement from Ms.Karthiga Ramalingam (Alumni), Jr. 21-Jul-17 Biomedical Engineers Engineer, TCS6 Opportunities for Biomedical Mr. G. R. Akshay (Alumni), Sales and7 5-Sep-17 Engineers Service Engineer, Allengers8 9-Sep-17 Opportunities for Biomedical Mr. J. Jashvanth (Alumni), System Engineer Engineers in TCS, TCS9 Biomedical Engineering Its Prof. P.S. Neelakanta, Professor, FAU, 13-Feb-18 Expanding Traits and USA, FAU, USA Envisioned Prospects10 14-Feb-18 Hospital Management and Dr. T.C. Thomas, Professor, REC Marketing Research11 20-Feb-18 Non Invasive Ventilators Mr. J. Hariram, Teritroy Manager, Resmed Health Care12 21-Feb-18 Entrepreneurship Mr.S.Vijay Arun,Founder & Developmental Skills in Director,Vastronic Biomedical Equipment13 27-Feb-18 Biomedical Engineering Private Limited, Chennai Prospects of higher education Mr. Naveen Kumar M, Senior Consultant, in Biomedical Engienering Manya Education, Chennai Surface fluid interface Dr V Madhurima, Reader, School of Physical Science, Mizoram University Sports Biomechanics Mr. Manivannan A,MD of Zen minds sporting technology, Chennai Pre-placement talk Mr. Bharath Kumar M, Zifo technology, ChennaiIndustrial Visits:Sl. No. Date Place of visit Participants II Year1 16-Mar-17 BSNL III Yr2 04-Apr-17 Rajeev Gandhi Govt Hospital III Year A,B3 22-Aug-17 GE T&D India Ltd, Pallavaram II Year B4 19-Sep-17 Stanley Hospital II Year A5 20-Sep-17 Stanley Hospital III B6 2-Feb-18 Sadhana Forest, Auroville III A7 7-Feb-18 Sadhana Forest, Auroville 27

Invited Talks: Topic Speaker Host Institution Sl. No. Date1 12-Jun-17 Research in brain signal Dr.R.Kalpana Abdur Rahman College Chennai2 7-Oct-17 Digital Image Processing and Mr. Jobin Christ St.Xavier Catholic Pattern Recognition Dr.R.Kalpana College of Engineering3 7-Oct-17 Role of Engineers in Bringing Institute of Engineers out Indigenous products India, Chennai4 25-Nov-17 ''Scope of Biomedical Dr. Jobin Christ M. C ''Arunachala College Engineering'' of Engineering, Nagercoil''Faculty Publications/Presentations 1. Jobin Christ M C, Lakshmi Narayanan A and Rahul Krishnan, “Detection of Septic Arthritis using Meta Heuristic Algorithms”, Journal of Arthritis, Volume 6 Issue 6. ISSN:2167-7921 DOI:10.4172/2167-7921.1000259 Impact factor 1.83 2. Rahul Krishnan, Jobin Christ M C and Vanaja.S , \" Retrofitting the Public Transport System for Visually Impaired Users in Smart Cities \", International Journal Of Advanced Research In Management, Architecture, Technology And Engineering (IJARMATE), Vol. 3, Issue 12, ISBN : 978-81-910-747-5-8, December 2017, Impact factor: 4.231 3. Shanthi Priya A and Jobin Christ M C, ‘Early Stage Detection of Psoriatic Arthritis Using SPECT and FDG-PET/CT”, Journal of Arthritis, Volume 7 Issue 1. ISSN:2167-7921 DOI: 10.4172/2167-7921.1000263, Impact factor 1.83 4. Madhan Balaji R and Kalpana R, “Detection of Serum Albumin Using MPA Capped Mn-ZnS By Opto-Electronics”, International Conference on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology” , Vinoba Bhave Research Institute, Allahabad, 01-03 March 2017 , pp.44. 5. Vasantharani.R and S. Shenbaga Devi , “Epileptic Seizure Detection Using Scalp EEG, IEEE 2017 International Conference on Telecommunication, Power Analysis and Computing Techniques, Bharath University, Chennai, 6-8 April 2017. 6. Sudha. S and Dr. R. Kalpana \"Silver Nanoparticle for Quantifying Cysteine Concentration with Zn as Cross Linking Agent using RGB Colour Sensor” ,Second International Conference on Advances in Material Science and Technology (ICAMST-2017) , Centre for Crystal Growth, VIT University, Vellore, 9th October 2017. 7. Jobin Christ M C and Aswathi R, \"A Review on Analysis of Cognitive Functions using Different Techniques\", International Conference on Materials, Engineering devices and Energy- efficient Technologies, MEETCON 2017, St.Xavier's Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil, India, 5-6 October,2017, pp.36. 8. M.Afnan Nabizath, S.Anshu Soumya, V. Boomitha, C.Meena and P.Sridharan, “ New Design or Phototherapy Device and Skin Color Analysis”, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Smart Technologies and Management for Computing, Communication, Controls, Energy and Materials (ICSTM), Veltech Dr.RR & Dr.SR University, Chennai, 2-4 August 2017, pp.253- 257. 9. Jasper James, A Sushmitha. M, Vigneswaran Narayanamurthy, Premkumar. R and Kalpana. R, \"Microfluidic Microwell (size and shape) by nimerical optimization for single cell applications: Vertical trapping approach\" IEEE International conference on Microelectronic Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICMDCS' 17), VIT university, Vellore, 11-12 August, 2017. 28

10. Keerthana.V, Swetha.S and Pavithra.S.M, “Peripheral Index Tracking”, Students Project Scheme Seminar Cum Exhibition, Tamil Nadu State Council for science and Technology, Chennai. 2016-2017.11. Nithyaa A N, Prem Kumar R, Harshavardhini and Anushya, “Austism Alleviate Communicator”, National Conference on Scientific Research and Development in Biomedical Engineering- SRDBME’ 17, pp, held on 24 March 2017, Chennai.12. Padmashini N & Umamaheswari R (Jan 2018): “Soft Computing Based Medical Image Analysis”, published at Elsevier, Chapter 10, PP-163 (ISBN No: 9780128131749). 29

DEPARTMENT OF BIOTECHNOLOGY Students’ AchievementsS. No. Details Prizes/ Medals won1 Anushayana.T , III year, participated in the a national level technical Second Prize symposium conducted at Agni College of Technology on 19-Aug-172 Priyanka Chandramouli and Mohan Kumar BS, III year, participated in the First prize paper presentation contest held at Agni College of Technology on 19-Aug-173 Sakthi Abbirami .G , I year, M.Tech, participated in the Poster presentation Second Prize contest held at Tamilnadu MGR Medical University, Chennai from 08-Sep-17 to 09-Sep-174 Suganya PR and Subanedhi CS, II year participated in the Dum charades Second Prize contest held at Agni College of Technology on 19-Aug-175 Samyutha R and Sangeetha B, II year participated in the Connecxicons Third prize contest held at Agni College of Technology on 19-Aug-176 Suganya PR , II year, participated in the one mt challenge held at Agni Second Prize College of Technology on 19-Aug-177 Sangeetha B , II year, participated in the quiz competition held at Agni First prize College of Technology on 19-Aug-178 Yokesh M , II year, participated in the quiz competition held at Agni College Second Prize of Technology on 19-Aug-179 Subanedhi CS and Suganya PR, II year, participated in the Selfie contest at Second Prize Agni College of Technology on 19-Aug-1710 Shanmuga Sudaram R and Samyutha R , II year , participated in the Dum First prize charades at Agni College of Technology on 19-Aug-1711 S.Hari Prasad , III year, participated in the Kho kho (Men) held at CEG, Third prize Chennai on 21-Dec-1712 Pooja R , Preetha R and Nivedha S, III Year, appeared in the NPTEL exam held Topper on 18-Oct-1713 Nivedha S and Pujita V, III Year, participated in the Dairy Product First Prize Development event at Madras Veterinary College, from 27 to 28-Nov-1714 Rashmi Sridharan and Sarishma P, III Year, participated in the Dairy Product Third Prize Development event at Madras Veterinary College from 27 to 28-Nov-1715 Sruthi G Sreenivas and Subha R, IV Year participated in the International Finalist Quiz Competition at Indo Japanese - NICHE on 22-Oct-1716 R.Pooja , III year, appeared in the NPTEL exam on Biomedical Elite category nanotechnology17 M.Priyadharshee , III year, appeared in the NPTEL exam on Biomedical Elite category nanotechnology18 Preetha R , II Year, appeared in the NPTEL exam on Biomedical Ranked in Top nanotechnology 2% of Certified candidates 30

19 Srisudharsan SK and Rishabb Anirud R , II Year, participated in the Quiz First Prize competition held at REC on 16-Sep-1720 Marcia Smiti Jude and Khadija, III Year participated in the Quiz competition Second Prize held at REC on 16-Sep-1721 Logesh R (1.12.1998) , II Year, participated in the Quiz competition held at First Prize REC on 16-Sep-1722 Shreenidhi K.S , II year M.Tech. participated in the Dumb charades contest Third Prize held at Sankara Nethralaya on 06-May-1723 Naveen Kumar and Poovarasan .K, IV year, participated in the paper Third Prizepresentation contest held at Mepco Schlenk Engg College, Sivakasi from 20-Sep-17 to 22-Sep-1724 Sakthi Abbirami .G , I year M.Tech. participated in the Poster presentation First prizecontest held at Mepco Schlenk Engg. College , Sivakasi from 20-Sep-17 to22-Sep-1725 Sriram .K , I year M.Tech, participated in the paper presentation contest held First prizeat Mepco Schlenk Engg. College, Sivakasi from 21-Sep-17 to 22-Sep-1726 Rishabb Anirud R , Sankara Priyan. M and Raksoha, II year, participated in the First prize Forensics event held at SVCE on 25-Sep-1727 Sankara Priyan. M , Vignesh.K and Yokesh .M, II year participated in the quiz First prize competition held at SVCE on 25-Sep-1728 M.Janani , III year, participated in the Time Wars event held at SRM Second Prize Univeristy on 27-Jul-1729 Jeyashree , III year, participated in the Time Wars event held at SRM First prize University on 27-Jul-1730 Aparna.K and Jeyashree.A, III year, participated in the Verbomanic event First prize held at SRM University on 27-Jul-1731 K.Aparna , III year, participated in the quiz competition held at SRM First prize University on 27-Jul-1732 Jeyashree.A , III year, participated in the Extemporise event held at SRM Second Prize University on 27-Jul-1733 Sriram .K and Sakthi abbirami .G, I year M.Tech. participated in the Poster Second Prize presentation held at Tamil nadu MGR Medical University, Chennai from 08- Sep-17 to 09-Sep-1734 Preethi T , IV Year, participated in the National Level Speech Contest held at Second Prize Novozyme on 11-Sep-1735 Gowsalya.A and Nivyadevi.R, III year, Madhumitha LN , II year, participated Third prize in the volley ball tournamnent held at REC from 25-Sep-17 to 26-Sep-1736 M.Shree Shreya , Shethal mariah rajan, Rakshana Dayal.D, Saranya.V BronzeRemya.R, Sai Shyam.R , Shravan Ram, Roja Ramani.S, Veenah venugopal,Vasavi .N.S. , Vijay Bhoopalan, Preethi T, Nishka bhalla, IV year, Aakash.Vir,Marcia Jude and Preetha.R, III year participated in iGEM, Internationalcompetition on Synthetic Biology held at Boston, Massachusetts, U.S from 09-Nov-17 to 12-Nov-1737 S.Hari Prasad , III Year, participated in the Anna University Zone-2 Third PrizeTournament held at CEG ,Chennai on 21-Dec-17 31

38 Sakthi Abbirami G , II year M.Tech, participated in the event BT ABLE First(Association of Biotechnology Led Enterprise ) held at DBT INDIA on 16-Feb-1839 SriramK , I year M tech, Gautham Kumar and Khadija of III year, participated Firstin the event BT ABLE (Association of Biotechnology Led Enterprise ) at DBTINDIA on 15-Feb-1840 K.Sriram , I Year M.Tech, participated in the event International Conference Best Oralheld at PSR Engineering College, Sivakasi from 01-Feb-18 to 02-Feb-18 Presentation Award41 K.Sriram , I year M.Tech, participated in the event National Conference at Best OralMohamed Sathak College of Arts and Science, Chennai from 24-Jan-18 to 25- PresentationJan-18 Award42 K.Sriram , I Year M.Tech participated in the event National Conference at Best Poster SRM Valliammai Engineering College, Chennai on 03-Feb-18 Presentation Award43 Sriram .K , I year M tech participated in the event Oral presentation at SVCE First Chennai on 09-Feb-1844 Sindhu KB , III year, participated in the event Oral presentation at SVCE 2nd prize Chennai from 09-Feb-18 to 10-Feb-1847 Nikitha N , Amutha S and Abiramy S, III year, participated in the event Oral First presentation at Sasthra University from 17-Feb-18 to 18-Feb-1848 Stephen , II year, participated in the event Elocuation at AMET university on Second 28-Feb-1849 Rakshana R , II year, participated in the event Elocuation at AMET university First on 28-Feb-1850 Kanishka Reshmi A, Keerthika V of III year and R.P.Geerthana, P.Roshini of I First year, participated in the event State level Inter-collegiate Throw ball at MNM Jain Engineering College from 28-Feb-18 to 01-Mar-1851 Sriram .K , I year M tech participated in the event poster presentation at PSR First college sivaksai from 01-Feb-18 to 02-Feb-18Symposiums/ Workshops/Seminars/Guest Lectures/Industrial Visits/FDPs OrganizedWorkshops/ Seminars:Sl. No. Date Title Sponsoring Agency 1 31-Mar-17 to 2- 2 Apr-17 Three day worshop on Microarrays, REC 3 NGS, Genomics, Transcriptomics and 4 5-Sep-17 Proteomics REC DBT - Government of 15-Sep-17 to 16- Journal writing India Sep-17 Entrepreneurship: Current Scenario, REC 28-Feb-18 Scope And Opportunities In Food & Bioprocessing Sector iQUEST 32

Guest Lectures: Topic Name of the speakers with designation Sl. No. Date and organization Next Gen Sequencing and 1 31-Mar-17 to analysis Mr.Akhilesh Bajpai, Research Associate, 02-Apr-17 Shodhaka Life Science Pvt. Ltd. 2 31-Mar-17 to R package and microarray data Ms.Sravanthi Davuluri, Research 02-Apr-17 analysis Associate, Shodhaka Life Science Pvt. Ltd. 3 31-Mar-17 to Protein interactions and pathway Mr.Akhilesh Bajpai, Research Associate, 02-Apr-17 analysis Shodhaka Life Science Pvt. Ltd. 4 13-Jul-17 Perspectives of biotech industry Dr.Venkatesh Chellappa, Head - in India Genome Informatics, Zifo RnD 5 21-Jul-17 Food Processing and Technology Solutions 6 5-Sep-17 Journal Publications and Writing Dr.Kavitha Ravichandran, Asst.Prof, Anna University 7 5-Sep-17 Journal Publications and Writing Ms. Neelima Dondapati, Senior 8 15-Sep-17 Entrepreneur - Pannel Discussion Publishing Support Manager, Global STM Journals, Elsevier 9 15-Sep-17 Entrepreneur - Pannel Discussion Mr. Mohammed Ameerudin, Publishing 10 15-Sep-17 Entrepreneur - Pannel Discussion Support Manager, Global STM Journals, 11 15-Sep-17 Entrepreneur - Pannel Discussion Elsevier Mr. K. Anbarasan, Assistant Director / 12 15-Sep-17 Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Project Manager, District Industries Food Processing Sector Centre, Kancheepuram 13 15-Sep-17 Mr. Vijay Prasad, Managing Director, 14 16-Sep-17 Scope For Food and Sree Annapoorna Food, Coimbatore Bioprocessing Sector 15 16-Sep-17 Entrepreneur - Pannel Discussion Mr. Amit Vaishnav, Managing Director, Megafoods Products Madras Pvt. Ltd. 16 23-Jan-18 Entrepreneur - Pannel Discussion 17 24-Jan-18 Dr. Gopal Ramakrishnan Gopi, Director, Retinoblastoma: From disease to Fermentech GSV Pvt Ltd.,Periyar discovery TBI(PMU), Periyar Nagar- Introduction to Psychology and Vallam,Thanjavur Cognitive Therapy (Brain and Dr. Ng. Iboyaima Singh, Senior Perception) Principal Scientist and Former Head, CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore-570020 Dr. Usha Antony, Professor,, Anna University, Chennai. Dr. D. Baskaran, Dean,, College of Food and Dairy Technology, TANUVAS, Chennai Dr. Farhath Khanum, Scientist - G, Head, Nutrition and Toxicology, Defence Food Research Laboratory, Mysore Dr.Madhavan Jagadeesan, Director, Dualhelix Genetic Diagnostics Pvt. Ltd. Ms.Ramya Maheshwari, Professor and Head, Ethiraj College for Women 33

Internship / Industrial Visits:Sl. No. Date Place of visit Class IV B1. 03.05.17 to NIOT,Chennai IV B 06.05.17 IV A Arun Ice creams, Kancheepuram IV B2. 01.06.17 to IV B 07.06.17 Biolim, Chennai III A III A3. 01.06.17 to Madras Veterinary college, Vepery IV A 11.06.17 III B CLRI, Chennai III A4. 01.06.17 to III B 20.06.17 Life teck research centre, Chennai IV A IV A5. 01.06.17 to Apex Biotech training and research IV B 22.06.17 institute, Chennai III A Life teck research centre, Chennai III B6. 05.06.17 to III B 09.06.17 Lister Metropolis lab, Chennai III B IV A7. 05.06.17 to Aristogene Biosciences, Bangalore IV B 15.06.17 IV B Aristogene, Bangalore III A & B8. 05.06.17 to IV B 16.06.17 District food safety office, A & N Islands III B III year BT-B & II M.Tech9. 05.06.17 to Aachi foods & spices pvt., ltd., Chennai III A 20.06.17 II B ICAR, Coimbatore II year BT-A & II M.Tech10. 06.06.17 to IV BT B 10.06.17 Biolim, Chennai11. 06.06.17 to Medox Biotech, Chennai 10.06.17 Apex, Chennai12. 07.06.17 to 17.06.17 Avanz Biotech, Chennai13. 08.06.17 to Axon drugs, Chennai 18.06.17 Avanz Biotech, Chennai14. 09.06.17 to 20.06.17 Camillotek Pvt., Ltd., Chennai15. 10.06.17 to Eppendorf India Ltd, Chennai 20.06.17 Pfizer – Hospira, Chennai16. 12.06.17 to 16.06.17 Biolim, Chennai CLRI, Chennai17. 12.06.17 to CLRI, Chennai 17.06.17 Hatsun, Dairy Unit, Chennai Hatsun, Dairy Unit, Chennai18. 12.06.17 to Gold Winner - Kaleesuwari Refinery 19.06.1719. 15.06.17 to 20.06.1720. 15.06.17 to 20.06.1721. 16.06.17 to 21.06.1722. 19.06.17 to 20.06.1723. 20.06.17 to 21.06.1724. 20.06.1725. 13.07.1726. 14.07.1727. 18.07.1728. 19.07.1729. 03.08.17 34

30. 04.08.17 Gold Winner - Kaleesuwari Refinery II M.Tech31. 04.08.17 Cavinkare - Cosmetics production Unit, IV BT B Pondicherry32. 04.08.17 Gold Winner - Kaleesuwari Refinery IV BT A Private Limited, Chennai33. 08.08.17 Cavinkare - Cosmetics production Unit, IV BT A & II M.Tech Pondicherry34. 29.08.17 TamilNadu Agricultural University, II A Chennai35. 30.08.17 TamilNadu Agricultural University, II B Chennai36. 09.11.17 & Eppendoff, Chennai IV Year BT- A & B, , I Year 10.11.17 M.Tech Eppendoff, Chennai IV Year BT- A & B37. 30.11.17 CLRI, Chennai II year BT-A &38. 06.02.18 I Year M.Tech CLRI, Chennai II B39. 07.02.18Invited Talks: Topic Speaker Host Institution Sl. No. Date1 9-Feb-18 Resource Person for conference Dr. B. Vijayageetha Bharathi Women's College2 16-Feb-18 Resource Person for Dr. T.R. Sundararaman SSN College international conference Faculty Publications/Presentations1. M Millicent Mabel, TR Sundararaman, N Parthasarathy, , Johanna Rajkumar, Harini V, “Karthik Kumar C. Removal of Eosin Y Dye by Biosorption Using Chitin-Alginate Beads From Peneaus Monodon Shells”, Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, vol. 9(1), pp. 775-784. January–February 2018. ISSN: 0975-8585 [Impact Factor 0.35, H-Index score: 18, RJPBCS]2. Arumugam T, Senthil Kumar P, Hemavathy RV, Swetha V, Karishma Sri R, “Isolation, structure elucidation and anticancer activity from Brevibacillus brevis EGS 9 that combats Multi Drug Resistant actinobacteria”, Microbial Pathogenesis, vol. 115, pp. 146-153, December 2017. [Impact factor: 2.009, SCOPUS Indexed, H-Index score: 61]. Elsevier3. R. Anila, S. Sekar, C. S. Babu, R. Johanna, “Attenuation of Oxidative Stress and Hepatotoxicity Induced By D–Galactosamine by a Polyherbal Formulation Ambrex–in vivo and in vitro Studies,” Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, vol 51, pp729-739, Oct- Dec, 2017. ISSN-0019-5464. [SCOPUS Indexed] Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India (APTI)4. S. Sriraman, N. G. Saha, S. Roy, “Interaction of curcumin with different target proteins of Alzheimer’s disease: docking and MD simulation studies”, Int. J. Computational Biology and Drug Design, vol. 10(4). pp. 315–330, 2017. ISSN: 1756-0756 (Print), ISSN: 1756-0764 (Online) [SCOPUS Indexed] InderScience Publishers 35

5. T. A. Selvakumar and P. Rajasekar, “Aerva lanata mediated phytofabrication of silver nanoparticles and evaluation of their antibacterial activity against wound associated bacteria” Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, vol.78. pp. 539-551, September 2017. ISSN: 1876-1070. [Impact Factor 4.217, Elsevier, SCOPUS Indexed, H- Index score: 43, SJR journal]6. M. Anbarasan, R. Kalai Selvi, M. Udayamathi, P. Rajasekar, “Characterization and in vitro antibacterial activity of saponin-conjugated silver nanoparticles against bacteria that cause burn wound infection,” World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, vol. 33(7). pp. 147. doi: 10.1007/s11274-017-2309-3. July 2017. ISSN: 0959-3993 (Print) 1573-0972 (Online). [Impact Factor 1.658, Springer Netherlands, SCOPUS Indexed, H-Index score: 64]7. S. Suganthi, L. Sujatha, P. Rajasekar, “Functionalized Poly Dimethyl Siloxane Layer for Capacitive Type Uric acid Sensor”, Sensor Letters, 2017; Vol 15, 242-248. [SCOPUS Indexed]8. R. Anila and R. Johanna, “Antimicrobial activity of a polyherbal formulation Ambrex,” International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, vol. 55. pp. 286–295. July 2017. [Impact Factor 0.365, SCOPUS Indexed, Inderscience Publishers, H-Index score: 24].9. C. Chandra Mohan, K. Radha Krishnan, S. Babuskin, K. Sudharsan, V. Aafrin, U. Lalitha Priya, P. Mariyajenita, K. Harini, D. Madhushalini, and M. Sukumar, “Active compound diffusivity of particle size reduced S. aromaticum and C. cassia fused starch edible films and the shelf life of mutton (Capra aegagrus hircus) meat,” Meat Sci., vol. 128, pp. 47-59, Jun. 2017. ISSN: 0309- 1740. [Impact factor: 2.8, SCOPUS Indexed, H-Index score: 113]. Elsevier10. Anitha T and Gomathi M, “A novel study on wound healing properties of electrospun chitosan polyvinylalcohol nanofibers,” Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, vol. 8(3S). pp. 310-316, May – June 2017 (Suppl.). [Impact Factor 0.35, H-Index score: 18, RJPBCS] Congratulations! Mr. M. Sankar, Assistant Professor (SS), successfully completed the Doctoral Program and obtained Ph.D. from Anna University in December 2017 Faculty Achievements: Mr.Anirudh N and Mr. Mohankumar BS of IIIYr Biotech along with Dr.V.Gayathri defended the campaign idea at the Regional Round for the ‘New Zealand - India Sustainability Challenge’ on 5th Sep 2017. 36

Dr. V. Gayathri (Secondary PI of REC–Chennai team), Assistant Professor in the Department of Biotechnology, participated as one of the Judges for International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition (iGEM2017), which was held at Hynes Convention Hall, Boston, USA, from 9th to13th Nov2017. DEPARTMENT EVENTSBioinformatics Workshop on Microarrays, NGS, Genomics, Transcriptomics and Proteomics held from 31 March to 2nd April 2017 37

DBT Sponsored National Conference - SYNFORA on 15th & 16th September 2017 Awareness Fair for science research conducted in August 2017 at Vishweswaraih Park, Anna Nagar 38

i-EXPO - School Students visit to Biotechnology Department on 26.07.2017Akshaya R of final year at Indiana university of Medicine, Bloomington campus (Khorana fellowship 2017) 39

ABLE-DBT Winners – Student team winning Second & Third prize (5 lakhs) in all India ABLE CONTEST on 15.02.2018 40

Ms. G. Sruthi and Ms R Subha of Final year Biotechnology participated in the final round of International quiz competition on 22nd October 2017 conducted by NCRM NICHE 2017, a jointlyorganized congress by EELS, GN corporation Japan & Genotec in academic partnership with Shibuara University Japan and German Society of Stem Cell Research.Students of III Year, IV Year and M.Tech at National Conference winning best paper & poster award on “Biological Processes: Issues, Challenges and opportunities” organized by Mepco Schlenk Engineering college, Sivakasi on 02.02.2018 41

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